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مقاله ای درباره گن.
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شاید این موارد نیز مورد علاقه شما باشد.
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نمیشه فقط میشه با دمو کارکرد واسه لایو خیلی دردسر داره.
کسی تو ایران نیست مشکل منو حل کنه.
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با اپلیکشن باید بری برای اندروید.
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من یک بار حسابمو بخاطر اشتبا در ثبت نام حذف کردم.
الان میخوام دوباره ثبت نام کنم منو اماراتی بحساب میاره.
من ایران هستم.
اما کشور منو اتومات امارات میزنه لطفا راهنماییم کنید.
باید به پشتیبانیشون پیام بدید.
سلام خسته نباشید میخواستم بدونم میگن پاکت اپشن حساب مسدود میکنه راسته درضمن تضمین داره برای برگشت پول.
باید دید برای چی مسدود شده.
سلام وقتتون بخیر اس ام اس تاییدیه شماره همراه واسه من ارسال نمیشه باید چیکار کنم.
اگر برای بروکر آلپاری هست به پشتیبانیشون پیام بدید درست میکنند پشتیانیشون کنار و گوشه پایین سایتشون عکس چت هست پیام بدد.
نمیدونم به پشتیانیشون پیام بدید.
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چشم کار ساده ای است برداشت میزنی به حساب وبمانیت سایت وصل میشه اوکی میشه.
دیدگاه خود را ثبت کنید.
دیدگاهتان را بنویسید لغو پاسخ.
لینک های جالب.
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آخرین مقالات آموزشهای ویدیویی رایگان آکادمی استراتژی ها استراتژی های اسکالپ استراتژی های باینری آپشن استراتژی های فارکس اقتصادی اندیکاتور ها اندیکاتورهای فارکس و باینری آپشن سیگنال بورس ایران سیگنال فارکس و باینری آپشن فیلمهای مورد علاقه آکامی مقاله ها مقاله های بورس ایران مقاله های فارکس نتایج و بازخورد دانشجوهای ما.
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ممکن است ما کوکی ها در دستگاه شما تنظیم کنیم.
ما از کوکی ها استفاده می کنیم تا به ما اطلاع دهید هنگامی که از وب سایت ما باز می کنید چگونه با ما ارتباط برقرار می کنید برای غلبه بر تجربه کاربری خود و ارتباط با سایت ما سفارشی کنید.
با کلیک روی عنوان های مختلف بهتر می توانید پیدا کنید.
شما همچنین می توانید برخی از تنظیمات خود را تغییر دهید.
توجه داشته باشید که مسدود کردن برخی از انواع کوکی ها ممکن است تجربه شما را در وب سایت های ما و خدماتی که ما بتوانیم ارائه دهیم تحت تاثیر قرار می دهد.
این کوکی ها به طور خاص برای ارائه خدمات در دسترس از طریق وب سایت و استفاده از برخی از ویژگی ها ضروری است.
از آنجا که این کوکی ها برای ارائه وب سایت ضروری است شما نمی توانید از آ ن ها بدون تاثیر بر عملکرد وب سایت خودتان خودداری کنید.
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When there notice the chances of hike inside the cost in the asset, it is advisable to purchase it at low cost.
The standards that influence the greatest result involve the expenses connected while using asset afterwards time instead of the current cost from your asset.
Help guide how options work offers you the benefit to trade the options with simple process.
The Binary Options buying and selling in addition have a space for that predetermined payout that delivers a concept towards the traders that what can be the quantity of profit they ll have in hands once the trade ends.
Steps associated with Buying and selling Options.
The Options involve random movement around the need for the asset.
If the trader knowing Basics precisely Binary options work feels the prices from the underlying asset are getting to be hiked,, he is able to make purchase of Call option.
If he believes the market from the asset is facing fall then he could make purchase of Put option.
To produce a call to generate money, the price of the asset is needed to become more when compared with strike cost before expiry and then for a offer make money the price of the asset must be under the strike cost during expiry.
Self-help guide to how Binary options work enables you to comprehend the disclosing of expiry, payout,strike cost as well as the risks involved.
Thus, the buying and selling process involves four fundamental steps Choose a fundamental asset.
Select an Expiry Time - The expiry time is the amount of time the trade is open.
Pick a Call or Put option Enter neglect the amount Once the Binary Options trade are certain to get began, you have to wait for an expiry time.
This provides you greater roi in a very short time.
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MT5 Trading Platform Now Available on Pocket Option - Trade Olymp Trade Binary Options Using Same Account.
Mehrere Charts bei Pocketoption verfolgen.
Mehrere Charts beim Trading bei Pocketoption verfolgen.
Viele Menschen kennen den Broker Pocketoption und auch die Handelssoftware bzw.
Handelsoberfläche wo man spekulieren kann aber nur die wenigsten kennen alle wichtigen und nützlichen Funktionen für das Trading.
Eine solche Funktion ist der Chart selber und das man nicht nur einen Chart sondern bis zu 4 Charts gleichzeitig verfolgen kann und das ist eine sehr nützliche Funktion wenn man etwa Währungspaare spekulieren möchte.
Wird etwa im Wirtschaftskalender aus dem Euroraum eine wichtige Nachricht veröffentlicht betrifft das die Währungspaare mit dem Euro, wie EUR USD, EUR GBP, EUR JPY, EUR CHF und weitere Währungspaare mit dem Euro.
Bei Pocketoption mehrere Charts verfolgen.
Nun kann man statt nur ein Währungspaar mit dem Euro zu verfolgen bis zu 4 Paare auf dem Bildschirm gleichzeitig öffnen und kann so gleich auf diese 4 Währungspaare beim Trading spekulieren und mögliche Gewinne erzielen.
Würde man nur ein Chart haben müsste man dauernd zwischen den Währungspaaren umschalten und dann wäre die Chance beim Trading auch schon wieder vorbei oder zumindest die Chance auf Erfolg beim Trading gesunken.
Hier eine Übersicht wenn 4 Charts bei Pocketoption geöffnet sind.
Bis zu 4 Charts gleichzeitig bei Pocketoption verfolgen.
Mit Hilfe der 4 Charts hat man schon eine bessere Übersicht über mehrere Währungspaare oder andere Finanzinstrumente und kann so beim Trading schneller reagieren oft entscheiden Sekunden über Gewinn oder Verlust.
Bessere Übersicht mit 4 Charts bei Trading.
Hat man beim Trading Zuhause nur ein oder zwei Monitore zu Verfügung dann ist das eine große Hilfe vom Broker Pocketoption das man gleichzeitig 4 Charts sehen kann bei einem zweiten Monitor könnte man den Wirtschaftskalender öffen und hat alles wichtige im Blick.
Beim Trading kommt es auf Informationen an und da sollte man so viele Infos wie nur möglich im Blickfeld haben und auch die richtigen Informationen beim Trading nutzen nur so wird man auf lange Sicht erfolgreich sein.
Am besten probiert man selber die 4 Charts beim Broker Pocketoption aus dazu kann man sich anmelden und dann alles mit dem kostenlosen Demokonto testen ohne das man Geld auf sein Handelskonto einzahlen muss.
Der Broker Pocketoption bietet viele tolle Funktionen die beim Trading helfen können natürlich muss man diese Funktionen auch kennen und beim Trading richtig einsetzen damit man die Vorteile genießen kann.
Auch aus diesem Grund ist das kostenlose Demokonto ein großer Vorteil da man sich mit der Handelssoftware und Handelsbereich vertraut machen kann, alle Funktionen kennen lernen und richtig einsetzen lernen kann.
Es ist auch beim Trading noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen aber mit etwas Übung kann man sich schnell beim Trading verbessern und auf lange Sicht erfolgreich sein.


Trading is easy with the Pocket Option broker.
Hi friends, this time we will discuss again a very promising broker, namely the pocket Option broker, this broker is a newcomer, but I have received it, it turns out that this broker is very good and easy, starting from depositors to very easy withdrawals in the article if we will discuss simple techniques when using this broker.
But before I explain to the core of this article I will give a little description when trading at a pocket option broker recently, many media have informed that this broker is a scam, there is hoax news circulating in the mass media.
On this occasion I will invite you to tard by using a very easy chart movement analysis using a tarding period of 1 minute by using an open position at the 30th second this strategy is very effective when used on the iq option broket but I will try to use it at the broker Our pocket options get very strategic things to get a very large profit.
Two things you have to do when you are tarding using this strategy.
A full and complete list of binary options brokers is presented here.
If you want to select a company, guiding your choice with objective and unbiased information, this selection is a great starting point.
The companies here are presented with their brand names, logos, year of going online, minimum deposit amount, and other useful information.
First Binary Option.
Corsa Capital.
The above list contains 19 binary options brokers.
Please see the latest brokers page to see the recently added BO sites.
Pocket Option Scam Binary Options Broker.
For the attention of all affiliates that promote binary options brokers.
Do not work with Pocket Option.
Pocket Option Scam Binary Options Broker does not pay and changes the conditions of the affiliate plan without announcing and without asking the consent of the affiliates.
Our company started working with Pocket Option binary options broker a few years ago when they appeared on the market.
Our deal with them was a 50 rev share with no other conditions.
That was the affiliate plan with the commission paid to affiliates when we registered as an affiliate with Pocket Option.
Meanwhile, Pocket Option has changed the affiliate plan with the commission that is paid to affiliates by introducing some rather strange conditions.
New affiliates are required to accept them and they work with these conditions from day one, whoever agrees to these conditions promotes Pocket Option, and to those who do not agree with these conditions does not promote this broker.
As you can see in the picture below, these strange conditions are the following.
new affiliates to start receiving commission MUST have at least 3 FTDs first-time depositors per month.
they are promised a 50 rev share but will not receive more than 1000 commission per client who submitted.
That is, if a customer has deposited and lost 5,000 regardless of whether he has made 5,000 by making one or more deposits over time , the affiliate receives a maximum of 1,000 commission and not 2,500 as the 50 rev share.
QUESTION How many affiliates manage to send at least 200 FTDs per month.
Most affiliates have 1-2 sites blogs or forums.
Only large advertising companies that manage high traffic sites or very large databases with email addresses can send this number of FTDs monthly.
As I explained above, we started promoting Pocket Option from the time when these stupid conditions did not exist.
Without notifying us and without asking for our consent, Pocket Option changed the affiliation plan with the commission paid and we found that we no longer collect the commission for our work.
Although over time we have sent over 10,000 customers who have registered with Pocket Option, we have been criticized for not having enough FTDs.
Our company does not have a sales team.
We are just trying to promote a broker and whoever wants to register with a certain broker registers.
It is up to the broker to convince him to deposit.
Pocket Option does not have a sales team that calls every customer and tries to convince them to submit.
They only send an email to the client from time to time.
For this reason, the conversion rate from the registered client to the depositor client is low.
When we asked the Pocket Option representative on skype to put our affiliate account under the initial conditions, ie 50 rev share without other stupid requirements, because when we registered the affiliate account there were no new conditions, the Pocket Option representative blocked us.
access to our affiliate account without notifying us and from that moment we were not paid.
Through this article, we try to warn all affiliates to stay away from Pocket Option and not to promote this broker because they will wake up in our situation not to be paid for the work performed.
Clients who want to deposit at Pocket Option recommend them to avoid this broker because this broker is not reliable, they cheated their partners by changing the rules of the agreement without announcing, without asking for agreement, and without paying the due commission and they will definitely try not to pay their clients in case they will win by resorting to different methods and introducing new stupid conditions in running the bonus, etc.
No related posts.
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Binary Options Brokers and Platforms Reviews and Comparison.
We have compared the best regulated binary options brokers and platforms in January 2021 and created this top list.
Every broker and platform has been personally reviewed by us to help you find the best binary options platform for both beginners and experts.
The sortable broker comparison list below shows which binary trading sites came out on top based on different criteria.
You can sort the list using payout maximum returns , minimum deposit, bonus offers or if the operator is regulated or not.
You can also read full reviews of each broker, helping you make the best choice.
Below the comparison list is some advice on how to pick the best trading platform for you, as this will often come down to your personal requirements and needs.
In order to trade binary options, you need to engage the services of a binary options broker that accepts clients from .
Here at binaryoptions.


net we have provided a list with all the best comparison factors that will help you select which trading broker to open an account with.
What is the Minimum Deposit.
How much is the minimum trade size or amount.
What types of options are available.
Touch, Ladder, Boundary, Pairs etc Additional Tools Like Early closure or Metatrader 4 Mt4 plugin or integration Do they operate a Robot or offer automated trading software.
What is the Customer Support like.
Do they offer telephone, email and live chat support and in which countries.
Do they list direct contact details.
Who has the best payouts or maximum returns.
Check the markets you will trade.
We cover as many of these comparison factors as possible in our list above, but we go into much more depth within each review.
Regulated Binary Brokers.
Regulation and licensing is a key factor when judging the best broker.
Unregulated brokers are not always scams, or untrustworthy, but it does mean a trader must do more due diligence before trading with them.
A regulated broker is the safest option.
Regulated Binary Options Brokers January 2021 Broker Regulator Instruments IQoption CySEC BO, CFD, Crypto, Olymp Trade Binary.
com Malta GA BO, CFD BDSwiss CySec BO, CFD, Crypto, Olymp Trade Nadex Exchange CFTC BO, Olymp Trade.
Leading regulatory bodies include.
CySec The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission Cyprus and the EU FCA Financial Conduct Authority UK CFTC Commodity Futures Trading Commission US FSB Financial Services Board South Africa ASIC Australia Securities and Investment Commission.
There are other regulators in addition to the above, and in some cases, brokers will be regulated by more than one organisation.
This is becoming more common in Europe where binary options are coming under increased scrutiny.
Reputable, premier brands will have regulation of some sort.
Regulation is there to protect traders, to ensure their money is correctly held and to give them a path to take in the event of a dispute.
It should therefore be an important consideration when choosing a trading partner.
Both sign up bonuses and demo accounts are used to attract new clients.
Bonuses are often a deposit match, a one-off payment or risk free trade.
Whatever the form of bonus, there are terms and conditions that need to be read.
It is worth taking the time to understand those terms before signing up or clicking accept on a bonus offer.
If the terms are not to your liking then the bonus loses any attraction and that broker may not be the best choice.
Some bonus terms tie in your initial deposit too.
It is worth reading T Cs before agreeing to any bonus, and worth noting that many brokers will give you the option to opt out of taking a bonus.
Using a bonus effectively is harder than it sounds.
If considering taking up one of these offers, think about whether, and how, it might affect your trading.
One common issue is that turnover requirements within the terms, often cause traders to over trade.
If the bonus does not suit you, turn it down.
Binary options demo accounts are the best way to try both binary options trading, and specific brokers software and platforms without needing to risk any money.
You can get demo accounts at more than one broker, try them out and only deposit real money at the one you find best.
It can also be useful to have accounts at more than one broker.
For example, payouts for two different assets might be best at different brokers.
You can shop around, and use whichever account has the best payout for that asset.
Demo accounts offer the best way to try out a brand, risk free.
Likewise if we recommend a brand, you can try it first, before risking anything.
If you are looking to get involved with binary options for the first time, low minimum deposit requirements may be of interest.
For traders just looking to try binary options, a low minimum deposit broker might be best.
A small initial deposit keeps risks low.
Minimum deposits start at just 5 and there are a growing number of brokers offering low minimum deposits low would be any minimum under 50.
Likewise, all brokers will have a minimum trade requirement or trade amount too.
These can vary greatly between platforms.
Minimum trade figures range from 1 to 25 which is a large difference if a trader plans to trade frequently.
For some traders, this might be less of a factor in terms of finding the best broker for them, but for others it will be very important.
Practice accounts are a zero risk way of learning to trade.
One element many traders use to find the best binary options trading account, is the payout percentage on offer.
This is not always a simple comparison however.
Payouts will change based on the underlying asset being traded, and the expiry time of the option.
In addition, payouts will change as the broker manages their own risk.
So if one broker was originally the best price, things may then revert and mean that another now has the top payout.
So the most an investor can do, is to check the payouts for assets, and expiry times they are most likely to make, and judge which brand offers the best terms most often.
Demo accounts are good when researching payouts on specific assets and trades.
Exchange traded and over the counter brokers will have different payouts and they will not be easy to compare.
In general, exchange traded options offer superior value.
Nadex are one example of an exchange.
So as you can see, finding the best trading account and broker is not always easy but it is worth noting that you are free to move between brokers whenever you like.
So even if an account turns out to be poor, it is easy to up sticks and find a new trading firm.
Likewise, a trader could have multiple accounts, and open trades at the broker with the best terms for that particular trade.
Which is the Best Binary Trading Platform.
Naming the best trading platform is not easy, simply because trading platforms and proprietary bespoke software are normally a question of personal taste.
One user might like a simple layout, while others might need a lot of data on screen all the time.
However, platforms do have different levels of quality, both in terms of ease of use, and features.
Broadly speaking, brands which offer Contracts for Difference CFDs in addition to binary options, deliver a more feature-rich trading platform or advanced software.
So the likes of Nadex and IQ, will deliver a very professional trading platform.
MetaTrader integration is also normally provided at the more professional brokers Some use both mt4 and mt5 functionality.
This difference in quality is evidence of the maturity of binary options as a product, but binary brands will catch up very quickly.
Intro To The IQoption Platform.
How do Brokers Make Money.
Binary options brokers make money via one of two business models.
As a counter-party, ensuring an over round via payout percentages.
Known as Over the counter OTC Via a spread or commission on an exchange traded model.
People who have experience of other forms of trading, and are now approaching over-the-counter OTC brokers for the first time may find themselves asking the question Where is the commission.
With OTC binaries however, there is no commission.
In theory, the term brokers , is not correct.
Binary firms are not arranging a deal or acting as a middleman, or as a market maker; What they are, is the counter-party to each of their customers positions.
So there is no fee or commission for the trade.
Instead, each customer is essentially betting against the house.
Where brokers have both sides of a trade covered, they have a handsome margin.
Where they do not, the payout still gives them a level of protection.
In certain circumstances, the broker will also hedge it s own position to mitigate risk.
Those companies Nadex, for instance that trade binary options via an exchange operate much more like a broker.
Unlike the OTC market where the platform is the counter party, with exchange traded options, the broker is the middleman matching buyers with sellers and charging a commission.
This charge is normally hidden within the spread, rather than an explicit cost.
There is far less risk involved for the broker, and therefore generally better returns per trade for the trader.
Brokers can be actively compared using the spread the tighter the spread difference between buy and sell prices the cheaper it is to trade.


Brokers using the spread model often also offer leverage, or trading on margin via their software.
This increases the trade size for the trader and profit for the platform.
Should You Use Multiple Brokers.
There are some very good arguments for having more than one binary trading account.
Brokers suit certain trades.
Different brokers will suit different trading styles, or trade types.
So one broker might be excellent for shorter term trade types, and have great payouts on forex pairs.
But that same brand may be slightly less good when it comes to offering boundary trades or indices payouts.
If a rival had a full set of long term expiries with great payouts, and lots of choice of boundary trades it makes sense to have accounts with both platforms, and place trades with the broker that offered the best deal for each trade.
Multiple demo accounts makes perfect sense you want to try as many brokers and trading platforms as possible before deciding where to trade.
Reduce risk.
Accounts at more than one broker protects you from any issues with a particular firm.
From issues as serious as insolvency, to smaller things, like website downtime, software issues or a market being closed multiple accounts reduces your risk of being affected by any hardship a broker might face.
Multiple offers.
Each sign up can mean a new bonus, so it might be worthwhile taking up more than one account to receive all the offers.
As ever, read the terms and also note that on occasion, larger deposits might mean larger bonuses so splitting them may not be the best choice.
Spread winnings.
Some brokers may look for winning traders on their books, with a view to restricting their trading, perhaps limiting trade size or worse.
While this threat is thankfully small, multiple accounts means spreading the winnings out.
Most brokers will search for winners based on total profit rather than strike rate, so hiding the volume across broker accounts can help you stay below their radar.
Exchange versus OTC Over the Counter Brokers.
Exchange Brokers.
A broker that offers an exchange is much closer to a traditional broker than OTC brokers.
An exchange performs the job of middleman.
They will match a seller of an asset, with a buyer of the same asset, and charge a commission for putting the deal together.
The market itself will decide the prices if there are more sellers than buyers, the price will drift down until demand rises.
If there are more buyers than those willing to sell, the option price will rise.
A broker operating an exchange does not mind who wins and who loses.
They take no risk on the trade themselves unless the traders are trading on credit.
The broker will make their commission on the trade regardless of the outcome.
Due to this reduced risk for the broker, the returns for a winning trader are generally larger.
Commissions are usually small relative to the size of the trade, meaning they do not impact the payout too much.
Other benefits include the fact that stop losses can be applied, and also that trades can be closed at any time to take a profit or reduce losses.
The complications with exchanges, comes from the structure.
An exchange traded binary option will trade somewhere between 0 and 100.
Where 0 is the figure used where an event did not occur, and 100 where it did.
If the current price is currently 30, a buyer would risk 30 times his trade size, to potentially win 70.
A seller therefore, would risk 70 to win 30.
While not a complicated equation, it is slightly more complex than the straight forward over the counter option.
OTC Over The Counter Brokers.
The most common type is the Over the counter OTC broker, but this type of firm is not really a broker at all strictly speaking.
They are the counter-party to one side of the trade.
So where a trader opens a position, the broker will win or lose money, based on whether the trade wins or loses.
Only where the broker has another trader who has made the exact opposite trade, will they have assured profits.
Due to this increased risk, the brokers will offer a lower payout which mitigates some of the risk they are taking.
It is therefore likely to be lower than an exchange traded broker.
Some firms will also have built in hedging mechanisms to reduce risk further.
In some cases, one side of trade might be made unavailable if liabilities get too large.
The simplicity of binary options is retained with OTC brokers.
They have also made great strides in competing with exchanges by offering cash out values for options, allowing traders to close positions early, and set up stop losses.
Once those features become common the gap between OTC and exchanges will get smaller.
For now, traders are better off trading on an exchange but might be advised to learn the differences via demo account.
Have you had a problem with your broker.
Submit a complaint.
Deposit and withdrawal options do vary at each brokerage.
Each of our reviews will explain which each firm offer, but below is a list of the most common options.
If you are looking for brokers that support a specific payment method.
Neteller Paypal Skrill Webmoney Paysafecard Ukash Visa Amex Bitcoin Wire Transfer Credit cards Debit cards.
Free Demo Accounts Halal forex.pm/index.php?board=23.0"]Binary Options[/url] forex.pm/index.php?board=23.0"]Binary Options[/url] Bonus CFD Brokers.
All of the factors covered above will ultimately affect the way a trader plays the market, and therefore, their profitability.
The ideal situation is to get a binary broker that offers.
Several financial assets spread across several markets Offers a reasonable bonus with a good payout approaching 90 Offers flexible expiration dates without boxing traders into very long expirations.
Trading using a broker s platform will only be enjoyable, and profitable, if you are using a reputable operator.
You also need to choose one that suits your trading style best only you will know what that is.
Read the above binary broker reviews carefully before making that crucial trading decision, but remember you are not tied in to any single broker, and can pick and choose.


GTOptions Review.
Broker GTOptions US Traders Accepted Company Name Eufal Ltd.
Headquarters London, UK Regulation No Bonus Type Bonus for deposit within 24 hours on account opening Bonus Size 5 Max Payout 500 Out-of-Money Reward 10 Trading Platform SpotOption Deposit Options Credit debit cards, wire transfer, Skrill Deposit Currencies USD or EUR Minimum Deposit 250 Minimum Trade 5 Maximum Trade 3,000 Online Since 2011 Trading Instruments Currencies, stocks, commodities, indices Number of Trading Instruments 70 Binary Option Types Option Builder, One Touch, High Low, 60 Seconds Customer Support Types Phone not toll free , live chat supposedly , email, web form Education Offered FAQ, E-Book, Video Tour, Video Tutorial Tools Offered Fibonacci calculator, economic calendar, trading signals, daily market review, weekly market review.
Extras available for VIP account holders like money management classes.
Commission 25 fee for wire transfer withdrawal Languages English Demo Account 14 days.
Real account required.
GTOptions is a relatively new binary options broker, founded in 2011 by Eufal Ltd.
, a company based in Nicosia, Cyprus.
This broker doesn t seem to be regulated yet, but this isn t surprising given the young age of the service.
GTOptions offers several different types of binary options to trade and more than 70 assets, and while they are somewhat lacking in certain areas, they do seem to be on the right track with trading tools, bonuses, and other aspects of their site.
USA traders are allowed.
There is still no mobile platform, but this is again probably because the company is so new.
Opening an Account with GTOptions.
Starting an account is a simple process, and registration is free with GTOptions.
GTOptions actually provides a demo account, which is excellent.
Many binary options brokers haven t yet incorporated this feature.
As usual, it s a pretty limited service, but it s certainly superior to nothing.
Once you open a regular account, you need to contact customer service to ask them to change your status to demo.
You are then given practice funds virtual currency and 14 days to demo test live.
At this point your demo account closes.
The site says there is no obligation to open a practice account once you re done with your demo.
That s probably a simple typing error since your demo account is your practice account, they most likely mean there s no obligation to start trading with real money.
You really should demo test for longer than two weeks before you start trading live, but again, it s better than nothing.
SpotOption, the trading platform which GTOptions uses, is very popular, and you may find another broker that lets you demo test longer.
You might want to do that before trading live, even if you decide to stick with GTOptions as your real broker.
GTOptions offers match bonuses for depositing as well as an additional five percent bonus if you deposit within 24 hours of registering on the site.
There are also referral bonuses of up to 200.
This is a cool benefit which you won t find at every binary options broker.
We were also impressed with the clarity of GTOptions terms and conditions surrounding bonuses.
Brokers often try to pass off bonuses as if they are free money, and then leave the terms in fine print.
GTOptions openly states that bonuses should be looked at as a way of trading on leverage while your account is small.
The purpose of the bonus is to help you to place larger trades and build up your real funds more quickly.
GTOptions reminds traders that leverage is a double-edged blade and that it s just as likely to lose money more quickly by trading with bonuses.
You re not able to withdraw the bonus money unless you ve turned over a certain amount far beyond the value of the bonus.
You ll find around 70 different assets to trade including commodities, stocks, indices, and currencies.
Available types of binary trades include Option Builder, One Touch, High Low and 60 Seconds.
For 60 Second trades you can trade as little as 5.
For other trades you can trade as little as 10.
The maximum amount you can trade is 3,000.
Pretty average all around, but not bad.
Customer Service and Trading Resources.
Customer service options include live chat, web form, email and telephone not toll free.
The live chat feature sent an email and then closed itself when we tried to use it, which probably just means that the desk wasn t staffed at the moment it was a Sunday.
Presumably during business hours someone would be there, though the chat box wasn t specific about this.
The trading tools and educational resources are relatively impressive, especially given how new GTOptions is.
Along with the usual FAQ, basic eBook and video tour, there are also video tutorials, weekly and daily market reviews, trading signals, an economic calendar, and a Fibonacci calculator.
Signal services are included in some of the accounts for free.
If you sign up for a VIP account, you ll not only get trading signals but additional support including money management classes.
There is definitely more of an effort being made here than average.
GTOptions seems to be different.
All of the trading resources provided can help traders to plan their trades; while they aren t enough to help a trader to develop a consistent method, they can certainly play a role, and they encourage traders to actually think about what they re doing.
Moreover, the forthrightness of the company concerning the bonuses and the dangers of leverage is another sign of honesty.
GTOptions also has a Risk Disclaimer in open view at the bottom of the page as well as a separate link to the disclaimer in the menu.
This is yet another sign of honesty.
Even if you re gambling for entertainment purposes, you can still do so in a responsible manner.
GTOptions isn t promising people huge returns for no effort or a risk-free opportunity to make vast sums of money.
This is admirable and causes to look at GTOptions in a positive light.
While the broker doesn t seem to be regulated yet, if they continue along this track it seems like it s probably just a question of time before they are.
Read additional reviews online and get in touch with customer service if you have questions.
While we can t give a definitive recommendation one way or the other, we can definitely conclude that GTOptions is worth a closer look.
6 Traders Reviews.
According to my complaint filed with the Cypress SEC, this company is not registered in Cypress as a brokerage.
The Cyprus SEC has a online list of firms.
More than 60 days have passed since my acct.
was reduced to a zero balance and still no funds in my bank acct wired.
No answer to more than 5 emails from me either.
Save yourself the problems, invest elsewhere.
This is a scam.
Hallo, On the internet you can find hundreds of victims of GTOptions, just like me.
Gtoptions is the most aggressive and arrogant broker that you can find on the internet.
I am one of the many they have ripped off and it must stop now.
On the website of Watchdog they are saing that GTOptons is regulated CySEC, MIFID, FCA and EU regulated.
I have done some researched and it turns out that this is not true.
They are nowhere regulated.
Even they didn t have Trader Protection Insurance.
How is it possible that I ve lost 80 thousand euros and they wan t give me my deposit back.
They are busy now to lose all my money so they will no longer need to communicate with me.
I m now with my bank, ABN Amro and their trading experts, examine whether they have passed my false signals.
Also I will report this to my Credit Card Company and demand to get my money back.
They have made me lost all my save money and ruined my family.
And I will fight them where ever I can.
Please look at this link or google GTOptions and I m shore that you will change your mind.
com review gtoptions-suck Let me tell you how GtOptions work.
First I have deposit 250 Euro.
Than you get an very nice gentleman on the phone speaking your languish and conversation will go like this If you deposit 2000 Euro you will get within 2 days one hundred thousand Euro.
After two days he call you back Good news, we have doubled your profit.
But you have to deposit 2000 Euro.
So it went on until I should got 35 million Euro.
I have deposit all my savings worth 20 thousand Euro.
How stupid can you be.
The same evening I have lost 40 thousand Euro.
40 trades and one winning.
How do you call that.
I call it scam.
The young man was more interested in buying drugs in Amsterdam than helping me with good trades.
When I wanted to have the remaining money back, within 5 minutes I was called back by a new account manager.
Please do not withdrawal because I will lose my job.
Where is my first manager.
He is in Dubai to learn oil sheiks trade with binary options.
Yes I have been told so, it is really true.
Next day I have been called by my account manager from Dubai.
Background sounds were same as before.
He just sat in London.
It was all lie.
The next account manager yes a new one because the last one must go to Angola teach African people trade with binary option.
Please don t laugh because it is really true.
The same evening I have lost 20 thousand Euro.
First they let you make big money and then make loss everything till the bonus and so you can t withdraw any money.
Once I had 82 thousand Euro and 23 thousand Euro bonus.
but now I have only 9 thousand Euro and this is bonus.
So not my money.
GtOptions doesn t want to make you any profit, they are only interested to extract as much money as possible from your account.
They have ruined my family.
They says that they are The Most Trusted Binary Option Broker, but they are not to be trusted, you will just like me lose all your money.
Please see the link.
Stay away from them as far as you can.
They lie constantly.
Please if you want to see my ridicules portfolio, please let me know.
Best regards Jirka.
Hi guys gtoptions is located in dominican republic santos thomas de aquino street number 157 uasd santo domingo city go there with the interpol and fbi the owners are from israel and are the same owners of tradextra and capital 88.
so simply i can just tell you that they are big fraudsters so stay away if you love your money.
Don t waste time with this broker.
It doesn t honor its word.
Even if you paid the wire transfer fees , it will ask for more and you get nothing of your profit money.
I have not got back my profit money from November 2017 until June 2018 last 6 months could be more if this is dragged until end of 2018.
You will lose your hard earned money after you joined this broker.
io avevo un account con gtoptions n 691123 posso recuperarlo.
Binary Option Broker Reviews.
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Close Option binary options broker review.
Trading on the global financial market attracts many Internet users who are looking for promising sources of profit.
But the lack of the necessary education and experience often leads to the fact that they refuse such an idea.
Frustrated traders are frightened by unfamiliar terms, overly complex explanations of how the financial market works, as well as the fear of losing their savings or becoming a victim of fraudsters.
The last factor scares not only newbies, but also their more experienced colleagues.
In order to avoid such troubles, it is necessary to carefully study the trading platform that interested you.
And only after this procedure, you can make a decision about registering an account.
Consider the example of Close Option, as carried out the above procedure in practice.
What offers its customers Close Option.
The company in question does not fall into the category of popular sites.
Some traders even with extensive experience in the financial markets know almost nothing about this broker.
But this fact is not proof that the company s website was created by fraudsters to deceive their customers.
Close Option Security.
The application created for Close Option, modern software and the maintenance of the resource s performance by qualified specialists make it possible not to worry about the safety of funds or personal data of service customers.
The presented brand is registered in Georgia, and its owner is Organic Tech LLC.
The broker has been providing its services since 2013, which is quite convincing evidence of its reliability.
A separate topic is the legal status of a trading platform in the United States.
Experienced traders and experts in online trading are well aware that citizens of American states are very sensitive about compliance issues.
Even those companies that have been providing services to virtually all over the world for more than a decade may be banned in the states for some reason.
In principle, for many traders of the above factors, it is quite enough to boldly register a login on the Close Option site without fear of losing their capital.
On the Internet, you can find reviews reviews or comments in which the authors have a negative attitude towards the broker and focus on user verification.
They argue that the administration of the resource for the passage of this procedure requires to provide a large number of documents and users have to wait a long time for an answer on their question.
Of course, in this case, traders will have to be a little nervous, but such verification allows to weed out suspicious persons and specialists in money laundering, which positively affects the security of a web resource.
Close Option Activity Regulators.
On some websites you can find reviews of the activities of Close Option, which state that the broker does not have any licenses or other documents confirming the legality of his services.
This is not true.
In fact, the work of a brokerage company is controlled by the National Bank of Georgia.
That is, in case of conflict situations, you always have the opportunity to contact the regulator, which will help solve the problem.
Training at Close Option.
One of the drawbacks of the presented brokerage company is the fact that its web resource works only in English.
That is, newcomers who do not know it well will find it difficult to conduct trading operations or learn how to work in financial markets.
The site contains only general information about the activities of the company, some training materials on the theory and the questions and answers section.
In case of any problems, traders have the opportunity to contact support representatives who will provide you with the necessary assistance at any time of the day.
The situation is much better with the practical training of novice traders.
Thanks to the demo accounts placed on Close Option, users can make deals, develop their own trading strategies or analyze their mistakes.
The main requirements of the administration of Close Option to its customers.
The creators of the presented resource placed on the site three types of accounts.
Demo or training.
Competitive the conditions of the current competition can be found on the official web resource of the company.
Trading account that allows you to enter into transactions with the use of its own funds.
In addition to these types of accounts, the site provides several levels of accounts from initial to Vip.
Each of them provides certain advantages, both in terms of trade and administration assistance.
This parameter directly depends on the deposit amount that the broker s client makes after registration.
Close Option Trading Terms.
Despite the popularity of online trading, reviews posted on Close Option make it difficult to find a well-designed and up-to-date list of trading conditions.
We select the most important of them.
The amount of the minimum deposit 5.
The minimum bet is 1.
The potential profit of a trader for each successful transaction is about 85.
Bonuses and contests are provided.
Account currency US dollar.
Referral system is.
Close Option Deposit withdrawal of funds.
When composing reviews on Close Option, professional traders claim that the broker presented stands out among similar services due to the large selection of methods for depositing and withdrawing money.
Bank transfers and plastic cards Visa, Mastercard.
Close Option Fixed assets.
On the company s web resource, you can earn money by entering into transactions using such trading tools as binary options, cryptocurrency, oil, metals, currency pairs, etc.
The list may vary from time to time, depending on the situation in the global financial market.
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