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HFX Binary Broker - Start with ONLY $50 (Quick Overview)|7:42

Started by PocketOption, Mar 17, 2021, 04:44 am

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In years past, there was nothing binary options traders could do but wait for their trades to expire we were essentially at the mercy of the market s moves.
Unlike spot markets like Olymp Trade there were no defensive moves that binary options traders could take to preserve their gains.
Now, however, traders are able to close a profitable position using the early closure function whenever one of these unexpected events occurs.
Prevent Losses in Binary Options with Early Closure.
In other cases, trades will move in the wrong direction and create losses to a trading account.
Here, the early closure function is also useful.
When it becomes clear that a trade is unlikely to turn positive before expiry, traders can close a trade early and reduce the amount of losses that would be seen later.
For example, if an out of the money trade would result in a loss of 85 , closing the option early might result a more favorable outcome such as a loss of 30 or 50.
These percentages will vary depending on which broker you use, and the market conditions seen when the option is bought back.
Rules to Remember When then Using Early Closure.
It should be remembered that the early closure function is not something that should be used to arbitrarily close trades.
When trading using market makers, the broker is on the other side of your position.
If every trader used this function, losses would occur much less often and the market maker would eventually go out of business because of all the losses they would absorb.
Because of this, there are some rules in place when using this feature.
Some trades such as High Yield contracts cannot be closed before expiration.
If every broker enabled traders to close every trade with a 250 payout, market environments would not be in balance.
There will be certain time periods when early closures are not permitted.
For example, the best binary option brokers might enable the early closure function when a trade has been open for a certain amount of time that opens up the early closure function after a trade has been open for a certain period of time or within a certain period before expiration.
Outside of this window, the function cannot be used.
Early closure carries some extra costs.
This means traders cannot receive full payouts when positions are closed early.
Binary Trading Early Closures Allows Increased Trading Flexibility.
The relatively new early closure feature at the popular IQ option platform allows trader to protect their profits and prevent against potential losses when unforeseen events shift the market.
While there are some trading restrictions for this tool, the added level of trade structuring should be utilized in cases where a trade is unlikely to increase in profitability before the contract expires.
Bull vs Bear Trading.
Given the dual nature of the binary options market, it makes sense to have a broader understanding of the general trends that are in place so that we can make the most informed trading decisions and increase our chances of creating profitable trades.
When looking at the dominant trends that are in places in the markets, it tends to be a good idea to trade along with the momentum When most asset prices are rising, CALL options tend to be a better choice.
When most asset prices are falling, PUT options tend to be a better choice.
To describe which dominant trend is in place, the trading community will usually use term like Bull Market or Bear Market but it is much less common to see a discussion which characteristics actually make up these economic environments.
Here, we will look at the differences between Bull and Bear Markets so that traders can more easily identify the dominant trend in a market and to place binary options trades accordingly.
Characteristics of Bull Trading Markets.
Bull Markets are typically characterized by a financial environment that is composed of a large number of assets that are increasing in value, or are expected to increase in value.
In many cases, the term refers to the stock markets but for those in the trading community, the term is applicable for all asset types.
Bull Markets are created by generally optimistic sentiment, rising consumer confidence and the wider expectation that companies will successfully generate profits.
One clear indication of the existence of a Bull Market can be seen in the price of commodities, in the changes in valuation of a national currency, and in the overall performance of the major stock indices.
When looking at price activity in all of these various asset classes, it becomes clear that price swings show higher highs and higher lows the definition of an uptrend.
When all of these factors are seen in combination with one another, a Bull Market is in place and CALL options will generally be viewed as favorable when entering into trades.
Psychology and news headlines in the financial media are also instrumental in these cases, as positive momentum tends to be contagious.
When market valuations become excessive, and out of line with the price that is truly appropriate, market bubbles can be seen, and this is when it becomes prudent to start playing the other direction.
Characteristics of Bear Trading Markets.
On the flip side of this is the Bear Market, which is typically characterized by a financial environment what a majority of trading assets are decreasing in value, or are expected to decrease in value.
Again, this term can be applied to all asset classes and Bear Markets are typically created by pessimistic sentiment, declining consumer confidence and the general expectation that companies will perform weakly in terms of profit generation.
Indications of a Bear Market can be seen all major asset classes commodities, currencies and stock indices when it becomes clear that price swings show lower highs and lower lows in a broad sense which is the definition of a downtrend.
The combination of these occurrences create Bear Markets and in these cases, traders tend to prefer PUT options when entering into trades.
Some definitions of a Bear Market suggest that declines of at least 20 must be seen in the major asset classes in order to confirm that a true Bear Market is in place, and a recent example of this could be seen in the outcome of the 2008 Credit Crisis, which had a substantially negative effect on trading markets.
Before we answer this crucial question, there is a need to understand that the binary option is a trading strategy, similar to various other trading strategies.
It is not an out-of-the-world scheme to help traders make millions or to scam them.
Binary trading is as safe or as unsafe as you make it.
Yes, it is true that it entirely depends on whether you make binary trading safe for you.
So, how is it really possible.
From registering yourself with a binary option trading brokerage firm to making your trades, every step you take will decide how safe binary trading is going to be for you.
As the first major step, you should carefully analyze different brokerage firms, choose one registered with different relevant regulatory authorities, hold relevant licenses for investment activities, and have a verifiable track record.
This will ensure that you are not scammed by someone who is using binary trading as a cover for fraudulent activities.
Also, make sure that the trading platforms provided by your firm are trusted and reliable, as there could be a danger of a major software hardware failure if the platform is not reliable.
Similarly, your lack of skills may also result in you losing your money in the market.
Hence, it is always recommended to start investing in a binary options demo account.
Once you gain a reasonable level of expertise, start investing in binary options starting with a low amount.
While the minimum deposit requirements may be as low as 5, some traders prefer investing thousands of dollars straightaway with the hope of making big money.
Never make this mistake unless you are fully confident in your abilities.
Last but definitely not the least, never bet all your money on a single trade, no matter how amazing the odds may seem.
The fact of the matter is that even if you win big once or twice with such an approach, you will likely take a wrong position every once in a while and end up losing all the available funds.
As discussed in an earlier section, investing all money in a single trade or in a single position is one of the biggest reasons why traders especially amateurs fail in binary option trading.
Remember, it is easier to blame the firm or the trading strategy than to accept your shortcomings or wrong steps.
Never look for shortcuts to earning big profits, and binary options trading will never be unsafe for you.
It is true that some instances of not a scam and frauds in binary trading have been reported recently.
However, it does not mean that the whole binary trading industry is a scam, as you would find instances of not a scam, frauds, and embezzlement in nearly every industry and business, such as real estate, stocks trading, and even commodities.
As a trader, you can avoid binary trading not a scam by having a strong fundamental knowledge of the industry and knowing some of the major indicators of not a scam, as discussed below.
Unrealistic promises and claims that are too good to be true may be among the initial indicators of binary trading not a scam.
Some legit firms, such as binary.
com broker, offer up to 90 payout, which is considered to be on the higher side of attainable percentage.
On the other hand, some firms claim to have up to 300 payout, which seems very unlikely to happen in the real market.
Similarly, you can avoid not a scam in the binary trading industry by registering with firms that have active licenses with relevant regulatory authorities.
We explained this in more details with Expert Option scam.
Most renowned binary trading firms do have these licenses, and their trades are continuously monitored by the legal and regulatory authorities; hence, eliminating any chances of not a scam.
But if you find a firm that makes big claims but has no mention of them being regulated, then this is a major indicator of a scam.


You must avoid such firms at all costs.
Furthermore, legit binary trading firms usually offer a range of trading platforms, which may include Smart Trader, Meta Trader 5, and some in-house platforms.
At the same time, a legit firm is more likely to offer a free demo account for the newly registered traders to try their charts, signals, and platforms before risking real money.
So, make sure to try the free demo account in order to develop a thorough understanding of how the firm operates and the standard of services it offers to its clients.
There is no denying the existence of some not a scam in the binary trading industry.
Some of them, like bitcoin Revolution app became more popular with the Cryptocurrency boom.
But it should not hold you back from trading.
Instead, it is your duty to perform due diligence of the firm in order to ensure legit trades.
Remember that you must not be held hostage by a few scammers.
Your financial future is in your hands, and by doing your homework and choosing the right binary trading firm, you can secure your financial future as well as gain financial prosperity in the long run.


Trading Binary Options for Dummies PDF Binary Book.
How to Trade Binary Options Successfully - Free Binary Book Download.
Binary options trading provide you with an opportunity to trade stocks, currency and commodity options using a simple platform interface using one mouse click.
In contrast to standard investing, binary option BO trading offers you an extremely clear picture of pre-determined ROI.
This is an excellent chance to command the gains and control the potential risks.
It is not the market but instead you who really makes a decision on just how much you may risk and what is your preferred gain results.
The purpose of this binary options eBook is to show you how to make money trading BO.
BO are a popular investment instrument for trading stocks, commodities and currencies.
Trading Binaries is very simple and straightforward, all you need to do is decide which of the two directions the asset will move, up or down.
В And binaries has quite a high profit potential.
BO allow even beginners the opportunity to succeed with financial trading.
Actually people that have minimum financial track record can easily make money by learning how to trade options online.
This trading binary options for dummies PDF features the in and outs of BO as well as strategies needed to achieve success in trading binaries.
Here are some of the topics you ll discover while reading the book.
The single most critical factor to binary options strategy success - ignore it at your own perils.
How to prevent falling prey to a dishonest broker.
Simple, easy to copy ideas that will enhance your chances of winning trades.
What you need to succeed in BO.
Advantages and disadvantages of trading BO.
Effective risk management strategies to help you minimize your risk and conserve your capital.
Key factors to successful financial Binaries Option trading.
How to develop BO investment strategies and entry points signals that work.
A list of easy-to-follow tips to help you improve your trading successes.
How much money you need to start trading.
All this and much much more.
You can download the binary book now for free here PDF version How to Trade Binary Option Successfully Download.
Trading binary options for beginners video.
Discover the easiest way to make money trading online.
Here are full details of the unique trading method that allows you to copy the trades of the most successful traders while riding on their success.
Binary Book Excerpt What is Binary Options Strategy.
The purpose of this how to trade binary options successfully book is to show you how to make money trading Binary Options.
In the first several chapters we will deal with the in and outs of BO while later on we will go into the strategies needed to achieve success in trading binaries.
So what are Binary Options also referred to as digital options , fixed return options andВ all-or-nothing options.
With Binary Options, an investor doesn t purchase the asset - he is merely predicting the direction that the underlying asset moves.
A fixed gain if the option expires in the money , or a fixed loss if the option expires out of the money.
A binary options trade usably involved three steps.
First, you choose a trade expiration time, this is the time you want the trade to end.
It could be any time period between a minute and a week - usably it is within the day.
Now you can see where the binary comes from, it stresses the fact that there are two possible outcomes to a binary option, both of which are set and understood by the investor prior to placing a trade.
You purchase a Google binary option for 25, with the opinion that within 2 hours Google s shares will be higher than they currently stand.
A number of factors distinguish binary options from regular stock options.
Typically the short-run expiration time suggests traders could make an immediate profit on the binary options and therefore are way more versatile in their option investments.
In regular stock options, a trader will pay per contract.
In contrast to binary options in which the two outcomes are actually set from the beginning.
An investor in a binary option needs to hold onto his option until the expiry date.
He must consequently take more care when ever buying his options as he is unable to sell them after they are purchased.
Binary options are categorized as exotic options, however, inside financial markets they sometimes are termed as digital options.
While digital options are quite simple to understand and easily traded, the mathematics behind the pricing is complex.
It is because of this that digital options are referred to as exotic options.
For years Binary Options were traded by large institutions and their clients in the over the counter market OTC.
In 2008, the Securities and Exchange Commission in the US approved the listing of binary options with continuous quotations and now binary options are also available to individual investors.
Most binary options strategy tracings nowadays are performed online thru private brokers that use sophisticated trading platforms.
Tags trading options for dummies pdf, how to trade binary options for beginners, binary options ebook.


Hati-hati dengan Sistem Trading berbentuk Binary Options.
Binary Options, apa itu dan potensi bahayanya.
Binary Options sebenarnya adalah trading dengan hanya memanfaatkan NAIK atau TURUN saja, Tetapi diikuti dengan suatu RENTANG WAKTU tertentu berbeda dengan trade spot forex pada umumnya , dan Trading model Binary ini bisa disebut sebagai permainan Rolet, Judi Pacuan Kuda, ataupun Judi Besar Kecil sebenarnya, tetapi di Binary ini lebih modern dan objeknya seolah-olah menggunakan Olymp Trade dan Saham, padahal tidak sebagaimana mustinya.
Yang paling berbahaya dari jenis Binary Trading ini adalah Risk Rewardsnya SANGAT tidak seimbang , yaitu ketika Anda Menang maka hasilnya hanya 2, tetapi jika kalah hasilnya BISA -10 minus 10 , Dan itu tentu sangat merugikan sekali.
BINARY OPTIONS ini berbahaya, karena dia hanya semu atau maya saja dan tidak ada underlyingnya yang nyata dan terjamin.
Binary ini hanya murni permainan dan perjudian saja, yang kondisi pasarnya diatur oleh si bandar itu sendiri sebenarnya.
Bahkan pihak FBI pun juga telah menghimbau bahwa Trading di jenis Binary ini sangat berbahaya dan tergolong Penipuan bentuk baru sebenarnya , berikut adalah link mengenai berita akan bahayanya jenis trading model binary option ini dari FBI.
CONTOH TRADING BINARY Di jenis Binary ini, misalkan anda memasang suatu target bila dalam beberapa menit harga naik menjadi 100 maka anda akan memenangkannya.
Dan bila harga tersebut sudah anda pasang entry maka tidak dapat dirubah, sehingga hanya bisa menunggu titik tersebut tersentuh atau tidak, dengan mempertaruhkan suatu nilai uang tertentu di account anda.
Tetapi jika menang maka anda akan memperoleh hasil yang berlipat tidak beda seperti halnya pacuan kuda ataupun judi bola sebenarnya, tetapi objek benda nya berbeda.
Ketika suatu order di Binary telah dipasang dan berjalan, maka kita hanya bisa pasrah seperti Judi Bola atau permainan Rolet yang menunggu detik-detik terakhir apakah Goal atau tidak, tanpa bisa merubah timer taruhan yang telah dipasang.
Mirip seperti permainan judi di sbobet ataupun kasino online, tetapi ini objeknya forex saham.
Sistem Binary Options atau Trading model Binary ini memang terlihat seperti sangat mudah karena judi kan harus dibuat mudah supaya menarik sebenarnya , TETAPI Anda tidak tahu bahwa mereka seringkali bermain curang di sistemnya untuk mengelabui anda , terutama mengatur timer dan harga running price sedemikian rupa agar anda kalah ataupun sudah diatur oleh mereka.
Biasanya binary options ditawarkan ke orang awam yang tidak paham mengenai trading atau mungkin sekedar coba-coba iseng.
Tetapi kami tidak menyarankan untuk trade jangka panjang di model binary ini, sebab di Binary ini sarat sekali dengan kecurangan-kecurangan dan manipulasi harga karena di jenis Binary tersebut lawan anda itu adalah Kasino atau Bandar, bukan Pasar Uang sebenarnya.
Perusahaan Broker Olymp Trade umumnya juga ada yang Sekaligus menyediakan produk ini pula sebagai diversifikasi produk agar terlihat lengkap, ibaratnya seperti sebuah toko supermarket yang lengkap yang dimana semua produk ada tersedia disana, baik itu produk yang Baik maupun yang Buruk.
Karena pilihan akan ditentukan sendiri oleh Konsumennya.
Selain itu, tujuan perusahaan menyediakan hal ini adalah juga untuk faktor pendapatan dan meningkatkan omzetnya, Karena daripada tidak disediakan maka toh kompetitor lain juga menyediakannya dan banyak konsumen awam yang memilihnya juga.
Oleh karena itu penyediaan Binary trading ini di suatu perusahaan broker juga merupakan salah satu strategi perusahaan untuk meningkatkan omzet pendapatannya daripada hanya menyediakan 1 jenis produk saja.
Kalau kami pribadi disuruh untuk trading binary, maka kami lebih memilih untuk trading forex pada umumnya Non binary , karena strateginya adalah benar dan bukan menjurus ke tebak-tebakkan atau Judi yang penuh dengan tipu-tipu dan akal-akalan bandar.
Sekarang akan kita bahas lebih dalam mengenai sisi negatifnya di Binary trading.
Bahaya nya untuk trading jenis Binary Options ini seperti diulas oleh majalah FORBES , yaitu.
Bahkan lembaga finansial milik pemerintah Amerika Serikat pun , seperti SEC, juga memberi warning bila ingin bermain di jenis Binary ini, karena sebenarnya itu merupakan pembodohan saja yang memanfaatkan keserakahan manusia terutama orang awam dengan iming-iming cepat kaya dengan mudah dan digiring dalam bentuk perjudian.
Selain itu, bacalah juga mengenai tautan link di bawah ini, yang membuktikan bahwa perusahaan jenis Binary contoh binary.
com itu adalah memang bentuk dari perjudian, dan ijin mereka itu pun juga sebenarnya adalah RUMAH JUDI.
Ini link perijinannya, disini bisa anda baca sendiri bahwa tertulisnya di perijinannya itu adalah sebagai Gambling Software dan Betting.
diambil dari web regulasi perjudiannya.
Bahkan di websitenya Binary Ltd yang asli yang versi bahasa inggris , jelas-jelas ditulis seperti di bawah ini.
Jelas-jelas ditulis itu adalah perjudian di web aslinya yang versi bahasa Inggris.
TAPI celakanya, mereka itu MEMANIPULASI websitenya yang versi Bahasa Indonesia dengan sistem redirection pengalihan web , agar kalau pengunjung dari Indonesia maka statement itu akan otomatis disembunyikan oleh mereka supaya mengecoh dan tidak ketahuan kalau itu perjudian dan supaya tidak diblokir pemerintah setempat untuk kamuflase.
Sedangkan di negara asalnya mereka tidak berani menyembunyikannya.
Kami bisa mengakses webnya Binary yang versi bahasa Inggris, karena kami browsing dari Singapura dengan windows kami berbahasa Inggris , jadi kami bisa melihat versi aslinya itu ternyata beda, dan banyak yang DITUTUPI DISEMBUNYIKAN jika dibanding dengan versi Bahasa Indonesianya.
Ini bisa menjadi TANDA TANYA BESAR , kenapa kok versi bahasa Indonesia tidak ditulis terang-terangan seperti webnya yang versi bahasa Inggrisnya yang menyebutkan itu memang adalah Perjudian.
karena ada udang di balik batu, yang menyembunyikan fakta sebenarnya untuk MENGECOH.
Jadi yang namanya perjudian itu dimana-mana adalah membuat orang menjadi miskin dan HARAM.
Meski memang sekarang perjudiannya di sistem Binary ini terlihat modern dan bisa menggunakan otomatis dengan Robot, tetapi sebenarnya itu hanyalah suatu pancingan saja dengan sengaja awal-awal anda main kecil itu dibuat seolah-olah mudah menang , tetapi nanti begitu anda sudah masuk dana besar maka barulah mereka mempermainkan sistemnya dengan mengatur pergerakan, harga, order yang macet, sistem error, dan sebagainya trik-trik bandar , dengan tujuan agar anda kalah.
Sebab kasino tidak akan membiarkan anda menang terus, karena INGATLAH BAHWA JENIS BINARY TRADING ITU BANDAR KASINO yang mendapatkan untung dari Loss Anda.
Pilihan berada di tangan anda, Jika anda hanya sekedar ingin seperti bermain-main di kasino atau have fun saja maka Binary Options atau Binary trading ini boleh anda coba dan tetap HARAM ya , Tetapi jika anda ingin serius trade untuk penghidupan atau nantinya menjadi profesional trader yang bisa trading for living ataupun menjadi Kaya, maka pelajari dan terjunlah ke trading forex spot yang sebenarnya yang non binary.
Trading pada Binary susah untuk membuat anda menjadi kaya yang namanya Judi pasti menjadi miskin, dan tabu.
Baca ini juga tentang Olymp Trade menurut Islam.
Saya juga udah pernah deposit di Binomo dan ludes semua.
Kalau trading di indodax apakah termasuk judi.
bukan, di Indodax itu lebih seperti exchange jual beli.
seperti halnya anda di bank lalu jual beli valas begitu.
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id Kalo triv gmna pak.
apakah aman.
Terima kasih sebelum nya atas jawaban nya.
boleh2 aja, tapi lebih baik di indodax kalau aset2 crypto.
Pak mau tanya kalo bermain di broker spectre itu halal apa haram.
itu jenis binary, dan jenis itu tergolong perjudian.
ya jadi silahkan disimpulkan sendiri.
Kalo fin888 pak.
Banyak denger temen main disana dan dapet profit pak.
Kalau kami nggak berani Bu.
Permisi Pak mau tanya kalau Octafx itu gimana.
Broker lokal luar yg blm rekomendasikan apa.
Saya nemu di finance detik kalo broker BO yang legal itu cuma NADEX tapi mereka domisili di USA, apa bener cuma itu aja yang legal.
gaada yang lainnya kah.
Semuanya juga banyak yang legal, tapi legalnya sebagai perusahaan judi untuk jenis Binary tsb.
ini seperti ibaratnya kasino di las vegas, mereka juga legal.
dan jangan berjudi, sebab berjudi itu yang menang pasti bandarnya saja.
saya pernah spekulasi mengikuti trading forex robot forex tepatnya,, tetapi jalan hampir setaun tiba-tiba saldo saya mines merugi,, info dari admin nya pasar lagi ngedrop, , uang saya ludes,, itu bagaimana om menurut om.
itu alasan yang dibuat2 Pak untuk lepas tanggung jawab sebenarnya kalau orang awam ya akan manggut2 aja bengong dikira beneran, padahal nggak ada lah alasan semacam itu di trading forex kalau di saham atau reksadana iya, nah ini kan forex, beda loh forex itu 2 arah, mau naik atau turun tetap bisa cuan, tetapi kalau saham hanya 1 arah saja Buy aja oleh karena itu di saham bisa bermasalah kalau terjadi krisis.
Robot yang bener maka tidak boleh modal bisa sampai habis gitu.
Biasanya yang modal bisa sampai habis ludes itu karena dia pakai teknik Martingale averaging, yaitu kalau minus maka volume lot berikutnya akan dilipat x2, x2, x2 dst sampai uang habis bis karena tidak kuat nahan , dan asal Anda tahu bahwa si penjual itu juga dapat uang dari loss anda loh, oleh karena itu kalau anda loss maka dia senang2 aja karena dapat komisi loss dari duit anda.
Tengik memang.
Tapi itulah kenyataannya.
Toh biasanya oleh si penjual robot itu kan awalnya Anda akan diarahkan untuk trade di broker2 bandar kan semacam Instaforex, Hotforex, dkknya, karena dia udah tahu bahwa anda pasti akan loss pakai robot dia, Nah agar uang anda itu nanti masuk ke dia juga sebagian makanya dia harus pakai broker2 yang bandar supaya dapat bagian komisi besar.
Robot forex itu memang ada buanyakkk banget jenisnya, dan parahnya itu yang gencar dijual sekarang apalagi yang dari TV TV itu BANYAK NGGAK BENERNYA semua loh, yang harganya mulai dari Rp.
1 jutaan sampai 7 jutaan biasanya, dan mereka juga sering ganti2 nama saat ini bikin banyak merk robot, tapi sumbernya juga sama, dan itu lagi.
Bahkan sosmed2nya pun juga ada banyak, karena dikomplain kanan kiri maka dia block, lalu bikin lagi, dst.
Boleh dicek juga kan sumbernya hampir semuanya itu itu aja hanya ganti kulit dan merknya doang, isinya sama.
Bahkan sampai screenshotnya pun juga mirip2.
yang kasihan adalah orang2 awam, apalagi yang nonton TV itu kebanyakan juga orang2 yang belum paham akan forex ini dan mudah ketipu oleh begituan.
mungkin supaya kapok, sebaiknya dibuat ribut aja dengan media massa dan kepolisian.
Karena kalau nggak gitu mereka akan terus beroperasi mencari mangsa2 untuk ditipu terus.
Apakah trading bitcoin di indodax termasuk judi.
Dan apa hukumnya secara islam.
Tidak judi itu Pak, karena itu sama seperti beli Aset Digital.
seperti Anda beli emas betulan begitu.
Kalo net89 gimana.
Kalau kami pribadi nggak berani Pak, apalagi brokernya kan juga nggak regulated dan nggak ternama.
Master mau nanya.
Master kan trading di gainscope.
Untuk trading disana situs ya apaan.
Atau gainscope.
Site atau gainscope.
trade dan apakah semuanya sama.
Dan di situs gainscope.
Com ada muncul monexfx.
Apakah dia jg satu naungan sama fxdd.
itu beda Pak monex dan fxdd, sama seperti 1 toko tetapi jualan produk lokal dan luar negeri, dan masing2 produk itu beda pabrik.
ibaratnya seperti tokopedia yang di dalamnya ada macam2 produk, nah setiap produk itu kan beda2 pabriknya.
Padahal ada rencana ingin coba bin dan olym krn tergiur dg youtuber yg memamerkan penghasilan mereka dr trading Untuk indodax jg sama kah.
orang2 di youtuber kan orang2 bayarannya Pak, yang penting mereka dibayar untuk endorsement, maka oleh si youtuber itu ya jelas aja ditampilin di videonya berlaku seperti iklan, tapi ini dibuat settingan supaya seolah2 itu real , kan sekarang bentuk iklan2 itu tambah canggih dan menipu, jadi harus hati2 memilih produk ya.
Indodax itu beda Pak, itu real dan untuk beli aset crypto seperti bitcoin, ethereum, dan koin2 crypto lainnya begitu.
Orang awam seperti saya kebanyakan yang jadi korban ya pak,.
sangat tertarik awalnya, dan tidak terlalu sulit untuk dipahami tentang teknisnya, baru mulai belajar, untung dapat informasi seperti ini,.
nah, mohon dijawab mastah, untuk orang awam seperti saya yang belum mengenal produk2 investasi seperti forex, komoditi, index, crypto currency, saham, BO, dsb,.
produk investasi yang mana yang cocok untuk mulai belajar dengan modal seminim mungkin contoh max 100.
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jika saya menyerap informasi terlalu banyak dari berbagai jenis investasi yang ada malah pusing pak, dan tidak memulai trading real.
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Kalau yang lain2nya itu modalnya diatas itu semua.
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terima kasih banyak infonya pak,.
semoga berkah dan semakin sukses,.
semoga saya jg sukses ya pak.
Terima kasih infonya pak.
Mau nanya nih.
Kalau Binomoidn.
id juga termasuk penipuan.
Saya bertanya-tanya dalam hati, pada saat kita deposit kenapa masuk ke dalam rekening pribadi.
Atau memang begitu.
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Soalnya secara psikologis, sangat berpengaruh kepada orang2 yang ingin mendapatkan hal yang sama hingga ratusan bahkan milyaran rupiah.
Terima kasih atas pencerahannya dan semoga sehat selalu pak.
itu perusahaan judi Pak.
dan mereka itu berani pakai orang2 bayaran untuk memancing orang awam loh, buktinya salah satu orang bayarannya tuh sudah terbongkar, yaitu si Budi tersebut hehe.
hati2 Pak , jangan terjebak di iklan perjudian semacam itu ya.
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Benar banget, dan saya termasuk yang terlambat menyadari dan sempat deposit 2 kali meskipun nominalnya yang paling rendah cuma 20 USD.
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Sering hal tersebut terjadi.
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Analisa kita sehebat apapun sudah pasti tidak ada gunanya kalau sudah seperti itu, dimana bandar yang pegang kendali permainan bukan market.
Semoga bermanfaat dan membawa kebaikan untuk saya dan keluarga juga untuk teman-teman yang sedang maupun berencana coba-coba, lebih baik jangan dan segera tinggalkan.
Nah kata temn saya, dia pernah coba binary ini.
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Karna kalo main sekali di awal, kita bakal di kasih menang dn dpt keuntungan nya.
Dan ko udah kek gitu kita langsung ambil uangnya, setelah itu Gak usah ikut lagi.
kalo kerut anda bagaimana.
Pak sy ditawarin kurniavisitindo.
id dengan profit 10 s d 30 selama 7 hari, investasi bodong jg gak ya.
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mohon penjelasannya, sawa awam soal yang beginian.
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Hohohoho untung aja gak jatuh di got Kalo di binary option gambling, Terus mau trading dmna pak min, Olymp Trade luar atau lokal.
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Saya sudah lama bermain di binary.
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Misal begini, anda punya equity 1000 kemudian anda OP 0.
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Bukankah untuk MM kita sudah memenuhi syarat tuh,logikanya berapa kuat sih harga akan naik terus dg perbandingan ratio katakanlah 7 kali loss 1 kali win kita tetap akan profit to dg catatan pakai bot coumpond ya.
Tapi ketika system ngebaca kita pasang SL,system tersebut akan mengejar posisi SL kita.
Setelah itu kita baru dibikin WIN dg balik ke OP awal kita yaitu 0.
Itu pengalaman saya dibinary.
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coba aja ikutin, nanti kan habis tuh uang.
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Kalo Pt monex gmna om.
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Bagi yg blm jgn coba2, dan bagi yg sdh terlanjur, harap sgr tobat.
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Mana ada beda pemilik tapi kok bisa sama semua, nah kan aneh.
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Saya juga, main di IQoption pertama deposit 1.
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Saya juga merasa aneh, kita dah hitung masak2 tiap kali OP sale tiba2 dia naik, kalau OP buy tiba2 dia turun, saya sampai berfikir apa market ini punya otak ya, yg tadinya market stabil begitu OP langsung terjun atau naik dengan hebat, skrg saya berhenti sblm bangkrut lebih banyak lagi.
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Asal anda tahu, model2 jenis binary semacam Olymptrade itu holding companynya adalah perusahaan yang bernama Inlustris Ltd, dan kalau anda cari di Internet, perusahaan Inlustris itu adalah operator rumah judi alias casino.
jadi kalau masih beranggapan itu bukan judi ya silahkan saja.
Kalau kami pribadi tidak berminat di perjudian, karena pasti akan dihabisin.
sudah jelas2 perjudian kok itu, dan judi haram.
php list_perkara 58 Pid.
Sus 2019 PN Pbg tentang Perkara Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik.
Baca sendiri dan telaah sendiri Bagi yg masih menganggap binary bukan judi siap siap urusan yang panjang Sadarlah kawanku semua.
Binary tak lama lagi hancur di Indonesia.
nah bener Pak.
Terima kasih infonya.
jadi jenis seperti binary itu adalah perjudian dan bisa bermasalah dengan pihak berwajib kalau sampai nekat.
mantap infonya.
Wah iya betull dia menuntut Broker lokalnya Binary.
Klw trading lewat irontrade gmna pak.
nggak berani kami Pak.
Pak kalau meta trader gmana pak.
Metatrader itu adalah software trading saja dan aplikasi.
yang terpenting adalah melihat perusahaan brokernya ya.
Wahhhh benar banhet ini info.
Saya juga sempat terjerembab hingga berhutang.
Sebaiknya jauh2 untuk transaksi binary.
Hanya kerugian yang menanti.
Terima kasih sudah berbagi info yang bermanfaat.
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Si vous disposez d ouvrages ou d articles de référence ou si vous connaissez des sites web de qualité traitant du thème abordé ici, merci de compléter l article en donnant les références utiles à sa vérifiabilité et en les liant à la section Notes et références.
En trading , une option binaire est un type d option dont l exercice, possible uniquement à maturité, ne porte pas sur la livraison de l actif sous-jacent, mais donne lieu au versement d une somme monétaire déterminée à l avance si l option est dans la monnaie ou rien du tout si l option est hors la monnaie.
Ainsi on l appelle option binaire parce que seulement deux issues sont possibles à l échéance soit l option termine dans la monnaie et le détenteur reçoit le montant fixé prévu, soit l option termine hors de la monnaie et le détenteur ne reçoit rien, en perdant ainsi toute la mise engagée.
Ce type d option intervient dans le montage de produits structurés mais est également très prisé par les investisseurs particuliers.
En France, l autorité de régulation publie régulièrement la liste des sites internet non homologués 1 , et met en garde même pour des sites ayant un agrément, du nombre croissant d abus constatés 2.
1 Exemple de transaction sur les options binaires 2 Prix d une option binaire 3 Options binaires listées et non listées 4 Différents types d options 4.
1 L option High Low 4.
2 L option One touch 4.
3 L option zone ou boundary 4.
4 L option Paire 5 Probabilités de gain 6 Courtiers et régulation 6.
1 La régulation des courtiers 6.
2 Escroqueries les plus fréquentes 7 Fiscalité 7.
1 En France 8 Notes et références 9 Articles connexes.
Un particulier qui pense que l EUR USD va valoir à l échéance, un niveau supérieur au cours actuel de 1,3250 peut acheter une option binaire à la hausse ou call pour profiter de cette issue.
À l inverse un trader qui pense que le cours de l EUR USD sera sous le niveau de 1,3250 à l échéance prévue, peut acheter une option binaire à la baisse ou put.
Sous certaines conditions, il est possible pour le détenteur de l option de la revendre avant l échéance, c est la fermeture anticipée 3.
Dans ce cas, le prix de rachat de l option sera déterminé par l écart entre le cours actuel et le cours d exercice du sous-jacent, et le délai restant jusqu à l échéance 3.
Le prix d une option binaire est en théorie déterminé par l intermédiaire du modèle d évaluation des options de Black-Scholes.
Ce modèle détermine le prix d une option, ensuite, l émetteur de l option détermine un prix d achat et un prix de vente.
Pour obtenir une option, le trader doit alors payer une certaine somme pour espérer recevoir le paiement espéré à l échéance de l option.
Toutefois, de nombreux courtiers proposent de négocier les options binaires non pas en déterminant explicitement le prix d achat de l option mais en annonçant un potentiel de gain si l option termine dans la monnaie.
Le terme binaire provient du fait qu il n y a que deux scénarios pour le gain ou la perte.
un gain déterminé à l avance si l option termine dans la monnaie dans l exemple précédent, si le cours de l EUR USD termine au-dessus de 1,3250 ; une perte égale à la totalité de la somme engagée si celle-ci termine en dehors de la monnaie.
Les contrats sur les options binaires sont depuis de nombreuses années disponibles sur le marché de gré à gré c est-à-dire vendus directement par l émetteur à l acheteur.
Les options binaires sont généralement considérées comme des options exotiques et présentent souvent un marché peu liquide.
Ainsi il n est pas possible de négocier sur le marché secondaire une option binaire entre sa date d émission et sa date d échéance.
Dans certains cas, c est l émetteur de l option qui s engage à garantir la liquidité du marché.
Depuis 2007, les autorités américaines par l intermédiaire de la Securities and Exchange Commission et Options Clearing Corporation ont autorisé l émission d options binaires listées et standardisées pour permettre une négociation liquide et continue.
En 2008, l American Stock Exchange lança les premières options binaires listées, suivies ensuite par le Chicago Board Options Exchange.
Les courtiers en ligne proposant la négociation d options binaires offrent la possibilité d acheter plusieurs types d options.
Ci-dessous, les principales mais il en existe d autres.
L option High Low Modifier.
L option High Low ou Haut Bas est le type d option le plus populaire.
Ce type de contrat consiste à décider si l actif sous-jacent sera au-dessus High ou en dessous Low du prix initial lors de l expiration de l option.
Exemple L investisseur ouvre une option High Low sur le cours de l EUR USD à la hausse.
Le prix initial est de 1,2550.
Deux issues possibles après expiration.
Le cours clôture au-dessus de 1,2550, l investisseur remporte le contrat.
Le cours clôture en dessous de 1,2550, l investisseur perd le contrat.
L option One touch Modifier.
L option One touch ou Une touche est une option de plus en plus démocratisée dans l industrie de l option binaire.
Ce type de contrat consiste à décider si l actif sous-jacent va atteindre une cotation définie au préalable ou non, durant toute la durée de vie du contrat.
Exemple L investisseur ouvre une option One touch sur le cours de l Or.
Le prix initial est de 1725.
La cotation ciblée est de 1735.
Le cours a touché la cotation de 1735 durant la phase de vie de l option, l investisseur remporte le contrat.
Le cours n a pas touché la cotation de 1735 durant la phase de vie de l option, l investisseur perd le contrat.
L option zone ou boundary Modifier.
L option zone ou hors zone , également appelée boundary , consiste à décider si l actif sous-jacent va clôturer à l intérieur ou à l extérieur d une zone prédéfinie.
Exemple l investisseur ouvre une option en zone sur le cours de l action Apple.
Le prix initial est de 520.
La zone est définie entre 510 et 530.
Le cours clôture entre 510 et 530, l investisseur remporte le contrat.
Le cours clôture en dessous de 510 ou au-dessus de 530, l investisseur perd le contrat.
Dans ces conditions, nombreux débutants pourraient être amenés à croire qu ils peuvent alors facilement gagner de l argent en définissant une fourchette très large, il n en est rien, puisque ce sont les courtiers qui fixent les conditions.
L option Paire Modifier.
Le principe de cette option consiste de prevoir quel actif va battre l autre.
Par exemple vous avez une paire entre Google et Yahoo vous devrez prévoir si Yahoo sera plus haut ou plus bas que Google au moment de l expiration.
Pour espérer gagner de l argent sur ce marché, il est nécessaire de réussir plus de 60 de ses paris le montant du gain étant inférieur au montant engagé , ce qui est généralement considéré comme un score très difficile à atteindre, même pour des personnes expérimentées 4.
Durant les années 2010, la négociation des options binaires par les investisseurs particuliers s est fortement développée.
En raison de promesses de rendement élevé à courte échéance, de nombreux investisseurs novices sont attirés par la facilité d utilisation des options binaires.
Devant ce marché en forte expansion mais peu régulé, de nombreux courtiers peu scrupuleux se sont introduits dans ce marché dans le but de flouer leurs clients.
Ils sont souvent basés dans des paradis fiscaux ou des pays dans lesquels la régulation est faible ou inexistante.
De nombreux abus ont été constatés sur certains de ces courtiers, qu ils soient bénéficiaires d un agrément ou non 5.
La régulation des courtiers Modifier.
La plupart des courtiers proposant des options binaires en Europe affichent un siège social à Chypre, qui est l un des pays accordant le plus facilement l autorisation d exercer.
En vertu d accords conclus au sein de l Espace économique européen, un agrément de l autorité de marché locale est suffisant pour que ces sociétés soient autorisées sur l ensemble de l espace économique européen.
En 2013, l Autorité des Marchés Financiers AMF française indique être préoccupée par le nombre croissant de dossiers litigieux qui concernent les options binaires et le Olymp Trade traité par d autres canaux.
Elle tente de sensibiliser les investisseurs sur les risques de ces marchés, et en parallèle, fait part des limites de ses moyens d action.
Lorsque les sociétés ne sont pas agréées, son action se limite à une transmission des dossiers à un procureur français, et, dans le cas de sociétés agréées au titre du passeport EEE, mais ayant leur siège hors de France, elle indique réfléchir aux possibilités d actions administratives et judiciaires tout en collaborant avec ses homologues étrangers.
Dans cette optique, l autorité émet périodiquement une liste non exhaustive de courtiers ne disposant pas de ces autorisations 1.
Seuls quelques courtiers en ligne tels qu OptionWeb pour les options binaires et NESSfx pour le Olymp Trade, répondent aux exigences de l AMF aujourd hui.
Escroqueries les plus fréquentes Modifier.
La facilité des règles d intervention et des publicités agressives entraînent un engouement des particuliers pour le trading des options binaires.
Des courtiers indélicats profitent de cet engouement, qui touche un public d investisseurs particuliers débutant, généralement peu informés.
Les abus ou escroqueries constatés les plus fréquents sont les suivants.
L impossibilité de retirer son argent ici le courtier d options binaires frauduleux empêche tout retrait, ou n accepte des retraits qu une fois un seuil minimal sur le compte atteint.
La fraude à la carte bancaire une fois les données bancaires communiquées par téléphone ou à la suite d un premier dépôt des prélèvements sont effectués sur le compte des clients sans leur accord.
Une offre de bonus est proposée aux clients, la société s engageant à créditer le compte du client du même montant que celui-ci dépose.
Le client apprend par la suite que le bonus n est accordé que sous réserve d avoir parié au moins x fois son montant de 20 à 30 fois dans les cas cités.
La fraude aux comptes gérés des offres de formation sont proposées, et un coach est affecté au client.
Très souvent, il est proposé aux débutants d être conseillés téléphoniquement dans leur paris par le coach.
Lors des premières pertes, les coaches conseillent au client de placer des fonds supplémentaires pour se refaire.
Lorsque les paris perdants s accumulent, le coach devient injoignable ou apporte pour seule explication qu un mauvais trade est à l origine des pertes 5.
Les conditions de trading impossibles à atteindre le courtier demande à l investisseur d effectuer des positions plus de x jours dans le mois.
Parfois même plus que le nombre de jours ouvrés dans le mois 6.
La pénalité de retrait le courtier applique des frais de retrait importants de l ordre de 10 à 50 pour dissuader l investisseur de récupérer son argent 6.
Généralement, le trader n a connaissance de cette information que le jour où il cherche à retirer ses fonds et a beaucoup de mal à trouver cette information auparavant.
D autre part, si les sociétés les plus sérieuses proposent d accéder à un marché résultant de l offre et de la demande, la majorité se contente de proposer des produits Over The Counter de gré à gré.
Les prix sont alors décidés soit par la société elle-même, qui agit en contrepartie pour son propre compte et a tout intérêt à ce que le client soit perdant 7 , soit par une société affiliée ou amie.
En France Modifier.
En France, les gains issus des options binaires sont imposés de la même façon que les gains des plus-values mobilières classiques actions, obligations ou les gains de cryptomonnaie.
À supposer que les transactions soient réalisées dans le cadre d une activité complémentaire par exemple, en plus d un travail salarié et qu il ne s agisse pas d une source de revenu principale, les particuliers sont soumis à une imposition au titre de l impôt sur le revenu 12,8 , à laquelle s ajoutent 17,2 de prélèvements sociaux, soit 30 au total.
Par ailleurs, si le trading d options binaires représente une activité principale ou qu il constitue l essentiel du revenu d une personne, l article 92 du Code Général des Impôts alinéa 2.
1 8 prévoit que l imposition n est plus la même.
En l occurrence, il s agira de bénéfices non commerciaux qu il faudra déclarer.


آموزش جامع بازار باینری آپشن Binary option.
ویژگی های دوره.
بازار باینری آپشن Binary option یک بازار مالی جدید است که در آن می توان به ترید و خرید و فروش جفت ارزها و انرژی ها و غیره پرداخت و به سادگی از آن کسب درآمد کرد.
در بازار باینری آپشن فرد معامله گر یا همان تریدر باید قیمت آتی جفت ارزها یا سهام مورد نظر را به طور صحیح پیش بینی کند تا بتواند در معامله بنده میدان باشد.
این بازار مالی تفاوت های زیادی با بازار فارکس دارد و می توان گفت کار در آن به مراتب ساده تر از کار در بازار Olymp Trade می باشد.
کسب سود در بازار باینری آپشن به بله و خیر های شما بستگی دارد و به همین دلیل به آن باینری گفته می شود.
در واقع کلمه باینری Binary در این بازار به این معناست که آیا تریدر می تواند در پایان زمان معامله موفق به پس گرفتن سرمایه خودش به همراه سود شود یا اینکه هیچ چیزی نمی تواند دریافت کند.
همچنین کلمه آپشن Option در این بازار به قراردادهایی گفته می شود که به صاحب آن اختیار خرید یا فروش کالای با ارزشی را با یک قیمت از پیش تعیین شده و البته برای یک دوره مشخص را می دهد.
در این دوره چه مباحثی آموزش داده شده است.
این دوره آموزشی در واقع پنجمین دوره از سری آموزشی صد روز تا درآمد دیجیتالی است که در آن به آموزش جامع خرید و فروش در بازار باینری آپشن پرداخته می شود.
ما در این دوره به آموزش مباحث زیر خواهیم پرداخت.
1- آشنایی با مفهوم معاملات آپشن یا اختیار معامله 2- آشنایی با بازار باینری آپشن Binary Option 3- آشنایی با انواع قراردادهای باینری آپشن 4- آشنایی با نحوه افتتاح حساب در کارگزاری آلپاری 5- آشنایی با نحوه کار کردن با پلتفرم آزمایشی قراردادهای ثابت در باینری آپشنز.
سرفصل های دوره آموزش جامع باینری آپشن.
معرفی دوره باینری آپشن آشنایی با بازار آپشن یا اختیار معامله خصوصیات معاملات اختیار معامله نحوه افتتاح حساب در کارگزاری آلپاری کار با حساب آزمایشی و پلتفرم قراداد ثابت در آلپاری قراداد Call Put قرارداد Touch قرارداد Range Spread قرارداد Express قرارداد Turbo.
دانشجویان عزیز پس از مشاهده کامل این دوره با مفاهیم مهم و اساسی بازار باینری آپشن آشنا خواهند شد و به راحتی می توانند در این بازار به معامله بپردازند.
معرفی دوره ویدئو.
آشنایی با بازار آپشن یا اختیار معامله ویدئو.
خصوصیات معاملات اختیار معامله ویدئو.
نحوه افتتاح حساب در کارگزاری آلپاری ویدئو.
کار با حساب آزمایشی و پلتفرم قراداد ثابت در آلپاری ویدئو.
قراداد Call Put ویدئو.
قرارداد Touch ویدئو.
قرارداد Range Spread ویدئو.
قرارداد Express ویدئو.
قرارداد Turbo ویدئو.
گفتگوی آخر با دوستان ویدئو.
دوره های مرتبط.
پکیج جامع کهکشان ارز دیجیتال هدیه ویژه.
آموزش تخصصی و کاربردی بلاک چین و ارز دیجیتال.
آموزش جامع تحلیل تکنیکال بازار بورس فارکس و ارزهای دیجیتال.
چگونه کسب درآمد از بیت کوین را شروع کنیم.
آموزش سرمایه گذاری در بورس.
rate_review امتیاز دانشجویان دوره.
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سینا منصوری دانشجوی دوره.
به شدت ضعیف واقعا پشیمان شدم.
رضا زعفرانیه.
با سلام بازار باینری آپشن یک دوره عام و مشتقه از بازارهای مالی دیگه از قبیل فارکس جفت ارزها ارزهای دیجیتال و بورس می باشد.
من در دوره باینری آپشنز به قراردادهای مربوط به این بازار فقط پرداختم.
برای مثال تحلیل فاندامنتال هر یک از بازارهای ذکر شده فوق دنیایی است.
من یک دوره تحلیل تکنیکال هم دارم که شامل همه بازارهای مالی است که بر اساس عرضه و تقاضا است.
من دوره های جداگانه ای در هر یک از مارکت ها دارم برای مثال در ارزهای دیجیتال دوره بیت کوین و بلاک چین برای دوره فارکس شما اگه این دوره رو تهیه فرمایید دارای 46 ویدیو و 13 ساعت آموزش است و در آن حتی واریز و برداشت به کارگزاری رو آموزش داده ام.
شما انتظار نداشته باشید با خرید یک دوره به همه بازارهای مالی رو یاد بگیرید با این حال اینجانب هر شب در آکادمی بازار منتور وبینارهای رایگان رو برگزار می کنم که به آموزش بازارهای مالی و سرمایه فوق می پردازم با این حال شما می توانید در این وبینارها تشریف بیارید و من پاسخگوی و رفع اشکالات شما و سایر دوستان هستم.
هدف من جلب رضایت شما عزیزان می باشد.
من در خدمت شما هستم شماره تماس واتساپی 09300092555 با احترام دکتر زعفرانیه.
Mohammad9924 دانشجوی دوره.
ضمن سلام و خسته نباشید همون طور که از اسم دوره مشخص هست من با هدف جامع بودن این دوره رو تهیه کردم و وقتی نوشته بعد از این دوره میتوانید به ترید بپردازید بنده انتظار داشتم بیشتر از یک توضیح سطحی داده بشه و پیش نیاز های دوره اینکه چه علمی باید داشته باشیم تا در ترید موفق باشیم یا استراتژی و روش ساخت اون رو گفته میشد حتی به صورت سطحی و کوتاه.
کلمه ی جامع مناسب دوره نبود.
قوانین ثبت دیدگاه.
برای ارسال نظر باید وارد حساب کاربری خود شده باشید.
آموزش فیلتر نویسی در بورس تهران.
آموزش صفر تا صد ورود به بورس.
آموزش ترید فارکس پیشرفته پلن معاملاتی ناب.
آموزش بازار فارکس مقدماتی.
آموزش تحلیل تکنیکال در بازارهای مالی.
خودآموز تخصصی بلاک چین و ارز دیجیتال.


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Binary Options and Olymp Trade Copy Trading.
Binary Options and Olymp Trade Copy Trading Club.
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As soon as you have decided that placing Binary Options trades is something you fancy doing, you will soon come to the conclusion that one of the best ways that you can make regular trading profits is by having a sound and well thought out trading strategy in place.
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The very first guide which you should take a good look over is our trading tips one.
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Binary Options Hedging Strategy.
If you want to get the minimum risk but of any trading sessions you have then one way in which you can do just that will be by utilizing a hedging strategy.
This guide is dedicated to just that topic and offers a wealth of valuable information to traders.
60 Second Binary Options Strategy.
There may often come a time when you think any trading opportunity is going to move in one direction or another but possibly only for a short space of time.
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Touch No Touch Binary Options Strategy.
You will have more than enough different Binary Options trading strategies at your disposal whenever you do decide to placing any type of trade.
However, you will of course need to know what each type of trade is and how they work, and this guide will enlighten you on a Touch No Touch strategy and how both of those two types of trades can be placed.
One Touch Binary Options Strategy.
As soon as the value of any trading opportunity reaches the predetermined wither high or low limit then a One Touch trade will expire, and there are quite a number of different strategies you can utilize when placing these types of trades online.
Binary Options Reversal Strategy.
Please do spend some time going through each of our different Binary Options strategy guides as there are bound to be several different strategies that will appeal to you.
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Binary Options Straddle Strategy.
You can often get overwhelmed not only by the many different type of Binary Options trade you can place but by all of the many different strategies you can put into live play when logged into any Brokers trading platform.
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Nadex Binary Options Strategy.
Another type of trading strategy that may just be a great one to try is a Nadex strategy.
Please take a few minutes to learn about how these trades work and how to utilize a trading strategy when placing them online or via any type of mobile device.
Binary Options Day Trading.
Day Trading is always going to open up a plethora do different trading opportunities, and we are seeing more and more traders spreading their trades across a day, rather than placing lots of much shorter expiry trades.
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You can often be amazed at just how quickly and easily you can place one or more Binary Options trades and end up making some very substantial profits.
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In regards to binary options which are gambling products, remember that gambling can be addictive - please play responsibly.
Read about Responsible Trading.
Category Binary Options Training.
In this day and age, it has turned out to be especially clear for a nation to go into universal trading for worldwide acknowledgment.
The equivalent is the situation with the binary options trading in which trading is performed on the stocks and products in the money related markets.
The profit just as loss circumstance in the binary trading is subject to the development in the price of the stocks or products.
As the world s economy is creating a long ways, the binary trading can be a worthwhile trading if execute with cautious investigation by the investor.
Capacity of binary trading brokers.
Binary trading has turned into the most well known trading platform, and because of the quick thriving of this business, development in binary options agents quality is occurring.
The significance of the intermediaries can t be disregarded as the real job of the agent is to painstakingly deal with the trade of the investor by managing him through each thick and slender of binary trade.
Behind the achievement of each trade, the binary options merchant is the primary column.
With the approach of new merchant elements in the worldwide business platform, it has turned out to be a lot simpler to choose the best intermediary as per the inclination.
The specialist enables the investor in taking the best choice at the ideal planning so as to maintain a distance from the loss and limit the risks.
Money and risk management.
Trader in binary options trading has the total expert to choose the asset and plan the money management strategy.
In any case, it is the binary options representative who aides the trader in the most ideal manner in regards to the asset type that is best for trading.
The help of the representative has a great deal of significant worth as he is knowledgeable about the field of trading and is proficient in his methodology.
For the long haul advantages and profits to the investor, it would be the best plan to take help from the agent.
Binary options representative assuages the trader in extreme occasions by giving the best counter procedures to make immense result from each trade.
Binary Options Trading can Either Bring a Fixed Payoff or Nothing.
The internet is there to provide you more ideas and strategies about options trading.
However, this trading world is also a volatile one and the ideas or strategies that work here today may not work the next day.
So, when you are going to deal with such a volatile market, you also need to make sure that you have collected the best option trading ideas.
This is where taking help of the top option trading firms can bring the best outcome.
Having those ideas in your mind is not going to bring any kind of result for you.
Implementation of these ideas is also important.
But the problem is you cannot just implement any idea in a straight forward manner.
For this, you need to practice it in the virtual world.
This is now possible as the leading option trading firms have announced trading simulators that allow traders to practice and use their trading ideas in the virtual world.
In this way, you can ensure that which ideas will work better for you further.
Know how it uses to act.
There are so many things as a trader you need to know and understand about this market.
When it comes to the binary options trading , you also need to stay tuned about the basics associated with it.
This is considered as an exotic financial option.
Binary Options Trading Keep attention to the basics.
As per this trading, the payoff can be either a fixed amount or there will be nothing for you.
Binary options are categorized into two sections like the cash-or-nothing and asset-or-nothing.


Bullish University Binary Option Training.
Bullish University.
Published on Nov 9, 2016.
Bullish University is here to serve all those that would like to make income from Binary Options and the FX market.
We provide daily webinars and training through our University and we give a step by step approach to being more profitable.
We talk in simple terms so everyone can understand us.
We look forward to welcoming you as a client of Bullish very soon.
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From0To100BinaryOptionsTraining When you join Bullish University we will be training you to be a 100 competent Binary Options trader that is skilled at what ACTUALLY works in Binary Options Even if you are a total beginner Beginner Friendly Even if you are starting from scratch we will have you trading more profitably than the majority of Binary Option traders within 30 days of joining our program Cutting Edge Binary Option tactics Once we train you in the basics we will take you to the next level and you will be applying advanced tactics that most Binary Option traders are either doing wrong or don t know about Live Interaction Q A Every day you will have multiple chances to sit down with our coaches who make a full time career with Binary Options and get all your questions answered Fast Start Up Binary Options We are constantly adding new tactics that will help you start making money faster than ever Network With Other Traders Join our private Facebook group of like Stay On The Cutting Edge Web page converted to PDF with the PDFmyURL PDF creation API.
JOIN NOW Join our private Facebook group of like minded Binary Option traders and plot new ways of taking advantage of the market Stop trying to figure out how to trade Binary Options.
Let us do all the analytical testing and give you the answers update you when anything changes What is Bullish University.
BullishUniversityisaneverending archiveofBinaryOptionseducation.
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With2livewebinarseverysingleday,a 1on1coachingsessionandourown privatecommunityyouwillhave everythingyouneedtoturnBinary Optionsintoafulltimecareer.
What Exactly Do I Get.
1on1CoachingSession As part of joining Bullish University you will receive a 1 on 1 coaching session with our head coach Ben Newman.
A strategy for your financial goals will be laid out from the start.
This session will help you understand the basics of Binary Options and put you in the best position to begin earning immediately.
First100Students Watch our head trainer Ben Newman trade live twice every day on a webinar.
Learn from a professional, copy his trades and ask questions.
There is no better way to learn how to trade Binary Options than watching a professional.
FullBinaryOptionTrainingArchive When you join you get immediate access to our entire Binary Option training archive that is updating every month on a never ending schedule BinaryOptionsCommunity You will have access to our private Facebook group where your questions will get answered immediately and you can network and learn from other successful traders.
Taught By Traders Who Actually Make Money Doing This BenNewman-HeadTrainer Ben Newman has been working in binary options now for 5 years.
Ben has run over 500 webinars and training videos on the binary options market.
He is one of the leading experts on the binary options market and heads up the coaching team at Bullish University.
Ben will be running the live webinars that you can join and Web page converted to PDF with the PDFmyURL PDF creation API.
ask him any questions you may have.
DavidFrank-TechnicalAnalyst David is an experienced Olymp Trade and bond trader and has his MA and PhD in Economics.
He is a behavioral economist and technical analyst who has been trading in the currency and debt markets for over a decade.
He has worked for international brands such as Goldman Sachs and AvaTrade.
As an economist and trader, David believes in the big picture by blending together technical analysis with fundamentals behind the scenes in the Olymp Trade and global bond markets.
David s trading strategy is unique.
He blends an understanding of fundamental and macroeconomics with technical analysis to offer a unique view into Olymp Trade, debt securities bonds and commodities.
He applies several strategies including carry long positions, to take advantage of high yields in non-volatile markets, as well as using a quicker, chart related analysis for day trading.
David is married and the father of two children.
View David Frank LinkedIn profile here.
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Don t Gamble On Binary Options.
There are lots of ways to lose your money in this world but here s one I hadn t encountered before binary option Web sites.
They have become popular over the past few years with new ones appearing all the time anyoption.
com, bulloption.
com, spotoption.
com, binaryoption.
The sites appeal to the same type of people who play poker online.
But they somehow have an aura of being more respectable because they represent themselves as offering a form of investing.
Don t kid yourself.
These are gambling sites, pure and simple.
It s probably just a matter of time before regulators move in on them.
Until that happens, they seem to be doing great business.
A Google search for binary option Web sites produced 870,000 hits with promotions like earn up to 75 per cent every hour and 81 per cent profit in one hour or less, trade all major markets.
You can buy these options, which are also known as all-or-nothing options, digital options, or Fixed Return Options FROs , on stocks, commodities, indexes, foreign exchange, and other derivatives.
In fact, you can place a bet which is what it really amounts to on just about anything that is publicly traded, depending on which Web site you use some offer a wider range of choices than others.
Some sites provide free guides to binary option trading to get you started.
I was alerted to this phenomenon by a reader who sent me this email.
My dad has recently gotten involved with trading binary options online.
The basic premise for the site he uses is at a specific time, say 1 25 p.
, you can put down perhaps 100 that XYZ stock will either increase or decrease in price within five minutes by 1 30 p.
If you are wrong, you get 15 back.
If you are right, you win about 70.
I ve proven to him that, mathematically, the site has an edge and you must be right 55 of the time in order for your bet to have a neutral expected value.
I am also a professional online poker player by trade so I have an extensive understanding of probability, the online gambling markets, and how these sites work.
The problem is he feels he is at a great advantage, citing his ability to read a bunch of charts, follow news, etc.
He is a smart man, a former lawyer, and has been following stocks for years, but I feel that he may be overestimating himself here.
I ve looked into online binary options trading a bit and it seems to me that the consensus is that very few people outside of professional traders can beat the trading sites consistently for good money.
My dad is up 2,500 or so betting 100 and 50.
The best I could do is to warn him about statistical variance affecting his perceived ability and that short-term volatility along with the inherent disadvantage will make consistent winning incredibly hard.
I m looking for a way to definitively convince him to stop and that his edge isn t as great as it seems.
I tried talking to him multiple times about the subject but I m not as knowledgeable about the field and ultimately that becomes my shortcoming when trying to convince him why he shouldn t continue to be involved with this.
Any help would certainly be appreciated.
I found this correspondence especially fascinating because the writer is a professional online poker player a gambler by trade.
Yet here he is trying to convince his dad that online gambling is a bad thing.
I agree, it is.
But it s understandable if the father is skeptical about advice from a son who does the same sort of thing, albeit in a different form.
But that s for them to sort out.
What intrigued me was to discover that binary option trading has become a kind of pseudo investing sub-culture.
I went to the site our reader says his dad uses and did some research.
It describes binary options as an exciting new type of investment note the use of the word investment.
When a binary option is purchased on our platform, a contract is created that gives the buyer known here as the investor the right to buy an underlying asset at a fixed price, within a specified time frame with us, the seller, the Web site explains.
The option must be held until maturity even if that is five minutes away ; unlike regular options it cannot be sold before then.
These sites promote themselves as offering controlled risk you can t lose more than a specified amount , low cost, big gains if you guess right, and ease of use you can trade from home whenever markets are open and set up an account with a credit card.
So what arguments would I use to convince dad to quit.
For starters, this sort of thing can quickly become addictive, especially to market junkies.
Although the amounts bet may be small, the total can quickly add up if many trades are done in a day.
It wouldn t take long for things to get out of hand.
Second, no one, no matter how knowledgeable, can consistently predict what a stock or commodity will do within a short time frame.
Will Apple AAPL shares go up or down in the next 10 minutes.
Unless there has just been some major announcement from the company, there is no way to even guess at that.
Third, the house definitely has an edge.
This particular Web site pays 71 for each successful 100 trade.
Finally, these Web sites are unregulated.
No securities commission is protecting people s interests.
This is a financial Wild West.


If people want to gamble, that s their choice.
Gordon Pape is editor and publisher of The Canada Report.
The Binary Options Experts Publish Training on Creating A Perfect Business Model That Generates Your Ideal Income.
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The Binary Options Experts take a look at seven critical questions entrepreneurs should be addressing in order to secure the ideal business model and achieve financial security this year and in the future.
We re going to create this business model for you so that you do have the money When we create that focus, then we can create the action behind it.
These things will start to materialize in your life faster than you will believe possible.
Past News Releases.
New York, New York PRWEB January 08, 2013.
The Binary Options Experts are encouraging entrepreneurs and other individuals aiming to achieve financial security in the future to address seven critical questions today.
From coming up with an exact figure as the target income to pinning down the number of hours invested in a business, The Binary Options Experts are sharing those crucial questions and revealing strategic methods to achieving the answers in a recent video published on YouTube.
The perfect business model, according to The Binary Options Experts, could be based on these seven questions How much weekly income should it make; how many staff would it take to run; how many hours are needed to run it; where would it allow the entrepreneur to live; what type of lifestyle would it create; what kind of places would it allow the entrepreneur to visit; and how much would the business be eventually worth.
The video starts off with helping viewers determine their ideal income from the business.
To arrive at the perfect amount, the New York-based leading consultancy firm for traders around the world recommends considering all the outgoing expenses and leaving enough money that could be put towards other investments and also, maintain the ideal lifestyle.
That amount will represent the financial freedom figure, which The Binary Options Experts believe can be obtained through informed and strategic venture into trading.
The company, which consistently comes out with advice and strategies on how to best trade binary options, says that their Platinum Emerald Club s could be a venture worth considering as it is aimed at generating large income return, but on minimal investment.
Incidentally, the firm is the same team behind the highly successful and best-selling book called Binary Options Profit Pipeline Unleash the Power of Binary Options.
When it comes to considering staff for the business, The Binary Options Experts video suggests recognizing the means to finance human resources necessities like superannuation or 401Ks and the capability to manage a large or small staff.
Determining these will enable any entrepreneur to realize whether they can handle a large staff or would be better off running the business on their own.
Meanwhile, in relation to a projected amount of income from the business, the video also recommends taking a closer look at the income-to-time ratio.
I m looking to get as much income return from as little hours invested as possible for me to enjoy the perfect business model, says The Binary Options Experts VP of Global Operations, Duane Cunningham.
The company believes that working to acquire binary options income would allow for this ideal income-to-time ratio.
The remaining questions to address generally focus on individual lifestyles and the significance of creating a business model that supports those lifestyles.
To prove this correlation, The Binary Options Experts video asks viewers what sort of places they would like to see and whether their current business models financially allow them to travel to those places or not.
Cunningham remarks, We re going to create this business model for you so that you do have the money Start writing these places down that you d you want to visit.
Writing it down crystallizes this in your mind.
When we create that focus, then we can create the action behind it.
The Binary Options Experts promote trading knowledge and present smarter strategies for beginner and experienced traders alike.
The company helps traders around the globe to improve their rewards and control their risks by producing informative content on its blog and coming up with comprehensive guides on binary options, which effectively takes the guesswork out of binary options trading.
From leveraging time and money to creating a focus that achieves financial goals, The Binary Options Experts latest video aims to empower entrepreneurs and other individuals to design a template of their perfect business model.
To find out more about the seven critical questions, and watch the instructional and inspirational video in its entirety, go to The Binary Options Experts channel on YouTube today.
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Discover how to trade options in a speculative market.
The options market provides a wide array of choices for the trader.
Like many derivatives, options also give you plenty of leverage, allowing you to speculate with less capital.
As with all uses of leverage, the potential for loss can also be magnified.
Understanding the basics.
A long option is a contract that gives the buyer the right to buy or sell the underlying security or commodity at a specific date and price.
There is no obligation to buy or sell in the contract, but simply the right to exercise the contract, if the buyer decides to do so.
An option that gives you the right to buy is called a call, whereas a contract that gives you the right to sell is called a put.
Conversely, a short option is a contract that obligates the seller to either buy or sell the underlying security at a specific price, through a specific date.
When the buyer of a long option exercises the contract, the seller of a short option is assigned , and is obligated to act.
To make this clearer, let s use a real world analogy Let s say you re shopping for an antique grandfather clock and find the perfect one at the right price 3,000.
But you won t have the cash for another three months.
You talk to the owner and he agrees to sell it at that price in three months with a specific expiration date, but you have to pay 100 for him to agree to the contract.
After three months, you have the money and buy the clock at that price.
But maybe it s discovered that the clock was owned by Theodore Roosevelt, which makes it worth 10,000.
You have the right to exercise your option and buy it for 3,000, netting you a profit of 6,900 minus transaction costs.
On the other hand, let s say it s discovered that s it s not an antique at all, but a knock-off worth only 500.
You re under no obligation to exercise your option and buy it at 3,000, so you can opt not to buy it at all and simply let the contract expire.
Although you re still out the 100, at least you re not stuck with a clock worth a fraction of what you paid for it.
From the option seller s perspective, in the first scenario he gets the 100, but is later forced to sell the clock at less than true market value.
In the second scenario, he keeps the clock, and the 100 you paid in premium.
If you understand this concept as it applies to securities and commodities, you can see how advantageous it might be to trade options.
For a relatively small amount of capital, you can enter into options contracts that give you the right to buy or sell investments at a set price at a future date, no matter what the price of the underlying security is today.
Some things to consider before trading options.
Leverage Control a large investment with a relatively small amount of money.
This allows for strong potential returns, but you should be aware that it can also result in significant losses.
Flexibility Options allow you to speculate in the market in a variety of ways, and use a number of creative strategies.
There are a wide variety of option contracts available to trade for many underlying securities, such as stocks, indexes, and even futures contracts.
Hedging If you have an existing position in a commodity or stock, you can use option contracts to lock in unrealized gains or minimize a loss with less initial capital.
Setting up an account.
You can trade and invest in options at TD Ameritrade with several account types.
You will also need to apply for, and be approved for, margin and option privileges in your account.
Choosing a trading platform.
With a TD Ameritrade account, you ll have access to options trading on our web platform, as well as our more comprehensive platform thinkorswim.
The thinkorswim platform is for more advanced options traders.
It features elite tools and lets you monitor the options market, plan your strategy, and implement it in one convenient, easy-to-use, integrated place.
Also, if you plan on participating in complex options trades that feature three or four legs, or sides of a trade, thinkorswim may be right for you.
In addition, TD Ameritrade has mobile trading technology, allowing you to not only monitor and manage your options, but trade contracts right from your smartphone, mobile device, or iPad.
Develop a trading strategy.
Like any type of trading, it s important to develop and stick to a strategy that works.
Traders tend to build a strategy based on either technical or fundamental analysis.
Technical analysis is focused on statistics generated by market activity, such as past prices, volume, and many other variables.
Charting and other similar technologies are used.
Fundamental analysis focuses on measuring an investment s value based on economic, financial, and Federal Reserve data.
Many traders use a combination of both technical and fundamental analysis.
Whether you use technical or fundamental analysis, or a hybrid of both, there are three core variables that drive options pricing to keep in mind as you develop a strategy.
Price of the underlying security or commodity.
Time to expiration.
Implied volatility based on market influences and future outlook.
With thinkorswim, you ll have tools to help you analyze these variables and more.
You ll also find plenty of third-party fundamental research and commentary, as well as many idea generation tools.
You can even paper trade and practice your strategy without risking capital.
In addition, you can explore a variety of tools to help you formulate an options trading strategy that works for you.
You can also contact a TD Ameritrade Options Specialist anytime via chat, by phone 866-839-1100 or by email 24 7.
Building your skills.
Whether you re new to investing, or an experienced trader exploring options, the skills you need to profit from options trading should be continually developed.
You ll find Web Platform is a great way to start.
For veteran traders, thinkorswim, has a nearly endless amount of features and capabilities that will help build your knowledge and options trading skills.
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Options are not suitable for all investors as the special risks inherent to options trading may expose investors to potentially rapid and substantial losses.
Options trading subject to TD Ameritrade review and approval.
Please read Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options before investing in options.
Spreads, collars, and other multiple-leg option strategies, as well as rolling strategies can entail substantial transaction costs, including multiple commissions, which may impact any potential return.
These are advanced option strategies and often involve greater risk, and more complex risk, than basic options trades.
The collar position involves the risks of both covered calls and protective puts.
With the protective put strategy, while the long put provides some temporary protection from a decline in the price of the corresponding stock, this does involve risking the entire cost of the put position.
Probability analysis results are theoretical in nature, not guaranteed, and do not reflect any degree of certainty of an event occurring.
Theta is a measure of an option s sensitivity to time decay.
Education Center content is provided for illustrative and educational use only and is not a recommendation or solicitation to purchase or sell any specific security.
Investools, Inc.
and TD Ameritrade, Inc.
are separate but affiliated companies and are not responsible for each other s services or policies.
This is not an offer or solicitation in any jurisdiction where we are not authorized to do business or where such offer or solicitation would be contrary to the local laws and regulations of that jurisdiction, including, but not limited to persons residing in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, UK, and the countries of the European Union.
TD Ameritrade, Inc.
, member FINRA SIPC, a subsidiary of The Charles Schwab Corporation.
TD Ameritrade is a trademark jointly owned by TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc.
and The Toronto-Dominion Bank.
2021 Charles Schwab Co.
How To Make Money Trading Binary Options.
Now that we have a basic idea on how binary option trades work, let s take a look at a simple example.
Let s say, you decide to trade EUR USD with the assumption that price will rise.
You then look at your trading platform and see that the broker s payout is 79 on a one hour option contract with a target strike of 1.
After much deliberation, you finally decide to buy a call or up option and risk a 100.
You could say it s similar to going long on EUR USD on the spot forex market.
Ending Scenarios After Entering a CALL Option Gain Loss Expiry price is above the strike price in-the-money 100.
00 x 79 79 100.
00 You gain 179.
00 on your account.
Expiry price is equal to or below the strike price out-of-the-money You lose your stake and your account declines by 100.
As you can see from the calculations above, the risk you take is limited to the premium paid on the option.
Payouts in Binary Options.
Now that we ve looked at the mechanics of a simple binary trade, we think it s high time for you to learn how payouts are calculated.
More often than not, the payout will be determined by the size of your capital at risk per trade, whether you re in- or out-of-the-money when the trade is closed, the type of option trade, and your broker s commission rate.
In the example given above, you bet 100 that EUR USD will close above 1.
3000 after an hour with your broker offering a 79 payout rate.
Let s say that your analysis was spot on and your trade ends up being in-the-money.
You would then get a payout of 179.
100 your initial investment 79 79 of your initial capital 179.
Easy peasy, right.
Don t get too excited just yet.
You should know that there s no one-size-fits-all formula for calculating payouts.
There are a few other factors that affect them.
Factors in Payout Calculations.
Each broker has its own payout rate.
For starters, Olymp Trade Ninja s intel shows that most brokers offer somewhere between 70 and 75 for the most basic option plays while there are those who offer as low at 65.


Various factors come into play when determining the percentage payout.
The underlying asset traded and the time to expiration are a couple of big components to the equation.
Next, the broker s commission is also factored into the payout rate.
After all, brokers are providing a service for you, the trader, to play out your ideas in the market so they should be compensated for it.
The commission rate does vary widely among brokers, but since there are so many binary options brokers out there and more coming along , the rates should become increasingly competitive over time.
When a Binary Option Trade is Closed.
As mentioned before, binary options are typically all-or-nothing trading instruments in that the payout or loss is only given at contract expiration, but there are a few brokers that allow you to close a binary option trade ahead of expiration.
This usually depends on the type of option, and usually it s only available within a certain timeframe e.
, available 5 minutes after an option trade opens, up until 5 minutes before an option expiration.
When trading with a binary option broker that allows early closure of an option trade, the value of the option tends to move along with the value of the underlying asset.
For example, with a put or down option play, the value of the option contract increases as the market moves below the target strike price.
This means that, depending on how far it has moved passed the strike, the closing value of the option may be more than the risk premium paid but never greater than the agreed maximum payout.
Conversely, if the underlying market moved higher, further out-of-the-money, the value of the option contract decreases and the option buyer would be returned much less than the premium paid if he she closed early.
Of course, in both cases, the broker commission is factored into the payout of an option trade when closed early.
So before you decide to jump head first into trading binary options, make sure you do your research and find out what your broker s payout rates and conditions are.
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Remote Binary Options Copier.
This is an ideal solution for signal provider, who want to share his binary options trade with the others globally on his own rules.
One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well.
The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will not be able to receive the signal after that time.
Each provider account can copy to unlimited local receivers and 10 remote receivers at the same time.
If you want more remote receivers, please check Remote Binary Options Copier Unlimited version, which allows unlimited remote receivers.
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You can use the product with any account number or on any computer VPS.
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Compare with our other products.
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Go back to MT4 terminal - Main Menu - View - Navigator - Right click on Expert Advisors folder - Refresh - Find AutoFxPro.
com Remote Binary Options Copier - Double click or drag it into any chart.
At startup window - Common tab - Enable Allow DLL imports and Allow live trading check box.
Switch to Input tab, enter your registered email address and activation key in order to activate your license.
You just need to enter your license for each account at a particular MT4 MT5 one first time.
It will remember your license info, so just leave the license blank next times.
Do the same steps at receiver s terminal with file AutoFxPro.
com Binary Options Receiver Free.
Connect accounts together.
On Provider s account, you must use Remote Trade Copier.
Please note that only install the copier into one of any chart, not every charts of you MT4.
First on Provider s side, choose the role as Provider and enable the copier by clicking the status button.
Then, click to Receiver list button and add the account number of the receiver that you want to copy to.
Only receivers in this list are authorized to copy from this provider account.
Account number Receiver s account number.
Description You can set a name for that receiver, whatever you want.
Expiry You can set an expiry for each receiver, so that when this time over this receiver will not be able to copy your signal anymore.
If you don t want to set expiry for a receiver, just set is as 0.
On receiver s side, you can either use Remote Binary Options Copier if it s your own account or use Binary Options Receiver Free if it s your client s account.
Also, please note that only install the copier receiver into one of any chart, not every charts of your terminal.


In order to receive copy from the provider, you must add the provider s account number to allowed list by clicking on Provider list button and add the account number of the providers you want to copy from.
Please note that you can only add the provider if he has been added you already on his side.
After adding the provider, now enable the copier at receiver s side by clicking to Status button at the bottom of the panel.
If they are connected, the screen icon at both sides will blinking.
Settings and Parameters.
Choose your role Choose your role for the current account.
It can be either Provider copy source or Receiver copy destination.
Provider Receiver list Manage providers receivers that you accept to receive send data from to.
You can add, remove, edit and enable disable accounts by your own purpose.
Your account only send receives data to from accounts that are enabled in this list.
Global Local mode Choose between Global mode and Local mode.
Global mode allows to copy between accounts at different locations over internet.
Local mode only allows to copy between accounts on the same PC Server.
In the Local mode, trades are copied nearly instant Receiver with balance 2000 and scale factor 1 will trade 1.
Receiver with balance 2000 and scale factor 2 will trade 2.
Multiply by provider s lotsize Lotsize will be multiply by a factor with Provider s lotsize.
Only use this option if you know the lotsize setting manner of the provider, otherwise you may suffer whipsaw by over lotsize.
Ratio with receiver s balance Lotsize will be scaled with receiver s balance.
Example Lotsize is 1 lot if balance is 1000 , then lotsize will be 1.
5 lot when balance is 1500.
lotsize Maximum allowed lotsize to open trade.
This will prevent your account from open unanticipated over lotsize that may lead to unwanted drawdown.
Order filter Select which types of orders will be copied.
This filter is for both provider and receiver, but provider s choice is priority.
There are multi-options.
CALL orders CALL orders will be copied.
PUT orders PUT orders will be copied.
Custom pair Only copy trade of custom pair combine with order types above.
Inverted copy All filtered trades will be inverted when come to from receiver provider CALL PUT.
Other configurations.
You can change some more configurations by clicking on menu icon on the header.
Using account list Show up the list of account numbers that using this product with your license.
If the maximum amount is exceeded, you should either remove it from one of using accounts or purchase more license to increase this maximum quota.
Special symbols setting Config up to 5 special pair symbols synchronization.
Currency symbols will be auto recognized, but you can still set it up manually if you want, such as EURUSDbo EURUSDbi, etc,.
Fontsize setting Change the font size of interface if it s too small or too large for your screen resolution.
Reset to default settings Reset all the settings back to manufactured settings.
This is frequently asked questions FAQ and our answers relate to features of product Remote Binary Options Copier RBOC.
For other general FAQ, please check at our main FAQ area.
If you have further concern, please leave your question at our contact page.
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Risk Disclosure Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors.
Before deciding to invest in foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite.
9 Tips for New Traders to Trade Binary Options.
From earning a little extra money to making a full time living, or making a lot of money in a short span of time, binary options trading is an excellent way to achieve all of this.
As it slowly gains popularity all throughout the world, thousands are making good money with little or no prior knowledge of the subject, however, binary options trading isn t a cake walk success can be achieved and risks can be minimized by following the tips mentioned below.
The first and foremost advice to be given to any beginner trader is to select a good binary options broker for your help in this field.
A good broker, who knows his work, makes all the difference.
There are various comparison websites available to make this choice easier for new traders, so one can quite easily consult these websites and choose a good binary options broker of their choice.
Secondly, it is advisable to increase your knowledge in the field of binary options trading and to know that there is always more to learn.
There are training courses available for imparting binary options trading knowledge to new traders.
Reading new books on the subject matter and discussing with other traders about the matter also adds to the benefit.
This type of trading is a constantly-evolving experience, hence knowledge on the matter is ever expanding.
Thirdly, trading long term serves better returns, and binary options trading is a long term activity.
Developing a long term plan for your binary trading and playing the right cards will ensure that you ultimately come out on top.
Resist the temptation to get drawn into fads that do not fit into your overall strategies and strictly stick to your drawn plans.
Fourth is to reduce your risks by resisting the urge to over-invest.
Beginners tend to get carried away to make that one big score but they must employ some self control as that may be a game changer.
New traders lose more money by getting carried away and over investing.
Binary options brokers advise to invest not just with courage but also with rational thinking.
Fifth, it is essential to keep a clear head while making any decisions about binary options trading.
Beginners should avoid trading when they are emotionally disturbed, as emotions can create havoc with your trading.
It is very easy to make the wrong decisions in an emotional state, so it is advisable to stay away from any form of trading until you ve calmed down and cleared your mind.
Prepping yourself before trading in binary options is the sixth advice.
Studying the market and viewing graphs over time can help new traders predict behavior of any binary options asset, thereby helping them to make well-informed decisions.
Another very important piece of advice would be to keep apprised of trading news.
Keeping ears and eyes open to catch breaking news about the market condition can get the binary options trader a clear view of current situations, making it easier for him to trade during market crashes.
By understanding the root cause for market changes, the new trader can help corner the market when it rallies or crashes.
Hedging trades against each other just ends up decreasing the statistical probability of earning more profits as opposed to increasing them.
Last, but not least, it is very important to have fun while trading binary options.
Beginning binary options traders must ensure that it does not become a bore or a drag; if a trader has fun while trading, then he or she will be naturally inclined towards it and will pay more attention and make better decisions, thereby increasing profits.
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How To Pay Off Credit Card Debt Fast 7 Powerful Tips.
Mike Stuzzi is an Internet entrepreneur and personal finance blogger at The Money Galileo.
Read full profile.
Ever wondered whether your credit card debt is the reason you re in a bad financial situation.
You can t enjoy any fun activities because a good chunk of your money goes toward debt payment.
Heck, you re even behind on some of your monthly bills.
The effects of clumsy debt management are too many to list here.
This guide is going to help you discover how to pay off credit card debt fast and start chasing your financial goals.
Debt problems are the last thing anyone wants to encounter.
But things can get out of hand when all the little debts you take accumulate in interests.
What if you knew some simple and proven ways to be debt-free quickly.
Implementing them would mean better financial health for you.
It becomes possible to free up cash for your wants.
These include taking a trip or buying something you ve always desired.
All that while paying your bills on time.
Let s not wait any longer.
Here are 7 powerful tips for paying off credit card debt fast.
Pay More Than the Minimum Credit Card Payments.
Many people only pay the monthly minimum on their credit cards.
Truly, that s the right amount for staying on good terms with your credit card company.
But you need a different approach if you re looking to achieve financial independence within a short time.
Most of your payments go toward interest costs when you only pay the minimum amount.
A substantial sum of your balance remains standing.
As a result, it becomes more expensive to eliminate your debts.
You don t want to wait more than 10 years to get rid of debt while it s possible to do it sooner.
All you have to do is double that 100 minimum payment to 200 or go higher.
The good thing is that minimum credit card payments are affordable in most cases.
By paying a higher amount, you reduce your interest costs, lessen your borrowing period, and boost your credit score.
Start With High-Interest Credit Card Debt.
If you have more than one credit card debt, prioritize putting the extra money toward the ones with the highest interests.
This debt pay-off strategy, known as the debt avalanche method, is essential for being debt-free quickly.
First, you need to list down all the credit card debts you have in the order of their interest rates.
Next, you choose the one with the highest interest and pay a significant amount toward it each month.
It can be an amount twice or even thrice larger than the minimum payment.
At the same time, you make monthly minimum payments on the other debts.
Their interest charges won t be as costly as that of the first debt on your list.
You only move on to the next high-interest debt after the first one is gone.
Remember that your focus is on the interest rates and not the balances.
Revisit Your Budget.
Budgeting is useful for tracking your financial moves.
Once you create a budget, some tweaks along the way can make it work for you better.
One situation that requires you to revisit your budget is when you re struggling with debts.
It might hurt a bit to slash some expenses.
But you also don t want to miss out on achieving financial freedom in the long run.
You can reduce some variable expenses to free up more cash for credit card debt payments.
They re the ones that change from time to time.
Some examples are groceries, fuel, and clothing.
Other opportunities for cutting down your spending lie in non-essential expenses.
Instead of dining out all the time, you can cook at home more to save money.
You can also share some subscriptions with friends and pay a fraction of the cost.
If you re determined enough, you can eliminate all your unnecessary expenses and focus on paying off your credit card debt first.
Avoid Using Your Credit Cards.
Do you want to know how to pay off credit card debt with a low income.
One simple way is to stop using them.
Having your credit cards everywhere you go means that you ll be more tempted to buy unnecessary stuff.
In this case, you spend money that you don t really own and get deeper into debt.
The quickest fix to stop the debt build-up is spending with cash.
You ll be more aware of everything you can afford at any particular time.
If you decide to keep one or two cards to ease the transition, always make wise choices.
For instance, only use them when experiencing financial difficulties.
It s best to categorize your fun activities under discretionary spending in your budget.
This way, you won t need more debt to kill your boredom.
By halting your credit debt from accumulating, it s easy to pay down what you already owe and be happy with the progress.
Start a Side Hustle to Boost Your Income.
You re probably turning away a lot of money by not monetizing your skills.
Everyone has something that they re good at doing.
And you can use that to generate extra income for attacking your credit card debt.
If you look around your neighborhood, you can find several side hustle opportunities.
It can be pet sitting, tutoring, or lawn mowing.
You can start an online business by offering services such as digital marketing, content creation, and web development.
Such skills go in high demand on freelance sites and job boards.
Finding clients on social media is also a good strategy to utilize your skills and make more money.
Facebook groups, Quora Spaces, and subreddits are some places to look for side jobs.
You only have to join a niche-specific platform, share your services, and respond to any opportunities.
It s possible to learn a skill, practice it, and earn from it.
Use the free resources online or purchase some e-courses to get started.
Sell Your Used Items for Extra Cash.
Starting a side hustle isn t the only way to generate extra money.
You can turn unwanted items into cash for paying off credit card debt.
Whether it s an old TV, book, or furniture, there is always someone itching to buy your used stuff.
A garage sale, as much as it s old-fashioned, is perfect for getting your neighbors and passers-by to buy from you.


You keep all the money because there are no business permits or taxes involved.
While you may not make much cash, it s better than leaving your stuff to go defunct in your storage.
Other than that, you can sell your used stuff on online marketplaces.
Facebook groups are great places to start if you want quick approvals and hence sales.
You only have to ensure that your listing follows Facebook s commerce policies.
When selling any pre-owned items online, ensure they re in good shape to avoid problems with your buyers.
Know When to Seek Help With Your Debt.
Asking for help with your credit card debt can be challenging to do.
But letting it drown you is a road you don t want to take.
While you may feel embarrassed at first, it s the best way to get back on track when you run out of options.
There are tons of non-profit credit counseling organizations that can offer you free guidance on how to escape the debt trap.
An example is The National Foundation for Credit Counseling.
They simply review your finances and help you determine the source of your financial problems.
After that, they match you with an actionable debt management solution.
In extreme cases, the debt solution can be.
Debt relief where your debt is partially or wholly forgiven Debt consolidation taking out one loan to repay others Debt settlement the creditor forgives a significant portion of your debt Bankruptcy legal process for seeking relief from some or all your debts.
It s necessary to carefully weigh your options before deciding on the way to go.
Find out how it might affect your credit score and any other risks.
Debt is a major setback when you re trying to prosper in life.
Paying off credit card debt is essential if you want to reach your financial goals.
That means having more free income, a good credit card score, and even a chance to retire early.
You become more productive each day because of the peace in your mind.
So, you now have some tips on how to pay off credit fast.
Go ahead and get rid of that good life progress killer.
More Tips on How to Pay Off Debt.
These 6 Practical Solutions Could Help You Pay off Debt Sooner 5 Things to Do When You Are Buried in Debt How to Pay off Debt Fast Using the Stack Method A Step-By-Step Guide.
1 The Balance 3 Reasons to Pay More Than Minimum Card Payments 2 Investopedia Debt Avalanche Definition 3 Nomoredebts.
org 5 Signs That You Need Professional Help with Your Debts Not DIY.
Mike Stuzzi.
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