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Unable to verify Bitcoin 23.0 release due to developer keys being untrusted/uncertified [duplicate]

Started by Bitcoin, Apr 30, 2022, 06:43 am

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Unable to verify Bitcoin 23.0 release due to developer keys being untrusted/uncertified [duplicate]

I have precisely followed the instructions for attempting to verify the latest 23.0 release of bitcoind on Linux, available here: https://bitcoincore.org/en/download/

I have gpg imported all the keys defined here:


I have then ran gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.asc SHA256SUMS and when I do this, gpg is reporting multiple keys are not certified with a trusted signature - there is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner - providing an exit status code of 2.

My script therefor does not proceed to download and unpack the latest bitcoind binary.

I don't believe I am doing anything wrong and I suspect this is a key hygiene issue that the devs need to get on top of. Is anyone else experiencing this issue, and if not, can provide some insight into a fix?

Thank you.


There are also several can't check signature: no public key errors on the gpg verification output so this is probably the main cause of the problem.

Source: Unable to verify Bitcoin 23.0 release due to developer keys being untrusted/uncertified [duplicate]