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Revisão do corretor de gtoptions.

Started by admin, Aug 20, 2020, 01:51 pm

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Revisão do corretor de gtoptions.
GTOptions Binary Broker Review.
GTOptions só existe há alguns anos. Embora o nome da empresa proprietária da GTOptions (Funline Trading) implique que os serviços estão voltados para comerciantes que estão no mercado para fins de entretenimento, a GTOptions parece estar fazendo esforços extras para pedir uma negociação responsável. Além disso, eles aceitam comerciantes dos EUA.
• Sede: Nicosia, Chipre.
• Número de telefone: + 44-20-3608-6622 (no Reino Unido, números disponíveis no Canadá e na Rússia também).
• EUA Comerciantes Permitidos.
• Plataforma de Negociação: SpotOption.
GTOptions é um embuste?
Pelo que podemos dizer, a GTOptions é uma das correntes padrão dos corretores da fábrica. Eles parecem ter uma sólida reputação, apesar de não estarem por muito tempo, e há muitos sinais de boa fé se você explorar o site. GTOptions assume uma atitude muito responsável em relação ao comércio e não busca maneiras de explorar emoções fortes e obrigar os comerciantes a decisões de negociação gananciosas e tolas que lhes custarão dinheiro. Na indústria de opções binárias, isso é bastante impressionante. Há tantos golpistas lá fora, e a atitude que eles tomam em direção à negociação geralmente é muito diferente.
Informação do depósito.
Moedas de depósito: USD ou EUR.
Depósito mínimo: US $ 250 ou equivalente.
Métodos de Depósito: Visa, MasterCard, Moneybookers, transferência bancária.
Taxas: US $ 25 para transferência bancária.
Não há limite mínimo de retirada mencionado nas FAQs do GTOptions, o que é excelente. Muitos corretores de opções binárias só permitirão que você retire uma vez que você tenha US $ 100 ou mais para tirar da sua conta, o que é uma boa maneira de evitar que você obtenha seu dinheiro. Você não precisa se preocupar com isso com GTOptions.
GTOptions Bonus Information.
GTOptions oferece alguns bônus diferentes. Se você depositar dentro de 24 horas após o registro, você pode receber um bônus de 5%. Você também pode obter um bônus de correspondência de até 50%. O que é realmente impressionante sobre GTOptions não é apenas os bônus que eles oferecem, mas também a sua incrível transparência quanto a esses bônus. A maioria dos corretores tentará vender os bônus como se fossem dinheiro livre. Mas os bônus de correspondência são quase sempre alavancos em sua conta até chegar a um determinado volume de negócios. O GTOptions é o único corretor que investigamos que, na verdade, explica sem rodeios isso em sua página e explica que a alavancagem é o objetivo dos bônus. Este corretor chega a admitir abertamente que você pode perder dinheiro mais rapidamente, assim como você pode obter lucro mais rapidamente. Declarações como estas criam confiança mais rápido do que qualquer outra coisa. A honestidade é uma qualidade rara e preciosa em uma indústria que está rastejando com golpes.
Tipos de opções e pagamentos disponíveis:
• Criador de opções, One Touch, Alto / baixo, 60 segundos.
• Pagamento máximo por comércio: 500%
• Pagamento médio por comércio: 75%
• Média de recompensa de dinheiro: 0-10%
Obtenha mais detalhes sobre negócios de 60 segundos em fastbinaryoptions.
Recursos de negociação no GTOptions.
O SpotOption é uma plataforma de alta qualidade que tem a vantagem de ser familiar para muitos comerciantes, já que é usado por muitos corretores. Uma característica que está faltando no GTOptions e que seria bom seria o comércio móvel. A empresa compensa isso, porém, de várias maneiras, oferecendo os seguintes recursos úteis:
• Conta de demonstração. Depois de abrir uma conta regular, você pode conversar com a equipe de atendimento ao cliente e solicitar que alterem o status de sua conta para o status de demonstração. Em seguida, você recebe duas semanas para praticar negociação sem risco ou obrigação. O teste de demonstração ilimitado seria melhor, mas uma conta demo ainda é um recurso excelente, e a maioria dos corretores não os oferece.
• Muitos recursos educacionais e ferramentas de negociação. Estes incluem as FAQ, um eBook gratuito, um tour de vídeo, um tutorial em vídeo, calculadora Fibonacci, calendário econômico, revisão diária e semanal do mercado, sinais de negociação e aulas de gerenciamento de dinheiro. Os clientes que possuem contas VIP têm acesso a ferramentas e recursos mais avançados. Todos os titulares de contas, independentemente do nível, estão emparelhados com um gerente de conta pessoal para fornecer o mais alto nível de serviço.
Ativos disponíveis para comércio.
Existem mais de 70 ativos que você pode negociar em GTOptions, incluindo ações, índices, moedas e commodities. Confira a lista completa abaixo e então vá até a parte inferior para nossa conclusão sobre GTOptions.
• HSBC HOLDINGS (Reino Unido)
Pensamentos finais sobre GTOptions.
Quando você navega pela primeira vez para GTOptions e olha o site, provavelmente ficará impressionado com a qualidade do design do site. Muito profissionalismo e foco foram claramente colocados em tornar o site tão funcional quanto possível. Há toneladas de páginas de informações e recursos, e todos estão muito bem organizados. Existem inconvenientes de GTOptions? Há certamente alguns. Não há negociação móvel, e GTOptions não está regulamentado (então, novamente, não é que muitos corretores são - e quase nenhum deles está regulamentado como corretores de opções binárias). Como o GTOptions não existe há muito tempo, eles ainda não possuem muito histórico, mas eles parecem ser bem revisados ​​on-line.
O que realmente parece definir GTOptions para além de outros corretores é o compromisso deles de fornecer aos comerciantes informações e orientações reais sobre negociação. Há tantos recursos e ferramentas que podem ajudá-lo a aprender como negociar e o texto nas páginas da web que apresenta os recursos é extremamente claro. GTOptions é transparente sobre bônus e publica sua Disclaimer de Risco em vista simples.
Se você está planejando trocar opções binárias puramente por diversão ou você realmente quer se tornar rentável e você leva isso a sério como um negócio, GTOptions pode ajudá-lo a fazê-lo de forma responsável. GTOptions certamente vale a pena conferir durante o processo de seleção de seu corretor.
Dê aos seus agentes de atendimento ao cliente uma ligação e veja por si mesmo se GTOptions pode ser o corretor certo para você.
GTOptions (Greymountain) Revisão Visite o site.
A Porter Finance faz parte do grupo Greymountain Management de empresas binárias. Este grupo tem um grande número de Tribunal de Operadores da FPA. O FPA considera todos os corretores que fazem parte desse grupo serem fraudes e adverte todos os comerciantes para evitar depositar dinheiro com eles.
Discussão ao vivo.
Participe da discussão ao vivo de GTOptions (Greymountain) em nosso fórum.
Casos de tribunal.
Aberto 0 Resolvido 0 Não culpado 0 culpado 0.
Deixe outros comerciantes saberem se este serviço vale a pena verificar ou deve ser evitado.
Seu feedback é importante!
Fui ligado com este corretor através do software automatizado Michael Freeman & # 039; s (que eu não entendi, era um scammer). Eu descobri rapidamente que era tudo uma farsa quando o software trocava meus fundos de US $ 250 para até £ 50. Eu então desliguei e assumi o controle. Fui telefonado por um agente que me disse para depositar mais e parar de usar o software, pois eles vão negociar comigo para ganhar dinheiro. & quot; No, obrigado & quot ;.
No dia seguinte, ele me ligou de novo (duas vezes) e sugeriu que nós fizemos algumas negociações e ganhamos algum dinheiro. Como ele disse que ele me provaria que eu poderia confiar nele e ele me mostraria como ganhar algum dinheiro sério com minha conta. Eu fiz algumas trocas enquanto ele estava atirando negócios para eu tomar . muito rapidamente. Eu ganhei 4 ou 5 comércios e estava me sentindo otimista de que isso parecia ser uma coisa boa para me ajudar a ganhar algum dinheiro extra durante meus tempos difíceis.
Na internet, você pode encontrar centenas de vítimas de GTOptions, assim como eu. Gtoptions é o corretor mais agressivo e arrogante que você pode encontrar na internet. Eu sou um dos muitos que eles tiraram e deve parar agora! No site do Watchdog, eles afirmam que o GTOptons está regulamentado: CySEC, MIFID, FCA e EU regulados. Eu fiz alguns pesquisados ​​e verifica-se que isso não é verdade! Eles não estão regulados em nenhuma parte. Mesmo não tinham seguro de proteção de comerciante. Como é possível que eu perdi 80 mil euros e eles não me devolvam meu depósito?
Eles estão ocupados agora para perder todo o meu dinheiro para que eles não precisem mais se comunicar comigo. Agora estou com o meu banco, o ABN Amro e seus especialistas em negociação, para examinar se eles passaram meus falsos sinais. Além disso, vou denunciar isso para a minha empresa de cartão de crédito e exigir recuperar meu dinheiro.
Eles me perderam todo meu dinheiro e arruinaram minha família. E vou lutar contra eles sempre que puder!
Por favor, olhe para este link ou google GTOptions e eu sou a costa que você mudará de idéia.
Deixe-me dizer-lhe como o GtOptions funciona!
Primeiro deposito 250 euros. Do que você receber um homenço muito bom no telefone, falando sua languidez e a conversa será assim: se você depositar 2000 euros você receberá dentro de 2 dias cem mil euros.
Depois de dois dias ele o convida de volta: Boa notícia, nós dobramos seu lucro!
Mas você deve depositar 2000 Euro. Então continuou até obter 35 milhões de euros. Tenho depósito todas as minhas economias no valor de 20 mil euros! Quão estúpido você pode ser.
Na mesma noite eu perdi 40 mil euros! 40 negociações e um vencedor. Como você chama isso?
O jovem estava mais interessado em comprar drogas em Amsterdã do que me ajudar com bons negócios.
Quando eu queria ter o dinheiro restante de volta, dentro de 5 minutos eu fui chamado de volta por um novo gerente de conta. Por favor, não retire porque eu vou perder meu emprego. Onde está meu primeiro gerente? Ele está em Dubai para aprender comércio de xeai do petróleo com opções binárias. Sim, foi-me dito, é verdade! "No dia seguinte, fui chamado pelo meu gerente de contas do Dubai. Os sons de fundo eram os mesmos que antes. Ele simplesmente se sentou em Londres! Tudo era mentira!
O próximo gerente de conta, sim, um novo porque o último deve ir a Angola ensinar comércio de pessoas africanas com opção binária. Por favor, não ria porque é verdade. Na mesma noite eu perdi 20 mil euros!
Primeiro, eles permitem que você faça muito dinheiro e, em seguida, faça tudo com perda até o bônus e, assim, você não pode retirar dinheiro. Uma vez que eu tinha 82 mil euros (e bônus de 23 mil euros). Mas agora eu tenho apenas 9 mil euros e isso é bônus! Então não meu dinheiro.
GtOptions não quer fazer nenhum lucro, eles só estão interessados ​​em extrair o máximo de dinheiro possível da sua conta. Eles arruinaram minha família. Eles dizem que eles são The Trusted Binary Option Broker, mas eles não devem ser confiáveis, você vai gostar de eu perder todo o seu dinheiro! Por favor, veja o link. Mantenha-se afastado deles o máximo que puder. Eles mentem constantemente!
Por favor, se você quiser ver o meu portfólio de ridículos, por favor me avise.
Abri uma conta na GT Options através do autotrader disponível no site da Mike Freeman.
Solicitei uma retirada e as Opções GT se recusam a transferir o dinheiro e até bloquearam minha conta de e-mail e não aceito minhas mensagens.


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Trading FX ou CFDs sobre alavancagem é de alto risco e suas perdas podem exceder os depósitos.
O GTOptions coloca o profissionalismo e a satisfação do cliente como seus principais valores. Os comerciantes podem investir em opções binárias com confiança com GTOptions devido à sua plataforma de negociação fresca e de ponta. A unidade para ser um líder da indústria de opções binárias é uma visão fundamental desse corretor.
Bônus e Promoções.
Existe uma grande variedade de bônus disponíveis após depósito em GTOptions. Novos comerciantes podem aproveitar até 100% de bônus em primeiros depósitos. Isso, além de um bônus sazonal especial para clientes regulares. Portanto, você, como comerciante, pode diversificar sua carteira de negociação.
GTOptions tem 4 contas de negociação: Mini Account, Classic Account, Gold Account e VIP Account. A Conta VIP oferece aos comerciantes sinais de negociação gratuitos, treinamento de 1-1, webinars de cortesia e muito mais.
Informação da conta.
As contas de negociação no GTOptions são atendidas a todos os níveis de negociação. Para abrir uma conta e começar a operar é muito simples. Você pode começar a negociar com opções binárias regulares de apenas US $ 25, enquanto o valor mínimo de investimento com as 60 Segundas Opções é de US $ 5. Portanto, você pode construir seu investimento à medida que você se torna mais confiante. Você pode abrir uma conta nos links de cabeçalho ou através dos links Abrir Conta Vivo / Abrir Conta VIP na parte superior direita da página inicial.
A plataforma de negociação está atualmente disponível em inglês. O Word tem que haverá mais idiomas disponíveis no futuro próximo.
Requisitos de negociação.
Você pode se concentrar em sua estratégia de negociação preferida, já que a GTOptions possui os recursos necessários que podem atender suas necessidades comerciais a cada dia, você decide trocar moedas, ações, commodities ou índices.
Os comerciantes podem trocar de sua localização preferida, já que a plataforma de negociação é baseada na web. Isso significa que nenhum download é necessário.
Depósitos e retiradas podem ser feitos através de vários métodos: cartão de crédito, transferência bancária, Western Union, Money Bookers e muito mais.
A equipe GTOptions trabalha dia e noite para garantir que a tecnologia que você usa em sua plataforma de negociação é de alta qualidade e confiável para tornar sua experiência comercial memorável.
Características da plataforma e mercados oferecidos.
Você tem uma ótima escolha de ativos subjacentes para escolher em GTOptions. Estes incluem o seguinte:
Moedas: EUR / USD, GBP / USD, USD / CAD, USD / JPY, EUR / JPY, EUR / GBP, NZD / USD AUD / USD e muito mais.
Commodities: Ouro, Prata, Petróleo, Platina, Açúcar Café, Trigo.
Stocks: Apple, Microsoft, Citigroup, Amazon, Barclays, IBM, Tesco, Coca Cola, HSBC Holdings, Rolls Royce, BNP Paribas, Goldman Sachs e muito mais.
Índices: Dow, S & amp; P 500, Nasdaq, DAX, CAC, FTSE 100, Tadawal, Hang Seng, Nikkei 225, IBEX, TOPIX e muito mais.
Por favor, visite gtoptions para ver a gama completa de ativos negociáveis.
Os seguintes são os recursos comerciais disponíveis no GTOptions:
1) Ligar / colocar (para cima / para baixo): permite aos comerciantes prever se o seu comércio expirará acima ou abaixo do preço de compra.
2) One Touch: Isso permite que os comerciantes troquem nos fins de semana e obtenham lucros tão altos quanto 600%. Tudo o que é necessário é o comércio para atingir um determinado nível de preços durante a próxima semana.
3) Option Builder: você pode personalizar sua própria opção binária.
4) 60 segundas opções: compre um contrato de opções binárias com apenas um tempo de expiração de 60 segundos. Isso é perfeito para comerciantes do dia.
Atendimento ao cliente.
A equipe de atendimento ao cliente da GTOptions é de primeira qualidade. Eles são profissionais experientes que entendem o mundo das finanças em toda sua extensão. Você pode contatá-los por telefone, e-mail ou bate-papo ao vivo 5 dias por semana.
Se você tiver alguma dúvida em relação a contas ou negociação, a equipe GTOptions pode ser contatada 24 horas por dia.
GTOptions é um embuste?
GTOptions é um excelente intermediário de opções binárias oferecendo serviços legítimos a um grande número de comerciantes em uma base diária. GTOptions é um corretor de opções binário relativamente novo e está em operação desde 2018. A GTOptions ganhou o apoio de vários inovadores e especialistas de mercado proeminentes. GTOptions é entre aqueles corretores que oferecem a melhor taxa de retorno na indústria, levando a alguns dos maiores pagamentos em negociação de opções binárias. Sua plataforma também é uma das mais fáceis de usar. Além disso, a GTOptions oferece vários serviços, incluindo ferramentas educacionais e múltiplas plataformas para a conveniência dos comerciantes.
Em suma, a GTOptions rapidamente se tornou um dos principais corretores de opções binárias no mercado hoje. Existem muitas características especiais que você pode aproveitar através do seu site. Existem sinais comerciais, 1-1 aprendendo, webinars e recursos educacionais de qualidade superior. Nossos negócios foram executados de forma rápida e o processo de negociação geral foi agradável. A equipe profissional e os bônus em oferta tornaram a experiência comercial ainda melhor. Se você é um comerciante iniciante, intermediário ou experiente, então dê uma olhada no que o GTOptions tem para oferecer.


GTOptions Binary Broker Review.
GTOptions é uma plataforma de negociação binária que permite que investidores de todo o mundo troquem opções digitais de tudo ou nada. Ainda é uma criança no mercado de opções binárias, já que começou a operar somente em 2018; No entanto, foi fundado por veteranos e profissionais de mercado nas indústrias bancária e financeira que acreditavam em usar tecnologia de ponta para ajudar as pessoas a gerar renda dos mercados financeiros.
Uma vez que a GTOptions é baseada na web, os comerciantes podem receber informações, além de acessar seus recursos e serviços de praticamente qualquer lugar do mundo desde que tenham acesso à Internet.
Os ativos que podem ser negociados em GTOptions incluem:
Commodities: Trigo, ouro, prata, açúcar, café, platina e petróleo Stocks: trinta e três ações negociadas em bolsas de valores em vários países, incluindo Rússia, Reino Unido e os EUA Forex: quinze diferentes pares de moeda estrangeira que incluem EUR / JPY, USD / BRL, AUD / USD, USD / ZAR, USD / SGD, USD / RUB, USD / TRY, GBP / USD, EUR / USD, EUR / GBP, EUR, JPY, USD / CAD, USD / EGP, NZD / USD e USD / CHF. Índices: vinte e quatro opções de índice diferentes estão disponíveis nesta plataforma, incluindo o CAC-40 França, o ISE 30 de Istambul, o MICEX 10 de Moscou, o FTSE do Reino Unido, a BOMBAY SE da Índia, o HANG SENG de Hong Kong, a SSE 180 da China e da ASX da Austrália.
Criar uma conta com GTOptions é muito fácil e é absolutamente grátis. São necessários muito poucos detalhes, incluindo o nome do comerciante e o país de residência, bem como o número de telefone, o endereço de e-mail e a moeda em que eles negociarão principalmente. O comerciante deve concordar com os termos de uso especificados antes enviando seu pedido. Um e-mail é enviado a cada comerciante que os recebe no mundo do comércio de opções binárias e para confirmar seu endereço de e-mail. Além disso, nenhuma documentação adicional é necessária para iniciar a negociação, embora os documentos que comprovem a identidade de um deles podem ser necessários para fazer grandes retiradas.
Os novos comerciantes recebem $ 100 grátis sem bônus de depósito para que eles possam testar GTOptions gratuitamente. Depois disso, eles podem depositar fundos em sua conta, seja através de cartão de crédito ou transferência bancária para que eles possam começar a negociar maiores quantidades.
Esta plataforma de negociação oferece ações, bem como moedas, índices e commodities que normalmente não são negociados em outras plataformas de negociação, por exemplo, trigo como mercadoria ou o índice de negociação BOMBAY SE.
Esta plataforma de negociação binária também fornece aos usuários várias contas que variam de uma conta mini para uma conta ouro. Cada conta tem requisitos diferentes, com a mini conta apenas exigindo um depósito de US $ 200 para que um usuário comece a negociar, enquanto uma conta ouro exige $ 2000 para que o usuário comece a negociar.
A plataforma de negociação binária também oferece ao usuário várias ferramentas de comerciante, como e-books, que podem ajudá-los a aprender os prós e contras das opções binárias, bem como uma revisão diária e semanal de como as opções binárias e # 8217; ativos subjacentes realizados.
O suporte ao cliente oferecido por esta plataforma de negociação é excepcional, pois é multilíngüe, o que significa que os membros que falam línguas diferentes podem chamar e ainda ser assistidos caso tenham uma consulta. O usuário tem a opção de chamar um corretor pessoal para dar-lhe o conselho, bem como para guiá-los através do processo de execução de um comércio ou para responder a quaisquer perguntas que possam ter sobre depósitos e retiradas.
Os comerciantes de GTOptions têm a capacidade de abrir uma conta de prática gratuita que terá até US $ 10.000 de fundos virtuais que eles podem usar para aprimorar suas habilidades comerciais. A conta só pode ser usada por catorze dias após a data de abertura e pode trocar em qualquer um dos cento e cinquenta ativos diferentes de todo o mundo oferecidos por esta plataforma de negociação.
Para abrir uma conta de demonstração, é preciso simplesmente abrir uma conta regular e, em seguida, solicitar converter o status da conta em uma demonstração, contatando o suporte ao cliente por meio de bate-papo ao vivo, e-mail ou um call-back.
Os pagamentos em opções binárias Up / Down padrão bem-sucedidas (no dinheiro) variam de 70-81% e os pagamentos para as opções One Touch bem-sucedidas podem atingir até 500%. O GTO normalmente paga 10% para fora dos binários de dinheiro, de modo que os comerciantes que executam negociações mal sucedidas podem obter um consolo de algum tipo.
Os indivíduos podem ser pagos através de vários métodos, incluindo cartões de crédito, Nordea, Moneybookers, transferências bancárias e Cash U.
Os novos comerciantes geralmente recebem um bônus dependendo de quanto eles depositam em sua conta, e o bônus de negociação é destinado a fornecer ao comerciante alavancagem, fornecendo-lhes fundos extras para trocar. Tenha em mente que todos os bônus de negociação vêm com um requisito de volume de negócios que deve ser cumprido antes que os fundos de bônus possam ser retirados para evitar que as pessoas retirem imediatamente o dinheiro extra.
Além disso, uma comissão de US $ 200 é oferecida a pessoas que encaminham amigos para a plataforma se seus amigos abrem uma nova conta e começam a negociar.
GTOptions é uma marca de propriedade e operada pela MJ VENTs LTD, localizada no OPS Center Bulgaria, escritório # 6951175, BGN. Não temos nenhuma informação sobre esta empresa. Zero, Nada, Zilch! Então, tome cuidado se quiser lidar com eles. GTOptions não está regulamentado.
GTOptions é um embuste?
Este corretor não está regulamentado, mas como falamos muitas vezes antes, o regulamento não significa automaticamente que você nunca terá problemas com um corretor. Então, embora as GTOptions ainda não estejam reguladas, elas estão no processo e julgam pela forma como estão conduzindo seus negócios até o momento, eles provavelmente receberão o regulamento mais cedo ou mais tarde. No momento, tudo parece bem com uma exceção de algumas queixas, a equipe do BOTS continuará monitorando e atualizando esta revisão se ocorrerem desenvolvimentos especiais.
Atualização de março de 2017: Muitas pessoas parecem pensar que o GTOptions é realmente uma fraude, mas não posso dar um veredicto "oficial" de fraude. O que posso dizer é que você deve ter muito cuidado com seu dinheiro em torno dessa corretora. Não temos informações sobre a empresa proprietária e, claro, não há regulação para que você realmente não tenha que reclamar se você for enganado. Além disso, seu tráfego na web conta uma história alarmante: eles passaram de visitas de 75K em setembro de 2018 (que é bastante baixo) para 14K visitas em fevereiro de 2017. Esse tipo de queda no tráfego não é um bom sinal para dizer o mínimo; na verdade, é bastante preocupante.
Nota do Editor & # 8217; Nota # 8211; Por que GTOptions não sugam em 50 palavras?
Embora, no passado, esta plataforma de opções binárias tivesse sua parcela de reclamações em relação às suas práticas (. mas quem não?), Ultimamente eles mostraram uma melhoria clara de seu serviço. O cliente tem 49 maneiras de depositar dinheiro, a capacidade de trocar opções de Pares e Ladder (o que é um grande vantagem em comparação com apenas ter Up / Down) e uma plataforma SpotOption 2.0 quase perfeita. Eu acho que é bom dizer GTOpções aprendidas com os erros do passado e voltou melhor do que antes. O tempo vai dizer.
Atualização de março de 2017: Honestamente, agora é muito difícil encontrar uma razão pela qual o GTOptions não sugam. Comentários de usuários ruins à esquerda e à direita, histórias de horror sobre retiradas fracassadas e desaparecimento de dinheiro. Desculpe, desisto porque não consigo encontrar uma razão sólida por que não sugam.
Por que GTOptions suga?
O Bônus é uma merda de novo. GTOptions lhe dará um bônus de até 100% e, além disso, o volume de negócios necessário é (depósito + bônus) x 20. A matemática simples nos faz entender que, para retirar, você precisa negociar 40 vezes o bônus: depósito de US $ 1000 + $ 1000 bônus = $ 2000. Para retirar, você precisa de um volume de negociação de US $ 40.000, que é 40 vezes o bônus de $ 1000. No entanto, há uma solução simples: não aceite um bônus tão elevado. Aviso importante: GTOptions já não aceitam clientes dos EUA. Atualização em janeiro de 2018: o volume de negócios exigido para o bônus é agora 30 vezes (depósito + bônus) . então isso suga ainda mais.
Atualização de março de 2017: GTOptions Sugere um grande momento e não acho que você encontre alguém para lhe dizer de forma diferente . a menos que eles estejam trabalhando para GTOptions de uma forma ou de outra. "Bem-vindo ao GTOptions. O melhor corretor de opções binárias "Isso está escrito em letras grandes, diretamente em sua página inicial. O melhor . quando todo mundo grita "Scam" por toda a internet. Mesmo? Ah, e seu slogan é "O corretor binário mais confiável". Mesmo? Por quem e por quais padrões? E não esqueçamos que nem consigo encontrar informações básicas sobre a empresa proprietária, mas devo confiar nelas. Por quê?
Ah e outra coisa: os clientes têm que atingir um certo requisito de volume comercial antes que possam retirar lucros. Nunca encontrei uma corretora com tal requisito e espero nunca mais voltar (leia a seção GTOptions Retirada abaixo).
Devo abrir uma conta com GTOptions?
Mesmo desde o primeiro olhar eu poderia facilmente ver que estamos lidando com uma empresa que presta atenção aos detalhes e se preocupa com a primeira impressão do cliente. Uma vez que estamos negociando no ambiente on-line, o site do corretor é seu escritório e apenas como eu não faria negócios com um banco que esqueci de pintar as paredes de seu escritório, eu não confiaria com meu dinheiro uma corretora que não "Tenho um site de aparência profissional. Felizmente, esse não é o caso com GTOptions e tudo é onde deve ser . e a maioria das coisas funciona como deveria.
GTOptions oferece três tipos de contas, cada uma adaptada às diferentes necessidades do cliente: a conta Mini é melhor usada pelo novo comerciante que está apenas tentando se sentir do mercado; A conta clássica é para o investidor sério e, claro, a conta Ouro se adequa a um profissional experiente que sabe como lidar com a turbulência do mercado. Atualização em julho de 2018: a conta Classic não está mais disponível e a conta Gold requer um depósito mínimo de US $ 5.000. Algumas seções de seu site ainda listam a conta Classic como disponível, mas não há informações sobre os requisitos de depósito para tal conta. Um bate-papo com um dos seus representantes provavelmente lhe dará mais informações. Atualização em janeiro de 2018: a conta Classic está disponível novamente, mas o depósito mínimo para este tipo de conta não está especificado.
Muitos tutoriais e vídeos estão disponíveis gratuitamente em seu site, mas para algumas das lições avançadas que você terá para abrir e financiar uma conta. Como parte de seu material de Educação, as GTOptions oferecem um e-book gratuito e uma conta Demo; No entanto, o Demo só está disponível se você depositar, mas ainda é melhor do que não ter uma demonstração. Em geral, o "veredicto" é neutro: alguns de vocês podem encontrar alguns recursos excelentes no GTOptions e outros não ficarão impressionados com esta corretora. Uma vez que foram fundados, eles tiveram períodos em que sua reputação melhorou e sua base de clientes aumentou, mas também períodos em que seus clientes levaram para os fóruns on-line, exortando os outros a ficar longe.


Atualização de março de 2017: o site é complicado e muitos links estão quebrados (retornando um erro 404 ou simplesmente redirecionando você para a página principal). O Live Chat está offline quase que o tempo todo e a mudança de empresa proprietária não ajudou com sua confiabilidade geral. Agora o GTOptions está em um local ruim e nós recomendamos que você encontre outro corretor.
Reclamações de GTOptions.
Se você pode encontrar um corretor sem queixas, informe-nos, mas tenho sérias dúvidas que você pode. Claro, estou falando sobre empresas que realmente têm clientes, e não corretoras durante a noite que são muito "verdes" para ter qualquer queixa na internet. É verdade que a GTOptions tem alguns clientes insatisfeitos, mas todos sabemos como é: o comerciante perde dinheiro no mercado e depois começa a chorar, o corretor o fraudou. Ou o comerciante pensa que o bônus é um almoço gratuito e não incomoda ler os Termos e Condições; então ele está bravo com o corretor, mas na verdade o corretor não é culpado em todos os casos. Então sim, GTOptions tem queixas na internet, mas nada sério ou extremamente preocupante. Aviso prévio! Veja a atualização abaixo!
Sentimos a necessidade de atualizar esta seção porque ultimamente as pessoas se queixam de não conseguir o seu dinheiro ou ter que passar por muitos problemas para fazê-lo. Parece que durante o último período, uma revisão positiva é difícil de encontrar. Basta ler o que a Teske tem a dizer na nossa página de revisão do cliente e verificar a resposta de Juan. A seção Comentários desta página de revisão também está cheia de pessoas que advertem os outros para não depositar com GTOptions e os usuários no Forexpeacearmy dizem a mesma coisa (Forexpeacearmy / public / review / GToptions). Claro, existem pessoas que afirmam que tudo está bem e seu dinheiro é facilmente retornado, mas . Não sei se devemos confiar em todos os caras que louvam GTOptions. A maioria de seus escritos tem esse testemunho falso para eles .
Atualização em janeiro de 2018: as queixas continuam acumulando-se e o número de críticas negativas aumenta em nosso site e em muitos outros. É seguro dizer que a GTOptions não tem uma reputação estelar entre os comerciantes de opções binárias.
Atualização de março de 2017: mais queixas, mais histórias de horror sobre quase tudo o que você pode pensar, clientes cada vez mais insatisfeitos. Desculpe por repetir a palavra "mais", mas essa é a única palavra que posso pensar quando se trata de queixas GTOptions. Em todos os lugares, você encontrará reclamações sobre esta corretora. Aprenda melhor com os erros dos outros e fique longe.
GTOptions Avisos e avisos regulamentares.
13.12.2018: A Comissão Chipre de Valores Mobiliários e Câmbio (CySEC) emitiu uma lista de domínios, alertando que GTOptions (entre muitos outros contidos na lista) não é detida ou operada por uma empresa de investimento Chipre (CIF) regulamentada. O CySEC aconselha cautela ao lidar com entidades não regulamentadas. Fonte: Anúncio CySEC.
07.09.2018: A autoridade reguladora francesa Autoridades Marcas Financeiras (AMF) advertiu que uma série de corretoras de opções binárias, incluindo GTOptions, estão conduzindo marketing agressivo na internet e aconselhou os investidores a lidar com eles. A AMF também observou que as entidades não estão autorizadas a oferecer negociação de opções binárias ou outros tipos de consultoria de investimento. Fonte: AMF News Release.
O Bônus pode subir até 100% do seu depósito inicial, mas um bônus de 50% é mencionado várias vezes no site também. O volume de negociação necessário antes de uma retirada pode ser feito é muito alto, porém: (depósito + bônus) x 20. Para evitar qualquer incômodo, seria melhor se você não aceitasse um bônus tão alto, mas se você fizer isso, certifique-se Você conhece os termos e condições que acompanham. Atualização em janeiro de 2018: o volume de negócios é agora (depósito + bônus) x 30, por isso será ainda mais difícil de conseguir. Em alguns lugares de seu site, um volume de negócios de 40 vezes é mencionado e, em outros, eles falam cerca de 20 vezes . confundindo para dizer o mínimo.
Atualização de março de 2017: parece que eles se estabeleceram em um volume de negócios (depósito + bônus) * 30. Este volume deve ser alcançado antes de retirar o bônus.
Como de costume, os documentos de identificação devem ser fornecidos pelo cliente e um prazo de até 3 dias úteis passará até GTOptions processar o pedido. Tempo adicional passará até que o dinheiro atinja o cliente. As retiradas podem ser feitas usando os principais cartões de crédito, transferências bancárias (este método incorre em uma taxa de US $ 25) e MoneyBookers.
Atualização de março de 2017: esta é uma primeira: para retirar seus lucros, você precisará alcançar um determinado volume de negócios (semelhante ao Bônus). Eu nunca ouvi falar de tal requisito antes e eu considero isso um disjuntor, algo que me faria ficar longe dessa corretora sem levar em consideração qualquer outra coisa. Em seus Termos e Condições, seção 11, ele diz claramente que você terá que alcançar um volume de negócios (depósito + bônus) * 40 antes que você possa retirar lucros (wow, isso é maior do que o bônus).
Na maioria das plataformas de Opções Binárias, vejo que falta um Calendário Econômico e fiquei satisfeito por ver isso não é o caso da GTOptions. Embora pareça algo tão importante, você ficaria surpreso ao ver o quão importante é realmente. Claro, calendários econômicos estão disponíveis em muitos lugares, mas por que procurar outro lugar quando você pode tê-lo direito em sua plataforma.
User Friendly 15/20.
The website is translated in 6 languages, it has a lot of tutorials and well structured information, Demo accounts are available, US customers are accepted and the new SpotOption platform works almost flawlessly. Update Jan 2018: US customers are no longer accepted and some of the information is hard to locate.
Number of assets and expiry times 17/20.
Their platform includes 14 currency pairs, 27 stocks, 24 indices, 7 commodities and 7 Pairs so a trader has enough choices when it comes to tradable assets. Expiries are the usual, ranging from 60 seconds to end of day but also long term options which expire at the end of the year. One touch trading is available for weekends.
Commissions, Support and Effective return 12/20.
There's a $25 fee for wire transfer withdrawals, opening an account is of course, free. Other than that, we couldn't find any hidden or unusual fees but we recommend reading the T&C. Their support is pretty fast to respond and once they do, their representatives are generally polite and helpful. The returns however are not their strongest point, ranging between 65%-85% but I guess it's better to be honest about it rather than claim a 90% return which is in fact available on just one or two assets (it's a practice well known among low rated brokers). Some "out of the money" trades will receive a refund up to 10%.
Update March 2017: Live Chat support is no longer available or at least it was offline on three different working days (mid-day, GMT time). When trying to have a chat with their representatives, I got the option to send them an email, saying that support is offline. There is no mention of a 10% refund for OTM trades anymore.
Deposit, Payment and Bonus 12/20.
The minimum deposit is $250 and can be made using lots of methods, including of course the usual Credit/Debit Card and wire transfers but the majority is represented by e-wallets and for a complete list you will have to check gtoptions. Withdrawals (minimum is $100) are pretty quick and don't incur huge fees (see Withdrawals section above) but the bonus which can be 50% and even 100% has a high turnover requirement so we recommend not taking such a high bonus.
Update March 2017: In order to withdraw profits from an account, the client will need to reach a required turnover of (deposit + bonus)*40. See GTOptions Terms and Conditions for more information.
Website Extras 13/20.
Economic Calendar, new SpotOption Platform and Pairs trading represent positive extras which we would like to see on more and more Binary Options platforms. Lots of deposit methods is also a nice extra.
GTOptions Overall Ratings = 69/100.
I am going to give it a try apart from bad reputation about GTOptions, As i trust BOA.
I have just opened an account with the minimum amount required. I am waiting for the broker to call me in the morning, don't know how this will go and have to admit I am worried by the comments, but have read other reviews on them and although not regulated has a fairly good rating. Will see....and let you all know...I wont be accepting a bonus..have read the instructions...and if I have to..will only accept the minimum option. I must admit, I have not had problems with online help or someone ringing me...so hopefully...downloading verification info wont be a hassle either.
I like u enjoy tradin . so sighed up first was the 250 bucks . then they want 1000 I paid 750 after a few words . then they want 3 grad . again after words I gave the 2000$.then they wanted another 3 grand to make me a diamond trader .. contact between them was all over the show. they blamed it on the world clock. I started thinkin something was up when he told me that I would win 5 outa the 6 of which I did . how could he have known . tried to withdraw my money . told me I had to have a overall turnover of 40 k . then he lost 14 trades in one go ... sounds suspicious . money gone no contact since . save ya coin . I to would love to find a legit trading system . lets know if u do. ive since found out they are not regulated and a represented of another CFD trading company told me they are one of the worsted an that my money never gets to the markets . that its all a clever site, platform, scam .


Please don't trust them. They a scam. They tried to take money out of my bank account after I request a money withdraw, they ask for my credit card details ( which I gave - stupid of me I know) so that they can pay my money back within 10 minutes. But actually they just want to take money from me. Luckily my bank phoned me.
I had fallen into their trap but I am very persistent person and refused to put more than their 250 gbp in. Guy called me seconds after I got to this brooks blueprint thing. First thing he asks, give me your credit card number and code and exp date. Ri muito.
I engaged in a conversation with him teling him if he thinks I'm stupid to give a stranger phoning from Netherlands number my card details. He didnt even listen to what I said, just continued asking me for my card details and I kept on refusing, told him I can do it from my computer as I am on that page. He said no we are wasting money and he can do it faster. So eventually I gave in, gave him the details and immediately ordered a new card from my bank. Friday night. So he tells me I need to sign the documemts, send it back and I can start trading. Did it, nothing, called, online support, no response.
Eventually a guy tells me after i am now furious that okay good they received the documents. And I will be able to start trading within two hours. Fine, I wait, Saturday morning 2am, no account. Nobody on online support, nobody andwering their so called call centre.
Oh, in the meantime i had to put my card details through on the site for another 250 as i was blocked on that page. So 500 gbp.
Monday I call the guy again, no andwer. Later the afternoon he answers, very surprised that I am calling. All he does is telll me to deposit more 750. Told him there is no way I want a refund. Bla bla bla time goes on, he wants more money, I say no. So I still dont have access to my account by the way.
Anyways I get on the online support starting a conversation with the same guy, asking about my account not active and I want my money back.
Guy asks me for the same documents he confirmed to have received twice. I said you already have it. And he gets rude, i get impatient and return the favor. Say to him, fine I will send you the papers one last time but then I want my refund.
Send him back the papers, and he says I have forgotten to put my account number in. And I said to him, you never gave me any account number. He said here is your account number, fix it. Exactly in that tone.
So I get access to my account and immediately go to do this withdrawal request. Its a refund, not a withdrawal but fair enough they have this written in their terms and conditions.
In the time that I am on the online chat support I get six attempt calls from the other guy. Obviously im busy and i dont answer. So on the seventh call i answer and this guy is extremely rude demanding that i remove the withdrawal request because He is blicked to trade with me. And by now I am calm and just told him calmly, yes it is because I want my money back and I told him about the bad reviews on the internet. So he keeps pushing and eventually i raise my voice and I said to him I dont trust you and prove that you are not a scam. He said how do you want me to prove if yoo block me from trading with you. I said the only way he can prove it is by giving back the money to all those people that never got their money back. He was quiet, didnt have anything more to say.
Always the same thing, I will call you back in an hour, and then never calls.
So the next day he calls me again trying to do the same thing, demanding I remove the block and pay in more money, then I said to him, listen man, i dont have that money and i want my money back and i dont trust them at all. Said to him its over let it go, you are not going to take 750 more from me. js fine. He said okay okay okay 250 is fine. Just remove the withdrawal request. I refused and said to him you have six days to return my money.
So apparently you have to wait seven days before they process your request. On day seven I contacted legal department at my bank, sent an email to GToptions to what is the status of my withdrawal request. Sem resposta.
Next day I just send a nice polite email to them saying that I really hope that I will have my money back before it is too late. I copied my bank in this e-mail. Moments later I receive an e-mail saying that my money has been paid back and should be in my account within 5 business days. Ofcourse I dont believe it nd I let my bank know.
Later that day a guy from the UK office called me and asked me why I canceled and never used their service. Lol lol.
On day nine I got my money back.
I gave them $4000, and they gave me a bonus of $4000, so that we had $8000 to trade with!
They called me and I made trades that he told me to place In the sums of $200-300 calls or puts on all different types of trades!
First day lost 1500, second day i lost $4000, then on the third day I made $1000 on my own, without there so called "professional trader" but then I lost $4000 because he told me to use there follow me program with all these "top traders" the previous night and I stepped away from the computer for 2 hours and came back and it's all gone!! I've never felt so foolish! $8000 ($4000 of mine) in 2 days!!
For the love of god stay away. & # 8230;
Please keep your money!!
I opened a Account with GTOptions through Insured Profits, I deposited the minimum for this Account because Insured Profit was going to make such a lot of money, which never happened. I wonted to close the Account but some Account Manager called David would not let me withdraw the Funds, he hallways conned me into cancelling the withdrawal, I got so fed up that I told them where to get off, my Funds I can kiss goodbye I will never get them out of them.
Had I known before that they are situated in Cypress I would have never dealth with them.
Stay a way from this company you will never see your money ever...I open an account with them throughout an affiliate marketer. Who advertise a bs software that supposed to make me money.... Never worked,...i request to give my money back ...and I never got anything. ...they are not legitimate company. & # 8230;
I had a problem and needed some help from GTOptions support. I found the help from my account manager and the support team really good, friendly and they resolved my problem with minimum fuss. Many Thanks guys!
Jo you lie, they don't even have a contact number!
All of their employees use the exact same email address, you can never get hold of anyone.
Thousands of people like me have lost thousands of dollars, that's how they scam and survive. DO NOT DEPOSIT!
They will conn you into not withdrawing or constantly decline it.
I've launched a credit card dispute with my bank and that's the only way I'll get back my money.
did you have any luck getting your money back? Who was the broker you were dealing with?
accountmanager: 1) Chris Jackson.
2) Peter Johnnson.
i've opened my account throw "Legal Insider Robot(Greg Marks).I wanted to use this Robot because he makes commercial that when you lose your trade, you will get it back. It is a refund policy. I've opened with a deposit of 250€ at your platform. I immediatly get a phone-call of an accountmanager(Chris Jackson)and he provided me with three trades. And they were all three in the money. Thanks for that. The day after i get another phone, and this time it was Peter Johnnson and he told me that he's going to be my accountmanager. He immediatly asked to fund my account with an initial 750€.So he can give me some leverage. He gave me some protifull trades. He convinces me to fund an additional 5000€ so, i had an account of 6000€ and 6000€ bonus.
He NEVER, NEVER told me the terms and conditions of the leverage, bonus.
In other words, i normally have an GOLD account.
Money management classes.
High quality educational resources.
Special VIP service.
Daily & amp; weekly market reviews.
Complimentary private dealer.
I read on the site about the main benefits that i normally must have.
It is a great questionmark for me.
I havent get anything of it till now.
Concenring the Legal insider robot.
I've emailed them about the refund policy and they replied me that the broker must give me the refund. I've asked many times at my accountmanager but no resolve yet.
For now my account is blocked for the 3 time. I don't have a clue why you do this.
This is my MONEY and not YOURS.
Normally i expect to get good trades and not bad one.
Last friday i've invested totally for 7225€ and i only won 4666.51 €.
So i've lost 2558.49€ and all trades are given by Mr. Peter Johnnson(who's going to be your nr1 investor).
My account doesn't means to reduce your loses .
I found myself treated very very bad and i hope you can give me some solution.
I expect some serious behavior on my adress and the time that i normally earn and not.
always the sentense of I've got no time or somebody is calling me.
I first wanted that my account will be unblocked and that i will be treated as a serious trader and not as somebody who you can make a joke about.
I also send this complain to the proper authoritys.
I wanted to be treated the correct way and want have some profitull trades and not.
more as 50% loses.


and i also want an answer about the refund policy of legal insider robot.
Also check out your support. Not that good as you say on your site.
Stay away from GT options. I am a Gold VIP member and Peter Johnson promises I am going to make lots of money. He wants more money deposited even though I have already deposited $5000 to be a Gold member and when you don't, you never hear from him again. There is rumors that The CEO has fled the US because there are law suits against him. As for the trading platform, it sucks!
If you see a value to bid on which doesn't always appear, click on it put or call and The value you entered goes up by five to ten points!
Never seen this with other brokers. I have contacted tech support many times and they say there is nothing wrong with their trading platform.
No support so stay away. Trade at your own risk with GTOptions.
Thanks to all commentators on this side for the messages. I have opened my account with GTOptions last week, and I tell you, this company sounds unprofessional. They custom service is crap. Custom support is waste of time.. I asked them how to use they platform, because this platform is new to me, and how to activate 'AUTOMATIC ROBOT TRADER'. I was told for 4-5 days that I will get a link to download program, but this never happened, regardless broker was calling me very day and telling me that everything has been sorted, but there is a problem. Ok, program belongs to third party, but what about help, how to use they trading platform... Instead to explain how to use the platform, I was offered some leads for trading, but I refused to follow. There is a saying about brokers, GOOD BROKER IS THE ONE, WHO KEEPS INVESTING YOUR MONEY UNTILL ITS GONE.
Im have trading FX for over 14 years, and had few accounts with different companies. There is huge quality difference from they services and GTOptions.
In they favour I would like to say, that I like they platform. Its very easy to use and it works well(I learned to use the platform by my self after few loses. For education you have to pay, lol) After reading all other comments, I will close my account with GTOptions and will look for another platform.
I have had the same problem as joery and i also had my account open when subscribing to Profit Maximzer software. Has anyone got there initial deposit back?
This is not a legit company. You can deposit funds, but never withdraw. The phone numbers for support lead you no where. They do not reply to e-mails - every e-mail you get from them is an automatic program. Their website is falling to pieces, there are errors when uploading your verification documents (which never occurs) and the contact forms are all broken. EVITAR.
GT OPTIONS will be nice to get your money. Then the true colors of the staff and company come out. They will keep calling you to try and get you to upgrade with them and deposit more money. Ask for your money back and you will get call on call telling you to cancel the request for withdraw. They will try and keep your money. Report all these problems to your Bank and Credit Providers to have them blocked.
Thanks for all your comments Guys. I was just about to open an account when I decided to do a search and found this site.
Safe to say, I won't be opening an account!!
Hi my name is to do I should Eduard shkreli and Account number 262135.
I Open and not count with GT option I deposit $6000 on.
And I started playing until I started reading the reviews and then I requested to close my account and get my money back so after some time which I had three 14,000 into the account I requested to close and get my money and then they told me that I'm allowed to Takeout only 10,000 they said 4000 bonus which I'm not allowed to get it and then I agree so I requested $10,000 after two weeks I receive six and then I phone them back and they said no and the rest is the bonus which it shows here that if you play and lose the money it's your problem but in the same time if you make money you're not going to get it because it's a bonus this what happened to me I want to share with you guys and also I have a lawyer which is going to be dealing with this I don't know the outstanding but I will keep you guys posted don't trust GT option.
Hi there i was support to receive 10.000 usa money on my credit card and i only got litre bit more than half what i was told , can you please let me know whats going on this is what i got on Canadian money.
You have received back your original deposit of $6,000.
GT-Options don't control the exchange of currency that your bank did, you should claim it from them as a customer of the bank.
I am not very sure GToptions don't suck. In fact I am still waiting to confirm my suspicions. Yesterday my broker from GT options called me and was so convincing and sure we were going to make over Euro's 10,000 by the weekend if only I listen to him, almost ordering me to do a deposit of a 1000 with no explanation on how it works and under what conditions we were dealing. In the evening he instructed me to double invest on the Euro/dollar, despite my questioning his motives. He convinced me to just listen tot him and trust him, going on about his 20 years experience bla, bla, bla and at the end of the trade we have lost 800 euro's! He was going to call me back and has n't done so till now.....
So, tell me does GToptions suck or not or is this what trading all about?
i do not recommend working with this trader . the withdraw process is painstaking difficult. sent my papers in a few times and my account is not verified yet . been trying to withdraw my money for 2 weeks now and its been canceled every time without an explanation . be aware ....i would stay away from them.
Be ware I opened an account with GT Options put in my account £250 within five minutes it had gone to £1000 could not get any explanation from them, when my Bank statement came in it showed an extra £750 had been charged, at the moment I am trying to get this money returned.
I accidentally invested over $700 aust dollars. They want all my information, all my bank data and my signature. No way, they must be crooks and wont tell you where they are situated either.
this is the worst binary option experience of my life, to whom ever thinking of joining with them, do notttt join.
They start off by saying if you deposit 1000 to our account we will give you another 1000 and we can guarantee to make 3000-5000 profit in the first week, bahahahahah, all my money was gone in the first week, to the point where i stopped all trades and following brokers, but the system kept following brokes, eventually i lost almost everything, trust me they will not make u 3000 to 5000 if you deposit any money, if you still want to try after reading all this reviews, then maybe you will be the exception, because you just might be the one where they want to do the right thing by. just woke up one day and dont want to scam peoples hard earned money off them no more.
Please PM me Your contact details if You want active help in recovering Your money. I don't charge anything.
Com um amável saludo,
is your offer to have money returned still an option? It's my initial $250 NZD that I want returned.
I am looking for a good binary trader program option fm keeps hitting my card when I told there is no money on it . they said to hold a spot they need to hit it . after they hit it they hit it 3 more times once with a different company like they knew they where blocked by the company I haven't signed up yet it sounds to good to be true. anybody have any information on rb options that would be nice . please write back.
GT Options, a group of Thieves and Scammers, represented by Reynaldo Martinez, Mike Freeman.
I opened an account at GT Options through the autotrader available on Mike Freeman's website.
I have requested a withdrawal and GT Options refuses to transfer me the money and have even blocked my email account and do not accept my messages.
The facts are as follows:
I invested in GT Options € 200. I had three operations and immediately benefits. The company agent called to tell me I had to bring more capital, € 6,000, it could make money with their advice.
I said I was not interested and it did not have that amount. Then he said he could provide € 800 and € 200 which had already invested could get good benefits.
He asked what was the limit of my VISA and I told him that it was 3,000 € but my balance for the month was 2,700 €.
Then he said I could make a transfer through VISA 2,800 € and VISA would refuse the transfer of funds and he would speak to your manager and ask him to do a deposit in my account of several hundred euros and I would not have to contributing anything to start investing a lot of money and with his advice I could earn a lot.
Believing that VISA could reject the transfer, I did the operation. but despite being the 26th, VISA accepted the transfer.
Immediately, two minutes later, I requested a withdrawal of € 2,800, but I called and I was told there was no problem, because while I do not send them the documentation (passport, proof of address and authorizing the transfer), would not cash office.
But they did cash, this fee 2,800 €, and also canceled my withdrawal of € 2,800.
I have called and I was not able to contact them. I sent them an email and they have not answered me, nor have they been contacted, while a few days ago sent them an email and within minutes they were calling me.
I contacted VISA and my Bank Officer could recover my funds, 2,800€.
But, the day after I asked for a withdrawal of 256€. And I didn't get a reply fron GT Options.
Are they thieves and scammers? We will know it very soon.
Today I can say that GT Options is a BIG SCAM.
They didn't allow me to withdrawal my money. They are an organization of thieves and scammers.
these guys are not a scam, but they are not 100% legit. maybe because they are not regulated, they feel they can play by their own rules. Any bonus money they give you "it is not yours"... I deposited up to $2000.00 into their account. They gave me $1200.00. They lost $1000.00 from my deposit in less than 24 hours. so I was left with $1600.00. I was only allowed to withdraw $400... this is not the stupidest part. I decided to draw $400 and use the other $1200 to put more options, but as soon as I withdrew my $400, my balance became $0.00. They gave me my $400 which I was allowed and basically took out anything they put in. They were happy enough to blow my $1500.00 at a blink of an eye. absolutely no thought for putting small amounts on small investments, they put $100 investments on multiple options and just let it all blow, so that all that is left, is their bonus. But after taking out my own $400 to protect it, they withdrew it from my account. So they feel they can blow my money, and access my account to take out funds as well.
this is not expected from a professional binary company. I have dealt with a lot of these companies. GTOptions is the one to not trust. If they dont want be regulated, it just shows its because they dont want to be watched.
I just open up an account with GTOptions 2 days ago through an account manager Frank and is impossible to reach him now or talk to somebody so it is officially a complete scam! I just talked to my bank because they also ask for my complete credit card info!
I opened an account with them for the min amount of £200 i sent my verifyication docs but they said the file size was over 3mb so i made them smaller then they said they were too small i can not verify my account so i can not withdraw my money.
Thank you guys for this information... I registered with GTO options today)31.08.2018). and decided to get more information about the compan before i transfer any money to them i was called after 4hours by one of thiser officer and was asked to transfermoney into my account to start trading and convinced me that i can withdraw my money anytim that i want but i was sceptical about what he was telling me cbecasue he was so much interested in making me believe that i can have my money anytime i wat to.. I then told him i will transfer the momey and get back to them. then decided to get more information abotu them which lead me here. Thank you very much for th info you guys hve shared> Am otu of GTo options.
Of course everyone has that dream of making it big, but at a big cost to you along with a big loss. They are very ready to take your money, but try and get it back or withdrawn - impossible! I lost $12,250 U. S. Which amounted to $16000 Cdn. And beware...once you lose your money, you will get a call from a new agent promising to make your loss back. This is still part of GTOptions, but it appears as EveryOption...and GTO will deny any relationship with them. Good thing my VISA company cancelled my card so no more money could be withdrawn. Lesson I learned - don't trust online brokers. Go to an agency in your home town/city and work face to face with a broker. I have lost everything saved all for that hope of making it big as they appeared to have promised.
GT Options, an organization of Thieves and Scammers with Reynaldo Martínez and Mike Freeman. I opened an account at GT Options through the autotrader available on Mike's website. I have requested a withdrawal and GT Options refuses to transfer me the money and have even blocked my email account and do not accept my messages. The facts are as follows: I invested in GT Options € 200. I had three operations and immediately benefits. The company agent called to tell me I had to bring more capital, € 6,000, it could make money with their advice. I said I was not interested and it did not have that amount. Then he said he could provide € 800 and € 200 which had already invested could get good benefits. He asked what was the limit of my VISA and I told him that it was 3,000 € but my balance for the month was 2,700 €. Then he said I could make a transfer through VISA 2,800 € and VISA would refuse the transfer of funds and he would speak to your manager and ask him to do a deposit in my account of several hundred euros and I would not have to contributing anything to start investing a lot of money and with his advice I could earn a lot. Believing that VISA could reject the transfer, I did the operation. but despite being the 26th, VISA accepted the transfer. Immediately, two minutes later, I requested a withdrawal of € 2,800, but I called and I was told there was no problem, because while I do not send them the documentation (passport, proof of address and authorizing the transfer), would not cash office. But they did cash, this fee 2,800 €, and also canceled my withdrawal of € 2,800 I have called and I was not able to contact them. I sent them an email and they have not answered me, nor have they been contacted, while a few days ago sent them an email and within minutes they were calling me. I contacted VISA and my Bank Officer could recover my funds, 2,800€. But, the day after I asked for a withdrawal of 256€. And I didn't get a reply fron GT Options. Are they thieves and scammers? We will know it very soon. Today I can say that GT Options is a BIG SCAM. They didn't allow me to withdrawal my money. They are an organization of thieves and scammers.


I opened an account with GTOptions with $500 U. S..I got a call from an Angel Morales who suggested a half dozen trades, I followed his advice and lost on 5 out 6 trades he then called me back and convinced me to try another 6trades but this time I won all six trades again called back did the same 6 trades this time won 5 out of the 6.Now on This next call came the speech that if I added another $500.00 U. S. to my account that He could give me a matching bonus that would give me $2000.00 dollars to work with and in 1 week I would have between 3 to 5 thousand dollars that I could withdraw immediately. WRONG. I was never told of the x 20 multiple that you have to reach first. Next came the daily call for me to add another 1000.00 dollars to get me to the next level, after about two weeks of multiple daily calls I gave in and added another 1000 dollars for a total of 2000.00.Now my account manager Angel informs me that i am now a gold member and I will be getting a new account manager by the name of peter johnson. Peter Johnson contacted me and suggested 8 different trades to place for a much larger amount than i had been placing I was assured thet they were almost gauranteed to win. WRONG won 3 of 8 Peters response was Can't win them all. I had a big screaming match with him and told him that a monkey with a dart board could do the same or better he then convinced me to try again that he could do better this time I placed overall 25 more trades over 3days and had an 80% win rate. now came the pressure to add more money, Peter wanted me to add another $5000.00 to the 2000 I had already had put in after several days and multiple calls daily to add more money I stupidly agree to add another 3000 dollars to make it 5000.00 plus the matching bonus making it $10000.00 in my account, again with the pie in the sky promise that I would have 10 to 15 thousand dollars in the account that i could take out anytime I wanted. started with 12 $350.00 trades with fair results 7 wins 5 losses, this went on hourly at least 3 time a day then it started tanking more losses than wins, again i blew up at him gave him one last chance to prove he was as good as I was told he was. i placed the 9 trades at the amount suggested, at expiry time i won 9 out of nine, which brought my account balance to almost $12000.00.Now the crap and pressure sales start He won't work with me unless I add another $10000.00 to my account I refused and then I couldn't place a trade past 1 hour I used to be able to place end of day trades or 3 4 5 hours ahead, I also placed trades at 1/2 hour intervals on the same stock or commodities and they would have different rates even though neither had expired. Can't figure how gold for instance can show two different prices when neither have hit expiry time they should be worth the same. I also had a few trades that showed a win at expiry time the trade was in the green when the screen cleared but when i checked for the payout it showed i lost. I tried to make a small withdrawal when the account was over 12000.00 and they cancelled the request and never notified me. This is THE only broker out of the five that I have used that does everything they can to avoid giving you any money you are entitled to whether deposited or won.
On the internet you can find hundreds of victims of GTOptions, just like me. Gtoptions is the most aggressive and arrogant broker that you can find on the internet. I am one of the many they have ripped off and it must stop now! On the website of Watchdog they are saing that GTOptons is regulated: CySEC, MIFID, FCA and EU regulated. I have done some researched and it turns out that this is not true! They are nowhere regulated. Even they didn't have Trader Protection Insurance. How is it possible that I've lost 80 thousand euros and they won't give me my deposit back?
They are busy now to lose all my money so they will no longer need to communicate with me. I'm now with my bank, ABN Amro and their trading experts, examine whether they have passed my false signals. Also I will report this to my Credit Card Company and demand to get my money back.
They have made me lost all my save money and ruined my family. And I will fight them where ever I can!
Please look at this link or google GTOptions and I'm shore that you will change your mind.
Let me tell you how GtOptions work!
First I have deposit 250 Euro. Than you get an very nice gentleman on the phone speaking your languish and conversation will go like this: If you deposit 2000 Euro you will get within 2 days one hundred thousand Euro.
After two days he call you back: Good news, we have doubled your profit!
But you have to deposit 2000 Euro. So it went on until I should got 35 million Euro. I have deposit all my savings worth 20 thousand Euro! How stupid can you be.
The same evening I have lost 40 thousand Euro! 40 trades and one winning. How do you call that?
The young man was more interested in buying drugs in Amsterdam than helping me with good trades.
When I wanted to have the remaining money back, within 5 minutes I was called back by a new account manager. Please do not withdrawal because I will lose my job. Where is my first manager? He is in Dubai to learn oil sheiks trade with binary options. Yes I have been told so, it is really true! 'Next day I have been called by my account manager from Dubai. Background sounds were same as before. He just sat in London! It was all lie!
The next account manager yes a new one because the last one must go to Angola teach African people trade with binary option. Please don't laugh because it is really true. The same evening I have lost 20 thousand Euro!
First they let you make big money and then make loss everything till the bonus and so you can't withdraw any money. Once I had 82 thousand Euro (and 23 thousand Euro bonus. ) but now I have only 9 thousand Euro and this is bonus! So not my money.
GtOptions doesn't want to make you any profit, they are only interested to extract as much money as possible from your account. They have ruined my family. They says that they are The Most Trusted Binary Option Broker, but they are not to be trusted, you will just like me lose all your money! Please see the link. Stay away from them as far as you can. They lie constantly!
Please if you want to see my ridicules portfolio, please let me know.
Best regards Jirka.
Yes open an acc at GTOptions was told my trades were insured all the trades were lost and none would speak to me or exsplain to me why I didn't get my money back my acc manager would not even take my calls that was over two months ago still no reply.
I found Titan brokers very bossy and very difficult to deal with. They don't seem to understand how to trade profitably, they trade all your account then hope for the best. I do not recommend them at all. Lost a lot of money with them.
I had the same situation w/ Tyler , I had requested a withdrawal twice but my contact called me right away and sound irritated made me sat infront of the computer again and trade instead again lose. I would be able to get some amount bec the money I had still more than the total bonus they gave but losing continuously. He didnt explain nor mentioned the restrictions. I was given a bonus perse w/o the knowledge of the consequences of it, I thought I was talking with a professional and he is an expert to it. He said bonus is for the protection of my money, the performance of my trading is his performance too that my win is his win we will both benefit. They didnt want any customers to withdraw its a NO..NO to them. Too late I realize they are scammers even the platform and boillinger they made me use is not getting a good signal. Which ever way you go even you are assisted by them every step of the way , you will continue to lose money. Now my balance still available is the amount of my total deposited I couldn't get any refund bec it has to be more than the bonus they provided. I am stuck my money is there cant move forward bec it keeps loosing. 5k is a huge amount I felt so fooled by trusting this person.. now I am begging them to give the available balance but asking again for 1k & promise this& that again for me to be able to w/draw. Where we could get a legal help to recover the money. There is no way you could win using their robot even an expert I believe cant win.. it looks like it is controlled by them. The T&Csays also you cant use or trade using different IP or computer?? I'm desperate I need HELP!!


Have been conned also deposited $250 got to help so nothing happened until phone call from a David saying I had to deposit a further $2500 told him I didn't have it so he spent time belittling me. I then tried to withdraw my funds got a call to say they had sacked David and they would give me a bonus of $100. I didn't agree but they deposited a bonus and cancelled our withdrawal. David then rang again sacked yeah right I refused to talk to him and tried to withdraw again which they cancelled again. I have given them many chances before resorting to bad feedback but to date they have still got my money. So they are thieves essentially. KEEP AWAY THEY WILL FLEECE YOU. AND AS FOR THAT WOMAN IN THE AD WITH THE HUSBAND THE US government silenced bullshit it's a scam to steal our hard earned money.
We are aware that some brokerages offer bonuses that are too high or the required turnover is too high. However, if you accepted such a bonus, there is not much we can do now to help because you agreed to certain Terms and Conditions. Here's what you can do:
• Don't accept a bonus without reading the Terms and Conditions.
• Some regulatory authorities (CySEC in this case) mentioned that a trader's invested amount (not the bonus) should be available to withdraw even if the turnover hasn't been reached: circular CI144-2018-02. Inform your broker about it.
• Ask your account manager or a representative of your broker to join this discussion.
My credit card was charged twice for only one transaction I made to my account. I attempted to ring the broker to query the transaction to no avail. I sent several emails but no one would reply back. I finally got through to their live chat however they cut me off in the middle of the session. My only choice was to initiate a charge back through my financial institution for fraud and have them investigated.
Please anybody out there who is contemplating doing business with GT Options, save your money.
well i must say im not too happy already, not easy to get your money out.
after reading all the reviews im now wishing i had'nt deposited anything, ah well i'll wait to see how tomorrow goes.
i put in the $250 and can only get the 'currency signal' all others 'commodities' 'indices' 'stocks' wont show for me to trade.
there isnt even a help section to read or how-to's.
and not enough user controls to place order yes, but not to quit one and i dont know how long the trade is running for.
so yes, im not happy with this platform i feel a battle coming to withdraw my funds. oh dear......!
hello there john , i would like to ask , have u got ur money back from GToptions? cuz did the same thing and deposited 500£.. and i want to get them back.. and im just asking did u got ur money back?
Thanks to all your comments and experience with this GOption Broker before I get IN ..thanks again to this review to warning us about background of this Binary Option company.
Whilst GT Options may not be a complete scam - it is certainly a company to approach with extreme caution. They came across as being very unethical, only being interested in getting the maximum amount of money out of me in the quickest time-frame possible.
During the very first discussion with them (they called me), the focus was on me giving them my credit or debit card details so that they could make sure I could "receive" a bonus of 5,500 $. When I told them I did not want the bonus (because I don't like the concept of being liable for any losses beyond loss of my own money), that I would not give him my card details, and that I prefer to learn slowly with my own money only, the GT Options rep became both frustrated and furious - to the point of throwing accusations in my direction and ultimately slamming down the phone without even saying "goodbye".
I did a little bit of trading through them, with a 40% loss in 3 days. Asked for withdrawal of remaining money. Was first told it would take 3 - 5 dias úteis. I was later told it would take up to 10 business days. When the 10th day came and no transfer to my account had taken place, I contacted them again. And this time the withdrawal took place within 2 days.
My recommendation - stay away. And by the way - I have closed my account with them.
Sigve, how are you?
Did you send your documents to verify your account to get this withdraw?
I made the payment yesterday, but after that I started to see many bad reviews about GTOptions.
Probably I will not get any refund of my deposit. and I don't know if I send my documents to try to get withdraw.
When i first signed up with adding 250 in my account. A mysterious man who has a mexican american accent calls himself Peter Johnson, speaks to me asking me to deposit 2K. After that he makes some wins for me, he asked for 500.00 USD more. I give it to him through money booker. I was taken out of surprise when he kept asking a few more here and there but we weren't losing in our trades at that time. He calls many times a day and after each call, he would say love, hug and kisses. He also reveals he is African american and part Italian. As time went by, he detects my lack of trust in him. He tells me a story about a jane from Perth that he helped profited from the trades frm using 20K USD. Since three years now, he has now helped her gain 165K. That's how i got sucked into considering giving him my life savings to gain profits as stated. He also tells me he can make 270K for a year. And a year, it's roughly half a million.
When transferring the money, I was given three banks to choose from. One from Poland, one from china... the other one, i don't remember where it's from.
He would call to be there to see through everything i've done online and wanted a scanned proof of deposit receipt.
After a big confrontation on March 15, I quickly cancelled on my current credit card. He has never called me again.
I got into GTOptions, but have not traded they have $250 of mine, I talked to a guy by the name of David he wanted me to send another $750 I said no he then hung up on me, i will be ringing them tomorrow and demanding my money back, i will keep you posted.
I was using the centument software, GT OPTIONS was my given broker, (I already had another account with the centument software) I get a call someone claiming to be from centument. trying to get me to make a deposite. I told him I already have another acount with centument and I had litteraly just put a deposit into that one so i did not want to put anymore money in yet. he told me to give him my bank details so he could get the transaction up and he would combine my two account. I asked him again if he was going to take more money out because I did not want to put more money in. he said "no I just neeed the details to get find the transaction to combine the accounts no money will come out and i'll phone you back in an hour" a hour later no call, I check my account and GT OPTIONS had taken money out of my bank, he was not from centument he was from gt option, which i even specifically asked him if he was from gt options or centument. he told me centument. liars conners, DO NOT TRUST THEM.
I deposited £250 didnt even start trading before I had some 3 people call me. I smelt a something fishy and decided not even to trade, went through all verification hoops to get my money back some 2 weeks later and many emails threatening to report to my credit card company still nothing. Today I reported to Visa and they have recalled my funds to GTOptions. OK I have to fill in the forms and provide all my email correspondence. I urge you to do the same, hope they get closed down or at least credit card use revoked!
I put in $500 usd lost just about it all then thay rung me and told me to put in another $500 thank god I didn't. I will find these people and have put out a 711 after these people.
The money you deposited went into Gray mountain to them.
Almost identical to Tyler M. I swear there trading line is fake. It only moved and changed when I logged in I took screen shots to check each time. I'm too scared to tell my partner I lost $4.500 of out house deposit. They were so charming and convincing.
Is this for real? I mean I understand there might be people who pays to others to post fake comments all because of the money but Im amazing seeing this huge amount of bad comments! I just created an account with the and I was so decided to make the deposit since it seems to be really legitic but now I have my doubts!
stay away from gtoptions they are pushy, rude and dismissive, totally unhelpful and when I tried to deposit 200 the minimum they said it had been declined and then another company took 200 but they say they will give it back. tried to talk to gtoptions yesterday online chat and they left me hanging for an hour. totally unprofessional I am now trying to get my money back.
I was looking at their site. Started to fill in the form, got to the page where credit card was requested. The phone rang it was 7am. I said phone back tomorrow as I was not yet ready to complete. Thanked them for the call and put down the phone. From ten I had 21 calls from numbers with identifying numbers from UK, SOUTH AFRICA AUSTRALIA, I kept blocking them. O. Last call I answered it looked like a Brisbane Australia number and said I have informed the police and my phone is being monitored. I tried to call 3 of the numbers they were not in service.
Olá a todos. It's really disheartening to read the feedbacks from the poor.
people who had been scammed by GTOption.
Please be vigilant people and google every service provider or Broker.
before you commit your hard earned cash.
Regardless who Recommended/referred/assigned them to you, trust no.
I was assigned 2 brokers on sign up with 2 highly rated BO service.
providers. It turned out both were unregulated and poorly rated.
One was Titan, the other; GTOption.
Luckily I didn't deposit right away eventhough they rang 3 secs after.
I finished registering and tried to force me to do as they commanded.
After I told the nasty woman from Titan 3 times that I don't need.
assistance to deposit money, she kept on telling I must listen to her.
instructions, I hung up on her.
She rang another 5 times using different numbers, even private.
That is why all brokers ring you immediately the moment they have.
your numbers. They don't want you to have any time to check them.
out because most are scams, poorly rated ot not legit.
So I would advise to ignore them calls, perform due diligence.
first before depositing any money.
Also avoid any Bonuses. They are offered just to lock your money in.
And there is no need to deposit more than the required minimum to.
test trading system/broker.
And don't let them sucked you in with a personal account.
manager/trader. They will help to drain your acc. faster, that is.
Guess where the money comes from when you are ITM??
Isso é certo. The Broker's own bottom line. So you think they would.
help you to take money out of their own pockets?
Seriously, choosing a good broker is as important, if not more, than.
a successful trading system/robot itself.
Because even if you made 1000% profit, if you can't withdraw from.
broker, that money is essentially worthless, isn't it?
Well I hope people can recover the money that had been conned out.
of them. Good investing to all!!
I also got in , after more than 4 "advisors" and several months of back and forth, all their people keep giving bad advice and make my account lose money all the time, of course as others have said, they keep saying put more money and we will recover your money, put more money and we will gve your more "bonus", but same , just bad advice and sales people that always try to get more deposits from users.
when I request my remaining money back, they wrote I have to win back the bonus they "gave me" or i cannot get my money back.
I am giving them a last chance or will call my lawyers, but please dont get in.
Gt options has closed I was won of the clients bewere.
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