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Do Bech32 transactions map to 1-prefixed-addresses?

Started by Bitcoin, Feb 16, 2022, 03:54 am

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Do Bech32 transactions map to 1-prefixed-addresses?

I recently installed Bitcoin Core and let it synchronize just to play around with different buttons in the latest version and see if I still understand it.

One thing I noticed are the Bech32 addresses, which seem to be the main (only?) way of receiving money in latest Bitcoin Core. I think I understood the implications of transactions happening over 1-prefixed-addresses, but the new system got me wondering:

  • if someone sent me some money to my bech32 address, would it end up in one of the 1-prefixed-addresses as well, or should I think of them as of completely separate systems?

  • if not, does a wallet backed up before the transaction took place contain that transaction in it (I think it would if it was a 1-prefixed address).

Source: Do Bech32 transactions map to 1-prefixed-addresses?