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what channel balances are implied by routing hints?

Started by Bitcoin, Feb 26, 2022, 03:05 am

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what channel balances are implied by routing hints?

I understand that as part of a lightning invoice routing hints can be provided that provide information about private channels that can be used to reach the destination. I believe these are the r fields in BOLT 11.
I also found a link to the LND implementation that appears to only include hints for channels that have sufficient balance to route the entire amount by themselves. So this means that at least for LND a routing hint implies a certain minimum channel balance.

I've got the following questions

  • is this specific to LND or do other implementations do the same?

  • if so, it could make sense to provide routing hints even for public
    channels, just to signal that they have sufficient balance. Is this
    allowed and do implementations do this?

  • if a certain destination wants to receive 100 satoshis and has 10 private channels that have a
    remote balance of 99 satoshis each, does this mean no routing hints will
    be provided, because no single channel can route the entire amount by
    itself, so the payment will fail, even though the payment is feasible
    using a multi path payment?

Source: what channel balances are implied by routing hints?