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Restore Block.io multisig wallet in Electrum

Started by Bitcoin, May 12, 2022, 04:46 am

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Restore Block.io multisig wallet in Electrum

I've exported my private keys from Block.io. They're compressed WIF keys (starting with L...).

Additionally I've got the following data from Block.io:

  • Address type: P2SH (obviously)

  • Redeem script

  • Redeem script hex

  • Two public keys

I've tried to restore that wallet in Electrum with the information I have. But as far as I understand, Electrum needs extended private keys to restore the wallet, right?

So, is there a way to restore that wallet? Maybe in a different wallet client? I've researched a whole evening but couldn't find the answer.

Source: Restore Block.io multisig wallet in Electrum