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Bitcoin mining.

Started by Bitcoin, Feb 14, 2021, 08:32 am

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MASSIVE Crypto Mining Farm Tour - Bitcoin, Dash, and GPU Mining!|18:01


Building A Bitcoin mining Business: The Ultimate List Of Resources.
any cost to retrofit a room to accommodate miners A second spreadsheet is needed for projections of profitability. TechCashHouse provides monthly Bitcoin mining profitability forecasts on YouTube. For instance, the January 2018 video goes into great detail on the profitability of miners. The narrator provides a detailed discussion of purchasing an Antminer S7, a machine he says would break even in 289 days, depending on the price of bitcoin rates and hash difficulty. Cost of the machine is about $1,400. Below is TechCashHouses analysis of profitability of the Antminer S7. With the Antminer S7, you will spend $1,822.08 in power in a year, but gross $3,625.56 in revenue with a profit of $1,767.22 all in BTC, priced at $15,642. The ideal outcome for the investor is getting a miner to pay for itself in 100 days or less, but this is hard to do because the prices of miners have escalated in recent months, while mining profitability has declined due to rising difficulty. The Avalon 741 miner costs about $2,500 to 3,500 on eBay. Here is an analysis of its profitability, according to TechCashHouse, based on a $15,642 Bitcoin price, power cost of 13 cents per kilowatt hour and pool fees of 1%. Based on that chart, the Avalon 741 takes about 327 days to pay for itself, which is too long to be ideal. If difficulty declines (which is not likely) and the price of bitcoin rises, payback would be sooner. The Antminer S9 is about $6,000 on eBay. The cost power is about $4.06 per day but this miner earns $28.35 per day. It will make .66 Bitcoin per year with a break-even point of 249 days. The projections by TechCashHouse are a bit high because they are based on the price of Bitcoin at $15,642 and the difficulty is higher now than it was Jan. 1, 2018. Nevertheless, TechCashHouse offers Continue reading >>
Build Your Own Portable Bitcoin mining Rig / Battlestation.
Build Your Own Portable Bitcoin mining Rig / Battlestation Introduction: Build Your Own Portable Bitcoin mining Rig / Battlestation This is XK ; For a really long time since i bought and build my own Bitcoin Miners , I have always wanted to build something more "dedicated " for mining tasks rather than using classical Server cabinets and so on. Something that will change my life entirely. Something that will never be forgotten ! Thus i build my evil setup ! For those who are not willing to say " Shut up and take my Money ! " I highly not recommend to proceed from now on ! I would say " Run You fools ! " Enough B.S. Computational System We are struggling with heating issue. In order to resolve this issue (Since most of the CPU's are not operating above certain temperatures.) there are gigantic coolers in Data Centers , Or Liquid Cooling System in PCs or some Geeks such as us are using Liquid Nitrogen for Benchmark Overclocks, even baby oil ! Despite the fact that most of the People are thinking; "RESISTANCE" is the reason why Processing units heat up its actually not that simple. If you are more on the Scientific side you probably would have heard about and familiar with something called Information Theory , Thermodynamics and Entropy. At this point I would give you tiny tiny tiny piece of scientific explanation about heating but that's about it. Nothing more nothing less. This is an optional part of course for those who are CURIOUS about the reality behind heating (IN CPUs of Course) As we all know this Clich & Fact "Energy never Created or Destroyed " Energy Only transforms from one another.Despite the fact that we still could not fully formulate it as a Mathematical Model ; "Information" is also a kind of energy. So If you are familiar with Von Neumann Architecture Continue reading >>
College Student Reveals How He Mines Bitcoins In His Dorm Room The Cheap Way.
College Student Reveals How He Mines Bitcoins in His Dorm Room The Cheap Way Nothing in the tech world confuses us as much as Bitcoin it seems. What we do know about it is that its volatile and it can be worth a ton of money, but we hardly understand where it comes from, who invented it apparently, or what it is past being a crypto-currency- even that term confuses many. Perhaps the main reason Bitcoin baffles us so is its infinite nature- it can develop into so many structures and utilities that its hard to describe it as anyone thing, but hopefully this article clears up some of the confusion for you. Bitcoin has been making headlines quite a bit lately. The IRS recently ruled that Bitcoin is not a currency but an asset, one that must be taxed on its gains. Billionaire Warren Buffett dismissed the entire concept of Bitcoin in a television interview as a mirage, an opinion that fired up venture capitalist and perhaps Bitcoins number one fan Marc Andreessen to group those like Buffett as old white men crapping on new technology they dont understand. After getting hammered by a series of attacks the past few months, Bitcoin fell from its thousand dollar value and currently sits around $360 with a market cap of just over $4.7 billion according to CoinMarketCap . Whatever side of the love/hate debate over Bitcoin you might find yourself on, we could all use a little more understanding over a subject that most of us are only beginning to understand. If you have ever been curious about Bitcoin, then youll definitely want to hear this students story. Geoffrey Welborn is a political science major at the University of California, San Diego. A self taught Bitcoin enthusiast, Geoffrey has been mining Bitcoin from his on-campus apartment since January and is also a co-founder of Continue reading >>


Bitcoin mining - What Is It And Is It Profitable In 2018? A Beginner's Guide.
Last updated on November 24th, 2017 at 08:12 am Before we start, if youre new to Bitcoin mining and dont know what it is watch this short and simple explanation: The short answer would be It depends on how much youre willing to spend. Each person asking himself this will get a slightly different answer since Bitcoin mining profitability depends on many different factors. In order to find out Bitcoin mining profitability for different factors mining profitability calculators were invented. These calculators take into account the different parameters such as electricity cost, the cost of your hardware and other variables and give you an estimate of your projected profit. Before I give you a short example of how this is calculated lets make sure you are familiar with the different variables: Bitcoin mining terms you should get to know Hash Rate A Hash is the mathematical problem the miners computer needs to solve. The Hash Rate is the rate at which these problems are being solved. The more miners that join the Bitcoin network, the higher the network Hash Rate is. The Hash Rate can also refer to your miners performance. Today Bitcoin miners (those super powerful computers talked about in the video) come with different Hash Rates. Miners performance is measured in MH/s (Mega hashper second), GH/s (Giga hash per second), TH/s (Terra hashper second) and even PH/s (Peta hashper second). Bitcoins per Block Each time a mathematical problem is solved, a constant amount of Bitcoins are created.The number ofBitcoinsgenerated per block starts at 50 and is halved every 210,000 blocks (about four years). The current number of Bitcoins awarded per block is 12.5. The last block halving occurred on July 2016 and the next one will be in 2020. Bitcoin Difficulty Since the Bitcoin network i Continue reading >>


Bitcoin and cryptocurrency mining explained|7:46


Build An Ethereum Mining Rig.
Radeon R9 290x 28 MH/s using 280 watts As I mentioned above, you can choose to build your mining rig with a nice custom built case or you can save money and use a plastic storage crate or milk crate . Both work equally as well except one wont look nearly as good. But if you want something cool and professional looking, you can buy mining cases such as this one . The standard power supply in a desktop computer can be anywhere from 300W-500W. But when your mining and you are powering up to 6/7 GPUs, you want to make sure you have enough power. 1200W+ is what youre looking for and you want to make sure that it is Gold or better certified for efficiency. Also, modular power supplies allow you toconfigure your cables individually which helps greatly when building out your rig. Single 4GB DDR3 1600Mhz RAM is all you need. Nothing more. In order to mount the GPUs within the crate or case, youll need riser PCI cables to extend the PCI-e connection from the motherboard. Get as many PCI Express 1X to 16X Powered RiserCables as you can to match up with the number of GPUs you have. There are many different variants, like this one or this or this . Get a basic 60GB SSD or 120GB SSD drive for installing the OS and running your mining software. Youll need a basic Monitor and Mouse/ Keyboard combo to configure all the software and mining settings. Also, dont forget about a Kill A Watt usage monitor. Youll need at least one box fan per rig to make sure the GPUs do not overheat. If youre into Linux, Eth OS is a 64-bit Linux OS that mines Ethereum, Zcash, Monero, and other GPU-minable coins. If youre a windows guy, here is Windows 10 . If youre going to be using Windows, youll need mining software. Take a look at this Ethereum Mining on a Windows PC guide. Build an Ethereum Mining RigSte Continue reading >>


How does Bitcoin mining work? - BBC Newsnight|7:06


7 Reasons Bitcoin mining Is Not Profitable Or Worth It In 2017.
Jordan Tuwiner Last updated June 13, 2017 The early days of Bitcoin mining are often described as a gold rush. Satoshi Nakomotos invention of Bitcoin, a peer-to-peer electronic cash system, opened up an entirely new frontier, not just of freedom but of occasionally outrageous profits. Those with a strong interest in such things, namely cypherpunks, cryptographers, technically-minded libertarians and assorted hackers, were first to stake their claim. But is there still gold in them thar hills? Bitcoin mining has grown from a handful of early enthusiasts into a cottage industry, into a specialized industrial-level venture. The easy money was scooped out a long time ago and what remains is buried under the cryptographic equivalent of tons of hard rock. Only those with specialised, high-powered machinery are able to profitably extract bitcoins nowadays. While mining is still technically possible for anyone, those with underpowered setups will find more money is spent on electricity than is generated through mining. In other words, mining wont be profitable at a small scale unless you have access to free or really cheap electriciy. Well explain this situation in depth but first, you need to know a few basic technical terms from the world of Bitcoin mining: A group of Bitcoin transactions, chosen from the mempool (the list of all currently pending transactions) and recorded by a miner into the ever-growing record of blocks known as the blockchain. A new block is created on average every ten minutes. This is the cryptographic work which miners perform in order to find the solution which allows them to define a new block. PoW hashing ensures the proper function of the Bitcoin blockchain. Miners compete to solve a cryptographic puzzle, known as a hash. There are no shortcuts in Continue reading >>
How to set up Bitcoin mining.
open-source mining firmware.
Pick your edition.
Fully open-source and customizable so you can tweak it to fit your needs.
Same open-source foundation with additional proprietary algorithms for autotuning.
Performance features.
Advanced features.
Industry-first features.
Revenue from Braiins OS+ is used to continue developing the open-source mining stack sustainably in the years ahead.
braiins os highlights.
We first verified overt AsicBoost on Antminer S9s in 2018, enabling miners to improve their efficiency by 13%.
We launched Braiins OS as fully open-source firmware for the community in 2018, allowing anybody to take control of their miners and to enable AsicBoost.
We’ve rebuilt the entire mining stack and made it open-source. BOSminer is our replacement for CGminer (software component which handles the mining within the firmware) written from scratch in Rust language, meaning that it won’t crash (FAQs) or take minutes to startup. Stratum V2 is the next-generation mining protocol that solves major efficiency and security flaws from V1.
You paid for your hardware. You should be able to use it however you want, with no concerns about hidden backdoors. Braiins OS includes:
Auditable and customizable code.
Overclocking and underclocking.
Stratum V2 implementation.
Advanced monitoring system.
Hardware manufactures.
Save development resources and enhance your hardware in the process with mining software rewritten in Rust and built-in Stratum V2 support. Offer competitive advantages to your customers, such as:
No more random crashes (FAQs)
Quick startup (5-7 seconds)
Hashrate hijacking prevention.
Efficiency & easy extensibility with Stratum V2.
Have questions?
BOSminer explained.
BOSminer is Cutting-Edge Mining Software.
Fully documented source code written in Rust language.
New architecture allows easy implementation of mining backends.
Stratum V2 reference implementation.
Includes solid test harness.
CGminer has been an integral part of the Bitcoin mining stack since it was created for GPU mining in 2011. In recent years, however, it has become disorganized, outdated, and plagued by bugs and backdoors.
We developed BOSminer in Rust language to replace CGminer, providing a new standard that can be used across devices from every manufacturer. On top of that, BOSminer includes an implementation of Stratum V2 вЂ" the upgraded mining protocol that solves some of the biggest problems miners and mining pools face today.
Decrease hash rate variance and stale shares with simplified (header-only) mining mode.
Customizable to implement your own use cases such as collecting detailed telemetry data.
Smaller and less frequent data transfers reduce bandwidth load for miners in remote locations.
Protect yourself against hash rate hijacking with end-to-end encryption.
Proxy included.
An included V2 -> V1 translation proxy means you can benefit from some of V2’s features while mining on any pool, whether the pool supports V2 or not.
Yes, both Braiins OS and Braiins OS+ are fully backwards compatible with Stratum V1. If you want to use V2 on your machines but your pool doesn’t support it, you can use a V2 -> V1 translation proxy (written in Rust) to do so. It’s available here.
BOSminer is software written from scratch in Rust programming language which is meant to serve as a new standard, as CGminer’s code base is no longer organized or well documented. BOSminer has a CGminer-compatible API. You can read more about it on our Medium.

BOSminer+ is an enterprise variant of the open-source BOSminer. In addition to the benefits of its open-source sibling, it also features per-chip autotuning.
If you choose to mine with Slush Pool while using Braiins OS+, you’ll receive a 0% fee rate instead of the standard 2%. Your 100% fee reduction is given as a rebate on the 2% pool fee collected. In other words, Slush Pool still collects the standard 2% fee at the time of mining, but all of it is sent back to you at a scheduled date each month. The rebate is distributed on the first Monday of every month.


Bitcoin surge may add to Nvidia, AMD gaming GPU demand.
Demand for GPUs from AMD and Nvidia have surged and the initial thinking is that gaming PCs are the primary reason. But the price of Bitcoin is also likely to drive supply shortages.
Wedbush strategist Brad Gastwirth noted:
Bitcoin hit its highest levels since 2017 yesterday. While we have not encountered any signs that increased interest mining is creating additional demand for GPUs (with instead demand for gaming PCs the primary factor in the shortage of RTX 3000 parts), the recent surge in crypto could yield another potential near term demand driver for makers of graphics chips and is a situation we are monitoring.
Indeed, Bitcoin in hovering around the $18,000 range and once folks get accustomed to those prices it's quite likely that crypto mining activity is going to pick up. Nvidia saw a two- to three-quarter demand bump due to crypto mining. Nvidia has apologized for a messy launch of the RTX 3080 and launched an FAQ.
This morning we saw unprecedented demand for the GeForce RTX 3080 at global retailers, including the NVIDIA online store. At 6 a.m. pacific we attempted to push the NVIDIA store live. Despite preparation, the NVIDIA store was inundated with traffic and encountered an error. We were able to resolve the issues and sales began registering normally.
To stop bots and scalpers on the NVIDIA store, we're doing everything humanly possible, including manually reviewing orders, to get these cards in the hands of legitimate customers.
In other words, Nvidia's gaming GPU results are likely to be strong for the third quarter. The RTX 3000, launched in September, is seeing strong demand, but it's unclear whether it's all gaming given the surge in Bitcoin prices. AMD launched its Radeon RX 6000 series in October.


How to Mine Bitcoin Gold: Complete Beginners Guide.
Bitcoin Gold is a mineable cryptocurrency that utilizes the Proof of Work algorithm Equihash. This is the same algorithm used by Z-Cash. The benefit of this is that Equihash is ASIC resistant, therefore mineable with a regular PC. This gives everyone the opportunity to join in and start mining. This guide will illustrate how to setup your computer to mine bitcoin gold.
Before you download the necessary programs, there's a few things you need to make sure you have.
To start mining you will need:
Windows 7 or newer 64-bit OS if nVidia GPU mining, GPU with compute capability if AMD GPU mining, GPU with OpenCL support Newest driver updates for GPUs Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 Internet Connection Bitcoin Gold Wallet.
First, we will setup a Bitcoin Gold wallet so you can receive payouts. Either download Coinomi, the official Bitcoin Gold wallet, or use an exchange wallet like one on Binance. The Bitcoin Gold address you are given must be inputted into the software later on.
Depending on whether you're using an nVidia GPU, or an AMD GPU, different software will have to be installed.
For AMD.
For AMD, you will utilize Claymore's Miner. Click the download link as shown, and extract to a folder of your choice.
Once extracted we can configure the miner by editing the config file to set our Bitcoin Gold address, as well as set our mining pool. The choices for Bitcoin Gold mining pools are:
BTG Pool Pro (1% fee) Bitcoin Gold Pool (0.9% fee) Pool Gold (1% fee, 0.01BTG min. payout)
For this guide we will use the BTG Pool Pro. Choose the server closest to you. For me, the server would be 'us.btgpool.pro:3857'. There's two modifications that must be made to the files. Open the start.bat file, and add:
Once that is completed, save and close. Now open the config.txt file and add:
For me, i'll select the US server as shown. Make sure to also include the port number. In the config.txt, I will insert '-zpool stratum+tcp://eu.btgpool.pro:3857'. Simply add your Zcash wallet to the wallet section by adding '-zwal YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS'. You can also add a worker (each individual computer will be tracked) by adding -zwal YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS .YOUR_WORKER_ADDRESS '. The last addition is '-allpools 1', this ensures that the miner will start mining Bitcoin Gold otherwise it will not start.
Additionally, you may want to remove or modify -epools to ensure you do not switch over back to a Zcash pool if theres a failure on your main mining pool. To do this simply add # in front of the pools, or add additional Bitcoin Gold pools.
Before you run your mining software, it is recommended to increase your virtual memory at this point to ensure the mining software runs smoothly.
To ensure you have the correct virtual memory enabled, search for system in the start menu. Open system and on the left hand side click 'Advanced System Settings.' Go under the advanced tab, under performance settings, and advanced again. Then click 'Change' under virtual memory. Uncheck the box that states to 'Automatically manage paging file size for all drives' and then input a custom size of 16384 (or whatever is the maximum allowable value) into the Initial and Maximum size fields. This will prevent you from having any errors with virtual memory.
And that's it, you're ready to mine Bitcoin Gold. Simply click the Start.bat file and you should start mining. You can also look up the statistics of your miners on the pool website that you're using by inputting your public address into the mining pools webpage.
For nVidia.
For nVidia, you will utilize EWBF's Cuda Miner. Download EWBF's miner as shown, and extract to a folder of your choice.
Once extracted we can configure the miner by editing the start.bat file to set our Bitcoin Gold address, as well as set our mining pool. The choices for Bitcoin Gold mining pools are:
For this guide we will use BTG Pool Pro.
For EWBF's mining software, we will be configuring the start.bat file. Simply right click to edit in notepad. Once opened, we can set the server address, and your Bitcoin Gold public address. For this guide we will use the 'us.btgpool.pro:3857' server, but choose the server closest to you as per those listed on the website. Insert this string into your start.bat file:
Your Start.bat file should now be configured similar to mine as seen below.
Ethereum Mining Hardware Reviews & Comparison.
By: Ofir Beigel | Last updated: 4/22/20.
Ethereum's Ethash algorithm quickly set itself as one of the go-to GPU mining algorithms on the cryptocurrency market. This post will cover the best GPUs on the market for mining Ethereum.
Ethereum Mining Hardware Summary.
Ethereum mining is done using the Ethash algorithm which can be utilized using powerful GPUs. For Ethereum mining to be profitable, you need to have the right gear at the right price.
You can calculate Ehtereum mining profitability with an Ethereum mining calculator.
There are two major GPU manufacturers to choose from: AMD and Nvidia. Finally, it's important to keep track of Ethereum's Casper update which might render Ethereum mining obsolete.


What is Bitcoin Mining for Beginners - Short and Simple|2:06


The Best GPUs for Mining Ethereum.
If you want a complete review of the different mining hardware around keep on reading. Here's what I'll cover:
1. Ethereum Mining Basics.
If you're new to Ethereum mining, there are 3 important things you should know:
Ethereum Proof of Stake update.
Ethereum developers are planning to switch to Proof Of Stake using an algorithm called Casper. This switch will render Ethereum as we know it obsolete.
The good news are that this update applies to Ethereum only. Other coins using Ethash will not be affected, so your cards will still be able to function properly mining other Ethash coins.
VRAM Requirements.
One thing to look out for before buying mining HW to mine Ethash is the DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph). Without going too deep into details, a DAG is a file created every 30,000 Ethereum blocks.
Since the DAG is stored in the VRAM of the GPU, your GPU must have enough storage to load the DAG in.
Due to this, you can only mine Ethereum with cards that have at least 4 gigabytes of VRAM. However, that might not be the case for other Ethash-based coins.
So, in case you have old 2GB cards at home and you're new to mining, you can try it out on other coins first. You can check the current and future status of Ethash coins in here.
Mining Demand Drives Up GPUs Costs.
Not long ago, GPU-based cryptocurrency mining reached such a popularity level that the two companies producing GPUs (AMD and Nvidia) were no longer able to supply the demand.
This made retailers and secondary market sellers increase their prices.
An important skill for a good miner is being able to hunt for deals where GPUs are moderately priced. This can be done by checking out online stores, offline stores and other secondary market outlets.
Additional Hardware requirements.
While the graphics processor is arguably the most important component in Ethereum mining, your system's hardware must match certain specifications. Here's what I recommend:
For rigs of less than 6 GPUs, a 4GB RAM is required. For more than that I recommend getting an 8GB RAM stick. A motherboard with enough PCIe inputs, this is a crucial thing to look for in your motherboard. If you are building a multiple GPU rig your motherboard needs to have enough PCIe inputs to hold them. A Powered riser cable for each card. An open-air rig for multiple GPUs. A reliable power supply. The capacity needs to be calculated based on the GPUs you choose, we'll follow up on this one later. A reliable internet connection.
Software requirements.
Mining also requires certain software such as programs and drivers. Some of these are GPU specific so I will list only the general ones here and expand later:
Temperature monitoring and overclocking software - this software is intended to be used to tweak your GPUs performance.
It will make your GPU mine better (more hashes per second), mine cooler (lower temperature is always good for the cards), and mine more efficiently (use less power).
Most miners use MSI afterburner overclocking software and GPU-Z for temperature and power monitoring.
Mining software - Most people use the Claymore software for mining Ethash coins. Claymore is one of the oldest and most supported Ethash miners.
Some other programs have been surfacing since, such as Ethminer and Phoenix miner.
The rest of this guide focuses on the hardware side. For further help setting up an Ethereum wallet, joining a pool and using your miner read our beginner's guide to mining Ethereum.
2. AMD vs Nvidia.
AMD cards are almost always more suitable for the novice miner in terms of price, as the base of AMD mining cards cost almost 2/3 the price of its Nvidia counterpart. However, there's a tradeoff.
Nvidia cards are almost always easier to use, configure and overclock (i.e. squeeze more juice out of the card). Nvidia cards do not require long time to learn how to configure them, flash a bios or undervolt.
AMD cards are also not as powerful as Nvidia's. Another important advantage of Nvidia cards is that they are better on a variety of other algorithms.
While AMD cards are more efficient on Ethash and the Cryptonight algorithms, Nvidia cards beat them on most others.
3. Choosing Mining Hardware.
I've compiled stats on the best available cards, which should help you decide which one to pick. Here's a brief explanation of the criteria:
The name of the chipset produced by Nvidia or AMD for each card remains the same (such as RX 480) while the model can vary.
Some variations can also have out of the box better performances as they can come factory overclocked, but this can be compensated by using an overclocking software.
The rate the card achieves under ideal mining conditions. This will be given as a range, which can be reached by overclocking, flashing a BIOS or undervolting.
Power Draw.
Power draw is the amount of electricity a card consumes while mining, which is measured at the outlet.
Efficiency is measured by dividing the hashrate with the power consumption. Newer cards are usually more efficient.
This rating is of prime importance given that electricity is a fixed, ongoing cost. In other words, the more efficient your card, the more profitable your mining operation will be.
4. AMD Cards.
To get the most efficient mining from AMD cards, you will need to download the AMD blockchain driver.
Without this driver you will experience massive performance degradation from both new and old generations, with the increase in DAG.
Most AMD miners also edit and flash their card's BIOS to achieve better mining power with less energy costs.
This is an advanced operation so you should do this only once you are mining and comfortable with it. This process can increase performance by up to 50% at times so it's worth knowing how to do it.
There is a guide on the Ethereum forum that thoroughly explains the process.
AMD RX 470/570.
Power Draw: 80W-200W.
Hashrate: 20-30 Mh/s.
VRAM: 4 and 8GB GDDR5.
Pros: This series is by far the most energy efficient series out there.
Using proper memory overclocking, core underclocking and undervolting techniques, you can get this card to run on only 70-80w and still have it push out upwards of 30 Mh/s.
Cons: These cards are not very good for most other algorithms, so if you want the freedom to mine other altcoins then this series may not be for you.
If something was to happen to Ethereum mining (e.g. move to Proof of Stake), expect this series to flood the market with undervalued prices.
AMD RX 480/580.
Power Draw: 100W-250W.
Pros: This series is the bigger brother of the RX 470/570 series. It has an almost exact hashrate but with more power usage.
It's also better on a few other algorithms leaving you with the freedom to choose more altcoins to mine.
Cons: It has basically the same cons the RX 470/570 series has, but it has a slight advantage of mining more algorithms.
So if something were to happen to Ethereum mining, you could still mine other coins like Zcash and Monero with them.
AMD Radeon RX Vega series.
Power Draw: 150W - 250W.
Hashrate: 30 - 45 Mh/s.
Pros: This is the newest series from AMD. It includes the RX vega 56 and the RX vega 64, both of which are 8gb RAM and are very close in mining performance.
They have great performance for the power they consume and they can be resold for more as they are the newest generation. They are also really good at other algorithms like mining Monero and Zcash.
Cons: They are pretty expensive, so it might take longer to cover your expenses and become profitable than with the older RX series.
They also run a little bit hotter than the older series and they are very rare to find at a good price.
5. Nvidia cards.
Nvidia cards are more expensive than their AMD counterparts. They are easier to use and don't require any tech-savvy skills. Just get the card, download the drivers and you're good to go.
Even when you want to overclock them (for Ethash), you're mostly going to just be increasing the memory clock and decreasing the power limit.
GTX 1060.
Power Draw: 60W - 150W.
Hashrate: 18 - 25 Mh/s.
Pros: If you're aiming for Nvidia cards then this is the base card you're going to be looking at. It's relatively cheap and it is very good at Ethash mining.
It also doesn't face any degradation of performance as the DAG increases.
The card can be found in 3GB and 6GB configurations, while they won't have a lot of differences in the mining hash power, the 3GB card aren't compatible with Ethereum mining today. So if you want to mine Ethereum you should probably get the 6GB version.
The card is also good at mining Zcash and has extremely low power usage.
Cons: Their mining density i.e. the Mh/s per motherboard is relatively low to other cards.
GTX 1070.
Power Draw: 150W - 225 W.
Hashrate: 25 - 32 Mh/s.
Pros: A very good all around card. It's not only great at Ethereum mining, it can also mine Zcash, VTC and many other coins. This is one card that won't have any degraded performance if Ethereum mining stops as a whole, it has plenty of other choices.
Cons: If you can find them at a good price, don't hesitate, as they can get expensive.
GTX 1080ti.
Hashrate : 35-40 Mh/s.
Pros: This card is the powerhouse among Nvidia's GPUs. It is the most expensive, most powerful GPU used regularly in mining and it has the highest mining density.
A full rig (6) of these would cost almost as much as 3-4 full rigs of the RX 470 series. This card is suitable for almost every GPU mineable coin out there.
Cons: Mining Ethereum with this card might not be the best decision, as its hashrate isn't much higher than the gtx 1070 for almost double the price.
However, you'll find that mining other coins with this card is much more profitable than mining Ethereum.


6. Frequently Asked Questions.
Is it Still Profitable to Mine Ethereum?
Yes. With an efficient setup, low electricity cost and adequate cooling you can still be profitable with Ethereum mining.
However, mining has become a very competitive game and it's highly advised to due ample research and calculations before spending money on hardware.
What is the Best Ethereum Mining Software?
Claymore is one of the oldest and most supported Ethash miners.
What is the Best Ethereum Mining Pool?
ETHPool and Ethermine are the most popular mining pools for Ethereum today.
7. Conclusion.
Whichever card you decide on, be prepared to spend a lot of time researching various retailers and resellers. Only then can you hope to find a "fair" price.
You will also need to pick out a power supply that is able to fit your entire rig's power. Moreover, some mining rigs require double power supplies, as the high capacity cards are usually much more power consuming.
A 6-card rig of RX 470s with a 1200w power supply will probably be more than enough, while a 6-card rig of gtx 1080ti might require two of these.
Have you had any experience with the GPUs above? Do you know of any other, better cards? Let me know in the comment section below.


The BIGGEST DIY Bitcoin \u0026 Cryptocurrency SOLAR MINING FARM Tour!! ☀|33:21