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Started by PocketOption, Mar 02, 2021, 06:59 am

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Pocket Option Broker 50 Binary Options Minimum Deposit.
These days, the Pocket Option platform is seen as probably the most innovative platform and can be optimized more.
Support Number 0-800-088-5535 Support Types Live Chat , Email , Phone Languages En , Ru , Pt , Es , Pl , Id , Fr , Th , De , Vt , Ar , Ms , Zh , Br , Tr Trading Platform Owner Minimum 1st Deposit 50 Minimum Account Size 50 Minimum Trade Amount 1 Maximum Trade Amount 100,00 Bonus 10,000 Binary Options No Deposit Demo Account 150 Deposit Bonus.
These days, the Pocket Option platform is seen as probably the most innovative platform and can be optimized for simultaneous usage by a high number of investors and traders.
The broker delivers a massive assortment of resources to the customers.
Pocket Option is a binary options broker owned by Gembell Limited which is registered at Trust Company Complex, Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands MH 96960.
50 Binary Options No Deposit Bonus Real Money Without Deposit USA Customers Welcome Paypal Payza Deposit Accepted 10 Minimum Deposit 1 Minimum Trade Size around 150 Deposit Bonus Free Trading Signs around 96 Profit Trade in Only 30 Seconds Most Deposit Withdraw Techniques such as crypto Currencies and many more crypto Currencies Trading Regulated by CROFR.
The trading platform of the Pocket Option is accomplished at a web-interface and does not require installing any specific software on a person s computer.
All professional services of this company are all intended to create the managing of the Trading process succinct and userfriendly to the best possible degree.
Binary Options Types, Pros and Cons.
Binary options have become very popular investment tool , perhaps due to how simple they seem to be.
The name binary hints at the fact that traders are presented with two choices.
This makes them seem easy to understand , which is part of the reason why traders with fewer skills like them.
The idea is that you are predicting on which way prices in various global markets will go in a specified period of time.
If you guess correctly then you claim your profit, and if you guess incorrectly, you lose your stake.
Binary Options Basics - What are They.
One of the binary options basics you need to be aware of is that the type you ll see traded most often is called a high-low or fixed-return option, which lets you wager on the movements of stocks, indices, commodities and foreign exchange.
These options expire at a predetermined date, time and strike price.
If a trader bets correctly on the market s direction and the final price when the deal expires, they get paid a fixed amount.
It doesn t matter if the instrument has moved a little or a lot since the trade was opened, it just counts as a win, and the trader still receives that same amount.
If they get it wrong, they lose their original stake.
So, you see how simple life as a binary options trader appears to be.
You re betting that a stock, index, commodity or currency pair is going to go one way or the other.
If you think your asset or index is going to go up, you take what s called a call.
If you think it s going to drop, then you take what s called a put.
A call makes money when the instrument is trading higher than the strike price.
A put makes money when the instrument is trading lower than the strike price when the deal expires.
The broker lets you know what the strike price, expiration date, payout, and risk are when the trade is first set up.
With the majority of high-low binary options traded beyond US borders, the strike price is usually the current market price of the asset or index.
US Binary Options vs.
Overseas Binary Options.
In countries outside the US, binary options usually pay out a set amount and bring a set level of risk.
It s also brokers who offer them directly instead of an exchange.
The brokers make their money by taking in more on losing trades than they pay out on winning trades.
Apart from certain exceptions, these financial instruments will usually be held until the date of expiry.
US Binary options listings were first made available by the Chicago Board Options Exchange CBOE in 2008, which is regulated by the SEC.
These options can be traded at any time, with the rate sitting somewhere between one and a hundred, depending on how likely each one is to make or lose money.
On-screen, the trader sees a totally transparent deal and is free to cut their losses or walk away with their profits before the expiry time if they want to.
A trader may also choose to enter while the rate is fluctuating, in order to take advantage of different risk-to-reward situations, or hold until the trade expires, closing the position at the highest amount of gain or loss as compared to what it was when they entered.
Since US binary options are traded on an exchange, this means that every trade takes place between a buyer and a seller who are willing to enter into this arrangement with each other.
To make its money the exchange adds a fee that matches counter-parties.
Example of a High-Low Option.
In this example, you believe that the NASDAQ index will rally for the duration of the trading day, so you purchase an index call option.
The index is currently trading at 1,700, so you re betting that when your trade expires it will be sitting at a higher number.
You have a huge amount of choice when it comes to selecting when you want that expiration time to be.
You could choose minutes away, or you could settle for months.
It all depends on what your analysis points to.
If it suggests that 30 minutes from now would be the best time, then you can choose that.
This for example deal will pay out 60 on top of your original stake if the NASDAQ rises above 1,800 at that time.
If it drops to less than that then you will lose your stake.
Minimum and maximum stakes vary from broker to broker.
Let s say you invest 100 in the call.
Expiration is in 30 minutes.
The NASDAQ price at expiration is where the clock stops and determines whether you win or lose.
The price at expiration could be the last quoted price, or the bid ask 2.
Every broker will have their own price rules about expiration.
With this example, we re assuming that the last quote on the NASDAQ before expiration was 1,703, which means you get a 120 profit because that s 60 of 200.
You also get your original 200 investment back as well.
But if the price at expiration had been 1699 you would kiss your original 200 goodbye.
In the event that the price on expiration is exactly the same as the strike price, the trader usually gets their money back, although you should check with individual brokers to be sure of what their rules are.
Any profits that you make will be added to your trader count automatically as soon as the position is closed.
This example is for a typical high-low binary option the most often traded binary option outside the US, but international brokers will usually offer a whole host of other types of binaries too.
Here are two examples.
one-touch options.
The asset you re trading needs to hit the strike price only once before expiration to make you some money.
Targets are set above and below the present price, so traders can pick which one they think the price will hit before the expiration date and time.
range options.
The trader defines a price range that the asset will trade inside until expiry.
You win if the price doesn t step outside this range.
You lose if it does.
With a lot of brokers competing in the binary options arena, some have taken to offering products that give payouts between 40 and 400.
Many will have different structures and requirements, but you ll always know the elements of risk and reward before you embark upon the trade.
This potentially means you can make a lot of money from your investment, but brokers don t give money away, so with such big headline figures, chances are you won t.
In contrast to US binary option brokers, there are some foreign brokers who will permit traders to exit positions before they expire, but most don t.
Doing this before a position expires usually means the broker won t pay out as much, or you ll suffer a modest loss, but not have to give up the whole investment.
The Pros and Cons of Binary Options.
You ll always know the risk and reward ahead of time, which eliminates a huge amount of doubt.
And you ll always know how much you re going to win or lose because both amounts are fixed.
No trader likes unforeseen surprises, so this is a big plus for this kind of trading.
Another one is the fact that there are often no fees or commissions to be paid.
Simplicity is obviously a factor because you re essentially tossing a coin and placing a wager on heads or tails.
The asset either goes up or it goes down.
You also don t need to worry about liquidity, because as a trader you won t be taking ownership of any underlying asset.
Brokers can offer endless strike prices and expiration times and dates, so there are lots of choices.


It s also worth bearing in mind that at any time of the day or night market is open somewhere doing a roaring trade in many different asset classes.
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The financial services provided by this website carry a high level of risk and can result in the loss of all of your funds.
Please ensure you read our terms and conditions before making any operation in our trading platform.
Under no circumstances the company has any liability to any person or entity for any loss or damage cause by operations on this website.
Binarycent nor its agents or partners are not registered and do not provide any services on the USA territory.
Recent times, the binary trading is creating a center of attention to the populace for earning additional money to enhance their lifestyle in this society.
But the bottom-line of this trading ensures only two huge prospects either a high returns or a terrible losses.
So, all the investors before getting in the trading arena must be conscious about the binary option trading strategies.
This paramount strategy assists you to earn huge profits without any concern of risks.
If you are a novice in this tremendous arena, make certain to go with the candid brokerage firms to be acquainted with this binary option trading strategies.
The most significant of all, before getting sentient about this strategy in binary trading, entrench within you, the evaluation of proper risk management.
The risk management is always acknowledged by the investors as the prologue for the stratagems.
Many investors are following many aspect of binary option trading strategies bestowed by the straight-forward brokers.
The fundamental perception of all these strategies is the usage of call or put option at an appropriate time.
Normally, each and every share has an expiration date and you had to sell the option contract within it.
Facts of Binary Option Trading Strategies.
The following are the few strategies imperative to consider while investing your assets or money in this trading.
Reversal is an important facet in the binary trading as it transforms its direction depending upon enhancement in the share.
At this case, make sure that the price of the underlying asset following an approach contrary to the old one.
If you are in need of creating individual prediction for the underlying asset with different values, you can access the straddle.
With the straddle strategy, you can make presumption for your asset s value either to rise or fall from the prevailing price.
To take home high profits devoid of jeopardy, make certain that you fix the asset s value in the central point.
Once in a blue moon, your asset s cost might persuade on another asset of some other investors.
To overlook the knock-on effect, make quite a lot of speculations for a secure trading.
By recognizing the above cited terms, you can move on with the vital binary option trading strategies, to guarantee high returns for your shares in this field.
The preliminary tactic to be considered is the paring strategy, which ensures coupling of money put and call options.
With this preeminent stratagem, you can still make huge income at the date of expiry even if the spot price is between the asset s price and strike price.
The next strategy you should be conscious about is Hedge and double positioning, which guarantees more profits without any menace.
This option ensures the pairing of put and call into the hedge and double position.
If there is an unpredicted change in the shares, the investors can make use of put or call option with the binary options betting strategy.
If you desire to shrink the occurrence of loss to your shares, you can utilize bungee option trading strategy by pairing in-the-money call option and at-the-money put option.
Enclosing all, the stop-loss trading strategy requires lots of proficiency as it is capable of judging the appropriate time for stop-loss.
This strategy seems to be easy but it is not that so.
Prestige Trading Strategies.
This section is dedicated to binary option trading strategies that have been personally used by PrestigeBinary, favored among traders around the globe and proven to increase profitable winning trades.
Because there are numerous amounts of trading strategies, we have selected our top favorites that are user-friendly and easy to follow, with High ITM In The Money success rates.
We will do our best to thoroughly explain each of our trading strategies in detail with step-by-step instructions on stetting up your trading charts.
Our set-up for trading strategies are very simple.
First you will need to start by accessing an Asset Charting Solution such as FreeStockCharts, or MT4.
Personally we prefer to use www.
com because not only is it FREE, its very easy to start up.
Plus the color-coded aspects of their tools make it very easy to read and distinguish moving average patterns, trends, price directions, and so on.
As a reminder, if your new to trading binary options, we encourage you to test your skills with our trading strategies on a Demo Trading Account.
This will help you familiarize yourself with online trading and how it works, without risking real money.
If your ready to invest and make profits, be sure you register yourself with a Reliable Broker with a solid reputation and great customer support.
What are Moving Averages.
A moving average is a trend-following or lagging indicator based on past prices.
Two basic commonly used MAs are the Simple Moving Average SMA simple average of a security over a defined number of time periods, and the Exponential Moving Average EMA identifies more recent prices.
The most common applications of MAs are to identify the trend direction and determine support and resistance levels.
If you don t understand all my technical mambo-jumbo, DON T WORRY.
In my tutorials below i will explain more in simpler terms for everyone to understand.
Powerful 10 Minute Trading Strategy Great for Beginning Traders.
NOTE This Strategy can be used for any currency pair.
However, through experience we find it works best with the EUR USD pair because of its low vitality and is the most reliable currency pair to invest with.
If your looking for something simple and effective to implement, then you cant go wrong with our Powerful 10 Minute Strategy.
As fellow traders in the industry, we personally understand many trading strategies can prove difficult to follow, especially if your new to trading binary options.
One of the Highlights about our 10 minute strategy are the requirements of only 2 simple indicators, or moving averages.
Moving Averages Set-Up Moving Averages are located in the Add Indicator Tab which represent the average prices.
For this strategy, we will be setting our indicators in periods of 10 and 3.
The period of 10 is set to display the average price of your asset over the past ten days.
With the other period of 3, you are seeing the average price of the asset for the past three days.
There are three different types of moving averages front-weighted , exponential , and simple.
Today for this particular strategy, we will be using SIMPLE both set at periods of 10 and 3.
Applying the Strategy.
Below is an illustrated example of how implementing this strategy would look.
You will notice our two moving averages set at periods of 10 blue line and 3 yellow line.
Be sure to set your time frame on you chart at 10 Minutes for we will be placing trades expiring at 5-10 minutes.
Make sure your are trading the Eur Usd pair.
The Simple Moving Average Line SMA set at the period of 3 is our Signal line.
So whenever our Yellow line crosses our Blue line, we place a trade in the direction the yellow line is heading.
In other words, if yellow crosses blue in an upward direction, we place a CALL trade.
If yellow crosses blue in a downward direction, we place a PUT trade.
Remember to place trades with expiry times no longer than 5 10 minutes.
As you can see below, we won 6 7 trades.
This binary options trading strategy has been formulated with novice traders in mind, but can also be used by traders from all experience levels.
Personally, we still continue to utilize this strategy after years in the industry because it has proven to be not only simple and quick to follow, but EFFECTIVE.
Adopting this new powerful and straightforward strategy correctly, traders will see a constant success rate of 72 100 in their sessions.
Bollinger Band Strategy.
Bollinger Bands are used as a technical analysis indicator allowing us to measure currents price volatility for any underlying asset.
These volatility Bollinger bands are located above below the moving average lines, forming a Range which is continually adjusting upon market fluctuations.
Our visual description below is an example of how your Bollinger Band set up should look like.
Bollinger Band Set-Up.
In order to start using this popular binary options trading strategy, first you need to set the time frame of your chart to 5 minutes.
This strategy combines the following chart indicators found under the Add Indicator tab Bollinger Bands one set at 365 Blue and the other set at 180 Red.
Be sure that both moving average types are set at Exponential.
The bollinger band s default setting are 20,2.
There is no need to change these settings.
Using the bollinger band strategy, you will need to identify three conditions.
Overall Trend of Currency Crossing Closing of Candle Stick on the Upper or Lower Bollinger Band Reversal Confirmation Candle Engulfing Candle.
Identifying the overall trend of a select currency is found by looking at the positions of both Exponential Moving Averages EMA.
UPWARD TREND If the Blue EMA 365 is below the Red EMA 180.
DOWNWARD TREND If the Blue EMA 365 is above the Red EMA 180.
In an upward trend, look for a candle stick to cross close outside the lower bollinger band.
In downward trends, look for a candle stick to cross close outside the upper bollinger band.
In order to place trade, make sure an Engulfing Candle forms after the candle that crossed an upper lower band.
By crossing the upper band, look for an engulfing Bearish candle.
If it crosses the lower band, look for an engulfing Bullish candle.
Again, make sure the time frame on your chart is set to 5 minutes because this strategy involves making trades with expiry times of 30 minutes to 1 hour.
In our illustration above, the Blue EMA was below the Red EMA not shown because picture was zoomed in , which identifies there s an Upward Trend.
We waited until the large red candle stick closed outside the lower bollinger band.
After the engulfing candle closed we entered a CALL trade to expire in 30 minutes, at around 10 pips below the closing of previous engulfing candle.
As you can see, we are in the money after 30 minutes or even 1 hour.
Bollinger band trading strategies are among the top favored strategies used by PrestigeBinary and we hope you ll enjoy using the too.
Simple Price Action.
14 thoughts on Prestige Trading Strategies.
I m trying to join Facebook group says I already exists.
Not sure why.
Hi Mark, which Facebook group are you referring to.
Sir iwant to invest in binaryoptionatm software.
what is your opinion.
i am from india,i have only one broker i.
e empireoption.


Hi Vamsi, We tested BinaryOptionnsATM a few months ago and were impressed with the results even though their website looks rather childish.
Nevertheless I was happy with the results.
Even though you already have an account with Empireoption, youll still need to deposit the a broker recommended by the BinaryOptionsATM software in order to activate the software.
keep me posted if you decide to trade with them.
Spent a couple of hours reading over and over about Trading Strategies.
Until it became clear as to what to do.
Printed out the graphs as a reference as well.
Friday was a success with the 10 minute strategy.
Will try the Bollinger Band Strategy on Monday.
This looks a bit more complicated.
Terrific web site.
Thanks for all your help.
I finally feel I am getting somewhere.
What do you mean by Engulfing bullish candle.
And do I trade when the yellow line exactly crosses or should I wait a few moments until it has cleared the blue line.
Regards Robert.
Hi Robert, Good Question, an engulfing candle is a candle that s basically bigger and going in the same direction as the previous candle.
Place the trade when it crosses AND closes the yellow line.
I want to try the 10 minute moving average strategy with a broker who uses does not provide 10 minutes expiry Does provide 15 minutes expirary.
Should I go with 15 mins using the same 2 moving averages.
Also, I placed these 2 indicators on charts with many other currency pairs and they seemed to work with these.
Lastly, can I use this same strategy with Olymp Trade pairs.
Hi Lynn, You can place 5 minute trades if youre not able to use 10 minute expirations.
They both work really well with this strategy.
I wouldn t use 15 minutes because thats too long and the asset could change direction.
This strategy only applies to binary trading, NOT Olymp Trade.
Hope this was helpful.
Is there a video that you re aware which demonstrates the 10 minute moving average strategy.
Also, do you have an opinion on the broker BinaryBook.
I just signed up for Binadroid and was assigned to BinaryBook and they have some pretty poor reviews online.
I m American so I know I have limited options.
Hi steve, Ive been trading with binary book for over 6 months and never had any issues with them.
I also received them as my broker through the buffett software too.
The main cause for issues between clients and brokers are the bonus offers because of their strict contingencies.
As long as you dont accept these bonuses, you wont have any issues with your trading process.
Is it really save to create a demo trading account.
We will not be obliged to created a real account and fund it.
Hi Catharina.
Yes its perfectly safe.
Do you have any particular time or session you trade with this strategy daily.
Hi George, Most of the time i trade between 8pm 12pm GMT.
Am sorry guyz, i was banned from making post here, i dont know why.
I had to Mail the MODS, thanks to d one that looked into my case.
Those complaining that the indicator is not working, just right click and open or run as administrator.
it should start working.
if it still refuse to work, drop your team viewer Id and password here, i will come over to your pc and check what is wrong.
I still trade Randoms, i dont know if this strategy will continue working tomorrow, but one thing i know for sure is that it is working NOW.
Forget about tomorrow and let it think about itself.
Most of u speaking against random traders, u have all been here for the past 2yrs, what have u acheived trading FOREX PAIRS.
Enough of your discouraging opinions, we ve heard all that, and we are ready to take the risk.
if i eventually blow my account, i will say to myself least i tried.
Ask yourself what if u make it trading randoms.
U think binary will scrap random.
do u know how much they make from that section.
I tire for una oooo.
The robot i use is still very much profitable, The trading times i dropped here should not be forsaking if u must survive this market.
I target 5 per season using the robot, thats 35 daily if i meet all season.
Tick picker also works better during those seasons.
Please still learn how to spot trending markets and usage of tick picker before going LIVE.
Best Randoms Bear, Bull and 100 index.
Ndidiamaka SOKOPA.
Ndidim Am sorry guyz, i was banned from making post here, i dont know why.
Most of u speaking again random traders, u have all been here for the past 2yrs, what have u acheived trading FOREX PAIRS.
Are you talking to me.
My opinion should not discourage you or anyone else.
Please, read my post right.
I admire your spirit, i just wont do what you do.
Several people can do it and probably become millionaires but i wont.
I do not want to be a millionaire trading randoms, thats not what matters to me.
SO its a personal thing.
Do you see me forcing anyone to accept my opinion.
So why say enough of my opinions.
Abi they don scrap freedom of speech.
That s even a contradiction.
Opinions are simply personal views.
What have i achieved.
Let that be between God, me and a cool, skinny dude.
S I m happy you are making money.
My opinion is another matter entirely and really, you should not concern yourself with it if you are of another opinion.
Cheers friend and God bless you.
And its even so unfortunate that i dont know anyone called Tabletgirl.
i have never seen or read your post.
i was refering to d norms in this thread.
It really is unfortunate dear.
You should get to know me I m good people.
Thanks for the info.
I no know say u no know me.
God bless you.
Ndidim And its even so unfortunate that i dont know anyone called Tabletgirl.
Ndidim I had to come back to clear this quickly, i no get time.
The version of d tick picker u got from me.
1 Doesnt use Network 2 U have to manually pick d price urself 3 If price goes up, u press up and vice versa.
4 Scroll back n check d screen shots i uploaded concerning how to use d version u have.
By weekend, if God will and time permit i will invite those that have team viewer to join me and see how i trade.
pls can you give me the website for naofx cus i ve googled n all i m seeing is chinese sites.
meritdee This thread served as a good read this morning.
lol all the drama.
It still baffles me that people that I have known on this thread in a long time still scrambles for new strategies.
Your real account becomes vulnerable the more you try out new strategies.
Every strategy works.
this phrase is now a cliche from me tho , just pick a favorite, pay it s dowry and get married it.
Also, stop trading binary like it s sport betting where you can combine cycling, football and tennis in a series of bets.
If you like FOREX, pick one or two currency pairs and do justice to em.
Likewise randoms, commodities, stocks e.
I know I m still boring as always with my only EURJPY but I can tell you we know each other so well now, I could tell when she s running fever and my 2013 strategy remains same.
Many thanks boss.
pls can you give us link to the strategy or repost.
God bless sir.
My teamviewer id is 472 165 274, password is 5u94yf.
Pls let me know when you will come online.
Ndidim Guyz come join me, Random index 100 and see for yourself.
pls redownload below.
No more profit tables, download and do see 4 yourself.
Loke1 Hello brio,that strategy looks interesting o.
Can you please share.
Please link to the tickpicker is not going again I try it but Invalid or Deleted File.
Invalid or Deleted File.
The key you provided for file access was invalid.
This is usually caused because the file is no longer stored on MediaFire.
This occurs when the file is removed by the originating user or MediaFire.
Still have questions, or think we ve made a mistake.
Please contact support for further assistance.
please kindly send it to me or a new link to download it and any other useful strategies on binary option at gideonforces gmail.
Thank you sir, and God bless you as you bless others.
Combination of candlesticks formation and a cross on MACD.
5min TF for 15mins trade.
wus How market binary random option hacking it is d way.
bro u said something about letting the red line come out if you are not sure d market is trending, pls what combination of indicators do you use pls.
Keltner channel Ma Cross MACD.
From My trade so far, i have come to realise that every trend is a SEASON.
Trade when the markets moves.
Though those times i dropped here are sure time for market movement.
Please my martingale strategy is d aggressive type.
I try to make profit from every signal generated from the Tick Picker, thats risky for small account, i scaled through it, maybe i was lucky.
My advice to those with small accounts is to Trade one signal at a time, i.
e, when u get a buy signal from Tick picker, place buy,, if u win, good, if u lose thats ok too.
just increase u stake, and generate another signal.
If the market is very active, u wouldnt need upto 3 martingale to win.
i tried connecting to your pc using d details u dropped via TV, i couldnt.
i will try again by 7 10pm today, after trade.
NADEX 1 Hour and NADEX 2 Hour Binary Options Systems and Strategies.
The NADEX 2 hour binary option is really one hour binary option in that it overlaps on an hourly basis.
So those of you who are used to treat an hourly binary options from the old school binary options Brokers will feel comfortable here trading the NADEX 1 hour binary option.
We have a lot of opportunity on these 2 hour binary options at NADEX.
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Also you can trade systems that go for expiration based on super systems concepts of the past.
The NADEX 2 hour binary is arguably the best opportunity all-round for most people in trading.
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Check out our next to our binary option systems and strategies below.
This Binary Options Strategy with Semafor Scalping System mostly depend on price action trading.
Scalping trading most profitable trading for short term trad with few market pips like 10 pips or five pips trading.
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Always trad in Fast market like high volume good lot for scalping.
Trad using this indicators system simple moving average with some high and low lines.
Always wait for all chart trend for buy or sell strong dont enter one side trend in Semafor Scalping System.
Semafor Scalping System Short trad.
Time frame m30 or m15 with pips target 50 pips or 25 pips All down and up trend show clear live indicator chart buy or sell with moving average.
Follow arrow indicator with high and low lines.
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Big time like h4 or day one in all currency pair.
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Binary Options Trading Strategies, 90 Accuracy and Signals.
Чему вы научитесь.
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You will learn all of the Binary options fundamentals and establish a strong understanding of the concepts behind this special financial market of Binary options.
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This course will help you understand this financial market, step by step, from scratch.
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You ll also receive bonus material that reinforces the concepts you ve learned and give you new tricks to improve your investment process.
With these lessons, you ll find that you re able to invest, manage and earn money in the binary options market in a short period of time.
What are the requirements.
No experience required No specific knowledge is required.
What am I going to get from this course.
This course includes everything from the beginning.
Definition of binary option with an example An overview of what could be achieved by investing in this market The tools you need to invest in this market single computer You can invest in many assets and from anywhere in the world You can invest 24 hours a day.
You choose when and where How to manage risk to avoid losing money How to open an investment account Basics of trading needed to invest in this market How to use the free Metatrader 4 platform to follow the movement of prices How to use strategies used by many traders in this market Investment tactics with real examples.
So you can reach strategies Excel files and templates of the strategies used in the course are included Explanation of the Million Challenge, with two possible methods to achieve it I explain how to open a free demo account.
So you can test all you want.
Therefore, this course includes everything you need to learn how to invest in this market and earn money.
Для кого этот курс.
Anyone who wants to know and use a new mechanism of investment Beginners and experienced traders who want to invest in binary options market People looking for investment opportunities.
Материалы курса.
Introduction 4 лекции 6 мин.
keep this in mind 6 лекции 16 мин.
Basics of Binary Options Trading 4 лекции 14 мин.
Binary Options Strategies 2 лекции 7 мин.
Binary Options Tactics 5 лекции 13 мин.
Million-dollar Challenge I ve never done 2 лекции 5 мин.
Very Important Issues in Order to Make Money 4 лекции 6 мин.
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Tips for Beginner Traders.
Below are some tips how you could become a successful binary trader.
Everyone come, try and lose but few succeed.
So pay attention and read tips for beginner traders.
Set a Limit on Your Bets Don t forget that you should spend at least several weeks trading.
Binary option is a type of option in which the payoff can take only two possible outcomes like in computer programming only 0 Lose, 1 Win.
Recently some of binary option brokers made a third possible outcome which is Draw.
The most popular Binary Option type is Call.
Binary Options Theory.
Binary Options Theory In finance, a binary option is a type of option where the payoff is either some fixed amount of some asset or nothing at all.
The two main types of binary options are the cash-or-nothing binary option Banc De Binary and the asset-or-nothing binary option Cantor Fitzgerald.
Binary options making money.
Binary options making money You can make a lot of money with Binary Options.
if you know how to trade them.
The first most important questions is what do you know about trading at all.
If you are a professional trader binary options are just perfect for you.
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Indicators and Strategies.
Free arrow indicator for TradingView.
For Binary Options.
BinaryMT2 nick WONNDER v7 Free Description Signals are based on RSI divergence and ADX divergence when RSI and ADX diverge, a signal appears.
It is advisable to filter signals with trend indicators.
Entry to the next candle after the signal.
Signals are not drawn after the candle closes.
Another basic strategy most people learn at the beginning of their trading carreer like me is the RSI strategy.
This is an adaptation of the built-in RSI strategy for use in binary options.
Who knows, maybe one day i will graduate to CFD trading, but my time for trading in general is limited at the moment and I am very much still at the beginning of this entire.
I ve been asking for this concept for a while, a simple MA that rides the top side of the trend instead of the bottom, and by accident came across the Hull ma on a TV blog post.
I ve added another two simple Moving averages to act as strength indicator with close proximity to the price.
The strategy is simple MA cross over but with the early indication using.
I am learning pine script at the moment and this is my first attempt at creating an expire time based strategy for binary options based on a simple example like the built-in Channel Break Out Strategy.
BO - CCI Arrow with Alert base on CCI indicator to get signal for trade Binary Option.
Rules of BO - CCI Arrow with Alert below A.
Setup Menu 1.
cciLength Default CCI lenght 14 2.
Linear Regression Length Periods to calculate Linear Regression of CCI, Default value 5 3.
Extreme Level Default top extreme level 100 Default bottom extreme.
BO - Bar s direction Signal - Backtesting Options A.
Factors Calculate probability of x bars same direction 1.
Periods Counting Data to count From day month year To day month year 2.
Trading Time only cases occurred in trading time were counted.
Trading time depend on Time zone and specified chart.
Enable Highlight Trading Time to check your.
This script show the signal base on volatility of previous bar M15 to trade Binary Option.
Rule of Signal is below A.
Rule 1 Wait for prices created temporary peak and bottom Row 18 10 minutes till close B.
Rule 2 Reversal previous bar s direction 1.
Put Signal - Row 22 - 25 - Delay 5 after bar M15 open - previous bar s direction is upward - price.
BO - Bar M15 2 3 Signal show the signal to trade Binary Option with rule below A.
Indicator Bollinger Band 20,2 avoid waterfall B.
Rule of Signal 1.
Rule1 Split Bar M15 to 3 part and load them on M5 chart recommend use M5 IDC chart 2.
Rule 2 Delay 10 after bar M15 open wait for price s pattern 3.
Rule 3 Put Signal row 30-32 Delay 10 after bar.
BO - KBSignal show Put or Call Signal inoder to trade Binary Option.
Indicators 1.
Keltner Channel K indicator was published in my scripts 2.
OBV s B indicator was published in my scripts B.
Rule 1 No Signal - K is the highest of 3 periods Possible a Pivot High - K is the lowest of 3 periods Possible a Pivot Low - Previous K.
Binary option indicator are used to display the arrow signals to buy a CALL or PUTT option as well as to find the chart on the double top and double-bottom patterns given by the chart that we have find earlier.
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What is a strangle strategy using binary options.
Strangle strategies for trading binary options are perfect for moving markets.
When you employ a strangle strategy, you have the potential to profit whether the market goes up or down, making it a great choice for volatility.
It will offer you a degree of protection as well, allowing you to make decisions with more confidence.
Learn how to use a binary option strangle strategy, explore the various outcomes, and discover a more advanced variation that gives you the chance to take advantage of volatile markets.
What is a strangle.
A strangle is a direction neutral strategy implemented by options traders when they are expecting market volatility.
It involves buying out-of-the-money contracts and selling in-the-money contracts as the trader hopes to buy low and sell high or sell high and buy back low.
Strangle strategies help protect traders in the event the markets don t behave as expected, while still allowing them to potentially profit from volatility.
How does a strangle strategy work with binary options.
Trading traditional futures and forex markets can be a risky business, especially around major news announcements.
These are some of the challenges traders can face.
Picking direction when trading the underlying market, you have to pick one direction for each trade and hope you are correct.
The information in major news releases is so closely guarded traders have very little, if any, insight into what any given report may contain until the moment of the release.
This information vacuum makes it exceptionally difficult to find any guidance into which way the market may move.
Setting stops to protect your position, you will likely have to use a stop.
Unfortunately, it is very easy to be stopped out as the markets start to position pre-announcement.
Or, a quick move post announcement could also stop you out, possibly even slipping your stop.
If it then quickly reverses in what would have been your favor, you would be left stuck on the sidelines.
Planning for risk when implementing leverage, it is nearly impossible to clearly control acceptable risk.
Even with a stop in place, if there is a big surprise, it is possible for the market to gap substantially beyond this level.
This is how major losses can occur.
Using a binary option strangle strategy can help you profit if you re on the right side of a larger market move, and protect you if you re on the wrong side of it.
These are some of the direct benefits.
Direction neutral.
There is the opportunity to profit regardless of market direction.
No stops are needed.
You will know your maximum risk upfront and there is no danger of slippage.
You also won t be stopped out of a trade too early, so you can see your trade through to expiration.
Losses don t spiral out of control.
Your maximum loss is only ever the amount you put into the trade.
How to trade a strangle with binary options.
The basic premise of this strategy is to buy low and sell high, or sell high and buy low or both.
There are two trades, or legs, involved to implement the strategy.
Sell an in-the-money ITM binary option contract at 75 or greater.
Buy an out-of-the-money OTM binary option contract at 25 or lower.
You may want to set a limit order on both legs, typically around 1.
5 to 2 times the risk on either side of the trade.
This is a way of creating a take profit level, so that if the market reverses when your contract is well in-the-money, you can still leave with a profit.
The trade is structured so that if the market moves up, it takes the OTM binary option contract to ATM near a price of 50 or ITM.
Alternatively, if it moves down, it would take the ITM binary option contract to ATM or OTM.
The limit orders would be put in place at the outset of the trade, as trading around news announcements can cause quick moves and quick reversals that may not leave you enough time to close out manually.
Strangle strategy examples.
Let s take a look at an example of a trade setup using the binary option strangle strategy, along with a few potential outcomes.
Here s the scenario.
It is Wednesday morning, and the US Federal Reserve will be announcing a monetary policy decision early in the afternoon.
The EUR USD is trading near 1.
You set up the following trade.
Sell five ITM contracts EUR 1.
1040, at a price of 84.
Place a limit order to buy five contracts with the strike 1.
Buy five OTM contracts EUR 1.
1100, at a price of 16.
Place a limit order to sell five contracts with the strike 1.
To work out the maximum risk on this trade, you combine the maximum risk on both sides.
The order ticket will tell you this for the purpose of this example, the math is.
Five contracts sold at 84.
75 equals a risk of 76.
Five contracts bought at 16.
50 equals a risk of 82.
Total maximum risk 158.
Now, let s take a look at some potential outcomes.
Please keep in mind, every trade is different these are just examples.
Outcome 1 total loss.
In this outcome, the report was issued and had no impact on the market, barely causing it to budge.
The trader held onto all contracts until expiration and took a total loss of 158.
While this outcome shows a total loss, it would have been possible to attempt to close out the trade early if the markets weren t behaving as expected.
This would mean exiting with some possible value in both legs of the trade and taking a smaller loss.
Outcome 2 - 66.
25 profit from rallying markets.
In this outcome, let s suppose the market rallied to 1.
1100 and the limit order for five contracts at 45.
00 was filled.
This would mean the trader s profit was 66.
Here is how the math works.
50 and sold at 45.
75 settle at 100 76.
25 total profit of 66.
Outcome 3 - 66.
25 profit from a market drop.
In this outcome, let s suppose the market drops to 1.
1040 and the limit order for five contracts filled at 55.
This would mean the trader s profit was also 66.
Here is how the math works on this side.
75 and bought at 55.
50 settle at 0 82.
50 total profit 66.
Outcome 4 291.
25 profit from a reversing market.
In this final outcome, let s suppose the market initially rallied to 1.
1100 and then reversed, dropping below 1.
In this outcome, the trader s profit is 291.
Here s how the math works.
75 total profit of 291.
This works the opposite way around too.
Let s suppose the market initially falls to below 1.
1040 then reverses, climbing above 1.
The trader s profit will also be 291.
75 and bought at 55 148.
Examples not inclusive of exchange fees.
Binary option strangle strategy variation for more advanced traders.
Once you re comfortable with using a binary option strangle strategy, you have the option to try out this more advanced variation.
It uses a very similar setup, the difference being that you set fewer limit orders which can allow you to make a higher profit but also has a higher risk of loss.
An example using a variation on a binary option strangle strategy.
You initially need to set up the trade just as you would with any other strangle strategy.
To recap, this means.
Selling an in-the-money ITM binary option contract at 75 or greater.
Buying an out-of-the-money OTM binary option contract at 25 or lower.
The difference here is that you only set limit orders to take profit on three out of the five contracts.
This gives you the potential to make a greater profit by letting the other contracts run until expiry the downside being that you could also take greater losses.
Here is the structure to set up the strategy variation.
Five contracts sold ITM EUR 1.
1040 at a price of 84.
Limit order placed for three contracts 1.
1040 strike at 55.
Five contracts bought OTM EUR 1.
1100 at a price of 16.
1100 strike at 45.
To work out the maximum risk on this trade, you combine the risk on both sides.
Now, let s take a look at the possible outcomes.
Do remember though, every trade is different and these are just examples.
It would also have been possible for the trader to attempt to close out the trade early and limit losses.
Outcome 2 - 176.
1100 and expired above the strike.
The limit order for three contracts at 45.
00 was filled, and the two contracts the trader bought and left to run until expiry closed at 100.
This would mean the trader s profit was 176.
Three contracts bought at 16.
Two contracts bought at 16.
50 settle at 100 167 profit.
25 total profit of 176.
Outcome 3 - 176.
In this outcome, let s suppose the market dropped to below 1.
1040 and expired below the strike.
The limit order for three contracts at 55.
00 was filled, and the two contracts the trader sold and left to run until expiry closed at 0.
Three contracts sold at 84.
Two contracts sold at 84.
75 settle at 0 169.
50 total profit of 176.
Outcome 4 311.
In this outcome, the trader s profit is 311.
50 settle at 0 33.
00 total profit of 311.
This works the opposite way too.
If the market initially fell below 1.
1040 then reversed to climb above 1.
1100, the trader s profit would be the same.
75 settle at 100 30.
50 settle at 100 167.
50 total profit of 311.
Key points on binary option strangle strategies.
You will need to understand the typical movement of any market you want to trade when using this strategy.
If you are picking strikes that are 100 points away from the market when it is only likely to move 30 points, you may have a cheap trade, but one that is not likely to profit.
Additionally, if you have a market that would commonly move 100 points, but you choose strikes that are only 30 points away, you are probably not maximizing your potential return.
Try out this strategy with your demo account first.
Practice it and study it.
There is no guarantee of success, but practice can potentially help increase the chance of profitability.
Many traders recommend trading multiple contracts, but only using limit orders to take profit on a portion of the position in order to maximize profit potential.
Once you learn this strategy, you can try out some variations.
Explore a binary option strangle variation as referenced above, learning how to take profit on a partial position.
The binary option strangle strategy and variation offer two great ways to trade when you predict big market movements.
They allow you to hold positions as both a buyer and a seller if you think there will be a significant shift on a particular market, but you re unsure of the direction.
While a binary option strangle strategy does give you a chance of profiting, no strategy will work 100 of the time.
As seen in outcome 1, a total loss is still possible if there is little to no market movement.
You must always consult your trading plan before employing any binary option contract trading strategy, making sure you don t risk more capital than you can afford to lose.
If properly managed, and when employed at opportune moments, binary option strangle strategies can be a highly useful part of your trading plan.


A Brief Look at Binary EUR USD.
The last several trading sessions were pretty volatile for the EUR USD, providing good opportunities for profit to both traders of binary call options and traders of binary put options.
The euro hit a one month high against the dollar as Moody s affirmed Spain s credit rating and on speculation that the country will ask for more bailout money.
The rating was contingent upon Spain s fiscal reforms and the assumption the European Central Bank will step in and buy the debt of peripheral euro zone countries.
The euro has been trending upward over the last several trading session as investors speculate that the ECB, by buying Spanish bonds, will lower the country s borrowing costs.
European leaders are meeting in Brussels tomorrow and speculation that they will reach an agreement on providing more help for Greece gave additional boost to the currency.
According to traders, there were strong bids from sovereign wealth funds at the 1.
3080 level but most investors were reluctant to drive the currency above the 1.
3200 level without a definite aid request from Madrid.
We could see the euro go up as high as 1.
35 after a Spanish bailout request but may not be able to go above that level if concerns persist that the euro zone policymakers are not able to tackle the long-term sovereign debt crisis.
Technically speaking, the euro is facing strong resistance at the 1.
3169 level that was set on September, 17 th.
Looking back, we can see that the euro broke above its 200-day moving average on September, 11 th and the indicator is providing a strong support for the currency.
Looking at the MACD, the short term moving average broke above the long-term one, which could potentially push the euro higher benefiting traders of binary call options.
Additionally, we see that the 50-day moving average is on its way to break above the 200-day moving average which is another bullish indicator.
The RSI is currently standing in neutral territory.
We are seeing a symmetrical triangle formation with descending resistance and ascending support line that was form over the course of the last month.
Yesterday, the euro broke above the descending resistance line of 1.
Today, the currency continued to trend higher, which could potentially be another bullish signal.
As mentioned earlier, there is an important meeting of European leaders tomorrow in Brussels, so traders of binary options should stay alerts as more volatility in the euro is expected.
A Brief Look At EUR GBP.
In recent months the EUR GBP has been trending upward proving good profit opportunities for traders of binary call options.
The British pound had the biggest gain in more than three months against the euro as optimism that the U.
economy is pulling out of recession in the third quarter pushed investors into British assets.
Additionally, data revealed that the euro-region industry contracted in October, which increased demand for alternatives to the euro.
The sterling gained 0.
8 percent to 80.
79 pence per euro around 12 40 London time, which was the steepest advance since the beginning of July.
The Confederation of British Industry s gauge of factory orders fell to negative 23 from negative 8 in September, data showed today.
The median analysts forecast was for an increase to negative 6.
Currently, the focus is on the GDP release tomorrow.
The currency is looking a bit vulnerable at these levels and if the GDP number tomorrow disappoints, we could see a sharp drop in the sterling.
Bank of England Governor, Mervyn King, said in a speech, that it would be hard to tell whether the more recent positive economic signs will persist.
In case that they don t, that bank stands ready to inject more cash into the economy, which in turn would be negative for the pound.
Central bank officials will be meeting in two weeks to decide whether to increase their so-called quantitative easing program in order to boost the economy and traders of binary options may be able to capitalize on the increased volatility in the pound that usually surrounds these events.
Technically, we believe that the pound s strength against the euro is expected to be short-lived.
The euro has been in an uptrend against the pound since July, 22 nd when it hit a multi-year low against the sterling.
It is possible that the euro could go down and test the trend line but we believe that the currency will find support there and bounce back up, benefiting binary call buyers.
Currently, the EUR GBP is trading above its 50 and 200 day moving averages and it seems like that the 200 day moving average is providing strong support for the pair today.
If the pair breaks below the 200 day moving average, the next support will be the 50 day moving average and eventually the lower trend line.
Lastly, we see that the 50-day moving average could pretty soon break above the 200-day moving average pushing the EUR GBP higher and benefiting buyers of binary call options.
The RSI is currently standing in neutral territory and the MACD does not show and divergence convergence patterns as of this moment.
A Brief Look At Crude Oil.
Over the course of the last couple of months, we have seen a steep decline in the price of crude oil, benefiting buyers of binary put options.
Oil futures traded lower, poised for the biggest weekly drop in a month.
Futures were down as much as 1.
2 percent ahead of U.
government report today that may show the economy of the world s biggest crude user expanded by 1.
8 percent in the third quarter.
That would be the first instance of back-to-back readings of growth lower than 2 percent since 2009.
Stockpiles in the country have climbed to the highest level for this time of year since 1982.
Crude stockpiles jumped to 375.
1 million barrels in the week ended Oct.
19, the Department of Energy said on Oct.
Supplies at Cushing, Oklahoma, the delivery point for the WTI contract, increased by 40,000 barrels to 44.
1 million, which is 40 percent higher than a year ago.
Production in the U.
went up for a seventh week to 6.
61 million barrels a day, a 17-year high.
Gasoline consumption fell by 2.
7 percent to 8.
49 million barrels a day, the slowest rate since March 16.
The four-week average fell to 8.
61 million, a six-month low.
Refinery utilization averaged 87.
2 percent of capacity, from 87.
Crude oil may drop next week on surging U.
inventories, weakening demand and higher production, benefiting traders of binary put options.
Technically, crude is trading below its 50 and 200-day moving averages and the 50-day one appears to be a major resistance level.
Oil broke below the 87.
35 support level several trading sessions ago and the next support appears to be around 84.
The RSI is almost in oversold territory so we could see a short term bounce back.
However, we believe that over the course of the next couple of weeks oil will trend lower.
Therefore, traders of binary options will probably have opportunities for profit, both on the up and on the down side.
Crude Oil Falls.
The value of crude declined, while gasoline rose as Hurricane Sandy is said to be approaching the US East Coast.
Binary options on the black gold decreased by 1.
1 percent and the value of its derivative- gasoline gained 2.
8 percent as Sandy approaches the US coast.
Numerous oil producing and refining US companies have already cut or reduced output due to the hurricane s landfall tomorrow.
Analysts opinion is that the very short term will be positive for the goods and commodities while negative for stocks and crude especially.
The fact that large US refineries have shut down and reduced their capacity suggests that short- term demand is about to decrease, leading to a drop in prices of crude and an increase in the prices of gasoline due to the diminishing supply.
December deliveries have dropped 9 cents or 0.
99, while gasoline deliveries for November rose 9.
72 cents or 3.
7963 a gallon.
Phillips 66 Inc closed its 238000 barrel a day refinery, Hess Corp and NuStar are following the example as well.
These news combined with last week s large increase in the US oil inventories suggests that the forthcoming short term value of the crude is about to be lower than the current one.
Oil slumped to a three- month low at 84.
94 per barrel on 24 th October.
Things in Europe are similar- the value of the Brent Oil rose 47 cents or 0.
4 percent to 110.
02 per barrel.
The rise in Europe is due to some large shipments deferral to November from October.
The technical analysis graph reveals a similar tendency.
It is clear that since the 50 Day Moving Average crossed the 200 Day counterpart the value of the crude oil has been decreasing.
Today the black gold even crossed it s short term support at the lower Bollinger Band although the fact that buy orders tend to be clustered at about that level.
The sharp drop, which marked its beginning on the 21 st of October at the 93.
50 top, continues aimed at the psychological level of 80.
00 per barrel.
The short term support level at 85.
00 has already been breached so further declines could be expected.
On the upside short to medium term resistance levels are psychological levels at 88.
The Relative Strength Index is in the oversold territory.
Current news appears to influence the value of the crude oil to a large extends so traders of short term financial instruments should be weather news sensitive.
A Brief Look At Binary Options.
The Euro is climbing against the US dollar for a second consecutive day with test of the psychological 1.
30 one hour after the markets in Europe opened.
The currency is support by the solid Italian debt auction and data showing Spanish economy contracted slightly less than expected in the third quarter.
On other hand, the German Retail Sales indicator became better than expected earlier this morning.
Expectations were that percent of the change in the total value of inflation excluding automobiles and gas stations will become 0.
4 but data showed 1.
On Wednesday, the Euro zone finance ministers will discuss progress in negotiations of the revised Greek bailout, but are not expected to make any decisions today.
Most of investors are keeping hopes of an eventual deal earlier next month alive, the Socialist PASOK party the second-biggest partner in the country s ruling coalition, will support a raft of austerity and reform measures in a parliamentary vote.
Greek is near to a bankrupt and the country needs to push through spending cuts and tax measures worth 13.


5 billion euros.
Read more about binary options trading.
Currently the price is moving around 1.
3000 and further rises are expected.
The first resistance for today could be projected around 1.
3020 and in case of break above it next resistance for the price could be set at 1.
For continuing of the whole bullish momentum from 1.
2040, price must make clear break and daily close above the highest price of September 1.
A break there would lead the price of Euro to next sentiment level 1.
On downside, the first intraday support could be projected at 1.
2940 followed by 1.
Crucial for the medium-term trend is 1.
2802 and a break below it would change sentiment of investor to negative.
A Brief Overview Of Apple.
The value of the company with the largest market capitalization in the NASDAQ index- Apple lost its upward momentum in the beginning of October- 675 per share on the 4 th of October compared with 595 at the 31 st.
Although better than the expected results for Q3 12 published on the 25 th October- earnings per share rose to 8.
16 compared with 7.
13 for the same period last year, the value of the most recognizable soft and hardware producing company has been decreasing.
During the same period, the company announced its latest product- the mini IPad and weeks before that the curiously awaited IPhone 5.
It appears that the product innovations did not manage to change investors future expectations for the company.
Another fact that is worth mentioning is the recent announcement for the forthcoming structural changes in the company s management.
Yesterday s trading session marked a 1.
4 decrease in the value of Apple s shares as the mobile software head Scott Forstall and the retail leader John Browett said they are leaving the company as of the next year.
The 50 Day Moving Average is well below the 200 Day counterpart which suggests that the value of the stock would remain downward trending in the short to medium run.
Short term weak support is the bottom from yesterday s trading at 595 and an eventual break of that level would signal future short term decrease in value.
On the upside, the first resistance is set at 624.
8 and the breach of that level would show investors expectations short term reversal and the value of Apple s stock will aim at the levels from the beginning of October.
Binary DIS Financially Strong And Expands.
Binary Options on the Walt Disney Company NYSE DIS , this year with minor exceptions we could state that have been into an increasing channel, as this is evident from the graph as well.
Today, binary DIS is exchanged at 49.
12, which is much better that what we have seen this year.
In the summer binary DIS was traded around the levels of 43-45 per share.
Currently, binary DIS is much above its range of MA 200 46.
20 and just below its range of MA 50 51.
28 and this demonstrates the strong performance of Walt Disney Company s stock.
Furthermore, trading volume is very high too.
The volume is within the highest level of the year and stands at 20,708,994.
This shows that there is a very large investors interest in the company, which further stimulates binary DIS price levels.
In cases like this one where a given company is seeing strong values for its stocks, most binary traders know what is it closely linked with the financial indicators of the organization.
Walt Disney is not an exception and reported a very solid financial quarter, Q3 2012 that ended on June 30, 2012.
Most likely, the most important facor for investors and shareholders is EPS, which marked a magnificent quarter.
EPS for the third quarter increased 31 to 1.
77 in the prior-year quarter.
Furthermore, diluted EPS for the nine-months ended June 30, 2012 was 2.
44 compared to 1.
93 in the prior-year period.
Additionally, net income for Walt Disney for Q3- 2012 up to date was 4438 millions versus only 3720 in Q3-2011.
Binary option traders and investors interested in the company could consider being on a safe side because not only that Walt Disney and binary DIS are in a solid position but also the company is following moves to expand.
For instance, very recently the creator of Mickey Mouse has agreed to acquire Lucasfilm Ltd.
in a stock and cash transaction.
Lucasfilm is 100 owned by Lucasfilm Chairman and Founder, George Lucas.
These developments signal in good reserves of cash and not indication for falling binary DIS values at least not for now.
A Brief Look At USD JPY.
The USD JPY advanced to a six-month high after hiring in the U.
increased more than forecast last month.
Japan s currency headed for a third weekly decline against the dollar as economic weakness and disappointing corporate earnings spurred speculation the Bank of Japan will expand monetary easing.
The greenback rallied yesterday after data showed manufacturing expanded and initial jobless claims declined.
Technically, we believe that the is more upside potential for the dollar.
The pair broke above the 80.
623 resistance level and if it manages to close above it, we could see the USD JPY go up and test the next resistance level which stands around the 81.
Additionally, the 50-day moving average is on its way to break above the 200-day moving average which is another bullish signal.
The RSI is currently in neutral territory.
Advantages And Disadvantages To The Martingale Strategy.
As a trader, experienced or not, you should note that not each strategy will lead to success all the time.
When you put a strategy to action it is very important that this is done in the right way.
The Martingale strategy, as any other strategy is a lot discussed, and everyone wants to know if it really works.
In a way, such thing can not be simply answered with a yes or no.
There is much more to it.
There are some aspects which would define the strategy as useful and some of them will make you stay away from it.
It is mathematically proven that eventually the coin will come up heads and we will win if we can keep betting.
The fact that you will win without a doubt generated the huge hype of the Martingale.
However, you need two things to win for sure infinite money and infinite time yes, hard to find, but don t forget we are traders, not gamblers.
A trader tries to tilt the odds in his favor using technical and fundamental analysis.
If we combine Martingale and good analysis of the market we might have a winner.
Now, I m not talking about a complete novice that just uses Martingale and has no idea about market environment, but a trader that can get the direction right at least once in five trades, or depending on his account balance, even once every ten trades.
Think of it this way what if the streak of losses extends to 10, which is very possible.
Assuming you just started with a bet of 1, your current bet would have to be 512 and if you win that, you make a measly profit of one buck all your previous losses are - 511.
Our bets will grow exponentially with every loss and the numbers will quickly get out of control and eventually we will run out of money.
This strategy has no edge , nothing to make it work other than pure LUCK.
It is clearly and with no doubt a gambling strategy, so this might make some traders to keep away.
Beware Of not a scam In Binary Options Trading.
With the advancement of binary option trading, not a scam are developing too.
This is why, as a trader, you need to be aware of the possible not a scam you might encounter.
You need to make a lot of research and be educated in this area, in order to prevent yourself from not a scam.
One of the ways of identifying a scam is if the broker you are trading with offers you bonuses once you start making money.
Also, if you decide to withdraw a large sum of money and your broker tries to prevent you from withdrawing your money, this is a great example of a scam.
The aim of the broker in this scenario is to keep your profits rather than let you take home what you deserve.
You will want to trade with a broker that offers you the highest quality customer service.
A big binary options scam is a broker that markets themselves well, but has poor quality customer service.
You will want to avoid this, because you will need to be in touch with the customer service throughout your trading.
A way to avoid this scenario is to carefully do your research and get in touch with traders via online forums.
There are several providers of binary options software which most brokers use.
A well-known scam is a bad quality software provider.
The reason why any binary options broker will use software with glitches is because it is designed this way on purpose to reduce the chance of your trade expiring in the money.
Take into account that your binary option only needs to expire 1 pip higher or lower than the strike price.
This means that reliable software is a must when trading the markets.
5 Minute Binary Options.
Successful 5 minute binary options strategy depends on your derivative oscillator.
Learn how to get the most of it.
Successfully trading in any market can be a major challenge, and discovering any strategy that works consistently is even more challenging.
Defining and then deploying a trading strategy that suits your specific resources and abilities can be a somewhat hit-and-miss process which can turn out to be not only frustrating, but also costly.


Yet right now there are both reliable and available trading strategies that can and will work for you, which are both simple to master and will deliver a high rate of success.
The 5 minute binary options trading strategy is one of them.
And with this specific 5 minute binary options strategy, your only mandatory requirements for success are that you-.
Currently have an existing trading account.
Manage and maintain a patient trading plan.
Familiarize yourself with all available charts provided by your broker.
If you ve got these, you re on your way.
5 Minute Binary Options Strategy Depends on Your Derivative Oscillator.
Discovering and accurately predicting trading trends is key to your success, and reliable trading strategy absolutely depends on the use of a derivative oscillator DO indicator.
This indictor is entirely based on accurate analysis of all available technical data.
It s through this accurate data analysis that your DO will be able to examine the price movement of specific assets, and then accurately predict the movement s range and timing this indicator is especially reliable when significant asset price movement is already occurring.
When movement is already happening, the success and or failure of this 5-min binary options strategy is largely a matter of proper timing and understanding when to put your transaction into action.
Putting Your 5 Minute Binary Options Strategy Into Action.
The key to the success of your trading account action is based entirely on accurately examining 5 minute trading intervals because this strategy absolutely and exclusively operates successfully on a 5 minute time frame.
In addition to trading timing, the 5 minute binary options strategy is effectively successful when deployed on low volatility currency pairs such as USD EUR, or the USD CAD, and on high volume stocks like Apple, Amazon, Nike, et al.
The crucial key to this strategy is to ensure that your DO indicator s analysis are accurate, which will in turn allow for accurate timing in your trading, which will then produce successful trades for you.
Derivative Oscillator Candle Chart Analysis.
One very effective trading approach is to also examine candle chart results and then merge your DO indicator analysis with those.
Using this combination, you ll find that the price action of your candle chart and your DO indicator analysis will reliably coincide.
The candle chart results should accurately track alongside your indicator analysis, which will in turn predict price movement, allowing you to capitalize with effective timing.
For example- Given that the next chart candle clearly indicates a corollary change in movement, you can accurately predict a shift in price, and then place your trade in a timely manner as per chart movements.
Of course in order to produce profit, the timing of your trade must take advantage of that 5 minute trading window.
Due to trading volatility, missing your 5-minute trading window will most likely generate a fail.
But if you ve paid strict attention to your trading tools, this basic yet effective trading approach can provide a good rate of return in many cases as high as 70.
With studious practice, the 5 minute binary option strategy can and should be fine-tuned to your specific indicators, and should always generate reliable trading success.
15 Minute Binary Options.
15 minute binary options strategy comes into play when you need a little.
Finding a trading strategy or formula that brings the results you re looking for is never easy.
In most cases, traders realize the best approach for their work is unique, based on their individual risk factors.
That s something everyone considering trading has to keep in mind.
Ideally, the overall goal is to settle on a strategy that demands as little focus on analyzing charts and data as possible.
This is where our 15 minute binary options strategy comes into play, as you need just a couple of indicators and can get started in less time than you might expect.
Why is Charting Accuracy So Important for an Effective Traders 15 Minute Binary Options Strategy.
Sadly, beginners can underestimate the power of a solid strategy and dive straight into trading.
That s understandable there s a lot of money out there to be claimed, and it s easy to believe it s all down to luck.
But spending time preparing a 15 minute binary options strategy can help you achieve better results down the line.
And well-managed charting pages have the power to make a real impact.
First, let s be clear traders have a wealth of free charts to choose from, but they tend to perform the same tasks.
It s best to look at the options available carefully and choose the one that suits you best.
After installing your charting platform onto your system, head straight for the settings and switch to 15 minute trades.
This gets you ready to roll.
Next, you want to view your options and implement the Moving Linear and Moving Averages 15 minute binary options indicators into your own chart.
These should be close to each other in the options, but don t think they re not available if you can t see them immediately.
A little deeper investigation may be required.
Look at the current settings on both indicators they could be at 50 by default, but you want to shift them to 10 instead.
Save your chances, and double-check the 15 minute binary options indicator change has taken effect.
You want to be sure before you start trading.
It s Time to Put Your 15 Minute Binary Options Strategy into Action.
The steps we discussed above are most effective when trading in common pairs of currency, specifically low-volatility options.
And they work well when investing in stocks like Google or Apple, which are both high volume.
What does volatility mean.
Basically, it refers to the price fluctuations of assets or their respective market.
If something is described as having high volatility, its price is likely to shift in both directions within a brief window.
As a result, assets falling into this category will experience major price adjustments quickly even when market fluctuations are minor.
In terms of low volatility, larger movements within markets are required before an asset s price will shift.
So, low-volatility pairs of currency typically include USD versus NZD, or EUR versus USD.
Picking the right option for you is vital to start you on your way to a positive outcome from your binary options 15 minute strategy.
The chart you use features two lines one is the linear regression indicator, and the other is the moving averages.
When both lines cross paths on your chart, the time has come to place your chosen trade.
Your trade s direction will be based on your lines movement, and they have to move in different directions, though you need to make your trade according to the moving averages line.
If it crosses the other line as it climbs the chart, you should make a call, as the price is growing too.
Adding both elements to your own analysis chart is generally quick and simple.
You ll be ready to start placing trades and, hopefully, see some impressive returns on your investments.
The sheer simplicity and accessibility of this binary options 15 minute strategy means it s possible for anyone to try their hand at trading.
How to Understand Binary Options.
Last Updated October 8, 2020 References Approved.
This article was co-authored by Michael R.
Lewis is a retired corporate executive, entrepreneur, and investment advisor in Texas.
He has over 40 years of experience in business and finance, including as a Vice President for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas.
He has a BBA in Industrial Management from the University of Texas at Austin.
wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback.
This article received 13 testimonials and 96 of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status.
This article has been viewed 759,444 times.
A binary option, sometimes called a digital option, is a type of option in which the trader takes a yes or no position on the price of a stock or other asset, such as ETFs or currencies, and the resulting payoff is all or nothing.
Because of this characteristic, binary options can be easier to understand and trade than traditional options.
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HLOC Indicator - more 90 ITM on binary options.
HLOC Indicator does not include any known indicators such as MA, RSI, MACD, etc.
This indicator is completely based on mathematical calculations.
It is unique in its kind.
As it does not make assumptions, but completely comes to the situation on the market by mathematical calculations.
It can work in any market with the appropriate settings.
The indicator has a built-in tester , which is very helpful to quickly analyze the performance of the indicator for a particular currency pair with different trading methods with a different number of martingale steps.
Characteristics of the HLOC Indicator.
Platform Metatrader4 Asset Major currency pair Trading Time Around the clock Timeframe M5 or H1 Expiry 3 candles 15 min for M5 and etc.
Recommended broker Binomo , Binary , IQOption.
Rules of trade by HLOC Indicator.
HLOC Indicator signals are simple and intuitive up arrow - Call , down arrow Put.
Open the position ONLY on the next candle if the arrow has not disappeared.
An arrow appears during signal generation.
Naturally, while the candle is not closed, the arrow may disappear and appear, as with any normal indicator.
The arrow appears-disappears because of the condition close to entering the position, but not sufficient.
If after closing the candle the arrow has not disappeared, then we enter the deal.
If the arrow has disappeared, then do not enter, then the condition has not come as it should.
There are not very many signals, so for those who like more rhythmic trading, I recommend installing the template on several currency pairs at once.
The HLOC Indicator settings have two sections.
Indicator settings Tester settings.
Bar - period of analysis of a candles.
According to the value of this parameter, the indicator analyzes the specified number of candles.
The optimal period is from 10 to 50.
The smaller the value, the more signals.
For aggressive trading 10, for the conservative best 20-25.
Trend_Bar - trend analysis.
This parameter is determining the direction of movement of the currency.
The optimal values are from 3 to 7.