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Tax implications of withdraw fee from one exchange (Binance) to another GDAX/Coinbase

Started by Bitcoin, Apr 23, 2022, 11:42 am

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Tax implications of withdraw fee from one exchange (Binance) to another GDAX/Coinbase

I transferred 0.2 ETH and 0.3 ETH in separate transfers from GDAX to Binance (GDAX does not charge a fee for this).

Then, I transferred back from Binance to GDAX all 0.5 ETH, but since Binance charges a 0.01 ETH withdraw fee, I now only have 0.49 ETH in my GDAX account.

Then, I sell my 0.49 ETH on GDAX.

Assuming I would like to report taxes, how do I take into account the 0.01 ETH in transfer fee assuming the following:

0.2 ETH was purchased at $100

0.3 ETH was purchased at $120

0.49 ETH was sold at $400 (within a year)

In other words, what's the best way to report these two transactions on form 8949 (https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f8949.pdf)?

Source: Tax implications of withdraw fee from one exchange (Binance) to another GDAX/Coinbase