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HFX Binary Broker - Start with ONLY $50 (Quick Overview)|7:42

Started by PocketOption, Mar 17, 2021, 04:44 am

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Avis sur Binary Option Robot arnaque universelle.
D habitude ne n avons même pas besoin de tester les systèmes de trading des options binaire pour dévoiler des arnaques et c est exactement le cas du Binary Option Robot ou Le Robot Options Binaires.
Il est présenté comme un logiciel de trading, qui va trader votre compte automatiquement et vous faire de l argent.
Nous n avons jamais vu un système profitable de ce genre et nous sommes sûr qui celui-là n est pas différent.
Comment sommes-nous arrivé à cette conclusion.
Il suffit d examiner attentivement la vidéo sur la page du Binary Option Robot.
Le système fait trois trades, mais il est évident que la vidéo est truqué et les résultats aussi.
Elle a été filmée sur un compte de trading chez iOption, qui aujourd hui n existe plus, ce broker a fait faillite.
Mais ce n est pas important.
Regardez attentivement le prix, durant toute la vidéo il ne bouge pas.
C est l EUR USD, mais pendant de longues minutes il ne bouge pas d un pip.
C est absolument irréel.
La vidéo a probablement été filmée juste après la fermeture des marchés chez iOption.
Image de la vidéo le payout est à 20, ce qui n est pas normal, il devrait être à 34.
En fait, le prix bouge trois fois, chaque fois dans la dernière seconde avant l expiration de l option et juste dans la direction du trade.
Quelle coïncidence La preuve que cette vidéo-présentation est une arnaque est clairement visible, parce après l ouverture du trade le prix est déjà au-dessus, donc en profit, mais iOption montre un profit de 0 payout 20 comme si le prix n avait pas bougé d un seul pip.
Donc quelque chose ne va pas.
La seule explication est qu il entre des trades après la fermeture des marchés, quand le prix ne bouge pas, c est pour cela que nous voyons toutes ces choses bizarres dont nous venons de parler, et ensuite, à la fin de chaque trade la vidéo est édité truqué pour montrer un petit mouvement dans la bonne direction et un trade gagnant.
Donc voilà l arnaque.
Comme toujours le but est de vous faire ouvrir un compte de trading chez leur broker, avec lequel ils ont un contrat, ce qui va leur faire gagner de l argent.
Et si après vous laissez Binary Option Robot trader votre compte, vous allez tout perdre.
Nous devons rappeler à chaque fois que la seule façon de gagner de l argent sur les options binaires est de trader votre compte vous même chez un broker fiable et crédible, essayez d abord une démo gratuite avant de vous décider.
14 thoughts on Avis sur Binary Option Robot arnaque universelle.
Pour commencer, le mode démo est une escroquerie Il ne se base pas sur le cours réel des marchés.
Conséquence 5000 euros sur le compte démo, 10600 euros au bout d une petite heure de trade par le robot avec 4 positions que je lui autorise d ouvrir en simultané, et paramètre Martingale.
A première vue, on s y ferai prendre Mais c est une escroquerie en comparant le cours en live des marchés, les cours ne correspondent pas avec ceux dans binary option robot exemple euro usd campe sur 1.
2269 éternellement Impossible donc.
Le mode réel doit être bien différent, étant donné la complexité d anticiper les cours des marchés par les traders professionnel sur des temps si cours, et n oublions pas que ce sont les hommes qui fabriquent les robots, pas l inverse.
Personnellement je me suis risqué avec de l argent réel sur le robot lamentable de Mathex 7 positions ouvertes, 6 pertes, 1 gain J ai du stopper le robot, et me refaire en manuel sur des positions de 60 secondes ma spécialité.
CONCLUSION Oui, les robots sont une arnaque et leur utilisation est très risqué, pour ne pas dire absolument inutile sauf pour perdre son argent.
Gagner à 80 du temps avec un robot sur des positions de 60 secondes ca n existe pas Moi même qui suis spécialiser dans le trade des options binaires en 60 secondes, mon taux de réussite est entre 65 et 75 Maximum et pas sans sueurs froides ni sans stresse Une bonne lecture des graphiques est nécessaire.
D ailleurs, je propose bientôt mes services de trading avec mes propres techniques que j ai développé seul avec mes petites mains et ma transpiration.
Je proposerais de trader pour les gens, et croyez moi je vaux bien mieux qu un misérable robot qui ne ne peut pas analyser les graphiques au point d être plus performant qu un être humain qui le fabrique.
Mon site est en cours de construction , et bientôt je ferai profiter de mon habileté sur les positions de 60 secondes, pour ceux qui ne savent pas trop comment ni à quel moment jouer, ils auront plus de chance avec moi qu avec un robot.
Jouez vous même, ou faites jouer un autre qui s y connais Mais les robots, oubliez Comme le dit Admin ; si vraiment un robot pouvez nous faire gagner de l argent, Faudrait le faire savoir au gouvernement, parce que c est la fin du chômage.
Bonsoir à tous et à bientôt peut-être Quand ma société sera monté et que je serai près, je reviendrai par ici pour vous mettre le lien de mon site, pour ceux qui voudrons profiter vraiment d un taux de 75 de trades gagner sur les positions de 60 secondes Evidemment je ne ferai pas ca gratuit, je prendrai une petite commission sur les gain remportés.
Un seul humain vaut tous les robot du monde.
Bon trades à tous et à bientôt.
Bonjour, je serai intéressé par vos services quand ils seront disponibles, comment savoir quand vous serez opérationnel.
Je serais intéressé par votre site quand il sera ouvert merci de me prévenir.
C est pour quand l ouverture de votre site comme vous l aviez dit dans votre message.
Au plaisir de faire affaire avec vous.
Bonne année 2017 RG.
Je vais réaliser une vidéo un peu plus sérieuse que la votre avec les résultats en temps réel.
A bientôt donc.
Parce que nous avons fait une vidéo sur Binary Option Robot.
Donc vous ne lisez même pas l article que vous critiquez.
Maintenant je comprends pourquoi vous dites n importe quoi.
Mais j ai hâte de voir votre vidéo.
Je veux voir en temps réel côte à côte le robot et une plateforme d un broker régulé avec un price feed live.
Je sens qu en va s amuser.
J ai tester Option Robot pendent plus de 3 semaines sur un compte Démo Réel avec Skyline Markets un broker sérieux en passe d être régulé.
Mes conclusions vont a l inverse de celle de Mr Jean Renard.
J ai effectuer ces tests avec un Trend Temps Réel.
Certes il y a un léger décalage temporelle mais les Call ou le Put correspondent avec le Trend Temps Réel en faite la valeur intrinsèque de fermeture n a que peu d intérêt en soi.
Le taux de succès est variable entre 60 et 80 mais c est surtout le money management qui fait gagner.
De plus, il faut choisir ces jour et les heures de trading ainsi que le bonne méthode de réglage du robot.
En conclusion, Option Robot marche bien pour peu que l on comprenne comment il travaille.
Il faut le tester sur le long terme pas en 10mn un robot ne pourra rien faire contre un retournement de tendance rapide.
C est ça, oui, et c est aussi la raison pour laquelle l auteur de cette arnaque nous contacté et nous a offert de partager les profits si on retire notre article.
On ne l a pas fait, alors des menaces ont suivi.
En plus, je suis désolé, mais vous dites n importe quoi.
Votre phrase Certes il y a un léger décalage temporelle mais les Call ou le Put correspondent avec le Trend Temps Réel en fait la valeur intrinsèque de fermeture n a que peu d intérêt en soi.
n a absolument aucun sens.
Vous essayez d impressionner les gens, mais en réalité il est clair que vous ne savez rien sur le trading des options binaires.
Ou alors les gens peuvent croire qu il y des logiciels gratuit qui gagnent de l argent.
Faudrait le faire savoir au gouvernement, parce que c est la fin du chômage.
Voila des propos qui dénote votre manque d objectivité et vous ne supporter pas que l on pose un avis contraire.
La fin du chômage, certainement pas mais un complément de ressources oui.
C est bien ce que je disais, vous ne savez rien sur le trading des options binaires.
Si j ai une stratégie profitable, je ne vais pas en rester à un complément, il suffit d investir de plus en plus dans chaque trade et je vais gagner des dizaines ou des centaines de milliers d euros par moi.
Alors soit une stratégie marche et je vais devenir riche, ou elle ne marche pas et je perds.
Il n y a rien au milieu sur le long terme.
c est important de faire toutes ces remarques mais combien d entres vous ont déjà tester ce logiciel.
Pourquoi tester quelque chose qui a une présentation truquée.
C est une arnaque, c est tout.
c est vrai que quand on voit les vidéos ça donne envie mais si c était aussi facile de gagner de l argent avec les options binaires ça se saurait.
merci pour ton témoignage en tout cas.
J avoue qu il y a sacre bout de temps que je n avais pas apprecie un billet de cette trempe.


Live Binary Options Charts.
If you want to do technical analysis before you invest in a binary option, you need to use a live binary options chart.
This chart shows the past and current prices of an underlying security.
Difference between this chart and the charts that brokers typically provide is that you can use a great number of indicators, numerous methods of technical analysis, see the price of an underlying security on different time frames, and change personal settings in brief, using this chart, you ll be able to increase your return with the world s top binary options broker.
The live binary options chart is like an indicator signaling an investor that he should buy or sell a binary option.
Underlying securities provided by brokers differ; therefore, quite a few professional traders deal with several brokers.
How to Use a Live Binary Options Chart.
Underlying Security.
By default, the chart of the EUR USD currency pair is displayed.
To choose an underlying security, you have to delete EUR USD in the corresponding field, and you ll see a drop-down menu of all underlying securities.
You can choose a stock index, stock, currency pairs, or other securities.
If you know the ticker symbol of your underlying security, you can type it right in the corresponding field, for instance, the ticker symbol of Google is GOOG, and the ticker symbol of Apple is APPL.
I would like to add that technical analysis is of greater importance for trading on the foreign exchange market than on the stock or commodity market.
Next to the underlying security field, there is a field with 1 in it.
Using this field, you can choose a time frame of the chart.
For instance, 1 means the one minute time frame.
If you click on the triangle button near the figure, you can choose a longer period and see all changes of the price during this period.
This feature can help you understand what current level of the price is, whether the price of the underlying security is high or low.
You must always check several time frames as the minute time frame can show that the price is falling, the hour time frame can show an upward trend, and in this case the decrease is just a slight fluctuation.
Traders investing for a week use the 4 hour to day time frame on the live binary options chart.
Long-term investors buying binary options for a month use the one day to one month time frame.
Types of Charts.
In the article about technical analysis, I told you about the three basic types of charts.
Using the live binary options chart, you can compare different charts and choose a chart that you like most of all.
Under the underlying security field, there are buttons to choose a type of the chart including a linear, bar, and candle chart.
To see the full list of the charts, you need to click on the triangle.
In the list, you will find many different types of candle and bar charts.
By the way, due to selective perception, you can notice signals on one chart, and you don t see them on another chart.
And now the most interesting point of this chart.
The live binary options chart provides a lot of indicators.
This is the very essence of the chart.
On the right of the underlying securities menu, there is the INDICATORS button.
If you click on it, you ll see a great number of indicators.
Some of them can become your pot of gold as INDICATORS do your job, they perform analysis instead of you.
Based on the past and current prices, indicators signal that you should sell or buy an underlying security.
To have a higher chance of making a profit, you should use indicators together with binary options forecasts.
For Advanced Traders.
If you are an advanced trader, you can use tools on the left to draw lines and make calculations on the chart yourself , without using indicators.
Undoubtedly, these tools are for the traders having a good knowledge of technical analysis, their picture of it, strategies, and calculations.
I don t use these tools as there is a wide choice of indicators.
However, if you want to deepen your knowledge, these tools can be useful to you.
If you clicked too many indicators or too many additional features that you do not need, and you don t know how to disable them, you can just refresh the page.
I hope that the live binary options chart proves really helpful to you as it s really multifunctional.
It even allows the user to change colors and do many other useful things.
Fundamental Analysis of Binary Options.
The Types of Charts in the Technical Analysis.
How to Make a Profit on Deutsche Bank Stock.
Pocket Option Trading Strategy 15 Minute Binary Options Price Action Strategy Trade Results.
In order to trade this strategy, ensure to choose a good and appropriate market, draw your trendlines and support resistance lines and add a Stochastic indicator to your chart.
Attention Trading involves risk.
Only invest money you can afford to lose.
For minimizing your risks, discuss with experts by joining this Telegram Group t.
Trading binary options require some basic knowledge about how markets move in the short timeframes.
So I really suggest you trade at least 100 trades inside your demo account, this should really help to get a feeling for the markets and how they move in the most cases.
v Yw6uM0rYGLU Get your free demo account and test this strate.
Take a picture of your technical analysis and share it instantly with Twitter.
Day trading chart, forex chart, Drawing tools bar, symbol change, time-frames, Indicators, Fundamentals, Economy and add.
ons, Compare or add symbol for spread trading, Candles, Hollow Candles, Heiken Ashi, Line chart, Area chart, Renko chart, Line break chart, Kagi chart, Point Figure.
Olymp Trade, Stocks, Index, Commodities.
1 minute, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month.
Trend line, Trend Angle, Horizontal Line, Horizontal Ray, Vertical Line, Arrow, Ray, Extended, Parallel Channel, Disjoint Angle, Flat Top Bottom, Regression Trend.
Schiff Pitchfork, Modified Schiff Pitchfork, Inside Pitchfork, Pitchman, Gann box, Gann square, Gann fan, Fibonacci Retracement, Trend-based Fibonacci Extension, Fibonacci Resistance, Fib Time zone, Trend-Based, Fib time, Cyclic Lines, Fib circles, Fib spiral, Fib speed resistance, Fib wedge, Fib channel.
Accumulation Distribution, Advance Decline Ratio bars , Aroon, Average True Range, Awesome Oscillator, Bollinger Bands, Bollinger Bands B, Bollinger Bands Width, Chaikin Money Flow, Chaikin Oscillator, Choppiness Index, Commodity Channel Index, Connors RSI, Correlation Coefficient, Detrended Price oscillator, Directional Movement, Donchian Channels, Double EMA, Ease of Movement, Elder s Force Index, Elliot Wave, Envelope, Fisher Transform, Historical Volatility, Hull Moving Average, Ichimoku Cloud, Keltner Channels, Know Sure Thing, Linear Regression, MACD, Momentum, Money Flow, Moon Phases, Moving Average, Moving Average Exponential, Moving Average Weighted, Multi-Time Period Charts, On Balance Volume, Parabolic SAR, Pivot Points High Low, Pivot Points Standard, Price Oscillator, Price Volume Trend, Rate of change, Relative Strength Index RSI , Relative Vigor Index, Relative Volatility Index, SMI Ergodic Indicator, SMI Ergodic Oscillator, Stochastic, Stochastic RSI, TRIX, Triple EMA, Ultimate Oscillator, VWAP, VWMA, Volatility Stop, Volume, Williams R, Williams Alligator, Williams Fractal, Zig Zag.
XABCD Pattern Gartley , ABCD Pattern, Triangle Pattern, Three Drivers Pattern, Head Shulders, Elliot Wave Minor, Ellit Wave Cycle, Elliot Minor Retracement, Elliot Major retracement.
You heard about binary options trading and you are excited because you were told that you can earn cash fast.
That is right, but before you become successful in this type of investment, like many other ventures, you need to start from the beginning.
So what is this type of trading all about.
How does one earn profit and what are the steps to get started.
If you are a newbie investor, binary options may sound as alien as Olymp Trade, stocks, bonds and other complicated financial trading, but this kind of investment is actually very simple and user friendly.
You also do not have to have a huge sum of money to invest; a few hundred bucks will do.
As mentioned, this is a very simple moneymaking scheme.
Because as a trader, you can determine whether you lose some or win some within a day.
There are two paths which you will have to take, either up or down.
For instance, Samsung s stock is currently trading at 700, you anticipate that this level will increase due to technological advantage of new products against their competition.
You will now have to decide either to click up or down based on your expectations or analysis on the binary options trading charts.
If you anticipate that Samsung s trading will increase, then you have to choose up on the charts and then wait for the end of the day.
Once you successfully guessed, whether the asset value increases or decreases before it expires, you can take the profit.
However, if you are wrong, your investment will be deducted.
As can be derived from the phrase, binary options trading charts are crucial in the technical analysis of traders in the binary options market.
Without them, analyzing assets would be very time consuming and difficult.
Moreover, when you cannot analyze assets for trading opportunities, you will be basically gambling without the analysis.
There are two types of binary options chart sources.
Online Charts these are available from websites of particular software makers and brokers.
Most of them do not offer flexibility and interactivity with the tools they provide.


Downloadable Charts these can be downloaded as part of software plug-ins or in Olymp Trade trading platforms.
For the purpose of analyzing binary trading options, these are considered the best as they come with plenty of tools that improves the analysis results.
So you think you can do it.
It gets even better when you start actually trading on binary options platforms.
You simply analyze data at the comfort of your home and you can gain instant results.
Not only that, you will also enjoy low-risk investment, game like experience business engagement, and potential huge money returns.
If you want to safeguard your investment and make sure that you will earn huge profits, you need to ask help from brokers.
However, do not just pick somebody out there; look for the ones that are reliable and those who provide superior services.
Evaluate several binary brokers and choose from various candidates on your list.
Usually, the best ones do not charge a service fee or sign-up fee, but they provide a minimum return of 60 to 70 percent in case of wins and 10 to 11 percent return when you lose.
Make sure that you have proper records, such as permits and licenses.
Review their sites and check various forums online.
Just remember that brokers do not have to be licensed to operate around the globe.
So, how to make sure you picked the right one.
Use a demo account so you can have a proper feel of all the factors involved, such as platforms and features.
Unlike other trading types, the main advantage of binary options trading is its simplicity.
All you got to do is select up or down on the binary options trading chart , depending on how you observe assets are doing.
Value Chart Binary Options Strategy For MT4.
Value Chart Binary Options Strategy For MT4 の Value Chart Binary Options Strategy For MT4 は さまざまなインジケーターセットを処理する高度な取引方法です ただし 重要なステップに従うことに長けている場合は 価格変動の複雑な性質に対処する必要はありません.
Value Chart Binary Options Strategy For MT4 のプットオプションの場合 Value Chart Binary Options Strategy For MT4 場合 指定されたレベルの拒否を見つける必要があります 供給は トレーダーが資産を売却する傾向があるレジスタンスゾーンにすぎません 供給レベルで拒否キャンドルを探します CHT値チャートインジケーターでローソク足を分析します.
Binary Options Candlestick Charts Explained.
Candlestick charts were first used by the Japanese in deciding prices of rice contracts more than 300 years ago.
They were rediscovered by Steve Nison.
Nison and many other traders such as Bulkowski have given us more insight into how these useful tools can be used.
Binary options are relatively new vehicles for investments.
Furthermore, trade outcomes for binary options are not simply direction-based Up or Down outcomes, but also involve other complex trade types such as Touch No Touch and boundary trades.
How do you use the candlestick charts for these set of complex financial products where the potential payout is fixed.
It is important for traders to understand how trading works with candlestick charts.
Those who want to use candlesticks as part of their trading strategy would have to learn how such candlesticks-based strategies can be adapted for trading this new financial product.
Why are Candlestick Charts Important.
Those who want to earn money from fast paying binary options will soon realize that they have some challenges to overcome.
Candlestick charts are not usually found on binary options trading platforms.
Charts commonly found are the line charts, which do nothing else but simply give a visual indication of where the price of the asset is relative to the entry price.
We have done a review of what most traders think of these basic line charts.
The only good that these line charts seem to do is to tell the trader how much time is left for the tick fluctuation nightmares to end.
But the moment you switch from a line chart to a candlestick chart, the trade dynamics change.
Why are candlestick charts so priceless that they have survived all these years, starting from the Dojima rice exchange in the early 1700s until date.
It is because of the information that they provide.
Candlestick charts can actually speak.
They give information as to what they buyers and sellers of an asset are doing in the market.
By looking at the shape of a candle and the positioning of the open, high, low and close prices, you get a clear picture of what action is occurring and what is likely to happen in the near-term as far as asset price is concerned.
Since your binary options platform may not present you with the candlestick charts, where can you get these charts so as to trade your live account or practice trading using a demo account.
Sources of Candlestick Charts.
When it comes to sources of candlestick charts for binary options trading, there are free sources as well as commercial sources.
You do not need to pay for things you can get for free.
Therefore, your best bet for free candlestick charts is to get them from a forex trading platform.
Whether you use the MT4 or TradeStation or JForex or even NinjaTrader, these forex platforms all have interactive candlestick charts loaded with indicators of all kinds.
The advantage that you have is that you can also use your custom made indicators on the candlestick charts to generate trading signals, thus you get to kill two birds with a single stone.
Some programmers have even developed software to detect candlestick patterns on the charts so you do not have to do the work by yourself.
How much better can it get.
To get access to candlestick charts on forex platforms, all you need to do is to open a demo account.
A demo account without deposit of any money on your part gives you access to candlestick charts.


The Best Candlestick Charts for Binary Options.
Not every candlestick chart is important to the binary options trader.
There are more than 30 candlestick patterns; no trader can memorize them all, or recognize them all when they occur on the charts.
Furthermore, the best patterns are usually the simple ones.
Candlesticks can give clear, legit signals and the easier it is to read a candlestick pattern, the more likely the trader will make a trade that will lead to a payout.
For the new and less experienced binary options traders, it is advisable to use candlestick patterns that do not contain more than 3 candles.
This will make it easier to interpret and understand the patterns displayed by these candlesticks on the chart.
You can find more information about candlestick charts online or you may read the book Encyclopedia of Candlesticks by Thomas N.
Bulkowski for a better understanding of candlesticks.
The Call Put binary option, which is a direction-based prediction option, is probably the most straightforward option to trade.
With candlesticks, you can tell when buyers will be active pushing prices up , or when sellers are dominating the market to push prices down.
In binary options, it is not just enough to know that prices will go up or come down.
You have to know the following.
When a candlestick pattern that supports a move in a particular direction has formed.
The exact point at which prices will start to push up or down.
In what time the expected price move will be completed, which is how you will choose an expiry time remember all option expire.
The answers to these two situations cannot be fully described and grasped in an article of this nature.
Suffice it to say that practice is what is going to make perfect.
A review of several candlestick pattern recognition indicators has revealed that many of them are non-selective and do not work perfectly.
A human element is still needed in the recognition of these candlestick patterns.
However, practicing on a demo account will allow you to compare indicators to see which works best, and will also produce an increased level of proficiency in pattern recognition.
Generally speaking, entries into trades are made at the open of the candle which follows the completion of the binary options candlestick chart pattern.
Allow for a little price retracement on this candle before making your move.
Candlestick patterns which are located at key areas of support and resistance usually produce the best results.
You should also consider adding a volume indicator to the chart.
Increase in volumes will support the price move in the direction the candlestick points to.
When it comes to expiry times, use the time frame of the chart as a guide.
Usually, a candle is only open for the duration of the time frame chart used.
So if you have a 15 minute chart open, a single candle will be equivalent to 15 minutes.
When a candlestick chart pattern has formed and you have made your trade entry, you want the trade to have enough time to get into the desired trade direction.
Therefore, you can count the number of candles that you think will suffice for this to happen and then multiply the number of candles by the number of minutes of the time frame chart.
This will provide a possible expiry time for your trade option.
Let s illustrate this below.
This is a 15 minute candlestick chart for the EURJPY currency asset, taken from the MT4 platform of a forex company.
This served as the source of our free candlestick chart for analysis of a possible binary options trade.
The candlestick pattern shown in the brown box is a bullish engulfing pattern.
The closing price of the green candle is higher than that of the red candle, and the open price of the green candle is lower than that of the red candle.
This is why the green, bullish candle, which represents buyers action, is said to engulf the red candle which represents selling action.
The previous trend was a downtrend.
We can see that the 2 nd candle in that formation closed just above the green support line, which is the pivot line of the pivot points for the day, traced by an automatic pivot point calculator to show possible areas of support and resistance.
We also see that the green volume lines have started to increase in amplitude, all of which support the fact that buyers have started to dominate the market.
The trade entry for the binary options trader is to enter a CALL option, right at the open price of the candle which follows the bullish engulfing pattern.
The trader has to give his trade enough time to move into the money.
So a distance of about 2 or 3 candles is used to determine the expiry time to choose from the broker s default settings.
If 2 candles are chosen including the entry candle , then the expiry time will be two candles long or 30 minutes recall that this chart is a 15-minute time frame where a candle is open for 15 minutes.
We can see that the move ended well into profit territory.
This is a guideline on how binary options candlestick trades can be conducted.
Best practices will require extensive practice and testing on a demo, so you can learn how to fashion out your own trades using candlestick charts.
Q Do binary options brokers offer candlestick charts.
Answer Most binary options brokers do not offer candlestick charts.
What is prevalent on the platforms of binary options brokers are line charts.
Q My broker does not provide candlestick charts.
Where do I get them from.
Answer A cost-free way of obtaining a candlestick chart is by downloading a demo version of a forex platform such as MT4.
The charts are free to use and come with several indicators.
Q I have problems identifying candlesticks.
What are my options.
Answer You may use any of several candlestick pattern-recognition software on the internet.
Some brokers even offer these tools for free.
Q I am told that candlesticks are not reliable in trading binary options.
How true is this.
Answer Candlesticks are price action tools, which are some of the most reliable trading tools developed.
Used in experienced hands, candlesticks are reliable tools of technical analysis.
What Exactly Are Value Charts.
How Value Charts Are Calculated.
Metatrader indicator for Value Charts.
This indicator will automatically plot Value Charts on your chart to show you when the asset is undervalued or overvalued.
Figure 1 Value Charts indicator.
The whole idea when using Value Charts is to take trades when the instrument you are trading is in the oversold and overbought regions.
As usual, I would urge you to trade these overvalued and undervalued levels with the help of other indicators or price action.
Look for confluence levels to increase your odds.
So lets take a look at a trading example.
Figure 2 Value Chart trading example.
Let us examine the chart in Figure 2.
This particular pair and timeframe gave us two very obvious trades that had an extremely high chance of going in our favour.
The name of the game is quality not quantity.
One or two quality trades per day is more than enough.
Ok, so we saw a strong support being formed at the 1.
11250 level marked with the red line.
We get our first buy signal at the first arrow.
The Value Chart dipped under the -8 level almost touching -10.
This indicated that the pair was undervalued oversold.
We also see the price touching the support level for extra confirmation.
This was more than enough information to take a call trade.
This one worked out perfectly.
Most traders know that when a support line gets broken it becomes a resistance level.
If you don t know this yet, do yourself a favour and check out our support and resistance strategy.
We saw price rallying up into our 1.
11250 support resistance level that we have drawn on our chart.
This was also a 50 Fibonacci Retracement level which added to our odds.
When it reached this point the Value Chart was touching the 8 overvalued overbought level.
This is where we get our second clear signal to go short.
Another successful trade executed.
After a while you will get the hang of using Value Charts.
Taking high probability trades will become like second nature to you.
You can use this indicator on any market that you wish.
Remember that the deeper the price goes into the oversold and overbought levels the stronger the signal will be.
An exception to this is during important news releases.
Rather stay out of the market at times like these.


This is a simple indicator with buy and sell arrow indicator.
This is a One Candle Expiry logic.
created with 1 minute candle stick in mind Use Martingale Strategy to get Good result Buy Once you see green arrow you can buy in end of current candle.
Sell Once you see red arrow you can sell in end of current candle.
After Getting signal very next candle.
Most Binary Options trading strategies require technical analysis as a means for executing trades.
Technical analysis is best carried out through the use of reading different chart patterns.
The charting offered by most most Binary Options brokers is rather basic incorporating a simple line chart with limited flexibility.
It is therefore, important for serious Binary Options traders to find online charting software that more readily transmits the necessary signals for technical analysis traders.
There are many high level paid charting sites which may be beneficial for highly advanced traders.
At a future time we plan to review these different pay sites.
Fortunately for the beginner to intermediate trader there are many free online charting sites which can be highly advantageous for implementing trading strategies.
Most Binary Options trades are short term intraday trades which require a live real time data feed.
It is important to use a charting program that provides real time charts.
Depending on the types of assets you trade you may need to use different charting software as not all services provide charts for all asset classes.
The following is a list of several free online charting platforms that offer real time feeds and the asset classes they service.
Very comprehensive web based charting program for stocks in most markets.
Web Based free real time charting program for worldwide markets and Olymp Trade.
Free Downloadable software platform for Olymp Trade charts which has the advantage of being able display 4 currency charts at the same time.
Great feature for short term 60 Second Binary Options where traders need to act quickly in multiple trading positions.
How to read charts for binary options honest review.
Published on Nov 21, 2014.
1 Comment 0 Likes Statistics Notes.
how to read charts for binary options 2.
Binary Options 3.
how to read charts for binary options Learn How To Use Binary Options Charts freebinaryoptionscharts how to use free If you are trading a stock binary option input the stock symbol to see how the stock is moving now and how it has moved in the past If you select Minute then each bar on the chart will reflect minutes of price data Read Review Best Binary Chart Options Binary Options Trading University binaryoptionsu best chart options Charts are an essential part of learning how to trade binary options; you will not be profitable for long if you don t know the ins and outs of chart reading You will How to Read Binary Options Candlestick Charts YouTube how to read charts for binary optionsFilm dla zapytania how to read charts for binary options H jtGGsgMA TradeOpus Learn to read a candlestick chart for stocks or forex minute video teaches you everything you need to know How To Read A Candlestick Chart Binary Trading binarytrading org charts candlestick Learn to read a candlestick chart Common formations patterns and types of candles explained Use candlesticks to trade binary options uBinary Using Binary Options Charts to Trade Successfully ubinary using binary options charts trade Often times their success depends on their ability to properly read and understand binary options charts Trading charts are used to follow the Mike s Candlestick Charts Guide Binary Options Portal binaryoptionschannel candlestick charts guide how to read charts for binary options Introduction to CandleStick Charts Price Action and Binary Options Learning how to read the Charts is an essential part of Day trading and OTC trading as the What are the best charts for binary options easybinaryoption Advice 4.
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Binary Options Client Advanced Chart.
In this section, we will discuss the VertexFX Client Binary Options chart in the home page, the technical chart tools and the options which will help you build your strategy.
Tools panel left.
Contains tools for editing the chart and add drawings, each icon refers to a group of tools that can be expanded by clicking on the small arrow beside the icon.
Chart Options on the top.
For managing the chart such as view, Symbol and period.
Also for adding technical indicators.
Chart Period, to change the chart periodicity to one of the following periods 1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month or you can enter it Manually by clicking on the icon.


Binary Options Trading Market Hours Schedules.
Versatility may not be the first quality that comes to mind, when Binary Options is brought up for discussion.
After all, there are just two ways a trade can go and it is not like there are many tools or ways of trading that can be used to create diverse trading systems, as is the case in Olymp Trade Trading.
However, in Binary Options, you can trade any of a large repertoire of assets.
Anything from stocks, to currencies, to commodities and the list keeps growing with numerous additions by enterprising brokers.
Although, the variety of assets offered differs across brokers, there are usually a decent number of assets to trade with a top-grade Binary Options Broker.
Understanding the different Binary Options Trading Market Hours Schedules.
With a vast array of assets to trade, would not it be perfect to be able to place a trade at all times.
In a way, you can in Binary Options Trading but technically, you would not be able to trade all assets at all times.
Here is the deal, stock exchanges trade as specific times of the day, so stockbrokers and other people who work in the industry can go home to their family and live normal lives.
And then, there s the Olymp Trade currency market that is closed during the weekends and half the day on Friday, for basically the same reason why the stock exchanges shut their doors after certain hours had gone by.
These are the two major markets, but that s not all.
Even, Olymp Trade still maintains core trading hours in four major trading centers, where much of the money on Olymp Trade is traded, resulting in high volatility and profitability if high trading activity is your thing.
Why Binary Options Trading Market Hours Schedules matter.
Aside the obvious, Hello, you can only take a Binary Option position on a NYSE stock pick only during NYSE trading hours, and likewise for other assets that are available at only specific trading hours, the different market hours and schedules influence the kind of Binary Options trading strategy you use.
While one strategy may require you to take up high volatility assets and trade during busy trading hours, another may require you to do the exact opposite.
You would also be able to manage different assets across the board, if you wish, and maintain profitability.
Diversification reasons and or increasing one s portfolio are two top reasons why a trader might go this route.
Either way, Binary Options offers the versatility to do so.
Also, you may not be available all day to make trades, and seeing that regions have different time zones, it would make sense to note the market hours and schedules of options assets you are interested in trading.
What are the Binary Options Trading Market Hours Schedules.
The two major Binary Options asset categories by market are the Stock Markets and Foreign Exchange Currency Market.
We will discuss the trading market hours for both categories separately.
Stock Markets.
Assets in US stock markets are amongst the most traded in this asset category.
In general, stock markets in the US are open between the hours of 09 30 9 30 AM and 16 00 4 00 PM Eastern Standard Time EST.
However, if your trading strategy is dependent on the volatility of the market, it may interest you to know that activity usually fall to low levels between the hours of 12 00 12 00 PM and 13 00 1 00 PM EST which corresponds to lunch time for traders.
For the highest trading activity, endeavor to take up positions during the early trading hours before lunch in the morning.
Aside, US stock indices, Binary Options traders, in their numbers, also trade assets in Europe.
Popular stock market choices are the FTSE AND Xetra Dax.
Market hours for these markets hover around 07 00 7 00 AM or 08 00 8 00 AM to 15 30 3 30 PM or 16 30 4 30 PM on weekdays.
Foreign Exchange Currency Market.
Although there are several currency and commodities market, Olymp Trade is the most active, and it makes a name for itself by being available for 4 days 24-hour days and half straight without breaks in between.
While the Olymp Trade market is generally not limited physical trading exchanges, there are four major financial centers where a lot of market activity happens.
These centers only have their door open for a set number of hours per day, much like stock market exchanges.
They include, London, New York, Sydney, and Tokyo.
The trading times of some of these centers overlap at certain periods.
An example is the London Tokyo overlap.
The London and New York trading times also overlap, and is pretty much a big deal, with lots of swings occurring during the overlap.
In all, times may be shorter for a specific broker, so you should consult your Binary Options broker to confirm trading times for chosen assets.
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Candlestick Charts in Binary Options.
The Importance of Candle Stick Charts.
Candlestick charts are very important in trading because they not only serve as a means of price action representation, but they also give a visual representation of what traders are doing in the market.
A simple bar chart will just show a vertical line whose two ends are the high and low, and two short horizontal bars attached on each side of the vertical bar to show open and closing prices.
Looking at this, there is no information as to what buyers did or what sellers did.
The candlestick in contrast shows very clearly when buyers are dominating and when sellers are dominating.
Points where the dominance of one party is stripped away by other parties in the trade is also visible, and this can be used by traders to immediately decide on what action to take in the financial markets.
This also paves the way for the use of candlesticks to trade the binary options market.
Use of Candlestick Charts in Binary Options.
This is because their appearance is enough to tell us when to trade with a bearish bias PUT option or trade with a bullish bias CALL option.
There are several reversal candlestick patterns.
Some are highly reliable and need no further confirmation from other candlesticks or indicators, while some are only moderately reliable and would need further confirmation.
We now take time to list these candlesticks one after the other so as to indicate under what conditions they should be used to trade the CALL PUT binary options trades.
Pinbars include the following candlestick patterns.
c Shooting star.
d Inverted hammer.
The pinbars are good for short term trades.
This means that the moment the candle is completed, the trade should be initiated at the open of the next candle and the expiry should When the pinbars are located at the top of a trend, they can be used to trade the PUT option.
When they occur at the bottom of a trend, they can be used to trade the CALL option.
The Doji star patterns morning doji star and evening doji star are used to trade price reversals.
The good thing about the doji star patterns is that they are very strong candlestick reversal patterns.
So when you see them occurring at either side of the trend, they can be used to trade the reversals in the corresponding direction.
The evening doji star can be used to trade the CALL option, and the morning doji star can be used to trade the PUT option.
Engulfing Patterns.
There are two engulfing patterns bullish engulfing and bearish engulfing.
The appearance of the bullish engulfing pattern at the top of a trend should be used to trade the PUT option at the open of the next candle.
The bearish engulfing pattern is used at the bottom of a trend to trade the CALL option.
The pregnant candles or haramis can also be used to trade the CALL and PUT option.
The issue with the haramis is that they have to be combined with other means of confirmation as they are of moderate reliability when used for trading purposes.
So if you have a bearish harami occurring at an area of solid resistance, that is strong enough confirmation to get in with a PUT trade.
If the bullish harami occurs at an area of strong support, that is a good indication to trade the CALL option.
There are other candlestick patterns that we will see on the charts.
These are as follows.
a Tweezers Tweezers are candlestick patterns made up of two candlesticks which have either the same high and close prices Tweezer Top or the same low and close prices Tweezer Bottom.
The Tweezer Top is a bearish formation.
It s appearance is a signal to open a PUT position at the open of the next candle.


The Tweezer Bottom is used for the CALL option.
The Tweezer is a rare candlestick.
b Kicker patterns and black crows are candlesticks made up of successive candlestick patterns in a particular direction.
They are made up of three candlesticks running in the same direction to force the asset upwards or downwards.
The appearance of two of the candles can be used as a basis for making the entry.
All said, candlesticks can be used very efficiently for making trade entries in the binary options market.
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Binary options trading may seem new for someone who has little knowledge of financial terms but it is easier than what it looks like.
This trading system is very friendly for people who do not consider themselves experts in financial trading and those who have limited capital to invest with thousands of dollars.
It has actually become a trend which many novice investors find suitable for their investing capabilities.
In trading binary options, you do not need.
There are different types of charts.
Firstly, the candle stick chart.
What s the candle stick.
Each candle stick represents a time frame and this image is 1 hour candle stick.
1 is the highest point the price reached within that hour.
2 is the lowest.
3 is the price at the beginning of that hour.
4 is the price at the end of that hour.
5 is the candle stick body.
6 is the candle stick shafts shadow.
Candle stick is the best type that most of traders depend on.
Secondly, the bar chart.
Bars are really similar to candle sticks but candle stick has better visuals.
Thirdly, the line chart.
Line chart can give some more idea about resistance and support due its visual.
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Excel Spreadsheets for Binary Options.
This article introduces binary options and provides several pricing spreadsheets.
Binary options give the owner a fixed payout which does not vary with the price of the underlying instrument or nothing at all.
Most Binary options are European-style; these are priced with closed-form equations derived from a Black-Scholes analysis, with the payoff determined at expiry.
The equations used in the following spreadsheets are sourced from The Complete Guide to Option Pricing Formulas by Espen Gaarder Haug.
Cash or Nothing Asset or Nothing Options.
Binary options can either be Cash or Nothing, or Asset or Nothing.
A cash or nothing call has a fixed payoff if the stock price is above the strike price at expiry.
A cash or nothing put has a fixed payoff if the stock price is below the strike price.
If the asset trades above the strike at expiry, the payoff of an asset or or nothing call is equal to the asset price.
Conversely, an asset or nothing has a payoff equal to the asset price if the asset trades below the strike price.
Two-Asset Cash-or-Nothing Options.
These binary options are priced across two assets.
They have four variants, based upon the relationship between spot and strike prices.
up and up These only pay if the strike price of both assets is below the spot price of both assets up and down These only pay if the spot price of one asset is above its strike price, and the spot price of the other asset is below its strike price cash or nothing call These pay a predetermined amount of the spot price of both assets is above their strike price cash or nothing put These pay a predetermined amount if the spot price of both assets is below the strike prie.
Supershare options are based on a portfolio of assets with shares issued against their value.
Supershares pay a predetermined amount if the underlying asset is priced between an upper and lower value at expiry.
The amount is usually a fixed proportion of the portfolio.
Supershares were introduced by Hakansson 1976 , and are priced with the following equations.
Gap Options.
A Gap option has a trigger price that determines if the option will payout.
The strike price, however, determines the size of the payout.
The payout of a Gap option is determined by difference between the asset price and a gap, as long as the asset price is above or below the strike price.
The price and payout of a European style Gap option are given by these equations.
where X 2 is the strike price and X 1 is the trigger price.
Consider an call option with a strike price of 30, and a gap strike of 40.
The option can be exercised when the asset price is above 30, but pays nothing until the asset price is above 40.
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The only strategy suitable for binary options is applying a mathematical approach, like professional gamblers do.
It is based on the following principles.
Every binary option represents a 50 50 random event Predicting if the next bar will close up or down is impossible The only way to make money is paying the right price for all wagers Long-run mathematical expectation is all that matters.
When loading the indicator or EA to any chart, you will be presented with a set of options as input parameters.
Don t despair if you think they are too many, because parameters are grouped into self-explanatory blocks.
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Candlestick Patterns.
This indicator recognizes over 30 Japanese candlestick patterns on your chart.


A must-have indicator.
Support Resistance.
Tired of plotting support and resistance lines.
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Reversal Fractals.
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A great addition to any chart.
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Sandwich Bars.
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Something new, How to read charts for binary options.


One of the main things you need to know in order to succeed in currency trading is how to analyze Olymp Trade trading charts.
Naturally, this is a topic which whole books are written about so this article can only be a partial look at this important and massive topic.
How To Read Charts For Binary 3.
At the top of each Olymp Trade chart you will see a few important details you need to know about the currency pair in question and the timeframe of the chart.
There are numerous currency pairs you can rade as you always buy one currnecy with another or sell one for another.
Some of the more common currency pairs are EUR USD, USD JPY, and GPB USD.
There are dozens of pairs and you need to be aware which is the one the chart you re looking at is dealing with.
How To Read Charts For Binary O 4.
On each chart you will see a representation of the prices of this currency pair.
On some charts this is represented by simple lines, but most traders work with candlestick charts.
To analyze Olymp Trade trading charts you need to be able to figure out which timeframe each candle signifies.
These can range from as little as 5 minutes or even less to days and weeks.
How To Read Charts For Binary Options 5.


Live Trading Charts.
Binary options trading strategy on a five-minute chart.
An American trader has created a binary options trading method with a very high percentage of winnings.
The method is based on the analysis of a five-minute chart in the Metatrader terminal.
This trading strategy is applicable to any currency pair and at any time.
The expiry time of the option is selected from 2 to 5 minutes.
But the author does not recommend trading during the release of important economic news.
For 30 minutes before the news release and for 30 minutes after the release, you should refrain from trading, as there may be sharp movements in different directions.
Custom indicators and a template for this strategy are set as usual.
Example of a downward trade.
The yellow shooter should show up first.
sma corssover_justin indicator down is a warning signal.
Then the red ADX line must cross the green line upwards.
And if after closing the current candlestick, a large red arrow appears along with a pink one, sell the option.
This is a strong signal with a high probability of winning, because in addition to the appearance of indicator signals, the price is below the moving average.
Example of a more risky descent signal.
The red arrow appeared one candle after the yellow one, and the price is above the moving average.
Such signals should be either ignored or set to a lower amount.
An example of a promotion signal.
A yellow up arrow then the green ADX line crossed the red line up.
After the green and blue arrows appear and the candlestick moving middle line crosses upwards, we buy the option.
Risky promotion signals.
In the first case, the confirmation arrow appeared one candle after the warning arrow, and in the second case, the blue arrow did not.
But here the probability increases because the price is above the moving average.
The system described here is only the basis for developing your own style.
By experimenting on a demo account you should choose the right time and currency pairs.
The author, for example, trades EURJPY and USDCAD pairs during London and New York sessions.
Binary Options Chart Properties.
When clicking on Chart Properties from chart window options a pop window will appear that contains the following chart customization options.
Style Scales Background Timezone Sessions.
By default when you click on Chart Properties it will show the Style tab as the image above , from here you can choose from several different styles Bars, Candles, Hollow Candles, Heikin Ashi, Line or Area to view the chart with, each style has a different set of settings.
In order to control the scales, margins of the chart and choose which Values and labels to view or hide over the chart.
From here you can control the background of the chart.
Background Colors.
lines thickness.
Show Hide Symbols Description, OHLC values, Indicator Titles, Indicator Arguments, Indicator Values Visibility o Navigation Buttons.
From here you can control the Timezone shown on the chart.
Once you finish customizing the chart and finish selecting the settings to view the chart.
Click on button to save and apply the changes on the chart.
Click on button to discard the changes.
Click on button to restore the default settings of the chart.
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Binary options trading what is it.
A binary option trading is a new investment strategy and the tactics which you use are really same like any other type of stock or any commodity trading.
Binaries offer returns at least 95 of investments in a very short period.
It is important for you to understand how binary option trading works.
Make sure your trading practices are approaching with discipline in order to be successful.
You can use binary options for making a little extra money quickly without any problem.
Many traders are also getting the benefit of binary options trading and the strategies will be different from trader to trader because every trader has a system for them while analyzing the financial markets.
Put options and call options are the two types of binary option in which you can invest in.
The Binary options trading provide short term contracts and you will be having an expiry date for a week or for twenty minutes.
You can get many investment opportunities with the help of trading in binaries.


If you want to be successful in the binary options trading, you should know the underlying asset.
Binary options get their financial value from the current price of the market for a commodity.
If you are planning to be successful in the Binary option trading, then you must follow the following instructions.
Consider fundamental analysis.
First step is to consider fundamental analysis carefully.
Will the asset rise in future or not.
What will be the market condition.
Am I trading in a bull market.
What will be the history of the asset during the past several months or a year.
Draw a clear picture of the fundamental aspects of the assets which will provide you with a framework to start a more refined technical analysis work.
You must consider all the fundamental analysis in a right manner to be successful in the Binary options trading.
Check the Binary option charts.
After getting the basic idea of the market fundamentals, you should look your analysis at the binary options charts.
To do this, you have to decide which indicator you will use.
You have to be acquainted with many technical analysis techniques which you have to get yourself.
With the help of practical knowledge, you will be able to predict the direction and possible level of traded assets.
Binary options charts help in the technical analysis, which plays an important role in the successful trading.
Use Binary option demo account.
If you are planning to start, then it will be good for you to use a binary option demo account before investing the real money.
You can find many digital option brokers who will offer you free binary option demo accoun t where you can trade with the virtual money.
You can easily practice with demo account and it will better for you to keep an eye on that news which will be relevant to your traded asset.
For example, if you have decided to trade on the EUR-USD pair, then you can create a Google alert so you will receive all the important news about the currency pair in your mail inbox.
You can find many digital option brokers who will offer you free binary option demo account where you can trade with the virtual money.
Who takes the opposite sides of trade in Binary Options.
A binary has only two outcomes; either a fixed amount of the asset or nothing at all.
There are two types of binary options cash-or-nothing and asset-or nothing.
The theory behind a binary option is that the market consists of elements having diverging views on an asset position.
To put simply, it is assumed that a percentage of investors believe that a stock will fall while the other part believes that the value of the stock will rise.
In a best option strategy , when you take a position, you are going against the one who is taking a position opposite to you.
This essentially means that if you lose, the person taking a position opposite to you wins and his loss will result in your gain.
The trader taking an opposite position to you is not a direct counter party.
He does not pay you directly if he loses but investors taking opposite positions make this system work.
Binary options can be made on basically any product or goods.
The basic outcome of a binary option is fixed it may be whether the goods will fall or rise.
Investors often wonder how binary options brokers make money.
Their brokerage fees appear minimal to some.
While it is possible that the broker invests against the client, most brokers prefer to earn their brokerage fee often considered as riskless profit.
Consequently, binary option traders do not depend on someone losing to make their money.
When one client loses, someone else wins.
While it may be in the best interest of the broker to give you sound recommendations since it could lead to a long term relationship , his immediate profit or loss is not affected by you losing or winning.
If 50 percent of the consumers invest in a long call option and 50 invest in a short put option, the binary trade broker gets the difference between the percentage the losers lose and the winners make.
Let us try and understand this with an example.
Suppose there are two traders, Trader A and Trader B both investing 50 on a trade with a 75 potential profit.
Trader A believes that the stock will rise and Trader B believes that the stock price will fall.
If Trader A s trade ends in the money, he makes 37.
5 while Trader B loses 50.
In most cases, 75 of this 50 is paid to Trader A while the remaining 25 is distributed as say 15 percent to the broker and remaining 10 as transaction costs.
While this percentage varies for every broker and country, it helps give us a good understanding of the procedure.
Trading binary options is no rocket science but it isn t child s play either.
We strongly recommend spending time to understand the nuances involved to maximise returns.


Tag stock charts.
In the previous post The Differences Fundamental Technical Analysis we uncovered the basics of what these two forms of analysis are and why they are used by traders.
We also learnt why Binary Options traders preferred using technical analysis tools and indicators when trading.
And as you may recall, technical analysis is essentially the study of an assets price and if it has gone up or down in value in the past.
And as we also learnt, proponents of technical analysis believe that the rising and falling in price of an asset doesn t just happen randomly but due to the supply and demand of the asset in question.
Fortunately as Binary Option traders we don t have to worry too much about the how and why of technical analysis, rather we just need to be aware of the patterns which an asset price can exhibit over time.
As such, we can therefore spot if the price is going through another pattern and by doing so, we can build a probable hypothesis on how the price will go in the future.
So let us now look at a few of the main price-movement patterns which Binary Option traders look out for.
To read the rest of this article, please click here.
The Difference Between Fundamental Technical Analysis.
Would you ever consider driving a car over 100mph down the fast lane of a motorway when you have only just received your permit license.
If you are like most sane people, your answer should be a resounding no.
Unfortunately, when it comes to trading Binary Options, many people upon getting a grasp of the basics of Binary Options which we covered in the previous post will go straight out and try put some large trades on various financial markets.
In the world of Binary Options, this is the equivalent of driving that car 100mph with very little knowledge of what you are going.
And yes, whilst it is true that you can learn from your mistakes, this would be a very costly mistake to make.
Fortunately, unlike driving a car, the knowledge required to successfully trade Binary Options doesn t take anywhere near as long to learn.
Now that you hopefully have an understanding of what Binary Options are and how to trade them, the next step is to learn how to research how a particular financial asset be it a currency or a commodity has been behaving and if there is any news coming out which could affect the asset in the near future.
For it is only by knowing how something has behaved in the past and if there is an expected event which can change it in the future can we build up a probable hypothesis of what will happen; subsequently making more accurate predictions.
Fortunately, when it comes to analysing whether a financial asset is going to increase or decrease in price, there are two different schools of thoughts; and professional traders in both still make very good money from their respective investigative school of thought.
The first one type which we d be looking at is.
To continue reading this article, please click here.


A binary option also known as all-or-nothing option is a financial contract that entitles its holder to a fixed payoff when the event triggering the payoff occurs or zero payoff when no such event occurs.
Possible payoff of a traditional option ranges from zero to some upper limit or infinity and it depends on the actual difference between the exercise price and the price of the underlying asset.
Payoff of a binary option on the other hand, is just a fixed amount which is not affected by the difference between the exercise price and the price of the underlying asset.
A binary option depends on the relationship between the exercise price and the price of the underlying asset only to determine whether the payoff will occur or not.
It is also called digital option because its payoff is just like binary signals i.
0 or 1 where 1 being the maximum payoff.
A binary call option pays 1 unit when the price of the underlying asset is greater than or equal to the exercise price and zero when it is otherwise.
This is expressed by the following formula.
In the first scenario since SET is higher than the exercise price 1,690 1,650 , it will trigger the payoff which equals the option multiplier and Keita will receive 100 per option and 100 thousand in total 1,000 100.
Tag Archives price action chart.
Understanding Price Action.
Price action is a by-word in the trading world including the binary options industry.
If you are a newcomer in the trading industry, you might wonder what price action is all about.
Simply put, price action refers to the movement of the price of an asset.
The name of any particular asset does not matter.
As long as it creates data about its price history, its price action can well be traced.
If you are particularly fond of using a particular asset in your binary options trading, you will come to know more about the price history of that asset.
You may already be aware that an asset s price history can possibly repeat itself depending on the scenario it is subjected to at a particular time.
The data we often see in price charts show the way its price change over time.
This is price action.
What are price charts.
Price charts are graphic representations of price actions.
They also reflect the sentiments of market stakeholders over a specific period of time.
If you want to know price action, you have to evaluate how the beliefs or sentiments of market players have changed over the course of time.
Even basic changes and news or announcements about economic developments play a role in price action.
For a lot of traders, having a good knowledge about price action can help them keep things simple.
As a trader, the only thing you should be concerned about is to know the reason why the price of an asset is moving.
By looking at price action charts, you will be able to get trading signals that are highly probable especially in binary options trading, because you only need to predict whether the price of an asset goes up of down.
What are the benefits of knowing price action.
Aside from giving away trading signals, price action can also help you interpret the meaning of price movements and enable you to formulate strategies.
These strategies have a particular way of allowing you to make a reliable prediction of future price movements.
If you know how to interpret price history and price action, you will really have a big advantage over the market.
If you apply that knowledge in binary options trading, your chances for making profits will definitely increase.
A lot of traders who have good knowledge on price action are contented of what they got.
Some aren t even interested in learning other complicated market analysis techniques anymore.