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Air-Gapped ColdCard Wallet export isn't showing my addresses

Started by Bitcoin, Mar 01, 2022, 05:08 pm

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Air-Gapped ColdCard Wallet export isn't showing my addresses

I purchased a genuine ColdCard, verified its authenticity, set it up, backed up my key and all that good stuff. I then wanted to transfer some BTC from an exchange but I was being paranoid and did not want to even connect a MicroSD from my computer to my ColdCard so in order to get the address to send my BTC to, I did the following from the ColdCard:

Advanced -> Address Explorer and then I picked the first address that showed up out of the 4 options. This first and second address both began with 1 which I now think means it is a "Legacy" type address (but I didn't know that at the time).

I then generated QR Codes for a number of those addresses and imported them into a watch-only wallet in Electrum so I could confirm my BTC transferred appropriately.

Now I am coming back around and want to verify that I actually own my BTC and would like to transfer some to a different wallet. Unfortunately, I now appear to be stuck.

I've followed some guides on exporting an Electrum wallet from ColdCard so I did that in Advanced -> MicroSD -> Export Wallet -> Electrum -> picked the Legacy option. I then import this wallet into Electrum but NONE of the addresses displayed in Electrum match those that I used previously -- that is, none of addresses in Advanced -> Address Explorer -> pick the first address that begins with 1 are present in Electrum. In fact, the addresses from the second address shown in Advanced -> Address Explorer are shown in my now-imported Electrum Wallet.

I also tried importing the other Electrum wallet types but still none of the addresses from that first option in Advanced -> Address Explorer show up...

I tried creating an unsigned transaction from my watch-only wallet in Electrum, saved the transaction to a plain text .psbt file on a MicroSD, and then used ColdCard's Ready to Sign! option on that but it failed with the error:

We require subpaths to be specified in the PSBT

Should that work from a watch-only wallet or do I need more info in my wallet that is exported from Electrum to initiate an unsigned transaction that I then later sign on my ColdCard? If the latter, what do I need to do to actually export the wallet that is very clearly living in ColdCard that contains my addresses from that first selection in Advanced -> Address Explorer? Is that wallet a specific type that is only usable in another application (like maybe Wasabi or Bitcoin Core)?

Source: Air-Gapped ColdCard Wallet export isn't showing my addresses