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HFX Binary Broker - Start with ONLY $50 (Quick Overview)|7:42

Started by PocketOption, Mar 17, 2021, 04:44 am

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Pocket Option Olymp Trade Trading - Cosa devi sapere.
Benvenuti nel mio post sul blog sul nuovo Trading CFD Olymp Trade caratteristica Pocket Option ha recentemente aggiunto alla sua piattaforma di trading.
Dall inizio della scorsa settimana, ora puoi scambia Olymp Trade e CFD all interno Pocket Option piattaforma di trading che utilizza il software Meta Trader 5 come versione web.
Meta-trader 5 e la versione precedente, Meta-trader 4 è il software di trading più popolare per Olymp Trade e CFD Broker, ora, Pocket Option fornisce anche l accesso gratuito a Meta-trader 5 se apri un account demo gratuito con la loro piattaforma.
Guarda il video qui sotto per vedere come accedere e utilizzare il software all interno del Pocket Option Pannello commerciale.
Come vedi è possibile utilizzare il software Metatrader 5 online utilizzando il Pocket Option Interfaccia di trading, in alternativa è possibile scarica il software Meta Trader 5 qui e aggiungi il Pocket Option server, nome utente e password per la versione desktop.
Olymp Trade vs Opzioni binarie.
Olymp Trade e CFD sono un po diversi dalle opzioni binarie.
Mentre le opzioni binarie sono sempre collegate ad un tempo di scadenza, un commercio Olymp Trade o CFD non è limitato al momento.
Invece scegli i livelli di prezzo 2, se uno di questi viene raggiunto, lo scambio è chiuso e la tua vincita o perdita sarà aggiunta al tuo saldo.
Stop loss e prendi profitto nel Olymp Trade Trading.
Il primo livello e, cosa più importante, è lo Stop Loss.
Lo Stop Loss definisce la tua perdita massima se il prezzo si muove contro di te quanto perderai in questo caso è direttamente correlato alla tua dimensione di posizione e alla leva finanziaria dei tuoi account.
Se non si effettua uno stop loss e il prezzo si muove contro di voi, può accadere che si perda l intero saldo del conto in una singola operazione.
Il Take Profit è il livello dei prezzi dove esci dallo scambio per realizzare il tuo profitto.
Quando il rpice si sposta a tuo favore, la posizione verrà chiusa automaticamente e il profitto verrà aggiunto al tuo saldo.
Potenziali profitti e perdite nel trading Olymp Trade.
Un altro grande differenza è il potenziale profitto e perdita.
Con le opzioni binarie, ora fin dall inizio ciò che puoi perdere e ciò che puoi vincere, la perdita e il potenziale guadagno sono definiti dal broker.
Olymp Trade funziona in modo diverso e un modo più complesso.
Qui i tuoi profitti e perdite potenziali sono definiti da diversi fattori Il tuo dimensione della posizione , Il vostro Leva e il tuo Take Profit con Stop loss level.
C è anche una tassa per il tuo commercio o spread, una differenza tra il prezzo di acquisto e il prezzo di vendita, questo dipende dal tuo broker e dal bene che scambi.
Questo è il modo in cui un Olymp Trade Broker guadagna soldi con il suo servizio.
Quindi il trading Olymp Trade e il trading su CFD sono più rischiosi rispetto al trading di opzioni binarie, in quanto puoi perdere più di quanto hai investito se non lo fai correttamente.
Più differenze.
Il grande vantaggio è il fatto che non devi preoccuparti del tempo di scadenza.
Quando il prezzo si sposta nella tua direzione, ma troppo tardi, potresti perdere un opzione binaria, mentre continui a vincere il Olymp Trade Trade.
Un altro vantaggio è che tu definire il rapporto rischio e rendimento nella vostra strategia di trading te stesso.
Ci sono molte strategie Fx che fanno ancora profitto se vinci ogni 3.
Come la vittoria è parecchie volte più alta come la perdita potenziale.
Strategie di opzioni binarie per Olymp Trade.
Puoi usare la tua strategia di opzioni binarie per scambiare forex.
In effetti sì in molti casi.
Il problema principale è che una strategia di opzioni binarie non offre un modo per determinare i livelli di profitto e di arresto.
Ecco alcuni modi per farlo da solo.
Fibonacci - Puoi aggiungere un ritracciamento di Fibonacci e determinare il tuo livello di profitto e anche il livello di stop loss.
Guarda questo video per vedere come disegnare correttamente il ritracciamento di Fibonacci.
Linee di supporto e resistenza - Collegare gli ALTI più alti e i BASSI più bassi l uno con l altro con una linea orizzontale.
Il prezzo cambia spesso la sua direzione su queste linee.
Possono anche essere usati per determinare Stop Loss e Take Profit.
Le linee di tendenza e la media mobile possono essere utilizzate allo stesso modo.
Risolto Stop loss e Take Profit - Un altra opzione è quella di definire lo stop loss e Take Profit da soli.
Questo può funzionare molto bene se si sceglie il rapporto corretto tra loro.
Indicatore basato - È possibile utilizzare gli indicatori ed uscire manualmente dalla negoziazione quando viene soddisfatta una condizione specifica.
Usalo solo per il tuo Take Profit, mai per lo stop loss, dato che devi uscire da te stesso.
Oppure costruisci un EA usando il Software EA Builder qui Ci sono molti altri modi in cui puoi usare per trovare un buon punto di uscita per entrambe le situazioni.
Qui puoi vedere come usare il ritracciamento di Fibonacci per determinare il tuo Stop Loss.
Tieni presente che il rapporto tra Stop Loss e Take Profit è l aspetto più importante.
Definiscono anche il tempo medio necessario per un trade.
Inizia da un account demo e provalo tu stesso per vedere come funziona.
Miglior broker per Olymp Trade e CFD.
Accanto Pocket Option ci sono molti più broker che puoi scegliere per scambiare Olymp Trade o CFD, eccone solo alcuni che ho usato finora.
Finmax - Uno dei primi broker di opzioni binarie che sceglie di offrire trading CFD Olymp Trade sulla sua piattaforma.
Finmax è solo basato sul web e non fornisce il software Meta trader.
Invece stanno fornendo grafici da Trade-View.
Leggi di più Finmax qui.
adozione - IQoption è anche un broker di opzioni binarie che fornisce Olymp Trade e CFD sulla propria piattaforma web.
Sono grandi per i trader principianti ed esperti in quanto offrono molti strumenti e risorse.
Clicca qui per leggere il mio Revisione IQ.
Pocket Option - Pocket Option è il mio principale broker per le opzioni binarie.
Offrono molte ottime funzionalità come una buona interfaccia di trading, il software Metatrader 5 come versione web, ritorni elevati e molto altro.
Leggi i miei dettagli Pocket Option Revisione qui.
ICmarkets Metatrader 4 - Questo è il mio principale broker Olymp Trade e CFD da anni.
Offre una bassa diffusione, grafici reali, molti ottimi strumenti Autochartist per esample e molto altro.
Clicca qui per ottenere un account gratuito e inizia a fare trading con i mercati IC.
Ulteriori informazioni sul trading su Olymp Trade e CFD.
Ottieni maggiori informazioni su Olymp Trade e CFD qui sul mio sito web nei prossimi giorni.
Oppure registrati per il mio PDF gratuito su Trading di crypto e CFD.
Per favore lascia il tuo commento con le tue domande qui sotto.
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Nozioni di base sulle opzioni binarie.
Opzioni binarie Explained Money Management Broker di opzioni binarie - Come evitare le truffe Suggerimenti per le opzioni binarie - Cose che dovresti sapere sulle opzioni binarie.
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Trading automatico di opzioni binarie.
Disclaimer sul rischio Il trading di opzioni binarie comporta un alto livello di rischio.
Puoi commerciare solo con i soldi che puoi sforzarti di perdere.
Tutte le informazioni su questo sito sono solo a scopo informativo.


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It is a new version of Olymp Trade market trading that is simple in comparison, which makes it the preferred trading method for new traders.
Since mid-2008, Binary Options websites have been offering a simplified version of exchange-traded Binary Options and people immediately embraced this new way of trading.
Since then the number of traders and brokers kept going up, and now, I can safely say this industry has come a long, long way.
Binary Options are now all over the internet and most online traders are using them one way or another.
In the early days, traders didn t know what regulation was and because of that, brokers didn t seek regulation.
Now the most reputable brokers are fully regulated and traders have become more careful with their money so a regulated broker is their first choice.
In the early days, the types of binaries were limited to Up Down and maybe a few others but the choices were very few.
Now brokers go out of their way to offer new and innovative types of binary options such as Ladder Options, Pair Options Pairs existed before but now a lot of brokers are offering them , Touch, Boundary, Above Below, etc.
some of these were available in 2012 but only a handful of brokers had them and now almost all brokers offer them.
Overall the binary options industry has changed a lot and most of it is for the better.
I believe we are not done yet and that we will see even better advances, more safety and a lot more professionalism from brokers in the near future.
What are the Key Differences Between Binary Options and Olymp Trade.
Making a comparison between Olymp Trade trading and binary trading is not easy as they both have their own advantages over the other but here are some of the main differences.
Binary options Set And Forget.
A Olymp Trade trade has a lot more variables than a binary options trade and this means that the trader is faced with a lot of decisions.
Lots of decisions also mean that you can screw one up and one is all you need.
You have Stop Loss, Take Profit, position size, etc.
and as a Olymp Trade trader myself, I can tell you it can be terrible to see price one pip away from your Take Profit just to turn around and go straight to your Stop Loss.
If you widen your Stop Loss, you can lose more, if you tighten your Take Profit, you can win less but a smaller win is better than a loss, right.
See, lots of decisions, while on the other hand, a binary option trade is set and forget, there s not much you can do after you open it.
And on top of that, a single pip or point is all you need to win a trade, which brings me to the next difference.
One Pip Is All You Need.
In Olymp Trade, the more price travels in your favor, the more money you make or lose if it goes the other way.
With binary options, things are different it doesn t matter how far away price travels because you can get the entire payout even if the price is only one pip higher or lower than it was when you opened the trade.
One pip brings you 85 profit, 10 pips bring you 85 profit and 1 million pips bring you yup 85 profit.
Of course, the payouts differ from broker to broker and this 85 was only used as an example.
Olymp Trade trading requires professionals with experience in foreign currency trading while Binary Options is quite simple and easily understandable even to novices in financial trading.
This simplicity makes Binary Options more appealing but do not think you don t need to learn anything.
Education is a big part of success in trading and this applies to binaries as well.
If you re in need of education, visit our Binary Options School.
Know Your Risk And Reward In Advance.
With binary options, you know right from the start how much you are going to make if your trade is successful the payouts range between 60 and 85.
Binary Option trading is safer compared to Olymp Trade trading.
With Binary Options, some brokers offer up to a 15 refund in case of losses, which acts as a cushion for the Binary Option trader.
Olymp Trade trading has no safety precautions in place if you don t use a Stop Loss order or other forms of protection and in cases of wrong investment decisions, the Olymp Trade trader may lose all money invested.
Time Is Money.
Olymp Trade can be traded continually throughout the weekdays while Binary Options can only be traded if the underlying market is open.
Say if you want to trade binaries on stocks, you have to wait for the stock market to open.
However, it must be noted that you can trade binaries on currency pairs and that means that you can trade around the clock during weekdays.
Binary Options offer a lot more assets.
Olymp Trade stands for Foreign Exchange so obviously, only currencies can be traded, but when it comes to Binary Options, the choices are wider and include stocks, indices and commodities on top of currencies.
More choices, more opportunities.
Regulation We Need It.
The Olymp Trade industry has a lot more regulation compared to Binary Options.
However, in the last couple of years the top Binary Options brokers started to pursue regulation and this is a major step forward for clients safety.
Before opening a binary options account, make sure you know as much as possible about Binary Options Regulation.
Leverage Increase Risks And Rewards.
Olymp Trade is leveraged and this can be both good or bad, depending on how you look at it you have the potential to ma more but also you risk more.
Binary Options are much simpler in this regard, because they are not a leveraged product.
Binary Options VS Olymp Trade Bottom Line.
Although they are differentiated by the aforementioned features, Olymp Trade market and options trading have some similarities.
Both are easily accessible to the public since they can be operated online.
What is required of potential traders is simply a network connection and start-up capital that can be as little as one hundred dollars.
Overall, nearly anyone can join this revolutionary way of trading.
However, some binary options brokers are not regulated, which can potentially lead to some traders being taken in by scam artists.
Beware, do your research and pick the right trusted binary options broker for you.
I find that both markets are equally risky because they both depend on underlying volatility of the asset.
Only difference can be in experience of trader, as inexperienced traders will make same mistakes on both markets.
I wish that I understood how the following works With Binary Options, some brokers offer up to a 15 refund in case of losses.
I have been practicing with the Nadex demo account and have also experienced losses simply by entering a digit another than an intended one, -.
It should be noted that almost all of the regulation so far is done by GAMBLING regulation agencies.
No actual interest in or ownership of currencies is involved in BO trading.
Newcomers should be reminded that just because it is easier to DO binary trading, that doesn t mean it is easier to make money; arguably it is easier to lose money, since it is so easy to make trades and the more trades you make the more money you are going to lose, until you get very good at it.


Which is why you should at least do demo trading first.
Always educate yourself, don t trade blind.
still in preschool, will take my time to go thought it all.
It is true that Binary Option is easier for newbies in trading.
I was able to trade with very little idea about trading but I don t recommend anybody to go through that.
Educate yourself first, find a good broker then trade.
I just started to educate myself.
Still on the Preschool but I will take my taim.
It is never too late to educate one s self.
I started with Binary trading recently, didn t know what the heck I was doing lost some money not a lot.
I still have some trading monies left in the accounts, I have been at it for 2 weeks only.
There s so much to still learn.
I can t help but think that Binary trading is a little like gambling.
I am now thinking of Olymp Trade purely because you could call in or out when you want to, with Binary you can t, you either Win or Lose based on your expiry time set.
What has your experience been like thus far.
I still believe that forex trading is better than binary trading.
in binary option once the duration for the contract expires you may loose your money if the market is not in your favour but there are cases where the market moves to your desired direction after that period and a forex trader will have the opportunity of cutting out some profit out of the market.
i dissagree on the risk part because in forex you could sell the currency back for a little less.
My concern is, whether I will get my profit capital back when I want, as many Binary Option brokers are not regulated.
I have heard that sonetimes B.
brokers somehow manipulate the currency rates when a custome is on a winning streak which results of that customer loses his winnings even capital.
Will someone would comment on my observations.
some brokers do that but i don t think it happens with regulated brokers rarely perhaps but you should check some reviews maybe some forums to see if it happened at a broker to others also if you want to get your money out DON T TAKE A DEPOSIT BONUS because then you will have to invest 20x that amount before you can cash out.
Top Opinions about Binary Options True or False.
There are a lot of misconceptions about trading binary options which confuse newbie traders and would-be traders alike.
These myths do nothing to help new traders learn the ropes and stay safe and profitable.
Some of the myths concern regulations and trading companies, while others involve trading strategies.
Probably the most damaging myths involve unrealistic expectations about trading outcomes.
Trading is a great way to make money many people learn how to trade successfully every year.
Many trading platforms open and offer tools for trading.
Nevertheless, the public opinion is divided.
Some people believe that trading online is respectable and profitable business.
Others argue that such trading is like gambling and outcomes are not predictable.
What is a reason for so many myths.
How to succeed.
How not to fail.
Let s consider some popular views on trading and discuss if they are true or not.
Binary Options and Olymp Trade are the Same.
They are like apples and oranges.
Binary options trade currency, metals, and many other existing assets.
Trading electronic contracts is much simpler and more affordable than Olymp Trade.
Trading requires a trader to see where the price is going and follow the direction wisely.
Even if the price changes by one point, there is a profit.
The same applies to losses.
Olymp Trade is different the profit depends on the number of points that the price will go in the specific direction.
People lose money when the market turns against and people do not close the deal on time.
We recommend to try Olymp Trade if you are an experienced trade.
Binary options are like gambling.
Like any market, binary options have some logic behind it.
Traders need a well-formed trading strategy based on analysis.
There are many indicators, indices, parameters to help traders to do their calculations better.
The Pocket Option trading platform offers the traders the most popular indicators and technical tools.
You can read tutorials, recommendations and practice with your free demo account.
Fast Money on Binary Options.
While trading electronic contracts, you do not have to wait until the price passes a certain number of points.
You need to define a trend and ride it.
Secondly, a binary options market is quick.
Some trades take only a few seconds.
So traders can make and lose money quick.
Binary Options are Very Risky.
There are more risky endeavors.
In electronic contract trading, profit and loss are predetermined.
Therefore, no matter how you make a mistake with the analysis and no matter how much the price goes against you, you will only lose the amount in the transaction.
As you know the minimum to trade in Pocket Option is only 1 dollar.
You need a well-established strategy.
Buying and selling at random is madness.
You need a system that works.
Read, learn and practice to figure out the right strategy.
Fortunately, even beginners can be successful.
You can find many effective trading strategies offered by the experts.
The Pocket Option trading platform offers you a free demo account so you can practice.
Some opinions about trading of electronic contracts are right, and some are wrong.
You should make your own opinion.
You can try trading without risk when you sign up and get a free demo account from Pocket Option.
Why should you waste time trading with virtual money before you trade with real money.
Because when you first get started, even if you have done a ton of research and testing, you are probably going to lose a lot of trades.
If you are losing fake money instead of real money, you are saving up your real money for when you actually know what you are doing.
The idea may make you impatient at first, but it will ultimately save you time.
It will also teach you how to be patient and responsible, which are critical skills for binary options success.
So yes, a demo account is important.
Whatever people say we agree that Binary Options can be a challenge.
Most people eventually understand how much potential they represent.


The mechanism behind CFDs is actually very simple to understand.
CFD s are quotes in two prices the buy price, and the selling price respectively.
The selling price or the bid price is the price a which a trader can take a short position on CFD.
The buying price or offer price is the price at which a trader can open a long position on a CFD.
Since sell prices will always be slightly lower than the market price, and the buy prices will be slightly higher in turn, the difference between these two opposed prices is called the spread.
Further on, CFD s are usually traded in standardized contracts, which are also called lots.
Now, the size of the lot depends on each individual contract, and it is mainly influenced by the intrinsic value of the asset that is being traded.
For instance, silver is traded on commodity exchanges on lots as big as 5000 troy ounces consequently, its equivalent CFD contract value is equal.
Let us take a look at another example.
Say, a stock s asking price is 25,26.
If the trader buys 100 shares, the cost of the transaction should equal 2,526, with commission and fees included.
While a traditional broker will require at least 1,263 in free cash for a trade, a broker under a CFD contractual obligation will require just a 5 margin.
This sounds very complicated at first, but it is very easy to understand once you grasp the basics.
Now, let us take a look at some advantages of CFD to put all this information into perspective.
Trade CFDs on IQoption Platform.
up to 92 Profit The amount will be credited to account in case of a successful investment.
Great Trading Tournaments Every Month Tournaments are subject to Terms Conditions and clients residing in the European Union can t access to Trading Tournaments IQoption Best Binary Options Broker.
High Professionalism, No Fees.
CFD brokers offer mainly the same service as traditional brokers stops, limits, contingent orders, and so on and so forth.
Some brokers even offer traders guaranteed stops by charging a certain fee for the service or reimburse the trader.
Similarly, CFD brokers make their living by taking a certain percentage from the spread, with absolutely no fees involved.
Of course, the spread can vary in size depending on the market realities.
CFDs are Highly Flexible.
At their core, CFDs are highly flexible instruments that allow traders to take positions whether long or short- on both sides of a certain transaction.
If the trader finds out that the asset currency pair, bonds, etc is about to fall, they can quickly jump in the opposite camp and profit as if that were their position in the first place.
Another related advantage is that CFDs facilitate speculating on a wider variety of markets that are either too complex or too tricky to facilitate easy direct trading.
The implication here is that by trading with a CFD, traders can manage bigger portfolios without worrying too much about the consequences.
CFDs Bring High Liquidity.
While some markets are traditionally more liquid than others we are talking, of course, about forex vs the stocks market , liquidy is still an important factor to consider when trading.
No matter what you are buying or trading, you can t make any money if there is no market for your product.
The CFD market is highly liquid because it focuses mainly on the underlying asset market, meaning traders can focus their attention on shorter investment cycles without negatively affecting their chances of yielding a profit.
No Limits in Terms of Day Trading.
While certain markets set a limited amount of capital for day trading or set restrictions in terms of the number of day trades that can be executed within certain accounts, the CFD market is not legally bound by these restrictions.
Therefore, all individuals participating in the CFD market can trade as much as they wish, with no limits accounts can be opened for as little as 1,000.
CFD Are Very Tax Efficient.
Due to the reasons stated above, and more, CFDs are more tax efficient.
Whereas share transactions are liable to attract additional tax scrutiny, CFDs are exempt from it in many countries because, essentially, there is no share transaction taking place.
Furthermore, traders can access tax deductions, citing the costs of trading as a reason.
CFDs are a great opportunity for traders who like to take a more non-traditional approach to the trading market.
While there are some disadvantages that we did not cover extensively increased risk due to leverage, lax industry regulation in some countries -, the pros clearly outweigh the cons if traders exercise caution and invest smartly.
An Introduction to CFDs Trade CFDs on IQoption Platform.
Six Best Olymp Trade and Binary Options Signal Services For 2021.
Olymp Trade signals are a common way for new investors and traders to make money in the markets without any prior experience.
Not all services are priced the same.
For example if you get signals from a broker your cost will be free.
That s because they charge from spreads and if you get them from mql5 it costs a minimum of 30.
That s because you are getting signals from companies individuals who do not own any platform.
If you have been following Olymp Trade trends in the past years,.
you will realize that there are lots of not a scam claiming to provide accurate signals,.
the most common problem is that by the time a signal reaches your email recommending you to take action,.
the market is most likely to have chanced already.
There are two different ways to get signals,.
the first is by registering with a signals provider and receive recommendations and price targets either by email or sms.
Another way is to use copy trade which copies trades from an experienced account automatically,.
copy trade is also advantageous because you never get to react to an expired signal.
In this post I will list for you the best Signal service providers,.
The type that will reduce your risk while creating handsome profits to make your investing journey less stressful.
6 Best Signal Services.
com Signals Bob James is the man behind this service.
He has worked for major financial institutions in London as a trader and mentor.
There s nothing shady about Bob because his performance is verified on myfxbook.
Find out more about Bob s service go to 1000.
com Bots live trading room has been around since 2016 and traders don t leave this service.
They get to become a private community who develop effective strategies using custom indicators and offer high quality education.
Bots live trading room does not want to charge you signals forever, they want to teach you how to generate them.
Find out more on binaryoptionstradingsignals.
com With a slogan Zero to Pro these guys have been around for quite a long time.
This service helps traders learn markets according to modern perspective.
Learn more about this service go to Toproforexschool.
com CMTrading.
com Signals CM is a regulated African broker, its a one stop destination for almost anything you need in Olymp Trade, with just 250 minimum deposit these guys can set up your account to copy one of their top traders.


Learn more about this service go to www.
com Social This is a highly competitive environment with top traders competing for the to spot, a strategy that loses quickly drops off the top chart.
Here you can chat to top traders before following their account.
For more information about this service visit www.
We also have a detailed review for Avatrade Bonus.
com Instaforex is an Asian broker that provides services globally, their signal services offers complete control, for each and every strategy you follow it s easy to set limit for the number of trades that can be copied.
You can copy multiple strategies at once, you can even reverse trades for any strategy.
That means if a system you copy is losing big, you can secretly take the opposite side of their trade and make huge profits.
Read our instaforex review and for more information about copy service go straight to www.
Best Tips For Choosing The Correct Olymp Trade and Binary Options Signal Service.
Check the price first, if you are being charged upfront that means you are dealing with a non brokerage firm.
If they are free that means you are getting them from a provider that hopes to charge you via spreads.
If it s too expensive for you step back and get a cheaper solution.
Check verification and track record, if the strategy just arrived less than three years ago be careful, see if it has been profitable through myfxbook.
Never invest all your money on one strategy, always look for strategies that have been around for many years and spread your money to at least three strategies, that will create the necessary balance for your portfolio.
Many traders hate online dealings, they need interaction in order to feel comfortable.
Bots Live trading room is the only solution that serves this need,.
as you can see in the video below the service has been around since 2016.
Did you know that if you are using meta trader 4,.
There is no need to go through all the hustle of paying recurring signal fees.
Recently we published the best automated robots that makes trading easy.
Looking for signals.
I hope this post helped, please tell your friends about us and if you wouldn t mind leave us a comment.
207 1 min scalping Binary Options Strategy.
Double Bollinger Bands with 60 Seconds trades.
Submit by Robert 26 06 2017.
1 min scalping Binary Options Strategy is trend reversal strategy based on oversold and overbougth, but this trading system is also good for scalping withot binary options at the 5 min and 15 min time frames.
Time frame is 1min or higher.
Expiry time 1 candle , 5 min time frame expiry time 2 min -3 min.
, 15 min time frame expiry time 5 min.
Bollinger Bands 20, 2.
Bollinger Bands 20, 3.
Sixt Second Trades,.
P4L Candle time,.
Color Stocastic 5,3,3 with levels 80 -20.
CHT Value chart.
Trading Rules 1 min scalping Binary Options Strategy.
Price break out the lower band of BB 20, 2.
the BB alert buy arrow,.
Stochastic below 20 level,.
Touches 8 level optiona ,.
Buy dot of 60 second trades indicator.
Price break out the upper band of BB 20, 2.
the BB alert sell arrow,.
Stochastic above 80 level,.
Touches -8 level optiona ,.
Sell dot of 60 second trades indicator.
In the pictures 1 min scalping Binary Options Strategy in action.
Share your opinion, can help everyone to understand the binary strategy.
If you do have a reliable broker and regulated, like Nadex, HighLow, or Binary.
com, then you are in the clear, and the products in this category can help you win more trades.
The top ranked systems are all located in the Binary Options Lab, a specific part of the Olymp Trade Robot Nation website dedicated to binary trading.
When choosing a binary options software or signal service, you will want to analyze multiple factors to ensure that you pick a system that meets your expectations.
First off, you should figure out what expiry time you want to trade, because system specializes in providing different expiry time trades.
For example, if you like fast trades, then you would benefit from Binary Today 5, a product that specializes in 5 minute expiry time trades.
If you want trades to settle into the market, then I recommend Binary Strategy, which provides 15 minute expiry times, and happens to be the 1 rated system on Olymp Trade Robot Nation.
So, while this market isn t my personal favorite, and I d much rather trade Olymp Trade.
There are a couple reliable binary options software programs if you are interested in receiving trading signals.
Feel free to work your way through the full list of binary options product reviews now.
FX Binary Bot Review 95 Win Rate.
September 11, 2020 0.
FX Binary Bot is a new Olymp Trade and binary options service, that want to provide traders with efficient ways to trade the markets.
They claim to provide both expert advisors and indicators that deliver positive results on a multitude of different platforms.
According to the website, the developers have traded with MT4, IQoption, XM, and Binary thus succeeded and.
The creators have done everything they can to be inclusive, and ensure that their entire process is easy while.
Binary Today Trader Review.
Binary Today Trader is the most flexible and well thought out binary options strategy to hit the market.
This system is developed by John Kane and the people at Binary Today.
Traders get access to John s personal trading strategy that sends an abundance of reliable trading signals throughout the day.
This signal system is now 1 in the Binary Options.
Binary IQ, a binary options strategy that offers dominant trading signals.
This service uses a unique trend-following strategy based on the technical analysis of market prices.
With early access to the system we ve been able to get the inside scoop, and the results are in.
This is the best binary options service we ve ever tested, and it s now 1 ranked.
Don t Trade With FX Revenge.
February 27, 2017 0.
Today we are providing an in-depth review and informing the Olymp Trade community why they shouldn t trade with FX Revenge.
This software is developed by Robert M.
Parker, or Dollar Bob who claims to have a secret for making 2,621 every day.
Robert has no reputation or history in the Olymp Trade market.
For support requests you can contact the product developers.
Real Life Olymp Trade Maverick Review.
February 16, 2017 1.
Olymp Trade Maverick is a new trading product by Frederick King.
Frederick is telling traders that they can make over 100,000 with his EA.
There is no phone number or address for the business but they can be emailed via support forexmaverick.
Today we are going to cut through the crap and inform the Olymp Trade trading community on how to proceed with.
Binary Today 5 Review.
Binary Today 5 is a 5 minute binary options trading signal system that s taking the market by storm.
The initial response from the binary options community is extremely positive and I am 100 on board.
This is NOW the 1 Binary Options software in my arsenal and is a must have for any type of trader.
Today I will be analyzing this.
Binary Defender.
September 29, 2015 84.
Binary Defender is the best binary options tool I ve ever used.
In the 6 years of running Olymp Trade Robot Nation I have to say that this is the most impressive and consistent strategy I ve seen.
Now the 1 binary options software in the Binary Lab, the defender is a system that needs to be used on a daily basis.
Elite Trend Trader.
January 23, 2015 2.
Elite trend trader is a new tool developed to work with Olymp Trade, stocks and options.
The developer of this software claims that if we give him 20 minutes he will show us how to trade like a Wall Street insider and create a fortune no matter what the market does.
Today I ll be providing a brief review and letting you.
Binary Ascend.
January 12, 2015 238.
Binary Ascend is here and I couldn t be happier.
I have been involved in the testing of this software and I am blown away by it s accuracy.
It s not often I come across a system this powerful with a strategy that I can sink my teeth into.
This is a signal software that every trader needs to have.
Trading with Binary Options.
Binary Options, known also as Digital Options or All-or-Nothing Options are not new financial instruments, but thanks to the new technologies, these are now available to the public and present an easier and faster way to make money.
The Digital option term derives from the digital nature of electronic devices which have only two states of being, on or off as with digital options trading.
When you hold a digital option, you are either in an On state indication which means you are in the money or in an Off state implying you are out of the money.
The value of the payout Some brokers offer up To 85 return is determined at the onset of the contract and does not depend on the magnitude by which the price of the underlying asset moves, so whether you are in the money by 0.
05, the payout that you receive will be the same.
Binary Options are sometimes called all-or-nothing trades, meaning that either you are In-The-Money ITM and you get the specified payout, or you are Out-of-the-Money OTM and you lose your traded amount.
Binary options trading are a fast and exciting way to trade the financial markets.
The payout rate trading digital options is high in comparison to any other traditional financial trading.
From the buyer s perspective, the main advantage of binary options trading is that the Risk taken is limited to the premium that the trader pays up front to take on a binary option position.
So in above example, the Risk taken by the trader is limited to 100 in that particular position.
This benefit means that the binary options trader can feel secure in knowing that their downside is limited to their initial trade size.
While they can still profit if their market view turns out to be correct, they avoid having to worry about stop loss order slippage or losing their trading discipline.
Furthermore, binary options are a simpler trading vehicle having a limited risk profile since they either pay off a fixed amount or they do not, depending on where the underlying instrument is trading at the binary option s expiration.
Another advantage is that binaries can often be traded for shorter time frames 1 hour, hour or even 15 min via binary options trading platforms then are typically available for normal options offered by exchanges.
Several types of Binary Options can now be traded online using a variety of binary options trading strategies.
High Low The most commonly available binary options are High Low also known as Above and Below or Call Put binary options.
Basically, a trader will receive a payout on a long binary option if the market is higher than the strike price of an above binary at expiration, or under the strike of a below binary.
Fr om the buyer s perspective, the main advantage of binary options trading is that the Risk taken is limited to the premium that the trader pays up front to take on a binary option position.
Another advantage is that binaries can often be traded for shorter time frames 1 hour, hour or even 15 min via binary options tradingplatforms then are typically available for normal options offered by exchanges.
Several types of Binary Optionscan now be traded online using a variety of binary options trading strategies.
One Touch Some online binary options trading platforms also offer One Touch above or below binary options that generate a payoff as soon as their trigger level trades in the underlying market even before the expiration time.
Boundary Another popular type of binary option is the Range or Boundary binary that is characterized by a range that is compared to the underlying market at the option s expiration.
Typically, an in range binary pays off if the market ends up inside the range, while an out range binary pays off if the market ends up outside the range.
Then you choose the asset, for example EUR USD.
Finally you decide whether the EUR USD will end above or below its current price at the end of the hour.
If you decide above, choose a Call Binary Option.
If you decide below, choose a Put Binary Option.
There are 2 cases in which you can win your trade.
You will be In the Money if you choose a CALL Binary Option and at expiry the closing price closes above the price that you purchased.
You will also be In the Money if you choose a PUT binary option and at expiry the closing price closes below the price that you purchased.
Olymp Trade binary options offer several obvious advantages that attract conventional Olymp Trade traders.
Binary Options only need to close within the smallest fraction of a pip over or under your strike price and you immediately win up to 81 profit in less than 1 hour.
By comparison, a conventional Olymp Trade trader with a maximum leverage of 100x placing a 1000x100 leverage trade would have to gain 81 pips to create the same profit.
This is an amazing difference.
Another interesting feature of Binary Options is that expiry occurs hourly, like European style options, with no possibility of exercising before expiration.
This can be very advantageous because conventional Olymp Trade traders are forced to place a Stop-Loss which can be easily shaken out.
Particularly in the case of a news event in which volatility is very high, it can be advantageous to use the risk management of the hourly expiring Binary Option, rather than place a Stop-Loss.
Perhaps the most interesting application of Binary Options to conventional Olymp Trade traders is as a hedging tool.
Conventional Olymp Trade traders are accustomed to taking losses when their Stop Loss is hit.
Lately it has become customary to transfer the risk from below the buy point to above it by using Binary Options.
For example, if you take a conventional EUR USD long position combined with a Stop Loss and simultaneously buy a Put Binary Option, you can cover your losses or even be profitable in the event that your long position fails.


This effectively transfers the risk from below the Stop Loss to above it.
This can be very advantageous if you believe that your trade will succeed if a rally continues in the right direction, as is often the case for rallies.
Click here to see what our expert traders and testers have to say about the top binary options brokers.
Did you like what you read.
Let us know what you think.
Comments including inappropriate will also be removed.
When trading with Binary Options earnings can go from 70 to 82 , it will all depends on how much you invest.
Generating profits with binary options trading is not an easy task.
Finding the right binary options broker is always the hardest part of the challenging quest to high profits.
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In this module of the Binary Options Free Course we will be talking about Rules, Discipline and Emotional Control.
This module has 20 Videos, each one with a Rule.
2 thoughts on Rules and Discipline.
Please give me how to trade binary option n signal I am not understanding how binary.
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This is not an easy market and the road to becoming a successful and independent Trader is long and full of obstacles.
So we welcome you in this dynamic and thrilling world with a FREE Binary Options Course that will help you to give your first steps.
Even for those that are not newbies and have experience and positive results already, we are sure that the knowledge we pass with this training will help them to improve their results.
So, take a moment to profit from the set of videos we prepared for you.
We start off with a set of golden rules for Binary Options Trading that you should always keep in mind.
These rules explain topics such as emotional control, discipline, and when to stop trading.
Also, Trading the Economical News is a mystery to many, but we teach you how and when to do it, as well as when NOT to do it.
Another module is our Strategies for Binary Options.
Simple and easy to understand strategies that even a beginner will be able to put into practice.
To finish we give you an extra treat, a bonus trial period of Binary Options Signals for 5 minutes expiration time.
Some additional info on our course.
1 The training is Freemium for limited time.
We are presenting this Course in a Freemium model , in which the majority of the Learning content is provided free of charge, but more advanced features, such as some advanced strategies, are protected by a password.
Therefore, to have access to those premium areas, feel free to contact us leaving a comment bellow or dropping a line in our WhatsApp and we will explain what you need to do.
So, if you have have other friends, be sure to tell them about this course, since it won t be freemium forever.
2 The Strategies can be used in most platforms.
Most of the strategies we use here, can be used in most of the Binary Options platforms.
We used the IQoption platform to perform the videos, only because it offers all the indicators we need and in our personal opinion is the best trading platform.
If you use any other platform you can keep using it, however, some of the strategies may not work there.
You can also try a Free Demo account with IQoption with this link IQoption Free Demo Account.
3 Binary Options Signals.
The Signals offered are sent by a Telegram Channel.
The signals are for 5 minutes expiration time, so your broker needs to have Binary Options with 5 minutes expiration time, in order for you to be able to use the signals.
This same channel also offers Olymp Trade Signals, and they will be also available for Free.
When a signal arrives, please be careful to check if it is a Binary or Olymp Trade Signal.
This is also a free service that is not granted to be Free forever.
For now, you can enjoy but bear in mind that in the future it may become a paid service.
Do not forget to practice a lot before using your own money to trade on the real mode.
Remember that, besides what you will learn with this Binary Options Course, the experience will play an important role on getting consistent results, and the experience you only get it by trading, so trade to improve your knowledge.
We are sure you will enjoy this Binary Options Course and let us know if you have any questions by posting your doubts on the comment section below.
Click on the button below to start the FREE Binary Options Course.
10 thoughts on Binary Options Course.
I ve being enjoying your signals and I think it s the best I ve ever seen since I started trading binary option.
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Work hard, and you will succeed.
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No one becomes a trader in a couple of days.
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I now know why I was always loosing, I was doing something I knew too little about Thanks sir for the education.
I am happy to know that the course will help you to improve your results.
Our traning is made based on IQoption platform.
46 Binary Options trategy.
This Binary Options Stratey concept is based on trade reversal on oversold or overbought strategy.
Submit by Itrader 01 02 2014.
I will explain the step to guide you to use this system.
1 Installed Metatrader 4 MT4 and copy template BOSTS.
tpl to your template folder.
Then copy all the indicators to experts indicators folder.
Close the MT4 and open it again.
2 Currently the chart I m using is EUR USD, GBP USD, AUD USD, USD JPY, EUR JPY, GBP JPY, USD CAD.
You can refer to the image file I attached in the folder.
3 Timeframe is 5 15min.
1 st Binary Options Strategy best.
Trade on Support and Resistance level.
Wait the the candle 1 st cross the support or.
resistance level then trade on reversal.
If you using 5min timeframe, then your expiry.
time for the trade should be 5min to 10min.
2 nd Binary Options Strategy.
Trade on Bollinger band level.
Wait the the candle 1 st cross the upper or lower level then trade on reversal.
If you using 5min timeframe, then your expiry time for the trade should be 5min to 10min.
So when is the best price to trade even it match the 1 and 2 strategy above.
There is an overbought oversold alert.
I will trade when the the alert overbought oversold.
at leave over 10 -10.
3 st Binary Options Strategy.
Trade on pattern.
Change your timeframe from 5min to 15min when the market is swing within the Bollinger band.
You will always notice the candle sometimes is 1 up 1 down, wait for the 15min time expiry and trade on the next candle.
Expiry time for the trade.
usually will be 10-15min.
if using 5min time frame then the expiry time will be 5min.
1 Bollinger band - the yellow line.
Put - cross the top line.
Call - cross the bottom line.
2 Blue arrow alert with sound alert.
To indicate the current price is higher lower than the previous highest lowest price.
3 Oversold and overbought with sound alert.
This is the indicator to tell you when the best price to trade in.
Best trade is wait.
for the candle at the bottom indicator cross the value 10 -10.
4 pivot, resistance and support.
U always can change the timeframe to check the daily pivot, resistance and.
support level to trade on longer time expiry because we trade using reversal.


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42 RSI and Stochastic Binary Options Strategy.
RSI and Stochastic Oscillator Binary Options Strategy multi time frame High Low.
Submit by FreddyFX 17 01 2014.
RSI and Stochastic Oscillator Binary Options Strategy multi time frame High Low is a trend momentum trading system.
Indicies S P 500, Nasdaq, DAX, FTSE , Metals Gold and Silver.
Time Frame 15min and 1 min.
Expires time 10 min max 15 min.
Open 15 minute candlestick chart, add the following indicators.
RSI 4 period, levels 25 an 75.
Stochastic with the default settings of 5,3,3.
Open also 1 minte chart with the same indicators.
Rules for RSI and Stochastic Binary Options Strategy.
trade only in the direction of the trend-momentum.
On the 15 min chart the RSI closing below 25 level.
open the 1 minute chart and look at the stochastic indicator if it s crossing upward, place your trade and buy call option.
On the 15 min chart the RSI closing above 75 level.
open the 1 minute chart and look at the stochastic indicator if it s crossing downward, place your trade and buy put option.
This strategy is also good for scalping in the forex market on major.
Target price 7-10 pips depends by currency pair or the Fibonacci levels.
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What is Binary Options and Olymp Trade.
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A binary option is essentially a bet about whether the price of a financial asset will go up or down in a specified time period.
We bet a fixed amount of money that the price will go up or down in a specified time period.
If we predict correctly then we win money and if we don t we lose.
Typically if we predict correctly we will win whatever we bet plus around 70 the payout percentage is determined before we bet and is clearly stated by the company we are betting with.
If we lose the bet then we usually lose whatever we originally bet.
This is best explained with a couple of examples Example 1 60 Second Binary option - WIN We place a bet of 25 that the price of Gold will increase.
When we placed the bet the price of Gold was 1311.
6 and after 60 seconds the price has risen to 1312.
We have therefore won the bet and we win 17.
501 and receive our original stake back of 25.
This means that we receive 42.
50 in total 17.
Example 2 60 Second Binary option - LOSE We place a bet of 25 that the price of Gold will increase.
6 and after 60 seconds the price has fallen to 1311.
We have therefore lost the bet and we lose 25.
What are the benefits binary options.
As we can see, binary options offer an exciting new way to bet on price changes in the financial markets.
Binary options have simplified the way that people are able to trade and have made it easer for home traders to enter the financial markets.
The beauty of binary options comes with their simplicity.
Traditionally when a trader wants to profit from the price fluctuations of a financial product, they will need to make four key decisions before entering a trade.
Whether they think the price will go UP or DOWN b.
The price they want to enter at c.
The price they will exit if they are in profit d.
The price they will exit if they are at a loss.
Trading financial products this way can be profitable and there are some traders who are very successful at this.
But this type of trading is not for everyone and this is why binary options were developed.
When trading with binary options we only need to decide whether the price will go UP or DOWN.
Binary options can be used with many different financial assets but the system discussed in this guide is designed to be used on Foreign exchange Olymp Trade.
Olymp Trade is the term used to describe when one currency is exchanged for another.
For example when we go on holiday we will need to exchange our local currency for the currency used in the country we are visiting.
The exchange rate determines how much of one currency we get when exchanging it for another.
Example 3 Exchange rates If we exchange 100 Euros for US dollars and the exchange rate is 1 1.
42, we will receive 142 USD 1.
The exchange rate is often referred to as the price of the currency pair being exchanged and in the above example the price of the Euro US Dollar currency pair is 1.
This price changes with time depending on the supply and demand of the currencies in the pair.
It is this price exchange rate that we will be betting on using binary options.
The price of a currency pair is usually expressed to 4 or 5 decimal places2.
For example, at the time of writing the exchange rate of the Euro and the US dollar was 1.
39265, a typically currency will change by around 0.
0200 per day.
When discussing currency pairs the name is usually shortened to a six character reference and this is what we shall be doing for the remainder of this guide.
The following list has the names of the major currency pairs.
EURUSD Euro US Dollar GBPUSD British Pound US Dollar AUDUSD Australian Dollar US Dollar USDCAD US Dollar Canadian Dollar USDCHF US Dollar Swiss Franc USDJPY US Dollar Japanese Yen.
Why we trade Olymp Trade with binary options.
The price of currency pairs changes every moment of every day and this price movement presents an opportunity for traders.
If we can successfully predict whether the price will rise or fall, we can then use binary options to profit from this price movement.
However, the price movement and predictability of different currency pair varies.
The 01 Binary System you have purchased has been developed to follow the movement of five of the most widely traded currency pairs EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCAD, AUDUSD and EURJPY.
We have chosen these currency pairs because the price changes of these pairs can be large and we believe is the most predictable.
These currency pairs can also be traded with almost all binary options brokers.


How we trade using binary options.
We will now move on to the more practical aspects of trading Olymp Trade using binary options.
Before we can trade binary options we need to open an account with a binary options broker.
There are many different brokers to choose from and it is essential that we chose the right one to trade with.
Some of the most important things that we need to consider when choosing a broker are 1.
The payout percentage 2.
Ease of use of website 3.
Deposit withdrawal charges 4.
Range of markets 5.
Deposit bonuses 6.
Telephone email support 7.
When trading with binary options the higher the payout percentage, the more money we could win if we correctly predict the price movement.
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We regularly assess and reassess all the brokers that offer binary options trading to ensure that we are using the best broker IQ option.
The email you received from us provides links to the brokers we are currently using, and we suggest you IQoption take a look at these brokers before entering any trades.
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เทคนิคการตั้งรางวัลเหล่านี้ทำให้เทรดเดอร์รายย่อยหลงผิดและคิดว่าเป็นการลงทุนที่น่าจะได้ผลตอบแทนในระยะยาวได้ แต่ในความเป็นจริง ถือเป็นการพนันที่ไม่มีทางเอาชนะได้ครับ.
ถ้าหากเราจะพูดกันในแบบภาษาวิชาการหน่อยหนึ่ง การเทรด Binary Option เป็นการลงทุนที่มีค่ากำไรแห่งความคาดหวังเป็นลบ โดยสูตรของการคำนวณกำไรแห่งความคาดหวังคือ กำไรแห่งความคาดหวัง อัตราการชนะการเดิมพัน x ผลตอบแทนเมื่อชนะ อัตราการแพ้การเดิมพัน x ผลตอบแทนเมื่อแพ้.
และเนื่องจากเกมส์นี้เป็นเกมส์ของการทายถูกผิด จึงทำให้มันมีโอกาสและความน่าจะเป็นของการทายเท่ากับ 50 50 ขณะที่ผลตอบแทนของการทายถูกเท่ากับ 85 และความเสี่ยงของการทายผิดอยู่ที่ 100 บาทดังนั้นเราสามารถคำนวณกำไรแห่งความคาดหวังของการเทรด Binary Option ได้ดังนี้.
กำไรแห่งความคาดหวัง 0.
นั่นหมายความว่า เกมส์นี้เป็นเกมส์ที่มีผลแห่งกำไรของความคาดหวังติดลบ ในระยะยาวของการลงทุนแล้วการเล่น Binary Option ย่อมต้องเผชิญกับการขาดทุนอย่างต่อเนื่องและไม่ได้ผลตอบแทนกลับมา ตามกฏของค่าเฉลี่ย.
ภาพที่ 3 Binary Option คืออะไร เปรียเทียบ Fx กับ Binary Option.
ข้อแตกต่างระหว่าง Binary Option กับ Olymp Trade.
Binary Option นั้นจะอ้างอิงราคสินทรัพย์จากสินทรัพย์ประเภทใดประเภทหนึ่งในการทายมูลค่า ซึ่งสินทรัพย์ประเภทที่ว่านั้นก็สามารถเป็นได้หลายรูปแบบ โดยหลักก็คือสินทรัพย์ที่มีตลาดเปิดตลอด 24 ชั่วโมง เช่น ตลาด Cryptocurrency ตลาด Olymp Trade เป็นต้น ซึ่งตลาดที่นิยมเป็นอย่างมากได้แก่ ตลาด Olymp Trade เนื่องจากตลาด Olymp Trade นั้นเปิดตลอด 24 ชั่วโมง ทำให้คนมีโอกาสสูงที่จะพยายามหาโอกาสเล่นพนัน และติดการพนันเมื่อได้เล่น เพราะจะรู้สึกว่าตัวเองใกล้จะประสบความสำเร็จแล้ว.
เมื่อมีการนำ Olymp Trade หรือว่าค่าเงินมาใช้เป็นสิทรัพย์อ้างอิง ตัวอย่างเช่น ค่าเงิน EURUSD เป็นค่าเงินที่ได้รับความนิยมในการใช้อ้างอิงการเทรด การเทรด Binary Option ของค่าเงิน EURUSD ก็จะคล้ายคลึงกับตัวของ่าง Binary Option ของราคาไข่ที่ยกตัวอย่างในตอนแรก การซื้อขาย Binary Option นั้นจะไม่ได้เงินจริง ๆ ในการซื้อขาย และนอกจากนี้คุณสมบัติของมันทำให้มันเข้าข่ายการพนันมากกว่า.
ภาพที่ 4 Binary Option คืออะไร สูตรกำไรแห่งความคาดหวัง.
การซื้อขาย Binary Option ไม่มีการส่งมอบ สินค้าจริง และเป็นการเดิมพันเพียงเท่านั้น ขณะที่แตกต่างจากตลาด Olymp Trade หรือไม่เพราะว่าตลาด Olymp Trade ก็ไม่ใช่ตลาดที่ต้องส่งมอบสินค้ากันจริง ๆ สาเหตุที่ตลาด Olymp Trade ไม่ได้ส่งมอบสินค้ากันจริง ๆ ก็เพราะว่า เป็นไปตามกฏ Tom Next เพื่อให้ไม่ต้องไปหาสินค้ามาส่งกันจริง ๆ ซึ่งแตกต่างจาก Binary Option ที่ไม่ได้มีการส่งสินค้าจริง ๆ ตามหลักของการซื้อขาย option แบบอื่น ๆ.
ข้อแตกต่างอีก 1 ข้อของ Olymp Trade กับ Binary Option ที่กำหนดให้มันมีลักษณะเป็นการพนัน คือ ข้อกำหนดเรื่อง Risk Reward และ Win การที่จะเป็นสินทรัพย์หรือ การพนันของอะไรสักอย่างได้นั้น สิ่งที่สามารถกำหนดได้นั้น คือ ความน่าจะเป็นในการประสบความสำเร็จ และ อัตราผลตอบแทน ซึ่ง 2 ปัจจัยนี้ การที่จะทำให้มันเป็นการลงทุนนั้นจะต้องสามารถควบคุมปัจจัย 1 หรือ 2 อย่างนี้ได้ ขณะที่การที่เป็นการพนัน ปัจจัยทั้ง 2 อย่างนี้จะถูกควบคุมมาอยู่แล้ว.
ภาพที่ 5 Binary Option คืออะไร การกระจายปกติ เมื่อเทรดมาก ๆ จะทำให้อัตราชนะเข้าใกล้ 50 50.
ตัวอย่างของ Risk Reward ของ Binary Option นั้นได้ถูกอธิบายไปแล้ว เราลองมาดูตัวอย่างของการเทรด Olymp Trade บ้างกันดีกว่า การเทรด Olymp Trade นั้น เรากำหนด Risk Reward ของการลงทุน ผ่านการตั้ง Stop loss และ Take Profit การกระทำดังกล่าวทำให้เทรดเดอร์ สามารถกำหนด Risk และ Reward การลงทุน ขณะที่การที่จะทำกำไรได้จากอัตราผลตอบแทน หรือ อัตราส่วนที่ทำให้คุณได้กำไรนั้น ก็กำหนด ได้เช่นกัน ผ่านการทำ Back Test หรือการทดสอบระบเทรดของเทรดเดอร์ เมื่อ Olymp Trade สามารถกำหนด Risk Reward ได้ทำให้คุณสมบัติของ Olymp Trade นั้นแตกต่างจาก Binary Option มาก เพราะว่า Binary Option กำหนด Risk และ Reward จากโบรคเกอร์ขณะที่ อัตราส่วนการชนะ เราต้องไปลุ้นเอาว่าโบรคเกอร์จะผิด เพราะว่า โอกาสดังกล่าวที่จะทายถูกเข้าสู่ศุนย์กลางก็ทำให้โบรคเกอร์ได้ผลตอบแทนระยะยาว.
หลายคนอาจจะแย้งว่า จริง ๆ แล้วการลงทุนใน Binary Option จะไม่ใช่การพนัน อาจจะถูกแต่ถูกในระยะสั้น ท่านอาจจะได้กำไรแล้วเลิก แต่ถ้าท่านไม่เลิก เงินก็จะถูกคืนเข้าตลาดไปเมื่อผ่านเวลาไปนานวันขึ้น.
️ คำเตือนเรื่องความเสี่ยง การเทรด Olymp Trade ด้วยเลเวอเรจที่สูง สามารถทำให้ขาดทุนหรือสูญเสียเงินทั้งหมดในพอร์ตได้อย่างรวดเร็ว หรือมีกำไรอย่างรวดเร็วเช่นกัน ความเสียงจะสูงถ้าขาดความรู้ความเข้าใจ ความเสี่ยงจะลดลงเมื่อเรามีความรู้และประสบการณ์มากขึ้น โปรดศึกษารายละเอียดให้ครบถ้วนก่อนเริ่มต้นเทรด และ ไม่ควรใช้เงินค่ากับข้าวในการเทรด Olymp Trade เมื่อเริ่มเทรดควรเริ่มต้นเลเวอเลจ จากน้อยๆ เลเวอเลจคือตัวคูณเงินที่เรามีอยู่ในการซื้อขาย เริ่มเก่งแล้วก็ค่อยเพิ่มทีหลังได้ครับ เทรดเดอร์ที่เริ่มต้นไม่ควรใช้เลเวอร์เลจเกิน 1 50 เงินทุนควรเป็นเงินเย็น จะทำให้เราตัดสินใจได้ดีขึ้นขณะเทรด ด้วยความปราถนาดี จากใจบรรณาธิการ ThaiBrokerForex ไทยโบรกเกอร์ฟอเร็กซ์ ไม่สนับสนุนการระดมทุนใดๆ ทั้งสิ้น เพราะเป็นต้นเหตุการหลอกลวงมากมาย และทำให้วงการ Olymp Trade เสื่อมเสียอย่างมาก อ่านเกี่ยวกับการระดมทุนเพิ่มเติม.