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Send or receive bitcoins with bitcoin-cli without downloading full blockchain

Started by Bitcoin, Mar 15, 2022, 07:56 pm

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Send or receive bitcoins with bitcoin-cli without downloading full blockchain

I have successfully downloaded, compiled and installed bitcoin-cli from github.

I can send or receive bitcoins with sendtoaddress and getnewaddress methods.

It works great and i am happy to do that without install third party software (i do not trust them)

But i have a problem: I need to download the full blockchain files (with bitcoind) on my computer.

Is there a way to run sendtoaddress and getnewaddress methods with having only wallet.dat file on my computer ? I do not want to download the full blockchain files. Is it possible ?

How works ledger wallet key ? This small key does not contain a copy of the blockchain. And it works !


Source: Send or receive bitcoins with bitcoin-cli without downloading full blockchain