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Started by admin, Jul 28, 2020, 09:37 am

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Gráfico euro - dólar estadoun >
¿Cómo utilizar los gráficos de trading para un análisis eficaz?
Los gráficos en tiempo real ofrecen una perspectiva completa de los movimientos de los precios en el mercado de divisas, accionario y materias primas y mejoran la utilidad del análisis técnico. Descubra los patrones que se van desarrollando en las cotizaciones de forma más efectiva, aplicando indicadores técnicos como los promedios móviles, las bandas de Bollinger, el MACD, entre otros.
Consulte nuestros artículos de formación sobre cómo empezar a utilizar a los gráficos y aprenda a identificar la tendencia subyacente de un activo con el fin de operar eficientemente en los mercados financieros.


CandleVolume Indi.
Enhanced trading with Candlevolume! by Enigma4X.
Candlevolume is an indicator for enhanced and more profitable trading.
What's the idea of Candlevolume?
-> Price and volume usefully combined.
The integration of volume in the candlestick Chart price patterns, provides a meaningful maximum in information for analysis. It is the best visual display of price and volume interaction.
-> What is a candlevolume chart?
Traditional candlestick charts offer a distinctive range of analysis options. All rules are of course also valid in the application of Candlevolume charts. As we all know, up until now there are the usual volume displays ( as histogram ) below the price area, and there are some further refinements such as candle-volume charts, based on the Equivolume chart by Richard W. Arms.
The volume is displayed as the width of the Candle bodies. Our aim is to show the relative strength of the volume immediately, within the candles themselves. The primary goal is not to determine the exact volume value. Rather, it is about the width of the candle, thereby showing the individual strength or weakness behind a move in price . For pattern traders it is useful as it shows the relative buying or selling interest comprising the pattern itself.
What's your advantage if you combine Candlevolume with a trading system?
The human ability to quickly perceive pictures as numbers or letters, is an advantage. Candlevolume charts provide maximum information to estimate supply and demand. The technique is suitable for all levels of time, without leading to a distorted time scale. Even if you change the width of the Candles, just because of the volume, the time scale remains in a consistent format. This advantage makes it possible, - just as an example -, to use Fibonacci time projections or cycles analysis in Candlevolume charts. Projections are based on the constant price scale, so the rules remain valid. (for example, Fibonacci retracements).
First picture is without using candlevolume indicator.
Second picture is showing the charts with using candlevolume indicator.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Candlevolume is an indicator. For profitable trading, it should be combined with a trading system. At this point, Enigma4x recommends two trading systems. For long term trading use the free trading system by SonicDeejay and for short-term trading use the free scalping system by Cobraforex. Download and support for the systems is provided at forex Factory. In the near future, additional free trading systems are supported with Candlevolume.
1. Short-Term Scalping System THV by Cobraforex .
A special thanks to Cobra for the development and design of the free scalping system THV. The combination of THV with the Candlevolume indicator only creates a new visual display. All rules will remain. This free scalping system can be downloaded at forex Factory.
2. Long-Term Trading System M15 und Higher TF by SonicDeejay .
This system was developed and designed by SonicDeejay ( The combination of SonicDeejay with the Candlevolume indicator only creates a new visual display. All rules will remain. This free trading system can be downloaded at forex Factory. A special thanks to SonicDeejay for the free trading system and Trader@Home for technical support.
3. Trading System by Yamster .
This system was developed and designed by Yamster ( Again, his system in combination with the Candlevolume indicator only creates a new visual display. All rules will remain. This free trading system can be downloaded at forex Factory.
Here is a first preview and trial version of the candlevolume indicator. This is a beta version, maybe some bugs are still in the software/coding.
A manual is coming soon and a lot more features . stay tuned ! Download the latest version of Candlevolume Indicator.


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del mouse sullelenco e seleziona Formato asse. . Cliccando con il pulsante sinistro del mouse sul grafico verrà generata la retta orizzontale che potrà poi essere spostata e posizionata allaltezza necessaria alla propria analisi. Il tuo diagramma di Gantt dovrebbe essere come questo:. Gráficos tiempo real, utilice esta página para acceder a la herramienta de gráficos en tiempo real. Subito sotto alla finestra dedicata alla scelta dei simboli è presente la finestra del volume. Solitamente, nel caso si imposti il prezzo pendente pi elevato rispetto a quello di mercato corrente, lordine che conviene aprire è un ordine di acquisto. Los gráficos de forex muestran el movimiento de miles de pares de divisas de todo el mundo. Bisogna quindi selezionare dalla voce Consigliere esperto quale Advisor si voglia usare, e dal pannello Simbolo la coppia di valute su cui si vuole effettuare il test.
Verrà aperta la finestra Modifica serie. Si tratta di due opzioni importantissime per tutelare la sicurezza del trading: in particolare, quando si passa da un account di un tipo ad un altro (ad esempio da uno demo ad uno reale) oppure quando si cambia utente, tutti gli Expert Advisors saranno automaticamente. Per poter operare e personalizzare la finestra dei grafici basta cliccare con il pulsante destro allinterno del riquadro: cos facendo si aprirà un menu che permetterà di scegliere tra differenti opzioni, sia relative alle operazioni tecniche (ad esempio apertura transazioni o nuovi ordini) che alla. Come già detto, lordine pu anche non avere scadenza, per cui resterebbe attivo fino a che non venga raggiunto il valore del prezzo indicato. Seleziona con il mouse, quindi premi il tasto canc. Per selezionare tutte le barre, basta fare clic sulla parte blu di una barra qualsiasi. Tramite queste funzioni possono essere anche inseriti degli Indicatori, sempre cliccando la voce Inserisci nel menu principale o tramite la Finestra navigatori. Per dimostrarlo, ho creato questo tutorial.