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Started by Bitcoin, Feb 14, 2021, 08:32 am

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Code your own blockchain mining algorithm in Go!
Coral Health.
Mar 4, 2018 · 13 min read.
With all the recent craze in Bitcoin and Ethereum mining it's easy to wonder what the fuss is all about. For newcomers to this space, they hear wild stories of people filling up warehouses with GPUs making millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrencies a month. What exactly is cryptocurrency mining? How does it work? How can I try coding my own mining algorithm?
We'll walk you through each of these q uestions in this post, culminating in a tutorial on how to code your own mining algorithm. The algorithm we'll be showing you is called Proof of Work , which is the foundation to Bitcoin and Ethereum, the two most popular cryptocurrencies. Don't worry, we'll explain how that works shortly.
Cryptocurrencies need to have scarcity in order to be valuable. If anyone could produce as many Bitcoin as they wanted at anytime, Bitcoin would be worthless as a currency (wait, doesn't the Federal Reserve do this? *facepalm*). The Bitcoin algorithm releases some Bitcoin to a winning member of its network every 10 minutes, with a maximum supply to be reached in about 122 years. This release schedule also controls inflation to a certain extent, since the entire fixed supply isn't released at the beginning. More are slowly released over time.
The process by which a winner is determined and given Bitcoin requires the winner to have done some "work", and competed with others who were also doing the work. This process is called mining , because it's analogous to a gold miner spending some time doing work and eventually (and hopefully) finding a bit of gold.
The Bitcoin algorithm forces participants, or nodes, to do this work and compete with each other to ensure Bitcoin aren't released too quickly.
A quick Google search of "how does Bitcoin mining work?" fills your results with a multitude of pages explaining that Bitcoin mining asks a node (you, or your computer) to solve a hard math problem . While technically true, simply calling it a "math" problem is incredibly hand-wavy and hackneyed. How mining works under the hood is a lot of fun to understand. We'll need to understand a bit of cryptography and hashing to learn how mining works.
A brief introduction to cryptographic hashes.
One-way cryptography takes in a human readable input like "Hello world" and applies a function to it (i.e. the math problem) to produce an indecipherable output. These functions (or algorithms) vary in nature and complexity. The more complicated the algorithm, the harder it is to reverse engineer. Thus, cryptographic algorithms are very powerful in securing things like user passwords and military codes.
Let's take a look at an example of SHA-256, a popular cryptographic algorithm. This hashing website lets you easily calculate SHA-256 hashes. Let's hash "Hello world" and see what we get:
Try hashing "Hello world" over and over again. You get the same hash every time. In programming getting the same result again and again given the same input is called idempotency .
A fundamental property of cryptographic algorithms is that they should be extremely hard to reverse engineer to find the input, but extremely easy to verify the output. For example, using the SHA-256 hash above, it should be trivial for someone else to apply the SHA-256 hash algorithm to "Hello world" to check that it indeed produces the same resultant hash, but it should be very hard to take the resultant hash and get "Hello world" from it. This is why this type of cryptography is called one way .
Bitcoin uses Double SHA-256 , which is simply applying SHA-256 again to the SHA-256 hash of "Hello world". For our examples throughout this tutorial we'll just use SHA-256.
Now that we understand what cryptography is, we can get back to cryptocurrency mining. Bitcoin needs to find some way to make participants who want to earn Bitcoin "work" so Bitcoins aren't released too quickly. Bitcoin achieves this by making the participants hash many combinations of letters and numbers until the resulting hash contains a specific number of leading "0"s.
For example, go back to the hash website and hash "886". It produces a hash with 3 zeros as a prefix.
But how did we know that "886" produced something with 3 zeros? That's the point. Before writing this blog, we didn't . In theory, we would have had to work through a whole bunch combinations of letters and numbers and tested the results until we got one that matched the 3 zeros requirement. To give you a simple example, we already worked in advance to realize the hash of "886" produced 3 leading zeros.
The fact that anyone can easily check that "886" produces something with 3 leading zeros proves that we did the grunt work of testing and checking a large combination of letters and numbers to get to this result. So if I'm the first one who got this result, I would have earned the Bitcoin by proving I did this work -- the proof is that anyone can quickly check that "886" produces the number of zeros I claim it does. This is why the Bitcoin consensus algorithm is called Proof-of-Work .


Mining Free Cryptocurrency Using Solar Power|11:12


But what if I just got lucky and I got the 3 leading zeros on my first try? This is extremely unlikely and the occasional node that successfully mines a block (proves that they did the work) on their first try is outweighed by millions of others who had to work extra to find the desired hash. Go ahead and try it. Type in any other combination of letters and numbers in the hash website. We bet you won't get 3 leading zeros.
Bitcoin's requirements are a bit more complex than this (many more leading zeros!) and it is able to adjust the requirements dynamically to make sure the work required isn't too easy or too hard. Remember, it aims to release Bitcoin every 10 minutes so if too many people are mining, it needs to make the proof of work harder to compensate. This is called adjusting the difficulty . For our purposes, adjusting the difficulty will just mean requiring more leading zeros.
So you can see the Bitcoin consensus algorithm is much more interesting than just "solving a math problem"!
Enough background. Let's get coding!
Now that we have the background we need, let's build our own Blockchain program with a Proof-of-Work algorithm. We'll write it in Go because we use it here at Coral Health and frankly, it's awesome.
Before proceeding, we recommend reading our original blog post, Code your own blockchain in less than 200 lines of Go! It's not a requirement but some of the examples below we'll be running through quickly. Refer to the original post if you need more detail. If you're already familiar with this original post, skip to the "Proof of Work" section below.
We'll have a Go server, where for simplicity we'll put all our code in a single main.go file. This file will provide us all the blockchain logic we need (including Proof of Work) and will contain all the handlers for our REST APIs. This blockchain data is immutable; we only need GET and POST requests. We'll make requests through the browser to view the data through GET and we'll use Postman to POST new blocks ( curl works fine too).
Let's start with our standard imports. Make sure to grab the following packages with go get.
github.com/davecgh/go-spew/spew pretty prints your blockchain in Terminal.
github.com/gorilla/mux a convenience layer for wiring up your web server.
github.com/joho/godotenv read your environmental variables from a .env file in your root directory.
Let's create a .env file in our root directory that just stores one environment variable that we'll need later. Put one line in your .env file: ADDR=8080.
Make your package declaration and define your imports in main.go in your root directory:
If you read our original article, you'll remember this diagram. Blocks in a blockchain are verified by comparing the previous hash in a block against the hash of the previous block. This is how the integrity of the blockchain is preserved and how a malicious party can't change the history of the blockchain.
BPM is your pulse rate, or beats per minute. We'll be using the beats per minute of your pulse as the data we put in our blocks. Just put two fingers on the inside of your wrist and count how many times you get a beat in a minute, and remember this number.
Some basic plumbing.
Let's add our data model and other variables we'll need under our imports in main.go.
difficulty is a constant that defines the number of 0s we want leading the hash. The more zeros we have to get, the harder it is to find the correct hash. We'll just start with 1 zero.
Block is the data model of each block. Don't worry about Nonce , we'll explain that shortly.
Blockchain is a slice of Block which represents our full chain.
Message is what we'll send in to generate a new Block using a POST request in our REST API.
We're declaring a mutex that we'll use later to prevent data races and make sure blocks aren't generated at the same time.
Let's quickly wire up our web server. Let's create a run function that we'll call from main later that scaffolds our server. We'll also declare our routes handlers in makeMuxRouter() . Remember, all we need are GET to retrieve the blockchain, and POST to add new blocks. Blockchains are immutable so we don't need to edit or delete.
The httpAddr := os.Getenv("ADDR") will pull port :8080 from our .env file we created earlier. We'll be able to access our app through http://localhost:8080 in our browser.
Let's write our GET handler to print our blockchain to our browser. We'll also add a quick respondwithJSON function that gives us back error messages in JSON format if any of our API calls produces an error.
Remember, if we're going a bit too quickly, please refer to our original post that explains each of these steps in more detail.
Now we write our POST handler. This is how we add new blocks. We make a POST request using Postman by sending a JSON body e.g. to http://localhost:8080 with your pulse rate you took earlier.
Note the mutex lock and unlock. We need to lock it before writing a new block, or else multiple writes will create a data race. The perceptive reader will notice the generateBlock function. This is our key function that will handle our Proof of Work. We'll get to it shortly.
Basic blockchain functions.
Let's wire up our basic blockchain functions before we hit Proof of Work. We'll add a isBlockValid function that makes sure our indices are incrementing correctly and our PrevHash of our current block and Hash of the previous block match.
We'll also add a calculateHash function that generates the hashes we need to create Hash and PrevHash . This is just a SHA-256 hash of our concatenated index, timestamp, BPM, previous hash and Nonce (we'll explain what that is in a second).
Let's get to the mining algorithm, or Proof of Work. We want to make sure the Proof of Work is complete before we'll allow a new Block to get added to the blockchain . Let's start off with a simple function that checks if the hash generated during our Proof of Work meets the requirements we set out.


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Our requirements will be as follows:
The hash that is generated by our Proof of Work must start with a specific number of zeros The number of zeros is determined by the constant difficulty that we defined at the start of our program (in our case, 1) We can make the Proof of Work harder to solve by increasing the difficulty.
Write up this function, isHashValid :
Go provides convenient Repeat and HasPrefix functions in its strings package. We define the variable prefix as a repeat of zeros defined by our difficulty . Then we check if the hash starts with those zeros and return True if it does and False if it doesn't.
Now let's create our generateBlock function.
We create a newBlock that takes the hash of the previous block and puts it in PrevHash to make sure we have continuity in our blockchain. Most of the other fields should be apparent:
Index increments Timestamp is the string representation of the current time BPM is your pulse rate you took earlier Difficulty is simply taken from the constant at the top of our program. We won't use this field in this tutorial but it's useful to have if we're doing further verification and we want to make sure the difficulty is consistent with the hash results (i.e. the hash result has N prefixed zeros so Difficulty should also equal N, or the chain is compromised)
The for loop is the critical piece in this function. Let's walk through what's happening here:
We'll take the hex representation of i and set Nonce equal to it. We need a way to append a changing value to our hash that we create from our calculateHash function so if we don't get the leading number of zeros we want, we can try again with a new value. This changing value we add to our concatenated string in calculateHash is called a "Nonce" In our loop, we calculate the hash with i and Nonce starting at 0 and check if the result starts with the number of zeros as defined by our constant difficulty . If it doesn't, we invoke the next iteration of the loop with an incremented Nonce and try again. We added a 1 second sleeper to simulate taking some time to solve the Proof of Work We keep looping until we get the number of leading zeros we want, which means we've successfully completed our Proof of Work. Then and only then do we allow our Block to get added to blockchain via our handleWriteBlock handler.
We're done writing all our functions so let's complete our main function now:
With godotenv.Load() we load up our environment variable, which is just the :8080 port we'll access from our browser.
A go routine creates our genesis block since we need to supply our blockchain with a starting point.
We fire up our web server with our run() function we created earlier.
Bitcoin mining code.
bitcoin / src / miner.cpp.


Posts Tagged ' Nvidia CUDA miner '
Download the Latest CUDAminer Nvidia GPU Miner Software.
While GPU mining still does work better on AMD-based graphics processors using OpenCL, the latest versions of the CUDAminer software intended for use on Nvidia-based graphics cards has gone through a good performance optimization and it makes mining with CUDA a good option if you have some spare and unused Nvidia GPUs. The fact tha there are still shortages of the Radeon R9 280X graphics cards on the market - the all-round best performer for Scrypt GPU mining makes the alternative to mine coins with Nvidia GPU a decent alternative. Of course the price/performance ratio of an Nvidia GPU versus and AMD GPU for mining is still in favor of AMD graphics. You can expect to get about 550-560 KH/s from a stock (non overclocked) Nvidia GeForce GTX 780 Ti graphics card, while the same performance is easily achievable with a much cheaper stock AMD Radeon R9 280X card. If you however have a watercooled 780 Ti and overclock it well, you might be able to reach hashrate close to about 900 kHash/s according to the author of the software. Regardless, if you already have a CUDA-capable graphics processor why not put it to some mining work to get some extra crypto coins, it also makes for a good option to try out new pools or alternative cryptos...
One of the best things about the CUDAminer software is that it automatically detects the best settings for your graphics card, so that after yo run it the software can squeeze out the maximum mining performance automatically for you. This takes the guesswork and a lot of time spent for testing different settings, though you can still do that if you wish to fine tune things. One of the still missing important features from this miner is the failover pool switching to backup pools in case of a problem with the current mining pool. CUDAminer already has support for scrypt mining with N=1024 (LiteCoin and many, many other scrypt clones like DOGE for example), scrypt-jane mining (Yacoin and several clones), scrypt mining with larger N (VertCoin) and the recently released MaxCoin mining (SHA-3 i.e. Keccak256). So you will be up to speed even with the latest alternative crypto currencies such as VertCoin and MaxCoin that have generated quite some buzz in the last few days. Below you can download the latest binary for windows of CudaMiner or you can compile it yourself from the (source).
Update: CudaMiner is now an old and non supported anymore miner for Nvidia GPUs, you should switch to the more recent and supported ccMiner instead in order to get better support, including for newer mining algorithms and coins, as well as faster hashrates for your Nvidia-based GPU mining rigs!
Published in: Mining Software Related tags: AMD, cuda miner, cuda mining, CUDAminer, cudaminer 2014-02-07, cudaminer 2014-02-07 download, cudaminer download, GeForce GTX 780 Ti, gpu miner, GPU mining, Keccak, Maxcoin, Nvidia, Nvidia CUDA miner, Nvidia CUDA mining, Nvidia GPU Miner, Nvidia GPU Miner Software, Nvidia GPU mining, Radeon R9 280X, scrypt, scrypt-jane, SHA-3, Vertcoin, Yacoin.
Read More (11) Comments.
Publihsed in: Mining Software Related tags: AMD, cuda miner, cuda mining, CUDAminer, cudaminer 2014-02-07, cudaminer 2014-02-07 download, cudaminer download, GeForce GTX 780 Ti, gpu miner, GPU mining, Keccak, Maxcoin, Nvidia, Nvidia CUDA miner, Nvidia CUDA mining, Nvidia GPU Miner, Nvidia GPU Miner Software, Nvidia GPU mining, Radeon R9 280X, scrypt, scrypt-jane, SHA-3, Vertcoin, Yacoin.


bitcoin mining with solar, 1 year later|5:59


11 Responses to Download the Latest CUDAminer Nvidia GPU Miner Software.
MacAfee blocked download of cuda miner because it contains a virus or spyware.
It is a common problem, most antivirus software detects and reports many of the software miners based on cpuminer, cgminer etc. as possible viruses. If you wish you could just compile the miners from source, but you'd still get the same warnings. If you don't know how to compile it, we have published a guide for that as well.
Does this miner work on 980's? It comes up with compute capability 5.2 and then it comes up the program has stopped working? :(
The cudaminer is saying json_rpc_call failed? failed to connect to How to fix that please?
I have f5800 how do I configure it as legacy card please help.
Anyone want to help a new miner test out a 1080 ti?
HI ALL can i know its geforce 9500 gt work under dogcoin if yes how can i get info graphic card 1gb ram thank you.
I'm unable to mine anything cause when I try to launch CUDAMINER-START, I get a ton of errors saying that there was a failure calling various files located in D:/Christian/Documents/Visual Studio 2010/Projects/CudaMiner/salsa_kernel.cu.
Why aren't relative file paths being used and how can I change the path where it's looking for these files?
I'm unable to mine anything cause when I try to launch CUDAMINER-START, I get a ton of errors saying that there was a failure calling various files located in D:/Christian/Documents/Visual Studio 2010/Projects/CudaMiner/salsa_kernel.cu Why aren't relative file paths being used and how can I change the path where it's looking for these files?
Since, I'm facing similar problem and I'm too lazy to frame a question, please send me the same reply.
Just use a recent ccMiner version, the CUDAminer is already outdated and not supported anymore...
Cudo Miner is a multi-algorithm, feature-rich CPU and GPU miner. Earn in the cryptocurrency of your choice.
Cudo Miner BETA.
Why Use Cudo Miner?
Whether you're new to cryptocurrency mining or are a seasoned pro, Cudo Miner provides you with a simple-to-setup, highly profitable way to mine cryptocurrency, with features unmatched by other leading mining software.
Choose the Cryptocurrency you Earn.
Cudo Miner will mine multiple coins and pay you in your chosen coin such as Ethereum, Bitcoin or another currency.
The multi-miner technology automatically switches its mining process between coins based on the real-time profitability of the coin, maximising returns. Your optimised earnings are then automatically converted to the coin you've selected.
Control GPU Usage.
Let's face it, to maximise earnings you'll want to keep the GPU running at 100% during mining. But there may be occasions when you want to give your system a break or leave it mining while you are using it.
Cudo Miner is the only cryptocurrency miner that allows you to throttle the GPU usage. Of course, you can turn GPU mining off entirely too, but where's the fun in that?
Earn while your system is idle.
If you don't have a dedicated mining rig, chances are you'll want to ensure mining doesn't interfere with your computer's performance while you're using it. Cudo Miner sits dormant in the background on your computer and will intelligently start mining when the system is idle.
Earnings and System Analytics.
Within the software and our user portal, we've developed a range of analytics to help you understand your mining performance. Forecast your earnings, view historic earnings and transactions, track the number of referrals and earnings from referrals or monitor the status, health and hashrates of all your devices.
Cudo Miner is built by Miners, for Miners.
We believe Cudo Miner represents the pinnacle of cryptocurrency mining software. But don't just take our word for it... start using Cudo Miner and tell us what you think!
A more Sustainable and Ethical way to mine.
We want our technology to be a sustainable and ethical solution. That's why we're proud to be a carbon neutral company and to support funding for charities and good causes.
But How...?
Cudo offsets all carbon energy used by its own mining infrastructure and the Cudo business by investing in carbon credits, which directly support projects generating active carbon reductions. These projects are only made possible by the funds from this practice.
We will soon have the option to make your Miner carbon neutral or select to donate a percentage of proceeds to charity.
The Future of Cryptocurrency Mining is Here.
Over 100,000 Users Earning More Coins by using Cudo's Cryptocurrency Miner.
Mining Farms ASIC Miners Rig Miners Internet Cafe's PC / Laptop Miners Gamers.
Boost Profits by up to 30% for your Mining Farm.
An elite solution that provides full control of every device and a complete overview of your mining farms in one place to make insightful decisions. Mining farms can boost profits and decrease manual intervention with Cudo's unique solution.
Greater Efficiency, Profitability and Uptime.
Cudo Miner for ASICs provides complete management and automation for your ASIC environment, providing greater efficiency, less power usage, higher hashrates, higher profits and greater uptime! The service includes everything from custom firmware to mining pool optimisations, providing you with a more efficient management platform for your environment.
Increase your profitability by automating your mining rig.
Cudo Miner provides the highest hashrates at the lowest power. Advanced features include auto switching, auto tuning, monitoring, auto exchanging and full remote management. Choose an optimised OS and firmware or a full GUI miner. Cudo's machine learning miner is both simple-to-use and advanced in control, enabling you to fine-tune your mining for maximum returns in multiple currency options.
24/7 Earning Potential for your Internet Cafe's.
As a haven for gaming fans and online enthusiasts, we understand how important it is for you to keep an internet or esport café doors open 24/7. To combat this, we optimised Cudo Miner specifically for Internet Cafe's. Cudo provides centralised simple installation and management for all of your Internet Cafe's that allows you to continue making a profit on any empty seats, no matter what the time!


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Earn money from your Idle Hardware.
Cudo Miner is a cryptocurrency miner packed with features that help you earn as much money as possible from your laptop or PC. Cudo Miner is easy to install, safe on your hardware and secure to use.
AFK? Your PC/Console Can Earn for You.
Cudo Miner is super easy and secure to download, in fact, over 100,000 gamers already have, and they love it. Why? Because whenever they want some down-time from gaming, we have their backs in earning some cash for Steam vouchers, in-app purchases, or even cold hard cash.
Increase your profits.
'Over 100,000+ users trust Cudo's Cryptocurrency Miner for the highest profits'
Our Cryptocurrency miner, mining and cloud computing platforms have features unparalleled by other leading crypto mining software. From automated mining with Cudo Miner, to an end-to-end solution that combines stats, monitoring, automation, auto adjusting overclocking settings, reporting and pool integrations with Cudo Farm. We have a solution for all miners from PC / laptop owners to large scale mining farms. Our platforms create efficiency and reduce manual intervention by up to 95%, while increasing profitability.
Supporting GPU, CPU and ASICs with a dedicated web console for monitoring and remote management of all your devices. Cudo Miners platforms are fully automated and optimised for both profit and the highest performance on Windows, macOS, Ubuntu (Linux), CudoOS and ASICs. Cudo Miner is suitable for miners with all levels of experience from single machines up to full scale GPU and ASIC mining farms.
Download our Ultimate Guide to Mining.
We've made a comprehensive guide to help you start your mining adventure!
Automatic coin switching for maximum profit, and built-in overclocking. Learn about all Cudo Miner features.
Cudo Miner v1.0.
Cudo Miner v1.0 has been released! Have a look at our release history for more information on our development.
Gain the Maximum Efficiency from your ASICs with Cudo Miner.
Cudo Miner for ASICs provides complete management and automation for your ASIC environment, providing greater uptime, greater efficiency, better security, less power usage and higher hashrates! The service includes everything from custom firmware to mining pool optimisations, providing you with a more efficient management platform for your environment.
Cudo Farm Increases Profits and Efficiency.
An elite turnkey mining platform that allows mining farms to run every worker with maximum transparency, higher efficiency, less manual intervention and remotely.
Remote Access.
Full transparency and control over your mining farm no matter where you are. Cudo Farm provides a console that turns complexity into simplicity for ease of use and full control.
Increase Efficiency.
Overclocking and Auto-tune for ASICs and GPUs in a controlled way supports higher profitability as well as a prolonged lifespan on your hardware. Achieve higher hashrates and lower power usage with Cudo.
Auto Coin Switching for Maximum Profitability.
Intelligent algorithm and coin switching ensures you always mine the most profitable coin. Cudo Miner continuously scans the coin value and difficulty, automatically switching your mining efforts to provide the highest profitability at any given time. If you select it will also automatically trade your coins so you earn the peak of the market. Choose your payout coin to coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum and Monero.
If you're an advanced cryptocurrency miner and already have hardware optimised for a specific coin (such as your clock, memory and core settings), you can choose to disable the auto algorithm switching and manually choose which coins to mine.
Advanced Settings and Controls.
Cudo Miner's advanced settings menu provides you with the tools required to overclock your GPUs or ASICs and for GPUs add preset optimisations per hashing algorithm.
The performance for each configuration is displayed, so you can see the best performance for your hardware at a glance with a full log of historical settings saved. Overclocking settings can adjust based on your cost of power. Profitability improvements are up to 30% using these features.
Powerful Web Console & Remote Management.
Manage and monitor your devices performance, health, power and run-status at your desk or on the move from your dedicated Cudo Web Console. Build custom templates, manage your devices, track commissions and make withdrawals into your own cryptocurrency wallet directly from the console. Peace of mind that you are always in control of your environment.
If you don't have a dedicated mining rig or ASICs, chances are you'll want to ensure mining doesn't interfere with your computer's performance while you're using it. Cudo Miner sits dormant in the background on your computer and will intelligently start mining whatever is most profitable for you when your system is idle.
We believe Cudo Miner represents the pinnacle crypto miner software. But don't just take our word for it... start using Cudo Miner and tell us what you think!
For support join our Telegram and Discord.
Still have a few things you'd like to understand? Check out the following answers to questions frequently asked about Cudo Miner, cryptocurrency miners and cryptocurrency mining in general.
We've made a comprehensive guide to help you start your mining adventure! Download now.
100% CLEAN award granted by Softpedia.
I'm a Pro Miner, should I use this software?
If you're using a command line miner to mine a single algorithm, Cudo Miner will be more profitable over a month. This is because our software automatically mines the most profitable coin and automatically changes your overclocking settings for each rather than being fixed to one specific coin. Importantly, Cudo Miner allows you to earn in the coin of your choice, and the platform will automatically trade this for you, so the additional profitability doesn't come at a compromise to what you want to earn.
Cudo Miner bridges the gap between powerful command line and simple-to-use GUI miners, with advanced features and monitoring unmatched by other leading mining software. A smart cryptocurrency miner that's both simple-to-use and advanced in control, enabling you to fine-tune your mining for maximum returns in multiple currency options.
Cudo Miner is releasing its Cloud Computing integration in 2020, this is producing approx 300% improvement per hour in revenue from mining hardware.
Check out our Rig Miners page here.
How can I earn from referring a friend?
Loving the software and want to refer a friend, or just want to earn more? Awesome! We've made it super easy for you to earn by spreading the word about Cudo Miner. View our referrals page to learn all about the scheme.


Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Mining W/ Hydro \u0026 Solar POWER!|13:45


When and how do I get paid?
You get paid continuously. For the automated Cudo Miner, all revenues generated will be held in your Cudo wallet until you choose to withdraw the balance and move into your own Bitcoin or Altcoin wallet. Transactions are subject to a minimum transfer amount of 0.002 Bitcoin.
If you are a professional miner or mining farm licensing the software, you select your own wallets and pools and would be paid whenever they pay you.
What Coins does Cudo Miner support?
Cudo Miner software supports a variety of mineable coins and payout coins. You can view the full table of supported coins here.
For licensing Cudo Miner Management Platform supports the majority of miners and mineable coins.
Why should I use Cudo Miner over other mining software?
Cudo Miner is simple enough for anyone to get started with, yet has features and benefits essential to Pro miners. It provides the highest profitability in the industry and it's the only miner where you can actually earn the coin of your choice while mining the other more efficient coins, so you always get the most profitable solution.
As an ethical business, we will also continue to commit a percentage of our revenues to charities and to the environment cementing our vision to providing the largest distributed compute platform for good.
Will Cudo Miner harm my computer?
Absolutely not. Cudo Miner is a software application developed entirely in the UK. All our code is written in-house with DigiCert providing the mark of authenticity, and we use third party code auditors for security compliance.
Antivirus software will typically flag up any unrecognised applications, so with Cudo Miner being new to the market you needn't be alarmed by this. You will need to accept the message and the software will be allowed to continue the installation.
Do you support Multi-Factor-Authentication?
Yes we do, protect your account with Multi-factor authentication.
Add an extra layer of security Your multi-factor authentication methods will be required to sign in, withdraw funds and invite users.
Keep the bad guys out Even if someone else gets your password, it won't be enough to sign in to your account or withdraw funds.
What authentication do you support? We support TOTP via an authentication app like Google authenticator. Use the application on your phone to get two-factor authentication codes when prompted.
You can use a backup recovery code if you lose your device.
How to set up New users are now recommended to setup a device on sign up. For our existing customers a reminder is now shown in the Cudo console to enable another factor by following the same simple steps.
What are your fees?
Check out our pricing page here for more details.
Do I need to leave my computer on?
In order to mine, the software will need your computer to be switched on with your processors lit up and raring to go. Cudo Miner gives you full control over time of day, amount of CPU/GPU used and pause whilst in use (should you also use your device for other reasons).
How does the desktop software work?
When you start mining, your computer receives tiny amounts of data from the network, which it then performs processes on. This process is called hashing, and your computer power is used to help solve complex mathematical problems, which ultimately earns you rewards.
To increase profitability, Cudo Miner will benchmark your device's processing power and hardware to automatically select the most profitable cryptocurrency algorithm to mine. When another algorithm becomes more profitable it will automatically switch to mine that algorithm, ensuring that you always get the most revenue from your hardware.
Who are Cudo?
Cudo Miner is a part of Cudo Ventures, an ethical and carbon neutral software company. Our aim is to make a positive impact in the world for good and for technical change. We want to make better use of hardware that is in the world.
Cudo Miner was conceived by Matt Hawkins, an experienced entrepreneur with a background in IT infrastructure, Software Development and Cryptocurrency, with the vision of making better use for the computing hardware in the world. This means making use of all the spare computing in the world for cloud computing making computing more cost effective and greener than it it today. Stage one was creating a more profitable and easier to use mining software for both beginner and advanced mining enthusiasts. Step 2 was to use this platform and technology to distribute out cloud computing providing 10x savings in costs of cloud computing and at least 3x increase in earnings for miners and end users. We believe that crypto will change the world but the first step is to provide the tools and platform to make this incredible technology accessible to a larger audience.


We also believe Blockchain solutions will revolutionise many industries and our aim is to use these technologies to help generate funding and support charities and good causes.
What is the Beta Programme?
Cudo Miner offers early Beta releases of its software to cutting edge releases of its software and also first releases of its cloud computing software.
In signing up to the Beta Programme you'll be one of the first to use the newest versions of the software, and we really encourage you to engage with us to tell us what's great, and more importantly what's not so great about the software, to help us to develop and refine its features. Once you've downloaded the software, make sure you sign up to our Telegram channel to tell us what you think! and tell us you want to join the Beta programme.
Bitcoin mining Software for Ubuntu.
As you probably already know, we try to find and feature the best Bitcoin mining software for all operating systems, and Linux mining software is no exception. In this article, I'll show you how to setup the Bitcoin mining software for Ubuntu.
Right now, we have 2 Linux mining apps featured on our website- Cudo Miner and MinerGate. I personally tested both of them on Windows, but never on Linux- until now.
For this test I am going to use my laptop, as well the latest version of Ubuntu installed with Wubi.
The laptop specs are as follows:
i7-2630QM CPU @ 2.00 GHz 8GB DDR3 RAM nVidia GeForce GT 525M.
and the Ubuntu version is 18.10.
Now, if you know a bit about mining hardware, you know that this is not a suitable machine for Bitcoin mining- it has an old mobile processor with an old mobile graphic card. Still, it can run most operating systems out there, and it is more than good for everyday use, so it will suffice for our purpose- to try and install the Bitcoin mining software for the Linux/Debian operating systems.
How to mine Bitcoin on Ubuntu with Cudo Miner.
So the first thing to do is to go to our Cudo Miner page, click the big blue button and download Cudo Miner for Ubuntu.
Depending on your settings, you may have to thick a few check-boxes under Apps -> Software & Updates:
Be sure to have them the same as on the screenshot above. We didn't do it at first, and we couldn't install neither Cudo Miner nor MinerGate on Ubuntu 18.10.
So you install the Cudo Miner in a few basic steps, run it via Apps - Cudo Miner and the GUI miner for Ubuntu starts:
Tweak the settings according to your preference and hit "Save".
If everything is good, the Cudo Miner should spend additional minute or so at benchmark and file downloads, after which it should start mining automatically:
But it worked for the CPU only, which started working immediately, while GPU mining was showing an empty box.
We tried updating the whole system by going to Apps -> Software Updater:
but that didn't help much:
So I opened Apps -> Terminal and run:
then went back to Apps -> Software & Updates and clicked on the Additional Drivers tab .
In my case, the GPU was using an unofficial/open source driver, so I've changed it to the proprietary/tested driver from nVidia and applied the change:
This didn't help either. So I did a bit more research and somehow realized that I probably need to have the Cuda drivers installed, as they are pretty much essential for Bitcoin mining with nVidia GPUs.
Opened the Apps -> Terminal again, and then run the following:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa.
sudo apt update.
sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall.
and after the PC rebooted:
sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit gcc-6.
which took quite some time...
but it finally worked! The Cuda drivers made all the difference and I was able to start mining with my GPU as well.
Conclusion for Cudo Miner on Ubuntu.
I'm a below average user of Ubuntu who used it once per year on average for the last 15 years. Yet, I've pulled this pretty easily since this is really basic stuff for Ubuntu users. All in all, I can just say- a GUI Bitcoin miner for Linux definitely exists, it's really easy to setup and most importantly- works.
And even if you never used Ubuntu- you should definitely try it. As mentioned before, this laptop is really old when it comes to Bitcoin mining, and if you have a more recent hardware or an AMD GPU this should work much easier for you.
And now that we have an up to date Ubuntu 18.10 with the latest Cuda drivers up and running- let's see how fast we can start mining Bitcoin with MinerGate:
How to mine Bitcoin on Ubuntu with MinerGate.
First things first, get the installation files by clicking the big blue button on this page, and then install the .deb package as you would install the Cudo Miner or any other app.
Few seconds and 2-3 button clicks later, you run it from Apps -> Miner Gate , choose extended mode, sign in and can start mining:
And while it started mining with CPU almost instantly, the GPU mining complained about low memory and wouldn't start for any of the coins listed.
Since my Ubuntu 18.10 is up to date with all requirements, including the latest Cuda drivers- I didn't go further. Still, the installation and mining with CPU was really effortless, so I believe that those with newer graphic cards won't have any issues with GPU mining and MinerGate on Ubuntu.
Update: I've just made a video where I show you how you can install and setup the Bitcoin mining software for Ubuntu:
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