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Started by PocketOption, Mar 02, 2021, 06:59 am

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Zero-Risk Strategy.
With Binary Options A zero-risk strategy is the dream of any financial investor.
While it is impossible with any investment, binary options can get you closer than anything else.
Is A Zero-risk Strategy Possible.
When you invest, there is always some risk.
Despite all efforts to predict what the market will do next, nobody has yet found a strategy that is always right.
Sometimes, the market moves in unpredictable ways and does things that seem irrational.
In hindsight, we often find good explanations for these events.
As a trader, you have to avoid letting this hindsight bias confuse you.
When a trading day is over, it is easy to say that this event moved the market the strongest.
But when a trading day begins, it is often almost impossible to predict which of the many events of the day will have the strongest impact on the market and how it will influence the market.
Even beyond the stock market, financial investments always include some risk.
When you invest in securities with a fixed interest rate, there is always the chance that the bank that emitted them has to file for bankruptcy.
Many countries protect your money up to a certain amount, but beyond that, the risk is yours.
When you buy government bonds, there is always the chance that the government goes bankrupt.
Since bonds have long expiries of up to 30 years, a lot can happen over this time.
Simply put a zero-risk strategy is impossible with any asset.
But binary options offer a few tools that allow you to get relatively close to zero risk.
Let s see how you can do that.
How To Get Close To A Zero-risk Strategy.
Most binary options brokers offer a great tool a demo account.
Demo accounts work just like regular accounts but allow you to trade with play money instead of real money.
In the risk-free environment of a demo account, you can learn how to trade.
You can try different strategies, find the one that suits you the best, and perfect it.
You can wait until you switch to real-money trading until you have a solid strategy that you know will make you money by the end of the month.
While many stock brokers offer a demo account, too, binary options have one great advantage binary options work on a shorter time scale, which means that you learn faster and better.
When you buy a stock, you have to wait for months or years until you know whether you made the right decision.
In the meantime, many unique things happen, which is why you will eventually conclude that the situation is unrepeatable and you have learned nothing.
When you trade a binary option, you know within a few minutes whether you have made the right decision.
In the meantime, there are no events that distort your result.
When your option expiries, you get a clear result.
You know whether what you did worked or not.
Because binary options work on such short time scales, they allow you to create and test a strategy much better than any other type of investments.
Once you have traded a strategy with a demo account and turned a profit for a few months in a row, you know that there is a very high chance that you will make a profit when you start trading real money, too.
There will still be some risk, but binary options have helped you to eliminate as much risk as possible.
For those still looking for zero risk trades, Arbitrage is another option.
Breakout Strategy.
The breakout strategy utilizes one of the strongest and most predictable events of technical analysis the breakout.
What Is A Breakout.
Breakouts occur whenever the market completes a chart formation.
These completions indicate significant changes in the market environment.
The market will pick up a strong upwards or downwards momentum, which means that many traders have to react to the change.
Some traders will close their positions because the event negates their predictions.
When a trader predicted rising prices but an event indicates prices will fall, this trader will close their position before they lose money.
Some traders will open new positions that point in the direction of the new trend.
Many traders will do both.
When a trader can predict where the market will go, there is no reason why they should not trade this prediction.
Traders that realize that their original prediction was wrong will likely invest in the opposite direction.
All of these three possibilities create a strong momentum in the same direction.
When the market completes a downwards formation, some traders will short sell the asset; some will sell their long positions.
Both actions create downwards momentum.
When the market completes an upwards formation, some traders will buy the asset; some will close their short positions.
Both actions create upwards momentum.
Since most traders anticipate the payout, they will place orders that automatically get triggered when the market reaches the price level that completes the price formation.
These orders intensify the momentum even more.
How Can I Trade The Breakout With A Strategy.
Digital options offer a number of strategies to trade the breakout.
Here are the three most popular strategies.
Trading the breakout with high low options.
When you anticipate a breakout, wait until the market breaks out.
Once it happens, invest in a high low option in the direction of the breakout.
If the breakout happens in an upwards direction, invest in a high option; if the breakout happens in a downwards direction, invest in a low option.
Use an expiry equivalent to the length of one period.
This is the low-risk low-reward way of trading the breakout.
Trading the breakout with one touch options.
Breakouts are strong movements, which is why they are perfect for trading a one touch option.
One touch options define a target price, and you win your trade when the market touches this target price.
Once you see the market break out, invest in a one touch option in the direction of the breakout.
This is the medium-risk medium-reward way of trading the breakout.
Trading the breakout with ladder options.
When an asset breaks out, invest in a ladder option in the direction of the breakout.
Choose a target price with which you feel comfortable but that still provides you with a high payout.
This is the high-risk high-reward way of trading the breakout.
All of these three strategies can work.
Choose the one that best matches your personality.
Three Strategies For Bollinger Bands.
There are hundreds of strategies that use Bollinger Bands.
Regardless of which strategy you use, there is almost no downside to adding Bollinger Bands to your chart.
Even if you do nor trade them directly, having three additional lines will not confuse you.
On the contrary, it will subconsciously influence to make better decisions.
Nonetheless, we will now present three strategies that not only feature Bollinger Bands but use them as their main component.
Understand these strategies, and you will also be able to use Bollinger Bands in your strategy.
Strategy 1 Trading Outer Bollinger Bands With High Low Options.
This is the simplest strategy, and the one with the least risk.
It can be explained in two simple steps.
Compare the current market price to the price range of the Bollinger Bands.
If the market is near the upper end of the Bollinger Bands, invest in falling prices with a low option.
If the market is near the lower end of the Bollinger Bands, invest in rising prices with a high option.


Even newcomers can immediately execute this strategy.
There is one thing you should know, though.
Since every new period moves the Bollinger Bands, what is the upper range of the current Bollinger Bands might not be the upper range of the next periods.
A quickly rising market will push the Bollinger Bands upwards, too; and a quickly falling market will take the Bollinger Bands down with it.
Because of this limitation, the strategy works best if you keep the expiry of your binary option shorter than the time until your chart creates a new period.
If there are 30 minutes left in your current period and the market approaches the upper end of the Bollinger Bands, it makes sense to invest in a low option with an expiry of 30 minutes or less.
If you want, you can also double-check your prediction on a shorter period.
Switch to a chart with a period of 15 minutes, and if the market is near the upper range of the Bollinger Bands, too, you know that there is a good chance that it will fall soon.
If it is in the middle of this trading range, however, you might consider passing on this trade.
You might also consider upgrading this strategy to trade binary options types with a higher payout.
By adding a momentum indicator, you can invest in option types that require a strong movement.
To understand how to add this indicator, consider the example of our next strategy.
Strategy 2 Trading The Middle Bollinger Band With One Touch Options.
The middle Bollinger Band has special characteristics.
While it offers a resistance or support level, the market can break through it.
When it does, the Band changes its meaning.
When the market trades above the middle Bollinger band, the band works as a support.
If the market breaks through this support, the middle band becomes a resistance.
The market was trapped between the upper and middle bands and is now trapped between the middle and the lower bands.
When the market trades below the middle Bollinger band, the band works as a resistance.
If the market breaks through this resistance, the middle band becomes a support.
The market was trapped between the lower and the middle bands, and is now trapped between the middle and the upper bands.
Both events change the entire market environment.
When the market breaks through the middle band, it suddenly receives enough room to move to the outer band.
This means you know the direction in which the market is likely to move and the distance, which is a great basis for trading a high-payout binary option.
Here s what you do.
Wait until the market breaks through the middle Bollinger Band.
When the market breaks through the middle Bollinger Band, invest in a one touch option in the direction of the next Bollinger Band.
When the market breaks through the middle Bollinger Band in an upwards direction, invest in a high one touch option.
When the market breaks through the middle Bollinger Band in a downwards direction, invest in a low one touch option.
The most important aspect of this strategy is choosing the right expiry.
Long expiries move the target price of your one touch option further away.
Short expiries keep the target price of your one touch option close.
For this strategy to make sense, you have to use a one touch option with a target price that is within the Bollinger Bands.
On the other hand, the expiry has to be long enough to give the market enough time to reach the expiry.
Finding the right mix of closeness and enough time can take some experience.
You can also use momentum indicators such as the Average True Range ATR to provide a mathematical basis for your estimate.
Strategy 3 Trading Outer Bollinger Bands With Low-Risk Ladder Options.
The market is highly likely to move beyond the outer Bollinger Bands.
This knowledge is a great basis for trading low-risk ladder options.
Ladder options define a number of different target prices, usually five or six.
Some of these prices are above the current market price; some are below it; some are close, some are far away.
As a result of these characteristics, some target prices will be inside the Bollinger Bands price channel; some will be outside of it.
Since the market is highly unlikely to move outside the Bollinger Bands, it is highly unlikely to reach target prices that are outside the Bollinger Bands price channel.
Ladder options allow you to make this prediction and win a simple trade.
To execute this strategy, here s what you do.
Set the period of your chart to the expiry of your ladder option.
Compare the target prices of your broker s ladder option to the Bollinger price channel.
Pick the target price with the highest payout that is still outside the Bollinger Bands.
Predict that the market will be unable to reach this target price.
If the target price is below the Bollinger Bands, predict that the market will trade above the target price when your ladder option expires.
If the target price is above the Bollinger Bands, predict that the market will trade below the target price when your ladder option expires.
Repeat the process for all expiries of ladder options that your broker offers.
To execute this strategy well, make sure that the period of your chart matches your expiry.
Bollinger Bands change with every new period, and a target price that is outside the reach of the Bollinger Bands during the current period might be well within their reach during the next period.
When you trade a ladder option with an expiry of one hour based on a price chart with a period of 5 minutes, so many things can change before your option expires that the Bollinger Bands become almost meaningless.
By matching the period of your chart to your expiry, you guarantee that the Bollinger Bands stay the same until your option expires.
Volume Strategy.
The volume is one of the most under-appreciated indicators.
Combined with binary options, a volume strategy can create great results.


What is a volume strategy.
The trading volume is a simple yet important indicator.
The volume indicates how many assets very traded during a period.
The direction of these trades is unimportant to the volume.
A period in which ten stocks swapped hands will have a volume of ten, regardless of whether the period featured rising or falling prices.
A period in which 20 stocks swapped hands will have a volume of 20, regardless of whether the period featured rising or falling prices.
The trading volume is so important because it helps you interpret market movements.
High volume adds significance.
When a period has a high volume, many traders backed the price movements of this period, which means that the market is likely to continue in the same direction.
Low volume questions significance.
When a period has a low volume, few traders backed the price movements of this period, which means that many traders will question the period s movements and likely invest in the opposite direction to profit from they consider a wrong movement.
As you can see from these examples, the volume only makes sense in relation to preceding periods.
A volume of 300 says nothing until you know whether the preceding periods featured a higher, lower, or similar volume.
A volume strategy uses the volume of each period to create predictions about future price movements.
When a period has a high volume, a volume strategy predicts that the market will continue to move in the same direction.
When a period has a low volume, a volume strategy predicts that the market will reverse.
When a period has an average volume, a volume strategy will ignore it.
How To Execute A Volume Strategy.
To execute a volume strategy with binary options, follow these steps.
Look for significant periods.
Look for gaps, periods with strong movements, or dojis periods where opening and closing price are almost identical.
Analyze the volume of these periods.
If the trading volume was high during the period, predict that the market will continue to move in the same direction; if the trading volume was low, predict that the market will reverse; if the volume was average, ignore the period.
Invest accordingly.
Trade rising prices with high options, falling prices with low options, and stagnating prices with ladder options that predict little movement.
Keep your expiries short with this strategy.
Ideally, limit them to the next period.
In a 30-minute price chart, you would use an expiry of 30 minutes, for example.
Long-Term Strategy.
Binary options are primarily short-term investments.
But if you want to invest for the long term, binary options have a lot to offer for you, too.
How to trade a long-term strategy.
While binary options are mostly short-term investments with expiries of a few minutes to a few hours, most brokers have also started to offer long-term options that allow you to make predictions for the next months and the next year.
These strategies are high low options with a longer expiry.
You predict whether the market will trade higher or lower than the current market price when your option expiries.
A long-term binary options strategy should be based on trends.
Over the course of a year, long-term trends dominate the market and dictate what will happen next.
Identify these trends, and predict that they will continue.
To avoid weakening trends, you can use technical indicators such as the Money Flow Index MFI , which allow you to identify trends that are running out of momentum.
Why Trading A Long-Term Strategy Can Be Profitable.
When you trade a long-term prediction with regular assets, you can average a profit of about 10 percent a year.
That is a great result, but binary options can do better.
Assume that you have found a stock of which you are almost completely sure that it will trade higher one year from now.
Take a look at the current price charts of Google, Amazon, or Tesla.
Such stocks would offer the ideal basis for such an investment.
When you predict that these stocks will rise with binary options, you can get a payout of about 75 to 90 percent in one year.
Regardless of how well these stocks do, when you buy them directly on the stock market, you will never make a profit that rivals this return.
Now, of course, you have to account for risk.
When you lose your trade however unlikely you think that this event may be you lose all the money you invested.
This is why it is a bad idea to invest all your money in a single trade.
Spread your money over multiple stocks, currencies, markets, and commodities, and never invest more than 5 percent of your overall account balance in a single trade.
Also, never invest all your money.
With this strategy, you should still be able to make a return that is higher than what you would make with stocks, but you reduce your risk.
With digital options, the straddle strategy is easier and more profitable than with other types of financial assets.
What Is A Straddle Strategy.
A straddle strategy follows a simple goal it wants to make you money regardless of the direction in which the market moves.
With conventional assets, this strategy was difficult to execute.
Traders had to buy short and long assets at the same time and hope that the profit from the successful investment outweighs the losses from the unsuccessful one.
With stocks, for example, traders would be a stock and short it at the same time.
They would then set up stop-losses for both trades.
If the market moves upwards, they would lose the short trade and hope that the long investment makes enough money to make up for these losses.
If the market moves downwards, they would lose the long trade and hope that the short investment makes enough money to make up for these losses.
With conventional assets, this strategy was a mess.
There were fees on every trade that complicated things, and it was impossible to make two investments simultaneously.
The resulting time delay meant that a straddle was never perfect.
Finally, the profit from the winning investment was often insufficient to outweigh the losses from the losing trade.
Luckily, binary options can simplify the straddle and make it more profitable.
How To Trade The Straddle Strategy.
Binaries have taken the straddle and packed it into one asset boundary options.
Instead of having to invest in two assets at the same time which is impossible , boundary options allow you to create a straddle with a single click.
Boundary options define a price channel around the current market price.
If the market leaves this price channel, you win your option; If the market fails to leave the price, you lose your option.
Both target prices of the price channel are equally far from the current market price, which means that you automatically create a perfect straddle.
Many binary options brokers offer two types of boundary options.
One type of boundary options uses two nearby target prices and offers a payout of 70 to 75 percent.
One type of boundary options uses two faraway target prices and offers a payout of up to 300 percent or higher.
Choose the type of boundary option that you like best, and you can easily trade the straddle strategy with binary options.
Robot Strategy.
To execute a binary options strategy well, you have to ban all emotions from your trading and do the same thing over and over again like a robot.
Some traders took the next logical step and let a robot do all of their trading.
Here s how you execute a robot strategy.


What Is A Robot Strategy.
When you trade binary options, you have two basic choices.
You trade for yourself, 2.
You let someone else trade for you.
A robot falls into the second category.
Robots are computer programs.
These computer programs are trained to execute a trading strategy and invest on behalf of a human trader.
In detail, robots do three things.
Robots monitor the market, 2.
Robots find profitable trading opportunities, and 3.
Robots invest in these opportunities.
When you use a robot, you outsource your entire trading process to a computer program.
You can step away and literally make money while you sleep.
Why Use A Robot.
Robots have significant advantages compared to human traders.
Robots never miss an opportunity.
Humans need sleep and have chores to do; robots do not.
They can spend the entire day trading, which means that they can take advantage of every opportunity.
With a profitable strategy, more trades mean more money, which is great for you.
Robots do not make mistakes.
Humans get exhausted; robots do not.
They can execute a strategy for years without making a single mistake.
Robots can monitor hundreds of assets simultaneously.
Humans can only focus on one thing at a time; robots can focus on millions of things.
This is why robots can monitor hundreds of assets.
Monitoring more assets leads to more trades, and more trades, with a winning strategy, lead to more money.
Combined, these three advantages can make you a lot more money than if you traded for yourself.
It does increase risk however.
If a strategy starts to fail, a robot will not pause and allow time to make adjustments 0 it will continue making trades that fit the criteria.
Performance must be manually checked too.
How Can I Get A Robot.
These bots are generally provided as a service.
Read about specific providers on our robots and auto trading page.
Boundary Or Range Options.
An innovative trading styles introduced by brokers is boundary trading.
The same trading style may be termed as range options by some binary firms but it means essentially the same.
What Are Boundary Options.
Boundary options deal with a range of price levels of an asset.
Instead of predicting if the price of an asset will rise or fall, the traders need to predict whether the price of an asset will stay within certain limits boundaries or not.
In boundary options, predefined upper and lower price levels will be specified by your binary options broker.
You are free to select the expiry period.
If you select a larger expiry period, the range of the asset will expand i.
the upper price level will increase and the lower price level will decrease.
As a trader you have to select from the two options In or Out.
Upper And Lower Range Or Boundary.
If you feel that the price level of the asset will stay within the specified limit, you should select In.
On the other hand, if you feel that the price level of the asset will end beyond the specified price levels select Out.
The Out option would be applicable for two cases.
One where the price is expected to go higher than the upper price limit and the other case where the price level is expected to end less than the lower price limit.
One aspect to be aware of is that brokers may set different upper and lower limits for the in and out choices.
For example the upper level for the In choice might be set nearer the current price for example at 100 where the current price is 90.
The upper value when selecting Out might be 110.
Not all brokers apply this extra margin , but some do, so it is worth being aware of.
It is a method by which a broker can add to their own margins and protect themselves during particularly volatile periods, or from one-sided trading sentiment.
A percentage figure will be specified by your binary options broker which indicates the payout.
If your prediction is correct you will make a profit equal to the predefined percentage of the amount invested.
The profit is credited to your trading balance immediately after the result of the trade is decided.
However, in case your prediction turns out to be incorrect, you will lose the money invested in the trade.
The profit percentage depends on the broker and you may find different binary options brokers offering different payouts for the same asset.
Boundary Trading Strategy.
By now you you should have established that boundary or range options trading is based on the volatility of an asset.
It is different from the traditional High or Low trading because in that case the upwards or downwards price movement matters.
No binary options signal provider offers boundary options signals and you will have to use your own knowledge and analysis.
If you want to trade boundary options, the first thing to do is to gather information about the asset you want to trade.
Suppose you want to trade Apple s stocks via boundary options.
First of all you should study how the price of the asset has been moving for the last few days.
You should have an overall idea if the asset is volatile or stable.
Next you must be aware of all the news related to the company.
This can drastically improve your winning ratio.
For example, let us assume that Apple is launching the next version of its flagship mobile phone today.
Now if the launch is successful and consumers like it, the stock price would go up.
If the product fails to impress the audience, the stocks may take a dip.
There is a small chance that despite such a major event the stock prices stay stable.
It would be an ideal time to trade Apple via boundary options by selecting the Out option.
But if you are not aware of the launch of the new product by the company, you will miss out on the opportunity to make money.
It is therefore, highly recommended to stay updated with all the news like quarterly report, hierarchy reshuffle, product launch etc.
related to the asset you wish to trade.
Touch No Touch Options Strategy.
As binary options markets have grown, so too have the demands and requirements of traders.
Experienced clients were requesting options that were similar to traditional Rise Fall binary options, but allowed trading on volume and market volatility.
Brokers were also keen to offer a product that could be traded in both flat and highly volatile markets.
From here the Touch No Touch options were born, which enable limited risk trades on volume and volatility.


Touch options explained.
The binary element of the One Touch option remains, as does the limited risk.
In order for a Touch option to finish in the money; the asset value must touch, or go beyond, the barrier or target level at least once prior to the expiry of the option.
A No Touch option represents the opposite the asset value will not touch the barrier or target level at any point before the expiry.
In most cases, the barrier level is set by the broker.
At certain brokers however, the trader can set the barrier.
It could be higher than the current asset value, or it could be lower.
The distance between the current asset value and the target price will generally dictate the payout structure.
These images represent successful Touch and No Touch trades;.
One significant difference with the Touch option, is that it can finish in the money , before the expiry time.
If the Touch target is met, the option pays out immediately, regardless of what happens to the asset value afterwards.
Broker differences.
Traders looking to utilise Touch options need to pay particular attention to their choice of trader.
Firstly, some brokers do not offer them at all.
Touch options at certain other brokers are not particularly flexible.
Nor are the target levels.
There are however, some brokers which offer a huge amount of flexibility.
Here, traders can set their own target levels payouts adjust accordingly.
This offers tremendous opportunity to use advanced trading techniques.
Setting Touch options at a range of intervals in order to control risk and return can ensure a trading edge.
Traders can also set targets above and below the current value, creating tunnel options.
When to use Touch options.
Advanced traders will be able to use One Touch options successfully throughout their trading day, others may specialise.
For example, volume and market volatility might be expected to change significantly after a particular data release or event.
Likewise a market may run flat for a period running up to an announcement and be volatile after.
If a trader feels that trading volume will be particularly low, or particularly high, then the Touch option allows them to take a position on that view.
The 5 minutes, 3 minutes or 60 seconds, You want to trade binary or digital options and are now looking for good winning trading strategies that work.
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Binary options trading strategy that generates 150 return.
Your broker doesn t want you to know this.
In this article I would like to share with you what I learned when I first started to trade binary options.
I will describe my binary options trading strategy that I used for almost two years.
The strategy made me over 150 annual returns while risking 5 at the time.
I will also share with you something very extraordinary.
Something your broker doesn t want you to know.
This is a trick that will allow binary option traders to shift theodds their way.
Stick around because this is very interesting indeed.
Let s start from scratch.
I won t be going into technical details of what an option is and how it works.
A binary option is simply just another derivative of the common option izmir çıtır escort traded across the global markets.
Your binary option broker;.
goes to the market buys the option re-packages it and sells it to you as a binary option with a massive mark-up.
The trader buys the option at the so called the strike price.
If the trader bought a CALL option, he she bets on the price going higher above the strike price.
If the price is above the strike price even by one pip , the izmir yaşlı escort trader wins the bet at the expiry date.
The same stands for short positions.
The trader buys a PUT option if he she believes the market is going lower.
If the market price is lower than the strike price at the expiry, the trader wins the bet.
Broker The only winner in the binary options market.
The guy who invented this industry is a genius indeed.
The very basic premise the industry works off is.
In a very long time frame the amount of buyers Call options equals the amount of sellers Put options.
Based on the above principle, the broker will never lose money, assuming he will be in the business long enough to overcome possible exceptional markets swings.
The simple genius of the binary izmir escort otel option industry is.
For every loser there must be a winner so.
There are 100 buyers let s call them losers and There are 100 sellers let s call them winners.
In this scenario.
The broker charges the looser 100 and pays out 70 -80 to the winner, keeping a whopping 30 -20 of every bet in his own pocket.
To get some perspective your ordinary FX broker charges you a paltry 3 pips.
What a loser he is.
If you buy the option for 100 -and you lose, your 100 is gone but.
the guy who is on the other side of your transaction wins.
He receives an 80 payout from the broker.
The broker cashes 20 no matter what happens.
This is a fat margin indeed.
All the binary option broker needs to do is to maximise the trading volume to increase profits and lower the risk.
This is why the industry offers such a wide selection of expiry dates.
Traders can trade anything from 1 min to 6 months.
As more often as better.
I guess, most of the volume is weighted towards intra-day expiry as the industry attracts gamblers looking for a thrill rather than long term professional traders.
This is Genius, genius, genius.
The other, even more interesting feature of this industry is the marketing spin.
The marketers are spinning HIGH up to 80 pay-out as exceptional and attractive.
Twitter is littered with display ads full of hot chicks and luxury yachts.
People seem to go for it like there was no tomorrow.
Remember one simple thing.
Getting anything less than 100 of the money you risked is simply bad economics.
80 pay-out risking 100 every time will drain your account within no time.
It s insane to believe you can sustain long term profits getting less than you risk every time.
The guy above will not make it.
Odds, accuracy and the Risk Reward Ratio in the binary option market.
A good binary options trading strategy is naturally one that brings profits on a regular basis.
There are a few tasks to be performed before deciding on your trading strategy.
Break-even Since break-even is achieved when the total amount won equals the total amount lost, it can be calculated using the following formula;.
0 Winning X Average Return 1 Winning X Average loss.
For example Say the traded amount is constant same every time , average return 70 , and the loss is 100 of the betting amount therefore; 0 Winning X 70 1 70 X 100 therefore; Winning 59.
With a strategy which has an average return of 70 , you will need a winning accuracy of 59 or more to be profitable in the binary options trading industry.
Expectancy A more general way to analyse any binary options trading strategy is computing its expectancy.
This is a single number that combines the winning percentage with the average return.
This number tells immediately if the trading strategy is worth pursuing or not.
If the expectancy is greater than 0, you should consider it, if it s not move on from it.
Expectancy Average Return x Winning trades 1 Winning trades.
Say; binary options trading strategy has average return 70 and 65 accuracy Expectancy 70 X 65 1 65 ; Expectancy 0.
The strategy should be considered sound.
It s a well know principle of basic risk management to keep losers smaller or equal to winners.
This applies across all markets.
Every trader works very hard to keep losers smaller or equal to winners.
It is impossible to keep your losers smaller or equal to winners trading intra-day binary options.
Your pay-out will always be 80 of your money at risk.
These are facts.
You need to think harder to stay ahead in this market.
Trader must go against the odds and design a binary options trading strategy than generates more winners then losers to compensate for the unfavourable pay-outs.
It is not always possible.
If the trader is able to generate more wins than losses with the average loser being less or equal to the average winner, it is definitely a recipe for a financial independence.
It is a statistically sound approach and it is sustainable in the long run.
Apart from the points above, the trader should consider other variables like trading times, asset class, brokers etc.
It is important to get all variables tested before deciding to use them.
Profitable binary options trading strategies combine only the most efficient choices.
This is the technique I developed trading binary options.
This is the technique I want to share with you today.
This technique generated 150 return by risking only 5 per trade.
End of Day options.


Back in 2013 I started to experiment with strategy and different expiry options.
I tried every time frame offered by the broker.
1,5, 10 minutes, 1 hr.
I have tested each strategy and tried to match them with the expiries.
My trading logic was sound and I could be more than 60 accurate in the short term but I knew I might not always sustain 60 accuracy.
I would struggle to generate profits in the long run due to poor pay-outs.
I had to be over 60 accurate at the 80 pay-out to break even.
On the top of that I had to account for human mistakes, missed trades, losing streaks and loss of confidence and more.
I was ready to give up when I discovered END OF DAY OPTION.
End of Day expiry options changed everything.
You can close End of Day binary option before it expires getting back some premium on losing positions.
And this is not something your broker is advertising.
Example I bought 100 CALL option at 5 30pm expire end of day 10pm.
If it was an option less than one-day expiry 1,5,10 min, 1hour , I would lose my full 100 if the option expired out of money nor I would be able to close the option before it expired.
End of day binary option holds some value during its lifetime and it can be can closed before it expires.
In the case where the market going against me, I can close the out of money option and get back some premium.
This means that if I bought a CALL option of 100 and it went against me, I would be able to close it before it expired and I would get back 10- 20.
In this scenario, my losers are getting closer to my winners and I shift the odds in my favour.
I traded End of day binary options for almost two years generating awesome returns.
I manged to keep my losers as big as my winners and my accuracy was outstanding.
You can close your positions up to 15min before the exchange closes.
The closing time varies between the brokers.
Please check opening hours before you start trading.
See some notes from my journal.
Please pay attention to the accuracy and the average loss vs an average gain.
April Performance.
I managed to retain a long term average accuracy of the system with 11 winning positions against only 5 losses.
The average loss also met expectations and stayed well below the pay-out amount.
My trading account grew astonishing 36.
4 in just four weeks.
May performance.
Placed 21 trades in May, this included an astonishing 16 winning positions and only five losers, giving an overall accuracy of 76.
This is beyond the long term average accuracy of the system.
The average loser amount remained within expectations and stayed below the average winning payout.
Total nominal winnings amounted to 3530.
3 and loses showed -911.
The account growth rate doubled since the last month and reached 63.
Had maximum two consecutive losses in May recorded in the trading account.
Trading was performed in the live environment applying strict money management techniques.
July performance.
Recorded 17 winnings and one loss.
This accounts for 94 accuracy in the month of July.
My Trading account added 3,948 fresh equity and gave up only 70.
1 in the process.
From 08th July to 30th July I recorded 14 consecutive winning positions.
It is needless to say, this is outstanding result and all time achievement.
The monthly account growth read 67 and remained within long term expectations.
As of today, the total equity accounts for 11,393 and stand for 570 growth in two quarters.
All signals allowed a decent amount of time to fill the positions and provided an easy opportunity to trade.
The above signals performance is 100 live traded.
August performance.
21 trades in August, only 6 ended the day in money and 3 resulted in loss.
Had 9 trading days with no signals and 3 of the trades did not fill due to fast moving prices.
September performance.
September 2014, as expected brought back to the more normal trading conditions.
I placed a total of 19 trades.
Recorded 14 winning positions and incurred 5 losing trades.
This accounts for almost 74 accuracy.
This is slightly above the long term average.
Unfortunately, the average loss climbed above the average win this month.
This was due to higher than normal volatility during the US session.
I grew the account by a healthy 35.
These are only a few months of notes but its needless to say that trading End of day options are the way to beat the binary markets.
For most of my trading I manged to keep loses near or below winners and keep the accuracy way above 60.
As you can see from the figures, this is a really profitable technique.
My Binary options trading strategy generates 150 risking 5.
So now you know how to shift the odds to your advantage.
All you need now is a trading strategy that generates over 60 winners.
I developed a few things about the strategy to trade these specific options.
I used to place only one trade per day between 3 5pm gmt and I let it expire if it was in money or I closed it if I knew it was going to expire out of money.
I was right on balance and got better with my judgment over time.
The binary options are priced based on time and volatility.
More volatility in the price action causes the premium to disappear.
It is important to avoid high volatility day when using this strategy.
As less is going on the market, as more profitable the strategy gets.
It is a simple daily swing strategy based purely on price action.
It allowed me to place pending orders so it wasn t time consuming at all.
It took 10 min a day to setup a pending order on MT4 and copy to my binary account.
It allowed me to be out of the market at the end of the day.
It suited my lifestyle at the time.
It performed the best on GBPUSD and EURUSD during low volatility periods.
It was deeply tested in any conditions before put to use with real money.
I believe you are a professional trader and you could try any of your own methods.
There are many trading techniques to apply but if you like to get this trading method together with MT4 indicators and templates.
Ready to move your trading to another level.
Get my Binary Option Strategy E Book.
99 One Time Payment.
With all my heart.
I ADVISE YOU TO STAY AWAY from trading intra-day maturity binary options.
You will not succeed in the long run.
The maths simply don t add up.
This kind of trading is a pure gamble and it lacks basic risk management features.
But if trading binaries suits your personality, you can still enjoy it, but please lower your risk and.
use only End of Day or longer options.
You might ask me how come I don t trade it anymore full time.
Well I do but now I use it rather to hedge my cash positions in FX.
This is now part of a bigger trading approach I take.
I do like FX better.
I can generate less profits from trading FX but I take less risk.
I like to trade less and keep my winning positions for longer.
I suppose my risk appetite is changing with my age.
Every trader needs to find a strategy that suits him her.
If you liked this article.
I would really appreciate if you could share it with fellows traders.
I hope this will help them to beat the game in the long run.
Stay humble.


Pocketoption binary options scams.
When you are new to trading, then you try out different brokerages so that you can get hold of the best option.
Now, the problem is that most of the brokerages make big claims but cannot live up to their word, and one such option is Pocket Option.
Pocket Option came on the forefront in 2017.
This brokerage claims to be offering more than 100 assets.
Well, the truth is that most of the other brokerages offer a better number when it comes to the available assets.
Detailed insight about the demo is missing.
Pocket Option offers a demo account.
However, they have not mentioned the features that they offer through their demo.
This is why you cannot be sure whether the demo will offer value to you or not.
Social Trading may not be the best feature for seasoned traders.
Now, Pocket Option does offer the social trading facility.
This may sound like good news to most of the new traders.
The reality is that social trading is only a good choice if you are just starting your trading career.
If you are a seasoned trader, then you should not rely on this feature because this will hamper your growth and you will refrain from coming up with your trading strategies.
Education Center missing.
When we checked out the website of Pocket Option, then we could not locate the education center textual content.
We could just get our hands on a single trading video.
The education center is a mandatory section of any brokerage website.
The education center usually offers detailed insight about trading and the exclusive features of the brokerage.
If new traders decide to opt for Pocket Option, then they will surely feel handicapped due to the absence of the Pocket Option education center.
Interestingly the education option is there on the website, but it just navigates the trader to the demo.
Signals not reliable.
Now, it seems that Pocket Option does offer trading signals.
What you need to understand as a trader is that the trading signals are just a starting point and you cannot follow the signals blindly.
At the moment there is no certainty whether Pocket Option signals are reliable.
Account information missing.
Another essential aspect that we missed is that Pocket Option does not state the account types available on the site.
As a trader, you cannot blindly sign up for an account.
You need to have a fair idea about the account types.
Every brokerage site has a detailed FAQ section which addresses the most important questions related to the brokerage.
However, these questions are missing in case of Pocket Option.
This can be quite confusing for a trader who is desperately searching for answers to his concerns.
The promised pay-outs also seem to be unrealistic.
Is Pocket Option Legit or a Scam.
Your selected brokerage will play a crucial role in your trading success.
This is why you need to use your discretion in this regard.
The Autorité des marchés financiers AMF issues a public warning against the activities of Pocket Option.
After observing the aspects mentioned above we do not recommend Pocket Option by any means, so we encourage you to avoid it.
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One thought on Pocket Option Review.
BUENAS, cual es la mejor pajina en opciones binarias.
️NEW Pocket Option.
com Reviews SCAM or LEGIT.
Newbie Member.
I want to introduce you to the Broker Pocket Option.
I personally have been trading binary options for 6 years.
At that time I was still at IQoption, but because this broker was no longer able to offer binary options due to certain guidelines, I switched to the broker Pocket Option and trading for 2 years with this broker.
I also made a lot of videos and showed a lot how to successfully trade binary options.
For 2 years I had over 300 videos on binary options on youtube, then youtube blocked me when I started videos on Bitcoin and Cryptos, since then I upload my videos to BitChute.
for all binary options friends, I can really recommend this broker.
I would now like to show you what this broker can do and what it offers.
In the end I show you my success.
A summary for a quick overview.
-Regulated by the FMRRC - Deposit from 50 - Payout from 10 with Crypto from 50 - Payment with ADV Cash Visa Master, Perfect Money BTC and other crypto and many more.
- Language in over 13 countries - 24h support - Trade in the demo account and familiarize yourself with the Platform.
- Payout for 2 years no problems.
- Choose your trades from 1 min to 4 hours - Trade from 1 and limit the risk.
- Offers currencies, cryptocurrencies, commodities and stocks.
- Pocket Option has been on the market for several years and is enjoying itself increasingly popular.
SOCIAL TRADING Copy trades of the most successful traders in one click or automatically Beware of social trading copy trading Trading yourself is safer.
TOURNAMENTS Tournaments for players on the platform.
Join now, try your best and win amazing prizes.
There is something like a treasure chest and successes at the broker.
It s a little gimmick by the way.
You get gems depending on the success and amount of trades made.
These gems can be exchanged for little extras.
for example for risk-free trades and much more.
The broker also offers a web and app function.
Adroid, IOS, Web and WebApp I myself also trade a lot via the app, for which I have already made many videos and showed how one can best trade with a certain strategy via the app on the smartphone.
So much for the introduction to the broker.