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Espressif ESP32 Tutorial — Programming (ESP-IDF) | by David Such | Coinmonks | Medium

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Espressif ESP32 Tutorial -- Programming (ESP-IDF) | by David Such | Coinmonks | Medium

The native software development framework for the ESP-32 is called the Espressif IoT Development Framework (ESP-IDF). If you want maximum functionality and compatibility this is what you should use. It is a bit more "hard core" than some of the other programming options but it does help you better understand what is happening under the hood. Place the new element in the heap in the first available location. This keeps the structure as a complete binary tree, but it might no longer be a heap since the new element might have a greater value than its parent.

while (the new element has a greater value than its parent) swap the new element with its parent. Notice that Step 2 will stop when the new element reaches the root or when the new element's parent has a value greater than or equal to the new element's value. This implementation is particularly useful in the heapsort algorithm, where it allows the space in the input array to be reused to store the heap (i.e., the algorithm is in-place). However it requires allocating the array before filling it, which makes this method not that useful in priority queues implementation, where the number of elements is unknown.

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Source: Espressif ESP32 Tutorial -- Programming (ESP-IDF) | by David Such | Coinmonks | Medium

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