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Quotex — Инновационная торговля Цифровыми активами

Started by PocketOption, Sep 02, 2022, 06:52 am

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Quotex -- Инновационная торговля Цифровыми активами

وسيط الخيارات الثنائية.
Maxbit LLC. Address: First Floor, First St Vincent Bank LTD Building, James Street, Kingstown, St. Vincent and Grenadines.
The website services are not available in a number of countries, including USA, Canada,  وسيط الخيارات الثنائية Hong Kong, EEA countries,  as well as for persons under 18 years of age.
Предупреждение о рисках: торговля на Digital Trading и с использованием заемных финансовых инструментов сопряжена со значительным риском и может привести к потере вашего инвестированного капитала. Вы не должны инвестировать больше,  تجارة الفوركس чем можете позволить себе потерять,  تجارة الفوركس и должны осознавать все связанные с этим риски. Торговля с использованием заемных средств не подходит для всех инвесторов. Торговля продуктами без привлечения заемных средств, такими как акции, также сопряжена с риском, поскольку стоимость акции может как падать, так и расти, что может означать что вы можете получить меньше средств даже в случае выйгрыша, чем вы изначально вложили. Успешные результаты в прошлом не являются гарантией будущих результатов. Перед торговлей, пожалуйста, примите во внимание ваш уровень опыта, инвестиционные цели и, при необходимости, обратитесь за независимой финансовой консультацией. Клиент обязан выяснить, разрешено ли ему / ей пользоваться услугами бренда Quotex на основании требований законодательства страны его проживания.
There are several reasons why an account may become closed: 1. No activity. The most common reason is that the account was closed for being inactive (no logins/activity) for a long period of time - from 3 moths and more. Such accounts get deleted, if there are no funds on the balance, and they cannot be restored. You are free to register a new account. (provided there are no other active accounts registered by you on the Platform) *&nbsp The email cannot be reused. You would need to use a different email address. 2. Deleted by the owner. If there are no funds on the balance, such accounts cannot be restored. As in previous case, you can simply make sure there are no other active accounts registered by you on the Platform, and create a new one.) *&nbsp If you have deleted your account yourself by mistake, and there are funds on its balance - please contact support for details (using the «Contacts» form on the main page of the website). The operators will check and see if the account can be restored.
A high-resolution photo of yourself (selfie) on which you are holding your document for identification (your passport or national ID will do) along with a sheet of paper with the name «QUOTEX» written on it by hand, current date and your signature. Your face, body and both arms must be visible. The details of the document should be clear and readable. Screenshots of the receipts for deposits in that account (a bank statement or detailed receipts from the payment system you used for depositing will do).
3. Duplicated accounts. It's only allowed to have one active account on the Platform. If other accounts registered by the same person are detected they may be deleted with no warning (c 1.30 of the Service Agreement). 4. Deleted for  تجارة الفوركس violation of the Service Agreement. The owner gets notified on the details of violation, and the possibility of refund, and if applicable, is asked to provide the required documents.) *&nbsp In case of automatic detection of violations (e.g. using automated trading software) - the Company reserves the right not to notify the owner in advance. (You may contact support via the "Contacts" form at the bottom of the website's front page for details and refund (if applicable). We remind you that all statutory documents (Service Agreement and its annexes) are publicly available and can be revisited at any time on the Company's website.

Source: Quotex -- Инновационная торговля Цифровыми активами
