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Is it ok and safe to import master public key from electrum wallet into bluewallet to be a watch-only wallet?

Started by Bitcoin, May 14, 2022, 12:47 pm

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Is it ok and safe to import master public key from electrum wallet into bluewallet to be a watch-only wallet?

I want to use my iPhone (Blue wallet) to be the watch-only wallet for my offline wallet generated on electrum. So that I can generate unsigned transaction on the bluewallet and send it back to my offline wallet to be signed on electrum. And then send the signed transaction back to bluewallet to be broadcasted.

Is it safe to do so? Is there any better way to do it so I don't have to send the unsigned and signed transaction back and forth?

Source: Is it ok and safe to import master public key from electrum wallet into bluewallet to be a watch-only wallet?