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Bitcoin mining.

Started by Bitcoin, Feb 14, 2021, 08:32 am

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New Forum, Android mining and more!|5:35


Beyond Bitcoin mining Basics.
Want to know more? Here's a look at some of the other pages in this section.
Bitcoin mining Pools - Mining bitcoins has become really competitive. This is why a lot of people have started to band together in order to be able to compete against the big players.
BTC Configurations - On this page, we have some information on different configurations of hardware and software that you'll want to use to get the most bitcoins as possible.
LTC Configurations - We also have some information about different computer configurations for mining LTC, which is short for LiteCoins, a competitor to Bitcoin that's really similar.
On the three pages above, you're going to get everything you need to know to get started so that you can start mining bitcoins for profit right away. The good news is that the value of bitcoins is going up all the time. If you can mine them, you're going to be able to make money.
If you want more advanced information, you're going to want to check out our Bitcoin ebook that has even more information about Bitcoin mining and all the other things you need to know to fully understand cryptocurrency. The ebook is full of useful tips, advice and a look at where Bitcoin is headed in the future.
Welcome to Bitcoin Basics 101. Our Mission is to EDUCATE the Public on Bitcoin and all things related to Digital Currencies! Have feedback? Please contact us via the Contact form to the right.
We've taken everything you need to know about Bitcoin and compiled it all in a single place. Once you're done with the website, be sure to check out our Bitcoin Basics ebook. It has even more information about cryptocurrency.
Take a look around the website, and when you're ready to learn more, you can download our ebook about the virtual currency that has everyone - including the mainstream media - talking. We're here to help everyone understand the ways money are changing in the modern world.
Bitcoin is a difficult endeavor if you are seeking to make a profit, so it is best to get prepared with the best background information, software, hardware, and mining pools to ensure your success.
Before you start mining, it's useful to understand what it really means. Mining is a legal operation which is accomplished by running SHA256 double round hash verifications to validate Bitcoin transactions, thereby providing security for the Bitcoin network's public ledger. The speed at which bitcoins are mined is measured in hashes per second. This network then compensates miners for their efforts with bitcoins, in the form of newly-issued bitcoins and transaction fees. The more computing power a miner contributes, the greater the bitcoin reward.


Crypto Mining Forum 2019 - California|1:34


Mining Hardware.
One way to mine is with mining hardware, which can most easily be found on Amazon.com or other online retailers. In bitcoin's early days, it was possible to mine with a computer or high-speed video processor card, however, that's not possible anymore and custom Bitcoin ASIC chips which offer performance up to 100x the capability of older systems are currently dominating the Bitcoin mining industry. You'll find that mining with anything less will use more electricity than you are likely to earn with your mining. Therefore, it's key to mine bitcoins with hardware built specifically for mining.
Here are a few options:
How to download free mining software.
If you decide to go with mining hardware, you'll then need to download a mining program. There are many programs available, but the two most popular are command line programs, CGminer, and BFGminer. If you prefer a graphical user interface (GUI) to make mining more straightforward, you can try EasyMiner, which is a program for Windows/Linux/Android.
Join a mining pool.
When you're ready to start mining, you may want to join a mining pool where groups of miners work together to solve blocks and share their rewards. You may find that without a pool you could be mining bitcoin for a year without earning bitcoins, whereas sharing the work and splitting the rewards can lead to faster results. For a fully-decentralized pool, you can try p2pool.
The other pool options below are believed to be fully validating blocks with Bitcoin Core 0.9.5 or later (0.10.2 or later recommended due to DoS vulnerabilities):
BitMinter CK Pool Eligius Slush Pool.
Start a bitcoin wallet.
You'll need to start a bitcoin wallet using specific hardware or software. Copay is one option which coordinates with many operating systems.
Bitcoins will be sent to your wallet using a unique address that belongs to only you. Therefore an important step in setting up your Bitcoin wallet is guarding it from potential threats with two-factor authentication, or keeping it on a computer that doesn't have access to the Internet.
Exchanging bitcoins.
SpectroCoin - European exchange with same-day SEPA and credit card options.
Kraken - The largest European exchange with same-day SEPA.
Local Bitcoins - Search for people in your community who want to sell bitcoins to you directly.
Can You Mine Cryptocurrencies on AWS or DigitalOcean?
The short answer is no.
In the world of cryptocurrency, mining is an integral part of Bitcoin and most altcoins . Unfortunately, not everyone has the means to mine at home or partake in cloud mining. Relying on AWS-based mining was a worthwhile solution some time ago, but that concept has fallen out of favor as of right now.
AWS Mining Isn't Worth Pursuing.
For the average novice cryptocurrency mining enthusiast, it makes sense to outsource the mining process altogether. Without powerful and dedicated hardware at one's disposal, it becomes significantly more difficult to generate cryptocurrencies through the Proof-of-Work algorithm. Mining Bitcoin at home is nigh impossible these days, but for altcoins, things are a bit differently in this regard.
Unlike Bitcoin, most altcoins use a completely different mining algorithm. In the case of Monero, for example, mining with a regular CPU can still yield some good results, although no one will become a millionaire overnight by any means. Even so, this raises the question as to whether or not it is worthwhile to mine cryptocurrencies using online services such as AWS or Digital Ocean.
Truth be told, both options worked quite well until a few years ago. When cryptocurrency mining was still CPU-friendly, one could easily spin up a server on either platform and earn some money from doing so. Over the years, however, both companies have actively begun prohibiting such activity, as it taxes their infrastructure significantly.
Furthermore, both Digital Ocean and AWS have lowered the "power potential" of their virtual servers in recent years. That simply makes it infeasible to even contemplate mining any cryptocurrency using those services. Both platforms are still viable for setting up a wallet or even running masternodes, but mining has been made impossible and extremely unprofitable ever since.
One also has to take into account both services need to be paid for upfront. The amount of cryptocurrency hypothetically earned from mining on AWS or Digital Ocean would not offset these costs. It might still work with fresh altcoins who are released an hour ago, although it is evident cryptocurrency mining has become increasingly competitive over the years. The chances of getting ahead of other miners is slim to none in 2018.
All of this shows how at-home cryptocurrency mining is pretty much a bygone era at this stage. Although there are still hundreds of people who invested in GPU mining just last year and in early 2018, the current rewards do not offset the costs associated with such a project. It is a very unfortunate evolution, yet it seems the "good ol' days" will not come back anytime soon. Using AWS or Digital Ocean for mining is not an option, as both companies will terminate one's account fairly quickly.
How to mine bitcoins using an AWS EC2 instance...


Should You Start Mining Cryptocurrency In 2020? + How Much $$ Can You Make?|5:18


Nov 11, 2017 · 14 min read.
With all the talk about the Segwit2x fork (that has now been postponed), I decided to get my feet wet in mining cryptocurrencies.
Initially, I chose to mine ether, then Monero coins, on Ubuntu 16.04 servers using their accelerated computing instances, but my curiosity got the best of me and I started wondering what it would take to mine actual bitcoins.
Every forum and blog I searched advised against even trying. So much so, that I couldn't find any recent tutorials on GPU mining for bitcoin.
I took it as an opportunity to create one myself.
Note: folks have it correct. Bitcoin mining on the cloud without an ASIC miner does not yield any profit. Still, it's a fun experiment.
Step One: Get cloud hosting.
a) Sign up for AWS.
First things, first: sign up for a free account at Amazon Web Services . AWS offers virtual machines, storage, and a host of other services -- in some cases, for free during your initial 12-month trial.
Warning: Account verification can take up to 24 hours.
b) Navigate to the services console.
Once your in, navigate to the home page and select EC2.
This brings you to the EC2 dashboard:
The dashboard gives you access to anything and everything you'd ever need concerning launching and maintaining your VM. Including security. Let's deal with that next.
Step Two: Create security settings.
a) Setup a security group.
On the left-side menu, at the bottom, under the submenu "Network & Security," select security groups, then click on the bright blue "Create Security" group button in the top nav.
A modal will pop up.
Give the group a name and a description, and keep the VPC to the default setting. Below that, you'll see a tabbed panel asking you to create some access rules for the group. Don't worry about that. We'll keep with the default settings here, too. We're mostly concerned with Inbound Rules, so select the Inbound Tab and click Add Rule.
We'll be creating three in total:
For the SSH Rule, you'll want to select "My IP" under source, and the input area will populate your device's IP address for you. Then click create.
b) Create a key pair.
Now, under the same "Network & Security" submenu,
you'll want to click on "Key Pairs" and then click on the blue "Create Key Pair" located in the top nav of that page.
Once you hit create, you should see the .pem file in your downloads.
The contents of this file enable you to connect with the remote instance you'll be launching in the next step. Put this file somewhere safe, and where you can remember, as you'll need it every time you attempt to reconnect with your server.
Step Three: Get an Ubuntu server up and running.
So before we get started, here's the thing . Accelerated computing power, even in the cloud, isn't cheap.
In effect, EC2 instances work like leased VMs with passthrough capabilities to stellar graphics cards. You can use Azure or Google Cloud Computing, but to be honest, if you're a MAC user most familiar with Linux and looking for lower hourly rates, AWS seems to be the best option.
Can't I just use Virtualbox and run a server for free?
The answer: it depends on your hardware and whether you know how to passthrough your hardware's GPUs to a Virtualbox VM. That can take some time, still considered to be very experimental, and most commercial devices (like my Macbook) don't have GPUs capable of hashing at a fast rate.
AWS takes care of virtualizing the hardware for you.
But again, yes, EC2 instances of the g2, g3, and p2 flavor can run you a pretty penny. We've also been forewarned that we'll be competing with massive Bitcoin mining farms that use ASIC miners that blow GPU mining out of the water.
So, this is more of an experiment than anything else. Nevertheless, let's do this.
Luckily, AWS allows you to bid on instances with several GPUs at below market prices.
a) Start a Spot Request for an EC2 instance.
Navigate to Spot Requests in the side menu, and click the "Request Spot Instances" button in the top nav.
b) Choose an AMI.
Next, search for an Amazon Machine Image (AMI )-- basically a template for your server that comes pre-set with certain software installations and configurations -- that gives you the latest version of Ubuntu (16.04 aka Xerial).
I already have some saved:
You can find the one I'm using for this tutorial by clicking Search for AMI , selecting "Community AMIs" from the dropdown , and inputing "ami-cd0f5cbx" into the search bar.
c) Choose an instance type.
The instance types that offer NVDIA cards belong to the g2, g3, p2 family. I've played around with all three families, and while all do fairly well with mining scrypt coins, p2 by far offers the most punch.
Unfortunately, it's also the most expensive of the three. Hourly bidding prices fluctuate between $1.4-$1.7, depending on the time of day. I've been keeping track of optimum pricing, and as a rule of thumb, you can find lower prices for g2 instances after midnight, and lower prices for p2 before noon.
AWS also offers pricing history you can refer to:
I'm gonna go with the mid-sized p2 instance (p2.8xlarge). This will give you 8 GPUs to work with.
Other specs for this instance:
8 NVIDIA K80 cards 32 virtual CPUs 488 GiB of Ram Peer-to-peer communication between GPUs.
These instances do well with deep learning and gaming, for example.
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About company.
awsmininginvest.com offers a unique opportunity for everyone who wants to make money on investing in the progressive currency Bitcoin. Our main activity is the mining of the cryptocurrency, through the use of special computers вЂ" miners and algorithms used to solve complex equations. Increasing our capital in Bitcoins, we also carry out one more activity - the trade in cryptocurrency on the exchange.
Acting in two directions at once, we receive a stable profit, we guarantee the success of the project and the regularity of payments. We work around the clock, concluding the most successful transactions, trading on the exchange in order to get maximum benefits.
Company Documents.
Adress: Unit 2 Stratfield Saye, 20-22 Wellington Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, England, BH8 8JN.
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Why Invest in Bitcoin?
That's easy. And even more thrilling with the worlds biggest retailer service Bitcoin is still in its infancy. No, you aren't too late. Yes, bitcoin is still here - and it's growing stronger every day. The foundations that have driven bitcoin's increasing value over the last decade still exist and there are four fundamental reasons why now may be the time to invest:
It's Still Early: Bitcoin stands to capture value from a spectrum of large and diverse markets. Its value today is only a tiny fraction of the markets it stands to disrupt, which reach well into the trillions of dollars. What if Bitcoin takes even a quarter of the store-of-value market held by gold? What if it becomes the currency of choice for a few of the more unstable nations plagued by hyperinflation? What if it becomes one of the most popular currencies for mobile payments? These are just a few possible use cases.
The COMPLETE guide to start mining bitcoin in the AWS Cloud.


If you want to learn more about Bitcoin and how to use Cloud Mining to learn how it works, this course will be perfect for you! We will also talk about the blockchain.
This course will teach you:
- Bitcoin - The blockchain - How to mine cryptocurrencies in the Cloud - The history of Bitcoin and the importance of Cryptocurrencies.
and many more things.
If you have any questions about this course you can always send me an e-mail: [email protected] or private message me here on Udemy.
What are you waiting to learn how to use cloud mining?
Best Bitcoin mining.
I've been researching Bitcoin mining opportunities for a while. There are many so-called HYIP (high-yield investment program) opportunities which promise a very high return. A lot of them start out well and we make good money, but usually within a year, they disappear, and we lose everything.
I've lost a lot of money with those business opportunities, so this time, all I have been focusing on is finding a program from a reputable company that is very transparent, with a great track record and great support.
I found a few that are very promising, but finally I chose AWS Mining . Here are the reasons:
100% Legitimate & Transparent Start with as low as $40 No Monthly Fees; Pays Daily 10% Referral bonuses 0.55% Daily ROI 16.5% Monthly ROI No Withdrawal Fees; No Max Withdrawal Limit Withdraw ANY day of the week and GET PAID INSTANTLY Up to 10% Binaries bonuses 5 Levels of Residuals Rank Bonus $300-$60,000 No one is going to get you paid faster! 100% Support. HUGE teams forming NOW! Register here: https://awsmining.com/register/stfnet Get complete plan details at: https://awsmining.com/ Also get the affiliate program details here.
The best part of this program is that the entry point is very low, only $40. Anyone can start it, so it is very easy to refer people to get bonuses. However, I understand that not everybody is interested in MLM. If you don't want to refer people, you can still get a 16.5% monthly return for doing nothing.
Another thing I like about this company is the relationship between the company and its leaders. It is a very tight-knit community and there is regular communication with the leaders to keep us updated on their exciting upcoming events, the expansion of mining facilities, training webinars, etc.
Also, the ROI is incredible; the best I've seen. Many competitors offer 8-10%, but AWS Mining offers 16.5% per month. I've never seen a mining ROI over 16%. You might think 16% won't pay your bills unless you have a huge initial investment, but if you take the compounding effect into consideration, you'll be amazed how much money you will be making. Please refer to the chart below.
Month Investment Payout 1 $1,000.00 $165.00 2 $1,165.00 $192.23 3 $1,357.23 $223.94 4 $1,581.17 $260.89 5 $1,842.06 $303.94 6 $2,146.00 $354.09 7 $2,500.09 $412.51 8 $2,912.60 $480.58 9 $3,393.18 $559.88 10 $3,953.06 $652.25 11 $4,605.31 $759.88 12 $5,365.19 $885.26 13 $6,250.45 $1,031.32 14 $7,281.77 $1,201.49 15 $8,483.26 $1,399.74 16 $9,883.00 $1,630.70 17 $11,513.70 $1,899.76 18 $13,413.46 $2,213.22 19 $15,626.68 $2,578.40 20 $18,205.08 $3,003.84 21 $21,208.92 $3,499.47 22 $24,708.39 $4,076.88 23 $28,785.27 $4,749.57 24 $33,534.84 $5,533.25.
Let's say you have $1000 to invest in this mining opportunity. Instead of withdrawing your payout, you keep re-investing it. At the end of 2 years, you will have over $5,500. Of course, at some point, you will want to start taking money out. You can do that whenever you like. You don't need to keep reinvesting. If you had $10,000 to invest, you'd get $1,650 per month without re-investing; without doing anything . The more you invest, the more payout you'll get. Even if you start small, if you continue investing, you will reach the level where you can quit your day job. Here is the best part: Since you don't have to do anything, you don't have to worry about your skill level or experience. You can have the same success as everybody else in this network.
Of course, nothing is 100% guaranteed, but in my opinion, this is the closest thing to guaranteed money that I've seen so far.


Bitcoin ASIC MINER (Antiminer) Built in Home, DIY Project|4:08


Bitcoin mining on the Mac?
The Bitcoin network is the network with the most computing power ever. It is possible for everyone to participate in the process of mining with any device. Bitcoin mining is the method of producing or somewhat finding bitcoin currency. Unlike fiat currency that is issued when more is required, bitcoin cannot solely be wished into an actuality but has to be mined through analytical methods. Bitcoin maintains a public ledger that includes prior transactions, and mining is the method of attaching new transactions to this ledger.
If you were to mine Bitcoin on a MacBook Pro for one day for a whole month you would earn very less worth of bitcoins. Not to mention the damage to your precious machine and you'll presumably smoke your Graphics card before you mine even 0.00001 BTC!
To have any possibility of making a profit you'll want a sturdy machine, such as MacBook Pro or a higher-end iMac such as the iMac with 5K display. You could probably use a MacBook Air or Mac mini but due to the lower-powered GPUs located in those devices, it's not desirable.
If you are interested in trying the Bitcoin mining with the PC or Mac, then following guideline is useful.
The purpose it's named Bitcoin mining isn't that it requires a real act of digging. Bitcoin is a completely digital token that doesn't need physical mining, but it does have its style of prospecting and replacement, which is where the "mining" terminology originates from.
Of course, to start mining, you have to install a Bitcoin mining software. There are several Bitcoin mining software. Each has advantages and disadvantages. We introduce 3 of them.
The CGMiner is one of the most popular softwares for Bitcoin mining. It supports Windows, Mac and Linux. You can use it to mine CPU, GPU, FPGA and USB-ASCIs. Various settings such as overclocking, monitoring, fan control or remote control make the CGMiner a powerful tool. One drawback may be the input console as a user interface. The CGMiner can be downloaded from this page.
The BFGMiner also offers a variety of functions such as dynamic clocking, monitoring and remote control. Also with the BFGMiner it is possible to control USB-ASICs. You can also install the BFGMiner on the Raspberry Pi. Unfortunately, GPU mining is not supported. The BFGMiner can be downloaded from this page .
Multi Miner.
The MultiMiner has a graphical interface and is therefore very user-friendly. Like the other miners, you can connect to mining pools or solomines. Also, the MultiMiner brings many settings and statistics with it. You can mine GPU, FPGA and ASIC. The MultiMiner is suitable for beginners as well as professionals.
You can buy cryptocurrencies on Binance , Coinbase or eToro . If you are a beginner then click here to read our starter kit.
Disclaimer : This information should not be interpreted as an endorsement of any cryptocurrency. It is not a recommendation to trade. The crypto market is full of surprises and overhyped assets. Do your research before buying anything. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose.
Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Steemit, and join our Telegram channel for the latest blockchain and cryptocurrency news.
How to mine Bitcoin on Mac.
Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency - anonymous digital money, essentially, that you can create on your computer. We look at how to mine Bitcoin on Mac, and discuss whether it's a good idea.


BitCoin Mining Hardware Guide ft. CRAZY Obsidian Mining Rig|8:30


By Martyn Casserly, Contributor | 26 May 17.
Bitcoin, the digital currency, is making headlines these days as it continues to increase in value and is accepted in an increasing number of retailers and other businesses. So how can you get in on this exciting new form of virtual cash? And is it worth the effort? Most importantly from our point of view, can Mac users get involved?
In this article we explain how to mine Bitcoin on Mac, and discuss whether that's a good idea. Read next: Apple predictions 2017.
Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that can be used to buy a variety of things, including online services, products. maybe even a house. It's akin to digital cash, in that it allows users to remain (mostly) anonymous in their transactions.
The currency has no central bank and no hierarchical overseers. There are no actual coins, either. Instead, Bitcoins are created by people using the computational power of their computers to 'mine' them.
While the whole thing might sound a bit wacky, in the last few years the value of Bitcoins has increased at a phenomenal rate. Just recently a Bitcoin become worth more than an ounce of gold; at time of writing it's over £2,000.
For more information on Bitcoin mining, take a look at this article by our colleagues at Tech Advisor.
How are Bitcoins made?
Creating a Bitcoin requires the solving of complex computational problems. This is done through software that uses the GPU of a PC (or Mac) to essentially keep chipping away at answers until it finds the right one.
While this might sound easy - and when Bitcoin first appeared back in 2008 it was certainly easier - these days the complexity of the problems are such that the power needed to crack them is substantial.
Because of this it's now virtually impossible to create Bitcoin without serious, dedicated hardware, or through people joining together in pools to share their resources and rewards.
How to use a Mac to make Bitcoin.
Before you delve too far into the Bitcoin scene it's worth considering the fact that's it's very difficult to make money creating Bitcoin. In fact, due to the cost of electricity and any additional hardware you might purchase (not to mention replacing Macs whose GPUs burn out due to excessive use) you could make a net loss.
To have any chance of making a profit you'll need a powerful machine, along the lines of a MacBook Pro or a higher-end iMac such as the iMac with 5K display. You could theoretically use a MacBook Air or Mac mini but due to the lower-powered GPUs found in those devices it's not advisable. For more advice, r ead our best Mac buying guide and best Mac deals.
If your curiosity can't be abated, and you're still eager to proceed, we'll show you how to get involved.
Creating a Wallet.
The first thing you'll need to do is create a Bitcoin wallet. This is necessary as it will be where you store any Bitcoin that you create, buy, or receive.
You'll find a wide range of wallet providers on the bitcoin.org website, alongside further details of how the process works.
One very important thing is to ensure that you have offline backups of your wallet, and that you keep the details of your account somewhere safe. If you lose your password or your account is hacked, then your money is gone. It's the same as losing your wallet or purse in real life. Cash just doesn't come back.
Bitcoin.org provides a comprehensive guide to securing your wallet, and we suggest you read it fully.
Joining a pool.
Once you've set up your wallet you'll want to join a pool. Again there are a wide range to choose from; the biggest ones are almost exclusively in China.
Ones to consider are F2Pool, Slushpool and BTCC.
Each pool will have different transaction costs (or possibly none at all), so be sure to check out a few before you commit.
Mining Software.
Finally you'll want to install the mining software itself. Again there are a number of options, but a good starting place for those new to Bitcoin mining is MacMiner.
Will I make money?
Now this is a tricky question. The way pools work does indeed spread the load across a wide network, but there's no guarantee of any steady income.
Each pool will display its Hashrate somewhere on the site, and this is an indicator of how often Bitcoins are mined. The higher the number the more chance of a regular payout.
As we stated earlier, without high-end, powerful kit you're going to struggle to get much out of a Bitcoin pool, as the amount of computational capability you'll be adding to the pot is small.
As an experiment it might be fun, but keep an eye on your electricity bills and the temperature of your Mac, as both could suddenly prove quite expensive. Read next: Bitcoin and beyond: Which banks are investing in the blockchain?
Note: We may earn a commission when you buy through links on our site, at no extra cost to you. This doesn't affect our editorial independence. Learn more.
Author: Martyn Casserly, Contributor.
Martyn has been involved with tech ever since the arrival of his ZX Spectrum back in the early 80s. He covers iOS, Android, Windows and macOS, writing tutorials, buying guides and reviews.
Bitcoin mining auf dem Mac?
Das Bitcoinnetzwerk ist das Netzwerk mit der meisten Rechenleistung überhaupt. Es ist prinzipiell möglich mit jedem Gerät am Prozess teilzunehmen. Ob es sich auszahlt, ist eine andere Frage. Mit einem PC oder Mac kann man es so gut wie vergessen in den profitablen Bereich zu kommen. Wer aber trotzdem Interesse hat es mit dem Mac zu versuchen, dem hoffen wir mit der folgenden Anleitung helfen zu können.
Um mit dem Minen loslegen zu können, muss man natürlich eine Bitcoin mining Software installieren. Es gibt mehrere davon. Jede hat Vor- und Nachteile. Wir stellen 3 davon vor.
Der CGMiner ist eine der beliebtesten Softwares für Bitcoin mining. Sie unterstützt Windows, Mac und Linux. Man kann mit ihr CPU, GPU, FPGA und USB-ASCIs minen. Verschiedene Einstellungsmöglichkeiten wie Übertaktung, Überwachung, Lüftersteuerung oder Fernsteuerung machen den CGMiner zu einem starken Werkzeug. Ein Nachteil ist eventuell die Eingabekonsole als Benutzerschnittstelle.
Den CGMiner kann man auf dieser -> Seite herunterladen.
Der BFGMiner bietet ebenfalls eine Vielzahl an Funktionen wie dynamisches Takten, Überwachung und Fernsteuerung. Auch mit dem BFGMiner ist es möglich USB-ASICs anzusteuern. Man kann den BFGMiner auch auf dem Raspberry Pi installieren. Leider wird GPU-Mining nicht unterstützt.
Den BFGMiner kann man auf dieser -> Seite herunterladen.
Der MultiMiner bietet eine grafische Oberfläche und ist damit recht benutzerfreundlich. Wie bei den anderen Minern auch, kann man sich mit Miningpools verbinden oder Solominen. Auch der MultiMiner bringt viele Einstellungen und Statistiken mit sich. Man kann GPU, FPGA und ASIC minen. Der MultiMiner eignet sich sowohl für Anfänger, als auch für Profis.
Den MultiMiner kann man auf dieser -> Seite herunterladen.
Kryptowährungen kannst du auf Binance , Coinbase oder eToro kaufen. Hier geht es zu unserem -> Starterkit .
Amac Mining was founded in 2018. We took 6 months to set up our latest and high-speed cloud mining farm. And we are doing regular maintenance of the hardware in the data centers. Our main goal is to produce digital currency or cryptocurrency like bitcoin.
Here you don't need to invest in expensive hardware. Our cloud mining service provides unique opportunity to generate bitcoin or mine new bitcoin from home. If you are using Amac Mining, you don't need to worried about Internet Speed, Electricity Cost and Maintenance of devices. We are available worldwide, our data center situated at every corner of the globe to ensure high security and high speed in the Bitcoin mining process.


Two of the largest Bitcoin mining chip manufacturers have plans to equip their products with 5nm chips in the near future. Just recently, China-based manufacturer Bitmain purportedly produced the world's first 5nm test-grade Bitcoin mining chip and more efficient mining rigs will see mass production next year. The firm Canaan also recently announced that the company will have access to 5nm semiconductors by Q1 2020.
TSMC's 5nm Process Is Ahead of the Game.
Last January, the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) reported at its annual conference that the company's 7nm node (N7) was operating under capacity. On top of all this news, next-generation computer makers, iPhone distributors, and Bitcoin mining rig manufacturers sought 7nm chips in mass quantity this year creating massive demand. TSMC expected revenue to increase slowly in 2019, but the last two quarters saw better revenue performance than expected. Despite the issues with the company's 7nm process, TSMC has continuously signaled confidence in its 5nm (N5) process roadmap.
In December, at the IEEE IEDM Conference, the firm discussed its 5nm process in high regard alongside Intel's slideshow describing 2nm and 1.4 nm chips by 2029. TSMC noted huge differences between the 7nm and 5nm process as the 7nm yields just a touch below 100 million transistors per square millimeter (mTr/mm2). The 5nm technology has shown an average yield of 80%, with a peak yield per wafer of 90%. The Taiwan foundry's 5nm test chips had shown a die size of 17.92 mm2.
TSMC's 5nm chips will perform 15% faster than the 7nm predecessors.
Coming Soon: Bitmain and Canaan 5nm Equipped Bitcoin mining Rigs.
Following the details about TSMC's 5nm process, two of the largest Bitcoin mining rig manufacturers in the world revealed that they would soon be equipped with TSMC's 5nm chips. Local reports from China disclosed that the company Bitmain Technologies has completed the first 5nm test-grade Bitcoin mining chips. At the moment, Bitmain products use TSMC's 7nm process for the latest 2019 Antminer versions. In October, Bitmain's CEO Jihan Wu discussed the 5-nanometer technology at the World Digital Mining Summit held in Frankfurt. Various sources have said that Bitmain will be equipped with 5nm by early 2020 and products are set for mass production.
Following discussions concerning Bitmain's upcoming ASIC rigs, regional reports revealed that Canaan will also have 5nm chips by the first quarter of next year. The 5nm chips will improve performance by 15% and the wafers will stem from the Taiwan-based semiconductor foundry. However, Canaan is a Chinese mining rig manufacturer that purchases semiconductors from both Samsung and TSMC. 8btc editor and reporter Vincent He stressed that Canaan was one of the first companies to reveal its 7nm test-grade mining chip before lots of companies announced use of the semiconductors. The report further detailed that the cofounder of Canaan said that the firm will "have a greater grasp of the supply chain and more capital investment after going public."
Reports detail that TSMC is ahead of the competition and will have 5nm (N5) semiconductors in mass production by 2020.
The news of both Bitmain and Canaan steadfastly working to produce mining rigs equipped with next-generation 5nm chips shows how fast the mining industry is growing. With the 7nm process alone in 2019 mining devices have improved a great deal as far as efficiency is concerned. News.Bitcoin.com recently reported on how 2019's bitcoin miners are 5x faster than predecessors. If it's true that both companies are planning to produce 5nm equipped models in early 2020, then other manufacturers like Microbt, Innosilicon, and Ebang will likely follow suit.
What do you think about Bitmain and Canaan possibly producing 5nm equipped Bitcoin mining devices in early 2020? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.
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Image credits: Shutterstock, Extremetech, Anandtech, Bitmain, Canaan, TSMC, Wiki Commons, Fair Use, and Pixabay.
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