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Help in recovering BTC from seed phrase

Started by Bitcoin, Mar 11, 2022, 01:00 pm

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Help in recovering BTC from seed phrase

So 6-7 years ago I had some bitcoin, and as with many I forgot about it...

I since found my notes which contain a 12 word seed phrase. I think (I may be wrong) I used Multibit so I reinstalled and fired this up and tried to restore the wallet from seed.

Multibit asks for the seed, then syncs, then asks for a date - which I don't have. If I leave this blank and continue  it just reverts back to the start dialogue where you can create a wallet, restore etc.

I also tried importing the seed into Electrum using this guide: https://bitcoinelectrum.com/restoring-your-multibithd-wallet-in-electrum/
I.e. setting the derivation path etc. But the wallet just comes up blank listing no transactions.

Is there anything else I could try?

Source: Help in recovering BTC from seed phrase