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Option is a kind of exchange-traded contract for getting profit on the difference of assets prices.
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What is options trading.
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First steps on binary trading.
To understand binary option trading, firstly, it is necessary to understand the difference between options and choose an asset for marketing.
Then you need to analyze asset movement in the market, study ways of definition of contract price and advantages of binary options marketing.
After doing this, it is necessary to draw up your own report about expenses which can appear during marketing.
Binary options marketing rules.
New-comers at the beginning should follow some simple, but very important rules.
Only in this case they will be able to protect their investments and start getting profit.
Become comfortable with risks.
Risk always exists in marketing.
Invested money is considered to be lost until you will prove a negative.
At the beginning save some money in your account and try to withdrawal it.
In this case you will calm yourself a company is reliable and let withdraw money, and you get profit.
Control your own accounts.
Do not believe agents who offer to do it for you.
If you registered on the platform, and agent offered you his help and participation in your transactions, betake yourself to heels.
Agent s choose laborious and difficult process.
It is necessary to study comments, look through license and read a contract.
Thoroughly study all the information about the agent before starting cooperation.
Never rush into marketing.
Study information, practice on demo-account, start invest small money.
It is important at the beginning to understand mechanisms and learn to analyze information.
And don t chase after ghost profit.
Study theory.
A lot of theory.
And check it in practice.
You have all instruments for it demo-account, signal sand history of prices movements.
Study and practice you feel yourself ready to invest really serious money.
Pocket Option Scam Test.
Although they did not enter the world of binary options and online trading in general by 2017, Pocket Option immediately made a splash among traders.
To settle this once and for all, we decided to conduct a Pocket Option Scam Test to see just how safe and secure you as a trader are here.
Pocket Option is regulated.
That s what we did here and we re happy to report that Pocket Option does indeed have a license.
However, our Pocket Option Scam Test continues.
As we have already said in our Pocket Option Review, the amount of payment options at your disposal here is extremely impressive.
We can draw only one conclusion at the end of this Pocket Option Scam Test this is a perfectly legitimate binary options broker and it would be a shame not to at least check out their interesting offer.
Pocket Option is a great broker to trade with, so go right ahead and open an account with them right now.
Pocket Option offers many excellent features to new and existing traders.
Established in 2017 and registered in the Marshall Islands, it s fair to say that Pocket Option is new to the already crowded, binary options market.
However, being regulated by the IFMRRC and having an easy to access, high-quality site and trading platform, make Pocket Option a refreshing and innovative broker.
With arguably the best demo account available today and lots of other excellent account features, it s a thumbs up for Pocket Option.
If you aren t sure that this broker is for you and you want some help to decide, keep reading this in-depth Pocket Option review.
With Pocket Option, it s simple.
Pocket Option has a much more relaxed approach; it s just one click, and you can begin trading with virtual funds.
While there is only one type of binary options trade type available to use with Pocket Option, there is a choice of expiry times starting at 60 seconds.
Pocket Option offers excellent payout levels too, up to 128.
We estimate most trades can expect to payout somewhere between 60 and 100 , which is very competitive and makes Pocket Option a fair broker.
At the time of writing this Pocket Option support does say that this 50 bonus is a limited offer, so be sure to take advantage of it before it ends.
Pocket Option also does not take a commission on deposits or withdrawals, which is not always the case with brokers.
One of Pocket Option s standout features is the ability to use social trading.
One thing to note; Pocket Option does not currently offer Olymp Trade trading of current pairs.
Pocket Option offers some excellent features to both new and existing traders.
In summary, we are happy to recommend Pocket Option as a binary options broker due to their simple account layout and the level playing field it offers binary options traders.
Is Pocket Option legit, will they scam me.
Pocket Option offers an app for download on both Android and iOS and their mobile website is easy to use as well.
Pocket Option offer a 50 welcome bonus merely make your deposit and receive a 50 boost.
Yes, this is a powerful feature of Pocket Option.
Broker Review Pocket Option.
Just coming across my radar today, Pocket Option is a brand-new binary options broker promising instant access to more than 100 assets.
That being said, Pocket Option feels that there is room for them, as a more simple and convenient way to trade.
Much like the last broker I reviewed, Stern Options , Pocket Option does not have different account options.
One of the aspects, that I appreciate the most about the Pocket Option broker, is this option they have at the top of their website labeled start in one click.
As of right now, the best way to see client feedback on Pocket Option is to go to the Google play app store.
Pocket Option is currently our top rated broker in 2020.
If you are looking for a quick way to make some demo trades, then Pocket Option is the solution for you.
Pocket Option Deposit.
Pocket Option, owned by Gembell Limited, emerged in the world of binary options trading in 2017 and has since made a splash in the market.
While binary options trading often gets a bad reputation because of the high risk involved, Pocket Option is one of the most reliable brokers in the industry.
With over 100 assets available to trade and plenty of payment methods to accommodate international investors, Pocket Option offers trade opportunities to thousands of people worldwide.
This Pocket Option review will help you decide whether you want to be one of them, as we go over the types of accounts you can get, their assets, and other special features on their platform.
As with their accounts, Pocket Option offers one trade type.
Pocket Option makes trading simple with high low options, which is the most straightforward of all binary options trading types.
Pocket Option is known in the binary options market for having high payouts.
Pocket Option s website states that you can get payouts up to 218 percent, which is practically unheard of.


Making 60-second trades with high low options can both introduce you to the Pocket Option platform and increase your account balance in minutes.
When you open a live account with Pocket Option, they ll give you a 50 deposit bonus on your starting investment.
Since some investors might get the idea that they can sign up just to withdraw that bonus along with their initial investment, Pocket Option mandates that you need to participate in the trading market first.
If you re apprehensive about going all-in with a real account on Pocket Option, you can try their demo account.
Plus, with Pocket Option s user-friendly platform, you ll find out quickly whether you can handle something more complicated or would prefer to keep things efficient and simple.
While Pocket Option s main platform is on the web, they also have mobile and PC versions.
The Pocket Option mobile apps have all the same features as the online platform.
Pocket Option really does give you plenty of choices for how, when, and where you want to trade even if you d hoped for tiered accounts, you still have other areas you can tailor your experience.
With over 130 assets, Pocket Option has an astounding selection.
As a newer broker, Pocket Option entered the binary options market with many of the most popular assets, including cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and Ethereum.
On the Pocket Option website, you ll find their trading schedule, which lists the assets currently being traded, as well as the payout percentage for each.
Deposits and withdrawals are as simple as Pocket Option s interface.
Pocket Option accepts almost any major form of payment, including.
Some banks charge a fee for those, so if you re looking to make a hefty profit, make sure you re aware of the additional charge outside of the Pocket Option platform.
Pocket Option has tons of special features to enhance your trading experience.
Social trading is one of the most useful features of Pocket Option, especially for new traders.
As you watch the market, Pocket Option shows you when it turns and when prices increase or decrease.
You won t have any trouble connecting with Pocket Option s customer support since all their contact information is easy to find on their website.
What does Pocket Option have that sets it apart from the rest.
Despite its appeal with tons of assets and special features, Pocket Option isn t without its problems.
Pocket Option s intuitive platform allows both seasoned and beginner traders to make fast trades while earning higher payouts than most other brokers.
No matter where you use Pocket Option, you ll have the same access to all their features.
We feel comfortable recommending Pocket Option as a reputable, reliable, and responsible broker for your binary options trading.
I tried to cooperate with more than a dozen different platforms, but in the end I chose Pocket Option as the main one.
I like Pocket Option.
I like Pocket Option, I have been working with it for over two months.
I don t know why many people are unhappy with the work of Pocket Option.
Pocket Option review - Is pocketoption.
Pocket Option is a binary options broker, offering bets on a variety of assets form forex pairs and crypto coins to precious metals and oil.
Pocket Option Advantages.
As we already mentioned Pocket Option offers a really good choice of trading instruments over 30 forex pairs, with some exotic currencies like n Ruble, Singapore Dollar, Polish Zloty, Turkish Lira and South African Rand.
Pocket Option is owned by Gembell Limited a company based on the Marshall Islands, but operated by Tifiya Group s.
Here we should note that sine early July the European Securities and Markets Authority ESMA banned all binary options bets in the European Union, so basically all Pocket Option operations in EU are illegal.
Also, although Pocket Option says they are regulated by the International Financial Market Relations Regulation Center IFMRRC , we should note that IFMRRC is not an official regulatory body such as the Financial Conduct Authority FCA in the UK, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission ASIC or the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission CySEC , but just an anonymous website, lacking credibility whatsoever.
Pocket Option is an unregulated, offshore, binary options broker and to us that sound like a recipe for a scam.
Latest news about Pocket Option.
Traders reviews for Pocket Option.
Pocket Option reviews Broker details.
Pocket Option is pure Scam.
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Pocket Option Broker Reviews Binary Options US Trading Welcome.
Pocket Option Broker believes that the market is asking for their services, because of their ability to provide education, free more.
Pocket Option Broker believes that the market is asking for their services, because of their ability to provide education, free demo account trading, progressive partnership terms, instant deposits and withdrawals, low minimum deposit, and exclusive binary options no deposit bonus.
Pocket Option is a binary broker that is owned by Gembell Limited.


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Pocket Option review and ratings.
Pocket Option is a legally registered binary options broker located in the Marshall Islands, but not regulated by any government agency.
Pocket Option accepts clients from all over the world, excluding some OFAC sanctioned countries.
Pocket Option is an unregulated offshore-based binary options forex broker with its registered office located in the Marshall Islands.
In terms of underlying assets available for binary options trading, Pocket Option has most traders covered with its selection of 30 forex pairs, a handful of popular Cryptocurrency pairs, gold, silver, and oil.
Unfortunately, the minimum amount of capital necessary to trade forex in the traditional way with Pocket Option remains quite high at USD 1,000, or the equivalent in another currency.
As far as the trading experience is concerned, Pocket Option s clients will have access to a nice and user friendly platform for trading binary options.
In addition to this in-house web platform, however, Pocket Option also offers traditional forex trading on the classic MetaTrader 5 MT5 platform for those who prefer that.
As all brokers do, Pocket Option also has a customer service team that is ready to answer any queries from clients.
In summary, it s safe to say that Pocket Option is one of the brokers that are trying hard to keep their traditional brokerage and binary options brokerage business open despite many crackdowns on the binary options industry in jurisdictions such as the US, EU, and Japan.
Despite these restrictions, however, it is still possible to offer binary options trading offshore, which is what Pocket Option is taking advantage of.
I have still not recieved my 25,000 USD that Pocket Option literally stole from me.
Pocket Option Broker Review Best Broker for Traders All Over the World.
Keep on reading my Pocket Option Broker Review to learn more about the best broker for binary options and Olymp Trade trading.
This Pocket Option broker review highlights some of the features that make the platform a number one choice for most of the traders.
Pocket Option Olymp Trade Trading Features.
Pocket Option provides a Metatrader 5 software application you can use on their website as web trader, or you can download and install the metatrader 5 Software ton your desktop PC.
Pocket Option Binary Options Trading.
Pocket Option also offers a binary options trading platform you can use to trade high return binary options in different time frames and markets.
There is also a lot of indicators and tools inside the chart system Pocket Option provides.
Pocket Option Depositing and withdrawing.
Unlike many binary trading platforms, Pocket Option offers its traders a chance to increase their account balance.
For a deposit of 500 with Pocket Option broker, a trade can activate a bonus of 100 making the balance to double.
Or visit this site for the best Pocket Option promo Codes.
Pocket Option is known for its professional and friendly support service for the investors.
Reading through the Pocket Option 2020 review, one gets a picture of a broker who genuinely wants to help its customer and give the best.
The Pocket Option reviews mention tutorials, an opportunity to chat with other traders and numerous help platforms as some of the features that make this option broker stand out from the rest.
Any trader looking for the best experience will choose Pocket Option as it not only guarantees comfort, security and great support but also a chance to get high yields.
Pocket Option Broker Review Conclusion.
Thank you for reading my Pocket Option broker review here till the end.
Pocket Option Broker 50 Dollars Binary Options Free No Deposit Real Money.
Pocket Option comes fully packed with advanced methods of making trading pleasure.
3 Responses to Pocket Option Broker 50 Dollars Binary Options Free No Deposit Real Money.
Pocket Option is a binary options broker concentrating on crypto currency, forex and Over The Counter OTC options.
The Marshall Islands do not have an official regulatory body overseeing any type of trading as far as we could see, however Pocket Option is regulated by IFMRRC which leads us to ask who IFMRRC is.
It appears that Pocket Option has seen a gap in the binary options and crypto currency market and have set up to satisfy that demand by going offshore and with an independent regulator.
We noted that Pocket Option website came online in July 2016 and is paid up to July 2021.
We have had no issues at all trading with Pocket Option and the withdrawal and deposit process has been super smooth and easy.
So far, so good with Pocket Option and we are quietly confident with this broker.


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Pocket Option trusted review test.
Is Pocket Option a secure Online Broker or not.
With more than 8 years of experience in financial investing, we tested Pocket Option in detail.
Pocket Option website.
Pocket Option Payment Methods.
Pocket Option Achievments and Special Offers.
What is Pocket Option Facts about the company.
Pocket Option is an online broker for trading Binary Options and Olymp Trade.
Pocket Option is managed by the Gembell Limited company which is located in the Marshall Islands with the address Trust Company Complex, Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, Majuro.
Nearly everyone can open an account with Pocket Option.
Regulation and safety Is Pocket Option a scam or not.
According to Pocket Option, the broker is regulated by the IFMRRC International Financial Market Relation Regulation Center.
Pocket Option regulation FMRRC certificate of compliance.
Through our contacts, we know that Pocket Option is working at a higher regulation at the moment.
Overall, Pocket Option is a safe company but does not get the highest regulation authority at the moment.
What can you trade with Pocket Option.
Pocket Option assets and markets.
The following assets can be traded with Pocket Option.
Expiry times on the Pocket Option platform.
Pocket Option does not offer only trading options but offers also forex trading via the MetaTrader 5 software.
Pocket Option is available for any device.
In summary, Pocket Option offers very good conditions and features for traders.
Pocket Option trading platform review.
Pocket Option offers trading platforms for any device.
The software is programmed by Pocket Option and very unique.
It is very easy to understand how to trade because Pocket Option shows you very transparent all features.
Since 2020 the MetaTrader 5 is offered by Pocket Option for trading forex, cryptocurrencies, metals, and commodities.
Pocket Option MetaTrader 5 account.
You can use the web-version directly with the Pocket Option webtrader or you download the software for desktop.
Overall, the MetaTrader 5 offers more functions for analysis than the own platform of Pocket Option.
Tutorial How to trade with Pocket Option.
Trading with Pocket Option is not so difficult to understand.
The trading platform of Pocket Option offers you special tools for analytics like chart types, drawing tools, and indicators.
In the next video, we will show you how to make money with Pocket Option and a simple charting strategy.
Pocket Option order mask for trading.
Pocket Option chart settings.
Pocket Option will show you a full tutorial and description of the tools.
Create your own strategies for trading with the tools of Pocket Option.
Pocket Option indicator settings.
In conclusion, the Pocket Option platform gives access to features which any type of trader can use successfully.
Pocket Option will reward you if you are an active trader.
Pocket Option achievement program.
All in all, it is a very good system for any trader who is using Pocket Option.
From our experience, the platform of Pocket Option is one of the best trading platforms on the internet.
Pocket Option is very fast and verifies your account within 24 hours.
Registration with Pocket Option.
Review of the deposit and withdrawal with Pocket Option.
Pocket Option offers a lot of different payment methods to do a deposit and a withdrawal.
We can say that Pocket Option is withdrawing your earnings to 100.
Pocket Option withdrawal proof.
Facts about the deposits and withdrawals with Pocket Option.
Pocket Option offers different bonuses.
Support and service of Pocket Option.
As you see in the picture above the education center of Pocket Option is huge.
All in all, Pocket Option offers professional support for traders.
Facts about the support and service of Pocket Option.
Conclusion of the review Is Pocket Option a reliable broker.
From our experience and tests, Pocket Option is definitely a reliable broker for online trading.
Pocket Option is a good option to trade short-term or long-term options.
In conclusion, we can recommend Pocket Option as a reliable online broker for trading with the possibility of high returns.
Advantages of Pocket Option.


com Review 2021 The Ultimate Guide To Smart Trading.
This post is the most complete review of binary.
com available online so far.
com is the pioneer binary options broker, it has been in business since the year 2000.
Apart from binary options, the broker offers a variety of financial instruments to trade including, Olymp Trade, CFDs Contracts For Difference , Indices, and Stocks.
There are currently over 1million registered users trading on this platform, with up to 20 trades being processed every second.
com offers a 24-hour brokerage service even on weekends.
This is followed up by a well-designed user interface to suit beginners and still matches up with the demands of the most advanced traders.
After reading this post, you would have known if this is the right broker for you or not, I have all the information you need, covered.
At the end of the post, I have a bonus for you on how to trade profitably.
Financial trading is very risky and can result in account losses and total account wipeout if proper risk management procedures are not adhered to.
Only trade with money you can afford to lose.
Before you proceed.
I think it s best you know that we have found Pocket Options as the best options trading company.
Create a demo account to check it out.
I have written this post in the simplest format possible.
Whether you are a newbie or an advanced trader, this post is for you, you will find it very easy to understand.
Below is a list of what I will cover, click on any of them to reveal its content.
com Overview.
com was established in the year 2000, it s as old as the new millennium.
It was initially called betonMarkets.
com is one of the oldest and respected names when you talk about binary options brokers.
The company is owned and managed by Binary Group Ltd.
The trading platform allows its customers to trade binary options on stocks, cryptocurrencies, Olymp Trade and look-back options.
com claims to have the most flexible pricing and a suite of products available for you to trade.
Due to its high standards, the company has earned itself an enviable reputation, that is backed by the major awards given by respectable bodies.
com is continuously growing in size with over 250 employees spread across its four offices in Malta, Malaysia, Dubai, and Paraguay.
Its client-base over a million registered traders with a climaxed of up to 120,000 active traders as of 2019 and is expected to reach up to 175,000 this year.
This is binary.
com in a nutshell, continue reading to unravel the unique features of this broker.
Traded Financial Instruments.
The financial instruments available on binary.
com are as follows.
Binary Options Olymp Trade CFDs Look-Backs.
In this market type, you chose the direction upward downward that you think the price of an underlying asset will go within a particular time frame.
If your prediction goes the right way, you can earn a profit of up to 91 on binary.
com, but you risk losing your entire invested amount if it fails.
Here, you buy, sell and exchange currency pairs in the global market.
This market has no expiry time and you can opt-out at any time.
CFD is an agreement to exchange the difference in the value of a particular asset from the time the contract is opened, until the time it is closed.
If you are new to trading CFD, you might not understand this definition, so I will make it much easier for you by using an analogy.
Supposing James wants to buy a piece of property, hold it for a month and sell it afterwards no matter the market value.
He might sell it at a profit if the value appreciated or at a loss if the value depreciated.
To enter this trade, the piece of property might cost him 100,000.
An onlooker might want to participate in this trade but does not have 100,000.
What he has is say 20.
How does he participate.
He can make a trade with his 20 in a CFD company stating that he believes the property will appreciate.
If the property appreciates within the time frame, he should be paid his 20 the increment proportional to the appreciation of the property.
And if it depreciates he will lose the fraction of his 20 proportional to the depreciation.
This is basically what CFD is.
You are not trading in the real market but the expected outcome.
In April 2018, binary.
com launched its look-back options.
This type of trade allows you to look back on the life of a contract to determine your pay-out.
You may not grasp this definition but its very interesting.
You can visit Binary.
com to learn more about it.
There are currently 58 assets available to trade on binary.
28 Currency Pairs including; AUD JPY, EUR AUD, GBP JPY, AUD USD, EUR GBP, etc.
5 Commodities; Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, and Oil.
12 Stock Indices including; Walls Street Index, US Index, Hong Kong Index, Japanese Index, Euro 50 Index, Dutch Index, etc.
9 Synthetic Indices including; Volatility 75 Index, Bull Market Index, Bear Market Index, Volatility 100 Index, etc.
Restricted Countries.
com accepts users from all over the world except;.
USA Japan Canada Hong Kong.
Registration Process.
Registration is quite simple on binary.
com, all you have to do is follow these 3 steps to own a real account;.
Provide your name and email address at sign up Verify your email using the link sent to the email address.
Make your first deposit and begin to trade in the live market.
Licensing And Regulations.
com is registered and licensed by 4 different regulatory agencies;.
For users in the EU, it operates as Binary Investment Ltd.
It is regulated as a category 3 investment service provided by the Malta Financial Services Authority MFSA It operates as Binary SVG outside the EU, which is located in St Vincent And Grenadines and is regulated by Vanuatu Financial Services Commission VSC The Binary Virgin Islands located in Britain is regulated by the British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission.
Binary FX Ltd located in Malaysia is regulated by the Labuan Financial Services Authority.
com has two types of trading platforms.
The Beginner Platform Advanced Trading Platform.
The Beginner Platform.
This platform has four unique features;.
Deriv A new platform that s easy to use with upgraded features.
Smart Trader An easy to use binary options trading platform.
Tick Trade Android App This is an app for Smartphone users, to make trading accessible and easy for those who do not have the time to sit over a desktop.
Desktop App This is a desktop app where you can easily access all binary.
com products and services.
Advanced Platform.
This platform has 3 unique Features.
Meta Trader 5 MT5 This platform is for CFDs and Olymp Trade Trading.
Binary Web Trader This interface is for advanced binary options trading Binary BOT This is an auto-trading programming tool.
Below is a 2-minute video on how to trade on Binary.
There are two main types of trading accounts offered by binary.
Demo Account This is a virtual account where you can practice your trading skills with virtual money.
The demo account is funded with 10,000 worth of virtual cash.
Note that, you cannot withdraw any profit made from this account and it is replenishable in case you hit a zero balance.
Real Account With an initial deposit as low as 5 which is lower than most brokers, you are eligible to own a real account.
The account grants you access to the beginner and advance trading platforms.
com supports a wide range of payment methods.
Depending on the one that s available in your country, you are allowed to use the one that s more convenient for you.
Bank Wire Money Transfer Internet bank Transfer, Pay Trust Credit Debit Card Visa, Master Card and Maestro E-Wallet Perfect Money, Neteller, Skrill, Fasa Pay, Web Money.
etc Cryptocurrencies bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, and Litecoin.
The platform interface is one of the best I have seen so far, I noticed that the screen colors are well combined and helps to easily locate items on the screen.
An average person can get familiar with it in a few minutes.
Its customer support is very efficient and the feedback system cannot be over-emphasized.
You can contact the support team via email or by telephone.
This is further supported by an enormous language support of up to 9 languages;.
English French Spanish Polish Italian Chinese Vietnamese.
Now, let s see the ups and downs of binary.
Replenish able demo account.
Enormous regulatory agencies.
Low minimum deposit of 5.
Variety of payment options.
Efficient customer support.
Mobile friendly.
Variety of tradable assets.
USA and Canada are not supported.
Yes, this broker is safe for you, I will back this up with these following points; The company has been in business since 2000 and is still a top trading platform in the industry.
It is regulated by 4 solid agencies, this can not be taken for granted.
Transparency can not be over-emphasized with binary.
com, you will understand the potential risks or profit you are to face.
It has an excellent rating on Trust Pilot This is an award-winning trading platform from reputable agencies due to its high standards.
Best Fixed Odds Broker Silver Award 2010 by Trade2Win Best Fixed Odd Firm 2012 by Global Banking and Finance Review EGR Operator Awards 2015 by EGR Operator Awards.


Best Binary Options Broker 2016 by 16 th MENA Financial Forum Expo.
com allows you to self-exclude or set limits on your trading activities, these are; Limit on the amount you may trade over a particular time frame.
A limit on losses that may be incurred within a particular time frame.
Limit on the amount of time you will like to trade in a given online session.
A definite period during which you wish to exclude yourself from the platform.
Note that, after 24 hours all limits set can only be reversed after 6 months of trading.
In my humble opinion, binary.
com still stands out as one of the best options brokers in the industry.
You need to sign up to have a firsthand experience for yourself.
Also, know that trading is very risky and no profit is assured; always invest with an amount you can afford to lose.
I hope this article was helpful to you.
Do you have any experience with binary options or Olymp Trade trading.
Leave your comments down below, or don t forget to mention anything you feel I omitted in this post.
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Payment Method.
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PrimeXBT is a bitcoin-based, multi-asset, margin trading platform built on decades of traditional market experience, combined with a penchant for providing innovative products and advanced trading tools.
The platform also has among the widest variety of instruments and trading pairs digital and traditional found anywhere, offering invaluable portfolio diversification opportuni-ties and more ways to profit.
When choosing a trading platform, the instruments and products offered are just the tip of the iceberg, and barely scratching the surface of what makes a platform worth trading on.
This re-view will dig deep into the various benefits of the PrimeXBT trading platform to help you decide if it is worth making your first deposit and giving the platform a try.
Although the innovative platform began focusing on digital currencies, because of the platform s origins from traditional markets, it now offers a full slate of traditional assets including forex, commodities, and stock indices.
PrimeXBT offers the following instruments and trading pairs.
bitcoin Ethereum Litecoin Ripple EOS.
Australian Dollar Canadian Dollar US dollar Swiss Franc Japanese Yen British Pound Euro Singapore Dollar New Zealand Dollar n Ruble Turkish Lira Gold Silver.
Brent Oil WTI Crude Oil Natural Gas.
Trading Symbol BRENT, CRUDE, NAT.
Dow Jones Industrial Average Europe 50 Germany 30 France 40 S P 500 Spain 35 NASDAQ Nikkei 225 Australia 200.
Trading Symbol DOWJ, EUR50, FRANCE, GER30, SP500, SPAIN, NASDAQ, HK-HSI, AUS200, JAPAN, UK100.
Advanced Trading Tools By PrimeXBT.
PrimeXBT includes many features you would expect from a platform claiming to have decades of traditional market experience under its belt such as the ability to open long and short positions, even simultaneously, and profit boosting tools like leverage.
The platform offers industry-best leverage of up to 1000x for forex, commodities, and stock indices, and up to 100x on Cryptocurrency trading pairs across bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, and EOS.
To manage risk and maximize profit, the platform offers advanced order types such as stop-loss orders, take profit orders, and OCO orders one-cancels the other for fine-tuning trading strategies.
Built-in charting software is also included, so clients don t need to exit the platform to perform detailed technical analysis and extensive position planing.
In addition to standard tools like trend lines and support and resistance, there are dozens of technical analysis indicators included such as the MACD, Relative Strength Index, Ichimoku Cloud, Stochastic, Williams Alligator, and many more.
Check also Binary option trading indicator.
Registration, Privacy, and Security.
The registration process is simple and quick and can be completed start to finishing in under a couple minutes or less.
The platform doesn t require a KYC process, providing two key benefits faster registration, and a high level of privacy.
By not requiring extensive personal information typically necessary as part of a platform s KYC process, no personal information is never put as risk of exposure, ensuring all client information stays private.
Further protecting clients lies bank-grade security, SSL encryption, cryptographically hashed passwords, Cloudfare to mitigate potential DDoS attacks, address whitelisting, and two-factor.
Not only do these protections keep clients funds safe and secure, but it also ensures stable and reliable trading performance, with up to 99 runtime claimed.
PrimeXBT is a bitcoin-based margin trading platform.
All deposits are made in bitcoin, starting with as low as 0.
bitcoin is used as collateral to open position sizes larger than the starting capital normally allows for, so any deposits can be multiplied by up to 1000x leverage.
This not only multiplies the capital used in each position but the profits generated.
Making a deposit is simple, and can be completed by visiting the platform s Deposit or Account section.
Deposits are added to each account after at least two confirmations are made on the bitcoin blockchain.
Once confirmed, deposited BTC must be moved from a BTC wallet to a trading account.
After funding the trading account, clients can then begin to take positions.
Withdrawals are equally easy and can be made by visiting the platform s Withdrawal page.
There, all transactions are recorded, including any pending transactions.
Withdrawals are made once a day at a certain time period, and any withdrawals made outside fo this window are set to pending until the next period.
During this time, withdrawals may be canceled.
The platform offers highly competitive trading fees, as low as 0.
Fees vary by instrument and include a fee both when the position is opened as well as an overnight financing fee.
PrimeXBT rewards the platform s most active traders by reducing fees for those with the highest level of trading turnover.
A progressive fee discount system lowers fees by up to 25 for those with a trading turnover of 300 BTC to 600 BTC, and up to 50 off fees for traders with over 600 BTC turnover.
Clients can track their progress towards each level of discount and tweak their trading strategies for higher frequency or size to better take advantage of discounted trading fees.
Referral Program.
While a platform s trading tools and instruments are obviously of the utmost importance when it comes to selecting the correct platform for you, platforms that offer additional revenue streams such as referral programs or CPA offers can be especially valuable.
PrimeXBT offers both and then some.
The platform s standard four-level referral program is anything but standard, helping the platform to grow aggressively through word-of-mouth and viral social marketing.
Not only do any new referrals earn the client a commission on trading fees, but PrimeXBT s unique referral program lets the initial client earn commissions on any new clients the referral brings in as well, for up to four levels of referrals.
This allows traders to build extensive referral networks that can generate passive income for the life of the account.
PrimeXBT also offers marketing materials and a simple to share referral link to make things even easier and more effective in enticing users to the platform.
Clients can also sign up for a CPA offer or revenue share model, and partners with exceptionally large followings such as influencers, YouTubers, or webmasters can inquire about negotiating exclusive offers that include both a CPA offer and revenue share.
PrimeXBT provides customers with many ways to contact customer service, including a help desk via email or through 24 7 live chat.
Customer service is always available to assist with account-related questions or refer you to the platform s extensive library of helpful tutorials and trading guides.
Competitive Advantages.
In addition to everything mentioned above, there are a handful of exclusive competitive advantages the platform offers that aren t found elsewhere.
The platform offers a mobile application for on-the-go trading and portfolio management, as well as an innovative Telegram bot for up-to-the-minute position or market information, without the need to ever log into the platform.
PrimeXBT also recently launched its new PrimeXBT Turbo platform, a synthetic bitcoin contract aimed at simplicity and speed.
Similar to binary options but on steroids, PrimeXBT Turbo lets traders choose from UP or DOWN contracts at one of three different, short durations.
Durations include 30-seconds, one-minute, and five-minutes, letting traders stack up profits quickly and effectively.
The tool does come with risk, however, but Turbo is transparent with any potential profit or risk, so clients know exactly what is at stake before entering a trade.
The tool is especially attractive during sideways trending markets, where it becomes difficult to generate profits at a fast pace during slow-moving price action and indecision.
Clients interested in trying out the new tool will receive access to a demo account with 1 BTC to trade with at no financial risk whatsoever.
And the platform is always adding new tools, new trading instruments, and more ways to profit.
PrimeXBT is among the more well-rounded trading platforms in the market.
While most platforms will focus on a key area, such a crypto or forex only, PrimeXBT features a large range of instruments for the most possible opportunities for profit and a chance for traders to diversify their portfolio and try their hands at a variety of markets.
The combination of simplicity found at every corner combined with professional, advanced trading tools, means the platform is accessible and useful for traders of all experience levels.
Unique, innovative features such as the platform s lucrative referral program and exciting tools like Turbo make the platform exceptionally interesting in a sea of competition.
Privacy, security, customer service, and lack of KYC process round out the platform s benefits.
Pocket Option is a binary choices broker Possessed by Gembell Limited which is registered at Trust company Complex, Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands MH 96960.
Now, the Pocket Option trading platform is seen as probably the most innovative platform and can be optimized for simultaneous use by a large number of investors and traders.
The trading platform of the Pocket Option is accomplished at a web-interface and does not require installing any special software on a consumer s computer.
Binary Options is a financial trading option where you have to predict the future asset movements to win a trade.
Franco is a professional trader who has been doing trading over many years.
Mainly Franco is a creator of this trading signal platform.
Curious about this program.
You re in the right spot.
I could have used this review when I was first learning how to make sense of binary options forex assets.
I liked that you needed zero trade experience to join the platform.
You can learn as you go along-I am a hands-on learner, so this was huge for me.
Imagine trading in a room where a professional investor is broadcasting to you.
No, I am not kidding around.
Let s have a look at what this program can offer you in diversifying your portfolio.
I would like to mention that I m not sponsored by this program-just relaying information in a balanced way.
This program is just right for you if you feel in the dark about binary options and need a push in the correct direction.
You need no trading experience to start with this program.
A Binary option is a trading option in which the payout is some fixed monetary amount or nothing whatsoever.
Cash or nothing and asset or nothing binary options are two main types you will encounter.
They usually cost under 100.
The creator of this program is a man who is going to seem mysterious until you get into the program-he goes by just one name, Franco.
Don t be swayed by this- he wants everybody to be successful.
He has heaps of experience under his belt as an experienced trader with binary options and Olymp Trade.
Before we go any further, I would like to make it clear This is not a scam in any way.


However, you are not guaranteed success when it comes to the markets.
Never invest any money that you cannot afford to lose.
While past performance is a great way to make a market strategy, it is NOT a guarantee of future results.
You must understand that while Franco s program boasts an 85 -win ratio, it is not going to be this way every time you get on the platform.
Don t be afraid to reach out for some help regarding the trades-you will come to see that there is lots of support on this website.
Begin your quest by trading with funds you can afford to lose, and then when you win, trade with your gains.
If you experience a loss, stop, and rethink your strategy.
What Is This Program.
So, a Binary Option is a trade option in which you must be skilled at predicting how assets will move in the future to win with this type of trade.
The creator of this program, Franco, has been doing this for years-he is the guru from which you will learn how to master this type of trade.
Of course, there is no guarantee when it comes to investments, but Franco s advice may help you.
The program is known as BOTS binary option trading signals , and I must remind you that no trading experience is needed for this program.
The underlying principle of Franco s method is that we need not rely on trading patterns, principles, or even advice given by a robo-advisor.
Instead, Franco prefers a human approach.
It is why you get access to a real live expert speaking to you.
And yes, they do use market analysis in forming their opinions.
The signals are created by actual experts, and you can expect an 85 -win ratio with this program.
You will be able to follow the instructions provided in the email or text message you get, and then you get the signals right in a live trading room.
You can do it on your tablet, laptop or phone.
My Experience BOTS.
As any consumer, I was not so sure about this program.
And when it comes to wealth management, I am extra cautious about where I spend my money.
Thankfully, Franco lets you in to watch a session and see how it works.
It is a huge relief, especially if you are on the fence about whether or not to buy.
I learned that the trading signal is based upon six algorithms.
Those interested in Olymp Trade can use these algorithms, or signals, to start currency trading.
I want to make it clear that if you are looking for investment advice, please go elsewhere.
These experts can show you the right direction, but for trading advice, you should seek a financial advisor.
However, if you would like a unique trading strategy, check the BOTS.
How I Got Started.
I decided to take advantage of the Monday Free Trial option at first.
Later on, I did supply billing info because I liked the program, but we will get to that later.
All you have to do is start by providing your name, email, and a password you make yourself.
You will have to enter payment info-I used PayPal as I felt it was easier.
Credit cards are an option, too.
Even though you have to enter payment info, you can cancel at any time.
Don t let that bit about payment discourage you.
Just make sure you do it 48 hours in advance, and bear in mind the trial is only for one day.
Once this is all done, it s time to get to work and you have to be ready.
You will get a chance to see the signals and Franco s recommendations.
BOTS immediately get to work analyzing the market and making predictions before generating the signal.
Financial events, news, and other factors that affect the markets are used.
I love how up to the minute events are used in determining the value of a binary option.
The live webinars you can take advantage of are easily my favorite, however-it s a live stream of pure education.
It is recommended you devote about 2 hours a day at this to see results.
I think this varies from person to person; I spent about an hour and a half per day to it.
What s Franco s Trading Style.
He trades on the most popular currency pairs-USD to JPY, USD to GPB, EUR to USD.
He finds the best signals happen at 60 seconds, 2 mins, and 5 min trades.
Using these signals are an excellent way to trade Olymp Trade, too.
You will find at times he uses 15-minute signals, too.
The advantage of the 2- and 5-min signals is that you can open an account with GTOptions, and they sometimes offer a promotion.
When I first started, for example, you could get 5 risk-free trades.
Strategies Employed By BOTS Franco.
Franco makes use of different trading strategies that he executes in accordance with the expiry times.
He uses different trading indicators and lines as a way to build and execute trading strategies.
I should also note that he makes use of the Martingale strategy, which is good because it minimizes losses.
If you are a newbie to trading, it may be wise to use a different strategy for now.
But don t fret.
there are plenty of other options.
Batman Once the candle closes, you can place the trade right away.
After you use the bat signal, wait for the remaining pink arrow on the 15-minute chart.
Tony D This rule states that the dollar controls everything, and you should always pay attention to DX.
It will become easier once you see it in action.
Natalia You can only place a trade most recent candles on 5 15-minute charts BOTH have pink arrows AND a white arrow on the 1-minute chart.
Humphrey You may place 7-15 trades at one time.
LSR You can only do 30 second- or one-min trades with this strategy.
How Is the Support.
I found the support to be amazing.
The fact that you can talk to Franco right there on the platform is fantastic.
And, you get to speak and communicate with other traders via email or an open chat window.
The trade of ideas is the second coolest thing about this next to the trading of binary options.
Here I will list out the main features of the program and what I really liked about it, and also talk about what was not so great.
It can help you decide if this is something you d like to pursue.
The win rates are 85 Over a decade 15 years in trading The platform is VERY user-friendly Trading happens in real-time A free trial is offered Support offered from real live experts.
Costs 97 every two weeks You have to be ready to learn a LOT It s all about maximizing your strategy You may have to devote LOTS of time to learn this program.
I think this is a great way to get into binary options.
You will be spending a good chunk of change on this program, but I think it s worth it if you want to learn the ways of binary options.
It s a hands-on learning course, and I d recommend it to anybody who wants to dive in and get started.
Blake is a self-made online day trader with a knack for adventure.
On his free time, he loves reading and learning new methods in the trading as well as improving his jiu-jitsu skills.
He currently resides in New York City.


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Binary Review.
com is one of the oldest and most respected names in online binary trading.
Using their website, customers can trade currencies, indices, stocks and commodities 24 7.
They have the most flexible pricing and the most comprehensive suite of products available.
Broker Binary Website URL www.
com Founded 1999 Headquarters Binary Europe Ltd, Mompalao Building, Suite 2, Tower Road, Msida MSD1825 Support Number 44 0 1666 800042, 0800 011 9847 Toll Free Languages English, Indonesian, Japanese, Chinese, Polish, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Thai Trading Platform Own development, TradingView Minimum 1st Deposit 5 Minimum Trade Amount 1 Maximum Trade Amount 100000 Bonus Up to 100 on deposit Payout Up to 100 Free Demo Account Open Demo Regulated Regulation gamblingcommission.
uk 39172 , mfsa.
mt IS 70156 , mga.
mt MGA CL2 118 2000 Account Types Demo account, real account Deposit Methods Bank transfers, credit cards, debit cards, payment systems Qiwi, Neteller, Yandex.
Money, Moneta.
ru, Webmoney, OKPAY, Skrill, FasaPay, etc.
, e-currency Withdrawal Methods Bank transfers, credit cards, debit cards, payment systems Qiwi, Neteller, Yandex.
, e-currency Number of Assets 100 Expiry Times From 10 seconds to 365 days Types of Assets Currency, Stocks, Indices, Goods, crypto-currencies bitcoin, bitcoin Cash, Etherium, Litecoin Option Types Up Down, Touch No Touch, In Out, Asian, Digital Account Currency AUD, EUR, GBP, USD US Traders Allowed Mobile Trading Tablet Trading Overall Score 9 10.
Terms of trade with Binary.
com company is a recognized innovator, offering a convenient trading platform, which is one of the most award-winning platforms for trading binary options.
Patented pricing technology at Binary.
com allows you to get the same percentage profit as traders in the interbank market.
Members of Binary.
com have a valuable opportunity to maintain constant contact with broker consultants via chat, e-mail or phone, getting qualified help or resolution of specific issues that have arisen in the course of trade with the use of different strategies.
We are confident that this is a big plus for all traders, including the most experienced.
At the Binary.
com site, you can always see live prices in real time, standardized with respect to the inter-bank markets.
com offers payment of more than 100 on simple contracts such as Rise Fall.
Win up to 1000 for contracts above below and touch no touch.
There are no hidden charges or fees.
In addition, the broker provides free webinars, a free daily overview of the market and e-books and trading charts.
Here are no hidden charges or retainages.
Besides, this broker provides free webinars and daily market review, e-books and trading charts.
The essential advantage of the company is, that it goes extramile, growing fast, offering to the user the modern trading process approach, a great number of useful options and quality content of the website binary.
com the real traders feedback is available below , advantageous tariffs, quick deal execution, rapid system transactions.
The broker has been operating successfully since 1999 and has a solid image, more than one prestigious awards due to the quality service and safe trading.
For traders, which number is increasing on the website, the advanced assets are available, one of the functional platforms.
Users can buy any items with the brand logo on the website binary.
As we already mentioned, the feedback of customers about the platform describes its positive features and this cannot but increases the level of credibility to the company.
Binary platform.
As one of the sophisticated market brokers Binary offers for the customer the proven and quality service only.
Binary trading takes place in the program SmarTTrader, which is considered to be among the major ones in the market.
The web-platform doesn t need to be downloaded and set on the computer you can trade in the browser right after the registration.
The advantage of the terminal is its convenience and minimalism, no extra options and details, this makes it comfortable for market novices.
Also there is a user s guidance available on the official website binary.
com, which lets you quickly find out in the aspects of the platform and start trading.
Here 5 option kinds are available up down , touch no touch , inside out , Asian, digital along with the information on them.
You can perform technical market analysis changing the ways of the chart display, expiration, adding indicators to it, compare several assets.
And yet the trader needs to get used to this platform as it s creatively different, even though simple.
The customers often point its complexity, but indeed, one needs just get used to any similar trading solution to use all its capacities.
The personal account is also informative, lets you easily monitor trading history, deposit balance.
On the website binary.
com you can try trading robots, various kinds of software, buy books, cloths with company logos, certificates for updating your account in a Shop etc.
Interestingly, the broker lets you also work with information from the resource TradingView, which is offered here with no advert neither the registration need.
This platform became well-loved by users as it contains the huge feature set, convenient charts with as many option, as possible.
Such concern to the service is encouraging for a trader the broker considered this issue really well, offering to its customers just the solutions allowing to a trader to earn from options easily.
Binary broker quotations.
As for quotations, they are aired from the interbank on the platform binary.
com and for this no liquidity providers are called.
Such approach lets the broker timely provide the accurate information, good for investors making money.
All quotations here are equal for different account and customers types.
There are the disputes in Internet arising on the issue of quotations accuracy.
Traders begin compare them to the data from other projects, like MT4, TradingView but they don t realize that these platforms have their own policy to work with this information.
The broker is often charged with quotation change to its own benefit.
On one of forums the company manager Olga Borg replies such declarations, that it s impossible to do, much less to each user, especially for the company effectively working in the market since the year 1999.
Let s point out here that the company passes audits, updates licenses, does everything possible for the trade to be safe and for customer to trust the brand.
Binary demo account.
On the official website binary.
com you can use the free demo account, too, which is available for any registered user you just need to put your e-mail in the form.
The services of the training account don t differ from those for the real one, here the trader can also perform the technical analysis of the market using a wide range of tools, study reference literature and trade in the market of course.
For this, the virtual money are placed to the account 10 000 , thus you can properly get to know the broker s capacities with no risk for your own capital.
The training trading shall not be just a trader s game.
Using this unique option users can check the correct terminal operation, support service reactions and so on.
After the appropriate study of the platform the customers can define an account type, top it up, trade in the real market already and make decent livelihood.
At that the training account will be a perfect chance to test here the author s strategies etc.
Binary mobile application.
One of the earliest market brokers also offers to its users the special mobile application Tick Trade for option trading available on Android.
The program is free, convenient and easy-to-work, contains the main services of the web-version all kinds of options available, settings of rates, work with chart, market analysis.
To use it, you need to download it from Google Play, sign up there and here you are enjoy the rapid and powerful trading at your convenience.
The advantage of such mobile platforms with access to financial markets is that the work becomes much more easy and comfortable.
The trader s smart phone is always there, now you can enter the market for trading any time, execute transactions from anywhere in the world and even in motion.
Here you can also check your account status, customize your profile, leave the withdrawal orders quickly.
Binary bonuses.
There is no need for the earliest broker to offer for customers specific exciting bonuses and appealing offers, as the minimal deposit here is just 5.
This attracts to the platform new users very well, which always look for available trading options.
And yet Binary runs campaigns for traders, even though less often than its competitors.


There is welcome bonus accrued to the accounts of the new platform users up 10 to 100 depends on the sum on the deposit.
The entire gain from the bonus is available for withdrawal in any convenient way.
To deposit and withdraw funds, you can use credit debit cards, Moneybookers, bank transfer, Neteller, Qiwi, Okpay, Webmoney and a number of other payment systems that are provided on the company s website.
Customers receive payments in 3-5 working days.
As traders point in their references, the withdrawal orders are processed quickly, transactions are rapid in the system.
At that you can always leave a message for the support service and get the answer in time.
And yet, here is the negative feedback, too.
Generally the customers complain against managers ignoring them and simply disappearing while abnormal issues, or against the withdrawal, which may happen for too long.
The broker s support service explains this by the funds located in a certain company department, ready for transfer to the user s account as soon as possible.
There are also withdrawal denials for example when a trader depositing by bank card leaves the request for withdrawal through Qiwi, even though it s wrong and mentioned in the system rules.
Or rather we can deduce that the trivial ignorance of the platform operation rules may result in negative implications, thus you d better be aware and study materials available on the website binary.
The feedback from real traders proves that the platform is recommended to investors on various forums and has its loyal customers trusting it.
Complaints about Binary.
Our team has looked for negative comments from users of the Binary broker and did not find any relevant information that affected our review.
A very small amount of negative feedback appears in the form of minor technical problems that were easily solvable.
On several forum sites, we did find a complaint from a customer who had to wait more than 5 days to withdraw his funds.
We did not interpret this as a big problem, as it was a technical problem related to payment methods.
We also found that the problem was successfully solved by the broker, and no more complaints from the same individuals have been posted since.
If we find complaints about Binary, we will post it on social media.
Binary broker regulator.
Binary is licensed as a representative of the services in category 3 Investment Authority and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority number IS 70156 license.
Binary user agreement.
Any trader planning to become a professional stably earning from his investments in options on the broker s platform shall study its documents allowing him to see a lot operator s warranties for platform users, the list of user s obligations, responsibilities of broker and player.
Such document of Binary is called Terms and Conditions and available right on the first website page at the bottom of the website.
Why do you need to study this information.
At least to know the aspects of the platform operation, the issues, which the user is secured here from, the broker s warranties.
Starting to deal with the platform the customer automatically accepts the paragraphs of the Rules.
As any User agreement with a broker, this document contains many rules, which may produce different reactions and a set of questions from traders.
For instance there is the clause in Binary Rules , according to which the broker reserves the right to deny the services to the customer, cancel them any time these are, for example, trading transactions , if his activity is considered to be illegal.
There are several reasons listed in the document which may effect such a broker s decision, but this is not a full list exactly that but not limited to , see the screenshot below.
In other clause of the Rules it is explained what actions the broker will take in various emergency cases etc.
So the company may stop the transactions performance with reference to, let s say, unstable political situation, failures of communication means and so on.
Stop trading and withdrawals the company may even at the slightest pretext, as here the wording but not limited to works see the screenshot below.
Besides, in case of any emergencies given in the screenshot above, the operator may close transactions by the price it considers appropriate for that given moment.
The trader may not be notified about such actions of the broker.
Is Binary a scam.
Summarizing, we can definitely say that Binary is one of the most trusted brokers on the market today.
The company has been in business for more than 17 years, and the trading conditions and their trading platform are extremely easy to use and attract a large number of clients.
The minimum deposit is only 5, and the minimum bet is 1.
They offer free trading signals, with which you can successfully trade on binary options using their platform.
The broker offers a large number of completely free options related to education and e-books on all aspects of trading, as well as a huge database of questions where you can find a solution yourself, by selecting the appropriate response to your problems.
The binary broker is fully adjustable, and you can be confident in the safety of their investments.
Binary is one of the most stable brokers on the market.
For a long time, the Binary broker regulated by the MFSA, the Financial Services Authority of Malta.
The Binary broker has many years of experience in the trade industry and is extremely simple and comfortable to work with.
This, combined with a reliable and highly customizable terminal, makes the Binary broker an excellent choice for trading on the market of binary options.
Binary is a regulated and 100 reliable binary options broker.
The company provides an ample and totally free package of tools for self-education, which also speaks to their respect for their customers.
The minimum deposit amount is only 5, so you can quickly start the process of trading with minimal investment.
Binary deservedly takes its place in the top ten brokers on our website fraudbroker.
com, and we are sure this broker is a great choice for traders from both  and the entire world.
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German Binary Robot Review Profitable trader or a scam.
German Binary Robot is an automated trading robot that is designed to provide traders with automated trades in Binary options.
They claim to have a system that is fully automated and can help detect profitable trades and capitalize on it simultaneously.
This will supposedly allow traders to make hundreds of dollars in profits without having to spend any time in front of the software.
The best part of this robot is that it is available for free after you sign up, so you can test whether it is actually a profitable trading software or not.
The site does not specify exactly how the Robot works, but it supposedly attracts profitable trades based on an algorithm system designed by a retired German banker.
Hence the term German trading robot.
While it is true that users get a free trial month for which the robot is free, there are many other factors that you should take into consideration when investing in this site.
This is because there is much more to consistent trading than getting some profits off your free trial.
German Binary Robot was founded in 2014 by a man allegedly known as Nobert.
He is an ex-investment banker who has created this site to attract binary options traders.
While they are actually registered, they haven t provided much contact details, so it is very difficult to get into contact with them.
The site is based in Germany, but they have not provided any physical address.
In addition to this, the only way you can contact them is by filling out the contact form on the website and providing your email address.
Keep in mind, however, that they may take some time to respond to your emails.
Unfortunately, you cannot trade with this site if you are a US citizen because of regulatory rules.
You can see more information on their site at germanbinaryrobot.
German Binary Robot Review.
When you go onto the German Binary Robot site, you ll notice that a lot of the promotion is based on the fact that it was created by a successful investment banker.
You will be prompted to start your free trial once you sign up for an account.
The signup procedure is quite simple, except for the fact that you will have to enter your payment info.
While they do say that the first month is free, you will still have to deposit the minimum of 250 to start trading.
This is where most people get confused.
It is a sly strategy used to convince people to sign up.
Once you sign up for the robot and deposit the initial investment, you will be given access to the trading robot.
It is basically an automated software that is supposed to trade for you and you ll notice the trading results afterward.
While it is clear that German Binary Robot uses an automated software to generate profits in binary trading, they have not provided any details on how this works or what strategy the trading robot is based on.
This makes it difficult to assess whether the trading robot is competitive or not, unless they can provide proof on the site of real trading results.
While they do mention that the trading robot works on an advanced algorithm, this information is too little to assess their trading strategy.
Company German Binary Robot Product Automated trading Robot Cost Free Minimum Investment 250 Trading strategy Unknown Trading results Unverified Customer Feedback Mixed.
You may be interested in looking into other similar platforms Binary Destroyer, bitcoin Fast Profit, FX Coin Bot, and crypto Omega.
German Binary Robot has provided a link to their supposed trading results on the site.
However, when one analyses this carefully, you ll notice that there is not actual data there.
This makes it difficult to verify whether this robot is actually working or not.
No third party has verified the data that they claim to be their trading results.
Without this, the effectiveness of the trading strategy cannot be determined.
German Binary Robot s customer reviews are quite mixed.
Some customers claim that it was very profitable and the sites results were amazing.
However, other customers claim that they win 2 trades for every 8 that they lose.
That is a 20 win rate, which is quite low.
One thing that you should probably note about their feedback is that the customer feedback in the early days were quite positive, but recent feedback tells a different story, so you should be wary of this site.
German Binary Robot is an automated trading robot that they claim is available for free.
However, in reality, you still are trading with your own money and the site has no verified trading results to prove their claims.
They have also not provide any contact details, addresses or trading certificates.
Another thing to be wary of is the poor customer feedback, where this robot has achieved a win rate of only 20.
Have you been considering to use this service.
OR, have you had any experience with this company.
If so, we would love to hear from you, share with us in the comments section below.
German Binary Robot 250 minimum investment.
The company provides a one month absolutely free trial They claim to have developed an efficient automated trading robot employing an advanced algorithm.
The company has not provided sufficient contact details They appear to be based in Germany that makes it difficult for most users to access physical address You cannot trade via this site if you are a US citizen.
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The IQoption company has set a goal to create the best solution on the market.
Working with the IQoption traders, you get access to a new and innovative platform for binary options.
Broker IQoption Website URL www.
com Founded 2013 Headquarters Hinds Building, Kingstown, St.
Vincent and Grenadines Support Number 357 25 262 010 Support Types Online chat, e-mail, calls Support 24 7, 14 languages Trading Platform Self-developed trading platform Minimum 1st Deposit 10 Minimum Trade Amount 1 Maximum Trade Amount 20 000 Payout Up to 91 Leverage 1 1000 Spread from 0, 007 points Free Demo Account Open Demo Fees Fee Info Only for withdrawals via bank transfer 31-93 USD, no minimal amount Deposit Methods Visa, Master Card, Wire Transfer, Skrill, Qiwi, WebMoney, Fasapay, Neteller, Boleto Withdrawal Methods Visa, Master Card, Wire Transfer, Skrill, Qiwi, WebMoney, Fasapay, Neteller, Boleto Number of Assets 500 Expiry Times 60 sec, 2 min, 5 min, 10 min, 30 min, 1 Hour, 3 days, 1 week, 1Month Types of Assets Indices, Commodities, Currency Pairs, Stocks, Olymp Trade, Equities, Cryptocurrencies US Traders Allowed Mobile Trading Tablet Trading Overall Score 9.
Download the iOS mobile app Download the Android mobile app Download the iOS IQoption Olymp Trade mobile app Autotrading no Training yes Analytics yes Affiliate Program yes Registration.
Amount to be credited to account for a successful trade.
General Risk Warning The financial products offered by the company carry a high level of risk and can result in the loss of all your funds.
Digital and binary options are prohibited in EEA.
One of the advantages is that the broker IQoption follows all regulatory rules to ensure secure trading.
Options of the broker IQoption.
The leading broker offers its users profitable trading in foreign currencies on one of the largest and most liquid financial markets Olymp Trade.
Cooperation with IQoption is an excellent opportunity to receive a stable income from Olymp Trade trading on the best terms the trader can count on a large selection of volatile assets, narrow spreads, fast execution of orders, hedging, a free demo account and fast transactions within the system.
Additionally, there aren t any commissions or slippage.
Today it s one of the most ideal conditions for trading on the market.
All the main operations are carried out on a perfect platform, which appears to be the development of the broker IQoption itself.
The platform has made trading a comfortable and convenient process.
Here you can change the terminal skins and types of charts, add indicators and graphic elements for advanced technical analysis, use several charts at once, close several trading positions with one button, use the multiplier to increase your earnings, study the history of quotations, adjust stop-loss and take-profit orders.
The functional terminal IQoption is available on different devices, including the availability of downloading a mobile application for free, which will provide constant access to the market, regardless of where you are.
The highly informative broker s website will also enable you to improve your skills by studying qualitative teaching materials.
Traders can use an economic calendar and online chat.
In order to make Olymp Trade trading truth about Olymp Trade with this broker more profitable, users are provided with professional support, including volatility signals, current market news, promotions, newsletters, etc.
The multiplier option for Olymp Trade trading will enable you to significantly increase your income by using the borrowed funds that the broker provides to you by simply opening a position of 100 with a multiplier x10, you will get a profit commensurate with the investment of 1000.
So, you can trade in impressive amounts, while having a minimum deposit on your account.
It s possible to increase your trading capital from 1 to 1000 units х1, х20, х50, х100, х300, х500, х1000.
However, it s worth remembering that the risks associated with such trading are also high.
But if you take seriously the capabilities of this tool, it will bring you unlimited profits.
Since October 2018 the broker started providing unfettered users with increased multiplier x20 for trading CFD for shares.
In high volatility periods in the stock market the multiplier may become a very gainful trading way for those traders looking for a chance to earn on price changes.
With the broker a unique option is available investments of funds exceeding the trader s budget.
For instance, you may open a stake for 500 , apply the multiplier x20 and get profit you might obtain investing 1000.
In case the transaction completed not in favor of trader, his negative earnings will be limited just by 500 , and he won t lose more than he invested.
Trading in digital currencies with IQoption.
The broker IQoption is truly interested in providing its clients with assets.
That s why the broker s clients have an opportunity to trade in crypto assets, which are currently booming.
Following the trends of the time, the broker offers clients and holders of crypto assets a perfect solution provision of the service necessary for full-fledged trading in digital coins.
On the broker s platform you can freely sell or buy digital currencies and store them in crypto wallets for free.
Working with this organization guarantees exceptional security of information and funds, the stable operation of the platform, and high earnings on trade in the most liquid crypto assets as well as fast withdrawal of money.
Investing in cryptocurrencies with the IQoption broker is legal and safe.
Unlike crypto exchanges, working with the broker means dealing with a licensed and well-regulated company, which has a monthly trading volume of more than 11 billion.
The broker uses modern security protocols as well as encryption methods to ensure the maximum protection of your capital.
All users of the system are offered OTN tokens Open Trading Network , which are given for trading in crypto assets the more you trade, the higher your commission, on which the system pays out tokens are cryptocurrencies a scam.
Further, they can be easily exchanged for OTN-coins, withdrawn to the wallet or sold to earn an income.
The perfect IQoption platform will enable you to maximize your benefits from trading.
You can conveniently trade in digital coins, conduct deep market analysis, study the history of your transactions, etc.
Only the best cryptocurrencies are available for investment bitcoin, Dash, Ethereum, bitcoin Cash, TRON, Ethereum Classic, ZCash, Litecoin, Ripple, etc.
The system allows the quick purchase of these digital coins in various ways, including bank cards VISA mastercard.
You can easily withdraw digital assets from the platform.
Moreover, the broker provides its users with free crypto wallets to store digital currencies.
These wallets are automatically created for each investor.
Thanks to the mobile version, crypto trading is available 24 7, at any time you find convenient.
In addition, the broker is happy to offer customers high-quality technical support that is capable of resolving issues of any complexity in just 46 seconds, 24 7 365.
Without exaggeration, it s the fastest support service among brokers.
Another advantage of IQoption is an awesome ability to invest in digital assets using a multiplier, which can increase your earnings by several times using even minor price changes.
This tool came to crypto trading from Olymp Trade and immediately became popular with users.
Thanks to this unique option, you can trade in crypto assets with a minimum deposit and receive unlimited earnings with the help of borrowed funds provided to you by the broker.
Leverage in the case of IQoption, it s a multiplier offers work with positions that exceed the actual balance of your trading account several times.
Opening a deal for 100 with x5 leverage, you can earn real income of 500 as if you invested 500.
The broker offers to increase the crypto capital for work with the help of the following multipliers x3, x5 and x10.
We note that traders prefer to use high leverage, which gives tangible results from trading in digital assets 2018 Cryptocurrency forecast.
crypto wallet Hodly.
You re welcome to get familiar with Hodly.
It s the perfect way to have your crypto traffic monetized.
The broker IQoption officially released a new convenient crypto wallet called Hodly.
Despite the fact that it s very easy to use, it s a serious product, which can help traders earn money by investing in crypto assets.
Having downloaded a free wallet App Store, Google Play , you get a safe and powerful tool that will help you to easily monetize the chosen Cryptocurrency.
You can buy, sell or store digital coins in just a few clicks.
The application has a built-in news feed, enabling you to track market trends.


Due to the fact that you can store currency here, you don t need to look for crypto wallets, pay for transfers, or send digital coins to exchanges to for pay trading.
Now all of these functions are available in one reliable solution.
Features of Hodly.
Fast deposits, rapid withdrawal of capital on a bank card; Safe storage of funds both fiat money and crypto assets.
In this case, your confidential data is stored not on the device, but on a secure server, completely encrypted; A wide range of crypto assets for trading, the number of which the broker plans to expand; The absence of verification for purchase, sale and receipt of cryptocurrencies; simplified verification for the withdrawal of capital you only need to upload the passport and the service managers will verify identity in 15 minutes ; Live chat with like-minded people and support staff; Bonuses for participants of the system 50 of the net revenue from the commission for each purchase or sale of cryptocurrencies in the wallet.
CFD trading with IQoption.
Following the latest trends of trading, the IQoption broker offers its users convenient CFDs, which are available to both Olymp Trade traders and those who invest in crypto assets.
The peculiarity of CFD trading is that the trader receives an income not based on the purchase of an asset but on fluctuations in its value.
At the same time, it doesn t matter whether the price of this asset increases or falls the speculator can earn in both cases.
Such contracts allow you to trade, but not to acquire an asset; in addition, you don t need to pay taxes for transactions and you don t need to deal with documents.
You only need to enter into a contract, which specifies the difference in the price of the asset in the event of a transaction being opened closed.
Today CFD-contracts are an advantageous way to receive decent earnings for those who don t have enough funds to enter the market.
Buying contracts for the difference in the prices of cryptocurrencies, the investor earns on the difference between the current and future prices for bitcoin.
The greater this difference, the higher your profit will be.
At the same time, such trading is advantageous for short-term deals.
In addition to crypto assets in similar CFD contracts, the broker IQoption offers trading in shares and fiat currencies.
It s also possible to increase the amount of earnings with the help of a multiplier, enabling you to trade in large amounts of funds and get even greater benefits.
Also, when forming trades, a trader can set limits on losses and use market orders.
Since October 2018 there are 50 new CFD for shares available on the broker s platform, with the total number of CFD for shares over 150.
Among assets available for investments there are shares of such companies like eBay EBAY , Bayer BAYN , McDonald s MCD , Adobe Systems ADBE , Facebook FB , Apple Inc.
AAPL , Kraft Heinz Company KHC , Starbucks Corporation SBUX , PayPal PYPL etc.
Withdrawals and deposits.
A good sign is that the amount you can withdraw is not limited.
There are brokers who will not allow you to withdraw all of your profits, if the profit is very large.
This fact can cause a lot of trouble and anxiety among traders.
The IQoption not only refrains from doing this, but also processes withdrawal applications quickly, allowing its traders to get their payouts as quickly as possible.
Customers receive payments within 1 working day.
To withdraw funds, you can use a credit card, wire transfer, Skrill, Qiwi, WebMoney, CashU, iDeal, Fasapay, Neteller, or Boleto.
The IQoption does not take a commission for financial transactions, but a commission can be withheld by payment systems or a payment aggregator.
Complaints about IQoption.
We have searched the Internet for any complaints, and we found some negative reviews, but we thought it was the speculation of competitors; with regard to criticism that was objective, the company has resolved it all in a positive way.
In several forums and blogs, we saw customers complaining that they did not receive approval for a withdrawal.
But in each case, an official representative of IQoption responded, and the problem was resolved, as evidenced by the initiators of the complaints.
We do not believe this is a cause for concern, because, firstly, all problems have been successfully resolved by the broker, and secondly, the broker has strictly followed the Terms and Conditions policy, which outlines its obligations, and has solved all issues in a timely manner.
If we find complaints about IQoption, we will post it on social media.
Is the IQoption a scam.
IQoption is currently one of the most law-abiding brokers in the market.
For a long time, IQoption activity has been regulated by the Center for Regulation of Financial Market Relations, which oversees them.
Regulator broker.
The IQoption is a regulated broker.
This regulation provides accountability to the brokerage companies, as well as the fact that all customer deposits are compulsorily insured.
That is, in case of financial problems with a broker, you can easily get your money back.
And this feature also indicates a broker s reliability.
In general, the IQoption is one of the leading brokerage firms on the market.
The IQoption won the ShowFX World prestigious award as the Most Innovative broker in binary options.
The award was received at the largest international forum, which is dedicated to modern advances in the Olymp Trade market.
Looking at the simple and intuitive graph of IQoption, we can conclude that this is a definite leader compared to popular options such as Keystone, SpotOption and Tradologic.
The difference in quality, services and functionality is obvious and visible to the naked eye.
The IQoption is comfortable and nice to trade with.
Trading in options can either be done with classic or turbo options.
The purchase of an option is carried out in just one click.
All transactions can be viewed in the section of the site that displays the history of all operations.
Once the transaction is completed, a window pops up with the results of the auction.
An interesting feature is that you can immediately share your success with your partners and friends in social networks.
The profitability of assets is very high and reaches 92 of the indicators.
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I have a fully documented complaint.
I have more than USD 175 thousand in funds available to withdraw.
Several details are in between.
Withdrawals have been cancelled by IQ IQ option has not responded in writing.
Please let me know if you want to discuss.
Updated Pocket Option Review 2020 Is Regulated or Scam.
Pocket Option Review Pocket Option is a binary options broker that is offering both forms of forex pairs and crypto coins to precious metals and oil trading.
As a Pocket Option trader, you will have the advantage of a great choice of trading instruments over 30 forex pairs, some exotic currencies, crypto coins as well as other assets from precious metals to oil and CFDs.
As we have already m e ntioned that Pocket Option is not a regulated broker directly but authorized to run brokerage activity by Gembell Ltd which can be quietly uncomfortable for traders as there is no guarantee that your money will be safe.
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