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Blockchain.info Payment API -> Callback gets a 302?

Started by Bitcoin, Apr 02, 2022, 04:44 am

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Blockchain.info Payment API -> Callback gets a 302?

I want to integrate the Blockchain.info Payment API and everything works fine so far. The callback works and triggers the code on my server, if a payment comes in. But if I check the callback log of Blockchain.info, it says, it retrieved the status code 302 back from my server when calling the callback url. If I check the callback url in the browser or with curl, I just get a status code 200.

Is that some known problem? Or does anybody know whats the issue is here? Or is everything fine and the blockchain.info service can read the ok from my server? Otherwise my callback will be banned if I read the docs correctly...

Source: Blockchain.info Payment API -> Callback gets a 302?