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HFX Binary Broker - Start with ONLY $50 (Quick Overview)|7:42

Started by PocketOption, Mar 17, 2021, 04:44 am

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As it stands the platform provides an exemplary service with fast execution of trades and accurate quotes.
The customer care team were fast to react to any queries and the withdrawal process was quick and easy.
In summary, MarketsWorld provides a safe, reliable and regulated binary options platform for both novice and experienced traders.
The potential 95 returns, easy deposit withdrawal process and customer service puts them as a must visit for all binary option traders.
Markets World has shut down their operations.
Markets World comes across as one of the more established binary options brokers in the industry having launched back in 2011.
MarketsWorld is licensed and is regulated in the UK s Isle of Mann GSC.
MarketsWorld offers traders various methods of trading.
The company claims to offer high payouts which amounts to around 90-95.
Plus, traders benefit from a low barrier to entry with low initial deposits at 20 20 20 and entry points at 1 1 1.
They also offer quick withdrawal services and customer support which is available 24 hours a day and 6 days a week.
After much research and double checking, we can confirm MarketsWorld is, in fact, a regulated and licensed binary options company.
So, its guaranteed that the funds you deposit will be kept safe.
However, since the company isn t regulated or licensed in America, its strongly advised that US-based traders consult with an attorney prior to using the service.
Though the company says that there is no legal opinion as to why US-based traders can t legally use the service.
MarketWorlds has recently undergone a massive overhaul of the platform and their website.
The website no longer has all casino style hyped up ads that promise fast money.
The platform has been improved with a better interface, they added more assets, improved the charts system and extended the expiration duration.
Promotions and Bonuses.
Ever since the company was founded, they have based their services on various bonuses and promotions which can be considered part of their business.
So, not only do they offer the highest potential returns to investors at around 90 but they also provide various bonuses like.
10 of Free Trade A 100 Cash Matching Bonus 300 to Refer a Friend or acquaintance.
The company also offers unlimited usage of its free demo.
If anything the free demo helps traders hone their skills enabling you to try before buying.
Trading Account Information.
MarketsWorld is offering a free Demo account to it s users.
The fact is that there are few if any barriers to entry for anyone wanting to use MarketsWorld.
The minimum deposit is a mere 20, with mini trading starting at just 1 though traders can deposit up to 1000.
That said the broker caters to traders of all types from experts to newbies.
Plus, the platform supports all major currencies and so you can operate it using USD EUR GBP.
You can open an account almost immediately with the simple yet quick sign in.
Traders can use the live chat option to discuss issues they may be facing with support professionals.
So, the company in our opinion seems to have all the angles covered.
Trader Requirements.
MarketsWorld offers a genuinely user-friendly an intuitive platform which allows traders to focus their energy on creating an effective strategy with good entry points.
The minimum deposit is set at 20 20 20 and minimum trades at 1 1 1 to a 1000 1000 1000 maximum, which stands to reason that the broker caters to traders of all types.
The broker also offers flexible funding options as well as withdrawal options.
All debit and credit cards like Visa, Master, Visa Electron, Visa Purchase, Visa Debit, Maestro, Solo, Switch and Master Debit are supported.
The Platform.
MarketsWorld gives traders easy access to all the major trading assets including indexes, commodities, and currencies.
However, what really sets MarketsWorld s platform apart from its competitors is it being easy to use.
Plus, traders can earn around a 95 profit on every trade.
The platform is available on multiple devices.
Then there is the fact that MarketsWorld is officially reguated in the United Kingdom which adds further peace of mind for traders.
Markets World also offers traders the rare chance of honing their skills via the real-time demo account.
Thanks to a selection of elegant bonuses traders can end up making more money thus making them one of the more popular brokers around.
The new and improved platform is a massive upgrade over the previous one.
However, we think that it still requires further cosmetic enhancement though its functionality is second to none.
It s easy to find the right assets and navigating through each is easier.
Improved charting makes the decision-making process easier.
The charts are for now limited to just sixty-second candles.
There are no drawing tools just yet, but these graphs are generated in real time and can be a very handy tool for traders.
Customer Satisfaction.
MarketsWorld prides itself on having a professional and dedicated team of people who man the phones, live chat, email and Skype 24 hours a day and 6 days a week.
The company comes across as an eager listener even if its just criticism in a bid to further improve the trading experience and evolve the trading environment for their clients.
The firm has a great demo account, requiring zero deposit to start with and log in.
The firm s demo provides the same type of access to underlying assets, at the very same prices.
All of which provides traders with the chance to try the platform and not risk money or not have to make a minimum deposit.
Plus it is is unlimited and can be used for however long a person wants to.
If the demo s balance finishes the funds can be reset.
Its refreshing to see that a broker allows traders unlimited access to their demo account.
If anything it proves that the firm has confidence in their own trading platform.
Plus, they are eager and happy to see new traders try the platform because they have faith in the product and how well it will perform.
Those who are pleased with the results from the demo account can then upgrade to a real account.
It is important to note that once a trader upgrades the demo account to a paid account, the demo is then void.
Though there is nothing stopping traders from opening a second account just to use the demo.
So, they can try out various strategies without having to risk real money.
We think its one of the best demo accounts of any broker.
The Trading App.
Markets World has a mobile trading app which is designed for both iOS and Android devices.
The app aims to deliver an experience similar to the original platform.
So, the execution of the trades is just as fast as with the computer-based program.
The app is supported 24 7, the download is a mere 24 MB.
The platform is easy to use and rather simple.
In our experience, the app is an excellent addition to the service mainly because many traders will want to trade when on the go.
Interestingly the demo can be accessed from the mobile app just as easily as it can from the desktop program.
So, both can be trailed without making a minimum deposit.
Is the Company a Fake or Real.
Located in the UK, Markets World is regulated in the Isle of Man in the UK.
Perhaps the most significant attraction of the platform is the 95 payout potential it offers investors.
Plus its exceptionally wide asset spread consists of commodities, currencies, indices, and stocks.
That coupled with some of the best customer services which sorts out all traders issue along with quick and straightforward withdrawal methods make it worth considering.
They also support a number of payment gateways making transactions flexible yet secure.
Even though Markets World does not have the most number of trading tools, they still have major plans for the future.
So, you can expect that new developments are on the horizon.
We think that the platform offers an excellent service with lightning fast execution of trades and very accurate updated quotes.
We also found that the customer service team responded quickly to our queries and the withdrawal was just as easy as depositing money.
To surmise Markets World is a reliable, regulated and safe binary options broker for both experienced and novice traders.
They offer whopping 95 returns, in addition to excellent customer service and secure transactions.
So, it s worth considering by any binary options trader looking for a reliable broker.
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Each bonus comes with so called bonus terms, conditions you must met to withdraw your money or your bonus At Pocket Option, you can withdraw your investment at any time, the bonus after you met the conditions.
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Here are the bonus conditions applying for all Pocket Option Bonus Codes.
Bonus adds X of the deposit to your Live account balance.
You may decline the bonus at any time.
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You can withdraw your deposited amount and profit at any moment if you have enough funds on your Live account s balance.
In case a withdrawal takes place before the bonus is executed, your active un executed bonus will be deducted from your Live account s balance.
You can execute the bonus and withdraw it if your net trading turnover is not less than Bonus amount x Turnaround Multiplicator.
The Company has a right to amend the bonus terms or terminate this promotion at any time without any notice.
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Yes for sure, it is my main broker now for more than 18 months.
Read my full Pocket Option Review here.
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This is easy.
Just click on finance, and choose Promo Code from the pop-up menu.
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Normally, each code is only valid for one month.
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Forum Review Binary Options Edge.
Today I m looking at a binary options trading forum built to help traders get a better understanding of the markets, Binary Options Edge.
The forum has been running since 2010, and has grown into a place where many people can test and evaluate different trading strategies.
This is certainly a helpful resource, but one that requires a little more time than the approach we put forward here at BinaryToday.
This seems to be very little information on the creators of the BOE website.
We do not know who they are, or where they are located.
The community forum software they are using is powered by IP Board, and offers traders the usual elements you can expect from a website like this one.
Binary Options Edge Review.
It s quite clear, that the Binary Options Edge is a popular resource when it comes to trading.
Since inception, the forum has had over 121,000 posts from nearly 35,000 members.
As I spend time on the site this morning, there are currently 156 users actively looking through forum threads.
So what is everyone looking at, and what is the main purpose of the site.
Well, the creators of the site tell us that it was established to help traders by openly sharing indicators, strategies , methods, trading journals and discussing the psychology of trading.
In my estimation, they ve successfully achieved what they ve sought out to achieve.
There are many different categories, and popular sections of the forum that reach every aspect of their mission statement.
Type Forum Founded 2010 Platform IP Board Focus Binary Strategy.
The main word, and aspect of the Binary Options Edge website that resonates mostly with me, is strategy.
With over 50 of the threads focused on binary options strategy , it s quite clear that their main goal is to help traders analyze new market approaches.
Forum Analysis.
The most popular sections on the website are far and away the MT4 Indicators section , and the short term strategy sections.
In the MT4 indicators section traders provide access to free indicators, and are generally looking for other traders to help them test these indicators and see what type of market approach comes from this information.
From my experience with the form, most of these indicators are rough around the edges, and not overly helpful.
I do believe that in testing these different systems and indicators, that traders can learn a great deal, but this is not the binary options software I would rely on when trading with a live account.
The strategy sections range from 30 second trades to end of day strategies.
Each Binary Options Edge forum section provides strategy advice for a specific expiry time.
Personally, I find myself analyzing expiry time methods anywhere from 5 minute strategies, to 1 hour strategies.
Not often have I found a complete strategy, but from time to time I ve been able to take one of these strategies in this section, and modify them to meet my own trading approach.
I ll often check the Binary Options That Suck forum, and compare their strategies to these as well.
I appreciate what the Binary Options Edge community forum has to offer this marketplace.
There are many helpful moderators, and a collection of very talented traders that are often willing to share and take part in the development of trading strategies.
Websites like these, that are focused on binary options strategy and the growth of their reader base are far and few between.
If you have some extra time in your life, and you want to mess around with some different trading approaches, then I recommend that you sign up with this forum.
While I do appreciate what this website has to offer, I don t believe that this should be your 1 option when it comes to pursuing your trading goals.
I believe that this is a solid educational foundation, but when it comes to trading signals and binary options software , I recommend commercial systems with years of testing and experience.
When dealing with free indicators, you don t know what you are going to get, and you shouldn t be using these on your live accounts.
Thank you for stopping by, and please let me know if you have anything you d like to add to the BinaryOptionsEdge review.
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How to open O T C market on Metatrader.
This tutorial is aimed towards those who are concentrated on their work on the weekends with the OTC market, and the need to open a Metatrader 4 or 5 chart as reference, which normally does not list OTC assets as available.
Except for the possibility of inserting their own indicators.
PDF at the end of the page.
The procedure must be carried out specifically during the weekends, when the IQoption OTC assets are active.
Throughout the week, OTC pairs will not appear on the MT4 asset list.
To view the OTC assets, MT4 uses data from the IQoption platform when its OTC pairs are activated.
It is not necessary to open operations with the IQ binaries, in Italy it has been prohibited to non-professionals, but we only require your data to use the MT4 OTC charts for our trading.
Once you have obtained our OTC reference charts on MT4, these can then be used through separate brokers, such as Pocket Option for instance.
The IQoption platform can be acquired through their official website.
If you are a European resident, you will be able to download it online by browsing with a non-European IP On Google you will find several simple options, even an extension for Chrome.
It will not be used for trading with IQ, but simply for receiving OTC data.
Sign up by filling out the form and open the demo.
IQoption registration form.
The MT2 trading program is now required and can be downloaded from the MT2 Trading site.
The program itself is free almost entirely except for a fee for automatic trading on real accounts.
OTC Metatrader MT2 Trading download.
Open your Metatrader.
If you do not have it or want to switch it, MT2 proposes Alpari as well as provides the executable file read below , either of these are acceptable.
Let s open the IQ demo and keep it active during operations.
We download the MT2 program then we will obtain an executable file and a MetaTrader folder, which in turn will contain other files.
MT2 files on your computer.
We install the mt2trading_setup.
exe application, where we will insert our IQoption credentials email and password.
If we don t already have it, install a MetaTrader, for example the one proposed in the download, by launching the Alpari4setup application.
Open the Metatrader Offline chart File , Open Offline and an asset list will appear, which will also contain the OTC assets.
OTC currency pairs of MetaTrader.
Note OTC pairs are displayed only when their assets are active on the IQoption.
From the list we will choose our favorite, for example EURUSD-OTC M5.
The relative OTC chart will then open.
MetaTrader OTC Chart begins to form.
Initially it will be free of candles, as the data must be received through the IQoption platform.
We now install two indicators onto our newly opened chart.
The indicators.
We install the MT2 IQ-OTC.
ex4 indicator as per the usual procedure used to install indicators on MetaTrader.
You can find the indicator in the package files of the MT2 download folder.
After inserting the indicator, a window will appear where you will be able to select from a drop-down menu the 8 OTC pairs available on the IQoption.
We always install the MT2IQ_Connector indicator on MetaTrader.
We do not consider the other files in the MT2 folder if we are not interested in automatic trading to the IQoption.
For automatic trading, refer to the MT2IQ main page.
We can install indicators to our liking, with customizable colors.
Over time our usual chart will be formed with candles and completed indicators.
For future convenience, let s also save this template.
The candles are narrow and the lens button in the menu are inactive.
Right click on the graph and then Zoom In.
OTC candles size adjustment.
I can use IQoption for manual or automatic trading, however after our installation it does not seem to open my operations.
Make sure you have copied the mt2trading_library file to the Libraries folder.
Check that the name of the indicator is correctly written in the IQ connector.
The graph does not update.
Check that there is a connection in the lower right.
OTC chart connected.
Automatic trades are not yet opened on IQ.
Make sure both MT2 and IQ are on Demo or both on real.
As MetaTrader is not active during the weekends, this solution allows us to take advantage of its charts for OTC trading.
IQoption remains our favorite broker, although a valid alternative will definitely be Pocket Option which allows for European trading.
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Pocket Option Trading Platform 50 Binary Options No Deposit Bonus Real Money.
Today, the Pocket Option trading platform is seen as the most innovative platform and is optimized for simultaneous use by a great number of traders and investors.
Now, the problem is that most of the brokerages make big claims but cannot live up to their word, and one such option is Pocket Option.
Pocket Option came on the forefront in 2017.
Pocket Option offers a demo account.
Now, Pocket Option does offer the social trading facility.
When we checked out the website of Pocket Option, then we could not locate the education center textual content.
If new traders decide to opt for Pocket Option, then they will surely feel handicapped due to the absence of the Pocket Option education center.
Now, it seems that Pocket Option does offer trading signals.
At the moment there is no certainty whether Pocket Option signals are reliable.
Another essential aspect that we missed is that Pocket Option does not state the account types available on the site.
However, these questions are missing in case of Pocket Option.
Is Pocket Option Legit or a Scam.
The Autorité des marchés financiers AMF issues a public warning against the activities of Pocket Option.
After observing the aspects mentioned above we do not recommend Pocket Option by any means, so we encourage you to avoid it.


One thought on Pocket Option Review.
At this moment number one binary options no deposit broker for North American customers USA Canada , but not only because this broker accepts clients from all over the world, is Pocket Option Broker.
Pocket Option Erfahrung IQoption Alternative.
Wilkommen zu meinem Blogbeitrag über meine Pocket Option Erfahrung.
Update Manipuliert Pocket Option die Kurse.
Pocket Option Regulierung Auszahlung.
Pocket Option gehört und ist kontrolliert von Gembell Limited, einer im Trust Company Complex Marschall Islands lokalisierten Firma.
Update Auszahlung bei Pocket Option war innerhalb von 1 Tag auf dem Konto.
An Optionsformen gibt es bei Pocket Option, wenigstens bisher, nur normale binäre Optionen, mit Auslaufzeiten zwischen 1 Minute bis zu 30 Minuten 1, 2, 3, 5, 15, 30 Minuten.
Die Rendite bei Pocket Option ist Zeit Marktabhängig, und bewegt sich zu 80 zwischen 90 98 , nur wenige Werte liegen unter den 90 , unter 80 habe ich keinen handelbaren Wert endeckt Wie gesagt, ist zeitabhängig.
Besondere Erwähnung verdienen die Wettbewerbe bei Pocket Option ähnlich denen von Ayrex und IQoption damals und das soziale Trading das zum Chart hinzugefügt werden kann.
Einzahlung, Auszahlung und Kundenservice bei Pocket Option.
An Einzahlungs- Auszahlungsoptionen bietet Pocket Option zwar eine Menge, neben Banküberweisung und Kreditkarte stehen eine Menge Kryptowährungen zur Verfügung.
Meine Pocket Option Erfahrung.
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Pocket Option bietet zwar einen 50 Euro no Deposit Bonus, dieser ist aber mit einem 100fachen Mindesthandelsvolumen verbunden.
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im folgenden Video sehen Sie meine 15 Minuten Price Action Strategie für Pocket Option.
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Pocket Option Fragen und Antworten.
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Man liest hin und wieder di Bemerkung, Pocket Option Manipuliere die Kurse auf Ihrer Plattform.
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Handelt man bei Pocket Option, erhält man Erfahrungspunkte gut geschrieben, diese lassen sich dann in verschiedene Features und Boni wechseln, wie beispielsweise mehr Handelkapital, die Möglichkeit Optionen früher zu beenden und vieles mehr.
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Canadian Options Trading Guide.
Trading binary options in Canada has become an increasingly popular choice for many investors.
With many international brokers now fighting for their share of the market, they turn to markets in which they can attract investors and grow their user base.
It is no exception here, and many brokers have become focused on this country as a growth area.
So what does this mean for Canadian traders.
How easy is it to invest in the best binary options and which broker should you choose.
, compared to countries like , Japan and the USA where regulations and legalities of options trading are clear, Canada is considered to be more of a grey area.
Currently, there are no laws specific to binary trading; Canada has no specific regulations in place.
With all this in mind, we feel comfortable to recommend our list of reviewed and tested brokers to Canadian residents.
We re confident you ll find a great broker that will keep your money safe, and you protected while you trade online.
The brokers best suited to your needs What local payment methods are accepted Taxes and fees that apply to CA residents.
Options Sites in Canada.
Now while some traders prefer to trade with a local broker that operates in their country, you would be hard pushed to find a genuine Canadian broker that is regulated by the Canadian authorities.
If you do come across a broker claiming to be Canadian based, then you should avoid them at all costs.
Without Canadian regulation, the local trader doesn t get protection, so it becomes even more important to do your research and find a broker that is genuine and offers everything that you need including.
How do you conduct your daily transactions like shopping and banking.
Many of you probably do the majority of things from a phone or tablet.
That is why it is critical for brokers to offer a good mobile experience for Android and iOS users.
Deals And Incentives.
Welcome bonuses are great for either trading without risking your own money or for building up funds.
The no deposit is perfect for new traders as it allows you to try trading before you deposit any money.
Diverse Trading Assets.
What sort of trade types are you interested in using.
Do you want simple call put options or are you looking for more complex trades.
In addition to this check out what assets the broker offers and if they provide enough to meet your trading requirements.
Good Customer Support.
A good broker offers excellent customer support in many formats.
Usually, the broker will have a live chat assistant as well as phone numbers for various countries and email support as well.
Ask them a question and see how long it takes to respond.
You will find many reliable brokers from our list of recommended and reviewed companies.
The lack of Canadian brokers is due to there being no official classification as to what binary trading is in terms of whether it is gaming or not.
A lack of regulation doesn t mean that Canadians should avoid trading; it just means that they should exercise caution when choosing a broker to invest your money.
You will find many reliable brokers, from our list of recommended and reviewed companies, who operate and have licences in countries like Cyprus and the UK.
Our broker recommendations will help you discover which international broker you can rely on and give you the confidence to invest with them.
Taxes and fees will have an impact on your bottom line, so it is important to consider what fees you will pay and what costs you will incur.
Before we look at tax let s first look at the expenses you are likely to face.
Commission for successful trades.
The commission is deducted at source and paid before you receive your payout Currency conversion fees.
If you are going to be trading with an international broker, in a foreign currency, you may be charged conversion fees by your payment provider Transaction fees for using your payment method.
Usually a percentage of what you deposit or withdraw Deposit and withdrawal fees charged by the broker for using specific methods of payment.
Focusing now on the legal matters related to binary options trading, Canada has the usual laws to abide.
The information that we provide here is general, and any tax enquiry should be taken up with your accountant, but we can tell you that any profit made from binary trading is income.
Income is the same in any country that has tax laws.
If you are an individual, then you will report the profit you have made, taking into account any losses, in the usual way.
If you are a corporation, then you may be liable to pay less tax on binary trading profits.
To ensure that you know what to declare to the Canadian tax department it is important to keep records of expenditure, losses and profits and to make sure that you have all the information to hand including which tax year it falls into it.
If you haven t been keeping a record, it is essential to start and then work back through what you can to bring your documents up to date.
Canadian Licencing.
When looking at whether it is illegal or not to trade binary options, Canada has stated it is unlawful for an international broker to solicit their service to Canadian citizens as it is with the USA.
There is no Canadian regulation or legislation rules that apply specifically at this current time.
Canadian binary options trading is unclassified, and therefore there are no rules that apply.
For this reason, it is of the utmost importance that Canadian traders make sure they choose their broker wisely.
Any money invested is done so at the traders own risk, and if any issues arise from trading with a poor choice of broker, there is nothing that will protect you.
Without regulation, the risk is entirely at the feet of the trader.
In March 2015 the Canadian Securities Administrators CSA warned investors to exercise caution when trading.
With there being such easy pickings as it were it became increasingly popular to solicit platforms that weren t always legitimate.
Without proper guidance and information knowing which brokers to trust was not always easy.
Unlike in most countries where the law is clear about the classification of binary trading, Canada does not have strict rules that apply.
In many countries, it falls under securities or gaming.
Here they are neither.
To minimise the risk of losing money through companies who claim to be real, we strongly advise studying the information available to you on our website through our reviews and recommendations.
There are some checks that you can make yourself like looking at where they are based, what licenses they hold and whether they are licensed to trade internationally.
We have already made these checks on your behalf so you can rest assured that choosing a broker recommended by us is safe, legal and legitimate.
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There are many factors that we consider when recommending and reviewing various services.
This level of research, if undertaken by the trader, would take an extreme amount of time and probably have you wishing that you had never started.
The information that we provide comes from our team of experts and their extensive research.
Their knowledge of the market place means they know what to look for and what is essential when trading online.
So where do we start.
Well, most importantly we make sure that the broker has all the correct licensing.
We only recommend reputable, regulated and licensed Canadian brokers to you as we want your experience to be the best.
Once we establish the legitimacy of the broker, we then look at their offering.
Now, this doesn t just include the types of accounts and incentives that they offer.
Our views are fully rounded to include the trading experience as well, so we only show you the best Canadian binary options brokers.
We analyse what it is like for a trader to trade on the broker s platform.
We also look at their desktop trading platform, their mobile offering and whether they have a mobile app available for both Android and IOS.
We recommend many companies that have the best offerings and provide a fair and rounded comparison for you to make an informed decision.
Is binary trading in Canada legal and safe.
It is perfectly legal to trade binary options in most countries including Canada.
Most of the brokers that allow Canadians to purchase with them are licensed and regulated in Europe.
If you make any profits, you should pay tax.
While it is not up to the broker to keep records and declare them to the Canadian government, it is essential that you keep records.
Many big names offer incentives to stay ahead of the competition; therefore, you will find most of them provide a demo account for new traders to try trading for free.
You ll have to provide identification but once you have done this making deposits and withdrawals is very straight forward.
Any earnings withdrawn will be paid back to the same method that was used to deposit initially.


Most things are done on the go on a mobile device today, online banking, shopping, booking holidays and yes, options trading too.
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Pocket Option broker review.
Pocket Option is a new binary options broker that made its debut in 2017.
With Pocket Option, you can only trade using a live account.
Pocket Option is one of the best trading platforms you can use in the USA.
You can read our full Pocket Option review for more information.
Like Pocket Option, BinaryCent was established in 2017.
Scalping Strategy M1 M5 with Macd and Stochastic.
If you prefer trading with minimum risk and short deadlines, here is a simple scalping strategy suitable even for the less experienced, the Macd Stochastic turbo strategy.
You probably already use an indicator, perhaps one popular among traders such as the Macd or the Stochastic.
Why not use two of them together to improve results.
Maybe adjusted for M1 or M5 time frames, that is, for the very common short-term scalping.
Here is the strategy we have prepared for you.
You can use it with the help of any 1 minute or 5 minute chart , and any currency pair.
The strategy uses the two indicators already present as standard on most platforms, so to get started you just need a good demo for testing that already has the two indicators available.
Otherwise you can rely on the good old metatrader.
The graph with indicators.
Indicators MACD Moving Average Convergence Divergence.
Parameters 12,26,2 STOCHASTIC Slow Stochastic.
Parameters 8,3,3 Recommended time frame M1 and M5 Currency pair Any Recommended deadline 5 6 minutes for M1, 25 30 minutes for M5.
Macd Stochastic Strategy Chart EUR USD M1.
Entry Rules Strategy.
BUY Buy Call.
MACD 0 greater than zero STOCHASTIC crosses coming from below level 20.
SELL Sell Put.
MACD Trading examples.
The Eur Usd M1 chart the same as the one shown above shows us a possibility of entry into Call , as the macd is above zero and the stochastic rises from level 20.
Macd is above zero and the Stochastic rises from level 20.
Here we have identified a point where the macd is below zero and the stochastic falls from the 80 level.
Macd is below zero and the Stochastic drops from the 80 level.
Again a similar example, Macd Example 4.
MACD 0, and the Stochastic rises from level 20, Call.
0, and the Stochastic rises from level 20, Call.
jpg 500w alt MACD 0, and the Stochastic rises from level 20, Call.
width 800 height 368.
width 1357 height 629 aria-describedby caption-attachment-19609.
MACD 0, and the Stochastic rises from level 20, Due Call.
There is no correspondence between Macd and Stochastic.
0, and the Stochastic drops from level 80.
jpg 500w alt MACD 0, and the Stochastic drops from level 80.
No Trade width 1358 height 629 aria-describedby caption-attachment-19610.
MACD 0, and the Stochastic drops from level 80.
You will have the opportunity to consult it during your trading sessions.
10 Most Popular Indicators in 10 Minutes.
SuperClassic Arrows Indicator.
The Best MetaTrader Indicator.
SR Arrows Indicator.
HighLow Strategy and Indicator.
Pocket Option complete review.
Pocket Option was founded in 2017, so it is not one of the oldest on the market, on the contrary.
Broker Pocket Option Regulated Yes, IFMRRC Founded 2017 Customer support Email, Webchat, Telephone 1 800 982-1251 Platform Pocket Option s platform for binaries Windows, Web, iOS, Android Metaquotes MT5 Platform for Olymp Trade Minimum Deposit 50 USD Minimum Trade 1 USD Account types 6 Account types with 7 levels Deposit Methods Visa Mastercard, AdvCash, Payeer, Jeton Wallet, Webmoney, Perfect Money Withdrawal Methods Visa Mastercard, AdvCash, Payeer, Jeton Wallet, Webmoney, Perfect Money Expiration Times Between 30 seconds and 4 hours Option Types and Quantity of Assets Binary Options Up Down Quick Trading , Digital Options Up Down, and Touch.
This Pocket Option review will help you decide whether you want to be a customer or not.
Usually, the broker belongs to a company that has a specific regulation, in the case of Pocket Option, it is different.
Pocket Option is owned or operated by two different companies, each with different regulations.
All Pocket Option activity is provided by Gembell Limited Services PO TRADE LTD PO TRADE LIMITED, that is, it is provided by both.
Pocket Option Fast Trading is a more recent type of trading since when Pocket Option started in 2017, it only offered Digital Trading previously called Trading only.
The fact that Pocket Option offers both types of trading where you can trade at the end of the candle or at the time you choose is excellent.
In the case of Pocket Option, it opted only for MT5 which is the most recent.
You can trade directly in the browser within the original Pocket Option platform interface, or you can download it to your computer.
The Pocket Option MT5 demo account, as well as the Binary Options demo account, can be reloaded.
The simplest and fastest way to test the Pocket Option platform is to open a free demo account.
Alternate between accounts in Pocket Option.
The minimum deposit on Pocket Option is 50.
Later on, we will talk about deposit methods at Pocket Option.
The profile level is another of the unique features of Pocket Option.
Profile Levels Pocket Option.
Just to mention some of the exclusive advantages that Pocket Option offers to its traders, see the list below.
Pocket Option offers 3 trading instruments.
From what you have already read about the Pocket Option platform, you are left with the idea of how complete it is and what it has to offer.
platform Charts Pocket Option.
platform Indicators Pocket Option.
Graphical tools Platform Pocket Option.
Platform buttons Pocket Option.
Another advantage that Pocket Option offers, concerning other brokers is that the Bonus offered can be withdrawn.
Within the Pocket Option platform, you have access to a lot of learning material.
Pocket Option Trading Apps.
Pocket Option offers several trading applications.
Although the main Pocket Option platform is on the Web, that is via the browser, they also offer versions for mobile, tablet, and PC.
Other Pocket Option apps In addition to the trading apps, the broker also offers 3 other apps all available for Android and iOS.
Pocket Option mobile apps have the same features as the online platform, so you ll be able to trade with the same tools whether it s on your computer, phone, or tablet.
Pocket Option offers several trading options, so whatever your own, the broker has the option of your choice.


With more than 100 assets, Pocket Option has an interesting amount of assets, even though it is not the broker with the greatest offer of assets for trading.
On the Pocket Option website, you will find the trading schedule, the list of assets currently under negotiation, as well as the percentage of the payment for each one.
Deposits and withdrawals are as simple as the Pocket Option interface.
Pocket Option accepts almost all major forms of payment, including.
This fee is not the Pocket Option that charges but the electronic wallet or the bank where you receive the money.
Pocket Option has several special features to enhance your trading experience.
Social Trading is one of Pocket Option s most useful features, especially for new traders.
Pocket Option tournaments allow you to compete with other merchants for prizes.
Another feature that the Pocket Option platform offers is OTC trading.
You will have no problem connecting to Pocket Option customer support as it is easy to find contact information on your website and the platform.
The chat system available on the platform will probably be the fastest and easiest way to get support from Pocket Option.
Despite all the advantages it offers and special features, Pocket Option has its problems.
Conclusion Pocket Option.
Pocket Option was able to take the type of platform that is used by the main brokers and increase the offer of services, making trading more fun.
Pocket Option FAQs.
Is Pocket Option legal.
How does Pocket Option work.
Why should I choose Pocket Option.
Is Pocket Option reliable.
pocketoption With over 100 assets available to trade and plenty of payment methods to accommodate international investors, Pocket Option offers trade opportunities to thousands of people worldwide.
Broker Name Pocket Option Location Marshall Islands Regulation IFMRRC Trading Platform Web, Windows, iOS, Android, Trade Types High Low and Turbo Payouts 128 Max Mobile Trading Yes Number of Assets 100 Demo Account Yes Payment Methods 50 Different Payment Methods Minimum Deposit 50 Minimum Trade 1 Bonus 50 Welcome Bonus USA Traders Accepted.
Trade Types As with their accounts, Pocket Option offers one trade type.
Pocket Option accepts almost any major form of payment, including VISA Mastercard Maestro Debit Card bitcoin Litecoin Ethereum bitcoin Cash Ripple ZCash Skrill Neteller While these are the most commonly used options there are more.
Special Features Pocket Option has tons of special features to enhance your trading experience.
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Binary Options Recovery Services The Real Story.
Back around 2009 a new type of investment machine started to take shape the binary option.
Also known as digital options, this type of derivative was a simplified version of regular options and soon started to catch on, especially with inexperienced users and mainly because it was advertised as very easy to trade and allegedly no prior experience was required.
Literally, hundreds of new brokers started to appear but many of them didn t even bother to list an address or information about the owning company, all their names were fake and regulation was out of the question.
If the client managed to make some profits and wanted to withdraw, he she was offered a too-good-to-miss deal and asked to keep the money on the platform in hopes of even bigger profits.
Whether he she agreed or not, the account managers would then proceed to open trades without the client s authorization and deplete the entire account or in other cases, they would cease all communication with the client.
How can you withdraw if the broker doesn t answer your phones and emails.
This behavior eventually led binary options to be called Scam as a whole and also triggered the emergence of Binary Options Recovery Services who claimed to hunt down the binary options scammers and retrieve the money from them through legal methods, in exchange for a fee or a percentage of the recovered money.
We went out on a mission to try to understand how these recovery services work and who they really are.
Are they the solution to your lost funds problem or are they just as bad as the brokers themselves.
We will let you know what we ve found out, the tactics they use and whether you will ever see your money back or not.
Rise Of The New Type Of Con-Man The Recovery Service.
So what exactly is this recovery business.
Their offer is pretty straightforward and easy to understand a solution for recovering money that s been lost due to a binary options scam.
Some recovery services also claim to hack social media accounts and to recover lost passwords whether those belong to the client or to someone else , so as you see, their means are not always completely legal.
Usually, a fee is paid upfront for taking the case or a percentage of the recovered amount, or both in some cases.
The payment model varies depending on the website service you re choosing sometimes you will pay them a time-sensitive fee the longer they work, the more they get paid, even if they don t recover any money and sometimes you will pay only if they recover all or part of the amount you ve lost.
However, the initial fee is always paid.
Finding them is really easy.
Just sift through the comments section of any binary options related article and you will find someone praising the professionalism and high success rate of such recovery services, or you can even find the representatives of the recovery company itself advertising and sharing contact information.
Google is also an easy way of finding a binary options recovery service.
All in all it seems brilliant for a small fee, this service could get your money back.
BUT, here comes the problem.
Most of them have common traits such as fake addresses, little to no information about the company and absolutely nothing about the people who actually work there or about the exact legal procedures employed to recover your money.
You would expect to see the names and credentials of the lawyers that will work the case, but most of the time that information is also missing, mainly because there are no lawyers involved.
Let s get acquainted with some of these services.
Dunde Wealth Recovery Group claims to be owned by Merrill Edge huge online brokerage whose parent company is Bank Of America Merrill Lynch and also claims to be regulated by the British Financial Conduct Authority, despite them being located allegedly in New York.
Needless to say that all these claims are very hard to believe on trust alone so we headed to FCA s Register to find out.
As you can see, Dunde Wealth Recovery is NOT regulated or registered with the British FCA.
Another company, with a generic name this time Binary Options Recovery Specialist is providing a set of hacking services on top of their binary recovery offering, as well as credit score repair, but fails yet again to offer any type of credible information about them.
And it doesn t stop here Investigators247 is allegedly offering fund recovery services, social media account hacking, surveillance, infidelity cheating investigation.
You name it, they do it or so they say at least.
However, users of ScamWarners.
com found that above mentioned recovery service was registered in e by a person named Qui Hoang, yet it listed only American phone numbers on the website.
Another example is Wealth Recovery Now , which claims to be located in Ohio, offers a US phone number but it is actually located in Canada and the registrant doesn t offer any name or contact information.
Yet this fake site boldly claims Focusing on binary options, we have helped fraud victims from all over the world recover millions of dollars.
The attorneys we work with have yet to lose a case using the intelligence we provide.
Obviously, no proof of their perfect record is delivered anywhere on the website.
Modus Operandi The Recovery Services Marketing Strategy.
Over the top marketing has long been a staple of binary options brokers and now it seems that tactic is being used by recovery services as well.
They all say they can get your money back, they are the best, the most professional and whatnot but luckily Google and Facebook have banned binary options marketing so the days of flashy recovery ads are over.
So where can they take their marketing.
To online forums.
People that have been scammed are usually desperate to get their money back so they head to the forums to get some help and advice.
And that s where the recovery minions are lurking and spreading their lies.
The person that wrote the post in the pic claims to have lost 350,000 and then recovered it all with the help of a recovery expert.
Then the poster proceeds to praise the expert and to offer his contact information for all to see and use.
Just 2 posts below, another person claims to have lost 200,000 successfully recovered with the help of another expert , then someone claims a loss of 65,000 Pounds and the thread goes on and on, with people who allegedly managed to get all their money back in exchange for a relatively small fee.
Needless to say, these are all fake posts, with made-up usernames and let s acknowledge the elephant in the room they all have lost huge sums of money, which they then recovered.
That s only there to make you think Well, if this recovery service can get back 350K, they surely can deal with my 5 or 10 thousand bucks.
This way of hooking new clients is a recurring theme characteristic to all recovery services.
Check this scary Quora thread that s filled with tens of shills working for so-called recovery companies or services.
By now you can clearly tell that most of these recovery services are just another scam that preys on the people s desperation and hope of getting the stolen money back.
But the good news is that most people are starting to see through the lies and thus avoid getting scammed a second time.
A good example is this thread on ForexPeaceArmy regarding Birman Law and Wealth Recovery Int.
Also, forum mods are quick to expose the scammers and to warn others about their tactics.
Another mod edit on ForexPeaceArmy red text.
The Authorities Are Catching Wind Of This.
Evidence suggests that most of these recovery services are just not a scam and people are starting to become aware of that.
But lately authorities are also clamping down on the crooks.
The US Financial Industry Regulatory Authority FINRA warned about the recovery scam in general, saying that Following a significant loss, investors may be anxious to get back at least some of their money This can leave them vulnerable to follow-up frauds that add to existing losses with devastating financial consequences.
Gerri Walsh, FINRA s Senior Vice President of Investor Education.
read in full here.
The French Autorité des Marchés Financiers AMF warned against a certain Mr Villard, who claimed to be mandated by the AMF to help people recover sums invested in binary options platforms.
In doing so, he was using the AMF logo, name and details fraudulently.
See full warning here.
And while the AMF issued a simple warning against a recovery con-artist, Leonel Alexis Valerio Santana, an impostor claiming to be an employee of the US Securities and Exchange Commission SEC was sentenced to 63 months in prison plus an additional 3 year probation period upon release.
He was also ordered to pay restitution fees in the amount of 105,869.
The sentence was issued by Judge F.
Dennis Saylor IV of the Massachusetts District Court, in line with requests by the US Government.
Under the guise of working for the SEC, the fraudster promised fund recovery and legal assistance to victims of binary options brokers but after the swift justice delivered by the US legal system, other such individuals will probably be deterred to engage in similar activities.
The Good Guys Legit Recovery Services.
Yes, there are some good guys out there but they are hard to spot in the multitude of scammers and impostors.
The best way to avoid fund recovery not a scam is to not lose your funds to scammers in the first place, so whenever money is involved, make sure you are dealing with reputable companies that have been in business for a long time but more importantly, are regulated by a major financial authority.
If however, you find yourself in the unfortunate situation to need fund recovery assistance, make sure you perform a thorough check of the company that claims to offer said assistance.
Ask for verifiable information about the company, their employees and cases they ve worked.
Emphasis on verifiable.
We cannot recommend anyone but a well-known law firm that also specializes in this type of fund recovery is Giambrone Law.
They have received numerous international awards and have offices in more than 10 cities across the globe, so we can assume they are not out to scam you but as mentioned prior, you should conduct your own review.
Stay Safe, Use Common Sense.
The last thing anyone wants after being scammed is to lose more money chasing the lost amounts.
There are many ways to know when you are dealing with a recovery service scam, but the best one is to just use your common sense.
Ask yourself how did you come across the company.
Was it through a poorly written forum post or comment.
Can you really believe a guy who says he recovered a quarter million US Dollars with the help of a company with a Gmail address.
Bottom line is most of these recovery services will simply scam you out of more money and you will never see the initial funds back.
If you really want to chase the people who stole from you in the first place, go to the authorities or go to a big, well-known law firm.
Getting scammed once is bad enough.
Excellent article.
Finally someone is speaking about techniques of these scammers.
And they are so annoying, could be found anywhere.
For this reason I always choose legit broker, it provides me at least some feeling of security.
Great information.
Many thanks for all of your help from someone who has been scammed.
Very best of wishes.
Finally someone speaks the truth about these services.
I had a strong hunch that most recovery firms are simply the sequel for the broker s scam so I get scammed twice.
But i never took the time to make a big research like u did and i almost got fooled by them because i was scammed before and was looking for a way to get my money back.
At least now i wont get scammed twice.
Thanks guys for clearing it up.


Double gain Binary Options.
It is always important to have a strategy for trading binary options to increase your profits, limit losses and negotiate with more security.
Strategy Options Binary.
Today I will explain a little of the strategy double investment that will result will also double your profit.
Binary Options Operation.
The Exchange does not open easily.
The influx of individuals on stock markets took place mostly during privatization or stock market euphoria.
It is rare that investors begin during the most turbulent periods.
In fact, seeing the arrival of new investors in unfavorable periods is always a good thing.
Although not having the same legal value as a stock or bond, the binary option has the merit to discover financial markets and speculation at large to a population accustomed to the casino and online games.
Binary options have gained popularity in recent years.
What kind of options there are and when to invest.
Binary options are in the category of optional financial products.
The binary is used to define them as only two outcomes are possible at maturity.
The binary option has a limited risk since the amount of the loss can not exceed the amount of your bet.
They are also very visible in terms of understanding.
When trading binary options , you are working on a rating between 0 and 100.
If achieving your scenario, you get 100 in 0.
Otherwise When your scenario does not happen, the binary option is 0 and you lose the amount invested.


Maybe try one of the links above or a search.
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The Guy Cohen Binary Options Scam, It s Not What You Think.
I ve never met him but based on the information available on the web I d have to say he looks like an upright kind of guy.
He s been a trader for decades, focusing on options and how to profit from them, with a noticeable interest in software and a penchant for writing books.
According to his bio over the years he has helped exchanges such as NYSE Euronext and ISE with options software and has since branched into proprietary trading systems.
Along with several books, all available on Amazon, Guy has several unique trading software packages, some including his own OVI indicator.
His books cover a range of topics of interest to traders, the one most likely to interest binary traders is the Insider Edge, a study of how to follow industry insiders to wild profits.
To be honest, it is hard to understand at first why this fellow has popped up on the binary options radar.
He is not selling binary systems nor do his books attempt to teach technical analysis, or binary options trading.
The scam, it turns out, is being played on him too.
It seems there are some bandit marketers playing off his name like so many others not a scam we ve seen.
They use his credibility, for whatever that s worth, to lure in victims with the promise of fast cash and quick profits.
The problem for Mr.
Cohen is that his own products are marketed in a way that he himself terms as colorful and aggressive and are built on what we in the binary world have come to regard as red flags; proprietary trading systems and indicators with slick names designed to help you beat the market.
One of the systems he peddles on his website is the Illuminati system, a system based on codes from an ancient society that secretly rules the world.
Update February 2017 Due to our diligent work uncovering these not a scam many of the websites using Mr.
Cohen s name and images have been taken down.
Who is The Guy Cohen Scam, and is it a Scam.
If you go searching for Guy Cohen and Binary Options, as many of us could easily do, you will come up with a few interesting things on your search engine results page SERP.
One or two of them will be legitimate links to information about Mr.
Cohen and the books he has written.
One could be linked to his trading club where he provides services at what I consider to be high fees, nearly 2,000 for some of the software packages.
Still, another could be one of his trading systems and none of these too alarming when it comes to binary options.
What is alarming is that.
there are true binary options scammers using Mr.
Cohen s name to make their software systems look like a Guy Cohen system to web-surfers and search engines alike.
One of these is a guaranteed get-rich-by-trading-this-way sales pitch that is unmistakably a scam called the BinaryCode.
It is based on carefully concealed bankers techniques that could earn you 1,200 a day, and you only have to trade for 3 hours.
What s really funny is that when you start to read the pitch you ll see examples of where the system clearly didn t make 1,200 a day, and that the English is horrible.
I got the feeling a monkey wrote it because it s really bad copy.
The gist is that it is based on statistical analysis and simple math using popular advice to copy what others are doing.
What is alarming is that there are, or were, true binary options scammers using Mr.
My Last Thoughts On The Guy Cohen Binary Options Scam.
His involvement with binary options is circumstantial at best, in the end, I think he is the victim of marketers using his name to piggy back their scam into search results.
This post is here to revoke Guy s involvement in Binary Options products.
Mr Cohen, Are you associated with flagtrader.
I just requested a refund because I never received any product for my payment.
Dear Mr Cohen Are you currently marketing any of your services through Agora Financial.
I am interested in purchasing a product from this site but want to ensure it is legitimate prior to parting with my money Thanks in anticipation of your reply John Nielsen.
I do not advocate binary options in any way, shape or form.
Neither do my membership sites take trading account fees from anyone.
I do provide proprietary software and education services, and have loyal customers who have renewed for over 10 years.
That kind of endorsement is unique.
Furthermore I have licensed my options software to NYSE, the ISE have hired me to analyse their options data, and I ve provided educational content to brokers.
Hardly the pedigree of a shyster as you put it.
In any case I believe you have me confused with others who may be wrongly using my name in association with binary options.
I repeat, I do not advocate binary options in any way.
If you or anyone wants to contact me, please do so.
Unfortunately your name has been linked with some notorious binary options product.
We have edited this article to revoke your connection with binary options products.


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Comme vous le voyez dans l image ci-dessous Pocket Option vous offre système de bonus.
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