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How to send Bitcoin in the Testnet?

Started by Bitcoin, May 06, 2022, 05:12 am

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How to send Bitcoin in the Testnet?

I'm using this library: https://github.com/lian/bitcoin-ruby

And here's my code:

require 'open-uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'net/https'
require 'json'

require 'bitcoin'

Bitcoin.network = :testnet3

def get_response(prev_tx)
  url = "https://testnet.blockexplorer.com/api/rawtx/#{prev_tx}"
  uri = URI(url)
  response = Net::HTTP.get(uri)
  response = JSON.parse(response)
  response = response['rawtx'].to_s
  return response

def build_transaction(prev_tx, prev_out_index, key, satoshi_to_spend, addr, message)
  include Bitcoin::Builder

  new_tx = build_tx do |t|
    t.input do |i|
      i.prev_out prev_tx
      i.prev_out_index prev_out_index
      i.signature_key key
    t.output do |o|
      o.value satoshi_to_spend
      o.script {|s| s.type :address; s.recipient addr }
  puts ""
  puts "--- new tx ---"
  puts new_tx.to_json
  return new_tx

def bin_to_hex(s)

bitcoin_key_1_pub = "0367e6251a89c5afc1212c3e2169866ccfe9d6059a4cfc15dc139b534b974fd7ca"
bitcoin_key_1_priv = "*****24c56528becd02d23076123a2edc2f3cf52c3c0202178c1b7fa9ac*****"
bitcoin_key_1_addr = "mxz4hu6JrTHevn22W4GDVjS3ko9MwXuHND"

# the previous transaction that has an output to your address #1
prev_tx_1 = "427138ed5f2443fbfbf8065e990f1bf9ce0236e14376e8abca0b2876eabca653"

# the number of the output you want to use
prev_out_index = 1

# 0.5 BTC in satoshis
btc_to_spend = 0.5
satoshi_to_spend = btc_to_spend * 100000000

bitcoin_key_2_pub = "02989d0578f715a1980d4d6e968bcba487077e74aaf8a219d11ee4384ea1fc1eda"
bitcoin_key_2_priv = "*****cb521a27f9782cc503b461bf5c6b470469ca00ba1d7dc26f4ab61b*****"
bitcoin_key_2_addr = "n4SYP6TJyK7pUouW65fnC1hDBrbb7Za8RR"

# fetch the tx from whereever you like and parse it
response = get_response(prev_tx_1)
$prev_tx = Bitcoin::P::Tx.new(response.htb)
prev_tx = $prev_tx

tx_value = prev_tx.outputs[prev_out_index].value
puts "tx_value: #{tx_value}"

key = Bitcoin::Key.new(bitcoin_key_1_priv, bitcoin_key_1_pub)
tx = build_transaction(prev_tx, prev_out_index, key, satoshi_to_spend, bitcoin_key_2_addr, "hello")

puts ""
puts "--- bin_to_hex ---"
puts bin_to_hex(tx.to_payload)

Here's the output:

➜  examples git:(master) ✗ ruby sandbox.rb

tx_value: 75972791
/Users/glaksmono/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.2/gems/bitcoin-ruby-0.0.18/lib/bitcoin/script.rb:281: warning: constant ::Fixnum is deprecated
/Users/glaksmono/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.2/gems/bitcoin-ruby-0.0.18/lib/bitcoin/script.rb:455: warning: constant ::Fixnum is deprecated

--- new tx ---
/Users/glaksmono/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.2/gems/bitcoin-ruby-0.0.18/lib/bitcoin/script.rb:261: warning: constant ::Fixnum is deprecated
      "scriptSig":"304402201cf2d99b7f10c71a1c77ae629ec134a3f255c0027f47815aff3e43d500e6da46022008409ea148d6cce6876910c7a7218b8197c3a827a6a7bf3d5f064a3ed3a0616701 0367e6251a89c5afc1212c3e2169866ccfe9d6059a4cfc15dc139b534b974fd7ca"
      "scriptPubKey":"OP_DUP OP_HASH160 fb75447d6038b05bb736e5b05f18a3c9da2b34db OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG"

--- bin_to_hex ---

It seems to be successful, but I don't see the BTC actually transferred from bitcoin_key_1_addr to bitcoin_key_2_addr on the Blockcypher Explorer:

As you notice in the Blockcypher Explorer, the BTC amount is not yet transferred from bitcoin_key_1_addr to bitcoin_key_2_addr. Ideas?

Source: How to send Bitcoin in the Testnet?