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What exactly is a "blockchain developer"?

Started by Bitcoin, Feb 10, 2022, 09:43 am

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What exactly is a "blockchain developer"?

Hello everyone. This isn't specifically a bitcoin thread but due to recent events I think it is important that people get an understanding of the real Elon Musk as I have no doubt he will try and reenter the cryptocurrency space again in the future as some kind of figurehead. This is of course despite the fact that he is not a blockchain developer and has made no real contributions to the space but he appears to find the need to attach himself to any kind of new technology and take credit for it. This is a familar pattern, he is neither an expert on artifical intelligence, neuroscience or infectious diseases such as Covid-19 but is able to convince people that his opinion is always worth listening to.

Source: https://old.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/nbq16s/the_real_elon_musk/

(Emphasis added by me.)

Every time I hear somebody mention "blockchain", it always comes off as if they have no idea what they are talking about. Have I missed something? Why is there such a focus on something they refer to as "blockchain", sometimes "Blockchain", as if this is some sort of "service" that magically exists somewhere on the Internet and which Bitcoin and other "cryptocurrencies" build on?

Isn't "blockchain" just a simple word to refer to the "chain of blocks" that make up the technical structure of Bitcoin? If so, why does this person and many others use it in such a strange manner? A "blockchain developer" makes as little sense as a "TCP/IP developer"; it's just a technical, non-tangible "infrastructure" of sorts. It sounds to me like referring to a plumber as a "pipe developer", even though they never touch or create any of the pipes in the ground, but merely fix clogged ones in individuals' homes.

But since I'm asking, I'm obviously doubting myself. Maybe I have actually missed something?

Source: What exactly is a "blockchain developer"?