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Bitcoin mining.

Started by Bitcoin, Feb 14, 2021, 08:32 am

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If You Solve This Math Problem, You Could Steal All the Bitcoin in the World.
Ryan F. Mandelbaum Yesterday 5:55pm.
You may have heard of the famous P versus NP problem. If you can prove or disprove its cryptically short equation, you'd be a million dollars richer--and maybe even billions of dollars richer, depending on your scruples.
The importance of P versus NP is mainly in its consequences for computing. It happens to be one of the seven Millennium Prize Problems, meaning The Clay Mathematics Institute of Cambridge, Massachusetts will award $1 million to whoever manages to prove or disprove the statement. But should you prove that P in fact does equal NP, you wouldn't even need the $1 million prize. As theoretical computer scientist Scott Aaronson explained last week at a lecture in a stuffy auditorium at Los Alamos National Lab in New Mexico, proving that P=NP would open up some intriguing possibilities.
"If someone proves P=NP, the first thing they should do is steal $200 billion in bitcoin. The second thing they should do is solve all of the other Millennium Prize Problems," Aaronson said.
To understand this...
To understand this... I would need to drink a whole lot of this...
Mining Profit Calculator.
How to use the calculator.
Calculating the profitability of cloud mining requires taking into account many elements - the cost of cryptocurrency, the cost of maintaining the equipment, the hash rate, the terms of the contract, the mining difficulty.
The customer does not need to take a simple calculator and put down data in a complex formula. The profitability calculator makes the necessary calculations after setting several initial parameters. The app takes into account all factors related to the current situation in the cryptocurrency market (difficulty, exchange rate, and others).
In order to use the online calculator, take the following steps:
Fill in the proposed fields (select a tariff plan, specify a hash rate and set a forecast for rate growth). Get detailed information about potential income for the day, week, month and year.
The online calculator analyzes a large number of parameters, such as the network complexity, the cryptocurrency exchange rate, the cost of electricity, etc. The information used for calculations is constantly updated. This means that the user always receives accurate and current data.
What the app calculates?
The calculation of the profitability of cloud mining is necessary to see the potential profitability of cooperation and determine the relevance of investments. The buyer of the Hashmart service powers must determine in advance the profitability of cryptocurrency mining, taking into account the current market situation, the cost of services and the provided power.
Profitability calculator allows you to calculate:
The profit margin for one day and for a month; Income for different periods - day, week, month and year;
Not everyone can calculate profitability manually due to a large number of components taken into account in the calculation. The profitability calculator provides real help and instantly provides the data that would have to be calculated within 20-30 minutes.
The app provides all the necessary parameters, which guarantees the accuracy of the calculation, taking into account many variables and predicting further changes in the price of the cryptocurrency and its difficulty.
What do calculator fields mean?
When calculating the profitability of cloud mining, only relevant parameters are taken into account, which are periodically updated. We are talking about parameters such as the difficulty and value of Bitcoin. For convenience, the online calculator is presented in the form of two virtual sections - fields for entering information and the part where the calculation results are presented.
The customer must enter the following parameters:
Choose Plan - the selection of the plan that the user wants to buy. There are two tariffs to choose from. Just click on the arrow and select an option from the drop-down list. The convenience is that you can calculate the profitability for different contracts and decide on the most profitable. Hashing Power - the power of the leased equipment, which is measured in GH / s. The higher this indicator, the greater the potential profit the customer receives. If you wish, you can make a calculation for different parameters and look at the potential profit from mining Bitcoin. Maintenance fee - service fee (in dollars), which is charged by the cloud mining service. This money goes to maintaining the equipment in working condition, repair, paying for the services of qualified personnel, etc. Thanks to the small fee, the miner avoids these difficulties and transfers them to the Hashmart service. This parameter is filled automatically when choosing a tariff plan. Bitcoin price - the value of Bitcoin, which is set automatically taking into account the exchange rate and does not require clarification. Monthly rate growth - monthly rate growth in percent. The parameter is set by clicking on the plus or minus button.
After entering the data, the profitability calculator instantly displays the results taking into account the entered parameters and it becomes possible to make a decision about the investment and its volumes.
Time Frame BTC Reward Revenue USD* Power Cost (in USD) Pool Fees (in USD) Profit (in USD) Hourly 0.00003275 $0.61 $0.16 $0.00 $0.45 Daily 0.00078595 $14.73 $3.90 $0.00 $10.83 Weekly 0.00550162 $103.14 $27.30 $0.00 $75.84 Monthly 0.0236 $442.01 $117.00 $0.00 $325.01 Annually 0.2869 $5,377.83 $1,423.50 $0.00 $3,954.33.
* Bitcoin Price at $18,746.55 USD.
Bitcoin mining Difficulty Bitcoin Block Reward Bitcoin Price 17,596,801,059,571.00 6.25 BTC $18,746.55 (BTC to USD) Bitcoin mining Hashrate Bitcoin mining Hardware Watts Bitcoin mining Hardware Cost Electricity Costs 110.00 TH/s 3,250 Watts $2,407.00 $0.05 per kWh.
A BTC mining difficulty of 17,596,801,059,571.00, a BTC mining hashrate of 110.00 TH/s consuming 3,250 watts of power at $0.05 per kWh, and a block reward of 6.25 BTC at $18,746.55 (BTC to USD).
Genesis Mining Bitcoin mining Calculator.
If you start a Bitcoin mining contract with Genesis Mining, you want to know, of course, what you are going to earn and when your investment will return. We have a special Bitcoin mining calculator where you can calculate your daily and monthly profits. We've already filled in the most important factors like difficulty, block rewards, current BTC price and the Genesis Mining fee. At Genesis Mining you pay an all-in fee percentage of 28% for electricity, maintenance and hardware costs. You only have to fill in your current hashpower and your initial investment.
Use this promo code: 6LRqcU to get a 3 percent discount on all contracts at Genesis Mining. You can re-use this code each time you upgrade your plan.
This is a very simple and standard calculator. As you can see in the results, the Bitcoin mining contracts are very profitable. An additional advantage is that these contracts are valid for a lifetime and have no end date. Genesis Mining has the rights to adjust these contracts any time. In addition, the contracts will be automatically terminated when it's no longer profitable for Genesis Mining. Nobody knows, when this happens.
If you want a thorough calculation, we recommend the Coinwarz calculator. Don't forget to lower the Power and Power Costs to zero and add a pool fee of 28 percent.
The Bitcoin mining calculator helps you to know how much profit you can earn from a Bitcoin miner. Considering all the relevant costs, including electricity, fees, and hardware, this mining calculator provides an estimated profit amount. Following are the detailed instructions on the usage of Bitcoin mining calculator -
Currency Price Hash Rate Investment (in USD) Maintenance & Support Cost (Per GH/sec/day)
Gross Mining Returns (Without Maintenance and Support Cost)
Bitcoin In BTC In USD ROI Hourly Daily Weekly Monthly Annually Biennial.
Net Profit (After Maintenance and Support Cost)
Power Cost (BTC) Power Cost (USD) Profit (BTC) Profit (USD) ROI Hourly Daily Weekly Monthly Annually Biennial.
Disclaimer : Above mining calculator is an indicator of profitability you get as on date. Kindly note that profitability which is dependent on various factors like difficulty levels , price of bitcoin may go both up and down on movement of various factors. Customer /Investor may kindly take a note that nobody in the world could ever estimate future returns and any scheme which is committing fixed return is no less than a scam. Historically bitcoin prices have gone up and mining have giving amazing returns but there is absolutely no commitments.


Best Free Bitcoin Mining App - earn up to 0.071 BTC every day|3:58


How to Use Bitcoin mining Calculator.
Enter the hashing rate of Bitcoin miner Then, click on 'Calculate Mining Returns' And you get the estimated profit amount Based on current Bitcoin exchange rate, returns will be displayed. The exchange rate might vary with the time. Returns will be based on the current Bitcoin mining difficulty. The level of mining difficulty will change. As the time moves on, it will probably go up. Returns is not profit. Still, you have to consider the mining hardware cost and electricity cost that will run the hardware and cool it whenever required.
Calculating Bitcoin mining Profitability.
Bitcoin mining protects the network of Bitcoin. The cryptocurrency might get attacked and shut down without miners. As miners play such a vital role to the network, so they are well-paid for their mining services. When a miner solves the cryptographic problems successfully and places a new block on the public ledger, he/she gets a mining reward. Nowadays, Bitcoin mining has become very competitive, so calculating running a profitable mining farm is possible.
How Bitcoin mining Returns are Calculated?
In a nutshell, you can make use of Bitcoin mining calculator and input the information, such as electricity cost and mining hardware. Doing so will give you a rough estimate of mining returns. However, remember that factors, such as mining difficulty and price of Bitcoin will vary each day and might have vivid effects on profitability.
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Bitcoin mining Software on Windows 7 64-bit.
Are you looking for Bitcoin mining software on Windows 7 64-bit ? Look no further, this guide is all you need to mine on Windows 7 64 bit.
Why mine with Windows 7 64-bit and not Windows 7 32-bit?
The first reason why you should mine on Windows 7 64-bit is because you'll have a better choice for the mining software. Some mining software, like BetterHash, does not work on Windows 7 32-bit. On other hand, all mining software for Windows works on 64-bit versions of Windows.
But there is a second reason for this, and it's an even bigger one. It's also the reason why some Bitcoin mining software developers don't really care about Windows 32-bit support. Windows 7 32-bit has a limitation of 4GB of RAM to use. And that's it. If you have more than 4GB of RAM, Windows 32-bit simply won't see it.
Some miners may argue that more than 4GB of RAM is needed only if you don't know how to setup virtual memory. But RAM is always faster, plus it has become cheap. I believe a minimum of 8GB of RAM should be in your PC when mining on Windows, especially if you're running a higher number of GPUs, and/or plan on using your PC while mining.
Each version of Windows 64-bit comes with at least 8GB RAM support, but if you're interested how RAM support rises with Windows 7 versions, you can take a look here.
Bitcoin mining software for Windows 7 64-bit comes in many forms, and I like it simple. No consoles, no config files, no tedious setup and troubleshooting. If Bitcoin is going to get adopted, we need user friendly mining software. With a GUI and simplicity to install and use, preferably within minutes.
I know you're excited, so I'll get to the point:
Bitcoin mining Software on Windows 7 64-bit - The best in 2019.
WinMiner is gone, NiceHash got hacked. So I had to find my alternatives for hassle free mining on Windows. And I found plenty of them :)
Kryptex is a tool that I first found after the NiceHash hack. At that time, it had a few alternatives, like WinMiner, Computta and MinerGate. It beat them all, at least from my perspective.
Like every other mining software on this page, it comes with a clean and easy to use interface, and takes only minutes to set up.
But I like it the most, as it gives me the most profit, and I'm using it for around 1.5 years- hassle free.
In other words, Kryptex is a tool that I'm most experienced with, plus they never disappointed me. Having a stable and profitable mining software that's here to stay is a big thing. And over time I learned they pay every time, and their software works all the time.
If you never tried Kryptex, definitely give it a go and you may end up using it as well.
Cudo Miner is the second mining software that I recommend to anyone interested in Bitcoin mining on Windows 7.
It's still relatively new, and I started testing it while in beta. Yet, it works really well over a wide range of operating systems, and mining with this software was nothing but successful for me.
Their software is now stable and working for most people out there, and what they currently have in beta is an actual mining operating system. CudoOS aims to make mining even simpler and more efficient, and it's clear that the company have long term plans when it comes to Bitcoin mining.
It's also the only GUI mining tool that comes with versions for Windows, Mac, Linux and have their own OS in beta. Anything except Windows version may not be of your interest, yet it does speak about how dedicated this company really is.


Is Mining on ASICs Worth It? - Mining Adventure Part 3|12:15


Honey Miner.
Honey Miner is a tool that doesn't yield as much for me as the first two. But besides the profitability which is slightly lower, and depends on the hardware you use- it's a lovely tool. Extremely easy to setup and use, this tool has a great potential.
Right now, this app is available on Windows and Mac, and they have plans for releasing a Linux version. It comes with a very nice and colorful GUI and has a 2-tier referral system.
The only reasons why I placed it third on my list is because the first two are earning slightly more on my mining rig, plus I didn't use it as much as the first two.
If you're on Windows or Mac- be sure to test it out and see how it works for you.
More Bitcoin mining software for Windows 7.
The first 3 mining tools listed above are the ones I heavily used and tested. Plus, my experience with them was pretty good.
Luckily for us, new great Bitcoin mining software gets released regularly, and it usually gets released for Windows first.
The purpose of this website is to spread the word about the best GUI mining software, and the purpose of this text is to help you pick the best mining software for Windows 7 64-bit.
The list above is the list I can vouch with my whole soul, while the list below is great and tested by me, yet it doesn't work as good for me at the moment, and I don't like it as much as the tools above:
Still, the bottom list may prove much better for you than using a console miner, especially if you're new in the mining world.
After all, each of the tools from the bottom list also comes with a GUI, works on Windows 7 64-bit and is easy to install and manage.
Bitcoin mining on Windows 7 vs Windows 10.
Bitcoin mining on Windows 7 is definitely possible, especially on the 64-bit version. Yet, it wouldn't be fair to conclude this article without saying a few words on future perspective of mining with Windows 7 .
The Windows 7 end of life is a known date- January 14, 2020. On this date, Microsoft will stop providing updates and support for all versions of Windows 7.
While this doesn't automatically mean you won't be able to mine on Windows 7 in.
7 months, it does mean mining on Windows 7 will be less secure in less than a year from now. Without further patches, Windows 7 will start becoming more and more vulnerable, until it becomes truly outdated at some point.
With this in mind, it makes sense to conclude that hardware giants will follow Microsoft and stop releasing new drivers for Windows 7.
And with all of the above in mind- you should understand that an upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 will be a logical step in nourishing your mining operation.
Luckily for you, most licenses can upgrade directly from Windows 7 to Windows 10, and all of the mining tools listed here work equally good or better on Windows 10 .
What to do next.
Take your time and test all of the mining tools for Windows 7 64-bit that I'm featuring. What works for me may work slightly different for you, especially when it comes to hardware and algorithms available.
Spending some time and testing various software on your Windows 7 machine will affect your mining business in the most positive way- it will help you choose the best solution for your own combination of hardware and operating system.
Best Free Bitcoin mining Software, Reviewed for 2021.
Bitcoin mining is essential to the performance of the Bitcoin network. Mining validates and processes transactions on the blockchain and generates new coins. At its infancy, it was possible to mine bitcoin using a PC. There were many early adopters who mined bitcoin using laptops. As the mining difficulty has increased substantially over the years, bitcoin miners now use specialised hardware as well as Bitcoin mining software to mine BTC.
In this review, we will break down the importance of Bitcoin mining software and list the best free Bitcoin mining software available for you to mine bitcoin in 2021.
Bitcoin mining hardware handles the actual mining process whereas bitcoin ming software acts as the enabler. In other words, the software's main function is to deliver the mining hardware's output to the rest of the blockchain and to receive the completed work from other miners on the network.
In addition, Bitcoin mining software oversees the input and output of your mining hardware while also displaying statistics such as hash rate, temperature, fan speed and tempo of your miner.
The software's function can be summed up in two ways:
If you are an individual miner, the Bitcoin mining software connects your rig to the Bitcoin network. If you are mining with a pool, the Bitcoin mining software will connect you to a mining pool.
Top 5 Free Bitcoin mining Software.
CGMiner is arguably the most popular and extensive free Bitcoin mining software available. CGMiner is an open-source ASIC/FPGA mining software that supports Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
The Bitcoin mining software is a command line application that is fast and efficient with full monitoring, remote interface capabilities and fan speed control. It has a scalable networking scheduler that can adjust to a hash rate of any size without network hold-ups. Other unique features include configuration files, logging and API monitoring. Users can also access a number of different proxy methods for mining.
However, what distinguishes the software is its control over the mining hardware. It enables you to change many settings in the FPGA or ASIC rigs such as voltages and more. There is a menu for custom management of most settings and self-detection of new blocks with a compact database for frail longpoll scenarios.
CGMiner supports a wide variety of ASIC mining hardware including BlackArrow, Minion, Hexfury, Cointerra just to name a few. Users can read up on the software features on GitHub and follow the discussion thread on the BitcoinTalk forum.
A summary of the main features include:
Remote interface capabilities fan speed control CPU mining support self-detection of new blocks with a small database cross-platform GPU support.
BFGMiner is a fork of CGMiner and incorporates some advanced and unique features. This Bitcoin mining software differs from its predecessor by the fact it utilises the newer getblocktemplate vs the former getwork template. This is a decentralisation change, where initially blocks were created by the pool, they are now being created by the miner.
Consequently, BFGMiner does not focus on GPUs like CGMiner but is instead created specifically for ASIC hardware. Also, the 'getblocktemplate' decentralised mining protocol (without proxy) can preemptively generate work before the completion of existing work. Written in C, the source code is compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac operating systems.
BFGMiner also integrates a watchdog thread that can restart idle threads without crashing the machine if they fail to respond. The software displays summarised and individual data statistics including requests, accepts, rejects, efficiency, utility and hw errors. If hardware support is present, the software can monitor the hardware temperature.
BFGMiner allows for greater customisation of mining hardware which includes overclocking, remote interface capabilities and fan speed control. BFGMiner also has many device drivers for bitcoin including Twinfury USB stick miner, Ztex's FPGA boards and Drillbit Thumb and Eight. In addition, there are drivers for a script like ZeusMiner units and GAW War Machine. You can learn how to install these drivers on the BTCMiner forum or check the GitHub page redirect on the website.
Mining with free mesa/LLVM OpenCL Integrated overclocking and fan control ADL device reordering by PCI bus ID.
EasyMiner is an open-source GUI Miner that acts as a convenient wrapper for CGMiner and BFGMiner software. One of the challenges of mining different cryptocurrencies is they require different command line mining tools, which makes it difficult managing them. EasyMiner solves this by enabling users to mine bitcoin, litecoin, and other digital currencies.
The Bitcoin mining software supports ccminer, cudaminer, minerd, cgminer and ASIC mining for bitcoin. In addition, EasyMiner has a 'Moneymaker' feature which is focused on the mining of litecoin (LTC) on its own stratum pool. Alternatively, users can utilise the 'Solo' mode to select a pool of their own, besides a custom hash algorithm corresponding with the coin they intend to mine.
The mining software works on a variety of operating systems such as Windows. EasyMiner also uses the NHIL (Network Hardware ID Layer) protocol to generate an extra layer of security for the pool stratum and wallet architecture. However, as referenced earlier users have to download any of the Bitcoin mining software listed above for the GUI to work.


Como minar Bitcoin Litecoin con Asic Antminer S9 L3+ D3 Bitmain Vídeo Tutorial|20:09


Additional features include:
Configures individual miners Comes along with performance graphs for easy visualisation of mining activity.
HoneyMiner is a mining software that enables anyone with a PC to mine digital currencies. The aim behind the software's design was to have a 'set it and forget it' approach that would allow users to earn a Bitcoin mining income without having to contend with technicalities. This Bitcoin mining software allows users to participate in other cryptocurrencies and cash out in bitcoin (BTC).
For it to work users have to download the HoneyMiner software into their computers and let it run. The mining software will run in the background utilising your GPU or CPU output to mine a variety of coins. The coins are then converted to bitcoin to make it easy for people to access their profits.
The amount a user can earn will mostly depend on the power of the computer, particularly the graphics cards. Computers designed for gaming or newer models have the potential to make more when compared to older PCs. It is also important to note that computers with multiple graphics cards will earn more mining rewards.
HoneyMiner works on Windows and will in the future looking to add support for Mac and Linux. In addition, the software deploys stringent security systems such as SSSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and aggressive encryption to protect users. HoneyMiner charges an 8 percent fee for users with 1GPU and for those with 2GPUs or more the fee is 2.5 percent. The fees are necessary for the software team to continue with development.
AwesomeMiner is a Bitcoin mining software that allows users to manage multiple mining rigs. Moreover, the mining rigs can be of different types such as FPGAs, ASICs and more. The intuitive software has a variety of centralised management features, the main one being it supports in excess of 25 mining engines which include bfgminer, cgminer, sgminer, xmrig, and castXMR, just to name a few.
AwesomeMiner also supports more than 50 popular mining algorithms like Script, SHA256, X11, Zcash, and Ethereum. This mining software utilises both real-time multi-pool statistics and digital currency statistics to automatically switch between algorithms, multiple pools and mining software to ensure high profits. The profitability switch can be used for both ASIC and GPU miners.
AwesomeMiners dashboard lets you monitor the status and temperature of all FPGA and ASIC devices from a single location. There is also a powerful in-built C# script engine that can be utilised to design customised triggers and actions. Users can access the HTTP API to interact with the mining software from external applications and retrieve information concerning the mining progress.
Awesome Miner is compatible with Windows.
Security and Multi-User Access Privileged API access and SSH Management Web and Mobile Support Capable of adding, switching and managing mining pools Enable Desktop notifications.
Which free Bitcoin mining software you choose is fundamentally up to you and your specific mining needs but one of the above-mentioned free Bitcoin mining programmes will likely cover all of those and be the right fit for you.
15 Practical Ways to Make Money with Bitcoin in 2020.
So you want to get your hands on some free bitcoin, eh? By now, you might have heard of how you can make money with bitcoin, magic internet money and digital currency that can be traded or used to make purchases. This digital money uses encryption to make safe and secure transactions instantly from anywhere in the world. Not regulated by any bank, government or Federal Reserve, this open network is managed by the users and investors themselves. Here is our guide to earning real money with bitcoin in 2020.
Contrary to people’s knowledge, getting bitcoin is easy, there are a number of ways to earn bitcoin online- some more popular than the others. There are methods that involve a minimal effort with the minimal return and others more lucrative that requires you to have better expertise in the industry.
Below are some of the most famous ways to make money with bitcoin.
1. Mining bitcoin.
No, you don’t have to raise the ground to get bitcoin. Not in that sense anyway.
So, why do you call it mining? Similar to gold miners, bitcoin miners have to bring out the gold, in this case, bitcoin into the surface.
Did you dare to ask how? While paper money has a government, who prints and distributes it, Bitcoin has miners who use special software to solve math problems and are issued with bitcoin in exchange. This system is what makes the Bitcoin network go round.
Mining Bitcoin used to be relatively simple, and the earliest miners were able to mine thousands of Bitcoin using their home computers. However, in today’s very competitive and volatile market, miners buy expensive computer parts, that the high street customer has little access to,  required for more processing power in order to mine more difficult algorithms. Since this is a race that can solve blocks faster, miners team up in what we call mining pools where they combine their processing power in order to solve each transaction first. The reward mostly comes from several miners’ fees, is then split up by members of the pool.
This video helps to explain the process of Bitcoin mining more visually:
Remember that Bitcoin mining is not as profitable as it used to and many are claiming it to be the end of profitable mining.
It presents new miners with new challenges and also unique opportunities to come into the market when everyone else is leaving and then the price of bitcoin will go up.В It all depends on your ability to analyze the market and correctly predict future changes.
2. Bitcoin Faucets.
If you don’t mind looking at a few ads and answering surveys, you can visit a bitcoin faucet website. Generally, these websites generate revenue from advertisements placed on their pages. Those who visit their site and answer short questions or captchas will be paid from the small portion of their revenue.
3. Pay To Click (PTC) Websites.
There are several websites that will pay you in bitcoin if you watch an ad or click to a certain page containing ads. If you are ad immune and want to make quick crypto buckвЂ"this can be a good idea. Bear in mind, to make any significant money is still very hard work and a rather tedious task.В BTC4ADS pays around 100 satoshisВ (0.00000100В аёї) and Coinadder pays around 25 satoshis per click.
4. Doing Micro Jobs.
Much like Microworkers and Cloudfactory, which pay you a small fee to complete very simple tasks like watching a YouTube video or completing someone’s survey, there are several micro working sites that will pay you in bitcoin. Bitcoinget is the major player in this market which will pay you around 20,000 satoshis per task while there are several others like Cointasker that will pay you a slightly lower sum.
5. Writing about bitcoin.
Cryptocurrency, in general, is a new niche and there is a scarcity of writers who genuinely know this niche. This means the market is flooded with newbie copywriters who simply rehash the content that contributes to the deterioration of quality. However, if you really know this niche and you have decent writing skills, you can actually make money.
CCN, Blockchain AliensВ are among several websites that pay you for writing about bitcoin. You can also find a lot of related jobs freelance websites like Upwork and freelancer.com.
6. HelpВ others,В getВ tippedВ inВ bitcoin.
You can also get tipped in bitcoin by helping other people. One of the most notable platform to do so is bitfortip, which tips bitcoin as an incentive for helping people. Bitcoin is a new technology and there are people who are genuinely passionate about it and excited about what is to follow so incentives like this help to build a positive vibe around the community and also help people solve their problems.
7. Gambling bitcoin.
Though its not advisable to anyone, if you are self-aware enough, the bitcoin gambling market can still be a good source of income. Just like any form of gambling, the people in general always lose and the casinos always win but since bitcoin gambling is a very little heard of the term, you can get huge bonus for joining or even several rounds of your stake to start with. Sites like Bitstarz and mbit are major players in Crypto gambling business.
8. Buying and Holding.
Start with creating a wallet to keep your bitcoin safe. There are many places that allow you to do so. Paxful, for example, provides a free digital wallet whenever you sign up for an account. This is the easiest way if you are planning on buying and holding bitcoin. Make sure that the website you’re using is a safe and reliable one.
Investing in Bitcoin is a waiting game of its value to rise. This lets you decide when is a good time to buy or sell. There are several factors that contribute to how bitcoin is valued and you never know what will trigger the next bear market.
“Hodl”, a term the Bitcoin community whenever they are holding their coin with the belief their coin will be profitable one day. The slang word earned the backronym “Hold On for Dear Life” in the cryptocurrency space.
Note that this method can be tricky so don’t take anyone’s advice about it. Research and learn about Bitcoin and come up to your own conclusion.
9. Running a signature campaign in Bitcoin Talk forum.
Bitcointalk is one of the oldest bitcoin forum set up by Satoshi Nakamoto himself. This is probably the most popular forum in crypto sphere and used by millions of people. If you are an avid follower of the forum and you have racked up some authority from consistent posting, then your posts of bitcointalk will have a sponsored signature and you’ll get paid by sponsors for every post you make on the forum.
According to Steemit, you can easily make a bit of coin doing simple forum posting вЂ" for example, a full member can earn 0.0003 btc per post.
10. Bitcoin Trading.
There is potential to make big money trading bitcoin. Unlike buying and holding, trading bitcoin means you buy at a low price and sell them back at a higher price. This requires practice and knowledge of the market and to some extent a crystal ball. Given that the cryptocurrency market is extremely volatile, this method can be very risky.
There is money in Arbitrage.
The volatile nature of the market, however, gives rise to the opportunities for arbitrage. ArbitrageвЂ"as per Investopedia is the simultaneous buying and selling of securities, currency, or commodities in different markets or in derivative forms in order to take advantage of differing prices for the same asset.
There are several reasons why bitcoin arbitrage takes place, Market demands, the difference in the quality of the markets and diversity in client behaviors to name a few. If you have a good knowledge of the market and you can keep surveillance over multiple exchanges spanning over multiple countries, there is a good chance of making a big profit margin.
If you have at least some technical knowledge, you can also profit from using arbitrage bots.
Day trading has a good profit margin if done correctly.
Though bitcoin is getting less volatile by day, we should not forget that its still early adoption years and there was price fluctuations of more than 3% in a single minute as early as April 2018. Day trading has a lower risk than say “hodling” but also lower rewards unless you are investing heavily. But if you are prepared to do your research on the bitcoin market and rules of economics in general, you can come up with your own strategies to profit from day trading without sacrificing too much.
11. Accepting Bitcoin as a means of payment.
Bitcoin is, after all, a digital currency. So why not sell goods or services in exchange for bitcoin. This gives you the freedom to sell anything to anyone without going through any banks or financial institutions that may prevent you to do so. If you are already selling, why not accept bitcoin as payment. As a matter of fact, there is a massive list of businesses that accept bitcoin.В.
These are some ways in which you can earn money with bitcoin. If you choose to mine or invest, it is important to do as much research as possible and be prepared for all possible outcomes.
12. Lending bitcoin.
The decentralized nature of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies make it simpler to make transactions without needing authorities to validate it. In such a case, you can also loan bitcoin to potential loanees at a certain interest rate. It is also a very good alternative to “hodling” as you are actually making use of the wealth rather than keep it unmoved and it’s better for the economy in general. Several lend-and-borrow platforms like Unchained Capital, Bitbond and BTCpop allow you to lend your bitcoin for interest rate up to 15%.
Bear in mind that this is still a new market and there are hustlers who may try to cheat you. Always choose trustworthy platforms and loanees while making your investments.
13. Binary Trading with bitcoin.
Binary tradings have existed in the financial world for a very long time and did not take long enough to make a journey for that financial scheme to migrate to the crypto world. BinaryвЂ"as the name suggests has just two options, a trader purchases an option and at the expiration time, the trader either is either “in the money” or “out of the money”. In its true essence, its not too much further from gambling or n roulette.
All you have to do is make an investment on an option. Say there are two options to investвЂ" for the bitcoin price of $3000 now (at 10 AM), you can either invest in the price will be more than $3000 by 6 PM or the price will be less than $3000 by 6 PM. If at 5 PM the bitcoin is indeed higher than $3000, you earn the payout of certain payout percentage of your investment, if it’s lower, you lose your investment. Another option is to “put” if you think the price of BTC will go down. If the price at the expirationВ time is lower than the original price, you earn the option’s payout.
This YouTuber explains binary trading with real-time trading guide:
Remember its plain gambling and nothing to do with intricacies of bitcoin or other cryptos in any way. Nonetheless, its still a way to make money with bitcoin though its highly inadvisable.
14. Make money with Bitcoin Affiliates.
Affiliate marketing works when you generate sales leads for a product or service and the organization offering a product or service pays you certain commission for bringing in potential consumers who would otherwise not have been interested.
Usually, these 3 steps allow you to set up your own affiliate business for passive income:
Sign up for the affiliate program as an affiliate marketer. When you are accepted as a marketer, you will receive a unique URL that has a link to their product or service but also has a unique identifier which means they keep a record of who sent them there. You then share that link on any web or social media platform(Website, Facebook, Twitter etc. ) When someone comes to visit the website through your link and makes a purchase, you get a certain percentage as your affiliate fee.
We at Paxful also have an amazing affiliate program where you get paid 50% of the bitcoin escrow fee from your direct affiliate and 10% of the escrow fee from the affiliates made by your affiliates.
15. Being a master node.
Bitcoin is usually used as an umbrella term for all the cryptocurrencies and though experts would say the return for being a bitcoin master node is not all that profitable, you can still serve as a master node for several other cryptocurrencies and get a reward for your service to the blockchain.
Masternode is a dedicated node that keeps track of blockchain in real-time. Much like bitcoin full nodes, they are always up and running.
In addition to saving, validating and announcing valid transactions to other nodes, master nodes also perform other tasks with the blockchain including ensuring smooth protocol operations, governing voting events etc Next to validating, saving and broadcasting transactions, master nodes sometimes also facilitate other events on the blockchain-dependent on their nature, such as governing voting events etc. For their dedicated service, they are heavily incentivized. It typically depends on the type of cryptocurrency but Dash, PIVX, Blocknet, Stakenet, and Zcoin are the 5 major coins that have the best incentives for a master node.


How to BitCoin mine using fast ASIC mining hardware|27:15


Tips for making more profit with bitcoin.
Needed to say, here are a few tips before you start earning money through bitcoin. There are several scams in bitcoin space that you should be aware of and try to avoid them.В.
Like having physical cash, keep your bitcoin safe and keepВ yourВ bitcoinВ walletВ safe . This may mean enabling your Google 2FA, backing up your device or keeping your antivirus updated. There are a lot of digital threats waiting for you.
The industry is prone to fluctuations. This can be a good thing when you stay on top of it and learn the risk that comes with it.
Keep in mind that there is no free Bitcoin. Although there are several methods to earn from it. With the market always growing, there will always be a demand in expertise or a new product that will develop with time.
How To Make Money With Bitcoin: 17 Ways That Work Fast.
Last Updated on January 27, 2020.
Imagine if instead of having to buy Bitcoin, you could easily make money with Bitcoin.
That's exactly what you will learn in this guide.
Back in the day, people used to earn OVER 5 BTC with just 1 click in so-called "Bitcoin faucets".
If you want to learn about Bitcoin faucets and 16 additional ways to earn Bitcoin, t hen you're in the right place.
We purposefully omitted Bitcoin business ideas that require a high upfront investment, because we believe that you will be more interested in ways to make money with Bitcoin without any high initial costs, or even ways to earn Bitcoin for free.
Some of the best ways to earn Bitcoin are:
Selling Bitcoin Merchandise Writing articles Bitcoin mining Affiliate marketing Creating a review site Bitcoin investing Bitcoin trading.
Let's now dive into each of the above 7 methods, and 10 additional ones.
1. Make money with Bitcoin merchandise.
The simplest and often most effective way to make money with Bitcoin is to create merchandise related to the cryptocurrency and to sell it either on online marketplaces or on your own website.
There are countless products that fit into this category that you can easily create.
Just to name a few examples, you could, for example, create Bitcoin Mugs, Bitcoin T-Shirts, Bitcoin Hoodies, Bitcoin Phone cases, Bitcoin Socks, Bitcoin Stickers, etc.
Now, your concern may be: How can I create this Bitcoin merchandise without having to make a significant upfront investment?
The answer is simple, you can just use platforms like Zazzle or Spreadshirt that enable you to create merchandise on demand, meaning that you can design any merchandise you want, but you only actually need to pay for it when somebody buys it.
Furthermore, most of these sites will also be happy to handle shipping for you, which addresses another potential worry you may have.
2. Writing articles about Bitcoin.
Individuals that can write about Bitcoin are in high demand, and since there are so few candidates, the pay for this job is very significant in most cases.
If you are a decent writer then you can expect to earn around $0.10 per word. That's $100 for a 1,000-word article, which should take you less than 2 hours to write.
Excellent writers with at least 6 months of experience can easily earn north of $0.20 per word if employed by one of the top cryptocurrency blogs.
Usually, Bitcoin articles that are more complex in nature will pay significantly better than simple review-type articles. In order to earn as much Bitcoin as possible as a writer, you need to work hard on improving your writing skills.
This can be done by making a few guest contributions to blogs like HackerNoon or CoinDiligent (yep that's us!), and by reading a lot about the topic on other cryptocurrency blogs .
After you have worked on your writing skills, you can now start applying for jobs either on micro-task sites like Bounty0x , or on regular job listing sites like Crypto Jobs List.
3. Bitcoin mining.
Bitcoin mining is often described as one of the best ways to make money with Bitcoin because of how profitable it is. Large mining firms and mining pools, like BITMAIN, make hundreds of millions of $ per year .
While its true that there is a large cost involved in running such a large Bitcoin mining operation, your goal isn't to make hundreds of millions of $ just yet, right?
There are countless people in countries with cheap electricity running miners from their home, the only two costs involved are the mining hardware and the electricity cost.
However, a cost is a cost, you won't be able to start a professional Bitcoin mining operation for free and you should expect to have to put aside at least $2,000 before your mining business becomes profitable.
That being said, there is an alternative to professional Bitcoin mining.
Many people that don't want to commit to having to purchase a lot of expensive hardware from the start, choose different options like Bitcoin cloud mining or Bitcoin browser mining .
The first one is essentially a way to "rent" Bitcoin miners online, often for as little as $50, and then receive monthly payments from the profits generated by the miner.
The latter is an even more novel concept that utilizes your PC or even smartphone as a Bitcoin miner in order to make money.
It's important to note that both cloud mining and browser mining are not as profitable as professional Bitcoin mining, but it is certainly a good start an interesting way to make money with Bitcoin without any large investment.
4. Affiliate marketing.
If you enjoy marketing and sales, or if you already have an existing avenue by which you could promote products then affiliate marketing might be the right fit for you.
Affiliate marketing essentially consists in promoting the products of a company and earning a commission every time you make a sale.
These sales are tracked with what is referred to as a "referral link". This link tracks every click and also knows when a click resulted in a sale.
So the goal is to get the link in front of as many people as possible that might be interested in buying the product or service that you are promoting. Here are some potential platforms by which you can promote your referral link:
Your own blog or website On your Twitter account In your Facebook page Via email to potential customers In YouTube videos if you own a channel In a Telegram group if you own one.
Affiliate links can be a very profitable way to earn bitcoins online, and even better, the cost to start promoting these links is usually zero.
So if you own a medium by which you could promote affiliate links, or if you are planning to create one, then you should definitely give affiliate marketing a try.
99Bitcoins has put together a great list of some of the best Bitcoin affiliate systems out there, make sure to check it out if this is a business model that you want to give a try.
5. Start a review site.
There are countless Bitcoin-related products out there. Some of the most popular ones include cryptocurrency exchanges, bitcoin wallets, bitcoin hardware wallets, Bitcoin mining equipment, and Bitcoin merchandise.
The vast offering available in the market can often make it hard for consumers to decide which product they should purchase. This is where review sites step in.
Bitcoin product review sites are essentially focused on analyzing a certain product line, and helping potential buyers in their decision to make a purchase. This is also one of our revenue streams at CoinDiligent.
These sites can be structured in the form on a simple static content website or a blog, and there are countless ways to monetize them.
Two of the most popular ways to monetize a review site are through affiliate links and through advertisements.
In the case of an affiliate link based business model, you would earn Bitcoin every time somebody buys a product after clicking on your referral link.
In the situation of an ad-based business model, you simply earn for every click and/or for every impression that your ad receives.
Starting a review site is a great way to make money with Bitcoin if you are not a very technical person, and don't want to have any costs associated with your Bitcoin business.
6. Long-term Bitcoin investing.
If you are interested in making money with Bitcoin, then chances are that you are planning to invest in cryptocurrencies or just Bitcoin, or that you have already invested.
Many people first found out about Bitcoin after hearing some of the mind-blowing success stories of people that invested just pennies a few years back, and whose Bitcoins are now worth a fortune. This is the power of Bitcoin long-term investing.
In long-term Bitcoin investing the goal is to accumulate as many Bitcoins as possible at a cheap price, with the goal in mind to potentially sell some of them after the BTC price increased dramatically after a few years.
Most newcomers to the space choose to buy their first Bitcoins on a cryptocurrency exchange for beginners like Coinbase since these platforms make it incredibly easy to get started.
More elaborate investors sometimes use Kraken or Bitstamp, since the fees are slightly lower.
Long-term investing is a fairly simple strategy to make money with Bitcoin since it does not require you to actively manage your Bitcoins and you can just leave them sitting in a wallet for years. Many people refer to this as "Hodling".
That being said, in order to maximize the returns with this strategy, it is crucial to stay up to date with news and events that could drastically impact the value of Bitcoin.
7. Bitcoin trading.
It is totally possible to make money trading Bitcoin. In fact, fortunes are made every day by Bitcoin traders that truly know their game.
The insane volatility in Bitcoin markets is a trader's paradise, and with the recent rise of platforms like Bitmex, traders can now also make money betting on Bitcoin's price going down (not just up).
However, with great opportunity comes great risk, and that is something Bitcoin traders need to be aware of.
There are three main ways to earn Bitcoins by trading: swing trading, range trading, and momentum trading. Let's now explore each one in more detail.
Bitcoin trend trading.
In trend trading, traders aim to identify if Bitcoin is currently trending upwards or if it is trending downwards. You will often hear traders say "The trend is your friend", which is a saying that aims to illustrate that trends will rarely let you down and that trends can last a long time and therefore be a profitable opportunity.
Although there are countless ways in which traders identify trends in Bitcoin prices, the simplest way is to simply have a look at the 200 candle and 50 candle moving averages.
The strategy is rather simple. You simply plot the 200 days moving average and the 50 days moving average on the same chart and look which moving average is currently on top.
If we see that the 50 days moving average is on top, as in the example above, then we're in a market that is trending up (bull trend).
On the other hand, if we see that the 200 days moving average is on top (red), then we're in a market that is trending down (bear trend).
Bitcoin range trading.
When you look at the Bitcoin price, you will often see that the price seems to be moving in a range on certain time intervals.
Bitcoin range trading aims to exploit precisely that.


AntMiner S9 Setup Guide Part I by CryptoCrane|9:35


Range traders make the assumption that ranges are strong enough to support price movement for the foreseeable future, and therefore buy at the bottom of the range and sell at the top of the range for a profit.
Bitcoin momentum trading.
In momentum trading, Bitcoin traders make the assumption that if the price makes a strong move in one direction, it will likely continue moving in that direction for a while.
Momentum traders usually make use of indicators like the RSI, or just trends in the Bitcoin trading volume.
On the above image we can see how the price and trading volume of Bitcoin were increasing, so a trader would enter a trade assuming that it will continue moving in an uptrend of a little while more.
Start trading Bitcoin.
If you want to start trading Bitcoin then one of the best exchanges is BitMex, which enables you to trade with up to 100x leverage.
This means that if you have $1,000, you could make it worth $100,000 by using leverage, thus drastically increasing your potential profit margin.
Learn more about BitMex here .
8. Run cryptocurrency masternodes.
Masternodes are nodes that store a copy of the entire coin's blockchain history, in exchange for a monetary reward. For security purposes, most masternodes require its administrators to "lock-up" a certain number of coins in addition to providing the computing power of the node itself.
There are several masternode coins out there, but some of the most popular ones are:
Dash Wagerr LOKI TechRock.
Most legitimate masternodes offer a return of between 10 to 40% per year and usually cost an average of $2,500 to set-up. However, there are outliers: a Dash masternode costed close to $1 Million at one point.
That being said, masternodes are one of the few truly passive ways in which you can earn bitcoin online. The goal here is to identify strong masternode projects when they're still unknown and cheap so that you can afford several nodes.
A great place to discover new masternodes is Masternodes.pro .
9. Start a Bitcoin YouTube Channel.
YouTubers are some of the most influential individuals in the cryptocurrency space.
YouTube channels are so powerful in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general since this space is mostly composed of a younger audience, that often prefers content in the form of video rather than text.
There are several ways of approaching a Bitcoin or Cryptocurrency YouTube channel, and the one that suits you best entirely depends on your skills and interests.
The main categories are Trading channels, product review channels, News channels, Entertainment / Funny channels, and Mining / Technical channels.
It is important to note that many YouTubers, like for example Ivan On Tech , combine several of the above categories in order to speak to a larger audience.
As you can probably imagine, being a Bitcoin or Cryptocurrency YouTuber can be extremely profitable. While large channels do make a decent amount from display ads they show on their videos, most of the revenue is generated through sponsorships and paid videos.
Ivan On Tech, for example, has approximately 200,000 subscribers on YouTube and charges over $15,000 for a single interview video.
Of course, it is not easy to build such a large channel, but you don't have to own a massive Bitcoin YouTube account in order to make a decent income out of it and the barrier of entry for starting a channel is pretty much zero.
10. Create a Bitcoin course.
There are many ways to make money with Bitcoin, but if you actually want to make a big positive impact in the space then you might be interested in creating an educational product for people interested in learning about Bitcoin.
People like Suppoman have made millions of dollars selling courses on Udemy.
So the market is definitely there.
The first important task that needs to be addressed when creating a Bitcoin course is to find a highly interesting topic where you can add value, and that lots of people want to learn about.
This is not easy and will require some research from your side. One approach is to browse through existing courses on Udemy, and look for courses that are very popular and where you think you might be able to create a better one.
After you found an interesting topic or theme, the next step is to decide on a format to deliver the course in. Essentially, the three options that you can choose from are video, audio, and just simply plain text.
Last but not least, you will also have to figure out a way to market and distribute your course, this can either be done on dedicated platforms like Udemy or through your own website.
11. Write a Bitcoin book.
Another viable option to make money is to write a book about Bitcoin.
With tens of thousands of people entering the crypto space every month, there definitely is a market of people wanting to learn more about Bitcoin.
However, creating books comes with its own set of challenges. Although the internet has made the process of distributing books magnitudes easier and faster, that still does not mean that it is a simple task.
Creating a book is definitely more time-consuming and challenging than creating a course, but the payout can also be magnitudes higher.
As you can see in the image below, the book "The Bitcoin Standard" has 150 reviews. Given that usually, about 2% of all buyers leave a review, that means that about 7,500 people purchased the book on Amazon US alone!
At a price per book of $14, that's over $100k in revenue.
With that in mind, before trying to find a publisher to create printed copies, it is highly recommended to get started by offering it as an e-book on platforms like Amazon first in order to get a gauge of the demand.
If you need some inspiration of what a good Bitcoin book looks like then definitely check out our article on the best cryptocurrency books out there.
12. Start a Bitcoin podcast.
Podcasts are one of the most underrated business models out there.
The barrier of entry to start one is not only very low, but the potential revenue that can be generated with one often exceed one's wildest dreams.
Podcasts like the Joe Rogan Experience earn TENS OF MILLIONS of dollars per year. But of course, we all won't be able to build one of the largest podcasts in the world.
One case study that you can look into is the What Bitcoin Did podcast, which publishes monthly income reports .
At the time of writing, the podcast was only 1 year old and is already generating $9k+ in revenue on a monthly basis.
This clearly shows how creating a podcast is definitely a viable option to make money with Bitcoin. Additionally, it's also still an option that is not too competitive, which could make it easier for you to establish yourself.
If you need some inspiration then make sure to check out our list of the best cryptocurrency podcasts out there.
13. Play games.
If you're looking for a way to earn some Bitcoin fast then you might want to look into playing games. Yes, playing games.
One interesting app for this is Storm, which enables you to earn Bitcoin, Ethereum and STORM coins in exchange for testing new smartphone games.
The Storm app also has other tasks aside from playing games like surveys and social media tasks, so you might want to check out those as well.
14. Complete Bitcointalk bounty campaigns.
Bitcointalk signature bounty campaigns are one of the oldest strategies to make money in the crypto space and have been used to earn Bitcoin for years.
Bitcointalk is a forum created by Satoshi Nakamoto , the founder of Bitcoin, in order to give a medium for people to discuss Bitcoin.
Nowadays the forum has millions of active users and is seen by many as a powerful marketing machine that can be used to market new products or digital assets.
This is precisely where Bitcointalk signatures step in. A Bitcointalk signature is essentially a widget that you can insert in your Bitcointalk profile, which will then show below every single message that you make on the forum.
If designed properly, a Bitcointalk signature can look similar to an advertisement.
In Bitcointalk signature bounties users are paid, usually on a weekly basis, for carrying the Bitcointalk signature of a sponsor and making as many posts on the forum as possible in order to maximize the exposure.
It is important to note that often users with a higher "rank" (users that have used Bitcointalk for a longer time), receive higher rewards for carrying a Bitcointalk signature, which makes their accounts highly valuable.
Bitcointalk signature bounties can be found here , there are literally hundreds to choose from so it won't be a lack of choice what holds you back from giving this strategy to make money with Bitcoin a try.
15. Collect BTC from Bitcoin faucets.
Collecting BTC from Bitcoin faucets is the only way in which you can actually make Bitcoins for free without any effort at all. There are countless stories of people earning 5 BTC for every click they made in these faucets.
BTC faucets are essentially websites that give away Bitcoin for free, this is either done to generate awareness and drive adoption or to monetize a website by forcing users to interact with an advertisement before claiming the BTC.
Furthermore, there are a few different ways of interacting with the faucets. In some cases, you literally only need to complete a captcha and click a button to claim your BTC, in others, the faucet is structured in the form of a game that you first need to complete before claiming your coins.
Two very popular Bitcoin faucets are Cointiply and BonusBitcoin.
The first gives users the option to complete games or tasks in order to claim larger amounts of Bitcoin, the latter has a slightly lower payout but is also much simpler by only asking users to sign-up and click a button to claim their coins.
When trying to make money with Bitcoin using BTC faucets, it is very important to watch out for scams or "dead faucets". A good rule of thumb is to avoid faucets without an active social media presence.
16. Lend your Bitcoins.
If you already own some Bitcoin and are open to taking some risk, then making money with Bitcoin lending might be interesting to you.
As in traditional lending also, Bitcoin lending consists in lending your Bitcoin to a third party, usually through a lending platform, at an interest.
This interest is usually magnitudes higher than in traditional banking since the market is unregulated, and risk is significantly higher. Some lending platforms pay up to 20% yearly interest.
That being said, you should never lend more Bitcoin than what you can afford to lose .
There have been several cases of Bitcoin lending platforms that defaulted or that were straight up ponzi schemes, and lenders ended up losing all of their money.
One notorious platform was Bitconnect, which promised guaranteed returns of up to 2% per day by supposedly using the money that you lent them to "trade digital currencies and make significant profits". When Bitconnect collapsed in early 2018, lenders lost all their money and countless lives were permanently destroyed.
Unless you are playing around with money that you can lose, I recommend staying away for now from BTC lending platforms and to choose a different strategy to make money with Bitcoin instead.
17. Complete micro-tasks for Bitcoin.
Finally, the last strategy on this list on how to make money with Bitcoin is to complete micro-tasks.
In the cryptocurrency space, these micro-tasks are often referred to as "Bounties" and can be found on dedicated platforms like Bounty0x , or forums like Bitcointalk .
They usually consist in writing short pieces of content, interacting on social media, making a translation, recording a video, or other basic tasks.
Although some of these micro-tasks are indeed paid directly in BTC, most are paid in a different coin or token that you would then have to swap for BTC on a cryptocurrency exchange.
Reportedly, several individuals are making a full-time salary just from completing these tasks, with some people claiming to make north of $50,000 per year .
If you enjoy working online and completing small tasks, then this might be the right fit for you to earn some money with Bitcoin.
BONUS: Shopping with Lolli.
Lolli enables anyone to earn a Bitcoin by shopping at one of the 500+ merchants that the firm is partenred with.
The list of merchants include big names like Hotels.com, Walmart, Groupon, Priceline, BestBuy, and more.


Bitmain Z15 ASIC PROFITS After 3 Months of Mining...|12:08


Although each purchase is only rewarded with $1-3 in Bitcoin, it can add to a significant amount if you regularly use the stores that Lolli is partnered with.
Create a Lolli account here and earn $10 just for joining.
Bitcoin earning tricks.
Alright, so those were the top ways to make money with Bitcoin!
But before we end this article and you start earning some coins, here are a few Bitcoin earning tips that will help you to get there faster.
Add a lot of value.
You need to find a way in which you can add VALUE to your customer. A product or task that doesn't add a lot of value, won't earn you lots of Bitcoins.
Stay informed.
To earn more, you need to stay at the top of the game. Read as much about cryptocurrency and blockchain as you can, this space evolves fast and there's opportunity everywhere.
Keep taxes in mind.
Keep in mind that even though you're earning Bitcoin, you will likely still have to pay taxes on your earnings. Please check this with a tax advisor when you're starting to make a considerable amount of yearly revenue.
Store your earnings safely.
After you earned your first cryptocurrency, make sure that you know how to keep your coins safe . If you have earned more than $250, then you should consider investing $70 in a cryptocurrency hardware wallet like Ledger or Trezor to store them as safely as possible.
Is making money with Bitcoin legal everywhere?
Unfortunately, the answer to this question is no. There are some countries, like India, Morocco, Indonesia, or Cambodia, where Bitcoin is illegal. Hence, earning Bitcoins may be unlawful as well.
Before starting your Bitcoin money-making endeavor, please make sure that the digital currency is legal in the jurisdiction you are based in.
Did we miss an important way to make money with Bitcoin? Let us know in the comment section below! We're also very curious to hear any success stories that you may have about earning some Bitcoin.
How to Make Money on Cryptocurrency Mining Without the Expense of Specialized Equipment.
Most miners find solo mining no longer profitable and cloud mining notoriously tricky, all while large-scale industrial mining is out of the reach of most people's purse strings. In contrast, decentralized platforms short-circuit risks, offer definite income, and are both transparent and accessible.
We would like to thank the team at OddoCash for their contributions to the design and implementation of the research and to the analysis of the result.
Home Mining, Cloud Mining, Large-Scale Mining: Are They Profitable?
People turn to mining for one of two reasons: either it's their hobby or they hope to make it rich. If it's a hobby, you can use your own computer with no additional investments. If you hope to strike it rich, experts say that you'll be entering a business with little returns.
Home mining.
In 2009, you could have used a standard multi-core computer to earn about five dollars a day . As certain cryptocurrencies (particularly Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin) became more valuable, competition to mine them intensified, and you had to invest in heavy-duty equipment to make a profit. As of 2018, you have to spend longer hours at your computer resolving algorithms that become more and more complex. Additionally, because the price of computing power rises as cryptocurrency prices fluctuate, the possibility of returns becomes nail-bitingly uncertain.
When it comes to Bitcoin, this most popular cryptocurrency is halved every four years to reach its ultimate number of 21 million Bitcoins by 2040. Right now, there are about 16.9 million Bitcoins out there. The scarcity of this coin caused the research firm Fundstrat to recently predict that the price of Bitcoin is nearing a break-even of 1.0x, meaning the reward for mining a Bitcoin equals the total cost.
Miners turn to cloud mining to slash hardware and energy costs by leasing mining hardware or hashing power from a remote datacenter. Since cloud mining is provided as a service, those cloud providers that are reliable are rarely profitable , and those that seem profitable usually turn out to be scams . For reliable companies like Hashflare , you have to pay an annual contract price of not only $0.80 per 10 GH/s but also a Maintenance and Electricity Fee (MEF) of 0.0035 for every 10 GH per 24 hours. The GH/s is a miner's hash rate. The higher your hashrate, the more you mine. For 13.5 TH/s (13.5 thousand trillion hashes per second; the equivalent of an Antminer S9 ), your initial investment comes to $1,080 and your maintenance fees are $1,417.50 per month, based on Hashflare's calculator .
If everything stays constant in the cryptocurrency world you could break even after six months. Unfortunately, the odds are stacked against you since crypto rates fluctuate and mining difficulty increases.
Specialized mining.
Your most expensive option is industrial-scale mining rigs that forks out certain and higher results. Large-scale commercial mining uses powerful processors that draws several megawatts of electricity, enough to light a thousand houses . A mining rig that consumed five megawatts of electricity would have made $140,000 per day , when Bitcoin prices were at their peak in December 2017. These rigs spend every day, all day, just mining Bitcoins and are mostly situated in countries like China and Venezuela, where energy costs are nearly free. In China, for instance, energy drops down to $0.08/kWh (compared to the US - $0.13/kWh) .
Home mining or specialized mining: How much money can you make?
Based on WhatToMine, mining profits calculator, we've created an infographic to better explain this idea to you:
Home operations.
Nowadays, mining at home is relatively expensive. A minimal list of requirements includes:
A computer : Depending on the cryptocurrency you mine, some algorithms can still be run more or less "effectively" on CPUs (eg, Cryptonight ), while others work best on GPUs (Ethereum, Zcash, Vertcoin.) As of 2018, a top quality ASIC miner, with 13.5 TH/s, costs $800 to $1,500 . The most popular option remains the Antminer S9 . Energy : Each Antminer has its own wattage power. For S9, run it straight for a month (30 days), and you pay $396.24 ( 12.7 cents/kWh, US ) according to WhatToMine . That's aside from the fans that most miners use for cooling, too. Miscellaneous costs : Miners pay for transactions and for mining pool memberships where costs range from one to three percent of the income for the most popular pools as of 2018. Currently, the top three mining pools are: Slush Pool - represents around 11.4% of hash power, with pool fees at 2%. AntPool - has just over a quarter of the hash power worldwide, and charges users 4% on payouts plus 2% of any transaction fees earned. KanoPool - has only 0.3% of the global hash power, but the lowest mining fees of 0.9% and transaction fees are included in the block reward.
Cloud mining services remove these costs, but then you have to pay a hefty commission for those services.
In short, the greatest cost of home mining is really the huge amount of electricity needed. If you move to a country where energy costs are cheap, you narrow your costs tremendously.
Large-scale industrial mining.
In order to harvest tens of thousands of cryptocurrencies a day, the costs of such setups can go up to the millions . Using HashTank H40 as an example, minimal company expenses include:
Mining hardware - $1.85 million . Heat Sink s - Thermal conductors that redirect heat from the processors to fans or water blocks. Water Blocks - These are the equivalent of a heatsink and help cool the heat released from the processors. Fans - To cool the vast amounts of released heat. Support hardware - Similar to enclosures that protect hardware from water, sun, and pollutants. Energy - $1,286.40 per month ( $0.08/kWh, China ,) based on WhatToMine .
Add in the money for an operating team, suppliers, maintenance costs, repair costs, and the constant upgrades and purchases needed and this becomes an expensive venture. The last expenses are needed for the decreasing lifespan of mining hardware, growing competition, and a steep increase in network difficulty.
It's a small wonder then that in mining it's the suppliers rather than the miners who make the money. In short, crypto mining is a hobby that Joseph Wang, cryptocurrency investor and adviser in Hong Kong, says is not profitable for the "ordinary" person.
What Are Your Alternatives?
More recently, several decentralized platforms sprang up to address the gaps in mining, the expense of mining equipment, the lack of transparency in cloud mining, the risks in cryptocurrency returns, and the remoteness or inaccessibility of large rigs. Three of the most innovative platforms are the following:
OddoCash helps miners use its platform and cover costs that include cutting-edge equipment, technical and maintenance expenses, and energy. Their smart contracts have been verified by ABDK Consulting.
Operational structure - Users are guaranteed a certain income depending on the amount of their investments, number of invited users, activity of those invited users, and layers of their pyramids (i.e. exponential number of invitees). Cryptocurrency - Oddo uses ETH rather than Bitcoin because of the speed of Ethereum (20-30 seconds), its smart contracts, and its powerful block technology. Minimal investment - The user pays 0.01 ETH. Payment structure - OddoCash gives users weekly and daily pay (ETH). Token - The system has its own ERC20 ODC token. Holders receive a weekly payment in ETH. Benefits - Unlike cloud mining, Oddo is open source, so it's transparent. Users don't need to invest time in learning the subtleties of mining, nor do they need to wait for months until they see their first earnings. And its website says that it harvest thousands of dollars a day through mining.
To offset the inaccessibility factors of specialized giant mining firms, Terraminer ships mobile mining farms that are equipped with all the necessary means of communications, an alarm system, a fire safety system, and an advanced immersion cooling system (to cool the resulting heat from the immense energy requirements).
Operational structure - The more you invest, the more mining power you buy. Payment structure - The revenue from mining is shared between the token holders and founders on an equal basis. Miners receive daily revenue. Minimal investment - The minimum investment fee is $100 with no upper limit. Token - TRM2. Benefits - The company promises investors "access to the most flexible and reliable mining farm with the shortest payback period available on market." Their farms use cheap electricity and the company is transparent and based in Bulgaria, a country that favors ICOs.
Miner One.
Miner One pools miners, and in so doing leverages the power of the community to get modern technology, lowest costs, and the best possible returns.
Operational structure - Professional miners work together and share resources as well as distribute income in the way that mining pools do, but without the hardware and energy expenses of centralized mining. Token - Minor One uses the MIO Token, which represents membership in the Miner One Community as well as a share in the output. Benefits - The selling points of Miner One are that it saves you the hassle of mining yourself. It is more reliable than "cloud" mining, more efficient than most mining pools, and more stable than buying cryptocurrency outright. The ICO insists that mining done right can be very profitable.
Miners can expect little to no return from cryptocurrency mining. For most people, home mining is not profitable, cloud mining is a risk that provides little return, and specialized mining is inaccessible. In all cases, mining is costly and cryptocurrency fluctuations promise uncertain returns. In contrast, blockchain platforms like OddoCash, Miner One, and Terraminer resolve these issues by making mining cheaper, therefore more profitable, easier, and more accessible. Since their services are decentralized they are also transparent and may provide you with substantial income.
PS3 Bitcoin mining: does it really work?
The question was launched back in 2011, when generating Bitcoins was still considered "easy". Can one really mine Bitcoins with a Playstation 3? Well, you could technically do it , but it's just not worth the hassle anymore.
The debate started on the Bitcointalk.org forum when the user 'jkminkov' wrote the following words two years ago: "just wondering if PS3 (Playstation 3) is capable of mining Bitcoins and which kHash/s, it can run Linux, has OpenCL drivers". The answer is yes. A PS3, depending on which version we are talking about, is just a computer able to run Linux and, therefore, able to mine cryptocurrency .
However, if the associated energy costs were high two years ago, imagine now.
And what about power? The numbers represent the bone of contention in this case. In the same debate, the user 'ArtForz' suggests this result:
We have 6 SPEs available, each can do one 4*32 bit vector op/clock. clocked at 3.2GHz. 6 * 4 * 3.2G = 76.8GINTOPs.
No native bitrotate, no ch()-like opcode, so we need about 6350 ops/bitcoinhash. 76800M / 6350ops/hash =
Other Bitcoiners in the forum disagree while some other brave pioneers claimed they were able to achieve a maximum of 22 MH/sec . The question remains the center of an exciting debate until today, one that will probably get lost in the confines of the world wide web.
The numbers don't really matter anymore because the difficulty level has skyrocketed to the current 6,119,726,089, but the question was still being debated on Reddit less than a year ago.
And even CEX.io, a cloud mining service, wrote about the possibility.
Bitcoin miners are geeky enough, trying to test mining on every device they've got or are able to find. And it's hardly surprising, because the process does nothing but brings money. Thus, it would be strange if miners haven't used such widespread device as the PlayStation 3 (or simply PS3) for this purpose.
PS3 is a home video game console, which is a must to have for every second guy on the planet. Primarily PS3 is made for playing games, obviously. Still, it has CPU and GPU, which means, it can be used as Bitcoin mining hardware as well.
In order to do so, users install customized firmware on PS3, most commonly Linux. After that, they compile CellMiner web application or a similar one, and off they go!
In fact, it all sounds more than simple for advanced users. Moreover, the very idea to return you money spent on a console by the means of getting revenue through mining and it's praiseworthy that people start understanding the Bitcoin mining process. Still, this game isn't worth playing if someone wants to get a profit, because nowadays any GPU speed compared with specialized mining equipment is negligible. And this statement is going to become more and more even, as the mining difficulty grows day by day. Finally, if your PS3 is reconfigured for Bitcoin mining, the device will no longer be a game console, as it originally was meant to be.


Ps3 Bitcoin mining.
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PS3 Bitcoin mining test program in assembler for Cell/BE processor.
(I know a PS3 is a slow Bitcoin mining rig by current standards, but i wanted to see if i could get it to work)
This program is written for the Cell/BE processor which is in the PS3 game console. The Cell/BE processor is also available in the IBM QS20 Blade, which is deployed in the IBM Blade Center chassis. This source code should be able to be used on the QS20; the tool chain may need to be adapted, since this PS3 is is running a very old version of Linux and the GNU compiler toolkit.
If someone out there has a Blade Center with a QS20 blade, and would let me ssh into it, I'd be happy to port, test and scale the code.
The Cell/BE processor is a dual-core PPC (Power PC) chip, clocked at 3.2Ghz. There is one Cell/BE in the PS3, there are 2 in an IBM QS20 blade. The PS3 has 256 Mb of memory, which is not a huge amount of memory, but more than enough for Bitcoin mining. Cell/BE chips are manufactured with 8 SPEs (Synergistic Processing Elements) attached. On the PS3, Linux identifies 7 of the SPEs, reserves one for the System, leaving application developers with access to 6 of the SPEs.
Each SPE is actually a 4-way vector processor which can be programmed in the SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) model. The processor loads and stores data in quadwords (4 x 32 bit words). SIMD refers to the fact that each operation, say an add or a multiply, is applied to all 4 elements of the quadword simultaneously. Each of the 32-bit words in the quadword are referred to as lanes, and each instruction executes simultaneously on all 4 lanes. Given the right problem, algorithm and implementation, vector processing on the Cell/BE executes 4 times as much work per CPU instruction as a standard scalar processor.
There are several challenges to programming the SPE processor. SPEs do not have direct access to PPC memory. The SPE has a very small amount of local memory - only 128k. Data is moved from the PPC memory to the SPE memory with a sort of DMA programming. Bitcoin mining sidesteps this problem. When mining, all the data necessary for the calculations is assembled into a C struct and DMAed from PPC system memory to the SPE local memory in one chunk as the assembly language function is invoked.
In Bitcoin mining the SHA256 checksum is calculated from a relatively small chunk of data. If the SHA256 does not meet the difficulty level, a 32-bit integer field in the data is incrememted and the SHA256 is calculated again. Continue to iterate like this until all 2B combinations have been tried or a winning SHA256 -- one that is less than the difficulty is found.
The there are a few challenging aspects of SIMD programming. One point to note is that you really have to have an embarassingly parallel problem to get the full effect of SIMD programming - processing 4 data elements at a time. If you have a lot of decision logic or other scalar code, you will not see a huge benefit from SIMD programming.
As it turns out calculating SHA256 for Bitcoin mining is a great match for the Cell/BE architecture.
Calculating SHA256 is done in the assembly code - and the instructions need to be effectively scheduled. Obviously the C compiler can reorder the instructions and speed up execution, this has to be done by hand when writing assembler code.
-- more to come. Current Test Driver: this is a C program with the second block (block number 1), basically hard coded into the program. the block is formatted into a struct and passed to the assembly routine.
the assembly routine can call code from the C libraries, basically the entire thing was debugged via printf(s), since there is no debugger which supports the SPEs available in the old version of Yellow Dog Linux (6.2) which I'm using.
get better timing information for a single process version of the program. Bitcoin is a "double SHA256 hash" where the resulting SHA-256 is hashed again. a single processor can do 2.5 million hashes per second, giving 1.25 million Bitcoin double hashes per second. write a test driver that can feed in more test cases. currently one test case is hard-coded in drive.c write a driver that can run the test cases in parallel. continue to look at the instruction scheduling with /opt/cell/sdk/usr/bin/spu_timing better comments, as we mix the instructions for the different parts of the algorithm, it will get confusing.


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