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Started by PocketOption, Mar 22, 2021, 05:43 am

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How Binary Options Robots Differ.
A quick search online for binary options robots will return hundreds of results.
Each one is different, sometimes substantially different.
To make the right choice for your needs, you have to understand the main differences.
Algorithm or Brain.
Binary options robots come in three main types those that are completely algorithm based, those that have professional traders, and those that use a combination of algorithmic and real-life trades.
When choosing a robot, there is no right or wrong answer as it depends on your approach to risk and your personal preference.
To help you choose, here are the key features of each option.
Algorithmic-based robots This is where a computer program does all the market analysis and then makes trades based on the preferences of its users.
It brings with it all the benefits of automated trading and usually delivers the best returns.
Professional traders Real-life traders have some obvious limitations when compared to a computer-based trading system.
For example, they can t place as many trades in a day, and they are vulnerable to mistakes.
Many people like the human element, however, and the ability to move outside of the rigid rules of algorithmic trading.
Combination This is the best of both worlds option.
It usually works by the trader analyzing the market and deciding on the best trading strategy to use.
The bot then takes over to deliver the strategy by identifying opportunities that the strategy presents, generating signals, and making trades.
At each stage, however, there is a real-life person overseeing the process to make sure it is running optimally.
Most binary options robots you will find are purely computer based.
After all, one of the key objectives is to automate trading as much as possible.
You need to know the differences between the three, but it doesn t matter which one you choose.
All that matters is that you are happy with the way the bot works and that you are making money.
What About Meta Trader.
Meta Trader is a well-known trading platform with many traders using it to trade in currency and other assets.
It recent times, it has increasingly been used for trading binary options.
Is it really suitable for this highly specialized form of trading.
Meta Trader isn t a robot itself.
Instead, it facilitates the use of robots that you get elsewhere.
Some people program their own robots for use on Meta Trader, while others find free versions of bots available on forums and communities on the Internet.
In other words, Meta Trader has no in-built binary options functionality.
Some third parties do offer the ability to use it and connect it to your binary options broker.
Once connected, you can send and execute signals.
In theory, this works, but in reality, there are challenges.
Almost all free bots available on Internet forums and other informal locations have sub-standard algorithms.
They may give a return in the short term, although most don t.
Hardly any give a return in the long term.
This is because the market is a complete free-for-all, with anyone able to upload free bots to a forum without any sort of scrutiny or third-party evaluation.
Almost all free bots also use algorithms that are built with historical data.
If you could turn back the clock to run those bots under the same market conditions, you would make a tidy profit.
That doesn t mean the algorithm will work for current or future market conditions, however, and these algorithms are too simplistic to adapt.
In addition, this solution for binary options trading is not technically stable.
All too often signals are lost, while bugs and errors are common.
There may be good robots available on the Meta Trader platform for trading binary options, but we haven t come across any that meet our standards.
We, therefore, keep our focus on the professionally produced options that are specifically created for binary options traders and the binary options market.
What About Signal Providers.
All of the binary options robots we talk about in this article are complete robots.
This means they analyze the market to identify trading signals and then take action on those signals.
There is another option, though.
This is where the identification process and execution process is split.
In other words, you pay one provider to identify and send you trading signals and another provider to execute those signals.
It is an interesting trading model, and some people do suggest it has benefits, but we see too many problems.
The increased cost of paying two different providers.
This makes it harder to make a healthy return on investment.
Adding steps to a process, particularly where that step involves one entity communicating with another, which creates the potential for error.
Specifically, in this situation, signals are often lost.
This can seriously impact a trading strategy.
This is why we focus on complete bots those that both create and execute signals.
Money Management Strategies What Are They, and Why Are They Important.
One feature that you will find in some robots is money management.
With this feature, you can set a money management strategy so that trades are adjusted depending on your gains or losses.
In other words, it might place higher value trades if you are experiencing gains to maximize returns and lower value trades when on a downward trend in order to minimize losses.
If your binary options robot does not have this feature, it will trade the same amount every trade, regardless of your current investment position or account balance.
On the surface, it appears this is a good feature, but there is a complication There are good money management strategies and bad ones.
It is better not to have the feature at all rather than use a binary options robot that has a bad strategy.
Generally, the money management strategies utilized by robots fall into two categories.
In our experience, one is good, and the other is bad.
The good strategy This is the strategy mentioned above, where trades are increased when on a winning streak to maximize returns and reduced when on a losing streak to minimize losses.
We find this to be a stable strategy as you can make more money on good days while decreasing the possibility of blowing your budget on bad days.
The bad strategy Other robots work in the opposite way.
In other words, they increase the value of each trade whenever you make a loss.


The theory is that the increase will help you recover losses quicker, but it rarely works out like this.
In fact, if you get on a losing streak, even a small one, you will quickly lose everything.
And as every trader knows, losing streaks happen to everyone.
The odds of you surviving the inevitable losing streaks are very low with the bad strategy, so we advise all binary options traders to avoid it.
What do you do if your binary options robot does not offer a money management feature.
It is still possible to manage the level of trades manually, and it doesn t take too much time about two minutes a day.
To do this, you should set the value of each trade as a percentage of your account balance.
This could be one or two percent for example.
We recommend you don t go over three percent.
Each day you can check the percentage and adjust accordingly.
So let s say your account balance is 1,000 and you trade two percent of that balance in very trade.
That means each trade is 20.
However, you go on a losing streak over a few days, and your account balance drops to 900.
You would then change the value of each trade to two percent of 900, which is 18.
Applying simple mathematical formulas like this will help you get through the bad patches so you can maximize your returns during the good runs.
The Cost of Binary Options Robots.
Most binary options robots vary in price, somewhere between 200 and 500.
The more expensive options offer more features and have better track records, but you can still get good robots in the lower price brackets.
These costs are usually in the form of a one-off fee.
You will find other options, however, that are subscription based.
This means you pay no initial fee but then a monthly fee for every month you use the bot.
So which is better the higher one-off cost or the lower monthly fee.
Initially, the monthly fee is less costly, but after about six months, it becomes more expensive to use a robot on a monthly fee basis as opposed to a one-off cost.
As six months is not a long time in the world of binary options trading, we advise people to go for the one-off fee.
To reduce the risk of the initial cost, you can look for robots that offer a money back guarantee.
This means you can try the robot, and if you don t like it, you can get your money back as long as you do this within the timescale.
Some robots give you guarantees that are up to 60 days long, which means you have about two months to evaluate the platform totally risk free.
The Pricing Exception That Makes the Rule.
There is one well-known exception to the robot pricing models described above.
It is used by Binary Option Robot, a popular and successful trading platform.
It has a different business model than its competitors, which means you can use it free of charge.
It does this by charging the broker a fee rather than you.
The model works because traders have to use one of its approved brokers, so it gets its fee every time a new user signs up.
It is an effective pricing model because the robot is, in fact, bringing the broker a new client you, the trader.
In many ways, it makes sense to have a payment model based on this structure.
This makes Binary Option Robot a good choice, particularly for new traders, as you don t have any fees to pay and you will need to appoint a broker anyway.
In addition, the robot is actually pretty good and offers a good user environment, plenty of features, and good returns.
In addition, the brokers you can choose from are well known and respected in the industry.
Should You Get a Binary Options Robot, and Are They Worth It.
Now we are moving into the substantial questions Are binary options robots right for you, are they worth the money, and can you make a profit.
And if binary options robots are right for you, is Binary Option Robot the best one to go for.
Are Any Robots Worth the Money.
Let s first look at a simple fact and then run some numbers to see how it plays out in the real world.
The fact is a robot and a person will, theoretically, win an equal number of trades if they are using the same strategy.
Robots have no advantage over people in this regard.
However, robots can trade for longer, they don t need to take breaks, and they don t make mistakes.
Now let s see what that does when you run the numbers.
A typical part-time trader might trade for three hours a day every weekday and make three trades a day.
That works out to about 60 trades a month.
His or her winning percentage is 70 percent with a 70 percent payout.
Let s now compare this to a robot with the same winning and payout percentages.
That robot can trade 24 hours a day.
That is eight times longer than the person and means the robot will make 24 trades a day, or 480 trades a month.
In reality, the difference between the robot s level of trades and the person s is probably bigger as this does not take into account the days off that people take or the mistakes they make.
However, to keep the calculation simple, we will assume the minimum difference.
With 60 trades a month, the manual trader can expect to win about 42 of them.
The robot, on the other hand, can expect to win 336 of its 480 trades.
Remember, this is based on the robot hitting the same winning percentage.
The robot will, therefore, make 294 more trades than the person simply because it is able to trade 24 hours a day when a person cannot.
If every trade is 10 which is quite a low number , the potential difference in profit the robot will make is 2,940.
Now consider the cost of a binary options trading robot.
Even if you choose the most expensive at around 500, that is still much less than the potential increase in profits you can make in the first month of trading.


What About Binary Option Robot.
As already mentioned, Binary Option Robot is a free platform, but does that mean it is the best choice for you.
Here are some of the features you get with the system, which will help you make a decision.
Profit monitoring In Binary Option Robot, you can see at a glance the balance and profit level you have with each broker connected to your system.
This makes it easy to monitor and make decisions.
Asset selection This is a unique feature that not many other robots offer.
It means you can individually select assets to trade according to your personal preference, your attitude to risk, or the general market position.
Stop-loss To keep you safe and to protect you money, Binary Option Robot offers a flexible and useful stop-loss feature.
Just set it at the level you need, and the system will automatically stop trading when the number of lost trades reaches that level.
This prevents a losing streak from draining money out of your account.
VIP features Binary Option Robot offers a number of VIP features, including a facility to set your risk level automatically.
You can also select from a number of pre-set trading strategies.
Binary Options Robot is, therefore, a good choice, even for people who are skeptical about this type of investment trading.
It is free, and risks are kept at a minimum, so there is little to lose from giving it a go.
What About Paying for a Robot Instead.
You have the option of going for a paid-for binary options robot, but is this a good decision when there is an alternative that is free.
In terms of features, usability, and potential returns, our opinion is no, it is not a good decision.
This is because Binary Option Robot is as good as the paid-for alternatives.
It may not be better, but why pay for something when you can get a product that is the same quality for free.
As always, however, there are exceptions.
Specifically, there are two types of traders that would be better off with a paid-for alternative.
Do you already have a broker.
If you do and you want to move to another robot, Binary Option Robot might not be an option.
You will find yourself in this situation if the broker you currently use is not on the preapproved list.
The only way you will be able to use Binary Option Robot is to close the account with your existing broker so you can get a new one.
This might not be worth the hassle or the cost.
Do you have a specific broker you want to use.
Even if you don t have an account with a broker yet, you might have one that you want to use.
They might have been recommended to you by a friend, or you may have found him or her when doing your own research.
This is a challenge if you want to use both your selected broker and Binary Option Robot but the broker is not preapproved.
In this situation, you will have to choose which is more important to you the broker or the robot as you can t have both.
While there are some specific circumstances where it makes sense to use a paid-for robot, in most cases, particularly with new traders, Binary Option Robot is the best choice.
Can You Test a Robot Before Risking Any Money.
Most people new to binary options trading take a cautious approach.
This lets them learn how everything works, plus they can find a robot or platform that suits their needs.
If you follow our four-step plan, you can evaluate a robot while risking minimal amounts of money.
Once you have completed the four steps and are happy with the results, you can start to ramp things up.
Step 1 Read expert reviews Taking advice from experts is good when making any significant purchase or financial decision.
Binary options trading is a specialized skill, however, so most people don t have direct access to an expert.
That is why websites like this and others are so helpful.
Here you will find tips, guides, and recommendations from people who have been involved in the industry for a very long time.
Step 2 Analyze past performance Most reputable binary options robots publish details of their trading performance that allow you to estimate their win ratio.
Some even give this figure up front.
You can then use this, along with the payout percentage, to analyze the robot s previous performance.
As an example, let s say a robot wins 70 percent of its trades and your broker has a 70 percent payout policy.
A 70 percent payout policy means you will get back 1.
70 for every 1 you invest in a winning trade your investment plus the 70 percent payout.
The sum for your calculation is therefore 0.
70, which equals 1.
As this number is greater than one, you will make a profit.
If the number was less than 1, you would take a loss, so you would be better choosing a different broker or a different robot.
Step 3 Run tests Testing a robot is easy if they offer a demo account as you can place dummy trades using real-life conditions with no risk to your money.
You can also test robots that do not offer demo accounts.
It takes a bit more work to test a robot that doesn t offer a demo account, but it can be done.
You first have to sign up and pay for the robot.
This will give you access to the members section and the signals created by the robot.
You can simply act as an observer for a period of time, noting how many of the trades were winners.
You can then feed this information into the calculation above to see the real potential of the bot and you will not have spent a penny except for the cost of the robot.
Provided you do this within the money-back guarantee period, you can get your initial fee back too if you don t like what you see.
Step 4 Start slow It is usually tempting to get going as quickly as possible once you reach this point.
In fact, many traders skip the first three points and jump straight to this one, eager to make as much money as possible.
We don t recommend that, though.
We prefer a more controlled approach, where you go through the three steps above and then get to this stage where you start trading at the minimum amount that your broker will allow.
As your knowledge and confidence improve, you can start increasing the value of your trades.


Which Robot Should You Choose.
In our opinion, Binary Option Robot is the best choice.
This applies to people new to trading because of its easy to use features and the fact that it is free.
It also applies to experienced traders too, as the range of features it offers are as good as any of the paid-for options.
Plus, it has a good track record of winning trades.
If you are not able to use Binary Option Robot, the choice becomes a little more difficult.
This is because it is not possible to recommend a single provider, as your reason for not choosing Binary Option Robot is probably that you want to use a particular broker.
As we don t know which robots work with your broker, we can t make a recommendation.
You will find plenty of reviews on our site of all robots, however.
This means you can get a list of the brokers you can use and cross-reference them with the information on this website.
Robots automate your binary options trading, allowing you to make more trades and to get started in the industry without spending months and lots of money learning how it works.
The Binary Option Robot platform is the best robot available because it is free, it is successful, and it is packed full of features.
Get started with Binary Option Robot today.
A Short History of Trading Systems.
One of the first recognized trading systems was launched in 1949.
It was started by Richard Donchian and was called Futures Inc.
It worked by using pre-set rules to create buy and sell signals.
Back then they didn t have the technology we have today.
Ticker tapes were used instead of the Internet and hand-drawn charts instead of computers.
Even with those challenges, it was successful, and today trading systems are used by banks, institutional investors, private investors, and more.
Things developed slowly after those initial pioneering days, although they started to pick up pace in the 1980s.
This was the era of legendary traders like John Henry and Richard Dennis.
They used mathematical rules to make trading decisions and were highly successful.
The technology was starting to improve too, and it was getting cheaper.
This gave more and more people access to trading systems.
By the 1990s investors could buy trading systems and use them on their own computers to analyze data and generate signals to send to their brokers.
Then the Internet came, and with it came live data and real-time access.
In the late 1990s the Chicago Mercantile Exchange made it possible for traders to trade directly with the exchange rather than go through the trading floor.
Trading systems could now fully take off.
And they did, starting a whole new industry of system-assist trading platforms.
These are off-the-shelf trading systems that traders can use without worrying about technical code or infrastructure.
They just pay a monthly subscription, and the trading system is theirs.
Are There Automated Software for Online Casinos.
People sometimes ask if there are automated software for online casinos, as there are sometimes similarities between binary options trading and online casino games such as slots.
Currently there is no software available for online casino players.
However, if you want to play online casino games, you should always try to find the best free spin offers as well as biggest deposit bonuses from casinogorilla.
References Further Reading.
Online Trading and the National Association of Securities Dealers Suitability Rule Are Online Investors Adequately Protected Renee Barnett On optimal portfolio trading strategies for an investor facing transactions costs in a continuous trading market Mark Loewenstein Analytic Treatment of a Trading Market Model Arnab Das and Sudhaker Yarlagadda Insiders profits, costs of trading, and market efficiency H.
Nejat Seyhun Systems and methods for providing an interactive trading application Lee Amaitis, Howard Lutnick Arbitrage, Continuous Trading, and Margin Requirements DAVID C.
JARROW The Economics of Stock Exchange Listing Fees and Listing Requirements Jonathan R.
Macey, Maureen O Hara The impact of SEC-required disclosure and insider-trading regulations on the bid ask spreads in the over-the-counter market Robert L.
Hagerman, Joanne P.
Linked In Earning Review Terran Capital System Review Millionaire Blueprint Review Cambridge Method Review Gold Binary Robot Review OptionBot 3.
0 Review Pro Binary Robot Review German Binary Robot Review Alive in 5 Review 10 Days Social Profit Review Alderley Code Review Daily Income Society Review Bank Tracker Bot Review AutoGain Review Underdog Millionaire Review GPS Trader Review SmartBotPro Review Binary Options Strategies Compound Trader Review Mirror Trader Review CharityProfits App Review Final Signals Review Perpetual Formula Review Does OptionStars Provide Auto Trading.


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Pocket Opzione Recensione Truffa o no.
recensione Minimo.
Deposito Account demo fruttare 4 5 50 s.
gratuito 90.
Pocket Option è una truffa o un azienda affidabile.
Scoprilo su questo sito.
Come un trader avanzato, ho controllato il broker di opzioni binarie per voi.
Leggi se vale la pena di investire i vostri soldi o no e ottenere le migliori informazioni nella mia recensione del 2019.
La homepage ufficiale di Pocket Option.
Che cos è Pocket Option.
L azienda ha presentato.
Pocket Option è un broker internazionale di opzioni binarie.
Puoi scommettere sui mercati in aumento o in calo con la possibilità di un payout elevato rendimento.
Pocket Option è un broker che è di proprietà della Gembell Limited e con sede nelle Isole Marshal.
Si tratta di una società registrata con il numero 86967.
Inoltre, il broker è regolato dall IFMRRC.
A prima vista, il sito web di Pocket Option sembra molto bello e chiaro.
Direttamente si può vedere quello che stanno offrendo i loro commercianti.
Scambia più di 100 attività diverse come Opzioni binarie e con un rendimento 90o.
Per i commercianti, ci sono come 10000 combinazioni possibili.
È molto facile iniziare a fare trading con il broker.
Puoi aprire il nuovo account in pochi secondi.
Inoltre, offrono un account demo gratuito per praticare la piattaforma.
Fatti di Pocket Option.
La località è in Maresciallo Isole Regolamentato dall IFRC Alto rendimento 90 Piattaforma di trading user-friendly Più di 100 asset Account demo gratuito.
Le condizioni per i commercianti di Pocket Option.
Inizia a investire denaro reale con un piccolo deposito di 50 dollari nel tuo conto.
Inoltre, puoi utilizzare solo il 1 o più come importo minimo di puntata per ogni asset.
Pocket Option broker fornisce un account demo gratuito 10.
Così si può praticare il trading nella nuova piattaforma.
E molto facile depositare denaro reale su Pocket Option perché ti offrono più di 50 diversi metodi di pagamento leggi di più su di esso qui sotto.
Dopo tutto, non ti fanno pagare alcuna commissione per un deposito o un pagamento.
Il sistema di pagamento funziona 24 ore al giorno.
Il profitto regolare di attività di un opzione binaria è tra 80 97 che viene confrontato con altri broker molto alto.
A volte dipende dall asset che stai investendo.
Scegli tra 60 secondi mestieri minimo e 4 ore mestieri massimo.
Ti offrono un sacco di orizzonti temporali diversi.
L esecuzione dei mestieri è molto semplice e veloce.
Dalle mie esperienze, non ci sono problemi ad aprire o chiudere un commercio.
È possibile vendere un opzione prima della fine del tempo di scadenza.
Questo è un grande vantaggio per questo broker.
Grande diversità di risorse.
La diversità dei beni è molto elevata.
Scegli tra Azioni, Olymp Trade, Criptovalute e Materie prime.
In conclusione, le condizioni e l offerta di Pocket Options sono confrontati con altri broker al suo meglio.
Alti rendimenti 80-95 50 diversi metodi di pagamento Inizia a fare trading con un deposito di 50 Hai solo bisogno di 1 dollari per il commercio.
Recensione della piattaforma di trading Pocket Option.
A mio parere Pocket Option offre una piattaforma di trading molto buona.
Sembra che l abbiano programmato in modo indipendente.
Dalla mia esperienza, ci si sente molto comodo per il commercio su questa piattaforma.
Si può chiaramente vedere cosa succede nel mercato.
Inoltre, la piattaforma è molto personalizzabile.
È possibile utilizzare indicatori o tipi di grafico diversi.
Selezionare tra 100 risorse diverse e analizzare il grafico.
Dopo di che, è possibile aprire un commercio con una chiamata o mettere opzione.
Utilizzare la funzione di trading sociale per copiare i migliori commercianti di Pocket Option e trasformare il loro profitto nel vostro profitto.
Fai trading tramite computer o app.
È possibile scambiare da ogni punto della terra con l app intelligente sul tuo smartphone.
Infine, la piattaforma di trading ottiene 5 stelle nella mia recensione.
Mi piace molto il design e le funzioni.
Disponibile come app.
La piattaforma funziona liscia ed è programmata professionalmente.
Non ci sono bug o ritardi utilizzandolo.
Inoltre, l applicazione è disponibile per Android e Apple Ios.
Questo è un altro grande vantaggio perché la maggior parte dei broker non offrono un app IOS.
Inoltre, l applicazione funziona molto liscia come la versione web.
In conclusione, la piattaforma di trading del broker è utile l per ogni trader perché è flessibile.


Come utilizzare Pocket Option.
Pocket Option può essere utilizzato per scommettere su mercati in aumento o in calo.
Fare una previsione per la direzione del prezzo di un bene sulla piattaforma.
Può essere Olymp Trade, Azioni, Cripto e altro ancora.
Sempre le opzioni binarie ottenuto un tempo di scadenza.
È possibile il commercio in diversi orizzonti temporali, non importa se è a breve o lungo termine.
Dopo la scadenza, il commercio viene chiuso automaticamente.
Ad esempio bitcoin 90.
Ciò significa che se si apre un commercio con l importo di 1000 dollari, si effettua la giusta previsione dei mercati si vince un payout di 1900.
Il 900 è il profitto e 1000 è il ritorno dell importo della tua scommessa.
Non ci sono tasse nascoste investendo.
Aprire l account demo con Pocket Option.
Pocket Option offre un account demo gratuito per tutti.
Il conto demo può essere utilizzato per la formazione prima di iniziare a fare investimenti reali.
Con un solo clic è possibile il commercio con denaro virtuale sulla piattaforma.
Non vi è alcuna registrazione o deposito necessario per la pratica di trading con denaro virtuale.
Un sacco di commercianti ottenere la loro prima esperienza nel conto demo prima di iniziare con denaro reale.
Raccomando che a tutti di praticare la piattaforma nell account demo.
L account demo è illimitato con 10.
000 denaro virtuale.
È possibile caricarlo con un clic se si perde un po di soldi.
Dopo aver ottenuto una certa esperienza e imparato a commerciare opzioni binarie di successo si può iniziare direttamente a fare trading utilizzando denaro reale.
Account gratuito e illimitato Il modo migliore per praticare e imparare a fare trading.
Pocket Option ti offre di copiare i migliori trader del broker.
Prima di tutto, è importante sapere che il social trading funziona solo su un conto live.
Apri nel menu social trading e vedi i migliori trader al momento.
È possibile fare clic su di loro e guardare il loro profilo foto qui sotto.
È possibile aggiungere il commerciante a una lista di controllo e seguirlo per un certo tempo.
Se pensi che sia abbastanza bravo, puoi copiarlo con un clic.
A mio parere, è significativo analizzare i mestieri di tutti i tempi.
Se un utente ha ottenuto un alto tasso di vincita nel tempo complessivo è un buon modo per guadagnare qualche profitto extra.
E un grande vantaggio per i commercianti di vedere l intero profilo e lo stile di trading su Pocket Option.
Pocket Option prelievo e deposito su un conto reale.
La cosa buona di Pocket Options è che offrono circa 50 diversi metodi di pagamento per deposito e prelievo.
Il deposito minimo è di 50.
È possibile utilizzare carte, pagamenti elettronici o criptovaluta.
Non addebitano alcuna commissione e i lavori di ritiro nell orizzonte temporale di 24 ore.
L importo minimo del prelievo è di 10 dollari.
In conclusione, i primi test del ritiro con il broker Pocket Option hanno successo.
Il sistema di prelievo e deposito funziona molto bene.
Inoltre, Pocket Option ti offre un rimborso di massimo 10 del tuo deposito o perdite.
Per ulteriori informazioni aprire un conto reale.
Inoltre, devo menzionare che dovresti verificare il tuo account prima di iniziare a fare trading con denaro reale.
Il broker non paga ad account non verificati.
Sistema bonus e premi.
Come si vede nella foto qui sotto Pocket Option offre sistema bonus.
C è una vasta scelta di opzioni per guadagnare soldi aggiuntivi.
Utilizzare un deposito o bonus no-deposito per ottenere un conto più grande.
In aggiunta a ciò, offrono mestieri privi di rischio, cash-back o codici promozionali.
Si ottiene ricompensato se il volume di trading è alto.
Ti danno Gems che puoi utilizzare nel negozio di premi.
Nel negozio di premi, ci sono alcune opzioni per acquistare ulteriormente bonus.
Per la prima volta, vedo un grande sistema di bonus con diverse opzioni.
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Informazioni sulle opzioni binarie.
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Recensioni del broker di opzioni binarie.
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I CFD sono strumenti complessi e sono dotati di un alto rischio di perdere denaro rapidamente a causa della leva finanziaria.
Il 76 dei conti degli investitori al dettaglio perde denaro nel trading di CFD.
Si dovrebbe considerare se si capisce come funzionano i CFD e se ci si può permettere di assumersi l alto rischio di perdere i propri soldi.
Top Alternatives to Binary Options in South Africa.


A binary option is a type of option, where the payoff is a fixed amount or nothing at all.
There are two main types a cash-or-nothing binary option and an asset-or-nothing binary option.
While binary options can lead to solid profits, they are also risky.
So, let s take a look at the top alternatives to binary options in South Africa.
Can You Actually Make Money with Binary Options.
You definitely can make money with binary options, however the money that you will make is predetermined before it ever reflects.
You ll never earn more or less than you expected, which certainly reduces the element of surprise but also limits your profit potential.
The other issue is that you ll either see profits of the exact amount you expect or nothing at all it kind of takes the fun out of trading.
Alternatives to Binary Options in South Africa.
There are many alternatives to trading binary options in South Africa.
Leverage trading on a platform like SnapEx , is a great start.
Leverage trading is actually a fairly simple concept to understand, and it can be applied to a multitude of assets including Olymp Trade and Cryptocurrency trading.
Leverage is when a trader uses borrowed funds to increase their trading position beyond what they have available in their balance.
Certain trading platforms, like SnapEx , allow leverage through margin trading providing the borrowed funds.
Traders can use leverage to profit from small price changes, as it amplifies profits.
However, you should be careful as it can amplify losses too.
How Does Leverage Trading Work.
The actual word leverage usually refers to the ratio between the position value and the investment required, while margin refers to the percentage needed for the position.
Leverage adds a third dimension to your trading credit.
It brings your portfolio together and can yield some big returns.
If we re looking at leverage trading crypto, it could work as follows.
You buy 1 BTC at 10,000.
You can either buy it cash, or buy it with a margin account and 10x leverage then you ll just need a deposit of 1,000.
A loan of 9,000 will supply the balance of the amount.
If BTC then rises by 1,000, you ll get 10 profit minus fees.
Things to Know Before Your Leverage in South Africa.
Before you start leverage trading, you ll want to consider what kind of assets you have to put up to make up your deposit.
Know the loan values and their time period, as Cryptocurrency margin account loans tend to chance quite often.
Furthermore, the amount of leverage available will vary according to platform.
SnapEx may have one amount available, while Avatrade will have more or less.
Research the platform you re intending to use, and make sure that it will work for you.
As an Alternative to Binary Options, Leverage Trading Shines.
George Soros has a particularly interesting quote about leverage trading, that really sums up the whole experience perfectly.
The best way to understand the role of leverage is to think of an ordinary investment portfolio as something flat and loose, as the name implies.
Leverage adds a third dimension credit.
What was a loosely held together flat portfolio becomes a tightly knit three dimensional structure in which the equity base has to support the credit used.
Leverage trading adds a new layer to your trading experience, and is sure to set South African traders on the right track seeing bigger profits than they would with binary options.
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Binary Options Trading Effi.
Binary Options Trading - What Is.
Binary options trading are a major hit with many people because of the straightforward way in which it works.
The understanding that you will either gain or lose by a given percentage is something many people relate with.
Many people hold back from investing in the financial markets because of the uncertainty of what is in store for them.
Each investment option has a share of potential risk, but what makes binary options so attractive is the fact that before making a purchase, one already knows how much they stand to lose.
Additionally, you can choose to opt out before the expiration of the contract if the value takes a negative turn from the strike price, contrary to your prediction.
If the deal ends in the money, you already know the percentage you will receive in returns.
This is usually a fixed rate indicated before purchase of the asset value is done.
Similarly, if the deal ends out of the money, you already know how much you are going to lose, so there will be no surprises.
Choosing a good trading platform will give you high returns on your investment.
The rate of return varies from one platform to another and the maximum payout differs from one broker to another.
Choose the platform or broker with the highest percentage of returns.
Anything between 65 and 81 which is the maximum is good enough.
Secondly, ensure that you are using a secure website, preferably one with the highest level of encryption in the market 128 bit SSL from a reliable provider.
This will keep your information safe and prevent cases of phishing and other online fraud.
Check the website†s security and safety policy and ascertain that indeed it is above par.
The last thing you need is identity theft based on your activities on a certain website and worse, unauthorized people getting access to your account and probably messing it up or doctoring your entries.
Look for a platform that gives compensation for contracts that expire out of money.
In the past, brokers did not give any returns for out of the money outcomes.
Instead, one lost not just their entire investment, but possibly an extra amount of their savings too.
With increasing competition among brokers and the growing interest in binary options trading, many brokers are now giving back a percentage of the returns when one loses the bet.
The highest percentage across a number of platforms that you can get right now is 15.
As more brokers embrace the competition, this percentage could rise in the future.
Choose the platform with the highest out-of-money returns percentage so as to salvage a higher amount of your investment.
Go for the platform that enables you to trade on a wide range of currencies.
This will widen your field of trade and you can choose the particular currencies which rate higher on value at any given time and trade on them.
Currencies will rise and fall at different times and in varying degrees.
When you are able to choose between the UAD, AUD, GBP and EUR for instance, you stand a better chance of earning a good return.
It also opens up the opportunity for you to trade on an international platform.
All these are important factors that can influence the amount of money you make in binary options trading.
Do Binary Options Trading Systems Work.
Many binary options traders start trading without any system whatsoever.
They base their trading decisions on random factors, which often results in them wiping out their initial capital in a fairly short period of time.
This is when they start to realise that random trading does not work.
There has to be a system of some sorts.
The reason for this is easy to show mathematically.
A system based on guessing will, over a large number of trades, most likely produce 50 winners and 50 losers.
A winning trade will on average pay out about 70 , while a losing trade will mean the total loss of the initial premium.
Assume for example the trader risks 50 per trade.
Over a 100 trades this would mean 50 winning trades, each one paying out 70 x 50 35 and 50 losing trades each one costing 100 50.
The net result equals 50 x 35 50 x 50 1750 2 500 a net loss of 750.
To break even this trader would need a system producing about 59 winning trades.
Over a 100 trades this would give a profit of 59 x 35 41 x 50 15.
Nobody trades to break even though, so the ideal system should therefore produce winning trades of well over 60.
Is a winning system possible.
With the use of technical indicators, such as linear regression, the MACD or Bollinger Bands, a trader should be able to significantly enhance his her chances of making 60 or more successful trades.
Combined with the skilful use of candlestick charts, the trader should in the end be able to develop a system consistently producing 2 winners for every loser, i.
a win ratio of about 67.
Such a system will inevitably also have to incorporate strict money management rules.
Self-developed or buy.
It takes hundreds of trades to build or evaluate a trading system.
That is why traders without the time or inclination to study chart patterns, money management and technical indicators often opt for commercial trading systems.
Some of these systems are so-called black box systems i.
they send out trading signals without explaining the rationale behind them.
This is the best way never to learn how to become a good binary options trader.
A commercial system developed by a highly regarded expert in the field and which is based on the sound interpretation of chart patterns and indicators could of course work and over time the trader will learn how to refine the system to suit his her own trading style and risk tolerance.
A system which works under one set of market conditions, e.
a strongly trending market, might not work at all in a range-bound market and vice versa unless the rules of the system makes it highly adaptable to different market conditions.
A successful binary options trader has to follow a system.
This does not have to a highly expensive commercial system though there are many fairly good free systems available.
Over time the ultimate aim for every trader should be to develop a personalised system which perfectly suites his her trading style and risk tolerance and which could be adjusted to make provision for changing market conditions.
Binary options have been an important innovation, simplifying, consistently, the way of trading.
We explain briefly why.
The main reason is that you risk only the capital invested and nothing more.


The world of forex investment currencies and CFDs contracts for difference allows you to earn more by a single operation, through leverage and the ability to leverage the spread difference between the initial and final prices that can change the outcome of our investment.
But on the other side with the leverage you can also amplify losses and missed most of the registered capital.
This is not possible with binary options, unless you choose particular types for which are defined conditions in part eg.
Binary options 0-100, little known and closer to vanilla.
If you spend one euro for the single trade, one euro is lost and no more.
On the other hand, is indifferent to us than we guessed prediction no matter how many pips the final price increases forecast bullish or decrease bearish forecast , we will receive the same payout.
But what is this leverage effect, in very simple terms.
In forex trading platform is more challenging, there are minimum lots in which to invest.
If a minimum lot costs 1,000 euro we spend, for example, through leverage only 10 Euros 1 100 and, in the case of income, have a return on investment of 1,000 Euros and 10 Euros.
So much for the loss, of course here you will understand the risks.
The other component of that gain that must be multiplied by the unity gain is the bid-ask spread, where the first price is the one to which we sell and the second is that we buy.
The difference between the values to be multiplied by unity gain.
Understand the interest of investors in the forex for some currency pairs that usually have a very high differential.
The prime example is the cable, or the change British pound US dollar Gbp Usd.
Management with binary options is less complicated.
With binary options are beautiful that gone are the days when you were paying fees for each transaction.
There are no costs for maintaining the account, unless the broker does not provide otherwise.
Usually, the best binary options platforms provide the expenses in order to withdrawals of amounts deposited but are of the order of a few tens of euro, certainly not as exorbitant costs, if any.
Some brokers waive a certain number of monthly transactions.
It is not necessary that they comply with certain margins of return planned for forex in this case, the leverage also dictates that there will be exposed for more than a certain limit.
What can happen with the lever.
What if you have simultaneously open more trade and these trades are at a loss, could increase the margin of reinstatement.
What is the margin of reinstatement.
What must remain at least on the account, firm and unused, as if it were a kind of collateral warranty.
Certainly, some brokers may establish a discretionary limits for binary options but settled in lump sum fixed roof max daily exposure.
The biggest drawback of restoration is that the broker would automatically close some trade already open, even if out of the money.
So, no expenses and no management unit commissions proportionate to the duration of the operation, this is the binary option trading.
It s easy to invest in binary options.
Simply choose the amount, the type of asset and type of prediction between two alternatives note Binary options either you win or lose.
There is no middle ground.
You may use various approaches that suggest strongly technical analysis, candlestick, trading strategies or even just trusting intuition, which is conceivable, provided we are aware of the risks.
Just a few clicks.
The best brokers have all integrated into the platform, in full compliance with international safety standards, and not even have to download any software because the platforms are web based.


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It is heartwarming to mention that we always encourage our binary options traders to succeed in trading by spending more time to learn and acquire adequate knowledge.
On the other hand, trading binary option is the most prominent trading type that requires some discipline.
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Binary trading options allow traders to make a profit by predicting the future price of trading assets by analyzing the market movement and other factors.
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Binary Options vs Olymp Trade Which One You Should Choose.
Binary Options vs Olymp Trade If you are just about to start investing, you may wonder which one you should choose.
Or maybe you have tried other one and you are thinking if you should change to the other.
Or maybe you have just another reason why you want to compare the two and to know if superior in some way.
In this article I will go through pros and cons of both so that you have easier decision to choose the one that fits your personal preferences better.
Binary Options are actually a new form of investment, while foreign exchange trading has been for as long as there have been various currencies.
Therefore, it is obvious that the currency markets are much bigger by turnover.
In fact, they are the world s largest market, currency trading takes place five days a week 24 hours a day averaging over 5 trillion per day.
When you invest in currencies, you are directly competing against other top professional investors such as Warren Buffett and George Soros.
Binary options markets are hundreds of time smaller than currency markets, and there are surprisingly small number of professional investors involved.
Also, investors have much more trading assets to choose from than currency traders have.
In addition to that, only a few people know how to use auto traders like binary option robot, when for currency traders, highly sophisticated trading software is almost a necessity.
Binary options trading is much easier for novice investor than forex trading.
15 Comments 11 03 2017 Michael Allen.
Which One Should You Choose Binary Option vs Olymp Trade.
Read Out Thorough Investigation And Find Out Which One Is Better And the Reasons Why.
Main Reasons To Choose Binary Options Main Reasons To Choose Olymp Trade Trading The Difference Between Olymp Trade And Binary Options The Basics Variability Expiry Leverage Types Pros And Cons Of The Olymp Trade And Binary Trading.
Maximum Risk Flexibility Cost Assets Risk Volatility Best Binary Options Broker To Start With Conclusion Binary Options Vs Olymp Trade Check Out These Top Rated Articles.
Main Reasons To Choose Binary Options.
First I ll go through the main points why you should choose binary options over forex.
After that I will tell you what kind of investors should choose forex trading over binary options.
Basically, by far the majority of investors binary options fit much better, while currency trading is suitable for a small minority of people who are able to specialize and possess certain characteristics.
With binary options, you have much wider selection of different trading assets.
In currency trading you trade only currencies.
Binary Options allows you to trade, forex, commodities, indices, stocks and basically any investment with a variable value.
This is limited only to what the broker is willing to take to the selection.
Unless you only want to trade currencies, this is huge factor and main reason to choose binary options.
In binary options trading, competition is not that fierce, at least not yet.
As already mentioned, the foreign exchange market is world s largest market by turnover, where participants are the world s smartest and most successful investors.
In foreign exchange market, you are competing directly against these investors.
In binary options investing, competition is still at a very low level.
The main reason is that with the really large sums, direct investment in equities is cheaper.
This gives a great opportunity to investors who are investing with smaller amounts, the toughest competitors are totally absent and all the talented mid-level competitors are so far absent also.
You should use this great opportunity now while you still have time.


Binary options investor gets access to much greater bonuses.
In foreign exchange market, competition is relatively stable due to its long history.
Sometimes new viable comes into the market and shakes it a little bit by offering cheaper prices, but usually consumer will have to settle with what is currently offered.
In binary options trading, markets are still constantly developing.
New brokers appears every day, and they are trying to attract customers to themselves with large and juicy bonuses and benefits.
For you as an investor this is a great thing, all freedom of choice is left to you.
As a binary options investor, there is a number of great software available for free.
Intense competition does not extend purely into brokers, also different software developers are having tough competition because of scarcity of customers.
As a result, the best applications such as The Real Robot, Binary Hedge Fund, Binary Stealth, Copyop, PayDay FM and OptionBot 2.
0 are all available completely free of charge for now.
This may not continue for very long so I recommend you to register all of these through our links while you still can.
In this way, you ensure that you will have them for free in the future also if they become chargeable.
On the other hand, best forex software costs at least thousands of dollars, and if you want that you have any hope of progression as an investor, you are practically forced to use these.
This will drive investors with little money into hopeless situation.
With binary options you know exactly what your payout will be if you hit right.
In forex trading, you can never know exactly how much you will earn in the best case or lose at worst case.
This makes the choosing of right investment amount extremely difficult.
Sometimes you will have the risk a bigger sum what was originally intended.
With binary options, you know beforehand exactly what is your potential winning and what is the potential loss amount if the investment goes wrong.
With binary options, you choose beforehand when you wanna close the position.
Some investors may view this as a disadvantage, but I think this is clearly an advantage.
When binary options investment has been set, you do not have to worry about or keep track of it in any way if you do not want.
You can spend time with your family or even go to the beach.
In forex trading, you need to follow the changes in value of the investment continuously and to consider whether now is the best time to close the position or would it be perhaps sometime in the future.
At worst, you will not be able to do anything other than follow the investment.
There is no transaction costs in binary options.
Binary options investor do not pay any transaction costs.
Expenses are in fact already directly tied to payout percentage.
In forex trading transaction costs can be quite high and the minimum costs can make investing with small amounts unprofitable.
Candlestick chart is the most common form of forex chart.
Main Reasons To Choose Olymp Trade Trading.
Olymp Trade trading fits better for a small number of experienced investors who know for sure what they are doing and invest in larger sums.
If you invest in currencies using mere intuition, you will only lose your money.
If you have comprehensive expertise about the currency markets.
There I mean the know-how that comes from years of studying and practical experimentation.
That is, if your expertise is such a high level that the acquisition of the same skills with binary options would take you a really long time.
You also have to remember that skills must be such that you can apply it directly to the practice profitably.
Mere theoretical knowledge without the ability to apply does not take you very far.
You want to invest only really large amounts of money.
Most of the binary options brokers allows you to invest only up to 5000 at one time.
Some of us this amount may be too small.
In currency trading, you can set investments worth even tens of millions of investment at once.
With such a large sums, transaction costs are also significantly lower proportionally what they would be in binary options.
If you are not interested in other trading assets except currencies.
If you re absolutely sure you want to invest exclusively currencies in the future also, currency trading is probably a better option.
Even in that case I recommend to starting with binary options using small amounts of money and gathering some knowledge before you decide to convert fully only in currencies.


The Difference Between Olymp Trade and Binary Options.
Though it looks similar, the binary and the forex trading is very different from each other and it is of high importance to understand the differences in order to be successful.
The binary options are contracts which have a fixed risk and reward ratio.
The binary options trading requires you to predict the direction of an underlying asset within stipulated duration.
The binary options are available for commodities, stocks, indices, and currency pairs.
The traders are informed their reward upfront in case their prediction turns out to be correct.
Binary trading, as the name suggests and as explained earlier, requires you to predict the direction of the asset.
The setup is very simple; traders get 80 percent payout in case their prediction is right.
For example, if you invest 100 on USD JPY and payouts is 80 percent for the winning trade, in this scenario if you predict that the USD JPY will move higher at expiry and if that turns out to be true then you receive your investment amount 100 plus the payouts 80 of 100 that is 80 , totaling to 180, however, if the USD JPY moves in the opposite direction of your prediction then you will lose your investment amount of 100.
To be a successful binary options trader, you must win a majority of your trades.
While in the case of the forex trading, you are allowed to set your profit target and stop loss for the trade, which allows you to make a profit even if the underlying does not achieve your set targets.
So, in the case of the forex trading, the traders can make money even if they do not win a majority of their trades.
Both the forms of trading are tradeable online, and also you can start trading with small capital.
Traders speculate on the movement of the underlying in both the markets and if the prediction is true both reward the traders with the handsome amount.
In binary options trading, the traders predict the direction of the next move within certain time period.
In this way, there is no variability in the risk or the profit potential.
As the name suggest, the binary market operates on only two outcomes Up of Down.
While in the case of the forex market, the traders are required to predict the direction but also they have to estimate how high or how low the asset can go.
This way there is an uncertainty in terms of the return and a higher risk.
The forex market doesn t have a ceiling on how much money one can make or one can lose unless the trader s use risk mitigation tools like stop-loss which limits the amount of loss one can have in a transaction.
Meaning, the trade will automatically close if the stop loss has been hit.
Similarly, the trader can decide how much money they want to make by deciding the value at which they want to close the trade.
So, in the case of the binary options, the maximum amount of loss could be the entire investment amount whereas in the case of the forex the risk can be mitigated by using certain tools.
The binary options trade with specific expiry durations and once the trade has been initiated, the traders have no control till the expiry over their transaction.
Each and every binary option have a specific expiry attached to it and the trader needs to select the expiry before initiating the trade.
Though some brokers allow closing the trade before expiry with restricted payout options, the majority of the brokers does not allow to close the trade before expiry.
However, the forex trading allows you to initiate and close the trade whenever you want.
The rollover is possible in case of the forex trading while the majority of the binary broker does not offer this facility.
The forex trading allows to invest higher capital with the leverage allowed by the FX broker, but such facility is not available with the binary options trading.
This allows the forex trader make higher winning with limited investment but in the case of the binary trading, the trader can only allow investing the money which is available on the account or the amount which is restricted as per the brokerage site.
The binary trading offers 5 variants of the trading types.
These options are high or low, 60 seconds, one touch, boundary, and option builder.
Whereas, the forex trading offers several option types for the trading including buy or sell, limit, stop, One Cancels the Other, trailing stop, hedge amongst others.
Although the forex trading and the binary options trading look similar, there are some striking differences and one should be aware of these before initiating their first trade.
Pros and Cons of The Olymp Trade and Binary Trading.
In the recent past, the binary options trading has seen an unprecedented rise.
The little known binary options of early 2000, now have more than 400 operators who offer binary trading.
Accepted, that the binary options trading is growing at a rapid rate but why you should indulge in it.
Or why should you learn a new trading platform when you are already deep into forex trading.
Is it really superior to already known trading mechanisms.
There are several advantages and disadvantages of the forex trading and the binary trading.
The following text describes some of the most pros and cons, and hopefully, it will assist you in making the selection.
Maximum Risk.
The biggest advantage of the binary trading is that the traders are aware of the maximum risk per trade, and it is the amount of money the trader invest in the underlying.
Certain brokers, also allow you to close the trade before the expiry allowing you to further cut the losses, of course with certain conditions.
However, the same is not true for the forex trading.
Even if with stop losses, you cannot be 100 percent sure that you will lose only the pre-decided amount.
Though less likely, there is a chance that you may lose higher amount due to slippages, illiquid asset, price jumps, technical issues, amongst others.
In the case of the binary trading, except high or low options, the strike prices are set by the broker and even if you have a fair idea on how an underlying asset will behave, you cannot place an order to be executed at certain price points.
On the other hand, the forex market offers the flexibility of placing limit orders or market orders during market hours to suit your requirements.
In an open trade, there are limited brokers in the binary arena who allows you to close before the expiry with certain conditions while the majority of the broker disallow pre-closing of open trade.
On the other side, the forex trading allows you to close the trade even after 1 second of opening the trade, giving you a complete control over your transaction.
If you are on a winning trade, then the forex trading allows you to scale the investment and gain higher returns, whereas, the risk and rewards are fixed in the case of the binary options trading.
The forex trading attracts transaction costs in terms of a brokerage or spread or both.
Whereas, in the case of the binary trading there is no addition cost for trading the instruments.
Unlike, the forex trading which has only one asset type for trading, the binary options have evolved to provide trading in commodities, stocks, indices, and currency pairs.
This is one of the biggest advantages as one can diversify the trading portfolio by staying only with one broker whereas the same cannot be said for the forex brokers.
Risk Volatility.
This is another advantage for the binary options traders.
As the traders are well aware in advance the maximum loss they can incur in a single trade.
So the events which induce high volatility in the market have a limited impact while trading with the binary options.
Also, along with the risk, the reward is also fixed in the case of binary trading, and there is no possibility of scaling in more amount to gain higher rewards.
Whereas, in the case of the forex trading, the market reacts to events and sometimes the reactions cases heavy volatility increasing your risk multiple times.
For instance, if you have taken a position in a specific currency pair expecting it to move higher, an unfavorable event can crash the prices of the currency pair, giving you no time to cover your losses.
This way the volatility risk is very high in the case of the forex trading compared that with the binary options trading.
The errors in entering the trade are very low in the case of the binary trading as there is only one action which needs to be taken which is to open the trade and the rest is being done by the software.
The binary options trading does not offer limit orders or stop losses for adjustments, these have their own advantages and disadvantages.
Even if you are a professional trader in the forex trading, your one mistake has potential to wipe your entire account.
For instance, you forgot to exit from an open trade and the tide has turned unfavorable, in that case, the trade will continue till you may lose the total amount available for the trading in your account.
Such errors will never occur in the binary trading, as the expiry is set and the trade will close automatically limiting the loss only up to your per trade investment amount.