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The beginner's guide to FX trading.

Started by admin, Oct 19, 2019, 08:02 am

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The beginner's guide to FX trading.
School of Pipsology.
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Course 1 of 11.
Currency trading? Forex trading? FX trading? Totally clueless about Forex? Here's an introduction to the foreign exchange market.
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Course 2 of 11.
Learn the basics on how to choose a Forex broker and analyze the currency markets.
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Course 3 of 11.
The beginner's guide to technical analysis.
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Course Outline.
Grade 1 Support and Resistance Levels Grade 2 Japanese Candlesticks Grade 3 Fibonacci Grade 4 Moving Averages Grade 5 Popular Chart Indicators.
Course 4 of 11.
M >Learn how to properly use chart indicators, spot chart patterns and use pivot points.
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Course Outline.
Grade 6 Oscillators and Momentum Indicators Grade 7 Important Chart Patterns Grade 8 Pivot Points.
Course 5 of 11.
Summer School.
Take your technical analysis and chart reading skills to another level by learning Elliott Wave Theory and harmonic price patterns.
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Course 6 of 11.
High School.
Dig deeper into more technical analysis concepts like trading divergences, breakouts and using multiple time frames on your charts.
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Grade 9 Trading Divergences Grade 10 Market Environment Grade 11 Trading Breakouts and Fakeouts Grade 12 Fundamental Analysis Grade 13 Currency Crosses Grade 14 Multiple Time Frame Analysis.
Course 7 of 11.
Undergraduate - Freshman.
Learn how to gauge whether the market is bullish or bearish, how to trade during news releases and how to potentially make money without price moving.
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Course 8 of 11.
Undergraduate - Sophomore.
Learn how other asset classes like stocks, bonds and commodities can affect the foreign exchange market.
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Course 9 of 11.
Undergraduate - Junior.
Learn how to develop a trading plan, create a trading system and maintain a trading journal.
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Course 10 of 11.
Undergraduate - Senior.
Develop the proper risk management skills and mindset so you don't become part of the 95% of new traders who end up losing all their money.
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Course Outline.
Course 11 of 11.
Some final words of wisdom before you venture out into the challenging world of trading Forex.
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Course Outline.
You only have to do a very few things right in your life so long as you don't do too many things wrong. Warren Buffett.
BabyPips.com helps individual traders learn how to trade the Forex market.
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Forex Trading Forum.
Kristallnacht in HK. HK [email protected] 03:55 GMT 10/06/2019 . The only reason that Israel MacroMicro, suspect that I don't care about the HK destruction, is because of his Jewish point relating to the original Kristallnacht event.
If I didn't mention this word(Kristallnacht ), likely he will not jump.
I mentioned it because of the so many pieces of broken showcases-glass on the sidewalk at that day. You can't infer anything else out of that post.
Kristallnacht event(loss of Jewish properties) and the Holocaust in general, were the reason for Jews to demand and accept reparation-money from Germany after WW2(for properties and loss of lives). Does it mean that they were cynical and didn't care for the victims? (Even if some may used this money to buy Volkswagen cars:).
So Israel MacroMicro, if your family may have been among the survivors who received reparations from Germany, you may contemplate about sending back this money to Germany!
Retracements are a key to trading. They both test your resolve to stay with a position while providing opportunities for new trades,
It is the latter that I focus on and the reasons why the logic behind it works.
Kristallnacht in HK. dc CB 00:46 GMT 10/06/2019 Israel MacroMicro 20:24 GMT October 4, 2019 thread's title: Kristallnacht in HK.
**JP: after your masterpiece of cynicism** U deserve a song.
GVI Trading. Potential Price Risk Scale AA: Major, A: High, B: Medium.
Mon 7 October 2019 No major data Tue 8 October 2019 AA 12:30 US- PPI Wed 9 October 2019 B 14:00 US- JOLTS A 14:30 US- EIA Crude Thu 10 October 2019 A 08:30 GB- Output, Trade, GDP A 11:30 EZ- ECB Minutes A 12:30 US- Weekly Jobless AA 12:30 US- CPI Fri 11 October 2019 AA 12:30 CA- Emoloyment A 14:00 US- Flash Univ of Michigan.
Gold next week; A raging bull on the loose. Mtl JP 10:06 GMT 10/05/2019 nh 09:03 your pal at the long bar (get ya home)
1596 begins to twinkle.
You know very well that by trading you take a contrary position against another trader.
So when you profit, another trader loses, and may go broke and commit suicide.
So a "morally sensitive" person like you should not be on this forum and criticize other people on moral grounds.
If you are a trader, let me call you by your proper name: . "MacroMicro the HYPOCRITE".
I have been updating this forum about HK events B4 you appeared here, which seems to me like a waste of time.
So for all: Find your info. by yourself.
You have a mistake.
I was short gold at that time, so I published bull-news for gold so others will buy, I added shorts, and then when gold dropped few pips I profited. That's the way I victimize people.
I am always inspired by the Rothschild's story who profited large out of the battle of Waterloo. Did they(Rothschild) mind soldiers lives at war? Or just thought only about enriching themselves at that moment(like me).
With this cool blood money, later Baron Rothschild established the Palestinian Jewish Colonization Association (PICA). A strong supporter of Zionism(Baron Rothschild), his large donations lent significant support to the movement during its early years, which helped lead to the establishment of the State of Israel.(WIKI)
This is how the world go round:))))
Sorry for not answering you immediately, as I was busy wrecking few stores in the city which are symbols of oppression to the hK people; Best 360, Maxims, Bank of China.
Stay tuned, will keep you updated.
Friday Amazing Trader Checklist dc CB 22:22 GMT 10/04/2019 AT Trader john 18:05 GMT October 4, 2019 Friday Amazing Trader Checklist: Reply Fed's Powell says nothing of interest to traders.
Yeh Nutin' happened today. At least in this universe.
Kristallnacht in HK. Israel MacroMicro 20:24 GMT 10/04/2019 thread's title: Kristallnacht in HK.
JP: after your masterpiece of cynicism, I woder if a dishwasher from hkg talking events from Nazi era Germany in context of Chinese kids looking for higher allowance is a base to enter a trade. have a good weekend.
Kristallnacht in HK. Mtl JP 19:04 GMT 10/04/2019 MacroMicro 18:39 re "sad!" - From G-V's home page: "We produce Forex trading ideas!"
Happiness is . preferably trading ideas that drip positive pips into account. Can be from elephants a$$ or "home city in fire" i.e. profit from circumstance.
For romantic happiness: see e-harmony.
Friday Amazing Trader Checklist Mtl JP 18:49 GMT 10/04/2019 with bit more than hour to go DJIA uP 304 pts or +1.16%
According to Deutsche Bank's Ruskin:


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Cara Belajar Dan Menguasai Trading Forex.
Bagaimana urutan atau langkah yang benar dalam belajar trading Forex?
Banyak orang ingin mempelajari Forex, tetapi bingung dari mana memulainya. Forex memang luas sekali, dan bahkan trader yang sudah ahli pun pasti masih terus belajar. Bagi pemula, berikut ini adalah langkah mudah untuk belajar trading Forex.
Langkah 1: Sekilas pandang? Apakah Anda sama sekali belum tahu tentang Forex? Sabar, sekilas saja, ada baiknya menyimak artikel berikut. Baca: Pengenalan Dasar Trading Forex Baca: Pelaku Forex.
Langkah 2: Apa yang membuat orang melirik Forex? Jelas keuntungan/uang. Banyak yang memimpikan keuntungan besar dari modal kecil dengan bertrading Forex. Ini sebenarnya kurang tepat, karena potensi profit Forex yang besar juga disertai dengan risiko besar pula. Namun, ada faktor lainnya, yaitu faktor fleksibilitas dalam waktu, modal, serta kemudahan perangkat yang dibutuhkan, sehingga menjadikan Forex semakin diminati. Baca: Kelebihan Trading Forex Baca: Mendapat Uang Dari Forex.
Langkah 3: Fakta di lapangan: resiko tinggi Karena Anda tergiur, lalu Anda dengan semangat tinggi ingin secepatnya terjun di Forex. Tapi, tunggu dulu, menurut laporan data statistik, hanya 10% saja yg bisa jadi kaya, sisanya gagal (naik turun, bahkan sampai dengan bangkrut) lho. Karenanya, belajar trading Forex tidak bisa selesai dalam sehari, melainkan perlu ditekuni secara bertahap. Baca artikel dibawah ini. Baca: Resiko Trading Forex.
Langkah 4: Pertimbangkan Antara potensi kaya (langkah 2) dan fakta bahwa Forex itu berisiko tinggi (langkah 3) pertimbangkan dulu. Jangan memaksa, dan lihat ke tipe/model personal Anda. Apakah saya model orang yang bisa menerima trading Forex yang seperti ini. Jika Anda berpikir 'belajar trading Forex dulu, coba, baru memutuskan', maka lanjutkan langkah berikutnya. Jika Anda tidak cocok dengan resikonya, maka tutup halaman ini. Jika Anda tertantang dan tertarik di Forex, maka pastikan bahwa Anda serius serius serius belajar trading Forex, kenapa? awas faktor resiko diatas bisa membuat Anda masuk ke 90% golongan yang gagal. Jangan sampai ini terjadi pada diri Anda. Langkah 5: Anda Ingin Menjadi Trader Forex Sukses Jadi sekarang, mulailah belajar, belajar, belajar, dan berlatih. Caranya: Baca semua artikel pada sub Belajar Trading Forex ini Baca semua artikel pada sub Sekolah Forex Khusus pada sub 'Sekolah Forex' ini materi belajar trading Forex disusun dengan terstruktur dan level berjenjang (TK,SD,SMP, dst) sehingga lebih mudah untuk diikuti. Beberapa artikel memang sangat panjang dalam 1 halaman, seperti contohnya halaman yang Anda sedang baca sekarang. Untuk itu jika sudah lelah jangan Anda paksakan, Anda bisa bookmark dulu halaman ini dan kunjungi lagi esok ketika Anda sudah refresh kembali. Materi-materi belajar trading Forex berikutnya yang sekiranya perlu Anda baca adalah: Pengenalan Forex, Dasar Analisa, Analisa Teknikal, dan Analisa Fundamental. Tentunya topik materi ini tidak mengikat, Anda bebas untuk menyelami yang lain. Tapi paling tidak di tahap awal Anda harus mengerti hal-hal tersebut.
Apabila Anda ingin bertanya jawab atau konsultasi terkait belajar trading Forex, Anda bisa menggunakan fasilitas tanya jawab gratis di seputarforex yaitu di Rubrik Tanya Jawab.
Langkah 6: Anda Telah Mengenal Dasar Analisa Forex Sampai tahap ini seharusnya Anda telah terbayang bagaimana kira-kira caranya meraih profit di Forex, yaitu dengan ilmu analisa Forex. Ilmu utama itu adalah Analisa Teknikal dan Fundamental. Apabila pemahaman Anda sekitar 40-50% dari hasil baca/belajar sebelumnya, maka lanjut ke langkah berikutnya. Apabila belum, perbanyak waktu belajar trading Forex Anda dan pahami lebih banyak lagi.
Langkah 7: Belajar trading Forex dengan akun demo Baca judul dengan baik: belajar dan berlatih. Setelah paham dasar-dasar Forex, Anda masih perlu berlatih, artinya belum ada uang disini. Caranya: Baca dan ikuti petunjuk pada artikel sub 'Berlatih Akun Demo'. Dengan fasilitas ini, gunakan metatrader + akun demo untuk mengakselerasi proses pemahaman dan pembelajaran Anda akan analisa fundamental dan teknikal.
Bersamaan dengan itu, hal penting yang perlu Anda tahu adalah tentang aplikasi metatrader. Baca, pahami, dan kuasai pula. Tentang metatrader bisa dilihat di sub topik belajar metatrader.
Langkah 8: Mengetahui sumber dan bahan acuan belajar trading Forex Dari pembelajaran diatas tentang analisa, sekarang pasti Anda akan memerlukan sumber yang bisa dijadikan acuan. Berikut dibawah adalah beberapa situs/sumber yang cukup menarik.
Langkah 9: Bagaimana Hasil Latihan Akun Demo Anda? Tentunya sekarang ini Anda bisa mengukur dan melihat performa trading pribadi Anda lewat akun demo tersebut. Nah, gimana hasilnya? O ya, sampai sekarang ini Anda sudah jalan/latihan berapa bulan? Baguskah profitnya? Konsisten? Dari pengalaman-pengalaman, kebanyakan udah pada amblas tuh uang demo nya, lainnya, naik turun, pusing.
Rekomendasi: Bagus, jadi Anda tahu kalau Forex itu susah. Kegagalan itu biasa. Jadi, tetap lanjutkan belajar trading Forex dan latihan Anda.
Langkah 10: Poin Penting, Psikologi Trading Kalau Anda berhasil menguasai diri Anda dan trading tanpa emosi, maka Anda bisa menguasai Forex. Tetapi kalau masih sering terseret emosi, marah karena loss terus, serakah saat kebetulan profit, maka Anda akan sulit berkembang. Jadi sekarang coba cari artikel-artikel tentang psikologi trading.
Langkah 11: Poin Penting, Money Management Belajar trading Forex erat sekali hubungannya dengan psikologi. Dalam psikologi trading ada hal-hal tentang emosi keserakahan, balas dendam, dsb. Psikologi kacau balau begitu pasti akan mengobrak-abrik pengaturan dana Anda, yang berujung pada ketahanan modal trading habis dan semrawut. Jadi sekarang cari artikel tentang money management dan manajemen risiko, dan ingat ini adalah sangat-sangat penting sekali.
Langkah 12: Poin Penting, Trading Forex = Bisnis Dalam bisnis, ada naik ada turun, perlu perawatan, pengembangan, inovasi, evaluasi, dan pembangungan secara terus menerus. Hal ini sama dengan trading Forex. Daripada Anda mengejar cap 'Trader Sukses', bagaimana jika melihat trading Forex sebagai perjalanan dimana dari langkah ke langkah Anda terus mengalami peningkatan knowledge dan profit. Dengan begitu, langkah perjalanan Anda semakin mantap dan konsisten.
Langkah 13: Rahasia Sistem Trading Pribadi Sampai pada langkah ke-13 dalam tahapan belajar trading Forex ini, Anda telah mengetahui sebagian besar dasar analisa, cara, strategi, dsb. Jadi sekarang buatlah sistem trading Anda sendiri. Sistem trading ini adalah sistem trading unik yang pas buat Anda sendiri. Tentunya dalam taraf pembuatan Anda bisa baca sana-sini, bisa gabungkan sana-sini. Tapi ingat, yang diperlukan adalah sistem trading yang sesuai dengan Anda. Cara logika analisa Anda, Emosi Anda, Psikologi Anda, Waktu Anda, dsb.
Langkah 14: Wah, kok saya masih gini-gini saja ? Performa akun demo saya payah. Gampang, Santai Aja kali! Coba tutup dulu semua, bersantai, dan refreshing. Kalau kepala dan emosi sumpek, maka melakukan apapun hasilnya takkan bagus. Refreshing dan ganti suasana sekali waktu pun banyak gunanya.
Langkah 15: Proses Kreasi Sistem Trading. Lho kok diulang lagi? Iya.. soalnya trading Anda masih payah. Jadi, Anda perlu banyak baca artikel-artikel Forex di Seputarforex. Simak materi-materi belajar trading Forex yang belum dipahami. Kalau masih bingung, Anda perlu googling artikel di internet. Cari teman buat tanya jawab forum Forex juga salah satu sarana yang bagus. Intinya: Peningkatan Knowledge + Penguasaan Diri + Latihan Intensif => Terciptanya Sistem Trading Dimana inti diatas ini harus berjalan bersama-sama.
Langkah 16: Wow, 6-12 bulan ini akun demo saya profit dan konsisten Wah, kejutan, selamat. Tetapi tidak bisa dibilang Anda sudah jadi trader sukses. Anda sendirilah yg menilai. Tapi kalau suah punya bukti 12 bulan hasil bagus, tidak ada alasan lagi untuk menahan Anda untuk terjun ke dunia Forex trading real.
Langkah 17: Anda trading di akun real sekarang. Beberapa poin penting disini: Akun demo tak beresiko, tapi di akun real uang Anda benar-benar bisa hilang . Jadi akan ada efek psikologis yang bisa mengacaukan. Jelaslah sekarang Anda merasa lebih emosional, takut, dsb. Hal ini bisa membuat Anda tidak mengikuti sistem trading yang semula telah Anda ciptakan. Hati-hati untuk ini dan persiapkan mental. Anda perlu belajar tentang broker Forex, tapi kalau yang ini sih relatif mudah, intinya cuman bagaimana memilih broker Forex yang baik, dan tepat untuk Anda. Bisa dibaca pada rubrik ini.
Langkah 18 s/d Unlimited: Terima Kasih, Dan Terserah Anda. Sangatlah susah untuk menjabarkan secara berurutan apabila Anda telah dalam tahap mastering/penguasaan trading. Untuk mengikuti langkah-langkah belajar trading Forex di atas dengan baik dan urut, itupun jarang orang yang mau meluangkan waktu. Bahwa Anda sudah berhasil sampai disini, itu menunjukkan tekad lebih tinggi daripada orang lain. Jadi terus gimana? mungkin saat ini Anda sudah lebih master dari kami; ini bisa jadi, mengapa tidak ? Jadi Anda lebih tahu langkah selanjutnya yang pasti lebih cocok untuk Anda pribadi.


Jika Anda ada waktu, ijinkan kami untuk memberikan contoh analogi kasus.
Saat pertama dan awal, seorang ahli bela diri akan belajar ilmu. Jurus, fisik, pernafasan, tenaga dalam, dsb. Jurus bisa puluhan, fisik bisa bikin tubuh babak belur. Nah, ketika ada pertandingan, bagaimana ya kalau saat di lapangan ahli tersebut harus mengingat jenis jurus di kepala, sebelum dia menangkis serangan lawan. Bisa telat, bisa juga tidak, tergantung speed lawan. Apa iya sih seperti jurus A harus lawan dengan jurus Z, jurus B lawan dengan jurus X, apa ada satu-satu rumusnya gitu. Bisa-bisa kena bogem duluan tuch sebelum inget jurusnya. Eh tapi ternyata latihan fisik Anda bagus, jadi kena bogem pun santai aja kali.
Suatu waktu Ahli beladiri ini ketemu lawan spesial dimana ternyata dia baru sadar kalau ada tenaga dalam lebih kuat daripada dia. Nah, setelah itu dia bertekad akan mencari cara untuk meningkatkan level tenaga dalamnya. (haha, seperti film/game aja)
Yach gitu deh, semoga Anda bisa dapat pencerahan, mau urutan bagaimana, apa yang akan dipelajari lagi, semua itu relatif, setiap orang bisa berbeda-beda.
Artikel ini dibuat semampu kami dengan keterbatasan, semoga dapat memberikan arahan yang tepat. Tidak ada jaminan Anda sukses karena artikel ini. Namun supaya Anda lebih cepat dalam belajar trading Forex, itulah harapan kami.
Kalau kebetulan ada Master-Master Forex yang menemukan Artikel ini, mohon kiranya berbagi tips, saran, ilmu, dsb. lewat kotak komentar dibawah ini.


Forex Trading - What You Should Know.
Before you throw yourself head first into Forex trading, risk your hard earned capital and potentially draw-down your Forex trading account we suggest you take some time to educate yourself on the upsides and the potential downsides of the FX market.
Here at Netpicks, we are big fans of the Forex market in terms of day trading and swing trading. While sometimes trading the Futures version of a currency is a good play, there is often more liquidity in the OTC market which will improve your fills.
One of the biggest reasons for trading FX is the leverage that is available. While leverage is a double edged sword, for those that understand leverage and the risks involved, it is not the demon it is often made out to be.
With leverage of 50:1 or in some cases much more (depending on where you live) there's no question the ability to have a substantial Return on Investmen t (ROI) is possible but newer traders in particular forget that leverage can also lead to much larger risk.
Forex Trading Is Big Business.
It often helps to have some information about the markets you will trade and with FX, you are entering one of the largest markets in the world.The foreign exchange market dwarfs the combined operations of the New York, London, and Tokyo futures and stock exchanges.
According to its size and scope it is many times larger than all other markets .
Stats shows that spot transactions and forward outright Forex trading take place in the inter-bank market.
51% of the market is in spot Forex transactions, 32% in currency swap transactions. Forward outright Forex transactions represent another 5% of this daily turnover Options on 'interbank' Forex transactions making up another 8%. Graphic courtesy of http://www.fideliscm.com/
Therefore the inter-bank market accounts for 96% of the global foreign exchange market , with the remaining 4% being divided among all the global futures exchanges.
For traders, Forex trading provides an alternative to stock market trading. While there are thousands of stocks to choose from, there are only a few major currencies to trade (the Dollar, Yen, British Pound, Swiss Franc, and the Euro are the most popular).
Forex trading also provides a lot more leverage than stock trading, and the minimum investment to get started is a lot lower.
Add to that the ability to choose flexible trading hours (Forex trading goes on 24 hours a day) and you have the reason why so many stock traders have flocked to day trade currencies.
Why Are Two Currencies Listed?
When trading Forex, you are betting on the strength of one currency against the weakness of another. Each currency is given a name and the first is called the base currency and the second is the quote currency.
The most popular traded currency pair is the EURO/USD and due to the popularity of this pair, you can often get less than 1 pip spread.
So what do you do with a pair of currencies?
Let's use an example where you purchase the EURO and on the flip side, you are selling the USD to buy the EURO. What you generally see in a Forex quote screen is the following:
What this means is if you want to buy the EURO using USD, it will cost you $1.4502 USD to purchase $1.00 EURO. Conversely, you can sell 1 EURO for 1.4500.
What is the spread?
See that "2" difference between the two prices? That is called the spread and equate to 2 pips. That is what the broker gets whether you win or lose. Hype touts commission free trading in Forex but the truth is you do pay every time you trade.
To make it a little easier, each rate has a name as you can see in the graphic, bid and ask. The "Bid" price is what the broker you use is willing to pay for (buy) the currency if you sell. The "Ask" price is what the broker will sell to you when you chose to buy.
A pip is short for "percentage in point" and represents a price change in a currency . A price change from 1.4500 to 1.4509 is a pip difference o f 9 pips.
When you hear/read a trader saying they made 30 pips, what they are saying is the price they bought/or sold went in their favor by 30 pips. This however gives you zero insight into how much money they made as each pip value for individual traders can be very different.
The value of that pip is going to depend on your position size which is dependent on your account size, leverage and risk % per trade.
What Trading System Will You Use To Trade?
A Forex trading system is a method of trading that uses objective entry and exit criteria based on parameters that have been validated by historical testing on quantifiable data.
Like all of our systems at Netpicks that have been put through the wringer with testing, you must back test the system you are considering and ensure there is an edge.
Everybody who is committed to making as much money as possible with foreign currencies needs to understand the importance of having the best Forex trading system possible that suits their trading goals.
The real benefit to having a system to rely upon to make trading decisions stems largely from the fact that we cannot really make the best decisions possible without having a framework in place.
Sample Trading System - Counter Punch Trader.
While it's certainly true that you can trade without actually having a strategy in place where you simply guess at market direction, your odds of being successful will be almost zero over the long term.
You need to have a basic strategy or framework in place that will govern all of the trading decisions that you make.
Invest in A Ready-Made And Tested FX System.
Fortunately, you don't need to invent your own Forex trading system. There are a wide variety of different trading systems that you can look at so as to be able to pick one that is most suitable for you and your goals.
What you should do if you are brand-new to the world of currency trading is familiarize yourself with some of the different currency trading approaches that exist.
Not only will this give you the vantage point of being able to see how others go about the process of trading currencies, it will also help introduce you to some of the different Forex trading system variables that (in some cases) are universal among all the different currency trading frameworks.
Above all else, it is important to realize that the only way to really make a determination as to which Forex trading system is best for you is to actually experiment with a wide variety of different systems to see what kind of results you get. It's not enough to simply look at the results obtained by somebody else.
At the end of the day, the only results that really matter are those that you were able to obtain for yourself through the use of a particular system. Therefore, you need to be open-minded to trying different approaches to see what kind of results you get.
Technical Analysis Trading In Forex.
There are some traders who will use the various technical methods for trading. This will be indicators, price patterns, market structure or in some cases, a combination of all of them. One of the most talked about technical analysis tool is support and resistance.
The way that many traders naturally view market price levels is as support and resistance where they can potentially take trades and define their level of risk.
The idea is a straight forward and sound one.
If you've identified that a price or price zone has acted as strong support for example and you believe the market might be about to move higher, then going long around this support with a stop beyond it is sensible in that it allows you to know exactly how much you are going to risk on the trade to see if it does then break higher.
Simple, Not Easy.
But a potential problem is that trading based on market price levels alone can lead to a blinkered trading approach.
It's all too easy to identify specific prices that have historically demonstrated their value as support or resistance and the temptation which follows is to take a trade at the price when it's revisited.
This however, is a recipe for disaster as every moment in the market is indeed a unique one .
Are the same traders who turned the market before going to be there again? Are the same market conditions present? Is the context the same?
When I'm talking about a level of support or resistance, I'm not talking about mathematically generated market price levels.
I'm not talking about pivot points or Fibonacci retracements for example.
What we are talking about are price levels where actual trading activity has previously entered the market and prevented prices from rising/falling further or started a larger move.
These market price levels can be weak just as they can be strong.
Weak levels can hold just as strong levels can fail.
So what any level is in reality is a reference to previous trading activity. Sometimes the market will turn from them, sometimes the market will break them and sometimes the market will push through them by just enough to stop you out before it reverses and moves to your target.
Whatever the market does, by observing the action at or around a level you are able to find precious context with which you may subsequently be able to identify excellent trading opportunities.


In order to better understand how context can be extracted from the market's reaction to a level, it's useful to discuss an example. In this ES primary session example, prices were dropping hard in spite of the fact that in early trading there had been a decent attempt at moving higher.
The first context was in fact that it wasn't able to hold above the prior session's high and close.
Support Trading Example.
As prices approached the prior day's low at 1620.75, selling was pretty decent and given that the earlier attempt to go up had failed, there was good reason to suggest that 20.75 wouldn't hold for too long if at all.
However, at 1621.50 there was a quick turnaround. In the face of all that selling, the ES rejected Monday's low before even getting there . It then tested lower a couple of times without getting close to making new lows and crucially it held. At this point, the chances of a move higher into close were elevated.
In the end, the ES pushed 57 ticks from its low to its last high before the RTH close. Using this context to support you, there was decent money to be made given the context .
Market Levels Can Be A Trading Edge In Forex.
Realistically though, there will be times when it's very profitable to take trades at specific levels. As already pointed out, the very fact that you are identifying market structure to define the amount of risk you are willing to take is certainly one compelling reason to use market price levels for entries.
Sometimes levels work so well that it's not hard to see why traders can be convinced at their unconditional validity.
However, if all market price levels were going to hold all of the time the markets would never move. So the question is that if you are going to enter at levels of support or resistance, which do you choose and when are they valid ?
The example above got very close to the low of the prior session without actually tagging it and so in this case it may have been a difficult trade to take. More importantly however, the test higher and increased selling into the level would've made it a difficult trade to justify at the time.
In order to trade at a level it's important to see context, confluence (ideally other reference points aligning) and the right sort of trading activity on approach, all working together.
Using A Technical Indicator.
There are many types of trading indicators that you can use but remember that all indicators are a derivative. They need input such as price/volume in order to move so they will lag behind the market. That does not make them useless though.
Indicators get a bad rap by many people but if used properly and minimizing the amount of trading indicators you use for Forex trading, you can sidestep that landmine.
For this example, I am not going to use an indicator that is talked about a lot such as moving averages. There are many pages written about that indicator and how it can be useful. I want to focus on the Keltner channel and how I personally use it for my trading.
I use the Keltner to give me an objective view of a market that is overextending and where extremes of price can be measured. This will often set up a reversal trade (given the proper context) or a pullback-continuation play.
It is mostly used to give a heads up to something that is happening outside the normal movement of price . I can then use a plan specific to what is occurring to look for a trading opportunity.
This is a great example of how I use the channel in FX (any market really).
Any time price hugs the top or bottom of the channel we can assume there is a lot of strength (or weakness) in the market.
Price action will tell you a story as seen by the grey arrow but the channel gave us a signal to be on alert. You can see there is not much conviction in each of the candles until there is the large momentum candle into highs.
Momentum Can Be Tricky.
Price is outside the channel and after seeing momentum like we did in that candle, you'd expect follow through. There isn't. Bulls take the last stand and are soundly rejected. In this context, a sudden burst of strength in an already strong market and failure to continue, a short trade is appropriate.
Price drops to the center line and briefly consolidates. It is not atypical to see price take another run to the downside with such a violent rejection of price as seen in the candles. This move marked the current high in the USDCAD Forex pair.
Notice that is was a combination of price action, price structure and a technical indicator that helped set up the astute trader to the current top in these currencies.
You'll find that although there's plenty of opportunity to spend money for trading services or "special indicators" , free Forex trading tools are some of the most useful that you will find during your online search.
For the most part, the trick is to know what you're looking for.
Plus it's also important to realize that although many websites offer a number of tools in one place, you'll find that you might tend to prefer certain sites that feature specific features that may suit your trading style.
You must know what news releases are upcoming. There are many that can cause the volatility in the markets to spike and you do not want to be taken out of a trade because of lack of information. You'll probably start with something like an economic calendar and many seem to gravitate to Forexfactory perhaps as they offer a substantial forum-based community.
But for FX calendars, I prefer Dailyfx. They also have tools and commentary available on their website. But perhaps the most substantial free economic calendar for Forex traders supplied by Investing. It is highly customizable with 85 different countries in the filter section along with the type of release and relative level of importance.
Forex NEWS.
There are a great number of mainstream free FX news sources online. Marketwatch and Bloomberg for example.
But these on their own are just not substantial enough when minutes and even seconds can sometimes make a big difference to your P/L. This is why I like financialjuice - a free financial news source aggregator that allows you to filter for your specific areas of interest and alerts you in real-time.
forexlive is also a fantastic site for current market information, order price levels and trade ideas.
But personally, the one critical news source to me as a day trader is a live news squawk. I like the one provided by talking-Forex as it keeps me up-to-date with all the current market moving information as it happens and gets me the economic figure releases in real-time.
There are a good number of sites out there that offer live, real-time Forex charts for free. One that I like a lot though is Tradingview. Their charts are high quality, feature-rich and run in any browser using html5.
Because they are also cloud-based, their servers do the "heavy lifting" reducing the need for high-powered trading systems. They also have a fantastic chart/idea sharing facility where you can view other traders' analyses.
Both fxstreet and forexticket have some useful tools too - pivot point calculators, FX volatility, correlation and more. Plus they also have great sections on current Forex analysis.
Another great tool is the currency heat map offered over at oanda and although it's primarily for stocks, finviz also offers some great fx heatmaps.
Forex Trading Wrap-Up.
We covered a lot of ground in this article but there is a lot more that you must learn before venturing out into the live markets with real money. Without question, the most vital component of Forex trading is risk management.
We have a great tutorial on risk management in trading that I hope you take the time to read. It is absolutely vital to your trading success.
If you are going to implement trading indicators in your trading, Netpicks has put together a superb guide to trading with indicators that comes with videos and a PDF at no cost to you.
There is much more to cover in regards to Forex trading and we have special Forex 1,2,3 trading course that is another gift to you.


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