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Walking through a transaction script

Started by Bitcoin, Apr 20, 2022, 01:11 pm

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Walking through a transaction script

As an example, I would like to consider this transaction: https://blockchain.info/tx/6f7cf9580f1c2dfb3c4d5d043cdbb128c640e3f20161245aa7372e9666168516

I have three questions:

1) The first two entries in the stack are <sig> and <pubKey> for each input. However, the inputs are just giant strings. For the first of the two inputs, it is


Where are the two separate items, the signature and the public key?

2) I understand that OP_DUP duplicates the top item on the stack i.e. the publick key and then OP_HASH160 computes the hash. Assuming I have the <pubKey>, I'd like to actually run OP_HASH160 and see that I get the result 12ab8dc588ca9d5787dde7eb29569da63c3a238c using a tool like this http://bitcoinvalued.com/tools.php. Where exactly is the <pubKey> that yields this hash?

3) Finally, there is the OP_CHECKSIG which should take ,  and  and return true or false. Where exactly are these items in this transaction?

Source: Walking through a transaction script