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HFX Binary Broker - Start with ONLY $50 (Quick Overview)|7:42

Started by PocketOption, Mar 17, 2021, 04:44 am

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As the foreign exchange market is volatile, your analysis is to involve all possible instruments, not only your forecast.
The above mentioned instruments can be useful for large and small binary option investors.
You have to understand that forecasts are not an instruction, or guarantee, they are just the experts opinion.
Each forecast is a signal that you need to check personally, compare with the market situation, economic calendar, charts, trend, and various data.
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In today s article, our professional trader Michael Allen will teach you how to spot binary options trading not a scam.
You will also get systematic instructions, which will allow you to trade effortlessly with the best binary option brokers such as IQoption and automated binary option robot.
If your goals are any of the following, then please keep reading, as this is the right article for you.
Look This Video.


Option Robot Review Binary Option Robot Scam.
Are Binary Robots A Scam.
How To Spot A Scam Binary Option Robot.
Legit Binary Option Robots The Automated Binary.
Binary Option Robot Review What Really Makes The Robot Stand Out From Its Competitors Stop Loss And Reverse Trading Check Out These Top Rated Articles.
Instructional Video Binary Option Robot.
Best Robots Signal Services.
Option Robot Review.
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Option Robot Scam Investigation.
Hello, my name is Michael Allen.
I have been a professional stock trader for over 20 years now.
I have seen a number of economic ups and downs, both personally and professionally.
In most of the worst cases I have seen, the main reason was because of lack of experience or poor timing.
Sometimes the losses are just attributable to bad luck and stats.
However, the saddest thing is that many of these losses could have been easily avoided.
In this article, I will teach you how to discern a good, effective binary options robots from robots whose only purpose is to take an investor s money.
In addition, I will give you my personal recommendation, if you want to invest with automated trading software.
Binary Options Robot not a scam.
Nowadays there are several automated binary options robots available on the market, but despite the fact that the of the vast majority of them are honest you will still find the occasional bad apple, whose sole purpose is to take your money.
If you are new to Binary Option Robots , then I would recommend reading our home page first, where I tell you in more detail about how traders can benefit from using trading software.
The great thing about Binary Option Robots, is that they can make profit in situations in which human beings are not quick enough to take advantage.
If you are trading with binary options already, then you will already know that there is almost no situation where a Binary Option Robot doesn t help you in some way making you more efficient and helping to maximise your profits.
However, it is vital that you choose the right robot, otherwise you risk not making as much money as you should.
I will also take you through the things to watch out for, which will allow you to recognise whether a Binary Options Robot is legitimate or fraudulent.
Here are the warning signs, which will help you to spot Binary Options Robot not a scam.
No Scam Option Robots Video.
Poor Website Design.
This is my number one red flag.
Scammers do not bother to spend time or money to make decent web pages.
Usually, they see an opportunity to make fast money and immediately take full advantage of it.
I recommend paying close attention to potential image manipulations some unnamed scammers are using photoshopped celebrity images on their webpages.
While some websites are so amateurishly made that everyone can easily see that they are untrustworthy.
On the other hand, if the website is as stylish as websites of large companies, it is very likely that it was made with honest goals in mind.
With Binary Options Robots, it always pays to judge a book by its cover.
No Information About The Binary Option Robot s Features.
If you cannot find any information about the binary option robot s features, then it is very likely that the features are very bad, or the binary option robot is extremely simple.
Every honest piece of binary options software has a very wide range of ways to customize its functions according to your desired parameters.
No Previous Trading History.
If you cannot find any information about past trades or data from previous years , this is a huge red flag.
If the binary option robot were actually able to make a profit, why would the developers hide its results.
This just does not make sense.
Many robots promise high profits for their users, but when they try to locate where these profits come from, it is almost impossible to discover.
The best binary options robots such as the option robot keep their trading history clearly visible on their website.
No Contact Information or Possibility to Contact Customer Support.
Fraudsters do not have any interest in helping when problematic situations occur, so it is likely that they do not even bother to put contact information on the website.
Even if there is any, they are most likely fake.
However, if you find contact information and you get answers to your questions, there is a good chance that the robot is trustworthy.
The Binary Option Robot, costs Hundreds or Even Thousands of Dollars.
There are many excellent free binary option robots available on the market, so there is no reason to pay large sums money for binary trading software.
For example, my personal favorite the option robot is currently available for free.
It is without a doubt the best binary robot , so there is no reason to pay for software of inferior quality.
Clearly Exaggerated Results and Promises.
If an option robot promises an income of more than 1,000 per day for a new user, it is very likely that it is a scam.
None of the fully automated binary option robots is able to guarantee such results at the moment, and I doubt that it will be possible in the future.
The best results that you can realistically expect are a few thousand dollars of monthly income.
Even such results do not occur instantly you need to experiment, fine-tune and be patient.
Investing always involves the risk of losing, so if someone promises you something that is too good to be true, then it almost certainly is.
The Binary Option Robotis Only Compatible with Shady Broker Sites.
If any of the well-known binary options brokers such as 24Option or IQoption do not trust a certain robot, then you shouldn t either.
The more brokers to choose from, the better for the investor.
This way, you can also take advantage of bonuses, risk-free trades and other possible benefits that are available for new investors.
Your investments should always be stored on a separate broker account, and you should be able to turn the robot off whenever you want.
Therefore, you can significantly reduce the possibility of fraud.
The Binary Option Robot Has Only Been on The Market for a Short Period.
This does not necessarily mean that the software is fraudulent.
However, scammers usually stay on the market for a short period.
If the software has been available for many years, it is much more likely that it is trustworthy and useful to help you earn money.
Scammers tend to get so much negative publicity that it is almost impossible for them to remain on the market for many years or even months.
Only a Few Trading Assets Available.
Some fraudulent option robots only trade with one trading asset, or even worse, it makes no real trading at all.
A wider variety of trading assets also means more opportunities to earn money.
It is almost impossible to earn money if there is only a couple of trading assets to trade.
There are some exceptions; sometimes by specializing in a particular trading asset, an exceptionally good trader can make a huge profit.
Lack of educational resources are also a red flag.
I have used dozens of different binary option robots and so far,have only found three that have been able to avoid all these fraudulent signals.
Next, I will detail the most important features of this automated trading software, and tell you which ones are superior to their.
Legit Binary Option Robots.
OptionRobot Review.
When it comes to auto trading systems, there are no shortage of options to choose from the market seems to be saturated with these systems, yet they seem to grow at an almost exponential rate.
However, this has meant that a few outstanding pieces of software have risen to the top in this cut-throat world.
Trading systems, like Option Robot, have to work twice as hard to remain legitimate, given so much of their competition engages in unscrupulous activity, which gives the industry a bad name.
In my view Options Robot is one of the very best pieces of trading software out there, and I recommend that everyone investigates it as an option trust me, you won t regret it.
Start making money today with the Option Robot.
It is extremely simple.
Top Notch Software.
Few pieces of software can boast a proven hit rate of over 75 , which makes Option Robot s 90 accuracy rate all the more impressive.
It is comfortably, among the top 5 robots in the world, and as soon as you start using it, you will see why its system is well constructed, it has an excellent website, great customer service and the software itself really works.
In a market filled with dodgy alternatives, The Option Robot, is a breath of fresh air, delivering exactly what it promises, in a sleek and professional manner.
Of all the robots that we tested it stood out in pretty much every category no big or unrealistic promises, an easy sign-up process, with clear instructions and all the necessary information about the software itself.
This is complemented by an informative blog, which describes all the linked brokers, making it by far and away the best site for options trading.
How the option robot works.
The Option Robot is a 100 automated piece of trading software that generates its own high-quality signals and then automatically places trades directly to the client s broker account.
To ensure maximum accuracy, the option robot generates signals from not one but six market indicators each with its different strengths and features.
You, the trader, have the freedom to choose which indicators that you want to provide signals for your trades.
It puts you in total control of these indicators, allowing you to choose from one of them all the way up to all six of them.
The software ensures that the robot cannot place a trade if the signals produced by the indicators are not correlating.
Which leaves very little margin of error and may explain the impressive hit rate of the robot.
The trader also has the freedom to choose which brokers to sign up with as opposed to having one pre-selected for him her as is the case with most binary option robots.
The downside is, you have to open a completely new broker account when signing up existing accounts are not supported.
It also allows you to open a demo account, allowing you to test the software, before depositing.
It operates slightly, different from a real account, which uses the Reuters live feed, while the demo version uses eToro live pricing feed.
Itis an ideal way to test the option robot without risking your money.
As you would expect, the software s creators have affiliated with numerous trustworthy companies, which are mainly approved by the CySEC, famed for being one of the most rigorous regulators around.
Stockpair and 24Option stand out on this list, and you can be confident that with this calibre of broker, your money will be safe.
The Option Robot is compatible with the biggest and most trusted binary options broker sites.
Option Robot Trading Systems.
Everything about The Option Robot is systematic, and the trading process is no different.
Basically, the option robot places trades based on one of three trading systems, selected by the trader.
Classic System This is the oldest and most used trading system in binary options.
It is regarded as much safer and is a favorite of newbie traders.
It doesn t offer much in terms of profits but then again, it is associated with very few losses.
Martingale System Widely used in Olymp Trade trading, the Martingale system is the best choice for traders looking for quick profits.
It places higher risk trades which are known to have very high profit margins.
This may not be the right system for beginners as it can bring your account balance to zero in minutes.
Fibonacci system This is one for traders, who are looking for bigprofits.
It increases the trade size sequentially after every win or loss.
If all goes well, the eventual profits are far bigger than with the other systems, however, on the flip side, the losses can also be bigger.
The Option Robot is one of the very few robots that can be considered a trader s robot.
Everything about the robot, from the brokers to the trading program or method and even the currency used is all firmly under the traders control.
The developers, limited the number of simultaneous trades at any one time to 8.
The trade sizes are also flexible with the minimum amount being 20 and the maximum 500.
Overall rating 4,9 out of 5 Scam test result Pass.
I would definitely recommend Option Robot to every trader out there who wants to capitalize on binary options.
Apart from being positively reviewed on most major sites, the option robot has a lot to offer with the signal generation and trade placement method that it uses.
We rarely see the use of such complex indicators in binary options robots.
While the blog, with the regular updates is also of great help to all traders, as is the highly responsive customer care service.
Furthermore, there are no scam testimonials promising that you will make millions of dollars a month and you can use the demo to test everything out.
The Option Robot is the Ferrari of binary trading software.
Binary options is arguably the fastest growing financial trade.
Millions of people all over the world are now paying attention to the trade, once regarded as Wall Street s version of gambling.
And it s not all about the huge returns, although that also contributes to its popularity.
Perhaps what attracts people more to binary options is the relative ease of setting up a broker account and commencing trading in addition to the convenience of trading and following up on placed trades from anywhere at all times.
The large number of auto trading systems make it is even easier to trade binary options.
The Automated Binary is just one of the possibly thousands of trading systems available and the subject of this review.
Is The Automated Binary a scam or not.
Get Your Free Option Robot by Clicking on The Button Below.
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Extra Review 1.
The Automated Binary.
What Is Automated Binary.
Automated Binary is a piece of new automated trading software that offers traders the added convenience of trading and reaping the rewards of trading without even having to raise a finger.
Automated Binary, despite being a new entrant to the market, is among the highest rated software in the world of binary options.
Chief among its most popular features is.
the 50,000 bonus account, which will be discussed in detail in a moment and the large variety of settings and customizable options.
Admittedly, Automated Binary is among the very few systems which give full control of all trading activities to the traders.
This is very commendable considering the large number of not a scam who are far too engrossed in finding ways to rip off traders.
Here are the features, which we believe make it one of the best pieces of binary trading software out there.
One of the main criticisms of binary options is that it can be difficult to manage your money wisely and not overtrade, making it similar to gambling.
This situation can often be made worse when computer software is placing trades for you, Automated Binary, understands this and has a number of great features to help you better manage your money.
Classic This is the traditional type of trading and most traders are familiar with it.
The classic method is the safest among the three and gives traders the freedom to choose their investment per trade and the number of trades the robot can place in a day.
It may not bring in eye-catching profits, but it also doesn t bring big losses.
Martingale Commonly used by casino players and was picked up by binary options traders after realizing that it still works in the trade.
Basically, when you select the Martingale method, the robot will invest lower amounts in the first several trades, then double the amount after every loss.
It keeps doubling until a win occurs, which then makes up for all the losses.
This is hands down the riskiest method and is only recommended for professional traders or traders with deep pockets.
Fibonnaci On this setting, the robot will trade based on a classic mathematical sequence built on the idea that such trends tend to repeat themselves over time.
Fibonnaci is more commonly used in stock markets and is regarded as the most accurate trading method, although riskier.
Automated Binary also puts you in control of how many simultaneous trades the robot can execute.
The number can be anywhere between 1 and 8.
This low maximum number is meant to prevent the robot placing dozens of trades all at once which is often disadvantageous to traders.
The site also allows traders to choose the maximum investment on a single trade from 5 to 500.
Automated Binary is regarded as a highly accurate system with a projected accuracy rating of 85.
This puts it just a notch below the best systems such as, Option Robot which is impressive for a new entrant to the market.
It is no accident that the robot is this accurate,.
it makes use of sophisticated algorithms which generate signals from six top market indicators.
Below is the full list of the indicators and as you can see, they are among the best in the market.
Moving Average Convergence Divergence MACD Trend Indicator Williams Percentage Range Stoch Oscillator Relative Strength Index RSI Commodity Channel Index.
As you know, it s not about which indicators are used but how they are used.
The Automated Binary software allows traders to select their preferred indicators from the above list.
The Automated Binary makes it clear that whatever number of indicators are selected, they must all indicate in the same direction for a trade to be placed.
This ensures that for every trade placed, the chances of profit are high.
For every trader, potential gains, or losses are very much dependent on the broker they choose.
Simply put, finding a good broker puts you halfway through the whole thing.
The list of brokers affiliated with The Automated Binary is not as extensive as some of their competitors.
but it still contains some very big names, including 24Option, Stockpair, Optionweb and Binary Tilt.
These are among the best in the world and all of them are certified and approved by CySEC the official binary regulator.
Overall rating 4,7 out of 5 Scam test result Pass.
Automated Binary is very close to topping market leaders such as The Option Robot and it might actually happen sooner rather than later if said site doesn t watch out.
Thus, we are delighted to recommend that our readers check out Automated Binary for themselves and get to grips with this innovative piece of software.
Get The Automated Binary For Free by Clicking on The Button Below.
Extra Review 2.
Binary Option Robot Review.
From our perspective, the real robot is currently the third best binary options robot on the market.
The Real Robot is 100 automated, which means that, after the initial installation, you can just leave it to do its work.
However, if you want the best possible results, a weekly fine-tune is necessary.
It will save you loads of time, and we have even heard of lucky traders, who were able to get the right settings from the start and leave it to work, completely by itself, although we wouldn t recommend the risks of going down that path.
How to open Binary Options Robot account.
How to make a deposit to broker account on Binary Options Robot.
Binary Options Robot VIP account.
Binary Options Robot Settings.
Get Your Free Robot by Clicking on The Button Below.
Security and Awards.
The Binary Option Robot uses a 128-bit encryption in its software, which ensures that trading is always safe and secure.
The software is compatible with both Windows and Mac and can also be used with a smartphone.
The robot has won several awards, and the best known is perhaps the best auto trading software award for two consecutive years 2014 and 2015.
We loved the sleekness and accessibility of the software and highly recommend that you investigate it for yourself, by clicking on the link below.
Binary Option Robot Trading Signals.
The binary option robot s operation is based on the exploitation of signals.
The majority of the signals are associated with currency trading.
However, other options can be found through the asset selection list.
Olymp Trade trading is by far the largest market in the world in terms of turnover; meaning that it is the market which robot traders stand to make the most profit.
Signals are generated by professional binary options traders.
When a good moneymaking opportunity appears, the robot seizes the opportunity at a speed that cannot be matched by any human investor.
The binary option robot is able to make lots of trades in very short periods, meaning it can take advantage of a large number of excellent opportunities, which are completely impossible for humans.
It is important not to expect to profit on every trade, rather to expect profits over a period of time.
The signals hit-rate is excellent, in my own trial, I got an accuracy of a little more than 80 , which is ample to have profitable trading sessions.
What Really Makes The Binary Option Robot Stand Out From Its Competitors.
The following features are what really makes the robot stand out from other auto traders.
Pre-programmed algorithms.
The real robot can make investments and see good opportunities much faster than any other software currently available on the market.
100 automated trading.
There are also many other signal provider applications on the market, but the robot is one of the few, that can make totally automatic investments.
A large selection of broker sites and features.
The investor has complete freedom of choice.
A wide variety of different brokers and features makes investing much more interesting and profitable than ever before.
Most interesting trading assets.
Most other binary option robots only invest with one trading asset.
The real robot is using several of the most profitable assets to get the best possible results.
In addition to currencies, it makes investments in indices and commodities, for example.
Fully web-based and compatible with mobile devices.
You do not need to download, meaning that you can use the robot anywhere and at any time.
There are no laws or regulations limiting the use of binary options robots, meaning that they can be used anywhere in the world.
Therefore, their use is legal in all countries like in Singapore, Japan and Israel.
It is completely free.
No hidden costs.
This is perhaps the most unbelievable feature.
The software developers are really giving it away free of charge.
Although, we do not think that this will continue for long.
We recommend that you register immediately, in order to ensure that you have it free of charge, before they start to charge a fee to new users.
Stop Loss And Reverse Trading.
There are two excellent features, which mean that more cautious users can use the software without fear of losing everything.
Stop loss, allows you to set the exact boundaries of how much you can lose in the worst case scenario, if you happen to have bad luck, allowing you to minimise your risk.
We recommend, at least at the beginning, that you use some kind of stop loss, especially if you invest larger sums.
The default setting for the stop-loss rate is set at 10 per day.
It is worth noting that the robot does not make profit with every trade, and that there will be consecutive losses at some point in time.
Reverse trading is intended for investors who believe that the robot gives false signals.
Reverse trading always invests in the opposite way to how the robot instructs.
We do not recommend trying this feature, but it does make the software more trustworthy.
Other Features.
The binary option robot really is 100 automated as advertised.
You do not need to install any software on your computer, as it is fully web-based.
Checking results and changing settings are also very easy to do via smartphones.
Once you get your personal settings right, making money is easier than you have ever believed.
You do not need to have any prior knowledge about trading when you start using the robot.
It is really a shame that there were no similar applications ten years ago.
If there had been, I would certainly be richer now.
The Real Robot allows you to choose from among the world s most popular binary options brokers, such as Porter Finance, GOptions and Cherry Trade.
I recommend trying the robot with more than one broker site; because you can see which one best suits your style.
Some brokers may be better suited for prudent investors and others for investors who are willing to take bigger risks.
The real robot is fully compatible with the biggest and most trustworthy broker sites.
VIP and Account Setup.
The VIP account allows you to set your desired risk level.
You can choose small risk signals, where the earningsare usually a little smaller.
Alternatively, you can choose the riskier signals.
This way, you will have an opportunity to earn bigger profits; but big losses may also occur.
The risk level can be easily combined with stop loss.
In fact, we recommend getting the software completely tailored according to your own risk appetite.
At is time, the VIP account cannot be bought, but you can get it free of charge for one month if you create an account through our links.
After you have successfully opened an account, please send an email to support binaryOptionRobot.
com with the subject LP2017 VIP ACCESS, and you will get a free VIP account for one month.
If you open an account now, you get one month VIP for free.
My Own Experiences with The Real Robot.
My favourite feature of the real robot is that it does not need an internet connection to function, after you have it installed it.
It is also easy to set preferences are also easy to set and you can change them whenever you want.
The software is easy to use and offers great potential for large profits.
I have been using the binary option robot full time for a little over two months now, and I will definitely continue to use it in the future.
It has greatly reduced my workload.
I can now donate this extra time to my other investment projects, giving me the scope to gain profit in them too.
Overall rating 4,6 out of 5 Scam test result Pass.
I am a massive fan of the real robot, impressing me as an experienced investor, by how much it resembles expensive robots that professional investors use in their work.
What I find particularly staggering is that it is available totally free of charge, don t delay sign up today, before this amazing opportunity closes.
Get Your Free Binary Option Robot by Clicking on The Button Below.
Other tested scam free binary option robots.
Copyop Social Trading Overall rating 4,4 out of 5 Scam test result Pass Mikes s Auto Trader Overall rating 4,3 out of 5 Scam test result Pass.
Updated on 09-19-2017.


Binary Option Robot is indeed one of the best and the most reliable binary options trading portal out there.
I was tired of investing in fraudulent binary options trading schemes.
I was never able to identify a proper reliable binary options trading portal.
As such, I have lost a lot of money on such not a scam and fraudulent schemes.
However, now I think Option Robot is the one portal that I could put my trust on.
After reading this review, I have gained ample confidence in the same and wish to try out Option Robot.
I had lost all my faith in binary options trading unless I came across Option Robot.
I had tried to make profits in binary options trading several times.
However, each time, I ended up investing my money with some fraudulent binary options trading scheme.
It was then I read this review about Option Robot.
I was really attracted to Option Robot after reading its detailed features.
I think this is really profitable and reliable.
The features mentioned in this article about Option Robot seem so profitable.
I will definitely try out this trading software.
One of my friends had been doing binary trading with Option Robot since a long time.
I also observed him making substantial profits out of the same.
However, I never gathered up the courage to try out binary options trading for myself.
But when I came across this article on the Internet, my perception towards binary trading changed completely.
I think Option Robot is really a great binary options trading platform that can be used by the traders for investing their money.
There are various positive things about Option Robot that the traders can learn about through this article.
I came across the review of Option Robot recently.
After reading the same, I got a bit convinced about its reliability.
However, I wanted to test more.
Therefore, I searched for it on the Internet.
I came across several positive reviews and testimonials about Option Robot.
Having read the testimonials of some real traders, I am totally assured that Option Robot is definitely one of the best and the most reliable binary options trading platforms out there.
I will be trying it for myself by opening a free demo account for the first time.
I am hoping that it will generate higher profits for me in the long run.
If you are looking for the best and the most reliable binary options trading platform out there, then Option Robot is your best partner.
I am suggesting Option Robot out of my own experience in binary trading.
Earlier I had deposited some money in Binary International.
However, it turned out to be a big time fraud.
I lost all my money into this scam.
Then I came across Option Robot and made my investment there.
I think that was the best decision of my life.
Option Robot has never failed me and has always generated higher returns for me.
Option Robot is indeed the best and the most reliable binary options trading portal out there.
If you are starting out in binary trading and wish to earn maximum profits in the given shortest possible time, then you can think of investing in Option Robot.
If you wish to reassure yourself of the decision, then you can go through this article and even several other positive reviews testimonials about Option Robot on the Internet.
Option Robot is your go-to alternative if you wish to earn maximum profits through binary trading.
Read this complete review about Option Robot and invest in the same.
I recently came around this binary options trading platform named Option Robot.
I have read a lot of positive reviews and testimonials about the same on the Internet.
Therefore, I thought of trying it for myself.
When I started trading with Option Robot, in the first week itself, I was able to make a grand profit of 500.
I must say that it is a highly profitable binary options trading portal.
Therefore, if you are looking to earn some great profits in binary trading, then you must go for trading with Option Robot.
I can tell this by my own experience.
After reading this review, even I feel that Option Robot is the best one out there.
I had recently invested my money into a binary options trading platform known as the Action Binary system.
They were offering a lot of lucrative claims and offerings in the beginning.
But when I invested my money into the same, I ended up losing all of my money with their portal.
They literally ran away with my money as they stopped responding to my mails.
It was a big time scam for me.
I hope everyone else learns from my mistake and invest their money in Option Robot only.
Amongst all the available binary options trading platforms that I come across so far, I have always found Option Robot to be the best one.
It is highly reliable and legitimate and offers highly profitable signals to the traders.
You can completely trust Option Robot as there is nothing fraudulent about this trading system.
I have myself been using this portal since a long time and I have never suffered any substantial loss in the same.
It is a great portal especially for the first-time traders who wish to make it big in the binary trading industry.
Must try out.
It was great reading this blog on the Automated Binary review.
I had been looking at the advertisements of this binary trading software for quite a time now.
Therefore, I wanted to get a full in-depth review about it.
Thanks to Michael who took efforts towards posting this informative review that will be serving useful to several readers investors.
Amazing job.
When you talk about the most reliable and legitimate binary options trading platform, I think Option Robot is the first name that comes to your mind.
I have been investing my money and trading in Option Robot since a long time, and until now, I have not received any failures as such.
I really trust Option Robot as the best binary options trading platform out there.
As such, this review posted by Michael Allen is completely true as it reveals the genuine facts about Option Robot.
I would suggest all the first-time traders to put their hard-earned money into Option Robot only.
Spotting a binary options trading portal that is a big time scam is something several users out there are not able to achieve easily.
It is quite difficult to not trust the lucrative fake claims and assurance given by these scammers.
By reading this article, the readers will be able to identify the scammers and would thus, be safe from losing their hard-earned money due to the scam.
Even I learned some informative points to keep safe from the scammers by identifying them in the first place.
I was searching for ways to identify the illegitimate and binary options trading not a scam that are running everywhere.
Through this article, you have done a great help to me by writing down points that would help any individual in spotting a scam related to the binary options trading platform.
This will indeed help out various readers of the blog who are out there being influenced easily by the scammers and illegitimate binary options trading portals.
Thank you for your efforts.
Most of the beginners in the binary options trading are not able to achieve the desired success because they end up choosing the wrong portal for themselves.
However, after reading this article, the readers will be able to make the right judgment.
This way, they can ensure their success in the binary options trading portal as they will never have to invest in any binary options trading scam.
A great article to read for all the desirous investors out there.
The option robot is still rocking in the binary options world.
It is very important for the naïve and first-time traders to be aware of the ways in which they are able to identify and thus, judge upon the reliability and effectiveness of any binary options trading platform.
Through this article, the readers can make their self judgment whether a particular trading platform is a scam or not.
If so, they can refrain themselves from investing their hard-earned money into the same.
Once I applied the rules of spotting the scammers, I came to know that Option Robot is one of the most reliable and trustworthy binary options trading portals that intends to assure the desired profits to the investors.
This article has helped me a lot as I started analyzing the legitimacy of the trading platforms in a new look and thus, came to place my trust on Option Robot as my trading solution.
Now just hitting it hard to max my profits.
Great software.
By reading this article about the real option robot, the readers will be able to identify the scammers and would thus, be safe from losing their hard-earned money due to the scam.
Good reviews.
Hello, Good day.
I was going through the review of Option Robot and I think I have become interested in the same.
I was constantly searching for a reliable binary options trading company and I think I have found my ultimate solution.
After reading this review, I will be definitely trying out Option Robot for once as it looks reliable and effective.
Going to make more money with it.
Excellent reviews by the way.
This option robot review helps a lot.
I never believed these robots and their trading but then like 2 months ago I decided to give a change.
I would say that I don t regret that chance giving to this software.
It has helped me a lot and made my daily trading easier.
First I adjusted it a little bad with poor guidelines but now that I noticed how to really use it that turns out to be excellent.
Definitely would show it to beginner traders but also for experinced ones too.
Option robot is worth a shot.
you pushed me to try these robot and haha it ridiculously good.
I will never let it go.
For young guy these money streams are amazing.
I still go to work but I think I can be relied to binary robot income soon solely as I lift the budget to trading a little more.
testing is now over as I started carefully but now I can let it go it own way.
Thanks Michael for the tips on the site.
Keep posting more.
I will read these in the breakfast table.
At least it works for me, I have made 1600 in four weeks.
Does this really work.
Why you say OptionRobot is better than other.
I really want to try it, but want to be sure i don t lose my money.
You should just try it, well your loss if you don t I have made good money with it already.
The OptionRobot is currently the best binary options robot.
You should test it, it has also free demo mode, so you don t risk anything.
When you see the results, I am sure that you can see quickly how profitable it is and want to start earning real money as quickly as possible.
We actually recommend only 5 of the robots we are going through in our reviews, we are really careful about what we recommend.
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Suite 151, 120 Baker Street, London, England, W1U 6TU, United Kingdom.
When it comes to binary options trading, IQoption is a well-known and established broker.
With a solid options trading platform and other essential features, IQ gives you the best opportunity to stay ahead of the pack.
Continue reading to find out what binary options are, how to trade it with IQoption, and which features you can enjoy with this broker.
Binary Options are only available to non-EU clients and certain EU clients who have professional accounts with IQoption.
Investment 1 Profit up to 95 Free Demo account.
Amount is credited to account in case of successful investment.
A binary option enables traders to speculate on the price movement of a particular asset and invest a certain amount of money.
which is either lost completely in the case of a losing trade, or is multiplied by a certain profit factor in the case of a winning trade.
Let s use a EUR USD forex binary option contract with a payout of 90 as an example.
A trader can either speculate on a rise in the price of this currency pair, or on the price to fall.
The trader needs to decide on the following.
Whether the price is likely to rise or fall.
When to enter the trade.
The strike price price at which to enter the trade.
How much to invest in the trade.
The expiration time of the option.
When the trader has determined all of these points, he or she can enter the trade and simply wait until expiration to know what the result is.
IQoption s binary options can also be sold up to a certain point before the expiration time, though.
If the trader believes that the price will rise, he buys a call option and in case a lower price is anticipated, a put option can be bought.
In IQoption s trading terminal, the call option button is green and reads Higher while the put option button is red and reads Lower.
Look at this screenshot.
Let s examine a particular scenario to better grasp the technical details of how a binary option can be traded.
In this example of an option trade on the EUR USD, we will use the following parameters.
Strike price at 1.
Expiration time 5 minutes after the option contract is entered.
Payout 90 of the invested amount.
A call option is bought by a trader who expects the price of the EUR USD to rise and be above 1.
16500 the strike price at the time when the option expires.
An investment of 10 is made in this trade.
So when the trader buys this call option one of the following will happen.
If the price is at 1.
16500 when the option expires, the trader will neither lose his investment of 10 or gain anything, because the price at the time of expiration is the same as the strike price.
If the price trades above 1.
16500 when the expiration time is reached, the trader will gain 90 9 on top of the amount 10 he invested.
So when the option expires, the trader will still have his initial investment of 10 plus an extra 9, which means he has made a profit of 9.
If the price trades below 1.
16500 when the expiration time is reached, the trader will lose his initial investment of 10.
The trader may, for whatever reason, choose to exit the options trade prematurely.
This will limit his profit potential on the particular trade, as the payout in case a profit is realized at that time will be less than the maximum payout which may be achieved in case the price is above the strike price at the time of expiration.
Of course, in the case that a premature exit from a binary option results in a loss, the loss may in certain cases be less than the maximum loss which could be incurred if the option expired out of the money below the strike price.
Now that we ve covered some basics of trading binary options, let s look at how to trade it with IQoption, specifically.
Trading binary options with IQoption can be done by doing the following.
After opening a live or demo account with IQoption, open the web or desktop version of IQoption s trading platform.
Click on the plus button next to the current trading instrument to open a new chart.
This brings you to a list of instruments in which binary options are available.
From the list of binary options, open charts for those instruments you want to trade.
On the right side of the platform, choose the investment amount and expiration time, and then click on the HIGHER or LOWER button to confirm a call or put option, respectively.
The profitability percentage is the percentage of the invested amount which will be credited to your account for a successful trade.
The percentage in this screenshot is 71 , which means that a trader who invests 10 in a successful trade will retain this 10 and gain an additional 7.
10 as soon as the binary option expires.
If the trader loses the trade, he will lose the 10 he invested.
Amount to be credited to the account for a successful trade.
Binary Option Instruments Offered by IQoption.
With IQoption, clients can trade binary options from the following asset classes forex about 34 pairs , stocks and stock indices about 24 , and commodities gold and silver.
Traders can also enjoy weekend trading with OTC over the counter binary options which are available when the markets for regular binary options are closed.
Only a few forex pairs are available to trade with OTC binary options.
Minimum Deposit and Trade Size.
The minimum deposit at IQoption is 10 and the minimum deal size is 1.
Profitability Percentages.
The payout percentages of the different binary options vary, depending on the time of the day, the expiration time, the spread and transaction costs of the underlying instrument, the instrument s liquidity which may also impact it s spread , and some other factors.
The maximum payout percentage on certain instruments is about 90 to 95 , but this may vary from time to time.
IQoption s Trading Platform.
Although IQoption offers numerous other tradable instruments besides different option contracts, it is actually well-known for offering excellent infrastructure for trading options, including binary options, of course.
An integral part of a great option broker s infrastructure, is its trading platform.
The platform needs to be reliable and robust.
Besides this, it also needs to be easy-to-use and responsive enough to process orders in a timely fashion.
Then, of course, the platform needs to have the necessary charts, technical indicators, and other features which make trading as convenient and accurate as possible.
Let s take a closer look at some of the features available in IQoption s trading platform.
Charts and Technical Indicators.
Technical analysis on different trading instruments can be done accurately and efficiently with IQoption s charting package.
Whether you like to use moving averages, oscillators, or even Ichimoku Cloud, these indicators and many others are freely available in the trading platform itself.
Other Platform Features On the left side of the platform.
Other items in IQoption s platform include the following.
Total Portfolio Here you can see a list of all your open positions.
Trading History A list of all closed trades Chats and Support Chat with fellow traders or IQoption support representatives.
Leaderboard See how other traders are faring.
This is based on winning trades only Market Analysi s Get live news and market updates here.
Tournaments Get information about IQoption s trading tournaments here.
Video Tutorials Learn more about the markets here.
Help Ask a question or view frequently asked questions in this section.
More Platform Features.
With IQoption s trading platform, traders can trade binary options and other instruments directly on the charts they re looking at.
There is no need to open a separate order entry box or anything like that.
This makes trade execution really convenient.
Traders can also choose between different chart types for example candlestick charts, Heikin-Ashi charts, line charts, bar charts, etc.
, apply different timeframes, and use graphical tools to draw lines and other features on their charts.
IQoption s Regulation Licence.
IQoption Europe Ltd.
is registered at Cyprus, and is regulated by CySEC.
IQoption Ltd.
is registered at St.
Vincent and the Grenadines and this entity is not regulated.
IQoption s Mobile App.
Traders who would like to specifically trade binary options, on mobile devices, can do it on Android and iOS devices with the IQoption progressive Web App PWA.
Google Play and the App Store do not have apps available for trading binary options with IQoption.
For more information about trading binary options with the mobile PWA App, please read our Article IQoption PWA.
A great feature of IQoption, is its free demo account which has all the features and tradable assets of a real money account.
Also, traders with real money accounts can switch between their real and demo accounts by simply selecting the account they want from the drop-down menu at the top of the trading platform.
Here is a screenshot.
IQoption makes trading tournaments available to non-EU clients and certain EU clients who have pro trading accounts with IQoption.
With each tournament, only binary options can be traded.
Each participant gets a tournament trading account with a virtual balance of, for example, 100; with an entry fee of 20 also just an example.
The initial virtual account balance, entry fee, prize pool and structure, and duration of the tournament vary.
Participants compete for a prize pool which is divided between the top traders usually between 1 and 30 with the most money in their tournament accounts at the end of the tournament.
Contestants can open binary option trades with any portion of the available funds in their tournament accounts.
They can also use the rebuy tool which allows them to top up their virtual tournament trading accounts with the value of the initial balance in case the balance falls below the value of the initial balance.
This rebuy tool can be used an unlimited number of times during each tournament but each rebuy will cost the same amount as the initial entry fee.
IQoption s support team is on standby to assist clients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, via live chat, telephone, or email.
It shouldn t be surprising that IQoption has received quite a number of awards.
These have been awarded to IQoption for its outstanding trading apps, its commitment to quality and excellence, its efficiency, impeccable design, and other attributes.
Although IQoption offers much more than just binary options, many of its awards have been for services and infrastructure related to binary options.
IQoption is a solid broker with good trading apps, especially for trading binary options.
It offers a wide range of binary option assets and also has digital options, forex pairs, stock CFDs, commodity CFDs, Cryptocurrency CFDs, and ETFs available.
IQoption s trading app desktop, online, or mobile is equipped with all the tools that a trader may need, and to execute trades with this user-oriented app is a pleasure.
Binary Options Robot.
Binary Options Robot is an automated signal trading software designed to make signals for you automatically, regardless of whether you are at your computer, signed into an account, or relaxing on the beach.
Binary Options Robot finds the trades that fit the criteria you have helped it to establish, and then generates signals for you based upon an advanced signals detection algorithm.
So far, this has proved to be one of the most successful trading robots out there, and a lot of people want to learn more about it and how it might be able to help them.


Our brief Binary Options Robot review is designed to do just that.
Is Binary Options Robot Really Free.
Let s tackle the big question that most people have right away.
Binary Options Robot is free to create an account with.
Right away, this separates it from many other automated trading robots and signals services.
There is no cost to create an account with this robot.
You will even be able to test a 10,000 demo account that was provided to you upon signup.
After you have tested their automated signal trading app with a demo account, you can make a deposit of minimum 10 and start with automated signal trading for real money.
It is very easy to sign up with Binary Options Robot.
All you need to do is fill in the registration form on BinaryOptionsRobot.
com website, verify your email and you are good to go.
How Does Binary Options Robot Work.
The Binary Options Robot is not a broker.
Rather, after creating an account, you will be assigned to a broker where the robot will generate signals for you.
If you already have an account with a broker, you can still use that same broker with the Binary Options Robot.
Just click on the Login button and log in using your account credentials.
All monetary transactions are done with a safe and secure broker, for example binary.
com broker or Deriv.
Trading signals are generated with the Binary Options Robot, and you can do all your fine tuning here.
But they do need you to choose a broker to work with in order to accept signals and place trades.
Once you have selected a broker, your next step is to decide how much risk you want to take on.
Your risk level has a lot to do with how profitable you will be.
The robot itself has a great track record, but this doesn t mean that it is perfect.
It also doesn t mean that this track record will be consistent moving into the future.
Past results are not indicative of future results.
The more risk you take, the higher your potential for profits, but also the higher your potential for losing money.
You can also filter what you trade.
If you want to trade just the euro usd pair, you can adjust the settings so that only this asset will be focused on.
You can adjust all of this as you go and become more familiar and comfortable with what you re doing.
Binary Options Robot settings, like trading assets, trading strategies, expiry times and trade amount are configurable on a very user friendly dashboard that can be accessed in the Broker Settings tab.
Expiry Times Traders can define whether they prefer shorter expiry times, such as 60 second trading, or trading that lasts longer and after 1 hour.
The following expiry times are available.
1 minute 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes 60 minutes.
Depending on the selection of expiry times, trading assets and trading strategies, Binary Options Robot signals will be generated and displayed to the trader under the Trading Signals tab.
To create an account with the Binary Options Robot, you simply open up their site, click the Get started now button, and follow the prompts, providing your information where needed.
Please note that not all countries are allowed to use robots.
Binary Options Robot Trading Assets.
There are over 60 trading assets available to trade with Binary Options Robot.
Available currencies, commodities and indexes are displayed below.
Depending on the trader s preferences, signals for selected trading assets will be generated within the Trading Signals section.
Traders can choose from the following trading assets.
AUD Index AUD CAD AUD CHF AUD JPY AUD NZD AUD USD Australian Index Bear Market Index Boom 500 Index Boom 1000 Index Bull Market Index Crash 500 Index Crash 1000 Index Dutch Index EUR Index EUR AUD EUR CAD EUR CHF EUR GBP EUR JPY EUR NZD EUR USD Euro 50 Index French Index GBP Index GBP AUD GBP CAD GBP CHF GBP JPY GBP NOK GBP NZD GBP USD German Index.
Gold USD Hong Kong Index Japanese IndexNZD JPY NZD USD Oil USD Palladium USD Platinum USD Silver USD Step Index Swiss Index UK Index US Index US Tech Index USD Index USD CAD USD CHF USD JPY USD MXN USD NOK USD PLN USD SEK Volatility 10 1s Index Volatility 10 Index Volatility 25 1s Index Volatility 25 Index Volatility 50 1s Index Volatility 50 Index Volatility 75 1s Index Volatility 75 Index Volatility 100 1s Index Volatility 100 Index Wall Street Index.
Binary Options Robot Trading Strategies.
Traders can choose between seven Binary Options Robot trading strategies.
Each of these strategies involves implementing different trading algorithms to generate trading signals.
Traders can select all strategies that are explained below, or just a few strategies that fit to their trading plans the most.
Supply and Demand zones These are the zones where the price is most likely to rise or fall.
MACD Divergence Divergence is a tool that can be used to spot potential market reversals by comparing MACD with market direction.
Fibonacci Clusters A trading method that utilizes a grouping of Fibonacci retracements and expansion levels that occurs in close proximity to each other on a price chart.
Open Interest Open Interest is a helpful tool in analyzing the strength or weakness of a price move.
Detrended Price Oscillator The oscillator shows overbought or oversold levels which can be used to give buy and sell signals.
Elliott Wave Elliott Wave is based on a crowd psychology of booms and busts, rallies and retracements.
Swing Index This strategy predicts future short-term price action.
Binary Options Robot Trading Signals.
Binary Options Robot trading signals are generated depending on the trader s selection of trading assets and strategies.
Trading signals are generated automatically and the trader has a full overview of the signals in the Trading Signals tab.
Traders can place a trade with the use of Binary Options Robot trading signals with a single click on the Trade button.
Once clicked, trading signal prompt will appear and with a single click, the trader can confirm the signal and place a trade.
Before confirming the signal, traders will have a full overview of the trade that they are about to place.
This includes information about the trading strategy that was used to generate the signal, selected asset and expiry time.
You will also have information about the broker where the trade will take place, as well as information about the time when the trading signal was identified by trading algorithm.
A full overview of all open positions is available under the Opened Positions tab and closed positions can be accessed within the Closed Positions tab.
Thanks to this, traders can have a full overview of their profits per each trade.
Binary Options Robot Mobile.
Binary Options Robot mobile signal service is completely free, and traders will be happy to know that it has the entire Binary Options Robot dashboard in the palm of their hands.
From now on, traders can easily customise their trading settings, make a deposit and benefit from automated trading signals simply by using their iPhone or Android mobile phone.
With Binary Options Robot mobile trading is better than ever and important features that traders find relevant on the desktop platform are also present on the mobile version.
With a single click, traders can get access to the trading chart and accept trading signals.
Who Benefits from Binary Options Robot.
Because of its simplicity, a lot of beginners are attracted to the Binary Options Robot.
You never need to understand signals, how to interpret them, or even really what they show to use the Binary Options Robot with success.
These things can be helpful, but they are not required.
To use this signals robot, all you need to do is make a deposit discussed above , and select the assets and strategies that you want to trade.
Beginners will likely benefit from taking trades on deriv demo account first, until they have established more experience with the product and are ready to make a deposit.
This is a situation that needs to be addressed by each trader individually.
New traders can certainly benefit a lot from this signals service because of the fact that no technical skills are needed to use it successfully.
Binary Options Robot trading room is very user friendly and easy to use.
Once you log in, you get a full overview of all the available signals and you can easily place a trade with a single click.


However, they are not the only ones that benefit from the Binary Options Robot.
Even a professional trader can benefit from this because it helps to save time and diversify risk.
Let s say that you have 50,000 in a binary options trading account, and you spend eight hours a day in front of your computer analyzing trades.
If you put 1,000 into a Binary Options Robot account and let the software generate signals and you just make trades with a single click, you stand the potential to use your time in the same way and start making more money, or you might find that you can spend less time working and still make the same amount.
Binary Options Robot can be a great tool to practice 60 second binary options strategy.
Experienced traders benefit by being given this ability to take some of the burden of risk away from themselves and use their time more efficiently at the same time.
Should I Use Binary Options Robot.
This is up to you.
We ve given you the basic information that you need to get started, but the decision of whether or not this is the right tool for you to effectively grow your own cash is ultimately up to you.
If you still have questions about the Binary Options Robot, we encourage you to check out their website and learn more.
They do have a lot to offer traders that work with them, but this certainly is not right for everyone.
And remember, just because the robot is generating signals for you does not mean that these are risk free trades.
There s still a chance to lose money when you use Binary Options Robot.
If you decide this is right for you, keep an eye on your account so that you can watch over it and make sure that your money is doing what you want it to.
This Binary Options Robot review shows that it has a lot of potential to help traders of all abilities.
If you are in an area where it is allowable for you to use this automated signal trading app, and you want to try this efficient new way of trading, then we highly recommend Binary Options Robot.
Binary Option Auto Trading.
You might have heard in the news how robots are taking over most of the human jobs.
While it may be sad for many people who may lose their jobs, there is great news for professional traders that modern trading robots are equipped with amazing skills to mimic real-life trading.
A trading robot is simply a computer program that makes prompt decisions regarding whether to buy, sell, or retain a respective financial asset, when given particular trading signals and trading parameters.
Trading with these robots may be better in various ways.
For example, human traders no longer have to be actively present in front of their PCs for long hours, and get involved in complicated data analysis on a regular basis.
Moreover, humans are likely to make errors due to psychological and emotional factors.
On the other hand, these errors can be completely eliminated by best trading robots.
Trading robots are especially helpful when it comes to trading forex and binary options for any assets.
However, there has been some misconception about trading robots.
Some people consider them a scam or see trading robots as too good to be true.
As a trader, what you need to understand is that a trading robot is not a miraculous invention that exploits the market in unprecedented ways.
Instead, a trading robot is merely a tool, like thousands of other tools designed by humans.
Similarly, a trading robot is not going to provide 100 accuracy, and its performance is very much dependent upon the parameters you feed into its system.
In other words, it is still humans that make decisions on the back-end.
A trading robot makes life easier by performing operational tasks automatically.
As the use of a trading robot is a relatively new phenomenon, many traders are not fully aware of the trading robots available in the market.
It is important to exercise due care when purchasing a trading robot, as all robots are not the same in performance, accuracy, and efficiency.
While there are hundreds of trading robots that claim to provide different amazing services, this article tries to provide a brief analysis and discussion regarding some of the trading robots.
The purpose is to improve readers knowledge and understanding about trading robots, and to help them identify some of the best trading robots available in the market at present.
While a trading robot or another automated trading service is designed to save you time, that doesn t mean that you should not invest any effort into it.
Robots are not for those without experience, but rather for those traders that know exactly what they are looking for and are using the robot as a tool to save time or to supplement profits.
For example, if you look at your robot and it allows you to control how much risk you take on per day, which assets you want to focus on, and other aspects of your trading, you have found one that allows for a high degree of customisation.
Customisation is important because automated binary options trading tend to operate on algorithms.
When an asset shows a certain pattern, then a trade is made.
This is usually fine, but as any experienced trader will tell you, when conditions exist where this is a bad idea, you can lose a lot of money.
Being able to customise your trades will help you to smooth these bumps out.
Below, we ve listed some of the best binary options robots and given a brief description of their pros and cons.
This should get you started in finding the best binary signals to meet your needs as a trader.
A binary alert service often covers several types of assets, so these can be helpful for short term Olymp Trade and stock traders, too, in many cases.
It s all up to how you trade, so have a firm grasp on what you are doing before you sign up for anything.
Many people do use these services to help learn how to trade as well, making a service a great tool for a beginner.
Best Binary Option Robot.
An automated trading software also known as a trading robot is a computer program that has a sophisticated algorithm behind it.
Using the algorithm, the traders are able to define trading rules; for example, to sell currency as soon as its value is reduced by 10.
These trading software are becoming more and more popular, and it has been estimated that at least 2 3 of the shares traded in the United States stock markets are with automatic trading software.
If you are US trader, most of the robots will not be available to you, as explained in Nadex auto trading article.
Let s understand some benefits of using such a trading system.
Trades are conducted based on the rational rules provided by the traders; hence, eliminating the involvement of emotions and psychological factors.
It may be easier to exploit time-sensitive opportunities with the help of automatic trading software, as it is impossible for a trader to be available 24 hours for trades execution.
These software programs also provide the option of back-testing trading strategies.
So, it becomes possible to test your idea or strategy on previous data to determine its feasibility and workability before executing it in the real market.
With the help of these programs, it becomes possible for a trader to execute multiple trading strategies at any given time; hence, allowing the ability to diversify investments.
Last but definitely not the least, automated trading software minimizes the need for constant data analysis at the trader s end.
Automated trading software provides some amazing benefits for traders.
However, since it is just a tool created by humans, it is not free from its shortcomings.
Let s look into it.
It is true that automating the trading system provides peace of mind to traders.
However, it may not be entirely true as traders are still expected to monitor the system even now and then to ensure the smooth functioning of the system since there is always a danger of hardware or software malfunction.
Creating the right trading strategy trading parameters against which trades are to be executed by robots may not be a straightforward task.
In fact, it is usually a matter of trial and error until a sound strategy is found.
Choosing the right automated trading software requires considerable time and effort, as all software programs are not the same in their performance and financial results.
So, there is always a danger of wasting money on ineffective trading software.
If you prefer manual trading over automated trading don t worry, there are several brokers available and we provided a full broker overview in Olymp Trade review and Expert Option review.


Best Binary Robot 2021.
Binary options trading robots, much like other signals services, have certain things that you need to look out for.
Some of these include.
How long has the trading robot been operating.
How profitable has this binary options robot been.
Is this trading robot well regarded by other traders.
Is this robot legitimate.
How can this binary robot be customised.
This last point is an important one in determining what is the best binary robot.
Some automated signal trading apps like Binary Options Robot let you have a large degree of control over what trades are made and some services give you no control.
If you are from USA you cannot trade with the bots that currently is available in the market.
However you can follow the guidelines written in our Nadex review.
Binary Robot.
Various aspects related to automated trading software and binary robots are discussed in earlier sections.
While we are going to provide brief reviews of some of the popular binary options robots in the next sections, it is important to set some ground rules here.
You need to have certain parameters in mind when trying to analyze various available options related to binary robots.
Let s look at some fundamental features that define the efficiency and effectiveness of an automatic binary trading robot.
Brokers A simple google search of binary robots will yield hundreds of different results related to various firms offering these services.
In order to avoid wasting your time, efforts, and money, make sure to only shortlist those binary robots which are not offered by brokerage firms.
Affiliation with a broker could be a potential red flag even though that is not always the case.
Minimum Initial Deposit Regardless of whether you are a beginner or a seasoned trader, you do not want to risk a big sum of money when trying a new trading robot.
Deposits are usually made directly with the binary options brokers that are connected to the robot.
Hence, gather information related to the minimum deposit requirements.
The lower the requirement, the better the trading platform may be because of the low risk involved.
Demo Account Similarly, you do not want to risk your money straightaway without testing the waters first.
It may be the case that binary trading is new for you, or maybe you do not feel confident with automatic trading at a new platform.
In either case, you deserve a free trial run.
A good service provider will always provide a free demo account in order to allow yourself the opportunity to try out the platform and various trading strategies, before executing them in real market conditions.
Reliable deposit withdrawal methods A good service provider will provide a range of various funds deposit and funds withdrawal options, which may range from debit credit card to wire transfer and e-wallets among various other options.
Flexible Automation Option You don t want your platform to run on its own all the time.
At the same time, there is no point in having an automated trading robot if it requires your assistance on a regular basis.
Ideally, you should be able to customize the level of your daily involvement in the platform.
Service providers that do not allow such customization may not be suitable for you.
Free Binary Option Robot.
Binary Options Robot offers a unique automated signal trading app to its traders.
Binary options traders can experience many features of this advanced automated signal trading app for free.
Yes, that s right.
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Binary Option Trading Robot.
In recent times, a majority of trading firms have been marketing binary options for auto trading robots aggressively.
Some of the promises made by these firms seem too good to be true, and it has raised suspicion in the minds of beginner traders.
These traders often question the overall legitimacy of these auto-traded robots.
So to answer this question, there is no doubt about the fact that binary option auto trading robots, as a tool, are completely legit.
The fact that these firms aggressively market these robots is primarily because automatic trading is likely to generate more trading volume hence more profit for the firms.
At the same time, the benefits of these robots for the traders cannot be denied, and some of these benefits have been discussed in earlier sections of this article.
This is not to say, however, that these binary option auto trading robots are completely safe and secure, and that you will never be exposed to the danger of the scam.
It is true that there have been few not a scam in the name of these robots.
What needs to be understood is that this market is at risk of not a scam, just like most other markets, such as real estate.
Having the fundamental knowledge and the right approach is the key to avoiding these not a scam.
Some of the not a scam like crypto Genius are definitely a danger for beginners.
For starters, do not fall for firms who lack any strong presence on social media, Google, and in the physical world.
Similarly, always look for the track record of the firm to ascertain how long it has been in business, and the quality of service it has provided in the past.
Binary option auto trading can be very profitable, so claims by some firms regarding higher profitability may be true.
However, claims that seem out of the world are likely to be red flags, and such firms may be avoided.
Moreover, the quality and standard of the trading platform or software program is likely to tell a lot about the firm.
Brokerage firms that are not a scam won t invest in building or procuring a reliable and efficient trading platform.
The bottom line is that these trading robots are as legit as any other business.
However, make sure to look for potential red flags in order to avoid any inconvenience at a later stage.
Free Binary Signal Page.
Here everyone can get absolutely free binary options signals.
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Access Binary Option Telegram Channel.
If you want to get the same signals and other signals we send directly to your device take a look at our telegram binary options signals membership.
Also join our telegram support group chat.
There you can find our support and other members who uses our services.
There you can get a lot of useful information and discuss your trading with other traders.
Trading on financial markets such as stock, forex, binary options or futures requires careful consideration of your trading objectives, experience and risk appetite.
Binary options trading is associated with high level of risk and every user must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them.
No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits similar to those posted on this website.
ISO-Binary-Options-Signals , its owners, employees and partners are not responsible for any losses that may result from using the services offered on this website.
The information contained in these pages is provided for reference only.
It should not be treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations and professional advice.
It is strongly recommended that appropriate professional advice should be sought where necessary.
Binary Options Course For Beginners.
Binary options trading is an excellent financial tool for both beginners and advanced traders alike.
In this binary options course binary options basics, binary options alternatives, binary option brokers, binary option trading strategies and more.
A binary option is a financial opportunity that offers investors a fixed price and a fixed return.
Binary options are also known as fixed options or digital options and are traded only on the internet.
About the Binary Option Course.
Binary options combine the analytical aspects of day trading with the lucrative features of traditional options trading so traders can maximize their profits while minimally investing in time and or capital.
Olymp Trade , commodites , indices and stock shares can be traded with the binary options system.
In this course you will learn how to trade call options and put options and what the benefits are.
Quite simply, a binary option is a financial tool that allows you to predict if the market price of an asset will rise or fall within a certain time period.
The period of expiry can range from one minute to a number of days, depending on your choice.
This course contains not only 40 minutes of video, also some interesting links and documents are enclosed.
You are a trained binary options trader in as little as 45 minutes.
Are you ready to make profit.
Beginner stock traders Professional stock traders Traditional options traders Olymp Trade traders Currency traders.


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Profitable Olymp Trade Strategy Binary options training, simple, effective and free.

Downloading Binary Option Robot Free.
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CFTC Receives Entry of Default against Binary Options Scammer.
The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC was recently granted a motion by the court against a binary options scammer who has swindled 3.
8 million of victim funds.
What is the motion.
The CFTC sought a motion against Peter Szatmari, who worked as a binary options marketer and defrauded investors of 3.
The Hawaii District Court has granted the clerk s entry of default motion by the regulator as the defendant has consistently failed to respond to the complaint lodged against him.
The regulator wanted him to be declared a default because he has neither appeared in front of the court, nor pleaded or defended himself in any capacity within the stipulated time.
Now, the regulator will file a motion for default judgment against Szatmari.
Court filings suggest that this will happen by May 22.
A binary options fraud.
The CFTC alleges that Szatmari distributed fraudulent marketing materials in more than six marketing campaigns where he lured potential investors into his binary options scheme.
His campaigns encouraged investors to open binary options account with a recommended broker and fund them.
This would have provided the investors with free access to automated trading software which could have provided them with enormous returns.
The campaigns suggested too-good-to-be-true profits without the risk of a loss.
The marketing materials he used has several false and misleading statements.
Szatmari not just used false statements, but also failed to disclose to the investors that he received a fee from them every time he made a recommendation and they opened and funded a new account.
He also failed to disclose that.
He also failed to disclose that the only basis of recommendation was the fee that he was paid by the brokers.
His fraudulent statements reached millions of customers, of which 25,000 opened binary trading accounts on his recommendation.
The initial funding for these accounts was usually 250 or more.
The regular now demands full restitution to all defrauded individuals, alongside a civil monetary penalty and disgorgement of ill-gotten gains.
It also wants a permanent injunction for further violations of the CFTC regulations and the Commodity Exchange Act.
CFTC Cracks Down on Olymp Trade and Binary Options not a scam Related to Coronavirus.
CFTC Requests Entry of Default against A Binary Options Gang.
Negus Capital Founder to Pay 755,000 for Operating Fraudulent Binary Options Scheme.
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For advertising inquiries please reach us via email hello fxtimes.
Note that the content on this site should not be considered investment advice.


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Required Disclaimer - Stocks, Options, Binary Options, Olymp Trade and Future trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk.
You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the stock, binary options, forex or futures markets.
Don t trade with money you can t afford to lose especially with leveraged instruments such as binary options trading, futures trading or forex trading.
This website is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy Sell stocks, futures or options.
No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this website.
The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.
You could lose all of your money fast due too poor market trading conditions, mechanical error, emotional induced errors, news surprises and earnings releases.
Copyright 2014 - Binary Options Power Signals - All Rights Reserved.
Tested Safe Trading Apps.
Our team at Prestige Binary Options take pride in our investigations for various services.
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This list is in no particular order.
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Binary Options Trading Guide.
Welcome To Our New Traders Dummies Guide On The Basics Of Binary Options Hi and welcome to the BinaryTrading.
org s New Binary Option Traders Guide.
This page covers the basic but important facts about binary options you need to know before you begin trading.
It is a good idea to bookmark this page as you will likely reference it in the future.
Here is an outline of the things you will learn.
Types of Binary Option Trades Available Basic Strategies Tools You May Want List of Things To Know Example Trades Getting Started.
What Are Binary Options Themselves.
Binary options are very simple option contract with a fixed risk and fixed reward.
These options are called binary options because there is a one or the other choice and a one or the other payout after the option expires.
One or the other choices include up or down, or touch and no touch.
In computer code binary means 1 or 0, or one or the other.
scg_html_rbox_marketsworld The way a binary option works is from the traders perspective yours is that you choose whether or not a certain underlying asset a stock, commodity, currency etc is going to go up or down in a certain amount of time.
You essentially bet money on this prediction.
You are shown how much money up front you will earn if your prediction is correct.
These returns usually are between 70-85.
A brief example would be that you predict the price of gold to rise from it s current price of 1612.
75 one hour from now.
The winning trade offers a return of 80.
You place a 100 trade on this idea.
One hour from now the option contract expires closes and the contract is graded as a win or a loss , or in the money out of the money.
Gold goes up to 1613, you predicted correctly.
You get your 100 back and a return of 80 or 80 for a total of 180.
Even though gold only went up a tiny amount, you still earn the 80 return.
Magnitude of price movement is not a factor in the amount of your return.
Key Ingredients Of A Binary Option Trade All of the different binary option contracts have these three key ingredients that traders need to take note of.
They are the expiry time, the strike price, and the payout offers.
Expiry Time Strike Price Payout Offer.
The expiry time is simply the length of time from the moment you buy the option contract until it closes.
This can be as fast as 60 seconds or as long as a month.
The majority of traders are trading the short term binary options, anywhere from 60 seconds to 30 minutes.
The strike price is the price that you were able to enter the trade at and this is the price that determines whether or not your trade is a winner or a loser.
In the brief example above, the strike price is 1612.
This is the price that gold needed to close at above in order to win this trade.
The payout offer is the return that binary option broker is offering to you.
In the gold trade example above, the payout offer was 80 for a win and 0 for a loss.
Some trades do have a return percentage for losses, typically up to 10 although this is broker and trade dependent.
The payout offer is known up front before risking any money.
Types Of Binary Options Available There are multiple types of binary options available to trade.
You can learn about the different types of binary options available to trade here.
Beginner Strategies We have compiled a list of basic binary option strategies that will help you get started making higher probability trades.
Tools You May Want To Use.
I am going to beef up this section as new tools arrive on the market to help you make your trades.
For now you can review some of the binary trading signal services on this page.
Key Things To Know About Binary Trading.
So now you understand the basics of trading binary options.
Some key things you should remember before you dive in are these.
Your risk is limited to your trade amount The minimum trade is as little as 10 You do pay for losing trades you lose your trade amount or the majority of it There is plenty of risk involved.
Never ever invest more with a broker than you can afford to lose.
You never take any ownership of the underlying asset you only bet on the direction of it s price movement To make money over the long term you have to win the majority of your trades Up Down are only 1 type of binary option, there are many different kinds of trades available to make with binaries Trading binary options is designed to be easy to do.
Your risk is limited to the amount you place on the trade.
Your payoff is clearly stated before making the trade.
If you win a binary options trade you win a fixed amount of cash.
Since there are only two possibilities, that s the origin of the name binary options.
Screenshot of a Binary Trading Interface Choose Up Or Down, How Much To Risk and Apply.
Up or Down aka Call or Put.
Do you think the price of x is going up or down.
In the screenshot above from Banc De Binary, we are looking at the current price of gold.
The green line is the price movement of the gold over the course of time.
The red section on the right hand side is the last moment you can trade this binary option.
After that point, the option is closed for trading.
It has not expired quite yet if you traded previously, however your window of trading is over.
If you think the price of Gold is going up you place a call.
If you think the price of Gold is going down, you place a put.
Those are your only two options.
Hence Binary.
If you pick the right choice of the two you win the trade.
If you pick wrong you lose the trade.
There are two choices only.
And two outcomes, Win or Lose.
That is the very basics of binary trading for dummies.
It is that simple, and it is designed to be that easy.
Your return is clearly stated before hitting the apply button.
You will earn 72 on your investment if you finish the trade in the money.
X can be any number of underlying assets.
It can be a certain stock or it can be the price of gold or oil.
It can be a currency pair or it can be the price of facebooks stock.
You get to choose what underlying asset you want to trade.
There is one more important factor left out of the simple illustration above and that is the expiration time or maturity date of the option.
This is the point in time when the trade expires.
This is the point when the actual price of the underlying asset is determined and you find out if you finish the trade in the money with a win, or out of the money with a loss.
If you chose up, or call and at the the price expired higher, you win.
The expiration times vary from as fast as 60 seconds to as long as hours, days and even weeks.
Discover the Best Binary Brokers for 2021.
Example Basic Binary Trade.
The easiest way to explain what a binary trade looks like is to provide an example.
Example Trade 1 Trading Googles Stock With A High Low Binary Option.
Screenshot From Google Finance of Current Price Of Google.
Perhaps Google is doing well and you expect it to be trading above 672.
10 by 3 30pm est this afternoon.
A binary trade means you place a bet on that theory.
Corresponding Candlestick Chart From FreeStockCharts.
com For Google s Stock Price.
Above is the corresponding candlestick chart for Google, from FreeStockCharts.


You can use this to read price action and find trading opportunities.
Here is the Corresponding Trade From TradeRush.
com Risk of 1000, Return of 1700 If You Win 100 Rebate If you Lose 10.
And here is the corresponding Binary trade offered by TradeRush.
com You risk 1000.
00 that Google s stock will be trading at or above 672.
10 at 3 30pm later today.
Your return on this trade is 70 if you win and 10 if you lose.
When 3 30pm rolls around and Googles stock is trading at or above 672.
00 as you predicted, you ll be paid 1700.
This includes your 1000 you put up on the trade up front and the 70 return 700.
If you re wrong and the stock is trading at less than 672.
10, you receive 100, a 10 rebate, losing 900 total Your 1000 investment amount minus the 100 return 900 loss.
In the example above, 672.
10 is called the strike price.
Since you bet in a positive direction, we would refer to this as a call, not a put.
00 is the payoff value.
The date and time are called the expiration date, or the maturity date.
The 100 is the losing return, or a 10 rebate offered sometimes on trades.
Not all binary option brokers offer rebates on trades that finish out of the money.
You could also have bet in the opposite direction, that the stock s price would be trading at or below a certain lower value, which would have been a put.
In that situation, you would need google to finish below the strike price.
Usually, this would be a few pips below what the strike price would be if it was a call.
This price is set by the individual broker along with the returns offered.
It is up to the trader to take the trade or not.
Example 2 Tutorial on Trading The Price Of Gold With A Touch Trade If you want to profit from the swings in the gold market, there are hardly any better ways to do so than with a binary option.
With a one touch trade, the only thing that has to happen to win is that the asset hits the 1 touch price.
You bet 100 that the price of gold will touch 1617.
40 by 3pm EST today.
The payout for this trade is 70 if you finish in the money.
If you win, you will get a payout of 170 which includes your 100 risked up front plus the 70 return 70 of 100 70.
Since a 70 return is a bit low on the payout side, the broker offers a 15 rebate on losses.
If you lose, you get 15 back and only lose 85 instead of the full 100.
You can see how this can offset the lower than average return for wins.
You place the trade and need the price of gold to reach the target price, or trigger price of 1617.
40 before 3pm today.
Luckily for you, there was a some negative news regarding the dollar s value that drove fears of inflation.
The price of gold and oil went up accordingly.
When the news broke, the gold price spiked up and hit your target price.
Triggering your trade to close in the money.
You were paid 170 which includes your 100 bet up front plus the 70 return on your investment.
You can trade one touch options at sites like marketsworld.
com, not all brokers offer them even though they are the 2nd most popular form of binary trading.
A General Trading Example.
Trade commodities like gold and oil with easy to buy binary options.
Choose your underlying asset.
IE gold, currency pair, stock etc.
Decide how long until you want the option to expire.
As little as 60 seconds up to a days or week.
Common expiry times are 15-30 minutes.
Choose the amount you wish to risk.
As little as 5, as much as thousands.
Decide which way you think the price is going to move up or down.
Click Up or Down and hit the Apply Button just before hitting Apply you will see the exact payout if you win or lose.
At expiry you have either won or lost and get the fixed payout offered prior to hitting the apply button.
You can not lose more than your risked amount and you can not make more than your fixed return, regardless of how far the price moves.
Binaries are one or the other choice with a one or the other payout or loss.
Winning returns average 70-85 at the respectable brokers for most trades.
If you lose, you get between 0-15.
Some brokers kick back some percentages on losses, that s why their winning returns are sometimes a bit lower compared to the other brokers.
Things To Remember Before You Begin Making Option Trades.
Risk is known up front and fixed.
You can not lose more than you put into any trade.
You are not and can not get burned by leverage like you can with forex trading.
You do not need to set stop losses.
The return is the same whether you win or lose by 1 pip or 100 pips.
Payouts are clearly stated and known exactly up front before risking any money on the trade.
Most of the brokers we list have early closure feature.
This lets you close your option at a price they are offering any time up until the final closing minutes.
You can lock in profit or minimize loss with early exit Executing the trade is easy.
Choose your asset to trade, how much to risk, choose up or down and click the trade now button.
Returns are 70-85 on average at the trading brokers listed here.
No hidden costs Your risk and full return are clearly listed.
You do not have to be a financial expert to win.
You never take any actual ownership of the underlying asset.
You are just predicting what happens to the price of the asset.
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Pocket Option Strategie tendenza rialzista e ribassista bullish and bearish.
In questa guida parleremo delle Pocket Option strategie.
La ragione principale per la quale il Trading Olymp Trade CFD Criptovalute è amato dagli investitori è che i contratti sono facili da scambiare e le strategie ruotano attorno a due tendenze rialzista e ribassista bullish and bearish.
Se sei nuovo in questa trading arena o vuoi semplicemente costruirti un tuo capitale nel mercato del Trading Olymp Trade opzioni CFD Criptovalute, è necessario individuare una solida strategia che riduca al minimo il rischio e massimizzare il profitto.
Le Pocket Option strategie di tendenza rialzista e ribassista bullish and bearish consentono ai trader di analizzare con successo le condizioni di mercato delle attività o beni sottostanti.
Queste strategie possono aiutare a valutare la direzione e la volatilità dei prezzi.
Diamo uno sguardo a come è possibile utilizzare le Pocket Option strategie di trading Olymp Trade CFD Criptovalute rialzista e ribassista bullish and bearish per trasformare il tuo trading in un profitto.
Pocket Option è una delle poche piattaforme che permettono il trading di opzioni e l utilizzo della Metatrader 4 e 5.
Ricorda che il trading con opzioni binarie non è promosso in Europa ai clienti retail, ma solo ai clienti professionali.
Se non sei un cliente professionale ti invitiamo a lasciare la pagina.
Pocket Option strategie cos è la tendenza rialzista Bullish.
Uno dei motivi principali per cui il.
Trading Olymp Trade CFD Criptovalute è così amato dai trader è perché i contratti sono facili da scambiare.
Dopo aver registrato un conto con un broker affidabile e aver fatto il tuo primo deposito, è possibile eseguire operazioni con pochi clic del mouse.
Ma c è un lato oscuro di cui devi stare attento, non è tutto oro quello che luccica, anche se sembra tutto estremamente semplice i principianti spesso iniziano a fare trading senza una strategia.
Per loro, fare Trading Olymp Trade CFD Criptovalute è simile allo scommettere sul rosso o nero alla roulette.
Per sfatare questo falso mito che il Trading Olymp Trade CFD Criptovalute sia come giocare alla roulette ti mostreremo come ricevere un profitto facendo Trading Olymp Trade CFD Criptovalute con le Pocket Option strategie rialzista e ribassista bullish and bearish.
Innanzitutto, cominciamo con un paio di definizioni.
Un mercato toro o bullish è quello in cui un bene - o il mercato in generale - sta vivendo una tendenza dei prezzi verso l alto.
Un esempio può essere l oro, il cui prezzo sta salendo negli ultimi 10 anni.
Un mercato orso bearish è quello in cui il prezzo di un bene sta attraversando una tendenza al ribasso.
Si potrebbe anche dire che il dollaro statunitense sta avendo un trend orso o rialzista da parecchi anni.
La cosa più importante da ricordare è che si può fare un trading profittevole con il Trading opzioni Olymp Trade CFD Criptovalute con una strategia rialzista o una strategia ribassista.
In altre parole, non importa in quale direzione i prezzi delle attività sottostanti si muovano.
L unica cosa che conta è se sei in grado di prevedere con precisione la loro direzione.
Con questo in mente, diamo un occhiata a come utilizzare una Pocket Option strategia di Trading rialzista a generare un profitto.
Nota bene che l istinto in questo caso non è fondamentale, anzi spesso non è sufficiente.
Un mercato avente tendenza rialzista è quello in cui l andamento dei prezzi ha una direzione verso l alto su.
Quando il grafico dei prezzi mostra una serie di massimi più elevati HH e minimi crescenti, allora la tendenza si dice rialzista o bullish.
I trader devono essere sempre prudenti durante l applicazione della strategia rialzista bullish con diverse attività.
Facciamo un esempio le azioni generalmente per mostrare tendenze rialziste o bullish, devono presentare degli utili societari elevati.
Facendo trading di valute o forex, gli acquirenti più attivi entrano a mercato quando i tassi di interesse sono alti.
Un altro esempio di mercato rialzista è quando la fornitura di prodotti in oro e di petrolio diminuisce.
Ci sono diversi tipi di strategie rialziste bullish che gli investitori usano per fare trading sugli asset.
Il conto demo è gratis, quindi giocaci pure a piacimento, ma ti ricordo che le opzioni sono disponibili in reale solo a clienti non residenti nello spazio economico EEA.
Trading con Pocket Option strategie rialzista bullish.
Una tendenza rialzista dei prezzi può influenzare azioni, indici, materie prime e valute.
È possibile sfruttare questa tendenza in un paio di modi.
Il modo più semplice di trarre profitto da una tendenza rialzista del prezzo di un bene è quella di investire con una call option su tale attività SU.
Con questo tipo di contratto, essenzialmente si prevede che il prezzo del bene salirà sopra del suo prezzo d esercizio Il prezzo di esercizio è il prezzo del bene al momento dell acquisto del contratto.
Un secondo modo di cavalcare un trend rialzista è quella di utilizzare una operazione in acquisto con stop loss o stop alle perdite.
Qui, si sta prevedendo che il prezzo del bene salirà ad uno specifico livello di prezzo, ma proteggendoti da una repentina caduta di prezzo.
Un suggerimento rapido se si sospetta che il prezzo di un bene sia destinato ad aumentare, ma non si ha idea riguardo quando lo farà, utilizza sempre un stop alle perdite.
Un contratto a tocco può tradursi in una perdita, anche se si effettua una call precisa sulla direzione del prezzo del bene.
Ci sono diversi fattori che potrebbero indicare che il prezzo di un bene stia andando a direzionarsi verso l alto.
Ma questa non deve essere considerata una legge di trading immutabile.
Molti dei segnali utilizzati da operatori esperti sono aperti all interpretazione.
Detto questo, un sacco di trader tracciano i cosiddetti PIVOT POINT, un metodo di analisi tecnica che utilizza l attività di negoziazione passata per prevedere i futuri livelli di supporto e resistenza.
Abbiamo discusso i pivot point in dettaglio qui.
I livelli di supporto e resistenza riflettono i prezzi che sono considerati significativi da parte dei trader.
I livelli di supporto agiscono come una sorta di pavimento.
I livelli di resistenza servono come una sorta di soffitto.
Se il prezzo di un bene scende attraverso un livello di supporto, che potrebbe segnalare una tendenza al rialzo a breve.
Il prezzo infatti può volgere alla creazione di un trend di mercato rialzista a breve termine.
Se si osserva il prezzo di un bene rompere il proprio supporto su un trend al ribasso, si dovrebbe prendere in considerazione l esecuzione di un opzione call in previsione della svolta verso l alto.
Utilizza sempre un conto demo gratis Olymp Trade CFD come guida di trading demo per aiutarti a capire meglio quale strategia utilizzare per raggiungere il tuo successo nel trading.
Fare trade profittevoli con Pocket Option strategie ribassista Bearish Molto di ciò che abbiamo discusso finora in relazione all andamento di un trend rialzista è applicabile alle tendenze dei prezzi al ribasso.
Vale a dire, che per beneficiare con il Trading di un profitto, seguendo una strategia ribassista, bisogna eseguire dei trade in anticipo in previsione di un calo del prezzo di un bene.
Il contratto più semplice da utilizzare per approfittare del declino è una opzione put GIU.
È una vera scommessa, tramite la quale si vuole prevedere che il prezzo del bene scenda sotto il prezzo di esercizio prima della sua scadenza.
È inoltre possibile eseguire una opzione per trarre profitto da un sentimento di mercato ribassista.
Qui, non dovrai fare altro che utilizzare la strategia opposta di quella che abbiamo spiegato prima per una strategia rialzista.
Invece di prevedere che il prezzo del bene salirà a uno specifico livello di prezzo, si vuole prevedere che il prezzo scenderà a un certo livello.
Come ho già detto, è una buona idea quella di aprire una semplice opzione put, piuttosto che utilizzare una opzione touch.
Cioè, se non avete una buona ragione per credere che un particolare livello di prezzo sarà raggiunto prima della scadenza del contratto.
Ora, parliamo di livelli di supporto e resistenza nel contesto di Pocket Option strategie ribassista con il Trading.
Ricordiamo come spiegato prima che un livello di supporto del prezzo di un bene può essere utilizzato per segnalare una tendenza al rialzo in attesa.
I livelli di resistenza possono essere utilizzati nello stesso modo.
Supponiamo che il prezzo di un attività salga verso il suo primo livello di resistenza.
Invece di rimbalzare, perfora la barriera, la linea.
Molti trader interpretano questo evento come il segnale che il prezzo stia per invertire la direzione.
Con l esecuzione di un contratto di put, è possibile usufruire della tendenza al ribasso e seguire un sentimento ribassista.
Long Call acquisto lungo quando si prevedono che il prezzo del bene salirà, si acquista una operazione call SU.
In questo caso, si può fare profitto potenziale illimitato con rischio limitato.
Tuttavia, quando il mercato è inferiore al prezzo di esercizio al momento di chiusura, l operazione acquistata scade senza valore.
Bull call spread Se pensi che il prezzo del titolo sottostante salirà moderatamente, allora puoi usare la strategia Bull Call Spread.
In questo caso particolare, devi acquistare un operazione in acquisto SU e vendere allo stesso momento un operazione in vendita mano a mano che il prezzo sale come se fosse una vendita anticipata.
Questa strategia aiuta a limitare il rischio rispetto ad una semplice operazione di acquisto SU.
Bull Calendar Spread questa strategia deve essere applicata quando il mercato è rialzista a lungo termine utilizzando anche operazioni con scadenza lunga.


Questa strategia ti suggerisce di acquistare SU , e, contemporaneamente, di vendere un numero uguale di operazioni nei periodi a venire con lo stesso prezzo di esercizio.
La strategia Bull Calendar Spread può aiutare a diminuire il livello di rischio e seguire la posizione a lungo termine.
Collar La strategia di trading chiamata Collar viene implementata quando si vuole tenere un sottostante contratto future in modo da proteggersi comprando operazioni in acquisto e vendita.
L unica condizione in questo caso è che le vendite e gli acquisti che si comprano siano operazioni da chiudere in contemporanea.
Ratio Spread Questa strategia comporta l acquisto e la vendita di numeri diseguali di chiamate.
Questa strategia comporta un rischio illimitato, ma può aiutare a risparmiare sui costi di negoziazione nel caso in cui il mercato si muova in direzione completamente opposta.
Guarda qui sotto il video della Strategia MACD applicata a Pocket Option.
Pocket Option Strategia MACD spiegata facile VIDEO.
Credits Forza Olymp Trade.
INDICATORE MACD su Pocket Option.
MACD è un abbreviazione che sta per Moving Average Convergence Divergence.
Questo oscillatore è stato sviluppato da Gerald Appel, autore di un famoso libro per investitori intitolato Beating the Market, 3 Months at a Time A Proven Investing Plan Everyone Can Use , cioè Battere il mercato, 3 mesi alla volta un piano di investimento comprovato che tutti possono usare.
MACD viene utilizzato per determinare i punti di inversione di tendenza, nonché la loro forza e direzione.
L indicatore è un istogramma con due medie mobili.
La media mobile MACD verde per impostazione predefinita mostra la differenza nei valori dei due EMA con periodi diversi 12 e 26 , che sono basati sul grafico.
La Linea di segnale media mobile, che si basa sulla linea MACD, viene tracciata a fianco per fungere da linea di segnale per identificare le svolte nell indicatore.
L istogramma stesso viene calcolato in base alla differenza tra MACD e Signal Line.
Quando i valori delle medie mobili divergono - il valore MACD aumenta, quando convergono - il valore MACD tende a zero.
Pertanto, più forte è la tendenza, maggiore sarà il valore dell indicatore.
E, di conseguenza, un valore positivo indica una tendenza al rialzo e un valore negativo indica una tendenza al ribasso.
Per aggiungere l indicatore MACD al tuo grafico, fai clic sul pulsante Indicatori accanto al menu di selezione delle risorse e scegli MACD.
Fai clic sul pulsante Impostazioni , in cui è possibile modificare i periodi delle medie mobili, nonché lo spessore e i colori.
Strategia ICHIMOKU KINKO HYO spiegata facile.
Esistono diverse strategie associate all indicatore Ichimoku.
Oggi ti presenteremo un paio di quelli principali.
Intersezione di tenkan sen e kijun sen linee gialle e rosse Il segnale per un trade call al rialzo è il momento in cui tenkan sen attraversa kijun sen dal basso.
In questo caso la potenza del segnale dipende dalla posizione del punto di intersezione rispetto alla nuvola Kumo se il punto di intersezione è più alto della nuvola, il segnale è forte, se inferiore, è debole.
Il contrario è applicato a un segnale per un trade al ribasso il tenkan sen deve attraversare il kijun sen dall alto.
Se l intersezione è sotto la nuvola, il segnale è forte.
Se sopra, è debole.
In entrambi i casi il segnale è considerato falso se le linee si intersecano all interno della nuvola.
Incrocio dei prezzi della nuvola Se il prezzo di un asset attraversa il confine della nuvola e lo supera, questo dà un segnale a un trade nella stessa direzione in cui viene attraversato il confine della nuvola.
Intersezione di Senkou Span A e Senkou Span B linee verdi e arancioni Segnale di inversione di tendenza forte.
Se la nuvola rossa termina in questo modo, la tendenza salirà.
Se la nuvola verde si chiude, la tendenza andrà verso il basso.
Cosa è la tendenza ribassista Bearish.
La strategia ribassista o Bearish di il Trading viene impiegata quando si prevede che il prezzo del titolo sottostante si muoverà verso il basso.
Quando il prezzo dell azione dimostra di avere una tendenza a ribasso, la Pocket Option strategia ribassista dimostra di essere redditizia.
Se il prezzo dell azione dovesse aumentare, il venditore potrebbe incorre in perdite.
La strategia di trading ribassista o Bearish è sostanzialmente un semplice acquisto o vendita in modo anticipato.
Long Put Il momento migliore per usare la strategia ribassista a lungo termine o Long Put Bearish strategy è quella di usarla quando ci si aspetta che il valore dell asset perda di valore in modo significativo in un breve periodo di tempo.
Se il prezzo del titolo sottostante non scende al di sotto del prezzo di esercizio prima della scadenza, allora ovviamente l opzione scade senza valore.
Bear Put Spread Si tratta di un tipo di diffusione verticale e applicato quando ci si aspetta una diminuzione del valore sottostante.
Quando si utilizza la strategia Bear Put Spread, si vendono allo scoperto operazioni a uno specifico prezzo di esercizio e poi si vendono lo stesso numero di operazioni, ma a un prezzo più basso.
Bear Ratio Spread Questa strategia ribassista bearish è utilizzata per trarre profitto quando il prezzo di un asset è in forte caduta.
Anche se in realtà questa strategia è utilizzata per avere una maggiore flessibilità in termini di operatività di trading, in realtà è un po più complicata per i principianti.
Si va infatti a mercato con una maggiore quantità di opzioni put in modo da aumentare i profitti potenziali.
Bear Call Spread Questa strategia viene attuata quando si pensa che il prezzo dell attività sottostante andrà giù moderatamente.
Con questa strategia ribassista, si acquistano operazioni ad un certo prezzo di esercizio e si vendono lo stesso numero di operazioni ad un minore prezzo di esercizio aventi lo stesso prezzo.
Bear Butterfly Spread La strategia Bear butterfly spread viene applicata quando ci si aspetta che i prezzi delle attività scendano di prezzo entro un certo periodo di tempo.
È necessario prevedere a quale prezzo e quando il prezzo scenderà.
In buona sostanza bisogna entrare a mercato in modo che ogni 2 put messe a mercato si inserisca 1 call.
Pocket Option strategie intuizione e studio.
Vale la pena di aggiungere un breve commento sulle carenza di analisi tecnica.
I prezzi possono, e lo fanno, di agire in modo imprevedibile.
Anche se tutti gli indicatori tecnici puntano ad una tendenza al ribasso dei prezzi, il prezzo di un bene può ostinatamente rifiutare di cadere.
Al contrario, un prezzo può continuare a scendere, nonostante tutti gli indicatori segnalino un aumento in sospeso.
C è molto da dire sul fatto del fidarsi del tuo istinto.
Dopo aver ottenuto un po di esperienza con il Trading, potrai sviluppare un sesto senso circa i prezzi delle attività in cui ti specializzi.
Non ignorare il tuo intestino, anche se si sta dicendo qualcosa che non è coerente con i tuoi calcoli sui pivot point e altri indicatori tecnici.
C è una buona probabilità che il tuo istinto ti stia portando nella giusta direzione.
In sintesi, vi è un notevole grado di rischio con il Trading Olymp Trade CFD Criptovalute.
Non è come l acquisto di quote di un fondo indicizzato.
Detto questo, è possibile creare una strategia di trading che genera costantemente un profitto nel lungo periodo.
Imparare a identificare i segnali che indicano potenziali movimenti di prezzo.
Quindi, utilizzare Pocket Option strategie rialzista di Trading Olymp Trade CFD Criptovalute a sfruttare le uptrends e una strategia ribassista per trarre profitto dalle cadute di prezzo.
Pocket Option strategie di tendenza rialzista e ribassista Bullish and Bearish.
Ci sono altre strategie utilizzate di frequente che i trader possono usare quando si ha una visione rialzista e ribassista - bullish and bearish come le Put Back Spread, Naked Calls, Covered Call, Protective Put, Call Back Spread and Naked Put.
Nel Trading Olymp Trade CFD Criptovalute , queste strategie hanno un ruolo importante, mentre si esegue l acquisto o la vendita di call put su piattaforme di trading come Pocket Option e molti altri.
I maggiori vantaggi di utilizzare la tendenza rialzista e ribassista bullish and bearish di mercato nel trading è di essere in grado di prevedere se il prezzo salirà o invece scenderà di prezzo.
Di fondamentale importanza è fare l analisi fondamentale prima di proseguire con l analisi del trend rialzista o ribassista bullish and bearish.
La notizia di mercato influisce notevolmente il movimento dei prezzi degli asset sul grafico.
Le piattaforme di trading on-line consentono l accesso a preziosi dati e informazioni statistiche di mercato, a notizie finanziarie che consentono ai trader di stabilire quale di queste strategie siano perfette per lo scenario dato.
Non rimanere intrappolato quando il mercato è in agitazione e ti ritrovi con una forte tendenza ascendente o discendente.
Usa sempre un affidabile broker di Trading Olymp Trade CFD Criptovalute per individuare la condizione di mercato e inquadrare la condizione del trading con saggezza.
Per poter iniziare a fare trading con basso o rischio nullo ti consigliamo di aprire un conto demo oppure provare con un bonus senza deposito qui sopra cliccando su di un bottone.
Pocket Option strategia DeMarker.
Questo indicatore è stato sviluppato da Thomas R.
Demark con lo scopo di indicare livelli di ipercomprato e ipervenduto con maggiore precisione rispetto ad altri indicatori.
L indicatore confronta i massimi e minimi del prezzo per un periodo di tempo specificato, il che aiuta a indicare il potenziale e la direzione della tendenza attuale e determinare i punti di inversione della tendenza.
Ecco come funziona la strategia nelle impostazioni dell indicatore si specifica il periodo di tempo desiderato in base alla durata delle negoziazioni e ai livelli di ipercomprato e ipervenduto per impostazione predefinita - rispettivamente 0,7 e 0,3.
I segnali di trading vengono considerati al momento dell intersezione della linea dell indicatore con questi livelli se la linea attraversa il livello di ipercomprato dall alto, inizia la tendenza al ribasso, se attraversa il livello di ipervenduto dal basso, inizia la tendenza al rialzo.
Inoltre, un buon segnale di inversione o fine di una tendenza è la cosiddetta divergenza la discrepanza tra i movimenti di prezzo e indicatore quando il prezzo sale, ma il livello dell indicatore inizia a scendere, significa che c è un alto probabilità di una rapida inversione o fine del trend.
E viceversa, quando il prezzo scende e il livello dell indicatore aumenta - presto la tendenza finirà o si ribalterà.
Per aggiungere l indicatore DeMarker al tuo grafico, fai clic sul pulsante Indicatori accanto al menu di selezione delle risorse e scegli DeMarker.