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Parsing bitcoin blockchain, get input (vin)

Started by Bitcoin, Apr 30, 2022, 12:54 pm

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Parsing bitcoin blockchain, get input (vin)

I downloaded the bitcoin blockchain, I have a full node and I would like to do some parsing, I use RPC to send commands to bitcoin core from my python program, when I get a block it works fine but the input is missing, I am forced to look for the associated transaction to "discover" the address and the value, for the output no problem, it's a known problem How to get input address and amount from vin using bitcoin core rpc the problem is that making an extra request for each input slows down my program a lot, for the moment I haven't found a solution so I'm relying on you a bit

I tried to find a solution on the UTXO side with the gettxout command but I have to think again, not sure it does what I want

my goal is to get a result like the one of blockchain.info, https://blockchain.info/rawblock/5 addresses don't interest me, the HEX script is enough, the input address, the output address, and the associated value


Source: Parsing bitcoin blockchain, get input (vin)