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Why does Bisq claim that my "native segwit" receive addresses are "invalid"?

Started by Bitcoin, Feb 04, 2022, 01:31 pm

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Why does Bisq claim that my "native segwit" receive addresses are "invalid"?

Every time I'm transferring over the funds from Bisq to Bitcoin Core, I get the error:


Invalid address.

(Or something along those lines.)

Only after generating another receive address in Bitcoin Core, unchecking the "Generate native segwit (Bech32) address" checkbox, does it work.

Why does Bisq consider "native segwit (Bech32) addresses" (the default in Bitcoin Core) to be "invalid"? Is this some kind of internal war in the Bitcoin community where they refuse to even acknowledge the existence of this other "format"?

Every time it happens, I almost get a heart attack until I realize I forgot to uncheck that checkbox...

Source: Why does Bisq claim that my "native segwit" receive addresses are "invalid"?