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Bitcoin mining.

Started by Bitcoin, Feb 14, 2021, 08:32 am

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How Much Does Hashr8 Cost?
As mentioned, you can choose between three different packages when you sign up for Hashr8.
Here are your three options:
Home Miner is free and allows you to run three mining devices at the same time. Pro Miner costs $2 per month for every mining device after the first three. Corporate Miner gives you a dedicated account manager, additional configuration and integration options, as well as a discount when you use more than 300 mining devices.
Each option comes with 24/7 customer service and support if you need help with Hashr8.
How to Install Hashr8 in 8 Steps.
Decided whether or not you want to try out Hashr8? Then it's time to look at how to install it. Fortunately, it's as easy as eight simple steps.
Here's how to install Hashr8:
Go to the Hashr8 website and click "Login" in the top right corner and then "Register" to create an account. Log in to your new account and click "Download" on the left-hand side of the dashboard to download the installation file. Transfer the installation file to a flash drive or external hard drive so you can connect it to your mining device. Click "Rigs" on the Hashr8 dashboard menu and then choose "Add Rig" to add your mining device. Fill in all the required details, such as name, description, password, and the number of GPUs, then click "Save." Click the name of your rig once it has been set up, then click "System Info" and copy the information under the "Rig Token" section. Open the installation file on your flash drive or external hard disk and paste the information you just copied to into the document named "token.txt" and save. Plug your flash drive or external hard disk into your mining rig, turn it on, and wait until it's registered as online on your Hashr8 dashboard.
That's it, you're not ready to mine!
Using mining software is not the fastest way to get bitcoins.
Try an exchange below for the fastest way to get bitcoins.
Best Bitcoin mining Software Reviewed.
By: Ofir Beigel | Last updated: 8/23/20.
If you're thinking of getting into Bitcoin mining, one of the things you're going to need is a software to run your mining hardware. In this post I'll review the top Bitcoin mining software available on the market.
Bitcoin mining Software Summary.
Whether you're joining a mining pool or mining solo, you will need to get familiar with the most up-to-date mining software. The different software options out there vary by the miner types they support (GPU/ASIC/FPGA), supported platforms (Windows, Linux, etc.) and more.
Whatever your choice may be, remember you need to follow certain steps to successfully mine Bitcoins:
Get the right Bitcoin mining hardware (for mining Bitcoin only ASIC miners will do). Get the best software that matches your needs. Decide whether you're joining a pool or going solo. Start mining!
Here are the best programs for mining Bitcoin:
That's what you need to know about Bitcoin mining software in a nutshell. For a more detailed review of the software mentioned keep on reading. Here's what I'll cover:
1. Bitcoin mining overview.
If you are reading this it means you are familiar with the fundamentals of Bitcoin mining and have the necessary hardware for mining. If not, before moving forward I suggest you go back and read our guide on Bitcoin mining. And if you don't like reading, here's our video on the topic:
Mining software is an essential part of your mining operation. It provides you with an interface to monitor and manage your miner's settings (clocking speed, fan speed, etc.).
More importantly, it allows you to put your miner to work and start making money by connecting to a pool, or to the Bitcoin network if you are mining solo (not recommended).
There are several things you need to look out for when choosing your mining software.
For one, are you going to mine other coins than Bitcoin? Nowadays, Bitcoin mining can only be done by ASIC miners, so whatever software you choose it has to support ASICs. However, if you have other miners on your rig and you wish to manage all of them through the same interface, you'll need the proper software to support it.
Another important thing is the platform you're using to manage your miners; Whether it's Windows, Mac OS or Linux - you'll need to choose the right software. So, without further ado, let's review the best mining software available out there.
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2. How to Start Mining Instantly.
If you're not looking to mine Bitcoin specifically you can use a program like HoneyMiner that mines the coin that is most profitable for you to mine based on your computer's specification.
While you may be mining some obscure coin, you'll still be getting paid in Bitcoin, so this could be a good way to start mining instantly. However, if you want to become a professional miner you'll have to use dedicated mining equipment and more advanced software.
According to HoneyMiner's site you can make anywhere between $15-$75 a month assuming you have at least one graphics card. Keep in mind this does not include the electricity cost for running HoneyMiner.
3. Best Bitcoin mining software.
Pros : Supports GPU/FPGA/ASIC mining, Popular (frequently updated)
Cons : Textual interface.
Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux.
Going strong for many years, CGminer is still one of the most popular GPU/FPGA/ASIC mining software available. CGminer is a command line application written in C. It's also cross platform, meaning you can use it with Windows, Linux and Mac OS.
The software includes overclocking, monitoring, fan speed control and remote interface capabilities, among others. With ASIC, FGPA & GPU and multi pool support, CGminer is more than an adequate solution to handle your mining operation.


Pros : Powerful miner with many features, Cross platform, including Raspberry Pi.
Cons : GPUs not supported, Suitable for more advanced users.
Unlike CGminer, BFGminer is designed specifically for FPGA and ASICs and doesn't support GPU mining. More oriented towards the tweaking audience, it features dynamic clocking, monitoring and remote interface capabilities.
Besides being a super versatile program, BFGminer is also cross platform, including an option to install on Raspberry Pi which is pretty neat. Though text based, the interface is very straightforward and you can use hotkeys to go through the different options it offers.
Lastly, BFGminer has a watchdog thread to detect idle threads and restart them or stop failed reconnects to spare your resources. Among the ASICs supported by BitMinter you could find Antminer U1/U2, Block Erupter USB, Red/Blue Fury and more.
Pros : Graphic UI, Moneymaker mode for quick start-up.
Cons : Windows installation triggers AV.
Platforms: Windows, Ubunto.
More of a GUI-based version of BFGminer and CGminer than a miner by itself, EasyMiner is a user friendly solution for miners that don't like to work on the popular Command Line Interface-based mining tools. With this tool you can also get graphical visualisation of your statistics and performance which is pretty neat.
Like other mining software, EasyMiner allows you to configure your miners to connect to external mining pools or mine solo. Additionally, the tool includes its own "MoneyMaker" mode which allows you to instantly create a paper LTC wallet and connect to its own private pool.
From several testimonials, it appears that Windows antivirus software products tend to get jumpy along the installation process. Apparently, this is "thanks" to some hackers that used malicious versions of the miners as part of a botnet attack on affected users.
Also, while officially EasyMiner is only available for Windows, you can find an Ubuntu version of the software on this link.
Pros : Beginner friendly, Graphic UI.
Cons : Installing on anything other than Windows requires some work.
Known as one of the most beginner friendly mining software out there, BFGminer-based MultiMiner is a graphical, powerful yet simple solution for your Bitcoin mining needs.
Once the installation process is done, the tool detects your installed mining hardware and creates a table with all the required info.
The software allows you to choose which coins you wish to mine per the connected mining device (GPU, ASIC, FGPA). MultiMiner is also packed with additional features such as an option to choose your mining strategy, remote access to your rig and tooltips to get you familiar with the complicated mining terms.
Though very appealing for newcomers, MultiMiner also allows more advanced options for power users such as direct access to API settings and engine arguments.
MultiMiner is cross-platform. For detailed information on the latest releases and instructions on how to install on different OSs, follow this link.
*July 2020 update: BitMinter has shut its operation down and is no longer active.
Pros : Easy and intuitive UI, The pool's site is informative and approachable.
Cons : Supports only BitMinter's pool, As of writing, the pool shows little activity.
Originally started as an idea to create a user friendly mining software, Bitminter was a fully fledged mining pool. It belongs in this article thanks to its dedicated client which allows you to use its services quickly and easily.
The software's official website is quite complete and straightforward. For the creators of the program, it's all about making Bitcoin mining "easy" and winning "high payouts".
BitMinter is different because it's a software that belongs to a mining pool, so your initial step is to register and fill in the pool sign-up form. It's a great option if you're looking for a simple installation.
Besides being available for operative systems like Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, BitMinter assures a good mining speed and long polling in order to reduce stale work.
4. Frequently Asked Questions.
What is the Best Miner for Bitcoin?
Currently the best miner on the market for mining Bitcoin is the Antminer S19 Pro by Bitmain. You can read my review of it here.
Is It Worth to Mine Bitcoins?
Bitcoin mining has become more of a profession than a hobby these days. If you want to mine profitability you'll need to invest heavily in equipment, get cheap electricity, and locate yourself in a cool area since miners tend to heat up very fast.
It's recommended to use a Bitcoin mining calculator to estimate your profitability before investing any capital on buying mining equipment.
Can You Mine Bitcoins on Your Phone?
While technically mining can be done on a mobile phone, in practice it will not yield any results and probably just heat up the phone's CPU.
5. Conclusion.
Bitcoin mining software is an essential component of any mining operation. Whether you're mining solo or as part of a pool, the software is your only way to monitor, configure and connect your hardware to the network.
While it's clear that you have to match the software to the hardware you already have, there are some points you may have overlooked:
Get a bitcoin wallet - The result of successful mining are newly minted Bitcoins. You'll want to have a safe place to keep them in, preferably a hardware wallet Beware of scammy download links! Bitcoin software is a potential way for hackers to steal your money. Download the software from official links only.
That's it! If you've had some personal experience with mining software or think I missed anything, let me know in the comments section below.


9 Best Bitcoin Miner Software.
Bitcoin mining still remains one of the best ways to make a profit in the crypto industry, although it is not exactly easy to do it by yourself anymore. With the demand being as great as it is, it is much easier to simply join one of the Bitcoin mining pools and help out, rather than try to win the block for yourself.
But, no matter what you try to do, you need two things in order to do it -- mining hardware and mining software. Today, we are going to talk about BTC mining software , as well as different pieces of software that can serve as the best choice for different systems.
What is a Bitcoin mining software?
To start off, let's first cover the basics, such as answering the question of what Bitcoin mining software actually is. As you know, Bitcoin mining is done by providing your computing power to a mining pool to participate in solving blocks and verifying transactions.
Mining hardware is actually what does the mining, but the mining software is also quite an important aspect, as it can connect you to Bitcoin's blockchain, or to the mining pool. The software's main role is delivering the hardware's work to the Bitcoin network. In addition, it also receives all the work that other miners have done.
The software also monitors all of the input and output that your mining hardware does, and it provides you with useful statistics, which include the temperature of the hardware, fan speed, as well as the mining speed and hashrate information.
The software will also require you to set up your own Bitcoin wallet, where it will send all the BTC that you manage to mine as part of your efforts. You can use any wallet that supports Bitcoin, just keep in mind that not all wallets are compatible with all devices.
Also, the security of the wallet is also a very important thing to consider. For example, if your goal is to earn larger amounts of money from mining, you will also need a more secure wallet to store it. The best wallets, as you likely know, are hardware (cold) wallets. If you are only after small profit, however, the online (hot) wallet should do the trick.
With that out of the way, let's take a look and see what is the best Bitcoin miner app for different devices. After that, you can simply choose which one suits your needs best, and you can start mining coins with the rest of them.
Best Bitcoin Miner Software.
Similarly to wallets, different Bitcoin miners need different software. The best Bitcoin miner app for Android will likely not help you much if you plan to use your PC that runs on Windows 10 system. This is why you need to make sure that you are using the best software for different devices, which is what we will discuss today. So, without any more delay, let's begin.
Bitcoin Miner Software Windows 10.
#1 Bitcoin Miner.
One of the best choices for mining Bitcoin on Windows 10 would be to use Bitcoin Miner. This software has a very easy-to-use interface, which makes it a perfect choice for new miners, who are only getting started. Too many other solutions come with a bit more complex interface that assumes that you already have some experience, so if that is not the case -- this is the miner for you.
It also comes with a number of other features, such as a power-saving mode, which is a great thing to have, considering how expensive BTC mining can be, especially when it comes to electricity use. Then, there is also mining pool support, as well as fast share submission.
Of course, it would be very useful for you to automatically know whether you are making a profit by mining or not, instead of just waiting for a while and having your bills grow, only to receive a minimum amount in return. Bitcoin Miner has got you covered there as well, thanks to its profit reports feature. With it, you will always be able to determine whether your mining is actually earning you a profit. If not, it is time to change your approach.
• Easy to use • Available for free • Only requires a quick registration.
8 of the Best Bitcoin mining Software for 2020.
You've got your Bitcoin wallet, address, and mining hardware. Now, all you have to do is get a free Bitcoin mining software that can help you effectively manage and oversee your hardware's crypto dig.
Like any popular, free product, though, there's a lot of options to choose from. Without testing them all out, how do you separate the Doctor Peppers of mining software from the Doctor Thunders?
Fortunately for you, we scoured the web to find some of the absolute best mining software options for 2018.
8 of the Best Bitcoin mining Software for 2018.
1. CGMiner.
The crypto community generally considers CGMiner to be the best Bitcoin mining software on the market due to its great versatility. CGMiner is open source and written in C, runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux, and is compatible with three types of mining hardware: GPU, FPGA, and ASIC.
The mining software also has a ton of other benefits, like advanced detection of new blocks, remote interface capabilities, and an ability to scale to a hash rate of any size with zero delay.
2. BFGMiner.
Just like CGMiner, BFGMiner is written in C, so it can run on most operating systems like Mac, Windows, and Linux. The modular software miner is also compatible with mining hardware like FPGA and ASIC.
Some of BFGMiner's best benefits are its ability to simultaneously hash on popular mining algorithms, like Scrypt and SHA256d, and mine multiple cryptocurrencies at the same time. Its other useful features include integrated overclocking, full monitoring, and fan speed control.
3. EasyMiner.
EasyMiner is a GUI-based, open-source frontend software upgrade for mining software like CGMiner and BFGMiner. The upgrade gives you a clean user interface and can integrate with your cryptocurrency wallet. It also allows you to mine various cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, and others, but only with the Windows operating system and ASIC mining hardware.
When you start mining cryptocurrency with EasyMiner, you can either choose the "Moneymaker" mode, which sets you up with stratum pool to mine Litecoin, or the "Solo" mode, which lets you pick your own type of pool, the cryptocurrency you want to mine, and the custom hash algorithm associated with your chosen cryptocurrency.
4. BitMinter.
Similar to EasyMiner, BitMinter is a GUI-based, open source mining software. But its versatility is what sets it apart from EasyMiner -- you can run it on Windows, Mac, and Linux and it's also compatible with mining hardware like GPU, FPGA, and ASIC.
To mine Bitcoin with BitMinter, you actually need to join its Bitcoin mining pool, which has had over 450,000 users register for an account since 2011. BitMinter requires you to join the mining pool before you can use the software because they want to make it easier for their users to mine Bitcoin and win higher payouts.
5. BTCMiner.
BTCMiner is a cloud-based mining software with over 142,315 users. Anyone with a Bitcoin wallet and address, FPGA mining hardware, and an internet connection can mine cryptocurrency on the software.
One of BTCMiner's coolest features is that its dynamic frequency scaling is based on error measurement, so the mining software automatically selects the frequency with the highest hash rate.
BTCMiner also boasts other great features like power save mode, overheating protection, and ready-to-use Bitstream, which lets you run the mining software without Xilinx software or a license.
6. DiabloMiner.
DiabloMiner uses the OpenCL framework to swiftly conduct hashing computations and support unlimited amounts of mining pools for its users.
The mining software is compatible with GPU mining hardware and runs on Mac, but if you have any of the current Nvidia drivers or an ATI Stream SDK 2.1, it'll run on any operating system. You also have the option of either doing solo or pool mining.
7. MultiMiner.
Considered the easiest-to-use mining software with its intuitive graphical UI, MultiMiner is also one of the most versatile. You can run it on Windows, Mac, and Linux, seamlessly switch from one type of mining hardware to another with it, and use it to mine different types of cryptocurrency.
One of MultiMiner's most advanced benefits is its ability to automatically scan and detect your mining hardware's details, like its average hashing power and the pool that it's linked to.
The mining software can also give you the option to automatically mine the most profitable or lowest difficulty cryptocurrency at any given time and even displays your projected profits.
8. Awesome Miner.
Awesome Miner is a robust mining software that can simultaneously handle multiple types of mining hardware, supports more than 25 mining engines, is compatible with every popular mining algorithm, and lets you manage multiple miners' pools at the same time.
The mining software also features a dashboard that displays each of your hardware's temperature and status, which lets you monitor its progress and health. Awesome Miner runs on Windows, but you can access the web version of it on any type of computer and operating system.


The Best Bitcoin mining Software (November 2020)
In brief.
Interest in Bitcoin mining has skyrocketed during 2020 as the price of Bitcoin has increased. Bitcoin miners need a Bitcoin wallet, suitable mining hardware, and mining software. Bitcoin mining software options vary considerably in their ease-of-use, functionality, and efficiency.
In the last six months, Bitcoin mining profitability has increased by more than 30% as the cryptocurrency's price soared to heights not seen since 2017.
As a result, interest in Bitcoin mining has skyrocketed, with the Bitcoin hash rate climbing by more than a third in the last six months.
If you're looking to get involved in the action, then you are going to need three things: a Bitcoin wallet; suitable mining hardware (such as a powerful CPU, GPU, or ASIC); and the mining software that's used to bring everything together.
Fortunately, there is now a huge range of options available for the software used for mining--but they can vary considerably in their ease-of-use, functionality, and efficiency. We'll cover the best of these to help you spot the one that works best for you. These were all tested on a Windows device, but many feature compatibility for multiple operating systems.
Did you know? Cryptocurrency miners can often be flagged as malware by some antiviruses, but this is generally not accurate when downloading from the original source.
Widely billed as the best Bitcoin miner for Windows, CGMiner was one of the first pieces of Bitcoin mining software ever released, and is one of the few Bitcoin miners written in C.
It is extremely efficient and uses minimal CPU and RAM, and has heavily threaded code design to maximize multi-threaded CPU architectures. It supports GPU, FPGA, and ASIC mining--with automatic support for many of the most popular Bitcoin ASIC miners, including Bitmain's Antminer.
The miner supports multiple pools and can automatically switch between them, and is designed to support mining operations of any size without performance loss.
Unlike most of the other miners on this list, you'll need to compile CGMiner yourself using the source with MinGW. Detailed instructions are included describing how to do this, but it is a somewhat lengthy process that will take around 20 minutes.
CGMiner is extremely efficient. Image: Decrypt.
Precompiled versions are available, but it's important to check that your download comes from a reputable source to ensure it's not riddled with malware.
Once compiled, you'll be able to run the resulting CGMiner executable, loading its simple command-line interface. Here, you can manage your devices and settings using four simple commands.
As its name suggests, EasyMiner is all about making cryptocurrency mining easy. It is currently only available for Windows devices.
Easyminer is most commonly used for mining Bitcoin and Litecoin, but also supports Bytecoin, Monero, and most other cryptocurrencies that use either the scrypt and SHA256d mining algorithms. It features embedded mining pools, making it simple to choose a pool. But for those with a larger mining network, it also supports solo mining.
The miner features an extremely basic, but clear and easy-to-understand user interface. It also features a built-in chat channel, where users can discuss and troubleshoot issues. It is lightweight and uses minimal CPU and GPU resources, helping to maximize mining yields.
EasyMiner's UI is simple to understand. Image: Decrypt.
Though the miner is easy to navigate, we did find that switching which coin to mine was a less than simple task. By default, the software only supports Litecoin mining. To switch to a different coin, you need to manually input the parameters into the setup screen--or modify and load one of the configuration files supplied by Easyminer.
Ease of use: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ Functionality: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ Pricing: Supported by donations (donationware)
Awesome Miner.
Awesome Miner is a powerful cryptocurrency miner that supports a wide range of coins and algorithms. It is currently only available for Windows and Linux systems, and is available as a pre-compiled executable.
Users can select from a variety of miner types--including managed miners which essentially hand over full control of the mining parameters to Awesome Miner, and managed profit miners, which are similar, but also allows Awesome Miner to automatically switch mining algorithms if a more profitable coin is available.
Awesome Miner supports over 100 different coins. Image: Decrypt.
As of writing, Awesome Miner supports well over 100 different coins--each of which can be easily ordered by potential revenue, algorithm, and other parameters. It also offers incredible flexibility for users, giving users full control over how their miners perform. The interface is understandably busy, given the number of features it offers, but still relatively simple to navigate.
The software is available as a free version which supports up to 2 miners, and there is also a premium version which unlocks cloud services and additional features. Both the free and premium versions support ASIC, GPU, and CPU mining.
Ease of use: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ Functionality: ★★★★★★★★★☆ Pricing: Free/premium versions.
Billed as a modular cryptocurrency miner written in C, BFGMiner is one of the most popular Bitcoin mining clients. It features dynamic clocking, remote interface capabilities, and is compatible with several operating systems--including 32 and 64 bit Windows, as well as several Linux distros.
It's also available for MacOS, but the installation process is somewhat challenging unless you use a pre-compiled version.
The software features a large variety of device drivers, making it suitable with many SHA256d ASIC miners. It also supports CPU, GPU, FPGA, and ASIC miners, making it suitable for those mining using several algorithms or different hardware types.
BFGMiner is one of the most popular clients. Image: Decrypt.
Like many other pieces of mining software, you will need to have MinGW or a similar program installed to compile your own BFGMiner executable. You will need to install YASM separately if you want to use BFGMiner for CPU mining.
It is controlled using a simple to navigate command-line interface which is used for selecting a server and the mining hardware, and changing basic parameters. There's not much more to it than that--which makes it super lightweight and efficient.
Ease of use: ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Functionality: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ Pricing: Free.
If you like the sound of BFGMiner, but are not keen on controlling it through the command line, then MultiMiner could be a suitable alternative.
This is a desktop miner that uses BFGMiner as the underlying mining engine. MultiMiner uses BGFMiner to detect available mining hardware, and then presents a simple user interface to control these.
If you're a newer miner, MultiMiner features a simple Getting Started wizard that will help you select an engine and coin, and select a pool to mine with. It will also install the latest version of BFGMiner automatically.
MultiMiner supports 20 different mining algorithms. Image: Decrypt.
It features a range of built-in strategies, allowing you to automatically mine different coins based on their profitability, difficulty, or price. It supports a total of 20 different mining algorithms, including scrypt, Ethash, SHA256, Groestl etc, making it suitable for mining a large range of cryptocurrencies--including Bitcoin, Zcash (ZEC), Ethereum, and over a dozen others.
MultiMiner can be remote controlled using an associated application known as MobileMiner. This will allow you to control your mining rigs via MultiMiner using your mobile device.
Overall, its simple user interface, in combination with its wide range of features and customization options makes MultiMiner an excellent choice for those looking to upgrade from BFGMiner.
Ease of use: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ Functionality: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ Pricing: Supported by donations (donationware)
Cudo Miner.
Cudo Miner is a breath of fresh air as far as Bitcoin miners go. It's refreshingly simple to use and is compatible with a wide array of operating systems, including Windows, MacOS, CudoOS, Linux, and ASIC.
The mining software itself is already pre-compiled, avoiding the headaches that come with some alternatives, and it offers its own mining pool--essentially taking all the difficulties out of setting up a Bitcoin mining operation.
Its powerful feature set includes automatic algorithm switching to maximize profitability, and allows users to set the mining intensity or timing. Right now, it can be used to mine four coins: Bitcoin (BTC), Rivex (RVX), Ethereum (ETH), and Monero (XMR).
CudoMiner offers its own mining pool. Image: Decrypt.
The platform is mostly controlled through the Cudo web app, which allows you to set up and manage workers, manage payments, and create and apply custom configurations. It definitely earns its place among the simplest to use Bitcoin miners.
However, this does come with a downside--it's not free to use. Unlike with many other miners, you'll be charged up to 6.5% commission for using Cudo Miner, but this can go to as low as 1.5% for those that mine more than 10 BTC.
Ease of use: ★★★★★★★★★☆ Functionality: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ Pricing: Commission-based fees.


Kryptex takes a somewhat different approach to cryptocurrency mining. Rather than allowing you to choose which cryptocurrency to mine, set up a pool, and keep track of profitability, it instead simply pays you for your computing resources.
Getting started is a matter of downloading the Kryptex program and creating an account. It will then run a short performance test (took us 4 minutes). Once complete, it will start mining and display an estimate of your earnings.
The exact amount you will earn varies over time, and depends on the specifications of your computer or mining hardware. For reference, we tested Kryptex on a rig running an RTX 2070 GPU and an AMD Ryzen 3600 processor--roughly mid-range PC specs--and were quoted.
$49/month in earnings.
This estimation was provided when switching to pro mode (which uses both CPU and GPU for mining). Lite mode only uses the CPU, and hence pays less (in our case.
Kryptex pays you for your computing resources. Image: Decrypt.
Although you are unlikely to make quite as much using Kryptex as if you were to mine solo or use a pool, the simple setup process makes it considerably easier to use than everything else on this list. This could make Kryptex a suitable alternative for those with negligible electricity costs and/or ample hardware.
It also suits a range of payout options not available to most miners--including fiat options like Visa/Mastercard payments, Qiwi, and UnionPay, in addition to regular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Ease of use: ★★★★★★★★★★ Functionality: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Pricing: Free.
20+ BEST Bitcoin mining Software (2020)
Bitcoin mining software's are specialized tools which uses your computing power in order to mine cryptocurrency. In exchange of mining operation, you can receive a monetary reward in the form of digital currency. These applications provide a detailed report based on your earnings. Many such tools are automated, and hence there is no need for technical skills.
Following is a handpicked list of Top Bitcoin mining Software, with their popular features and website links. The list contains both open source (free) and commercial (paid) software.
BEST Bitcoin mining Software.
Name Supported Platform Link Computta Windows Learn More Minergate Windows, Mac, and Linux Learn More Hashflare Windows Learn More kryptex Windows Learn More NiceHash Windows, Mac, and Linux Learn More.
1) Computta.
Computta is a software and services create by cryptography professionals to enable you to make digital money. It offers a simple and intuitive interface.
Features: Setup with just a couple of mouse clicks. Compatible with all computer systems. It is an automated tool, hence there is no need for technical skills. Provides a detailed report based on your earnings. It is a free bitcoin miner software. You can customize the way you like.
2) Minergate.
Minergate is a software that enables you to mine just with CPU or GPU. This platform allows you to trade various coins such as Bitcoin Gold, Litecoin, Ethereum, Zcash, and more.
Features: It offers a user-friendly interface. This cryptocurrency mining software enables you to mine without investing in hardware. It provides good customer support. Users can safely deposit coins in their wallets. It can determine a more profitable coin for you to mine.
3) Hashflare.
HashFlare is a cloud-based mining tool that enables you to trade for Litecoin, Ethereum, bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies. You do not require any expensive equipment to set up this software.
Features: You can instantly start mining. It enables you to view all mining-related information in real-time. You can easily choose the amount to withdraw and receive quickly. This bitcoin miner software enables you to find the ideal profitable combination. Hashflare helps you to view every single transaction.
4) Kryptex.
Kryptex is an application that helps you to mine cryptocurrency and allows you to pay dollars or bitcoins. This application also works when your PC is idle.
Features: You can setup this software with ease. This cryptocurrency mining software provides a clean GUI. It automatically starts when you turn on the PC. Mine with your CPU and GPU. It is available in English, Spanish, Portuguese and more.
5) NiceHash.
NiceHash is an application that enables you to mine and trade with ease. It allows you to manage all your activities remotely. This app enables you to check mining status with ease.
Features: It provides options to deposit or withdraw cryptocurrency. This altcoin mining software offers instant notification. You can manage your profile with ease. It is intuitive and easy to use. NiceHash offers a profitability calculator.
6) Ethermine.
Ethermine is easy to use the crypto mining software that provides real time statistics. The tool supports anonymous mining. It also supports third-party apps like Telegram.
Features: It has real time PPLNS (Pay Per Last N Shares) payout schemes. Provides accurate mining information. It offers a professional helpdesk. Ethermine supports the full stratum. The software has an efficient mining engine. It provides notification in email. This tool gives warning upon invalid shares.
7) Slush Pool.
Slush Pool is a crypto mining software that allows users to mine ZEC and BTC with ease. It helps you check that your rewards are fair with statistical proof.
Features: You can mine from the mobile phone. Provides 24/7-hour feedback. Slush Pool helps you to minimize losses caused by hardware failure and connection issues. It provides a VIP solution for a large-scale mining operation.
8) BitMinter.
BitMinter is open-source software that makes it easier to min Bitcoin with higher payouts. This application can work with GPUs and ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) devices.
Features: Easy to use GUI. Install the application with ease. You can start mining with just one mouse click. It enables you to quickly check progress at any time. Provides updates when a device is connected.
9) Genesis Mining.
Genesis Mining is a tool that offers cryptocurrency mining functionality. This application provides a variety of mining-related solutions to large- and small-scale investors.
Features: It has the fastest Bitcoin mining hardware at data centers. You can easily mine any cryptocurrency mention in the catalog. It provides periodic mining output to your wallet. This altcoin mining software allows you to mine multiple cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum and bitcoin. Offers a user-friendly interface. Easy setup process You do not require much knowledge to get started.
10) Filecoin.
Filecoin is open-source, public cryptography, and a digital payment system that enables you to join without needing any permission.
Features: It has a built-in process where the files of faulty minders are redistributed to a reliable one. This application can check that files are stored correctly over time. You can get a choice of your own tradeoffs between redundancy, cost, and speed. Filecoin is very easy to join.
11) Awesome Miner.
Awesome Miner is easy to use program for managing.
It enables you to quickly monitor the trading of Bitcoin and many other cryptocurrencies.
Features: It helps you to maximize profit and minimize downtime. You can start mining in less time. The tool can display GPU properties like clock speed, fan speed, temperature, etc. Provides support for more than 50 mining software. You can set up mining polls with just one mouse click. It can work with all ASIC devices.
12) Hive OS.
Hive OS is a mining platform that enables you to setup mine and control processes more efficiently. It allows you to Monitor your trading from a single dashboard. The tool provides notification via Telegram and Discord.
Features: Monitor data in real time. Provides statistics on different algorithms and miners. It has integrated VPN settings. You can easily add wallets. Quickly switch between pools and pool servers. It can keep your GPU near to the target temperature. Offers secure remote access via SSH (Secure Shell).
13) Claymore's Dual Miner.
Claymore's Dual Miner is a tool that allows you to earn digital money with ease. This application supports both AMD and nVidia graphic cards.
Features: It offers easy to use user interface. This tool provides stability while mining. It has a timer automatically checks GUPU freezes and restart the software.
14) Cudo Miner.
Cudeo Miner cryptocurrency miner enables you to earn as much money as possible from your PC or laptop. It is easy to install, secure to use, and safe on your hardware.
Features: It offers auto coin switching to maximize profit. Provides setting and control to adjust GPU speed and performing optimization. Supports CPU, GPU, and ASIC mining. It has an advanced hashing algorithm that allows for more customized mining. Security through multi-factor authentication. You can view your stats, earnings, manage users withdraw funds, and more with ease. You can access it from the command line interface.
15) Hashing24.
Hashing24 is a software that enables you to mine cryptocurrency without buying any equipment. The tool provides access to real-world data centers. It can automatically deposit your earned mined coins to the balance.
Features: You can mine cryptocurrency without any hassle. It has data centers in many countries, including Norway, Canada, Georgia, and Iceland. The newest ASIC chips. Offers intuitive interface. It uses the latest air and cooling technology.
16) Mining Pool Hub.
Mining Pool Hub is a trading system that enables you to set the coin you want get with ease. It allows you to start mining in less time.
Features: You can mine with various different coins. It enables you to mine just with CPU or GPU. This application provides a profit switching facility for ASIC and GPU. Mining Pool Hub offers a user-friendly interface.
17) EasyMiner.
EasyMiner is a graphical open-source tool for mining Bitcoin, Litecoin, or other cryptocurrencies. It offers a clean and easy to use interface. This tool is designed to simplify the curve of learning mining.
Features: It has a chat system which helps you to connect to beginners to experienced users. Supports crypto coins line Litecoin and bitcoin. It offers moneymaker mode that allows you to quickly start mining without learning new stuff. UI provides ASIC mining for Bitcoins. This free Bitcoin mining software enables you to choose your own pool with a custom hash algorithm.
18) MultiMiner.
MultiMiner is software for crypto mining and monitoring. It is simplified switching individual devices between bitcoin and Litecoin.
Features: It offers Wizard to get started. Provides intuitive interface. Supports automatic updates. This free Bitcoin mining software gives you a notification alert when it is profitable to consider mining. Services are easily integrated online. You can monitor, configure, and control any MultiMiner rig on a network.
19) BTCminer.
BTCminer is a software that enables you to min bitcoin effortlessly. It automatically chooses the frequency having the highest hash rate.
Features: Offers ready to use Bitstream. It can monitor the temperature and overheat the shutdown of the PC. One instant software can control many FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) boards. It goes to power save mode after 5 min inactivity. This application has a feature of dynamic frequency scaling.
20) Bitmine Farm.
Bitmine Farm is a hardware-based mining pool. This software helps you to check mining status with ease. You can use it to maximize profit and minimize downtime.
Features: It has easy setup. It enables you to make digital money without any hassle. Mine with your CPU and GPU. This application provides a clean GUI.
21) Hostero.
Hostero is a platform that helps miners to mine cryptocurrencies. You can install this software without any effort. It enables you to manage and monitor the performance of minder from the dashboard.
Features: It enables you to mine currencies securely. You can easily view the logs of a miner. The tool allows you to mine more than 10 cryptocurrencies. You can mine from any number of a user device.


❓ How Bitcoin mining works?
Bitcoin mining is a process in which the latest bitcoins are entered into circulation. By using mining, you can earn money without investing. You require either an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) or GPU to set up a mining rig.
⚡ How to mine bitcoin at home?
Yes, you can technically mine bitcoin at home. Considering the complexity of mining bitcoin, it is very crucial that you invest in the right type of hardware. If you are mining bitcoin at home, you need to consider hardware electricity consumption. The success rate will be very less. Because nowadays cryptocurrency is so popular that even a kindergarten kid is mining bitcoins. You need a dedicated mining hardware to see any reasonable success.
✔️ What is Hash Rate?
Hash Rate is a unit that measures the processing power of the Bitcoin network. When your network reaches a hash rate of 5 Th/s, it could make 5 trillion calculations per second.
❓ Is Bitcoin mining profitable?
Yes, Bitcoin mining can still be profitable for some individuals.
⚡ What is a mining pool?
Mining pool is a group of cryptography miners who combine computational resources over a network.
Ease of use: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Functionality: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ Pricing: Free.
Now that you have Bitcoin mining hardware, your next step is to join a Bitcoin mining pool.
What is a Mining Pool?
Mining pools are groups of cooperating miners who agree to share block rewards in proportion to their contributed mining hash power.
While mining pools are desirable to the average miner as they smooth out rewards and make them more predictable, they unfortunately concentrate power to the mining pool's owner.
Miners can, however, choose to redirect their hashing power to a different mining pool at anytime.
Pool Concentration in China.
Before we get into the best mining pools to join, it's important to note that most mining pools are in China. Many only have Chinese websites and support. Mining centralization in China is one of Bitcoin's biggest issues at the moment.
There are about 20 major mining pools. Broken down by the percent of hash power controlled by a pool, and the location of that pool's company, we estimate that Chinese pools control.
81% of the network hash rate:
Before joining a mining pool:
You'll need a bitcoin wallet. Why?
This is because all Bitcoin mining pools will ask you for a Bitcoin address that will be used to send your mining rewards and payouts.


Our guide on the best bitcoin wallets will help you get a wallet. Read the full guide.
The Biggest Mining Pools.
The list below details the biggest Bitcoin mining pools:
We strongly recommend new miners to join Poolin or Slush Pool.
1. Poolin.
Poolin is a public pool which mines about 13% of all blocks. They are based in China, but have a website fully available in English.
2. F2pool.
F2Pool is based in China. It mines about 19% of all blocks.
3. is a public mining pool that can be joined and mines 1.5% of all block. We strongly recommend joining Slush Pool or Poolin instead.
4. Antpool.
Antpool is a mining pool based in China and owned by BitMain. Antpool mines about 11% of all blocks.
5. ViaBTC.
ViaBTC is a somewhat new mining pool that has been around for about one year. It's targeted towards Chinese miners and mines about 8% of all blocks.
6. 1THash & 58coin.
This is a Chinese pool made from two pools: 1THash and 58coin. They mine about 6% of the blocks.
7. Slush.
Slush Pool was the first mining pool and currently mines about 11% of all blocks.
Slush is probably one of the best and most popular mining pools despite not being one of the largest.
8. is a private Chinese mining pool and cannot be joined. It mines about 2.7% of all blocks.
9. Bitfury.
Bitfury is a private pool that cannot be joined. Bitfury currently mines about 3.5% of all blocks.
Bitcoin mining Pool Comparison.
Pool Location Fees Private Pool BitFury Georgia 0% Yes Slush Pool Czech Republic 2% No Antpool China 1% No BW China 1% No.
The comparison chart above is just a quick reference. The location of a pool does not matter all that much. Most of the pools have servers in every country so even if the mining pool is based in China, you could connect to a server in the US, for example.
Get a Bitcoin Wallet and Mining Software.
Before you join a mining pool you will also need Bitcoin mining software and a Bitcoin wallet. You will also very likely need an ASIC miner, since GPU mining will likely never be profitable again going forward.
Mining Pools vs Cloud Mining.
Many people read about mining pools and think it is just a group that pays out free bitcoins. This is not true! Mining pools are for people who have mining hardware to split profits.
Many people get mining pools confused with cloud mining. Cloud mining is where you pay a service provider to mine for you and you get the rewards.