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Getting Started With Mike’s Auto Trader.

Started by admin, Sep 28, 2019, 10:13 am

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Getting up and running with Mike's Auto Trader is quick and easy:
1. Go to the Mike's Auto Trader homepage on your computer.
2. Complete the registration form, and click submit.
3. Select a broker from the pre-approved list.
4. Make a deposit, start trading, and start making money.
"I got into broker options trading through a friend who was making good money from it. I struggled initially trying to find the right strategy and platform. I tried many, but I wasn't making enough money to make it worth my while. I simply wasn't good enough or quick enough to spot potentially profitable trading signals. Then I tried Mike's Auto Trader, and everything changed. The automation is fantastic, the algorithm makes trading easy, and I am making money. I now call myself a successful broker trader." -Chris, 28.
Other broker Option Robots.
Auto Trading Service.
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Everything You Need to Know About broker Options Robots.
broker options robots are software programs that trade broker options automatically. Theoretically, they can make you money 24 hours a day with minimal supervision, but can you really make a profit from them? We will answer this question and more in this guide:
How do broker options robots work? Who are broker options robots designed for? What is the difference between trading signals and a broker options robot? How much do broker options robots cost to use, and are they worth the money? How can you make sure you get the right one without risking your money? What broker options robot products are there, and what are the main differences? Which broker options robots are the best?
After reading the guide, you will have a better understanding of what broker options robots do, plus you will have the knowledge you need to select and set up a robot that suits your needs.
broker Options Robots Explained.
broker options robots are automatic traders. You first set the parameters of the trading strategy--how much each trade should be, what assets you what to trade on, when you should cash out, etc. The robot then gets to work, implementing the strategy and automatically making trades.
Lots of broker options robots are currently available. Each is different and offers particular features or strategies. We'll go through some of them in the following sections.
You need a broker or forex brokers for your broker options robot to work. The robot is just a computer algorithm after all. The broker is the person authorized to complete the actual transaction. This is where the setup can get slightly complicated as you can usually only use pre-approved brokers with each broker options robot.


The situation gets particularly complicated if you have a broker already. In this situation, you have a choice to make: use a broker options robot that supports your broker or change your broker. Some smaller brokers offer limited robot options, so it can be challenging to match up the broker and robot that you want. If the broker options robot of your choice does not support your broker, you could try contacting the provider of the robot to see if the broker could be accepted. If not, you will have to choose another broker or another robot.
Thankfully this situation does not arise very often, as good brokers usually work with the best bots and trading platforms.
It is much easier if you don't have a broker, as you can simply choose one from the pre-approved list of your broker options robot of choice.
The Benefits of broker Options Robots.
What are the main benefits of broker options robots, and why should you use one? When used correctly, they offer significant advantages:
Automation Immediate results 24-hours-a-day trading Higher capacity Don't make mistakes Not affected by emotion No fees on your profits.
Let's look at each one individually.
Benefit One: Automatic Trading.
When you trade manually, you have to conduct research on the market and then start placing your trades. At some point, you have to stop to eat, sleep, shower, and see the people you love. While you are doing this, the markets keep going, trading positions change, and new opportunities arise. You can't get them all--unless you automate your trading.
This is exactly what broker options robots do. It means you can implement a successful trading strategy, and you only have to allocate about five minutes of your time each day. Those five minutes are usually spent checking the settings of your bot.
When looked at in this way, the advantages of automated trading systems are obvious, particularly in the modern world, where it is hard to find time for all of life's commitments.
Let's look at some numbers to see the difference. Trading manually would require at least two hours a day in research to get an understanding of what is happening in the market and how that is changing over the course of the day. This doesn't even account for the time you will need to allocate to execute the trades. It is for this reason that most manual traders give up. They simply cannot give trading enough time while also holding down a job and spending time with their friends and family.
The answer is a robot, where the algorithm and software does the hard work for you. It means you can have the best of both worlds: a successful and profitable trading career and a balanced work and family life.
Benefit Two: Immediate Results.
Learning how to manually trade broker options profitably takes time. For starters, it is short-term trading, which is very different from other types of trading. It requires a different approach, different strategies, and a specific type of market analysis.
The length of time it takes to get it right is usually measured in years. For most people, it takes five to 10 years from the day they start trading broker options to the point where they are getting regular profits. In those five to 10 years, mistakes are made, and losses can be high. It is no wonder that so many people give up.
broker options robots bypass this learning phase. Instead of acquiring the knowledge you need over a long period of time and at great expense, you purchase it by purchasing a robot.
It is the sensible approach and one people take in all aspects of life. For example, when you want a new car, you don't go out and learn how to assemble an engine and build a chassis. Instead, you go to a car showroom and buy a tried and test model that is manufactured by experts. In terms of trading and investing, you get the equivalent with a broker options robot.
Benefit Three: 24-Hours-a-Day Trading.
broker options robots don't go on vacation, and they don't need sleep. They don't have friends or family, and they have no work commitments or financial obligations. They don't have to eat, and they have no hobbies. All they do is trade, and they can do it all day, every day.
Benefit Four: Higher Capacity.
Most manual traders are involved in the market for one to two hours a day. This is all the time that most people can spare, but it is also the reason that most fail. They can only place a limited number of trades in that time period, and they miss all the other opportunities that are available in the other 22 to 23 hours.
A broker options robot makes a much higher volume of trades as it operates around the clock. This means all opportunities are identified and acted upon.
Benefit Five: Don't Make Mistakes.
It is a simple fact of life that humans make mistakes. In fact, our mistakes make us better people. In the world of trading, however, mistakes can be costly. Mistakes can put an otherwise profitable day into the red.
broker options robots don't make mistakes. They don't misread information, they don't get confused, and they don't get tired. This error-free method of trading makes it easier to implement a profitable investment strategy.
Benefit Six: Not Affected by Emotion.
Short-term trading and investing requires quick decision-making skills. Those decisions have to be based on facts and pre-defined strategies. Emotions, gut instinct, and hunches might work with long-term investments, but they have no place in short-term trading.
broker options robots are completely devoid of emotion. They simply analyze the numbers in front of them to make calculated, rational predictions about the future.
The best manual traders use mathematical calculations to make trading decisions too. Robots will always be more efficient at processing those calculations than humans, however, so they will always be better at analyzing market data and completing successful trades.
Benefit Seven: No Fees on Your Profits.
Many of these benefits are impressive, but they are not entirely unique. For example, you can get many of them by putting your money into an investment fund. There is another problem with investments like this, however, that give broker options robots the advantage: fees.
If there is one thing investment funds know how to do, it is charge fees. In most cases, you are charged a fee to get started, so you are on the back foot from the start. After that, the yearly management fees kick in. The result is an investment where it is hard to make consistently good profits. Just look at the numbers: The fund would have to grow by at least four percent a year for you to break even, let alone make a profit. Not many funds have done that when you look at analysis over the last 15 years. In fact, they tread water at best, while others lose money.
You won't be charged any fees when you use a broker options robot. There is usually a charge for access to the robot when you first sign up, but there are no ongoing fees. Plus, you don't have to pay fees on broker options, meaning you get to keep more of your money.
broker options trading with robots is, therefore, a real alternative for all investors fed up with the extortionate fees you have to pay for other types of investment.
How broker Options Robots Differ.
A quick search online for broker options robots will return hundreds of results. Each one is different, sometimes substantially different. To make the right choice for your needs, you have to understand the main differences.
Algorithm or Brain?
broker options robots come in three main types: those that are completely algorithm based, those that have professional traders, and those that use a combination of algorithmic and real-life trades. When choosing a robot, there is no right or wrong answer as it depends on your approach to risk and your personal preference.
To help you choose, here are the key features of each option:
Algorithmic-based robots - This is where a computer program does all the market analysis and then makes trades based on the preferences of its users. It brings with it all the benefits of automated trading and usually delivers the best returns.
Professional traders - Real-life traders have some obvious limitations when compared to a computer-based trading system. For example, they can't place as many trades in a day, and they are vulnerable to mistakes. Many people like the human element, however, and the ability to move outside of the rigid rules of algorithmic trading.
Combination - This is the best of both worlds option. It usually works by the trader analyzing the market and deciding on the best trading strategy to use. The bot then takes over to deliver the strategy by identifying opportunities that the strategy presents, generating signals, and making trades. At each stage, however, there is a real-life person overseeing the process to make sure it is running optimally.
Most broker options robots you will find are purely computer based. After all, one of the key objectives is to automate trading as much as possible. You need to know the differences between the three, but it doesn't matter which one you choose. All that matters is that you are happy with the way the bot works and that you are making money.
What About Meta Trader?
Meta Trader is a well-known trading platform with many traders using it to trade in currency and other assets. It recent times, it has increasingly been used for trading broker options. Is it really suitable for this highly specialized form of trading?
Meta Trader isn't a robot itself. Instead, it facilitates the use of robots that you get elsewhere. Some people program their own robots for use on Meta Trader, while others find free versions of bots available on forums and communities on the Internet.
In other words, Meta Trader has no in-built broker options functionality. Some third parties do offer the ability to use it and connect it to your broker options broker. Once connected, you can send and execute signals.
In theory, this works, but in reality, there are challenges:
Almost all free bots available on Internet forums and other informal locations have sub-standard algorithms. They may give a return in the short term, although most don't. Hardly any give a return in the long term. This is because the market is a complete free-for-all, with anyone able to upload free bots to a forum without any sort of scrutiny or third-party evaluation.
Almost all free bots also use algorithms that are built with historical data. If you could turn back the clock to run those bots under the same market conditions, you would make a tidy profit. That doesn't mean the algorithm will work for current or future market conditions, however, and these algorithms are too simplistic to adapt.
In addition, this solution for broker options trading is not technically stable. All too often signals are lost, while bugs and errors are common.
There may be good robots available on the Meta Trader platform for trading broker options, but we haven't come across any that meet our standards. We, therefore, keep our focus on the professionally produced options that are specifically created for broker options traders and the broker options market.
What About Signal Providers?
All of the broker options robots we talk about in this article are complete robots. This means they analyze the market to identify trading signals and then take action on those signals. There is another option, though. This is where the identification process and execution process is split.
In other words, you pay one provider to identify and send you trading signals and another provider to execute those signals. It is an interesting trading model, and some people do suggest it has benefits, but we see too many problems. These include:
The increased cost of paying two different providers. This makes it harder to make a healthy return on investment.
Adding steps to a process, particularly where that step involves one entity communicating with another, which creates the potential for error. Specifically, in this situation, signals are often lost. This can seriously impact a trading strategy.
This is why we focus on complete bots: those that both create and execute signals.
Money Management Strategies: What Are They, and Why Are They Important?
One feature that you will find in some robots is money management. With this feature, you can set a money management strategy so that trades are adjusted depending on your gains or losses. In other words, it might place higher value trades if you are experiencing gains to maximize returns and lower value trades when on a downward trend in order to minimize losses.


If your broker options robot does not have this feature, it will trade the same amount every trade, regardless of your current investment position or account balance.
On the surface, it appears this is a good feature, but there is a complication: There are good money management strategies and bad ones. It is better not to have the feature at all rather than use a broker options robot that has a bad strategy.
Generally, the money management strategies utilized by robots fall into two categories. In our experience, one is good, and the other is bad:
The good strategy - This is the strategy mentioned above, where trades are increased when on a winning streak to maximize returns and reduced when on a losing streak to minimize losses. We find this to be a stable strategy as you can make more money on good days while decreasing the possibility of blowing your budget on bad days.
The bad strategy - Other robots work in the opposite way. In other words, they increase the value of each trade whenever you make a loss. The theory is that the increase will help you recover losses quicker, but it rarely works out like this. In fact, if you get on a losing streak, even a small one, you will quickly lose everything. And as every trader knows, losing streaks happen to everyone.
The odds of you surviving the inevitable losing streaks are very low with the bad strategy, so we advise all broker options traders to avoid it.
What do you do if your broker options robot does not offer a money management feature? It is still possible to manage the level of trades manually, and it doesn't take too much time--about two minutes a day. To do this, you should set the value of each trade as a percentage of your account balance. This could be one or two percent for example. (We recommend you don't go over three percent.) Each day you can check the percentage and adjust accordingly.
So let's say your account balance is $1,000 and you trade two percent of that balance in very trade. That means each trade is $20. However, you go on a losing streak over a few days, and your account balance drops to $900. You would then change the value of each trade to two percent of 900, which is $18.
Applying simple mathematical formulas like this will help you get through the bad patches so you can maximize your returns during the good runs.
The Cost of broker Options Robots.
Most broker options robots vary in price, somewhere between $200 and $500. The more expensive options offer more features and have better track records, but you can still get good robots in the lower price brackets.
These costs are usually in the form of a one-off fee. You will find other options, however, that are subscription based. This means you pay no initial fee but then a monthly fee for every month you use the bot.
So which is better--the higher one-off cost or the lower monthly fee? Initially, the monthly fee is less costly, but after about six months, it becomes more expensive to use a robot on a monthly fee basis as opposed to a one-off cost. As six months is not a long time in the world of broker options trading, we advise people to go for the one-off fee.
To reduce the risk of the initial cost, you can look for robots that offer a money back guarantee. This means you can try the robot, and if you don't like it, you can get your money back as long as you do this within the timescale. Some robots give you guarantees that are up to 60 days long, which means you have about two months to evaluate the platform totally risk free.
The Pricing Exception That Makes the Rule.
There is one well-known exception to the robot pricing models described above. It is used by broker Option Robot, a popular and successful trading platform. It has a different business model than its competitors, which means you can use it free of charge.
It does this by charging the broker a fee rather than you. The model works because traders have to use one of its approved brokers, so it gets its fee every time a new user signs up. It is an effective pricing model because the robot is, in fact, bringing the broker a new client--you, the trader. In many ways, it makes sense to have a payment model based on this structure.
This makes broker Option Robot a good choice, particularly for new traders, as you don't have any fees to pay and you will need to appoint a broker anyway. In addition, the robot is actually pretty good and offers a good user environment, plenty of features, and good returns. In addition, the brokers you can choose from are well known and respected in the industry.
Should You Get a broker Options Robot, and Are They Worth It?
Now we are moving into the substantial questions: Are broker options robots right for you, are they worth the money, and can you make a profit? And if broker options robots are right for you, is broker Option Robot the best one to go for?
Are Any Robots Worth the Money?
Let's first look at a simple fact and then run some numbers to see how it plays out in the real world. The fact is a robot and a person will, theoretically, win an equal number of trades if they are using the same strategy. Robots have no advantage over people in this regard.
However, robots can trade for longer, they don't need to take breaks, and they don't make mistakes. Now let's see what that does when you run the numbers.
A typical part-time trader might trade for three hours a day every weekday and make three trades a day. That works out to about 60 trades a month. His or her winning percentage is 70 percent with a 70 percent payout.
Let's now compare this to a robot with the same winning and payout percentages. That robot can trade 24 hours a day. That is eight times longer than the person and means the robot will make 24 trades a day, or 480 trades a month. In reality, the difference between the robot's level of trades and the person's is probably bigger as this does not take into account the days off that people take or the mistakes they make. However, to keep the calculation simple, we will assume the minimum difference.


With 60 trades a month, the manual trader can expect to win about 42 of them. The robot, on the other hand, can expect to win 336 of its 480 trades. Remember, this is based on the robot hitting the same winning percentage.
The robot will, therefore, make 294 more trades than the person simply because it is able to trade 24 hours a day when a person cannot. If every trade is $10 (which is quite a low number), the potential difference in profit the robot will make is $2,940.
Now consider the cost of a broker options trading robot. Even if you choose the most expensive at around $500, that is still much less than the potential increase in profits you can make in the first month of trading.
What About broker Option Robot?
As already mentioned, broker Option Robot is a free platform, but does that mean it is the best choice for you? Here are some of the features you get with the system, which will help you make a decision.
Profit monitoring - In broker Option Robot, you can see at a glance the balance and profit level you have with each broker connected to your system. This makes it easy to monitor and make decisions.
Asset selection - This is a unique feature that not many other robots offer. It means you can individually select assets to trade according to your personal preference, your attitude to risk, or the general market position.
Stop-loss - To keep you safe and to protect you money, broker Option Robot offers a flexible and useful stop-loss feature. Just set it at the level you need, and the system will automatically stop trading when the number of lost trades reaches that level. This prevents a losing streak from draining money out of your account.
VIP features - broker Option Robot offers a number of VIP features, including a facility to set your risk level automatically. You can also select from a number of pre-set trading strategies.
broker Options Robot is, therefore, a good choice, even for people who are skeptical about this type of investment trading. It is free, and risks are kept at a minimum, so there is little to lose from giving it a go.
What About Paying for a Robot Instead?
You have the option of going for a paid-for broker options robot, but is this a good decision when there is an alternative that is free? In terms of features, usability, and potential returns, our opinion is no, it is not a good decision. This is because broker Option Robot is as good as the paid-for alternatives. It may not be better, but why pay for something when you can get a product that is the same quality for free?
As always, however, there are exceptions. Specifically, there are two types of traders that would be better off with a paid-for alternative:
Do you already have a broker? If you do and you want to move to another robot, broker Option Robot might not be an option. You will find yourself in this situation if the broker you currently use is not on the preapproved list. The only way you will be able to use broker Option Robot is to close the account with your existing broker so you can get a new one. This might not be worth the hassle or the cost.
Do you have a specific broker you want to use? Even if you don't have an account with a broker yet, you might have one that you want to use. They might have been recommended to you by a friend, or you may have found him or her when doing your own research. This is a challenge if you want to use both your selected broker and broker Option Robot but the broker is not preapproved. In this situation, you will have to choose which is more important to you--the broker or the robot--as you can't have both.
While there are some specific circumstances where it makes sense to use a paid-for robot, in most cases, particularly with new traders, broker Option Robot is the best choice.
Can You Test a Robot Before Risking Any Money?
Most people new to broker options trading take a cautious approach. This lets them learn how everything works, plus they can find a robot or platform that suits their needs. If you follow our four-step plan, you can evaluate a robot while risking minimal amounts of money. Once you have completed the four steps and are happy with the results, you can start to ramp things up.


Step 1: Read expert reviews - Taking advice from experts is good when making any significant purchase or financial decision. broker options trading is a specialized skill, however, so most people don't have direct access to an expert. That is why websites like this and others are so helpful. Here you will find tips, guides, and recommendations from people who have been involved in the industry for a very long time.
Step 2: Analyze past performance - Most reputable broker options robots publish details of their trading performance that allow you to estimate their win ratio. Some even give this figure up front. You can then use this, along with the payout percentage, to analyze the robot's previous performance.
As an example, let's say a robot wins 70 percent of its trades and your broker has a 70 percent payout policy. A 70 percent payout policy means you will get back $1.70 for every $1 you invest in a winning trade--your investment plus the 70 percent payout.
The sum for your calculation is therefore 0.70 x 1.70, which equals 1.19. As this number is greater than one, you will make a profit. If the number was less than 1, you would take a loss, so you would be better choosing a different broker or a different robot.
Step 3: Run tests - Testing a robot is easy if they offer a demo account as you can place dummy trades using real-life conditions with no risk to your money. You can also test robots that do not offer demo accounts.
It takes a bit more work to test a robot that doesn't offer a demo account, but it can be done. You first have to sign up and pay for the robot. This will give you access to the members' section and the signals created by the robot. You can simply act as an observer for a period of time, noting how many of the trades were winners. You can then feed this information into the calculation above to see the real potential of the bot--and you will not have spent a penny except for the cost of the robot.
Provided you do this within the money-back guarantee period, you can get your initial fee back too if you don't like what you see.
Step 4: Start slow - It is usually tempting to get going as quickly as possible once you reach this point. In fact, many traders skip the first three points and jump straight to this one, eager to make as much money as possible. We don't recommend that, though. We prefer a more controlled approach, where you go through the three steps above and then get to this stage where you start trading at the minimum amount that your broker will allow. As your knowledge and confidence improve, you can start increasing the value of your trades.


Which Robot Should You Choose?
In our opinion, broker Option Robot is the best choice. This applies to people new to trading because of its easy to use features and the fact that it is free. It also applies to experienced traders too, as the range of features it offers are as good as any of the paid-for options. Plus, it has a good track record of winning trades.
If you are not able to use broker Option Robot, the choice becomes a little more difficult. This is because it is not possible to recommend a single provider, as your reason for not choosing broker Option Robot is probably that you want to use a particular broker. As we don't know which robots work with your broker, we can't make a recommendation.
You will find plenty of reviews on our site of all robots, however. This means you can get a list of the brokers you can use and cross-reference them with the information on this website.
Robots automate your broker options trading, allowing you to make more trades and to get started in the industry without spending months (and lots of money) learning how it works. The broker Option Robot platform is the best robot available because it is free, it is successful, and it is packed full of features. Get started with broker Option Robot today.
A Short History of Trading Systems.
One of the first recognized trading systems was launched in 1949. It was started by Richard Donchian and was called Futures Inc. It worked by using pre-set rules to create buy and sell signals. Back then they didn't have the technology we have today. Ticker tapes were used instead of the Internet and hand-drawn charts instead of computers. Even with those challenges, it was successful, and today trading systems are used by banks, institutional investors, private investors, and more.
Things developed slowly after those initial pioneering days, although they started to pick up pace in the 1980s. This was the era of legendary traders like John Henry and Richard Dennis. They used mathematical rules to make trading decisions and were highly successful. The technology was starting to improve too, and it was getting cheaper. This gave more and more people access to trading systems. By the 1990s investors could buy trading systems and use them on their own computers to analyze data and generate signals to send to their brokers. Then the Internet came, and with it came live data and real-time access.
In the late 1990s the Chicago Mercantile Exchange made it possible for traders to trade directly with the exchange rather than go through the trading floor. Trading systems could now fully take off.
And they did, starting a whole new industry of system-assist trading platforms. These are off-the-shelf trading systems that traders can use without worrying about technical code or infrastructure. They just pay a monthly subscription, and the trading system is theirs.
broker option robot.


This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google, ClickBetter, eBay, Amazon, Yahoo or Bing nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Google, ClickBetter, Yahoo, eBay, Amazon, or Bing. broker Option Auto Trading does not guarantee income or success, and examples shown in this presentation do not represent an indication of future success or earnings. The company declares the information shared is true and accurate.
broker Option Robot.
broker Option Robot - How Does it Work & How to Start? Read 100% Objective & Detailed BinaryOptionRobot Review Minimum Investment, Returns & VIP Account - See Below!
broker broker Option Robot Official Website URL www.binaryoptionrobot.com Support Types Live Chat, Phone, E-mail Payout 84% Free Demo Account Open FREE Demo NOW Deposit & Withdrawal Methods VISA, Mater Card, Maestro, OK Pay, Neteller Number of Assets 70+ Overall Score 9.4/10.
Full Review.
broker Option Robot is a 100% Free automated trading solution that requires no software download and makes Forex and CFDs trading possible from every point of the globe. Unlike many other auto trading systems on the market, this one needs to be set up only once and then it will start handling all trades on your behalf. This is a safe and secure trading software that gives you the unique option to define the risks parameters for each trading session. broker Option Robot is compatible with the trading platforms of the best brokers, who are offering maximum performance and high winning rates.
Review Verdict: BinaryOptionRobot is NOT a Scam.
How to Use broker Option Robot?
Earning significant daily profits with the help of broker Option Robot is easy. This is thanks to the fact the system gathers historical data from previous years, which is processed by a highly sophisticated algorithm that calculates the probability of assets price movements at any given moment. The software is integrated with the trading platforms of seven Forex brokers. You can open an account with one or all of these Forex brokers just by registering with BinaryOptionRobot. There are no fees and you can start trading immediately.
No Download.
Users do not need to download and install any additional files to their devices in order to start trading with broker Option Robot. The system is fully browser-based so it is easy to navigate and use.
How to Start?
To start trading Forex with the help of broker Option Robot, just visit the company's website and go to the Open Account section . There you must enter your contact details and choose the currency that you would like to open an account in (the available currencies are: USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, and AUD). Once you finish the registration process, you are taken to the Dashboard of your account where you have to choose one or more Forex brokers to work with. To register with one of them, just click the green Open Account button. You don't have to go to the broker's platform - everything happens in the nicely designed Dashboard of the Forex robot.


Each time you log into your broker Option Robot account you will see the latest promotions by the featured brokers. Keep in mind that there are special terms and conditions when you accept a bonus or a promotion from a broker, so it's best to visit the broker's website and familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions that apply.
Apart from trading, your personal account page is also the place where you can change your contact details, review your trading history, and manage your Forex robot's settings, including the tradeable assets, the investment per trade, the maximum daily trades, the daily loss stop and the reverse trading feature.
Current members of the Forex trading platform state that they can easily earn around $500 per day with the help of the system. This means that it is able to deliver real results to its users by earning significant daily income on their behalf.
The access to the Forex auto-trading solution is absolutely free of charge. Still, to start trading you have to fund your account with some trading balance. The minimum deposit depends on the broker that you want to open an account with.
In general, this amount is 250 USD or EUR. Usually there is no limit for the funds that you want to invest in Forex trading.
Is BinaryOptionRobot a Scam?
The broker Option Robot is absolutely legit and reliable . The interface of the system is intuitive and easy to navigate, which enables traders to get familiar with its features quickly. The auto-trading software has numerous customizable settings, which allow for maximum control over the way trades are executed and that gives investors the opportunity to achieve optimal results and the best possible return on their investment. To help traders with the configuration of the preferences, the broker Option Robot provides a tutorial guide, which explains in-depth what each setting means and how to use it. This makes the trading process easier and accessible to traders with various levels of proficiency.
Review Verdict: BinaryOptionRobot is NOT a Scam.
broker Option Robot Features.
The broker Option Robot stands out among other auto trading solutions with some major advantages. In addition to the automated trading system it also provides trading signals and traders can choose from several signal sources, which allows for great flexibility. Another unique feature enables you to set the level of risk you are willing to take, which minimizes the possibility of losing funds.
The fully automated trading software provided by the broker Options Robot is also extremely time-saving as it executes the trades on your behalf even when you are not online. This way it does all the work, while you can relax and enjoy yourself.
broker Option Robot VIP Account.
broker Option Robot offers a free VIP account to any of their customers who want to refer a friend. For each friend you refer to their website you will get 2 months extension of the VIP period.
This gives you access to otherwise "locked" features, such as the four levels of risk and the expiry times of the options that can be traded with the robot. Also keep in mind that each time the friend you have referred to broker Option Robot, both you and him/her will get your VIP period extended by 2 months.
Customer Service.
The support team of broker Option Robot is really responsive and competent. Users can easily get help in case of any troubles or questions they may have. The service is available 24/7 which means that you will have no problems while placing your trades.
Our research shows that broker Option Robot is a reliable and 100% safe Forex robot. It is a good software for anyone who does not have the time or the financial knowledge to trade manually. In any case, the experts at Top10BinaryRobots.com recommend that you always trade Forex with care as this is a high-risk endeavor.
If you prefer, you can Proceed to Safety and choose a trusted Forex robot, by visiting our list of approved automated Forex trading solutions.
broker Options Robot.
100% Automated broker Options Trading Robot for web-based brokers! 100+ trades per day! Trades 60 second and 30 second broker Options. Has built-in deposit protection, money management system. Based on low-risk, high-profitable strategy.
What is broker Options Robot.
broker Options Robot 100% auto trading software for broker options. The broker Option Robot generates trading signals and automatically executes trades direct to your linked broker account.
Independent broker Options Robot.
First Independent non-affiliate broker Options Robot from Independent developers works for any existent account and any deposit.
Best broker Options Robot.
broker Options Robot simply the best safe and secure automatic trading software, time and time again it will help the user maximize the profit on their broker options trading.
100% Auto Trading broker Options Software.
With automated broker options trading, there is no human element involved. Entire trading process is done automatically.
Best Robot For Professional Traders and Newbi.
With broker options auto trading software , the trader will be able to make the profit just by having the basic knowledge about the whole trading process.
Speedy execution.
broker Options Robot has no emotions and automatically places orders, 80 times faster than a human. Even before the idea has crossed your mind, the broker options robot will already have taken a position. A trading robot performs ongoing analysis on the different markets, which a human cannot do. Within seconds, broker Options Robot is able to take several winning positions.
Download version. After payment is made you will get download link. Free technical support via Email, Skype and Teamviewer.
One more step.


No evident risk disclosure and lacking Terms and Conditions section - traders who wish to invest their money need to know about the risks involved and terms and conditions of use. Shady robot sites usually have bombastic claims which draw the attention of traders in hopes they will not notice the lack of any risk assessment and terms of use.
A business which is serious and wishes to do successful business over a long period of time with a happy and loyal clientele will never omit these important segments.
Poor or missing customer support - while many disregard this segment in broker options trading, customer support is one of the essential elements which have to function in order to have a positive trading experience. Many of many of these broker option auto trading scam sites have missing or completely unreliable customer support.
Poor or missing security - this is the breach which should never happen, especially when it comes to financial trading. Traders submit sensitive data in order to use broker robots and the security has to be top-notch. Nothing else will suffice.
If traders pay attention to these important details they will be much better equipped to spot and eliminate broker option robot scam products.
Additionally, by consulting legitimate and well-known broker options review sites they will be able to find detailed and objective robot reviews which can help in their decision-making process.
Efficient broker Option Robot Products.
If hopeful broker options traders were careful to read the first part of this article then it stands to reason that in order to find efficient broker option robot products one just needs to avoid the above-mentioned elements. And this is certainly true.
But the first and most important step is to always understand the risk involved. Because even the greatest product in the world cannot always perform in such a way to secure a winning outcome every time. In fact, it does not even matter which industry we are discussing, the risk is always involved.
Yet, for those who have realistic expectations and understand the risks, the possibility of having success is far better.
broker option robots can be a great solution, a shortcut of the sort, which can generate profits for even the most inexperienced trader. It does most of the work, and it deals with the hardest aspect of broker trading - current market analysis and deciding which traders stand the most chance of being successful.
But, it does not deliver profits every single time and traders have to know and understand this unless they want to end up thinking they are dealing with a broker option auto trading scam product even when they are not.
Hot and Trustworthy Products on the broker Option Robot Scene.


Crypto Robot 365 - an interesting choice for crypto auto trading which not only offers a fine list of respected crypto brokers connected with this product but also provides traders with a demo account too. This robot traders only currency pairs but their site is professionally designed, it provides traders with all the relevant information as well as risk assessment.
Crypto Code - provides traders with a VIP account as well as more than 50 assets to trade with, four risk levels, trade options and five different trading strategies. Their site is a wealth of fantastic information about this product and their customer support is always on hand to answer any questions.
FXMasterBot Forex Robot - has all the elements of a professional product ranging from a list of connected brokers, detailed terms&conditions, risk disclosure as well as detailed settings tab which provides all the vital info about the product and how to use it.
A Professional broker Options Robot Review For Semi Automated Trading.
broker Options Robot offers a semi-automated trading system that attempts to remove the mechanical aspect of trading and allow traders to be in full control. There are several aspects to like about the system, but there are also a few issues that lower the success rate. Nevertheless, broker Options Robot is one of the better trading robots that is available for profitable broker options trading.
Introduction To broker Options Robot Review.
Not all broker options trading systems in the market are able to offer sustained profits, which can be verified and cross-checked with actual trading performance. It is common for signals service providers and broker options trading systems to offer promises of extravagant bonuses, which will make the impossible, seem possible. broker Options Robot is one of the more advanced and premium broker trading systems in the market that has many years of performance history to back up its performance claims.
In our review of the broker Options Robot, we attempt to discover the innate characteristics of broker Options Robot strategy and the live performance of the broker Options Robot in real-world market conditions. We will also analyse the broker Options Robot fees of subscription, app performance, and the overall trading environment.
Relevant Company Details & Legal Structure Of broker Options Robot.
broker Options Robot is not a regulated or licensed entity, and it does not claim to be as such either. broker options Robot is one of the vast majority of automated trading systems that operate without a valid registration and is not authorised by any licensing authority to offer investment-related advice to traders or investors. broker Options Robot does specify in its terms and conditions that the company only provides information on its website for informative purposes, and the company is not responsible for losses that may arise from using its services.
It is trivial for traders to expect any kind of regulatory status from such automated trading systems, especially due to the lack of clear rules surrounding investment advice and broker options trading. However, the general consensus over regulatory licenses for allied services is not an indicator for the whole industry, as there are several automated trading systems, signals companies, and other service providers that are regulated by some of the top regulators in the financial markets. Nevertheless, broker Options Robot works with some of the leading broker options brokers as part of its automated trading system, which does possess excellent regulatory authorizations and licenses to indulge in broker Options trading.
broker Options Robot first appeared in the market in 2014 and is one of the very first automated trading systems to take advantage of the growing popularity of broker options trading among the masses. Despite the company's shortcomings in the regulation department, the safety of your investments is largely dependent on the quality and regulatory reliability of the broker. Hence, if you are careful about choosing a regulated broker options broker from broker Options Robot, you can enjoy a fair amount of protection. The team at broker Options Robot has also ensured that it has teamed up some of the leading broker options brokers, to ensure that they have access to the best companies in the market to cater to their users.
broker Options Robot Working Principle.
broker Options Robot is not your average trading system that puts your account on autopilot to 'set it and forget it'. In the era where automated trading and trading robots are gaining immense popularity, broker Options Robot understands the need to strike a healthy balance between automated trading and manual trading. Therefore, broker Options Robot is a semi-automated trading system that acts as a signals service provider and an automated trading robot.
Most broker options robots on the market provide an option to its users to open and close orders, without any input from the trader. These automated trading systems don't require the presence of a trader; neither does it need any guidance. Therefore, all the emotional aspects of trading are eliminated. However, there are certain drawbacks to fully automated systems, as in the case of losing streaks, such programs can induce heavy drawdowns, which can potentially wipe out a trader's account.
To eliminate the potential risks of automated trading, broker Options Robot has decided to follow a semi-automated approach, whereby traders get 100% control over their investments. broker Options Robot will not trade on behalf of a trader in their absence. In fact, it acts more like a trading signal prompter that requests the trader to verify the trade, before placing an order. Therefore, the semi-automated approach may make sense for traders looking for better control, but human emotions may play a vital role in the entry and exit of trades. Therefore, the success and failure of the broker Options Robot depend on the emotional calibre of the trader, rather than the outright performance aspect of broker Options Robot.


Opening an account at broker Options Robot is straightforward, as the actual financial transaction occurs between the user and a broker. broker Options Robot allows its users to open an account at any of the listed broker options brokers, as it is vital for traders to open their accounts through the system to ensure the seamless performance of the trading robot. Traders are offered a choice of different broker options, and it is up to the trader to determine his/her preferred option of a brokerage. Traders can activate the broker Options Robot by funding their broker account opened through broker Options Robot, and they are good to go.
Assessing The Core Trading Features On broker Options Robot Platform.
The broker Options Robot platform, like most of its peers and competitors, is a web-based interface that grants access to the markets through an online trading system. The online platform connects traders to their respective broker through a semi-automated system, which grants full control to the trader for dictating their trading strategies. The primary broker Options Robot platform is built on sophisticated algorithms that make use of multiple strategies and signals providers to offer a combination of the best trading strategies in the market. Traders are not restricted by a select few broker Options Robot strategies; instead, traders have the option of subscribing to multiple strategy providers and signals to choose the best strategy that works according to their investment goals and risk tolerance.
Traders still have a fair amount of control over the trading strategies, which allows them to modify or customise the strategies according to the indicators used, the money management principles, the broker products, and the expiration times. It is indeed a novel feature that broker Options Robot has adopted the Auto Trade Approval feature for its programs, but the actual relevance of the feature in automated trading may be questionable. Nevertheless, the broker Options Robots platform seems to have all the essential features required for creating a profitable trading strategy.
The platform also contains a VIP account option, which opens up further customizable trade options such as risk management and choosing additional trading functionalities. Although these features are provided as a standard option for VIP traders, users must satisfy minimum conditions to be eligible for a VIP account. One of the main requirements of a VIP account is to refer additional clients to the system or satisfy minimum trading conditions. Either way, the VIP option is certainly an important and useful feature, which is a must-have for all traders.
Investments start from $25 per trade, which is certainly higher than the traditional average of $10 and the lowest of $1 offered by broker options brokers. $25 is a considerably riskier investment option, as a string of consecutive losing trades can deplete the account within a short span of time. Nevertheless, the interface provides an option to set a maximum daily stop loss limit, along with the option of setting the maximum number of trades per day. Additional features include Reverse trading to take trades in the reverse of a strategy if a trader feels that it is the most profitable course of action according to his/her inference.
Minimum Investment For Trading & broker Options Robot Assets.
The minimum investment required for opening an account at a broker supported by broker Options Robot is $200, but there are different broker options that have different minimum deposit requirements. As a rule of thumb, traders can expect to invest anywhere from $200 to $350 for a broker options trading account. Funds can be deposited using different payment methods, including PayPal, Skrill, Neteller, Visa, MasterCard, and Bank wire transfer. Deposits made to your broker account will reach instantly, while withdrawals will have a delay of two to three days, excluding holidays.
One area where broker Options Robot really shines is the number of assets provided to traders. While most trading systems and signals providers limit the available assets to FX currency pairs, broker Options Robot allows its users to invest in a wide range of markets, including stocks, commodities, indices, and Futures. broker Options Robot attains its feed from multiple sources and makes use of advanced algorithms and trading indicators, which ensures that the system covers a wide range of markets and financial assets.
Our Experience Trading With broker Options Robot Mobile Platforms.
broker Options Robot does not have dedicated trading apps for mobile operating systems such as iOS and Android, as all users are offered the option of the standalone broker Options Robot online trading platform through a responsive interface. Responsive interfaces do seem to be the obvious platform of choice for a large number of automated trading systems providers, but several leading companies offer standalone mobile apps for tablets and smartphones.
Nonetheless, all mobile users can access their broker Options Robot accounts on their mobile devices without any significant compromises. The company also ensures that there is no loss of features or functionalities for traders using their system on different devices, which does ensure that the broker Options Robot mobile platform performs as expected for all types of traders.
Payouts, Trading Performance, & ROI Expected From The broker Options Robot System.
broker Options Robot has not specified any concrete figure on its trading performance, but we have seen the system returning an average success rate in the region of 55-80%. The success rate is, of course, dependent on a wide variety of indicators, strategies, and trading signals, including human emotion, but we can't properly analyse the system's performance due to the semi-automated nature of the robot. Nevertheless, the system triggered trading calls with around 70% accuracy, which is not bad for a semi-automated trading robot.
The payouts offered by supported brokers also varied in the region of 80-90%, which means that as a combined performance, traders should expect around 60% ROI for their investments. However, traders have increased their odds by using the system by ensuring that they follow different strategies and by developing excellent money management and risk-mitigation strategies. It does take a skilled trader to use the system successfully, but a beginner trader can also learn the concept of trading successfully through expert assistance. broker Options Robot is certainly suited for beginner traders who wish to learn the different successful strategies adopted in broker options trading, and become a professional in their craft.