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US Treasury says no major trading partners met criteria for currency manipulation

Started by forex4you, Nov 08, 2023, 05:42 am

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US Treasury says no major trading partners met criteria for currency manipulation

  • China, Germany, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam on monitoring list
  • Vietnam added back to the list after current account surplus exceeded threshold
  • Switzerland and South Korea removed from monitoring list
  • China remains on monitoring list due to lack of transparency around exchange rate policy and large surplus with US
  • Estimates that intervention to strengthen yuan was not strong enough to exceed criteria during monitoring period

I have long maintained that if Switzerland wasn't named a manipulator during the period when it was openly manipulating EUR/CHF at 1.20, then no one will be.

                This article was written by Adam Button at www.forexlive.com.

Source: US Treasury says no major trading partners met criteria for currency manipulation

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