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How many times and where exactly is ECDSA used in Bitcoin?

Started by Bitcoin, Feb 05, 2022, 04:40 am

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How many times and where exactly is ECDSA used in Bitcoin?

I'm currently a little confused about where exactly ECDSA is used in the transaction process... some resources seem to say it's used once, whereas others seem to say it's used three times.

Which is correct here?

ECDSA is just used to generate the public key, which is then used in the creation of the digital signature (thus ECDSA is indirectly used to create the signature). Verification then only requires the public key of the recipient.

or, B:
ECDSA is used to generate the public key, then again to create the digital signature together with the public key and some hashing, then a third time to verify the signature.

I don't have a programming / computer science background, so am looking for a general description of the process as opposed to a code-based explanation (although if it really helps clarify, I don't mind!). I do know the basics of how ECDSA works.

Source: How many times and where exactly is ECDSA used in Bitcoin?