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Is it possible to compute just a byte of the public key by having the private key?

Started by Bitcoin, Mar 24, 2022, 04:40 pm

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Is it possible to compute just a byte of the public key by having the private key?

Let's say we have a certain known public key to which we want to find the private key with a bad approach such as brute forcing.

Would it be possible that instead of computing the whole public key to check if it matches with a target one, to just compute the first (or any one) byte (or bytes) and if said byte matches the target's first byte to the to compute the full public key?

Implementing this would make sense if it would take much less time to compute it partially.

I am aware that the odds of finding anything are astronomical and that there are better ways of doing this. This is just for educational purposes.

Source: Is it possible to compute just a byte of the public key by having the private key?