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lnd restoration failure

Started by Bitcoin, Feb 05, 2022, 11:51 am

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lnd restoration failure

I carried out a lightning recovery procedure with a legitimate SCB file in my umbrel (installed in Raspi 4) node, requesting the forced close of the channels.
After finished, I tracked the channel state using lightning and block explorer and found only 4 out of 11 channels were actually closed. The status has not changed for more than two days. Here are my questions:

(1) During the procedure, I typed 'lncli pendingchannels' in the command line several times, but just empty lists printed all the time even if the restoration was stiil in progress. Does this mean something went wrong?

(2) In the case of the 4 closed channels, it is seen in the block explorer that the fund of my peer side has been transferred from a multisig wallet to the peer's wallet, but mine has not been for more than 24 hrs. Does this mean that the peer did not close the channel? Then, how long should I wait? 2 weeks?

(3) 7 channels are still active in the explorer, but I could not see them on the umbrel dashboard or in RTL app (Now, my umbrel is shutdown. I tried another restoration using blixt. It did not work either). Does this mean my lnd did not send a close request to these peers? If that's the case, why were they not seen in the dashboard?

(4) Is it okay to repeat the recovery process? I did it just by resetting my user data without erasing the whole block data. If I try again from the scratch after wiping out my SSD, that might help?

I've already asked this in the umbrel community, but it seems they have not seen this case before.

Thank you.

Source: lnd restoration failure