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how do i brute force my wallet.dat to get my private key

Started by Bitcoin, Feb 11, 2022, 03:25 am

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how do i brute force my wallet.dat to get my private key

i am not really a computer programmer, but i want to get my private key from my wallet.dat, i have just the wallet.dat file and the public address where the bitcion was send. From my previous researches, i was told brute force the wallet is good to use, like i said i got just the wallet.dat file, but while trying to see on how i could proceed with the brute force process, it requires a hastcat and a master key whereas i have just the .dat file.

my question are

  1. how do i get the hashcat? is there a site i will go and putin some particular word to be able to get the hashcat? if yes which word?

  2. how do i get the master key as well since i have just the wallet.dat and the address in which the bitcoin was send to

Source: how do i brute force my wallet.dat to get my private key