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generating bitcoin core -rpcauth argument using gloang

Started by Bitcoin, Mar 16, 2022, 07:12 pm

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generating bitcoin core -rpcauth argument using gloang

we're developing a Blockchain deployment solution kotal, and generating -rpcauth argument from the supplied user name and password.
The problem is when we try to use the same user and password using curl, it writes ThreadRPCServer incorrect password attempt from

Here's how we're generating -rpcauth from password in golang.

user := "kotal"
password = "s3cr3t"

salt := make([]byte, 16)

hash := hmac.New(sha256.New, salt)

rpcauth := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%x$%x", user, salt, hash.Sum(nil))

what's wrong with our golang implementation ?

Source: generating bitcoin core -rpcauth argument using gloang