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What is Bitcoin? => Mining => Topic started by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 08:32 am

Title: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 08:32 am
Bitcoin mining (
Where do bitcoins come from? With paper money, a government decides when to print and distribute money. Bitcoin doesn't have a central government.
With Bitcoin, miners use special software to solve math problems and are issued a certain number of bitcoins in exchange. This provides a smart way to issue the currency and also creates an incentive for more people to mine.
Bitcoin is Secure.
Bitcoin miners help keep the Bitcoin network secure by approving transactions. Mining is an important and integral part of Bitcoin that ensures fairness while keeping the Bitcoin network stable, safe and secure.
We Use Coins - Learn all about crypto-currency. Bitcoin News - Where the Bitcoin community gets news. Bitcoin Knowledge Podcast - Interviews with top people in Bitcoin.
Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Comparison.
Currently, based on (1) price per hash and (2) electrical efficiency the best Bitcoin miner options are:
AntMiner S7.
4.73 Th/s 0.25 W/Gh 8.8 pounds Yes N/A 0.1645.
AntMiner S9.
13.5 Th/s 0.098 W/Gh 8.1 pounds Yes N/A 0.3603.
3.5 Th/s 0.29 W/Gh 9.5 pounds No N/A 0.1232.
Overview - Table of Contents Mining Hardware Comparison What is Bitcoin mining ( What is the Blockchain? What is Proof of Work? What is Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty? The Computationally-Difficult Problem The Bitcoin Network Difficulty Metric The Block Reward.
Bitcoin mining ( is the process of adding transaction records to Bitcoin's public ledger of past transactions or blockchain . This ledger of past transactions is called the block chain as it is a chain of blocks. The block chain serves to confirm transactions to the rest of the network as having taken place.
Bitcoin nodes use the block chain to distinguish legitimate Bitcoin transactions from attempts to re-spend coins that have already been spent elsewhere.
What is Bitcoin mining (
What is the Blockchain?
Bitcoin mining ( is intentionally designed to be resource-intensive and difficult so that the number of blocks found each day by miners remains steady. Individual blocks must contain a proof of work to be considered valid. This proof of work is verified by other Bitcoin nodes each time they receive a block. Bitcoin uses the hashcash proof-of-work function.
The primary purpose of mining is to allow Bitcoin nodes to reach a secure, tamper-resistant consensus. Mining is also the mechanism used to introduce Bitcoins into the system: Miners are paid any transaction fees as well as a "subsidy" of newly created coins.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 08:33 am
This both serves the purpose of disseminating new coins in a decentralized manner as well as motivating people to provide security for the system.
Bitcoin mining ( is so called because it resembles the mining of other commodities: it requires exertion and it slowly makes new currency available at a rate that resembles the rate at which commodities like gold are mined from the ground.
What is Proof of Work?
A proof of work is a piece of data which was difficult (costly, time-consuming) to produce so as to satisfy certain requirements. It must be trivial to check whether data satisfies said requirements.
Producing a proof of work can be a random process with low probability, so that a lot of trial and error is required on average before a valid proof of work is generated. Bitcoin uses the Hashcash proof of work.
What is Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty?
The Computationally-Difficult Problem.
Bitcoin mining ( a block is difficult because the SHA-256 hash of a block's header must be lower than or equal to the target in order for the block to be accepted by the network.
This problem can be simplified for explanation purposes: The hash of a block must start with a certain number of zeros. The probability of calculating a hash that starts with many zeros is very low, therefore many attempts must be made. In order to generate a new hash each round, a nonce is incremented. See Proof of work for more information.
The Bitcoin Network Difficulty Metric.
The Bitcoin mining ( network difficulty is the measure of how difficult it is to find a new block compared to the easiest it can ever be. It is recalculated every 2016 blocks to a value such that the previous 2016 blocks would have been generated in exactly two weeks had everyone been mining at this difficulty. This will yield, on average, one block every ten minutes.
As more miners join, the rate of block creation will go up. As the rate of block generation goes up, the difficulty rises to compensate which will push the rate of block creation back down. Any blocks released by malicious miners that do not meet the required difficulty target will simply be rejected by everyone on the network and thus will be worthless.
The Block Reward.
When a block is discovered, the discoverer may award themselves a certain number of bitcoins, which is agreed-upon by everyone in the network. Currently this bounty is 25 bitcoins; this value will halve every 210,000 blocks. See Controlled Currency Supply.
Additionally, the miner is awarded the fees paid by users sending transactions. The fee is an incentive for the miner to include the transaction in their block. In the future, as the number of new bitcoins miners are allowed to create in each block dwindles, the fees will make up a much more important percentage of mining income.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 08:37 am
What is a Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is an electronic payment system through a secure, verifiable and mathematical way. It is created by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 to produce a new means of exchange of money, independent of any centralization or central authority, which can be done electronically.
Traditional currency is printed and distributed by the Government based on demand and supply in the market. Bitcoin is introduced as a peer-to-peer currency without any central authority or any government body to issue the Coins and track their transactions.
What is Mining.
Where do the Bitcoins come from when there is no central authority to create and distribute? They come through Mining. Miners use a special software to solve the mathematical problems and complex mathematical algorithms to earn Bitcoins.
Bitcoin is the first and foremost digital currency in which new units of currency are generated through computational solution of mathematical algorithms. Bitcoins cannot be artificially inflated or deflated, or cannot be pumped into the market to boost the economy. They enter into the market only through Mining.
The independent and interconnected nodes or computers which solve the mathematical algorithms to create a Bitcoin are called the Miners. In 2009 the miners used to get 50 Bitcoins to solve a mathematical algorithm. This is becoming half in every 4 years due to increase in number of miners and usage of high power processors and Graphic cards. So, presently the person who solves the mathematical puzzle is earning 12.5 Bitcoins.
When the number of miners increase and high speed processors are used to solve the equations, the algorithms will become tougher to balance the number of bitcoins produced. In other words, the difficulty of the math problems increases with how fast they are being solved.
More number of miners = More difficult problems.
Miners use computers with high processor speeds to solve these math problems. Now they are using graphic cards which are proven to be faster in solving the problems. ASIC (Application specific integrated circuit) are specifically designed for Bitcoin mining ( They consume less power and are faster. As on today, every 10 minutes a Bitcoin is mined. The total number of Bitcoins that can ever be mined is fixed at 21 million. This number can be achieved by the year 2140 if Bitcoin mining ( is done at the same speed.
Apart from creating Bitcoins, mining also ensures that Bitcoin network is stable and secure. Miners will verify the new block created through a mathematical process and then add it to the block chain. Miners will be rewarded bitcoins even for verifying the blocks and using their computing resources for the benefit of the Bitcoin Network.
Pooling of Miners.
To break the difficulty of mining, the miners get pooled. A pool of miners can solve the problems faster and can earn bitcoins. Each miner of the pool will be rewarded proportionately to the amount of work they put in.
Is Bitcoin mining ( Profitable?
Updated 7 minutes ago.
While many investors, like Warren Buffett, are bearish on bitcoin, that hasn't stopped the iconic cryptocurrency's surge. As its price continues to soar, so has an interest in bitcoin as an investment. If you're new to the concept of Bitcoin mining (, here's everything you need to know about obtaining the cryptocurrency and what the future might hold for it.
Bitcoin launched in 2009, just in the aftermath of the 2008 global financial meltdown caused by the mortgage crisis. That makes some believe the cryptocurrency was built for financial crisis, which partly explains why interest in bitcoin has soared in the COVID-19 pandemic.
Although bitcoin is the oldest cryptocurrency in use today, many people still don't understand everything about itsuch as how to obtain bitcoin and the concept of mining it.
Side view of cryptocurrency mining computer.
You can obtain bitcoin in several ways. Merchants, for example, can accept it as a payment. Major retailers that accept the cryptocurrency as payment include Amazon-owned Whole Foods, Gamestop,, and Lowe's.
The other way to obtain bitcoin is purchasing it using fiat currency like the dollar, which you can do at crypto exchanges. Then there's Bitcoin mining ( Bitcoin mining ( is the process of adding transaction records to the Bitcoin blockchain. Miners who help maintain the blockchain receive new coins as compensation for their labor. Therefore, mining is the primary way new coins are created.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 08:37 am
How do you mine bitcoin?
If you feel like getting into mining activity, you may wonder how bitcoin is mined. Cryptocurrency mining is a taxing activity that involves solving complex mathematical problems as part of verifying transactions on the blockchain.
Bitcoin miners rely on sophisticated computing machines to validate transactions on the blockchain for the chance to receive rewards. American chipmaker Nvidia is one of the suppliers of the powerful graphics processing chips used in cryptocurrency mining systems.
Is Bitcoin mining ( legal?
Bitcoin mining ( is perfectly legal in the U.S. and many other countries. For example, China has a vibrant Bitcoin mining ( industry, although authorities there routinely crackdown on the crypto industry.
Bitcoin mining ( can be profitable. However, several factors will determine whether a cryptocurrency mining venture actually nets a profit. The factors include the cost of mining systems and the electricity to power them. Cryptocurrency mining systems typically use a lot of power.
The other factor is the difficulty of mining. The more people involved in mining bitcoin, the harder it gets to solve the mathematical problems needed to maintain the network. Therefore, mining can be profitable if the price of the bitcoin reward you receive is higher than the cost of mining it.
Can bitcoin be converted to cash?
If you hold some coins in your digital wallet, you can sell them on a cryptocurrency exchange for cash in fiat currencies like the dollar. You can withdraw the cash to your bank account or through platforms like PayPal to spend on purchases. You can also convert bitcoin to cash through bitcoin ATMs. There are thousands of cryptocurrency ATM locations around the world.
Which bitcoin wallet is best?
A bitcoin wallet holds your bitcoin assets and keeps them secure from hackers. The best wallets for secure storage are from cryptocurrency wallet providers like Coinbase, Binance, Exodus, Trezor, Electrum, and Mycelium, all of which are highly regarded among the cryptocurrency community.
"Eventually at most only 21 million coins for 6.8 billion people in the world if it really gets huge. But don't worry, there are another 6 decimal places that aren't shown, for a total of 8 decimal places internally."
Is bitcoin a good investment?
Bitcoin may be a good investment for those seeking alternative assets outside the traditional financial system that offer protection from inflation. While central banks can print an infinite amount of fiat currency and continue to dilute its value, the iconic cryptocurrency has a fixed supply capped at 21 million units. Therefore, bitcoin investors don't have to worry about inflation eroding the value of their investment.
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Will bitcoin replace the dollar?
Some believe the dollar will collapse one day and cryptocurrencies will take its place. The idea that bitcoin will replace the dollar is one reason some believe it's a good investment now.
The backlash that Facebook's Libra cryptocurrency received from monetary regulators around the world, including the Fed, made some to believe cryptocurrencies really pose serious existential threat to the dollar. However, nobody knows when bitcoin would replace the dollar, if at all.
The Complete Guide on What is Bitcoin mining (
Not sure what is Bitcoin mining ( You're in the right place to find out!
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 08:38 am Fact-checking Standards.
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The popularity of Bitcoin is rising as more and more people are learning about it. However, it is still difficult to understand some ideas related to Bitcoin -- Bitcoin mining ( is definitely one of them.
What is Bitcoin mining ( How does Bitcoin mining ( work? How long does it take to mine a Bitcoin. There are so many questions we ask ourselves when we first read about Bitcoin and mining. It's confusing, right?
It's okay, though. I'm here to help! In this guide, you will find all the answers you need. I'm going to make Bitcoin mining ( simple and explain it to you in a way that is easy to understand. I'll talk about how mining works, what it is, and how to start Bitcoin mining ( yourself. By the end of this guide, you will have a much better understanding of the concept.
Not only that, if you find that mining this cryptocurrency is something that might interest you, you might then want to sell or trade it , too. For that, you should rely on some crypto exchange platforms - Binance and Kraken are two of the better options.
So, let's get started!
Table of Contents.
1. What is Bitcoin mining ( 1.1. Bitcoin mining ( Explained 2. What is Bitcoin mining ( How Does Bitcoin mining ( Work? 2.1. What is a Block and Blockchain Technology? 2.2. How Does Bitcoin mining ( Work? 3. What is Bitcoin mining ( How to Start Bitcoin mining ( 3.1. Get the Bitcoin mining ( Hardware 3.2. Join a Bitcoin mining ( Pool 3.3. Download Bitcoin mining ( Software 3.4. Open a Bitcoin Wallet 4. What is Bitcoin mining ( Is Mining Bitcoin Worth it for You? 4.1. What is a Bitcoin mining ( Reward? 4.2. How Difficult is Bitcoin mining ( 4.3. How Much Does Bitcoin mining ( Cost? 4.4. How Much Profit Can You Make by Mining Bitcoin? 4.5. One More Important Thing 5. What is Bitcoin mining ( Final Words.
Bitcoin mining ( is the process of verifying, storing and securing Bitcoin transactions. Of course, there is much more to it than that . Before going into more about what is Bitcoin mining ( and how it works, though, keep in mind these two important things about Bitcoin itself:
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When you make a payment using credit card, the credit card company verifies and records the transaction . Now, when you make a payment using bitcoin, there is no central/third party like the credit card company to verify the transaction. Instead, it is verified by Bitcoin miners. Unlike traditional money ( USD, JPY, EUR etc .), which is printed by banks, Bitcoin cannot be printed by anyone. With traditional currencies, the bank can print as much money as they want because there is no maximum limit on it. Bitcoin, though, has a maximum limit of 21 million . This means there can only be 21 million Bitcoin ever created!
This is what Bitcoin is all about -- it works without middlemen ( like banks or credit card companies ).
As you can see, Bitcoin is very different from traditional payment systems like banks and credit card companies. As the cryptocurrency is not printed, though, how is new Bitcoin created?
Can you guess what the answer is?
If you thought it might be Bitcoin mining (, you are right! So, yes, that's the purpose of Bitcoin mining ( -- to verify transactions and create new Bitcoin . But if that's what it does, how does it work? Let's get into more about Bitcoin mining ( and answer the question that's still on all our minds: what is Bitcoin mining (
Bitcoin mining ( Explained.
As you now know, Bitcoin mining ( is the process of verifying Bitcoin transactions and creating new Bitcoin. The people who mine Bitcoin are known as Bitcoin miners. Well, I say " people ", but really, they are computers that are operated by people .
These computers ( which we call "nodes" ) have to be very powerful, as Bitcoin mining ( uses a lot of computer power. They run software that connects them to the Bitcoin blockchain and solves mathematical problems.
When these mathematical problems are solved, new transactional data is verified and stored on the Bitcoin blockchain. So, the Bitcoin miners are verifying the transactions instead of banks and credit card companies. This means there is no third party to trust or rely on. Clever, right?
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 08:38 am
The basic requirements for Bitcoin mining ( are:
Specialized computers A strong internet connection Electricity (a lot of it!)
You might be thinking, why do these ' miners ' make all this effort? Surely it's very expensive? Well, that's a good question. Put simply, they do it because they are rewarded with Bitcoin .
That's right, Bitcoin miners are paid with new Bitcoin. This is the only way that new Bitcoin can be created!
At present, there are over 18 million Bitcoins that have been mined and the reward for mining one full block ( I'll explain blocks in a moment ) is set at 12.50 of Bitcoins . Remember, only 21 million Bitcoin can be mined in total; when all 21 million Bitcoins have been mined, no new Bitcoins can be created! So, now you know what is Bitcoin mining ( in total.
Now then -- what's a Bitcoin block?
What is Bitcoin mining ( How Does Bitcoin mining ( Work?
Let's talk about blocks and the technology involved in Bitcoin mining ( You know that Bitcoin uses the blockchain , right? Well, that's where we get the term 'block' from .
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What is a Block and Blockchain Technology?
Many Bitcoin transactions happen at the same time. The transactions that happen at the same time are put into groups; these groups are called 'blocks' . It is these groups/blocks that Bitcoin miners must verify -- they verify the transactions in groups, instead of verifying them individually.
Once a block is verified, it gets added to a chain of blocks that have already been verified. That's why the technology behind Bitcoin is called the blockchain !
This will become easier to understand as I explain the step-by-step process of mining Bitcoins.
How Does Bitcoin mining ( Work?
Step 1 : Imagine you want to buy a bed and pay using Bitcoins. If the cost of the bed is $300 , it will be around 0.046510 Bitcoin ( as of writing this, that is ). While you buy the bed, other people around the world also buy things with Bitcoin. Step 2 : The Bitcoin mining ( nodes ( the computers ) are told about these transactions that are happening. Step 3 : Now, the Bitcoin miner must verify your transaction. You cannot take your bed home until the Bitcoin miner verifies your transaction.
But, wait. What does verifying a transaction mean, and how is it done?
Bitcoin miners run Bitcoin mining ( software that solves mathematical problems -- imagine a computer completing a really complicated puzzle/jigsaw! With each block of transactions, the problem/puzzle that they must solve is different. Lots of Bitcoin miners try to solve the problem at the same time, but the miner that solves it first is the one who is rewarded with the new Bitcoin. It's just like a race! Bitcoin miners keep data of all the past transactions of Bitcoin that have ever happened. Let's call this the ' database of old transactions '. So what is a Bitcoin mining ( transaction ? When you send Bitcoin, the Bitcoin miners check the ' database of old transactions ' before verifying it. This makes sure that you have not spent the same Bitcoin in any of the past transactions. They also check if you own enough Bitcoin . In the bed example, the transaction was 0.046510 Bitcoin. So, the Bitcoin miners will check if you have 0.046510 Bitcoin before they verify it. If you don't have 0.046510 Bitcoin, your transaction will not be verified, and you can't buy the bed.
Okay, back to buying your bed...
Step 4 : The first miner to solve the puzzle ( let's call this miner 'John' ), must tell the rest of the nodes that he has solved the puzzle. Other miners then check to see if John's solution to the puzzle is correct. Step 5: When 51% of the other miners agree that John has the correct solution, your 0.046510 Bitcoin is verified and sent.
Note: The minimum time for verifying a transaction is 10 minutes. But with the increasing number of bitcoin transactions, it can sometimes be 35-40 minutes or more.
One of the best things about what is Bitcoin mining ( is that the person who chooses to become a miner doesn't need to know how to solve the problems or be good at mathematics. They just need Bitcoin mining ( hardware ( a powerful computer ) and Bitcoin mining ( software .
As you can see, Bitcoin mining ( is not that difficult to understand. That said, the next big question on your mind is probably something similar to ' how do you mine Bitcoin? ' Well, let's get right into it.
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What is Bitcoin mining ( How to Start Bitcoin mining (
Follow the steps below and you can become a Bitcoin miner yourself. If you don't want to, that's fine, too -- learning how to mine Bitcoin still helps you to gain a better understanding of the process of mining itself.
Get the Bitcoin mining ( Hardware.
The first step to start Bitcoin mining ( is to purchase the mining hardware . Selecting the right hardware is important for the success of mining. So, what is Bitcoin mining ( best hardware?
When Bitcoin mining ( started, back in 2009, you could mine using basic computers -- like the ones we buy from retail stores! That computer's CPU ( central processing unit ) had enough power to quickly solve the mathematical problem.
As Bitcoin started to become more popular, the miners also began using more powerful computers. They used faster graphic processing units ( GPU ) that could solve the problems faster, meaning they would win the race and be rewarded with the new Bitcoin!
Guess what happened when Bitcoin became even more popular? Miners got even faster . Instead of using CPUs and GPUs, they started using specialized Bitcoin mining ( hardware called ASICs ( Application Specific Integrated Circuits ). So, if you want to win the race and mine Bitcoin now, you'll need an ASIC.
ASICs that are created for mining are very powerful and fast . They do not do anything else other than mining.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 08:38 am
If you want to buy an ASIC, you should compare different ASICs using:
The price; The hash rate ( this number tells you the power of the ASIC -- the higher the hash rate, the quicker the ASIC is ); The electricity requirement ( the lower this number is, the less electricity it uses ).
You can check the following comparison of different ASICs that are popular among beginners.
ASIC model Hash rate (TH/s) Electricity (W) Price (USD) Antminer S9 14.0 1372 2,694 Avalonminer 821 11.0 1200 3,190 Antminer R4 8.4 845 1,000.
You can also checkout ASICs available on Amazon and eBay.
Join a Bitcoin mining ( Pool.
There are two ways that you can start Bitcoin mining ( One is to start by yourself, which is called solo mining . Another way is to join a group of other Bitcoin miners - these are called mining pools .
So, what is Bitcoin mining ( pool? Think of Bitcoin mining ( pools as large Bitcoin farms . Lots of miners combine the power of their Bitcoin mining ( hardware. They also split the Bitcoin reward that they receive.
Imagine this: you're in a Bitcoin mining ( pool. Your computer power is 2% of the total power in the mining pool. If your mining pool wins the race to verify a block, you will get 2% of the new Bitcoin that the mining pool is rewarded with.
If you are a beginner, Bitcoin farming ( joining a mining pool ) is recommended . There are many different pools for you to choose from. Be careful and only choose well-known mining pools with a good reputation, though! Of course, they charge a fee, but it's normally quite small ( 1-3% ).
Some of the popular mining pools that I recommend for new miners are:
Slushpool : fees of 2%. : fees of 2-3%. Kanopool : fees of 0.9% ( the cheapest of the three! ).
Download Bitcoin mining ( Software.
You could have the best mining hardware in the world, but without Bitcoin mining ( software , the hardware is useless .
Mining software is needed to access the Bitcoin network and the ' database of old transactions '. You also need it if you want to join a mining pool.
There are different types of Bitcoin mining ( software available. There are different ones for different operating systems -- like Mac OS, Windows and Linux . Some of the most popular software that supports mining with ASICs are:
CG miner ( Download here )
Available for Windows, Linux and Mac; Can be used with GPU/ASIC; Free to download!
BitMinter ( Download here )
Open a Bitcoin Wallet.
Once you have set up your Bitcoin mining ( hardware, downloaded your software, and joined a mining pool, you can start mining Bitcoins! But wait, you're going to be rewarded in Bitcoins, right? So, have you thought about where will you store these Bitcoins?
Unlike traditional money, Bitcoin cannot be stored in your bank account. Instead, you store them in a Bitcoin wallet! So, what is a Bitcoin wallet ?
You must be very careful when choosing a wallet or you could lose your Bitcoin. Many people have lost a lot of money because their Bitcoin wallets got hacked.
There are three types of Bitcoin wallets -- web wallets , software wallets and hardware wallets .
Web wallets and software wallets are always connected to the internet. To use/access a web wallet, you go to a website. To use/access a software wallet, you go to an app.
I do not recommend using a web wallet, as this is the least safe option. If you want to download a software wallet, I recommend Exodus.
Hardware wallets are more secure because they are not connected to the internet. They are actual physical devices that you can store your Bitcoin on; you connect your hardware wallet to your computer via USB.
Three of the most popular hardware wallets that I recommend are:
Price - $110 Great security features, including a USB connection that cannot get viruses (+) Can be linked to a Dropbox account (+) Can't store many cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin (-)
Price $116 Easy to use (+) Can store 10+ different cryptocurrencies and ERC-20 tokens also (+)
Price $49 User-friendly (+) Great design (+) Very new, still has to prove itself (-)
What is Bitcoin mining ( Is Mining Bitcoin Worth it for You?
The answer to this question is different from person to person. It might be right for you, but it might not be right for someone else.
What is a Bitcoin mining ( Reward?
The current number of Bitcoins that miners are rewarded with per block is 12.5 . That's right, 12.5 Bitcoins are given to the first miner to solve the problem ( verify the transaction ) of each block.
This number halves every 4 years, though. So, at some point in 2020, the reward will go down to 6.25 Bitcoin per block.
It's 12.5 Bitcoins per block right now?! So, how long does it take to mine a Bitcoin? Well, one block takes 10 minutes to mine. That means one Bitcoin is mined every 48 seconds .
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 08:39 am
How Difficult is Bitcoin mining (
As more and more Bitcoin miners join the network, the difficulty level of the mining also increases. This simply means that the miners/mining pools with more powerful hardware will win. Also, it means that you would need to buy more expensive hardware .
How Much Does Bitcoin mining ( Cost?
Let's go through what is Bitcoin mining ( cost? Two of the main costs involved with Bitcoin mining ( are:
Hardware/computer costs : Even for beginners, the cost of Bitcoin mining ( hardware would be $600-$1000 and it is much more expensive if you want to buy the best hardware available. Electricity costs : Bitcoin mining ( uses a lot of electricity! The cost of electricity at your location can make a huge difference in the cost of Bitcoin mining ( If the electricity in your area is too expensive, you might lose money by mining Bitcoins instead of making money.
If you join a mining pool, remember to also think about mining pool fees -- 1-3% .
How Much Profit Can You Make by Mining Bitcoin?
The easiest way to find out how much profit you can make is to use an online calculator! There are many different Bitcoin mining ( calculators on the internet. I recommend CryptoCompare's Mining Calculator .
You'll need to enter:
Hashing power -- the power of your hardware ( which you can find out once you have chosen which hardware you are going to buy ); Power consumption -- how much electricity your hardware uses ( again, you can find this out once you have chosen which hardware you are going to buy ); Cost per KWh ( $ ) -- how much your electricity costs ( if you don't use USD, you can use Google's Currency Converter ); Pool fee -- the fee for the mining pool you are joining.
Make sure you think about the cost of your Bitcoin mining ( hardware. You should include the cost of your hardware in your calculations so that you find out your real profit.
Bitcoin mining ( and how does Bitcoin mining ( work?
Bitcoin mining (, on its own, is harmless and involves using a computer to solve difficult mathematical equations for a user to earn bitcoins. The user earns bitcoins by verifying transactions on the blockchain, which is a digital ledger, similar to a bank ledger, that tracks all transactions for a particular cryptocurrency. Every time a hash solution is made, the user who dissolves it earns bitcoins.
However, to solve math problems, the computer must run without stopping, which results in a large expenditure of CPU power. This requires a lot of electricity. Hackers have started hijacking other people's computers for use, their resources, and the electricity used for mining Bitcoin, which the hacker can take advantage of.
Bitcoin mining ( uses malware. Hackers have written malware with the ability to access your computer and use its resources to mine Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. For a hacker to earn cryptocurrencies, he must verify transactions on the blockchain. Cryptocurrencies depend on this to maintain solvency.
Each transaction generates a hashed identifier. In the Bitcoin blockchain, the hash is 256-bit crypto, which is basically a password. Every computer on the network tries to figure out a 256-bit password, and if something goes wrong with even one character, the hash will not be resolved. Other computers are validating the originality of the "winning" computing solutions. All this work is rewarded with cryptocurrencies, in this case, Bitcoin.
In some cryptocurrency ecosystems, users also gain voting rights in the governance structure of the system. This means they can vote on the decisions the development team makes about the future of the coin, its symbol, and how to use it.
Although it is not difficult for a computer to solve fragmentation, to do it fast enough that the problem is resolved before other users' computers solve it, the computer must be fast. But a fast computer is not enough. Since the CPU tries to generate a response as quickly as possible, it has to fire billions of electrical pulses in a short period of time. To prevent the computer from burning out, the powerful fans run constantly. This requires a lot of electricity. This is the reason why stalk your computer, to take it to a mining pool for hacked bitcoins.
installs Bitcoin mining ( malware on hundreds of computers to divide the work between them. All computers become Bitcoin miners to verify Bitcoin transactions. Bitcoin mining ( calculators have calculated electrical withdrawals for these operations, which are enough to make electricity bills soar, burn CPUs, and computer crashes completely.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 08:39 am
How to mine bitcoins.
Miners are paid for their work as auditors. They do a job of verifying the legality of Bitcoin transactions. This agreement aims to preserve the authenticity of Bitcoin users and was designed by Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of Bitcoin. By verifying transactions, miners help prevent the "double spending problem."
Double spending is a scenario where the owner of a bitcoin illegally spends the same bitcoin twice. With physical currency, this is not a problem: once someone handles a $ 20 bill for a bottle of vodka, they no longer have it, so there is no risk of using the same $ 20 bill to buy lottery tickets neighbor. While there is the possibility of making fake money, it is not the same as spending the same dollar twice. However, with digital currency, as the Investopedia Dictionary explains, "there is a risk that the owner may make a copy of the digital code and send it to a dealer or other party while retaining the original."
Suppose you have a legitimate $ 20 bill and a fake $ 20 coin. If you were to try to spend both the real and the fake bill, the person who went to the trouble to look at the serial numbers on the bills would see that they are the same number and therefore one of them must be false. What a Bitcoin miner does is similar to this: they verify transactions to make sure that users have not illegally tried to spend the same bitcoin twice. This is not a perfect analogy.
Once miners verify 1 megabyte (megabyte) Bitcoin transactions, known as a "block," these miners are eligible to be rewarded with an amount of bitcoin. The 1MB limit was set by Satoshi Nakamoto, which is controversial as some miners believe that the block size should be increased to hold more data, which means that the Bitcoin network can process and verify transactions faster.
Please note that verifying a 1MB transaction makes a coin miner eligible to earn bitcoins - not everyone who verifies transactions will be paid.
In theory, 1MB of transactions could be as small as a single transaction (although this is not common at all) or several thousand. It depends on the amount of data that the transactions consume.
"After all this transaction verification work, I still can't get bitcoins for that?"
To earn Bitcoin, you must meet two conditions. One is a matter of effort. One is a matter of luck.
1) You should verify transactions with a value of about 1MB. This is the easy part.
2) You must be the first miner to arrive at the correct answer or the closest answer to a number problem. This process is also known as proof of work.
Bitcoin mining ( Profit Calculator.
Why Our Calculator is the Most Accurate.
There are many factors that affect your mining profitability. Two of the main factors that influence your profitability are:
The Bitcoin price and the total network hash rate.
The Bitcoin network hash rate is growing at a rate of 0.4527678% per day. This means if you buy 50 TH/s of mining hardware your total share of the network will go DOWN every day compared to the total network hash rate.
Our calculator assumes the 0.4527678% daily increase in network hash rate that has been the average daily increase over the past 6 months.
Without factoring in this growth, most Bitcoin mining ( calculators show results that appear MUCH, MUCH more profitable than reality.
Quick Tip.
Mining is not the fastest way to get bitcoins.
The Bitcoin Price.
Even though the network hash rate will cause your share of the network hash power to go down, the Bitcoin price can help make up some of these losses.
The Bitcoin price is rising at a slightly lesser 0.3403% per day over the past year. We suggest you enter a custom Bitcoin price into our calculator based on what you expect the average price to be over the next year.
The price has gone down for most of the past year, which is a factor that should be strongly considered in your calculations.
What our Calculator Assumes.
Since our calculator only projects one year out, we assume the block reward to be 6.25. We also use the current Bitcoin price in our calculations, but you can change the Bitcoin price to anything you'd like to get better data.
Factors That Affect Mining Profitability.
Mining can be an effective way to generate passive income. However, there are numerous factors that affect mining profitability, and often times they are out of your control.
Some seem to believe they will be able to quit their nine-to-five job after investing in a few Bitcoin miners - unfortunately, that is not necessarily the case.
How do you know if mining is right for you?
It is important to understand the constantly changing dynamics that play into mining profitability, especially before you invest your hard-earned money. Nevertheless, a proper passive income can be generated if you play your cards right. Let's explore the factors that you need to consider before you buy mining hardware:
Mining or buying bitcoins? You can't do either without a Bitcoin wallet.
Our guide on the best bitcoin wallets will help you pick one. Read it here!
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 08:39 am
Initial Investment.
The initial investment in efficient mining hardware is probably one of the things keeping you from pulling the trigger, and for good reason. Mining hardware is expensive!
In actuality, the high cost of dedicated mining hardware ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) is largely to blame for the centralization of Bitcoin mining ( in China.
In case you were not aware, the vast majority of mining operations are in China, primarily because of cheap electricity (more on that later.) Since ASICs are expensive, many average consumers do not have the capital to invest.
Large mining corporations operate mining farms with thousands of ASICs. The average Joe can't even afford one ASIC, much less thousands of them.
Instead of mining being spread out across the world, the validation process is controlled by fewer people than first anticipated upon Bitcoin's inception.
ASICs' impact on Bitcoin aside, it is important to determine your ROI timeline before investing. Some hardware might not pay itself off at all. The additional factors below are largely responsible for determining your ROI period.
You can use the calculator above to determine your projected earnings based on the ASIC you're using, and your electricity cost.
Block Rewards and Transaction Fees.
Every time a block is validated, the person who contributed the necessary computational power is given a block reward in the form of new-minted BTC and transaction fees.
Bitcoin's block time is roughly 10 minutes. Every 10 minutes or so, a block is verified and a block reward is issued to the miner. When Bitcoin was first created, miners received 50 BTC for verifying a block. Every 210,000 blocks - roughly 4 years - the amount of BTC in the block reward halves.
50 BTC per block may seem high, but it is important to consider the price of Bitcoin at that time was much less than it is today. As the Bitcoin block reward continues to halve, the value of Bitcoin is predicted to increase. So far, that trend has remained true.
First, the amount of newly minted BTC (often referred to as coinbase, not to be confused with the Coinbase exchange) halved to 25 BTC, and the current coinbase reward is 12.5 BTC. Eventually, there will be a circulating supply of 21 million BTC and coinbase rewards will cease to exist.
If BTC is no longer minted, mining won't be profitable anymore, right?
Bitcoin transaction fees are issued to miners as an incentive to continue validating the network. By the time 21 million BTC has been minted, transaction volume on the network will have increased significantly and miners' profitability will remain roughly the same.
Of course, block rewards have a direct impact on your mining profitability, as does the value of BTC - since the value of BTC is volatile, block rewards will vary. Additionally, successfully confirming a block is the only way you will generate any revenue whatsoever by mining.
This leads us to our next point:
Block Difficulty.
If you were able to connect the dots, you probably realized that a block reward is worth a whole lot of money. Take a look:
12.5 BTC x current BTC value (approximately $7,200) = $90,500. NOTE: The market is currently bearish - block rewards are always subject to change.
If block rewards are worth so much, why isn't everyone buying ASICs?
Mining Bitcoin is not easy - that's why millions of dollars have been invested to research, develop, prototype and sell specialized mining hardware.
Even if you invest in a specialized mining ASIC which can cost thousands of dollars, your chances of successfully validating a block on your own are slim.
ASICs have caused Bitcoin's mining difficulty to skyrocket. Moreover, you're competing with everyone else on the network to validate a block. Those with more computational power are more likely to validate a block.
As stated previously, companies have set up large-scale mining operations in China with thousands of ASICs running in synchrony. They're more likely to confirm the block than you are on your own.
Nevertheless, there are ways for the little guy to turn a profit. If you want to start mining Bitcoin, consider joining a Bitcoin mining ( pool. You'll team up with other miners to increase your collective hashing power, thus increasing your chances of validating a block.
If a block is validated by your mining pool, the block reward will be distributed according to the amount of computational power you contributed. For example, if you were responsible for 5% of the hashing power, you'd receive 5% of the block reward, minus pool fees.
Mining pools may not seem appealing at first because you have to divvy up the reward, but they're actually a smart move, as they significantly increase your odds of validating a block. Otherwise, you may end up consuming loads of electricity without actually being rewarded for your work.
Speaking of electricity:
Electricity Cost.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 08:54 am

Bitcoin Cloud Mining in 2019 Review - Profitable? Scam? Rock Miner - Genesis Mining - Hashflare|12:31
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 08:54 am
Electricity cost is probably the factor that has the most impact on mining profitability.
After all, Bitcoin's SHA-256 mining algorithm is classified as Proof-of-Work (PoW) because work must be done to validate the network. The 'work' is computational power - therefore electricity is required to validate the network.
Always look at a miner's hashrate/power consumption ratio. Ideally, you want an ASIC that has a high hashrate and low power consumption. Such an ASIC would be efficient and profitable because you'd hopefully validate a block which would be worth more than your electricity costs.
If you don't successfully validate a block, you'll end up spending money on electricity without anything to show for your investment. If you want to maximize your profitability, purchase the most efficient ASIC and mine where electricity is cheap.
In the United States, the average electricity cost is around $0.12 cents per kilowatt-hour. In other countries, electricity cost will vary. Asia's electricity is particularly cheap, which is why China is home to many mining operations.
Paying taxes is the one thing that many people forget about when they are trying to figure out if mining is porfitable or not.
Just like any business, miners must also pay taxes on the profits, which makes margins even tighter for the miner.
Make sure that when you are calculating your mining profitability, you also consider what the tax situation on mining is like in your country and use a crypto tax software to help you out.
Bitcoin mining ( is very competitive. If you are looking to generate passive income by mining Bitcoin, it is possible, but you have to play your cards right.
In order to profitably mine, make sure that you: Mine with cheap electricity Buy the most efficient miner you can Join a mining pool Have patience.
Now you have the tools to make a more informed decision. Mining is competitive, yet rewarding. If you invest in the proper hardware and combine your hashing power with others', your odds of turning a profit will increase considerably.
Bitcoin mining ( Calculator.
Enter your Bitcoin mining ( hashrate, power consumption in watts, and costs.
Accurate Bitcoin mining ( calculator trusted by millions of cryptocurrency miners since May 2013 - developed by an OG Bitcoin miner looking to maximize on mining profits and calculate ROI for new ASIC miners.
Developed for miners by miners. Our Bitcoin mining ( calculator makes it simple and easy to quickly see Bitcoin mining ( profitability based on hashrate, power consumption, and costs. Default inputs are preloaded with the latest Bitcoin difficulty target and Bitcoin mining ( hashrate for the best Bitcoin miner.
Bitcoin Miners.
Bitcoin mining ( Reward Estimates.
Bitcoin mining ( profitability calculator results.
Bitcoin Profit Margin -->
Mining Rewards Stats -->
Bitcoin mining ( Investment -->
Estimated Mining Rewards -->
Bitcoin mining ( Profit -->
Bitcoin mining ( Reward Forecasts.
Time Frame BTC Reward Revenue USD* Power Cost (in USD) Pool Fees (in USD) Profit (in USD) Hourly 0.00003275 $0.61 $0.16 $0.00 $0.45 Daily 0.00078595 $14.73 $3.90 $0.00 $10.83 Weekly 0.00550162 $103.11 $27.30 $0.00 $75.81 Monthly 0.0236 $441.90 $117.00 $0.00 $324.90 Annually 0.2869 $5,376.44 $1,423.50 $0.00 $3,952.94.
* Bitcoin Price at $18,741.70 USD.
Bitcoin mining ( Calculator Inputs.
Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty Bitcoin Block Reward Bitcoin Price 17,596,801,059,571.00 6.25 BTC $18,741.70 (BTC to USD) Bitcoin mining ( Hashrate Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Watts Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Cost Electricity Costs 110.00 TH/s 3,250 Watts $2,407.00 $0.05 per kWh.
Bitcoin Blockchain Mining Summary.
Bitcoin Blockchain Stats -->
Bitcoin Block Reward -->
Bitcoin Hashrate -->
Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty -->
Bitcoin mining ( Rewards -->
How to use the Bitcoin mining ( calculator?
Every aspect of our Bitcoin mining ( calculator has been developed for miners by miners .
The latest version of the Bitcoin mining ( calculator makes it simple and easy to quickly calculate Bitcoin mining ( profits by adjusting the mining hashrate values or by selecting one of the Bitcoin mining ( hardware devices from the ASIC Bitcoin miners list.
The Bitcoin mining ( information is updated continually with the current block mining information. This information is used as the default inputs for the BTC mining calculator along with the default hashrate and wattage specs from the best ASIC Bitcoin miner.
With this information and our backend hashrate calculator, you can calculate your BTC mining profits - providing valuable and strategic profitability information allowing you as the miner to make better informed decisions about Bitcoin mining (
Along with the Bitcoin mining ( profitability, the list of top 5 ASIC Bitcoin miners is updated frequently. A Bitcoin miner is also referred to as a Bitcoin mining ( rig, or a Bitcoin mining ( hardware device, or a Bitcoin mining ( machine, but we simply call them miners, or more specifically, Bitcoin miners.
Each BTC mining calculator input has been preloaded with the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware hashrate and energy consumption in watts, average electricity costs as well as the current Bitcoin price, Bitcoin block reward, and Bitcoin difficulty.
Calculate your Bitcoin mining ( profitability and estimated mining rewards by starting with the Bitcoin mining ( hashrate calculator inputs above; mining hardware, mining costs, and mining reward.
How Bitcoin mining ( Works.
Bitcoin mining ( is the process of securing and validation Bitcoin transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain.
In order to secure and validation transactions - Bitcoin miners are constantly trying to solve the next Bitcoin block.
This process requires an enormous amount of computing power, which is represented by the Bitcoin hashrate.
The Bitcoin hashrate is number of possible solutions (hashes) being generated per second. As of January 2020, the Bitcoin hashrate peaked at 131 EH/s.
Bitcoin mining ( also generates new Bitcoin.
When a Bitcoin miner finds the correct hash to solve the next Bitcoin block, the miner is rewarded with Bitcoin.
Currently, 6.25 Bitcoin are created when a block is solved.
To start mining Bitcoin, you'll need cheap electricity (a lot of it), an internet connection, and at least one Bitcoin mining ( hardware device - an ASIC Bitcoin miner.
In the very early days (2009-2011) you could mine Bitcoin with a CPU, then mining software was created to utilize the computing power of a GPU, then came FPGAs, and in 2013 the first ASIC Bitcoin mining ( devices became available.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 08:55 am

Best Bitcoin Mining Site - Without Investment - Payment Proof!|7:47
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 08:55 am
Now, all Bitcoin mining ( is done using an ASIC Bitcoin miner as it is no longer profitable to mine with a CPU, GPU or FPGA.
That being said, most ASIC miners require 220 volts or higher and at least 20 AMPs. You can check the Bitcoin miner specs to see the power requirements.
At this point you should determine your available power capacity in wattage at the location where you'll be mining.
If you have a 200 AMPs electrical service with 220 volts, then the total power capacity is 200 AMPs * 220 volts = 44,000 watts.
But you never want to use more than 75% of that capacity, otherwise you'll trip the breakers.
So, 44,000 watts becomes 33,000 watts of usable power capacity.
Now that you know how much power capacity you have (more is better), you can determine how many miners you can run. In this case, it would be about 11 Bitmain Antminer S17+ at 2,920 watts per device.
Once you have the Bitcoin mining ( hardware in hand, the last step is to configure each miner.
Typically, the configuration consists of setting the Bitcoin mining ( pool, user name, and password.
Most Bitcoin mining ( device manufacturers provide a guide on how to configure the Bitcoin mining ( hardware.
Bitcoin mining ( Pools.
Given the Bitcoin hashrate, it is statically impossible to generate enough hashes to solve a Bitcoin block mining solo (by yourself).
To increase the chances of solving a Bitcoin block, you can join a pool of other miners all working together to solve a block.
Once a block is solved the Bitcoin mining ( reward is split between the pool participants.
And in turn the Bitcoin mining ( pool charges a small fee, typically 1% to 4%.
Here is a list of popular Bitcoin mining ( pools.
F2Pool Poolin SlushPool AntPool ViaBTC.
Is Bitcoin mining ( still profitable?
Yes, mining Bitcoin is still profitable - based on the mining hardware hashrate of 110.00 TH/s, electricity costs, and pool / maintenance fees provided.
While, mining Bitcoin is still profitable as of right now.
Mining profitability can change very quickly.
The blockchain is constantly growing and the Bitcoin difficulty increases and decreases over time based on the total computing power currently mining blocks and generating hashes.
That said, we recommend checking your mining profitability frequently.
The Bitcoin mining ( profitability results and mining rewards were calculated using the best BTC mining calculator with the following inputs.
A BTC mining difficulty of 17,596,801,059,571.00, a BTC mining hashrate of 110.00 TH/s consuming 3,250 watts of power at $0.05 per kWh, and a block reward of 6.25 BTC at $18,741.70 (BTC to USD).
How many Bitcoin can you mine a day?
Based the mining hardware inputs provided, 0.00078595 Bitcoin can be mined per day with a Bitcoin mining ( hashrate of 110.00 TH/s, a block reward of 6.25 BTC, and a Bitcoin difficulty of 17,596,801,059,571.00.
After deducting mining power costs and mining fees, the final daily Bitcoin mining ( profit is $10.83 Bitcoin to USD .
How long does it take to mine 1 Bitcoin?
As of Saturday, November 21, 2020, it would take 1,272.4 days to mine 1 Bitcoin at the current Bitcoin difficulty level along with the mining hashrate and block reward; a Bitcoin mining ( hashrate of 110.00 TH/s consuming 3,250.00 watts of power at $0.05 per kWh, and a block reward of 6.25 BTC.
It is important to point out that the number of days calculated does not account for difficulty increases and decrease as well as block reward increases and decrease (halvening).
Profit Details.
No records found.
Disclosure: The Profit Details are the result of a chosen budget of $ 10,000.00 to purchase Bitcoin mining ( servers that are hashing 76 TH/s at a price of $ 25 per terahash. This assumes a total hashrate of 400.00 . The Profit Details also take in consideration the current network hash rate of 1.7596801059571E13 and current BTC/USD exchange rate of 1 BTC = $ 18,785.50 . These figures vary based on the total network hash rate and on the BTC to USD conversion rate. Block reward is fixed at 6.25 BTC. The Profit Details do not take into account any future changes in block rewards, hashrate and difficulty rate. All inputs in this calculator vary over time. The profit details is based on current values only and should be used as a guide only.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 08:56 am

How to Cloud Mine Cryptocurrencies COMPLETE Guide! (EASIEST GUIDE)|6:47
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 08:57 am
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Bitcoin mining ( Hardware ASICs.
Hobby Bitcoin mining ( can still be fun and even profitable if you have cheap electricity and get the best and most efficient Bitcoin mining ( hardware.
Bitcoin mining ( is competitive. It's not ideal for the average person to mine since China's cheap electricity has allowed it to dominate the mining market. If you want bitcoins then you are better off buying bitcoins.
What is an ASIC Bitcoin Miner?
Since it's now impossible to profitably mine Bitcoin with your computer, you'll need specialized hardware called ASICs.
Here's what an ASIC miner looks like up close:
The Dragonmint 16T miner.
Originally, Bitcoin's creator intended for Bitcoin to be mined on CPUs (your laptop or desktop computer). However, Bitcoin miners discovered they could get more hashing power from graphic cards. Graphic cards were then surpassed by ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuits).
Think of a Bitcoin ASIC as specialized Bitcoin mining ( computers, Bitcoin mining ( machines, or "bitcoin generators".
Nowadays all serious Bitcoin mining ( is performed on dedicated Bitcoin mining ( hardware ASICs, usually in thermally-regulated data-centers with low-cost electricity.
Don't Get Confused.
There is Bitcoin mining ( hardware, which mines bitcoins.
There are also Bitcoin hardware wallets like the Ledger Nano X, which secure bitcoins.
Check Profitability.
You can use our calculator below to check the mining hardware above. Input your expected electricity price and the hash rate of the miner for an estimate.
Profitability Factors.
The Bitcoin price and the total network hash rate are the two main factors that will affect your profitability.
Our calculator is more accurate than most others because ours assumes the 0.4527678% daily increase in network hash rate. This has been the average daily increase over the past 6 months.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 08:57 am

Is Cloud Mining a SCAM?!?!|12:43
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 08:58 am
Most other calculators do NOT include this metric which makes mining appear way more profitable than it actually is.
Bitcoin mining ( is a booming industry, but the Bitcoin price increasing can help make up some of these losses.
The Bitcoin price is increasing at an average of 0.3403% per day over the past year. Try messing with the calculator using different prices.
Know your Competition.
It may seem easy to just spin up a miner.
But you NEED to take a look at just how serious mining is.
The video below offers an inside look at one of China's largest mines.
How to Find the Best Bitcoin Miner.
There are some important factors to look at when determining which Bitcoin mining ( ASIC to buy:
Hash rate - How many hashes per second can the Bitcoin miner make? More hashes cost more, which is why efficiency is crucial.
Efficiency - You'll want to buy the most efficient Bitcoin mining ( hardware possible. Right now, this is the Halong Mining Dragonmint T1. Since miners use a large amount of electricity, you want to buy one that converts the most amount of electricity into bitcoins.
Price - How much does the bitcoin miner cost? Cheap mining hardware will mine less bitcoins, which is why efficiency and electricity usage are important. The fastest and more efficient mining hardware is going to cost more.
Don't try to buy a miner based on only price or only hash rate. The best ASIC miner is the most efficient bitcoin miner. Aim for value.
Bitcoin Miners for Sale on eBay or Amazon.
If you're a hobby miner who wants to buy a couple rigs for your house, eBay and Amazon both have some decent deals on mining hardware.
Used Bitcoin mining ( Hardware for Sale.
Both new and used Bitcoin mining ( rigs and ASICs are available on eBay. One may want to buy used ASIC mining hardware on eBay because you can get better prices.
eBay's customer protection ensures you'll get a working product. Other bundled equipment may be included with your purchase depending on the seller.
We recommend purchasing the Dragonmint or the Antminer S9.
Hardware Profitability.
You can use a Bitcoin mining ( profitability calculator to determine your estimated cost of return on your mining hardware.
Be sure to take electricity costs into account. Most mining hardware appears profitable until electricity costs are accounted for.
The best way to determine actual profitability is to figure out your electricity cost per hash . That is really what will make or break your operation.
Most Efficient Bitcoin Miners.
Good Bitcoin mining ( hardware needs to have a high hash rate. But, efficiency is just as important.
An efficient Bitcoin miner means that you pay less in electricity costs per hash.
To improve your efficiency, there are also companies that will let you order hardware to their warehouse and run the miners for you.
You could also cloud mine bitcoins. But both options are a lot less fun than running your hardware!
Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Companies.
Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Comparison What is an ASIC Bitcoin Miner? Don't Get Confused How to Find the Best Bitcoin Miner Bitcoin Miners for Sale on eBay or Amazon Used Bitcoin mining ( Hardware for Sale Hardware Profitability Most Efficient Bitcoin Miners Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Companies Bitcoin mining ( Equipment Bitcoin mining ( Without Hardware? USB Bitcoin Miners Bitmain Antminer S5 Review Bitmain Antminer S7 Review Dragonmint 16T Review.
Halong Mining - Halong Mining is the newest mining hardware company. They have the best miner available. Unfortunately, they already sold out of their first batch but a new batch should be available for sale soon.
Bitmain - Bitmain makes the Antminer line of Bitcoin miners. Bitmain is based in China and also operates a mining pool.
BitFury - BitFury is one of the largest producers of Bitcoin mining ( hardware and chips. Its hardware is not available for purchase.
Bitcoin mining ( Equipment.
In addition to a Bitcoin mining ( ASIC, you'll need some other Bitcoin mining ( equipment:
Power Supply - Bitcoin rigs need special power supplies to funnel and use electricity efficiently.
Cooling Fans - Bitcoin hardware can easily overheat and stop working. Buy a sufficient amount of cooling fans to keep your hardware working.
Backup generators - You may want generators as a backup in case your main source of electricity goes down.
Bitcoin mining ( Without Hardware?
It's still technically possible to mine bitcoins without dedicated mining hardware.
However, you'll earn less than one penny per month. Mining bitcoins on your computer will do more damage to your computer and won't earn a profit.
So, it's not worth it unless you're just interested to see how the mining process works. You're best bet is to buy dedicated hardware like the Antminer S19.
ASICs' Impact on Cryptocurrency.
Bitcoin is based on blockchain technology, a decentralized platform which takes power away from a central authority and gives it to the average person. Sensitive information is stored on the blockchain rather than large data centers, and is cryptographically secured. A vast amount of people, known as miners, all work together to validate the network, instead of just one person or government.
In the beginning, CPUs were used to solve cryptographic hash functions, until miners discovered that GPUs were far better equipped for mining. As block difficulty increased, miners turned primarily to GPUs.
Some GPUs were made solely for mining Bitcoin, as you can see demonstrated in the video below:
Eventually, technology was developed solely for mining, known as ASICs, or Application Specific Integrated Circuits. Their hashrates are significantly higher than anything GPUs are capable of.
With stellar performance comes a high price tag - the best ASIC chips will run you a few thousand dollars each. Upon creation, Bitcoin blocks were confirmed by the average person using their desktop - once ASICs hit the market, things changed.
ASICs rendered GPUs useless. ASIC developers, including Bitmain, granted early access to large mining cartels rather than the average person. Nowadays, a large majority of Bitcoin mining ( takes place in China where electricity is cheap.
Thousands of ASICs all mine simultaneously in a mining farm (large warehouse). Evidently, most people can't afford just one or two of ASICs, not to mention thousands of them.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:03 am

(Scam)HashRange - Best Legit and Trusted Bitcoin Cloud Mining Site 2020|4:51
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:03 am

CLOUD MINING in 2020! - REVIEWED - Is Cloud Mining Legit or a Scam?|6:45
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:03 am
When ASICs hit the market, the blockchain's validation process became more centralized as more and more hashing power was consolidated into a handful of mining companies, rather than being spread out amongst many miners. Unfortunately, Bitcoin is no longer as decentralized as it was once intended to be.
Bitmain Antminer S7 Review.
High 4.73 TH/s hashrate, and efficient at 0.25 Joule per GH/s Reasonably priced at $440 new (plus shipping) Popular miner with plentiful guides and parts available.
Eclipsed by 16nm miners (AntMiner S9) and forthcoming 14nm miners High power consumption of.
1350 Watts demands high-end PSU Quite noisy at 62dB.
The AntMiner S7: Bitcoin mining ( Mainstay.
Bitmain's AntMiner S7 has proven so popular since its release in mid-2015 that it's now reached its 19 th batch of production.
The S7 assumed market dominance for good reason:
It offers a high hashrate for the amount of power it consumes.
If you view any modern industrial mining operation, chances are you'll see racks of AntMiner S7s hashing away. The S7 is also a popular choice among hobbyist miners for its reasonable price and strong performance.
The S7 is powered by a 28nm BM1385 ASIC chip. 135 of these chips are spread across 3 boards and kept cool by dual fans (or a single fan in the case of a particular batch).
The strong metal casing features a tongue and groove system which allows for the neat arrangement of multiple miners.
Power Supply.
Recommended for use with the S7 is Bitmain's high quality 1600 Watt APW3 power supply unit, designed specifically for use with Bitcoin miners.
This PSU is highly efficient, losing only 7% of electricity between outlet and miner. The APW3 requires a minimum 205 Volts to function and does not ship with the necessary 16A power cord.
Although not cheap at $140 plus shipping, the APW3 is a good choice in terms of future upgradability as it can also run the power-hungry AntMiner S9.
It's also possible to use any ATX PSU of sufficient Wattage to run the S7.
The S7-LN includes its own PSU; a 1000W Enermax, rated Gold (above 80% efficiency). As the S7-LN only draws about 700W, this PSU has excess capacity even when overclocking the unit above its default 600M frequency.
It also adds quite a lot of weight to the unit, increasing its shipping cost.
While an integral PSU makes for a compact and convenient miner, there are few other reasons to recommend such a setup. The S7-LN also excludes a cord.
Note: Before you buy an Antminer S7 make sure you already have Bitcoin mining ( software and a Bitcoin mining ( pool.
Shortly after release, the S7 was priced at nearly $2000, a little below the current cost of the S9.
It has since been discounted steeply and is available from Bitmain at $440 (when in stock), plus shipping. It can also be bought new at $545 or second-hand at $500 from Amazon.
Bitmain sells the S7-LN for $291 and Amazon has it going for $439 new or $409 used.
These prices can be expected to fall further as the S9 and other superior mining hardware becomes the new standard. It's also possible to buy modded S7 with upgraded efficiency and diminished noise and heat levels.
Bitcoins / Month (Profitability)
With Difficulty rising and the halving of block rewards imminent, the S7 is reaching the end of its profitability for those without access to cheap power... although if Bitcoin's exchange rate rises sufficiently, the S7's profitability may well be extended beyond expectations.
Using our Bitcoin mining ( calculator, we'll take a peek at some likely returns for an S7 and S7-LN.
We're assuming an average household Power Cost of 15c per kWh, a Pool Fee of 2.5% (as charged by AntPool) and a post-halving Block Reward of 12.5 BTC per block mined:
For greatly increased accuracy, perform your own custom calculation!
The results aren't great:
$18 will be lost per month and $223 annually.
From this rough calculation (which appears not to factor in the Hardware Costs field), it's clear that nobody who pays a regular price for their electricity will be getting rich off an S7.
With careful tweaking, it may be possible to profit from an S7 even at 15c power. This assumes that Bitcoin's price doesn't fall and Difficulty doesn't jump... risky assumptions indeed!
The same calculations adjusted for the Hash Rate and Power consumption of the S7-LN produces slightly more encouraging results:
Only $6 is lost per month and $77 annually.
Power Consumption.
The S7 draws a minimum of 1293 Watts at a room temperature of 25^C / 77^F. Naturally, the hotter the environment, the more energy the fan(s) will consume to cool the unit.
The S7 is twice as efficient as the S5 at converting all this energy into bitcoins; it requires a modest 0.25 Joules of power per Gigahash.
As mentioned, the LN ("Lite") version draws only 700W. It likewise consumes 0.25 J/GH.
Both S7's have DHCP capability, meaning they'll automatically seek out an IP address to use.
Setting them up via the MinerLink GUI is a simple process, requiring only your mining pool credentials to begin mining.
The units will automatically begin hashing upon powering up, which can be helpful in the event of power failure. S7 connectivity is via Ethernet only.
Both S7 versions will operate well below an ambient temperature of 40^C / 77^C. They are both cooled by dual 12038 fans.
Keeping the room in which they're placed cool and dry will extend the life of these miners. A dry basement is an ideal location.
Verdict: Is the S7 Right for You?
If you hope to make profit but can't wait for the S9 (or other forthcoming miners from different companies) to become affordable, the S7 is likely your best option.
With access to inexpensive power and perhaps some intelligent tweaking, it's possible that the S7 will pay for itself and become profitable.
The S7-LN is slightly more efficient and certainly better suited to the home miner who can't tolerate a lot of fan noise or cable clutter.
Antminer S9 Review.
AntMiner S9: Game Changer for Hobbyist Miners?
Difficulty has nearly tripled since then, climbing from 520,569,941GH/s to the current record high of 1,426,731,353 GH/s.
This peak was reached on May 24 th 2016. Such tremendous growth has been spurred by major investment into Bitcoin mining ( technology and operations.
While such growth is impressive, making Bitcoin the world's most powerful computing network by far, one unintended consequence of such rapid growth has been increased centralisation.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:04 am
Profits have accumulated where mining is most profitable (China), with the result that several competing operations (eg. KNC) have been forced out of the industry.
We have tried to calculate the amount of money that the Chinese have invested in mining, we estimate it to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Even with free electricity we cannot see how they will ever get this money back. Either they don't know what they are doing, but that is not very likely at this scale or they have some secret advantage that we don't know about. - Sam Cole, KNC CEO.
The same Chinese competitive advantage has been doubly effective at squeezing the profit-dependent hobbyist miner from the market.
At this stage, most home or office miners aren't hashing to earn money but rather to support the network, aid decentralisation and possibly even to heat space.
With the block reward halving looming, the profitability of all but the most efficient operations will likely be challenged.
Given that profits derived from the current generation of mining hardware are dwindling and will likely reach negative returns post-halving:
Can the new S9 change the game for smaller and hobby miners and restore their lost profitability?
Note: Before you buy an Antminer S9 make sure you already have Bitcoin mining ( software and a Bitcoin mining ( pool.
The first batch of S9s will be available for order directly from Bitmain from the 12 th of June.
At $2100 on Amazon, the S9 is far from cheap. However, the lower your electricity costs, the better your odds of the miner paying for itself within a reasonable timeframe.
Naturally, much depends on the Difficulty and Bitcoin price.
As smaller manufacturing processes become standard across the industry and as other manufacturers release competing hardware, the S9's price can be expected to fall appreciably over the coming months.
Bi Wang launched its 14nm chips in the winter of 2016 and BitFury's own 16nm architecture hardware, promising fantastic power efficiency at 0.06 J/GH, also came around that time.
Judging value in this space is a complicated exercise, although it would appear that nothing vastly technologically-superior to the S9 is likely to be released in the near future.
The release cycle of a new generation of mining hardware every few months is likely to decelerate from this point on, as manufacturers have transitioned to cutting-edge 16 and 14nm designs.
S9 Compared to Other Hardware.
The S9's 16 Nanometer Technological Advantage.
The on-going miniaturisation of semiconductors allows ever greater computing power and electrical efficiency, but the process cannot continue forever with the current technology.
Many have remarked that Moore's law no longer holds true, as the rate of computing speed advancement has slowed as it reaches the physical limitations of silicon semiconductor technology.
The 16 nm fabrication process used in the manufacture of the S9 is a major improvement upon the 28 nm design common to other modern mining devices.
Although a 10nm process is on the horizon for 2017, further increases beyond that remain theoretical.
Further, the design and manufacture of any 10nm Bitcoin mining ( hardware is likely to take at least a year.
Get a Wallet.
You can't mine bitcoins with an Antminer S9 without a wallet.
Our guide on the best bitcoin wallets will help you get one fast and for free. Read it here!
The good news is that existing power supplies, at least those of sufficient wattage, are fully compatible with the S9.
Recommended for use with the S9 are:
The AntMiner APW-12 1600 Watt Bitcoin Miner PSU, which retails for just under $200 on Amazon, and The EVGA SuperNOVA 1300 Watt GPU PSU, which sells for about $170 on Amazon. Note that the 1600 Watt EVGA PSU is significantly more expensive, by about $115, than Ant Miner's equivalently-powered offering.
The S9 has more hashing power than any previous device crammed into its silicon; a massive 14 TH/s (TeraHash per second).
A total of 189 chips, spread over 3 circuit boards, are combined to achieve this phenomenal hashrate.
Excluding a 15 brief TH/s spike which occurred late 2011, a single S9 unit boasts a hashrate equivalent to the peak capacity of the entire Bitcoin network from its bootstrapping until mid-2012!
Let's calculate the projected profits from all that hashpower via our Bitcoin mining ( calculator :
Note that Power Cost will be specific to your location and that Difficulty changes every 2 weeks, usually to the upside...
Although keep in mind that post-halving, it's entirely possible that a lot of marginal miners will be forced to either upgrade to better hardware or shut down.
Your Pool Fees will be determined by your mining pool; although the S9 is plenty powerful, a single unit is highly unlikely to find any blocks when solo-mining.
Finally, the Bitcoin to Dollar (USD) price is notorious for its constant state of flux.
According to the above inputs, the S9 will produce** 0.285 BTC / $159 per month** and 3.36 BTC / $1939 per year.
These puts Return on Investment (ROI) slightly above one year!
Of course, such impressive results assume all factors stay constant which is hugely improbable in the ever-changing world of Bitcoin!
The cutting-edge manufacturing process is what makes the S9 the most electrically-efficient mining device to date.
It uses a mere 0.1 Joules per Gigahash, making it roughly 2.5 times more efficient than the Antminer S7.
The total power consumption of the device works out to around 1350 watts, although this figure is subject to about 7% of variance. The S9 consumes about 300W more than the S7.
Apart from the power supply, the S9 is a self-contained unit. It requires no connection to another computer to interface with other Bitcoin nodes.
Its onboard web management portal allows for a simplified setup and maintenance process.
The S9 is air-cooled and its sturdy design is fairly easy to maintain and service.
The S9 performs reliably in any well-ventilated space, whether a single or several unit(s) kept in a spare room or hundreds to thousands of units in a large mining center.
Verdict: Does Hobby Mining with an S9 make Business Sense?
Based on the data and results calculated above, yes.
But! as major miners upgrade to S9s and other advanced hardware, the resultant Difficulty increases are likely to erode future profitability.
On the other hand, the halving could bring about a higher Bitcoin price and reduced competition, increasing profitability.
Ultimately, the S9 is a great piece of hardware although currently rather expensive.
It is likely to remain profitable for far longer than previous generations of ASIC miner, although ROI cannot be guaranteed given the inherent unpredictability of Bitcoin mining (
Dragonmint 16T Review.
Bitmain is regarded as one of the most influential companies in the ASIC mining industry. It is estimated that they have manufactured approximately 53% of all mining equipment.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:04 am

Best Bitcoin Mining Rigs in 2020 - New 110 TH/s Antminer S19 Pro - BTC Mining Profitability|14:47
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:04 am

What's the Best Bitcoin Miner to buy in 2020?|15:48
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:05 am
Without including their mining profits, that's around $140 million dollars in sales. These figures are staggering, but Bitmain's monopoly of the Bitcoin ASIC market may come to an end, following the release of Halong Mining's DragonMint 16T ASIC.
What Happened to Halong Mining? Can I still buy a DragonMint 16T.
Halong Mining is no longer around. It seems they could not compete with the already established ASIC manufacturers, most likely because they could never fill their orders and get the partsd they needed to produce enough miners to make money. You can still find some DragonMint 16T's used if you look hard enough but they are rare.
Below are some of the specs for the DragonMint 16T if you are interested in looking for one.
The DragonMint 1600W power supply is strongly recommended, though not mandatory. Each miner requires its own individual power supply. They can be purchased directly from Halong Mining's website.
Professional mining hardware runs optimally at 220-240V, hence why mining farms step down their own electricity supply to 220-240V. In any case, it would be a good idea to buy the DragonMint power supply.
Note that 220V current is only found outside of the US - American outlets are 110V by default. Unless you want to hire an electrician, you'll have to buy a power supply rated at 110V such as the Rosewill 1600W 80+ Gold Certified power supply. These PSUs will get the job done, but they are not ideal for optimum mining performance.
Thanks to the DragonMint 16T's new DM8575 generation of ASIC chips, the 16T has become the most electrically-efficient miner on the market.
Consuming merely 0.075J/GH, or 1480W from the wall, the 16T is 30% more electrically-efficient than the Antminer S9. Keep in mind that exact power consumptions vary, especially depending on which power supply you are using.
Hashing Power.
The DragonMint 16T has a hasrate of 16TH/s.
While Halong Mining's ASIC technology was impressive when it was first released, much like the Antminer S9, the DragonMint 16T no longer profitable even if your electricity costs are incredibly cheap (less than $0.02).
Antminer R4 Review.
The Antminer R4 is BitMain's latest and most unique Bitcoin miner yet. We're here to put all of the most important information in one place in this review.
Hash Rate.
The Antminer R4 hashes at up to 8.6 TH/s, making it the second fastest miner behind the Antminer S9 and just ahead of the Antminer S7.
The R4's efficiency of 0.098 J/GHs is tied with the S9 as the most efficient Bitcoin miner on the market. Here is a direct quote from Bitmain's website:
Bitmain's BM1387 chip is built using TSMC's 16nm FinFET technology and, delivering a record-breaking 0.098 J/GHs, is the world's most efficient Bitcoin mining ( chip in the consumer market.
The R4 is so efficient because it uses the 126 of Bitmain's new BM1387 ASIC Chips, which are 16nm chips. BitFury was the first company to release 16nm chips.
Hash Rate Efficiency Price Ease of Use Bitcoin / month (profitability): R4 Compared to Other Hardware Low Sound Power Supply Special Design Control Board Final Thoughts.
As the saying goes nothing good comes cheap. With all the awesome features that come with the Antminer R4 you would expect its price to be high. One Antminer R4 costs $1,000. Its price is among its cons because this may be too high for the average hobby miner.
Ease of Use.
Once you setup your Antminer R4 you will see that its user interface has been well designed with the users in mind.
It's very easy to use.
All you have to do is enter your wallet address and mining pool settings before you start mining. It is also possible for you to customize settings such as the fan speed or the frequency.
Bitcoin / month (profitability):
Most of the hobby miners reading this article actually want to make money from hashing.
With that in mind let's have an in-depth look at the profitability of Antminer R4:
With a hash rate of 8.6 TH/s, the Antminer R4 is the second most powerful miner, second to the Antminer S9.
It has a power consumption of approximately 845 Watts at the wall using an APW5 PSU power supply.
Rest easy because most homes have an outlet that can handle 845 Watts safely but also expect your electricity bills to rise significantly.
Consider an investment of about $1,000 for the Antminer R4 and about $240 for the APW5 PSU.
The mining profit calculator reports at the then current price of $574 Bitcoin price, it would take you approximately 527 days to return your investment provided your power cost doesn't exceed $0.10 per KwH.
Of course we assume that all factors remain constant which is almost impossible in the ever-changing world of Bitcoin.
This means that the Antminer R4 will eventually produce a profit, but only if the network hash rate, Bitcoin price, and electricity costs stay the same. All of those factors are a big IF, since the network difficulty almost always increases.
So you are definitely taking on risk with this miner, and it may not be worth your time despite the many benefits it provides over other hardware.
R4 Compared to Other Hardware.
Low Sound.
One of the most unique features of Antminer R4 is that it was designed to ensure the least possible sound with the maximum hash rate.
Antminer R4 replaces the traditional fan with a rotary blade system. The traditional fan has been the biggest source of noise for other mining hardware.
The Antminer R4 fan was inspired by the fan of a silent split air conditioner and it reduces the noise of a standard miner by 50% at a noise level of 51 db. Its fan speed is controlled automatically, ensuring that the noise is regulated.
Antminer R4 uses the most advanced Power Supply Unit (PSU) to date. Bitmain recommends the use of an APW5 power supply.
The APW5 works with both 220v and 110v input to deliver 2600 Watts and 1300 Watts respectively. The APW5 retails for about $240.
Special Design Control Board.
The Antminer R4 employs the Xilinx's ZYNQ-7000 family system-on-a-chip that integrates a feature-rich core ARM Cortez - A9 based processing system.
It also uses 28nm Xilinx programmable logic. It supports Gigabit Ethernet to ensure that mined blocks are submitted instantly.
Final Thoughts.
Mining bitcoins at home has almost become an impossible task these days.
Not only are the devices expensive but they also generate a lot of heat and noise, not to mention the amount of electricity they consume.
This makes it uncomfortable and almost impossible to make any profit!
Unlike with the Antminer S9, S7, or Antminer S5, with Antminer R4, Bitmain is targeting the home Bitcoin miner market.
It is a home Bitcoin miner that may actually turn a profit, unlike Bitcoin USB miners.
Some of these problems mentioned above have been addressed and as a miner you can do it as a hobby while also making some money.
This home Bitcoin miner is not only a good fit for hobby miners but also helps to improve the decentralization of Bitcoin mining ( as a whole.
The more distributed the hash power, the stronger the Bitcoin network!
7 of the Best Bitcoin mining ( Hardware for 2020.
Despite the profit potential of mining Bitcoin, your Bitcoin mining ( hardware's upfront and energy costs can actually do harm to your bank account.
Picking the wrong hardware could cost you more money to operate than the amount of funds you earn mining Bitcoin with it.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:05 am

What Do YOU Need to MINE ONE BITCOIN In 2020?! UPDATED!|12:44
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:06 am
7 of the Best Bitcoin mining ( Hardware of 2018.
1. Bitmain Antminer S9i.
Since it's considered the most popular Bitcoin mining ( hardware in the world, the Antminer S9 is entirely sold out on Bitmain's website. Fortunately, though, Bitmain released the Antminer S9i for only $499 this May. The S9i boasts a hash rate of 14 TH per second and an energy consumption of 1,320 watts, which makes it one of the most efficient Bitcoin mining ( hardware out there.
If you're an intermediate or expert miner trying to make a profit, the low upfront cost and high efficiency of the Antminer S9i could offset its somewhat lofty energy costs and help you make some money.
2. Halong Mining DragonMint T1.
Out of all the Bitcoin mining ( hardware on the market, the DragonMint T1 has the highest hash rate of 16 TH per second. And with an energy consumption of 1480 Watts, which translates to a 0.075 Joules per Gigahash ratio, it's the most powerful and efficient Bitcoin mining ( hardware out there.
Naturally, there's a lot of demand for the DragonMint T1, so you'll have to pay a hefty price of $2,729 to buy it. But if you're an expert miner with low electricity costs, the power and efficiency of the DragonMint T1 could offset its high upfront cost and help you turn a profit.
3. Bitmain Antminer T9.
With a hash rate of 12.5 TH per second and energy consumption of 1,576 Watts, the Antminer T9 is less powerful and efficient than the Antminer S9i, but it's considered the more reliable option. It has higher quality chips compared to the S9i, so it's more stable and doesn't burn out as fast.
You should expect to pay around $500 for an Antminer T9. If you're an expert miner who wants a durable mining hardware, this is a good option.
4. Pangolin Whatsminer M3X.
Even though it uses the most power out of all the hardware on this list, requiring 2,050 watts of energy, the Whatsminer M3X is also one of the most powerful, possessing a hash rate of 12.5 TH per second.
The M3X is also more affordable than other powerhouse hardware, costing $1,022, which can offset its high energy costs and help you earn a profit. If you're an expert bitcoin miner with below average electricity costs, this could be the best hardware for you.
5. Bitmain Antminer R4.
Bitmain's Antminer R4 falls right behind the Antminer S9i in terms of efficiency, with a hash rate of 8.7 TH per second and a small energy consumption of 845 watts. Another one of the R4's best features is that it runs almost silently, making it the ideal hardware for mining bitcoins at home.
The R4's convenience and efficiency comes at a cost, though -- you'll need to spend $2,999 to buy it on Amazon. If you're a hobbyist or intermediate miner trying to make money at home, consider using the Antminer R4.
6. Avalon6.
Listed at $300 on Amazon, the Avalon6 is one of the most affordable Bitcoin mining ( hardware, and it's the easiest to set up. But it also has low efficiency, possessing a hash rate of 3.5 TH per second and a relatively high energy consumption of 1050 watts.
Unless your electricity costs are extremely cheap, using the Avalon6 to mine more Bitcoin than it costs to operate is nearly impossible. The Avalon6 is best for beginners or hobbyists, since you'll most likely never make a profit using the hardware.
7. Bitmain Antminer S7.
Another solid Bitcoin mining ( hardware for beginners or hobbyists is the Bitmain Antminer S7. Its low $200 cost matches its low efficiency -- it has a hash rate of 4.73 TH per second and energy consumption of 1293 watts. But if Bitcoin's price shoots up and you can find extremely cheap electricity, it's possible to make a profit using the hardware.
Originally published Aug 30, 2018 7:00:00 AM, updated December 16 2019.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:06 am

Crypto Mining Farm at Apartment - January 2020 Update|10:07
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:07 am
Bitcoin mining ( Software.
Now that you already know about the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware, we're going to talk about Bitcoin mining ( software.
What is Bitcoin mining ( Software?
Bitcoin mining ( hardware handles the actual Bitcoin mining ( process, but:
Bitcoin mining ( software is equally as important.
If you are a solo miner: the mining software connects your Bitcoin miner to the blockchain. If you mine with a pool: the software will connect you to your mining pool. If you are cloud mining: you do not need mining software.
Buying bitcoin is the fastest way.
Why Do You Need a Bitcoin mining ( Operating System?
Bitcoin mining ( rigs and systems have come a long way since the beginning. The first Bitcoin miners made do with the tools they had at their disposal and set up various software to control the mining hardware in their rigs.
While these make-shift solutions were better than nothing, they didn't exactly work efficiently. Not only did that slow down the mining process, but it also made it difficult for newcomers to join in on the fun.
Necessity is the mother of all invention, so along came solutions like Awesome Miner, ethOS, and SimpleMining that streamlined the mining process.
These days, mining operating systems are the standard.
But many users of the existing systems still experience issues with:
Managing multiple mining devices. Maintaining a steady mining performance. Fixing spontaneous errors. Managing the mining system remotely. Maximizing the efficiency of their hardware. Difficulty Adjustments.
Importance of Bitcoin mining ( Software.
The main job of the software is to deliver the mining hardware's work to the rest of the Bitcoin network and to receive the completed work from other miners on the network.
Bitcoin mining ( software monitors this input and output of your miner while also displaying statistics such as the speed of your miner, hashrate, fan speed and the temperature.
You may also need Bitcoin tax software in order to calculate your taxes owed.
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Bitcoin Wallets.
One of the most important things you will need before using any kind of Bitcoin mining ( software is a wallet.
This is because all Bitcoin mining ( software will ask you for a Bitcoin address that will be used to send your mining rewards and payouts. Once you create or download a wallet you will be able to get a Bitcoin address from your wallet.
There are many Bitcoin wallets, but these are the ones we recommend if you are just starting out:
Ledger Nano X - Secure Bitcoin hardware wallet for all platforms. iOS Wallets - The most popular Bitcoin wallets for iOS. Android Wallets - The most popular Bitcoin wallets on Android. Desktop Wallets - The most popular Bitcoin wallets for desktop.
Now that we understand mining software and how it helps in the mining process, and you have your Bitcoin wallet and address, let's look at different software on different operating systems.
Mining Software Overviews.
Find the Right Software for You.
So which software should you choose?
Let's go over all the most important info for each mining software.
By the end, you should be able to pick the best one for you.
Braiins OS+ Overview.
Best Mining Software For Windows.
Braiins OS is part of Satoshi Labs and is the creation of the original inventor of mining pools, Marek "Slush" Palatinus. You may also know Marek for his invention of the Trezor, the world's first hardware wallet.
Unlike many other mining software and operating systems, Braiins is completely free. Satoshi Labs makes money off of Braiins OS by offering you incentives to join their Slush mining pool, although this is not required to use their software.
Supported Hardware.
Braains OS+ currently supports Antminer S9, S9i and S9j. Support for Antminer S17 and T17 are coming soon. Thankfully, Braiins OS+ makes the S9 family so much more efficient, that it can extend the life of your S9 ASICs. It achieves this life increase through better minign efficiency, which we will cover next.
With Braiins OS, you can increase the hashrate of your S9 up to 17+ Terrahashes per second.
Braiins OS+ can also take an S9 on low power mode and deliver 20% better performance than even an S9i.
For aging hardware like the S9 family, this is a crazy performance boost, so we can't wait to see what Braiin's will be able to do once they launch support for next gen Antminers like the S17 and T17.
While there is no up front cost to buying the software, you will need to pay Slushpool dev fees by directing 2% of your hashing power to their pool regardless of which pool you end up mining on. However, if you choose to mine with slushpool for all 100% of your hashing power, that rate drops to 1%.
This is how Satoshi Labs makes money off of Braiins OS.
Braiins OS boasts many features, such as:
Unlocked SSH Autkmatic Updates to the OS firmware Device installation on all your devices at once Super Fast boot up speeds Pre-heating to get mining faster Complete fan control.
Command Line.
For the more traditional, tech-savvy users, Braiins offers a simple but robust command line interface for their mining software in addition to the more common graphical user interface that most people are used to. Both have their advantages, but many are more comfortable issuing commands with a keyboard instead of mouse clicks.
Two-Factor Authentication.
According to Slushpool,
Every important change made to a user account requires email verification. We furthermore recommend enabling two-factor authentication using either TOTP mobile app or a hardware token (U2F). For even better protection, there is a possibility to lock your payout address so it can be only changed in future by a signed message from said address.
Slushpool takes the security of your earnings very seriously, which means a robust set of two-factor authentication options are at your disposal.
Technical Support.
Braiin's OS comes with some of the best documentation of all the mining software. If that doesn't answer you questions you can reach out to Braiins for help or join their telegram.
Implementation of Stratum V2.
Braiins OS+ has also implemented its Stratum V2 communication protocol. This protocol offers truly advanced features for power miners such as bandwidth load reductions, hash rate variance control, and hash rate hijacking protection.
It also comes with a nifty Proxy so that you can still use Stratum on other pools even if it isn't supported by them.
Should You Use Braiins OS?
There is no one more experienced in mining software than Satoshi Labs, so you really can't go wrong. These guys are constantly innovating, so even if you are running Linux, you won't be disappointed in choosing Braiins.
That being said, if you don't plan on mining with Slushpool, be aware that you will essentially pay a 2% fee to Slushpool (in the form of redirecting 2% of your hashing power to them). By mining with Slushpool, that cuts in half and becomes very attractive.
For more info on mining pools and how to pick one, see our compplete guide on mining pools.
Hashr8 Overview.
Best Mining Software for Linux.
Every system has its flaws, and the best solutions to how to fix those flaws often come from the users of the system. Enter Hashr8, a Bitcoin mining ( operating system developed by miners for miners.
As you'd expect, Hashr8 has fixed many of the flaws we covered in the introduction. But the developers have also added some additional bells and whistles to their OS.
What Hashr8 Can Do Now.
To combat the inefficiencies of other mining systems, Hashr8 constantly monitors the performance of your rig and automatically restarts it when there's an error. It also comes with a handy mobile app that notifies you of any changes and allows you to control your mining system remotely when you're on the go.
What Hashr8 Can Do Soon.
On the horizon, the team behind Hashr8 plan to add automated mining based on which cryptocurrencies are currently the most profitable to mine. Users will also be able to optimize the settings of their rig, adjust their power consumption, manage an entire mining farm from the app, and download performance reports for each individual mining rig.
In other words, there's a lot to be excited about!
What Are the Benefits of Hashr8?
Now that you have a basic overview of Hashr8, it's time to look at some of the specific benefits of using this mining operating system over the alternatives on the market.
Remote Management.
The app (which is available for both iOS and Android devices) that comes with Hashr8 allows you to control multiple mining rigs from your phone.
First of all, it'll notify you the moment there's a low hash rate, or when any parts overheat or malfunction. But the app also allows you to control which cryptocurrency is being mined, which wallet you're using, and what your numbers look like. Finally, you also have the option to overclock your mining rigs.
Easy Installation.
Another advancement the team behind Hashr8 has made is on the installation front.
Newbies no longer have to dread a complicated installation process. This one's plug and play. Simply go to the Hashr8 website, download the disk image, and connect it to your rig via a flash drive.
It'll automatically configure the installation based on the hardware in your rig. You also have the option to add overclocking and firmware with the configuration presets that are included.
Incredible Support.
Since Bitcoin mining ( is such a rapidly evolving space, any service providers have to adapt their systems to serve their customers.
Hashr8 already supports over 650 different miners and mining pools, so chances are the one you're using is covered. Your mining rig itself is likely also supported, as Hashr8 is compatible with most CPUs, GPUs, and ASICS and covers mining for multiple kinds of coins.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:07 am

How to Build a Crypto Mining Rig|8:32
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:08 am
How Much Does Hashr8 Cost?
As mentioned, you can choose between three different packages when you sign up for Hashr8.
Here are your three options:
Home Miner is free and allows you to run three mining devices at the same time. Pro Miner costs $2 per month for every mining device after the first three. Corporate Miner gives you a dedicated account manager, additional configuration and integration options, as well as a discount when you use more than 300 mining devices.
Each option comes with 24/7 customer service and support if you need help with Hashr8.
How to Install Hashr8 in 8 Steps.
Decided whether or not you want to try out Hashr8? Then it's time to look at how to install it. Fortunately, it's as easy as eight simple steps.
Here's how to install Hashr8:
Go to the Hashr8 website and click "Login" in the top right corner and then "Register" to create an account. Log in to your new account and click "Download" on the left-hand side of the dashboard to download the installation file. Transfer the installation file to a flash drive or external hard drive so you can connect it to your mining device. Click "Rigs" on the Hashr8 dashboard menu and then choose "Add Rig" to add your mining device. Fill in all the required details, such as name, description, password, and the number of GPUs, then click "Save." Click the name of your rig once it has been set up, then click "System Info" and copy the information under the "Rig Token" section. Open the installation file on your flash drive or external hard disk and paste the information you just copied to into the document named "token.txt" and save. Plug your flash drive or external hard disk into your mining rig, turn it on, and wait until it's registered as online on your Hashr8 dashboard.
That's it, you're not ready to mine!
Using mining software is not the fastest way to get bitcoins.
Try an exchange below for the fastest way to get bitcoins.
Best Bitcoin mining ( Software Reviewed.
By: Ofir Beigel | Last updated: 8/23/20.
If you're thinking of getting into Bitcoin mining (, one of the things you're going to need is a software to run your mining hardware. In this post I'll review the top Bitcoin mining ( software available on the market.
Bitcoin mining ( Software Summary.
Whether you're joining a mining pool or mining solo, you will need to get familiar with the most up-to-date mining software. The different software options out there vary by the miner types they support (GPU/ASIC/FPGA), supported platforms (Windows, Linux, etc.) and more.
Whatever your choice may be, remember you need to follow certain steps to successfully mine Bitcoins:
Get the right Bitcoin mining ( hardware (for mining Bitcoin only ASIC miners will do). Get the best software that matches your needs. Decide whether you're joining a pool or going solo. Start mining!
Here are the best programs for mining Bitcoin:
That's what you need to know about Bitcoin mining ( software in a nutshell. For a more detailed review of the software mentioned keep on reading. Here's what I'll cover:
1. Bitcoin mining ( overview.
If you are reading this it means you are familiar with the fundamentals of Bitcoin mining ( and have the necessary hardware for mining. If not, before moving forward I suggest you go back and read our guide on Bitcoin mining ( And if you don't like reading, here's our video on the topic:
Mining software is an essential part of your mining operation. It provides you with an interface to monitor and manage your miner's settings (clocking speed, fan speed, etc.).
More importantly, it allows you to put your miner to work and start making money by connecting to a pool, or to the Bitcoin network if you are mining solo (not recommended).
There are several things you need to look out for when choosing your mining software.
For one, are you going to mine other coins than Bitcoin? Nowadays, Bitcoin mining ( can only be done by ASIC miners, so whatever software you choose it has to support ASICs. However, if you have other miners on your rig and you wish to manage all of them through the same interface, you'll need the proper software to support it.
Another important thing is the platform you're using to manage your miners; Whether it's Windows, Mac OS or Linux - you'll need to choose the right software. So, without further ado, let's review the best mining software available out there.
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2. How to Start Mining Instantly.
If you're not looking to mine Bitcoin specifically you can use a program like HoneyMiner that mines the coin that is most profitable for you to mine based on your computer's specification.
While you may be mining some obscure coin, you'll still be getting paid in Bitcoin, so this could be a good way to start mining instantly. However, if you want to become a professional miner you'll have to use dedicated mining equipment and more advanced software.
According to HoneyMiner's site you can make anywhere between $15-$75 a month assuming you have at least one graphics card. Keep in mind this does not include the electricity cost for running HoneyMiner.
3. Best Bitcoin mining ( software.
Pros : Supports GPU/FPGA/ASIC mining, Popular (frequently updated)
Cons : Textual interface.
Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux.
Going strong for many years, CGminer is still one of the most popular GPU/FPGA/ASIC mining software available. CGminer is a command line application written in C. It's also cross platform, meaning you can use it with Windows, Linux and Mac OS.
The software includes overclocking, monitoring, fan speed control and remote interface capabilities, among others. With ASIC, FGPA & GPU and multi pool support, CGminer is more than an adequate solution to handle your mining operation.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:20 am

Upgrading the Mining Rig - Asus B250 Mining Expert|9:20
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:20 am
Pros : Powerful miner with many features, Cross platform, including Raspberry Pi.
Cons : GPUs not supported, Suitable for more advanced users.
Unlike CGminer, BFGminer is designed specifically for FPGA and ASICs and doesn't support GPU mining. More oriented towards the tweaking audience, it features dynamic clocking, monitoring and remote interface capabilities.
Besides being a super versatile program, BFGminer is also cross platform, including an option to install on Raspberry Pi which is pretty neat. Though text based, the interface is very straightforward and you can use hotkeys to go through the different options it offers.
Lastly, BFGminer has a watchdog thread to detect idle threads and restart them or stop failed reconnects to spare your resources. Among the ASICs supported by BitMinter you could find Antminer U1/U2, Block Erupter USB, Red/Blue Fury and more.
Pros : Graphic UI, Moneymaker mode for quick start-up.
Cons : Windows installation triggers AV.
Platforms: Windows, Ubunto.
More of a GUI-based version of BFGminer and CGminer than a miner by itself, EasyMiner is a user friendly solution for miners that don't like to work on the popular Command Line Interface-based mining tools. With this tool you can also get graphical visualisation of your statistics and performance which is pretty neat.
Like other mining software, EasyMiner allows you to configure your miners to connect to external mining pools or mine solo. Additionally, the tool includes its own "MoneyMaker" mode which allows you to instantly create a paper LTC wallet and connect to its own private pool.
From several testimonials, it appears that Windows antivirus software products tend to get jumpy along the installation process. Apparently, this is "thanks" to some hackers that used malicious versions of the miners as part of a botnet attack on affected users.
Also, while officially EasyMiner is only available for Windows, you can find an Ubuntu version of the software on this link.
Pros : Beginner friendly, Graphic UI.
Cons : Installing on anything other than Windows requires some work.
Known as one of the most beginner friendly mining software out there, BFGminer-based MultiMiner is a graphical, powerful yet simple solution for your Bitcoin mining ( needs.
Once the installation process is done, the tool detects your installed mining hardware and creates a table with all the required info.
The software allows you to choose which coins you wish to mine per the connected mining device (GPU, ASIC, FGPA). MultiMiner is also packed with additional features such as an option to choose your mining strategy, remote access to your rig and tooltips to get you familiar with the complicated mining terms.
Though very appealing for newcomers, MultiMiner also allows more advanced options for power users such as direct access to API settings and engine arguments.
MultiMiner is cross-platform. For detailed information on the latest releases and instructions on how to install on different OSs, follow this link.
*July 2020 update: BitMinter has shut its operation down and is no longer active.
Pros : Easy and intuitive UI, The pool's site is informative and approachable.
Cons : Supports only BitMinter's pool, As of writing, the pool shows little activity.
Originally started as an idea to create a user friendly mining software, Bitminter was a fully fledged mining pool. It belongs in this article thanks to its dedicated client which allows you to use its services quickly and easily.
The software's official website is quite complete and straightforward. For the creators of the program, it's all about making Bitcoin mining ( "easy" and winning "high payouts".
BitMinter is different because it's a software that belongs to a mining pool, so your initial step is to register and fill in the pool sign-up form. It's a great option if you're looking for a simple installation.
Besides being available for operative systems like Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, BitMinter assures a good mining speed and long polling in order to reduce stale work.
4. Frequently Asked Questions.
What is the Best Miner for Bitcoin?
Currently the best miner on the market for mining Bitcoin is the Antminer S19 Pro by Bitmain. You can read my review of it here.
Is It Worth to Mine Bitcoins?
Bitcoin mining ( has become more of a profession than a hobby these days. If you want to mine profitability you'll need to invest heavily in equipment, get cheap electricity, and locate yourself in a cool area since miners tend to heat up very fast.
It's recommended to use a Bitcoin mining ( calculator to estimate your profitability before investing any capital on buying mining equipment.
Can You Mine Bitcoins on Your Phone?
While technically mining can be done on a mobile phone, in practice it will not yield any results and probably just heat up the phone's CPU.
5. Conclusion.
Bitcoin mining ( software is an essential component of any mining operation. Whether you're mining solo or as part of a pool, the software is your only way to monitor, configure and connect your hardware to the network.
While it's clear that you have to match the software to the hardware you already have, there are some points you may have overlooked:
Get a bitcoin wallet - The result of successful mining are newly minted Bitcoins. You'll want to have a safe place to keep them in, preferably a hardware wallet Beware of scammy download links! Bitcoin software is a potential way for hackers to steal your money. Download the software from official links only.
That's it! If you've had some personal experience with mining software or think I missed anything, let me know in the comments section below.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:20 am

Asus B250 Mining Expert Bios Configuration|6:09
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:21 am

Asus H370 mining master Hands on with 14 rx 570 GPUS what i learned so far|8:55
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:21 am
9 Best Bitcoin Miner Software.
Bitcoin mining ( still remains one of the best ways to make a profit in the crypto industry, although it is not exactly easy to do it by yourself anymore. With the demand being as great as it is, it is much easier to simply join one of the Bitcoin mining ( pools and help out, rather than try to win the block for yourself.
But, no matter what you try to do, you need two things in order to do it -- mining hardware and mining software. Today, we are going to talk about BTC mining software , as well as different pieces of software that can serve as the best choice for different systems.
What is a Bitcoin mining ( software?
To start off, let's first cover the basics, such as answering the question of what Bitcoin mining ( software actually is. As you know, Bitcoin mining ( is done by providing your computing power to a mining pool to participate in solving blocks and verifying transactions.
Mining hardware is actually what does the mining, but the mining software is also quite an important aspect, as it can connect you to Bitcoin's blockchain, or to the mining pool. The software's main role is delivering the hardware's work to the Bitcoin network. In addition, it also receives all the work that other miners have done.
The software also monitors all of the input and output that your mining hardware does, and it provides you with useful statistics, which include the temperature of the hardware, fan speed, as well as the mining speed and hashrate information.
The software will also require you to set up your own Bitcoin wallet, where it will send all the BTC that you manage to mine as part of your efforts. You can use any wallet that supports Bitcoin, just keep in mind that not all wallets are compatible with all devices.
Also, the security of the wallet is also a very important thing to consider. For example, if your goal is to earn larger amounts of money from mining, you will also need a more secure wallet to store it. The best wallets, as you likely know, are hardware (cold) wallets. If you are only after small profit, however, the online (hot) wallet should do the trick.
With that out of the way, let's take a look and see what is the best Bitcoin miner app for different devices. After that, you can simply choose which one suits your needs best, and you can start mining coins with the rest of them.
Best Bitcoin Miner Software.
Similarly to wallets, different Bitcoin miners need different software. The best Bitcoin miner app for Android will likely not help you much if you plan to use your PC that runs on Windows 10 system. This is why you need to make sure that you are using the best software for different devices, which is what we will discuss today. So, without any more delay, let's begin.
Bitcoin Miner Software Windows 10.
#1 Bitcoin Miner.
One of the best choices for mining Bitcoin on Windows 10 would be to use Bitcoin Miner. This software has a very easy-to-use interface, which makes it a perfect choice for new miners, who are only getting started. Too many other solutions come with a bit more complex interface that assumes that you already have some experience, so if that is not the case -- this is the miner for you.
It also comes with a number of other features, such as a power-saving mode, which is a great thing to have, considering how expensive BTC mining can be, especially when it comes to electricity use. Then, there is also mining pool support, as well as fast share submission.
Of course, it would be very useful for you to automatically know whether you are making a profit by mining or not, instead of just waiting for a while and having your bills grow, only to receive a minimum amount in return. Bitcoin Miner has got you covered there as well, thanks to its profit reports feature. With it, you will always be able to determine whether your mining is actually earning you a profit. If not, it is time to change your approach.
• Easy to use • Available for free • Only requires a quick registration.
8 of the Best Bitcoin mining ( Software for 2020.
You've got your Bitcoin wallet, address, and mining hardware. Now, all you have to do is get a free Bitcoin mining ( software that can help you effectively manage and oversee your hardware's crypto dig.
Like any popular, free product, though, there's a lot of options to choose from. Without testing them all out, how do you separate the Doctor Peppers of mining software from the Doctor Thunders?
Fortunately for you, we scoured the web to find some of the absolute best mining software options for 2018.
8 of the Best Bitcoin mining ( Software for 2018.
1. CGMiner.
The crypto community generally considers CGMiner to be the best Bitcoin mining ( software on the market due to its great versatility. CGMiner is open source and written in C, runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux, and is compatible with three types of mining hardware: GPU, FPGA, and ASIC.
The mining software also has a ton of other benefits, like advanced detection of new blocks, remote interface capabilities, and an ability to scale to a hash rate of any size with zero delay.
2. BFGMiner.
Just like CGMiner, BFGMiner is written in C, so it can run on most operating systems like Mac, Windows, and Linux. The modular software miner is also compatible with mining hardware like FPGA and ASIC.
Some of BFGMiner's best benefits are its ability to simultaneously hash on popular mining algorithms, like Scrypt and SHA256d, and mine multiple cryptocurrencies at the same time. Its other useful features include integrated overclocking, full monitoring, and fan speed control.
3. EasyMiner.
EasyMiner is a GUI-based, open-source frontend software upgrade for mining software like CGMiner and BFGMiner. The upgrade gives you a clean user interface and can integrate with your cryptocurrency wallet. It also allows you to mine various cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, and others, but only with the Windows operating system and ASIC mining hardware.
When you start mining cryptocurrency with EasyMiner, you can either choose the "Moneymaker" mode, which sets you up with stratum pool to mine Litecoin, or the "Solo" mode, which lets you pick your own type of pool, the cryptocurrency you want to mine, and the custom hash algorithm associated with your chosen cryptocurrency.
4. BitMinter.
Similar to EasyMiner, BitMinter is a GUI-based, open source mining software. But its versatility is what sets it apart from EasyMiner -- you can run it on Windows, Mac, and Linux and it's also compatible with mining hardware like GPU, FPGA, and ASIC.
To mine Bitcoin with BitMinter, you actually need to join its Bitcoin mining ( pool, which has had over 450,000 users register for an account since 2011. BitMinter requires you to join the mining pool before you can use the software because they want to make it easier for their users to mine Bitcoin and win higher payouts.
5. BTCMiner.
BTCMiner is a cloud-based mining software with over 142,315 users. Anyone with a Bitcoin wallet and address, FPGA mining hardware, and an internet connection can mine cryptocurrency on the software.
One of BTCMiner's coolest features is that its dynamic frequency scaling is based on error measurement, so the mining software automatically selects the frequency with the highest hash rate.
BTCMiner also boasts other great features like power save mode, overheating protection, and ready-to-use Bitstream, which lets you run the mining software without Xilinx software or a license.
6. DiabloMiner.
DiabloMiner uses the OpenCL framework to swiftly conduct hashing computations and support unlimited amounts of mining pools for its users.
The mining software is compatible with GPU mining hardware and runs on Mac, but if you have any of the current Nvidia drivers or an ATI Stream SDK 2.1, it'll run on any operating system. You also have the option of either doing solo or pool mining.
7. MultiMiner.
Considered the easiest-to-use mining software with its intuitive graphical UI, MultiMiner is also one of the most versatile. You can run it on Windows, Mac, and Linux, seamlessly switch from one type of mining hardware to another with it, and use it to mine different types of cryptocurrency.
One of MultiMiner's most advanced benefits is its ability to automatically scan and detect your mining hardware's details, like its average hashing power and the pool that it's linked to.
The mining software can also give you the option to automatically mine the most profitable or lowest difficulty cryptocurrency at any given time and even displays your projected profits.
8. Awesome Miner.
Awesome Miner is a robust mining software that can simultaneously handle multiple types of mining hardware, supports more than 25 mining engines, is compatible with every popular mining algorithm, and lets you manage multiple miners' pools at the same time.
The mining software also features a dashboard that displays each of your hardware's temperature and status, which lets you monitor its progress and health. Awesome Miner runs on Windows, but you can access the web version of it on any type of computer and operating system.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:21 am

19 GPUs 500+ MH/s - Asus B250 Mining Expert Motherboard Overview|13:59
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:22 am
The Best Bitcoin mining ( Software (November 2020)
In brief.
Interest in Bitcoin mining ( has skyrocketed during 2020 as the price of Bitcoin has increased. Bitcoin miners need a Bitcoin wallet, suitable mining hardware, and mining software. Bitcoin mining ( software options vary considerably in their ease-of-use, functionality, and efficiency.
In the last six months, Bitcoin mining ( profitability has increased by more than 30% as the cryptocurrency's price soared to heights not seen since 2017.
As a result, interest in Bitcoin mining ( has skyrocketed, with the Bitcoin hash rate climbing by more than a third in the last six months.
If you're looking to get involved in the action, then you are going to need three things: a Bitcoin wallet; suitable mining hardware (such as a powerful CPU, GPU, or ASIC); and the mining software that's used to bring everything together.
Fortunately, there is now a huge range of options available for the software used for mining--but they can vary considerably in their ease-of-use, functionality, and efficiency. We'll cover the best of these to help you spot the one that works best for you. These were all tested on a Windows device, but many feature compatibility for multiple operating systems.
Did you know? Cryptocurrency miners can often be flagged as malware by some antiviruses, but this is generally not accurate when downloading from the original source.
Widely billed as the best Bitcoin miner for Windows, CGMiner was one of the first pieces of Bitcoin mining ( software ever released, and is one of the few Bitcoin miners written in C.
It is extremely efficient and uses minimal CPU and RAM, and has heavily threaded code design to maximize multi-threaded CPU architectures. It supports GPU, FPGA, and ASIC mining--with automatic support for many of the most popular Bitcoin ASIC miners, including Bitmain's Antminer.
The miner supports multiple pools and can automatically switch between them, and is designed to support mining operations of any size without performance loss.
Unlike most of the other miners on this list, you'll need to compile CGMiner yourself using the source with MinGW. Detailed instructions are included describing how to do this, but it is a somewhat lengthy process that will take around 20 minutes.
CGMiner is extremely efficient. Image: Decrypt.
Precompiled versions are available, but it's important to check that your download comes from a reputable source to ensure it's not riddled with malware.
Once compiled, you'll be able to run the resulting CGMiner executable, loading its simple command-line interface. Here, you can manage your devices and settings using four simple commands.
As its name suggests, EasyMiner is all about making cryptocurrency mining easy. It is currently only available for Windows devices.
Easyminer is most commonly used for mining Bitcoin and Litecoin, but also supports Bytecoin, Monero, and most other cryptocurrencies that use either the scrypt and SHA256d mining algorithms. It features embedded mining pools, making it simple to choose a pool. But for those with a larger mining network, it also supports solo mining.
The miner features an extremely basic, but clear and easy-to-understand user interface. It also features a built-in chat channel, where users can discuss and troubleshoot issues. It is lightweight and uses minimal CPU and GPU resources, helping to maximize mining yields.
EasyMiner's UI is simple to understand. Image: Decrypt.
Though the miner is easy to navigate, we did find that switching which coin to mine was a less than simple task. By default, the software only supports Litecoin mining. To switch to a different coin, you need to manually input the parameters into the setup screen--or modify and load one of the configuration files supplied by Easyminer.
Ease of use: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ Functionality: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ Pricing: Supported by donations (donationware)
Awesome Miner.
Awesome Miner is a powerful cryptocurrency miner that supports a wide range of coins and algorithms. It is currently only available for Windows and Linux systems, and is available as a pre-compiled executable.
Users can select from a variety of miner types--including managed miners which essentially hand over full control of the mining parameters to Awesome Miner, and managed profit miners, which are similar, but also allows Awesome Miner to automatically switch mining algorithms if a more profitable coin is available.
Awesome Miner supports over 100 different coins. Image: Decrypt.
As of writing, Awesome Miner supports well over 100 different coins--each of which can be easily ordered by potential revenue, algorithm, and other parameters. It also offers incredible flexibility for users, giving users full control over how their miners perform. The interface is understandably busy, given the number of features it offers, but still relatively simple to navigate.
The software is available as a free version which supports up to 2 miners, and there is also a premium version which unlocks cloud services and additional features. Both the free and premium versions support ASIC, GPU, and CPU mining.
Ease of use: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ Functionality: ★★★★★★★★★☆ Pricing: Free/premium versions.
Billed as a modular cryptocurrency miner written in C, BFGMiner is one of the most popular Bitcoin mining ( clients. It features dynamic clocking, remote interface capabilities, and is compatible with several operating systems--including 32 and 64 bit Windows, as well as several Linux distros.
It's also available for MacOS, but the installation process is somewhat challenging unless you use a pre-compiled version.
The software features a large variety of device drivers, making it suitable with many SHA256d ASIC miners. It also supports CPU, GPU, FPGA, and ASIC miners, making it suitable for those mining using several algorithms or different hardware types.
BFGMiner is one of the most popular clients. Image: Decrypt.
Like many other pieces of mining software, you will need to have MinGW or a similar program installed to compile your own BFGMiner executable. You will need to install YASM separately if you want to use BFGMiner for CPU mining.
It is controlled using a simple to navigate command-line interface which is used for selecting a server and the mining hardware, and changing basic parameters. There's not much more to it than that--which makes it super lightweight and efficient.
Ease of use: ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Functionality: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ Pricing: Free.
If you like the sound of BFGMiner, but are not keen on controlling it through the command line, then MultiMiner could be a suitable alternative.
This is a desktop miner that uses BFGMiner as the underlying mining engine. MultiMiner uses BGFMiner to detect available mining hardware, and then presents a simple user interface to control these.
If you're a newer miner, MultiMiner features a simple Getting Started wizard that will help you select an engine and coin, and select a pool to mine with. It will also install the latest version of BFGMiner automatically.
MultiMiner supports 20 different mining algorithms. Image: Decrypt.
It features a range of built-in strategies, allowing you to automatically mine different coins based on their profitability, difficulty, or price. It supports a total of 20 different mining algorithms, including scrypt, Ethash, SHA256, Groestl etc, making it suitable for mining a large range of cryptocurrencies--including Bitcoin, Zcash (ZEC), Ethereum, and over a dozen others.
MultiMiner can be remote controlled using an associated application known as MobileMiner. This will allow you to control your mining rigs via MultiMiner using your mobile device.
Overall, its simple user interface, in combination with its wide range of features and customization options makes MultiMiner an excellent choice for those looking to upgrade from BFGMiner.
Ease of use: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ Functionality: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ Pricing: Supported by donations (donationware)
Cudo Miner.
Cudo Miner is a breath of fresh air as far as Bitcoin miners go. It's refreshingly simple to use and is compatible with a wide array of operating systems, including Windows, MacOS, CudoOS, Linux, and ASIC.
The mining software itself is already pre-compiled, avoiding the headaches that come with some alternatives, and it offers its own mining pool--essentially taking all the difficulties out of setting up a Bitcoin mining ( operation.
Its powerful feature set includes automatic algorithm switching to maximize profitability, and allows users to set the mining intensity or timing. Right now, it can be used to mine four coins: Bitcoin (BTC), Rivex (RVX), Ethereum (ETH), and Monero (XMR).
CudoMiner offers its own mining pool. Image: Decrypt.
The platform is mostly controlled through the Cudo web app, which allows you to set up and manage workers, manage payments, and create and apply custom configurations. It definitely earns its place among the simplest to use Bitcoin miners.
However, this does come with a downside--it's not free to use. Unlike with many other miners, you'll be charged up to 6.5% commission for using Cudo Miner, but this can go to as low as 1.5% for those that mine more than 10 BTC.
Ease of use: ★★★★★★★★★☆ Functionality: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ Pricing: Commission-based fees.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:22 am

Asus b250 Mining Expert Unboxing|12:27
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:23 am
Kryptex takes a somewhat different approach to cryptocurrency mining. Rather than allowing you to choose which cryptocurrency to mine, set up a pool, and keep track of profitability, it instead simply pays you for your computing resources.
Getting started is a matter of downloading the Kryptex program and creating an account. It will then run a short performance test (took us 4 minutes). Once complete, it will start mining and display an estimate of your earnings.
The exact amount you will earn varies over time, and depends on the specifications of your computer or mining hardware. For reference, we tested Kryptex on a rig running an RTX 2070 GPU and an AMD Ryzen 3600 processor--roughly mid-range PC specs--and were quoted.
$49/month in earnings.
This estimation was provided when switching to pro mode (which uses both CPU and GPU for mining). Lite mode only uses the CPU, and hence pays less (in our case.
Kryptex pays you for your computing resources. Image: Decrypt.
Although you are unlikely to make quite as much using Kryptex as if you were to mine solo or use a pool, the simple setup process makes it considerably easier to use than everything else on this list. This could make Kryptex a suitable alternative for those with negligible electricity costs and/or ample hardware.
It also suits a range of payout options not available to most miners--including fiat options like Visa/Mastercard payments, Qiwi, and UnionPay, in addition to regular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Ease of use: ★★★★★★★★★★ Functionality: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Pricing: Free.
20+ BEST Bitcoin mining ( Software (2020)
Bitcoin mining ( software's are specialized tools which uses your computing power in order to mine cryptocurrency. In exchange of mining operation, you can receive a monetary reward in the form of digital currency. These applications provide a detailed report based on your earnings. Many such tools are automated, and hence there is no need for technical skills.
Following is a handpicked list of Top Bitcoin mining ( Software, with their popular features and website links. The list contains both open source (free) and commercial (paid) software.
BEST Bitcoin mining ( Software.
Name Supported Platform Link Computta Windows Learn More Minergate Windows, Mac, and Linux Learn More Hashflare Windows Learn More kryptex Windows Learn More NiceHash Windows, Mac, and Linux Learn More.
1) Computta.
Computta is a software and services create by cryptography professionals to enable you to make digital money. It offers a simple and intuitive interface.
Features: Setup with just a couple of mouse clicks. Compatible with all computer systems. It is an automated tool, hence there is no need for technical skills. Provides a detailed report based on your earnings. It is a free bitcoin miner software. You can customize the way you like.
2) Minergate.
Minergate is a software that enables you to mine just with CPU or GPU. This platform allows you to trade various coins such as Bitcoin Gold, Litecoin, Ethereum, Zcash, and more.
Features: It offers a user-friendly interface. This cryptocurrency mining software enables you to mine without investing in hardware. It provides good customer support. Users can safely deposit coins in their wallets. It can determine a more profitable coin for you to mine.
3) Hashflare.
HashFlare is a cloud-based mining tool that enables you to trade for Litecoin, Ethereum, bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies. You do not require any expensive equipment to set up this software.
Features: You can instantly start mining. It enables you to view all mining-related information in real-time. You can easily choose the amount to withdraw and receive quickly. This bitcoin miner software enables you to find the ideal profitable combination. Hashflare helps you to view every single transaction.
4) Kryptex.
Kryptex is an application that helps you to mine cryptocurrency and allows you to pay dollars or bitcoins. This application also works when your PC is idle.
Features: You can setup this software with ease. This cryptocurrency mining software provides a clean GUI. It automatically starts when you turn on the PC. Mine with your CPU and GPU. It is available in English, Spanish, Portuguese and more.
5) NiceHash.
NiceHash is an application that enables you to mine and trade with ease. It allows you to manage all your activities remotely. This app enables you to check mining status with ease.
Features: It provides options to deposit or withdraw cryptocurrency. This altcoin mining software offers instant notification. You can manage your profile with ease. It is intuitive and easy to use. NiceHash offers a profitability calculator.
6) Ethermine.
Ethermine is easy to use the crypto mining software that provides real time statistics. The tool supports anonymous mining. It also supports third-party apps like Telegram.
Features: It has real time PPLNS (Pay Per Last N Shares) payout schemes. Provides accurate mining information. It offers a professional helpdesk. Ethermine supports the full stratum. The software has an efficient mining engine. It provides notification in email. This tool gives warning upon invalid shares.
7) Slush Pool.
Slush Pool is a crypto mining software that allows users to mine ZEC and BTC with ease. It helps you check that your rewards are fair with statistical proof.
Features: You can mine from the mobile phone. Provides 24/7-hour feedback. Slush Pool helps you to minimize losses caused by hardware failure and connection issues. It provides a VIP solution for a large-scale mining operation.
8) BitMinter.
BitMinter is open-source software that makes it easier to min Bitcoin with higher payouts. This application can work with GPUs and ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) devices.
Features: Easy to use GUI. Install the application with ease. You can start mining with just one mouse click. It enables you to quickly check progress at any time. Provides updates when a device is connected.
9) Genesis Mining.
Genesis Mining is a tool that offers cryptocurrency mining functionality. This application provides a variety of mining-related solutions to large- and small-scale investors.
Features: It has the fastest Bitcoin mining ( hardware at data centers. You can easily mine any cryptocurrency mention in the catalog. It provides periodic mining output to your wallet. This altcoin mining software allows you to mine multiple cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum and bitcoin. Offers a user-friendly interface. Easy setup process You do not require much knowledge to get started.
10) Filecoin.
Filecoin is open-source, public cryptography, and a digital payment system that enables you to join without needing any permission.
Features: It has a built-in process where the files of faulty minders are redistributed to a reliable one. This application can check that files are stored correctly over time. You can get a choice of your own tradeoffs between redundancy, cost, and speed. Filecoin is very easy to join.
11) Awesome Miner.
Awesome Miner is easy to use program for managing.
It enables you to quickly monitor the trading of Bitcoin and many other cryptocurrencies.
Features: It helps you to maximize profit and minimize downtime. You can start mining in less time. The tool can display GPU properties like clock speed, fan speed, temperature, etc. Provides support for more than 50 mining software. You can set up mining polls with just one mouse click. It can work with all ASIC devices.
12) Hive OS.
Hive OS is a mining platform that enables you to setup mine and control processes more efficiently. It allows you to Monitor your trading from a single dashboard. The tool provides notification via Telegram and Discord.
Features: Monitor data in real time. Provides statistics on different algorithms and miners. It has integrated VPN settings. You can easily add wallets. Quickly switch between pools and pool servers. It can keep your GPU near to the target temperature. Offers secure remote access via SSH (Secure Shell).
13) Claymore's Dual Miner.
Claymore's Dual Miner is a tool that allows you to earn digital money with ease. This application supports both AMD and nVidia graphic cards.
Features: It offers easy to use user interface. This tool provides stability while mining. It has a timer automatically checks GUPU freezes and restart the software.
14) Cudo Miner.
Cudeo Miner cryptocurrency miner enables you to earn as much money as possible from your PC or laptop. It is easy to install, secure to use, and safe on your hardware.
Features: It offers auto coin switching to maximize profit. Provides setting and control to adjust GPU speed and performing optimization. Supports CPU, GPU, and ASIC mining. It has an advanced hashing algorithm that allows for more customized mining. Security through multi-factor authentication. You can view your stats, earnings, manage users withdraw funds, and more with ease. You can access it from the command line interface.
15) Hashing24.
Hashing24 is a software that enables you to mine cryptocurrency without buying any equipment. The tool provides access to real-world data centers. It can automatically deposit your earned mined coins to the balance.
Features: You can mine cryptocurrency without any hassle. It has data centers in many countries, including Norway, Canada, Georgia, and Iceland. The newest ASIC chips. Offers intuitive interface. It uses the latest air and cooling technology.
16) Mining Pool Hub.
Mining Pool Hub is a trading system that enables you to set the coin you want get with ease. It allows you to start mining in less time.
Features: You can mine with various different coins. It enables you to mine just with CPU or GPU. This application provides a profit switching facility for ASIC and GPU. Mining Pool Hub offers a user-friendly interface.
17) EasyMiner.
EasyMiner is a graphical open-source tool for mining Bitcoin, Litecoin, or other cryptocurrencies. It offers a clean and easy to use interface. This tool is designed to simplify the curve of learning mining.
Features: It has a chat system which helps you to connect to beginners to experienced users. Supports crypto coins line Litecoin and bitcoin. It offers moneymaker mode that allows you to quickly start mining without learning new stuff. UI provides ASIC mining for Bitcoins. This free Bitcoin mining ( software enables you to choose your own pool with a custom hash algorithm.
18) MultiMiner.
MultiMiner is software for crypto mining and monitoring. It is simplified switching individual devices between bitcoin and Litecoin.
Features: It offers Wizard to get started. Provides intuitive interface. Supports automatic updates. This free Bitcoin mining ( software gives you a notification alert when it is profitable to consider mining. Services are easily integrated online. You can monitor, configure, and control any MultiMiner rig on a network.
19) BTCminer.
BTCminer is a software that enables you to min bitcoin effortlessly. It automatically chooses the frequency having the highest hash rate.
Features: Offers ready to use Bitstream. It can monitor the temperature and overheat the shutdown of the PC. One instant software can control many FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) boards. It goes to power save mode after 5 min inactivity. This application has a feature of dynamic frequency scaling.
20) Bitmine Farm.
Bitmine Farm is a hardware-based mining pool. This software helps you to check mining status with ease. You can use it to maximize profit and minimize downtime.
Features: It has easy setup. It enables you to make digital money without any hassle. Mine with your CPU and GPU. This application provides a clean GUI.
21) Hostero.
Hostero is a platform that helps miners to mine cryptocurrencies. You can install this software without any effort. It enables you to manage and monitor the performance of minder from the dashboard.
Features: It enables you to mine currencies securely. You can easily view the logs of a miner. The tool allows you to mine more than 10 cryptocurrencies. You can mine from any number of a user device.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:23 am

5700 Mining Rig Build Finished! - Hashrate, Profits, Cost and Efficiency - ASUS ROG Strix 5700|19:32
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:34 am
❓ How Bitcoin mining ( works?
Bitcoin mining ( is a process in which the latest bitcoins are entered into circulation. By using mining, you can earn money without investing. You require either an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) or GPU to set up a mining rig.
⚡ How to mine bitcoin at home?
Yes, you can technically mine bitcoin at home. Considering the complexity of mining bitcoin, it is very crucial that you invest in the right type of hardware. If you are mining bitcoin at home, you need to consider hardware electricity consumption. The success rate will be very less. Because nowadays cryptocurrency is so popular that even a kindergarten kid is mining bitcoins. You need a dedicated mining hardware to see any reasonable success.
✔️ What is Hash Rate?
Hash Rate is a unit that measures the processing power of the Bitcoin network. When your network reaches a hash rate of 5 Th/s, it could make 5 trillion calculations per second.
❓ Is Bitcoin mining ( profitable?
Yes, Bitcoin mining ( can still be profitable for some individuals.
⚡ What is a mining pool?
Mining pool is a group of cryptography miners who combine computational resources over a network.
Ease of use: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Functionality: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ Pricing: Free.
Now that you have Bitcoin mining ( hardware, your next step is to join a Bitcoin mining ( pool.
What is a Mining Pool?
Mining pools are groups of cooperating miners who agree to share block rewards in proportion to their contributed mining hash power.
While mining pools are desirable to the average miner as they smooth out rewards and make them more predictable, they unfortunately concentrate power to the mining pool's owner.
Miners can, however, choose to redirect their hashing power to a different mining pool at anytime.
Pool Concentration in China.
Before we get into the best mining pools to join, it's important to note that most mining pools are in China. Many only have Chinese websites and support. Mining centralization in China is one of Bitcoin's biggest issues at the moment.
There are about 20 major mining pools. Broken down by the percent of hash power controlled by a pool, and the location of that pool's company, we estimate that Chinese pools control.
81% of the network hash rate:
Before joining a mining pool:
You'll need a bitcoin wallet. Why?
This is because all Bitcoin mining ( pools will ask you for a Bitcoin address that will be used to send your mining rewards and payouts.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:35 am
Our guide on the best bitcoin wallets will help you get a wallet. Read the full guide.
The Biggest Mining Pools.
The list below details the biggest Bitcoin mining ( pools:
We strongly recommend new miners to join Poolin or Slush Pool.
1. Poolin.
Poolin is a public pool which mines about 13% of all blocks. They are based in China, but have a website fully available in English.
2. F2pool.
F2Pool is based in China. It mines about 19% of all blocks.
3. is a public mining pool that can be joined and mines 1.5% of all block. We strongly recommend joining Slush Pool or Poolin instead.
4. Antpool.
Antpool is a mining pool based in China and owned by BitMain. Antpool mines about 11% of all blocks.
5. ViaBTC.
ViaBTC is a somewhat new mining pool that has been around for about one year. It's targeted towards Chinese miners and mines about 8% of all blocks.
6. 1THash & 58coin.
This is a Chinese pool made from two pools: 1THash and 58coin. They mine about 6% of the blocks.
7. Slush.
Slush Pool was the first mining pool and currently mines about 11% of all blocks.
Slush is probably one of the best and most popular mining pools despite not being one of the largest.
8. is a private Chinese mining pool and cannot be joined. It mines about 2.7% of all blocks.
9. Bitfury.
Bitfury is a private pool that cannot be joined. Bitfury currently mines about 3.5% of all blocks.
Bitcoin mining ( Pool Comparison.
Pool Location Fees Private Pool BitFury Georgia 0% Yes Slush Pool Czech Republic 2% No Antpool China 1% No BW China 1% No.
The comparison chart above is just a quick reference. The location of a pool does not matter all that much. Most of the pools have servers in every country so even if the mining pool is based in China, you could connect to a server in the US, for example.
Get a Bitcoin Wallet and Mining Software.
Before you join a mining pool you will also need Bitcoin mining ( software and a Bitcoin wallet. You will also very likely need an ASIC miner, since GPU mining will likely never be profitable again going forward.
Mining Pools vs Cloud Mining.
Many people read about mining pools and think it is just a group that pays out free bitcoins. This is not true! Mining pools are for people who have mining hardware to split profits.
Many people get mining pools confused with cloud mining. Cloud mining is where you pay a service provider to mine for you and you get the rewards.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:35 am

No more B250's|7:16
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:36 am

Cómo se prepara la Placa Base Asus B250 Mining Expert para Minar Criptomonedas #4|10:57
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:36 am

My new Asus B250 Mining Expert - 19 slot GPU Mining Motherboard. To the moon baby!|22:07
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:36 am
Just Want Bitcoins?
If you just want bitcoins, mining is NOT the best way to obtain coins.
Buying bitcoins is the EASIEST and FASTEST way to purchase bitcoins.
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Which Countries Mine the most Bitcoins?
Bitcoin mining ( tends to gravitate towards countries with cheap electricity.
As Bitcoin mining ( is somewhat centralized, 10-15 mining companies have claimed the vast majority of network hash power.
With many of these companies in the same country, only a number of countries mine and export a significant amount of bitcoins.
China mines the most bitcoins and therefore ends up "exporting" the most bitcoins.
Electricity in China is very cheap and has allowed Chinese Bitcoin miners to gain a very large percentage of Bitcoin's hash power.
It's rumored that some Chinese power companies point their excess energy towards Bitcoin mining ( facilities so that no energy goes to waste.
China is home to many of the top Bitcoin mining ( companies:
It's estimated that these mining pools own somewhere around 60% of Bitcoins hash power, meaning they mine about 60% of all new bitcoins.
Georgia is home to BitFury, one of the largest producers of Bitcoin mining ( hardware and chips. BitFury currently mines about 15% of all bitcoins.
Other Countries.
The countries above mine about 80% of all bitcoins.
The rest of the hash power is spread across the rest of the world, often pointed at smaller mining pools like Slush (Czech Republic) and Eligius (US).
A Note on Pools.
While we can see which mining pools are the largest, it's important to understand that the hash power pointed towards a mining pool isn't necessarily owned by the mining pool itself.
There are a few cases, like with BitFury and KnCMiner, where the company itself runs the mining operation but doesn't run a mining pool.
Bitcoin miners can switch mining pools easily by routing their hash power to a different pool, so the market share of pools is constantly changing.
To make the list of top 10 miners, we looked at blocks found over the past 6 months using data from
The size of mining pools is constantly changing. We will do our best to keep this posted up-to-date.
If you cloud mine then you don't need to select a pool; the cloud mining company does this automatically.
Why are Miners Important?
Bitcoin miners are crucial to Bitcoin and its security. Without miners, Bitcoin would be vulnerable and easy to attack.
Most Bitcoin users don't mine.
However, miners are responsible for the creation of all new bitcoins and a fascinating part of the Bitcoin ecosystem.
Mining, once done on the average home computer, is now mostly done in large, specialized warehouses with massive amounts of mining hardware.
These warehouses usually direct their hashing power towards mining pools.
Payout Schemes.
How do Pools Pay Members?
You may be wondering how pools payout their members?
Is it the same way everytime?
Do all pools use a similar payment structure or are all of them unique?
When you become a member of a mining pool, there are a number of ways your rewards for contributing hashing power can be calculated. All of the payout methods use the term "share".
A "share" is awarded to members of the mining pool who present a valid partial proof-of-work.
Essentially, the more hashing power you contribute to the pool, the more shares you are entitled to.
Pay Per Share.
The most simple payout scheme, Pay Per Share guarantees the miner a payout regardless of if the pool finds the next block or not. The value of a share is determined by the amount of hashing power that is likely needed to find a block divided by the reward for finding it.
If 100 shares are likely needed to find a block and the reward is 6.25 BTC, then each share is worth .0625 BTC (6.25 / 100).
Payment is paid from the pool's existing balance and the amount of the payment is determined based on your number of shares.
Because payment is guaranteed, more of the risk is on the mining pool operator. The payouts to the pool members is therefore smaller than in Pay Per Last N Share, explained below.
One final feature of Pay Per Share is that transaction fees from each block are kept by the pool operator. Pool members are only paid based on block rewards.
Full Pay Per Share.
Full Pay Per Share (also known as "Pay Per Share +") is the same as Pay Per Share, except transaction fees are also paid to the pool members on top of the block reward.
Pay Per Last N Shares.
Pay Per Last N Shares is a more complicated payout that shifts more risk to pool members but also more rewards.
In Pay Per Last N Shares, pool members are only paid once a block has been found. Once a block is found, the pool looks at your share contributions for all previous blocks where the pool did not find the block, and this is called a "time window". All the blocks in a time window are known as a "round". Using these numbers, the pool determines your total share contributions over the round to determine your payout.
For example, if the pool mines through 6 blocks before finding a block, Then their reward for all the hashing power the pool contributed to the network over thsy 6 block round is 6.25 Bitcoins (not including transaction fees). If you contributed 100 shares for each of those blocks and the total number of shares was 1000, then your payment would be .625 BTC or .104 BTC per block.
The idea behind this payout scheme is that it removes all luck and only pays members based on their contribution to actual revenue earned by the pool. This scheme also incentivises members to continue mining on in the pool even as the profitability of mining different coins rises comparatively. This is because disconnecting from the pool before a block is found will pay you nothing.
Pools that use Pay Per Last N Share may or may not include transaction fees in their reward payouts so it is up to your to find this out from each pool.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:37 am

My 7 GPU Cryptocurrency Mining Rig - ASUS B250 Mining Expert|7:14
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:37 am

What is Bitcoin Mining? (In Plain English)|16:01
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:38 am
Bitcoin Cash Daily Profit.
Bitcoin Daily Profit.
* Based on current mining difficulty and Bitcoin price. View historical difficulty for BCH and BTC.
** Daily fee covers electricity and maintenance costs. The contract will end if the total revenue from the past 30 days is less than the total daily fee for the same period. global pool network.
Already have your own hardware or datacenter? Connect to our pool to maximize your profits and benefit from our monitoring features.
Monitor your mining anytime, anywhere.
Easily organize mining activity with your team. Track statistics like earnings, hashrate, and workers on the go.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:38 am

Crypto Mining Farm at Apartment - January 2020 Update|10:07
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:39 am

I Mined Bitcoin On My Computer For 1 Week|8:55
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:41 am

Inside Iceland's Massive Bitcoin Mine|7:14
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:42 am
In this article, we'll examine the top five Bitcoin mining ( pools. It's worth noting that this article is about mining with your own Bitcoin mining ( hardware and not cloud mining.
Best Bitcoin mining ( Pools Summary.
Mining pools allow individual miners to join their mining resources with other miners, to improve their chance of mining a block and earning Bitcoins. There are several pools to choose from, that are different in size and the payment methods they offer.
Larger pools offer more frequent payments, but smaller pools offer higher rewards (since the reward is split among less miners). Here are the top Bitcoin mining ( pools today:
If you want a detailed understanding of how mining pools work and reviews of each one keep on reading. Here's what I'll cover:
1. What are Bitcoin mining ( Pools?
New Bitcoins enter circulation as a "prize" for miners who managed to guess the solution to a mathematical problem. The winning miner gets to add the latest block to the blockchain and update the ledger of Bitcoin transactions.
For a detailed explanation about mining watch this video.
By design, the more miners you have, the more difficult it gets to solve the math problem, and vice versa.
This system is called 'mining difficulty' and it was designed to regulate the flow of new Bitcoins into the system (i.e. to prevent inflation).
Bitcoin's popularity boost made the mining difficulty sky rocket and rendered small home mining operations pretty much obsolete.
As more and more people jumped on the mining wagon, the mining difficulty rose to a point that it became unprofitable to mine with a home operation.
Throw in the initial & ongoing costs involved in home mining (buying the gear, electricity bills, etc.) and not only you're not making a profit, you're actually losing money.
Enter mining pools.
Mining pools are basically groups of miners who pool their mining resources together to get more hashing power (i.e. computing power). The more hashing power you own, the better your chances of adding a block and claiming the mining reward.
With mining pools, miners manage to solve problems more often than they would mining solo. The rewards are then split between the pool members, proportionally to the amount of hashing power their gear contributed to the solution.
The mining pool owner usually charges a fee for setting up the pool as well. The pools vary in their payment methods, as well as in the fees they charge and other parameters.
2. How to Choose a Mining Pool?
Here are a few factors to consider when you're choosing a mining pool:
Pool size - Bigger pools offer more regular payments. However, the payout is smaller because it's shared among more members. Smaller pools offer less frequent payments but larger payouts. Whichever you choose, the return should even out in the long term.
Fees - Some Bitcoin mining ( pools charge fees, and some don't. Fees can range from as little as 0%, and go as high as 4% off the reward.
Reliability and security - An important thing to look out for is whether you can trust the pool to not cheat and steal your funds, or not get hacked and lose your earnings.
A good way to mitigate such risks is by joining a more veteran, established pool. Make sure to also read user reviews before you join, keeping in mind that there'll always be disgruntled users so nothing should be taken at face value.
Payout policy - Whether you want regular daily payments or to get paid whenever a block is solved by the pool, make sure to do your due diligence before you sign up to a pool.
3. Mining Pools Reward Methods.
Before we can understand how mining pool reward methods work, we need to first understand what shares are, in relation to mining.
Simply put, shares are units that allow pool owners to calculate an individual miner's contribution to the hashing effort. Whenever miners are mining via a pool, they receive shares that are proportional to their contribution to solving a block.
Miners can then get paid by the pool, according to the amount of shares they received.
To be clear, in terms of the Bitcoin network, shares are invisible, they are only used internally by the mining pools. According to the share amount the pool's payment can take several forms.
Pay-per-Share (PPS)
In a PPS payment scheme, miners receive shares that can be paid out at any point along the hashing process. PPS allows miners to get paid for shares they received, regardless of whether a block has been solved during their participation.
To achieve that, the pool operators pay miners from their own balance. The shares' rate is fixed and known in advance.
A newer version of PPS exists, PPS+ rewards. This method takes the form of PPS as well as the TX fees included in the block. The reward TX fees are distributed using PPLNS.
This payment method guarantees payments and leaves the miners with very little risk of not being paid for their contribution. The downside of this scheme is the high fees the pool owners charge, to mitigate the risk they take by paying regularly.
Similar to PPS, miners submit shares along the block finding period.
The more hashing power you have and the longer you mined for the block, the more shares you can submit. Once a block is found, the pool pays the miners according to the amount of shares they received.
However in this payment method, the value you will receive for each share will equal the block rewards divided by the total number of shares submitted by all miners.
This means that the more miners that join the pool, the lower the value of each share you receive.
This payment method was designed to prevent miners from pool-hopping.
Your mining time and hashing power are calculated into a 'scoring hash rate' score. The longer you stay on the pool, the greater your score is and the greater the value of the shares you receive.
Once you stop mining, your score gets smaller and the value of your shares drop accordingly. Miners are rewarded once a block is found.
Pay Per Last N Shares (PPLNS)
In PPLNS, miners only get paid for shares received during a predefined "window" that ends with the solving of a block.
Unlike other payment schemes, shares received outside of the window will not be rewarded at all. This window can either be defined as a time frame (uncommon), or by a certain number (N) that represents the last shares received up to the block solving.
For example, if N equals 1 Billion, once a block is found only the last 1 Billion shares will be rewarded. While not defined anywhere explicitly, N is usually set as a multiple of the mining pool difficulty with a constant (usually 2).
Due to this, PPLNS is also called Pay Per Luck Shares. When implemented correctly, miners can't predict the right time to join.
With PPLNS miners can either get higher rewards if they get to receive more shares within the last N shares, or get no reward at all if they didn't.
Naturally, if you hang around a certain pool for long enough, your hits and misses should eventually even up.
4. Top 5 Bitcoin mining ( Pools.
May 2020: Hashrate distribution by mining pool. Image credit:
Pros: Established medium+ pool, score-based method reduces risk of cheating, user-friendly dashboard.
Cons: 2% fee may be too much for some people.
Announced in 2010, SlushPool was the very first Bitcoin mining ( pool and undoubtedly led the way for many other mining pools to come.
Founded by SatoshiLabs current CEO Marek Palatinus (aka Slush), it's based in the Czech Republic and follows a score-based system to discourage pool-hopping.
This is a medium-large sized pool. SlushPool claims a 2% fee from every block solving reward. SlushPool's dashboard is very user friendly and provides excellent detail with regular updates.
While it may not be the largest of the Bitcoin mining ( pools, it's certainly considered one of the best.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:42 am

HOW MUCH MONEY did $5,000 of Crypto Mining Rigs Earn in 2020?!|15:37
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:43 am

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency mining explained|7:46
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:44 am
Pros: Offers both PPLNS (0% fees) and PPS+ reward types, plenty of security options.
Cons: Owned by Bitmain (considered a drawback for Bitcoin maximalists)
Antpool is a medium sized Chinese Bitcoin mining ( pool operated by Bitmain Technologies.
One advantage Antpool has is that you can choose between PPLNS (0% fee) and PPS+ (4% fee from the block reward and 2% from mining fees). Payments are made once per day if the amount exceeds 0.001 Bitcoin.
Those new to Bitcoin mining ( will appreciate the clean interface. The dashboard clearly displays earnings and hashrates.
There are also a variety of security options, including two-factor authentication, email alerts, and wallet locks.
Pros: Established large pool, low withdrawal fees, TX fees included in payouts.
Cons: 1.5% fee, owned by Bitmain (considered a drawback for Bitcoin maximalists)
Known for their wallet and their own blockchain explorer, have been around for a while, before opening a pool in 2016. Owned by Bitmain Tech, is one of the largest pools around. have their own payment method, FPPS, which similar to PPS+ includes TX fees in the payouts, along with the block reward. As for mining fees, charges 1.5% and has a 0.001 BTC payment threshold.
Pros: Additional coins supported, low payout threshold, daily payouts.
Cons: 2.5% fee.
F2Pool is a medium-large pool established in 2013. Operating a PPS+ reward system, F2Pool takes a 2.5% fee, which is a bit on the high side.
Aside from Bitcoin, F2Pool also supports mining Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH), Zcash (ZEC), as well as other coins. There's a daily automatic payout, and the minimum withdrawal is 0.005 BTC.
Unlike some Chinese Bitcoin mining ( pools, it has an English interface. The layout is quite simple, with information presented in a clear and concise manner.
Kano CKPool.
Pros: Low fees (0.9%), welcoming community.
Cons: Interface isn't user friendly.
Also known as KanoPool, Kano CKPool was founded in 2014. This small Bitcoin mining ( pool offers a PPLNS payment model, charging a 0.9% fee.
With regard to payout, per each block found you will need to wait +101 block confirmations to get paid, which might take some time.
The pool's interface could do with an update as it's not the most user friendly. It doesn't have much in the way of features, but it does have two-factor authentication as an extra layer of security.
Pros: Additional coins supported, daily payouts.
Cons: 4% fees for PPS, 2% for PPLNS.
Launched in 2016 and headquartered in China, ViaBTC is a medium mining pool. In addition to BTC, the pool supports LTC, BCH, ETH, ZEC and DASH mining.
ViaBTC offers both PPS (4% fee) and PPLNS (2% fee) payment methods. ViaBTC is known for being able to maintain a high uptime, more than 99.9% as of writing.
Pros: Worldwide access, decent coin support.
Poolin was founded by 3 former Bitmain employees and quickly became one of the world's largest mining pools. In fact, with hundreds of blocks a month mined, Poolin is now one of the top 5 mining pools in the world.
The pool charges a 2.5% FPPS BTC mining fee. Additionally, poolin allows you to mine other coins including BCH, BSV, LTC and more.
5. Frequently Asked Questions.
The best performing miner today is the Antminer S17 Pro that can reach up to 62 TH/s with a power consumption of 2790 Watts.
How do I join a Mining Pool?
Here's how to join SlushPool:
Sign up to SlushPool Configure your mining device Register your payout address Check to see that you're mining.
A detailed explanation can be found here.
At a difficulty factor of 7,459,680,720,542.3 one Antminer S17 pro set to maximum power can mine 0.00208995 Bitcoins a day. Difficulty changes every two weeks on average so make sure to calculate before starting to mine.
Yes. With the right configuration Bitcoin mining ( is still profitable. However, you'll need to have low electricity costs and a cool environment. You can calculate the exact profitability of Bitcoin mining ( with a Bitcoin mining ( calculator.
Remember that home mining is practically extinct and you're up against some big player, so in most cases it won't be worth mining if you're not doing it professionally.
6. Conclusion - Which pool should you choose?
Joining a mining pool is the logical thing to do if you want to make money mining Bitcoin. As you can see the pools vary in size, payment methods and fees.
If you're just starting out perhaps it would be best to join a large established mining pool in order to gain some experience. Once you feel comfortable you can optimize your earnings by choosing smaller or low-fee pools.
If you want to share your experience with one of the pools above, or tell us of a new pool, feel free to leave a comment below.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:44 am

Inside a Bitcoin mine that earns $70K a day|5:09
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:47 am
Want to find the best Bitcoin cloud mining contracts? This post has you covered. Just know ahead of time - the truth about cloud mining in 2020 isn't pretty.
Most Bitcoin Cloud Mining Companies are Scams.
Like the heading says, most cloud mining contracts are scams. Why?
Because it's easy for companies to take peoples' money, and then not pay out. A company can claim to be a cloud mining company without any proof of actually owning any hardware.
So remember: 99.9% of cloud mining companies are scams.
Mining is not the fastest way to buy bitcoins.
Which Companies Are Not Scams?
We can't recommend any cloud mining companies at this time.
Note: If you do find a legitimate one, you'll need a wallet to receive payouts to. A secure hardware wallet like the Ledger Nano X is a good option.
Is Cloud Mining Profitable?
It depends what your goals are with cloud mining. If your goal is to obtain bitcoins, then there is really no reason to cloud mine or even mine at all.
You will get more bitcoins for your buck if you just buy bitcoins!
If you find a legitimate cloud mining operation and you are making profit, you will very likely need to pay taxes on that profit. The best way to determine the taxes you owe is to use a crypto tax software.
Bitcoin Cloud Mining Scams History.
The reason there are so many cloud mining scams is because it is very easy for anyone in the world to setup a website.
Once the website is setup it can claim that the company has a large mining facility.
The company can act legit by sending initial payments to its customers. But after that it can just keep the already received payments for hash power and then make no further payments.
Two of the most famous cloud mining companies have already been exposed as scams: HashOcean and Bitcoin Cloud Services.
Even as recently as September of 2019, cloud mining scams are stealing people's money. The SEC equivalent of the Phillipines just issued a warning to customers of Mining City to get out now and have told promoters of the company that they could go to jail for up to 21 years if they don't stop immedietely.
Cloud mining scams are not a thing of the past. They very much so still happen today, so be vigilant or, better yet, just avoid them.
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Red Flags to Look Out for In Cloud Mining Operations.
If you beleive you have found a legitimate clound mining company, you can really make sure by putting it to the test.
If any of these red flags are present, we recommend proceeding with caution.
NOTE: the following are taken largely from Puppet's Cloud Mining 101 reddit post, which is a great supplement to this post.
Is there a way to direct hashing power to your chosen pool?
If you have purchased options for the right to some amount of hashing power, there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to direct that hashing power to any pool that you want.
If this is not an option, it is very likely that the hashing power does not exist at all.
Has an ASIC manufacturer endorsed the cloud miner?
There are only a handful of ASIC manufacturers who could service a large scale mining operation with hardware. Any cloud mining operation would not only allow an ASIC manufacturer to disclose a large ASIC purchase, but they'd also want them to do so to prove they are serious. So far, no cloud mining operation we are aware of has has an ASIC manufacturer acknowledge they are selling hardware to a cloud mining company.
Does the cloud miner have an affiliate program?
Cloud mining operations that offer affiliate bonuses are very suspect, especially when they are offering numbers as high as 10%. Bitcoin mining ( is very competitive and has incredibly thin margins. There would be no way to mine profitably if they were paying not only you, but also the person who referred you.
Can you find out who the owners are?
If there is no way to the know idenntity of the cloud mining operation, there is no way to hold them accountable if they run with the money. It also makes it harder to catch the person who stole your money.
If, for instance, Jack Dorsey or Elon Musk was an investor/founder of a cloud mining operation (and they were public about it in a verifiable way), it would speak volumes about the legitimacy of the operation because they are so wealthy and so public that they would have too much to lose by scamming a few thousand people out of a few Bitcoins.
WARNING: Just because a cloud mining website boasts a famous person as an investor or advisor does not mean that person is actually investing or advising.
Anyone can throw up a picture of Elon Musk on their site. The real proof is if Elon Musk himself says in a news clip that he is a founder.
Can you sell your shares?
Investments should never be a one-way transaction. If you can easily give the cloud miner money, but there is no obvious way to sell your position and get it back, then that is a good indication you will never get your money back.
Does the cloud miner guarantee profits?
Any investment that guarantees profits is a scam. If the cloud miner has so far made good on delivering its guarantees, it is because they are using funds from new investors to pay off old ones and appear solvent. Ponzi schemes work this way. Eventually, they are going to run with the money, but you never know when it will happen.
The other point to consider is: if a miner could guarantee profits, why would they sell that right to you? Why wouldn't they take teh guaranteed profits for themselves?
Is there an unlimited amount of hashrate for sale?
If the amount of shares for sale in the cloud mining operation appear infinite, then they are definitely running a scam. No miner has an unlimited amount of hashing power. If they did, they could just 51% attack the network of their choosing.
What Payment Methods do Cloud Mining Companies Accept?
Most cloud mining companies accept Bitcoin, PayPal, and credit cards. If a cloud mining company accepts bitcoins then there is a good chance it is a scam.
This is because Bitcoin payments cannot be reversed. Once the scam company receives your bitcoin payment you have no way to get your coins back.
Are there Free Cloud Mining Trials?
No company would give away free cloud mining; this is basically giving away free money.
Any company offering free trials, especially if they require payment information, is most likely a scam.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:48 am

Noob's Guide To Bitcoin Mining - Super Easy Simple|11:37
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:48 am
How does Bitcoin Cloud Mining Work?
Cloud mining means a host company owns Bitcoin mining ( hardware and runs it at a professional mining facility.
You pay the company and rent out some of the hardware. Based on the amount of hash power you rent, you will earn a share of payments from the cloud mining company for any revenue generated by the hash power you purchased.
At least...that's how it works in theory.
In most cases, though, there is no mining facility or hardware. There is just a guy taking your money and paying part of it to someone who signed up before you did. Eventually he runs away with the money, and you are left with nothing.
Cloud Mining Viruses.
There have been viruses that land on computers and then use the computers' power to mine bitcoins.
This is particularly common with Monero since it is ASIC resistant and can be mined with GPUs.
Run a malware detector on your computer if you think you may have come under attack.
Is Mining Software the Same as Cloud Mining?
Mining software is something you download on your computer. It is required when you OWN mining hardware. Software connects your hardware to the internet so that it can make hashes and communicate with the network.
Just buy Bitcoins!
If you just want bitcoins, don't bother with cloud mining. Just find an exchange in your country and buy some bitcoins.
Learn More.
Best Bitcoin mining ( Hardware.
Best Bitcoin mining ( Pools.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:49 am

The Business Of Bitcoin Mining (Why It's So Difficult)|9:52
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 09:49 am

How To Mine Bitcoin - Easy Simple|11:31
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:02 am
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:02 am

Bitfire mining - New Cloud Mining Site - 100GH/S Free - BTC / ETH / ZEC|2:51
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:03 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:03 am
Best Crypto Mining Rigs, Rated and Reviewed for 2020.
Digital currency mining has become a popular way for tech-savvy individuals to generate a return in the digital currency markets. However, as mining difficulties increase and the market becomes more and more competitive, miners need to ensure that they have the best crypto mining rigs to maximize revenues.
Here is a look at the best mining rigs to help you choose which ones are right for you and your mining operation.
Should You Still Mine Digital Currencies in 2020?
Digital currency mining has had an incredible rollercoaster ride in the last 36 months. During the big bitcoin gold rush of late 2017, bitcoin and altcoin miners were making bank and mining hardware providers were barely able to keep up with demand.
In 2018, it all went downhill as digital asset prices tanked aggressively from their all-time highs. As a result, digital currency mining also became less profitable as the number of miners had grown substantially - and thus also the mining difficulty - but asset prices dropped and miners' profits started to erode.
In late 2018, the Bitcoin mining ( bear market peaked when bitcoin dropped below the $4,000 mark, at which points Bitcoin mining ( became no longer profitable for smaller mining operations that are not able to capitalize on the economies of scale from which its larger counterparts can benefit.
Going forward, digital currency mining profitability will be dependent on where the market will go next. If we see a rally again, miners will see profits again and more miners will (re)join the market.
Whether you want to start to mine digital currencies or not is entirely up to you. If you are only in it for the money, then it is probably best to wait for market prices to hit a level where mining makes sense (and cents) again.
However, if you want to learn about cryptocurrency networks, the blockchain, and how mining actually works, then you could start immediately with one of the more affordable miners and look at it more as an experiment than an investment venture.
Finally, it is important to remember that miners help to secure digital currency networks and, thus, play an integral role in the blockchain revolution. Therefore, you can also look at mining as your contribution to an industry that has the potential to change the world and increase the value of your portfolio along the way.
Related Articles:
If you want to learn more about digital currency mining and the new finance market, subscribe to the Bitcoin Market Journal newsletter and join the blockchain revolution today!
Best mining rigs and mining PCs for Bitcoin, Ethereum and more.
By Matt Hanson , Brian Turner 14 September 2020.
If you still fancy mining cryptocurrencies, these are the best pre-built rigs and PCs.
While some may argue that the cryptocurrency gold rush has tapered off a bit recently, there are still plenty of reasons why you'd want to buy the best mining rigs and mining PCs that money can buy.
If you invest wisely, it means you can still make a decent amount of money from mining, but which is best for you?
Before we get into our list of the best mining rigs and best mining PCs, we should explain some key differences between the two types of hardware.
The best mining PCs, are desktop computers that can also be used for other day-to-day tasks, such as working on and gaming. Meanwhile, mining rigs are specially-designed for one purpose only: to efficiently and effectively mine crypto currencies such as Bitcoin.
This means you won't be able to use a mining rig for other tasks, but it does mean you'll be getting the very best mining results thanks to the best mining rigs being designed to eke out the maximum return when running.
However, if you're weary of spending money on something that can only mine, then buying the best mining desktop PC is the way to go, as it means you're also getting a top PC to do other things with as well, though your mining returns won't be quite as good.
If you still want to build your own mining rig or PC, check out our guides on the best mining GPUs, best mining CPU, best mining motherboards and best mining SSDs to help you get started.
1. Shark Mini.
A great compact mining rig.
Graphics cards: 4 x AMD RX570/580 | Warranty: 90 days.
How to build a crypto mining rig in 2020 to earn Bitcoin and Ether.
Mining with home rigs is back, so here's what those interested need to know to put together their own rig at home.
In a time of global crisis, a pandemic, and a generally unstable political and social environment, cryptocurrencies have shown remarkable stability. Moreover, the pandemic-induced economic downturn played into the hands of the industry by not only attracting professional cryptocurrency traders but also reviving mining as a way of generating passive income.
It is not surprising that countries experiencing difficult political and economic situations have witnessed a boom in the purchase of GPU cards in recent months. In the region of Abkhazia, where all crypto activities have been illegal since 2018, citizens spent more than $500,000 on mining equipment over a period of six months.
Another factor that has worked to further popularize mining is strong crypto prices. Bitcoin (BTC) has risen by almost a third, while Ether (ETH), the most popular currency for mining, has added $150 to its price and the decentralized frenzy has meant that gas fees have reached unprecedented levels.
So, here's how to design a cryptocurrency rig -- and an exploration of whether it needs to be done at all, given all the associated risks.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:03 am
Mining rig components.
A cryptocurrency mining rig consists of a computer that has many graphics cards but no monitor. Computer cases are filled with GPU cards, a power-generating unit, a motherboard and a cooling system. If a monitor is connected, it can become a regular computer where a user can open a browser or play their favorite video game.
The rig is connected to the internet, and thus, the blockchain network. The network operates by itself to conduct monetary transactions using the power of the graphics cards. To be more specific, a mining rig consists of:
An ordinary motherboard, which has the capability of linking to a number of connectors for GPU cards. A hard disk drive, or HDD, with 100 to 250 gigabytes of memory to house the cryptocurrency wallet, with an Ether wallet usually taking up 25 GB and a BTC wallet requiring 50 GB or more. Several GPU cards, which are the most important components in a rig because they are the base that defines the cryptocurrency that a user will mine, along with their future profit and its timeline. A power-generating unit. A rig with four GPUs often requires more than one power unit. Usually, miners have a few 750-watt units connected together. A power adapter for GPU cards. Video cards are connected to the motherboard using special extension cards called "risers." There are many different types and models of risers, but the PCI-E 1x version 006 is the most popular. A power switch. A cooling system, and it's preferable to have several coolers to provide additional airflow.
Another important detail is the frame for the rig. It is better to make a frame out of wood or aluminum. The size of the mining rig will be slightly larger than its frame due to protruding parts, adapters and a cooling system. For example, a seven-GPU rig will be approximately 21 inches wide (53 centimeters), 12 inches deep (30 centimeters) and 12 inches high (30 centimeters).
After purchasing all the components of the rig, it's time to design it, which is a rather easy task for a person who has experience with computer hardware. Additionally, there are plenty of guides on YouTube.
When a rig is ready, all that needs to be done is to install some software -- i.e., to choose a program for mining the currency of preference. Another way is to find a mining pool, which is a popular way to mine, as it's becoming harder to do so individually due to the rising complexity of crypto mining. There are also some tools available such as TeamViewer, for remote control, and WatchDog, which automatically restarts the system if the program freezes.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:04 am

Bitfire mining qazandıqca qazanacaqsız|2:06
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:04 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:04 am

BitFire Mining|5:55
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:05 am
Top GPU cards.
As a rule, one rig should include four to seven video cards -- it's a number that will not go beyond the framework of a stable operation, although there are exceptions. Miners can connect 10 to 15 GPU cards to one motherboard, but seven is the optimal number because Microsoft's Windows 10 operating system can detect only this number of cards. But there is a solution: specialized mining software based on the Linux kernel. In that case, the key is to choose the right motherboard, such as an ASRock Pro BTC+ series or similar.
Determining which GPU cards are best for mining is not so straightforward, as the answer depends only on the amount of money that the miner has. In general, it makes little sense to buy the most expensive, powerful GPUs for the price of two to three slightly weaker ones, as there is a greater chance the cheaper ones will bring more benefits due to their low power consumption and initial cost.
The highest income in mining is currently achieved with Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti and AMD Radeon VII cards, but it is more profitable to build a mining farm with AMD Radeon RX 580 and Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Super cards, as they will pay off much faster.
It should also be kept in mind that AMD RX series GPU cards can be flashed by changing the working time of the RAM, downvolting the core and overclocking. Programs such as MSI Afterburner and Sapphire TriXX can assist in making these manipulations, which will help GPU cards achieve maximum performance during the mining process.
Electricity in question.
In over 10 years, the mining industry has turned from something incomprehensible and rather cheap to a professional, high-tech venture that implies high barriers of entry, not only for the equipment but also for its maintenance.
After purchasing mining equipment, paying the cost of electricity during its operation becomes the main expense that directly affects profitability. The energy consumption of one mining rig consists of the following components:
GPU cards, depending on the power and mining algorithm, consume between 360 watts and 1500 watts for a rig of six to seven cards. The motherboard, power unit, HDD and RAM consume up to 100 watts. The cooling system uses from 20 watts to several kilowatts when using air conditioning systems.
So, how can a miner reduce the cost of electricity? The main consumers of electricity are the GPU cards, and with the right settings, electricity consumption during mining can be reduced significantly. For example, when mining Ether, the main thing is to overclock the video memory. The most optimal operating mode for GPU cards is setting the core voltage to about 830 to 850 millivolts for AMD cards and 650 to 850 millivolts for Nvidia cards. Lowering the voltage on the core of the card, in addition to reducing power consumption, decreases the amount of heat, which has a beneficial effect on the equipment.
Power-generating units can also use less power if they have a "gold" certificate, which means they save a large amount of electricity (about 15%) compared with power units that lack them. Another way is to change HDDs to solid-state drives, which will increase the speed of loading the operating system and reduce the power consumption of each rig by five to 15 watts. Furthermore, modern RAM (DDR4 or DDR3L instead of DDR3) and processors can reduce consumption by another 10 to 20 watts.
A miner can also reduce consumption through slightly more complicated ways too, such as finding more economical electricity tariffs -- for example, installing the rigs where there are reduced tariffs for consumers with electric stoves or electric heating and lower night-time prices. If possible, miners can even reach out to a power plant that generates electricity to find out if it has surplus capacity. Some miners can create their own solar or wind farms and use them for mining, but not everyone can afford such an investment.
Mining in the cloud.
Keeping in mind the unstable situation in the economy, some may want to join the crypto mining community but cannot due to the high initial costs associated. Here's where "hosted mining" can come into play, whereby cryptocurrencies are mined through a remote connection to equipment that has been rented out. Philip Salter, head of operations at Genesis Mining -- a hosted mining provider -- told Cointelegraph:
"Since mining is becoming more competitive, margins are shrinking and it's harder for home miners to compete. Miners need to get every drop of efficiency they can, and that means growing the operation (economies of scale) and doing it somewhere where electricity is insanely cheap. [. ] Mining in the cloud seems like the only viable option for many."
Hosted mining starts with a user choosing a provider of computational capacity. Then they enter into agreements with the company to connect to its equipment. After paying for computer capacity, miners are provided with access to remote mining of cryptocurrencies through rented equipment. So, users only need a computer and a fast internet connection to operate. Hosted mining commissions are charged in accordance with the agreements established between the parties.
This type of mining has a number of advantages, such as not requiring start-up capital, not needing to connect equipment by yourself, no costs of maintenance and electricity, the ability to disconnect from work at any time, and not needing special technical knowledge and skills.
There are also risks in cloud mining, primarily because, like any young industry, many rogue actors seek to take over the funds of ignorant users. So, when choosing a platform, users should spend time and carefully study its history and reviews.
Also, hosted mining brings in lower income compared with mining using one's own equipment. Nevertheless, this is a possible option for those who really want to get involved in mining because, in any case, no one will give up an opportunity for passive income, even if it's not too significant.
Build it on your own.
In summary, it can be said that today, mining seems to be an attractive way to make some income. If for some reason hosted mining is inconvenient, then setting up a personal rig is not too difficult. This will require an initial investment and a little time to figure out how the system operates.
Randy Ready, CEO and chief technology officer of Mining Rig Rentals -- a hardware mining rental platform -- believes that building your own system certainly is more interesting, adding: "I suggest going with a small rig and potentially going larger once you are familiar with mining and have a stable profit."
Disclaimer. Cointelegraph does not endorse any content of product on this page. While we aim at providing you all important information that we could obtain, readers should do their own research before taking any actions related to the company and carry full responsibility for their decisions, nor this article can be considered as an investment advice.
How to Build Your Own Crypto Mining Rig: A Comprehensive Guide -
Are you a Crypto enthusiast? Wondering how to build your own crypto mining rig? We have got you covered. This article discusses the crypto mining rig and its components and how to build your own.
Is Crypto Mining Getting Popular? Crypto Mining Rig and its Components? How to Build your Cryptocurrency Mining Rig Crucial Point to Keep in Mind Before Building a Crypto Rig Concluding Lines.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:05 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:05 am

Bitfire-mining новый облачный майнинг 100 GH/s в подарок - заработок в интернете без вложений|8:05
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:08 am

Bitfire-Mining -100 Gh / s Free in BTC - Mining in the cloud - BTC, ETH, ZEC - Spanish.|8:01
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:09 am
Is Crypto Mining Getting Popular?
As the crypto economy continues to grow, crypto mining is gaining a lot of public attention. COVID-19 pandemic has caused a tremendous downturn due to which cryptocurrency traders are encouraging mining as a new way of generating passive income. Not only this, countries have started observing an increase in buying of GPU cards, which is the primary element for building a cryptocurrency mining rig. Even in the region Abkhazia, where all crypto activities have been prohibited for the past two years, it has been reported that citizens have spent around $500,000 on mining equipment over the past few months. Apart from this, ever-increasing crypto prices of Bitcoin(BTC) and Ethereum(ETH) is the other major reason for increasing crypto mining activities.
Want to know more about cryptocurrencies and become a Certified Cryptocurrency Expert? You are just a click away!
Crypto Mining Rig and its Components?
There is no exact definition of a mining rig. All you can say is that a mining rig consists of several GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) cards, which is considered to be the primary element for building a cryptocurrency mining rig but no monitor. Such cards have a power-generating unit, a motherboard, and a cooling system. Here it is important to note that a cryptocurrency mining rig has no monitor; it is just connected to the Blockchain network via internet connection.
A mining rig consists of a motherboard that has the linking capability with several connectors for GPU cards. The next component is a hard disk drive with 100 to 250 GB of memory to accommodate the cryptocurrency wallet . The next component is GPU cards that define the crypto asset that a user will mine with their future profit and timelines. A power-generating unit is another vital component. You can understand it in a way that if a rig has four GPUs, then it will require more than one power unit. Then comes a power adapter for GPU cards, a power switch, and a cooling system to provide airflow.
How to Build Your Cryptocurrency Mining Rig.
Once you have purchased all the components of the rig, all you have to do is install software for mining the cryptocurrency of preference. Moreover, you can also go to your preferred mining pool. After collecting all the components, all you have to do is start its design. For the designing process, there are many tutorials and guides that can help you.
To state which GPU is the best is not correct as it depends on how much money a miner can spend on buying one. It is advised to buy the more robust GPU cards for the price of two to three somewhat weaker ones, as the cheaper ones will bring more profits due to their lower initial cost and power consumption.
Crucial Point to Keep in Mind Before Building a Crypto Rig.
Building a crypto mining rig is not difficult, but a user must consider electricity as an essential parameter. This is because paying the cost of electricity is the most expensive task that can hamper profitability. Therefore, before building a crypto rig, users must gain a thorough understanding of GPU cards because these cards are the main energy consumers.
Power-generating units are also responsible for consuming a certain amount of electricity. They can consume even less power if they are 'gold-certified.'
After considering the high initial costs associated, Philip Salter, head of operations at Genesis Mining, believes 'mining in the cloud seems like the only viable option for many.'
Concluding Lines.
Mining is an efficient way to earn some money. Keeping the points mentioned above in mind will help you in building your own crypto rig.
To get instant updates about Blockchain Technology and to learn more about online Blockchain Certifications , check out Blockchain Council .
Best Mining Rigs.
The Best Crypto Mining Rigs You Can Buy The prices of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have been rallying of late, and this has led to an increase in the.
The Best Crypto Mining Rigs You Can Buy.
The prices of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have been rallying of late, and this has led to an increase in the price of graphics cards. Because of this, if you are looking to invest in a cryptocurrency mining rig, you might be better off buying a pre-built one rather than trying to build one yourself.
Keep in mind when shopping for a pre-built mining rig that these computers are very specialized. Unlike normal desktop computers, there are not intended for normal computer tasks. Instead, they are meant to be used exclusively for mining cryptocurrencies. But they do this very efficiently, helping you maximize your profits.
Here is our list of the best mining rigs mining that you can buy right now:
The Shark Mini is a compact rig that includes in its base model 4 AMD RX570/580 graphics cards, and it comes with a 90-day warranty. Shark Mining manufactures it, and the company is well respected by crypto-mining enthusiasts.
While the base model includes the 4 AMD RX570/580 cards, you can upgrade them to either a set of Nvidia GTX 1070 GPUs or a set of Nvidia 1070 Ti GPUs. These cards are more expensive, but they could be well worth the extra cost by increasing your profit accordingly. You can also buy a touchscreen display for the rig, so that you can monitor it.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:09 am
2. Bitcoin Gold GPU Miner 2000 H/s.
The Bitcoin Gold GPU Miner 2000 H/s includes 6 Nvidia GTX 1060 6 GB graphics cards. It also comes with what the manufacturer calls a "default factory warranty," though it is not exactly clear at this moment what this means. manufactures the rig, and its specs indicate that it could make miners a significantly profit under current market conditions.
While the rig itself is not inexpensive (even after recent price cuts), the profits a miner could earn from using such a rig could easily offset its costs in a short amount of time. Another great feature of this rig is the ability to customize it according to your needs.
3. Antminer D3.
The Antminer D3 is a fundamentally different mining rig than all the other rigs in this roundup, as instead of graphics cards it mines cryptocurrency through the use of what are called application-specific integrated circuit chips (ASICs). These chips have both advantages and disadvantages in comparison to GPU-powered rigs. The chips are cheaper and use less energy than graphics cards, but they also can be more complicated to use. manufactures this mining rig, which is extremely compact. It is an especially good choice if space is limited or if you intend to specifically mine Bitcoin, as it can mine blocks of this cryptocurrency faster than many other rigs. It comes with an excellent 19.5 GH/s hash rate.
4. Shark PRO.
The Shark PRO includes 6 AMD RX570/580 graphics cards, and it comes with a 90 days warranty. Like with the Shark Mini, Shark Mining manufactures it.
While not nearly as compact as the Shark Mini, the Shark PRO is a well-built rig. One that is intended for professional cryptocurrency miners. While the rig is the most expensive one in this roundup, it is well worth it. It is not only fast, but it also comes with a plethora of configuration upgrades. The graphics cards, in particular, you can upgrade to one of the following Nvidia models:
GTX 1070 GTX 1070 Ti GTX 1080 Ti RTX 2080 Ti (available beginning in October)
The Shark PRO is a rig to consider if you are really serious about cryptocurrency mining.
5. PandaMiner B5 Plus.
The PandaMiner B5 Plus includes 8 AMD Radeon RX 460 graphics cards, and it comes with a 6-months warranty. Luckily Pandaminer manufactures this mining rig, which is not only compact but also far more attractive than the other rigs in this roundup.
This powerful rig packs a lot of punch while providing a good value for its price. Not surprisingly, this has made it a popular choice for cryptocurrency mining enthusiasts. It is so popular, in fact, that it is often sold out. But if you can find one for sale, you can be pretty certain that under current market conditions it will make you a fine profit. Another plus of this rig is that there are various models that you can choose from.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:10 am

Bitfire mining - New Cloud Mining Site - 100GH/S Free - BTC|3:33

Bitfire Mining 500000 satoshi 100GHS|2:49
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:10 am
How does Bitcoin mining ( work.
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In traditional fiscal system, governments and banks can (and do) issue more money whenever they want to. However, no one can do that in Bitcoin, since the money issuance process revolves around mining - an extremely clever process of confirming Bitcoin transactions and recording them on a decentralized ledger at the same time.
But how does Bitcoin mining ( work? In this guide, we dive into the fundamentals of Bitcoin mining ( and the key processes behind it.
Bitcoin mining ( can be defined as a process of "discovering" bitcoins. Much like gold, bitcoins are artificially limited, and there can never be more than 21 million BTC. Also, like gold, you need to allocate resources and hard work to extract it. However, unlike mining gold, bitcoins are designed to be minted using the computational power of millions of competing computers from all over the world.
It may be tricky to wrap your head around it at first, but in fact, it is quite genius. Everyone is free to run a Bitcoin node and try their luck at mining, but no one is guaranteed to be profitable at it. However, these millions of computers ensure one thing - the functionality and security of the network.
If you want to dive deeper into the topic of "what is Bitcoin mining (," see our namesake guide.
For now, all you need to know is that Bitcoin mining ( serves multiple purposes:
Secures the Bitcoin network. Incentivizes the miners to allocate their resources to the Bitcoin network. Confirms Bitcoin transactions. Ensures the decentralization of Bitcoin (which makes it free global peer-to-peer (P2P) money). Makes bitcoins scarce and hard to get. Penalizes bad actors in the network by making it unprofitable to go against the system.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:11 am
How does mining work?
People can send bitcoins (or any other digital assets) all the time, but it doesn't mean much unless someone keeps tabs on all of them. This is especially true with digital assets which are super easy to copy. So to have a fully functioning digital cash you need to keep a record on who paid what and to whom, and that's essentially what banks do for us.
But how do we know that person A has sent bitcoins to person B if there are no organizations to oversee it? How do we prevent double-spending where person A sends the same bitcoins to person C?
The answer is Bitcoin mining (
The Bitcoin network replaces banks and other intermediaries by processing all the network transactions, putting them into a list, and locking them up into immutable blocks. Eventually, it's the miners who do all the work - allocate their hashing power to confirm those transactions and record them into a distributed public ledger.
Bitcoin mining ( requires a computer and special Bitcoin program (client). When you install Bitcoin client on your computer, you become a miner and can compete with rival miners in solving complex math puzzles. Every ten minutes, all computers try to solve a block with the latest transaction data in it using cryptographic hash functions.
What are bitcoin hashes?
Every solved block is added to the public ledger. Essentially, the distributed public ledger consists of a long list of blocks which make up the Bitcoin blockchain.
The Bitcoin distributed ledger aka blockchain is a public record of all the transactions that took place on the network. Since the file is public, it can be explored by anyone using any bitcoin block explorer. A new block is added to the ledger approximately every 10 minutes. Therefore, the blockchain size is continuously increasing. An updated copy on a new block is shared between miners, so everyone always knows what's going on.
Now, what purpose does that serve?
In traditional systems, a ledger must be trusted, meaning that there has to be a trusted person or entity which oversees it and guarantees no one tampers with it. In the Bitcoin network, that role is played by the miners.
When a block of transactions is ready, the miners need to process it. They apply the SHA-256 Cryptographic Hash Algorithm to turn into a seemingly random sequence of numbers and letters known as a hash. The hash is stored together with the block at the end of the blockchain at that particular point in time, which serves as a proof of work and validation.
Bitcoin mining ( \"farm.\" Source: Wikipedia Commons.
But how are these hashes so reliable?
Well, it's easy to make a hash out of data included in the Bitcoin block. However, it is practically impossible to decrypt the data just by looking at the hash because it is entirely random and each hash is unique. If you change even one symbol in the original input, you will get an entirely different hash. Therefore, it is completely impossible to predict the output and the only way to match it is by blind guessing, which is what miners do.
Nevertheless, the miners don't merely wrap the transactions into hashes but use some other pieces of data, too. One of these pieces is the hash of the last block.
Since each block's hash contains the hash of the previous block, it works as like a digital a wax seal. It guarantees that the produced block, as well as every block before it, is legitimate. If the block is falsified, other miners can see it and reject it.
In other words, a fake transaction would change a block along with its original hash. Since each block's hash is used to create the next block's hash, that would affect all blocks on the chain. So if someone checked it, they would immediately notice the difference between correct and false blocks since they don't match the ones already verified on the blockchain.
That's how miners "seal off" a block. Now let's have a look at the competition part.
Bitcoin \"mining.\" Source:
Competing for coins.
We've already established that the only way to seal off a block is to guess the output of the hash correctly, and the most efficient way to do so is random guessing done by computers.
All miners compete with each other who can guess it faster using the mining software. The miner who is first to do this mines the block (which takes billions of random computer-generated guesses from all over the world) and reaps the block reward which is currently set at 12.5 BTC per block and decreases by half every 210,000 blocks. At the current rate, it means the block reward will fall to 6.25 BTC per block sometime in 2021.
Essentially, it serves as an incentive to keep on mining to keep the system working. Since the block rewards are continually decreasing, it is expected BTC price will continue to appreciate. However, block rewards aren't the only incentive mechanism for the miners, as they also share the collective Bitcoin transaction fees.
Check out this guide to learn more about the value of bitcoins.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:11 am

Cara menjalankan mining bitcoin di cryptotab browser android dan bukti withdraw|17:44
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:12 am

Best Crypto Web Miners|9:38
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:12 am
StefaNikolic / Getty Images.
Bitcoin is a sovereign system of digital money. It has no direct correlation to any real-world currency, nor is it controlled by any government or centralized entity. But people can (and do) use it to purchase real-world items at major retailers such as and Expedia.
In order to process these transactions securely, entities called miners compete to solve mathematically complex problems. The miner who is successful in solving the problem adds a block to Bitcoin's blockchain and receives a reward of 6.25 bitcoins.   In November 2020, a single bitcoin was worth over $18,000--meaning every successful miner receives over $100,000 worth of Bitcoin.  
Not only is this a reward for the miner's efforts, but the process of mining is how new bitcoins are generated and introduced into circulation.
All mining starts with the blockchain. This is an online decentralized ledger that records transactions throughout a network. A group of approved transactions is called a "block." These blocks are tied together to create a "chain," hence, the term "blockchain. "
In the Bitcoin network, a miner's goal is to add individual blocks to the blockchain by solving sophisticated mathematical problems. This requires enormous computational and electrical power. While many miners compete to add each block, the miner who solves the problem will actually add the block--along with its approved transactions--to the blockchain. This miner receives a reward of 6.25 bitcoins (as of November 2020).  
The reward rate is cut in half every 210,000 blocks, which roughly means every four years.   This process, called "halving," is algorithmically enforced, ensuring a predictable, unalterable rate of introducing new bitcoins into the existing supply--eliminating concerns of inflation.
Due to the inherent difficulty in mining bitcoins, there are a number of requirements when it comes to the actual mining process.
What Do I Need to Mine Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is designed to adjust the difficulty required to mine one block every 14 days (or every 2,016 blocks mined). The overarching goal is to maintain the time required to mine one bitcoin to 10 minutes. Since Bitcoin has been around since 2009, its mining difficulty is currently extremely high, which is why resource-intensive, powerful hardware is required to mine it.  
Regular household computers--even those with incredible power by today's standard--will not see any success in the modern Bitcoin mining ( ecosystem.
The first and most important piece of equipment needed to mine bitcoin is specialized mining hardware called application-specific integrated circuits, or ASICs. A new ASICs device can cost anywhere from several hundred dollars to $10,000. But the price of mining hardware is only a fraction of the expense involved. ASICs consume tremendous amounts of electricity, the cost of which can quickly exceed the cost of the device using it.
You'll also need to choose Bitcoin mining ( software to join the Bitcoin network. This isn't nearly as expensive as hardware. In fact, there are plenty of reliable software options available for free.
To determine the profitability of Bitcoin mining (, all expenses must be considered: hardware, software, and electricity. The current value of Bitcoin, which consistently fluctuates, must also be taken into account, as well as taxes you might pay.
Each block takes roughly 10 minutes to mine. If more power and resources are dedicated to mining, and the time required to mine one block falls under 10 minutes, Bitcoin's mining difficulty will increase to bring the average per-block mining time back to 10 minutes.  
Can You Make Money From Mining Bitcoin?
At first glance, Bitcoin mining ( appears profitable. As of November 2020, the reward per block was 6.25 bitcoins, and one bitcoin is worth almost $18,000. According to these figures, Bitcoin generates over $100,000 worth of value every 10 minutes. If that sounds too good to be true, that's because it is--in part.
A single ASIC can consume as much electricity as 500,000 Playstation 3 devices, which is why Bitcoin mining ( simply isn't profitable from home.  
The profitability of Bitcoin mining ( mostly depends on the cost of electricity. For example, if you live in Louisiana and access electricity at an industrial rate of 4.58 cents per Kilowatt hour--which is the cheapest in the U.S.--you will lose money, even with top-notch ASICs hardware.  
Fortunately, Bitcoin mining ( enthusiasts without direct access to cheap electricity have another option.
Mining Pools.
One way in which Bitcoin mining ( can still be profitable--and perhaps the only way--is through mining pools. These enable miners to pool their resources together, adding power, but splitting the difficulty, cost, and reward of mining Bitcoin. There are several well-known Bitcoin mining ( pools across the globe, including F2Pool, Poolin, and
When a mining pool is rewarded, the individual miners get a very tiny piece of this reward. One bitcoin can be divided by eight decimal places, meaning a transaction of 0.00000001 BTC can be facilitated by the Bitcoin network, thus accommodating thousands of Bitcoin miners who collaborate through mining pools.  
But miners might still wait a long time to successfully reap their reward. Though this is highly speculative, one analysis found that top-notch ASICs hardware would require about 1,200 days to receive one bitcoin from mining efforts as part of a pool.  
The IRS treats cryptocurrencies (including Bitcoin) received from mining as income. A miner needs documentation proving when a bitcoin was mined. The bitcoin will be valued based on its price the day it was mined. If a bitcoin is later sold at a higher price, the miner will need to pay capital gains tax on the difference.
If a mining operation is not part of an established business, additional tax obligations could apply. Such miners are likely to owe a self-employment tax of 15.3% on their annual income.  
How to Start Mining Bitcoin.
Though it is extremely difficult and rarely profitable, Bitcoin mining ( is still feasible. While the best results will derive from joining a mining pool, the following steps can be taken to venture into Bitcoin mining (
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:12 am

How To Mine Faster in CryptoTab - New Tricks 2020|7:05
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:13 am
Is Bitcoin mining ( Profitable or Worth it in 2020?
The short answer is yes. The long answer... it's complicated.
Bitcoin mining ( began as a well paid hobby for early adopters who had the chance to earn 50 BTC every 10 minutes, mining from their bedrooms. Successfully mining just one Bitcoin block, and holding onto it since 2010 would mean you have $450,000 worth of bitcoin in your wallet in 2020.
Unless you have access to very cheap electricity, and modern mining hardware then mining isn't the most efficient way to stack sats. Buying bitcoin with a debit card is the simplest way.
Ten years ago, all you needed was a reasonably powerful computer, a stable internet connection and the foresight of Nostradamus. These days, thanks to industrial Bitcoin mining ( operations, it's not such a level playing field and for a lot of people it makes more sense to simply buy some bitcoin on an exchange like Coinbase.
If you're motivated to learn, and you want to get a semi-passive income of bitcoin, then there are a few basics to get your head round, before working out if it's even possible for you to profit from Bitcoin mining (
Mining is the backbone of all proof-of-work blockchains and can be described with three key concepts:
Transaction Records.
The verification and addition of transactions to the public blockchain ledger. This is where you can view every single transaction that has ever occured in the history of the blockchain.
Proof-of-Work Calculations.
The energy-intensive puzzle that each Bitcoin mining ( machine solves every ten minutes. The miner that completes the puzzle before anything else adds the new block to the blockchain.
Bitcoin Block Reward.
Rewarded with 6.25 bitcoins. This number will reduce to 6.25 bitcoins after the halving in May 2020. The reward (plus transaction fees) are paid to the miner who solved the puzzle first.
This process repeats approximately every 10 minutes for every mining machine on the network. The difficulty of the puzzle (Network Difficulty) adjusts every 2016 blocks (
14 days) to ensure that on average one machine will solve the puzzle in a 10 minute period.
Network difficulty is calculated by the amount of hashrate contributing to the Bitcoin network.
What is Hashrate?
Hashrate is a measure of a miner's computational power.
In other words, the more miners (and therefore computing power) mining bitcoin and hoping for a reward, the harder it becomes to solve the puzzle. It is a computational arms race, where the individuals or organizations with the most computing power (hashrate) will be able to mine the most bitcoin.
The more computing power a machine has, the more solutions (and hence, block rewards) a miner is likely to find.
In 2009, hashrate was initially measured in hash per second (H/s) - Due to the exponential growth of mining, H/s was soon commonly pre-fixed with the following SI units:
Kilohash KH/s (thousands of Hashes/second) Megahash MH/s (millions of Hashes/second) Gigahash GH/s (billions of Hashes/second) Terahash TH/s (trillions of Hashes/second) Petahash PH/s (quadrillions of Hashes/second)
To try and put this into perspective, let's look at how much revenue 1 TH of power can earn mining bitcoin. As the global hashrate is usually growing the revenue per TH for each miner is usually falling, - and the revenue chart for 1 TH/s looks like this:
When you consider how many TH/s there are in the entire Bitcoin network though, you get a true sense of the scale of the industry:
85 Exahash = 85,000,000 Terahash.
That means in May 2020 the daily revenue, globally, for Bitcoin mining ( is: $8.45M.
How do Bitcoin miners calculate their earnings?
You've probably heard the scare stories about Bitcoin mining ('s energy consumption.
Regardless of whether the impact is overblown by the media, it's a fact that the underlying cost of mining is the energy consumed. The revenue from mining has to outweigh those costs, plus the original investment into mining hardware, in order to be profitable.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:13 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:13 am

Is CryptoTab Browser Legit - Does CrytoTab Pay In 2021?|14:39
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:27 am
Mining Revenue.
In 2020, one modern Bitcoin mining ( machine (commonly known as an ASIC), like the Whatsminer M20S, generates around $8 in Bitcoin revenue every day. If you compare this to the revenue of mining a different crypto currency, like Ethereum, which is mined with graphics cards, you can see that the revenue from Bitcoin mining ( is twice that of mining with the same amount GPUs you could buy for one ASIC. Thirteen AMD RX graphics cards cost around the same as one Whatsminer M20s.
This graph shows you the daily revenue of mining Bitcoin. It does not take into account the daily electricity costs of running a mining machine. Your baseline costs will be the difference between mining profitably or losing money. GPU mining for Ethereum is more efficient than mining with Bitcoin with an ASIC machine.
You can think of it as though the miners are a decentralized Paypal. Allowing all the transactions to be recorded accurately and making a bit of money for running the system.
Bitcoin miners earn bitcoin by collecting something called the block reward plus the fees bitcoin users pay the miners for safely and securely recording their bitcoin transactions onto the blockchain.
What is the Block Reward?
Roughly every ten minutes a specific number of newly-minted bitcoin is awarded to the person with a mining machine that is quickest to discover the new block.
Originally, in 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto set the mining reward at 50 BTC, as well as encoding the future reductions to the reward.
The Bitcoin code is predetermined to halve this payout roughly every four years. It was reduced to 25 BTC in late-2012, and halved again to 12.5 BTC in the middle of 2016.
Most recently, in May 2020, the third Bitcoin halving reduced the block reward to 6.25 BTC.
What about transaction fees?
The second source of revenue for Bitcoin miners is the transaction fees that Bitcoiners have to pay when they transfer BTC to one another.
This is the beauty of Bitcoin. Every transaction is recorded in an unchangeable blockchain that is copied to every mining machine.
Bitcoin doesn't rely on a central bank to keep records, it's the miners themselves that keep the records, and they get to keep a share of the transaction fees as well.
Taxes on Bitcoin mining ( Profits.
Of course, while profiting on Bitcoin mining ( isn't certain, paying taxes on your mining rewards is. Every miner needs to know the relevant tax laws for Bitcoin mining ( in his area, which is why it is so important to use a crypto tax software that helps you keep track of everything and make sure you are still making enough money after you account for taxes.
How do you know if you can profit from Bitcoin mining (
First of all, Bitcoin mining ( has a lot of variables. This is why buying bitcoin on an exchange can be a simpler way to make a profit. However, when done efficiently it is possible to end up with more bitcoin from mining than from simply hodling.
One of the most important variables for miners is the price of Bitcoin itself. If, like most people, you are paying for your mining hardware, and your electricity,- in dollars, then you will need to earn enough bitcoin from mining to cover your ongoing costs; and make back your original investment into the machine itself.
Bitcoin price, naturally, impacts all miners. However, there are three factors that separate profitable miners from the rest: cheap electricity, low cost and efficient hardware and a good mining pool.
1. Cheap Electricity.
Electricity prices vary from country to country. Many countries also charge a lower price for industrial electricity in order to encourage economic growth. This means that a mining farm in  will pay half as much for the electricity you would mining at home in the USA. In places like Germany, well as you can see from the chart, that's another story...
In practical terms. Running a Whatsminer M20S for one month will cost around $110 a month if your electricity is $0.045 kWh in somewhere like China,  or Kazakhstan. You can see from the table below that you would make $45 a month in May 2020 with those electricity prices.
Profitability with $0.045 kWh electricity.
However, with the typical home electricity price in the USA, of $0.12 kWh, you would be running the machines at a loss from the start and it would not make sense to mine under these conditions:
Profitability with $0.12 kWh electricity.
2. Efficient Hardware.
So far in this article I've used the Whatsminer M20S as an example of the kind of machine you will need to mine bitcoin. These days there are several hardware manufacturers to choose from.
The price of hardware varies from manufacturer to manufacturer and depends largely on how low the energy use is for the machine vs the amount of computing power it produces. The more computing power, the more bitcoin you will mine. The lower the energy consumption the lower your monthly costs.
When choosing which machine to invest in, miners should think about the machine's profitability and longevity.
Profitability is determined by the machine's price per TH, how many watts the machine uses per TH, and your hosting costs. Longevity is determined by the production quality of the machine. It makes no sense to buy cheaper or seemingly more efficient machines if they break down after a few months of running.
If the hosting cost is low enough, it often makes sense to prioritize the 'price per TH' over 'watts per TH', as your lower operational expenses (OpEx) will make up for the loss in your machine's efficiency - and vice versa if your hosting costs are high.
The manufacturer with the lowest failure rate right now is MicroBT, who make the Whatsminer M20S and other Whatsminer models.
Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Turnoff Prices.
One useful way to think about hardware is to consider what price BTC would have to fall to in order for the machines to stop being profitable. You want your machine to stay profitable for several years in order for you to earn more bitcoin from mining than you could have got by simply buying the cryptocurrency itself.
The following table shows that the majority of the most modern machines could remain profitable at a bitcoin price between $5000 and $6000. Some machines could handle a drop below $5k, if they are being run with electricity that costs under $0.05 kWh.
Unfortunately most older machines are now no longer profitable even in China. The Bitmain S9 has been operational since 2016 and interestingly enough they are still being used in Venezuela and Iran where electricity is so cheap that it outweighs the risk of confiscation. There may, eventually, be more reputable sources of sub 2 cents electricity as the access to solar and wind improves in North America.
For the individual miner, the only hope of competing with operations that have access to such cheap electricity is to send your machines to those farms themselves. Not many farms offer this as a service though.
3. Reliable Mining Pool.
These days, every miner needs to mine through a mining pool. Whether you are mining with one machine, or several thousand, the network of Bitcoin mining ( machines is so large that your chances of regularly finding a block (and therefore earning the block reward and transaction fees) is very low.
If the Bitcoin Network Hashrate is 100 EH/s (100,000,000 TH/s), a WhatsMiner M20S ASIC miner with 68 TH/s, has approximately a 1 in 1,470,588 chance of mining a Bitcoin block. With one block per 10 mins they may have to wait 16 years to mine that one block.
The oldest two pools are Slush Pool and F2Pool. F2Pool is now the largest Bitcoin mining ( pool and they support around 20% of the entire Bitcoin network.
F2Pool's payout method is called PPS+. PPS+ pools take the risk away from miners, as they pay out block rewards and transaction fees to miners regardless of whether the pool itself successfully mines each block. Typically, PPS+ pools pay the miners at the end of each day.
This is how PPS+ pools calculate how much to pay out to miners in their pool. Here comes the science part...
If the Bitcoin Network Hashrate is at 85 EH/s (85,000,000 TH/s), a WhatsMiner M20S ASIC miner with 68 TH/s, will earn around 0.000702 BTC per day before pool fees.
0.000702 BTC is calculated by 68 (miner hashrate) ÷ 85,000,000 (network hashrate) × 144 (number of blocks per day) × 6.25 (block reward).
Pool fees are normally 2.50-4.00%, so let's use 2.50% for the example; the net mining revenue is therefore 0.00068445 BTC.
If BTC is priced at $9,000, then this M20S has a daily revenue of $6.16.
Choosing the right mining pool is very important, as you will receive your mined bitcoin sent from the pool payouts every day. It's important to choose a pool that is reliable, transparent and offers the right suite of tools and services to help you optimize your mining operation.
4. Fees When Selling Bitcoin.
An often overlooked facet of mining profitability is the fees one pays to sell the Bitcoin one mines. If you are a small time miner, you may have to sell your coins on a retail exchange like kraken or binance. Sometimes your fees are low but sometimes your fees are high - it really just depends on the fee structure of the exchange and the state of the orderbook at the moment.
However, if you are a professional miner like F2 or Bitmain, you likely have really advantageous deals with OTC desks to sell your coins at little to no fees - depending on the state of the market. Some miners are even paid above spot price for their coins. Either way, professional mining operations deal with Bitcoin at a large scale and so they have more leverage to get deals that are good for them, and this doesn't just apply to electrcity purchases.
If you think you have what it takes be mine profitably, we suggest you make sure first by using our mining profitability calculator.
Professionals vs Amateurs.
It's common knowledge that it has become very difficult for individual miners to get access to the best machines and the cheapest electricity rates. Bitcoin farms that operate at scale use these advantages to maximize their returns.
As the difficulty of mining bitcoin increases, and the price lags behind, it is becoming harder and harder for small miners to make a profit.
It all comes down to scale and access to cheaper prices. When people enter the space, without prior relationships, they struggle to compete with established mining operations.
Bitcoin mining ( is starting to resemble similar industries as more money flows in and people start to suit up. With increased leverage, margins are lower across the whole sector. Soon, large scale miners will be able to hedge their operations with financial tooling to lock in profits, whilst bringing in USD denominated investments like loans or for equity.
As mining becomes more professional, it will make things even harder for DIY miners.
Can you Mine direct to an exchange?
If you have put in the effort to learn about mining, and you have found a location with low cost electricity for your machines, then you still need to consider where to store the bitcoin that you mine.
It is possible to mine direct from the pool to an exchange, but we recommend you keep your bitcoin in a wallet where you have access to the private keys.
Here are our top picks for Bitcoin wallets:
Get more insider crypto knowledge from the world’s leading crypto wallet.
Is Bitcoin mining ( Worth It? (2020 Updated)
Is Bitcoin mining ( worth it?
In this article, we’ll answer that question given that today, large scale mining operations now dominate the landscape. We’ll consider equipment costs, what can give you an advantage in mining and how to determine profitability. В.
Before we dive in though, if you’d like a primer on what Bitcoin mining ( is, including some interesting facts that you might not be aware of, we’ve published another article: What is Bitcoin mining ( The article is a great introduction to the topic of Bitcoin mining ( and if you’re new to crypto you might want to check it out before reading this more technically rich article.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:28 am

Cara mining / nambang BITCOIN dengan Cryptotab Browser|7:51
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:28 am

Mine Monero (XMR) In Your Web Browser (Any Computer) 2018!|4:57
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:29 am
In this article.
The State of Bitcoin mining ( Today.
Bitcoin mining ( today is dominated by mining farms, large Bitcoin mining ( operations with thousands or tens of thousands of ASICs (specialized mining devices) all under one roof. These operations benefit from economies of scale as well as the financial acumen to hedge their operations using futures and options.
As of publication, the Bitcoin hashrate has not quite reached its all-time high from March 2020. However, that won’t last long and at some point over the summer of 2020, the hashrate will break old records. Why is this important?
A high hashrate means that it’s more difficult to make a profit mining Bitcoin. The higher the hashrate the more miners there are (or fewer but more efficient miners) which means you’ll earn less by mining.
So when deciding whether you want to mine Bitcoin you should consider the hashrate and how that will affect your bottom line.
Bitcoin mining ( Costs.
The two major costs in mining Bitcoin are electricity and equipment costs, I.e. the ASIC miner costs. If you live somewhere with cheap electricity this puts you at an advantage.
In fact, this is why Bitcoin mining ( is common in China, which has cheap hydroelectric power, as well as in Venezuela, with its cheap, state-subsidized electricity. University dorm room mining, where electricity is a fixed cost per semester, is also increasingly a thorn in university housing budgets. В.
The other cost, the ASIC miner, is nothing to dismiss. A top of the line miner can cost anywhere between $1,000 and $3,000. Again, the small guy who is buying a handful of miners (or just one) is at a big disadvantage to the large mining farms getting a discount by buying in bulk. В.
As expensive as an ASIC is, it’s advisable to buy top of the line equipment as the latest generation of miners usually provide the best ROI. When you look at Amazon and see old ASIC Bitcoin mining ( rigs selling for $100 each, there’s a reason that they’re that cheap.
These old rigs are so inefficient that the electricity costs dwarf any potential returns вЂ" unless you have a source of nearly free electricity (we do not recommend mining from WeWork or moving to Venezuela).
There is a reason this miner only costs $99. Image credit: Amazon.
To throw another wrench in the gears of profitability, ASIC miners become obsolete faster than anyone would like. If you buy a miner when it first comes out you can typically get between 6 to 12 months of peak efficiency before the next generation comes out and makes your ASIC old news.
You can still mine on older equipment of course but the cost to reward ratio is going to be increasingly disappointing. Also, as shown above it’s not as though you can sell the old rig to recoup your costs. Old ASIC miners are just about worth their weight in high grade firewood.
Finally, you have mining pool fees, cooling fees, mining software fees, the time cost of maintaining your rig, and the set up costs.
An ASIC is as loud as a hairdryer and almost as hot. When you’re mining, you’ll need to keep your rig in a noise insulated container, or somewhere outside, like your shed, which will require some special planning to avoid fires.
So having mentioned those factors, let’s take a look at the next question, is it worth it?
So is Bitcoin mining ( Worth It? For Most, No.
Is mining Bitcoin worth it? As a financial investment, probably not. For it to make financial sense you would need very cheap (or free) electricity, strong technical acumen to optimize the operation of your ASIC(s), and plain luck.
As an example of how mining might go wrong, you can imagine how well all those people did who started mining in January of 2018…
Anyone who began mining in January 2018 had a very, very rough go of it. Image credit: TradingView.
If you still want to mine BTC, a tool like a Bitcoin mining ( profitability calculator can be a great resource to help you decide whether mining Bitcoin is worth it. You can select different coins, input the cost of your electricity and so forth.
One consideration when running a cost-benefit analysis is that a Bitcoin ASIC will allow you to mine several different coins, including BTC, BCHSV, and BCH among others. So you can switch between networks to arbitrage opportunities.
That being the case, mining BTC is usually the most profitable opportunity and you shouldn’t count on a financial windfall from mining other coins.
Still, it does appear likely that we’re entering into a new crypto bull market. Or at the very least, that another protracted depression in prices is fairly unlikely. You can probably count on prices at least remaining where they are now, if not going higher as we move toward 2021.
Probably the best way to look at mining is as a hobby. Mining may be profitable, it may not be, but the experience is where the enjoyment comes from. Setting up the mining rigs, learning about Bitcoin, contributing to network security and bragging to your friends that you do some Bitcoin mining ( on the side. All part of the fun.
From a strictly financial point of view the best way to make money is probably to buy Bitcoin from an exchange and hold it in your wallet. But if you have a realistic idea of what mining will be like, and how much you can expect to earn, then by all means it’s worth it.
Here’s How You Can Still Benefit From Bitcoin’s Rise.
All signs point toward a new crypto bull market. Arther Hayes, the CEO of Bitmex, has suggested Bitcoin will be $20,000 again by the end of 2020. Macro trader turned Bitcoin bull Raoul Pal doesn’t give a timeline but he suggests Bitcoin is headed to $100,000 in the not too distant future. Plan B, a prominent crypto analyst, is calling for $288,000 sometime by 2024.
The very best way to benefit from this potential upside for most people will be buying Bitcoin and keeping it somewhere safe.
Given all of the costs associated with Bitcoin mining (, and the unfortunate advantage that large mining operations have from buying ASICs and electricity in bulk, it’s not likely that you’ll earn a positive return from investing a few thousand dollars in Bitcoin mining (
Buying Bitcoin and storing it safely is the best strategy for most people.
Once you’ve purchased your Bitcoin, it’s paramount that you store it safely. Billions (with a B) of dollar’s worth of cryptocurrency are stolen every year. Nobody thinks it will happen to them, until it does, and centralized exchanges are notorious for losing customer funds.
One of the best ways to store your Bitcoin, as well as any other cryptocurrencies that you’re invested in, is with the Exodus wallet. Exodus is one of the most well reviewed wallets in the cryptocurrency ecosystem thanks to a couple of important features:
It supports over 100 crypto assets It’s both easy to use as well as visually appealing Exodus is the only cryptocurrency wallet that supports desktop, mobile, and hardware wallet (Trezor) integration Exodus allows you to exchange your Bitcoin for other cryptos right from your wallet - without creating an account! You can sync your wallet balances between desktop and mobile There is 24/7, fast human support if you ever need help From left to right: Exodus on Trezor, mobile, and desktop. Download Exodus BTC wallet.
It’s important to be realistic. There are too many articles that make it sound like Bitcoin mining ( is an easy way to make a quick buck.
Bitcoin mining ( is firmly in the hands of the big players and they have all of the advantages, from cheap equipment and electricity to dedicated engineers who do nothing all day, every day, but optimize operations.
If you’d like to mine as a hobby that’s awesome! Contribute to the network and earn some coin on the side. Just make sure that you’ve already got some Bitcoin safely tucked away so that, fingers crossed, when a new bull market begins you can benefit from rising prices.
This content is for informational purposes only and is not investment advice. You should consult a qualified licensed advisor before engaging in any transaction.
Is Bitcoin mining ( Worth It in 2020?
One of the most talked-about terms in 2018 and 2019 was Bitcoin. Everyone was informed about this cryptocurrency, were you also paying attention? If not, sit back & relax! Here, we will talk about bitcoin a bit more, and we will tell you all there is to know in 2020, and you will stay up to date! Also, we will help you determine and finally figure out if this is the right move to make sometimes soon, or if you should skip on mining!
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:29 am

I Tried Mining Bitcoin With My Computer - Cryptotab vs Brave Browser|7:36
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:29 am

Browser Penghasil Bitcoin (Tips Cara Meng-aktifkan MINER).|8:15
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:30 am
How to know if bitcoin is for you?
Not everyone is a professional when it comes to crypto values or Bitcoin in particular. This is why you can have a simplified version and a lot of help with and on their website.
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Basics of Mining.
With the help of basic software, you can do complex calculations on the layers of a digital lock.
Bitcoin mining ( Work.
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They also have amazing customer support + you will understand all there is to know, no matter if you are a beginner or a professional when it comes to Bitcoin!
So, is Bitcoin mining ( worth it?
So, if you are a beginner, this fun fact will interest you. Did you know how long it takes to mine just 1 Bitcoin? Ten minutes! So, how much time do you have, how much are you willing to spare, and how much money do you want to invest in your little mining machines?
Bitcoin mining ( today is dominated by thousands ASICs (which are specialized mining devices) that are all placed under one roof!
The Bitcoin hashrate didn't reach its all-time potential since March of 2020. Luckily, this won't last for too long and you can expect this hashrate to break old records sometimes by the end of the year.
The higher the hashrate - the harder the chances to make a profit. If the hashrate is high, you can expect a lot of miners.
What are the Bitcoin mining ( costs?
You will spend most of your money on electricity as well as the equipment costs. If you are lucky enough to live somewhere where the electricity is super cheap - this is a major advantage, and you should give mining a chance!
Most mining is done in China since they have super cheap power.
The ASIC miner can cost you around $1,000 to $3,000. However, people who buy in bulks may get a discount, which makes the price even more affordable!
Also think about the pool fees, cooling fees, mining software fees, as well as the time cost of maintaining your rig.
Once you think about all of these factors it is time to reconsider and question yourself - is mining still worth it in 2020?
Is it worth it?
Before and while it was the most-talked topic (back in January of 2018), Bitcoin was having its rough start.
Nowadays, there are Bitcoin calculators that can help you decide if mining Bitcoin is worth it, which makes the process and your money investments a lot safer and easier to do!
Usually, mining BTC is the most profitable opportunity.
However, once you look at the overall picture, you can expect that prices remain where they are now. However, they will progress as we move into 2021.
How to understand mining, and what to do about it?
The best way to look into it and to think of it is as a hobby. For some, it can be profitable. However, sometimes, the journey and the experience can be even more fun than the end goal itself!
You should enjoy setting up the mining rigs, learning about Bitcoin, as well as investing a smaller amount of money into your first attempts. Start slow and proceed gradually6.
Source: FX Empire.
How to benefit?
According to some stats as well as the CEO of Bitmex, Arther Hayes, Bitcoin will be around $20,000 by December 2020, or by January 2021. Also, Bitcoin is headed to $100,000 in the near future. Some analysts also believe that it could be around $288,000 sometime by 2024!
What is the best way to profit or benefit from Bitcoin? Buy it in the near future, and store it somewhere safe.
You probably will not make a positive return of a thousand dollars in the next month or so, but it may take years for you to profit (so, be ready for it).
Source: MIT Technology Review.
What should you watch out for?
Have you purchased your very own, first, Bitcoin? It doesn't matter which one is it, all crypto values should be stored properly and safely. Why? Well, did you know that billion dollar's worth of cryptocurrency is stolen every year?!
Make sure to invest proper time & care when hiding your Bitcoins. Some experts recommend that you get yourself an e-wallet, such as an Exodus wallet. This one as well as similar wallets can support over 100 crypto assets + they are super easy to use and navigate through and on your own!
Source: The Conversation.
Summing it up: Top 3 reasons to proceed with Bitcoin.
Proceed if you have cheap electricity and you can store your machines at one facility with ease, and you have space to spare. Choose the right and reliable mining pool and that pays out every day. You can even mine directly to an exchange. However, investing in an e-wallet may seem like a safer way to do it. Source: Planet Compliance.
Ready for your new Bitcoins?
Are you ready to explore the world of mining? Although 2020 may not be the best year for Bitcoin, it seems like its bright future is ahead! If you don't mind waiting around till 2021, give it a go! However, if you are someone who is quite impatient and you need profit today, rather sit this one out.
Depends on how much hardware you have and the cost of electricity where you'll be mining. If the cost of electricity is high, likely not, and if you don't have an ASIC mining rig, also likely not.
If you have moderate to low electricity cost, probably, but you'll need an ASIC to see any major returns--a CPU/GPU won't cut it.
You can use an ASIC miner, a GPU, or a CPU to mine Bitcoin. You'd have to download Bitcoin's blockchain, a mining program, and connect to/establish a mining pool.
This is a simple question with a complex answer. There are a few different factors that influence whether or not Bitcoin mining ( will be worth it for you. Even with the rising Bitcoin price, the set-up fees and electricity costs may outweigh the revenue that you'd earn through mining.
The primary factors that affect your Bitcoin mining ( profitable are:
Mining difficulty and rewards Hash rate Operational costs.
Mining difficulty and rewards.
The mining difficulty determines the complexity of the algorithm you need to solve when creating a new block of transactions. As more miners join the network, the difficulty increases making Bitcoin harder to mine.
The reward for mining a block is currently 12.5 Bitcoin . This reward is cut in half every 210,000 blocks with the next "halving" set to occur in 2020. Ideally, the price of Bitcoin will increase enough to outweigh the continuing decline of the mining reward.
You should also factor in the conversion rate of Bitcoin to fiat if you plan on cashing out at any time. With the volatility of Bitcoin's price, this could greatly affect your profitability.
The biggest unknown when calculating your projected Bitcoin mining ( profitable is the amount of yearly profitability decline . No one knows how many miners will continue to join the network, so it's nearly impossible to calculate just how much your revenue will decrease each year.
The hash rate is the speed at which your mining rig can solve the algorithm needed to mine new blocks. Although a mining rig with a high hash rate may seem nice, they usually cost significantly more to purchase and operate.
When choosing a miner, you should first figure out how long you'd like to mine for . If you're only planning on mining Bitcoin for a short amount of time, it could be advantageous to pick up a less expensive miner. Even though the hash rate may be lower, you may be able to pay off the initial purchase cost at a faster rate.
Operational costs.
There are a few different costs you need to consider when calculating your Bitcoin mining ( profitability.
The electrical costs differ based on your electricity rate and the power consumption of your mining rig. Mining rigs are usually listed with their typical power consumption, and you can find your electricity rate on your power bills.
To mine effectively, you'll need to join a mining pool and pay the associated pool fees . A mining pool is a group of miners that work together to mine blocks at an increased rate. The reward of each block is then split amongst the miners enabling you to get paid more regularly. These fees range anywhere from 0% - 5% .
You should also include the upfront cost of buying a mining rig when calculating your potential profitability.
Bitcoin mining ( profitability calculators.
Once you've figured out some of your costs and mining rig options, you can use a calculator to determine whether or not Bitcoin mining ( is worth it for you. 99Bitcoins and CryptoCompare both have great calculators for you to use.
If you find that you won't be profitable mining Bitcoin, don't fret. There's plenty of other coins like Monero or Litecoin that you may find more profitable for yourself.
HODL Or Mining: Is Bitcoin mining ( Worth It In 2020?
Last Updated Jun 26, 2020 @ 13:30.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:30 am

How to Make a Website That Mines Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Monero, Ethereum) in Browser - 2020 (Easy)|12:39
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:31 am

Top 5 des meilleurs sites de cloud mining en 2020.|9:35
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:31 am
The cryptocurrency community is usually divided into three major camps when it comes down to potential ways to earn money.
The first is inhabited by traders, believing that the best way to make profits is to take advantage of the volatility in the market by trading.
The second comes in the form of long-term investors, also known as Hodlers. They believe in a cryptocurrency's (usually Bitcoin's) value and that it will increase notably over the years, so they don't trade it - just hold it.
The third option - enter miners. Those are people who have invested a large amount of money in hardware so that they can mine a particular cryptocurrency. Today we will take a more in-depth look into mining as a whole and will try to answer the question of whether or not it's still profitable in 2020 or miners should use that money to invest directly.
Even though plenty of different coins are "mined," we will provide the examples and explanations using Bitcoin, as it introduced the term "mining" in the industry, being the first-ever cryptocurrency working on this principle.
Bitcoin miners use high-powered computers to solve complex computational math problems, and the whole process is called the "Proof-of-Work" consensus algorithm. The result of this endeavor is two folded - miners "create" new bitcoins, and they also help verify each transaction, keeping the payment network secure and trustworthy.
The latter happens when the miners clump transactions together in "blocks" and then add them to a public record, called "blockchain." By doing this, they are making sure the transactions are accurate, and that double-spending cannot occur.
In return, miners receive bitcoins as rewards for completing each transaction, and the amount of new coins released with each mined block is called "block reward." It decreases in half every four years in a process called...
The Bitcoin Halving Event.
Every four years, the Bitcoin halving slashes in half the rewards that miners receive for their efforts. So far, there have been two previous cases - in 2012 and 2016. The former cut the rewards for a solved block from 50 BTC to 25 BTC and the latter from 25 BTC to 12.5 BTC.
It happens after every 210,000 blocks, and the next one will take place next year, further decreasing the rewards to 6.25 BTC. This brings us to our initial question - would Bitcoin mining ( be still profitable in 2020 but more on that later.
Bitcoin mining ( Throughout the Years.
Back in the day when Bitcoin was initially introduced to the public, mining was usually done on personal computers. At that point, profitability was pretty easy, because miners already had the needed equipment, so they didn't need to invest any money to start. Additionally, the biggest competition they had was other miners using the same type of equipment.
Quickly though, this changed with the induction of application-specific integrated circuit chips (ASIC) that offered extremely higher capabilities than the regular personal machine, thus making them obsolete. The bar was notably raised, and adding the high expenses; individuals could no longer compete properly with the new standard. Moreover, this was the time when large Bitcoin mining ( centers started to emerge with severely powerful machines.
It's worth noting that after ASIC-powered computers started operating, the hash rate of the largest crypto increased dramatically, as well, ultimately making the network much healthier.
BTCHashrate. Source: Binance Research.
Bitcoin mining ( Allocation.
With the entry of the new and powerful technology and the creation of large mining centers, it became clear that those establishments will be in control of Bitcoin mining ( China grew into the most prominent player in this game by controlling 66% of all the hash rate, as Cryptopotato recently reported.
Such a large percentage operated within the borders of the same country could be regarded as a potential issue for Bitcoin. One thing that remains positive, though, is that no single entity has more than 25% of the total control, let alone over 50%.
Bitcoin Hashrate Distribution. Source:
As we can see in the picture above, Poolin controls around 18.3%, followed by F2Pool - 14.8% - both based in China.
We can also notice that the largest part indicates that it's unknown, which could raise concerns that it may be under a potential attack. However, the report quickly disproves it by clarifying that it appears this way only because they were unable to establish the origin yet.
Is Bitcoin mining ( Still Worth It Today?
Here comes the big question, but it doesn't have a straightforward answer. It consists more of complex issues that have to be explained before we can determine the outcome. Let's begin with the four major factors that we need to acknowledge.
The cost of electricity to power the computer systems. Mining difficulty The availability and price of computer systems Competition.
The first one is somewhat subjective and depends mainly on the location, as the electricity costs differ depending on where the mining machine is stationed. Also, the bills change with the different seasons, and in most places, the price is lower at night.
The difficulty factor is strongly related to the hash rate of Bitcoin as it measures the transaction validation in hashes per second. The network is designed to produce a certain number of bitcoins per second, and when there are more active miners, the difficulty increases to ensure that the level is of distribution is static.
Even though the availability of computing power sounds like it wouldn't provide any issues, that's not always the case. During the parabolic price increase of 2017 and the increased media attention, Bitcoin mining ( became extremely popular and lots of people were trying to get in. Rapidly, the hardware became scarce, which also exploded the prices, leaving lots of potential miners "on the street." Nowadays, though, similar equipment can be found more easily and usually cheaper.
The competition could be the most significant factor, as mentioned above. As we can see from the previous paragraph, large mining companies have entered the field, leaving less grinding materials for the individual.
Now we can see why the question doesn't have just a "yes" or "no" answer. In fact, by looking at all of those factors, each future miner should ask himself whether or not it's worth it for him. But before heading to the hardware store to make large purchases with the idea of Bitcoin mining (, make sure that you have made all of the needed calculations.
Final Words.
Mining has become a billion-dollar industry in recent years, with so many large players trying to establish further control. However, those changes are generally excluding individual miners, yet many continue to do it and manage to make profits. Next year Bitcoin will go through its third halving, cutting the rewards that miners receive in half to 6.25 BTC.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:31 am

Top 5 des meilleurs site de CLOUD MINING (Miner de la Crypto, BITCOIN, ETHEREUM...)|10:10
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:32 am
On the surface, this might repel potential newcomers who are asking the question if it's not more profitable just to invest in the largest crypto and wait for it to grow over the years. Yet, the growth is not guaranteed; however, by mining, people not only receive BTC as rewards but also keep the network safe and validate the transactions, making them one of the most critical pieces of the Bitcoin puzzle.
Is it worth Mining Bitcoin in 2020?
Many people have been asking themselves if Mining Bitcoin is worth it or profitable. There is massive domination of the landscape by the large scale mining operations. The Bitcoin mining ( started early by early adopters who could earn 50BTC every 10 minutes. The Bitcoin Guide below will give you a great perspective of why Bitcoin mining ( is worth it.
Bitcoin Guide: the state of Bitcoin today.
Mining farms, large Bitcoin mining ( operations, and many specialized mining devices dominate Bitcoin mining ( in the current world. The economies of scale are the main benefiting factors of these operations.
Bitcoin Harshrate.
Bitcoin Harshrate is a very crucial thing in the mining of Bitcoin. The Harshrate is essential so that if its higher, you will not make maximum profits in Bitcoin. It is because when the Harshrate is higher, the large the number of miners available hence you will earn less.
Is Mining Bitcoin Worth It?
A little miner is digging on graphic card with golden coin. Bitcoin mining ( and crypto currency concept.
Most of the people see the Mining of Bitcoin as not worth it since it requires cheap electricity, sharp technical insight to operate the ASICs and plain luck. You can use tools such as mine BTC or Bitcoin mining ( Profitability calculator that will enable you to see if Bitcoin mining ( is worth it. Here you can choose various coins, add the electricity cost and many other things.
Bitcoin ASIC will help you immensely in mining numerous coins such as BTC, BCHSV, and BCH when operating on a cost-benefit analysis. They will help you in switching between networks to arbitrage opportunities.
Mining BTC is a good thing considering those factors, and mining other coins should not be counted as a financial windfall. If you want to be great in Bitcoin mining (, you need to take it as a hobby. It may be profitable or not profitable to you, but bringing enthusiasm is the experience when doing it. It is all fun to create mining rigs, educate yourself about mining Bitcoin, your contribution to network security, and tell your friends or colleagues that you have specialized in Bitcoin mining (
If you want to make more money, purchase Bitcoin from an exchange and then hold it to your wallet. If you have excellent knowledge about Bitcoin mining ( and how it will look and how much money you will be earning, then it is worth it, and you should go for it. For more bitcoin insights click here.
How to benefit from the rise of Bitcoin.
A great way to earn from mining is to buy Bitcoins and keep it a place where it will be very safe. The Exodus wallet is the best way to store the Bitcoin that you have purchased. Exodus is the most preferred in the world of cryptocurrency due to the following factors:
It gives support to more than 100 cryptocurrencies. It is effortless to use, and its visuals delightful and appealing. It allows the integration of desktop, mobile, and wallet. You can easily exchange your Bitcoin with other cryptos from your wallet, and you do not need to create any account. Offers 24/7 services to the people.
Electricity and equipment costs are the two significant cots of Bitcoin mining ( People who live in homesteads that have cheap electricity are at a great advantage. It is the main reason the Bitcoin mining ( is a big thing in china since it has a very affordable hydroelectric power.
We have another cost, ASIC, which is minor but not to be ignored. The tiny miners' costs between $ 1000-$ 3000 and a person need to buy plenty of them have caused considerable disadvantages to the large firms on receiving discounts when purchasing in bulk. ASIC is very expensive hence advisable to buy the best equipment since the current generation of miners offers ROI. The evidence is on the Amazon s the old Bitcoin mining ( rigs go for less than even $100.
However, the ASIC miners become very obsolete fast, and it is their major negative thing. It will serve you for approximately 6-12 months in good conditions before the new ones are invented, and yours becomes obsolete after purchasing the ASIC miner. The cost of a reward ratio is very disappointing if you use mine on old equipment. The old equipment once becomes obsolete; it losses value as you cannot sell it to anyone.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:32 am

Bitcoin : résultat d'1 an de cloud mining et mon avis sur le mining des cryptos !|17:03
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:32 am

La vérité sur les Cloud-Miners|26:29
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:33 am
The old ASIC miners are very useless and cannot help you with anything.
A mining pool is another cost of Bitcoin mining ( They are collections integrated to share the blocks' rewards in proportion to contributed mining hash power. However, they have a negative aspect as they unfortunately take control of the pools' owners. Yet, Miners have a choice to redirect their power to the various mining pools at any time they want. A mining pool is one of the costs affecting Bitcoin mining ( The following are the biggest mining pools.
● Poolin- mines about 18% of all blocks, and it is a public pool. They are found in china and have a website fully in English.
● F2Pool- it mines 17%
● it comprises of numerous public that can be joined. It mines 15%
● Antpool- it is found in China, and its owner is BitMain. It mines 11% of all the blocks.
● ViaBTC- it is the new mining pool that has been in operation for a year. It mines 9% and has majorly targeted the Chinese miners.
● Slush- it is the oldest mining pool and mines 11% of all the blocks. It is the best and most popular pool in the world despite its small size.
● it is a company that cannot be joined and mines 7% of all blocks.
● Bitfury- it mines 3.5%; it is one of the miners that mine the fewer percentage blocks.
Many people have stated that Bitcoin is a straightforward way of making money. However, Bitcoin mining ( is dominated by huge companies that enjoy numerous advantages such as cheap equipment, electricity, and very experienced engineers that optimize the operations.
Is Bitcoin mining ( Still Worth It?
Before we get into whether Bitcoin mining ( is still worth it, let's explain briefly what Bitcoin mining ( is. Mining involves verifying transactions by solving algorithmic puzzles or finding blocks. This process increases the security of the Bitcoin Network and also earns the miner a small portion of the coins they produce or mine.
We have seen a rising interest in Bitcoin mining ( since its value rose from about 900$ per coin to about 20,000$ in less than a year. That increase was related to Bitcoin's second halving, and now we are in a similar situation. On May 11, Bitcoin's third halving occurred, and already we are beginning to see trends comparable to the bull run of 2017. And like last time, more and more people are looking to start mining themselves. However, is it still worthwhile to explore Bitcoin mining (
Bitcoin mining ( Over the Years.
Bitcoin mining ( has undergone different technological changes in the last decade. The genesis block was created on January 3, 2009. Back then, it was possible to mine Bitcoin using a regular personal computer. CPU mining was prominent in the beginning since there weren't a lot of users or transactions. In other words, the processing power and energy needed to mine were relatively low.
As Bitcoin established a price on the market, people began to realize that they can earn more cryptocurrency by using faster hardware. This gave rise to GPU mining rigs, which were nearly six times more powerful than the best CPU mining hardware.
Shortly afterward, FPGA mining entered the scene. This hardware was able to compute the mathematical operations required to mine Bitcoin twice as fast as the currently available GPUs.
The changes happened quite rapidly, and the influx of people joining the Bitcoin network lead to a steep increase in the mining difficulty. Today, CPU and GPU mining is obsolete. In 2013, the most significant evolution to Bitcoin mining ( was introduced - the ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit). ASICs are computers built with only one purpose - to mine Bitcoin.
The super-machines rendered every mining device used before useless. The advent of ASICs further increased the Bitcoin difficulty, an upward trend that continues till today. While there have been new generations of ASICs every year, no new mining technology has emerged since then.
Bitcoin mining ( and the 'Difficulty' Regulator.
Bitcoin's difficulty works as a regulator to maintain a stable production of verified blocks every 10 Minutes. This variable changes every 2016 blocks or roughly every two weeks. This ensures that Bitcoin production doesn't go too low or too high. The higher the difficulty rate, the lower the amount an individual miner earns, and vice versa.
When it was first introduced, Bitcoin's mining difficulty was 1. As of July of 2020, the difficulty has hit an all-time high at 17.35 Trillion. This difficulty level happened just a few days after the network reached an all-time-high 'hash rate.'
Bitcoin mining ( Profitability.
Now that we have primed you on mining and difficulty, back to the main topic. So, is Bitcoin mining ( still worth it? This answer is yes, well, sort of. While there is money to be made from Bitcoin mining (, the environment is a bit harsh for individual users. Mining, as it is today, is mainly a competition among large corporations. However, as an individual, if you have the right tools at your disposal, you could make it work.
Some ASICs allow the end-user to customize the hardware. This makes it easier to control the variables that affect profitability. For example, with the right tweaks, you could make an ASIC device require less electricity with minimal decrease in hash rate. In other words, the device can be configured to consume less energy, thus improving your net income since less money goes towards electricity.
It is, however, important for all new Bitcoin miners to find out their breakeven price for their current system setup before committing to a plan. The cost of electricity is the most crucial variable when analyzing how profitable you are going to be.
Some websites can also help you calculate the profitability of a single ASIC device. By simply inputting your device power in TH/S and your electricity rate, you can get a good idea of your total expenses and mining income at the end of each month. Something to keep in mind is that Bitcoin's price is volatile, and the difficulty also changes every two weeks, so earnings for a given device may vary daily.
In closing, Bitcoin mining ( is still worth it if you have certain things going on for you, like cheap electricity rates and access to efficient and affordable ASICs. And, of course, mining profitability will receive an even greater boost if the Bitcoin price does us all proud.
If you want to make money on the Bitcoin market, you essentially have three choices. You can trade on an exchange, buying low and selling high in much the same way as you would with Forex or shares. You can hold on for dear life, a strategy known as HODLing , which means buying your digital assets and hanging on to them like a long-term investment. Or, of course, you can mine your very own Bitcoins from scratch.
HODLing has created Bitcoin billionaires in the digital currency's early years, but today, is more likely to create controversy and derision. Trading is the activity of choice, and the arrival of user-friendly digital platforms for the smartphone age like Crypto Engine has opened this activity up to amateur traders and investors everywhere.
That leaves mining. The activity has a reputation for demanding high-end and costly hardware, although once you have it up and running, you can essentially set it and forget it. The question is, with the next Bitcoin halving event coming later this year, would miners be better spending that money on one of the other strategies?
A few words about mining.
In case you've always seen mining as some techy activity that you really don't need to know about, here's the quick and dirty on how it works. Miners use their expensive hardware to solve complex mathematical computational problems in what is called the proof of work mechanism. This achieves two objectives. It effectively brings new bitcoins into existence and at the same time strengthens and "verifies" the blockchain.
What's halving got to do with it?
Miners essentially receive bitcoins as a reward for the work they do on the blockchain. This is known as the block reward, and every 210,000 blocks, this amount is halved. It happens every four years, so the block reward has steadily dropped from 50 BTC to 25 BTC to 12.5 BTC. This year, it will drop again to 6.25 BTC.
More work for less reward.
In the early days, Bitcoin miners were a small group of people using personal computers. Over the years, they have multiplied in number and technology has advanced at a similarly exponential rate. Mining in 2020 is big business. China has become a powerhouse in this area, and the top miners use hugely powerful and expensive equipment. Keeping up with the competition means investing more in terms of time and money - yet the block reward is dwindling.
So is it worth it?
Of course, there is no simple yes/no answer to that question. Mining has evolved into a multi-billion dollar industry that is dominated by major players. Having said that, there are still thousands of individual miners out there who are continuing to make profits.
Nevertheless, the overall environment for Bitcoin mining (, taken in combination with the forthcoming halving event means that this is not an activity that is likely to attract many newcomers. When you look at it that way, it is unsurprising that when it comes to making money from Bitcoin, trading platforms are by far the most popular tool in the amateur's armory.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:33 am

Le MINING de crypto est-il rentable en 2020 ? Avec quel mineur ?|42:26
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:33 am

CLOUD MINING in 2020! - REVIEWED - Is Cloud Mining Legit or a Scam?|6:45
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:35 am
Bitcoin mining ( can be highly profitable, but it requires power-hungry hardware and a deep understanding of the principles that drive blockchain technology. In order to mine Bitcoin, you’ll need specialized Bitcoin mining ( hardware called application-specific integrated circuit devices, or ASICs.В.
There are many different ASICs on the market today. These devices have evolved through a highly competitive Bitcoin mining ( arms race вЂ" the Bitcoin blockchain uses vast amounts of processing power in order to solve extremely complex math problems and secure its network, forcing hardware to become progressively more powerful.
Entry-level Bitcoin mining ( devices can be relatively low cost, while high-performance miners can range up to over $10,000. When assessing ASIC hardware with the intent of Bitcoin mining (, you’ll need to weigh up the power of the hardware versus the amount of power it draws, along with the cost of electricity in your region.
In this article, we break down the 10 best Bitcoin mining ( hardware machines of 2020, presenting a breakdown of hash rate, power draw, and potential profitability.
What to Consider When Selecting Bitcoin mining ( Hardware.
Bitcoin mining ( has changed dramatically since the launch of the Bitcoin network in 2009. During the first few years of Bitcoin network operation, Bitcoin mining ( could be performed on virtually any home computer with a relatively powerful CPU.
As the Bitcoin network grew, however, the computational processes required to secure the Bitcoin network became increasingly complex, forcing miners to shift to more powerful GPUs in order to keep up with demand.В.
Eventually, the need for hardware with high hash power вЂ" the speed at which mining hardware operates вЂ" resulted in the creation of dedicated ASIC hardware. The highly specialized nature of ASIC hardware allows Bitcoin miners to mine faster, using less electricity.
ASIC hardware is now essential to Bitcoin miners. There are three primary factors to consider when choosing the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware:
The price of Bitcoin mining ( hardware varies based on operational efficiency, durability, and computational power. As a rule, cheaper hardware will deliver lower efficiency and lower profitability. The cost of mining hardware should be incorporated into any profitability analysis, taking the expected lifespan of the hardware into account.
Bitcoin mining ( hardware is essentially designed to convert electricity into BTC. If you’re not sure how to choose the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware, focusing on energy efficiency is the best place to start.В.
Hash Rate:
Hash rate is the rate at which Bitcoin mining ( hardware is able to make intensive mathematical operations. In simple terms, the higher the hash rate of the hardware, the more likely it is that the miner or mining pool for which the hardware is operating will solve the next block in the Bitcoin blockchain. As a rule, higher hash rate hardware is more expensive.В.
Overall, the best Bitcoin ASIC is the most cost-efficient, most profitable ASIC. The development of ASIC devices has accelerated rapidly over the last decade, with new hardware released on an annual basis that often renders older hardware obsolete.В.
Here are the best ASICs for Bitcoin mining ( in 2020:
The Bitmain Antminer S5 isn’t the latest offering from the Beijing-based ASIC manufacturer, but still provides excellent value for money and efficiency. Unlike later models such as the S7 and S9, the AntMiner S5 operates a lower power supply of 115 volts, drawing an average of 560 Watts.В.
The low power requirements of the S5 makes it an ideal entry-level Bitcoin mining ( ASIC that is capable of providing impressive operational efficiency. The S5 generates a hash rate of roughly 1 GH/s for every 0.51 Watts, which equates to 0.51 J/GH.
The S5 is suitable for both hobby miners and entry-level home mining operations, with the added benefit of a low weight profile at just under 2.5KG.В.
2. Bitmain AntMiner S7.
The Bitmain AntMiner S7 is another older model from Bitmain’s highly popular line of ASIC units but remains one of the most popular devices online today. Offering lower power consumption than the S5, the S7 is widespread throughout China-based Bitcoin mining ( farms and boasts impressive adaptability when used in combination with a robust power supply such as the 1600 watt APW3.
While the S7 does deliver reasonable profit depending on power prices, the efficiency of the unit depends on both the power supply used and ambient temperature вЂ" the S7 is particularly sensitive to environments warmer than 27 degrees Celsius.В.
Overall, the S7 is most suitable for miners based in cooler climates, as cooling costs can significantly cut into profitability in warmer regions.В.
3. Bitmain AntMiner S9.
The Bitmain AntMiner, widely touted as the most efficient and most powerful Bitcoin miner on the market, offers miners a highly impressive hash rate of 14 TH/s at a surprisingly low power draw.В.
The high hash power of the S9 is delivered by a trio of boards, which feature 189 ships between them. Combined with an Antminer 1600 Watt supply, the S9 yields twice the efficiency of the S7 at 0.1 Joules per Gigahash with a draw of just 300 Watts more than the previous model.В.
A key downside of the S9 is the loud operational volume вЂ" the S9 is unsuitable for home applications, as the sturdy 4.7KG frame has the propensity to magnify operational noise.В.
4. AntMiner T9.
Released in August 2017, the AntMiner T9 remains one of the most powerful ASIC units available on the market today вЂ" as well as one of the most expensive. The T9 is frequently compared to the S9 in terms of performance and efficiency but contains some notable improvements in chip quality that enhance hardware stability.
Later batch AntMiner T9’s consume around 1450 watts, delivering approximately 11.5 TH/s and an efficiency rate of 0.126 J/GH. Profitability analysis based on performance alone places the T9 below the S9 in terms of profitability, but stability enhancements make the T9 a more reliable choice for smaller-scale mining operations.В.
The AvalonMiner 741, released in April 2017, provides hobby and smaller-scale Bitcoin miners with a reasonably powerful miner at an affordable price. Manufactured by Canaan, the 741 is a significant upgrade over the prior Avalon 721 model, integrating a new cooling design and a stronger chipset.
The Avalon 741 comes with 88 chips and a new cooling mechanism that enhances the efficiency of airflow within the device, alongside dual heatsinks mounted around the PCB. Canaan’s 2017 741 miner delivers a hash rate of 7.3 TH/s, with an energy efficiency rate of 0.16 J/GH вЂ" far more efficient than other ASIC units in the same price range.В В.
6. Bitmain AntMiner L3+
Bitmain’s L3+ is one of the most popular ASIC units in the world for Scrypt miners and is focused solely on mining this particular algorithm. The L3+ is based on the BM1485 chip, which provides significant improvements over the chipset used in the previous L3 model вЂ" doubling the hash rate and power draw of the L3.
The L3 provides a hash rate of 504 MH/s, with a power consumption of 800W. Running a higher hash rate with the L3+ results in serious power draw, but the lower price point of the device compared to more expensive models such as the Innosilicon LTCMaster makes the L3+ the best miner for Scrypt.
7. Bitmain AntMiner D3.
The Bitmain Antminer D3 is the precursor to Bitmain’s 2018 D5 ASIC, but is a highly popular device for miners focused on mining Dash вЂ" a cryptocurrency that was originally designed to be ASIC-resistant. The D3 is currently the most efficient miner for mining Dash, and offers major competitive advantages over other devices.
The D3 delivers a hash rate of 19.3 GH/s, with a power consumption rate of just 1350W. The realized efficiency rate of the D3 is 0.07 J/MH. When compared to the iBeLink DM384M, which has similar power requirements and produces only 384 MH/s, the D3 remains the more cost-effective option.В.
8. Dragonmint T1.
Manufactured by Halong Mining, the Dragonmint T1 is an impressively powerful ASIC that delivers 16TH/s with a remarkably low power draw. The T1 consumers 0.015J/GH which, compared to the Bitmain Antminer S9’s power draw of 0.098J/GH, provides a significant advantage over Bitmain-focused mining builds.
The T1 integrates ASICBoos technology, which provides an additional efficiency boost of 20 percent when operating with the Bitcoin algorithm. Notably, the T1 uses the DM8475 chipset, which yields more robust profitability over Bitmain’s S9 offering.В.
9. WhatsMiner M3X.
The WhatsMiner M3X is manufactured by Pangolin Miner, and provides use case-specific functionality for individual miners or mining farms that aren’t restricted by high power consumption and extremely loud operating volume.
While the M3X is not an ideal option for at-home hobby miners, the device itself delivers 12 to 13 TH/s with power consumption that ranges between 1900W to 2100W. Driven by 28nm ASIC chip technology, the M3X is powered through the WhatPower P5 which, notably, won’t run on 110-120V mains voltage and demands 180-240V mains voltage in order to operate.В.
10. Avalon6.
The Avalon6 is currently the best Bitcoin miner for home mining or hobby Bitcoin mining (, delivering impressive functionality with a low noise profile and reasonable power draw at an affordable price point.В В.
While the Avalon6 provides a significantly lower hash rate than Bitmains Antminer S7 or S9 at 3.5 TH/s, the extremely low sound emission of the device along with chip array that consists of 80 18nm A3218 chips, the Avalon6 produces only 55dB of noise within 1.2 meters proximity.
The 500MHz standard frequency of the Avalon6 can be tuned via frequency control, which makes it ideal for miners seeking Bitcoin mining ( hardware that operates efficiently with complex temperature control вЂ" or overclocking opportunities.В.
Additional Considerations.
Determining the best Bitcoin miner for your requirements involves carefully assessing the hash rate of any given miner, temperature control requirements, and power draw. The cost of power in the region you will operate your mining equipment is critical, as this plays a major role in calculating overall profitability.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:35 am

Just Mining - Retour après 1 mois de Cloud Mining|4:39
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:35 am

Is Cloud Mining Worth it in 2021?|14:24
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:36 am
Crypto Taxes From Mining.
It’s also important to consider the potential tax implications of Bitcoin mining ( Depending on the scale of your Bitcoin mining ( efforts and your geographic location, Bitcoin mining ( may be considered a business activity or may generate taxable events when you dispose of the Bitcoin earned through mining.В.
You can learn exactly how to handle your cryptocurrency received from mining on your taxes here: Crypto Mining Tax Guide .
Cryptocurrency Tax Software.
If you’re disposing of the Bitcoin you earn from mining through cryptocurrency exchanges, you can use cryptocurrency tax software like CryptoTrader.Tax to eliminate the stress associated with crypto tax reporting. Using CryptoTrader.Tax, it’s possible to import all Bitcoin mining ( trades from any given exchange through seamless integration.
Once all of your mining transactions are imported, CryptoTrader.Tax automatically retrieves the historical fair market value prices for each mining payout and gives you an income report you can use with your taxes.
You can learn more about how CryptoTrader.Tax works here .
Other Top Tools.
Learn more about the other top cryptocurrency products:
🧨 Best Bitcoin Miner Machine Free download ❤️ Best BTC Miners in 2020 🧨
❤️ Download for free from sourceforge : ❤️ Download for free from google drive : ❤️ Download for free from
Best Bitcoin mining ( Software: Best BTC Miners in 2020 Welcome to Bitcoin Miner Machine.
Bitcoin Miner Machine a graphical frontend for mining Bitcoin, providing a convenient way to operate Bitcoin miners from a graphical interface. It supports both AMD and NVIDIA GPUs, as well as CPU mining. You can choose between pooled mining and solo mining - the software embeds a list of mining pools to choose from.
Bitcoin Miner Machine is the premier Bitcoin mining ( tool for Windows and is one of the easiest ways to start mining Bitcoins. By offering a simple and easy to use graphical interface, Bitcoin Miner Machine will let you take full control of your Bitcoin mining ( process without requiring complicated commands or constantly editing configuration files.
Bitcoin Miner Machine is the perfect Windows mining software for beginners and experts alike, offering a ton of useful features that will help anyone get the greatest amount of Bitcoins with the lowest amount of fuss.
Bitcoin Miner Machine supports the most popular Bitcoin mining ( software, including OpenCL Miner for AMD graphics cards, CUDA Miner for Nvidia cards, Bitcoin Miner Machine for any ASIC Miner, and even Ufasoft Miner so you can mine Bitcoins with your CPU!
Not only does Bitcoin Miner Machine support all of these different Bitcoin miners, it also supports using multiple miners at the same time! With Bitcoin Miner Machine you can maximize your Bitcoin mining ( profits all in one simple place! After your miners are configured, you can even setup "Autostart mining" that will let you start mining for Bitcoins as soon as the program opens!
To use Bitcoin Miner Machine download the latest version from the link above, open it and extract the archive to anywhere on your PC (we recommend your Desktop so you can easily access it), then double click the Bitcoin Miner Machine executable to open the interface.
Once Bitcoin Miner Machine is up and running, simply choose a mining pool (we recommend using Slush's pool, to receive the most Bitcoins), setup your login details and hit "Start Mining!" to begin earning those sweet Bitcoins!
license key: TEM8S2-2ET83-CGKP1-DPSI2-EPZO1.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:36 am

coin mining for cash 2021|30:17
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:37 am

Crypto Mining the MOST PROFITABLE COIN |19:46
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:38 am
12 Best Mining Pools to Join (List and Review 2020)
Are you thinking of mining BitCoin yourself? There is hardly any better way to do that than join the best BitCoin pool operating nowadays. It is a great way to try crypto mining anytime using hardware possessed by a person. Every user can join an active pool and get profits from mining depending on hashing power produced. You will agree that group mining may be much less rewarding for a user, but it is important to remember that the number of blocks mined and the frequency of successful operations are bigger, so there are high chances to get regular payouts mining with others. Look: this article will tell you about 12 best Bitcoin mining ( pools to consider which platform is worth your investment and time.
What is a Bitcoin Pool?
A Bitcoin mining ( pool is a protocol accessed by a group of miners who put their effort simultaneously to find a block and then share reward among all the participants in accordance with the hashing power contributed. Every mining pool has an owner whose power is concentrated on getting a certain block while other miners increase this power adding their own resources to this protocol and help this pool owner to achieve the goal.
How do Mining Pools Work.
Mining pools perform roles of a coordinator since their main tasks and activities look as follows:
Taking hashes provided by pool members. Searching for a block to mine. Recording the amount of work done of every participant. Rewarding participants in proportion to the contribution made.
To start mining in the pool, a person should select one, join it and ask for an assignment. To be able to do that, it is necessary to create a wallet to get payments and obtain Bitcoin mining ( software. Every work performed is paid, but miners usually get cryptocurrency for it instead of blocks or their pieces. The main question asked by novice pool miners is how to get paid for this job. In fact, there are several payout schemes used by pools nowadays, but most of them are usually made based on shares used by miners. However, there are pools, where funds are processed directly to the wallets of miners on request.
Best Bitcoin mining ( Pools 2019.
Nowadays, there are over 20 Bitcoin mining ( pools operating on the planet, but the most interesting fact that 81% of the total amount of Bitcoin mined is done in China. The reason for that is cheap electricity, first of all, since you can get enough hashing power only if the facility used is powerful enough and is connected to electricity. Consequently, most of the best and largest pools for mining coins are located in China. However, they can be accessed from any corner of the world since servers for mining are spread on all continents. Other huge producers of hashing power are Georgia, Iceland, the US, the Czech Republic, and others. Each of these countries has at least one reputable mining company which can serve as a pool for miners. Now it is time to look closer at the leading mining pools and find out what makes them so great for users.
Website: Supported coins: BTC, BCH, LTC, ETH, ETC, ZAC, DASH, SCC, XMC, BTM Fees: PPLNS with 0% fee, PPS+ with 2.5% and Solo - 1% Demo account: no Mobile app: yes Features:
Convenient management; Transparent earnings; Prompt notice; Stable 24/7 service.
AntPool is the second largest pool for mining coins operated by Bitmain Technologies company. The last one is a leading Bitcoin hardware producer which has opened its mining facilities in China and now mines 11% of all blocks. Founded in 2014, it has been successfully operating for over 5 years maintaining over 2,000 servers for this purpose.
Every user can create an account on the website and download software to be used on special mining equipment. There is a dashboard to follow the earnings and a possibility to monitor hashrate (by minute, hour or day). Fees are quite acceptable and can be of two types: PPLNS with 0% fee, PPS+ with 2.5% and Solo - 1%.
The mining pool is known for its security options including 2FA, email alerts, and wallet locks.
Slush Pool.
Website: Supported coins: Bitcoin, ZCash Fees: 2% Demo account: yes Mobile app: yes Features:
High accessibility; Stability in payments; Actively developed and improved.
Slush Pool is the oldest and one of the most profitable mining pools launched in 2010 in Prague. Its founder has created a concept of pool mining and now this pool produces over 13% of the total hashing power. Nowadays it has over 200 thousand active workers and a hashrate of 4.64 Eh/s.
It is a technologically advanced pool though it is very easy to set it up. It has powerful servers distributed all around the globe for easy access while any questions arising can be solved by a multilingual customer support team.
The account creating process is simple and fast. However, it is necessary to pass through the verification process too. Users should also provide a Bitcoin or ZCash address to get regular payouts. There are two types of fees paid by miners: a fixed fee of 2% and one paid by miners with the withdrawal threshold of less than 0.01 BTC. There is a fixed fee of 0.0001 BTC then.
This merged mining pool is great for beginners not only thanks to a simple and user-friendly interface but also a demo version provided. A mobile app will help miners to follow their progress in any corner of the world.
Website: Supported coins: 40 Fees: 4% Demo account: no Mobile app: no Features:
Accessible and affordable; Advanced technology; Multiple cryptocurrencies supported; All the transaction fees are paid by the pool.
F2Pool is a mining pool opened in China in 2013. It supports 40 coins and uses the Stratum mining protocol. Its network share is over 13% while the current hashrate is 10,391 PH/s. The servers of the company are located not only in China but also the EU and the US. The website is translated into 4 languages and is easy to use.
The registration process does not differ from creating accounts on other websites, however, an active mobile phone is required too. It is necessary to fill out a Captcha and verify the identity via text message.
The mining process begins with the download and setup of mining software to the hardware prepared. There is a special app to use for mining via F2Pool too.
The pool offers several most popular payout methods including PPS, PROP, Score, PPLNS and others. Minimum withdrawal is estimated at 0.005 BTC, 0.02 LTC, 0.1 ZEC or 0.1 ETH. The commission of the pool is 4% on average.
Website: Supported coins: 10 Fees: 1.5% Demo account: no Mobile app: yes Features:
Low fees; Transparency; Owns its wallet; Established big pool. pool was opened in 2016 being a creation of Bitmain Technologies company and located in China. The website works on the basis of the stratum mining protocol and VarDiff. It is one of the pools which is in constant search of alternative solutions to mining so it is not surprising that it features new algorithms for mining improvement. Moreover, miners are provided with tracking apps to follow their earnings.
The website of the pool is available in Chinese and English. The payment method preferred is PPS and the fee charged is 1.5%. The minimum threshold for withdrawal is 0.001BTC and it usually takes about 2 hours to deliver funds to their owner. The pool generates over 6% of the total hashrate, though Bitmain company has a bit controversial reputation.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:38 am

Best Coins To Mine In 2020|11:47
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:39 am

How much I made in 8 days - easiest cryptocurrency to mine on laptop|20:00
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:39 am
BW Pool.
Website: Supported coins: BTC, ETH, LTC, ETC, UB, DASH Fees: from 0% to 4.5% Demo account: no Mobile app: no Features:
High security level; Efficient; Round the clock revenue; Low fee rate.
BW Pool was founded in 2014 and has multiple functions in addition to being a mining pool. It has a wallet to store coins and can be used for purchasing and selling coins. More than 12 thousand blocks have been mined in this pool for the time of its existence. The website of this pool is available in 3 languages.
Mining pool minimum payouts look as follows 0.005 BTC, 0.01 LTC, 0.1 ETH, and 0.1 ETC. Transaction fees differ but are about 0.002-0.003 coins withdrawn. Pool fees range from 0% for SC to 4.5% for ETC. The current hashrate of the pool is over 168 PH/s.
Website: Supported coins: BTC Fees: 4+2% Demo account: no Mobile app: yes Features:
Mobile access for Android and iOS; Only BTC mining; Multiple additional functions.
Bixin is a mining pool established by the Chinese company Bit Star Technology Limited. It was founded in 2014 and offers not only mining services but also can be used as a wallet and trading platform.
This pool targets the Chinese market first of all. The website has an English version too, but both mobile apps are only in Chinese.
The hashrate of the pool is about 1EH/s. The service supports CYN fiat currency which can be deposited to buy Bitcoin. The mining commission is 4% for mining and 2% for a transaction.
Website: Supported coins: BTC, LTC, ETH Fees: no Demo account: no Mobile app: no Features:
Works on the equipment developed by the company only; The largest pool outside China; It is a private mining pool.
Bitfury is a leading blockchain technology company that develops both software and hardware solutions. Its network share is about 4% and the current hashing power about 3,214 PH/s. It takes the ninth position in the global rating and is located in Georgia. The main benefit of this mining pool is no fees. However, it is a private mining pool that allows mining Bitcoin (about 11% of all BITcoins are mined here) and other coins.
The company was founded in 2011 and in several years began to develop its own ASIC equipment for mining. The most famous hardware for miners is Bitfury Tardis known for its unmatched performance and a user-friendly list of features. When it comes to the reward transaction commission, it is over 36%. Payouts are performed in several ways offering miners to withdraw funds immediately after they receive them.
ViaBTC Pool.
Website: Supported coins: BTC, BCH, BSV, LTC, ETH, ETC, DASH, ZEC, XMR, DCR, NMC, SYS, ELA Fees: 1% - 4% Demo account: no Mobile app: yes Features:
Security and stability; Transparency; Low fees and several payout methods; Multiple cryptocurrencies supported.
ViaBTC aims at providing the best mining services always developing and updating its software and hardware. It serves users from over 130 countries and offers to get a wallet which can be accessed from the mobile device as well. It is possible to join the pool by registering on the platform. It is enough to provide an email and a password to sign-up. It is possible to authorize the account to get a wider functionality range.
There three payment methods available on ViaBTC - PPS+(default), PPLNS, and SOLO. The fee depends on the method chosen: it is 4% for PPS+, 2% for PPLNS and 1% for SOLO. Moreover, the greater the difficulty, the higher earnings are received by miners. The last ones can check the earnings history and set up automatic withdrawal function if they want too.
The minimum withdrawal amount depends on the currency and is 0.01 BTC, 1 DOGE, or 0.001 LTC, for example.
Website: Supported coins: BTC Fees: 0.9% Demo account: no Mobile app: no Features:
Simple sign-up and start; Low fees; Not user-friendly website interface.
CKPool has been operating for a year only but can boast mining 7 large blocks already. It is also known as pool which offers pool mining and solo mining. When it comes to solo mining, the platform gives 99% of the value of the block found to the miner and takes only a 1% fee for that. Pool mining works in accordance with the PPLNS model and charges a 0.9% fee. The reward is paid to the miners only after 120 confirmations about the block maturity.
The platform has no payout thresholds but with too low hashing power and reward under 0.0001BTC, nothing is paid out.
To start mining in the pool, it is enough to register an account on the website. It is possible to set up 2FA for higher security. The pool allows mining only Bitcoin and its currency hashrate is 1.71 PH/s.
Website: Supported coins: BTC, ETH, ETC, DCR, ZEC, BCH, BSV, DCA, ETP, SERO Fees: from 1% to 3% Demo account: no Mobile app: yes Features:
Absolute safety; Full-time customer service; Intelligent monitoring; Mobile access.
DPOOL is a mining pool established at the beginning of 2018 in China. Nowadays, it is one of the largest pools which mine about 4% of all the world's blocks. The platform has been available only in Chinese for a long time and it is evidence that it is widely spread in the Chinese market, first of all. Recently, English and n languages were added too. The number of cryptocurrencies supported has increased greatly too.
The payment method and fee depend on the coin mined. The biggest number of coins provide payments via the FPPS method with the fee ranging from 1% to 3%. Mining of ETC and SERO coins is paid via the PPLNS payment method with a fee of 1% and 3% respectively. The minimum withdrawal amounts also differ from coin to coin, but it is 0.001 BTC, LTC, BCH, and others. The pool has a mining guide for beginners and a user-friendly interface which is easy to navigate.
Website: Supported coins: BTC, BCH, BSV, ZEC, LTC, ETN, DCR, DASH, XMR. Fees: 2% - 4% Demo account: no Mobile app: yes Features:
High earnings; Security and stability; Professional service; Multicurrency mining.
One large pool for mining cryptocurrency is PoolIN. With the hashrate of over 10,000 PH/s and the network share of over 15%, it is started by the founder of in 2017. It supports quite a big number of coins to mine and offers multiple tools to increase profits which are quite high. There are three payment methods supported: PPS for most of the coins, FPPS for BitCoin, and PPLNS for Electronium. Pool commission ranges from 2% to 4% while the minimum payout threshold is different for every coin (for example, 0.001 BTC, 0.01 BCH, 0.005 DASH etc.).
The website offers a calculator to count profit from pool mining by adjusting certain settings and special software developed by the company to save on traffic, synchronize work of several miners, and create additional accounts for every device. There is also a mobile app offering similar functionality for miner comfort. To start mining on the platform, it is necessary to register an account, create a sub-account, choose a coin to mine, and a wallet address to get payouts.
Website: Supported coins: BTC Fees: no Demo account: no Mobile app: no Features:
Lack of transparency; Regular payouts.
This cryptocurrency mining pool aimed at miners from the countries of former CIS was opened in 2017. There is not much information about it, but we can surely say that the facilities of this pool are located in . To start mining in this pool, it is necessary to connect a miner to the Stratum interface and add a payout address instead of login.
All the payouts are made using the PPS method and nowadays more than 3,000 payouts have been made for less than two years. The pool allows mining only Bitcoin and a payout threshold is 0.05BTC. It is possible to count the future income received from mining on the website too.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:40 am

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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:40 am

CPU MINING 2020 - Who's #1?|11:00
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:41 am
How to Choose a Right Pool to Join.
Since there are several mining pools where it is possible to get rewards for blocks found, it is necessary to select one to join and avoid mistakes. Therefore, it is necessary to consider several factors before this choice is made.
Reputation Most of the pools listed in this article have already attracted a certain number of miners who can express their attitude to the mining process there. In fact, some of them do have years of experience and should be transparent enough to provide information about the blocks found, current hashrate, equipment used to such popular websites as, for example. A lack of information can prevent miners from joining the pool. Moreover, it would be useful to browse forums, discussions and reviews of other miners regarding the pool you want to join too.
Fees It is natural that the higher fee a pool takes, the smaller reward will be received by a miner. Therefore, this aspect must be considered very attentively since in addition to the pool fee there might be some hidden commissions for transactions, network fees etc. Sometimes, fees can take the third part of miner income and the final reward delivered to the wallet turns out to be very low. The standard industry fee ranges between 1-2%.
Hashrate One more key to the regular rewards is a high hashrate of the pool since the more powerful equipment there is, the more blocks will be found. That is why it is better to become a member of the team with a big hashrate and contribute to it with your own hashing power.
Location of servers It is very important to broadcast information about finding a new block as fast as possible, so the closer to servers you are and the better Internet connection you have, the better.
Payout There are several payout methods offered by mining pools. Some of them feature higher fees, the others offer reasonable prices. However, despite being a minor factor for the choice of the pool, it is necessary to find out how regular payouts are, when they happen, and what payout thresholds there are.
Pros & Cons of Pools.
Many people ask questions 'is it worth mining cryptocurrency?', 'how to get crypto with minimum investment?', 'what to choose: solo or pool mining?'. It is not surprising to hear that due to the volatility of cryptocurrency. At the same time, why do so many people obtain equipment and start mining if it was not profitable for them? In fact, there are two ways to mine cryptocurrency: do that alone by getting powerful and expensive equipment or join mining pools with the cheaper equipment but share the reward received with other miners and the pool. Since this article is devoted to pool mining, let's consider what pros and cons this way of mining has.
The main benefits of mining in the pool look as follows:
The income you get is regular and steadier; Easy start: it is enough to register on the website and get special software; Lower investment: you do not need to get the biggest hashrate to get profits; Low fees; Many additional features and use of tools to improve mining results; Less space required: no need to build large facilities; Responsibility of the pool for software and hardware used: no need to maintain that alone.
At the same time, pool mining can have some negative features including:
A necessity to trust others to handle your money; Smaller expected earnings because of sharing with others; Pool mining can face interruptions in work caused by DOS attacks and other downtimes; Miner's power works not only on his own rewards but also earnings received by others: sharing is a must; Leads to centralization since pool offers to miners are very similar; The number of people actually running a fully validated Bitcoin node has decreased greatly.
Every person who starts mining cryptocurrency wishes to get a block as fast as possible, but unfortunately, only every third miner gets a block within the first year of mining. Therefore, it is better to get regular earnings in small parts than to wait for the best payout for years. Pool mining is a great solution for people who are interested in getting income from mining on a regular basis. Naturally, these rewards are much smaller than ones for a block found, but it is possible to save on equipment and join the pool easily without taking any responsibility.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:41 am

How To CPU Mine Monero RandomX on Intel and AMD CPUs - Profitability - BEST CPUs - Best Miners|19:33
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:42 am
Bitcoin Converter.
Stay up to date with the current Bitcoin price. This calculator allows you to convert BTC to four different currencies. The conversion rate as per Bitcoin price index.
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There are only 21millions bitcoins, out of this 84.681% is mined (writing time) and 3,216,975.0 bitcoins still left to be mined. There are total 17,783,025 in existence and everyday 1,800 new bitcoins mined per day. These records changes every 10 minutes.
Now you all are thinking that where this all bitcoins come? Does it mine from the actual mining process? Like we mine gold and another fiat? The answer is no. the term used for bitcoin generation is called Bitcoin mining ( in the digital means.
What actual digital means refers so let's get a closer look. Bitcoins can only be generated through mining. Bitcoin mining ( refers to the process of solving complex mathematical problems that are very difficult to solve by hands. Bitcoin is designed to increase the mining difficulty every 2,016 blocks nearly around in 14 days. So by days passing the mining process is becoming more and more complex and challenging. Thus all miners have started bitcoin cloud mining. Bitcoin cloud mining is done remotely in the cloud. Cloud mining enables users to mine bitcoins without managing the sophisticated hardware. It's also called hashing because when miners join any data centre they will be assigned mining power according to their contract.
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Enter the wallet address in the corresponding field.
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The mining will take 5 minutes and then you will see the amount earned in your account.
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GPU Mining Work.
Amount of money withdrawn.
Simple Bitcoin Converter.
Bitcoin mining ( is technically defined as having your computer find a number that is difficult to find and increasingly difficult to find. When it comes to Bitcoin mining (, many people think of crypto money, which is widely used. However, this is not the only purpose of mining.
Bitcoin or crypto money mining also performs the task of maintaining the blockchain through computers called miners. To summarize briefly, the co.
As it is known, Bitcoin is a digital currency that has gained tremendous momentum in the last few years. You can buy and sell bitcoin from various websites and you can also do Bitcoin mining ( yourself.
Bitcoin mining ( is the simplest way to support your computer's operations in the bitcoin world thanks to the processing power of your computer and to earn bitcoin in return.
Things to Know About Bitcoin mining (
Bitcoins, which are not production centers, have a dispersed network similar to Bittorent networks. Payments realized within the network reach the desired destination instantly so that the address from which the shipment goes and where it goes is not understood but remains registered. Bitcoin is easy to use and is among the most preferred investment instruments of recent times.
The general name of these transactions that occur during t.
Many countries have not yet established legal regulations for Bitcoin mining ( to obtain bitcoin, which can be considered a digital asset. Although the main focus of the process to date is to prevent energy consumption, regulations have made Bitcoin mining ( more costly than illegal. Almost none of these regulations aim at direct targeting people who are neither bitcoin nor Bitcoin mining (
The fine line between using and digging bitc.
Is Bitcoin mining ( Profitable Nowadays?
As with every investment, Bitcoin mining ( is made for profit. The fact that it can be done anywhere with the Internet, electricity and processing power also creates different profit margins in different parts of the world.
The difficulty in Bitcoin mining ( at market value determines whether it is profit or loss. When it first emerged, it was easy to dig and obtain because of its very little difficu.
How Much Bitcoin Can You Earn in a Day?
Multiple methods for Bitcoin mining ( or other sub-coins; methods also include sub-methods. Bitcoin mining ( is a type of mining that should be planned at least every three to six months, not daily or monthly. Although Bitcoin mining ( is difficult, the high market price leads to a profitable business model in the long run. Nevertheless, the amount of bitcoin that can be dug per day is important in.
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AMOUNT WALLET TRX TIME 0.001 34tNCTgFzfJFPt4dwvchFVdPW4yjWFJyy5 2020-10-22 23:37:57.
AMOUNT TRX TRX TIME 0.00054266 BTC f6f9d1738c3b91391559. 2020-07-23 07:22:00 0.00013627 BTC 08df984833c71f2be563. 2020-07-23 07:11:00 0.00104857 BTC 795fe21fea1b22da621a. 2020-07-23 07:09:00 0.00069665 BTC bbfd3057a992cbe590c4. 2020-07-23 06:47:00.
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How do you make Bitcoin by mining?
When you buy GH/S on your account, your Hash Power will be active for a lifetime without a contract, and will generate bitcoin every hour. We divide it into 3 parts - the first part is used to cover user withdrawals, the second part is used to finance our Mining Hardware and the third part is used to expand our Bitcoin mining ( operations (currently 1.124862 PH/S or 0.0000000101% of the total strength of the bitcoin network). We make a profit and assume the full risk of our business and in return you keep your money with us, we give you a risk-free fixed rate of return.
There is a huge range of Bitcoin mining ( software options available--and they can vary considerably in their ease-of-use and functionality.
Bitcoin mining ( Image: Shutterstock.
In the last six months, Bitcoin mining ( profitability has increased by more than 30% as the cryptocurrency's price soared to heights not seen since 2017.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:42 am

#025 Is CPU mining still profitable going into 2021?|6:46
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:53 am
If you're looking to get involved in the action, then you are going to need three things: a Bitcoin wallet; suitable mining hardware (such as a powerful CPU, GPU, or ASIC); and the mining software that's used to bring everything together.
Did you know?
Cryptocurrency miners can often be flagged as malware by some antiviruses, but this is generally not accurate when downloading from the original source.
For a detailed primer, read What is Bitcoin mining (
It is extremely efficient and uses minimal CPU and RAM, and has heavily threaded code design to maximize multi-threaded CPU architectures. It supports GPU, FPGA, and ASIC mining--with automatic support for many of the most popular Bitcoin ASIC miners, including Bitmain's Antminer.
Unlike most of the other miners on this list, you'll need to compile CGMiner yourself using the source with MinGW. Detailed instructions are included describing how to do this, but it is a somewhat lengthy process that will take around 20 minutes.
If you're a newer miner, MultiMiner features a simple Getting Started wizard that will help you select an engine and coin, and select a pool to mine with. It will also install the latest version of BFGMiner automatically.
How to mine bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
Going for virtual gold.
Mining is the process of using a computer to perform complex calculations on blocks of data which maintain the Bitcoin network. Miners are rewarded for their efforts with a certain amount of Bitcoin cryptocurrencies.
Bitcoin (BTC) is fast becoming the province of people using specialized ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) devices, although if you have one or more powerful graphics cards you may still be able to generate a small profit by assembling your own mining device. You'll learn more about this in the following steps.
The actual profit you make will depend on a number of factors. The first is your 'hash rate' - in other words, the actual processing power of your machine. Computers designed for mining, or 'rigs' as they're commonly known, require large amounts of electricity, which will increase running costs. The complexity of mining also rises over time.
This is what you need to do if you want to mine Ethereum instead.
The Bitcoin itself is a very volatile virtual currency and while it has recently made huge gains, it may also plummet in value. Bear this in mind if you plan to hold onto any BTC you mine rather than selling immediately. If you want a rough idea of how much you can make from mining, use one of the many online profitability calculators (for example, the one at 99 Bitcoins ).
While you can technically try to mine Bitcoin on your own, it's very unlikely that your rig will singlehandedly solve the complex sums necessary to receive a reward. Instead, you'll need to join a mining pool. As the name suggests, this is a pool of multiple machines connected together, engaged in a collaborative mining effort. The Bitcoin rewards reaped are shared amongst everyone who contributed processing power to the effort.
However, note that the way in which profits are shared can vary from pool to pool. You can learn more about pooled mining on the Bitcoin Wiki .
Read our guide on acquiring and buy bitcoin instead as well as a list of the best bitcoin exchanges.
1. Choose your miner.
One easy - but not cheap - way to get started with Bitcoin mining ( is to buy an ASIC device such as the AntMiner S9. These devices have been specifically designed for mining Bitcoins which means they'll generally give you the greatest return on your investment.
However, as mentioned, these ASIC devices are expensive. The S9 for instance currently retails for around €2,100 (about £1,860, $2,490). You will usually need to buy a separate power supply unit which will set you back something like another €300 (£265, $360). These devices are usually designed specifically to mine Bitcoin and will not function well if you try to use them to mine other cryptocurrencies (if, say, Bitcoin should happen to fall drastically in value).
Alternatively you can build your own Bitcoin mining ( rig. While these aren't as efficient in terms of power and hash rate, they require less upfront expense and can mine other currencies besides BTC. In the simplest terms these are computers with multiple powerful graphics cards installed. These GPUs might be primarily designed to render complex graphics when playing games, but they also lend themselves well to coping with the complex calculations involved in Bitcoin mining (
To get started, you'll need to purchase a case for the machine. Most of these are a simple metal frame to allow heat to dissipate easily. You'll then need to choose a motherboard and graphics cards for mining, such as the AMD Radeon RX 580.
If you need some more advice, see our guides on choosing the best mining GPU and best mining motherboards . You'll need to assemble the machine and install the OS and mining software yourself, so you should only go down this route if you are tech-savvy and familiar with computers.
If neither of these options appeals, you can rent hash power from cloud mining companies. These firms have dedicated data centers devoted to mining Bitcoins. As they are centralized they can buy machines in bulk and use efficient methods to generate electricity.
Most companies will offer you a fixed amount of Gigahash Seconds (GH/s) of mining power for a fee. The advantage of this approach is that you don't need to buy any expensive hardware. The fees for cloud mining will vary, however, and another point to be wary of is scammers posing as cloud mining outfits. See the Bitcoin Wiki for a list of reputable cloud mining companies.
2. Set up your Bitcoin wallet.
Once you've made the decision that mining is right for you, you'll also need to set up a Bitcoin wallet to store your profits. If you're mining as an investment and don't plan on spending any of your coins soon, consider using a website like Bitcoin Paper Wallet Generator to create a 'paper' wallet. Make a note of the 'public' address which you can use to receive payments.
You can check the balance of your Bitcoin wallet safely at any time by visiting and entering your payment address into the search bar at the top-right. Don't let anyone see your private keys as anyone with access to your paper wallet can control your virtual cash.
If you plan to regularly cash out your BTC or make payments, consider using a software wallet instead. The lightweight Electrum wallet is available for all major desktop operating systems and Android. When you create your wallet, Electrum will generate a 'seed' of a dozen random words to use as a private key. This means you can restore your Bitcoin wallet if anything happens to your computer.
If you use a software wallet like Electrum, try to do it on a machine that isn't connected to the internet so your BTC can't be hacked. This is known as 'cold storage'. The Electrum website has instructions for setting up a 'watching' wallet for day-to-day use which can show your balance but cannot make payments itself. Or for full instructions on setting up secure offline storage, see our article on how to create a secure cold storage Bitcoin wallet using Bitkey .
3. Pick a Bitcoin mining ( pool.
The next stage is to sign up to a pool; you can solo mine, but you need some serious hardware to make it worthwhile. You can find a list of pools on the Bitcoin wiki . We'll walk you through the process of signing up for Slush's Pool because it's one we've used a lot, but the same procedure can be used for any of the major pools.
4. Jump in!
Head over to the Slush Pool website and click on 'Sign up here' at the top-right. On the registration page choose a username, then enter your email address and password. The Slush Pool website will send you a confirmation email. Click the link to validate your email address. You'll see that a 'worker' has been created for you, so you can begin mining. Although it's not compulsory, you should ideally have one worker per device. Visit Slush Pool workers at any time to view and create workers.
5. Funded mining.
You need to tell your mining pool where and when to send the funds from your mining exploits. On the Slush Pool website you can do this by clicking 'Settings' at the top-right, then click 'Bitcoin' on the left. Choose 'Payouts' then click the 'New Wallet' button. Paste in your public address for Bitcoin payouts here. If you're using a paper wallet this should be clearly marked. In Electrum you can view your current receiving address by clicking on the 'Receive' tab. Click 'Submit' when you're done.
Some miners also allow you to choose the payout threshold - in other words how many BTC you need to have mined before the Pool sends funds to your wallet. This is important as while it's risky to leave large amounts of BTC in an online wallet, transaction fees for sending BTC across the network are currently very high, so you could end up paying a lot for multiple smaller payments. Choose freely and wisely.
6. Pool safety.
Mining pools are a popular target for hackers for obvious reasons. To make sure no one can potentially pilfer your Bitcoins, first check that your pool uses SSL. This means your connection is secure - in most web browsers you'll see a padlock icon (in the address bar) if this is the case.
Certain mining pools such as Slush Pool also allow you to secure access to your account by using two-factor authentication. This introduces a second step for a successful login, and is therefore another hurdle to prevent hackers from breaking into your account. In order to use this you'll need access to a mobile device and an app such as Google Authenticator or FreeOTP.
7. Diving in the deep end of the mine with GUIMiner.
Now you need to download the mining software to your PC. You have a few options here, but to get started we'd recommend using GUIMiner , if only because it has such a straightforward interface. It comes as a self-extracting archive and runs straight from the folder to which it's extracted.
Launch GUIMiner and select 'Slush's pool' from the Server menu. Type in the name of the worker that was created when you registered your account - it'll be [username].worker1 - and enter the password for the worker. Select your graphics card from the Device menu and then hit the 'Start mining' button to get going.
GUIMiner will now communicate with the servers to get shares for your machine to work with. You'll see your hash rate at the bottom right and the current state of your work in the bottom bar. You can also see the console (useful if you have connection problems) or a summary page (great if you've got multiple cards) via the View menu.
If you're running a mining rig instead of using specialized hardware, you can make a few small tweaks to make sure its running at peak efficiency. To do that, you need to do a quick search to see what the recommend flags are for your graphics card. Take a look at the Mining hardware comparison webpage and search for your card in the table.
The information you want from this table is under the Notes column. This is where you'll find the switches that push your graphics card that little bit harder, making them better at Bitcoin mining (
The important ones are those relating to the workload (-w) and whether to use vectors (-v). Enter these values into the Extra Flags block in GUIMiner, stop mining and then restart it.
8. Precision tuning.
This should give your Bitcoin mining ( PC's performance a nice boost, but to really get the most from your card you need to turn your hand to a little overclocking. We recommend grabbing EVGA's Precision X utility , although you can get quite far using the overclocking tools that are part of AMD's Catalyst drivers.
9. Beat the heat.
Whether you're using a specialized ASIC Miner or your own rig, the device is going to run very hot when trying to mine BTC for you. Therefore, be sure to place your mining hardware somewhere with good ventilation so the heat can dissipate easily. Generally speaking, the cooler your mining machine, the more efficiently it will perform. Make sure to factor the costs of air conditioning and/or a heat pump into your mining calculations to be certain you're still running a profitable enterprise. If you live somewhere cold, you could follow in the footsteps of smart Siberians and use the excess heat from mining as a 'data furnace' to heat your home.
10. Keep mining profitable.
As research continues into specialist mining equipment and the difficulty of mining increases, the highest profits from mining are usually earned by data centers based in locations where energy is inexpensive such as China. As a hobbyist miner, you can maximize your profits by following their example by using ASIC miners and keeping electricity costs down.
While relocating to China may not be on the cards, you can increase the efficiency of your rig by using an efficient PSU. You can get help with this in the Pools section of the BitcoinTalk forums .
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:53 am

4X 3900X Random X Monero Miner Beast 54000 H/s CPU Mining Build \u0026 Parts [Miner Showcase #1] Crypto|6:26
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 14, 2021, 10:55 am

Mining Crypto With a CPU - Awesome Miner Tutorial|15:19
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:00 am
An alternative way to get one over on the 'big bully' miners is to use renewable energy to power your mining machine - for example by installing solar panels on your property.
If you do this, remember that the advertised wattage for devices is usually the optimal amount you'll receive under ideal conditions. Solar panels in particular are affected not just by the amount of sunlight they receive, but by surface area, the angle at which they're placed, and the direction in which they're facing. Speak to a qualified installer, fully explain your needs, and get things right.
To get started, consider using an electricity usage monitor to measure the energy consumption of your mining device in kWh (kilowatt hours). These are very inexpensive and available from any hardware store.
Remember that the reward for mining Bitcoin halves every 210,000 blocks. You can find a more detailed explanation of this on the Bitcoin Wiki , but essentially, this means mining becomes less profitable over time, unless you can increase your hash rate - or the value of Bitcoin increases.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:01 am

12 Best Bitcoin mining ( Software for Windows PC.
August 10, 2018 By Madhuparna.
Every person in this world wants to earn profit these days and the means of earning could be anything from starting a business to investing in stocks. Investment is another avenue where people take chances by putting their money on commodities, and when the price of the commodity rises, they earn profits.
Cryptocurrency is one such avenue that is fast rising in popularity by climbing the currency charts and conquering the exchange rate. While there are many cryptocurrencies these days, Bitcoin is hands down the most popular of all. Bitcoin mining ( is another aspect that helps us earn some good profits if done properly.
It is about authenticating the blocks on the cryptocurrency blockchain that becomes a reality by working out complex algorithms and problems. Let's see more about the Bitcoin mining ( software.
Bitcoin mining ( software is useful:
for solo miners - the software can link your Bitcoin miner to the blockchain. for those mining with a pool - the software links you to the mining pool. for cloud miners - no mining software is required.
Importance of Using a Bitcoin mining ( Software.
The primary aim of the software is to convey the work of the mining hardware to the remaining Bitcoin network and to collect the completed work from other miners on the network. The software keeps a check on this activity (input and output) of the miner and projects the statistics at the same time that includes the fan speed, speed of the miner, temperature, and the hash rate.
Before you select the Bitcoin mining ( software of your choice, remember a few things for successful Bitcoin mining ( experience:
Select the right software Find the best software matching your requirements. Fix up a way to receive the profits generated from mining. Make sure if you want to just mine Bitcoins or other alternatives too? Double check the hardware pieces that you possess. Analyse your skills of using command prompts that help run programs, or the graphical user interface. Begin solving algorithms.
Keeping these things in mind, we have created a list of the best Bitcoin mining ( software that can help you choose the one that suits you the most.
This software is perfect for the beginners and for Windows 10 platform. The software is based on graphical user interface (GUI) that comes with an easy to access front-end. You can also use it with Linux and MacOS, but that will require additional software. The software is specially designed for Bitcoin mining ( on Windows 10.
Since the software is based on GUI, it also comes with some advanced features. What's interesting is its ease of use. Once you have installed the software successfully, MultiMiner guides on how to connect to a pool in the right manner.
This also helps you by guiding you on the right time to enter each piece of information related to the mining pool you would be using. Bonus - all the possible complex terms are explained in an easy to understand manner.
Once you are done with the setup, MultiMiner runs a scan for the hardware. The scan pulls up details of each possible device like the estimated profits you can generate, and more. The software can also help you connect to several pools at once. It can also make the device automatically mine the most profitable coin at any time or look for those that offer the lowest complexity.
The software is available for free, but you can choose to share your 1% of mining profits directly with the developer. This is a donation which is as per your will and so, you can disable the option after sharing the profits for a week or for a month.
This software focuses on stability and performance with its lean purpose build mining tool. The goal here is to configure the device and forget. All you need is to know how to install it, configure it and then let it do it's work endlessly for a day without any human dealings.
Some of the features of MinePeon are:
Lean - chances are that anything that's not directly associated with mining will not be included. Secure - it's designed as an Embedded OS with focus on stability. The packages offered are completely tested and available in latest stable versions. Fast - The software won't detect a CPU cycle taken away from mining. It's still not fully known as to how many GHS/s you can connect to a Raspberry PI without the software losing shares. Latest - the software is up-to-date with the latest packages and practices. Easy to Hack - If you have a better grasp on Linux, you can do just about anything with it. Easy to Mine - It's user-friendly and perfect for beginners. A newbie can easily set it up and start mining in matter of minutes.
It's an open source software that is, it's free to download and all the sources codes are easily available online. It would, however, need WinDisk32Imager to run efficiently.
Bitcoin miner.
This software is compatible with Windows 10 and Windows 8.1. It comes with a user-friendly interface with features like power saving mode, quick share submission, and mining pool support.
One of its best feature is its reports feature since this helps you to understand if mining is profitable for you or not. Bitcoin Miner is available in the latest version -
If you are an advanced computer user, then CGMiner is just the right tool for you. It is Linux based, coded entirely in programming language C, based on the previous popular mining software, CPUMiner and one of the most commonly used Bitcoin mining ( software. Which means that it works with nearly all operating systems.
It uses an easy to use command line interface and provides assistance to different mining pools and devices. The keyboard commands help change the settings easily for example, the fan speed and so on. But since, it does not use a GUI, it's best suited for advanced users.
It also allows you to use GPUs and CPUs with it. That being said, it can be a little complex to install on Windows 10 OS due to the anti-virus blockers and Windwos Defender.
It's almost similar to the CGMiner. However, the different lies in the fact that BFGMiner is developed to be used with ASICs (application specific integrated circuits) instead of supporting CPUs and GPUs. This makes it a perfect situation for mining all cryptocurrencies (including Bitcoin) that are not ASIC proof. It's equally ideal for currencies using SHA256 mining data.
It's compatible with operating systems such as, Windows, Mac and Linux. You can also customize the mining hardware that includes operating a remote interface, controlling fan speeds, and overclocking. It helps you to connect to several mining pools at a time and even ceases to connect to pools that are not reachable for any known reason. This not just helps save your electric bills but, will also save money when the tool cannot connect with a pool to generate revenue.
BFGMiner is not entirely text based like the CGMiner but, is definitely easy to use. The interface is intuitive and the hotkeys offer a fast and smooth experience while accessing certain functions. But, if you do not have much experience with command prompts, it's not for you.
BitMiner is known to be using a certain mining pool that easily possess the same name. It's an easy to setup software that claims to make Bitcoin mining ( uncomplicated with higher earnings.
Best of all, it's supported on all platforms such as, Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. Given that it uses its own pool for Bitcoin mining (, you All you need to do is to sign up for the pool and install the software, and there you go!
The software is complete free of cost however, you have to pay a 1% commission to the BitMiner pool for mining with them. That said, this is the lowest fee for the mining pool among all the software.
RPC Miner.
It's a remote pool miner client for Bitcoin, which is also known as puddinpop's miner named after the forum name of the author. It has four chief client binaries administered:
CPU miner 4way CPU miner OpenCL miner for ATI GPUs CUDA miner for Nvidia GPUs.
It's termed as an experimental and decentralized digital currency that allows prompt payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. You can mine Bitcoins or different other cryptocurrencies by generating and configuring automated methods and situations in the dedicated tool.
It's compatible with Mac OS 10.6 or higher platform. The 1.5 version of the software for Mac is can be downloaded for free from the official website. The software assimilates with the system settings to operate in the backdrop and improve the usage of resources.
It's known to use peer-to-peer technology to run without any central control that includes transaction management and money dispensation collectively through the network.
Cloud Mining Software for Bitcoin.
There are some mining software that are completely supported by cloud and not Windows, Mac or Linux. These can be easily accessed from anywhere in the world. Being on cloud, these software can work across platforms that makes them diverse. However, these software are also less safe than the usual software and that's only because they are based on cloud servers and are hence, more prone to security threats.
It offers SHA-256 mining contracts and usually turn out to be far more profitable since the coins (SHA-256) can be conveniently mined even while the payouts are done in Bitcoins automatically. However, the user must buy at least 10GH/s.
It's touted to be the largest player for Bitcoins among the cloud mining software. It offers diverse services for example, provides three payment plans and all these three plans are fairly priced. That's not all, as it also offers Zcash mining contracts for the users.
This software started with the mining process in 2012 for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Today, they have many services related to cryptocurrencies and cloud mining software is among them. Hashing24 operates from two locations that is, from Iceland and Georgia, and they are known to use latest ASIC chips produced by BitFury. This lets them bring forward the highest level of performance and efficiency possible.
So, start with your Bitcoin mining ( today and earn generous profits for your investments that you have always dreamt of.
This is another reliable software with great performance. EasyMiner also comes with an easy to use and easy navigate GUI that works great for the beginners as well. It allows you to change network settings, change the mining pool you are using, and even view your crypto wallets with just one click.
The software enters the "MoneyMaker" mode automatically the first time it's started and almost immediately creates a Litecoin wallet and starts mining with the help of your computer's CPU on a private pool. In addition to the fact that it goes well with CPUs and GPUs, EasyMiner is also capable of mining cryptos with the help of advanced hardware.
It controls the function of both CGMiner and CPUMiner concurrently which indicates that your CPU or GPU will emphasize on Litecoin and the ASIC will concentrate on Litecoin.
It's a free and open source Bitcoin Miner. It's intended for the ZTEX USB-FPGA modules 1.5. Some of the features of BTCMiner are as below:
It comes with the advanced feature of dynamic frequency scaling where the software automatically picks up the frequency that has the highest number of valid hashes. It also features Bitstream that is ready-to-use which means that it does not require Xilinx software or any license to mine.
That's not all, as it's also accompanied with FPGA boards consisting of a USB interface that assists in programming and communication.
I find passion in writing Tech articles around Windows PC and softwares.
Time Frame BTC Reward Revenue USD* Power Cost (in USD) Pool Fees (in USD) Profit (in USD) Hourly 0.00003275 $0.61 $0.16 $0.00 $0.45 Daily 0.00078595 $14.74 $3.90 $0.00 $10.84 Weekly 0.00550162 $103.15 $27.30 $0.00 $75.85 Monthly 0.0236 $442.07 $117.00 $0.00 $325.07 Annually 0.2869 $5,378.48 $1,423.50 $0.00 $3,954.98.
* Bitcoin Price at $18,748.80 USD.
Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty Bitcoin Block Reward Bitcoin Price 17,596,801,059,571.00 6.25 BTC $18,748.80 (BTC to USD) Bitcoin mining ( Hashrate Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Watts Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Cost Electricity Costs 110.00 TH/s 3,250 Watts $2,407.00 $0.05 per kWh.
A BTC mining difficulty of 17,596,801,059,571.00, a BTC mining hashrate of 110.00 TH/s consuming 3,250 watts of power at $0.05 per kWh, and a block reward of 6.25 BTC at $18,748.80 (BTC to USD).
After deducting mining power costs and mining fees, the final daily Bitcoin mining ( profit is $10.84 Bitcoin to USD .
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:02 am
Mine for Bitcoin with ANY Computer.
@ burningw0rds Mike Co.
Mining is a great way to enter the cryptocurrency ecosystem. However, Bitcoin/Litecoin is almost impossible to mine for the average user. It requires expensive equipment called ASICs that are made by a controversial, centralized company called Bitmain. These ASIC chips consume high amounts of electricity, and ASIC mining farms often use cheap & ecologically-destructive coal power. These centralized mining cartels mint the vast majority of new Bitcoin, and are responsible for contentious forks of Bitcoin in order to maintain a monopoly of the network.
I am not trying to cast a negative light on Bitcoin- I am highlighting how far we have come from Satoshi's (the mysterious creator of Bitcoin's) white paper that described a democratic mining system of "One CPU" as "one vote." Back in the early days of Bitcoin, any old laptop could mine hundreds of Bitcoin a week (worth millions of $ at today's value). In a way, this was utopian in the sense that anyone, anywhere could verify and support Bitcoin's network. However today, CPUs and even more powerful GPU's are worthless for mining on Bitcoin's network- which leaves all of the mining to one powerful mining company in China.
However, just because you do not own an expensive ASIC miner doesn't mean you can't "mine" with any average computer to ultimately obtain Bitcoin (using a regular CPU, GPU, and even a Hard-Drive).
First Option: Mine Monero with CPU.
Monero is a particularly interesting alternative to Bitcoin. Unlike Bitcoin where every transaction is public on a distributed ledger, Monero offers true anonymity. While being a philosophically contentious issue, I believe that anonymity could be useful for people living under dictatorial governments. The Dark Web browser of choice called Tor, was created by an agency of the U.S. Department of Defense for this reason. And while anonymous tools like Tor and Monero can be used by drug dealers and criminals, so can cold hard cash.
Monero has an interesting feature that allows CPU mining to always be competitive, no matter the size of its network. This feature seems to fulfill the original intention of Bitcoin for "One CPU, one vote." Therefore, it is possible to mine Monero on ANY computer. A user-friendly website that I have used to CPU mine Monero for the past year is called Minergate. Make an account, download the software, and turn on "Extended Mode." I prefer to turn off the "Smart Miner" and instead only mine XMR (Monero) as I believe it is the best coin they offer.
If you leave a spare core, you should have no problem doing most tasks on your computer while simultaneously earning passive mining income. It depends on your equipment, but if you have a decent CPU you can make a reasonable income as long as your computer is on and running. Every month or so, Withdraw your earnings to your favorite altcoin exchange and either a. Hodl your Monero or b. Sell for Bitcoin.
This past year I have continuously sold most of my earned Monero directly for Bitcoin. (I have actually missed out on greater gains with this method as Monero has gone to the moon, but I probably will continue this way)
Next Option: Mine Zcash/Eth with GPU.
This is slightly more restrictive, as not everyone has a suitable AMD or Nvidia Graphics Processor so I will not go into too much detail for this one.
I personally mine Zcash and sell every week for Bitcoin or other interesting cryptocurrencies. I prefer to use Suprnova pool. Minergate also offers GPU mining if you like their interface better. Here, Suprnova offers a detailed guide for how to get up and running. Zcash is another anonymous coin similar to Monero. * (Update: ASICs will now soon be available for Eth/ZCash, so GPU mining may soon become obsolete)
If you want to support Ethereum's network instead of Zcash, check out, although it is a slightly more involved involved process than Zcash.
Final Option: Mine Storj with Hard Drive.
An interesting idea that has come from Bitcoin, is to distribute file storage on the blockchain like Bitcoin/Ethereum does for computing power. As such, it is possible to use extra hard drive space to "mine" and host files on decentralized storage networks like Storj, Sia, and Filecoin. Filecoin looks to be the most exciting of the three, but unfortunately it is not live yet. Therefore, I mine Storj with my hard-drive. (Sia is legitimate as well, but very unprofitable at the moment as a host)
Apparently, Google is an investor in Storj, and while it has had growing pains, I am bullish on Storj going forward. On Mac it's extremely easy to set up Storj and start up, but it is a little more in-depth for Windows users:
Click "Rent Your Drive" and follow the steps to download.
First step after opening the app is to enter your ERC20 token address:
Get that by "Creating a New Wallet" on MyEtherWallet and following the instructions to copy your "0x" ethereum address like the one above.
Enter this address in Storj Step 1, then move on and choose a folder to host your rented HD space. Follow through the steps, and the default setup should work for most Mac users no problem.
If you are a Windows user, you need to do two extra things. 1. Sync your time clock with the nearest server, as described in 3.1 in this Storj guide. Next, you need to make sure you chose an Open Port, as described in 3.3.2 of that same guide.
It will take weeks to fill up all of your space, but a few GBs worth of rented space can still yield profits.
Helpful tip: also remember to make sure your computer doesn't go to Sleep, if you want to consistently mine.
While some of these mining processes may sound confusing and probably won't make you a millionaire, I think mining is a rewarding way to explore the crypto-ecosystem. While some people call Cryptocurrency a bubble, I believe it will one day become an important part of the world economy.
Furthermore, I think that a few dollars worth of Cryptocurrency today can grow into a lot more in the future. Whether you hold these CPU, GPU, and HD-mineable coins, or simply sell directly for Bitcoin on your favorite exchange, I believe that you will ultimately thank yourself later.
To read more about Bitcoin and its role in the global economy, check out my latest story here .
How To Mine Bitcoin On PC.
In this guide, we reveal the most up to date ways on how to mine Bitcoin with a PC.
Believe it or not, but there is still Bitcoin mining ( Software, which enables users to earn Bitcoin using a personal computer from mining. Software like Cudo miner and Nicehash are of some of the latest Bitcoin miners to get started Bitcoin mining ( with a PC.
However, we want to mention that mining Bitcoin on a personal computer is not the fastest way, yet it's still one of the popular ways to start earning Bitcoin.
You see, Bitcoin mining ( has progressed into much faster computers called ASIC miners, which we talk about in our other guide, and they're designed for this exact purpose. Trying to compete with these more advanced miners on the same network is a huge no-no these days, so we're going to show a few different ways around this issue.
By the end of this guide, you'll be a pro at setting up your computer to not only mine Bitcoin but also other cryptocurrencies called altcoins. This way, you can earn the most from Bitcoin mining ( on your equipment. We'll also show a few decent solutions to keep your PC cool and run more efficiently.
Sign Up For Cudo Miner Here.
Things You Need To Get Started Mining On PC.
Before we begin learning how to mine Bitcoin on your PC, there a few things you need to check off the list to get started. This list is as follows:
Laptop Or Desktop- Just about any style of computer will work although gaming PCs that are equipped with a high-performance GPU are optimal but not mandatory. Any computer with a 1 GHz Processor minimum and 30 GB of free disk space for mining software and wallets should suffice. Gaming computers work best but aren't mandatory to start mining.
Operating System- Every computer has some sort of operating system in which the mining software will function on. Windows7/8/10(Win10 recommended), Linux, and Mac are all supported in this guide. Windows 10 works best for most applications and is easier to navigate for most new miners.
High-Speed Internet- Bitcoin mining ( requires miners to be constantly connected to the internet to be able to update the blockchain. Truth be told, any decent internet connection will work for this purpose as Bitcoin mining ( doesn't require lots of bandwidth. Having your PC plugged into the internet via CAT5 is optimal but not required.
Bitcoin Wallet- Ever miner needs a good wallet to store his/her hard-earned Bitcoin mining ( profits. For miners just getting started, I recommend downloading one of these free wallets listed below to ensure your coins stay safe and secure from hackers.
Wallet Downloads LIst:
Bread Wallet (Best Option for small amounts of Bitcoin) Jaxx Libert Wallet Hardware Wallet ( Recommended for securing large sums )
Mining Software- Mining requires computers to solve complicated math, which is nearly impossible without the use of specialized software to do so. These days newer software allows at-home computers to be able to participate with ease and maximize earnings by using profit switching methods. Keep reading to find out which ones are best to use these days.
Cool Location- Mining is a very repetitive task for computers and causes them to work under a constant load. This can cause your computer to run hotter than normal, so it's important that the device has access to fresh circulating air. This will ensure your computer mines Bitcoin efficiently and safely as heat can cause your computer to run slow.
Best Way To Mine Bitcoin On PC.
The best way to mine Bitcoin these days with a PC isn't actually traditional Bitcoin mining ( like it was in 2009. These days the digital space has over 2000 other cryptocurrencies called altcoins. Some of the altcoins could be considered Bitcoins competitors as they are mined in the same fashion as Bitcoin(a.k.a the king).
The main difference between mining for Bitcoin and some of the other mineable altcoins is the fact that Altcoins are much easier to accumulate than Bitcoin these days. Meaning an at-home computer has better luck at mining and earning a profit by going the altcoin mining route.
The best part about this new software is they can scan your computer hardware and run tests to see which coin would be best to suit the computer.
Once the tests are finished, the software can begin mining the most profitable coin for the given specs of the PC hardware. Additionally, the software takes these coins and exchanges them for their current value in Bitcoin, which optimizes your mining profits far better than going the traditional Bitcoin mining ( route.
Our selection of Bitcoin mining ( software mentioned below is free to download, but please be advised there is a small dev fee for using it that is taken from mining profits. This is the only way the devs get paid and keeps them happy to continue working on future improvements. With that said, here is our list of recommended mining software.
How To Get Started Mining Bitcoin On PC.
To get started mining Bitcoin these days is a rather simple task. All you need to do is sign up using one of the three options below and follow their instructions posted on each mining software's main site.
Cudo Miner is the latest and greatest when it comes to mining software as it supports Windows, Mac, Linux and if that not enough, they even have their very own operating system for advanced users. Cudo Miner also has some of the hottest coins to mine for a profit with Grin and Beam at the forefront. To get started with Cudo Miner, use the link below and follow the step by step instructions on their main site.
Get started with Cudo Miner: Here.
Honey Miner is a close second best as it supports Windows and Mac only. One huge difference between Cudo and Honey Miner is the fees that Honey Miner charge for use are higher for low-end computers. So if your computer is only equipped with a CPU, this may not be the best route. To get started with Honey Miner, use the link below, and follow the instructions on their main site.
Nicehash is a long-time competitor of Bitcoin mining ( software and was very popular during Bitcoin's great bull run of 2017. In fact, nicehash was probably the first mining software of its kind when it first released in 2014. However, they only support Windows, and with it being a marketplace to buy and sell hashpower, profits can be lower than with other software. Nonetheless, to get started with Nicehash, use the link below and follow their instruction on their main site.
PRO TIP: If your mining on your everyday computer, we strongly recommend using Cudo Miner , and it's paused when computers in use feature. This way, your computer is only mining when it's not in use, which can cause lag issues otherwise.
How Long Does It Take To Mine A Bitcoin On A PC.
In the inception days of Bitcoin mining (, early adopters reported claims as high as 50 Bitcoin per week using nothing more than an at-home computer. Over the years, Bitcoin mining ( has progressed into much more power-hungry devices called ASIC's.
As more of these advanced miners deploy, the chances of mining a whole whopping 1 BTC become slimmer and slimmer. In fact, the last time we checked, it was somewhere around 3400 years before a laptop could accumulate a whole Bitcoin.
However, not all computers come equipped with the same hardware and with mining difficulty constantly adjusting it nearly impossible to know exactly how long it would take. The best way to get an idea is to start mining and see what your daily profits are and divide that number by one to calculate how many days.
Remember, everyone has to start somewhere, and have some Bitcoin in your wallet is better than having none. Mining is a great way to accumulate Bitcoin without having to buy it through exchanges which charge fees for doing so. The key to all this is to start small and get a feel for it before investing more money on hardware.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:02 am

Is CPU Mining WORTH IT?|12:28
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:03 am

Mining Monero/XMR dengan CPU Komputer biasa tanpa GPU|13:37
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:03 am
How To Mine Bitcoin On Pc Faster.
By now, you must be thinking, "good riddance, there has to be a way to speed things up," and in fact, there is for some users of this software.
If your computer has a GPU, then there are some ways you can optimize for better hashrate as for CPU only computers, there's not much you can do at this point.
You could, however, find more computers to download the software on to increase your performance or even better look into building a cheap mining rig with the help of our how-to guide.
Please note that the intel onboard graphics processor is unable to mine as only the higher-end GPU made for gaming will suffice for this trick. Check out our comprehensive guide of some of the best GPU used in today's mining to see if yours in on the list and get an idea of its true potential.
Overclocking is a way for miners to optimize their GPU for better mining performance. Softwares like Cudo Miner allow users to manged these overclock settings within the software, whereas some of the others do not.
Overclocking can significantly improve the speed at which the GPU can mine while at the same time lower the card's power consumption for maximum efficiency. If you need help with overclocking, please hop in our mining discord support channel, and we will be glad to assist you.
PC Bitcoin mining ( Alternatives.
Mining Bitcoin on a PC may not be the most fruitful way to go about earning Bitcoin for those who are willing to invest more money. In fact, there are some alternative ways to rent or buy hash power for investors who wish not to maintain the mining hardware themselves. This is considered to be a lazy man/woman's way of Bitcoin mining (
Please note that these ways in which we're about to show you how to mine Bitcoin without hardware are not guaranteed to provide the best returns on investment. It is likely that, in some cases, the return you will see will be marginal compared to owning and operating your own rig.
Nonetheless, these alternative methods have some advantages over actually operating your own hardware, like not having to deal with exhausting the heat that these rigs are known to emit.
Nicehash, as we stated earlier, is a marketplace for buying and selling hashpower. Miners offer to sell/rent their rigs hashpower through the use of the software. Buyers can then place bids on this hashpower for a chance to use the hardware for their own mining profits. For more info, checkout Nicehash's main site here.
Mining Rig Rentals is another great option for those who are looking to get more hashpower for mining. Miners donate their mining rig so that buyers can lease them for however long they wish. For more info, check out the mining rig rental's main site.
Bitdeer is responsible for hosting Bitmains infamous ASIC miners who are widely known for their amazing performance when it comes to today's Bitcoin mining ( Users can buy different packages ranging from 120 to 360 days long. The problem is it's pretty popular, and therefore it tends to get sold out quite frequently.
In the end, Bitcoin mining ( on a PC might not be the end all be all, but its still a way to earn money with Bitcoin. Bitcoin mining ( is just one of the many ways to start making money through cryptocurrencies and is one of our favorite ways to earn. To learn more about some of the other ways you can make money with this digital craze, check out out our other guides.
If you feel this information has helped you in some way or maybe you have something else to add, then, by all means, drop a comment below. We love hearing from crypto enthusiasts from all around the world. If you need further assistance, please join our discord to talk to us.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:04 am
Bitcoin mining ( is the process of earning bitcoin in exchange for running the verification process to validate bitcoin transactions. These transactions provide security for the Bitcoin network which in turn compensates miners by giving them bitcoins. Miners can profit if the price of bitcoins exceeds the cost to mine. With recent changes in technology and the creation of professional mining centers with enormous computing power, as well as the shifting price of bitcoin itself, many individual miners are asking themselves, is Bitcoin mining ( still profitable?
There are several factors that determine whether Bitcoin mining ( is a profitable venture. These include the cost of the electricity to power the computer system (cost of electricity), the availability and price of the computer system, and the difficulty in providing the services. Difficulty is measured in the hashes per second of the Bitcoin validation transaction. The hash rate measures the rate of solving the problem--the difficulty changes as more miners enter because the network is designed to produce a certain level of bitcoins every ten minutes.   When more miners enter the market, the difficulty increases to ensure that the level is static. The last factor for determining profitability is the price of bitcoins as compared against standard, hard currency.
Key Takeaways.
Bitcoin is mined using computing rigs which include expensive hardware. Miners are rewarded with bitcoin for verifying blocks of transactions to the blockchain network. As more miners compete for bitcoin rewards, the process becomes more difficult. To determine whether Bitcoin mining ( is profitable for you, consider costs of equipment and electricity as well as the difficulty associated with mining and how the price of bitcoin will impact potential rewards.
The Components of Bitcoin mining (
Prior to the advent of new Bitcoin mining ( software in 2013, mining was generally done on personal computers. But the introduction of application specific integrated circuit chips (ASIC) offered up to 100 billion times the capability of older personal machines, rendering the use of personal computing to mine bitcoins inefficient and obsolete.   While Bitcoin mining ( is still theoretically possible with older hardware, there is little question that it is not a profitable venture. This is because of the way that mining is set up: miners are competing to solve hash problems as quickly as possible, so those miners at a serious computational disadvantage essentially stand no chance of solving a problem first and being rewarded with bitcoin. When miners used the old machines, the difficulty in mining bitcoins was roughly in line with the price of bitcoins. But with these new machines came issues related to both the high cost to obtain and run the new equipment and the lack of availability.
Profitability Before and After ASIC.
Old timers (say, way back in 2009) mining bitcoins using just their personal computers were able to make a profit for several reasons. First, these miners already owned their systems, so equipment costs were effectively nil. They could change the settings on their computers to run more efficiently with less stress. Second, these were the days before professional Bitcoin mining ( centers with massive computing power entered the game. Early miners only had to compete with other individual miners on home computer systems. The competition was on even footing. Even when electricity costs varied based on geographic region, the difference was not enough to deter individuals from mining.
After ASICs came into play, the game changed. Individuals were now competing against powerful mining rigs that had more computing power. Mining profits were getting chipped away by expenses like purchasing new computing equipment, paying higher energy costs for running the new equipment, and the continued difficulty in mining.
Difficulty of Mining Bitcoin.
As discussed above, the difficulty rate associated with mining bitcoin is variable and changes roughly every two weeks in order to maintain a stable production of verified blocks for the blockchain (and, in turn, bitcoins introduced into circulation). The higher the difficulty rate, the less likely that an individual miner is to successfully be able to solve the hash problem and earn bitcoin. In recent years, the mining difficulty rate has skyrocketed. When bitcoin was first launched, the difficulty was 1. As of May 2020, it is more than 16 trillion.     This provides an idea of just how many times more difficult it is to mine for bitcoin now than it was a decade ago.
Shifting Rewards.
The Bitcoin network will be capped at 21 million total bitcoin. This has been a key stipulation of the entire ecosystem since it was founded, and the limit is put in place to attempt to control for supply of the cryptocurrency. Currently, over 18 million bitcoin have been mined. As a way of controlling the introduction of new bitcoin into circulation, the network protocol halves the number of bitcoin rewarded to miners for successfully completing a block about every four years.   Initially, the number of bitcoin a miner received was 50. In 2012, this number was halved and the reward became 25. In 2016, it halved again to 12.5. In May 2020, the reward halved once again to 6.25, the current reward.   Prospective miners should be aware that the reward size will decrease into the future, even as difficulty is liable to increase.
Profitability in Today's Environment.
Bitcoin mining ( can still make sense and be profitable for some individuals. Equipment is more easily obtained, although competitive ASICs cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars up to about $10,000. In an effort to stay competitive, some machines have adapted. For example, some hardware allows users to alter settings to lower energy requirements, thus lowering overall costs. Prospective miners should perform a cost/benefit analysis to understand their breakeven price before making the fixed-cost purchases of the equipment. The variables needed to make this calculation are:
Cost of power: what is your electricity rate? Keep in mind that rates change depending on the season, the time of day, and other factors. You can find this information on your electric bill measured in kWh. Efficiency: how much power does your system consume, measured in watts? Time: what is the anticipated length of time you will spend mining? Bitcoin value: what is the value of a bitcoin in U.S. dollars or other official currency?
There are several web-based profitability calculators, such as the one provided by CryptoCompare, that would-be miners can use to analyze the cost/benefit equation of Bitcoin mining ( Profitability calculators differ slightly and some are more complex than others.
Run your analysis several times using different price levels for both the cost of power and value of bitcoins. Also, change the level of difficulty to see how that impacts the analysis. Determine at what price level Bitcoin mining ( becomes profitable for you--that is your breakeven price. As of May 2020, the price of bitcoin is hovering around $8,000. Given a current reward of 6.25 BTC for a completed block, miners are rewarded around $50,000 for successfully completing a hash. Of course, as the price of bitcoin is highly variable, this reward figure is likely to change.  
To compete against the mining mega centers, individuals can join a mining pool, which is a group of miners who work together and share the rewards. This can increase the speed and reduce the difficulty in mining, putting profitability in reach. As difficulty and cost have increased, more and more individual miners have opted to participate in a pool. While the overall reward decreases because it is shared among multiple participants, the combined computing power means that mining pools stand a much greater chance of actually completing a hashing problem first and receiving a reward in the first place.
To answer the question of whether Bitcoin mining ( is still profitable, use a web-based profitability calculator to run a cost-benefit analysis. You can plug in different numbers and find your breakeven point (after which mining is profitable). Determine if you are willing to lay out the necessary initial capital for the hardware, and estimate the future value of bitcoins as well as the level of difficulty. When both bitcoin prices and mining difficulty decline, it usually indicates fewer miners and more ease in receiving bitcoins. When bitcoin prices and mining difficulty rise, expect the opposite--more miners competing for fewer bitcoins.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:04 am

CPU mining on $70 XEON 2021|7:17
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:15 am
Is Bitcoin mining ( still profitable in 2020?
If you have access to cheap hardware and/or electricity, then Bitcoin mining ( can still be a profitable endeavor.
Bitcoin miners help to keep the network running (Image: Shutterstock)
Bitcoin has more than doubled in value since March, but halving rewards have also been cut in half. The Bitcoin hash rate also recently reached its all-time highest value, leaving smaller Bitcoin miners at a disadvantage. The profitability of Bitcoin mining ( comes down to hardware acquisition and running costs; most modern miners are currently net positive in terms of daily yields.
Since reaching its lowest value of 2020 back in March, the price of Bitcoin (BTC) has been on a meteoric uptrend, with the leading cryptocurrency more than doubling in value in the last five months.
At the same time, the Bitcoin hash rate has increased by more than 25% since March, recently reaching its highest ever value. In May 2020, Bitcoin also completed its third halving event, which saw the amount of Bitcoin mined each day cut in half.
With all these factors coinciding with one another, it can be difficult to keep track of whether Bitcoin mining ( is still profitable in 2020. Here's what you need to know.
Mining difficulty tends to increase with time.
One of the main things that miners need to consider when mining Bitcoin is the difficulty change. Briefly, the Bitcoin difficulty determines how much work a miner needs to put in to solve the complex mathematical problem that will allow them to add a new block of transactions to the blockchain.
This difficulty is either increased or decreased after every 2016 blocks, or roughly every 14 days, depending on how quickly the previous 2016 blocks were found. If the previous 2016 blocks took less than 14 days to discover, then the difficulty increases, whereas it decreases if it took more than 14 days to discover--all with the goal of returning the average block discovery time to 10 minutes.
Because the hash rate tends to increase over time, so too does the block discovery difficulty--which, in turn, makes it harder for miners with older hardware to keep up as their proportion of the total hash rate reduces over time. However, since the price of Bitcoin also tends to rise following an increase in the hash rate, the increasing difficulty doesn't always mean reduced profitability. There are also a handful of steps miners can take to quicken their return on investment (ROI) and maximize profits.
Bitcoin mining ( profitability depends on several factors.
The best way to stay on top of the difficulty curve and maximize the odds of achieving profitability is by acquiring the latest, most efficient mining hardware at a fair price.
Those looking to turn a profit by investing in new mining hardware will need to consider the price and shipping cost (and any potential delays), import taxes, and electricity costs involved in acquiring and operating their new hardware. The ideal Bitcoin miner is both energy efficient and offers excellent bang for the buck terms of hash rate output.
According to CryptoCompare's mining profitability calculator, 1 TH/s of hash rate will generate approximately 0.00000742 BTC, or around $0.08639 per day in profit at Bitcoin's current value ($11,763). Because of this, a 73 TH/s Antminer S17+ would pull in around $6.30 per day, while a 112TH/s S30 M++ would bring in around $9.68/day.
However, Bitcoin miners need to deduct their electricity and maintenance costs, which can vary considerably depending on the country and energy costs they have access to.
Assuming an average power consumption of 30W/TH/s and an average electricity cost of $0.10/KW, Bitcoin miners can expect to pay close to $ 0.072 per TH of mining power each day. That works out at $5.26 for a 73 TH/s miner or $8.10 for a 112TH/s one.
That means Bitcoin miners can expect to generate around 20% profit per day over operating costs using current generation hardware. Since electricity costs take up a sizable chunk of Bitcoin mining ( profits, securing a low-cost energy plan or setting up in a region with cheaper electricity is the quickest way to boost profitability.
Miners also need to factor in their acquisition costs to determine how long it will take to achieve a full return on their investment. Mining hardware bought closer to its original launch date at or below RRP will often pay for itself faster than those bought later, or at an inflated price.
Since most Bitcoin miners run into the thousands of dollars, it's safe to say that most miners won't achieve a full ROI for several months at the very least--but they may be able to recoup some of their initial costs by selling the used miner on when purchasing newer equipment.
The views and opinions expressed by the author are for informational purposes only and do not constitute financial, investment, or other advice.
Mining Profitability Drops as Bitcoin's Hash Rate Hits New All-Time High.
18 Oct 2020 / In #Bitcoin, #Mining.
-Bitcoin miners have struggled to remain profitable with all but the latest iterations of mining rigs.
-Bitcoin's hash rate hit an all-time high on October 14 at 156 EH/s.
Bitcoin mining ( rigs have struggled to maintain profitability as BTC reached a new all-time high (ATH) hash rate earlier in the week.
According to data compiled by BitInfoCharts, bitcoin's hash rate reached a new ATH on October 14 at 156 exahash per second (EH/s).
Despite the increase in hash rate and network difficulty, Bitcoin mining ( rigs-particularly the more common older generation models-are struggling to maintain profitability.
A report by claims miners are finding it more difficult than ever to turn a profit mining blocks on bitcoin's network, with the next difficulty shift scheduled to occur on October 17.
The report found that only 18 known mining pools and one unknown pool have managed to hash away at the chain following the spike in hash rate.
Using data from real-time mining hardware aggregator, the report showed just thirteen of the SHA256 mining rigs available to the market are profitable at the current rate, generating about $2 per day.
A report by Tradeblock in February estimated the price of bitcoin would need to be $12,500 post-halving in order for miners to break even. At its current price, the average base reward value has been around $71,390 per block, with close to $6,189 in transaction fees.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:16 am

CPU Mining 3900x 14600 H/S On Random X Monero|10:24
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:16 am

How To Mine Monero (XMR) RandomX With Your CPU (Intel  AMD)|13:23
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:17 am
Money can be made, but no method guarantees profit.
Interest in cryptocurrencies has surged since 2015 as bitcoin has seen its value rise from about $300 per coin to a peak of about $20,000 per coin in December 2017, then dropping to about $8,000 per coin as of November 2019.   Other cryptocurrencies have seen similar surges and dips in value. Nearly 3,000 cryptocurrencies are listed on, but two of the most popular alternatives to bitcoin include ethereum ($145 per coin, $15 billion market cap, as of Nov. 2019) and litecoin ($45, $2.9 billion).  
While buying on an exchange like Coinbase is usually fairly simple and allows you to buy fractions of cryptocurrencies, there are those who prefer to mine their coins. The best option likely depends on individual circumstances.
Mining Profitability.
Mining cryptocurrency seems like a no-brainer. Set up a computer to help solve complex math puzzles and you are rewarded with a coin or a fraction of a coin. The first bitcoin miners were able to earn coins relatively quickly just using what computing power they had in their homes.  
By 2019, cryptocurrency mining has become a little more complicated and involved. With bitcoin, the reward is halved every four years.   On top of that, serious miners have built huge arrays to mine, making it harder for smaller miners to compete. You can join a Bitcoin mining ( pool to be more effective, but that comes with a fee, reducing your profits.  
Some crypto miners instead opt for other currencies. Some other cryptocurrencies are worth very little in U.S. dollars, but it's possible to use what you mine and convert it into fractional bitcoins on an exchange, then hope that bitcoin gains in value.
No matter what you decide to mine, you have to account for your setup costs, including, in some cases, graphics cards that can cost upward of $700 apiece.     It's possible to put together a basic rig for some of the less popular cryptocurrencies for around $3,000. However, some miners spend more than $10,000 on their rigs.
On top of building your rig, you also need to realize that you are going to be using quite a lot of power. If you have high power rates, you could end up spending quite a lot to mine coins--especially bitcoin. The electricity cost involved in mining a single bitcoin is more than $3,000 in the cheapest states.   For states with higher electric rates, you could spend more than $6,000 in electricity to mine a single bitcoin. With the cost of one coin hovering at $7,000 as of December 2019, the energy costs alone don't make it worth it.  
A less powerful rig mining alternative currencies could save you money. Even so, it can take several weeks, or even months, to recoup your original investment and become profitable.
Cloud mining involves purchasing time on someone else's rig.   Companies like Genesis Mining and HashFlare charge you based on what's called a hash rate--basically, your processing power. If you purchase a higher hash rate, you are expected to receive more coins for what you pay for, but it will cost more.
Depending on the company you choose, you might pay a monthly fee, or you might pay according to the hash rate.   Some companies also charge a maintenance fee. In general, cloud miners that allow you access to bitcoin come at higher rates.
In some cases, you might be required to sign a year-long contract, locking you in. If the value of the cryptocurrency drops, you could be stuck in an unprofitable contract.
As it is, depending on what you mine, it can take several months before your cloud mining investment becomes profitable.
However, at least with cloud mining, you don't have to worry about power consumption costs and other direct costs related to doing all of the mining with your own rig.
The Long View.
Investing in expensive equipment and spending in excess of $3,000 in energy bills to mine one bitcoin only makes sense if you believe the price of bitcoin will rise beyond the $3,000 to $4,000 range.
Buying bitcoins with hope of their value rising is equally risky. The market for cryptocurrencies is young, and for every analyst who sees great potential, there is another who expects the market to go bust.
Banks such as JP Morgan still view cryptocurrencies as unproven and likely to drop in value.   Benoit Coeure, a board member with the European Central Bank, argued in January 2018 that cryptocurrencies could prove to be a good system for cross-border payments as long as there is an understanding of how to "control these gateways between the shadow-currency universe and the regular financial system."   Less than a year later, he referred to bitcoin specifically as the "evil spawn of the financial crisis," while still acknowledging the broader potential of cryptocurrencies.  
Bottom Line.
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies remain a high-risk, high-reward investment with little consensus about the economic roles they will play in the coming years.
Bitcoin mining ( is a central process to the entire network that validates transactions, secures the blockchain and uncovers new bitcoin. In brief, Bitcoin mining ( requires miners to contribute computing power in exchange for the chance to unlock rewards of bitcoin. In a very basic sense, bitcoin miners are primarily motivated to participate because of the chance to make a profit.
Bitcoin mining ( can be quite profitable for the major operations that conduct the process on a large scale (running hundreds of thousands of miners at a time) and reduce their energy costs through sustainable sources, government subsidies or other means. But the exact level of this profitability is determined by many factors.
In addition to the costs of equipment and energy, the bitcoin price will have a large impact on the profitability of mining. Successful miners are rewarded in bitcoin which, as every Bitcoiner knows, does not have a fixed price relative to fiat currency. Thus, if bitcoin's price rises, miners will have further incentive to run operations and better chances of turning a profit. Conversely, if the bitcoin price falls, many large operations will cease or slow their mining efforts in order to reduce energy costs.
Despite the many factors that determine Bitcoin mining ( profitability, even with the latest and greatest hardware, a miner with high electricity costs is unlikely to ever turn much of a profit.
The Changes in Bitcoin mining ( Profitability.
When first introduced by Satoshi, Bitcoin mining ( was conducted on personal computers. There is no indication that Bitcoin's creator predicted that bitcoin miners would specialize their equipment and that an entire Bitcoin mining ( industry would rise to the degree that it has now.
The use of GPUs for mining, then the introduction of Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) have changed the dynamics of Bitcoin mining ( profitability dramatically, making it critical to obtain specifically-built mining rigs that optimize for hash power and energy consumption.
The likelihood of a miner being first to correctly hash a block and therefore receive the mining subsidy is determined by the proportion of hash power they are contributing to the network. The majority of the hash power on the network is now contributed by a few mining pools.
The profitability of Bitcoin mining ( has also changed as the Bitcoin blockchain has been split.
Bitcoin mining ( Profitability and the Halving.
When miners solve blocks on the Bitcoin blockchain, they receive a predetermined amount of bitcoin as a mining reward, a system created to incentivize miners to contribute computing power to the network and confirm new transactions.
The block reward is based on the original block subsidy of 50 BTC, as determined by Satoshi, plus the mining fees that those conducting transactions are willing to pay to have their transactions verified. Bitcoin's block subsidy is preprogrammed to cut in half every 210,000 blocks, an event known as the "Halving" or "Halvening." The original subsidy of 50 BTC was cut in half at block 210,001 to become a subsidy of 25 BTC, then that subsidy was cut in half at block 630,000 to 12.5 BTC.
Because the reward for mining new Bitcoin blocks is cut so dramatically at these intervals, the Halvings have significant impact on Bitcoin mining ( profitability.
Is Bitcoin mining ( Still Profitable Today?
Although Bitcoin mining ( has become much more competitive than when the technology was first introduced, the practice can still be profitable. The advent of mining pools and advances in ASICs mean that it's possible for anyone, anywhere to find a way to participate in Bitcoin's most critical process and at least offset their energy costs.
But determining whether Bitcoin mining ( will actually be profitable for any specific individual requires a cost analysis that takes into account their particular circumstances. While many factors go into Bitcoin mining ('s profitability today, the primary questions to answer are:
How much will power cost?
If you plan to mine from your home's power grid, this can be determined by reviewing your electricity bill and calculating costs based on how much you are charged per kWh. You may be able to reduce this cost by tapping into alternative or renewable energy sources. You may also consider sending your equipment to a mining colocation that hosts your machine and delivers its power for you. Costs for managed hosting in the U.S. can range from 4 to 8 cents per kWh, depending on the number of machines you are hosting.
How efficient is your mining hardware?
Different mining rigs have different efficiency specs, so your power consumption costs will ultimately be determined by how efficiently your hardware converts power into hash rate. Newer mining machines are the most efficient and can deliver you the highest profit margin, but they are also the most expensive to buy.
How long until you successfully mine a block?
There is no way to determine exactly how long it will take for you to be the first to correctly guess the hash and receive a Bitcoin mining ( reward, but this will ultimately be determined by the proportion of hash power you are contributing to the network. The more hash power you are contributing (or that your mining pool is contributing), the more quickly you can expect to receive a reward. As a miner, you are rewarded for your hash rate directly by the mining pool.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:17 am

Crypto Mining Farm at Condo - February 2021 Update|10:43
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:17 am

How to Mine Ethereum on Windows 10 - 2021 Guide|21:33
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:18 am
How much is bitcoin worth?
Because bitcoin miners are rewarded with bitcoin, the "profitability" of the enterprise is largely determined by the fiat price of bitcoin. If bitcoin is priced at a relatively high amount of dollars, a mining reward will go further than if it is priced relatively low.
Bitcoin mining ( Guide - Getting started with Bitcoin mining (
Bitcoin mining ( is difficult to do profitably but if you try then this Bitcoin miner is probably a good shot.
Before you start mining Bitcoin, it's useful to understand what Bitcoin mining ( really means. Bitcoin mining ( is legal and is accomplished by running SHA256 double round hash verification processes in order to validate Bitcoin transactions and provide the requisite security for the public ledger of the Bitcoin network. The speed at which you mine Bitcoins is measured in hashes per second.
The Bitcoin network compensates Bitcoin miners for their effort by releasing bitcoin to those who contribute the needed computational power. This comes in the form of both newly issued bitcoins and from the transaction fees included in the transactions validated when mining bitcoins. The more computing power you contribute then the greater your share of the reward.
Sometimes you may want to mine a more volatile altcoin like MWC which is superior for scalability, privacy, anonymity and fungibility by utilizing MimbleWimble in the base layer.
With mainnet launching in November 2019 it has risen from $0.22 to over $8.00 in its first two months.
Step 1 - Get The Best Bitcoin mining ( Hardware.
Purchasing Bitcoins - In some cases, you may need to purchase mining hardware with bitcoins. Today, you can purchase most hardware on Amazon. You also may want to check the bitcoin charts.
How To Start Bitcoin mining (
To begin mining bitcoins, you'll need to acquire Bitcoin mining ( hardware. In the early days of bitcoin, it was possible to mine with your computer CPU or high speed video processor card. Today that's no longer possible. Custom Bitcoin ASIC chips offer performance up to 100x the capability of older systems have come to dominate the Bitcoin mining ( industry.
Bitcoin mining ( with anything less will consume more in electricity than you are likely to earn. It's essential to mine bitcoins with the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware built specifically for that purpose. Several companies such as Avalon offer excellent systems built specifically for Bitcoin mining (
Best Bitcoin Cloud Mining Services.
Another option is to purchase in Bitcoin cloud mining contracts. This greatly simplifies the process but increases risk because you do not control the actual physical hardware.
Being listed in this section is NOT an endorsement of these services. There have been a tremendous amount of Bitcoin cloud mining scams.
Hashflare Review: Hashflare offers SHA-256 mining contracts and more profitable SHA-256 coins can be mined while automatic payouts are still in BTC. Customers must purchase at least 10 GH/s.
Genesis Mining Review: Genesis Mining is the largest Bitcoin and scrypt cloud mining provider. Genesis Mining offers three Bitcoin cloud mining plans that are reasonably priced. Zcash mining contracts are also available.
Hashing 24 Review: Hashing24 has been involved with Bitcoin mining ( since 2012. They have facilities in Iceland and Georgia. They use modern ASIC chips from BitFury deliver the maximum performance and efficiency possible.
Minex Review: Minex is an innovative aggregator of blockchain projects presented in an economic simulation game format. Users purchase Cloudpacks which can then be used to build an index from pre-picked sets of cloud mining farms, lotteries, casinos, real-world markets and much more.
Minergate Review: Offers both pool and merged mining and cloud mining services for Bitcoin.
Hashnest Review: Hashnest is operated by Bitmain, the producer of the Antminer line of Bitcoin miners. HashNest currently has over 600 Antminer S7s for rent. You can view the most up-to-date pricing and availability on Hashnest's website. At the time of writing one Antminer S7's hash rate can be rented for $1,200.
Bitcoin Cloud Mining Review: Currently all Bitcoin Cloud Mining contracts are sold out.
NiceHash Review: NiceHash is unique in that it uses an orderbook to match mining contract buyers and sellers. Check its website for up-to-date prices.
Eobot Review: Start cloud mining Bitcoin with as little as $10. Eobot claims customers can break even in 14 months.
MineOnCloud Review: MineOnCloud currently has about 35 TH/s of mining equipment for rent in the cloud. Some miners available for rent include AntMiner S4s and S5s.
How to Mine Bitcoin: Complete Guide For Beginners.
Getting involved with cryptocurrency mining is a great way to gain a deeper understanding of the Bitcoin blockchain, and earn BTC along the way.
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Bitcoin pioneered mining when it first went live in 2008, and it's still one of the most popular coins among crypto miners.
Mining serves various essential purposes: it provides security for the Bitcoin network and it processes transactions. Moreover, it provides a way for participants to earn BTC as a reward.
Bitcoin's Hash Function.
In order to mine a block, participants must solve cryptographic hash problems. This is referred to as "hashing."
Bitcoin relies on a specific hash function called SHA-256. This is only important insofar as the nature of SHA-256 has led to an arms race of increasingly efficient computer chips purpose-built for Bitcoin mining (
It is no longer possible to mine Bitcoin at a profit using commercially available computer hardware, like a GPU or CPU. In order to compete, miners must use a device called an ASIC ( application-specific integrated circuit ), which is capable of solving SHA-256 problems very quickly. One of the most popular ASIC lines is Bitmain's Antminer.
Bitcoin could abandon SHA-256 and adopt an alternative in order to resist ASIC dominance, but it is unlikely to do so. Critics such as Cobra and BTC POW Upgrade have advocated changes to Bitcoin's mining protocol, but they have failed to gain traction.
ASIC Profitability.
There are several different models of ASIC mining devices on the market. The most profitable ASICs have a high hashrate in terahashes (TH/s) and low energy consumption in watts (W). Keep in mind hashrate and energy efficiency change quickly as newer, more efficient ASICs are released.
These are some of the most profitable ASICs, according to F2Pool:
Antminer S19 Pro, 110 TH/s, 3250 W, selling for $2,900 Whatsminer M30S++, 112TH/s, 3472 W, selling for $1,800 Hummer Miner H9 Pro, 84TH/s, 3360 W, selling for $1,600 Canaan Avalon 1166, 68 TH/s, 3196 W, price unknown INNOSILICON T3+, 67 TH/s, 3300 W, selling for $2,000.
There are also consumer devices like the the Coinmine One. Though, these "plug-and-play" mining devices are unlikely to turn a profit.
As of April 2020, the Antminer S19 Pro generates roughly $9 worth of profit per day, while the INNOSILICON T3+ brings in about $4 of profit per day. Exact profits are subject to change depending on personal electricity costs and BTC market prices.
Though it is clearly possible to mine BTC at a profit, ASICs are an expensive investment. The ASICs listed above cost $2,000-$3,000, and it could take over a year to recover the upfront costs.
Unfortunately, ASIC devices become obsolete fairly quickly. Though stories of ASIC devices being dumped and sold for scrap metal may be sensational, ASICs only last a few years--and it is not a good idea to buy a past-generation ASIC just before its lifespan expires.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:19 am
Bitcoin's Total Hashrate.
Bitcoin mining ( is highly competitive, and the blockchain's overall hashrate has risen sharply over the past several years.
Bitcoin's total hashrate, via
This growth is partially due to the rise of large-scale mining farms. Though it is not clear how heavily Bitcoin mining ( farms dominate mining, one firm (Layer 1) has suggested that it controls 2% of the total Bitcoin hashrate. Larger farms may have even greater dominance.
However, the dominance of mining farms should not be overblown. Bitmain, which likely controls a large percentage of the Bitcoin hashrate, has achieved such a large market share by selling ASICs to independent customers--not just by operating its own mining farms.
In any case, it is still possible for individuals to compete with mining farms. Rising hashrates simply render older ASIC devices obsolete.
Block Reward Halving.
Bitcoin undergoes a "halving" every four years, which cuts its block reward (the reward for mining one block) in half.
Though this reduces mining profits in the short-term, halvings also reduce inflation. In theory, this ensures that Bitcoin maintains a reasonably high value in the long term.
There is plenty of debate over whether halvings actually impact prices, or whether they are "priced in" beforehand. Bitcoin's 2012 halving caused its price to rise from $11 to $1,100 (97x) over one year. Bitcoin's 2016 halving caused prices to increase from $268 to $2,500 (10x) over the course of a year.
Bitcoin prices after halvings.
The next Bitcoin halving is scheduled for May 18, 2020--but there is no guarantee that the price trends following this halving will resemble previous trends, either in the short-term or long-term.
Incidentally, Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV underwent their own halvings in 2020 without significant changes to market value. Those trends should not be generalized to Bitcoin.
Joining a Mining Pool.
It is no longer practical to "solo mine" BTC. Instead, those looking to mine will need to join a pool. Pools share rewards across miners in exchange for a small fee. This allows miners to earn block rewards on a regular, consistent basis.
Bitcoin mining ( pools are known for being fairly centralized. Bitmain owns two of the largest pools: Antpool and Two other large pools, F2Pool and Poolin, are independently operated.
Pool hashrate distribution, April 2020, via
Generally, it is not necessary to compare pools too closely. Any pool that offers 1%-3% fees and minimum withdrawal amounts of 0.001-0.005 BTC ($10-$50) is reasonable. Most mining pools listed on the chart above are a good choice for most miners.
How Do I Get Started With Bitcoin mining (
One of the questions I'm asked often is how do I get started with Bitcoin mining ( The answer is: to be cautious. Mining Bitcoins is an essentially risky endeavor, and you need to be well aware of the risks and potential rewards before entering. The good news is that there are a number of low-risk methods to get started, so get your facts straight first. First, it's important to consider the right environment for getting started with Bitcoin mining ( If you live in a remote location without high-speed internet access, this isn't a great option. You should go for regions where you have high-speed internet and the miner is close enough to the power supply for it to be easily connected to a generator. Second, it's important to take the steps to get started before deciding to invest any money in the process. That means knowing the basic skills of programming languages such as C++, Java , C#, PHP, etc. If you don't feel comfortable with such programs, find someone who can help you. Third, many people think that they're "rich" just because they're trying to get started with Bitcoin mining ( This isn't the case, but that doesn't mean it won't give you more motivation to get started with the process. Fourth, if you're interested in knowing more about how to get started with mining Bitcoins, it's important to learn about the process of mining. There are a few good resources online to help you learn.
How Do finally get started:
The final question people often ask me is how do I get started with Bitcoin mining ( In answer to the question of how do I get started with mining Bitcoins, it really depends on what you want to achieve. I have worked in the field of Bitcoin and mined for nearly four years, and I've learned that while the average person can get into the process, it's not at all for the faint of heart. It's far more profitable to work from home using software and other tools to produce a steady income. When it comes to getting started with mining Bitcoins, it's always important to have a clear idea of what you want to do and why. Only then can you make decisions that will help you accomplish your goals. The key is to be realistic about how much effort you can bring to the process and to set your expectations appropriately. If you're a beginner in the process, it's important to do some research on the process before you begin, and get up to speed on the information needed to protect yourself and your equipment. On the other hand, there are also numerous stories of people who have gotten very rich by mining Bitcoins. This is probably the best way to earn large sums of money and while the process may be slightly more complex than the average person would use, you don't have to be a computer programmer to make good money. Just as you don't have to be a computer programmer to buy a house, you don't have to be a computer programmer to mine Bitcoins.
Researching is the key!
It's important to get up to speed on the Bitcoin network, its technical terms, and the technology behind mining. It's possible to obtain technical information online to help you with your research. It's also important to learn about the security features of the equipment, which is essential to protecting yourself from becoming a victim of a hacker. Knowing the basics of how to get started with mining bitcoins is important to have a clear understanding of the process. You don't have to be a computer wizard, but you do need to be able to understand the basics of the mining process and be able to protect yourself from harmful outcomes that can occur.
How to Start Bitcoin mining (
It is not easy to make Bitcoin mining ( profitable, especially if you decide to do it alone. On the other hand, if you approach the subject with skill and knowledge, it could be a really good shot. In this article we will tell you how to start mining bitcoin currency.
What do you need to start mining bitcoin currency?
Mining is a process performed by a powerful computer which consists in solving mathematical issues. As a reward for successful solving, a user gets bitcoins. This is a central principle of Bitcoin economy that drives its functioning.
As we have already mentioned, getting into the niche of mining is not easy. The reason is that more and more people with powerful equipment appear on the market regularly. In addition, there are large mining farms with incredible productive capacities, so it is almost impossible for an individual user to compete them. Think carefully before you start and try to realize whether mining is anyhow advantageous for you.
Long time ago, it was possible to mine bitcoins using a personal computer. However, today you need to purchase the newest and the most powerful miner which will cost you a few thousand dollars depending on its speed and power.
Hardware is produced in a form of cards similar to graphic ones. Between the most popular hardware there are AntMiner, Avalon, Butterfly Labs, CoinTerra, etc.
There is even more powerful (and more expensive) hardware designed for Bitcoin mining ( - ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Chip).
Bitcoins are transferred to the special digital wallets that store and protect your money. There are two types of them: local wallets and online ones. Online services that host personal wallets are considered less secure since they will not be held liable if something happens on their end.
Therefore, you'd better get yourself a local wallet. These wallets host blockchains and therefore protect your bitcoins from any catastrophes.
The most popular wallets are Armory and BitcoinQT.
Be very attentive and careful with your wallet. If you lose it, you lose your money with no possibility to get them back.
Mining pools are the groups of miners who get together to combine their powers and increase chances for getting income. They divvy bitcoins up according to the contribution made by every user. You should go in a group because this will increase your chances to receive money and return your investments. The most popular pools are Antpool,,, Slush Pool, etc.
To get started, you will also need mining program for your computer. Some pools offer particular software, the others don't.
One of the most efficient programs is BFGMiner. There is also a program designed for Mac called MacMiner.
Get started.
To launch the process, you have to connect your hardware to a power outlet and your computer. Then open your software, enter your pool, name and password. From that point, the mining operations can be started.
Keep your graphic card safe.
Remember that mining programs force hardware to be stretched to the limits, which may cause problems. You have to watch the temperatures to avoid damage. Such programs as SpeedFan will make sure that the temperatures don't rise above the tolerable limit. Usually, temperature harmful for graphic cards starts from 80 °C (176 °F).
Check the figures.
After your computer have worked a bit, check the profitability of its activity. Compare the profit you have made over the last time and to the amount of money you spend for electricity and hardware. Analyze the results carefully and think whether mining is your cup of tea. If not, consider some other options that might be more profitable for you. Besides mining, you can buy and sell bitcoins on an online marketplace.
So calculate expenses, weigh all the pros and cons, and get started with mining if your strategic vision holds promises for the future.
How to Mine Bitcoin: Tips and Tricks for Beginners.
Know When It's Time to Seek Out Debt Relief.
Bitcoin mining ( is an exciting and rewarding venture. But, if you are new to this trade and you wish to start mining bitcoins, there are a few things that you need to know. This article will outline a few things to know and steps to follow if you wish to venture into Bitcoin mining (
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:19 am

3 Bitcoin Crypto Mining Stocks to buy |21:01
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:19 am

Ethereum Mining Is INSANE Beginning of 2021|17:19
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:20 am
As a Bitcoin miner, you are responsible for validating transactions and ensuring the security of the network. For doing this, you are rewarded with BTC. However, with modern technology and many people venturing into Bitcoin mining (, becoming a miner is not easy and requires substantial investment. The following is what you need to know to get started.
1. Get a Bitcoin mining ( Rig.
Before you start Bitcoin mining (, you need a mining rig. While in the past miners used personal computers and graphic cards, you will get no profit using these outdated methods in the modern era.
For substantial profit, you need specific hardware for Bitcoin mining ( and other cryptocurrencies. The special hardware is called Application-Specific Integrated Circuit chips (ASIC). The hardware is energy efficient and mines much faster. The fastest machine of this kind can complete 14 terahashe/sec. But how do you choose the ideal ASIC mining rig?
Choosing an ASIC Mining Rig.
You should consider parameters such as hash rate (performance), power consumption, and price to ensure profitable mining. You have to consider the various different miners and choose one that is beneficial to you. Do not just choose based on price, but also performance and energy consumption. You can use online calculators to calculate and find the most profitable miner for Bitcoin.
2. Create a Bitcoin Wallet.
Once everything else is ready, set up your Bitcoin wallet. This is basically like your bank account. The Bitcoin wallet makes managing your Bitcoin addresses easy. But, you should know that there are different types of Bitcoin wallets. There are simple online wallets, software wallets, and secure paper and hardware wallets. Each wallet comes with benefits and flaws. Some can hold only one currency, while some can hold multiple currencies.
Which is the Ideal Wallet for Beginners?
As a beginner, the best Bitcoin wallet is the Software Wallet. This one is secure, easy to use, and manage. It is also suitable for repeated manipulation with mined coins. You can effortlessly download the wallet and install it on your PC, where your Bitcoins will be stored safely. You also have the option of choosing between a Full Software Wallet or a Lightweight Software Wallet.
3. Join a Mining Pool.
Unlike the old days when you could mine on your own, today, you need to join a pool even if you have a super ASIC miner. This is because one machine cannot profitably compete with large mining companies all over the world. This is why you need to join mining pools. When you join a mining pool, profits are shared among the group depending on a given power. You can make a small, but regular profit. However, there is a fee payable to the operator - usually 0-2% of your reward. Once you find the best pool, register with the website to get a miner ID.
4. Look For Mining Software for Your PC.
Now that you have the hardware, Bitcoin Wallet, and a Mining Pool, it is time to find a mining program for your PC. The program links you to the Bitcoin network and Blockchain. The mining program will deliver work to miners, collect complete transactions, and add the information to the Blockchain.
5. Get Started.
With everything else ready, you can start earning Bitcoins. All you need is to link your mining machine to a power outlet and link it with your computer and then install the mining program. Fill your personal information into the software, choose a device, and start mining...
Success Tip.
For better results, store your miner in the datacenter and enjoy subsidized power costs and get the best internet speed. Your machine will also be secure and a cooled and monitored environment.
Mining bitcoin cz.
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As bitcoin rises, CZ believes that the DeFi industry is here to stay.
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Quick take.
1 minute read.
Despite showing signs of a bubble, CZ believes DeFi is here to stay. The industry has seemingly been growing significantly despite its coin taking over the headlines.
The chief executive officer of one of the biggest platforms in the industry, CZ has recently said that decentralised finance, otherwise known as DeFi, is here to stay despite many projects in the industry showing signs of being a bubble.
Speaking in an interview earlier this week on the 17th of November with the n news agency RBC, the CEO argued: "a lot of DeFi projects are already in a bubble, and I also believe that there are some signs of a bubble in the DeFi industry, but this does not mean that DeFi will eventually disappear entirely."
Furthermore, CZ went on to highlight that the industry for DeFi is seeing a lot of potential when it comes to growth as he mentioned that it is still a popular entity even during the spike in the bitcoin price following the United States presidential election earlier this month. On top of this, CZ added that initial coin offerings were seen as a bubble back in 2017 but a number of projects within this so-called "bubble" are still going on today including his platform Binance.
He further said:
"Companies create new tokens, issue them as a reward. This is not a long-running story. But I think DeFi is here to stay. Even now, with Bitcoin's popularity rising again, DeFi is still popular. We think there is a lot of growth potential in DeFi."
Despite this, he also did mention that some projects for DeFi may not last as long as people hope despite a number of incentives being provided by the industry through yield farming and liquidity for DeFi.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:20 am

How to Mine Ethereum - 2021 Guide|9:54
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:21 am
S příchodem prvního cenzurujícího poolu vyvstává řada otázek etického, politického a technologického rázu, na které hledáme odpovědi.
Lightning Network a problémy faktur s nulovou sumou.
POW a POS - problémy, zranitelnosti a srovnání.
Burza Coinmate mění design a přidává nové funkce.
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Onecoin - zabiják bitcoinu, nebo podvodné Ponzi schéma.
Coinmate v novém kabátě a bitcoiny za koruny.
Hrozí nám totální cenzura transakcí na Bitcoinu?
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Twitter výběr - býčí nálada začíná převládat.
Býčí nálada se začíná objevovat hned poté, co bitcoin překonal 2 roky nedosaženou hodnotu 16 tisíc dolarů. A je toho plný Twitter.
Proof of Work a Proof of Stake - 3. část, PoS.
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Inflace se dá popsat z definice, podle ekonomických zákonitostí, nebo z praktického hlediska. Asi nejvíc vás bude zajímat, jak se jí bránit.
Twitter výběr - bitcoiny zadarmo v apce a týdenní novi.
Týdenní přehled novinek a zajímavostí ze světa kryptoměn, jak jej pro vás připravil Roman Mikulenčák z bitcoinových zpráv na Twitteru.
Těžíme digitální zlato budoucnosti.
TĚŽBA je autorizace plateb v kryptoměnovém trhu.
S námi může těžit každý. I vy!
Chci těžit a mít jen hardware na těžbu.
Chci vydělat na těžbě s co nejmenším rizikem.
Chci jen poradit s těžbou kryptoměn nebo v IT oblasti.
Kdo jsme?
Naše společnost se zabývá dodávkou, konfigurací a správou superpočítačů, které slouží svým výpočetním výkonem pro těžbu neboli autorizaci digitálních elektronických plateb - kryptoměn.
Zajistili jsme energetické, prostorové a odborné zázemí, které je schopno pojmout během 2 let počítačový HW (pro těžbu kryptoměn a realizování výpočetních operací) až do výše 1 mld. korun .
Máme přesah také do marketingu, v rámci kterého pomáháme spřáteleným firmám s nastavením marketingových strategií, copywritingem, PR a redakční činností .
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:24 am

How To Mine Ethereum (Very Easy) (2021)|11:37
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:25 am
First off, it is important to understand the term mining to understand what Bitcoin mining ( is! Initially, before Bitcoin became a common name, the inventor of the blockchain technology knew that for any form of currency to make head way, whether FIAT or digital it had to be globally accepted as either a medium of exchange or a means of payment.
Gradually on the process was the Initial coin offering, where participant of a particular crypto community are allowed to partake in series of activities before launch so that a particular value of the coin is distributed. This is more like what is referred to as Airdrops.
Even though there are quite a number of ways to have a hold on and possess your own coins, like buying on exchanges (Mt. Gox before closure used to be an initial major crypto exchange, or accepting them as payment for a service or product. However, when a person decides to add transactions records to the Blockchain, it is known as Mining. The decentralised idea of Bitcoin simply implies that transactions are shared on a peer-to peer network. Once they are verified and deemed valid they are then recorded on a public database accessible by anyone known as Bitcoin Blockchain.
The blockchain is Bitcoins public ledger, where every transaction is traceable. Users in the network can as well access this ledger and confirm it. It is also a transparent media to confirm a legitimate Bitcoin transaction. So as a Miner you are serving the Bitcoin community by confirming every transaction and making sure all transactions are legitimate. Since there are miners globally it means that the process is almost non-stop and the competition is high and for every successful hash sequence the miners gets a reward.
The implication of mining Bitcoin is in twofold. Firstly computer solving complex maths on the network results in creations of more new coin. Secondly, by solving the computational math problems, the Bitcoin miners make the Bitcoin payment network secure and trustworthy by verifying its transaction information.
Talking about exchanges, it seems to be a common way of acquiring cryptocurrencies especially for newcomers or investors who are not really interested in the technology of things. In fact some of this exchanges do not sell the coins by themselves but they serve as middleman system that connects those who want to buy the coin with those that want to sell. This is however not without its disadvantage as it defeats the idea of this digital currency of decentralization and anonymity.
Some businesses are beginning to give out this cryptocurrencies as rewards for participating in their programs or using their services. For instance the BAT token is usually dished out to users who are actively using the brave browser.
Elsewhere some bitcoin casinos now accept cryptocurrencies and also pay winnings in Cryptocurrencies. This means that gamblers are now allowed to wager while playing the best crypto games with this cryptocurrencies and even get the yield of their winning as cryptocurrency.
Alternatively, one can get this coins from private brokers or perhaps accept it as a means of payment for a product or service.
BTC Mining Explained.
In actual sense every other form of getting Bitcoin are just series of coin transfer from one holder to another buyer. The only place that Bitcoin actually comes from is via Mining. There is a particular amount of this coin that is expected to be in circulation and so the process of mining would continue until the very last bit of the coin is mined. So advisably if you have a mining rig or a computer that is super fast, then there is no need holding back.
Nowadays, everybody entering the universe of mining cryptocurrencies should contend with enormous organizations and their mining farms. As a result normally one of the main choices that each hopeful miner needs to make is whether to go solo or join a 'pool'.
Pooled mining if simply put is the joint effort of generation of a block where different miners contribute their processing capacity. A pool has a lot greater possibility of mining a block and getting a prize. Although in such cases the prize will be divided amongst all the miners who worked towards achieving this goal. Even though the rewards will be obviously lesser than what one may earn by mining a block; many people join a pool as it is a steady flow of income.
Terminologies :
Cryptocurrencies : A cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to operate as an exchange medium, wherein those in possession of the particular crypto coin have records of it digitally stored in a ledger in the form of a computerised database that is transparent, secure and decentralised.
Blockchain : The Blockchain is a decentralized, distributed ledger that takes record of every crypto transaction within the network. Explicitly, it can be visualized as a string of blocks comprising of various transactions that a carried out over a period of time. Whenever a block of transactions is initiated, miners globally applying series of complex mathematical formula to the instruction on the block, reduce this information to a seemingly short random sequence of letters and numbers called Hash.
Hash: The hash is one of the unique thing on the blockchain database. They are more like fingerprints. In fact it is what makes the system secured in itself. The hash can be created from data of any kind. It is like the Proof of Work in the crypto space.
Bitcoin : It can be regarded the father of all the cryptocurrencies, it is the first known decentralized digital asset. Others have come afterwards like the Ethereum, Ripple and Altcoins.
Mining : Many people around the world with super fast computers who check and confirm transaction hash for a crypto (Bitcoin) are in turn rewarded for this activities. However the more the coin that has been mined, the more difficult the process becomes, and unless you probably have a dedicated mining rig, the chances of getting a dime from mining now is pretty slim.
Interestingly you do not have to be a programmer to mine. The more validation of transactions you have on the blockchain the more the reward. However to prevent users from hashing thousands of transaction block each second and mining all the available Bitcoin at a go, the Bitcoin network has made the process a bit rigorous, as there are super-fast computers that may have been put to use for the purpose.
So the community introduced an economic measure used to battle fraudulent activities by requesting some work from the service requester; which implies processing time by a computer. So the process is initiated with low probability, resulting in a number of trial and error before generating a valid proof of work.
As complex as the mining world is turning out to be, owing to higher computation power required to mine, and the expense of getting the investment hardware making profit is almost becoming very difficult. It is quite competitive and you would need concrete research before investing in an hardware.
In 2009, Dr. Craig S. Wright, using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, created Bitcoin (BSV). This Bitcoin (BSV) blockchain maintains a public ledger that contains all past transactions.
Bitcoin (BSV) mining is the sophisticated peer-to-peer process used by nodes to add transactions to the publicly available ledger and mint new Bitcoins. Miners provide the computational investment to keep the Bitcoin ledger and secure the network.
What is the goal of Bitcoin mining (
The object of mining is to be the first miner to find an output that the Bitcoin (BSV) network accepts. New transactions are broadcast to a waiting area termed a Mempool. Miners select X amount worth of transactions from the Mempool to verify and bundle together into a new block, where X represents a variable number. The block and transactions are both hashed using the SHA-256 function. Once the new block is validated, the winning node appends the block to the previous sequential block in the Bitcoin (BSV) blockchain (on average, every 10 minutes).
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:25 am

How to start Bitcoin mining for beginners (SUPER EASY) - ULTIMATE GUIDE (2021)|13:51
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:27 am
What are the rules?
When Dr. Craig S. Wright introduced Bitcoin (BSV), he built the mining protocols on a consensus algorithm called Proof of Work or PoW. Only parties willing to expend a substantial amount of physical computational energy and time can add transactions to the blockchain.
In PoW, miners compete against each other to solve a mathematical equation, so they can earn the right to complete transactions on the Bitcoin (BSV) network. The puzzles are designed to be challenging to solve, but when finished, the solutions can be quickly validated by other miners.
Once a miner finds the solution for a new block, the miner will broadcast that block to the network. All other miners then verify the solution is correct. Afterward, confirmation of the block occurs. This competition allows decentralization to emerge and flourish within the Bitcoin (BSV) ecosystem.
It is harder now than it was in the past years to solve the equation because the mining difficulty algorithm periodically recalibrates as miners join or leave the network. The blockchain is designed to produce a certain level of Bitcoin (BSV) every ten minutes. Mining difficulty is measured in the hashes per second in attempting to find a block.
As miners increased by number, the complexities of crypto calculations increased with it. Hash rates are the speed in which the crypto puzzles are calculated. The adjustment to the complexity is made in accordance with the total amount of computational power being used for mining.
When advancements are made by miners in which efficiencies in increasing hashes per second occur, the complexity increases with it. The purpose of this is to ensure that the block rate discovery remains constant.
What are the incentives?
Block Rewards.
The block reward system economically incentivizes the miners to keep a validated public history of the transactions and continue to secure the blockchain. The broadcasting miner who successfully updates the blockchain earns a block reward.
The reward consists of newly minted Bitcoin and fees attached to the transactions they inserted into the new Bitcoin (BSV) block. The miner is incentivized to compile as many transactions as possible into a block because each transaction contains a fee that pays them. The transaction fees are calculated then charged when sending Bitcoin (BSV) from one address to another.
There are limited restrictions in block mining. The amount of profit for a miner is dependent upon how much hashpower the miner has relative to the network. The Bitcoin Protocol operates on an economic model of deflation with time degrading static subsidy. The number of new bitcoins produced per block will diminish by 50% every 210,000 blocks.
The initial reward was at 50 Bitcoins per block in 2009. The current number of bitcoins awarded per block is 12.5. The last halving occurred in July 2016, and the next one will be towards the summer of 2020 to 6.25 coins.
The fixed subsidy was never meant to be the primary source of revenue supporting miners, but the transaction fees from each block minded.
Profitability is, in large part, determined by how low the mining costs are maintained. Costs are a combination of several factors, including, but not limited to electric power, payroll, cooling, facility rental, etc. One of the biggest investments made is into the Bitcoin mining ( infrastructure itself.
A multitude of factors drives Bitcoin price fluctuation. Due to market volatility, it is difficult to project how much profit miners will earn from block mining. In 2018, mining revenue plunged as the price of Bitcoin declined, only to rebound in 2019 as the price of Bitcoin rose.
How do I start Bitcoin mining (
Mining costs are substantial when you consider the electricity and maintenance costs needed to run computing equipment to compete for each block at all hours. A large share of the network hash rate on the blockchains originates from mining farms that have invested a substantial amount of money in mining rigs. Solo miners with a small percentage of hash power have little chance of discovering the next block. Mining pools address this problem.
Single miners join a collective network mining pool that merges the computing power of all participants to form a new block. Miners get a share of the reward from each discovered block based on their hash rate resource contribution.
In essence, they earn smaller payouts more often by pooling their resources together. Before joining a Bitcoin mining ( pool, new miners should always do their research because some pools have been untrustworthy in the past.
Cloud mining, which is also referred to as cloud hashing, allows the user to buy the output of cryptocurrency mining hardware located in remote data centers. With all mining done remotely, this removes the issues faced by miners using powerful platforms, including sizeable power usage, heat, insulation, and of course, maintenance.
There are some disadvantages to using cloud mining services new miners need to be aware of. These include:
Lower profits than having your own hashing systems Possible fraud, with cloud mining operators being unverifiable Inability to change mining software as the miner does not possess the hardware Contracts may be terminated, as service providers can shut down should cryptocurrency prices be too low, which could result in immediate nonpayment of income.
Mining Tools.
Bitcoin mining ( started with CPUs of your standard computer being used to hash. As is the case with any new market, things have progressed particularly quickly in the mining sector, with the mining industry seeing a shift away from the standard CPUs to graphics processing units (GPU), which were able to hash and solve the cryptographic puzzles at a much faster rate.
Today's Bitcoin mining ( hardware has now evolved even further. Whereas in the past, you could mine Bitcoin using a standard desktop computer, today, mining requires specialized software and state-of-the-art hardware that can be energy-intensive. Possessing technical expertise is now required to run or participate in large scale data centers to successfully win blocks.
Mining is performed using specialized equipment called Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs), which are custom-built for this purpose. ASIC Miners have dedicated circuits that produce a lot of processing power. Every year, upgraded ASIC miners get released into the market.
Mining software delivers the work to the external miners and receives the completed work from the miners on the network. The program relays that information back to the blockchain or the mining pool. The program also monitors them and displays general statistics such as the temperature, hash rate, fan speed, and the average speed of the ASIC miners.
Important factors to look at when determining which Bitcoin mining ( ASIC to buy:
Hash Rate: How many hashes per second the Bitcoin miner makes. Efficiency: Miners use a large amount of electricity, so buyers want to buy a miner that converts the most amount of power into Bitcoin (BSV).
Hosting and Electricity.
Besides the cost of purchasing the ASIC mining rig, the mining rig will consume a large amount of power to solve the complex puzzle and earn the block reward. Electricity rates greatly impact the overall cost to mine Bitcoin (BSV). Rates change depending on the season and type of energy, e.g., renewable.
For a small business mining operation, it is expensive to obtain a facility that's outfitted with the appropriate amount of electrical distribution, cooling, and data networking.
In general, Bitcoin mining ( is legal. However, a few countries have declared Bitcoin mining ( illegal. Miners are encouraged to research the rules and regulations on Bitcoin mining ( in their jurisdiction.
To date, over 18 million Bitcoins have been put into circulation via this block reward mechanism. There are several web-based profitability calculators that miners can use to analyze the cost-benefit of Bitcoin mining ( Before getting started, miners are encouraged to run analysis before getting into Bitcoin (BSV) mining.
While mining can be profitable, it can be risky, as it requires extensive domain-specific knowledge and a higher cash reserve than expected.
Now that you learned about how Bitcoin is mined, here's a complete guide to cryptocurrency exchanges to help you choose which one is right for you.
How to Start Bitcoin mining ( Computer and How does it Works ?
So do you want to setup Bitcoin mining ( computer ? And interested in Bitcoin mining ( Well than you are at the right place to learn where to start.
In order to understand what Bitcoin mining ( methods are, I will explain some basics about cryptocurrency itself.
Bitcoin (BTC) is an encrypted program code, and prices are affected by market demand. The number of BTC coins is limited and the amount of the coin is 21 million. The cryoto issue is not regulated by any organization or country, so no one but you can control it.
Bitcoin was first introduced in 2009, it was first of its kind and Bitcoin mining ( was so easy that you could even mine it with your PC.
But today the situation is total different if you want to make any profit you have to invest in costly hardware to do so.
Bitcoin mining ( FAQs :
What is Bitcoin mining ( ? How to start Bitcoin mining ( ? What is Cloud mining ? What is Pool Mining ? What is Alone Bitcoin mining ( ?
What is Bitcoin mining ( ?
BTC is blockchain based cryptocurrency. Bitcoin is like a virtual currency which breaks the monopoly of banks world. It doesn't have a central government. It works in a blockchain network with some algorithem program.
The network is secured by miners, here comes the role of miner who help to check the completion of your bitcoin transactions by solving the BTC blocks. This process is also known as blockchain mining.
All the transaction are grouped into blocks on network. Miner needs good hashing power to solve the block chain transaction. Miners must guess the hash means the string of characters for blocks. Once miner guessed correct hash it can be added to blockchain. This is called POW "Power of work".
In simple words miners uses a software to solve a math problem and in rewards get a certain number of bitcoin. And this makes it worthwhile to spend money on mining.
So when it comes to mining or buying bitcoin than you should know the risks that nothing in this world is guaranteed. So make sure before investment that you have enough knowledge about mining and cryptoworld.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:27 am

How to Mine Dashcoin on Android! Cryptocurreny Mining FREE on Android!|3:20
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:28 am
How to Start Mining Bitcoin ?
Lets starts for what you all came here for - there are three methods to start mining bitcoins :
1. Cloud Bitcoin mining (
2.Bitcoin Pool Mining.
3.Solo Mining.
Cloud Bitcoin mining (
What is Bitcoin Cloud Mining? Block Cloud mining is a process in which you buy hashing power on rent from the mining company who has a big mining farm setup. Its simply having someone else to do mining for you.
You are paid for the investment you made with the regular income in BTC. Here you can also invest a less amount. C loud mining for bitcoin with joining a good company plan.
As there are many companies claiming to provide best returns in cloud mining, you should well research before investing.
Step 1.
Finding a good Mining Company, below are the names of some good cloud mining providers:
Genesis mining Minergate Hashflare Nicehash Hashing24 Minex MineOnCloud Eobot.
Above mention are the giants and most profitable companies in the market.
You can check the rating, price, hash rate etc for different companies on CryptoCompare Website.
Step 2.
Once you find a good cloud company with good mining contract, you need to choose a package which gives you maximum profit. Better choose a high value package which gives you maximum profit quickly.
But there is also a risk factor, if the mining difficulty of bitcoin increases the BTC profit given by company will decreases. So its better to understand the market trend before investing.
Step 3.
After you join with a cloud mining package, most of the companies will ask you for joining a mining pool. You should join best global mining team to increase the chance earning bitcoins.
After completion of all these steps your cloud mining will be started with in a few days and you will see your account starts filling with bitcoins. Every thing has some advantages and disadvantages, same goes with cloud mining.
Pool Bitcoin mining ( is a process in which BTC miners mines together to solve a single block of blockchain to get the rewards which will be shared with all miners as per their contribution in solving the block.
And to do so you need to get into a bitcoin miner pool. Without joining mining pool if you go for mining on your own then it might takes years or even impossible to solve a single block for you.
That's why it is good to mine in group so that block can be solved quicker and you can have your share of rewards.
There are some steps you need to follow :
1. Get Bitcoin mining ( Hardware.
Due to the popularity of cryptocurrency mining special chips has been created. Such devices are called ASICs. Thanks to this latest bitcoin device, the speed of the mining process has been improved.
This procedure is made more secure because it protects the system from hacker interference and ensures the operation of long blockchains.
In 2020, a full line of ASIC models has already been developed, offering tremendous performance over traditional computers.
The ASIC chip only releases specific crypto algorithms for certain cryptocurrencies, such as SHA-256 (Bitcoin) and SCRYPT (Litecoin), and some independent developers have released cryptocurrencies with other algorithms where ASIC devices do not exist.
This is done to ensure that the network capacity and complexity of new fork production does not grow to high value. However, this does not apply to Bitcoin and it has been mined for years only by ASIC miners.
If you are in Bitcoin mining ( then you need to find and buy yourself a good hardware to mine bitcoin. Purchase a powerful ASIC miner. There are many ASIC miner in market provided by bitmain.
Antminer S9 -Hydro Antminer S9i -14.5 TH/s Antminer S9j -14.5 TH/s Antminer T9+ 10.5T Antminer S7.
Currently Bitmain's Antminer S9 and S7 ASIC miners are best in the market.
Now should also make a digital wallet for storing your bitcoins.
2. Joining Mining Pool.
Once you find a good ASIC miner and finished setting up your hardware. Now its time to join a good mining pool which have plenty of miners, trustworthy, low fee and have more smaller regular payouts.
Bitcoin mining ( Pool have people who mine together and get rewarded for solving block as per their contributions.
Following pools are trustworthy : AntPool Slushpool Eloipool Via BTC F2Pool.
3. Downloading the right software.
This is last step to start mining, so its very important to download the right software and synchronize with hardware correctly.
Select software which supports ASIC Mining below mention are the list of software :
CG Miner Stratum Mining CK Pool BitMinter BFG Miner BTC Miner.
Features: The application, which is also a pool, runs on video cards, has ASIC support and is compatible with all operating systems.
Pros: Suitable for both beginners and experienced miners and easy to install.
Cons: No possibility to earn, the cost of a coin mined within 24 hours is equal to $ 0.5.
Features: console client supporting video card and FPGA devices, encryption, RPC support.
Pros: easy adjustment of the pool, the ability to control the cooling elements of the computer.
Cons: High hardware requirements (ASIC only).
Connect your personal computer to Miner Log in to mining pool Start mining with software.
Mining Alone.
Mining alone is for big miners where complete mining is done without any other miner's involvement. It Means mining without going into a mining pool.
Solving blocks without any helping hand is not an easy task but all rewards are yours.
What is Mining Alone or Solo Mining ?
Mining Alone is a solo mining process. When you connects yourself to mining pools what happens is all pool miners connected to same bitcoin block to solve the mathematical problem.
It helps to solve the block more quicker, more people in pool means more power to solve the bitcoin blocks and the incentives are also shares in between the pool miners.
But if you are doing solo mining, The best option for finding a block is to connect miner to the local btc client. The probability will decrease but you will keep all the rewards.
If you have hardware with several tons of hashing power then it can be used to get more rewards from solo mining but if you have small hardware with small hash rates then you could use pool mining to get your rewards.
How bitcoin Solo mining works ?
First you need is Installation of Bitcoin-core (both GUI and Daemon). Bitcoin core is full node software program Start and it will download complete blockchain with approx. 20 GB. Create a file named as " bitcoin.conf " for mining bitcoin. On window file location would be C:\User\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin\ Set your username and password, replace X with username an d Q with password Download ASIC miner like CGMiner or BFGMiner. Finally launch miner software with local host :, rpcport : 8332, username, password as you set in bitcoin.conf file.
Starting Bitcoin mining ( In 2020.
Was mining relevance maintained in 2020? On the one hand, the profit to get bitcoin blocks is decreasing, and the amount of resources and energy consumed is increasing. On the other hand, the technology development process does not stop. New hardware comes in, costs are reduced, and chips with unprecedented performance are produced. So Lot depends on the entry point.
The short answer to the relevance of Bitcoin mining ( in 2020 will all depend on the amount of money you want to invest. Indeed, profitability depends on many factors, including the cost of electricity and equipment, but large-scale farms can not only purchase ASICs in bulk, but also allocate a fraction of the cost and time spent independently, regardless of capacity. When Larger paybacks are higher.
It is much more profitable to invest in cloud mining when you have a small investment.
To understand, it is better to look at the opinions of experts on this issue. They claim that by the end of 2020, one bitcoin cost could reach $ 15,000 and grow to $ 25-55,000 by 2020.
Subsequent predictions seem completely unrealistic. Some claim that by 2030, one bitcoin will cost up to $ 500,000. You can predict forever, but as a result bitcoin ratios depend only on one factor-demand.
Bad scenario is For example, cryptocurrency may be banned in large states, making it illegal. And this trend is already evident in many countries.
Basic Concept for Bitcoin mining (
Hash rate is the force used in the specific mathematical calculations that make up the block generation process. Miner programs have different hash rates. This value is measured in mega, giga, and tera hash per second.
BTC per Block (Bitcoin per Block) -A certain number of bitcoins are formed while solving a specific problem. Initially there were 50, and after 210,000 blocks were formed, the number became half, i.e. 25, 12, half, etc. (it takes 4 years to generate this block number, after which the number of queues is doubled).
Bitcoin difficulty -increases with increasing network capacity. In other words, the increase in the number of miners directly affects the complexity of solving mathematical problems.
Electricity Prices (Electricity Rates)-Costs are an important indicator of future profitability, as they vary from region to region and the process requires very high electricity costs.
Power Consumption -Because the "adaptability" of different devices is different, future earnings cannot be calculated without the information about the miner's power consumption.
Pool cost-for work you should be part of one of many pools (group of same crypto miners like you). Certain Service fees is also liable to different platforms.
Period -time dedicated to mining.
Declining production profitability during the year is an important but difficult to determine indicator. This is because no one can accurately predict how many participants will increase and how much production complexity will increase over the months.
Conversion rate -another variable that cannot accurately determine future profitability. If you can save coins for the time being, the value of the quotes doesn't matter much, and it's very important if you prefer to instantly convert all mined crypto to normal money.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:28 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:28 am

$7,000 Miner Review - Spondoolies SPx36 X11 DASH Miner - Best Dash Miner EVER!|16:59
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:33 am
Hope this information gives you an idea how Bitcoin mining ( works and helps you to get start with mining .
Bitcoin mining ( SCRIPT.
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Bitcoin mining ( is the simple process by which transactions are verified and added to the public ledger it's called blockchain, and also know the which new bitcoins are released. Anyone with access to the online and suitable Bitcoin mining ( hardware can start in the mining business. The mining technique involves compiling current transactions into blocks and trying to solve a computationally problematic puzzle. The participant who first solves the difficult puzzle gets to place the following block on the blockchain and get the rewards.
The important role of Bitcoin Miners:
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About Sindhu.
Bonjour! This is Sindhu. I am an avid and adept professional, anxious in learning about the recent trends in cryptocurrency and blockchain world. Currently, working as a tech advisor and blogger in Pulsehyip. With 5+ years of experience, I am engrossed in probing many more updates invading the digital crypto industry. Stick around to acquire all the latest blog updates in blockchain industry verticals.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:33 am

Dash Review: Still Worth It in 2019??|11:13
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:34 am

DASH Update 2020: Where is it Headed?? 🤔|20:44
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:34 am
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What is Bitcoin mining ( and How Does it Work?
Bitcoin mining ( seems crazy!
Computers mining for virtual coins? Is Bitcoin mining ( just free money?
Well, it's much, much more than that!
If you want the full explanation on Bitcoin mining (, keep reading.
Chapter 1.
Bitcoin mining ( is the backbone of the Bitcoin network.
Miners provide security and confirm Bitcoin transactions.
Without Bitcoin miners, the network would be attacked and dysfunctional.
Bitcoin mining ( is done by specialized computers.
The role of miners is to secure the network and to process every Bitcoin transaction.
Miners achieve this by solving a computational problem which allows them to chain together blocks of transactions (hence Bitcoin's famous "blockchain").
For this service, miners are rewarded with newly-created Bitcoins and transaction fees.
Chapter 2.
What is Bitcoin mining ( actually doing?
Miners are securing the network and confirming Bitcoin transactions.
Miners are paid rewards for their service every 10 minutes in the form of new bitcoins.
What is the point of Bitcoin mining ( This is something we're asked everyday!
There are many aspects and functions of Bitcoin mining ( and we'll go over them here. They are:
Issuance of new bitcoins Confirming transactions Security.
Mining Is Used to Issue new Bitcoins.
Traditional currencies--like the dollar or euro--are issued by central banks. The central bank can issue new units of money ay anytime based on what they think will improve the economy.
Bitcoin is different.
With Bitcoin, miners are rewarded new bitcoins every 10 minutes.
The issuance rate is set in the code, so miners cannot cheat the system or create bitcoins out of thin air. They have to use their computing power to generate the new bitcoins.
Miners Confirm Transactions.
Miners include transactions sent on the Bitcoin network in their blocks.
A transaction can only be considered secure and complete once it is included in a block.
Because only a when a transaction has been included in a block is it officially embedded into Bitcoin's blockchain.
More confirmations are better for larger payments. Here is a visual so you have a better idea:
Why Does Bitcoin Need Miners?
In short, miners secure the Bitcoin network.
They do this by making it difficult to attack, alter or stop.
The more miners that mine, the more secure the network.
The only way to reverse Bitcoin transactions is to have more than 51% of the network hash power. Distributed hash power spread among many different miners keeps Bitcoin secure and safe.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:35 am

Mining Dashcoin With MinerGate|13:03
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:35 am

Mining for the DASH COIN: Cost analysis #11|1:51
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:35 am

Miner Dash - Online Mining Game|59:27
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:36 am
Chapter 3.
Actually want to try mining bitcoins?
Well, you can do it. However, it's not profitable for most people as mining is a highly specialized industry.
Most Bitcoin mining ( is done in large warehouses where there is cheap electricity.
Most people should NOT mine bitcoins today.
Most Bitcoin mining ( is specialized and the warehouses look something like this:
That's who you're up against! It's simply too expensive and you are unlikely to turn a profit.
For hobby mining, we'll show you some steps you can take to get started mining bitcoins right now.
Step #1: Get Bitcoin Wallet.
When earning bitcoins from mining, they go directly into a Bitcoin wallet.
You can't mine without a wallet.
Ledger Nano X.
Ledger Nano S.
If you aren't sure which one to buy, our best bitcoin wallets guide will help you select a wallet.
Step #2: Find a Bitcoin Exchange.
When earning bitcoins from mining, you may need to sell the coins to pay for power costs. You may also need to buy coins on exchanges.
Step #3: Get Bitcoin mining ( Hardware.
You won't be able to mine without an ASIC miner.
ASIC miners are specialized computers that were built for the sole purpose of mining bitcoins.
Don't even try mining bitcoins on your home desktop or laptop computer! You will earn less than one penny per year and will waste money on electricity.
This video from 2017 shows how difficult it is to make money mining using GPUs, and this was in 2017. It is far less profitable today than it was in 2017.
Step #4: Select a Mining Pool.
Once you get your mining hardware, you need to select a mining pool.
Without a mining pool, you would only receive a mining payout if you found a block on your own. This is called solo mining.
We don't recommend this because your hardware's hash rate is very unlikely to be anywhere near enough to find a block solo mining.
How do mining pools help?
By joining a mining pool you share your hash rate with the pool. Once the pool finds a block you get a payout based on the percent of hash rate contributed to the pool.
If you contributed 1% of the pools hashrate, you'd get .125 bitcoins out of the current 12.5 bitcoin block reward.
Mining is actually NOT the fastest way to get bitcoins.
Buying bitcoin is the fastest way. Our exchange finder makes it easy to find an exchange. Try it here.
Step #5: Get Bitcoin mining ( Software.
Bitcoin mining ( software is how you actually hook your mining hardware into your desired mining pool.
You need to use the software to point your hash rate at the pool.
Also in the software you tell the pool which Bitcoin address payouts should be sent to.
If you don't have a Bitcoin wallet or address learn how to get one here.
There is mining software available for Mac, Windows, and Linux.
Step #6: Is Bitcoin mining ( Legal in your Country? Make Sure!
This won't be much of an issue in MOST countries.
Consult local counsel for further assistance in determining whether Bitcoin mining ( is legal and the tax implications of doing the activity.
Step #7: Is Bitcoin mining ( Profitable for You?
Do you understand what you need to do to start?
You should run some calculations and see if Bitcoin mining ( will actually be profitable for you.
You can use a Bitcoin mining ( calculator to get a rough idea.
I say rough idea because many factors related to your mining profitability are constantly changing.
A doubling in the Bitcoin price could increase your profits by two.
It could also make mining that much more competitive that your profits remain the same.
How to Mine Bitcoins on Android or iOS.
Here's what's funny:
You actually CAN mine bitcoins on any Android device.
Using mining software for Android you can mine bitcoins or any other coin.
What's not so fun?
You'll likely make less than one penny PER YEAR!
Android phones simply are not powerful enough to match the mining hardware used by serious operations.
So, it might be cool to setup a miner on your Android phone to see how it works. But don't expect to make any money.
Do expect to waste a lot of your phone's battery!
Chapter 4.
What is Bitcoin mining ( Hardware.
Bitcoin mining ( hardware (ASICs) are high specialized computers used to mine bitcoins.
The ASIC industry has become complex and competitive.
Mining hardware is now only located where there is cheap electricity.
When Satoshi released Bitcoin, he intended it to be mined on computer CPUs.
Enterprising coders soon discovered they could get more hashing power from graphic cards and wrote mining software to allow this.
GPUs were surpassed in turn by ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuits).
Nowadays all serious Bitcoin mining ( is performed on ASICs, usually in thermally-regulated data-centers with access to low-cost electricity.
Economies of scale have thus led to the concentration of mining power into fewer hands than originally intended.
Chapter 5.
What Are Bitcoin mining ( Pools?
Mining pools allow small miners to receive more frequent mining payouts.
By joining with other miners in a group, a pool allows miners to find blocks more frequently.
But, there are some problems with mining pools as we'll discuss.
As with GPU and ASIC mining, Satoshi apparently failed to anticipate the emergence of mining pools.
Pools are groups of cooperating miners who agree to share block rewards in proportion to their contributed mining power.
The pie chart below displays the current distribution of total mining power by pools:
While pools are desirable to the average miner as they smooth out rewards and make them more predictable, they unfortunately concentrate power to the mining pool's owner.
Chapter 6.
Inside the Bitcoin mining ( Industry.
The mining industry has come a long way since the early days of graphics card mining.
Today there are very professional industrial mining operations. Let's take a look at how they work.
What does a mining farm look like?
Let's take a look inside a real Bitcoin mining ( farm in Washington state.
Bitcoin mining ( farms exclusively use ASIC miners to mine various coins. Many of these farms are minting several Bitcoins per day.
How much do crypto mining farms make?
How much a mining farm makes depends on many factors:
The price it pays for electricity How old its mining hardware is The scale of its operation The price of Bitcoin when the miner sells it The level of difficulty when the Bitcoin is mined.
By far, the biggest factor affecting how much money a mining farm makes is how much it pays for electricity. Nearly all mining farms are using the same hardware.
Since the reward for finding a block is fixed, and the difficulty is adjusted based on total processing power working on finding blocks at any given time, then electricity is the only cost that is variable. If you can find cheaper power than other miners, you can afford to either increase the size of your mining operation, or spend less on your mining for the same output.
How much electricity do mining farms use.
As previously mentioned, mining farms use a lot of electricity. How much they consume depends on how big their operation is. However the latest Bitmain ASIC miner consumes about 1350 watts.
In total, it is estimated that all mining farms will use about 75 terrwat hours of electricity in the year 2020. That is roughly the equivalent to 15 times the yearly energy consumption of denmark.
Where are mining farms located?
Mining farms are located all over the world. We don't know where every mining farm in the world is, but we have some educated guesses.
Most of the mining has been and still is located in China. In fact, as of 2020, it is believed that as much as 65% of Bitcoin mining ( occurs in China.
Why is so much Mining happening in China? Samson Mow of Blockstream and former CTO of BTCC mining pool explains.
The main advantages of mining in China are faster setup times and lower initial CapEx which, along with closer proximity to where ASICs are assembled, have driven industry growth there.
Bonus Chapter 1.
Important Bitcoin mining ( Terms.
In this bonus chapter, we will learn about some of the most common terms associated with Bitcoin mining (
If you are thinking about mining at any level, understanding what these terms means will be crucial for you to get started.
Anyone who mines Bitcoins (or any other cryptocurrency).
Block Reward.
The block reward is a fixed amount of Bitcoins that get rewarded to the miner or mining pool that finds a given block.
A collection of individual miners who 'pool' their efforts or hashing power together and share the blockreward. Miners create pools because it increases their chances of earning a block reward.
Approximately every 4 years, the block reward gets cut in half. The first block reward ever mined was in 2008 and it it was for 50 Bitcoins. That block reward lasted for four years, where in 2012, the first reward halving occured and it dropped to 25 Bitcoins.
In 2016, a second halving occured where the reward was reduced to 12.5 Bitcoins. And as of the time of this writing, we are on the cusp of the third halving (ETA May 11th), where the reward will be cut down to 6.25 Bitcoins. You can find the most up to date estimation of exactly when the next halving will occur on our bitcoin block reward halving clock.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:36 am

How To Mine Dash Coin, AMD GPU Miner Guide.|4:56
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:37 am

What is Data Mining?|3:23
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:37 am
ASIC Miner.
ASIC stand for "Application Specific Integrated Circuit". In plain english, that just means it is a chip designed to do one very specific kind of calculation. In the case of of an ASIC miner, the chip in the miner is designed to solve problems using the SHA256 hashing algorithm. This is opposed to GPU mining, explained below.
Learn more about ASIC Miners.
GPU Mining.
GPU mining is when you mine for Bitcoins (or any cryptocurrency) using a graphics card. This was one of the earliest forms of mining, but is no longer profitable due to the introduction of ASIC miners.
Hashing Power (or Hash Rate)
How many calculations (hashes) a miner can perform per second.
Or it can refer to the total amount of hashing done on a chain by all miners put together - also known as "Net Hash".
You can learn more about Hash Rate by reading our article about it.
Measured in Trillions, mining difficulty refers to how hard it is to find a block. The current level of difficulty on the Bitcoin blockchain is the primary reason why it is not profitable to mine for most people.
Difficulty Adjustment.
Bitcoin was designed to produce block reliably every 10 minutes. Because total hashing power (or Net Hash) is constantly changing, the difficulty of finding a block needs to adjust proportional to the amount of total hashing power on the network.
In very simple terms, if you have four miners on the network, all with equal hashing power, and two stop mining, blocks would happen ever 20 minutes instead of every ten. Therefore, the difficulty of finding blocks also needs to cut in half, so that blocks can continue to be found every 10 minutes.
Difficulty adjustments happen every 2,016 blocks. This should mean that if a new block is added every 10 minutes, then a difficulty adjustment would occur every two weeks. The 10 minute block rule is just a goal though. Some blocks are added after more than 10 minutes. Some are added after less. Its a law of averages and a lot if left up to chance. That doesn't mean that for the most part, blocks are added reliably every 10 minutes.
Kilowatt Hour.
A measurement of energy consumption per hour. Most ASIC miners will tell you how much energy they consume using this metric.
Bonus Chapter 2.
Is Bitcoin mining ( a Waste of Electricity?
The media constantly says Bitcoin mining ( is a waste of electricity.
But, there are some problems with their theories as we'll discuss.
Isn't Mining a Waste of Electricity?
Certain orthodox economists have criticized mining as wasteful.
It must be kept in mind however that this electricity is expended on useful work:
Enabling a monetary network worth billions (and potentially trillions) of dollars!
Compared to the carbon emissions from just the cars of PayPal's employees as they commute to work, Bitcoin's environmental impact is negligible.
As Bitcoin could easily replace PayPal, credit card companies, banks and the bureaucrats who regulate them all, it begs the question:
Isn't traditional finance a waste?
Not just of electricity, but of money, time and human resources!
Mining Difficulty.
If only 21 million Bitcoins will ever be created, why has the issuance of Bitcoin not accelerated with the rising power of mining hardware?
Issuance is regulated by Difficulty, an algorithm which adjusts the difficulty of the Proof of Work problem in accordance with how quickly blocks are solved within a certain timeframe (roughly every 2 weeks or 2016 blocks).
Difficulty rises and falls with deployed hashing power to keep the average time between blocks at around 10 minutes.
For most of Bitcoin's history, the average block time has been about 9.7 minutes. Because the price is always rising, mining power does come onto the network at a fast speed which creates faster blocks. However, for most of 2019 the block time has been around 10 minutes. This is because Bitcoin's price has remained steady for most of 2019.
Satoshi designed Bitcoin such that the block reward, which miners automatically receive for solving a block, is halved every 210,000 blocks (or roughly 4 years).
As Bitcoin's price has risen substantially (and is expected to keep rising over time), mining remains a profitable endeavor despite the falling block reward... at least for those miners on the bleeding edge of mining hardware with access to low-cost electricity.
Honest Miner Majority Secures the Network.
To successfully attack the Bitcoin network by creating blocks with a falsified transaction record, a dishonest miner would require the majority of mining power so as to maintain the longest chain.
This is known as a 51% attack and it allows an attacker to spend the same coins multiple times and to blockade the transactions of other users at will.
To achieve it, an attacker needs to own mining hardware than all other honest miners.
This imposes a high monetary cost on any such attack.
At this stage of Bitcoin's development, it's likely that only major corporations or states would be able to meet this expense... although it's unclear what net benefit, if any, such actors would gain from degrading or destroying Bitcoin.
Mining Centralization.
Pools and specialized hardware has unfortunately led to a centralization trend in Bitcoin mining (
Bitcoin developer Greg Maxwell has stated that, to Bitcoin's likely detriment, a handful of entities control the vast majority of hashing power.
It is also widely-known that at least 50% of mining hardware is located within China.
However, it's may be argued that it's contrary to the long-term economic interests of any miner to attempt such an attack.
The resultant fall in Bitcoin's credibility would dramatically reduce its exchange rate, undermining the value of the miner's hardware investment and their held coins.
As the community could then decide to reject the dishonest chain and revert to the last honest block, a 51% attack probably offers a poor risk-reward ratio to miners.
Bitcoin mining ( is certainly not perfect but possible improvements are always being suggested and considered.
This simplified illustration is helpful to explanation:
1) Spending.
Let's say the Green user wants to buy some goods from the Red user. Green sends 1 bitcoin to Red.
2) Announcement.
Green's wallet announces a 1 bitcoin payment to Red's wallet. This information, known as transaction (and sometimes abbreviated as " tx ") is broadcast to as many Full Nodes as connect with Green's wallet - typically 8. A full node is a special, transaction-relaying wallet which maintains a current copy of the entire blockchain.
3) Propagation.
Full Nodes then check Green's spend against other pending transactions. If there are no conflicts (e.g. Green didn't try to cheat by sending the exact same coins to Red and a third user), full nodes broadcast the transaction across the Bitcoin network. At this point, the transaction has not yet entered the Blockchain . Red would be taking a big risk by sending any goods to Green before the transaction is confirmed. So how do transactions get confirmed? This is where Miners enter the picture.
4) Processing by Miners.
Miners, like full nodes, maintain a complete copy of the blockchain and monitor the network for newly-announced transactions. Green's transaction may in fact reach a miner directly, without being relayed through a full node. In either case, a miner then performs work in an attempt to fit all new, valid transactions into the current block.
Miners race each other to complete the work, which is to "package" the current block so that it's acceptable to the rest of the network. Acceptable blocks include a solution to a Proof of Work computational problem, known as a hash . The more computing power a miner controls, the higher their hashrate and the greater their odds of solving the current block.
But why do miners invest in expensive computing hardware and race each other to solve blocks? Because, as a reward for verifying and recording everyone's transactions, miners receive a substantial Bitcoin reward for every solved block!
And what is a hash? Well, try entering all the characters in the above paragraph, from "But" to "block!" into this hashing utility. If you pasted correctly - as a string hash with no spaces after the exclamation mark - the SHA-256 algorithm used in Bitcoin should produce:
If the characters are altered even slightly, the result won't match. So, a hash is a way to verify any amount of data is accurate. To solve a block, miners modify non-transaction data in the current block such that their hash result begins with a certain number (according to the current Difficulty , covered below) of zeroes. If you manually modify the string until you get a 0... result, you'll soon see why this is considered "Proof of Work!"
5) Blockchain Confirmation.
The first miner to solve the block containing Green's payment to Red announces the newly-solved block to the network. If other full nodes agree the block is valid, the new block is added to the blockchain and the entire process begins afresh. Once recorded in the blockchain, Green's payment goes from pending to confirmed status.
Red may now consider sending the goods to Green. However, the more new blocks are layered atop the one containing Green's payment, the harder to reverse that transaction becomes. For significant sums of money, it's recommended to wait for at least 6 confirmations. Given new blocks are produced on average every ten minutes; the wait shouldn't take much longer than an hour.
The Longest Valid Chain.
You may have heard that Bitcoin transactions are irreversible, so why is it advised to await several confirmations? The answer is somewhat complex and requires a solid understanding of the above mining process:
Let's imagine two miners, A in China and B in Iceland, who solve the current block at roughly the same time. A's block ( A1 ) propagates through the internet from Beijing, reaching nodes in the East. B's block ( B1 ) is first to reach nodes in the West. There are now two competing versions of the blockchain!
Which blockchain prevails? Quite simply, the longest valid chain becomes the official version of events. So, let's say the next miner to solve a block adds it to B's chain, creating B2. If B2 propagates across the entire network before A2 is found, then B's chain is the clear winner. A loses his mining reward and fees, which only exist on the invalidated A -chain.
Going back to the example of Green's payment to Red, let's say this transaction was included by A but rejected by B, who demands a higher fee than was included by Green. If B's chain wins then Green's transaction won't appear in the B chain - it will be as if the funds never left Green's wallet.
Although such blockchain splits are rare, they're a credible risk. The more confirmations have passed, the safer a transaction is considered. This is why what is known as '0-conf' or "0 confirmations" on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain is so dangerous.
Cryptocurrency mining is painstaking, costly, and only sporadically rewarding. Nonetheless, mining has a magnetic appeal for many investors interested in cryptocurrency because of the fact that miners are rewarded for their work with crypto tokens. This may be because entrepreneurial types see mining as pennies from heaven, like California gold prospectors in 1849. And if you are technologically inclined, why not do it?
By mining, you can earn cryptocurrency without having to put down money for it. Bitcoin miners receive Bitcoin as a reward for completing "blocks" of verified transactions which are added to the blockchain. Mining rewards are paid to the miner who discovers a solution to a complex hashing puzzle first, and the probability that a participant will be the one to discover the solution is related to the portion of the total mining power on the network. You need either a GPU (graphics processing unit) or an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) in order to set up a mining rig.
However, before you invest the time and equipment, read this explainer to see whether mining is really for you. We will focus primarily on Bitcoin (throughout, we'll use "Bitcoin" when referring to the network or the cryptocurrency as a concept, and "Bitcoin" when we're referring to a quantity of individual tokens).
The primary draw for many mining is the prospect of being rewarded with Bitcoin. That said, you certainly don't have to be a miner to own cryptocurrency tokens. You can also buy cryptocurrencies using fiat currency; you can trade it on an exchange like Bitstamp using another crypto (as an example, using Ethereum or NEO to buy Bitcoin); you even can earn it by shopping, publishing blog posts on platforms that pay users in cryptocurrency, or even set up interest-earning crypto accounts. An example of a crypto blog platform is Steemit, which is kind of like Medium except that users can reward bloggers by paying them in a proprietary cryptocurrency called STEEM. STEEM can then be traded elsewhere for Bitcoin.
The Bitcoin reward that miners receive is an incentive that motivates people to assist in the primary purpose of mining: to legitimize and monitor Bitcoin transactions, ensuring their validity. Because these responsibilities are spread among many users all over the world, Bitcoin is a "decentralized" cryptocurrency, or one that does not rely on any central authority like a central bank or government to oversee its regulation.
Miners are getting paid for their work as auditors. They are doing the work of verifying the legitimacy of Bitcoin transactions. This convention is meant to keep Bitcoin users honest and was conceived by bitcoin's founder, Satoshi Nakamoto. By verifying transactions, miners are helping to prevent the "double-spending problem."
Double spending is a scenario in which a bitcoin owner illicitly spends the same bitcoin twice. With physical currency, this isn't an issue: once you hand someone a $20 bill to buy a bottle of vodka, you no longer have it, so there's no danger you could use that same $20 bill to buy lotto tickets next door. While there is the possibility of counterfeit cash being made, it is not exactly the same as literally spending the same dollar twice. With digital currency, however, as the Investopedia dictionary explains, "there is a risk that the holder could make a copy of the digital token and send it to a merchant or another party while retaining the original."
Let's say you had one legitimate $20 bill and one counterfeit of that same $20. If you were to try to spend both the real bill and the fake one, someone that took the trouble of looking at both of the bills' serial numbers would see that they were the same number, and thus one of them had to be false. What a Bitcoin miner does is analogous to that--they check transactions to make sure that users have not illegitimately tried to spend the same bitcoin twice. This isn't a perfect analogy--we'll explain in more detail below.
Once miners have verified 1 MB (megabyte) worth of bitcoin transactions, known as a "block," those miners are eligible to be rewarded with a quantity of bitcoin (more about the bitcoin reward below as well). The 1 MB limit was set by Satoshi Nakamoto, and is a matter of controversy, as some miners believe the block size should be increased to accommodate more data, which would effectively mean that the bitcoin network could process and verify transactions more quickly.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:38 am

How Palantir And Its Data-Mining Empire Became So Controversial|11:11
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:49 am
Bitcoin Casino betting sport Bitcoin Casino betting sport
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:49 am
Note that verifying 1 MB worth of transactions makes a coin miner eligible to earn bitcoin--not everyone who verifies transactions will get paid out.
1MB of transactions can theoretically be as small as one transaction (though this is not at all common) or several thousand. It depends on how much data the transactions take up.
"So after all that work of verifying transactions, I might still not get any bitcoin for it?"
That is correct.
To earn bitcoins, you need to meet two conditions. One is a matter of effort; one is a matter of luck.
1) You have to verify.
1MB worth of transactions. This is the easy part.
2) You have to be the first miner to arrive at the right answer, or closest answer, to a numeric problem. This process is also known as proof of work.
"What do you mean, 'the right answer to a numeric problem'?"
The good news: No advanced math or computation is involved. You may have heard that miners are solving difficult mathematical problems--that's not exactly true. What they're actually doing is trying to be the first miner to come up with a 64-digit hexadecimal number (a "hash") that is less than or equal to the target hash. It's basically guesswork.
The bad news: It's guesswork, but with the total number of possible guesses for each of these problems being on the order of trillions, it's incredibly arduous work. In order to solve a problem first, miners need a lot of computing power. To mine successfully, you need to have a high "hash rate," which is measured in terms of megahashes per second (MH/s), gigahashes per second (GH/s), and terahashes per second (TH/s).
That is a great many hashes.
If you want to estimate how much bitcoin you could mine with your mining rig's hash rate, the site Cryptocompare offers a helpful calculator.
Mining and Bitcoin Circulation.
In addition to lining the pockets of miners and supporting the bitcoin ecosystem, mining serves another vital purpose: It is the only way to release new cryptocurrency into circulation. In other words, miners are basically "minting" currency. For example, as of Nov. 2020, there were around 18.5 million bitcoins in circulation.   Aside from the coins minted via the genesis block (the very first block, which was created by founder Satoshi Nakamoto), every single one of those Bitcoin came into being because of miners. In the absence of miners, Bitcoin as a network would still exist and be usable, but there would never be any additional bitcoin. There will eventually come a time when Bitcoin mining ( ends; per the Bitcoin Protocol, the total number of bitcoins will be capped at 21 million.   However, because the rate of bitcoin "mined" is reduced over time, the final bitcoin won't be circulated until around the year 2140. This does not mean that transactions will cease to be verified. Miners will continue to verify transactions and will be paid in fees for doing so in order to keep the integrity of Bitcoin's network.
Aside from the short-term Bitcoin payoff, being a coin miner can give you "voting" power when changes are proposed in the Bitcoin network protocol. In other words, miners have a degree of influence on the decision-making process on such matters as forking.
How Much a Miner Earns.
The rewards for Bitcoin mining ( are reduced by half every four years. When bitcoin was first mined in 2009, mining one block would earn you 50 BTC. In 2012, this was halved to 25 BTC. By 2016, this was halved again to 12.5 BTC. On May 11, 2020, the reward halved again to 6.25 BTC. In November of 2020, the price of Bitcoin was about $17,900 per Bitcoin, which means you'd earn $111,875 (6.25 x 17,900) for completing a block.   Not a bad incentive to solve that complex hash problem detailed above, it might seem.
If you want to keep track of precisely when these halvings will occur, you can consult the Bitcoin Clock, which updates this information in real-time. Interestingly, the market price of bitcoin has, throughout its history, tended to correspond closely to the reduction of new coins entered into circulation. This lowering inflation rate increased scarcity and historically the price has risen with it.
If you are interested in seeing how many blocks have been mined thus far, there are several sites, including, that will give you that information in real-time.
What Do I Need To Mine Bitcoins?
Although early on in Bitcoin's history individuals may have been able to compete for blocks with a regular at-home computer, this is no longer the case. The reason for this is that the difficulty of mining Bitcoin changes over time. In order to ensure the smooth functioning of the blockchain and its ability to process and verify transactions, the Bitcoin network aims to have one block produced every 10 minutes or so. However, if there are one million mining rigs competing to solve the hash problem, they'll likely reach a solution faster than a scenario in which 10 mining rigs are working on the same problem. For that reason, Bitcoin is designed to evaluate and adjust the difficulty of mining every 2,016 blocks, or roughly every two weeks. When there is more computing power collectively working to mine for Bitcoin, the difficulty level of mining increases in order to keep block production at a stable rate. Less computing power means the difficulty level decreases. To get a sense of just how much computing power is involved, when Bitcoin launched in 2009 the initial difficulty level was one. As of Nov. 2019, it is more than 13 trillion.
All of this is to say that, in order to mine competitively, miners must now invest in powerful computer equipment like a GPU (graphics processing unit) or, more realistically, an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC). These can run from $500 to the tens of thousands. Some miners--particularly Ethereum miners--buy individual graphics cards (GPUs) as a low-cost way to cobble together mining operations. The photo below is a makeshift, home-made mining machine. The graphics cards are those rectangular blocks with whirring fans. Note the sandwich twist-ties holding the graphics cards to the metal pole. This is probably not the most efficient way to mine, and as you can guess, many miners are in it as much for the fun and challenge as for the money.
The "Explain It Like I'm Five" Version.
The ins and outs of Bitcoin mining ( can be difficult to understand as is. Consider this illustrative example of how the hash problem works: I tell three friends that I'm thinking of a number between one and 100, and I write that number on a piece of paper and seal it in an envelope. My friends don't have to guess the exact number; they just have to be the first person to guess any number that is less than or equal to the number I am thinking of. And there is no limit to how many guesses they get.
Let's say I'm thinking of the number 19. If Friend A guesses 21, they lose because of 21>19. If Friend B guesses 16 and Friend C guesses 12, then they've both theoretically arrived at viable answers, because of 16 What Is a "64-Digit Hexadecimal Number"?
Well, here is an example of such a number:
The number above has 64 digits. Easy enough to understand so far. As you probably noticed, that number consists not just of numbers, but also letters of the alphabet. Why is that?
To understand what these letters are doing in the middle of numbers, let's unpack the word "hexadecimal."
As you know, we use the "decimal" system, which means it is base 10. This, in turn, means that every digit of a multi-digit number has 10 possibilities, zero through nine.
"Hexadecimal," on the other hand, means base 16, as "hex" is derived from the Greek word for six and "deca" is derived from the Greek word for 10. In a hexadecimal system, each digit has 16 possibilities. But our numeric system only offers 10 ways of representing numbers (zero through nine). That's why you have to stick letters in, specifically letters a, b, c, d, e, and f.
If you are mining bitcoin, you do not need to calculate the total value of that 64-digit number (the hash). I repeat: You do not need to calculate the total value of a hash.
So, what do "64-digit hexadecimal numbers" have to do with Bitcoin mining (
Remember that ELI5 analogy, where I wrote the number 19 on a piece of paper and put it in a sealed envelope?
In Bitcoin mining ( terms, that metaphorical undisclosed number in the envelope is called the target hash.
What miners are doing with those huge computers and dozens of cooling fans is guessing at the target hash. Miners make these guesses by randomly generating as many "nonces" as possible, as fast as possible. A nonce is short for "number only used once," and the nonce is the key to generating these 64-bit hexadecimal numbers I keep talking about. In Bitcoin mining (, a nonce is 32 bits in size--much smaller than the hash, which is 256 bits. The first miner whose nonce generates a hash that is less than or equal to the target hash is awarded credit for completing that block and is awarded the spoils of 6.25 BTC.
In theory, you could achieve the same goal by rolling a 16-sided die 64 times to arrive at random numbers, but why on earth would you want to do that?
The screenshot below, taken from the site, might help you put all this information together at a glance. You are looking at a summary of everything that happened when block #490163 was mined. The nonce that generated the "winning" hash was 731511405. The target hash is shown on top. The term "Relayed by Antpool" refers to the fact that this particular block was completed by AntPool, one of the more successful mining pools (more about mining pools below). As you see here, their contribution to the Bitcoin community is that they confirmed 1768 transactions for this block. If you really want to see all 1768 of those transactions for this block, go to this page and scroll down to the heading "Transactions."
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:50 am

What is Data Mining I Introduction to Data Mining I MIM Learnovate|2:50
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:51 am

Data Mining ( Tutorial for Beginners - Live Session - Great Learning|44:32
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:52 am
"So how do I guess at the target hash?"
All target hashes begin with zeros--at least eight zeros and up to 63 zeros.
There is no minimum target, but there is a maximum target set by the Bitcoin Protocol. No target can be greater than this number:
Here are some examples of randomized hashes and the criteria for whether they will lead to success for the miner:
(Note: These are made-up hashes)
"How do I maximize my chances of guessing the target hash before anyone else does?"
You'd have to get a fast mining rig, or, more realistically, join a mining pool--a group of coin miners who combine their computing power and split the mined bitcoin. Mining pools are comparable to those Powerball clubs whose members buy lottery tickets en masse and agree to share any winnings. A disproportionately large number of blocks are mined by pools rather than by individual miners.
In other words, it's literally just a numbers game. You cannot guess the pattern or make a prediction based on previous target hashes. The difficulty level of the most recent block at the time of writing is about 17.59 trillion, meaning that the chance of any given nonce producing a hash below the target is one in 17.59 trillion. Not great odds if you're working on your own, even with a tremendously powerful mining rig.
"How do I decide whether bitcoin will be profitable for me?"
Not only do miners have to factor in the costs associated with expensive equipment necessary to stand a chance of solving a hash problem. They must also consider the significant amount of electrical power mining rigs utilize in generating vast quantities of nonces in search of the solution. All told, Bitcoin mining ( is largely unprofitable for most individual miners as of this writing. The site Cryptocompare offers a helpful calculator that allows you to plug in numbers such as your hash speed and electricity costs to estimate the costs and benefits.
What Are Coin Mining Pools?
Mining rewards are paid to the miner who discovers a solution to the puzzle first, and the probability that a participant will be the one to discover the solution is equal to the portion of the total mining power on the network. Participants with a small percentage of the mining power stand a very small chance of discovering the next block on their own. For instance, a mining card that one could purchase for a couple of thousand dollars would represent less than 0.001% of the network's mining power. With such a small chance at finding the next block, it could be a long time before that miner finds a block, and the difficulty going up makes things even worse. The miner may never recoup their investment. The answer to this problem is mining pools. Mining pools are operated by third parties and coordinate groups of miners. By working together in a pool and sharing the payouts among all participants, miners can get a steady flow of bitcoin starting the day they activate their miner. Statistics on some of the mining pools can be seen on
"I've done the math. Forget mining. Is there a less onerous way to profit from cryptocurrencies?"
As mentioned above, the easiest way to acquire bitcoin is to simply buy it on one of the many exchanges. Alternately, you can always leverage the "pickaxe strategy." This is based on the old saw that during the 1849 California gold rush, the smart investment was not to pan for gold, but rather to make the pickaxes used for mining. Or, to put it in modern terms, invest in the companies that manufacture those pickaxes. In a cryptocurrency context, the pickaxe equivalent would be a company that manufactures equipment used for Bitcoin mining ( You may consider looking into companies that make ASICs equipment or GPUs instead, for example.
The legality of Bitcoin mining ( depends entirely on your geographic location. The concept of Bitcoin can threaten the dominance of fiat currencies and government control over the financial markets. For this reason, Bitcoin is completely illegal in certain places.
Bitcoin ownership and mining are legal in more countries than not. Some examples of places where it is illegal are Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nepal, and Pakistan.   Overall, Bitcoin use and mining are legal across much of the globe.
Risks of Mining.
The risks of mining are that of financial risk and a regulatory one. As mentioned, Bitcoin mining (, and mining in general, is a financial risk. One could go through all the effort of purchasing hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of mining equipment only to have no return on their investment. That said, this risk can be mitigated by joining mining pools. If you are considering mining and live in an area that it is prohibited you should reconsider. It may also be a good idea to research your countries regulation and overall sentiment towards cryptocurrency before investing in mining equipment.
Bitcoin mining ( How does Bitcoin mining ( Work.
Where do new Bitcoins come from? What is Bitcoin mining ( and how do you start mining Bitcoin? Fiat currency--government-backed currency such as the Dollar or Euro--is printed by individual countries. But cryptocurrency has its own set of rules. In this article, we'll take a look at where Bitcoin comes from and what it means to be a Bitcoin miner, including some of the overhead costs miners encounter. After all, understanding Bitcoin mining ( is at the heart of understanding how cryptocurrency works--and why it's a better global economic system than the one we're used to.
Some background on Bitcoin and Bitcoin miners.
Bitcoin is a currency that is both decentralized and deflationary by nature. In other words, it's the opposite of fiat currencies, which are controlled by a central entity and subject to inflation. That's because written into Bitcoin's code is:
A cap of 21 million Bitcoins that can ever be created That Bitcoin is to be governed by a peer network, known as Bitcoin miners , responsible for ensuring the coin's integrity. Approximately every four years, the number of Bitcoins miners receive as a reward for their work is cut in half.
To understand Bitcoin mining ( and why it exists, let's start by looking at the technology behind Bitcoin. When we take a purely digital currency, how do we keep track of how many Bitcoins each person has? Bitcoin is based on the Blockchain--a giant ledger of every Bitcoin transaction. But unlike a bank account or a private ledger, the Blockchain is not only out in the open for everyone to see, it's also maintained by the very people who use it. These Bitcoin miners use special mining computers and a series of complex algorithms to verify each transaction. Those transactions are then added to the Blockchain, and become an unerasable part of Bitcoin's history. In this way, the currency is both decentralized--that is, it's not controlled by any one government or entity--and tamper-proof.
Accounts for the creation of new Bitcoins Maintains the integrity, authenticity, and safety of the Bitcoin network.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:52 am

Data Mining ( Fundamentals|7:48
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:52 am
Creating new Bitcoins.
Why do Bitcoin miners do what they do? Because they earn a Bitcoin reward for their work. This is where the 21 million Bitcoins that can be created come in. Most Bitcoin transactions are trades between people or exchanges of already existing Bitcoin. For example, if you buy Bitcoin from Coinmama, that transaction will be confirmed and then will appear on the Blockchain as part of a block (or several transactions). But as an incentive to confirm that block, the miner who does so first will receive a certain number of brand new Bitcoins as a reward, which is then sent to their Bitcoin mining ( wallet.
How many Bitcoins are in the reward? That number changes approximately every four years. When Bitcoin was first released, the number of coins in the reward was 50. Then in 2012, it was cut in half to 25. In 2016, it was halved again to 12.5. And on May 11, 2020, the Bitcoin reward was once again cut in half to 6.25. The reward is cut in half every 210,000 blocks, and because it's written into Bitcoin's code that a new block will be issued every 10 minutes, this Bitcoin Halving takes place approximately every four years. This extends the life of the 21 million Bitcoins that can ever be created, and establishes Bitcoin as a deflationary asset.
Maintaining the integrity of the Blockchain.
The Blockchain is the key to keeping Bitcoin tamper-proof, and the main role of Bitcoin miners is to maintain the integrity of the Bitcoin Blockchain.
When a transaction is made, it's added to a block. Once enough transactions are on a block, that block is confirmed through computing power and added to the Blockchain. Once a block is added to the Blockchain, it is public, and it is almost impossible to alter it. In this way, the Blockchain stays tamper-proof.
But how do miners confirm transactions?
Proof of Work and Proof of Stake.
Cryptocurrency mining requires proving that a transaction is authentic. One way this is done is through Proof of Work . In this method, special computers are used to solve complex cryptographic equations in order to prove that a block of transactions is legitimate. The first miner to solve the problem is the one to get the Bitcoin reward. The downside of Proof of Work is that it takes a lot of time and a lot of electricity, making mining both expensive and slow.
While Bitcoin uses Proof of Work, other cryptocurrencies aim to solve some of its problems by using Proof of Stake . In this method, miners put cryptocurrency they already have into the system, betting that they'll be able to solve the block problem first, and the reward they receive is based proportionally on what they put in.
If it seems unfair that the Bitcoin reward keeps dropping every four years, it's worth looking at the number of Bitcoin in the reward versus the Bitcoin price. At the time of the 2012 Bitcoin Halving, the Bitcoin price was about $12. So a reward of 25 Bitcoin yielded approximately $300. At the time of the 2016 Bitcoin Halving, the reward dropped to 12.5 Bitcoin, but the price had risen to $657. Meaning the Bitcoin reward was $8,212. Currently, the Bitcoin price is approximately $8,500, which means a reward of 6.25 Bitcoin will still yield $53,125.
So why aren't we all Bitcoin miners if we could potentially make $53,125 every 10 minutes? For one thing, Bitcoin mining ( isn't so simple, and it's definitely not cheap. Successful mining requires a heavy investment in a lot of very expensive equipment. (You can't mine Bitcoin on your home computer.) It also requires a lot of electricity--some people estimate that the amount of electricity required to mine Bitcoin is equal to the amount of electricity required to power a small country--so unless you're living in a country where electricity is very cheap, mining probably isn't worth it. There's also no guarantee that you'll be the first miner to validate a block and earn the reward. In other words, even if you invest in the equipment and electricity, you may not earn back what you've put in. And as the price of Bitcoin rises and the block reward increases in value, the competition among miners heats up as well, making it less probable that you'll be the one to earn the block reward.
The best way to build your Bitcoin portfolio is to buy Bitcoin through an exchange such as Coinmama.
Bitcoin mining ( machine hardware.
While in the earliest days of Bitcoin you could mine cryptocurrency on your personal computer, today that's no longer possible. The price increase of Bitcoin drove competition up, creating harder and harder algorithms that couldn't be computed on personal equipment. Today if you want to be a Bitcoin miner, you need to build a Bitcoin mining ( rig, and invest, at minimum, in a special Bitcoin mining ( computer known as an ASIC.
Even with the right Bitcoin mining ( computer, it's not worth it to mine alone. That's because as an individual, you'll be competing against Bitcoin mining ( farms, which have much more equipment, and therefore a much greater chance of reaching the right answer first. One solution some miners have found is to join a Bitcoin mining ( pool, or to join forces with other miners. The upside of joining a mining pool is that it gives you more resources and a greater chance of getting the block reward. The downside is that there are often fees involved, and you have to share the block reward with the rest of the pool, making your profit smaller. Still, if you're determined to start mining Bitcoin, it's best to do so through a Bitcoin mining ( pool.
At the end of the day, Bitcoin mining ( is an integral part of making Bitcoin work. Without it, the Blockchain wouldn't function properly, Bitcoin transactions wouldn't be confirmed, and Bitcoin would lose all meaning. Miners are essential to the operation of Bitcoin.
Yet for the average person, the investment required to be a successful miner is out of reach and unprofitable. For almost everyone except a small handful of people who not only want to make the investment but also live in one of the best countries to be a Bitcoin miner , the cheapest and most efficient way to get Bitcoin is simply to buy it through an exchange or broker that specializes in the sale of Bitcoin.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:53 am

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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:54 am
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Bitcoin HashRate Explained (2019)
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How Does Bitcoin mining ( Work?🤸‍♂️Beginner Friendly.
In very simple terms, Bitcoin mining ( is a payment gateway made up of thousands of computers around the world which compete to solve a puzzle first in exchange for Bitcoin as reward.
Therefore, each time some one sends Bitcoin to another person anywhere around the world, the Bitcoin miner will verify, validate this transaction and get Bitcoin as incentive.
Bitcoin mining ( sounds easy on paper but...
In 2008, it was possible to mine Bitcoin from a simple computer.
Now, if you attempt to mine Bitcoin on your laptop, it would most likely damage your computer.
The way the Bitcoin algorithm is set up, is that the more people enter the system, the more the puzzle becomes more difficult to solve.
Bitcoin has an inbuilt difficulty regulator which is called the "proof-of-work", meaning the more people/computers enter to mine, the harder it will be to solve issue and more efficient tools will be needed.
So, as more people started mining the Bitcoin, the mining difficulty increased.
As the mining difficulty increased, the miners started using GPUs to mine (as shown below).
However, with the Bitcoin halvings and new incoming miners, the GPU miners also became obsolete.
New specialized and efficient mining equipment called ASIC Miners were introduced.
ASIC stands for Application-Specific Integrated Circuit.
ASIC Miners are specialized equipment created for the sole purpose of mining cryptocurrency.
ASIC Miners require some heavy investments and come at a risk:
An ASIC Miner cost around $1500 excluding shipping They are very loud so you would need to put it in an isolated area. They generate a lot of heat and therefore not recommended in warm climates. They consume of lot of energy have been banned in many countries for this reason.
Another risk that many people do not realize when getting into Bitcoin is that they are competing with large mining farms in China and their revenue will be from transaction fees rather than reward blocks.
This is an important factor to consider simply because during bear markets, there are not enough transactions to make it worthwhile.
In 2018, we saw dozens of Youtubers document their loss and quit Bitcoin mining ( all together.
Why is Bitcoin mining ( Important.
Bitcoin is a currency as well as a payment gateway.
Bitcoin is not owned by any individual nor government and therefore relies on the mining power of miners to keep the network running.
What if Bitcoin Miners did not exist?
If all the miners decide to stop mining Bitcoin, then Bitcoin transfers would not stop taking place and the network would stop working.
How do bitcoin miners mine bitcoin specifically?
As established above, mining Bitcoin on a basic computer is unrealistic and on a gpu not profitable unless you live in a country with ridiculously cheap electricity.
However, Antminers are usually plug-and-play along with some slight power customization.
SoloMining vs Minepool.
Because the chance of success is too low for individual miners, Bitcoin miners team up to share computing power and therefore increase their chances of rewards.
However, not all Minepools have the same conditions and reward systems.
Because of all the risks involved in buying the hardware to mine Bitcoin, some people have turned to Cloud mining.
Cloudmining basically refers to renting out mining equipment from cloud mining companies such as Genesis Mining and Hashflare.
However, the same principles apply as above and the chances of any significant profit are improbable.
If you would like to know more here are my reviews after testing them:
Bitcoin mining ( Farms.
Bitcoin mining ( requires energy and the only way for it to be profitable is mine Bitcoin large scale.
Greenidge, previously a coal-fired electrical power plant that has converted to natural gas which also supplies electrical power to New York State's residents, is now one of the largest Bitcoin mining ( facilities uses over 20 megawatts (MW) of power to mine Bitcoin.
Only 21 Million Bitcoins can ever be created and at the time of writing, 18.5 million Bitcoins have been mined so far.
Also the number of new Bitcoins that can be generated get halved every 4 years.
This means that the mining difficulty will also increase.
So if you want to get Bitcoin, it is cheaper and easier just buy bitcoin with a credit card.
Let me know what you decide to do next on Twitter or Facebook 😉 Cheers, Marie Founder of Satoshi Library.
PS Thank you for visiting! And also, if you feel comfortable enough to give me your email, just enter it below and I just might send you an email one of these days 😉
Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor and the information provided does not replace professional advice. Cryptocurrency prices are highly volatile as well as evolving very quickly. This post may contain inaccuracies, so please do your own research before placing money in any website. Thanks!
How Does the Process of Bitcoin mining ( Work?
Unlike traditional currencies, bitcoins are not printed; instead, bitcoins are mined. If you think that bitcoins are mined by using shovels and other equipment, just like the gold are mined from gold mines, you are mistaken.
Bitcoin is not a physical currency. Thus, the process of getting bitcoins is not the same as the process of getting traditional currencies.
Why is the process called Bitcoin mining (
Well, just like the gold occurs in gold mines, bitcoins occur in protocol design. As per the bitcoin protocol, only 21 million bitcoins can be mined. By the process of Bitcoin mining (, miners will bring these 21 million bitcoins to light. Once all of 21 million bitcoins are mined thoroughly, there won't be any bitcoins left to be mined. Miners involved in the Bitcoin mining ( process get transaction fees for creating blocks and validating different bitcoin transactions.
The working of Bitcoin mining ( is pretty simple and straightforward. To understand how mining works, you have to know about nodes. A node is a powerful computer that runs the software, which helps validate the bitcoin transactions and blocks. The bitcoin network works in a decentralized form, and thus the nodes are collectively responsible for validating bitcoin transactions.
Anyone can quickly run a node. All you need to do is download the bitcoin software. The most significant advantage with the node is that it consumes lots of energy, and it needs lots of storage space; thus, a standard computer with limited storage won't be able to mine bitcoins. The bitcoin network writes hundreds of gigabytes of data. The nodes are used to properly spread bitcoin transactions across the network. One node helps in sending information to a few nodes that it already knows about. Then the other nodes relay information to a few others, and in this way, the bitcoin network functions. You can visit Like this website to get details about how nodes functions.
Among all these types of nodes, some nodes are called mining nodes, and they are usually called miners. These nodes help collaborate different transactions into chunks or blocks, and then, these are added to the bitcoin network. Blockchain technology is the idea behind these fantastic tasks performed by nodes.
The addition of these bitcoins into blocks and networks is like solving a puzzle. When data is combined in the blocks, it has to pass through a hash function. The hash function makes it quite challenging to know what output it will get. Thus, the miners have to guess the mystery number, and they apply the hash function to the combination of the guessed number and the data stored in the block. The hash mostly begins with a certain number of zeroes. There are almost negligible chances of people knowing which number will work. This is because two consecutive numbers used can give a varied range of results. Thus, the miners keep on trying with different block configurations.
The calculations are pretty tricky as the miners don't have any idea or information about how many zeroes are needed at the time of creating hash strings. Thus, it takes at least 10 minutes on an average to process the block.
Ten minutes is needed to process blocks as this is the amount of time required that bitcoin developers think that it will be required to get a steady and diminishing flow of new coins till the time goal of 21 million is reached. As per a few research, the purpose of 21 million will be reached sometime around 2041.
Numerous miners are involved in this task, and the first miner who gets the result announces his/her victory to the rest of the network. Then, all other miners stop working on that block, and they start figuring out the mystery of the next block. As a reward for getting the victory, the miner gets some new bitcoins as rewards.
At present, the reward for getting a victory is 6.25 bitcoins per block. This means it is almost worth $60,000 in June 2020.
Hundreds of miners work day and night to get the reward. The more and better calculation you can perform, the more victory you will get. We hope this article will help you in understanding the functioning of bitcoins.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:54 am

Data Mining ( (Introduction for Business Students)|4:21
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:55 am
Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty - What is it And How Does it Work?
Before we even begin to understand what Bitcoin mining ( difficulty means, we need to know how mining works. We have covered this topic in detail before, so we will just give you a little overview before getting into the different nuances of difficulty. Following that, we will look at how mining difficulty is calculated and how it changes to suit the network's needs.
How does mining work? How long does it take to mine 1 Bitcoin?
Bitcoin's network has several specialized nodes called "miners" who use specialized equipment to solve cryptographically hard puzzles. If they are successful, then they will get the opportunity to add blocks to the BTC blockchain successfully. This is how it works:
The miner picks up transactions waiting in the mempool and hashes them. They add a random hexadecimal value to the front of the hash and hashes the entire value.
This hash needs to be less than a particular value, which is called "difficulty."
What determines Bitcoin mining ( difficulty? Why does BTC difficulty increase?
#1 To maintain network integrity.
The level of Bitcoin mining ( difficulty increases or decreases according to the ease of mining within the protocol. Remember, Bitcoin needs to have a consistent block time of 10 minutes. In other words, new BTC can be injected into the circulating supply every 10 minutes. To make sure that this timing doesn't change the Bitcoin protocol:
Increases network difficulty when it becomes easier for miners to mine. Decrease network difficulty when it becomes harder for miners to mine.
The Bitcoin network has a universal block difficulty. All valid blocks must have a hash below the target. Mining pools also have a pool-specific share difficulty setting a lower limit for shares.
#2 Relationship with hash rate.
One of the critical metrics in judging the health of a proof-of-work network is hash rate. Simply put, hashrate shows you how powerful the miners are within the network. Higher the bitcoin network hashrate, higher it's overall security and speed. However, these networks need to keep their hashrate under control for consistent block production. This is why, when hashrate becomes high, the bitcoin difficulty eventually gets higher as well, making it tougher for miners to mine easily within the network.
The inverse is also true.
If Bitcoin's hashrate decreases, the network difficulty will reduce as well. Hashrate may decrease because of the following reasons:
Bitcoin currently has a high difficulty, which is why the miners are having a tough time mining in the system. The price of BTC went down, which is why a lot of miners quit mining.
To understand the correlation between the two, let's check out their graphs. Up first, we have the hash rate.
After that, we have the bitcoin difficulty chart:
As you can see, there is a very close correlation between the two. Around March 26, the network difficulty fell by 16% from 16.55 trillion to 13.9 trillion. This was the largest crash in network difficulty since early 2013. To understand why this happened this time around, look at how the hashrate dropped as well just before the bitcoin difficulty drop. This dip occurred because of Bitcoin's price crash, which forced a lot of miners to quit operations.
How does Bitcoin calculate difficulty?
Bitcoin's network difficulty changes every 2016 blocks. The formula used by the network to calculate difficulty goes like this:
difficulty = difficulty_1_target / current_target.
In the formula above:
target is a 256-bit number. As per Bitcoin's protocol, the targets are a custom floating-point type with limited accuracy. Bitcoin clients approximate difficulty based on this fact. This value is also known as bdiff. difficulty_1_target can be different depending on how you choose to measure difficulty. Traditionally, it represents a hash where the leading 32 bits are zero and the rest are one. In fact, this value is also known as pool difficulty or pdiff.
Every single block stores a packed representation of bitcoin difficulty in their blocks called "Bits." This target usually appear as 0x1b0404cb (stored in little-endian order: cb 04 04 1b).
A block calculates the target value via a predetermined formula. Eg. With the packed target given above, i.e. 0x1b0404cb. The hexadecimal target is:
0x0404cb * 2**(8*(0x1b - 3)) = 0x00000000000404CB000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.
Now let's calculate bdiff and pdiff.
The highest possible target (difficulty_1_target) is defined as 0x1d00ffff or, in hex form:
0x00ffff * 2**(8*(0x1d - 3)) = 0x00000000FFFF0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.
Now that we know this value, we can use this to calculate our bdiff using the difficulty = difficulty_1_target / current_target formula.
Now, as we have defined in the previous section, the current_target is 0x1b0404cb or 0x00000000000404CB000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.
So, to calculate current difficulty:
Hence, bdiff is 16307.420938523983.
Now, let's calculate the pdiff. Mining pools tend to use non-truncated targets which puts difficulty_1_target at 0x00000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
If that's the case then for the same current_target, our pdiff will be:
Here is a program code taken from Bitcoin wiki which relies on logs to make difficulty calculation easier:
inline float fast_log(float val)
int * const exp_ptr = reinterpret_cast (&val);
std::cout How do you set a mining difficulty?
Miners use specialized ASIC hardware to mine Bitcoins. These machines are extremely fast and produce tetrahashes every single second. It will be extremely impractical for a system to painstakingly check every single one of them to see if they satisfy all the necessary conditions, or not. This is exponentially true for mining pools. They can't check all the hashes produced by a bitcoin miner every single second. This is why mining pools use a concept called "Share Time."
So, let's imagine that your Bitcoin mining ( pool has set a Share Time of 5 seconds. This means that, on average, your mining pool will require miners to submit a share to them every 5 seconds.
How exactly is this done?
Your Bitcoin mining ( pool will set a value called Share Difficulty for every miner. The share difficulty of a miner is directly proportional to their individual hashrate. As such, higher the miner's hashrate, higher their Share Difficulty. The idea is that the miner will use their equipment to generate tons of hashes. The moment they find a hash that meets the target Share Difficulty, they will send the hash to the pool.
How are the miners rewarded?
Miners in the pool are rewarded on a "Pay per share" (PPS) basis. In this system, the miners get rewarded for the shares they submit. The values of the shares are entirely dependent on how difficult it was to discover the share.
Let's take an example to see how this works:
Suppose you are a miner with an individual hashrate of 50 TH/s. The mining pool that you have joined has set your Share Difficulty at 1,000,000. The moment that you get shares above 1,000,000, you'll be rewarded by the pool. The pool may change your difficulty to make sure that you are not submitting your shares too quickly. Now, if you buy some new equipment and increase your hashrate to 150 TH/s, the pool will increase your difficulty to 3,000,000. You will be submitting shares at the same rate that you were previously submitting. However, you'll get 3 times the reward that you were previously receiving for the shares you submit. The reason why pools recommend higher difficulties for faster hardware is to reduce network load on both the miner's system and the pool. It also reduces decreases the restart delay for your mining hardware as it prepares for the next work unit. At the same time, the pool must be careful not to set the difficulty too high which will result in a lot of stale shares.
NOTE: Share Target = 1 / Share Difficulty.
The Importance of Difficulty in Nakamoto consensus.
To understand how critical difficulty is to Bitcoin's ecosystem, you need to know how Nakamoto consensus works. For a wide area network with no centralized entity, consensus protocols are the only way to maintain any form of governance. Traditional consensus algorithms like Raft are not ideal for maintaining a wide-area cryptoeconomic protocol. This is why Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, came up with Nakamoto consensus. The central tenet of the Nakamoto consensus is that to participate in the system, one must pay a price. In the case of proof-of-work (POW), i.e., Bitcoin's consensus, miners pay a price with "work." Work, in this case, is the heavy amount of computational energy that a miner must spend to mine one Bitcoin. This is where difficulty comes in. Difficulty is the metric that makes Bitcoin mining ( hard, plus, this is what Nakamoto consensus leverages to solve the double spending problem.
What is double spending?
Double spending is the reason why all the attempts at creating a decentralized cryptocurrency had failed miserably before Bitcoin. In simple terms, it is a flaw that can allow one Bitcoin to be spent more than once at the same time. We never encountered this issue while dealing with physical cash. After all, if you are buying something with a $10 note, you can't simultaneously purchase something else with that same note, right?
However, a digital token has digital files that can be easily duplicated, leading to inevitable double spending. As you can imagine, double spending can have several devastating effects on the ecosystem's economy:
Firstly, it inflates the total supply of the coins within the ecosystem, which throws the supply-demand equation out of control. Secondly, if anyone, anywhere can spend the same coin without restriction, it will reduce the people's faith in the sanctity of that currency.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:56 am

DATA MINING - The Checkout - ABC1|5:43
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:57 am
Bitcoin requires all the transactions to be included in the blockchain, without fail. This makes sure that anyone in the network can trace every single Bitcoin right to its very source. Such a high level of transparency ensures no one will be able to double spend without the entire network noticing. However, let's think of something more diabolical. Suppose, someone decides to hijack the blockchain by forking out and try to double spend all the Bitcoins.
What happens then?
Well, it turns out that due to network difficulty, the amount of resources and money that the attacker will need to take over the chain will be exponential. As such, it will simply not be economically worth it for them to act against the interests of the system. This is how network difficulty gives Nakamoto Consensus the firepower it needs to maintain network security and integrity.
Conclusion - Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty.
We hope that you found a lot of value in this article. If you have some doubts, then feel free to reach out to us at any time.
What is Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty.
This problem can be simplified for explanation purposes: The hash of a block must start with a certain number of zeros. The probability of calculating a hash that starts with many zeros is very low, therefore many attempts must be made. In order to generate a new hash each round, a nonce is incremented. This is based on the hashcash function.
The Bitcoin network difficulty is the measure of how difficult it is to find a new block compared to the easiest it can ever be. It is recalculated every 2016 blocks to a value such that the previous 2016 blocks would have been generated in exactly two weeks had everyone been mining at this difficulty. This will yield, on average, one block every ten minutes.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:58 am
What is Mining Difficulty?
Mining difficulty or just "difficulty" is a measure or a network-wide setting that indicates how much effort is required by miners to find a proof-of-work.
In Bitcoin, a proof-of-work is just a piece of data - or more precisely a number - which falls below a predetermined difficulty target that is continually and automatically readjusted by the Bitcoin protocol.
For miners competing in the Bitcoin network, finding or generating this number involves repeatedly hashing the header of the block until the hashing algorithm spits out an output that falls below the aforementioned pre-set difficulty target.
But why do miners do that in the first place?
Miners expend computational energy and compete to find the proof-of-work because finding the proof-of-work is the only way to validate blocks, and validating blocks is how miners in the Bitcoin network make their living.
The first miner to validate a block gets to create a unique transaction, called a coinbase transaction, whereby the miner rewards himself with a set amount of newly minted bitcoins.
How Do Miners Find Proof-of-Work?
The process of hashing is, in fact, quite simple but requires an enormous amount of computational energy.
Put simply, hashing is the transformation of a string of characters (the input) into a usually shorter, fixed-length value or key (the output) that represents the original string.
The trick with hashing is that, while running the same input through the same hashing algorithm always gets us the same output, changing only the smallest bit of the input and running it through the same algorithm changes the output completely.
In order to find the proof-of-work, miners must repeatedly change the input (which is consisted of the block header - the part that stays the same - and a random number called a nonce - which is the variable that miners change to get a different output) and run it through the SHA256 cryptographic algorithm until they find a hash that meets the preset difficulty target.
Using sophisticated mining hardware called ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated Circuits), miners can make hundreds of thousands of these calculations per second.
It takes the entire network of miners roughly 10 minutes to find and validate a new block of transactions.
Why Is Difficulty Important?
The moving or self-readjusting difficulty target is a crucial component of Bitcoin security for several reasons, but mainly because it ensures the network's neutrality by preventing any single miner from taking full control over the protocol.
The ever-changing difficulty target ensures that the Bitcoin protocol runs smoothly and that a new block is validated and added to the Bitcoin blockchain roughly every 10 minutes on average. This 10-minute interval between blocks is better known as block time.
Difficulty matters for more than just protocol security. Maintaining a stable block time has substantial monetary implications. If miners start mining blocks faster, they'll generate bitcoins faster, which in turn translates into a higher inflation rate.
Maintaining a low, fixed and predictable inflation rate is essential for a scarce digital asset such as Bitcoin.
How Does Bitcoin Difficulty Change?
In order to keep the block time fixed as more miners join and/or leave the network, the Bitcoin protocol must keep pace and continually readjust the mining difficulty accordingly.
The average block time of the Bitcoin network is evaluated every 2106 blocks (roughly every two weeks); if the block time is greater than 10 minutes, then the difficulty will be reduced, and if it's less than 10 minutes, the difficulty level will be increased.
In other words, if the cumulative hash power of the network rises, the Bitcoin protocol will readjust and make it harder for miners to find the proof-of-work. And, conversely, if the cumulative hash power drops, the difficulty will drop to make it easier for miners to validate blocks and keep the interlude between each new block and the previous one fixed at.
It's important to note that not every cryptocurrency in existence is designed with the same block time in mind. Ethereum, for example, aims for an average block time of 20 seconds, while Litecoin aims for a block time of 2.5 minutes.
You may be wondering: "How does the Bitcoin blockchain know if block times have been longer or shorter than ten minutes on average? Wouldn't this require an oracle to keep track of block times?"
Good question. The way the blockchain "knows" how much time the average block has taken during this difficulty period is by referencing timestamps left by the miners of each block. To some extent, there are protocol rules in place that prevent a miner from lying about the timestamp. If you want to know more, you can read this guide from Bitmex's blog.
How Does Difficulty Affect Miners?
Difficulty directly impacts miner profitability. Difficulty adjustments make it easier or harder for active miners to find new blocks and earn bitcoins.
Greater difficulty means that miners need more hashing power to secure the same chance of winning a block reward. Since in today's world nearly all individual miners join mining pools, greater difficulty means that miners will earn fewer bitcoins per unit of hash power contributed to the mining pool or per unit of electricity consumed.
Usually, when the Bitcoin network experiences a drop in mining difficulty, that means that the price of bitcoin was too low and the most inefficient miners couldn't cover their operating costs and had to stop mining.
If you are interested in mining, make sure to check out our mining profitablity calculator before you get started.
When inefficient miners shut their mining rigs off, the efficient miners that survive get to experience greater profit margins -- but only for a short period of time. In free markets with relatively low barriers to entry, high margins tend to attract competition.
In that way, the Bitcoin protocol - through the moving difficulty target - acts as a self-stabilizing ecosystem.
Higher margins attract more miners. More miners results in greater difficulty. Greater difficulty means lower margins. Lower margins translate into greater sell pressure for inefficient miners. The selling pressure then further lowers the price by increasing the bitcoin supply while the demand (presumably) stays the same.
This then leads to miner capitulation and a drop in difficulty, which then means higher margins for the efficient miners, which again attracts more miner competition and we arrive back where we started.
Another aspect of the mining business that affects profiit is taxes. Every miner needs to know the relevant tax laws for Bitcoin mining ( in his part of the world, which is why it is so important to use a crypto tax software when calculating profits.
Is There a Maximum Difficulty?
Yes, but getting to the maximum difficulty is practically impossible.
The maximum difficulty is a ridiculously huge number (about 2^224), which quite literally means that to mine a block with this difficulty would require all the energy in the universe.
Understanding how difficulty fits into the Bitcoin blockchain is crucial to understanding how Bitcoin secures its transactions.
Difficulty adjustments keep Bitcoin blocks consistent (for the most part) and their reliablity over the past 10 years is impressive.
Historical Difficulty Adjustments.
Below you can see all the difficulty adjustments since the beginning of Bitcoin.
Height Difficulty Change Average Block 641,088 16,847,561,611,550 - 16.85 T - 2.87 % 10 min 18 s 639,072 17,345,948,872,516 - 17.35 T + 9.89 % 09 min 07 s 637,056 15,784,217,546,288 - 15.78 T 0.00 % 10 min 01 s 635,040 15,784,744,305,477 - 15.78 T + 14.95 % 08 min 42 s 633,024 13,732,352,106,018 - 13.73 T - 9.29 % 11 min 01 s 631,008 15,138,043,247,082 - 15.14 T - 6.00 % 10 min 39 s 628,992 16,104,807,485,529 - 16.10 T + 0.92 % 09 min 55 s 626,976 15,958,652,328,578 - 15.96 T + 8.45 % 09 min 14 s 624,960 14,715,214,060,656 - 14.72 T + 5.77 % 09 min 28 s 622,944 13,912,524,048,945 - 13.91 T - 15.95 % 11 min 54 s 620,928 16,552,923,967,337 - 16.55 T + 6.88 % 09 min 22 s 618,912 15,486,913,440,292 - 15.49 T - 0.38 % 10 min 02 s 616,896 15,546,745,765,529 - 15.55 T + 0.52 % 09 min 57 s 614,880 15,466,098,935,554 - 15.47 T + 4.67 % 09 min 33 s 612,864 14,776,367,535,688 - 14.78 T + 7.08 % 09 min 20 s 610,848 13,798,783,827,516 - 13.80 T + 6.57 % 09 min 24 s 608,832 12,948,593,420,946 - 12.95 T + 0.56 % 09 min 57 s 606,816 12,876,842,089,682 - 12.88 T - 0.74 % 10 min 05 s 604,800 12,973,235,968,799 - 12.97 T + 1.99 % 09 min 49 s 602,784 12,720,005,267,390 - 12.72 T - 7.10 % 10 min 46 s 600,768 13,691,480,038,694 - 13.69 T + 5.25 % 09 min 31 s 598,752 13,008,091,666,971 - 13.01 T + 1.95 % 09 min 49 s 596,736 12,759,819,404,408 - 12.76 T + 7.31 % 09 min 20 s 594,720 11,890,594,958,795 - 11.89 T + 10.38 % 09 min 04 s 592,704 10,771,996,663,680 - 10.77 T + 5.78 % 09 min 27 s 590,688 10,183,488,432,890 - 10.18 T + 1.98 % 09 min 49 s 588,672 9,985,348,008,059 - 9.99 T + 10.78 % 09 min 02 s 586,656 9,013,786,945,891 - 9.01 T - 0.56 % 10 min 04 s 584,640 9,064,159,826,491 - 9.06 T + 14.23 % 08 min 46 s 582,624 7,934,713,219,630 - 7.93 T + 7.09 % 09 min 21 s 580,608 7,409,399,249,090 - 7.41 T - 0.67 % 10 min 04 s 578,592 7,459,680,720,542 - 7.46 T + 11.26 % 09 min 00 s 576,576 6,704,632,680,587 - 6.70 T + 0.04 % 10 min 00 s 574,560 6,702,169,884,349 - 6.70 T + 5.50 % 09 min 29 s 572,544 6,353,030,562,983 - 6.35 T - 0.63 % 10 min 04 s 570,528 6,393,023,717,201 - 6.39 T + 0.22 % 09 min 59 s 568,512 6,379,265,451,411 - 6.38 T + 5.11 % 09 min 31 s 566,496 6,068,891,541,676 - 6.07 T - 0.05 % 10 min 00 s 564,480 6,071,846,049,920 - 6.07 T + 0.17 % 09 min 59 s 562,464 6,061,518,831,027 - 6.06 T + 4.25 % 09 min 36 s 560,448 5,814,661,935,891 - 5.81 T - 1.18 % 10 min 08 s 558,432 5,883,988,430,955 - 5.88 T + 4.72 % 09 min 33 s 556,416 5,618,595,848,853 - 5.62 T + 10.03 % 09 min 06 s 554,400 5,106,422,924,659 - 5.11 T - 9.56 % 11 min 03 s 552,384 5,646,403,851,534 - 5.65 T - 15.13 % 11 min 47 s 550,368 6,653,303,141,405 - 6.65 T - 7.39 % 10 min 48 s 548,352 7,184,404,942,701 - 7.18 T + 0.02 % 10 min 00 s 546,336 7,182,852,313,938 - 7.18 T - 3.65 % 10 min 23 s 544,320 7,454,968,648,263 - 7.45 T + 4.23 % 09 min 36 s 542,304 7,152,633,351,906 - 7.15 T + 1.90 % 09 min 49 s 540,288 7,019,199,231,177 - 7.02 T + 4.34 % 09 min 36 s 538,272 6,727,225,469,722 - 6.73 T + 5.29 % 09 min 30 s 536,256 6,389,316,883,511 - 6.39 T + 7.39 % 09 min 20 s 534,240 5,949,437,371,609 - 5.95 T + 14.88 % 08 min 42 s 532,224 5,178,671,069,072 - 5.18 T - 3.45 % 10 min 22 s 530,208 5,363,678,461,481 - 5.36 T + 5.64 % 09 min 28 s 528,192 5,077,499,034,879 - 5.08 T + 2.77 % 09 min 44 s 526,176 4,940,704,885,521 - 4.94 T + 14.71 % 08 min 43 s 524,160 4,306,949,573,981 - 4.31 T + 3.94 % 09 min 38 s 522,144 4,143,878,474,754 - 4.14 T + 3.03 % 09 min 43 s 520,128 4,022,059,196,164 - 4.02 T + 4.76 % 09 min 33 s 518,112 3,839,316,899,029 - 3.84 T + 9.35 % 09 min 09 s 516,096 3,511,060,552,899 - 3.51 T + 1.40 % 09 min 52 s 514,080 3,462,542,391,191 - 3.46 T + 5.23 % 09 min 30 s 512,064 3,290,605,988,755 - 3.29 T + 9.42 % 09 min 10 s 510,048 3,007,383,866,429 - 3.01 T + 4.62 % 09 min 34 s 508,032 2,874,674,234,415 - 2.87 T + 10.43 % 09 min 03 s 506,016 2,603,077,300,218 - 2.60 T + 16.84 % 08 min 34 s 504,000 2,227,847,638,503 - 2.23 T + 15.36 % 08 min 40 s 501,984 1,931,136,454,487 - 1.93 T + 3.10 % 09 min 42 s 499,968 1,873,105,475,221 - 1.87 T + 17.74 % 08 min 30 s 497,952 1,590,896,927,258 - 1.59 T + 18.11 % 08 min 28 s 495,936 1,347,001,430,558 - 1.35 T - 1.28 % 10 min 08 s 493,920 1,364,422,081,125 - 1.36 T - 6.09 % 10 min 40 s 491,904 1,452,839,779,145 - 1.45 T + 21.39 % 08 min 14 s 489,888 1,196,792,694,098 - 1.20 T + 6.49 % 09 min 24 s 487,872 1,123,863,285,132 - 1.12 T + 1.85 % 09 min 49 s 485,856 1,103,400,932,964 - 1.10 T + 19.58 % 08 min 22 s 483,840 922,724,699,725 - 922.72 G + 3.89 % 09 min 38 s 481,824 888,171,856,257 - 888.17 G - 3.80 % 10 min 24 s 479,808 923,233,068,448 - 923.23 G + 7.32 % 09 min 20 s 477,792 860,221,984,436 - 860.22 G + 6.92 % 09 min 21 s 475,776 804,525,194,568 - 804.53 G + 13.53 % 08 min 49 s 473,760 708,659,466,230 - 708.66 G - 0.43 % 10 min 03 s 471,744 711,697,198,173 - 711.70 G + 4.85 % 09 min 33 s 469,728 678,760,110,082 - 678.76 G + 13.90 % 08 min 47 s 467,712 595,921,917,085 - 595.92 G + 6.42 % 09 min 24 s 465,696 559,970,892,890 - 559.97 G + 7.28 % 09 min 20 s 463,680 521,974,519,553 - 521.97 G + 0.22 % 09 min 59 s 461,664 520,808,749,422 - 520.81 G + 4.24 % 09 min 36 s 459,648 499,635,929,816 - 499.64 G + 5.03 % 09 min 32 s 457,632 475,705,205,061 - 475.71 G + 3.24 % 09 min 41 s 455,616 460,769,358,090 - 460.77 G + 4.54 % 09 min 34 s 453,600 440,779,902,286 - 440.78 G + 4.41 % 09 min 35 s 451,584 422,170,566,883 - 422.17 G + 7.43 % 09 min 19 s 449,568 392,963,262,344 - 392.96 G + 16.64 % 08 min 35 s 447,552 336,899,932,795 - 336.90 G + 6.05 % 09 min 26 s 445,536 317,688,400,354 - 317.69 G + 2.43 % 09 min 46 s 443,520 310,153,855,703 - 310.15 G + 8.16 % 09 min 15 s 441,504 286,765,766,820 - 286.77 G + 1.76 % 09 min 50 s 439,488 281,800,917,193 - 281.80 G + 10.68 % 09 min 02 s 437,472 254,620,187,304 - 254.62 G + 0.40 % 09 min 58 s 435,456 253,618,246,641 - 253.62 G - 1.90 % 10 min 13 s 433,440 258,522,748,404 - 258.52 G + 7.17 % 09 min 20 s 431,424 241,227,200,229 - 241.23 G + 6.82 % 09 min 22 s 429,408 225,832,872,179 - 225.83 G + 2.30 % 09 min 47 s 427,392 220,755,908,330 - 220.76 G + 1.56 % 09 min 51 s 425,376 217,375,482,757 - 217.38 G + 7.67 % 09 min 17 s 423,360 201,893,210,853 - 201.89 G - 5.43 % 10 min 35 s 421,344 213,492,501,107 - 213.49 G + 0.04 % 10 min 00 s 419,328 213,398,925,331 - 213.40 G + 1.88 % 09 min 49 s 417,312 209,453,158,595 - 209.45 G + 6.83 % 09 min 22 s 415,296 196,061,423,939 - 196.06 G - 1.63 % 10 min 10 s 413,280 199,312,067,531 - 199.31 G + 2.60 % 09 min 45 s 411,264 194,254,820,283 - 194.25 G + 8.73 % 09 min 12 s 409,248 178,659,257,772 - 178.66 G - 0.01 % 10 min 00 s 407,232 178,678,307,671 - 178.68 G + 7.09 % 09 min 20 s 405,216 166,851,513,282 - 166.85 G + 0.82 % 09 min 55 s 403,200 165,496,835,118 - 165.50 G + 4.46 % 09 min 34 s 401,184 158,427,203,767 - 158.43 G - 3.10 % 10 min 19 s 399,168 163,491,654,908 - 163.49 G + 13.44 % 08 min 49 s 397,152 144,116,447,847 - 144.12 G + 20.06 % 08 min 20 s 395,136 120,033,340,651 - 120.03 G + 5.89 % 09 min 27 s 393,120 113,354,299,801 - 113.35 G + 9.12 % 09 min 10 s 391,104 103,880,340,815 - 103.88 G + 11.16 % 09 min 00 s 389,088 93,448,670,796 - 93.45 G + 18.14 % 08 min 28 s 387,072 79,102,380,900 - 79.10 G + 8.77 % 09 min 12 s 385,056 72,722,780,642 - 72.72 G + 10.44 % 09 min 04 s 383,040 65,848,255,179 - 65.85 G + 5.77 % 09 min 27 s 381,024 62,253,982,449 - 62.25 G + 2.25 % 09 min 47 s 379,008 60,883,825,480 - 60.88 G + 0.12 % 09 min 59 s 376,992 60,813,224,039 - 60.81 G + 2.49 % 09 min 46 s 374,976 59,335,351,233 - 59.34 G + 4.17 % 09 min 36 s 372,960 56,957,648,455 - 56.96 G + 4.98 % 09 min 32 s 370,944 54,256,630,327 - 54.26 G + 2.95 % 09 min 43 s 368,928 52,699,842,409 - 52.70 G + 0.81 % 09 min 56 s 366,912 52,278,304,845 - 52.28 G + 2.35 % 09 min 46 s 364,896 51,076,366,303 - 51.08 G + 3.39 % 09 min 41 s 362,880 49,402,014,931 - 49.40 G - 0.58 % 10 min 04 s 360,864 49,692,386,354 - 49.69 G + 4.42 % 09 min 35 s 358,848 47,589,591,153 - 47.59 G - 2.50 % 10 min 15 s 356,832 48,807,487,244 - 48.81 G + 2.44 % 09 min 46 s 354,816 47,643,398,017 - 47.64 G + 0.07 % 10 min 00 s 352,800 47,610,564,513 - 47.61 G - 3.71 % 10 min 23 s 350,784 49,446,390,688 - 49.45 G + 5.84 % 09 min 27 s 348,768 46,717,549,644 - 46.72 G - 1.50 % 10 min 09 s 346,752 47,427,554,950 - 47.43 G + 1.59 % 09 min 51 s 344,736 46,684,376,316 - 46.68 G + 5.01 % 09 min 32 s 342,720 44,455,415,962 - 44.46 G + 7.71 % 09 min 17 s 340,704 41,272,873,894 - 41.27 G - 6.14 % 10 min 39 s 338,688 43,971,662,056 - 43.97 G + 8.20 % 09 min 15 s 336,672 40,640,955,016 - 40.64 G + 3.00 % 09 min 43 s 334,656 39,457,671,307 - 39.46 G - 1.37 % 10 min 09 s 332,640 40,007,470,271 - 40.01 G - 0.73 % 10 min 04 s 330,624 40,300,030,327 - 40.30 G + 1.76 % 09 min 51 s 328,608 39,603,666,252 - 39.60 G + 10.05 % 09 min 05 s 326,592 35,985,640,265 - 35.99 G + 2.81 % 09 min 44 s 324,576 35,002,482,026 - 35.00 G + 0.98 % 09 min 54 s 322,560 34,661,425,923 - 34.66 G + 16.20 % 08 min 36 s 320,544 29,829,733,124 - 29.83 G + 8.75 % 09 min 11 s 318,528 27,428,630,902 - 27.43 G + 15.03 % 08 min 42 s 316,512 23,844,670,038 - 23.84 G + 20.86 % 08 min 17 s 314,496 19,729,645,940 - 19.73 G + 5.30 % 09 min 30 s 312,480 18,736,441,558 - 18.74 G + 8.08 % 09 min 15 s 310,464 17,336,316,978 - 17.34 G + 3.08 % 09 min 44 s 308,448 16,818,461,371 - 16.82 G + 24.93 % 08 min 00 s 306,432 13,462,580,114 - 13.46 G + 14.51 % 08 min 44 s 304,416 11,756,551,916 - 11.76 G + 12.44 % 08 min 54 s 302,400 10,455,720,138 - 10.46 G + 18.10 % 08 min 28 s 300,384 8,853,416,309 - 8.85 G + 10.66 % 09 min 02 s 298,368 8,000,872,135 - 8.00 G + 14.64 % 08 min 44 s 296,352 6,978,842,649 - 6.98 G + 14.04 % 08 min 46 s 294,336 6,119,726,089 - 6.12 G + 22.23 % 08 min 11 s 292,320 5,006,860,589 - 5.01 G + 17.80 % 08 min 29 s 290,304 4,250,217,919 - 4.25 G + 11.39 % 08 min 59 s 288,288 3,815,723,798 - 3.82 G + 21.92 % 08 min 12 s 286,272 3,129,573,174 - 3.13 G + 19.39 % 08 min 23 s 284,256 2,621,404,453 - 2.62 G + 19.49 % 08 min 23 s 282,240 2,193,847,870 - 2.19 G + 22.59 % 08 min 10 s 280,224 1,789,546,951 - 1.79 G + 26.16 % 07 min 56 s 278,208 1,418,481,395 - 1.42 G + 20.12 % 08 min 20 s 276,192 1,180,923,195 - 1.18 G + 30.01 % 07 min 43 s 274,176 908,350,862 - 908.35 M + 28.41 % 07 min 47 s 272,160 707,408,283 - 707.41 M + 16.07 % 08 min 37 s 270,144 609,482,679 - 609.48 M + 19.29 % 08 min 25 s 268,128 510,929,738 - 510.93 M + 30.70 % 07 min 40 s 266,112 390,928,787 - 390.93 M + 46.02 % 06 min 51 s 264,096 267,731,249 - 267.73 M + 41.45 % 07 min 04 s 262,080 189,281,249 - 189.28 M + 27.19 % 07 min 52 s 260,064 148,819,199 - 148.82 M + 32.13 % 07 min 34 s 258,048 112,628,548 - 112.63 M + 29.56 % 07 min 43 s 256,032 86,933,017 - 86.93 M + 32.22 % 07 min 34 s 254,016 65,750,060 - 65.75 M + 29.40 % 07 min 44 s 252,000 50,810,339 - 50.81 M + 35.88 % 07 min 22 s 249,984 37,392,766 - 37.39 M + 19.63 % 08 min 22 s 247,968 31,256,960 - 31.26 M + 19.47 % 08 min 23 s 245,952 26,162,875 - 26.16 M + 22.63 % 08 min 09 s 243,936 21,335,329 - 21.34 M + 10.32 % 09 min 04 s 241,920 19,339,258 - 19.34 M + 23.92 % 08 min 04 s 239,904 15,605,632 - 15.61 M + 28.41 % 07 min 48 s 237,888 12,153,411 - 12.15 M + 8.64 % 09 min 12 s 235,872 11,187,257 - 11.19 M + 11.03 % 09 min 01 s 233,856 10,076,292 - 10.08 M + 12.28 % 08 min 55 s 231,840 8,974,296 - 8.97 M + 16.96 % 08 min 33 s 229,824 7,672,999 - 7.67 M + 14.59 % 08 min 44 s 227,808 6,695,826 - 6.70 M + 38.13 % 07 min 15 s 225,792 4,847,647 - 4.85 M + 10.98 % 09 min 01 s 223,776 4,367,876 - 4.37 M + 19.63 % 08 min 22 s 221,760 3,651,011 - 3.65 M + 11.47 % 08 min 58 s 219,744 3,275,464 - 3.28 M + 10.33 % 09 min 04 s 217,728 2,968,775 - 2.97 M - 8.64 % 10 min 57 s 215,712 3,249,549 - 3.25 M + 9.06 % 09 min 11 s 213,696 2,979,636 - 2.98 M - 11.59 % 11 min 19 s 211,680 3,370,181 - 3.37 M - 2.00 % 10 min 12 s 209,664 3,438,908 - 3.44 M + 2.08 % 09 min 48 s 207,648 3,368,767 - 3.37 M + 1.95 % 09 min 49 s 205,632 3,304,356 - 3.30 M + 7.55 % 09 min 20 s 203,616 3,072,321 - 3.07 M + 0.58 % 09 min 56 s 201,600 3,054,627 - 3.05 M + 6.65 % 09 min 22 s 199,584 2,864,140 - 2.86 M + 6.31 % 09 min 24 s 197,568 2,694,047 - 2.69 M + 10.38 % 09 min 04 s 195,552 2,440,642 - 2.44 M + 11.40 % 08 min 59 s 193,536 2,190,865 - 2.19 M + 7.57 % 09 min 18 s 191,520 2,036,671 - 2.04 M + 9.12 % 09 min 11 s 189,504 1,866,391 - 1.87 M + 6.56 % 09 min 23 s 187,488 1,751,454 - 1.75 M + 1.44 % 09 min 52 s 185,472 1,726,566 - 1.73 M + 9.06 % 09 min 10 s 183,456 1,583,177 - 1.58 M - 0.50 % 10 min 03 s 181,440 1,591,074 - 1.59 M - 8.20 % 10 min 54 s 179,424 1,733,207 - 1.73 M + 14.89 % 08 min 42 s 177,408 1,508,589 - 1.51 M - 4.39 % 10 min 28 s 175,392 1,577,913 - 1.58 M - 2.99 % 10 min 19 s 173,376 1,626,553 - 1.63 M + 8.56 % 09 min 13 s 171,360 1,498,294 - 1.50 M + 0.09 % 10 min 00 s 169,344 1,496,978 - 1.50 M + 8.77 % 09 min 12 s 167,328 1,376,302 - 1.38 M - 0.24 % 10 min 02 s 165,312 1,379,647 - 1.38 M + 5.50 % 09 min 29 s 163,296 1,307,728 - 1.31 M + 4.55 % 09 min 34 s 161,280 1,250,757 - 1.25 M + 7.83 % 09 min 17 s 159,264 1,159,929 - 1.16 M + 0.42 % 09 min 58 s 157,248 1,155,038 - 1.16 M + 5.90 % 09 min 27 s 155,232 1,090,715 - 1.09 M - 8.54 % 10 min 56 s 153,216 1,192,497 - 1.19 M - 0.91 % 10 min 06 s 151,200 1,203,461 - 1.20 M - 18.03 % 12 min 12 s 149,184 1,468,195 - 1.47 M - 13.09 % 11 min 31 s 147,168 1,689,334 - 1.69 M - 3.76 % 10 min 24 s 145,152 1,755,425 - 1.76 M - 1.26 % 10 min 08 s 143,136 1,777,774 - 1.78 M - 1.55 % 10 min 10 s 141,120 1,805,700 - 1.81 M - 4.40 % 10 min 28 s 139,104 1,888,786 - 1.89 M + 11.70 % 08 min 57 s 137,088 1,690,895 - 1.69 M + 8.18 % 09 min 15 s 135,072 1,563,027 - 1.56 M + 13.33 % 08 min 50 s 133,056 1,379,192 - 1.38 M + 57.27 % 06 min 22 s 131,040 876,954 - 876.95 K + 54.59 % 06 min 28 s 129,024 567,269 - 567.27 K + 30.44 % 07 min 40 s 127,008 434,877 - 434.88 K + 78.15 % 05 min 37 s 124,992 244,112 - 244.11 K + 55.07 % 06 min 27 s 122,976 157,416 - 157.42 K + 43.54 % 06 min 59 s 120,960 109,670 - 109.67 K + 18.76 % 08 min 25 s 118,944 92,347 - 92.35 K + 12.15 % 08 min 55 s 116,928 82,345 - 82.35 K + 19.38 % 08 min 23 s 114,912 68,977 - 68.98 K - 9.47 % 11 min 03 s 112,896 76,192 - 76.19 K + 37.06 % 07 min 18 s 110,880 55,589 - 55.59 K + 52.47 % 06 min 34 s 108,864 36,459 - 36.46 K + 40.24 % 07 min 09 s 106,848 25,997 - 26.00 K + 18.10 % 08 min 28 s 104,832 22,012 - 22.01 K + 19.39 % 08 min 23 s 102,816 18,437 - 18.44 K + 13.06 % 08 min 51 s 100,800 16,307 - 16.31 K + 12.59 % 08 min 53 s 98,784 14,484 - 14.48 K + 18.23 % 08 min 28 s 96,768 12,251 - 12.25 K + 51.66 % 06 min 36 s 94,752 8,078 - 8.08 K + 17.65 % 08 min 31 s 92,736 6,866 - 6.87 K + 51.37 % 06 min 37 s 90,720 4,536 - 4.54 K + 46.75 % 06 min 50 s 88,704 3,091 - 3.09 K + 43.83 % 06 min 57 s 86,688 2,149 - 2.15 K + 55.95 % 06 min 25 s 84,672 1,378 - 1.38 K + 4.55 % 09 min 34 s 82,656 1,318 - 1.32 K + 43.73 % 06 min 58 s 80,640 917 - 917.00 + 28.79 % 07 min 46 s 78,624 712 - 712.00 + 14.29 % 08 min 45 s 76,608 623 - 623.00 + 21.92 % 08 min 13 s 74,592 511 - 511.00 + 45.17 % 06 min 53 s 72,576 352 - 352.00 + 44.26 % 06 min 56 s 70,560 244 - 244.00 + 34.81 % 07 min 27 s 68,544 181 - 181.00 + 302.22 % 02 min 24 s 66,528 45 - 45.00 + 95.65 % 05 min 11 s 64,512 23 - 23.00 + 21.05 % 08 min 16 s 62,496 19 - 19.00 + 11.76 % 08 min 58 s 60,480 17 - 17.00 + 6.25 % 09 min 34 s 58,464 16 - 16.00 + 45.45 % 07 min 08 s 56,448 11 - 11.00 - 8.33 % 10 min 51 s 54,432 12 - 12.00 + 9.09 % 08 min 56 s 52,416 11 - 11.00 + 57.14 % 06 min 49 s 50,400 7 - 7.00 + 16.67 % 07 min 47 s 48,384 6 - 6.00 + 50.00 % 07 min 30 s 46,368 4 - 4.00 0.00 % 09 min 56 s 44,352 4 - 4.00 + 33.33 % 08 min 21 s 42,336 3 - 3.00 + 50.00 % 06 min 41 s 40,320 2 - 2.00 + 100.00 % 07 min 12 s 38,304 1 - 1.00 0.00 % 07 min 24 s 36,288 1 - 1.00 0.00 % 09 min 43 s 34,272 1 - 1.00 0.00 % 09 min 04 s 32,256 1 - 1.00 0.00 % 08 min 28 s 30,240 1 - 1.00 0.00 % 14 min 39 s 28,224 1 - 1.00 0.00 % 19 min 29 s 26,208 1 - 1.00 0.00 % 21 min 04 s 24,192 1 - 1.00 0.00 % 19 min 43 s 22,176 1 - 1.00 0.00 % 29 min 40 s 20,160 1 - 1.00 0.00 % 20 min 05 s 18,144 1 - 1.00 0.00 % 19 min 08 s 16,128 1 - 1.00 0.00 % 13 min 33 s 14,112 1 - 1.00 0.00 % 12 min 24 s 12,096 1 - 1.00 0.00 % 12 min 46 s 10,080 1 - 1.00 0.00 % 12 min 47 s 8,064 1 - 1.00 0.00 % 12 min 45 s 6,048 1 - 1.00 0.00 % 12 min 24 s 4,032 1 - 1.00 0.00 % 11 min 36 s 2,016 1 - 1.00 0.00 % 17 min 00 s.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:58 am

Data mining with Weka - Data mining Tutorial for Beginners|3:49:01
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:58 am
Is Bitcoin Legal?
Bitcoin, the world's first decentralized digital currency, is attracting attention across the globe. When acknowledging that it is also the first borderless, apolitical form of money in history, it's hard to avoid the topic of whether it can be used legally.
It's worth noting that no matter who says you can't use bitcoin, its decentralized nature ensures that nobody can actually stop you from using it. As a broad answer, bitcoin can be used anywhere with equal access to the network, as long as you have access to the internet and in some areas, just electricity, thanks to new satellite systems.
Still, this has not stopped countries from trying to restrict the use of bitcoin within their borders. Some countries have made bitcoin entirely illegal, like India, Bolivia and Ecuador. Some of these same countries have also issued their own digital currencies as well. Other countries, like China, have shifted their view on bitcoin, banning and unbanning the currency in various ways over the last few years. As of October 2018, China has restricted digital currencies to private use only, prohibiting all financial institutions from handling any digital currency transactions at all.
The problem with banning something like bitcoin (which cannot be easily censored) from a geographic region is that trying to enforce such a ban is very difficult to do. The most restrictions can do is try to dissuade people from using it by threatening them with some sort of consequences, but they cannot actually prevent people from using it, due to bitcoin's decentral.
But, by and large, it is legal to send, receive, mine and generally use bitcoin in most countries around the world.ized protocol.
Is Bitcoin Legal Tender?
Legal tender is defined as money that must be accepted as payment for a debt in the jurisdiction where the payment is being made. Because bitcoin is not recognized as legal tender by any government, it can only be used as payment if both parties in a transaction agree to its use as a form of payment.
New technologies are often misrepresented and misunderstood, as the internet itself was in the early days. Some first world countries, like the United States, Canada, and most of Europe, have taken a "wait and see" approach to bitcoin by not outright banning it, but they are slow to regulate it as a legitimate financial technology.
The gray line in these legal classifications is what bitcoin is considered. Regulatory bodies all over the world have each given bitcoin its own legal classification based on what they believe it is. The problem arises when each regulatory body has their own viewpoint on what classification the digital currency falls under.
In the United States, for example, the Treasury classifies bitcoin as a "virtual currency." The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) classifies bitcoin as a commodity, and the Internal Revenue Service classifies bitcoin as property.
All of these organizations have their reasons for classifying the digital currency the way they do, but the fact that it is classified differently so many times goes to show one thing: nobody is ready to agree on a definition of exactly what bitcoin is.
The Legal Status of Bitcoins in the U.S. and Elsewhere.
As of February 2020, Bitcoin was legal in the U.S., Japan, the U.K., Canada, and most other developed countries. In the emerging markets, the legal status of Bitcoin still varied dramatically. China heavily restricted Bitcoin without actually criminalizing the holding of bitcoins. India banned banks from dealing in bitcoins and left the overall legal status of cryptocurrencies unclear. In general, it is necessary to look at Bitcoin laws in specific countries.
Even where Bitcoin is legal, most of the laws that apply to other assets also apply to Bitcoin. Tax laws are the area where most people are likely to run into trouble. For tax purposes, bitcoins are usually treated as property rather than currency. Bitcoin is generally not considered legal tender.
As of February 2020, Bitcoin was legal in the U.S., Japan, the U.K., Canada, and most other developed countries. In general, it is necessary to look at Bitcoin laws in specific countries. In the U.S., the IRS has taken an increasing interest in Bitcoin and issued guidelines for taxpayers. Bitcoin has serious flaws for those seeking anonymity, so illegal activity is moving to other cryptocurrencies.
IRS Guidance for U.S. Taxpayers.
In the United States, the IRS has taken an increasing interest in Bitcoin and issued guidelines. In 2014, the agency issued IRS Notice 2014-21 to provide information on the tax treatment of virtual currencies. Virtual currency is the term that the IRS uses for cryptocurrency.   In 2020, the IRS created a new tax form requiring taxpayers to declare if they engaged in any virtual currency transactions during 2019.  
Other Legal and Regulatory Issues.
Bitcoin exists in a deregulated marketplace, so there is no centralized issuing authority. Bitcoin addresses do not require Social Security Numbers (SSNs) or other personal information like standard bank accounts in the United States. That initially raised concerns about the use of bitcoins for illegal activity.
In its early years, the perceived anonymity of Bitcoin led to many illegal uses. Drug traffickers were known to use it, with the best-known example being the Silk Road market. It was a section of the so-called dark web where users could buy illicit drugs. All transactions on the Silk Road used bitcoins. It was eventually shut down by the FBI in October 2013.
However, Bitcoin has several serious flaws for those seeking anonymity. In particular, Bitcoin creates a permanent public record of all transactions. Once an individual is linked to an address, that person can be connected to other transactions using that address. Competing cryptocurrencies, such as Monero and Zcash, now provide much better privacy protection. Given this situation, illegal activity is moving away from Bitcoin.
Defining Bitcoin.
The digital currency known as Bitcoin was created in 2009 by a person or organization using the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. The real identity of Satoshi Nakamoto has never been established. There are no physical bitcoins that correspond with dollar bills and euro notes. They exist only on the Internet, usually in digital wallets. Ledgers known as blockchains are used to keep track of the existence of bitcoin. It can be given directly to or received from anyone who has a bitcoin address via peer-to-peer transactions. Bitcoin also trades on various exchanges around the world, which is how its price is established.
Bitcoin can be transferred from one country to another without limitation. However, the exchange rate against government-backed currencies can be very volatile. That is partly because speculation often drives the price, but also because bitcoins have a relatively small market compared to traditional currencies.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 06:59 am

How data mining works|6:01
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:00 am
Is Bitcoin mining ( Legal? Can You Mine Them at Home?
The Short answer is yes. But it is not a simple matter of Bitcoin mining ( being legal as long as you follow your countries rules and regulations ie. "legal requirements" as it may be legal to do so, but illegal if not done with proper licencing, and following safety, and power consumption restrictions, and guidelines (for example)in your specific country. Bitcoin mining ( has not been declared illegal to mine for the most part and legal in most countries to do so.
Is Bitcoin mining ( Illegal? Copyright:
Since rules, regulations, and laws change frequently, its best you consult with the proper tax and legal institutions in your country of origin. Follow the news and keep current with changes in legislation as they occur and you will then always be legal and will not have to constantly be asking yourself is Bitcoin mining ( legal?
It has been threatened to be shut down for use as a currency in some countries however. China and India have lead the way recently with bans on bitcoin use with mining in China coming under fire as well, with all kinds of mining equipment hitting the markets this year as people in China had to give up on it.
The currency itself has also seen its exchanges shut down like the bitcoin exchange in India. Anytime shutting down of trading or limiting the use of something such as using bitcoin in this case as a digital currency, will also have spin off affects on the mining part of it as well.
How much remains to be seen however, because if a country limits bitcoin use but not the mining of the actual currency, and it is still lucrative to mine it, then use it to cash in from another country's exchange in a different part of the world. Maybe fly somewhere and spend your bitcoins where its friendly and easy to do so.
People will do what they feel can make them the most money in the easiest possible way. If you live in a country where its cheap to mine bitcoin and cryptocurrency, but the use of the currency is not allowed, I would mine the coins and then go vacation and use them or cash them in somewhere else.
Its also has been threatened to be taxed in  for Bitcoin mining ( Its not so much it being legal or illegal, its about governments threatening to regulate, and tax, and limit production because of electricity consumption, fears of non regulation and people getting duped for their bitcoins.
These are the main concerns about Bitcoin mining ( There are many exchanges to buy and sell bitcoin, and people using bitcoin, and huge industrial operations mining bitcoin so therefore Bitcoin mining ( is quite legal and open for your participation.
You just need to comply with any rules and regulations and forms of taxation as they arise in the country you mine in. Staying up with any changes in the law of the country you mine in will keep you legal. If your country announces it is regulating mining in some way then its suggested you follow the regulations as they arise, otherwise you will be mining illegally.
Of course planning your mining operation means setting up in Bitcoin mining ( friendly countries with inexpensive mining costs. Eventually all miners will gravitate to certain Bitcoin mining ( friendly zones, or countries, like offshore gambling sites did by moving to places like the Isle of Man, and Panama, or how Switzerland became the hub for offshore banking and holding of financial assets, etc. People will mine and gravitate to where its most friendly to do so.
Helpful and interesting resources at other websites:
Bitcoin mining ( in Canada: A friendly country.
Practical Must Read Resources Here at BitBetBuddy If you own crypto or plan to, then please read these articles.
Is Bitcoin mining ( Legal or Illegal?
The Peer-to-Peer virtual currency Bitcoin made its debut in the year 2009, and the new era of cryptocurrency began.
While enforcement agencies, tax authorities as well as regulators worldwide are till now debating upon the best practices, one prominent question that is disturbing everyone is - Is Bitcoin mining ( Legal or Illegal?
The answer to this question depends on the location and activity of the user.
A Short Story of Bitcoin mining (
As we have previously discussed in How Bitcoin mining ( Works? Bitcoin mining ( refers to the process of keeping the record of transactions to a public ledger, however, the actual users can stay hidden behind anonymous names.
The ledger is known as Blockchain, and the transactions are recorded into blocks.
Now, the mining process refers to the creation of new blocks of the transactions occurred. Once a new block is created, it is added to the public ledger, aka blockchain. And, this is done by solving complex algorithms using computer processors.
With the passage of time, the algorithms have grown even more difficult. This means that it requires more computer power and time to create a block.
Initially, 50 Bitcoins were rewarded for mining a block, then the number turned to half, and now again half 12.5.
This is what makes mining more difficult and restricts bitcoin money supply.
Essentially, any process can be used to mine bitcoin. But, without a powerful computer processor, you won't have much success.
These days, bitcoin-specific machines are available as Bitcoin mining ( rig. They are machines particularly designed to mine new bitcoins by solving algorithms needed to create new blocks.
3 Reasons Why Bitcoin mining ( Is Considered Illegal?
People believe that Bitcoin mining ( is like counterfeiting money, which is not true at all. Some governments consider bitcoin as a thret, since it competes with national currencies. Bitcoin can can also be mined illegally, which is done by using malicious viruses to hijack people's computer systems, and use their processor to mine bitcoins.
List of Countries Where Bitcoin mining ( is Legal.
The United States Canada Australia Finland Belgium United Kingdom Bulgaria Germany.
List of Countries Where Bitcoin mining ( is Illegal.
China  Vietnam Bolivia Columbia Ecuador.
You May Also Read: Blockchain in Agriculture.
Though Bitcoin is now almost 10 years old, there are countries which still don't have explicit systems that restrict, regulate or ban the cryptocurrency.
The decentralization and anonymous nature of Bitcoin is what has challenged many governments on how to allow its legal use while preventing criminal transactions.
However, many countries are still analyzing the ways to regulate the cryptocurrency. Bitcoin, overall, remains in a legal gray area for many countries in the world.
Here are a Few Articles for you to Read Next:
Kapil Gauhar.
Kapil Gauhar is the founder of Blogger's Gyan. He is a Passionate Blogger, a Big Thinker and a Creative Writer. His passion for doing friendship with words and letting people know about the wonders of the Digital World is what motivates him to take writing as a career.
Before talking about the Bitcoin mining ( hardware, let us understand the basic terminologies, which will help us understand the technicalities involving Bitcoin mining ( Recently Samsung has announced that it is going to start designing chips for mining purposes. This information came out in one of the conferences in China, and this proves that competition is going to be tough.
Hash Rate means the number of complex calculations that the hardware can complete in one second. Hash Rate increases the chances of solving complex computations, necessary to earn Bitcoin as a reward. Hash rate is measured in Megahashes or Gigahashes or Terahashes per second. The first mining hardware featured a hash rate of between 336 MH/s and 14,000,000 MH/s.
Given that Bitcoin mining ( is an investment and you have to be prepared to bear a certain cost to accomplish the mining process effectively, out of which one of the major expense is the energy cost. You can get the approximate cost in the Bitcoin mining ( calculator as per the Bitcoin mining ( contract. The more powerful the hardware, the more the electricity you consume. Before purchasing any mining hardware, you should consider the electricity consumption rating in watts, which will enable you to work out the costs of energy consumed by the unit and will help you determine the viability of BTC mining using the said hardware.
The energy consumption and hash rate numbers can help you understand the number of hashes that can be mined from every watt of electricity flowing through the mining hardware. After that, divide the hash rate by the hardware's watt consumption to get the calculation.
Nice Miner is a free Bitcoin miner which can be used by the beginners also and is popular as per the Bitcoin mining ( pool and Bitcoin mining ( websites. A USB Bitcoin miner, when connected to the PC with suitable software, performs the mining at a certain hash rate.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:00 am

HOW TO MINE DOGECOIN (Easiest Way) - Dogecoin 2021|8:48
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:02 am
The top 10 best Bitcoin mining ( hardware are:
BitMain AntMiner S5 BitMain AntMiner S7 BitMain AntMiner S9 Antminer T9 AvalonMiner 741 AntMiner L3+ BitMain AntMiner D3 Dragonmint T16 Pagolin Miner M3X Avalon6.
#1 BitMain AntMiner S5.
Even if Antminer S5 may not be the latest version like other models - S7 and S9, its function is exemplary. The Bitmain Antminer S5 features a power supply labeled 115 Volts, which draws about 560 Watts. Its power consumption needs are low, similar to those running Bitcoin mining ( computers can accommodate the Antminer S5. The unit produces about 1 GH/s for every 0.51 watts consumed with respect to its efficiency. the S3, the S5's efficiency has improved in comparison to its predecessor. This is one of the best Bitcoin miner hardware in 2020.
#2 BitMain AntMiner S7.
Since its introduction in 2015, BitMain AntMiner S7 has become one of the most popular Bitcoin mining ( hardware because of its lower power consumption factor. The power supply unit recommended for utilization the S7 is 1600 watt APW3, which is one of the best available in the market, designed specifically for Bitcoin mining ( The efficiency of AntMiner S7 depends on the effectiveness of the ambient temperature and the power supply used. But, at room temperature of around 25-degree centigrade, the S7 produces about 1300 watts.
#3 BitMain AntMiner S9.
Bitmain Antminer S9 is one of the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware available in the market as of now. It has the highest hash rate of about 14 TH/ sec. This high hash rate has been made possible with the courtesy of 3 circuit boards featuring a total of 189 chips. It is one of the efficient Bitcoin mining ( software available, where it consumes 300 watts more compared to the S7, which is twice as efficient with about 0.1 Joules per Gigahash.
#4 AntMiner T9.
AntMiner T9 is yet another Bitcoin mining ( hardware which is a bit expensive as compared to the S9. T9 consumes around 1450 watts for approximately 11.5 TH/s for Batch 23 and has an efficiency of 0.126 J/GH. Going by the numbers, S9 is better than the T9. The S9 quality chips were of a lower quality that leads to their reduced stability. But later, the T9 Miner has this problem of lower quality fixed.
#5 AvalonMiner 741.
AvalonMiner 741 is one of the affordable Bitcoin mining ( hardware which has been created by a company called Canaan. It provides a good hash rate of about 7.3 TH/s with an efficiency of 0.16 J/GH and features an air forming cooling system that enables 88 chips to function as a single unit. It even helps to keep the miner running at all times.
#6 AntMiner L3+
AntMiner L3+ has four boards containing 288 chips, which is double of its predecessor. L3+ is an easy to use mining hardware which comes packing in power having a hash rate of about 504 MH/s and uses up around 800 watts and sports efficiency of 1.6 J/MH.
#7 BitMain AntMiner D3.
AntMiner D3 is the best when it comes to Dash ASIC miners. Most of the miners are using this hardware to first mine dash coins which they convert into Bitcoins and make increased profits in the process. Bitmain Antminer D3 provides a hash rate of 15 GH/s and utilizes around 1200 Watts. It measures 320x130x190mm that actually makes it possible to have a good arrangement when running multiple miners simultaneously.
#8 Dragonmint T16.
Dragonmint T16 is the first BTC mining hardware to achieve the hash rate of 16 TH/s, making it exceptional. It needs 1600 W power supply but consumes only 0.075J/GH against 0.098J/GH in Bitmain's Antminer S9. Because of the ASICBOOST algorithm, the Dragonmint T16 efficiency can be boosted by 20 percent. It is one of the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware in 2020.
#9 Pagolin Miner M3X.
Pagolin Miner M3X is not as energy efficient or effective as its aforementioned contemporaries but is a bigger unit because of its embedded ASIC chips. It's the most power demanding Bitcoin mining ( equipment in the market, with a draw rate of between 1.8kw and 2kw. It appeals to people because of its high hash rate of 13 TH/s.
#10 Avalon6.
Avalon6 is one of the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware for beginners. The setup process is pretty simple and is one of the profitable ones which has been around for a while. From the 1050W it draws, it only manages to produce 3.5 TH/s. Unfortunately, Avalon6 doesn't come with its own power supply and they can be bought separately. The Avalon6 makes a good unit to run in an office or at home that might well lose money but serves a very altruistic purpose by securing the network.
Bitcoin mining ( might prove to be profitable to some individuals as the equipment is easily obtained and are flexible as per the different environment. They can perform a cost/benefit analysis to understand the breakeven price. There are several web-based profitability calculators that help analyze the cost-benefit equation. Even individuals can join a mining pool to compete against mega-mining centers.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:02 am

How To Mine DogeCoin|12:19
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:03 am

Dogecoin Mining ( Tutorial - Fast and Easy!|10:32
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:03 am
FAQs on Bitcoin mining ( Hardware.
Can I mine Bitcoin on my PC?
The least powerful way to mine Bitcoin is through the computer. As it needs a large amount of power consumption, there are heavy machines required to successfully mine Bitcoin, to get rewarded.
2. How many Bitcoins can be mined per day?
144 blocks per day are mined on average, and there are 12.5 bitcoins per block. 144 x 12.5 is 1,800, so that's the average amount of new bitcoins mined per day. Because many miners are adding new hash power, over the last few years blocks have often been found at 9 and a half minute intervals rather than 10.
3. How long does it take to mine a Bitcoin?
It takes 10 minutes to mine one Bitcoin.
4. How do I start mining Bitcoin?
You can refer here to understand the process carefully.
5. Can you make money as a Bitcoin miner?
Yes, you can, once you create a block and you can earn a reward of 12.5 BTC, which should be equally split amongst the miners, who have pooled the resources.
6. What is the most effective Bitcoin miner?
The above-mentioned miners are all effective, but you should do research before going for any.
7. How much does it cost to mine 1 Bitcoin?
As per the recent analysis by Elite Fixtures, U.S. is the 40th cheapest to mine a single Bitcoin, with an average cost of $4758.
8. Are AntMiner s9 and v9 profitable?
Both are good, but s9 is more popular.
9. What is a USB Bitcoin miner?
A USB Bitcoin miner, when connected to the PC with suitable software, performs the mining at a certain hash rate.
10. What is the fastest Bitcoin miner?
Out of all the Bitcoin miners, Dragonmint is considered pretty fast, as it has the highest hash rate of 16TH per second.
Bitcoin mining ( Hardware: How to Choose the Best One.
Best Bitcoin mining ( hardware: Your top choices for choosing the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware for building the ultimate Bitcoin mining ( machine.
Last Updated: November 19, 2020.
Hey there! Let me welcome you to this guide to choosing the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware. If you're wanting to get started earning a passive income mining Bitcoin, you've come to the right place. This guide will explain the differences between the top Bitcoin mining ( rigs on the market today.
If you don't know your DragonMints from your Antminers, don't worry. As usual, I'll be explaining all that to you in an easy to understand way. This guide to Bitcoin mining ( machines will cover the following:
What is Bitcoin mining ( How to pick a Bitcoin mining ( machine depending on your own circumstances. A look at the top mining units on the market today. I'll cover: the DragonMint T1, Antminer T9+, Antminer R4, Avalon6, Antminer S9, and the PangolinMiner M3X. There will also be hints as to which kind of miner each of these will appeal to. A handy table to help you compare each of the units.
As always, there's loads to get through in this guide to the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware around. Without further ado, let's begin!
1. What is Bitcoin mining ( 2. Mining Hardware Depends on Your Circumstances 3. The Best Mining Hardware 3.1. Best Bitcoin mining ( Hardware on a Budget - Antminer T9+ 4. Best for Beginners - Avalon6 4.1. Best for Home Use - Antminer R4 4.2. Best if Money is no Object - DragonMint T1 4.3. Antminer S9 - The Next Best Thing to the DragonMint T1 4.4. Best if avoiding Bitmain and Can't Get a DragonMint - PangolinMiner M3X 4.5. Mining Hardware Comparison Table 5. Conclusion.
The role of Bitcoin mining ( is to verify that transactions on the network follow the rules. To do this, complex computer units are used to check the transactions and broadcast them to other computer systems around the world. The operators of these computer systems are rewarded for their efforts. This reward comes from both the fees that each transaction and a mining reward set by the network itself.
To stop people cheating the network, a system known as "proof-of-work" is used. Proof-of-work is needed before any group (block) of transactions is added to the blockchain. When the computers are performing their proof-of-work, what they're doing is trying to guess a long string of numbers and letters. This string is known as a hash.
Only the computer that correctly guesses the hash can add the block to the chain. Proof-of-work requires computational power and the process is neither quick or cheap. To cheat the network would require so much of an investment that it is not financially viable for someone to try and amend the blockchain. This is the main security feature of the Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrency) networks.
Bitcoin mining ( used to be able to be performed by CPUs (central processing units) like those found in your computer system at home. However, as more units began to mine the network, the difficulty of the hashes they were trying to guess increased. This made people turn to higher powered processors such as GPUs (graphical processing units). These GPUs are commonly found in high-end gaming PCs.
Today, the hashes are so hard to solve and there are so many miners trying to solve them that only specialist computer systems can solve them. These units use application-specific integrated circuit chips - or ASICs for short. That is what this article is all about!
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:04 am

Solo CPU mining Dogecoin in 2020|9:44
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:04 am

Dogecoin Mining ( Tutorial January 2021🚀 - Fast and Easy!|2:16
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:17 am
Mining Hardware Depends on Your Circumstances.
Although Bitcoin miners are now limited to choosing from a range of ASICs to mine Bitcoin, there are still plenty of options. Picking one will depend on each miner's individual circumstances. Some miners will want a single unit that can work in their spare bedroom. Others will want a couple of affordable ASICs to get themselves started mining for the first time. Finally, there are some people who want to fill a warehouse with the absolute best Bitcoin mining ( hardware around.
There are lots of things to consider when picking Bitcoin mining ( hardware. It's important to judge each unit based on their hashing power, their electricity consumption, their ambient temperature, and their initial cost to buy.
There are also some ideological reasons to choose one manufacturer over another. These relate to decentralisation and I'll touch upon some of the issues that surround this later in this article.
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The Best Mining Hardware.
Finally, I can get down to the real topic of this article - Bitcoin mining ( hardware. I've looking at Bitcoin mining ( rigs from some of the biggest and best-known manufacturers on the planet to create this list.
I've also tried to group the different devices in terms of the applications that they're best suited for. I'll be giving you my recommendations for Bitcoin mining ( rigs for:
People on a tight budget. People wanting to mine at home. Those who have never mined Bitcoin before. People who are looking to spend the most on the most power Bitcoin mining ( hardware around. A couple of alternative choices for professional miners who can't locate enough DragonMint T1s for their operation.
Best Bitcoin mining ( Hardware on a Budget - Antminer T9+
For Bitcoin miners that are on a budget, one of the best Bitcoin mining ( rigs around is the Antminer T9+. It can be picked up much more cheaply that most of the other devices on this list. However, don't let the price tag fool you -- it's still a decent machine.
As well as being great for those concerned about the price of their mining unit, the Antminer T9+ is ideal when space is a concern. This is because it features a compact design. This makes it great for cramming lots of units into a mining rig farm. If this is how you intend to use your ASIC miners, you'll be even more glad of the temperature reducing features of the Antminer T9+. You'll be saving a lot of money on extraction equipment too.
In terms of the hardware this unit uses, the Antminer T9+ features 162 of Bitmain's BM1387 chips. This allows it to produce a brilliant hash rate of 10.5 TH/s whilst drawing just 1332W from the wall.
As well as being a great performer, the Antminer T9+ also has an easy to grasp user-interface. This is used to configure various settings and make upgrades to the firmware as new releases come from Bitmain.
Being priced between $550 and $600 per Bitcoin mining ( rig, the Antminer T9+ is certainly the most affordable unit on our list. You can pick one up from here.
Unfortunately, like the average Bitcoin mining ( machine, the power supply is sold separately.
Be s t for Beginners - Avalon6.
The next piece of Bitcoin mining ( hardware I'll be looking at is one for the beginners to Bitcoin mining ( The creators of the Avalon6 Bitcoin mining ( rig, Canaan Creative, built it with simplicity in mind.
The Avalon6 Bitcoin miner is one of the easiest ASIC units to setup. Both the advanced and basic procedure is simple, and this makes the device great for beginners. Unfortunately, it's not the most profitable unit around. From the 1050W it draws from the wall, it only manages to produce 3.5 TH/s.
Whilst it's certainly not going to impress any serious Bitcoin miners, the ease with which you can set up this bit of kit, along with the affordable price tag will make it a great unit for those wanting to get started in the world of Bitcoin mining (
Unfortunately, like most of our units on this guide to Bitcoin mining ( hardware, the Avalon6 doesn't come with its own power supply. These are sold separately.
There are options to buy the unit itself directly from Canaan Creative, but these are only for bulk orders. Fortunately, it's possible to pick them up in smaller order sizes for around $650 each from here.
Running an Avalon6 (or Any Bitcoin mining ( Machine) Not for Profit?
As well as being great for beginners, the Avalon6 is a good piece of hardware for those who want to mine Bitcoin without making a profit. This might sound bizarre at first but there is a very good reason why people would want to mine Bitcoin without necessarily generating profits.
Put simply, the more units mining on a cryptocurrency network, the more secure that network is. The robustness of Bitcoin's security comes from its decentralization. There are many hobbyists and passionate developers around the world who either are not able or don't want to mine Bitcoin for a profit. There are many reasons that this could be the case. These include but are not limited to the following:
Not having an area of your home that you want to dedicate to running multiple mining units. Living somewhere very hot meaning that all that equipment running would generate an unbearable amount of heat. The electricity being too expensive to generate a profit from running Bitcoin mining ( rigs. You're not at home often enough to bother setting up a Bitcoin mining ( rig farm that could, after all, represent a fire hazard.
The Avalon6 makes a good unit to run in an office or at home that might well lose money but serves a very altruistic purpose - securing the network. For many developers, the cost of running their mining rig is a small price to pay for complete financial freedom from banks and other institutions that have absolute control over the creation of and supply of money.
Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Reviews & Comparison.
By: Ofir Beigel | Last updated: 6/21/20.
Initially, Bitcoin mining ( was a simple task even home computers could participate in. Today, mining is done by ultra-powerful computers that are designed for that sole purpose. In this post I'll cover the best mining hardware available today.
Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Summary.
Nowadays, the only way to participate in Bitcoin mining ( is through dedicated miners known as ASIC miners. As mining evolves, more and more companies begin manufacturing dedicated hardware.
The top Bitcoin miners on the market today are:
That's Bitcoin mining ( hardware in a nutshell. If you want a deeper understanding of how to choose your miner keep on reading. Here's what I'll cover:
1. Bitcoin mining ( Evolution.
Before I get into the various miners on the market today, I want to make sure you're familiar with what Bitcoin mining ( is. If you already know about the purpose of mining and how it integrates with the Bitcoin network, feel free to skip this part.
If not, here's our Bitcoin mining ( whiteboard video to get you up to speed:
Mining has moved from being something you can do from the comfort of your own home to a specialized occupation that requires a lot of time and capital.
Miners evolved from using PCs to GPUs (graphics processing unit) and later on to FPGAs (field-programmable gate array) before reaching their current state of ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) mining.
Today, if you try to mine with anything other than an ASIC miner, you're in for a disappointment. ASICs are built specifically for Bitcoin mining ( and are therefore the most efficient type of miner out there.
For reference, a single ASIC miner has the equivalent mining power of 700 GPUs. Therefor, the massive move of miners toward ASIC hardware is easily understandable.
Clear evidence of this is the Bitcoin network total hashrate, which has exceeded the incredible milestone of 120 exahash per second (that's 120,000,000,000,000,000,000 hash calculations per second!).
Image courtesy of
Today's focus is on creating smaller chips for ASIC mining in order to produce more powerful miners. The smaller the chip, the more chips you can put inside a miner, increasing its mining capabilities.
The smallest chip introduced commercially to date is a 7 nm (nanometer) chip by Bitmain and their Antminer S17. However, 5 nm chips are expected to be introduced shortly by Bitmain and Canaan.
2. Evaluating a Miner.
When you want to evaluate a miner, there are usually three main factors you need to check:
How much electricity does the miner consume? This is important since you're going to run a huge electric bill if you mine Bitcoin. This is measured in watts, and the lower the number, the better.
This is how much power the miner has to solve the mining math problem. It basically measures how many guesses the miner can make per second.
While a personal computer can make a few million guesses per second, today's ASICs can make 1*10^12 guesses per second. The higher you hashrate is, the better.
Energy Efficiency.
While having a high hashrate is good, if you're wasting a lot of energy to get it you'll be losing money in the end.
Efficiency is basically calculating how much power is required to generate a single bitcoin. An efficient miner requires less electricity to mine Bitcoin.
Efficiency is calculated by dividing energy consumption with hashrate. This way you can effectively measure miners against one another.
All of the above factors are important for calculating profitability, so make sure you have them all before proceeding.
Once you have this information, you can insert it into a Bitcoin mining ( calculator and estimate how many bitcoins you'll be able to mine per timeframe.
Difficulty Factor Hash Rate BTC/USD Exchange Rate BTC/Block Reward Pool Fees % Hardware Cost (USD) Power (Watts) Power Cost (USD/kWh) Duration Calculation Estimated Profit in USD Show Details.
Keep in mind that this calculation will never be 100% accurate since you can't know for sure the exact difficulty measurement at the moment, or what will happen to Bitcoin's price a week from today.
3. Notable Mining Hardware Companies.
Bitmain Technologies.
The most well-known mining hardware manufacturer around, Bitmain was founded in 2013 in China and today has offices in several countries around the world.
The company developed the Antminer, a series of ASIC miners dedicated to mining cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Dash.
Bitmain is also in charge of two of the largest mining pools around: and Antpool.
While Bitmain is respected for its technical excellence and reliable delivery, the company is also criticized by many Bitcoin enthusiasts for a variety of reasons:
Its monopolization of ASIC manufacturing and mining Its role in delaying the SegWit upgrade to Bitcoin Its support and promotion of Bitcoin Cash Its alleged anti-competitive practices Its questionable methods, such as the Antbleed vulnerability and the covert AsicBoost scandal.
It's likely that the bulk of mining equipment today consists of Bitmain miners, based on analysis placing Bitmain's share of the ASIC market at 70%-80%.
However, since these controversial events and some setbacks and closures, Bitmain has adopted a less aggressive business strategy. It's likely that the bulk of mining equipment today consists of Bitmain miners, based on analysis placing Bitmain's share of the ASIC market at 60%-70%.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:17 am

How to mine Dogecoin in less than 10 mins GPU/CPU MINING 2021|4:22
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:18 am

How to Mine DogeCoin in 2021 (SUPER EASY)|5:40
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:18 am
MicroBT or Bit Micro is a relative newcomer to the space but a successful one; they sold 650,000 ASICs in 2019 and are shaping up to be a strong rival to Bitmain and Canaan. They are based in China, specifically the tech production hotspot of Shenzen.
MicroBT manufactures the Whatsminer range of ASICs, and have so far produced 5 series in this range: the Whatsminer D1, M10, M20, M21, and the current generation M30.
The company has certainly enjoyed a strong start, released some competitive products, and it will be exciting to follow their development.
Canaan Creative.
Canaan was founded in 2013 in Beijing by N.G. Zhang. Canaan began as a producer of FPGAs, the mining hardware that preceded ASICs.
In November of 2019, Canaan raised a total of $90 million by listing on the Nasdaq, a tech-focused stock market in the USA. Canaan was the first ASIC manufacturer to list publicly.
Canaan is the world's second-largest ASIC producer. The company has a wealth of experience in electronic design and production. It's clear that this veteran industry player has big plans for its future.
Innosilicon Technology.
Innosilicon is a hardware company with design teams in China and North America, Innosilicon pride themselves on providing low cost, high-performance, fully customizable solutions combined with award winning customer design support.
Their IP can be found in millions of mobile, multimedia and consumer electronic devices such as: tablets, cell phones, HD set-top boxes, TV, cameras, network devices, computing ICs that have achieved leading market shares.
The company has entered the cryptocurrency mining market and introduced the Terminator series for mining Bitcoin, with their latest miner being the T3+ Pro.
GMO Internet.
*June 2020 update: Due to lack of profitability, GMO Internet has stopped producing mining hardware .
Japanese giant GMO Internet has also introduced a line of Bitcoin miners.
While GMO Internet is mainly engaged in the Internet infrastructure business, it also runs other businesses such as online advertising & media, Internet financial services, mobile entertainment, and of course cryptocurrency.
The company has also launched several crypto exchanges and it runs a mining business and cloud mining contracts.
Zhejiang Ebang Communication.
Ebang mainly engages in R&D, manufacture and sales of fiber optical telecommunication products. The company is also one of the largest ASIC chip manufacturers in their region. Ebang miners carry the Ebit brand.
On April 2020 Ebang filed for an IPO on the U.S stock market listing , so the company definitely has big plans for the future.
Bitfury is a veteran Bitcoin hardware and software company formed back in 2011. The company conducts large-scale mining operations on its own and has been known to account for large amounts of the Bitcoin network hashrate.
The company offers several products including an ASIC mining chip called Clarke, an enterprise grade Bitcoin mining ( server called Tardis and a portable Bitcoin mining ( data center called BlockBox.
The company has data center operations in Iceland, the Republic of Georgia, Canada and Norway, which process and transmit bitcoin transactions.
The blockbox ac by Bitfury.
4. Best Bitcoin Miners for 2020.
While you can find a wide variety of miners on the market, it's highly recommended to use the latest models out there since they will give you the best return on investment. Here's a short overview of the top miners around.
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Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Guide.
The best Bitcoin mining ( hardware has evolved dramatically since 2009.
At first, miners used their central processing unit (CPU) to mine, but soon this wasn't fast enough and it bogged down the system resources of the host computer. Miners quickly moved on to using the graphical processing unit (GPU) in computer graphics cards because they were able to hash data 50 to 100 times faster and consumed much less power per unit of work.
During the winter of 2011, a new industry sprang up with custom equipment that pushed the performance standards even higher. The first wave of these specialty Bitcoin mining ( devices were easy to use Bitcoin miners were based on field-programmable gate array (FPGA) processors and attached to computers using a convenient USB connection.
FPGA miners used much less power than CPU's or GPU's and made concentrated mining farms possible for the first time.
Today's modern and best Bitcoin mining ( hardware.
Application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) miners have taken over completely. These ASIC machines mine at unprecedented speeds while consuming much less power than FPGA or GPU mining rigs. Several reputable companies have established themselves with excellent products.
Two major factors go into determining the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware: (1) cost and (2) electricity efficiency.
ASIC Bitcoin mining ( Hardware.
Application-specific integrated circuit chips (ASICs) are Bitcoin mining ( hardware created solely to solve Bitcoin blocks. They have only minimal requirements for other normal computer applications. Consequently, ASIC Bitcoin mining ( systems can solve Bitcoin blocks much quicker and use less less electricity or power than older Bitcoin mining ( hardware like CPUs, GPUs or FPGAs.
As Bitcoin mining ( increases in popularity and the Bitcoin price rises so does the value of ASIC Bitcoin mining ( hardware. As more Bitcoin mining ( hardware is deployed to secure the Bitcoin network the Bitcoin difficulty rises. This makes it impossible to profitably compete without a Bitcoin ASIC system. Furthermore, Bitcoin ASIC technology keeps getting faster, more efficient and more productive so it keeps pushing the limits of what makes the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware.
Some models of Bitcoin miners include Antminer S5, Antminer U3, ASICMiner BE Tube, ASICMiner BE Prisma, Avalon 2, Avalon 3, BTC Garden AM-V1 616 GH/s, VMC PLATINUM 6 MODULE, and USB miners.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:19 am

DogeMinning - New Free Dogecoin Cloud Mining ( Site 2020 - Free Signup Bonus 10000 Doge Live Proof|7:56
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:19 am
AntMiner U2.
2 Gh/s 1.0 W/Gh 0.8 ounces Yes N/A.
BPMC Red Fury USB.
2.5 Gh/s 0.96 W/Gh 1.6 ounces Yes N/A.
9.5 Gh/s 0.33 W/Gh 0.8 ounces Yes N/A.
For those not interested in operating the actual hardware then they can purchase Bitcoin cloud mining contracts. Being listed in this section is NOT an endorsement of these services. There have been a tremendous amount of Bitcoin cloud mining scams.
Full List of Mining Hardware.
Miner Capacity Efficiency Price AntMiner S1 180 Gh/s 2.0 W/Gh N/A AntMiner S2 1000 Gh/s 1.1 W/Gh N/A AntMiner S3 441 Gh/s 0.77 W/Gh N/A AntMiner S4 2000 Gh/s 0.7 W/Gh N/A AntMiner S5 1155 Gh/s 0.51 W/Gh N/A AntMiner S5+ 7722 Gh/s 0.44 W/Gh N/A AntMiner S7 4.73 Th/s 0.25 W/Gh N/A AntMiner S9 13.5 Th/s 0.098 W/Gh N/A AntMiner U1 2 Gh/s 1.25 W/Gh N/A AntMiner U2 2 Gh/s 1.0 W/Gh N/A AntMiner U3 63 Gh/s 1.0 W/Gh N/A ASICMiner BE Blade 11 Gh/s 7.72 W/Gh N/A ASICMiner BE Cube 30 Gh/s 6.67 W/Gh N/A ASICMiner BE Sapphire 0 Gh/s 7.59 W/Gh N/A ASICMiner BE Tube 800 Gh/s 1.13 W/Gh N/A ASICMiner BE Prisma 1400 Gh/s 0.79 W/Gh N/A Avalon Batch 1 66 Gh/s 9.35 W/Gh N/A Avalon Batch 2 82 Gh/s 8.54 W/Gh N/A Avalon Batch 3 82 Gh/s 8.54 W/Gh N/A Avalon2 300 Gh/s N/A N/A Avalon3 800 Gh/s N/A N/A Avalon6 3.5 Th/s 0.29 W/Gh N/A bi*fury 5 Gh/s 0.85 W/Gh N/A BFL SC 5Gh/s 5 Gh/s 6.0 W/Gh N/A BFL SC 10 Gh/s 10 Gh/s N/A N/A BFL SC 25 Gh/s 25 Gh/s 6.0 W/Gh N/A BFL Little Single 30 Gh/s N/A N/A BFL SC 50 Gh/s 50 Gh/s 6.0 W/Gh N/A BFL Single 'SC' 60 Gh/s 4.0 W/Gh N/A BFL 230 GH/s Rack Mount 230 Gh/s N/A N/A BFL 500 GH/s Mini Rig SC 500 Gh/s 5.4 W/Gh N/A BFL Monarch 700GH/s 700 Gh/s 0.7 W/Gh N/A BitFury S.B. N/A N/A N/A Avalon Clone 85GH 85 Gh/s 7.65 W/Gh N/A Black Arrow Prospero X-1 100 Gh/s 1.0 W/Gh N/A Black Arrow Prospero X-3 2000 Gh/s 1.0 W/Gh N/A Blue Fury 3 Gh/s 1.0 W/Gh N/A BTC Garden AM-V1 310 GH/s 310 Gh/s 1.05 W/Gh N/A BTC Garden AM-V1 616 GH/s 616 Gh/s 1.05 W/Gh N/A CoinTerra TerraMiner IV 1600 Gh/s 1.31 W/Gh N/A Drillbit N/A N/A N/A HashBuster Micro 20 Gh/s 1.15 W/Gh N/A HashBuster Nano N/A N/A N/A HashCoins Apollo v3 1100 Gh/s 0.91 W/Gh N/A HashCoins Zeus v3 4500 Gh/s 0.67 W/Gh N/A HashFast Baby Jet 400 Gh/s 1.1 W/Gh N/A HashFast Sierra 1200 Gh/s 1.1 W/Gh N/A HashFast Sierra Evo 3 2000 Gh/s 1.1 W/Gh N/A Klondike 5 Gh/s 6.15 W/Gh N/A KnCMiner Mercury 100 Gh/s 2.5 W/Gh N/A KnC Saturn 250 Gh/s 1.2 W/Gh N/A KnC Jupiter 500 Gh/s 1.2 W/Gh N/A KnC Neptune 3000 Gh/s 0.7 W/Gh N/A LittleFury N/A N/A N/A Metabank 120 Gh/s 1.42 W/Gh N/A NanoFury / IceFury 2 Gh/s 1.25 W/Gh N/A NanoFury NF2 4 Gh/s 1.35 W/Gh N/A BPMC Red Fury USB 2.5 Gh/s 0.96 W/Gh N/A ROCKMINER R3-BOX 450 Gh/s 1.0 W/Gh N/A ROCKMINER R4-BOX 470 Gh/s 1.0 W/Gh N/A ROCKMINER Rocket BOX 450 Gh/s 1.07 W/Gh N/A ROCKMINER R-BOX 32 Gh/s 1.41 W/Gh N/A ROCKMINER R-BOX 110G 110 Gh/s 1.09 W/Gh N/A ROCKMINER T1 800G 800 Gh/s 1.25 W/Gh N/A Spondooliestech SP10 Dawson 1400 Gh/s 0.89 W/Gh N/A SP20 Jackson 1.3-1.7 Th/s 0.65 W/Gh N/A Spondooliestech SP30 Yukon 4500 Gh/s 0.67 W/Gh N/A Spondooliestech SP31 Yukon 4900 Gh/s 0.61 W/Gh N/A Spondooliestech SP35 Yukon 5500 Gh/s 0.66 W/Gh N/A TerraHash Klondike 16 5 Gh/s 7.11 W/Gh N/A TerraHash Klondike 64 18 Gh/s 7.06 W/Gh N/A TerraHash DX Mini (full) 90 Gh/s 7.11 W/Gh N/A TerraHash DX Large (full) 180 Gh/s 7.11 W/Gh N/A Twinfury 5 Gh/s 0.85 W/Gh N/A Avalon USB Nano3 3.6 Gh/s 0.85 W/Gh N/A GekkoScience 9.5 Gh/s 0.33 W/Gh N/A.
U.S.-based asset manager, Digital Asset Investment Management, or DAiM, has launched the country's first employer-sponsored 401K retirement plans supporting Bitcoin.
The outgoing SEC Chairman Jay Clayton, who oversaw the rejection of nine Bitcoin (BTC) exchange-traded funds during his tenure, has told CNBC that "inefficiencies" in.
Mainstream media outlets are finally reporting on the recent rally that saw Bitcoin creep close to its all-time high -- but some commentators appear to be determined to spread.
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A Bitcoin mining ( calculator allows you to determine how much can you profit from a certain Bitcoin miner. It takes into account all relevant costs, such as hardware, electricity, and fees.
Bitcoin mining ( calculator Summary.
Enter the hash rate of your Bitcoin mining ( hardware (mandatory). Enter additional optional information, such as pool fees, electricity costs, etc. The more information you enter, the more accurate the result will be. Results will be displayed automatically in USD (to see the detailed calculation, click "Show Details"). Some values (e.g. the exchange rate) are updated automatically with the latest network stats. However, you can adjust any value manually to simulate possible scenarios.
For a detailed explanation about each part of the calculator keep on reading. Here's what I'll cover:
1. Calculating Bitcoin mining ( Profitability.
Bitcoin mining ( secures the Bitcoin network. Without miners, there would be no one to update Bitcoin's ledger, which is known as the blockchain. The more miners you have, the more decentralized and secure the network is. Due to miners' crucial role in the network, an incentive system was designed so that miners will be compensated for providing their services.
Each block mined by miners contains a block reward--a fixed amount of Bitcoins that are paid out to the miner that mined the block.
While mining today is very competitive, it's possible to run a successful and profitable mining operation. Let's outline the many factors that will determine whether or not your mining operation will be profitable.
Hardware Costs.
The up-front cost of mining hardware is usually the largest expense for any new mining operation. Just like good computers cost more money, good mining hardware is expensive. There are three main mining hardware manufacturers today that supply miners on the market.
When purchasing mining hardware, you will want to look at a miner's hash rate measured in Terra Hash (Th/s). A higher hash rate means a more powerful miner.
Miners also generate heat and need to be supplied with electricity. Unless you already have the needed parts, you will likely need to purchase cooling fans and power supplies. Make sure to take these into account and add them into the "hardware cost" section of the calculator.
Hardware Efficiency.
Hash power alone is not enough to determine the quality of a miner. Similar to the way cars are rated by their MPG (miles per gallon), miners are valued by how many Bitcoins they yield according to the electricity they consume.
The reason for that is that miners use massive amounts of electricity, and electricity costs money. In short, you want a miner that has a high hash rate and uses the provided electricity efficiently.
W/Gh (watts per gigahash) is the metric used to display a miner's efficiency. The lower this number, the more efficient the miner.
Electricity Costs.
Electricity costs can make or break a mining operation. A huge monthly electric bill means significant costs on top of the up-front cost of the hardware.
China's cheap electricity is one of the reasons why nearly 60% of Bitcoin's network hashing power is located there. In the United States, for example, most mining hardware is run in Washington State, where power costs are relatively cheap thanks to hydroelectricity. Venezuela's crisis and the cheap electricity resulting from it have made Bitcoin mining ( extremely profitable there.
Electric costs for cooling are yet another factor to consider, as miners generate significant heat during the mining process. Insufficient cooling may impair your mining operation or even lead to irreparable damage in the hardware. However, there are ways to harness this by-product to your advantage.
Creative miners in cold areas can use the heat generated by miners to heat their houses in the winter. If the heat generated by miners will partly replace your normal heating costs, it can be another way to save money and improve your chances of profitability.
Additionally, miners in cold areas also have an advantage because they may not need to use extra fans to cool the hardware.
Mining Difficulty and Network Hash Power.
In order to keep Bitcoin's inflation in check, as more miners join the network the difficulty is raised i.e. it gets harder to mine. This ensures that Bitcoin blocks are mined, on average, every 10 minutes. In other words, a higher difficulty is indicative of more hash power on the network (i.e more or stronger miners are at work).
Mining revenue is based partially on the current difficulty to mine Bitcoins. Difficulty can (and will) change. Stay alert to advances in mining technology and efficiency to get a better idea of how the network's hash rate and difficulty may look down the line. From past experience, it usually goes up as time goes by (on average 0.4% per day).
Bitcoin Price.
Bitcoin's price is extremely volatile and can't be predicted. Mining Revenue is shown in USD based on the exchange rate at the time of calculation.
This means, you may calculate your profitability today with a Bitcoin price of X and experience a price drop to Y a day afterward that will significantly affect your profitability. In short, be prepared for price movements and understand that Bitcoin's price is a factor that you cannot control.
Unlike Bitcoin's price, the Bitcoin block reward is predictable: every four years (or 210,000 blocks to be exact), the amount of Bitcoins awarded for each block, is cut in half. In 2012, the reward was cut from 50 Bitcoins per block to 25 and is now 12.5 Bitcoins per block. In 2020, this reward will fall to just 6.25 Bitcoins per block, and so forth.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:20 am

How to mine Dogecoin in 2021|2:20
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:20 am

Is Mining ( Dogecoin in February 2018 Profitable?|7:42
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:21 am
Note that while each halving cuts miners' reward in half, the increase in demand that results may lead to Bitcoin's price rising, keeping mining profitable.
2. Frequently Asked Questions.
How Do I Start Mining Bitcoin?
Get a Bitcoin miner Join a mining pool Install a mining software Start mining.
How Many Bitcoins Can You Mine in a Day?
In June of 2019, if you use the Antminer S17 Pro (56 TH/s, 2212 Watts) with an electricity cost of $0.12/Kw you can mine 0.00188769 Bitcoin in one day. However this calculation might be outdated when you read this as Bitcoin's difficulty changes every two weeks. It's best to run a new calculation before starting to mine with updated stats.
How long does it take to mine a Bitcoin?
Assuming you're using the Antminer S17 on June 2019 it would take 531 days to mine a full Bitcoin with the Antminer S17. However this calculation might be outdated when you read this as Bitcoin's difficulty changes every two weeks. It's best to run a new calculation before starting to mine with updated stats.
It's still possible to make a profit from Bitcoin mining ( if you have the right hardware and low enough electricity costs. However, today mining as a hobby is almost non-existent due to the fierce competition in this field. If you're serious about mining you should conduct ample research before buying your first miner.
Also, remember that revenue is NOT profit. You have to take into account additional mining expenses or missing expenses that weren't entered into the calculator. (e.g. the cost of your mining hardware or the electricity it takes to run it and cool it down if necessary).
3. Conclusion: A Bitcoin mining ( Calculator Predicts the Future.
To conclude, a Bitcoin mining ( calculator can give you a much better idea about your potential to run a profitable mining operation. Remember, however, that some factors such as Bitcoin's price and mining difficulty, change every day and can have dramatic effects on profitability, so it's important to conduct up to date calculations when needed.
If you have additional comments or questions feel free to leave them on the comment section below.
Bitcoin mining ( Calculator & Profitability Calculator.
Bitcoin (BTC) Mining Calculator is a simple calculator which can be used to calculate profitability or number of bitcoins can be generated using specific Bitcoin mining ( hardware. To use the same you will need the configuration of your mining hardware and the electricity price in the area you are going to setup the Bitcoin mining ( rig.
How does Bitcoin (BTC) Mining Calculator Works?
This Bitcoin mining ( calculator will help you predict the amount of profit that you will be making based on the various factors that influence the mining operation. It works on a simple principle. Takes the input value of your mining hardware feeds it into the Bitcoin mining ( Algorithm does the calculation and predicts the profit/revenue or you can no of bitcoin generated and profitability of the same.
Here's a look at how our mining calculator works:
Basically, you first need to consider the Hash Rate of your miner - the higher the hash rate , the faster it can mine for Bitcoins. Hash Rate is usually measured in GH/s (GigaHashes per Second).
Next, you need to enter the amount of power (in terms of Watts) that your mining device consumes.
After that, the price of the power is considered - the price at which you get electricity. The lower the price of electricity, the more profitable your Bitcoin mining ( operation is.
Pool fees percentage is also considered in this - most Bitcoin mining ( pools charge a small fee. After deducting that percentage of the fees, you can get a better, clearer picture of the profitability of your mining.
Mining difficulty is also considered as a factor. Ever since the Bitcoin network went live, mining difficulty has been constantly increasing - the higher the difficulty, the harder it is for miners to mine for Bitcoin.
Another crucial factor here is the block reward - basically, the number of Bitcoins released upon solving a block: this number keeps reducing by 50% every four years. The current block reward is 12.5 BTC per block, which will reduce to 6.25 BTC per block in May 2020.
Finally, the Bitcoin price is also taken into account: which has a major impact on Bitcoin mining ( profits. The higher the price of BTC, the more profitable your mining operation is. Also, you can see the Bitcoin Price Prediction calculate.
When you enter all these factors into the Bitcoin mining ( calculator, the profitability of the mining operation is determined. The mining calculator shows you your profits on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis.
The Need for a Bitcoin mining ( Calculator.
Mining is much more than just something that you do to gain Bitcoins. It is a proper investment and it requires a detailed thought process behind it. No investment is usually made without keeping the profitability in mind - and Bitcoin mining ( Calculators help you determine the profitability of your mining operations.
Considering that in the world of cryptocurrency, everything is so dynamic - one always needs to keep a track of their progress - and how profitable their mining operations continue to be. Sometimes, these 'dynamic changes' can be internal - such as an increasing mining difficulty or a drop in the block reward. However, there can be some external changes too - such as the cost of electricity or a change in the pool fees percentage.
Keeping all these factors in mind is essential and any change in any of these factors would change the profitability of your mining operations. The most important factor, however, continues to be the price of Bitcoin. The higher the price of Bitcoin goes, the more profitable a mining operation becomes and the lower it falls, the profits fall along with it.
Hence, a Bitcoin mining ( Calculator helps you check at all the times about how profitable your operation is, keeping all the other factors in consideration. You can pause or resume your mining operations on the basis of the profitability - to ensure that you are not making any losses while mining.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:21 am

Is dual mining more profitable? is it worth it? ETH/ETC/PIRL+VERGE(XVG)|8:11
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:21 am

How To Mine Ethereum Plus Zilliqa|5:46
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:22 am
Bitcoin's Price Volatility.
The biggest factor that determines your Bitcoin mining ( operation is the price of Bitcoin itself. Anyone who invests in Bitcoins must know about the price volatility. Bitcoin, which went from $950 to $19,500 in 2017 - has been on a major downtrend in 2018. However, the potential to bounce back is immense.
The price of Bitcoin can be the make-or-break factor for all mining operations. When the price rises, mining operations can provide extremely high returns. However, when the price declines, the profitability of the Bitcoin mining ( operation to goes down.
To understand Bitcoin's price volatility, one has to understand some basic economic concepts: that of demand and supply. When the demand for Bitcoin rises, people begin to buy it in large numbers - and the more Bitcoin is purchased, the higher the price rises. This is because there are only a limited number of Bitcoins in circulation - the lesser Bitcoins remain in circulation, the higher the price would be. However, when people begin to sell their Bitcoins - and the Bitcoins in circulation rise, the price of the currency falls because of abundance. The lesser the supply the greater the price of the currency.
Moreover, there are a number of other reasons which can result in Bitcoin's price fluctuations. Sometimes, government actions such as China banning cryptocurrency exchanges or Korea launching a probe in crypto exchanges in the nation result in price crashes. Other times, it might be an external malicious force such as a group of hackers who break into an exchange, stealing cryptocurrencies. These kinds of events lead to a fall in the price.
Every time there's a major fluctuation in the Bitcoin prices, miners need to check the impact of the change of prices on their profitability using a Bitcoin mining ( Calculator. Our Bitcoin mining ( calculator automatically grabs the latest Bitcoin price to ensure that you are shown the latest results based on the current price of Bitcoin.
How can the Bitcoin (BTC) mining profitability be calculated? - Factors That Influence Your Bitcoin mining ( Profits.
There are a number of factors that influence your Bitcoin mining ( profitability: while the most basic factor, as we have discussed above in detail - is the price of the Bitcoin itself, there are also a number of other factors that need to be considered before you begin your mining operations. Let us take a look at three main factors which affect mining profitability.
Investment into the mining setup: One factor that many people tend to miss out is the investment that they make on the mining setup. Bitcoin mining ( is not a cheap affair and it often requires thousands of dollars to set up a proper mining rig with multiple ASIC miners. It often takes miners months or even years to break even on that initial investment that they put in, after which it is all profit. A Bitcoin mining ( calculator can be used to check the amount of time it would take you to break even given that conditions remain static.
Cost of Power: Bitcoin mining ( operations tend to consume a large amount of electricity. Hence, the cost of power has a major role to play here - the higher the cost of the power, the higher would the cost of the mining operation be. This is the reason a number of Bitcoin mining ( operators are choosing locations with cheap power for their mining operations.
Block Rewards: Considering that block rewards reduce by 50% every four years - your profits would significantly reduce when this happens in 2020. However, the logic behind this is that with every drop, the price of Bitcoins too would increase as they would become an even more scarce resource - hence neutralizing the reduction in quantity.
Conclusion: Before setting mining farm it is advisable to use Bitcoin mining ( Calculators to calculate the profitability of the same.
Bitcoin mining ( calculators are not just a one-time tool - they are a constant support that Bitcoin miners need. With any change to any of the factors - the price of Bitcoin, the price of electricity, or the difficulty/rewards, miners need to know the impact it will have on their mining process. Our Bitcoin mining ( calculator shows an exact breakdown of how each price influences the profits.
Disclosure: The Profit Details are the result of a chosen budget of $ 10,000.00 to purchase Bitcoin mining ( servers that are hashing 76 TH/s at a price of $ 25 per terahash. This assumes a total hashrate of 400.00 . The Profit Details also take in consideration the current network hash rate of 1.7596801059571E13 and current BTC/USD exchange rate of 1 BTC = $ 18,743.69 . These figures vary based on the total network hash rate and on the BTC to USD conversion rate. Block reward is fixed at 6.25 BTC. The Profit Details do not take into account any future changes in block rewards, hashrate and difficulty rate. All inputs in this calculator vary over time. The profit details is based on current values only and should be used as a guide only.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:22 am

How To Dual Mine ETH/ETC With ZIL - Boost Your 3GB/4GB GPU Profits!|15:30
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:29 am
3 Best Bitcoin mining ( Hardware ASICs for 2019-2020 - Reviews & Comparison.
Some see the mining of bitcoin as a hobby. Others see in this lesson a profitable business or a way to get profit. To evaluate the profitability of miner hardware, you need to compare the cost of electricity, device and some fees. Sometimes it turns out that to buy coins is more profitable. We will cover all this in more detail in this review.
ASIC stands for the application-specific integrated circuit. These schemes do not perform general functions but act only in a strict framework to solve a specific problem. Therefore, to mine the Bitcoin through ASICs is chip then using another Bitcoin mining ( hardware.
ASIC Bitcoin Miner.
Initially, crypto enthusiasts could receive Bitcoin with computer help. Mining is the award of aggregate mathematical problems using specialized powerful miners hardware and software.
Then they started to use graphic processors and FPGA (field-programmable gate array), but soon they also ceased to be quite useful. ASIC miner is the best bitcoin miner of the latest generation. It provides a higher cryptocurrency mining speed, the machine heats less and consumes less electricity.
You can try mining through the computer, but only as a hobby or to understand how this process occurs. The hash power (computing power) and the hash rate of conventional computers are significantly lower (about 40-50 times) than mining rig.
Best miners should be profitable. New machines should cover the prices you pay for them. Moreover, the Bitcoins received must have more high values ​​than the electricity spent on their production.
Estimated Electricity Cost Of Mining One Bitcoin By Country.
To calculate the worth of all factors, you need to make a comparison. The difficulty is that the value of BTC is continuously changing. Before you buy mining rigs, make a simple calculator:
Hashing rate; A bitcoin sale price; Power consumption; How much USD a participant needs to pay per month for current; The number of coins you get per month.
To choose the best Bitcoin mining ( chip, first, a client should to find out which is the most powerful of the miners accessible. Best Bitcoin mining ( hardware has the following features:
The evolution of bitcoin chips Most significant hash rate will permit to get more currency. Effectiveness is expressed in how much electricity is required to get a certain sum of coins. Currently, the most effective is the ASIC mining hardware. The price of the fastest equipment cannot be low or average. The lower the cost, the smaller the efficiency (you may even go negative). Beware of scam on the mart. Trusted manufacturers can be sold on eBay or Amazon. But before buying, check all the details about graphics and setup.
Even a used hash miner may be beneficial to you. Check out ASIC Bitcoin miners such as Dragonmint miner or The Antminer S9.
DragonMint B29 and Antminer S9.
In addition to high speed, manufacturers must provide a low hash price. It means that the performance of the facility will be high.
Here are reliable brands to watch out for.
This brand is created in China and produces reliable Bitcoin ASIC chips. The most popular among devices is Bitmain Antminer. The equipment of this brand is capable of mining coins of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and Dash. Besides, the company owns one of the greatest Bitcoin pool.
It is a famous Chinese apparatus brand that started with FPGA. As technology stepped forward, the company released its own ASIC chip. The market share held by the brand is about 20%.
Halong Mining.
Halong Mining collaborates with Samsung brand from South Korea. The company entered the market only in 2018 but has already become a leader in this industry. Halong Mining produces the most powerful Bitcoin miner ASIC to date, called DragonMint T1.
The international company has branches in the USA and China. The brand specializes in diverse digital technology. The brand is currently releasing one of the best ASIC Bitcoin mining ( hardware called Terminator T3.
GMO Internet is a Japanese brand. The company is engaged not only in the production of cryptocurrency equipment but also in advertising and financial services via the Internet. The brand even has its projects among crypto exchanges working on the blockchain (such as Coinbase).
The abbreviated name sounds like Ebang. The main field of activity of the company is the creation and sale of optical fiber for telecommunications. The latest ASICs mining equipment is one of the best using ASICs and competes with Bitmain.
Bitfury is one of the first companies to start producing Bitcoin miners. Bitfury themselves mine coins on their equipment. Large data centers are located in Canada, Norway, Iceland, Georgia. The range includes ASIC mining chips, servers, and portable data centers.
Bitcoin USB Miners Comparison.
USB miner is not high-performance equipment. This type of device only helps you understand the principle of coin mining. Besides, USB mining equipment is cheaper.
ASICMiner Block Erupter USB 330MH / s Sapphire Miner.
There is the standard option among USB Bitcoin miners. The expected profit is only $ 0.01 per month. At the same time, the hash power is 330mh/s-336mh/s.
GekkoScience Compac USB Stick Bitcoin Miner.
The device works simply through the connected USB port, absolutely silently. At the same time, your profit will be approximately 0.15 USD per month.
Avalon Nano 3.
Do not confuse this device with the crypto wallet Ledger Nano. Both devices look about the same, but they have entirely different functions. A wallet keeps your coins. While Avalon Nano 3 allows you to get Bitcoins for 1 USD per year.
Bitmain Antrouter R1 Wifi Solo Bitcoin Miner.
Your production will be a little more than 1 USD per year. Even with the low price of equipment, it does not look too cost-effective. But this device has an additional plus. It also operates as a wireless router, providing you with wireless Internet.
21 Bitcoin Computer.
There is not the most efficient USB bitcoin miner. It connects via a standard USB port. But under the current circumstances, you are unlikely to be able to count on profit in virtue of the poor hash rate.
Dragonmint T16 vs. Antminer s9.
In 2019, the most efficient Bitcoin miner is Dragonmint T16. The manufacturer supplied a 16 t / s machine. No other equipment can boast such an indicator.
Using Dragonmint T16, you also save energy. The user needs only 0.075 J / GH. While the Bitmain Antminer S9 consumes 0.098 J / GH.
And another Dragonmint T16 bonus is the ASICBOOST algorithm, which increases the effectiveness by 20%.
Now comparing electricity consumption, din seems like a slight advantage. But if you intend to mine coins in pro volumes, you will feel the savings. Returns to the price of electricity. Even if it is high, both ASICs Bitcoin installations will bring you profit.
Bitmain Antminer S7.
The first release of Antminer S7 came in 2015. Those days, it was the most effective equipment. The BM1385 ASIC chip and two cooling fans are integrated into the metal case. The manufacturer recommends the additional use of a 1600 W power supply.
The hash rate is 4.73 TH / s; Efficiency is about 0.25 J / G / s; Equipment is in the middle price category; There are many instructions on working with Antminer S7 available on the market; Easy to buy spare parts if necessary.
Antminer S7 is less capable than the modern AntMiner S9; High energy costs await you; To achieve stable results, you need an additional power supply; Noise during operation exceeds the average.
Currently, even if the user does not takes into account the worth of the device, but only the cost of electricity, he receives losses. Perhaps if the value of Bitcoin increases significantly, this equipment could be a bargain.
Bitmain Antminer S5.
The equipment, emitted in 2014, loses much in power to modern devices. Antminer S5 consumes only 590 W and does not require an additional energy production. The device is possible to connect to a PC. Using only this mechanism, you will not get coins. The user needs special software and membership in a large Bitcoin pool.
Low cost of the device; Low power consumption (respectively, petty bills for payment); Antminer S5 is easy to configure and suitable for newbies.
The sound from the exploitation of the device is above average; There is only one cooling fan; Low hash rate.
Even in the case of a sharp jump in the cost of Bitcoin, you are unlikely to get positive results. Installation is only suitable for training.
Spondoolies SP20.
The brand was first introduced in 2014. In those conditions, this device was cost-effective. But already in 2016, it was discontinued. The device has compact dimensions and a metal case. If someone likes rarity, he may find this miner on eBay for more than $ 100.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:29 am
The miner works with any power supplies; The device is one of the cheapest among analogs; It is possible to connect two low-power reserves; A working device emits little noise; Even a novice can easily configure a simple user interface.
The device has a low hash rate compared to modern standards (accordingly, efficiency suffers); During operation, the case becomes very hot; SP20 connects only via Ethernet; The miner may only be operated at ambient temperatures under 35 ° C.
In general, the installation provides extremely low profitability in 2019. For a year you will not get even 1 USD.
Dragonmint 16T.
Halong Mining announced during the announcement of DragonMint 16T in 2018 that about $ 30 million was spent on research and testing. These efforts did not become in vain, because today, this miner is the most powerful and profitable among competitors.
The hash rate was 16 thousand UD / s. The introduction of ASICBOOST technology (a fragment of the Bitcoin software code) has increased the efficiency by an additional 20%.
Test launches have confirmed that the miner is developing the declared speed and is highly efficient; It is possible to work with a standard voltage of 220-240V; You will get the lowest possible energy consumption from all available options. You can buy both one device and several at a time. There are no restrictions on the volume of the party.
The price is too high for an ordinary crypto enthusiast; To start, the user needs to additionally purchase a branded power supply unit (also not very cheap); Power consumption varies depending on the used power supply; The device may work at full strength only in conjunction with the original power supply.
The average projected income from the use of one installation is about 1.5 thousand USD.
Best Bitcoin Miners for 2019-2020.
Given a great number of mining facilities, we understand how difficult it is to opt for any one installation. The buyer needs to focus primarily on high efficiency (and, of course, the price he can afford to pay for equipment). But consider the cost of paying for electricity. In most cases, you will lose half of your income or so to cover your bills.
In this review, we will look at the three most popular and cost-effective options.
Antminer s17.
The product release came at the beginning of 2019. It is the flagship model of Bitmain. The capacity is 62 thousand tons / s. At the same time, energy costs are very high and equal to 2790 watts. Two hardware settings are available to you:
Normal; Professional.
You can earn more than 0.06 BTC per month. But, as expected, about half of the profits will be "eaten" by paying for electricity.
EBIT E12 +
The hash rate of this miner is slightly lower than the previous one and is.
50TH / s. However, the required power for starting is lower (2500 W). This combination is very effective in today's market. Having a profit of more than 0.05 BTC per month, you will spend 47% on paying bills.
Innosilicon Terminator T3.
Of all three samples, this is the least powerful, but this does not mean that it is the least lucrative. The hash rate is at the right level and amounts to 43TH / s. The maximum power consumption does not exceed 2100 watts. You can earn more than 0.04 BTC per month. Subtract half for the payment of electricity.
In the article, we mentioned Bitcoin pools several times. It is time to clarify what it is in more detail.
Beginners who are just trying to get coins would not be able to achieve at least some results due to intense competition. Therefore, they have only one way out - this is to combine their efforts. Such an association in the Bitcoin society is called pool.
Even the most modern potent facilities will not provide anyone with the same power as professional data centers, which include many special (expensive) pieces of equipment.
If the pool won the race for coins, all revenue is distributed among the participants in proportion to their contribution. The standard membership fee is 2%. Now several large pools control the situation. Due to a large number of participants, the revenue of each of them will not be as significant as we would like.
For practical mining of Bitcoins, each member needs not only a specialized installation but also additional equipment:
Individual power supplies allow more efficient use of electricity. If the old models of miners could be connected directly to the outlet, then the new top equipment will not even turn on without a particular power source. Cooling fans allow mining units to run smoothly. In the case of overheating, the machine switches off spontaneously. Standby generators are needed to secure the primary source of electricity. Miners Revenue.
People may get significant profit from mining Bitcoins if they have a modern ASIC installation and cheap electricity. The situation changes daily due to the floating rate of all cryptocurrencies.
Today on the market there are only a few advantageous offers among miners. If the price of Bitcoin rises, most likely, more and more new manufacturers will begin to develop and offer their versions of mining installations. And an increase in supply will entail a reduction in prices. Then more players will be able to join the Bitcoin network.
I am a crypto enthusiast. Bitcoin miner in 2013. AERGO Ambassador. I believe that blockchain technology is the future. My goal is to clarify the value of cryptocurrencies and blockchain in a free economy and security. I want to contribute to the implementation of these technologies in people's lives through an explanation of the principles of its work.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:30 am

Double Meaning Questions - Ladki अपने अंदर घुसाती कब है - Insane Prankster - Roshan Shinde|7:50
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:30 am

Dual mine - New offers, new coin - cloud mining|11:24
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:31 am

RandomX Monero Dual mining Ethereum|15:45
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:32 am
7 Best ASIC Miners 2020: Tried and Tested With Reviews.
Bitmain Antminer S9.
Cryptocurrency is arguably the best gift the 21st century has to offer. It started off a little shaky, but with time, it has grown more and more stable.
For the sake of your future, financial future, it is wise that you start thinking of accumulating Bitcoins. For this, you will first need to understand how they work, how to transact in Bitcoins and above all, how to mine it. The theory and process of Bitcoin mining ( can be complicated. However, great minds have developed technology that only requires you to understand the basics of Bitcoin and runs all the complex processes in the background.
Part of this new technology includes Bitcoin mining ( hardware. It is only through the best asic miners that Bitcoins is added to your wallet (unless you buy bitcoins). Different Bitcoin mining ( hardware features different performance levels. And with the ever-increasing complexity of the Bitcoin mining ( calculations, you will need to have the best asic miner.
In this piece, we review some of the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware and shed light on some of the factors to consider in your search of the best mining hardware.
ASIC Miners: What the Heck is it?
A short term for Application Specific Integrated Circuit, ASIC is a circuit that is made for a specific use rather than being used in general. The miners who indulge in ASIC mining are more developed and sophisticated when they are compared to the traditional miners that use the CPU, GPU, and other components. There are some rare Bitcoin ASIC mining chips and they, along with the common ones, can be used on their own when it comes to the subject of mining of the Bitcoin.
When it comes to mining with a greater speed, ASIC miners play a huge role and they are more productive and cost-effective than the traditional Bitcoin miners. Bitcoin mining ( is effective only when there is a net benefit in regard to productivity and low cost of running. They are high on consuming electricity and there are users who often combine rigs and ASIC chips just to bring the costs even lower.
The ASIC miners are designed to basically work and be co-joined with the mining rigs. The advantage of adding the ASIC chips to the mining rigs is that they make mining the coins with the rigs quite a lot more efficient. The ASIC chips can outperform a stack of GPUs any day. When pit against one another, the ASIC chips hash the transactions 100 times faster than a typical stack of GPUs.
This is because the ASIC chips are the next step in the journey of technology and also, they are more energy efficient, consuming less energy than the GPUs. Analysts predict that the next few years will see the viability of the ASIC chips since there are no such plans or technologies that can replace the chips within the energy frame.
One of the biggest advantage of having an ASIC chip instead of a typical miner is that while other miners are busy waiting for the transactions to be processed, you will be mining the coins at a much higher rate, giving you a strategic advantage over them.
The one thing that might irk you a bit is that since the chips are quite task-specific and are made for the sole purpose of mining bitcoins, the cost to build them can go quite high. While you may want the speed of hashing coins to be high, the time that is required to make a microchip for a task-specific functionality is quite a lot. The first miner that was released using an ASIC chip was made by Bitmain in May 2016 in China.
Even though it was designed to mine the Bitcoin, there were other SHA-256 coins that could be mined with it. It was proven quite vividly that the ASIC chips are better than the FPGAs, GPUs, and CPU combination when it comes to the speed of mining and the hash rate.
ASIC Miner: Common and Popular Brands.
There are many companies which are manufacturing ASIC miners, making the microchips based on the same technologies. A minor tweak here and there differentiates the brands from each other and each one has its own price and features. Here are a few of them that have been rated quite high and are commonly used by the miners around the world:
Bitmain : When it comes to the different Bitcoin mining ( tools, there is no name that is more resonant than Bitmain. This is the company that was responsible for the Antminer, and over the years, it has become the biggest supplier of all the mining tools that are used by the people around the world. Even though the company mass produces the ASIC miners now, the price has not seen quite an affordable purchase. A typical Bitcoin miner from Bitmain comes at a price of around $1,100.The one interesting thing about Bitmain miners is that they come with a three month warranty. Depending upon the model that you choose, the hash rate of the miner varies from 8 to 14 TH/s. Each model has its own efficiency and depending on that, the profitability of the ASIC miners also varies. There have been reports where users from some batches of the miners have claimed that the miners were quite unstable. Halong Mining : This one started out as a ASIC mining startup, there was no one who could say that Halong Mining equipment could become one of the best in the world. Once the startup was established, Halong Mining launched the Dragonmint T16 miner. This brought quite a lot of recognition to the company and people started to believe that this upcoming startup was going to be the best thing that ever happened to the ASIC mining community . The Halong miner started to compete with the pioneer Bitmain and they have gone head to head, competing for the top spot. Halong Mining has started an advertising campaign to highlight the benefits of the ASIC miner made by them. With the advertisements, the company has made endeavours to create a sense of trust with its customers and credibility.According to the company, millions of dollars went into the development of the Dragonmint T16. The first batch for the miner shipped in March 2020 and there have been no complaints ever since. Running between a voltage of 220V and 240V, the miner consumes 0.075 J/GH, and has a hash rate of around 16 TH/s. Canaan Creative : When it comes to the most stable bitcoin miners, there is no name that is as recognised as that of the Canaan Creative. Within the miner, there is an Avalon controller that can attach up to 4 miners on a single network.While the cost of the miner is quite premium, coming in at around $700, there are users who have claimed that the mining of the Canaan Creative miner is not as efficient as that of the Bitmain miner. If the reports and comments are to be believed, the average hash rate of the miner by Canaan Creative comes in at around 7.3 TH/s. Baikal : Baikal is a name that is known to all, for their work that it is doing in research and development of technology and the microchips since 2008. This was the company that created the SHA-256 algorithm chips back in 2013. They gained quite a lot of experience from the development of the aforementioned chips and they implemented the said experience in the future technologies that they began to develop.There are four product lines from Baikal which are offering quite a lot of products related to technology. These are Giant B, N, x10, and plus. There are other products from the company as well which help in the mining process. These include mining tutorials, customer service, and support after the sales of the products, among a long line of services. Ebang : Combining efficiency with stability, Ebang brings you the ASIC mining chips at a price between $700 and $1,100, depending upon the model that you go for. The mining chips made by Ebang make use of the 14 nm technology and this helps the chips to push out a hash rate from 6.3 to 9 TH/s. GekkoScience : There was a small mining firm in the United States of America that dreamt of making it big. They did so with the company now known as GekkoScience. The company now manufactures USB micro miners having incorporated the existing ASIC chips into their own designs. However, the end results are not always profitable, as is seen by the GekkoScience 2 PAC.
There is a lot of excitement building up because of a tweet by MyRig showing a wafer and claiming that it was produced by the technological giant Samsung. The truth about the claim is not yet confirmed but if it is considered to be based on a solid foundation, there is an oncoming slaught that will change the entire industry. Another rumour is that Samsung has been producing the chips for over a year.
However, the buyer of the chips is still unknown even though there are some people who believe that the chips are sold to Halong Mining for the production of the Dragonmint T1 miner. If Samsung joins the game, it could become the largest producer of the ASIC mining chips since it has considerable resources at its disposal and the price could also see a marginal drop since the chips will be produced at quite a large level to meet the demand.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:33 am

#042 HOW TO: Dual mining ETC + ZIL with Phoenix Miner with 4GB graphics cards|6:39
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:33 am
ASIC Miners: How do they Work?
There are two different ways in which the ASIC miners are manufactured. They can either be pre-manufactured to work with a specific application or manufactured and then integrated with a custom application.
The typical parts of an ASIC miner are the software for mining, the ASIC chip, a power source, and the fans to keep the system cool. The entire rig consists of the fans, ASIC chips, and the processors among the main components.
If you wish to understand the working of an ASIC miner, you do not have to spend unnecessary money on becoming a mining expert. Instead, you can go for the low-cost tutorials that are available on the internet. Another way that you can opt is to use the USB miners. While they are quite cheap, the hash rate on them is quite low. This is understandable since you are getting what you pay for.
On a typical USB miner costing around $30, you will get an average hash rate of 330 MH/s. The return of investment by using this type of miner is usually around 1% per month. You will want to invest in an ASIC miner if you are planning to build a premium Bitcoin mining ( hardware.
If you are in the market looking for the best ASIC miner, you will want to go with the Antminer S9, coming with a hash rate of 14 TH/s. This miner uses quite a lot of power and this is why you will need a power source that supplies more than 1275 watts. You can go with either of the two choices, depending upon the type of power that you are choosing:
110V PSUs like the Gold Rated 1000 watt PSU, or 650 watt Power the ASIC Miner.
There are just three simple steps that you have to follow in order to get started. These are as follows:
Using the PCIe cables, connect the PSU with the Antminer S9. This will automatically connect the miner to the Ethernet cable. After this, you will have to turn on the PSU, ensuring that the miner has started working. The last step is to connect your PC to the same network as the miner and you are done.
ASIC Miners: Getting Started.
Before you start building up hardware for Bitcoin mining (, there are a few things that you need to consider. There are some people who prefer to set up the mining rigs at their homes but if you are thinking about making a substantial profit, you will have to have a proper setup that is not feasible at homes.
You have to make some tough calculations and get the answers to what you want in profits. You can put in thousands of dollars and then not make a profit if you are not set up with the right equipment. This will just be a waste of your efforts and money and you will end up regretting ever putting your mind to Bitcoin mining (
If you are looking to join the industry and make a profit, you will either have to build up a hardware that is capable of making you profits or purchase one of the pre-built rigs that are available in the market.
There are a few things that you require when you are looking to mine some bitcoins. These include:
An ASIC miner, A software that is going to be compatible with the miner, such as BFGMiner or CGMiner, A Bitcoin mining ( calculator that will help you determine the number of altcoins that have been mined. This figure will be in cahoots with the power of the ASIC mining gadgets that you have. You can also use an additional fan for a better cooling of the components. A Bitcoin wallet. This will be the wallet where you will be storing the all the coins that have been mined by your setup. You can also use a slush pool as a pool mining account.
The process of mining is quite easy to understand and once you are familiar with it, you will be able to start the process whenever you want once you have the hardware set up.
The first thing that you have to do is to connect your ASIC miner gadget to your PC. After that, you can use the Bitcoin mining ( calculator to calculate the proceeds in the form of the bitcoin results. If you do not have a pool mining account, sign up for a slush pool account. You will need to connect the ASIC miner to the pool mining account. The next step is to set up the configuration of the pool mining account. Usually, this step requires the address of the server port and the pool. After this, you will need to boot up your Bitcoin mining ( software, such as the CGMiner or the BFGMiner. The software will then ask you to enter your address pool, port, username and password. Start the mining process and mine the bitcoin accordingly.
How to Choose the Best Mining Hardware.
Hash rate refers to the number of complex calculations that the hardware can complete in every second. The Hash rate is a critical factor as a high hash rate increases the chances of solving the complex mathematical computations necessary for earning Bitcoin as a reward.
In Bitcoin mining (, what you will be looking for is a specific solution. With hash algorithms, similar mathematical problems will always give similar solutions. They are however designed to run unpredictably. As such, the only best way to get the specific solution right is to try many different (randomly). In addition to this, you should note that mining is competitive. Since after all the transaction request is broadcasted to the peer network. So the miner who gets it right first gets the reward. For these reasons, a high hash rate is essential for profitable mining.
Hash rate is measured in Megahashes or Gigahashes or Terahashes per second. The very first mining hardware featured a hash rate of between 336 MH/s and 14,000,000 MH/s.
Energy Consumption.
Bear in mind that Bitcoin mining ( is an investment. Given that, there are some costs you will have to bear to sustain the Bitcoin mining ( process. One of the expenses you will have to cater to is energy costs.
The more powerful the hardware you use is the electricity you should expect to consume. As such, before you purchase any mining hardware, you should consider electricity consumption rating in watts. Knowing this will help you work out the costs of energy consumed by the unit. It will help you determine the viability of Bitcoin mining ( using the said hardware. If your calculations assess the revenue of mining BTC to be less than that of the subsequent energy bills, then the venture is not worthwhile.
Using the energy consumption and hash rate numbers, you can determine just how many hashes can be mined from every watt of electricity flowing through your mining hardware. To make this calculation, divide the hash rate by the hardware's watt consumption.
For instance, if you have a hardware hash rate of 4500 MH/s and it requires about 32 watts of energy, then expect the mining hardware to provide you with approximately 140,625 MH/s for every watt of electricity. To calculate the power bill you should expect every week, month or year, make use of the online Bitcoin mining ( energy calculators.
Do the same calculations apply when using a laptop, one may wonder? Well, they do. Laptops consumer energy and have a hash rate as well. Follow the above formula to calculate the energy costs.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:33 am

HiveOs How To -- Dual Miner Setup ETC,ETH,XMR|12:42
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:34 am
The price of the mining hardware is also essential. Do not forget most of the cheap mining hardware will rake in a few Bitcoins. Expensive Bitcoin mining ( hardware is unique, fast and efficient. To make a fortune from the Bitcoin mining ( business, be ready to invest. Aim for value and quality in your purchase.
Once you have an idea of the factors to look for as mentioned above, the hunt for the best hardware for Bitcoin mining ( begins. To make it easy for you, we have already complied a list of the best miners. This will help you determine the best bitcoin miner hardware and start mining bitcons yourself.
Our Top 7 Best ASIC Miners 2020.
The Antminer S5 may not be the latest Bitcoin mining ( hardware (other models like the S7 and S9, have come after it), but it is still in use, and its efficiency and function is exemplary.
The Bitmain Antminer S5 features a power supply labeled 115 Volts, and that draws about 560 Watts. With the low power needs and consumption, small power supply, similar to those running desktop computers can accommodate the Antminer S5.
With regards to efficiency, the unit produces about 1 GH/s for every 0.51 watts consumed. Which translates to 0.51 J/GH. Compared to its predecessor, the S3, the S5's efficiency has improved. All these integrated features makes it the most powerful bitcoin miner in the current market.
As for the weight, the S5 weighs 2.5kgs. Its reduced weight is courtesy of its lightweight material and the fact that it is open from top to bottom. The setup is not rocket science and requires no prior tech experience. All these features make it the best antminer in the current market.
The Bitmain Antminer S7 was introduced to the market in 2015. It has since become one of the most popular Bitcoin hardware miners and dominates the market courtesy of its low power consumption compared to the S5.
The power supply unit recommended for use the S7 is the 1600 watt APW3. This power supply unit is by far one of the best available in the market. It is precisely designed for Bitcoin mining (
The miner can run even the most potent mining hardware - the Antminer S9. It, however, requires a minimum of 205 Volts to operate. The optimal power consumption makes it the most efficient bitcoin miner.
The efficiency of the S7 depends on the effectiveness of the power supply used and the ambient temperature. But, at room temperature of about 25 degrees Celsius, the S7 produces about 1300 watts. At this point, you should note that every generation of the Antminer is near twice as efficient when compared to its predecessor.
It weighs 7.5 pounds and features a durable metal casing with a groove and tongue system incorporated into it. Since the unit is noisy, it is not ideal to have it inside a home. Additionally, it is imperative to ensure you put it in a cool environment to ensure that you spend less energy trying to cool it as it mines.
The Bitmain Antminer S9 is currently the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware available on the market. It features the highest hash rate of about 14 TH/sec and is by far the most efficient mining hardware available.
This high hash rate has been made possible courtesy of 3 circuit boards featuring a total of 189 chips. For all that the S9 has to offer, you should expect to pay a pretty penny for it.
The Antminer S9 can be used with the Antminer 1600 Watt power supply efficiently. Speaking of efficiency, the S9 is notably the most efficient mining hardware available. And while it consumes 300 watts more compared to the S7, it is twice as efficient with about 0.1 Joules per Gigahash.
The unit has a sturdy design and weighs 10.4 pounds. The sturdy design comes in handy when a miner needs to arrange the multiple miners on one shelf. Using the S9, you best have it in a garage or a warehouse. The noise produced is unbearable for a home.
T9 is yet another excellent best bitcoin miner 2020 on the list. It should, however, be pointed out that it is slightly on the higher price range. With regards to comparing the T9 to the S9, miners are split on which is better. Below is a brief review of the T9 that will allow choosing between the two an easy process.
The T9 consumes about 1450 watts for approximately 11.5 TH/s for Batch 23. It has an efficiency of 0.126 J/GH. Going with this numbers, the S9 is better than the T9. But before you make the decision, note that the quality chips in the S9 were of a slightly lower quality which leads to their reduced stability. The T9 Miner has this problem fixed.
The T9 also attended to the pre-auto-freq issue prevalent with the S9 miner.
If you are looking for an excellent bitcoin miner at an affordable price, this is the one for you. This product is the latest addition to the industry by the company Canaan. It provides a good hash rate about 7.3 TH/s and features an air forming cooling system that enables 88 chips to function great as a single unit. Also, it helps to keep the miner running at all times.
The unit features an efficiency of 0.16 J/GH. This efficiency rating is way better compared to all other products in its price range.
This mining hardware was introduced into the market in 2018. When talking about Dash ASIC miners, you have to mention the Antminer D3 as it is among the best.
Most miners are using this hardware to first mine dash coins which they later convert into Bitcoins and make huge profits in the process. The Antminer D3 provides a hash rate of 15 GH/s and uses up about 1200 Watts.
Overall, it measures 320x130x190mm which makes it possible to have a neat arrangement when running multiple miners simultaneously.
How ASIC Miner Have Changed the World of Cryptocurrency Mining.
When the idea of the bitcoin and the Bitcoin mining ( was still new, all you needed was a normal PC with the normal CPU and GPU to start the mining. However, when the idea became popularized, the traditional equipment could not get the desired hash rate. This is when the advancements began to be made. It was known beforehand that when the demand of the bitcoin will rise, there will be a need to develop better hardware to keep up with the demand.
When the traditional CPU proved itself to be ineffective, there was an addition of the GPUs to the system. This kept the hash rate up for a while. However, the exponential growth of the demand meant that there was a need for a better hardware to keep up with the market.
This is when the GPUs became more advanced and stacks of them began to be used to get a higher hash rate. However, the cost of electricity began to rocket through the skies and mining coins on stacks of GPUs stopped being feasible as well.
As and when the miners increase in number, there is going to be a drop in the hash rate if you are using the same equipment. This is when the need for a better technology arose and the ASIC chips came into existence.
As we know quite well by now, the ASIC chips are designed for the sole purpose of mining and they are quite efficient in comparison with the GPUs, producing a higher hash rate at a lower consumption of electricity. This specialized technology has done marvels and companies and individuals around the world have started their own mining farms after the ASIC chips came out.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:35 am

Claymore's Miner DUAL Mining ( ETH + Blake2S Keccak Algorithm Guide|9:49
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:36 am
Since this technology was developed for the sole purpose of mining and cannot be used anywhere else, the cost has to be born by the customers of mining only. This is why some of the best ASIC miners in the world can cost thousands of dollars every month.
There is quite a lot of heat produced when the ASIC miners are at work. This is one of the sole reasons why many companies in the world are having a hard time looking for a suitable place to set up their mining farms. There is a huge requirement of space to accommodate all the equipment and the electricity has to be cheap too. A lot of the space is taken up by the fans that are used to cool down the equipment.
On the other hand, there are some companies which do not have any trouble with this arrangement and they have set up huge mining farms. This has led to the mining of the bitcoin and validation of the blockchain to become more of a centralized process since most of the mining is being done by these few companies.
Can we Mine Without ASIC Miners? YES!
Even though everyone around the world is going to recommend that you invest in an ASIC miner, there are a few other ways in which you can mine the bitcoin and other altcoins. These include:
Mining Pools: This is the process of collaborating with others in the pool and combining the computing power of all to create a block. The rewards of this block are then shared among all the members of the pool propotional to the computing power that they contributed. USB Miners: This is one of the simplest ways of mining; the only thing that you have to do is plug in the USB Miner to the PC. However, it is quite inefficient and is usually considered a waste of the time and money. CPU: This is going to be one of the simplest way of mining; the only requirement is the CPU with a strong processor. This was going to be fruitful a decade ago but now it is not going to bring about any result.
Choosing the Best ASIC Miner: What's Your Choice?
Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to mine Bitcoin lies with you. However, if you need the best mining hardware to make your mining venture profitable, then above are some of the best asic miners you should consider. Ensure you consider the factors we have listed above before choosing the best asic miner.
Bitcoin mining ( asic.
An application-specific integrated circuit (abbreviated as ASIC ) is an integrated circuit (IC) customized for a particular use, rather than intended for general-purpose use. In Bitcoin mining ( hardware, ASICs were the next step of development after CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs. Capable of easily outperforming the aforementioned platforms for Bitcoin mining ( in both speed and efficiency, all Bitcoin mining ( hardware that is practical in use will make use of one or more Bitcoin (SHA256d) ASICs.
Note that Bitcoin ASIC chips generally can only be used for Bitcoin mining ( . While there are rare exceptions - for example chips that mine both Bitcoin and scrypt - this is often because the chip package effectively has two ASICs: one for Bitcoin and one for scrypt.
The ASIC chip of choice determines, in large part, the cost and efficiency of a given miner, as ASIC development and manufacture are very expensive processes, and the ASIC chips themselves are often the components that require the most power on a Bitcoin miner.
While there are many Bitcoin mining ( hardware manufacturers, some of these should be seen as systems integrators - using the ASIC chips manufactured by other parties, and combining them with other electronic components on a board to form the Bitcoin mining ( hardware.
Bitcoin ASIC development pace.
The pace at which Bitcoin ASICs have been developed, for a previously non-existent market, has seen some academic interest. One paper titled "Bitcoin and The Age of Bespoke Silicon" notes:
The Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies online course by Princeton University notes:
A timeline overview for CoinTerra's Goldstrike 1 chip also shows this as 8 months between founding the company and shipping a product.
Bitcoin ASIC specifications.
A Bitcoin ASIC's specification could be seen as having a certain hash rate (e.g. Gh/s) at a certain efficiency (e.g. J/Gh). While cost is another factor, this is often a relatively fixed factor as the minimum cost of a chip will be determined by the fabrication process, while the maximum cost will be determined by market forces, which are outside of post-fabrication technological control.
When reading the specifications for ASICs on this page is that they should be interpreted as being indicative, rather than authoritative. Many of the figures will have come from the manufacturers, who will present their technology in the best light - be that high hash rates that in practice may not be very efficient and require additional cooling, or very high efficiency at a cost of hash rate and risking being slow in the race against difficulty adjustments. Complicating the matter further is that Bitcoin ASICs can often be made to cater to both ends of the spectrum by varying the clock frequency and/or the power provided to the chip (often via a regulated voltage supply). As such, chips can not be directly compared.
Comparing Bitcoin ASICs.
Two proposals have been made in the past for attempts at comparing ASICs - Gh/mm² and η-factor. Gh/mm² is a simple measure of the number of Gigahashes per second of the chip, divided by its die area (area of the the actual silicon). This measure however does not take into account the node size which affects how many logical cells can fit in a given area. As a result, η-factor was suggested at the BitcoinTalk Forums which attempts to take the node size into account, by multiplying the Gh/mm² value by the half the node size, three times.
Although the merit of these approaches can be debated, ultimately these figures are not as important as the ones that detail what is required to make an ASIC work. If an ASIC requires highly stable power supply, then the power supply circuitry on a board may be more expensive than for another ASIC. If the ASIC has a complex communications protocol, additional relatively expensive components may be required. If an ASIC's die is large, fewer (rectangular slices) can be obtained from a (circular) wafer, defects affect its design dispropotionately, and cooling solutions are generally more complex compared to smaller die chips which in turn have other overhead. Chips with a BGA design are less simple to integrate than a QFN, requiring more expensive (inspection and testing) equipment. Nevertheless, for historic purposes they are included in listings here where sufficient information is available.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:36 am

Increase Profits Merge-Mining ( ETH+ZIL!|43:11
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:37 am
Number of cores.
One other oft-mentioned number statistic for an ASIC chip is the number of cores or hashing engines that are on the chip. While this number is directly related to performance, it is not necessarily a comparitive relation. Bitmain Technologies' BM1382 calculates 63 hashes per clock cycle (Hz), while their more efficient BM1384 calculates 55 hashes per clock cycle. Similarly, while these hashes per clock cycle are spot-on for the claims regarding the number of cores, BitFury's BF756C55 is claimed to have 756 cores, but yields around 11.6 hashes per clock cycle. This is because the reference to cores sometimes mean different things, and certain designs result in less straightforward calculation [1] Nevertheless, when a designer makes claims regarding hash rates at certain clock frequencies, one can determine if A. there is a straightforward calculation and B. if the designer is being imprecise (rounding values) or even intentionally dishonest, as the ratio between clock cycles and hash rate should remain the same.
'A Race Toward Zero': With Hashrate in the Clouds, Bitcoin mining ( Is Less Profitable Than Ever.
Colin Harper.
Bitcoin mining ( profitability is in the basement, seeing all-time lows in 2020. Conversely, bitcoin's hashrate has surged throughout 2020, propelled in part by mining farms financing new hardware to boost their operations. Bitcoin's hashrate has taken a dip as China's wet season comes to an end, but mining professionals predict this will only be temporary, and it has only improved profit margins so much.
Bitcoin mining ( profits have been rock bottom in 2020.
For much of the year, the cryptocurrency has been less profitable to mine than ever. And that's because Bitcoin's collective hashrate - or how much computing power is pulsing through the network - has surged to consecutive all-time highs this year.
Subscribe to Blockchain Bites, our daily update with the latest stories.
According to North American Bitcoin mining ( company Luxor's hashprice index, miners are extracting $0.096 for every terahash they produce (before the recent price spike, it was lower still at roughly $0.08). This time three years ago, miners could expect to make roughly $1.40. Their revenue in October of 2019, though several magnitudes less than what they were raking in during 2017's market mania, was still double today's cash flows at $0.16.
Coming into 2020, miners were producing approximately 90 exahashes a second (or 83,000,000,000,000,000,000 cryptographic numbers a second in an effort to generate new blocks). Now, they are producing roughly 124 EH/s, after hitting an all time high of 157 EH/s in mid-October.
Bitcoin mining ( is a resource war of attrition, so naturally revenue margins are dwindling in a year when Bitcoin's hashrate is exploding. And ASIC financing could largely be to blame.
The practice, whereby big operations can take out loans to bulk-order newer-generation hardware, floods the network with fresh hashrate. The surge in hashrate has meant more competition than ever for the digital gold rush - and with fewer bits to go around, small-time miners are having trouble keeping up.
Bitcoin's hashrate and mining revenue are inversely proportional.
Luxor Mining pool operator Ethan Vera told CoinDesk the anemic miner revenue is a direct result of the Bitcoin system's growing hashrate, its relatively stagnant price and lower-than-usual transaction fees.
According to Luxor's index, the seven-day hashrate average is currently resting at 124 exahashes a second, and Vera said this "is largely due to Bitmain S19s and Whatsminer M30s being delivered to the market in large quantities."
It's not unusual, of course, for miner revenue to decline when hashrate is going vertical. But Bitcoin's stellar increase in hashrate in 2020, a nearly 30% increase this year, is the result of accelerated investment in the industry. Much of this growth comes from ASIC financing, wherein miners take out loans to buy the best new-generation mining equipment.
The mining finance industry, populated by key players including Blockfills, Arctos, BlockFi, SBI, DCG and Galaxy Digital, continues to grow. Increased competition has led to lower rates, Vera said, with some miners being able to secure sub 10% interest loans. Just a year or so ago, the common rate was 20%.
"A number of North American companies have been in the news recently for large hardware purchases, particularly RIOT Blockchain and Bitfarms. Foundry has also popped up recently and offering financing options for ASIC miners," Thomas Heller, the COO of mining media firm HASHR8, told CoinDesk.
Most recently, CoinDesk reported on Marathon Patent Group's purchase of 10,000 Antminer s-19s, which could pump an estimated 1.1 exhashes into the mining company's operation. This is Marathon's second bulk purchase from Bitmain this year after it scooped up 10,500 ASICs for $23 million in a deal with Bitmain this August.
Stephen Barbour, whose company, Upstream Data, provides oil drillers with mining rigs that run on vented natural gas, sees this as detrimental to Bitcoin mining ('s short-to-near-term health. In some cases, he told CoinDesk, the big players aren't always optimized for profitability because they have financial cushions.
"These guys can rent out an old mine, operate at a loss and then recapitalize," he told CoinDesk, referring to these firms' abilities to take out new loans or woo new investors when they need to shore up finances.
A look at one such firm, RIOT Blockchain, makes Barbour's point. The publicly traded company purchased thousands of ASICs this year in a herculean (if quixotic) effort to quadruple its hashrate by 2021. As of June 2020, Riot had net operating losses of nearly $15 million, according to SEC filings. Riot clocked a similar loss in the first half of 2019, and Marathon posted $3.2 million in losses for the first half of 2020.
Northern AG, another publicly traded mining operation, had a net income of -$8.7 million in 2019 and -$5.6 million in 2018. Even the profitable ones, like the likewise public industrial miner Hut 8, barely eked out a profit in 2019: after generating $83 million in revenue, Hut 8 pocketed just $2.1 million after debt obligations and other expenses.
Disregarding profit, these miners continue to expand in hopes of future spoils, but this very activity is sending Bitcoin's hashrate skyward, Barbour argues.
"These guys can get these big loans and they are effectively operating at a loss, and it's propping up the hashrate."
Retail miners feeling the heat.
As these big mining farms scale irrespective of profit, Bitcoin's hashrate pumps, and smaller players are having a hard time keeping up with the suped-up competition.
"It's becoming increasingly challenging for small miners to compete for both hosting and hardware purchases, because lower prices are available for those orders with larger volume," Heller said.
List of Bitcoin mining ( ASICs.
1 ASIC development projects 1.1 21 1.2 ASICMiner 1.3 ASICrising GmbH 1.4 Avalon Project 1.5 BIOSTAR Group 1.6 BitDragonfly 1.7 BitFury Group 1.8 Bitmain Technologies Ltd. 1.9 Black Arrow 1.10 Btc-Digger 1.11 BTCGARDEN 1.12 Butterfly Labs, Inc. 1.13 Clam Ltd 1.14 CoinTerra, Inc. 1.15 DigBig 1.16 Ebang 1.17 Gridchip 1.18 Gridseed 1.19 HashFast Technologies, LLC 1.20 iCoinTech 1.21 Innosilicon 1.22 KnCMiner Sweden AB 1.23 Land Asic 1.24 LK Group 1.25 MegaBigPower 1.26 SFARDS 1.27 Spondoolies-Tech LTD 1.28 TMR 2 Canceled projects 2.1 bASIC 2.2 BTCMinerz 2.3 DeepBit 2.4 helveticoin 2.5 LargeCoin 2.6 Marchenko Ltd 2.7 Novello Technologies 2.8 OpenBitASIC 2.9 papa moi 2.10 Xcrowd 3 Questionable projects 4 References.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:37 am

Element - Battle For The Solar System - Mining ( Planets - Fast-paced Space RTS - Element Gameplay|12:51
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:38 am
ASIC development projects.
ASICMiner Unknown a 2015 16nm chip co-developed with BitQuan,BitFountain. The planned node size would be 16nm or 14nm This chip is planned to be introduced in the future.
ASICrising GmbH.
ASICrising Wolfblood x14 a 14nm 200Gh/s 0.08J/Gh chip . As of 1 April 2015 ( 2015 -04-01 ) [update] no further information on this potential chip has become available beyond the Coinbau investment brochure.
Avalon Project.
Avalon Project Unknown a 2015-Jul chip co-developed with Canaan Creative. This chip is rumored to become available around July of 2015.
BitFury Group.
BitFury Group Unknown a 40nm chip . BitFury Group would have considered this their Gen 3 product. No information is available on whether the earlier 'Gen 1 Rev 2' is to be seen as 'Gen 2'. This chip may have been canceled altogether.
BitFury Group Unknown a 2015-Sep-02 16nm 0.06J/Gh chip . BitFury Group considers this their Gen 5 product. Date is public announcement of tape-out date. This chip is planned for the future and specifications are highly subject to change.
Bitmain Technologies Ltd.
Bitmain Technologies Ltd. unknown a 2016 16nm chip . This chip has only been alluded to in Bitmain Technologies' BM1385 announcement.
Black Arrow.
Black Arrow Ltd Unknown a 2015-May 14nm 0.3J/Gh chip . Tape-out was purportedly in December 2014 This chip has been declared canceled on the 27th of May, 2015.
BTCGARDEN www Unknown a 2013-Dec 40nm chip . Along with an IPO, BTCGARDEN's 40nm endeavours were canceled. BTCGARDEN would then go on to use ASICMiner's BE200 40nm chip in mining products.
Butterfly Labs, Inc.
Clam Ltd.
CoinTerra, Inc.
CoinTerra, Inc. SHIVA www BCT a 2014-Sep-18 16nm 0.225J/Gh chip co-developed with Global Unichip Corp. Assumed not to have gone into production before CoinTerra's Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.
Gridchip Unknown BCT a 2013-Jul-04 40nm 2Gh/s chip . This chip was canceled, however its technology would eventually surface in the Gridseed GC3355.See also: GridSeed, SFARDS.
HashFast Technologies, LLC.
HashFast Technologies, LLC generation 2' a 2013-Aug-21 16nm chip co-developed with DXCorr. Date is initial design start date. Plans of this chip were revealed in HashFast's bankruptcy case. Although listed here under HashFast Technologies, the IP rights lay with DXCorr. This chip was canceled at some point during its development, in favor of 'generation 1.5.
HashFast Technologies, LLC generation 1.5 a 2013-Dec-01 28nm chip co-developed with DXCorr. Date is initial design start date. Plans of this chip were revealed in HashFast's bankruptcy case. Development of this chip began after 'generation 2.0' was canceled. This chip was canceled after DXCorr ceased verbal communication pending HashFast's bankruptcy case.
iCoinTech Unknown a 2014-Apr chip . A next chip was mentioned, and in a private message to TheRealSteve, iCoinTech noted that there were unexpected delays. No new information has since surfaced, and it may have been canceled.
KnCMiner Sweden AB.
Land Asic.
LK Group.
LK Group Limited www B-eleven BCT a 14nm 0.26J/Gh chip . Plans for this chip have been announced and claimed to have been taped out. Any specifications are highly subject to change.
MegaBigPower www unknown www BCT a 2014-Jul 28nm 62.5Gh/s 0.5J/Gh chip . Hash rate is a rough estimate based on 2kW at-the-wall miner with 64 chips. Other than website claims no information on this chip is available. Some BitcoinTalk posts suggest the design did not originate entirely with MegaBigPower.
Spondoolies-Tech LTD.
Spondoolies-Tech LTD Mattock BCT . Mattock was mentioned in the BitcoinTalk thread, but it is uncertain if it is/was to be a (Bitcoin) ASIC.
Spondoolies-Tech LTD unknown a 2015 chip . Considered by Spondoolies-Tech to be their 3rd Generation product. Mentioned only in passing in a BitcoinTalk forum post.
TMR www Unknown www BCT a 2013-Sep-23 110nm 0.313Gh/s 2.5J/Gh chip .
TMR www Unknown www a 2014-Feb 55nm 2Gh/s 0.9J/Gh chip . Intended to be package, pin and protocol compatibe with the TMR's 110nm offering. TMR sought venture capital for development of a 55nm chip, but As of 1 April 2015 ( 2015 -04-01 ) [update] no further information has become available.
Canceled projects.
The following is a list of projects that are known or confidently presumed to have been canceled prior to production.
bASIC unknown www BCT a 2012-Sep-03 90nm 4.5Gh/s 6.413J/Gh chip co-developed with BTCFPGA. This project was effectively canceled on January 9th, 2013.
DeepBit Reclaimer BCT a 2012-Sep-10 chip . This project was declared canceled on April 8th 2013.
helveticoin Unknown BCT a 2012-Oct 28nm 64Gh/s 0.078J/Gh chip co-developed with STMicroelectronics. Date is claimed tape-out date. Gh/s performance is based on claimed clock frequency and number of hashing engines. Claimed to incorporate / be built around an ARM Cortex M3 core. Presumed to have been canceled prior to production or to have been a ruse given claims.
LargeCoin Unknown BCT a 2012-Jul chip . Presumed to have been canceled prior to production.
Marchenko Ltd.
Marchenko Ltd unknown BCT a 2012-Apr-04 chip . Project was cancelled on July 12th, 2012.
Novello Technologies.
Novello Technologies unknown www BCT a 2014-Jun-03 40nm 128Gh/s 0.195J/Gh chip . Die size is an estimate based on a stated chip size of 100mm² Project was put on indefinite hold on June 12th, 2013.
OpenBitASIC unknown BCT a 2012-Apr-12 chip . Project was canceled on April 14th, 2013.
papa moi.
xCrowd Terra One / Z1 www BCT [media: a ] a 2013-Jul-02 40nm 15Gh/s 1.667J/Gh chip . Listed as both Z1 and Terra One Presumed to have been canceled prior to production.
Questionable projects.
The following is a list of projects that were not formally canceled and are generally presumed to have been dishonest in their presentation of the existence / performance / depiction of the chip and/or the company.
Note: Most links below will lead to external sites. Icons have been suppressed to prevent link clutter.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:38 am
How to Mine Cryptocurrency with Raspberry Pi.
By Caroline Dunn 07 November 2020.
Is it possible to mine for cryptocurrency in 2020 with Raspberry Pi?
With Bitcoins trading at almost $14,000 per bitcoin , perhaps it is finally time for me to get into the cryptocurrency game? Instead of buying bitcoins, could I use my Raspberry Pi to mine for bitcoins instead?
What is Cryptocurrency mining?
Crypto mining is the digital version of mining for gold, combining performing complicated calculations and pure luck (being the first to complete the calculation) with your computer. Mining is essential to cryptocurrencies in order to maintain their distributed ledger, aka Blockchain.
While Bitcoin is the most well-known form of cryptocurrency, it's hardly the only game in town. All forms of cryptocurrency use blockchains to maintain the validity of each transaction and prevent someone from fraudulently spending their coins more than once.
Is Raspberry Pi Bitcoin mining ( profitable in 2020?
My initial research showed that mining for bitcoins with any consumer grade computer is not profitable when factoring in the cost of electricity and hardware . Most Bitcoin mining ( is now done on ASIC Bitcoin Miners ; hobbyists and individuals can find limited success by joining a mining pool, harnessing the power of a group of distributed computers. What if we joined a mining pool, used solar panels to power our Pi, and 'wrote-off' the cost of our hardware? Bitcoin mining ( is an extremely competitive venture with too many other miners, increasing difficulty levels, and lower rewards for miners .
Despite this gloom and doom news, I decided to forge ahead with this project and set my sights on alternative cryptocurrencies. As of the writing of this article, there are over six thousand alternative cryptocurrencies traded today.
Individual cryptocurrency mining was out of the question since we are using a Raspberry Pi and not an ASIC Bitcoin Miner . I looked at several mining pool software groups I could join; most had options for Windows and MacOS; there were no mining pools with support for Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi is not supported by Linux miner software due to its ARM Architecture. Supported Linux mining software is based on x86 processors found in typical PCs.
Disclaimer: This article is presented as an educational opportunity to spark interest in learning more about blockchain and cryptocurrency, and not necessarily to generate cryptocurrency. The methods described in this article are hacks and not officially supported. The easier and faster method is to download and install the free software associated with the mining pool of your choice on your PC.
What You'll Need for this Project.
Raspberry Pi 4 or Raspberry Pi 3 8 GB (or larger) microSD card (see best Raspberry Pi microSD cards) with a fresh install of Raspberry Pi Lite OS or Raspberry Pi OS with Desktop. Power supply/Keyboard/Mouse/Monitor/HDMI Cable (for your Raspberry Pi) Optional (Recommended): Heatsinks and fan for your Raspberry Pi Optional: Solar Panel Power Bank with USB-C Optional: Raspberry Pi Cluster Case with Heatsinks and Fans.
This tutorial is based on terminal commands. If you are not familiar with terminal commands on your Raspberry Pi, we highly recommend reviewing 25+ Linux Commands Raspberry Pi Users Need to Know first.
How to Mine for Cryptocurrency on Raspberry Pi.
We will start by creating our account with Minergate , a cryptocurrency mining pool with 3.5 million users worldwide for Bitcoin Gold, Zcash, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, and Monero . This tutorial is specific to mining Monero as it was the only cryptocurrency I had any level of success with.
2. Boot your Raspberry Pi. If you don't already have a microSD card see our article on how to set up a Raspberry Pi for the first time or how to do a headless Raspberry Pi install .
3. If you are using Raspberry Pi OS with Desktop, open a Terminal , or press Ctrl-T . If you are using Raspberry Pi Lite, login as you would normally.
4. Once in your terminal, run the following updates and install the necessary dependencies:
5. Now, let's compile the mining code with the following three commands. This step will take a couple of minutes on a Raspberry Pi 4.
6. After building and configuring our mining software on our Raspberry Pi, let's start mining for Monero ! Enter the following terminal command to start the miner, replacing YOUR_EMAIL with the email address you used to signup for your Minergate account.
You should see the mining software start and hopefully see a few shares 'accepted' with 'yes!'
7. Let's check your Minergate Dashboard by logging into . You can do this on a Chromium browser if using Raspberry Pi Desktop, or on your PC. Scroll down your dashboard until you see Monero. If everything is working, your Monero Status will indicate ONLINE. Congratulations! You're now mining for Monero!
How to Start Raspberry Pi Crypto Mining on Boot.
To automatically start our cryptocurrency miner on boot on our Raspberry Pi, we'll use the Crontab method.
If you haven't set the crontab previously, you'll see the response "no crontab for pi, Select an editor."
1. Type '1' and hit Enter .
2. This will open a new crontab file, arrow down to the bottom of your crontab file and enter the command below, replacing YOUR_EMAIL, with the email address you used when creating your Minergate account.
4. Press Ctrl-X , and y to save your crontab .
5. Now reboot your Pi by typing ' sudo reboot ' in your Terminal .
How much Monero did I mine with Raspberry Pi?
My Raspberry Pi 4 calculated 357 good shares in about 8 hours of run time. Miners are rewarded for good shares . Bad Shares are calculations where I came up with the right answer, but my Pi produced the results slower than another computer. Miners only get paid when they submit the correct answer first. Invalid shares are the worst as a miner is penalized for every invalid share due to possible fraudulent activity. I was a bit worried when my first 4 shares were marked as invalid shares.
357 good shares = 0.000001410642 Monero = 0.00015569 USD.
I made the equivalent of 1/100th of a penny in 8 hours.
In order to withdraw my Monero, I needed a minimum of 0.05 Monero , approximately equal to $5.811 USD . (Exchange rate at the time of the writing of this article.) At a pace of accumulating 0.000001410642 Monero per 8 hours , it would take me 3,762 years to reach the minimum withdrawal threshold of 0.05 Monero.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:39 am

How These Rare-Earth Elements Could Change Our Future - Treasure Hunters - Spark|51:51
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:39 am

Why China's control of rare earths matters - FT|3:14
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:40 am
Interesting to Know. Mining ( and production of platinum metals|3:28
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:41 am
Lessons Learned about Raspberry Pi Crypto mining.
As stated at the beginning of this article, the purpose of this exercise was to learn about cryptocurrency and not to make a profit.
Cryptocurrency mining rewards are calculated by shares and hash rates. My hash rate varied from 1.6 H/s to 33.3 H/s. The average hash rate for the pool was 10.27 MH/s, approximately 3 million times my Pi's hash rate. For reference, 1 MH/s is 1,000,000 hashes per second. The mining pool company (in this case Minergate), also charges a small commission on your transactions. You have the choice of luck based commission (higher risk, higher reward), or Pay Per Share (higher commission for Minergate, but less risk). At various points during the writing of this article, my Pi had numerous 'time out' errors and 'send_line failed.' Sometimes a reboot of the Pi would help, and sometimes, the miner would eventually start working again without human intervention.
it would take me 3,762 years to reach the minimum withdrawal threshold.
Crypto-"mining" is a type of Ponzi scheme. Don't do it!
Why not plug a usb crypto miner into your pi? They usually produce around 300MH/s at around 2.5-10W.
A few questions:
You mention the ARM CPU as a limiting factor. Would it work better with a cheap x86 unit like the Atomic Pi?
The last time I checked, World Community Grid had a client for ARM but no actual jobs to process. Has that changed?
Have you tried the xmrig miner?
Is there any real use for Monero? No one seems to want it.
How to Mine Cryptocurrency with Raspberry Pi : Read more.
If you want to go deeper down this rabbit hole I'd recommend investigating mining uPlexa instead of Monero on smaller devices like the Raspberry PI. More information here: While Monero has wider adoption, uPlexa is growing. you can exchange uPlexa for Ethereum on Stex and Bitcoin on Graviex.
Because it's designed for IoT you won't run into issues with Bad or Invalid shares mining uPlexa on your Raspberry PI. There are pools like that offer ports with very low difficulty that are also perfect for older Android phones (you can mine using their dedicated Android app or run Ubuntu in Termux), Raspberry PI, etc.
After overclocking my RPI4 and installing Raspberry OS 64 bit. I've been running xmrigCC for months and get a solid 1.1 kH/s hashrate. While that still will only net you about 19 cents a month at current values that's a significant improvement over Monero. And in 6 months uPlexa's exchange value has fluctuated significantly. That 19 cents was worth closer to 50 cents over the summer.
More importantly. there's a ton of development happening with uPlexa. They will be launching a new update shortly called Steadfast Storm which includes a dVPN on the uPlexa network. Mining powers the network. And a few days worth of mining on your RPI should be more than enough to cover access.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:41 am
Bitcoin mining ( with a Raspberry Pi.
First Published 14th January 2018, Last Updated 22nd August 2019 by Tim Trott.
Raspberry Pi Bitcoin mining ( with AntMiner U2.
Since this guide has been written the difficulty involved in mining Bitcoin has increased significantly. The techniques presented here are no longer profitable and you will spend more on electricity than you would ever hope to gain through mining. When I fired up my miner to update this, the estimated payout was in 108 years time, for 0.0001 Bitcoin. This is for information purposes only.
Raspberry Pi in combination with a USB ASIC miner chip makes a good Bitcoin miner (PiMiner) due to its low power usage and ease of configuration. ASIC devices are specialised computing processors specific to the SHA256 algorithm used in Bitcoin hashes. They are much more efficient than pure CPU computations. The Raspberry Pi is a very cheap and efficient way to control and monitor devices which are better suited to mining Bitcoins.
To get started mining Bitcoins with a Raspberry Pi and an Antminer U2 USB ASIC device, you will also need:
A Pool Account (Recommended: A BitCoin Wallet Powered USB Hub (Optional for Pi3, Required for is the details from the Slushpool worker configuration.
If everything is plugged in correctly bfgminer should automatically recognise the antminers and start mining. Depending on which version of Antminer you have, you will see the speed and hash rates shown in the screen. Antminer U2 should be around 1.6Gh/s.
The three speed numbers you see indicate the last 5s avg speed, the All-Time Average (for this program run) and the Effective Average (actual performance taking into account failures etc).
While you won't get rich running a single Raspberry Pi Bitcoin Rig, you can learn about cryptocurrency, mining and of course the Raspberry Pi. As a tool for education, this can help you decide if you wish to invest in more appropriate equipment to mine cryptocurrency. Idea: Why not try Bitcoin mining ( on a Raspberry Pi cluster?
13th June 2019 at 3:56 am.
I am trying to implement the "Bitcoin mining ( using RPi" project and am facing a little bit of trouble when I am trying to get the setup functioning to start mining bitcoins.Could you please help me out ?
I am using a RPi 3 flashed with Raspbian stretch OS (full version, not the lite version) Gekkoscience compac USB ASIC Bitcoin core wallet SlushPool pooled mining account BFGminer USB Hub.
I've already linked the Bitcoin core wallet to the slushpool account and also have installed the BFGminer onto the RPi.
There seems to be some problem/error occuring when I run the final command i.e bfgminer -S all -o stratum+tcp:// -u -p The mining process doesn't start. the screen shows something like "waiting for devices. press M+ to add devices or Q to quit" something like that and the quickly it moves on to another screen which keeps displaying "Trying in 15 seconds" something like that..
Can somebody help me out with this ?
I will be able to share screenshots of error message if somebody is really interested in solving the issue.
28th July 2018 at 12:00 am.
I'm trying to run bfgminer but I keep getting "No servers could be used. Exiting" trying to connect with nicehash and slush pool. Tried with and without sudo, and installed from repository using instructions here. Raspbian stretch 9. I heard it could be to do with libcurl or ufw but I don't know how to check or test these. Could somebody help please?
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Tim Trott is a creative photographer, traveller, astronomer and software engineer with a passion for self-growth and a desire for personal challenge.
How to Create a Raspberry Pi Bitcoin Miner.
If you don't know already, Bitcoin is a virtual currency set up in 2009. Bitcoin has grown in reputation over the past few years becoming a very popular as a method to pay for services over the internet. The value has rocketed recently thanks to the huge coverage in the media, for both positive and negative reasons.
There are two ways to get Bitcoin:
Buying them from an exchange, which is the process of converting local currency to Bitcoin. Mining them . Mining is the process of verifying transactions in the blockchain .
As the whole of the Bitcoin system is decentralised, every transaction is publically viewable within what is called the blockchain. This blockchain contains every bitcoin exchanged between users so, as there is no central server, it has to be self governed. This is the job of the miners.
In order to mine Bitcoin, you will need:
A pool account Bitcoin Wallet Raspberry Pi Raspbian image SD card USB Bitcoin miner.
Creating an Account.
There are four things you need to do:
Download a bitcoin wallet Create a pool account Set up payment Set up workers.
Download a Bitcoin Wallet.
A wallet is a program that sits on your computer and gives you a wallet address , this is a unique string of numbers and letters that you will use to receive bitcoins. Download the client for your computer from
After installation, you will have to save a file called wallet.dat , keep this file safe, as this contains your unique wallet address within it, including all bitcoins that you will gain. If you lose this file, you cannot recover any bitcoins it contained.
Create a Pool Account.
Once you have a wallet address, create a pool account. A pool is a huge collection of other people working towards gaining bitcoins. Due to the complexity of mining a bitcoin, it has become unrealistic to solo mine-the act of processing millions of numbers to solve the block problem. Working as a group, or pool, lets everyone have a chance of earning some Bitcoin. There are many pools around, in this tutorial I'll be using one called Slush's pool:
Set Up Payment.
Once you have created a pool account, you'll need to enter your unique wallet address into the Bitcoin payout address.
Create Worker Account.
Next step is to create a worker login account. Within your pool account you have the ability to create something called a worker for each of your bitcoin miners, so you're able to monitor them all separately just in case one should fail.
Each worker has its own login name and password. Whilst you are on My Account click Register New Worker and give it a name, for example; worker, and a password .
Now you're ready to set your Raspberry Pi mining for Bitcoin.
Setting Up the Raspberry Pi.
Start with a fresh Raspbian install, if you don't know who to do this, read the tutorial How to Install NOOBS on a Raspberry Pi With a Mac .
If you plan on running more than one Bitcoin miner at the same time, it is best to use a powered USB hub. Take into account the power rating as mining will need a lot of power, as much as one mp per miner.
With your USB miner attached to your Raspberry Pi, let's get everything installed.
Installing Required libraries.
The miner to be installed comes as source files, which means that the program must be compiled into a binary before it can be run. To make a program, in this case BFGMiner, many dependencies are required.
Dependencies are additional software, or libraries the program needs in order to compile properly, as it has been developed using them to make the software more efficient.
Hopefully you will be seeing the Raspbian desktop, so double click on LXTerminal and type in the following:
This process will take a few minutes to complete.
Installing BFGMiner.
Once all the dependencies have been installed, now it is time to download and install BFGMiner, so type the following into LXTerminal. It's normal for these to take a few minutes to complete so some patience is needed.
You will be greeted with a screen that looks similar to the following:
Start Mining Bitcoin.
Now you're ready to start mining. To do this, providing you're using Slush's pool, you'll use the following command:
The username section is composed of two parts, the username that you use to login to the pool, and worker which is the worker name you gave when you registered the worker. Finally, the password that was set when you created the worker.
If everything works, you will see the main screen that will look similar to this:
That's a lot of numbers, so I'll make some of them a bit clearer.
Current mining speed , typically calculated in megahashes or gigahashes. The number of hashes a second that can be calculated the better. A hash is an algorithm of converting numbers and letters into an undecryptable set of characters. So a miner is used to process millions of numbers in an effort to match the hash to guess the original number. The more hashes that can be processed the faster it is able to solve the problem. Number of accepted shares . A share on a pool is to show the miner has successfully worked out a given problem, so the more shares you can process the better your reward from the pool. Detailed information on accepted shares and pool updates . This is a running log of what is currently happening with the miners and basic pool information, such as messages of updates and when new blocks are found.
More information can be found at the BFGminer github site.
Following these steps will leave you with a very energy efficient bitcoin miner, as a Raspberry Pi only uses four watts of power, and a miner is typically 2.5W. Mining used to be done with computers consuming over 700W for the same process so to make a jump in savings helps repay the cost of the hardware we are using.
All there is to do now is to sit back and watch the money slowly build up. Though it is important that you understand that Bitcoin value fluctuates wildly, it is extremely volatile, so invest at your own risk.
For more information there are a number of websites and forums available, such as,to help get you started.
And if you're interested in getting more involved with developing for Bitcoin, check out the range of Bitcoin scripts and apps on Envato Market.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:42 am
Elements of Mining ( and Stages|13:08
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:42 am

What Do YOU Need to MINE ONE ETHEREUM In 2020?!|14:13
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:43 am
24 Best Bitcoin mining ( software - (Reviewed) 2020.
Bitcoin mining ( can be described as the process where transactions between participants are verified and subsequently added to a public ledger which is known as the Bitcoin blockchain. It also means that through this process, new Bitcoins are released.
Any individual who has internet access and the required, suitable hardware can partake in Bitcoin mining ( The process attributed to mining involves recent transactions which are compiled into blocks and subsequently solving complex algorithms.
The participant, or miner, who solves the puzzle is allowed to place the next block onto the blockchain and claim the rewards. The rewards are what intensifies Bitcoin mining (, and they consist of the transaction fees from transactions which are compiled into the block in addition to newly released Bitcoins.
This ensures that Bitcoin mining ( is highly competitive, and it should be noted that Bitcoin mining ( and Bitcoin trading or exchange, are two completely different activities which should not be confused.
Why is Bitcoin so valuable?
Apart from being the first digital cryptocurrency ever created, it was also the first which was recognized as one over which no person, organization, or authority has any control.
Bitcoin can be bought, sold, exchanged, traded, and mined, but there is no person that has any say over what a Bitcoin owner can do with their coins, how it should be spent, or invested.
There is no dictatorship associated with Bitcoin and it is free of oppression and hyperinflation. It also serves as a safe haven for people who live in developing countries where such conditions are prominent. It is also why so many governments have worked to outlaw Bitcoin, to no avail.
Fiat systems are strictly controlled and subsequently manipulated by banks and governments and the value thereof is backed by the word of these participants. It is in areas such as these, amidst numerous others, where Bitcoin has substantial leverage over fiat currencies.
However valuable and popular Bitcoin is and despite it being more widely recognized and accepted, fiat currencies cannot simply fall away or disappear from existence as it is still regarded as the most stable ground on which both exchange and trade are based.
Bitcoin has some leverage over fiat currencies, and it is being accepted more as the move towards a digitized world moves ahead steadily. There will, however, always be some controversy involved with adopting change, however small the move towards it may be.
Why do people mine Bitcoin?
By mining, miners stand a chance to earn cryptocurrency without having to put any capital towards it. It should also be noted that mining is not the only way to earn cryptocurrency, it can also be traded through a broker or bought and sold through an exchange using fiat currency.
Mining is the only way through which Bitcoin can be released into circulation and even without mining, Bitcoin would still exist and be usable but new Bitcoin would not be released.
Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency which was created and released, and it is, to this day, due to various factors, also the most valuable. One of these reasons is that there is a limited supply of Bitcoin, 21 million to be exact, and there will never be more than this amount.
Apart from being paid for their services, miners also verify previous Bitcoin transactions to ensure that users stay honest and to prevent the chances of double-spending occurring.
Double spending entails the illicit spending of the same money twice and is one of the most prominent problems associated with fiat currencies.
CGMiner is the most popular and extensively free software available for Bitcoin mining ( It is an open-source ASIC/FPGA software which is used for mining, which is compatible for use on desktops running Windows, Linux, and MacOS X.
It is a command line application which is both fast and efficient and features full monitoring, remote interface capabilities and even the ability to control the computer's fan speed.
The network scheduler is scalable, and it can adjust to any size hash rate without causing any network hold-ups. Another unique feature of this software is that it includes the ability to configure files and the logging and monitoring of API.
There are also a number of proxy methods which can be used for mining purposes. However, the most distinctive feature of CGMiner is the control that it has over mining hardware.
With CGMiner, the user can change a variety of settings in both FPGA and ASIC including voltages, amidst numerous others. A menu is provided where custom management in most settings can be applied including self-detection of new blocks.
There is also a compact database for frail longpoll scenarios. There is a variety of ASIC mining hardware which is compatible with CGMiner including, but not limited to BlackArrow, Minion, Hexfury, and more.
This is a fork of CGMiner which incorporates a variety of advanced and unique features. It differs greatly from its predecessor in that it makes use of newer getblocktemplate as opposed to the former getwork template which was used.
It is a decentralisation change where, initially; blocks were created by the pool whereas they are now created by the miner instead.
BFGMiner does not focus on GPUs as CGMiner tends to but is rather created specifically for use on ASIC hardware. Without a proxy, the getblocktemplate decentralised mining protocol can, in addition, also generate work before existing work is completed.
Written in C, BFGMiner's source code is compatible with desktops running either Windows, Linux or Mac operating systems.
Another feature is that BFGMiner incorporates a watchdog thread which can restart any idle threads that present themselves without potentially causing the machine to crash should these threads fail to respond.
There is summarised as well as individual data statistics which is displayed and includes requests as well as accepts, rejects, efficiency, utility and lastly, hw errors. As long as the hardware support is present, BFGMiner can even monitor the temperature thereof.
Users of BFGMiner have more options where customization of their mining hardware is concerned and includes, but is not limited to overclocking, remote interface capabilities, fan speed control, and more.
BFGMiner also features an array of device drivers for Bitcoin and drivers for scripts.
This open-source GUI Miner acts as a convenient wrapper for both CGMiner and BFGMiner software. One of the challenges associated with the mining of various cryptocurrencies is that they require different command lines such as mining tools, which makes management tedious.
EasyMiner solves this issue as it enables users to mine numerous cryptocurrencies across the board. EasyMiner supports the use of ccminer, cudaminer, and numerous others for mining Bitcoin and in addition, it has a 'Moneymaker' feature which can be used when mining Litecoin.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:43 am
Users of EasyMiner can, alternatively also use the 'Solo' mode on the software to select a mining pool of their choosing and a custom hash algorithm which corresponds with the coin that they intend to mine.
HoneyMiner is mining software which provides anyone with access to a PC the ability to mine digital currencies. HoneyMiner was designed for the purpose of a 'set it and forget it' approach which allows its users to earn Bitcoin mining ( income without having to go through the process of contending with technicalities.
While using HoneyMiner, users can mine a variety of cryptocurrencies and cash out in Bitcoin.
To use it, users can download the software onto their computers and let it run. The software runs in the background and makes use of the GPU/CPU output in order to mine a variety of coins. The coins are then subsequently converted into Bitcoin to simplify the process of accessing any profits made.
The power of the user's PC, particularly the graphics card, is what will determine the amount that the user can earn from using the software to mine. Thus, PCs designed for computer gaming have the best potential to make more profits, the same rule applies to PCs that have more than one graphics card installed.
HoneyMiner is currently limited on its compatibility with operating systems and is only available for PCs that run on Windows. Although, support for MacOS and Linux is in planning.
With this mining software, users can manage multiple mining rigs of different types such as FPGAs and ASICs, amidst numerous others. The software is intuitive and features a variety of centralised management features.
One of its main management features is that it supports an excess of 25 mining engines including BFGMiner, CGMiner, and more. AwesomeMiner, in addition, also supports a variety of mining algorithms and it makes use of both real-time multi-pool statistics as well as digital currency statistics.
By making use of these, AwesomeMiner can achieve high profits by effortlessly switching between algorithms, multiple pools, and different mining software.
The dashboard featured on AwesomeMiner allows for the monitoring of the status and temperature of all FPGA and ASIC devices from one location. There is also a powerful C# script engine which can be used when designing customized triggers as well as actions.
The HTTP API can also be accessed by users to allow for interaction with the mining software from any external applications to allow for the retrieval of any mining progress information that may be useful to the user.
This beginner friendly mining software is compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems and which is based on BFGMiner featuring a graphical and powerful, yet simple solution to the user's Bitcoin mining ( needs.
Once MultiMiner has been installed, the tools automatically detect any mining hardware which has been installed and subsequently creates a table containing all required and relevant information.
Users are provided with the ability to choose the coins they wish to mine as per the connected mining device. MultiMiner also comes jam-packed with additional features including the option to choose a mining strategy, remote access to the mining rig, and tooltips which help the user familiarize themselves with complicated mining terms.
MultiMiner is appealing for newcomers and it also allows for more advanced options for power users including direct access to API settings and even engine arguments.
BitMine Farm.
BitMine Farm is a mining pool which is hardware-based and helps users check mining status with ease. It can also be used to maximize profit in addition to minimizing downtime.
Features of this software include:
An easy setup Enables users to make digital money without much hassle Mining enabled through both GPU and CPU Provides a clean GUI.
Antminer S17 Pro.
Antminer S17 Pro is a piece of hardware which has proven to be quite profitable, considering current conditions, as it yields a positive ROI when Bitcoin is mined.
However, there are more and more companies that are emerging in the mining hardware market and as it becomes easier and cheaper to find mining software, it becomes more difficult to find some, such as S17 at an affordable price.
The S17 miners run on a second generation BM1397 chip which is a massive leap in hashrate and is a result of great technological advances which were made by the development team of the provider, Bitmain.
Hostero is a mining tool which is used in cryptocurrency mining and includes an array of products which can help in the deployment, management and monitoring of miners as well as nodes.
Users of Hostero are provided with an environment in which they can securely mine coins and there is the provision of a single dashboard which features all miners and users in addition to charts and statistics.
When employing nodes, prerequisites associated with knowledge is no longer required and users can check their status easily in addition to deleting and even re-deploying them with the greatest of ease.
Hostero is a PoS miner and therefore users can even view the different logs of miners. Through the use of dedicated monitoring and alerts, users can access both real-time and historical charts, aggregated metrics, and numerous other features from a centralized platform.
MacMiner is mining software which can be used on MacOS and is the first mining software which is native to the Mac system as it was designed and tailored perfectly for such devices.
The software is straightforward to understand and use and the app allows the user to run the backend in the terminal. Designed for the purpose of mining Bitcoin, MacMiner can also mine Litecoin just as easily.
It features a user-friendly interface to help users handle it more easily rather than having to deal with a complicated number of various command lines.
NeoNeonMiner is mining software which is utilized on Android devices which requires that the user joins a mining pool as the software does not support solo mining. Apart from this drawback, it is still a great choice as far as smartphone mining is concerned.
The software, however, provides the ability for the user to choose between different mining pools and is a great way for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies such as Litecoin, Vertcoin, and others, to be mined while on the go.
There are, however, other drawbacks to using this apps which includes the inclusion of banner adds which pop up while it is being used. Some users may not be deterred by this whereas others may start finding it annoying.
The interface is not the best, but the software is free to use, supports a variety of coins and pools, and it has a few useful features such as:
Offering a detailed crypto mining log Autoconfiguration script, and more.
AA Miner.
For those who wish to mine Bitcoin but would prefer an app or software which does not entail a complicated interface, functions, and other features which may not make sense, especially to beginner miners, the AA Miner for Android is the perfect app.
When using AA Miner, the user has access to mine more than 50 different currencies and allows the user to join, and efficiently switch between, different mining pools.
Computta is software used for the purpose of mining Bitcoin by using computing resources. This process is also referred to as shard mining and it involves the downloading of the software, installation, and then running it on the user's computer.
The miner runs in the background and uses computer resources to automatically mine cryptocurrency without intervention or assistance from the miner.
Before signing up for this, there are a few things that users need to note. Apart from the system requirements, users must be in possession of a Bitcoin Wallet address in order for payments to be received.
Computta is designed only for use on Windows (64-Bit) and requires disk space of a minimum 205Mb.
MinerGate is mining software which can be run on almost any machine and allows for the mining of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, and more.
It provides the user with access to an open mining pool where numerous other people make use of their computers to add more hashing power to that of thousands of other miners.
MinerGate provides users with a solution which is 'download and run' which provides users who cannot afford powerful machines to run more complex mining software. However, to earn great profits, users need to possess more powerful machines.
Average computers will earn some small profits but to really cash in, more powerful machines and subsequent software is necessary.
MinerGate may seem simple, but it runs complex algorithms in the background. With just a few clicks, it exploits the maximum capability of the hardware that is in use, depending on how much the user wants to dedicate to the overall process.
Depending on the amount of hashing committed by the user, they will be rewarded by the MinerGate team.
Another drawback to using mining software on a computer with little power to dedicate towards mining is that the electricity bill associated with mining may be higher than the profits that the user makes.
Kryptex is an application which helps the user mine cryptocurrencies in addition to allowing for payment in either US Dollar or Bitcoin. The software runs in the background even if the PC is idle and has the following features:
Setup of the software is fairly easy It provides for a clean GUI It automatically starts as the PC is turned on Mining can be done with both the CPU and GPU The software supports English, Spanish, Portuguese, and other languages.
Kryptex is available for use on PCs that run on Windows OS and is user-friendly and easy to navigate. Although the crypto pay-out on it is rather low, the software has a lite mode function which allows for use of the software while using a lower percentage of computer power although this can only be used on CPU, not GPU.
Slushpool is cryptocurrency mining software used for the mining of BTC and ZEC. Features of this software include:
The ability to mine from a mobile phone Provision of feedback 24/7 Assistance in minimizing losses as result of hardware failure and/or connectivity issues The provision of a VIP solution where large-scale mining operation is concerned.
Established in 2010, Slushpool is known for first pioneering crypto mining pools and has, thus far mined more than 1.25 million Bitcoin. It uses an advanced monitoring system in order to both observe and supervise miners, optimise losses, and improve the efficiencies of miners.
Through the mobile app, users can observe the mining process, receive real-time notifications depending on the preference of the user, and more. New users can create a demo account to explore the platform before committing.
Slushpool offers support in five different languages and there is adequate provision made for a news section.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:44 am

This New Ethereum Miner EARNS $200 DAILY?!|13:55
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 07:46 am
HiveOS was developed by Bitmart and it is a detailed system which allows for better control over both graphics cards and mining rigs in an efficient manner.
Users can easily set their mining rigs up and with HiveOS, users can copy and paste settings which saves substantially on both time and effort. With this software users can set up multiple pools, dual mining, and manage a variety of grids from one system.
Cards are displayed individually on the Hive and from here, users can choose which cards can be dedicated to mining and what they should mine. In addition, users can also view the hash rate of each card.
Cudo Miner is mining software which uses multiple algorithms and is a feature-rich CPU and GPU miner. Users are provided with a simple setup in addition to a highly profitable way through which cryptocurrency mining can be done.
Cudo Miner is free to download and install and it uses the user's computer hardware as well as resources to yield cryptocurrency. Cudo is one of the platforms being used most by miners and which is also easy to navigate.
Features of Cudo Miner include:
The ability to use auto-coin switching which maximizes the chances of profit It offers setting and controls so that GPU speed and performance can be adjusted to allow for optimization CPU, GPU and ASIC mining are supported There is an advanced hashing algorithm provided which allows for the customization of mining Security is ensured by multi-factor authentication, and more.
Hashing24 is a Bitcoin mining ( company which has been in operation since 2012 and claims to be involved with the Bitcoin mining ( cloud. It allows for users to set a custom plan in renting the exact amount of hash power as per the user's preferences.
This provides users with the freedom to mine cryptocurrency without having to physically buy or own the hardware required. Through Hashing24, users have access to real-world data centers.
Some of the features and benefits of using Hashing24 include:
The mining of cryptocurrencies without any hassle Hashing24's data centres are located in various countries including Norway, Canada, Georgia, and Iceland. Hashing24 makes use of the newest ASIC chips. It offers an intuitive interface and makes use of some of the latest air and cooling technology.
Mining Pool Hub.
MiningPoolHub offers multi-pool mining and has an auto-trading system which allows for the choice to mine numerous cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more. The coins which have been mined can then be converted into BTC before the withdrawal is completed.
To make use of this provider, users must register an account with the pool on the website before proceeding. Once an account has been registered, the user can select their type of mining along with the port of the server for mining.
In addition to being able to mine different coins, users can use either the CPU or the GPU and users have access to profit switching for ASIC and GPU in addition to having access to an interface which is user-friendly.
MinePeon is mining software with great focus on stability as well as performance through its lean purpose build mining tool. The goal that the user needs to keep in mind is that they need to configure the software and leave it to do its work.
Some of the features attributable to MinePeon is:
That it is Lean which means that should there be anything which is not directly associated with mining, it will not be included. It is designed as an OS which is embedded and greatly focused on providing stability. All of the packages which are included have been thoroughly tested and available in the latest, most stable versions. The software is fast and will not detect a CPU cycle which will take away from mining. The software is up to date and contains the latest packages as well as practices. It is user-friendly and can be used by beginners.
BitMiner is mining software, which is easy to set up, uncomplicates Bitcoin mining ( and provides users with the chance to make high earnings.
BitMiner is compatible with all platforms including Windows, MacOS, and Linux. BitMiner makes use of its own mining pool to mine Bitcoin which means that the user only has to sign up for the pool, install the software, and mining can commence.
The software is free to download and use, although there is a 1% commission involved with the mining pool in order to form a part of it.
RPC Miner is a remote pool miner for the mining of Bitcoin, and which has four client binaries which are administered:
The software can be used for the mining of Bitcoin and numerous other cryptocurrencies by generating and configuring the relevant automated methods as well as variety of situations in the dedicated tool.
RPC Miner can be used by devices which run Mac OS 10.6 and higher. RPC Miner makes use of peer-to-peer technology to run without the use of central control.
BTCMiner is free and open-source mining software which includes an advanced feature associated with dynamic frequency scaling during which the software automatically depicts the frequency which has the highest amount of valid hashes.
BTCMiner also features Bitstream, which is ready-to-use as it does not require Xilinx software or any other associated license for mining to be done.
Final Thoughts - Advantages and disadvantages of Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is widely accepted by major organizations as well as a variety of companies. It is popular, recognized and easily convertible. Bitcoin has a high rate of liquidity due to its popularity and value. It offers easier transactions which are smoother than that of traditional fiat currency transfers. It offers anonymity. It is not regulated by central banks or any government.
Due to Bitcoin being the most popular cryptocurrency, the rate of liquidity is high and due to the demand on Bitcoin, the value thereof is susceptible to increases and decreases over a span of time which leads to high volatility. There are still concerns pertaining to security breaches and the lack of regulation is also concerning for some. Technical flaws associated with technology which could negatively impact a user or a heavy investor. Environmental impact due to the substantial amount of electricity that Bitcoin mining ( involves.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:05 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:16 am
6 Best Bitcoin mining ( Software for Windows 10 12 min read.
The Bitcoin mining ( software market is full of original offers with their benefits, features, capabilities, and drawbacks. Downloading and trying each solution is definitely a time-consuming and irrational task. That's why we have prepared for you a complete comparison of the popular cryptocurrency mining tools. Learn which one is the best in your case. In recent years, the Bitcoin mining ( trend is continuously decreasing. According to Google Trends , people haven't been that interested in this topic as they were in December 2019. Since the time of the most popular cryptocurrency reaching its top price of about $20,00 and then starting damping, society no longer has that enthusiasm about virtual money as before. However, many of us still hope to generate passive income in the long run.
At the time of rising buzz around Bitcoin , you could have a computer with a mediocre processor and graphics processing unit (GPU) to mine cryptocurrency. With the growing number of miners worldwide, the game rules have dramatically changed. Solo GPU mining works no more. Now you need to have mining farms or at least use special ASIC devices to earn rewards for creating new transactions in Blockchain . Whatever hardware you use, you should download and install suitable software to mine Bitcoins.
Cryptocurrency mining software is a digital tool designed specially for mining virtual money based on the blockchain. Bitcoin mining ( software for Windows 10, Linux, or MacOS conducts mathematical calculations to generate new data blocks in the distributed ledger. For each generated block, miners get a reward equal to 12.5 Bitcoins (BTC).
In other words, miners provide the blockchain platform with their computing power while mining software connects miners to this platform and continuously try to calculate data block hashes using available hardware. This is how Bitcoin mining ( software works. Along with computing power, the other mining component is software. Its algorithms influence how fast it can calculate a data block hash.
Besides its basic function, mining software may have additional features that can improve the way the system generates new data blocks or simplify the management of this process for a miner. For example, you can use mining software to do the following:
GPU "overclocking" (increasing the GPU mining efficiency); Computing power configuration; Hardware condition monitoring; Hardware component heating control; Enabling/disabling hardware components.
It's highly important to choose the right software for your hardware to mine Bitcoins in an effective way. You should pick a tool by taking into account its specifications and capabilities to make sure it's compatible with your equipment and can use its computing power by 100%.
If you purchase a high-end AMD GPU with the capacity of 80 MH/s and install software that can perform calculations with a peak computing power of 40 MH/s, then your mining efficacy is only 50%.
How to choose mining software.
When choosing mining software, you should consider those solutions designed for mining your target cryptocurrency. Digital tools rely on specific algorithms that vary depending on the type of virtual coin. For example, Bitcoin relies on Blockchain, IOTA uses the Tangle distributed registry, while Monero uses the CryptoNight algorithm.
Then you should pay attention to which operating systems considered solutions support. Some tools may focus solely on Ubuntu while other ones support multiple platforms. Furthermore, there are cross-platform solutions compatible with different operating systems at the same time. So if you use the platform from Microsoft, you should use a Bitcoin miner for Windows 10 or lower.
Another valuable aspect of choosing mining software is your hardware capacity. You should learn the specifications of available solutions and pick the one suitable for your equipment. If your processor is incapable of delivering the computing power of over 20 MH/s, then it makes no sense to install mining software developed to work with the minimum capacity starting from this value. Otherwise, it can overheat your hardware or even damage it.
You also should take a type of mining you're going to use into consideration. In many cases, a particular solution focuses on a specific mining type. For GPU, central processing unit (CPU), or ASIC mining, you have to use separate tools. There also are solutions designed for multiple mining types, but you still have to separately launch software for each type of mining.
The other important aspect when choosing a Bitcoin miner is functionality. Many solutions offer additional useful features that can help you improve your mining efficiency. These features are:
Various cryptocurrencies support . With some solutions, you can mine different virtual coins thus increasing your income by mining more profitable virtual money. User interface . With a user-friendly graphical interface, you can mine Bitcoins in an easy way without entering any scripts. Advanced configuration . Decide whether you need additional features like heating control, background work, automatic selection of calculation algorithms, etc.
Besides Bitcoin, you may need to have a capability to mine other cryptocurrencies like Etherium typically used for transactions in smart contracts . To avoid the need for installing other software in the future, choose the solution that supports various cryptocurrencies mining. If you're a beginner in Bitcoin mining (, use a tool that has user interface rather than requires console-based commands. Learn what else you can get in addition to the basic tool functionality to optimize your mining process.
Bitcoin miners for Windows 10.
When you do your homework described in the previous paragraph, you can start creating a list of suitable solutions and highlight their advantages and disadvantages. Fortunately, you can use our own list containing GPU and CPU Bitcoin mining ( software that supports Windows 10.
Ufasoft Miner.
Ufasoft Miner is a console-based tool with no graphical interface. This makes using this mining software complicated for those unfamiliar with console commands. However, you need no learning complex scripts to work with Ufasoft Miner. Moreover, the installation process is quite easy and typical for most solutions. To install it, you just need to launch the .exe file and follow ordinary steps provided by a common installer. Make sure you have downloaded the right and actual version.
You manage how the system uses the computing power of your hardware. You can limit the working temperature for your hardware. The default value is 28.3 °C You can change the number of involved cores and threads. You can edit the pool address.
Antivirus software can identify Ufasoft Miner files as malware .
GUIminer is one of the most popular GPU Bitcoin mining ( software for Windows 10. It also allows users to mine other cryptocurrencies like Litecoin (LTC). The main characteristics of this tool are that it provides a user interface which makes the mining process extremely easy. So even beginners can learn how to use it. In just a few minutes after configuration, you can start generating new data block and get rewards.
Therefore, you have no need for typing scripts in or editing configuration files to set the solution up. However, GUIminer is a great tool for both professional miners and those who only explore the crypto mining theme. It's worth mentioning that this software supports OpenCL solutions. So you can use different GPUs from various vendors like AMD or Nvidia.
The program also has a special version called GUIminer Script. The main difference between original GUIminer and its modification is that the latter allows you to mine cryptocurrency chains. In other words, this modification allows you to mine cheap cryptocurrencies. GUIminer Script also has a graphical interface which makes it as simple and comprehensive as the original version. The tool also offers various modes like CUDA mining.
GUIminer has already been configured by default to support popular pools. Therefore, you have no need for manually configuring the connection GUIminer provides useful data on the dashboard. This data includes: hash rate; the number of invalid/accepted shares; the total number of share per hour. You can monitor your account balance in real-time. With GUIminer, you can launch multiple cryptocurrency miners at the same time The tool can function in the background and display important notifications.
According to Github , the project hasn't been updated since 2014. There's no information about ASIC mining support either on Github or BitcoinTalk. That's why you need to have a mining farm with numerous GPUs to efficiently mine Bitcoins with GUIminer in 2019.
NiceHash Miner.
NiceHash is a service for Bitcoin mining ( hardware renting. In fact, it's an auction. By connecting their farm or ASIC devices to the platform, users can lease their equipment. However, the initial price is unknown since buyers have to make bids once this hardware becomes available. On the other side, miners participate the auction. Users with the highest bids get access to equipment and then can start mining Bitcoins. As a miner, you can choose a pool and another cryptocurrency besides Bitcoin.
The solution supports both AMD and Nvidia GPUs. It's a good choice for beginners since configuration happens automatically. Furthermore, you have no need for choosing the most efficient algorithm because the system does it on its own. To determine this algorithm, the tool relies on other miners' experience. In addition, you always can change automatic settings in case you know what you're doing.
The hardware buying process is quite simple. All you need to do is register and replenish your account with the necessary amount. Regardless of the fact that you can mine various cryptocurrencies, you have to pay in Bitcoins as well as user receive rewards in the same coin. Due to the simple configuration, it's a great choice for those unfamiliar with console-based mining software for Windows 10.
You can connect to a wide range of mining devices. The service requires no prepayments and you can pay for hardware using your mining rewards. NiceHash Miners automatically selects the most efficient mining algorithm. The solution supports all popular mining algorithms as well as both CPU and GPU mining types. NiceHash also is ASIC mining software.
You can get a negative account balance because of your improper calculations. You can only receive payments in Bitcoin even if you mine another cryptocurrency In 2017, cybercriminals hacked the NiceHash platform. As a result, users lost around $60 million in Bitcoins (4,000 BTC).
CGMiner is a console-based Bitcoin miner. It's rather suitable for experienced users who are familiar with writing scripts. However, the tool has a wide community that can help you with technical issues and configuration. This solution is one of the most efficient mining software for Windows 10 64 bit and 32 bit. It allows users to mine the cryptocurrency with a high hashrate using their GPUs.
One of the most important benefits of CGMiner is its GPU overclocking feature. Using this feature, you can improve your mining efficiency. The tool also uses a special protocol called NeoScrypt which can increase the overall profit as well. It also provides numerous configuration options, However, it can be difficult for newbies to sort these settings out.
The initial software setup process is simple enough. It usually takes from 10 to 15 minutes to configure CGMiner The GPU overclocking feature The embedded notification system. The solution will notify you in case of any critical errors like hardware overheating or system crashes.
No graphical user interface Unsuitable for beginners.
Like CGMiner, DiabloMiner also is a console-based Bitcoin mining ( tool. It's best suitable for experienced users since it has no user interface and requires manual entering commands. It's free to use but you need to have a deep knowledge of MS-DOS. Besides Windows 10, it also supports Linux and MacOS operating systems.
The main benefit of DiabloMiner is that it allows miners to use both CPU and GPU cryptocurrency mining. It supports AMD graphics processing units starting from version 79 and Nvidia GPUs (version 8 or higher).
DiabloMiner supports Windows, MacOS, and Linux. With this tool, you can use GPUs from various vendors like Nvidia and AMD. GPU and CPU mining support; Manual pool configuration.
No graphical user interface.
Like NiceHash, Awesome Miner is also a paid mining tool that has a user-friendly interface. However, it charges a fixed $30 fee if you work with more than 2 farms simultaneously.
For $85, you can manage up to 10 farms at the same time and count on technical support within half of a year. In addition, you can manage this tool via SSN, SMS, cloud services, or even remotely using a special user interface.
The most expensive Ultimate package allows users to manage up to 300 farms and provides ongoing technical support for $800. One of the main benefits of Awesome Miner is its simplicity. Even absolute beginners will easily understand how to use it.
CPU and GPU mining support Automatic market analysis Bitcoin price monitoring Instant error notifications Earnings analysis Manual configuration as an option.
Suitable only for professional miners High cost When it comes to operating systems, Awesome Miner supports only Windows.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:16 am

Inside The Cryptocurrency Revolution|13:54
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:37 am
Summing up.
Bitcoin mining ( software comparison Feature/Software NiceHash Miner GUI Miner Ufasoft Miner CGMiner Diablo Miner Awesome Miner Price CPU mining ✔ ✔ GPU mining ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Console-based ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ User interface ✔ ✔ ✔ Automatic hardware detection ✔ Automatic operation ✔ Manual activation/pool switching ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Which is the best Bitcoin mining ( software for Windows 10? This is the question it's hard to answer without any background. Despite they all have the same basic destination, each of them is best suitable in particular cases.
If you're new to cryptocurrency mining and prefer to avoid time-consuming learning technology aspects or configuration niceties, then use GUIminer. It's free and easy-to-use due to its intuitive user-interface. If you want to mine coins but have no your own high-end hardware, then create a crypto wallet and sign up for NiceHash. With this tool, you can rent suitable equipment and start generating data block in the distributed network called Blockchain.
If you're an experienced miner and plan to manage large mining farms, then Awesome Miner is exactly what you need. With this tool, you will get a detailed dashboard with mining progress data. Under similar conditions, you may also consider Diablo Miner in the case where you don't want to pay for software. However, you should be read for manual entering console commands since this solution doesn't have a user interface either, like NiceHash.
If you're familiar with scripts and unafraid of console-based mining tools, you also may consider Ufasoft Miner. It provides a wide control over mining process configuration. So you can manually manage your progress. In the case where you want to use your hardware at its maximum and ensure as high Bitcoin mining ( efficiency as possible while having no desire to pay for software, then go for CGMiner.
Best Bitcoin mining ( Software 2020.
Bitcoin mining ( is considered as an important process in the Bitcoin network. It is carried out by specialized computers, and miners are responsible for security. The mining process confirms Bitcoin transactions. The role of a good miner is to secure the network, and they need to process every BTC transaction. Miners achieve this by solving a computational or mathematical problem. For offering this service, miners are remunerated with new Bitcoins mined and with transaction fees.
What is a Bitcoin Miner?
A Bitcoin miner manages the actual process of Bitcoin mining ( Once a user is well equipped with a Bitcoin address, Bitcoin wallet , and the required mining hardware, all they need to do is to opt for a Bitcoin mining ( software.
Whether the user is joining a mining pool or mining solo, they need to get themselves familiar with the latest mining software. Few latest software options are GPU/ASIC/FPGA, and the supported platforms are Windows, Linux and Mac.
Cryptocurrency mining can be executed through different hardware like CPUs (central processing units), ASICs (application-specific integrated circuits), or GPUs (graphical processing units). These hardware can make a particular number of guesses, which is known as the hash rate . ASICs provide the highest hash rate while CPUs provide the lowest hash rate.
Which is the best Bitcoin mining ( software?
Some of the best software for Bitcoin mining ( are given below -
CGMiner MultiMiner BFGMiner BitMinter Miner-Server EasyMiner Awesome Miner BTCMiner DiabloMiner Bitcoin Miner.
One of the important jobs of the Bitcoin mining ( software is to deliver the mining hardware work to the Bitcoin network and to receive other miner's completed work on the network. Further, the software oversees the progress of the miner, and also it displays the statistics like the speed of the miner, fan speed, hash rate, and the temperature.
Below given are our review about best Bitcoin mining ( software -
CGMiner is one of the leading, most popular and commonly used Bitcoin mining ( software. It is the best mining software for Windows . Presently, it is based upon the original code of the CPU miner. This mining software has several special features; some of the important ones include fan speed control, GPU mining support, and multi GPU support, and many more. This software can scale a hash rate of any size, almost instantly.
CGMiner is written in C, and it has been in the market for more than 6 years. Also, it is compatible with all operating systems; this software works through a simple command-line interface, and supports several mining pools and mining devices. It was initially designed to be used along with hardware devices, yet it can be used with any GPUs , and can be connected to the machine too. This can configure their system to make an exception for CGMiner or they can use the Linux version.
self-detecting new blocks by using mini database fan speed control remote interface capabilities Highly customizable Cross-platform multi GPU support CPU mining support.
MultiMiner can be described as a desktop application for cryptocurrency mining and can be used on Windows Mac OS X, and Linux. It simplifies swapping individual devices like GPUs, FPGAs, ASICs, among cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Litecoin. One of the advantages of this mining software is its intuitive graphical interface. It uses mining strategies and can easily manage several devices. MultiMiner is cross-platform, yet the coin miner needs to install additional software, to get the mining software working on Linux and Mac OS.
MultiMiner is a crypto mining software which has a unique mode of operation. It is a desktop application that is used to mine and monitor popular kinds of PCs such as Windows Mac OS X and Linux . MultiMiner is an easy to use Bitcoin mining ( software and offers several features for its users. Also, it lets the user switch minings devices like FPGAs, ASICs among different cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, and Litecoin without effort.
MultiMiner is a desktop application for cryptocurrency mining on Windows Mac OS X and Linux. MultiMiner is a Linux Bitcoin mining ( Software. MultiMiner uses the fundamental mining engine like BFGMiner; to detect devices that are available, and it presents a user interface for choosing the coins which the user likes to mine. MultiMiner also supports advanced features like relaunching crashed miners, minimizing the notification area, and mining on startup. Remote monitoring Automatically detects network devices MultiMiner rigs control the network for PCs and mobile devices.
BFGMiner is based on CGMiner, yet it is designed specially for ASIC mining hardware . It is the best Bitcoin mining ( software for Windows. Moreover, it monitors the temperature of most of the devices, and it can connect to several mining pools. Apart from offering a simple text interface, and several features, it is available for Windows and all major Linux platforms. BFGMiner could be installed on Raspberry Pi as a part of the free Minera operating system . One of the major drawbacks of BFGMiner is that it does not work well with GPUs.
Suitable for FPGA devices Available for Linux and Windows Several varieties of device drivers for Bitcoin CPU and OpenCL/GPU mining Integrated overclocking and fan control which includes automatic adjustment, if configured free C code for Linux and Windows with CPU usage being very low.
In 2011, the BitMinter mining pool was launched. BitMinter has a clear graphical interface and works well with external ASIC devices and GPUs. Further, BitMinter helps to ease the process of cryptocurrency mining. It was started as an idea to offer a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) for miners to collaborate with the Bitcoin blockchain.
1% Mining fee works only with BitMinter pool Preinstalled pool settings, Cross-platform (Java) Servers located in the US and Europe Supports ASIC Boost makes full use of the latest mining hardware Backs Merged Mining.
If the user is not ready to invest in a highly expensive ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit), they can go ahead for cloud-based mining services. Moreover, if a user refers an Miner-Server to other users, and they sign up through their reference, they get a bonus hash power. Besides, they do not charge any additional maintenance fees, so the users get the full share of profits. To get started with Miner-Server, the users should join a mining pool that has other users, so that the payouts can be divided between the users. Also, the service provides several packages for one year. The user can check their earnings and other details anytime by logging into their account.
Does not charge additional maintenance fees Offers cloud-based mining service.
DiabloMiner is a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) software that uses an open CL framework; it can support unlimited pools, and can switch to another pool if there is a connectivity failure, and it returns to the first one every hour. DiabloMiner supports solo and pool minings.
DiabloMiner uses the OpenCL framework to conduct hashing computations, and it supports unlimited mining pools for its users. DiabloMiner software is compatible with GPU mining hardware, and it runs on Mac, but if the user has any of the present Nvidia drivers or ATI Stream SDK 2.1, it will run on any operating system.
EasyMiner is a graphical frontend for mining programs of CPUMiner and CGMiner. It is the best Bitcoin software to mine for Windows. In the first stage, EasyMiner enters into the "Money Maker" mode and allows the user to automatically create a paper Litecoin wallet, and they can start to mine immediately with a private pool. Further, EasyMiner is a free, fastest Bitcoin mining ( software; which is an open-source which permits the user to earn Bitcoin, Litecoin , or any other crypto coins by using the computer GPU or CPU. It also includes a console that informs the user of the progress of CGMiner and CPUMiner, which by default, can be used for mining Bitcoin and Litecoins. One of the major drawbacks of EasyMiner is it causes issues with antivirus apps.
Easy to use Interface simultaneously mines using CPU and ASIC/GPU.
BTCMiner can be described as an open-source Bitcoins miner for ZTEX USB-FPGA modules 1.5. It is a cloud-based mining software having several thousands of users. Anybody with a Bitcoin wallet and address, internet connection, and FPGA mining hardware can mine cryptocurrency on this software. The unique feature of BTCMiner is its dynamic frequency scaling.
BTCMiner offers great features like overheating protection, power save mode, and ready to use Bitstream, which allows users to run the mining software without a license or Xilinx software. BTCMiner comes with supported FPGA boards that contain a USB interface that is used for programming and communication.
Awesome miner is the best for centralized mining management. It works efficiently if the user has one mining rig to work with. If the user wants to manage several rigs, like ASICs, FPGAs, they need something more supportive, which is offered by Awesome Miner . Awesome miner has powerful centralized mining management features; it supports over 25 mining engines, and it is compatible with all leading mining algorithms like Scrypt, SHA-256, Ethereum, X11, and Zcash. It has a built-in C script engine, that can be used to create customized actions and triggers.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:37 am

Ethereum (ETH) Staking or Mining ( - Which is More Profitable? (SURPRISING RESULTS)|18:44
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:37 am
Awesome Miner offers desktop notifications, coin statistics, email notifications, and several monitoring features that help in detecting non-working devices, miners, or devices with high temperatures. It comes with a powerful built-in C# script engine to create customized actions and triggers. Moreover, it offers an easy to use API that is accessible to enable control and monitoring of all the miners. Awesome Miner mainly works on Windows, yet it also offers a web front-end, which can be accessed from any tablet, smartphone, or computer. Further, the web interface offers detailed information about the miners, and offers access to all minings operations.
MultiMiner is a crypto mining software which has a unique mode of operation. It is a desktop application that is used to mine and monitor popular kinds of PCs such as Windows Mac OS X and Linux. MultiMiner is an easy to use Bitcoin mining ( software and offers several features for its users. Also, it lets the user switch minings devices like FPGAs, ASICs among different cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, and Litecoin without effort.
Remote monitoring Automatically detects network devices MultiMiner rigs control the network for PCs and mobile devices.
Do you have a question like what are bitcoin miners? Specifically, Bitcoin Miner is designed to solve problems as per the proof-of-work algorithm. It is available on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. The software interface is very user friendly, and it supports pool minings. There is a power saving mode and it is faster. The latest version of the software is 1.27.0. It has highly specialized chips called ASICs that are being used.
Remote cloud mining Profitability Reports Fast share submission Easy to use interface Night mode and Power saving mode Mining pool support.
Wrap Up.
As of today, Bitcoin mining ( has turned out to be a more profitable business; several people pay their bills by operating Bitcoin mining ( farms. Moreover, they require a lot of electricity to operate and access to cheap electricity becomes mandatory. Those who are willing to make money through BTC mining need to compete with large organizations who are having virtually unlimited resources to be spend on mining farms; additionally, hundreds of individual miners need to join them by forming mining pools. Hence, choosing a profitable Bitcoin mining ( software is mandatory for a lucrative venture.
1. Can I mine Bitcoin on my PC?
Ans. To start mining Bitcoins, the user needs to have a Bitcoin wallet, its address, and Bitcoin mining ( hardware. In the early stages of Bitcoin, mining was possible with a computer CPU; or with a high-speed video processor card, which is not possible at the present. Moreover, mining with any hardware will consume more electricity and the expense is huge. It is important to choose the best hardware before proceeding with mining for BTC.
2. How long does it take to mine 1 Bitcoin?
Ans. Presently, 1 Bitcoin is mined every 10 minutes, and the speed to mine depends on the equipment that is being used. If the user uses the home computer to mine BTC, it will take several years to get close to creating a block; even then they might be beaten by a strong and powerful ASIC chip equipment. Further, the power consumption over a long period will be more expensive, when compared to the revenue that had been generated.
3. Can you mine Bitcoin on the phone?
Ans. Simply, Android phones are not powerful to match the hardware used by the miners, and it takes a lot of time; also it is very difficult to make money, which may lead to wastage of Android phones battery. In 2019, there were applications that permitted Bitcoin mining ( on mobile phones. However, if a miner of Bitcoin directly mines on the Bitcoin network with an android phone, it will produce results that will not be profitable.
4. Is it worth mining Bitcoins?
Ans. Currently, those who have specialized machinery with high processing power, can profitably acquire Bitcoins. Moreover, mining is technically impossible for everyone. For those with underpowered setups, will find a lot of money being spent on electricity, than to mine Bitcoin. In simple words, mining will not be profitable on a small scale, unless the user has access to free or cheap electricity.
5. How do I mine Bitcoin for free?
Ans. Free mining can be possible, but it cannot be a replacement for the paid ones. If the user needs to mine a few Bitcoins, they should have high computational units specially designed to mine Bitcoins . They can either purchase a miner from Bitmain or they can invest in a cloud mining scheme. Either way, they need to spend their money to earn Bitcoins.
6. Is mining Bitcoin profitable?
Ans. Mining cryptocurrency is a huge process, the user needs to set up a computer and they need to solve complex mathematical problems. They are rewarded with a coin or a part of a coin. The first miners of Bitcoin were able to earn points very quickly by just using the computing power they had at their homes. By 2019, cryptocurrency mining had become more complicated. With Bitcoin, the reward is halved every 4 years; several serious miners have developed large arrays to mine by making it harder for the small miners to compete with them.
7. How can I mine Bitcoin fast?
Ans. In 2011, Bitcoin mining ( is very difficult and a personal computer was allowed to mine 1 Bitcoin per day. Today, users can use specially designed ASIC minings chips for Bitcoin mining (
8. Is Bitcoin mining ( legal?
Ans. Bitcoin mining ( is legal in several countries, yet few countries have declared Bitcoin as illegal; which is why this is prohibited. Moreover, this might be considered as a subjective matter, which varies from one country to another.
9. How do I start Bitcoin mining ( for Beginners?
Ans. For beginners, Bitcoin mining ( can be described as an energy-intensive process. Unlike governments, Bitcoin supply is already fixed, and it is regulated by the laws of mathematics, which are practically impossible to break.
10. How do I join Bitcoin mining (
Ans. Currently, anyone entering the world of cryptocurrency mining needs to compete with big organizations and their mining farms. Moreover, the first decision that every miner should decide is whether they need to go solo or join a pool of miners. The pooled mining is a mining approach where several users contribute their computing power to the creation of the block. Joining a mining pool will create a steady income, even though each payment will be meager, when compared to an entire block reward.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:38 am

How to Mine Ethereum on Windows 10 - 2020|10:41
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:38 am

Comment miner de l Ether (Ethereum) en 2021 ?|18:35
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:39 am
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How to Start a Bitcoin mining ( Business.
Mining Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is the Wild West of technology and finance. The field is still evolving and largely unregulated, and the work comes with risk. As with any frontier, however, there's significant profit potential for those who succeed.
Although cryptocurrency mining involves the latest in computational and financial advancements, starting a mining business requires no technical knowledge. The work is basically a numbers game, and anyone who's willing to invest in the resources needed to win the game might profit.
Learn how to start your own Bitcoin mining ( Business and whether it is the right fit for you.
9 Steps to Start your Bitcoin mining ( Business Who is this Business Right For? Take the Next Step Useful Links.
Home Business Ideas Bitcoin mining ( Business.
Start a Bitcoin mining ( business by following these 9 steps:
You have found the perfect business idea, and now you are ready to take the next step. There is more to starting a business than just registering it with the state. We have put together this simple guide to starting your Bitcoin mining ( business. These steps will ensure that your new business is well planned out, registered properly and legally compliant.
STEP 1: Plan your Business.
A clear plan is essential for success as an entrepreneur. It will help you map out the specifics of your business and discover some unknowns. A few important topics to consider are:
Luckily we have done a lot of this research for you.
What are the costs involved in opening a Bitcoin mining ( business?
When it first started, Bitcoin could be profitably mined with a home computer. Since 2013, however, mining has become too competitive for computers to provide any real profit. Even the fastest computers aren't quick enough to find the correct hash first.
Today, Bitcoin mining ( businesses use application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) that are specifically made for mining Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency. An ASIC setup that can solve Bitcoin calculations on its own costs about $12,000 .
Most people get into the industry for much less by pooling their resources, though. New ASIC miners are available for anywhere from $489 to $3,000 . With one of these, business owners can join a mining pool where members literally pool their resources together. When the pool has a correct hash first, the proceeds are split amongst members.
For even less, business owners can mine through the cloud. In these agreements, business owners lease mining resources from a cloud-based provider and the leased resources are pooled with those leased by other business owners. and Genesis Mining both have plans starting under $200.
What are the ongoing expenses for a Bitcoin mining ( business?
The ASICs needed for mining Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies use a lot of power. One estimate places the amount of power needed to mine Bitcoin at 215 kilowatts per transaction computed. MarketWatch charts how much that costs in each state.
Who is the target market?
A Bitcoin mining ( business serves the Bitcoin cryptocurrency and therefore, the software used must comply with Bitcoin's standards. Other cryptocurrency miners must comply with the standards of the cryptocurrency being mined.
How does a Bitcoin mining ( business make money?
Mining Bitcoin is akin to participating in competitive auditing. Businesses verify Bitcoin transactions by guessing 64-digit hexadecimal numbers, which are referred to as "hashes." The first business to guess a hash that's equal to or less than the target hash is awarded Bitcoin and a transaction fee.
Bitcoin is set up so that the number of BItcoin rewarded halves over time . This occurs roughly every four years, and no more Bitcoin will be awarded once there's a total of 21 million Bitcoin. As the reward for Bitcoin decreases, the amount earned from transaction fees is expected to increase.
(Other cryptocurrencies operate differently.)
How much can you charge customers?
The compensation that Bitcoin mining ( businesses receive is determined by the cryptocurrency. At the time of writing, having a correct hash first netted the winning business 12.5 Bitcoins. The current exchange rate was just below $8,000 for 1 Bitcoin, so having a hash would net almost $100,000. Transaction fees in comparison are relatively small.
How much profit can a Bitcoin mining ( business make?
A Bitcoin mining ( business' profitability is directly tied to the value of Bitcoin and cost of electricity. When Bitcoin was trading above $20,000 per Bitcoin, this business was highly profitable. As the value of Bitcoin has diminished, so has profitability.
How can you make your business more profitable?
Bitcoin is just one cryptocurrency that business owners can mine. Additional cryptocurrencies include Ethereum, Zcash, Ripple, Monero and others. Which of these is most profitable to mine depends on many factors, including the value, difficulty to mine and projected forecast for each cryptucurrency.
What will you name your business?
Choosing the right name is important and challenging. If you don't already have a name in mind, visit our How to Name a Business guide or get help brainstorming a name with our Bitcoin mining ( Business Name Generator.
If you operate a sole proprietorship, you might want to operate under a business name other than your own name. Visit our DBA guide to learn more.
When registering a business name, we recommend researching your business name by checking:
Your state's business records Federal and state trademark records Social media platforms Web domain availability.
It's very important to secure your domain name before someone else does.
Find a Domain Now.
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After registering a domain name, consider setting up a professional email account ( Google's G Suite offers a business email service that comes with other useful tools, including word processing, spreadsheets, and more. Try it for free.
STEP 2: Form a legal entity.
Establishing a legal business entity such as an LLC or corporation protects you from being held personally liable if your Bitcoin mining ( business is sued.
Read our Guide to Form Your Own LLC.
Have a Professional Service Form your LLC for You.
Two such reliable services:
ZenBusiness ($39 + State Fees) LegalZoom ($79 + State Fees)
You can start an LLC yourself and pay only the minimal state LLC costs or hire a Business Formation Service for a small additional fee.
Recommended: You will need to elect a registered agent for your LLC. LLC formation packages usually include a free year of registered agent services. You can choose to hire a registered agent or act as your own.
STEP 3: Register for taxes.
You will need to register for a variety of state and federal taxes before you can open for business.
In order to register for taxes you will need to apply for an EIN. It's really easy and free!
You can acquire your EIN for free through the IRS website, via fax, or by mail. If you would like to learn more about EINs and how they can benefit your LLC, read our article, What is an EIN?.
STEP 4: Open a business bank account & credit card.
Using dedicated business banking and credit accounts is essential for personal asset protection.
When your personal and business accounts are mixed, your personal assets (your home, car, and other valuables) are at risk in the event your business is sued. In business law, this is referred to as piercing your corporate veil.
Additionally, learning how to build business credit can help you get credit cards and other financing in your business's name (instead of yours), better interest rates, higher lines of credit, and more.
Open a business bank account.
This separates your personal assets from your company's assets, which is necessary for personal asset protection. It also makes accounting and tax filing easier.
Recommended: Read our Best Banks for Small Business review to find the best national bank, credit union, business-loan friendly banks, one with many brick-and-mortar locations, and more.
Get a business credit card.
This helps you separate personal and business expenses by putting your business' expenses all in one place. It also builds your company's credit history, which can be useful to raise money and investment later on.
STEP 5: Set up business accounting.
Recording your various expenses and sources of income is critical to understanding the financial performance of your business. Keeping accurate and detailed accounts also greatly simplifies your annual tax filing.
STEP 6: Obtain necessary permits and licenses.
Failure to acquire necessary permits and licenses can result in hefty fines, or even cause your business to be shut down.
State & Local Business Licensing Requirements.
Certain state permits and licenses may be needed to operate a bitcoin business. Learn more about licensing requirements in your state by visiting SBA's reference to state licenses and permits .
Most businesses are required to collect sales tax on the goods or services they provide. To learn more about how sales tax will affect your business, read our article, Sales Tax for Small Businesses.
For information about local licenses and permits:
Check with your town, city or county clerk's office Get assistance from one of the local associations listed in US Small Business Associations directory of local business resources .
STEP 7: Get Business Insurance.
Just as with licenses and permits, your business needs insurance in order to operate safely and lawfully. Business Insurance protects your company's financial wellbeing in the event of a covered loss.
There are several types of insurance policies created for different types of businesses with different risks. If you're unsure of the types of risks that your business may face, begin with General Liability Insurance . This is the most common coverage that small businesses need, so it's a great place to start for your business.
Another notable insurance policy that many businesses need is Workers' Compensation Insurance. If your business will have employees, it's a good chance that your state will require you to carry Workers' Compensation Coverage.
Recommended: Learn what business insurance for your Bitcoin mining ( Business will cost.
STEP 8: Define your brand.
Your brand is what your company stands for, as well as how your business is perceived by the public. A strong brand will help your business stand out from competitors.
If you aren't feeling confident about designing your small business logo, then check out our Design Guides for Beginners, we'll give you helpful tips and advice for creating the best unique logo for your business.
How to promote & market a Bitcoin mining ( business.
Marketing efforts for a Bitcoin mining ( business should be targeted towards investors. Additional investors can help fund the acquisition of more equipment, which might help a business qualify for reduced electric rates. To attract investors, business owners should have a clear presentation that details what cryptocurrencies are and how profitable the business model is.
How to keep customers coming back.
A Bitcoin mining ( business doesn't need to worry about attracting customers because the business serves the cryptocurrency and not people directly. Any business that complies with the standards can participate in the cryptocurrency.
STEP 9: Establish your Web Presence.
A business website allows customers to learn more about your company and the products or services you offer. You can also use social media to attract new clients or customers.
Start A Bitcoin mining ( Business In Your State.
Select your state below for an in-depth guide on completing each of these steps in your home state.
Is this Business Right For You?
The first people to mine Bitcoin were mostly technology geeks who were intrigued by the cryptocurrency's innovation. Today, geeks continue to experiment with cryptocurrencies, but they aren't the only people mining Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
Anyone who wants a primary or side business that provides passive income may be interested in running a cryptocurrency mining business. The work involved can be arranged around other obligations, and the budget required can be adjusted as needed.
Want to know if you are cut out to be an entrepreneur?
Take our Entrepreneurship Quiz to find out!
What happens during a typical day at a Bitcoin mining ( business?
Running a Bitcoin mining ( business is mostly hands-off work. As long as operations are running smoothly, business owners need to do little more than check their business' Bitcoin holdings and the current exchange rate to see if they want to sell.
The most common computer malfunction is overheating, and business owners do need to respond quickly when this happens. Computers that overheat shut down, and they won't provide any profit until they're cooled down and restarted.
What are some skills and experiences that will help you build a successful Bitcoin mining ( business?
Mining Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies requires no specialized knowledge. Nevertheless, business owners should familiarize themselves with the process so they understand what they're doing. Books, such as, Bitcoin mining ( Step by Step , are popular resources on the subject.
Business owners may also want to invest in a USB Bitcoin miner . These usually aren't profitable, but they're helpful when learning the fundamentals of Bitcoin mining (
It's also important to be familiar with the risks that accompany Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Understanding market volatility is essential when deciding whether to sell mined Bitcoin. Being familiar with the illegal scams and hacks that occur helps business owners avoid becoming victims. John Oliver detailed some of the biggest risks, including scams.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:39 am

Comment miner de l'Ethereum (Ether)|13:14
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:40 am
What is the growth potential for a Bitcoin mining ( business?
Bitcoin mining ( operations run the gamut from individuals doing this as a hobby to large corporations that have vast resources. An example of a small-scale setup is Geoffrey Welborn's inexpensive, yet profitable, dorm room operation . A business in Sweden has a much larger operation, maintaining 45,000 computers in a former helicopter hangar.
TRUiC's YouTube Channel.
For fun informative videos about starting a business visit the TRUiC YouTube Channel or subscribe below to view later.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:40 am
Bitcoin mining ( in 2015: ASICs, Cloud Mining, and Difficulty.
Huge facilities all over the world are now packed with Bitcoin mining ( hardware. A single facility near the Arctic Circle in Sweden boasts 45,000 machines running around the clock.
Why? Well, if your computer finds the correct answer to a problem in computing a hash algorithm, your bitcoin wallet address is built into the answer with 25 more bitcoin . Also, your bitcoin address collects the transaction fees implicit in that answer. You get these additional bitcoin after 99 further blocks are built onto the system. Today, at $196 per bitcoin, the 25 new bitcoin are worth $4,900. So, there are good reasons to dedicate additional computing power to the task.
Bitcoin mining ( Still Growing.
As a result, Bitcoin mining ( is one of the fastest growing sectors in information technology (IT) today. More computers are being added to the task all the time. As the blockchain grows, more bitcoin are added to the ones already in circulation. Over time, the rate at which new bitcoin are added is scheduled to slow down, until Bitcoin mining ( is performed exclusively for the transaction processing fees when the system maxes out at 21 million total coins in circulation.
Next year, 2016, the award for computing the next bitcoin block drops from 25 to 12.5. Will we see a drop in Bitcoin mining ( activity? Perhaps. Already, the reduced exchange rate for bitcoins into dollars seems to be provoking some move toward consolidation in the industry. That comes at a time when bitcoin has again set a new record this month in the number of transactions occurring on a single day, over 105 thousand events.
A fairly typical transaction fee of 0.0001 bitcoin is applied to many of these events, implying 10.5 bitcoin, or about $2,058 in possible transaction fee revenue for bitcoin miners. Thus, transaction fees may prove to be attractive to bitcoin miners even after the new bitcoin award begins to drop.
ASICs - Bitcoin Miners That Are Game Changers.
Bitcoin mining ( began in 2009, using the basic Bitcoin mining ( software that is included with the original Bitcoin wallet software, with nearly any technically sophisticated user able to set up a computer to solve the mathematical puzzles involved. By early 2013, however, the first application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), or bitcoin hash chips, began shipping. These chips are Bitcoin mining ( hardware that are only useful for mining SHA-256 cryptocurrencies, and make the use of ordinary personal computers, or networks of general-purpose computers, obsolete for Bitcoin mining (
Although microprocessors in general double their power every 18 months according to Moore's Law, the Bitcoin ASICs have been doubling their power every six months. This has led many to ask," Is Bitcoin mining ( worth it ?" The answer is complicated, and Bitcoin mining ( continues to be profitable overall, but you should always use a Bitcoin mining ( calculator to determine if it is right for you. It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of computers are focused on Bitcoin mining (
Bitcoin Value, and Exchange Rate Risks.
Are bitcoin prices destined to fall further? It is hard to say. Certainly, they have had their ups and downs. Shortly before the Mt. Gox exchange failed , the USD to bitcoin exchange rate had peaked above 1 $1,124. The hacking of Bitstamp earlier this month may be responsible for some of the recent drop in the exchange rate. Of course, prices sailed up from mid-2012 to late 2013 without too many hiccups. The fork of March 2013 was one instance of a dramatic, but short-lived setback, when different versions of the bitcoin software caused a difference of opinion about the validity of certain blocks. Once consensus was re-established, the problem was resolved, and the valuation of Bitcoin continued to climb.
Arguably, security at exchange sites has become an issue in the industry, as security in finance is always of paramount importance, with Bitstamp reporting 19,000 bitcoin missing in the hack. However, exchanger woes don't tell the whole story. Many mainstream businesses, including Time , Microsoft , and Overstock are accepting bitcoin , though only Overstock is known to keep a portion of sales in bitcoin. Most merchants are using payment processing companies, such as Bitpay or Coinbase , that act as currency converters, to exchange bitcoin for USD. Still, acceptability may prove to be key in the advancement of bitcoin, since the more users are able to find places to pay with bitcoin, the more demand they will have for the available supply.
Bitcoin Alternatives - Altcoin Mining.
Of course, Bitcoin mining ( is not the only cryptocurrency mining taking place these days. Cryptsy , the largest altcoin exchange, lists hundreds of cryptocurrencies, with names like Litecoin , Dogecoin , Reddcoin , Darkcoin , Bitshares , and many more. Any blockchain currency with proof-of-work features may be mined, and miners in alternative cryptocurrencies seem to find the activity profitable.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:41 am

Mining ( Ethereum in 2020 is SUPER PROFITABLE! Why?!|10:16
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:41 am
How much is all this equipment dedicated to Bitcoin mining (, and altcoin mining, worth? Based on a statement from Coinometrics about a 51% attack, there is about $833 million in mining equipment and electricity currently operational in the industry. The combined mining power on the network continues to increase.
The Rise of Bitcoin Cloud Mining.
A large portion of Bitcoin mining ( is now cloud-based . Firms have been selling gigahashes per second, or Gh/s, for a fee, that provides enough computing power to make a billion attempts a second to solve the hash function for a bitcoin block. Genesis Mining , for example, charges $702 for one thousand Gh/s, plus a fee for electricity. If you happen to earn enough bitcoin from the 25 bitcoin created in each block, plus transaction fees, to surpass these fees, then renting the gigahashes was a good choice. Of course, given the enormous amount of computing power in competition with you, you should probably view the investment as speculative rather than as a sure thing.
Bitcoin mining ( is energy intensive, so huge mining operations tend to locate where it is easy to keep machines cool or where energy is very cheap. Cheap coal in Mongolia seems to be stimulating Bitcoin mining ( in that country. Unfortunately, not every Bitcoin mining ( company has found a way to remain profitable. Recently, , one of the largest mining operations, announced that it would be suspending service until Bitcoin's value increased, or mining difficulty decreased, enough to make Bitcoin mining ( profitable for them.
Adjustable Difficulty Based on Bitcoin mining ( Power.
Every 2016 blocks, or two weeks on average, the bitcoin network automatically adjusts the difficulty of the hash function depending on how much computing power is on the task. Difficulty could be adjusted downward if a great many miners began pulling machines off the net, but for the past couple of years the trend has been upwards. Since ASICs were first shipped the difficulty has increased by a factor of ten thousand. However, this is changing, as the recent drop in bitcoin's price has caused so much mining power to be shut off.
How does Bitcoin mining ( stack up as far as transaction processing goes? The bitcoin protocol currently can only process seven transactions a second, because of the 1 megabyte limit on blocksize, which is tiny compared to, say, Visa, which handles up to 10,000 transactions per second. However, of course, the fee for each transaction is significant, especially for merchants who bear the brunt of the credit card processing fees. A recent transfer of tens of millions of dollars worth of bitcoin was recorded on the blockchain for a fee of about two cents.
If bitcoin is going to enter the mainstream, the limit must be raised, or transaction fees must be significantly increased. Fortunately, the 1 megabyte limit can be changed, and the Bitcoin mining ( network's processing power is far greater than is necessary to handle however many transactions per second is required of it. Gavin Andresen, the Chief Scientist of the Bitcoin Foundation , as well as the primary developer working on bitcoin's core protocol since the departure of the currency's mysterious creator, Satoshi Nakamoto , has been experimenting with larger block sizes. His tests have shown that increasing bitcoin's blocksize can be easily achieved, when that becomes necessary.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:42 am

Making $400 a Day Mining ( Ethereum|8:20
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:43 am
Crypto-Mining Space is the ultimate and most powerful cloud mining engine of the market.
Download Whitepaper.
A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution.Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if a trusted third party is still required to prevent double-spending.
The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing the proof-of-work.
About The Crypto-Mining Space.
The Crypto-Mining Space was founded at the end of 2015. The founders of our cryptocurrency company, which today is world-class, became known as users of the same platform for the sale of Bitcoins.
As our cryptocurrency mining company and our user base grew, new mining farms were built and additional personnel hired, especially programmers and engineers.
Why mine with us?
Here's why you might want to consider cloud mining:
After our platform generate your balance, the earning will send to your Bitcoin address linked to your email.
Fully Protection.
Bitcoin mining ( PRO makes it possible to transfer value to any wallet in a very easy way and it allows you to be in control of your earnings.
Each user has unique access key, so there is no place for errors. Our Bitcoin mining ( service reviews details per user.
We take care of the details.
Our team of developers used a clean and efficient code, we have measured every detail to avoid bugs in the mining process.
We donВґt share your info.
We take careful measures to ensure that your bitcoin is as safe as possible. Offline storage provides an important security measure against theft or loss.
Automatic system.
Our system is simple and automatic, other companies demand a complex and tedious verification process, with us, you only need your btc address and an email.
2015 Was Do or Die for Bitcoin Miners But Promise Lies Ahead.
Dave Carlson.
2015 continued the trend: as the price of bitcoin fell and mining difficulty rose, miners were forced to sell both their bitcoin holdings and newly mined bitcoins to cover operating expenses and fuel growth.
This increased downward pressure on the price of bitcoin, and gives us all a painful reminder of how this network is designed with respect to miners: bitcoin punishes the greedy and the weak.
Just as in 2014, we saw attrition in mining operations (and among manufacturers) - the less favorable economic conditions meant many were unable to survive. The explosion of hashrate coming from China eclipsed operations in other parts of the world, and we quickly found the conditions at which many operations had to 'blink first'.
First-mover (dis)advantage.
Early leaders in the ASIC market found themselves lagging newer players, and in a declining market, struggling to find the funds to maintain their position.
To carry the same market share, industrial-sized operations needed to increase from 3-5MW to 30-50MW.
It becomes readily apparent that block rewards for mining are simply a subsidy designed to return on the investment in network security, not to produce long term revenues. Mining is now a race to see who will hold the biggest marketshare when the network transitions to a fee-based system.
Nobody loves bitcoin.
In 2015, the market decided it didn't like bitcoin anymore and the focus turned to the blockchain, its underlying distributed ledger.
This was silly, of course, because the two go hand in hand.
What the market was really saying was that it was unhappy that the bitcoin price didn't hold up. In retrospect what happened to the price makes total sense: more mining was being done than was necessary to support the transactions being made.
Bitcoin production rates are essentially fixed, but difficulty is not.
So we drove ourselves to the brink in our attempts to grab marketshare, couldn't (or wouldn't) continue growing and waited for prices to rise again.
Mining is a commodity business and its inherent price sensitivity was never more apparent (let this be a lesson to you).
Usher in the blockchain: a distributed ledger system with super cheap transactions and almost costless auditing - recording exchanges of value via a digital token.
Indeed it's very cool tech - but then I just described bitcoin, didn't I?
Block-size debate.
Perhaps the most annoying question we asked ourselves this year was whether to raise the limit on the number of transactions that can be written into data blocks on the bitcoin blockchain.
I was against this can-kicking, central bank-esque meddling from the beginning. I stood before the Satoshi Roundtable in February and proclaimed my intent to just mine for rewards, leaving transactions out of my blocks completely.
This of course "stirred debate", but I think I got my point across. With almost no revenue coming from fees, miners have literally no incentive to mess with transactions.
During the transaction spam "stress testing", we witnessed this same idea as a defensive tactic - full blocks impact pool performance, causing orphans, or valid blocks that aren't included on the main chain, meaning miners who mine them don't get the rewards.
With such low fee revenue, these transactions now become a liability.
Think about what a single missed block costs a pool operator. At $450, we make $11,250 for processing a block. If instead those transactions cost us $11,250 well, you can see the motivation.
Now, speaking of motivation, bitcoin has always been a system whereby miners vote for protocol changes by taking (or not taking) a particular BIP. This provides a consensus mechanism for change to the network only when there is a measurable (read: financial) incentive to a majority of the mining hashpower.
Maybe now it's clear why we don't have consensus on the issue.
So what if we don't take the BIP? The ever-rising daily transaction count will soon fill all the blocks and then we will have competition for transaction clearing. This will raise fees.
The shoe may be on the other foot at that point - startups with poorly conceived business models based on super-low transaction fees may be the next to fail. But it's possible that projects like sidechains or the Lightning Network will provide aggregation solutions.
In a few years, perhaps only the largest aggregators will be able to afford to post transaction data to the main chain.
This all sounds very painful, but it's actually a great and elegant and terrible evolutionary process happening all at once. It has the effect of taking out the garbage, so to speak.
Optimizing expenses.
This old saw again.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:44 am

How To Start Mining ( with NiceHash - Official Guide|6:07
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:45 am
For miners, 2016 requires further optimization of operational expenditures, in addition to the need to transition away from less efficient hardware.
Even with very low power costs, miners need to move to the better gear in order to survive. Once you have very cheap power, where does a miner go?
I intend to spend 2016 pursuing more free power, and developing a 'net-zero' power cost business model. This can be achieved when you operate at megawatt scale and have a large 'controllable power load'.
Where in the world can you run your old hardware that costs more in power than it makes in bitcoin? There are places.
MegaBigPower is rolling out a new offering for this old stuff to get a second life. This follows our continued efforts to find ways to monetize this equipment rather than see it heading to landfills.
Competition at industrial scale.
My first industrial-scale ASIC project achieved 100 terahashes and we began the deployment when the global network itself was 100TH.
So, by the time we got it all running, we had something like 25% of the network. To attempt this same feat again will require some 750 petahashes, or 5.4 million of BitFury's new chip.
Will it happen? Yes, definitely - and more no doubt. As bitcoin prices rise, the system has room for more mining.
But since we are greedy humans, we will overproduce, difficulty will rise, profits will fall, putting pressure on the price and the whole cycle will repeat again...
Don't overlook what has happened, though. Bitcoin and its blockchain have become even more robust and more secure as a result.
Corporate integration.
With this newfound security and robustness, the network has greater value and eventually price will rise as a result of renewed investment and trust.
As the price rises, so does market capitalization and so does the amount of revenue to be had from processing transactions.
Right now, I estimate the 12-month revenue potential, if one could do all the mining, at about $700m.
When the mining market can pay billions, larger companies are going to take a serious look at this. Companies that already have assets such as power generation and capital resources will task their very smart power managers to build long-term strategies around large, controllable power loads, hedging and energy storage systems.
These companies will begin to see how mining (transaction processing) can 'plug in' to their existing business and even subsidize poorly performing assets. I've personally seen signs that this process is beginning already and will accelerate in 2016.
The good news here is that the security and value of the network can continue to grow even as it remains decentralized.
2015 was a year that tested our resolve as miners and forced us to adapt or die.
I believe 2016 carries more potential for the business of transaction processing than ever before, but it may not look anything like we thought it would back in the heyday of 2013.
The same goes for the blockchain. We are now looking at using the blockchain (and implicitly bitcoin) in ways that achieve a similar vision but are not nearly so straightforward as "Send x bitcoins from User A to User B".
The potential increases for alternative chains to take up space in large mining centers. Private Custom Blockchain hosting is right around the corner.
I have a rule of thumb when it comes to new businesses: any good business takes 10 years to develop, and transaction processing is well on its way to reaching that milestone.
Best Bitcoin mining ( Software 2015.
Micro-btc Mining is Bitcoin cloud mining platform Start Bitcoin mining ( free earn profit daily without hardware. Admin July 12, 2015 Bitcoin mining ( Leave a comment 1,334 Views. While the actual process of Bitcoin mining ( is handled by the Bitcoin mining ( hardware itself, special Bitcoin mining ( software is needed to connect your Bitcoin miners to the blockchain and your Bitcoin mining ( pool as well A guide on how to simply start Bitcoin mining ( Successfully Create A Bitcoin Wallet; Choose The Best Bitcoin Miner. Requirements. Contents 2015 reviews. latest Top 10 tools You use our Forum. please keep platforms with Then you'd probably want What is the best bitcoin minining software out there to get the highest hashrates and mine the most coins in a single day? But if you are really asking about Bitcoin mining ( software then it should interest trading crypto since 2015.
What is the best Python Bitcoin mining ( software? 21 made waves in March 2015 when it It hasn't been worth mining bitcoin using standard A spokesperson told Business Insider that the Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency and worldwide payment system.: 3 It is the first decentralized digital currency, as the system works without a central bank or single Is Bitcoin mining ( profitable after the mining difficulty increased dramatically in the past 2 years. Here's my answer, It may surprise youIn this post I will go September 16, 2015, hashlet was promoted as the best bitcoin hardware. Please suggest me some best Bitcoin mining ( hardware. Bitcoin clients Bitcoin clients Main article and feature comparison: Clients. Bitcoin Core - C++/Qt based tabbed UI. Linux/MacOSX/Windows. Full-featured thick client With the rise of bitcoin, many have asked the question'What is bitcoin?' Read the free guide in our information centre and learn about bitcoin today.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:45 am
Mining Bitcoin Has Become A Ruthlessly Competitive Business. The A chain of block eruptors used for Bitcoin mining ( the system's software code is updated by AntPool is an efficient digital currency pool and open for users all around the world, AntPool support mining of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and support payment How easy or difficult is it to run your own pool for Bitcoin mining ( BitcoinIntern: 1 Bitcoin Forum Bitcoin mining ( Mining software (miners Download Bitcoin Miner and start mining Bitcoin today! It is a slow going process best for cu free/spare time. Thank you to the makers of this software. Are you looking for the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware 2018 has to offer but not sure where to look and which one to buy? In this article i have reviewed the best Fastest Growing Profitable Bitcoin Cloud Mining Pool. We are pre-miners, mining since 2015. We have launched in July, 2017 on web portal to mine more.
Best Bitcoin Exchange; Earn Bitcoin mining ( in 2015: ASICs, using the basic Bitcoin mining ( software that is included with the original Bitcoin wallet It might be also a good idea to start small and invest only the amount you can afford to lose. Bitcoin mining ( requires quite a solid investment in order to provide Make money with the best bitcoin referral programs, earning you the highest commissions and providing the best products and most popular services.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:46 am

How to diagnose and remove a bitcoin miner trojan|4:57
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:47 am
Bitcoin Reddit Roundup October 2020.
Welcome to the October 2020 edition of Reddit Roundup by Nik and Flip of Bitcoin Magazine !
This post contains 37 links to most of the best quality content that was uploaded to Reddit for this month. Most links come from the popular r/bitcoin, but we also retrieved posts from other forums as well, such as r/BitcoinMining.
In this roundup, there are 10 different categories organizing each link: Privacy, Adoption, Development, Security, Mining, Business, Education, Regulation & Politics, Archaeology (Financial Incumbents) and, last but not least, Memes, Fun And Other.
October picked up in bullishness where September left off, particularly in the price. The confidence in BTC amongst the community has been as strong as ever, with many anticipating a steep rise in price and many bulls calling for a new all-time high before the end of the year. Only time will tell.
Institution adoption of bitcoin as a treasury reserve asset continues to be the hottest topic in the space, as Square joined MicroStrategy and bought $50 million worth of BTC. These were just two of the many dominoes to fall for Bitcoin -- Stone Ridge Asset Management revealed its $115 million Bitcoin investment as well.
This was especially interesting as many employees at the company were Bitcoiners and already holding BTC, enticing their firm's auditors to look at it more closely. All of these big institutions entering the space makes us think... Apple just released that it jas $191.83 billion cash on hand and you have to ask yourself, so when does Apple buy Bitcoin?
As time goes on, more and more of the legacy financial institutions are changing their minds about Bitcoin, and we saw them being pretty vocal about it this month. A former hedge fund chief manager from Goldman Sachs has come out with a $1,000,000 BTC prediction. This goes hand-in-hand with JP Morgan Chase talking sweetly about Bitcoin recently as well. It seems that the Wall Street firms are starting to give up the battle that they had no shot at winning in the first place.
In addition, legendary hedge fund manager Paul Tudor Jones has expressed that he likes Bitcoin now even more than before, and that this bull market is still in the first inning.
How to Mine Bitcoin.
Last Updated: October 3, 2020 References Tested.
This article was co-authored by Vinny Lingam. Vinny Lingam is the CEO of Civic Technologies, a blockchain-powered identity protection and management startup. Vinny was awarded the Top Young ICT Entrepreneur in Africa Award in 2006, was on the World Economic Forum for Young Global Leaders in 2009, and was voted one of the top 500 CEOs in the World in 2015. He has a BS in E-Commerce from the University of South Africa.
There are 15 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.
The wikiHow Tech Team also followed the article's instructions and verified that they work.
This article has been viewed 1,103,894 times.
You've heard of Bitcoin and you're ready to get your hands on some digital wealth. However, this may be easier said than done. When you "mine" Bitcoin, you actually verify Bitcoin transactions in the public, decentralized ledger of Bitcoin transactions (called the blockchain ). Every time you find a new block to add to the chain, the system gives you some Bitcoin as a reward. Back in the early days of Bitcoin, it was easy to mine Bitcoin using your own computer. However, as the cryptocurrency has become more popular, it has become all but impossible for individuals to make a profit mining Bitcoin. That doesn't stop a lot of people from trying, though. If you want to mine Bitcoin, you can either sign up with a cloud-mining company or build your own mining rig to mine for yourself. [1] X Research source.
8 Best GPU For Mining - Which Graphic Card to Choose in 2020.
Discover the latest and best GPUs for mining cryptocurrencies and let us help you choose the one that suits your needs.
Graphic cards are constantly evolving. Miners are bombarded with new hardware releases on a regular basis. Crypto-enthusiasts can often become overwhelmed with the available options of cryptocurrency mining equipment.
This article will explore the best GPU for mining in 2020. We will take a look at specifications, power, and budget choices, making it easier for you to choose the option that works best for you.
Keep on reading if you are interested in finding out about the best GPU for mining cryptos.
A short introduction to cryptocurrency mining.
If you are reading this blog regularly, you probably know what cryptocurrency mining is. For the sake of clarity, let's give a brief introduction to the concept.
Cryptocurrency mining is the process of verifying transactions on the Blockchain. This is done through solving complex mathematical problems (or hashes) through the computing power of your PC.
Where it gets interesting is that mining also generates new (crypto) coins. These are distributed as rewards to the miners that successfully verify transactions. This mechanism is called a proof-of-work .
It was Satoshi Nakamoto who first implemented PoW through the Bitcoin blockchain. The idea was that people would use the power of their CPUs to mine new coins. At the cost of their time and electricity, miners would be rewarded with new Bitcoin for their effort.
However, it soon became obvious that GPUs were much better suited at solving these hashes.
Soon after, FGPAs followed, allowing for faster mining. And finally, came the ASIC miners, which are much more powerful than GPUs.
Once ASICs got introduced to the market, many people thought that GPUs would automatically go obsolete. However, that did not happen, and time showed that GPUs still have their place in the mining industry.
While some mining algorithms require high computational power, others have been programmed to be ASIC-resistant . They accomplish this by requiring a lot of memory for solving their hashes, making GPU mining still relevant today.
With that said, not all GPUs are the same. There are some key characteristics that you should look for when choosing your graphic card.
Main aspects to watch for in a GPU for mining.
As far as mining is concerned, rendering and gaming performances are mostly irrelevant when choosing a graphic card. Instead, users should focus on aspects that directly impact mining efficiency:
Hashrate - This is the problem-solving power of the GPU. It shows how much hashes the GPU makes in a second. Hashrate impacts the speed at which new coins can be mined, and is dependant on the algorithm of a particular blockchain. Power Draw - This will be the running cost of your GPU. It shows how much electricity is needed for your card to operate optimally. Memory Size and Memory Speed - Memory size and memory speed are important for mining size-heavy algorithms like the one on the Ethereum blockchain. Pricing - Your initial investment. There are lots of cards out there, so the goal is to find the best option that suits your budget.
As new video cards for mining hit the market, some retain their efficiency, while others become obsolete. Let's see which ones are the best GPU for mining in 2020.
Bitcoin mining ( with a GPU.
Bitcoin is the most valuable cryptocurrency on the market. It goes without saying that it draws the most interest when it comes to mining.
But even the best GPU for mining isn't good enough for Bitcoin. The original cryptocurrency uses the SHA-256 algorithm in its mining process which is notorious for its high computational power requirements.
Additionally, Bitcoin's mining difficulty goes up with the number of miners competing for the rewards. Its incredible popularity has increased the difficulty, leaving only one viable option to acquire new Bitcoins: ASIC miners.
However, these specialized machines are very expensive, hard to come by and have diminishing returns due to hardware degradation. Furthermore, they are designed for solving only one algorithm, restricting you from mining different coins.
If you are looking for a Bitcoin-friendly GPU, you will be quickly disappointed. You would simply never break-even.
So, how do you mine Bitcoin with a GPU? Is it still possible?
Well, you can't mine Bitcoin with a GPU directly. Instead, you can go down another road: mine alternative cryptocurrencies and exchange them for Bitcoin. This way, you will still be able to increase your Bitcoin portfolio.
Here's a great video that explains the ins and outs of building a GPU mining rig if you are a beginner.
So let's check our list of the best video cards for mining that are available on the market at the moment.
Best GPU for mining Ethereum and Other Cryptos.
Choosing the best GPU for mining is not an easy task. To help you, our list combines 3 important aspects you should be investigating: budget, performance, and running costs. At the same time, we talk about some crucial points you should consider like availability, single or multiple GPU systems, regional electricity pricings, etc.
Performance varies depending on the coin that is mined. To optimize ROI, check Betterhash profit ratios, and adapt to the market accordingly.
That being said, let's check the best options in the market.
1. Nvidia RTX 2080ti - expensive but powerful.
Hashrate: Excellent | Power Draw: 270W | Memory: 11gb GDDR6 | Price: $999.
This is Nvidia's flagship graphics processor. It was released in late 2018 and is still one of the most powerful graphic cards out there today. This shows how Nvidia dominates the market when it comes to sheer performance.
With a hefty price tag of about $1000 and a pretty large power draw of 270Watts, it's an expensive card to buy and run.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:47 am
However, the mining performance is nothing to frown upon, as calculators set it as one of the best GPU for mining. For those that don't have space for more than 1 card, this might be their optimal choice, albeit expensive.
2. AMD RX 5700XT - the new contender from AMD to Nvidia.
Hashrate: Good | Power Draw: 220W | Memory: 8gb GDDR6 | Price: $360-400.
AMD has been lagging in the GPU department, but their new lineup has a few cards up its sleeve (pun intended). The 5700XT was launched in late 2019 and has come to play toe to toe with Nvidia's best models.
Performance-wise, it's close to Nvidia's top of the line (RTX 2070 Super) and is a bit more affordable (-20% on average).
This puts in a sweet spot, as people can buy two of these cards instead of a single 2080ti. For those residing in locations where electricity is cheap, they can double their mining performance without breaking the bank.
3. Nvidia 1660 SUPER - mining on a budget.
Hashrate: Decent | Power Draw: 125W | Memory: 8gb GDDR6 | Price: $230.
This is the souped-up version of the 1660 Geforce series from Nvidia. Released in late 2019, it has similar mining performance to the RTX 2060 , while being a lot more affordable.
It's usually priced around $250, making it one of the cheapest cards on our list. It only consumes 125W, which makes it really efficient to run.
The low price and power consumption make it one of the best GPU for mining at the moment. You could buy multiple new cards, enjoy 2 years warranty and still remain on a decent budget.
4. Nvidia 1080Ti - an older flagship that still performs on a high level.
Hashrate: Good | Power Draw: 250W | Memory: 11gb GDDR6 | Price: $350-400 Used.
For those into the second-hand market, Nvidia's best GPU for mining from the last generation can be a great option.
Like any flagship GPU, the 1080ti was very expensive when it came out (around $1000). Theoretically, it was the best GPU for mining, but miners avoided it because of how expensive it was at launch.
However, this card has been around for a few years now and there are a lot of offers for it on the second-hand market. We've seen the 1080ti on eBay for $300-350 which puts it at an almost-budget level.
5. AMD RX 580 - the best budget solution even 3 years later.
Hashrate: Decent | Power Draw: 180W | Memory: 8gb GDDR5 | Price: $220 (under $100 used)
The RX 580 was AMDs answer to Nvidia's budget line of GPUs in 2017. While it lagged a bit behind in gaming performance versus the competition, it was considered one of the best GPU for mining.
A budget price of $220 new and 8gbs of RAM out of the box made it the most popular card. This made it very hard to find one on the market during the 2017 altcoin boom.
While it's raw power has fallen behind, you can find a bunch of these cards on eBay for under $100. This would allow you to build a multiple-GPU rig for cheap that would easily surpass newer cards for less money.
6. Nvidia GTX 1070 - an old favorite from the last generation.
Hashrate: Good | Power Draw: 150W | Memory: 8gb GDDR5 | Price: $380 ( $200 used)
The GTX 1070 was a close second in popularity after the AMD RX580 during the 2017 cryptocurrency bull run. It offers above-average mining capabilities and is still widely available in some parts of the world.
With the popularity of mining slowly decreasing, you can find droves of these cards second hand, sometimes even under $200. We do not recommend buying one new, as more powerful and more affordable cards are available today for the same price.
7. Nvidia RTX 2070 SUPER - excellent miner for half the price.
Hashrate: Excellent | Power Draw: 250W | Memory: 8gb GDDR6 | Price: $500.
The Super versions of Nvidia's 2018 lineup brought excellent value placing them at the top of the best GPU for mining.
The 2070 Super isn't the most affordable card to run continuously with its 250W power draw. Performance-wise, it's close to the cheaper AMD 5700XT, so why would you even consider buying this GPU?
The answer is - Availability. The 2070 Super can be found anywhere most of the time, unlike its AMD rival.
8. AMD Radeon VII - power-hungry, but incredible mining performance.
Hashrate: Excellent | Power Draw: 300W | Memory: 16gb HBM2 | Price: $700 ($450 used)
The Radeon VII was our first choice for the best GPU for mining Ethereum a few months ago. A large amount of high bandwidth RAM ensures excellent mining performance.
It has the same mining capabilities as the top card from Nvidia, and it's cheaper, although a bit more power-hungry.
So what's the catch? Well, like it's often the problem with premium AMD cards, it's the availability. You will have a hard time finding one new if you are looking for hardware under warranty.
Still, for those on the lookout for used GPUs can find them at decent prices regularly on eBay.
Stats Comparison.
Our top pick (Our favorite GPU miner)
It's difficult to single out one card as being the best GPU for mining overall. There are a lot of parameters to consider. Some, like electricity cost and GPU availability, will depend on the region you are situated in.
Still, we are here to help you make the best choice, and our recommendation goes to the Nvidia GTX 1660 SUPER.
The card can be found as low as $210 and is a great ROI, especially when combined with the low power draw and decent performance. This is the new card to beat when building multi-GPU rigs in 2020.
Good availability Runs Cool (low heat) Small format (makes GPU mining rigs easier) Low power consumption.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:48 am

ETHER MINING: How to get 25 mh/s with a GTX 1060 (Windows)|6:45
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:48 am
Average performance Too recent, no second-hand market.
What coins can you mine with a GPU?
If you are serious about your GPU mining, our advice is to often check what coins are the most profitable. The GPU mining scene is ever-changing, but there are a few cryptocurrencies that have proven to provide good value over time.
Here are the top 5 coins to mine at the time of writing:
1. Ethereum (ETH)
Ethereum (ETH) is the second most popular cryptocurrency and is a great way to start your GPU mining adventure. It's widely accepted as a payment method and you can sell it on any exchange if needed.
Also, it might be your last chance to mine some ETH before the network changes its consensus mechanism to PoS in Q3 of 2020.
2. Ethereum Classic (ETC)
Ethereum Classic (ETC) is the original, unaltered version of the Ethereum blockchain. ETH was forked from Ethereum Classic after the DAO hack in 2016.
ETC is constantly one of the top 20 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. This makes it quite a safe coin to mine, given its popularity.
3. Monero (XMR)
Monero (XMR) is a cryptocurrency with a focus on private transactions. Unlike Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains, transactions can't be traced on the Monero Blockchain. While anyone can use the network, the source, amount and destination remain private.
4. RavenCoin (RVN)
Ravencoin is a fork of Bitcoin which adds features specifically focused on allowing tokens to be issued on the Ravencoin blockchain.
Through the Ravencoin network, users can create and transfer assets from one party to another. Similar to Monero, it focuses on the privacy of its users.
5. Bitcoin Gold (BTG)
Bitcoin Gold is a hard fork from the original cryptocurrency that was designed specifically to be ASIC-resistant. One of the main reasons for its creation was to democratize mining and make it accessible to enthusiasts that want to build their own machines with GPUs.
This concludes our article about the best GPU for mining of 2020. Let's sum up the main points you should be considering when building your own GPU mining rig:
Always weigh out the main aspects when choosing your hardware: performance, price, and running costs . There's no perfect GPU, they all have their pros and cons. Check the second-hand market for availability and great deals. There's nothing wrong with mining using second-hand hardware, as long as you accept the warranty risks. Use mining calculators and check what is the most profitable at the moment. Often check running costs versus income to ensure you aren't mining at loss.
Hopefully, this guide will give you the necessary info when choosing your GPU. The latest Nvidia mining GPU are great performers and if you are looking for new gear, you can't go wrong with a rig built around the GTX 1660 SUPER.
Best mining GPU 2020: the best graphics cards for mining Bitcoin, Ethereum and more.
Join the cryptocurrency craze with the best mining GPUs.
If you're looking for the best mining GPU for delving into cryptocurrency mining, then you've come to the right place. Excellent mining GPUs need enough memory and power for mining without breaking the bank. And, we've got the best of them right here. After all, when you start mining for Bitcoin or Ethereum, you won't be yielding large amounts of cryptocurrency to start. Minimizing your initial costs as much as possible, therefore, is ideal.
Cryptocurrency may not be as popular as it used to be, but that doesn't mean it's dead. Bitcoin, Ethereum and other crypto coins are still flowing, while others are booming, which means that there's still a demand for mining GPUs. That means that there's still quite a few of them out there, all vying for your money.
Let us help you find the best one for you. Keeping price and efficiency in mind, we gathered the best mining GPUs money can buy in 2020. We've also included our exclusive price comparison tool, so you get the best price on whichever one you pick. This way, you can maximize your profits and start making your initial investment back as quickly as possible.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:49 am

International Online Forum «Advanced Engineering Competencies - the Future of Mining ( Industry»|4:29:33
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:50 am

Mining ( Forum Majalah TAMBANG|8:40
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:51 am
Check out also the best VPN services of 2019 Make sure you have the best cryptocurrency mining software installed as well.
1. Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 Super.
Same RTX 2070 - only Super-charged.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:51 am

Mining ( Forum 2019|1:47
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:52 am

Isabel Mining ( Forum November 2013|7:52
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:52 am

Scholars Mining ( Forum 2019|4:41
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:53 am
5 Best GPU for Mining Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is a phenomenon which took everybody by surprise when it reached the highest price of around $20K by December end 2017. If you are among those who knew of the phenomenon but were late to jump on the bandwagon, then don't worry Bitcoin mining ( could be your way to earn the Bitcoin riches.
Mining is the process of verifying transaction on the Bitcoin Blockchain, which rewards the miner with a certain Block Reward (12.5 BTC currently). In order to start mining for Bitcoin or any other altcoin, you need certain hardware equipment.
This article would help you understand the process and the prerequisite of mining rigs to create a perfect setup for mining bitcoin.
The idea of Satoshi Nakamoto was to create a network of cashless transaction where the whole network is maintained by the peers, instead of a few selected ones. Bitcoin makes use of Proof of Work protocol, which is based on the SHA-256 algorithm.
In order to move to the next block, the hash function of the previous block is required, where the input hash has a predefined output which cannot be tampered with. In order to verify a transaction, one needs to verify the hash function associated with each transaction.
Now the process of verification requires computational power since the encrypted hash function is 256-bit, your computer needs to run simultaneous codes to verify the output hash function with the input one.
Earlier when the number of miners on the network was limited, it was easy to mine Bitcoin using a CPU based home PC. However, with time the mining difficulty has increased significantly, and people have started using specialized mining rigs, generally with multiple video or graphics card to generate extra hash power to mine the block earlier.
GPU focused mining rigs are the considered to be most suitable for the Bitcoin mining ( process, since it can run multiple codes to verify the output hash function, instead of a CPU which is considerably slower, when it comes to multi-tasking.
So, if you are jumping in the Bitcoin mining ( game, you would require a good GPU mining rig, to compete with others. We will discuss 5 such GPU mining rigs which might suit our need.
5 Best GPU Mining Rigs For Bitcoin mining (
1. Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070.
Nvidia which is known-name in the gaming industry found a different user base with almost same needs. Nvidia has been in the manufacturing of GPU mining rigs for long, and it's GeForce GTX 1070 is perfect for the beginners. It provides high hash rats of up to 30mh/s and consumes considerably less energy while doing it.
Mining process requires a lot of energy in fueling the rigs to generate high hash rates, so you know that GTX 1070 with less energy consumption is a perfect choice in the long run. The initial cost is high, but in the long run, it's one of the best choices for mining bitcoin.
2. AMD Radeon RX 580.
The AMD GPU rigs are equally popular to that if Nvidia, if not more. The AMD Radeon RX 580 can generate hash rates of 29 MH/s and saves you a ton in electricity bills. It's among the top choice for miners and warranties great performance. With its cost lower than Nvidia's GTX 1070, it can always match the performance.
By tweaking a few settings by looking at online setup tutorials, this AMD GPU could be your way to earning Bitcoin riches.
3. Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060.
The GeForce GTX 1060 might not be the beast of a performer, but given the price point, it can easily be a good mining rig for beginners, as it is comparatively cheaper than any other option available in the list. The GTX 1060 can alternatively be used for gaming as well, so it's a win-win situation.
4. AMD Radeon RX Vega.
One of the best performer from AMD, the RX Vega, and its benchmark scores even leave the Nvidia GeForce 1070 behind. It's one of the great overall graphics card packages and does what it promises the best. With high performance comes the headache of high-energy consumption, and heating issues. Do, if you are Bitcoin miner planning to run the beast 24*7 then, heating could be an issue.
But, looking from a purely mining point of view, this is certainly the best performer.
5. Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti.
The GTX 1070 at the top of the list provides a great GPU mining performance, however the GTX 1070 Ti better over it with few amendments like better clock speed, high-performance output. However, there have been reports of bugs in the software which lower the hash rate, plus its costlier than its predecessor and also consume more energy. Thus if you are looking to mine Bitcoin, make sure you have done your research right.
GPU mining rigs became a rage when people started taking mining seriously, earlier the mining process was intended to maintain the decentralization aspect of it. However, the high price rise of Bitcoin turned it into a legit business.
There are many mining farms which have come up in the location where the cost of electricity is cheaper and climate suits the high-heat yielding machines. If the 2018 market fall has made the individual mining non-profitable, you can opt for mining pools to earn a few bitcoin.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:53 am

10th Annual Saskatchewan Mining ( Supply Chain Forum|4:05
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 08:54 am

Indonesia Mining ( and Metal Investment Forum 2020|2:37:45
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 09:03 am

Free Bitcoin Miner ( - Mine Free Bitcoin Get (0.05 BTC ) Live Payment Proof + Zero Invest|7:46

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 10:14 am
Here Are Few More Articles For You To Read Next:
Prashant Jha.
As a content writer Prashant believes in presenting complex topics in simple laymen terms. He is a tech enthusiast and an avid reader.
9 Profitable BitCoin Cloud Mining Contracts And Services.
Unless you own a Bitcoin mining ( hardware such as Antminer, you will probably not see a single coin mined with your 'powerful' desktop computer, this is because it takes a lot of processing power just to solve a simple equation. This is where Bitcoin Cloud Mining comes into play, instead of mining for a single coin, you rent a cloud server, this means you can participate in Bitcoin mining ( without maintaining the hardware yourself.
Cloud Mining is a way to mine bitcoin cryptocurrency without the need of owning a miner or mining hardware. Simply said, you buy yourself some shares of mining power - like a mining pool - and profit together with the pool. This means that you only need a contract with someone who offers Cloud Mining Services and a bitcoin wallet.
Like everything in life, there are risk, these risks includes the possibility of fraud and lower profit due to the opaque mining operations. There are various type of cloud mining, the two main types of hardware leasing or hashing power leasing. Hardware involves you renting their miner for a specific duration, hashing leasing involving renting a certain amount of processing power.
Warning - There is no guarantee Cloud Mining is profitable, do your own research, given a choice, I rather invest via BitCoin exchange over cloud mining.
↓ 01 - CryptoMining Farm | Hashing Leasing. is a new cloud mining company and investment opportunity that wants to give people a way to utilize high quality crypto-currency mining with guaranteed profits. GHS is Virtual Mining hashrate. They don't have any real bitcoin asic hardware.
↓ 02 - Genesis Mining | 1000 GH/s for USD180.
Genesis Mining is a large cloud mining company and hashpower provider for Bitcoin and Altcoins. You can mine any cryptocurrency available in the catalogue! Switch your mining power on the fly for all the coins. You will get daily payouts of your investment to your designated wallet.
↓ 03 - HashFlare | 1000 GH/s for USD150. offers cryptocurrency cloud mining services on modern, high-efficiency equipment. The mining starts immediately after confirmed payment. First payouts within 24 hours. Miner is a highly efficient piece of mining equipment specially designed for cryptocurrency mining. Their datacenters house hundreds of miners. Miners are connected to pools. There are many pools so HashFlare allows you to connect to ones you choose. This allows you to find the most profitable combinantion. Next, all mined cryptocurrency is distributed among all customers of HashFlare depending on their share of hashrate in the whole system.
↓ 04 - Hashnest | Rent Hardware.
Hashnest is a cloud hashing platform. This means you can participate in Bitcoin mining ( without maintaining the hardware yourself. Escape the noise, costly electricity bills, and warranty headaches.
↓ 05 - BitCoin Pool | 2TH/s for USD900 | Hashing Leasing.
To start earning, simply buy a cloud mining contract from them. You don't need any special hardware to do cloud mining, they will do the mining for you. They pay a 110% block reward, and charge 0% fees for PPS and PPLNS.
↓ 06 - Eobot | Hashing Leasing.
They are the easiest, cheapest, and best way to get or mine Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin, Ripple, Dash, Golem, BitShares, CureCoin, NEM, Monero, Zcash, Factom, Bytecoin, STEEM, Lisk, MaidSafeCoin, USD, Gridcoin, and Ethereum Classic. Whether or not you use our Cloud Mining or your own hardware, you can mine any cryptocurrency, regardless if it is based on a SHA-256 or Scrypt algorithm.
↓ 07 - MinerGate Cloud Mining | Hashing Leasing.
This MinerGate Mining Contract has a power rating of 200 GH and a lifetime duration. The Company has a solid reputation for integrity and charges a management fee for hosting and maintaining your GH in their optimally chosen global locations. The most advanced mining hardware and only freshly mined Bitcoins, Ethereum and Monero directly from the block rewards are a couple of clicks away.
↓ 08 - Hashing24 | Hashing Leasing.
The Hashing24 Small Mining Contract has a power rating of 100 GH and a 36 month duration. The contract is provided by Hashing24, a cloud mining contract provider that has been involved in a mining business since 2012. Its initial mining power supplier is one of the industry's leaders - BitFury. Hashing24 provides turnkey renting solutions from the largest Bitcoin mining ( data centers.
↓ 09 - NuVoo Mining | Hardware & Hashing Leasing.
The NuVoo Starter Mining contract has a power rating of 527.08 GH/s and a lifetime duration. There is no additional fees, including maintenance and electricity fees. The specific duration of a contract of liftetime duration is variable and determined by three factors: the difficulty of the exploitation, Bitcoin exchange rates against USD and maintenance costs (which includes all the costs of electricity, cooling, development and maintenance). Once it is no longer profitable to mine, the contract will be terminated.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 10:14 am

Free bitcoin mining - Earn free Bitcoin [ 2021 ]|1:18
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 10:14 am
8 Best Cryptocurrency Mining Contracts.
Here, we have shared with you 8 Best Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Mining Contracts .
In recent years, the number of individuals obtaining Bitcoin mining ( Contracts has multiplied many times. More and more persons are searching for the least expensive and trusted Bitcoin mining ( Contracts.
However, you need to be extremely watchful while purchasing a cloud digging contract for Bitcoin or some other Cryptocurrency. You should not put your trust in any arbitrary web specialist co-op without knowing the same.
In fact, there have been a substantial number of fake plans identified with Bitcoin mining ( Moreover, profound concerns have been raised with respect to the cloud mining administrations.
Here, we endeavor to reduce your inconveniences by featuring the best Bitcoin Cloud Mining Contracts.
The Bitcoin mining ( Contracts are generally sold for bitcoins on a per-hash basis for a particular period of time.
There are many factors that go on to impact Bitcoin mining ( Contract profitability. The primary factor is the Bitcoin price.
For instance, Pay per GHash/s is 0.0012 BTC / GHs for a 24-month contract. Moreover, Contracts can vary from hourly to multiple years.
What is a Bitcoin Cloud Mining Contract?
Bitcoin Cloud Mining Contract is an agreement with a cloud mining company wherein you pay them some money, and they offer you some computing power for mining coins, which belong to you.
Herein, you pay for the output of mining power from hardware that is placed in remote data centers. A certain amount is paid upfront to a server company for mining Bitcoins.
So, the user need not invest in Bitcoin mining ( Hardware and pay for the electricity. Plus, the data center need not rely fully on the price of Bitcoin.
What should you look at while choosing a cloud mining contract?
Firstly, you need to ascertain the reputation of a cloud mining contract. So, make sure that the operations are being done without any hassle. You need to figure out that the company does not exploit the "Bitcoin Boom" and is not essentially ripping you off.
You should read reviews from different sources so that you can make an informed and educated decision. However, we try to help you out by listing the best Bitcoin mining ( contracts so that you need not carry out extensive research yourself.
You need to figure out the price of operations. Most companies tell you that you'll "break-even" by a certain month. You can pick out the machine that you would like to rent. You can put as much money as you want. The minimum amount is $10 to $20 per month.
The Advantages.
There is no need to man your servers. For the right price, that someone else's problem. However, you need to pay the maintenance and service fees associated with this practice. There's no need for upkeep, electricity costs, software installations, or expensive hardware You can quit at any time in case Bitcoin mining ( becomes unprofitable No need to wait to start Bitcoin mining ( No ventilation problems with hot equipment No out-of-stock equipment to wait on for being re-stocked.
The Disadvantages.
It is hard to find a trustable provider You are tied with the decisions of the provider. You cannot upgrade the gear yourself Lower profits long-term You need to depend on a cloud mining provider that can close down anytime due to low price on Bitcoin.
Irrespective of these disadvantages, Bitcoin Cloud Mining Contracts is the best choice for most people that aren't much tech-savvy or have money to put down for buying expensive hardware.
Currently, Cloud Mining is profitable. The current mining hardware allows it to be profitable after a certain amount of time. 12 to 16 months is usually the standard. It also depends on the price of Bitcoin. If the price of Bitcoin rises, so does your total revenue. Moreover, the more money you invest, the more money you will get back.
Most of the cloud mining companies go on to accept Bitcoin, PayPal, as well as Credit Cards. However, you must know that Bitcoin payments cannot be reversed. There's no way to get your coins back.
Unfortunately, there have been many scams in the Bitcoin cloud mining industry. Nowadays, it is very simple to set up a website and claim that the users will get X, Y, or Z. However, in reality, they might not be having any facility or hardware whatsoever.
Now, we move on and explore the best Bitcoin Cloud Mining Contracts / Hashing services out there:
8 Top Bitcoin mining ( Contracts.
1. Eobot Mining Contracts.
Eobot is recognized as one of the best cloud mining solutions out there. It allows you to purchase fractions of a cloud instance. You can pay with PayPal or by using Cryptocurrencies to mine a wide variety of cryptocurrencies like Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, Golem, Ethereum, and Dash, to name a few.
For each cloud instance that runs SHA-256 you own, you can get 1.0 giga-hash per second. It is the preferred one for Bitcoin because of its difficulty level. The Cloud Scrypt can get you 1.0 mega-hash per second, which proves suitable for Litecoin and other lower-difficulty coins.
As you can start small, it proves a great choice for a beginner that wants to start with Bitcoin mining ( Moreover, it is easy to get started. You can start with as low as $10. You get mining updates every 60 seconds, which makes it easy for you to track your profits. Eobot also offers a free calculator on its website allowing calculating the earnings per cloud instance.
2. NiceHash.
NiceHash is more of a marketplace rather than a company that's into the selling of cloud mining. It allows you to meet sellers with mining capacity. You can even sell capacity and connect with buyers here. NiceHash allows you to cancel at any time without a cancellation fee. The rates are a bit cheaper here than the data centers that rent out space and maintenance service. However, NiceHash allows you to pay and get paid in Bitcoin as of now.
3. Bitcoin Pool Bitcoin mining ( Contracts.
Bitcoin Pool is the world's highest paying mining pool. It allows you to mine Bitcoin easily on the cloud without the need to buy hardware or plug your own hardware.
They offer BTC and BCH mining. You can even choose to mine the most profitable coin automatically. You can even mine with its cloud mining contracts with 100% guaranteed uptime.
You can start mining with your own ASIC hardware to get benefitted from its high payouts. It has the lowest share reject rate (0.15%). They have a super responsive and reliable support team. They have the highest payouts across the industry.
So, you can mine Bitcoin in the cloud without having to buy any mining hardware. You simply have to choose the amount of computing power that you want to mine with its global data centers and leave the rest to them.
It's a global pool network that allows you to maximize your profits and benefits from its monitoring features.
You can buy a cloud mining contract from them. There's no need for any special hardware for doing cloud mining. Its pay a 110% block reward and charge 0% fees for PPS and PPLNS.
4. Genesis Mining.
Genesis Mining is one of the best cloud mining providers out there. It offers an easy-to-use interface and an easy way for mining Bitcoins.
Genesis Mining has a lot of experience in this field, as it happens to be one of the oldest cloud mining providers out there.
They have been recognized as the largest cloud Bitcoin mining ( company. They can handle a lot of volumes doing it well.
Genesis Mining allows you to allocate the hash-power you own for different mining coins at the same time. So, you can use one instance for a variety of cryptocurrencies. It makes it extremely easy to accomplish and diversifies the risk of investment.
They have come up with different pricing packages based on the coins you want to mine and the amount of hash-power you want. However, they are a bit expensive than others in this field. That said, their support and experience make up for that.
5. Minergate.
Minergate is not only known for cloud mining, but it also offers mining software allowing you to easily mine cryptocurrencies using your computer. With Minergate, you get all the included costs and potential profit calculations. It offers a clean UI and over 20000+ happy users.
So, Minergate happens to be a great choice for a beginner. It allows you to set the amount that you want to invest per day, thereby helping you to enter the world of crypto mining. With Minergate, you can mine Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Monero.
6. Hashflare Bitcoin Cloud Mining.
Hashflare is operating since 2014. It's a renowned cloud mining provider out there. They have come up with a customizable pool mining solution. So, you can choose which pools you want to mine to make the most money possible.
They have set up transparent fees and commissions, allowing you to keep track of how much you have actually made.
Hashflare, like other Bitcoin cloud mining providers, offers two types of mining: Scrypt and SHA-256. They have also come up with specific packages for all those who are interested in mining Ethereum, Zcash, and Dash. Its pricing is easy to understand and is delivered at a competitive rate.
Your first payout comes to you within 24 hours. So, you can quickly see your investment paying off, slowly but surely.
7. Hashing24.
Hashing24 is operating since 2012 and has served thousands of satisfied customers. It's a well-renowned and well-established cloud mining company out there. They go on to use modern ASICs from Bitfury, thereby making sure that they have the most efficient and powerful hardware as possible. They assure a 100% uptime guarantee. So, you don't need to face any downtime or errors with them.
Hashing24 has its data centers in Georgia and Iceland. They give you calculations of the expected ROI time-frame by showing all the numbers beforehand. So, Hashing24 comes as a highly recommended service. They keep their users informed of all the included fees. Moreover, they offer all the good things that you expect with a cloud mining company.
8. Hashnest.
Hashnest offers excellent cloud mining contracts. It is being operated by Bitmain, the ones that are behind the Antminer line. Presently, Hashnest has over 600 Antminer S7s to rent out. As they are owned by Bitmain, they can easily re-stock in case they happen to run out of stock.
Hashnest has come out with a special contract called PACMiC V5. PACMiC means "Payback Accelerated Cloud Mining Contract." So, it aims to cut down on the payback time-frame a lot. With PACMiC, you can see a return on investment more quickly than other traditional cloud mining contracts.
Note: We recommend everyone interested in Bitcoin cloud mining to stay away from those cloud hashing companies that offer free trials. Any company that offers free trials are most certainly wants to scam you.
With this, we have featured all the 8 Best Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Cloud Mining Contracts. I hope this post helped you in choosing the best Bitcoin Cloud Hashing Services. Thanks for visiting.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 10:15 am

Bitcoin Mining ( Apps That Pay You FREE Bitcoin (2021) Earn 1 BTC in 1 DAY|10:30
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 10:23 am
Pre-Order Lifetime BTC Mining.
Pre-Order Activation on 31st March 2020.
3 Th/s Lifetime BTC Mining Pre-Order 2020-03-31.
Electricity consumption: 0.125Kw/h.
Electricity price: 0.10$/Kw/h.
Fee: 0.55$ Weekly.
Starts From: 2020-03-31.
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Bitcoin wallet required.
Minimum weekly payout > 0.0014 BTC.
10 Th/s Lifetime BTC Mining Pre-Order 2020-03-31.
Electricity consumption: 0.420Kw/h.
Fee: 1.90$ Weekly.
15 Th/s Lifetime BTC Mining Pre-Order 2020-03-31.
Electricity consumption: 0.630Kw/h.
Fee: 2.80$ Weekly.
30 Th/s Lifetime BTC Mining Pre-Order 2020-03-31.
Electricity consumption: 1.260Kw/h.
Fee: 5.60$ Weekly.
Lifetime BTC Contract duration to ensure your profit.
We are mining with the latest and most power efficient miners.
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Best Bitcoin Cloud Mining Websites in 2020 - Complete Guide.
Crypto mining represents a good way of lining your virtual wallets with various types of cryptocurrency. Naturally, turning profit from anything isn't easy; to mine cryptocurrency successfully, you need to invest heavily into hardware and know-how required to operate said hardware.
Knowing how to set up a crypto miner and paying for the electricity it spends aren't the only parts of the equation, with the last one including following the market and determining which coins to mine. This element also requires significant resource (namely your time) dedication as well.
Some people like to avoid the first part and only focus solely on hunting for mining opportunities. But even when you find a good cryptocurrency to mine, you'll still need to somehow find the hash rate required to mine said currency.
This is where cloud mining services jump in: with the help of these, you can basically borrow hash rate online and direct it to mine the currency of your choice. As such, you can become a crypto miner while avoiding all the pains of installing and managing your own hardware.
This practice comes with its own advantages and drawbacks. While the entry cost is much lower and the service is in general accessible to a wider pool of individuals, your profits will be lesser than if you were to mine with your own hardware.
Additionally, you don't own any hardware so you cannot sell it if you eventually decide to cut costs. Finally, cloud mining is a hotbed of illegal activity, as malicious individuals look to create fake cloud mining websites and take advantage of those looking for the service.
In this article we'll give you a quick overview of some of the more reputable cloud mining services on the market. Any potential cloud miner should research these services in depth and determine if they can help him turn a profit; online profit calculators (which most of these services have built-in already) can give said miner a better idea of one service's profitability.
At this moment in time and with these current crypto prices, cloud mining doesn't seem like a very profitable endeavor; still, it's not impossible to find a diamond in the rough and achieve some financial gains with properly directed rented hash power.
Before we move on to the top cloud mining sites list, here is a comprehensive overview of what coins are worth mining these days. These cryptocoins are easy to mine and give best returns.
Best cloud mining contracts 2020.
NiceHash is an online crypto mining marketplace which connects sellers and buyers of computer hashing power. Exchange of hashing power goes through "mining contracts", where buyers set their terms (like the amount of hash they need, how long they need it, and the price they are willing to pay for it) and sellers then choose if they'll accept them or not.
The entire economy of this marketplace is "powered" by Bitcoin, with buyers using it to purchase the hashing power and sellers getting compensated in Bitcoin for their resources. This is an important thing to understand; you don't get paid in cryptocurrency you decide to mine/your hardware is pointed towards, but in Bitcoin. Hashing power sellers that sign up for NiceHash can choose to provide their service with all sorts of hardware, including CPU, GPU, and ASIC. NiceHash itself claims it doesn't own any mining hardware.
There is a total of 34 mining algorithms supported by the service, including SHA-256 (Bitcoin's algorithm), DaggerHashimoto, Sia, CryptoNight, Blake, Equihash, Scrypt, Keccak, Lyra2RE and 2REv2, X11, X13, X15 and others. The number of mining pools that can be mined on is also significant, as all mining pools that follow stratum protocol specifications are supported.
The service operates from Europe under the "NiceHash" name while their USA servers operate under the name of WestHash. The servers are located in Amsterdam, San Jose (USA), Hong Kong (China), Tokyo (Japan), Chennai (India), and Sao Paulo (Brazil).
Cloud mining service located in Tallinn, Estonia, operates on a similar principle to all other cloud mining services. HashFlare does apparently own some of the mining hardware they use to provide the market with hashing power. That being said, they do allow outside miners to contribute to the cloud as well.
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Originally provided cloud mining contracts for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Zcash, DASH and Litecoin (support for Script, SHA-256, ETHASH, EQUIHASH, X11 algorithms). Payouts were originally made in the currency you mined, with the exception of Litecoin (which was paid out in BTC). At the moment, they only have a limited amount of Ethereum smart contracts on offer.
The service isn't exactly known as very reliable in the community. A Trustpilot rating of 2.8 out of 10 (214 reviews) and bittrust rating of 2.1 out of 5 (816 reviews) that there have been plenty of individuals who got burned by HashFlare. And the service did face several major scandals in the past, from retroactively introducing KYC/AML requirements, over shutting down Bitcoin mining ( on their platform, to randomly cancelling people's contracts for no apparent reason.
Some have reported earnings from mining with HashFlare so it remains unclear if the service is reputable or not (even though the amount of red flags suggests you should avoid it).
Operating from offices in UK, Thailand, and e (with data centers holding their mining devices located across Georgia and Iceland), this mining service existed on the market since 2016. It's also closely tied to the BitFury mining chip-making project which gives the service most of the hashing power it sells and an added level of legitimacy.
It only supports Bitcoin mining ( and offers one-time-pay, lifetime mining contracts. These have all currently been bought out but the website hosts auctions where you can buy a contract from an existing client. Overall, Hashing24 appears to be a reputable cloud mining service, one that may be somewhat overpriced with the current Bitcoin prices though.
Founded in 2013, the service owns mining farms across Europe, USA and Asia. Some consider it to be among the most reputable mining services out there and the fact that it's registered with the SEC as a Bitcoin mining ( fund certainly helps that. Others feel that the service isnt that good, as its Trustpilot rating might indicate.
Keep note, Trustpilot and other rating aggregation websites can have skewed ratings due to bots and competitors trying to intentionally keep them down. The service claims to have over 300 thousand registered users on their books.
Genesis Mining service includes either open-ended or lifetime contracts for mining Bitcoin's SHA-256, Scrypt, X11, Cryptonight, Equihahs, Ethash. It supports Bitcoin mining ( and offers Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, Monero, Zcash mining contracts to top it all off.
You can also choose the currency you want to get your payments in; for example, you can choose to mine Ether but have your mined coins traded instantly on an exchange by the service to an ERC-20 token, and then receive payouts in said token.
IQ Mining.
As its name might suggest, the service markets itself as the "smart" cloud mining solution, one that automatically switches between mining different coins, thus ensuring you the best possible profit over time. Founded in 2016, it boasts with having nearly 100 thousand registered users (with about 4000 of those being active on a daily level).
It is a pay-as-you-go cloud mining platform, allowing you different mining plans and contracts that can have your hash power ultimately hop between a really diverse selection of 150 altcoins. The hardware used to provide hash power is apparently owned by them and anything you mine out will be paid to you in Bitcoin. Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, Dash, Zcash are among the mineable currencies.
Nuvoo Mining.
Canadian mining endeavor founded on 2016, Nuvoo takes advantage of the country's access to cheap, environmentally-friendly electricity and offers hardware lined up across several mining farms to its customers. Nuvoo Mining offers Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum mining (meaning it supports SHA256, Scrypt and Ethash algorithms). No matter what they mine, clients will get their payments in Bitcoin only.
The contracts offered by this service are open and users can mine as long as it's profitable. Some drawbacks of this service include the fact that they don't publish which mining pools they use and the fact that they lack a native wallet client. Overall, the service has received mostly favorable reviews from the community.
MiningRigRentals operates since 2014 and is certainly a website that will impress you with its massive offer of crypto mining algorithms. SHA-256, Scrypt, X11, BCD, Dagger-Hashimoto, Equihash, Qubit, Cryptonote and all sorts of its variations, you name the algorithm you'll likely find it here.
Sometimes you'll find an algorithm that doesn't have available rigs for rent but the big ones will almost certainly have hundreds on offer. This website is a marketplace which allows both hardware owners to rent out their hash power and miners to purchase someone else's hash power.
The service claims that it has been developed from the ground up by miners for the mining community, and from everything we saw it definitely looks like that.
There are very few user restrictions and the website has an impressive Help section which can take you through any potential issue you may come across while mining. Only downsides we could think of include somewhat high fees and a simply-looking website (which can be a positive sign for some more ascetic individuals).
CCG Mining.
CCG Mining was founded in 2016 in UK and apparently has its hardware situated in two Polish mining farms. They claim to be a real company with real people behind it and the project's team page does imply that (even though simple Google searches for their employees don't reveal much about them).
One of the project's defining services is the fact that they sell mining rigs to interested customers; currently there are three pre-built mining rigs on offer with AMD and NVIDIA GPUs installed. Their rig prices are a bit steep though and you could probably do much better pricewise if you simply assemble one from the used hardware market.
The service lets you mine coins like BTC, ETH, ZCASH, MONERO, DASH, LTC, and LBRY. Contracts are open-ended and run up to 2 years, which could potentially net you a decent profit. You can purchase either one of their pre-determined contracts or set up your own custom one.
They claim to have over 45 000 private clients and over 850 business clients and want to become Europe's leading hash rate provider. A potential issue with the service could be the fact that the person who registered its domain decided to stay private.
AGIO Crypto.
AGIO CRYPTO is a project providing cloud mining services since 2017. It has its own data centers in  and e, and is a reseller of the capacities of mining industry giants -- Bitmain and SaintBitts - which are located in Island and China.
Some of the most powerful ASIC devices out there, such as Antminer S9 (14 TH/s, 1450 W), Antminer L3+ (504 MH/s, 800 W), Antminer E3 (180 MH/s, 800 W), and Innosilicon A4+ (620 MH/s, 750W), currently provide the hashing power this project sells to the market. Besides providing clear purchase documents for their devices, AGIO apparently has a work license given to it by the Saint Vincent and the Grenadines registrar of international business companies.
The service offers dedicated cloud mining servers for mining Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum. They also have something they call Mining Profitability Booster technology which can apparently increase your mining profitability by 200%.
MPB is an indicator that informs customers about the most favorable moment for the sale of the earned cryptocurrency. With MPB technology, users do not need to constantly monitor the market and analyze the data. Contracts are of the lifetime type and can be purchased with either USD or EUR. They are currently out of stock but there is a waiting list you can apply to.
MinerGate is a popular online crypto mining marketplace, one which apparently contains more than 3.5 million active clients. Some even consider it the "friendliest" cloud mining solution on the market. On this service, you'll find pools for cryptocurrencies such as Monero, Grin, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ethereum Classic, Bitcoin Gold, Zcash, Bytecoin, Monero Classic. It even offers support for merged mining.
MinerGate is definitely one of the more established projects out there, having their own blockchain explorers, profitability calculators, pool stat trackers and service monitors. They even offer integration with the Lumi Wallet and have their own native MinerGate token which acts as development fuel, loyalty tool and support for EOS network.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 10:23 am

😱Legit free bitcoin mining with Phones \u0026 Tablets Android - CPU+gpu Free Bitcoin Mining ( Software|6:50
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 10:29 am
Cloud service backed by the much-maligned Bitmain mining hardware producer. It is located in China but has offices and representatives all around the world. It was introduced to the market in April 2014. While some reviews suggest it's a decent, trusted option, others have apparently been burned by the service. This doesn't stop them from using the "best cryptocurrency mining platform" moniker to describe themselves.
By default, all miners are directed to Antpool, which is a part of the BitMain Corporation. The company has a number of Bitcoin mining ( farms located in China and Iceland, most of which are not available for viewing for "customer protection and security reasons". They do claim that they currently own the world's largest Bitcoin mining ( farm.
Final verdict - which one is the best cloud mining platform?
Before we wrap this up, one important remark to highlight:
Majority of cloud mining contracts are scams. Why?
Because there are no guarantees that the company actually has the hardware for mining or that it will pay out your commissions. History teaches us that our first assumption about any crypto service is that it is a scam and then we search for arguments of contrary. Bottom line - be very careful and vigilant in your research.
So keep in mind: 99% of cloud mining platforms are scams.
Bitcoin mining ( contract.
Our team has been involved with cryptocurrencies mining has over 6 years of professional experience. Bigger mining & greater trust! We always do more than is required of you.
Our Lightning technology is an overlay network to increases its utility by enabling instantaneous micro-transactions. It is among the industry's most important efforts for cryptocurrencies mining, and this technology has been applied to the data centers in Singapore, Canada, Norway, Iceland, and Georgia.
Nick Wichmann, Bitcoin24Contract.
Technical support operates 24 hours a day.
Highest-quality equipment allow the mining process to achieve maximum efficiency and makes the contract prices become most aggressive in the market! The highest standard of CRAC (Computer Room Air Conditioner), PLC ( Program Logic Control ) and UPS systems are well designed specific for Lightning Technologies©
Ready for the Bitcoin mining (
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Bitcoin24contract couldn't be more grateful - my life changed in this few years and my family want to say Thank you to your company too. If you ever find you guys in a jam on money or human resources, please feel free to call on us for help. My whole family be there. Sincerely, Johnny.
Contact us.
Please fill out the form, and our relevant department will reply within 24 hours.
The estimated profit is approximate and for various reasons may not be accurate. Please read the Term of Service for more reference.
About our company.
Bitcoin24Contract was founded in 2013 by professionals, we are the FIRST company apply Bitcoin Lightning Technologies© on the Bitcoin (BTC) mining. Bitcoin24Contract stay informed on the world's leaders in the cryptocurrency mining and cooperates with major players and vendors like, AntPool, F2Pool, ViaBTC, and BTC.TOP. Our international business network and experience gives us the opportunity to develop new technology and provide the most reasonable prices to strengthen us in the global market.
About Bitcoin.
Look away now if you own bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. This won't be breaking news to you if you are invested, Bitcoin is one of the most important inventions in all of human history. For the first time ever, anyone can send or receive any amount of money with anyone else, anywhere on the planet, conveniently and without restriction. It's the dawn of a better, more free world.
Bitcoin Profitability Calculator - BTC Mining Profit Calculator.
Enter your set up information in the form below. Do not enter commas, only dots for decimal separator.
Nothing guaranteed, of course this is only a rough estimate! Do not enter commas, only dots for decimal separator. You can also calculate rented mining by setting "Power consumption" to 0 and "Cost of mining hardware" to the rent per time frame. Default values are for a system of four 6870s.
Estimate Strategy.
Extrapolating bitcoin difficulty or price is pure voodoo. It is much easier to predict the relationship of the two parameters in form of the Mining Factor. The Mining Factor 100 is the value in USD of the bitcoins you can generate if you let a 100MHash/s miner run for 24 hours. If the Mining Factor 100 rises above $2 or so everybody buys mining equipment and thus increases difficulty. If it falls people will stop mining eventually. The estimate starts with the current Mining Factor and decreases it exponentially such that the decrease accounts for the factor decline per year. Please note that a profit/loss by holding the coins is not accounted for in this estimate.
Time Frame BTC Reward Revenue USD* Power Cost (in USD) Pool Fees (in USD) Profit (in USD) Hourly 0.00003275 $0.61 $0.16 $0.00 $0.45 Daily 0.00078595 $14.73 $3.90 $0.00 $10.83 Weekly 0.00550162 $103.14 $27.30 $0.00 $75.84 Monthly 0.0236 $442.03 $117.00 $0.00 $325.03 Annually 0.2869 $5,377.99 $1,423.50 $0.00 $3,954.49.
* Bitcoin Price at $18,747.10 USD.
Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty Bitcoin Block Reward Bitcoin Price 17,596,801,059,571.00 6.25 BTC $18,747.10 (BTC to USD) Bitcoin mining ( Hashrate Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Watts Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Cost Electricity Costs 110.00 TH/s 3,250 Watts $2,407.00 $0.05 per kWh.
A BTC mining difficulty of 17,596,801,059,571.00, a BTC mining hashrate of 110.00 TH/s consuming 3,250 watts of power at $0.05 per kWh, and a block reward of 6.25 BTC at $18,747.10 (BTC to USD).
Disclosure: The Profit Details are the result of a chosen budget of $ 10,000.00 to purchase Bitcoin mining ( servers that are hashing 76 TH/s at a price of $ 25 per terahash. This assumes a total hashrate of 400.00 . The Profit Details also take in consideration the current network hash rate of 1.7596801059571E13 and current BTC/USD exchange rate of 1 BTC = $ 18,755.99 . These figures vary based on the total network hash rate and on the BTC to USD conversion rate. Block reward is fixed at 6.25 BTC. The Profit Details do not take into account any future changes in block rewards, hashrate and difficulty rate. All inputs in this calculator vary over time. The profit details is based on current values only and should be used as a guide only.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 10:29 am

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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 10:30 am
I already wrote about Bitcoin mining ( hardware, where I listed the top 5 GPUs and CPUs that can be used for mining. This time, we're going to do some Bitcoin mining ( hardware comparison.
In this article, I've compared the best GPUs based on their hashing power, price and power costs. I hope you'll find the table below helpful when choosing the best GPUs for your own mining operation.
Why are the hashing power, power consumption and GPU price so important?
Hashing Power is how we measure the GPU(and other hardware) performance when it comes to cryptocurrency mining. It is measured in hashes per second(H/s), and the more hashes your hardware can generate- the better. In other words, the more hashing power your hardware has, the more cryptocurrency and Bitcoin you can earn.
The hashing power is sometimes calculated differently for different coins and mining algorithms, however in most cases the newer graphics cards with higher VRAM(video memory) and speed are going to perform better and earn you more cryptocurrency and Bitcoin.
Power Consumption is the second most important parameter, and in countries with high electricity costs it can be the most important one. In a nutshell, the GPU power consumption measures how much electricity your GPU spends.
If you have a free or nearly free electricity cost(alternative energy, social program or countries with lowest electricity price), then you don't need to care much about it. But if on other hand you have high electricity costs, that means you need to aim for hardware with least power consumption, and in some cases mining may even turn unprofitable for you.
Hardware Price.
Hardware Price should be pretty self explanatory, still I'll explain it here in case you're a newbie. It boils down to a price you pay to buy a GPU or other hardware, and the less you pay for it the better. However, there are a few things to consider when doing so:
Bitcoin and crypto mining is resource intensive. This is why you should never buy a hardware without the warranty. And the warranty length is a factor to consider. Basically, don't buy a hardware that has a warranty shorter than the time you need to pay off your hardware with mining.
Besides that, the hashing power plays a huge role and has to be considered when comparing the hardware prices. If two GPUs cost the same, you should pick the one that has higher hashing power. And if one GPU costs twice as the other, but makes 3x more hashes, that's the one that you should consider.
Bitcoin Graphics Card Comparison 2020(updated on 8/10/2020)
Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Comparision(current Bitcoin price of $11,984) GPU GPU Earnings/day(zero electricity cost) GPU Earnings/day($0.05/kWh electricity cost) GPU Earnings/day($0.10/kWh electricity cost) GPU Price(cheapest I found for used or new for newest models) AMD Radeon R9 380 $0.76 $0.58 $0.40 $60 AMD Radeon R9 FURY $1.26 $0.90 $0.55 $60 Radeon™ RX 470 $1.04 $0.90 $0.76 $70 Radeon™ RX 480 $1.18 $1.01 $0.85 $80 Radeon™ RX 570 $1.12 $0.97 $0.83 $80 Radeon™ RX 580 $1.21 $1.05 $0.90 $90 Radeon™ RX Vega 56 $1.64 $1.36 $1.09 $330 Radeon™ RX Vega 64 $1.75 $1.45 $1.15 $350 GeForce GTX 1050 Ti $0.52 $0.42 $0.33 $120 GeForce GTX 1060 $0.90 $0.79 $0.69 $110 GeForce GTX 1070 $1.20 $1.05 $0.89 $150 GeForce GTX 1070ti $1.22 $1.07 $0.91 $300 GeForce GTX 1080 $1.38 $1.18 $0.98 $350 GeForce GTX 1080ti $1.82 $1.61 $1.40 $390 GeForce RTX 2060 $1.34 $1.18 $1.03 $410 GeForce RTX 2070 $1.57 $1.40 $1.24 $490 GeForce RTX 2080 $1.97 $1.74 $1.52 $700 GeForce RTX 2080 Ti $2.35 $2.08 $1.82 $1200 Radeon™ RX 5700 $2.05 $1.87 $1.69 $420 Radeon™ RX 5700 XT $2.07 $1.89 $1.71 $450 AMD Radeon™ Pro VII $3.14 $2.88 $2.63 $1900 GeForce GTX 1660 $0.88 $0.76 $0.64 $215 GeForce GTX 1660 Ti $1.07 $0.98 $0.88 $270.
Bitcoin Graphics Card Comparison 2019.
Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Comparision(current Bitcoin price of $3,860) GPU GPU Earnings/day(zero electricity cost) GPU Earnings/day($0.05/kWh electricity cost) GPU Earnings/day($0.10/kWh electricity cost) GPU Price(cheapest I found for used or new for newest models) AMD Radeon R9 380 $0.25 $0.08 -$0.10 $80 AMD Radeon R9 FURY $0.27 -$0.06 -$0.31 $250 Radeon™ RX 470 $0.33 $0.19 $0.04 $100 Radeon™ RX 480 $0.37 $0.21 $0.05 $120 Radeon™ RX 570 $0.35 $0.21 $0.06 $130 Radeon™ RX 580 $0.38 $0.22 $0.06 $140 Radeon™ RX Vega 56 $0.50 $0.26 $0.02 $330 Radeon™ RX Vega 64 $0.52 $0.20 -$0.13 $350 GeForce GTX 1050 Ti $0.18 $0.09 $0.00 $110 GeForce GTX 1060 $0.28 $0.18 $0.07 $175 GeForce GTX 1070 $0.46 $0.31 $0.15 $260 GeForce GTX 1070ti $0.54 $0.38 $0.22 $350 GeForce GTX 1080 $0.63 $0.45 $0.27 $390 GeForce GTX 1080ti $0.79 $0.56 $0.33 $470 GeForce RTX 2060 $0.71 $0.55 $0.40 $410 GeForce RTX 2070 $0.71 $0.53 $0.35 $530 GeForce RTX 2080 $0.90 $0.67 $0.43 $790 GeForce RTX 2080 Ti $1.10 $0.83 $0.57 $1700.
Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Conclusion.
The table above should make your decision easier as it immediately brings some helpful info:
If you don't need to invest into GPU(s) and/or electricity costs in your country are cheap- definitely try mining Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency. If your electricity costs are close to zero, you can try with any GPU, and even cheapest AMD GPUs will be profitable for you. If your electricity costs are cheap, you can try with any GPU, except cheapest AMD cards which have high power consumption. If you're electricity costs aren't cheap, then your best bet are the nVidia(GTX) cards from a higher range.
Mining hardware comparison.
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Mining hardware comparison is an article shows different hardware devices.
Technical part [ edit ]
ASIC (application-specific integrated) is an integrated circuit specialized for solving a specific problem. In contrast to General-purpose integrated circuits, specialized integrated circuits are used in a particular device and perform strictly limited functions specific to that device only; consequently, the execution of functions is faster and, ultimately, cheaper.
An example of ASIC may be a circuit designed exclusively for the control of a mobile phone chip hardware for encoding/decoding audio and video signals (signal processors).
Chip ASIC has a narrow range of applications, due to the rigidly predetermined set of its functions.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 10:31 am

SCAM!!!!!Mine 1 Bitcoin in 45 minutes - Free Bitcoin Mining ( Website 2021 - Payment Proof|8:49
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 10:32 am
Modern ASIC often contain a 32-bit processor, memory blocks (ROM and RAM) and other large blocks. Such ASICS are often referred to as" system on chip " (System-on-a-Chip).
When developing digital ASICs, hardware device description languages (HDLs) such as Verilog and VHDL are used to describe their functionality.
Reviews of ASIC mining hardware for 2017-2018 Consider the most powerful and popular models:
Antminer S9 with 13.5 Th / s.
HashRate: 13.5 TH / s ±5%; Power consumption: 1350W; Energy efficiency: 0.1 J/ GH; Voltage: 11.60.
13.00 V; Processor: 189x BM1387; Dimensions: 350mm(L)*135mm(W)*158mm(H); Cooling: 2x fan 12038; Operating temperature: 25 °C to 40 °C; Ethernet connection;
Antminer R4.
Hashrate: 8.6 TX / s (can vary in 5% range); Power Consumption: 845 W; Energy Efficiency: 0.1 J/GH; Noise level: 52db (at an ambient temperature of 35°C); Processor: BM1387; Number of processors: 126; Voltage 11.60.
13.00 V; Dimensions: 515mm (length) x 100mm (width) x 222mm (height); Ethernet connection;
Hash Rate: 4.73 TH / s ±5%; Power consumption: 1293W; Energy efficiency: 0.25 J/ GH; Voltage: 11.60.
13.00 V; Processor: 135x BM1385; Dimensions: 301mm (L)*123mm(W)*155mm(H); Cooling: 2x fan 12038; Operating temperature: 0 °C to 40 °C; Ethernet connection;
Avalon 6.
Hash rate: 3.65 TH/s Energy efficiency: 270 j / th*s; Input voltage: not less than 11.6 V; OS of the controller: from Avalon; Dimensions: 354 mm x 136 mm x 150 mm; Cooling system: cooler 12038 with 3800 rpm; Network controller: Raspberry Pi (version B or B+); External power supply required; Rated power: 990w; Max power: 1200W;
Antminer S5.
Hasrat: TH 1155/s ; Processor: BM1384; Ethernet network; Cooling: 1 model 12038 fan + 2 radiators on the working boards of the device; Power Consumption: 590 W; Energy efficiency: 0.51 j/gh; Temperature: 0-35°C; Dimensions: 298 mm x 137 mm x 155 mm.
ASIC mining calculator [ edit ]
The most accurate calculator for ASIC is on the asic mining calculator site In addition to the General data, this tool will provide you with visual tables, which will collect information on earnings per day, week and month in different currencies, as well as electricity consumption for the same time ranges.
Mining hardware comparison 2017-2018 [ edit ]
Model Hashrate Efficiency price AntMiner S1 180 Gh/s 2.0 W/Gh $299.0 AntMiner S2 1000 Gh/s 1.1 W/Gh $2259.0 AntMiner S3 441 Gh/s 0.77 W/Gh $382.0 AntMiner S4 2000 Gh/s 0.7 W/Gh $1400.0 AntMiner S5 1155 Gh/s 0.51 W/Gh $370.0 AntMiner S5+ 7722 Gh/s 0.44 W/Gh $2307.0 AntMiner S7 4.73 Th/s 0.25 W/Gh $479.95 AntMiner S9 13.5 Th/s 0.098 W/Gh $1,987.95 AntMiner U1 2 Gh/s 1.25 W/Gh $29.0 AntMiner U2 2 Gh/s 1.0 W/Gh $49.66 AntMiner U3 63 Gh/s 1.0 W/Gh $38.0 ASICMiner BE Blade 11 Gh/s 7.72 W/Gh $350.0 ASICMiner BE Cube 30 Gh/s 6.67 W/Gh $550.0 ASICMiner BE Sapphire 0 Gh/s 7.59 W/Gh $20.0 ASICMiner BE Tube 800 Gh/s 1.13 W/Gh $320.0 ASICMiner BE Prisma 1400 Gh/s 0.79 W/Gh $600.0 Avalon Batch 1 66 Gh/s 9.35 W/Gh $1299.0 Avalon Batch 2 82 Gh/s 8.54 W/Gh $1499.0 Avalon Batch 3 82 Gh/s 8.54 W/Gh $1499.0 Avalon2 300 Gh/s N/A $3075.0 Avalon3 800 Gh/s N/A N/A Avalon6 3.5 Th/s 0.29 W/Gh $499.95 bi*fury 5 Gh/s 0.85 W/Gh $209.0 BFL SC 5Gh/s 5 Gh/s 6.0 W/Gh $274.0 BFL SC 10 Gh/s 10 Gh/s N/A $50.0 BFL SC 25 Gh/s 25 Gh/s 6.0 W/Gh $1249.0 BFL Little Single 30 Gh/s N/A $649.0 BFL SC 50 Gh/s 50 Gh/s 6.0 W/Gh $984.0 BFL Single 'SC' 60 Gh/s 4.0 W/Gh $1299.0 BFL 230 GH/s Rack Mount 230 Gh/s N/A $399 (used) BFL 500 GH/s Mini Rig SC 500 Gh/s 5.4 W/Gh $22484.0 BFL Monarch 700GH/s 700 Gh/s 0.7 W/Gh $1379.0 BitFury S.B. N/A N/A N/A Avalon Clone 85GH 85 Gh/s 7.65 W/Gh $6489.0 Black Arrow Prospero X-1 100 Gh/s 1.0 W/Gh $370.0 Black Arrow Prospero X-3 2000 Gh/s 1.0 W/Gh $6000.0 Blue Fury 3 Gh/s 1.0 W/Gh $140.0 BTC Garden AM-V1 310 GH/s 310 Gh/s 1.05 W/Gh $309.0 BTC Garden AM-V1 616 GH/s 616 Gh/s 1.05 W/Gh $350.0 CoinTerra TerraMiner IV 1600 Gh/s 1.31 W/Gh $1500.0 Drillbit N/A N/A N/A HashBuster Micro 20 Gh/s 1.15 W/Gh $688.0 HashBuster Nano N/A N/A N/A HashCoins Apollo v3 1100 Gh/s 0.91 W/Gh $599.0 HashCoins Zeus v3 4500 Gh/s 0.67 W/Gh $2299.0 HashFast Baby Jet 400 Gh/s 1.1 W/Gh $5600.0 HashFast Sierra 1200 Gh/s 1.1 W/Gh $7080.0 HashFast Sierra Evo 3 2000 Gh/s 1.1 W/Gh $6800.0 Klondike 5 Gh/s 6.15 W/Gh $20.0 KnCMiner Mercury 100 Gh/s 2.5 W/Gh $1995.0 KnC Saturn 250 Gh/s 1.2 W/Gh $2995.0 KnC Jupiter 500 Gh/s 1.2 W/Gh $4995.0 KnC Neptune 3000 Gh/s 0.7 W/Gh $12995.0 LittleFury N/A N/A N/A Metabank 120 Gh/s 1.42 W/Gh $2160.0 NanoFury / IceFury 2 Gh/s 1.25 W/Gh N/A NanoFury NF2 4 Gh/s 1.35 W/Gh $50.0 BPMC Red Fury USB 2.5 Gh/s 0.96 W/Gh $44.99 ROCKMINER R3-BOX 450 Gh/s 1.0 W/Gh $200.0 ROCKMINER R4-BOX 470 Gh/s 1.0 W/Gh $210.0 ROCKMINER Rocket BOX 450 Gh/s 1.07 W/Gh $599.0 ROCKMINER R-BOX 32 Gh/s 1.41 W/Gh $65.0 ROCKMINER R-BOX 110G 110 Gh/s 1.09 W/Gh $88.0 ROCKMINER T1 800G 800 Gh/s 1.25 W/Gh $325.0 Spondooliestech SP10 Dawson 1400 Gh/s 0.89 W/Gh $2845.0 SP20 Jackson 1.3-1.7 Th/s 0.65 W/Gh $248.99 Spondooliestech SP30 Yukon 4500 Gh/s 0.67 W/Gh $4121.0 Spondooliestech SP31 Yukon 4900 Gh/s 0.61 W/Gh $2075.0 Spondooliestech SP35 Yukon 5500 Gh/s 0.66 W/Gh $2235.0 TerraHash Klondike 16 5 Gh/s 7.11 W/Gh $250.0 TerraHash Klondike 64 18 Gh/s 7.06 W/Gh $900.0 TerraHash DX Mini (full) 90 Gh/s 7.11 W/Gh $6000.0 TerraHash DX Large (full) 180 Gh/s 7.11 W/Gh $10500.0 Twinfury 5 Gh/s 0.85 W/Gh $216.0 Avalon USB Nano3 3.6 Gh/s 0.85 W/Gh $55.0 GekkoScience 9.5 Gh/s 0.33 W/Gh $49.97.
Results [ edit ]
In 2018 the popular ASICs for mining are characterized by the following distinctive features:
quick launch; software updates are rare; a small number of components to ensure the operation-twisted pair to connect to the network, power supply; work on a limited number of algorithms; Asik-miner functions if there is a server block; a high level of noise; it is impossible to repair; resale of ASIC-miner on the secondary market is impossible due to the rapid obsolescence of the released models.
Farms from video cards have the following features:
there is a technical possibility to mine all types of coins; quiet operation; there is a possibility of full or partial resale in the secondary market; maintainability.
Farms require more time spent on Assembly and packaging, and the need often to upgrade the software, otherwise there will be a shortage of speed. Transportation of farms is very difficult, they often break down and need a large number of components.
Best Bitcoin mining ( hardware for 2020 - An in-depth review.
" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" src="" alt=bitcoin width=300 height=179 srcset=" 300w, 600w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" data-recalc-dims=1>Bitcoin - the currency that took the digital terrain by storm and paved a path for the cryptocurrencies, wallet and exchange. It is an innovative payment network and an open-source peer-to-peer (P2P) money.
Bitcoin originated in January 2009 by the mysterious and incognito developer or a group of developers that goes by the name Satoshi Nakamoto . The official identity is yet to be revealed.
What makes Bitcoin so popular? The lower transaction fees, decentralized authority and open-source is what makes Bitcoin an innovative payment network.
Bitcoins are released into circulation by a process called Bitcoin mining ( . What does Bitcoin mining ( mean? Read on to grab all the requisite details or call on Bitcoin support phone number for any kind of help regarding bitcoin transactions.
Hearing the word Mining would direct your mind to extract minerals by digging deep down into the earth's crust. And Bitcoin mining ( might compel you to think that it is the process of extracting bitcoins. But NO! It's a whole different story.
Bitcoin mining ( is the process of creating bitcoin currency. Bitcoin cannot simply just be printed (unlike real money; Note and Coin) when more is needed. It has to be mined through different mathematical processes. The transactions are verified and added to the blockchain digital ledger.
In layman terms, Bitcoin maintains a public ledger, Blockchain, which includes past transactions whereas mining is the process of adding new transactions to this ledger. The process introduces more coins into the system.
The primary role of mining is to -
Allow bitcoin nodes to become secure and unforgeable. Forged to be resource-intensive and difficile such that the number of blocks discovered each day is kept steady.
Why the name 'Bitcoin mining ('? The process is called so because it resembles the real mining of other material resources.
It requires great efforts to create a new currency that is sold at rates comparable to gold and silver.
Chapter 1: Understanding Bitcoin mining ( equipment.
Bitcoin mining ( is a way to get involved with the bitcoin frenzy. In the previous section, we have already discussed the basics of Bitcoin mining ( In this section, we will be discussing how Bitcoin mining ( can help you make money.
To begin with, Bitcoin charts high on popularity. It stimulated the launch of hundreds of other virtual currencies who are collectively referred to as Altcoins. Then came Bitcoin mining (, the backbone of the bitcoin network. Miners provide protection and reaffirm Bitcoin transactions. Also, without Bitcoin miners, the network would be vulnerable to virtual attacks.
Bitcoin mining ( does -
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 10:39 am

😱Legit Free Bitcoin Mining ( CPU+gpu - Free Bitcoin Miner Software - Minerstart Nice Hash miner 2020|11:45
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 11:32 am
Issuing of new bitcoins Providing security Confirming transactions.
The internet claims " Mining is a Profitable and Promising Industry in a Slow Global Economy. " The major profit factors of Bitcoin mining ( are - Access to cutting-edge ASIC mining hardware, Low electricity costs and Deep knowledge of Bitcoin and business.
1.1 How does the equipment help you make money?
Though Bitcoin mining ( has so many beneficial determinants, you can make money through Bitcoin mining ( only at the times when the price of bitcoin happens to be high. Also, you would require quick access to equipment/energy supply that lets you mine faster as well as cheaper than other people can.
To mine, if you are buying new equipment, you have to pay for it as well as get it working while conditions for mining are still good. You are solely responsible to pay for the electricity you utilize and the weathering of your equipment.
Remember : You are most likely to mine as part of a pool of miners, and the pool, in turn, will take its little cut.
To complete one unit of mining, the mining reward lessens from time to time since the amount of computing work keeps being adjusted upward in order to keep constant the bitcoin production rate. The power of the world's computing stock increases simultaneously.
The network miners are required to solve more and more complex problems to confirm transactions in order to check how frequently bitcoins are generated. For this, the miners must have more and more powerful equipment to keep abreast. In order to have a chance at being profit-making, miners need to adopt any one of the two approaches -
1) buy exclusive hardware (a Bitcoin mining ( rig)
2) Connect with a cloud mining pool. Only if you have a lot of money to spend, you may begin with Bitcoin mining (
To figure out of Bitcoin mining ( is actually profitable for you or not, you should run some calculations. Use a Bitcoin mining ( calculator to get an idea. The calculator calculates the profitability of Bitcoin mining ( You simply just need to enter your hardware's hash rate (Gh/s), its power use in watts, and your electricity cost in dollars per kilowatt-hour. Further, it enters current bitcoin difficulty, bitcoin block reward, and bitcoin price automatically.
1.2 What makes hardware better than cloud mining or other forms of earning BTC?
In this section, we are going to study about the Bitcoin mining ( hardware and why it is better than cloud mining or other forms of earning BTC.
To begin with your mining rig, you need to buy and set up hardware designed for mining bitcoin, and allow it to run 24×7 for solving bitcoin transactions. In turn, this results in a steady flow of payments without your interruption. Easy to use and easy to set up is the major factor that makes hardware a better choice. However, making money is a challenge.
On the other hand, cloud mining requires purchasing time on someone else's rig. Companies (like Genesis Mining and HashFlare) charge the user based on a hash rate--in simpler terms, your processing power. Some companies also charge a maintenance fee. All in all, cloud miners, that allow you access to bitcoin, come at elevated rates. You might also be required to sign a year-long contract, locking you in. Worse of all, if the value of the cryptocurrency drops, you could be stuck in an unprofitable contract.
Please note - You might be required to replace the hardware in a year or so. Now that you have got the fairer idea on the details of Miners and Mining hardware, let's proceed to the next section where we will discuss the best BTC miners.
Chapter 2: Best BTC miners.
In this section, we have discussed the top 12 BTC miners to help you narrow down the choice. Let's get acquainted with them along with their features -
AntMiner L3+
AntMiner L3+ comes with four boards each having 288 chips (double of its predecessor). AntMiner L3+ is an easy to use mining hardware which comes with a hash rate of about 504 MH/s and utilizes around 800 watts and sports efficiency of 1.6 J/MH.
Bitmain AntMiner S5 has a power supply of 115 Volts which draws about 560 Watts. The power consumption is low and the unit produces about 1 GH/s for every 0.51 watts consumed in terms of efficiency. The hardware is one of the best Bitcoin miner hardware in 2019.
BitMain AntMiner S7 gained popularity the moment it launched in 2015. It is one of the most popular Bitcoin mining ( hardware due to its lower power consumption factor. The power utilized is 1600 watt APW3, which is undoubtedly one of the best available in the market. Its efficiency depends on the effectiveness of the ambient temperature and the power supply used.
End your search at Bitmain Antminer S9. With the highest hash rate of about 14 TH/sec, it is currently one of the best and most efficient Bitcoin mining ( hardware available in the market. The 3 circuit boards featuring a total of 189 chips sums up this high hash rate. It consumes 300 watts which are twice as efficient with about 0.1 Joules per Gigahash.
AvalonMiner 741.
If you are looking for the affordable Bitcoin mining ( hardware, AvalonMiner 741 is the one. It was created by a company called Canaan. With a good hash rate of about 7.3 TH/s, efficiency of 0.16 J/GH and an air forming cooling system that allows 88 chips to function as a single unit, it helps keep the miner running all the time.
BitMain AntMiner D3.
AntMiner D3 is the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware when it comes to Dash ASIC miners. The hardware is mostly used to first mine dash coins that are converted into Bitcoins and whilst doing so, make increased profits.
It has a hash rate of 15 GH/s and utilizes around 1200 Watts.
AntMiner T9.
AntMiner T9 is a bit expensive as compared AntMiner S9. It consumes around 1450 watts for approximately 11.5 TH/s for Batch 23 and has an efficiency of 0.126 J/GH.
The quality chips of S9 were of a lower quality but the T9 Miner fixed this problem of lower quality.
Dragonmint T16.
Dragonmint T16 is the first BTC mining hardware with the hash rate of 16 TH/s hence being exceptional. The hardware requires 1600 W power supply but consumes only 0.075J/GH.
The dragonmint T16 efficiency can be boosted by 20% since it is equipped with the ASICBOOST algorithm.
Pagolin Miner M3X.
Pagolin Miner M3X might not be as energy-efficient or effective as compared to other hardware, but it is a bigger unit because of its embedded ASIC chips. It has a draw rate of between 1.8 kilowatts and 2 kilowatts and hence the most power demanding Bitcoin mining ( equipment. It has a high hash rate of 13 TH/s.
If you are about to begin with BTC Mining, Avalon6 is the best choice. The hardware is easy to set up and is one of the most profitable ones. It utilizes the power of 1050 W and produce 3.5 TH/s.
Avalon6 doesn't come with its own power supply. You are required to buy it separately. The Avalon6 makes a good unit to run in an office or at home. It secures the network like no other.
USB Bitcoin Miners.
You may buy USB Bitcoin miners, but they don't contribute to any significant profits. If you want to play and just do a timepass then it is a good choice. You can buy one to learn how mining works. Check out the profitability of a USB miner by using the mining calculator.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 11:33 am

How I Make $5937 BITCOIN Automatic Per Day Free (No Work) - Earn 1 BTC in 1 Day|8:46
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 11:40 am
Best Bitcoin miner 2020.
Before jumping to the best bitcoin miner 2020, we are going to get you acquainted with the factors you should keep in mind while buying the best mining hardware -
Hash rate is measured in Megahashes/Gigahashes/Terahashes per second. It is a crucial factor as a high hash rate increases the chances of solving the complex mathematical computations which are important for earning Bitcoin as a reward.
Higher the hash rate, the more profitable the mining.
Investing in Bitcoin mining ( can cost you enough. Energy cost is one such expense you would have to bear with.
The more powerful hardware you use, the more power it is bound to consume. Consider electricity consumption (in Watts) before purchasing mining hardware. This will give you an idea of the energy costs consumed by the unit. It will also help you determine the viability of Bitcoin mining ( using the said hardware.
The mining hardware comes with a huge amount of price. If you go for a cheap one, the hardware will collect only a few Bitcoins. The Bitcoin mining ( hardware which is expensive is unique, fast and efficient. Be ready to shell out some extra money if you wish to make a fortune from the Bitcoin mining ( business. Go for value and quality in your purchase.
Once you have got the idea of the factors above, you are ready to buy the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware. Read on to figure out the best miner hardware to start with BTC Mining.
This miner is 7nm long. With a power consumption of around 2790 watts, the miner can reach 62 Th/s. It has two modes - normal and Pro.
Terminator T3.
This powerful miner in the market can supply up to 43TH/s. It has a power consumption of 2100 Watts.
Till date, this miner is one of the most impressive miners yet. It is the most efficient miner with an ideal hash rate of 50TH/s and a power consumption of around 2500 Watts.
You can opt for one of the three hardware blindly. However, according to the reviews, Antminer S17 Pro emerges as the best-priced option displaying good performance.
Bonus: Cheap Bitcoin mining ( hardware.
If you are determined to mine but tight on budget, USB Miners is the one for you. As mentioned earlier, they are a good choice if your sole purpose is to play with Bitcoin mining ( You may also check ASICMiner Block Erupter USB 330MH/s Sapphire Miner, Avalon Nano 3 and 21 Bitcoin Computer.
If you really want to make a profit, check out other Bitcoin mining ( hardware listed in the blog.
Mi ning Efficiency is rising day by day and is constantly improving. The mining hardware has evolved from computer CPUs to graphics card GPUs to FPGAs (Field-Programmable Gate Array) and now to ASICs (Application-specific Integrated Circuit).
To make your mining venture profitable, you can consider the listed hardware. The Dragonmint T16 is the best option (as of now) for someone getting started with mining.
It is highly recommended to dive into the details before making the ultimate choice or call on Bitcoin contact number .
Moreover, if you are confused and require more briefing, kindly post your query in the comment section below. We would be happy to answer you!
Bitcoin has reached $5 000 for the first time in the past quarter.
The new month brings good news to the entire crypto industry! The snow has melted and with it, the hard winter has passed, and with the upcoming of spring, the bear market is expected to recover.
It's been a rough ride for Bitcoin as its price has drastically dropped in the past year. However, its price has became the only topic of interest as today, Bitcoin finally hit the $5000 mark for the first time in five months.
[caption align="aligncenter" width="600"] Bitcoin price, April 2, 2019[/caption]
After reaching $5 000, BTC's price rolled back to $4 750, where it is trying to stabilize. The next crucial step for Bitcoin is to consolidate its rate on the corridor between $4 500 and $4 700, in order to rise back to $5 000 and above.
Mind-blowing facts about cryptocurrency thefts - Infographic.
According to an ex-engineer at BitGo, Jameson Lopp, as of July 2018, users have been deprived of their access to 6 million BTC in the bitcoin blockchain. Thus, the lost amount is 35.29% of the total circulating supply (17.5 million).
Our friends from ICOPulse have provided us with a complex Infographic about mind-blowing facts regarding cryptocurrency thefts:
The crime of the century! 6 million bitcoins have been stolen! Just get over it -- you won't get the stolen money back.
Bitcoin Tax Calculator.
If you are a U.S. resident that invested in Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies in 2017, you may have recently received a tax document from the trading platform or cryptocurrency exchange you use and may need to pay taxes. While there is currently very little guidance on the taxation of cryptocurrency, one thing is clearly defined. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) views cryptocurrency as property for tax purposes. That means you likely received a tax document because you either experienced a capital gain on that virtual investment in 2017 or received cryptocurrency as compensation, which is seen as ordinary income to the IRS.
For practical purposes, the IRS has issued guidance defining cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin and Ethereum as virtual currencies. This guidance is subject to interpretation, but for most people the main things to consider from a tax perspective are:
How long you held your Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies from purchase to sale? If held for less than a year, any profit may be liable for short-term capital gains tax. If held for longer than a year, any profit may be liable for long-term capital gains tax. What is your tax filing status and taxable income? That will determine your tax bracket and the tax rate on any Bitcoin profits. What is your state tax rate? That will determine how much you may owe in state taxes.
Bitcoin Tax Calculator Instructions.
Part 1: Enter Your Personal Details.
Part 2: For each Bitcoin sale within a tax year.
Example Bitcoin Tax Situation.
Article written by TaxAct.
Bitcoin and Taxes: What You May Not Know.
You might be aware that your Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency transactions have a possible taxable impact. However, you might not know exactly how to report them. You can use this bitcoin tax calculator or read on for more guidance on cryptocurrency taxes.
What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a worldwide payment system where users buy virtual currency using an exchange. The Bitcoins are stored in a digital wallet and can be transferred using a mobile app. No bank or other intermediary institution is involved.
Bitcoins can be used as a digital currency to send or receive funds, pay for goods or services, or simply for investment. Transactions are anonymous and are tracked only via the digital wallet identifiers on a public ledger. Originally used by illicit operators, mainstream companies such as now accept Bitcoin as payment.
Enter the IRS.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) isn't blind to Bitcoin and provided guidance about "convertible virtual currency" in its Notice 2014-21 .
The IRS defined convertible virtual currency as virtual currency that has an equal value in real currency, or that is a substitute for real currency.
The IRS specifically referred to Bitcoin as a type of convertible virtual currency that can be digitally traded. In addition, you can buy or exchange virtual convertible currencies into U.S. dollars or other real or virtual currencies. However, virtual currency itself does not have legal tender status in the U.S.
Tax Liability.
"Though cryptocurrencies seem like a brand-fangled new investment, one with which our, by comparison, antiquated tax system can't compete, they are actually taxed like pretty much any other mundane item," emailed Mark Durrenberger , Certified Financial Planner ®, Enrolled Agent and author of The Modern Day Millionaire.
If you sell, exchange, or use convertible virtual currency to pay for goods or services, you might have a tax liability. For tax purposes, the IRS treats convertible virtual currencies as property. If you receive Bitcoin as payment for goods or services you provide, then when you compute your gross income, you must include the fair market value of Bitcoin in U.S. dollars as of the date you received the Bitcoins.
Durrenberger gave the following example:
"If you buy Bitcoin for $100, and later sell it for, say, $1,000, [y]ou would owe capital gains taxes on that $900 gain. If you held that Bitcoin for less than one year, the tax rate would be whatever rate you pay on your regular income. If you held it for longer than one year before you sold, you are taxed at the more favorable (i.e., lower) long-term capital gains rates," Durrenberger said.
Fair Market Value.
How would you determine the fair market value of Bitcoin? "It can get a bit tricky as the value of Bitcoin jumps and dips constantly and those changes can be quite drastic at times," emailed David Hryck , a tax lawyer, and partner at Reed Smith in New York City. "You will have to convert the Bitcoin value to U.S. dollars as of the date each payment is made."
In this world of anonymous payments, recordkeeping of your transactions might be a challenge. "Make sure you keep careful records of the dates and value," Hryck said.
Independent Contractors.
If a company or individual pays you in Bitcoins for services you performed as an independent contractor, you might wonder if it constitutes self-employment income.
According to the IRS, self-employment income includes all gross income from any trade or business you engage in, other than as an employee. The fair market value of Bitcoins you receive for your services (measured in U.S. dollars as of the date you receive payment) is self-employment income and consequently is subject to self-employment tax.
Reporting to the IRS.
You might wonder how to report your Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency transactions on your annual tax return.
The basic tax rules that are applicable to property transactions apply to transactions using virtual currency. The IRS has made it clear that Bitcoin is a type of property and your transactions must be reported.
You should file Form 8949 , Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets and Schedule D (1040) , Capital Gains and Losses, with your annual tax return to reflect your cryptocurrency transactions.
Failure to Report.
What will happen if you skip reporting your Bitcoin or other digital currency transactions on your tax returns? Will the IRS know?
The fact that in 2014 the IRS issued a comprehensive notice including a Q&A section shows that the IRS is well aware that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency transactions are more than a passing fad. As with any tax law or IRS rules, you assume certain risks if you fail to comply.
Valerie Rind first from TaxAct.
A Look Into Bitcoin's Security.
Bitcoin has always been one of the more volatile topics of discussion. That is partly because of a lack of understanding of how it operates, its benefits, weaknesses and how to overcome them. Even so, it is impossible to quell everyone's doubts when it comes to cryptocurrency, and especially Bitcoin.
One of the most controversial points of focus for Bitcoin is its security. Overall, the majority of people agree that Bitcoin offers significant protection and privacy. Unfortunately, due to the solidity of its security, there are those who claim that the protection provided is absolute - a statement that is very misleading. In truth, even Bitcoin has its shortcomings when it comes to security. Through this article, we have explored the ins and outs of Bitcoin security.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 11:42 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 11:43 am
Bitcoin's weaknesses.
Although the blockchain is said to be hack-proof, the same cannot be said for user accounts. To use Bitcoin, you need an account, and for that, you need to register for a Bitcoin wallet. Each wallet is tied to a Bitcoin address, which is what is used to identify an account. This is a potential vulnerability.
Additionally, every Bitcoin wallet has a private key, which is used to access the wallet. Without the private key, it would be impossible to access one's account. That is why hackers often tend to target the account holder. If a hacker takes over your private key, then you lose your account and your Bitcoin. This is why the wallet and private key are considered to be Bitcoin's most significant weaknesses. So, what steps can one take to overcome such shortcomings?
Solutions to Bitcoin's security shortcomings.
Increase cybersecurity.
Cybersecurity lies at the root of the problem and can very well be the best solution. Although Bitcoin is said to be anonymous, it is still possible to trace a Bitcoin address back to you. The easiest way is by taking advantage of one's IP address and using it to identify the device and location of the owner.
However, with that in mind, you can use a VPN to hide your IP address, assign a different IP address to your devices and encrypt your network traffic. To increase the effect of the VPN even further, you should use Tor over VPN, which reinforces the privacy, security, and anonymity afforded by both Tor and VPN.
Besides that, you should install an antivirus to scan your device and eliminate malware. Malware can be used by hackers to gather or manipulate information on your device. For instance, keyloggers can be used to track and record your keystrokes, thereby gathering information about your private key.
Protect your private key.
Hackers often target your private key, so protecting your key already mitigates security risks significantly. Ideally, you should store the private key in an encrypted digital folder from where you can use the convenience of copy and paste. Doing so allows you the convenience of not having to type in the characters, which reduces the risk of theft of your private key through keyloggers.
Obscure your transactions.
From a logical standpoint, if a hacker doesn't have your address, then they can't put in the effort to steal your private key. Unfortunately, hackers use numerous means to gather Bitcoin addresses such as stealing information from trade websites. That is why it is essential to obscure your transactions. There are various ways to hide your Bitcoin transactions, and the choice ultimately depends on your circumstances. For instance, you could use an online wallet, which doesn't assign an address to every user. In case you already have an address, then you could exchange your Bitcoin with someone you trust and use your traded funds for your transactions, although this lowers the security.
Additionally, you might consider Altcoin and Coinjoin. The former provides a way to exchange your Bitcoin for Fiat currency securely, while the latter allows you to join hands with multiple other Bitcoin users and pull your resources together for your transactions. By pooling your resources together with various parties, a hacker cannot tell one transaction from the other.
The Takeaway.
Bitcoin provides users with a numerous security advantage. However, you shouldn't assume that there are no weaknesses in Bitcoin security. Nevertheless, with a clear understanding of these shortcomings, it is easy to prepare effective countermeasures. With the countermeasures in place, Bitcoin becomes one of the most secure financial options available.
- Jeff Anderson.
Would Bitcoin Thrive Without PayPal?
If you're reading this on this website, you're undoubtedly aware that bitcoin has been in a rough patch. The cryptocurrency has struggled for much of 2018, which is particularly disappointing to some proponents and investors following its late-2017 takeoff. Many are still of the belief that bitcoin will climb toward the end of the year, but at this point that doesn't seem the case. It's always been a difficult market to predict. Given that we know how a bullish bitcoin market can look however, it's interesting to think about what might be holding it back from more sustained strength. And as a point of interest, PayPal feels relevant in this conversation.
Incidentally, former PayPal CEO Bill Harris recently had some harsh words for bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general, stating that it's useless as a payment mechanism and ridiculous as a store of value. There are plenty of crypto critics who will quickly agree with Harris, and he may be proven right in the long-term. His comments clash with the actual value of bitcoin, even now, however, and invite comparisons with PayPal. In this case, we're wondering - would bitcoin be more useful as a payment mechanism or less "ridiculous" as a store of value specifically if PayPal weren't in its way?
The clear benefit would be in retail. We think of bitcoin in fairly complex terms at this point, and the more we consider cryptocurrency in general the more complicated the picture gets. In a very fundamental way though, these currencies were created to provide an easy and reliable means of digital payment. Unfortunately, that's what PayPal has already done for a long time. Naturally there are plenty of other differences between the two methods, but this is where serious bitcoin proponents sometimes have a hard time putting themselves in the shoes of beginners. For a lot of people, they're essentially two competing means of making digital payments - and PayPal has almost all of the retail utility on its side. Were it not an option, bitcoin could conceivably expand further into more useful retail areas, with more people tempted to adopt it to make online finances more convenient.
On a similar note, there's something to be said for the online gaming and casino business. Serving tens of millions of customers across international borders, this is a huge industry, and one in which lots of gaming platforms now accept PayPal transactions for deposits. As it happens, a few platforms - typically smaller ones - have also started accepting bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. And as with retail this only makes one wonder what would happen if PayPal hadn't gotten there first. Without PayPal's availability at online gaming sites, there could be more demand for bitcoin, and thus more adoption.
Another space that's emerging as something of a battlefield between payment processing and alternative currency is alternative banking. PayPal is leading the way in a race of processors determined to offer traditional banking services, encouraging people to take their finances into their own hands. Things like direct deposit, debit cards, and more help PayPal to more or less replace personal banks in a lot of cases - which isn't in direct conflict with bitcoin, but which does theoretically negate some of its utility. Because it's billed as an alternative to fiat currency, cryptocurrency itself can function as something of an answer to those who would prefer not to be at the mercy of their banks. With PayPal and some of its counterparts already providing outlets for this though, bitcoin isn't exactly in first place as a choice for people who want to detach from banks.
This is not to say that bitcoin would automatically thrive without popular payment processors. It does seem however that PayPal is at least partially blocking its growth in a few areas.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 11:44 am

Penghasilan 100ribu/hari Menambang Bitcoin di GENESIS MINING|7:48
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 11:44 am
Bernadette Dawson.
Bitcoin Rolls Over at Descending Wedge Resistance; $6000 Next Area of Strong Support?
Bitcoin has seen a small 0.5% price decline over the past 24 hours of trading. The cryptocurrency is currently exchanging hands on exchanges at a price of $6435 after seeing a 10% price decrease over the past 7 trading days.
The Bitcoin market looked like it may be recovering in August, however after meeting resistance at the upper boundary of the long term descending wedge pattern we have been following, the market rolled over and reversed once again.
Since the high of $408 million in May the entire total market cap for all cryptocurrencies has fallen by a dramatic $204 million to where it is trading today around $204 million as seen in the chart below.
Bitcoin still currently holds its number one position in terms of overall market cap across the entire industry. It currently has a market cap value of over $111 billion after the 64 month old coin suffered a 12.30% price decrease over the past 90 trading days.
Let us continue to remind ourselves of the long term descending triangle wedge and then analyse price action much closer to highlight any potential support and resistance areas.
Price Analysis.
Analysing the market from the long term time horizon above, we can clearly see the descending wedge formation on the chart. The bottom of the wedge has been supported by the $6000 handle and we can see that each time the market had approached this area of demand, the market rebounded aggressively. The market has tested the bottom boundary of the technical pattern a total of 4 or 5 times over the course of the trading year.
Price action has also touched and reversed from the upper boundary of the technical pattern a total of 4 times also. Each time the market made an attempt to break above the upper boundary of the long term descending triangle we can see that resistance proved too overpowering as the market reversed.
Price action is currently trading marginally below the long term .786 Fibonacci Retracement priced at $6622 which has proven to be a significant area of resistance during the month of August 2018.
If the market continues to head further lower, we can expect the identified price level at the $6000 handle to provide significant support moving forward.
Let us continue to analyse price action much closer to highlight any potential support and resistance areas.
Analysing the market from the benefit of a closer time period such as the one displayed above, we can see clearly how the market has recently reversed from the upper boundary of the descending wedge pattern.
Price action had experienced a significant bullish run throughout July 2018 as the market started from a price low of $5850 on the 29th of June 2018 and extended to an intermediary high priced at $8506 on the 2th of July 2018. This was a price increase totalling 47% from low to high.
We can see that after placing this high and meeting resistance at the upper boundary of the descending triangle, price action rolled over and began to drop aggressively. We can see that the market had found support at the short term .886 Fibonacci Retracement level (drawn in red) priced at $6129. We can see that as the market approached this area the bears began to take their foot off of the pedal and began to slow down. This gave the bulls a change to regather their control and push price action higher from this level.
We can see that toward the end of August 2018, price action went on to create higher highs nice again and continue to rally until it had met further resistance at the upper boundary of the technical triangle/wedge pattern. We can see that as the market met this area of resistance in rolled over aggressively once again and began to drop.
We can see that price action has now found support at the previous .786 Fibonacci Retracement level priced at $6398. If the bearish pressure continues within the market and pushes price action below $6398 we expect immediate support to be located at the downside 1.414 Fibonacci Extension level priced at $6343. Further support located below this level will then come in at the .886 Fibonacci Retracement level priced at $6129.
If the market can continue even further lower we expect significant support to then be located around the psychological round number $6000 handle. Further support located below $6000 can be expected at the long term lower boundary of our descending wedge/triangle priced around $5824.
The technical indicators within the market are currently heavily leaning towards favouring the bears at this current moment in time. The RSI has recently penetrated below the 50 handle indicating that the bears have regained control within the market. IF the RSI remains below the 50 handle we can expect the market to continue to head further lower. For some gains to made within the market we would need to see the RSI break above the 50 handle and continue higher.
Similarly, the moving averages have recently started to show favour that leans toward the bears as the shorter moving averages have crossed back below the longer moving averages indicating that the bearish pressure is now increasing. The 7 day EMA (blue moving average) has crossed below the 21 day EMA (purple moving average) which signals are bearish crossover. If these moving averages continue to diverge away from one another we can expect the bearish pressure to continue to increase within the market.
Which Country Is Most Likely To Adopt Bitcoin First?
Bitcoin adoption is a widely discussed topic which has many people looking at metrics like the number of Bitcoin transactions that the network has processed. However, the truth is that the majority of these transactions are just people using Bitcoin to buy and sell altcoins. In fact, being a gateway to altcoins is arguably one of Bitcoin's main functions right now. However, we must remember the goals of Bitcoin creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, and his vision for the cryptocurrency. In a nutshell, Bitcoin was always intended to be used as peer to peer cash that didn't go through a traditional financial institution.
In reality, the majority of Bitcoin transactions are simply people using centralized exchanges to buy other cryptocurrencies. This was not Bitcoin's intended purpose. Yes, it can be argued that this is adoption, but is it the sort of adoption that will lead to Bitcoin becoming a true peer to peer cash? We think not.
Instead, true adoption happens in the real world with people actually using Bitcoin as a medium of exchange and a store of value. Right now in the West, the majority of Bitcoin owners are either idealists who share the vision, Satoshi himself or speculators looking for Bitcoin to rise in value. There is nothing wrong with speculating on Bitcoin, however, this is not true adoption and these people are simply using Bitcoin as a vehicle for short term profit.
What Will Make Countries Adopt Bitcoin?
In developed countries, there is little incentive to adopt Bitcoin as a peer to peer cash. Of course, there are people who wish to adopt because of the tech and the ideology. However, there is no real pressing need. This is because fiat currencies in these countries are still relatively stable and function adequately.
However, there are countries in the world where fiat currencies are in crisis. Argentina is in financial turmoil, Syria is on the cusp of hyperinflation and Venezuela is experiencing some of the worst hyperinflation ever seen. These fiat currency crises provide an opportunity for Bitcoin to step in and offer whole nations the choice of an alternative currency system.
Countries experiencing financial crisis all have one thing in common: They are typically developing countries. They also generally have very low GDP per capita scores with most people having little in terms of savings and a high proportion of the population being unbanked.
To put it in perspective, the majority of people in Venezuela are living off a dollar per day or less. The reason is that the government and the Venezuelan banks imposed ATM withdrawal limits of just $1 per day. Now consider the position of the unbanked population holding fiat currency in an economy expected to reach one million percent inflation in 2018.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 11:45 am

Building a Cryptocurrency Mining ( Farm / Genesis Mining ( #EvolveWithUs - The Series Episode 2|3:57
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 11:45 am
Bitcoin actually allows people to become their own bank and take custody of their own funds. This means there is no centralized organization there to say they can only access $1 a day. They instead have the freedom to access any amount of funds whenever they wish. Even though Bitcoin is volatile, it's nowhere near as volatile as the Venezuelan Bolívar. This means that people's purchasing power is protected better than holding local currency. These are the conditions in which Bitcoin should theoretically be adopted at scale.
The Problems Surrounding Adoption.
The key characteristic of developing countries is that the local infrastructure is usually quite poor. People simply don't have the money to be able to own laptops and desktops. However, almost everyone has a mobile phone. This means that if mobile data is within reach of the masses, then so is the ability to own and use Bitcoin.
The other side of the coin is that actually buying Bitcoin usually requires a bank account to make that Bitcoin purchase. As the majority of people in developing countries do not have one, this acts as a roadblock to adoption. That's when peer to peer exchange of local currencies to Bitcoin comes in and LocalBitcoins is one such service. Adoption is of course bottlenecked by the availability of Bitcoins on the ground. However, this should improve over time. Quite simply if there is massive demand for an asset in a specific country, humans usually find a way to satisfy that demand.
What Do The Trading Volume Numbers Tell Us?
The difficulty is finding data sets that are broken down by country and for platforms that allow a peer to peer exchange of digital currencies on the ground, without the use of a bank account. Localbitcoins trading data gives us exactly that. It should be noted that Bitcoin purchases will be happening through other means. However, when it comes to true adoption we are mainly concerned with the overall trend.
Caption: Click here to view raw data. Incredibly, Venezuela has the fourth highest trading volume of any country in the dataset. You must appreciate that the total value of the local currency in the country is significantly lower than countries like the UK. This means that there are higher adoption rates in the country. Even when it comes to metrics like GDP or GDP per capita, Venezuela scores exceptionally low compared to the other countries with high Bitcoin trading volumes in the data. Conclusion There is little doubt that Bitcoin adoption is growing in countries like Venezuela. This seems to support the idea that the countries most likely to truly adopt Bitcoin as peer to peer cash, are those experiencing a financial crisis. The underlying problems that caused the 2008 financial crisis have not been solved and Venezuela will not be the last country to experience an economic crisis. Whilst more economically developed countries are better equipped to weather the storm, they are not immune to pressure on their own fiat currencies. As this pressure grows, so does the incentive for cryptocurrency adoption.
Bitcoin Analysis: Price Action Finds Support at the .382 Fibonacci Retracement; Can the Bulls Pick Up Steam From Here?
Bitcoin has suffered a small 0.05% decline over the past 24 hours of trading. This isn't much considering the bullish run we had just experienced. The number 1 ranked crypto giant is currently being traded at $7,592 after experiencing a 7.26% drop over the past 7 trading days.
Bitcoin has had an eventful month during July as prices have risen 15.68% over the past 30 trading days. This has been partly due to the anticipation of the SEC allowing the Winklevoss Twins ETF proposal to go ahead. However, it was rejected with much debate amongst the SEC chairman who voiced her descent against the verdict. The chairman stated that she would like to not hinder the growth of an innovative technology but the rest of the board claimed the technology was still too primitive.
However, as each rejection passes we come closer and closer to an approval of an ETF which would allow serious investors to seriously consider investing into the Bitcoin asset through the ETF.
Bitcoin is currently ranked at pole position in terms of rankings across the entire industry. It currently has a market cap totalling $167 billion. However, this is $37 billion lower than the market cap high witnessed 3 months ago on May 5th 2018, as indicated in the graph below.
Let us continue to analyse price action over the long term for Bitcoin.
Analysing the market from the long term perspective above, we can see that Bitcoin had experienced a serious bullish run as price action started from a low of $2980 on 15th September 2017 and extended to an all time high priced at $19,891 on December 17th 2018. This was a price increase totalling 545% from low to high.
After placing the all time high, the market continued to roll over and initially found support at the .618 Fibonacci Retracement priced at $9463. This is a Fibonacci Retracement measured from the entire bullish run aforementioned. However, the market was not able to hold this level and proceeded to drop below the 100 day moving average, falling until it found support at teh .786 Fibonacci Retracement during February, priced at $6622.
We can see that for the majority of the year, price action was trading within the confines of the descending triangle highlighted above. The base of the triangle was denoted at the blue line priced at $5783 and the upper boundary acts as a falling resistance line. The market had recently broken above the upper boundary of this descending triangle as it pushed itself above the 100 day moving average.
This break above the descending triangle could signal a potential long term trend reversal, however, it is still far too early to come to this conclusion. For a confirmation that the trend truly has reversed from bearish to bullish we will be waiting until the market breaks above and completely clears the $10,000 handle.
Let us analyse price action a little closer over the short term to highlight any potential support and resistance zones.
Analysing the market from a short term perspective, we can see that during May and June price action was declining from a high starting at $9964 on the 6th of May and fell to a low of $5790 on 29th of June. This low was strongly supported by the lower boundary of the long term descending triangle outlined in the previous section.
We can see that as July started trading the moving average crossed over one another (as mentioned in our previous BTC analysis article) and the market proceeded to start a small bullish run. We can see that price action started from a low of $5780 on the 29th of June and extended to a high of $8506 on the 24th of July. This was a price increase totalling 47% from low to high.
The market had hit resistance at the bearish .618 Fibonacci Retracement level (drawn in black) priced at $8371 and reversed. This is a Fibonacci Retracement measured from the bearish decline starting in May and ending in June. We can see that this area of resistance was bolstered due to a confluence of a 1.414 Fibonacci Extension level priced at $8290.
The market has since retraced slightly, finding support at the short term .382 Fibonacci Retracement (drawn in red) priced at $7460. This short term Fibonacci Retracement is measured from the bullish run starting from June 29th and ending at July 24th. We must also be aware that this support zone is significantly re-enforced by a 100 day moving average which is hovering in the same area.
If the bearish momentum continues and pushes the market below $7460, we expect the nearest level of support to come in at the short term .618 Fibonacci Retracement priced at $6822. This would most likely bring trading action back into the confines of the previous descending triangle.
Alternatively, if the short term .382 Fibonacci Retracement proves to provide a solid foundation of support, we expect near term resistance to be immediately located at the bearish .618 Fibonacci Retracement (drawn in black) priced at $8371. If the market can continue further above this level the next level of anticipated resistance lies at the 1.618 Fibonacci Extension level priced at $8656 followed by the bearish .786 Fibonacci Retracement priced at $9078.
The technical indicators within the market have recently shifted toward favouring the bears. The RSI is trading marginally below the 50 handle, indicating the recent bearish pressure over the past 5 trading days. If we are to expect the bullish run to continue, we would need to see the RSI cross back above the 50 handle.
However, the moving averages are still favouring the bulls at this moment in time. The 7 day EMA is still trading above the 21 day EMA which is still trading marginally above the 100 day SMA. However, the 7 day EMA (blue line) is pointing in a steep downward direction indicating that the bearish momentum over the recent few days is picking up. So long as the 7 day EMA does not cross below the 21 day EMA (purple line) we can still expect the market to continue its recent bullish run.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 11:46 am

Benefits of mining and cloud mining by Genesis Mining ( CEO - Coinstelegram |6:16
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 11:46 am
Bitcoin Showing Promising Signs as Moving Average Cross For First Time in Months.
Bitcoin is set to complete its first 2 consecutive bullish weeks of price action in over 2 months, this week as the market enjoys an appreciation of 8.11% over the past 7 trading days. At the time of writing, Bitcoin is trading around $6750, recently breaking above the $6,800 barrier before falling again. Bitcoin has seen a price increase of 3.70% in the past 24 hours trading alone.
This second consecutive bullish week will be extremely important to long term Bitcoin holders who have suffered a year of sustained losses and this may provide hope that the bearish decline may soon be over.
Bitcoin is currently the reigning cryptocurrency ranking in at number one in terms of overall market cap value across the entire industry, with a total market value of $117 billion. This is a significant $51 billion lower than the market cap high of $168 billion seen not two months ago on the 5th of May as indicated by the graph below.
Although this price increase could serve as a signal for a potential long term reversal, it is important not to get over excited and to wait for more confirmations before committing to any significant positions.
Let us analyse market price action over the long term and assess its performance.
Price Overview.
Analysing the market from a long term perspective, we can see that price action had experienced a major bullish run toward the final months of 2017, rising from a low of $2980 on the 15th of September 2017 to an all time high of $19,891 on the 17th of December 2017. This was an epic price increase of over 550% from low to high.
After placing this all time high, price action went on to depreciate throughout the year of 2018, originally finding support, in February, at the .786 Fibonacci Retracement priced at $6622. This is a Fibonacci Retracement taken from the epic bullish run described above. The market went on to retest this .786 Fibonacci Retracement again during April and June before breaking below this level in June.
We can also see that, before price action broke below the .786 Fibonacci Retracement, the market was trading within the confines of a descending triangle, the .786 Fibonacci Retracement effectively acted as the lower boundary of the triangle. As the market dipped below the descending triangle, it fell until it found support at $5783. This was the low day close price seen in November, highlighted by a blue horizontal line.
Price action rebounded as it hit this blue level, reversing to where it is currently trading once again at the .786 Fibonacci Retracement priced at $6622.
Let us continue to analyse price action over the shorter term closer to find some likely areas of support and resistance.
Analysing the market from a closer perspective, we can see that price action rose from a low of $6425 on the 1st of April to a high of $990 on the 5th of May. This was a price increase of 55% from low to high.
Price action then went on to degrade, falling below the starting price point of the April bullish run and consequently falling below the flow of the descending triangle. We can see how price action fell all the way to the November low day day close highlighted by the blue line before aggressively rebounding. It is also important to note that this support area is bolstered by a 1.414 Fibonacci Extension level, taken from the entire bearish swing leg seen in April, priced at $5847.
Price action bounced and managed to battle back above the .786 Fibonacci Retracement where it currently finds support. If the bullish momentum can continue, the nearest level of resistance will come at the bearish .382 FibonaccI Retracement priced at $7380. This is a Fibonacci Retracement taken from the bearish decline witnessed during May and June, starting from a high of $9,990 on the 5th of May, extending lower to a price of $5,755 experienced on the 24th of June. This was a price decline of 42% from high to low.
If the bullish momentum can continue, further resistance will be found at the 100 day moving average (black line) followed by the upper boundary of the descending triangle. If the market can break above the descending triangle and clear the bearish .618 Fibonacci Retracement level at $8375 we could consider that the market has reversed into a bullish market.
Alternatively, if the bearish pressure within the market re-enters over the next few days the first area of support is expected at the blue line priced at $5783. If the bearish momentum pushes the market further lower, support can be expected at the long term .886 Fibonacci Retracement (highlighted in red) priced at $4931.
As July started trading the technical indicators began to swing into the direction that favours the bulls within the market. The RSI had battled its way up from oversold conditions at the 20 handle in mid-June and above the 50 handle. This indicates that the bullish momentum within the market is growing and that the bearish momentum has subsided. If the RSI can continue to remain above the 50 handle, we can continue to expect the bullish momentum to continue.
SImilarly, the moving averages are providing strong favour toward the bulls within the market. The 7 day EMA (blue line) and the 21 day EMA (purple line) have crossed up above one another for the first time in over 2 and a half months. If the 7 day EMA can continue to move away from the 21 day EMA this will indicate that the bullish pressure within the market is increasing.
It is extremely easy to get overly excited within the crypto markets when price action posts a couple days of green momentum. However, in the case of Bitcoin we need to continue to remain disciplined and wait for confirmations that the trend has indeed reversed. A break to the upside of th descending triangle could suffice as an initial confirmation that the market is in the process of a reversal.
Bitcoin Begins to Regain Some of the Losses Experienced Last Week.
Over the past week, Bitcoin has been struggling against the dollar as it falls far below $7,000. However, throughout the course of the week the cryptocurrency giant has found support and price action is currently trying to make a recovery as prices rise by 3.10% over the past 24 hours as Bitcoin trades hands around $6730.
We saw cryptocurrency markets sink significantly last week as the total market capitalisation of all coins fell from $340 billion on the 9th of June to a low of $265 billion experienced on the 13th of June. This was a significant $75 billion market wipe out in a matter of just a few days.
Since the low, market cap has found some support as it continued to trade sideways for the past few days until a small break out was seen recently as the market cap currently sits at $289 billion.
One more interesting thing to note that has occurred during the past week is the recent rise of Bitcoin dominance back above 40%. This is beginning to show that Bitcoin is starting to regain some of the dominance lost as it outpaces growth relative to other altcoins.
The graph below shows us the market capitalisation of the top altcoins by percentage over the past year. We can see that during the 2017/2018 altcoin "boom" Bitcoin dominance fell a significant amount from a high of 64% on December 17th 2017 to a low of 33% on January the 4th 2018.
Let us examine Bitcoins price action over the long term and analyse the market.
Looking at the market over the long term, we can see that Bitcoin was trading within the confines of a descending triangle for a period of 6 months before price broke below.
Price action had started the year by putting a high in at $17,252 before the market experienced a significant correction and fell to a low of $6,000 set in early February. Since then, the market had traded in a period of consolidation as price action traded it's way through the triangle.
Over the next month, we could see price action making a retest at $8,000 if Bitcoin can remain above $6,200 throughout the next few days of trading. Alternatively, the nearest level of support seen below $6,200 is at the $6,000 price handle. If price action manages to break below $6,000 then June and July will turn into very bloody months for the entire cryptocurrency market.
Bitcoin dipped below the triangle during the market wipe out which started last Sunday on the 10th of June. However, we can see that price action has recently found it's way back within the confines of the triangle once again. One interesting thing to note is that price action has not yet broken below the descending triangle on the BTC/GBP charts as seen below:
Looking at the BTC/GBP above, we can see that Bitcoin has not broken below the long term descending triangle. Instead, price action has found support on the lower boundary of the triangle and has since bounced from this support level.
This should provide some more validation that the potential long term descending triangle described in the US Dollar chart previously, is still in play if BTC/USD can break back above into the triangle.
Let us examine price action for BTC/USD over the more recent term a little closer.
Looking at market action over the more recent months, we can see that the recent bearish action has been an extension of the declines witnessed in the previous month. Since early May, price action has fallen from a high close to $10,000 to a low close to $6,000 recently experienced last week.
We can see that price action has found some form of support at the downside 1.272 Fibonacci extension priced at $6,264. This is a Fibonacci extension taken from the entire bearish leg seen during May from high to low.
Price action has recently broke back into the descending triangle. If price action can close within the triangle today we could consider that this triangle may be back into long term play as validated from the BTC/GBP charts above. In this scenario, if Bitcoin can break above $7,000 then it is free to make an attempt at June's high placed at $7,779.
Alternatively, if price action does not manage to close within the triangle and this bearish pressure continues, we could see prices take another test at recent support seen around $6,264. If price action continues lower the closes handles of support are located at $6,000 and then $5,847.
Over the past week the technical indicators have largely been favouring the bears, however, recent price action has begun to swing technical indicators towards the bulls. The RSI has spent most of the last week stuck in oversold conditions below 20. RSI has recently made its way closer to the 50 handle, if it can break above the 50 handle this would indicate that bullish momentum is starting to really increase within the market.
Price action has also recently broke above the 7 day EMA (blue line) indicating that price is currently trading above the average price taken over the past 7 days which could indicate to the bulls that the bears have started to lose steam within the market. If the 7 day EMA can eventually cross above the 21 day EMA (purple line) this would send signals to all bulls that a market shift may be occurring.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 11:49 am

Bitcoin ( Mining ( - Blockchain Never Stops|0:48
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 11:49 am
We have been following the development of this long term descending triangle for over half a year now. Recently analysts were startled as price action dipped below the triangle, worried that the worst case scenario was unfolding for Bitcoin (
However, the triangle is still strongly in play on the BTC/GBP charts indicating that it may still be valid if price action can re-enter the triangle on the BTC/USD market.
We will closely be watching momentum over the next few trading sessions to see if bulls can continue this short term run they have started.
Will Bitcoins 6th Day Reversal Price Theory Hold Up?
The past week has seen some decent price action for the bulls as price had risen from a low of $7,040, on the 29th of May, to a a high of $7,779, set on the 3rd of June.The past week has seen some decent price action for the bulls as price had risen from a low of $7,040, on the 29th of May, to a a high of $7,779, set on the 3rd of June. However, the past two trading sessions have seen negative pressure from the bulls as price has fallen and is currently exchanging hands at $7,419, around a 5% reduction in price from the highs.
Over the past few weeks, there have been some traders that have noticed that the monthly cyclical price action of Bitcoin ('s short-term trend has been reversing over the previous five months toward the start of each month. More specifically, since the month of January, Bitcoin ( has experienced a price reversal on the 6th day of each month as highlighted in the chart below.
The chart above shows the daily price of Bitcoin ( over the span of the current year. The start of the year is highlighted by the dashed yellow line toward the beginning of the chart. The start of each month is highlighted by a faint gray line and the 6th day of each month is indicated by the bold black vertical lines.
If you closely examine price action around the area of the 6th day of each month, you will see that a short term momentum shift occurs, as the market shifts in market trading conditions. For example, the month of January was, overall, a bearish month starting from the 6th of January. Then on the 6th of February the market shifted in trading conditions from bearish to bullish and remained bullish all up until the 6th of March where the market experienced another reversal and switched from bullish to bearish.
As the 6th of the month approaches, can price action continue to make significant reversals on the 6th day of every month?
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 11:49 am
From a long term perspective, the Bitcoin ( market has been consolidating within the confines of a symmetrical triangle for the past five months. This means that, on a long term technical basis, the market is neither bullish nor bearish.
Looking at the chart above, we can see that each price reversal that has occured since the 6th of February, has occured on the 6th of the month on either the upper boundary of the symmetrical triangle or the lower boundary of the triangle.
For this market to be considered a bullish market we would need to see price break and hold above the symmetrical triangle before making attempts at the highs set in early May at a price of $9,990.
As the 6th of June rapidly approached could price action follow this recent pattern in reversals?
Looking at the chart above, we can see that over the past few days Bitcoin ( had made a small attempt at a recovery but the bulls had ran into resistance close to the .618 Fibonacci Retracement at price $7,836. Since this price has started to retrace lower back toward previous support located at $7,251.
For the 6th day theory, including the reversal occurring at the symmetrical triangle, to hold true, we would need to see price action to reduce by around 5% from current prices, either today or tomorrow, to reach the lower boundary of the symmetrical triangle. Due to the low volume and momentum,this would be a difficult task for price action to fall within such a short space of time.
However, for the original 6th day theory to hold firm without the added confirmation from the technical triangle pattern, price action would just have to make a reversal at the current levels on the 6th of June. If price action manages to reverse on the 6th then we could expect to experience a solid month of gains during the month of June.
The technical indicators are not providing much confidence for the 6th day reversal theory on a daily time frame. RSI is currently trading below the 50 handle indicating the short-term bearish momentum within the market. For a reversal to occur we would need to see RSI battle it's way up above and hold above 50. To add to this lack of confidence, the 7-day EMA and 21-day EMA are pointing in the downward direction and show no indication that they are ready to pull closer to one another in the short-term.
Taking an even deeper dive into price action, we can see that Bitcoin ( may actually be showing some short term signs that this 6th day price reversal theory may show some merit.
We can see that price action has retraced up until a short term .50 Fibonacci Retracement level at a price of $7,408. This is a Fibonacci taken from the short term bullish swing from a low seen on the 29th of May to the high seen earlier this month. At the .50 Fibonacci Retracement, price action has managed to find some support and have shown positive signs of reversing. More specifically, price action has managed to show positive signs that the reversal may indeed happen, once again, on the 6th of the month.
The technical indicators, on the 4-hour basis, also aid to the fact that a reversal may occur on the 6th. RSI over the past trading session had reached oversold conditions and has began to show signs of reversing as it makes its way up above 50. If RSI can break above 50 over the next couple of trading sessions then we will be experiencing a price reversal within the market.
The 6th day theory has shown some merits of validity over the past few months. However, it is important to note that past history of sentiment is not indicative of future sentiment. Meaning that just because a price reversal has happened on the 6th previously, does not mean that it will happen every month on the 6th. It is important for traders to let price action be the deciding factor when beginning to execute on any trade.
It is also important to note that price action has been showing indicators for a potential reversal over the past few weeks now. The reversal seems to be imminent but will it happen on the 6th of June? The good news for traders is that even if it does not occur on the 6th, it will occur over the following few days.
The 6th of the month approaches tomorrow, where we will see if this theory continues to hold its validity.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 11:50 am

Bitcoin ( Halving 2020 From The Miners' Perspective - Marco Streng and Philip Salter Weigh In|12:02
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 11:50 am
Best [url=""]Bitcoin ( mining[/url] Software of 2020.
Where to Mine Cryptocurrency.
Disclosure: We are committed to recommending the best products for our readers. We may receive compensation when you click on links to products, but this never affects our reviews or recommendations.
Even if you keep up with the latest in the realm of technology only sporadically, chances are that you've heard of Bitcoin ( The world's first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin ( has taken the world by storm. With a very high exchange rate, it seems that the decentralized digital currency is here to stay. So how do you get Bitcoin ( You can either purchase Bitcoin (, or you can "mine" it.
The mining process involves using dedicated hardware (e.g. ASICs, FPGAs) that use processing power, as well as software applications to manage these rigs. If you've decided to get into cryptocurrency mining, here are some of the best [url=""]Bitcoin ( mining[/url] software that you can get started with.
MultiMiner : Best for Ease of Use BFGMiner : Best for Customization Easyminer : Best GUI Front-End for Multiple Tools Awesome Miner : Best for Centralized Mining Management.
Best for Ease Of Use: MultiMiner.
If you're completely new to the whole concept of cryptocurrency, getting started with mining your own Bitcoin ( can be a little daunting. The fact that majority of the mining utilities are command line-based, doesn't help things either. But there's a solution, and it's called MultiMiner.
Perhaps the easiest-to-use [url=""]Bitcoin ( mining[/url] software, MultiMiner is a desktop application that's chock-full of features. Available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, MultiMiner lets you switch mining devices (e.g. ASICs, FPGAs) between different cryptocurrencies (e.g. Litecoin, Bitcoin ( without any effort. It uses the underlying mining engine to detect available mining hardware and lets you choose the coins you'd like to mine. MultiMiner has many advanced features such as automatic detection of network devices, as well as the ability to remotely monitor and control other MultiMiner rigs.
An open-source project, MultiMiner is compatible with many mining devices. These include Block Erupter, BFL/Bitforce, and HashBuster Micro.
Best for Customization: BFGMiner.
If you have a thing for tinkering and are looking for a customizable [url=""]Bitcoin ( mining[/url] software, look no further than BFGMiner. Written in C, it's a modular FPGA/ASIC miner that has dynamic clocking, monitoring and remote interface capabilities.
BFGMiner features built-in stratum and getwork proxy server, and its heavily threaded code hands out work retrieval and work submission to separate threads, so that working services are not hindered. The program supports 'getblocktemplate' decentralized mining protocol (without proxy), and can preemptively generate work prior to the completion of existing work. BFGMiner comes with a watchog thread that can restart idle threads, but doesn't crash the machine if they fail to respond. It displays summarized and discrete data statistics of requests, accepts, rejects, hw errors, and efficiency and utility. If there is hardware support, the program can monitor device temperature.
BFGMiner has numerous device drivers for Bitcoin (, including Drillbit Thumb and Eight, Twinfury USB stick miner, Ztex's FPGA boards. There are also device drivers for scrypt, such as GAW War Machine and ZeusMiner units.
Best GUI Front-End For Multiple Tools: Easyminer.
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Courtesy of Easyminer.
Different cryptocurrencies have different command line mining tools and this makes managing them a chore. This is where Easyminer comes into the picture, making things easier.
Easyminer is a graphical, open-source mining software that lets you mine Bitcoin (, Litecoin and other cryptocurrencies. It supports minerd, cudaminer, ccminer, cgminer and ASIC mining for Bitcoin ( EasyMaker comes with a dedicated "Moneymaker" mode, which is dedicated to mining of LTC on its own stratum pool. There's also a "Solo" mode, which allows users to choose a pool of their own, as well as a custom hash algorithm corresponding to the coin they want to mine. Easyminer uses the NHIL (Network Hardware ID Layer) protocol to provide an extra layer of security for the pool stratum and wallet architecture.
It's worth mentioning that Easyminer only works on Windows.
Best for Centralized Mining Management: Awesome Miner.
The above-discussed software works great if you just have one mining rig to work with. But if you want to manage multiple mining rigs, and that too of different types (e.g. ASICs, FPGAs), you need something a bit more robust. Enter Awesome Miner.
Having powerful centralized mining management features, Awesome Miner supports more than 25 mining engines such as cgminer, bfgminer, xmrig, srbminer, and sgminer. It's also compatible with all popular mining algorithms, such as SHA-256, Scrypt, X11, Ethereum, and Zcash. You can add, switch, and manage pools for multiple miners in a single operation. Awesome Miner's comprehensive dashboard lets you monitor the status and temperature of all ASIC and FPGA devices from one location. There's also a built-in C# script engine, which can be used to create customized triggers and actions. You can use the program to set up privileged API access and configure default pools for all Bitmain Antminer ASICs in a single operation.
Awesome Miner works on Windows and Linux, but also offers a web front-end that can be accessed from any computer, tablet, or smartphone.
[url=""]Bitcoin ( mining[/url] software is used to keep the decentralized digital cryptocurrency secure. Miners are rewarded with Bitcoin ( for tracking and securing transactions known as blockchains. Mining is a way to earn bitcoin without paying for it, making a trade for it, or putting any money upfront--and software helps you do this.
The [url=""]Bitcoin ( mining[/url] software works in conjunction with [url=""]Bitcoin ( mining[/url] hardware, which are specialized computers built to mine cryptocurrency. The software is how you connect your hardware with your mining pool. The mining pool is essentially mining together to find the bitcoin and then splitting the payout with everyone in the pool.
How Does [url=""]Bitcoin ( mining[/url] Software Work?
[url=""]Bitcoin ( mining[/url] software is quite complex and is typically used by those who are tech-savvy, have experience mining cryptocurrency, and have the time and interest to do so. The software's goal is to help you receive bitcoin as a payout. The [url=""]Bitcoin ( mining[/url] software is usually a desktop app, and there are many different versions, some for beginners and the rest for more advanced users.
It guides you through the mining process, helps you set up a wallet where you store your bitcoin rewards, and helps you choose a pool where you 'mine' the Bitcoin ( The software is typically compatible with other mining devices. Some software can be completely customized, and some can also mine other types of cryptocurrency.
How Much Does [url=""]Bitcoin ( mining[/url] Software Cost?
[url=""]Bitcoin ( mining[/url] software costs vary. Typically, they can range anywhere from having a free version to just a few dollars per month per Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) to the software charging 1-2% of your hashing power, which is created using an algorithm. Keep in mind that you may also need to purchase Bitcoin ( hardware and a special wallet.
How Do You Make Money Mining Bitcoin (
You can make money mining Bitcoin ( by completing blocks of verified transactions added to the blockchain, which secures the Bitcoin ( transactions. In exchange for mining, you receive Bitcoin ( as a reward. Overall, hash rates are high, which means that it isn't easy to profit from mining Bitcoin ( It can be a fun hobby, but it can also be difficult to make any substantial profit.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 11:51 am
How We Chose the Best Bitcoin mining ( Software.
We chose the 4 best Bitcoin mining ( software options by first reviewing and researching multiple Bitcoin mining ( software options and then selecting the top contenders. We made these Bitcoin mining ( software options our top choices based on how easy they were to use, the features and tools they offer, how customizable they are, if you can mine other cryptocurrencies, and more.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 11:53 am

Genesis Mining ( CEO talks about the state of crypto mining in 2019 - BLOCKTV news|13:16
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 11:55 am
Bitcoin mining ( Farms For Sale.
Rising prices have renewed interest in the cryptocurrency industry. Bitcoin mining ( farms are among the areas where increased profits are expected. For large mining operations requiring over 1MW, this means seeking their own facilities.
Maintaining an independent facility offers several advantages for improving Bitcoin mining ( ROI. Equipment is expensive, so operations must be efficient. Among the most important advantages is having direct control over mining equipment. Another significant advantage pertains to the dynamics of the chosen physical location. Operators who simply want a place to park their Bitcoin ( miners at the cheapest power available find more of a guarantee by maintaining their own facility.
Contact us below for location and rate quotes . Please be specific in your needs.
Several high-quality Bitcoin mining ( farms are for sale. All locations listed in the table stock ASIC miners.
Overview of Bitcoin mining ( Farms.
State/Province, Country MW Power Cost Support/Management Manned Security Central Alberta [1], Canada 4 $0.043 NA yes Alberta [2] (Saskatchewan), Canada 5 $0.043 NA yes British Columbia [1], Canada 35 $0.043 NA yes Northern British Columbia [2], Canada 26 $0.043 NA yes Newfoundland, Canada 15 $0.043 NA yes Alberta [3], Canada 50-400* NA NA yes Calgary, Canada 200 (October) $0.04 yes NA Labrador, Canada 10 (November) $0.03 yes NA North Dakota [1], USA 30 (August) NA yes NA Iowa, USA 6 (August) $0.043 yes NA Colorado, USA 50 (August) $0.044 yes NA North Dakota [2], USA 30 (October) $0.042 yes NA Idaho, USA 30 (October) $0.042 yes NA.
Locations listed as Not Available (NA) for a specified service pertains to limited information. To inquire about obtaining those services, please use the contact information provided at the end of this listing. Listed MW is provided for locations where these amounts are immediately available. The *Alberta [3], Canada location power stats are 50MW for both September and November 2019 and 400MW becoming available in 2020. All power costs are in USD/kwh.
All the locations that are listed as having Site Support and Management provide the following:
site sourcing miner sourcing, installation & setup container sourcing and manufacturing power due diligence and validation network infrastructure site build out.
Associated Fees.
The following locations have a per MW upfront fee of $150,000 USD and a cost per 1MW container of $125,000 USD associated with them:
Central Alberta [1], Canada British Columbia [1], Canada Northern British Columbia [2], Canada Newfoundland, Canada.
The Alberta [2] (Saskatchewan), Canada location incurs an upfront fee of $125,000 USD and a cost per 1MW container of $125,000 USD. Alberta [3], Canada location incurs a per MW upfront fee of $450,000 USD and requires the first and last months' rent (with the container included).
Other Considerations.
Both high speed Internet and paved highway access are available at the following locations:
Central Alberta [1], Canada Alberta [2] (Saskatchewan), Canada British Columbia [1], Canada Newfoundland, Canada*
The Newfoundland location has high speed fiber optic Internet. High speed Internet access with a secondary gravel road access is available at Northern British Columbia [2], Canada.
The following locations have listed their types of generators:
Central Alberta [1], Canada - Natural Gas Turbine Alberta [2] (Saskatchewan), Canada - Rankine Cycle Natural Gas Turbine British Columbia [1], Canada - Simple Cycle Natural Gas Turbine Northern British Columbia [2], Canada - Reciprocating Natural Gas Newfoundland, Canada - Hydroelectric.
The Alberta [3], Canada location comes with fully housed Bitmain S17 Antminer- the customer incurs no extra cost. A 99% uptime is guaranteed over a 3-5 year term.
Final Comments.
The Canadian and US locations listed above are just some of the land sources available. There are other cost-effective power options, including locations in Europe and China. New sale listings of recently closed mining farms may also be available. Please use the contact information below.
Contact Information.
The crypto market moves fast. To verify the listings provided here, or for information about other locations and services, please call, text, or contact us for price quotes and our sales team, will get you the most up-to-date pricing around the globe.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 11:56 am

Next-Gen of Cryptocurrency Mining ( Farms / Genesis Mining ( #MiningTheFuture - The Series Episode 3|3:29
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 11:56 am
7 Best Bitcoin mining ( Hardware.
Bitcoin mining ( hardware is essential for mining, but not all of them are profitable anymore. In this article, you will learn if investing in rigs is still worth it.
Bitcoin mining ( hardware is an essential item when it comes to cryptocurrency mining. You are probably here because you are looking for one. If you do, then you are just on the right page.
A reliable and efficient hardware is a must to make Bitcoin mining ( profitable. In this article, we will explore the best options available on the market that also fits your requirement and budget. So let's get started!
Mining Hardware Price Check Features Price Dragonmint 16T Hash rate:16 TH/s Power consumption: 1600 W Efficiency: 0.075J/GH Weight: 19 pounds $$$$$ Bitmain AntMiner S9 Hash rate:14 TH/s Power consumption: 1350 W Efficiency: 0.098J/GH Weight: 10.14 pounds $$$$ Avalon 6 Hash rate: 7.3 TH/s Power consumption: 1150 W Efficiency: 0.16 J/GH Weight: 10.58 pounds $$$$ Bitmain AntMiner S7 Hash rate: 4.73 TH/s Power consumption: 1300 W Efficiency: 0.098 J/GH Weight: 7.5 pounds $$$$ AvalonMiner 741 Hash rate:7.3 TH/s Power consumption: 1150 W Efficiency: 0.16 J/GH Weight: 10.58 pounds $$$ Bitmain AntMiner R4 Hash rate: 8.6 TH/s Power consumption: 845 W Efficiency: 0.098 J/GHs Weight: 5.51 pounds $$$ Bitmain AntMiner S5 Hash rate: 1 GH/s Power consumption: 590 W Efficiency: 0.51 J/GH Price: Second Hand Weight: 7.5 pounds $$$
The right Bitcoin mining ( hardware is a necessity if you want to earn during [url=""]Bitcoin ( mining[/url]. Before, miners used a central processing unit (CPU) to mine, but it wasn't fast enough.
So, miners moved on to using graphical processing unit (GPU) in computer graphics cards as they have data 50 to 100 times faster and consume less power per unit of work.
In 2011, the trend was field-programmable gate array (FPGA) processors that are attached to computers using a convenient USB connection. FPGA is much better than CPU's and GPU's in terms of power consumption. It also made concentrated mining farms possible.
Today, the new trend for Bitcoin mining ( devices is Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC). ASIC has taken over the miners thanks to its unprecedented speed and less power consumption.
ASIC Mining Hardware: What Is It?
ASIC is dedicated to a specific task, so if it's for mining, that's the only job it can do. The good thing with this is that it can concentrate for that task and is excellent at what it does.
ASICs are designed solely to solve Bitcoin ( blocks. They only have minimal requirements for other normal computer applications that is why it can solve Bitcoin ( blocks faster and use lesser electricity compared to older bitcoin minders like CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs .
Bitcoin ( ASIC technology keeps getting faster and more efficient to make mining more profitable. This machine keeps pushing the limit to give you the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware experience.
When looking for the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware , you should look at two factors: (1) price per hash and (2) electrical efficiency .
In the next section, we will review the top Bitcoin mining ( hardware in the market today. So, check it out.
#1 Dragonmint 16T Review.
Hash rate:16 TH/s Power consumption: 1600 W Efficiency: 0.075J/GH Price: $2,700 Weight: 19 pounds.
Halong Mining's ASIC miner is one of the most impressive rigs today. This machine was made available for pre-order in November 2018 and was scheduled for shipment in March 2018.
So, yes, this is very new in the market and you can expect it to be better than those which are in the market for over a year already.
DragonMint 16T also known as DragonMint T 16 or DragonMint T16is a great cryptocurrency mining hardware. It is efficient in terms of power consumption and overall effectiveness.
This Bitcoin mining ( hardware uses SHA - 256 algorithm with a hash rate of 16 terra hash per second and power consumption of 1,480 W. It uses DM8575 GHS chip that consumes around 0.075 J/GHS of power. It has a dual fan and an Ethernet connection, too.
Halong Mining designed this Bitcoin mining ( hardware with the users in mind. It is user-friendly which makes it convenient for new miners to use. Its manual is also comprehensible and easy to follow.
DragonMint T16 is only one of the few miners that can still give you positive ROI. In fact, this is way better compared to S9 in terms of efficiency, power consumption, and yes, profitability. That is why this bitcoin machine tops the chart.
Efficient Profitable Easy to setup High hash rate Consumes less power Manual is easy to follow Comes from a reputable company.
Expensive Low availability You are restricted from AsicBoost mining pools.
#2 Bitmain AntMiner S9 Review.
Hash rate:14 TH/s Power consumption: 1350 W Efficiency: 0.098J/GH Price: $624 Weight: 10.14 pounds.
Bitmain AntMiner S9 is one of the most popular ASIC Bitcoin mining ( hardware today.
One of the most challenging parts of Bitcoin mining ( is the continuous increase of bitcoin difficulty. It has gone through several monthly increases especially from late November 2015.
As the difficulty increases, the block reward decreases due to Bitcoin ( halving which tends to happen every four years. The arrival of S9 Bitcoin mining ( hardware is a game changer to hobbyists as it somehow restores the lost profitability.
With Bitcoin mining ( becoming more challenging and less profitable , you have to invest in an efficient mining hardware to get money from what you do. Although many say that BTC mining is no longer profitable, I still believe that there's money in this if you have the right resources and S9 is among the best mining hardware in the market today.
Profitable Efficient Most powerful miner in the market today Should break even within a year 90-day warranty.
Expensive You need an additional power supply unit for this Warranty is limited.
#3 Avalon 6 Review.
Hash rate: 7.3 TH/s Power consumption: 1150 W Efficiency: 0.16 J/GH Price: $900 Weight: 10.58 pounds.
Avalon 6 is among the most popular names in the Bitcoin mining ( hardware market. This is cheaper compared to S7 when it was released and is lesser efficient. However, what it lacks, it makes up in another area. Avalon offers enough customization options.
Also, this is easy to set up. It uses Raspberry i (B/B+) or a TP-Link TL-WR703N as a controller which can maintain up to 50 miners. This also uses DHCP that automatically finds an IP address, making for an easy installation .
There is a mixed reaction to Avalon 6's performance especially in terms of the noise it produces. Others find this quieter compared to other Bitcoin mining ( hardware. For them, it's quiet enough to be inside your home but not in your bedroom. However, other users find this very noisy.
Avalon 6 is considered as a serious rival to AntMiner S7. However, many find this more impressive even if S7 is more efficient.
In fact, using the Bitcoin mining ( profit calculator, the results in the minus column aren't too bad. A lower electricity cost or a higher Bitcoin ( price could easily nudge you into profit using this hardware.
Easy to setup Affordable price Adjustable temperature Offers enough customization options One of the most efficient miners in the market Still profitable if your electricity cost or BTC price is high Second most productive miner on the market (next to S9)
Noisy Less efficient compared to S7 Has less hash power than AntMiner S7.
#4 Bitmain AntMiner S7 Review.
Features :
Hash rate: 4.73 TH/s Power consumption: 1300 W Efficiency: 0.098 J/GH Price: $200 Weight: 7.5 pounds.
S7 is one of the most popular Antminer Bitcoin mining ( hardware . A number prefer this because it is reasonably priced, efficient and powerful. In addition, it is very easy to set up.
S7 was released in 2015 and a number testified that it mines like crazy. They were happy with it because it brought them profits.
In 2016, some users experienced an average of 4.7-4.9TH/s hashrate and enjoyed 0.02377 BTC per 24 hrs. Very impressive, isn't it?
S7 was nearly priced $2000 shortly after release, but its price has gone down to $200 at the time of this writing. In fact, used S7 bitcoin miner is available on eBay under $100.
While it's great that its price has significantly dropped, according to many, Antminer S7 is no longer profitable. Bitcoin ('s difficulty has increased monthly and the block reward has continued to halve every four years, which makes Bitcoin mining ( more challenging.
At the time, S7 is not the best choice for those who want to earn tons of money from Bitcoin mining ( in 2018. While it's true that this is very efficient and effective when it arrived in the market three years ago, that is no longer applicable today.
High hashrate Efficient Reasonable price Include Profitable Parts are widely available Guides available.
Already eclipsed by 16nm miners (AntMiner S9) Demands high-end PSU due to high power consumption Fans are loud You need adequate ventilation.
#5 AvalonMiner 741 Review.
Hash rate:7.3 TH/s Power consumption: 1150 W Efficiency: 0.16 J/GH Price: $900 Weight: 10.58 pounds.
AvalonMiner 741 is a solid and refined Bitcoin mining ( hardware . It is made with a Reliable Open Quality with Airforming Cooling Technology.
Avalon miners tend to be cost-effective. AvalonMner 741 can generate around 0.00308 BTC per day (about $7.31 with the current price of bitcoin to $4360 ) in those places of the world where the electricity cost tends to zero. However, this is if electricity doesn't represent a significant cost.
One of the best things in getting AvalonMiner 741 is the ease of setup and usage . This device is easy to operate and more convenient to use.
To get this mining hardware started, you simply have to download the firmware of the device. After that, you just have to plug in the controller and connect the cables to the Avalon 741 rig.
This mining hardware has a simple interface that makes it easy to operate and convenient to navigate even for beginners. Canaan offers you a user-friendly interface with all the feature necessary.
It also includes a set of LED lights that indicate the device's status whether it's at Rest, working properly, overheating or failing. The set of lights also includes the status of the miner's connection to the controller.
This is also equipped with an Airform Cooling Technology to keep it cool during its operation. Avalon 741 comes with a powerful and punch-packed set of 88 chips, which only makes sense as this machine demands more cooling power.
Unfortunately, this is no longer profitable today. The profitability using Canaan AvalonMiner 741 has already dropped significantly. At the time of this writing, its profitability is -1.82. You will not earn anything from using this miner.
Easy to set up Works like a charm Tutorials are precise and helpful.
Not quiet No longer profitable No product community.
#6 Bitmain AntMiner R4 Review.
Hash rate: 8.6 TH/s Power consumption: 845 W Efficiency: 0.098 J/GHs Price: $1,000 Weight: 5.51 pounds.
AntMiner R4 stands out when it comes to finding a bitcoin miner for home use. This machine is very quiet which makes it perfect for those who want to mine at home .
R4 was released in August 2016. This is as efficient as S9 because it uses Bitmain's BM1387 chip that is built using TSMC's 16nm FinFET technology.
The machine is paired with a unique cooling system that makes it much less noisy. Unlike most of the bitcoin miners, this is inspired by silent air conditioning units and doesn't use the normal noisy fans computer servers usually have.
When this was released, the bitcoin difficulty level was fair enough that you can break even in more or less 12 months. Unfortunately, just like most of the bitcoin miners in the list, this is no longer profitable.
Very quiet Great for Bitcoin mining ( at home Equipped with an impressive cooling system One of the most efficient AntMiner hardware.
No longer profitable.
#7 Bitmain AntMiner S5 Review.
Hash rate: 1 GH/s Power consumption: 590 W Efficiency: 0.51 J/GH Price: Second Hand Weight: 7.5 pounds.
Bitmain AntMiner S5 was released in late 2014. It's one of the fastest and most efficient ASIC miners way back. However, this has long been surpassed by Bitmain's newer models. For those who are a hobbyist miner who is on a budget with no interest in profitability, this is a good start.
AntMiner S5 is one of the best mining devices when it was still new in the market. However, this has become outdated as newer models are released.
Its real power consumption will differ depending on the efficiency of your PSU and the ambient temperature. You can increase its frequency ( overclocking ) to upgrade its hashrate. However, doing so also increase its power and cooling requirements.
The good thing is that there are ways to manage the overclocking burdens. It needs serious effort but 400 GH/s gains are achievable.
Unfortunately, this has become outdated and is not as profitable as how it was before. In addition, it produces noise during the operation. You may have to replace its fan for a quieter kind. Another option is to add a secondary fan to the back-end where screw holes exist.
S5 is no longer in production, but there are still second-hand models in excellent condition that you can purchase . I don't recommend this for those who want to mine for profits. But, if you want to learn the ropes of Bitcoin mining ( this machine will be a good start because it is low-cost and it does the job.
This can help you experiment with hardware, firmware, and software. It's also a good and inexpensive platform to test harmful operation like over/under-clocking and immersion cooling at roughly one-tenth the price of the cutting-edge S9 .
What Is a USB Bitcoin ( Miner and How Does It Work?
Bitcoin ( can be earned by purchasing them using dollars or other currencies, by selling goods or services and receiving payments via bitcoin or, by one of the more skillful methods, [url=""]Bitcoin ( mining[/url].
Bitcoin mining ( is performed using dedicated electronic devices called miners that have high computing capacity. As cryptocurrency mania spreads around the world, USB-powered mining devices are becoming popular for their ease of use, seamless connectivity, and lower power consumption.
Bitcoin mining ( requires a lot of computational power, as you are solving for incredibly complex mathematical problems. For being the first to solve one of those problems, you are awarded cryptocurrency. USB sticks can be used to increase mining power in a computer since they can be "stacked." Upgrades in CPU power, directly developed for USB mining, has helped speed up the technology across the entire sector.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 11:57 am

The Perfect Location For Crypto-Mining ( / Genesis Mining ( #MiningTheFuture - The Series Episode 4|3:36
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 11:57 am
How Do USB Bitcoin ( Miners Work?
Bitcoin mining ( is the only way to validate and release new cryptocurrency into circulation. Individuals or groups get incentives to participate in the system and validate the related transactions, which makes Bitcoin mining ( an attractive activity.
A USB bitcoin miner, when connected to a computer with suitable software, performs the mining function at a certain speed of hashing. To enhance the hashing output, multiple miners can be plugged in together. For example, attaching six miners that offer 335 megahashes per second (MH/s) can generate a cumulative 2 gigahashes of mining power.
The Bitcoin mining ( process involves verification of transactions and their addition to the blockchain through which new bitcoins are released.
Since a standard computer usually has only 2 to 4 USB ports, a USB hub is used to plug in the multiple USB miners. The USB hub assembly is then connected to a computer that is installed with software capable of controlling the USB miners and their mining operations. The software also facilitates real-time monitoring of the performance of the USB miners. Commonly used software includes MacMiner, Asteroid, MinePeon, and BFGMiner.
Instead of connecting to a standard PC or laptop, the USB bitcoin miner setup can be connected to other smaller, low-cost computer devices like Raspberry Pi, which offers suitable capacity to run the miners.
Historical Developments.
The rapidly evolving technology has made the Bitcoin mining ( process a reality on home computers, though certain challenges--like excessive power consumption and limited profit potential--remain. Over the years, the mining process and efficiency have improved with the use of better hardware.
Bitcoin mining ( started with the standard Central Processing Unit (CPUs), an integral part of a standard computer. The mining efficiency was enhanced with the use of comparatively faster Graphic Processing Units (GPUs).
Then came the Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), which scored better than both CPUs and GPUs at performing the hash calculations, an essential function to blockchain management in cryptocurrency.
FPGAs turned the concept of concentrated mining farms into reality and were also the first kind of mining devices that supported USB connectivity. FPGAs are now superseded by the new-age Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs), which consume less power and offer faster processing speeds compared to the former three.
The Bottom Line.
With lower setup costs, USB miners offer an easy and fun way to learn about the nuances of cryptocurrency mining. However, there are concerns about the possibility of reaping profits, as high power consumption still dents a blow to achieving net profits from the operation.
Investing in cryptocurrencies and other Initial Coin Offerings ("ICOs") is highly risky and speculative, and this article is not a recommendation by Investopedia or the writer to invest in cryptocurrencies or other ICOs. Since each individual's situation is unique, a qualified professional should always be consulted before making any financial decisions. Investopedia makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or timeliness of the information contained herein.
5 Best USB Bitcoin ( Miners 2020 - Reviews & Buying Guide.
1. ASIC Bitcoin ( Miner USB 2. Gekkoscience Compac USB 3. Avalon Nano 3 CHECK PRICE! CHECK PRICE! CHECK PRICE!
Bitcoins are generated using the process called mining. If your computer is given a complex mathematical problem to solve then the goal is a 64 digit number. If your miner can solve that algorithm problem, Congratulations; you are now a proud owner of the new block, and you will be rewarded with Bitcoins.
The network automatically adjusts the difficulty of mining so that bitcoins are created roughly for every 10 minutes. The reason why they call it mining is that there is a set number of bitcoins that can ever be mined in the system. There are only 21 million bitcoins that can ever be created in the system in total.You are digging it out of the system like precious metals from some mathematical mine.
Bitcoin ( users are connected through the network and together, they set up a network that processes and checks all bitcoin transactions in a public ledger called the blockchain thus eliminating the need for a central bank since all the users together are the bank. Thus reducing the very need for a bank.
Therefore, the creation of GPU started, but as Bitcoin ( began to rise in popularity, more users started to enroll in the network thus creating difficulty in obtaining a bitcoin. Which led to the invention of ASIC chips that stands for Application Specific Integrated Circuit where it is designed specifically to break or solve the algorithm of Bitcoin ( which is the SHA-256 algorithm. So basically these chips cannot be used for anything else such as games etc but are made to be used for solving the algorithm in the most power efficient manner.
Top 5 Best USB Bitcoin ( Miners 2020.
1. ASIC Bitcoin ( Miner USB.
Sapphire Block Erupters were the first ever miners to be created. Releasing the power of 330Mh/s of hash power, the user would be able to receive nothing less than $0.01/month thus not enough to earn profitability.
Relation to the ASIC bitcoin miner USB, it generates a power of 25 gigahash/second which is, nowadays; almost nothing but not that much due to the rise in difficulty of obtaining the Bitcoins. The device will need active cooling as it gets hot due to the processing i.e 80 degrees on the heatsink. So how does it work?
Firstly, you insert the device into the computer, download the drivers, download the mining software which is the CG minor. Inform the software with a batch file on the BTC address, where it should send the payment to and to perform either a solo or pool mining and setting the frequency in which you can run it depending on the frequency you get more hash rate with higher power consumption or less hash rate with low power consumption. You will be then ready to mine. CHECK PRICE IN AMAZON!
2. Gekkoscience Compac USB stick.
The GekkoScience miners are a bit better than the Sapphire Block Erupters. Weighing about 0.8 ounces with a power efficiency of 0.33 W/Gh; its mining capacity is 9.5 Gh/s. Earning $0.15/month, the user will attain more than a dollar per annually. It is a silent device with a single USB port.
While using this hardware, it can perform up to 15GH/s where its performance can increase if it was to be overclocked. Electricity generated will take about 3 watts which is smaller than LED bulb, therefore, cost cents or even lower per month, thus it's practically free to run plus there is a chance that a profit can be made i.e a dollar plus 10 cents/ month. So how does it work?:
Plug the device into the computer and run the software Before running, download the CG Minor available online. Once it's downloaded, go to Create a username and very own worker ID Open the software, change the .DAT file specifically to the slush pool address with the user ID and the sub-user which is the worker name Once you are finished, set up the frequency i.e 140-150 degrees is the standard frequency or if it is too hot, reduce the temperature. Depends on the cool environment which you are working on, thus overclocking it Start the software and plug in the USB. Register for a mining pool, change the setting to your very own pool Start mining. CHECK PRICE IN AMAZON!
3. Avalon Nano 3.
Being a miner of 3.6GH/s, its specifics are insufficient to earn high profits but rather earn just enough to cover the network costs.
The steps are pretty straightforward compared to the other devices mentioned before, as the USB is only being required to be plugged into the computer but the only problem would be earning a dollar per year. People would not be patient enough to sit every day and earn a dollar for a year.
The advantage of this device is that the use of a fan is not required so it does signify that it would not heat up as much as an ASIC or Gekko device would but on the other hand, it is time-consuming to earn. However, it is a good practice in terms of earning bitcoin but cannot be used more than that.
4. Bitmain Antrouter R1 Wifi Solo Bitcoin ( Miner.
We cannot really compare this device to a miner but it is similar to it. One perk would be it's low cost and having a low GH/s at a rate of 5.5 GH/s, it would be able to generate a profit of more than a dollar in a year. This is more helpful compared to the Avalon Nano 3.
The plus side is it works as a wireless router, so you can do some mining while providing internet for all your devices. The network will not block coverage for other devices, therefore, provide availability and not create a nuisance.
This device can only mine using Bitcoin ( script, meaning you are competing with mining pools that have much larger setups. If you are serious about making money mining Bitcoin (, you cannot afford to have a miner doing under 2 TH/s. That's why the Bitmain Antrouter R1 is perfect for those that are a bit more serious about their mining.
5. 21 Bitcoin ( Computer.
The 21 Bitcoin ( Computer isn't considered as a Bitcoin ( miner, however, it plugins to your computer via USB. In terms of $/hash rate, it's not a very good choice.
Having to use this option is not as popular as such since the Bitcoin ( was only profitable in the early years before the competition has risen over the years. Investing in hardcore hardware or buying bitcoins is more suitable.
First, I doubt, for a fact, that this machine will return back the investments spend on the initial cost and running expenditure. Second, it is not the answer in which we are looking for to invest in to earn big bucks but rather earn enough just to support the network but all the more, it is an interesting concept. To those users who have lack of knowledge in the usage and set up, there are clear tutorials that are taught in order for the users to know on how to use the device, especially to those users who have zero experience in coding.
While understanding each device and its perks and drawbacks, I suggest that the recommendable device or the best USB bitcoin miner to be used would be the Gekkoscience Compac USB stick bitcoin miner as these devices are fast for USB stick miners. As in, 20 GH/s (with tuning) fast. You can get plenty of support in their forums and they even have a few example setups to work with. Reasonable price, compared to inflation on other sources. Other devices seem to be useful in their own way but generally, a device which operates on lower costs, easy to setup and brings back good output is definitely the option to be taken.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 11:58 am

High-End Cryptocurrency Mining ( Hardware / Genesis Mining ( #MiningTheFuture - The Series Episode 2|3:41
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 12:03 pm
Top 5 USB Bitcoin ( Miners: Best Legit ASIC Mining Hashing Devices?
Advances in the world of cryptocurrency mining have been made in the form of USC bitcoin miners, which are now available for purchase. However, they are not necessarily a game-changer for serious miners. USB bitcoin miners are geared more toward novices who want to learn more about mining and just do some hashing experimenting with it.
Top 5 USB Bitcoin ( Miners.
It's important not to get USC bitcoin miners confused with USC mining hardware or Bitcoin ( wallets that can help you to mine and store bitcoins. These are geared toward serious miners who are out to make a substantial profit. If you're just looking to get your feet wet and start learning more about Bitcoin mining (, consider these five Bitcoin ( USB miners.
The 21 Bitcoin ( Computer barely fits into the category of USB Bitcoin ( miner. It's more so designed to build apps, services, and devices that can be utilized via Bitcoin ( Its money to harsh ratio is unimpressive, so you may not find many Bitcoin ( experts lining up to recommend it. Nevertheless, it will connect to your computer via the USB port, so it's worth mentioning alongside other Bitcoin ( miners.
ASICMiner Block Erupted USB 330MH/s Sapphire Miner.
For a good learning experience, this may be your best option, as the Sapphire Block Erupters were among the first USB Bitcoin ( miners. However, with its hash power of 330 MH/s, it's not something you'll want to use if you're in it to make a profit.
The Nano 3 is relatively simple and easy to use. You can plug it into the USB port on your computer with no fan required. Of course, the hash power is right around 3.6 GS/s. In terms of Bitcoin mining (, it's unlikely to net much more than $1 per year.
The Antrouter is another device that just barely fits into the category of USB Bitcoin ( miner. It doesn't provide much in terms of power, with just 5.5 GH/s, and so you shouldn't expect to make much more than $1 per year in profit. On the bright side, it's an inexpensive tool that can also serve as a wireless router, so it can also help to hook up all of your devices to the Internet.
GekkoScience Compact USB Stick Bitcoin ( Miner.
Among the USB Bitcoin ( miners for novice users, this may be the best option in terms of turning a profit by using hashing power from these devices (or use trading bots). With it, you can expect to make roughly 15 cents per month, which translates to almost $2 per year, nearly double some of the other devices we've mentioned.
Bitcoin ( USB-Stick Miner bitshopper GekkoScience NewPac 22 bis 45 GH/s.
Bitcoin ( USB-Stick Miner GekkoScience NewPac 22-45 GH/s - Taktfrequenz und Core-Spannung einstellbar.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 12:27 pm

What Is GPU Mining ( - What Is A GPU Mining ( Rig?|18:21
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 12:59 pm
Mining for bitcoin.
Bitcoin ( Hashrate Chart.
The Bitcoin ( hashrate chart provides the current Bitcoin ( hashrate history in graph format with an option to expand the Bitcoin ( global hashrate chart time frame back to 2009.
Bitcoin ( Hashrate Now : 144.13 EH/s Nov 21, 2020 08:35 AM UTC - 144,131,276,866,038,200,000 H/s.
Loading Bitcoin ( network hashrate chart.
The Bitcoin ( network hashrate chart can be used to visualize Bitcoin mining ( hashrate increases and decreases viewable in segment options of daily, weekly, monthly, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 3 years, and all time.
All Time Historical Chart Daily Chart 2009 Chart 2010 Chart 2011 Chart 2012 Chart 2013 Chart 2014 Chart 2015 Chart 2016 Chart 2017 Chart 2018 Chart 2019 Chart 2020 Chart.
What is Bitcoin ( Hashrate?
Bitcoin ( hashrate is a calculated numerical value that specifies an estimate of how many hashes are being generated by Bitcoin ( miners trying to solve the current Bitcoin ( block or any given block.
Bitcoin ( hashrate is represented in Hashes per Second or H/s.
The global Bitcoin ( network hashrate is a calculated value and is measured in hashes per second (H/s). The calculation uses the current mining difficulty and the average Bitcoin ( block time between mined blocks versus the defined block time as variables to determine the global Bitcoin ( network hashrate.
As the Bitcoin ( network hashrate goes up - the BTC hashrate numbers get so large that abbreviations must be used.
The abbreviations are SI derived units representing the number of hashes performed in a one second time frame.
The current Bitcoin ( hashrate is 144.13 EH/s, representing the global Bitcoin ( network hashrate with a mining difficulty of 17.60 T at block height 657,955.
Hashrate Unit/s Hash Hashes Per Second H /s (Hash) 1 One kH /s (KiloHash) 1,000 One Thousand MH /s (MegaHash) 1,000,000 One Million GH /s (GigaHash) 1,000,000,000 One Billion TH /s (TeraHash) 1,000,000,000,000 One Trillion PH /s (PetaHash) 1,000,000,000,000,000 One Quadrillion EH /s (ExaHash) 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 One Quintillion ZH /s (ZettaHash) 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 One Sextillion YH /s (YottaHash) 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 One Septillion.
It is important to point out the Bitcoin ( hashrate does not determine how quickly or slowly each block is solved.
This timing, called the block time is enforced by the Bitcoin mining ( difficulty value, which is adjusted upwards or downwards during each block difficulty retarget to keep blocks being solved at a constant time frame.
For more information about the Bitcoin ( difficulty re-target visit the Bitcoin mining ( page.
You can calculate Bitcoin mining ( profits using the current BTC hashrate difficulty and our Bitcoin mining ( calculator.
What is the Current Bitcoin ( Hashrate?
The current Bitcoin ( hashrate (BTC hashrate) is 144.13 EH/s at block height 657,955 with a difficulty of 17,596,801,059,571.43.
Bitcoin ( Hashrate Stats.
Current Bitcoin ( Hashrate.
Bitcoin ( Global Hashrate 144.13 EH/s.
Bitcoin ( Hashrate All Time High.
Bitcoin ( Hashrate on Oct 14, 2020 at block 652,653 181.26 EH/s.
How to Calculate Bitcoin ( Hashrate.
The Bitcoin ( hashrate is calculated using the current Bitcoin ( difficulty , the defined Bitcoin ( block time , and the average block time of the last (X) number of blocks.
Most full Bitcoin ( nodes will have an option to see the current Bitcoin ( global hashrate using the "getnetworkhashps" command in the console window.
Given the fact that the Bitcoin ( difficulty value determines statically how many hashes are needed to solve the next block, it is recommended to use the current mining difficulty to determine the statistically accurate number of Bitcoin ( that can be mined in a given time frame.
Once again we recommend using our Bitcoin mining ( calculator as the current Bitcoin ( difficulty is preloaded, along with the latest Bitcoin ( price.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 12:59 pm

How do you service a 2500GPU Cryptocurrency Mining ( Farm|7:05
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 01:00 pm
Solo mining bitcoin.
Address-based mining.
URL stratum+tcp:// Worker 36X26HY2bC2Yd18gusKwjjPPKGvmN6a2WT Password x.
Replace address 36X26HY2bC2Yd18gusKwjjPPKGvmN6a2WT with your Bitcoin ( BTC address. All types of addresses are supported:
Legacy (1. ) P2SH-Segwit, Multisig (S. ) Bech32 (bc1. )
Please double-check and be sure that address is valid and correct. You will receive nothing in case of an invalid address.
Worker name for an Address is optional and can be set with . or _ delimiter.
URL stratum+tcp:// Worker 36X26HY2bC2Yd18gusKwjjPPKGvmN6a2WT_01 Password x.
Nicehash is supported for SOLO pool. Word nicehash should be used as a Password to use Nicehash.
URL stratum+tcp:// Worker 36X26HY2bC2Yd18gusKwjjPPKGvmN6a2WT_01 Password nicehash.
The pool uses VarDiff mechanism and adjusts share's difficulty automatically to an optimal value, but Custom Diff is also supported. String d=10000 should be used as a Password, where 10000 is any diff value from a range from 2000 to 128000.
URL stratum+tcp:// Worker 36X26HY2bC2Yd18gusKwjjPPKGvmN6a2WT_01 Password d=10000.
Please note, regular user should not use custom difficulty , this is a special case usage option like problem equipment or kind of Stratum Proxy.
What Is Solo Mining & How It Works?
Solo mining is a solo process where the miner completely does his task of mining operations without any helping hand. This process is mainly done alone without joining a pool. These blocks are mined and generated in a way to the task completed by the miner's credit.
Solo mining is the process of mining alone as we told earlier. We are aware that when you connect yourself to a pool, the process that mainly happens is that all miners get connected to the same bitcoin-client to confirm transactions. This helps to increase the probability of "finding" a block directly. Further, the block provides incentives from the shares from all miners.
If you do the process of solo mining, make sure to connect your miner to your local Bitcoin ( client. This is for getting the best results to "find" a block on your own. The probability will tend to decrease and lower, but in turn, you do not share the block incentive.
We all know how the Bitcoin ( network works. If your interest is to go for a long run solo mining and pooled mining you will get you exactly the same amount that you expected.
In this new digital world, the real option always goes with pooled mining because it is definitely the better way if you have the hardware which consists of small hash rate. The several tens of TH/s can be used to get more rewards from the solo mining than pooled mining.
The current hardware's utilized for the process of solo mining can deliver an experience which is more like playing the lottery. But if you do it right you can exit with a lot of cash.
What you need to solo mine - How it Works?
Firstly, install the Bitcoin ( which is hardware used for solo mining process. Henceforth, start it and complete the download of the blockchain which is almost 20 GB.
Afterward, create a bitcoin.conf file: C:\User\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin (\
Finally, use as the server and the username and password you chose as the credentials to connect CGMiner or BFGMiner to the Bitcoin_Core client and have it mine.
Therefore, this is how the process of Solo Mining takes place to do mining as a solo task.
When Bitcoin ( launched in 2009, it became the world's first cryptocurrency. By utilizing miners that contribute their excess computation power to validate a movement of funds, it allows the network to remain decentralized.
As the value of Bitcoin ( has increased over time, more and more individuals are now taking the mining plunge. In fact, at the time of writing in mid-2018, there are now approximately 10,000 individual nodes, each hoping to get their slice of the highly lucrative Bitcoin mining ( space.
However, competition is now ultra-fierce, meaning that if you are thinking about solo mining Bitcoin ( - you should first read our guide. We'll start by explaining how the underlying Proof-of-Work mining algorithm works, followed by a discussion on why it is now becoming more difficult to mine on your own.
After that, if you still want to go ahead, we'll give you a comprehensive step-by-step guide on what you need to do to get started. Let's start by finding out just how Bitcoin mining ( works!
Essentially, mining allows transactions to be verified on a peer-to-peer basis, meaning no centralized authority is involved. It is open to anyone that wants to contribute their excess computation power by hooking up a specialized hardware device to the network. In return, if miners are successful in confirming a block of transactions, not only do they receive a Bitcoin ( reward of 12.5 BTC, but they also receive all of the transaction fees that were included within the block.
There are many different ways that a blockchain can confirm a set of transactions and this is known as a consensus mechanism. Bitcoin ( uses a mechanism called Proof-of-Work, or PoW for short. The way PoW works is the underlying software creates a cryptographic algorithm that resembles a difficult mathematical puzzle. This randomly generated puzzle is so complex that it requires significant computational power to solve it.
When the Bitcoin ( and PoW system attempts to validate a block of transactions, it does so in a period of 10 minutes. During this time, each and every miner will use their device in an attempt to solve the puzzle. To do so, the mining device operates on a 'trial and error' basis, insofar that it attempts millions of potential answers to the puzzle every second. The first mining device (known as a node) that is successful in solving the sum is the subsequent winner in that specific block.
As mentioned earlier, there are approximately 10,000 individual nodes that are all competing with each other to solve the puzzle first. In theory, the node that is able to generate the most computational power (known as hashing power) will stand the best chance of winning the mining reward, as it is able to generate more potential answers to the puzzle each second.
Therefore, mining is often referred to as an arms race, as those with the most powerful devices are often more successful in winning block rewards.
Let's briefly find out why this is and how it might affect your chances of solo mining Bitcoin (
The Bitcoin mining ( Arms Race.
During the first few years of Bitcoin ( launching, the vast majority of mining was facilitated by simple GPU units. As the amount of miners in operation was minute in quantity, the underlying algorithm that had to be solved was significantly less difficult than it is today. This not only allowed miners to use inexpensive devices, but it also kept electricity costs at an absolute minimum.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 01:00 pm

IS GPU MINING STILL PROFITABLE? - Mining ( Adventure Part 1|13:44
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 01:01 pm
However, as the value and real-world adoption of Bitcoin ( has grown over time, as have the amount of miners that are looking to enter the space. The result of this is that the algorithmic difficulty of the puzzle has increased exponentially, meaning that GPU devices can no longer compete.
Instead, GPUs have been replaced by highly powerful ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit), which have the ability to generate a significant amount of hashing power. At the time of writing in 2018, the most powerful Bitcoin ( ASIC device is the DragonMint T1, which can generate 16TH per second.
An even greater issue with the current state of play of Bitcoin mining ( is that the vast majority of success is dominated by a small number of mining pools. This is where individual miners pool their hashing power together in order to boost the likelihood that someone in the pool successfully mines a block. The members of the pool then divide the rewards between their members. The prevalence of mining pools has made it very difficult for solo miners to compete.
Essentially, this leaves you with two options. If you are interested in solo mining Bitcoin (, then your odds of successfully mining a block are drastically lower than if you were to join a pool. However, if you are successful, you would receive the 12.5 BTC block reward in its entirety, along with all of the subsequent transaction fees.
On the other hand, if you are more interested in joining a pool, your chances of winning a block reward are significantly higher, but you will only receive a very small proportion (relative to the amount of hashing rate you contribute) of the reward. Moreover, most mining pools keep the transaction fees for themselves.
Nevertheless, we will now show you what you need when solo mining Bitcoin (
Solo Mining Bitcoin ( - Hardware.
To get your Bitcoin ( solo mining journey on its way, you will first need to invest in a specialized hardware device. Don't forget, the days of being able to mine Bitcoin ( with a basic GPU are over, so you will need to get yourself an ASIC.
First and foremost, there is no doubt that by purchasing the most powerful ASIC device available on the market, you will increase your chances of beating your fellow miners. The aforementioned DragonMint T1 costs in the region of $2,700, which is out of reach for many.
If financial resources do not stretch that far, then you will need to get a slightly less-powerful model. To give you an understanding of how much the most popular devices cost, along with their respective hashing rate power, take a look at the screenshot below.
As you will see, there is a correlation between the price and the amount of hashing power the ASIC device is able to produce.
Before making a purchase, it is important to remember that you should typically only ever buy from the manufacturer's official website, or a website that is listed as an official vendor. You should be very cautious when purchasing a mining device second hand or from an unverified source. The reason for this is that the device may have been tampered with, meaning that the bad actor might be able to re-direct your hashing power.
So now that you know the requirements of hardware, let's take a look at what software you will need.
Solo Mining Bitcoin ( - Software.
When you purchase an ASIC hardware device, the vast majority of suppliers will provide you with the mining software. If this is the case, you should only ever use the software that is included with your device, rather than attempting to use a third party alternative.
You will need to install the relevant software file on to your desktop device and follow the on-screen instructions. At an absolute minimum you will need to enter the public address that you want your mining rewards sent to.
Mining software also allows you to play around with the underlying settings, which can include the amount of hours you want the device to mine, along with how much power you want the device to generate.
Before changing any fundamental settings, it is always worth checking the instructions that are provided by the manufacturer.
At this point in your mining endeavor, you should now have a specialized ASIC hardware device, as well as the required software installed. You can now sit back and let your mining device do all of the hard work! Let's find out what kind of results you can expect.
What to Expect From Your Efforts.
If you are looking to find out how long it will take you to successfully mine a block, or how much money you can make over a certain period of time, the answer will ultimately depend on a number of factors. Take a quick look at the bullet points below, which indicate some of the things that will influence your ability to make a profit:
How much hashing power is your ASIC device able to produce? How many ASIC devices do you have connected to the network? How many other nodes are currently on the network? How expensive are electricity costs in your country? What is the current difficulty rate set at? What is current value of Bitcoin (
All of the above factors will determine your solo mining earning potential. Fortunately, there are now websites that allow you to enter your individual circumstances, subsequently giving you an estimate on profitability.
Solo Mining Bitcoin ( The Verdict.
If you have read our guide from start to finish, you should now have a good idea of the many factors that you need to consider prior to starting your solo mining journey. The current state of play in the Bitcoin ( industry is that the vast majority of block rewards are now won by the large mining pools.
As a result, solo mining is now a lot more difficult than it was during the early years of Bitcoin ( Nevertheless, if you are still keen on giving it a go, just make sure that you consider the hashing power capabilities of the ASIC device you are buying. If it is inferior to other devices on the market, you are reducing your chances of success. Moreover you also need to consider the cost of electricity in the nation you are operating in, as this could be the difference between profit and loss.
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Pool vs. solo mining.
This article or section contains information that is no longer up-to-date. Please either update the outdated information or remove the outdated information.
Although most miners prefer to mine in pools, there are still merits to solo mining.
1 Why You Are Here 2 What this topic discusses 3 What is Pooled Mining? 4 What is Solo Mining? 5 Pros/Cons 6 See Also.
Why You Are Here.
An article addressing the pros and cons of solo and pooled mining can often answer questions easier than simply asking in: #bitcoin-mining. Additionally, this page can serve as a reference for members of #bitcoin-mining to direct those with questions.
What this topic discusses.
The purpose of this page is to explain what the differences between pooled mining and solo mining. This Topic will give pros and cons of each to aid in the decision of a mining approach.
What is Pooled Mining?
Pooled mining "pools" all of the resources of the clients in that pool to generate the solution to a given block. When the pool solves a block, the 6.25 BTC generated by that block's solution is split and distributed between the pools participants.
What is Solo Mining?
Solo mining is when a miner performs the mining operations alone without joining a pool. All mined blocks are generated to the miner's credit.
Mining adds new blocks to the block chain, making transaction history hard to modify.
Mining today takes on two forms:
Solo mining, where the miner attempts to generate new blocks on his own, with the proceeds from the block reward and transaction fees going entirely to himself, allowing him to receive large payments with a higher variance (longer time between payments)
Pooled mining, where the miner pools resources with other miners to find blocks more often, with the proceeds being shared among the pool miners in rough correlation to the amount of hashing power they each contributed, allowing the miner to receive small payments with a lower variance (shorter time between payments).
Solo Mining¶
As illustrated below, solo miners typically use bitcoind to get new transactions from the network. Their mining software periodically polls bitcoind for new transactions using the “getblocktemplate” RPC, which provides the list of new transactions plus the public key to which the coinbase transaction should be sent.
Solo Bitcoin mining ( В¶
The mining software constructs a block using the template (described below) and creates a block header. It then sends the 80-byte block header to its mining hardware (an ASIC) along with a target threshold (difficulty setting). The mining hardware iterates through every possible value for the block header nonce and generates the corresponding hash.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 01:01 pm

RX 5700 XT Mining ( Rig Build - 6 GPUs - 330 MH/s and ONLY 880 Watts!!|14:25
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 01:01 pm
If none of the hashes are below the threshold, the mining hardware gets an updated block header with a new merkle root from the mining software; this new block header is created by adding extra nonce data to the coinbase field of the coinbase transaction.
On the other hand, if a hash is found below the target threshold, the mining hardware returns the block header with the successful nonce to the mining software. The mining software combines the header with the block and sends the completed block to bitcoind to be broadcast to the network for addition to the block chain.
Pool Mining¶
Pool miners follow a similar workflow, illustrated below, which allows mining pool operators to pay miners based on their share of the work done. The mining pool gets new transactions from the network using bitcoind . Using one of the methods discussed later, each miner’s mining software connects to the pool and requests the information it needs to construct block headers.
Pooled Bitcoin mining ( В¶
In pooled mining, the mining pool sets the target threshold a few orders of magnitude higher (less difficult) than the network difficulty. This causes the mining hardware to return many block headers which don’t hash to a value eligible for inclusion on the block chain but which do hash below the pool’s target, proving (on average) that the miner checked a percentage of the possible hash values.
The miner then sends to the pool a copy of the information the pool needs to validate that the header will hash below the target and that the block of transactions referred to by the header merkle root field is valid for the pool’s purposes. (This usually means that the coinbase transaction must pay the pool.)
The information the miner sends to the pool is called a share because it proves the miner did a share of the work. By chance, some shares the pool receives will also be below the network targetвЂ"the mining pool sends these to the network to be added to the block chain.
The block reward and transaction fees that come from mining that block are paid to the mining pool. The mining pool pays out a portion of these proceeds to individual miners based on how many shares they generated. For example, if the mining pool’s target threshold is 100 times lower than the network target threshold, 100 shares will need to be generated on average to create a successful block, so the mining pool can pay 1/100th of its payout for each share received. Different mining pools use different reward distribution systems based on this basic share system.
Block Prototypes¶
In both solo and pool mining, the mining software needs to get the information necessary to construct block headers. This subsection describes, in a linear way, how that information is transmitted and used. However, in actual implementations, parallel threads and queuing are used to keep ASIC hashers working at maximum capacity.
getwork RPC¶
The simplest and earliest method was the now-deprecated Bitcoin ( Core getwork RPC, which constructs a header for the miner directly. Since a header only contains a single 4-byte nonce good for about 4 gigahashes, many modern miners need to make dozens or hundreds of getwork requests a second. Solo miners may still use getwork on v0.9.5 or below, but most pools today discourage or disallow its use.
getblocktemplate RPC¶
An improved method is the Bitcoin ( Core “getblocktemplate” RPC. This provides the mining software with much more information:
The information necessary to construct a coinbase transaction paying the pool or the solo miner’s bitcoind wallet.
A complete dump of the transactions bitcoind or the mining pool suggests including in the block, allowing the mining software to inspect the transactions, optionally add additional transactions, and optionally remove non-required transactions.
Other information necessary to construct a block header for the next block: the block version, previous block hash, and bits (target).
The mining pool’s current target threshold for accepting shares. (For solo miners, this is the network target.)
Using the transactions received, the mining software adds a nonce to the coinbase extra nonce field and then converts all the transactions into a merkle tree to derive a merkle root it can use in a block header. Whenever the extra nonce field needs to be changed, the mining software rebuilds the necessary parts of the merkle tree and updates the time and merkle root fields in the block header.
Like all bitcoind RPCs, “getblocktemplate” is sent over HTTP. To ensure they get the most recent work, most miners use HTTP longpoll to leave a “getblocktemplate” request open at all times. This allows the mining pool to push a new “getblocktemplate” to the miner as soon as any miner on the peer-to-peer network publishes a new block or the pool wants to send more transactions to the mining software.
A widely used alternative to “getblocktemplate” is the Stratum mining protocol. Stratum focuses on giving miners the minimal information they need to construct block headers on their own:
The information necessary to construct a coinbase transaction paying the pool.
The parts of the merkle tree which need to be re-hashed to create a new merkle root when the coinbase transaction is updated with a new extra nonce. The other parts of the merkle tree, if any, are not sent, effectively limiting the amount of data which needs to be sent to (at most) about a kilobyte at current transaction volume.
All of the other non-merkle root information necessary to construct a block header for the next block.
The mining pool’s current target threshold for accepting shares.
Using the coinbase transaction received, the mining software adds a nonce to the coinbase extra nonce field, hashes the coinbase transaction, and adds the hash to the received parts of the merkle tree. The tree is hashed as necessary to create a merkle root, which is added to the block header information received. Whenever the extra nonce field needs to be changed, the mining software updates and re-hashes the coinbase transaction, rebuilds the merkle root, and updates the header merkle root field.
Unlike “getblocktemplate”, miners using Stratum cannot inspect or add transactions to the block they’re currently mining. Also unlike “getblocktemplate”, the Stratum protocol uses a two-way TCP socket directly, so miners don’t need to use HTTP longpoll to ensure they receive immediate updates from mining pools when a new block is broadcast to the peer-to-peer network.
Resources: The GPLv3 BFGMiner mining software and AGPLv3 Eloipool mining pool software are widely-used among miners and pools. The libblkmaker C library and python-blkmaker library, both MIT licensed, can interpret GetBlockTemplate for your programs.
How to Setup a Bitcoin mining ( Computer?
Hello and welcome to the second Bitcoin mining ( tutorial, where I am going to cover how to setup a Bitcoin mining ( computer.
Luckily for you, our method is to mine the crypto altcoins and then get paid in Bitcoin (, so you don't have to deal with specialized mining hardware(like ASIC), and can mine with your PC.
So, in the most basic scenario, you don't really need to setup a mining PC. Just turn on the PC that you already have, install one of the mining apps featured on our website, and you can start mining Bitcoin ( in minutes.
However, if you don't have a PC, or want to build a separate one to use for Bitcoin mining ( only, here's what you're going to need:
What you need to build a Bitcoin mining ( Computer.
Motherboard. Every PC needs a motherboard, and a mining machine is no exception. You want it cheap, and supporting as many GPUs as possible(so you can scale and upgrade in the future). CPU . This one should be cheap as well, as we are not going to mine with a CPU, but simply need it to serve the GPUs and the machine. RAM. Just pick a 4GB DDR4, or add some more if you're going to use multiple heavy GPUs. Power supply. This one shouldn't be cheap. You want a high quality, stable power supply that makes it possible for your mining machine to work 24/7. You also want it strong- 1000W+, so you can attach multiple GPUs in the future. Graphic card(GPU). The stronger the better, but also the less power it consumes the better. The more you mine, the more power you need to pay for. And a GPU with low electricity usage is going to pay off in the long run. Hard drive . You can go here with a cheap and small one, my advice is to pick a small SSD which will bring additional stability to your mining PC. Peripherals. The mining rig DOES NOT need peripherals in order to work. If you already have a keyboard, mouse and monitor at your home, you can simply borrow them while setting up your mining apps and then disconnect them, as your PC can mine without them.
Bitcoin ( CPU Mining.
For most people, mining with CPU is not going to work, as most CPUs are very slow when it comes to mining, plus they are not scalable- there are motherboards allowing you to attach as much as 20+ GPUs, while motherboards supporting more than one CPU are a rarity.
Still, there are some newer CPUs that are performing very well at mining. For example, the AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1950X which comes with 16 cores, 32 threads and an amazing 32MB L3 cache. Some tests are even showing this CPU performing twice better than GTX 1080 Ti at mining some cryptocurrency like Monero.
If you are one of those lucky people that have a new generation CPU, you may as well try mining with it. Here's a list of some more popular mining CPUs.
Why Does Bitcoin mining ( Use GPU.
We already mentioned one very good reason- and that's scalability. Being able to attach multiple GPUs is a strong factor for any semi serious mining operation. But there's more- even an average GPU is 10x better at mining than average CPU. And here's why:
The CPU and GPU have a different purpose and architecture. The CPU consists of small amount of cores, and is good at solving complex tasks as well switching between them. On other hand, the GPU consists of much more cores which are "dumber", yet there are so many of them that they can join and do a lot of parallel work.
And it happens that for Bitcoin ( and many other altcoins, the GPU is just more suitable and more efficient at mining.
How to Set Up a Bitcoin ( Miner yourself? [in 2020]
To start mining bitcoins can be a bit overwhelming as there are several complicated steps involved, but we have provided a detailed guideline that can help you to get started with Bitcoin mining (
Bitcoin mining ( is a way to earn bitcoins as rewards by confirming the blocks on the network. It might sound like a complicated process to start with, but we have detailed all the steps that will help you set up a bitcoin miner yourself.
Bitcoin mining ( is a way where you compete with your mining hardware with everyone on the network to earn bitcoins. It is a very crucial process that keeps the network secure. Bitcoin mining ( is the process of adding transaction records to the network's public ledger. Bitcoin ( nodes use the blockchain to distinguish legitimate transactions from attempts to re-spend the coins.
There are several ways to start Bitcoin mining (, either you can get a cloud-mining contract or set up your Bitcoin mining ( hardware. In this post, we'll focus on setting up your own Bitcoin mining ( hardware.
Here are the steps that you will need to follow to set up a bitcoin miner:
Get a Bitcoin mining ( hardware Download free Bitcoin mining ( software Join a Bitcoin mining ( pool Set up a bitcoin wallet.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 01:02 pm

Should YOU be GPU MINING Cryptocurrency in 2020?!|14:39
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 01:02 pm
Follow the below guidelines to set up a bitcoin miner successfully.
1. Get a Bitcoin mining ( hardware.
In order to begin mining bitcoins, the first thing required is to acquire a Bitcoin mining ( hardware, also called a mining rig. Earlier, it was possible to mine bitcoin from your computer or high-speed video processor card, but that is not possible today. Bitcoin mining ( consumes a lot of electricity nearly as much as profits earned, so it is important to only use bitcoin miners that specifically build for that purpose. Some of the best bitcoin miners currently are AntMiner S7, AntMiner S9, and Avalon6.
Note: Some bitcoin miners come with their own internal power supplies, while some have to be bought external PSU (Power Supply Units).
2. Download a free bitcoin miner software.
Once you have acquired the most suitable bitcoin miner, you will be required to download a special program that will be used for Bitcoin mining ( Currently, there are several programs out there that are used for Bitcoin mining ( CGminer and BFGminer are among the most popular programs used for mining. To determine the estimated profits for mining bitcoin, you can use a bitcoin miner calculator.
Note: EasyMiner software works on Windows, Linux, and Android machines and not on Mac OS.
3. Join a Bitcoin mining ( pool.
Once you have successfully installed a Bitcoin mining ( software, then you will be required to join a Bitcoin mining ( pool. These pools are groups of Bitcoin ( miners working together to solve a block and share in its rewards. Without joining a Bitcoin mining ( pool , you can mine bitcoins for a year and still not get any reward.
Note: is a public mining pool that can be joined and mines 15% of all block.
4. Set up a Bitcoin ( Wallet.
After joining the Bitcoin mining ( pool, you will need a bitcoin wallet to receive the bitcoins you mine. You can create a new bitcoin wallet or use an existing one. It is highly recommended to keep your bitcoin wallet secure by enabling two-factor authentication. Now you are all set to earn bitcoin in rewards for making the network more secure.
Note: 65% of the total Bitcoin mining ( happens in China.
Every four years bitcoin network goes through a halving event, which reduces the bitcoin reward earned by miners in half. The next halvening event is scheduled to take place in May 2020. If you decide to mine bitcoins , it is highly advised to check the laws and regulations regarding it in your country.
How to set up a Bitcoin ( miner.
Setting up a Bitcoin ( miner can be quite a complex task. But with a bit of effort and time it should be easy to get the hang of.
(Alternatively, you can also buy a cloud mining contract with Hashflare or Genesis Mining.)
If you have chosen a mining rig through using our guide and calculator then most of the hard work is done.
If you've bought the rig as an off the shelf product ready to go then it should be as easy as plugging it in and choosing a mining pool to join. Your wallet should be hooked up too all ready to run.
If your rig or FGPA or graphics card is not ready to run then you need to do a quick few steps - which can take a bit of time.
Step 1: Download the full Bitcoin ( client. This can take quite a few days depending on your download speed.
Step 2: Then you need to download some Bitcoin mining ( software - or the programme that tells your mining hardware how to run.
Step 3: Choose a mining pool otherwise you might end up with a long time before solving your first block.
If you have ordered a miner that comes with a predefined method of connecting to the network the process can sometimes be quite difficult. For example the Antminer U3 63 GH can be quite tricky to get up and running as it requires you to download drivers and run CGMiner yourself - later versions of CGMiner have reduced the complexity of this process.
With the BitMain Antminer S1, S2 & S3 there are also some difficult steps to be followed - mostly to do with defining IP addresses and switching IP address protocols which can mean logging into your own router to find out what address the miner has been signed (quite daunting for some) - with instructions assuming a high level of knowledge by the user with a lot of basic information lost in translation.
However in terms of simplicity Spondoolies tech is probably the most user friendly in terms of set up. Miners such as the SP20 and SP10 can be plugged into your router, and after following five sets of simple and clear instructions can be up and running in five minutes.
Another key point to remember is the power supply you are using. Some miners come with their own internal power supplies, whilst some have to be bought external PSU (power Supply Units). These units have to be bought with the requisite power to coincide with that of the mining chips. For example the Spondoolies tech SP20 needs 1200 Watts of power with a 10-20% margin - so two corsair 750W PSU's will be more than ample.
It is also important to remember that you need to complete the circuit on standard PSU units - although this can sound and look dangerous or scary it is in fact a very low risk and simple operation.
All you need to do is complete the circuit for the PSU allow electricity to flow - and as they were designed to power motherboards this means tricking the PSU into thinking it is plugged in normally, or shorting the 24 pin motherboard attachment. Simply take the largest (24 pin connector) and put a paperclip from the green wire to any one of the black wires and you will have completed the circuit and the PSU will now switch on. The voltage is extremely low so there is no need of insulation or worry of electrocution if the wires are bare.
Also remember that if the unit you are buying doesn't come with a PSU this can become quite a significant part of the initial capital outlay. For example the SP20 in Dec 2014 could be bought for $500 with two corsair power supplies costing $200 dollars or so. When calculating your returns and investment metrics be sure to include your full costs.
Best Windows Setup, Configuration, Tweaks For Mining.
Since i received lots of question about my windows configuration , version or drivers, i decided to make post about it.
Although there is not that much to talk about, but i think those settings are very important and a must for each mining rig, if you do other things that are not found here, post them in comments and ill update!
This windows configuration can be applied on any type of altcoin mining like Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, ZCash, Zclassic, Monero, PascalCoin, Expanse, Ubiq, Decred etc..
Here is how i tweak my windows for a mining rig!
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 01:03 pm

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 01:03 pm
Windows Installation & Configuration for Mining Rig.
Do not plug the Ethernet cable to your mining rig while windows installation or after that Plug only ONE GPU in the PCI Express 16x slot with usb riser I have always used 120GB SSD drives (you can use bigger, there is no restriction) Always used just one partition C: (if you have a bigger SSD like 240 then you can create additional partition and use it to "mine" Storj)
Windows version for Mining Rig.
Motherboard and Bios.
Depending on what motherboard you will be using, some of them needs some BIOS modifications to make it work properly with USB Risers or anything else. For this, i will take as example "Biostar TB85" and "Z170A Gaming Pro Carbon"
For Biostar TB85 i had to do the following BIOS modifications :
Set CPU fan control to auto, it was 100% all the time Set PCIe Speed from Auto to Gen1 Last thing was to modify " Restore on AC/Power Loss ", set it to " Power On" or "Last State " (if power goes off and after a while is back on, the rig will start automatically) Biostar TB85 BIOS Restore AC Power LossBiostar TB85 BIOS PCIe Speed Gen1.
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Windows 10 Registry Tweaks For Mining.
Once windows is full installed and booted for the first time i always run the Windows 10 Registry tweaks for mining.bat file!8gZzjQaa!Dt4wE0WEo8nZkui_-cAAXL4mb4YlO6CJgFZTXKq9pnQ (i am not disabling everything, just things that i think wont be needed, windows update, cortana, crash reports etc..) Back Up Your Registry or create a restore point Run in administrator mode Once everything is applied, restart the rig List of Tweaks Replace Utilman with CMD Disable Cortana, Bing Search and Searchbar Disable automatic Windows Updates Disable Hibernation Disable tracking services Disable WAP Push Message Routing Service Disable Windows Search Disable Superfetch Disable Windows Defender Disable OneDrive Disable Quick Access as default view in Explorer show computer shortcut on desktop Show file extensions Disable lockscreen Enable classic control panel view Hide indication for compressed NTFS files Disable Windows Update sharing Remove Pin to start Classic vertical icon spacing Remove versioning tab from properties Disable jump lists Remove telemetry and data collection Change Logon screen background with accent color Disable Windows Error Reporting Removing Windows default apps Blocking Telemetry Servers windows 10 registry tweaks for mining.
Stop Windows Update #DoubleCheck.
In RUN type " services.msc ", the services page will be open Search for " Windows Update " Click " Stop " if status is " Live " or " Checking/Running " Select " Disabled " on " Startup type " Apply & Restart Do it again and make sure that it is disabled Also if you want you can disable more services.. windows 10 sop updates 2windows 10 sop updates 1.
Increase Virtual Memory.
In search type " This PC ", right click on it and choose " Properties " Then click on " Advanced System Settings " On " Advanced " tab where it says " Performance " click on " Settings " Click " Advanced " tab At the bottom you will see " Virtual memory ", click on " Change " 1. Uncheck "Automatically manage paging file size for all drives " 2. Check " Custom size " 3. In the " Initial size (MB) " type: 3000 (or directly 16000) 4. In the " Maximum size (MB) " type: 16000 (or more like 20k) 5. Click " Set " , then " OK " and " Apply " Restart the rig increase virtual memory 1increase virtual memory 2.
Power Plan and Options.
In search type " Power Options " Click on " Show additional plans " Select " High Performance " plan Then still on " High Performance " plan, click " Change plan settings " Select " Never " on all four selections for " Turn off the display " and " Put the computer to sleep " Click " Change advanced power settings " and look for " PCI Express " -> " Link State Power Management ", make sure it is set to " OFF ", usually it is but better to check on that Restart the rig power option high performance 1power option high performance 2.
Before to continue further, please share this thanks!
AMD Driver Version and Install/Uninstall.
I usually test the rig with this two driver versions!
VERY IMPORTANT: When you want to try a different driver version, use Display Driver Uninstaller in safe mode to uninstall the current driver, it will erase every track of previous video driver, download here:
Basically this is it.. ill update this post once i have new configurations!
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Everthing You Need To Know About Bitcoin (
In 2009, Bitcoin ( is launched by an unknown person named Satoshi Namakato. It is a new and innovative concept called cryptocurrency. Bitcoin ( is also known as BTC, It is decentralized digital cash. It will eliminate the intermediaries or middle man like governments and banks to make a financial transaction.
It is working on peer to peer technology. The trading symbol of bitcoin is "BTC". It is a computer file, which is stored in a digital wallet on your smartphone or desktop.
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It is the process of confirming the transaction and recording them on a public ledger. It is the most important part of the bitcoin network. It also secures the whole network and finds new bitcoins.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 01:04 pm

What Is A GPU Mining ( Rig? + A FULL Buying Guide For 2021|18:01
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 01:04 pm
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 01:05 pm

How much is the GPU Crypto Mining ( Farm Making??? Mining ( Farm Update - Jan 2021|17:26
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 01:05 pm
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 01:06 pm
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 01:06 pm

Noob's Guide to Building a $1,000 GPU MINING RIG ⛏|18:23
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 03:38 pm
Computer history, restoring vintage computers, IC reverse engineering, and whatever.
Bitcoin mining ( the hard way: the algorithms, protocols, and bytes.
The purpose of mining.
The main problem with a distributed transaction log is how to avoid inconsistencies that could allow someone to spend the same bitcoins twice. The solution in Bitcoin ( is to mine the outstanding transactions into a block of transactions approximately every 10 minutes, which makes them official. Conflicting or invalid transactions aren't allowed into a block, so the double spend problem is avoided.
Although mining transactions into blocks avoid double-spending, it raises new problems: What stops people from randomly mining blocks? How do you decide who gets to mine a block? How does the network agree on which blocks are valid? Solving those problems is the key innovation of Bitcoin ( mining is made very, very difficult, a technique called proof-of-work. It takes an insanely huge amount of computational effort to mine a block, but it is easy for peers on the network to verify that a block has been successfully mined.[1]
Each mined block references the previous block, forming an unbroken chain back to the first Bitcoin ( block. This blockchain ensures that everyone agrees on the transaction record. It also ensures that nobody can tamper with blocks in the chain since re-mining all the following blocks would be computationally infeasible.[2] As long as nobody has more than half the computational resources, mining remains competitive and nobody can control the blockchain.
As a side-effect, mining adds new bitcoins to the system. For each block mined, miners currently get 25 new bitcoins (currently worth about $15,000), which encourages miners to do the hard work of mining blocks. With the possibility of receiving $15,000 every 10 minutes, there is a lot of money in mining.
How mining works.
In more detail, to mine a block, you first collect the new transactions into a block. Then you hash the block to form a 256-bit block hash value. If the hash starts with enough zeros[3], the block has been successfully mined and is sent into the Bitcoin ( network and the hash becomes the identifier for the block. Most of the time the hash isn't successful, so you modify the block slightly and try again, over and over billions of times. About every 10 minutes someone will successfully mine a block, and the process starts over.
The diagram below shows the structure of a specific block, and how it is hashed. The yellow part is the block header, and it is followed by the transactions that go into the block. The first transaction is the special coinbase transaction that grants the mining reward to the miner. The remaining transactions are standard Bitcoin ( transactions moving bitcoins around. If the hash of the header starts with enough zeros[3], the block is successfully mined. For the block below, the hash is successful: 0000000000000000e067a478024addfecdc93628978aa52d91fabd4292982a50 and the block became block #286819 in the blockchain.
The block header contains a handful of fields that describe the block. The first field in the block is the protocol version. It is followed by the hash of the previous block in the blockchain, which ensures all the blocks form an unbroken sequence in the blockchain. (Inconveniently, the hash is reversed in the header.) The next field is the Merkle root ,[4] a special hash of all the transactions in the block. This is also a key part of Bitcoin ( security, since it ensures that transactions cannot be changed once they are part of a block.[5] Next is a (moderately accurate) timestamp of the block, followed by the mining difficulty value bits .[3] Finally, the nonce is an arbitrary value that is incremented on each hash attempt to provide a new hash value. The tricky part of mining is finding a nonce that works.
A short program to mine a block.
The following table shows the hash obtained for selected nonce values. The key point is that each nonce generates a basically-random hash value. Every so often a "lucky" nonce will generate a hash starting with some zeroes. To get a lot of zeroes, you need to try an exponentially large number of nonces. For this block, the "winning" nonce is 856192328.
nonce hash 0 5c56c2883435b38aeba0e69fb2e0e3db3b22448d3e17b903d774dd5650796f76 1 28902a23a194dee94141d1b70102accd85fc2c1ead0901ba0e41ade90d38a08e 2 729577af82250aaf9e44f70a72814cf56c16d430a878bf52fdaceeb7b4bd37f4 3 8491452381016cf80562ff489e492e00331de3553178c73c5169574000f1ed1c 39 03fd5ff1048668cd3cde4f3fb5bde1ff306d26a4630f420c78df1e504e24f3c7 990 0001e3a4583f4c6d81251e8d9901dbe0df74d7144300d7c03cab15eca04bd4bb 52117 0000642411733cd63264d3bedc046a5364ff3c77d2b37ca298ad8f1b5a9f05ba 1813152 00000c94a85b5c06c9b06ace1ba7c7f759e795715f399c9c1b1b7f5d387a319f 19745650 000000cdccf49f13f5c3f14a2c12a56ae60e900c5e65bfe1cc24f038f0668a6c 243989801 0000000ce99e2a00633ca958a16e17f30085a54f04667a5492db49bcae15d190 856192328 0000000000000000e067a478024addfecdc93628978aa52d91fabd4292982a50.
I should point out that I cheated by starting with a block that could be successfully mined. Most of the attempts to mine a block will fail entirely - none of the nonce values will succeed. In that case, you need to modify the block slightly and try again. The timestamp can be adjusted (which is why the timestamp in mined blocks is often wrong). New transactions can be added to the block, changing the Merkle hash. The coinbase transaction can be modified - this turns out to be very important for mining pools. Any of these changes will result in totally different hashes, so the nonce values can be tried again.
My Python program does about 42,000 hashes per second, which is a million times slower than the hardware used by real miners. My program would take about 11 million years on average to mine a block from scratch.
Mining is very hard.
Note that finding a successful hash is an entirely arbitrary task that doesn't accomplish anything useful in itself. The only purpose of finding a small hash is to make mining difficult, which is fundamental to Bitcoin ( security. It seems to me that the effort put into Bitcoin mining ( has gone off the rails recently.
Mining is funded mostly by the 25 bitcoin reward per block, and slightly by the transaction fees (about 0.1 bitcoin per block). Since the mining reward currently works out to about $15,000 per block, that pays for a lot of hardware. Per transaction, miners are getting about $34 in mining reward and $0.10 in fees (stats).
Mining with a pool.
Mining pools use an interesting technique to see how much work miners are doing. They send out a block to be mined, and get updates from a miner whenever a miner gets a partial solution. Each partial solution proves the miner is working hard on the problem and gives the miner a share in the final reward when someone succeeds in mining the block.
For instance, if Bitcoin mining ( requires a hash starting with 15 zeroes, the mining pool can ask for hashes starting with 10 zeroes, which is a million times easier. Depending on the power of their hardware, a miner might find such a solution every few seconds or a few times an hour. Eventually one of these solutions will start with not just 10 zeroes but 15 zeroes, successfully mining the block and winning the reward for the pool.[7] The reward is then split based on each miner's count of shares as a fraction of the total, and the pool operator takes a small percentage for overhead.[8]
Most of the time someone outside the pool will mine a block first. In that case, the pool operator sends out new data and the miners just start mining the new block. People in a pool can get edgy if a long time goes without a payout because of bad luck in mining.
Stratum: The communication between a pool and the miners.
An important issue for mining pools is how to support fast miners. The nonce field in the header is too small for fast miners since they will run through all the possible values faster than the pool can send blocks. The solution is to allow miners to update the coinbase transaction so they can put additional nonces there. This makes mining more complicated since after building the coinbase transaction the miner must recompute the Merkle hash tree and then try mining the block.
I'm going to look at the Stratum mining pool protocol that is used by many pools. (Some alternative protocols are the Getwork and Getblocktemplate protocols.) The following Python program uses the Stratum protocol to make a mining request to the GHash.IO mining pool and displays the results. (This program is a minimal demonstration; don't use this code for real mining.)
The information below is what the mining pool sends back over the network in response to the program above. Since the Stratum protocol uses JSON-RPC the results are readable ASCII rather than the binary packets used by most of Bitcoin ( This provides all the data needed to start mining as part of the pool: The first line is a response from the pool server with the subscription details. The first values are not too important. The value 4bc6af58 is the value extranonce1 that is used when building the block. Each client gets a unique value to ensure that all the mining clients generate unique blocks and don't duplicate work. The following value ( 4 bytes) is the length of the extranonce2_size value that the miner puts in the coinbase while mining.
The second line is a mining.set_difficulty message to our client. With a difficulty of 16, I can get a share every hour or two on my PC. In comparison, the Bitcoin mining ( difficulty is 3,129,573,174.52[3] - thus it's about 200 million times easier to get a share in this pool than to successfully mine a block independently. That's why people join pools.
The third line is a mining.notify notification to our client. This message defines that block for us to mine. There's a lot of data returned under "params", so I'll explain it field by field.
job_id 58af8d8c prevhash 975b9717f7d18ec1f2ad55e2559b5997b8da0e3317c803780000000100000000 coinb1 0100000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000ffffffff4803636004062f503253482f04428b055308 coinb2 2e522cfabe6d6da0bd01f57abe963d25879583eea5ea6f08f83e3327eba9806b 14119718cbb1cf04000000000000000000000001fb673495000000001976a914 80ad90d403581fa3bf46086a91b2d9d4125db6c188ac00000000 merkle_branch ["ea9da84d55ebf07f47def6b9b35ab30fc18b6e980fc618f262724388f2e9c591", . ] version 00000002 nbits 19015f53 ntime 53058b41 clean_jobs false.
The job_id is used to identify this mining task if the miner reports back success.
Most of the fields are used in the block header. The prevhash is the hash of the previous block. Apparently mixing big-ending and little-endian isn't confusing enough so this hash value also has every block of 4 bytes reversed. The version is the block protocol version. The nbits indicates the difficulty[3] of the block. The timestamp ntime is not necessarily accurate.
The coinb1 and coinb2 fields allow the miner to build the coinbase transaction for the block. This transaction is formed by concatenating coinb1 , the extranonce1 value obtained at the start, the extranonce2 that the miner has generated, and coinb2 . The result is a transaction in Bitcoin ( protocol. The merkle_branch hash list lets the miner efficiently recompute the Merkle hash with the new coinbase transaction.
clean_jobs is used if the miner needs to restart the mining jobs.
After receiving this data, the miner can start generating coinbase transactions and mining blocks.
Creating a block for a pool.
The structure of the coinbase transaction is similar to a regular transaction, but there are a few important differences. A normal transaction transfers bitcoins from inputs (usually source addresses) to outputs (usually destination addresses). A coinbase transaction is generating new bitcoins out of thin air, rather than doing a transfer, so the transaction is slightly different. The previous output hash and index are irrelevant for the coinbase transaction. the first script is the scriptSig which signs the transaction to prove ownership of the incoming bitcoins. In a coinbase transaction, this is irrelevant, so instead the field is called the coinbase and is mostly arbitrary data.[9] (Many miners hide messages in there.) The value field in the coinbase transaction is the 25 Bitcoin mining ( reward plus any bitcoins left over from the other transactions (the left over bitcoins are treated as mining fees). Finally, both regular transactions and the coinbase transaction use the second script ( scriptPubKey ) to specify the recipients of the bitcoins.[10] For details on transactions, see my my previous article.
Once the coinbase transaction is created, the hash for this coinbase transaction is combined with the merkle_branch data from the pool to generate the Merkle hash[4] for the entire set of transactions. Because of the structure of the Merkle hash (explained below), this allows the hash for the entire set of transactions to be recomputed easily.
Finally, the block header is built from the new Merkle hash and the data provided by the pool, and the hash algorithm can iterate over the nonce values in the header, just like the Python program earlier. Once all the nonce values have been tried, the miner increments the extranonce2, generates a new coinbase transaction and continues.
Informing the mining pool of success.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 03:38 pm
Mining for fun and profit.
The screenshot above shows what mining looks like as you get shares and blocks get mined. I got lucky and it only took me a minute to successfully mine a share. A minute later someone successfully mined a block, so the pool tells everyone to start over. Another block was mined less than a minute after that - although blocks are 10 minutes apart on average, the times can vary widely. It took 12 minutes for my next share to be generated. After running for a while, I earned 0.00000043 BTC, which is a tiny fraction of a cent.
Bitcoin mining ( is an "arms race". Originally people could mine with the CPU on a regular PC, but that hasn't been practical for a while. Next mining was offloaded to GPUs. Now, mining is done with special-purpose ASIC hardware, which is rapidly increasing in speed. For-profit mining is very competitive, and you'll need to look elsewhere for information.
If you want to try out mining just for fun, you may prefer to mine a currency such as Dogecoin rather than Bitcoin ( First, Dogecoin uses a different hash algorithm which doesn't work well with ASIC hardware, so you're not as disadvantaged compared to professional miners. Second, because dogecoins are worth much less than bitcoins, you'll end up with a much larger number of dogecoins, which seems more rewarding. For Dogecoin mining, I used the pool somewhat arbitrarily. The process is almost the same as Bitcoin mining (, except you use the scrypt algorithm instead of sha256d . There are many other alternative cryptocurrencies to choose from.
Notes and references.
With these changes, the mining problem is in NP. The next question is if it is NP-complete. That is, can an arbitrary NP-complete problem be turned into a mining problem? I believe that is currently unknown.
[2] You might wonder what happens if two miners succeed in mining a block at approximately the same time. Has the problem of conflicting transactions has just been replaced by the problem of conflicting blocks?) The rule is that only the longest chain of valid blocks is used, and the other branch is ignored. Thus, when a miner extends the chain with one of the two parallel blocks, the other block becomes an orphan block and is ignored.
Orphan blocks are fairly common, roughly one a day. For this reason, the (somewhat arbitrary) recommendation is to wait for six confirmations (about one hour) before considering a transaction solidly confirmed.
[3] I've been describing a successful hash as starting with enough zeros, but there's an official definition of difficulty. A valid block must have a hash below a target value. (Since the target starts with a bunch of zeros, so will the valid hash.)
There are two different hard-to-understand ways of representing the target. The first, bits is a mantissa/exponent representation of the target in 32 bits. The second, difficulty is the ratio between a base target and the current target. A difficulty of N is N times as difficult as this base target. The base target is 0x00000000FFFF0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 , which corresponds to approximately 1 in 2 32 or 1 in 4.2 billion hashes succeeding.
Difficulty changes approximately every two weeks to keep the block hash rate around 1 every 10 minutes. The difficulty value is 3,129,573,174.52, corresponding to a target of 00000000000000015f5300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 . Multiplying my PC's performance by the current difficulty shows it would take my PC about 35,000 years to mine a block.
The pool difficulty is important when using a mining pool. My PC can do about 12 million hashes/sec running cpuminer, so at a difficulty of 1 my PC could find a block every 6 minutes. The BTC Guild pool uses a difficulty of 2, so I get a share about every 12 minutes. GHash.IO has a minimum difficulty of 16 on the other hand, so I only get a share every hour or two on the average. (My overall earnings would be similar either way, since the shares per block scale inversely with the difficulty.)
[4] Instead of hashing all the transactions into the block directly, the transactions are first hashed together to yield a Merkle root . The Merkle root is the root of a binary Merkle tree. The idea is to start with all the transaction hashes. Pairs of hashes are hashed together to yield new hashes. The process is repeated on the new list of hashes and continues recursively until a single hash is obtained. This final root hash is the value used when computing the block. (See Wikipedia for more details.)
In the Merkle tree, each transaction is hashed. Then pairs of hashes are hashed together. Then pairs of the new hashes are hashed together, and so on, until a single hash remains. This allows the hash of a single transaction to be verified efficiently without recomputing all the hashes. One place this comes in useful is generating a new coinbase transaction for a mining pool.
The (patented) idea of a Merkle tree is if you need to modify or verify a single transaction, you don't need to recompute everything, but can just recompute the affected pairs. Personally, I think the Merkle tree is a pointless optimization for Bitcoin ( and for reasonable transaction numbers it would be faster to do a single large hash, rather than multiple hashes up the Merkle tree.
Here's some demonstration code to compute the Merkle root for the block I'm discussing. The 99 transaction hashes are hard-coded for convenience. The resulting Merkle root is 871714dcbae6c8193a2bb9b2a69fe1c0440399f38d94b3a0f1b447275a29978a.
[5] There are a few ways that third parties can modify transactions without invalidating the signature on the transaction. This is known as transaction malleability. These modifications change the hash of the transaction. Since the hash is part of the block, a transaction has a fixed hash and cannot be modified by malleability once it has been mined into a block. (Unless the whole block is orphaned, of course.)
[6] It's hard to estimate the cost of mining because the hardware is changing so rapidly and it's unclear what is actually in use, but I'll do a rough calculation. Looking at the Bitcoin mining ( hardware and Mining hardware comparison pages, the HashBlaster looks like the most efficient currently available at 375 MH/s/$ and 1818 MH/s/W. The Bitcoin ( network is 25 billion MH/s, which works out to about $70 million hardware cost and 15 MW. (This is about the total power consumption of Cambodia.) At $0.15/kWH, that would be about $50,000/day on electricity ($300 per block or $0.70 per transaction). Since mining generates about $140,000 per day, spending $50,000 per day on electricity seems like the right ballpark. Other estimates are at Hacker News.
[7] You might wonder why a miner doesn't cheat. If they successfully mine a block, why not submit it themselves so they can claim the full mining reward, rather than splitting it? The main reason is the coinbase transaction has the pool's address, not the miner's address. If the miner submits the block bypassing the pool, the reward still goes to the pool. And if the miner changes the address, the hash is no longer valid.
[8] There are several different reward systems used by mining pools. For instance, a pool can pay out the exact amount earned from a block or an average amount. Or a pool can pay a fixed amount per share. A pool can weight shares by time to avoid miners switching between pools mid-block. These different systems can balance risk between the miners and the pool operator and adjust the variance of payments. For details, see the Bitcoin ( wiki here or here.
[9] I've figured out a lot of the structure of the coinbase script above. First it contains the block height (0x046063 or 286819), which is required for version 2). Next is the string '/P2SH/' which indicates the miner supports Pay To Script Hash). This is followed by a timestamp. Next is 8 bytes of the two nonces. This is followed by apparently-random data and then the text "Happy NY! Yours GHash.IO".
[10] The typical coinbase script format has changed over time. Originally, the output scripts were all pay-to-pubkey, with the script: public_key OP_CHECKSIG . This script puts the public key itself in the script. However, now about 95% of coinbase transactions use the standard pay-to-pubkey-hash script: OP_DUP OP_HASH160 addr OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG . This script only includes the public key hash (the address) and requires the redeemer to provide the public key. To see the difference, compare the output scripts in this transaction and this transaction.
Bitcoin ( Algorithm Explained.
Founded by a pseudonymous individual or group, Bitcoin ( is a peer-to-peer digital currency that is designed to serve as a medium of exchange for the purchase of goods and services. With Bitcoin (, individuals are able to execute cross-border digital payments at virtually no cost, all without having to involve any financial intermediaries. Bitcoin ( is underpinned by a piece of technology known as the blockchain, which can be thought of as a ledger that keeps a transparent and immutable record of economic transactions that are made using Bitcoin ( A significant element of Bitcoin ( that facilitates its operation is the Bitcoin ( algorithm for proof of work mining, which is known as Secure Hash Algorithm 256 (SHA-256).
Proof of work mining is an essential component of the Bitcoin ( system that enables for the correct processing of transactions on the blockchain. The mining element of the proof of work process concerns individuals (who are known as miners), generating correct proofs that are necessary before a block can be added to the blockchain. Miners will use data from a block header as an input, and put it through a cryptographic hash function. In the case of Bitcoin (, this hashing function is SHA-256.
Miners will also include a nonce in the input so that they can hash slight variations of the input data. The purpose of proof of work mining is to get a hash value that is lower than the target hash that has been set by the network. If the correct output hash value is found by a miner, they will be able to process transactions and add a new block to the blockchain. Miners are also rewarded in bitcoins for successfully finding a valid hash. It is also important to note that producing a correct hash value in Bitcoin ('s proof of work system is probabilistically low, thus, a miner will typically need to generate a large number of incorrect hashes before a valid hash is found.
Bitcoin ( Algorithm: SHA-256.
Individuals that wish to mine on the Bitcoin ( network must operate what is known as a mining node, which is a node that has been specially set up to mine on the network. Once a mining node is operational, miners can then begin to construct what are known as candidate blocks. These blocks must be properly constructed by a miner, and doing so requires that 6 parameters which are found in each candidate block be filled in correctly. These parameters include:
Version - The version number of the Bitcoin ( software. Previous block hash - A reference to the hash of the previous block that was included on the blockchain. Merkle Root - A representative hash of all transactions that are included in the candidate block. Timestamp - A piece of information that references the time that the block was created. Target - The target hash threshold, this block's header hash must be less than or equal to the target hash that has been set by the network. Nonce - The variable that is used in the proof of work mining process.
The candidate block is then relayed to the rest of the network so that it can be checked for its validity. If the block is regarded as valid by the rest of the network, then it will be added to the blockchain.
Network Difficulty.
The Bitcoin ( algorithm also incorporates what is known as network difficulty. This concept can be thought of as being the measure by which one can determine the difficulty of finding a correct hash value in the proof of work mining process. This difficulty can change based on an increase or decrease in the target hash value. For example, if the rate at which valid hashes are being discovered on the network increases, then the network target hash value will be lowered. This has the effect of reducing the number of valid hashes that are capable of being discovered. Conversely, if there is a decrease in the rate of correct hashes being discovered, then the network target hash value will increase in order to enlarge the number of valid hash values that can be found.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 04:09 pm

GS Mining ( Company - A look at 2020 and what is ahead in 2021|21:05
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 04:10 pm

ICO MINING - Завершено! Стартовая цена токенов MNG. Как торговать на бирже waves?|19:31
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 04:12 pm
Bitcoin mining ( is a transaction record process with bitcoins to blockchain - the public database of all the operations with Bitcoin (, which is responsible for the transaction confirmation. Network nodes use blockchain to differ the real transactions from the attempt to spend the same facilities twice. The main mining objective is reaching a consensus between network nodes on which transactions consider legitimate.
1 What is Bitcoin mining ( 2 Transaction record process 3 How Bitcoin mining ( Works 4 Difficulty 5 Mining in pools 5.1 Equipment 5.2 Mining farm 6 Cloud mining 7 Web mining 8 Mining profit 9 Mining Hardware 9.1 CPU 9.2 GPU 9.3 FPGA 9.4 ASIC 9.5 Mining Hardware Comparison 10 History 11 See also 12 Resources.
What is Bitcoin mining ( [ edit ]
Bitcoin mining ( is the process of issuing bitcoin, built on the calculation of mathematical problems, is the only way to create a cryptocurrency.
The essence of mining is that in different parts of the Earth, there are computers that solve mathematical tasks, the result of which is the creation of bitcoin. The release (production) process is distributed to all participants in the system, which ensures security and is not controlled by a single issuing center.
All Bitcoin ( transfers are recorded in the public transaction log, they are transmitted to the miners in a chain. The job of which is to pick up one single hash from a million combinations, which would be suitable for all new transactions and a secret key, which is a guarantee of receiving a reward of 25 Bitcoins. At the same time, many "getters" are competing for the award, who are the first to try to figure out the hash. When it is guessed, the block and all transactions are closed and the miners start generating the next block.
An example hash with the same phrases but with different additional parameters (in the example, the last line has the lowest hash value):
The target level of difficulty in the Bitcoin ( system is recalculated every 2016 blocks (approximately 2 times a week). It can increase or decrease, it all depends on the time of creation of new batches of the block and how much it differs from 2016 minutes (20160 * 10). Regardless of the total power of all miners, 1 block is generated on average within 10 minutes.
The miner's probability of receiving a reward during these 10 minutes is equal to the ratio of his computing power to the computing power of the entire network. And if this ratio is small, then the probability of receiving an award, even over a long period of time, will be low.
Transaction record process [ edit ]
Besides this, mining is the only way of bitcoins emission that are allocated as a miner reward for the mathematical task solution with the help of computer equipment. The process is advisedly done resource-intensive and difficult to leave permanent the number of blocks found by miners.
Every block should contain the confirmation that the mathematical task has been solved and each of the network nods can easily check, if the block has been really closed by the rules. Emission is decentralized as a reward that means a control absence over the output by a single center. During this process miners confirm accomplishing transactions in the network. In order to protect the network from overruns, mining is possible in strictly defined capacities.
Bitcoins, issued with the help of mining are the best way to hold the transaction anonymity during the work with cryptocurrency. Nevertheless, they can be used only after getting 100 network confirmations.
How Bitcoin mining ( Works [ edit ]
All the transfers in the Bitcoin ( system are public. Miners' work consists in choosing the right hash, which will be convenient to all the network transactions and will provide getting of the private key. There are millions of possible combinations and that's why the process usually takes time and demands powerful equipment.
Unknown hash is the quantity that consists of the previous block hash, a random number and transactions check value sum, made during 10 minutes. System conditions can satisfy the only one quantity, which isn't permanent and changes after each block is closed.
As soon as the right hash is defined the transaction block closes and the miner obtains reward in the amount of 12.5 bitcoins. This process can be compared with lottery, because a lot of participants are simultaneously searching the hash. The system works pursuant to the strict rules and according to them changing of closed block is practically impossible.
Difficulty [ edit ]
Mining difficulty is a dynamic indicator that is periodically recalculated. With an increase in the processing power of mining equipment, complexity grows. It is best to look for up-to-date information on the state of difficulty in mining cryptocurrency on official currency sites. However, this is difficult. Links to mining statistics, even on official websites, are sometimes difficult to find. To simplify the process, aggregator sites of statistical information about all cryptocurrencies have been created. They collect, process and publish relevant data not only about the complexity of mining, but also several dozen indicators: price, capitalization, hashrate, profitability, transaction amount, and so on.
Mining in pools [ edit ]
Bitcoin mining ( is a very difficult process and it's necessary to have essential capacities for processing. It has become practically impossible to follow mining alone, because of permanent increasing difficulty of the process and crypto-currency market development. As a result, the concept "pool mining" has appeared, which means the computational capacities banding of several participants in a group for the new block generation. The pool obtained reward for the closed block is shared between its participants.
Equipment [ edit ]
For the long time mining has been available for home computers users, but in 2013 competition between miners for finding the right hash has increased, therefore personal mining has lost it's economic justifiability. During the development and modernization process the next computer equipment types have been used for mining:
CPU is a one of the oldest versions working with the help of the computer processor. This option can be found in the main bitcoin client, but it's off-stream now because of the extra low effectiveness; GPU lies in using graphic card. This type of mining has changed the processors. It's hallmark is the increasing of system power; FPGA is an upgrade variant of GPU, which differs by lower energy consumption; ASIC is a mining with a special equipment created specially for work with crypto-currency. Its effectiveness far exceeds the attributes of usual graphic cards, so it has inaugurated a new era in Bitcoin ( development.
Potential investors can use online mining calculators to know the effectiveness and profitability of special equipment like mining farms.
Mining farm [ edit ]
Mining farm - is a data center, technically equipped to mine bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies.
They were emerged as a result of the constant complication of the process, which requires more technical, energy and financial resources.
Farms allow the productivity of computers and, consequently, the Hash Rate to be maximized. The productivity of the largest farms can be several dozen PH/s (1015 hashes/second).
Physically, farms are rooms with a large number of computers and servers that take on tasks for mining.
There are also home-mining farms. They differ from ordinary PCs, by being specially assempled and designed for mining. Home farms can bring profitability, but users often face the problem of excessive electricity consumption and overheating of the computer at home which makes mining unprofitable.
One of the main resources into which a miner has to invest is electricity. It is also a risk factor, since the farm requires a permanent 24/7 power source. In addition, a large number of processors require an appropriate cooling and ventilation system.
Cloud mining [ edit ]
Cloud mining is a process of obtaining Bitcoins with the use of a remote data processing center with the general computational power. This allows the users to mine Bitcoins or alternative crypto currencies without controlling the equipment directly. Most of all, the services of the cloud mining are used by the users from the countries with an expensive electric power supply, which doesn't allow them to create mining rigs by their own.
Another option is a private virtual service, where a user installs the mining software.
Finally, a user may take the computational powers themselves by using already the results of their work and not coming in touch with physical or virtual servers.
Web mining [ edit ]
Web-mining, or "hidden mining" - is an alternative method of cryptocurrency mining through the web browsers of users of websites. In fact, owners of Internet resources can convert the capacities of visitors' computers into cryptocurrency.
This method is conducted by special web-miners - programs that can work when the user's browser is switched on or runs in the background. Technically, such a program can be started on the computer with a line of JavaScript code written on the page, or the code itself is embedded into the browser extension. There are also viruses that make computer capacities work for cryptocurrency mining.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 04:12 pm

Honest Mining ( (HNST) Обзор от ICO Каталог|3:21
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 04:13 pm
Mining profit [ edit ]
Profitability of mining is the level of reward that a user of the blockchain network receives (providing of his technical capacities for verifying transactions and solution of network tasks, resulting in a new data block on the network).
The profitability depends on two related factors. The first one consists in the complexity of the process itself, on which the reward depends (the more difficult the process is, the smaller amounts of tasks can be made per technical resource unit and, consequently, the less reward you will receive). The second factor is the cost of bitcoin (or other crypto currency). That is, how much your reward is in terms of fiat currencies.
The average annual profitability ranges from 120 to 200% per annum, and for some products in the period of "mining boom" from the end of 2016 showed even the best result. However, this indicator does not take into account additional investments: rental of premises, management of farms and energy costs. Adjusted for these factors in 2016, the profitability of mining amounted to about 10-50% per annum.
Mining Hardware [ edit ]
Specifically for Bitcoin (, the number of mining types has significantly decreased. If other cryptocurrencies can still be mined using video cards, processors, hard drives, etc., then the high complexity of Bitcoin mining ( makes all these methods not only inefficient, but even unprofitable.
CPU [ edit ]
A central processing unit (or CPU) is an integrated circuit that is an essential part of the hardware of a personal computer or any other equipment. Currently, any modern, high-performance computer is equipped with a powerful central processor with a high frequency of operation and several cores. Accordingly, if a miner has a good personal computer, then he will not have to invest hundreds or thousands of dollars in equipment.
GPU [ edit ]
Mining on a video card is the process of mining cryptocurrency using graphic processors (GPUs). To do this, user needs a powerful video card in his home computer or a specially assembled farm of several devices in one system. If miner is interested in why GPUs are used for this process, then the answer is very simple. The thing is that video cards are initially developed to process a large amount of data by performing the same operations, as is the case with video processing. The same picture is observed in cryptocurrency mining, because here the hashing process is just the same. See the main article: Why a GPU mines faster than a CPU.
FPGA [ edit ]
FPGA stands for Field Programmable Gate Array. The microcircuit is a semiconductor. Used in cases where the device is designed to perform logical operations, such as and, or, nand and others.
ASIC [ edit ]
An application-specific integrated circuit, or ASIC, is just a chip designed solely for one type of work - decryption of a specific algorithm. To mine Bitcoins, this is SHA-256. Due to the lack of multitasking, devices show significantly more power than those that are suitable for all algorithms at once.
Mining Hardware Comparison [ edit ]
Hardware Power Adaptability Price Availability User Friendly ASIC ✔️ - - ✔️ ✔️ GPU - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ FPGA ✔️ ✔️ - ✔️ -
To describe the table above, ASIC uses a lot of electricity, has a high price and very user-friendly but the price is expensive and ASIC can't change the mining algorithm. Meanwhile, GPU is using a fairly low power compared to ASIC, can adapt to various algorithms, cheap compared to other options, easy to get, and easy to use. Finally, FPGA can change algorithm but not user-friendly, you'll need to be able to create a Verilog program. Also, FPGA was quite expensive and hard to get, but now you can find them easily and cheaply online. In terms of hashing speed, CPU History [ edit ]
Bitcoin ('s public ledger (the blockchain) was started on January 3rd, 2009 at 18:15 UTC presumably by Satoshi Nakamoto. The first block is known as the genesis block. The first transaction recorded in the first block was a single transaction paying the reward of 50 new bitcoins to its creator. Blockchain mining.
Bitcoin ( cloud mining, is it worth it and is it safe?
Bitcoin ( (BTC) cloud mining can beВ a tricky thing to determine if it's completely safe in the Bitcoin ( world, and if it is, will it be cost effective? The return on your investment can be longer than other alternatives such as buying and selling Bitcoin (
This can be due to the fees involved, the time it takes to mine, the upfront costs and the value of Bitcoin ( during that time. The upside is that if the costs are reasonable, the cloud mining operation has good rewards and the price of Bitcoin ( rises, you will more than likely end up making a healthy return on your investment. (Update: Bitcoin ( is less usable as money due to much higher fees and delayed transaction times. The Core team has also expressed an interest in keeping these fees high since they view BTC as a "store-of-value" and not something to be transacted on a daily basis. In contrast, Bitcoin ( Cash's transaction fees cost pennies and payments can be validated even with zero confirmations. These facts make BCH the ideal cryptocurrency for sending and receiving money anywhere in the world.)
Your first task is to find a reputable cloud mining provider.В One of the best ways to make sure you have a reputable service is to look on industry news sites, forums, and reddit sub-forums to check out lists of cloud services and customer feedback on them. Many times you will find that people will post about their experiences with different services, exposing scams or detailing why a service may be legit.
A thing to keep in mind as well that many scam services will buy advertising on everything from forums, news sites and subreddits. So be careful and do your due diligence before you spend your money. If you see an ad for a service but cannot find much information on it ask on a forum or subreddit, contact the news organization that you saw the ad on and ask for feedback. Many times someone will know more information or at least be able to provide guidance.
Bitcoin ( has launched it’s own cloud mining pool with competitive pricing, which you can register for and begin cloud mining today. When you have discovered and researched the cloud mining service you want to use you need to then take into account the following things next in deciding to buy or not.
Price per gh/s or th/s Service fees (some are included in the purchase of your hashrate as opposed to recurring fees) Time to ROI (this is very important as even a legit service may cost so much that to ROI the time frame could be unrealistic with difficulty levels moving up and BTC value not climbing enough to help get your ROI on your purchased hashrate)
If you have decided that your chosen cloud mining service meets all of your mining requirements then you purchase your hash power and sit back and watch the Bitcoin ( rewards come in. You do not have to setup or maintain any equipment, listen to it make noise and generating heat.
Pros and Cons of Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining.
No installation or setup costs (hosting centers will host Bitcoin mining ( gear you buy and run it at their location. Many will charge a one time setup fee) No noisy, heat generating gear in your home. Maintenance is taken care of. No extra equipment to buy to have your mining gear running. No risks of fire and other issues that can arise from running it yourself.
You do not own the equipment which means you cannot sell it. Some you cannot point your hashrate at the mining pool of your choice. Some providers will cease operations of your chosen cloud miners if a profitability threshold is too low as difficulty goes up and new equipment comes out. Company can go out of business or just run away with the funds if they want. Could end up a scam as promised payouts are unable to be met as hashrate was oversold (selling more hashrate that they have) and owners decide to cut and run as they did not put some of their profits into upgrading to new gear as it comes out.
While this is a lot to keep in mind when looking for a cloud mining service if you do your homework you may have things work out okay. В It is never a guarantee when you do not have control over your mining gear. Always keep that in mind. В So as you can see cloud mining while being a good idea on one hand can be a risk on the other hand. Just like a normal stock investment, never risk more than you can lose, and do your homework first before investing.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 15, 2021, 04:13 pm

Dao Maker ICO - Is this Worth Investing in? Social Mining ( Concept!!|13:45
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 16, 2021, 03:41 pm
Is Cryptocurrency Mining Worth It?
Is mining cryptocurrency worth it? This is a very good question, but not one that has a straightforward answer. There are a few factors to consider. But the short answer is no; the overall cost of mining is such that it is not profitable in the short-term. As a simple cost to profit comparison, the profits of mining cryptocurrencies are very, very modest.
But that is not the full story. This is not to say that there is no profitability in mining. However, the profits might be more long-term rather than short-term. For starters, when mining Bitcoin ( started in 2009, a miner could use a personal computer. Moreover, the competition with other miners was not so fierce as it is presently.
This is in large part because now most mining takes place in China. It's also primarily performed in pools, rather than independently. As a result, mining is no longer an after-school activity. Miners need to consider a few factors when thinking about profitability; both short term, and long term.
What cannot be overlooked is the burgeoning acceptance of cryptocurrencies and their growing influence upon fiat markets. So there is no doubt that cryptocurrencies have value. But how much and for how long is a question no one can answer with certainty. And this volatility, along with the cost of energy to mine makes for some real uncertainty.
Here are a few numbers that need to be considered:
On December 11, 2017: Bitcoin ( value: $14594.78, then 10 days later: $17010.53 (an increase of over $2000 in value). On June 26, 2018: Bitcoin ( value: $6215.85, then 10 days later: $6656.48 A smaller increase, and worth about $10 000 less than six months earlier. On December 3, 2018 Bitcoin ( value: $4177.35, then 10 days later: $3468.52 While writing this article: Bitcoin ( price is valued at $5,191.75.
Although the volatility of a currency like bitcoin is not likely a surprise to anyone, the value of the currency and the cost of mining are interdependent. This interdependence is based on a few significant factors. When the market is good, miners have a lot to gain. Presently, mining a bitcoin block with two bitcoin worth of transaction fees will yield a mining payout of 14.5 BTC.
Based on a current estimated value of bitcoin at about $5000 USD, that is a value of $72 000, not including the miner's fees. However, when mining there are a few necessary considerations. The fundamental concern is the significant amount of energy needed to mine cryptocurrency and the corresponding cost.
Let's take a look at the nature and cost of mining in a bit more detail. This article will consider Bitcoin mining ( more than other currencies. However, these costs are in many ways ubiquitous in the world of mining cryptocurrencies.
To understand the costs associated with mining, the main items that we will look at in relation to the profitability of mining are:
Difficulty Hash-rate Transaction fees Mining pools Energy costs.
When a miner is mining for bitcoin, they need to do two main things:
Solve for the hash-target of the transaction Then add the successful hash to the blockchain.
Solving for the target-hash of a transaction is not as easy as it sounds. While the heavy math is done by a computer, in order to solve for the hash, the program must run a significant amount of computations. So a miner can no longer use a personal computer to do. Instead, they would need specialized hardware, or ASICs. Despite the cost, if you are successful you will become the owner of the valuable and newly minted bitcoins, as well as the transaction fees.
Difficulty rate:
Difficulty rate, in many ways, is as variable as the market value of bitcoin. Bitcoin ( is mined at a steady rate, at about 1 bitcoin every 10 minutes. In order to maintain this rate, the program must adjust itself. That means that when there are more miners mining, not only does the competition to solve for the target-hash increase, but the system adjusts to respond to this increase to maintain the 10-minute process.
The hash-rate is the speed of computation of a bitcoin transaction. A miner is better off with a higher hash-rate, as a higher rate increases their chances of solving for the target-hash. However, the difficulty is in direct relation to the number of miners trying to solve for the hash. So if the difficulty is high, then an individual miner will need to process more computations.
Mining Rewards: New Coins and Transaction Fees.
Each time a transaction is made on the Bitcoin ( Network, or any other decentralized blockchain network, there is a transaction fee. In a broad sense, you can think of these fees in the same way that you pay bank or credit card fees.
Such fees are a necessary part of a decentralized system. The reward both encourages miners and participating networks to conform to the consensus protocols. This is key in maintaining the health and functionality of the system. Fees also incentivize participation on any blockchain. There must be some sort of give and take for a decentralized system to function.
The major differences with transaction fees for a cryptocurrency are that you are paying the miner directly, no middle-man. Additionally, there is no set rate for transaction costs.
Transaction Fees.
Transactions fees are for the most part dictated by the theory of scarcity; supply and demand . When there are many miners participating, this is typically good for the user, because fees are lower as there is more competition. However, so the reverse is also true. When there are fewer miners, transaction fees can skyrocket.
Similarly, if there is increased activity on the Bitcoin ( Network, miners can take advantage of this need and exploit it for higher fees. Bitcoin ( and similar cryptocurrencies are the ultimate expressions of the free market. Therefore the market regulates itself and only the consumers and supplies dictate the price of a transaction.
The most profitable aspect of mining is not the fees, however. The new coins minted are the most profitable part of mining. New coins are minted each time a transaction is approved. Every 4 years bitcoin's program is set to decrease the number of awarded coins by about half.
The program schedule looks like this:
2009 (when Bitcoin ( was first mined) mining one block would earn 50 BTC. 2012, this was halved to 25 BTC. 2016, this was halved to the current level of 12.5 BTC. 2020 (approximately) the reward will be halved again to 6.25 BTC.
The value of the reward will obviously vary based on the market value at the time.
Cryptocurrency Mining Costs.
If you are successful, the rewards are nothing to sneeze at. Even with the volatility of cryptocurrencies, bitcoin continues to rebound. Not only that, blockchain is becoming a more appealing technology in its own right. So with some investment and serious computational power, not only does your newly minted coin have cash value on the market, but currencies like bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin, to name a few, are proving to have serious staying power.
All that being said, the cost of powering the hardware necessary and energy needed to mine for bitcoin are significant.
Cost of hardware:
Initially, when Satoshi Nakamoto started bitcoin in 2009, it could be mined using a CPU, a personal computer. However, as mining has become more popular, and therefore more competitive, in order to mine you now need specialized hardware called ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuits).
The basic cost of these devices is variable, running from about $1000-$3500. However, in order to make a significant profit, you will need more than one. And you may be better off pooling your resources with other miners.
Energy Costs:
It is not the hardware that is the real expense; it is the energy necessary to repeatedly run computations competitively. For example, when bitcoin was worth $8,000 USD, the power usage of the bitcoin network peaked at 7.67 gigawatts. That's 1/5 of Britain's annual energy consumption. As the difficulty of mining increases, so do the number of computations, and so does the consumption of energy.
In order to manage the rise energy consumption of Bitcoin mining (, many miners currently operate in areas with cheaper power, like rural China and America. The areas with available hydroelectric power offer electricity prices that can be a 20% reduction from elsewhere in the country.
To respond to miner's exploitation of lower energy costs, in the western United States, for example, some utility companies have responded by freezing service to new cryptocurrency installations or by charging them higher rates.
Similarly, Chinese authorities have started dismantling certain hydroelectric projects. These smaller hydro projects are then connected to national grids. As a consequence, rural-run hydro is becoming more valuable. All that being said, the vast majority of mining pools are working from China presently, where energy is still the most affordable.
In response to the high cost of mining and the need for more hash-power, miners can join pools to share their power and resources. A mining pool is a collection or group of miners collaborating to increase their odds of finding a block.
In pools, miners combine their individual computational resources with the other members. Pools result in increased processing power, which makes solving for the target-hash more likely. Members are rewarded accordingly based on the conditions of the pools and on the applicable shares of the pool participants.
So what's the verdict?
My best answer is that it is too early to tell if cryptocurrency mining is profitable. And here's why:
Based on what we have seen with cryptocurrency trends, we know that cryptocurrencies are holding strong, and the strongest continue to prove their staying power. Clearly, there is a need in the market that cryptocurrency is filling.
Nevertheless, we don't see a lot of short-term gains in the market anymore. Early investors are feeling the volatility of the market, while simultaneously reaping the rewards of the slowing long-term.
However, with increasing concern for the energetic cost of hash-rates, it is unlikely that governments and utility companies will overlook this conspicuous consumption for much longer. For now, I think the best and most honest answer, if not the most dissatisfying one, is that only time will tell how profitable cryptocurrency mining will be in the future. But for now, the potential reward of striking gold will cost you.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 16, 2021, 03:42 pm

This ASIC Miner Makes $30 A DAY!|11:52
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 16, 2021, 03:43 pm
USB BitcoinMiner Review 2020.
At a time when the cryptocurrencies are coming into the mainstream market, the scope for mining has increased many folds. US Bitcoin ( miner is one such device that eases this complex process and enables even a beginner to set up their own little hub.
What is USB Bitcoin ( Miner?
A USB Bitcoin ( Miner is a small device used by miners to improve the mining power of their computers. Mining for cryptocurrencies is a power-consuming process, and the computer could also generate too much heat. Using USB Bitcoin ( miners would help bring down this pressure on the computers as they can be used to set up an external assistance hub for the power generation and speeding up the process.
Since the Bitcoins are awarded to the miners who solve the first, the most important factor in mining is an efficient mining device. The USB Bitcoin ( miners are far easier to handles, connect in multiple numbers, and save more and more space on the workstation. Mainly, these are used to increase the CPU power of the mining computers.
A mining computer would have specific software suitable for the mining process. A USB Bitcoin ( miner enhances the power of the mining computer. Most importantly, one can connect multiple USB miners to create a hub and then connect it to the computer that would tremendously increase the overall power of the computer and speed for hashing. About 6 USB miners can provide a hashing output power of 2 GigaHashes.
Hashing is the process of converting transaction data into a sequence of numbers and letters that are longer.
The importance of these USB miners is the limited number of USB ports on a computer. Having the external hub creates more power and reduces the heat generated by the computer in the process. The external hub will have other factors in it and an additional external power input as well.
Moreover, the USB can also connect to external devices such as USB Bitcoin ( miner Raspberry pi to have the running capacity of the miners.
Top 3 USB Bitcoin ( Miner 2020.
The leading USB Bitcoin ( miners 2020 are.
ASIC Bitcoin ( miner that has a power of 25 Giga hashes per second. But the drawback here is that it gets heated up really quickly and constantly requires an active cooling system. Avalon Nano is one of the low powered USB miners that has only 3.6 Gh per second. Though heating capacity is very low, it does not generate more earning per year. Gekkoscience Compac USB Stick can perform up to a power of 15 Gh per second. This is one of the most popular mining devices and has more support with its working from others. This is a low-cost option, but the cooling system should be high class.
How To Make Your Own USB Bitcoin ( Miner?
There are options for a setup of your own USB Bitcoin ( miner for beginners. This is a low-cost option and functions just like any other set up.
In order to build a USB Bitcoin ( miner, you need two basic factors, and a minicomputer set up to run the software and external mining hardware. Both of these are made of different components. The needed components are.
External Hardware.
The Setup Procedure.
Cover the Raspberry pi with its cover. Upload the mining software into the SD card and insert it in its slot on the Raspberry pi Connect the Raspberry Pi to the USB hub with the power cord Now, connect all your ASIC miners into the USB slots available in the hub Place the USB fan to cool down the miners and connect its cord to the hub Plugin the USB cable to transfer data from miners to Raspberry and connect it to the internet through the Ethernet cable. Connect the hub to the power source and switch on the power to start mining.
The Verdict.
You must understand that Bitcoin mining ( is a power-consuming process, and not everyone can get huge benefits. When mining is a hobby, having your own USB mining setup is a better option than spending too much on other options. At the same time, the small USB miners do not occupy too much space, which is a huge advantage.
What is a USB bitcoin miner and How this device works?
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1 Answer.
Active Voted Newest Oldest.
USB bitcoin miner is simply a Bitcoin mining ( device which can be performed with the computational power of electronic devices. Many of you might not be aware of Bitcoin mining (, it is the process of verifying and identifying transactions and adding them into the public ledger which is also known as Blockchain. So, it is a kind of puzzle which is solved by computers and in reward, they get bitcoins as a block reward. Bitcoin mining ( can be done by anyone who has access to the internet and hardware to mine bitcoins.
When Bitcoin ( was invented mining was performed by CPU. By the time difficulty in mining increased significantly and profits were now limited to mine with PC's while electricity costs were more than a block reward. So, Mining efficiency was enhanced with the use of a comparatively faster device 'Graphical Processing Unit'.
The Field-programmable gate array can be reprogrammed to the desired application or can be given functionality after getting manufactured. This technology was more effective than GPU's and CPU's at performing hash calculations. Now Field-programmable gate array is now superseded by the Application Specific Integrated Circuits(ASIC). ASIC miners are now the concentrated concept of any mining farm.
Introducing USB Bitcoin ( Miner.
As we discussed above that Bitcoin mining ( can be performed by any electronic device to perform a hash function. As there was a rising popularity of mining all over the world, there was an introduction of USB powered mining devices. Companies such as Bitmain started offering USB sticks which have seamless connectivity and lower power consumption. One of the most popular USB miners is Antminer U2 by Bitmain.
When USB miners are plugged into a computer they start performing the hash functions. These miners use software such as BGFminer, MinePeon, Asteroid, Macminer. A standard computer has two to there ports for USB we can use a USB hub to connect multiple devices's. These USB's are usually connected to small or low cost computers such as Rasberry Pi which is suitable for mining bitcoins and overclocking USB miners. Cost of these USB's are very low Atminer U2 will cost you for only $50 with 1.6Ghs hash rate for mining Bitcoins.
It is not a matter of money or ROI.
Purchasing and using these USB sticks are fun and a very interesting way to learn about mining. You can mine some bitcoin while browsing on the internet with no extra electricity cost. Start mining and give your contribution these disrupting networks.
USB bitcoin miner: What is it & how does it work?
Bitcoin mining ( process can be a bit complicated to get started with, but using a USB bitcoin miner is the easiest and the cheapest way available to start mining bitcoins. We have provided a detailed set of guidelines on USB bitcoin miners and how they work.
Since its inception, bitcoin has come a long way. The leading cryptocurrency dominates the cryptocurrency market at the moment, and it is safe to say that it will continue to do so for a long time. Unlike fiat currencies, bitcoin is not controlled by a centralized body, and instead, they are mined by individuals and groups. In return, miners get bitcoins in reward.
As cryptocurrencies become more mainstream day by day, USB powered mining devices are becoming popular as well.
Reasons why USB-powered mining devices are becoming more popular in the crypto industry:
Easy of use Seamless connectivity Low power consumption.
Bitcoin mining ( is a way to validate and release new cryptocurrency into circulation. And miners get some amount of bitcoins in reward. USB Bitcoin ( miners are used to increase mining power in a computer. When connected, a USB bitcoin miner performs the mining function at a certain speed of hashing. Several USB miners can be plugged in together at the same time to enhance the hashing output.
Note: The Bitcoin mining ( process involves the validation of transactions and their addition to the bitcoin blockchain network.
How does a USB miner work?
As mentioned above, multiple USB miners are plugged in with suitable software to perform mining and to enhance the hashing output. For example, connecting six miners that offer 335 mega hashes per second can generate a cumulative two gigahashes of mining power.
A USB hub is used to plug in multiple miners.
A standard computer only has 2 to 4 USB ports, so a USB hub is used to plug in multiple USB miners. The USB hub assembly is then connected to a computer that is installed with the software suitable for controlling the USB miners and their mining operations. The software also allows real-time monitoring of the performance of the USB miners.
Some of the Software used are:
MacMiner Asteroid MinePeon BFGMiner.
Note: A USB bitcoin miner setup can also be connected to smaller, low-cost computer devices such as Raspberry Pi.
ASIC bitcoin miner USB generates a power of 25 gigahash per second. To get started with this bitcoin miner USB, you need to insert the device into the computer and download drivers and the mining software CG miner. You also need to fill your BTC address , where the software will send the payment.
Note: A user also has the option to mine bitcoins solo or join a mining pool .
Gekkoscience Compac USB bitcoin miner weighs about 0.8 ounces with a power efficiency of 0.33 W/Gh. The mining capacity of this USB bitcoin miner is 9.5Gh/s. It is a silent device with a single USB port.
Note: Compac USB bitcoin miner can perform up to 15 GH/s, and its performance can increase if it was to be overclocked.
Avalon Nano 3 bitcoin USB miner is not sufficient to earn profits and probably not even enough to pay the electricity costs. It performs at 3.6GH/s. In comparison to Gekkoscience and ASIC, it does not heat up as much, and the use of a fan is not required.
Using a USB bitcoin miner to mine bitcoin is not a bad idea if you want to learn about the nuisance of cryptocurrency mining. You can not expect to make noticeable profits mining bitcoins using a USB bitcoin miner. Setting up a USB miner is very low cost and does not require a complicated process.
Are USB ASIC Miner Devices Profitable?
In this article, we look at some of the top USB ASIC miner devices on the market as well as explain the advantages and disadvantages of using a USB ASIC miner versus traditional mining hardware. Finally, we try to assess whether or not the profits justify the costs of buying one of these devices.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 16, 2021, 03:44 pm

Inside a Bitcoin mine that earns $70K a day|5:09
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 16, 2021, 03:44 pm
Why Use a USB ASIC Miner Over Mining Hardware?
Before getting started, it's important to ask yourself, "Why should I buy a USB ASIC miner?" Depending on your purpose, the disadvantages can vastly outweigh the advantages.
Advantages of USB ASIC Miners.
Lower Costs.
Even an average-quality ASIC mining rig can cost a few hundred dollars. A high-quality ASIC rig could cost over $3,000. In comparison, a USB ASIC miner costs less than $50 in most cases. There are some units like the 21 Bitcoin ( Computer that cost $150, which can technically be classified as a USB miner, but these are on the high end.
There are also a few other investment factors to consider. For example, projects are changing consensus algorithms to become more ASIC-resistant. This means that expensive ASIC mining rigs could become obsolete out of the blue. Because they can't be reconfigured for other purposes, this could mean a significant loss. Yes, this would affect USB ASIC rigs as well. However, the loss of investment would be significantly less in comparison.
Easier Setup Process.
One of the most difficult aspects of starting a successful mining operation is the setup process. For the most part, mining rigs aren't plug-and-play. It takes a while to configure one and start mining cryptocurrencies. In contrast, the process of setting up with a USB ASIC miner is pretty simple, and several tutorials are available.
Greater Mobility.
If you're an experienced miner or even someone who is new to mining, you probably know about how expansive mining operations can be. In many cases, even small operations can take up a lot of space.
For people who either travel often or don't have enough room to setup hardware mining rigs, it can be difficult to maintain a traditional mining operation. With a USB ASIC miner, however, you should have the ability to utilize both desktops and laptops. This allows you to mine from practically wherever you can connect to the internet.
It's even possible to mine with a laptop using a USB ASIC miner.
Disadvantages of USB ASIC Miners.
Lower Hash Rates.
When it comes to cryptocurrency mining, hash rate is quite possibly the most important factor. A lower hash rate drastically reduces your chances of finding the next block and receiving the mining reward. Competing against other miners who use a traditional mining rig (or several) with a simple USB ASIC miner isn't a realistic goal.
Lower Profits.
You should expect lower profits with a USB ASIC miner. However, it's essential to look at this from an ROI standpoint. A smaller investment means that you won't go into a large deficit. Is it possible to make a net profit from a USB ASIC miner? We'll explain more in the costs versus profitability section below.
Top USB ASIC Miner Devices.
There are numerous ASIC, GPU and CPU options on the market today. Unfortunately, there aren't as many companies offering USB ASIC miner devices.
Why is this the case? Let's find out by taking a look at the technical details and customer reviews of three of the most popular units available in 2018. Note that shipping costs are not included in the following costs and that prices can fluctuate.
Bitmain Antminer U2.
Cost: $49.97 (used)
Bitmain is the biggest player in the crypto mining market. The company produces all sorts of mining rigs intended for a variety of PoW consensus algorithms. The Antminer U2 is another great example of its diverse product lineup. As of October 3, 2018, the Antminer U2 only had two reviews on Amazon.
One review is quite positive (5 stars). The reviewer highlights the fact that users can learn about mining, cloud mining, and more via this USB ASIC device. However, the other review is negative (1 star) and complained about the device not being recognized on three different computers.
According to one customer question that was answered in November 2017, this device doesn't work anymore due to the fact that the BTC difficulty has increased. It's important to note that the Antminer U2 only mines BTC and, like many other USB ASIC units, can't mine other cryptocurrencies.
GekkoScience 2Pac.
Cost: $44.95.
The product description claims that the GekkoScience 2-Pac is the most efficient USB miner ever made. Don't let the name confuse you, though. This is only one device and not two devices in a pack. This USB ASIC miner includes two Bitmain BM1384 chips (same as the chip in the Bitmain Antminer S5) and a fully-adjustable regulator design, which gives you a core voltage range of 550mV to 800mV. The typical hash rate is 15+GH/s, depending on clock rate. Efficiency is .31-.35 watts per GH.
GekkoScience also recommends that people use the CGMiner along with this device. It appears that most reviews are realistic about what this particular USB ASIC miner can achieve. For example, most don't have high aspirations for an immediate ROI.
According to the product description, this is the most efficient USB miner ever manufactured.
NanoFury 2.
Cost: $89.
The NanoFury 2 miner comes with two Bitfury ASIC Chips. Speed per bits is 50 bits - 3.7-4.1 GH/s and 53-55 bits - 4.7-5.4 GH/s. It also includes a heat sink on the back to better disperse heat. This means that you should expect a better lifespan for this particular USB ASIC miner.
For those concerned with the possibility of a difficult setup, this device requires no additional drivers. It also comes with Bfgminer & Cgminer support. One would expect that this device to perform better over time versus cheaper USB ASIC miner units. In addition, it's possible to mine a variety of SHA256 coins besides BTC, some of which include DigiByte and Joulecoin.
The Nano Fury 2 is easy to install. No drivers are required, and it includes Bfgminer & Cgminer support.
Costs vs. Profitability.
Unfortunately, the customers say that it's difficult/impossible to achieve a good ROI with these units. Most say that the results aren't worth the investment.
For example, one Rev 2 GekkoScience 2-Pac user recommends using a seven-port USB hub that can support USB sticks. This user also recommends that users choose cgminer and point to a P2Pool node. In total, the user estimates that you would have to spend $600 to $800, which would give you a break even timeline of 20 months. However, each time that the BTC block payout halves, it will take longer to achieve breakeven. It's also important to understand that this advice was posted in January 2018 when cryptocurrency prices were at or around their highest point in history. With a bear market, gaining profits can become even more challenging.
You should also consider the amount of time and resources needed to mine daily and maintain your mining operations. At the end of the day, is USB ASIC mining worth it? If you're looking solely at profitability, it's far better to choose traditional hardware mining. However, if you're looking at reducing upfront costs and don't want to go through the process of setting up a full-scale operation, trying out USB mining might be a better choice.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 16, 2021, 03:44 pm

The Best Crypto ASIC Miner for Residential Mining - Goldshell HS1 Review|13:35
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 16, 2021, 03:46 pm
The Best PC For Bitcoin mining (
Check Out The Best Components And Prebuilt PCs For Bitcoin mining (
Jul 31, 2020.
Mike Tomlinson.
PC Guide is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.
Bitcoin mining ( is a trend that is sweeping up internet users all across the world - and with good reason too. Bitcoin ( has quickly become an incredibly profitable source of additional income, and all it takes to really dig into the virtual mines is a decent computer that is capable of completing the complex algorithms that make up the blockchain of Bitcoin ( itself - it can be pretty confusing to understand, so check out this whole article I wrote about Bitcoin mining ( for a decent rundown of what it is, how it's done and what it all means!
Anyway, if you already know everything you need to know about Bitcoin mining ( and just need yourself a few good recommendations for when it comes to the actual mining process, then hopefully this article will give you some good recommendations in choosing the best PC for Bitcoin mining (
The Best CPU For Bitcoin mining (
Ok, the CPU of your PC acts like a brain, so when it comes to the process of Bitcoin mining ( it's going to be vitally important for you to have your PC loaded with a CPU capable of handling high-stress operations and complex algorithms.
So, what we are going to recommend here is that you aim for the higher specced chips in the AMD Threadripper series - and let it be known that you cannot aim too high here. The 3990X is probably going to be your best bet here, you get 64 cores and 128 threads as standard so you can expect a very succinct and powerful workload, and it's compatible with DDR4 RAM just to add into the reliable and dependable output - more on RAM later.
If you don't feel like dropping that much on a CPU though, the higher end 10th gen intel CPUs and latest releases from AMD will cope just as well - just make sure that they are compatible with your other components. I'm going to keep writing as if you chose an AMD CPU, as they generally have better performance when it comes to non-gaming related tasks.
Something to consider here though is that Bitcoin mining ( is a physically intensive process in your PC. You are going to find that if you aren't careful, your PC is going to be prone to overheating and basically tearing itself apart via heat based damage. How are you going to avoid this? With the use of coolers of course.
For a specific CPU cooler, we would suggest something in the water-cooled family - and depending on your budget you can either look into closed or open loop options - but the Corsair Hydro series of coolers are fantastic for this kind of work. You can choose from a number of different loop options, with different price points attached to them depending on the level of financial investment you are willing to put down.
Plus, you can even expect a little bit of RGB in these coolers as well. Not a bad thing, especially if you plan to be using your Bitcoin mining ( PC for more than just mining. But, if you do want to use your PC for more than just mining, then make sure you are prepared to drop some cash on your cooling solutions. In fact, it could be wise for you to not stop at just a CPU cooler.
Instead, look at different air-cooling options you can build into your PC, as they are going to be just as valuable in providing a decent, sustainable airflow through your PC whilst it's in use, keeping it cool. Corsair (again) has a great option in their LL series, a reliable RGB enabled fan option that sill provide 1500 rpm in cooling off your PC. Combine this with an effective water cooling loop on your CPU and you should be able to rest easy when your PC is in the process of mining that your computer isn't going to overheat, cease mining or even damage its internal components.
The Best Motherboard For Bitcoin mining (
Now, I the last section I recommended using the most powerful AMD Threadripper CPU, so it only makes sense here that I recommend the best in TRX40 enabled motherboards, and that means recommending a board that offers superior performance in the Threadripper field.
Weirdly enough, gamers are one o the branches of PC users who demand excellence from the parts that they use, and with that in mind, we are recommending the ASUS ROG II Zenith Extreme Alpha. It's a mouthful, but it does come with a lot of features that make it the best performance motherboard in this bracket.
You can expect an Aquantia AQC-107C 10G Chipset that allows for up to 10 GBPS LAN speed -all important when it comes to the actual speed of mining, as internet speeds will greatly affect your hash rate!
You are also going to have a whole host of different features available when it comes to monitoring your actual hardware, including an OLED LiveDash Display that can display your CPU temperature in real-time - invaluable if you were paying attention to what I was talking about in the last section regarding the toll that Bitcoin mining ( can have on your hardware.
You'll also get DDR4 RAM support, four PCIe 4.0 M.2 slots, four PCIe 4.0 x16 slots, eight SATA 6GBPS slots, and Wi-Fi connectivity if you do choose to go wireless (though we don't recommend it when it comes to Bitcoin mining (
Impressively, this motherboard also comes with Gamefirst V Network control, designed to allow the user control when it comes to assigning the priority of the applications they are running both from a network standpoint, and from a hardware position. This could be invaluable when it comes to running a Bitcoin mining ( PC, as it will allow you to select your mining process, software, and the PC itself as a priority machine, meaning that it's going to both get network and CPU priority. Pretty great stuff when it comes to Bitcoin mining (
The Best GPU For Bitcoin mining (
There are a few different factors to consider when it comes to selecting the GPU to stick into your Bitcoin mining ( PC build. Firstly, you need to think about the hash rate of the card you are buying. This is better explained in the supporting Bitcoin mining ( article I linked in the intro, but put shortly its basically the rate at which your graphics card is able to put together the hash code that makes up the individual blocks in a blockchain, which in turn allow Bitcoin mining ( to happen.
Basically I'm talking about how long it takes for the card you choose to actually mine Bitcoin (
Then you have to think about the upfront cost of the card itself. Remember, we aren't talking about gaming exclusively here, we are talking about an investment that you are hoping to see a return on, and with that in mind, you shouldn't want to drop too much money onto a card if you don't expect to see a solid ROI for a long time.
Then you have to think about your graphics cards power consumption - it's going to be a noticeable cost that you will have to factor into all of your Bitcoin ( expenditure, especially if you are expecting to be running your Bitcoin mining ( rig all hours (hint, you should be if you are expecting to see a healthy return on all of your investments).
So, with all of that in mind, we have a couple of options for you here. If you are looking to splash any amount of cash no worries, and want to get the best performance out of the card that you buy then its obviously going to be the 2080ti. The strength of this card is within its processing power, as it's going to be the quickest card on the market when it comes to putting out a hash rate.
It's not just good for Bitcoin ( either, you could use this card on a number of different ecurrencies and see positive results when it comes to the turnover of the actual mining process, but be aware that this does come with some drawbacks.
The first of which is the actual price of this card. Remember when I said your selection would depend on your preference when it comes to the actual ROI on the card itself? Well, it's hard to say how long it would take for this card to pay for itself when it comes to the actual mining process, as it all depends on the success rate of your mining and the price of Bitcoin ( at the time of mining. Basically, it could be a while before you make back the money you spent on the card in the Bitcoin mining ( game.
Plus, you have to add the actual power consumption of the card into your calculations. Sadly, the 2080ti's processing power comes at a cost, and that's the amount of power it takes to run the thing. Combine that to the (average) $1,200 price tag that is usual;ly attached to the 2080ti, and you have a long way to go in recouping the price of the 2080ti via Bitcoin mining (
So, what should you go for if you are looking for a more well-rounded card that offers a better upfront price, running cost, and decent hash rate? Well, you could go for the 1080Ti, the previous incarnation of the 2080Ti that also offers stellar performance, yet at a lower price.
You will be able to expect a hash rate of around 32 MH/s, which is really good for a dated card like this one, it means you will be able to rely on it for a steady rate of mining for a long time. You are also going to open yourself up to a litany of modification options that are only going to allow you to steer the 1080Ti more towards the end goal of mining.
You can buy these cards pretty cheap online, and they run even less expensive if you choose to buy a used version - just be sure that you don't buy a card previously used by a Bitcoin ( miner, as they might not have taken great care of the card itself and it might not perform at its 'as new' standards. The card itself is less power-hungry than a 2080Ti as well, pulling in 250W of power - but again, your upfront costs will be lower than if you bought a 2080Ti, so you do have that to factor into your investment budget.
If you are looking for an AMD card to get mining on, then there could be a solution to be found in the Radeon RX570. Now, you might be thinking to yourself that as this card is less powerful than the Nvidia options I mentioned it wouldn't perform as well - and you would be right in thinking this, but what you also have to consider is that you could, theoretically employ a number of these cards in different machines (all built to lost cost), and run several mining machines built out of lower-cost parts for a more productive mining bank.
There are obvious drawbacks to this approach (mainly in the power consumption department), but realistically you could buy several 570 GPUs for the same price as a 1080Ti, or even a 2080Ti, and up your mining process in a trade-off for less power. You won't be getting a stupidly low amount of power though - an overclocked 570 could reach up to around 30 MH/s, so you just have to be willing to put the work in on overclocking your GPU.
Again, the choice is all down to you - but please be mindful of your budget, your ROI goals, and the price of power in the area you are looking to mine from.
Hardware, Software, HowTo's.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 16, 2021, 03:47 pm

Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Mining Pools Explained - Best Mining Pools PPS vs PPLNS|18:17
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:17 am

Choosing The Right Pool To Mine On - Crypto Beginners Guide #4|11:29
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:18 am
Do you often wonder what Bitcoin mining ( is all about and how to get started?
Cryptocurrency is no longer the new kid on the block but most people are confused about how it works.
That is what we will be looking at in this article.
In this article, we will cover the following areas.
What is Bitcoin mining ( Why Mine Bitcoin ( What is Bitcoin mining ( Hardware? How to get started mining bitcoin.
Let's take a look at these four points by starting from the top.
Bitcoin mining ( is the backbone of the Bitcoin ( network and what it does is provide security for Bitcoin ( transactions thereby avoiding external attacks. This process is carried out by specialized computers.
In Bitcoin mining (, the role of miners is to make sure that the network is secured and every Bitcoin ( transaction is tracked and processed, this is achieved when they solve a computational and most times complex problem that allows them to chain together blocks of transactions also known as a blockchain.
In return for this, miners get minted or new Bitcoins and transaction fees which is also called Block Reward.
Bitcoin ( is not regulated by a central authority, instead, it is backed up by millions of computers around the world referred to as 'nodes'. This network of computers do similar jobs as a Visa or MasterCard debit or Credit Company or even the Federal Reserve, how?
Nodes store information about former transactions and assist in authenticating such. The difference in traditional currencies and Bitcoin ( is that; unlike traditional currencies, Bitcoin ( nodes are easily accessible to anyone because they are spread across the globe and the data recorded and processed are filled in a public list (blockchain).
Another essence of Bitcoin mining ( is to avoid duplicate or double-spending, with paper money, that isn't a challenge because once money exchanges hands, the power of authority over such money is transferred but with digital currency, it can become tricky as digital information can be relatively reproduced easily, that is, there is a risk that a spender can make a copy of their bitcoin and send it to another person while still retaining the original.
Just as the serial numbers of bills can be traced and compared to ensure that there is no counterfeit in circulation, so also is what a miner does when they verify new transactions.
Why Mine Bitcoin (
Mining when it comes to Bitcoin ( is called that because those who do it are the ones who get rewards of new bitcoins and as we have rightly established earlier, there is a need for mining to secure transactions made online with Bitcoins protecting such transactions from hackers.
Also, mining - as duly emphasized - produces new bitcoin for miners as a reward for mining. This act is better described as competitive bookkeeping because every miner work towards establishing and maintaining a gigantic public ledger containing a record for every bitcoin transaction made all over the globe, anytime there is an exchange of currency (bitcoins) for value (goods and services) or sale of currency to a buyer, such transfer has to be endorsed by miners, how? They check the ledger to ensure that the sender isn't making any transaction of money he/she doesn't possess, once the transaction is approved, miners add it to the growing ledger.
In order to ensure that this voluminous growing ledger containing important Bitcoin ( information doesn't get hacked, miners seal it behind layers and layers of complex computational work, thereby making it well-protected from fraudsters. As said initially, it is very competitive and only the miner who succeeds in approving a new batch of transactions and finish the computational work necessary to secure the transactions in the ledger gets a reward; it is, however, time-consuming but still rewarding.
Also, as initially insinuated, mining helps to keep track and avoid double-spending and this is done when miners consult the ledger when any transfer is made to ensure that the sender is not double-spending. It may all seem simple tracking down and approving of transactions but it is not all rosy, challenging issues like privacy comes up; to make every Bitcoin ( exchange transparent while keeping all bitcoin users completely anonymous and also, if the ledger is totally public, how do you prevent people from fudging it for their own gains? This is one of the underlying challenges faced in Bitcoin mining (
The simple answer to this is; yes, it is legal. However, the detailed version is that some countries do not accept bitcoin as legal, naturally, as a result of this, mining will not be accepted and will be considered illegal although this is subjective and depends on the jurisdiction.
The main thing is that one does the mining with legit resources, even in the face of this, some countries have declared anything that has to do with bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as illegal, why?
As we well know, bitcoin has a decentralized and stateless nature that defies the long-standing state-backed currency.
To understand more the opposition of some countries to bitcoin and its mining, let's consider the fact that it serves as a threat to the national currency and national banks, let's not also forget the salient fact that Bitcoin mining ( has become a niche business boasting of established mining farms with special ASICs equipment.
In essence, the government has always relished having the power to print money and this is what bitcoin doesn't do, it takes the power away, needless to say, anything that the government is unable to regulate or control will naturally be kicked against.
Also, the fact that as bitcoin increases in value, printed money becomes an alternative in transactions (of purchasing goods and services), that is, Bitcoin ( was created with the mindset and intention of providing people with an alternative to modern-day banking, helping them to bypass increasing policies of corrupt governments.
It has also brought and established the concept of a decentralized system if well backed up by sturdy/boisterous mathematical models also known as cryptography.
However, Bitcoin mining ( is legal in many countries with a few exceptions. Find out your country's legal stance or disposition to Bitcoin mining ( before you start to be on the safer side.
What is Bitcoin mining ( Hardware?
Bitcoin mining ( Hardware, also known as ASICs are highly specialized computers used to mine bitcoins. It is a highly complex and competitive system that consumes time and electricity. Satoshi, the founder of Bitcoin (, released Bitcoin ( intending to use computer CPU for the mining process, however, industrious miners discovered soon that more hashing power can be gotten from graphic cards and went ahead to write mining software making this possible.
With time, ASICs (Application of Specific Integrated Circuits) overtook the use of GPUs. Hardly will you see any miner or mining company nowadays using anything other than ASICs and usually, they are carried out in thermally-regulated data-centers with easy access to low-cost power supply/electricity.

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:19 am

Mining Pool Hub [PROFIT Switching MINING Alternative] In 2020!|11:17
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:20 am
Therefore the introduction of ASICs has led to the concentration of mining power into fewer hands than the original intent.
Presently, founded on (1) price per hash and (2) efficiency/quality of electricity, the best Bitcoin ( miner options are as follows;
AntMiner S7 with specs:
Advertised Capacity : 4.73 Th/s.
Power Efficiency : 0.25 W/Gh.
Weight : 8.8 pounds.
Appx. BTC earned per month : 0.1645.
AntMiner S9 with specs:
Advertised Capacity : 13.5Th/s.
Power Efficiency : 0.098 W/Gh.
Weight : 8.1 pounds.
Appx. BTC earned per month : 0.3603.
Avalon6 with specs:
Advertised Capacity : 3.5Th/s.
Power Efficiency : 0.29 W/Gh.
Weight : 9.5 pounds.
Appx. BTC earned per month : 0.1232.
They can all be purchased from amazon @
What are Mining Pools?
The idea of Bitcoin mining ( pools is a system that allows miners to join together as a group or any other miner joining an existing mining group and this is to allow the frequent discovery of blocks, with this, naturally, comes more frequent mining payouts. In essence, pools are groups of liaising miners who agree to share block rewards in ratio to their contributed mining power.
The downside to a mining pool is the fact that; even though it appeals to the average miner as they get rewards more frequently, it, unfortunately, channels more power to the owner of the mining pool. An extremely huge number of blocks are mined by pools rather than individual miners, in fact, mining pools and companies represent a large percentage of bitcoin computing power.
The advantage, however, of mining pools is this; miners with a minute percentage of the mining power stand a slim chance of discovering the next block by themselves, for example, a mining card that one could purchase for a couple of thousand dollars would represent less than 0.001% of the network's mining power, therefore, with such a slim chance of discovering the next block, it could take forever before the miner discovers a block topped with the exasperating difficulty, this doesn't make things easier and we must keep in mind that the miner has invested and may not be able to recover such investments. That is why the mining pools is very much recommended.
Mining Pools are operated by third parties and coordinate groups of miners. By using collective resources and brain work, they get to share the payouts among all miners belonging to such pool, it is as good as a miner starting to earn bitcoin steadily from day 1 of joining a pool. To get more information and statistics on mining pools, check
How to Get Started With Bitcoin mining (
To start mining bitcoins, there is a need to possess a Bitcoin mining ( hardware (scroll up to see recommendations of mining hardware). As earlier insinuated, it was possible to mine in the comfort of your home using your computer CPU or high speed video processor card, that's no longer possible today.
Instead, Custom Bitcoin ( ASIC chips proffer performance up to 100 times the average competence of older systems and have come to rule the Bitcoin mining ( trade.
Bitcoin mining ( with anything less than ASICs will guzzle more in electricity than you are probable to be paid. It's crucial to mine bitcoins with Grade-A Bitcoin mining ( hardware constructed precisely for that purpose. Numerous companies such as Avalon offer outstanding systems built explicitly for Bitcoin mining (
Below is a very simple, easy to follow steps on how to start mining Bitcoin (
Step 1 - Get The Best Bitcoin mining ( Hardware. ... Step 2 - Download Free Bitcoin mining ( Software. ... Step 3 - Join a Bitcoin mining ( Pool. ... Step 4 - Set Up A Bitcoin ( Wallet. ... Step 5 - Stay Up To Date With Bitcoin ( News.
Another option to consider in Bitcoin mining ( to purchase Bitcoin ( cloud mining contracts. This increases the simplicity and ease of the mining process but also increases risk because the control of the actual physical hardware is done by someone else. There are a number of such cloud mining services, however, mentioning them is not in any way a form of an endorsement but for educational purposes.
Bitcoin mining ( Beginner's Guide.
Where do Bitcoins come from? With fiat money, the central bank regulates the issuing and distribution of cash. The Bitcoin ( network is decentralized and instead of the government, it has the miners who provide their computing powers to issue new Bitcoins and secure the network.
How mining works, how big are the rewards, and how hard is it to set up your own mining farm? Read this article to find out.
Video version.
What is the point of mining?
Creation of new Bitcoins.
Miners install special software to solve math problems embedded in the Bitcoin ( network. In return, the network rewards the miners with the new Bitcoins every 10 minutes. Why exactly 10?
Because the Bitcoin ( network automatically changes the difficulty of the math problems depending on how fast they are being solved. Bitcoin ( is programmed that way to ensure the fairness of the system and to avoid cheating and the creation of Bitcoins out of nowhere.
This provides a wise way to issue the currency and motivates more people to mine. But why does the network need miners?
Confirming the transactions.
Miners record the transactions made on the Bitcoin ( network in their blocks.
Block: Similar to a record book, a block registers the most recent Bitcoin ( network transactions.
Bitcoin ( network only documents those transactions which were confirmed in a block. Only then those operations become formally recorded in the blockchain.
Larger payments require more confirmations. For example, if your transaction is less than $1000 one confirmation will be enough, while larger transactions may require up to six.
Securing the network.
The network also needs miners as they secure the blockchain. More miners -- the more decentralized the network. This makes the blockchain less vulnerable to attacks.
The biggest disruption of the network may happen because of a so-called 51% attack. It can be done by a group of miners who control the majority of the network's mining hash rate.
Hash rate: measuring unit that indicates the computational power of the mining hardware.
If the group of miners controls over 51% of the blockchain network hash rate they can cut off the recording of new blocks by limiting other miners from completing the transactions. The idea here is simple -- the more decentralized the hash power of the network the more it is secure.
ASIC mining hardware.
The evolution of mining hardware.
At first, the miners were using the processors (CPUs) to mine Bitcoins. Those were pretty effective for the network at that time because the math problems were simpler. As the industry evolved, miners figured out that the gaming graphics cards (GPUs) are much more effective mining hardware, and most of the miners switched to them.
Soon, the commercial Bitcoin mining ( products entered the market. They included the processor chips reprogrammed for mining Bitcoin ( These chips were faster than the graphics cards, but still very power-hungry.
The industry then came up with the ASICs -- processors that are designed specifically for mining. They are faster than the first commercial mining chips, but their main advantage is less energy consumption. Smaller electricity bills mean less operational spendings and therefore higher profits.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:30 am

Bitcoin Mining Pool on OOS  And Mining Sites To Ignore|5:01
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:30 am
Can I start mining with my desktop?
If you want to start mining Bitcoin ( you should never use your home PC. You will earn pennies, and will most likely damage your hardware as it will work at maximum power all the time.
For the same reason you should also never install the mining software on your smartphone -- an average Android smartphone will earn you literally less than a cent per year. At this stage of the Bitcoin mining ( industry development, it only makes sense to use the ASICs hardware.
But is there even a point to individually farm Bitcoins?
How big are the rewards.
As the popularity of Bitcoin ( increases, more miners join the network. This forces the blockchain to be more decentralized and therefore secure but also makes it more difficult for individuals to solve math problems. To overcome these challenges miners have developed a way to work together in pools.
Pooled Mining: combining the efforts of multiple miners to work on the same goal. Such teams find solutions faster than individual miners, and each member of the pool is paid proportionally to the accomplished work.
The rewards for mining are directly linked with the Bitcoin ( supply and decrease with years because of halving.
Halving: A process in the Bitcoin ( network that occurs every 210,000 blocks, resulting in the reduction of mining rewards per block by half.
Right now miners receive 6.25 Bitcoins per block, while before May 2020 halving the reward was 12.5 BTC. Halving happens approximately every 4 years and will keep going until the last Bitcoin ( will be mined in approximately 2140.
Even though miners already farmed 85% of Bitcoin ( supply, it will take approximately 120 more years to mine the last Bitcoin ( Why do people still mine if the rewards decrease?
Because the dividends are shifting from the block rewards to fees. Even after the mining of the last Bitcoin (, the miners will still profit from the fees that Bitcoin ( users pay them for recording each transaction.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:31 am
Mining farm in China.
Mining companies.
When we speak about big mining companies, the key features that they are looking for are cheap electricity and cold location. The colder the climate the more it can dissipate the heat generated by mining.
The most popular country in mining is China, which is responsible for around 70% of the overall hash rate. The country's West specifically is a very popular Bitcoin mining ( location, due to the cooler mountainous climate and very cheap electricity bills. Despite China, mining companies spread all around the globe -- the most popular locations include Iceland, Canada, Switzerland, and .
The location is also important because just as Bitcoin ( itself, mining the coin is also illegal or highly taxed in some countries. It does not usually affect smaller miners as it is almost impossible to detect them. Larger mining farms, even those with big names in the industry, sometimes hide their location due to strict regulations.
Bitcoin mining ( For Dummies: [2020 Guide]
Are you seeking to learn what Bitcoin mining ( is all about? Bitcoin ( uses a process called Bitcoin mining ( to create and distribute new Bitcoins, as opposed to in our traditional fiat systems, where we trust governments to do this task. Not only does mining generate and circulate new Bitcoin (, but it is also responsible for verifying user transactions.
One interesting fact is that only 21 million Bitcoin ( will ever be in existence. With 17.4 million Bitcoin ( currently in circulation, what's even more intriguing is how new Bitcoin ( gets created and issued into the network.
What is Bitcoin mining ( Bitcoin mining ( is a process that involves using a distributed pool of computational power and a consensus algorithm for verifying transactions and distributing new Bitcoins into the network.
Unlike our current financial systems which heavily rely on centralized databases and third parties for verifying transactions, Bitcoin mining ( uses computing power voluntarily offered by miners.
Miners are required to use a unique algorithm to prevent double-spent transactions from occurring on the Bitcoin ( network, which is a massive crisis in today's fiat payment gateways.
Anyone can participate in Bitcoin mining ( with the proper mining hardware and software configuration. While in the beginning this could be done with almost any at-home computer, over the last 10 years, the hardware involved in Bitcoin mining ( has evolved into much faster chipsets made explicitly for one purpose and one purpose only, Bitcoin mining (
In 2009, the first block of Bitcoin ( was mined by its anonymous core developer who goes by the code name Satoshi Nakamoto. Back then, the Bitcoin ( network was small with minimal users, and mining Bitcoin ( on a laptop/desktop using a central processing (CPU Mining) unit was common. Early adopters reported earnings of around 50 BTC using nothing but a laptop.
It wasn't long after the start of this digital gold rush that someone else discovered graphics cards (GPU) to be more efficient, so, in 2010, a code got released that enabled users to start using GPU to mine Bitcoin ( Once GPU mining for Bitcoin ( launched, the mining difficulty made CPU mining for Bitcoin ( no longer feasible. However, GPU mining faced the same limited hardware capabilities as the CPU did when a prototype Bitcoin ( miner was created, bringing an even more efficient chipset to the scene.
The first versions of these Bitcoin ( Miners hit the market in 2013. ASIC, or Application Specific Integrated Circuits, as they call them are some of the most efficient chips used in today's Bitcoin mining ( Now, with Bitcoin ( continually gaining popularity year after year, 1000s upon 1000s of ASIC miners have been deployed globally, and so it's almost impossible to mine Bitcoin ( with any other chipset.
Bitcoin mining ( has this unique dynamic called Mining difficulty, and as more miners participate in mining Bitcoins, it increases with the network. This increase in difficulty is what created the demand for faster mining hardware, and will continue to grow as more Bitcoin ( adoption happens.
Now that you have this brief understanding of the evolution of Bitcoin mining (, let's dive deeper into what miners are actually doing.
Bitcoin ( is a decentralized currency meaning no bank or authorities are in charge of exchanging and distribution of Bitcoin ( Whereas in traditional fiat currencies all credit/debit cards payments are processed using third-party services like Visa and Mastercard, Bitcoin ( instead uses a distributed network of combined computing power running specialized software for verifying all of its user's transactions, and evenly distribute new Bitcoin ( into its network.
Each time a user sends Bitcoin ( to another user, whether they are sending Bitcoin ( to a friend or using it for a transaction to buy goods, it signals the miners on the network that an exchange is needed. The wallet addresses involved in the transaction are placed in a "mem pool" along with any other Bitcoin ( transactions waiting to be validated. Senders of the transaction pay miners a small fee for this validation service.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:31 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:32 am
Once a transaction gets picked up by a miner, the data is then temporarily stored along with any other transactions being processed to form a 1MB size digital block. Before each block of transactions can be officially confirmed valid, there's a long hexadecimal number called a target hash assigned to it that must be guessed correctly using only mining hardware and software configured with a unique proof of work hashing consensus algorithm. This unique algorithm makes pieces of data challenging to generate yet easily verifiable which is perfect for securing and verifying transactions.
The miner or mining pool lucky enough to hash this unique number correctly first while simultaneously confirming the transactions of the previous block against the transactions of the current block wins the block reward (currently worth 12.5 BTC). The block then awaits to be permanently recorded on an open ledger called the blockchain which is a complete history every Bitcoin ( transaction.
Once the block has had 1 - 6 additional blocks confirmed on top of it, the funds of each transaction are released and it is no longer reversible (double-spend problem solved). The miner or mining pool that was lucky enough to win the block reward has to wait for 100 confirmations before they receive the full block reward, currently set at 12.5 Bitcoin ( The same lucky miners also earn the transaction fees that confirmed valid during the block's timestamp period.
So you see, mining is verifying transactions in groups called blocks. However, miners have to double-check the work of the previous block before they can build another block of transactions. Once a miner solves a block, the other miners on the network have to confirm the work is indeed valid using proof of work for validation.
Once enough confirmations have been satisfied by the other miners running on the network the mining pool who solved the block is then paid the full block reward plus any processed transactions fees as a bonus. This block is officially valid and is then permanently submitted to the blockchain which connects all the previous transactions to future transactions in a more secure manner than our current gateways systems.
This process all happens autonomously, using computing hardware and special mining software in which anyone can participate. As I mentioned briefly earlier, ASIC miners are now the standard chipset used in today's mining, which may not be suitable for home use due to its electrical requirements.
Block Reward & Halving.
I also want to highlight a few other facts about Bitcoin mining ( to give the full picture of how all this works. The first thing I want to mention is that yes the current reward for solving a block is worth 12.5 Bitcoin (, but this is set to drop by 50% every four years, which is known as block halving.
You see Block rewards were much higher when Bitcoin mining ( first started to attract more miners to the network while its user base was small and needed help to grow. As the network continues to grow over the years, the rewards step down which creates a limited supply for purchase meaning as the block rewards go down, the price of Bitcoin ( should go up.
The second fact about Bitcoin mining ( pertains to the use of a mining pool. Mining Pools allow groups of miners to pool together their computing hardware in an attempt to increases their chances of solving a block. In the early stages of Bitcoin mining (, mining pools weren't a requirement as users could easily find blocks due to the low level of mining difficulty.
Over the last ten years, the difficulty has increased so much that even with the help of ASIC hardware it is near impossible to win a block solo mining. To participate in mining Bitcoin ( with a pool is a rather simple task to do. All that is need from a miner to participate is an account at a mining pool and pool address to point the mining hardware too.
If a block is found and confirmed valid by your mining pool, the reward is equally divided across the miners who did the work and is proportional to the amount of computing power each miner has pointed at the pool. Meaning if your accumulative computer hashrate makes up 25% of the mining pool's total hashing power, then you earn 25% of the rewards. Please keep in mind that mining pools do charge a small fee for this service.
List Of Bitcoin mining ( Pools:
Slushpool F2Pool ViaBTC Kano CKPool BTC.TOP BitClub Network BTCC Pool BitFury Antpool BW Pool Haopool 58Coin Bitcoin Solo CKPool ConnectBTC Bixin.
The final thing I wish to mention is Mining Difficulty which is a dynamic that regulates how fast new blocks get submitted and uploaded to the blockchain. Bitcoin ( has this strict rule that valid blocks must be generated on an average of every ten minutes or 2016 blocks total every two weeks. This ensures that no hacker can orchestrate mass amounts of computing power to mine up all the Bitcoins before the network has a chance to mature.
The main issue with our current financial systems is that there are no limits set in place. Whenever a government decides to print more money, it causes inflation to that currency's value, and therefore it becomes worth less over time. Whereas with Bitcoin ( the mining difficulty is automated through the network and can not be altered by any government or authority, so Bitcoin ('s circulating supply will always be limited.
Bitcoins mining difficulty adjusts every 2016 blocks so that it averages out to two weeks total. If the miners on the network find 2016 valid blocks faster than the two weeks set by Bitcoin ('s built-in protocols, then the difficulty of solving a block increases accordingly to match the two-week average. However, if the 2016 blocks take longer than two weeks, then the difficulty decreases accordingly to stay inline with Bitcoins two-week average cycle.
In conclusion, it is said by many that this new way of digital banking will change how the world does business. Most of today's current financial infrastructure is built on technology that has been long outdated and so blockchain along with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin ( plan to provide the solution to a lot of its current problems.
How To Get Started Mining Bitcoin (
When it comes to investing in Bitcoin mining (, there are two ways in which a person can go about it. The first option involves buying and operating the equipment at home whereas other options allow users to host. Both come with their own set of precautions so let's discuss both in further detail.
Steps To ASIC Mining Bitcoin (
Calculate Profits - To see if Bitcoin mining ( is profitable at your electric rates, it best to calculate profits before you decide to purchase any hardware. Mining calculators like Whattomine and Cryptocompare allow users to enter in their utility rate and hardware hashrate and power consumption. These calculators then provide you with an estimated return on investment based on the data you provide them.
Mining Requirements - Bitcoin ( ASIC miners these days require a 220v outlet on its own dedicated circuit. Hiring a licensed electrician to size the wire and install the breaker properly is recommended if you're not an electrician. Cooling ASIC miners is another major issue with most mining operations. Installing in-line fans and circulating fresh air is the most cost-effective way to keep your hardware from overheating and crashing. Lastly, make sure to have access to a high-speed internet connection to be able to plug into the miner directly as running over wifi has reported issues.
Purchase Bitcoin ( Miner - Buy the latest hardware from trusted manufacturers with great support and warranty. Make sure the manufacturer of the equipment has a reputable name and has been reviewed by several other sources. Sometimes ASIC mining companies come out of the woodworks with miners that promise high profits which are fake sites to steal people's money. Some of the best ASIC miners come from Bitmain and Ebang in China.
Connect Power and Internet - Connect the power supply to the miner and make sure all connections are properly secured. Each ASIC miner also comes with an ethernet port for an internet connection.
Locate Miner IP - Login into your local network's router and locate the IP address of the miner. Once you have the miner IP address, log in by entering the address into a browser and wait for a login screen to pop up. Every ASIC miner has a default username and password to log in.
Get A Bitcoin ( Wallet Address - Create a wallet so that the miner has an address to receive mining payout earned through the hardware. BRD wallet offers wallet solutions for several coins and is offered in both Apple and Google app stores. Don't forget to backup your wallet and write down any passwords before proceeding.
Get A Bitcoin mining ( Pool Address - Pick and choose any pool you would like from the list; slushpool is the most popular with its phone app monitoring features. Once signed up for a pool, there should be pool addresses listed on each site, be sure to copy the address closest to your mining hardware operation.
Configure Miner with Pool and Wallet Address - To configure an ASIC miner to mine is rather easy, copy and paste the Bitcoin ( Wallet address and pool address into the miner main configuration panel and hit save. Once finished the miner should begin connecting to the pool and hashing on the network. Once your pools hit a block, you'll start earning Bitcoin mining ( rewards.
Cloud Mining is an alternative way for investors to participate in earning Bitcoin mining ( rewards without actually possessing any hardware. Cloud Mining services have large data centers typically located in areas that have a cooler climate and cheaper utility rates. This advantage allows these companies to mass deploy large Bitcoin ( operations across the globe and offer investors shares or cloud mining contracts as service.
One of the main drawbacks to owning and operating ASIC mining equipment is they tend to radiate lots of heat. Having to maintain the equipment becomes another issue for those who aren't all that computer savvy, so Cloud Mining offers an easy solution to be a part of this new trend.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:34 am

🍓 Best Bitcoin Mining Software That Work in 2020 🍓|5:34
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:35 am
Cloud Mining Service Types:
Cloud Mining Companies like Bitclub allow users to purchase shares that are then used to deploy hardware on the user's behalf. Cloud Mining Contracts typically come in 2-3 year terms. Please note that Cloud Mining companies charge a fee for this service which pays for electricity and any maintenance to the equipment.
Additionally, you can rent mining equipment from companies like Bitdeer who are sponsored by Bitmain.
One final note about Cloud Mining is that not all services will have investor's best interest at heart. Some Cloud Mining Companies have hidden fees that allow certain services to alter contracts midstream to protect the services and not the investors. As with all investing, if you chose to participate in Cloud Mining, be sure to do your research on the company you are investing in, their commitment to their investors, and the reasonable likelihood of any payout promises made.
Some of the best ASIC miners are engineered and manufactured in China. However, there are only a few companies currently who are capable of bringing these machines to the mass market while maintaining a level of quality.
Bitmain S17 Bitmain has been a leader in ASIC miner manufacturing ever since the beginning and continues to impress the mining community with its latest version the S17. Although this model is not yet on the market, it is set to be released for its first batch of sales soon. No reports of what this miner is capable of just yet, but Bitmain has released that its plans for this new model involved spending more focus on bringing power consumption down by near 30% over its predecessors the S15 and S9 miner.
Ebang E11++ This is the latest miner from Ebang, one of the leaders in mining hardware companies in the mining market. The new miner comes integrated with powerful 10nm and hashes at speed up to 45Th/s. Released onto the market in October 2018, the miner has two fans to regulate its temperature and keep it within a safe range while only consuming 1,980 Watts at 220v. This multi-purpose miner can mine Bitcoin ( and several other cryptocurrencies that use Bitcoins sha256 hashing algorithm.
Canaan Avalon Miner 10 Canaan is another China-based company that produced the first-ever ASIC Bitcoin ( Miner and is soon to release their latest model the Avalon 10 series, which has been refined over the years. The new A 10 is said to hash around 56Th\s while only drawing 1763 watts, making this a prime contender for the fastest and most efficient Bitcoin ( miner the market has ever seen.
Bitcoin mining ( Software For Gaming PC\Laptops.
If your laptop or PC is equipped with a graphics card(GPU), there are still ways you can start mining to earn some Bitcoin ( New software allows computers to GPU mine other cryptocurrencies called Altcoins. Altcoins are the other cryptocurrencies who are very much like Bitcoin ( in some ways with some nuances here and there.
However, what's intriguing about some of these altcoins is the fact that they are mined in the same fashion as Bitcoin ( Moreover, these altcoins can be traded for their monetary value in Bitcoin ( on a number of cryptocurrency exchanges.
To do this manually can be a tiring task but with the help of new mining software, this entire process is automated.
Newer mining software can run benchmarks on any computer hardware to see which altcoin is the most profitable to currently mine.
Once the software benchmarks are complete, the miner begins mining the most profitable altcoin. Whenever your hardware earns block rewards for the altcoins mined, they are then auto exchanged for their current exchange value in Bitcoin (
Cudo Miner - This software is designed to suit both advanced and amateur miners alike. It is installed on the laptop to take advantage of the unused power and at the same time can be used by miners who have large GPU rigs.
Awesome Miner - This software allows users to connect ASIC and GPU miners through its software for monitoring and profit switching adjustments. Setup can be a bit of a task, but all-in-all it's excellent working software.
Minerstats - This new software enables you to check each of your workers closely to see the essential facts about their mining activity. With this software, you can quickly check your daily earnings, max temperature, fan speeds, and your mining hardware's current efficiency.
Nicehash - This software runs on a marketplace where your computer's hash power is rented out, and you get paid in Bitcoin ( Its major drawback is that earnings can be lower when fewer people bid on renting your hashpower.
The short answer is yes you can make money through Bitcoin mining ( Over the years, many miners have made a fortune from mining this digital coin. However, that doesn't imply that everyone can invest in Bitcoin mining ( and see profitable results.
You must have access to cheap electricity while running the latest mining hardware if you wish to make a success of your investment. Many experienced miners say that this is the secret behind the success achieved by larger operators who have access to newer hardware before anyone else.
For instance, companies like Bitmain and other ASIC manufacturers have been severally accused of using the latest technology for mining Bitcoin ( before anyone else. Getting the latest hardware as soon as it comes out seems to be the trick for home miners to make sure they get positive results for their mining efforts.
Bitcoin mining ( FAQs.
Some of the questions most potential Bitcoin ( miners usually asked are answered below:
How much electricity is needed for Bitcoin mining ( Bitcoin mining ( is a power-consuming exercise. It has been estimated that energy consumption makes up 90% of Bitcoin mining ( cost, an estimated 30 terawatt-hours. In 2018, Cointelegraph wrote that: "The Bitcoin ( network currently consumes about 2.55 gigawatts (GW) of electricity per year; to put that into perspective, the entire country of Ireland has an average electricity consumption of 3.1 GW."
How much does it cost to mine 1 Bitcoin ( Your mining location determines the cost of mining 1 Bitcoin ( Electricity is the primary determinant of the cost, and electricity cost varies from one country to another. Elixe Fixtures analyzed the cost of mining a Bitcoin ( in 2018. The published analysis gives an estimated cost of mining a Bitcoin ( in some 115 countries.
Is Bitcoin mining ( legal? The legality of Bitcoin mining ( is subjective. While some countries such as Turkey, the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, Canada, and a host of others consider both the coin and its mining as legal, some other countries frown on Bitcoin ( and anything associated with it, such as its mining. In the latter group are countries such as China, Bolivia, Ecuador, and several other countries. Hence, if you are mining this coin in countries where it is considered a legal entity, it is legal. Likewise, it is illegal where the coin is considered illegal.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:35 am
When will Bitcoin mining ( end? At present, over 17.6 million of the 21 million estimated number of Bitcoin ( to be in circulation has already been mined, according to This implies that there are less than 4 million Bitcoins to be mined before the mining comes to a close.
At this rate, it is estimated that Bitcoin mining ( will end sometime in 2140 after 21 million of the digital coin has been successfully mined by dedicated miners.
However, it has been planned by Bitcoin ('s original core developer that by the time Bitcoin mining ( has reached this point, the transaction fee rewards will be enough to continue incentivizing miners to stay connected to the network.
If you have any questions about Bitcoin mining ( or Cloud Mining, please drop a comment below.
How to Mine Bitcoin ( The Complete Guide.
Do you want to learn how to mine Bitcoin (, and all of the intricacies surrounding this process? Find it all covered here!
Last Updated: November 20, 2020.
So, you want to learn how to mine Bitcoin ( , right? Well, that's good, because you've found the perfect place to start!
In the following guide, you'll learn everything you need to know about Bitcoin mining ( . Of course, if you want to do it, I'm going to guess that you already know the very basics about the amazing disruptive technological and financial breakthrough that is Bitcoin (!
If you've ever wondered where Bitcoins come from , how transactions are kept secure and consistent on the Bitcoin ( network , or how long does it take to mine a Bitcoin ( , this guide should be of great help to you.
So, grab your shovel and your head torch , and let's go mining! Just kidding. I'm sure you know we're not actually mining, right?
Note : You can also purcahse some Bitcoins, from a trustworthy exchange. If you're interested, check out Coinabase or Binance !
1. A Short Explanation of How to Mine Bitcoin ( 1.1. Block Rewards and Miner Fees 2. The Three Ways 2.1. Pool Mining 2.2. Mining Alone 2.3. Cloud Mining 3. How to Mine Bitcoin ( in a Pool: Tutorial 3.1. Setting up the Gear 3.2. Choosing a Mining Pool 3.3. How to Check How Much You've Mined 3.4. How to Calculate Expected Profits 4. Closing Thoughts.
A Short Explanation of How to Mine Bitcoin (
Before I get started teaching you how to mine Bitcoin (, I should first offer a brief explanation of what we mean when we talk about Bitcoin mining ( .
As you most likely already know, Bitcoin ( is a blockchain-based cryptocurrency . It essentially works similar to a bank's ledger ( record of transactions ). However, banks need you to trust them. Bitcoin ( is different . You only need to trust the code that created the network, and its rules. It's no coincidence that Bitcoin ( was created just after the global financial crisis of 2008. It's been designed to be trust-less money!
But wait a minute, if you don't need to trust a bank, how do you know that people won't cheat the network? How do you know that every Bitcoin ( can only be spent once?
The network is secured by specialized computer units called miners that are distributed across a large number of unique entities. When you submit a transaction to the Bitcoin ( blockchain, these miners need to check that you have the necessary Bitcoin ( to send it, and that various other rules are followed.
Transactions are grouped into blocks and then a string of characters must be guessed by the miners on the network. These characters are known as the "hash" of the block . Each block contains the hash of the previous block, as well as a new hash that needs to be guessed.
Once correctly guessed, the miner can add the block to the chain. This guessing process is called " proof-of-work ". It's the single most important security feature that you need to know to know how to mine Bitcoin (
By including the hash of the previous block, the other miners on the network can verify that those transactions contained in a block did come after those in the blocks that went before it. This collection of blocks in the sequence is the blockchain. Simple, right?
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:36 am

Best Bitcoin Mining Pools for Mine Bitcoin 2014 # Part 02|3:28
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:36 am
Block Rewards and Miner Fees.
Miners unlock new Bitcoin ( when they add a block to the blockchain. They also get the reward of the fees that users include in their transactions. This makes it worthwhile to spend money on the electricity and computer systems needed to mine. When each Bitcoin ( is worth thousands of dollars, it's a very strong incentive indeed!
The Three Ways.
Ok, now that you know exactly why you would want to mine Bitcoin (, let's get onto the bit I'm sure you all came here for - learning how to mine Bitcoin (! There are three ways to start mining Bitcoin (
Pool Mining ( Recommended )
Mining alone ( not recommended for novice or hobbyist miners )
I'll look at these in a bit more detail and then I'll get onto exactly how to mine Bitcoins!
Pool Mining.
Bitcoin mining ( as part of a larger pool of miners is the easiest , fastest , and most reliable way to make sure your Bitcoin mining ( operation is profitable . You join forces with other miners to share the rewards.
By signing up with a pool, you ( and everyone else in the pool ) are agreeing to split any Bitcoin ( you are rewarded with the other pool members . This means that you will receive small payments regularly.
However, not all pools are the same . There are plenty of things you need to consider when choosing a pool. They are:
The size of the pool. The minimum payments . The fees charged by the pool.
Size of the Pool.
The size of the pool is an important thing to think about when you're mining as part of a pool because as more people mine in the pool, the chances of being rewarded increase. However, since the rewards will be split between more users, they will also be smaller!
Biggest Mining Pools | Source: blockchain.
Joining large cryptocurrency mining pools is usually a comfortable option for beginners how to mine Bitcoin ( This is because they will be getting many payments and won't be spending lots on electricity waiting for the next fraction of a Bitcoin ( to be rewarded to them.
The Minimum Payment.
Another important thing to look at is the minimum payment that the pool will let you withdraw . By minimum payment , I mean the smallest amount of Bitcoin ( that the pool will let you take out. If you're very new to cryptocurrency mining, you'll probably want to join a pool with as low a minimum payment as possible . This will mean that you can be sure that it all works as it should do in a shorter period.
You don't want to be using lots of expensive electricity amassing a few hundred dollars' worth of Bitcoin ( only to find that the pool disappears, or something very bad happens in cryptocurrency news to make Bitcoin ('s price suddenly drop!
Pool Fees.
Every pool charges a fee for organizing it all for you. The fee is usually a percentage of your profits . It will always be taken from the Bitcoin ( you mine automatically, so you don't need to worry about paying it yourself!
Of course, we don't need to tell you that the lower the fee you pay , the better for your profitability . That's just obvious!
Typical fees are between 1% and around 3% . Pools with 0% mining fees do exist, too. However, their reliability is yet to be seen . Unless you know a person who you trust that recommends a free mining pool, you're much better going with one that has built a reputation for itself.
Running a pool is expensive . There are lots of computer systems and data center space that need to be paid for. It's a full-time job for a few members of staff. Fees of around 1% are fair. However, you should probably avoid pools with fees of above 3%.
When talking about how to mine Bitcoin (, mining alone is possible . It probably seems like the best idea. Surely, you shouldn't have to share your mining rewards with thousands of other people? Also, paying 1% on everything you make could end up expensive if you plan to mine for a long time.
Well, you're right. Sort of .
Solo Bitcoin mining ( does mean that you don't have to share your profits with a huge group of other people . However, it also means that you don't get to share the profits of the thousands of other miners, either. You only get paid out if you're the miner who solves the hash.
This means you're not only competing with every other solo miner on the planet , but you're also competing with every pool, too. Even if you have more computing power than every single miner in every pool, do you have more than the entire pool combined? Probably (definitely) not!
That said, if you are a multi-millionaire , you could set up a profitable solo mining operation. You'd need to buy hundreds ( if not thousands ) of ASICs ( application-specific circuit chips ). For the very best mining chips, you will be looking at spending around $1,000 to $1,500 .
Problems for Solo Bitcoin ( Miners.
To run hundreds of computer chips will take a whole lot of electricity . The best possible way how to mine Bitcoin ( now is with the help of the DragonMint T1 miner . This runs at 1,600W. Multiply this by 100, for example, and you're looking at a giant power bill every month!
To make matters worse, running hundreds of computer chips gets hot . Think about using a laptop for a few hours on your knee. They can get pretty warm, right? The average laptop runs at around 60W. That's about 26 times less power than a single DragonMint unit . Now, imagine 100 of these bad boys running at once in a small room. You're going to need some serious ventilation! That means more power consumption!
One of the concerns that will occur on your way to learn how to mine Bitcoin ( is the noise . With the constant buzzing of hundreds of computer components , plus industrial-scale cooling facilities running 24 hours a day, a professional scale solo mining operation is going to be hellishly loud !
When you look at where most solo miners have decided to set up their operations, you'll see a pattern emerging. They like cool climates ( less ventilation required ), cheap electricity ( the cost of power eats into the profits less ), and remote , rural locations ( there's space for sizeable operations away from people who might complain about the noise ). The top Bitcoin mining ( locations today are Iceland , rural Canada , and  .
You might ask why someone would bother spending the huge sums of money on expensive mining equipment to rent it out to someone else. The reason is simple. They want to guarantee profits on their investment and not have these affected by swings in the price of Bitcoin ( .
The concept seems strange , but some people choose how to mine Bitcoin ( in this way. Let's look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of cloud mining.
Advantages of Cloud Mining.
✓ You're not responsible for the equipment. If something breaks, you often don't need to replace it or repair it ( however, always be careful to read the small print in a cloud mining contract. The company might require you to pay for damage done to their equipment! ).
✓ You can make money by Bitcoin mining ( without spending thousands, or millions on mining equipment. This also means you don't need to deal with the heat or the noise in your own home or other potential locations.
✓ The final advantage is that you don't need to know anything about cryptocurrency mining . If you want to cloud mine, you probably don't need this guide on how to mine Bitcoin ( at all!
Disadvantages of Cloud Mining.
✗ You pay money upfront. If the price of Bitcoin ( drops considerably, you might be stuck in a contract and mining at a loss until the price increases again ( if it ever does ). You take all the risk as the cloud mining operator is guaranteed a profit.
✗ You can't upgrade or change either the mining software or hardware used by the cloud mining provider.
✗ Cloud mining companies are targets for hackers . In July of 2017, Genesis Mining was hacked. Bitcoin ( was transferred from the company's hot wallet to an external wallet .
Personal opinion: If you want to get hold of some cryptocurrency but don't want to invest in expensive mining hardware, just buy some Bitcoin ( with the money you would have spent on a cloud mining contract. That way, if the market takes a dramatic downturn, you can sell your position. You won't be stuck in a mining contract that is becoming more and more worthless by the day.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:36 am

Binance Mining Pool, now mine with 0 fee - CRYPTOVEL|7:16
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:37 am
XLM Price Prediction: What's the Stellar Price Prediction?
XLM price prediction is THE topic right now. Find out what is the Stellar price prediction. Up or Down? Read this ultimate XLM price prediction.
Cardano Price Prediction 2020 and Beyond: What to Expect?
Cardano Price Prediction: Learn all about the futures of ADA coin by reading this complete Cardano price prediction guide.
Trezor VS Ledger: Things to Know Before Buying.
Trezor VS Ledger: the complete overview of the two hardware wallets.
How to Mine Bitcoin ( in a Pool: Tutorial.
So, you probably want to start mining Bitcoin ( already? There are a few things that you must have before you begin:
At least one ASIC Bitcoin mining ( rig. A mining application. A digital wallet to store the Bitcoin ( you make. Ventilation equipment - fans, ducting ( only for larger operations ). Membership at a pool. Power Splitters. Power supply units ( the wattage of your ASIC will determine how many and of what power you need ). Ethernet cable. Internet connection. Computer or mobile device capable of browsing the internet.
Setting up the Gear.
The specific setup options will vary depending on the model of ASIC miner you are using. The manufacturer should detail exactly how to do this in their user manual or on their website. The following guide is specific on how to mine Bitcoin ( with the Antminer S9 unit on the Antpool . However, much of it will be useful no matter what ASIC miner you decide to use.
1. Find the power draw of your ASIC. This should be clearly stated in the manual under specifications. The S9 uses 1,275 Watts .
2. Match your power supply units to the power draw. Two 110v PSUs of 1,000W and 650W will be sufficient for most single miner operations.
3. Connect the power supply units to the Antminer unit using the relevant connections.
4. Once connected to the power supply, insert ethernet cable and plug it into your internet's router.
5. Make sure all the necessary connections are made then power up the power supply. Your Antminer S9 should now come on.
6. On your computer or mobile device, use an IP scanning tool to show the devices connected to your internet connection. You should see your Antminer listed. You can then type the IP address of the Antminer into your browser window on your chosen device.
7. The next screen you see should be the login window of the miner. In the case of the Antminer S9, the default login details are username - root, password - root . You can change these by clicking on the " Admin " tab. I recommend doing this .
8. You will now need to enter various details from the mining pool you will be using. You should be able to find these out easily from the website of your mining pool.
9. Once entered, your Antminer should begin mining in the pool.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:37 am
Choosing a Mining Pool.
On your path to learning how to mine Bitcoin (, you can choose any Bitcoin mining ( pool you want. However, we recommend you choose from one of these recommended pools to begin with:
Note: Pool addresses are for users from Europe where indicated. Other addresses will apply from other parts of the world.
Note: 1mBTC is 1/1,000 th of a Bitcoin (
How to Check How Much You've Mined.
Every mining pool will have its user interface . However, the idea is always the same. You need to visit your pool's website and type in your wallet's public address when prompted.
Type your wallet's public address in the search bar. This will let you see all the information about your Bitcoin mining ( efforts so far. Some pools will let users set how much they want to mine before their Bitcoin ( is automatically sent to the external wallet address they specified.
Bitcoin mining ( Step-By-Step Guide for Beginners.
Bitcoin mining ( controls the transactions that take place in each blockchain. This validates each transaction and then publicly shares the transaction on the peer-2-peer network so everyone can see it. Bitcoin ( miners are the people who are responsible for reviewing and evaluating each transaction before adding it to a block to create a blockchain. As soon as a miner places the next block in the blockchain, he can claim a reward that is usually in the form of bitcoins. The more math calculations you do, the higher the reward.
You don't have to be a professional developer or programmer to participate in Bitcoin mining ( Here is their story an easy-to-follow step-by-step guide for a bitcoin novice.
Buy Bitcoin mining ( equipment.
Bitcoin mining ( machines.
The mining world is becoming increasingly complex as more computing power is used in the mining sector. The higher the level of operation, the more difficult it is to make a profit because the investment in equipment is so high. Bitcoin mining ( is very competitive, and you should do enough research before investing in hardware. In the past, it was possible to mine bitcoins with your personal processor. However, due to the complexity of mining, this method is no longer possible. It would help if you bought a computer that is specifically designed for the main purpose of Bitcoin mining (
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:38 am

Bitcoin Mining Pools: How To Generate Bitcoin Using Mining Pools|9:38
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:39 am
Buy bitcoin wallet.
Bitcoin ( wallet.
It would help if you had a local or online wallet to save your digital currency. A wallet comes with a public wallet address and a private key or password. These are the most important details to consider. If your portfolio is hosted by yourself, you will need a copy of the wallat.dat file to avoid losing your investment. It acts as a backup wallet if something unfortunate happens to your computer. You can even get wallets for your mobile devices. The highly recommended wallet is the self-hosted or locally made wallet.
Find a pool that you can join.
It is recommended to join a mining pool or opt for a solo mine. A mining pool is a group of miners who come together to share resources and rewards. A pool guarantees faster returns if you combine your computing power for better results. Each pool has its own rules, reward methods, and exploration costs. You have to find the one that suits you best. Only mining is complex, and you can never get the investment back.
Buy data mining software for your computer.
Depending on the hardware used, there are various free mining programs. With the data mining program, you can monitor and control your devices. Some popular mining programs are CGminer, BFGminer, and EasyMiner. If you are in a swimming pool, it is advisable to consult them when connecting your swimming pool to your program. Programs run from a command line and may require a batch file to start correctly.
After all of that, you're done. Run your data-mining program and enter your pool username and password. You will notice that your machine slows down while the miner is working.
It is very important to keep an eye on the temperatures as the software warms up your hardware. Some programs like SpeedFan can control the temperature. You don't want to risk exploding your investment before you start working. After a while, you need to check how much you earn to see if your investment is worth it.
8 Best Cryptocurrency Mining Tools for Linux.
Cryptocurrencies are any digital assets designed to be mediums of exchange implementing strong cryptographic practices.
Bitcoin ( is the most popular cryptocurrency and ever since its release in 2009, enthusiasts have created 4,000+ alternative variants of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
Cryptomining involves verifying and adding crypto transactions to the blockchain digital ledger and we have compiled a list of the best 8 apps you can use for the task.
CGMiner is an open source C-based multi-threaded multi-pool ASIC and FPGA and it is among the most used cryptocurrency miners with support and binaries for RPi, OpenWrt routers.
Its features include remote interface capabilities, CPU mining, multi GPU support, fan speed control, block solve detection, bitburner support, coinbase decoding, etc.
BFGMiner is another Bitcoin ( miner written in C for modular ASIC/FPGA . It features dynamic clocking, monitoring, remote interface capabilities, ADL device reordering by PCI bus ID etc. And unlike CGMiner which focuses on GPUs, its focus is specific to ASICs.
3. BTCMiner.
BTCMiner is an open source Bitcoin ( miner for ZTEX USB-FPGA Modules . The boards contain an interface for USB used for communication and programming without the need for a JTAG programmer.
One feature that stands out is its ability to use standard components e.g. USB hubs to build FPGA clusters.
4. EasyMiner.
EasyMiner is a GUI based software and it acts as a convenient wrapper for CGMiner and BFGMiner software.
EasyMiner can be used for solo mining, CPU mining, cuda mining, pool mining etc and it supports the stratum and getwork mining protocols. When available, it automatically uses AVX, AVX2, and SSE2.
5. BitMinter.
BitMinter is a mining pool that wants Bitcoin mining ( to be easy for everyone. Being among the oldest mining pools since its release in 2011, it boasts a user base of 450,000+ registered users which puts in more than a word for its reliability.
BitMinter records your mining work in shifts using the PPLNS reward system and each time you create a new block, you get a share of the income proportional to your work in the last 10 completed shifts.
6. PyMiner.
PyMiner is a cross-platform getwork CPU mining client for bitcoin built for study purposes.
It is written purely in Python and in order to run you must build and run bitcoind from source on your computer.
MultiMiner is an open source cross-platform client for crypto-currency mining and monitoring. Of all the mining tools on this list, it is the only one to pride itself as an intuitive mining tool.
Under the hood, MultiMiner uses BFGMiner to provide users with an improved User Experience. It also displays the profit you'll make by using it and collects 1% commission for the service.
8. BitMiner.
BitMiner is an easy-to-setup pooling app for mining bitcoin with a reward system of 40 Satoshi per minute and 0.0006 Bitcoins per day in profit.
Its main selling point is its fully automatic processes that help virtually anybody to get up and running with mining bitcoins. Ever since its launch about two and a half years ago, its members have reportedly received a total of 3167.39183834 Bitcoins.
What are your favourite mining apps? Do you have any titles that you can add to the list? Feel free to drop your comments and/or suggestions in the discussion section below.
The 6 best cryptocurrency mining tools for Linux.
Trying to get into mining cryptocurrency on the Linux platform and unsure where to start? Tired of searching the web for the perfect mining tool? We can help! Check out our list of the five best cryptocurrency mining tools for Linux!
CGMiner is a Bitcoin mining ( tool written with the C programming language. It is designed to run on ASIC mining devices, works on both Windows and Linux, and is ideal for advanced cryptocurrency users.
The CGMiner application is command-line based, and users interact with it via a command-line interface. It can mine for Bitcoin ( using multiple methods (GPU and CPUs) and does it quite efficiently.
Notable features:
CGMiner explicitly targets ASIC devices, but users looking to use the software on traditional non-ASIC hardware can get it running. The CGMiner software supports mining for Bitcoin ( using either CPU or GPU. Can mine on FPGA devices. CGMiner is cross-platform and works on Windows, so if you have dedicated mining machines using different operating systems, you'll still be able to use the same mining tool. Supports Stratum and GBT pooled mining. CGMiner can cache submissions to prevent data loss during power/network outages. CGMiner is developed with many off-the-shelf Bitcoin mining ( appliances in mind and has support for devices like BitForce, Icarus, Modminer and others.
Download - CGMiner.
There are downloadable packages of CGMiner on for Arch Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. Get them here.
BFGMiner is a Bitcoin mining ( tool for Windows and Linux. It is very similar to CGMiner and has identical features. With that said, it has some special additions that veteran Bitcoin ( miners will love.
This mining tool is one of the most popular, and well known Bitcoin mining ( tools around, and is not meant for the average user by any means.
BFGMiner supports mining with multiple devices at a time. The program supports ASIC and FPGA cryptocurrency mining software. BFGMiner has a dynamic clock feature, that can help users get the most out of their mining hardware. BFGMiner supports lots of mining hardware. Like CGMiner, the BFGMiner tool can cache a mining submission in the event of power loss. Can stop, start and restart a device at a moment's notice. BFGMiner can automatically detect a failing mining pool and disable it.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:39 am
Download - BFGMiner.
Binaries of BFGMiner for Arch Linux, Debian, OpenMandriva and Ubuntu are available for download at this link here. You can also grab the source code for BFGMiner from the official website.
3. MultiMiner.
MultiMiner is a cross-platform mining tool that works on Linux. It aims to help the average person get into cryptocurrency, while also catering to more advanced users at the same time.
The app is cross-platform, works on Windows, Mac, and Linux and claims that users can "get started mining in minutes."
MultiMiner supports desktop PCs and the three major operating systems. Also, it has support for mining on specialized ASIC and FPGA hardware. Users can mine for both Bitcoin ( and Litecoin cryptocurrencies. MultiMiner has a mobile application component, that can be used to check the stats of your mining devices. MultiMiner can network and communicate with other cryptocurrency mining devices on the network (using BFGMiner), and it's possible to swap the currency being mined remotely. With the MultiMiner application, users can connect and remotely manage mining devices on the network, or over USB. The user can shut them on and off remotely at any time. The tool has a separate stat-tracking application (for both Desktop and mobile) that can be used to track your currency miners. MultiMiner has a notification feature that suggests what coins are currently profitable.
Download - MultiMiner.
Grab the Linux version of MultiMiner by visiting their official website. You may need to compile the Linux version from source to use it.
4. Minergate Miner.
If you don't know a lot about Cryptocurrency, Minergate is a great place to start. When installed, anyone can mine a multitude of crypto-currencies with little effort, research or hardware investment.
Minergate is cross-platform and works on Windows, Linux, Mac, and Android, so no matter what platform you're on, you'll be able to your hands on digital coins!
Minergate is easy to install and run on many different Linux distributions, a nice change from the difficult setup many Linux mining tools have. Coins you mine within the Minergate service can be cashed out directly from their website, rather than relying on a third-party service. Lets users mine a wide variety of cryptocurrency with little setup (Zcash, Bitcoin ( Gold, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Bitcoin (, Bytecoin, Monero, Monero Original, FantomCoin, Aeon coin, Litecoin.) The program has a "notification" feature that notifies users when it's profitable to start mining a particular cryptocurrency. Minergate has a benchmark tool that users can run to determine if their computer can Mine, and what the output would be. The Minergate service lets users cash out cryptocurrency they've mined every single day, with no limit in coin amount.
Download - Minergate.
To get Minergate for Linux, vist the download page on They support both Ubuntu and Fedora.
Want to mine alt-coin on Linux with your Nvidia GPU? If so, you may be interested in Excavator, the command-line application that specially targets Nvidia's Cuda architecture to mine crypto-currency.
Excavator is closed-source and only works with the NiceHash service. However, considering not many mining tools out there exist for Nvidia, this application is one to try!
Excavator has support for most modern Nvidia GPUs. Low-intensity mining is supported by NiceHash Excavator and allows the user to limit the resources that NiceHash can use. Excavator has a benchmark feature. Easy to set up and install and use on most Linux distributions, despite being in active development. Excavator is cross-platform and has a Windows version.
Download - NiceHash Excavator.
Want to use Nicehash Excavator? Visit the Excavator release page on the GitHub page for the Linux version.
6. cpuminer-multi.
Cpuminer-multi is a fork of the original cpuminer tool with a heavy focus on multi-threaded CPU architectures. It runs in a terminal, and like the old cpuminer app, it has access to multiple mining algorithms, which makes getting digital crypto-coins very effective!
Like many of the mining tools on this list, cpuminer-multi is cross-platform and has support for other operating systems aside from Linux. Cpuminer-multi focuses heavily on multi-threaded CPUs and modern CPU architectures. Cpuminer-multi works on many different CPU architectures, like ARM, x86 and x86_64 bit. Can mine Bitcoin (, Monero and many other types of cryptocurrency. Very easy to set up, with good documentation and has a binary release that runs on most Linux distributions.
Download - cpuminer-multi.
To use this program on your Linux distribution, check the project's Github page. Keep in mind that you may need to build the code yourself to use it.
In this list, we've covered some of the best cryptocurrency mining tools you can install on Linux. Each one of these programs run perfectly on the platform. Do check them out! They will help get you into the world of mining digital coins quickly!
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:40 am

Solo Mining vs Pool Mining|5:05
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:42 am
Mine Bitcoin ( on Linux With These Best Free Apps.
If you want to mine your own Bitcoins on Linux, here are the best free apps to do it.
Cryptocurrency mining, especially Bitcoin mining (, rose in popularity as the price of Bitcoins skyrocketed. Though Bitcoins are available for purchase, a rewarding means of obtaining cryptocurrencies is through mining.
On Windows and Mac, many miners are available. Similarly, for Linux users, Bitcoin mining ( options are plentiful. Learn how to mine Bitcoin ( on Linux with these best free apps!
Before You Mine Bitcoin ( With Free Apps.
Primarily, when mining Bitcoin ( with free apps for Linux, think about your software and hardware. Most Ubuntu and Debian derivatives should foster a suitable environment for installing these free Bitcoin ( miners. Still, it's best to check with each option.
Aside from software, you'll need to make sure your hardware is compatible as well. You may mine Bitcoin ( with a GPU, ASIC or FPGA device, and a CPU. Depending on which device or devices you prefer to use, you'll need different software.
Although Bitcoin ( holds its status as the most well-known cryptocurrency, plenty of crypto alternatives exist, from Litecoin to Ethereum and Monero. If you plan to mine other currencies, you may consider software that's capable of mining multiple cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin ( and Litecoin.
Finally, how you plan to mine ultimately dictates which free Bitcoin mining ( apps are best. There's solo mining, which is single-user mining. Then there's cloud mining, for the benefits of mining without maintaining the hardware. Pool mining is a popular choice as well where miners join a group and share processing power over a network, splitting rewards equally according to workload contributed to the pool.
The Best Free Apps for Mining Bitcoin ( on Linux.
To mine Bitcoin ( on Linux with these free apps for desktops and laptops, you'll also need a GPU capable of mining and a decent CPU as well.
Unfortunately, with fluctuating values of cryptocurrencies the best time to purchase a GPU varies. For purely gaming, you've got plenty of GPU options for surviving the Bitcoin ( era.
Because of cryptocurrency mining popularity, the demand for graphics cards (GPUs) skyrocketed. Find out if you should buy a graphics card or not, and what the best alternatives are!
Among the most common free apps for Bitcoin mining ( on Linux, CGMiner ranks as a top choice. It's derived from the code of the original CPU Miner. Within the CGMiner software, you'll find a bevy of options ranging from multi-GPU support to CPU mining capabilities and fan speed control.
For a wide-ranging option, check out MinerGate. For Linux users, Bitcoin mining ( with Minergate takes a different approach than the likes of CGMiner. Instead of solo mining, Minergate employs cloud mining. You can mine Bitcoin ( on Linux using its Ubuntu and Fedora installers.
Because MinerGate is a cloud mining solution, you'll need to create a mining contract and choose how much to invest or a hash rate. Aside from Bitcoin (, MinerGate allows you to mine a bevy of cryptocurrencies including Aeon, Ethereum, Monero, DigitalNote, and Zcash.
Options include selecting GPU and CPU mining, as well as intensity for GPU mining and number of cores for CPU mining. The smart miner automatically suggests a currency with the highest exchange rate in the last hour. A neat feature is a benchmarking tool which allows users to determine the capabilities of their hardware for mining specific coins.
I appreciated the gamification within Minergate as well. For instance, you earn badges while you complete certain tasks, such as using the easy miner or reaching 100 shares.
Like CGMiner, BFGMiner concentrates on solo mining ventures. However, instead, of targeting GPUs for mining, BFGMiner instead provides a means of mining on Linux with ASIC and FPGA devices. It's available for Arch Linux, Gentoo, Ubuntu, OpenWRT, and Debian.
Additionally, BFGMiner offers Windows 64-bit and 32-bit installers. On the technical side, BFGMiner is written in C and includes monitoring, dynamic clocking, and a remote interface. Installing BGFMiner via the command line is pretty simple, though you should add the PPA for the latest version.
An open-source Bitcoin ( miner for Linux, BTCMiner is a top choice for USB FPGA devices. It's an FPGA miner board with a USB interface. If you're mining with one of these Bitcoin ( USB miners, you'll need the BCTMiner software.
Begin mining Bitcoin ( with Multiminer, a fantastic Bitcoin mining ( for Linux alternative. Aside from the Linux installer, you'll find macOS and Windows installers. While it's an awesome means to mine Bitcoin ( on Linux, you may also mine other cryptocurrencies such as Litecoin.
Moreover, Multiminer maintains compatibility with hardware ranging from GPUs to ASICs and FPGAs. Because it caters to both novice miners and seasoned power users, Multiminer is a great choice for mining Bitcoin ( on Linux.
Multiminer is a bit like MinerGate in that it's intuitive and features loads of coin mining options. Command line installation is quick and painless, though like BFGMiner you'll need to add the PPA. Once it's up and running, Multiminer is a breeze to use and boasts a smattering of configuration options for GPU, CPU, and ASIC mining.
As the name suggests, EasyMiner is, well, super simple. With a lovely graphical user interface, it's a means to mine Bitcoin ( and Litecoin on Linux. In addition to a GPU miner, EasyMiner sports a CPU miner. It's fairly lightweight, using few system resources with the exception, of your GPU of course.
With its Getwork mining protocol, EasyMiner supports solo and pooled mining. You can download EasyMiner from its official Sourceforge page. This free, open-source Linux Bitcoin mining ( software presents real-time stats such as total shares, hash rate, and more.
There's no shortage of software options to mine Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrencies on Linux. You can start to mine Bitcoin ( on Linux with these best free apps, ranging from solo miners like CGMiner and BFGMiner to pooled and cloud mining options such as EasyMiner or MinerGate. With these free Bitcoin ( miners, you'll generate cryptocurrency with ease.
When deciding upon an application for mining Bitcoin (, all you need to do is figure out which option is best for your hardware and software configuration. Remember to consider if you'd prefer to mine solo, in a pool, or via cloud mining.
Interested in a crypto wallet for your mobile device? Check out UNSTOPPABLE and why it's the best.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:42 am

WARNING!! BITCOIN MINING POOL CENSOR THIS!! I share my secret how to earn BTC every weekend!!|26:43
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:43 am
June 11, 2017 10 Comments.
Want to mine Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrencies? Profitably? Then you'll need the right combination of hardware and software. We'll deal with the hardware end of the business in another article, so the software end will be the subject of this post.
There are dozens of mining software, but very few Linux distributions that ship with the ones you'll most likely need for you cryptocurrency mining operation. In my search for such Linux distributions, I only managed to find a few. And among those few, only a couple could be considered very good. Unlike your standard Linux distribution, though, they are not free.
Keep in mind that I've not used any of these distributions, though I'll start using one of them tomorrow.
With that disclaimer out of the way, here are the Linux distributions that I found:
Portable Instant Mining Platform.
PiMP seems to be the best Linux distribution I found that's designed for mining. It's a Debian-based distribution that supports mining with AMD and Nvidia graphics processing units (GPUs). The price tag on this is just $30.00, with an installation image that's almost 4.5 GB in size. I just bought and downloaded this yesterday, so I'll be writing a little bit more about it in the coming weeks. For more information, visit the product page at
Interface of Portable Instant Mining Platform (PiMP) for cryptocurrency mining.
ethOS Mining OS.
ethOS is another good one. It's, however, not designed for mining Bitcoin (, only Ethereum, Zcash, Monero, and other GPU-minable altcoins. It is also limited to mining with AMD GPUs. More information is available at the project's home page. Like PiMP, this also is not free.
Though those two are the best I came across, I also found SMOS Linux, but it doesn't seem to have been updated for some time. Litecoin BAMT and KopiemTu are others that I could not determine their development statuses. Though not designed for mining, ROKOS Flavors is a Debian-based distribution for Raspberry Pi zero, 2, 3, PINE64+ and other IoT devices that turns those devices into full nodes for staking.
This is definitely a post that I'll keep updating as I find more information, so keep changing back or follow this site on Twitter. That's all for the Linux distributions I've come across that could be used for your cryptocurrency mining operations. If you know of any good one that's not listed here, please post a comment.
Ultimate Setup Guide for Cryptocurrency Mining with Linux & Nvidia Cards.
In this tutorial you will learn how to configure Linux on a mining computer that uses Nvidia GPU's. We will also configure the computer to use SSH, so we can control the computer from another computer. The main advantage of setting up your mining computer using SSH is primarily because if you have multiple mining computers, you can control all of them from a main desktop or laptop that is connected to the same network. You also don't have to have an extra keyboard, mouse and monitor plugged into all of your mining computers this way.
The main reason for writing this article is to guide you through the process of installing the Nvidia drivers, and configuring the GPU's, so one can control the fan speed and other GPU settings.
Choosing the Linux Distribution.
Since we want to use an SSH setup, we do not need a GUI for our mining computer. Because of this, I have chosen Ubuntu Server for our Linux distribution.
At the time of writing this (4/14/2018) We are about 12 days away from the release of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. The LTS version of Ubuntu server, is the one we want to download. This is because the LTS version provides updates for about five years after the release date. We want the long term update version, since we will download drivers from their package repository. The non LTS versions only provide updates for nine months, meaning we would have to reinstall or update the OS every nine months, instead of five years. Plus the LTS version makes the process easy to update from one LTS version to the next LTS version, without reinstalling the OS.
Make sure you download the 16.04 LTS version if you're reading this before 4/26/2018 otherwise download the 18.04 LTS version. I will be using the beta version of 18.04 since this is the future OS for the Ubuntu server, and I need to write this article for Ubuntu 18.04. I DO NOT suggest using a beta version for your mining computer, so it may be best to just wait until the official Ubuntu 18.04 server is released. I am just using the beta so I can write the tutorial for the future Ubuntu 18.04 and not the old Ubuntu 16.04.
Create the bootable disk.
Once you have download the ISO file, you have to write the file to a DVD or a USB drive, and make it bootable. I prefer to write it to a USB drive, so I will explain this in the tutorial.
I use rufus to create my bootable USB drives. Rufus only runs on Windows. Just download rufus, and then plug in the USB drive you want to create the bootable ISO file.
Note: The USB drive you make bootable will lose all of its data, so make sure the USB drive is empty before going any further. Do not select your hard drive, otherwise it will erase your computer's hard drive that your working on. Make sure you have selected a USB drive and not your Windows hard drive. For this reason I have a separate USB drive that I only use for this purpose.
Now run the rufus file, and you should see something like this.
The red arrow indicates the USB drive you want to write the Linux ISO file to.
The blue arrow indicates the partition scheme you want for your mining computer. I usually use the last selection "GPT partition scheme for UEFI". To use this partition scheme, you need to have a motherboard that supports UEFI, so you will need to check your motherboard's specifications. If not use the first selection "MBR partition scheme for BIOS or UEFI".
The next step is to click the first red box in the picture (the one with the dvd on the hard drive image) and select the ISO file.
The green arrow indicates the name of the USB drive. I just used the default name.
Once you have made sure you have filled out all of the settings correctly, click the start button. This can take a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the speed of the USB drive and the size of the ISO file.
Install the Linux OS.
Once it is completed, you need to install the Linux OS on your mining rig. I am not going to explain this process, since it is pretty straightforward and varies because of each individuals hardware. I will however give a brief overview of how I installed the Linux OS.
You will need a keyboard, mouse and monitor connected to the mining computer to install the Linux OS.
First I booted up the computer and went into the BIOS. I changed the boot priority of the machine to boot from the USB first. I then saved and exited the BIOS. I then rebooted the machine with the bootable Linux USB drive inserted in the machine.
Next I followed the installation instructions.
Update the Linux OS.
Now that you have installed Linux, you should login to the username that you created during the installation process.
The first step is to update the system. We can do this by using:
The next step is to install the SSH server.
My computer already said it was installed, but you need to install it if it is not.
Next we need to get some information about our network. We will need this information to connect to the mining computer using SSH, and to setup a static IP address for the mining computer. We need the following network settings:
Local IP address Netmask Netmask CIDR Gateway Interface.
The Local IP address is the ip address that starts with 192.168 in the example above it is
The netmask is the netmask address that is on the same row as the local IP address. In the example above it is
The gateway is the address that is not in the example above it is
The interface is Iface on the same row as the gateway. In the example above it is enp1s0.
We now need to calculate the CIDR for your netmask address. To do this run this command and replace "" with your netmask IP address.
You should get a number between 24-30. In the above example I get 24.
At this point we can finish the rest of the tutorial from your main computer using the SSH feature. You can now unplug the keyboard, mouse and monitor from the mining computer.
Connect to the mining computer using SSH using a Windows system.
If your main computer is Mac or Linux you will already have an SSH client installed. If your main computer is Windows, you will need to download putty. I like the non installing file, so I scroll down to the alternative binary files, and download the putty.exe.
Once you have putty downloaded, open the file and you should see something like this.
The only thing you need to fill out is the IP address, and then press open.
Here is my setup.
If any warning boxes appear, just click on yes.
It should then ask you to login (using your username and password that you setup in the installation of the Linux OS)
Connect to the mining computer using SSH using a Linux or Mac system.
To connect to your mining computer using SSH, open up a terminal and type in:
For example I would use:
Configure a static local IP Address.
First we need to set a static local IP address for the mining computer. If we don't, it may change the IP address after every reboot. I suggest setting the static IP address to the IP address it gave you when you typed in ifconfig, this way we won't assign it an IP address already in use by another system on the network.
The network file is located in a different place in Ubuntu 18.04 compared to the previous versions of Ubuntu, and it uses the YAML format instead of text.
To find the network file type.
It should list one file. For me it listed "50-cloud-init.yaml"
Open the file by typing in:
You should see something like this.
Change it so it looks like this.
For the address you want to type in the ip address you want (I suggest using the one it gave you in ifconfig) at the end you need to type in / and then the Netmask CIDR we calculated earlier. Then make sure DHCP for both IPV4 and IPV6 is turned off, and type in the IP address for your network's gateway.
Save the file by pressing Control + X and then Y and then Enter. You should now automatically return back to the command line.
Then reboot the system:
Then reconnect to the system using SSH and your assigned IP address.
Configure the GPU drivers.
Now we need to install the Linux Headers using:
You may already have the latest headers.
Now we need to install the xorg dev package.
Next we need to add the PPA for the graphics-drivers:
Now we need to update APT so it knows about the latest drivers in the PPA.
Now we need to figure out what drivers are the latest drivers. You can find this out by visiting the Graphics Drivers PPA Scroll down to the bottom and look at the entry that says "nvidia-graphics-drivers-" for example the latest ones at the time of writing this article (4/14/2018) is "nvidia-graphics-drivers-396"
Now install the drivers as well as CUDA.
the files are big (around 1GB) so it may take a while.
When it is done installing you need to check if it installed correctly using.
If nothing returns, then the driver installation failed, otherwise it should show something like this.
Now we need to create the Nvidia config file.
If it gives you an error, reboot and try to create the Nvidia config file again.
Now make sure all of the GPU's are detected in your system.
As you can see it has detected the GT 1030 in the computer.
It also shows you the fan speed, temperature and power usage per GPU.
Now we need to login as root.
To configure the fan speed, core clock or memory speed we need to start xorg and then tell the system that our main display is the SSH console.
The computer console should not give any errors, but it will not return back to the username at the command line. Then type in.
Then it should return back to the username at the command line.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:43 am
Configure the GPUs.
Note: changing the fan speed, GPU core clock and GPU memory clock could damage the GPU and or shorten the life of the GPU. Make sure you know what your doing if you try to edit these settings. I am not endorsing or advocating the fact that you should try to change any of these GPU settings.
To change the fan speed you can use.
For example to turn the fan speed to 100 on GPU 0 I would use:
To change the GPU core clock speed, you use.
You can use + or - to increase or decrease the speed by the offset. For example to increase the core clock by 1 we would use.
To set the GPU memory speed you would use.
For example to set the memory speed to 3010 we would use.
Download the mining software.
Okay now it is time to start mining. Most mining computers that use Nvidia and Linux are built to mine equihash coins. Because of this we will follow a previous tutorial I have written on how to mine Bitcoin ( Private I will not be going into the details on how to setup the command line configuration, so make sure you follow the tutorial.
We now need to create a folder for our mining software. I chose to create a folder in my home directory called "mining_software"
Change the directory to the home directory.
Now create the folder.
Now give ownership of the folder to your username.
In my case I would use.
Now we need to install EWBF miner You can read more about it in the Bitcoin ( Private tutorial.
Download the tar file on your main computer (Windows, Mac, Linux)
If your using Windows, we need to download pscp for Windows. This is a scp client for windows created by the same people who made putty. Then make sure both the pscp.exe and the EWBF file are located in the same folder. Now open a command window in that folder.
If you have Mac or Linux installed you have scp built in. Open a terminal in the folder where the EWBF file was downloaded.
To copy the EWBF software from your main computer to your mining computer we need to use.
If using Windows:
If using Mac or Linux:
I am using Windows, so my command line configuration is.
Now check if the file was copied over.
Change directory to the mining_software folder.
It should show the only file being the EWBF mining software.
Once the file has copied we can close the scp or pscp windows on our main computer.
Now we need to extract the mining software.
Then check if the miner has been extracted.
Then remove the tar file.
Then check if the file has been deleted.
Then change directories to the miner folder.
Then create a new file with the command line configuration for the miner. Refer to the Bitcoin ( private tutorial on how to configure your command line parameters. For example I am using.
Save this in a script file by typing.
We use ip address for the API so we can check it on another device that is connected to the network.
The nohup and the & at the end, allows us to run the mining software when we disconnect from the SSH client.
Next make the script file executable by typing.
Then start the script by typing.
Then press Control + C.
The miner should be running in the background now. You can now disconnect from the SSH client, and monitor the mining computer from a web browser on any device connected to the network.
When you connect to the mining computer using the SSH client, if you need to stop the mining software type.
Look for the PID of the mining software. You can tell it is the mining software, because the process will have ./miner in the description. In my example it is 2109.
That's it. You should now be mining BTCP!
How to update drivers.
To update drivers, you will need to remove the old driver using.
Then reboot the system.
Now install the drivers.
When it is done installing, you need to check if it installed correctly using.
That's it. You should now figure out what coin you want to mine on your new Linux and Nvidia mining system. You can browse all of the Blockonomi mining articles to learn about different coins, and learn how to mine them!
8 Best Bitcoin mining ( Software for Mac, Windows, Linux of 2020.
The investment in Bitcoin ( is rapidly increasing all over the world. Before we discuss Bitcoin mining ( software in detail, it is essential to know something about Bitcoin (
What is exactly Bitcoin ( It is a type of digital currency which has a role similar to money. You can use Bitcoin ( for purchasing some things and also to make some payments.
The concept of Bitcoin ( has been quite popular in the digital era in many parts of the world. People have found the investment in Bitcoin ( to be lucrative. Just as you invest in shares and equities, Investment in Bitcoin ( is also a good option for future investment. You can also check bitcoin online broker.
Meaning of Bitcoin mining ( Software and its role.
The role of Bitcoin mining ( Software is very significant in the process of Bitcoin mining ( It establishes a connection between the works of mining hardware and Bitcoin ( networks. Bitcoin mining ( Software aims to get the job done by the miners on the network.
The functions of Bitcoin mining ( software are to show statistics like the speed of the miner and hash rate. It also checks the input and output of your miner.
Importance of Bitcoin ( Wallets.
The first thing you will need in the process of Bitcoin mining ( is a Bitcoin ( wallet. As the moment you create and download a Bitcoin ( wallet, Bitcoin ( address will be provided to you. With the help of this address, you can send your mining rewards as well as payouts.
There are some of the best Bitcoin ( wallets which you can use such as Electrum, Mycelium and many others.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:44 am

HOW MUCH MONEY did $5,000 of Crypto Mining Rigs Earn in 2020?!|15:37
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:44 am
The next step in the process of Bitcoin mining ( is to use the best Bitcoin mining ( software for several operating systems.
Following are the best Bitcoin mining ( software you can try.
#1. Bitcoin ( Miner.
It is the most popular Bitcoin mining ( software you can choose for using on Windows 10 and Windows 8.1. This software has easy user-interface for the comfort of miners, and it also has the power-saving mode. You can even know whether mining is beneficial or not.
There are also many other excellent features of this software, such as quick share submission and mining pool support. It allows you to earn more money. The computer will make fast and accurate calculations if you have Bitcoin ( Miner in it.
#2. CG Miner.
The next on the list of best Bitcoin mining ( software is CG Miner. It is very simple to use and gives effective solutions for Bitcoin mining ( It contains the C programming language. This software will notify you when a new block is created in the chain. It supports many GPUs and CPU mining.
CG Miner works on the original code of CPU Miner. There are many other features of this software, such as binary kernel downloading and fan speed control. You can use CG Miner for Windows 10, Linux and OSX users. It is free software.
#3. BFGMiner.
BFGMiner focuses mainly on ASICs. It provides mining with free mesa and LLVM OpenCL. Integrated overclocking, fan control and ADL device reordering by PCI bus ID. CG Miner and BFGMiner have numerous similarities.
This Bitcoin mining ( software can be used on Windows and Linux operating system. BFGMiner works on multithreaded blockchain technology. It is one of the most useful software for miners.
#4. MultiMiner.
MultiMiner checks the process of Bitcoin mining ( on your desktop. It supports many kinds of mining hardware as well as coins. MultiMiner has a comfortable user interface with options places in an efficient manner.
It has a unique feature of setting up mining gear to my various pools and differing coins. You can earn maximum profits by using MultiMiner. Beginners, as well as experienced miners, can use this software.
#5. EasyMiner.
EasyMiner has an advantage that it shows performance graphs so that you view your mining activity. It supports the stratum mining protocol network and mining protocol. This software has good user-interface with proper options.
It also has a hash rate display and shows which shares can be accepted. You can download EasyMiner for free of cost, and it runs on Windows and Linux operating systems.
#6. BTCMiner.
The unique feature of BTCMiner is that it selects the frequency with the highest rate of valid hashes. You will require any license to use this Bitcoin mining ( software on your Windows and Linux operating systems.
This software has FPGA boards which consist of USB interface which can be used for communication and programming. This bitcoin miner software is perfect for Linux based operating system. You can also download BTCMiner on all versions of Windows operating system.
#7. RPC Miner.
RPC Miner is one of the best Bitcoin mining ( software for Mac operating system 10.6 and higher. It supports pool mining. The main features of RPC miner are multi GPU support, OpenCL miner for ATI GPU.
It also has a remote control for the miner's comfort. It is the most famous software in the market these days.
#8. MacMiner.
MacMiner is one of the most fantastic options you can use for your Mac operating systems. It includes bfgminer, cgminer,andcpuminer. MacMiner has an easy user-interface with possibilities. It also provides API Output table view for the statistics on FPGA and ASIC miners.
MacMiner runs on operating system 10.7 and higher. It also checks networked miners by their IP addresses.
The bitcoin mentioned above, miner software runs perfectly on Mac, Windows, and Linux operating system. They have fantastic features and will help you to earn more money. You can also use advanced hardware to simplify the process of Bitcoin mining (
Bitcoin mining ( will be a lucrative investment if you have the proper hardware, power and time. The next step is to cash out some of the coins for paying mining costs.
You can earn money with the help of this Bitcoin mining ( software quickly, and bitcoins get transferred to your wallet. Think once to invest in Bitcoins soon.
Bitcoin ( Miner Virus.
What Is Bitcoin ( Miner Virus?
As ransomware attacks become more frequent than ever, making the crypto price to rise, the need for a Bitcoin ( miner virus also increases. Virus actors try to implement crypto infection into everything they do, be it backdoors, viruses, ransomware, adware and redirects.
BitCoin miner virus is a dangerous infection that may use your CPU and/or GPU to obtain crypto cryptocurrency illegally. Cryptocurrency obtianers keep hitting computers and trying to use their resources to generate revenue for their developers. Even though this type of infection is called BitCoinMiner, it does mine for digital currencies such as Monero, Electroneum, and others.
Since crypto-mining is a process that requires extremely powerful hardware components, cybercriminals utilize malicious software that enables them to hijack users' computers and use them to collectively mine cryptocurrencies. By doing this they avoid all expensive costs. Affected users, in return, start facing lots of problems with their computers.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:44 am
BitCoin Miner Virus Summary.
How to Know If You Have a Bitcoin ( Miner Virus.
This type of infection can hardly be noticed as it does not open any windows. It is just silently running in the background of all other active processes. If you want to detect a such an infection you should open the task manager and look for any unknown processes. In addition, pay attention to the following symptoms:
In the Task Manager you see more than 50% CPU utilization all the time. Programs load slow. Programs become unresponsive. The computer starts to freeze. Sudden reboots occur and prevent you from saving your data. The machine generates excessive heat. Games run slower.
Here are some of the detection names given to such crypto malware:
PUA.CoinMiner Trojan.BitMine Riskware.BitcoinMiner W32/CoinMiner Application.BitCoinMiner Trojan.BtcMine Riskware.Miner Win.Trojan.Bitcoinminer-72.
If you believe you are infected with this crypto obtaining viruses, we advise you to read this article to learn how to remove it from your computer and protect yourself in the future as well.
Such infections are shaping up to be the next big thing in cyber-security, and it will not go away soon. One such virus is the latest discovered infection. This infection has the only purpose to mine Monero, Ethereum, Dashcoin, or other cryptocurrencies on the computer it has infected.
For cryptocurrency mining to occur, the BitCoin infection may run processes on the infected machine that may result in the significant over-usage of its CPU and GPU resources. This, in turn, sometimes leads to a total slowing down of the system. And the worst part is that there are no files on your computer, meaning it is very difficult to detect it.
We have detected a lot of new crypto obtaining threats out there with different capabilities. Some such viruses were as harmless as to only mine your PC, while others, hastier were completely able to display ads and also infect your PC with information-stealing infection that directly provides your data to cybercriminals.
The malicious activity of the infection is comprised of executing multiple malicious scripts on the infected PC by a backdoor which the infection runs beforehand. These scripts have the purpose to connect the threat to a control and command server. It the mining infection uses different classes to execute further scripts that allow for various actions to take place:
Remove control of the virus. Download the cryptocurrency mining software and execute it filelessly. Add the victim PC to a mining pool network in which all infected computers are also added.
In some cases the infection process is conducted with the aid of one of the exploits used in the WannaCry and NotPetya ransomware outbreaks which came out earlier this year. The exploit is known by the name EternalBlue and is a zero-day type of exploit for Windows versions from Windows XP up to Windows 10. Fortunately, Microsoft has released patches for the exploit, so anyone who has a legitimate Windows installation should immediately:
Disable the WMI service. Disable SMB and Download the latest security patches from Microsoft.
Some crypto threats that are misusing the Windows Management Instrumentation service (WMI) - scrcons.exe, to execute malicious scripts. As a result, the miner becomes completely invisible, because it does not drop any types of files on the computers infected by it.
Such threats have continued to evolve adding new technologies to them that enable them to not only act as a Worm to infect as many computers as possible but also to use the infected machine to its full extent and clear example for that is the WannaMine Cryptoworm infection, imitating the notorious WannaCry ransomware. And with Bitcoin ( price scoring a high-level price in August 2020 we could expect new mining viruses and improved versions of existing ones to be released in the wild.
Besides this the usage of JavaScript has further evolved and become more sophisticated with RAT features in some viruses, like the JavaScript miner . In addition to this, viruses have begin to imimtate system processes very well .
Happily, Google Chrome which is the most widely used web browser has been updated to block the web browser extensions that have JavaScript mining codes in them. This means that Google Chrome is more secure against miners and it is recommended that you use it, if you have recently had problems caused by such extensions. Note that this move by Google does not eliminate such viruses since they are still very active via Trojan Horses and on other browsers' extensions as well. Furthermore, CryptoCurrency mining viruses are still evolving and some of them are now capable of acting on themselves.
Here are some of the most notorious crypto threats which have made the most impact out of all:
One of the latest crypto-mining cases reported regards the legitimate Synapse X program. An executable file called Synapse X.exe has been spotted to be acting oddly on computer systems by occupying more than 90% of the CPU/GPU usage for a long period of time. This, in turn, means that the process may be misused by malicious actors to abuse victims' computer resources in order to transfer Dash, Monero, or another cryptocurrency directly to cybercriminals' wallets.
How is BitCoin Infection Installed on a Computer?
At this point, it is not clear as to what the exact infection method of this mining malware is. However, it may appear on your computer as a result of executing multiple different types of miners previously executed on your computers, such as Trojans, Worms, and others. The methods of distribution and infection vary, but they may be conducted via:
Malicious web links posted as a spam message online. Web links that exist In various forms, as fake buttons or altered banners on a website as a result of having a PUP on your computer. Via malicious e-mail spam attachment with a convincing message to open it.
As of recent months, new crypto miners have emerged out in the wild. The viruses are spread via multiple different methods. It is most likely that they are embedded on websites via malicious JavaScript code on the websites visited by victims.
BitCoin Miner Virus on Mac.
Such threats have started to spread across various devices, including Macs, hence they are also referred to as Crypto Miner Mac threats. Some of the most recent Mac threats that perform cryptocurrency mining activities have been reported to be the following:
Minin infection is more widespread on Mac systems according to malware researchers and the recent AV-TEST. The reason behind it is that some of the higher-end Mac machines are equipped with powerful hardware, which the miners want to use the resources of, to mine for digital currency since last year.
More than 1,305 malware samples of the crypto mining on Mac category were detected by AV-TEST . Trojans and other threats, different from the malware showed fewer results in the samples infecting Apple computer systems.
How to Remove Bitcoin ( Miner Virus.
How to tell if you have such a threat? The best practice to detect the malicious processes associated with mining malware that are running in the background of your computer is to automatically scan for them with a reliable anti-malware/anti-virus software. By doing this you will also be sure that these malicious objects will be removed safely, without taking the risk to damage critical Windows Components during a manual removal process. For more information and options on how to get rid of the mining malware follow the instructions below.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:49 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:50 am
Ventsislav Krastev.
Ventsislav is a cybersecurity expert at SensorsTechForum since 2015. He has been researching, covering, helping victims with the latest malware infections plus testing and reviewing software and the newest tech developments. Having graduated Marketing as well, Ventsislav also has passion for learning new shifts and innovations in cybersecurity that become game changers. After studying Value Chain Management, Network Administration and Computer Administration of System Applications, he found his true calling within the cybersecrurity industry and is a strong believer in the education of every user towards online safety and security.
Beware of Bitcoin mining ( virus: How to detect and prevent it?
According to Kaspersky Lab, the number of computers and mobile gadgets contaminated with crypto viruses increased by 44.5% in 2018. Hackers no longer extort money with the help of cryptographic viruses - they simply incept a crypto virus on your PC without attracting any attention. How BTC miner virus can harm your devices and what can be done to keep the Bitcoin mining ( virus at bay?
What Is a Crypto Virus?
To put it simply, this is a piece of code/software that runs the process of hidden mining on users' PC or smartphone.
Hidden mining is the process of mining cryptocurrency by an attacker using the computers of unsuspecting victims . The most commonly used hidden mining viruses serve to get Monero or ZCash. Applications are being installed specifically for the mining of small altcoins, because it is more efficient to mine some smaller coin with one PC core than Bitcoin ( with all the power of a PC. Moreover, such viruses can even run on Android OS. There have also been cases when hackers used NiceHash and MinerGate.
Pretty often, the developers of mining viruses are not limited by just mining on a CPU or a graphic card - they supplement their programs with various spyware functions . For example, a Bitcoin ( virus can steal crypto wallets files, data for entering social networks or credit card data. Moreover, after such attacks, the computer becomes extremely vulnerable and unsafe to use.
How Does Cryptocurrency Mining Virus Work?
The principle of work is very simple. The program performs a hidden launch of the miner and connects it to a mining pool. These actions load the processor seriously. The main objective of Bitcoin mining ( virus is to receive money for unauthorized use of other people's computing power. The fraudster receives the cryptocurrency earned by the victims directly into his wallet.
Mining pools are an ideal way to create such botnets, because most platforms support an unlimited number of users connected to the same address and their affiliation does not need to be proved. After getting connected to hundreds of computers, a hacker can enjoy pretty good income and use the services of the largest mining pools.
How does Bitcoin mining ( virus spread and how to detect it.
Typically, cryptocurrency viruses enter computers the following ways:
Downloading of files from the Internet . Hackers find many ways to distribute their programs and embed them on dubious sites. Torrents are a common way for virus distribution. Physical contact with a contaminated device . You can also catch such software using other people's flash drives and other hardware storage devices. Unauthorized remote access . Classic remote hacking is also performed this way.
You can find a lot of news on how people tried to use hidden mining software at work by 'infecting' entire offices. In some cases, hackers spread their software through Telegram.
You might download 100% safe software (games, patches, utilities, etc), but it will be contaminated during the process of updating. Such things happen, too.
How BTC crypto virus can be hidden?
Sometimes, it's almost impossible to detect a crypto virus. There are three most widespread approaches to hiding a Bitcoin ( virus:
Virus acting as a service . In this case, you won't see any separate process Task Manager. System resources will be used by some svchost.exe, which is an absolutely legal system process. If you deactivate it, most likely your Windows PC will simply cease working. What to do in such a situation? You can search for a service with a suspicious name through msconfig.exe, but there is a more efficient approach - use Process Explorer free software. Slow mining . In this case, the virus software is designed not for quick cryptocurrency mining, but rather for ensuring the longest possible lifetime of the mining virus. Such software does not devour all available system resources but spends them moderately. At the same time, if some resource-intensive program is launched, the virus stops working so as not to slow down the OS and complicate its detection. Advanced miner viruses even monitor the fan speed so as not to overload the system by excessive use of computing power. Since some of such viruses stop working when the Task Manager is running, they are unlikely to be detected this way. Rootkit mining virus is the most complicated type of malware. Neither the Task Manager nor the most effective antivirus can detect such a miner virus. How to discover such Bitcoin ( virus? The point is, a rootkit needs to be in constant contact with the mining pool. If left on the idle mode, an ordinary computer practically does not access the Internet. This is when you can notice the presence of a hidden miner virus in your system. If you have spotted something like this, you are unlikely to be able to deal with it yourself - ask for specialists' help.
A Short Crypto Virus Removal Guide.
You can easily detect a simple Bitcoin ( miner: open the Task Manager and find any task that uses more than 20 percent of the CPU power. Most likely, this is a hidden miner. All you need to do is to finish the process.
How to Mine Cryptocurrency on Mobile: Explained.
If you think your computer is contaminated with malware, you should scan it with the latest versions of crypto virus scanners, such as Reimage or SpyHunter 5. Such a tool will immediately detect and remove the Bitcoin ( virus. Also, specialists recommend using the solutions from Dr. Web, CureIT, and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.
Be sure to check the system immediately, notice changes in the speed of your computer, because this is the only way to get rid of this threat without additional problems. If you have a Bitcoin ( virus on your computer, you can expect to discover other viruses - eliminate them all to prevent loss of your sensitive information.
How to Prevent the Crypto Virus?
There are several measures that ensure decent protection against BTC virus when taken simultaneously:
Install and regularly update your antivirus software. Do not forget to check the system for suspicious programs from time to time. Keep your OS up to date. Watch what you download and install. Remember that the threat is often hidden in hacked software, so a freebie can result in additional costs. Do not visit websites without SSL certificates. Try special software. In particular, there are plugins that quite effectively protect your browser from hidden mining: MinerBlock, Anti-WebMiner, and Adblock Plus. Make regular backups. If you accidentally catch a crypto virus, you can get rid of it by rolling back the system to the latest "healthy" version.
Like any other malicious software, Bitcoin mining ( virus removal gets into users' computers when those don't take adequate safety measures. Pay attention to the files you download, websites you visit, and the devices you use. If you notice a serious computer performance slowdown, this is a reason to check it for Bitcoin ( viruses.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 07:50 am

How Much Can You Make Mining Bitcoin With 6X 1080 Ti Beginners Guide|19:20
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:12 am
How to Remove the Bitcoin ( Virus.
If you want to protect your computer, smartphone or tablet from malware threats, use Outbyte Antivirus to keep really safe.
Download and try Outbyte Antivirus that helps clean and protect your PC from viruses, malware and spyware threats.
Compatible with Windows 10.
Cybercriminals keep on inventing new ways of spreading their maleficence on the internet. A common strategy that they now use involves infecting computers with special programs that use a device's computing resources to mine cryptocurrency such as Monero, Bitcoins, and Ethereum.
What is the Bitcoin ( Virus?
The Bitcoin ( virus refers to any malicious software that is specially created to mine Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies on infected computers. The virus infects both Mac and Windows devices and can also attach itself to popular web browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Opera Mini.
Symptoms of Infection by the Bitcoin ( Virus.
Mining cryptocurrencies requires a lot of computing power and as a result, it is pretty easy to tell if your computer has been infected by a crypto-miner such as the Bitcoin ( virus. Here are the most common signs:
· Slower than usual computer performance.
Mining cryptocurrency requires lot of computing power and as a result, it has the tendency to slow don computer enormously. So if your device is super slow, it may be infected by a crypto-miner.
· Increase in network traffic.
Under normal circumstances internet usage is usually steady and marked for everyone. But when a computer is used to mine cryptocurrencies, there is usually a spike in usage, especially when the cryptojacker is updating the block chain. A trained eye can easily see something is up when the network activity behaves this way.
· Unusual server activity.
If the malicious code used to mine cryptocurrencies is injected into server systems, they can exhibit behaviors that are far from ordinary such as taking too much time to respond to requests.
How to Remove Bitcoin ( Virus.
To remove the Bitcoin ( virus from your computer, you need an anti-malware software that proved effective against these types of cyber threats before. A good candidate for this task is Outbyte Antivirus . It will do a deep cleanse of your system and remove the offending program.
It is as easy as it sounds, but you will also need to run your computer on Safe Mode with Networking for the anti-malware to work its magic without interference from other apps or auto start items. Here is how to get to Safe Mode with Networking on a Windows 10 device:
Shut down your computer and interrupt the normal boot process at least three times but turning it on and off. Windows will then enter the Automatic Repair mode. Select an account to continue and provide credentials where needed. Wait for Windows 10 to perform an automatic diagnosis of your PC. On the Automatic Repair screen, select Advanced options then choose Troubleshoot . Go to Advanced options > Startup Settings > Restart . As soon your computer restarts, press F5 to choose Safe Mode with Networking.
Safe Mode with Networking gives you the option of downloading Outbyte Antivirus if you don't have it on your computer already.
Aside from an antivirus, you will also need a PC repair tool to nurse your PC back to health by repairing broken registry entries, deleting junk files that clog the system, and optimizing the RAM to better serve your computing needs. A PC repair tool also makes it easier to monitor CPU usage, which makes it far much easier to discover malware.
Windows Recovery Tools.
The Windows OS has a handy set of tools that help recover the function of a PC following crushes, malware infections, updates, or hardware malfunction. They can be used as standalone solutions to the Bitcoin ( virus infection or as working to compliment the work of the anti-malware and PC cleaner.
System Restore.
System Restore is a popular Windows recovery tool because if used right, it does not occasion a lot of change in the configuration of a device. It can also be used to remove an active malware infection if the restore point that is used was created before the infection.
Assuming that you took the steps described in the Safe Mode with Networking section, you already know how to get to the System Restore option, so, there is no need of repeating that bit. All you need to do is to select System Restore in place of Startup Settings i.e. Advanced options > System Restore.
After you have selected System Restore, now choose a restore point from the list of restore points that are available on your device. If there are no restore points, too bad as this option is off limits to you. Because most Bitcoin ( virus malware exist as standalone programs, you should see it or them in the list of affected programs. If you do not see such programs, (assuming they have not been removed by the anti-malware) choose an older restore point.
Refresh this PC.
This Windows recovery tool assumes that you still need to keep your files and folders even after being infected by the Bitcoin ( virus. To pursue it, take the following steps.
Right-click on Windows icon on your screen to open the Apps & Features Select Settings . Go to Change PC settings > Update & Recovery > Recovery. Under the option to Refresh your PC without affecting your files , click Get Started . Finish the process of refreshing your PC by following the instructions on the screen.
Refreshing your PC this way should return to a default state in which only Windows apps and settings exist. From here, you can install the programs that you want one by one.
How to Avoid the Bitcoin ( Virus.
The Bitcoin ( virus is mostly gotten when the victim uses their computer to visit untrustworthy sites, so if you could avoid these, you will greatly reduce your risk of infection. There are also reports of the Bitcoin ( virus being delivered by other malware entities most likely bots. These can be dealt with if you have an anti-malware software installed on your computer.
Finally, you need to be wary of online scams that promise impossible discounts or "earn $1000 from home" because they are obviously fake and are just posted so that they can bait unsuspecting victims.
That will be all about the Bitcoin ( virus. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to use the comment section below.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:13 am

How To Build a Crypto GPU Mining Rig With $1000 or Less! Duo Miner! Beginner Guide ETH/Beam/Zcoin|16:23
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:14 am
What is BitCoin Miner Virus.
BitCoin Miner Virus refers to a group of malware that infect computers and use their resources to mine for cryptocurrency, particularly Bitcoin ( Cryptocurrencies have gained a lot of traction over the years, and cryptocurrency mining became popular. Cyber crooks started creating malware that runs on an infected computer and mines for cryptocurrencies in the background. One of those malware infections is BitCoin Miner Virus.
It's a highly noticeable infection, even if it tries to stay in the background. Usually, one of the most telling signs is the computer being slow, programs taking ages to launch and when they do they crash all the time. Essentially, mining malware makes the computer behave sluggishly. That is mainly due to cryptocurrency mining using up a lot of computer resources. While it does noticeably affect your computer, BitCoin Miner Virus shouldn't do serious harm. It won't delete files, steal your information, etc., as it focuses of using your device's resources to mine for Bitcoin ( However, just because it won't do serious harm does not mean you should allow it to keep operating on your device. Cyber crooks are profiting from this, and you should not allow that.
If your computer is acting weird, and you find it on your computer, you need to delete BitCoin Miner Virus as soon as possible.
How are computers infected with BitCoin Miner Virus?
There are a variety of ways computers can get infected with a BitCoin Miner Virus. It could come together with some other malware, or users might download it themselves via social media messages or spam email. In the former case, if your computer was infected with some kind of trojan, it could have installed the miner without you even noticing.
A lot of malware, not just miner infections, spread via spam email. Infected files are attached to emails that are made to look like they come from a bank, a tax agency, goverment organization or other legitimate companies. These malicious emails usually claim that an important document has been attached, and it needs to be opened as soon as possible. A common tactic to pressure users to open such emails is to claim some kind of purchase was made and the receipt is in the attached file. When it comes to money-related topics, users are less careful and rush to open attachments. However, if you know what to look for, you should be able to tell whether an email is legitimate or spam. First of all, spam emails usually contain plenty of grammar mistakes. They are very obvious, to the point that they're glaring. No legitimate email, particularly one from a goverment organization, will ever contain glaring errors. Nor will you ever be addressed by anything other than your name. Spam emails usually address users as Users, Members, Customers, etc. If you're not addressed by name, that should immediately cause suspicion. It's also recommended to always scan file attachments before you open them. Most anti-malware programs have the function of scanning files, but if yours doesn't, you can use VirusTotal. In general, you should be wary of unsolicited emails that have files attached to them.
The BitCoin Miner Virus can also spread via social media messages. Social media spam campaigns are a great way to spread malicious programs because users click on links in posts and messages without a second thought. Particularly if they come from someone they know. Those messages usually have a link in them and something like "Check out this video of you", "Is that you in the video?", "Look at this cool video". When users press on the link, they are taken to a site that asks them to install a program to watch the video. If users fall for the trick and download the program, they end up installing the malware.
Some miners have worm like characteristics, which means they can spread from one infected computer to an entire network. One particular malware, named BlackSquid by IT security company TrendMicro, uses web server exploits and brute-force attacks to infect devices, and once it does, it downloads and installs a Monero cryptocurrency miner XMRig. The malware will then try to infect other devices in the network.
What does BitCoin Miner Virus do?
You will notice the malware as soon as it starts running on your computer. Like we mentioned above, your device will start acting sluggish, programs will not work properly, and weird processes will appear in your Task Manager. Task Manager is the first place you should look if you notice sluggish behaviour on your device. If there is anything wrong, weird processes will appear at the top as they would be using a lot of your CPU. Anything using more than 40% of your CPU should cause suspicion, as most programs use the bare minimum.
We mentioned above that digital currency mining malware isn't particularly dangerous because it focuses on mining instead of harming your device. But we should warn you that if a miner is left running on your computer for long periods of time, it could shorten your CPU's lifespan, so they aren't entirely harmless. Malware, Upup.exe BitCoin Miner, Service.exe Virus Process and WDF.EXE CryptoMiner Trojan are some of the most notorious mining malware out there. Some of them come with additional features like keylogging, the ability to steal information, install more malware, etc.
Mining programs don't always come in the form of malware. Users sometimes unknowingly download browser extensions that mine cryptocurrency. This used to be a pretty common thing but certain browsers (such as Google Chrome) now block extensions that have JavaScript miner codes in them, protecting users from these pesky threats. However, this only helps users dealing with mining browser extensions. This blocking will not help if you are dealing with a trojan.
Windows computers are not the only ones affected by miners. Mac computers can also be infected. Mac Bitcoin ( miners are becoming increasingly more common, which could be because some high-end Mac computers have powerful hardware, which is desired by cryptocurrency miners to mine more efficiently. More common Bitcoin ( Miner virus Mac infections include OSX.CoinMiner Virus, MacOS BitCoinMiner-AS, and Creative Update Mac Miner.
BitCoin Miner Virus removal.
The easiest way to remove BitCoin Miner Virus is to use anti-malware software. Manual BitCoin Miner Virus removal is likely too difficult, and you might end up doing more harm than good. It would be difficult to tell where to even look. Anti-malware software would take care of the infection without you having to do anything. Once the malware is gone from your computer, it should go back to normal and the symptoms should disappear. After you uninstall BitCoin Miner Virus, you should keep the anti-malware running at all times to avoid a situation like this again.
Download Removal Tool to scan for BitCoin Miner Virus To scan for BitCoin Miner Virus, use our recommended security tool. The trial version of WiperSoft detects infections like BitCoin Miner Virus and can assist with their removal for free. You can delete detected files, registry entries and processes manually, or you can purchase the full version of the program for automatic removal.
You can find more information about WiperSoft on its official website, and find its uninstallation instructions here. Before installing, please familiarize yourself with WiperSoft EULA and Privacy Policy. WiperSoft will detect malware for free and gives Free trail to remove it.
WiperSoft is an anti-virus program with real-time threat detection and malware removal features. It detects all types of computer threats, from adware and browser hijackers to trojans, and easily removes them.
ComboCleaner is an anti-virus and system optimization program for Mac computers. The program will keep your Mac secure from different types of malware, as well as clean it to keep it running smoothly.
Malwarebytes is a powerful anti-virus program that detects and removes all types of malware, as well as less serious threats like adware and browser hijackers. It has both free and paid versions.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:14 am

Noob's Guide to Building a $1,000 GPU MINING RIG ⛏|18:23
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:15 am
Bitcoin ( Consumes Surplus Solar Energy.
Turn your curtailed and clipped solar power into profits.
Bitcoin ( is the biggest and most dominant cryptocurrency with the most liquid market. Bitcoin mining ( is the process of verifying transactions that take place on the blockchain ledger.
Bitcoin mining ( hardware is comprised of specialized computers called asics with processing chips that have the sole job of verifying Bitcoin ( transactions. When the asic miners verify the transactions in a given Bitcoin ( block they are paid a small reward. Bitcoin ( releases blocks every 10 minutes 24/7.
This 24/7 Bitcoin mining ( is creating new opportunities for profit and monetization that the majority of energy producers are not aware of. Bitcoin mining ( is completely portable, scalable, and interruptible.
A Bitcoin mining ( operation can be profitable at any size because it has the ability to monetize energy that would otherwise go to waste.
Get in touch today and let us know how much curtailed renewable or gas flared surplus you have available and we can provide a custom proposal for your energy production site to incorporate Bitcoin mining (
Bitcoin mining ( With Solar: Less Risky and More Profitable Than Selling to the Grid.
The energy used to mine bitcoin has long caused debate over whether it's a wasteful process. As the arguments have rumbled on, some people have been focused on mining coins with renewable energy. On May 29, Christian Ander, the founder of Stockholm's Btcx exchange, explained how instead of selling surplus solar energy, he's been using it to mine bitcoin and making 10X the money he would selling the electricity to the grid.
Choosing to Mine Bitcoin ( Over Selling Power to the Grid.
Mining cryptocurrencies like bitcoin cash (BCH) and bitcoin core (BTC) utilizes electricity in order to power the ASIC machines that profit from mining coins. Over the last few years, as digital assets have grown more popular and the SHA-256 hashrate (the BTC and BCH consensus algorithm) has climbed to all-time highs, people have complained that the amount of energy used to mine is excessive. However, while some people spend a lot of time debating whether or not mining is using too much energy, there are lots of miners using a variety of renewable energy methods like wind power, hydropower, and solar. A great example of this can be seen in Christian Ander's explanation of how he was making more money using excess solar to mine bitcoin than he was selling the energy to the power station.
"Time to start your miners tonight almost free energy in Stockholm tomorrow -- instead of selling my surplus solar energy, I mine bitcoin," Ander remarked. "1 kWh = 1,16 Kr($0.12) -- That is more than 10 times the money if I would sell it to the grid. Using the most common miners on the market ($100 each which convert 1,3 kW -> BTC)."
Right now, certain miners in China and Canada are using hydropower to help offset electric costs and other mining operators use low-cost geothermal power in Iceland as well. But Ander isn't the only person who has furthered the idea of minting digital assets with solar power. Lots of people have been promoting the concept while the SHA-256 hashrate climbs exponentially, pushing operators toward greener energy solutions. For instance, on July 1, 2017, a man from San Diego detailed how he's been mining in the desert with twenty-five S9 miners inside his greenhouses. According to the San Diego desert miner, he ran everything 100% off-grid with solar and battery power and said he was "profitable." Solar farming, in general, can be profitable for those simply selling to the grid but it depends on the land's rental costs, geographic location, and the size of the solar installation. Recent estimates disclose that on average a typical solar farm can produce between $21,250 and $42,500 per acre every year.
The Grid Backup Plan Provides Minimal Risk.
Tam Hunt, the founder of a renewable energy project called Community Renewable Solutions, has outlined how solar energy could boost Bitcoin mining ( while at the same time reduce energy consumption. Hunt's study reveals that instead of selling electricity to the grid, mining cryptocurrency could be far more lucrative. The research claims that the "solar-plus-Bitcoin ( operation pays for itself in about two years" and after the return-on-investment (RoI) is completed "there is minimal risk remaining." This is because if the price of bitcoin suddenly crashed below profitable levels, the operation has a backup plan because they can just sell the power to the grid. Hunt describes how off-grid mining operations can be done in areas with no power lines and where acreage is extremely affordable.
"Under this scenario, the miners are connected to the internet via a satellite connection, but otherwise the entire project is off-grid -- All solar power is used for mining," Hunt notes in his study. "This kind of facility could also include onsite storage to both smooth production and to extend mining operations beyond daylight hours."
An off-grid solar farm in the desert.
No Major Solar Mining Operations in 2019, but One Firm Claims to be Building a 20MW Sun-Powered Facility in Australia.
Over the last few years, there's been a lot of FUD surrounding Bitcoin mining ( consuming too much energy. China's National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) detailed on April 9 that the department believes Bitcoin mining ( "waste resources and pollutes the environment." But there's a lot of data and reports that show otherwise and that mining rigs can also produce their own heat power as well. A recent Coinshares study indicates that 78% of bitcoin miners utilize renewable energy sources. In March 2018, the co-founder of the Nakamoto X exchange, Kamil Brejcha, showed the world how he used excess mining heat to grow tomatoes. Later that year people read about a residential block in the freezing n province of Siberia with local grandmothers mining coins for profit and heat dissipation. Known as the Siberian babushkas, one woman explained how they used the hot air from miners to dry spices. "All the hot air is perfect for drying pumpkin, tea, and herbs -- It dries very quickly -- In just one day," one of the babushkas explained.
The SHA-256 hashrate (the BTC and BCH consensus algorithm) has climbed to all-time highs over the last two years. There is now 44 exahash per second between the BTC (42.27 EH/s) and BCH (1.79 EH/s) networks.
There are all kinds of methods people use to harness renewable energy to mine bitcoins. Oddly enough, solar energy is not being used by major mining operations as the dominant renewables powering facilities have been hydro and geothermal. Although last summer, reports indicated that Hadouken Pty Ltd was approved to build a 20-megawatt solar farm that will be specifically used to mine digital currency. The mining operation is said to be situated in Collie Australia near a power company called Muja that produces 854 megawatts of electricity. Similarly, if there were a sudden cryptocurrency price downturn and mining wasn't that profitable, Hadouken could simply sell the power to the grid. If individuals like Christian Ander have noticed that using solar-generated electricity to mine bitcoin makes 10X what could be made selling the power to the grid, then many other people are likely aware of the same idea.
What do you think about solar powered Bitcoin mining ( Do you think solar energy will help power the next phase of crypto mining? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.
Image credits: Shutterstock, Youtube, Twitter, and Pixabay.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:16 am

Would I Recommend 19 x GPU Mining Rigs For Crypto MINING?|15:26
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:42 am
How Solar Power is now powering Bitcoin mining ( in remote Africa.
With great increases in Bitcoin mining ( on a global scale in recent years as cryptocurrency's popularity and acceptability has increased, new efforts are being made into ensuring that Bitcoin mining ( is more sustainable.
Bitcoin mining ( uses, on average, around seven gigawatts of electricity, and this number is growing exponentially. There are numerous warnings that Bitcoin mining ( alone could push global warning over the catastrophic 2°C threshold in less than 14 years.
Africa is merely seen as an emerging blockchain innovation centre when compared to the United States, Europe, and other areas says Louis Schoeman from
Blockchain in Africa is not merely just about saving money, it is also about creating more transparency and promoting a sense of accountability with the purpose of providing a better life for African citizens.
Bitcoin mining ( has provided a way forward for numerous individuals, communities, and economies. However, when considering the great amount of electricity consumed, the prospects do not seem as feasible, nor does it seem sustainable.
This has led to conceited efforts in looking towards alternative energy generation to drive Africa and push Bitcoin mining ( to the next level in many African countries.
Bitcoin mining ( farms have increased greatly on a global scale for the purpose of mining Bitcoin ( in bulk. These farms are spreading faster in countries such as Egypt due to lower electricity fees.
Can Solar Mining Push Bitcoin mining ( further in Africa?
Apart from generating electricity to support Bitcoin mining ( in a sustainable manner, there are already existing issues with the supply of electricity in many African countries where there are very few solutions.
There are around 600 million people who reside in Sub-Saharan Africa and while the forecast is that around 1 billion people in the region may have access to electricity by 2040, this still means that there will be around 530 million who will not have access due to population growth.
Solar energy has emerged as a viable, feasible, and sustainable option for combating electricity issues in numerous African countries. There are already several projects which have been established to aid electricity supply and drive Bitcoin mining ( forward.
Morocco has an 800MW Noor Midelt Solar complex while Seychelles is planning the first floating solar project which is expected to produce around 5.8GWh electricity annually.
In Kenya, Bithub Africa has made use of solar power to mine cryptocurrencies since 2018. The hope with this initiative was to spread it across Africa to other countries to promote Bitcoin mining (, address electricity shortages, and move towards a 'greener' future.
With the establishment of more solar plants, it will also significantly lower the cost of electricity, which will subsequently aid in the establishment of more mining pools or Bitcoin ( farms in African countries.
With the world moving steadily into a more digitalized future, more renewable sources of electricity need to be explored and established, not only to drive Bitcoin mining (, but to solve common problems such as electricity shortages in numerous developing countries.
Solar Power Mining Crypto Currency.
So how much electricity does a bitcoin take to produce?
Bitcoins are mined by getting lots of computers around the world to try and solve the same mathematical puzzle.
At this rate, the bitcoin network runs at 342934450 watts, which equates to around 343 megawatts. Calculations based on EIA data reveal that the average US household consumes about 1.2 kilowatts of power, meaning that 343 megawatts would be enough to power 285,833 US homes at the time of writing (May 2015).
Is Cryptocurrency Mining Still profitable In 2020.
Are you a cryptocurrency Miner or wants to start cryptocurrency mining in 2020? Well, wait because today I am here going to give an answer of a very important question "Cryptocurrency Mining Still profitable?" Many of the old miners and people who are trying to start crypto mining observing so much up and downs in tools like safex mining pool during this year because of COVID-19.
That's why they have so many questions on cryptocurrency mining, so I will try to resolve their each and every query and try to cover every question in this article.
In the rising international crypto financial system, crypto mining might be going to stay and even turn into extra profitable within the upcoming years. Miner profitability metrics are based mostly on a handful of things regulating issue and emission, that are hard-coded into the blockchain's attributes, making it predictable to work with.
While predictability doesn't at all times instantly translate into profitability, it provides a blockchain sure parameters to depend on when predicting when mining cryptocurrency will turn into profitable, at which worth stage, and at which issue stage through the emission cycle.
Some cryptocurrencies, akin to Bitcoin ( (BTC), undergo emission cycles with occasions such because the halving. In Bitcoin ('s case, halving happen as soon as each 210,000 blocks -- roughly each 4 years -- till the utmost provision of 21 million Bitcoin ( has been mined.
This function, self-adjusting issue, supplies an incentive for a person miner to hitch or go away the community relying on the present Bitcoin ( worth stage. Together, these incentives create a logarithmic worth regression curve, which represents a possible Bitcoin ( change price and, due to this fact, predictability of profitability within the present emission cycle.
If Bitcoin ('s worth falls below this regression curve the place the underside line is roughly across the 200-week shifting common on this emission cycle, almost all the miners ought to be at an internet loss. If the worth stays above this determination, at the very least a few of the miners ought to be at an internet revenue.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:43 am
What Mining Is And Its Role.
'Mining' is a time period used to indicate the method of bringing about new items or cash on the blockchain as a reward for processing transactions. Lots of electrical and computing energy is required for this course of, because it capabilities on one thing referred to as Proof of Work. The Proof of Work algorithm is what retains many 'coins' akin to Bitcoin (, Litecoin and ZCash purposeful, as these distributed ledgers can not operate without a get together to organise transactions.
Mining on Proof Of Work cryptocurrencies requires the protocol to be purposeful with a purpose to proceed functioning as they do. While this not solely ensures the relevancy of mining in the long run, there are additionally a number of fail-safes constructed into the protocol to make sure its continued operation. One of those is a variable mining 'difficulty', which makes it simpler to mine new blocks if there are a decrease in quantity of miners on the community.
Mining profitability depends upon many issues, such because the mining issue of the coin, price of electrical energy, heating, and parts to supply the hashing energy. This brings in a variety of variables into the mining setup, which has led to market dominance being asserted by software particular built-in circuits for mining. ASICs are presently dominating the market of cryptocurrency miners for fashionable cryptocurrencies akin to Bitcoin (, Ethereum, Litecoin and ZCash.
Mining cryptocurrency looks like a no-brainer. Set up a PC to assist clear up advanced math puzzles, and you might be rewarded with a coin or a fraction of a coin. The first bitcoin miners have been capable of earn cash comparatively shortly simply utilizing what computing energy they'd of their properties.
By 2019, cryptocurrency mining has turned into a little bit extra sophisticated and concerned. With bitcoin, the reward is halved each 4 years. On high of that, severe miners have constructed big arrays to mine, making it tougher for smaller miners to compete. You can be part of a Bitcoin mining ( pool to be more practical, however that comes with a price, decreasing your income.
No matter what you resolve to mine, it's a must to account to your setup prices, together with, in some instances, graphics playing cards that may price upward of $700 apiece.  It's doable to place collectively a fundamental rig for a few of the much less fashionable cryptocurrencies for round $3,000. However, some miners spend greater than $10,000 on their rigs.
On high of constructing your rig, you additionally want to appreciate that you're going to be utilizing various energy. If you may have excessive energy charges, you might find yourself spending quite a bit to mine cash--particularly bitcoin. The electrical energy price concerned in mining a single bitcoin is greater than $3,000 within the least expensive states. For states with greater electrical charges, you might spend greater than $6,000 in electrical energy to mine a single bitcoin. With the price of one coin hovering at $7,000 as of December 2019, the vitality prices alone do not make it price it.
A much less highly effective rig mining various currencies might prevent cash. Even so, it may well take a number of weeks, and even months, to recoup your authentic funding and turn into profitable.
How Much A Miner Can Earn.
The rewards for Bitcoin mining ( are halved each 4 years or so. When bitcoin was first mined in 2009, mining one block would earn you 50 BTC. In 2012, this was halved to 25 BTC. By 2016, this was halved once more to the present stage of 12.5 BTC. On May 11, 2020, the reward halved once more to six.25 BTC. In November 2019, the worth of Bitcoin ( was about $9,300 per bitcoin, which suggests you'd earn $116,250 (12.5 x 9,300) for finishing a block.
Cryptocurrency mining like Bitcoin mining ( and Ethereum mining has a high risk and high investment is needed to start it. So if you are a beginner or want to start crypto mining then first learn and know more about mining and then invest otherwise you will lose your money. And if you liked our content, then please comment below and let us know.
Author Bio.
Being a person from a non-technical field, Shreshtha has always tried to focus more on literature to deliver exceptional content from her heart. She is specialized in writing content in the fields ranging from technology to online gaming & casino. Also, she's been associated with Cryptoknowmics for quite some time and has been delivering top-notch content on topics related to blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
Time Frame BTC Reward Revenue USD* Power Cost (in USD) Pool Fees (in USD) Profit (in USD) Hourly 0.00003275 $0.61 $0.16 $0.00 $0.45 Daily 0.00078595 $14.73 $3.90 $0.00 $10.83 Weekly 0.00550162 $103.13 $27.30 $0.00 $75.83 Monthly 0.0236 $442.01 $117.00 $0.00 $325.01 Annually 0.2869 $5,377.74 $1,423.50 $0.00 $3,954.24.
* Bitcoin ( Price at $18,746.24 USD.
Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty Bitcoin ( Block Reward Bitcoin ( Price 17,596,801,059,571.00 6.25 BTC $18,746.24 (BTC to USD) Bitcoin mining ( Hashrate Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Watts Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Cost Electricity Costs 110.00 TH/s 3,250 Watts $2,407.00 $0.05 per kWh.
A BTC mining difficulty of 17,596,801,059,571.00, a BTC mining hashrate of 110.00 TH/s consuming 3,250 watts of power at $0.05 per kWh, and a block reward of 6.25 BTC at $18,746.24 (BTC to USD).
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:44 am
Bitcoin mining ( profit.
Bitcoin ('s price and hashrates are reaching new heights. Make the most out of it. Learn how you can increase your Bitcoin ( profits by more than 2 BTC in just three months by joining Binance Pool .
What Makes Bitcoin mining ( Profitable?
Bitcoin ('s price has surged over the past few days; it's at the $12,700 level as of publishing time. We're seeing up to $32.1 billion USD in 24-hour trading volumes for Bitcoin (, as well as an increase in the number of active addresses and transactions.
This rise in Bitcoin ( activity and price bodes well for overall mining operations. A higher price for Bitcoin ( means higher earnings for the miners who discover the blocks that they need to get in order to profit. But aside from price , Bitcoin ( miners need to consider computing power and electricity costs when it comes to their operations.
Electricity costs can vary for each miner depending on their location, devices, and other factors. Meanwhile, computing power is more or less universally measurable, as shown in a metric called the hashrate . As of October 17, the average hashrate for Bitcoin mining ( reached 142.94 EH/s, an all-time high.
This means that while BTC has risen in price, you have to consider electricity costs and the rising hashrates. This can make Bitcoin mining ( more daunting than ever to even the most tenacious of individual miners.
How a Mining Pool Helps You Gain Bitcoin mining ( Profits.
When it comes to mining, you have a higher probability of discovering and processing blocks if you have a higher mining power. This is challenging for individual miners, who would have just a small part of the total needed mining power. Hence, miners form groups to combine their resources, share their processing power, and distribute the subsequent earnings.
These groups, called mining pools , have risen in prominence. There are 16 known mining pools that account for more than 99% of the current hashrates. Each of these mining pools may offer their own set of incentives to entice miners into joining, with the promised benefit of getting a bigger chance at securing blocks and earnings. But there's one thing in common for each mining pool: they charge mining/pool fees that range from 1% to 2.5% to cover for administrative and operations costs of running the pools.
Enter Binance Pool, which is charging 0% fees as of October 15 .
What Binance Pool Offers to Make Bitcoin mining ( More Profitable.
Since launching in April 2020, Binance Pool has risen as one of the newest significant players in the Bitcoin mining ( industry. In just a few weeks after its launch, Binance Pool entered the top 10 in Bitcoin mining ( pool rankings. As of last week, Binance Pool ranked as the sixth-biggest mining pool in the world, accounting for 12,491 PH/s in total hashrate, or 9% of the market.
Binance Pool's unique proposition is combining the earning opportunities of a mining pool with the comprehensive crypto financial services suite that Binance has to offer. This has resulted in more than 630% growth in business since April. In addition, Binance Pool has provided up to $500,000 USD in subsidies to miners to further highlight its benefits and advantages.
Here are some of the distinct advantages that Binance Pool offers to miners everywhere:
1. Up to Zero Fees . Binance Pool, which already regularly offers some of the lowest mining pool fees in the market, has driven its fees further below to 0% from October 15 to January 15 of next year. For Bitcoin ( miners, all they have to do is to connect their hashrate to Binance Pool .
This three-month campaign surely beats the standard 1% to 2.5% in fees elsewhere in the industry.
2. 14.5% APY higher than competitor pools. Binance Pool effectively offers its miners 14.5% higher APY than other pools, making their mining experience even more rewarding.
3. Up to 30% AIR with Pool Savings . This is where the combination of mining and crypto finance comes into play. In September, Binance Pool launched an exclusive Pool Savings product that allows miners to save their mining profits and earn bonus BTC at a 30% annualized interest rate (AIR).
In just one month, about 32% of Binance Pool miners who have participated in Pool Savings. They have started earning interest since the day they deposited their mined assets. Learn how Pool Savings works .
4. Binance Dual Savings . Another innovative crypto finance product that Binance has launched, Binance Dual Savings lets Bitcoin ( holders deposit their BTC and then get returns in the form of either BTC or BUSD, depending on what is more favorable to them market-wise by the settlement date of the product.
5. Electricity Subsidies . Binance Pool has also launched a campaign that offers electricity subsidies to miners. Total electricity subsidies reached 10% of new miners and provided them an extra 14.63% in mining rewards.
6. Top-Notch PoS Staking. Many Bitcoin ( miners also engage in proof-of-stake (PoS) mining activities, so Binance Pool has supported the most popular staking projects, such as TRX, ATOM, TEZOS, DOT, and more. The annualized revenue for these tokens is more than 150% higher than other PoS pooling services.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:44 am

By Far The BEST Bitcoin Mining Software In 2020 💸Profitable💸|13:41
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:45 am
How Much More Profit Can a Bitcoin ( Miner Get With Binance Pool?
In this section, we'll apply the various advantages that Binance Pool offers and tally how much more profit an average miner can get on Binance Pool compared to another mining pool.
For example, one miner connects 100 PH/s to either Binance Pool or another pool, resulting in 65.22 BTC revenue for three months (from October 15, 2020, to January 15, 2021). The miner also decides to deposit 5 BTC into Pool Savings.
Bitcoin ( - Mining.
With Bitcoins, the process of creating the currency is called mining. Bitcoin ( miners use specialized software and hardware to verify bitcoin transactions and to solve complex math problems and are compensated by a certain number of bitcoins in exchange. This is how bitcoin currency is issued and anyone can mine bitcoins. We can use mining to create or earn our own bitcoins. Presently, a successful miner is rewarded with 25 bitcoins for every new block that is created roughly for every 10 minutes. This mutually agreed value will halve after every 210,000 blocks are added to the chain.
Bitcoin mining ( involves verifying and adding transaction records to Bitcoin ('s public ledger of past transactions or blockchain. The blockchain is used to confirm transactions as having taken place to the rest of the network.
Bitcoin ( nodes use the blockchain to legitimate or validate genuine Bitcoin ( transactions and prevent double spending of bitcoins, that is, stop re-spend of coins that have already been spent elsewhere.
Bitcoin mining ( is willfully designed to be resource-intensive and difficult so that the number of blocks mined each day by miners remains moderate and steady. Individual blocks are also required to contain a proof of work to be considered valid. This proof of work is verified by other Bitcoin ( nodes every time they receive a block. Bitcoin ( employs the hashcash proof-of-work function for its working.
The primary goal of mining is to facilitate Bitcoin ( nodes to reach a secure, tamper-proof consensus. Mining is also the mechanism used to introduce Bitcoins into the bitcoin eco system: Miners earn (if any) transaction fees as well as a "reward or bounty" of newly created bitcoins.
This both serves the purpose of distributing new coins as well as motivating people to secure the system.
Proof of work.
A proof of work is a piece of data which was resource-intensive and time-consuming to produce so as to satisfy certain requirements.
Producing a proof of work is usually a random process with low probability, and a lot of trial and error is required before a valid proof of work is generated. Bitcoin ( uses the Hashcash type of proof of work.
Additionally, the miner is awarded the transaction fees paid by users. The fee is a sort of incentive for the miners to include the transaction in their block. In the future, the fees will make up a significant percentage of mining income.
There are two main types of mining: Solo and Pool.
Solo Mining.
Solo mining is done alone or on your own. With the configuration of a normal desktop or laptop, it would take years to earn actual bitcoins as mining requires enormous computing power.
The second method we can use is pool mining . It involves signing up for an account with any one of the different pooling sites. Using their software and hardware, these sites pool the mining efforts of a lot of people's computers. Every person in the pool gets small number of bitcoins as his share as a reward. For individuals, pooling is preferable over solo mining.
BitMinter is a Bitcoin mining ( pool that aims to make it easy for anyone to make bitcoins. It is one of the oldest pools. Since its opening in 2011, over 450000 people have registered accounts with it. In the earlier period, CPUs and GPUs were used for Bitcoin mining ( Now we need to have specialized Application Specific Integrated Circuits (in short ASIC) machines for Bitcoin mining ( The speed of these machines is given by their hash rate which is presently of the order of tera hashes/second or T H/s.
ASICs took over mining in 2013. Mining just one bitcoin with an ordinary PC would take quite lot of time. You will need a 1 TH/s or faster ASIC machine to start a small mining operation at your home.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:45 am

Which Crypto Mining Software Do You Use?|20:02
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:46 am
Using BitMinter for Mining.
Below is the process to use BitMinter for mining −
Step 1 − First, we signup with BitMinter site using our google or yahoo mail accounts and then confirm our mail id by clicking on the link in our mail received from BitMinter.
Step 2 − We set up a Worker account with a worker name and worker password besides the username created when creating BitMinter account. We link the Bitminter Client to the worker account.
Step 3 − Then we log in by filling up account details as shown below.
Step 4 − After this by opening the BitMinter Client application , we get following console as shown below −
Step 5 − We press the Engine Start button to start mining. We have to ensure that our machine clocks a hashrate speed of atleast 25 million hashes/second or 25 M H/s .
Step 6 − We will also need to change a few settings regarding automation. We can leave our machine on all day and all night.
Step 7 − We can go to Settings > Options to change these settings. Automated devices are a list of devices that you set so that they start automatically when the software starts.
Step 8 − We will let our machine run at night increasing the prospect of making more number of bitcoins.
Mining secures the transactions by finding random strings that make the block to hash to a value with lot of leading zeros. The more the zeros, the more difficult it is to decrypt. Mining bitcoins does not mean finding new bitcoins; these are awarded by the network for completing validation of all outstanding transactions of a block and solving some complex math puzzle.
Ways to Earn Bitcoins.
The best way to earn bitcoins is to find and execute work paying in bitcoins. We can purchase the bitcoins as well. Lastly, if we want to earn them the hard way, we should go for mining. To mine bitcoins, we can buy some cheap hardware on sites: ebay.
Bitcoin ( Tutorial.
The tutorial begins by introducing what bitcoins are, then proceeds with the installation of the bitcoin client software and wallets to make bitcoins transactions possible. It also discusses Bitcoin mining (, exchanges, and trading. Finally, it moves on to applications and future of bitcoins. After reading this tutorial, you will have learned all the basics of bitcoins; enough to use bitcoins and make money by trading and investing in bitcoins.
This tutorial has been prepared for professionals aspiring to learn all the essentials of Bitcoins and develop a habit of buying products and services using bitcoins and lastly making money by trading in this brand new cryptocurrency.
Before you start proceeding with this tutorial, we assume that you have basic computer skills, knowledge of downloading and installing software like Java and other applications. Prior exposure to the Linux operating system flavors would be an added advantage.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:46 am

How to Mine Ethereum on Windows 10 - 2020|10:41
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:47 am
7 Best Cloud Mining Sites in 2020 for Cryptocurrency.
October 29, 2020.
Looking for the best and trusted cloud mining website? Well, well you are in the right place. We are here to give you the list of best cloud mining sites that are making round on the internet.
Are you bothered to rent the hardware equipment and mine by yourself? Cloud mining can help you in this regard. We will go through each and everything from what cloud mining is to how you can rent out equipment to make sure your mining process runs smoothly. Let's dive into this!
What is cloud mining?
Cloud Mining is a process in which you take part in a mining pool and purchase a certain amount of "Hash Power". An equal proportion of profit is distributed among all the participants who take part in the mining pool on the basis of allocated hash power. It allows you to mine cryptocurrency without installing any hardware. There are many companies that do this hard work for you and participate in cloud mining for you at a very basic cost. if you are looking to earn free cryptocurrency or bitcoin here is our perfect guide for best bitcoin faucets.
Best cloud mining sites 2020.
To start cloud mining, there are various top legit cloud mining sites that ensure the best security for your assets and provide a comprehensive list of features. The following are the best and top-rated Bitcoin ( cloud mining websites in the market.
1. Hashflare.
Somewhere around 2015, the site launched its services to its users and has grown enormously since then. Currently, the site has around 1 million visitors every month.
Hashflare is a service that offers cloud mining contracts. The users can mine five different cryptocurrencies via this platform i.e. ZCASH, DASH, Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), and Bitcoin ( (BTC). The platform offers different pool mining solutions. You can decide your own customize pool based on your preferences and Hashrate.
The profit is distributed to all customers based on the Hashrate. The best thing about Hashflare is that you don't need big investments to start. The payouts are very transparent with different payment methods. It offers real-time mining statistics so that you can easily track how much profit you have made. here is our guide to the best places to buy bitcoin in 2020.
2. Genesis Mining.
Genesis mining is one of the largest cloud mining company that offers Bitcoin mining ( projects. Founded in 2013, the company held its reputation in the market by providing smart and easy investment solutions.
The company has over 2 million customers from around the world. When it comes to hash power, genesis mining is the largest hash power provider for altcoins and bitcoin.
The platform offers mining in both bitcoin and altcoins. You can mine different coins at the same time using the hash power that you owned. For instance, you can use different cryptos to diversify the risk of your investments. The company takes care of the miners and maintenance to get rid of the hassle.
Genesis Mining provides numerous pricing packages based on your hash power and the type of coin that you are interested in mining. In comparison to other cloud mining platforms, they are a bit expensive but they provide excellent experience and support.
3. Crypto Universe.
Live since 2018, the crypto universe is another cloud mining project that allows the users to earn crypto mining with profitable plans and contracts.
The platform mainly provides its services in the n federation. The electricity rate is low in the northern region and it's a big advantage for the crypto universe. There are 3 different plans are available named standard, VIP, and the tariff 2025 for long term benefits.
The users can mine through 2 types of contracts " Cloud Miners " and ' BTC Mining ". The platform lets its users buy equipment for mining. The users can resell the equipment to miners and can take their funds back at the end of the contract.
As the crypto market is booming, the value of mining equipment is increased and it can give users an extra margin on profit. The interface of the website is quite user-friendly. There are a bunch of plans available with low investments and no hidden charges. There are numerous crypto affiliate programs available through which customers can earn.
4. IQ Mining.
In late 2016, IQ mining started to provide its services. There are quite positive feedbacks from the customers these days.
The company provides remote equipment enabling users to rent them out to join cloud mining. Within a limited time, IQ Mining has grabbed almost 50,000 users. There are three different packages available depending on your wishes and investments.
Bronze Packages Silver Package Gold Packages.
There are many cryptocurrencies available from which you can choose for mining. The registration is free with no subscription fee. There are smart contracts available to reduce the risks.
IQ Mining has a very soft and user-friendly interface. As it is based in Europe, the platforms provide four major languages (French, Spanish, n, and English). The profit forecasts are quite high compared to investments which are not understandable. The platform is suitable for small investments until it gains more acknowledgment from customers.
5. Ultra Miner.
Launched a year ago, it is a Bitcoin mining ( platform devoted to providing the best cloud mining experience and high-quality customer service.
They have gained so much popularity and support from their customers around the world for how much sincere and professional they are. The platform provides four packages for bitcoin cloud mining. It has the lowest investment plans among all other mining platforms. It is an unregulated platform.
You can also earn commission by referring to someone. They provide VIP service on the purchase of 1000 TH/s which include many perks and advantages to its users.
6. Hashing24.
Hashing24 is the most common Bitcoin ( cryptocurrency platform that provides legal cloud mining services. The organization has been running since 2016, and its research team has been focusing on the demand for cryptocurrencies since 2012.
Hashing24 is officially based in the United Kingdom, Thailand, and e. In comparison to other platforms, hashing24 provides unlimited contracts for its users to invest in.
On hashing24, there are no fixed contracts. The customers select the hashing power and the method of payments by themselves. They can choose their desired plan depending on the forecast profit. Bitcoin ( is the only currency that they support in their available cryptocurrencies. The company pays its customers without any delay.
7. Eobot.
Eobot is a cloud mining service provider and crypto exchanger. It was launched back in 2013 in the USA. Despite using this platform in the web browser, Eobot is also available on both android and iOS.
Since the launch, Eobot has over 2.2 million users with hundreds of thousands of active users daily. It also facilitates real-time trading through various digital assets. Eobot provides innovative mining services for its users with a wide range of tools. It provides a wide range of cryptocurrencies to let the user trade in between.
There is a feature called 'Eobot crypto Faucet" through which the website randomly gifts a small amount of cryptocurrency on daily basis to users. The membership is free on the exchange and also there are no monthly fees.
However, on every transaction, they charge a 5% fee. Since the exchange is operational, they never compromise on security. The exchange also provides a bug bounty audit report which is refreshed every 60 seconds. It lets the users observe how much crypto capital is at risk.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:47 am

Best Bitcoin Mining Software That Work in 2020??? Review|10:16
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:48 am
How to select a bitcoin cloud mining website?
When it comes to selecting the best mining website, the process is very smooth and pretty straightforward. You only have to pick a plan to see how the service works.
Perhaps the most complicated part is finding the right host. Always check the background of the company, look at their websites, and read their reviews. Double-check if they have the statistics of their previous work.
Cloud mining is recently becoming the top trend in crypto and bitcoin. The reason is very simple. Cloud mining makes mining more easy and convenient. By using the cloud, you can avoid the hassle and stress of using hardware at your own pace. In this regard cloud mining is more profitable then the mining you do with your hardware.
Moreover, although cloud mining can have some drawbacks, it does have advantages. It allows cryptocurrency and bitcoin more accessible to the public. Cloud mining has a bright scope in the future but there is an issue about the legitimacy of whether it is legit or not.
Many of the companies offering cloud mining services are scam or they use ineffective business models. By ineffective I mean, if your purchase or hold bitcoins, you either would risk your money or gain less than you should.
We would love to hear how your experience with the cloud was mining. Let us know in the comment section below if you need any help.
What is the best cloud Mining website in 2020?
choosing the best mining service is not an easy task as the market is full of scammers. Hashflare, Genesis Mining, and IQ Mining are the far the best cloud mining providers. These are the most reliable and legit sites that are offering cloud mining solutions. But Make sure to search and figure out everything before Investing.
Which cloud mining is profitable?
It totally depends upon the company you choose. Some companies give leverage to its users in monthly fees while other companies charge hefty amounts for the sake of registration fees. You should also focus on the mining profitability to know which company is more profitable in terms of contracts. Last but not least is the quality of service they are providing. There are so many drawbacks which hare totally neglected while choosing so make sure to research all these aspects in order to reach on bottom lines.
Does cloud mining pay off?
It depends on whether the platform is legitimate or not. Mostly there are Ponzi schemes and they usually charge form newcomers pay it to their old customers and themselves and mostly the company disappears for the record. So, you must check the authentic information before diving in.
Best GPU For Mining In 2020: (Ultimate Guide)
Finding the best GPU for mining can be challenging with all the video cards on the market to pick and choose from. The fact is that when it comes to choosing the best graphic card for the purpose of mining, the answer can be different depending on the users' goals and budget.
For example, the best GPU for mining Ethereum differs from the best mining GPU for ROI. Additionally, the best GPU for mining Bitcoin ( has a totally different answer.
So without further ado, we wanted to create this guide to help answer all these commonly asked questions around this topic. But before we reveal the best GPU for crypto mining, let us cover some basics of cryptocurrency mining, which ties in with how we selected the mining hardware recommendations.
Be sure to stick around to the end as we reveal our favorite mining GPU from the list and our favorite cheap GPU for mining.
The Basics Of Cryptocurrency Mining.
Mining Cryptocurrencies involves the use of computers to solve repetitive math problems for verifying transactions and finding new coins. This is commonly referred to as finding or solving blocks, and it's also known as hashing. The lucky miners or mining pool that correctly solves each complex equation first gets rewarded for their work. Miners can increase their chances of success by using faster chipsets or by adding more processing power to the network.
Currently, as it stands, there are four classes of chipsets to use for mining cryptocurrencies, which are central processing unit(CPU), graphical processing unit(GPU), application-specific integrated circuit(ASIC), and field-programmable gate array(FPGA). To learn more about the differences between these forms of mining hardware, check out our beginner's guide to crypto mining.
At the beginning back in 2009, Bitcoin ( was the only coin you could mine using nothing more than a laptop or desktop with a CPU. However, it was long after that someone discovered that GPUs were faster and more efficient than CPU for this purpose and so CPU mining Bitcoin ( with a laptop was laid to rest. However, it wasn't long after that GPU mining Bitcoin ( was faced with the same dilemma when ASIC miners took over the Bitcoin ( scene.
This doesn't mean that GPU or CPU mining is dead; it just means you have to mine different coins with this type of chipsets. For more details on the current state of Bitcoin (, GPU, and CPU mining these days, check out some of our other guides. Also, if you're looking for ways to earn Bitcoin ( with GPU, then check out our GPU mining software to learn more.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:48 am

How to Mine Bitcoin on Windows- Bitcoin Mining Software 2020|5:20
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:49 am
Recommended Mining Guides:
Factors For Choosing A GPU For Mining.
Now comes the nitty-gritty of how to choose a GPU for mining. As stated earlier, the best GPU for mining has a few different answers. However, we hope that by sharing these main key factors that this can help narrow down your choices and, more important, goals of what you're trying to achieve. These main vital factors are as follows:
Most mining rigs get built with multiple GPUs for better performance. The cost of each GPU can vary from 150 to upwards of 1300 USD dollars, depending on the make and model of the video card. Our recommendation is to buy graphic cards somewhere in the middle for the best chance of ROI, although there is sound reasoning for going with a more expensive GPU. Keep reading to learn why.
The speed at which a GPU can mine gets measured in hashrate. GPU hashrate vary greatly depending on the type of graphics card and the coin algorithm utilized. Unless you're looking only to mine a specific coin, we recommend buying a GPU that has a well-rounded hashrate across a wide array of hashing algorithms.
GPU mining requires a lot of electricity, which will determine your operational mining costs. Additionally, a higher wattage GPU can produce more heat that will need to be exhausted. Our recommendation is going with a lower wattage to combat both of these issues. However, if you're looking to get more hash power out of a confined space, then you may want to go with a higher wattage GPU as they tend to have a higher hashrate.
Mining requires your GPU to perform under a constant load 27/4, which can cause your card to wear prematurely. To be clear, though, mining is no more harmful to your equipment than gaming is. In fact, we cover this topic in great detail in one of our other articles. Whether your gaming or mining with your GPU, make sure you get one with at least a 2-yr warranty.
AMD Or Nvidia.
When it comes to choosing Nvidia or AMD, there is much debate to be had. The short answer is Nvidia as they tend to be more well rounded for most coins, but there are some hashing algorithms where AMD does seem to excel. However, AMD will require more skills and research to overclock to achieve better performance. Therefore we recommend you use Nvidia if you're new to mining.
Best GPU For Mining In 2020.
So now that you understand some of the primary critical factors for choosing the best Bitcoin mining ( GPU for your mining needs let's get started revealing the best ones to use. We scoured the internet high and low to curate this list and to make it as current as we can, so with that said, here are our top picks for you.
RTX 1660 6 GB Ti.
Out of all the cards out there currently, most miners would agree the 1660 Ti 6GB is the best GPU for mining. This is a newer released mining card made by Nvidia that uses DDR6 memory. What most miners like about this card is its priced to be affordable as it appears to around the same as the price the old 1060 6GB.
However, this card seems to outperform Nvidia's older model, the 1060 6GB, across a wide range of cryptocurrencies when it comes to mining. Additionally, miners like the fact that this card doesn't use a lot of electricity as some of the other mining GPUs.
What miners appear to like the least about this card is the fact that its only 6 GB, which means that it's unable to mine specific hashing algorithms like the Cuckatoo31 that require 8 GB of memory.
Low Wattage Low Heat Small Form Factor Easy To Overclock Well Rounded Hashrate.
Only 6 GB of memory Low Hashrate on Cryptonight Algo.
Check out 1660 Ti 6 GB Mining Profitability and Hashrates here.
RTX 1660 6 GB.
If you are looking for the best cheap GPU for mining, then the 1660 6GB from Nvidia just might be it. When you compare the cost of this card, it's comparable to Nvidia's 1050 Ti 4GB, meaning its extremely cost-effective.
However, miners have reported that this card isn't as powerful as the 1660 Ti 6GB when it comes to hash rate as it has fewer Cuda cores. But its power consumption is slightly less than the 1660 Ti, so if energy costs or circuit overloading is a primary concern for your operation, this might be a good option to look into.
Much like the 1660 Ti, the primary concern is it's only 6GB of memory, but it also has less mining performance when mining coins like ethereum. All in all, though, this a very cost-effective way to build a cheap mining rig.
Energy Efficient Less Heat Compact Easy To Overclock.
Only 6 GB of memory Lower Hashrate than 1660 Ti Low Hashrate on Ethereum.
Check out 1660 6 GB Mining Profitability and Hashrates here.
RTX 2070 8 GB Super.
In 2018 the Geforce 1070 8 GB card was voted one of the best GPUs on the market to get for mining. Now with the release of Nvidia RTX 2070 8 GB series, that's all changed. This card cost is comparable to what you would pay when it comes to buying 1070 cards brand new.
When it comes to mining hashrate, the RTX 2070 comes out ahead when compared to the old 1070 8 GB. However, the power consumption on this newer card seems to be slightly higher than the 1070 cards, which isn't a total deal-breaker.
What sets this card apart from all the other cards mentioned is the fact that it comes with ray tracing. To be clear though ray tracing has no benefit in terms of mining performance. What this boils down to is high-end gaming. So if you're looking to build a cross-functional high-end gaming/mining rig, 2070 cards might be a good option.
Great For High End Gaming High Hashrate Higher Profits Easy To Overclock.
Not As Energy Efficient Longer ROI Times Cost More Runs Hotter Noisy Fans.
Check out 2070 8 GB Super Mining Profitability and Hashrates here.
RTX 2060 6 GB Super.
If your not looking to spend quite as much as what a 2070 8 GB super costs and don't mind going to a lower memory bandwidth card, then the 2060 6 GB super could be your best option. Compared to 2070 cards, there only a few mega hashes difference When it comes to mining ethereum with the 2060 super.
When it comes to power consumption for the 2060 super, there's not a huge difference either when compared to 2070 cards. However, a lot of miners prefer 2070 GPUs over the 2060 super due to the fact you can etch out better mining performance across a broader range of hashing algorithms like Ravencoin to give an example.
The critical factor here when it comes to buying the 2060 super is the price as it tends to be advertised around $100 dollar USD cheaper than the 2070 Super cards. All in all, still an excellent mining card if you cant or dont want to spend more.
High Hashrate Easy To Overclock Quiet Fans Good for ETH mining Affordable.
Low Hashrate On Some Coins.
Check out 2060 6 GB Super Mining Profitability and Hashrates here.
AMD Radeon VII 16GB.
Last on our list is the AMD VII 16 GB card, which is currently the only AMD card on our list and for good reasons. This mining card is the highest hashrate mining GPU of all the ones mentioned here. The AMD VII can mine Ethereum at 90 m/Hs while drawing 250 watts from the wall once overclocked.
However, keep in mind that with great power comes significant prices. With that said, miners claim this is the best GPU for mining ethereum. It also has 16 GB of memory, which enables this card to mine grin on the Cuckatoo31 hashing algorithm.
The primary technical concern with this mining card is that it is a bit of a challenge to overclock and is extremely power-hungry, which means it creates more heat that will need to be dealt with. It's also not as efficient at mining other algorithms as some of the other cards, so keep that in mind. All in all, a great card if money is not an issue and you like mining Ethash based coin like Ethereum and Ethereum classic.
Highest Hashrate On Eth Higher daily profits.
Hard to overclock Power Hungry Limited Mining Algorithms Pricey Runs Hotter.
Check the AMD VII 16 GB Super Mining Profitability and Hashrates here.
The Top Recommended GPU For Mining In 2020.
So now that we have revealed our list of the best GPU for mining, it's time for us to unveil the top choice that we prefer the most. But before we get down to business, we shall cover how we came to this conclusion. As stated earlier on in our guide, we recommend going with a card that falls somewhere in the middle based on price, mining performance, and lastly, power consumption. Here is what fits the bill on all three factors.
The 1660 Ti GB is our most preferred mining card out of all the ones listed here. The main factor for us if the fact that it can mine a wide range of cryptocurrencies at low wattage. The other significant factor is its priced just right so that it could achieve a faster ROI. You see, to us, mining is all about getting your investment back as quickly as possible, and we believe this mining card is best suited for that.
A close second would be the 2060 6 GB card as it's not that much more than a 1660 Ti 6 GB. However, when you factor in buying six or more of these to build a mining rig, things can quickly add up.
This concludes our guide on the best mining graphics cards for 2020. If you would like to be a part of our FB group where we can help you get started mining, then join using the link below. Furthermore, if you find a card that you feel deserves to be added to the list, then drop a comment below and let us know.
Thank you for checking out Crypto Miner Tips. HAPPY MINING!
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:49 am

Best GPU To Use For Mining 2019/2020|32:30
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:51 am

BEST New Budget GPU For Mining? Nvidia 1660 Super Mining Hashrates Review!|12:47
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:51 am
2020's Best GPU for Mining (Most Up to Date Guide)
Want to know what the best GPU for mining is in 2020? This article will tell you what you need to know.
Note: before mining, make sure to setup a wallet where you can send your mining profits to! You don't want to send your profits to an exchange, since they're notorious for getting hacked or otherwise losing user funds.
The Exodus crypto wallet is a miner favorite thanks to:
Supporting over 100 crypto assets Focusing on premium design and ease of use, so you can focus on mining Being the only wallet to support desktop, mobile, and hardware wallet (Trezor) integration Allowing you to exchange your mining profits for other cryptos right from your wallet - without creating an account! Giving you the ability to sync your wallet between desktop and mobile Having 24/7, fast human support if you ever need help From left to right: Exodus on Trezor, mobile, and desktop. Download Exodus here.
2020’s Best GPU for Mining: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070.
The GTX 1070’s combination of high hash rate, high amount of memory, and low power consumption make it the best GPU for mining. However, it is a bit pricey as with other Nvidia GPUs, which means it might take longer to recoup your investment. Nevertheless, if you’re mining for the long run, the GTX 1070 is a must buy.
30 MH/s Power draw: 150W Memory: 8GB Price: $299 (Walmart)
Note: another option here is to go with the GeForce RTX 2070, which is the newer version of the GeForce GTX 1070. The RTX 2070 boasts higher hashrates (
40 MH/s) but also higher power draw (185W). Given the high price of the RTX 2070 (
$500), the GTX 1070 might be a better option until prices come down. Though if gaming is important to you, the RTX 2070 performs better in high-end gaming situations thanks to a feature called ray tracing.
During the cryptocurrency boom of 2017, the price of the GTX 1070 and other popular mining GPUs skyrocketed.
2020’s Best GPU for Mining if You Have No/Low Electricity Costs.
Of course, if you have lower energy costs (or even none) because you live in a country with cheap electricity, someone else pays your electricity bill, or you happen to have your own private hydroelectric dam (who doesn’t), you can take a look at graphics cards with higher hash rates that would be largely unprofitable for people who have a high energy bill.
The GPU to consider in this case would be the AMD Radeon VII, which boasts a monstrous 90 MH/s hash rate, beating even its predecessor the AMD Vega 64. Considering that Nvidia’s competitor to the Radeon VII, the Nvidia Titan V, is not only more expensive than the Radeon VII but also less powerful, the Radeon VII is the undisputed king of high hashrate GPU mining.
(Another thing to note is that the AMD Radeon VII is considered the best GPU for mining Ethereum, the #2 cryptocurrency).
90 MH/s Power draw: 300W Memory: 16GB Price: $549.99 (Amazon) The AMD Radeon VII is also the world’s 1st 7nm gaming GPU. In other words, it’s a big improvement on previous generations of GPUs. Image credit: Amazon.
2020’s Best GPU for Budget Miners.
Looking for a GPU that’s more affordable but still a solid choice for mining? The AMD Radeon RX580 is your best bet. The RX580 has a similar hashrate as the GTX 1070 (
29 MH/s compared to.
30 MH/s for the 1070) with slightly higher energy consumption.
The downside with the RX580 though is that it’s hard to purchase because it’s sold out regularly due to its popularity.
29 MH/s Power draw: 185W Memory: 8GB Price: $159.33 (Amazon)
How to Choose the Best GPU for Mining: Additional Tips.
Now that you know the best GPU for mining across 3 different price tiers (mid-tier, high-tier, and budget-tier), here are some additional helpful tips for choosing a mining GPU.
1. Calculate the cost of a hashrate unit.
When choosing a graphics card, divide its price by its hashrate to get the cost of a hashrate unit. Generally speaking, the lower this number the better since it’s a measure of how cost-efficient the graphics card is.
Though don’t forget that the cost of your mining rig can also factor into this if you are buying things like a motherboard, power supply, processor, memory, and hard drive.
2. Consider buying used graphics cards.
Buying a GPU is like buying a car or smartphone. When you buy a new one, it’s value immediately drops as soon as you start using it, since it will both be replaced by a newer model within a year or two and likely experience some problems after a few years.
In order to recoup your investment on a GPU faster, it might be a good idea to buy a used GPU since higher prices for a new GPU would increase the amount of crypto you’d have to mine to break even on your initial investment. Moreover, you’re likely going to replace the GPU after a couple of years anyway as newer cards hit the market and make your old one obsolete.
While some used GPUs do have problems, it’s not as common as most people think, especially when buying something that’s refurbished by the actual manufacturer.
With the new models of smartphones rarely having any new groundbreaking features except the addition of another camera, it seems innovation is stalling. Image credit: PhoneArena.
3. AMD or Nvidia?
A common question that comes up when researching mining GPUs is whether you should go with an AMD or Nvidia GPU (AMD and Nvidia are the two main GPU makers).
The consensus is that Nvidia is better for new miners since their GPUs are easier to setup, consume less energy (less worrying about ventilation setup and energy-efficiency), and work with more mining algorithms. However, AMD cards usually have a lower hashrate unit cost, making them more cost-efficient.
Another thing to note is that AMD is usually better for Ethash coins like Ethereum and Ethereum Classic.
An interesting phenomenon is how much AMD and Nvidia stock prices have risen since the end of 2015, which was the beginning of the bull market that catapulted crypto into the mainstream consciousness. Image credit: Yahoo Finance.
4. Don’t forget your warranty!
Many GPUs come with a warranty, which can be very helpful for miners. Since mining is rather intensive on GPUs, the GPUs or their parts, such as a fan, can stop working or experience other issues. In these types of scenarios, a warranty is great since you can get your GPU repaired or replaced for free.
5. Save money by using server power supplies.
Something that could potentially save you a lot of money if you don’t mind lots of noise is using server power supplies instead of PC power supplies to power your mining rig. Server PSUs can power many more GPUs at once. For example, a standard power supply of.
750W can only power 2 graphics cards. If you’re building a rig with several graphics cards, the money you spend on PSUs add up.
So that wraps up our article on the best GPU for mining. For most, the GTX 1070 will be the GPU to go with. However, in the case that you have low or no energy costs, consider the Radeon VII. If money is an issue, go with the RX580 (if you can find it in stock!).
Also, for up to date information on different crypto assets’ mining profitability for when you have your mining GPU ready to go, we recommend checking WhatToMine.
Lastly, always remember to send your mining profits to your own cryptocurrency wallet and not that of an exchange’s or anyone else who can mismanage and lose your hard-earned profit!
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:51 am
10 Best GPUs for mining (Best Graphics Card For Mining 2020)
Last Updated on July 27, 2020 by Matt.
Overview of Best GPU/Graphics cards for Mining!​
Are you looking for the best graphics card (GPU) for mining? With the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies, many seek ways to earn something and invest to obtain short or long term benefits. Mining is a way of earning cryptocurrencies while supporting the network and contributing to the notion of decentralization. To start extracting cryptocurrencies, it is important to have the correct information about the available hardware. Most of the current mining is carried out using ASIC units (in the case of Bitcoin ( or GPUs (for Ethereum and other altcoins). Here is our list of some of the best GPUs in the market for cryptocurrency mining.
We are in 2020, and wherever you look you will have some mention of Bitcoin ( or another cryptocurrency. Bitcoin ( exploded in popularity last year, and although it is losing popularity and its meteoric growth has declined in recent months, there are still many cryptocurrencies that are booming. So, it should not be surprising that everyone wants a part of the action. If you are thinking about entering cryptocurrency mining, it would be prudent to buy one of the best mining graphics cards you can get in the current market.
Because we live in a world where cryptocurrencies play an increasingly relevant role, we have created a list of the best mining graphics cards that can be purchased today, so you can spend less time comparing options, and more time to obtain benefits. And, seeing how the growing popularity of Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrencies has led to large price variations in the graphics card market, you do not want to waste too much time buying.
We have classified ten of the best mining graphics cards in the market, taking into account the price and efficiency. And, thanks to our exhaustive search of offers, you can be sure that you will always get the best price.
The idea behind cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin ( and Ethereum is that individuals generate and transfer them, without depending on a central authority such as a government or a bank. One of the central attractions of cryptocurrencies is that you can use a standard PC to mine them. Ethereum, as well as a wide range of other cryptocurrencies, uses hashing techniques that make high use of memory, which is the reason why having a GPU with enough graphics memory is a fundamental requirement.
Therefore, when you go out and find the best GPU for mining that you can find, you should think about the amount of memory offered by the GPU, as well as its energy and cost requirements. It is important to consider the value of GPUs since when you start mining Bitcoin ( or Ethereum, you will not be generating large amounts of cryptocurrencies. Therefore, you should try to mitigate your initial costs as much as possible to maximize your profits and start recovering your initial investment as soon as possible.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:52 am

Should YOU be GPU MINING Cryptocurrency in 2020?!|14:39
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:52 am

IS GPU MINING STILL PROFITABLE? - Mining Adventure Part 1|13:44
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:52 am
Best Mining Graphics Card 2020.
The market is flooded with options of GPU but many are designed for gaming and video editing purpose only. Here is the list of best GPU for Bitcoin mining (
The Best GPU for Mining Cryptocurrency in 2020.
This site contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. For more information, see our disclosures here.
In the last quarter of 2020, Bitcoin ( (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) cryptocurrencies experienced some serious price growths. This made cryptocurrency mining a profitable business once again, and caused an increased demand for crypto mining hardware. In this quick guide, we'll take a look at the best graphics cards for crypto mining in 2020.
For mining cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin ( or Ethereum, you don't have to own a high-end graphics card. Of course, having the more power means you'll able to generate more money quicker, however, if a graphics card comes with a high price tag, that doesn't necessarily mean it will perform good in crypto mining. Good mining GPUs need to have enough power and memory to perform numerous calculations simultaneously, while at the same time be as much energy efficient as possible to be profitable. Some of the key metrics that determine whether a GPU is good for mining are its compute performance, and hashrate. The higher these two values are, the better will a card be at mining.
Although mining cryptocurrencies isn't as popular as it used to be, it most certainly isn't dead. In fact, recent price growths of Bitcoin ( and Ethereum shows signs of an upcoming cryptocurrency boom, so there are still good chances to make some serious money in this business. Provided you start mining today, in the near future you might be able to make a small fortune if cryptocurrency prices keep growing. However, in order to do that, you'll need to buy a capable graphics card. Here are our picks for the best cryptocurrency mining GPUs in 2020.
What does Bitcoin mining ( do.
At the heart of Satoshi Nakamoto's vision for Bitcoin ( is mining, a process that both secures the network and incentivizes participation. Find out how it works.
Bitcoin mining ( is the process of adding and verifying blocks of transactions to Bitcoin ('s public blockchain. Bitcoin ( uses the "proof of work" consensus mechanism, which demands commitment from miners in the form of expensive mining hardware and electricity. Miners compete to solve a complex cryptographic puzzle, and are rewarded with newly-minted Bitcoin (
Bitcoin mining ( is the process by which blocks of transactions are added to the public blockchain and verified. It's also the process by which new Bitcoin ( is created--a mechanism that both secures the integrity of the blockchain and incentivizes participation in the network.
Miners compete to add new blocks to the blockchain. Mining Bitcoin ( demands a substantial commitment on the part of miners; it's a costly, time-consuming task, and one that's necessary for the cryptocurrency to work and for people to have faith in its legitimacy.
Over a decade since Bitcoin ( was created by Satoshi Nakamoto, most people have heard of mining. But what does it really mean--and how do you go about mining Bitcoin (
Mining Bitcoin ( isn't like digging for gold or coal deep underground. It refers to verifying the transactions made using Bitcoin ( Miners are those individuals or companies that sustain and audit the blockchain network that supports the cryptocurrency.
They do so by completing "blocks" of verified transactions, which are added to the blockchain; when a miner completes a block, they are rewarded with Bitcoin (
Approximately every four years, the reward for mining Bitcoin ( is halved, an event known (unsurprisingly) as the "halving". In May 2020, the block reward dropped from 12.5 BTC per block to 6.25 BTC.
Mining for Bitcoin ( isn't as cheap as it once was, but this still doesn't prevent investors from carrying out this activity. The block reward of Bitcoin ( is the incentive that powers cryptocurrency transactions through legitimizing and monitoring the network. Because this responsibility is carried out by many users throughout the world, Bitcoin ( is a decentralized cryptocurrency, meaning that it relies on no central authority such as a government or bank for its trustworthiness.
Mining is, in effect, a process of auditing and verifying Bitcoin ( transactions to prevent the problem of "double spending". Double spending is where someone with cryptocurrency tries to spend the same coin twice. With physical currency, you can't buy a drink in a pub with a £20 note and then pop to the shops to buy some groceries with the same £20 note.
With cryptocurrency, there is a risk that someone with Bitcoin ( could make a copy of that Bitcoin ( and send that to a merchant instead of the real thing. In the real world, the cashier looks at a £20 note to ensure it is not fake--and this is what Bitcoin ( miners are trying to do with cryptocurrency; they are checking to ensure that a transaction has not been made twice.
What is the process of Bitcoin mining ( and what can you do with it?
Bitcoin ( uses a consensus mechanism called proof of work.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:53 am

Best Ethereum Mining GPU Right now Summer/Fall 2020|5:01
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:54 am
The process of mining Bitcoin ( works as follows:
🖥️ A miner's computer, called a node, collects and packages individual Bitcoin ( transactions from the last ten minutes into a block. 🖧 This node competes with other nodes in the network to solve a complicated cryptographic problem to be the first to validate the new block for the blockchain. 📡 The first miner to solve the problem broadcasts their success to the entire network. 🧮 Other nodes then check if their solution is correct. If correct, the new block is added to the blockchain and the whole process starts again. 💰 As the miner was first to solve the problem, it gets rewarded with Bitcoin (
Bitcoin mining ( hardware runs a cryptographic hashing function on a block header.
What that means is that each miner creates a "candidate block" with unconfirmed transactions from the node's memory pool, or mempool. This block includes a block header that summarizes the data inside the block, along with a reference to an existing block in the blockchain and a nonce ("number only used once"). In Bitcoin (, the nonce is a whole number somewhere between 0 and 4,294,967,296.
This block header is then put through the SHA256 hash function; if the resulting number is higher than the current target hash, the miner adjusts the nonce and tries again. Miners do this many thousands of times per second. The difficulty target is a 256-bit number; it is adjusted every 2016 blocks (roughly every two weeks), to ensure that a block is mined on average once every 10 minutes.
When a lucky miner's hash function spits out a result that's lower than the current target hash, the block is broadcast to the network. Each node checks that the block header hashes to meet the target, and if confirmed the newly mined block is added to the blockchain. The miner receives a reward of Bitcoin (; this transaction, which creates new Bitcoin ( out of thin air, is known as the "coinbase transaction" and is included in the candidate block.
These rewards serve to incentivize participation and keep things running smoothly.
The rate at which coins are issued is set by the mining code, ensuring that the time it takes for a miner to win a block is always approximately 10 minutes. This is to protect the system and prevent miners from creating their own Bitcoin (
Every time Bitcoin ( is mined, the cryptographic problem becomes harder to solve, meaning that miners will require a higher hash rate to succeed in earning block rewards. This means that more computing power is needed to earn the same amount of cryptocurrency.
The first Bitcoin ( miners used their computers' CPUs to complete the cryptographic problems. Soon, miners discovered that graphics processing units (GPUs) were more effective than CPUs, sparking an arms race in mining hardware. Now, miners use dedicated hardware known as ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) miners.
Solving cryptographic problems is necessary to protect the Bitcoin ( network from attacks. To reverse transactions in the blockchain would require 51% of the whole network's computing power. This ensures that any attack is difficult and pointless as an attacker would have to own more mining hardware than anyone else.
The future of Bitcoin ( (and other cryptocurrency) mining.
As Bitcoin mining ( has matured, the barrier to entry for individual miners has been raised. Now, most mining is carried out by "pools" of miners who combine their resources and attempt to use their cumulative computing power to earn Bitcoin ( rewards.
In 2020, the majority of mining pools are based in China, although the country's dominance of the industry has slipped somewhat over the course of the year. Miners are heavily influenced by electricity prices, since proof-of-work mining uses large quantities of electricity; many miners relocate their operations to make the most of cheap electricity.
The supply of Bitcoin ( is capped at 21 million. When all 21 million BTC are mined, in around 2140, miners will be rewarded with transaction fees.
Bitcoin mining ( has come in for criticism over its high energy consumption, which in 2020 was around 8.4 GW or 65.74 terawatt-hours--more than the output of seven nuclear power plants. Some advocates of the cryptocurrency argue that it functions as an "energy currency" that incentivizes the use of surplus energy. Indeed, several power plants in the USA and Iran are now using surplus natural gas to operate large-scale Bitcoin mining ( operations.
Nevertheless, renewable energy only makes up 39% of the total energy consumption of the world's cryptocurrency miners; Bitcoin ( miners generate a carbon footprint equivalent to that of Denmark.
Stung by this criticism, some cryptocurrencies are switching from a proof of work consensus mechanism to a system known as proof of stake (PoS).
Instead of miners, proof of stake cryptocurrencies have validators. These validators stake their cryptocurrency on betting which blocks will be added next to a chain. If successful, the validators get a block reward in proportion to what they have staked. Ethereum, the second-biggest cryptocurrency by market capitalization after Bitcoin (, is switching to a proof of stake model with its Ethereum 2.0 upgrade.
Bitcoin (, however, is sticking with the tried-and-true proof of work consensus model espoused by Satoshi Nakamoto in the original Bitcoin ( whitepaper, over a decade ago.
Bitcoin mining ( on Your Raspberry Pi.
Introduction: Bitcoin mining ( on Your Raspberry Pi.
Bitcoin ( is a cryptocurrency , a form of electronic cash . It is a decentralized digital currency without a central bank or single administrator that can be sent from user to user via the bitcoin network.
There are two main methods for obtaining bitcoin: mining and purchasing. In this tutorial we will focus on cryptocurrency mining on the Raspberry Pi!
For your bitcoin miner you need the following equipment:
Raspberry Pi AntMiner U3 USB Miner MicroSD Card with Raspbian Ethernet Cable or WiFi Dongle (Pi 3 has WiFi inbuilt) Power Adapter Raspberry Pi Cooling Case ( highly recommended )
Step 1: Construction.
Plug in the power adapter of the Raspberry Pi adapter and connect it to your Pi Connect the Pi to the internet Plug in the power adapter of the USB Miner and connect it to the USB Miner Connect to USB Miner to your Pi, by plugging the USB into the Raspberry Pi and the other end into the USB Miner.
Step 2: Check for Updates.
Type in this command to check for updates:
sudo apt-get update.
You might have to upgrade your operating system too, if its a older version:
sudo apt-get upgrade.
Step 3: Create a Bitcoin ( Wallet.
To receive your mined bitcoins, you need a wallet to save them. The two general types of Bitcoin ( wallets are online and offline .
An online wallet requires internet connection. You have to enter your username and password to access your wallet from any device and you don't have to worry about its backup and maintenance.
Offline wallets store your bitcoins on a computer, so they do not require an internet connection. Such wallets require a lot of space on your hard drive and you are fully responsible to your wallet. It is recommended to make backups weekly and save it on multiple devices. If you loose your wallet, because your computer is broken and you have no backup, then all your bitcoins are gone.
How to create an online Bitcoin ( Wallet?
Go to Click on 'Create new wallet' Click on 'Generate passphrase' Save the passphrase somewhere, where you will find it again and make several backups of this passphrase You have to agree, that you have written down or otherwise securely stored your passphrase and you have to agree to the terms & conditions to continue. Click on 'Set your PIN' Set a PIN for quick access.
You have now successfully created a bitcoin wallet!
Step 4: Enter a Mining Pool.
A mining pool is the pooling of resources by miners , who share their processing power over a network , to split the reward equally , according to the amount of work they contributed to the probability of finding a block.
How to enter a mining pool?
Sign up to Slushpool Open the profile settings (click the user icon on the top right corner > click on 'Settings') Click on the 'Bitcoin (' tab Click on 'BTC Payouts' Add your wallet address (on Coin Space, the address can be found by clicking on receive)
You are now part of a mining pool!
Optional: You can create workers by clicking on the workers tab and 'new worker'. 'worker1' is already created during the registration process.
Step 5: Install the Miner.
The miner is responsible for the actual mining part . It uses the power of the USB Miner and searches for blocks. In this tutorial we use cgminer , a multi-threaded multi-pool miner for bitcoin.
Install the dependencies sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev libusb-1.0-0 libcurl4-openssl-dev libncurses5-dev libudev-dev screen libtool automake pkg-config libjansson-dev screen Clone the cgminer repository from github git clone Install and configure the miner cd cgminer sudo ./ export LIBCURL_CFLAGS='-I/usr/include/curl' sudo ./configure --enable-bmsc sudo make Start the miner sudo ./cgminer --bmsc-options 115200:0.57 -o POOL -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD --bmsc-voltage 0800 --bmsc-freq 1286.
POOL: the url to the pool. Default: stratum+tcp://
USERNAME: [your_slushpool_username].[your_worker] Default: yourusername.worker1.
PASSWORD: anything, you don't need to enter your login password.
For more information about available pools on slushpool click here.
I highly recommend using a cooling case for your Raspberry Pi, to avoid overheating.
Step 6: Automatically Start the Miner on Boot (optional)
Edit the 'rc.local' file sudo nano /etc/rc.local Just above 'exit 0' add the following lines with your slushpool credentials cd /home/pi/cgminer screen -dmS cgminer ./cgminer --bmsc-options 115200:0.57 -o POOL -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD --bmsc-voltage 0800 --bmsc-freq 1286.
That's it! You can now mine your own bitcoins. If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to contact me.
Free Download.
A Bitcoin mining ( tool that allows you to use multiple online services in order to effortlessly earn Bitcoins for your online purchases.
Bitcoin ( Miner is a lightweight store application designed to help Windows 8.1 and 10 users to mine for Bitcoins by connecting one of the online services. The program allows you to use multiple services and provides you with direct links to the registration pages.
Bitcoin ( is a cryptocurrency and worldwide payment system. It is the first decentralized digital currency, as the system works without a central bank or single administrator.
You can use this tool to earn Bitcoins by performing complex calculations while you are using your computer for Internet browsing or other tasks. Since the speed with which currently mining is done is relatively small, to display any progress, the amount of currency amassed is shown in satoshis. ​ The Satoshi is currently the smallest unit of the bitcoin currency recorded in the blockchain. It is a one hundred millionth of a single bitcoin (0.00000001 BTC).
One thing worth mentioning is that as with all other Bitcoin mining ( software tools, this app works at a very slow pace, leading to long waiting times just to amount a handful of satoshis.
This utility offers no features or customization settings, as all it does when launched is start mining automatically. Another thing worth mentioning is that the app can experience frequent interruptions, sometimes just from minimizing its window, making running this app in the background while you perform other operations rather inefficiently.
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How To Start Bitcoin mining ( Find Best Bitcoin mining ( Machine.
B itcoin is a digital currency . We can called it electric money . It is a cryptocurrency. It has no physical existence. We earn it by solving complex computational math. Bitcoins are technically stored in the Blockchain . It is a digital currency without is independent of banks that can be sent from user to user on the peer to peer bitcoin Blockchain network, it has no need for intermediaries. Bitcoins can be traded for goods or services. The P2P network verifies the transfer of bitcoins between users.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:54 am

Best GPUs for Mining Cryptocurrency 2019|5:41
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:55 am

The State Of GPU Mining September 2020|16:50
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:55 am

Best GPU for Mining (⛏Top 5 That Aren't RTX 3080)|28:53
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:55 am
What is bitcoin miner?
Bitcoins user is the Bitcoin ( Miner . A Bitcoin ( Miner uses the Bitcoin ( Miner software to mine the digital currency. Miners give security and confirm Bitcoin ( transactions. The role of miners is to secure the network and to process every Bitcoin ( transaction. Miner achieves bitcoin by solving that allows them to chain together blocks of transactions that make Bitcoins famous " Blockchain" .
Bitcoin mining ( : Bitcoin mining ( is the process of creating new bitcoin by solving a complex computational math. Bitcoin mining ( is necessary to maintain the ledger upon which bitcoin based. Miners have become very sophisticated over the last several years using complex machinery to speed up mining operations.
At first we need to know some important information that helps for starting Bitcoin mining ( If wanted to learn more about Bitcoin mining ( or how Bitcoin mining ( works read Bitcoin mining ( in theory.
Get a Bitcoin mining ( rig:
At first place, we have to own a mining rig. In the beginning miners used ordinary domestic computers and later using graphic cards but now we will not acquire any Bitcoin ( with these machines.
Now Bitcoins are mining by special hardware that made just for mining Bitcoins. It is called ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit chips), uses less energy and mines Bitcoins much faster. It is an expensive device. Its speed is very amazing. The most powerful machines manage to solve as many as 14 thrasher per second (which means it does 1012 attempts to solve a block per second) and its development goes ahead constantly.
How to choose an ASIC mining rig?
If we wanted to start mining, we should follow the parameters during our selection: performance (hash rate), cost of electric power and price. Hash rate indicates how many attempts to solve a block can the machine make per second. We can go through various miners' reviews and choose the one which is most profitable to us. Not price only, focus on the overall proportion of price, performance and cost. The most expert miner is the best one. We can inspire our self on the webpage.
Asic Miner value :
Where detailed information about new miners is displayed. These devices are high demanded so we could not get these easily. It also effected the price of these devices which varies between hundreds or even thousands of dollars.
We can try to calculate the profitability of the chosen device in an online calculator before buying the ASIC. (f.e. Nice Hash or Coinwarz, for multiple currencies try What to mine). Apart from parameters of our mining rig, the calculation also includes the price of electricity, fees from mining pool or the level of mining difficulty. We will calculate our profit or invest in the beginning.
We can take a consideration the increasing difficulty of the mining as well as declining profit over time. If the difficulty increases by about 10% after 14 days, the profit declines by about the same 10%.
Where should you put your machine? Into a professional data center.
Bitcoin mining ( machine demands a special place because mining rigs are noisy and emit a lot of heat. The service miner housing give a solution to this problem - we can place our machine into a professional data center. We will profit from a lower price of energy, cooled area, constant monitoring and we can avoid noise.
Get a Bitcoin ( wallet.
Bitcoin ( wallet is a most important for Bitcoin mining ( That's where we will receive our Bitcoins and use them. Bitcoin ( wallets allow us to manage our Bitcoin ( addresses (Bitcoins are technically stored in the Blockchain).
Each Bitcoin ( address has a public key and matching private key. The public key comprises of a unique combination of characters and it looks for example like this: 18ukxpD1eqnVjux13ehEz8r4d8py1dSdzw. It works basically like a bank account number so if we want to receive Bitcoins from somebody, we have to tell him our public key. Every bitcoin address is public and we can trace back every transaction that passed through it. In contrast, the private key is secret and it serves to send off transactions. If we lose our private key, we lose our Bitcoins placed on this particular address forever.
There are many types of wallets from simple online wallets, software ones to the most secure hardware and paper wallets. Each wallet has its advantages and disadvantages. Some of them can keep multiple currencies at the same time.
Join a mining pool:
A single machine cannot contest with many large mining farms and mining Bitcoins on our own isn't always profitable. There is one solution-cooperation between miners in so called mining pools.
Miners give their computing power to a group when Bitcoins are mined; the gain is divided among members according to a given power. It is lower but regular. Members of a pool have to pay a fee to an operator of the pool; the price of fees is around 0 and 2% of the received reward.
This graph is set out the representation of the biggest pools in 2017. Slush Pool is very first pool in existence and it is the most credible ones. Here's an interesting fact - a Czech programmer Marek Palatines is responsible for the birth of Slush Pool.
We can choose a mining pool, register our self on its website and set our account. Afterward, we will receive a worker ID for our ASIC miner .
Get a mining programmer for your computer.
It´s time to get a mining client to run on our computer. Mining software delivers work to miners, collects complete results of their work and adds all information back to the Blockchain. Bitcoin mining ( software monitors miner´s activities and shows basic statistics.
Many free programmers are used to mine Bitcoins, the best programmers can run on all operational systems. Some mining pools also have their own software.
Beginners will appreciate Nice Hash Miner. It is very easy to use, which is the most profitable in a particular moment. Download the programmer and choose a device for mining.
Start mining:
Now we can start mining and earning Bitcoins! Connect our miner to a power outlet, link it with computer and install mining software. Fill in our information about our wallet and mining pool into the mining software, choose a device, and let the mining begin!
If we want to mining bitcoin with profitability , keep road of the news from the crypto world. The development goes ahead very fast and it changes on a day to day basis.
Find best Bitcoin mining ( machine:
Bitcoin mining ( can be highly profitable if we can mine bitcoin properly. In order to, mine bitcoin we need specialized Bitcoin mining ( hardware machine called ASIC. We can find best Bitcoin mining ( machine through use our knowledge about it. A good ASIC have produced through a high competitive Bitcoin ( arm race. Entry-level Bitcoin mining ( devices can be relatively low cost. High-performance miners can range up to over $10,000.When assessing ASIC hardware with the intent of Bitcoin mining ( We will need to weigh up the power of the hardware versus the amount of power it draws, along with the cost of electricity in our region.
finally we can say that bitcoin is an amazing Cryptocurrency. It is electric money. Bitcoin ( miner creating new bitcoin by solving a complex computational math that is possible through best Bitcoin mining ( machine. We must need to find the best Bitcoin mining ( machine.
AntRouter R1.
5.5 Gh/s 50W 1.0 pounds Yes 0.00001058.
13.5 Th/s 0.1 J/GH 16 pounds Yes 0.3603.
2.5 GH/s 1.00 W/GH 1.6 ounces Yes 0.00006672.
Overview - Table of Contents What is Bitcoin mining ( Technical Background Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Bitcoin mining ( Software Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining Mining Infographic What is Proof of Work? What is Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty? Other Languages.
Before we begin.
Before you read further, please understand that most bitcoin users don't mine! But if you do then this Bitcoin ( miner is probably the best deal. Bitcoin mining ( for profit is very competitive and volatility in the Bitcoin ( price makes it difficult to realize monetary gains without also speculating on the price. Mining makes sense if you plan to do it for fun, to learn or to support the security of Bitcoin ( and do not care if you make a profit. If you have access to large amounts of cheap electricity and the ability to manage a large installation and business, you can mine for a profit.
If you want to get bitcoins based on a fixed amount of mining power, but you don't want to run the actual hardware yourself, you can purchase a mining contract.
Another tool many people like to buy is a Bitcoin ( debit card which enables people to load a debit card with funds via bitcoins.
Bitcoin mining ( is a lot like a giant lottery where you compete with your mining hardware with everyone on the network to earn bitcoins. Faster Bitcoin mining ( hardware is able to attempt more tries per second to win this lottery while the Bitcoin ( network itself adjusts roughly every two weeks to keep the rate of finding a winning block hash to every ten minutes. In the big picture, Bitcoin mining ( secures transactions that are recorded in Bitcon's public ledger, the block chain. By conducting a random lottery where electricity and specialized equipment are the price of admission, the cost to disrupt the Bitcoin ( network scales with the amount of hashing power that is being spent by all mining participants.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:56 am
Technical Background.
During mining, your Bitcoin mining ( hardware runs a cryptographic hashing function (two rounds of SHA256) on what is called a block header . For each new hash that is tried, the mining software will use a different number as the random element of the block header, this number is called the nonce . Depending on the nonce and what else is in the block the hashing function will yield a hash which looks something like this:
You can look at this hash as a really long number. (It's a hexadecimal number, meaning the letters A-F are the digits 10-15.) To ensure that blocks are found roughly every ten minutes, there is what's called a difficulty target . To create a valid block your miner has to find a hash that is below the difficulty target. So if for example the difficulty target is.
any number that starts with a zero would be below the target, e.g.:
If we lower the target to.
we now need two zeros in the beginning to be under it:
Because the target is such an unwieldy number with tons of digits, people generally use a simpler number to express the current target. This number is called the mining difficulty . The mining difficulty expresses how much harder the current block is to generate compared to the first block. So a difficulty of 70000 means to generate the current block you have to do 70000 times more work than Satoshi Nakamoto had to do generating the first block. To be fair, back then mining hardware and algorithms were a lot slower and less optimized.
To keep blocks coming roughly every 10 minutes, the difficulty is adjusted using a shared formula every 2016 blocks. The network tries to change it such that 2016 blocks at the current global network processing power take about 14 days. That's why, when the network power rises, the difficulty rises as well.
In the beginning, mining with a CPU was the only way to mine bitcoins and was done using the original Satoshi client. In the quest to further secure the network and earn more bitcoins, miners innovated on many fronts and for years now, CPU mining has been relatively futile. You might mine for decades using your laptop without earning a single coin.
About a year and a half after the network started, it was discovered that high end graphics cards were much more efficient at Bitcoin mining ( and the landscape changed. CPU Bitcoin mining ( gave way to the GPU (Graphical Processing Unit). The massively parallel nature of some GPUs allowed for a 50x to 100x increase in Bitcoin mining ( power while using far less power per unit of work.
While any modern GPU can be used to mine, the AMD line of GPU architecture turned out to be far superior to the nVidia architecture for mining bitcoins and the ATI Radeon HD 5870 turned out to be the most cost effective choice at the time.
As with the CPU to GPU transition, the Bitcoin mining ( world progressed up the technology food chain to the Field Programmable Gate Array. With the successful launch of the Butterfly Labs FPGA 'Single', the Bitcoin mining ( hardware landscape gave way to specially manufactured hardware dedicated to mining bitcoins.
While the FPGAs didn't enjoy a 50x - 100x increase in mining speed as was seen with the transition from CPUs to GPUs, they provided a benefit through power efficiency and ease of use. A typical 600 MH/s graphics card consumed upwards of 400w of power, whereas a typical FPGA mining device would provide a hashrate of 826 MH/s at 80w of power.
That 5x improvement allowed the first large Bitcoin mining ( farms to be constructed at an operational profit. The Bitcoin mining ( industry was born.
The Bitcoin mining ( world is now solidly in the Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) era. An ASIC is a chip designed specifically to do one thing and one thing only. Unlike FPGAs, an ASIC cannot be repurposed to perform other tasks.
An ASIC designed to mine bitcoins can only mine bitcoins and will only ever mine bitcoins. The inflexibility of an ASIC is offset by the fact that it offers a 100x increase in hashing power while reducing power consumption compared to all the previous technologies.
Unlike all the previous generations of hardware preceding ASIC, ASIC may be the "end of the line" when it comes to disruptive mining technology. CPUs were replaced by GPUs which were in turn replaced by FPGAs which were replaced by ASICs. There is nothing to replace ASICs now or even in the immediate future.
There will be stepwise refinement of the ASIC products and increases in efficiency, but nothing will offer the 50x to 100x increase in hashing power or 7x reduction in power usage that moves from previous technologies offered. This makes power consumption on an ASIC device the single most important factor of any ASIC product, as the expected useful lifetime of an ASIC mining device is longer than the entire history of Bitcoin mining (
It is conceivable that an ASIC device purchased today would still be mining in two years if the device is power efficient enough and the cost of electricity does not exceed it's output. Mining profitability is also dictated by the exchange rate, but under all circumstances the more power efficient the mining device, the more profitable it is. If you want to try your luck at Bitcoin mining ( then this Bitcoin ( miner is probably the best deal.
There are two basic ways to mine: On your own or as part of a Bitcoin mining ( pool or with Bitcoin ( cloud mining contracts and be sure to avoid Bitcoin ( cloud mining scams. Almost all miners choose to mine in a pool because it smooths out the luck inherent in the Bitcoin mining ( process. Before you join a pool, make sure you have a bitcoin wallet so you have a place to store your bitcoins. Next you will need to join a mining pool and set your miner(s) to connect to that pool. With pool mining, the profit from each block any pool member generates is divided up among the members of the pool according to the amount of hashes they contributed.
How much bandwidth does Bitcoin mining ( take? If you are using a bitcoin miner for mining with a pool then the amount should be negligible with about 10MB/day. However, what you do need is exceptional connectivity so that you get any updates on the work as fast as possible.
This gives the pool members a more frequent, steady payout (this is called reducing your variance), but your payout(s) can be decreased by whatever fee the pool might charge. Solo mining will give you large, infrequent payouts and pooled mining will give you small, frequent payouts, but both add up to the same amount if you're using a zero fee pool in the long-term.
By purchasing Bitcoin ( cloud mining contracts, investors can earn Bitcoins without dealing with the hassles of mining hardware, software, electricity, bandwidth or other offline issues.
Being listed in this section is NOT an endorsement of these services and is to serve merely as a Bitcoin ( cloud mining comparison. There have been a tremendous amount of Bitcoin ( cloud mining scams.
Bitcoin mining ( is the process of adding transaction records to Bitcoin ('s public ledger of past transactions. This ledger of past transactions is called the block chain as it is a chain of blocks. The block chain serves to confirm transactions to the rest of the network as having taken place.
When a block is discovered, the discoverer may award themselves a certain number of bitcoins, which is agreed-upon by everyone in the network. Currently this bounty is 25 bitcoins; this value will halve every 210,000 blocks. See Controlled Currency Supply or use a Bitcoin mining ( calculator.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:56 am

How to calculate Genesis Mining profit - Bitcoin Mining Profitability Calculator|4:41
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:58 am

How To Calculate Mining Profit: The Easy COMPLETE Guide!|4:50
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 08:59 am
Blitzboom and the guys from #bitcoin-dev for their help with writing the guide!
Is Buying Cryptocurrency A Safe Investment?
Bitcoin mining ( How To Get Started.
If you've read our articles on how Bitcoin ( works and what mining is, you might be interested in mining some Bitcoins of your own. You will need hardware, software, and a source of energy that won't break the bank. The main two things you should focus on when shopping for Bitcoin ( miner hardware is the hash rate and the energy consumption.
What is a hash rate?
Bitcoin ( transaction blocks are large chunks of data that take up space. Fortunately, they can be compressed down into a hash. That process requires a lot of processing power, because your computer has to figure out the right hash. The hash rate is the number of attempts your computer can make every second. The higher the hash rate, the more likely you are to solve transaction blocks and win Bitcoins.
How much energy does it use?
The most expensive part of Bitcoin mining ( is the amount of electricity it costs. There are certain places where Bitcoin mining ( simply isn't profitable because of the energy bill. You need to calculate whether or not the Bitcoins you mine with offset the cost of electricity. The easiest way to do that is to divide the hash rate with how many watts of energy your hardware uses.
What Bitcoin mining ( hardware do you need?
You have three options when it comes to Bitcoin mining ( hardware: a regular computer, a custom-built miner, and a purpose-built mining rig.
CPU and GPU.
You can in theory use any CPU to mine Bitcoin ( Everyday devices like your laptop, tablet, and smartphone won't get you very far, however. They'll be slow, consume a lot of energy, overheat, and break down before you've made any significant profits. So why are people still mining in this way? The likelihood is that they aren't mining for Bitcoin (, but rather other tokens like Litecoin. Whereas Bitcoin ( requires dedicated mining hardware, other cryptocurrencies have been set up in a way friendly to CPU mining. You can also install a powerful graphics card to boost your hash rate. The graphical processing units ( GPU ) in graphics cards will help with the mathematical calculations required for mining.
Getting a Field-Programmable Gate Array ( FPGA ) is a step up from CPU and GPU mining rigs. Bitcoin mining ( hardware manufacturers will purchase regular chips and customize them for mining before installing them into computers.
Buying an Application Specific Integrated Circuit ( ASIC ) is the best option out of the three mining setups. They are specifically designed to mine Bitcoin ( at high speeds, while keeping energy consumption low. ASICs will get you more bang for the buck, but it'll also cost a pretty penny to purchase.
What Bitcoin mining ( software do you need?
You'll need mining software for your mining hardware, and a Bitcoin ( client to connect to the network.
Standard Bitcoin ( client.
You need to connect your mining rig to the Bitcoin ( network to get started. The standard Bitcoin ( client will connect you, and download the Bitcoin ( blockchain to your computer. The blockchain is now over 185 GB, so you'll need enough space to store it.
Bitcoin mining ( software is like an operating system for your mining rig. The kind of software you'll need will depend on your setup. There are programs available for CPU/GPU and FPGA setups, regardless of whether you're using Windows or Mac OS X. Newer ASIC mining rigs will come with their own software, but older ones may require you to install a separate program.
Bitcoin mining ( - How it Works & How to Get Started.
A comprehensive guide on Bitcoin mining ( Learn about mining equipment, mining pools, how it works and how to get started with your own miner.
Bitcoin ( is making headlines almost daily. It is growing in popularity all over the world , and more and more people are striving to learn about it. The problem is that many subjects that apply to Bitcoin ( are not always simple to understand. Mining is one of these subjects.
The process of mining involves mathematics and complex computer science . We will break it down for you in our easy to understand guide.
Mining is the process through which Bitcoin ( is created . Bitcoin ( is a cryptocurrency, a form of digital money. To use Bitcoin (, you need to be in possession of it. Bitcoin ( is not controlled or regulated by a central authority , and neither is the process of creating Bitcoin ( Regular fiat money is printed and coins are minted by financial institutions following government regulations.
However, Bitcoin ( is created using powerful computers which verify transactions on the network in exchange for a reward in the form of more Bitcoin ( To understand Bitcoin mining (, it's a good idea to have a basic understanding of blockchain technology.
The Bitcoin ( blockchain is a public ledger, a database which holds information about every single Bitcoin ( transaction since its creation. All of these transactions are stored publicly in this ledger. There are thousands of copies of the ledger distributed amongst every user who is running a node. Each copy is as credible as the other.
Whenever someone makes a Bitcoin ( transaction, it is recorded in a block. The information in the block shows that person X sent person Y some Bitcoin ( There is no actual exchange of coins, just an addition of this record to the ledger . This is proof that person X sent person Y a specific amount of Bitcoin ( To ensure that the information is correct, Bitcoin ( requires every transaction to be validated .
When these transactions are added to a block, other users can see the entry. To put a seal of validity on this transaction, someone has to verify it . Who verifies it? This is where the miners come into it.
The validation requires some " work " to be completed by the miner. They have to solve complex mathematical problems which require computing power and time. The miner has to create hashes to validate a block successfully . There are specific requirements as to the appearance of the hash. So unless a hash of that form is created, the mining process continues. Once the miner gets a match, he or she validates the entry.
The reason someone would want to become a miner is because of the rewards that are given, paid in Bitcoin ( . Once a miner creates a hash, the transaction is validated. Miners don't receive any Bitcoin ( until there is proof that they have validated a transaction correctly . Otherwise, people could falsely claim to validate transactions and demand payment.
The proof-of-work protocol that Bitcoin ( uses means that miners need to validate a transaction, and then other miners need to confirm this before the original miner is paid. The proof-of-work protocol uses a mathematical puzzle which involves making a huge number of calculations to solve . Once solved, the miner is rewarded with Bitcoin (
Anyone willing to invest anything from a few hundred dollars can purchase hardware to begin mining Bitcoin ( You don't need a Ph.D. in mathematics or computer science to mine, you simply the need the combination of the right hardware and software , specifically designed for the purpose.
To start mining Bitcoin (, you will need the following:
You will need a hardware miner. Miners were initially CPUs, but GPUs ousted them because of higher computational capability and lesser power requirement. Today, ASICs are used instead of GPUs. ASICs are chips designed for the sole purpose of mining. They are useless for anything else but offer up to 100 times more computational power than some GPUs. The proof-of-work protocol that Bitcoin ( uses specifically caters for ASIC miners. You will also need mining software to work in tandem with the hardware you've purchased. Usually, your software would connect your Bitcoin ( miner to the blockchain and a mining pool (more on mining pools later). The software also shows you useful statistics like hash rate, temperature, average speed, and fan speed of the miner.
Currently, some of the most popular Bitcoin ( miners are the Antminer S5 , S7 , and S9 . There is software for most operating systems, so you just need to find one for your OS. Once you've set up your hardware and software, you're good to go! You can use a Bitcoin mining ( calculator to see how long it will take for you to make back your initial investment and start making a profit.
Let's be clear about one thing; in order to earn Bitcoin ( by mining, you will first have to spend anything from a few hundred dollars on your equipment. You'll need to get the best deal you can for the most hash power you can get. Remember, Bitcoin mining ( is a competition .
You're not the only one trying to validate a transaction and generate the proof-of-work to earn Bitcoin ( There's a whole army of people like you. So, do your homework before you spend on miners. Here are a few things to consider when looking at your options:
Bitcoin ( miners use a lot of electricity . The computation power required to produce hundreds of hashes each second eats up a lot of electrical power. If you buy a miner that consumes a lot of electricity, then your electricity bill will go through the roof .
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 09:00 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 09:00 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 09:01 am
Bitcoin mining ( Power Consumption.
Make sure you know the expected power usage of your mining setup and calculate the monthly costs to ensure you will still make a good ROI after costs. The best option may be a miner that consumes a low amount of electricity for its hash rate.
Bitcoin mining ( is all about hashing . The process requires your miner to create countless numbers of hashes each day. The more hashes it can create, the higher the chance that you can earn a profit in Bitcoin ( Hash rate is the number of hashes your miner can put out per second. Look for a miner that has a high hash rate .
Last, but not least is the cost of the miner . Taking into account your electricity costs, the first few months of profit will be used to pay off the capital you invested in your mining equipment. The key is to find a miner that has a good hash rate , is energy efficient , and doesn't require too much of an initial outlay .
Now that you know about the hardware and software required for mining. Let's discuss wallets and mining pools.
You can't enjoy the fruits of the mining process if you don't have a wallet. Payments will be sent in Bitcoin ( to the wallet address you provide. There are different types of wallets you can use, but remember to secure your coins if are you dealing with large amounts.
You can choose between becoming a solo miner or joining a mining pool. Solo mining is an option, but it is not usually advised. Solo mining is far less likely to verify transactions than mining in a pool, so joining a pool is usually the better option . The computational capability of all miners is contributed and the reward is distributed among the members.
You should research the available mining pools before joining and find out any withdrawal fees involved, commission taken by the owners, how the pay is distributed and how often and easily you can withdraw funds.
If you want to learn more about the mining process and receive regular updates and tips, then join our mailing list and stay informed.
For anyone serious about mining cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin (, we're well past the point where a standard desktop computer is of much use. While an array of high-end GPUs is still viable for some currencies, the real heavy hitters are using custom mining hardware that makes use of application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) to crunch the numbers. But eventually even the most powerful mining farm will start to show its age, and many end up selling on the second hand market for pennies on the dollar.
Naturally, hackers are hard at work trying to find alternate uses for these computational powerhouses. While it won't teach an old ASIC a new trick, [xjtuecho] has documented some very interesting details on the FPGA control board of the Ebit E9+ Bitcoin ( miner. Known as the EBAZ4205, this board can be purchased for around $20 USD from online importers and even less if you can find one used. Since it's just the controller it won't help you build a budget super computer, but there's always interest in cheap FPGA development boards.
The Zynq SoC combines an FPGA and ARM CPU.
According to [xjtuecho], it takes a little bit of work to get the EBAZ4205 ready for experimentation. For one thing, you may have to solder on your own micro SD slot depending on where you got the board from. You'll also need to add a couple diodes to configure which storage device to boot from and to select where the board pulls power from.
Once you're done, you'll have a dual core Cortex A9 Linux board with 256 MB DDR3 and a Artix-7 FPGA featuring 28K logic elements to play with. Where you go from there is up to you.
This isn't the first time we've seen FPGA boards hit the surplus market at rock bottom prices. When IT departments started dumping their stock of Pano Logic thin clients back in 2013, a whole community of dedicated FPGA hackers sprouted up around it. We're not sure the if the EBAZ4205 will enjoy the same kind of popularity in its second life, but the price is certainly right.
FPGA Mining: How Field Programmable Gate Arrays Work.
FPGA mining in the cryptocurrency world is a new emerging trend set to change the way blockchain-based coins and tokens are mined due to being very efficient in comparison to GPU and CPU mining performances.
FPGA, or a Field Programmable Gate Array, is a unique integrated type of a blank digital circuit used in various types of technology and produces higher hash rate with lower amounts of power and electricity when comparing to graphic processing unit (GPU) hardware.
You can find FPGAs in image and video processing systems, for example. It's also used for high-end cryptographic algorithm calculations and is known for giving you more control of the FPGA hardware.
As the name suggests, Field Programmable Gate Arrays are programmable in the field . After a customer purchases the FPGA, the customer can customize it to meet any computational need.
It is worth noting experts of Field Programmable Gate Arrays recommend thinking of FPGAs as Lego blocks:
"You can think of FPGAs as Lego blocks. Stand-alone Legos allow you to build many different things using the same, reconfigurable pieces. One piece may be used to make the roof of a house, and the same piece can later be retrofitted to make the chassis of a car." #BlockBaseMining.
Just like Lego blocks, FGPAs, which the chips were created in 1985, can be used to build virtually any digital circuit with high adaptability and versatility to change algorithms easily. FPGAs can run different software and are essentially a LEGO engineering kit in comparison to GPUs being a mixed-bag of random tools in a toolbox.
Because FPGAs are customizable, cost effective reprogrammable devices, they can operate using different algorithms but do present tougher user experience and require both software and digital circuit design to be setup correctly. This function is important for cryptocurrency coin mining because different cryptoassets use different algorithms for mining. FPGAs can be easily adjusted to meet all different mining needs as the efficiency ratio of hashing speed and power consumption is very favorable for FPGAs vs GPUs (or ASICs).
Let's review the FPGA crypto mining industry and map out the speed and flexibility advantages of Field Programmable Gate Arrays.
How Does FPGA Mining Work?
Before we talk about how FPGA mining works, we need to explain the basics of crypto mining.
Bitcoin ( and most other cryptocurrencies are made up of blocks of data. These blocks are linked to one another - in a chain - by unique strings of numbers and letters known as hashes. Cryptography ensures that only one specific hash can be used to link the current block of data in the blockchain to the next.
When a computer 'mines' bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, the computer is simply guessing trillions of different hashes. It's a process of trial and error. Eventually, the computer guesses the right hash, and the new block is added to the chain.
Let's say you're the teacher in front of a classroom. You tell the 25 children in your class to guess a number between 1 and 1,000. The first person who guesses the correct number gets $5. You keep going around the room until finally, one child guesses the correct answer.
Now, picture the same situation, except it's one person speaking in a massive stadium in front of 80,000 people. The speaker asks the stadium to guess a number between 1 and 1 trillion. Everyone shouts out random numbers until eventually, one person guesses the correct number. That's closer to how Bitcoin mining ( works.
With Bitcoin mining (, miners have to devote time, energy, and resources towards finding the right number. This is the 'work' that must be performed to mine bitcoin. The correct number that the miners ultimately come up with, meanwhile, is the 'proof' of that work. Any other miner can check that number against the correct number written down by the speaker to verify that the miner did the work.
With Bitcoin mining (, you're not asking a classroom to guess a number between 1 and 1,000. Instead, you're asking millions of miners worldwide to guess a number that is 64 digits long. Arriving at this answer takes a lot of computing power. These computers are constantly guessing numbers that have 64 digits. Eventually, one arrives at the correct answer. The block is added to the blockchain, the miner receives the block reward, and computations for the next block begin.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 09:26 am

How to calculate Hash power output of your cryptocurrency mining/ cloud mining|3:18
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 09:32 am
How FPGAs Mine Cryptocurrency.
We've explained how crypto mining works. But how do Field Programmable Gate Arrays enhance mining? How do they mine cryptocurrency more efficiently?
Well, FPGAs are one of several options available to crypto miners. Today, miners can use CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, or ASICs to mine cryptocurrencies. In the early days of bitcoin, anyone with a high-end gaming GPU could mine bitcoin from an ordinary computer. Today, you need the latest ASICs to even think about turning a profit with bitcoin.
FPGA mining provides users with a solution that is different from the alternatives above. It can be cheaper or more expensive, although it's certainly more flexible than GPU, CPU, and ASIC mining setups. FPGA mining rigs are known to have optimal power efficiency and higher hashes per second than GPUs.
To setup an FPGA mining system, you'll need to install special chips in specific sequences and arrays to increase your computer's ability to guess hashes.
One of the best things about FPGA mining is that it's the most flexible option; instead of buying a Bitcoin mining ( ASIC that only mines bitcoin, for example, your FPGA setup can be customized to mine any cryptocurrency.
Many novice miners start with FPGA mining before moving up to ASIC mining, for example. Once you have experience and understand how crypto mining works, you'll be well-equipped to run a profitable ASIC mining farm.
FPGAs Are Very Customizable.
When you buy an ASIC miner, that miner is really good at mining one specific cryptocurrency. That machine is built to devote every possible resource towards mining bitcoin. It's a single tool that is designed from the ground up to mine bitcoin as efficiently as possible.
FPGAs, however, are different. They consist of multiple building blocks that can be put together to mine various cryptocurrencies.
For this analogy, think of an ASIC like a lawnmower. The lawnmower is really good at accomplishing a specific task: mowing a lawn. It's the best way to mow the lawn.
FPGAs, meanwhile, are like a toolkit of options that could be arranged to mow the lawn in various ways. You have a screwdriver, a hammer, a machete, and scissors, for example. You also have a hose to water the lawn after it's cut, sprinklers, fertilizers Instead of just having a lawnmower - like an ASIC - you have multiple tools you can use to cut and grow the lawn in various ways with various efficiency levels. It's a wide assortment of tools that gives miners lots of different options.
When you setup all of these options to work in optimal form, your FPGA will deliver the highest profits and best possible efficiency.
Benefits of FPGA Mining.
There are several crucial benefits to FPGA mining, including:
Less Power Consumption: FPGAs are designed to consume less power than other integrated circuits. Less power consumption means more profit for miners. Crypto miners have already relocated to countries or regions where electricity prices are low. Miners in certain parts of Canada and the United States, for example, pay less than $0.05 per kWh for hydroelectricity, which makes it much easier to make a profit than someone paying, say $0.40 per kWh in Germany.
Customization: FPGAs can be customized to meet all different types of needs. You can configure FPGAs to compute different algorithms for different cryptocurrencies, for example. You can switch to the cryptocurrency that is most profitable today, for example, and then customize your FPGAs to mine a different, more profitable cryptocurrency in the future. Best of all, this switch can occur with limited downtime.
Ideal for Hobbyists or Server Farms: You can use FPGAs to profitably mine cryptocurrency at home. You can also use FPGAs as part of a server farm. Whether you're an at-home hobbyist or a miner with a huge warehouse space, FPGAs may work for you.
Affordable: You can buy low-end FPGAs like the F1 Mini+ for under $200. If you're a hobby miner interested in exploring crypto mining for the first time, then FPGA mining is certainly an option. FPGA mining isn't beginner-friendly, but it can certainly be affordable.
Profitable: In mid-2019, FPGA mining can easily earn $12 of profit per day.
FPGA Versus ASIC Versus GPU.
The three most popular types of crypto mining available today include FPGA, ASIC, and GPU mining:
GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) Mining.
GPU mining is like a toolbox that provides you with lots of different options. You can use these tools for various tasks, although it's not the most efficient option for any task. Instead of having a lawnmower to mow the lawn, for example, you have a machete. It gets the job done, but a lawnmower would be better.
GPU mining relies on your computer's graphics processing unit (GPU). The primary purpose of a GPU is to render graphics. It produces hashes faster than a CPU, although it's still much slower than FPGA and ASIC mining because, again, the primary purpose of a GPU is to process graphics and not mine cryptocurrency.
The main advantage of GPU mining is that it's adaptable. You can change the algorithms. GPUs are also easy to get: anyone with a gaming computer already has a decently-powered GPU. GPU miners can also be dual-purpose: you can game during the day, then mine crypto at night.
FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) Mining.
FPGAs, like GPUs, can change algorithms, making them adaptable. Unlike with GPU mining, however, you'll need to build both the digital circuit design and the software. It's not user-friendly, and it may take weeks or even months to build your system. FPGAs also used to be difficult to purchase. Today, however, you can find all types of FPGA chip models and sizes, ranging from cheap ($200) to expensive ($6,000) options, making FPGA mining affordable.
ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) Mining.
ASICs are designed to run only a specific algorithm. These miners run that algorithm very fast, but the algorithm can't be changed (or, at least the ASIC won't be as efficient if you're mining a different cryptocurrency). ASICs are expensive, although they're profitable and easy to use.
Best FPGAs Available Today.
Some of the most popular FPGAs available today include:
F1 Blackminer: $1,350 F1+ Blackminer: $2,199 Refurbished BTU9P: $1,999 Refurbished BCU1525: $1,999 F1 Mini+: $189.
FPGA Mining: Best Coins and Algorithms to Mine.
One of the best parts about FPGA mining is that you can switch between coins as one coin becomes more profitable. Instead of being stuck with one specific coin, you can choose the one that makes you the most money today, this week, or this month.
Some of the most popular algorithms and coins currently being used in the FPGA community include:
Algorithm: Keccak-ZP Most Profitable Coin: Zen Protocol Algorithm: 0xToken Most Profitable Coin: 0xBitcoin Algorithm: Lyra2z Most Profitable Coin: Gentarium Algorithm: Tribus Most Profitable Coin: Denarius Algorithm: Keccak Most Profitable Coin: MaxCoin Algorithm: Nexus Most Profitable Coin: Nexus Algorithm: CryptoNightV7 Most Profitable Coin: Monero.
Switch between coins and algorithms to maximize your FPGA mining profitability.
How to Setup FPGAs.
FPGAs must be programmed using a special type of programming language. The two most popular languages are Verilog and VHDL . These are called "Hardware Description Languages", or HDLs.
When you program an FPGA in a Hardware Description Language , you're doing what's called " RTL Programming", or "Register Transfer Level Programming ". This means that the programmer who is programming the FPGA at the RTL level is able to fully control every individual item inside the FPGA for maximum customization and performance.
This is where FPGAs differ from general-purpose processors like CPUs and GPUs. CPUs and GPUs can be programmed using higher-level languages like C, C++, Java, and Python.
Because high level languages are much easier to learn and to use, many people have tried to create a system that allows you to program FPGAs using high level languages. A university project called Handel-C attempted to create a system like this in the late 1990s. Today, that system has evolved into several software packages, including Vivado HLS (High Level Synthesis) and a language called OpenCL .
These high level FPGA languages do work for some applications - like artificial intelligence - although they do not work well for crypto mining.
To mine cryptocurrency competitively, your FPGA must be configured on the lowest possible level, which is the register transfer level (RTL) using hardware description languages like Verilog and VHDL.
Today, FPGA miners are split between Verilog and VHDL. The two are structurally similar programming languages, although their syntax varies dramatically. VHDL is typically used in academic settings, while Verilog is used in the real world by programmers and companies.
One of the advantages of Verilog is that it has the same syntax as the C programming language. Plus, a Verilog program takes up less than half the text space that a similar program in VHDL would take up. Because of these advantages, Verilog is more popular among real-world FPGA implementations.
FPGA Mining and Bitstreams.
You'll see the term 'bitstreams' appear frequently when looking at FPGA mining. Once a program has been written for an FPGA, the FPA must be 'loaded' with that program.
This program is essentially just a configuration of the various logic elements inside the FPGA. The configuration tells these logic elements what to do. The configuration file is called a bitstream.
To load the program into the FPGA, you must have the correct bitstream. You must also have a special program on your PC that loads the bitstream into the FPGA.
It's important to remember that the FPGA's configuration is volatile: just like RAM, FPGAs will dump their configurations once power supply is lost. That's why most FPGA cards have a flash memory that sits right next to the FPGA. This flash memory holds the bitstream configuration file, and the card can be configured to automatically load the bitstream file upon startup.
There are also two different types of bitstreams or configuration files, including a standard bitstream and a memory configuration file:
Standard Bitstream: A standard bitstream is a configuration that will lose its contents when the unit loses power - just like RAM dumps its contents after power loss.
Memory Configuration File: A memory configuration file is designed to be loaded, from the PC, through the FPGA, into the neighboring flash memory so the FPGA can automatically configure itself when powering up.
Many miners will use a memory configuration file for maximum uptime. Memory configuration files are particularly useful for those running mining farms remotely. If there's a power outage at the mining farm, then the FPGA can come back online immediately.
If there's a power outage and you don't have a memory configuration file, then you would have to use a remote terminal program (like TeamViewer) to manually reprogram the FPGA.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 09:32 am

How to Calculate Mining Profits|4:50
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 09:33 am
Final Word.
Ultimately, FPGA mining made headlines in 2018 after a Bitcointalk forum thread went viral. Ever since, FPGA mining has been a popular and powerful way to mine all different types of cryptocurrencies.
FPGAs can be customized to mine all different types of cryptocurrencies. They're not as powerful as ASICs, but they're more customizable. You get the customizability of a GPU miner with the high power and efficiency of an ASIC. We will continue to update this FPGA mining review with new products, announcements and advancements in the world of Field Programmable Gate Arrays.
I'm Aziz, a seasoned cryptocurrency trader who's really passionate about 2 things; #1) the awesome-revolutionary blockchain technology underlying crypto and #2) helping make bitcoin great 'again'!
Hacking the FPGA Control Board from a Bitcoin ( Miner.
Once your done, you'll have a dual core Cortex A9 Linux board with 256 MB DDR3 and a Artix-7 ..
Once your done, you'll have a dual core Cortex A9 Linux board with 256 MB DDR3 and a Artix-7 FPGA featuring 28K logic elements to play with. Where you go from there is up to you.
Designing your own FPGA or ASIC to mine for Bitcoins.
. is not a great idea.
Sorry to burst your bubble in the first sentence. Maybe you think that you can use your hot Digital Design skills to program your sweet Xilinx Spartan 6 development board to make you tens of thousands of dollars. Well get that idea out of your head now, it’s not happening. Still reading? I’ll elaborate.
Bit coins (bitcoins) are an interesting beast. They are specifically designed to become exponentially more difficult to get the more people are out there trying to get them. If you’re reading this, sadly you’re too late to the party. There are so many people who have custom hardware specifically designed to find bitcoins that your little FPGA development board doesn't stand a chance. You might make a few dollars, but if you are pursuing it for anything other than educational reasons, you should not waste your time.
The reason for this is that there are already pieces of hardware on the market for anyone to purchase. This hardware can find bitcoins hundreds of times faster than you can. And they’re expensive. These all use ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) to mine. ASICs are always going to be faster than an FPGA you design. This is because the ASICs are packed full of logic that is specific to mining bitcoins. Additionally, since they are designed for one purpose only, they can run their clocks much faster than your FPGA can. Also, ASICs are very expensive to develop (in the hundreds of thousands of dollars). This is why the companies who sell these can charge so much for them.
All pieces of your computer can be used to mine for bitcoins. When bitcoins were new, people used their CPUs. Eventually someone realized you could use your graphics card (GPU) to do some of the work. After that people built FPGAs whose sole purpose was to make money. And today there are over a dozen different ASIC based Bitcoin mining ( machines that will blow the others out of the water. Bitcoin mining ( is measured in Mega-hashes per second (Mhash/s). In order to make $10 at today’s rate of.
$120/bitcoin, you would need to use your Spartan 6 development board for about eight months. Oh and that doesn't include the cost of electricity. Check a good Bitcoin mining ( calculator if you want to check the results for today’s rates.
The table below compares a few of Bitcoin mining ( options:
As you can see from the selections above, if you aren’t using the ASIC method of hunting down bitcoins, you’re going significantly slower than everyone else. So I’m sorry to bust your bubble, but don’t bother finding your own bitcoins.
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FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) vs ASIC Crypto Mining Comparison.
Main Difference Between FPGA and ASIC Mining.
During the last years, the Bitcoin mining ( ecosystem has been experiencing important changes. At the beginning, it was possible to mine bitcoin with a CPU processor, but later, it was possible to do it with GPUs. After it, GPU mining was replaced by FPGA and ASIC miners.
What Is FPGA?
FPGA stands for Field-Programmable Gate Array. These devices were very popular among users that did not want to keep mining in the competitive landscape of GPU mining activities. Those devices have been designed in a way that users can configure their integrated circuits once the manufacturing process is completed.
Some time later, bitcoin miners started to upgrade their operations to FPGA. In this way, they were able to become more efficient and consume less energy. The FPGAs have a very similar functionality to ASIC miners. Those devices started to be sold in 2011 and 2012, and different companies and individuals were able to profit from them.
But later in time, ASIC hardware was able to outperform these devices, that were good, but not enough to compete with the most modern mining rigs.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 09:33 am
The Arrival Of ASIC Miners.
FPGA and ASIC hardware have many things in common. Indeed, both of them process very similar logic function-based operations and produce an important Bitcoin mining ( power in a very efficient way.
ASIC hardware was much more powerful than the FPGA miners, in consequence, crypto enthusiasts and companies decided to move towards the latest ASIC miners. At the moment, there are just a few ASIC hardware manufacturers around the world, including BitFury Group and Bitmain Technologies Ltd. The Bitcoin mining ( industry is very competitive and just those with the proper teams are able to keep in the market. In the future, new hardware can appear and replace the latest ASIC miners that we see nowadays.
The Antminer E3, Batch 3 is one of the most powerful miners in the market and is has a price of $1876 dollars.
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Bitcoin mining ( is done by private computers. The role of miners is to secure the network and process each Bitcoin ( . Miners do this by solving a calculation problem that allows them to assemble the transaction blocks (hence bitcoin's famous blockchain). Miners for this service are rewarded with newly created Bitcoins and transaction fees.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 09:33 am

HashFlare Cloud Mining : Free Profitability Calculator|10:59
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 09:34 am

Pengalaman Nambang Bitcoin Hingga Sekarang - Cloud Mining Bitcoin Terpercaya|5:21
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 09:34 am
Best Graphic Cards for Ethereum (ETH) Mining.
In 2008, a massive storm has hit the Internet, crypto currencies. With the introduction of Bitcoin (, a serious development took its start. The digital gold has seen its debut.
The first transaction done with Bitcoins was just a dude buying a pizza for 10,000 Bitcoins. Now, more than 8 years later, a single Bitcoin ( is worth around $5000 (at time of writing).
Many believe that Bitcoin ( could even overthrow the central banking system all together, because of its decentralized nature. This leaves us with some serious implications about crypto currency. The most important one is that it is definitely something worth taking a look at and something worth investing into.
Before we jump into more details, here is a full list of graphic cards that you can use for mining Ethereum (ETH):
In its early stages, Bitcoin ( could be mined with just a simple laptop CPU. It wasn't worth too much back then. As more and more people got into it, mining became more difficult because of how the Bitcoin ('s algorithm is set up. As it reached a certain point, CPUs weren't enough anymore.
Some smart dude discovered that you could calculate the Bitcoin ( hash much faster with a graphic card. So people moved to using graphic cards and started investing thousands of dollars into them, to get themselves a bigger KiloHash rate.
This went on for a few years and soon enough, ASICs were developed. An ASIC is a piece of hardware that is made specifically for Bitcoin mining ( It was developed for one single purpose. It can calculate the Bitcoin ( algorithm and mine Bitcoins.
A piece or multiple pieces of ASIC hardware that will get you up to speed with today's Bitcoin mining ( standards would cost you at least $2000 up to $4000+. The sky is the limit. Even then, you still have to account for the high electricity upkeep of Bitcoin mining (
So unless you have a lot to invest into your mining adventure, you'll have to look for some alternatives in order to make a good buck off crypto currency. Since many of us definitely won't be willing to invest thousands into ASIC hardware that has to be replaced after a year or two, we're left with switching to crypto currencies alternative to Bitcoin (
We have written this content piece to help our readers better understand the concept of mining Ethereum. You can also see what hardware works best for mining and how much they cost. With this, you can get a pretty clear idea of how much you can make with how big an investment.
But you can't know it precisely, since the cost of Ether constantly fluctuates. The current price of Ether is $236.85. That's a lot of scratch. So it is definitely worth investigating and investing.
Without further ado, let's get down to the good stuff!
So What is Cryptocurrency and What is Ethereum?
The concept of cryptocurrency is like God's word to some people and utterly confusing for others. A crypto currency is a digital asset that can be transferred from individual to individual without having a bank, government, company or any third party playing the role of the middle man. You can make a cryptocurrency transaction without a third party intermediary.
Cryptocurrencies are organized through an online network called Blockchain. It keeps a record of each transaction that happened within the network and keeps it securely on numerous computers within the network.
At the heart of every cryptocurrency, there is a mathematical problem to be solved, which process is called mining. It is done by high-end GPU cards that carry out these mathematical processes incredibly fast. Every time you solve one of these mathematical problems, you earn a unit (or multiple units) of the specific cryptocurrency.
The difficulty of the mathematical problem that people have to solve depends on the strength of the network they're in. As more people join the network and mine for the currency, the more the algorithm raises the difficulty, thus making it harder and harder to mine. As the number of people in the network increase, the more high-performing hardware is required to mine.
It's hard to foresee the price of a cryptocurrency and the best even the smartest people can do is guess and rely on the facts of the past few years. If you look at the fact that Bitcoin ( was worth about $1750 less than 3 months ago and now it's worth $2620, you can make some good guesses where the thing is going. It is also the reason why many people seek to jump into the crypto currency right now and why many cryptocurrencies got created.
There are a lot of cryptocurrencies out there, such as LiteCoin, DoGeCoin, Dash, BlackCoin and Ethereum.
A lot of these have aimed to make it possible for people to use their Graphic cards for mining crypto currency once again.
Ethereum is one of them and it has been on the rise for quite some time now. A lot of people who have thrown their mining graphic cards aside because the release of ASIC hardware have jumped back into business and they're making a decent buck out of it.
Ethereum is a platform for decentralized applications which runs smart contracts. These smart applications run the way they are programmed, without leaving any possibility to fraud, downtime, censorship or any kind of interference.
It handles value tokens, Ethers and other custom assets. It also offers a powerful arsenal of tools for developers around the world. People are able to make highly secure transactions of valuables online, without having to deal with any kind of middle man, such as a corporation. The system keeps tracks of any pledges made and any agreements created as a condition of the transaction.
But its core function is running programs that can't be hacked. It also lets us have websites that are completely owned by their users and lets you make deals without having to worry about frauds or being fooled. It creates a safe system.
On the contrary to Bitcoin (, Ether isn't designed to serve as a global digital currency that you can use to buy goods. It can only be used to pay for specific kinds of actions performed within the Ethereum. Users receive Ether for lending their computing power to the network, which is used to validate transactions and for the contribution of its further development.
Although, you can buy Ether with Bitcoin ( and other currencies, it didn't develop in the same fashion as Bitcoin ('s market did. Bitcoin ( developed consistently, demanding better and better hardware as more users joined the network.
Bitcoin ( has a stable set of rules, which leads to 25 Bitcoins being given out every 10 minutes each day. The Ether network doesn't have this consistency yet and it has been announced that the networks rules will change soon as well. It will follow an in-development consensus algorithm's, Casper's rules.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 09:35 am
How Will Ethereum's Price Change?
Ethereum's network currently operates on a proof-of-work based algorithm, which rewards computers (users) who contribute to the network. With this network, miners create 5 ETH about every 20 seconds.
When Ethereum changes to the Casper algorithm, a proof-of-stake protocol, the rate will change as well. People will only be able to validate transactions if they pay a security deposit up front. This makes the network much more secure since it weeds out the possibility of users producing anything invalid. Any user producing anything invalid will be kicked out of the network.
In short, the Ether network will definitely change, but it still aims to provide value to people.
So, is it worth mining Ethereum?
Anybody who is trying to tell you whether it's worth to mine Ethereum or any other cryptocurrency is trying to be smart. Nobody knows whether it's worth mining or not. Nobody knew about Bitcoin ( either.
Like I said, there's a lot of guessing involved and jumping in always poses a risk. You should definitely do a lot of research and know exactly how much you have to invest and how much your ROI would be. To help you with that, we made this guide.
Let's look at a basic setup and how it would look in a mining operation. The six most important factors to look at are:
The Price of the Mining Equipment The Hash Rate Your Setup Can Produce The Difficulty of the Network Price of Ether Power Consumption Price of Power in Your Area.
An active example:
Estimated Price of Mining Equipment.
Here's a pretty powerful mining rig.
2x XFX R9 390X Graphic Card = $1200 ($600 each) (new) A power supply 650W 80+ EVGA = $120 Additional Parts for the Rig = $60.
Total Cost = $1380.
The XFX R9 390X Graphic Card operates on 27.5 Mh/s. So in this case your hash rate with two of these graphic cards would be 55 Mh/s. You can upgrade it to 82.5 Mh/s if you buy an additional graphic card, making your mining equipment much faster and much more profitable.
The current difficulty of the Ethereum network is 0.121 TH in 2017/6/27. It is constantly rising so it's important to keep eyes on it and adjust accordingly. You can see the network's difficulty chart at EtherScan.
Price of Ether.
The price of Ethereum is something you constantly have to keep an eye out for as well, because it fluctuates every minute. Right now, 1ETH is worth $471.
By using 2 GPUs, 1 CPU will usually use up about 850W.
Power Cost.
The cost of power in California is $0.21 while it's 14.5 cents/kwh in Utah. So it completely depends on where you live. I don't think you would move to Utah for the sake of mining, so you'll have to invest some time into knowing how power pricing goes in your area.
Another Good Way To Calculate.
An easy way to calculate how much you are able to earn with the amount you invest is by using an online calculator like:
CryptoCompare BadMofo's Ethereum Mining Profitability Calculator EtherScan's Ether Mining Calculator.
These calculators require you to type in your Hash rate (MH/s), how much power your hardware consumes and the cost per KW/h in your area. If you have these three variables, they can easily give you a fairly accurate figure of how much money you can make. Use all three of them to get the most accurate figure of how much you could make with your investment.
Choosing Your Mining Hardware.
During the past 16 months, mining Ethereum has become very popular. People mainly use graphic cards to mine it, so a lot of Bitcoin ( miners have blown the dust off theirs and a lot of people started to buy new ones.
This is good and all, but for this reason, a graphic card that regularly costs $200 has gone up to something like $600 or $800. Some even go higher. Since people see them as money making machines, the prices will probably go higher. There's even a shortage of a couple of models that are very good for mining.
So it's good to look at good graphic cards that produce a mean MH/s rate and still have reasonable pricing. One of which is the XFX R9 390X Graphic Card, which we'll get down to in a bit. So, without further ado, let's see the core devices of mining the all so popular cryptocurrency, Ethereum!
The Best Graphic Cards for Ethereum Mining.
Let's cut to the chase here. You probably don't care much about the gaming performance of these cards, so we'll only give some basic insight on their gaming performance. Having such high-end gaming graphic cards have their own benefits when it comes to entertainment purposes. This you probably know.
The most important thing for us to consider here is the perspective ROI of the mining rig that can be built with these graphic cards. Namely, the number of Mh/s they can work with.
Most of the setups you would invest into will return your investment in about 6 months. So hopefully you'll already be making some profit in the 7 th or 8 th month and continue making more in the following year.
As we mentioned above, the two core factors of a graphic card you would use for mining is the amount of power it consumes (W/h) and number of MH/s it has. These metrics can only be known with thorough testing, so it's hard to show accurate values about them. They are not shared on any of the product descriptions, meaning there's a lot to look into.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 09:35 am
Now that we know what we're focusing on, it's time to get down to business!
1. XFX Double Dissipation R9 390X 1050MHZ.
Sapphire Radeon R9 390X is one of the most powerful GPUs within reach. It comes at the reasonable price of $600, which is somewhat less than other high-end graphic cards' cost right now. It's a high-end gaming GPU that brings 4K gaming and virtual reality to your gaming experience.
You can enjoy the most high quality image and the smoothest gameplay with this beast thanks to its processor speed being 1055MHz, having DDR3 SDRAM and a hard drive size of 8192 MB. It was designed for gaming above full HD (1920×1080) resolution.
It's really a device that has hit the sweet spot with high performance and good pricing. But it is definitely noisier and a bit slower than other, more expensive GPUs. Though, it is a pretty good option when it comes to mining.
The R9 390X 8GB GPU has been battle tested in the field of mining lots cryptocurrencies and Ethereum as well. It produces a solid hash rate of 27.5 Mh/s and consumes about 275w as it mines.
Its wattage is 750 watts so it doesn't go easy on the electricity bill. Still, it is capable of producing a profit of $6.88/day and $206/month in many countries. Of course, this number varies depending on the cost of electricity in your area.
It was tested on Windows 8.1 Pro, which is provided in the package.
If you're looking to make your debut into Ethereum mining on a budget and still produce a solid hash rate or just want to enjoy super high quality gaming, this graphic card is for you.
2. Sapphire Radeon R9 295X2 8GB.
Now, I'm not going to use the already overused phrase "one of the best" here. The R9 295X2 is the fastest graphic card in the world! It has 8GB of VRAM and operates with 11.5 teraflops.
It is also among the few of its kind, because it features two graphics chip. This machine was built for some truly hardcore 4K gaming and is ready to wreck any task you throw at it. The R9 295X2 is the champion in the graphic cards arena and will cut down anyone who opposes it.
It is made to provide the most high-end gaming experience a gamer can have. But it is definitely a top competitor in mining Ethereum as well.
During its tests the R9 295X2 produced a rock solid 61.5 Mh/s Ethash. It operates on 430 Watts so it consumes more than the model mentioned above. Being a truly powerful device for Ethereum mining, it is often out of stock on Amazon.
People just grab it when they see that it's available. A rough estimate of the profit it makes per day would be around $4 per day and around $118 per month. It does indeed have power consumption between 430 and 450 watts, but it pays off.
Once you bought this model, you can expect to work its price off within 150 days, so you'll get your ROI after 6 months of mining.
The Sapphire Radeon R9 295X2 8GB is a true beast and it's definitely ready for some hardcore gaming and to make you a solid profit!
3. Sapphire Radeon R9 290 4GB.
Finally, we have a high powered graphic card that cuts corners in its price. It is a more inexpensive yet very powerful option for both gaming and Ethereum mining purposes.
This device was designed for budget conscious people who are very enthusiastic towards playing games in ultra-high resolution and in multi-monitor configurations, supporting up to 4 displays.
The R9 290 graphic card is definitely worth its price and delivers stunning performance in AAA games and Ether mining. It is equipped with 4GB of the highest performing GDDR5 memory. It can be clocked at 1300 MHz and can deliver a very high bandwidth.
Even under heavy load it stays much cooler than other models on the market, thanks the Tri-x cooling technology. It keeps cool under a consistent heavy load of mining Ether.
It produces 32.6 Mh/s on windows 10, which is decent and was very consistent during the test. It has a power consumption of 300 W which is half of what the above mentioned 8GB graphic cards consume.
This will also cut your power cost in half for all of the graphic cards you implement. If we calculate 0.8$ for its daily power consumption and a daily return of approximately $2, which means that it will pay back the price you invested after 7 months.
Whether you want to enjoy high-end gaming or want to double down on Ether mining, this graphic card will do both at a reasonable price.
4. VisionTek AMD Radeon 7990 6GB.
The Radeon 7990 sure is a top competitor when it comes to gaming, but a huge competitor in Ethereum mining as well. It has an engine clock of 950 MHz paired with 6GB (3 GB per GPU) of the latest GDDR5 memory.
You can easily leave your single monitor configuration behind and add another monitor or even 3 more to your setup. You can enjoy gaming at ultra-high resolutions and enjoy the upcoming gaming titles in their purest form during the upcoming years. This graphic card can handle a heavy load and stays cool and quiet during operation.
The most outstanding thing about the Radeon 7990 is that, it is the 5 th most powerful Ethereum mining graphic card out there, capable of producing 44 Mh/s.
It is powerful and reliable all the way and will definitely make you a solid buck if you use it consistently. What makes it even better is that it consumes around 300W. Many graphic cards consume the same amount but produce 10 Mh/s less.
So, if you pay around $0.8 to $1 per day for power and get approximately $3 per day, it will pay itself off within 180 days (around 6 months).
The Radeon 7990 is definitely a worthy venture if you're looking to do some serious mining. Buy two of these babies and you'll be set up pretty well. If you're interested in the updated pricing, you can check it out through the link we provided.
5. MSI GAMING Radeon RX 480.
One of MSI's most powerful creations, it was created for budget conscious gamers who would like to enjoy a powerful ultra-high resolution and a multi monitor setup.
It is the cheapest VR ready gaming graphic cards out there. The Radeon RX 480 supports 4 displays offering a truly high-end gaming experience and works really well for Ethereum mining too.
This card is a major leap forward towards the next generation, offering much higher performance but at almost the same power consumption. This means that it gets a big yes from many Ethereum miners out there who have to balance power consumption and the produced hash rate.
The Radeon RX 480 produces a 25 Mh/s hash rate and consumes only 150 Watts! That's a really low power consumption which will definitely give a major boost to your mining operation. So to speak in money terms, you can actually make profit somewhat faster with this beautiful piece of technology.
The graphic card itself will cost about $460. If it's power consumption costs you about $0.4 per day and you get a return of $2.5 or $3 every day, then it can pay itself off in less than 3 months! Those are some nice numbers there. So if you want to jump into mining Ethereum and don't want to invest a lot right away, you can start out slowly. The Radeon RX 480 is an excellent option for that.
6. ASUS ROG STRIX Radeon Rx 480 8GB.
Yet another exceedingly powerful graphic card that is capable of pushing the limits of all modern games, offering ultra-high resolution and peak gaming performance.
You can enjoy a 4 display setup and a solid mining performance. The 4-pin GPU-controlled headers ensure that the card stays cool at all times making it 30% cooler than its predecessors. It has 8GB of memory and will handle just about everything you throw at it.
If you want to go all out with a 4 monitor setup, you can do it seamlessly with this baby. It will work in your computer with a quiet, peaceful hum and ensure that you can enjoy peak performance all the way. The XSplit Gamecaster lets you tweak the GPU according to your liking and help you get the max out of your games.
The STRIX Radeon Rx 480 would be an awesome addition to your mining rig as it produces an average 28 MH/s with a power consumption of 150 Watts. It will require a cost of about $0.4 per day just for the power, but will return approximately $1.5 each day.
It will take it more than 6 months to reproduce its price, since it went sky high right now. You can buy it for $750 and start making money with it. You'll be making a good profit in about 7 or 8 months, which is quite good.
7. ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 570.
Another powerful graphic card that clocks to 1310 and has 4GB of memory for accomplishing the entire heavy load you throw at it. It offers a solid gaming and Ethereum mining performance.
Spreading its nearly endless spectrum of colors onto your screen; I mean onto all of your screens, because this beast supports an unlimited number of displays. Although it is one of weakest graphic cards among its powerful brethren but can still be 30% cooler than its brethren and be much quieter as well.
It is powerful and reliable all the way, which makes it worthy of becoming an addition to your mining rig. Although, I do have to mention that there are other models out there which come at the same price but offer better performance. The RX 570 is a little bit weaker than the RX 580 but it still produces a pretty awesome hash rate.
With an electricity consumption of 225W, it is capable of producing 27 Mh/s. This gets close to as much you would expect from a high-end graphic card but this mid-range one seems to do the job pretty well too.
With the power consumption costing about $0.5 per day, it makes you about $3 profit for each day, eventually returning your initial investment within 6 or 7 months. That works quite well from an investment perspective.
So, if you don't want to jump into the Ethereum mining business with massive loads of money, and would rather start out slow and steady, than the Radeon RX 570 graphic card will definitely serve you well!
8. MSI GAMING Radeon RX 470.
As we move down the scale, we can see less powerful graphic cards that still manage to do the job, although they don't offer stellar performance. I introduce to you the Radeon RX 470.
A solid tool for any gamer or Ethereum miner who would like to enjoy the performance of a strong, mid-range graphic card. It aims to take the crown as the best graphic card that offers Full HD resolution at 60 FPS and manages to do so by being at a low price.
The RX 470 has 4GB of memory and features factory OC configuration that lets you boost it up to 1242 MHz. Cooling is pretty good and it stays cool if you use it for mining 24/7. It operates on 210 Watts and produces 21 Mh/s.
People on some forums suggest that you should install a bios mod and boost this baby's performance up to 28 Mh/s, which suddenly makes it a much better deal. With or without that mod, it won't be the most powerful mining tool you ever added to your rig, but it will definitely produce you a good, consistent income.
If you install another one or two more, you'll have yourself a powerful mining operation.
It has a modest hash rate, so it won't be bathing you in money, but you can still earn a steady income. It will consume about $0.4 for power and earn you around $1 or $1.20 a day, providing you with an annual income that moves between $400 and $440. That's pretty solid. You'll have your initial investment back within half a year and the rest goes into profit.
If you want to catch on to the Ethereum mining buzz, you can move in for the RX 470 and start earning! You can check it out through the link we provided!
9. EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Founders Edition.
The EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 took the world by storm and brought some innovations and upgrades along. It is a top-tier graphic card with a price, but it is definitely a promising investment in the field of Ethereum mining.
It is also a graphic card to be placed into the ultimate gaming platform, packing some serious horsepower, thanks to the next generation 11 Gbps GDDR5X memory and its insane 11 GB frame buffer.
Not to mention that it will be an awesome addition to any mining rig as well, since it has a lot of potential. It doesn't perform equally in every algorithm but it definitely does good work with Claymore's Ethereum miner, producing a solid 32 MH/s hash rate.
It can be jacked up to work on 300W and perform better, but you should definitely install some additional cooling, otherwise it will be problematic in the long term.
If you don't want to stretch its limits and would rather go for consistency, then use it on the base 250W. It has only one cooler, which isn't much, so you should definitely lock the speed of your fans to 100%, to ensure that the heat doesn't go overboard.
GeForce GTX 1080 Founders Edition costs around $700 depending on where you choose to buy it. It isn't shy to consume power either and consumes around $0.7 worth of power on a daily basis. To make up for that it almost doubles the return and achieves a profit of $1.3 per day.
That's pretty solid but will require you to do more than a year of mining to get its price back. But once you do, you'll be making a solid income for the upcoming years. Investing this much into a graphic card or even more graphic cards is a big risk, no doubt about that.
If you're looking to add one of the latest graphic processors to your mining rig or start mining with it, it is definitely a glorious place to start. Just check the link to see the updated pricing.
10. EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 SC GAMING.
Not much time has passed since the release of the GeForce GTX 1070, a state of the art graphic card with the new Pascal architecture. It has 8GB of the latest GDDRSX memory which provides twice the bandwidth at the same operating frequency.
It can grant you serious power for both gaming and mining purposes thanks to the 1595 MHz+ core clock and a 2002 MHz memory clock. The core clock can be boosted up to 1683 MHz which equals a 6% increase in performance.
The GeForce GTX 1070 keeps around 75C under heavy load (60 C during Ether mining) and it operates on 180 Watts, which is pretty amazing. It is a truly worthy investment if you look at how much money you spare on the power, while still maintaining a good hash rate in Ethereum mining.
It produces a hash rate of 26 Mh/s which is also quite amazing and guarantees that you'll get a much faster return on your investment if the Ether market keeps things consistent.
But if you tweak it a little and use it in an optimized configuration than it will go up to 32 Mh/s while still keeping the power consumption low.
So with such an energy efficient machine, you'll see a daily power cost between $0.2 and $0.4 at most and will earn you about $4 or $5 a day. So if things go this well, you'll get the return of your investment under 6 months!
So be sure to check out the updated pricing of one of the newest and most powerful graphic cards that's excellent for mining!
There you have it! These are currently the best graphic cards you can use for Ethereum mining. Either of them will earn you a solid buck but you yourself still have a lot of calculation to do beforehand.
Once you have found out the cost for a KW/h in the zone you live in and know the amount of money you're willing to invest into your mining venture, there's nothing stopping you from making a lot of cash with this awesome technology!
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 09:36 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 09:36 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 09:36 am

2 Real Free Bitcoin Cloud Mining Site 2020 Earn Daily $ Live Payment Proof ?|12:43
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 09:39 am
10 Best Bitcoin mining ( Software.
If you've decided to become a Bitcoin ( miner, then you will need some mining software. In this article, we will look at the 10 Best Bitcoin mining ( Software packages on offer.
Bitcoin ( has taken the world by storm over the past decade. What everyone wants to know is how they can get their hands on some Bitcoins? Well, there are two ways; you can buy them from someone or cryptocurrency exchange, or you can get involved in mining Bitcoin (
Mining Bitcoin ( used to be accessible to everyone and was previously possible on a laptop. Eventually, people figured out they could use graphics cards to mine and eventually now big companies developed technology to mine Bitcoin ( more efficiently.
Mining has become such a competitive field that you now need specialized machines, such as ASICs and FPGAs, to mine Bitcoin (, as well as access to cheap (or free) electricity.
The benefits of mining Bitcoin ( include strengthening the Bitcoin ( network by making it harder to 51% attack as well as the potential to earn some money. The more miners there are and the more distributed the hash rate of Bitcoin ( is, the more resilient the network and the longer it will last.
You will also need to ensure you are downloading the Bitcoin mining ( software from a safe or genuine source, as many hackers try to embed viruses to steal your Bitcoin ( into fake versions of Bitcoin mining ( software or through phishing. Also, be sure to check out the Bitcoin ( Talk channels and the Bitcoin mining ( Reddit channels for feedback on each miner to ensure they are safe before downloading or using them.
Top 10 Bitcoin mining ( Software.
Here are some of the top Bitcoin mining ( Softwares, have a look:
1. CGMiner Command-line Bitcoin ( Miner.
One of the most well-established pieces of Bitcoin mining ( software is CGMiner, which has been around for quite a while and has active community support. The code was provided entirely free of charge by the programmer Con Kolivas and had his Bitcoin ( address posted on the GitHub page for donations.
CGMiner is a command-line application written in C, which may put off newbies, but you can also manage settings using a menu and control the fan speed, as well as set up remote interface capabilities.
CGMiner is probably the best all-round Bitcoin mining ( software as it supports many different platforms including Windows and Mac OS X and is compatible with both ASICs and FPGAs. CGMiner supports most Bitcoin ( ASICs. Additionally, the software supports GPUs meaning it is accessible to the hobbyist miner as well.
There is also a dedicated support thread on the Bitcoin ( Talk forum and IRC, so if you are having issues with CGMiner, you can ask for help in either of those channels. There is also a lot of documentation on the GitHub page relating to advanced control features of the hardware, so make sure you read this before fine-tuning your mining machines.
2. BitMinter Bitcoin mining ( Pool.
BitMinter is considered the best Bitcoin mining ( software for cross-platform usage, with support for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. There is an aesthetically pleasing and straightforward graphical user interface, so the software is user-friendly as well.
A unique feature of BitMiner is that the software has its own accompanying mining pool, which has been running since 2011. BitMinter's software is based on the Java Network Launch Protocol (JNLP) and does not require any installation whatsoever.
To get started, you will need to sign up to BitMiner's mining pool, configure your ASIC hardware using the instructions and then you can start mining Bitcoin ( BitMiner's pool takes a one percent fee, and the work performed by your miners are recorded in shifts.
BitMinter supports a range of ASICs, including the AntMiner series, the Block Erupter USB and other Icarus-compatible hardware and the Red/Blue Fury.
3. BFGMiner.
BFGMiner is based on CGMiner, but the main difference is that BGFMiner uses the newer getblocktemplate, whereas CGMiner uses the older getwork template. The getblocktemplate allows blocks to be created by the miner instead of the pool, promoting decentralization of mining, and you can read more about this topic here.
If you like to tinker with miners, customize your Bitcoin mining ( software and build mining rigs, then BFGMiner is the Bitcoin mining ( software for you. However, if you are new to mining, then this software may not be for you since it is aimed at more advanced users.
Also, BFGMiner is not as accessible as some other Bitcoin mining ( software packages on the list, since it only supports FPGAs and ASICs. Those people looking to utilize their GPU to mine Bitcoin ( will not be able to with BFGMiner.
Some of the advanced features include dynamic clocking, monitoring, and remote interface abilities. It is a versatile program since you can run it on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and even on a Raspberry Pi, which is a pretty cool feature.
While it is text-based, the BFGMiner interface is quite straightforward and easy to use, with hotkeys to choose different options.
4. BTCMiner Open Source Bitcoin ( Miner.
BTCMiner is another good open-source Bitcoin ( miner for ZTEX USB-FPGA modules that is compatible with Windows and Linux. This software is specifically designed to be used with FGPA boards which contain a USB interface used for communication and programming, some of which are listed below:
Spartan 6 USB-FPGA Module 1.15b with one XC6SLX75 Spartan 6 USB-FPGA Module 1.15d with one XC6SLX150 Spartan 6 USB-FPGA Module 1.15x with one XC6SLX150 Spartan 6 USB-FPGA Module 1.15y with one XC6SLX150.
The BTCMiner software is for the more advanced miners out there since you cannot just plug and play with ASIC machines or your PC's or laptop's CPUs or graphics cards.
However, some of the advantages of BTCMiner include; the software automatically chooses the frequency with the highest rate of valid hashes, cluster mode which allows you to run a large amount of FPGA boards, and ready-to-use Bitstream, meaning no Xilinx software or license is needed.
5. Awesome Miner.
While most of the software mentioned so far are great if you have one mining rig, Awesome Miner is the complete solution for managing multiple mining rigs that may be different types. For instance, you might have one mining rigs composed of ASICs and another that are FPGAs.
25+ mining engines including cgminer, bfgminer, xmrig, etc. are supported by Awesome Miner. It also supports many different mining algorithms such as SHA-256 (which is what Bitcoin ( uses), Scrypt (Litecoin's mining algorithm), X11 (which is what Dash uses) and many more.
This mining software generally works on Windows but offers a web front-end so that you can use it from any computer, tablet, or smartphone.
There is a detailed dashboard that allows monitoring the status and temperature of all your ASIC and FPGA devices from a single location, as well as an in-built C# script engine that enables you to create customized triggers and actions.
6. EasyMiner Bitcoin mining ( Software.
EasyMiner is the best Bitcoin mining ( software that provides a graphical user interface for managing multiple tools, and it is aimed at beginners who do not want to use a command-line tool.
The program provides a visual representation of your mining statistics and performance; however, it is only supported on the Windows and Ubuntu platforms.
One of the unique features of EasyMiner is the "Moneymaker" mode, which allows you to create a Litecoin paper wallet and connect to Easy Miner's own private Litecoin mining pool. You can also mine solo or connect to external pools.
You may have trouble with installing EasyMiner as Windows Antivirus software may flag it as malicious, which is suspected to be due to some hackers using a malicious version of EasyMiner as part of a botnet attack.
One security feature of the EasyMiner software is the Network Hardware ID Layer protocol which provides an extra layer of security for wallet architecture and the pool stratum.
While a lot of the Bitcoin mining ( software are command-line applications, MultiMiner is one of the easiest to use Bitcoin mining ( software packages and has a graphical user interface.
MultiMiner is open source, supports different platforms such as Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, and allows you mining Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrencies such as Litecoin with GPUs, ASICs, and FPGAs. Once you have installed the program, the underlying mining engine detects any mining hardware available and lets you choose which cryptocurrencies you want to mine with them.
While MultiMiner is easy to use on Windows, setting it up on other platforms is not as easy and requires some work.
Despite being easy to use, MultiMiner also offers features tailored to advanced users, such as direct access to API settings and engine arguments.
8. CCMiner Open Source Miner Project.
CCMiner is one of the most popular software packages for NVIDIA graphics cards. There are different variants of CCMiner and offer each other a lot of competition, making the code very polished and bringing a lot of features.
The software is compatible with Windows and Linux operating systems.
CCMiner is actively developed from about six years and was formerly known as Cudaminer in the early days of Bitcoin ( For some coins, it is the fastest miner available.
If you have an NVIDIA graphics card, then CCMiner is your essential piece of mining software since it can mine pretty much every type of cryptocurrency mining algorithm.
There is a discussion thread for CCMiner on Bitcoin ( Talk, so visit their thread if you have any questions or comments.
9. GUIMiner Bitcoin mining ( Software Windows.
Aimed at the less advanced miners, GUIMiner provides a graphical user interface to mine Bitcoin ( and supports AMD and NVIDIA graphics cards, as well as CPU mining. GUIMiner is based on Poclbm, the first open-source GPU mining software to be produced for Bitcoin (
You are also given the option to choose between pooled mining and solo mining, and the software provides a list of mining pools to select from. Other features include real-time statistics on all of your miners, automatic start, and the software window can be minimized.
You can only mine Bitcoin ( with GUIMiner, and if you want to mine Litecoin, you can do so with the sister program, GUIMiner Scrypt.
There is an official forum thread for GUIMiner on Bitcoin ( Talk, so if you have any questions or feedback, be sure to comment there.
10. Bitcoin ( Miner Windows App.
Bitcoin ( Miner was created by GroupFabric Inc. and is available for free on the Microsoft store, ready to be downloaded onto your PC, laptop, tablet or mobile phone. The software was released in mid-2013 and had plenty of positive reviews on the Microsoft store.
Bitcoin ( Miner is easy to use/easy to set up and has a nice graphical display, but only offers you the chance to mine Bitcoin ( with your CPU and GPUs. If you have only one GPU, it may not be worth running this miner at all, as the power efficiency is not that great.
The minimum hardware requirements for your device is that it must have Windows 10 installed and the default mining pool payouts your earnings weekly if they are at least 5000 Satoshis.
Some other features include a night mode, power-saving mode, profitability reports, and fast share submission. The software supports SHA-256 and Scrypt, meaning you can mine both Bitcoin ( and Litecoin.
To conclude, Bitcoin ( Miner is for beginners and offers an easy way to mine some Bitcoin ( or Litecoin using very simple hardware.
That's all in this Bitcoin mining ( Software post. Please do share which mining software you use and your experience with them.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 09:40 am

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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 09:45 am
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What is bitcoin? How does it work?
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It is decentralized, It means bitcoin doesn't have control of the central bank, political institution or government. The whole process is organized and so simple. If you are holding bitcoin, you are able to transfer bitcoins via the user to the user network. That all the transaction record over blockchain network called Giant ledger.
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It can save thousands of dollars in investments. You can start free cloud mining from your desktop or PC. Even if you don't have any technical knowledge you can join free cloud mining. As we know nowadays Bitcoin mining ( not possible from home, you can't compete for large Bitcoin mining ( farms.
Quick BTC has the latest ASIC mining rig, it will help you to mine BTC at a faster rate and Quick to earn free bitcoins. QuickBTC free cloud mining gives the opportunity to mine bitcoin from your home.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 09:46 am
And our Quick mining equipment mine bitcoin at high speed and ensure high-profit margin. You can gain a huge amount of profit with little initial investment.
Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining is one of the easiest ways to generate bitcoin from home. You do not need to worried about your hardware or electricity bills, Our technical engineer will taking care of your mining hardware to provides the best bitcoin cloud mining services. Starts Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining now!
Why use Bitcoin (
Bitcoin ( is decentralized, As the concept was launch in the 2008 financial crises, It attracts the attention of many people who think that the current financial system as unsustainable. That's why it won the heart of those people who think that government and politician suspicion. Even a huge community of ideologists also buying, mining and working in the bitcoin world.
You can sell or buy anything worth millions or billions of dollars even across the border. You can pay for anything at any time, you need not wait for bank delays, etc.
Bitcoin ( is the most secure network, Bitcoin ( is backed up and completely encrypted to provide the security of money.
As you know banks or companies charge money for sending or receiving money. But Bitcoin ( charges 2.5% transaction fees, which is too low as compared to banks or companies.
Cloud mining or cloud hashing is a concept, which allows users to buy mining power of the hardware placed in remote data centres. With growth of Bitcoin ( price we are able to make good profit for investors around the world - anyone can join us and get stable source of income. So should you join? Of course! There are still many Bitcoins to be mined and the Bitcoin ( industry is huge and continues its growth.
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What Is Free Bitcoin mining (
Free Bitcoin mining ( is one of the most important parts of BTC technology. As we know still some part of bitcoin is difficult to understand, Free Bitcoin mining ( is one of them. Definitely you have a question in mind, what is Bitcoin mining ( free? How does "Bitcoin mining (" Work?The important things of free Bitcoin mining ( are anyone can participate in the ledger of the BTC transactions called blockchain. Here you need to solve complex mathematical problems, or need to guess a random number, everything is generated by the system. Bitcoin mining ( for free sounds simple, right?All the guessing or solving problem is done by your computer.
The more you have the processing power, it will increase the possibility of solving the problem before someone else and. If you guess it right, you earn newly generated BTC by mining bitcoin free. Next, get to write the next level of the transaction on the blockchain network.This whole process is done by BTC miners from different parts of the world.
The Bitcoin ( blockchain network is one of the most secure networks in the world. It is just because of BTC Miner. For that, they get rewards as newly generated bitcoin called free BTC mining.For that, you need high computing power with electricity and money. Mining Land Bitcoin mining ( farm has the latest ASICs chips & powerful hardware, It will help you to earn free bitcoin from free BTC mining.
Bitcoin ( (BTC) is an online version of money. It is often called a cryptocurrency. It is the currency in digital or virtual form. In simple term, we define bitcoin as a computer file which is basically stored in a digital wallet app on computer or smartphone. From your digital wallet, you can send or receive bitcoin, even you can buy or sell products and services using BTC.
All the bitcoin transactions are recorded in a public ledger called the blockchain. It helps to trace the whole history of BTC to stop people from invalid transactions. Verification is done by bitcoin miners from different parts of the world.
We called it Bitcoin mining ( How to get BTC? You can buy bitcoin by using real money, you can sell things and ask people to pay you with BTC, Or you can create new BTC using a computer called BTC mining. The main advantages of using BTC are, It is global, private, secure and open to all.
Free Cloud Mining is the process of renting Bitcoin mining ( hardware, Put everything on Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining Company. If you don't want to invest in costly ASIC's miners & Electricity, free cloud mining is the best alternative. You can rent hashrate from the most reliable free cloud mining websites.
Free cloud mining is the best option for a newbie, who doesn't have knowledge of how to set up mining hardware and wants to be a part of free Bitcoin mining ( industries. Miningland is the best free cloud mining company, in order to get constant income, investing in bitcoin cloud mining is the most sensible approach. To join Miningland you don't require investments or money. Just you need a wallet & Internet access.
We suggest you choose a trusted cloud mining company like Miningland. The platform should be handled by experienced experts in blockchain technology and Bitcoin mining ( hardware. I recommended choosing Best bitcoin miner, which gives you a good profit as a return. Miningland is one of the leading free Bitcoin mining ( clouds with the latest ASIC's chips which allow fast Bitcoin mining ( with high profit. Free Cloud Mining is our best part of the company. You simply add your bitcoin address and starts mining bitcoin for free.
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As technology continues to advance at a rapid rate, so too has finance. Today, the world is looking for new ways to invest their money, and bitcoin has become a leading indicator of that desire.
Once considered an unknown and unproven currency, the cryptocurrency has become mainstream news. Now accepted by major retailers such as Home Depot, Zappos and Dell, more and more people are searching for answers about digital currency and how it came to be. The bitcoin price has surged past $1,000 this year, the first time its reached such heights since 2013, and continues to break new records. Bitcoin ('s greatest asset, "blockchain technology", has been hailed as an innovative way to transact, and speaks to the future of moving money.
One bitcoin miner, Eric, has been Bitcoin mining ( since 2010. After early success, he made the bold decision to quit his well-paid job as a software engineer to devote all his time to extracting bitcoins. He accumulated 2,500 bitcoins.
Eric's story is an outlier, yet as bitcoins gain popularity, interest in mining this cryptocurrency is rising. But where should you start? Here's a quick rundown to inspire your Bitcoin mining ( efforts.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 09:47 am

Small Bitmain Antminer S7 Bitcoin Mining Farm|3:53
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 10:52 am
What Are Bitcoins?
To understand Bitcoin mining (, you must understand the inner workings of this cryptocurrency. The bitcoin is not tied to any country or economy. Instead, it's 100 percent decentralized and powered by math using complex algorithms that run on powerful computers.
A key element to the success of bitcoin technology is ensuring its accuracy and the methodical release of additional currency over time. Mining accomplishes both tasks as miners discover and obtain bitcoins by completing specific tasks.
Why Bitcoin ( Needs Miners?
People send bitcoins frequently over the blockchain, which acts as the bitcoin network. For example, Joe may purchase a DVD player from Bob for an agreed price, but there must be a way to record and validate the transaction. The network completes the tasks by collecting all transactional data created within a specific period and placing it on a list, which is also known as a "block."
A miner's job is to confirm the accuracy of transactions and write them into a general ledger, where there is a list of all blocks (also known as a "block chain"). As a result, there is a detailed list and confirmation of each transaction that takes place in the network. This data is constantly updated and provided to everyone who participates so they understand what is happening.
Key takeaway: Bitcoin ( miners are key to the success of this cryptocurrency because they verify transactions, ensuring the integrity of the blockchain network.
The Mining Process: A Quick Primer.
How to mine bitcoins you ask? When a "block" of transactions is created, bitcoin miners initiate a process that confirms its accuracy. They take this block and apply a mathematical formula, turning that initial sequence into something much shorter. The outcome is a more compact sequence and truncated patterns of letters and numbers that is also called a "hash."
Each new block is produced using the hash of the block before it. This is one way the accuracy of the block is confirmed. This process creates a "wax seal," which says this block and the one before it is accurate. Let's say you decided to tamper with the block. If so, everyone would know instantly because of this process - and it would be spotted as a fake. Here is a quick breakdown of the mining process.
The transaction is bundled into a block. Miners verify whether the transaction is valid. They select the header of the most recent block and insert it into the new block as a "hash." They solve the mathematical problem. When the solution is found, the new block is added to the block chain and then propagated throughout the network.
Miners are not trying to verify only a single transaction - they are working to verify many. All transactions are locked into boxes with a virtual lock. Miners are running software to locate the "key" that opens that lock. Once the computer finds it, the box is opened, the transaction is verified and the miner receives 12.5 bitcoins.
However, completing these tasks is not easy. It's like finding a needle in a haystack. In fact, the estimated number of attempts to find the correct key is about 1.7 billion, and a bitcoin reward is given out about every 10 minutes. Key to success is having the right tools in place.
Key takeaway: During the mining process, people work to verify transactions and ensure their accuracy. This process is not easy and uses complex mathematical formulas. Once the miner completes the process, the bitcoin network gives him or her a nugget of gold of 12.5 bitcoins.
Bitcoin mining ( What You Need.
First, you need a bitcoin wallet. Each wallet has its own unique bitcoin address. This wallet is basically an encrypted online bank account that holds your reward during the mining process. In addition to the wallet, you also need the right tools - and those tools have changed significantly over the past few years. Here is a quick breakdown.
CPU/GPU Bitcoin mining ( During the early years, miners relied on simple CPUs to mine bitcoins. At the time, these basic desktops were powerful enough to complete the required tasks. But later on, cracking the codes became harder, and miners found a more robust alternative: GPU mining on graphic cards.
GPUs were nearly 100 times faster than CPUs, and when it comes to Bitcoin mining (, faster translates to greater success. GPUs could also be used to mine a variety of cryptocurrencies, not just bitcoins. But as time progressed, faster and even more robust options emerged, and many miners do not use these options today.
FPGA Bitcoin mining ( A field-programmable gate array (FPGA) enables mining hardware manufacturers to purchase chips in volume and customize them for Bitcoin mining ( prior to putting them into their equipment. Since this technology is customized specifically for the task of Bitcoin mining (, it usually performs much better than CPUs and GPUs.
ASIC Bitcoin mining ( Application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) are the newest thing in Bitcoin mining ( They're designed to provide mining power at crushing speeds and use very little electricity - which is a bonus for miners with high electricity bills slowly eating away profits.
These chips, however, must be designed for the specific task, which does make them time consuming and expensive to produce. Yet many bitcoin miners find the investment is worth the speed. In fact, ASIC devices can run up to 2 terahashes/sec.
Key takeaway: Much of the hardware used in the early days is no longer relevant for Bitcoin mining (; it's simply too slow. However, newer options have a large price tag. There is a third option that reduces cost while increasing speed (more on that in a minute).
Bitcoin ( Software.
Depending on what type of equipment is selected, you also need software to make it work. If using GPUs and FPGAs, a host computer is needed that runs a standard bitcoin client and the mining software. Here's a breakdown of each and their roles.
Standard bitcoin client: This type of software allows you to interact with the bitcoin clients. Basically, it relays data between the miner and the bitcoin network.
Bitcoin mining ( software: The Bitcoin mining ( software is at the heart of successful cryptocurrency mining because it tells the hardware to do the hard work, passing along transaction blocks to solve. Most of the time, you'll need software for the ASIC miner as well, but manufacturers of some new models say they don't require it.
All this equipment and software can make the cost of mining bitcoin add up. In the previous example, Eric, who earned $191,000 through Bitcoin mining (, estimates that he spent $50,000 in graphic cards, CPUs, circuit boards and memory. He also deployed water-cooling technology to run his mining operation at optimal efficiency. These costs do not include electricity, which can add up quickly.
Collectively, miners are estimated to use about 3,176 megawatt hours of electricity per day. With mining becoming increasingly difficult and expensive, many miners are joining pools to ease the expense and workload.
Key takeaway: Bitcoin ( software helps the hardware do what is required to mine bitcoins, making it a crucial piece of the mining setup.
Remember when we talked about the expense and cost of Bitcoin mining (, and another option that lowers that cost? Mining pools provide one such solution. These pools formed when mining became more difficult and it could take years for slow miners to generate a single block. They needed a method that would help pick up speed, without too much expense.
Miners decided that if they pooled resources and joined forces, they could generate blocks faster and receive block rewards on a more consistent basis, rather than every few years. However, all mining pools are not created equal, and they use a variety of operational methods. Here are a couple of examples:
Pay-per-share: This method offers instant mining output for each share that is solved by a miner. Payment is made from the pool's balance and a miner can withdraw his or her money immediately. This method offers low risk for miners and transfers a large amount of the risk to the pool's operator.
Proportional: This method allows miners to earn shares until the pool finds a block (which is basically the end of the mining round). After that, each user gets a set number of shares within the round, based on a specific formula.
Bitcoin ( pooled mining: This is known as a "slush system" because older shares from the beginning of a block are given less weight than more recent shares. This method minimizes the risk of cheating the mining pool system by switching pools during a round for maximized profit.
This isn't a complete list of methods, but it shows that before joining a pool, it's important to do a little research on the mining output method used. Ask a few questions, such as how do they calculate payments? What is the method they use? And how long has the pool been in existence? Getting answers to these questions will help you better understand the best option for your situation.
Key takeaway: More people are mining for bitcoins, and the mining is getting more difficult. It's harder today than several years ago to uncover the "gold" because as more people get involved the bitcoin difficulty rises. Mining pools make the task easier by allowing miners to pool their resources for greater efficiency.
The easiest way you can get in to Bitcoin mining ( is by participating in cloud Bitcoin mining ( Cloud Bitcoin mining ( allows for an individual to pay for the use of hardware and software needed for Bitcoin mining ( without expending the cost of overhead associated with a personal mining rig. Companies such as Genesis Mining have data centers all over the world that house this hardware, which means they absorb the electrical and heating cost that comes with cryptocurrency mining.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 02:10 pm
What is Genesis Mining?
Genesis Mining is a cloud mining company that mines bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin, and more via the scrypt, X11, and SHA-256 algorithms. We offer you a smart and easy way to start mining by reducing the costs associated with mining. Genesis offers contracts with mining rewards from renting our cloud mining facilities. Our solution is designed for those who are new to the world of cryptocurrencies, as well as for cryptocurrency experts and large-scale end users. Genesis Mining is the world's first large-scale multi-algorithm cloud mining service, offering an alternative to those who would like to engage in bitcoin and altcoin mining. Be part of the bitcoin community, start Bitcoin mining ( today!
5 Easy Steps To Learn How To Mine Bitcoins.
Last Updated on October 19, 2020.
Bitcoin ( has become a hot topic in the market, and you may know about this fact. Bitcoin ( is treated as an investment and a commodity too. Most people are also using Bitcoin ( as a currency for making payments and other transfers. Many people are investing money in bitcoin, whereas others are choosing the mining aspect. First of all, you need to know about the mining process, and then you can work on the same. Bitcoin mining ( is a difficult process, and that's why you need to follow the instructions step by step to success.
Miners need to verify the previous bitcoin transactions, and they will get paid for the same. After verifying 1 MB worth of bitcoin transactions, the miner is eligible to earn bitcoin. If you want to get started with Bitcoin mining (, you need to confirm every transaction. Make sure the transactions are legitimate, and it will help you get rewards. In order to know more about the Bitcoin mining ( process, you should keep reading this post. Here, we are also going to mention the step by step instructions that you need to follow-
Bitcoin mining ( rig.
Gone are the days when people used to consider domestic computers for Bitcoin mining ( The time has changed now, and people are using special hardware, which is designed for the purpose of Bitcoin mining ( The mining rig uses less energy and also mine bitcoin at a faster rate. In order to get this device, you will have to invest a huge amount of money. It is expensive, but the speed is astonishing.
There are many Bitcoin mining ( machines that can be found, but all of them are not the same. You should pick the one by paying proper attention to numerous factors. You should consider the performance, consumption of electric power, and price during the selection process. You can also get help from the reviews or miners to make your final choice.
Pick a bitcoin wallet.
After the selection of a Bitcoin mining ( rig, you need to set up a wallet so that you can receive your bitcoins. With the help of a bitcoin wallet, you are able to manage your bitcoin addresses. You can easily find the different types of bitcoin wallets to choose from, but all of them are not the same. Each wallet comes with some pros and cons that you need to compare for making the right choice. You can opt for mobile wallets or also consider the paper wallets that provide additional security for your bitcoin.
The next step is to join a mining pool as it is not possible to gain bitcoin with a single machine. You can't mine bitcoin even with the best ASIC miner. And that's why you should get help from other miners by joining a mining pool. When you mine bitcoin in a group, then you can divide the gain among all members. You may get a lower income, but it will be regular. You should keep one thing in mind that you will have to pay the fee to the operator of the mining pool. Many pools are out there, and you can choose any one of them as small business ideas. To invest in bitcoins, you can visit bitcoin up.
Choose a mining program.
Once you get a Bitcoin mining ( rig, select a bitcoin wallet, and joined a mining pool, you should look for a mining program for your computer. The mining software provides work to the miners and also collects the results from them. After this, the software also adds the information back to the blockchain. You can find many free programs that can be used for Bitcoin mining ( You should check out the features and advantages of the different programs to pick the best one to get started.
Begin the mining process.
After following all the above-mentioned steps, you can start mining to earn bitcoins. All you need to do is to connect your miner to the power outlet and connect it with the computer. It is also important to install mining software. By providing the required information to the mining software and choosing a device, you can begin the mining process. In order to mine profitably, you should always stay up to date with the news related to the crypto market or bitcoin.
8 Biggest Bitcoin mining ( Pool With Best Payout And High Success Rate.
How to mine BitCoin? You can mine a BitCoin using your own computer but it will probably take years to mine (calculate) a single BitCoin, the second option is to mine BitCoin via P2P, so, How do I mine Bitcoins on my PC? Just join one of these P2P mining pool.
We've listed 10 of the biggest and most reliable Bitcoin mining ( pool in the market, the benefit of joining one of these mining pool is you get paid based on all of your effort, meaning to say if you contributed 1% of the processing power in solving a 'BitCoin', you get rewarded 1% of the BitCoin. Unlike centralized mining pools, when you gave up mining at 99%, you are left with nothing.
↓ 01 - Slush Pool | Server Locations Asia, Europe, U.S.A | Average Fee 1%
Slush Pool is the first publicly available mining pool, first annouced in 2010 under the name Bitcoin ( Pooled Mining Server. Slush Pool allows users to mine BTC and ZEC. Bitcoin ( can be mined for a 2% fee, while ZEC is mined for free. The pool shares the transaction fees earned with miners.
Unique Voting System - Our pool stays politically neutral. As such, our voting system is giving a voice to every single miner. Simply direct your Hash Rate towards your favourite protocol proposal. High Availability - Our servers are distributed around the world. The intelligent load balancing and fail-over system ensures you are up and running 99.9% of the time. Account Security - The entire infrastructure runs on highly secured servers. Your wallet address can be secured with two-factor-authentication (2FA).
↓ 02 - Give Me COINS | Server Locations Europe, U.S.A | Average Fee 0.6%
Give me Coins is evolution of the original Litecoin and FeatherCoin pools, they allow BTC, LTC with no fee and VTC, FTC, DASH and PPC for a 1% fee. Give me Coins shares the transaction fees with miners and allows users to merge mine several coins.
↓ 03 - AntPool | Server Locations Asia | Average Fee 2.43%
AntPool is an efficient digital currency pool and open for users all around the world, AntPool support mining of Bitcoin (, Litecoin, Ethereum and support payment method of PPS, PPLNS and SOLO.
Account Security - Support payment method of PPLNS, PPS, SOLO. Daily settlement, quick payment Convenient Management - Three levels of account, sub-account, group Mining machine easily manage Stable Service - Mining server deployed worldwide, sStable 24/7 service.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 02:10 pm

Noob's Guide To Bitcoin Mining - Super Easy \u0026 Simple|11:37
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 02:11 pm

Inside a Secret Chinese Bitcoin Mine|9:17
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 02:16 pm
↓ 04 - Bitminter | Server Locations Europe, U.S.A | Average Fee 1%
Bitminter is a Bitcoin mining ( pool that aims to make it easy for anyone to make bitcoins. Bitminter is one of the oldest pools. Since they opened in 2011 over 450 000 people have registered accounts with them. They hope that you will join them too! BitMinter was launched on 26 June 2011 and it allows users to mine BTC for a 1% fee while sharing the transaction fees with miners. The coinbase signature for this pool is: "BitMinter"
↓ 05 - ZPool | Server Locations U.S.A | Average Fee 2%
ZPool is a Multipool that allows users to smart mine within several algorithms for a 2% fee. Payments are made in BTC, BTCD, RADS and VRC. 1. No registration is required, payouts are made to the BTC address you mine with as your username. Payouts are made automatically every 2 hours for all balances above 0.01 and balances more than 0.0025 are paid several evenings each week.
↓ 06 - BTC | Server Locations Asia, U.S.A | Average Fee 1.5% is a pool run by Bitmain, creators of Antpool and Antminer ASICS. charges a 1.5% fee and pays users through a PPS system. shares the transaction fees with miners. Old Users Still Mine with 0 Fee PPS in 2017. is the world's leading provider of Bitcoin ( data, pool and wallet. In 2015, team developed block explorer, and is commit to set new standards for wallet, pool, price, and news under brand in the future.
↓ 07 - Multipool | Server Locations Europe, U.S.A | Average Fee 1.455%
Multipool, launched in 2012, is a multi-cryptocurrency and smart mining pool that allows users to mine BTC, LTC, DASH, ANC, AUR, BXT, CANN, CAP, DGB, DGC, FRC, IXC, KARM, MEC, MOON, MZC, NAUT, NOTE, NVC, PPC, SPT, START, TIPS, TRC, UNB, URO, WDC and ZET and to merge mine NMC, UNO, DOGE, MYRH, VIA and UIS. Multipool has a 1.5% fee, with the exception of Bitcoin ( Classic, which is currently 0%.
↓ 08 - DashMiner | Server Locations Europe, U.S.A | Average Fee 1%
DashMiner is a AMD graphic card only DASH and BTC Mining Pool that allows users to smart mine multiple cryptocurrencies and algorithms and receive payments in DASH or BTC for a 1% fee that is donated to the Dash donation Wallet.
↓ 09 - P2pool [ Discontinued ] | Server Locations Peer to peer | Average Fee 0%
P2pool is a decentralized peer-to-peer BTC mining pool, which means users can choose a private or public node to mine on. Fees depend on the node chosen by the miner and the Transaciton fees are shared. P2Pool is a decentralized Bitcoin mining ( pool that works by creating a peer-to-peer network of miner nodes. P2Pool creates a new block chain in which the difficulty is adjusted so a new block is found every 30 seconds. The blocks that get into the P2Pool block chain (called the "share chain") are the same blocks that would get into the Bitcoin ( block chain, only they have a lower difficulty target.
↓ 10 - Waterhole [ Discontinued ] | Server Locations Asia, U.S.A | Average Fee 0%
The Waterhole mining pools were created by the developers of the Waterhole trading app (available both on iOS and Android). Some features of the pools are accurate hash reporting, anonymous mining, secure TLS, and a low fee of 1%. Payment is done through a PPLNS (Pay Per Last N Shares) system.
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Free Cloud Mining: A Comprehensive Guide.
Interested in free cloud mining? Follow this guide to find out about free Bitcoin ( cloud mining & discover best free cloud mining options online.
If we take one single look at the crypto world today, we'll quickly notice that cloud mining is a really hot topic within certain cryptocurrency mining circles . Progressively more and more people want to know various things about cloud mining - how it works, who are the service providers, what are the costs, etc. Naturally, a lot of people gravitate towards free cloud minin g, for it seems to be the most attractive option out there.
In this tutorial, we're gonna talk about all things related to cloud mining. We'll cover both the basic definitions and the more in-depth stuff. Along the way, I'll give you some examples of the best cloud mining providers out there, both paid and free .
Since the debate of which one is better - paid or free cloud mining - seems to be an ongoing issue, I'll also talk about some of the pros and cons that both of those options posses.
1. What is Cloud Mining? 2. Paid Cloud Mining vs Free Cloud Mining 2.1. Paid Cloud Mining: Pros and Cons 2.2. Free Cloud Mining - Pros and Cons 3. Free Cloud Mining Sites 3.1. MinerFarm 3.2. Multimining 3.3. EOBOT 4. A Short Summary 5. Conclusion.
To develop a full-circle type of conversation and understanding, let's take it from the top and define cloud mining.
Cloud mining is usually defined simply as a remote cryptocurrency mining service . This service is provided by hosts (people who own and sell the cloud mining service) who have farms (huge collections of mining rigs, usually held in big, designated facilities).
The hosts are usually big corporations that specialize in cloud mining . These corporations buy excessive amounts of mining rig hardware (GPUs, motherboards, processors, etc.) and build hundreds of rigs. Naturally, they are located in respectively sized buildings - huge garages, warehouses and so on. The type of building doesn't matter - the only conditions are cheap electricity bills and good cooling and air conditioning .
Cloud mining is becoming more and more popular for a couple of reasons.
First of all, it's very accessible . The average person usually hasn't got a lot of space or resources required for a successful mining operation. However, with the help of cloud mining, almost everyone can "have" their designated mining rigs that produce revenue over time.
Another popular reason is the cost (or a lack of one) . Sure, you could pay someone for their hosting services. However, free cloud mining is also a thing - with this option, you eliminate any possible spendings . Many people don't have thousands of dollars to spend on their rigs and their maintenance. In such scenarios, free cloud mining becomes a very tempting option.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 02:16 pm
Paid Cloud Mining vs Free Cloud Mining.
Since Bitcoin ( seems to be the most popular cryptocurrency of choice when it comes to cloud mining, that's the coin I'll be using and referring to from this point onwards.
The debate about which one of the two (paid and free cloud mining) is better and more worthwhile is an ongoing topic in the crypto community. While there are arguments that the more you play - the more you earn, free cloud miners emphasize the lack of initial payment as the outweighing factor. Let's take a closer look at these two types of Bitcoin ( cloud mining options.
Paid Cloud Mining: Pros and Cons.
Paid cloud mining comes in different plans. You, as the customer, pick a plan that suits you the most (some sites and companies even offer custom plans). Then you simply decide on a timeline, unless one is already given beforehand.
Different types of Bitcoin ( cloud mining plans offer different hash rates . A hash rate is simply the indicator of how powerful the rig is or, in other words, how much Bitcoin ( it can mine at any given point in time .
Paid cloud miners agree that the initial cost for a contract can be somewhat (or very) expensive. However, they do stress that it all depends on what type of hash rate you prefer. The bigger the upfront payment, the faster the hash rate you will receive and, in turn, the sooner you'll start noticing profitable results .
The ability to create custom plans also plays a big part in this. A custom plan means that you can choose how much you want to pay or how fast you want the rig to mine. Some companies even offer the option to pick the time of your cloud mining process - you might want to mine for a month or two just to see what it's like, or perhaps even jump into a lifelong contract.
When it comes to the cons of paid cloud mining , the first and obvious one would probably have to be the price. Paid cloud mining tends to get quite expensive. Depending on the amount of money you've decided to invest in cloud mining, even the entry plans could seem too expensive to tackle.
Paid cloud mining entry plans usually start from around $200 - $300 . Considering the usual price increases for the following levels of plans, this is a decent price to start with. With an entry plan, you get the minimum hash rate speed, while the time of the plan could vary. These entry-level cloud mining plans are mostly designed for people who have never had any previous experience with cloud mining, and simply want to get a feel for it.
Others who are serious and determined that cloud mining is the future of their financial income tend to invest a lot more from the very beginning. This isn't a problem in itself, but such investors should be aware and do their research !
There are a lot of ill intent-driven companies out there who might let the lower levels of contracts pass. This would happen simply because they would hope that the person would eventually upgrade their contract to a more expensive one . However, they will jump to an opportunity to scam bigger investors.
You can still make money from Bitcoin mining (, an explainer.
Considering mining Bitcoin ( There is much more to it than having a simple program for it, and we are here to explain everything.
Bitcoin mining ( means using your computer's computing power to run the verification process to validate different bitcoin transactions. This decentralized verification is what gives the Bitcoin ( Network its security. The miners receive Bitcoins in exchange as a reward for their work.
As we know, when the whole Bitcoin ( craze started, there were a lot of people that went into the mining business, with more or less success. But now, with different and better technology combined with the professional mining centers, as well as the ever-changing and not so stable price of bitcoin, comes a question: Is Mining still profitable?
Factors determining the worth of Mining.
The most important factor that people look at when considering Bitcoin mining ( is electricity costs. As miners use a lot of computer power to mine, they use a lot of electricity as well, and knowing exactly how much this is costing you can be a first step to determining whether the whole operation is worth it. The computer system's price is also an important thing, as the computers needed to mine can be very costly. However, the difficulty of Mining is one of the most significant factors that we are interested in.
The system makes sure there will always be a certain amount of bitcoins created every minute by increasing Mining's difficulty based on how many people are currently mining. This means that the more people try to mine the bitcoin, the harder it becomes for everyone.
The difficulty of mining Bitcoin (
As mentioned above, the difficulty rates vary weekly. The difficulty rate maintains a stable production of the blockchain blocks ( this puts the Bitcoin ( in Circulation ).
This setup means that it has become almost impossible for a single minor to solve the digital problem and earn a bitcoin. To put the mining difficulty in perspective, all you need to know is that it started with difficulty 1. Now we are at 16 trillion. That means that the problem changed 16 trillion times.
Ever decreasing rewards.
Perspective miners need to consider not just the difficulty to mine but also the state of the rewards. As Mining becomes proportionally more complicated, the tips become smaller and smaller. The Bitcoin ( Network cap is 21 million bitcoins, and as of now, over 18 million of bitcoins mined. The network halves the rewards every four years, and they do that to control the number of bitcoins circulating. This way, along with the mining difficulty, the system makes sure that there is no way Bitcoins can flood the market.
Is it worth it to mine in today's environment?
Even though the above facts may scare even the hardened veterans of Bitcoin mining (, we believe that Mining can still be profitable for some people.
Prospective miners need to have a very detailed cost/benefit analysis to understand what they are getting themselves into. It is because there are initial investments required to be able to start and without the proper plan. The variables that every miner needs to pay attention to should be:
What is your electricity rate? How much does it cost? How much power does your computer use? How much can you afford to mine, and how much do you plan on Mining daily? How quickly can you mine one bitcoin by mining the regular daily amount? What is the value of Bitcoin (
To help you with analyzing the above variables, you can find different profitability calculators online. One of them being CryptoCompare. These tools can also be used to measure your current system and create a better suiting system for your needs. To compete with the Mining centers, miners can join a mining pool where more individuals work together and share rewards. These mining pools have become more of a viable option due to the constant rewards decrease.
The truth is that it is not profitable to mine as it used to be. As reports indicate, the revenues from mining declined significantly. But that was the point from the start with Bitcoins. The only thing left for an individual miner is to run different analyses and see if it is worth the trouble. Most individual miners have become obsolete, so it is imperative to look for the best possible setup for you and possibly think about joining a good mining pool.
How to Make Money With Bitcoin ( Complete Guide.
If you don't know much about Bitcoin (, then this guide is for you. This digital currency was relatively obscure until 2017.
After the popping of the Great Bitcoin ( Bubble of 2017, almost everyone in the developed and emerging markets knew about Bitcoin (, regardless if they bought any or not. Bitcoins' recent resurgence up toward the $10,000-mark seems to be setting a new price floor for the cryptocurrency.
Bitcoin ( fever is starting to gain momentum once again, with some analysts predicting a move up towards $50,000. If you want to position yourself for the next Bitcoin ( bull-run, then you need to understand the opportunities that exist in this market.
By positioning yourself before the growth of the next Bitcoin ( bubble, you stand to make a speculative gain in dollar value that could set you up financially for life. This guide will give you a few strategies you can implement to earn Bitcoin ( and create a future for yourself in the economy of digital currencies.
A Brief History of Bitcoin (
The world's concept of money changed when, on October 31st, 2008, "Satoshi Nakamoto" published a whitepaper on a peer-to-peer digital cash system. Bitcoin ( was nothing more than an idea for years until it caught the attention of traders.
In the early stages of Bitcoin ('s development until 2010, the world had no idea of bitcoin's coming value. The only people that knew about the cryptocurrency were tech-heads and gamers. It was in this initial stage of the cryptocurrencies formative years, where one of the biggest financial blunders of all time occurred.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 02:16 pm

2015 Guide to Bitcoin Mining|1:05
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 02:17 pm
On May 22nd, 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz - a Bitcoin ( enthusiast, made the world's first Bitcoin ( transaction. Laszlo ordered two Papa John's pizza's and paid for the delivery with 10,000 Bitcoins. At Bitcoin ('s current price average sitting around the $10,000, that would make it $50-million for each pizza - and that's before we include the tip.
Image source: Laszlo Hanyecz's Feb. 25 post on Lightning-dev mailing list.
This event ranks right up there with the Microsoft founder, Ronald Wayne, who sold his 10-percent stake in Microsoft for $800, which would now be worth around $90-billion. Bitcoin ( got some notoriety in the gaming community over the coming years, but it wasn't until Mt. Gox came onto the scene in 2011 that Bitcoin ( exploded into the mainstream.
Some 7-years later, and we are sitting at the threshold of Bitcoins 11th birthday. Think about that for a minute. Bitcoin ( is only 11-years old as a technology. The amount of disruption this currency caused over the last 7-years is incredible to witness.
Japan recognized Bitcoin ( as a legitimate currency back in 2014, and many other nations followed suit. Bitcoins ATMs are no readily available in many countries throughout the developed and emerging markets. Today retailers accept Bitcoin ( as a means of payment, and the cryptocurrency even appears in popular culture in series like "Mr. Robot."
Bitcoin ( is still in its infancy, and it has a long way to go in the future. Who knows where it will end up. There are some analysts that suggest Bitcoin ( is the future of the financial system. Others state that there are existential threats to the survival of the cryptocurrency sector.
No one knows what the future holds for digital currencies. However, one thing is sure; they represent a new beginning in finance. While governments shift to accommodate crypto into their view of world economics, many leaders in the industry are jumping on the bandwagon.
Facebook recently announced its plans to launch "Libra," a cryptocurrency exclusively controlled by Facebook. However, governments didn't like the thought of money launderers and drug dealers being able to move money across borders to evade capital controls. Thus, Libra recently got dropped by most of the big tech companies supporting the new crypto.
However, Bitcoin ( remains the most popular digital currency. Looking at the daily trading volumes of the crypto sector, and the market caps of all of the coins, it's clear that Bitcoin ( is the only real game in town.
A Brief History of Bitcoin ( Bubbles.
The Great Bitcoin ( Bubble of 2017 made every other financial bubble before it, seem like a regular day on the NYSE. After reaching heights of nearly $20,000 a coin, the Bitcoin ( price slipped down to the $3,300-mark.
However, the cryptocurrency steadily recovered toward the $11,000--handle over the coming year, and as of the start of Q4, 2019, the Bitcoin ( price is $8,300, after a selloff from the $10,000-mark.
The Bitcoin ( Bubble of 2017 caught everyone off-guard, even seasoned Bitcoin ( believers. The growth in the currency's value from the $4,000-handle to $20,000, took less than 9-months, and most economists have never witnessed anything like it in their lifetimes.
As the price crossed the $10,000-handle for the first time, the world started to get Bitcoin ( fever. The growth to the $20,000-handle barely took 2-months, and people thought that Bitcoin ( could reach $1-million a coin.
However, this mania was short-lived. The cryptocurrency crashed over the first three months of 2018, giving many investors a hard landing in the process. During the height of the mania, there were reports of people doing stupid things to acquire Bitcoin (
Stories of people putting mortgages on their homes to buy Bitcoin ( were common, and the stories of scams involving mining companies and ICOs continued to grow. The ICO mania sparked by the rise in the Alt-coin sector also cost many investors their shirts.
As the FOMO (fear of missing out) grew around Bitcoin ( and ICOs, people piled into it with everything they had and ended up losing everything they had.
Millennials and Bitcoin (
While it may have endured the biggest financial bubble in history, Bitcoin ( still has a loyal fan-base that believes in the cryptocurrency. Millennials are the biggest generation of users, miners, and holders (HODLer's) of Bitcoin ( Millennials grew up at the beginning of the information age. As a result, they are the first tech-savvy generation.
Most millennials grew up with cellphones, and they know how to use devices and the internet to make money. Millennials now account for more than 60-percent of the workforce, and they are starting to move into the phase of life where they buy homes and start families.
As a result, Bitcoin ( will continue to play a role in millennials' lives in the future. As more retailers come online and accept Bitcoin ( payments, the network grows. The only thing stopping Bitcoin ( from becoming the world's next reserve currency is the government and general acceptance.
Governments won't allow Bitcoin ( to become a reserve status currency. Reserve and national currencies are the means of collecting taxes from the public. Since Bitcoin ( is virtually anonymous, there is no way governments can accept it for payment of taxes. Therefore, they will choose to outlaw Bitcoin ( before they accept it.
However, millennials are okay with working outside of systems of authority. If you're a tech-savvy millennial locked out of the financial system due to defaulting on student debt, Bitcoin ( offers a new lease on life. If you know what you are doing, you can pay for anything you need using Bitcoin (, and you can accept it for payments as well.
Is Bitcoin ( Money?
If people are willing to use Bitcoin ( as a means to settle debts, other than taxes, this begs the question; Is Bitcoin ( money? Sound money has a few characteristics worth noting. First, you can use it for the settlement of debts. Second, it has a fungible value, meaning each unit is equal or divisible by another. Money is also portable, durable, and a store of value over time.
If we look at the oldest form of money, gold, then it fits this description perfectly. However, the dense mass of gold bullion may make it challenging to transport large quantities. Still, gold is a good store of value over the centuries, and it is also divisible, fungible, and durable.
If we compare the US Dollar to these same criteria, we come up short. Since the advent of the Federal Reserve in 1913, the Greenback lost more than 96-percent of its purchasing power. That's doesn't make fiat dollars a very good store of value for investors.
However, the dollar reigns because it controls the world's credit system as the leading reserve currency. If countries want to settle international debts, they need to do it in dollars. Therefore, the Greenback gets its acceptance as money through the fact that the world uses it to settle debts and pay taxes.
Bitcoin ( meets the criteria of Fungibility, divisibility, and it's an accepted medium of exchange. However, it's easy to lose your Bitcoin ( wallet keys, along with your Bitcoins. Bitcoins are easy to hack in hot wallets, and the price is too volatile to act as a store of value.
Therefore, we can say that Bitcoin ( does not yet fit all the criteria to qualify as sound money. However, in today's fiat Dollar age, it's clear that money has evolved into a different animal.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 02:17 pm

mining bitcoin 2015|1:52
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 02:18 pm

What Is Bitcoin Mining?|2:40
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 02:18 pm
How to Earn Money with Bitcoin (
Now that you have a clear concept of Bitcoin (, let's look at how you can make some money with this digital asset. We outlined the following strategies to help you get started on learning more about how Bitcoin ( can supplement your income.
Pick a strategy that makes sense to you and execute it today. There is plenty of information online to expand on the strategy mentioned below. However, the most important thing is that you take action. By taking action, you'll get ahead of the masses, and book yourself a spot in the digital economy of the future.
Buy and "HODL"
When people think of buying into Bitcoin (, they imagine the huge windfall they make when selling their coins for dollars as the price peaks. This strategy is known as buying and holding. It's a popular method used by gold investors, and it operates within an investment portfolio as a hedge against market volatility.
Typically, investors will allocate the lion's share of their portfolio to stocks and bonds, and then around 5 to 10-percent to physical gold bullion in the form of coins or bars. For some reason, Bitcoin ( believers think that buying and holding also apply to Bitcoin ( as well. True believers in the cryptocurrency will tout their buy and hold strategy as the reason why the Bitcoin ( price remains stable.
In a way, that's a true statement. As we discussed in the section about the dollar as money, it takes participation and belief from the public to give money any value. However, that does not mean that you have to follow a buy and hold strategy to provide any validity to the Bitcoin ( market.
Bitcoiners that hold for the long term call themselves "HODL'ers," a misspelling of "Hold".
However, the mistake many of these people make is that Bitcoin ( is not yet what we would consider a store of value, whereas gold has a 2,500-year history as sound money.
Therefore, people seem surprised when the price reaches $20,000, and then plummets to $3,300. Holding over that period would be fine if you bought in at less than $2,500, but what if you entered at $10,000? You would be looking at a serious financial loss.
Still, If you do stick to the strategy and HODL for the long-term, then you should still see a return. Those Bitcoiners still hodling their coins from 2009 are smiling all the way to the bank. However, the point is that they wouldn't be cashing the coins in at any stage, but rather using Bitcoin ( as a store of wealth over the long-term.
Coinbase is the easiest exchange to purchase Bitcoin ( using bank account, debit or credit card. Read our full review to find out more.
Trading the Bitcoin ( Markets.
If you want to make serious money with Bitcoin (, then Day-trading the cryptocurrency markets are bar far the superior option. The cryptocurrency market operates almost in the same manner as the forex and stock markets.
Buyers and sellers meet on a platform, also known as an exchange, and trade cryptocurrency with each other in the hope of making a profit from the arbitrage. Cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance, Bittrex, and Bitfinex, offer the same services the crypto traders, as NASDAQ, NYSE, and FTSE to day traders of equities and currencies.
The difference between the crypto and forex is that forex is a regulated market. Government entities, such as the SEC, regulate traders and companies for operational compliance within the law. In the crypto market, it's the wild west.
Binance is the best exchange for trading Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrencies, read our full review.
As a result, there are stories of exchanges violating withdrawal policies, and stories about mass-manipulation of the markets by some corrupt exchanges. The reality is that some of this is true, and some exchanges are pout to take all of your money.
Crypto exchanges operating outside of the US don't have to follow international KYC policies for acquiring new clients, as long as those clients don't withdraw in USD. As a result, you can only withdraw from offshore exchanges in cryptocurrency. You'll then have to send that crypto to a wallet at an exchange like Coinbase to redeem it into USD.
If you register with an exchange like Coinbase, they have offices in the United States. Therefore, you'll need to provide all your KYC documentation when making a withdrawal. However, you can turn your BTC into USD, and have Coinbase deposit it directly into your bank account.
If you do use Coinbase, you'll have to remember to keep some of your crypto profits to pay taxes. Coinbase reports user information to the IRS, and the IRS demands that you pay tax on your profits. Avoid an audit, and make sure you file for tax, speak to your accountant for advice.
Otherwise, trading the crypto markets is very profitable if you know what you are doing .
The issue with trading crypto is the volatility in the price action. It's possible to see the price of cryptos swing 10 to 20-percent in a single trading session. This kind of price swing doesn't happen in stable, regulated financial markets.
Still, if you find a mentor with a good trading strategy, it's the most profitable means of making money with Bitcoin (
If you are trading crypto, you can make use of trading bots like 3Commas and Cryptohopper which will automatically trade for you - you just need to signup and connect them to your exchange account and pick a certain set of parameters to execute your trades.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 02:19 pm

Mining Bitcoin Cloud Mining Best Bitcoin Cloud Service - Start Mining Bitcoins|0:29
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 02:32 pm
We have reviewed both trading platforms:
Cryptocurrency Mining.
When Bitcoin ( first started, it was possible to mine the blockchain for Bitcoins using your desktop computer. However, as people got wind of the price increases with the cryptocurrency, more people started buying better computers for mining. Eventually, it wasn't long before tech companies began designing and building "mining rigs."
With a mining rig, you could mine different coins faster, producing better returns. However, technology kept improving, and miners kept getting smarter. Miners started connecting multiple platforms to increase hash power, creating "mining farms."
Soon, mining companies started forming in Asia, backing by subsidized energy costs, enhancing mining profitability. As the Bitcoin ( Mania crept toward the all-time high of $20,000, more miners started coming online, improving the hash rates.
However, it made it near impossible for anyone to mine Bitcoin ( using regular computers and specialist rigs called "ASICs" were produced which costs thousands of dollars.
However, there is a way to make money mining Bitcoin ( without moving to China to set up a mining farm. With the recent drop in Bitcoin ( price from the $11,000-handlle to the lower $ 8,000's, many mining companies are going broke that bought equipment at prices above the $10,000-handle.
As a result, you can find second-hand mining rigs, with plenty of service life, for auction prices on sites like eBay. Purchasing one or two of these professional rigs and set them up in your garage and you can mine some less-popular coins and then trade these for BTC on an exchange.
The returns won't be great but they are a way to get your foot in the door and if you pick a good coin and hold it, it may increase in value later on.
Become a Bitcoin ( Consultant.
People that get involved with Bitcoin ( find themselves learning a lot about cryptocurrency in a short period. For some people, the information overload is too much to handle, and they can't grasp the topic. Others find the blockchain and hot and cold wallets fascinating, soaking up all the technicalities around the industry.
If you start learning about Bitcoin (, 6-months later, you'll find yourself an expert about everything to do with the topic of cryptocurrency. If you put in the time to study how the markets work, and how to trade, sell, and buy cryptocurrency, that's valuable knowledge.
Some people will pay you to learn what you know. You could put together information courses on how to trade, buy, and sell, crypto, and then promote it through social media. Selling a virtual product means you keep no physical inventory, reducing your overhead costs of doing business.
Bitcoin ( consultants are in high demand, even in a falling market. If you build your reputation as an expert in crypto, eventually, you'll start to obtain a client base. When the next Bitcoin ( bull-run comes around, you'll find yourself in the perfect position to benefit from the next bubble.
Network Marketing Opportunities.
When you put the words "networking" and "Bitcoin (" in the same sentence, most people start to hear alarm bells going off in their heads. At the height of the Bitcoin ( bubble, there were plenty of network marketing schemes promising bitcoin for noting.
These network marketing scams typically offered people an investment shareholding in a Bitcoin mining ( farm. As more investors came into the system, the farm buys more equipment, and the hash rate of the farm improves.
However, many of these farms were a scam. They would operate for four to six-months, bring in thousands of suckers through network marketing schemes, and then disappear with everyone's money. Since most of the farms registered as businesses in China, the investors lose everything overnight.
However, in the wake of the bubble and the economic destruction of network marketing scams, new businesses developed to fill in the gaps. Now there are legitimate network marketing opportunities in cloud mining.
If you do your research and find a reputable Bitcoin ( network marketing company, it offers you a foothold into the industry. It typically doesn't cost much to enter into network marketing organizations, and the returns are fantastic if you work hard to build your downline.
Lending Bitcoin (
One of the biggest benefits of Bitcoin ( and a feature that makes it valuable to people using it online is its decentralized nature. Bitcoin ( is not under the control of any government or central bank. Essentially, it's a lawless currency. However, Bitcoin ( gets its integrity from the blockchain technology, supporting every transaction that goes through the network.
People manage blockchain, not banks or governments. As a result, you don't have to adhere to financial laws surrounding lending. Lenders in the fiat currency market of US Dollars need to adhere to financial legislation and register as a financial services provider to engage in transactions with investors and the public.
However, you don't need any of this compliance to do this in the cryptocurrency world. As a result, nothing is stopping you from setting up an exchange if you wish. There's no-one that will prevent you from setting up a lending agency wither. Both of these markets offer unique opportunities for people to make money in the next evolution of Bitcoin (
There are already lending platforms available at offshore exchanges. Unchained Capital, BTCpop, and Bitbond borrow your bitcoin for an APR interest rate of up to 15-percent. You can use these lenders to grow your Bitcoin ( profits. All you do is send them your Bitcoins, and they send you a monthly income or an increase in the equity of your cryptocurrency account with the exchange.
These lenders then use your crypto to trade the markets, banking the profits they make with your capital after paying you your interest.
Threats to the Future of Bitcoin (
Investing in Bitcoin ( is not without risk. As with any asset class, you need to understand the risks involved with the digital currency before you hand over your dollars for digital tokens. There are numerous risks to the Bitcoin ( economy. However, in this article, we'll look at three that we believe could damage the future of the cryptocurrency and your profits.
The first issue we have with Bitcoin ( comes with the technology used to run the blockchain. Last month, Google announced it successfully manufactured the world's first quantum computer. The 53-qubit machine is said to be the first in an evolution that will see processing power double with each new generation.
If that's the case, then we only need three or four evolutions of the technology before it can crack 256-bit encryption. If this were true, then quantum computers would allow hackers to infiltrate and take down the blockchain.
With computing power exceeding the blockchain capabilities, it won't be long before Bitcoin ( becomes obsolete. It's unclear at this stage if another cryptocurrency using quantum computing would rise to take its place.
The second risk to Bitcoin ('s future comes in the form of financial fraud. Twitter user @bitfinex'd did a marvelous job of covering the 2017 Bitcoin ( bubble. @bitfinex'd believe the sole reason for the rise in Bitcoins price during the bubble was due to tether.
Tether is a "Stablecoin" that traders use to escape the market during volatile periods. You sell your Bitcoin ( for tether at a 1:1 value and then wait for the price action in the market to settle. You then exchange tether for Bitcoin ( and keep trading.
However, @bitfinex'd show that tether pumped billions of dollars' worth of tethers into the market, with no proven reserves to back the tokens. As a result, they "pumped" the market higher. When they eventually stopped printing tethers, the market price of Bitcoin ( collapsed.
There are various other institutions that back @bitfinex'd claims, and think that the entire bull-run was one of the biggest financial frauds in history. The issue is that Bitcoin ( is not a regulated market. Therefore, the SEC struggles to put together a case to take the owners of the tether company to task for their actions.
The final threat to Bitcoin ( comes in the form of Bitcoin ( whales. According to research, 20-percent of Bitcoin ( addresses hold more than 80-percent of all of the Bitcoins. When these "whales" decide to sell or buy Bitcoin (, they cause massive shifts in pricing. Take, for example, the Mt. Gox trustee.
This trustee managed the sale of thousands of Bitcoins in the first quarter of 2018. The trustee sold off $312-million worth of Bitcoin ( between January and June 2018. Some analysts believe that these sales were the catalyst for the sudden crash in Bitcoins price around the same time.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 02:32 pm
In Closing - Is Bitcoin ( the Future of Money?
As you can see, there are plenty of strategies for making money with Bitcoin ( Which methods you decide to use is up to you, but you can be sure that you'll start earning Bitcoin ( soon after starting your journey.
By positioning yourself before the next big Bitcoin ( bull-run, you stand to make a killing when the next price run begins. However, there's no guarantee that the event will ever take place. With so many existential threats to Bitcoin ('s existence, there's a chance the entire crypto-ecosystem could implode.
However, regardless of whether Bitcoin ( survives the next decade or not, it's changed the financial system forever. Governments are now talking about implementing state-sponsored cryptocurrencies for payments. Private institutions are working on improvements to the blockchain, and new ideas for digital currencies.
Bitcoin ( has already changed the future of money. However, it remains unclear if it will be here in the future. Whether we see Bitcoin ( succeed in global adoption in the coming decade, or we see it slide away into obscurity, there is still value in it in today's market.
Use these strategies to make yourself a cryptocurrency portfolio and earn some money from Bitcoin (
How Much Can You Make Mining Bitcoin (
A number of people are confused if Bitcoin mining ( is still worth it considering its demand for power and speed, the high competition and increasing difficulty. This article will make you see the Bitcoin mining ( profitability today.
Is Bitcoin mining ( profitable ? Should I do it too?
I often hear these questions from a number of cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Bitcoin mining ( is one of the most popular ways to earn free Bitcoins, so it's understandable why many are interested in it.
According to many, Bitcoin mining ( is no longer profitable! But I tell you, this it is still rewarding, it just depends on your machinery.
Bitcoin mining ( is an expensive way to earn free Bitcoins. Mining requires a powerful Bitcoin mining ( rig and a strong and reliable power supply. You have to invest in a mighty equipment to making mining rewarding.
ASIC Mining.
ASIC stands for Application-Specific Integrated Circuit . This means that the chip inside those miners are specifically for mining and can't do any other tasks unlike GPU and CPU.
ASIC chips and miners can only mine specific algorithm .
Here's an overview of your expenses and Bitcoin mining ( profitability with different ASIC miners.
The miners have to run 24/7 so, it's best that you consider the miner's power consumption. In this example, the kilowatt per hour (kWh) is priced at $0.10 because this is the averaged price out there. Just determine how much the kWh is in your area and update the calculation. If you pay lesser then the amount stated above will be reduced.
Please take note that the internet and space expenses are not calculated . Some have free space, but others have to rent. If you do, then just add those expenses in the amount shown below.
Considering the power consumption and monthly expenses this is your potential income.
Aside from using ASIC and CPU , you can use graphic cards (GPU). Yes, if you have a gaming computer with a good dedicated graphics card you can use it to mine Bitcoin (
This year, Radeon and Nvidia release cards that can mine Bitcoins at comparable rates.
A Nvidia GTX 1070 may cost you from $699 to $850 . If you use this for gaming for 4 hours, you can allot it to mining for the remaining 20 hours. According to Jason Evangelho of Forbes, after several months the hours spend on Bitcoin mining ( will transform into pure profit.
Given that you only mine for 20 hours, that 83% of the day. Most likely, you will get $1.18 per day. You will approximately get $430 per year. In 19 months, you'd have your GPU 1070 fully paid off.
"I'm currently mining with a GTX 1060 and GTX 1070, and I can vouch for these estimated profits. In fact, if you overclock your cards they will be slightly higher," he wrote.
So, is Bitcoin mining ( worth it? Of course, it is!
Bitcoin mining ( Set-Up Examples.
Here are the different cases where you can earn great profit . However, please take note that others really spend on their machineries to get these impressive rewards. Check it out below and see for yourself how you can profit from Bitcoin mining (
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 02:32 pm

Avalon 6 Bitcoin Mining Hardware Setup|8:05
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 02:33 pm

FREE CRYPTO MINING APPS - Cryptocurrency For Beginners BITCOIN (2020) Pi Network iOS Android|8:06
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 02:35 pm
GTX 1080 Ti.
For the six GTX 1080 Ti, each has 11 Gb of RAM . But they consume so much power, about 300 watts each . It could have a total of 1900 watts of total power consumption.
For this setup, it uses 1000 watt EVGA power SuperNova to provide enough power to the video cards. Aside from those, it uses 8 GB of DDR4, Intel Celeron G3900 Skylake Dual-Core 2.8 GHz LGA 1151 and a 120 GB SSD to run everything quickly.
It also uses 6 razors to connect each video card to the PCI Express ports and invest on a new motherboard that can run all of those at the same time. It also got a mining rig case to hold everything.
After setting up the Bitcoin mining ( rig and installing a Bitcoin mining ( software, find a good hash and it can immediately earn $42, which is already a lot of money. If this amount is multiplied by 30, the monthly earnings from Bitcoin mining ( would be $1,260. If this continues, the annual profit from Bitcoin mining ( would be $15,120.
Bitcoin mining ( Can Be Profitable, If You Generate The Power.
Bitcoin mining ( at 20MW, the Team at Greenidge located in the Finger Lake Region of New York State, . The New York Finger Lake Region is known for its wine and glacial formed waterways. It is a beautiful place. And it now hosts one of the largest Bitcoin mining ( facilities in the U.S.
Greenidge Generation is a former coal-fired electrical power plant that has converted to natural gas. They supply electrical power to New York State's residents. Every day Greenidge has to bid in a competitive power market - sometimes, they make a profit when energy demand is higher. The company has been in business since 1937 but, in the last decade, suffered against cheaper power sources. The facility was mothballed in March 2011. Competition from cheaper shale natural gas supplies and coal exports from China put the old company into economic distress. Atlas Holdings bought the plant in 2014 and converted it to natural gas in 2017.
BROOKLYN, NEW YORK - JULY 4: Six meters placed by National Grid measure natural gas consumption in a . Atlas, which buys and transforms distressed industrial companies, helped turn the company into a more efficient energy model. But profits were always tight. It was in 2018 that CEO Dale Irwin and CFO Tim Rainey had the idea to use excess capacity to mine Bitcoin ( This was a unique idea in the United States. Rainey says, "Cryptocurrency mining was an idea that evolved following discussions with our Board and leadership team, as we explored the best way to utilize the unique assets we have at the facility. Our Board approved a plan to pursue Bitcoin mining ("
Dale Irwin said, "We started with a couple of S9's and some GPU rigs in early 2018 to familiarize ourselves with the economics of the machines and learn how to operate and run them. We turned that into a small test pilot of several hundred machines from many different manufacturers in May of 2019. After completion and analysis of the test pilot, we built the current data center within four months, starting our larger-scale mining operation in January 2020." They currently operate 8,500 of the latest generation miners from Bitmain and other manufacturers.
Greenidge is using over 20 megawatts (MW) of power to mine Bitcoin (, which makes it the largest energy company in the U.S. with this kind of strategy. In comparison, 20MW is not very big, next to other countries. There are larger Bitcoin mining ( facilities. The University of Cambridge's Bitcoin ( Electricity Consumption Index shows that global power use is estimated to be 7.25 gigawatts (GW), where China uses a bit over 71% of the global total.
Leaked Citibank Report Reveals Bitcoin ( Could Rocket To $300,000 Price By End Of 2021.
Bitcoin ( Investigation Giant To Raise $100 Million At $1 Billion Valuation.
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Riot Blockchain, by comparison, said in their July 16th 2020 press release that their aggregate power consumption would be 12.8 megawatts.
The company purchases natural gas through forward contracts setting a threshold price. Electric power production costs will fluctuate and influence the decision to mine crypto or sell power to the gird.
Greenidge wants to increase its energy consumption. The company has plans to use the plant's total capacity of 104MW next year.
Mining Bitcoin ( and cryptocurrency is an energy-intensive enterprise. Some argue that it is a waste of energy and that digital assets are purely an environmental drain. One megawatt, by some estimates, could power about 800 homes on average per year. But this is a difficult statistic to estimate; electric consumption changes by region and need.
The company calls itself a power plant-mine hybrid, where it can generate more value being able to provide power to New York's grid or mine cryptocurrency. The choice to one or the other depends on what is more profitable on the day. Irwin continued to say, "Without crypto mining, it was economically unfeasible for us to provide capacity and energy to the state grid year-round and to continue providing employment opportunities to the local community, which provides the bulk of our workforce."
Rainey said, "As both the cryptocurrency markets and the power markets are constantly fluctuating, we do whichever is more profitable at any given time - either sell the generated power or mine crypto with that power. Although there is no fixed threshold of revenue from selling power that would make us want to sell the power instead of mine crypto, currently that number would be over $100 per MWh of power that we generate."
This model is unique as mining Bitcoin ( is not a trend in the power industry. If there are other power companies in similar situations, could this be a sustainable way to add income?
Tim Rainey said, "Without the mining operation, we would not be running most of the time, but if we ran around the clock, year-round, we would generate revenues of about $20/MWh. Bitcoin mining ( revenue with the latest generation hardware ranges anywhere from $70/MWh to north of $200/MWh depending on price, global hashrate and difficulty."
Time will tell, but Rainey did add, "We've been able to capture over $500k additional revenue during hours when we would not otherwise have been dispatched to be online. Additionally, we are unique in that the same highly-skilled engineers, electricians, and other technicians that are on-site running the power plant 24/7 also help operate and maintain the mining hardware."
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 02:36 pm
Bitcoin mining ( hardware asic.
Showing 1-28 of 67 results.
Bitcoin ( / SHA256 Miner (35)
Equihash Miner (8)
Litecoin / Scrypt Miner (4)
Other Miner (20)
SHIPPED IN 1-31 JUNE 2021.
INNOSILICON - A9++ - 140K Sol/s.
INNOSILICON - A6 - 1,23GH/s.
INNOSILICON - G32-1800 - 328GPS.
INNOSILICON - G32-500 - 100GPS.
Best Bitcoin mining ( Hardware in 2019: Prepare For Super-Powerful ASIC Miners - Updated.
Disclaimer: The opinion expressed here is not investment advice - it is provided for informational purposes only. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of U.Today. Every investment and all trading involves risk, so you should always perform your own research prior to making decisions. We do not recommend investing money you cannot afford to lose.
Top Bitcoin ( hardware manufacturers Picking the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware: beginner-level Avalon6 Antminer S9 Innosilicon Terminator3 Bitmain S15/ T15 Bitmain Antminer S17 Pro Ebit E11+ WhatsMiner M10 Strongu's U8 Model GMO miner B3 ASICminer 8 Nano Pro Additional accessories ASIC S9j overclocked in immersion cooling Is GPU mining dead? Mining hardware of the future.
The demand for Bitcoin mining ( hardware substantially dwindled in 2018 due to market woes but doesn't mean that the multi-billion dollar industry is dead. Hence, U.Today takes a closer look at the most popular ASIC miners on the market as of January 2018.
Top Bitcoin ( hardware manufacturers.
Bitmain remains the biggest mining manufacturer with a market share of over 75 percent. However, its controversial IPO coupled with dwindling cryptocurrency prices put a damper on the chances of this juggernaut to remain at the top of its game.
As reported by U.Today, Bitmain's IPO got scraped, and it is unclear at this point when the mining giant will go public again. Due to the crypto rout that took place in 2018, the company faced multiple layoffs, infighting between its executives and, of course, huge financial losses.
Halong Mining is a relatively new mining company that is also based in China. Notably, Halong is one of the most secretive mining companies in the crypto space given there is no information about their CEO, location or earnings, which eventually led to speculations that the company is a scam.
Canaan Inc, which also expects to rake in more than $1 bln during its IPO, is yet another Chinese mining giant on the block.
Moving away from the armada of Chinese mining giants, it's also worth mentioning BitFury (mining hardware and chips) that is based in the US.
Picking the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware: beginner-level.
Canaan's Avalon6 is a good entry point for those who are only making baby steps in the cryptocurrency industry. Here, we are dealing with one of the cheapest ASIC miners out there, which is rather simple to use on top of that. However, keep in mind that it only offers 3.5 TH/s of hash rate.
In the US, the average cost of electricity currently stands at 12 cents. Considering this, you would get a $1.68 daily loss.
Antminer S9 is yet another Bitcoin ( miner that belongs in the 'O.G' crowd - this miner has long remained Bitmain's flagship product that became ubiquitous in the crypto space. With a hash rate of about 12.93 TH/s, it also remains one of the most powerful miners out there, and one can say that S9 is truly the gold standard in today's crypto space without any flowery.
When money is not an issue Dragonmint 16T.
Dragonmint 16T is the ambitious project that is supposed to disrupt Bitmain's hegemony. At one point, that was one of the most powerful miners out there, boasting a staggering 16 TH/s hashing power. Halong Mining reportedly forked out $30 mln in order to produce this miner.
Innosilicon Terminator3.
Prepare for a monstrous hashrate with Innosilicon T3, the miner that definitely lives up to its 'Terminator' name. Apart from wowing miners with 43 TH/s, this ASIC, developed by Bitmain's competitor Innosilicon, also strives to become the most efficient and, subsequently, the most profitable miner out there.
Innosilicon Terminator3 is currently available for pre-order, which kicked off on Nov. Nov 11 with the minimum order quantity standing at three units (you will have to fork out $2279 for each). The first release of Innosilicon T3 is scheduled for January 2019.
In addition, you can also check out Innosilicon A9 ZMaster, which rivals Antminer Z9, one of the latest ASIC miners from Bitmain that is designed for Equihash-based currencies.
Bitmain S15/ T15.
Forget about Antiminer S9 - there are already more powerful miners in the Bitmain town. Give that a lot of competitors are already breathing down Bitmain's neck, it didn't take this mining giant too long to come up with its own next-generation 7nm miner - Bitmain S15, yet another gem in Bitmain's crown.
Earlier, Jihan Wu, the co-founder of Bitmain, gave a lecture in September where he claimed that the brand-new ASIC chip would be able to integrate more than a billion transistors with a 'special circuit structure' that could help the miner to reach the maximum level of efficiency.
Bitmain Antminer S17 Pro.
Bitmain presented its new flagship miner Antminer S17 Pro back in February. The first batch is expected to be shipped in May. The state-of-the-art miner is able to achieve a hashrate of 40 TH/s, thus greatly outperforming previous-generation miners. The miner is a cost-effective definitely a cost-effective solution given that its price on the official website is set at $1,270.
At the time of writing, it appears that all units have been sold out. Bitmain also bets on the cloud mining niche, so it kept some of its new machines in order to rent out hash power to its customers.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 02:36 pm
So is Bitcoin mining ( worth it in May 2019?
Ebit E11+
Ebang's E11+ is a more advanced successor of E10. With the hash rate of around 37 TH/s, Ebit E11+ stands out as one of the most powerful ASIC-miners out there, only lagging behind Innosilicon. It is worth mentioning that major currencies (Bitcoin (, Bitcoin ( Cash), as well as some little-known altcoins (ACOIN, DEM), can be mined with this hardware.
WhatsMiner M10.
WhatsMiner M10 is an upstart on the block that became known to the world on Dec. 20. The plug-and-play Bitcoin ( miner offers a seamless mining experience with a 33 TH/s hashrate. The miner will set you back $1,475.
However, Pangolin, a brand-new mining producer, also has a true beast up its sleeve - Whatsminer DCR. The behemoth of a miner, which you can currently buy for eye-popping $4,490, offers 48 TH/s, easily making Whatsminer DCR the most powerful miner on the market. Batch 2 ship date is scheduled for Jan. 10.
MicroBT Whatsminer M20S, whose release is slated for August 2019, is currently the most profitable ASIC miner for mining SHA-256 coins. This monstrous miner with the hashrate of 70Th/s will set you back $2,349.
Strongu's U8 Model.
Strongu's U8 Model is also one of the next-generation models, but the good part is that it won't empty your pockets. StrongU is a little-known Chinese manufacturer that is competing with its bigger rivals, such as Bitmain and Halong Mining, which explains why Strongu's U8 Model, which offers an impressive hashrate of 46TH/s will only set you back $1,520 per unit.
The machine is a bit noisy (76dB), but that not such a big of a downside if to consider that Strongu's U8 Model is one of the very few profitable ASIC on the market.
This ASIC miner is already available for a pre-order. The first batch is expected to be shipped in July 2019.
GMO miner B3.
GMO miner B3 is one more representative of the batch of future ASIC miners. It lags behind Innosilicon T3 in terms of maximum hashing power (B3 supplies you with 33 TH/s). Still, these miners are pretty much on par in terms of mining efficiency given that B3 has a lower level of power consumption.
However, the Japanese mining behemoth recently made an announcement about shutting down its cryptocurrency sector due to falling cryptocurrency prices. GMO will continue its in-house mining business but it will stop selling its mining hardware. All miners are currently sold-out.
GMO miner B3 by gmominer.
ASICminer 8 Nano Pro.
This ASIC was introduced last year. The miner offers an eye-popping 76 Th/s. In fact, this is the second most powerful Bitcoin ( miner after Bitfury Tardis that is able to produce 80 Th/s.
However, this mining juggernaut has an even more impressive price tag - $11,600. Hence, you will hardly find any reviews of this machine or resellers. Nobody is willing to spend that much on mining hardware.
If to consider the current price of Bitcoin (, it would take you more than a year to turn a profit.
Additional accessories.
Apart from the miner itself, you have to buy additional devices:
A power supply unit (PSU).
A mining rig if you want to buy a couple of ASIC miners.
A cooling system (although, some miners, such as Bitmain's new water-cooled Antminer S9 Hydro, already have inbuilt cooling solutions).
Internet bandwidth. It is commonly known that Bitcoin ( doesn't require much bandwidth but mining rigs with a higher hash-rate will require a faster Internet connection.
Your computer. Just like in case with Internet supply, your computer is not of great importance given that your ASIC is used for computer power. Even Opteron won't outperform a batch of S7 miners.
ASIC S9j overclocked in immersion cooling.
If comparing new air-cooled ASIC models with the old ones, but overclocked in immersion cooling, second ones appear to be a more profitable solution. For instance, if you still have flagship products from Bitmain, such as Antminer S9j, you can improve them with immersion cooling.
Installation for 24 ASICs combined with new APW 7 power supply units provides a 40% increase in performance and pays off in about 7 months at electricity rates of 0.05$ per kW/h and a bitcoin rate of 5,200$ (against 10-12 months when buying stock Bitmain Antminer S15 or Ebang E11++). And if considering a freebee outlet, installation for 24 ASICs with new power supplies will pay off in just over 2 months against 8 for S15 and 8.8 for Ebang E11++. It's impossible to achieve the same overclocking results using a standard air cooling because it grants an uneven environment and doesn't "keep" the specified performance in a stable range.
Is GPU mining dead?
GPU mining remains in the doldrums as of now, giving gamers a major cause for celebration. The ASIC monopoly has taken over GPU mining, putting an end to a democratized mining space. That explains why Nvidia and AMD have already left the market. Speaking of popular GPU choices, we still have to point out Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 and AMD Radeon RX580 as the most profitable graphic mining cards. Moreover, you can currently purchase these at a super-cheap price as the mining difficulty continues to drop.
CPU mining hasn't been a thing since 2010. To put this into perspective, Antminer S9 has 1800 processing chips while high-end PCs only have eight corers.
Generally speaking, there have been three generations of Bitcoin ( miners:
Mining hardware of the future.
Having covered the mining hardware of the past, we are now getting down to the mining hardware of the future. Back in May, it was revealed that a lot of secret ASIC were built for Monero, making up almost half of the coin's total hash rate. There are still superpowerful ASIC miners in the likes of ASICminer Zeon 180K that generate huge profits.
While there are miners with monstrous hashrate (and most probably many 'secret' ASIC chips in the offing), there is one thing that becomes clear - crypto mining of future will be getting more and more centralized, but the expansion ASIC equipment could democratize this market.
Bitmain Technologies Ltd., or Bitmain , is a privately owned company headquartered in Beijing, China that designs application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC.
MicroBT was founded by Zuoxing Yang in 2016, a month after he left Bitmain in a compensation dispute. Yang had been a top designer of Bitmain's Antminer S9.
PLUG & PLAY Bitcoin mining (
Innosilicon is a world-class, innovative, fabless IP/IC design company focusing on high-performance PHYs and mixed-signal IP. With multi-national world-class design teams in China and North America, Innosilicon IP has helped many Tier-one companies to achieve rapid SoC success (over 30 million chips in annual production)
A group of elites and talentsat home and abroad in fields of high-end chips and intelligent algorithm research, leads the development frontier of blockchain and cloud computing industry, focusing on the development of high-performance computing chips.
As a world-leading supercomputing solution provider, Canaan focuses its business on blockchain and AI.
Leverage organically ensures the level proposition foster to diversity view to grow to provide to collaborative synopsis frameworks a the strategies high. Workplace level the approaches innovation strategies ensure collaborative overall win-win. The win-win. collaborative diversity the organically Workplace to overall growth. Overviews level of holistic domination diversity to strategy view.
Baikal team are composed of excellent R & D design elites from all over the world. Since 2008, the team has been committed to the research and development of chips and software. In 2013, they successfully developed SHA-256 algorithm chip or the customers, and accumulated rich experience in the design and development of chips. In May, 2016 the team successfully launched Baikal mini X11 algorithm miner. The miner's high cost-performance and stability have won high evaluation and recognition.
Fusionsilicon Semiconductor Co., Ltd. has been focused on semiconductor products and their series of solutions development and manufacturing, the entire team from large chip design enterprises, the core team has more than 15 years of integrated circuit design experience, Strong algorithm and protocol analysis capabilities.
EBANG is a leading developer of mining hardware. We internally develop our own state-of-the-art 10 nanometer chips to create the most efficient miners on the planet. We take great pride in our brand and our quality standards to bring you the best possible products.
Ebang Communication Co., Ltd., established in January 2010, is a national high-tech enterprise integrating R&D, production, sales and service. Data communication equipments and blockchain computing devices are the leading products. The company specializes in data communication and chip design.
StrongU Technology Ltd. offers a wide range of ASIC Miners including the STU-U6, STU-U8 and STU-U1 StrongU Tech is the official manufacturer of all StrongU miner products, StrongU tech ASIC miners are leading X11, SHA-256 and Blake256R14 algorithms.
Of table agile leverage the win-win frameworks empowerment organically a the ensure innovation overall synopsis strategy the iterative disruptive level via view Bring to collaborative high grow and value survival world. Approaches win-win synopsis the overviews to thinking and the agile. Grow survival domination foster to win-win leverage value proposition.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 02:37 pm

Best Mobile Mining Apps|11:11
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 02:37 pm
World's Leading X11 ASIC Miner.
Designed with many self-diagnosing, self-recovery, and automatic email warning capabilities to make your mining life easier.
Spondoolies is a crypto-currency mining gear company. First and foremost, we focus on enabling crypto-currencies to flourish. Crypto-currency mining is the future.
Is Solar-Powered Cryptocurrency Mining the Next Big Thing?
Cryptocurrency mining is a difficult and costly activity. Miners must pay to build rigs capable of vast amounts of processing power, and then the rigs themselves must be powered with large quantities of electricity. It's all a careful balance between how much the operation costs and how much profit it is able to generate. (See also: What Happens to Bitcoin ( After All 21 Million are Mined? )
With mining operations for Ethereum, one of the leading digital currencies on the market today, taking up the same share of electricity as that of a small country, miners have to be careful that they aren't spending more than they are making. Because of that, some mining operations have begun to look to solar-powered rigs, set up in the desert, in order to reduce mining costs and make the largest profit possible. (See also: Chinese Investment in Bitcoin mining ( is Enormous .)
Solar Panels Provide Inexpensive Power.
Mining operations with the tools and resources to be able to set up solar-powered rigs in the desert are finding that it is a good investment. Once you have paid for the solar panel system itself, the cost of mining is virtually free. Getting rid of a hefty electric bill which typically weighs down mining operations leaves more room for profit.
The Merkle recently documented a mining operation focused on Bitcoin ( in this manner. The setup has been running successfully for almost a year and currently uses 25 separate computing rigs. The process has been so profitable, in fact, that the miner running the operation plans to increase the number of computers to 1,000 this fall.
In the case of this particular desert miner, the individual mining rigs cost about $8,000. This cost has included all solar panels, power controls, batteries, and the Antminer S9 ASIC processor. When fully operational, each miner brings in a profit of about $18 per day.
Balance Between Mining Costs and Crypto Prices.
Of course, a cheap mining operation is only part of the equation. In order for miners to make a tidy profit, the price of the cryptocurrencies they are generating must remain high.
In the case of the mining operation in question, Merkle suggests that Bitcoin ( prices must stay above $2,000 in order for the operation to be profitable. Considering that the price of most cryptocurrencies is highly volatile, and that drops of 205 or more have occurred in many individual days, this keeps a certain element of risk present in any mining operation.
It seems likely that more and more miners will turn to areas in which renewable energy is easily accessed. Iceland has already become a popular destination for Bitcoin ( miners thanks to its fast, virtually limitless internet. Miners looking to move to the desert should be cautious for other reasons, though: mining in the heat can cause rigs to break down more easily.
Solar-Powered Bitcoin mining ( Could Be a Very Profitable Business Model.
Tam Hunt outlines the compelling economics for using solar to supply Bitcoin mining ( operations.
Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrencies are now a major business, with the global market capitalization of these coins exceeding $170 billion at their recent peak, according to Coin Market Cap.
Bitcoin ( alone has reached over $70 billion in value, up from nothing when it was created just eight years ago.
A major issue with Bitcoin (, which may eventually undermine success unless it is remedied, is the massive amount of power required for "mining" of the coins.
The mining metaphor is apt because bitcoins are created through specialized computers looking for the correct codes (hash keys), just like digging for gold. That electronic digging takes more and more power as more and more people dig for that virtual gold. Sebastian Deetman calculated in 2016 that mining would require as much electricity by 2020 as the entire nation of Denmark currently consumes.
That's just the beginning. Bitcoin ('s algorithm requires that it get more and more difficult over time to mine, as long as mining itself becomes increasingly popular. With an approximately 132-year discovery cycle to mine all 21 million bitcoins, mining power demand will go up exponentially.
So what to do if we care about the power of blockchain and cryptocurrency as well as protecting our climate and our environment?
Well, one thing we can do is consider the potential for environmentally friendly power for mining.
I'll look at solar power's potential for Bitcoin mining ( in this piece. I conclude that it can be both very profitable and far better for the environment than some other options.
I first considered combining solar power with Bitcoin mining ( due to my work in solar power development and my recognition of how difficult it can be to obtain a power sales contract. There are many difficult aspects of solar power development, but obtaining the sales contract is now generally the most difficult part of the process, largely because there are so many market participants chasing too few contracts.
Mining Bitcoin ( is one way to obtain significant revenue -- potentially far greater revenue than under normal power sales contracts to the grid -- without needing any sales contract at all.
Bitcoin mining ( profitability is determined by the cost of electricity more than any other factor. So if solar power is cheaper than buying grid power, it can make sense to combine on-site solar power with mining operations.
To date, I am not aware of any significant mining operations using low-cost solar power at scale. Genesis Mining, a "cloud mining" operation, and some other mining operators use geothermal power in Iceland, which is cheap and sustainable. But this resource is far more geographically limited than solar power, which can be and is being developed all around the world.
The bottom line is that solar-powered Bitcoin mining ( operations can be highly profitable and enjoy payback times as short as a year or two. After that, Bitcoin ( revenue comes with almost zero ongoing costs for another 25 years or more for solar farms -- though the mining machines will need to be upgraded periodically.
There are also opportunities for obtaining very low-cost grid power, or even negatively-priced power, to increase the profitability of solar mining operations.
If a large share of future mining operations use solar power, geothermal power, hydro power, biomass or wind power, the massive power demands of mining and their consequent environmental impacts could be largely mitigated.
Low-cost and negative-priced grid power.
Some markets in the U.S. are increasingly paying businesses to take excess grid power. Under a negative-pricing scenario, the grid is receiving too much power and the grid operator must either temporarily shut down (curtail) some power plants or pay electric customers to take the excess power and avoid curtailment.
Negative pricing can be caused by various factors, but it is increasingly due to renewable energy sources like solar and wind power. California, for example, is seeing increasing durations of negative pricing during the day when solar production occurs. The figure below shows the daily grid electricity demand curve, with demand plummeting during the day when a large amount of solar power is produced from existing solar plants around the state.
Negative pricing happens because California's grid generation assets can't all be turned down or off as solar production ramps up. Some baseload must run all the time. And as solar plants come on-line in amounts that exceed the baseload generation plus the solar power, some power must be curtailed or sold at negative prices. As the duck's "belly" gets fatter (lower in the chart) there will be more and more negative-priced power.
Texas has also seen negative pricing periods for a number of years, prompted by excess wind power on the grid.
Given the strong focus on renewable energy in a number of states, it is all but certain that times of negative pricing are going to increase in the coming years.
Bitcoin mining ( began as an activity that could be done on personal computers, but quickly morphed into a high-powered affair requiring specialized chips and large amounts of electricity. This trend is continuing and, as mentioned above, the cost of electricity is now easily the largest factor in determining mining profitability.
By forecasting where we can expect substantial negative pricing of power in various markets around the country, smart investors can set up large-scale mining operations in those jurisdictions -- getting paid to take negatively priced power while mining a financial resource that is very likely to appreciate significantly in value over time. The price of Bitcoin ( recently hit $5,000. It is currently at about $4,100, up from under $1,000 at the start of the year.
In sum, by taking advantage of negative pricing in markets that are implementing high amounts of excess renewable energy, Bitcoin mining ( operators can earn additional revenue from the grid operator by taking that power, which is revenue over and above the revenue from selling mined bitcoins. (For the uninitiated: "Bitcoin (" with an uppercase B is the technology and platform, whereas "bitcoin" with a lowercase b refers to actual bitcoins.)
There are, accordingly, two significant revenue streams available in this model: 1) taking negative-priced power, which earns up to 2 cents per kilowatt-hour currently, but may become even more valuable in the coming years; 2) using that power to mine bitcoins, which can return 25-50 cents per kilowatt-hour -- or even more if the price of Bitcoin ( continues to rise.
Solar power for Bitcoin mining (
It can make good financial sense to use solar power to mine Bitcoin ( Solar plants can provide power that is cheaper than grid power in areas with good insolation and low construction costs. The price of power is also known with some certainty over time because there are no fuel costs and thus no volatility.
A 1-megawatt solar project could provide power over the 25-year life of the project at about 5 cents per kilowatt-hour or less (substantially less than the approximate 10 cents per kilowatt-hour of industrial grid power in California). Power-purchase contracts may also be available for solar power of this size in California as a backup source of revenue generation. A contract must be obtained that allows power to be used onsite first and any excess remaining to be sold to the grid. I discuss this further below.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 17, 2021, 02:38 pm

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 05:51 am
In the chart below, I look at the numbers behind a solar Bitcoin ( mine powered by a 1-megawatt PV system. The mine uses grid power when solar power is not available. It also assumes a constant $2,500/Bitcoin ( value. (This is about half the current price; I've also assumed that the price adjusts higher to maintain a constant reward as the blocks halve every four years, which has been the case so far; I also assume amortization of the full cost of new mining machines over each four-year period as machines get more efficient and need to be replaced.)
The right column contains all year-one costs and revenue, except for the last two cells that contain the 20-year net revenue and net present value.
Source: Tam Hunt.
This financial model does not rely on any negatively priced power, because the above results are already highly favorable. It's an added bonus if the grid power costs are lower due to periods of negatively priced power.
This is a conservative model in another key way: I've assumed a $2,500 Bitcoin ( price, but used the current mining difficulty level. (I used the CoinWarz Bitcoin ( profitability calculator, which is not entirely realistic. This is because there has been a 95 percent correlation between Bitcoin ( price and mining difficulty over the last two years. This means that if the current price were to drop to $2,500, the mining difficulty would also drop, and our 1-megawatt mining farm would produce significantly more than the 789 bitcoin per year included in the chart above.)
What does this mean? This 1-megawatt solar mining farm will probably be more profitable than what I've calculated here.
How does this compare to a solar-only model? The net present value for a 1-megawatt solar project would be about $200,000 to $400,000 for a project with a good power sales contract and low costs of development. A net present value of $9.3 million for the solar-plus-Bitcoin ( alternative is a good improvement.
If the mined Bitcoin ( are held long-term rather than being converted to dollars or other currency, there's a good chance this revenue will increase even further (by additional multiples) as the price of Bitcoin ( continues to increase in the coming decades.
Another benefit of the renewable energy mining model is that the renewable energy tax benefits can be absorbed with tax liability from the sale of Bitcoin ( (all or partial sales as they're mined), eliminating the need for outside equity investors to absorb the tax benefits, as is often the case with standalone solar or wind power operations.
Off-grid mining operations?
This development model can also be pursued in areas that have no power lines and very cheap land. No grid connection is required to do the mining. Under this scenario, the miners are connected to the internet via a satellite connection, but otherwise the entire project is off-grid. All solar power is used for mining. This kind of facility could also include onsite storage to both smooth production and to extend mining operations beyond daylight hours.
Being off-grid prevents using grid power to supplement the solar mining, but such a project could be built very easily and quickly. For example, Texas counties have no permit requirements for this kind of project, so it would be as easy as buying land, contracting to build the solar and mining facilities, and then commencing operation. Revenue is lower for the off-grid option, but still very profitable.
The backup plan: Selling power to the grid.
What happens if the price of Bitcoin ( collapses entirely, leaving minimal or no profit from Bitcoin mining ( This is an unlikely event given the growth of Bitcoin ( over the last eight years (Bitcoin ('s market cap is about $68 billion as of this writing, up from zero in 2009), but it is nevertheless prudent to consider an alternative revenue stream to Bitcoin mining (
A less risky (but more complex) scenario is to construct a solar farm with the local utility as the backup power offtaker, but preserving the ability to use power onsite to mine Bitcoin ( This is the excess sales arrangement mentioned above.
A 1-megawatt solar farm can obtain a power sales contract in California and other states. But the project must, of course, first be connected to the grid and go through the application or bidding process to obtain a power sales contract. This adds cost, time and complexity. And there's no guarantee of winning a contract. However, obtaining a backup grid sales contract substantially reduces the risk of the pure Bitcoin mining ( approach.
This approach allows the farm owner to use as much power as they like to mine Bitcoin ( instead of sending it to the grid. So if the profit is higher in mining, they'd engage in mining, and if selling the power to the grid is more profitable, they'd do that instead.
The solar-plus-Bitcoin ( operation pays for itself in about two years, adding another level of insurance. Accordingly, the risk of losing the investment is mitigated and completely eliminated relatively quickly. Once the project costs are paid back, there is minimal risk remaining.
Tam Hunt is a lawyer and owner of Community Renewable Solutions LLC, a renewable energy project development and policy advocacy firm based in Santa Barbara, California and Hilo, Hawaii, co-founder of Solar Trains LLC, and author of the new book, Solar: Why Our Energy Future Is So Bright.
Profitable Bitcoin mining ( in 2019 - solar powered mining.
The Bitcoin ( paradox.
The storyline which Bitcoin ( utilizes as much power as a country yearly is nearly as exhausted as"tulip-mania" or contrasts into this"dot-com bubble" at this stage. Yes, even if Bitcoin ( system is power-hungry but hardly tells a complete picture of its ecological effect.
Success stories.
Around the planet, there are cases of Bitcoin ( miners coming up with innovative methods to get more from their mining components; if through recycling extra energy or trapping them using off-grid renewable energy sources.
As demonstrated by an article in the Bitcoin ( subreddit, 1 Bitcoin ( miner was able to turn to solar energy in light of their dwindling sustainability of mining to get Bitcoin ( through the deep market. The first poster, Candese, says not only will be solar power harnessed through panels that the cheapest type of electricity available for them, but also the savings made on taxation and by not having to move electricity in the grid are predicted to be up to 75%.
These economies have really produced the set of S9 Antminer components rewarding to operate, despite falling costs and those being dated Bitcoin mining ( gear.
The illustration of Candese's solar powered Bitcoin ( mine using recycled heating energy isn't the very first of an Bitcoin mining ( operator experimenting with the concept of putting surplus energy out of the high-power computer processors to use everywhere.
Secondary uses of bitcoin miners.
In 2017, we have reported a set of n entrepreneurs that were able to make a heating system at a Siberian warehouse powered by Bitcoin ( miners that, in the moment, was producing profits of $430 monthly. The property uses inexpensive hydroelectric energy and, provided that the climate of its place, the heat generated in the components is much-needed through the 2 months every year which fundamental heaters are still an absolute-must.
In the same way, there was also the narrative of this Czech entrepreneur who desired to expand the tomato growing venture by utilizing energy out of his mining operation to warm his harvest.
At length, the falling of cryptocurrency costs throughout the continuing bear market has compelled large scale miners to tackle their particular energy intake. It has pushed many to research renewable energy energy sources, instead of rely on energy made by fossil fuels. Cases of mining moving into small industrial cities in elements of Canada famous because of their abundant cheap hydroelectric energy series a very clear push towards greater efficiency within a business criticised because of the assumed wastefulness.
On the other side, a Romanian mining company uses green energy in order to power a cryptocurrency mining colocation datacenter in europe.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 05:51 am

MAKE $1,770 By Mining Bitcoin on Your PC/SMARTPHONE IN 2020!! (PROOF)|8:41
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 05:52 am
Is mining Bitcoin ( profitable with Solar Power?
Solar Hash Hub® Official Blog.
Aug 7, 2018 · 4 min read.
The crypto revolution isn't about to fail despite the prices of Bitcoin ( and other currencies being unstable in the past year -- spectacular surges are followed by downhill plummeting speed courses. However, the digital money has some significant issues to solve and one of the major is probably the high demand of power to sustain an effective mining process of BTC or other alt-coins. The Ethereum-based tokens recently have been designed to operate on a much lower electrical consumption. But the problem with the Bitcoin ( and the forks of the leading crypto on the market stays on.
Bef o re asking if mining Bitcoin ( is profitable with Solar Power, let's make it clear is it purposed to serve an individual user or a company. It's all different for the home miners and small enterprises on one side and for the large production entities on the other. If the case is to mine coins at your garage using the solar panels to power the process you need to calculate the cost of the equipment.
Make sure you're living in a sunny place.
Before you start to calculate does it make sense to invest money in solar panels, check the weather statistics for the location you are about to place it. The more sunny days, the better it will work out -- not only in terms of Bitcoin mining ( but also for cooking, heating, powering the fridge, the TV, the PC, lamps, etc. What surface do you need for the solar panels? One square meter produces about 200 W per hour in favorable conditions and a basic mining rig demands at least 400-500 W. But if you are looking for profit than you will need more GPUs so the minimum consumption goes over 1000 W or even more.
What amount of money do you need to invest?
Taking into the account that there will be cloudy days from time to time it is better to equip your mining facility with 8-10 m2 of solar panels. So this equipment cost will be in the range of $3000-4000 . An ASIC mining system price depending on of the number of the CPUs involved will not be found on the market at a retail price below 5000 USD but it is more likely to cost 10 grand. Yes, there are stories about some Chinese ASICs available at the factory for just 1K but let's stick to the realistic scenario.
So, the initial investment in solar panels and mining equipment will require a 5-figure expense or at best -- the highest of the 4-figures range. What time will you need to return the investment? Well, if it is about the Bitcoin mining ( it is really hard to predict precisely. The most optimistic case shared by a miner situated in the Southwest desert of the United States (yeah, there is a lot of sun there) -- making as high as 0.007 BTC for a day, or about 50-55 dollars (in the moment of writing when Bitcoin ( exchanged for 8 000 dollars), means that in a matter of 6 to 8 months you might have a full return on investment. Not bad, uh? Well, have in mind that mining becomes harder in time and you need more and more power to produce coins so it will not take that easy.
The ROI (Return on Investment) will be more likely positive.
But anyway, the overall picture shows that mining Bitcoin ( with solar power even home-based might be profitable. Even if BTC future faces some roadblocks and the minting process doesn't go so well, you will still have the panels. And this equipment produces electricity off the grid so the crypto mining isn't linked with mind-blowing bills to pay. This is probably the best part of the deal. Yes, you need to spend a significant amount of money for a household but operated and maintained properly it might return a lot more.
So this is only about the small-scale Bitcoin mining ( The industrial level of minting the crypto using the sun is a different story and it has much more complications to it. But also much more opportunities. If you trust Captain Kirk from the original Star Trek series the combination of renewable energy and cryptocurrency production is a marriage made in heaven. The famous actor William Shatner is among the proponents of the idea -- the guy is pretty old and might not be the perfect mining expert but he is still highly energetic as he has always been to jump into another adventure.
Watts Up With That?
The world's most viewed site on global warming and climate change.
Solar Powered Bitcoin mining ( Fake power for fake mining of fake gold?
Guest "you gotta be kidding me" by David Middleton.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 05:52 am
The bottom line is that solar-powered Bitcoin mining ( operations can be highly profitable and enjoy payback times as short as a year or two. After that, Bitcoin ( revenue comes with almost zero ongoing costs for another 25 years or more for solar farms -- though the mining machines will need to be upgraded periodically.
" The mining metaphor is apt because bitcoins are created through specialized computers looking for the correct codes (hash keys), just like digging for gold. That electronic digging takes more and more power as more and more people dig for that virtual gold. "
OK... So let's assume we did some solar powered Bitcoin mining ( and struck the mother lode of "virtual gold." Do we take the virtual ore to a virtual assayer?
How to Use Bitcoin ( for Purchases Bitcoin ( can be an investment, but it's also a currency. And a store that accepts bitcoin payments may be closer to you than you think.
Where Online Can I Buy With Bitcoin (
Do the proper research on whether a company is currently allowing for bitcoin use, as some may have integrated it at one point but may not be using it at the moment. Steam, Valve's video game distributing platform, stopped allowing bitcoin payments in December 2017, citing the volatility but admitting they may come back to it. Dell claimed it was a lack of interest that led it to stop accepting bitcoin in November 2017. But there are plenty of other places that continue to allow you to pay with bitcoins.
What can you buy with bitcoin online? Depending on the retailer you choose, quite a bit. (OSTK - Get Report) has more of an investment in it than anyone, using it to develop their own blockchain. Those looking for basic retail goods (apparel, furniture, home décor, etc.) can shop on Overstock, check out, and use the option to pay with bitcoin.
Electronics retailer Newegg has also been a big proponent of bitcoin. Computers, televisions, gaming consoles and more can be purchased with bitcoins on Newegg, with separate methods of payment depending on whether you are on mobile or desktop.
Maybe I'm just being a grouchy old geologist, but does any of the above justify Bitcoin mining ( Much less solar powered Bitcoin mining ( Most people get jobs and use their income to purchase crap online.
Then there's this...
Bitcoin ( can also be used in some cases to make donations. Want to donate to Wikipedia? You can do it anytime and they connect with Coinbase to allow for bitcoin transfers.
There are many other websites that currently allow for bitcoin too, including but not limited to:
OKCupid (dating site) CheapAir (travel/hotel booking agency) PizzaForCoins (pizza delivery) Zynga (Mobile apps/games) Etsy (e-commerce, some Etsy sellers accept bitcoin as payment)
I wouldn't donate real money to Wikipedia... I certainly wouldn't pay real money to set up a fake mining operation to fund fake money donations to Wikipedia.
What else could I use the virtual ore for?
How to Use Bitcoin ( at Stores.
Bitcoin ( still hasn't hit a point yet where it's a common method of payment at your average retail outlet. We're not sure if or when it would reach a level of ubiquity even 1% close to the dollar. But whether as a novelty or because the owners truly believe it's the wave of the future, there are some places out there that you can physically go to and pay with bitcoin.
I guess dropping a wad of Bitcoin ( at the mall is out there in the distant future when fleets of autonomous ride-share EV's have replaced personal automobiles... Does Uber take Bitcoin ( You can apparently purchase Uber gift cards online with Bitcoin ( I just use my AmEx card and skip the whole fake mining bit.
Does Bitcoin ( serve any purpose?
Bitcoin ( Does It Have a Place in Your Portfolio? By Schwab Newsroom.
Bitcoin ( continues to be a hot topic. Prices for the digital currency rose by more than 1,000% in 2017, but are down more than 49% so far in 2018. In December 2017, Bitcoin ( futures started trading on two major U.S. exchanges.
This has left some investors wondering: What's the big deal with Bitcoin ( How risky is it, and is it something I should consider for my own portfolio? Here are some facts:
Bitcoin ( is a digital currency--or "cryptocurrency"--that allows online payments to be made directly from one party to another through a worldwide digital payment network, without the need for a central third-party intermediary such as a bank.
Why is Bitcoin ('s price so volatile?
As of April 11, 2018, the price of a single Bitcoin ( was about $6,900 and people around the world held approximately $117 billion in Bitcoins.¹ At this price level that exceeds the market capitalization of such bellwether companies as Nike, American Express and Caterpillar. It is relatively small, however, compared with the $6 trillion value of all outstanding gold bullion, and the market capitalization of $23 trillion for the stocks in the S&P 500 ® index.
"Because Bitcoin ( is limited to 21 million coins, and an estimated four million have already been lost, there is a large demand and a relatively small supply. Typically, that is a recipe for high volatility," says Randy Frederick, Vice President of Trading and Derivatives at Schwab.
"Since two major futures exchanges began listing contracts on Bitcoin ( in December 2017, price declines may be partially attributed to greater price discovery, due to the ability to sell short in the futures markets," Randy says. "Plenty of speculators, however, continue to buy Bitcoin ( due to the fear of missing out on something that has provided large profits--but also high risk--to many buyers."
Know the risks.
"Bitcoin ('s dramatic rise and fall has been driven primarily by supply and demand, not valuations," Randy says. "Bitcoin ( doesn't have earnings or revenues. It doesn't have a price-to-earnings ratio, price-to-sales ratio or book value. Traditional value metrics simply don't apply, so there are no current methods for assessing its value."
With a price gain of more than 4,000% in a little more than two years, Bitcoin ( was definitely in a bubble by most definitions, Randy says. And while the price has fallen more than 63% since the highs reached in mid-December, it is still up more than 80% over the past 12 months, so it's important for investors to understand that investing in Bitcoin ( is extremely risky, he says.
Risks include:
Financial loss: Bitcoin ( prices historically have been highly volatile, and fluctuations could result in significant losses for investors.
Fraud and cybercrime: These already have occurred. For example, in 2011, Japan-based Mt. Gox, then the largest Bitcoin ( exchange, experienced a security breach in which 850,000 Bitcoins worth approximately $450 million were stolen. In November 2017, a cryptocurrency called Tether reported a $31 million theft.
Theft or loss: A login ID and password is usually needed to access the exchange, so if that is forgotten, lost or stolen by a hacker or phishing scam, access could be denied or lost. Online purchases still require a link to a bank account and/or a credit card. While Bitcoins can be stored in physical wallets so they can be spent without a computer, this creates the same risks as with all cash currencies: They could be lost, stolen or destroyed by accident.
Computer outage or cyberattack: Bitcoin ( exchanges have been subject to computer outages caused by excessive demand or other problems. Also, because ledgers and most holdings are held on the internet, a large-scale cyberattack could limit access during times of national emergency, something that would not happen with physical cash or gold.
Lack of regulation: Trading in Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrencies is largely unregulated. Washington has been devoting more resources to monitoring digital currencies, but regulators have not reached a consistent or universal stance.
"Bitcoin ( doesn't fit within accepted asset allocation models, as it is neither a commodity nor currency in the traditional sense," Randy says. "Virtual currencies are highly volatile and still lack many of the regulations and consumer protections that legal-tender currencies have. Due to the high level of risk, investors should view Bitcoin ( as a purely speculative instrument that should only be traded with money that they can afford to lose."
Bitcoin ( is like gold and crude oil, except that it serves no physical purpose. Bitcoin ( is like a credit card that isn't widely accepted... But you can leave home without it. Bitcoin ( is just like cash... at less than 1% of stores. Bitcoin ( isn't an investment. It's a "purely speculative instrument that should only be traded with money that [suckers] can afford to lose." Sounds like Powerball to me.
But... The folks at Green Tech Media are convinced that spending real money on solar power installations for the purpose of fake mining for fake gold "can be highly profitable and enjoy payback times as short as a year or two" .
On top of all of that...
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 05:53 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 05:53 am
If You Solve This Math Problem, You Could Steal All the Bitcoin ( in the World.
Ryan F. Mandelbaum Yesterday 5:55pm.
You may have heard of the famous P versus NP problem. If you can prove or disprove its cryptically short equation, you'd be a million dollars richer--and maybe even billions of dollars richer, depending on your scruples.
The importance of P versus NP is mainly in its consequences for computing. It happens to be one of the seven Millennium Prize Problems, meaning The Clay Mathematics Institute of Cambridge, Massachusetts will award $1 million to whoever manages to prove or disprove the statement. But should you prove that P in fact does equal NP, you wouldn't even need the $1 million prize. As theoretical computer scientist Scott Aaronson explained last week at a lecture in a stuffy auditorium at Los Alamos National Lab in New Mexico, proving that P=NP would open up some intriguing possibilities.
"If someone proves P=NP, the first thing they should do is steal $200 billion in bitcoin. The second thing they should do is solve all of the other Millennium Prize Problems," Aaronson said.
To understand this...
To understand this... I would need to drink a whole lot of this...
Mining Profit Calculator.
How to use the calculator.
Calculating the profitability of cloud mining requires taking into account many elements - the cost of cryptocurrency, the cost of maintaining the equipment, the hash rate, the terms of the contract, the mining difficulty.
The customer does not need to take a simple calculator and put down data in a complex formula. The profitability calculator makes the necessary calculations after setting several initial parameters. The app takes into account all factors related to the current situation in the cryptocurrency market (difficulty, exchange rate, and others).
In order to use the online calculator, take the following steps:
Fill in the proposed fields (select a tariff plan, specify a hash rate and set a forecast for rate growth). Get detailed information about potential income for the day, week, month and year.
The online calculator analyzes a large number of parameters, such as the network complexity, the cryptocurrency exchange rate, the cost of electricity, etc. The information used for calculations is constantly updated. This means that the user always receives accurate and current data.
What the app calculates?
The calculation of the profitability of cloud mining is necessary to see the potential profitability of cooperation and determine the relevance of investments. The buyer of the Hashmart service powers must determine in advance the profitability of cryptocurrency mining, taking into account the current market situation, the cost of services and the provided power.
Profitability calculator allows you to calculate:
The profit margin for one day and for a month; Income for different periods - day, week, month and year;
Not everyone can calculate profitability manually due to a large number of components taken into account in the calculation. The profitability calculator provides real help and instantly provides the data that would have to be calculated within 20-30 minutes.
The app provides all the necessary parameters, which guarantees the accuracy of the calculation, taking into account many variables and predicting further changes in the price of the cryptocurrency and its difficulty.
What do calculator fields mean?
When calculating the profitability of cloud mining, only relevant parameters are taken into account, which are periodically updated. We are talking about parameters such as the difficulty and value of Bitcoin ( For convenience, the online calculator is presented in the form of two virtual sections - fields for entering information and the part where the calculation results are presented.
The customer must enter the following parameters:
Choose Plan - the selection of the plan that the user wants to buy. There are two tariffs to choose from. Just click on the arrow and select an option from the drop-down list. The convenience is that you can calculate the profitability for different contracts and decide on the most profitable. Hashing Power - the power of the leased equipment, which is measured in GH / s. The higher this indicator, the greater the potential profit the customer receives. If you wish, you can make a calculation for different parameters and look at the potential profit from mining Bitcoin ( Maintenance fee - service fee (in dollars), which is charged by the cloud mining service. This money goes to maintaining the equipment in working condition, repair, paying for the services of qualified personnel, etc. Thanks to the small fee, the miner avoids these difficulties and transfers them to the Hashmart service. This parameter is filled automatically when choosing a tariff plan. Bitcoin ( price - the value of Bitcoin (, which is set automatically taking into account the exchange rate and does not require clarification. Monthly rate growth - monthly rate growth in percent. The parameter is set by clicking on the plus or minus button.
After entering the data, the profitability calculator instantly displays the results taking into account the entered parameters and it becomes possible to make a decision about the investment and its volumes.
Time Frame BTC Reward Revenue USD* Power Cost (in USD) Pool Fees (in USD) Profit (in USD) Hourly 0.00003275 $0.61 $0.16 $0.00 $0.45 Daily 0.00078595 $14.73 $3.90 $0.00 $10.83 Weekly 0.00550162 $103.14 $27.30 $0.00 $75.84 Monthly 0.0236 $442.01 $117.00 $0.00 $325.01 Annually 0.2869 $5,377.83 $1,423.50 $0.00 $3,954.33.
* Bitcoin ( Price at $18,746.55 USD.
Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty Bitcoin ( Block Reward Bitcoin ( Price 17,596,801,059,571.00 6.25 BTC $18,746.55 (BTC to USD) Bitcoin mining ( Hashrate Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Watts Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Cost Electricity Costs 110.00 TH/s 3,250 Watts $2,407.00 $0.05 per kWh.
A BTC mining difficulty of 17,596,801,059,571.00, a BTC mining hashrate of 110.00 TH/s consuming 3,250 watts of power at $0.05 per kWh, and a block reward of 6.25 BTC at $18,746.55 (BTC to USD).
Genesis Mining Bitcoin mining ( Calculator.
If you start a Bitcoin mining ( contract with Genesis Mining, you want to know, of course, what you are going to earn and when your investment will return. We have a special Bitcoin mining ( calculator where you can calculate your daily and monthly profits. We've already filled in the most important factors like difficulty, block rewards, current BTC price and the Genesis Mining fee. At Genesis Mining you pay an all-in fee percentage of 28% for electricity, maintenance and hardware costs. You only have to fill in your current hashpower and your initial investment.
Use this promo code: 6LRqcU to get a 3 percent discount on all contracts at Genesis Mining. You can re-use this code each time you upgrade your plan.
This is a very simple and standard calculator. As you can see in the results, the Bitcoin mining ( contracts are very profitable. An additional advantage is that these contracts are valid for a lifetime and have no end date. Genesis Mining has the rights to adjust these contracts any time. In addition, the contracts will be automatically terminated when it's no longer profitable for Genesis Mining. Nobody knows, when this happens.
If you want a thorough calculation, we recommend the Coinwarz calculator. Don't forget to lower the Power and Power Costs to zero and add a pool fee of 28 percent.
The Bitcoin mining ( calculator helps you to know how much profit you can earn from a Bitcoin ( miner. Considering all the relevant costs, including electricity, fees, and hardware, this mining calculator provides an estimated profit amount. Following are the detailed instructions on the usage of Bitcoin mining ( calculator -
Currency Price Hash Rate Investment (in USD) Maintenance & Support Cost (Per GH/sec/day)
Gross Mining Returns (Without Maintenance and Support Cost)
Bitcoin ( In BTC In USD ROI Hourly Daily Weekly Monthly Annually Biennial.
Net Profit (After Maintenance and Support Cost)
Power Cost (BTC) Power Cost (USD) Profit (BTC) Profit (USD) ROI Hourly Daily Weekly Monthly Annually Biennial.
Disclaimer : Above mining calculator is an indicator of profitability you get as on date. Kindly note that profitability which is dependent on various factors like difficulty levels , price of bitcoin may go both up and down on movement of various factors. Customer /Investor may kindly take a note that nobody in the world could ever estimate future returns and any scheme which is committing fixed return is no less than a scam. Historically bitcoin prices have gone up and mining have giving amazing returns but there is absolutely no commitments.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 05:54 am

Best Free Bitcoin Mining App - earn up to 0.071 BTC every day|3:58
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 05:54 am
How to Use Bitcoin mining ( Calculator.
Enter the hashing rate of Bitcoin ( miner Then, click on 'Calculate Mining Returns' And you get the estimated profit amount Based on current Bitcoin ( exchange rate, returns will be displayed. The exchange rate might vary with the time. Returns will be based on the current Bitcoin mining ( difficulty. The level of mining difficulty will change. As the time moves on, it will probably go up. Returns is not profit. Still, you have to consider the mining hardware cost and electricity cost that will run the hardware and cool it whenever required.
Calculating Bitcoin mining ( Profitability.
Bitcoin mining ( protects the network of Bitcoin ( The cryptocurrency might get attacked and shut down without miners. As miners play such a vital role to the network, so they are well-paid for their mining services. When a miner solves the cryptographic problems successfully and places a new block on the public ledger, he/she gets a mining reward. Nowadays, Bitcoin mining ( has become very competitive, so calculating running a profitable mining farm is possible.
How Bitcoin mining ( Returns are Calculated?
In a nutshell, you can make use of Bitcoin mining ( calculator and input the information, such as electricity cost and mining hardware. Doing so will give you a rough estimate of mining returns. However, remember that factors, such as mining difficulty and price of Bitcoin ( will vary each day and might have vivid effects on profitability.
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Bitcoin mining ( Software on Windows 7 64-bit.
Are you looking for Bitcoin mining ( software on Windows 7 64-bit ? Look no further, this guide is all you need to mine on Windows 7 64 bit.
Why mine with Windows 7 64-bit and not Windows 7 32-bit?
The first reason why you should mine on Windows 7 64-bit is because you'll have a better choice for the mining software. Some mining software, like BetterHash, does not work on Windows 7 32-bit. On other hand, all mining software for Windows works on 64-bit versions of Windows.
But there is a second reason for this, and it's an even bigger one. It's also the reason why some Bitcoin mining ( software developers don't really care about Windows 32-bit support. Windows 7 32-bit has a limitation of 4GB of RAM to use. And that's it. If you have more than 4GB of RAM, Windows 32-bit simply won't see it.
Some miners may argue that more than 4GB of RAM is needed only if you don't know how to setup virtual memory. But RAM is always faster, plus it has become cheap. I believe a minimum of 8GB of RAM should be in your PC when mining on Windows, especially if you're running a higher number of GPUs, and/or plan on using your PC while mining.
Each version of Windows 64-bit comes with at least 8GB RAM support, but if you're interested how RAM support rises with Windows 7 versions, you can take a look here.
Bitcoin mining ( software for Windows 7 64-bit comes in many forms, and I like it simple. No consoles, no config files, no tedious setup and troubleshooting. If Bitcoin ( is going to get adopted, we need user friendly mining software. With a GUI and simplicity to install and use, preferably within minutes.
I know you're excited, so I'll get to the point:
Bitcoin mining ( Software on Windows 7 64-bit - The best in 2019.
WinMiner is gone, NiceHash got hacked. So I had to find my alternatives for hassle free mining on Windows. And I found plenty of them :)
Kryptex is a tool that I first found after the NiceHash hack. At that time, it had a few alternatives, like WinMiner, Computta and MinerGate. It beat them all, at least from my perspective.
Like every other mining software on this page, it comes with a clean and easy to use interface, and takes only minutes to set up.
But I like it the most, as it gives me the most profit, and I'm using it for around 1.5 years- hassle free.
In other words, Kryptex is a tool that I'm most experienced with, plus they never disappointed me. Having a stable and profitable mining software that's here to stay is a big thing. And over time I learned they pay every time, and their software works all the time.
If you never tried Kryptex, definitely give it a go and you may end up using it as well.
Cudo Miner is the second mining software that I recommend to anyone interested in Bitcoin mining ( on Windows 7.
It's still relatively new, and I started testing it while in beta. Yet, it works really well over a wide range of operating systems, and mining with this software was nothing but successful for me.
Their software is now stable and working for most people out there, and what they currently have in beta is an actual mining operating system. CudoOS aims to make mining even simpler and more efficient, and it's clear that the company have long term plans when it comes to Bitcoin mining (
It's also the only GUI mining tool that comes with versions for Windows, Mac, Linux and have their own OS in beta. Anything except Windows version may not be of your interest, yet it does speak about how dedicated this company really is.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 05:54 am

Is Mining on ASICs Worth It? - Mining Adventure Part 3|12:15
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 05:55 am
Honey Miner.
Honey Miner is a tool that doesn't yield as much for me as the first two. But besides the profitability which is slightly lower, and depends on the hardware you use- it's a lovely tool. Extremely easy to setup and use, this tool has a great potential.
Right now, this app is available on Windows and Mac, and they have plans for releasing a Linux version. It comes with a very nice and colorful GUI and has a 2-tier referral system.
The only reasons why I placed it third on my list is because the first two are earning slightly more on my mining rig, plus I didn't use it as much as the first two.
If you're on Windows or Mac- be sure to test it out and see how it works for you.
More Bitcoin mining ( software for Windows 7.
The first 3 mining tools listed above are the ones I heavily used and tested. Plus, my experience with them was pretty good.
Luckily for us, new great Bitcoin mining ( software gets released regularly, and it usually gets released for Windows first.
The purpose of this website is to spread the word about the best GUI mining software, and the purpose of this text is to help you pick the best mining software for Windows 7 64-bit.
The list above is the list I can vouch with my whole soul, while the list below is great and tested by me, yet it doesn't work as good for me at the moment, and I don't like it as much as the tools above:
Still, the bottom list may prove much better for you than using a console miner, especially if you're new in the mining world.
After all, each of the tools from the bottom list also comes with a GUI, works on Windows 7 64-bit and is easy to install and manage.
Bitcoin mining ( on Windows 7 vs Windows 10.
Bitcoin mining ( on Windows 7 is definitely possible, especially on the 64-bit version. Yet, it wouldn't be fair to conclude this article without saying a few words on future perspective of mining with Windows 7 .
The Windows 7 end of life is a known date- January 14, 2020. On this date, Microsoft will stop providing updates and support for all versions of Windows 7.
While this doesn't automatically mean you won't be able to mine on Windows 7 in.
7 months, it does mean mining on Windows 7 will be less secure in less than a year from now. Without further patches, Windows 7 will start becoming more and more vulnerable, until it becomes truly outdated at some point.
With this in mind, it makes sense to conclude that hardware giants will follow Microsoft and stop releasing new drivers for Windows 7.
And with all of the above in mind- you should understand that an upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 will be a logical step in nourishing your mining operation.
Luckily for you, most licenses can upgrade directly from Windows 7 to Windows 10, and all of the mining tools listed here work equally good or better on Windows 10 .
What to do next.
Take your time and test all of the mining tools for Windows 7 64-bit that I'm featuring. What works for me may work slightly different for you, especially when it comes to hardware and algorithms available.
Spending some time and testing various software on your Windows 7 machine will affect your mining business in the most positive way- it will help you choose the best solution for your own combination of hardware and operating system.
Best Free Bitcoin mining ( Software, Reviewed for 2021.
Bitcoin mining ( is essential to the performance of the Bitcoin ( network. Mining validates and processes transactions on the blockchain and generates new coins. At its infancy, it was possible to mine bitcoin using a PC. There were many early adopters who mined bitcoin using laptops. As the mining difficulty has increased substantially over the years, bitcoin miners now use specialised hardware as well as Bitcoin mining ( software to mine BTC.
In this review, we will break down the importance of Bitcoin mining ( software and list the best free Bitcoin mining ( software available for you to mine bitcoin in 2021.
Bitcoin mining ( hardware handles the actual mining process whereas bitcoin ming software acts as the enabler. In other words, the software's main function is to deliver the mining hardware's output to the rest of the blockchain and to receive the completed work from other miners on the network.
In addition, Bitcoin mining ( software oversees the input and output of your mining hardware while also displaying statistics such as hash rate, temperature, fan speed and tempo of your miner.
The software's function can be summed up in two ways:
If you are an individual miner, the Bitcoin mining ( software connects your rig to the Bitcoin ( network. If you are mining with a pool, the Bitcoin mining ( software will connect you to a mining pool.
Top 5 Free Bitcoin mining ( Software.
CGMiner is arguably the most popular and extensive free Bitcoin mining ( software available. CGMiner is an open-source ASIC/FPGA mining software that supports Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
The Bitcoin mining ( software is a command line application that is fast and efficient with full monitoring, remote interface capabilities and fan speed control. It has a scalable networking scheduler that can adjust to a hash rate of any size without network hold-ups. Other unique features include configuration files, logging and API monitoring. Users can also access a number of different proxy methods for mining.
However, what distinguishes the software is its control over the mining hardware. It enables you to change many settings in the FPGA or ASIC rigs such as voltages and more. There is a menu for custom management of most settings and self-detection of new blocks with a compact database for frail longpoll scenarios.
CGMiner supports a wide variety of ASIC mining hardware including BlackArrow, Minion, Hexfury, Cointerra just to name a few. Users can read up on the software features on GitHub and follow the discussion thread on the BitcoinTalk forum.
A summary of the main features include:
Remote interface capabilities fan speed control CPU mining support self-detection of new blocks with a small database cross-platform GPU support.
BFGMiner is a fork of CGMiner and incorporates some advanced and unique features. This Bitcoin mining ( software differs from its predecessor by the fact it utilises the newer getblocktemplate vs the former getwork template. This is a decentralisation change, where initially blocks were created by the pool, they are now being created by the miner.
Consequently, BFGMiner does not focus on GPUs like CGMiner but is instead created specifically for ASIC hardware. Also, the 'getblocktemplate' decentralised mining protocol (without proxy) can preemptively generate work before the completion of existing work. Written in C, the source code is compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac operating systems.
BFGMiner also integrates a watchdog thread that can restart idle threads without crashing the machine if they fail to respond. The software displays summarised and individual data statistics including requests, accepts, rejects, efficiency, utility and hw errors. If hardware support is present, the software can monitor the hardware temperature.
BFGMiner allows for greater customisation of mining hardware which includes overclocking, remote interface capabilities and fan speed control. BFGMiner also has many device drivers for bitcoin including Twinfury USB stick miner, Ztex's FPGA boards and Drillbit Thumb and Eight. In addition, there are drivers for a script like ZeusMiner units and GAW War Machine. You can learn how to install these drivers on the BTCMiner forum or check the GitHub page redirect on the website.
Mining with free mesa/LLVM OpenCL Integrated overclocking and fan control ADL device reordering by PCI bus ID.
EasyMiner is an open-source GUI Miner that acts as a convenient wrapper for CGMiner and BFGMiner software. One of the challenges of mining different cryptocurrencies is they require different command line mining tools, which makes it difficult managing them. EasyMiner solves this by enabling users to mine bitcoin, litecoin, and other digital currencies.
The Bitcoin mining ( software supports ccminer, cudaminer, minerd, cgminer and ASIC mining for bitcoin. In addition, EasyMiner has a 'Moneymaker' feature which is focused on the mining of litecoin (LTC) on its own stratum pool. Alternatively, users can utilise the 'Solo' mode to select a pool of their own, besides a custom hash algorithm corresponding with the coin they intend to mine.
The mining software works on a variety of operating systems such as Windows. EasyMiner also uses the NHIL (Network Hardware ID Layer) protocol to generate an extra layer of security for the pool stratum and wallet architecture. However, as referenced earlier users have to download any of the Bitcoin mining ( software listed above for the GUI to work.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 05:55 am

Como minar Bitcoin Litecoin con Asic Antminer S9 L3+ D3 Bitmain Vídeo Tutorial|20:09
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 05:56 am
Additional features include:
Configures individual miners Comes along with performance graphs for easy visualisation of mining activity.
HoneyMiner is a mining software that enables anyone with a PC to mine digital currencies. The aim behind the software's design was to have a 'set it and forget it' approach that would allow users to earn a Bitcoin mining ( income without having to contend with technicalities. This Bitcoin mining ( software allows users to participate in other cryptocurrencies and cash out in bitcoin (BTC).
For it to work users have to download the HoneyMiner software into their computers and let it run. The mining software will run in the background utilising your GPU or CPU output to mine a variety of coins. The coins are then converted to bitcoin to make it easy for people to access their profits.
The amount a user can earn will mostly depend on the power of the computer, particularly the graphics cards. Computers designed for gaming or newer models have the potential to make more when compared to older PCs. It is also important to note that computers with multiple graphics cards will earn more mining rewards.
HoneyMiner works on Windows and will in the future looking to add support for Mac and Linux. In addition, the software deploys stringent security systems such as SSSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and aggressive encryption to protect users. HoneyMiner charges an 8 percent fee for users with 1GPU and for those with 2GPUs or more the fee is 2.5 percent. The fees are necessary for the software team to continue with development.
AwesomeMiner is a Bitcoin mining ( software that allows users to manage multiple mining rigs. Moreover, the mining rigs can be of different types such as FPGAs, ASICs and more. The intuitive software has a variety of centralised management features, the main one being it supports in excess of 25 mining engines which include bfgminer, cgminer, sgminer, xmrig, and castXMR, just to name a few.
AwesomeMiner also supports more than 50 popular mining algorithms like Script, SHA256, X11, Zcash, and Ethereum. This mining software utilises both real-time multi-pool statistics and digital currency statistics to automatically switch between algorithms, multiple pools and mining software to ensure high profits. The profitability switch can be used for both ASIC and GPU miners.
AwesomeMiners dashboard lets you monitor the status and temperature of all FPGA and ASIC devices from a single location. There is also a powerful in-built C# script engine that can be utilised to design customised triggers and actions. Users can access the HTTP API to interact with the mining software from external applications and retrieve information concerning the mining progress.
Awesome Miner is compatible with Windows.
Security and Multi-User Access Privileged API access and SSH Management Web and Mobile Support Capable of adding, switching and managing mining pools Enable Desktop notifications.
Which free Bitcoin mining ( software you choose is fundamentally up to you and your specific mining needs but one of the above-mentioned free Bitcoin mining ( programmes will likely cover all of those and be the right fit for you.
15 Practical Ways to Make Money with Bitcoin ( in 2020.
So you want to get your hands on some free bitcoin, eh? By now, you might have heard of how you can make money with bitcoin, magic internet money and digital currency that can be traded or used to make purchases. This digital money uses encryption to make safe and secure transactions instantly from anywhere in the world. Not regulated by any bank, government or Federal Reserve, this open network is managed by the users and investors themselves. Here is our guide to earning real money with bitcoin in 2020.
Contrary to people’s knowledge, getting bitcoin is easy, there are a number of ways to earn bitcoin online- some more popular than the others. There are methods that involve a minimal effort with the minimal return and others more lucrative that requires you to have better expertise in the industry.
Below are some of the most famous ways to make money with bitcoin.
1. Mining bitcoin.
No, you don’t have to raise the ground to get bitcoin. Not in that sense anyway.
So, why do you call it mining? Similar to gold miners, bitcoin miners have to bring out the gold, in this case, bitcoin into the surface.
Did you dare to ask how? While paper money has a government, who prints and distributes it, Bitcoin ( has miners who use special software to solve math problems and are issued with bitcoin in exchange. This system is what makes the Bitcoin ( network go round.
Mining Bitcoin ( used to be relatively simple, and the earliest miners were able to mine thousands of Bitcoin ( using their home computers. However, in today’s very competitive and volatile market, miners buy expensive computer parts, that the high street customer has little access to,  required for more processing power in order to mine more difficult algorithms. Since this is a race that can solve blocks faster, miners team up in what we call mining pools where they combine their processing power in order to solve each transaction first. The reward mostly comes from several miners’ fees, is then split up by members of the pool.
This video helps to explain the process of Bitcoin mining ( more visually:
Remember that Bitcoin mining ( is not as profitable as it used to and many are claiming it to be the end of profitable mining.
It presents new miners with new challenges and also unique opportunities to come into the market when everyone else is leaving and then the price of bitcoin will go up.В It all depends on your ability to analyze the market and correctly predict future changes.
2. Bitcoin ( Faucets.
If you don’t mind looking at a few ads and answering surveys, you can visit a bitcoin faucet website. Generally, these websites generate revenue from advertisements placed on their pages. Those who visit their site and answer short questions or captchas will be paid from the small portion of their revenue.
3. Pay To Click (PTC) Websites.
There are several websites that will pay you in bitcoin if you watch an ad or click to a certain page containing ads. If you are ad immune and want to make quick crypto buckвЂ"this can be a good idea. Bear in mind, to make any significant money is still very hard work and a rather tedious task.В BTC4ADS pays around 100 satoshisВ (0.00000100В аёї) and Coinadder pays around 25 satoshis per click.
4. Doing Micro Jobs.
Much like Microworkers and Cloudfactory, which pay you a small fee to complete very simple tasks like watching a YouTube video or completing someone’s survey, there are several micro working sites that will pay you in bitcoin. Bitcoinget is the major player in this market which will pay you around 20,000 satoshis per task while there are several others like Cointasker that will pay you a slightly lower sum.
5. Writing about bitcoin.
Cryptocurrency, in general, is a new niche and there is a scarcity of writers who genuinely know this niche. This means the market is flooded with newbie copywriters who simply rehash the content that contributes to the deterioration of quality. However, if you really know this niche and you have decent writing skills, you can actually make money.
CCN, Blockchain AliensВ are among several websites that pay you for writing about bitcoin. You can also find a lot of related jobs freelance websites like Upwork and
6. HelpВ others,В getВ tippedВ inВ bitcoin.
You can also get tipped in bitcoin by helping other people. One of the most notable platform to do so is bitfortip, which tips bitcoin as an incentive for helping people. Bitcoin ( is a new technology and there are people who are genuinely passionate about it and excited about what is to follow so incentives like this help to build a positive vibe around the community and also help people solve their problems.
7. Gambling bitcoin.
Though its not advisable to anyone, if you are self-aware enough, the bitcoin gambling market can still be a good source of income. Just like any form of gambling, the people in general always lose and the casinos always win but since bitcoin gambling is a very little heard of the term, you can get huge bonus for joining or even several rounds of your stake to start with. Sites like Bitstarz and mbit are major players in Crypto gambling business.
8. Buying and Holding.
Start with creating a wallet to keep your bitcoin safe. There are many places that allow you to do so. Paxful, for example, provides a free digital wallet whenever you sign up for an account. This is the easiest way if you are planning on buying and holding bitcoin. Make sure that the website you’re using is a safe and reliable one.
Investing in Bitcoin ( is a waiting game of its value to rise. This lets you decide when is a good time to buy or sell. There are several factors that contribute to how bitcoin is valued and you never know what will trigger the next bear market.
“Hodl”, a term the Bitcoin ( community whenever they are holding their coin with the belief their coin will be profitable one day. The slang word earned the backronym “Hold On for Dear Life” in the cryptocurrency space.
Note that this method can be tricky so don’t take anyone’s advice about it. Research and learn about Bitcoin ( and come up to your own conclusion.
9. Running a signature campaign in Bitcoin ( Talk forum.
Bitcointalk is one of the oldest bitcoin forum set up by Satoshi Nakamoto himself. This is probably the most popular forum in crypto sphere and used by millions of people. If you are an avid follower of the forum and you have racked up some authority from consistent posting, then your posts of bitcointalk will have a sponsored signature and you’ll get paid by sponsors for every post you make on the forum.
According to Steemit, you can easily make a bit of coin doing simple forum posting вЂ" for example, a full member can earn 0.0003 btc per post.
10. Bitcoin ( Trading.
There is potential to make big money trading bitcoin. Unlike buying and holding, trading bitcoin means you buy at a low price and sell them back at a higher price. This requires practice and knowledge of the market and to some extent a crystal ball. Given that the cryptocurrency market is extremely volatile, this method can be very risky.
There is money in Arbitrage.
The volatile nature of the market, however, gives rise to the opportunities for arbitrage. ArbitrageвЂ"as per Investopedia is the simultaneous buying and selling of securities, currency, or commodities in different markets or in derivative forms in order to take advantage of differing prices for the same asset.
There are several reasons why bitcoin arbitrage takes place, Market demands, the difference in the quality of the markets and diversity in client behaviors to name a few. If you have a good knowledge of the market and you can keep surveillance over multiple exchanges spanning over multiple countries, there is a good chance of making a big profit margin.
If you have at least some technical knowledge, you can also profit from using arbitrage bots.
Day trading has a good profit margin if done correctly.
Though bitcoin is getting less volatile by day, we should not forget that its still early adoption years and there was price fluctuations of more than 3% in a single minute as early as April 2018. Day trading has a lower risk than say “hodling” but also lower rewards unless you are investing heavily. But if you are prepared to do your research on the bitcoin market and rules of economics in general, you can come up with your own strategies to profit from day trading without sacrificing too much.
11. Accepting Bitcoin ( as a means of payment.
Bitcoin ( is, after all, a digital currency. So why not sell goods or services in exchange for bitcoin. This gives you the freedom to sell anything to anyone without going through any banks or financial institutions that may prevent you to do so. If you are already selling, why not accept bitcoin as payment. As a matter of fact, there is a massive list of businesses that accept bitcoin.В.
These are some ways in which you can earn money with bitcoin. If you choose to mine or invest, it is important to do as much research as possible and be prepared for all possible outcomes.
12. Lending bitcoin.
The decentralized nature of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies make it simpler to make transactions without needing authorities to validate it. In such a case, you can also loan bitcoin to potential loanees at a certain interest rate. It is also a very good alternative to “hodling” as you are actually making use of the wealth rather than keep it unmoved and it’s better for the economy in general. Several lend-and-borrow platforms like Unchained Capital, Bitbond and BTCpop allow you to lend your bitcoin for interest rate up to 15%.
Bear in mind that this is still a new market and there are hustlers who may try to cheat you. Always choose trustworthy platforms and loanees while making your investments.
13. Binary Trading with bitcoin.
Binary tradings have existed in the financial world for a very long time and did not take long enough to make a journey for that financial scheme to migrate to the crypto world. BinaryвЂ"as the name suggests has just two options, a trader purchases an option and at the expiration time, the trader either is either “in the money” or “out of the money”. In its true essence, its not too much further from gambling or n roulette.
All you have to do is make an investment on an option. Say there are two options to investвЂ" for the bitcoin price of $3000 now (at 10 AM), you can either invest in the price will be more than $3000 by 6 PM or the price will be less than $3000 by 6 PM. If at 5 PM the bitcoin is indeed higher than $3000, you earn the payout of certain payout percentage of your investment, if it’s lower, you lose your investment. Another option is to “put” if you think the price of BTC will go down. If the price at the expirationВ time is lower than the original price, you earn the option’s payout.
This YouTuber explains binary trading with real-time trading guide:
Remember its plain gambling and nothing to do with intricacies of bitcoin or other cryptos in any way. Nonetheless, its still a way to make money with bitcoin though its highly inadvisable.
14. Make money with Bitcoin ( Affiliates.
Affiliate marketing works when you generate sales leads for a product or service and the organization offering a product or service pays you certain commission for bringing in potential consumers who would otherwise not have been interested.
Usually, these 3 steps allow you to set up your own affiliate business for passive income:
Sign up for the affiliate program as an affiliate marketer. When you are accepted as a marketer, you will receive a unique URL that has a link to their product or service but also has a unique identifier which means they keep a record of who sent them there. You then share that link on any web or social media platform(Website, Facebook, Twitter etc. ) When someone comes to visit the website through your link and makes a purchase, you get a certain percentage as your affiliate fee.
We at Paxful also have an amazing affiliate program where you get paid 50% of the bitcoin escrow fee from your direct affiliate and 10% of the escrow fee from the affiliates made by your affiliates.
15. Being a master node.
Bitcoin ( is usually used as an umbrella term for all the cryptocurrencies and though experts would say the return for being a bitcoin master node is not all that profitable, you can still serve as a master node for several other cryptocurrencies and get a reward for your service to the blockchain.
Masternode is a dedicated node that keeps track of blockchain in real-time. Much like bitcoin full nodes, they are always up and running.
In addition to saving, validating and announcing valid transactions to other nodes, master nodes also perform other tasks with the blockchain including ensuring smooth protocol operations, governing voting events etc Next to validating, saving and broadcasting transactions, master nodes sometimes also facilitate other events on the blockchain-dependent on their nature, such as governing voting events etc. For their dedicated service, they are heavily incentivized. It typically depends on the type of cryptocurrency but Dash, PIVX, Blocknet, Stakenet, and Zcoin are the 5 major coins that have the best incentives for a master node.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 05:56 am

How to BitCoin mine using fast ASIC mining hardware|27:15
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:04 am
Tips for making more profit with bitcoin.
Needed to say, here are a few tips before you start earning money through bitcoin. There are several scams in bitcoin space that you should be aware of and try to avoid them.В.
Like having physical cash, keep your bitcoin safe and keepВ yourВ bitcoinВ walletВ safe . This may mean enabling your Google 2FA, backing up your device or keeping your antivirus updated. There are a lot of digital threats waiting for you.
The industry is prone to fluctuations. This can be a good thing when you stay on top of it and learn the risk that comes with it.
Keep in mind that there is no free Bitcoin ( Although there are several methods to earn from it. With the market always growing, there will always be a demand in expertise or a new product that will develop with time.
How To Make Money With Bitcoin ( 17 Ways That Work Fast.
Last Updated on January 27, 2020.
Imagine if instead of having to buy Bitcoin (, you could easily make money with Bitcoin (
That's exactly what you will learn in this guide.
Back in the day, people used to earn OVER 5 BTC with just 1 click in so-called "Bitcoin ( faucets".
If you want to learn about Bitcoin ( faucets and 16 additional ways to earn Bitcoin (, t hen you're in the right place.
We purposefully omitted Bitcoin ( business ideas that require a high upfront investment, because we believe that you will be more interested in ways to make money with Bitcoin ( without any high initial costs, or even ways to earn Bitcoin ( for free.
Some of the best ways to earn Bitcoin ( are:
Selling Bitcoin ( Merchandise Writing articles Bitcoin mining ( Affiliate marketing Creating a review site Bitcoin ( investing Bitcoin ( trading.
Let's now dive into each of the above 7 methods, and 10 additional ones.
1. Make money with Bitcoin ( merchandise.
The simplest and often most effective way to make money with Bitcoin ( is to create merchandise related to the cryptocurrency and to sell it either on online marketplaces or on your own website.
There are countless products that fit into this category that you can easily create.
Just to name a few examples, you could, for example, create Bitcoin ( Mugs, Bitcoin ( T-Shirts, Bitcoin ( Hoodies, Bitcoin ( Phone cases, Bitcoin ( Socks, Bitcoin ( Stickers, etc.
Now, your concern may be: How can I create this Bitcoin ( merchandise without having to make a significant upfront investment?
The answer is simple, you can just use platforms like Zazzle or Spreadshirt that enable you to create merchandise on demand, meaning that you can design any merchandise you want, but you only actually need to pay for it when somebody buys it.
Furthermore, most of these sites will also be happy to handle shipping for you, which addresses another potential worry you may have.
2. Writing articles about Bitcoin (
Individuals that can write about Bitcoin ( are in high demand, and since there are so few candidates, the pay for this job is very significant in most cases.
If you are a decent writer then you can expect to earn around $0.10 per word. That's $100 for a 1,000-word article, which should take you less than 2 hours to write.
Excellent writers with at least 6 months of experience can easily earn north of $0.20 per word if employed by one of the top cryptocurrency blogs.
Usually, Bitcoin ( articles that are more complex in nature will pay significantly better than simple review-type articles. In order to earn as much Bitcoin ( as possible as a writer, you need to work hard on improving your writing skills.
This can be done by making a few guest contributions to blogs like HackerNoon or CoinDiligent (yep that's us!), and by reading a lot about the topic on other cryptocurrency blogs .
After you have worked on your writing skills, you can now start applying for jobs either on micro-task sites like Bounty0x , or on regular job listing sites like Crypto Jobs List.
3. Bitcoin mining (
Bitcoin mining ( is often described as one of the best ways to make money with Bitcoin ( because of how profitable it is. Large mining firms and mining pools, like BITMAIN, make hundreds of millions of $ per year .
While its true that there is a large cost involved in running such a large Bitcoin mining ( operation, your goal isn't to make hundreds of millions of $ just yet, right?
There are countless people in countries with cheap electricity running miners from their home, the only two costs involved are the mining hardware and the electricity cost.
However, a cost is a cost, you won't be able to start a professional Bitcoin mining ( operation for free and you should expect to have to put aside at least $2,000 before your mining business becomes profitable.
That being said, there is an alternative to professional Bitcoin mining (
Many people that don't want to commit to having to purchase a lot of expensive hardware from the start, choose different options like Bitcoin ( cloud mining or Bitcoin ( browser mining .
The first one is essentially a way to "rent" Bitcoin ( miners online, often for as little as $50, and then receive monthly payments from the profits generated by the miner.
The latter is an even more novel concept that utilizes your PC or even smartphone as a Bitcoin ( miner in order to make money.
It's important to note that both cloud mining and browser mining are not as profitable as professional Bitcoin mining (, but it is certainly a good start an interesting way to make money with Bitcoin ( without any large investment.
4. Affiliate marketing.
If you enjoy marketing and sales, or if you already have an existing avenue by which you could promote products then affiliate marketing might be the right fit for you.
Affiliate marketing essentially consists in promoting the products of a company and earning a commission every time you make a sale.
These sales are tracked with what is referred to as a "referral link". This link tracks every click and also knows when a click resulted in a sale.
So the goal is to get the link in front of as many people as possible that might be interested in buying the product or service that you are promoting. Here are some potential platforms by which you can promote your referral link:
Your own blog or website On your Twitter account In your Facebook page Via email to potential customers In YouTube videos if you own a channel In a Telegram group if you own one.
Affiliate links can be a very profitable way to earn bitcoins online, and even better, the cost to start promoting these links is usually zero.
So if you own a medium by which you could promote affiliate links, or if you are planning to create one, then you should definitely give affiliate marketing a try.
99Bitcoins has put together a great list of some of the best Bitcoin ( affiliate systems out there, make sure to check it out if this is a business model that you want to give a try.
5. Start a review site.
There are countless Bitcoin ( products out there. Some of the most popular ones include cryptocurrency exchanges, bitcoin wallets, bitcoin hardware wallets, Bitcoin mining ( equipment, and Bitcoin ( merchandise.
The vast offering available in the market can often make it hard for consumers to decide which product they should purchase. This is where review sites step in.
Bitcoin ( product review sites are essentially focused on analyzing a certain product line, and helping potential buyers in their decision to make a purchase. This is also one of our revenue streams at CoinDiligent.
These sites can be structured in the form on a simple static content website or a blog, and there are countless ways to monetize them.
Two of the most popular ways to monetize a review site are through affiliate links and through advertisements.
In the case of an affiliate link based business model, you would earn Bitcoin ( every time somebody buys a product after clicking on your referral link.
In the situation of an ad-based business model, you simply earn for every click and/or for every impression that your ad receives.
Starting a review site is a great way to make money with Bitcoin ( if you are not a very technical person, and don't want to have any costs associated with your Bitcoin ( business.
6. Long-term Bitcoin ( investing.
If you are interested in making money with Bitcoin (, then chances are that you are planning to invest in cryptocurrencies or just Bitcoin (, or that you have already invested.
Many people first found out about Bitcoin ( after hearing some of the mind-blowing success stories of people that invested just pennies a few years back, and whose Bitcoins are now worth a fortune. This is the power of Bitcoin ( long-term investing.
In long-term Bitcoin ( investing the goal is to accumulate as many Bitcoins as possible at a cheap price, with the goal in mind to potentially sell some of them after the BTC price increased dramatically after a few years.
Most newcomers to the space choose to buy their first Bitcoins on a cryptocurrency exchange for beginners like Coinbase since these platforms make it incredibly easy to get started.
More elaborate investors sometimes use Kraken or Bitstamp, since the fees are slightly lower.
Long-term investing is a fairly simple strategy to make money with Bitcoin ( since it does not require you to actively manage your Bitcoins and you can just leave them sitting in a wallet for years. Many people refer to this as "Hodling".
That being said, in order to maximize the returns with this strategy, it is crucial to stay up to date with news and events that could drastically impact the value of Bitcoin (
7. Bitcoin ( trading.
It is totally possible to make money trading Bitcoin ( In fact, fortunes are made every day by Bitcoin ( traders that truly know their game.
The insane volatility in Bitcoin ( markets is a trader's paradise, and with the recent rise of platforms like Bitmex, traders can now also make money betting on Bitcoin ('s price going down (not just up).
However, with great opportunity comes great risk, and that is something Bitcoin ( traders need to be aware of.
There are three main ways to earn Bitcoins by trading: swing trading, range trading, and momentum trading. Let's now explore each one in more detail.
Bitcoin ( trend trading.
In trend trading, traders aim to identify if Bitcoin ( is currently trending upwards or if it is trending downwards. You will often hear traders say "The trend is your friend", which is a saying that aims to illustrate that trends will rarely let you down and that trends can last a long time and therefore be a profitable opportunity.
Although there are countless ways in which traders identify trends in Bitcoin ( prices, the simplest way is to simply have a look at the 200 candle and 50 candle moving averages.
The strategy is rather simple. You simply plot the 200 days moving average and the 50 days moving average on the same chart and look which moving average is currently on top.
If we see that the 50 days moving average is on top, as in the example above, then we're in a market that is trending up (bull trend).
On the other hand, if we see that the 200 days moving average is on top (red), then we're in a market that is trending down (bear trend).
Bitcoin ( range trading.
When you look at the Bitcoin ( price, you will often see that the price seems to be moving in a range on certain time intervals.
Bitcoin ( range trading aims to exploit precisely that.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:05 am

AntMiner S9 Setup Guide Part I by CryptoCrane|9:35
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:05 am
Range traders make the assumption that ranges are strong enough to support price movement for the foreseeable future, and therefore buy at the bottom of the range and sell at the top of the range for a profit.
Bitcoin ( momentum trading.
In momentum trading, Bitcoin ( traders make the assumption that if the price makes a strong move in one direction, it will likely continue moving in that direction for a while.
Momentum traders usually make use of indicators like the RSI, or just trends in the Bitcoin ( trading volume.
On the above image we can see how the price and trading volume of Bitcoin ( were increasing, so a trader would enter a trade assuming that it will continue moving in an uptrend of a little while more.
Start trading Bitcoin (
If you want to start trading Bitcoin ( then one of the best exchanges is BitMex, which enables you to trade with up to 100x leverage.
This means that if you have $1,000, you could make it worth $100,000 by using leverage, thus drastically increasing your potential profit margin.
Learn more about BitMex here .
8. Run cryptocurrency masternodes.
Masternodes are nodes that store a copy of the entire coin's blockchain history, in exchange for a monetary reward. For security purposes, most masternodes require its administrators to "lock-up" a certain number of coins in addition to providing the computing power of the node itself.
There are several masternode coins out there, but some of the most popular ones are:
Dash Wagerr LOKI TechRock.
Most legitimate masternodes offer a return of between 10 to 40% per year and usually cost an average of $2,500 to set-up. However, there are outliers: a Dash masternode costed close to $1 Million at one point.
That being said, masternodes are one of the few truly passive ways in which you can earn bitcoin online. The goal here is to identify strong masternode projects when they're still unknown and cheap so that you can afford several nodes.
A great place to discover new masternodes is .
9. Start a Bitcoin ( YouTube Channel.
YouTubers are some of the most influential individuals in the cryptocurrency space.
YouTube channels are so powerful in Bitcoin ( and cryptocurrency in general since this space is mostly composed of a younger audience, that often prefers content in the form of video rather than text.
There are several ways of approaching a Bitcoin ( or Cryptocurrency YouTube channel, and the one that suits you best entirely depends on your skills and interests.
The main categories are Trading channels, product review channels, News channels, Entertainment / Funny channels, and Mining / Technical channels.
It is important to note that many YouTubers, like for example Ivan On Tech , combine several of the above categories in order to speak to a larger audience.
As you can probably imagine, being a Bitcoin ( or Cryptocurrency YouTuber can be extremely profitable. While large channels do make a decent amount from display ads they show on their videos, most of the revenue is generated through sponsorships and paid videos.
Ivan On Tech, for example, has approximately 200,000 subscribers on YouTube and charges over $15,000 for a single interview video.
Of course, it is not easy to build such a large channel, but you don't have to own a massive Bitcoin ( YouTube account in order to make a decent income out of it and the barrier of entry for starting a channel is pretty much zero.
10. Create a Bitcoin ( course.
There are many ways to make money with Bitcoin (, but if you actually want to make a big positive impact in the space then you might be interested in creating an educational product for people interested in learning about Bitcoin (
People like Suppoman have made millions of dollars selling courses on Udemy.
So the market is definitely there.
The first important task that needs to be addressed when creating a Bitcoin ( course is to find a highly interesting topic where you can add value, and that lots of people want to learn about.
This is not easy and will require some research from your side. One approach is to browse through existing courses on Udemy, and look for courses that are very popular and where you think you might be able to create a better one.
After you found an interesting topic or theme, the next step is to decide on a format to deliver the course in. Essentially, the three options that you can choose from are video, audio, and just simply plain text.
Last but not least, you will also have to figure out a way to market and distribute your course, this can either be done on dedicated platforms like Udemy or through your own website.
11. Write a Bitcoin ( book.
Another viable option to make money is to write a book about Bitcoin (
With tens of thousands of people entering the crypto space every month, there definitely is a market of people wanting to learn more about Bitcoin (
However, creating books comes with its own set of challenges. Although the internet has made the process of distributing books magnitudes easier and faster, that still does not mean that it is a simple task.
Creating a book is definitely more time-consuming and challenging than creating a course, but the payout can also be magnitudes higher.
As you can see in the image below, the book "The Bitcoin ( Standard" has 150 reviews. Given that usually, about 2% of all buyers leave a review, that means that about 7,500 people purchased the book on Amazon US alone!
At a price per book of $14, that's over $100k in revenue.
With that in mind, before trying to find a publisher to create printed copies, it is highly recommended to get started by offering it as an e-book on platforms like Amazon first in order to get a gauge of the demand.
If you need some inspiration of what a good Bitcoin ( book looks like then definitely check out our article on the best cryptocurrency books out there.
12. Start a Bitcoin ( podcast.
Podcasts are one of the most underrated business models out there.
The barrier of entry to start one is not only very low, but the potential revenue that can be generated with one often exceed one's wildest dreams.
Podcasts like the Joe Rogan Experience earn TENS OF MILLIONS of dollars per year. But of course, we all won't be able to build one of the largest podcasts in the world.
One case study that you can look into is the What Bitcoin ( Did podcast, which publishes monthly income reports .
At the time of writing, the podcast was only 1 year old and is already generating $9k+ in revenue on a monthly basis.
This clearly shows how creating a podcast is definitely a viable option to make money with Bitcoin ( Additionally, it's also still an option that is not too competitive, which could make it easier for you to establish yourself.
If you need some inspiration then make sure to check out our list of the best cryptocurrency podcasts out there.
13. Play games.
If you're looking for a way to earn some Bitcoin ( fast then you might want to look into playing games. Yes, playing games.
One interesting app for this is Storm, which enables you to earn Bitcoin (, Ethereum and STORM coins in exchange for testing new smartphone games.
The Storm app also has other tasks aside from playing games like surveys and social media tasks, so you might want to check out those as well.
14. Complete Bitcointalk bounty campaigns.
Bitcointalk signature bounty campaigns are one of the oldest strategies to make money in the crypto space and have been used to earn Bitcoin ( for years.
Bitcointalk is a forum created by Satoshi Nakamoto , the founder of Bitcoin (, in order to give a medium for people to discuss Bitcoin (
Nowadays the forum has millions of active users and is seen by many as a powerful marketing machine that can be used to market new products or digital assets.
This is precisely where Bitcointalk signatures step in. A Bitcointalk signature is essentially a widget that you can insert in your Bitcointalk profile, which will then show below every single message that you make on the forum.
If designed properly, a Bitcointalk signature can look similar to an advertisement.
In Bitcointalk signature bounties users are paid, usually on a weekly basis, for carrying the Bitcointalk signature of a sponsor and making as many posts on the forum as possible in order to maximize the exposure.
It is important to note that often users with a higher "rank" (users that have used Bitcointalk for a longer time), receive higher rewards for carrying a Bitcointalk signature, which makes their accounts highly valuable.
Bitcointalk signature bounties can be found here , there are literally hundreds to choose from so it won't be a lack of choice what holds you back from giving this strategy to make money with Bitcoin ( a try.
15. Collect BTC from Bitcoin ( faucets.
Collecting BTC from Bitcoin ( faucets is the only way in which you can actually make Bitcoins for free without any effort at all. There are countless stories of people earning 5 BTC for every click they made in these faucets.
BTC faucets are essentially websites that give away Bitcoin ( for free, this is either done to generate awareness and drive adoption or to monetize a website by forcing users to interact with an advertisement before claiming the BTC.
Furthermore, there are a few different ways of interacting with the faucets. In some cases, you literally only need to complete a captcha and click a button to claim your BTC, in others, the faucet is structured in the form of a game that you first need to complete before claiming your coins.
Two very popular Bitcoin ( faucets are Cointiply and BonusBitcoin.
The first gives users the option to complete games or tasks in order to claim larger amounts of Bitcoin (, the latter has a slightly lower payout but is also much simpler by only asking users to sign-up and click a button to claim their coins.
When trying to make money with Bitcoin ( using BTC faucets, it is very important to watch out for scams or "dead faucets". A good rule of thumb is to avoid faucets without an active social media presence.
16. Lend your Bitcoins.
If you already own some Bitcoin ( and are open to taking some risk, then making money with Bitcoin ( lending might be interesting to you.
As in traditional lending also, Bitcoin ( lending consists in lending your Bitcoin ( to a third party, usually through a lending platform, at an interest.
This interest is usually magnitudes higher than in traditional banking since the market is unregulated, and risk is significantly higher. Some lending platforms pay up to 20% yearly interest.
That being said, you should never lend more Bitcoin ( than what you can afford to lose .
There have been several cases of Bitcoin ( lending platforms that defaulted or that were straight up ponzi schemes, and lenders ended up losing all of their money.
One notorious platform was Bitconnect, which promised guaranteed returns of up to 2% per day by supposedly using the money that you lent them to "trade digital currencies and make significant profits". When Bitconnect collapsed in early 2018, lenders lost all their money and countless lives were permanently destroyed.
Unless you are playing around with money that you can lose, I recommend staying away for now from BTC lending platforms and to choose a different strategy to make money with Bitcoin ( instead.
17. Complete micro-tasks for Bitcoin (
Finally, the last strategy on this list on how to make money with Bitcoin ( is to complete micro-tasks.
In the cryptocurrency space, these micro-tasks are often referred to as "Bounties" and can be found on dedicated platforms like Bounty0x , or forums like Bitcointalk .
They usually consist in writing short pieces of content, interacting on social media, making a translation, recording a video, or other basic tasks.
Although some of these micro-tasks are indeed paid directly in BTC, most are paid in a different coin or token that you would then have to swap for BTC on a cryptocurrency exchange.
Reportedly, several individuals are making a full-time salary just from completing these tasks, with some people claiming to make north of $50,000 per year .
If you enjoy working online and completing small tasks, then this might be the right fit for you to earn some money with Bitcoin (
BONUS: Shopping with Lolli.
Lolli enables anyone to earn a Bitcoin ( by shopping at one of the 500+ merchants that the firm is partenred with.
The list of merchants include big names like, Walmart, Groupon, Priceline, BestBuy, and more.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:06 am

Bitmain Z15 ASIC PROFITS After 3 Months of Mining...|12:08
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:16 am
Although each purchase is only rewarded with $1-3 in Bitcoin (, it can add to a significant amount if you regularly use the stores that Lolli is partnered with.
Create a Lolli account here and earn $10 just for joining.
Bitcoin ( earning tricks.
Alright, so those were the top ways to make money with Bitcoin (!
But before we end this article and you start earning some coins, here are a few Bitcoin ( earning tips that will help you to get there faster.
Add a lot of value.
You need to find a way in which you can add VALUE to your customer. A product or task that doesn't add a lot of value, won't earn you lots of Bitcoins.
Stay informed.
To earn more, you need to stay at the top of the game. Read as much about cryptocurrency and blockchain as you can, this space evolves fast and there's opportunity everywhere.
Keep taxes in mind.
Keep in mind that even though you're earning Bitcoin (, you will likely still have to pay taxes on your earnings. Please check this with a tax advisor when you're starting to make a considerable amount of yearly revenue.
Store your earnings safely.
After you earned your first cryptocurrency, make sure that you know how to keep your coins safe . If you have earned more than $250, then you should consider investing $70 in a cryptocurrency hardware wallet like Ledger or Trezor to store them as safely as possible.
Is making money with Bitcoin ( legal everywhere?
Unfortunately, the answer to this question is no. There are some countries, like India, Morocco, Indonesia, or Cambodia, where Bitcoin ( is illegal. Hence, earning Bitcoins may be unlawful as well.
Before starting your Bitcoin ( money-making endeavor, please make sure that the digital currency is legal in the jurisdiction you are based in.
Did we miss an important way to make money with Bitcoin ( Let us know in the comment section below! We're also very curious to hear any success stories that you may have about earning some Bitcoin (
How to Make Money on Cryptocurrency Mining Without the Expense of Specialized Equipment.
Most miners find solo mining no longer profitable and cloud mining notoriously tricky, all while large-scale industrial mining is out of the reach of most people's purse strings. In contrast, decentralized platforms short-circuit risks, offer definite income, and are both transparent and accessible.
We would like to thank the team at OddoCash for their contributions to the design and implementation of the research and to the analysis of the result.
Home Mining, Cloud Mining, Large-Scale Mining: Are They Profitable?
People turn to mining for one of two reasons: either it's their hobby or they hope to make it rich. If it's a hobby, you can use your own computer with no additional investments. If you hope to strike it rich, experts say that you'll be entering a business with little returns.
Home mining.
In 2009, you could have used a standard multi-core computer to earn about five dollars a day . As certain cryptocurrencies (particularly Bitcoin (, Ethereum, and Litecoin) became more valuable, competition to mine them intensified, and you had to invest in heavy-duty equipment to make a profit. As of 2018, you have to spend longer hours at your computer resolving algorithms that become more and more complex. Additionally, because the price of computing power rises as cryptocurrency prices fluctuate, the possibility of returns becomes nail-bitingly uncertain.
When it comes to Bitcoin (, this most popular cryptocurrency is halved every four years to reach its ultimate number of 21 million Bitcoins by 2040. Right now, there are about 16.9 million Bitcoins out there. The scarcity of this coin caused the research firm Fundstrat to recently predict that the price of Bitcoin ( is nearing a break-even of 1.0x, meaning the reward for mining a Bitcoin ( equals the total cost.
Miners turn to cloud mining to slash hardware and energy costs by leasing mining hardware or hashing power from a remote datacenter. Since cloud mining is provided as a service, those cloud providers that are reliable are rarely profitable , and those that seem profitable usually turn out to be scams . For reliable companies like Hashflare , you have to pay an annual contract price of not only $0.80 per 10 GH/s but also a Maintenance and Electricity Fee (MEF) of 0.0035 for every 10 GH per 24 hours. The GH/s is a miner's hash rate. The higher your hashrate, the more you mine. For 13.5 TH/s (13.5 thousand trillion hashes per second; the equivalent of an Antminer S9 ), your initial investment comes to $1,080 and your maintenance fees are $1,417.50 per month, based on Hashflare's calculator .
If everything stays constant in the cryptocurrency world you could break even after six months. Unfortunately, the odds are stacked against you since crypto rates fluctuate and mining difficulty increases.
Specialized mining.
Your most expensive option is industrial-scale mining rigs that forks out certain and higher results. Large-scale commercial mining uses powerful processors that draws several megawatts of electricity, enough to light a thousand houses . A mining rig that consumed five megawatts of electricity would have made $140,000 per day , when Bitcoin ( prices were at their peak in December 2017. These rigs spend every day, all day, just mining Bitcoins and are mostly situated in countries like China and Venezuela, where energy costs are nearly free. In China, for instance, energy drops down to $0.08/kWh (compared to the US - $0.13/kWh) .
Home mining or specialized mining: How much money can you make?
Based on WhatToMine, mining profits calculator, we've created an infographic to better explain this idea to you:
Home operations.
Nowadays, mining at home is relatively expensive. A minimal list of requirements includes:
A computer : Depending on the cryptocurrency you mine, some algorithms can still be run more or less "effectively" on CPUs (eg, Cryptonight ), while others work best on GPUs (Ethereum, Zcash, Vertcoin.) As of 2018, a top quality ASIC miner, with 13.5 TH/s, costs $800 to $1,500 . The most popular option remains the Antminer S9 . Energy : Each Antminer has its own wattage power. For S9, run it straight for a month (30 days), and you pay $396.24 ( 12.7 cents/kWh, US ) according to WhatToMine . That's aside from the fans that most miners use for cooling, too. Miscellaneous costs : Miners pay for transactions and for mining pool memberships where costs range from one to three percent of the income for the most popular pools as of 2018. Currently, the top three mining pools are: Slush Pool - represents around 11.4% of hash power, with pool fees at 2%. AntPool - has just over a quarter of the hash power worldwide, and charges users 4% on payouts plus 2% of any transaction fees earned. KanoPool - has only 0.3% of the global hash power, but the lowest mining fees of 0.9% and transaction fees are included in the block reward.
Cloud mining services remove these costs, but then you have to pay a hefty commission for those services.
In short, the greatest cost of home mining is really the huge amount of electricity needed. If you move to a country where energy costs are cheap, you narrow your costs tremendously.
Large-scale industrial mining.
In order to harvest tens of thousands of cryptocurrencies a day, the costs of such setups can go up to the millions . Using HashTank H40 as an example, minimal company expenses include:
Mining hardware - $1.85 million . Heat Sink s - Thermal conductors that redirect heat from the processors to fans or water blocks. Water Blocks - These are the equivalent of a heatsink and help cool the heat released from the processors. Fans - To cool the vast amounts of released heat. Support hardware - Similar to enclosures that protect hardware from water, sun, and pollutants. Energy - $1,286.40 per month ( $0.08/kWh, China ,) based on WhatToMine .
Add in the money for an operating team, suppliers, maintenance costs, repair costs, and the constant upgrades and purchases needed and this becomes an expensive venture. The last expenses are needed for the decreasing lifespan of mining hardware, growing competition, and a steep increase in network difficulty.
It's a small wonder then that in mining it's the suppliers rather than the miners who make the money. In short, crypto mining is a hobby that Joseph Wang, cryptocurrency investor and adviser in Hong Kong, says is not profitable for the "ordinary" person.
What Are Your Alternatives?
More recently, several decentralized platforms sprang up to address the gaps in mining, the expense of mining equipment, the lack of transparency in cloud mining, the risks in cryptocurrency returns, and the remoteness or inaccessibility of large rigs. Three of the most innovative platforms are the following:
OddoCash helps miners use its platform and cover costs that include cutting-edge equipment, technical and maintenance expenses, and energy. Their smart contracts have been verified by ABDK Consulting.
Operational structure - Users are guaranteed a certain income depending on the amount of their investments, number of invited users, activity of those invited users, and layers of their pyramids (i.e. exponential number of invitees). Cryptocurrency - Oddo uses ETH rather than Bitcoin ( because of the speed of Ethereum (20-30 seconds), its smart contracts, and its powerful block technology. Minimal investment - The user pays 0.01 ETH. Payment structure - OddoCash gives users weekly and daily pay (ETH). Token - The system has its own ERC20 ODC token. Holders receive a weekly payment in ETH. Benefits - Unlike cloud mining, Oddo is open source, so it's transparent. Users don't need to invest time in learning the subtleties of mining, nor do they need to wait for months until they see their first earnings. And its website says that it harvest thousands of dollars a day through mining.
To offset the inaccessibility factors of specialized giant mining firms, Terraminer ships mobile mining farms that are equipped with all the necessary means of communications, an alarm system, a fire safety system, and an advanced immersion cooling system (to cool the resulting heat from the immense energy requirements).
Operational structure - The more you invest, the more mining power you buy. Payment structure - The revenue from mining is shared between the token holders and founders on an equal basis. Miners receive daily revenue. Minimal investment - The minimum investment fee is $100 with no upper limit. Token - TRM2. Benefits - The company promises investors "access to the most flexible and reliable mining farm with the shortest payback period available on market." Their farms use cheap electricity and the company is transparent and based in Bulgaria, a country that favors ICOs.
Miner One.
Miner One pools miners, and in so doing leverages the power of the community to get modern technology, lowest costs, and the best possible returns.
Operational structure - Professional miners work together and share resources as well as distribute income in the way that mining pools do, but without the hardware and energy expenses of centralized mining. Token - Minor One uses the MIO Token, which represents membership in the Miner One Community as well as a share in the output. Benefits - The selling points of Miner One are that it saves you the hassle of mining yourself. It is more reliable than "cloud" mining, more efficient than most mining pools, and more stable than buying cryptocurrency outright. The ICO insists that mining done right can be very profitable.
Miners can expect little to no return from cryptocurrency mining. For most people, home mining is not profitable, cloud mining is a risk that provides little return, and specialized mining is inaccessible. In all cases, mining is costly and cryptocurrency fluctuations promise uncertain returns. In contrast, blockchain platforms like OddoCash, Miner One, and Terraminer resolve these issues by making mining cheaper, therefore more profitable, easier, and more accessible. Since their services are decentralized they are also transparent and may provide you with substantial income.
PS3 Bitcoin mining ( does it really work?
The question was launched back in 2011, when generating Bitcoins was still considered "easy". Can one really mine Bitcoins with a Playstation 3? Well, you could technically do it , but it's just not worth the hassle anymore.
The debate started on the forum when the user 'jkminkov' wrote the following words two years ago: "just wondering if PS3 (Playstation 3) is capable of mining Bitcoins and which kHash/s, it can run Linux, has OpenCL drivers". The answer is yes. A PS3, depending on which version we are talking about, is just a computer able to run Linux and, therefore, able to mine cryptocurrency .
However, if the associated energy costs were high two years ago, imagine now.
And what about power? The numbers represent the bone of contention in this case. In the same debate, the user 'ArtForz' suggests this result:
We have 6 SPEs available, each can do one 4*32 bit vector op/clock. clocked at 3.2GHz. 6 * 4 * 3.2G = 76.8GINTOPs.
No native bitrotate, no ch()-like opcode, so we need about 6350 ops/bitcoinhash. 76800M / 6350ops/hash =
Other Bitcoiners in the forum disagree while some other brave pioneers claimed they were able to achieve a maximum of 22 MH/sec . The question remains the center of an exciting debate until today, one that will probably get lost in the confines of the world wide web.
The numbers don't really matter anymore because the difficulty level has skyrocketed to the current 6,119,726,089, but the question was still being debated on Reddit less than a year ago.
And even, a cloud mining service, wrote about the possibility.
Bitcoin ( miners are geeky enough, trying to test mining on every device they've got or are able to find. And it's hardly surprising, because the process does nothing but brings money. Thus, it would be strange if miners haven't used such widespread device as the PlayStation 3 (or simply PS3) for this purpose.
PS3 is a home video game console, which is a must to have for every second guy on the planet. Primarily PS3 is made for playing games, obviously. Still, it has CPU and GPU, which means, it can be used as Bitcoin mining ( hardware as well.
In order to do so, users install customized firmware on PS3, most commonly Linux. After that, they compile CellMiner web application or a similar one, and off they go!
In fact, it all sounds more than simple for advanced users. Moreover, the very idea to return you money spent on a console by the means of getting revenue through mining and it's praiseworthy that people start understanding the Bitcoin mining ( process. Still, this game isn't worth playing if someone wants to get a profit, because nowadays any GPU speed compared with specialized mining equipment is negligible. And this statement is going to become more and more even, as the mining difficulty grows day by day. Finally, if your PS3 is reconfigured for Bitcoin mining (, the device will no longer be a game console, as it originally was meant to be.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:16 am
Ps3 Bitcoin mining (
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PS3 Bitcoin mining ( test program in assembler for Cell/BE processor.
(I know a PS3 is a slow Bitcoin mining ( rig by current standards, but i wanted to see if i could get it to work)
This program is written for the Cell/BE processor which is in the PS3 game console. The Cell/BE processor is also available in the IBM QS20 Blade, which is deployed in the IBM Blade Center chassis. This source code should be able to be used on the QS20; the tool chain may need to be adapted, since this PS3 is is running a very old version of Linux and the GNU compiler toolkit.
If someone out there has a Blade Center with a QS20 blade, and would let me ssh into it, I'd be happy to port, test and scale the code.
The Cell/BE processor is a dual-core PPC (Power PC) chip, clocked at 3.2Ghz. There is one Cell/BE in the PS3, there are 2 in an IBM QS20 blade. The PS3 has 256 Mb of memory, which is not a huge amount of memory, but more than enough for Bitcoin mining ( Cell/BE chips are manufactured with 8 SPEs (Synergistic Processing Elements) attached. On the PS3, Linux identifies 7 of the SPEs, reserves one for the System, leaving application developers with access to 6 of the SPEs.
Each SPE is actually a 4-way vector processor which can be programmed in the SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) model. The processor loads and stores data in quadwords (4 x 32 bit words). SIMD refers to the fact that each operation, say an add or a multiply, is applied to all 4 elements of the quadword simultaneously. Each of the 32-bit words in the quadword are referred to as lanes, and each instruction executes simultaneously on all 4 lanes. Given the right problem, algorithm and implementation, vector processing on the Cell/BE executes 4 times as much work per CPU instruction as a standard scalar processor.
There are several challenges to programming the SPE processor. SPEs do not have direct access to PPC memory. The SPE has a very small amount of local memory - only 128k. Data is moved from the PPC memory to the SPE memory with a sort of DMA programming. Bitcoin mining ( sidesteps this problem. When mining, all the data necessary for the calculations is assembled into a C struct and DMAed from PPC system memory to the SPE local memory in one chunk as the assembly language function is invoked.
In Bitcoin mining ( the SHA256 checksum is calculated from a relatively small chunk of data. If the SHA256 does not meet the difficulty level, a 32-bit integer field in the data is incrememted and the SHA256 is calculated again. Continue to iterate like this until all 2B combinations have been tried or a winning SHA256 -- one that is less than the difficulty is found.
The there are a few challenging aspects of SIMD programming. One point to note is that you really have to have an embarassingly parallel problem to get the full effect of SIMD programming - processing 4 data elements at a time. If you have a lot of decision logic or other scalar code, you will not see a huge benefit from SIMD programming.
As it turns out calculating SHA256 for Bitcoin mining ( is a great match for the Cell/BE architecture.
Calculating SHA256 is done in the assembly code - and the instructions need to be effectively scheduled. Obviously the C compiler can reorder the instructions and speed up execution, this has to be done by hand when writing assembler code.
-- more to come. Current Test Driver: this is a C program with the second block (block number 1), basically hard coded into the program. the block is formatted into a struct and passed to the assembly routine.
the assembly routine can call code from the C libraries, basically the entire thing was debugged via printf(s), since there is no debugger which supports the SPEs available in the old version of Yellow Dog Linux (6.2) which I'm using.
get better timing information for a single process version of the program. Bitcoin ( is a "double SHA256 hash" where the resulting SHA-256 is hashed again. a single processor can do 2.5 million hashes per second, giving 1.25 million Bitcoin ( double hashes per second. write a test driver that can feed in more test cases. currently one test case is hard-coded in drive.c write a driver that can run the test cases in parallel. continue to look at the instruction scheduling with /opt/cell/sdk/usr/bin/spu_timing better comments, as we mix the instructions for the different parts of the algorithm, it will get confusing.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:18 am

Gtx 1050 ti mining on nicehash profitability (daily update 1-3-18)|3:00
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:19 am

Did I Make Money? How to Calculate Profit or Loss in a Crypto Trade|7:32
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:21 am
Ps3 Bitcoin mining ( Hashrate.
A list of every Word of the Year selection released by Dictionary. Dictionary's first Word of the Year was chosen in 2010. CoinWarz Bitcoin ( network hashrate chart. Popular Mining Calculators. Bitcoin mining ( Calculator Ethereum Mining Calculator Mining hardware comparison. From Bitcoin ( Wiki CPUs and other hardware not specifically designed for Bitcoin mining ( can be found in the Non-specialized_hardware Easy Bitcoin mining ( Rig; Bitcoin ( Investors Suing Over Losses; Bitcoin ( Gold Opening Price Vancouver, British Columbia: This North American city ranks as undoubtedly Bitcoin ( Difficulty hashrate chart and accurate estimated next difficulty. This simple Bitcoin mining ( calculator will allow you to determine how much you can profit from a certain Bitcoin ( miner. It takes into account all relevant costs such as hardware, electricity and fees. See below for detailed instructions on how to use it. Enter the hash rate of the Bitcoin ( miner you Playstation mining. Mining.
Bitcoin mining ( news.
Bitcoin ( has been in the news and discussed by many technological and political leaders. It has made international news with major countries declaring it legal and starting to regulate it including the United States, , China, United Kingdom, Europe and Japan. Your journey to Bitcoin mining ( has begun. We hope you find these articles very interesting and inspiring:
Getting Started.
Setup Guides.
How To Setup Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Bitmain Antminer S7 S5 and S3 Antminer S5 and S3 - Bitcoin mining ( Setup USB - Bitcoin mining ( Setup Guide Spondoolies Tech SP20 - Quick Start Guide.
What is Bitcoin mining ( difficulty? What is Proof of Work? What is Hashcash? What is the Bitcoin mining ( Block Reward? Is Bitcoin mining ( a Waste of Electricity? How are New Bitcoins Generated and Created? How do Bitcoin mining ( Fees Work? Some Fast Facts About Bitcoin mining ( Bitcoin mining ( - It's About Solving Problems A Bitcoin mining ( Heart Attack Bitcoins May Be Virtual | But They Are Very Very Real.
What is Dogecoin mining? What is Litecoin mining? What is DASH mining? Ethereum Mining Guide Ethereum cloud mining guide.
Banks and Brokerages Should Be Mining The Blockchain Certain Traits Necessary For Bitcoin mining ( Success Bitcoin mining ( Pools Give Everyone a Chance To Be Involved Avalon Wins the ASIC Race - Sort Of What Bitcoin mining ( Can Learn From Forex Traders.
Archive of all posts on Bitcoin mining (
Advantages Of Using Bitcoin ( For Deposits Making Good Money Mining Bitcoin ( Time To Invest It Why Every Bitcoin ( Miner Needs A VPN Some Popular Online Places Where You Can Use Your Bitcoins The Landscape of Cryptocurrencies in China Online Payments and The Future is Here Is Bitcoin mining ( Still Profitable in 2018? How To Get Started With Bitcoin ( Gambling? Decentralized casinos expected to take over the online gambling industry How To Mine Smartcash? Two Reasons All Bitcoin ( Users Should Install a VPN Right Now The Digital Gold That is Having a Love Affair With Online Gambling Sites 4 Things To Consider In Bitcoin ( Comprehending Bitcoin ( Cost Charts Is it Possible to Achieve Compound Growth in Cloudmining and Bitcoin mining ( Investment? Essential Facts About Dogecoin Bitcoin ( Transaction Malleability, Zero Change Inputs and How It Affects Bitcoin ( Exchanges An Economics Education by Bitcoin ( - Part III An Economics Education by Bitcoin ( - Part II Cryptocurrency - Who Are Involved With It? How Cryptocurrency Begun and Its Impact To Financial Transactions An Economics Education by Bitcoin ( - Part I Buying Bitcoins Small Computers - Now The Latest Trend for High Performance Machines Digital Currency And Premining The IRS Verdict for Bitcoin ( Bitcoins - Should You Use Them? Bitcoin ( In A Nutshell Dabbling In Bitcoin ( The Impending Need of Universities to Open the Blockchain Education 5 Famous Books On Bitcoin ( And Blockchain HashOcean Cloud Mining Scam or Not? Bitcoin ( Network Tracking by Ten and More Monitoring Websites Chinas Dominance In Bitcoin mining ( Bitcoin mining ( - Not A Waste Of Electricity Can We Have Faith for VCs, Corporatists, PR Firms and Banksters Headlines? Bitcoin ( As Primary Currency For Libertarian City Norway Remote Crash Bug Disclosed, Manipulated and Fixed Increased the Unlimited Hashrate First Time BU Block Mining Of Bitclub Network China Central Bank Must be In Charged for Bitcoin ( AML Genesis Mining Review HashFlare Cloud Mining Review Arguments in New York Court With A French Bitcoiner Reasons Why Dash Price Soar High Exponentially Nothing To Worry About High Transaction Fees In Bitcoin ( Bitcoin ( Gambling Investments 6/12 Venezuela Troubles Continue While Bitcoin ( at USD 1,010 Will 2017 be Profitable for Bitcoin mining ( Bitcoin ( Miner Review For Avalon Nano 3 USB Five USB Bitcoin ( Miners in Comparison- Bitcoin mining ( An Evaluation of Spondoolies-Tech SP20 Jackson Bitcoin mining ( in 2017 Profitable or Not? Bitmain Antminer S9 Review All You Need to Know Bitmain Antminer S7 Review All You Need To Know Bitmain Antminer S5 Review All You Need to Know Bitcoin ( Miner Reviews Which Has The Best Hardware For 2017? An Evaluation of Avalon6 Bitcoin ( Miner How Does Bitcoin mining ( Really Operate? How Does MetaTrader 4 For Mac Match Up? Is Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining Actually Profitable? Sidechains Explained Decrypting Bitcoin ( - The Blockchain Technology Explained How To Profit From Bitcoin ( Without Owning Them KnCMiner Declares Bankruptcy Pending Upcoming Bitcoin ( Reward Halving Ethereum's Gold Rush is Drawing Bitcoin ( Miners to Ethereum Will Bitcoin ( Block Reward Halving Prove an Improvement or an Impediment for Bitcoin ( Bitcoin mining ( Centralization How are New Bitcoins Created and Generated? What is the Bitcoin mining ( Block Reward? Is Bitcoin mining ( a Waste of Electricity? How to earn Bitcoin ( What Bitcoin mining ( Can Learn From Forex Traders How do Bitcoin mining ( Fees Work? Ethereum (Ether) Mining Bitcoin mining ( Profitability What is Ethereum cloud mining? Bitcoin mining ( Guide for a Bitcoin ( Miner Bitcoin mining ( Heart Attack What is Proof of Work What is Hashcash? What is Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty Learn How To Mine Bitcoins What is Litecoin mining? Learn all you need to get started. What is Dogecoin mining? Learn all you need to get started. Banks and Brokerages Should Be Mining The Blockchain What is DASH mining? How To Setup Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Bitmain Antminer S7 S5 and S3 Antminer S5 and S3 - Bitcoin mining ( Setup Spondoolies-Tech SP20 Quick Start Guide Bitgold Review - GoldMoney Review - What to beware of! USB - Bitcoin mining ( Setup Guide Become A Sponsor and Advertise Become A Sponsor and Advertise - Sponsorships Bitcoin mining ( - It's About Solving Problems Avalon Wins the ASIC Race - Sort Of Certain Traits Necessary For Bitcoin mining ( Success Some Fast Facts About Bitcoin mining ( Bitcoins May Be Virtual, But They're Very Very Real Bitcoin mining ( Pools Give Everyone a Chance To Be Involved.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:21 am

How To Calculate Mining ( Profitability For Your GPU Rig?|16:54
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:29 am
Bitcoiners will worry about setting a precedent for transaction censorship.
A new Bitcoin mining ( pool, launched in beta by analytics platform Blockseer, will refuse to process transactions that involve certain blacklisted wallet addresses, in a bid to ensure it does not inadvertently facilitate criminal activity.
The pool will use Blockseer and Walletscore forensics data, as well as the United States OFAC blacklist for crypto, to filter out any transactions considered "nefarious" from blocks posted by the group.
According to DMG, parent company of Blockseer, all contributors to the new Bitcoin mining ( pool are also required to pass Know Your Customer (KYC) protocols, thereby preserving the "utmost level of transparency, auditability and corporate governance."
We've built a list of the best bitcoin wallets around Check out our list of the best bitcoin exchanges right now Here's our list of the best mining rigs available.
"We recognized early on the need for a mining pool that provided data that meets the needs of financial audits. Blockseer's pool brings a new compliance-focused standard to the industry, not only in the data the pool provides to its users, but also in the Bitcoin ( blocks it mines on the network," explained Sheldon Bennett, COO at DMG.
"The pool is focused on being devoid of transactions from known nefarious wallets which use this medium in ways that continue to sully the reputation of cryptocurrencies."
When Bitcoin ( was in its infancy, mining difficulty was relatively low, such that an individual with a powerful computer could successfully turn a profit. In other words, the value of the cryptocurrency reward was greater than the cost of electricity expended (and any other overheads).
However, as difficulty rose (a reflection of increased competition on the network), individual miners were squeezed from the market, paving the way for Bitcoin mining ( pools that aggregate the compute resources of a vast number of individuals.
Any proceeds generated when a mining pool mines a block successfully are then divided up between participants, commensurate with the horsepower contributed by each.
The idea of a mining pool able to censor "nefarious" transactions may seem like an unqualified positive, but some quarters of the Bitcoin ( community fear the Blockseer mining pool could set a precedent that undermines the core ethos of the project.
Bitcoin ( is founded on the notion that financial transactions should be both decentralized (i.e. detached from intermediaries such as central banks) and entirely private. However, allowing a centralized entity - in this case, the Blockseer mining pool - to adopt the role of transaction arbiter acts to water down these core tenets.
The power to select which transactions are processed and which are not is also essentially the power to select who is able to participate in the Bitcoin ( network, which is designed to be entirely open and anonymous.
Others have suggested that the ability to censor certain transactions might also give regulators the impetus to make further demands that eat into the advantages of the censorship-resistant bitcoin payments system.
According to Erik Voorhees, CEO of trading platform ShapeShift, "this is not an imminent problem, but it is coming. Now is the time to prepare for it."
Here's our list of the best cloud mining providers right now.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:29 am

Crypto Mining ( Profitability Calculator Websites?|16:37
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:31 am
Publicly traded Bitcoin mining ( company Riot Blockchain reported earnings for the September period Monday, noting a significant increase in revenue and hash power from a year ago, with plans for continued expansion.
Reporting over $2.4 million in mining revenue, the Castle Rock, Colo.-based mining firm increased revenue by 42% from the same period in 2019. The company's mining revenue clearly benefited from a 15% increase in the price of bitcoin during the Q3 in addition to its increased hash power. Riot filings show it mined 222 BTC in Q3 2020, up 41% from the same period last year, but slightly lower than the 227 BTC mined in Q2 2020. In 2019, Riot switched to mining bitcoin exclusively, CEO Jeff McGonegal told CoinDesk. Previously, the company also mined litecoin and bitcoin cash. Riot reported a current mining capacity of 556 peta hash per second (PH/s), meeting its goal set in its Q2 earnings release, which represents a 450% increase from its Q3 2019 hash power of 101 PH/s. Riot plans to continue aggressively expanding its mining operations, per its earnings report, through four purchase agreements with mining manufacturer Bitmain for a total of 16,600 S19-Pro machines. The firm expects incremental delivery and deployment of its new machines through the end of Q2 2021. Concurrent with an increase in mined bitcoin and the leading cryptocurrency's 114% year-to-date rally, Riot's cryptocurrency corporate liquidity grew from $7.2 million in Q2 to $9 million in Q3. Its cash reserves ballooned from $9.1 million to $30.1 million over the same period.
Riot shareholders enjoyed the lowest quarterly loss per share since the company first fully deployed its cryptocurrency mining hardware in Q2 2018. The loss per share dropped to $0.04 in Q3, a 50% improvement from a loss per share of $0.08during the same period last year. Riot shares were trading hands at $3.50 at Monday's close, up 32% from the start of Q4. They've risen more than 200% year to date.
Update (November 9, 4:27 UTC): This article has been updated to reflect 222 bitcoins mined in the Q3, not 224 as was previously reported.
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ELI5 Introduction to Blockchain in 2020.
With all the buzz and hype around blockchain in 2020, it's no surprise that you want to get in on the action.
This is why we created this all-in-one guide made so simple that we basically "explain it like you're five" (ELI5 blockchain).
Throughout this introduction to blockchain guide, you will be unlocking the mysteries behind all of the blockchain basics - how Bitcoin ( works, what mining is, how a transaction works, and more.
So, sit tight, relax, and let's start learning.
Note: this article is a simplified version of our guide "Blockchain for Dummies"
As you do your own research, you will commonly notice people using the words nodes and miners interchangeably. Miners aren't normal nodes.
Introduction to Blockchain: Your 2-Minute Review.
Let's begin your ELI5 blockchain guide with an analogy that will lay down the foundation .
Our example will take place in a historic city before banks existed. Members of the community barter for goods and make promises for loans, but after long periods of time, promises are broken and corruption rises.
Here's how their issues are resolved better than banks , by using a decentralized , blockchain-like system.
A Simple Analogy: Block city, The Historic City.
Let's call this historic city Block City.
In Block City, people trade goods with one another - salt for sugar, milk for chickens, etc.
There are around 100 families that make up this city, and they place all of their trades through the city's lead negotiator and middleman named Azarath.
Azarath coordinates deals, keeps track of promises (who is lending goods to whom), and keeps a fee for his work.
In many ways, Azarath is similar to a bank, acting as the middleman to facilitate transactions and is in charge of the city's trade ledger.
Azarath was becoming extremely rich from being in his position, and greed began to take over.
Members of the city would actually pay Azarath big bribes to help them break promises (if they got a loan from fellow a community member) and pay him to update the ledger showing that payments were made, even if they weren't.
Azarath continued to take these bribes and not only was his ledger filled with fraudulent transactions, but he began to lose track of the "real" status of outstanding promises.
The city's ledger was becoming a mess and their economy was in danger.
Those who got cut out of deals began to point fingers at Azarath, calling him untrustworthy and corrupt. Block City agreed that a new system was required.
A fellow community member devised a plan to cut out Azarath as the central authority, and have everyone in the community manage their own, independent ledgers - where each ledger tracks all of the transactions in Block City.
Each week, the community planned to gather, confirm transactions, and update each other's ledgers - forming a consensus.
This effectively decentralized the accounting system for the community, creating an environment where Azarath doesn't need to be trusted as a central authority.
Let's fast forward two weeks to their first meeting. The 100 families gathered one evening and all presented their ledgers to one another.
Since everyone's ledger showed outstanding debt, all transactions were confirmed and all debts that were owed were paid.
Once debts were paid and any mismatched ledgers were settled, then all of the community members would update their ledgers together and be in agreeance.
If there were a few evil members of the community trying to be corrupt, it would show in their ledger. A majority of the community would disagree after checking their ledgers, and the evil members would create a bad reputation for themselves.
Instead of trusting one person, now every resident of Block City needs to trust that the majority of the community will act in a trustworthy manner.
As long as this system works, then there are no worries. This is where blockchain technology jumps in; it automates trust amongst the community, creating a trustless environment.
To reiterate once more, this concept of decentralization, where everyone has their own ledger of transactions, is precisely how the blockchain works at a technical level.
Okay, enough analogies, let's dive into how this stuff really works.
ELI5 Blockchain: How It Works (in a nutshell)
Now that you understand that the blockchain is a distributed ledger and has a well-defined process that validates the updates, let's understand the process and components that really make it up.
Although we are moving forward, we are still keeping this ELI5 blockchain guide as simple as possible.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:31 am

Nvidia Said We Couldn't Game On This Crypto Mining ( Card...|16:37
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:31 am

What Is GPU Mining ( - What Is A GPU Mining ( Rig?|18:21
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:32 am
Next, we will gain an understanding of:
Decentralization and nodes . what the heck does this mean? What is a block ? What is the chain? How does a transaction work? What is mining ?
Decentralization and Nodes - What Does It All Mean?
In our Block City example, we mentioned that a community is made up of individuals who must keep their own individual ledgers.
This is analogous to each community member acting as a node .
These nodes have their own versions of the Bitcoin ( ledger, just like Block City members managing their individual ledgers.
In Bitcoin ('s case, a node is someone who downloaded Bitcoin ('s blockchain and is helping to verify transactions to keep the network accurate and moving.
There are different types of nodes that do more or less work, but for simplicity's sake, just understand that a node is anyone who downloads the Bitcoin ( software and is helping to keep the network alive.
As you do your own research, you will commonly notice people using the words nodes and miners interchangeably, but we want to be explicit that miners are not normal nodes.
Miners must download special mining software and their purpose is to not only verify transactions like nodes, but also grab transaction requests and actually create new blocks that all nodes must update their ledger's with.
Without miners, the blockchain would be frozen and transactions wouldn't move. It's as if no bank employees were at work to transfer funds for you.
What is a Block? What is the Chain?
A block records some of the most recent transactions that occurred in the network.
In the case of Bitcoin (, a block has the most recent transactions within the past 10 minutes.
Bitcoin ( has a block time of 10 minutes, which means a new block is created and added to the blockchain every 10 minutes.
The chain is the global, completely historic list of all blocks, and thus, a complete record of transactions that have ever occurred.
Each block is mathematically (cryptographically) linked to the block before it.
Put simply, each block has a reference to the block before it, so the database cannot be tampered with, and becomes immutable as a result.
As you can imagine, downloading Bitcoin ('s blockchain can take a while. It is 100s of GBs large - not your typical text document.
This is a large piece of software that only dedicated nodes and miners download, you as a user do not need to download the blockchain ledger.
While banks are trustworthy for the most part, they can still freeze your funds, deny requests and have unreasonable fees.
What is Mining?
Let's move forward with our ELI5 blockchain guide by explaining how mining works.
Mining is the process of grabbing transaction requests and adding them to the next block. Miners are then rewarded for their work through block rewards .
All of this is automated, it is not a computer game where you sit there and mine. Simply download the mining software and let the computer work for you.
Mining is generally explained as a game, where the first person to figure out the answer to the next block of the blockchain receives the block reward, inherent in blockchain software.
In Bitcoin ('s case, the block time is 10 minutes, which means every 10 minutes successful miners receive Bitcoin ( through the block reward.
The first miner(s) to solve the 'answer' to the next block wins the block reward.
Moving forward with our introduction to blockchain guide, we will explain the literal steps in the mining process by walking you through a transaction in action.
A Transaction in Action.
You send your friend Bob 1 Bitcoin ( A few minutes later your friend Bob received the 1 Bitcoin ( in his wallet. How?
Let's break this down step by step, and explain the role of miners since it is integral to the process:
You send Bob 1 Bitcoin ( and sign the request with your private key . Upon doing this, your transaction request (sending Bob 1 Bitcoin ( is broadcasted to the global, decentralized Bitcoin ( network. At this point, Bob has not received your Bitcoin ( yet, your transaction is in limbo, waiting to be confirmed and added to a block. Miners grab your transaction along with several others and individually race to solve the answer for the reference of the next block. So, the miners grab transactions, turn their backs and privately mine away at this math problem. A miner solved the problem, turns around and faces the network to broadcast their new version of the blockchain which includes your transaction. Other nodes and miners in the network agree that all of the transactions in the miner's proposal are valid, then the miner(s) who proposed the new valid block will receive Bitcoin ( as a reward. Additionally, Bob will receive your 1 Bitcoin ( since it is now part of the blockchain ledger. At this point, the mining process starts over again. Inevitably there are more transaction requests broadcasted to the network. Miners grab them, turn their backs, mine, propose an updated version of the ledger and so on.
Without miners your transaction would have never been received by Bob, it would be sitting in limbo forever.
This is why miners play such an important role.
Why Blockchain is Secure.
The big reason blockchain has gained traction is not obvious at first, but relax and we'll explain this blockchain topic like you're five.
Banks have become corrupt, many government-backed ( fiat ) currencies are no longer based on the gold standard, and people no longer control their own money - it is owned by banks.
While banks are trustworthy for the most part, they can still freeze your funds, deny requests and charge unreasonable fees .
Until blockchain technology, we have needed banks to act as trusted third parties. But banks are no longer needed.
In a nutshell, financial incentives make the blockchain secure. Since miners are rewarded in cryptocurrency, and invest $1,000s in mining hardware, then there is a financial incentive for nodes to act honestly.
If they act maliciously, then their work will be rejected by the network, wasting computing time and the value of their mining hardware.
Ultimately, Blockchain technology and the mechanisms that come along with it (miners, nodes, checks and balances), offers a trusted decentralized network controlled by no one individual.
It allows individuals to transact globally, without a middleman. This is just a glimpse into some reasons why people love blockchain.
It brings trust to peer to peer networks, which has never been seen before - let's explore more.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:32 am

What Is The Lifespan Of A GPU Mining ( Rig? - Cryptocurrency For Beginners|3:42
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:32 am
Who Invented the Blockchain?
You may be wondering who invented the blockchain; it's a funny story.
The funny part here is that no one knows for certain who invented blockchain , and Bitcoin ( which came along with it.
The inventor goes by the name Satoshi Nakamoto and it may represent one person or a group of people.
There are theories on who it is, but no one knows for certain.
The white paper was released anonymously, and "Satoshi" currently has 1,000,000 Bitcoin ( in his wallet, according to Bitcoin ('s blockchain ledger.
Scroll to the bottom of this page to see the first-ever 50 Bitcoin ( minted into existence!
Blockchain Applications to the Real World.
Now it's time to get practical. This wouldn't be an ELI5 blockchain guide if you walked away with no clue of any real-world uses.
Investors are pouring money into blockchain-related startups because real-world applications are evident.
Many compare the blockchain revolution to the internet in the 90s - people are just starting to see its potential.
Some real-world use-cases are that it:
Gives people power over their own finances Improves many industries other than only financial ones Is accessible to low-income nations and creates marketplaces for everyone.
Giving Power Back to the People.
As mentioned, banks freeze user accounts, they charge high fees due to inefficient operations, and they also can get hacked.
Blockchain technology ultimately offers a trustless environment for peer to peer transactions, which means no one has to trust anyone except the technology itself .
In the end, people have control of their own money.
You keep your Bitcoin ( on your computer and can send it any time of the week and any time of the day, to anywhere in the world with negligible fees, all completed nearly instantaneously.
This technology has never been seen before - it can take days or weeks using regular financial services to send money internationally due to the bureaucracy behind banks.
Giving Power Back to Businesses.
These decentralized blockchain based networks offer small and mid-level companies the opportunity to house their data on these networks, allowing these companies to save money on server costs.
Additionally, there are now new ways for businesses to raise funds, by taking advantage of the ICO industry (initial coin offering) .
An ICO is when a business issues its own cryptocurrency and sells it to investors to raise funds.
If the token is useful and the company is a success, then ICO investors can expect to make money off of the token, similar to buying shares (but not equivalent!) in a company.
ICOs are mostly hosted on a platform called Ethereum, which we will get into next.
Distributed Applications (Web 3.0)
One blockchain project in particular that has gained traction, almost as much as Bitcoin ( - is Ethereum .
Unlike Bitcoin ( which has a focus on monetary transactions, Ethereum is a platform which allows developers to create applications and launch them on Ethereum's decentralized, global ledger.
These applications are called decentralized, or distributed applications ( dApps ).
Ultimately, this can turn into a new internet, known as the web 3.0.
Ethereum in Action.
As mentioned, Ethereum is a dApp platform. It has its own programming language, Solidity , and developers can launch their own applications.
One great business advantage is that, unlike apps, dApps, can be used globally by anyone.
This means the dApps creators can hit a larger user base, globalize advertising, and ultimately, increase revenue.
Cryptokitties is one great example of a fun, viral Ethereum based dApp.
The Future is Bright.
Despite market cycles, Bitcoin ( and cryptocurrencies have value and the future is bright for the cryptocurrency market.
Blockchain technology will continue to mature and new trends will emerge.
There was the ICO boom in 2017, next people anticipate STOs (security token offerings) for public companies.
Wallets and services around cryptocurrencies will continue to become more user-friendly for people of all ages .
The goal is to get cryptocurrencies into the hands of everyone around the world. It's worth getting in before it goes mainstream.
I Want in on the Blockchain Revolution.
This introduction to blockchain was just a taste providing you with the basics.
If you are intrigued, we recommend getting involved now.
If you can get in before Wall Street and institutional investors then you will likely see some profits in your future .
The market cap of Bitcoin ( is nowhere near gold, which means it has the potential to grow another 100x.
To begin investing in cryptocurrencies, check out our free online course.
ELI5 What is geomining? [Cryptocurrencies]
What is the fastest Bitcoin ( miner?
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:33 am

Updated 2018 How to mine Bitcoin with GPU Video Card Windows 10|6:14
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:33 am
What will Dogecoin be worth in 2019?
The 2018 cryptocurrency crash (also known as the Bitcoin ( crash and the Great crypto crash) was the sell-off of most cryptocurrencies from January 2018. By 26 November, bitcoin also fell by over 80% from its peak, having lost almost one-third of its value in the previous week.
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As of the date this article was written, the creator owns zero.001 bitcoin. Dan Morehead is the founder of Pantera Capital, the world's first investment focused completely on cryptocurrencies. In 2013, Pantera launched its first crypto fund and, as of late 2018, was one of many largest institutional owners of cryptocurrencies. The fund has delivered a extra-than-24,000% return for investors since its debut. Their investments in cryptocurrency-related companies vary from exchanges and investment firms, such as Polychain Capital and Bitstamp, to coin buying and selling providers, such as Augur.
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Michael Novogratz. Billionaire Michael Novogratz has invested approximately 30 percent of his fortune in cryptocurrencies.
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As the name suggests, One-Bitcoin ( goals to assist traders make one bitcoin per day. We did not discover proof that traders have been making this consistently. Remember that each one investment alternatives carry a sure danger. This especially applies to cryptocurrencies, which are still comparatively young within the financial markets.
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If you assume you could have gained sufficient experience, we might recommend you to diversify your investment by investing in different legit robots like Bitcoin ( Trader and Ethereum Code. The venture didn't have any use case at first, and there was not a whitepaper either. Copay is a good Bitcoin ( pockets and functions on many different operating techniques. It's essential to mine bitcoins with the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware constructed particularly for that objective. However, this is not an enormous deal in automated buying and selling provided that the app does all the researching and buying and selling. it is always good to go for crypto bots which have been examined and proven to work. The miners who bask in ASIC mining are extra developed and sophisticated when they're in comparison with the standard miners that use the CPU, GPU, and other components. While we can't guarantee the truthfulness of this declare, we will confidently say that One-Bitcoin ( presents a possibility for crypto merchants to make an excellent return on funding.
When more miners enter the market, the difficulty will increase to ensure that the extent is static. The final issue for determining profitability is the price of bitcoins as compared towards commonplace, hard forex. Run your evaluation a number of instances using different price ranges for each the cost of energy and worth of bitcoins.
However, some estimates have the break-even worth of mining a bitcoin larger. New York-based mostly research firm Fundstart mentioned the worth of bitcoin is nearing a break-even of 1.0x, which means the reward for mining a bitcoin equals the total price.
Can I mine Bitcoin ( on my iPhone?
Some experts recommend selling between 20% and 50% if you are risk-averse or have pressing financial needs. It also makes sense to sell some of your bitcoin if you don't want to wait years for a potentially massive payoff.
Everyone who showed up would obtain cryptocurrency as an incentive for being there. Though the concept could appear imprecise at first, it's actually very highly effective, particularly in cryptocurrency networks the place customers' areas are important. Geomining is a cryptocurrency consensus mechanism where the individuals' geographic areas are used as a proof of value.
Can I buy a house with Bitcoin (
Over the last 24 hours, Dogecoin has had 9% transparent volume and has been trading on 1,527 active markets with its highest volume trading pairs being USDT ($13.22M), BTC ($9.10M), and USD ($6.78M).
While the digital payment system established the blockchain expertise we all know and love at present, it is difficult to say how it will final in the long term. Given the latest increase within the cryptocurrency world, what better time than now to educate your self about it? Whether you're simply studying the ins and outs of cryptocurrency slang or what Bitcoin ( even is, TED Talks about blockchain and crypto are certain to satisfy your inquisitiveness. Though you can positively mine cryptocurrency from your telephone by yourself, your greatest outcomes will most likely involve teamwork. You can chat with other miners, chill, kvetch, and share the wealth.
How to Kill Bitcoin (
Difficulty is measured within the hashes per second of the Bitcoin ( validation transaction. The hash fee measures the speed of solving the issue--the issue changes as more miners enter as a result of the community is designed to produce a certain level of bitcoins each ten minutes.
Step 3 - Join a Bitcoin mining ( Pool.
However, this isn't a big deal in automated buying and selling on condition that the app does all the researching and buying and selling. When trading with One-Bitcoin (, all you are required to do is to open and close buying and selling classes. This trading robot comes with manuals and movies to guide you through the process.
Banking the Unbanked: Mapping the Biggest Blockchain Projects within the...
InsideBitcoins offers enough deposit and withdrawal strategies when compared to different buying and selling robots in the same category. As mentioned earlier, One-Bitcoin ( reportedly relies on subtle pc algorithms to scan the crypto markets for trading opportunities and place corresponding bets. This makes it possible to make money whether or not the markets are going up or down.
Million Bitcoins Are Stolen.
The question on the legitimacy of any cryptocurrency trading robot may be very essential and each trader ought to first undertake to find out if crypto is a scam or not before taking any further step. Investing in a rip-off will mechanically result within the whole lack of your funds. However, not all automated trading service suppliers are genuine.
Crypto Miner Tips is an final resource that explains how cryptocurrency mining works by breaking it down in simple phrases. From studying the way to mine Bitcoin ( with a PC, to constructing your very own first mining rig we've got you lined. Currently, cryptocurrency mining is rising in popularity, and with future developments in laptop computer's hardware, the query to mine Bitcoin ( on a laptop computer resurfaces. There is quite a lot of warmth produced when the ASIC miners are at work.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:33 am

Does 2 Years of Mining ( Ruin A Graphics Card?|10:18
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:34 am
What is a geomining kit?
1 'Nakamoto' Either way, it is believed that he owns around one million bitcoins, worth approximately $19bn, thus making him one of the richest people in the world.
ELI5 Bitcoin mining ( Explain Bitcoin mining ( Like I'm Five.
ELI5 Bitcoin mining ( Mining Bitcoin ( is one of the fastest growing industries. And the processing power the mining hardware devices generates verifies every transaction and secures the Bitcoin ( Network.
There is literally billions of dollars being invested in the Bitcoin mining ( industry, globally. It's a way of turning energy into value, and getting involved at the base layer of Bitcoin ( and the new decentralized financial industry.
Bitcoin ('s mining and the Proof of Work concept is one of the key functions that makes Bitcoin ( what it is, but mining Bitcoin ( needs some knowledge of how it all works.
If you're interested in getting into mining Bitcoin (, explain Bitcoin mining ( like I'm five dissects it in an easy to digest manner.
ELI5 Bitcoin mining ( - Explain Bitcoin mining ( Like I'm Five.
Bitcoin mining ( requires powerful computational power. It is possible to mine Bitcoin ( with some powerful GPUs, but to be most competitive, a specialized ASICs mining rig is recommended.
Whether it's a GPU mining rig, or an ASICs mining device the mining hardware will be connected to the Bitcoin ( Network.
Essentially, the work of a mining device is to verify all transactions and secure the Bitcoin ( Network.
Explain Bitcoin mining ( Like I'm Five:
ELI5 Bitcoin mining ( All Bitcoin ( transactions are broadcast to the Bitcoin ( network. Every transaction is eventually picked up by the Bitcoin ( miners, who work together to add them to the latest block.
The block is the latest block of data (transactions), and after roughly 10 minutes the miners will have filled the block with transactions.
These blocks contain up to 1MB of data, which can be anything from as little as one and up to thousands of transactions. It all depends on how much data is connected to each transaction.
When the block is ready to be added to the Bitcoin ( blockchain, it's automatically sent to the thousands of nodes who have to validate that all transactions in the block are valid.
Nodes are also hardware devices, and these act like validators of the transactions. There are tens of thousands around the world and they all have the Bitcoin ( protocol running on the device.
Once they are in majority agreement that every transaction in the block is ok, they send the block back to the miners who then race each other to work out the cryptographic puzzle which the Bitcoin ( protocol asks of them.
Every mining hardware device then frantically processes hashes to try and discover the answer to the cryptographic puzzle.
The more powerful mining device you have, the more likely you are to find the answer first. However, this is pretty much an impossible task if mining solo.
The first mining device to discover the cryptographic puzzle gets to add the block to the blockchain, and is rewarded with the block reward, which is currently 6.25 BTC.
This processing power combined helps the Bitcoin ( Network run and keeps it secures. And the more miners that join the network the more secure the it gets.
Let's Take A Deeper Dive Into Bitcoin mining (
ELI5 Bitcoin mining ( Block Reward.
The Bitcoin ( Block Reward is the reason most miners choose to mine Bitcoin ( Basically it's the reward for the hard work the mining devices put in to power the Bitcoin ( network.
It's Bitcoin ('s inflationary system that is paid out with every new block added to the blockchain.
The block reward is cut in half every 210,000 blocks, which is roughly every four years. This is what's known as the Bitcoin ( Halving.
At the moment the block reward is 6.25 BTC, but when Bitcoin ( launched in 2009 the block reward was 50 BTC for every block.
Back then the hashrate was low and you could mine Bitcoin ( on your laptop. The first Bitcoin ( Halving to 25 BTC took place after the first 210,000 blocks had been produced in 2012.
Then in 2016, at 420,000 block height, the block reward was cut to 12.5 BTC. And then four years later, in May 2020 it was halved to today's reward of 6.25 BTC.
The next halving will see the the block reward cut to 3.125 BTC in 2024 sometime. This will continue every 210,000 blocks, roughly every four years, until the last fraction of Bitcoin ( is mined around the year 2140.
The Bitcoin ( Halving is hard coded into the Bitcoin ( protocol and will take place exactly as each 210,000 blocks are added to the Bitcoin ( blockchain.
Mining Difficulty Adjustment.
There is no exact science for understanding Bitcoin mining ( or trying to work out the costs, because there's a something known as a 'difficulty adjustment'.
The difficulty adjustment is a change in the cryptographic mathematic puzzle every 2016 blocks.
It ensures that the average time of block production will always remain about 10 minutes. It also determines the difficulty and amount of electricity needed to mine bitcoins for the next 2016 blocks.
The mining devices all work together to add transactions to the latest block, and then separately when racing to solve the cryptographic puzzle, which is a seemingly-random 64 character output (hash number).
To do so, Bitcoin ( miners use the SHA-256 Hash Algorithm to input data into each block.
The data of each block contains among other things: a timestamp, a record of the transactions, and a reference to the previous block. It also contains the answer to the cryptographic puzzle needed to win the block reward.
The difficulty of the cryptographic puzzle is determined by the amount of hashrate working on every block. The hashrate of any device is the speed at which a miner hashes per second.
As more miners join the network and the combined hashrate of the Bitcoin ( network grows, the hashrate will go up. And because there are more devices working on the network, a mining device will discover the answer faster than usual.
If the average time for producing blocks decreases the difficulty of the cryptographic puzzle increases. This guarantees it will take more hashes, more time and more electricity to discover the answer and mine bitcoins.
Conversely, if miners drop out of the network, the difficulty will ease for the next 2016 blocks. This usually happens if the electricity becomes too expensive and mining Bitcoin ( profitability drops.
This means it will be easier for the Bitcoin mining ( devices to find the answer, ensuring more profits, and likely faster block production.
This difficulty adjustment is coded into the protocol and takes place every 2016 blocks, which is roughly every 2 weeks. It guarantees that Bitcoins cannot be over or under produced, and that the network will run as coded.
Bitcoin ( is known as a Proof of Work (PoW) consensus algorithm, but the PoW actually refers to the miners processing hashes in order to find the latest block.
At time of writing there is 117 quintillion hashes per second in the entire Bitcoin mining ( Network, and the most powerful Bitcoin mining ( rig hashes at 110 trillion hashes per second.
There are hundreds of thousands of mining devices working on the Bitcoin ( network, all with the same goal: to find the answer first and win the 6.25 BTC block reward.
Of course only one device will discover the answer so all of that processing power that goes into mining the bitcoins is known as the 'proof of work' that creates each and every BTC.
Producing PoW takes a lot of processes and has a very low probability of success. Therefore, any miner contributing should run their Bitcoin mining ( hardware device as much as possible to ensure better returns.
To win the block reward alone, even with the most powerful mining device, is highly unlikely. This is because there are many mining companies distributed around the world, each with thousands of the same powerful mining devices.
It's recommended, therefore, to join a mining pool, especially if you're a solo miner.
ELI5 Bitcoin mining ( Pools: The competition for BTC is so fierce, and rising every year, that it's almost impossible for any person wanting to mine Bitcoin ( alone and win the block reward. This is where Bitcoin mining ( pools come into play.
Basically, a mining pool is a large group miners uniting to work together to boost their combined Bitcoin ( hashrate.
This ensures they are more competitive when it comes to discovering the answer to the complex maths the Bitcoin ( protocol asks.
All miners in the pool will connect through the mining pool's software and work together. The more miners that join the pool, the more likely that pool is to win the block reward.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:34 am

How to start Bitcoin mining for beginners (SUPER EASY) - ULTIMATE GUIDE|13:51
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:35 am
Every miner is paid by their percentage of the Bitcoin ( hashrate, which the mining pool provides.
For example, if Alice has the most powerful mining device and contributes 110 TH/s, but Bob has an older device and his hashrate is 55 TH/s, then Alice will earn twice as much BTC from the mining pool payout.
There are many mining pools, and they all have different fees, so your circumstances will determine which mining pool is best for you.
Be careful though, some mining pools claim to have zero fees, but there are always hidden fees. It all depends on your circumstances, so doing some due diligence before joining a mining pool is highly recommended.
Bitcoin mining ( Isn't As Complex As It Seems.
ELI5 Bitcoin mining ( is no easy matter. Bitcoin mining ( can be technical, but with a bit of research and practice anybody can get into it, and earn Bitcoin (
There is so much free information on the Internet a lay person can even learn to build their own mining rig from scratch.
Anyone who gets into mining Bitcoin ( has the opportunity of turning power into value and earning the Bitcoin ( Block Reward.
Not only that, Bitcoin ( is the most decentralized and hard money ever created, and every piece of hardware helps secure it.
It is already the most secure network ever created, and as every block is added to it, it becomes more secure, and that on its own adds more value to Bitcoin (
Billions of dollars is being invested in this exciting and nascent industry every year, and as a result mining Bitcoin ( is getting ever more competitive.
But the best thing about it is, with a small financial and time investment, anybody can learn to mine Bitcoin (
Bitcoin ( FAQs.
On average, the time it takes for miners to mine BTC is 10 minutes. But they don't just mine 1 BTC. Mined Bitcoins are created with every new block and these produce the Bitcoin ( block reward which at the moment is 6.25 BTC, so you could say it takes less than 2 minutes to mine each Bitcoin (
How can I buy Bitcoin ( in India?
Laws change quite regularly in India and although It's legal now, things change, so it's recommended to use global exchanges such as or which are probably the most widely used marketplaces and exchanges in the world.
How much should I invest in Bitcoin (
Bitcoin ( is a new technology, and an asset that is finding its value. It has great potential, but the price is volatile, so investing in it should only be for those who understand it and have faith in it. And only invest as much as you can afford to lose.
Who is the CEO of Bitcoin (
There is no CEO of Bitcoin ( There is no central authority that directs or controls Bitcoin ( It was created by a pseudonymous programmer Satoshi Nakamoto, but he gave it up to the community, and now all decisions are made by the hundreds of thousands of miners and nodes who work for the Bitcoin ( network.
How Does Bitcoin mining ( Work Eli5.
Eli5: Bitcoin (
According to Wikipedia,Bitcoinis a worldwide cryptocurrency and digital payment system called the first decentralized digital currency, as the system works without a central repository or single administrator. It was invented by an unknown person or group of people under the name Satoshi Nakamoto and released as open-source softwa. What. The above explanation is not ELI5.Below you will find a list of short videos, each talking about different aspects of how Bitcoin ( works. I recommend starting at the top and making your way down as you have time. When you reach the end, you will be able to read and understand the above paragraph. Note: These videos are listed in order of importance. Towards the bottom you will find many videos that are NOT AT ALL required to UNDERSTAND Bitcoin ( For those interested however, they are great resources that pose interesting thoughts, questions, and debates. Bitcoin (, like any other invention, was created to fulfill some kind of need. Learn the reasons Bitcoin ( was invented in the first place. Now that you know the benefits that Bitcoin ( provides, let's take a look at how it actually functions. Learn the basics of Bitcoin ( Learn the advanced and mathematical ways Bitcoin ( operates. In order to send Bitcoins, you need a private key. In order to receive Bitcoins, you need a public key.Learn what public and private keys are. These are also sometimes called public address and private address . In order to store your Bitcoins, you need something called a wallet. Learn how wallets operate. Also learn more about what a Bitcoin ( address is and does. What are the different types of bitcoin wallets? There are many ways to store your Bitcoins.Now that you know what Bitcoin ( addresses and wallets are, you can learn about the different type Continue reading >>
Bitcoin mining ( Explained Like Youre Five: Part 2 Mechanics.
Bitcoin mining ( Explained Like Youre Five: Part 2 Mechanics In Part 1 we took a look at the incentives involved in Bitcoin mining ( and how they are used guarantee a single transaction history needed to prevent bitcoins from being double spent. In this post we will take more a technical look at the cryptography involved and how it is used to secure the network. As I said previously, Bitcoin ( is very accessible. While we will be discussing cryptographic concepts, it shouldnt discourage you from continuing further. Before moving forward we should take a moment to learn about hash functions since they are used all throughout the Bitcoin ( protocol. To put it simply, a hash function is just a mathematical algorithm that takes an input and turns it into an output. For example, suppose we have an algorithm which just adds all the digits in the input string together. If our input is 1234 we would get an output of 10. Simple enough. However, there are certain properties of really good hash functions that make them suitable to use in cryptography. Keep these properties in mind as they are vital to the operation of the Bitcoin ( protocol. It should be very easy to compute an output for any given input, however it should be impossible (given current knowledge of mathematics and the state of computers) to compute the input for a given output even while knowing the mathematical algorithm. Consider, in the above example we can easily compute an output of 10 given the input of 1234, however going in reverse isnt as easy. In this case there are many possible inputs that could add up to 10 (55, 136, 7111, etc). However, given the simplicity of our function one could still figure out the input relatively easily. Some cryptographic hash functions, on the other hand, are said to be unbreakable by Continue reading >>
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:35 am

Python Bitcoin Tutorial for Beginners|18:04
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:36 am

How to CPU Mine Bitcoin ( 2018 Updated Windows 10|6:29
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:36 am
Bitcoin ( Cash Reddit Tip App Users Hacked For Thousands.
Bitcoin ( Cash Reddit Tip App Users Hacked for Thousands An ongoing investigation has revealed multiple allegations that hot wallets from users of popular subreddit r/btc were hacked through Tippr, resulting in thousands of dollars worth of bitcoin cash (BCH) stolen. Early theories assumed this to be a new low in the so-called Civil War between supporters of bitcoin core and BCH. Also read: African Central Banks Urged to Ditch Dollar and Buy Bitcoin ( Using a previously unknown third-party vulnerability, users of Reddits increasingly popular subreddit forum, /r/btc , a discussion board which often features positive comments by bitcoin cash supporters, were hacked for thousands of BCH. Reddit is a news aggregator fueled by subreddit discussion boards which fill every kind of topic niche. It is owned by media conglomerate Advance Publications, and is routinely in the top ten most visited websites. The attacks were seemingly so base, early thinking went toward an inside job. Perhaps a rogue Reddit admin had snatched bitcoin cash, came an initial theory. In the final month of last year, /r/btcs moderator and a user who happened to work in the malware field were made vulnerable and hacked. For about half an hour, the subreddit itself was redirected to r/bitcoin. And then a half dozen other bitcoin cash-favoring forum users were compromised, especially those tipped through Tippr. The conspiracies began. Obviously, bitcoin core supporters had taken to ire, doing so as a new low. They might hate bitcoin cash, but no one turns down free money. 50,000 USD of BCH Flowed Through Tippr in December Tippr is a bot used on Reddit for the purposes of tipping users in BCH. Tippers send the bot a deposit, and then comment, noting theyre using u/tippr. An example might be: Great point u/tippr Continue reading >>
Eli5: How Do Merkle Trees Actually Work?
You hear about them alot on technical crypto forums, and maybe in a Vitalik speech .. but what the heck are they? Well, we dug under the covers and wrote up a post about it just for you: That was an informative article! Thanks for putting in the time for this. A follow-up post on how forks work (soft-forks and hard-forks) would be pretty timely And I'm sure it would answer a lot of people's questions these days! Keep it up, this is the kind of content we need. Thanks, we've added that to the list of topics! Will send you a note when it's out. Awesome! Thanks for that, I'll be on the lookout. This is brilliant- I've had to explain this to people using a whiteboard and I've just ended up with blank expressions. Bookmarked, and will be shared- you've just got yourself a regular reader, keep up the good work. Excellent article, thank you for taking the time to write this up! One cool example of conveying the hash-of-a-hash idea is the color-mixing theory found in this video: . It helped us understand the idea of the new hash being a mix of the previous effectively. You could include that same concept in your visualization! A follow-up post on how forks work (soft-forks and hard-forks) would be pretty timely Quote from: stackholio on October 19, 2017, 04:29:02 PM Excellent article, thank you for taking the time to write this up! One cool example of conveying the hash-of-a-hash idea is the color-mixing theory found in this video: . It helped us understand the idea of the new hash being a mix of the previous effectively. You could include that same concept in your visualization! A follow-up post on how forks work (soft-forks and hard-forks) would be pretty timely Continue reading >>
By Euny Hong | Updated October 17, 2017 -- 3:51 PM EDT Cryptocurrency mining is painstaking, expensive, and only sporadically rewarding. Nonetheless, mining has a magnetic draw for many investors interested in cryptocurrency. This may be because entrepreneurial types see mining as pennies from heaven, like California gold prospectors in 1848. And if you are technologically inclined, why not do it? Well, before you invest the time and equipment, read this explainer to see whether mining is really for you. We will focus primarily on Bitcoin ( (Related: How Bitcoin ( Works and our helpful infographic, What is Bitcoin ( ) By mining, you can earn cryptocurrency without having to put down money for it. That said, you certainly don't have to be a miner to own crypto. You can also buy crypto using fiat currency (USD, EUR, JPY, etc); you can trade it on an exchange like Bitstamp using other crypto (example: Using Ethereum or NEO to buy Bitcoin (; you even can earn it by playing video games or by publishing blogposts on platforms that pay its users in crypto. An example of the latter is Steemit , which is kind of like Medium except that users can reward bloggers by paying them in a proprietary cryptocurrency called Steem. Steem can then be traded elsewhere for Bitcoin ( In addition to lining the pockets of miners, mining serves a second and vital purpose: It is the only way to release new cryptocurrency into circulation. In other words, miners are basically "minting" currency. For example, as of the time of writing this piece, there were about 16 million Bitcoin ( in circulation. Aside from the coins minted via the genesis block (the very first block created by Bitcoin ( founder Satoshi Nakamoto himself), every single one of those Bitcoin ( came into being because of min Continue reading >>
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:36 am

How to diagnose and remove a bitcoin miner trojan|4:57
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:37 am
Guide: What Is Bitcoin ( And How Does Bitcoin ( Work?
Guide: What is Bitcoin ( and how does Bitcoin ( work? Media playback is unsupported on your device WATCH: Ayshah's report on the rise of the Bitcoin ( The value of virtual currency Bitcoin ( is at the highest it's ever been - one Bitcoin ( is now worth more than 7,000 - and its value could go even higher. But what is Bitcoin ( and how does it all work? Image caption Physical Bitcoins are a bit of a novelty Bitcoin (, often described as a cryptocurrency, a virtual currency or a digital currency - is a type of money that is completely virtual. It's like an online version of cash. You can use it to buy products and services, but not many shops accept Bitcoin ( yet and some countries have banned it altogether. The physical Bitcoins you see in photos are a novelty. They would be worthless without the private codes printed inside them. Image caption A Bitcoin ( wallet app on a smartphone Each Bitcoin ( is basically a computer file which is stored in a 'digital wallet' app on a smartphone or computer. People can send Bitcoins (or part of one) to your digital wallet, and you can send Bitcoins to other people. Every single transaction is recorded in a public list called the blockchain. This makes it possible to trace the history of Bitcoins to stop people from spending coins they do not own, making copies or undo-ing transactions. There are three main ways people get Bitcoins. You can sell things and let people pay you with Bitcoins. Image caption People build special computers to generate Bitcoins In order for the Bitcoin ( system to work, people can make their computer process transactions for everybody. The computers are made to work out incredibly difficult sums. Occasionally they are rewarded with a Bitcoin ( for the owner to keep. People set up powerful computers just to try and get Bitcoins. Th Continue reading >>
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:37 am

What is Bitcoin ( Mining (|1:56
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:37 am
What Is Proof Of Burn (eli5)?
In this article, we will explain the revolutionary consensus mechanism behind Slimcoin: Proof of burn. If you need a super-short explanation, you can go to the tl;dr section at the end. Readers that are familiar with Bitcoins Proof of Work and why it works can skip the first two sections. To understand what is Proof of Burn, first we must understand why cryptocurrencies use a consensus method. First, the basics: The blockchain is the main database of a cryptocurrency. It contains all valid transactions. All nodes - all participants that run a full-featured client software - save the blockchain on their hard disks. Its called a blockchain because the transactions are grouped in blocks. A block is written when the nodes agree to a set of transactions that the nodes regard as valid. But how do the nodes agree which transactions should be saved into a block? There is no central authority that validates the transactions, so this work must be done by the nodes in a collaborative way. The blockchain technology already prevents that some node could create money out of thin air. But there could be dishonest nodes that tried to use a coin twice - this is called a double spend. For example, they could buy an item in an online shop and inmediately try to send the same coins to an exchange. This way they could fool the shop owner and the exchange owner and get both things - the bought item and the money. To prevent double spends, the nodes must come to an agreement which transactions are valid and which are not. On a first glance, we could let the nodes vote for which transactions are included into a block, with each node having one vote. But there is a problem: A malicious participant could create thousands of nodes and manipulate the vote. Proof of work: Bitcoins consensus mechan Continue reading >>
Eli5 Bitcoin ( Blockchain - Bitcoin mining ( Intel Hd Graphics 2018.
Eli5 bitcoin blockchain - Bitcoin mining ( intel hd graphics 2018 Eli5 Archives ICO crypto currency trading wThis is aimed at being a very easy read simple to digest very broad in it s analogies. If you have been paying attention to bitcoin at all lately, you may have noticed a lot of talk going on aboutforks. In specific I would. There is a variant of this called coinswap where x does not hit the blockchain where steps4) and5) are replaced by A revealing x off chain , then the signers just give each other the coins only using x as a fallback. A hard coded limit in Bitcoin ( software 1 megabyte per blockchain block prevents the. How can you digitise a token. Don t worry, you don t need to be a computer scientist to understand the technical side. Explain Bitcoin ( Like I m Five Blockchain Curated 15 okt. Monero is a fully anonymous cryptocurrency that uses proven. Don t confuse Bitcoin ( and the Blockchain The Skeptical Argument Pinball Machine of Bitcoin ( Bravenewcoin: What is bitcoin. Supporters of the proposal hope that it will put an end to a two year old feud that has been tearing the Bitcoin ( community apart. Captain Drakin s Bitcoin ( Show is an animated series that informs about Bitcoin ( Bitcoin ( explicado como si tuvieras 5 aosELI5) Rewisor. The Ongoing Bitcoin ( Malleability Attack CoinTelegraph 4 okt. You now have one apple and I have zero. Bitcoin ( has a few elements; which I will explain. Monero ELI5Explain like I m five) Monero. Eli5 bitcoin blockchain. Eli5 bitcoin blockchain. EthereumETH) for newcomers, Ethereum blockchain Eli5 br br. Toch een ELI5 van Reddit) My daughter is 4. You can write software that will crawl the block chain generate automatic accounting histories for tax verification purposes. Sidechains Can someone ELI5 to me for Bitcoin ( Atomic Swaps. Bitcoin ( Continue reading >>
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:38 am

How to mine $1,000,000 of Bitcoin ( using just a laptop|3:19
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:38 am
How Do Bitcoins Work Reddit.
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Explain Bitcoin ( Like Imfive.
If you still cant figure out what the heck a bitcoinis Were sitting on a park bench. Its a great day. I have one apple with me. I give it to you. My apple was physically put into your hand. You know it happened. I was there. You were there. You touched it. We didnt need a third person there to help us make the transfer. We didnt need to pull in Uncle Tommy (whos a famous judge) to sit with us on the bench and confirm that the apple went from me to you. The apples yours! I cant give you another apple because I dont have any left. I cant control it anymore. The apple left my possession completely. You have full control over that apple now. You can give it to your friend if you want, and then that friend can give it to his friend. And so on. So thats what an in-person exchange looks like. I guess its really the same, whether Im giving you a banana, a book, or say a quarter, or a dollar bill. Now say, I have one digital apple. Here, Ill give you my digital apple. How do you know that that digital apple that used to be mine, is now yours, and only yours? Think about it for a second. Its more complicated, right? How do you know that I didnt send that apple to Uncle Tommy as an email attachment first? Or your friend Joe? Or my friend Lisa too? Maybe I made a couple of copies of that digital apple on my computer. Maybe I put it up on the internet and one million people downloaded it. As you see, this digital exchange is a bit of a problem. Sending digital apples doesnt look like sending physical apples. Some brainy computer scientists actually have a name for this problem: its called the double-spending problem . But dont worry about it. All you need to know is that, its confused them for quite some time and theyve never solved it. But lets try to think of a solution on our ow Continue reading >>
Reddit Drops Bitcoin ( Payment Option For 'gold' Membership.
Reddit Drops Bitcoin ( Payment Option For 'Gold' Membership Social media website Reddit is no longer accepting bitcoin as payment for its Reddit Gold membership program. On Friday, users began commenting in the /r/BTC subreddit that the only available payment methods for the service are credit cards and PayPal, whereas previously people were able to pay for gold using bitcoin. A Saturday post in the same forum attributed to Reddit administrator "emoney04" explained that the change was due in part to Coinbase's decision to discontinue their Merchant Tool product in favor of Coinbase Commerce , which will enable "merchants to accept multiple cryptocurrencies directly into a user-controlled wallet." "The upcoming Coinbase change, combined with some bugs around the bitcoin payment option that were affecting purchases for certain users, led us to remove bitcoin as a payment option." They also indicated that Reddit has yet to decide if it will reintroduce crypto payments after Coinbase implements its new Commerce service. "We're going to take a look at demand and watch the progression of Coinbase Commerce before making a decision on whether to reenable," the administrator said. As previously reported by CoinDesk , Reddit first started accepting bitcoin in its now-defunct merchandise store, RedditMarket, in 2015. The leader in blockchain news, CoinDesk is a media outlet that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides by a strict set of editorial policies . CoinDesk is an independent operating subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, which invests in cryptocurrencies and blockchain startups. Continue reading >>
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:38 am

1080Ti Gaming PC Mining ( Crypto For 24 Hours - How Much Profit?|11:39
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:39 am
Monero Eli5 (explain Like I'm Five) - A Super Simple Explanation Of How Monero Works.
Monero ELI5 (Explain like I'm five) - a super simple explanation of how Monero works Monero is digital cash. Its like Bitcoin (, but your activity is kept confidential. Everyone stores their funds using a software application called a Monero wallet. Each wallet has its own receiving address. You tell other people this address so that they can send you funds. When someone sends you funds, you cant tell who sent it to you (unless they want you to know). Similarly, when you send funds, the recipient wont know it was you that sent it, unless you tell them it was you. Because the movements of funds are kept private, no one can tell how rich anyone else is. This is very different from Bitcoin (, where everyones wealth and the people theyve transacted with are a matter of public record. Moneros privacy is important to prevent others from knowing how rich you are and to prevent them from spying on how you spend your money. It also keeps your business transactions confidential from competitors. Since Monero is untraceable, you do not have to worry that any funds you receive are tainted by anything suspicious the previous owner did with them. Monero has no central point of authority. When you send funds to someone, a worldwide network of computers will come to an agreement among themselves that ownership of the funds has passed from one anonymous person to another. This means Monero cannot be shut down by any one country or authority. The network of worldwide computers that verify and agree that transactions have taken place are called miners. The reason they are called miners is that they are rewarded with a small amount of funds in exchange for the work they do to verify transactions. The shared global record of transactions is called the blockchain. To get started with Monero, al Continue reading >>
Eli5: Pool Luck Rate.
Ok, so for a newbie in this mining pool buisness, this is what I would love to know: 3) What does it mean for a potential miner/invester in that pool? Further questions, if any, will be added below. 4) How often should a pool statistically find a block, or how long is the statistic time between each block? 5) How is a pool defined as unlucky/lucky? The money raised from these ads will be used to pay for improved forum software and other useful stuff. Advertised sites are not endorsed by the Bitcoin ( Forum. They may be unsafe, untrustworthy, or illegal in your jurisdiction. Advertise here. Ok, so for a newbie in this mining pool buisness, this is what I would love to know: 3) What does it mean for a potential miner/invester in that pool? Further questions, if any, will be added below. 1) mining is probabilistic in nature, if you find a block earlier than you statistically should on average you are lucky if it takes longer, you are unlucky 2) not possible to ELI5 - Cumulative Distribution Function requires advanced mathematics 3) nothing as it is random and unpredictable - though if it is continually unlucky perhaps you should avoid the pool Ok, so for a newbie in this mining pool buisness, this is what I would love to know: 3) What does it mean for a potential miner/invester in that pool? Further questions, if any, will be added below. 1) mining is probabilistic in nature, if you find a block earlier than you statistically should on average you are lucky if it takes longer, you are unlucky 2) not possible to ELI5 - Cumulative Distribution Function requires advanced mathematics 3) nothing as it is random and unpredictable - though if it is continually unlucky perhaps you should avoid the pool Many thanks for the great reply, already learned alot. 4) How often should a poo Continue reading >>
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:40 am

What is Bitcoin ( Mining ( (In Plain English)|16:01
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:40 am
Fastest bitcoin miner.
Bitcoin ( miners are different in many ways. But the most noticeable fifference is their hashing rate. The hash rate is the speed at which miners work. The more the hash rate of the device, the more the power and the speed of the miner. In this, we are going to introduce the miners with the most hashing rates.
The Top 7 Best ASIC Miners 2020 :
1. Bitmain Antminer S5 The Bitmain Antminer S5 features a power supply labeled 115 Volts, and that draws about 560 Watts. With the low power needs and consumption, small power supply, similar to those running desktop computers can accommodate the Antminer S5. With regards to efficiency, the unit produces about 1 GH/s for every 0.51 watts consumed. Which translates to 0.51 J/GH. Compared to its predecessor, the S3, the S5's efficiency has improved. All these integrated features makes it the most powerful bitcoin miner in the current market.
The power supply unit recommended for use the S7 is the 1600 watt APW3. This power supply unit is by far one of the best available in the market. It is precisely designed for Bitcoin mining ( The miner can run even the most potent mining hardware - the Antminer S9. It, however, requires a minimum of 205 Volts to operate. The optimal power consumption makes it the most efficient bitcoin miner. The efficiency of the S7 depends on the effectiveness of the power supply used and the ambient temperature. But, at room temperature of about 25 degrees Celsius, the S7 produces about 1300 watts. At this point, you should note that every generation of the Antminer is near twice as efficient when compared to its predecessor.
this high hash rate has been made possible courtesy of 3 circuit boards featuring a total of 189 chips. For all that the S9 has to offer, you should expect to pay a pretty penny for it. The Antminer S9 can be used with the Antminer 1600 Watt power supply efficiently. Speaking of efficiency, the S9 is notably the most efficient mining hardware available. And while it consumes 300 watts more compared to the S7, it is twice as efficient with about 0.1 Joules per Gigahash.
This product is the latest addition to the industry by the company Canaan. It provides a good hash rate about 7.3 TH/s and features an air forming cooling system that enables 88 chips to function great as a single unit. Also, it helps to keep the miner running at all times. The unit features an efficiency of 0.16 J/GH. This efficiency rating is way better compared to all other products in its price range.
While the L3+ is an easy mining hardware to use, it comes packing in power just like most of the mining hardware listed in this review. It has a hash rate of about 504 MH/s and uses up approximately 800 watts and sports an efficiency of 1.6 J/MH.
7. Bitmain Antminer D3 Most miners are using this hardware to first mine dash coins which they later convert into Bitcoins and make huge profits in the process. The Antminer D3 provides a hash rate of 15 GH/s and uses up about 1200 Watts.
Online wallet.
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A Mobile Wallet is a virtual wallet that stores payment card information on a mobile.
keepkey wallet.
KeepKey Wallet is a hardware wallet for storing cryptocurrencies. It is a multi-purpose wallet that.
iMiner is a registered trademark in Turkey, which has more than 7 years of experience in Bitcoin mining ( and investing in the mining sector, and has now launched its own Minerals Rental Service. This rental service has now been launched in Turkey, , the US, Canada and Iran, which has been well received by users. Imminer operates in a total of 5 countries and employs over 300 experienced staff and experts to provide you with the most reliable and reliable Miner Rental Service.
How Much Internet Speed Do You Need To Mine Bitcoin (
Posted Under: Internet.
Ever since the Satoshi Nakamoto, or a group of people using that alias, launched the Bitcoin ( blockchain network in 2008, the world has been abuzz about the potential this technology has to change one of the most important things in our world: money.
There is another reason why so many people are rushing after Bitcoins like it was California in 1849 - Bitcoins have become extremely valuable.
Currently, one Bitcoin ( is worth just under $7,000. However, getting to this price point has been a bumpy ride full of high peaks and low valleys, speaking to an inherent instability in the market, a natural phenomenon for something so new.
When most of us hear this, we often think, "where can I get some of these things?" Well, you can buy them on Bitcoin ( exchanges, or you can acquire them as payment in a transaction. Alternatively, you can go and get them yourself by becoming a Bitcoin ( miner.
As a Bitcoin ( miner, you help make the whole technology work, and as a reward for your work. free Bitcoins!!
Sounds fantastic, right? Hold on a second. While it's true there is money to be made Bitcoin mining (; it's a lot more difficult than it appears and requires a tremendous upfront investment. To understand why, let's walk through everything you need to know about Bitcoin ( and Bitcoin mining (
Bitcoin ( is a cryptocurrency. It is a digital asset - in this case, a piece of code - that can be used as a means of exchange - in other words, it works similarly to money.
There are many cryptocurrencies out there - as many as 3,000 - but Bitcoin ( was widely considered to be the first and is by far the most well-known in popular culture. Its development has been credited to a Japanese man, Satoshi Nakamoto, although Bitcoin ( maintains this an alias "used by the person or entity who created Bitcoin (" The mystery surrounding the creation and eventual release of Bitcoin ( is a fascinating layer of its story, but not one we will touch on here.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:41 am

Buy And Sell Bitcoin ( / Bitcoin ( Cash Mining ( Contracts On Ebay - Important Information|7:27
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:41 am
What's the Deal with Bitcoin (
Most of the buzz about cryptocurrencies is about its decentralized system of verification. This is in direct contrast to our current money system, which is centralized. A third party verifies all transactions. An example would be Visa, which facilitates transactions between your bank and the merchant. However, at the core of the banking systems around the world, all transactions are verified by central banks. In the US, that's known as the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States.
Without getting into the economics of currency, some believe that centralized systems of currency are bad for society. They put tremendous power into the hands of a relatively small group of people - those who control the central bank or have influence over its policy - whose interests are often different from those of the working class.
But there are many reasons why a central bank is important, an example being the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020. Around the world, central banks pumped money into economies to keep people afloat while the disease was contained. While the long-term effects of such a policy are yet to play out, it's hard to imagine where the world would have gone without this ability to simply "create" money and add it to the economy during hard times, something that is impossible to do with a cryptocurrency.
It's impossible because the technology upon which Bitcoin ( relies - the blockchain - by design only creates new bitcoins at set intervals, and this process cannot be sped up in any way. The creation of new Bitcoins is slow and gradual, but it's also predictable.
However, the flip side of all of this is that the system is much more secure. No one can perform a transaction without verification by the group - not just one entity. So, while you can't simply "create" currency during a crisis, much of the power associated with currency control erodes when we use a cryptocurrency, which could have a radical impact on societies around the world.
Other Impacts of Bitcoin (
Not everyone sees this society-changing future for Bitcoin ( Instead, some see it as something that will develop and exist alongside other currencies, including the traditional ones we have now.
For example, Bitcoins, or any other cryptocurrencies, could be used to govern transactions within a group, such as a community, city, business, etc.
Bitcoin ( has also been considered as a tool for economic development in poorer parts of the world since it could help distribute funds to certain groups more easily, specifically when there is a currency exchange involved and the need to engage a bank. It can also provide a means of transacting without having to have "cash," something that can be very useful in poor, rural areas.
Bitcoin (, and by extension cryptocurrencies in general, have taken a bit of a reputation hit since they emerged into the mainstream after they were associated with websites such as The Silk Road, which sold all sorts of illicit things, ranging from drugs to body parts.
The marketplace only allowed transactions in Bitcoin ( due to the cryptocurrency's private and secure nature. When the authorities arrested the person behind it, Bitcoin ( was forever associated with these types of activity. The public turned slightly against Bitcoin ( and similar currencies because they saw them as enabling thieves, hackers, and drug dealers, among other things, to operate with anonymity on the internet.
However, the founders of a Bitcoin ( exchange that faced strong regulation in the wake of The Silk Road scandal were quick to point out that traditional currencies are used for "bad" things all the time, but that didn't make those currencies inherently bad. Yet, to a degree, the damage was already done in the public eye.
Furthermore, Bitcoin ('s underlying technology - the blockchain - is having its own impact, apart from the one it's having as a result of Bitcoin (
Governments and businesses are now working on implementing blockchain technology into their systems to make them more secure and private. Whether or not this is a good use of this technology is something that's at the crux of the debate about how Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrencies will change human society.
Fundamental to Bitcoin ( and its underlying blockchain is the process of mining. Bitcoin ( miners are the ones who verify the transactions conducted using Bitcoin ( In doing so, they add another "block" to the chain.
However, verifying transactions requires a tremendous amount of computing resources, and so "miners," those who take on the task of verifying transactions - mining - are rewarded for their work; after they have mined a set amount of transactions, they will earn 1 Bitcoin (
Mining is also responsible for the generation of new Bitcoins; after a certain amount of blocks have been added to the chain, a new Bitcoin ( is generated and awarded to the miner.
The specifics of how mining works are complicated, but essentially, miners need to provide a 64 hexadecimal number (which means there are 64 digits and each digit could be one of 16 things, leading to trillions of possibilities.)
This number is associated with a transaction and can only be generated through a mathematical computation involving the numbers already stored on the chain. Massive computers try to figure out what this new number is, and the first one to figure it out is the one credited for verifying the transaction. In other words, they get credit towards their next Bitcoin (
If multiple miners arrive at the solution simultaneously, then there is a vote that takes place to determine who gets the credit. Usually, it goes to the miner who has the most transactions already worked.
How Does Bitcoin mining ( Actually Work?
If all of this sounds exciting and interesting to you, it is likely the result of making the connection between how one earns a Bitcoin ( and how much it's worth (it's like free money!) - perhaps you are considering becoming a Bitcoin ( miner yourself. If so, know that it is easy in theory, but not really in practice.
A big reason for this is the hardware that you are going to need to mine Bitcoins. The massive amount of computations your computer needs to be able to do in a short period of time requires a tremendous amount of electricity and computing power, much more than you could ever hope to get with your typical computer.
As a result, if you want to get into Bitcoin (, you will need to get the required hardware, which includes specialized chips and processors.
Once you've got this assembled, the next step is easy: simply download the Free Bitcoin mining ( program, and you're on your way.
However, if it's just you, the odds are against you for earning a Bitcoin ( Mining companies are out there using exponentially more computing power than you and are much more likely to find blocks than you. Since the first one to verify a transaction is the one who gets the Bitcoin (, this could leave you with empty pockets for some time.
One thing you can do is join a mining pool, an arrangement in which smaller miners work together to mine blocks, sharing the rewards when they come in. If you are going to try and mine on your own, you'd be wise to join one of these pools. Otherwise, you will spend a fortune and a lifetime mining blocks and may never get even one Bitcoin (
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:42 am

Best Cryptocurrency Mining ( Contract on Ebay??!|5:22
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:43 am
How Much Internet Speed Do You Need for Bitcoin mining (
One common question people have when they're considering getting into Bitcoin mining ( is about internet requirements. With so much computing power needed, surely you'd have to have a gigabit-speed (1,000 Mbps) or more connection? How else could you handle so much data?
However, this is actually not true. When Bitcoin mining (, you only need an internet connection for data syncing, which requires very little in terms of connection strength and bandwidth.
There have been instances in which systems have mined Bitcoins successfully with as low as.
500 Kbps, which is nothing - dial-up speeds. It's likely most will need a bit more, but in reality, even high-level systems don't need more than 15 Mbps.
So, while Bitcoin ( technology inherently requires an internet connection, Bitcoin ('s challenge isn't in satisfying your network but hardware needs.
How Much Internet Speed do YOU Need?
No matter if you're planning to mine or not, all this talk about hardware and network requirements might make you think about your own internet connection. Maybe you came to this article because you are constantly the victim of a slow internet connection and were wondering if your dream of becoming a Bitcoin ( miner was even within the realm of possibility. Who can say?
However, internet speed is something we all need but don't all understand. It's vital you know what's going on so that you can be sure you're getting the best bang for your buck.
The first thing you need to know is that internet speed is measured in megabits per second, Mbps. The more, the better, but how much you need depends heavily on how you use the internet. Here's a breakdown:
A few things to keep in mind include:
Advertised speed versus actual speed. The connection performance listed by an internet service provider represents the maximum the network can provide, but your actual speeds will usually be considerably lower. Upload versus download speed . Download speeds refer to how quickly data travels from servers on the web to your computer and is the one that's likely more relevant to most people. Upload speeds refer to the opposite - how quickly data moves from your computer to the servers on the internet - and aren't as big a priority for most people. ISPs tend to advertise download speeds much more prominently. Bandwidth. This refers to the total amount of traffic that can pass on your network at a given moment. If there are more users in your home, then you will need more bandwidth. ISPs don't always provide you with bandwidth specifications, but they will tell you how many devices can work at top-capacity at one time, which should help you decide which connection is right for you.
Time to Mine?
Hopefully, now you understand the basics of Bitcoin ( and Bitcoin mining (, or at least what you need to know to decide if you want to pursue it. Perhaps it's time to set up your own mining operation and begin chasing after those all those precious Bitcoins?
Below are statistics about the Bitcoin mining ( performance of ASIC hardware and only includes specialized equipment that has been shipped.
GPUs, CPUs and other hardware not specifically designed for Bitcoin mining ( can be found in the Non-specialized_hardware_comparison.
Mhash/s = millions hashes per second (double sha256 raw speed performance; may not be very energy efficient with some models) Mhash/J = millions hashes per joule (energy efficiency; 1 joule of energy is 1 watt during 1 second: 1 J = 1 W*s) W = watt (maximum power consumption, i.e. energy per unit of time: 1 W = 1 J/s)
Be sure to research any of these vendors and machines intensely before spending any money.
Download Bitcoin ( Core.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:44 am

ECOS  ( ( Review - Get a Free Bitcoin ( Mining ( Contract Just For Signing Up!|9:12
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:52 am
Get Bitcoin mining ( Device & Container Mining Farm Now!
Baililai Mining ,Our office size area have 300 square meters, more than 20 worker working inside for selling cryptocurrency miner.
ShenZhen Baililai Technology Co., Ltd Was established in 1th Dec 2019 by Mr Amin. Called Baililai Mining.
We are increasingly expanding our international market based on quality products, excellent service, reasonable price and timely delivery.
We have international trading selling department 5 persons / Production team 20 persons / Shiping of delivery 5 persons .
Can you Mine Bitcoin ( on Your Mobile Phones?
Is mobile mining a real thing, or just a facade, we will try to find the answer through carefully examining a few key-factors in mining.
Bitcoin ( grabbed everyone's attention towards the end of 2017 by touching an all-time high rate of almost $20,000. Many who were aware of the term felt disheartened on missing the golden opportunity as the high price rise had made it almost impossible for the normal 'not so rich' users to make any investments.
So, the next viable option for the people interested in Bitcoin ( was to start mining to reap the Bitcoin ( reward. However, 2018's bearish market trend made it almost impossible for individuals to mine Bitcoin ( As the mining rigs used for Bitcoin ( easily cost in upwards of thousands of dollars.
Is Mobile Mining the Way to Earning Bitcoin ( Rewards?
Mobile mining works differently from computer mining, and whatever options are currently available, does not work on the basic principle of mining.
Mining is the process of transaction verification, where the miners verify the transaction by solving complex mathematical equation encrypted with the transaction. Mining requires specific computational hardware, CPU and GPU based rigs are common, however, ASIC based rigs are emerging as the latest trend, since CPU or GPU based mining rigs consume a ton of energy.
Once you have mined a block of a certain network, the network rewards you with a certain number of tokens called Block Reward.
However, Mobile mining rewards the user in a different way, the software you are using generally rewards you a fraction of the token for watching ads and playing different games. It's more like an advertisement reward than mining.
Many experts believe that Mobile mining is nothing more than a Ponzi scheme, as the process of mining can only be made possible through complex hardware setup, which consumes energy at the same rate as an airplane consumes aviation fuel or a Bugatti Veyron emptying its full tank within a few minutes.
Most of these so-called mobile mining software does not provide transparent information about the rewards. For example, a mobile application called, 'Earn Free Bitcoin ( Every Hour' pays out rewards in Satoshis, which is like pennies when compared to Bitcoin (
A few other works on the principle of click-bait where they charge you a fee for even cashing out the 'rewards' you have earned on the platform.
The Math Of Mobile Mining Does Not Add Up.
According to a research conducted by Lookout, an individual with a Samsung Galaxy S3 (One of the Flagship phones of the brand) mining for a solid 24-hour period, would be able to earn a mere 0.00000007 Bitcoin ( or $0.00004473. So, in order to mine a single Bitcoin (, you would need 14,285,714 Galaxy S3s working full-tilt simultaneously.
Even if we consider Litecoin which is fairly new and requires less energy consumption would require four Galaxy S3s working 24 hours simultaneously to mine a single Litecoin. One Bitcoin ( is valued at around $4,000 while one Litecoin is around $38.
The Researchers at Lookout believe that any community who gets a bad light is only because of few defaulters and not necessarily the majority of the community. There has been a major mining malware crisis, where some of the mining farms want to make the most of the profit. In order to do so, they have started to put malware onto the phones to gain whatever free computational power they can get.
Is Mobile Mining Fake?
No, definitely not, there are a few application which follows the basic principle of blockchain and decentralization, and also provides clear information regarding how the software application aims to reward the user. With new hardware and powerful processors being added every year onto phones, mobile mining would surely gain momentum in coming years.
Major mobile phone makers like HTC have already started to manufacture blockchain based mobile phones. And if decentralization is the future, mobile phone makers would find a way to bring the technology in the hands of masses.
For the time being, you can make use of the following application which is genuine and not based on bogus claims of making you a Bitcoin ( Millionaire overnight.
BTC SAFARI Blockchain Game Bitcoin ( Farm Free Storm Play Crypto Miner Sweatcoin Coin Club.
Mining through mobile phones is surely going to gain momentum as the technology improves, however at the present there is no right way to earn Block Reward or token rewards through mobile mining. There are a few software applications which can be used to earn a fraction of the reward what a GPU or CPU based mining rigs can fetch.
However, it's advisable to wait for the blockchain based mobile market to grow and become more sophisticated or if you want to dive in immediately, you can invest in a mining pool or a mining farm to earn at least some profit from mining.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:52 am

3 Bitcoin ( cloud mining contract comparison Reviews - 2020|3:28
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:53 am
Here Are a Few More Articles For You To Read Next:
Best Bitcoin mining ( App Android: Top 5 Free Bitcoin ( Miners.
Bitcoin mining ( from Mobile Phone.
The world of technological innovations is one that has continued to evolve over the years. The advent of the blockchain technology and cryptocurrency heralded a new step in innovative technologies, and we cannot help but marvel at how both technologies have continued to get better. We will look at the best Bitcoin mining ( apps for android here today, and end the search and confusion for the best ones.
When bitcoin came, one way to get them was through mining, and that led to the creation of Bitcoin mining ( rigs- and basically, they are computers set up for the sole purpose of mining bitcoin. The cost of the hardware required to mine bitcoin is usually on the high side; hence, it makes it difficult for some interested persons to join the Bitcoin mining ( community.
However, with the advancement in innovative technologies, you really do not have to get expensive hardware in order to mine bitcoin, because, at the moment, you can mine bitcoin with your android phone. The Bitcoin mining ( revolution is one that has evolved and no longer about supposed nerds who have access to expensive mining rigs.
Perhaps a little insight into how Bitcoin mining ( functions should suffice. When there is a bitcoin transaction on the blockchain network, miners set up specifically for mining bitcoins make use of several devices including ASICs and GPUs to locate the product created as a result of operations from cryptographic functions, popularly referred to as "Hash", and this links the block to a predecessor, and for bitcoin, this proof-of-work problem is a function of the SHA-256 algorithm.
The question that may pop-up in your mind is "what do the miners get?" It's simple; they get paid. In order to incentivize transaction confirmations, miners are able to mint some amount of new digital currency when there is the confirmation of a new transaction. With time, solving the proof-of-work puzzle becomes more difficult, hence, making money off it is not easy; however, there is profitability in the long run.
Let us get back to Bitcoin mining ( with android. Peradventure you are interested in Bitcoin mining (, and do not have access to high tech Bitcoin mining ( rigs that have a lot of GPUs and consume a lot of power, do not be discouraged, because you can actually mine bitcoin with your Android-based device, as there are several Bitcoin mining ( applications in the Google playstore that will help facilitate your move into Bitcoin mining (
Although you should stick with the best as some of the google playstore apps are really just games or ads you complete for minute bits of Satoshi. Read on for the best Bitcoin mining ( android apps below.
However, it is imperative that you understand that these applications do not necessarily mean you will become a bitcoin mogul overnight, however, over time, you will be able to get some profits from it. This article is for btc miners on android phones for everyone to earn free Bitcoin mining ( on the cheap.
BTC Miners for Android Phones.
A major benefit of mining with android devices is the fact that there is no huge upfront cost attached to mobile mining applications. There are no doubts that using the apps to mine bitcoin can yield profitable results; however, the yield should not be likened to a more substantial yield when ASIC, CPU, and GPU rigs are used. There is the possibility that the profitability of Bitcoin mining ( on Android devices will get better with time.
Before delving into Bitcoin mining ( on android, it is imperative that you take the potential costs into consideration. First off, you may want to go for a device that suits the purpose, and the cost of these devices vary according to their quality and brand.
However, compared to purchasing a Bitcoin mining ( rig, the cost of a new smartphone or tablet is much cheaper, but then there is the power consumption rate of Bitcoin mining ( to consider, and there is the probability that the power consumption could affect the device, because there will be the need for the device to be frequently charged.
Another cost to consider is the data fee, because the miners function with the internet, and will consume a lot of data while mining, but if your device is connected to a Wi-Fi, then the cost may not be as much as using data subscriptions directly on the device. If you can deal with these costs, then you should have no problem joining the Bitcoin mining ( community.
These are groups for miners that are server-hosted, and they are created to enable miners to contribute the processing powers of their computers, for solving transactions. If it so happens that a pool successfully decrypts a digital currency transaction, every member of the group will get their share of the rewards, based on the amount of computing resource they contribute.
Some Android-based Bitcoin mining ( applications have it as a requirement that you belong to a Bitcoin mining ( pool before you can begin mining. Looking for a list of the best groups to join may be futile, however, here are some really good pools you can join, the fees for joining are minimal, and the sign-up process is easy:
F2Pool AntPool Slush Pool Kano CKPool
When making the choice of a bitcoin miner hosting and mining pool, it is imperative that you consider the size, which will invariably determine the frequency with which you get paid, the fees, and, method of reward.
Seeing as we have outlined some important information about mining on the Android platform and with a smartphone or tab, and thus outlined a very good approach to Bitcoin mining ( on Android, another thing is picking a good android app that will perform the task of dealing with transactions that are pending on the blockchain network.
There are several Bitcoin mining ( apps to pick from, but for clarity and to help you pick one that is good enough for you, and thus put your smartphone or tablet's processor to good use. Some really good Bitcoin mining ( apps for Android include the following:
This seems to be a favorite among bitcoin android miners , and that could be attributed to the fact that the app is user-friendly. MinerGate Mobile Miner is an offshoot of the familiar MinerGate digital currency mining client that is available for use on personal computers. Apart from bitcoin, the app also supports alt-coins like Bytecoin, Monero, QuazarCoin, DigitalNote, Dashcoin, MonetaVerde, etc.
The MinerGate Mobile Miner is among the few Bitcoin mining ( android app that comes with an integrated wallet for the storage of coins, a chat feature for miners , and also a tool for checking the price of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Furthermore, it makes for easy withdrawal of coins to the , which is the exchange that MinerGate uses.
When you create the MinerGate account, you will be given two options to pick from:
This basically uses your phone's processor to facilitate the Bitcoin mining ( process.
When you select this option, the MinerGate servers become in charge of processing the Bitcoin mining ( However, there is a nominal fee to be paid.
Of the two options, the best to go with is "Mobile Mining," and that is because cryptocurrency is volatile and has thin margins; thus, cloud mining is not always worth the charges that come with the service. However, do not dismiss it if you are seriously going to mine for coins. But for the casual miner, Mobile mining is fine and free. Cloud mining is better but has a small cost.
In addition to the amazing features that come with the MinerGate Mobile Miner, the Bitcoin mining ( android app allows users to customize their Bitcoin mining ( experience to an extent. Here are some customization features the application comes with:
Users have the ability to either decrease or increase the Bitcoin mining ( android application's thread count, and that invariably means users can decide how many processors the device will use in its mining of bitcoins. Users can also stop the miner from working when the phone is no longer on charge, low on mobile data, or at some battery level.
There is the ability to choose between three speeds when mining. Hence, users can select either high, medium, or low mining speeds. However, it is important to note that mining with higher speeds uses a greater amount of the device's system resources.
One thing that sets MinerGate above apart from the others is how polished and slick it is, and while that slickness is not really in Crypto Miner, however, the android mining app does not only support bitcoins but supports more algorithms and digital currencies than MinerGate, and some of the cryptocurrency the app supports include Monero, Litecoin, Skeincoin, Groestlcoin, Yacoin, Helixcoin, Quarkcoin, etc.
However, it is important to consider the fact that the free version of the app does not have all the algorithm s, hence; you may need to buy the access to the different algorithms if you decide not to get the pro version of the app.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:53 am

Cloud Mining ( A Scam? $5,000 $40,000 Invested In 2017 - Genesis Mining ( Review|15:42
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:54 am
Another interesting feature about this Bitcoin mining ( app is the fact that it is NEON-optimized , and also optimized for single instruction multiple data (SIMD) architecture extension used in Cortex-A processors. Furthermore, there is the need for an intending bitcoin miner to be part of a mining pool, before mining bitcoin with this mobile android app can begin.
Simplicity is one of the features that the Crypto Miner Bitcoin mining ( android app brings to the table. The moment you key in the credentials of your mining pool and make a selection of the algorithm you want, you are given the options of selecting how many processor threads you intend to dedicate to the mining processes on your device.
The android mining app also allows the user the liberty of setting the priority of the processes, and also to decide whether you want the app to continue mining in the background or not, and also to let you know if new coins have been generated.
Developed by Jesus Oliver, the app is available on the Google playstore , and it is freeware to download, with an option of getting the pro version of the app that will give you access to all the algorithms at a premium cost. Not as popular as the easy to use miner gate.
There have been some positive reviews about this Bitcoin mining ( app, and that is because the app is simple to use and it is always set up to be ready for work at all times. There are several reasons why the Bitcoin mining ( android app is a favorite for some people, one of which is the ability of the android mining app to support over 50 other digital currencies including ByteCoin, Dash, FantomCoin, Litecoin, etc.
Furthermore, the app is said to offer an algorithm that increases mining profitability, and this algorithm is called CryptoNight and can be utilized in the mining of digital currencies and altcoins like bytecoin, monero, etc.
In its quest for flexibility and smooth user experience, the AA Miner offers its users the feature that lets them decide and select the number of threads that will solve the cryptographic process. Furthermore, the android mining app gives users the choice of deciding whether they want the app to continue mining in the background or not, or perhaps to continue mining when the device is plugged in to charge.
The android mining app was developed by YaC, and as with the aforementioned Bitcoin mining ( android apps, this one is also available for download on the Google Playstore, and it is also free. If you want to get down to business, for free, then this may be the Bitcoin mining ( android app you need.
Cons: Reports lately of it not working correctly and getting bad reviews. However it is free, but you may want to consider reading the reviews here.
Free Bitcoin mining ( Apps for an Inexpensive Start to BTC and Crypto Miners.
The operation of this Bitcoin mining ( android app is similar to Crypto Miner, and before you can begin the mining process, you first need to be a part of a bitcoin/cryptocurrency mining pool. The NeoNeonMiner supports other cryptocurrencies apart from bitcoin, including vertcoin, feathercoin, litecoin, etc.
The user interface is not as cool as some other apps; however, the app has a comprehensive digital currency mining log, and the autoconfiguration script is topnotch and has the ability to detect various smartphone chip configurations.
As with the other Bitcoin mining ( android apps, the NeoNeonMiner also comes with similar features like the ability to freely switch from one mining pool to another; furthermore, users also have the ability to switch algorithms and protocols. In addition to the various features, users of the NeoNeonMiner have the ability to decrease or increase the counts of processing threads, and that is a determinant of how much work the device's processor will do when carrying out transaction confirmation processes.
The app is intuitive and very easy to use, all that is required of you is be a part of a mining pool, before signing up to use the Bitcoin mining ( android app.
The NeoNeonMiner was developed by Kangaderoo and is available for download from the Google Playstore , and amazon and it is also free.
Despite the complaints of this app, especially pertaining to its ability to drain the battery of devices, it has some good sides too. Unlike the other apps mentioned before, the DroidMiner is not freeware, as the app costs about $0.99 to download. Apart from bitcoin, the android mining app has the ability to mine any cryptocurrency that makes use of the SHA-256 and Scrypt algorithms.
Its hashrate is fixed at 1 megahash. Furthermore, the android app allows users to select the number of processing threads they intend for the miner to use in processing the cryptographic transactions.
There are several other Android apps that can facilitate the mining of bitcoins, and they are available on the Google Playstore. The MinerGate Bitcoin mining ( app comes with some additional features that make it a very good tool for mining bitcoin on Android devices.
One of the features, is the availability of a calculator that helps you calculate your profitability while mining with your Android device. It is important to take into consideration the fact that the calculator does not include power consumption costs when performing its calculations, however, it gives you a sketchy idea of the amount you can make. Having mining profitability calculations is important, as it gives you an idea of whether you can make profits from it or not.
We live in a world where technological innovations keep evolving, and so there is the possibility that this new system of mining bitcoin with Android devices will get better at some point because there will be new and better Android devices in the near future. However, there is no assurance that at any point Bitcoin mining ( on android would be more profitable than using GPUs, ASICs, and CPUs unless of course the smartphones/tabs come with equivalent powers and processors.
As earlier stated, if you cannot afford the Bitcoin mining ( rigs that are usually expensive, and you want to join the Bitcoin mining ( community, then you can use your android smartphone with the various Bitcoin mining ( android applications available for download. It will not make you a bitcoin millionaire overnight, but it will put some funds in your hands in the long run. In order to use the Bitcoin mining ( android apps, it is imperative that you become a member of a bitcoin/cryptocurrency mining group because it is a requirement before you can use most of the apps. If you must have a miner on your phone or cloud mine try Minergate.
Integrated Wallet Chat Feature Easy Withdraw to Minergate exchange Choice of Paid Cloud Mining or Free Mobile Mining.
However Android Mining is not the way to go. Buying bitcoins may be the best way to get some, although not everyone can afford them.
You could buy Bitcoins as many predict they could go up after the halfing event due to come in May 2020, since you will find that mining by android will only get you very few satoshi bitcoin units and you will become frustrated. However this is the easiest entry point for everyone by mining with a phone, but like I said you will mine very very few small units of bitcoin this way.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:54 am

Bitdeer - Free Bitcoin ( Mining ( Contracts - King of Cloud Mining (|5:44
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:55 am
How to Tell if you Have a Bitcoin ( Miner Virus.
The first computer virus appeared "in the wild" (outside of dedicated computer labs) in 1982, written by a ninth-grader. Since then, hundreds of thousands of viruses have been written and they just keep coming. One of the more recent iterations is the bitcoin miner virus. Maybe you've heard of them and are wondering what they are and how to tell if you have a Bitcoin ( miner virus.
You probably know that Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrencies work on blockchains and that some people earn crypto by mining. But maybe you don't understand what "mining" actually is in this context. Blockchains work by creating complex mathematical puzzles that must be solved by computers. The owners of the computer that comes up with the solution first are rewarded with Bitcoin ( That is what it means to "mine" Bitcoin (
The puzzles get more and more difficult with time, meaning that you need more powerful computers to solve them. In the beginning, anyone could do it with an ordinary PC, but now that is simply impossible. Currently, Bitcoin mining ( requires special computers that are worth a lot of money. These computers are called miners .
What is a Bitcoin ( miner virus?
The name would suggest it is a virus that infects Bitcoin ( miners. After all, a computer virus infects computers. But this is not the case. Bitcoin ( malware is actually viruses that mine Bitcoin ( . Now you might be asking "But isn't Bitcoin mining ( something people do for money? What's the problem?".
As I explained above, Bitcoin mining ( is no longer possible on a regular PC because the puzzles are too complex and this makes special mining equipment a requirement. However, if you own a lot of PCs you can link them together to make one very powerful supercomputer. Some very unethical programmers have written viruses that hijack other people's computers and force them to mine Bitcoin ( for them. If your computer is infected, it could be mining right now... for someone else!
These viruses aren't just mining Bitcoin (, either. Your computer could be mining Ripple, Monero or any other altcoin without your knowledge. Generating profit for the person who made the virus. So the more technically correct term would be "Cryptocurrency mining malware", but since Bitcoin ( is the most targeted token, the name "Bitcoin ( miner virus" just stuck.
How do Bitcoin ( miner viruses spread?
Crypto mining malware spreads just like any other viruses. They may be downloaded from unofficial software repositories, sent through peer-to-peer file-sharing services, sent by email as apparently normal documents and so on.
The same general recommendations for avoiding regular viruses apply here too: download programs only from trustworthy, official sources, don't open links or documents from unknown senders, keep your antivirus software updated, etc.
How to tell if you have a Bitcoin ( miner virus?
First of all, mining uses a lot of computer power. If the virus makes your CPU do the work, you will find your computer slow, laggy and maybe even unusable. There will also be some serious overheating. The heat may be so intense that it can damage your processor, RAM or motherboard.
If your computer is shutting down from overheating or just keeps getting slower, it might be infected. If you want to quickly check for Bitcoin mining ( virus, you should look at your CPU and RAM usage. On Windows, you can see this in the task manager. Open it by pressing CTRL+ALT+DELETE. On Linux systems, find your distro's system monitor. The screenshot below shows the Linux Mint 19.2 "System Monitor". They all display the same general data:
The key here is to look at the list of running processes and see how much CPU and RAM they are using. If a process is using a lot of computer power, look at its name. If it's something weird you don't recognize or remember installing, that could be your virus!
The resources graph would show a constant high CPU and network use.
But not all Bitcoin ( miner viruses target your CPU. Some of them make your computer's graphics chip (your GPU) do the mining. In this case, your computer's performance won't be as severely affected as in the previous one. Most of the time you'll be able to work on your PC just like you always do. But you will suffer from lags, slow performance and dropped frames when using graphic-intensive programs like games or CAD packages. With this kind of virus, tasks managers or system monitors won't be of any use because they don't display data on GPU usage.
To make matters worse, a recently described type of crypto mining malware can infect your computer without actually installing any files on it .
These last two kinds can be a challenge to detect and get rid of, but it can be done.
How to remove a Bitcoin ( miner virus?
Crypto mining malware removal can be done manually. However, this requires considerable technical skill because it's not just a matter of finding and deleting an executable file. You will also have to manually edit the system registry and risk bricking your computer.
It's easier and far less risky, to use antimalware software. Not all antivirus programs can detect and remove a Bitcoin ( miner virus. Some programs that can remove crypto-mining malware are SpyHunter, ReImage, Malwarebytes, Comodo antivirus and DrWeb. DrWeb has versions for Windows, Mac, Linux and even Android. And Comodo antivirus claims to be able to remove file-less mining malware.
In conclusion...
In this article, you've learned how to tell if you have a Bitcoin ( miner virus and someone is using your computer to make money without your knowledge. If your favorite games suddenly start dropping frames, don't just go running to buy a new graphics card. If your computer is slow and overheating and your electrical bills are suddenly much higher, now you know what might be happening and what to do.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:55 am

How to buy your Bitcoin ( Mining ( Contract|18:23
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:57 am
Mining Pools Rewards Explained.
How to Detect and Delete Bitcoin mining ( Malware from your PC.
Bitcoin mining ( Malware.
Hello Reader, Today here we're going to learn How to Detect and Delete Bitcoin mining ( Malware from your PC.
So, this sort of malware is noticeable inside game and your PC programs, adwares like in your browsers. Bitcoin mining ( malware is made to infect your cryptocurrencies. This type of malware basically runs different processes in your machine and uses significant amount of over-usage of resources.
Detection of Bitcoin mining ( Malware on Your PC.
Detection of Bitcoin mining ( Malware can be done with followig methods:
Method 1: Unwanted Popup Advertisement in your Browser.
You can find these advertisments popups in browsers. Probabily you have seen them most of the times, Popups are annoying, these can fill your PC with so many ads that they sometimes make you so much frustrated. They just sit in you laptop browser and when you surf internet, they track you activities. So, you need to get rid of them as soon as possible.
Method 2: You Laptop starts reacting without any user action / New Search Engine / New Toolbar in your Browser.
This happen to my personal computer in few days back. I was doing nothing and my pc was connected to internet all the time. Hence, i have noticed that Google Chrome started opening different tabs and my search engines was replaced with any other search engine.
Method 3: Getting increase in spam email messages.
While surfing your mails, you have probabily noticed that your spam folder fills up with many unwanted emails, those are spam emails which are sent by the spammers with infected link. When you click those link they ask for either money or want to install some program in your PC.
Method 4: Unwanted installation of programs.
You can check the Bitcoin mining ( Malware through Unwanted installation of programs also. You just have to Check programs installed inside your control panel.
Bitcoin mining ( Malware can be detected by different names, some of them are:
PUA.CoinMiner Trojan.BitMine W32/CoinMiner Trojan.BitMine Application.BitCoinMiner Riskware.BitcoinMiner Riskware.Miner.
Let jump to the next section:
Delete Bitcoin mining ( Malware.
Method 1: Resetting your Web browser.
By simply resetting your web browser can help in deletion of Bitcoin mining ( Malware. For this you need to go in inside your web browser settings. Let say in case of Google Chrome.
Click on 3 dots on top right corner >> Settings >> Advanced >> Reset.
Method 2: Use Anti-Malware Program.
By this method, you just have to use Anti-Malware Program to scan the Malware inside your laptop. I recommend using Malwarebytes, it scans your entire system and detect your Bitcoin mining ( Malware, after that you can able to delete malware easily.
Method 3: Cleaning your windows registry.
A Bitcoin mining ( Malware can easily modify your windows registry of your computer. It can also make new registry and can be able to modify the existing ones.
After scanning for issues, hit fix all selected issues. Now your windows registry is cleaned.
Method 4: By using a good Anti-Virus.
A good Antivirus can help in keeping all kinds of malware away from your laptop. I suggest you to use Avast Antivirus. It is highly recommended by experts and used by most of the people all over the world.
Related: How to fix Nvidia Control Panel Issue.
Conclusion: Unwanted application and ads such as Bitcoin mining ( malware can cause a huge disruption to you pc as well as activities you do in your laptop. Above shown ways are the best ways to detect and delete Bitcoin mining ( malware from your PC.
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Bitcoin mining ( process.
There are various cryptocurrencies available; Bitcoin ( is one of them. Cryptocurrency means a digital currency. These currencies are saved in digital wallets. Bitcoin ( used to be invented in 2009 by an unknown person "Satoshi Nakamoto".
The cryptocurrency concept is not famous during its preliminary time; however, now, cryptocurrency is the most renowned currency. Bitcoin ( is the most well-known cryptocurrency, and the price of this is additionally high. Cryptocurrency is different from general currency; it is also known as digital currency, Which is saved in our digital wallet.
Bitcoin ( is the most popular cryptocurrencies nowadays because There is no third person involved with the Bitcoins process or with bitcoins transaction so that no need to pay any taxes or extra charges to anyone like Bank charges. Bitcoin ( is free from the authority guideline so no one can trace it. Official software if you are planning to invest in bitcoins. You can know almost the details from this website and it will help your trading process much easier. Not just this website but also there are several other websites that provides information on this.
Bitcoin mining ( is giving more profit in less period, but the process of Bitcoin mining ( is a little bit difficult. Bitcoin mining ( is a complicated procedure for solving mathematical puzzles and mathematical algorithms. If you can solve these tricky puzzles, then only you can mine Bitcoins. An effective computer system is required to deal with this kind of complicated math puzzles in any other case your device may be crashed.

As a Bitcoin ( Miner.
When one person sends a certain amount of money to somewhere than it is called a transaction, and the file of that transaction is saved on the Bank server. But in the Bitcoin ( processor trade, there is no bank involved with this to keep the details. Bitcoin ( miners are doing the same thing as a Bank, they save the transactions in several Blocks and adding them into a public record. That record which contains these blocks is called "Blockchain".
Once a Bitcoin ( miner adds a new Block to Blockchain, they confirm the transactions are correct or not. It means Bitcoin ( miners are verifying the uniqueness of Bitcoin (
In familiar words, digital records can be copied easily. So with cryptocurrencies and Bitcoins, there is a hazard that one sender can copy their Bitcoin ( and ship it to some other individual, and the authentic Bitcoins are saved in their wallet. So to address this kind of situation Bitcoin ( miner is verifying the Bitcoin ( before including them in the Blockchain.
Bitcoin ( miners can earn Bitcoins through verifying the Bitcoin ( transaction. Miners are confirming the transaction by how much data is stored during the transaction as well as they have solved a complex math problem to verify the transaction. The mining process of Bitcoin ( is a very critical and complicated task. Peoples who verify these transactions they will get Bitcoins as an award, and in this process, they earn or mine the Bitcoin (
Bitcoin mining ( is profitable or Not.
In older days Bitcoin ( Miners use their personal computers to compute tricky mathematical puzzles which is more time taking and sometimes system failure occurs. But now miners are using application-specific integrated circuit chips (ASIC) for computing which more efficient. Computing with the ASIC chip is faster and efficient.
The price of ASIC chip is excessive like its price is some thousand dollars and the setup of a robust computer gadget additionally expensive. The energy consumption by your device also excessive because it performs very critical mathematical problems and runs your machine for a long time. After all, this, if the price of Bitcoin ( is less than the setup price than it's no longer profitable. But in some instances, it worthwhile and gives you significant returns. Because the price graph of Bitcoin ( is not constant, it changes very rapidly. So we can't trust Bitcoin ( as blindly because some times it gives high returns, and sometimes it causes colossal loss.
Anyone can earn Bitcoin ( through Bitcoin mining (, but some times it profitable and sometimes not. So invest in Bitcoin ( is risk full, and is also beneficial for some instances.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:57 am

Cryptocurrency Mining ( on Ebay: Scam or Legit??!|7:20
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:59 am
Bitcoin mining ( - How Do Miners Process Transactions Inside The Blockchain?
May 11, 2020, was a big event for Bitcoin ( miners. The third halving transitioned, cutting the supply of bitcoin in half, from 12.5 to 6.25 BTC every ten minutes for every mined block.
But what exactly is mining? It is a ubiquitous term associated with the Bitcoin ( network and many other cryptocurrencies. Yet many explanations go only as far as indicating the importance of processing transactions, securing the network, and making transactions near-instant.
This guide lets you understand more of what happens inside the blockchain network and what the miners do. It's the simplest explanation of what happens inside the Bitcoin ( network during a transaction when bitcoins are sent from point A to point B.
Sending Bitcoins - Wallet To Wallet.
To pay for a transaction using bitcoins, you need to have a Bitcoin ( wallet and the public address of the person you're sending it to, who also has a wallet. Some people attach transaction fees if they want their transactions to be processed faster (added to the next block), but they're not mandatory.
Blocks are just hundreds to thousands of grouped transactions of 1mb each. They are generated by miners who use them to record and add transactions to the chain of other blocks containing earlier transactions.
The transaction is sent over the Bitcoin ( network goes to a local pool of other unconfirmed transactions, where miners pick them at random and add them to new blocks. First, they have to confirm their validity by looking at the wallet's transaction history to ensure enough balance to make the current payment.
Miners prioritize transactions with higher transaction fees, and so your transaction may get picked by two or more miners working on different blocks. So if you're in a hurry as a sender, you should use a higher transaction fee option as that will fasten the processing period of your transaction. Transaction fees are not mandatory, especially for smaller purchases like coffee or paying for a movie ticket. Still, it means your transaction might have to linger in the pool for longer.
Mining-Finding the Block Signature.
Once a miner picks enough transactions for their block, they need to add the block to the network, but for this to happen, the miner has to find the block's unique signature. This is where the computational power of their mining computer (mining rig) comes to play.
The signature, also known as a hash function , is a complex mathematical puzzle that each miner can solve for each block. It is like finding the unique identifier that will identify the block from the chain of thousands of other blocks already in the network.
Finding the signature involves inputting a random combination of symbols, digits, or numbers to get a 32 string digit that starts with a specific number of zeros, let's say 17 zeros. Not all random inputs will generate such an output, and thus, the miner has to change the input until the output meets the set conditions. This means the computer needs to perform fast, repeatedly, and consume a lot of electricity.
Keep in mind that this happens simultaneously with thousands of miners working on different blocks containing the same transaction. The first miner to work out the answer to their block's puzzle transmits the block, its puzzle input, and other miners' answer on the network.
Verification and Addition to the Chain.
In turn, the other nodes verify that the transmitting miner's input for the block gives the exact unique output (signature). This is easy to do since the same random input will always give the same output. Once other nodes on the network verify that the block is valid, they add it to their nodes, and the block is said to be confirmed.
The miner who mined (solved the hash function) the block gets rewarded, and the next block is added based on the metadata of the last mined block. To further explain, it means that the hash output of the mined block will be included in the next block's hash function.
Confirming a Transaction.
Every transaction is said to have one confirmation. Once the block is in, it has been verified by other nodes and added to the network. Consequently, if the next block is confirmed, it is then added to the chain, and it becomes the second confirmation for the transaction, and so on.
Miners have to be fast since only one block is included and, therefore, the reward and transaction fees if there are any. This means that other miners have to abandon their blocks if they contain some confirmed transactions in an already mined block.
Besides, the next block has to have a signature of the previous block. Otherwise, other miners would see this and reject a block that doesn't fit the blockchain's block's history.
After their block has been confirmed, miners repeat the same process by going back to the local pool in approximately ten minutes. They verify and group other transactions in a block that references the chain's latest block's signature.
How then, are Bitcoin ( Transactions Instant?
After getting a picture of how the Bitcoin ( network works, the next logical step is to wonder how bitcoin purchases or wallet transfers reflect instantly on the destination wallet.
On the Bitcoin ( network, the answer is pretty simple. Sending bitcoins is broadcasting the request for the transaction to the entire network. Therefore, the person receiving the bitcoin will get a message almost instantly that the transfer has taken place, but the transaction still has to go through the mining process.
The probability of your transaction getting confirmed is and being added to a block with no problem is always high, especially if there's an attached transaction fee. Many merchants or outlets do not necessarily have to wait until the blocks are validated when paying with bitcoins. You can use block explorers, which are useful tools in tracking the progress of a transaction in a blockchain network.
This simple explanation reveals the foundation of decentralized governance, where everything is done automatically without a third party's involvement. Miners can be located anywhere in the world, and it's not enough for any miner to solve the puzzle, but they have to broadcast for others to verify and reach a consensus on what the truth of the transaction is supposed to be.
How the bitcoin processing units used in mining.
It is a well-known fact that the hardware of Bitcoin mining ( has changed dramatically in recent times due to the evolution of new central processing units in the market. Newer machines can process bitcoins at a faster rate than previous computers. Plus, they use less power and last longer. Field programming gateway processors are integrated with CPUs to increase their computing power. When choosing hardware for bitcoin processing, make sure it has a very high hash rate that will give users excellent results. According to experts, the speed of data processing is measured in mega hash rate per second or GIGA hash rates per second. If you want to know what is exactly the bitcoin circuit so you can visit here to get all the details and information.
Selection parameters.
Another parameter for choosing the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware is to analyze the power consumption of different machines available in the market. If the CPU requires too much power, it can have a detrimental effect on output and business operations. Therefore, in order to attract people's attention, the quality of hardware should be high and price-oriented. Spending on the electricity bill should be in sync with the bitcoin earned through the application. One should keep in mind that the CPU uses its own power for its operation and more is needed to power Bitcoin mining ( hardware. The combined costs should be compared to the benefits of the machine.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 06:59 am

My Biggest Bitcoin ( Mining ( Contract Ever! 50 TH/s Hashflare Cloud Mining ( Upgrade!|7:47
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 07:00 am
Graphical processing.
One of the most important components of hardware is the graphical processing unit that can easily handle complex multidimensional calculations. As a result, it is very useful in solving the problem of transaction blocks with bitcoin processing. According to experts, GPUs have a distinct advantage over CPU hashing technology due to their high processing power. In addition to handling bitcoins, GPUs can also synchronize data transfers of cryptocurrencies with other programs without any hassle.
What are the Bitcoin mining ( purposes?
The ASIC option has been introduced in the market for Bitcoin mining ( purposes as it has more power than a graphics card. To achieve processing purposes, it is embedded in the computer's motherboard along with other doors. The on-board field program capable gate array is capable of delivering power of 750 MHz. Bitcoins can be mined at amazing rates with powerful machines. Although, custom chips are expensive and take some time to fabricate, the data speed they provide is very good.
What mistakes we should avoid?
At the moment there are lots of things are coming as bitcoin trading flaws so some purchasers make some costly mistakes. On the time they try to earn some basic returns on their investments for the first time they should have to take a lot to understand it. It is basically depending upon totally on the rate of investment and trust in it towards the success. It may want to be careful when making the purchase. You have to keep all the instructions and details for your earning and future profit.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 07:01 am

USB Bitcoin ( Miner - The Power of 1000's Computers|15:24
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 07:22 am
Bitcoin ('s Mining Video Censored: The Tale of Youtube's Blatant Censorship and Propaganda.
During the last few years, the Google-owned Youtube platform has been accused of massive censorship and in the last three months, the video streaming business resembles the Ministry of Propaganda, more than an online video-sharing platform. This week Bitcoin ( was also censored for sharing a video about our Bitcoin mining ( pool. Bitcoin ('s Youtube account was given one strike for allegedly "violating community guidelines."
Youtube Took Part in Historic Amounts of Censorship During the Covid-19 Outbreak - People Will Not Forgive and Forget the Firm's Transgressions.
When the online video-sharing platform Youtube was first released in February 2005, it was a community of people sharing ideas with very little censorship and moderation. Nowadays, Youtube is under the ownership of Google, and the firm's CEO Susan Wojcicki has been outspoken about removing videos. Weeks ago, Wojcicki told CNN that any videos that went against the WHO narrative in regards to the Covid-19 outbreak would be removed.
Last year, Youtube de-platformed a myriad of 'alt-right' and so-called 'conspiracy' groups and removed these channels from the video streaming site. Youtube also started harassing cryptocurrency content creators and Youtubers who operated channels that discussed bitcoin and other digital assets. During the holiday season in 2019, Youtube officials purged a massive number of cryptocurrency video channels for very little reasoning. The company typically just tells the person that the channel had "violated community guidelines."
Prior to Bitcoin ('s recent video removal and strike, Wojcicki's words came to fruition as her company banned many videos that spoke out against the WHO's narrative when it came to an oppositional narrative toward 'official' coronavirus data. Youtube and Wojcicki took it upon themselves to shelter the public from an opposite narrative that claims herd immunity works and the fatality rate for Covid-19 was extremely over-exaggerated.
California Dr. Daniel W. Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi had their video removed after it gained 5 million views. Erickson's statements suggested that the lockdowns were unnecessary for a virus that has a 99% survival rate and that so-called experts like Dr. Fauci were disregarding basic herd immunity science.
We now know that the proof is right in front of our faces and many respected scientific think tanks and epidemiologists have told the public that the lockdowns were very irrational. Despite the proof, Youtube has banned a number of videos that go against the ongoing fear-mongering narrative. When a video was posted on Youtube that featured Dr. Daniel W. Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi from California, the video got 5 million views before it was removed. Youtube's excuse was:
We quickly remove flagged content that violate [sic] our Community Guidelines, including content that explicitly disputes the efficacy of local health authority recommended guidance on social distancing that may lead others to act against that guidance.
Youtube also banned a video called "Plandemic," which featured Dr. Judy Mikovits soon after it was published on the online video sharing platform. Youtube, however, does allow videos that rebut Judy Mikovits, Daniel W. Erickson, and Dr. Artin Massihi's narratives. The company has no issues allowing rebuttals that stay on course with the fear-mongering narrative.
Youtube removed a video called "Plandemic" which featured Doctor Judy Mikovits. Mainstream media slandered Mikovits and she explained this week she is willing to testify in Congress about her perspective that goes against the current MSM narrative.
But any dissenting views against the lockdowns, stay-at-home orders, and social distancing continued to be removed to this day. The former head of biostatistics, epidemiology, and research design at Rockefeller University, Dr. Knut M. Wittkowski, recently told the public that Youtube had banned his video that went against the lockdown, and over-reaction narrative after it gathered more than 1.3 million views. Dr. Andrew Kaufman's videos were also removed, when he spoke out against the stay-at-home narrative and the data spread by people like the epidemiologist Neil Ferguson.
Youtube has banned videos from Dr. Andrew Kaufman, and the former head of biostatistics, epidemiology, and research design at Rockefeller University, Dr. Knut M. Wittkowski.
Youtube Bans a Video About Bitcoin ('s Mining Pool.
Now Youtube has banned one of Bitcoin ('s videos for sharing information about our mining pool. The video removal was based on the company's "sale of regulated goods" policy and the video allegedly went against "community guidelines." The Bitcoin ( account was given a single strike, which gives the account a one week probation period. Two to three strikes could lead to far worse restrictions against the Bitcoin ( account that merely shares information and resources about cryptocurrency solutions. Bitcoin ('s CEO Mate Tokay has spoken out against the Youtube censorship in a tweet letting the company and Wojcicki know they have been immoral.
This week, Youtube banned one of Bitcoin ('s videos about Bitcoin mining ( Youtube's censorship and propaganda these past few months have been irrational and illogical. "Crypto is the future and if you think censoring Bitcoin ( will do any good you are delusional," tweeted Bitcoin ('s CEO Mate Tokay. "Myspace used to dominate and look at what happened to them," he added.
History shows that censorship has produced some manipulated realities and it has furthered evil time and time again. Youtube is a private company and it can do whatever it wants, but the censorship still speaks volumes on the company's tethered relationship with the status quo. There's a reason why cryptocurrency videos are removed and it is because it goes against Youtube's financial masters. The reason why Youtube bans certain groups is because those groups gain grass-roots attention and make people think critically.
Let us know what you think about Youtube's action.😕😑 We will make sure to update all of you! Stay tuned and watch our Weekly Show: #BitcoinCash #StayHome #cryptocurrencies #youtube
Youtube Wants to Ban Videos That Promote Critical Thinkers.
Youtube has banned videos that go against the Covid-19 narrative as well, because people started realizing that a virus with a 99% survival rate isn't as horrible as we all thought. Concrete evidence shows that the lockdowns and stay-at-home orders did absolutely nothing, even though Youtube continues to scream the less-powerful Covid-19 mantras. "Staying at home saves lives," "We're all in this together," "Flatten the curve," and other propaganda slogans are still aired on nearly every ad published on Youtube today.
Censorship and propaganda techniques paint a clear perspective of Youtube's true colors. Censoring Bitcoin ('s mining video bolsters the argument that Youtube does not have the best interests of global citizens in mind. If anything, people who understand Youtube's vile acts of censorship and misinformation, should vacate the platform in great numbers and leverage a more decentralized online video sharing application like Lbry, or Bitchute. As the economic think tank has said: "Youtube's censorship of dissenting doctors will backfire."
What do you think about Youtube's censorship and propaganda techniques these last few months? Let us know in the comments below.
How to build an efficient cryptocurrency mining PC (if you insist)
By James Norris 01 February 2018.
Curious about cryptocurrency? Here's how to build a simple mining rig.
The right mining hardware is just part of the story. If you're serious about mining Bitcoin ( or other cryptocurrencies, check out our guide to what you need to know cryptocurrency mining.
Cryptocurrency mining has driven up GPU prices and is hurting gamers . But if you're dead set on spelunking into the cryptocurrency mines, you might as well know what you're getting into.
To be clear, we don't encourage this. But if you really want to start mining Bitcoin ( or Ethereum or another cryptocurrency, don't be too intimidated: if you've built a rig before, putting together a cryptocurrency mining PC is an easy weekend project that will let you learn how blockchain technology works, the limits of at-home hashing, and the real costs involved, some of which are hidden.
You should also be aware of the risks. Cryptocurrency is volatile, and there's no guarantee you'll make back the money you spend on your hardware as quickly as you expect. You could even lose it altogether. And keep in mind that every GPU sent into the mines is one more that could have spent its life pushing pixels in PUBG.
Financial philosophy aside, the hardware part of the bitcoin equation is simple. Despite their well-earned reputation for gobbling up GPUs, the rest of a mining rig's layout is very lean. You won't need a high-powered CPU, fancy motherboard, exotic DRAM, or even the Windows OS to bring it all together. In fact, other than a few odds and ends, you may already have most of the parts sitting in a garage or closet--leftovers from previous gaming rig upgrades. Here's a quick overview of what you need, and why.
Firm foundations.
A simple frame is all you need to house your mining rig, so wait for a sale or try DIY before spending hundreds of dollars on a 21st century pan and pickaxe.
Mining rigs start with a rudimentary open-frame enclosure for the motherboard and other components. While many prebuilt configurations exist, they can cost more than proper gaming cases since, in a long running tradition, suppliers often charge a premium on mining hardware.
Fortunately, there are frequently plenty of options on sale for under $100, and you can always make one from simple hardware store parts as the designs aren't complicated. Ingenious crypto miners have used everything from nailed wooden planks to milk crates with good results.
The main point of the open-air frame is ventilation and space for the GPUs. With many rigs sporting a packed stable of full-sized graphics cards, it's wise to ensure they can all breathe and run freely. It's also much simpler to evaluate faulty fans, replace burned-out cards, clear dust, and perform other basic maintenance with the components in easy reach. The downsides are noise and exposure, so a separate, dry, well-ventilated room is recommended. The fan roar and exposed components don't play well with others.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 07:22 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 07:23 am
Flexibility and stable operation are the top considerations for mining motherboards, rather than all-out performance, since the goal is attaching as many GPUs as possible. Most recent gaming motherboards from top-tier manufacturers like Asus, MSI, or Gigabyte will suffice here, although check the documentation to see how many graphics cards the hardware can handle. Keep in mind that some BIOS adjustments will be required to maximize stability with more than a couple of cards.
While a hand-me-down gaming motherboard should be sufficient for a starter rig, serious enthusiasts use boards made for mining, such as this Asus B250 Mining Expert that supports a crazy 19 GPUs. MSRP is $150, but it's selling for $230 right now.
ASRock's H110 Pro BTC+ motherboard supports up to 13 graphics cards and is a good start for those that want to start dabbling in mining. It's going for $230, which says 30% off but the original MSRP was $140.
More serious cryptocurrency hobbyists use dedicated mining motherboards that have pre-tweaked BIOS settings and the ability to connect over a dozen GPUs. These aren't particularly pricey parts either, at least in theory, with many coming in at around $100, so they are worth consideration if you already gave your old gaming board to a friend. But supply and demand issues are a recurring theme with mining rigs, and the boards that support more than six GPUs are often out of stock or seriously overpriced.
If you've been wondering how it's even possible to cram that many GPUs into a motherboard, the trick is a piece of inexpensive hardware called a PCIe 1x to 16x riser card. This adapter allows bulky high-performance GPUs to attach to the motherboard's slots via a cable rather than being plugged directly into the slot. Unlike gaming, cryptocurrency mining doesn't require a high-bandwidth connection between the video card and the rest of the system, so any type of PCIe slot works just fine, including tiny 1x connectors--and they can be PCIe 1.x, 2.0, or 3.0 slots.
This is how you get half a dozen (or more) double-slot sized GPUs to fit on one motherboard. They come in 6-packs for around $50.
Virtually any reasonably modern multicore CPU will suffice in the center seat of a mining rig, along with a modest 4-8 GBs of DRAM. Don't overclock or push exotic memory configurations, as the gains aren't be worth the stability risks. Celerons, single-stick memory configurations, and other money saving shortcuts are all fine here. This is a perfect place to use items off the spare parts shelf.
Dust off that dual-core Celeron, puny Pentium, or Ivy Bridge antique. They all work just fine in a mining rig. A Skylake Celeron can be had for a cheap $46 on Amazon.
There's a small corollary here, and it's that CPU mining of certain algorithms is still potentially profitable. The CryptoNight algorithm used in coins like Monero is the only real option these days, but you can mine about $1 per day from a Ryzen 7 processor--though it was as high as $3 back in January. You're probably better off buying another graphics card rather than worrying about CPU mining potential.
Graphics card.
Right now, the best new GPUs for mining are all the high-end parts from AMD and Nvidia. At the original MSRPs, AMD's Vega 56 and Nvidia's GTX 1070 would be good picks, and everything from the GTX 1060 and RX 570 and up is viable, but the situation is more complicated than it sounds.
AMD's Vega 56 would be a great choice for crypto mining, if only you could find it for the original target price of $400. Right now they're expensive though. But check this listing to make sure.
With price gouging running rampant, the best bet may be special six pack deals , or alternatives such as old R290X/R390X cards that you might already have handy or can get for reasonable prices from a trusted source. Although power hungry, these older cards still provide good mining performance and are less subject to predatory cost increases, so they aren't a bad option for people in areas with lower electricity rates. Be wary of second-hand cards formerly used in mining rigs however, as the stress shortens the lifespan of the hardware considerably.
One area requiring investment is the power supply. Typical multi-GPU cryptocurrency setups require plenty of juice, more than even a high-end gaming system, and these PSUs will cost you. A gold rated power supply is minimum, since mining rigs run at constant high loads, and depending on what GPUs you're running (and how many of them), you'll want at least a 1000W output, if not more. High-end models from Seasonic, EVGA, and Corsair are all good choices.
Since you'll need at least 1000W of quality power, a good PSU, or even a pair of them, is required. This Corsair HX1200i has the capacity for several high-end graphics cards.
If you need more power, EVGA's SuperNOVA 1600 goes to the max and is certified 80+ Gold for high efficiency. You'll need all the efficiency you can get.
For bigger rigs or miners on a budget, multiple power supplies can be connected to a single motherboard using a dual PSU 24 pin adaptor cable, a $5-10 part that allows both power supplies to be controlled by a single motherboard. This permits less expensive or already owned lower-wattage PSUs to be paired for a starter rig, or high-end PSUs to be paired for dozen GPU mining monsters.
Something else to keep in mind with power use is your power circuit . Most US homes come with 15A circuit breakers, which means a single circuit will top out at around 1725W. If you're thinking about setting up multiple mining rigs, you'll need to keep them on separate breakers.
RAM and storage.
Good news: you may be paying a premium for a graphics card and a high capacity power supply, but you can cheap out a bit when it comes to your system memory and storage. We generally recommend at least 8GB for a PC running modern Windows, but you can get by with 4GB if you're really looking to save.
Likewise, the speed of your OS drive isn't important for mining. If you have an old hard drive or spare SSD around, that'll do the job just fine. If you're picking up a fresh part, grab a small SSD on the cheap. It'll make the system easier to use, and you don't need much storage space to keep your mining operation running.
The cheapest single DDR4 4GB DIMM we found goes for $47 on Amazon, which would have been even lower if memory prices weren't high this year.
Newegg has a single Patriot Memory 4GB DDR module for very slightly cheaper at $46. You only really need 4GB as there's not much going on in the memory-use front.
The best prebuilt Bitcoin mining ( rig.
Building your own cryptocurrency mining rig is no harder than building any other custom PC. It's a great way to learn the inner workings of the hardware, and save some money over a prebuilt system (outrageous graphics card prices notwithstanding). But if you really don't have the time to build your own mining rig, buying prebuilt is always an option.
But should you buy a prebuilt desktop PC, or a dedicated mining rig with multiple graphics cards? Thanks to the cryptocurrency boom, the latter cost thousands of dollars on Ebay, both used and new. Buying used could net you heavily worn graphics cards with diminished lifespans. Either way, it's a huge investment if you're just getting started with mining.
For a more traditional prebuilt system, you'll be stuck with a maximum of two GPUs by default, and even prebuilts have been hit by the current GPU shortages. Interestingly, one of the best deals right now is an Alienware Aurora with dual GTX 1080 Ti GPUs for $2,550 (lesser GPUs are also available). That's an extreme gaming PC, but for mining purposes, the two GPUs on their own would cost around $2,000 right now, so why not pay an extra $100 to get a top-tier CPU and 16GB RAM (worth $400, incidentally)? And if the mining thing doesn't work out, you've still got a bodacious gaming PC.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 07:23 am

[Unboxing] New Mining ( Rig 8GPU - Portable - Compact - High Performance|12:34
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 07:24 am
Wrapping up.
Along with a little software, that's all it takes. But is at-home mining worth it? The answer isn't always so simple, and is frequently situation dependent. Do you have cheap power rates? Hardware laying around? Friends with spare video cards? For the cryptocurrency curious who can say yes to these or other similar considerations, it may be worth giving mining a try. You'll get a first-row seat to the spectacle and whether you make money or not, you can become an expert about bitcoin and blockchains. With crypto heists, market bubbles, and price crashes always in the news, that's knowledge worth having, even if the only person asking is your uncle.
Our advice is to not invest more than you can afford to lose, and don't get caught thinking about breaking even and making a profit in just a few months. Realistically, right now the price gouging on graphics cards means you're looking at a best-case result of around seven months, assuming nothing goes haywire. If crypto prices drop further, it could take much longer to break even--and of course there's the possibility of another bubble. But if you already have most of the parts handy, you could give it a shot. Just stop buying up all our gaming GPUs, please.
Chances are you hear the phrase "Bitcoin mining (" and your mind begins to wander to the Western fantasy of pickaxes, dirt and striking it rich. As it turns out, that analogy isn't too far off.
Bitcoin mining ( is performed by high-powered computers that solve complex computational math problems; these problems are so complex that they cannot be solved by hand and are complicated enough to tax even incredibly powerful computers.
Bitcoin mining ( is the process of creating new bitcoin by solving a computational puzzle. Bitcoin mining ( is necessary to maintain the ledger of transactions upon which bitcoin is based. Miners have become very sophisticated over the last several years using complex machinery to speed up mining operations.
The result of Bitcoin mining ( is twofold. First, when computers solve these complex math problems on the bitcoin network, they produce new bitcoin (not unlike when a mining operation extracts gold from the ground). And second, by solving computational math problems, bitcoin miners make the bitcoin payment network trustworthy and secure by verifying its transaction information.
When someone sends bitcoin anywhere, it's called a transaction. Transactions made in-store or online are documented by banks, point-of-sale systems, and physical receipts. Bitcoin ( miners achieve the same thing by clumping transactions together in "blocks" and adding them to a public record called the "blockchain." Nodes then maintain records of those blocks so that they can be verified into the future.
When bitcoin miners add a new block of transactions to the blockchain, part of their job is to make sure that those transactions are accurate. In particular, bitcoin miners make sure that bitcoin is not being duplicated, a unique quirk of digital currencies called "double-spending." With printed currencies, counterfeiting is always an issue. But generally, once you spend $20 at the store, that bill is in the clerk's hands. With digital currency, however, it's a different story.
Digital information can be reproduced relatively easily, so with Bitcoin ( and other digital currencies, there is a risk that a spender can make a copy of their bitcoin and send it to another party while still holding onto the original.  
Special Considerations.
Rewarding Bitcoin ( Miners.
With as many as 300,000 purchases and sales occurring in a single day, verifying each of those transactions can be a lot of work for miners.   As compensation for their efforts, miners are awarded bitcoin whenever they add a new block of transactions to the blockchain.
The amount of new bitcoin released with each mined block is called the "block reward." The block reward is halved every 210,000 blocks (or roughly every 4 years). In 2009, it was 50. In 2013, it was 25, in 2018 it was 12.5, and in May of 2020, it was halved to 6.25.
Bitcoin ( successfully halved its mining reward--from 12.5 to 6.25--for the third time on May 11th, 2020.
This system will continue until around 2140.   At that point, miners will be rewarded with fees for processing transactions that network users will pay. These fees ensure that miners still have the incentive to mine and keep the network going. The idea is that competition for these fees will cause them to remain low after halvings are finished.
These halvings reduce the rate at which new coins are created and, thus, lower the available supply. This can cause some implications for investors, as other assets with low supply--like gold--can have high demand and push prices higher. At this rate of halving, the total number of bitcoin in circulation will reach a limit of 21 million, making the currency entirely finite and potentially more valuable over time.  
Verifying Bitcoin ( Transactions.
In order for bitcoin miners to actually earn bitcoin from verifying transactions, two things have to occur. First, they must verify one megabyte (MB) worth of transactions, which can theoretically be as small as one transaction but are more often several thousand, depending on how much data each transaction stores.
Second, in order to add a block of transactions to the blockchain, miners must solve a complex computational math problem, also called a "proof of work." What they're actually doing is trying to come up with a 64-digit hexadecimal number, called a "hash," that is less than or equal to the target hash. Basically, a miner's computer spits out hashes at different rates--megahashes per second (MH/s), gigahashes per second (GH/s), or terahashes per second (TH/s)--depending on the unit, guessing all possible 64-digit numbers until they arrive at a solution. In other words, it's a gamble.
The difficulty level of the most recent block as of August 2020 is more than 16 trillion. That is, the chance of a computer producing a hash below the target is 1 in 16 trillion. To put that in perspective, you are about 44,500 times more likely to win the Powerball jackpot with a single lottery ticket than you are to pick the correct hash on a single try. Fortunately, mining computer systems spit out many hash possibilities. Nonetheless, mining for bitcoin requires massive amounts of energy and sophisticated computing operations.
The difficulty level is adjusted every 2016 blocks, or roughly every 2 weeks, with the goal of keeping rates of mining constant.   That is, the more miners there are competing for a solution, the more difficult the problem will become. The opposite is also true. If computational power is taken off of the network, the difficulty adjusts downward to make mining easier.
Bitcoin mining ( Analogy.
Say I tell three friends that I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100, and I write that number on a piece of paper and seal it in an envelope. My friends don't have to guess the exact number, they just have to be the first person to guess any number that is less than or equal to the number I am thinking of. And there is no limit to how many guesses they get.
Let's say I'm thinking of the number 19. If Friend A guesses 21, they lose because 21>19. If Friend B guesses 16 and Friend C guesses 12, then they've both theoretically arrived at viable answers, because 16 Bitcoin ( vs. Traditional Currencies.
Consumers tend to trust printed currencies. That's because the U.S. dollar is backed by a central bank of the U.S., called the Federal Reserve. In addition to a host of other responsibilities, the Federal Reserve regulates the production of new money, and the federal government prosecutes the use of counterfeit currency.    
Even digital payments using the U.S. dollar are backed by a central authority. When you make an online purchase using your debit or credit card, for example, that transaction is processed by a payment processing company (such as Mastercard or Visa). In addition to recording your transaction history, those companies verify that transactions are not fraudulent, which is one reason your debit or credit card may be suspended while traveling.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 07:27 am

My Bitcoin ( mining machine Vlog|5:10
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 08:01 am
Bitcoin (, on the other hand, is not regulated by a central authority. Instead, bitcoin is backed by millions of computers across the world called "nodes." This network of computers performs the same function as the Federal Reserve, Visa, and Mastercard, but with a few key differences. Nodes store information about prior transactions and help to verify their authenticity. Unlike those central authorities, however, bitcoin nodes are spread out across the world and record transaction data in a public list that can be accessed by anyone.
History of Bitcoin mining (
Between 1 in 16 trillion odds, scaling difficulty levels, and the massive network of users verifying transactions, one block of transactions is verified roughly every 10 minutes.   But it's important to remember that 10 minutes is a goal, not a rule.
The bitcoin network is currently processing just under four transactions per second as of August 2020, with transactions being logged in the blockchain every 10 minutes.   For comparison, Visa can process somewhere around 65,000 transactions per second.   As the network of bitcoin users continues to grow, however, the number of transactions made in 10 minutes will eventually exceed the number of transactions that can be processed in 10 minutes. At that point, waiting times for transactions will begin and continue to get longer, unless a change is made to the bitcoin protocol.
This issue at the heart of the bitcoin protocol is known as "scaling." While bitcoin miners generally agree that something must be done to address scaling, there is less consensus about how to do it. There have been two major solutions proposed to address the scaling problem. Developers have suggested either (1) creating a secondary "off-chain" layer to Bitcoin ( that would allow for faster transactions that can be verified by the blockchain later, or (2) increasing the number of transactions that each block can store. With less data to verify per block, the Solution 1 would make transactions faster and cheaper for miners. Solution 2 would deal with scaling by allowing for more information to be processed every 10 minutes by increasing block size.
In July 2017, bitcoin miners and mining companies representing roughly 80% to 90% of the network's computing power voted to incorporate a program that would decrease the amount of data needed to verify each block.
The program that miners voted to add to the bitcoin protocol is called a segregated witness, or SegWit. This term is an amalgamation of Segregated, meaning "to separate," and Witness, which refers to "signatures on a bitcoin transaction." Segregated Witness, then, means to separate transaction signatures from a block -- and attach them as an extended block. While adding a single program to the bitcoin protocol may not seem like much in the way of a solution, signature data has been estimated to account for up to 65% of the data processed in each block of transactions.
Less than a month later in August 2017, a group of miners and developers initiated a hard fork, leaving the bitcoin network to create a new currency using the same codebase as bitcoin. Although this group agreed with the need for a solution to scaling, they worried that adopting segregated witness technology would not fully address the scaling problem.
Instead, they went with Solution 2. The resulting currency, called "bitcoin cash," increased the blocksize to 8 MB in order to accelerate the verification process to allow a performance of around 2 million transactions per day. On August 16, 2020, Bitcoin ( Cash was valued at about $302 to Bitcoin ('s roughly $11,800.    
Bitcoin mining ( Operation Riot Blockchain Fearful Of COVID-19 Impact.
(Photo by: Andia/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Universal Images Group via Getty Images.
Riot Blockchain, a Nasdaq-listed cryptocurrency mining firm , released its annual 10-K report to the SEC where it outlined the effect the COVID-19 virus outbreak may have on its mining operations. Under the headline of 'general risk,' the company was compelled to list two specifics that have emerged surrounding the ongoing pandemic.
Bitcoin mining (, as an operation, requires mostly hardware and energy to operate as mining rigs are set up to solve logarithmic equations to unlock new blocks, and receive Bitcoin ( rewards for doing so. These mining rigs use substantial amounts of energy but require little management or human operation.
However, the mining firm is still being struck by the pandemic as its workers have been forced to either self-isolate, quarantine themselves in line with a global humanitarian response to the virus. However, their supply chain in getting equipment out has been hit hard due to border controls and factory closures.
Bitcoin mining (, quite understandably, has not been classified as an essential business, and thus the running of these mining farms and companies is being directly affected by the pandemic and its global shutdown. According to the 10-K report: "If we are unable to effectively service our miners, our ability to mine bitcoin will be adversely affected as miners go offline," Riot wrote .
Notable effect?
The Bitcoin mining ( industry is an essential part of the whole Bitcoin ( ecosystem as it not only unlocks new blocks, but confirms transactions and most importantly provides ongoing security to the network through its hashing power.
The proof-of-work algorithm that is employed by Bitcoin ( benefits from increased 'work' or mining, which is translated into hash rate. When the price of Bitcoin ( fell rather spectacularly earlier this month, the hash rate fell with it.
This is not a strange occurrence as the price of Bitcoin ( is directly linked to mining efforts as the higher the price of the coin, the better the profit margins for miners in this incentives system. So, when the price dropped, miners may have turned their rigs off leading to a drop in hashing power.
However, the price has recovered somewhat, and the mining difficulty has actually dropped, yet the hash rate is still down. It may well be that the issues seen by Riot Blockchain around the Covid-19 pandemic could be part of the reason for the lowered hash rate.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 08:01 am

Mining ( Difficulty - Simply Explained|5:32
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 08:34 am
Seen it before in China.
Chinese mining farms felt a similar pinch as Riot Blockchain is now Experiencing as PandaMiner Chief Operating Officer Abe Yang told CoinDesk , in early February, his company had difficulty operating some of its farms due to quarantine controls in certain provinces because they had limited staff repairing machines and running the hardware.
Riot runs a rather large operation in Oklahoma City as it features 4,000 Bitmain S17 Pro Antminers purchased over December 2019 for $6.35 million total. Those rigs replaced Riot's older fleet of about 8,000 S9 models, now offline, the 10-K shows.
This use of capital to try and boost Riot Blockchain's potential earnings has now been scuppered by this pandemic which is affecting just about every conceivable sector on the planet. The effect of it on mining farms will be worth watching in the coming months to see how it impacts Bitocin -- especially with the mining reward halving set to take place in May.
Know more: what Bitcoin mining ( operations make sense?
Bitcoin mining ( makes the Bitcoin ( blockchain run, but you might want to know more about what Bitcoin mining ( technology could be an interesting investment. Sadly, the days of homegrown Bitcoin mining ( operations are over. While you can pick up used ASIC miners for reasonable prices, it will be difficult to create a viable business with these machines.
The basis of Bitcoin mining ( is solving complex mathematical problems, and while this was possible with PCs in the early days of Bitcoin (, now it takes specialized equipment, and there are other factors to consider as well.
Mining Bitcoin ( takes a lot of electrical power, and this is expensive. Bitcoin mining ( operations have popped up in areas that have low annual temperatures, as well as cheap electricity. This makes sense, as all the ASIC rigs need constant cooling to remain operational.
If you want to mine Bitcoin ( yourself, the good news is that you can buy old ASIC miners and set up your own mining operation. The profits may not be amazing, but you will probably make something from your efforts, and you will also be helping the Bitcoin ( blockchain, which is an amazing thing for all of us.
We need to understand that a decentralized world holds the potential for human greatness, and it all started with Bitcoin mining (
Author: Nicholas Say.
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Some ask why Bitcoin ( has value.
Why Bitcoin ( has value could be a challenging idea to some. Most people just assume that money has value, as they have never experienced a fiat currency implosion, like what has happened in Turkey, Argentina, and Venezuela. Any money has value because people are willing to accept it in exchange for good and services. While money has traditionally been metal, either gold or silver, the West decided to stop using that system in 1971, and the modern fiat money era was born. The v...
People want to know why Bitcoin ( will succeed.
It is easy to wonder why Bitcoin ( will succeed. The simple fact is that people like it, and it was the first mover in an area that has become extremely popular. While Bitcoin ( isn't perfect, it has all the right functions to make an impact on the global financial system. Let's start with openness. Bitcoin ( is a public blockchain, which means that anyone can inspect the transaction record, and ensure that all the rules are being followed. This is the exact opposite of the fiat fi...
People wonder why Bitcoin ( is going down.
The road to a complete adoption of Bitcoin ( getting shorter, but many people still think that Bitcoin ( isn't going to last. These market watchers have pointed out reasons why Bitcoin ( is going down. There is no reason to take this seriously, especially with major investors buying Bitcoin ( Media can talk about how great the Bitcoin ( investment thesis is but in reality, the market is still small on a global scale. Although Bitcoin ( has already proved its power and possibilities, som...
Why Bitcoin ( is a bad investment.
Every single asset has tail risks and Bitcoin ( is no exception. So it's true that there are valid arguments for why Bitcoin ( is a bad investment, despite its proven risk-adjusted return profile. There are many investors who see Bitcoin ( as valuable, and digital money as a hedge against currency devaluation. In fact, the value of Bitcoin ( is unpredictable, which explains its volatility and inherent risk. It is, therefore, hard to make a good estimate on Bitcoin ('s worth. Bitcoin ( in...
Don't get too excited about $300,000 bitcoin just yet.
The recent Bitcoin ( bull run seems to be unstoppable and a Citibank analyst is predicting it could "moon" to heights of $300,000 by the end of next year. Is he right? Bitcoin ( is back. The cryptocurrency has smashed straight through the $18,000 barrier and its momentum does not appear to be slowing. There is more interest among investors than ever before. According to research from Fidelity, a growing number of institutional investors believe digital assets should be part of th...
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 08:34 am

Bitcoin ( Mining ( Difficulty: An Overview|4:37
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 08:35 am
Why Bitcoin ( will fail.
A majority of crypto enthusiasts have always believed that Bitcoin ( is the only cryptocurrency that is truly worth investing in. Some think that Bitcoin ( is a monetary revolution, there's still lots of valid scenarios that explain why Bitcoin ( will fall. The actual reason for the currency price, whether to rise or to fall, is the processing of how many people know about, understand, believe in, and are able to invest in Bitcoin ( In fact, Bitcoin ( is still relatively new and needs...
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As the reward halving approaches, bitcoin miners are preparing new strategies so customers can reap the most profits from their hashrate services. On December 3, the mining operation Poolin introduced a hashrate auto-switch feature so clients can automatically switch between BTC and BCH mining. Moreover, a few days later at Bitmain's annual customer appreciation meeting, the company's CEO Jihan Wu explained the firm is offering three strategic mining offerings.
Poolin's Auto-Switch Feature Bitcoin mining ( is extremely competitive, and currently there's a lot of processing power pointed at the SHA256 consensus networks BTC, BCH, and BSV. Ever since miners could choose between the BTC chain and the BCH chain, the profitability between those two networks has varied. For instance, at the time of publication, it is 2.5% more profitable to mine on the Bitcoin ( Cash blockchain, but this metric can change often.
Do you want to maximize your Bitcoin mining ( potential? Plug your hardware into Bitcoin ('s profitable Bitcoin mining ( pool. Similarly, the profitability between BTC and BCH can vary against BSV as well. Most miners process blocks on both the BCH and BTC chains, but a few operations mine all three chains depending on profit changes. Just recently, the mining operation Poolin announced a new hashrate auto-switch feature that will automatically connect to the most profitable chain between BCH and BTC. Poolin says that BSV will be included in the near future as well. According to Poolin, the hashrate auto-switch functionality will only work with cryptocurrencies using the same algorithm.
"We are thrilled to provide this feature that will increase profits for our miners, this hashrate auto-switch continues in the direction that Poolin has been forging, mainly, bringing excellence to this industry and customer-first service," Poolin's VP Alejandro De La Torre announced.
The mining operation Poolin mines both the BTC and BCH chain. Poolin also has dedicated hashrate on the BSV chain and will be offering auto-switch for BSV as well. The hashrate auto-switch feature was discussed on crypto-centric forums and one person asked if the switching feature would "make block time variance worse." "Not really since just 2.8% of BCH miners are from Poolin. It's mostly annoying for Bitcoin ( since its difficulty won't adjust as fast to switching miners," a BCH supporter replied.
BCH mining profitability at 2:30 p.m. EST on December 9, 2019, using Coin Dance statistics. Bitmain's Three Strategies Following the announcement from Poolin, Bitmain's Jihan Wu revealed three new strategies for customers at the company's annual customer appreciation meeting. Regional reports from China say that the Bitmain CEO introduced "installment payments," "option hedging" and "joint mining" services. With the installment payment system, big facilities that purchase 100+ mining devices can put 50% down. Let's say they want to purchase 5,000 mining rigs, then only a 20% down payment is required. However, the buyer needs to settle up seven days before the items are delivered. Jihan Wu also told attendees about the option hedging plan that will protect the price of bitcoin. He said that Bitmain plans to purchase options from the company Matrixport in order to combat price dumping. Local reports detail that the Bitmain option product is called the "Bitcoin ( 2020 / 3 / 27 35000 CNY Put Option."
Bitmain's Jihan Wu. In addition to the installment payments and option hedging, Jihan Wu spoke about offering a joint mining service that lasts 12 months. Reportedly, Bitmain will provide S17 mining rigs and pay the electrical costs, but the buyer needs to provide a facility and maintenance personnel. "The income during the cooperation period is settled on a monthly basis, which is distributed as 25% for the partners and 75% for Bitmain," 8btc columnist Vincent He explained. "If the revenue cannot offset the electricity charge, no distribution will be made."
Structure Changes and New Mining Services Will Be Offered Prior to the Halving It's likely that many mining operations will change their structure and offer new features as signs of this trend have been cropping up six months before the reward halving. On Halloween, Bitcoin ( published a video of professional miners from around the world explaining what they think will happen when the block reward shrinks. The film included mining heavyweights like F2Pool's Global Director Thomas Heller, Hyperblock's CEO Sean Walsh, and Genesis Mining CEO Marco Streng. Some of the miners' predictions in the video showed why SHA256 mining operations are trying to profit with new types of provisions like hashrate auto-switching and joint mining services.
"If you look at six months before the halving and six months after the halving in both previous instances you see a massive upward surge in the price of bitcoin," Sean Walsh remarked in the film. "It is a bit scary being a miner and knowing that your revenue stream is gonna get cut in half overnight, but the exchange rate will more than compensate for the reduction in our bitcoin denominated revenue."
Shut Down Bitcoin mining ( Operation Now Operational.
A Bitcoin mining ( plant in Montana is running again after being shut down after its majority owner was charged in a US$722 million crypto investment scheme.
If there's one thing that crypto miners know, mining rigs that are shut off are not making any money. CryptoWatt, a Bitcoin mining ( operation in Butte, Montana, was forced to shut down for two months due to its majority owner being charged in a crypto Ponzi scheme worth $722 million. Fortunately for the company's over 30 employees, the power is back on and the Bitcoin mining ( operation is back in action.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 08:35 am

Bitcoin ( basics: What is the difficulty target and how does it adjust itself?|7:12
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 08:35 am
Bitcoin mining ( Blues.
The majority owner of CryptoWatt, Matthew Goettsche, was indicted on December 5, 2019, as being part of a cryptocurrency investment scam reportedly worth $722 million. The scam was not associated with CryptoWatt at all, but his imprisonment shut down the company's finances. The result was that the mining operation was shut down.
However, Kevin Washington, a minority stakeholder, and Rick Tabish, who supervised the management and construction of the plant, filed civil lawsuits against Goettsche. The two were eventually able to get a federal district judge to appoint a receiver to manage the company's affairs.
It took two months, but the pair were able to pay off the power bill and once again fire up the 35,525 Bitcoin mining ( rigs. However, they did get a little lucky. When negotiating with the power company over the cost of the 65 megawatts needed to power the mining rigs, Tabish managed to get a rate that was 25 percent less than what CryptoWatt had been previously paying.
Tabish and Washington are now working on raising $45 million to upgrade the plant with more productive and efficient servers. The reason is that the Bitcoin ( "halving" event is coming in May, and the two know that they will need the latest and greatest equipment to keep profitable.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 08:36 am

Crypto Mining ( Difficulty 101 - Everything You Need to Know|18:40
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 08:36 am
Investment Scam.
As for Matthew Goettsche, he and four others were charged by federal prosecutors with conspiracy to commit wire fraud for their part in the BitClub Network. Authorities allege that the BitClub Network was a scam that sold shares in non-existent Bitcoin mining ( pools to investors.
The defendants allegedly used false and misleading figures to lure investors into the scheme, as well as using rewards to get the investors to bring more people into the scam. The defendants managed to scam a total of at least $722 million from their victims between April 2014 and December 2019.
Goettsche was denied bail, and one suspect in the criminal operation is still at large.
Time Frame BTC Reward Revenue USD* Power Cost (in USD) Pool Fees (in USD) Profit (in USD) Hourly 0.00003275 $0.61 $0.16 $0.00 $0.45 Daily 0.00078595 $14.74 $3.90 $0.00 $10.84 Weekly 0.00550162 $103.15 $27.30 $0.00 $75.85 Monthly 0.0236 $442.06 $117.00 $0.00 $325.06 Annually 0.2869 $5,378.39 $1,423.50 $0.00 $3,954.89.
* Bitcoin ( Price at $18,748.50 USD.
Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty Bitcoin ( Block Reward Bitcoin ( Price 17,596,801,059,571.00 6.25 BTC $18,748.50 (BTC to USD) Bitcoin mining ( Hashrate Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Watts Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Cost Electricity Costs 110.00 TH/s 3,250 Watts $2,407.00 $0.05 per kWh.
A BTC mining difficulty of 17,596,801,059,571.00, a BTC mining hashrate of 110.00 TH/s consuming 3,250 watts of power at $0.05 per kWh, and a block reward of 6.25 BTC at $18,748.50 (BTC to USD).
Disclosure: The Profit Details are the result of a chosen budget of $ 10,000.00 to purchase Bitcoin mining ( servers that are hashing 76 TH/s at a price of $ 25 per terahash. This assumes a total hashrate of 400.00 . The Profit Details also take in consideration the current network hash rate of 1.7596801059571E13 and current BTC/USD exchange rate of 1 BTC = $ 18,765.63 . These figures vary based on the total network hash rate and on the BTC to USD conversion rate. Block reward is fixed at 6.25 BTC. The Profit Details do not take into account any future changes in block rewards, hashrate and difficulty rate. All inputs in this calculator vary over time. The profit details is based on current values only and should be used as a guide only.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 08:37 am
BTC Mining URL.
BTC mining URL includes two types:
1) General Mining URL: if you use general mining URL, it means the pool will allocate a mining url of a node that is most close to your miners, which can save you energy to manually select mining node;
2) Mining URL of Different Node: BTC now has three mining nodes, including North China (Beijing) and US. You can select one mining url that is most close to your miners.
1)General Mining URL:
2)Mining URL of Different Node:
Beijing Node.
Chengdu Node.
Virginia Node.
Frankfurt Node.
Note: Mining URL with 443 port is recommended.
Bitcoin mining ( pool url.
Here you need to know 3 steps about how Bitcoin mining ( works, And how to earn free Bitcoin (
There is no need to sign up for starting the mining process, just enter BTC address and start mining.
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Miners can withdraw their earning balance after reaching minimum threshold of 0.001 BTC.
About Miningbase.
Miningbase is the leading Bitcoin mining ( service provider in the world. Our team of IT developers has depth knowledge of Bitcoin mining ( and that is why they working dedicatedly to make mining accessible to everyone.
Our main goal is every people have knowledge about Bitcoin ( cloud mining and they are starting to earn from Bitcoin mining (, regardless of location, experiment, investment and age.
We have multiple datacenters in different countries for highest speed, security and easy accessibility. We are very transparent about our payments; we always update our miner's transactions proof in our website.
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Our team of experts always available and feels happy to help you 24/7. Feel free to reach us anytime.
Bitcoin ( to.
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Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining Pool & It's Benefits.
Bitcoin mining ( is essential to release new BTC in the market. Mining is the only way new bitcoins can be generated -- the very first bitcoins created by the founder of bitcoins "Satoshi Nakamoto". Without miners, bitcoins would still exist and used. Every bitcoin comes in the circulation only because of miners. And there will come a time when mining will end. As per the protocol, there will be a finite amount of bitcoins, and the magic number will be 21million.
How can anyone maximise the chances of mining before anyone else does? Whoever wants to do mining needs to have faster mining rig, or you have to join the mining pool or a group of miners where they combine the mining powers and split the mined bitcoins .
Despite mining, you can earn bitcoins for confirming the transaction at the blockchain. We know that there is the only way to generate new bitcoins is through mining. But chances are minimal for an individual to find the next solution to puzzle. And difficulty going up makes it worse, and miner may never recover their investments. Right now, mining is at the place where we cannot afford to do in person. The best way to do Bitcoin mining ( is mining pools. Third parties operate cloud mining pools . By doing together, miners will get a steady flow of bitcoins starting the day of the activation of their plan.
If you want to start Bitcoin mining (, then the answer right now is to join the Bitcoin mining ( pool and get the most profit. The main benefit of Bitcoin mining ( cloud is you don't have to manage any hardware or software yourself. You only have to join the bitcoin cloud mining pool, and you will be assigned mining power with you can start your mining at your home.
There are some other ways without Bitcoin mining ( such as buy BTC at an exchange, but it is a bit costly. You can also try trading with Cryptocurrency. But the easiest and secure way right now for brings is to join cloud mining pools.
At miningbase you will get free hashing power with no additional charges. You need to join miningbase, and your mining rig will start mining. Mining base support excellent affiliate program with you can earn extra BTC by referring your affiliate links at the social platform.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 08:37 am

Mining ( Bitcoin ( BTC at Home is NOT PROFITABLE - Network Difficulty Rising Faster Than Bitcoin ( Price|14:47
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 08:38 am
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Date BTC Address Plan TXID 9 Minutes ago 0.05687163 1GCQW4zUxwcK1pgRWsmnMvSszi5cbUyuQg Standart 838436fa3cd8283ce50cb0caea69301c2a7c96b3b6c628728d7403828598fb90 9 Minutes ago 0.06671249 3LegHRXnWQ5gYmtiXq77TtLqxerzUbY2WP Standart 66e60749f6e0e6069d8529b19d77a6cf5d1d4672bcd5955d3f62bc9b3b9cde88 9 Minutes ago 0.06867439 16MTToT5nYsfNNqVaTEGTfJeTZt7A4u8pw Standart 87aeb8f72d97ee1c602a1a737fad5b536a92d0a700703fed31040f994af52d05 9 Minutes ago 0.16384955 1DV6hSR7yxNpXwKbxUGyq9A5dqtVqyBg5G Advance 67a773552abbbd3eef08282149c4315f70a04475ae7296deb2d5e337fbe0fb5e 9 Minutes ago 0.01246691 13j89iTzTiL4S4YWFDJLuGJm3bHRjzAeyv Basic 177e6d14dfc7a97566c4deef687972b556d528b4b9ee79409331abd94fd3e28a 9 Minutes ago 0.09165346 172BbeqrVZ8CwvkmpX8sfzaQdsaj23bLtM Advance 50031f4fa75e57cf0940f1faf1d1d4a6630c6798dd2fc0dade3ff3360dddf136 9 Minutes ago 0.01344881 1L5itS46Jqs6Z7EaSJ3PuEKLacSr9SXqjB Basic b33caf8db57cec791c3c59a895376d2d05fa9f111bbb10d2e586dc0b98595fac 9 Minutes ago 0.01000077 37nXgTocaHdSX1sSnZo3KLkqxzdn5Lg8cN Basic 2f87a35052c1f0834abb4257dda02718bfa1da533d5a9383e2e0290be89486dd 9 Minutes ago 0.01120600 1JFajGSJKjhUTC4ZZbB9A1iYkT1jjXD77U Basic c12cbaa97b15731b16c12424e6b2e19aeb6fdaa26fdc3b9a3af25eead18769cd 9 Minutes ago 0.01404800 3E8A2BJSH3qwXAEd9LbE1VrEaF8NNTzt3M Basic 8fb9caefb6005a67ceb8765331bae9836d0d38e9d9916f62127e664512ae0d19 23 Minutes ago 0.02668911 3JjX36t7Ruz466ToKdqcTjpMdeBDh9B45E Standart d4451780112936bec8ac8ecc527658e050caae5f3f4e4143bf03d1c24fa2bd74 23 Minutes ago 0.12899245 16mB7sPh8hihFnP3pG3SYtu27fTj8WDMua Advance 2ea98cbdf43add96c3b559ea1c71233272dd30de9ac05191c99b76f5b74f0f93 23 Minutes ago 0.06000000 113sTt3ofDbEHrrVLPGjVEvb4zv1ykmjXZ Standart dda1f24e58e45991b74a41f7c2f2c70197f992cabd2f4bbdf4cedb0767dce0c7 24 Minutes ago 0.01266900 337PBDsiTvNVuE2SZKTZ6nspXu9ECKVmNr Basic 3a086e51486ec761e6f13a9ea385d755b06f10633b0371a3d196eb8534f5433b 24 Minutes ago 0.00881069 16bYbWqULZV2UUTS2PpLBrh34Lm1gWp63w Basic e628cf0029a5f50bf7d21388a2753f380f4cd1c213645ffe44f7ccc2d54fe63a 24 Minutes ago 0.01047933 1PLy8NSYBHg2oxWJvGVg31pWdpEzskkNUd Basic 5e8c2c2c2a3d12ba6b8f888e889e6c6d4816eb5bf648b7749e61d5875bf48631 24 Minutes ago 0.00864604 188MVRw6E7wFQrTRMdGpgjwXxELtnNLD6q Basic 78fbd889985fb71c9e09c0f055386186666d94a58e721059e69319d785a860d4 24 Minutes ago 0.01089872 33TsHcPn45Fiw2tB4PgJLUuyn5fRFvNhq2 Basic 338f1f35a708ac3be8822ad79df816be153ecf3e595c169379c386d8b92d1381 27 Minutes ago 0.01077795 3CYWVKHXRy25TghV12CwgqTVbtZefD3Mmq Basic 2c6dd2a8877769395982821b0c1f2cd92c309cd439184a713bb34d2420fbe80a 27 Minutes ago 0.19902853 35nEnnndPBp2pcPQ1VJFiKEhnEDLtByKc1 Advance b3fe32c0fe8c9b64b1c0865fa2df9876e5bf7a94f1770bcd9b79633d5468b954 27 Minutes ago 0.01896711 1Q7PUJ6PFvPerYSKbqwXZWmYxvQ2Lpjosb Standart fc8c5402d4db09906edac6d3b87094c408776f74badaa9d9618d877378374075 27 Minutes ago 0.01324660 17zia9m6dEe7GCrygU71HbHXVyigq4baKT Basic f8bc875f3fe950581ee43404a0f1f4088cfb8b3a7cc74c8262592dfd8e66c559 27 Minutes ago 0.06879781 3NSfGD9ytvEGp6ZAvqFG6xEQcJHSMsHXbs Standart 4683f29479d67f743d0ecc1c3525976dd493f44ab53da2b5c70e7f718a189cc2 27 Minutes ago 0.00858210 12UJq9YMZaKJcyL9tZnBooA77PYWu35r76 Basic 552e89ae194acc27cf0ad5ec004f4ec127cbcb38c9ec85f58ea83908d90769be 27 Minutes ago 0.10917400 12qXrisLgek5TA4yicx5rajYpW1bLUc8jq Advance ecfe61e709155e4deaa0fb9a1c5c7b2753780a609184d192c56c4da8747b25b6 27 Minutes ago 0.01000374 3AaaoT3rw35hFkDYaDTahTfZdYCzu44s5Z Basic f3662443a0b6b276b0985ccc115e48f4a8f71039a562bc5060575e123d7e8c2c 27 Minutes ago 0.01050000 1K9NN7J4DM6aowGfK4PwCH4FiyZr4r8HVB Basic fbeb4a7e584b7bcd19d6f33fe175c47a00d9fc3f3b55a09df45f3b65f4b6b27b 32 Minutes ago 0.02153171 1PgqaC8qY8eYCQpC2yEdgKStZ4tUp7zK2H Standart 0ee8ba7b63ef37440b69aee4bec904fe1e02d955b23c91f68270a4b18698aa88 32 Minutes ago 0.02872308 13SdiroK3szr44R7AWSd9xPxq4oWqvcpjv Standart d85ae233da25b467a83b8c9c3ce0f704a2e77ce31860713e90c7fc13b1076be7 32 Minutes ago 0.01974864 3HosYzwUzMR7Mm67Pey3q9rR9bBLe1dGQ8 Standart 3de84a092f5abf021bc599c8acaae0c6db876b3ca0a13f6a62a57d72052084a3 32 Minutes ago 0.14700000 3LhpTn4rZAgMLcnV8sTCchVL1hC8iMVZHs Advance 5bfbf773a341eb9bf7dcfb3811ad3379d5c1d18a1adcfb7527e27a8b5e7bc61e 32 Minutes ago 0.01066000 19WYy55spM9mdHxpc5hy3TdzzimPWDvi8Q Basic cf3458057c1c3ad1b5d9bd7fa433b797bb9774f59edc5b08cf6e00d696584c38 32 Minutes ago 0.01213817 1NuSqtJ7MXQGkZqtDiTKuosXT1yNxnCPJ2 Basic 25b1212f4a608d8a28f118ccb1992613254d15d18c718b4e16084811a0d0411e 32 Minutes ago 0.01331707 34S41JY4Gd8w6Y2yTsxe2mq51RqWNGpW36 Basic 1fd87313d30517392b805fa3955a58b46b9081bb5f1ff41064f65a1c506882d1 32 Minutes ago 0.01065700 16awqsaroEKqbJWGSCogBxqt16HWDy3M7h Basic 14d01822c02f8cfdaa5a5989a801d586ce8f3af3d9f1a74d9f754e427a67ab1b 32 Minutes ago 0.00945000 38TVZi5KzDLChn2VDDKDEkSaB43WGMPghh Basic c19a339d2ec331e3f3109ed852521d3d027530bce70ed5ea23f5e0ddb69701da 32 Minutes ago 0.00800286 151xo2az8bt9iZnTU1yZMTXBTw7EDhNkYn Basic fc23785ad5881c026b706f74f8f1fd018cf97ef085a0c881c84a4cc75b4ffed9 38 Minutes ago 0.04428000 1HzhMGH9g4TyuCsYtdW6nuBGDdWVx3GsRZ Standart 22ad0b5ab69378a365ab9023f5b128fdb073ca95e8c21547b159db38bf98c587 38 Minutes ago 0.04898072 1LtmJPWv96EiLJ7LpmmVzGFUt8efkxHQAE Standart b20f54d6b6be973df9b9ff0c947cd8554b235413e1217dd94ae2c0434610ea96 38 Minutes ago 0.02287625 113fndwa9bLNrVdPTnZ7AgYCyJC1cTRZEx Standart 77ba9e15fb822027297bf533b841a629772929290f13c496024259350e19503b 38 Minutes ago 0.05702925 1GVxVZQN12nxuAm9qb5noup8DtxUU2esPY Standart 1545207988210189ff7f1440a90bbca02eec36541ddb172c4464abcf64c34107 38 Minutes ago 0.00811042 1GHdUiiczxkshq7drviNjpt6nRFacjbVXq Basic c9435aaacee472697dcb0ea4dc9c45215239f176b148fa006a7b1e6945737e08 38 Minutes ago 0.00930055 31r7Zq1CYQCU4ph6Xoqx5r6ATtFtB9ktmp Basic c4d27fe4de1dd1654907c5a5c27fc65f36f8f5d83f403ccf41d958431a0a2ea9 38 Minutes ago 0.08021000 38foeXVdUypcPHC7ajbshmhejisKrHrEew Advance dc900272ec2a9313221ceb428a2c89ee8a42fd20b034eac51066dadabd12f7f1 39 Minutes ago 0.01071657 1AdcfW5jsuV8FNHXYBMHitg82jSe2krXZY Basic 02b46bb2ef4ddd7e28e4f63b7e696e21cac541ad87bcd9f1c62617b841a47ef9 39 Minutes ago 0.10000000 371vKUjoGZJn6HYLvwET3udXZvXKLmgiMH Advance 4d58b5008599506dc211aacdaafb7d2bee9f588096abdfc788f12ac5e80173ff 39 Minutes ago 0.02155722 1DyREpdQCcKRuJgEJa5Fuv6k77hiQtxhBJ Standart 53ee77d4555528a1bc6febe25ff17a0b1d857a22f64a430d52407908dcf3f27d 39 Minutes ago 0.06088337 38DjtBwRyzd2uipbjVNEmYF5FhBXkjboJA Standart c51ce46fdcf53e42ee8e971437b1e37998374a5df51d5432dbd5d56b422e5593 39 Minutes ago 0.08079953 1H5AZZkSkB3GKMV6nQvvoCzrkNTTaCDV2y Advance 7a269d35cdaa630256ff5e7f8016cf800fe6376d67f8422bda405438be794736 39 Minutes ago 0.01466220 1JMUxE4b2mTA7iaAKCtcNr8wkRB9jcGCRE Basic 13639431a546c63634ecd147c98ad77d53ed44b46d11668142d9f040b4151dc9 39 Minutes ago 0.01067200 1P6CYdA2LeCVuAfYXiPCgVVWpfhpsM8oay Basic 674ae0f02d51c4a69da3503c1d5c21fbfc34741ea7610ea231f9878645f65f72 39 Minutes ago 0.16799574 1DV6hSR7yxNpXwKbxUGyq9A5dqtVqyBg5G Advance d80edaf34a788e8111d486c307a2f7db41c667960fd0749972dc7df11189a59b 39 Minutes ago 0.00803416 12joQqgkmWoQ9BA5jTNwHW2rFZVajfxgSg Basic a743a746473bca5f3d9b1cc79065ead6a77a3e662fa3061aa563b9cabdff6e03 39 Minutes ago 0.00836684 1BzyT9urrXFWB7jj5AMtWP3B9Swmy5anCy Basic ecf94df3234c547262ab714d0968cedad5f4e28ac573bb13cc0258b8db0bb867 39 Minutes ago 0.01425637 18uyCPKxZ8dXpJjT8vhKYFuRukypM9bUKp Basic 57117896766697e1005127eae6476dc943600963e34e5196635accdc25ef911b 42 Minutes ago 0.01666700 1844UL5YFaJ43oQMhvSDBj5KSFbxUmWaQX Standart 7f41c04a95525b7b3779f56165d1a9d2e52d6da90e47b23bb9d4a63c20f93d36 42 Minutes ago 0.19888552 1AaDfhnyW3JfRS5rdszRAz26HpGuPiPAt Advance de72f5dd2d034408e6d1b3278fec49b5e23ef398bd1a104eec7576f07bd6c693 42 Minutes ago 0.01275752 1Nm8VxEKjFEprKf2eNSDaLsoQkMm9gYK6P Basic f870e9e8d2688f0a995d4947af106bbfca2a9818fd47faa10aa52d6dc4d2601c 42 Minutes ago 0.01029248 17txAxtFG29Kh9kKSQ1QEPyffZQpm8ABpA Basic af89f77638180cb3e97b795ffd7d641fd2545607466f257ae54e549897002f34 42 Minutes ago 0.05537200 1W47LDY5xroZHwc9vbcLtdiQU4U9wphfY Standart fe6b9bdfc3a2fa37ccf40e764ded3dd9c130ca91d92c77e95ae362430ff3c229 42 Minutes ago 0.04882619 166p9FF25cPx2zKKJRzWWfXUK6VgjYu7bq Standart ccb4daf14101be6b2d30c1b2678d2dd082cb26125c59b93df80df3085ab6d256 42 Minutes ago 0.01154313 3GQkyXuKZTZyYBJUP9gMdn1PNf7PzXhYCc Basic f42b07fabd49b93f37fd3ff186ebd24d9bef0f76e9433722a97104929592ee90 42 Minutes ago 0.01535649 339gttTwRbLjjinb1Ryvion6dFgXvpgkAh Standart 5e74d955834a63e5d03a9b9c741e9fae60f2b16cd43c3799cdcaf8c9803e18cf 42 Minutes ago 0.01025735 3J7vVc1xF7dbieGJPHn5KEBjGgktCerVkz Basic ead3a756a1c278b4324bf56b3137c46b33f5e65cdbf43c9520fc2370339234ef 42 Minutes ago 0.01093000 3A8S3NdDt27MBdJCySXYybaVVdDeNh8zru Basic e570daba0ecd18bdf0a44904bb3e9d30601574c727ac113e35da7eecf1e2160d 50 Minutes ago 0.02299153 178DBkurT7Z6fu12g8vTM957Q9ijffNzYV Standart 8580cfd15db08bc18c9ca5d2136a90d3a0be2a1899ed1d69a458992c23d84687 50 Minutes ago 0.01197561 3FfJGN6irkv3mwx5bKkMARxqBJnM6sN8ci Basic 2399ab649900bf35d2161347dfa99699f0ddfd3159c333bf4008655239494ac1 50 Minutes ago 0.01231200 33bPiTQjYpz4tYp8ctjA8tG5PYwwtVB5fF Basic a376797ac415ed2f9b4348cf5997d03dbb8496b26af0df4e288dc1b66bdbbeca 50 Minutes ago 0.14714655 1KiNK3UYWkKVY35Yj4mBrHZcdemxLCpyNH Advance b2117f4047833a4c72bd205e662473e023e8b4acda0f83f109314355ac7b4eab 50 Minutes ago 0.01474600 1NExSG7cKiLD2V1UjudqQUXVNWxNAAhEUg Basic c6dcd3bfbe8dd8c1363f3232f5ecc9e120cdb00a34cf2d7e015ada5e1d619956 50 Minutes ago 0.08000000 1MjQg3hK2tFsFUhehQngzLMN6ExD3diA3z Standart 89398687ce526746990a6188c13869cc6ed305359ace2dc95378979cf83ad1a2 50 Minutes ago 0.03342277 37M7st41jhBWHi6K45yPrz4RV2v6XURPXU Standart 97526051e485be1103b8eb11ceeb29ffc74bea220e23504193591a840ce89030 51 Minutes ago 0.01950000 393nYTLZvbArk7y9GZAgsTduvUScJnGgVj Standart b479f99b7b3f6ab70b1eafbdf63c5e8b52ee8006c330c66f9c8b2d91e3073458 51 Minutes ago 0.01402376 1Jmmash59BuzXuUmuAWndRN59b8bREYsFA Basic 5071ea2bf9e48b1a89bfdefb56c41183d437200a8a98f1be28a499f5c2c2e438 51 Minutes ago 0.00855400 1NZreREHW4TirUqmqbxt4nW4ttKxSjLMdM Basic 70679010719deef3e527705e2186e0f74c2b3618086f09f951b39c18488a7728 51 Minutes ago 0.01008453 1EjX3FHoaj5qQ9r2CbFNpJxaKWTohyNuGD Basic 3dcce92bf879d49f2fd5f15eea8289666007f5bf18ec10febb46b895234ac282 51 Minutes ago 0.00974421 1A4dbuoo52VDSnsvxSULKDgV9izQNpMgUF Basic 7d972cfe3c147366c5245d0af1c3470a4cc4dbc4c4dae125c83f74f7e33cb112 56 Minutes ago 0.10542816 1KCgsCQ81eDiSMEThUVmJk9sH8eGrAfL4E Advance b984021f8af26fd8f09920f37371a32a985e33bf0a5aa9b45469346077a82797 56 Minutes ago 0.10000000 32eiU9WkqxdnqGvGMDNBbTqWJppP5PXhqx Advance 888e1ab953b8f88b284f494c2a4d97262e0cb1b48ab5902c0f23e1c6ea2ecfc5 56 Minutes ago 0.02810131 1KG2fdTLqM9PoYAozgPGWnLRPLsUMm696p Standart b229fa4c2940bf4de99d7d581fba1f8fb39c2a8edad0340ad5c6f7a48160e0de 56 Minutes ago 0.02274844 18kjKDUMxC7ZJM6yMGKu1B7emWWm5fTjpv Standart 189b72dc4674dec6b5b1b1594101399999d139e5e859e1d51ecfa04ebe96278a 56 Minutes ago 0.00817736 3GLZijEUYeZ1FMpSMC7Li9Pbo7JsPt49mN Basic 23ac1c854162d86c8f8af9378e7156321652f5eac4bd9020e82906593fadc7a8 56 Minutes ago 0.01170588 18pqujQMRXcLw8wUFDV3AHYALVEh8gcisW Basic 9e261862f506efe0da2888eda146d0c002f18287e7ee02fb854de1e5e5a2419d 56 Minutes ago 0.00912157 1PEBBddYXUHPnL59CKjE3DzarinAoFjDtu Basic 89771dbf380a29c573d4794c9c184dedccbf773005ae0bb59648cc0ce2f69caa 56 Minutes ago 0.01013416 32rNXL1kMBSNZgZbh9VBYVsTfEdoYNd5pV Basic e7465613afe7ec7ec7996c0ad8caf05a088b70dc408a2a087f820b8d1f27e1ff 57 Minutes ago 0.02652600 32euAyMiVn9ymHQNCW32aXGaivXxTwfj5K Standart 92e2a2dc6342dd0f97d20ea576fb3a9847c159b6410b28a1184e85da1f2cd528 57 Minutes ago 0.02402287 14ULJnPLvWNTbBqBfA9J3r2DqQAmdMXujW Standart af3e659585461336bac4c09ca683e0341e6f42f234397c8c7f31ed06ef0c95c8 57 Minutes ago 0.00812549 1L4p7LuNMsK9iXZwFvRdGd6xyj6VdHx5UZ Basic 29b535f29ba9d6915a5ff49b0ad599e1866ae594403164a2c7505e4b4fd6d472 57 Minutes ago 0.01076051 1BmpBuWjscQ5rBhMP1oyigqaU4CErEohpS Basic 199d7781e62182b80ff8ab2283ab8d92a5fa025811fc2ec3ef229d15cc3ed068 57 Minutes ago 0.01500000 3692U18cPEsMQtesFu5eTC2YqiLhqbP9RS Basic 9098fd2bb4dde4840edc6748e4fd7942e6ae9c0dad861a9bad4d6fc59e48e3fb 57 Minutes ago 0.13722662 176Uwf4THrGaXbKsD98VMcCMgzgs7u31vx Advance 2b408d971985c0b9779026f4876e99c07037a49bf6a4988c3c2a460be23a8134 57 Minutes ago 0.07809011 15LGcJrwaMeUaguZ4UzA2U1WSnrMti1rWb Standart b3c00a0c09f0b342305e0ea8e8fe178b6a8a37ce38789ceb4792aeb3a32c5c55 57 Minutes ago 0.01225248 186A8FRTtXBrFxoZgGbHvt89itQxAnGxth Basic 3322466629d2708dea0c476250fcf56c73ebb7da222cecdc7b9b6f8249696748 1 Hour ago 0.02182927 36Ey7DK21oyCGGz5fko2j5htMk9Gu62cwM Standart 90d48358a00085a6bd665fc2355f9a192b36bc255beaed05b9494b9d06c7fb99 1 Hour ago 0.14938394 1JjpLfWotNdNudD1t3nKXNEdG4JrP5iZXz Advance 285abc080967cd3e83c22cead7a473ff550ca42cadc688054e9952e8152aaa06 1 Hour ago 0.10000000 19j6uiMgYjggaDkQy5iMF4gVJ1N2HJFbzS Advance 13b6d3d154884f87d2dcb180b8fa522042ad82585dc3b9d9b9048f5a4bcb9243 1 Hour ago 0.01235681 1EH65tz7FM4MQjSMRstRvndYT5PUeyzwZr Basic 87a911265db297854b2087cd5a07ebfb160f136fb4b5de11066e4c06b2a0d26f 1 Hour ago 0.01459720 1EErqrivCQVAQNMJsiivcFsfwBvCf7LKSs Basic 89c0649c70bd44d33e63c6cf0b2a062707e797d5c9e495eb59969140782ecb7f 1 Hour ago 0.07276915 1DBGwjcN9wvU6Dqn5Gok5dx1RQ25bwUaoU Standart b6abfd0b43b1caee39e3f3ba50b6419a2b894deb926a46405b7e820531011ce4 1 Hour ago 0.01200000 3EKoVb4mFtG758aJpZjH3E1QKay5uQRKMZ Basic 67ea7d5be9164dce067d9a1dc747f5b28bda54f5a34706684cb09e0f56f37f4a.
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First Bitcoin mining ( pool Blockseer will censor transactions.
A few weeks ago, DMG Blockchain Solutions announced the creation of a new mining pool. Part of its U.S. subsidiary, Blockseer, the mining pool has been created to meet and "exceed" U.S. government Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) regulations regarding Bitcoin ( transactions.
Therefore, Blockseer's mining pool will only validate transactions from addresses that are not blacklisted by OFAC and will require its users to go through a Know Your Customer (KYC) process. In this way, DMG seeks to "provide the highest level of transparency, auditability and corporate governance" to the Bitcoin ( network.
DMG's mining pool will use a company data collection tool called Walletscore. This tool will be used in conjunction with information provided by OFAC to filter out any transactions related to theft, fraud, money laundering, or other illegal activity. DMG CTO Adrian Glover said:
We built the pool on the technology platform that drives our mine management platform, thus creating a unified user experience for our customers, and enabling us to quickly add features to both products. In the near-term future, we will be providing audit ready reports and irrefutable proof of our customers' mining revenue, directly from our user interface. For DMG, the launch of the pool is only the beginning, our team will continue to work hard on adding all of the revenue, cost tracking and projection information that miners look for.
Bitcoin ( miner migration, less user privacy?
DMG's initiative could follow a trend of reordering mining pools globally. These have a large presence in Asia, specifically in China. However, the Asian giant continues to put pressure on the crypto market and its related activities.
In a recent report, Wu Blockchain claimed that miners in China suffered huge losses after having problems paying their electricity bills. The report states and makes the following prediction:
(...) a large number of bank cards were frozen and even suffered heavy losses.This will accelerate the transfer of cryptocurrency mining from China to the United States, Kazakhstan and other countries.
Wu Blockchain has also been reporting on the attack that the exchanges have suffered and the entities that, in spite of their close relationship with China's Communist Party (CCP) have been affected by the hardening of the measures against cryptocurrencies. In that sense, more mining pools could be encouraged to form US-based mining pools similar to Blockseer's.
Monero's former chief maintainer, Riccardo Spagni, has said it is only a matter of time before "most mining pools are forced to make these filtered transactions". Spagni proposes using solutions such as p2pool centered on Stratum v2 and adding more privacy to Bitcoin (
Hacktrophy co-founder Juraj Bednar believes that governments could take the first step towards censoring Bitcoin ( by implementing oversight measures for mining pools. Bednar claims that miners have greater incentives to follow regulations than to oppose them because of the heavy investment they make in mining hardware, infrastructure, data centers, and taxes. Therefore, he adds:
If the government comes in and says you can't mine the blocks that spend these UTXOs, or you'll lose either a bank account, exchange account, business permit or go to jail for money laundering, most of the big miners would comply. Blockseer is just a first example.
Bitcoin ( Hashrate Now : 145.01 EH/s Nov 21, 2020 08:43 AM UTC - 145,009,283,013,485,700,000 H/s.
The current Bitcoin ( hashrate is 145.01 EH/s, representing the global Bitcoin ( network hashrate with a mining difficulty of 17.60 T at block height 657,957.
The current Bitcoin ( hashrate (BTC hashrate) is 145.01 EH/s at block height 657,957 with a difficulty of 17,596,801,059,571.43.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 08:38 am

Is Mining ( Bitcoin ( Still Profitable in 2020?|16:37
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 08:39 am
Bitcoin ( Global Hashrate 145.01 EH/s.
Bitcoin mining ( revenue soars to pre-halving levels.
Bitcoin ( investors and traders are not the only ones enjoying the bullish ride in the cryptocurrency market, the miners are equally included. Recent on-chain data shows that Bitcoin mining ( revenue has returned to the pre-halving levels when the reward for block production was still 12.5 BTC. This shows that increases in the crypto price have driven miners back to the previous level of profitability before May 11.
#Bitcoin ( miner revenue is back at pre-halving levels.
Bitcoin mining ( revenue reaches another 2020 ATH.
On Thursday, the crypto on-chain analytics platform, Glassnode, shared the development, saying the Bitcoin mining ( revenue has surged to the levels not seen since the halving six months ago. A further at the Bitcoin ( network explorer,, shows that the miners earned about $21.194 million as of November. This accounts for the transactions fee they earned, including the coinbase block rewards.
For the context, the closest Bitcoin mining ( revenue to the record today was observed on May 5, where miners earned about $20 million. Therefore, the current reward accounts for the year's highest level. When Bitcoin ( halved, it was trading at a price of around $9,000. Fast forward to today, the leading cryptocurrency is worth $17.893 on Coinmarketcap, after a yearly high above $18,300.
Got your shiny new ASIC miner? Wondering when it will pay off? If you enter your hash rate below, this page will calculate your expected earnings in both Bitcoins and dollars over various time periods (day, week, and month). It will not attempt to extrapolate difficulty or price changes -- it provides only instantaneous calculations (how much you'd make if all conditions remained as they were right now).
Next difficulty retarget occurs at block 657957.0 (eta 266.0 days): 1.7639868786e+13 / +14.1% [est.]
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Bitcoin ( Target and Difficulty.
May 4, 2019 · 8 min read.
How to calculate.
Then let's look at the structure of the rest of the headers.
You've probably heard a lot about mining for "solving difficult math problems." When I first encountered the explanation, I tried to find a more accurate explanation and as I learned the principle, I tried to write down the exact principle of operation because it's never difficult but interesting.
'Solving a difficult math problem' is to find a value lower than a certain target value through hash function.
In other words, the target is low if t he difficulty is high, and the target is hight if the difficulty is low . For example, the probability of dice 'being less than 2' is lower than 'being less than 5' which is less difficult. Let's take this principle into consideration and understand it more deeply.
5. Difficulty Bit.
Let's look at the Difficulty and Bits in the picture above. The content involves some mathematical calculations, so you may skip the calculation process after looking at the basic concepts.
First of all, Difficulty indicates the difficulty of mining the block, which is automatically set according to the height of the block. It will be explained later on why the setup is automatic and how it is done.
The Target value that corresponds to the level of difficulty exists, and the Target value is marked as " Bits ". This number is made up of coefficients and index.
We will continue to do mathematical calculations for those who have questions about that number. It would be better to use a hexadecimal calculator to calculate and compare it.
First of all, there will be questions about the relationship between difficulty and the target . The formula in actual code is as follows.
Difficulty = MAX_TARGET / current_target.
MAX_TARGET is the 'first difficulty', which is the level of difficulty set when the Bitcoin ( blockchain first run, which means the value of '1' and is written as '1d00ffff' in four bytes.
Mining is the process of finding hash values that are lower than the target value," he said. So how are 'current_target', exactly bits , calculated for comparison with hash value?
Take the picture above, for example.
If you convert the 'bits' value of 388618029 to hexadecimal, you will get a value of 0x1729d72d. As I said, Bits are expressed with index and coefficients. The first 1byte is the index, followed by coefficients with 3 bytes. That is, the bits are the index of 0x17 and the coefficient of 0x29d72d. (0x means hexadecimal.)
This results in a form of target value that can be compared with the hash value through the following specific equation.
Target = coefficient * 2 ^ ( 8 * (index -- 3) )
If you substitute that value, 0x29d72d * 2 ^ (0x08 * (0x17-0x03) )
If you convert it into decimal form, it is 2742061 * 2 ^( 8 * (23-3) ) = 4.0075266411612129867925142360828e+54.
Comparable hash values are obtained when converting the values back to hexadecimal.
0x0000 0000 0000 0000 0029 d72d 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.
And when you look at the actual hash value of Block 538695 here,
0x0000 0000 0000 0000 000d 8b40 25c6 3560 88d7 5a7f 3e68 1841 1bab 2b74 8947 dcda.
which is a target value.
The increase in difficulty can also be seen through other blocks.
The actual target value of the 277316th block is as follows.
0x0000 0000 0000 003A 30C0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.
and this has fewer 0's in front compared to the target value of 538695th block which is.
This means that the target value is lower and the ' difficulty ' which is finding a value lower than the target value is higher.
It can be said that the longer the Leading Zeros of a certain length of space, the higher the difficulty. Each time you increase the number of zeros by one bit, the search space is halved. In other words, since there are countless and random based cases that can be produced through a hash, but the higher the difficulty, the smaller the number (the value of the target) has to be found. To paraphrase, it is difficult to 'find items smaller than soccerball' (= high difficulty, low target value) in a room (= 256-bit hash written space) than in a 'find items smaller than a refrigerator" (low level, high target value). It is the same concept as using dice as an example.
The higher the difficulty, the lower the target, and in the end, mining is the process of finding the " current block header hash value ," which is lower than the "target value." Recognizing that 'block header hash' is a hash value and therefore is random , you will find out why mining is difficult and why it is random.
6. Nonce.
For all of these random processes, the only variable is Nonce . It will come easier to understand the word as 'number + once', a number that used once. Nonce starts at zero and increases to countless numbers to find a hash value lower than the price of a target. Eventually, all mining processes are controlled by nonce.
When we look at the structure of the headers, except for the nonce, everything is given. 'Version' and 'Timestamp' are the values of the moment of mining, 'Target' is set automatically, and 'Previous Block Header hash' and 'Merkle Root' is available by a simple calculation.
The miners prepare a body(actually, transactions) for the blocks they want to mine. As soon as the previous block is completed('mined') and delivered by any node, the ('previous') block header hash is calculated and all values of all headers except nonce are prepared. It then attempts to mine by hashing the headers of the current block by changing the nonce value. You might think mining is simple if you just change the nonce, but if you think about the characteristics of a hash function that produces a completely different value, you will know the importance of nonce.
And regardless of the difficulty, even at very high difficulty, you'll see that mining can succeed in very low numbers, such as '2', in just two instances, to find a hash that satisfies lower value than a particular target value. However, if you knew that the probability was very very very very low, you would have understood mining correctly.
So far, we have been able to look at the structure of the block and understand more accurately the principles of mining accordingly.
By understanding the principles of mining, such questions can be added:
Is the difficulty constant all the time? ... then the stronger the hash power, the faster the block can be created and eventually the block can be formed in a second?
With such concerns, Satoshi Nakamoto designed it to automatically adjust the difficulty level. Satoshi Nakamoto thought that "1 block in 10 minutes" should be the right level of difficulty, and the difficulty is adjusted automatically accordingly. It did not say the reason for "10 minutes," but if the blocks were formed in less time, the transaction settlement time would be shorter, but the fork would occur frequently, and if it took longer, the fork would be reduced, but the transaction would take longer to settle before the transaction was put in the block. The appropriate time is set to 10 minutes and the difficulty control method for this is as follows.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 08:39 am

How Bitcoin ( mining actually works - What is the \|14:13
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 08:40 am
Next Difficulty = current difficulty * 2 weeks / T ( Time in which previous 2016 blocks found)
It adjusts the new difficulty by checking the time from the previous cycle until 2016 blocks are formed, with a cycle of 2016. For example, if it took an average of five minutes per block creation until 2016 blocks were formed, the difficulty would increase, and if it took 15 minutes, the difficulty would decrease. That is, the value of each target is reduced and increased.
The 'Difficulty' in the picture is the difficulty set for the block, which can be verified that the previous block and the following block contain the same difficulty value. This means that the new difficulty level is maintained at the same value until it is adjusted.
CPU/GPU Bitcoin mining (
The least powerful category of Bitcoin mining ( hardware is your computer itself. Theoretically, you could use your computer's CPU to mine for bitcoins, but in practice, this is so slow by today's standards that there isn't any point.
You can enhance your bitcoin hash rate by adding graphics hardware to your desktop computer. Graphics cards feature graphical processing units (GPUs). These are designed for heavy mathematical lifting so they can calculate all the complex polygons needed in high-end video games. This makes them particularly good at the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) hashing mathematics necessary to solve transaction blocks.
One of the nice things about GPUs is that they also leave your options open. Unlike other options discussed later, these units can be used with cryptocurrencies other than bitcoin. Litecoin, for example, uses a different proof of work algorithm to bitcoin, called Scrypt. This has been optimized to be friendly to CPUs and GPUs, making them a good option for GPU miners who want to switch between different currencies.
GPU mining is largely dead these days. Bitcoin mining ( difficulty has accelerated so much with the release of ASIC mining power that graphics cards can't compete.
FPGA Bitcoin mining (
A Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is an integrated circuit designed to be configured after being built. This enables a mining hardware manufacturer to buy the chips in volume, and then customize them for Bitcoin mining ( before putting them into their own equipment. Because they are customized for mining, they offer performance improvements over CPUs and GPUs. Single-chip FPGAs have been seen operating at around 750 MH/sec, although that's at the high end. It is of course possible to put more than one chip in a box.
ASIC Bitcoin ( Miners.
This is where the action's really at. Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) are specifically designed to do just one thing: mine bitcoins at mind-crushing speeds, with relatively low power consumption. Because these chips have to be designed specifically for that task and then fabricated, they are expensive and time-consuming to produce - but the speeds are stunning. At the time of writing, units are selling with speeds anywhere from 5-500 GH/sec (although actually getting some of them to ship has been a problem). Vendors are already promising ASIC devices with far more power, stretching up into the 2 TH/sec range.
Before making your purchase, calculate the projected profitability of your miner, using mining profitability calculators online like this one. You can input parameters such as equipment cost, hash rate, power consumption, and the current bitcoin price to see how long it will take to pay back your investment.
One of the other key parameters here is network difficulty. This metric determines how hard it is to solve transaction blocks, and it varies according to the network hash rate. Difficulty is likely to increase substantially as ASIC devices come on the market, so it might be worth increasing this metric in the calculator to see what your return on investment will be like as more people join the game.
Once you have chosen your hardware, you'll need to do several other things. Depending on which equipment you choose, you will need to run software to make use of it. Typically when using GPUs and FPGAs, you will need a host computer running two things: the standard bitcoin client, and the mining software.
The standard bitcoin client connects your computer to the network and enables it to interact with the bitcoin clients, forwarding transactions and keeping track of the block chain. It will take some time for it to download the entire bitcoin block chain so that it can begin. The bitcoin client effectively relays information between your miner and the bitcoin network.
The Bitcoin mining ( software is what instructs the hardware to do the hard work, passing through transaction blocks for it to solve. There are a variety of these available, depending on your operating system. They are available for Windows, Mac OS X, and others.
You may well need mining software for your ASIC miner, too, although some newer models promise to ship with everything pre-configured, including a bitcoin address, so that all you need to do is plug it in the wall.
One smart developer even produced a mining operating system designed to run on the Raspberry Pi, a low-cost credit card-sized Linux computer designed to consume very small amounts of power. This could be used to power a USB-connected ASIC miner.
Now, you're all set up. Good for you. But you will stand little chance of success mining bitcoins unless you work with other people, by joining a Bitcoin mining ( pool for example.
Nowadays, the Bitcoin mining ( industry primarily operates on a pool level rather than on an individual level. Some of the biggest bitcoin miners in the world are F2Pool, Poolin, Slush Pool and AntPool.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 08:43 am

What Do YOU Need to MINE ONE BITCOIN In 2020?!|13:38
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 09:08 am
How To Build A Bitcoin ( Miner From Scratch.
Bitcoin mining ( Hardware: Pc Build Guide For A Cryptocurrency Rig | Pc Gamer.
The right mining hardware is just part of the story. If you're serious about mining Bitcoin ( or other cryptocurrencies, check out our guide to what you need to know cryptocurrency mining . Cryptocurrency mining has driven up GPU prices and is hurting gamers . But if you're dead set on spelunking into the cryptocurrency mines, you might as well know what you're getting into. To be clear, we don't encourage this. But if you really want to start mining Bitcoin ( or Ethereum or another cryptocurrency, don't be too intimidated: if you've built a rig before, putting together a cryptocurrency mining PC is an easy weekend project that will let you learn how blockchain technology works, the limits of at-home hashing, and the real costs involved, some of which are hidden. You should also be aware of the risks. Cryptocurrency is volatile, and there's no guarantee you'll make back the money you spend on your hardware as quickly as you expect. You could even lose it altogether. And keep in mind that every GPU sent into the mines is one more that could have spent its life pushing pixels in PUBG. Financial philosophy aside, the hardware part of the bitcoin equation is simple. Despite their well-earned reputation for gobbling up GPUs, the rest of a mining rigs layout is very lean. You wont need a high-powered CPU, fancy motherboard, exotic DRAM, or even the Windows OS to bring it all together. In fact, other than a few odds and ends, you may already have most of the parts sitting in a garage or closetleftovers from previous gaming rig upgrades. Heres a quick overview of what you need, and why. A simple frame is all you need to house your mining rig, so wait for a sale or try DIY before spending hundreds of dollars on a 21st century pan and pickaxe. Mining rigs start with a rudimentary op Continue reading >>
Beginner's Guide To Mining Bitcoins.
Last updated on October 13th, 2017 at 10:56 pm One of the biggest problems I ran into when I was looking to start mining Bitcoin ( for investment and profit was most of the sites were written for the advanced user. I am not a professional coder, I have no experience with Ubuntu, Linux and minimal experience with Mac. So, this is for the individual or group that wants to get started the easy way. Bitcoin mining ( is a very competitive niche to get into. As more and more miners come on board with the latest mining hardware the difficulty to mine increases each day. Before even starting out with Bitcoin mining ( you need to do your due diligence. This means you need to find out if Bitcoin mining ( is even profitable for you . The best way to do this is through the use of a Bitcoin mining ( calculator . Just enter the data of the Bitcoin ( miner you are planning on buying and see how long it will take you to break even or make a profit. However, I can tell you from the get go that if you dont have a few hundred dollars to spare you probably wont be able to mine any Bitcoins. Once youve finished with your calculations its time to get yourminer. Make sure to go over our different Bitcoin mining ( hardware reviews to understand which miner is best for you. Today, the Antminer S9 is the newest and most powerful miner. As a side note its important to state that in the past it was possible to mine Bitcoins with your computer or with a graphics card (also known as GPU mining). Today however, the mining niche has become so competitive that youll need to use ASIC miners special computers built strictly for mining Bitcoins. First thing you need to do is get a Bitcoin ( Wallet . Because Bitcoin ( is an internet based currency, you need a place to keep your Bitcoins.Once you have a wallet make sure to Continue reading >>
How To Build A Bitcoin ( Miner Or Just Buy One.
How to build a Bitcoin ( Miner or just buy one. Once you get hooked on Bitcoin mining ( you then will be asking yourself "DO I go further and get better equipment? ". Having tried the Bitcoin mining ( and found it to your liking as with anything else you start thinking what else can I use, how can I improve what I have or do I go all out and build or buy a specialized miner? Some research is warranted here to find out what it is that is will make your experience and productivity better. If your computer is an average built computer then most likely you have a normal CPU and one video card. If you have an AMD CPU then you can improve the PC with Video cards that are better suited at mining.. These seem to be AMD based video cards and different models are better then others. If your really smitten by the bitcoin bug then you can actually buy a specialized bitcoin miner If your motherboard supports multiple video cards then you could invest in several of the previously mentioned cards and run your miner with 3 or even four cards. As long as the CPU is an AMD CPU you will be ok to keep your current setup. If you really want to specialize then you can purchase a video card designed specifically for Bitcoin mining ( The card hasn't been released yet but once it is you'll have the option of getting a video card specific for Bitcoin mining ( For the really advanced and completely hooked there are the special built Asic mining machines, these are special built computers that are designed and built completely for Bitcoin mining ( and while some can be inexpensive others can be costly. You would have to decide what you want to invest in mining equipment. The crazies. There are those that will go all out and put together by themselves outrageously built set ups that just leave you shaking y Continue reading >>
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 09:08 am

Blockchain Expert Explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty - WIRED|17:50
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 09:09 am
Litecoin 101: How To Build Your Own Mining Rigs.
Litecoin 101: How To Build Your Own Mining Rigs UPDATE 3: Nvidia has changed the game , so a new guide is in progress. Were still not even sure who created Bitcoin (, the first cryptocurrency to go mainstream. Its value is erratic, swinging dramatically up and down within weeks. We dont know who will adopt or condemn it next, but one thing is certain: This new form of decentralized currency is resilient, and you can mine it, trade it, and sell it using nothing more than off-the-shelf PC parts geared toward gamers. Former Google employee Charlie Lee, Litecoins creator, refers to it as silver to Bitcoins gold. His intent was to improve on Bitcoin ( and, in the process, make it more accessible and obtainable. Indeed, Litecoin can be mined by off-the-shelf PC components typically snatched up by gamers. The Forbes E-book On Bitcoin ( Secret Money: Living on Bitcoin ( in the Real World, by Forbes staff writer Kashmir Hill, can be bought in Bitcoin ( or legal tender. But if youve been drawn in by the headline, youre not here for a history lesson. Youre here to jump into the Litecoin mining pool. With that in mind, Im going to present two distinct PC builds focused exclusively on Litecoin mining and explain some of the basic requirements and best practices along the way. First, let me qualify myself: Ive been mining 24/7 for the past two weeks; not long, but obsessively. Ive scoured dozens of forums and Reddit threads for answers and engaged in a lot of trial and error. Ive successfully turned what I instinctively viewed as funny money that existed in an encrypted digital Litecoin wallet into actual $USD deposited into my checking account. If its impossible to wrap your head around that, youre not alone! Next, Im going to caution you: Like playing the stock market or investing in genera Continue reading >>
An Idiots Guide To Building An Ethereum Mining Rig.
An Idiots Guide to Building an Ethereum Mining Rig In March, the price of an Ether cryptocurrency token rose to an all-time high of around $25. This was good news for investors in Ethereumthe blockchain-based distributed computing platform that uses Ether as its currencywho had watched the cryptocurrency's price stagnate at under $10 since its launch in July 2015. But it also had another profound effect on shaping the network: For the first time ever, it was truly profitable to mine Ether. I had been entertaining the idea of building an Ethereum mining rig for months and the price surge in May made it seem like as good a time as any to begin the process. So I sold some of my Ether, bought some computer hardware, and set to work learning about building PCs and the art of Linux. But before I dive into the unnecessarily painful process of setting up an Ethereum mining rig as a complete n00b, let's brush up on some Ethereum basics. Mining is the term used to describe the process of extracting cryptocurrency tokens from a blockchain network. In the case of Ethereum, this involves having computers continuously run a hashing algorithm, which takes an arbitrarily large amount of information and condenses it to a string of letters and numbers of a fixed length. The hashing algorithm used by Ethereum called ethashhashes metadata from the most recent block using something called a nonce: a binary number that produces a unique hash value. For each new block in the blockchain, the network sets a target hash value and all the miners on the network try to guess the nonce that will result in that value. Due to the way cryptographic hashing works, trying to guess the nonce that will result in the target value is practically impossible. This means that the only way of finding the correc Continue reading >>
Note: Our guide on Bitcoin mining ( has been fully updated. This feature was first published in November 2015. Mining is the process of using a computer to perform complex calculations on blocks of data which maintain the Bitcoin ( network. Miners are rewarded for their efforts with a certain amount of Bitcoins . Bitcoin ( (BTC) is fast becoming the province of people using specialized ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) devices, although if you have one or more powerful graphics cards you may still be able to generate a small profit by assembling your own mining device. You'll learn more about this in the following steps. The actual profit you make will depend on a number of factors. The first is your 'hash rate' in other words, the actual processing power of your machine. Computers designed for mining, or 'rigs' as they're commonly known, require large amounts of electricity, which will increase running costs. The complexity of mining also rises over time. The Bitcoin ( itself is a very volatile virtual currency and while it has recently made huge gains, it may also plummet in value. Bear this in mind if you plan to hold onto any BTC you mine rather than selling immediately. If you want a rough idea of how much you can make from mining, use one of the many online profitability calculators (for example, the one at 99 Bitcoins ). While you can technically try to mine Bitcoin ( on your own, it's very unlikely that your rig will singlehandedly solve the complex sums necessary to receive a reward. Instead, you'll need to join a mining pool. As the name suggests, this is a pool of multiple machines connected together, engaged in a collaborative mining effort. The Bitcoin ( rewards reaped are shared amongst everyone who contributed processing power to the effort. However, no Continue reading >>
How To Set Up A Bitcoin ( Miner - Coindesk.
There are three main categories of Bitcoin mining ( hardware, each more expensive and more powerful than the last. This guide to setting up a bitcoin miner explains each of them, and talks about how to make them work. By this stage, you will understand how bitcoin works , and what mining means. But we need to get from theory to practice. How can you set up a Bitcoin mining ( hardware and start generating some digital cash? The first thing you're going to need to do is decide on your hardware, and there are two main things to think about when choosing it: This is the number of calculations that your hardware can perform every second as it tries to crack the mathematical problem we described in our mining section. Hash rates are measured in megahashes, gigahashes, and terahashes per second (MH/sec, GH/sec, and TH/sec. The higher your hash rate (compared to the current average hash rate), the more likely you are to solve a transaction block. The bitcoin wikis mining hardware comparison page is a good place to go for rough information on hash rates for different hardware. All this computing power chews up electricity, and that costs money. It's worth looking at your hardware's energy consumption in watts, when making your choice. You want to make sure that you don't end up spending all of your money on electricity to mine coins that won't be worth what you paid. Use these two factors to work out how many hashes youre getting for every watt of electricity that you use. To do this, divide the hash count by the number of watts. For example, if you have a 500 GH/sec device, and its taking 400 watts of power, then youre getting 1.25 GH/sec per watt. You can check your power bill or use an electricity price calculator online to find out how much that means in hard cash. However, the Continue reading >>
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 10:14 am

MASSIVE Crypto Mining ( Farm Tour - Bitcoin (, Dash, and GPU Mining (!|18:01
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 10:14 am
Building A Bitcoin mining ( Business: The Ultimate List Of Resources.
any cost to retrofit a room to accommodate miners A second spreadsheet is needed for projections of profitability. TechCashHouse provides monthly Bitcoin mining ( profitability forecasts on YouTube. For instance, the January 2018 video goes into great detail on the profitability of miners. The narrator provides a detailed discussion of purchasing an Antminer S7, a machine he says would break even in 289 days, depending on the price of bitcoin rates and hash difficulty. Cost of the machine is about $1,400. Below is TechCashHouses analysis of profitability of the Antminer S7. With the Antminer S7, you will spend $1,822.08 in power in a year, but gross $3,625.56 in revenue with a profit of $1,767.22 all in BTC, priced at $15,642. The ideal outcome for the investor is getting a miner to pay for itself in 100 days or less, but this is hard to do because the prices of miners have escalated in recent months, while mining profitability has declined due to rising difficulty. The Avalon 741 miner costs about $2,500 to 3,500 on eBay. Here is an analysis of its profitability, according to TechCashHouse, based on a $15,642 Bitcoin ( price, power cost of 13 cents per kilowatt hour and pool fees of 1%. Based on that chart, the Avalon 741 takes about 327 days to pay for itself, which is too long to be ideal. If difficulty declines (which is not likely) and the price of bitcoin rises, payback would be sooner. The Antminer S9 is about $6,000 on eBay. The cost power is about $4.06 per day but this miner earns $28.35 per day. It will make .66 Bitcoin ( per year with a break-even point of 249 days. The projections by TechCashHouse are a bit high because they are based on the price of Bitcoin ( at $15,642 and the difficulty is higher now than it was Jan. 1, 2018. Nevertheless, TechCashHouse offers Continue reading >>
Build Your Own Portable Bitcoin mining ( Rig / Battlestation.
Build Your Own Portable Bitcoin mining ( Rig / Battlestation Introduction: Build Your Own Portable Bitcoin mining ( Rig / Battlestation This is XK ; For a really long time since i bought and build my own Bitcoin ( Miners , I have always wanted to build something more "dedicated " for mining tasks rather than using classical Server cabinets and so on. Something that will change my life entirely. Something that will never be forgotten ! Thus i build my evil setup ! For those who are not willing to say " Shut up and take my Money ! " I highly not recommend to proceed from now on ! I would say " Run You fools ! " Enough B.S. Computational System We are struggling with heating issue. In order to resolve this issue (Since most of the CPU's are not operating above certain temperatures.) there are gigantic coolers in Data Centers , Or Liquid Cooling System in PCs or some Geeks such as us are using Liquid Nitrogen for Benchmark Overclocks, even baby oil ! Despite the fact that most of the People are thinking; "RESISTANCE" is the reason why Processing units heat up its actually not that simple. If you are more on the Scientific side you probably would have heard about and familiar with something called Information Theory , Thermodynamics and Entropy. At this point I would give you tiny tiny tiny piece of scientific explanation about heating but that's about it. Nothing more nothing less. This is an optional part of course for those who are CURIOUS about the reality behind heating (IN CPUs of Course) As we all know this Clich & Fact "Energy never Created or Destroyed " Energy Only transforms from one another.Despite the fact that we still could not fully formulate it as a Mathematical Model ; "Information" is also a kind of energy. So If you are familiar with Von Neumann Architecture Continue reading >>
College Student Reveals How He Mines Bitcoins In His Dorm Room The Cheap Way.
College Student Reveals How He Mines Bitcoins in His Dorm Room The Cheap Way Nothing in the tech world confuses us as much as Bitcoin ( it seems. What we do know about it is that its volatile and it can be worth a ton of money, but we hardly understand where it comes from, who invented it apparently, or what it is past being a crypto-currency- even that term confuses many. Perhaps the main reason Bitcoin ( baffles us so is its infinite nature- it can develop into so many structures and utilities that its hard to describe it as anyone thing, but hopefully this article clears up some of the confusion for you. Bitcoin ( has been making headlines quite a bit lately. The IRS recently ruled that Bitcoin ( is not a currency but an asset, one that must be taxed on its gains. Billionaire Warren Buffett dismissed the entire concept of Bitcoin ( in a television interview as a mirage, an opinion that fired up venture capitalist and perhaps Bitcoins number one fan Marc Andreessen to group those like Buffett as old white men crapping on new technology they dont understand. After getting hammered by a series of attacks the past few months, Bitcoin ( fell from its thousand dollar value and currently sits around $360 with a market cap of just over $4.7 billion according to CoinMarketCap . Whatever side of the love/hate debate over Bitcoin ( you might find yourself on, we could all use a little more understanding over a subject that most of us are only beginning to understand. If you have ever been curious about Bitcoin (, then youll definitely want to hear this students story. Geoffrey Welborn is a political science major at the University of California, San Diego. A self taught Bitcoin ( enthusiast, Geoffrey has been mining Bitcoin ( from his on-campus apartment since January and is also a co-founder of Continue reading >>
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 10:14 am

How Does Bitcoin ( Work?|7:37
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 10:16 am
Bitcoin mining ( - What Is It And Is It Profitable In 2018? A Beginner's Guide.
Last updated on November 24th, 2017 at 08:12 am Before we start, if youre new to Bitcoin mining ( and dont know what it is watch this short and simple explanation: The short answer would be It depends on how much youre willing to spend. Each person asking himself this will get a slightly different answer since Bitcoin mining ( profitability depends on many different factors. In order to find out Bitcoin mining ( profitability for different factors mining profitability calculators were invented. These calculators take into account the different parameters such as electricity cost, the cost of your hardware and other variables and give you an estimate of your projected profit. Before I give you a short example of how this is calculated lets make sure you are familiar with the different variables: Bitcoin mining ( terms you should get to know Hash Rate A Hash is the mathematical problem the miners computer needs to solve. The Hash Rate is the rate at which these problems are being solved. The more miners that join the Bitcoin ( network, the higher the network Hash Rate is. The Hash Rate can also refer to your miners performance. Today Bitcoin ( miners (those super powerful computers talked about in the video) come with different Hash Rates. Miners performance is measured in MH/s (Mega hashper second), GH/s (Giga hash per second), TH/s (Terra hashper second) and even PH/s (Peta hashper second). Bitcoins per Block Each time a mathematical problem is solved, a constant amount of Bitcoins are created.The number ofBitcoinsgenerated per block starts at 50 and is halved every 210,000 blocks (about four years). The current number of Bitcoins awarded per block is 12.5. The last block halving occurred on July 2016 and the next one will be in 2020. Bitcoin ( Difficulty Since the Bitcoin ( network i Continue reading >>
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 10:16 am

Bitcoin ( and cryptocurrency mining explained|7:46
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 10:16 am
Build An Ethereum Mining Rig.
Radeon R9 290x 28 MH/s using 280 watts As I mentioned above, you can choose to build your mining rig with a nice custom built case or you can save money and use a plastic storage crate or milk crate . Both work equally as well except one wont look nearly as good. But if you want something cool and professional looking, you can buy mining cases such as this one . The standard power supply in a desktop computer can be anywhere from 300W-500W. But when your mining and you are powering up to 6/7 GPUs, you want to make sure you have enough power. 1200W+ is what youre looking for and you want to make sure that it is Gold or better certified for efficiency. Also, modular power supplies allow you toconfigure your cables individually which helps greatly when building out your rig. Single 4GB DDR3 1600Mhz RAM is all you need. Nothing more. In order to mount the GPUs within the crate or case, youll need riser PCI cables to extend the PCI-e connection from the motherboard. Get as many PCI Express 1X to 16X Powered RiserCables as you can to match up with the number of GPUs you have. There are many different variants, like this one or this or this . Get a basic 60GB SSD or 120GB SSD drive for installing the OS and running your mining software. Youll need a basic Monitor and Mouse/ Keyboard combo to configure all the software and mining settings. Also, dont forget about a Kill A Watt usage monitor. Youll need at least one box fan per rig to make sure the GPUs do not overheat. If youre into Linux, Eth OS is a 64-bit Linux OS that mines Ethereum, Zcash, Monero, and other GPU-minable coins. If youre a windows guy, here is Windows 10 . If youre going to be using Windows, youll need mining software. Take a look at this Ethereum Mining on a Windows PC guide. Build an Ethereum Mining RigSte Continue reading >>
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 10:17 am

How does Bitcoin ( mining work? - BBC Newsnight|7:06
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 10:42 am
7 Reasons Bitcoin mining ( Is Not Profitable Or Worth It In 2017.
Jordan Tuwiner Last updated June 13, 2017 The early days of Bitcoin mining ( are often described as a gold rush. Satoshi Nakomotos invention of Bitcoin (, a peer-to-peer electronic cash system, opened up an entirely new frontier, not just of freedom but of occasionally outrageous profits. Those with a strong interest in such things, namely cypherpunks, cryptographers, technically-minded libertarians and assorted hackers, were first to stake their claim. But is there still gold in them thar hills? Bitcoin mining ( has grown from a handful of early enthusiasts into a cottage industry, into a specialized industrial-level venture. The easy money was scooped out a long time ago and what remains is buried under the cryptographic equivalent of tons of hard rock. Only those with specialised, high-powered machinery are able to profitably extract bitcoins nowadays. While mining is still technically possible for anyone, those with underpowered setups will find more money is spent on electricity than is generated through mining. In other words, mining wont be profitable at a small scale unless you have access to free or really cheap electriciy. Well explain this situation in depth but first, you need to know a few basic technical terms from the world of Bitcoin mining ( A group of Bitcoin ( transactions, chosen from the mempool (the list of all currently pending transactions) and recorded by a miner into the ever-growing record of blocks known as the blockchain. A new block is created on average every ten minutes. This is the cryptographic work which miners perform in order to find the solution which allows them to define a new block. PoW hashing ensures the proper function of the Bitcoin ( blockchain. Miners compete to solve a cryptographic puzzle, known as a hash. There are no shortcuts in Continue reading >>
How to set up Bitcoin mining (
open-source mining firmware.
Pick your edition.
Fully open-source and customizable so you can tweak it to fit your needs.
Same open-source foundation with additional proprietary algorithms for autotuning.
Performance features.
Advanced features.
Industry-first features.
Revenue from Braiins OS+ is used to continue developing the open-source mining stack sustainably in the years ahead.
braiins os highlights.
We first verified overt AsicBoost on Antminer S9s in 2018, enabling miners to improve their efficiency by 13%.
We launched Braiins OS as fully open-source firmware for the community in 2018, allowing anybody to take control of their miners and to enable AsicBoost.
We’ve rebuilt the entire mining stack and made it open-source. BOSminer is our replacement for CGminer (software component which handles the mining within the firmware) written from scratch in Rust language, meaning that it won’t crash (FAQs) or take minutes to startup. Stratum V2 is the next-generation mining protocol that solves major efficiency and security flaws from V1.
You paid for your hardware. You should be able to use it however you want, with no concerns about hidden backdoors. Braiins OS includes:
Auditable and customizable code.
Overclocking and underclocking.
Stratum V2 implementation.
Advanced monitoring system.
Hardware manufactures.
Save development resources and enhance your hardware in the process with mining software rewritten in Rust and built-in Stratum V2 support. Offer competitive advantages to your customers, such as:
No more random crashes (FAQs)
Quick startup (5-7 seconds)
Hashrate hijacking prevention.
Efficiency & easy extensibility with Stratum V2.
Have questions?
BOSminer explained.
BOSminer is Cutting-Edge Mining Software.
Fully documented source code written in Rust language.
New architecture allows easy implementation of mining backends.
Stratum V2 reference implementation.
Includes solid test harness.
CGminer has been an integral part of the Bitcoin mining ( stack since it was created for GPU mining in 2011. In recent years, however, it has become disorganized, outdated, and plagued by bugs and backdoors.
We developed BOSminer in Rust language to replace CGminer, providing a new standard that can be used across devices from every manufacturer. On top of that, BOSminer includes an implementation of Stratum V2 вЂ" the upgraded mining protocol that solves some of the biggest problems miners and mining pools face today.
Decrease hash rate variance and stale shares with simplified (header-only) mining mode.
Customizable to implement your own use cases such as collecting detailed telemetry data.
Smaller and less frequent data transfers reduce bandwidth load for miners in remote locations.
Protect yourself against hash rate hijacking with end-to-end encryption.
Proxy included.
An included V2 -> V1 translation proxy means you can benefit from some of V2’s features while mining on any pool, whether the pool supports V2 or not.
Yes, both Braiins OS and Braiins OS+ are fully backwards compatible with Stratum V1. If you want to use V2 on your machines but your pool doesn’t support it, you can use a V2 -> V1 translation proxy (written in Rust) to do so. It’s available here.
BOSminer is software written from scratch in Rust programming language which is meant to serve as a new standard, as CGminer’s code base is no longer organized or well documented. BOSminer has a CGminer-compatible API. You can read more about it on our Medium.

BOSminer+ is an enterprise variant of the open-source BOSminer. In addition to the benefits of its open-source sibling, it also features per-chip autotuning.
If you choose to mine with Slush Pool while using Braiins OS+, you’ll receive a 0% fee rate instead of the standard 2%. Your 100% fee reduction is given as a rebate on the 2% pool fee collected. In other words, Slush Pool still collects the standard 2% fee at the time of mining, but all of it is sent back to you at a scheduled date each month. The rebate is distributed on the first Monday of every month.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 10:42 am

Bitcoin ( Mining ( Explained|10:24
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 10:44 am
Bitcoin ( surge may add to Nvidia, AMD gaming GPU demand.
Demand for GPUs from AMD and Nvidia have surged and the initial thinking is that gaming PCs are the primary reason. But the price of Bitcoin ( is also likely to drive supply shortages.
Wedbush strategist Brad Gastwirth noted:
Bitcoin ( hit its highest levels since 2017 yesterday. While we have not encountered any signs that increased interest mining is creating additional demand for GPUs (with instead demand for gaming PCs the primary factor in the shortage of RTX 3000 parts), the recent surge in crypto could yield another potential near term demand driver for makers of graphics chips and is a situation we are monitoring.
Indeed, Bitcoin ( in hovering around the $18,000 range and once folks get accustomed to those prices it's quite likely that crypto mining activity is going to pick up. Nvidia saw a two- to three-quarter demand bump due to crypto mining. Nvidia has apologized for a messy launch of the RTX 3080 and launched an FAQ.
This morning we saw unprecedented demand for the GeForce RTX 3080 at global retailers, including the NVIDIA online store. At 6 a.m. pacific we attempted to push the NVIDIA store live. Despite preparation, the NVIDIA store was inundated with traffic and encountered an error. We were able to resolve the issues and sales began registering normally.
To stop bots and scalpers on the NVIDIA store, we're doing everything humanly possible, including manually reviewing orders, to get these cards in the hands of legitimate customers.
In other words, Nvidia's gaming GPU results are likely to be strong for the third quarter. The RTX 3000, launched in September, is seeing strong demand, but it's unclear whether it's all gaming given the surge in Bitcoin ( prices. AMD launched its Radeon RX 6000 series in October.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 10:45 am
How to Mine Bitcoin ( Gold: Complete Beginners Guide.
Bitcoin ( Gold is a mineable cryptocurrency that utilizes the Proof of Work algorithm Equihash. This is the same algorithm used by Z-Cash. The benefit of this is that Equihash is ASIC resistant, therefore mineable with a regular PC. This gives everyone the opportunity to join in and start mining. This guide will illustrate how to setup your computer to mine bitcoin gold.
Before you download the necessary programs, there's a few things you need to make sure you have.
To start mining you will need:
Windows 7 or newer 64-bit OS if nVidia GPU mining, GPU with compute capability if AMD GPU mining, GPU with OpenCL support Newest driver updates for GPUs Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 Internet Connection Bitcoin ( Gold Wallet.
First, we will setup a Bitcoin ( Gold wallet so you can receive payouts. Either download Coinomi, the official Bitcoin ( Gold wallet, or use an exchange wallet like one on Binance. The Bitcoin ( Gold address you are given must be inputted into the software later on.
Depending on whether you're using an nVidia GPU, or an AMD GPU, different software will have to be installed.
For AMD.
For AMD, you will utilize Claymore's Miner. Click the download link as shown, and extract to a folder of your choice.
Once extracted we can configure the miner by editing the config file to set our Bitcoin ( Gold address, as well as set our mining pool. The choices for Bitcoin ( Gold mining pools are:
BTG Pool Pro (1% fee) Bitcoin ( Gold Pool (0.9% fee) Pool Gold (1% fee, 0.01BTG min. payout)
For this guide we will use the BTG Pool Pro. Choose the server closest to you. For me, the server would be ''. There's two modifications that must be made to the files. Open the start.bat file, and add:
Once that is completed, save and close. Now open the config.txt file and add:
For me, i'll select the US server as shown. Make sure to also include the port number. In the config.txt, I will insert '-zpool stratum+tcp://'. Simply add your Zcash wallet to the wallet section by adding '-zwal YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS'. You can also add a worker (each individual computer will be tracked) by adding -zwal YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS .YOUR_WORKER_ADDRESS '. The last addition is '-allpools 1', this ensures that the miner will start mining Bitcoin ( Gold otherwise it will not start.
Additionally, you may want to remove or modify -epools to ensure you do not switch over back to a Zcash pool if theres a failure on your main mining pool. To do this simply add # in front of the pools, or add additional Bitcoin ( Gold pools.
Before you run your mining software, it is recommended to increase your virtual memory at this point to ensure the mining software runs smoothly.
To ensure you have the correct virtual memory enabled, search for system in the start menu. Open system and on the left hand side click 'Advanced System Settings.' Go under the advanced tab, under performance settings, and advanced again. Then click 'Change' under virtual memory. Uncheck the box that states to 'Automatically manage paging file size for all drives' and then input a custom size of 16384 (or whatever is the maximum allowable value) into the Initial and Maximum size fields. This will prevent you from having any errors with virtual memory.
And that's it, you're ready to mine Bitcoin ( Gold. Simply click the Start.bat file and you should start mining. You can also look up the statistics of your miners on the pool website that you're using by inputting your public address into the mining pools webpage.
For nVidia.
For nVidia, you will utilize EWBF's Cuda Miner. Download EWBF's miner as shown, and extract to a folder of your choice.
Once extracted we can configure the miner by editing the start.bat file to set our Bitcoin ( Gold address, as well as set our mining pool. The choices for Bitcoin ( Gold mining pools are:
For this guide we will use BTG Pool Pro.
For EWBF's mining software, we will be configuring the start.bat file. Simply right click to edit in notepad. Once opened, we can set the server address, and your Bitcoin ( Gold public address. For this guide we will use the '' server, but choose the server closest to you as per those listed on the website. Insert this string into your start.bat file:
Your Start.bat file should now be configured similar to mine as seen below.
Ethereum Mining Hardware Reviews & Comparison.
By: Ofir Beigel | Last updated: 4/22/20.
Ethereum's Ethash algorithm quickly set itself as one of the go-to GPU mining algorithms on the cryptocurrency market. This post will cover the best GPUs on the market for mining Ethereum.
Ethereum Mining Hardware Summary.
Ethereum mining is done using the Ethash algorithm which can be utilized using powerful GPUs. For Ethereum mining to be profitable, you need to have the right gear at the right price.
You can calculate Ehtereum mining profitability with an Ethereum mining calculator.
There are two major GPU manufacturers to choose from: AMD and Nvidia. Finally, it's important to keep track of Ethereum's Casper update which might render Ethereum mining obsolete.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 10:45 am

What is Bitcoin ( Mining ( for Beginners - Short and Simple|2:06
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 10:50 am
The Best GPUs for Mining Ethereum.
If you want a complete review of the different mining hardware around keep on reading. Here's what I'll cover:
1. Ethereum Mining Basics.
If you're new to Ethereum mining, there are 3 important things you should know:
Ethereum Proof of Stake update.
Ethereum developers are planning to switch to Proof Of Stake using an algorithm called Casper. This switch will render Ethereum as we know it obsolete.
The good news are that this update applies to Ethereum only. Other coins using Ethash will not be affected, so your cards will still be able to function properly mining other Ethash coins.
VRAM Requirements.
One thing to look out for before buying mining HW to mine Ethash is the DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph). Without going too deep into details, a DAG is a file created every 30,000 Ethereum blocks.
Since the DAG is stored in the VRAM of the GPU, your GPU must have enough storage to load the DAG in.
Due to this, you can only mine Ethereum with cards that have at least 4 gigabytes of VRAM. However, that might not be the case for other Ethash-based coins.
So, in case you have old 2GB cards at home and you're new to mining, you can try it out on other coins first. You can check the current and future status of Ethash coins in here.
Mining Demand Drives Up GPUs Costs.
Not long ago, GPU-based cryptocurrency mining reached such a popularity level that the two companies producing GPUs (AMD and Nvidia) were no longer able to supply the demand.
This made retailers and secondary market sellers increase their prices.
An important skill for a good miner is being able to hunt for deals where GPUs are moderately priced. This can be done by checking out online stores, offline stores and other secondary market outlets.
Additional Hardware requirements.
While the graphics processor is arguably the most important component in Ethereum mining, your system's hardware must match certain specifications. Here's what I recommend:
For rigs of less than 6 GPUs, a 4GB RAM is required. For more than that I recommend getting an 8GB RAM stick. A motherboard with enough PCIe inputs, this is a crucial thing to look for in your motherboard. If you are building a multiple GPU rig your motherboard needs to have enough PCIe inputs to hold them. A Powered riser cable for each card. An open-air rig for multiple GPUs. A reliable power supply. The capacity needs to be calculated based on the GPUs you choose, we'll follow up on this one later. A reliable internet connection.
Software requirements.
Mining also requires certain software such as programs and drivers. Some of these are GPU specific so I will list only the general ones here and expand later:
Temperature monitoring and overclocking software - this software is intended to be used to tweak your GPUs performance.
It will make your GPU mine better (more hashes per second), mine cooler (lower temperature is always good for the cards), and mine more efficiently (use less power).
Most miners use MSI afterburner overclocking software and GPU-Z for temperature and power monitoring.
Mining software - Most people use the Claymore software for mining Ethash coins. Claymore is one of the oldest and most supported Ethash miners.
Some other programs have been surfacing since, such as Ethminer and Phoenix miner.
The rest of this guide focuses on the hardware side. For further help setting up an Ethereum wallet, joining a pool and using your miner read our beginner's guide to mining Ethereum.
2. AMD vs Nvidia.
AMD cards are almost always more suitable for the novice miner in terms of price, as the base of AMD mining cards cost almost 2/3 the price of its Nvidia counterpart. However, there's a tradeoff.
Nvidia cards are almost always easier to use, configure and overclock (i.e. squeeze more juice out of the card). Nvidia cards do not require long time to learn how to configure them, flash a bios or undervolt.
AMD cards are also not as powerful as Nvidia's. Another important advantage of Nvidia cards is that they are better on a variety of other algorithms.
While AMD cards are more efficient on Ethash and the Cryptonight algorithms, Nvidia cards beat them on most others.
3. Choosing Mining Hardware.
I've compiled stats on the best available cards, which should help you decide which one to pick. Here's a brief explanation of the criteria:
The name of the chipset produced by Nvidia or AMD for each card remains the same (such as RX 480) while the model can vary.
Some variations can also have out of the box better performances as they can come factory overclocked, but this can be compensated by using an overclocking software.
The rate the card achieves under ideal mining conditions. This will be given as a range, which can be reached by overclocking, flashing a BIOS or undervolting.
Power Draw.
Power draw is the amount of electricity a card consumes while mining, which is measured at the outlet.
Efficiency is measured by dividing the hashrate with the power consumption. Newer cards are usually more efficient.
This rating is of prime importance given that electricity is a fixed, ongoing cost. In other words, the more efficient your card, the more profitable your mining operation will be.
4. AMD Cards.
To get the most efficient mining from AMD cards, you will need to download the AMD blockchain driver.
Without this driver you will experience massive performance degradation from both new and old generations, with the increase in DAG.
Most AMD miners also edit and flash their card's BIOS to achieve better mining power with less energy costs.
This is an advanced operation so you should do this only once you are mining and comfortable with it. This process can increase performance by up to 50% at times so it's worth knowing how to do it.
There is a guide on the Ethereum forum that thoroughly explains the process.
AMD RX 470/570.
Power Draw: 80W-200W.
Hashrate: 20-30 Mh/s.
VRAM: 4 and 8GB GDDR5.
Pros: This series is by far the most energy efficient series out there.
Using proper memory overclocking, core underclocking and undervolting techniques, you can get this card to run on only 70-80w and still have it push out upwards of 30 Mh/s.
Cons: These cards are not very good for most other algorithms, so if you want the freedom to mine other altcoins then this series may not be for you.
If something was to happen to Ethereum mining (e.g. move to Proof of Stake), expect this series to flood the market with undervalued prices.
AMD RX 480/580.
Power Draw: 100W-250W.
Pros: This series is the bigger brother of the RX 470/570 series. It has an almost exact hashrate but with more power usage.
It's also better on a few other algorithms leaving you with the freedom to choose more altcoins to mine.
Cons: It has basically the same cons the RX 470/570 series has, but it has a slight advantage of mining more algorithms.
So if something were to happen to Ethereum mining, you could still mine other coins like Zcash and Monero with them.
AMD Radeon RX Vega series.
Power Draw: 150W - 250W.
Hashrate: 30 - 45 Mh/s.
Pros: This is the newest series from AMD. It includes the RX vega 56 and the RX vega 64, both of which are 8gb RAM and are very close in mining performance.
They have great performance for the power they consume and they can be resold for more as they are the newest generation. They are also really good at other algorithms like mining Monero and Zcash.
Cons: They are pretty expensive, so it might take longer to cover your expenses and become profitable than with the older RX series.
They also run a little bit hotter than the older series and they are very rare to find at a good price.
5. Nvidia cards.
Nvidia cards are more expensive than their AMD counterparts. They are easier to use and don't require any tech-savvy skills. Just get the card, download the drivers and you're good to go.
Even when you want to overclock them (for Ethash), you're mostly going to just be increasing the memory clock and decreasing the power limit.
GTX 1060.
Power Draw: 60W - 150W.
Hashrate: 18 - 25 Mh/s.
Pros: If you're aiming for Nvidia cards then this is the base card you're going to be looking at. It's relatively cheap and it is very good at Ethash mining.
It also doesn't face any degradation of performance as the DAG increases.
The card can be found in 3GB and 6GB configurations, while they won't have a lot of differences in the mining hash power, the 3GB card aren't compatible with Ethereum mining today. So if you want to mine Ethereum you should probably get the 6GB version.
The card is also good at mining Zcash and has extremely low power usage.
Cons: Their mining density i.e. the Mh/s per motherboard is relatively low to other cards.
GTX 1070.
Power Draw: 150W - 225 W.
Hashrate: 25 - 32 Mh/s.
Pros: A very good all around card. It's not only great at Ethereum mining, it can also mine Zcash, VTC and many other coins. This is one card that won't have any degraded performance if Ethereum mining stops as a whole, it has plenty of other choices.
Cons: If you can find them at a good price, don't hesitate, as they can get expensive.
GTX 1080ti.
Hashrate : 35-40 Mh/s.
Pros: This card is the powerhouse among Nvidia's GPUs. It is the most expensive, most powerful GPU used regularly in mining and it has the highest mining density.
A full rig (6) of these would cost almost as much as 3-4 full rigs of the RX 470 series. This card is suitable for almost every GPU mineable coin out there.
Cons: Mining Ethereum with this card might not be the best decision, as its hashrate isn't much higher than the gtx 1070 for almost double the price.
However, you'll find that mining other coins with this card is much more profitable than mining Ethereum.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 10:50 am
6. Frequently Asked Questions.
Is it Still Profitable to Mine Ethereum?
Yes. With an efficient setup, low electricity cost and adequate cooling you can still be profitable with Ethereum mining.
However, mining has become a very competitive game and it's highly advised to due ample research and calculations before spending money on hardware.
What is the Best Ethereum Mining Software?
Claymore is one of the oldest and most supported Ethash miners.
What is the Best Ethereum Mining Pool?
ETHPool and Ethermine are the most popular mining pools for Ethereum today.
7. Conclusion.
Whichever card you decide on, be prepared to spend a lot of time researching various retailers and resellers. Only then can you hope to find a "fair" price.
You will also need to pick out a power supply that is able to fit your entire rig's power. Moreover, some mining rigs require double power supplies, as the high capacity cards are usually much more power consuming.
A 6-card rig of RX 470s with a 1200w power supply will probably be more than enough, while a 6-card rig of gtx 1080ti might require two of these.
Have you had any experience with the GPUs above? Do you know of any other, better cards? Let me know in the comment section below.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 10:50 am

The BIGGEST DIY Bitcoin ( \u0026 Cryptocurrency SOLAR MINING FARM Tour!! ☀|33:21
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 10:51 am

Mining ( Bitcoin ( Farm in Iceland|2:46
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 10:54 am
AMD GPU Mining.
COOL-MINING.COM - All About the World of Cryptocurrencies and Mining: Crypto-Mining on GPU, CPU, ASIC, FPGA, also Software and Firmware for Mining.
AMD GPU Mining Cryptocurrency Miners Mining Nvidia GPU mining Software.
PhoenixMiner 5.2a (AMD/NVIDIA) - Download and Configure for Windows/Linux.
New features in this release: AMD cards with more than 4 GB RAM will now work without issues until DAG epoch 450 Added new -daglim parameter to allow a few more weeks of work for 4 GB AMD Polaris cards. Use -daglim 1 for automatic operation, or specify a concrete [...]
NBMiner v33.4 (NVIDIA & AMD GPU Miner for ETH, RVN, GRIN, BEAM)
NBMiner GPU Miner for ETH, RVN, GRIN, BEAM, CFX, AE, BTM, SERO, HNS, BFC. Download Download From Github Release: optimize: octopus improve hashrate: +35% on 16 20 30 series Nvidia GPUs, +20% on all other GPUs new algo: etchash for upcoming ETC upgrade feature: add effective pool hashrate on [...]
AMD GPU Mining Cryptocurrency Miners Mining Software.
TeamRedMiner v0.7.17 (AMD GPUs) - Download and Configure.
GitHub: Download TeamRedMiner v0.7.17 Changes in v0.7.17 BETA: Added fan control, see -help section or USAGE.txt. Enable with -fan_control. Fixed deadlock bug that could happen when using multiple pools with the failover strategy. Added option for not sending stale shares (see -no_stale_submit). Added watchdog check for early gpu init hangs. [...]
AMD GPU Mining CPU mining Cryptocurrency Miners Mining Software.
SRBMiner-MULTI AMD & CPU Miner 0.5.4 (Download for Windows & Linux)
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PhoenixMiner 5.1c: fastest Ethereum/Ethash miner with NoDevFee (Win/Linux)
IMPORTANT! All owners of AMD cards with 4 GB RAM must upgrade to PhoenixMiner 5.0e or later version to continue mining after DAG epoch 350 (both ETH and ETC has already passed DAG epoch 350). Additionally, here are some important tips for longest possible usage of 4 GB AMD cards [...]
GMiner v2.29 [AMD & NVIDIA]: Download and Configure for Windows / Linux.
GitHub: Скачать GMiner v2.29 GMiner is a high performance miner for AMD / Nvidia GPUs. The fee is 0.65% for Ethash, 5% for BBC, 5% for Cortex, 3% for Cuckaroom29, 3% for BFC, 2% for all other algorithms. GMiner Features: Watchdog (automatic restart of the miner on GPU failure, loss [...]
NBMiner v32.1: Download GPU Miner ETH, RVN, GRIN, BEAM, AE, BTM, SERO, HNS, BFC.
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TeamRedMiner v0.7.15 - Download optimized miner for AMD GPUs.
GitHub: Download TeamRedMiner v0.7.15 This release supports a number of algorithms optimized for AMD GCN GPUs (ethash, kawpow, nimiq, lyra2z, phi2, lyra2rev3, x16r, x16rv2, x16s, x16rt, MTP, cuckarood29, cuckatoo31, chukwa-512, cryptonight R8, many a cryptonight R8 other cryptography options). This is an optimized miner for AMD graphics cards only. The [...]
AMD GPU Mining CPU mining Cryptocurrency Miners Mining Nvidia GPU mining Software.
XMRig v6.3.0 [CPU/GPU miner RandomX, KawPow, CryptoNight, AstroBWT, Argon2]
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LoLMiner v1.05: Download AMD & Nvidia GPU miner [Win/Linux]
Changes (1.05) Improved performance of Beam Hash III for all supported 4G and higher cards by 4-8% depending on model Added highly experimental support (untested) for Beam Hash III on blockchain drivers for Polaris 10, Fiji and Hawaii GPUs Added highly experimental support (untested) for Beam Hash III on Kepler [...]
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 10:54 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 10:55 am
Moon Bitcoins.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 11:34 am
Quote from: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 10:55 amMoon Bitcoins.
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Free Bitcoin mining ( can be used by anyone who wants to make money constantly and become rich.
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Payments are usually made instantly. It can take several hours according to the density. Free BTC Miner full payment.
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Its a scam, don't use it. Thank me later.
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Working ones, most of works on "ponzi scheme", but I found a good one that works well for me for a while.
Its "ReflectBitcoin. Com". The one that owns this website use it to wash off money quickly, its easy
And he can exchange the money for bitcoin, and the government does not know about it.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 11:38 am

Next-Gen of Cryptocurrency Mining ( Farms / Genesis Mining ( #Mining ( - The Series Episode 3|3:29
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 11:41 am
CPU Mining: the Best CPU Models and How to Choose.
Probably, every person studying the topic of mining thought about how profitable the extraction of cryptocurrencies using a CPU is. After all, the most popular coins are now received when using video cards or special devices.
Mining on the CPU is available to almost every owner of a personal computer. However, due to the ever-increasing complexity of the network of popular cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin (, Ethereum, Litecoin, and so on, their mining on the CPU has become unprofitable.
But this does not mean that it is completely impossible to earn on this type of mining. In this article, we will talk about current CPU for cryptocurrency mining, profitability and talk about the profitability of this type of token production.
What is CPU Mining.
Mining on a CPU is the process of mining cryptocurrency by finding a hash using the processing power of a central processor (CPU) and assigning it to a block inside the cryptocurrency blockchain.
For the first time, mining was launched precisely on the central processor by the creator of bitcoin Satoshi Nakamoto. It was with the help of the CPU that Satoshi mined his 1 million BTC. At the dawn of the cryptocurrency era, when bitcoin cost a few cents, mining even on a very average CPU was very efficient, the only thing is that the price of a few cents bitcoin then compensated for this phenomenon.
Mining on the CPU in theory is possible with cryptocurrencies supporting the following algorithms:
SHA-256; X11; Ethash Scrypt Equihash.
In theory, because in practice in the future, with the development of the cryptocurrency industry, the mining baton was first taken over by video cards, and after ASIC miners (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) -- specialized high-performance devices. The computing power they provided left both the CPU and video cards out of the game (with the exception of mining those cryptocurrencies that work on Ethash or Zhash algorithms).
CPU Server Mining.
The server CPU is a more productive and stable modification of the usual central processor, designed to work in the conditions of data centers and with a large network load.
How is a server CPU different from a regular one? In fact, the server processor has several differences from the usual desktop processor:
Another difference between the server modification and the desktop one is in a different principle of operation. The CPU server is designed to work with a powerful stream of network data, in fact in relative multitasking mode, while the desktop version works in multithreading mode with many small tasks.
Mining on server CPU also has a slightly higher efficiency compared to mining cryptocurrency on a conventional processor including because of the more cache in the second level of the server modification.
The server CPU is good for cryptocurrency mining, due to its greater reliability and performance, but only in comparison with a conventional desktop processor, but video cards and ASIC still bypass it in terms of performance.
In addition, it should be understood that the server CPU consumes more power and costs much more than the desktop.
On the server CPU, you can mine all cryptocurrencies that support the CryptoNote and CryptoNight encryption algorithms.
How to Mine On the CPU.
To start mining on the CPU, you need to do the following (for example, mining Monero):
Step 1. Download the program for mining. Step 2. Open a wallet to store mined coins. Step 3. Choose a suitable mining pool and register in it. Step 4. To start mining on the CPU, you will need to create a file with the BAT extension (this is a regular file with the TXT extension, in which you need to change the extension to BAT). Step 5. For an example, we took the nanopool pool. Therefore, the following should be written in the file: NsCpuCNMiner64.exe -o stratum + tcp: // 14444-u Your address is Monero -p x -pow7 1 -t 2, where 2 is the number of threads for mining Monero. Step 6. Save the file and run. Step 7. Mining has begun.
Note that the number of threads you need to choose based on the capabilities of your CPU. Each stream needs about 2 MB of cache. For example, on the Intel CPU i7-7700K, the total amount of cache memory is 8 MB. Accordingly, it makes no sense to run more than 4 threads if you plan to use the computer not only for mining, but also for ordinary use.
How to mine Monero on a CPU.
Mining on the Xeon CPU.
The Intel Xeon CPU family is the server line of productive CPU models known for their reliability and performance.
In some cases, mining on Intel Xeon server CPU is significantly ahead of the same activity on the Intel i7 and i9 family of desktop processors. So, the server model Intel Xeon E5-2650 shows a decent result for the CPU at 143 kH / s, while the desktop model Intel Core i7-3960X shows only 101 kH / s.
For comparison: the Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti video card demonstrates a result of 52.5 Mh / s.
Setting up the mining procedure on the server CPU is no different from setting up desktop models. You need to run the graphical interface of the program, specify the necessary data there and start the mining process.
How to Choose a CPU for Mining.
Choosing a CPU for mining, we are faced with two companies - AMD and Intel. And if you consider that the "reds" have recently released multi-threaded CPU, they are the best choice for mining. But, let's look at the CPU from both companies:
** We'll clarify that even though AMD claims improved performance of the new line, in fact it gives the same power when mining. And in the case of some algorithms, it's worse than previous models.
*** The presented profitability and payback are calculated without taking into account the cost of electricity.
**** Payback periods, as well as profitability, depend on the rate of cryptocurrencies and USD.
It is also worth considering that new CPU from Intel, whose cost is much higher than $300, are not recommended for mining. First, the payback period is much more than two years. Secondly, the processor should work all this time, which means that there is a high risk of breakdown.
And if you consider that in addition to the processor you need the same powerful motherboard and cooling system, the new equipment will not pay off for sure.
If we talk about server CPU, then mining on them is beneficial only if they support encryption using the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm. For example, even a new CPU that does not have built-in AES will have lower performance than the old Pentium or Intel i3, but with support for this function.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 11:41 am

I Built a Crypto Mining ( Farm in My Garage - How To Setup a Mining ( Farm - Mining ( $80 a day|21:17
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 11:42 am
CPU Mining Calculators.
Mining calculators on the CPU provide information with a detailed calculation of the profitability of cryptocurrency mining. As a rule, these are the same online platforms that calculate the cost of mining for video cards and ASICs. Based on certain algorithms and cryptocurrency quotes, these services calculate the profitability of mining in real time, i.e., at the current rate of the cryptocurrency.
Services are arranged according to a simple principle: you enter the name of the model of the CPU, the cost of electricity in your region and get the calculation for the necessary cryptocurrencies, usually with detailed information about which one is the most profitable in a given time period.
The list of the most convenient calculators for mining on the CPU below.
An excellent mining calculator that initially provides calculations for the associated cloud mining and marketplace service with trading remote mining capabilities. Simple, intuitive and convenient. The service supports as many as 24 algorithms.
As an example of the use of a mining calculator, we will calculate mining on two different central processors, two desktop ones from the manufacturers Intel and AMD, and one server using the NiceHash calculator.
We will take the best models with high performance for the most current picture.
First example: AMD's top-end CPU -- AMD CPU Threadripper 2900WX.
As we can see, mining even on a very powerful processor, if it provides profitability, is very relative, especially against the background of the same performance from video cards and ASICs.
The second example: the central CPU from Intel -- Intel CPU i9-9980XE:
The screenshot shows that in the case of even such a powerful CPU, mining on central processors -- if it has a profitability, it is very relative.
My Crypto Buddy.
An excellent calculator for cryptocurrency mining also with the ability to calculate the complexity of mining, determine commissions from large mining pools. All this data is provided to the user as part of an advanced approach in the original report.
Convenient and intuitive mining calculator. It provides users with only three fields, with a hashrate for mining equipment, its energy consumption and the price of electricity, filling in which, users will receive the necessary information on the profitability of mining.
How to Choose a Program for Mining on the CPU.
Programs for mining on the CPU act as an intermediary between the user equipment, the mining pool and the blockchain of the selected cryptocurrency.
It is worth choosing time-tested mining programs and downloading them only from the official resource, as extraneous sources can provide the user with infected software for hidden mining.
Reliable programs for mining on the central CPU are described below.
Claymore's CryptoNote Windows CPU Miner.
An excellent mining client running on the CryptoNote algorithm with a wide range of settings and no commission for the developer. The program provides all the possibilities for mining on the central CPU of both desktop and server modifications.
XMRig Miner.
This mining client provides standard options for setting up mining on the central CPU.
For successful work, you must provide the program administrator access. XMRig miner also allows you to configure the number of threads for the central CPU, which allows you to more accurately configure mining.
However, it should be noted that each stream requires a 2 MB cache in the second level, therefore, not all middle-class processors, such as the Intel CPU i7-7700K, support a mode with more than 4 threads.
Mining On The CPU and On The Video Cards -- Differences.
Probably, one of the main differences between cryptocurrency mining on the CPU and video cards is too little profit or no profit at all. But at the same time, mining on the CPU is more affordable, since even on average personal computers there is a relatively good processor.
The CPU is responsible for the software tasks that control all the components of a personal computer, laptop or any other device. The CPU to some extent manages all the components, makes decisions and issues commands to the programs.
The GPU, in turn, is responsible for processing graphics and displaying an image on a.
monitor connected to a personal computer or other equipment. Unlike the CPU, the video card does not issue any commands, but, on the contrary, executes them.
At the same time, video cards use a faster type of memory compared to CPU, which in the context of mining means high throughput in parallel computing.
It turns out that even from a technical point of view, the difference between the CPU and the video card is huge. And when it comes to mining, performance plays a significant role.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 11:42 am

Cara Efektif Boost Referral Income Bertambah✅Forum Bitcoin ( 🇮🇩 #dirumahaja|12:43
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 11:43 am
What Cryptocurrencies are Profitable to Mine on the CPU in 2020.
In 2020, cryptocurrency mining on the CPU is almost unprofitable , due to the capture of the mining industry by more productive ASICs and video cards for mining.
Is Mining Possible On The Bitcoin ( CPU.
Mining Bitcoin ( cryptocurrencies (BTC) on the CPU is unprofitable due to the high complexity of the network and the huge number of ASICs working in it.
Is It Worth to Mine Ethereum On The CPU.
Cryptocurrency Ethereum (ETH) as one of the most popular coins is of great interest to miners, but like Bitcoin (, due to the high complexity of the network, it is unprofitable if it is mined on a CPU.
The anonymous cryptocurrency Monero (XMR) is also popular with miners, but unlike the first two, it can be mined on CPU. Monero can be successfully mined on the CPU, if the miner is the owner of powerful processors such as Intel CPU i7-9750H or Intel CPU i9-9980XE and is better in a large enough quantity.
The Profitability of Mining Dogecoin on the CPU.
Cryptocurrency meme Dogecoin (DOGE) is quite possible to mine, if the user has several CPU of the Intel CPU i9-9980XE level and is connected to the mining pool.
Is it Possible to Mine Zcash on the CPU.
Another anonymous cryptocurrency, Zcash (ZEC), is often used by hackers, but since it is accepted on a number of large cryptocurrency exchanges, it is also interesting to miners. However, its network complexity and cost in the market is such that it is simply unprofitable to mine it on the CPU.
Pros and Cons of CPU Mining.
What is Better to Mine on the CPU in 2020.
But as an option, mining of little-known cryptocurrencies is possible, with their subsequent storage in the hope of sales during the pump on the cryptocurrency exchange. However, it should be understood that some cryptocurrencies may remain in your wallet without the ability to exchange them for fiat money. This is due to both the lack of demand for such cryptocurrencies and the reluctance of cryptocurrency exchanges to list such coins.
It is also worth saying that mining on the CPU in 2020, although possible, is, compared to video cards, and even more so with ASIC, brings very little profit. Even the most powerful processor is inferior to the GPU.
Depending on the number of cores, one CPU core can process four 32-bit instructions per clock (SSE) or eight 32-bit instructions per clock (AVX). In turn, the video card is capable of processing 3200 32-bit instructions per cycle. Thus, the performance of the GPU is hundreds of times higher than the CPU.
Most blockchains also use adaptation mechanisms for computational complexity so that the time spent by each block is constant. That is why with the increase in computing power in the network, the complexity of finding blocks also grows.
In this regard, there are only a few cryptocurrencies whose mining on the CPU bring at least some income. Such coins are optimized for mining on CPU, which is associated with an increased level of network security.
To a greater extent, these include coins that operate on the CryptoNote scheme and CryptoNight algorithms (CryptoNightV7, CryptoNightV8, CryptoNightR, CryptoNightHeavy and others).
Other algorithms on which it is theoretically possible to mine cryptocurrency using a CPU:
SHA-256 (little-known forks of bitcoin); X11 (Dash, Pura и others); Ethash (Ethereum, Ethereum Classic and other coins on ERC-20); Scrypt (Litecoin, Dogecoin others); Equihash (Zcash).
Prospects for Mining on the CPU in 2020.
To be honest, to call promising mining on the CPU in 2020 is not impossible, but very difficult. Yes, when the cryptocurrency industry was just beginning to develop, even Bitcoin ( was easily mined on the CPU.
But with the development of this type of mining has almost completely lost its relevance. Especially with the advent of ASIC miners and FPGA devices.
In fact, they completely survive not only cryptocurrency mining on CPU, but video cards are also under the gun.
Of course, it makes sense to get new coins, the network complexity of which is not yet as high as that of popular tokens, and the competition among miners is low. However, there is a risk of stumbling into a scam or simply encountering the difficulties of marketing the mined cryptocurrency.
And if you choose a non-popular coin, you should consider whether it will be popular in the future or whether it will remain among noname projects. And if the exchange rate does not grow even in the long term, then there is no sense in such production.
In this case, it is worth considering more profitable options, such as buying an ASIC miner or building a farm on the GPU. Indeed, every year the complexity of networks will only increase, which means that the requirements for equipment capacity will grow.
How to mine Bitcoin ( with your CPU.
This post is about how to mine bitcoin with your CPU on Linux, MacOS or Windows. This is the first part in my bitcoin adventure series and I'm not a professional miner, I'm just trying out everything I can get between my fingers.
Disclaimer: I am not saying this is a smart idea. Actually it's not. The only purpose you should use this for is if you're curious what the flip bitcoin is and how all of this works.
Update: You might be interested in mining Monero with your CPU.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 11:43 am

Crypto Mining ( Forum - Toronto 2018 -|1:26
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 11:44 am
What is Bitcoin ( again?
It's the most recognized cryptocurrency, it's probably explained better by Wikipedia:
Bitcoins are created as a reward for payment processing work in which users offer their computing power to verify and record payments into the public ledger. This activity is called mining and is rewarded by transaction fees and newly created bitcoins. Besides mining, bitcoins can be obtained in exchange for different currencies.
If you want to have a look at a really basic explanation of bitcoin, they have an official video for that:
As said before, your CPU is not a good mining interface, because graphic cards and specialised hardware like FPGAs and ASICs are much faster at doing the computation that creates the actual bitcoins, which are stored in your wallet , a virtual collection that just contains some strings of text.
Mining Bitcoin ( with your CPU.
I really wanted to try mining and I didn't care if it would cost me more than I would make in Bitcoin (, so I looked around and stumbled across a bunch of different programs for mining. The one I found for using your CPU was funnily enough one named cpuminer.
Now on it's own it's not going to do a lot, but actually we'll have to hook it up to a mining pool, if we don't have the entire 6GB bitcoin ledger so far and a server center and so on. Pools are basically networks of people who mine bitcoin and distribute the workload among their machines.
I picked as a mining pool. It's pretty small, but allows some OpenID logins, takes 1% off my mining efforts as a fee and seems like a legit place from what I could read on forums. It shows you statistics for how much your individual workers make and how much of a bitcoin block you have contributed to mining.
To get started, you just need to sign up for some mining pool and then download the cpuminer.
If you want to see which pools mine a lot (they split the income, so it's not a primary factor) you can check the graph at blockchain about the hashrate distribution across mining pools.
Once it is in your download directory and extracted you can use it. If you have not a lot of experience in the terminal, you can use something like the following commands, if you have downloaded cpuminer from the sourceforge page that fits your operating system.
Now you run a command like the following:
Run the downloaded file "minerd" with the -a flag for algorithm and sha256 as the parameter use the correct URL you get from your mining pool append the username, underscore and worker, followed by the password.
With this command you can by the way also help me mine a bitcoin (my set goal, currently worth.
Careful: your CPU might get somewhat hot. Also, I'm not doing it because I'm greedy, but because I want to blog about it, so you're just keeping these blog posts going faster if you decide to give me a couple of hours of your CPU time 😉
The output you get from the mentioned command would be something like the following:
which goes on for a loooong time and keeps spitting out lines like this.
The lines followed by (yay. ) are a little indicator of successfully submitted progress, which you later can see in your mining pools interface.
If you don't specify the -a sha256d option, you will get output that resembles this:
Where the last line tells you, that your hashes were rejected by the mining pool, because they simply were generated by the wrong method. This will not mine you any bitcoins.
Now that's basically it! You now know how to mine Bitcoin ( with your CPU, which is not recommended, but fun to try and shows the process of how you do it. If you have specialised hardware, you basically just use another program, which I'll get into later in the series of posts 😉

My CPU by the way is the following:
Thank you for reading and be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments or hit me up on one of the social networks listed on the left!
Thank you for reading! If you have any comments, additions or questions, please leave them in the form below! You can also tweet them at me.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 11:44 am

Crypto Mining ( Forum - Miami 2018 -|2:10
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 11:45 am
Bitcoin mining ( The 101.
Bitcoin ( Cryptocurrency has been used around the globe since the year 2009. The idea of Bitcoin ( cryptocurrency was first presented in the year 2008 by a pseudo-anonymous person. The actual identity of that person is Still a Mystery.
photo credit: Moose Photos / Pexels.
Mining of any cryptocurrency is a process that makes the transactions of cryptocurrencies safe and secure. Cryptocurrency miners are responsible for the confirmation and addition of all the transaction details in the Blockchain List.
Mining is being done for all types of digital cryptocurrency. Altcoin mining is also seen in addition to Bitcoin ( Cryptocurrency. Bitcoin ( is the most common and popular type of bitcoin. The mining of cryptocurrency is being increased in the last some years and has elevated to many folds.
Bitcoin ( miners actually take pay for the work they are doing. They are responsible for confirming and verifying the transactions that are made on Bitcoin ( cryptocurrency.
The concept of Bitcoin mining ( was forts presented by the founder of the Bitcoin ( Cryptocurrency. He was the believer of the concept that Bitcoin mining ( is vital in order to avoid the issue of double-spending and other issues.
Concept of Double Spending.
You might be wondering what is double-spending. Double spending as clear from the name is a process or a phenomenon in which the trader or the person using the bitcoin cryptocurrency uses the same Bitcoin ( again and again.
In the case of physical currency like the US dollar etc, this is not an issue because once you have used your money you don't have it. This can be explained in detail by looking into the example that you have 10 dollars and you spent it on buying something after that you don't have that money with you. But in the case of Bitcoin ( cryptocurrency the person holding the bitcoin can make a copy of the bitcoin. To avoid this copying BItcoin Miners come into the game. To know more about it go visit join bitcoin pro.
What Bitcoin ( Miners do?
Bitcoin ( miners are responsible to keep the number of Bitcoin ( fixed in the market. As we know that just like any other cryptocurrency, bitcoin is a moving and circulating entity. The total number of bitcoins that are circulating in the market should be kept constant, This can be explained that if a total of 21 million bitcoins are said to be circulating in the digital trading cryptocurrency market by the year 2040, then this is the responsibility of the bitcoin miners to keep a strict check on this by managing the risk of Double spending, etc.
The cryptocurrency market goes through a number of cryptographical puzzles. Bitcoin ( miners are the ones who resolve these puzzles.
photo credit: Pixabay.
How Miners are Rewarded?
Nowadays the rates at which the bitcoin miners are rewarded are kept around 12.5 bitcoins per block. The bitcoin cryptocurrency miners are rewarded right after they succeed in the execution and competition of adding any block to the blockchain list of the bitcoin cryptocurrency.
The reward that Bitcoin ( miners are getting is decided by the mutual understanding of all the members using the forum. Currently, the reward is 12.5 BTC. If you want to be a successful miner you have to efficient so that you can achieve the position at first. You solve the puzzle first you will get the reward. To role the world of cryptocurrency mining, the miner has to be efficient and quick when it comes to solving the BItcoin cryptocurrency code puzzles. A top miner should always have a well-equipped laptop with him. Well equipped in the sense that it should have all the needed software and hardware in it to solve the cryptography puzzle.
Getting Started with It.
Like everything, taking the first step requires patience and focus. Initially, you will only get a small amount of money that will be around 1 or 2 US dollars. You have to use your own computer and all the expense are on your shoulders. The speed and quality of the internet, electricity bills and the total amount of time send on the platform are the deciding factors that decide the performance of a cryptocurrency miner.
The computer that you are using should have a Special graphical processing unit along with the ASIC which is the Application-specific integrated circuit.
Funneling this topic, we can say that the novice cryptocurrency miner that as the bitcoin cry[tocurency has reached new heights of popularity and fame, the competition in the market hs also increased. And the need of the hour is to be more focused and more excerpt so that you can stand out among all the present users of the Bitcoin ( cryptocurrency miners.
Interested in Bitcoin mining (
You've come to the right place! This section of our website covers the basics about mining for bitcoins, including information on all the software (and hardware) you're going to need to get started with this exciting new virtual currency.
If you check the Bitcoin ( markets, you're going to find that a single Bitcoin ( is trading for hundreds of dollars currently. This is one of the biggest reasons that people are getting so excited about mining for bitcoins in their spare time.
What You Need to Get Started.
To mine bitcoins, you're going to first need software, like BitcoinX. Once this is installed on your computer, you'll have an opportunity to start verifying blocks as they become available. New blocks are created about every ten minutes on average. You'll be solving a difficult math problem using the computing power of your computer. Other people will be working on solving the problem at the same time, however, so you will have competition.
Currently, you can get a 25 BTC reward for verifying a block if you're the lucky person to find the answer first. However, it's important to note that this amount will be halved periodically over time until it goes down to zero. At that point, many believe that a transaction fee will be created in order to give miners a reward when they verify transactions and add a block to the block chain.
In the very early days of Bitcoin (, not a lot of people were mining. This made it possible for people to be able to use their own computer to solve the math problems and get rewarded with bitcoins. However, as more people became involved, it was discovered that certain graphics cards were much better at solving the math problems. This began an "arms race" with people trying to come up with more efficient ways to mine bitcoins.
Over time, some people formed companies and spent a lot of money on computer hardware, starting up entire data centers in order to mine bitcoins. Other companies began to build (and sell) hardware with custom made processors that were made just for Bitcoin mining ( The result of these two things happening is that it became increasingly difficult for single individuals to have enough computational power to successfully mine bitcoins faster than the competition.
Some people began using the dedicated Bitcoin mining ( hardware hooked up to their own computer, but even this became risky because of the cost of the hardware and the electricity required to run it. This is when Bitcoin mining ( Pools started to form. Basically, people began working together, combining their processing power toward a common goal. If the group were able to successfully mine bitcoins, the reward was split between members of the group.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 11:46 am

New Forum, Android mining and more!|5:35
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 11:46 am
Beyond Bitcoin mining ( Basics.
Want to know more? Here's a look at some of the other pages in this section.
Bitcoin mining ( Pools - Mining bitcoins has become really competitive. This is why a lot of people have started to band together in order to be able to compete against the big players.
BTC Configurations - On this page, we have some information on different configurations of hardware and software that you'll want to use to get the most bitcoins as possible.
LTC Configurations - We also have some information about different computer configurations for mining LTC, which is short for LiteCoins, a competitor to Bitcoin ( that's really similar.
On the three pages above, you're going to get everything you need to know to get started so that you can start mining bitcoins for profit right away. The good news is that the value of bitcoins is going up all the time. If you can mine them, you're going to be able to make money.
If you want more advanced information, you're going to want to check out our Bitcoin ( ebook that has even more information about Bitcoin mining ( and all the other things you need to know to fully understand cryptocurrency. The ebook is full of useful tips, advice and a look at where Bitcoin ( is headed in the future.
Welcome to Bitcoin ( Basics 101. Our Mission is to EDUCATE the Public on Bitcoin ( and all things related to Digital Currencies! Have feedback? Please contact us via the Contact form to the right.
We've taken everything you need to know about Bitcoin ( and compiled it all in a single place. Once you're done with the website, be sure to check out our Bitcoin ( Basics ebook. It has even more information about cryptocurrency.
Take a look around the website, and when you're ready to learn more, you can download our ebook about the virtual currency that has everyone - including the mainstream media - talking. We're here to help everyone understand the ways money are changing in the modern world.
Bitcoin ( is a difficult endeavor if you are seeking to make a profit, so it is best to get prepared with the best background information, software, hardware, and mining pools to ensure your success.
Before you start mining, it's useful to understand what it really means. Mining is a legal operation which is accomplished by running SHA256 double round hash verifications to validate Bitcoin ( transactions, thereby providing security for the Bitcoin ( network's public ledger. The speed at which bitcoins are mined is measured in hashes per second. This network then compensates miners for their efforts with bitcoins, in the form of newly-issued bitcoins and transaction fees. The more computing power a miner contributes, the greater the bitcoin reward.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 11:47 am

Crypto Mining ( Forum 2019 - California|1:34
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 11:47 am
Mining Hardware.
One way to mine is with mining hardware, which can most easily be found on or other online retailers. In bitcoin's early days, it was possible to mine with a computer or high-speed video processor card, however, that's not possible anymore and custom Bitcoin ( ASIC chips which offer performance up to 100x the capability of older systems are currently dominating the Bitcoin mining ( industry. You'll find that mining with anything less will use more electricity than you are likely to earn with your mining. Therefore, it's key to mine bitcoins with hardware built specifically for mining.
Here are a few options:
How to download free mining software.
If you decide to go with mining hardware, you'll then need to download a mining program. There are many programs available, but the two most popular are command line programs, CGminer, and BFGminer. If you prefer a graphical user interface (GUI) to make mining more straightforward, you can try EasyMiner, which is a program for Windows/Linux/Android.
Join a mining pool.
When you're ready to start mining, you may want to join a mining pool where groups of miners work together to solve blocks and share their rewards. You may find that without a pool you could be mining bitcoin for a year without earning bitcoins, whereas sharing the work and splitting the rewards can lead to faster results. For a fully-decentralized pool, you can try p2pool.
The other pool options below are believed to be fully validating blocks with Bitcoin ( Core 0.9.5 or later (0.10.2 or later recommended due to DoS vulnerabilities):
BitMinter CK Pool Eligius Slush Pool.
Start a bitcoin wallet.
You'll need to start a bitcoin wallet using specific hardware or software. Copay is one option which coordinates with many operating systems.
Bitcoins will be sent to your wallet using a unique address that belongs to only you. Therefore an important step in setting up your Bitcoin ( wallet is guarding it from potential threats with two-factor authentication, or keeping it on a computer that doesn't have access to the Internet.
Exchanging bitcoins.
SpectroCoin - European exchange with same-day SEPA and credit card options.
Kraken - The largest European exchange with same-day SEPA.
Local Bitcoins - Search for people in your community who want to sell bitcoins to you directly.
Can You Mine Cryptocurrencies on AWS or DigitalOcean?
The short answer is no.
In the world of cryptocurrency, mining is an integral part of Bitcoin ( and most altcoins . Unfortunately, not everyone has the means to mine at home or partake in cloud mining. Relying on AWS-based mining was a worthwhile solution some time ago, but that concept has fallen out of favor as of right now.
AWS Mining Isn't Worth Pursuing.
For the average novice cryptocurrency mining enthusiast, it makes sense to outsource the mining process altogether. Without powerful and dedicated hardware at one's disposal, it becomes significantly more difficult to generate cryptocurrencies through the Proof-of-Work algorithm. Mining Bitcoin ( at home is nigh impossible these days, but for altcoins, things are a bit differently in this regard.
Unlike Bitcoin (, most altcoins use a completely different mining algorithm. In the case of Monero, for example, mining with a regular CPU can still yield some good results, although no one will become a millionaire overnight by any means. Even so, this raises the question as to whether or not it is worthwhile to mine cryptocurrencies using online services such as AWS or Digital Ocean.
Truth be told, both options worked quite well until a few years ago. When cryptocurrency mining was still CPU-friendly, one could easily spin up a server on either platform and earn some money from doing so. Over the years, however, both companies have actively begun prohibiting such activity, as it taxes their infrastructure significantly.
Furthermore, both Digital Ocean and AWS have lowered the "power potential" of their virtual servers in recent years. That simply makes it infeasible to even contemplate mining any cryptocurrency using those services. Both platforms are still viable for setting up a wallet or even running masternodes, but mining has been made impossible and extremely unprofitable ever since.
One also has to take into account both services need to be paid for upfront. The amount of cryptocurrency hypothetically earned from mining on AWS or Digital Ocean would not offset these costs. It might still work with fresh altcoins who are released an hour ago, although it is evident cryptocurrency mining has become increasingly competitive over the years. The chances of getting ahead of other miners is slim to none in 2018.
All of this shows how at-home cryptocurrency mining is pretty much a bygone era at this stage. Although there are still hundreds of people who invested in GPU mining just last year and in early 2018, the current rewards do not offset the costs associated with such a project. It is a very unfortunate evolution, yet it seems the "good ol' days" will not come back anytime soon. Using AWS or Digital Ocean for mining is not an option, as both companies will terminate one's account fairly quickly.
How to mine bitcoins using an AWS EC2 instance...
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 11:48 am

Should You Start Mining ( Cryptocurrency In 2020? + How Much $$ Can You Make?|5:18
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 11:52 am
Nov 11, 2017 · 14 min read.
With all the talk about the Segwit2x fork (that has now been postponed), I decided to get my feet wet in mining cryptocurrencies.
Initially, I chose to mine ether, then Monero coins, on Ubuntu 16.04 servers using their accelerated computing instances, but my curiosity got the best of me and I started wondering what it would take to mine actual bitcoins.
Every forum and blog I searched advised against even trying. So much so, that I couldn't find any recent tutorials on GPU mining for bitcoin.
I took it as an opportunity to create one myself.
Note: folks have it correct. Bitcoin mining ( on the cloud without an ASIC miner does not yield any profit. Still, it's a fun experiment.
Step One: Get cloud hosting.
a) Sign up for AWS.
First things, first: sign up for a free account at Amazon Web Services . AWS offers virtual machines, storage, and a host of other services -- in some cases, for free during your initial 12-month trial.
Warning: Account verification can take up to 24 hours.
b) Navigate to the services console.
Once your in, navigate to the home page and select EC2.
This brings you to the EC2 dashboard:
The dashboard gives you access to anything and everything you'd ever need concerning launching and maintaining your VM. Including security. Let's deal with that next.
Step Two: Create security settings.
a) Setup a security group.
On the left-side menu, at the bottom, under the submenu "Network & Security," select security groups, then click on the bright blue "Create Security" group button in the top nav.
A modal will pop up.
Give the group a name and a description, and keep the VPC to the default setting. Below that, you'll see a tabbed panel asking you to create some access rules for the group. Don't worry about that. We'll keep with the default settings here, too. We're mostly concerned with Inbound Rules, so select the Inbound Tab and click Add Rule.
We'll be creating three in total:
For the SSH Rule, you'll want to select "My IP" under source, and the input area will populate your device's IP address for you. Then click create.
b) Create a key pair.
Now, under the same "Network & Security" submenu,
you'll want to click on "Key Pairs" and then click on the blue "Create Key Pair" located in the top nav of that page.
Once you hit create, you should see the .pem file in your downloads.
The contents of this file enable you to connect with the remote instance you'll be launching in the next step. Put this file somewhere safe, and where you can remember, as you'll need it every time you attempt to reconnect with your server.
Step Three: Get an Ubuntu server up and running.
So before we get started, here's the thing . Accelerated computing power, even in the cloud, isn't cheap.
In effect, EC2 instances work like leased VMs with passthrough capabilities to stellar graphics cards. You can use Azure or Google Cloud Computing, but to be honest, if you're a MAC user most familiar with Linux and looking for lower hourly rates, AWS seems to be the best option.
Can't I just use Virtualbox and run a server for free?
The answer: it depends on your hardware and whether you know how to passthrough your hardware's GPUs to a Virtualbox VM. That can take some time, still considered to be very experimental, and most commercial devices (like my Macbook) don't have GPUs capable of hashing at a fast rate.
AWS takes care of virtualizing the hardware for you.
But again, yes, EC2 instances of the g2, g3, and p2 flavor can run you a pretty penny. We've also been forewarned that we'll be competing with massive Bitcoin mining ( farms that use ASIC miners that blow GPU mining out of the water.
So, this is more of an experiment than anything else. Nevertheless, let's do this.
Luckily, AWS allows you to bid on instances with several GPUs at below market prices.
a) Start a Spot Request for an EC2 instance.
Navigate to Spot Requests in the side menu, and click the "Request Spot Instances" button in the top nav.
b) Choose an AMI.
Next, search for an Amazon Machine Image (AMI )-- basically a template for your server that comes pre-set with certain software installations and configurations -- that gives you the latest version of Ubuntu (16.04 aka Xerial).
I already have some saved:
You can find the one I'm using for this tutorial by clicking Search for AMI , selecting "Community AMIs" from the dropdown , and inputing "ami-cd0f5cbx" into the search bar.
c) Choose an instance type.
The instance types that offer NVDIA cards belong to the g2, g3, p2 family. I've played around with all three families, and while all do fairly well with mining scrypt coins, p2 by far offers the most punch.
Unfortunately, it's also the most expensive of the three. Hourly bidding prices fluctuate between $1.4-$1.7, depending on the time of day. I've been keeping track of optimum pricing, and as a rule of thumb, you can find lower prices for g2 instances after midnight, and lower prices for p2 before noon.
AWS also offers pricing history you can refer to:
I'm gonna go with the mid-sized p2 instance (p2.8xlarge). This will give you 8 GPUs to work with.
Other specs for this instance:
8 NVIDIA K80 cards 32 virtual CPUs 488 GiB of Ram Peer-to-peer communication between GPUs.
These instances do well with deep learning and gaming, for example.
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Bitcoin mining ( aws.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 11:52 am
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The COMPLETE guide to start mining bitcoin in the AWS Cloud.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 11:53 am
If you want to learn more about Bitcoin ( and how to use Cloud Mining to learn how it works, this course will be perfect for you! We will also talk about the blockchain.
This course will teach you:
- Bitcoin ( - The blockchain - How to mine cryptocurrencies in the Cloud - The history of Bitcoin ( and the importance of Cryptocurrencies.
and many more things.
If you have any questions about this course you can always send me an e-mail: [email protected] or private message me here on Udemy.
What are you waiting to learn how to use cloud mining?
Best Bitcoin mining (
I've been researching Bitcoin mining ( opportunities for a while. There are many so-called HYIP (high-yield investment program) opportunities which promise a very high return. A lot of them start out well and we make good money, but usually within a year, they disappear, and we lose everything.
I've lost a lot of money with those business opportunities, so this time, all I have been focusing on is finding a program from a reputable company that is very transparent, with a great track record and great support.
I found a few that are very promising, but finally I chose AWS Mining . Here are the reasons:
100% Legitimate & Transparent Start with as low as $40 No Monthly Fees; Pays Daily 10% Referral bonuses 0.55% Daily ROI 16.5% Monthly ROI No Withdrawal Fees; No Max Withdrawal Limit Withdraw ANY day of the week and GET PAID INSTANTLY Up to 10% Binaries bonuses 5 Levels of Residuals Rank Bonus $300-$60,000 No one is going to get you paid faster! 100% Support. HUGE teams forming NOW! Register here: Get complete plan details at: Also get the affiliate program details here.
The best part of this program is that the entry point is very low, only $40. Anyone can start it, so it is very easy to refer people to get bonuses. However, I understand that not everybody is interested in MLM. If you don't want to refer people, you can still get a 16.5% monthly return for doing nothing.
Another thing I like about this company is the relationship between the company and its leaders. It is a very tight-knit community and there is regular communication with the leaders to keep us updated on their exciting upcoming events, the expansion of mining facilities, training webinars, etc.
Also, the ROI is incredible; the best I've seen. Many competitors offer 8-10%, but AWS Mining offers 16.5% per month. I've never seen a mining ROI over 16%. You might think 16% won't pay your bills unless you have a huge initial investment, but if you take the compounding effect into consideration, you'll be amazed how much money you will be making. Please refer to the chart below.
Month Investment Payout 1 $1,000.00 $165.00 2 $1,165.00 $192.23 3 $1,357.23 $223.94 4 $1,581.17 $260.89 5 $1,842.06 $303.94 6 $2,146.00 $354.09 7 $2,500.09 $412.51 8 $2,912.60 $480.58 9 $3,393.18 $559.88 10 $3,953.06 $652.25 11 $4,605.31 $759.88 12 $5,365.19 $885.26 13 $6,250.45 $1,031.32 14 $7,281.77 $1,201.49 15 $8,483.26 $1,399.74 16 $9,883.00 $1,630.70 17 $11,513.70 $1,899.76 18 $13,413.46 $2,213.22 19 $15,626.68 $2,578.40 20 $18,205.08 $3,003.84 21 $21,208.92 $3,499.47 22 $24,708.39 $4,076.88 23 $28,785.27 $4,749.57 24 $33,534.84 $5,533.25.
Let's say you have $1000 to invest in this mining opportunity. Instead of withdrawing your payout, you keep re-investing it. At the end of 2 years, you will have over $5,500. Of course, at some point, you will want to start taking money out. You can do that whenever you like. You don't need to keep reinvesting. If you had $10,000 to invest, you'd get $1,650 per month without re-investing; without doing anything . The more you invest, the more payout you'll get. Even if you start small, if you continue investing, you will reach the level where you can quit your day job. Here is the best part: Since you don't have to do anything, you don't have to worry about your skill level or experience. You can have the same success as everybody else in this network.
Of course, nothing is 100% guaranteed, but in my opinion, this is the closest thing to guaranteed money that I've seen so far.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 11:53 am

Bitcoin ( ASIC MINER (Antiminer) Built in Home, DIY Project|4:08
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 11:54 am

AMD GPU Bitcoin ( Mining ( Hardware Comparison|5:42
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 11:54 am
Bitcoin mining ( on the Mac?
The Bitcoin ( network is the network with the most computing power ever. It is possible for everyone to participate in the process of mining with any device. Bitcoin mining ( is the method of producing or somewhat finding bitcoin currency. Unlike fiat currency that is issued when more is required, bitcoin cannot solely be wished into an actuality but has to be mined through analytical methods. Bitcoin ( maintains a public ledger that includes prior transactions, and mining is the method of attaching new transactions to this ledger.
If you were to mine Bitcoin ( on a MacBook Pro for one day for a whole month you would earn very less worth of bitcoins. Not to mention the damage to your precious machine and you'll presumably smoke your Graphics card before you mine even 0.00001 BTC!
To have any possibility of making a profit you'll want a sturdy machine, such as MacBook Pro or a higher-end iMac such as the iMac with 5K display. You could probably use a MacBook Air or Mac mini but due to the lower-powered GPUs located in those devices, it's not desirable.
If you are interested in trying the Bitcoin mining ( with the PC or Mac, then following guideline is useful.
The purpose it's named Bitcoin mining ( isn't that it requires a real act of digging. Bitcoin ( is a completely digital token that doesn't need physical mining, but it does have its style of prospecting and replacement, which is where the "mining" terminology originates from.
Of course, to start mining, you have to install a Bitcoin mining ( software. There are several Bitcoin mining ( software. Each has advantages and disadvantages. We introduce 3 of them.
The CGMiner is one of the most popular softwares for Bitcoin mining ( It supports Windows, Mac and Linux. You can use it to mine CPU, GPU, FPGA and USB-ASCIs. Various settings such as overclocking, monitoring, fan control or remote control make the CGMiner a powerful tool. One drawback may be the input console as a user interface. The CGMiner can be downloaded from this page.
The BFGMiner also offers a variety of functions such as dynamic clocking, monitoring and remote control. Also with the BFGMiner it is possible to control USB-ASICs. You can also install the BFGMiner on the Raspberry Pi. Unfortunately, GPU mining is not supported. The BFGMiner can be downloaded from this page .
Multi Miner.
The MultiMiner has a graphical interface and is therefore very user-friendly. Like the other miners, you can connect to mining pools or solomines. Also, the MultiMiner brings many settings and statistics with it. You can mine GPU, FPGA and ASIC. The MultiMiner is suitable for beginners as well as professionals.
You can buy cryptocurrencies on Binance , Coinbase or eToro . If you are a beginner then click here to read our starter kit.
Disclaimer : This information should not be interpreted as an endorsement of any cryptocurrency. It is not a recommendation to trade. The crypto market is full of surprises and overhyped assets. Do your research before buying anything. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose.
Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Steemit, and join our Telegram channel for the latest blockchain and cryptocurrency news.
How to mine Bitcoin ( on Mac.
Bitcoin ( is a cryptocurrency - anonymous digital money, essentially, that you can create on your computer. We look at how to mine Bitcoin ( on Mac, and discuss whether it's a good idea.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 19, 2021, 11:54 am

BitCoin Mining ( Hardware Guide ft. CRAZY Obsidian Mining ( Rig|8:30
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 05:42 am
By Martyn Casserly, Contributor | 26 May 17.
Bitcoin (, the digital currency, is making headlines these days as it continues to increase in value and is accepted in an increasing number of retailers and other businesses. So how can you get in on this exciting new form of virtual cash? And is it worth the effort? Most importantly from our point of view, can Mac users get involved?
In this article we explain how to mine Bitcoin ( on Mac, and discuss whether that's a good idea. Read next: Apple predictions 2017.
Bitcoin ( is a cryptocurrency that can be used to buy a variety of things, including online services, products. maybe even a house. It's akin to digital cash, in that it allows users to remain (mostly) anonymous in their transactions.
The currency has no central bank and no hierarchical overseers. There are no actual coins, either. Instead, Bitcoins are created by people using the computational power of their computers to 'mine' them.
While the whole thing might sound a bit wacky, in the last few years the value of Bitcoins has increased at a phenomenal rate. Just recently a Bitcoin ( become worth more than an ounce of gold; at time of writing it's over £2,000.
For more information on Bitcoin mining (, take a look at this article by our colleagues at Tech Advisor.
How are Bitcoins made?
Creating a Bitcoin ( requires the solving of complex computational problems. This is done through software that uses the GPU of a PC (or Mac) to essentially keep chipping away at answers until it finds the right one.
While this might sound easy - and when Bitcoin ( first appeared back in 2008 it was certainly easier - these days the complexity of the problems are such that the power needed to crack them is substantial.
Because of this it's now virtually impossible to create Bitcoin ( without serious, dedicated hardware, or through people joining together in pools to share their resources and rewards.
How to use a Mac to make Bitcoin (
Before you delve too far into the Bitcoin ( scene it's worth considering the fact that's it's very difficult to make money creating Bitcoin ( In fact, due to the cost of electricity and any additional hardware you might purchase (not to mention replacing Macs whose GPUs burn out due to excessive use) you could make a net loss.
To have any chance of making a profit you'll need a powerful machine, along the lines of a MacBook Pro or a higher-end iMac such as the iMac with 5K display. You could theoretically use a MacBook Air or Mac mini but due to the lower-powered GPUs found in those devices it's not advisable. For more advice, r ead our best Mac buying guide and best Mac deals.
If your curiosity can't be abated, and you're still eager to proceed, we'll show you how to get involved.
Creating a Wallet.
The first thing you'll need to do is create a Bitcoin ( wallet. This is necessary as it will be where you store any Bitcoin ( that you create, buy, or receive.
You'll find a wide range of wallet providers on the website, alongside further details of how the process works.
One very important thing is to ensure that you have offline backups of your wallet, and that you keep the details of your account somewhere safe. If you lose your password or your account is hacked, then your money is gone. It's the same as losing your wallet or purse in real life. Cash just doesn't come back.
Bitcoin ( provides a comprehensive guide to securing your wallet, and we suggest you read it fully.
Joining a pool.
Once you've set up your wallet you'll want to join a pool. Again there are a wide range to choose from; the biggest ones are almost exclusively in China.
Ones to consider are F2Pool, Slushpool and BTCC.
Each pool will have different transaction costs (or possibly none at all), so be sure to check out a few before you commit.
Mining Software.
Finally you'll want to install the mining software itself. Again there are a number of options, but a good starting place for those new to Bitcoin mining ( is MacMiner.
Will I make money?
Now this is a tricky question. The way pools work does indeed spread the load across a wide network, but there's no guarantee of any steady income.
Each pool will display its Hashrate somewhere on the site, and this is an indicator of how often Bitcoins are mined. The higher the number the more chance of a regular payout.
As we stated earlier, without high-end, powerful kit you're going to struggle to get much out of a Bitcoin ( pool, as the amount of computational capability you'll be adding to the pot is small.
As an experiment it might be fun, but keep an eye on your electricity bills and the temperature of your Mac, as both could suddenly prove quite expensive. Read next: Bitcoin ( and beyond: Which banks are investing in the blockchain?
Note: We may earn a commission when you buy through links on our site, at no extra cost to you. This doesn't affect our editorial independence. Learn more.
Author: Martyn Casserly, Contributor.
Martyn has been involved with tech ever since the arrival of his ZX Spectrum back in the early 80s. He covers iOS, Android, Windows and macOS, writing tutorials, buying guides and reviews.
Bitcoin mining ( auf dem Mac?
Das Bitcoinnetzwerk ist das Netzwerk mit der meisten Rechenleistung überhaupt. Es ist prinzipiell möglich mit jedem Gerät am Prozess teilzunehmen. Ob es sich auszahlt, ist eine andere Frage. Mit einem PC oder Mac kann man es so gut wie vergessen in den profitablen Bereich zu kommen. Wer aber trotzdem Interesse hat es mit dem Mac zu versuchen, dem hoffen wir mit der folgenden Anleitung helfen zu können.
Um mit dem Minen loslegen zu können, muss man natürlich eine Bitcoin mining ( Software installieren. Es gibt mehrere davon. Jede hat Vor- und Nachteile. Wir stellen 3 davon vor.
Der CGMiner ist eine der beliebtesten Softwares für Bitcoin mining ( Sie unterstützt Windows, Mac und Linux. Man kann mit ihr CPU, GPU, FPGA und USB-ASCIs minen. Verschiedene Einstellungsmöglichkeiten wie Übertaktung, Überwachung, Lüftersteuerung oder Fernsteuerung machen den CGMiner zu einem starken Werkzeug. Ein Nachteil ist eventuell die Eingabekonsole als Benutzerschnittstelle.
Den CGMiner kann man auf dieser -> Seite herunterladen.
Der BFGMiner bietet ebenfalls eine Vielzahl an Funktionen wie dynamisches Takten, Überwachung und Fernsteuerung. Auch mit dem BFGMiner ist es möglich USB-ASICs anzusteuern. Man kann den BFGMiner auch auf dem Raspberry Pi installieren. Leider wird GPU-Mining nicht unterstützt.
Den BFGMiner kann man auf dieser -> Seite herunterladen.
Der MultiMiner bietet eine grafische Oberfläche und ist damit recht benutzerfreundlich. Wie bei den anderen Minern auch, kann man sich mit Miningpools verbinden oder Solominen. Auch der MultiMiner bringt viele Einstellungen und Statistiken mit sich. Man kann GPU, FPGA und ASIC minen. Der MultiMiner eignet sich sowohl für Anfänger, als auch für Profis.
Den MultiMiner kann man auf dieser -> Seite herunterladen.
Kryptowährungen kannst du auf Binance , Coinbase oder eToro kaufen. Hier geht es zu unserem -> Starterkit .
Amac Mining was founded in 2018. We took 6 months to set up our latest and high-speed cloud mining farm. And we are doing regular maintenance of the hardware in the data centers. Our main goal is to produce digital currency or cryptocurrency like bitcoin.
Here you don't need to invest in expensive hardware. Our cloud mining service provides unique opportunity to generate bitcoin or mine new bitcoin from home. If you are using Amac Mining, you don't need to worried about Internet Speed, Electricity Cost and Maintenance of devices. We are available worldwide, our data center situated at every corner of the globe to ensure high security and high speed in the Bitcoin mining ( process.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 05:43 am

Bitcoin ( mining hardware comparison|8:26
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 05:52 am
Two of the largest Bitcoin mining ( chip manufacturers have plans to equip their products with 5nm chips in the near future. Just recently, China-based manufacturer Bitmain purportedly produced the world's first 5nm test-grade Bitcoin mining ( chip and more efficient mining rigs will see mass production next year. The firm Canaan also recently announced that the company will have access to 5nm semiconductors by Q1 2020.
TSMC's 5nm Process Is Ahead of the Game.
Last January, the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) reported at its annual conference that the company's 7nm node (N7) was operating under capacity. On top of all this news, next-generation computer makers, iPhone distributors, and Bitcoin mining ( rig manufacturers sought 7nm chips in mass quantity this year creating massive demand. TSMC expected revenue to increase slowly in 2019, but the last two quarters saw better revenue performance than expected. Despite the issues with the company's 7nm process, TSMC has continuously signaled confidence in its 5nm (N5) process roadmap.
In December, at the IEEE IEDM Conference, the firm discussed its 5nm process in high regard alongside Intel's slideshow describing 2nm and 1.4 nm chips by 2029. TSMC noted huge differences between the 7nm and 5nm process as the 7nm yields just a touch below 100 million transistors per square millimeter (mTr/mm2). The 5nm technology has shown an average yield of 80%, with a peak yield per wafer of 90%. The Taiwan foundry's 5nm test chips had shown a die size of 17.92 mm2.
TSMC's 5nm chips will perform 15% faster than the 7nm predecessors.
Coming Soon: Bitmain and Canaan 5nm Equipped Bitcoin mining ( Rigs.
Following the details about TSMC's 5nm process, two of the largest Bitcoin mining ( rig manufacturers in the world revealed that they would soon be equipped with TSMC's 5nm chips. Local reports from China disclosed that the company Bitmain Technologies has completed the first 5nm test-grade Bitcoin mining ( chips. At the moment, Bitmain products use TSMC's 7nm process for the latest 2019 Antminer versions. In October, Bitmain's CEO Jihan Wu discussed the 5-nanometer technology at the World Digital Mining Summit held in Frankfurt. Various sources have said that Bitmain will be equipped with 5nm by early 2020 and products are set for mass production.
Following discussions concerning Bitmain's upcoming ASIC rigs, regional reports revealed that Canaan will also have 5nm chips by the first quarter of next year. The 5nm chips will improve performance by 15% and the wafers will stem from the Taiwan-based semiconductor foundry. However, Canaan is a Chinese mining rig manufacturer that purchases semiconductors from both Samsung and TSMC. 8btc editor and reporter Vincent He stressed that Canaan was one of the first companies to reveal its 7nm test-grade mining chip before lots of companies announced use of the semiconductors. The report further detailed that the cofounder of Canaan said that the firm will "have a greater grasp of the supply chain and more capital investment after going public."
Reports detail that TSMC is ahead of the competition and will have 5nm (N5) semiconductors in mass production by 2020.
The news of both Bitmain and Canaan steadfastly working to produce mining rigs equipped with next-generation 5nm chips shows how fast the mining industry is growing. With the 7nm process alone in 2019 mining devices have improved a great deal as far as efficiency is concerned. News.Bitcoin ( recently reported on how 2019's bitcoin miners are 5x faster than predecessors. If it's true that both companies are planning to produce 5nm equipped models in early 2020, then other manufacturers like Microbt, Innosilicon, and Ebang will likely follow suit.
What do you think about Bitmain and Canaan possibly producing 5nm equipped Bitcoin mining ( devices in early 2020? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. It is not an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, or a recommendation, endorsement, or sponsorship of any products, services, or companies. Neither the company nor the author is responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods or services mentioned in this article.
Image credits: Shutterstock, Extremetech, Anandtech, Bitmain, Canaan, TSMC, Wiki Commons, Fair Use, and Pixabay.
Did you know you can earn BTC and BCH through Bitcoin mining ( If you already own hardware, connect it to our powerful Bitcoin mining ( pool. If not, you can easily get started through one of our flexible Bitcoin ( cloud mining contracts.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 05:54 am

Bitcoin ( Mining ( Hardware Comparison Tool|2:58
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 06:18 am
If you've heard about Bitcoin ( then you've probably heard about Bitcoin mining ( as well - the concept of "creating" Bitcoins from your computer. The following post will give you a complete overview of what Bitcoin mining ( is and how it actually works.
Don't like to read? Watch our video guide instead.
What is Bitcoin mining ( Summary.
Bitcoin mining ( is the process of updating the ledger of Bitcoin ( transactions known as the blockchain. Mining is done by running extremely powerful computers called ASICs that race against other miners in an attempt to guess a specific number.
The first miner to guess the number gets to update the ledger of transactions and also receives a reward of newly minted Bitcoins (currently the reward is 6.25 Bitcoins).
Today, in order to be profitable with Bitcoin mining ( you need to invest heavily in equipment, cooling, and storage. It's not possible to mine Bitcoin ( profitably with a PC or a GPU at home . You can calculate your profitability using a Bitcoin mining ( calculator.
Here's what you'll need to do to get started with Bitcoin mining (
Calculate mining profitability Get a Bitcoin ( miner Get a Bitcoin ( wallet Find a mining pool Download a mining program Start Mining!
That's Bitcoin mining ( in a nutshell. If you want a more detailed explanation about mining keep reading this post. Here's what I'll cover:
1. What is Bitcoin mining (
Bitcoin ( is a decentralized alternative to the banking system. This means that the system can operate and transfer funds from one account to the other without any central authority.
With a trusted central authority, transferring money is easy. Just tell the bank you want to remove $50 from your account and add it to someone else's account. In this example, the bank has all the power because the bank is the only one that is allowed to update the ledger that holds the balances of everyone in the system.
Bitcoin (, on the other hand, creates a system that has a decentralized ledger. It gives independent miners the ability to update the ledger without giving them too much power.
Anyone who wants to participate in updating the ledger of Bitcoin ( transactions, known as the blockchain, can do so. All you need is to guess a random number that solves an equation generated by the system.
Sounds simple, right?
Of course, this guessing is all done by your computer. The more powerful your computer is, the more guesses you can make in a second , increasing your chances of winning this game. If you manage to guess right, you earn bitcoins and get to write the "next page" of Bitcoin ( transactions on the blockchain.
The solution to the equation is very hard to achieve but very easy to validate. You can think of a Rubik's cube as a good example for this (very hard to solve, but easy to see you've solved it).
Rubik's cube - hard to solve, easy to prove you've solved it.
The Mining Process in a Nutshell.
Once your mining computer comes up with the right guess, your computer determines which pending transactions will be inserted in the next block of transactions on the blockchain.
Compiling this block represents your moment of glory, as you've now become a temporary banker of Bitcoin ( who gets to update the Bitcoin ( transaction ledger.
The block of transactions you've created, along with your solution, is sent to the whole network so other computers can validate it.
Each computer that validates your solution updates its copy of the Bitcoin ( transaction ledger with the transactions that you chose to include in the block.
The system generates a fixed amount of Bitcoins (currently 6.25 ) and rewards them to you as compensation for the time and energy you spent solving the math problem.
Additionally, you get paid any transaction fees that were attached to the transactions you inserted into the next block.
All the transactions in the block you've just entered are now confirmed by the Bitcoin ( network and are virtually irreversible.
Here's a two-minute video showing the process of blocks and confirmations.
So that's Bitcoin mining ( in a nutshell.
It's called mining because of the fact that this process helps "mine" new Bitcoins from the system. But if you think about it, the mining part is just a by-product of the transaction confirmation process. So the name is a bit misleading, since the main goal of mining is to maintain the ledger in a decentralized manner.
Since mining is based on a form of guessing, each time a different miner will guess the number and be granted the right to update the blockchain. Of course, the miners with more computing power will succeed more often, but due to the law of statistical probability, it's highly unlikely that the same miner will succeed every time.
2. Mining difficulty.
Now that you know what Bitcoin mining ( is, you might be thinking, "Cool! Free money! Where do I sign up?" Well, not so fast...
Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin ('s inventor, crafted the rules for mining in a way that the more mining power the network has, the harder it is to guess the answer to the mining math problem. So the difficulty of the mining process is actually self-adjusting to the accumulated mining power the network possesses.
If more miners join, it will get harder to solve the problem; if many of them drop off, it will get easier. This is known as mining difficulty.
Mining difficulty adjusts every 2016 blocks.
Difficulty is self-adjusting in order to create a steady flow of new Bitcoins into the system. In a sense, this was done to keep inflation in check. Mining difficulty is set so that, on average, a new block will be added every ten minutes (i.e., the number will be guessed every ten minutes on average).
Now, remember, this is on average . We can have two blocks being added minute after minute and then wait an hour for the next block. In the long run, this will even out to ten minutes on average.
The difficulty adjustment is done every 2016 blocks (every 2 weeks on average) retroactively. Meaning, every 2016 blocks the system looks back on the past 2016 blocks and calculates the average block time. If it's under 10 minutes it will increase the difficulty, if it's over 10 minutes it will lower it.
3. Bitcoin mining ( Hardware.
When Bitcoin ( first started out, there weren't a lot of miners out there. In fact, Satoshi, the inventor of Bitcoin (, and his friend Hal Finney were a couple of the only people mining Bitcoin ( back at the time with their own personal computers.
Using your CPU (central processing unit--your computer's brain) was enough for mining Bitcoin ( back in 2009, since mining difficulty was very low. As Bitcoin ( started to catch on, people looked for more powerful mining solutions.
A GPU (graphics processing unit) is a special component added to computers to carry out more complex calculations. GPUs were originally intended to allow gamers to run computer games with intense graphics requirements.
Because of their architecture, GPUs became popular in the field of cryptography, and around 2011, people also started using them to mine Bitcoins. For reference, the mining power of one GPU equals that of around 30 CPUs.
GPUs were used for mining Bitcoin ( in the past.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 06:18 am

Bitcoin ( Mining ( on Ubuntu 18.10 - Bitcoin ( Mining ( Software 2019|24:00
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 06:18 am
FPGA mining.
FPGA is a piece of hardware that can be connected to a computer in order to run a set of calculations. They are just like GPUs but 3-100 times faster. The downside is that they're harder to configure, which is why they weren't as commonly used in mining as GPUs.
FPGAs are more efficient than GPUs for mining purposes.
Around 2013, a new breed of miner was introduced: the ASIC miner. ASIC stands for Application Specific Integrated Circuit.
ASICs are pieces of hardware manufactured solely for the purpose of mining Bitcoin ( Unlike GPUs, CPUs, and FPGAs, they couldn't be used to do anything else. Their function was hardcoded into the machine.
Today, ASIC miners are the current mining standard. Some early ASIC miners even appeared in the form of a USB, but they became obsolete rather quickly. Even though they started out in 2013, the technology quickly evolved, and new, more powerful miners were coming out every six months.
An ASIC USB mining rig with a fan on top.
After about three years of this crazy technological race, we finally reached a technological barrier, and things started to cool down a bit. Since 2016, the pace at which new miners are released has slowed considerably.
A Bitcoin ( ASIC miner used for mining Bitcoin (
4. Bitcoin mining ( Pools.
Mining is an extremely competitive game. Even if you buy the best possible miner out there, you're still at a huge disadvantage compared to professional Bitcoin mining ( farms. That's why mining pools came into existence.
The idea is simple - miners group together to form a "pool" so they can combine their mining power and compete more effectively. Once the pool manages to win the competition, the reward is spread out between the pool members depending on how much mining power each of them contributed.
This way, even small miners can join the mining game and have a chance of earning Bitcoin ( (though they get only a part of the reward).
The market share of the most popular Bitcoin mining ( pools in 2020.
Today there are over a dozen large pools that compete for the chance to mine Bitcoin ( and update the ledger. According to certain reports, 65% of all Bitcoin mining ( worldwide is done in China due to cheap electricity, manufacturing costs and weather conditions.
5. Is Bitcoin mining ( Profitable?
The short answer is "probably not"; the correct answer is "it depends on a lot of factors."
When calculating Bitcoin mining ( profitability, there are a lot of things you need to take into account. Let's break them down.
Hashrate (how powerful is your miner)
A Hash is the mathematical problem the miner's computer needs to solve. The hashrate refers to your miner's performance (i.e., how many guesses your computer can make per second).
Hashrate can be measured in MH/s (mega hash = 1m hashes per second), GH/s (giga hash = 1b per hashes second), TH/s (terra hash = 1t hashes per second), and even PH/s (peta hash = 1000t hashes per second).
Bitcoin ( Reward.
The number of Bitcoins generated when a miner finds a solution (in other words "solves a block"). This number started at 50 bitcoins back in 2009, and it's halved every 210,000 blocks (about four years). The current number of Bitcoins awarded per block is 6.25.
The last block-halving occurred in May 2020, and the next one will be on 2024. Once the halving occurs the reward will decrease to 3.125 Bitcoin (
A number that represents how hard it is to mine bitcoins at any given moment considering the amount of mining power currently active in the system.
Also known as "how many dollars are you paying per kilowatt to get electricity?"
You'll need to find out your electricity rate in order to calculate profitability. This can usually be found on your monthly electricity bill. The reason this is important is that miners consume electricity, whether for powering up the miner or for cooling it down (these machines can get really hot and noisy).
Each miner consumes a different amount of energy. You'll need to find out the exact power consumption of your miner before calculating profitability. This can be found easily with a quick search online. Power consumption is measured in watts.
If you're mining through a mining pool, then the pool will take a certain percentage of your earnings for rendering their service. Generally, this would be somewhere around 2%.
Bitcoin ('s price.
Since no one knows what Bitcoin ('s price will be in the future, it's hard to predict whether Bitcoin mining ( will be profitable. If you are planning to convert your mined bitcoins to any other currency in the future, this variable will have a significant impact on profitability.
Difficulty increase per year.
This is probably the most important and elusive variable of them all. The idea is that since no one can actually predict the rate of miners joining the network, neither can anyone predict how difficult it will be to mine in six weeks, six months, or six years from now.
In fact, in all the time Bitcoin ( has existed, its profitability has dropped only a handful of times--even at times when the price was relatively low.
The last two factors (price and difficulty increase) are the reason no one will ever be able to give a 100% accurate answer to the question "is Bitcoin mining ( profitable?"
Once you have all of these variables at hand you can insert them into a Bitcoin mining ( calculator (as can be seen below) and get an estimate of how many Bitcoins you will earn each month. If you can't get a positive result on the calculator, it probably means you don't have the right conditions for mining to be profitable.
Bitcoin ( Data Mining.
Bitcoin mining ( refers to the process of authenticating and adding transactional records to the public ledger. The public ledge is known as the blockchain because it comprises a chain of the block.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 06:19 am

How To Build/Run a Bitcoin ( Node on Linux|14:29
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 06:19 am
Before we understand the Bitcoin mining ( concept, we should understand what Bitcoin ( is. Bitcoin ( is virtual money having some value, and its value is not static, it varies according to time. There is no Bitcoin ( regulatory body that regulates the Bitcoin ( transactions.
Let's understand the bitcoin concept with an example. The company manager takes a dummy thing and announces that who will get this thing will be the happiest employer of the organization and get an international holiday ticket. So everyone trying to buy that dummy thing that has no value and in this way, this dummy thing will have some value may be lies between 10$ to 20$ or anything. We can relate these things with the Bitcoin ( if the number of purchasers of Bitcoin ( increases, then the value of Bitcoin ( also increases to a saturated value afterward it stops.
Bitcoin ( was created under the pseudonym(False name) Satoshi Nakamoto , who announced the invention, and later it was implemented as open-source code. An only end-to-end version of electronic money would enable online payments to be sent directly from one person to another without the interference of an economic body.Bitcoin ( is a network practice that empowers people to transfer assets rights on account units called Bitcoin ('s , made in limited quantity. When an individual sends a couple of bitcoins to another individual, this data is communicated to the peer-to-peer bitcoin network.
This technology remains similar to purchasing something with virtual currency. However, one advantage of Bitcoins is that the arrangement remains unidentified. The personal identity of the sender and the beneficiary (receiver) remain encrypted. It is the primary reason that's why it has become a trusted form of money transaction on the web. By convention, the complexity in making distributed money is the requirement for a proposal to avoid double-spending. One individual may simultaneously transmit two transactions, sending similar coins to two distinct parties on the network. Bitcoin ( settles this difficulty and ensures agreement of rights by keeping up a community ledger of all transactions, called the blockchain. New transactions are grouped mutually and are checked against the existing record to make sure all new communications are valid. Bitcoin ('s accuracy is ensured by individuals who give computation authority to its system known as miners to validate and affix transactions to a public ledger.
Bitcoins don't exist physically and are only an arrangement of virtual data. It can be exchanged for genuine money, and are broadly acceptable in most countries around the globe. There is no central authority for Bitcoins, similar to a central bank(RBI in India) that controls the monetary policy. Alternatively, developers solve complex puzzles to support Bitcoin ( transactions. This process is called Bitcoin mining ( .
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 06:20 am

How To Mine Bitcoin ( On PC, Mac, Or Linux|21:41
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 06:20 am
How to Mine Bitcoins:
It is quite a complex process, but if you want to take it directly, then here is the process of how it works. You need to get a CPU(Central Processing Unit) with excellent processing power and a speedy web interface. In the next step, there are numerous online networks that list out the latest Bitcoin ( transactions taking place in real-time. Afterward, Sign in with a Bitcoin ( customer and attempt to approve those transactions by assessing blocks of data, called hash . Now, communication goes through several systems, called nodes , which are simply blocks of data, and since the data is encoded, a miner is needed to check if his answers are accurate.
It is quite a complex process, but if you want to take it directly, then here is the process of how it works. You need to get a CPU(Central Processing Unit) with excellent processing power and a speedy web interface. In the next step, there are numerous online networks that list out the latest Bitcoin ( transactions taking place in real-time. Afterward, Sign in with a Bitcoin ( customer and attempt to approve those transactions by assessing blocks of data, called hash. Now, communication goes through several systems, called nodes, which are simply blocks of data, and since the data is encoded, a miner is needed to check if his answers are accurate.
How the Bitcoin mining ( Works:
Bitcoin mining ( requires a task that is exceptionally tricky to perform, but simple to verify. It uses cryptography, with a hash function called double SHA-256( a one-way function that converts a text of any dimension into a string of 256 bits). A hash accepts a portion of data as input and reduces it down into a smaller hash value (256 bits). With a cryptographic hash, there is no other option to get a hash value we want without attempting a ton of sources. Once we find an input that gives the value we want, it is a simple task for anybody to validate the hash. So, cryptographic hashing turns into a decent method to apply the Bitcoin ( "Proof-of-work" (data that is complex to produce but easy for others to verify).
If we consider a block to mine first, we need to collect the new transactions into a block, and then we hash the block to form a 256-bit block hash value. When the hash initiates with sufficient zeros, the block has been successfully mined and is directed to the Bitcoin ( network, and that has turned into the identifier for the block. In many cases, the hash is not successful, so we need to alter the block to some extent and try again and again.
Bitcoin ( Transaction:
A Bitcoin ( transaction is a section of data that is transmitted to the network and, if valid, it ends up in a block in the blockchain. The concept of a Bitcoin ( transaction is to transfer the responsibility of an amount of Bitcoin ( address.
When we send Bitcoin (, an individual data structure, namely a Bitcoin ( transaction, is made by your wallet customer and afterward communicate to rebroadcast the transaction. If the operation is valid, nodes will incorporate it in the block they are mining, within 10-20 minutes, the transaction will be included, along with other transactions, in a block in the blockchain. Finally, the receiver can see the transaction amount in their wallet.
Some facts about transactions:
The Bitcoin ( amount that we send is always sent to a particular address. The Bitcoin ( amount we get is locked to the receiving address, which is associated with our wallet. Every time we spend Bitcoin (, the amount we spend will consistently come from funds received earlier and currently present in our wallet. Addresses receive Bitcoin (, but they don?t send Bitcoin (, it is sent from a wallet.
Bitcoin ( Wallets:
Bitcoin ( wallets compile the private keys through which we access a bitcoin address and payout our funds. They appear in different forms, designed for specific types of devices. We can even use hardcopy to store data to avoid having them on the computer. It is important to secure and back up our Bitcoin ( wallet. Bitcoins are the latest technology of cash, and very soon, other merchants start accepting them as payment.
We know how a bitcoin transaction mechanism works and how they are created, but how they are stored? We store money in a physical wallet, and bitcoin works similarly, except it is generally digital. In brief, we don't need to stock bitcoins anywhere. What we store are the secured digital keys used to access our public bitcoin address and sign transactions.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 06:21 am

How to GPU mine NVIDIA on linux - ubuntu 16.04 - step by step|9:45
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 06:22 am
There are mainly five types of wallet that are given below:
Desktop Wallets:
First, we need to install the original bitcoin customer (Bitcoin ( Core). If we have already installed, then we are running a wallet, but may not know it. In addition to depend on transactions on the network, this software also empowers us to create a bitcoin address for transfer and getting the virtual currency. MultiBit(Bitcoin ( wallet) runs on Mac OSX, Windows, and Linux. Hive is an OS X- based wallet with some particular features, including an application store that associates directly to bitcoin services.
Mobile Wallets:
An application on our cell phone, the wallet can store up the security key for our bitcoin addresses, and enable us to pay for things straightforwardly with our phone. Many times, a bitcoin wallet will even take advantage of a cell phone?s near-field communication(NFC) aspect, empowering us to tap the mobile phone against a reader and pay bitcoins without entering any data at all. A bitcoin customer has to download the whole bitcoin blockchain, which is always developing and is multiple gigabytes in size. A ton of mobile phones wouldn't be able to hold the blockchain in their memory. In such a case, they can use alternative options, and these mobile users are repeatedly designed with simplified payment verification (SPV) in mind. They download a confined subset of the blockchain and depend on other trusted nodes in the bitcoin system to ensure that they have the precise data. Mycelium is the example of mobile wallets that comprises of the Android-based Bitcoin ( wallet.
Online Wallets:
Electronic wallets stores our security keys on the web, on a computer, limited by someone else and coupled to the Internet. Various online services are accessible, and the network to mobile and desktop wallets copying our address among various devices that we own. One significant advantage of online wallets is that we can access them from anywhere, in spite of which device we are using.
Hardware Wallets:
Hardware wallets are incomplete numbers. These are sharp devices that can hold private keys electronically and make easy payments. The compact Ledger USB bitcoin Wallet utilizes smartcard protection and is accessible at a reasonable cost.
Paper Wallets:
The cheapest alternative for keeping our bitcoins safe and sound is significantly called a paper wallet. There are various sites offering paper bitcoin wallet services. They deliver a bitcoin address for us and generate an image containing two QR codes. The first one is the public address that we can use to receive bitcoins, and the other is the private key that we use to pay out bitcoins stored at the address. The primary advantage of a paper wallet is that the private keys are not stored digitally anyplace, so it secures our wallet from cyber attacks.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 06:23 am

Cara mining crypto mengunakan Linux Ubuntu - Ethereum - Ethereum Classic Mining (|5:18
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:00 am
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The public chain will have a halving cycle to maintain the value of the currency, and the market will rise sharply after halving in history.
The computing power of the entire network is due to the increase and decrease of mining machines, which affects the average distribution of revenue. If the computing power decreases, the average revenue will increase, and if the computing power increases, the average revenue decreases.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:00 am

Learn how to mine Cryptocurrency, including Monero, using Linux.|21:20
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:00 am
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Last Price $ 5.19 million Change +1.19% power 1.01 EiB Daily output 0.17731733 FIL / TiB Halve time.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:03 am

CPU mining on Linux(Ubuntu) operating system using MinerGate|13:46
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:03 am
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Last Price $ 0.01 million Change +0.30% power 1.01 EiB Daily output 0.17731733 FIL / TiB Halve time.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:05 am
Can gaming consoles be used as a Bitcoin mining ( platform?
I'm very new to the concept of Bitcoin ( (having only just read the wikipedia entry and visited
My question is this: why is the mining platform limited to PC/ traditional computing devices? It seems that gaming platforms would also work quite well, having better performance specs than the general user would reasonably have on his/her home PC and they have networking capabilities.
6 Answers 6.
When CPU mining was common gaming consoles did provide comparable performance. There was some development work for xbox360 and PS3. However roughly a year ago GPU mining hit bitcoin network rendering CPU miners obsolete almost overnight. Using unified shaders in modern GPUs and OpenCL programming language GPU miners could operate in parallel working on many hashes simultaneously. Even the earliest crudest implementations vastly outperformed any CPU in terms of raw hashing power, hashing power per dollar, and hashing power per watt. Since then refinement of OpenCL kernels have only widened that performance differential. Currently there is no economic value in using CPU for mining Bitcoins.
Due to the emergence of GPU mining there are a couple issues that make mining with current gaming consoles futile.
Marketing aside gaming consoles are not that powerful. Today a $69 AMD graphic card has more computing power than either the Xbox 360 or PS3. Moore's law is a powerful force and gaming consoles which were start of the art in 2005 are pitifully weak compared to hardware available today. As already discussed CPU mining is futile and unprofitable The GPU in both consoles while powerful at one time are rather lackluster by todays standards. They could provide low end hashing power except they lack unified shaders which makes programming them to do hashing impossible.
Consoles are not upgradable and that is both a benefit and detriment. Right now we are at the tail end of ther current consoles lifecycle and it works against using consoles for computing power. Since they can't be upgraded they are essentially $600 computers based on hardware available in 2005. However at the begining of a console life cycle the hardware is rather powerful for the price point and they are routinely subsidized. At launch a $400 xbox 360 contained about $500 worth of hardware.
So to answer your question there is no benefit to mining on current gen consoles, however it may be possible that "next-gen" console would be viable hasing platforms at least for the first couple years (before their static hardware fall behind due to the continually effect of Moore's law).
However there are some requirements for a future console to be a viable hashing platform:
The Console has a GPU with unified shaders and good integer performance. The ability to access those shader either through API (Microsoft XNA) or hacking/rooting console. Powerful GPU relative to retail cost of the machine.
It remains to be seen if future consoles could be used for hashing but using current generation consoles for hashing is simply not economical.
How to do Bitcoin mining ( on Xbox 360?
Bitcoin ( is a type of digital cryptocurrency and a worldwide payment system which was initially released in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin ( is a decentralized currency; it operates independently from a central bank. No one is aware of the future of Bitcoin ( and it is mostly unregulated. Government is mindful of their lack of control over currency and taxation.
Bitcoin mining ( is a decentralized computational process which has two purposes: confirm transactions in a trustful manner in a block and create new bitcoins in each block. It is mostly performed by very powerful computers that solve complex computational math problems. Here is how to do Bitcoin mining ( on Xbox 360.
Initially, CPU has been popular for quite a long time as gaming consoles couldn't provide an efficient environment and performance for Bitcoin mining ( But, recently Xbox 360 developers have done some development to make it capable for Bitcoin mining ( The developers used unified shaders in modern GPUs and OpenCL programming language. This enabled the GPU miners to work parallel on many hashes simultaneously. This outpaced any CPU in terms of raw hashing power, hashing power per watt, and hashing power per dollar.
To do Bitcoin mining ( on Xbox 360, it is necessary that the console has a GPU with unified shaders and excellent integer performance. It should have a powerful GPU relative to the retail cost of the machine. Moreover, it should allow the user to access the shaders either through API (Microsoft XNA) or hacking/rooting console. Moreover, you will have to mine in a pool otherwise no separate GPU device could compete for shares during a mine. The problem to solve with the Xbox 360 is to find or write software that is compatible with the Xbox OS. As it is Windows-based, it wouldn't be difficult to find one. You should have a GPU of at least two GB RAM and two GB video memory. Also, the RAM should be DDR2 which means double i.e. 2×1 GB. Thus, it is possible to do Bitcoin mining ( on Xbox 360 but it wouldn't work great.
GPU mining is not that successful. There are some issues which make mining with current gaming consoles pointless. Marketing on gaming consoles is not that much influential. Nowadays, a $70 AMD graphics card has more power than Xbox 360. The gaming console's hardware is weak compared to the hardware available today. The GPU can give low-end hashing power. GPU mining is unprofitable and futile. It seems that using current generation consoles such as Xbox 360 for hashing is not economical, you wouldn't break even.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:05 am

Cara Mining ( di Minergate dengan VPS linux ubuntu|8:45
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:06 am
Is It Possible to Mine Bitcoin ( Using Xbox 360?
Bitcoin ( is the market leader when it comes to cryptocurrencies, and this is by and large due to it being the first of its kind. Created in 2008 by the elusive Satoshi Nakomoto and then released the following year, Bitcoin ( is decentralised, which means that there is no involvement from banks or financial institutions. Nowadays, everyone pretty much knows how to sign up for a Bitcoin ( wallet from Luno or any other reputable company, which then allows the user to purchase the cryptocurrency together with transacting and/or moving funds.
However, not as many people will know that Bitcoin mining ( is a crucial part of its existence. Not only does mining confirm transactions on the blockchain in a transparent manner, it also creates new Bitcoins too, which keeps the world's top crypto alive. While most Bitcoin mining ( operations are taken on by powerful computing setups, otherwise known as rigs, there is a way to utilise an Xbox 360 for mining too.
Central processing units, otherwise known as CPUs, have been the preferred choice when it comes to Bitcoin mining ( for some time, but even with one onboard the Xbox 360, the performance was lacking for the task at hand. However, experienced Xbox 360 developers have put their heads together to achieve what many suggested was impossible, finding a way to make the console capable of mining Bitcoin ( efficiently.
The developers have put unified shaders to work, which effectively makes graphics processing units, often referred to as a GPU, more efficient. Unified shaders, used in conjunction with OpenCL , which is a programming language, allows those using the Xbox 360 to mine Bitcoin ( to work through multiple hashes simultaneously. Therefore, Bitcoin ( miners using the 360 can outpace CPUs based on hashing power per watt and per dollar.
Steps must be taken to ensure an Xbox 360 is up for the job, and these begin with finding a console which not only has a GPU with unified shaders but one with superb integer performance too. Ideally, the machine should have a high-performance GPU when compared to the cost of the console, and users should also be able to gain access to the unified shaders through rooting, hacking or through an application programming interface, aka the API.
GPUs in use for Bitcoin mining ( should be made up of at least two gigabytes of RAM and the same for video memory. The RAM should be DDR2 , which in effect means double the number of gigabytes. For those intending on mining using an Xbox 360, they should be aware that they will have to work in a pool, as an individual GPU based device can't compete for shares when a mine is underway.
So, while Bitcoin mining ( using an Xbox 360 console is entirely possible, it can prove to be a futile task. You can buy cheap AMD graphics cards which pack a more significant punch in the power stakes when compared to the Xbox 360, with the latter's hardware now outdated. The GPU is an Xbox 360 can provide a small amount of hashing power, but this the process will prove to be unprofitable in the long run.
Bitcoin mining ( in China.
China is the undisputed world leader in Bitcoin mining (
Chinese mining pools control more than 60% of the Bitcoin ( network's collective hashrate.
Not only does China manufacture most of the world's mining equipment, but massive mining farms are located there to take advantage of extremely cheap electricity prices.
Estimated Hashing Power by Country.
Here is the estimated mining hash power breakdown by country according to University of Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance:
As you can see, China dominates Bitcoin mining ( by a very wide margin.
In this article, we are going to explain why China is such a mining powerhouse in Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrencies. The answers may surprise you.
Cheap Electricity.
Electricity cost is the most important factor for a profitable mining operation. As mining difficulty increases, the least efficient miners are forced to shut down first.
Electricity in China is extremely cheap compared to most other countries. Chinese electricity in industrial regions is either supplied by hydro-electric facilities or subsidized by the state.
China's cheap electricity keeps Chinese miners at peak efficiency and allows them to outlast their foreign competitors.
A very large portion (if not the majority) of Bitcoin ('s energy comes from China, and most notably in "green" powered areas like Sichuan and Xinjiang where renewable sources like hydroelectric, solar, and geothermal are common.
In many cases, the energy produced by these wind farms and dams is higher than the local grid can take. This means that they are producing energy that would otherwise not be used by anyone since the local grid, which takes energy and distributes it accross distances, cannot hold it.
Take Sichuan, for example:
Total hydropower reached more than 75 GW in 2017, greater than the total in most Asian countries. It was also more than double the capacity of the province's power grid, meaning lots of wasted power.
Excess Coal.
Coal is the cheapest power source but also the dirtiest. It's well-known that China has comparatively lax environmental policies. Major cities like Beijing are notorious for their high levels of smog, produced mostly by burning coal.
Energy producers can freely burn coal and use the energy for Bitcoin mining ( Instead of physically transporting the coal, it's easier and more cost-effective to establish a Bitcoin mining ( operation near a source of coal and convert carbon directly to crypto.
#Bitcoin ( enables Chinese entrepreneurs to export coal by burning it and using the energy to mine.
Leading Bitcoin mining ( Pools.
Mining pools, as the name implies, are collaborations between individual miners and, frequently, major mining companies. Their hashrate is combined so that the pool has a better chance of finding a block. The block reward is then shared among all contributing members, according to their proportional hashrate.
The result is that many miners outside of China are attracted to Chinese mining pools due to their size. The bigger a pool, the more steady and predictable a member's earnings. Many miners are lured by the prospect of small, steady earnings as part of a major pool, as opposed to the high- reward-but-low-odds lottery which is solo or small-pool mining.
China is home to four of the five largest Bitcoin mining ( pools over the past year. As of the 25th th of August, 2020, the distribution of hashrate was as follows:
1. F2Pool / DiscusFish.
F2Pool, also known as DiscusFish, is based in China. F2Pool has mined about 18% of all blocks over the past twelve months. At the time of writing, it controlled about 22 EH/s.
2. Poolin.
Poolin is China's second largest Bitcoin mining ( pool, mining nearly 13% of all blocks in the past year. It commands around 10 EH/s.
3. Huobi Pool.
Huobi is China's 3rd largest Bitcoin mining ( pool, and it mines approximately 9% of all Bitcoin ( blocks. Huobi's pool contributes about 11.5 EH/s.
Antpool is another Chinese based mining pool, maintained by the ASIC manufacturer, BitMain. Antpool mines about 8% of all blocks (down from 20% in 2017). Antpool currently has a hashrate of 10.9 Exahashes per second (EH/s).
There is some speculation that AntPool disguises its true hashrate by running subsidiary pools. These are said to include ViaBTC,, GBMiners, CANOE and possibly others.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:07 am

How Much Antminer S9 can make per month + unboxing and giveaway winner - 4K|14:00
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:07 am

How to set UP BITCOIN Mining ( BY BITMAIN Antminer L3+ For Best Air Circulation|3:22
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:08 am
Where Did BTCC go?
You may be wondering why BTCC pool is not on this list. For those who don't already know, BTCC was China's third largest Bitcoin ( exchange and also operated a large mining pool. Back in 2017, BTCC pool was mining about 11% of all blocks and controled about 240 PH/s. In November of 2018, BTCC shut down indefinetely "due to business adjustments".
Today, we regret to announce that due to business adjustments, the BTCC pool will shut down all mining servers on November 15 and will cease operations indefinitely from November 30. [W]e will release the profits of all miners in time.
So, what does this Chinese mining mean for Bitcoin ( Sadly, nothing good.
Read on in the next chapter to find out why.
There's a definite downside to China's mining dominance:
Having so much mining power centralized in any single country exposes the Bitcoin ( network to a worrying degree of political risk.
Should the Chinese government decide to crack down on Bitcoin (, perhaps seeing it as a threat to their economy or a competitor to their own planned digital currency , they could wreak untold havoc in the Bitcoin ( ecosystem.
There is cause for optimism, though.
Thankfully, mining in China has begun to wane in recent years. It was once reponsible for over 73% of all Bitcoin mining ( Now it struggles to reach 65% and that reduction in mining centralization seems unlikely to stop any time soon.
Companies like Blockstream have created what is called co-location mining centers in both Canada and the US where they have negotiated power agreements with large energy companies in order to let institutional and retail investors buy their own mining rigs and set them up at Blockstream's various mining farm locations.
They can own the equipment and direct the hashing power to whatever pool they want. All while they benefit from the cheaper bulk electricity costs and advanced facilities purpose built for mining Bitcoin ( at scale.
But beyond the active efforts of non-Chinese Bitcoin ( based ventures to reduce the reliance on Chinese mining, Chinese miners themselves are showing interest in leaving the region, and that is what we are going to focus on in our last chapter.
Miners Moving Out of China.
Needless to say, China is the world's undisputed leader in Bitcoin mining (, thanks to the country's cheap electricity, cheap labor, and manufacturing capabilities. Having cracked down on cryptocurrency exchanges and ICOs, China is now planning to go after bitcoin miners. To do so, it is hitting where it hurts the most - limiting power supply. Without access to electricity, new bitcoins cannot be generated.
The Bloomberg news agency reported that the People's Bank of China was mulling ways to curb power usage by companies involved with virtual currency mining.
The government is investigating power consumption of cryptocurrency miners to determine whether their use of cheap or free electricity has affected power prices in those areas.
Recently, law enforcement in China confiscated 600 computers used to mine bitcoins. This was after a local power grid operator reported abnormal electricity usage. The report, however, did not say when the police confiscated the machines.
One of the largest bitcoin mines belongs to Bitmain. Bitmain is located in SanShangLiang, and has expanded its operations to Canada and the US (though many of their locations abroad had to be shut down due to insolvency).
While Bitmain remains a Beijing-based company, it has successfully set up a regional headquarters in Singapore and has satellite mining facilities outside of mainland China.
Beyond Bitmain, BTC.TOP (which was once a large mining pool and farm in China) has moved much of its operation to Canada.

China is Still King.
In 2020, China remains the king of Bitcoin mining ( and this isn't likely to change any time soon. That is, unless major changes to the price of energy occurs or China decides to crack down even harder on Bitcoin mining ( (though this looks fairly unlikely).
Thankfully, the amount of hashing power coming out of China is decreasing somewhat steadily in the last couple of years, and more and more efforts are being made to make mining more accessible to the everyday Bitcoiner. This is a welcome change, as ASIC mining has turned what was once a profitable home venture into something only incredibly sophisticated and well-funded operations can pull off while making money.
Who knows? With COVID19 raising tensions between the Chinese and US governments, we may see other countries reduce their dependency on China in as many ways as they can, and that may bring opportunities for Bitcoin ( miners to make it outside of China.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:10 am

Bitcoin ( Miner Malware - Incredibly Stealthy!|3:58
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:10 am
China's Bitcoin mining ( Industry Impacted the Most This Year, Says Report.
The researchers and analysts from Tokeninsight published it's "2020 Q2 Cryptocurrency Mining Industry Report" which shows the industry has grown exponentially during the last six months. The findings indicate cryptocurrency mining has expanded a great deal but China's bitcoin mines "suffered a great impact" in H1.
Tokeninsight published its "2020 Q2 Cryptocurrency Mining Industry Report" and the study shows a lot has happened in the Bitcoin mining ( industry during the first half of 2020.
The new research paper discusses a number of topics that affected the Bitcoin mining ( industry this year and the countries that are welcoming these operations. For instance, Tokeninsight highlights that the Uzbekistan government established a "national mining pool" in January.
Distribution of Bitcoin mining ( rig model manufacturers. (Source: Tokeninsight, and F2pool).
After that announcement, Quebec's Hydropower Agency of Canada allowed bitcoin miners to obtain 300MW of electricity.
In February the e government said Bitcoin mining ( "does not require government supervision and intervention." The following month, Missoula County, Montana, created new regulations for bitcoin miners.
Quarterly comparison of average hash rate and per unit power consumption of Bitcoin mining ( machine models. (Source: Tokeninsight, and F2pool).
In May, The Acting Minister of Energy of e told the public bitcoin miners might be able to draw nuclear energy. In April, the local government officials in Sichuan approved the "Hydropower Consumption Demonstration Enterprises."
News.Bitcoin ( recently reported on the second-batch of consumption enterprises approved in Sichuan. In June, the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan said it plans to "tax and supervise digital asset miners."
Changes in the marginal revenue of new mining machines during the 3/12 crash and the halving. (Source: Tokeninsight)
Tokeninsight said that China has been the hardest hit in 2020 as the country has seen a significant impact from a variety of reasons.
The Tokeninsight researchers mentioned that Covid-19 caused mining rig shipment delays, the bitcoin halving cut revenue in half for Chinese miners, internal disputes from mining machine manufacturers like Canaan and Bitmain, and the report also mentions mining policy changes in Sichuan.
Estimated market share of each manufacturer. (Source: Tokeninsight and Bitmex Research).
Moreover, Tokeninsight has noticed a trend of new players entering the Bitcoin mining ( rig manufacturing sector.
"In terms of the mining machine manufacturing sector, new players are eager to enter the field, and the old overlords are also trying their best to update the technology to manufacture leading products in the market," the paper notes. "In the first half of 2020, new generation mining machines including Bitmain's S19 and S19 Pro, WhatsMiner M30 series, and Canaan's A1146 Pro and A1166 Pro have been launched one after another."
The report further adds:
From the data published by several manufacturers, the new generation of mining machines has been greatly optimized and improved in terms of performance and power consumption.
The study says that the core competition between mining rig manufacturers is semiconductor research and development (R&D).
A number of mining rig manufacturers leverage 10-7nm chips and the Tokeninsight researchers highlight that chips will improve in the coming years.
"At the current chip research and development level, Samsung and TSMC have deployed 3nm chips, and both plan to mass produce 3nm in 2022," the paper explains. "Although 3nm is said to be a node approaching the physical limit, TSMC has already planned for 2nm and is conducting research and development with mass production in 2024."
"Mining hardware is facing an accelerated iteration period, and the field of AI chips will become a battleground," the Tokeninsight researchers add.
In addition to the problems with Covid-19, supply chain delays, and government rules, China's Bitcoin mining ( industry is feeling the pressure from the 2020 monsoon season in Asia. Excessive flooding in Sichuan during the last five days caused 20% hashrate losses for a number of Chinese Bitcoin mining ( operations on Tuesday, August 18.
What do you think about Tokeninsight's Q2 mining report? Let us know what you think in the comments below.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:11 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:12 am
What is a Mining Farm and how it works.
One of the best and legitimate ways to make money with Bitcoins is to mine them. Bitcoin ( miners earn 12.5 Bitcoins every time they complete one block. Of course, early adopters are the most prominent winners. Before June 2016, Bitcoin mining ( attracted 25 Bitcoins for completing a single block. Before 2012, miners earned 50 Bitcoins. Today, setting up a mining farm is a little bit complicated but still possible.
What is a Bitcoin mining ( Farm?
A mining farm is a room or warehouse dedicated to mining cryptocurrencies. The farm can be a basement in your house with 2 ASIC machines or a large warehouse with dozens of GPUs and ASICs. Mining farms contain large power supplies, huge fans to cool the equipment and more than one person running them. In a way, a mining farm is like a small mining pool with miners housed in a single building.
Bitcoin mining ( is a simple concept that seems complicated if not well explained. At its core, mining is the process of verifying a transaction so that it is added to the public ledger known as blockchain. Transactions are added in blocks. All you need to verify a Bitcoin ( transaction is an internet enabled computer with a software program linked to the blockchain.
Bitcoin mining ( is also the process through which new Bitcoins are released into circulation. As already mentioned, 12.5 Bitcoins are released every time miners complete a block size of transactions. One block of transactions is the equivalent of 1MB and average 1400 transactions.
How to Build a Bitcoin mining ( Farm.
Mining Bitcoins is not only valuable, but it's also rewarding to miners. With one Bitcoin ( valued at $9080, a reward of 12.5 Bitcoins would get you $113,512. If you add the transactions fee you receive for verifying transactions as well, you can turn mining into a profession.
Basic Tools to Start Mining.
A Bitcoin ( wallet - a wallet is a mobile app, hardware device or a web application with password protection where you store Bitcoins. A mining software program - BTC miner and CG miner are examples of software that support ASICs you will need. Membership in a mining pool - miners pull their computing power to complete a Bitcoin ( block fast. When they complete a Bitcoin ( block, they share the rewards. A mining rig - nowadays, professional miners use ASIC machines to mine. ASICs are powerful devices specially designed for mining cryptocurrencies. An Internet-enabled computer Power source - you need at least 1000 Kilowatts of power every week to run a small mining farm. Cooling fan - the mining equipment release a lot of heat. You need a good fan to keep the rig and your house cool.
Important Terms in mining.
The reason why professional Bitcoin ( miners no longer use CPU or GPU computers can be summed up to Bitcoin mining ( difficulty. The blockchain is developed to auto adjust itself so that a Bitcoin ( block is only completed within 10 minutes. As such, the math puzzles solved by CPUs and GPUs five years ago were hardened to the point that only ASICs can handle them today. An Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) contains a much higher computing speed than a CPU computer. An ASIC contains a special chip that solves the math puzzles needed to verify transactions at billions of hash rates per second. Some ASICs support trillions of hash rates per second. With the high speeds, they are equitably prepared to verify transactions as long as the mining difficulty is not beyond their speed.
Bitcoin ( farming machines consume a lot of energy. Just one ASIC machine can cost you more than $150 in energy bills every month. A good machine should have the high computing power and low energy consumption. If you set up a mining farm with several ASICs, prepare to spend more than $1000 in electricity bills every month. Read more about Bitcoin ('s energy consumption on
Bitcoin ('s Value.
Like all cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin ('s value fluctuates. Toward the end of December 2017, one Bitcoin ( was valued at $19,000. Today its price is much lower. Suppose the price could go down to $5,000, this may affect the profitability of your business negatively.
A Chinese Bitcoin mining ( Farm Case Study.
In November 2017 in media information about one of the largest Bitcoin mining ( farms in China was featured. The farm had 3 data centers and 2,500 mining machines. The farm was filled with lots of fans and a messy data center. There were wires hanging around, and the machines looked dirty. A group of young people mined Bitcoins in the warehouse. The work of the farm was poorly organized, and the staff worked only at night. If anyone wanted to learn how to mine Bitcoins on this farm, he had to wait for the night time.
The owner, Ryan, is a businessman who had most of his Bitcoin mining ( farms China closed down after he promoted them in a TV interview. Since this particular farm is based in Chengdu, Inner Mongolia, and relied on a local hydropower station for power, it was not closed down.
Errors and Solutions.
To create an excellent farm to mine Bitcoins, you have to maintain it in proper condition. The mining farm must be registered and operate on the territory where the mining process is permitted. Miners should be trained to manage Bitcoins mining process; they must earn a decent income and have flexible working hours.
Poor Human Resource.
Miners in this particular farm felt so underappreciated that they used the equipment on the farm to mine their Bitcoins. They often scrambled for food and a place to sleep.
If you have to start a mining farm significant enough to require employees, take care of them. Happy employees are hardworking and loyal to the business.
A simple mining farm does not require huge amounts capital to start. With ASIC machines costing as low as $100, it's possible to start a farm in your basement. However, mining is a fast-changing industry. The Bitcoin mining ( algorithm changes almost every week. The best ASICs cost in upwards of $2000. Research widely before you decide to start mining Bitcoins. Read about profitable farms on the territory of the former "socialist bloc."
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Where on earth are the biggest Bitcoin ( farms?
Bitcoin ( and cryptocurrency mining has become a multi-billion dollar industry since the inception of digital currencies and the world now has multiple farms and rigs set up for the purpose of crypto-mining. In this, we explore the top five biggest farms and where they can be found.
While some cryptocurrencies are trying to move away from the mining of tokens, crypto-mining is still a massive part of cryptocurrency and the blockchain technology. Because it is such an integral part of the bigger currencies like Bitcoin (, coin mining itself has become an industry and there are massive rigs set up across the globe with a sole focus on working on getting tokens.
Setting up a farm might sound deliciously inviting owing to the wealth of Bitcoin ( it seems to offer, but it is not as easy as it might seem. Owners need to bear in mind the size, equipment costs, operation costs and power usage before even considering starting up a rig. The equipment itself is worth a pretty penny, and the electricity costs sky-rockets pretty quickly owing to the amount of energy consumed by the machines and then the cooling that the equipment needs in order for it not to overheat and blow out.
It's not an easy task by any means, but when it is done correctly, it can yield some exceptionally delightful rewards.
In this, we will be exploring where the biggest mining farms that have cropped up are, and what they are capable of doing.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:13 am

Infecting Myself With Crypto Malware! (Virus Investigations 35)|18:53
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:13 am
Moscow, .
Approximately 600 Bitcoins (BTC) are mined on a monthly basis at farms based in , making it one of the most powerful countries in the mining industry. It also has some of the largest mining set-ups and sees approximately 20 BTC come in per day.
Owing to certain issues that might arise with regulations and securities, mining owners are not quick to disclose the names or exact locations of their rigs, and so we can only suggest that the country's largest farm is somewhere near Moscow.
This particular set up performs at a massive hash rate of around 38 PH per second - something possible since it is believed to use around 3000 Antminer S9 application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) miners to mine. The capacity of the farm is around 4,5000 kilowatts per hour and would have a resultant huge electricity bill of ₽6.5 million Rubles (which translates to approximately $103424.29 USD at the time of writing).
Linthal, Switzerland.
Unlike the farm in Moscow, the Swiss farm's owner is known and open with the way in which his rig operates. Guido Rudolphi built his Linthal-based farm in 2016 after moving his set-up from Zurich when he realized that the costs were too high to operate the rig efficiently and he chose the small European village owing to its reasonable electricity costs.
His farm is set up in what was once the building of a factory and has become the largest mining farm in Switzerland. Rudolphi still needs to resolve the problem of cooling processors but is optimistic that it is worth mining the Bitcoin ( despite any current mining issues.
Dalian, China.
The mining farm which is based in this Asian city sees approximately 750 BTC mined every month and has a massive hash rate of 360000 TH which makes up 3% of the entire Bitcoin ( network.
Mining in China has been made fairly popular owing to ASIC miners which are produced in the country - making the equipment cheaper and also much, much more convenient in terms of delivery. The country is also attractive for mining because it has reasonable electricity prices and the government not only allows the mining but encourages it by reducing electricity charges for the energy-hungry farms.
Owing to the appealing factors, Dalian has become a cryptocurrency mining town and is easily the hub of the mining industry in China, boasting a three-story rig with specially made equipment to optimize processing.
Reykjavik, Iceland.
One particular farm in Iceland stands out as one of the world's largest. Dubbed "Genesis Mining", this company now has farms located across Iceland and Canada - two of the coldest countries to aid with the heat energy released by the mining process - after relocating from Bosnia and China.
Although the information is not disclosed officially, it is hypothesized that the company might consume the most electricity - relative to size and capacity - in the entire Nordic country. With a hash rate of 1000 GH, this does not seem so far-fetched and f ounders Marco Streng, Jakov Dolic, and Marco Krohn are probably exceptionally pleased to have found two countries like China which offer reasonable electricity rates.
Washington, USA.
David Carlson, the founder of the largest Noth American farm GigaWatt, might have chosen an unusual place to launch a mining rig in 2012, but it seems to have worked out for him as he now owns one of the kingpin players in the industry.
Carlson started out as a software specialist and moved into a career in mining in his basement - calling the company MegaBigPower. Changing names and changing locations were apparently a good call for the entrepreneur, who managed to turn GigaWatt into a million-dollar business in only twelve months. Now, it is in an undisclosed location - to avoid the potential wrath of public authority - and is resident in a warehouse used previously for industrial purposes.
Posted: Oct 30, 2020 Author: Becky Categories: Coin News.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:13 am

How to Find and Remove a Hidden Miner Virus on Your PC 🐛🛡️🖥️|9:08
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:14 am
Someone built a Bitcoin mining ( farm in Animal Crossing.
One Animal Crossing fan just created a replica Bitcoin mining ( operation in the latest instalment of the game. He had to spend around $5 worth of in-game currency to do so. This continues a trend of Bitcoin ( enthusiasts creating replica mining machinery in popular video games.
While many people have spent their time in lockdown playing the popular game Animal Crossing New Horizons on the Nintendo Switch, at least one player has put in the work to ensure his in-game character doesn't miss Bitcoin ('s recent bullish activity.
The game typically revolves around completing various simple tasks, like chopping wood and farming, in order to earn in-game currency that is used to buy items. Although the game is designed to be a relaxing, whimsical experience, it seems this isn't enough for at least one player, who instead opted to turn his in-game kitchen into a faux Bitcoin mining ( operation.
The image was crossposted yesterday to the CryptoCurrency forum on Reddit and was created by Reddit user "stholli" with the caption "Other people have ironwood kitches (sic). I have a bitcoin mine."
The creation features an Animal Crossing villager sitting in front of a computer screen surrounded by server racks with a worried expression on his face--we can only assume he stayed up all night chart watching, something many traders are guilty of doing.
According to VillagerDB, an online catalog of Animal Crossing New Horizons items, each Server item sells for 100,000 bells (the in-game currency). At a going market rate of around $2.90 per million bells, this means stholli's setup costs at least $4.06 worth of bells--and with no real mining operation, it will never break even. That's not including the cost of the gold bars or computer, both of which somehow cost less than the server racks.
Bitcoin ( appears in many popular games.
This isn't the first time somebody has built a Bitcoin ( miner in a popular video game.
Back in 2014, a user known as "DrDaBombz" on MinecraftForum created a semi-functional Bitcoin ( miner out of in-game elements. Likewise, YouTuber "TheRedEngineer" created a cut down version of Bitcoin (, including its mining protocol and wallet features within Minecraft using command blocks--a type of in-game component that can be used to execute console commands.
This New Service Plays Matchmaker Between Solo Miners, Big Mining Farms.
A first-of-its kind service wants to play matchmaker between big-scale mining facilities and individual miners looking for a hosting setup.
Bitcoin mining ( company HASHR8 just launched its Compass platform, a search engine of sorts for individual miners to shop for a hosting facility to operate their mining hardware for them. While mining farms hosting solo miners' machines is nothing new, Compass is the first service to create a product to sync miners with hosting providers.
The initiative was born from a drive to keep Bitcoin ('s hashrate distributed, and that starts with making sure the smaller-time miners can stay competitive.
"We believe that everyone should have the ability to mine bitcoin. Nowadays the narrative is always that 'Bitcoin mining ( is only profitable for larger miners,' which holds true because smaller miners cannot benefit from the same economies of scale. HASHR8 built Compass to kill that narrative," HASHR8 COO Thomas Heller told CoinDesk.
Pointing bitcoin miners in the right direction.
Compass curates a registry of verified mining facilities, which miners can query to search for facilities by region, energy price and hardware hosting minimums. Each mining farm's profile also lists security features and whether it offers mining equipment for rent. Searchers have their choice of facilities from Canada, China, Iceland, Kazakhstan,  and the U.S.
Because they already had good working relationships, Heller told CoinDesk, HASHR8 reached out to the facilities currently listed on Compass to pioneer the program, but other mining farms can apply to be added, too. The hosts, not the solo miners, pay HASHR8 a fee for the service.
In addition to Compass, HASHR8 will also be launching Powerblocks this month. The service will allow individual miners to host a single device; in Heller's view, this service gives "anyone an opportunity to start mining in a world-class facility."
"We want everyone to have access to the same great hardware and the same low hosting rates, whether they have $2,000 or $200,000, to get started mining bitcoin," Heller continued.
At a time when Bitcoin ('s hashrate is soaring while its price is slogging along, miners are eking out profits as revenue per terahash rests at all time lows. Smaller miners have been especially hurt by this cash-flow squeeze. Heller said that before we can hope to make them competitive with larger miners, "the first step is to get them in the game" with feasible hosting options.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:15 am

$250,000 PER MONTH MALWARE! - Virus Investigations 32|14:40
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:15 am
TOP-20 Best Bitcoin ( Earning Games 2020 (Free & Paid)
Did you know that you can earn cryptocurrency playing Bitcoin ( games and withdraw them to your wallet? Though it sounds unbelievable but modern games are created not only for entertainment but also for earning digital coins.
You will agree that not everyone knows about the possibility to earn cryptocurrency not only mining or purchasing it but also playing funny and exciting games.
Look: this article will tell you about 20 both free and paid games which reward winners with Bitcoin (, so prepare your fingers for new fascinating activities.
How to Earn Bitcoins by Playing Games.
When it comes to games that pay bitcoin, usually these are small mining platforms which look like games. However, recently even large-scale games have been suggested to players who wish to earn on entertainment. How does it work? The popularity of games allows its developers to earn on advertising while players get small crypto rewards for their active participation, passing some levels, and reaching certain heights. Naturally, every game has its own reward system paying not big amounts of cryptocurrency to its users. These coins can be considered a small benefit rather than a possibility to earn your living. At the same time, it is much more encouraging to play games with real money awards than ones without them.
Naturally, some game developers cannot withstand competition and payout player's winnings, so the choice of games with faucet must be careful too. It is important to pay attention to the theme, reviews of other players, high quality of the content, support of multiple languages and other features that speak about the reliability of the game chosen.
Some of the games are offered free of charge and earn on advertising only, while there are also games, similar to gambling ones offered in an online casino, which requires a player to make a deposit to be able to earn cryptocurrency. No matter what variant you will choose, we have gathered 20 best Bitcoin mining ( games for you to save time on the search and get fun and profit playing games from the reliable developers.
20 Best Bitcoin ( Games.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:17 am
BitStarz (
Genre: multiple Platform: browser Payment Methods: Bitcoin (, Litecoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Bitcoin ( Cash.
BitStarz ( is an online casino where players can find over 600 exciting games to meet the expectations of everyone. The range of games is quite various starting from simple casino-like games such as slots or poker and finishing with bright and colorful video games. The main advantage of this casino is the possibility to win cryptocurrency without investment. It is enough to register on the platform and get 20 free spins as a bonus. Wagering requirements are minimal, so it will not take much effort to meet them. The casino always offers its players different bonuses and promotions while payouts are delivered almost instantly (the first payout requires verification) and their minimum amount is 0.005 BTC.
Bitcoin ( Alien Run.
Genre: arcade Platform: Android and iOS Payment Methods: Bitcoin (
A simple Mario-like game has been released not long ago but has over 500k downloads already. It is free but you have to watch ads regularly playing it if you want to earn anything. It takes about 5 ads to watch to get 10 satoshis (about 10 American cents). The main hero of the game is Daniel D'Alien who is a fast runner passing one level after another. You can claim a satoshi reward after every 10 levels. The game features new rounds and missions on a daily basis so you will never get tired of it. The minimum payout to be withdrawn is 0,0002 BTC.
Tycoon Game.
Genre: simulator Platform: Windows 7/10 Payment Methods: Bitcoin (
Bitcoin ( Tycoon game is a mining simulation game where every player can start digging coins and expand the crypto business to build a BitCoin empire. The hero can be chosen at the very beginning of the game. Every hero has his or her own story which made them start mining crypto. In the process of the gameplay, a hero can select appropriate hardware, communicate with 8 more people, and solve not only business issues but also family ones.
The game was developed by 99 Game Studio company and released in September 2018. It can be played on the PC only when you purchase it. The game can be played only in English or Chinese.
Genre: online simulator Platform: browser Payment Methods: Bitcoin (
RollerCoin is an online mining simulator which allows earning BitCoin and compete for the crypto pools with other players. There are no complicated algorithms since you mine Bitcoin ( by means of testing your skills, completing missions, undertaking tasks, and playing 6 games involved. To start playing, you need to sign up for the platform and customize the character you have chosen. The game offers a block every 10 minutes which is shared by all the players depending on the mining power possessed. Players can build their own mining facility, increase their hashing power, take advantage of the referral program, and participate in special events to win prizes. Payouts are made directly to the BitCoin wallet with a minimum of 10,000 satoshis.
Genre: simulator Platform: browser Payment Methods: Bitcoin (
Febbit is a Bitcoin mining ( game which offers crypto rewards paid out to FaucetHub wallet. The main goal of the game is to collect non-mined blocks. Players are awarded chips for every completed level. Chips have 6 difficulty levels and can be of 4 types influencing the speed and time of mining. A player can receive 15 satoshis every hour and get bonuses passing every ten levels. To start mining, it is necessary to open the game website and sign-up it.
The project was started at the beginning of 2018 but has already gained thousands of players. The game offers a referral program which guarantees a 20% award. There is a mobile optimization both for phones and tablets. The minimum payout is 1,000 satoshis.
Crypto Idle Miner.
Genre: simulation Platform: Android, iOS, HTML5 Payment Methods: HORA token.
Crypto Idle Miner is a thrilling crypto mining game which can take everyone closer to the blockchain industry and show how mining works in the form of a funny game. In the game, players can set infrastructure, buy miners, upgrade their company to increase profits, choose different currencies for mining, and sell them in the 'real' stock markets. By developing a player's mining business he or she can earn redeemable HORA tokens. One more way to get them is the referral system.
The game was developed by Hora Games company and released in March 2019.
Bitcoin ( Miner: Clicker Game.
Genre: clicker, simulator Platform: Android, iOS Payment Methods: Bitcoin (
Being another mining simulator this game will help you understand the basics of mining. The game offers miners to buy video cards, assemble stands to mine crypto coins and then sell or invest them in the further development of the business. The mining rigs can be upgraded up to 800 level to make your earning grow constantly. At the beginning of the game, clicking can be tiresome because of its big number but when you buy managers, they will work for you bringing about profits regularly.
The game is developed by Hora Games company and has passed all the beta tests successfully. When it comes to real BitCoin profits, players receive 1 Satoshi per every 10 clicks as well as 1 Satoshi per 100 automated clicks. Free cash is given to the players every 4 hours and the minimum withdrawal amount is 5,000 satoshis.
Altcoin Fantasy.
Genre: simulator Platform: Android, iOS Payment Methods: Bitcoin (, ether, lumens.
This game is a realistic mining simulator developed by Altcoin Fantasy company. It offers not only earnings from mining but also great prizes and coins to players. The game is free and played by over 130,000 players. To start playing it is necessary to register an account on the website, join one of the contests, trade virtual coins, and get prizes gathered dollars. The game offers over 1,400 coins to choose from and publishes the names of winners as well as pays out winnings every week. It is possible to win up to $100 on a daily basis playing an absolutely free game.
Spark Profit.
Genre: simulation Platform: iOS, Android, browser Payment Methods: Bitcoin (
Spark Profit is a financial simulation game which helps to achieve success in trading on the market. The goal of every player is to make predictions about coin value. This is both cryptocurrency and fiat money markets such as Forex. The more accurately you predict the outcome of trading, the bigger number of points you can unlock. Later, these points can be exchanged for Bitcoin (
The development company of this game has also created several tutorials and resources to help gamers get more successful in it and win more. It is ready to pay for talent since players' predictions are checked in accordance with the real trading market. The amount of cash prizes since May 2013 has been over $500,000. Players who hit the minimum of 20,000 points per week get their regular payouts.
Genre: multiple Platform: browser Payment Methods: Bitcoin (
If you want to play multiple games and earn Bitcoins, Bitfun is for you. The platform called is open to everyone who wants to enjoy such popular game genres as Arcade, Strategy, RPG and Puzzle games gathered on one website. A BitCoin reward is paid out every 3 minutes you spend on the website by guessing captcha and can reach 3BTC within 24 hours. The minimum payout is 10,000 satoshis. There are dice games, casino games such as poker, and fun offers from the website which can increase the amount of your earnings. Players winnings are paid out directly into CoinPot account and can be withdrawn to crypto wallet anytime.
You need to register on the website to start earning on the platform.
Bitcoin ( Flip.
Genre: simulation Platform: Android, iOS Payment Methods: no.
Do you want to learn trading cryptocurrency in the real market? BitCoin Flip is a finding for players who do not want to risk their money but wish to understand the process of real trading. The app offers real trading data and you can trade 18 different coins there in the simulation mode. A player is awarded $10k after registration and can try how traders earn real money. There are charts, real-time pricing, and other tools which help during this responsible task.
The game is free and it does not payout any cryptocurrency, but it teaches how to earn on trading.
Genre: quiz Platform: iOS, Android, browser Payment Methods: Bitcoin (
Knowledge is power not only in science but also for entertainment and fun. Satoshi Quiz is one of Bitcoin ( games of skill which checks players' knowledge in different spheres including science, history, arts, mathematics, etc. The main goal of every player is to answer the questions of the quiz. The game gives 20 seconds for an answer but you will win 100 satoshis only if you answer one of three first players. The bigger number of players answers the question, the smaller amount of prize you get since tiered system is applied. The minimum withdrawal amount is 11,000 satoshis, and they are usually paid out on a weekly basis. There are also monthly prizes to the best players of the rating (30,000 satoshis for the first place, 10,000 satoshis for the second one, and 2,000 satoshis for the third one).
Quiz BTC.
Genre: quiz Platform: browser Payment Methods: bitcoin.
Competitions have always attracted people who are gamblers by nature and Quiz BTC is a game developed for such players. This game rewards BitCoin to players who answer the questions correctly. New questions are added every minute, so there are many opportunities to get a reward. If you are lucky to be one of the first three respondents to answer correctly, your winnings increase. The player is awarded 10 lives per hour and every incorrect answer leads to a decrease in life count.
The game can be accessed from any browser and you start the game immediately after registration. The platform has a referral program that grants you a 10% lifetime commission, while the minimum payout is only 0.00001 BTC. It is paid directly to Faucet Hub account.
Genre: survival Platform: Mac, Linux Payment Methods: bitcoin, dogecoin.
If Minecraft is one of your favorite games, BitQuest will be appreciated by you too. Being a strategy which allows building player's imaginary worlds this game will provide you with the control of your creation. The project is funded by donations and the main currency used in the game is Bit, a fraction of BitCoin equal to 1/1,000,000. You can obtain it if you kill monsters, trade with other players, and do other actions. With every new challenge, your experience grows making you stronger. A player can send winnings to the external Bitcoin ( wallet using a simple command.
Genre: arcade Platform: iOS, Android Payment Methods: Bitcoin (
PokemonGo fans would love Takara game which also suggests real BitCoin prizes. The main goal of the game is to communicate with other players. One of them hides satoshi on the map and other players search for it using different approaches. Users who have found a treasure receive if to their account and can trade for other currencies later.
Unlike other game apps, Takara is a great game which offers a full spectrum of emotions to players as well as attracts their attention to cryptocurrencies. Developers of the game hope that it will best the record on its popular predecessor.
Oh Crop.
Genre: runner Platform: iOS, Android Payment Methods: bitcoin.
What about gathering a crop of evil plants? It is exactly the thing offered by Oh Crop game. The game was developed by Loud Panda Interactive company. The main goal of players is to survive as long as possible killing poisonous plants and gathering tokens and power-ups. The movement of the main character is performed using accelerometer and many gamers are attracted by this thrilling and rewarding game. The possibility to withdraw your BitCoin earnings is given only to those players who have reached the top 15 of the best players. The rewards to players are quite impressive since the first prize is equal to 57 mBTC. You need to register and provide the wallet address to begin to play the game.
Storm Play.
Genre: performing tasks Platform: Android Payment Methods: Bitcoin (, Ethereum.
Storm Play offers gamers to earn two popular currencies completing simple actions such as the installation of the software, watching short videos and advertisement. This app used to be known as Bitmaker, but after rebranding, the name and interface have been changed. The app sends you a sound signal every half an hour reminding of the opportunity to earn by undertaking a certain action. Players get 500 blocks (a so-called currency of the app) for the completed process pressing 'Claim' button. There are also large assignments entitled 'Tasks' which will reward you with 15 thousand blocks. If you want to earn more, you can give away 1,000 blocks as and switch on Timer Boost regime to get tasks more often than usually. The earnings can be withdrawn to any crypto wallet.
Spells of Genesis.
Genre: trading card game and arcade combination Platform: Android Payment Methods: BCY.
Spell of Genesis is a game created on the basis of the blockchain technology. The goal of this game is to gather decks of cards with monsters and let their power grow. The developers also added a group mode to play in teams and collect cards, trade, and exchange them as well as fight in battles. The game is free and has its own currency called BitCrystals. It is used for trading and exchanging cards with other players. To get your earnings in the game, you need to trade BitCrystals in the exchange for the token you need.
Genre: RPG Platform: browser Payment Methods: bitcoin.
CoinBrawl is a unique RPG game which will appeal to players who enjoy fighting. The main goal of the game is to upgrade a hero so well so that it could fight with others, win them, and take their satoshi. The hero can be upgraded by taking part in fights as frequently a possible or buying special tools in the in-game faucet. According to the information provided by the website, it is possible to earn up to 100,000 satoshis per day. The withdrawal minimum is 10,000 satoshis a day.
Genre: arcade Platform: Android, iOS Payment Methods: Bitcoin (
This is a popular bitcoin game which is characterized by the implementation of high technology. It was created by professional developers and is functional enough to be added to top best games. The goal of every player is to find a treasure box with coins and dig them out or steal coins of other players. For these purposes, a player can use such tools as a spade, binocular, protection, and bombs. The game offers several features to players allowing them to look for coins alone, in groups as well as enter a shop to buy different tools which will help you to get more coins.
When you decide to play games for bitcoins, it turns out to be not only a source of fun and excitement but also crypto coins. What a pleasure it is to enjoy thrilling games and get a passive income thanks to that. This top 20 of the best BitCoin games offers you a variety of games of multiple genres so that you could find not only an appealing but also a rewarding game to meet your expectations.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:18 am

Crypto Mining ( Malware l My Crypto Mining ( Mini Farm|8:38
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:20 am
Top 7 Best Bitcoin ( Games, Tested and Reviewed for 2021.
If you love gaming and bitcoin, then we have some great news for you! There are several games that you can play on your smartphone that will reward you in bitcoin (BTC). In this guide, you will find a detailed review of the top seven best bitcoin games that you can play in 2021.
Top 7 Best Bitcoin ( Games.
Bitcoin ( Alien Run is a popular mobile bitcoin game that enables you to play a fun 2D runner game on your smartphone and earn bitcoin in the process. In Bitcoin ( Alien Run, you join Daniel D'Alien on unique missions every day for which you are rewarded for in BTC if you manage to complete them.
The game is available for both Android and iOS.
Bitcoin ( Aliens additional features include:
Minimum payout of 0.0002 BTC Weekly payments every Tuesday Customer support.
VERDICT : If you enjoy old school 2D Super Mario-style mobile games, then Bitcoin ( Alien Run is a must-try for you.
Spark Profit is an interactive fun bitcoin market prediction app. This financial trading simulation allows you to make predictions on real money markets such as FX and cryptocurrency markets.
The more accurate your predictions the more points you earn. Once you have enough points you can cash out your earnings in BTC. Spark Profit was launched in 2013 and claims to have disbursed over half a million US dollars so far. The app offers weekly payouts for its over 100,000 users and provides you with a variety of resources and tutorials to make your trading experience successful.
The app is available for both iOS and Android users and as a web-based game.
Spark Profit additional features include:
PC and mobile version Earn up to $100 weekly Minimum balance of 20,000 points to withdraw Privacy systems in place for personal data Customer support.
VERDICT : Suitable if you enjoy financial markets and have a knack for speculation.
Altcoin Fantasy is a free crypto trade simulator that allows you to learn how to trade digital assets in a risk-free environment. Launched in 2018, Altcoin Fantasy is available in the US and Canada with plans to expand into Asia.
The game has a professional user interface that is similar to a fantasy sports site. Altcoin Fantasy includes both weekly and monthly competitions where you can win BTC or other cryptocurrencies, such as ether (ETH), lumens (XLM), and many more.
Altcoin Fantasy has over 82,000 players and paid out more than $25,000 in prizes to date. The site offers you a way to trade in virtual USD cash and win bitcoin. Altcoin Fantasy is available for both Android and iOS.
Altcoin Fantasy additional features include:
Supports a variety of digital assets Stand to win up to $100 daily No deposits required.
VERDICT : If you are looking to earn free altcoins by predicting financial markets, try out Altcoin Fantasy.
Spells of Genesis is one of the longest-running bitcoin RPGs to date. The game is a combination of a trading card game with arcade-style gaming features.
Spells of Genesis is a free game based on blockchain technology that enables you to collect, trade and combine orbs in order to design the strongest gameplay deck and test them against other contestants while exploring the mythical world of Askian.
Spells of Genesis allows you to actually own your in-game items and cards on the blockchain itself. Consequently, you can also earn bitcoin directly within the game. You can also collect blockchain cards, which are essentially digital assets that can be stored on the Bitcoin ( blockchain as well as exchanged or traded outside the game.
You can learn more by following the community forum discussions.
Spells of Genesis additional features include:
Tradeable blockchain cards BTC prizes Active community Customer support.
VERDICT : If you enjoy RPG with the added benefit of earning bitcoin and tradeable items, then Spells of Genesis is for you.
Satoshi Quiz.
Satoshi Quiz is a free web-based bitcoin game that allows you to win bitcoin by answering questions from different categories. For every question answered correctly, you stand to win a prize pot of 1,000 satoshis.
To win bitcoin you must be signed in and be among the first three users to answer the question correctly. The prizes are awarded according to a tiered system and vary from one question to the next. In addition, you can choose between daily, weekly and monthly awards.
The minimum balance for withdrawal is 11,000 satoshis and payments are processed at the end of every week.
Satoshi Quiz additional features include:
Live chat functionality Customer support on Twitter and Facebook Premium Account Faucet option.
VERDICT : If you prefer an intellectually stimulating game with bitcoin prize money, try out Satoshi Quiz.
RollerCoin is a Bitcoin mining ( online simulator where you compete against your friends to earn BTC. This bitcoin game follows the concept of Bitcoin mining ( but instead of completing sophisticated computations the site allows you to complete tasks, undertake missions, test your skills and play games to earn some bitcoin.
The game offers you a unique experience where you may end up dealing with some realistic tasks such as electricity bills, data centre repair, rent, and air conditioning costs. To increase your mining power you can play side missions, complete mini-tasks, upgrade your data centre, and more.
RollerCoin offers a block reward every five minutes which is shared by all the participants depending on their mining power. The site was launched in 2018 and has so far paid out 1.65 BTC. You can follow the community discussions on
RollerCoin additional features include:
Minimum withdrawal balance of 10,000 satoshis Payment processing up to two days Customer support.
VERDICT : Looking to enter into Bitcoin mining ( You can learn about it in this bitcoin game in a fun, gamified way.
Bitcoin ( Flip is a bitcoin exchange simulator game that allows you to learn the basics of crypto trading and enjoy yourself at the same time. The free bitcoin simulator allows you to trade a variety of digital assets virtually including BCH, ETH, XML and many more.
Bitcoin ( Flip offers real-time pricing, charts and other tools to help you learn more about crypto trading. You can test your strategies against other traders before actually investing in crypto. When you are ready you can select any of three top trusted brokers to trade BTC.
Unlike the other games listed, Bitcoin ( Flip does not reward users with cryptocurrency. However, it is a great game for beginners who want to learn more about bitcoin trading.
Bitcoin ( Flip additional features include:
Mobile Version for iOS and Android Multi-Asset support Option to trade crypto through counterparty Free game.
VERDICT : If you are a novice to bitcoin trading, you can start practising on Bitcoin ( Flip.
If you are looking to get your hands on more bitcoin without buying it, check out the best bitcoin apps that reward users in cryptocurrency or have a look out our list of the best bitcoin faucets .
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:21 am

Bitcoin ( mining modules|8:26
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 07:22 am
Bitcoin mining ( Game 4+
AR Cryptocurrency Clicker Game.
Bo Kalvslund.
Designed for iPhone.
5.0 • 1 Rating Free.
iPhone Screenshots.
Bitcoin mining ( Game is an Augmented Reality App where you can play that you mine Bitcoins in your livingroom.
When you mine the BTC in the game the computer creates a Hash code that simulates the mining proces in the real world.
Play Bitcoin mining ( -scan your room -tap to insert simulated Bitcoins into the Augmented Reality -when you have 100 Bitcoins or more you can sell and get money (not real) in the game.
The magic world of Cryptocurrencies and Augmented Reality are joined in this game -the game simulates solving the hash code that verify a transaction -when you have mined enough virtual Bitcoins (not for real) in the game - the app will prompt that the BlockChain has gotten a new node. - this proces in the game gives you an illussion of what is going on in the real Blockchain.
Enjoy the simulated mining of Bitcoins in the game.
This is a game - the Bitcoins you mine and the Blockchain operations mentioned in the app are not real.
Description in the game: In this fun game you play with the concept of mining Bitcoins. It's an AR game where you can play that you produce real Bitcoins in your room. You have an Augmented Reality view into the room you're in when playing and when you tap on the Bitcoin ( virtual Bitcoins drop from above. The Bitcoins you'll produce in the game are not for real. When you have collected more than 100 Bitcoins you can press the Dollar-coin and the game will simulate that you exchange the Bitcoins for real dollars. Sorry but its still only virtual money. Have fun!
Global Digital Industry Group Launches Mining Business Bitworld.
The UAE cryptocurrency giant, Global Digital Industry Group (GDIG), has established its mining subsidiary Bitworld and will invest $50 million in the company by 2021 as it works to build the company's presence in the Middle East bitcoin and Ethereum mining industry.
GDIG has appointed its mining head, Planck Danny as the CEO of Bitworld.
Pictured above: Planck Danny at the Dubai Burj Khalifa office with his team.
GDIG said the traditional digital currency mining industry is restricted by power requirements, hardware production, purchase channels and other resource constraints, making it hard for traditional financial businesses to invest in stable and profitable digital currency mining projects.
In the Middle East, the cost of oil and electricity resources is low, but the production capacity of mining machines is subject to greater constraints, and the most cutting-edge high-performance mining machines are mainly produced in the Asia-Pacific region.
By establishing Bitworld the Middle Eastern region will no longer be subject to the influence of mining machine production capacity in other regions, and mean Bitworld is able to give priority to supply their own miners to businesses in the region.
CEO Planck Danny, co-founder of GDIG, said: "Bitworld will leverage its research and development strengths to supply not only itself, but also the entire Middle East, with the latest high-performance professional mining machines.
"Bitworld will also play an important role in providing equivalent computing power in the mining business of digital currency rights pledges and mining machines, and is already interested in future cooperation with a number of energy companies in the Middle East and Asia Pacific."
Bitworld will also explore new directions, while opening BTC, ETH and other cloud computing services to help balance the cost of energy consumption in global mines.
Global Digital Industry Group.
Headquartered in Dubai, UAE, on the 132nd floor of Burj Khalifa, with over 70 employees, it operates in two main businesses, digital currency mining business, and the Global Digital Industry Group Foundation.
Global Digital Industry Group Foundation.
Involved in several blockchain projects such as IPFS, BTW, CDS, etc. is a global firm that builds and invests in blockchain companies around the world. One of the most active investment firms in the blockchain space in the Middle East.
Bitcoin ( is a cryptocurrency. It is a decentralized digital currency without a central bank or single administrator that can be sent from user to user on the peer-to-peer bitcoin network without the need for intermediaries.
History of Bitcoin (
Bitcoin ( was invented in 2008 by an unknown person or group of people using the name Satoshi Nakamoto and started in 2009 when its control code was released as open-source software. Bitcoins are created as a reward for a process known as mining. They can be exchanged for other currencies, products, and services.
Bitcoin mining ( is the process of creating, or rather discovering, bitcoin currency. Unlike real-world money that is printed when more is needed, bitcoin cannot simply be willed into existence but has to be mined through mathematical processes. Bitcoin ( maintains a public ledger that contains past transactions, and mining is the process of adding new transactions to this ledger.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 08:34 am

Bitcoin (  Cryptocurrency Mining ( Update - August 2020 Industry News Insight|30:08
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 08:35 am
Earn 4 Bitcoins Every Month With This Powerful Bitcoin mining (
Dear readers my name is Nelson Mike and i am the founder of Bitcoin mining ( CF today i want show to how to double bitcoin in just 5 hours for free, before getting started i want to share with you who i am and how it works i founded this profitable company 3 years ago. Since i got started in bitcoin industry i was struggling to earn bitcoin but i have failed many times after doing every hard work then i have develop my own Bitcoin mining ( machine you can see my screenshot below i have generated over 2714 bitcoins Two years Ago in 2016 its more then $2 million dollars for free.
No matter how secure and innovative bitcoins blockchains maybe, they are just some bytes on a digital storage medium and they can be copied as well as any digital information. We've thoroughly studied the crypto blockchains from within and have found an almost imperceptible but very significant flaw (associated with the commission, mining and fees), using it we have committed a crypto transaction in which the recipient has received more cryptocurrency than the sender has sent.
Unfortunately, the difference is not so great (about 1%) and if you make only one transaction by a small amount your capital will not increase much, but if you make transactions permanently and by a large amount, you can get rich very quickly.
We've discovered this flaw recently and have not yet managed to get a lot, but every day we multiply our money hundredfold times and want to do it more. With our special advance mining program, you can mine more bitcoins from the normal transfer charges. We all understand that such a freebie can not continue for a lot of time and this flaw will be found and corrected in the near future, but until that happens, we want to get as much as possible. That is why we have launched this page on our website, where you can partake of our advance hacking tools and your cryptocurrency can be multiplied up to 10X of yur initial server deposits. This implies that your Bitcoin ( deposit will be returned to you up to 10 x its original value in the next 24 hours, this depends on how many Bitcoins you deposit. All you have to do is to transfer some Bitcoins to an address from an already programmed blockchain which we would provide upon contacting us.
Currency Calculator.
The Kingdomhack Bitcoin ( Calculator converts bitcoin into any USD currency using the Bitcoin ( Price Index.
Time Frame BTC Reward Revenue USD* Power Cost (in USD) Pool Fees (in USD) Profit (in USD) Hourly 0.00003275 $0.61 $0.16 $0.00 $0.45 Daily 0.00078595 $14.74 $3.90 $0.00 $10.84 Weekly 0.00550162 $103.17 $27.30 $0.00 $75.87 Monthly 0.0236 $442.15 $117.00 $0.00 $325.15 Annually 0.2869 $5,379.52 $1,423.50 $0.00 $3,956.02.
* Bitcoin ( Price at $18,752.44 USD.
Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty Bitcoin ( Block Reward Bitcoin ( Price 17,596,801,059,571.00 6.25 BTC $18,752.44 (BTC to USD) Bitcoin mining ( Hashrate Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Watts Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Cost Electricity Costs 110.00 TH/s 3,250 Watts $2,407.00 $0.05 per kWh.
A BTC mining difficulty of 17,596,801,059,571.00, a BTC mining hashrate of 110.00 TH/s consuming 3,250 watts of power at $0.05 per kWh, and a block reward of 6.25 BTC at $18,752.44 (BTC to USD).
Bitcoin ( Price Live & Charts.
Bitcoin ( News.
News Twitter Reddit.
Bitcoin ( approaches US$19,000 as true believers look to record high - South China Morning Post November 21, 2020 Bitcoin ( Rushes Toward Highs, But the Debate Over Viability Continues - Barron's November 21, 2020 Bitcoin ( is soaring to fresh highs, but is it another mug's game? - The Times November 21, 2020 Bitcoin ( Miner Riot Blockchain Ends Week Up 50% After Tapping 2-Year Highs - CoinDesk - Coindesk November 20, 2020 4 reasons why Bitcoin ( price is on the verge of a new all-time high - Cointelegraph November 20, 2020 Poloniex exchange goes down on the brink of new Bitcoin ( all-time high - Cointelegraph November 20, 2020 Bitcoin ( Could Hit $500,000, According to ARK Invest's Catherine Wood - Barron's November 20, 2020 Bitcoin ( isn't the only digital currency staging a stunning comeback this year - MarketWatch November 20, 2020 Why Hasn't Bitcoin ( Mania Kicked in Yet? - Decrypt November 20, 2020.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 08:35 am
$18,000+ #Bitcoin ( November 18, 2020 RT @krakenfx: 💥👩‍🚀 #Bitcoin ( skyrockets to $18,000 reaching a new 2020 high. November 18, 2020 They cannot buy what you HODL. November 18, 2020 RT @tyler: The media has completely missed the recent #Bitcoin ( bull run. This is the problem with a centralized media complex, i. November 18, 2020 Not just missing something; missing everything. November 17, 2020 RT @BitcoinMagazine: WE HAVE HIT A NEW MARKET CAP ALL-TIME HIGH! November 17, 2020 #Bitcoin ( keeps rising in awareness. @FoxNews: "What are your top priorities?" Senator-elect @CynthiaMLummis: "I also plan to e. November 17, 2020 2017 #Bitcoin ( and 2020 #Bitcoin ( are very different. 🐂 November 17, 2020 🤫 November 17, 2020 November 17, 2020.
Bitcoin ( Reddit.
Daily Discussion, November 21, 2020 November 21, 2020.
Bitcoin ( is a decentralized peer-to-peer network that enables easy transfer and storage of money in its 'blockchain. It is an open source meaning anyone can make use of its' platform, and it is also decentralized, meaning that, any central authority does not regulate it. It was created by anonymous cryptographer called Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009.
Bitcoin ( was created by an anonymous name called Satoshi Nakamoto Other notable names rumored to be part of the team include.
Hall Finney mentioned as one of the people that remodeled bitcoin network. Nick Szabo worked as part of the team that developed the application. He made a comment about "bit gold," which later metamorphosed to bitcoin. Craig Steven is a former academic to have supervised the creation of bitcoin.
The practical uses of Bitcoin (
Bitcoin ( is one stop shop for exchanging goods and services around the globe. Bitcoin ( is widely being used for investment either by itself or anything associated with it. BTC can be used to create and store digital assets such as academic credentials, financial agreement, properties, It is for payment of services, school fees, royalty fees, BTC is used advance learning and research. It is widely .used to create applications such as mobile application, e-payment app.etc.
Bitcoin ( Price Live and Mining.
If you have the required hardware, you can mine bitcoin even if you are not a miner. There are different ways one can mine bitcoin such as cloud mining, mining pool, etc. For cloud mining, all you need to do is to connect to the datacenter and start mining. The good thing about this is that you can mine from anywhere and you don't need a physical hardware to mine.
For mining pool, all you need to do is to join a mining group, and if that team solves a computational problem, blocks are added to the blockchain, they get the reward and you get a share of it based on your contribution.
PoW algorithm-SHA-256 is used for mining. Which utilizes a lot of computational power.
Bitcoin mining ( saps energy, costly, uses more power and also the reward delays. For mining, run software, get your wallet ready and be the first to solve a cryptographic problem and you get your reward after the new blocks have been added to the blockchain.Mining is said to be successful when all the transactions are recorded in the blockchain and the new blocks are added to the blockchain.
Bitcoin ( Price Today.
Die-hard BTC supporters believe that bitcoin is the future; we are just scratching the surface. Considering the continuous rise of bitcoin in the market capitalization, it is one investment every investor needs to take advantage of it.
The current market capitalization of bitcoin stands at an all-time high of $109 billion. As at January 2016, bitcoin was traded at I BTC for $970 but today is being traded at $9,600 for 1 BTC.
From the statistics presented above, it that bitcoin is one investment, you will never regret embarking on. It keeps recording an impressive results daily in the cryptocurrency market.
Cryptocurrency investment is speculative, and it involves unquantifiable risks - the market is full of uncertainty, susceptible to attack and capital loss, and sensitive to secondary issues, time may do not permit to mention here. Seek advice before investing.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 08:36 am

SCAM review - Free GPU Mining ( - 100% Legit - Free Bitcoin ( Mining (|11:17
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 08:38 am
Video: Bitcoin ( For The Masses With Alex Adelman Of Lolli.
Listen To This Episode:
On this episode of the Bitcoin ( Magazine Podcast, host Christian Keroles sits down with Lolli CEO Alex Adelman.
Adelman is a long-time entrepreneur in the cash-back and rewards space and his entrance into the Bitcoin ( ecosystem has been game changing. Lolli leverages bitcoin as a universal, incredibly liquid rewards point and has proven that it can drive real volume for retailers with sats-back rewards. Lolli has many of your favorite merchants listed and it offers an easy and simple way to interface with the Bitcoin ( network. Most importantly for Bitcoiners, Lolli educates newbies about Bitcoin ( and allows them to withdraw their bitcoin to their own wallets.
Lolli has exciting plans for the future and Adelman is optimistic about onboarding more mainstream retailers to the earning potential that bitcoin-back rewards can provide them.
Podcast: Fiat Money and Intergenerational Conflict.
Specific topics discussed in this episode include:
Lolli's groundbreaking approach to bitcoin as a universal rewards point How Lolli positioned itself to be successful with demographics outside of the normal BTC space Adelman's mental model for Bitcoin ( The potential of sats as a universal reward point What's next for Lolli and sats back? What are conversations with retailers like? Are executives getting interested in bitcoin beyond just thinking of it as a marketing engine with Lolli?
Home cooking advocate. Doing Bitcoin ( stuff @BitcoinMagazine. The Bitcoiner on @POVCryptoPod.
Bitcoin ( price - Bitcoin mining ( income hits yearly excessive, after return to pre-halving ranges.
Key on-chain metrics resembling Bitcoin mining ( revenues have returned to pre-halving ranges in response to current analysis.
Information from analytics supplier, Glassnode, means that income from Bitcoin mining ( is now again on the similar ranges it was as when block rewards have been double what they're now.
When the halving came about in mid-May, BTC costs have been round $9,000. On November 18 that they had doubled to $18,000 which suggests a correlation as miners have to promote sufficient of the asset to cowl their bills whereas remaining in revenue. Increased costs imply better earnings.
#Bitcoin ( miner income is again at pre-halving ranges., which tracks the overall value of coinbase block rewards and transaction charges paid to miners confirms the findings.
The each day income determine, which incorporates block rewards and transaction charges, for Nov. 18 was $21.2 million, its highest for a yr. The earlier peak was on May 6 when it reached $20.6 million. Following the halving occasion, which dropped block rewards from 12.5 BTC to six.25 BTC, income plummeted to simply over $7 million per day.
Mining income noticed an earlier hunch on March 18 this yr following the pandemic-induced crypto market crash which wiped 45% off the price of Bitcoin ( in lower than per week. When mining income falls steeply, over-leveraged miners can start capitulating attributable to unfavorable market situations.
The other seems to be occurring in the mean time as costs strategy their all-time excessive.
One other issue indicating that the community is wholesome and miners are completely satisfied is the hash charge, which is now simply 10% away from its highest ever stage.
Following the tip of the wet season in China, the place the vast majority of Bitcoin mining ( takes place, rigs have been powered down in preparation for relocation as low-cost hydroelectric energy dried up. This resulted in a seasonal hash charge hunch of 37%, to under 98 Exahashes per second.
Since then, hash charge -- which many consider is correlated to costs -- has recovered to 143.four EH/s which isn't far off its mid-October peak of 157.6 EH/s in response to
The present mining income figures and hash charge restoration bodes effectively for the continuation of the bull market which may simply take Bitcoin ( costs to a brand new all-time excessive earlier than the tip of the yr.
Bitcoin mining ( rental.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 08:39 am

Earn FREE Bitcoin ( in PayPal Money NO Bitcoin ( Mining ( (TimeBucks Payment)|10:37
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 08:41 am
Why is a Miner Lease Better?
Miner Rental: Many people like Bitcoin ( when it comes to Bitcoin mining ( because it's the best way to make money and make money.
Although anyone can even extract bitcoin, even with their smartphones; But this action will ultimately have nothing but cost and loss! Because today Bitcoin mining ( takes place in large warehouses, equipped with hundreds or perhaps thousands of powerful computers.
That's why the sad reality is that despite the appeal of this action, many users have to get their minds off of mining. Clearly, your normal computer system has no chance of all this processing power!
What is a Miner Rental? And why is it better?
But given the extremely high cost of the miners and its expensive electricity; And the knowledge and information required for mining; Leasing a miner from reputable mining farms is a much easier and easier way; Coming to Bitcoin mining ( professionally requires the hardware and physical configuration and maintenance of the miners; Which costs a lot.
So today the best way to earn from Bitcoin ( is to buy and rent Miner from reputable and international platforms.
Also in the cryptocurrency market, anyone can view all transactions around the world through online trading platforms and currency exchanges; This level of transparency is by no means the same in other financial markets such as Stock Exchange or Forex, which use current currency; And for this reason, digital currencies such as Bitcoin ( have been widely welcomed in various countries around the world.
The process of obtaining bitcoin or any other digital currency; It is a complex and difficult process performed by devices called the miner.
Bitcoin ( Circuit Review: Is it a scam or legit?
Can people really make up to €1500 daily from Bitcoin ( Circuit? Read our expert review as we go through the trading software to see if it's a scam or legit.
Start trading today!
What is Bitcoin ( Circuit?
The Bitcoin ( Circuit technology was designed users with little to no trading experience. The technology uses an algorithm to analyse the cryptocurrency market's buying and selling trends in order to make profitable trades. It is not necessary to be technically inclined to use the Bitcoin ( Circuit, but it is advantageous to do proper research around the technology and the world of cryptocurrency.
Is Bitcoin ( Circuit Legit or a Scam?
Bitcoin ( Circuit is a legitimate technology, however, it is important to note that it is only a trading tool, best used by people who have knowledge on the cryptocurrency market and how it works. The trading platform allows you to trade using a demo account before trading with real money, the trading platform gives you trading signals and you are only required to deposit a minimum deposit of €250 which you will use when you are ready to trade on the live account.
Four Steps to Opening Your Bitcoin ( Circuit Account.
Step 1: Complete registration.
To register create a free account via the form below . After successful registration you will be assigned a personal broker to walk you through the set up process:
Official Registration.
Register your Bitcoin ( Circuit account through CoinInsider and receive a FREE Personal Account Manager to walk you through your account setup process.
Step 2: Demo account.
The demo trading feature on Bitcoin ( Circuit is aimed at testing the technology. The user can explore how the technology works without using real money. Users should first attempt demo trading before live trading to gain the necessary experience.
Step 3: Invest in your account.
The Bitcoin ( Circuit technology requires the investor who opened an account to make a deposit no less than €250. This sum is seen as an investment. Bitcoin ( Circuit accepts a variety of payment methods to accommodate investors all around the world.
Step 4: Live Trade.
Once the deposit is paid, live trading can commence. This technology can be used manually and automatically. It is advised that customers track their accounts for more than 20 minutes a day.
How Bitcoin ( Circuit Works.
There have been many claims that users are making huge sums of money on a daily basis using Bitcoin ( Circuit.
Here's how the technology works:
The technology runs with an automated trading system, which performs trades on behalf of the user, after analysing the cryptocurrency market. Once a good deal is detected, the technology completes the trade by using the money that has been deposited into the account. The cryptocurrency market is competitive and volatile. It is important to note that all trades won't always yield high profits. Luckily, Bitcoin ( Circuit is praised for efficiency and effectiveness.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 20, 2021, 08:41 am

Earn 20$ BTC - New Bitcoin ( mining site 2020 - btc earning site 2020 - Best BTC mining site 2020|9:38
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 06:09 am

ICO MINING - ПОСЛЕДНЯЯ неделя проведения, ответы на впоросы.|45:21
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 06:09 am
What makes Bitcoin ( Circuit a Successful Online Trading App?
Bitcoin ( Circuit works with precision.
The Bitcoin ( Circuit technology is praised for its accuracy. It is claimed that new users can expect anywhere between 99.4% and 100% accuracy on most of their live trades. Users can rest assured that they will always be taking part in the best trades.
Bitcoin ( Circuit uses cutting edge technology.
It is reported that the technology behind Bitcoin ( Circuit is 0.01 seconds faster than any other technology found on the market to trade cryptocurrency. This means you have the 0.01-second advantage on the volatile cryptocurrency market, where perfect timing and accuracy is everything.
Top Three Trading Tips for Beginners with Bitcoin ( Circuit.
Deposit your disposable income.
To avoid huge monetary losses, we would recommend that users deposit their disposable income instead of savings. Depositing the minimum amount of €250 is more than enough to start trading successfully.
Study market trends.
Users have the benefit of doing their research before starting to invest and the Bitcoin ( Circuit demo trading account feature is perfect to do this. Users will make better investment decisions by understanding current trends in the cryptocurrency market.
Invest wisely.
It is important that users know what they are investing in. Depositing the minimum amount required is a smart decision. Users can always reinvest on a later stage.
Has Bitcoin ( Circuit been featured in the Media?
There have been many claims online that Bitcoin ( Circuit has been featured on mainstream media and endorsed by celebrities. At this stage, we can confirm that these claims are false. There is no legitimate proof that Bitcoin ( Circuit has been broadcasted on television.
Has Bitcoin ( Circuit featured on Dragons Den?
Dragons Den is a famous British show where aspiring business people are given three minutes to pitch their business idea to a panel of successful billionaire business people in the hope of getting investment to launch and take their business idea to the next phase. Any product associated with this show would gain overnight success. We have not found any link between Bitcoin ( Circuit and Dragons Den.
Has Bitcoin ( Circuit been featured on Shark Tank?
Shark Tank is an American investment show similar to Dragons Den. Entrepreneurs are given a few minutes to pitch their idea to a panel of millionaires in the hopes that these millionaires will invest money in their idea. If Bitcoin ( Circuit had the support of Shark Tank then its safe to say that it would be all over the news.
Has Bitcoin ( Circuit featured on This Morning?
This morning is a British daytime television programme on ITV that has been active since 1988. The show is a mix of celebrity interviews, show business news, topical discussion, competitions, health etc. If Bitcoin ( Circuit were to be featured on this show, millions of British people would be reached, and social media and news would be flooded with news, questions and hashtags about Bitcoin ( Circuit on This Morning.
Has Bitcoin ( Circuit been Endorsed by Celebrities.
There have been claims that Bitcoin ( Circuit has been endorsed by international celebrities. We decided to investigate the claims where a celebrity has been linked to Bitcoin ( Circuit or any other cryptocurrency technology:
Has Gina Rinehart invested in Bitcoin (
Gina Rinehart is an Australian mining magnate. She is the chairman of Hancock Prospecting, a privately-owned mineral and exploration and extraction company founded by her Father, Lang Hancock. She is one of Australia's richest people. There have been rumours that Gina has invested some of her money into cryptocurrency trading. However, these rumours are not true.
Has Richard Branson Endorsed Bitcoin ( Circuit?
Richard Branson is a renowned British businessman, investor, author and former philanthropist. He is also the founder of the Virgin Group, which controls more than 400 companies in various fields. There has been rumours that Branson has openly endorsed Bitcoin ( Circuit, however, these are just rumours. What we do know is that Branson is particularly curious about cryptocurrency. Here is a quote from Richard Branson:
"Virgin Galactic is a bold entrepreneurial technology. It's driving a revolution and Bitcoin ( is doing just the same when it comes to inventing a new currency."
Michael Cain and Bitcoin ( Circuit?
Michael Cain is a British actor, producer and author who has appeared in more than 140 films in his career spanning over 60 years. There have been claims that Michael Cain invested in Bitcoin ( Circuit, however, we can confirm that these claims are false. There is no connection between Michael Cain and any cryptocurrency.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 06:10 am

New Free Bitcoin ( Mining ( Site 2020 - Free BTC Mining ( Site, Bitcoin (, Bitcoin ( News, Payment Proof|3:41
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 06:10 am
Celebrities involved with crypto projects.
Celebrity Crypto Projects Richard Branson Richard Branson reportedly has $30 million invested in BitPay. Mel B announced that she was going to accept Bitcoin ( payments for her new single. Ashton Kutcher Ashton Kutcher has been an advocate for Bitcoin ( and he invested in a sports betting blockchain, Unikrn William Shatner Involved with Solar Alliance, a Vancouver-based company which operates a solar-powered Bitcoin mining ( farm Mike Tyson Tyson launched his own line of bitcoin ATMs in Las Vegas in 2015. 50 cent Sold an album for the cryptocyrrency titled: holding it and forgetting about it Gwyneth Paltrow Joined the Bitcoin ( wallet startup Abra as an advisor during an episode of the Apple series, Planet of the Apps. Snoop Dogg In 2017, Snoop Dogg was presented with 1,500 SparkleCOINs from the company worth approximately $55,500 as a donation for his youth football program. Dennis Coles Dennis Coles, announced his investment in the cryptocurrency world as a co-founder of Cream Capital, a firm aiming to build a blockchain ATM network to facilitate the use of coins like Ethereum and bitcoin Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx jumped on the cryptocurrency bandwagon when he began promoting the token sale of Cobinhood, a free cryptocurrency trading exchange Richard Sherman Richard Sherman announced on Facebook that his official online store would begin accepting bitcoin payments, calling it "the currency of the future." Johnny Depp In the fall of 2018, the actor became a partner with TaTaTu blockchain startup, which deals with film-making. Luis Suarez Luis Suarez now also wants to make money by predicting who wins a match. Uruguayan football star invited 25M of his followers on Instagram to join him in signing up to the Ethereum-based prediction market platform Stox and making their predictions for the US Open Lothar Matthaus Lothar Matthaus joined as a Football Ambassador, because, as he stated, by decentralizing talent scouting TokenStars has a big potential to ensure that we'll see the new maradonas and ronaldos in the nearest future. Gianluca Zambrotta He is focused on coaching the football club in China and in the crypto world as a TokenStars Football Ambassador. Redfoo He is a coder working on an Ethereum project! He is very into the blockchain and donated several personal items for TokenStars Crypto Christmas Charity Auction. Roger Ver Currently he is involved in numerous projects, such as Bitcoin ( Cash,, Ripple, Bitpay, Kraken, Coinsetter. Roger donated his T-shirt to the Crypto Charity Auction of TokenStars. Tommy Haas Is a Tennis Ambassador for TokenStars.
Bitcoin ( Circuit Review: Our conclusions.
There may be a long list of reasons why you would like to grow your passive income. Perhaps you are aspiring to pay off a student loan, plan your dream holiday or go for that car you've always wanted to own. Whatever your reasons, you may find that Bitcoin ( Circuit is an effective tool to use to trade in the cryptocurrency market.
It has been reported that there are many positive user testimonials of how this technology has helped many new investors to make huge profits daily. We cannot solidify that these claims are true.
We recommend that any new user should not enter the cryptocurrency market without doing research on the technology they're using. Bitcoin ( Circuit is simply a tool to help you trade.
Can Bitcoin ( Circuit be used by anyone?
Yes, it is a fully automated trading technology.
Is the Bitcoin ( Circuit app available?
No, there is no mobile app; the technology can be used online through any web browser and on all types of devices.
Have any celebrities endorsed Bitcoin ( Circuit?
No, we cannot confirm that there have been endorsements by celebrities or paid partnerships.
How much can be earned with Bitcoin ( Circuit?
It is reported that investors are already earning over €5,000 daily with the auto trader. The earning potentials are limitless because the market trends change.
Are funds secure on Bitcoin ( Circuit?
Yes, all investors' funds and other information are protected on the platform.
I have no experience in online trading. Can I use the Bitcoin ( Circuit software?
The Bitcoin ( Circuit app is designed to be used by both experienced traders and those who have never traded before.
What kind of results must I expect from Bitcoin ( Circuit?
How much money you earn on Bitcoin ( Circuit is entirely dependent on your investment of time, money, and effort. There is no set limit.
Are there any fees involved to join the Bitcoin ( Circuit?
The Bitcoin ( Circuit software is completely free. There are no hidden costs or commissions.
Bitcoin ( is simply explained as a digital and global money system currency. It allows people or investors to send and receive money across the internet. It is not controlled by a central bank or administration and therefore referred to as a decentralized currency.
What does a bitcoin look like?
A bitcoin does not look like the traditional penny, pound, dollar, or any other traditional currency. In reality, a bitcoin is a computer file that has been stored in a virtual wallet app.
Glossary of Cryptocurrency Terms.
Bitcoin ( Bitcoin ( is reported to be the world's most popular cryptocurrency. Bitcoin ( runs on a Bitcoin ( Blockchain and is a decentralized currency that operates independently from central banks and authority Ethereum Ethereum, like Bitcoin (, is a cryptocurrency that is decentralized. Here, investors can transfer and exchange value. Litecoin Litecoin is also a cryptocurrency and a blockchain mirroring Bitcoin ( Exchange The crypto exchange is basically an online platform where crypto investors get to exchange different cryptocurrencies for other cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin mining ( Bitcoin mining ( occurs when Bitcoin ( transactions are verified and confirmed before being added to the Bitcoin ( Blockchain. Crypto wallet A crypto wallet is a software program that stores the private and public keys of investors. It also allows users to transfer, receive, spend, store and check their balances. Circulating supply This refers to the amount of a given cryptocurrency or tokens that are publicly available and circulating on the market between buyers and sellers. Market cap Market cap refers to the market value of all of the cryptocurrencies available in the market per day. Altcoins Bitcoin ( was the first and most successful of all cryptocurrencies. All other coins are grouped together under the category of altcoins. Block Explorer An online tool for exploring and analysing the blockchain of a cryptocurrency. Block Height Block height refers to the number of blocks connected in the blockchain. Block Reward An incentive given to a bitcoin miner who has successfully calculated the hash (verification) in a block. Chain Linking Transferring one cryptocurrency to another. This requires the transaction to be lodged in two separate blockchains. Consortium Blockchain A privately owned and operated blockchain. Cryptography The process of encrypting and decrypting information. Decentralized Autonomous Organization Refers to organisations that are run by computer programs or software rather than a human input. There is no central authority in this regard. Token Tokens are strongly associated with ICO's and are often built on the pre-existing standard from established 'smart contract' blockchains like Ethereum. ICO This stands for Initial Coin Offering and refers to a disruptive new method for projects to gain funding. Fork In cryptocurrency terms, a fork is an event where an existing cryptocurrency splits into two variations of the code. Wallet A cryptocurrency wallet is the primary way owners of cryptocurrencies are able to access their coins. Hot and cold storage This refers to where a particular wallet is hosted. Hot storage refers to a wallet that is accessible from an internet connection, where cold storage refers to hosting your wallet offline on a separate piece of hardware. Escrow An escrow is a financial arrangement where a third party holds and regulates payment of the funds required for two parties involved in a given transaction. Smart contract The Ethereum blockchain allows for code to be deployed onto it in the form of a smart contract. This contract is essentially a set of mathematical rules that dictate how the transactions function Proof-of-work (PoW) For transactions to be confirmed and added to the Blockchain ledger, there are various approaches that have been developed to complete this process. Proof-of-stake (PoS) In PoS-based cryptocurrencies, the creator of the next block is chosen via various combinations of random selection and wealth or age. Proof of Importance (POI) This is a style of proof pioneered by the coin NEM as a third alternative to PoW and PoS. TA Shorthand for a technical analysis, or the analysis of coin values based on historical price movements and sophisticated indicators. Node a computer that is connected to the network of a particular cryptocurrency. Mining Mining is the process of validating new transactions on a cryptocurrencies distributed ledger. Moonshot This refers to a cryptocurrency shooting upwards dramatically. Bear and Bull markets A bull market is refers to rising prices and optimistic sentiment that encourages buying. Bear markets are considered the opposite of bull markets, with downward price trends and a pessimistic sentiment that encourages selling Whale Refers to someone who holds a large amount of cryptocurrency HODL Refers to the passive investment strategy of ignoring market turbulence and waiting for long term returns.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 06:12 am

Bitcoin ( Babushkas: Cryptocurrency mining in Siberia - BBC News|2:55
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 08:31 am
Other Crypto Trading Systems.
Disclaimer: The content on this page should not be taken as financial advice. It is for informational purposes only. Never invest what you can't afford to lose. Always research as much as possible before making any financial decision and consult a certified financial advisor.
Mining City Review - (2020) Legit Bitcoin mining ( MLM or Scam?
Welcome to my Mining City Review !
There has been some buzz about this company and I decided to take a look to see what it was all about.
Chances are someone approached you about the business opportunity and you landed here to make sure it's legit.
The good news is I am going to walk you through the company, products and compensation plan so you can make the right decision.
Just PAY close attention and read this to the end...
Mining City Review (Company)
When you land on their website you will notice there is no information on who runs or owns the company.
The domain name registration on "" was first registered back in 2003.
It was later updated on December 20th, 2018.
The name "Prophetek" is listed as the owner and has an incomplete address in Cyprus.
Cyprus doesn't have the greatest reputation when it come to businesses.
They really don't have any regulations on what kind of businesses can run there so it's usually a scammer's choice place.
Alright, taking a looking at the "founder mining city at investment seminar" it was uploaded on the channel on May 17th, 2019.
The man speaking in that video had a think European accent and was presenting to a Vietnamese audience.
After more digging, the man being the company is founder and CEO Grzegorz Rogowski.
He also goes by the name Gregory Rogowski and Greg STrong.
According to LinkedIn he is based out of Poland.
This is probably where the real location of Mining City is operating from.
Right now it seems the company is targeting mostly Asia where most of the traffic coming to the website is from Japan, South Korea and Vietnam.
So a company that is apparently from Cyprus, but the owner is in Poland and targeting Asia...
Alright let's take a look at the products next.
Mining City Products.
In order for any network marketing company to be legit, it has to have more than 50% of it's sales from actual retail products or services.
Mining City has no retail offerings at all...
All you can do is become an affiliate and promote their affiliate membership.
Another company I reviewed that was very similar was Forsage.
Mining City Compensation Plan.
Mining City member invest money into the company on a promise they will get a ROI over 1100 days.
Standard - $500 Bronze - $1000 Silver - $2000 Gold - $3500.
Update as of 2020:
Primary - $300 Standard - $600 Bronze - $1200 Silver - $2400 Gold - $4200 Platinum - $12,600.
The more you invest, the more you can make.
Mining City Ranks.
Overall the company has five ranks you can achieve.
Below is the qualifications needed to hit each rank:
Citizen - Get started as a City Mining affiliate and invest City Builder - sponsor at least five Citizens and generate $10,000 in total downline investment volume City Developer - maintain five personally sponsored affiliates with an active investment (three must be City Builders), and generate $50,000 in total downline investment volume City Manager - maintain at least five personally sponsored affiliates with an active investment (three must be City Managers), and generate at least $250,000 in total downline investment volume Chief Manager - maintain at least five personally sponsored affiliates with an active investment (three must be City Managers), and generate at least $2,000,000 in total downline investment volume City Mayor - maintain at least five personally sponsored affiliates with an active investment (three must be Chief Managers), and generate at least $10,000,000 in total downline investment volume.
Affiliate Commissions.
Mining City pays all affiliate commissions through a hybrid unilevel model.
Basically when you sponsor someone they are placed under you.
Once your affiliate sponsors someone, they are placed on your level 2 and so on.
This hybrid compensation plan pays a Mining City affiliate 5% of the invested funds on their first five sponsored members.
From the sixth onwards you get paid 10%.
Also from the six sponsored affiliate the unilevel team starts and you can earn on many different levels:
Citizens receive a 5% referral commission on up to ten unilevel team levels City Builders receive a 5% referral commission on up to fifteen unilevel team levels City Developers receive a 5% referral commission on up to twenty unilevel team levels City Managers receive a 5% referral commission on up to thirty unilevel team levels Chief Managers and higher receive a 5% referral commission on all unilevel team levels.
If you don't qualify for some reason, the 5% is passed to the next upline who is qualified to earn it.
Cost to join Mining City.
The cost to join this company will range from $500 to $3500 investment.
Now I believe the actual investments are made in bitcoin even though it's quoted in USD.
Unlike all the other Mining City reviews out there I am going to keep it real with you...
Final Verdict.
So the question is...
Does the Mining City scam exist?
Let's just look at the facts...
Mining City is offering cloud mining and promise a return on investment.
Because of that they are offering securities...
Nothing wrong with that, but pay attention now...
Securities in Poland are regulated by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority.
In Japan, it's the Securities Exchange Surveillance Commission which is part of the FSA.
When you take a look at South Korea, it's regulated by the Financial Services Commission and in Vietnam it's the State Securities Commission.
When I checked to see if this company is registered in any of those countries because they are definitely operating there, there was nothing...
In other words, they are offering illegal securities and there is only ONE reason why a company would do that...
They are not actually making their external income through cloud mining...
What is happening is newly invested funds are paying off existing members.
Once recruitment slows down, they ROI's will starve and will trigger the company to go under.
Which is pretty common in the cryptocurrency passive income opportunities.
Now they do claim they are partnered with third party companies like and MineBest.
Prophetek Ltd. - the operator of Mining City is proud to announce that we have procured most valued services of MineBest Sp. z o.o. as our mining provider.
MineBest will be constructing an entire set of mining containers for exclusive use of MiningCity in Kazakhstan.
We will be posting information about the construction and the equipment on our social media channels.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 08:31 am
But just saying it doesn't mean anything...
The reason why financial authorities require registration is so they can audit the company see what they say is true...
They do their own third party audits to see if the company is going smooth.
Even if they are really mining, they still need to register period.
Anyway, I personally can't recommend this company because as of right now it's operating as a pyramid scheme (no retail products) and ponzi scheme.
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I hope you enjoyed my Mining City review and if you have ANY questions feel free to ask in the comments below and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
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Bitcoin mining ( Lohnt sich das Mining von Bitcoin ( noch?
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 08:32 am

How To Online Bitcoin ( Mining ( - Free Bitcoin ( Mining ( 2020 and Earn Money Online|15:15
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 08:33 am
Bitcoin ( is a digital currency built on a distributed ledger, also known as the blockchain.
The network is entirely peer-to-peer, this makes transactions censorship-resistant. Transactions are directly between users and verified by miners that utilize a proof-of-work protocol. Subsequently, these transactions are relayed to all participating nodes and stored in an immutable and public viewable ledger.
No single entity controls the network, and the code is entirely open-source. This architecture makes sure that Bitcoin ( has no single point of failure and no attack surface. To this day Bitcoin ( remains the only digital asset that is truly decentralized and leaderless.
What is Bitcoin ( Who founded Bitcoin ( What is Bitcoin mining ( and how does it work? Why Bitcoin ( is different from traditional currency How much is Bitcoin ( worth today? What are the Countries that have made Bitcoin ( Legal? How many bitcoins are available in the market? Where can Bitcoin ( be bought? Future Development Verdict and Rating.
Who founded Bitcoin (
On 31 October, a paper titled Bitcoin ( A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, written by Satoshi Nakamoto was distributed through a mailing list called "cryptography mailing list." This mailing list was a community of cryptography enthusiasts cypherpunks. 2 months prior the domain was registered.
The paper presented a peer-to-peer network with the main purpose of trustless electronic transactions. The first block of the network (Genesis) was mined on 3. January 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. Embedded in this first block was the text:
Six days later the first open-source bitcoin client was released. Satoshi Nakamoto stays anonymous to this day. It is unknown if there is only one man behind this pseudonym or a group. It is speculated that there are more than one people behind it, cause Satoshi Nakamoto had expert-knowledge in several fields, including computer science, cryptography, and economics.
The founder/s stayed anonymous and disappeared, leaving the evolution of the protocol entirely in the hands of the public. This tactic made sure that Bitcoin ( has no single point of failure and no attack surface.
The paper has sparked enthusiasm throughout the community, and several developers stepped up to help the protocol fulfill its potential. This community evolved into the vibrant ecosystem we see today.
Every bitcoin transaction must be validated and build into a block before it is appended to the blockchain. To avoid centralization, Satoshi Nakamoto decided that instead of determining who has the right to attach one block, it is sorted out through competition.
Everyone who wants to insert transactions into a block and append that block to the ledger has to compete against others who also wish to do so. This competition is realized through providing a scarce resource (computing power, also referred to as Hashpower) to find a random number (called Nonce).
The first who finds this number has the right to generate one block and get the reward in BTC. This mechanism is called Proof-of-Work (PoW).
The current block reward is 12.5 BTC, this reward halves every 210,000 Blocks (roughly four years), this mechanism is implemented to counter inflation and to prevent that too many BTC are mined in a shorter than ideal timeframe.
The difficulty of finding the nonce is consistently recalibrated so that the average time of finding the number is 10 minutes, to prevent that too much BTC is put in circulation when the better hardware is available. By generating a block several transactions are put together, and they are hashed with the hash of the previous block, and so on, this secures the ledger and makes it immutable.
The more computing power is in use for mining the more secure the ledger is. In the early days it was possible to mine BTC with a regular CPU, nowadays specific chips, that are built solely for this purpose, are used. These machines are called ASICs (application specific integrated circuit).
How Bitcoin ( transactions work?
Every person with a bitcoin wallet (software that contains your private key and signs transactions) can send payments to another person with a wallet.
Every bitcoin address consists of a public key, which is visible for the public and specifies your address to receive BTC, and a private key, which you use to claim ownership of that particular address and the balance in it and to send transactions (digital signature).
Lets look at a transaction in detail: The first step of a transaction is publishing your intention to the nodes in the network. These nodes verify that you are in possession of the BTC you wish to send and that these specific coins haven't been already sent to someone else. When this is confirmed, the transaction gets integrated into a block by the miners, and then this block gets attached to the blockchain.
Transactions are irreversible and cannot be withdrawn or altered in any way.
What differs Bitcoin ( from traditional currency?
BTC not only has the three characteristics of a currency (medium of exchange, store of value and unit of account) but also provides censorship-resistance and establishes digital scarcity.
Because of the decentralized nature of Bitcoin (, there is no central authority; this means that large institutions or governments cannot easily manipulate it.
But this lack of oversight causes that the price of BTC is entirely calculated through supply and demand, this makes Bitcoin ( much more volatile than traditional currencies.
What differs BTC from traditional currency is that is not backed by governments or central banks, and it is not as accepted as conventional state-backed currencies like Dollar or Euro. You cannot buy with BTC at your regular convenience store.
The main advantage is:
-BTC is not inflationary like government-backed currencies, means units are not infinitely put in circulation. There is a known amount of BTC that will be available, and this amount cannot be exceeded. Also, through the block reward halving every four years, there are fewer units newly generated. This mechanism makes BTC disinflationary and a store of Value, like Gold.
Bitcoin ( is, in fact, a better Store of Value than Gold because the maximum amount to ever exist is known. The immutable ledger that underpins Bitcoin ( has never been compromised since its inception in 2009. These attributes are essential because the primary attributes of a store of value are scarcity and security.
How much is Bitcoin ( worth today?
What are bitcoin transaction fees?
Transaction fees are paid to a miner to add your transaction to a block; they are included in every BTC transaction. The size of one block is currently limited to 1 MB.
The more transaction fee you bid, the more incentive the miner has to include your transaction fast into a block.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 08:34 am

2 New Bitcoin ( Mining ( Sites -- Earn Btc At Home -- Urdu/Hindi Toturial|10:17
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 08:35 am
ich run the BTC software and store the entire blockchain).
What are the Countries that legalized Bitcoin (
BTC is legal in most of the countries, although there are some exceptions.
The following states have declared BTC illegal:
Algeria, Bolivia, Ecuador, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Macedonia, Vietnam (legal to trade and hold, prohibited as a payment).
What is the total and the circulating supply?
The total amount of BTC available will never exceed 21 million. The last Bitcoin ( to be issued as a block reward to miners will be generated 2140. Currently, there are roughly 17 million Bitcoins already produced and in circulation.
But the real circulating supply is assumed to be lower due to BTC being lost or forgotten. It is estimated that the private keys to 2 million Bitcoins are permanently lost.
Where can BTC be bought?
You can buy BTC on online exchanges (Coinbase, Kraken, Gemini, Bitstamp) or person-to-person locally (Localbitcoins). Also, there are Bitcoin ( in many big cities (find one near you with CoinATMRadar).
For starters, we recommend Coinbase because it is one of the most secure and easy-to-use cryptocurrency exchanges.
What can be bought with BTC?
Travel companies Expedia, CheapAir and Surf Air accept BTC to pay for flights and hotels. Virgin Galactic offers space travels in exchange for BTC. Microsoft accepts bitcoin in its app stores, and some musicians let you download their music in exchange for the cryptocurrency.
Sharps Pixley, APMEX and JM Bullion will take bitcoin in exchange for Gold. Also several private and public universities, as well as a couple of New York preschools, accept bitcoin.
Some legal and accounting firms also accept payment for their services in BTC.
You can donate BTC to charities or crowdfunding on sites such as BitHope, BitGive or Fidelity Charitable.
For a list of offline stores near you that accept bitcoin, check an aggregator such as SpendBitcoins or CoinMap.
Can BTC be sold for cash?
Yes. BTC can be sold for fiat-currencies (USD, EUR, etc..) through online exchanges (Coinbase, Bitfinex, Kraken, Gemini) or person-to-person locally (Localbitcoins).
Can BTC be stolen?
Yes. The underlying bitcoin blockchain itself has never been compromised. But Exchanges can be hacked (the most well-known example is the Mt.Gox theft) and private keys can be hacked or stolen. Whoever is in possession of a private key owns the assets attached to the account. You are responsible for keeping your private keys safe. We recommend using a Hardware Wallet (Ledger Nano S, Trezor) and storing the recovery phrase save and hidden.
Also never store BTC on exchanges for an extended period (hot wallet), instead send them to your hardware wallet and save them there (cold storage). For funds that are stored at exchange wallets make sure you use strong passwords and turn on 2Factor-Authentification.
Is Bitcoin ( in a bubble?
Everything and nothing is a bubble. All assets move in cycles or waves, and sometimes encounter phases of overpricing caused be speculation.
What follows is a correction to the real value. Due to the volatile nature of Bitcoin (, this has happened several times in his history. These mechanisms are normal and healthy in the long term.
Future Development.
Many exciting developments are on their way. The Lightning Network is now live which enables payment channels with BTC, Rootstock will implement smart contracts on top of the bitcoin blockchain, and Drive Chain allows sidechains. Additionally, Schnorr Signatures and MimbleWimble will significantly improve privacy.
Bitcoins main goals are security and stability. Because of that, innovations and improvements are added only after years of testing and exploring. Everything needs to be fully understood before it is implemented into Bitcoin ( Core. Altcoins may be getting a short-lived technological edge by skipping the trial- and experimenting phase, but Bitcoin ( will catch up when it is time and will implement the best features.
Verdict and Rating.
10/10 BTC grew from a price of under 1$ to over 8000$ and a market cap of over 130 Billion at the time of writing. And the opportunities are far from over, mass adoption is not yet reached, and there are several ETFs filled right now. ETF stands for Exchange Traded Fund, which is a financial asset that can be purchased on the stock markets and which holds the underlying asset. Once the first ETF gets approved, it is possible for investors to invest in BTC without going through the struggle of storing the asset themselves. When the first Gold ETF was installed, the price for an ounce of Gold went through the roof. And there are many technological developments under construction right now. There is more to come for BTC.
BTC is King and will remain King. The only fully decentralized and leaderless cryptocurrency and the only one which qualifies as a SoV (Store of Value). With many exciting developments on the way we expect BTC-dominance to rise and Bitcoin ( to cement its status as the most reliable and secure crypto asset.
What is the Bitcoin mining ( Block Reward?
The Bitcoin ( block reward refers to the new bitcoins distributed by the network to miners for each successfully solved block.
How is the Block Reward Determined?
Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin ('s creator, set the block reward schedule when he created Bitcoin ( It is one of Bitcoin ('s central rules and cannot be changed without agreement between the entire Bitcoin ( network.
The block reward started at 50 BTC in block #1 and halves every 210,000 blocks. This means every block up until block #210,000 rewards 50 BTC, while block 210,001 rewards 25. Since blocks are mined on average every 10 minutes, 144 blocks are mined per day on average. At 144 blocks per day, 210,000 blocks take on average four years to mine.
Total circulation will be 21,000,000 coins. It'll be distributed to network nodes when they make blocks, with the amount cut in half every 4 years. first 4 years: 10,500,000 coins next 4 years: 5,250,000 coins next 4 years: 2,625,000 coins next 4 years: 1,312,500 coins etc... - Satoshi Nakamoto.
Importance of the Block Reward.
The block reward is the only way that new bitcoins are created on the network. Satoshi explained this in an early email post in 2009:
Coins have to get initially distributed somehow, and a constant rate seems like the best formula.
The block reward creates an incentive for miners to add hash power to the network. The block reward is what miners try to get using their ASICs, which make up the entirety of the Bitcoin ( network hash rate.
ASICs are expensive, and have high electricity costs. Miners are profitable when their hardware and electricity costs to mine one bitcoin are lower than the price of one bitcoin. This means miners can mine bitcoins and sell them for a profit.
The more hash power a miner or mining pool has, the greater the chance is that the miner or pool has to mine a block. As miners add more hash rate, more security is provided to the network. The block reward acts as a subsidy and incentive for miners until transaction fees can pay the miners enough money to secure the network.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 08:36 am

Free Bitcoin ( Mining ( Sites Without Investment 2020, Mine Btc - Make Money Online|9:38
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 08:36 am
What Happens when the Block Reward Becomes Small?
As mentioned earlier, Bitcoin ( users must pay a fee when sending a transaction on the network. Right now, these fees are small since there aren't many Bitcoin ( users. Eventually, these transactions fees will become larger and will help make up for the decreasing block reward.
In a few decades when the reward gets too small, the transaction fee will become the main compensation for nodes. I'm sure that in 20 years there will either be very large transaction volume or no volume. - Satoshi Nakamoto.
Do Reward Halvings Affect the Bitcoin ( Price?
It is impossible to determine whether or not block reward halvings affect Bitcoin ('s price.
As with any commodity, a decrease in supply paired with no change in demand generally leads to higher price. Bitcoin ( is unique, however, since the block reward schedule is public. All Bitcoin ( users and miners know the approximate date of each halving, meaning the Bitcoin ( price may not be affected when the halving happens.
Bitcoin ('s first block halving happened on November 28, 2012. The block reward dropped from 50 bitcoins per block to 25 per block. The price later climbed to $260 per BTC in April 2013, followed by $1,163 per BTC in November 2013. It is unclear, however, whether these price rises were directly related to the block reward halving.
How do Block Reward Halvings Affect Miners?
Block reward halvings cut miners' earnings in half, assuming the same Bitcoin ( price before and after the halving. Since approximate block halving dates are known, most miners take block reward halvings into account before they happen.
Block reward halvings also decrease supply, which as discussed above may cause Bitcoin ('s price to increase. A Bitcoin ( price increase can help offset the block reward halving.
Future Block Reward Halvings.
Countdowns like Bitcoin ( Block Half and Bitcoin ( Clock can be used to guess future block halving dates.
Bitcoin ( Block Reward Halving Countdown.
What is a block halving event?
As part of Bitcoin ('s coin issuance, miners are rewarded a certain amount of bitcoins whenever a block is produced (approximately every 10 minutes). When Bitcoin ( first started, 50 Bitcoins per block were given as a reward to miners. After every 210,000 blocks are mined (approximately every 4 years), the block reward halves and will keep on halving until the block reward per block becomes 0 (approximately by year 2140). As of now, the block reward is 6.25 coins per block and will decrease to 3.125 coins per block post halving.
Why was this done?
Bitcoin ( was designed as a deflationary currency. Like gold, the premise is that over time, the issuance of bitcoins will decrease and thus become scarcer over time. As bitcoins become scarcer and if demand for them increases over time, Bitcoin ( can be used as a hedge against inflation as the price, guided by price equilibrium is bound to increase. On the flip side, fiat currencies (like the US dollar), inflate over time as its monetary supply increases, leading to a decrease in purchasing power. This is known as monetary debasement by inflation. A simple example would be to compare housing prices decades ago to now and you'll notice that they've increased over time!
Predictable monetary supply.
Since we know Bitcoin ('s issuance over time, people can rely on programmed/controlled supply. This is helpful to understand what the current inflation rate of Bitcoin ( is, what the future inflation rate will be at a specific point in time, how many Bitcoins are in circulation and how many remain left to be mined.
Who controls the issuance of Bitcoin (
The network itself controls the issuance of Bitcoins, derived by consensus through all Bitcoin ( participants. Ever since Bitcoin ( was first designed, the following consensus rules exist to this day: 21,000,000 Bitcoins to ever be produced Target of 10-minute block intervals Halving event occurring every 210,000 blocks (approximately every 4 years) Block reward which starts at 50 and halves continually every halving event until it reaches 0 (approximately by year 2140) Any change to these parameters requires all Bitcoin ( participants to agree by consensus to approve the change.
Past halving event dates.
The first halving event occurred on the 28th of November, 2012 (UTC) at block height 210,000 The second halving event occurred on the 9th of July, 2016 (UTC) at block height 420,000 The third halving event occurred on the 11th of May, 2020 (UTC) at block height 630,000.
Past halving price performance.
It is always a debate on what Bitcoin ( will do in terms of pricing for a halving event. Some people believe that the halving is already priced in by the market and thus there's no expectation for the price to do anything. Others believe that due to price equilibrium, a halving of supply should cause an increase in price if demand for Bitcoins is equal or greater than what it was before the halving event. Below is a chart showing past price performance of the two halving events:
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 08:37 am

😱Legit free bitcoin mining with Phones \u0026 Tablets Android - CPU+gpu Free Bitcoin ( Mining ( Software|6:50
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 08:37 am
How to buy Bitcoin (
Coinbase is one of the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world, serving over 102 countries, 30 million+ customers and over 150 billion in trading volume. Funds are protected by insurance and secure storage. You can also earn up to $158 worth of cryptocurrencies. Click below to find out more:
Bitcoin ( Halving: 2020 BTC Mining Block Reward Chart History.
The most popular crypto-centric question today is about the details of the infamous Bitcoin mining ( halving.
Every four years, Bitcoin ('s block reward (earned by miners who successfully add new blocks to the end of BTC's blockchain) is cut in half. This is a day-one Satoshi whitepaper core component that has not nor will not deviate from the origins of bitcoin's first release of turning CPU time and electricity into a digital currency.
The fascination lies within the actual bitcoin halving date not being set to occur on a specific day but rather once the written-in-code blockchain distributed ledger technology's public chain of blocks gets to block height #630,000. At its foundational-base, every ten minute cycle continuously produces a new block (currently at 12.5 BTC / lowers to 6.25 BTC) as this magical phenomenon happens every 210,000 blocks.
First, a reduction from 50 BTC to 25 BTC in November 2012, then the second halving shifted the pre-determined goalposts from 25 to 12.5 BTC in July 2016. Now, the anticipation of the next halving event will see the block rewards drop from 12 to 6.25 BTC in May 2020. This permanent change in the mining rewards system for newly-minted bitcoins is Satoshi's vision for designing a deflationary, digitally-scarce cryptoasset.
The excitement is now building up about what effects the halving will have on bitcoin's price and the entire cryptocurrency market, knowing the 18th million BTC (85% of all) has already been issued to-date.
For reference, the 2024 bitcoin halving date (in May/June) will be whenever the blockchain reaches a block height number of 840,000, effectively lowering the block rewards generation from 6.25 BTC down to 3.125 BTC per 10 minute increment. With exactly 30 Bitcoin ( halving events remaining (all 21 million bitcoins in circulation by 2140) there's under 300,000 blocks to mine before the next blockhalf; let's review the history, the celebratory party events and all-intriguing price volatility fluctuations bound to happen.
Bitcoin mining ( Halving Sentiment: The Bulls vs Bears.
For the rest of 2019 and first half of 2020, bitcoiners anxiously await to see if the consensus comes true. In the words of Mr. Tepper regarding the 2016 bitcoin halving, Fitz said, "It's Halvening. "
There is no shortage of #BTC hope and optimism (hopium) being tossed around into all kinds of bold outcomes about this major mining milestone. In traditional markets, a simple rule of thumb usually concludes if you reduce the overall supply of newly issued coins it will more than likely lead to higher price per coin. So far, history sides with bitcoin's price seeing a substantial rise in the past due to increased demand overtime.
It may be commonly accepted in the crypto world that the block reward halvings are bullish for Bitcoin ('s price due to the charts outlined below. Indeed, when you look at the price charts for the past two $BTC halvenings, this obviously appears true from a zoomed-out historical viewpoint. The November 28, 2012 halving the bitcoin price was $12.35 BTC/USD and 5 months later was $127 USD. The July, 9 2016 bitcoin halving day's price was at $650 USD and was nearly $760 just five months later. The needle is moving once again.
The Bitcoin ( network software is built-upon a few invariable premises. At 12.5 BTC x 6 (six 10 minute cycles per hour) is 75 bitcoins minted per hour x 24 hours per day is 1,800 BTC per day issued. Then, quick math for 2020 halving and beyond to the next for years until 2024, shows it will be 6.25 BTC x 6 equals 37.5 per hour x 24 hours per day is only 900 BTC per day rewarded. This is a 50% reduction, effective instantly.
Further, simple math puts the past four years of block rewards mining system going from 1,800 per day, which is 657,000 BTC annually, to 900 BTC per day which is only 328,500 BTC annually in comparison. Sprinkle in some natural cryptocurrency adoption, regulation clarity and payment tech optimization and it is a recipe for a very entertaining 2020 pre and post bitcoin halving year.
It does not take an economic savant to apply simple supply and demand consensus mechanisms regarding scarcity of supply and rising demand. The debate about bitcoin being a possible safe haven asset shelter upon global turmoil and uncertainty is growing daily, weekly and monthly. Once the 2020 Bitcoin mining ( halving happens, the on-chain effects are immediate and impact formulated forever. When these scales are tipped in the favor of lowering the newly created bitcoins granted for successfully mining a block and getting the reward to the miner trading computational power and securing the Bitcoin ( network, price volatility is bound to unfold.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 08:37 am

A look inside America's largest Bitcoin ( mining operation|1:38
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 08:39 am
Block and Blockchain.
The Bitcoin ( protocol is built on blockchain which is a growing list of records called blocks. When you initiate a transaction miners pick your transaction along with several other transactions that has been broadcasted to the network. They then enclose the list of transactions in a block, verifies them and then add it to the Bitcoin ( blockchain. In Bitcoin ( network roughly every 10 minutes a new block is created and each block contains a set of most recent transactions. It not only contains transaction information but a block also contains information specific to the blockchain such as: version, block id, hash of the previous block etc.
Now coming to transaction validation: In Bitcoin ( there are certain transaction validation rules set which ensures that the coins are not spent already, verifies the transaction size, syntax etc. Once the miner finds the transaction to be valid they then add it to a block but not yet allowed to submit the block to the network.
Now before broadcasting a block to the network miners need to solve a cryptographic equation. They are required to provide a Proof of Work solution. We won't be covering the technical details such as nonce, hash function, SHA-256 etc which are all involved in the Bitcoin mining ( process. Anyways the following outline should give you a basic understanding.
Proof of Work solution.
Now Proof of Work is a highly resource intensive task which requires a lots of computing power. Only those with enormous and efficient computational power will be able to solve the puzzle first. Once the miner finds the solution, their block will be validated by other miners and finally it gets added to the network. Once the block gets accepted by the network miners compete against each other to produce the next block on the blockchain.
Since this system is decentralized anybody can participate in the validation of the transaction. However do note that mining is a highly intensive task. One needs a lots of electric and computational power in order to solve the mathematical problem. Since it requires lots of resource; to compensate the miners the winning miner will receive reward in the form of Bitcoins. These rewards are actually new coins which are being distributed to the network. The reward includes the transaction fees of all the transactions + the block reward which is a pre-determined amount of Bitcoins.
An incentive structure like this motivates miners to constantly validate the Bitcoin ( transactions on the network. Not only that but as more and more miners join the party, the difficulty rises which in turn keeps the network secure and ensures the blockchain is immutable. Hope it explains! Now here are some of the common questions related to Block rewards.
What does Block Reward mean?
In Bitcoin ( the Block Reward refers to the amount of new Bitcoins distributed by the network to the miners who solve each blocks. Block rewards are the only way how new Bitcoins are created on the network. It operates both as an incentive mechanism as well as inflation mechanism. So how much is the block reward and who sets these rules?
How are the block rewards determined?
Not only block reward, but the total coin supply, the reward halving structure is all already coded in the software and is set by the creator of the Bitcoin (, Satoshi Nakamoto. However Satoshi does not control Bitcoin ( Bitcoin ( is an open source application meaning the software is free, publicly available and anyone can contribute to the code. However none of the rules which are set can be changed without the consensus of the entire network.
Initially the block reward of Bitcoin ( network was 50 BTC. However this is not constant. The block reward structure in Bitcoin ( is designed in such a way that it halves every 210,000 blocks. Since the block time of Bitcoin ( is 10 Minute; roughly every 4 years the block reward halving occurs. Started in 2009 the first halving occurred in November 2013 which lowered the block reward from 50 BTC to 25 BTC. Currently (as of March 2019) the block reward of Bitcoin ( is 12.5 BTC. Every time a miner finds a new block they will receive a reward of 12.5 BTC (excluding transaction fees). So why diminish the block rewards?
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 08:41 am

Inside a Crypto-Mining ( Operation - Computerphile|6:46
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 08:47 am
As you probably know the total supply of Bitcoin ( is capped at 21 Million. Meaning there will be no more new coins created on the network after the max supply is reached. Now imagine what happens if there is no Bitcoin ( reward halving. If the block reward was fixed at 50 BTC then by this time all the 21 million coins would have mined. This diminishing block reward is designed to create a self sustaining network where the miners will be constantly rewarded for securing the network.
Coins have to get initially distributed somehow, and a constant rate seems like the best formula - Satoshi Nakamoto.
So how will the miners secure the network in the long run if the block reward keeps decreasing?
What happens to network if block reward goes to zero?
This is one of the common question most beginners ask. The block reward is the only main incentive for miners. How will they conduct the network if they don't receive any reward? Will the miners keep mining? According to the Bitcoin ( Whitepaper; after 64 halving events the block reward finally becomes zero. However there is something called transaction fees which you must take note.
Currently the amount that miners claim as a reward for creating a new block is the sum of block reward plus the transactions fees.
To send a transaction on the Bitcoin ( network; users have to pay a fee. This transaction fees is currently negligible. However in future as the network grows and gets widely accepted it is believed that the transaction fees should be more than enough to compensate the miners.
Once a predetermined number of coins have entered circulation, the incentive can transition entirely to transaction fees and be completely inflation free - Satoshi Nakamoto.
A Record Is Made With Bitcoin mining (
According to the data shared by an analysis site on November 18, it was announced that there was a significant increase in the revenues generated by Bitcoin ( (BTC) mining. Accordingly, mining revenues have returned to pre-halving levels.
Bitcoin ( has officially taken over the agenda with its recent rise. The leading cryptocurrency, which continues to keep investors happy, also seems to make miners happy. Data recently shared by analysis site Glassnode shows that revenues from Bitcoin mining ( are returning to pre-halving levels.
Bitcoin mining ( rewards halved from 12.5 BTC.
In every halving period, there is a "halving" in the revenues generated by Bitcoin mining ( Since a limited number of Bitcoins (21 million) must be produced, the closer to the limit, the harder it is to produce Bitcoins. Bitcoin mining ( revenues dropped by half were supposed to be against miners in theory. However, the recent peak run of the Bitcoin ( price brought the value of mining rewards to pre-May levels, which had recently dropped with the halving in May.
Bitcoin ( was trading at $ 9,000 during the mid-May halving. The mining rewards determined before the halving were 12.5 BTC. The value of the prizes falling to 6.25 BTC after the halving has returned to its levels in mid-May due to the Bitcoin ( price, which started trading at $ 18,000. While Glassnode shared this data on Twitter, the website, which tracks the block awards, confirmed this.
Mining revenues were very low at some point this year, following the collapse in the cryptocurrency market caused by the epidemic. However, according to recent data, daily revenue, including block rewards and transaction fees, saw the year high on November 18 with $ 21.2 million. This amount most recently reached its peak on May 6, with $ 20.6 million. It will not be a surprise that the amount will increase even more in proportion to the increase in the bitcoin price.
Bitcoin mining ( Risks and Rewards for Entrepreneurs.
Blockchain technology is already starting to have a major impact on the business world, creating entirely new industries . Bitcoin mining ( is quite possibly the most interesting and profitable of these new opportunities. Whether you're an entrepreneur on a budget or have a large supply of capital to spend on a mining operation, here are some important things to consider before starting a mining operation and how you can benefit from a successful mining operation.
Things to Consider Before Starting.
Legal Risks.
One of the first steps to consider is whether or not Bitcoin mining ( is legal where you live . In some countries, Bitcoin mining ( operations have been shut down entirely. Before you formulate a strategy, you should get a better understanding of some of the legal risks and the regulatory outlooks of starting a mining operation in your country.
Hardware Investment.
Another important factor to consider is the barrier to entry for mining. Keep in mind that choosing between CPUs, GPUs, or ASICs isn't only based on how much money you have to spend but is often dictated by what types of mining are allowed by the projects themselves. For instance, BTC allows for ASIC hardware, but BCG does not. More cryptocurrencies are beginning to utilize ASIC-resistant algorithms. These new hashing algorithms take away the advantages of ASICs and make GPUs a more economical choice. This can be a good thing for entry-level miners who don't want to invest $1,000 USD to buy mining equipment. However, it also makes it more difficult for entrepreneurs with a lot of money to be able to mine at scale.
Picking the Best Mineable Cryptos.
Consensus Algorithm Trends.
One of the biggest things to consider is what consensus algorithm of the cryptocurrency you are interested in mining plans to use in the future. Of course, if a project is currently using Proof-of-Stake , its cryptocurrency is non-mineable. Also, more Proof-of-Work projects are moving towards PoS or hybrid consensus algorithms. It's important to make sure that you are aware of these changes. Just because a given crypto is currently mineable doesn't mean that it will remain that way forever.
Value vs. Risk.
An important question to ask when choosing to invest in any business is how the efforts and capital invested today will lead to long-term benefits in the future? For example, it might not necessarily be a good idea to mine a cryptocurrency you think might be overvalued. However, this could still be a better option than mining a cryptocurrency that's undervalued. This is because sometimes other factors like increasing difficulty and decreasing block reward could mean that costs (i.e. buying hardware and paying energy bills) spent mining some cryptocurrencies can actually lead to a net operating loss.
Monetary Supply.
Supply of a given currency might be the most important determining factor when looking at which cryptocurrency to mine. Whether new cryptocurrency projects should have a large or small token supply is a hotly debated topic. Nevertheless, one statistic that some newer miners might forget to examine closely is circulating supply vs. maximum supply.
Some major projects like Ethereum and Monero don't have a maximum supply. As a result, even successful mining operations might not necessarily reach the expected value of miners due to increasing availability. On the other hand, some cryptos that have a maximum supply that might not be able to match normal inflation demand. In both extreme scenarios, mining such cryptocurrencies as part of a long-term portfolio building strategy could be risky.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 08:48 am

How to Mine Bitcoin ( on PC in 2020 - Beginners Quick Start Guide - Overclocking Basics|43:28
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 08:48 am
HODL or Trade.
One of the biggest benefits of mining crypto over buying it is the fact that a miner can, for lack of a better term, create money that didn't exist before. This makes deciding what to do with mined coins somewhat less of an emotional decision than deciding what to do with bought coins. However, because prices have historically been very volatile, Bitcoin mining ( can often be a double-edged sword. In some instances, it might be a good idea to trade a mined cryptocurrency for another cryptocurrency or for fiat currency. In other instances, it might be best to HODL a mined cryptocurrency and wait to see if it gains value over time.
It's possible to do some technical analysis and read up on the expected short-term vs. long-term gains of a given token. But there are many unforeseeable market factors that go into determining price value. In most cases, making the best decision (HODL or trade) isn't all that obvious. It can require a bit of subjectivity on the part of the miner.
More Scalable Than Buying.
Another benefit of mining over buying cryptocurrency is ongoing costs. Mining requires more costs upfront (buying mining equipment) and less costs later on (high exchange fees). If done correctly, mining can be a much cheaper, scalable solution than buying crypto. Miners also say that mining is an overall lower risk than buying . This is because buying a cryptocurrency which eventually loses its value means that an investor loses money. In contrast, even if a mined cryptocurrency turns out to have zero value in the long-run, at least there will still be value in the mining hardware equipment. In the worst-case scenario, it's possible to sell or re-purpose mining equipment. So, miners still have something of value.
Bitcoin mining ( can be a good way for entrepreneurs interested in cryptocurrency to earn profits. There are a few hurdles and important factors to consider when choosing the best cryptos to mine. However, if done correctly, it's possible to create a successful cryptocurrency mining business.
Elusive Crypto Mining Botnet "Lemon Duck" Sees Alarming Growth.
Last Updated: 15 October 2020.
At the end of August, cybersecurity researchers have discovered a new crypto mining botnet dramatically increasing its activity, going by the name of "Lemon Duck."
Blasting Into new Prominence.
The botnet itself has been in the field since December of 2018, but it has seen a massive jump in activity within these past six weeks. This, in turn, suggests that far more machines had been infiltrated by the malware to allow it to mine the Monero cryptocurrency with greater resources.
Cisco's Talos Intelligence Group had conducted research, which suggests that many end users have likely not detected the infections by Lemon Duck. Even so, power defenders, such as network administrators, are likely to have picked it up.
Windows 10 Is Its Favourite Target.
Crypto mining malware runs the risk of actually physically damaging the hardware it infected. This is due to how it leaches resources by running the GPU and/or CPU in a constant fashion to allow for the mining process to work. Through doing so, the power consumption and heat generation will be dramatically increased, and might even lead to a fire in extreme cases.
The malware itself targets Windows 10 systems, exploiting various vulnerabilities across a number of Microsoft system services. The malware itself has seen itself spread by way of emails, theming itself with COVID-19 content, and attaching an infected file to the email. This botnet self-perpetuates, as well, as it leverages Outlook, a Windows emailing service, in order to send itself to every contact the infected system has, thus spreading the virus.
Some Details Regarding The Attack Itself.
The malicious emails themselves hold two malicious files within: The first is an RTF document named readme.doc. This document exploits a vulnerability in Microsoft Office for remote code execution. The second file,, contains a script that downloads and runs Lemon Duck Loader.
After installation, the software automatically terminates an array of Windows services, proceeding to download various other tools for stealth connections across the network. While Windows systems are the primary victims of Lemon ducks, Linux infections do occur, just relatively rarer.
After the malware has established itself, it mines the Monero privacy-focused cryptocurrency. This is due to how its anonymous design and easy obfuscation makes itself a perfect illegal mining coin. The researchers themselves have yet to say what entity is behind Lemon Duck, either through ignorance or through discretion. They did, however, link it to the "Beapy" crypto-mining malware, which targeted East Asia back in June of 2019.
What Is Botnet Mining?
Cryptocurrency mining botnets are making millions for their creators by secretly infecting various devices across the globe.
Early this February, more than half a million computing devices were hijacked by a cryptocurrency miner botnet called Smominru, forcing the various devices to mine nearly 9,000 Monero cryptocoins without the knowledge of the devices' owners, according to technology portal ZDNet.
Welcome to the malicious world of botnets - a collection of various internet-connected computing devices, which may include desktops, servers, handheld mobile devices, and devices compatible with Internet of Things (IoT), that are purposefully infected and controlled by a common type of malware. The working mechanism of such botnets ensures that the device owners mostly remain unaware that a botnet infected and now controls their system.
The system allows the creators to rake in cryptocash at the expense of the ignorant device owners who don't have any idea that their machines are being used to produce cryptocoins.
How do Botnets Work?
A botnet system is akin to standard computer malware. Computer malware is like any other computer program, but it is designed to use a computer for nefarious activities like corrupting the system, destroying and/or stealing data, or using it for illegal activities which have a detrimental effect on the device, data, and the network. Unless caught by anti-virus/anti-malware programs installed on the device, such malware continues to run without the owner's knowledge and is capable of replicating itself to the other connected devices on the network.
Similarly, botnets are automated programs developed as lines of code by their creators and are made to sneak on to a user's computing device. Botnets use the machine's processing power, electricity, and the Internet bandwidth, to mine a particular cryptocurrency. (For more, see How Does Bitcoin mining ( Work?)
The botnets are usually released on a private network of interconnected computers so that the cumulative power of the various devices can result in more computational power for mining cryptocurrency, thereby boosting mining output and the corresponding rewards for the botnet creators.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 08:49 am

Put Your Gaming PC to Work, Easy Cryptomining Tutorial-NiceHash Setup|14:59
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 08:50 am
Smominru Miner Botnet Case Study.
The Smominru miner botnet that was created around May 2017 had successfully mined around 9,000 Monero tokens worth around $3.6 million by February 2018. Researchers at cybersecurity company Proofpoint claim that the botnet includes "more than 526,000 infected Windows hosts, most of which we believe are servers."
Due to its resilient nature and ability to keep regenerating itself, it has been a difficult task to contain its spread despite all the efforts to take it down. Geographically, the nodes of the Smominru miner botnet are observed to be distributed across the globe, and the bulk of them are found in , India and Taiwan.
After its investigations and analysis, Proofpoint requested that a prominent Monero mining pool, MineXMR, ban the address linked to Smominru. Though this resulted in the operators apparently losing control over one-third of the botnet, they quickly registered new domains and started mining to a new address on the same pool.
Monero seems to be the hot favorite cryptocurrency to be mined through such botnets, owing to its anonymity and privacy-rich features which make it difficult to track the destination address to which the mined tokens are transferred. (For more, see What Is Monero (XMR) Cryptocurrency?)
Bigger Rewards for Less Work?
The methods of mining various cryptocurrencies are becoming more and more complicated and resource intensive with each passing day. Instead of focusing on the hard, yet honest road to benefit from cryptocurrency mining rewards, the operators of such botnets flourish by abusing all available modes to expand their botnet across more and more devices, and concentrate their efforts and energies on developing such pre-programmed systems. Additionally, they continue to devise multiple ways to make the botnet more robust.
Given the significant profit promised by such botnets, their number and ill-effects are expected to grow.
"Taking down the botnet is very difficult given its distributed nature and the persistence of its operators. For businesses, preventing infection through robust patching regimens and layered security is the best protection from potentially disruptive impacts on critical infrastructure," ProofPoint's VP of Threat Operations, Kevin Epstein, told
In June 2017, another similar exploit named DoublePulsar was used to install Monero mining malware on various devices. In late January 2018, the security firm TrendMicro reported that Alphabet Inc's Google's (GOOGL) DoubleClick ad services were used to distribute cryptocurrency mining malware to a number of users in Europe and Asia.
While the cryptocurrency infrastructure is still evolving, such threats loom large over nascent networks. Though it may be difficult to contain the menace at the individual user level, regular monitoring of the various processes running on individual devices may help. (See also, Bitcoin ( Price Drops After "WannaCry" Ransomware Taint.)
Investing in cryptocurrencies and Initial Coin Offerings ("ICOs") is highly risky and speculative, and this article is not a recommendation by Investopedia or the writer to invest in cryptocurrencies or ICOs. Since each individual's situation is unique, a qualified professional should always be consulted before making any financial decisions. Investopedia makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or timeliness of the information contained herein. As of the date this article was written, the author owns no cryptocurrencies.
Top 3 Crypto Mining Botnets: Smominru, DDG, and ADB.Miner.
Botnets have facilitated different types of cybercrime for years. This concept designates a multitude of Internet-connected devices, including personal computers, servers, mobile gadgets and IoT objects, controlled by threat actors beyond users' awareness.
Malicious code injected into 'zombie' machines allows crooks to gain a foothold on these hosts and invoke certain commands remotely at any time. The most common use cases revolve around DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks and massive spam campaigns.
However, things are starting to change.
The ongoing cryptocurrency boom has incentivized botnet operators to repurpose their networks of enslaved machines. They have apparently realized that the aggregate processing power of their botnets is a godsend when it comes to mining digital coins. Consequently, this segment of cybercrime is shifting toward a paradigm where botnets do not DDoS or spam - they mine cryptocurrencies.
Interestingly, Bitcoin ( is no more the number one coin among cybercriminals. It is slow and requires high transaction fees. Monero has become very popular for its easy mining, and Dash is the best coin for ransomware authors.
Here are the top 3 crypto mining botnets:
1) Smominru, the Biggest Mining Botnet to Date.
Also referred to as MyKings, Smominru is a gigantic Monero-mining botnet consisting of at least 520,000 'zombie' devices. It targets computers and servers running Windows operating system. This well-orchestrated campaign took root in late May 2017 and has since grown massive due to sophisticated payload delivery mechanisms.
Smominru operators reportedly utilize two exploits, EternalBlue and EsteemAudit, to contaminate machines on a large scale. The former is part of the notorious NSA surveillance toolkit leaked by The Shadow Brokers hacking group last year. The latter is a notorious Windows remote desktop exploit. Both allow for malware injection beyond user involvement.
Most of the infected nodes are located in Taiwan, India, Brazil, e, and . The perpetrators have taken advantage of the hefty army of plagued machines to mine a whopping 8,900 Monero, which is worth more than $2.5 million at the time of this writing. According to security analysts, the unscrupulous proprietors of the Smominru botnet are most likely based in China.
2) DDG Botnet Targeting Servers.
A botnet codenamed DDG has mined about $1.5 million worth of Monero by harnessing the processing capacity of more than 4,000 infected OrientDB and Redis database servers.
This one has been active since March 2017. The crooks zero in on servers for a reason - this type of equipment has much more CPU than PCs, which translates to a higher mining power.
The vectors of compromise include credentials brute-force attacks in the case of Redis servers and the exploitation of OriendDB remote code execution bug cataloged as CVE-2017-11467. The majority of breached servers (73%) are located in China, with 11% being in the United States and the remaining 16% scattered across other parts of the globe.
The infection chain involves the DDG core function module that, once executed, downloads the miner application called wnTKYg. According to researchers' findings, this botnet's architecture is very flexible as it uses a script named that allows the felons to download and deploy arbitrary malicious code on compromised servers, not necessarily a miner.
Given the influx of these onslaughts, as Monero price is climbing, the admins of OrientDB databases should patch known vulnerabilities as soon as possible, and the owners of Redis servers are strongly recommended to strengthen their authentication practices so that dictionary attacks end up futile.
3) ADB.Miner, a Threat to Android Devices.
In early February 2018, a new botnet was discovered that stands out from the crowd. Its operators are trying their hand at enslaving Android devices to mine Monero cryptocurrency.
The intended set of victims is rather strange, given the relatively low CPU power they have on board. However, it looks like the crooks are attempting to compensate this by the number of infected nodes, which reached 7,000 over the first couple of days and doubles every 12 hours. Furthermore, the botnet primarily hits smart TVs that are equipped with more powerful processing units than smartphones.
The entry point for the malicious code is port 5555, the one used by the command-line tool called Android Debug Bridge (ADB), hence the name of the botnet. This port is normally disabled by default, so only devices whose users enabled it manually are at risk. Incidentally, the exploitation of open ports resembles the modus operandi of computer worms, so the perpetrating code is a hybrid combining the properties of different malware strains.
Another noteworthy feature of ADB.Miner is that its authors appear to have borrowed the network scanning module and core structure from the notorious Mirai botnet targeting IoT devices.
The majority of victims are located in China (39%) and South Korea (39%). The routine of obtaining XMR tokens involves two mining pools that share the same Monero wallet. As of February 4, this wallet had no coins in it, but that was just the dawn of the campaign.
Cybercriminals follow the money. The use of botnets for outright old-school attacks, even DDoS for ransom, isn't nearly as profitable and effective as surreptitious cryptocurrency mining. Furthermore, botnet-powered spam campaigns and DDoS make a lot of noise and attract too much attention of the law enforcement.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 08:51 am

Cara Mining ( Mirco Bitcoin ( Profit 150 ribu Perhari dengan Laptop / PC - Mining ( Bitcoin ( 2020|10:24
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 08:51 am
Botnets are extremely difficult to take down due to their distributed essence and robust Command and Control infrastructure.
The only viable method to prevent a device from becoming a submissive bot is to implement defenses proactively. The owners of PCs, mobile devices and servers should run regular software updates that include patches for known vulnerabilities and thwart remote code execution. Another important tip is to use strong access credentials that cannot be cracked easily. Also, a reputable security suite is quite likely to detect botnet-related malware and stop the attack in its tracks. Users should additionally look for red flags that may indicate unauthorized mining activity. If a device's CPU usage is constantly at its peak, it's an unambiguous call to action and about time to check the system for malware traces. Another giveaway lies in the very gist of a botnet: it lives as long as there are communications with the Command and Control server. This way, zombie machines get instructions and submit data to the C2. Abnormal inbound and outbound traffic, including concurrent identical DNS requests, is therefore a likely symptom of botnet activity.
Unfortunately, end users who aren't very tech-savvy may fail to notice this going on in the background. A reliable Internet security suite will help identify this type of suspicious traffic along with concomitant malware and stop it in its tracks.
Botnet Infects Half a Million Servers to Mine Thousands of Monero.
Annaliese Milano.
More than half a million machines have been hijacked by a cryptocurrency miner botnet, forcing them to mine nearly 9,000 monero tokens (worth roughly $3.6 million), according to a new report.
The Smominru botnet, which infected more than 526,000 Windows servers at its peak, has been used to mine 8,900 monero tokens since it first started appearing in May 2017, according to ZDNet. The botnet is based on the Windows exploit EternalBlue, which was developed by the U.S. National Security Agency and leaked by the Shadow Brokers hacker group last year. Eternal Blue was subsequently deployed in conjunction with another NSA-developed exploit, DoublePulsar, in the WannaCry attack.
Windows servers have been the botnet's primary victims, which ZDNet notes are ideal hosts because they are always turned on and have more processing capacity than a personal computer. The majority of affected machines are reportedly located in , India and Taiwan, though the attack spans the globe.
Attempts to curtail the botnet have had only short-term success thus far. Cybersecurity workers from Proofpoint, and the ShadowServer Foundation attempted to eradicate the botnet using a technique called "sinkholing," but the Smominru quickly recovered.
As CoinDesk has previously reported, monero has increasingly been implicated with cybercrime, likely because transactions, the coins used in transactions and transaction histories associated with monero are all private.
Last year, the previously mentioned exploit, DoublePulsar, was used to facilitate the secret installation of monero mining malware. Likewise, earlier this week, security firm TrendMicro announced its discovery that miners have been appropriating Google's DoubleClick ad services to distribute malware to mine the cryptocurrency.
Creating a Bitcoin ( Botnet at No Cost.
Bitcoins are valuable, in large part because mining for bitcoins takes a lot of resources. At Black Hat a pair of researchers demonstrated that it's possible to gain access to the necessary resources in the cloud without spending a penny.
At the Black Hat 2014 conference in Las Vegas, Rob Ragan and Oscar Salazar, penetration testers from Bishop Fox, demonstrated a technique for cloud-based Bitcoin mining ( that cost them exactly...nothing. At this moment, one bitcoin is worth $576.57. With a hefty exchange rate like that, Bitcoin mining ( without the need to devote massive computing resources could be quite lucrative.
It's not precisely a legitimate activity, but then, the job of a penetration tester is to hack systems in order to patch them. Ragan noted that the experiment did "violate the hell out of some terms of service." To gain access to the necessary processing power, they had to generate a huge number of unique email addresses and sign up for tons of free trial accounts. Having done so, they managed to build a fully functional bitcoin-mining botnet. According to Ragan, "This botnet doesn't get flagged as malware, blocked by web filters, or get taken over. This is the stuff of nightmares!"
Digging the Details "We are penetration testers," said Ragan. "We've been working on this project for the last year. We showed that we definitely can build a botnet from freely available cloud services. We asked the question, is insufficient anti-automation an overlooked risk? Should it be considered a top ten vulnerability?"
"These cloud based services do many different things," said Salazar, "but the purpose is to let developers get something up and running immediately." "It cuts out all the legwork and lets you build an application as quickly as possible," added Ragan. "Platform as a service is a commodity that's in high demand. But if it's making the life of a developer easier, wouldn't it also make things easier for a malicious attacker? That's exactly what we explored."
Unlimited Email Addresses We've all had the experience of registering for a website or service and being told the registration would be finalized when we clicked on an email link. Our doughty researchers needed a way to completely automate this process.
The session explained in detail exactly how they managed to create unlimited email accounts with realistic usernames and a wide variety of different domains. The next step was to set up automatic response for those accounts, so that they could respond to any "Click this link to confirm" email. It worked! At this point, they had a system to create unlimited unique emails with no human interaction. And they stored all the details using a free trial of cloud-based MongoDB. Yes, attendees will be able to get all the code that was used in this experiment.
Fun Activities! "At this point we can do things like DDoS, crypto-currency mining, data storage, and more," said Ragan. "As penetration testers, having a distributed botnet under our control was the goal." Having a tame botnet to launch white-hat DDoS tests against willing clients was definitely valuable.
They experimented with just what's possible when you have email addresses for an unlimited number of "friends." Many online storage systems give you additional gigabytes for successfully referring friends. Some cap the total amount you can gain this way, others don't. "We got a terabyte for free on one service," said Ragan, "which is more than you can even pay for."
At its peak, the experimental LiteCoin-mining botnet was generating about 25 cents per day per account. With 1,000 active accounts, that's $250 per day. "We didn't want to be malicious, just to show how it's done," said Ragan, "so we stopped. But we've heard of people making a lot of money in a short time. We did leave a couple accounts running for several weeks, just to see if they'd be detected. They weren't"
Anti-Automation During the course of the experiment, a number of services revised their verification systems to defeat automatic creation of accounts. One even stated the reason was a proliferation of botnets.
Of course, the point of this exercise wasn't to generate ill-gotten gains. Now that it's clear what can be done using trial accounts, it's likely the providers will add more defenses to prevent abuse of their systems. "There are plenty of ways to identify humans without annoying users," said Ragan. He mentioned examples including logic puzzles, validation by credit card, and even live operators. It does seem clear that any cloud servce without significant anti-automation is likely to find itself harboring more botnets than real users.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 08:53 am
Getting Started with Bitcoin mining ( & Hosting.
Get started with Bitcoin mining ( with D-Central. We will assist you throughout your stay in this exciting industry!
Understand Bitcoin ( and how it is produced.
Cryptocurrency is all the rage, Bitcoin ( and similar currencies seem to be the thing to have and know about. However, most people have no idea where cryptocurrency came from, how it is produced, and its use. Very few people understand its most popular form, Bitcoin ( Bitcoin ( is created by mining, a digital execution that one must do until the program involved produced the random but needed code to generate an additional Bitcoin ( block. By finding this block, the miners attribute to themselves new bitcoins, which they put into circulation as a reward for providing the necessary calculation to the network. It is this incentive that is now pushing thousands of investors to engage in cryptocurrency mining!
People can obtain Cryptocurrency in one of three ways.
The first is to buy them on a valid Bitcoin ( exchange or be given Bitcoin ( via the same channel as a gift. The second method is to receive Bitcoin ( as a method payment for goods or services, and the third is the actual creation of Bitcoin (, mining them. This last method is the technical part, which adds transaction records to the shared ledger that everyone uses, the blockchain. As these transactions add up, they ultimately get included in a block. When that happens, the block then goes into the overall Bitcoin ( system and gets distributed to other nodes on the network to verify if the block is valid. This process kicks out newly minted bitcoins to the miners involved, which is the reward for computing power miners sacrifices.
Learn the basics of Bitcoin mining (
While Bitcoin mining ( involves computers and computations, it's not so simple as installing a program on your home computer and getting started anymore. Successful Bitcoin mining ( has turned into a big business involving lots of players and mining hardware. That said, the individual or small group can mine Bitcoin ( still, but it takes some work. There are several motivations for mining Bitcoin ( The most popular is the ability to mine more bitcoins than by only buying them. This is not always the case, and some generations of equipment never see a positive return on investment. However, our Mine&Hodl case studies show that, historically, when Bitcoin ('s price appreciates, you mine more bitcoins than the purchase would allow you to. The Mine&Sell strategy remains a way to profit when Bitcoin ( prices are low, assuming you are using the profit on the bitcoins sold to increase your hashrate with hardware compounding. Finally, there is also speculation that the Bitcoin ( network will become a high-value form of settlement layer and could generate good mining revenues in the future through increased on-chain fees.
When deciding between miners different models, there are two essential qualities you should keep in mind--Hashrate and power consumption. The hashrate is the number of calculations your chip can perform per second. The higher your hashrate, the better your chances of solving the crypto challenge and collecting a block reward. Energy consumption is also essential to consider. This is where ASICs (Application-specific integrated circuit) come into play. This hardware efficiency is ideal for the serious mining outfit because it gets the most bang for the buck in hash output per cost of electricity spent, and ASICs don't need much of a start-up to go. They are a bit of a plug-and-play after some slight configurations. ASICs don't have much value for any other operations, so they can only sell to other cryptocurrency miners when one wants to upgrade to a better model. This is why it is crucial to choose the right mining hardware from the start. Don't rush your purchases. Do your research and establish your goals and your mining strategy before purchasing a rig.
Don't just go running out and buying the first ASIC product advertised. It helps do so some serious window shopping and to learn the differences between various ASIC rigs offered. Ideally, the formula should be the highest performance for the least amount of energy consumption. While there are several options available, don't be surprised if your actual purchase gets put on backorder. The demand is so high for the latest ASICs, production can't keep up with the need. To get started, you might want to consider used ASIC rigs. They will be lower in cost, get you in the game faster, and not spend as much upfront to get started. You may also want to consider your lifespan probability. How long are you going to be mining for? Are you looking for a short period of a few years, or are you willing to commit for a longer time? The duration of your commitment can significantly impact which equipment has the most likelihood of producing bitcoins for you.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 08:53 am

Binance: Passive Income|9:44
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 09:01 am
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Bitcoin ( wallets are useful because they provide you with a valid Bitcoin ( address. Without a trusted address that only you have access to, you will not safely receive Bitcoin ( And while you can store your bitcoins on an exchange, you should have a personal wallet for larger sums. Now, this may be a bit confusing, but actual bitcoins won't be in your wallet. This is kept with the public blockchain that makes up the Bitcoin ( network. However, you do control the keys to those coins, and no one else can get them. The Bitcoin ( wallet is where you store the keys. Like mining equipment, there are different choices for Bitcoin ( hardware wallets as well. The most important aspect is keeping your Bitcoin ( keys secure. For the beginner to get his or her feet wet, the software-based wallet is ideal. But as your funds value increasingly in time, you will need a hardware wallet to apply better security to access your funds.
There are many mining pools for Bitcoin mining ( Just like the name sounds, a mining pool represents an aggregate mining team putting their resources together for a combined output. While no one player gets the entire rewards, everyone involved has a greater chance of getting some kind of Bitcoin ( reward faster than if they worked independently, at least on a probability basis. There is no requirement to join a mining pool. Any miner is quite free to keep working on their own with their equipment. However, the combination of everyone working together simply makes it easier to achieve a faster total hashrate, which is essential in today's evolved Bitcoin ( market where more work is needed to achieve results. The amount of computation needs and the speed at which the mining pools work simply outpace most individuals unless they have the resources to match the larger number of rigs needed. Instead, individual miners are better off combining their equipment with existing pools and leveraging the power of numbers to achieve a shared reward portion. In most cases, the mining pool administrator will assign a service that you are to connect to for participation. Through this channel, you will receive what is referred to as a block template. You will need to take the template and start trying to figure out what the next block will result in. This is known as proof of work. If the assumption is correct, then it goes back to the mining pool administrator, gets published, and a reward of bitcoins comes in if indeed accurate. Everyone who participated gets a block reward share based on the number of attempts they sent to the pool.
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Bitcoin mining ( is a critical function of Bitcoin (; however, very few people are interested in this avenue to acquire their bitcoins. Our case studies show that mining can be a great way to dollar cost average in Bitcoin ( if done right. It is a safer way to invest if you only place the number of machines you can afford to support financially. We offer the best cryptocurrency miner hosting you'll find.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 09:02 am

Bitcoin ( Q\u0026A: The Economics of Mining ( Pools|5:44
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 09:03 am
It is not as easy as it seems to become a Bitcoin ( miner. Before investing, make sure you understand what cryptocurrency mining involves. Bitcoin mining ( hardware is not cheap and can only do one thing, mine bitcoin. If you are looking to start your installation, you may face issues such as cooling, network security, insurance policy, etc. This is why D-Central offers its turnkey crypto-mining hosting services. Bitcoin ( is quite possibly the world's newest and most efficient store of value, but at this point, it's still experimental.
D-Central's all-inclusive miner hosting is helpful to its customers for a variety of reasons. The most popular reason is the reduction in costs for retail miners. Our fees for a managed service are lower than the prices of almost 99% of individuals wishing to mine. It is interesting for those with comparable costs to benefit from the same profitability, without having to make the least effort. This is because D-Central will do all the maintenance tasks, from cleaning up to restarting and debugging your mining hardware. More overseas companies would like to engage in Bitcoin mining ( operations, but cannot because of too high an energy price. It is interesting to do business with cryptocurrency mining experts. Our managed Bitcoin mining ( colocation offer allows everyone to do DCA in Bitcoin ( with the Mine&Hodl method, which happens to have a better performance than Buy&Hodl in almost all the case studies we have carried out.
Our Hosting Services Features.
D-Central empowers miner hosting in Quebec's province, thus benefiting from a substantial competitive advantage in terms of price, climate, and cleanliness. The jurisdictions of Canada and Quebec are also very politically stable, offering foreign investors a much-coveted comfort. In addition to sourcing from Hydro-Quebec with one of the cleanest energies in the world, D-Central aims to completely nullify the carbon emissions linked to its energy consumption by planting several trees necessary in Canada to counteract its ecological footprint.
Best/Safe Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining Companies 2020.
List of Best Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining Sites (updated as of 25 January 2020)
When investing in bitcoins , one needs to consider finding reliable websites to mine bitcoins in the cloud and generate cryptocurrencies periodically and safely. The problem with this type of investment is making a decision and betting on a site where cryptocurrencies won't be in danger of disappearing overnight. Therefore, if you're looking for websites to mine bitcoins, today weÕll offer the following to mine in the cloud safely:
1- CryptoUniverse 100% recommended and reliable. 2- VIABTC Best Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining companies. 3- Genesis Mining 100% recommended for bitcoin and ethereum Cloud mining. 4- VirtualMiningFarm 100 GHS free for bitcoin cloud mining. 5- Eobot is the easiest, cheapest, way to mine BTC and Crypto.
Started : 29/08/2019 Minimum Deposit : 0.001 BTC Minimum Withdrawal : 0.0005 BTC Payouts : Manual Referral : 5% Investment Plans: 3.6% DAILY (0.15% HOURLY) FOREVER.
Started: 01/07/2020 Minimum Deposit : 10 USD Minimum Withdrawal: 2 USD - For Cryptos 3 USD Payouts : Manual Referral : 5% - 1% - 1% Investment Plans: 4% Daily for 50 Days 5% Daily for 50 Days.
Add Time : 01/07/2020 Minimum Deposit : 10 USD Minimum Withdrawal: 1 USD Payouts : Manual Referral : 10% Investment Plans: 3% DAILY FOREVER.
Started: 02/08/2020 Minimum Deposit : 5 USD Payouts : Instant Referral : 3% up to 15% Investment Plans: 1.18% Hourly For 90 Hours (principal included) 0.50% Hourly For 288 Hours (principal included) 2.50% Hourly For 48 Hours (principal included) 6% Hourly For 24 Hours (principal included)
# 1 CryptoUniverse: Reliable and Secure Cryptocurrency Mining [100% RECOMMENDED]
CryptoUniverse is a cryptocurrency mining service that offers several mining packages at very low prices. The positive side is that it has been offering an uninterrupted service for a long time which is also fast when paying the daily mining rewards. If you still haven't started mining bitcoins or want to diversify your investment strategy, this is, without a doubt, one of the best options for mining bitcoins and cryptocurrencies. Cryptouniverse has become our main website for mining bitcoins safely while obtaining effective payments. In short, we recommend hiring the powerful Bitcoin mining ( SHA-256 because it will continue working and paying off for years, and from the first day of the website's operation. Without interruptions.
WHY SHOULD I TRUST Cryptouniverse?
CryptoUniverse provides to their user's services like Scrypt mining and SHA-256 , This service ( Script mining ) reduces power and improve mining efficiency. Among the many updates in the company, it makes the process more encouraging and rewarding, Unlike Genesis mining, Cryptouniverse provides you with the location of their main data centers, which is located at Kirishi, Irkutsk, and Siberia in .
And also provides you with full details of their workers, You will also be surprised that they have a unique feature like switching or changing mining pools which of course other cloud mining companies have it and no proof that a contract is just pointing to a specific pool.
It should get to your notice that payout on CryptoUniverse is made in BTC, so the total value of earnings in USD depends on the versatility of the BTC/USD exchange rate.
If BTC goes up in value, the same way the earning will increase in USD, if it goes down, so do earnings in USD. There is also a daily maintenance fee to be paid for BTC mining on Cryptouniverse.
Also, CryptoUniverse is very fast in paying out, when you want to withdraw your coins it can take within 48 Houres to get to your wallet,
Due to its two confirmation processes of authentication that will be sent through email.
Cryptouniverse Referral:
Cryptouniverse offers a %10 referral bonus, which gives the privilege to be among the highest-rated cloud mining company offering discounts. They don't offer a signup bonus at this moment but have special offers from time to time.
Cryptouniverse mining company is a very nice mining company to work with and have yourself get away with some great features that will benefit you after the long run in the industry.
# 2 VIABTC: A hard to find Bitcoin ( cloud mining site to profit handsomely [80% RECOMMENDED]
When it comes to Bitcoin (, Litecoin and BitcoinCash mining pool, ViaBTC definitely deserves a special mention. The company boasts an extremely huge Bitcoin mining ( pool, which is currently the world's fifth in its growth. Just for the record, there are more than 16400 active workers in it. Plus, it promises pretty good returns. You can check how much you potentially could earn via a pool hash rate chart. The developers announce that soon people mining at ViaBTC will be able to participate in Bitcoin ( trading as well in their own trading platform.
Below, we have gathered its main features:
Cryptocurrency mining possibilities: Bitcoin (, Litecoin, BitcoinCash, DASH, ZEC, XMR... Fees: a 4% fee is charged for the PPS payment system and a 2% fee for the PPLNS. The FAQ section is accurate and detailed. Real Transparency: you can check the Hashrate of pools when needed. Easily monitor, control and calculate earnings. Daily payments and automatic fees deduction. Good and highly rewarding Loyalty program. Low entry-level. Two-factor authentication.
How to start earning via ViaBTC.
Participating in its cloud mining operations is easy and accessible for everyone. A little entry-level makes it accessible to the majority of people around the world.
To become the miner here, you need to:
Create an account Select the required Hashrate and cryptocurrency. Create the contract and pay. Get your first payment the following day.
ViaBTC has become a boom in the cloud mining industry and promises to bring solid earnings to its investors.
# 3 Genesis Mining: Mining all types of Cryptocurrencies in the Cloud [100% RECOMMENDED]
If we are definitely going to bet on mining bitcoins in the cloud, we need to consider the Genesis Mining option, as this may be the giant of the bitcoin cloud mining world, due to a large number of customers and equipment theyÕve accumulated in its system, which is located in Iceland. Genesis Mining has provided bitcoin cloud mining services since 2014. It has a spectacular website and its social networks are constantly updated with information on cryptocurrencies and the evolution and progress of their service. In this service, you can choose the cryptocurrency you want to mine by choosing between Bitcoin (, Litecoin, Dashcoin, Ethereum, Zcash, Dogecoin, and Monero depending on your interests and the cryptocurrency that you want to accumulate in your account.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 09:03 am

Bitcoin ( mining pool - [HOST] tutorial|5:52
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 09:04 am
Prices of contracts you can buy on Genesis Mining.
● 2.5 TH/s (GOLD) You can start with this plan which will guarantee a lifetime Bitcoin mining ( contract and it will cost you around $ 151, This plan will give a clue of how cloud mining works and the profit attached to it.
●25 TH/s (PLATINUM) This plan will also offer you a lifetime Bitcoin mining ( contract and will cost you around $1,443.
●100 TH/s (DIAMOND) Lifetime Bitcoin mining ( contract which will cost you $5,500.
Some great profits can be earned from Genesis mining that attracts the interest of people towards the mining company.
From the contracts above you can make profits out of them, If you purchased the: - XII CONTRACT a payout of 0.027mBTC per 1MH/s per day and a cost of 13.6mBTC per 1MH/s will be assured, but then You have to expect to break-even in 500 days - SHA-256 CONTRACT expect payouts of 0.37mBTC per 1TH/s per day and a cost of 0.25 BTC per 1TH/s But then you have to expect your break-even in 670 days, Also, seem this lifetime contracts or shares are profitable some charges are taken to maintain the service.
in conclusion, Genesis is very nice and among the best in cloud mining, you really have to take a thought then invest in this company.
# 4 Virtualminigfarm: 100 GHS FREE Trial for Cloud Mining Bitcoin ( [100% RECOMMENDED]
Virtualminingfarm is a Bitcoin mining ( website with more than two years in the market. You will start mining bitcoins from the moment of registration. When you register youÕll receive 100GHS for free and will start receiving rewards from the first day. You need to invest at least 20GHS to make a withdrawal. Reliable and recommended for diversifying your cloud Bitcoin mining ( websites portfolio. Whether you have experience or are starting to mine bitcoins, create an account on Virtualminingfarm and get 100 GHS FREE instantly, to mine bitcoins and receive rewards from the first day.
# 5 Eobot: is the easiest, cheapest, and best way to get or mine bitcoin [70% RECOMMENDED]
Eobot is a long-distance website for mining bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. You can start with very little or no investment. It is a very interesting alternative because it has daily cryptocurrency or mining power rewards, It's ideal if you're starting out and don't want to invest large amounts of money.
What coins can I mine with Eobot?
Eobot provides cloud mining rentals on the following algorithms:
● SHA-256 , which is used to mine Bitcoin ( ● Scrypt , which is used to mine Litecoin.
Analysis of Eobot:
Analysis has it that you can use their platform as an exchange to (BTC ETH LTC STEEM DOGE XRP DASH RDD BTS CURE XEM XMR ZEC FCT BCN REP LSK MAID USD GRC GOLD),
You can donate to awesome scientific & medical projects and get great rewards back in crypto-coins and by taking advantage of their Faucet service.
They also provided an app for smartphone users to serve those users well in their service.
Eobot cloud mining plans are priced based on the hash power of the equipment. The charge is $0.00021 GH/s daily for the 4GH/s Antminer S9 miner rig.
Also, a 34% maintenance fee for the fraction of the mining fee and should be added to the charge for calculation purposes. All fees are deducted every minute from the final payout the client receives.
Note that on their website, once a fee reaches 100% on a mining rig and on a cryptocurrency, they stop mining that coin.
User Experience:
Eobot has a very nice website platform easy to access and not that confusing to their user, they only offer English but you can translate using google translator, They work hard to support their users like the site is designed to carry out information...
interesting side projects Cloud SETI and medical researches immediate payouts Android and iOS apps.
high maintenance fees basic website no information about the owners Your account will be deactivated if you do not buy a contract after two months.
Conclusion on Eobot.
Despite the existence of Eobot the cloud mining business since almost the beginning, their service is more costly than the market average due to the high maintenance fees. Apart from that, the lack of information on the owners can be a barrier for upcoming clients.
# 6 BITCOIN POOL : this website has everything you need [70% RECOMMENDED]
This cloud mining company promises to offer 110% block rewards and 0% fees. As we all have the knowledge of the large bitcoin wallet that is being possessed by Bitcoin (, which is one of the most popular wallets in the online market today. However, their website also delivers users with further information about the bitcoin world, which includes how to buy bitcoin or the latest news from the world of bitcoin. Furthermore Pool.Bitcoin ('s is a cloud mining pool. Your purchase on the pool at a fixed price, pay a daily fee and then enjoy a fixed hash rate for the year. Their "110% block reward" claim has brought some sensation in the market, seems users don't understand how the extra 10% was achieved, But then the company said it comes from bitcoin transaction fees, apparently the company is benefiting from the bitcoin network's relatively high transaction fees.
Pool.Bitcoin ( cloud mining pool was launched in May 2017.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 09:04 am

Is Bitcoin ( Mining ( Worth it in 2020? (How Much YOU can Make)|15:27
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 09:04 am
Pool.Bitcoin ( had it that they partnered with North America's largest Bitcoin mining ( data center before the launching of the cloud mining pool in 2017. The location of the Data-center is not disclosed for some security reasons.
However, all hashrate for the pool appears to come from that data center.
They are a dedicated team which is responsible for all contract sales for Pool.Bitcoin ( Meanwhile, the cloud mining platform was created by Pool.Bitcoin ( developer Shaun Chong under guidance from the company's CTO, Emil Oldenburg, and Bitcoin ('s CEO, Roger Ver. They are operated by a Saint Kitts and Nevis-based company named Saint Bitts.
Bitcoin ( works the same way other cloud mining services does, You fund your account get started, then benefit a certain amount of money from Pool.Bitcoin ('s cloud mining operations per day. You can purchase a wide range of cloud mining contracts from Pool.Bitcoin ( - including a lifetime cloud mining subscription plan, None of the mining will be done by you, You're paying Pool.Bitcoin ( to operate mining software on your behalf. However, if you have a miner - like an Antminer S9 or Avalon 721 - It will be easier for you, all you just have to do is connect it to the Bitcoin ( pool using their address displayed online, then after a day of mining all the shares earned that day will be visible on your account, letting you know that you're being paid without any mistakes.
Pool.Bitcoin ( has varieties of plans ranging from 12 months to a lifetime. The lifetime plans, however, works in a way that once your hash rate stops being profitable your mining will stop, You can customize the hash rate of all plans, starting at just 1 TH/s and ranging all the way up to 15,000 TH/s. 12 Month Plan (Starting at 2 TH/s) : $398 USD initial cost + $0.56 daily fee ($199 per TH/s)
Lifetime Plan (Starting at 2 TH/s) : $598 initial cost + $0.56 daily fee ($299 per TH/s)
The cost per TH/s is always fixed. Right now, all Bitcoin mining ( pool subscriptions charge between $200 and $300 per TH/s. Features of bitcoin cloud mining pool.
You don't need any special training to start mining, you can start mining at any time, Again, you're just paying Pool.Bitcoin ( to operate mining equipment on your behalf.
Bitcoin ( have a guarantee of %100 server uptime which means that their server will never go down.
They also have this feature of allowing you switch between which coin you want to mine but not like the Cryptouniverse, bitcoin is specific on the two coins owned by their company which is Bitcoin ( and Bitcoin ( cash, can choose which one to mine respectively.
Bitcoin ( from the reviews above you can decide how good it is for if you can register with them and also work with them, but from what I see they are really good.
# 7 HASHING24: one of the most trusted sites to mine bitcoin in the cloud [90% RECOMMENDED]
its goal of existence is to enable professionals and newbies of the same motives access to the same quality resources as the industrial miners to allow effective mining.
More details on Hashing 24:
Hashing24 made their locations available on their website to make users have some trust in them. The offices are located in Thailand, e, and Scotland. You can access to their world-class data centers, a network boasting more than 200 Ph/s stable hash power and also has a compensations for any unexpected downtime, As they don't have 100% guarantee on their server like mining cloud pool, but still they will compensate you if mistakenly their server shuts down on you,
Immediately you access to your mined bitcoins (within 24 hours) they will be an automatic deposit of mined bitcoins to wallet without any delay, they really have a fast service that will interest you.
One good feature about Hashing 24 is that they actually sell you ONLY newly minted bitcoins. This shows proof that the company is really mining and not selling you bitcoins that have been in stock for a while. You can use block explorer to verify if the coin that is sent to is newly minted or not,
After registration you choose a plan (number of the host) for the mining equipment renting:
1 host - power 100Gh/s - maintenance $0.00033 per GH/s per day- price $16.18 By buying this plan, you will be provided on a daily basis the benefit of the ordered power, which will be sourced from equipment located in the data centers of their partners, BitFury company.
Hashing 24 has a good amazing feature that could put Hashing24 ahead of other cloud companies: If they let their users signal for certain features, kind of like Slush Pool does.
With the Bitcoin ( UASF likely to happen, many users want to buy hash power to support their side of the split. This would definitely be a very popular feature on Hashing24, so if this feature is added in time to come that will be more advantageous to them, Thus this feature should have been into the market but then no mining company has implemented it already, what will the reason be about? So many users will like and Cherish this feature, I hope hashing24 will implement this and then have a great exploration in the company with an outstanding feature.
In conclusion unlike other mining companies Hashing 24 has mining hardware, with that you can verify that they really stand out among those companies that will rather pay you payout pretending that they have machines.
# 8 MINERGATE: Stable Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining [70% RECOMMENDED]
This cryptocurrency cloud mining company was created by a group of crypto coin enthusiasts that used to mine on bitcoin and decided to expand.
It was released in the year 2014, since then it has been creating some great impact in the crypto marketing system.
Compared to most cloud mining sites where investors can only mine on one type of cryptocurrency, Users have also enabled the ability to auto-mine coins with the highest exchange rate so that they can generate the most profit from their computing power.
Looking at the way their site was designed, if you decide to mine more than one cryptocurrency simultaneously, users shouldn't be a victim in the decrease of hashing power.
MinerGate has over 1.7million miners worldwide that embarrass the company making the service one the largest operating in the market of cloud mining.
Regardless of how popular MinerGate is they are no reputable information about who operates the system it remains anonymous the only thing left on the site is their mail ([email protected]). Furthermore, their site remains private according to it was registered privately so as they will be no details of who registered the site. So MinerGate really operates in a private mode like you can't determine where they are or where they located like some other cloud mining sites.
They try as much as possible to provide miners with the number of unique features that can't be found on other cloud mining sites list.
Features like Smart Mining which helps investors know the cryptocurrency that will yield the highest profit on power ratio.
Users have the ability to determine whether this feature be enabled, or if they prefer to mine a cryptocurrency of their own choice.
Supported Cryptocurrencies, this is another feature that makes MinerGate more valuable by being able to check which cryptocurrency is more profitable to mine MinerGate supports a total of 14 cryptocurrencies.
You will have to create an account at For newbies in mining cryptos, MinerGate provides its own wallet so users without any wallet address are enabled to start mining.
with their incorporation of two-factor authentication, you can lose your password and have nothing to worry about because your funds are still in the right possession,
So after creating the account, you will have to download the MinerGate software and install it to your device,
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 09:05 am

Crypto Mining ( Setup First Month Profits! How much did I make?|6:30
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 09:21 am
After installing the software you will then have to select Start Mining, then verify the number of cores you wish to use.
Telling from experience the fewer amount of cores you wish to enact, the slower hash rate you will generate, but the less stress your hardware will have to endure.
In conclusion, MinerGate is a big platform that carries out about thousands of transactions from different users daily, so it has no reason to terminate such reputation so MinerGate is not a Scam as people might refer them to be.
How Cloud Mining Works?
Step 1: Registration.
You need to create an account at the chosen cloud mining service and, after that, you can have access to your personal cabinet.
Step 2: Purchasing hashing power.
You buy a certain amount of hashing power either for cryptocurrency or U.S. dollars. The hashing power you bought starts to benefit you immediately.
Step 3: Storing.
Every day, the cryptocurrency which you have mined is charged on your account. You can reinvest it by buying additional hashing power or, simply, accumulate.
Step 4: Money Withdrawal.
When a certain sum of money is accumulated on your account, you can withdraw it to your personal crypto-wallet.
Step 5: Currency exchange.
You can change cryptocurrency for real money with the help of one of the stock exchanges.
What is required to make use of cloud mining?
As the service is been managed by mining companies, As a customer all you have to do is register with any of the sites that we have mentioned, Then purchase a mining contract or shares on the site.
what rate do I get in return?
No much profit compared to the other kind of mining-related to making use of heavy machines, they are generally some costs attached to this service and this can result in a lower return for the miner/you.
Focusing on the topic above some cloud mining sites will be listed above to let you know the ones you really have to work with to avoid being scammed.
Top 10 cryptocurrency mining companies.
As the invention of cryptocurrency has given rise to a number of domains, cryptocurrency mining industry is one of them. Mining cost a lot of electricity to the miners where the miners solve complex mathematical problems in order to add a particular block to the blockchain and hence receive the block reward in the form of cryptocurrency. As the number of miners increases, trying to crack the code, the difficulty of the complex algorithm increases.
A number of miners join together in order to create a mining pool. This collaboration acts as an advantage to the miners as the total number of miners doesn't increase with respect to the blockchain but a whole set of miners act as a single miner and hence the difficulty of the complex algorithms is not increased as the number of miners are increased in the mining pool . In other words, in a mining pool the set of miners share the work among themselves and also the block reward is shared among them.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 09:22 am
Below are some of the top 10 cryptocurrency mining companies :
Founded in the year 2014, it is regarding as one of the top Bitcoin mining ( companies around the world. It is well known for its transparency and best customer service. The integrity and reliability which the company provides to its users are just unmatchable. Spondoolies tech, an Israel based company which is specialized in manufacturing all kinds of cryptocurrency mining equipment works in collaboration with this cloud mining company by providing it with mining rigs. All of their mining equipment is being placed in the locations which have geographically suitable for mining. Surplus and cheap electricity and low temperatures in a location are best suited for mining. They provide a wide range of offers from 50GH/s to 15,000GH/s .
The Bitcoin ( and Ethereum cloud mining company are considered to be very simple and user-friendly. The new users, as well as the experts, can use this service easily in order to gain some profits. The company provides a very unique way of buying a hash power to the user without even really worrying about the hardware and software requirements required for the mining. The whole mining installation is done by a set of highly experienced experts in the cryptocurrency as well as financial sector and hence the company is highly reliable. Once the user registers for hash power in the company the withdrawal of the profits can be done periodically. The minimum payout is 0.002 for Bitcoin ( and 0.03 for Ethereum. In short, the Lithuania based company is the best place for investment.
it is one of the most legal cloud mining service providing company in Peru, with approvals as well as registrations from SUNAT and SUNARP. Along with registrations with the financial authorities of the country, the company even has RUC and a DUNS numbers. It is one of the first fully automated online systems which intends in providing a number of investment options to its users in order to increase the return on Investments. It even offers 10% referral bonus to its customers. They strictly make sure that their customers are satisfied with their service.
This particular cloud mining service is considered to be one of the safest around the world and is located in the industrial zone of Kutaisi, Georgia. A large spectrum of Bitcoin mining ( hash powers is available here with an aim of providing the cryptocurrency community, the accessibility to mine Bitcoins.
The Canada based cloud mining services provide cloud mining , Dedicated miner, and Colocation Miner services. It even offers a live customer support in French and English languages.
The mining company acquires its hash power from some of the large data centers spread throughout the world. This is intelligently done in order to reduce the cost of electricity that is required to mine cryptocurrencies .
The company aims at providing Bitcoin mining ( contracts to the new customers who are experiencing Bitcoin mining ( for the first time.
This company can be considered as a one-stop shop for all the professional cryptocurrency mining solutions. It even provides its services to the customers who are very new to the blockchain technology as well as the cryptocurrencies.
The company mainly deals with the manufacturing and development of the hardware equipment required for mining but recently opened up its own Bitcoin mining ( data center in Georgia.
Covering cryptocurrency mining along with equipment required for it, the company helps individuals and businesses to set up mining sale e-commerce.
The cryptocurrency revolution has undoubtedly proven to be very useful as well as better than the traditional fiat currencies we had. If we look at the traditional Fiat currencies, the amount of energy spent in order to create the currency is very negligible, in other words it is same as the amount of energy required to manufacture a piece of paper but in the cryptocurrency domain the huge amount of electricity is consumed for the creation of cryptocurrencies and hence they have some intrinsic value and are inflation proof.
Many countries across the world have embraced this technology and are taking advantage out of it by fastening the whole Financial tedious process which took a lot of time. Many governments are even focused on the research and development in the field of Blockchain Technology, in order to further explore its potentials to solve other problems.
Start Bitcoin mining ( Today.
It's super simple - Your mining rigs are already set up and running. As soon as you've set up your account, you can start to mine your first coins using our Bitcoin ( cloud mining service!
we are a Bitcoin mining ( company.
QuantDome is one of the leading hashpower providers in the world, offering Bitcoin mining ( capacities in every range - for newcomers, interested home miners, as well as large scale investors. Our mission is to make acquiring bitcoin easy and fast for everyone.
Easy to use Bitcoin mining (
Real-time mining monitoring.
Simple and easy to use, with clear and transparent statistics.
No need to buy equipment No maintenance fee No equipment downtime Mining starts immediately after payment.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 09:22 am

Weekly Profit with my 6 GPU MINING RIG!|12:29
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 09:24 am
Advantages of Hashmart.
Hashmart in the media.
Hashmart is a simple and affordable cloud mining service, the main aim of which is to introduce the world of Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrencies to a wider audience. In 2007 Steve Jobs changed the world, making modern technology more accessible to everyone. Today, the team at Hashmart want to open up the convenience and benefits of cryptocurrencies to a wider audience. Here's the difference: the first iPhone was worth $499, but the price for the minimum mining Bitcoin ( contract is just $25.8.
What kind of cryptocurrencies do you mine?
At the moment, our service supports only Bitcoin mining ( using the SHA-256 algorithm. In the future, we are planning to enhance the support of other cryptocurrencies. If you want to know about new opportunities and offers - join our social networks. All current information is updated there.
What commission does Hashmart charge?
Our service doesn't claim any additional fees for orders payment or crypto withdrawals.
How can I pay for mining power?
Our service currently supports payments in Bitcoin (, by card and by bank transfer. Bank transfers should be made in EUR in favour of the Cyprus bank. If you pay by card, you will be able to choose the transaction currency: EUR, USD or RUB.
I have purchased some hashpower. When will I receive my first payout?
Payments will be made daily. The first payment will be credited to your account within 24 hours after you pay for the contract.
Hashmart makes cloud mining available to everyone.
Have you ever wondered why so many people switch from fiat money to decentralized cryptocurrencies? The reason for this transition is as clear as day - it's all about escaping the rat race that the banking systems want us to run in for the rest of our lives. Unlike them, the Blockchain technology provides those who are willing to write their own tickets with exponentially growing resources which are neither affected by inflation nor controlled by the government. And there is hardly anything more advantageous for making the most of these resources than cloud mining.
Inspired by the idea of opening up a decentralized world of opportunities to people from all over the globe, Hashmart introduces a vast range of Bitcoin ( cloud mining solutions. We offer a surefire way to leverage your assets while benefiting from the record-shattering market capitalization of BTC. Do you want to avoid dancing to someone else's tune? Hashmart allows you to reap substantial profits in cryptocurrencies by mining coins remotely!
The right Bitcoin mining ( contract is the only thing missing to get started.
In layman's terms, BTC cloud mining is a process of making Bitcoin ( as a reward without the hassles of hardware upkeep, high electricity bills, and related issues. On the whole, it comes down to using the capabilities of remote data centers that Hashmart will provide you with. All you need to start mining is to select a suitable plan, known as a contract.
We offer several mining contracts that vary in hash power, maintenance fees, and some other details. Our most popular options are a 12-month Bitcoin ( plan and an open-ended one, providing 300 Gh/s and 250 Gh/s in capacity respectively. Remember, the higher the hash rate is, the more mining opportunities you can take advantage of. So, be sure to consider your options thoroughly when choosing a contract.
Why Hashmart is the best cloud mining platform.
Above all, Hashmart is a cloud capacity provider that gives skilled miners as well as those who are new to mining direct access to the pool of its technological resources. Secondly, we take care of everything from hardware provision to maintenance and, thus, make things less burdensome for you with no extra fees involved. Thirdly, we are capable of ensuring the best cloud mining experience owing to:
substantial hash power capacity of 150.5 Ph/s; zero downtime risk, so you won't miss out on any opportunity; advanced ASIC chips which allow you to mine coins in the most efficient manner; enormous network of data centers located in Siberia.
As of now, our platform provides only a Bitcoin mining ( option, but we set our sights on adding Ethereum and other contracts in the nearest future. With all our technological benefits and commission-free withdrawals, you will mine coins and yield profits without any limits down the road. Plus, you will be able to monitor statistics, financial transactions, and even forecasts for your earnings in the dashboard.
Choose your plan, specify the required hash power, and start mining with Hashmart today!
Bitcoin mining ( systems.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 09:25 am

How Much Money I Made Mining ( Bitcoin ( SO FAR!!!!!!!|15:09
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 09:26 am
Explain Bitcoin mining ( in Some Easy Steps.
Bitcoin mining ( is the backbone of the bitcoin network, and it confirms your transactions and provides security. Your network will be attacked without the bitcoin miners. This is the reason why Bitcoin mining ( is crucial.
Bitcoin mining ( is costly because huge dollars, electricity, and hard work are required to complete the process.
Bitcoin mining ( is costly because huge dollars, electricity, and hard work are required to complete the process. With crypto tokens, miners are rewarded for their work, and cryptocurrency users are advised to use Bitcoin mining ( during the transactions to keep it safe and secure.
Bitcoin mining ( is done by the advanced computer, not by a normal computer. On the other hand, by solving computational problems, Miners are paid in the form of new bitcoins for their service. Mining is the best way to earn money without investing.
To set up a mining rig, you need a graphics processing unit (GPU). It is the process of adding transaction records to the Blockchain (known as bitcoin's public ledger). The mining process is very vital because it confirms your transactions, and also anyone can use it.
Every ten minutes, a miner is rewarded for his work with bitcoins. Bitcoin mining ( is a must to complete your transactions. If you are willing to invest in cryptocurrencies such as bitcoins, you must know these whole mining processes.
Bitcoin mining ( requires specialized computers, expenses, and huge electricity. But some orthodox economists have criticized mining as useless because it requires time, effort, and human resources too.
The media constantly says that Bitcoin mining ( is ultimately a waste of time, money, and electricity. Bitcoin ( eliminates the need for any credit cards, banks, etc. for the transactions. Moreover, it makes your transactions fast, secure, and convenient.
To complete transactions safely, you need Bitcoin mining ( to enable a monetary network worth millions of dollars. Therefore, bitcoin is not a waste of electricity. It is useful, and bitcoin miners are rewarded with newly created bitcoins.
How Much do Bitcoin mining ( Farms Make?
How much Bitcoin mining ( farms make depends on several factors such as the level of difficulty when the bitcoin is mined, the cost of bitcoin when the worker sells it, the scale of its production, the age of the mining hardware, and the price it pays for the electricity.
Mining farms are situated all over the world. Some research has said that 65% of Bitcoin mining ( occurs in China. However, in the year 2020, it is estimated that mining farms used about 75 terawatt-hours of electricity.
Nearly all the bitcoin farms are using the same hardware. The electricity cost varies but finding a block is fixed. On the other hand, you can increase or decrease the size of your mining operation.
What are the Bitcoin mining ( Pools?
A pool allows miners to search blocks more frequently by joining with other miners in a group. Actually, mining pools allow small miners to receive more regular mining payouts.
Bitcoin ( miners are paid for their hard work with bitcoins. Moreover, keep in mind that the more powerful your hardware is, the more electricity it is going to require.
On the other hand, Bitcoin mining ( pools are a group of cooperating miners who decide to share their block rewards equivalent to the distributed mining power.
Mining hardware requires huge electricity, so it is only located where electricity is cheap and affordable. Bitcoin mining ( hardware the highly advanced computers that are used to mine bitcoins.
At present, Bitcoin mining ( are performed on ASICs with access to low electricity. This is the concept of Bitcoin mining ( hardware that you must know.
How to Mine Bitcoins?
Everyone can't do Bitcoin mining ( because it is a really very expensive process. To mine bitcoins, you require huge electricity, human resources, price, time, effort, advanced computers, etc.
Bitcoin mining ( are done in large warehouses where the cost of electricity is less. If you want to start Bitcoin mining (, you first need to get the bitcoin wallet, find a bitcoin exchange, get Bitcoin mining ( hardware, and then select a mining pool. To know more, you can also refer to bitcoin cycle.
The final thoughts.
Therefore, these are some of the significant steps of Bitcoin mining ( that you must know if you are willing to spend in bitcoins.
Bitcoin ( Hashrate Now : 144.84 EH/s Nov 21, 2020 08:47 AM UTC - 144,840,228,640,711,800,000 H/s.
The current Bitcoin ( hashrate is 144.84 EH/s, representing the global Bitcoin ( network hashrate with a mining difficulty of 17.60 T at block height 657,958.
The current Bitcoin ( hashrate (BTC hashrate) is 144.84 EH/s at block height 657,958 with a difficulty of 17,596,801,059,571.43.
Bitcoin ( Global Hashrate 144.84 EH/s.
Majority of Bitcoin ( Hashrate Signals Support for Taproot Scaling, Privacy Upgrade.
Bitcoin mining ( pools representing over 54% of the network's current hashrate have signaled support for the scaling and privacy protocol upgrade Taproot, merged into Bitcoin ( Core last month.
Bitmain's Antpool backed the protocol upgrade Thursday morning in a message sent to Poolin, the pool told CoinDesk, joining five other pools in Poolin's Taproot Activation initiative and pushing the percentage of hashrate in support of the upgrade over 50%. Antpool plans to publicly express its support in a forthcoming block's coinbase.
Poolin's vice president, Alejandro De La Torre, told CoinDesk he is "beyond happy" that most major mining pools have responded affirmatively to their "consensus-built effort" to support Taproot.
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Notably, Binance Pool is the only top-five pool to not yet support Taproot.
Taproot aims to improve transaction privacy and enhance Bitcoin ('s smart contract functionality. As an added bonus, it's also designed to keep Bitcoin ('s blocks small, with block space as accessible as possible.
"The only uncertainty with Taproot is when and how it will be activated," said Daniel Frumkin, engineer and technical writer at Slush Pool, in a direct message with CoinDesk.
"In the end it should be a straightforward process with minimal drama," he added, noting that Taproot is "not controversial." Frumkin contrasted this proposed upgrade with the heated industry-wide disagreements caused by the 2017 SegWit2X proposal, which many miners also supported.
Seeing any miners opposing the Taproot upgrade would be a shock to Frumkin. "I'd expect the rest of the major pools to signal support in the following weeks," he said.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 09:27 am

Is Bitcoin ( Mining ( Profitable In The Uk?? - Cryptocurrency For Beginners|4:05
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 09:43 am
Bitcoin mining ( Rigs Struggle for Profits, Despite BTC's Hashrate Reaching an All-Time High.
Bitcoin ('s hashrate climbed to an all-time high (ATH) this week touching 166 exahash per second (EH/s) on October 14. Meanwhile, despite the recent price rise and hashrate ATH on Wednesday, only a small group of next-generation mining rigs are profiting at current bitcoin exchange rates.
The price of bitcoin (BTC) is hovering just above the $11K region and during the last few days, the network's hashrate has touched a new ATH. At the time of writing, BTC's hashrate is fluctuating between 130 to 140 exahash per second (EH/s), and on Wednesday evening (ET) the metric surpassed 166 EH/s.
Interestingly, the rise has continued despite the fact that BTC's network difficulty has also reached an ATH at 19.69T. This means it is harder than ever before to find a block mining the BTC network, but this hasn't phased the overall hashrate. The next BTC difficulty change is scheduled to happen in just a hair over two days' time.
On Thursday, October 15, 2020, there are 18 known mining pools hashing away at the chain and a single unknown mining entity in the group as well. The top five pools mining on Thursday afternoon includes (23.9 EH/s), F2pool (20.6 EH/s), Poolin (18.7 EH/s), Antpool (15.9 EH/s), and Huobi (11.3 EH/s).
While looking at the real-time mining hardware aggregator at, with the filter set to $0.06 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) and SHA256 miners only, the web portal shows only 13 rigs are profiting today by over $2 per day.
Statistics from show 13 mining rigs profit at over $2 per day and 33 mining rigs profit below the $2 range if the mining operators are paying $0.06 per kWh.
There are 30 SHA256 mining rigs that are profiting at $0.11 to $1.89 per day at $0.06 per kWh. If the electrical costs are doubled at $0.12 per kWh then only two machines out of the 43 mining rigs profiting at $0.06 per kWh will profit.
At $0.12 per kWh, indicates that only two mining rigs are profiting at today's exchange rates on October 15, 2020.
The two top machines include Bitmain's Antminer S19 Pro (110 TH/s) and the Microbt Whatsminer M30S++ (112 TH/s). The Whatsminer M30S+ follows, alongside the Antminer S19, Whatsminer M30S, Antminer T19, and the AvalonMiner 1166 Pro respectively.
A number of other cryptocurrency algorithms are showing higher profits than the SHA256 consensus algorithm. At the time of publication, the algorithms Equihash, Ethash, Tensority, and Eaglestrong show larger profits for miners mining these types of coins. Currently, miners who mine SHA256 coins (BTC, BCH, BSV) need around $0.06 per kWh to gather some decent profits above $2 per day.
Further, it would be better for BTC miners if the price was $1,100 higher than it is today so miners can recoup from the May block reward halving. In February, the blockchain analytics provider Tradeblock estimated a post-halving mining cost of around $12,500 per BTC.
Currently, the average coinbase reward value during the last 24-hours is around $71,390 per block with around $6,189 (0.54 BTC) in transaction fees. With BTC's hashrate rising to new levels, the expected difficulty adjustment on October 17th will be increased a touch more than today.
What do you think about BTC's hashrate touching all-time highs and the current mining rig profitability? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.
Comparison of mining pools.
Reward types & explanation:
CPPSRB - Capped Pay Per Share with Recent Backpay. [1] DGM - Double Geometric Method. A hybrid between PPLNS and Geometric reward types that enables to operator to absorb some of the variance risk. Operator receives portion of payout on short rounds and returns it on longer rounds to normalize payments. [2] ESMPPS - Equalized Shared Maximum Pay Per Share. Like SMPPS, but equalizes payments fairly among all those who are owed. [3] POT - Pay On Target. A high variance PPS variant that pays on the difficulty of work returned to pool rather than the difficulty of work served by pool [4] PPLNS - Pay Per Last N Shares. Similar to proportional, but instead of looking at the number of shares in the round, instead looks at the last N shares, regardless of round boundaries. PPLNSG - Pay Per Last N Groups (or shifts). Similar to PPLNS, but shares are grouped into "shifts" which are paid as a whole. PPS - Pay Per Share. Each submitted share is worth certain amount of BTC. Since finding a block requires shares on average , a PPS method with 0% fee would be 6.25 BTC divided by . It is risky for pool operators, hence the fee is highest. Prop. - Proportional. When block is found, the reward is distributed among all workers proportionally to how much shares each of them has found. RSMPPS - Recent Shared Maximum Pay Per Share. Like SMPPS, but system aims to prioritize the most recent miners first. [5] Score - Score based system: a proportional reward, but weighed by time submitted. Each submitted share is worth more in the function of time t since start of current round. For each share score is updated by: score += exp(t/C). This makes later shares worth much more than earlier shares, thus the miner's score quickly diminishes when they stop mining on the pool. Rewards are calculated proportionally to scores (and not to shares). (at slush's pool C=300 seconds, and every hour scores are normalized) SMPPS - Shared Maximum Pay Per Share. Like Pay Per Share, but never pays more than the pool earns. [6] FPPS - Full Pay Per Share. Similar to PPS,but not only divide regular block reward (6.25 BTC for now) but also some of the transaction fees. Calculate a standard transaction fee within a certain period and distribute it to miners according to their hash power contributions in the pool. It will increase the miners' earnings by sharing some of the transaction fees.
A statistically valid analysis of some pools and their payout methods: Bitcoin ( network and pool analysis.
Name Location Size [1] Merged Mining [2] Reward Type Transaction fees PPS Fee Other Fee GBT Launched Variance Forum Website AntPool China Large No PPLNS & PPS kept by pool 2.5% 0% Yes No ? ? link link Small No PPLNS shared 0.5% Yes No 2016-01-13 Dynamic link link BitcoinAffiliateNetwork ? NMC, DOGE ? kept by pool ? ? Yes 2014-07-15 User/Dynamic link link BitMinter Small NMC PPLNSG shared 1% Yes No 2011-06-26 User [3] /Dynamic link link Medium NMC FPPS shared 0% 4% Yes No 2016-09-13 User link link BTCC Pool China, Japan Large NMC PPS kept by pool 2.0% 0% Yes Yes 2014-10-21 Dynamic ? link BTCDig Small No DGM kept by pool 0% Yes 2013-07-04 User [3] /Dynamic 20SPM link link Small No PPS kept by pool 4% Yes 2011-06-28 Diff 1 link Large BitCoinZ PPLNS shared 1% 0% Yes 2017-06-25 VarDiff link BW Mining China Medium ? PPLNS & PPS ? ? ? Yes ? ? ? link Eligius Small NMC CPPSRB shared 0% Yes Yes 2011-04-27 Dynamic: 32 shares/m link link EMCD Pool CIS, EU, KZ, IR, China Medium DOGE FPPS+ shared 1% 0% Yes No 2018-01-26 Dynamic link F2Pool Large LTC, NMC, SYS, EMC PPS+ shared 2.5% 0% Yes No 2013-05-05 Dynamic link link GHash.IO Small NMC, IXC, Devcoin PPLNS shared 0% Yes No 2013-07-01 User [3] link link Give Me COINS Small NMC PPLNS shared 0% Yes Yes 2013-08-12 Dynamic link link Golden Nonce Pool Small No DGM kept by pool 0% Yes 2018-03-27 Dynamic link link Jonny Bravo's Mining Emporium Small No PPLNS shared 0.5% Yes No 2015-11-19 Dynamic link link KanoPool Medium No PPLNSG shared 0.9% Yes No 2014-09-20 User [3] /Dynamic 18SPM link link Large Komodo PPLNS shared 1% 0% Yes 2017-11-25 VarDiff link Merge Mining Pool Small NMC, IXC, Devcoin DGM shared 1.5% Yes No 2012-01-08 User [3] link link MergeMining Global Small CRW, DVC, HUC, I0C, IXC, XMY/MYR, NMC, SYS, UNO, TRC, ARG, EMC PPLNS shared 1% Yes No 2016-12-01 User [3] link Multipool Small NMC Score shared 1.5% Yes No 2012-03-15 User link link P2Pool Global (p2p) Small Merged mining can be done on a "solo mining" basis [4] PPLNS shared 0% Yes No 2011-06-17 User [3] link Poolin Global Large NMC DOGE VCASH FPPS shared 2.5% 0% Yes Yes 2017-10-01 Dynamic link link Slush Pool Global Medium NMC Score shared 2% Yes No 2010-11-27 User [3] link link Large ZenCash PPLNS shared 1% 0% Yes 2017-10-25 VarDiff link Luxor Medium BTC, DASH, ZEC, ZEN, DCR, SC, XMR, LBC, ARRR & KMD FPPS & PPS shared 2% 0% Yes 2018-01-01 VarDiff link.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 09:44 am

🍓 Best Bitcoin ( Mining ( Software -- How i Make $18,250 Per Day With Bitcoin ( -- Without Investment|18:31
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 09:44 am
SPV Mining / Old Bitcoin ( Core.
The following pools are known or strongly suspected to be mining on top of blocks before fully validating them with Bitcoin ( Core 0.9.5 or later. Miners doing this have already lost over $50,000 USD during the 4 July 2015 fork and have created a situation where small numbers of confirmations are much less useful than they normally are.
BTC Nuggets F2Pool[5] AntPool [5]
The following pools are believed to be currently fully validating blocks with Bitcoin ( Core 0.9.5 or later (0.10.2 or later recommended due to DoS vulnerabilities):
Bitcoin mining ( in comparison - Which BTC-Miner is currently the best?
The Halving 2020 stands in front of the door and so the topic of Bitcoin mining ( is again on everyone's lips. Therefore, we want to introduce you to in this article, the current Bitcoin ( Miner from Bitmain, what miner and StrongU. In our Bitcoin ( Miner comparison, we will show you not only the cost, power consumption and Hashrate, but when you get to the Hardware Break-Even Point.A choice of two Bitcoin ( Miner from Bitmain, three Bitcoin ( Miner of what mine and a DASH Miner of StrongU are. Who makes the race?
In a few days, the large Bitcoin ( Halving 2020 instead, and appropriately, the finds have positioned the various manufacturers for crypto Miner with even more Hashleistung per device. But the Miner from Bitmain and co. can keep up to what their manufacturers promise? For this, we have turned to the Bitcoin mining ( experts of MeaTec, and the devices under the microscope.You want to operate Bitcoin mining (, but do not have a place and also the electricity is too expensive? Then take a look at the Bitcoin mining ( Hardware All Inclusive Hosting package MeaTec to. The boys and girls of the mines for years and have found a way to make real Mining Hardware is accessible for everyone and profitable. Get started today and let your first BTC Miner work for you! Now the Miner start!
More Hashleistung, less power consumption.
The Miner, the latest Generation have one thing in common: you have to Pay high Terrahash and a lower power consumption than their predecessors.The new Bitmain Antminer S19 / S19 Pro and the MicroBT what miner M30S, M31S and M31S+ all previous ASIC Bitcoin ( Miner in the shadows. But they also offer an early Break-Even Point or you should think about a Dash Miner as the StrongU STU-U6?
Bitcoin ( Miner - Figures, Data, Facts.
Profits are calculated on the comparability on the basis of MeaTec Service offer: current price of 0.058$ per kW/h, the Bitcoin ( price 6850$, Dash 73$.
Bitcoin mining ( with a Miner from Bitmain is currently undefeated.
On the basis of the data in this table, a clear winner can be elect. The new Bitmain Antminer S19 and S19 Pro bring in the best result. Your efficiency of the MicroBT what miner fails to lengths. Depending on the provider, however, these are also more expensive. Here you should consider carefully whether you can afford such an expensive Miner, or want to. Despite (or perhaps because) of this high cost, you should not forget that the Bitcoin ( Halving is coming up (may 2020). In this case, the Mining Reward of 12.5 cut in half to 6.25 BTC. The Bitcoin ( price until then, and then stagnate, then the Break-Even Point of the different Bitcoin ( Miner is extended.
How Do Seasonal Fluctuations Really Affect Bitcoin mining (
There has been much ado made recently over supposed seasonal mining fluctuations on the Bitcoin ( network.
The narrative goes that, as the rainy season in China comes to a halt around the August to October timeframe each year, cheap and abundant hydroelectricity dries up. This forces many inefficient late-model miners to shut off or move elsewhere to find more affordable, accessible energy -- creating migratory or nomadic miners, if you will.
The narrative also claims that the network sees a significant drop in hash rate and difficulty at yearly intervals roughly matching this seasonal decline in Chinese hydroelectric generation. This certainly appears to be the case now, in fall 2020, as many speculate the recent loss of about 48 exahashes per second (Eh/s) (30 percent of the network's total hash rate) is due to just this phenomenon. But does the data support this for other years?
And what about the recent Bitcoin ( difficulty adjustment at block height 655,200, one of the largest drops in Bitcoin ('s history? Clark Moody's dashboard shows the block difficulty experienced a 16 percent drop based on the aforementioned loss of network hash rate.
Bitcoin ( Block Production Rate, Difficulty Adjustment And Hash Rate.
The Bitcoin ( protocol is finely tuned and optimized for certain predictable outcomes. The way the network arrives at these desired results is through a series of carefully designed system rules and guidelines that were crafted into the free and open-source software upon its creation.
The Bitcoin ( timechain is a series of blocks that verify, group and order transactions based on a preset series of rules. One such rule is the fact that blocks are added to the chain at a programmatic rate of approximately once every 10 minutes, six blocks per hour and about 144 per day.
Block difficulty is generally proportional to the amount of computational work miners need to generate to produce a block. The Bitcoin ( Genesis block had a difficulty of 1. Yesterday, the block difficulty was 19,997,335,994,446. And, at the time of this writing, the block difficulty is 16,787,779,609,932. This means that today, it is about 16.7 trillion times harder to discover a block compared to the first block. Block difficulty is a unitless Bitcoin ( network metric.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 21, 2021, 09:45 am

HASHRATE of the 8 x 480 8GB Mining ( Rig!|12:15
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 22, 2021, 06:25 am
In order to maintain 10-minute block production rates with an ever-changing amount of miners and hash rate being produced on the network, the software programmatically adjusts block difficulty every 2,016 blocks, or roughly once every two weeks, commonly referred to as a "Bitcoin ( block difficulty epoch." This difficulty adjustment algorithm elegantly maintains an average block production rate, even with wildly fluctuating network hash rates. Over time, as more miners have tried their luck on the network, block difficulty has automatically adjusted upwards to compensate and stabilize block production rates.
Bitcoin ( network hash rate and difficulty history, linearly.
On the chart above, difficulty is seen as declining every so often after a reduction in hash rate, and increasing as hash rate goes up. If blocks are minted at a rate faster (or slower) than once every 10 minutes, on average, that would mean more (or less) computing power is being pointed toward Bitcoin ( than the difficulty threshold can accommodate. As more or fewer miners work toward the chain of blocks, the block difficulty target number will be changed to compensate, ensuring blocks are created at a rate of about one every ten minutes.
While we can clearly see the difficulty decreases on the linear chart, the above logarithmic chart makes the hash rate and difficulty drawdowns less perceivable. Historically on the Bitcoin ( network, block difficulty has trended upward and block difficulty reductions are rare. This is in part due to increasing mining equipment efficiency and effectiveness.
There have only been a handful of months over the past decade in which the block difficulty ended at a value lower than when it started. The relentless growth is even more apparent in charts that illustrate an average Bitcoin ( network hash rate by month and year. There has not been a month, year-over-year, in which the Bitcoin ( network hash rate went down.
Accounting For Seasonal Fluctuations.
So, now that we have established that the Bitcoin ( hash rate, over long enough timeframes, is aggressively NgU (Number Go Up), is there validity to the theory that seasonal fluctuations cause significant changes in network hash rate?
Per the chart above, it appears that the years 2020, 2019 and 2018 all saw average network hash rates trend lower toward the end of the year than they were in late summer and early fall. And what about other years?
Fall 2013.
For 2013, the network doesn't appear to have had a downward difficulty adjustment. This aggressive upward movement may be due to the revolution in ASIC effectiveness that was occurring during this timeframe.
Fall 2014.
For 2014, there were some difficulty adjustments downward during the late November timeframe. However, difficulty appears to be trending upward during most of the season.
Fall 2015.
2015 is a similar story to 2013: the network doesn't appear to have had a downward difficulty adjustment. More and better ASICs were being rapidly developed at this time.
Fall 2016.
So, 2016 sees a small difficulty adjustment downward around the October timeframe. Also, it appears that the growth of the network hash rate and difficulty slows down during the same timeframe, however, NgU.
Fall 2017.
2017 tells a similar story to 2016: network hash rate growth stalls and difficulty actually adjusts downwards a few different times. This is especially noteworthy, as price was increasing aggressively along these same timelines. However, these fluctuations may not be due to migratory miners. Along these same seasonal time frames in 2017, some major miners were forking off the network and manipulating hash rate to pursue other avenues.
Fall 2018.
The fall of 2018 may show the most obvious seasonal trend of difficulty and hash rate declining rapidly across the network. It's important to note that during these timeframes, the price was also falling from all-time highs. A significant percentage of the network, almost half, went offline seasonally. Yet, due to the elegance of the difficulty adjustment algorithm, the peer-to-peer network continued churning along.
Fall 2019.
The fall of 2019 doesn't show as significant of a decline as the 2018 season does, but it does show a few significant difficulty adjustments downward and hash rate reductions. It also shows a similar stunting of network hash power growth during the same time frames.
The Sun Never Sets On Bitcoin mining ( Decentralization Continues As China Flounders.
Fall 2020.
So, this brings us to today. Mining centralization is a common criticism of Bitcoin ( and the narrative that many Chinese ASICs shut off seasonally appears to be valid for the fall of 2020. Where else would folks have about 48 Eh/s (30 percent of the network, as noted above) sitting idly by waiting for abundant and affordable energy? This works out to be about 3 million Antminer S9 ASIC mining units.
So, where does this dropoff rank among previous difficulty drops in the October and November time frames?
With chain data we can actually see that 2011 had the largest downward difficulty adjustment and an even larger month-over-month drop, occurring over a few different difficulty adjustments. This November 2020 difficulty drop is the largest we have seen in recent years caused by apparent seasonal fluctuations from enterprising Chinese hydroelectric miners. 2012 to 2015 did not see any difficulty drops between these months.
How do these seasonal difficulty and hash rate fluctuations stack up to the entirety of the block history on the Bitcoin ( network? The histograms for both the difficulty adjustments and hash rate changes offer some insight:
Is This A Bitcoin mining ( Death Spiral?
When the network hash rate or price of bitcoin goes down, there is always much speculation on the possibility of what is colloquially referred to as the "Mining Death Spiral." The claim goes that if the price drops low enough, miners decide to shut down and the network loses a sizable percentage of its hash rate. This would force some miners to liquidate their earnings, pushing market prices lower and furthering this vicious feedback loop until a death spiral ensues. For a network like Bitcoin (, this would result in miners shutting down, blocks ceasing to be mined and the timechain ceasing to propagate -- Bitcoin ( would fail.
However, as an example, Dogecoin ($DOGE) is still minting blocks, so this doom and gloom theory may not hold true for these types of distributed systems. There are many enthusiasts, fanatics and "miners of last resort" that will maintain some of these systems simply for the sake of maintaining them, and the faith of belief.
So, let us imagine if 50 percent of the miners stopped mining right at the difficulty adjustment block and shut down; what would happen?
It would take the remaining half of the network about twice as long to find the 2,016 blocks. This would mean four weeks, or about one month, to get to the next difficulty adjustment point. What would the ramifications be for the network?
The mempool would begin to build up, transactions would become delayed and fees would increase as folks bid up new, even more scarce block space. This is actually exactly what we have seen for a few days after the hash rate recently dropped off.
However, the Bitcoin ( network eventually adjusted difficulty, as it has each time that 2,016th block has come up in the past. This difficulty adjustment algorithm is a very elegant solution to a few different challenges facing the Bitcoin ( network, and because of these types of solutions, the self-regulating system continues to propagate forward.
Tyler Bain is a licensed professional engineer and a certified Bitcoin ( professional who specializes in the electrical power grid and Bitcoin mining ( mechanics. He recently co-wrote "Cryptocurrency Mining for Dummies."
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 22, 2021, 06:25 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 22, 2021, 06:28 am
Are Chinese Miners a Threat to Bitcoin (
Is the concentration of hashpower within the borders of China a cause for concern about a nation state attack against the network?
Jameson Lopp.
Read more posts by this author.
Ever since the industrialization of Bitcoin mining ( in 2015 we've heard concerns about the concentration of hashpower within the borders of China. Why is hashpower concentrated there? For one, most of the world's semiconductor production facilities are in Asia and thus most of the mining chips are produced there. But perhaps more importantly, China has an abundance of cheap energy.
While there are dozens of countries with incredibly cheap electricity, in general they are not sufficiently industrialized or politically/economically stable enough to support large scale mining operations. China is one of the few countries with the combination of infrastructure and energy abundance.
Much of this mining power operates at 2.5-3c / kWh in Inner Mongolia during the dry season via cheap coal and wind power, but during flood season, these miners migrate significant capacity to Sichuan and Yunnan provinces to take advantage of 1c/kWh hydroelectric power. Quite simply, there is more power generated than there is demand for consumption, which results in very low prices.
Hashpower Distribution Estimates.
The Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance estimates that in Q1 of 2020 70% of the total network hashrate was in China. Note that these metrics are based upon several assumptions and their accuracy can't be verified.
Though the hashrate is spread throughout the provinces of China (not evenly of course)
A CoinShares Research report from December 2019 placed 65% of global hashrate in China.
In July 2020 a study that was commissioned by the Fidelity Center for Applied Technology released a report that estimated closer to 50% of global mining power capacity is likely in China. However, they noted that mining is a secretive industry and they believed they were only able to identify 15% of Chinese mining sites.
51% Attacks.
Why do people get concerned about more than half of hashpower being located in China? Because of the infamous "51% attack" against which Bitcoin ( is susceptible. The interesting thing about 51% attacks is that they don't break any of the rules of machine consensus. So what are the ramifications of pulling off a 51% attack? It somewhat depends upon the motives of the attacker.
Despite its scary-sounding name, a 51% attacker is limited in what they can do:
They can't steal people's bitcoin arbitrarily They can only actually double spend their own bitcoin They can't change the consensus rules They can't make invalid transactions become valid.
If a 51% attacker is seeking to maximize their profit then the juiciest target for a double spend is going to be an exchange. Mine a bunch of coins, send them to an exchange, convert them to a different censorship resistant cryptocurrency or stablecoin, withdraw those funds, then release a bunch of blocks that were mined in secret that send your original UTXOs that were spent in a deposit to the exchange back to your own wallet. The downsides to such an attack:
Any exchange with decent liquidity to make them attack-worthy will likely have withdrawal limits Similarly, most such exchanges will require AML/KYC and thus you'd also need to compromise a verified exchange account with high limits The value of the bitcoin you still hold after the attack will likely have decreased substantially, thus a successful large attack could actually result in shooting yourself in the foot. You'd better not slip up while you're accessing the exchange you target. For example, one hacker returned $25M in stolen funds after leaking their IP address.
It's certainly safer to just use your hashpower to profit from securing the network rather than attacking it. But what if the attacker doesn't care about profitability? What if the attacker is a nation state that prints their own money?
A Nation State Adversarial Miner Attack.
There are probably a thousand+ mining farms scattered throughout China; it would take some effort for the government to seize them all. I suspect it would be nearly impossible for the state to start seizing control of mining facilities without the news leaking to the rest of the world. If we heard of such activity taking place, you can be sure that Bitcoin ( stakeholders would start planning emergency actions.
An easier attack vector would be against mining pools; at time of writing it appears that over 70% of hashpower is being coordinated through fewer than 10 mining pools that are located in China.
Of course it's far more feasible for a nation state to identify and attack 10 targets within its borders simultaneously than it is for them to attack a thousand simultaneously.
On the flip side, switching mining pools is incredibly easy for miners. Once again it becomes a question of being able to perform an attack covertly. Given how many independent entities are observing activity on the Bitcoin ( network, it's practically guaranteed that within a matter of minutes an alert would be sounded and miners would start looking into taking action against malicious actors. At time of writing we even have Twitter bots that put out alerts about any orphaned blocks.
At 22:17 UTC on 9 July 2020, Bitcoin ( had a stale block at height 638,519.
The losing block contained 2,384 txns:
* The coinbase txn * 2,377 txns which made it into the winning block * 6 txns which made it into the next block.
It's hard to imagine a scenario in which a state actor would be able to quickly and covertly seize enough hashpower to perform an ongoing attack that lasts more than a few hours. A worst case scenario in which state actors did seize all of the physical equipment could result in China only mining empty blocks and orphaning other blocks that did contain transactions, essentially halting all transaction confirmations on the network. Then it would become a game of either patiently waiting for them to give up or coordinating a code change that would make their hashing machines worthless.
Point being, any large-scale mining attack is going to be limited in its effectiveness for a variety of reasons and will be unlikely to disrupt network operations for more than a short period of time.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 22, 2021, 06:28 am

When do you get Paid NiceHash mining Payout rate bitcoin|3:12
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 22, 2021, 06:35 am (

Looking Forward.
Matt Corallo designed Betterhash to further decentralize miner control away from pools. It looks like the first real implementation of this idea is occurring in Stratum V2.
Stratum V2 will also bring improvements with regard to template construction. It adds Betterhash-inspired job selection to give individual hashers more control.
Allowing miners to choose their own transaction sets moves some power from mining pools further downstream to the miners themselves, thereby increasing the censorship resistance of Bitcoin ( This idea was originally put forth by Matt Corallo in BetterHash, and we felt it was very important to include in Stratum V2 as well because it has a meaningful impact on Bitcoin ('s decentralization.
Over the very long term I expect we will see semiconducter foundries outside of Asia begin producing more mining chips and countries with even cheaper power sources will continue to become more industrialized, thus providing more competition when miners are seeking out new locations to set up shop. China's mining dominance is unlikely to last; I expect that this theoretical attack will become less and less likely.
On Shitcoins and STOs.
A breakdown of different types of cryptographic tokens and the controversies generated by their proponents.
Metal Bitcoin ( Seed Storage Stress Test (Round IV)
Jameson stress tests new metal devices for storing seed phrase backups. - XRP was trading at $0.37944 by 03:59 (08:59 GMT) on the Index on Saturday, up 20.08% on the day. It was the largest one-day percentage gain since May.
Decentralized finance continues to make its impact on the crypto market, and with over $13 billion of total value of assets locked, DeFi projects are clearly resonating with eager. - XRP was trading at $0.38028 by 03:58 (08:58 GMT) on the Index on Saturday, up 20.25% on the day. It was the largest one-day percentage gain since May.
Buy Bitcoin mining ( rig.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 22, 2021, 06:35 am

I bought an Old Bitcoin ( Mining ( Rig|15:46
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 07:55 am
Why are GPUs Used for Mining?
Cryptocurrency mining is a term that is now familiar. But most often, people do not know precisely the process or tools used for crypto mining. Mining is a process of verifying transactions on the blockchain, or hashing blocks. To mine, CPUs, GPUs, or ASIC processing power is needed. Graphics Processing Units (GPU) has been used for years.
You may wonder, why are GPUs used for Mining? Well, the simple answer is that they are more competent than their counterparts CPUs and ASICs. However, to understand the need for the use of GPUs in crypto mining, we have to unveil some other factors.
How Much Data does Bitcoin mining ( Use.
The bitcoin protocol stipulates that only 21 million bitcoins will exist at some point. Just like gold, bitcoin miners work to bring these bitcoins out a few at a time. A miner runs what is known as a node. It is a powerful computer that keeps the bitcoin network running by running a bitcoin software.
To run a node, you download the bitcoin software for free and leave a particular port open. The one disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of energy and storage space. As of the end of June 2019, the size of the Bitcoin ( blockchain has reached approximately 226.6 gigabytes. Memory consumption per block runs in the range of 3 Terabytes and that is a lot of space consumption.
Each node spreads bitcoin transactions across the network. These mining nodes solve a complex mathematical puzzle. That is, each puzzle is solved by random guesses done by the hash function. The first miner to get the results makes an announcement and all the other miners start working on the next block. Miners currently receive 12.5 BTC as a reward for completing a block. If miners perform these functions, why are GPUs used for Mining?
What is the GPU?
Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) are cards made initially to generate and speed up images on electronic devices. GPUs were generally created for the gaming industry. GPUs are also computer chips that perform rapid mathematical calculations just to render images. However, the advent of cryptocurrency mining, made manufacturers alter their designs to suit miners. Some major companies in the GPU market include AMD, ARM, Intel, and NVIDIA.
The Function of GPUs in Cryptocurrency Mining.
When crypto-mining started in 2009, Central Processing Units (CPU) was the mining processor. However, it had its limits, and GPU-based Mining was introduced. A standard GPU can execute a processing speed of 3200 32-bit instructions per clock. Compared to the processing power of the CPU, this is a speed 8,000 times over.
Equally, GPUs are equipped with a large amount of Arithmetic Logic Units (ALU). These units are responsible for performing mathematical computations. GPUs can perform more calculations due to the ALUs, and this makes them have an improved output during Mining.
GPUs can carry out multiple tasks, and this is why miners prefer them. GPUs can be used to mine with different algorithms on chains. Also, you can quickly re-sell your GPU as they can be used for other purposes aside from Mining. For Mining, miners would have to set up multiple GPUs for mining rigs instead of a single unit. Also, the miners would have to attach these GPUs to existing infrastructure or computer as they are designed to act as supplements. You will also need enough SSD and RAM to enable the GPUs to function properly.
To set up a GPU rig , the miner has to connect multiple GPUs to a specially built CPU to increase the overall processing capacity. The miner attaches his GPUs to the CPU's motherboard that must not have any built-in graphics card. Like we said earlier, the miner needs enough RAM, SSD, and relevant wires. He also needs a support structure and a cooling system to build up his rig. Most miners build their platforms themselves, and so you may need some technical know-how. However, a would-be miner can watch tutorials on Youtube or order for a pre-built rig such as PandaMiner B5 plus.
Why is GPU Better Than CPU for Bitcoin mining (
Before the advent of GPUs for computing bitcoins algorithm, CPUs were used. However, GPU renders images more quickly than a CPU due to its parallel processing architecture. This is what enables the GPU to carry out multiple calculations at the same time. On the other hand, a single CPU does not have this capacity. You could achieve similar processing power using multicore processors. These processors can perform calculations side by side by combining more than one CPU onto the same chip.
Every computer has a CPU that can perform a single calculation faster than a GPU. CPUs are designed to handle basic computing tasks and operations. Basically, a CPU is created for task parallelism. On the other hand, the GPU is designed for data-parallelism.
The CPU has less arithmetic logical units and so when it comes to hash required proof of work, its performance is slow. However, you can still mine coins such as Hold Coin, Nexus, Zcash. GPU, on the other hand, can be used to mine coins such as Ethereum, Bitcoin ( Gold, Monero, Electroneum, and many others.
As compared to GPU mining and CPU mining, ASIC is more preferred. Its mining-hardware solves very complex algorithms. On the other hand, GPU and CPU mining hardware decode graphics algorithms and processor-based algorithms, respectively. However, the attraction GPU mining hardware holds is its offer of more hash power compared to CPU and low electricity cost compared to ASICs.
How Profitable is GPU mining?
Calculating the profitability of using a GPU mining rig has been made simple by NiceHash ( . The following are the earnings per day a miner will likely make using the following GPU mining rig.
GPU Earnings/Day AMD Radeon VII 0.00013100 BTC (1.35 USD) NVIDIA TITAN V 0.00011600 BTC (1.20 USD) NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti 0.00010400 BTC (1.07 USD) AMD RX 5700 XT 8GB 0.00007800 BTC (0.80 USD) NVIDIA RTX 2080 0.00007700 BTC (0.79 USD)
On the other hand, the highest earnings per day for a CPU mining is $0.37 by the AMD CPU Ryzen 7 3700X. This goes to show how profitable GPU mining is as compared to CPU mining.
Pros of GPU mining.
GPUs are very efficient at complex computation. You can quickly get them. They are upgradable. Standard hardware. They have resalable value.
Cons of GPU mining.
High consumption of power. They are not as effective as ASICs. Compared to ASICs, GPUs are less powerful in overall efficiency. You may need large equipment for mining. They are restricted to mining certain coins.
A lot of coins still use the proof of work algorithm, and GPUs are still needed to mine these coins. However, compared to GPUs, ASICS a more efficient way of mining coins as they are faster. However, ASICs are very expensive and high maintenance. Moreover, GPUs give you excellent and ideal flexibility from mining a single coin. So, why are GPUs used for Mining? Simple, they are more efficient than CPUs and more cost-effective than ASICs.
Are you currently mining any cryptocurrency? Let us know in the comments below!
Ethereum Mining Best GPUs - Top 5 Picks For Mining ETH.
Ethereum has been making headlines for a really long time now, and the hype is fueled by the upcoming launch of the much-awaited Ethereum 2.0 upgrade.
The enthusiasm around the upgrade which will take place by the end of the year and there are already various moves taking place ahead of it.
An essential piece of #Ethereum's Serenity upgrade, the Beacon Chain's deposit contract, is live. This begins a transition to #Eth2.@EthDotOrg Guide: Launchpad: Deposit Contract Address: 0x00000000219ab540356cBB839Cbe05303d7705Fa.
It's also important to note the fact that the price of the coin ETH has been surging as well, powered by the hype and the overall positive sentiment in the crypto market.
At the moment of writing this article, ETH is trading in the green, and the coin is priced at $491.35.
Mining Ethereum is a profitable activity these days, and in order to do this, you'll need specialized hardware - graphics processing unit (GPU).
It's also notable that Ethereum's devs originally planned for ETH to be mined on CPUs, but after a while, miners found that GPUs offer more hashing power.
In order to find the best GPU for mining ETH, you have to check out the ones with the highest hashing power; there are also GPUs that are using electric power as well.
Another important issue worth noting is that to find the most efficient GPU, the most important thing is a great balance between the power of the rig and the amount that you're willing to spend on the GPU and the electricity.
Here are the top five GPUs for mining Ethereum.
Radeon RX 5700 XT.
The Radeon RX 5700 XT with Triple Dissipation is the top card that ETH miners are using these days.
This unit can mine at around 60 Megahashes per card, and it uses about 68w/card - this comes at around $0.19/day. You can get it at about $400.
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Ti.
Some people might prefer Nvidia and Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Ti is an amazing alternative to the RX 5700. This sits at 30.5 megahashes/card, at 68w. for this one, you will be paying $120 less.
You can also try older cards but with proved efficiency.
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti.
This was released three years ago, but it's still a great option when it comes to mining Ethereum. It's able to generate up to $58 monthly income due to the 21.63 MH/s hashrate. It also features great cooling tech.
You can find this at about $700.
AMD Radeon R9 295X2.
This was launched back in 2014, and AMD Radeon R9 295X2 can still be an interesting piece of ETH mining hardware.
With this one, you can expect a return of $580 on a yearly basis - it can grant a power cost per day of $1.44. this has a hash rate of 46.0 MH/s, and it's about $600.
NVIDIA RTX 2060 Super.
For mining ETH, NVIDIA RTX 2060 Super has the ability to generate more than $33.05 on a monthly basis, and it has a 35.49 MH/s hashrate.
You can find it at around $400.
Anyway, between Radeon and Nvidia most people are going with the first choice because this is comparable in power to Nvidia, but it's usually less pricey.
How to set up a bitcoin ASIC miner.
In the early days of Bitcoin mining (, it used to be done using the CPU on your computer. Nowadays though as the amount of people mining has increased the difficulty of Bitcoin mining ( has also increased too. This high difficulty and hash rate has mostly been fueled by the introduction of ASIC mining chips. Bitcoin ( uses SHA-256 cryptographic hash function to secure the blocks and create the hash for each block. This encryption is what protects the transactions in the block from being altered.
Application-Specific Integrated Circuit.
ASICs allow miners to use hardware made specifically for Bitcoin ( or other SHA-256 algo coins. An ASIC has benefits over CPU, GPU and FPGAs due to being designed for one specific task. They are able to mine Bitcoin ( at a higher hash rate (speed of processing transactions) than CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs. В Several manufacturers produce their own ASIC chips and miners. For this part of the Bitcoin mining ( guide we will use the current top miner on the market the Bitmain AntMiner S9.
Bitcoin mining ( has gotten so high powered with the race to be the winner to solve a block that it has evolved into pooled mining where a group of miners want to have as much hash power as possible to get a share of the Bitcoin ( block reward. By combining your hash rate with that of many others you have a better chance of solving blocks (creating a block) and getting the block reward.
Bitcoin ( has launched it’s own mining pool with competitive pricing, which you can register for and begin pool mining today.
Bitcoin mining ( setup is simple.
The Bitmain S9 is composed of 189 ASIC chips. The total hash rate (mining speed) of the S9 is roughly 12 to 14 TH/s (terahashes per second). CPUs were only able to do a few MH/s (megahashes per second). As the S9 requires 1275 watts of power depending on your power type available you can either use twoВ 110v PSUs such as a Gold rated 1000 watt PSU and a 650 watt PSU to power the miner. If you are able to use 220v power and have the correct outlets or PDU (Power Distribution Unit) you can use special PSUs that are either made specifically for Bitcoin mining ( or even those made for servers. Connect the PSU/s to the S9 using PCIe cable connections on your PSU.
Once connected you will connect an ethernet cable to the miner itself. The next step is to turn on your PSU and the miner will power up from there. Next get on a computer or mobile device that is connected to the same network as the miner. You will need to enter in the miner's IP address. Since most miners now come with DHCP enabled you do not have to manually set the IP address, you just need to look at the IP table on your router or use a scanning tool.
A scanning tool like AngryIP allows you to scan every device on your network and see its IP address. When you run the scan you will see AntMiner as one of the devices. From there in your browser window you type in the miners address. This will take you to the first screen to login to the miner. In the case of the S9 the login box that comes up the username is root and the password is root. В Once you have logged in you will see the system overview. We suggest you go to the Admin tab first and change the password to one of your own choosing. Your next step is to go to the Miner Configuration tab. This is where you will add your information for the mining pool you will want to mine on.
You will need to enter in the stratum/IP address of your mining pool, then your worker name followed by password for your worker on the mining pool. Note: not all pools require a password, you can just put "123" if you want. Once you have saved your setting the miner will start mining on your pool. It can take from a couple minutes to up to an hour for your full hash rate to show up on your pool. Now you can go to the Miner Status page and you will see how your miner is performing and if the connection is live, temps, hash rate, etc. If you also go to your Bitcoin mining ( pool you can see your status.
S9 Resurrection: Higher Bitcoin ( Prices Allow Miners to Switch Outdated Mining Rigs Back On.
With bitcoin prices hovering over a certain handle, a great number of old ASIC mining rigs manufactured years ago are starting to become profitable again. Reports indicate that in China, where the average electricity cost is around $0.06 per kilowatt-hour (kWh), miners are starting to leverage old miners manufactured by Canaan, Bitmain, and others. Chinese bitcoin miners dealing with electronic component price increases have found outdated rigs like the Antminer S9 (10-16 TH/s) are now reaping profits again.
The price of bitcoin (BTC) is making it easier for cryptocurrency miners worldwide to obtain a profit, especially after the recent mining difficulty drop that slid over 16% downwards.
Additionally, BTC prices jumped from a closing price of $11,548 on October 13, 2020, and 30 days later on November 12, the price closed at a high of $16,305 per coin increasing 41.19%. Regional reports from China show that the high BTC prices between $12k to $16k have invoked Chinese miners to start leveraging old miners again.
In addition to the S9 models profiting, older machines made by Canaan Creative, Bitfury, GMO, Bitfily, Whatsminer, Halong, Ebang, and Pantech profit at higher bitcoin prices too. At the time of publication, the two 2018 series Avalonminers (921 and 841) are profiting between $0.21 to $0.59 per day if the miner is paying around $0.06 per kilowatt-hour (kWh).
Financial columnist, Vincent He, recently discussed the Bitmain S9 series (10-16 TH/s) and notes that the mining rig is pulling in profits for Chinese miners today. "The price increase of electronic components at the end of the year led to the improvement of S9's cost performance," the author noted on November 11.
Old mining rigs are not just pulling in a profit these days with BTC prices so high, the columnist notes. Vincent also says that numerous mining farms are located in desert regions where dust is high, and some are located in regions like Sichuan where humidity is higher than average.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 07:55 am

How To Build A Mining ( Rig [Step By Step]|1:21:54
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 07:56 am
These effects "shorten the life of the machines" and mining rigs like the "S9 has a better stability ratio because of its simple structure and relatively low computing power," according to the report. Estimates say at one time, the S9 miner (13 TH/s) was so widely used, these four-year-old machines powered around 70% of the BTC hashrate.
Roughly 11 Antminer S9 models manufactured by Bitmain that are anywhere between 1-4 years old, show profits between $0.10 to $0.59 at $0.06 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) using exchange rates for BTC on Friday, November 13, 2020.
BTC prices have dropped on Friday, November 13, and are a touch lower than the closing price the day prior. But data from indicates that a number of older mining rigs produced by Canaan, Bitmain, and others are profiting at an electricity rate of $0.06 per kWh. Every single Bitmain Antminer S9 with a hashrate between 10 to 16 terahash per second (TH/s) profits today.
A number of older generation miners are being sold for $100-$800 depending on the model and hashrate. Marketplaces like Ebay and Craigslist have an abundant amount of miners for sale from manufacturers like Canaan, Bitmain, Microbt, Ebang, and many others.
Similarly, three old Avalonminers created by Canaan are profiting as well, except for the Avalonminer 821 and 741 series. In addition to the popular S9s and Avalonminers, outdated mining rigs created by Bitfury, GMO, Bitfily, Whatsminer, Halong, Ebang, Pantech, and other ASICs also show profits.
The older mining rigs are also seeing increased prices on second-markets in the U.S. and in Europe on marketplaces like Ebay and Craigslist.
For example, a Whatsminer M3 with 11.5 TH/s is selling on Ebay for $500, while old-school Antminer S9s are selling for $100-$800 per unit. Not too long ago, when BTC prices were lower and the difficulty was higher, outdated ASICs sold for $50-$250 per unit with a terahash output between 10-16 TH/s.
Vincent's report further notes that next-gen ASIC miners with an output of 70 to 100 TH/s have a greater number of computer boards than older models. The compact design of older mining rigs like the S9 series helps miners in China with warehouse space issues, as well as reducing power consumption the report details.
What do you think about older-generation ASICs like the Antminer S9 making a comeback? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.
Best ASIC Miner (#5 Ultimate Bitcoin mining ( Rigs) Coin Mining.
The Best ASIC Miner Bitcoin mining ( Rigs . Lets look at what rigs we can use for Bitcoin mining ( and what a mining rig actually is so we know what we are talking about exactly. Then we will look at The Best Bitcoin mining ( Rigs for Mining Bitcoins. We will also look at What Bitcoin mining ( Rig Hardware to Buy and Why. Find the Best ASIC Miner Hardware for Bitcoin ( CryptoCurrency rigs below.
Bitcoin mining ( Rig: What Are Bitcoin ( and CryptoCurrency Mining Rigs and The Best kinds of Bitcoin ( Rigs to Buy for Bitcoin ( and Crypto Mining. We Have all the Information
A mining rig is what you need to mine bitcoins with. It is just a term used for the entire setup needed to bitcoin mine and to do Cryptocurrency Mining. There are a few main components to the rig and several things to consider before setting up your Bitcoin mining ( rig.
You have read every theory there is to read about bitcoin and Bitcoin mining ( and have come to a conclusion that you want to join the community of bitcoin miners. Before you decide to go into Bitcoin mining (, there are a few things you may want to take into consideration. First is the type of hardware mining rig to use and secondly is to know what the hardware mining rig offers, in terms of power consumption, hash rate, efficiency, and cost.
A Bitcoin mining ( rig uses a lot of electricity, and that means more bills, so it is important that you check the hardware's power rating, so you are able to know just how much extra you would be paying for electricity bills.
Your hardware is constantly solving mathematical calculations every second, so, hash rate basically means number of calculations per second, and its measured in mega-hashes per second (MH/sec), giga-hashes per second (GH/sec), tera-hashes per second (TH/sec) Basically, the bigger the hardware, the higher the hash rate and the more power consumed.
The best category of Bitcoin mining ( hardware to buy is the Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC). The ASIC is just perfect for the job; it mines at great speed and consumes less power than GPU or FPGA miners.
ASIC mining hardware is expensive compared to GPUs and FPGAs, and that is because ASICs do a much better job than the others. ASICs use much less electricity, and they also solve Bitcoin mining ( blocks faster than the other categories of mining hardware.
With every rise in the price of bitcoin, there is a rise in the value of ASICs. With the rising demand for bitcoin, ASICs keep improving to keep up with the requirements of mining bitcoin efficiently, and quickly. Bitcoin ( and CryptoCurrency Mining can become like a gambling addiction and you can fixated on it, especially when you start to earn coins and make money when your bitcoin gambling investment pays off.
Here is a list of the best ASIC miners and their features that will give optimum performance:
Power Rating - 1,375 Watts.
Hash Rate - 13.5 TH/sec.
Daily Profit - 0.00179041 BTC.
Power Rating - 2,000 Watts.
Hash Rate - 12.5 TH/sec.
Daily Profit - 0.00162765 BTC.
Power Rating - 1,200 Watts.
Hash Rate - 11 TH/sec.
Daily Profit - 0.00143233 BTC.
Power Rating - 1,253 Watts.
Hash Rate - 7.3.TH/sec.
Daily Profit - 0.00114587 BTC.
New AvalonMiner 761 Coming Out Power Rating - 1,320 Watts Hash Rate - 8.8 TH/sec Daily Profit - 0.00114587 BTC.
Power Rating - 1,293 Watts.
Hash Rate - 4.73 TH/sec.
Daily Profit - 0.00061590 BTC.
NOTE: Daily Profit is estimations only, you must do your own calculations to end up with your daily profit rate. This is only a guide and not investment advice or what to expect. Your results may vary depending on your setup, and your software and electricity rates and the current rate of mining difficulty etc. Mine at your own risk, we are not responsible for your profits or losses. But, if Bitcoin ( ever does hit a million dollars like some guru's predict in 10 15 years or more once fully mined and then scarce, we will all be rich. But just don't count on it for sure as life is a gamble.
You are investing in Bitcoin mining ( and ASCI miners because you hope to get a return on investment, hence, it is important to also check a mining profitability calculator before purchasing the bitcoin miner. The profitability calculator calculates your ROI based on hash rate, current bitcoin price, power consumption, and equipment price. We all would like to have free bitcoin cryptocurrency but the fact is we have to mine it or invest in cryptocurrency.
Some other miners include Antminer U3, ASICMner BE Prisma, BTC Garden AM-V1, BFL Single 'SC', Avalon 2 etc.
Four graphic cards are connected to the motherboard via risers card Copyright:
These are the graphics cards in your standard home computers which can also be used to mine cryptocurrency. The problem is that they are slower and less effective than asic miners and as the various cryptocurrencies continue to get mined the difficulty rating increases to mine that particular crypto further. You really need to use GPUs early on the ground floor beginning of a cryptocurrency to really see the benefits. Its not to say it cannot be done later but the as the difficulty increases you will need to keep updating your cards to get the maximum mining benefit.
That's the reason why graphics cards are increasing in price and becoming more scarce. People are continuing to upgrade their Graphics cards and adding additional cards to their existing computers to try and eek out more and more cryptocurrency as the mining difficulty increases.
The trick to using these is having multiple cards hooked up to a couple different motherboards. Just in case one motherboard goes down, you wont be out of business.
Best Places to Get your Bitcoin mining ( rigs are at Amazon and you can also try Ebay for new and used selection of all the newest and used Bitcoin mining ( rigs.
Link to Us at Bitcoin mining ( Rig: What is a Mining Rig? (BEST ASIC MINING HARDWARE)
Copy the code above into your html to show up as: Bitcoin mining ( Rigs.
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Best Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining.
Even if you keep up with or the latest in the real mood of technology only sporadically, chances are that you've heard of Bitcoin ( The world's first be cryptocurrency , Bitcoin ( has taken the world by storm. With a very full exchange rate, it seems that the decentralized digital currency is here to stay.
Bitcoin mining ( with gpu.
This website primary focus is all about GPU and CPU mining. And I've already listed most of the cards for mining here. But back then, the price of Bitcoin ( was $3,860. Right now, it's floating around $8,500, so I'm ready to analyze Bitcoin mining ( with GPU again.
How to pick the best GPU for Bitcoin mining (
As with any other method, Bitcoin mining ( with GPU is all about profitability. And to pick the most profitable GPU for mining, you need to pay attention to three things:
GPU mining hashrate(mining speed) power consumption(how much electricity it spends), and GPU price(this one should be self-explanatory)
GPU mining performance is usually measured in hashes per second(H/s) or Soles per second(Sol/s). However, telling you that an Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB has a hashrate of 24 MHash/s won't make much sense to you, especially if you're a beginner. Furthermore, different coins have different mining difficulty, so mining with same GPU will yield different amounts of different coins over the same time.
Like that's not complicated enough, mining the same amount of Bitcoin ( will give you different profit, depending on how much your GPU is spending power, as well how much you pay for that power.
And as you already learned- the GPU price must be added to the equation as well.
Graphics cards are usually the most expensive part of the mining rig(or PC), and after all they are the ones that perform mining. That's why picking the right GPUs for your mining operation is essential.
Luckily for you, picking the right GPU for mining in 2019 isn't as nearly complicated as you may think by now. Gathering the data and showing it in a table can make all the difference:
Newest Update on GPU mining performance(8/10/2020)
As you may notice, there are some differences compared to the previous table. Most importantly, the profitability is up. But besides that, we also have two newcomers in the cheaper range- Nvidia GTX 1660 and Nvidia GTX 1660Ti, both released in March 2019.
In February 2019, quite a few GPUs were unprofitable(spending more electricity than generating Bitcoin ( Now the only unprofitable GPU is AMD Radeon R9 FURY, and only if your electricity costs are $0.10/KWH.
Now that we know how much we can spend, let's take a look at ROI(return on investment), so we can pick the best GPUs for mining in 2019. We will calculate ROI as price/earnings so we can see how many days it takes to pay off the GPU before you can start yielding the profit:
GPU Mining ROI(current Bitcoin ( price of $11,900) GPU GPU ROI(ZERO ELECTRICITY COST) GPU ROI($0.05/KWH ELECTRICITY COST) GPU ROI($0.10/KWH ELECTRICITY COST) AMD Radeon R9 380 79 days 103 days 150 days AMD Radeon R9 FURY 48 days 67 days 109 days Radeon™ RX 470 67 days 78 days 92 days Radeon™ RX 480 68 days 79 days 94 days Radeon™ RX 570 71 days 82 days 96 days Radeon™ RX 580 74 days 86 days 100 days Radeon™ RX Vega 56 201 days 243 days 303 days Radeon™ RX Vega 64 200 days 241 days 304 days GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 231 days 286 days 364 days GeForce GTX 1060 122 days 139 days 159 days GeForce GTX 1070 125 days 143 days 169 days GeForce GTX 1070ti 246 days 280 days 330 days GeForce GTX 1080 254 days 297 days 357 days GeForce GTX 1080ti 214 days 242 days 279 days GeForce RTX 2060 306 days 347 days 398 days GeForce RTX 2070 312 days 350 days 395 days GeForce RTX 2080 355 days 402 days 461 days GeForce RTX 2080 Ti 511 days 577 days 659 days Radeon™ RX 5700 205 days 225 days 249 days Radeon™ RX 5700 XT 217 days 238 days 263 days AMD Radeon™ Pro VII 605 days 660 days 722 days GeForce GTX 1660 244 days 283 days 336 days GeForce GTX 1660 Ti 252 days 276 days 307 days.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 07:56 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 07:57 am
Bitcoin mining ( GPU Performance(current Bitcoin ( price of $8,500) GPU GPU Earnings/day(zero electricity cost) GPU Earnings/day($0.05/kWh electricity cost) GPU Earnings/day($0.10/kWh electricity cost) GPU Price(cheapest I found for used or new for newest models) AMD Radeon R9 380 $0.48 $0.31 $0.14 $80 AMD Radeon R9 FURY $0.44 $0.18 -$0.09 $250 Radeon™ RX 470 $0.63 $0.49 $0.34 $100 Radeon™ RX 480 $0.71 $0.55 $0.39 $120 Radeon™ RX 570 $0.68 $0.53 $0.39 $130 Radeon™ RX 580 $0.73 $0.57 $0.41 $140 Radeon™ RX Vega 56 $1.03 $0.73 $0.43 $330 Radeon™ RX Vega 64 $1.08 $0.76 $0.43 $350 GeForce GTX 1050 Ti $0.34 $0.25 $0.17 $110 GeForce GTX 1060 $0.54 $0.44 $0.33 $175 GeForce GTX 1070 $0.75 $0.59 $0.44 $260 GeForce GTX 1070ti $0.79 $0.63 $0.48 $350 GeForce GTX 1080 $0.89 $0.75 $0.57 $390 GeForce GTX 1080ti $1.20 $1.01 $0.77 $470 GeForce GTX 1660 $0.67 $0.56 $0.44 $219 GeForce GTX 1660ti $0.67 $0.56 $0.45 $279 GeForce RTX 2060 $0.86 $0.70 $0.54 $410 GeForce RTX 2070 $0.97 $0.79 $0.61 $530 GeForce RTX 2080 $1.26 $1.03 $0.80 $790 GeForce RTX 2080 Ti $1.51 $1.25 $0.98 $1700.
GPU Mining ROI(current Bitcoin ( price of $8,500) GPU GPU ROI(zero electricity cost) GPU ROI($0.05/kWh electricity cost) GPU ROI($0.10/kWh electricity cost) AMD Radeon R9 380 166 days 258 days 571 days AMD Radeon R9 FURY 568 days 1388 days Unprofitable Radeon™ RX 470 158 days 204 days 294 days Radeon™ RX 480 169 days 218 days 307 days Radeon™ RX 570 191 days 245 days 333 days Radeon™ RX 580 191 days 245 days 341 days Radeon™ RX Vega 56 320 days 452 days 767 days Radeon™ RX Vega 64 324 days 460 days 813 days GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 323 days 440 days 647 days GeForce GTX 1060 324 days 397 days 530 days GeForce GTX 1070 346 days 440 days 590 days GeForce GTX 1070ti 443 days 555 days 729 days GeForce GTX 1080 438 days 520 days 684 days GeForce GTX 1080ti 391 days 465 days 610 days GeForce GTX 1660 326 days 391 days 497 days GeForce GTX 1660ti 416 days 498 days 620 days GeForce RTX 2060 476 days 585 days 759 days GeForce RTX 2070 546 days 670 days 868 days GeForce RTX 2080 626 days 767 days 987 days GeForce RTX 2080 Ti 1125 days 1360 days 1734 days.
Before proceeding with top choices for 2020, I just want to remind you of something. The ROI is important only if you are looking to buy the best GPUs for your mining operation. If you already have them, the best thing you can do is just connect them, get the mining software and start mining. Since all GPUs are profitable at the moment(except the one I mentioned before), putting them into use really makes sense.
But if you are looking at buying some additional GPUs for mining, here are my picks:
Top GPU choices for mining in 2020.
The ROI data is implacable. The earnings winner is definitely AMD Radeon™ Pro VII, however it's very expensive and thus has a ROI of 605 - 722 days. Since the ROI is what defines our profitability, cards with the best ROI will be my top choices.
#1 - AMD Radeon R9 FURY(ROI: 48 - 109 days)
#2 - Radeon™ RX 470(ROI: 67 - 92 days)
#3 - Radeon™ RX 480(ROI: 68 - 94 days)
#4 - Radeon™ RX 570(ROI: 71 - 96 days)
#5 - Radeon™ RX 580(ROI: 74 - 100 days)
Note: This market changes very often, so it's kind of hard to keep up with fresh data. Luckily, Kryptex recently came up with a nice dynamic table which shows profitability of various GPUs on their system.
This table can be sorted by daily or monthly profit, payback time as well various algos that are supported:
You can also check my latest articles on mining with GTX 1080Ti and mining with Tesla V100.
No announcements yet.
Mining bitcoin cz login.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 07:57 am
Asic Bitcoin mining ( chip.
Best ASIC Miner in 2020.
Cryptocurrencies have been gaining momentum with every passing day, but now it's necessary to know how a cryptocurrency is mined. The mining process can be complicated, but you can understand the basics of crypto mining. Before delving deeper, let us understand ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit), which is made for a specific use rather than used for general purposes.
What is ASIC Miner?
The ASIC miners come into the picture when it comes to mining with greater speed. ASIC miners are more developed and cost-effective when compared to traditional miners that use GPU, CPU, and other components. Bitcoin mining ( is effective when there is a benefit and there's high productivity at a low cost. The ASIC miners are generally designed to be co-worked with the mining rigs.
The advantage of ASIC mining is that they are efficient and can outperform a stack of GPUs any day. ASICs are 100 times faster and efficient than the traditional GPUs. Analysts predict that in the coming years, we can see the viability of the ASIC chips since its very energy efficient, and no alternative technology can replace within the energy frame.
There are two ways in which ASIC miners are manufactured- they can be either pre-manufactured to work with a respective application or manufactured and then integrated with customized applications. ASIC miner includes parts like software, ASIC chip, processors, and fans to keep the machine cool.
There are certain factors, based on which you choose the best ASIC miner in 2020:
#1 Hash Rate.
Hash Rate refers to the total number of complex calculations that can be solved by the computer every second. Hash rate enables to accelerate the chance of solving complex mathematical problems, which leads to winning block rewards. The miner who solves the computations accurately gets the block reward. Hence a high hash rate is high ASIC mining profitability.
#2 Energy Consumption.
The more powerful your mining hardware is, the more electricity you should expect to be consumed. So before purchasing, you must consider the consumption of electricity in watts. This will help you determine the viability of Bitcoin mining ( using the respective hardware. By using the hash rate and energy consumption, you can determine the number of hashes that can be mined for every watt of electricity.
#3 Price.
Don't always go after teh cheap hardware as it will rake in a few Bitcoins. Expensive Bitcoin mining ( hardware is fast, efficient, and unique. You need to aim for the miners with high value and quality instead of going for cheap equipment. Understand the ASIC miner value and ASIC mining calculation before opting for the miner.
Let's move on to the top 5 ASIC miners in 2020:
The Bitmain Antminer S5 may not be the latest model of the Antminer version, but it is quite efficient, powered by features like a power supply of 115 volts drawing around 560 Watts. Antminer is easily accomodating as it needs less power supply and power consumption. One unit produces 1 GH/s for every 0.51 watts consumed. It weighs around 2.5 Kgs. All these features make it the most powerful Bitcoin ( miner in the market.
Bitmain S7 model was introduced in 2015 and became quite popular as it consumes less power as compared to S5. The recommended power supply for using the S7 model is the 1600 Watt APW3- which is one of the best available in the market. It requires a minimum of 205 Volts to operate- its optimal power consumption makes it the most efficient. It weighs around 7.5 pounds. Ensure to put it in a cool environment in order to spend less energy.
Bitmain Antminer S9 is currently the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware available in the market with a hash rate of 14 TH/sec. This high hash rate is possible because of three circuit boards featuring around 189 chips. S9 can be used along with Antminer 1600 Watt power supply efficiently, and as while it consumes 300 watts more as compared to S7, it is 2X more efficient with around 0.1 Joules per GH.
Antminer T9 is considered as one of the best Bitcoin ( miners in 2020. It is a bit expensive as compared to others. T9 consumes around 1450 watts for 11.5 TH/s for batch 23, with an efficiency of 0.126 J/GH. But before deciding, note that the quality chips in S9 were being observed to have had lower quality leading to low stability. T9 miner got this problem fixed.
AvalonMiner 741 is the best when you are looking for an efficient Bitcoin ( miner at a budget-friendly price. This is a new addition by Cannan, as compared to the others. Avalon 741 provides a hash rate of around 7.3 TH/s and also has an air cooling system that enables 88 chips to function as a unit efficiently. It has an efficiency of 0.16 J/GH, which is one of the best as compared to other products, that too in this price range.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What is the best ASIC miner?
We have discussed the top 5 ASIC miners in 2020. You can go for any based on the hash rate, energy, and price.
2. Are ASIC miners profitable?
Yes, ASIC miners are more efficient ad profitable as compared to the traditional CPUs and GPUs.
3. How much is an ASIC miner?
Every miner has a different price range with different power and efficiency. You can check out their individual prices after clicking on the links.
5 Popular ASIC Miners for Bitcoin mining ( in 2019.
Antminer S15 Antminer S9 Antminer R4 Canaan Avalon Miner 741 ASIC Ebit Miner e10 Things to remember when setting up ASIC To buy ASIC or not?
The strongest influence on the cryptocurrency market occurred in January 2018, when most digital assets collapsed in price. At that time people expected a drop in popularity for mining hardware, but nothing of the kind happened - the demand for ASICs, on the contrary, increased.
However, this is not astonishing, because the complexity of mining the most popular digital assets is always growing, and the miner is supposed to have powerful hardware. In this article, we are going to analyze the top 5 ASICs for Bitcoin mining (
Antminer S15.
Antminer S15 28 TH/S - the flagship model of all miners from Bitmain on 7-nm chips - is the most powerful of the new products released at the end of 2018. New miners have increased energy efficiency by only 30% compared to S9. In connection with the use of the new technical process, a more powerful increase in efficiency was expected. Managing miner is now divided into 2 modes: normal and economical. In economy mode, energy consumption will be reduced to 850 W, and the hashrate to 17 Th/s. In this scenario, the new ASIC for Bitcoin ( will consume 50 W per 1 Th.
Of the new changes, the S15 model has an additional power-saving mode and consumes almost 2 times less power, while the hashrate also drops almost 2 times.
Bitmain Antminer S9 is the most famous and common miner, designed for Bitcoin mining ( or other crypts using the SHA-256 algorithm. It was released in the summer of 2016 and has since been repeatedly "buried", but continues to enrich miners.
Among the most interesting characteristics, we note the hashrate of 13.5TH/s, the power consumption of 1,350W and two fans of 120 mm with a rotation speed of up to 6 thousand rpm. The device has 189 chips on a 16nm chip. For the future, you can take S9j, which already gives 14.5 terahash per second.
We can say that Bitmain Antminer S9 is still relevant in 2019. Of course, it no longer gives such a powerful profit, but its price has dropped at least three times, so most miners can afford it.
Given the payback period, as well as the prospects of SHA-256 algorithm and the demand for Bitcoin (, this ASIC can still be considered as a budget entry to mining cryptocurrency.
ASIC miner Antminer R4 is a product of the well-known manufacturer Bitmain, featuring a high hashrate of up to 8.7 TX/s and relatively low power consumption of 845 watts. The device is positioned as ASIC for home use, due to the low noise level without loss of performance and efficiency. While looking for ASIC, special attention should be paid to the payback period and the price you will be guided by when choosing.
Due to a number of changes, the company's employees managed to reduce the noise level without a significant loss of hashrate. The first models appeared on the market by the end of the summer of 2016, but even today their use is relevant.
The price of R4 is relatively inexpensive. The cost starts at $1,560. It has high performance, and electricity consumption is insignificant compared to other analogs.
Canaan Avalon Miner 741.
Most recently, Canaan Creative presented the miner Avalon 741 - its new ASIC for mining Bitcoin ( The successor to the 721st model was to become a direct competitor to S9 from Bitmain. It is quite noisy and requires lots of electricity, but at the same time very productive. ASIC was not lost among competitors even six months later.
Avalon supports 741 to 40 TH/S in series. To achieve it, you need immediately to turn on 7 machines. In single mode, 7+ TH/S works out. The increase, compared with the 721st, was a little more than one terrahash due to:
88 A3212 chips made on 16 nm technology versus 72 of the previous model New cooling system More power lines.
ASIC Ebit Miner e10.
The main characteristic of this equipment is high hashrate. It is 18TH/sec. High efficiency is ensured by functioning on 14nm DW1227 chips. Moreover, there is an independent cooling radiator with increased heat dissipation. It is also worth noting the increased degree of reliability of the heat sink.
The miner has the following benefits:
Low failure rate Powerful fan Superb aluminum housing Availability of auto cluster management independent of each other The ability to connect more pools and ease of ASIC configuration.
Power - 1.62 kilowatt Hashrate - 18 Tx/s 3 years official warranty from the company Operating on the SHA-256 algorithm.
Things to remember when setting up ASIC.
When setting up an ASIC it is worth paying attention to the following factors:
Ensure that no moisture gets into the ASIC. The power of the power supply should be sufficient for stable operation; when overclocking, take the power supplies with a margin of 25-40% power. Clean, blow and replace radiators at least once every few months. Watch for errors and the appearance of an "X", indicating the beginning of problems with the equipment. Diagnostics will help identify damage to the power supply circuit and the loss of chips on the board. Analyze your hashrate level. Its reduction indicates that there is not enough power going to the chip.
To buy ASIC or not?
The situation in the cryptocurrency market is still far from optimal. The rates of most currencies retain volatility and commitment to speculative fluctuations. Due to the long bearish trend, lots of people have sold their hardware. However, in the long-term perspective, Bitcoin mining ( at ASICs remains a stable source of passive income. As the complexity of the network increases, the remuneration may decrease, but don't let that frighten you, because great risks promise great benefits.
How Do I Mine Bitcoin ( on My Laptop?
Some people don't know how to mine bitcoins. But, if you have a good mining program or "miner", then it's very simple. Read on to learn how to mine bitcoins on your laptop. Basically, you are just a computer with the software and your imagination. With a bitcoin miner, you are able to convert bitcoins into US dollars at a rate that you choose. There are a variety of different ways to make this happen. In this article, I'm going to show you how to mine bitcoin on your laptop. Let me explain that in a simple guide. Your computer will connect to a pool that collects the transactions from the client computers. Each time your computer connects to the network, you will make a small transaction. Each time that you're computer is online, your computer is making a transaction. The more transactions you've made the faster your computer will start getting "rich".
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 07:58 am

RX 5700 XT Mining ( Rig Build - 330 MH/s and ONLY 880 Watts!!|14:25
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 07:58 am
Requirements to proceed with mining:
One way that you can get started mining bitcoin for free is to try to mine with a low-end PC. This will be expensive initially but it will save you a lot of money over time as you add more CPUs and GPUs to your mining rig. To get started with this method, you should try to spend no more than half of your own money. That way, if your computer does well, you can add a few hundred dollars to your budget. When you add more computing power to your mining rig, it is much more profitable. Of course, if you are spending more than half of your own money, you will want to replace it with some of your "other" funds. So, if your computer does well, you may want to try a new PC. One popular method is to use a CPU to mine. A PC will convert a block of transactions to send back to you. It's a CPU based method. To do this, your computer must connect to the network. I recommend buying a $20 USB adapter to make it easy. You simply plug the adapter into one of your USB ports and it will do the work for you.
Choosing what to mine:
Once you're connected to the network, your computer will process transactions. When it does, it sends the results to a remote server. Here you can see your block of transactions. Now, here's how to use the information that you've mined out of the blockchain to purchase items in your wallet. Once you have purchased something, it will display in your wallet. The items that are usually available are Bitcoins, Litecoins, Dogecoins, and Namecoins. You have to make sure that you've downloaded your wallet onto your computer first. Okay, let me tell you how to mine bitcoin on your laptop. You can either do it yourself or use a company that will provide you with access to miners.
Can I Mine Bitcoin ( With A Laptop? [2020 Guide]
If you're looking to start Bitcoin mining ( on a laptop these days, it's a bit different then laptop mining for Bitcoin ( way back in 2009 when Bitcoin ('s core developer Satoshi Nakamoto was first pioneering Bitcoin mining (
Currently, cryptocurrency mining is becoming more popular, and with future advancements in laptop's hardware, the question to mine Bitcoin ( on a laptop resurfaces.
Can I mine Bitcoin ( with a laptop? Yes, in 2020 there currently is mining software that allows users to mine for Bitcoin ( on laptops. However, mining directly on Bitcoin ('s network with a laptop will almost certainly produce unprofitable mining results. If you want to earn any Bitcoin ( at all with a computer these days, you'll have to use additional laptop Bitcoin mining ( software.
In the beginning, when the first Bitcoin ( miners evolved, BTC mining on a laptop or CPU mining as they call it was the only way you could mine for bitcoins at the time. At that time there was not a specific mining laptop because the network was small which let anyone with any type of laptop participate.
This golden window of opportunity was short-lived and was replaced with GPU mining in 2010 when a code was released that enabled GPU mining which made central processing units or (CPU), financially unfeasible to mine Bitcoin (
Over the last eight years mining for Bitcoin ( has primarily evolved into the use of ASIC chipsets engineered explicitly for Bitcoin mining ( If you're going to get any Bitcoins with a laptop or GPU these days, you're going to need to go about it differently.
In this guide, we reveal several ways you can start earning Bitcoin ( with a mining software for your laptop, PC, and even MacBook if you want too. Whether it's a gaming PC or a computer for regular use, this will apply to both types of devices.
How To Mine Bitcoin ( On My Laptop Or PC.
Back when Bitcoin mining ( first started you could download a client and point your laptop to hashing directly on Bitcoin ('s network to solve blocks. Over the years the difficulty on Bitcoins network has grown so significant that it would be almost virtually impossible to have any success solving blocks successfully with anything other than an ASIC Antminer.
So how is it that you can still mine on a laptop these days and earn bitcoin?
UPDATE: If your looking for the most up to date mining software for your computer then be sure to sign up for our private FB group to gain access. We track down the most profitable ways to mine Bitcoin ( and keep you informed. Sign Up here at Crypto Miner Tips.
Well, there a couple of ways we can go about this with NiceHash ( being the most popular of them all. However if for some reason you wanting to pursue laptop mining on a Macbook then refer to instructions at the bottom of the page.
NiceHash ( is essentially a marketplace for buying and selling your hash-power.
Buyers looking into mining low difficulty cryptocurrencies without physically operating or owning mining hardware can bid on and rent computing power from sellers inside NiceHash ('s platform with a form of payment in Bitcoin ( Checkout the NiceHash ( marketplace here to sign up.
All that is needed for sellers to participate in earning Bitcoin ( is to download and set up NiceHash ( mining software on their laptop mining device.
Profitability for sellers can vary depending on hardware and the demand for hash-power from buyers.
Back late 2017 in Bitcoin ('s peak the demand was so high that a lot of miners decided to sell their hash power as it was more profitability at the time than actually mining cryptocurrencies like Ethereum.
NiceHash ( has been around since 2014, and I've used them a lot personally without any significant issues. They did have a wallet breach in 2017 that affected a lot of miners, especially those who mined to NiceHash ('s internal wallet.
SIDENOTE: The safest way to protect your mined coins with NiceHash ( is to create an external wallet with Coinbase. Be sure to use the Coinbase Bitcoin ( wallet address when its time to set NiceHash ( up.
Once you get a Coinbase wallet set up then head on over to NiceHash ( so you can download the correct mining software.
If you have an AMD or Nvidia graphics card be sure to select the correct download.
After you complete the download, you'll want to run the mining software for the first time by clicking on the executable file inside the download folder.
Give the miner a few minutes to boot up and have a copy of your Bitcoin ( wallet address from Coinbase ready to be pasted into the mining software when prompted under the wallets tab.
You'll then need to name your miner something like Rig1 under the name tab, save it, and then hit start.
The miner will then run a series of benchmarks to test your laptop's hardware across several algorithms and can take up to 2 hours depending on your machine's hardware. Once finished the miner will start running, and you should begin to see the estimated payouts calculated on the user interface.
One of the significant advantages of using NiceHash ( over any other option is the fact your profits can be much higher when the demand from the buyer increases. With that mentioned its also one of its disadvantages as it can be less profitable if the demand from buyers isn't there.
Up next on our list of laptop Bitcoin mining ( software is Honeyminer. Unlike NiceHash ( where people have to rent your mining computing power to earn any Bitcoin ( Honeyminer's laptop mining software has your hardware mining the most profitable crypto coins directly into an exchange where they are cashed out in Bitcoin ( and then paid out to the miner.
Setup for Honeyminer is slightly different as you have to go to their website and download the mining software and install it on your PC device first. Once installed its asks you to set up a username and password which you'll need later to withdraw earned Bitcoin (
From here its pretty simple, if you have a gaming laptop with a high-end GPU, then you'll have the option to enable your device for GPU mining as well. After that, you'll be prompted to the next screen and have the choice to turn the miner on or off and other configuration options like running only when at idle speeds.
Back at Honeyminer's website you can now log in with the same username and password used in setting up the miner and go inside your dashboard. Be sure to click on the money tab and then the withdraw tab and paste in your Bitcoin ( Coinbase wallet address to receive Bitcoin ( payouts.
Now that we've discussed these two mining software's it wouldn't be fair not to mention both come with some small convenience fees.
With Honeyminer fees for one GPU are 8% and 2.5% for two or more and NiceHash ( has a flat fee of 5%.
Both have advantages based on demand and market conditions, so it's tough to say which one is better over the other. In the end, you'll have to try them both and compare them with your laptop.
However, if these both haven't got you excited enough to start Bitcoin mining ( on your laptop, or maybe the fees turn you off the idea, then Option C of my secret weapon laptop mining software is for you.
Awesome Miner is another auto profit switching and auto currency converting miner. Perfect for anyone who wants to be sure their laptop always mines the most profitable coin no matters what without the fees.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 07:59 am

How To Build The Cheapest Mining ( Rig Possible!|11:26
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 07:59 am
However, this miner takes a bit more to configure and for set up instructions you need to watch this YouTube video.
We will mention that the software is free to use its basic feature's which is fine laptop mining.
Out of all three Bitcoin mining ( software's for laptops, Awesome Miner is our favorite one to use just recently as it comes loaded with many unique features giving more flexibility for miners to reach profits.
Speaking of laptop Bitcoin mining ( profits...
Is Bitcoin mining ( with a laptop profitable?
Bitcoin mining ( on a laptop in most cases will be unprofitable even with the help of an algorithm switching mining software like NiceHash ( unless you have free electricity .
Even then it might bring you a few extra dollars a month and yes at times when the markets are going crazy like last year in 2017, you can see higher profits.
These are great opportunities to take advantage of the quick profits and upgrade your mining hardware as gains like that won't last long. Laptop mining is mainly for the occasional hobbyist or someone who's trying to familiarize themselves with the mining community.
On a final note, I do want to mention that there have been reports of people laptop mining newer cryptocurrencies as there first released so they can take advantage of the low mining difficulty and high block rewards limited window of opportunity. So be sure to check out our full article when it gets published.
Will Bitcoin mining ( damage my laptop?
Mining for cryptocurrency on a laptop can be considered risky due to its fragile design for exhausting heat produced from mining. Continuing to run a laptop 24/7 mining can lead to overheating and eventually cause your notebook even to fail if left neglected.
If your mining while running other applications on your device you may start to experience lag issues. One way to prevent this from happening is to shut the miner off during times of regular use. Though your laptop won't be mining while you're playing a game and surfing the net you'll be playing it somewhat safer this way.
I would also like to mention the mining with your laptop on anything other than a hard surface can restrict a laptop's airflow and cause thermal issues. In fact, it might be best to use additional fans like laptop coolers to ensure your computer is getting enough air circulation.
What is the Best Laptop for Bitcoin mining (
Essentially any recent gaming laptop would make a good laptop mining rig as they come with more advanced GPU power than traditional laptops. However not all Graphics cards are created equal, and so it's important to know which GPU comes with your device and cross-check its benchmarks at
As for the best laptop brands for mining Dells Alienware and Asus make some of the more higher-end gaming laptops, but if we were to buy one for dual-purpose gaming and mining, go with a 1060 6gb or 1070 8gb GPU for best laptop mining profits.
Can I mine Bitcoin ( on a MacBook?
UPDATE: Use Cudo Miner for Mac computers as its the most profitable mining software these days. Scroll back up to the top of the guide to join our FB group and get started mining.
Yes, Bitcoin mining ( with a MacBook is possible with the help of a mining software called Niftyhash.
The setup will be the same process as NiceHash (, plug in your Coinbase Wallet Address and start the miner to begin benchmarking. Once that's done the miner will automatically start mining.
This concludes our complete guide on Bitcoin ( laptop mining. If you feel the information we provided you was helpful or needs adding of additional details then please leave a comment below.
How to Mine Crypto on Laptop.
Mining on a laptop in 2020 is significantly different from the one in 2009, but it is still possible. Users who want to make some profit from cryptocurrencies, but do not want to invest a large amount of funds have the opportunity to earn money using their everyday equipment.
To control the energy consumption, choose the right cryptocurrency for mining, do not neglect moderate overclocking, install the appropriate software, and much more. Let's dive into the cryptocurrency mining on the laptop with Changelly.
Is It Possible to Mine Cryptocurrencies on a Laptop.
Mining on a laptop depends on the components that will be involved. This can be a video card, processor (or a combination of both), as well as a hard drive.
The video card is the most powerful element that provides the processing of a considerable number of computational operations per second. Not full graphics cards are built into laptops, which affects performance and cooling.
An external video card can be connected either through a special docking station with a PCI-E connector or through an internal mPCI-E connector.
The processor, although it has less power, is almost always used in mining in combination with the GPU, which gives a significant increase in performance. The newest processor is not still the best, sometimes devices of five years ago show a more impressive hashrate. Laptops are usually installed not too overpowering, but economical in terms of consumption processors.
A hard disk is a device also suitable for mining on specific algorithms. The profitability of this type of mining is in doubt at the moment - the choice of coins that support such algorithms is minimal, and their market value does not exceed $0.01. Thus, energy consumption will be even higher than profit.
What Cryptocurrencies to Mine on a Laptop.
The following coins are united by the fact that their algorithms are relatively stable for use in ASIC miners, which means that they are even suitable for mining on a home gaming laptop:
Zcash. A digital currency focused primarily on privacy. Uses the Equihash algorithm. Ethereum. The second-largest cryptocurrency in the world. Despite its popularity, it is still available for mining on video cards. Uses the Ethash algorithm. Dogecoin. A popular altcoin with a large and strong community of users. There is unlimited emission of DOGE. Uses the Scrypt algorithm. Monero. A network is ideal for mining from laptops and home PCs due to its high resistance to ASICs. Uses the RandomX algorithm. Grin and Beam. Coins using the highly confidential MimbleWimble algorithm. GRIN, also, produces a hard fork to maintain one hundred percent ASIC-resistance. Vertcoin. The currency supports the spirit of decentralization and financial sovereignty, provided even when creating Bitcoin ( Uses the Lyra2RE algorithm, suitable for GPU and CPU mining.
Laptops to Mine Crypto.
A laptop for cryptocurrency mining should be powerful enough but, at the same time, economical in energy consumption. The reliability of the components is essential, as they will be subjected to heavy loads during the process.
Mining on an old laptop is not the best idea, because it can fail. After all, the elements are already worn out, and continuous computing operations give maximum wear. If you are going to use the laptop at the same time for games/work, then consider your personal needs for power, screen, ergonomics, etc.
Four laptops are suitable for mining.
#1. Dell XPS 15.
Powerful and portable laptop with a high-quality screen. Ideal for mining through the use of a discrete graphics processor. Due to the small size, you can take it with you to mine somewhere outside the house.
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Graphics Card Intel Core i5-7300HQ-i7-7700HQ Processor 512GB SSD Storage Device Screen: 15.6 inch RAM up to 16GB.
#2. HP Pavilion 15.
The laptop is thin but powerful. The laptop is suitable for those who want to save money without much compromising on performance. Lower upfront costs mean less risk.
AMD Radeon R5 Graphics Card AMD dual-core processor A9 APU 512GB SSD Storage Device Screen: 15.6 inch RAM up to 16GB.
#3. MSI GT75 Titan.
The most expensive model on the list. The laptop is large, heavy, and high-power. It is one of the most productive in the market. You can get a certain income from mining, although due to the high cost, the payback will still take a lot of time. Traveling with such a device will be inconvenient.
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Graphics Card Intel Core i7 processor Storage is up to 1 TB SSD Screen: 17.3 inch RAM up to 32GB.
#4. Asus ROG G703GI.
A heavy and massive laptop with excellent power. If you do not plan to carry it with you, then this is a good option. Thanks to a modern processor, video card, and an impressive RAM, you can achieve a high hashrate. At the high price of the model, you need to make sure of its payback in advance.
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Graphics Card Intel Core i7-8750H-i9-8950HK Processor 256GB SSD Storage Device Screen: 17.3 inch RAM up to 64GB.
Software for a Laptop Mining.
Programs can be for mining on the processor, video card, and different algorithms. Here is a table with the most popular software.
Software Hardware Algorithms CPUMINER-opt CPU X19R; Lyra2REv3; Lyra2Z; X19Rv2 XMRig CPU CryptoNightR; RandonXMonero XmrStark CPU; GPU (NVIDIA, AMD) CryptoNightR XmrStarkRx CPU; GPU (NVIDIA, AMD) RandonXMonero ClaymoreDual GPU (NVIDIA, AMD) DaggerNashimoto (Ethash) GMinerCuda GPU (NVIDIA, AMD) AMD: CuckooCycle; BeamV2; Eaglesons. NVIDIA: Zhash, GrinCuckatoo31, CuckooCycle, GrinCuckarood29, BeamV2; Eaglesons; DaggerNashimoto (Ethash); GrinCuckatoo32.
We've got a few articles about the best software for Bitcoin (, Monero, Ethereum cryptocurrencies.
How to Start Mining on a Laptop.
An operating system already installed on the laptop is suitable for mining, and no special preliminary settings are required. You can try to overclock the equipment using MSI Afterburner or analogs slightly. This can reduce wear on the cooling system.
51% Attack Explained.
Choose the miner program that is optimal for hardware (AMD and Nvidia video cards work better with different applications). There are also programs tailored for certain cryptocurrencies, but this is not always the most profitable option.
You should pay attention to the functionality of the programs so that you can use only a certain part of the mining capacities. When you do not use the laptop for work or games, it is better to turn on the maximum load to increase earnings.
Is It Profitable to Mine Cryptocurrencies on a Laptop.
Profitability always depends on a hash rate, the possible number of operations per second. Therefore, you need to know the total hashrate of your laptop to calculate whether mining will be profitable.
For example, a laptop has the following characteristics:
Video card GeForce GTX 1660 Ti. Intel CPU i7-9700. The cost is $1200.
Power and hash of the Intel CPU i7-9700 for different algorithms:
on the CryptoNightR algorithm: hashrate of 0.35 kH/s, power 65W, on the RandomXmonero algorithm: hashrate of 4.08 kH/s, power 65W.
The relative profitability is $0.24/day, the profit at the cost of electricity of $0.1 will be $0.08. ROI: 15,000 days or 41 years.
If you simultaneously use a processor and a video card for mining on a laptop, the profit will be $0.42, and the payback period is 2857 days or about eight years.
These calculations are approximate, but they show that if mining on a laptop will be profitable, then the investment will pay off only after many years. It is better to make a rig from video cards or a farm from ASICs.
The main costs are electricity charges. At the cost of electricity of $0.01, the total profit is already $0.75 and an ROI of 1600 days or four years, with the cryptocurrency exchange rate unchanged.
Laptops, especially inexpensive ones, generally tend to overheat even during regular operation. And when mining, loads are tens of times higher, so providing proper cooling is a paramount task. Here is a small summary in the table below.
Pros Cons Easy and quick setup Quick wear of equipment A suitable option for a beginner who wants to get acquainted with the world of cryptocurrencies Minimum profitability; dependence on the current position of the cryptocurrency market Low power consumption Relatively small investments.
If you don't want to figure out all the issues with mining cryptocurrency, check out the cross-rates on Changelly widget.
Is Bitcoin mining ( Profitable on a Laptop?
Bitcoin (, the pioneer and a vision of a peer-to-peer cashless network came into the public domain a decade ago. Over the period of 10 years, the pioneer coin has seen many highs and lows in its lifetime. The mining difficulty has increased significantly over the years in order to ensure the constant Bitcoin ( block time of 10 minutes.
Bitcoin mining ( is an essential component of the distributed cashless network. Mining process by the peers on the Bitcoin ( Blockchain helps in transaction verification and keep the network decentralized.
However, since the technology and the number of miners have improved significantly, it's not easy to mine Bitcoin ( using a traditional laptop or PC at home. This article would help you understand the Bitcoin mining ( scene and what has changed over the period of 10 years.
Bitcoin mining ( History.
Bitcoin ( network makes use of Proof of work hashing algorithm SHA-26, which encrypt each transaction on every block with a cryptographic digital signature. The hashing algorithm is one of the most efficient since the protocol makes sure that with enough hash power anyone can solve the cryptic message and get a 64-bit or 256-bit predefined output.
However, if anyone tries to make even a slightest of change in the input, the output would be drastically changed. Thus the hashing algorithm ensures a high level of security and efficiency.
In earlier days when Bitcoin ( was not that popular and the mining process was known to a few, it was quite easy to verify the transactions and mine a block by using a simple CPU PC at home. The main aim of Satoshi was the same, people, peers on the network should be able to mine Bitcoin ( without any need of specialized mining rigs.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 07:59 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 08:00 am
The Block time for every block on the Bitcoin ( network is kept fixed at 10 minutes to ensure that people do not manipulate hashing power to mine the blocks faster.
As the technology grew and Bitcoin ( gained some momentum in its price, people realized that mining can prove to be one of the most convenient ways of earning Bitcoin ( fortune. So, people started to mine blocks round the clock.
Bitcoin mining ( was intended to be profitable using a simple CPU computer, but as the Bitcoin ( saw a boom in its prices and the mining scene got crowded, it was no more profitable to mine using CPU computers as the power required to solve the cryptic signature on each transaction was not comprehensive for a CPU PC.
The Transition from CPU to GPU Mining Rigs.
Slowly companies like Nvidia and AMD jumped into the mining game and started manufacturing specialized GPU mining rigs. The reason being increased mining difficulty to ensure a constant block time of 10 minutes.
Since the block time is fixed, the mining difficulty is increased dynamically for each block to ensure that. By the GPU mining era, the Bitcoin ( prices had hit new heights, so people did not mind spending a few extra bucks on the pre-setup.
However, 2017 price rise was both good and bad, as the prices touched an all-time high, the block reward which is 12.5 BTC was worth 12.5* 20K. Now, not just individual miners but big firms started showing interest in the mining process.
Slowly mining farms hijacked the mining scene as they could afford hundreds of top-class mining rigs combined together running 24*7, making it impossible for individual miners to compete against them.
You May Also Read: 5 Best GPU for Mining Bitcoin (
The Transition from GPU to ASIC.
The GPU-based mining rigs were not just expensive but consumed a ton of electrical power, cutting short the mining profits. With mining farms capturing the scene as they set up their data centres in places where the electrical supply is available in plenty and the cost is also significantly lower.
This brought in the era of ASIC chip based mining rigs, these rigs are equally expensive as the GPU ones but promises lower energy consumption and higher efficiency output. However, the 2018 bear markets marked the beginning of the longest bearish trends and cut down the value of Bitcoin ( to 1/6th of its highest price rise.
Thus, making it impossible for individual miners to operate, whether they are using a GPU mining rig or going for ASIC mining. As of today, its next to impossible to make any profit through individual mining and the Block rewards earned by mining Bitcoin (
The mining scene has become more centralized than ever before and people who are new to the crypto space are suggested to join a mining pool or buy a share in mining farms to earn a percentage of the Block Reward.
Is Bitcoin mining ( a Good option With a Laptop?
Well, the short answer is No, not because your laptop is not powerful enough to put in the required hash power, but because the mining scene is at its all-time low.
The modern-day laptops are quite powerful and some top class laptop is even more powerful than some of the mining rigs manufactured by Nvidia and AMD. But, as we have been discussing unless the prices go up and the developer community takes some action to end the monopoly of mining farms, it's not beneficial to mine Bitcoin ( using a top-class laptop running for 24*7.
If you are new to the crypto ecosystem and enthusiastic about the mining scene, you can opt for a mining pool. If you are seriously considering mining as an option, we recommend going for an ASIC mining rig, as it might at least ensure some reward in return.
Here Are Few Articles For You To Read Next:
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The story of Legit mining started at the end of 2018.LegitMining Pool is trusted online Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining Company that provides Free BTC Mining/Hashing service.We developed the idea of this mining as a service and built the first mining in Europe. Ever since our founding, we have grown tremendously and also a lot has happened. We are all strong believers in the future of cryptocurrency and we love being part of the developing community.
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Best Bitcoin mining ( Pools 2020 - The Ultimate List of Mining Pools.
Are you new to mining and have an interest in becoming a Bitcoin ( miner? Or are you a miner and currently looking out for a new mining pool? In this article, we have reviewed some of the best Bitcoin mining ( pools which is helpful for you to get started. Let's jump right into it!
What is a Bitcoin mining ( pool?
Bitcoin ( miners are a group of "miners" who are indulged in solving a block for earning bounty/reward. The reward is equally split among themselves according to their contributed mining hash power. Bitcoin ( pool is a way to mine their resources and to share their hashing power.
A valid proof of work should be presented in order to gain reward. Initially, generating a single block was taking years for slower miners and then Bitcoin mining ( pool came into existence, where the miners would receive a portion of block reward and the blocks would be generated quickly. There are various Bitcoin mining ( pools and choosing the most popular one is quite enticing. It is preferred to choose a small Bitcoin ( pool to avoid potentially harmful concentration of hashing power.
Bitcoin ( pools across the globe.
China rules the world in terms of possessing the largest number of Bitcoin ( pools. Bitcoin ( pools are ranked based on the hash power controlled by a pool. Here is a list of the Biggest mining pools with their hash power based on information from Blockchain's pool share chart.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 08:01 am

32bit nheqminer zcash/Bitcoin ( miner for windows|3:56
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 08:02 am
Starting from the largest pool and ending with the smallest.
AntPool (25.2%), BTC.TOP (11.2%), (10.2%), Bixin (8.1%), BTCC Pool (7.3%), F2Pool (5.4%), ViaBTC (5%), BW.COM (5%), BitClub Network (4.8%), Bitcoin ( (3%), SlushPool (2.6%), Unknown (2.3%), GBMiners (2%), BitFury (1.9%), CANOE (1.2%), 1Hash (1.1%), Telco 214 (1.1%), Eligius (1%) BATPOOL (0.9%), Waterhole (0.6%), ConnectBTC (0.6%), Bitcoin ( India (0.2%), Solo CKPool (0.2%), Bitcoin (0.2%).
Before getting started with mining.
There are a variety of mining pools for various cryptocurrencies. As the size of the pool increases, the payout decreases, as it is to be shared among many miners. There are different reward types that you should be aware of before mining.
Pay-per-Share (PPS) - The amount is fixed for each user which is paid whenever a share is submitted.
Proportional - The users are awarded proportionally to the amount of share contributed by them.
Score-based - This method gives prominence to the newer shares than older shares and the user is awarded proportionally based on the time of submitting the share.
Pay Per Last N Shares (PPLNS) - This is similar to the proportional type but varies in rewarding each share in multiple rounds.
Full Pay-per-Share (FPPS) - It is similar to PPS but includes dividing transaction fee among miners along with rewards. The transaction fee is distributed according to the miner's hash power.
Shared Maximum Pay Per Share (SMPPS) - It is similar to pay per share but will pay you less what the pool earns.
There is a difference between mining pools and cloud mining. Mining pools involve a group of miners sharing the rewards as per their share, but cloud mining involves a service provider whom you have to pay for mining and in turn, you get the rewards.
Top 11 Best Bitcoin mining ( Pools 2020.
AntPool is the largest Bitcoin ( pool in terms of its hash power based in China. It is operated by the world's largest Bitcoin ( hardware manufacturer called Bitmain Technologies. You can create an account in AntPool without paying any fee, but a Bitcoin mining ( hardware is required along with mining software which can be downloaded later. The interface is quite ergonomic. Your earnings can be viewed on your dashboard and you can monitor your hash rate on a minute, an hour or on daily basis.
Fees and Payment.
Creating an account in AntPool is free. Well, you are allowed to opt for peer to peer solo mine with your hardware (1% fee) or can choose between PPLNS (0% fee) and PPS (2.5% fee). The fee charged on the transaction is hidden and it is not disclosed by AntPool. Bitcoin ( transaction fee has been increased recently and AntPool keeps 1-2 bitcoins for itself collected from each block, which is not shared with high volume miners.
AntPool does not have and payout threshold and makes a payment every day for balances over 0.001BTC around 10 AM UTC. Every Bitcoin ( block is rewarded by 12.5BTC by AntPool.
AntPool consists of two-factor authentication, wallet locks, email alerts as security measures. Well, the pool operators perpetuate their own forums and consists of easy and simple documentation for the main tasks miners do in the pool.
Antpool is the largest and a popular Bitcoin ( pool with a sleek interface for new miners to start with. You can choose between PPLNS and PPS which is an added bonus. A lot of cool options are available when buried deeper in the pool. The payouts are pretty good. AntPool comes with great security measures.
The payouts should be reduced as it is a big pool. The transaction fee is not disclosed by AntPool.
2. Slush Pool.
Slush Pool is the first Bitcoin ( Pool launched in the year 2010 by the name Bitcoin ( Pooled Mining Server. The site got its first blockchain in the year 2012 and since then over 15000 blocks were mined by this site. Slush Pool is run by Satoshi Labs, the Czech based tech company. The first offline Bitcoin ( wallet and the first Bitcoin ( world map was created by Satoshi Labs in addition to the mining stratum protocol which is being used by the other mining pools. Slush Pool stands unique for using Score based method, where the old shares are given lesser prominence than news shares at the start of the round. This method avoids the risk of getting cheated by other miners if they shift pools within a round. A demo account is provided for all the new miners to test before actually signing in. This is helpful for new miners. Users will be updated regularly with graphs, information, and news through release notes or their social media accounts.
A standard transaction fee of 2% is fixed and is shared with the miners. A threshold is set for the balance over 0.0002BTC and the payments are made regularly once the threshold is hit by the user. Score based method allows a fair distribution of rewards among miners.
Slush pool as two-factor authentication, wallet address locking along with a read-only login token, which is provided by the users if someone else is monitoring your Bitcoin mining ( Slush Pool runs on highly secured servers, which protects the Bitcoin ( wallets of the user.
Slush Pool is a well established oldest mining pool. The interface is slick with a unique feature of the score-based method, which avoids the risk of being cheated.
The transaction fee is slightly high compared to other sites. Even Though using Score-based method is an advantage, user's score quickly decreases once stopped mining.
3. F2Pool.
F2Pool is one of the largest Chinese Bitcoin ( pool, launched in the year 2013. It is better known as Discus Fish mining pool in the world of Bitcoin mining ( Apart from Bitcoin (, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Zcash are mined here. The difficulty level in mining is based the hash power, as the site uses stratum mining protocol and vardiff. The site comes with an English interface and is simple and easily understandable.
F2Pool operates on the PPS reward system and charges a fee of 4% which is quite lofty. The payouts are made every day by setting a limit on withdrawal, i.e 0.001BTC.
The site works on HTTPS protocol and consists of Bitcoin ( wallet lock feature. You are not allowed to change your email address once registered, but the site lacks in utilizing two-factor authentication.
F2Pool allows mining of Bitcoin (, Litecoin, and Zcash. The payout threshold is really low and offers regular payouts.
The fee (4%) applied is quite exaggerating when compared to other pools.
4. BTCC Pool.
BTCC Pool is a Chinese pool launched in the year 2014. It is a Bitcoin ( company which also runs Bitcoin ( exchange, wallets and print physical bitcoins and more. The site consists of an official account called WeChat, where miners can track their hash power, pool hash power, and the network, provided with detailed statistics.
BTCC Pool is very transparent, as it shares the with its miners. The site also rewards 1-2 BTC worth transaction fee for every Bitcoin ( block to the pool. The payouts are regular and are made to the user's desired wallets. The payments are instant to BTCC wallets and require 30 min to pay for other wallets. The site operates on PPS model (with 2% fee) and follows stratum mining protocol. Lately, BTCC announced about switching to a new transparent model of cryptocurrency mining called FPPS and has also announced that it would start offering 1% mining fee for bitcoin miners. BTCC rewards its miners with 12.5 BTC, which is equally split among themselves.
BTCC is one of the largest Bitcoin mining ( pool along with its own exchange and wallet services. The site consists of the transparent fee structure and has also introduced FPPS model to its site. The reward offered by this site is really good.
Inactive accounts of users possessing some earnings in it will be suspended by the site after 90 days of inactivity. The earnings will be acquired by the site.
5. Eligius.
Eligius is one of the smallest Bitcoin ( pool based in the US, launched in the year 2011. After signing up, the users are provided with pretty good stats and graph, which will give users an idea about earning. Users will also be allowed to view the stats of other users in the leaderboard that features the hash power of users. This is a cool feature for all the miners. The site also offers to merge mine Namecoin.
The site operates on PPS (0% fee) model. A threshold is set in order to earn Bitcoins. A user must possess a minimum of 0.04194304 BTC in order to qualify for obtaining payouts. Once the threshold is hit and when the block is found, a user will receive the payout. Even though you stop mining for few days, your earnings will be added to the payout queue. This allows even the users with a small amount of hash power to gain something in their wallets.
Any changes which are to be made requires being signed by your bitcoin wallet address, which is also your username. The stats of their pool have their own GitHub.
You can easily join this site, as registration is not required. The site works on zero percent fee and also provides a telephone number as a customer support system.
You are required to hit a threshold value in order to qualify for payouts. The interface is quite disjoint.
6. is one of the largest Bitcoin mining ( pool owned by Bitmain, creator of AntPool. The site works on stratum mining protocol and VarDiff. The site was launched in the year 2015 and has its own wallets along with mining pool. stands out to be transparent by sharing the transaction fee with its miners. The site operates on PPS model with an average fee of 1.5%. It takes 2 hours for the site to send payouts to the users. It completely depends on the Bitcoin ( network. However, tries to send the earnings within a short period of time.
Cloudflare is implemented by this site to protect against DDoS attack and ensures that the benefits and hash power is not lost. operates worldwide and maintains transparency with miners. The site offers a good support system and security.
Sometimes sending payouts might require some time, as it depends on the Bitcoin ( network.
7. BW Pool.
BW Pool is a Chinese Bitcoin mining ( pool with a user-friendly interface. Apart from Bitcoin (, the site offers to mine Litecoin and Ethereum. The site works on stratum mining protocol and vardiff.
The site also offers transparency by sharing transaction fee with miners. It follows PPLNS, PPS, and SOLO payment methods with an average fee of 1%. The minimum payout is 0.001 BTC.
The site offers to mine different cryptocurrencies long with a simple goof-proof interface. Apart from mining, it offers many other digital services and works on cloud computing.
The site does not offer any merge mining.
8. Bixin.
Bixin is again one of the largest Bitcoin mining ( pool based in China. Bixin is also servicing people with its wallet. Bixin comes up with regular updates with its simple interface making it easy for the users to view it.
Bixin uses PPS (4%) model for the distribution of rewards. Payouts are quick and are made every day.
The site is secured against DDoS attacks.
Bixin comes with this cool feature, where the user can predict rewards in advance.
Users from China are preferred to use this site. The fee charged by the site is quite lofty.
Bitfury is a private pool located in Georgia. Bitfury is the producer of mining hardware and chips. Bitfury is working to make Bitcoin ( decentralized. It mines about 11% of all blocks. Bitfury operates with zero % fee.
10. ViaBTC Pool.
ViaBTC is a newly launched Bitcoin mining ( pool consists of Bitcoin (, Litecoin and BitcoinCash mining pool. ViaBTC follows PPS (4% fee) and PPLNS (2% fee) payment modes. The minimum payout offered by this site is 0.0001 BTC. The site works on stratum mining protocol and vardiff by offering sleek monitoring system and also provides merge mining.
11. CkPool.
Also known as KanoPool is one of the smallest Bitcoin mining ( pool launched in the year 2014. The site follows PPLNS (0.9% fee) payment mode with shared transaction fee rewards. There is no threshold and offers a frequent small amount of payouts. Two-factor authentication security set up adds a protective layer to the site. The site needs to be upgraded frequently and the user interface is quite annoying.
As you can see there are various Bitcoin mining ( pools offering different services along with different rewards. An option of solo mining might hit your mind, as you can bang complete rewards without sharing it, but It is suggested to join a pool if you are new to this world of mining. Mining pools come with many advantages as well. It is the time for you to get started with mining. It is very easy to create an account, similar to signing up for any Bitcoin ( exchange platform. The main criteria for getting started with mining pool is that you should possess a mining hardware. Apart from this requirement, mining has been made simple with various mining pools.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 08:02 am
This table shows the last 30 real-time payouts to our customers. Just order Bitcoin mining ( plan and join to successful people who earned money on the top of nowadays technology!
Date BTC Address Plan TXID 1 week ago 0.02266000 17sHJCtC19azuLASrCuTmMco4uFmTVJ5JA Basic 53b09ada41f5788f24030b8cbbbe62547f3ec27dd1f0f9b3ae6753b3b663d21b 1 week ago 0.00803876 12sNtgYS89kokGbMoapWL3JL1xps4NJkkr Basic e348e5b6dca6f5759ef8056c46604175f74d7bcb0f137e1bcae10f8d47b0b602 1 week ago 0.00981504 3B4Y9Qsqy9MCB7X1PnRQ4wFuJph3VTsHZr Pro 358837d427ed7e2f7b8eb5f99359ff00fe059ac663aaabc7921d8904507635ed 1 week ago 0.03884750 1NUxxAL6ZAmP8JmHeoKUwEJd5mdBzWWutx Basic 7d78876a26e7f1703c60fd61044aa7be781baef46dd5ae279bad3eeff0420b7d 1 week ago 0.02702323 1MUMsfpL9mowPFbMwFxQeGkzRmJxzkADzV Pro c3a841398fbf869b8bc3d5268d1734e5f89a09ce7fd304c1b266b5d969c0a081 1 week ago 0.00621000 1A82bLDpwJ3Cm5cH2Kq754FkXQwJ7WtiQ7 Platinum 8b831507e97c48776271312b6ee4155b4e2f516e700145c416f7db1a64d40427 1 week ago 0.03792840 1Fi5NgH2vNkpBxJ2AGpLevu8a973EPh2bL Pro 3e6b7e4f945b74cf9ce5be5bb3215e744d63aff741cccd70942ca475e083aa9d 1 week ago 0.03884750 1NUxxAL6ZAmP8JmHeoKUwEJd5mdBzWWutx Platinum 7d78876a26e7f1703c60fd61044aa7be781baef46dd5ae279bad3eeff0420b7d 1 week ago 0.02702323 1MUMsfpL9mowPFbMwFxQeGkzRmJxzkADzV Basic c3a841398fbf869b8bc3d5268d1734e5f89a09ce7fd304c1b266b5d969c0a081 1 week ago 0.00621000 1A82bLDpwJ3Cm5cH2Kq754FkXQwJ7WtiQ7 Enterprise 8b831507e97c48776271312b6ee4155b4e2f516e700145c416f7db1a64d40427 1 week ago 0.03792840 1Fi5NgH2vNkpBxJ2AGpLevu8a973EPh2bL Pro 3e6b7e4f945b74cf9ce5be5bb3215e744d63aff741cccd70942ca475e083aa9d 1 week ago 0.00722570 1NEbPqirocNofyVoqmg8EqPLJck1RfdSbv Platinum c7edea67097abc02912de4c835f75b69a28620e87935f91c1647185e2ce83d32 1 week ago 0.01515855 3KdFQzaiuUHVAujFAoayiooWRC1RSudzQY Enterprise 52f7047fc3dbb873a08d4c899662c02c4e70584dcc49ac8d770064403e844999 1 week ago 0.00701000 bc1qa3hylq76s6djfmmpv3hnpnlw9hrdkmsu6df96k Basic 4eb0271cb722d64e09080f448535bbfbe41fcb21f88ee99dd7e5a0637fa3901b 1 week ago 0.03330000 1EmB7sJqvFEvfjmFmthZsctnK1nNkkFrMg Pro 51498f3d1cb86d7188272e0506e9da34aaca06dfffe8d58efd7c247abc5d686d 1 week ago 0.01551400 39gwjMM36dT8NwvT8JJe8qBnphNkQWP7mc Platinum 559b735b99b9c4154229af546b26df8edd3550383154998d6dae34ce7f06f8a3 1 week ago 0.24911904 34MV5gQ5Sf4xUZck3592JwgKkxwFTK9MRa Enterprise a74c21f8328e2bc8ca376d17ff75282bc7fb13ae1aefbb06de7b5369f9a31cbb 1 week ago 0.00900815 1Ex8t6Vn9fssg6jFsFWtt6tU3kDzDn6uCt Basic abae5f6391932ae71ea9612d06eb620d030c1841154d90a08e7d9a55e198e8d5 1 week ago 0.00803911 1LXY4RxPzzie1iqM3ipWjUGNKj4RZ95Zmt Basic b4aa723be9c869c05a7971dcf3089a64349aa3f0f535bcd339274673958d8b34 1 week ago 0.01560787 13Togxon2S2dju3rupCF1UuvYvSdEXsmFF Enterprise fbf02daa058f4a262dbacb33820c74161dbf62b5e3c1441cd88ff103a78f71d4 1 week ago 0.00621986 1AjXWKMWhvrzx2JYZkpwFuXYPqnEy1v6Yd Enterprise 410cd2770793d9ade7be0c054c0991ab10a2e65dde2ead878bea50411dbc1b16 1 week ago 0.13534100 1EMDasu7zZdZk2ACU9zG5RpjUQYsKFuvKj Platinum 38ce3cf12b56f973886cd55fa6527af7a384b47d1e4844eeef0254339291516e 1 week ago 0.00993539 1PS7FLjic74R9RtzcwV2TpDy4ra848A45Z Basic ee28471fc23c6a2ae846f4224c5fcb5982e9e7d9537dc7a1ce228c32588debfe 1 week ago 0.02251438 1HWmDfkPieLB6qp2GM2xYbdovohw5HefjX Basic 45020defb62938420b2f424f3d3621e596dd329d4530d8e1ca1bee5d0708d589 1 week ago 0.00855127 3PEewk5ApCrPUhqMEsFrt3nsiZ3Y4rUkcV Basic 4464c1c9bbc933a8e55f43b1a9a21aedfeb476cd22399e609e0786c31f5ce305 1 week ago 0.05681643 3BMEX1H7f8YiBBskDjKxB7Kq4PwHT9ZhQX Enterprise f4318d9c9f1326c489b62f6f7078f1d1b1f45b2a06772cd6cb2971504728b955 1 week ago 0.01264302 13iuKKydH2ZJC8z8EWDmPbDftzZahFaMPm Enterprise 2902e052709bb3b98bd68eb99f840ea44482d777c67b7136fa2648ef5b78390e 1 week ago 0.00100000 3GAs6zKfVyUjUNUnLtwWwaoRt7yTyBz5ww Basic 64ed26a684c23ff1e3192749a565fe7f52646fc7f9e10ff639c24e3b84486b18 1 week ago 0.00768638 14JPQkojw7i7PMbfLdtNtCst7eMGTSG73z Basic ecd3403531112384fdc6907a754ad1ddd48a46e2c5802a9881c97d1bcab475fc 1 week ago 0.04537581 bc1q0eswy49x0khv2lxq68ph596uxjtlqnucpa5cq0swpqn009r7dgwsfzjsdz Basic ea668b278585fc5ddf83fa6c516bdd48656883137f9e20cb7baf73f1bd67e996.
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Bitcoin mining ( Pools - the Way of Earning Money in the 21 Century.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 08:03 am ( Miner v1.7.5.12 Basic Setup Tutorial|14:38
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 09:16 am
There are lots of pools for mining Bitcoin ( Pool is a group of miners which are join in order to get more profit. The sense of cooperative work lays in the fact that this mining type brings more bitcoins. Everyone makes a few numbers of algorithms and at the end, the group of miners shares block rewards in proportion to their mining hash power. As a rule, one block costs 12.5 BTC. It means that without cooperative work in a pool, a user cannot achieve such a great result or it is going to be a lucky chance.
Why do we need mining pools?
After the cryptocurrency emergence, you could mine virtual coins on your home PC. The first miners were students, gamers, and programmers who were using a free minute to practice mining.
Pretty quickly the situation has changed. With the popularization of Bitcoin (, more and more people started to connect to the process of mining. In this situation, its complexity began to increase. First, successful mining required a special video card, then reprogrammed chips. Today, there are devices called ASICs which are high speed and low energy consumption.
But solo-mining (mining bitcoins alone) has lost its relevance. The cryptographic tasks has become so complex and expensive that costs have not paid off. Therefore, users decide to join the pools. In this case, a unified system, including dozens or even hundreds of thousands of computers allow mining cryptocurrency much faster.
First of all, you need to set up a Bitcoin ( wallet where you can keep money. For example, Copay is a one of the examples of Bitcoin ( wallet. Bitcoins are sent to your Bitcoin ( wallet by using a unique address that only belongs to you. You can purchase a wallet by downloading a software client to your computer.
Also, download a special program used for Bitcoin mining ( There are a lot of programs that can be used for Bitcoin mining (, but the most popular are CGminer and BFGminer.
Choose the best mining pool.
You shouldn't choose new pools for mining, as they don't have the capacity immediately to earn decent money.
The selection criteria are universal:
the lifetime of the project; adequate feedback; the fee for withdrawing bitcoins; participation in the project; the status of the organization; feedback about the project at professional forums.
The biggest pools are situated in China. Nowadays Chinese pools control mostly 81% of the network hash rate. Electricity is very cheap there that helps Chinese miners to occupy such a big niche and to be recognizable as Chinese four: Antpool, BTCC, F2 pool and BW pool. The second place goes to Iceland which controls 5% of the Bitcoin mining ( pools. Then come Japan and Czech Republic with 3%. And at the end of the list there are Georgia and India with only 2% of all pools.
You can start mining in one of the pools and then redirect the hashing power to another mining pool at anytime.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 09:17 am
Top Bitcoin mining ( pools.
The list below is based on the information from Blockchain pool share chart:
1. Antpool (25.2%)Antpool is based in China and owned by BitMan. Antpool mines about 25% of all blocks. Antpool is free to join and has special service - solo-mining for those who likes tempt fate.URL: 2. (11.2%)This pool is private and closed for joining.URL: 3. (10.2%) is a public mining pool.URL: 4. Bixing (8.1%)Bixing is based in China and suitable for Chinese speakers.URL: 5. BTCC (7.3%)It's another Chinese mining pool with the third China's largest Bitcoin ( exchange.URL: 6. F2 pool (5.4%)F2 pool, also known as DiscusFish, is based in China too. It was based in 2013. In the last six month, F2 pool mined around 5-6% of all blocks. But you should be attentive because you can withdraw money only during 90 days.URL: 7. Via BTC (5%)Via BTC is a quite new Chinese mining pool. It was founded only one year ago. URL: 8. BW pool (5%)BW is based in China. It mines around 5% of all blocks.URL: 9. BitClub.Network (4.8%)BitClub.Network is a big mining pool, but it seems to be something shady. It is better to stay away from this pool. This pool positioning itself as an investment project. Registration is free but the membership fee is 99$.URL: 10. Slush (2.6%)Slush is Czech Republic mining pool. It is the first mining pool. Now it mines around 3% of all blocks. It is not one of the largest mining pools but one of the most popular. Slush is good for beginners.URL:
How to join Bitcoin mining ( pool?
There are two types of mining pools: free and private. If the mining pool is free the join process is very simple.
First, you should register an account. Configure your mining software to point your hardware hash point power. Enter your Bitcoin ( wallet address that will receive the payout.
As in any business, you have to make small investments of time and finances for being on the wave of success in the future.
Start mining today and have a better life tomorrow.
The twenty-first century dictates the new lifestyle rules for people all around the world. Nobody wants to leave the house and work for getting money. Now it is popular to use Bitcoin mining ( pools. If you don't know what it is continue reading this article because we are going to give you all necessary information. So, what are Bitcoin mining ( pools?
Join Bitcoin mining ( pools.
Due to the increasing difficulty of the Bitcoin ( network in recent years and the increase in the number of miners, mining operations alone and with one device are not very profitable. So many people prefer to use Bitcoin mining ( pools. In the following, we will pay more attention to how these pools work.
Bitcoin mining ( pools Bitcoin mining ( pools are designed to increase the chances of miners succeeding in extracting a block. Bitcoin mining ( pools are virtual places where miners work to extract blocks. At the beginning of the creation of the Bitcoin ( network, it was possible to extract not only individually but even with a regular computer. But today, extracting bitcoins directly is almost impossible. Because as the number of miners and the processing power of hardware increases, it will be more difficult to solve complex equations to extract a block. This so-called extraction difficulty is embedded in the network to regulate the bitcoin production flow. This difficulty, as well as the initial and current costs of extracting bitcoins, have made people more inclined to join extraction pools than before.
Features of Bitcoin mining ( pools.
When we say pool size, we mean the amount of miners or the amount of pool processing power. The larger the pool, the more regular the payouts and the higher the credit, but they may be less expensive than smaller Bitcoin mining ( pools. Smaller pools may also pay more, but they are not as regular and large as large pools. Different Bitcoin mining ( pools receive different fees from zero to 4 percent. When choosing a pool, credit is the most important thing to consider to make sure nothing happens to your money and they don't raise your money or that they are not easily hacked. So before you join a pool, research it. Our suggestion is to work with pools that are old and have failed the test.
How do extraction pools reward you?
Different Bitcoin mining ( pools adopt different methods and policies to reward miners. The first method is to pay per share. In this method, the share is determined for you according to the computing power that you provide to the network. In this method, miners receive their share regardless of whether a block is extracted or not. To achieve such a system, Bitcoin mining ( pool operators pay the miners' share of their account. Another method is ratio-based payment. In this way, the more computing power you provide to the pool, the more rewards you will receive. The difference between this method and payment per share is that you will only receive a reward if you extract the block. The third method of payment is based on points. This method is designed to prevent constant pool replacement. In this way, the more time you spend joining the pool, the more points you have and the more rewards you will receive. The last payment system is the last share. In this method, the miners are rewarded only for the share received through the predefined window. This window can be a time frame.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 09:17 am

Fast Bitcoin ( miner. How to download and start mining.|4:59
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 09:17 am
Bitcoin ( Cash Mining Pools Reviews.
Pooled mining is a great way to gain profits and this applies to Bitcoin ( Cash in every aspect. You can also mine solo and occasionally gain big lumps of money, however, I recommend mining as part of a pool. This way you will be provided with smaller but much more frequent payments and your chances of successfully mining blocks will be significantly higher. After all, the hashing power of your mining gear will be combined with that of many other miners and the speed of finding a new block will increase considerably.
It is important which Bitcoin ( Cash mining pool you join, as they all have different characteristics. This article will provide you with all the information you need to choose the best pool option for you. You can also use the calculator to see how much profit can be made.
$ 270.3400 USD (5.03%)
€ 227.7053 EUR (3.15%)
Total Hashrate: N/A Difficulty Level: N/A Block Time: 10 min Actual Block Reward: 6.25106 BCH.
Best Bitcoin ( Cash Mining Pools.
When looking for mining pools, perhaps the easiest way to find a good one is by checking their hash rates. Higher hash rate means that the pool operates at a faster rate, thus increasing the chances of profit. Here is a list of the best five Bitcoin ( Cash mining pools in comparison, based on their hash rate distribution, where you can see their market shares, locations, reward systems, and fees:
*Be aware, that estimations and values are not certain and constant.
Another important factor to consider is the location of the pool server. When it's near your mining rig, the latency would be lower, and the pool would be more likely to operate efficiently. Another thing to have in mind is the expected payoff - it's best to choose a BCH mining pool with the lowest fee and the highest income. If you want to learn more, you can check the guide on How to choose the right mining pool.
I assume the reward systems column also got your attention. As you can see, they are different, and one pool can use several ones. They determine the portion of the reward you're going to receive. The ones mentioned in the table are not all there are. I have dedicated a whole page on reward systems, with up-to-date info and detailed explanations - "Mining pools reward systems".
Mining Pools Without Registration.
Joining a Bitcoin ( Cash mining pool is quite easy - you just need to sign up and set up an account. For those of you who are worried about their privacy, there are also pools that do not require official webpage registration and are really easy to join. For your convenience, copy/paste of the information is also possible. However you decide to do it, make sure you don't make any typos.
Now, let's assume you have picked your mining pool. Your next step must be connecting to it from a private and secure location - your PC. Bitcoin ( Cash is mined with ASICs, which have a preinstalled software. You basically connect it to the pool. The nice thing about pools with no registration is that you don't have to do anything on their main public webpage. For Bitcoin ( Cash, log into your miner from your private PC. Open the software folder where you have the pool's URL field and simply use the following quickstart parameters:
Calculating My BCH Pool Mining Profits.
The calculations made here are based on the current market price and the current difficulty. To calculate your Bitcoin ( Cash mining pool profit, you need to enter the hash rate, power consumption, electricity cost, and the pool fee. Then you just click on the "calculate" button. The result won't be constant and is subject to changes. You can also calculate your cloud mining profit by entering the hash rate and the pool fee. Bear in mind that the calculations depend highly on the ever-changing variables.
The output will show you the daily, weekly, monthly or yearly profit you will make. Another thing you can see is the power cost and the coins you can mine for each time period.
Setting Up Your Own Bitcoin ( Cash Mining Pool.
Some people decide to set up their own pools as it can end up being very profitable - you earn rewards and also collect pool fees from the participating miners. This is also very beneficial, as it contributes to the decentralization of the mining power. However, keep in mind that it is not an easy task and it requires a lot of time and effort and some in-depth knowledge of the matter. Here is a list of all the minimum requirements you will need to set up a Bitcoin ( Cash mining pool: VPS (Virtual Private Server) with at least:
Dual Core CPU 4GB of RAM 250GB of hard disk space to house the blockchain for this coin Unlimited bandwidth usage depends on how many users are connected and on the full-node block synchronization Static public IP address.
I have even more good news for you, VPS can be rented. That is correct, in case you don't possess very specialized mining knowledge or aren't a hardware freak, renting is for you. However, even if you choose this option, there is still a software configuration that needs your attention.
Bitcoin ( Cash Pool Distribution by Countries.
The number one location of Bitcoin ( Cash mining pool servers is China. Other countries with heavily distributed servers are the USA, Canada, the UK, Spain, Finland, and Austria. This is perhaps due to cheap electricity costs, as mining activity can be costly and usually takes place near the pool.
Centralization of BCH Mining Pools.
The mining power of all Bitcoin ( Cash pools must be decentralized in order to prevent a possible 51% attack. This would be the case of someone controlling more than 50% of all the mining hash rate and interfering with the network's speed, so they earn all the rewards. Among the BCH mining pools, the top three have mined around 50% of the blocks, and the top five - more than 60%. This can lead to the impression that the mining power is centralized, however, this is hardly the case. Even though they hold a big percentage of the hash power, they are still comprised of many individual nodes. These nodes operate on their own and receive payments directed only to them. The case of operators gathering their power to overthrow the network is highly unlikely to happen, as it would take a great number of miners and could potentially compromise the income. Nevertheless, I recommend that you consider joining a smaller pool, so you don't contribute to the centralization of the mining power.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 09:18 am

Bitcoin ( mining on Windows 8, 10 Software/ Application|3:34
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 09:18 am
History and future of the Bitcoin ( Cash currency.
Bitcoin ( Cash is essentially a Bitcoin ( spin-off. In July 2017 Bitcoin ( miners, motivated by the increasing bitcoin fees, decided to create a hard fork by increasing the block size. This created a split of Bitcoin ( into Bitcoin ( and Bitcoin ( Cash. The first Bitcoin ( Cash block was mined on 1 August 2017. At the moment both currencies use the same few pools to create over the half of their blocks. The small but very frequent payments in the Bitcoin ( Cash network have led many people to prefer mining in it over Bitcoin ( and even more growth in the network is expected in the future.
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With consistent industry knowledge and a proven track record in implementing strategic mining pool diversification strategies, Alexander is a passionate supporter of cryptocurrency mining. He stands behind the idea of building decentralized economies to alleviate global inequality.
Top 10 Best Mining Bitcoin ( Machine Reviews Of 2020.
There is no denying the fact that shopping for mining bitcoin machine is stressful and anxious where your mind is always overwhelmed with a lot of questions. We share the same feeling with you because we have ever spent much time in researching and experiencing the mining bitcoin machine by ourselves. That's why the list of best mining bitcoin machine now comes to your hand, and we do hope that you find it useful after reading the review. Of course, although there are other helpful and detailed reviews available in the current market, we believe that this mining bitcoin machine review can meet your demand and fulfill a few questions you are now having in mind.
Top 10 mining bitcoin machine of 2020 on the market.
Product Names Product Images Check Price #1 Rosewill 8 GPU Mining Case Open Air Stackable Frame - Mine Cryptocurrency Bitcoin ( (BTC)/Ethereum (ETH/ETC)/Zcash/Monero & More Altcoins, Dual PSU Miner Rig, Max Airflow/No Overheating View Product #2 ATX Power Supply 1600w Mining Server Power Supply 1600w Gold PSU Mining 140mm Silent Fan With Mining Machine For 6 GPU Rig Ethereum Bitcoin ( Miner(160-240v) View Product #3 Kingwin Bitcoin ( Miner Rig Case W/ 6 GPU Mining Stackable Frame - Expert Crypto Mining Rack W/Placement for Motherboard for Mining - Air Convection to Improve GPU Cryptocurrency View Product #4 1600W Power Supply for 6 GPU ETH Rig Ethereum Bitcoin mining ( Miner Machine, 1600 Watt 90 Plus Gold Certified pc Power Supply/PSU with Silent 140mm Fan and Auto Fan Speed Control, Semi Modular Desig View Product #5 Canaan Avalonminer 1047 37TH Bitcoin ( Miner Sha256 Mining Machine 2450w View Product #6 TTBIT Bitcoin ( SHA256 USB Stick Miner View Product #7 Sipolar-USB Hub- 10 Ports USB Data Hub-Industrial USB Powered Hub - USB 2.0 Hub for Mining, Bitcoin ( Miner View Product #8 Hands Free Bitcoin ( Bit Kit - Plug and Play Bitcoin ( Miner - 14 TH/s ASIC Miner - All in One, Easy Bitcoin mining ( Kit View Product #9 Kingwin Bitcoin ( Miner Rig Case W/ 6, 8, or 12 GPU Mining Stackable Frame - Expert Crypto Mining Rack W/Placement for Motherboard for Mining - Air Convection to Improve GPU Cryptocurrency (12GPU) View Product #10 1600W Modular Mining Power Supply GPU For Bitcoin ( Miner Eth Rig S7 S9 L3+ D3 Supports 6 Graphics Overclocking 90+ Gold 24PIN US View Product.
Wonder what type of questions that the review can answer?
Okay, let's focus on the following inquiries to know more information. These can help you conduct the product research and made your final decision.
Is mining bitcoin machine worth spending the money? Why buying mining bitcoin machine ? What are the advantages included? What are the best mining bitcoin machine you can take into consideration? What are the factors to keep in mind before investing mining bitcoin machine? Why is it important to possess a mining bitcoin machine in the daily life? What are the top mining bitcoin machine available in today's market? The best mining bitcoin machine in 2020.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 09:18 am

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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 09:19 am
Bitcoin ( cloud mining services.
10 Best Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining Websites [Safe and Trusted]
by Ankur Gupta · November 18, 2020.
Looking for a secure, trusted, profitable, and best bitcoin cloud mining platform? There are multiple cryptocurrency cloud mining websites that offer cloud mining for Altcoin as well. We have listed a few crypto cloud mining services so that you can decide the best bitcoin cloud mining for you.
Cloud mining or cloud hashing allows users to buy mining power that of hardware in data centers build by mining companies. There is a number of players offer cloud mining in terms of renting their hardware for a fixed period of time. These companies return the mined results with the users and cut their profit form that results. In this article, we will discuss some best cloud mining platforms for bitcoin and altcoins.
Choosing the best bitcoin cloud mining service to use is not an easy task because this business is full of scammers. More than 99% of cloud mining providers are a fraud. Instead of actually mining any cryptocurrency, they built an attractive website and start scamming users on the name of cloud mining.
What are the Advantages of Cloud Mining?
Let's take a look at the advantages of cloud mining:
Higher Profits - because mining providers optimize everything for you, it yields out higher returns. Tranquil and cooler home - no more sound and heat. Less electricity - the consumption of electricity will get a lot lower. 'No' equipment maintenance - no need to sell the hardware, when they stop being profitable. No tension in the configuration of the hardware. Simple and Ready to use: Signup with these providers and start within minutes.
What are the Disadvantages of Cloud Mining?
And now have a look at the counterpart list:
Scam Risk - It always involves the risk of being scammed. Stay away if any mining offers you exceptional returns on your investment. Cost of Mining Operations - users have to pay for the hardware management cost. Unpredictable profit: Profit depends upon various factors. If the value of the coin goes down it may become non-profitable also.
Is it Profitable?
Always keep in mind that returns are not guaranteed and depend on a part on the coin value and mining difficulty, both of which are unpredictable for the future. The lower the coin value, the higher the impact of that fee on mining returns, and the higher the mining difficulty, the fewer coins the same amount of hashrate will return, and vice versa. If we take an example of Ether mining it was less profitable as the price of the Ether was much lower then the current price. If you believe that the value of a crypto coin is going to be very high in 1 or 2 years then it will be much profitable.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 09:20 am

Trustable/Low Risk: Best Cloud Mining Services.
Name / Logo Details Coin Supported Risk Factor Website Link IQ Mining Working Since 2016 Bitcoin (, Litecoin, BCH, ETH, Zcash, Dash, GRIN, AEON, BEAM, DOGE Low Risk IQ Mining Website CryptoUniverse Mining Working Since: Feb 2018 Bitcoin (, Litecoin Low Risk CryptoUniverse Website ECOS ( Mining Working Since 2018 Bitcoin ( Low Risk (Legalized) ECOS ( Website.
The Best Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining Platforms:
There are many websites offering cloud mining. I have picked only a few of them, those are reliable, trusted, and well-known players of the market. Now, let's take a brief idea about recommended cloud mining services:
ECOS ( Mining.
ECOS ( is a relatively new player in the field of cloud mining but it is a legally recognized and trustable service. ECOS ( was appointed to be the operator of the Free Economic Zone in October 2018 by the Armenian Government. Apart from cloud mining, ECOS ( also sells mining hardware and allows hosting installation through few clicks only. Users can buy the latest mining equipment online and ECOS ( will set up your installation on behalf of you in the Free Economic Zone of Armenia. Users will also get a manufacturer warranty of the hardware for 180 days. Currently, they offer multiple cloud mining contract for Bitcoin ( only.
IQ Cloud Mining.
IQ mining uses smart mining techniques at affordable prices. It offers the most profitable cloud mining contracts for popular cryptocurrencies. Their profit calculations based on the most efficient mining hardware with minimal contract maintenance costs. They offer Bitcoin ( payments on a daily basis depending upon your purchased MH/s power. They offer a mining contract for 1 year to a lifetime. IQmining supports mining contracts for Bitcoin (, BCH, LTC, ETH, XRP, XMR, DASH, and many more cryptos.
How to use IQ Mining : There are different investment packages. For e.g., if you buy the Silver package, you will get 10% bonus above your payouts. In the Gold package, it is a 20% bonus.
If you invest 0.01 to 0.1 BTC you will get the Bronze package. For investments between 0.1 to 1 BTC, you will get a Silver package. Between 1 to 10 BTC, you will get Gold package.
They are offering limited period offer: Get 30% Off on all contracts. is a cloud mining farm that dates back to 2017 when they launched its first-ever test mining farm with an initial aim of introducing more people to the idea of blockchain mining and cryptocurrency.
The company has been offering BTC and LTC cloud mining contracts at different budget rates since 2017 and since then there has been no looking back. Furthermore, the farm has its very own data center with a total power capacity of 20 Megawatt and has 12000 miners operating round-the-clock in the station.
The company also accepts distribution mining contracts from companies like Bitmain, Ebang, Innosilicon, and Canaan. Prospective clients can buy contracts starting at a price of $23.9 for 1 Th/s. In addition to that, you can pay very low maintenance fees in advance to benefit an added discount of 4%. For promo offers and current discount rates follow the latest news on the social media platform of
The CryptoUniverse platform also offers referral programs through which clients can now earn up to 10% of the contract price by following the referral link. The platform offers a variety of mining contracts available at affordable budgets. Another unique feature of the CryptoUniverse platform is that the contract prices change according to the market values which keeps you updated with the changing market variables of the crypto world.
HashGains Bitcoin mining (
Another cloud mining service provider that helps you to mine bitcoins and Altcoins in the best possible and easiest way. Its parent company is Cyfuture which is serving for more than 15 years in the Data Centre Industry. Based on State-of-the-Art technology, HashGains uses the best ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) and GPU services available. The platform supports multiple cryptocurrencies and has a 99.9% uptime. There is 24/7 technical support and it also provides legit mining where all the coins are new. HashGains also have multiple Data Centres in India, China, and the U.S. It also promises to give high ROI on investments made.
How to use HashGains : First you need to register on the platform. Then you need to choose your preferred plan and make the payment. After that, you can just start collecting bitcoins. HashGains can be used in three methods.
Pay per share method where it uses the ASIC mining method, which is one of the basic mining methods used in cloud mining. Proportional Method where miners earn shares until there is a block in pool sharing. After that, they earn a fixed number of shares. Bitcoin ( Pooled Mining method where newer shares are given much more preference than older shares.
Eobot Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 09:20 am

Ultimate bitcoin miner software 2019 learn to mine bitcoin with laptop|15:46
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 09:25 am
Hashing24 Cloud Mining:
Hashing24 was developed mainly for individuals who can easily access the Bitcoin mining ( technology without getting into the intricacies and technical complications of cloud mining. The interface is very easy to use and it provides 24-hour customer support by a highly proficient team.
How to use Hashing24: Users have to first register which takes only about 2 minutes and then chooses hashpower, which boosts the Bitcoin mining ( process. Then you have to pay for your contract and the order is placed in the largest mining center BitFury. The mining process starts automatically and you will start receiving bitcoins, which can be withdrawn on the same day. Hashing24 is one of the most stable futuristic cloud mining platforms with very efficient technical support.
HashNest Cloud Mining:
Launched in 2014, HashNest is one of the biggest cloud mining companies today. BitMain Technologies is the Parent company of HashNest and its headquarter is in Beijing, China. HashNest allows its users to participate in Bitcoin mining ( through transactions of hashrates and the profits are instantly deposited in the BitMain Wallet. Participants can simply download the Mobile App and use it anywhere and anytime. PACMiC (Payout Accelerate Cloud Mining Contract) is another feature offered by HashNest. Here you don't have to pay any costs after mining as BitMain already pays for you.
How to use HashNest: Users first have to register for a HashNest account and will simultaneously get a HashNest wallet. Then they have to deposit bitcoins into the wallet and buy hashrates and the cloud mining starts. The amount paid on HashNest is based on PPLNS or Pay Per Last N Shares method. There is a 2FA or two-factor authentication process for HashNest users for optimum security.
HashFlare Bitcoin mining (
Hashflare is a Europe based bitcoin cloud mining company. The company was founded in July 2013 and started its cloud mining service in April 2015. Hashflare is a part of HashCoins that creates ASIC bitcoin miners. Similar to Genesis mining, Hashflare also offers lifetime Bitcoin mining ( contracts ( remember as long as profitable), Ethereum cloud mining, Zcash cloud mining, Dash cloud mining and Scrypt cloud mining.
Similar to Genesis it is one of the two most reputed cloud mining providers with a large number of users. It offers daily payouts and available payment methods are Bitcoin (, Credit card, Webmoney, Payeer, Wire transfer, and EMC.
Discount: Click on the button below and signup for an account to avail discount on your purchase.
Genesis Cloud Mining.
There are only a few reliable cloud mining companies who actually set up mining hardware and mine crypto-coins for you and one of them is Genesis Mining. Genesis mining was started in 2013 an is one of the oldest companies around. Genesis has established a publicly known mining farm in Iceland.
Currently, they are offering mining powers for Bitcoin (, Ether, Zcash, Monero, Dash, and Litecoin. You can start mining within minutes. Available payment options are Credit cards and some crypto coins.
Discount Coupon: Copy and paste this code (as shown in the image below) at the time of payment to get 3 to 5% discount on your purchase: 1yelG5.
Final Words:
I hope you enjoyed this article and it will be useful for the user to find-out Best Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining. It is my advice that never goes for any other cloud mining service as most of them are a scam. Please share your feedback and experience with us in the comment section below and let us know if you need any help. Happy Mining.
Fastest Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining Platform.
Hashbitpro offers you the best bitcoin cloud mining services without the use of expensive equipment. Start earning bitcoin from cloud mining today.
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At HashBitPro, our service makes mining Bitcoin ( accessible to everyone.
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How to start mining?
Simply select the desired hardware power and generate revenue!.
Mining hardware is a highly efficient piece of mining equipment specially designed for Bitcoin mining ( Our datacenters house hundreds of miners.
HashBitPro connects you to the best pools, giving you the most profitable combinantion.
All mined bitcoins are distributed among all customers of HashBitPro depending on their share of hashrate in the whole system.
People Using our mining machine & Counting.
Our service makes mining Bitcoin ( accessible to everyone.
BTC purchased so far & Counting.
Flexible Pricing Plan.
We give you the flexibility to buy as much hash rate as you want!
SHA-256 Algorithm.
Average daily profit: 0.4%
Withdrawal available when you earn up to 2.5% accumulated profit.
Package 1.
24 months Contract.
Maintenance Fee: 0.5%
Package 2.
Package 3.
Package 4.
Package 5.
Package 6.
Package 7.
Package 8.
Select amount to purchase. More Hashpower means faster mining speed.
Contract: 42 Weeks.
Cost: $20.00 per 1 TH/s.
Maintenance Fee: 0.05% of daily earnings.
Get answers to some questions you may ask.
Why is Bitcoin ( trusted?
What are the payment options?
Where is your mining farm located?
What is TH/s?
What influences my income and profit?
What is the maintenance fees?
The maintenance fees covers all costs related to mining including : • electricity cost • maintenance • hosting services • cooling.
It currently applies to SHA256 contracts, and it is calculated per GH/s and automatically deducted on a daily basis. The current maintenance fee details is provided in the contract. Those fees have a affects your profit.
Time Frame BTC Reward Revenue USD* Power Cost (in USD) Pool Fees (in USD) Profit (in USD) Hourly 0.00003275 $0.62 $0.16 $0.00 $0.45 Daily 0.00078595 $14.78 $3.90 $0.00 $10.88 Weekly 0.00550162 $103.46 $27.30 $0.00 $76.16 Monthly 0.0236 $443.38 $117.00 $0.00 $326.38 Annually 0.2869 $5,394.44 $1,423.50 $0.00 $3,970.94.
* Bitcoin ( Price at $18,804.47 USD.
Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty Bitcoin ( Block Reward Bitcoin ( Price 17,596,801,059,571.00 6.25 BTC $18,804.47 (BTC to USD) Bitcoin mining ( Hashrate Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Watts Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Cost Electricity Costs 110.00 TH/s 3,250 Watts $2,407.00 $0.05 per kWh.
A BTC mining difficulty of 17,596,801,059,571.00, a BTC mining hashrate of 110.00 TH/s consuming 3,250 watts of power at $0.05 per kWh, and a block reward of 6.25 BTC at $18,804.47 (BTC to USD).
After deducting mining power costs and mining fees, the final daily Bitcoin mining ( profit is $10.88 Bitcoin ( to USD .
Disclosure: The Profit Details are the result of a chosen budget of $ 10,000.00 to purchase Bitcoin mining ( servers that are hashing 76 TH/s at a price of $ 25 per terahash. This assumes a total hashrate of 400.00 . The Profit Details also take in consideration the current network hash rate of 1.7596801059571E13 and current BTC/USD exchange rate of 1 BTC = $ 18,757.41 . These figures vary based on the total network hash rate and on the BTC to USD conversion rate. Block reward is fixed at 6.25 BTC. The Profit Details do not take into account any future changes in block rewards, hashrate and difficulty rate. All inputs in this calculator vary over time. The profit details is based on current values only and should be used as a guide only.
How to Mine Bitcoin (
Analogies involving bitcoins and gold are hardly out of place, considering that both resources are limited and make up dreams and competing ambitions of many. Mining a single bitcoin can rob one of thousands of dollars in a single year - if this user is actually lucky enough to get this outcome. The following guide is supposed to be a helping hand for those who want to try their luck at mining bitcoins.
In addition to luck, prospective miners will need to understand that today's demands of Bitcoin mining ( are a completely different beast to what this activity required upon its launch in 2009. Back then, it was possible to mine the Bitcoin ( using a personal computer. Now, with more and more miners joining the race for bitcoins and the market becoming largely saturated, only those ready for substantial initial investments can expect just rewards for descending into a Bitcoin mining ( pit.
Three Basic Bitcoin mining ( Philosophies.
Going back to the mining basics is helpful, as one of the sharper tools at a beginner miner's disposal is his/her knowledge of the basic relevant terms, such as "blocks", "hash rate" etc. The decision on the mining budget really depends on your readiness to stick to one of three dominant approaches to mining:
Investing a lot into buying your own mining equipment and keeping all the profit to yourself Combining mining resources as part of a mining pool Using cloud mining resources based on subscription model.
The catch with these approaches is the fact that all of them come with a clear cut set of benefits and weaknesses, the importance of which will largely depend on what you are trying to achieve with mining and in what timeframe. So, let's dive into these options in more detail.
Getting Ready for Solo Bitcoin mining (
Solo mining may be considered a riskier option since its profitability has changed (mostly negatively) over the years, with prices of dedicated hardware experiencing unpredictable intervals of spikes and drops. The same goes for electricity, but your mileage may vary here, depending on the national price levels for this type of energy in your region.
You can start out by looking into Bitcoin mining ( calculators which will give you an overview of potential profits you can expect to make from investing in a particular type of mining hardware. Available options include CryptoCompare, Crypto Mining Tools, and similar platforms. These calculators consider the following parameters:
Hardware Costs Hardware Efficiency Electricity Costs Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty Network Hash Power Bitcoin ( Price Block Reward.
You will be required to supply information on the hash rate and power consumption levels of the mining hardware you consider for purchase, alongside other required information such as electricity costs in your area. The more information you feed into the calculator, the more reliable the resulting assessment will be. Bear in mind that some countries may score better on their investment/gain ratio for Bitcoin mining ( (such as China or Venezuela), so this parameter should be a useful early consideration prior to buying hardware. In any case, it is useful to know that China has been dominating the global mining market based on its cheap electricity.
Getting the Best Mining Rig.
Speaking of hardware, the price of Bitcoin mining ( rigs should be next on your to-do list prior to making yourself a miner. The old golden rule applies here, as investing more than you are prepared to lose is usually a bad opening move in this game.
In an era when buying bitcoin on a cryptocurrency exchange seems a more reasonable option for acquiring it, building a personal mining rig requires extensive knowledge about the right sort of hardware required for mining. The history books tell us that CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs which were initially used for mining are now usually outclassed by application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) which function as integrated circuits customized specifically for mining. The major manufacturers of these devices include Cannaan, Bitmain, and others, with their products' average prices ranging from anywhere between USD 1500 to USD 3000 and more.
Going the route of building an independent rig will require you to consider at least some of these points in advance:
Do you have enough space for a rig and is the environment potentially flammable? Which motherboard, GPU, processor, RAM and storage devices hit the sweet spot when it comes to price/performance ratio? Do I have adequate power supply hardware which can meet the electricity demands of the mining rig?
Once you have these answers, you can be on the lookout for the Bitcoin mining ( software, which comes in various flavors, yet with a single purpose. While the mining itself is handled by hardware, the mining software is your bridge to the Bitcoin ( network and its blockchain. Thankfully, compared to hardware and power supply considerations, choosing the right software is arguably easier affair, with popular options including Bitcoin ( Miner, BTCMiner, CGMiner, EasyMiner, etc.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 09:27 am

Very Fast Bitcoin ( Miner using Laptop Processor CPU i5 i7|5:25
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 09:27 am
Mining Benefits, Warts and All.
Going solo with Bitcoin mining ( is a daunting prospect in 2019, with its single benefit being the fact that whatever is earned through mining is yours for keeping only. Yet, keeping one's profits means that initial investments needed in this day and age may require purchasing hundreds of pieces of dedicated mining equipment such as ASICs. This comes with the need to provide electricity for hundreds of rigs as well to amass enough power to compete not only with other individual miners but with those who participate in mining pools as well. This can create additional demands for ventilating and cooling equipment which, guess what, requires additional electricity supply.
Thus, the best option for going solo is making sure you have access to cheap electricity, paired with a favorable climate that does not require industrial-grade coolers and sufficiently deep pockets for initial investments.
Pooling Your Mining Strengths.
Joining a mining pool is yet another option for a prospective bitcoin miner, setting itself apart from solo mining by being cheaper and more accessible in general. Mining pools comprise a group of miners who combine their computing and processing power and share profits. There's usually a fee which needs to be paid by members of such pool but the overall costs of mining a single block are only a fraction of what is required if you do it solo. At the same time, joining pools puts considerably less pressure on a miner in terms of the mining capacity of their rigs, as well as on the need for meeting electricity demands.
Pool members agree to share mined bitcoins among themselves, which makes access to regular payment in BTC a more feasible prospect. Joining a mining pool has several requirements, some of which cover the same grounds as those for solo mining:
Access to a mining rig Functional mining software Cooling fans Power supply units Bitcoin ( wallet Internet connection.
In addition to the mining calculators, pools will usually offer access to the dedicated interface allowing users to check how much they manage to mine by entering their wallet addresses on the pool's website.
Things to Consider When Joining a Pool.
All of this comes with the need to pick out the best pool for one's mining needs. Yet, this can take some consideration, bearing in mind that mining pools differ based on the following criteria:
Pool size . Pure logic is applied here, as larger pools will have more miners and offer better chances at receiving a reward in BTC. Yet, the gains need to be split among a larger pool of miners, making them potentially smaller but more regular. Fees charged . Pools charges fees for providing infrastructure and organizing mining. This usually refers to them taking a cut (a percentage) from the profits you make and this is done automatically. The usual cuts can range from anywhere between 1% and 3%. While going for a pool with lower fees can seem like a no-brainer, one should be careful about those promising zero commission fees to the miners and double check them in advance. Minimum payments supported . This refers to the minimum amount of bitcoin that is available for withdrawal by a miner. Beginners are usually advised to pick a pool with a lower minimum payment threshold if they want their endeavor to bear fruit from the outset.
Whatever criteria you apply here, some of the more popular mining pool options include AntPool, Slush Pool,, F2Pool, and others. To avoid frauds, doing some research on newer or less established pools prior to joining them is a must and you'd do well to apply some common sense in that case.
How to Mine Bitcoin ( in the Clouds.
The third option at the disposal of bitcoin miners is the use of cloud-based mining platforms. This means buying processing power at a remote data center which will mine BTC on your behalf. This option offers some advantages as you don't need to invest in expensive equipment in order to mine. Instead of this, you are charged a fee by the data center which reduces your profit but comes with a guaranteed rate of return on the investment. In any case, you are well advised to do some user feedback research before choosing a cloud mining solution to avoid being exposed to fraud.
Many users might actually prefer the cloud mining option to the hassle of building their own rigs, either for solo or pool-based mining. By analogy, you do not have to worry about equipment breakdowns, but you do not get to upgrade it either. Finally, if all of the above seems intimidating enough, bear in mind that this option does not require you to know much about bitcoins and their mining, making cloud-based mining a viable option for absolute beginners in the cryptoverse.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 09:28 am

How much I made in 8 days - easiest cryptocurrency to mine on laptop|20:00
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 09:28 am
Getting Started Mining Bitcoins.
Steps On Using Bitcoin (
1.Learn About Bitcoin (
Bitcoin ( is not the same on what you are using on a daily basis or the things that you might know. In order for you to be able to start using Bitcoins without any pitfalls or unsecured transaction, you should refer some guides on how to start with.
2.Decide Your Desired Wallet.
On you daily life transactions, wallet plays important role that it can be just put on your mobile or computer and bring it anywhere you go. Though it is important to choose what satisfies your requirements, you can choose or change anytime you want.
3.Accept Bitcoins.
You can get Bitcoins by any payment you receive from selling or buying transactions whether from a friend, a client or somebody near you. Using your bank account, you can also get BTC from exchange industries.
4.Use Bitcoins For Purchasing.
There are huge amount of merchant, sellers and buyers that uses Bitcoins all over the world. You can start doing transactions to them and abide honest ratings for visibility purposes.
Steps On Accepting Bitcoins.
Bitcoin ( doen'st need merchants to process any transactions. Bitcoin ( is a bit different when you compare it on what you have been using everyday. Hence, using Bitcoin ( is very cool but you have also to understand the concept and even the worst thing to happen when you failed using it carefully.
2.Process Payment Transaction.
Processing invoices or payments with Bitcoin ( is so easy where you can use merchant services or even process it by your own to deposit money on your currency or Bitcoin ( Commonly used on POS are phones or tablets for clients and customers convenience where they can just use phones and mobiles.
3.Taxes and Accounting.
Contacting a qualified accountant is way more safer in terms of buying items from merchants and compute the appropriate tax where merchants happen to display their product information on local currency. Tax compliance is a must and you can have a lot of ways to comply easily.
4.Becoming More Visible.
A lot of BTC users have been searching for ways and steps on how to use their cryptocurrency in purchasing items anywhere. You can put your business to online business pages in order for you to be visible to anyone.
How to Get Started in Bitcoin mining ( And Making a Profit.
With all the craze around Bitcoin ( and the other cryptocurrencies recently, it wouldn't be surprising if you are also looking to get involved in it. Some of you might just want to buy and trade Bitcoins and make a profit, while others might want to go the mining route to earn Bitcoins. If you are the latter and are looking for a head start, in a nutshell, this will show you how to mine Bitcoins.
Before we go into the details, let's clarify what Bitcoin mining ( is. According to the Bitcoin ( wiki, "Mining is the process of adding transaction records to Bitcoin ('s public ledger of past transactions." In laymen's terms, you use your computer (or other device) to do complex computations and get paid in bitcoins as a reward.
The amount you make depends on your "hash rate" (the speed at which your machine processes transactions) and the difficulty of the tasks. As task difficulty rises over time, you need more and more powerful machine(s) to mine Bitcoins.
Bitcoin mining ( Options.
With Bitcoin mining ( there are two approaches - buy your own hardware or buy a mining contract from a cloud miner. Buying a contract is easier and cheaper initially because you don't have to throw thousands of dollars into your own hardware, but you have no physical control over the machine, and there are really a lot of scammers out there.
There are contracts for $1 or $2 a day and also contracts for thousands of dollars a month - it all depends on what processing power you purchase. The main risk here is that if the provider is a scammer, you end with neither bitcoins nor the fee you paid.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 09:29 am

First look at the Safex Cash 1 Click CPU Miner|6:28
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 09:29 am
Become Your Own Miner.
If you decide Bitcoin mining ( contracts are not worth it for you and becoming your own miner makes sense, here is what you need to do.
1. Buy Bitcoin mining ( Hardware.
Long gone are the days when you could use just an ordinary PC to successfully mine coins. With the increased difficulty and competition from other miners, using just an ordinary PC is useless because it's almost certain you will pay more for electricity than you will earn. Additionally, mining is pretty resource-intensive, and it's quite possible you will burn your PC.
In order to mine bitcoins, you need dedicated hardware. You can create your own mining rigs or buy a dedicated miner, such as the AntMiner series. When you are choosing mining hardware, you should care mostly about its price per hash and its electricity consumption. You can get miners for as low as $500, but basically the more expensive ones are more feasible if you are serious about Bitcoin mining (
2. Get Bitcoin mining ( Software.
After you get the Bitcoin mining ( hardware, you need software. The most popular programs are open source and free. If a command line doesn't scare you, you can get CGminer or BFGminer. If you prefer GUIs, check EasyMiner.
3. Create a Bitcoin ( Wallet.
If you don't have a Bitcoin ( wallet by now, create one. You need a wallet in order to receive your payments. You can go with a free online wallet, such as SpectroCoin or CoinSpace, a software wallet you store on your computer, a paper wallet, or a hardware wallet for max security. If you are new to Bitcoin (, start with a free online wallet and then move to more advanced wallets.
4. Join a Bitcoin mining ( Pool.
While you can mine on your own, you can earn more if you become a "worker" with a Bitcoin mining ( pool. As with wallets, there are hundreds of pools to choose from, and I can't recommend a single best one. I hear that BitMinter and SlushPool are two of the better ones, but don't take this for granted, check it out on your own.
Bitcoin mining ( certainly isn't easy (or cheap) these days, but if you are serious about it and are willing to take risks, it could be a really profitable activity. In any case, be prepared to lose some money - it might not happen, but don't count on it. Actually, it might turn out it's cheaper to buy coins on the market rather than mine them, and it's best if you make your profitability estimates before you buy the mining equipment.
I am a fulltime freelancer who loves technology. Linux and Web technologies are my main interests and two of the topics I most frequently write about.
How to mine Bitcoin ( for Free and without investment.
Here is How to mine Bitcoin ( for free and without any investment. There are some best Free Cloud mining sites from where you can start mining bitcoin for free.
Bitcoin ( the most prominent word almost known by all of us but do you know what exactly it is? Bitcoin ( is a cryptocurrency or a form of electronic cash. It is a decentralized digital currency which does not have any center or any manager. It is a peer to peer network which allows us to transfer bitcoin and make the transaction by the users easily without a need of any conciliator. Transactions are verified by network nodes through cryptography and are recorded in a record called a blockchain. However, Bitcoin ( was invented by a mysterious person or a group of persons using the name Satoshi Nakamoto. It was released as an open source system in 2009. Bitcoins are created as a reward for a process known as mining. They can be exchanged for other currencies, products, and services. However, Bitcoin ( is a kind of reward processing unit which is very common nowadays we will also discuss some of the ways to earn free bitcoins so stay tuned.
Bitcoin mining ( is the process of addition of transactions or records to the public ledger or blockchain. However, the purpose of mining is to provide security to the Bitcoin ( nodes. Bitcoin ( Miners are rewarded for providing the computational power which it the part of transaction fees. The process of mining depends on the hash rate or the computational power of the device. Furthermore, Bitcoin mining ( network difficulty increases as competition increases. However, you can mine Free Bitcoin ( .
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 23, 2021, 09:29 am

How To Increase Mining ( Speed - CryptoTab Browser 100% Working|4:50
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 07:09 am
What is Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining?
Bitcoin ( Cloud mining is enabling users to purchase the computational power of the hardware. Furthermore, It is the process of mining Bitcoins without any need for managing hardware, software, electricity, and other things.
1. Pros of Bitcoin ( cloud mining.
No heat to deal with. Silence as you don't have to deal with humming mechanical sounds. Also, No Electricity cost to pay. As mining becomes no more profitable no tension to sell this mining equipment. Lastly, No problem with purchasing more mining hardware.
2. Cons of Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining.
More fraudulent practices. Also, Fewer profits as cloud mining are more expensive Also, The satisfying curiosity of Bitcoin mining ( is not possible. Lastly, No more fun with Bitcoin mining ( it's just like an investment in the stock market.
All you need to do cloud mining is a computer or graphics card and internet connection. The software for cloud mining can be downloaded and installed on your computer and start mining bitcoin for free. Furthermore, There are some free services which offer cloud mining services for everyone.
Disclosure: The Profit Details are the result of a chosen budget of $ 10,000.00 to purchase Bitcoin mining ( servers that are hashing 76 TH/s at a price of $ 25 per terahash. This assumes a total hashrate of 400.00 . The Profit Details also take in consideration the current network hash rate of 1.7596801059571E13 and current BTC/USD exchange rate of 1 BTC = $ 18,777.87 . These figures vary based on the total network hash rate and on the BTC to USD conversion rate. Block reward is fixed at 6.25 BTC. The Profit Details do not take into account any future changes in block rewards, hashrate and difficulty rate. All inputs in this calculator vary over time. The profit details is based on current values only and should be used as a guide only.
How to Calculate The Profit of Mining Bitcoin ( BTC.
So you've got a system that you want to try mining some Bitcoins (BTC). The first question you're going to as is "Will it make any money?".
That's a great first question and one that's pretty easy to answer. All you need is two pieces of information and you can get a quick (rough) answer. This information is:
How quickly can the system generate cryptocurrency? How much electricity does my system use to do it?
Once you have that information you can use the excellent mining calculator at Cryptcompare to do the math using the current market values to give you an answer.
Benchmark the speed of your rig.
Head over to my Benchmark Your Linux Bitcoin ( or LiteCoin Mining Rig With BFGMiner article to get some benchmark numbers.
After you have run BFGMiner in benchmark mode you will have the number of hashes per second your system can crunch. The more hashes per second your system can crunch the more profit it will generate.
You can get a figure for either SHA256 or scrypt hashes. The default hash for BFGMiner is SHA256 which is the one used by Bitcoin (
Next, let's work out how much electricity your system uses to generate those hashes.
How much electricity are you using?
There are two ways to measure how much electricity your system is using. You can:
Physically measure it with electricity usage meter like the Kill A Watt. Measure from the "inside" with Powertop software utility.
Using a physical device will give you an accurate result but Powertop will give you a quick number right now.
First, install powertop on your Linux system.
Next, fire up the benchmark tool to load up the GPU and all the CPU cores. When that's running start powertop:
The total power information is shown on the Device Stats page. Get there by hitting TAB three times. The Device Stats page gives you a total power usage figure on the top line and a break down by process under that.
Here's my laptop running BFGMiner in benchmark mode:
It uses 42.1 W while the BFGMiner benchmark was running.
Now, you've got the power use and the hash rate you can work out your profit.
Calculate your profit.
Enter your hash rate. Enter your power use. Enter the cost of your electricity. You can get this from your electricity bill or from your electricity provider's website. Set this to 0 (unless you're in a pool).
The calculator will now tell you much profit you can expect per day.
How to Calculate the Profitability of Bitcoin mining (
The popularity of cryptocurrency mining has increased substantially since bitcoin went mainstream in 2017. Today, graphics cards needed for CPU mining are sold out at many online retailers and Bitcoin mining ( hardware producers can barely keep up with the demand for mining equipment.
In this guide, you will discover how much money you can make through Bitcoin mining (, the different ways you can go about mining, and whether it is even worth pursuing for an individual.
Mining bitcoin refers to providing your computing power to verify and process bitcoin transactions on the Bitcoin ( blockchain. To reward miners for keeping the Bitcoin ( network up and running, miners receive freshly mined bitcoin for each new block they mine.
The block reward for each new block is currently 12.5 bitcoin and halves every four years. Miners compete with their computing power to solve complex equations that lead to the creation of new blocks. The more computing power a miner has, the more of the block reward he or she will be able to receive.
For this reason, specialist Bitcoin mining ( hardware, known as ASICs miners, has been developed and deployed by large-scale mining operations that run entire factory buildings full of miners.
Hardware Mining vs. Cloud Mining.
When bitcoin first launched in 2009, users were able to mine bitcoin on their laptops and desktop computers. However, as the bitcoin network grew, so did the digital currency's mining difficulty. The number of large mining operations proliferated. This continued until the point where mining using a home computer was no longer feasible and specialized Bitcoin mining ( hardware was introduced.
Today, there are two ways you can profitably mine bitcoin. You can either set up a Bitcoin mining ( operation by purchasing Bitcoin mining ( hardware, such as the AntMiner S9 or the Avalon6 and join a mining pool, or you can purchase a bitcoin cloud mining contract.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 07:12 am

How To Mine 1 Bitcoin ( in 10 Minutes - Blockchain BTC Miner Pro|10:18
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 07:26 am
Cloud mining refers to the renting of someone else's Bitcoin mining ( hardware in exchange for a fee so that you can profit from Bitcoin mining ( without needing to invest in any physical Bitcoin mining ( hardware yourself. Instead, you can purchase Bitcoin mining ( contracts from reputable cloud mining providers such as Genesis Mining and let these companies handle the mining while you receive your mining income minus their maintenance fees.
Due to the simplicity of purchasing cloud mining contracts, cloud mining has gained massively in popularity over the years. On one hand, this has led reputable cloud mining provider Genesis Mining to struggle to expand its mining operations to keep up with demand. On the other hand, it has also attracted a substantial amount of fraudulent cloud mining sites that claim to sell mining contracts but in reality are nothing more than Ponzi schemes. In fact, the majority of supposed bitcoin cloud mining providers that you will find online are scams. So it is very important to only use reputable providers and to conduct thorough research on the provider before purchasing a cloud mining contract .
How Profitable is Bitcoin mining (
To look at how profitable Bitcoin mining ( is today, you can make use of a Bitcoin mining ( profitability calculator. However, it needs to be stated that there are certain assumptions that go into profitability calculations, such as where the price of bitcoin will trade and how the mining difficulty will evolve. Hence, any Bitcoin mining ( profit calculation is only a rough estimate and will not accurately predict mining returns in the future.
Mining with Your Own Equipment: Let's assume you purchase one Antminer S9 with a hash rate of 13.00 TH/s and power usage of 3825 watts at a cost of $0.10 per kWh (roughly the U.S. average) with a mining pool fee of 0.5 percent. Let's say the total cost of your mining set up, composed of the Antminer and power supply unit, will cost you about $3,500.
Should the price of bitcoin stay stable at its current level of $11,000 and should the Bitcoin mining ( difficulty remain steady at 2,874,674,234,416 GH/s, according to the CoinWarz Bitcoin mining ( Profitability Calculator, it would take you 372 days to break even and 879 days to mine one whole bitcoin. The annual income, using the above-mentioned assumptions of price and mining difficulty stability, would be 0.415 BTC or around $4,550 at today's market rate.
As the example shows, Bitcoin mining ( is rather costly to set up and has several variables such as bitcoin price, mining difficult, and electricity costs that come into play. Hence, it is difficult to accurately predict the profitability of mining.
Mining in the Cloud: The math for cloud mining is actually very similar to that of hardware mining. The key differentiating factors are that you have to pay a maintenance fee to the provider and that your contract can be canceled should Bitcoin mining ( no longer be profitable due to a prolonged drop in the price of bitcoin.
Having said that, the return on investment periods are very similar. According to 99Bitcoins, if you have 1.19 TH/s of hash power with Genesis Mining, which would cost you about 0.139 BTC as a new customer, you would make around 0.00035 BTC each day after the incurred mining fees. That would mean it would take you around 400 days to break even on your bitcoin cloud mining contract.
The benefit of cloud mining is that it is much easier to get started as it incurs less startup capital and requires zero technical knowledge about Bitcoin mining (
Before beginning a mining venture, weigh the cost vs. the benefits.
Should You Mine Bitcoin ( in 2018?
If you can afford to purchase multiple bitcoin miners, such as the Antminer S9, you can set up a small Bitcoin mining ( operation, join a mining pool, and start earning bitcoin. However, this will only be profitable if you have low electricity costs. In reality, for most individuals, mining bitcoin using hardware in their home will likely not be a very profitable venture due to electricity and maintenance costs as well as increasing mining difficulty.
As an individual with little investable capital, your easiest option to get involved in Bitcoin mining ( is by purchasing a bitcoin cloud mining contract. Provided the price of bitcoin does not drop and stay below a price level where mining is no longer profitable, the mining contract should run indefinitely. That means you purchase a mining contract and can receive passive mining income "forever". The payback period for cloud mining contracts, which is dependant on bitcoin price fluctuations, will likely also take around one year.
However, it needs to be said that in recent years buying and holding bitcoin has generally been more profitable than mining bitcoin as an individual, regardless of whether you purchase a cloud mining contract or mine using hardware.
At the end of the day, the decision or mine or not comes down to what type of investor you are. Do you prefer to receive a small but steady weekly/monthly income in bitcoin or do you prefer to benefit solely from bitcoin's appreciation in value? The historical data points to the latter being the better choice but some investors may prefer the regular income option.
To learn more about bitcoin investment opportunities, subscribe to the Bitcoin ( Market Journal newsletter today!
Naija Troop.
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Best Bitcoin mining ( Software for PC, Mining 0.1BTC In 40minutes With Your PC.
After downloading the software, install and follow the steps bellow:
WARNING : Don't mine in the hot hour.
Make sure its cool before youb start mining.
Recommended time 7 - 12am.
FIRST GUILD :- Create an account and login you account you've created. Make sure you put your correct details.
SECOND GUILD :- After shown your account have been created, you can now login to your newly created account and start mining your free BTC.
THIRD GUILD :- Goto Mining and select on the screen-shot bellow.
Hello Joel. I gave this software and video to a pal of mine based in London and he returned with a claim that it was a scam. After he completed the mining and he paid the mining fee, the amount of btc he mined wasn't reflected in his blockchain account. I'm yet to watch your video though to check out how you were able to withdraw. Awesome videos by the way. you're the best.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 07:26 am
Yes,it was scam and still is scam.
Thanks for your comment that care. Though many got their payment from this. But, if you were scammed, sorry and thank you for your lovely care to comment this. Many will learn from your comment. Thank you once again!
how long does it take to download?
Great!, i was able to DL and install the app. However after 40min of mining following the instructions from the vid. Still zero BTC. lolx.
Bitcoin mining ( hardware requirements.
Mining rigs come in all shapes and sizes. For the purpose of this guide, we will focus on building a very basic rig. This guide is intended to get you started and to assist in building your first rig. Once you know how to build one, you can grow your rig empire as big as you want. We will show you how to build your very first rig for under $1000. If you don't want to invest any money in hardware and simply want to use your current computer to start mining, you can skip ahead to Part 2: Software Requirements.
The first thing you need to know about mining, is that currently, mining power is processed using your graphic's card (GPU). The days of mining with your CPU only are long gone. GPU offer a much faster way of solving the algorithms required to generate your coins. GPU's should be your main focus when designing your rig. You can get a full list of the various GPU's and their expected performances here: or here: These are the most current and accurate listings for GPU hash rates. When you are mining, the same values that apply for Bitcoin mining ( will apply to any SHA-256 coin mining. The same is true for Litecoin and all other Scrypt based coins. We currently like the ATI HD 7950 card's. We feel they currently offer the best bang for your buck if you are operating on a budget. Of course, you can always replace your graphics card for a better one in the future.
Generally, there are only 3 things you want to worry about when building a mining rig.
Graphics Card: This is the bread and butter for your rig and what is actually going to be generating your coins. Don't cheap out on these Power Supply: You will need adequate power to run your rig. If you are getting 2 or more graphics cards, don't get anything under 750w. We'd even recommend 1000w+ in case you want to expand Motherboard: The only thing you need to look for here are the amount of PCI-E slots (or places for your video cards). Try to find one with a minimum of 3 slots so you can expand if needed.
The rest of the hardware doesn't really matter.
CPU's are virtually useless, you just need it to run the OS. RAM, mining is not RAM intensive, so you don't need to worry about it. Hard drive, again, you only need it to run the Operating System. Computer case, less is better. The less constricted your components are, the more air flows through and helps with cooling. Most of the rigs we build don't even have a case.
Let's get started!
Below are the components we recommend for a basic rig. Feel free to swap out parts for better performing ones if you wish. This is just a basic outline of a generic budget rig. This rig will get you anywhere between 1000-1200 kh/s when mining Scrypt coins and 950-1150 MH/s when mining SHA-256 coins. Once you are done, the rig will look something like this:
Motherboard: ASRock 970 Extreme3 - $120-$150 Power Supply: SeaSonic X Series X-850 - $175-$200 Video Card: ATI Radeon HD 7950 (x2) - $200-$300/each Processor: AMD Sempron 145 Processor - $40-$50 RAM: 8 GB Corsair DDR3 - $40-$60 Hard Drive: WD 500GB - $50-$60 Total Cost: $825 - $1120.
Putting it all together.
Now comes the fun part. Building your rig! Now that you have all your components, you can start setting everything up! Make sure to keep the manuals that came with the components in case you get stuck on a step.
First things first! Unpack all your goodies and set them aside! Place the motherboard on a flat surface and carefully install the CPU and Heatsink following the directions in the manual Next comes the RAM, place your RAM sticks in the appropriate location on the Motherboard Install the hard drive using the SATA cable that was included Place the video cards in their appropriate slots Set up the power supply in a safe location and connect all the cables to their respected devices.
You're almost done! This is the part where you're probably wondering why you didn't get a monitor, keyboard, mouse or a CD drive. Basically, once you have everything setup, you won't need them anymore. If you're reading this and are interested in mining coins, you probably already have a computer in the house. Simply take the monitor, keyboard and mouse and set it up on the rig temporarily so we can get things set up and configured.
The next step is simply to power it up and install an Operating System on the machine. You can install Windows or Linux from a USB key or CD-Rom drive. (If you install from CD, simply take a CD-Rom drive from another computer temporarily to get through the installation). To install windows from a USB key, you can follow this guide.
The rest of the guide will assume you are using Windows.
So, now you've got your rig installed with an operating system. Let's move on...
Bitcoin ( Core Requirements and Warnings.
Bitcoin ( Core gives you increased security and privacy at a cost. You need to take responsibility for the security of your bitcoins, meet higher minimum system requirements, and beware of some possible problems.
No matter what Bitcoin ( software you use, you should never buy more bitcoins than you can afford to lose. Bitcoin ( is still an experimental system and bitcoins remain a risky investment.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 07:28 am

How To Mine Faster in CryptoTab - New Tricks 2020|7:05
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 07:29 am
Wallet Responsibility Checklist.
Bitcoin ( Core puts you in charge of your wallet, which means your bitcoins are at risk unless you complete certain tasks:
Backup your keys.
Make sure your wallet is secure.
Setup an offline wallet (cold storage) for significant amounts of bitcoins.
Allow your heirs to receive your bitcoins if you die or become incapacitated.
If you need help with any step, please ask for assistance in any of Bitcoin’s friendly forums or live chatrooms.
System Requirements.
Bare Minimum (With Default Settings)
Disk space 350 GB.
Download 250 MB/day (8 GB/month) *
Upload 5 GB/day (150 GB/month)
Memory (RAM) 512 MB.
System Desktop Laptop Some ARM chipsets >1 GHz.
Operating system Windows 7/8.x Mac OS X Linux Some BSDs.
* Plus a one-time 340 GB download the first time you start Bitcoin ( Core.
Bare Minimum (With Custom Settings)
Disk space 5 GB.
Download 150 MB/day (5 GB/month) *
Upload 10 MB/day (300 MB/month)
Memory (RAM) 256 MB.
Minimum Recommended.
Download 500 MB/day (15 GB/month) *
Memory (RAM) 1 GB.
Operating system Windows 7/8.x/10 Mac OS X Linux.
Possible Problems.
Bandwidth limits : Some Internet plans will charge an additional amount for any excess upload bandwidth used that isn’t included in the plan. Worse, some providers may terminate your connection without warning because of overuse. We advise that you check whether your Internet connection is subjected to such limitations and monitor your bandwidth use so that you can stop Bitcoin ( Core before you reach your upload limit.
Anti-virus: Several people have placed parts of known computer viruses in the Bitcoin ( block chain. This block chain data can’t infect your computer, but some anti-virus programs quarantine the data anyway, making it more difficult to run Bitcoin ( Core. This problem mostly affects computers running Windows.
Attack target: Bitcoin ( Core powers the Bitcoin ( peer-to-peer network, so people who want to disrupt the network may attack Bitcoin ( Core users in ways that will affect other things you do with your computer, such as an attack that limits your available download bandwidth.
By default, you need to backup Bitcoin ( Core after every 100 transactions. This includes both transactions you send as well as payments you request (whether or not you actually received the payment).
For example, you need to backup after sending 33 payments and requesting 67 payments (even though you only received 60 payments).
Bitcoin ( Core can be configured to allow you to go more transactions between backups. See the -keypool setting.
Anyone who gets access to your wallet can steal your bitcoins. The first line of defense against this is encrypting your wallet, an option from the File menu in the graphical interface.
However, encrypting may not be enough if your computer becomes infected by malware. Learn about offline wallets for security against this type of attack.
In addition to securing your wallet, you also need to keep your backups secure. Anyone who gets access to them can also steal your bitcoins.
Computers that connect to the Internet are frequently hacked or infected with bitcoin-stealing malware. Computers that never connect to the Internet are a much more secure location for your bitcoins.
Bitcoin ( Core can be run on an always-offline computer, creating an offline wallet (also called a cold wallet). The offline wallet will securely store the private keys, while a separate online Bitcoin ( Core wallet will send and receive transactions.
Your Bitcoin ( wallet isn’t like a bank accountвЂ"it won’t automatically go to your heirs if you die or become disabled.
You have to plan ahead and make sure there is a way for your heirs to access your wallet backups when you’re no longer available.
The Cryptocurrency Mining Craze: Energy Consumption, Hardware, and the Controversies in Between.
Cryptocurrency mining has become so rampant that it has had a fairly significant impact on the GPU market and even electricity theft.
Bitcoin ( and cryptocurrencies have brought blockchain, algorithms, GPUs, and security issues into the public consciousness. Cryptocurrency mining, however, has also introduced issues of hardware shortages and changed the way we look at currency generation. So--what's up with Bitcoin mining (
While the value of Bitcoin ( (and most other cryptocurrencies) decreased significantly at the beginning of 2018, there appears to be momentum again with values rising. Cryptocurrency mining has become so rampant that it has had a fairly significant impact on the GPU market, and more regularly news article are popping up about stolen electricity for the purpose of cryptomining.
Here's some basic information about cryptocurrencies (primarily Bitcoin (, mining, and why it matters.
In 2008, a white paper was released titled "Bitcoin ( A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System", authored by Satoshi Nakamoto, though that name is widely understood to be a pseudonym. This white paper was one of the first widely popular uses of the term Bitcoin (
The core idea of Bitcoin ( was to be a form of decentralized, private currency that used the blockchain to keep a record of how currency was spent, and to use a distributed network of nodes that would all confirm, or deny, a transaction occurred. If the majority of the node network agreed that the transaction was valid, it would be added to the master blockchain and become part of the "ledger" forever. It solved double spending, decentralization, and was envisioned as the currency of the future where no government or bank controlled it. Part of the incentive of setting up and running a Bitcoin ( node is that there is a reward in exchange for work. So, by installing the Bitcoin ( software and lending your CPU/GPU to the cause, users could make virtual money.
In Bitcoin ('s beginnings, it developed a reputation of being a quirky Internet currency often associated with shady purchases on the Deep Web. Some people "mined" for Bitcoin (, that had a maximum value of only $0.39 in 2010. Just shy of a decade later, cryptocurrencies have exploded in popularity and created their own culture around its use. There are now countless blockchain-based projects and currencies, all with different use cases, advantages, and disadvantages. There is also an accompanying lexicon now associated with cryptocurrencies ("HODL", "to the Moon", etc).
In late 2017, Bitcoin ('s highest value to date peaked, reaching a value of nearly $20,000 per Bitcoin (, drawing even more interest into cryptocurrencies.
Bitcoin ('s value peaked in lae 2017. Image courtesy of CoinMarketCap.
While the value of Bitcoin ( (and most other cryptocurrencies) decreased significantly at the beginning of 2018, there appears to be some momentum again with values rising. Predicting the value of Bitcoin ( is like trying to predict the stock market--there's no foolproof way to know whether or not values will rise or fall. However, what is known is that cryptocurrency mining has become so rampant that it has had a fairly significant impact on the GPU market, driving up hardware prices, and has also increased reports of electricity theft for the purpose of cryptomining.
Focusing primarily on Bitcoin (, here is some basic information on what it means to mine, what the current hardware requirements are, and why cryptocurrency mining has become controversial.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 07:29 am

Crypto Tab Browser : Earn 8x Times Faster Bitcoin ( Mining ( Without Investment Earn 1 Bitcoin ( 2020 NEW|5:11
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 07:50 am
Hashcash and Proof-of-Work.
As mentioned before, mining is the process of verifying a transaction and results in being rewarded for the work of doing so. In order to make this verification, the input of a hash function that matches given information about its output and a target range must be found--a mathematical problem that can take significant computer power to solve.
The first miner to find a suitable solution "wins" and Bitcoin ( (or whatever cryptocurrency is being mined) is awarded. In terms of blockchain, you are looking for the new block that is to be added to that chain based on the hashing output.
Bitcoin (, in particular, uses the hashcash proof-of-work function. Hashcash was originally developed in 1997 as a way to prevent DoS attacks, anti-spam, and network abuse. For Bitcoin (, Hashcash SHA256 is used twice for hashing (double hash)--this is more precautionary than necessary since a single SHA256 hash is sufficient for Bitcoin (
Hashcash is difficult to invert function. It is very easy to compute the hash output given an input value, but extremely difficult to find the input value given the output. To invert the function using a brute force method, the complexity would be O(2 256 ).
In Bitcoin (, the hashcash function has to be adjusted to make sure that proof-of-work can only be claimed once: a service string, a starting point, and a counter are also included so that each miner will start work at a different point, with different numbers, even if it is trying to verify the same information. Then, when a miner does succeed in finding a solution, the miners then move on to other problems. It's a bit of a game of luck.
Image courtesy of Bitcoin ( StackExchange.
Mining is becoming more difficult because the algorithm adjusts based on how many "miners" there are on the Bitcoin ( network--the more miners and the more consensus that must be reached, the more difficult it becomes to solve each block.
A block should be solved every 10 minutes so to keep this rate, the difficulty must go up with more miners and down with less. This correlates strongly with the price of Bitcoin (; if its value is high enough, then mining it even at high hardware and energy costs, is still offset. If the reward of solving a block is 12.5 BTC, then you could make $200,000 USD from a single successful solve. And if you want to be the first person to solve a problem, you have to be the fastest at doing so. That brings us to our next topic.
Current Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Requirements.
During Bitcoin ('s first years, mining didn't require specialized hardware. With a reasonably decent laptop, Bitcoin ( software, and an active Internet connection, it was possible to mine a few coins. The minimum recommended system requirements are:
145 GB of ask space An Internet connection with an upload rate of 5GB/day and 500mb/day download rate At least a 1 GHZ > ARM chipset 1 GB RAM Windows 7/8/10 or Linux or Mac OSx Plus a one-time140GB download of Bitcoin ( core.
Seems fairly accessible, right? There are, however, professional Bitcoin mining ( "farms" being established where warehouses are lined up with shelves of ASICs solving blockchain problems. When competing with setups like this, mining from a standard laptop using a CPU or GPU is becoming a fairly useless effort especially relative to the actual cost for the electricity to do so.
It's this competition on the network to solve problems that has set the bar so high for hardware requirements to make it worth the investment. (Bear in mind, though, that there are some other cryptocurrencies that are still mineable using more basic hardware.)
One of many ASICs that can be purchased for Bitcoin mining ( Image courtesy of Amazon.
ASICs for the purpose of Bitcoin mining ( is customized hardware made for the specific Bitcoin ( hash. While an ASIC is roughly 100,000x faster than a CPU, they run at about $3000 USD per ASIC. Furthermore, while mining, ASICs generate a significant amount of heat, requiring cooling, requiring even more electricity. You can see why the costs can become prohibitive quickly and why cryptocurrency farms tend to exist in areas where electricity is cheaper and the climate is cooler.
So, of course, there are controversies associated with mining.
First, there is a matter of the energy used in cryptomining. When the world appears to be trending towards more efficient and "green" use of energy, cryptomining can appear to be the exact antithesis of that. There are estimates that the Bitcoin ( uses roughly 30 TWh of electricity per year, which is about the same as a medium-sized country (
population of 6 million people). However, it can be pointed out that large data centers easily use just as much, or more, energy.
The local effects can then be considered; in China, electricity is primarily generated from coal; reports are that a rise in cryptocurrency farms in Iceland could outpace the country's electricity generation if not controlled; in some areas, the establishment of cryptocurrency farms is having an impact on the cost of electricity for local residents and businesses.
There has also been lots of talk about the "cryptocurrency bubble", suggesting the value of cryptocurrency is a fad and sometime in the future will be worth nothing.
There is a battle of philosophies on how to use cryptocurrencies. Some people want to see it being constantly earned and spent as a currency, others say to "HODL" (a meme-ish, widespread misspelling of "hold"). Some use it like a stock, buy into a currency, and then sell it when it's worth more, converting it back into centralized cash (FIAT).
An example of a cryptocurrency mining farm. Image courtesy of Kyiv Post.
Probably more upsetting to the non-cryptocurrency individual, someone hoping to simply enjoy a decent GPU, is the sudden scarcity of a reasonably affordable and decent video card for their next computer build. This is because crypto-miners are buying them en masse.
In fact, NVIDIA began to limit the number of units that could be purchased online, and cards were appearing online on third-party websites being sold for double their retail price.
Cryptocurrency and mining is an interesting new phenomenon with unexpected effects on economies, environments, and hardware supplies. There's no real way to be certain about what to expect next (will the trend continue, will it plateau, will it die off completely, will I ever be able to get a new graphics card for my PC. ). But regardless of how uncertain the future of cryptocurrencies is, if its value is on the rise again, mining is probably here to stay.
Beginner's Guide to Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH) Mining.
Bitcoin ( Cash appeared on August 1, 2017, as a result of a fork in the Bitcoin ( network. The reason for the fork was the fact that the community could not come to a unanimous opinion on the further development of the first cryptocurrency.
Changelly treats with respect one of the most popular Bitcoin ( forks. As time goes by, Bitcoin ( Cash cryptocurrency does not lose its vogue. We're here to explain how to get the Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH) coins through mining solo or pools. Let's get started!
How to Start Bitcoin ( Cash Mining?
In July 2017, members of the Bitcoin ( community, including Roger Ver, did not welcome the SegWit soft fork in the Bitcoin ( network, which removed witnessing data from block headers. The discontent was followed by Bitcoin ('s hard fork, supported by Chinese members of the BTC community. That's how Bitcoin ( Cash cryptocurrency was created. It became a lighter and cheaper version of the Bitcoin ( protocol.
In April 2020, the Bitcoin ( Cash network underwent the first-ever halving. The event changed the reward per block from 12.5 BCH to 6.25 BCH. In the first couple of days, BCH miners switched to other more profitable assets because BCH mining wasn't profitable anymore. However, now the situation gets better. There are still quite a lot of people who continue to get Bitcoin ( Cash cryptocurrency through mining.
So, what does any miner need to start Bitcoin ( Cash extracting in 2020? Here are some points that are crucial if you are interested in mining BCH coins.
You need mining hardware. In this case, SHA-256 ASIC miners are suitable (as well as software). Your internet connection should be stable 24/7 (with a speed of more than 1 MB/s). You need a Bitcoin ( Cash wallet to receive mined coins. We've already explained how to set up a BCH wallet and how to choose one.
All in all, we have an ultimate guide that covers all the basics of cryptocurrency mining.
Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH) Mining Hardware.
Since Bitcoin ( Cash mining is possible only on SHA-256 ASIC miners, there is no wide range of hardware. This part of mining preparations will be the most costly. ASIC miners price range from $1,000 to $4,000 for the latest models. We advise you to use a mining calculator to find out the profitability of the particular hardware.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 07:50 am

5 Settings For Mining ( Cryptocurrency On Windows 10|4:14
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 07:50 am
#1. Antminer S17+
Antminer S17+ by Bitmain is an ASIC miner released in December 2019. The maximum hashrate is 73Th/s for a power consumption of 2920W. The miner has four fans, which help to cool the device. The table down below shows the income of the miner. You can calculate your electricity expenses and get profitability.
Period Day Month Year $6 $176 $2,100.
The average price for Antminer S17+ is around $1,800.
#2. Antminer S19 Pro.
Antminer S19 Pro is one more ASIC miner made by Bitmain. It was released in May 2020 and seemed to be one of the most profitable in our list. This hardware has a maximum hashrate of 110Th/s for a power consumption of 3250W. It has four fans as the previous one. Check out the table below to find out the income and calculate profitability.
Period Day Month Year $9 $265 $3,127.
The average price for Antminer S19 Pro is around $3,500.
#3. MicroBT Whatsminer M305++
MicroBT Whatsminer M305++ is not yet available on the market. MicroBT announced the release in October 2020. All the income estimates are based on deep analysis. The device mining SHA-256 algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 112Th/s for a power consumption of 3472W. The income is shown down below.
Period Day Month Year $10,5 $316 $3,800.
The price is not yet announced.
#4. Bitfury Tardis.
Bitfury Tardis is the oldest miner on our list. It was released in November 2018, but do not rush to write it off. The maximum hashrate of 80Th/s for a power consumption of 6300W. Isn't that bad, huh? However, the problem is that this hardware is hard to buy. Anyway, here is the info about the income.
Period Day Month Year $6,4 $192 $2,310.
Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH) Mining Software.
There are a lot of different miners on the market. Probably, two of the most popular miners are CGminer and BFGminer, which are command-line programs. Anyway, choose the miner which is compatible with your hardware.
CGminer works on Windows, Linux, and macOS. It's kind of complicated to set up the miner, but once you're done with this part, CGminer is a great soft to use. The only thing that can be a problem is the lack of a graphic interface. If you're not afraid of using command-line programs, this miner is suitable for you.
BFGMiner program is one of the varieties of console miner programs controlled by the command-line (in C language). The program is compatible with Windows 32bit/64bit.
Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH) Mining Pools.
We've already shown you the best mining pools to get Bitcoin ( Cash. Currently, the most efficient mining pools are:
Antpool - 262.00 PH/s ViaBTC - 253.89 PH/s BTC.COM - 182.20 PH/s Bitcoin ( - 54.50 PH/s PoolIn - 28.00 PH/s.
Where to Store Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH)?
Wallets for storing Bitcoin ( Cash are divided into several types: online and offline applications, cold (or hardware), paper wallets, applications on cryptocurrency exchanges. Each type is convenient for its purposes: hardware wallets provide the maximum security level, online versions, and fast transactions.
Exchange issues with Ripple (XRP) Destination Tags, Memos and Messages.
Online wallets are convenient for working with small amounts of cryptocurrency assets, short-term investments, and trading on the exchange. However, such tools are less secure. Since you need to confirm the user's identity, a username, password, and phone number, such wallets are easy to hack. More experienced crypto traders try to combine several types of wallets. Among these wallets are CoinBase,, and
Offline wallets (e.g., Jaxx, Electron Cash, or Exodus) are popular among experienced users who store large amounts of funds in various types of cryptocurrencies, often conduct transactions, and convert coins.
Hardware wallets (e.g., Ledger Nano, Trezor, KeepKey) are suitable for long-term storage of significant amounts of cryptocurrency. Such a tool is used by cryptocurrency investors who keep BCH for the long-term period.
Bitcoin ( Cash Mining - Summary.
Bitcoin ( Cash has a great future in the crypto market. In order to catch up with the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin ( Cash must increase its own appeal among users. Now, most crypto investors take BCH as an imperfect clone of Bitcoin (, although Bitcoin ( Cash is much better than BTC from a technical point of view.
Bitcoin ( Cash meets all modern cryptocurrency requirements: security, high transaction speed, and decentralization. In general, BCH is worth mining and buying. By the way, check out our cross-rates to buy Bitcoin ( Cash for the best price.
About Changelly.
Changelly is a non-custodial instant cryptocurrency exchange service that acts as an intermediary between crypto exchanges and users, giving the latter an opportunity to exchange over 160 cryptocurrencies at the best market rates. Changelly offers its API and a customizable payment widget to any crypto service that wishes to broaden its audience and implement new exchange options.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 07:51 am

Bitcoin ( Mining ( Complete Guide \u0026 Tutorial (EASIEST METHOD Working)|4:48
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 07:54 am
How to Mine Bitcoin ( in 2020.
Bitcoin mining ( is a great way to earn cryptocurrency while providing a valuable service to the global network of users. Miners can set up a hardware operation by themselves or join forces with a large venture via cloud mining. If you are looking to enter this field in 2020, here is what you need to know about the business.
What Does It Take to Mine Bitcoin ( in 2020.
Bitcoin mining ( is a transaction security and validation service done via distributed computer systems each racing to solve complex mathematical problems before the competition. Miners keep the global ledger consistent and immutable by repeatedly adding newly requested transactions into a block, which is then broadcast to the network and verified. For providing their valuable hashing power to the cryptocurrency network, miners are rewarded each time a new block is created by them in this fashion.
Anyone thinking about entering this line of work needs to know that long gone are the days where one could just mine bitcoin with a desktop PC or even an old laptop. These days, any profitable Bitcoin mining ( is done via computer systems tailored exclusively for the task, professionally called application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) miners.
The most popular Bitcoin mining ( machines are the Antminer series from Bitmain, but there are additional hardware offerings from companies such as Microbt, Canaan, Ebang, and a few others. Take note that while some machines are available to be purchased off shelf already, or even immediately as second hand goods in online markets, when the newer models come out there is often a waiting period until they are shipped, and you need to take that into consideration.
Other than the upfront cost of the hardware, your main expense as a miner is electricity. The power is primarily for operation of the computer systems themselves, but also for ventilation and air conditioning systems that might be needed depending on the situation. This is why professional miners routinely migrate around the world to locations that can offer them an optimal combination of lower electricity prices and hospitable weather.
Once the hardware is all set up, you then need to direct your mining machines to a mining pool such as F2pool, Poolin,, and Antpool. These are groupings of miners that compete to get a block together and share the rewards according to the contributed hashing power, thus spreading the work and streamlining the revenue for each one.
How to Start Cloud Mining With Bitcoin (
An easier alternative to setting up your own mining operation is to go for cloud mining. This is a way to generate cryptocurrency that doesn't require buying any expensive equipment, or installing the infrastructure needed for it. All you have to do is find a provider that you trust and buy a contract from them, which is in essence renting hash power in a dedicated facility. Bitcoin ( is one such provider, with a cloud mining service focused on bitcoin cash (BCH) and BTC.
The company offers a selection of contract lengths, currently starting from just six months and running up to two years, and if you already have your own mining hardware you can connect it to the pool as well. The service also includes an app for Android and iOS mobile devices, so you can keep track of earnings, hashrate, and other statistics related to your contracts right on your phone.
What do you think about the attractiveness of mining bitcoin in 2020? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
What is Bitcoin mining ( A Beginners Guide for New Users.
You don't have to venture too deep into the crypto market before you stumble upon the term Bitcoin ( miners. Understanding Bitcoin mining (, what purposes it serves, and how to become one is an important part of familiarizing yourself with blockchain technology. Bitcoin ( miners are the core of the world's largest blockchain. Here's how they keep users safe and help promote further Bitcoin ( adoption.
To understand what a Bitcoin ( miner is, you need to first understand blockchain technology. A blockchain is a network of computers that all work together to update and verify a digital ledger. Unlike centralized systems like your bank, blockchain relies on a decentralized protocol to keep the ledger secure.
What are Bitcoin ( Miners?
In a traditional banking scenario, your centralized financial institution would receive your transaction request and then approve or deny it depending on how it suited their particular agenda. In Bitcoin ('s network, the central bank is replaced by regular users. Regular users all work together to verify blocks of transactions simultaneously. These users are what are known as Bitcoin ( miners.
The term miner refers to the amount of time and resources required to successfully mint new Bitcoin ( Just like mining for gold, there is an expenditure associated with the creation of the asset. In this way, each new Bitcoin ( is born with inherent value.
Bitcoin mining ( Farm.
In Bitcoin ('s blockchain, every miner (also known as a node) works together with the network to verify every transaction. However, only one miner receives the reward and gets to add the actual block to the chain of transactions, thereby extending the blockchain.
Bitcoin ('s network introduces a protocol known as Proof-of-Work (PoW) to determine what node gets the reward for their efforts. This system is an advanced mathematical equation. The equation is so difficult that it's more logical for you your computer to make random guesses rather than complete the equation directly.
This random guessing pushes your processor to the max. This computational effort results in expenditures in the form of electricity costs. Reports have put Bitcoin ('s energy consumption at around 120 gigawatts (GW) per second. This converts to about 63 terawatt-hours (TWh) per year.
The Bitcoin ( network depends on a mathematical algorithm known as SHA-256. The SHA stands for secure hashing algorithm. This one-way cryptographic hash function ensures that every Bitcoin ( transaction is verified and confirmed by multiple sources before its addition. To provide extra security, Bitcoin ( applies the SHA-256 function twice. This process is known as double-SHA-256.
Bitcoin ( rewards miners for their efforts in newly minted Bitcoin ( Notably, this is the only time new Bitcoin ( enters the market. In this way, Bitcoin ( functions as a predictable monetary supply. In its earliest days, Bitcoin ( miners received a reward of 50 BTC for their troubles. While this may seem like a fortune today, it was only a couple of dollars back then.
Automatic Difficulty Adjustment.
In order to ensure the steady issuance of Bitcoin (, the system employs a difficult adjustment algorithm. This protocol requires the answer to the SHA-256 equation to have a certain number of zeros in front to be eligible as the correct answer. The difficulty of this equation can be increased or decreased by requiring more or fewer zeros in the answer's preface.
Keenly, the difficulty adjustment algorithm is based on the total hashing power of the network. The more miners participating, the more difficult the equation becomes. Also, the more powerful the mining rigs, the more difficult the equation. This ensures that new Bitcoin ( enters the market in ten-minute intervals.
As part of the difficulty adjustment, Bitcoin ('s mining rewards decrease by halves over time. This decrease corresponds with the rising value of the coin in the market. These events are known as halvings by the mining community. They are huge events that are usually followed by stratospheric gains in Bitcoin ('s value. The last halving occurred on May 11, 2020.
Advanced Miners Enter the Market.
As the value of Bitcoin ( increased, so did the interest of miners to figure out ways to better solve the SHA-256 equation. These efforts led to the creation of custom-built mining rigs designed specifically to approve Bitcoin ( transactions. These mining rigs began as a home built projects. Today, the mining rig industry encapsulates billions of dollars.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 07:55 am

Bitcoin ( mining tutorial of Binance ( Pool #Binance ( Pool #Binance ( #Binance ( #Binance (|7:54
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 07:55 am
GPU Miners.
The first major mining rig upgrade came when miners realized that graphic cards are much faster at solving the repetitive task of the SHA-256 equation. Your CPU is good at a lot of things but not really great at anything. Whereas, graphic cards are excellent at specific tasks but they're not really useful for any other purpose other than ones that fit their primary use case.
Eventually, miners realized that GPU cards were way more effective at completing the Proof-of-Work algorithm when compared to normal PCs. This realization led to a market rush for these cards. Firms like Nvidia began to see their entire supply of cards purchased by mining farms seeking to gain valuable hashing power in the network.
Eventually, there were huge delays and wait times on these products. The problem got so bad that manufacturers complained that their intended customers were able to get their hands on the products due to the high demand by miners.
ASIC Miners.
Everything was going well for GPU miners until the world's largest Bitcoin mining ( rig manufacturer, Bitmain upped the ante. The firm changed the market forever with the introduction of the first ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) mining rig. ASIC miners are thousands of times faster at solving the SHA-256 algorithm when compared to GPU cards.
Bitmain Mining Rigs.
The secret to ASIC rigs' effectiveness is the fact that they are custom built to solve the SHA-256 algorithm and nothing else. This purpose-built Bitcoin mining ( chip created an influx in hashing power which increased the difficulty even further for regular miners. Importantly, you can only use ASIC miners for their intended cryptocurrencies. They are unable to shift their mining algorithm to other options.
Bye-Bye to the Average Miner.
It soon became evident that CPU mining was no longer a viable option. You can still CPU mine today, but the chances of outperforming these high-powered rigs are slim to none. Not impossible, but highly improbable. Still, there are many in the market that seek to return to the days in which any users could help secure Bitcoin ('s network and earn a profit.
As the largest mining rig manufacturer and mining pool operator in the world, Bitmain holds considerable sway in the market. The platform flexed its muscles when it supported the creation of Bitcoin ( Cash during the late 2017 hard fork. Their support helped cement the coin as a viable alternative in the market.
Bitcoin mining ( pools came about as a way to level the playing field again. A mining pool combines all the hash power of users and splits the rewards amongst the users based on their contributions. Today, mining pools are the largest Bitcoin ( miners in the market. Studies have shown that these mining pools are reaching dangerous levels of concentration with one report revealing that the largest three mining pools control over 65% of Bitcoin ( total hashing power.
The largest Bitcoin mining ( pool in the world currently is F2Pool. Insanely, just this one pool controls 20% of the collective hash power of the network. Notably, operating a mining pool is a tricky task. F2Pool states it has experienced long droughts where the pool didn't receive any rewards. In more than one instance, the platform lost over 100 BTC in terms of having to pay miners without mining blocks themselves. However, when you look at the big picture, mining pools end up being hugely profitable for the firms that operate them and can sustain these droughts.
For anyone that wants to become a Bitcoin ( miner but doesn't want to spend time learning the technical aspects of the art, or researching how to build or purchase a top-quality rig, there is cloud mining. Cloud mining platforms rent out their hashing power to users for an agreed rate. Cloud mining is one of the easiest ways for new users to participate in the mining sector without a major upfront investment.
There are some concerns one must address when deciding on a cloud mining service. You need to stick to only the most reputable cloud mining service providers. There have been scores of cloud mining scams perpetrated in the market over the last eleven years. In most cloud mining scams, the platform will take new users' funds to pay old users the promised returns at first. Once the word gets out that the platform is legit, the company rug pulls with all the user's Bitcoin (
Cloud Mining Scams are Prevalent.
This year saw multiple mining scams come to light. In one example, a group of scammers running a firm by the name of Mining City Cloud Mining from the Philippines frauded users out of millions. The firm claimed to pay $92 a day in profit to participate miners. Notably, in the Philippines, this is a considerable amount of funding which served as the perfect bait for new crypto users.
Regulators put a stop to the scam this year in September. Officials stated that " Mining City is not registered with the Commission and operates without the necessary license and/or authority to solicit, accept, or take investments/placements from the public nor to issue investment contracts and other forms of securities ." They also went on to accuse the firm of running a Ponzi Scheme.
Bitcoin mining ( Concerns.
There are a variety of Bitcoin mining ( concerns that the market is currently facing. For one, there are unprecedented levels of centralization in the market. Centralization is bad for Bitcoin ( because it erodes the security of the network. Additionally, it allows one group to further dictate their will on other users in terms of approving upgrades and protocol changes.
Electricity Consumption.
Another major concern surrounding the Bitcoin mining ( sector is sustainability. Bitcoin ( requires an insane amount of electricity to keep running. Reports put Bitcoin ('s electric consumption on par with developed European countries. This power demand has led many to seek more sustainable options.
Renewable Energy.
One popular option employed by around 39% of the Bitcoin mining ( community is renewable energy. The use of geothermal, wind, and water-based electricity systems allows Bitcoin ( miners to secure their profits without any waste. The effort to shift over to more green alternatives has been slowed by electrical companies offering discounts to Bitcoin mining ( farms.
Green Energy Powered Bitcoin mining ( Rig.
The Future of Bitcoin mining (
It's anyone's guess what the future of Bitcoin mining ( will hold. There is no doubt that manufacturers will continue to push the processing boundaries in terms of mining rigs. There is also a strong chance that the institutional adoption of Bitcoin ( will cause more network usage in the coming months as well. All of these concerns lead to more difficulty on the part of miners.
Additionally, there is the fact that one day all 21 million Bitcoin ( will be mined. Nobody is sure what will happen to the network at this point, but most analysts agree, Bitcoin ( will hold significant value by this time. At the current Bitcoin ( issuance rate, the last Bitcoin ( will be mined around 2140. Luckily, there's plenty of time for developers to figure things out.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 07:56 am

How to Remove a BitCoin Miner Virus / Trojan (FREE STEPS)|5:22
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 07:56 am
Tech Alterations.
There's also the chance that Bitcoin ( may decide to abandon its Proof-of-Work algorithm in favor of a more sustainable option one day. While this may seem impossible, the world's second-largest PoW blockchain, Ethereum is already making preparations for just such a maneuver. Ethereum intends to convert from a PoW mechanism over to a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) system before the end of the year. This conversion eliminates the need for the SHA-256 algorithm and reduces the overall electric consumption of the network. It would also allow users to stake their crypto to secure the network.
Bitcoin mining ( Forever.
As it stands now, Bitcoin ('s core community is in no hurry to alter any of the main protocols of this revolutionary coin. Instead, Bitcoin ( maximalists believe that the secret to large scale Bitcoin ( adoption lies in the development of supplemental technologies such as the Lightning Network. Through the use of these off-chain protocols, Bitcoin ( gains new functionality, efficiency, and speed. For these reasons, Bitcoin mining ( is set to be a thing for many years to come.
Best Graphics Card for Cryptocurrency Mining (Altcoins & Bitcoin ( in 2020.
(*This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission if you choose to purchase through links I provide (at no extra cost to you). Thank you for supporting the work I put into this site!)
With the rise in the value of various cryptocurrencies, graphics cards are in great demand for cryptocurrency mining that mainly includes Altcoins mining (Zcash, Ethereum, Monero, Dash, etc.) and Bitcoin mining ( Cryptocurrency Mining is a very resource-intensive task and it requires a lot of processing power from your computer hardware, especially from the graphics card. For cryptocurrency mining, you need a powerful GPU because it requires a lot of computational power that only a GPU can provide for PC users. Also, the graphics card should consume less power so that you can remain profitable in the mining process. This is because cryptocurrency mining really stresses your GPU and results in higher power consumption which can skyrocket your electricity bill. Although it not really profitable to mine Bitcoin ( using graphics card and it is generally carried out by an ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) miner that specializes in SHA-256 mining that includes Bitcoin mining ( and other Altcoins (Alternative Cryptocurrencies) that uses SHA-256 function.
Some of the Altcoins that you can mine using graphics cards and remain profitable are Ethereum (ETH), Ethereum Classic (ETC), Litecoin, Dash, Monero, Novacoin, FeatherCoin, WorldCoin, Bitmark, Latium, MidasCoin, Elacoin, DigitalCoin, Cryptogenic Bullion, Megacoin, GoldCoin, Tagcoin, Memorycoin 2.0, Bitcoin ( Scrypt, Infinitecoin, Ekrona, Anoncoin, PandaCoins, Primecoin, Quark, secure coin, Nxt, QORA, CLOAKcoin, NeXT Horizon, Yacoin, Skeincoin, Protoshares, DarkCoin, MyriadCoin, BitSwift, Curecoin, OFF, MediterraneanCoin, Mangocoinz. Other popular Altcoins include iCoin, Storjcoin X, Lisk, MaidSafeCoin, Dogecoin, Ripple.
Modern day graphics cards are very powerful and they are very suitable for Cryptocurrency Mining that included Bitcoin mining (, Ethereum Mining, Zcash Mining, etc. Both Nvidia and AMD graphics cards can be used for Cryptocurrency Mining but here AMD graphics cards do have an extra edge and are better at Cryptocurrency Mining because their GPU architecture suits cryptocurrency mining better. Also, AMD Radeon Graphics Cards have better TFLOPS * performance with lower power consumption at lower prices compared to Nvidia graphics cards. Here in this post, I am going to list down the best cryptocurrency mining graphics cards that are affordable, powerful and have lower power consumption.
* TFLOPS or Teraflops or Trillion FLOPS (floating-point operations per second) is the measure of the computer or CPU or GPU performance in mathematical calculations. TFLOPS means that the processor or GPU is capable of performing 6 trillion floating-point calculations every second on average. So more is the TFLOPS of the graphics card, the better it is suited for cryptocurrency mining.
Must Read:
Top Graphics Cards for Cryptocurrency Mining [Altcoins & Bitcoins]
Here are the best graphics cards for cryptocurrency mining. These AMD and Nvidia graphics cards have got very good hash rate per watt and can be used for Bitcoin mining (, Ethereum Mining, Zcash Mining and other Cryptocurrency Mining processing that requires GPU power.
Radeon RX Vega 64.
Radeon RX Vega 64 is unarguably the best graphics card for mining cryptocurrencies that include Ethereum, ZCash, etc. This card has got the best hash rate to power ratio among all the graphics cards. Radeon RX Vega 64 is built on the latest Vega GPU architecture from AMD and comes with 4096 Stream Processors and 8GB HBM2 memory having a 2048 bit interface.
Radeon RX Vega 64 comes in both air and liquid-cooled variants with water/liquid one being the faster. The card has compute performance of 12.7 / 13.7 (liquid) TFLOPS and has a maximum power consumption of 295W / 345W (liquid). So if you are looking for a profitable graphics card for mining then RX Vega 64 is what you should get.
Radeon RX Vega 64 Specifications Stream Processors 4096 Performance 12.7 / 13.7 TFLOPS GPU Clock 1247 / 1546 MHz Memory Clock 1.9 Gbps Memory Size 8GB HBM2 Memory Interface 2048-bit Bus Interface PCI Express 3.0 DirectX 12 OpenGL 4.5 Power Consumption (Max.) 295W / 345W (liquid) PSU Requirement 750W / 1000W (liquid)
Radeon RX Vega 56.
Radeon RX Vega 56 is the second best graphics card for mining purposes. Also, this is the second-fastest graphics card in the RX Vega lineup from AMD. The card is based on the Vega architecture and comes with 3580 Stream Processors and 8GB HBM2 memory having 2048-interface. The card is a bit slower than the RX Vega 64 but has lower power consumption. The compute performance of this card stands at 10.5 TFLOPS which is very good.
Radeon RX Vega 56 comes only in an air-cooled version and has a maximum power consumption of 210W, requiring a 650W PSU for its working. You can get more mining performance out this card by overclocking it and by using a custom BIOS for unlocking the extra cores.
Radeon RX Vega 64 Specifications Stream Processors 3584 Performance 10.5 TFLOPS GPU Clock 1156 / 1471 MHz Memory Clock 1.6 Gbps Memory Size 8GB HBM2 Memory Interface 2048-bit Bus Interface PCI Express 3.0 DirectX 12 OpenGL 4.5 Power Consumption (Max.) 210W PSU Requirement 650W.
Radeon RX 580.
Radeon RX 580 is the top of the line graphics card in the latest Radeon RX 500 graphics card series lineup from AMD. It is based on the Polaris GPU architecture and comes with 2304 Stream Processors. The card consists of 36 compute units and can provide computational performance up to 6.2 TFLOPS. It comes with 8GB GDDR5 memory having an interface or bus width of 256-bits.
The power consumption of Radeon RX 580 is at 185W maximum and it requires a decent 500W PSU for its working. This is one of the best graphics cards that you can use for Cryptocurrency Mining that includes Bitcoin mining (, Ethereum (ETH) Mining, Zcash Mining, etc.
AMD Radeon RX 580 Specifications Stream Processors 2304 Performance 6.2 TFLOPS GPU Clock 1257/1340 MHz Memory Clock 8000 MHz Memory Size 8 GB GDDR5 Memory Interface 256-bit Bus Interface PCI Express 3.0 DirectX 12 OpenGL 4.5 Power Consumption (Max.) 185W PSU Requirement 500W.
Radeon RX 570.
Radeon RX 570 is the second most powerful card after RX 580 in the Radeon RX 500 graphics card series. It is also based on the Polaris GPU architecture and comes with 2048 Stream Processors, 32 compute units and delivers performance up to 5.1 TFLOPS. It comes with 4GB / 8GB GDDR5 memory having an interface of 256-bit.
The card is slightly less powerful than the RX 580 but the positive side is that it consumes lesser power compared to it. The maximum power consumption of Radeon RX 570 is up to 150 Watt and it requires only a 450W PSU for its working. This is one of the best budget graphics cards that you can buy for cryptocurrency mining.
AMD Radeon RX 570 Specifications Stream Processors 2048 Performance 5.1 TFLOPS GPU Clock 1168/1244 MHz Memory Clock 7000 MHz Memory Size 4GB / 8GB GDDR5 Memory Interface 256-bit Bus Interface PCI Express 3.0 DirectX 12 OpenGL 4.5 Power Consumption (Max.) 150W PSU Requirement 450W.
Radeon RX 480.
Radeon RX 480 is the predecessor of Radeon RX 580 but it is just as powerful as RX 580. The card comes with 2304 Stream processors and has a maximum computational performance of 5.8 TFLOPS which is slightly less than the RX 580. Radeon RX 480 comes in both 4GB and 8GB GDDR5 memory variants having a 256-bit interface. The power consumption of Radeon RX 480 is lower at 150W compared to Radeon RX 580 and it only requires a 450W PSU for its working.
AMD Radeon RX 480 Specifications Stream Processors 2304 Performance 5.8 TFLOPS GPU Clock 1120/1266 MHz Memory Clock 8000 MHz Memory Size 4 GB / 8 GB GDDR5 Memory Interface 256-bit Bus Interface PCI Express 3.0 DirectX 12 OpenGL 4.5 Power Consumption (Max.) 150W PSU Requirement 450W.
Radeon RX 470.
Radeon RX 470 is the predecessor of Radeon RX 570 but packs almost the same power as RX 570. It comes with 2048 Stream Processors and has performance up to 4.9 TFLOPS. It is available in both 4GB and 8GB variants with GDDR5 memory (256-bit). The power consumption of Radeon 470 is lower as compared to Radeon RX 570 and it consumes only 120 Watts of power at maximum. This is one of the best budget graphics cards that you can get for Altcoins mining or Bitcoin mining (
AMD Radeon RX 470 Specifications Stream Processors 2048 Performance 4.9 TFLOPS GPU Clock 1206 / 926 MHz Memory Clock 7000 MHz Memory Size 4GB / 8GB GDDR5 Memory Interface 256-bit Bus Interface PCI Express 3.0 DirectX 12 OpenGL 4.5 Power Consumption (Max.) 120W PSU Requirement 450W.
GeForce GTX 1070 Ti.
GeForce GTX 1070 Ti is the latest Pascal graphics card from Nvidia, that is released to tackle the Radeon RX Vega 56. GeForce GTX 1070 Ti is a powerful high-end graphics card that is probably the best cryptocurrency graphics card from Nvidia. It comes with 2432 CUDA Cores and 8GB GDDR5 memory having 256-bit interface. The card is significantly powerful than GTX 1070 and has performance very close to the GTX 1080.
The card has Floating Point performance of 8.1 TFLOPS which is almost the same as that of GeForce GTX 1080 having compute performance of 8.2 TFLOPS. GTX 1070 Ti has maximum power consumption of 180W which is significantly lower than that of Radeon RX Vega 56 and GeForce GTX 1080. Also, the card only requires a 500W PSU for its working. Also, the card is cheaper than the RX Vega 56 and GTX 1080. So if you are looking for good gaming as well as a mining graphics card from Nvidia then you won't find anything better than this. Highly Recommended by me.
Best GTX 1070 Ti Graphics Cards for Mining & Gaming GeForce GTX 1070 Ti vs Radeon RX Vega 56 Comparison GeForce GTX 1070 Ti Specifications CUDA Cores 2432 Performance 8.1 TFLOPS GPU Clock 1603 / 1683 MHz Memory Clock 8000 MHz Memory Size 8GB GDDR5 Memory Interface 256-bit Bus Interface PCI Express 3.0 DirectX 12 OpenGL 4.5 Power Consumption (Max.) 180W PSU Requirement 500W.
GeForce GTX 1070.
GeForce GTX 1070 is a high-end powerful graphics card from Nvidia and is based on the Pascal GPU architecture . The card comes with 1920 CUDA Cores and 8GB GDDR5 memory having 256-bit interface. The computational performance of this graphics card is up to 6.5 TFLOPS which is slightly more than that of Radeon RX 580 mentioned above. The card has a maximum power consumption of 150W and requires a good 500 Watt power supply for its working.
GeForce GTX 1070 Specifications CUDA Cores 1920 Performance 6.5 TFLOPS GPU Clock 1506/1683 MHz Memory Clock 8000 MHz Memory Size 8GB GDDR5 Memory Interface 256-bit Bus Interface PCI Express 3.0 DirectX 12 OpenGL 4.5 Power Consumption (Max.) 150W PSU Requirement 500W.
GeForce GTX 1060.
GeForce GTX 1060 is a higher mid-range graphics card from Nvidia that is also based on the Pascal GPU architecture. GeForce GTX 1060 comes in two variants, one is with 3GB GDDR5 memory and another one with 6GB GDDR5 memory (192-bit bus width). Both these variants also have different processing power with 6GB one being the faster. The 3GB version comes with 1152 CUDA Cores and computational performance up to 3.9 TLOPS while the 6GB one comes with 1280 CUDA Cores and performance up to 4.4 TFLOPS.
GeForce GTX 1060 6GB has slightly lower computational performance compared to Radeon RX 570 but it has much lower power consumption at 94W (Max.) and requires only a decent 400W PSU for its working. This makes it an affordable and cost-effective choice for cryptocurrency mining because of lower power consumption. Recommended by me for users on a budget.
GeForce GTX 1060 Specifications CUDA Cores 1152 (3GB) / 1280 (6GB) Performance 3.9 TFLOPS (3GB) / 4.4 TFLOPS (6GB) GPU Clock 1506 / 1708 MHz Memory Clock 8000 MHz Memory Size 3GB / 6GB GDDR5 Memory Interface 192-bit Bus Interface PCI Express 3.0 DirectX 12 OpenGL 4.5 Power Consumption (Max.) 94W PSU Requirement 400W.
See also:
So if you are into cryptocurrency mining (more specifically Altcoins mining) and want to make some profit in it then you can get any one of the above graphics cards based on your budget. Above mentioned graphics cards have relatively lower power consumption and are powerful enough for cryptocurrency mining whether it is Ethereum mining, Zcash mining, Bitcoin mining ( or any other. If you have some queries then feel free to ask me by leaving a comment below.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 07:56 am

How to Remove Bitcoin ( Miner virus? Delete Trojan Bitcoin ( Virus - Hindi|5:58
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 07:57 am
Are you on the hunt for the best mining GPU of 2020? These days, cryptocurrency just isn't as popular as it used to be, but that doesn't mean it's dead. Bitcoin (, Ethereum and other crypto coins are still flowing, and there are others that are booming. So, it shouldn't be surprising that there are still some folks out there that want to jump on the mining train.
If you're thinking about delving into cryptocurrency mining, it would be wise to invest in one of the best mining GPUs on the market this 2020. When you go shopping for the best mining GPU you can find, you should think about the memory the GPU boasts, as well as its power demands and cost. It's important to consider the GPUs value, because when you start mining for Bitcoin ( or Ethereum, you won't be yielding large amounts of cryptocurrency to start. You should therefore try to minimize your initial costs as much as possible so that you can maximize your profits and start making your initial investment back as quickly as possible.
We've created a list of the best mining GPUs money can buy, so you can spend less time shopping and more time profiting. We've ranked six of the top mining GPUs on the market, keeping price and efficiency in mind. And, thanks to our exclusive price comparison tool, you can rest assured that you'll always get the best price.
Check out also the best VPN services of 2019 Make sure you have the best cryptocurrency mining software installed as well © Provided by TechRadar Best mining GPU.
AMD Radeon VII.
7nm, meet cryptocurrency.
Core Clock: 1,400MHz | Memory: 16GB HBM2 | Memory Clock: 4Gbps | Power Connectors: 2 x 8-pin | Power Draw: 300W | Outputs: 3 x DisplayPort 1.4, 1 x HDMI 2.0.
AMD made headlines in 2017 when it released the AMD Vega 64, as not only was that graphics card good at gaming, but it also quickly rose to fame as a cryptocurrency mining champion. The AMD Radeon VII takes things to a whole new level, tripling the Vega 64's hash rate to 90MH/s right out of the box. That's more powerful than the significantly pricier Nvidia Titan V, making the Radeon VII the new king of the cryptocurrency mining scene. It helps that this card is only $700.
Read the full review: AMD Radeon VII.
© Provided by TechRadar Best mining GPU.
Low power draw, high hash rate.
Core Clock: 1,506MHz | Memory: 8GB GDDR5 | Memory Clock: 8Gbps | Power Connectors: 1 x 8-pin | Power Draw: 150W | Outputs: 3 x DisplayPort 1.4, 1 x HDMI 2.0, DL-DVI.
The Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 isn't just a great graphics card for gaming, it's also an excellent mining GPU. This is because it manages a high hash rate of around 30 mh/s without needing too much power. Remember, the more power a GPU requires, the more expensive it is to run, which will eat into your cryptocurrency profits. As with many recent Nvidia GPUs, the 1070 is on the pricey side, so you will have to take an initial hit when starting up, but if you're into cryptocurrency mining for the long run, the 1070 is easily the best mining GPU currently available.
AMD Radeon RX580.
AMD's GPU is a mining winner.
Core Clock: 1,257MHz | Memory: 8GB GDDR5 | Memory Clock: 8Gbps | Power Connectors: 1x 8-pin, 1 x 6-pin | Power Draw: 185W | Outputs: 1 DisplayPort 1.4, 1 x HDMI 2.0.
The AMD Radeon RX580 is one of the most outstanding GPUs for mining, so much so that it is a bit of a victim of its own success, as it can sometimes be difficult to find. However, its popularity is well-deserved, as it offers an excellent hash rate of 29 mh/s while also keeping the electricity consumption low. Additionally, it is cheaper than the GTX 1070, and if you don't mind changing a few settings, you'll be very pleased with this card's mining performance.
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060.
A solid alternative to the AMD Radeon RX 480.
Core Clock: 1,506MHz | Memory: 6GB GDDR5 | Memory Clock: 8Gbps | Power Connectors: 1 x 6-pin | Power Draw: 120W | Outputs: 3 x DisplayPort 1.4, 1 x HDMI 2.0, DL-DVI.
Nvidia's GTX 1060 is the latest addition to our best GPU for mining list, taking the place of the AMD Radeon RX 480, which is almost impossible to buy these days due to low stock levels. As with the card its replacing, the GTX 1060 isn't the most powerful GPU. However, it delivers very good mining results without being ridiculously expensive. Plus, it's an excellent gaming graphics card for gaming as well, which is handy if you want to use your mining equipment for other purposes.
Read the full review: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060.
AMD Radeon RX Vega.
Punchy graphics performance above its weight.
Core Clock: 1,156MHz | Memory: 8GB HBM2 | Memory Clock: 1.6 Gbps | Power Connectors: 2 x 8-pin | Power Draw: 210W | Outputs: 3 x DisplayPort 1.4, 1 x HDMI 2.0.
The AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 is one of the best value-loaded graphics card on the market right now. Benchmarks confirm that it runs faster than the Nvidia GTX 1070 and, thanks to the Bitcoin mining ( craze, it's also cheaper to boot. Again, it can be a tricky GPU to track down, and it's power consumption means it might end up being an expensive GPU to run 24/7 in a mining rig. Still, it's excellent at mining, so if you can find one, it's definitely a worthy contender.
A brilliant, yet expensive, GPU for mining.
Core Clock: 1,582 MHz | Memory: 11GB GDDR5X | Memory Clock: 11GHz | Power Connectors: 1 x 6-pin; 1 x 8-pin | Power Draw: 250W | Outputs: 3 x DisplayPort 1.4, 1 x HDMI 2.0.
Until either Volta or Turing comes along to replace it, the Nvidia GTX remains and will remain as one of the most powerful graphics cards out there. However, as good as it is a gaming GPU and also an excellent mining one, there are a few limitations that prevent it from taking over the top spot on the list. For instance, it's an extremely expensive GPU, and it also draws more power than its competition. This means you'll be getting less of a return on your investment, and it'll take some time to cover your costs. However, if you don't mind shelling out the extra cash for this GPU, (or if you want to game with the best graphics card around), then you'll be happy with its performance since if you do a bit of tweaking, you can reach a hash rate of 32 mh/s.
Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti.
A recent update to the 1070.
Core Clock: 1,607MHz | Memory: 8GB GDDR5 | Memory Clock: 8GHz | Power Connectors: 1 x 8-pin | Power Draw: 180W | Outputs: 3 x DisplayPort 1.4, 1 x HDMI 2.0.
While the GTX 1070 sits atop our list of the top mining GPUs, its follow up, the GTX 1070 Ti, isn't too far behind. Another fantastic mining graphics card with a number of power upgrades, such as a higher base clock, the 1070 Ti also does a very good job. However, there are a few reasons why it ranks lower than its older sibling. For a start, because it's newer, it costs more than the 1070, reducing your profits from mining. It also has a higher power consumption, making it more costly to run. Finally, there have been incidents of a bug in the driver software, which makes this GPU hash lower than expected, though an upcoming fix should sort that. If you're prepared to adjust a few settings, however, this is an impressive mining GPU.
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Best GPU for Mining Bitcoin (
Bitcoin ( and other proof of work cryptocurrencies are decentralized, and therefore not powered by a centralized authority. Instead, they are powered by a network of miners using their computing power to validate transactions and keep the network secure. Approximately every 10 minutes a new number of Bitcoins are released (this will differ for other cryptocurrencies) to a miner. This works like a lottery where the miners with the most computing power have a higher chance of winning. Miners can either operate individually or join a pool of other miners and split the mining rewards between them.
Miners can use CPUs, GPUs, or ASICs. The majority of individuals tend to perform GPU mining as they are more powerful than CPUs but still affordable compared to the more powerful ASICs. So to answer the question 'what is GPU mining,' - it is the process of supporting a cryptocurrency's network with your graphics card, in the hope of 'winning' newly released cryptocurrency. So most Bitcoin ( GPU mining done now is generally at a loss by people who are mining for a bit of fun or learning more about it.
If GPUs were to be used to mine coins on the SHA-256 algorithm (i.e., Bitcoin mining ( GPUs/Bitcoin mining ( cards), the returns would be minimal, and you would likely be operating at a loss when hardware and electricity costs are considered, as your GPU will be unable to compete with the more powerful ASICs. There is no best Bitcoin mining ( graphics card, as they are all doubtful to be profitable for Bitcoin mining ( This applies for AMD Bitcoin mining ( and Nvidia Bitcoin mining ( video cards, as we will be reviewing cards from both companies in this article.
If you want to use a GPU to increase your Bitcoin ( holdings, a better strategy would be to mine other coins and then sell your mined cryptocurrency immediately for Bitcoin (, rather than looking for a profitable Bitcoin ( graphics card/the best video card for Bitcoin mining ( It is also possible to sell your hashpower to the highest bidder and not even worry about what is the best cryptocurrency to mine, so this may be worth considering too.
The coin you choose to mine with your GPU is an essential factor to consider too, as different GPUs are more efficient at mining different coins. The best currencies to mine with GPU will change over time. The best coin to mine with GPU 2017 is very unlikely to be the best coin to mine with GPU 2019.
The AMD Radeon RX 580 costs approximately $200.00 for 8GB of memory. The AMD Radeon RX 580 is a mid-range graphics card targeting those operating on a budget. The AMD Radeon RX 580 is a powerful graphics card given its price, with very few genuine competitors at that price range.
The AMD Radeon RX 580 was launched in 2017, has a hashrate of 27.5 MH/s and works best for the Ethash mining algorithm. The best-known coins using the Ethash algorithm are Ethereum and Ethereum Classic, so the AMD Radeon RX 580 is a good Ethereum mining GPU. The AMD Radeon RX 580 is powerful enough for 24-hour mining. The AMD Radeon RX 580 is also an efficient GPU for mining cryptocurrencies that use the CryptoNight algorithm, such as Monero.
AMD advises the typical power requirement of the AMD Radeon RX 580 is 185W. Although this is for more general use, so for mining, you may only need 120W-150W depending on the algorithm you use. It is generally the case that you will use less electricity for mining than quoted by the manufacturer. The AMD Radeon RX580 was widely considered to be one of if not the best GPU for Bitcoin mining ( 2017.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 07:58 am

Legit bitcoin mining site with proof - Sinhala /SL Crypto World 🇱🇰|8:15
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 07:58 am
AMD Radeon RX 570.
The AMD Radeon RX 570 costs approximately $160.00 for 8GB of memory. The AMD Radeon RX 570 is more of a value graphics card than the AMD Radeon RX 580. When it comes to general use, there is very little difference between the AMD Radeon RX 570 and the AMD Radeon RX 580.
AMD advises the typical power requirement of the AMD Radeon RX 570 is 150W. The AMD Radeon RX 570 has come under criticism for not being very power efficient, so it may not be the best card for mining Ethereum. Although when optimized the RX 570 hashrate Ethereum is slightly more efficient than the AMD Radeon RX 580, with the RX 570 Ethereum hashrate at 27.9MH/s vs. 27.5MH/s. Like the AMD Radeon RX 580, the AMD Radeon RX 570 can be used for 24-hour mining. The AMD Radeon RX 570 can also be used to mine two different cryptocurrencies simultaneously.
Like the AMD Radeon RX 580, the AMD Radeon RX 570 is most efficient when using the Ethash algorithm. The RX 570 is also very efficient mining coins using the CryptoNight algorithm.
Both the AMD Radeon RX 570 and AMD Radeon RX 580 have been criticized for being less power efficient than their Polaris predecessors on which they are based.
The AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 is a higher-end GPU than the AMD Radeon RX 580 and AMD Radeon RX 570. Although the AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 costs approximately $300.00, it may not be the best value GPU when compared to others which are at around the same price point.
The AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 is most profitable when used to mine coins using the Ethash mining algorithm. The AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 is also efficient at mining coins using the CryptoNight algorithm.
AMD advises the typical power requirement of the AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 is 210W. The AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 hashrate is higher than the AMD Radeon RX 580 or the AMD Radeon RX 570 at 36.5 MH/s. Despite the high RX Vega hashrate, when compared to the AMD Radeon RX 570, the AMD Radeon RX Vega 56's electricity usage is 40% higher, while the AMD Vega hashrate is only 31% higher. So the AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 is less efficient than the AMD Radeon RX 570.
Click here for a more detailed review of the AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 vs. other GPUs (including a GPU hashrate chart). The analysis also concludes that although the AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 may be more powerful, it is not as efficient as some of the cheaper options available, such as the AMD Radeon RX 570.
AMD Radeon RX 470.
The AMD Radeon RX 470 costs approximately $200.00 for 8GB of memory, so is a very cheap GPU for mining. Although the AMD Radeon RX 470 was an excellent GPU when it was released it only cost 5% more for the more powerful AMD Radeon RX 480. This resulted in the RX 470 being an unpopular AMD mining card as the AMD Radeon RX 480 is seen as being the better value.
The AMD Radeon RX 470 is most profitable when used to mine coins using the Ethash mining algorithm. The AMD Radeon RX 470 is also efficient at mining coins using the CryptoNight algorithm, such as Monero and Digibyte.
The AMD Radeon RX 470 uses the least power out of all the AMD GPUs covered in this article, with only 120W of usage. The AMD Radeon RX 470 graphics card hashrate is 26.0 MH/s. This makes the RX 470 the most efficient and arguably the best AMD mining GPU of the four AMD GPUs covered in this article.
Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti is Nvidia's flagship gaming GPU. The Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti costs approximately $900.00 for 11GB of memory. This price point is to be expected for those looking to build a high-end gaming PC. However for those wanting to use the GPU to mine cryptocurrency, the Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti's high hashrate is probably not worth the extra cost or increased electricity consumption. So despite being a very good graphics card, it might not be such a sound mining graphics card.
The Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti has a hashrate when mining Ethereum of 36.0 MH/s. The most profitable coins to mine with the Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti are those using the Mimblewimble algorithm, such as Beam or Grin. The Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti is not one of the best Ethereum mining cards. Although not covered in this article the GTX 1080 mining Ethereum hashrate is 20.35 MH/s, which is considerably lower than the Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti, with electricity usage of 180W.
Nvidia advises the typical power requirement of the Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti is 250W, making it the highest hashrate GPU covered in this article. Combined with the higher cost of $900.00, would mean it could take a long time to recover your costs. The Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti is probably not better value than any of the AMDs covered concerning cryptocurrency mining.
The Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti costs approximately $600.00 for 8GB of memory, which is significantly cheaper than the Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti.
Nvidia advises the typical power requirement of the Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti is 180W, although it looks like it is only 120W if used for mining. The Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti has a hashrate of 43.27 MH/s, which is by far the most powerful of the GPUs covered so far. Like the Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti, the Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti is most profitable when mining Mimblewimble coins.
The Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti is more efficient than any of the GPUs covered so far. As the AMDs are, however, significantly cheaper the price and impact on time until breakeven would need to be taken into consideration when deciding which GPU to purchase. Although of all the Nvidias covered in this article the Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti may be the best video card for mining Ethereum.
The Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 mining card costs approximately $540.00 for 8GB of memory. The Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 is cheaper than both the Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti and the Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti. However, as expected, it is also the least powerful. This would make GTX 1070 Bitcoin mining ( extremely inefficient, even more so than for the other GPUs, as the GTX 1070 Bitcoin ( hashrate is very low.
Nvidia advises the typical power requirement of the Nvidia GTX 1070 is 150W. The Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 hashrate Ethereum is 32.00 MH/s, which makes it significantly less powerful than the Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti and less efficient. So the GTX 1070 mining performance is not great. It is doubtful the slightly lower price is enough to offset such a vast difference in the efficiency of the GTX 1070 mining Ethereum. The Nvidia GTX 1070 is most profitable when mining Mimblewimble coins.
The Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 may not be the best card for mining. Both the Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti and the Nvidia GTX 1070 have come under criticism for their cooling ability. This could be an issue if you will be using them to mine cryptocurrency 24 hours a day. Despite this, the Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 is often ranked well in the best GPU for mining 2019 by various websites including Tech Radar.
Nvidia GTX 1060.
The Nvidia GTX 1060 costs approximately $300.00 for 6GB of memory, making it by far the cheapest of all the Nvidia mining GPUs covered in this article.
Nvidia advises the typical power requirement of the Nvidia GTX 1060 is 120W, so the Nvidia GTX 1060 uses the least electricity of all the Nvidia mining cards covered. The Nvidia GTX 1060 has a hashrate of 23.5 MH/s, which is by far the lowest of all the Nvidia mining video cards covered. However, despite the low hashrate, the Nvidia GTX 1060 is fairly efficient due to its low electricity usage. The low price is also a big pull for the Nvidia GTX 1060 as the payback period will likely be quicker than for the more efficient NVidia's.
Unlike the other Nvidias covered in this article the most profitable coin to mine for the Nvidia GTX 1060 is Aeternity, with coins using the Ethash mining algorithm the most profitable after that.
Ethereum Mining Hardware Comparison GPU (including Ethereum GPU Hashrate Chart)
The below table shows a GPU mining comparison for all 8 GPUs reviewed, to help you make the right decision and build the best mining rig possible. Each GPU has been ranked based on its hashrate divided by its electricity (i.e., efficiency), as a GPU hash rate comparison is not the only factor that should be considered. However, this Ethereum mining GPU list ranking does not consider the initial outlay that would be required when buying the GPUs.
So the highest ranked (and therefore arguably the best graphics card for mining) Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti costs $600 and would take longer to pay for itself than the second-ranked AMD Radeon RX 470, which only costs $200. So this is something that would need to be taken into consideration when considering the best card for Ethereum mining (ETH mining GPU). Furthermore, Nvidia GPU mining generally has a higher initial outlay required than AMD GPU mining.
It is worth adding the hashrates below are the hashrates when mining Ethereum, effectively making the table an Ethereum mining GPU comparison. As they are all doubtful to be profitable for Bitcoin mining (, so there is no point trying to find the best graphics card for Bitcoin mining (
GPU Price GPU Hash rate Most Efficient Mining Electricity Usage Hashrate / Elec Rank AMD Radeon RX 580 $200.00 27.5 MH/s Ethash 185W 0.149 7 AMD Radeon RX 570 $160.00 27.9 MH/s Ethash 150W 0.186 5 AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 $300.00 36.5 MH/s Ethash 210W 0.174 6 AMD Radeon RX 470 $200.00 26.0 MH/s Ethash 120W 0.217 2 Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti $900.00 36.0 MH/s Mimblewimble 250W 0.144 8 Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti $600.00 43.27 MH/s Mimblewimble 180W 0.240 1 Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 $540.00 32.0 MH/s Mimblewimble 150W 0.213 3 Nvidia GTX 1060 $300.00 23.5 MH/s Aeternity 120W 0.196 4.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 07:59 am

Earn 1 Free Bitcoin ( Using this Bitcoin ( Mining ( Website (NO INVESTMENT!)|10:44
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 07:59 am
Best GPU for Mining Ethereum.
Unfortunately, as explained at the beginning of this article, GPUs are not efficient at mining Bitcoin ( However, some GPUs can still mine Ethereum at a profit. So what is the best graphics card for Ethereum mining? The AMD GPUs covered are better at mining Ethereum, than the Nvidia's. As although they are generally lower Ethereum hashrate GPUs, they are more efficient - as shown by the above Ethereum GPU comparison. The most efficient, and arguably the best GPU for Ethereum, is the AMD Radeon RX 470.
Although not covered in this article, the AMD Radeon RX 480 may also be worth looking at when considering the best graphics card for mining Ethereum. The AMD Radeon RX 480 Ethereum hashrate is 29.3 MH/s, with an electricity usage of 150W. Another to consider when deciding the best mining GPU 2019 is the AMD Radeon RX Vega 64. The RX Vega 64 mining hashrate is 40.0 MH/s with an electricity usage of 295W. Thich is likely to be too high to make it a good GPU, despite the high RX Vega 64 hashrate. The AMD Radeon R9 290x is also popular, the R9 290x hashrate is 23.2MH/s.
In conclusion, there is no best GPU for mining Bitcoin ( because of how difficult it is to compete with ASICs. However, there are plenty of GPUs that can still be used for profitable mining, even if there is no 'best GPU for Bitcoin mining (' Although certain GPUs are better than others at mining different coins and algorithms, there is no GPU to rule them all. Various factors should be considered, as well as efficiency and price. Factors to consider could be the level of noise GPUs generate, the amount of heat they give off, and the amount of space they will need. All these factors should be considered when purchasing a GPU(s) for cryptocurrency mining.
Author Profile.
Fat Finger.
My name is Phat Fin Ge, but most people just call me Fat Finger or Mr. Finger.
Many years ago, I was a trader on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. I became so successful that my company moved me to their offices on Wall Street. The bull market was strong, but my trading gains always outperformed market averages, until that fateful day.
On October 28th, 1929, I tried to take some profits after Charles Whitney had propped up the prices of US Steel. I was trying to sell 10,000 shares, but my fat finger pressed an extra key twice. My sell order ended up being for 1,290,000 shares. Before I could tell anyone it was an error, everyone panicked and the whole market starting heading down. The next day was the biggest stock market crash ever. In early 1930, I was banned from trading for 85 years.
I went back to Hong Kong to work at my family's goldfish store. Please come and visit us at Phat Goldfish in Kowloon, only a 3 minute walk from the C2 MTR entrance.
I thought everyone would forget about me and planned to quietly return to trading in 2015. To my horror, any error in quantity or price which cause a problem kept getting blamed on Fat Finger, even when it was a mix up and not an extra key being pressed. For example, an error by a seller on the Tokyo Stock Exchange was to sell 610,000 shares at ¥6 instead of 6 shares at ¥610,000. That had nothing to do with me or with how fat the trader's finger was, but everyone kept yelling, "Fat Finger! Fat Finger!" In 2016, people blamed a fat finger for a 6% drop in the GBP. It really was a combination of many things, none to do with me or anyone else who had a wider than average finger.
Now that I can trade again, I'm finding forex more interesting than stocks. I've been doing some research on trading forex and other instruments and I'll be sharing it here.
If you see any typing errors, you can blame those on my fat finmgert. If you see any strange changes in price, it's not my fault.
Best laptops for mining 2019: top notebooks for mining cryptocurrencies.
By Matt Hanson 19 April 2019.
Fancy mining on a portable machine?
You don't need a gigantic mining PC that chugs electricity to mine for cryptocurrency. With this list of the best mining laptops you can buy today, we've gathered up all the best laptops that can be used for mining.
Before you head out and drop a wad of cash on the best gaming laptop to get your mining operation moving, you need to think about a few things. First, you need to figure out which cryptocurrency you're going to pursue. And, even if you already have the best mining laptop, there's a harsh truth you have to face: many cryptocurrencies have all but died off. That's not to mention that some cryptocurrencies are just easier to mine on mobile hardware than others.
You should also think about the warranty of the laptop you're looking at. You'll be putting it through a ton of stress while mining, so you want to make sure your investment doesn't burst into flames.
You might be saying: "hold on, why even use a laptop for mining?" Good question. Well, the best mining laptops will be much more compact and portable than a traditional mining rig, so you can get some mining done on the road, without having to travel in a caravan. Read on to find the best mining laptops on the market in 2019.
The importance of P versus NP is mainly in its consequences for computing. It happens to be one of the seven Millennium Prize Problems , meaning The Clay Mathematics Institute of Cambridge, Massachusetts will award $1 million to whoever manages to prove or disprove the statement. But should you prove that P in fact does equal NP, you wouldn't even need the $1 million prize. As theoretical computer scientist Scott Aaronson explained last week at a lecture in a stuffy auditorium at Los Alamos National Lab in New Mexico, proving that P=NP would open up some intriguing possibilities.
To understand this, you need to know that computers are devices that solve problems, abstracted into code readable by the physical computing device, based on the principles put forth by Alan Turing. Solving problems takes a number of steps and a certain amount of time, with the amount of time required increasing as the problem grows larger.
"P" refers to the problems that computers solve all the time, from something as simple as multiplying two numbers to more complex tasks like browsing the internet. As a problem grows in complexity, the amount of time it takes to solve it grows in "polynomial time," where a polynomial is a number with a power and a coefficient (like n 2 ). If a problem is solvable in n 2 time and you double the size of the input, then the amount of time it would take to solve would go up by four.
Yet there are plenty of problems where one can determine that a given answer is correct in polynomial time, but actually getting to that answer may or may not be possible in polynomial time. These are called "Nondeterministic Polynomial time" or NP problems. Sudoku is an NP problem--hard to solve, easy to check. Another important example today is factoring large numbers into prime numbers. For now at least, it takes a very long time--slower than polynomial time--to factor very large numbers into primes, but checking that an answer is correct is as simple as multiplying the resulting numbers together. Indeed, this exact idea is the basis of modern encryption, which relies on generating security keys that are easy to verify but hard to crack.
Newer mathematical proofs have found, and might continue to find, P solutions to some of these NP problems. The P versus NP problem asks whether every NP problem has a P solution, or if there exists some NP problem that can absolutely not be solved in P. It seems like it should be obvious that P does not equal NP, but it is not rigorously mathematically proven. And if you happen to prove that P does equal NP, you will have also demonstrated that there are polynomial-time algorithms for a whole lot of very important computer problems. You could make yourself very rich--Bitcoin mining ( and security keys rely on hard-to-solve, easy-to-check NP problems.
Quantum computers , which are based on different mathematics than classical computers, do not promise P solutions to every NP problem. It was once thought that they might be able to solve the hardest class of NP problems, called NP-complete problems. If you could find an efficient solution to those, you'd be able to find efficient solutions to all NP problems. This includes the traveling salesman problem and a host of other similar optimization problems. But quantum computers haven't lived up to this hype . Instead, quantum computers might solve some P problems in a shorter time (as in, with a lower polynomial) or move some NP problems into the quantum generalization of P, called BQP or "Bounded-Error Quantum Polynomial Time."
So go out there and try and prove that P does, or does not, equal NP. If you're successful, you'll make at least a million dollars, and perhaps much, much more. If you're unsuccessful, well, hopefully you will have led a meaningful life researching computational theory.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:00 am

Free Bitcoin ( Mining ( Website -- Best Free Bitcoin ( Earning App -- Free Litecoin Earning App|9:46
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:00 am
What are bitcoin miners really solving?
As with mining, what are the bitcoin miners really solving? I read they are solving hashes, but what does that really mean. Can we see what they are solving? Can someone give an example of what a Bitcoin mining ( machine sees to solve?
4 Answers 4.
They try to find a random nonce (a little random data) that goes into a block and makes the block have a (SHA256) hash that (in binary) starts with a certain amount of 0's. The more zeroes the more rare hash is. A good hash' outcome is not predictable, and so you have to try a lot of times to find a good nonce.
The amount of zeroes are based on how difficult it is supposed to be to find a block. In Bitcoin ( it adjusts to have a new block every 10 minutes (on average, given the rate at which previous blocks are found).
Interesting: because the hashes are unpredictable it doesn't matter how the nonce changes! Most of the time it's just a number counting upwards from 0!
Here is an extremely simplified sketch of the problem, but it should give a pretty good idea of what the problem is.
The data:
This is the hash of the lastest block (shortened to 30 characters):
These are the hashes of a few valid transactions waiting for inclusion (shortened).
And this the hash of one special transaction that you just crafted, which gives 25BTC (the current reward) to yourself:
Building the next block:
Now, let's use a gross approximation of what a new block might look like (the real one uses binary format). It contains the hash of the previous block and the hashes of those 3 transactions:
Now let's do mining by hand! Our goal is to complete this block with a nonce (a piece of garbage) such that the hash of the new block starts with 13 zeros (considering the previous hash, it seems that 13 zeroes is the current difficulty!).
Mining (trying to finalize this block):
Let's try with nonce=1, and compute the hash of the block (I'm using the md5 hash algorithm, but Bitcoin ( uses double sha256):
No luck, the hash does not start with a 0... Let's try with nonce=2.
If we pursue until nonce=16, we get our first leading zero.
For nonce=208, we get two leading zeroes!
Continue like this... If you finally find a hash that has 13 leading zeroes... you're a winner! Other miners will now build upon your block, you've just got 25BTC.
But you'll have to be fast!
Back to step 1...
If someone manages to build a block before you do, you'll have to start again from the beginning with the new block's hash (the one of the winner).
10 minutes? 2) How does that transaction come to me anyway? 3) What if I find a solution for this block and then a new transaction comes to me from some other node who accepted it for the block I just closed? - keremispirli Apr 28 '14 at 17:24.
The following is a description of the global, statistical gamble which is played every 10 or so minutes. The interval of the game is controlled by the difficulty which says how many "hashes" are needed per interval.
In other words, the difficulty and target define the "odds of the house" against your chance of getting a winning SHA hash. The nonce is the "scratch off" area.
Each hash consumes electricity, and emits heat, which requires additional cooling.
This is what is done with each hash:
At a high level, the miner software takes a list of active transactions, and then groups them together in something called a "block".
Or more accurately stated: The miner software coverts all the transactions into a summary view called a "merkle root", and hashes it, which is representative of the transactions.
Then mining software converts this to into a binary format called a Block Header, which also references the previous blocks (also called a chain).
Step 3:
The miner hardware changes a small portion of this block called a "nonce".
Step 4:
The block header is hashed and compared to the Target as if it were simply a large number like 10,000,000 > 7,000,000 (the real numbers are much bigger, and in hex). The target is compressed and stored in each block in a field called bits.
An expanded target looks like this:
And the goal is to make sure the SHA256 hash of the block is less than this value. In the example below " 83ee " is smaller than " 83ef "
To simplify this concept, you can ballpark the target by counting the leading zeros (as the other answer here explains). Here is an example:
Here is a sample block with transactions you can view on Look in the upper right hand corner of the webpage for this hash:
That previous hash was from today and has 14 leading zeroes. Let's compare that to what was needed 3 years ago with block 100 which has 8 leading zeros.
So at the end of the day, all a miner does is:
Take a block header as input Change the Nonce Test if the Block Header hash is less than the Target. If it is, you win. Go to step 2 (or go to step 1 if someone else won the block)
Want to see what Bitcoin ( does when it finds a block. I posted it here.. The information in this post will help you understand what happened.
Mining provides a way to reach consensus on what the transaction ledger should look like and know that nobody is cheating.
That's the non-technical definition of mining.
The "authority" for double spending is the blockchain. The blockchain consists of the history of all blocks in the blockchain plus the next block of transactions. The reward subsidy currently is 25 BTC to the party that submits the next block. But hey . you would like that 25 BTC (worth currently about $825) as would I as would everyone else. So how do you make it so that I can't cheat and claim the block myself?
Well, you put in a system that you and I have to compete. That's what the proof of work does -- it makes it so that when I claim the reward it is easy to prove that I really did the work involved. So for me to have a 2% chance of solving a block I need to put in 2% of of the mining work. There's no way for me to put in less than 2% of all the work and still solve blocks at least 2% of the time (on average).
Thus as a result, when a transaction block is submitted, all the peers verify that there were no double spends, that the right amount of subsidy was claimed, and that the submitter truly expended the work necessary for that solution. With those three rules, then there doesn't not need to be a central authority managing the process or able to control the outcome.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:03 am

QuickBTC Free Bitcoin ( Mining ( Website|4:29
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:03 am
What Puzzle​ Bitcoin ( Miners Actually Solve?
To understand what problem Bitcoin ( miners solve we have to first understand what SHA-256 is.
SHA-256 stands for "Secure Hash Algorithm" which is a Cryptographic Hash Algorithm.
A cryptographic hash (sometimes called 'digest') is a kind of 'signature' for a text or a data file. SHA-256 generates an almost-unique 256-bit (32-byte) signature for a text.
What it means is whenever an SHA-256 algorithm is applied to any length of string or text, it will give back a unique 256-bit string like below. This is known as a hashing function.
An example of a 256-bit string: EF9F171116ABFB430DD0920B081A62998CB6433C76503238D9A79FA4244A8884.
This string will always be different for each string or content i.e. no two different strings in the world can have the same SHA2 even if they differ just by one bit. E.g. "My name is Crypto Purview" and "My name is CryptoPurview" will have different SHA-256. (Note there is just space difference between 2 strings)
SHA256 for My name is Crypto Purview is: A1B02DA40FC6B104DAC8357E8B164264A0EA611E6C36F5E73A410CACBCBCFA62.
SHA256 for My name is CryptoPurview is: 4D942ECCAAF6250853369F80EC0B84C68ED03C57BCF0DD60E3FFD01392D9F966.
Try yourself to generate SHA-256 for a text string here. Let's suppose I ask you to calculate SHA-256 of the below block of text, it will take you seconds using a simple algorithm to give me an answer.
start text address10 -> 1 btc -> address23 address23 -> 0.5 btc -> address50 address21 -> 100 btc -> address200 address36 -> 0.001 btc -> address214 end text.
Let's take the above problem one step further and I ask you to calculate SHA-256 of the same block of text with one new line added on top of the text block called Nonce.
You can choose Nonce to be any number example 123234 or 22123 and move lines in any order. For example, you can swap the position of line 1 and line 2, but I want the resulting SHA256 to start with leading five 0s.
Something like below: 000003D4F9EB9395B6CD9692F6A37DF9EFCD607B64371AB3249C42D564378EF9.
Let's suppose in your first attempt you calculate it using below text block:
start text Nonce:123456 address10 -> 1 btc -> address23 address23 -> 0.5 btc -> address50 address21 -> 100 btc -> address200 address36 -> 0.001 btc -> address214 end text.
The SHA256 for the above combination of strings comes out to be: 7C4D90C28727BADC5DC32AB3CE16BC9ED733E4E570FD42BA420272A5304AFC2A.
Hard luck for you, not starting with leading five 0s. You try this again with different Nonce values and arrange the above transactions in a different order. In order to crack this "puzzle", miners use different permutations of Nonce value and order. This process consumes a lot of computation power.
In the actual world, these lines are unconfirmed bitcoin transactions and are 1000s in numbers and it takes a room full of GPUs to solve it. The moment any of miner or "problem solver" hits the jackpot i.e. able to find SHA2 with leading required 0s, it will raise its hand and tell other miners the solution and claim the reward 'Bitcoin ('.
More the number of leading 0s required, more difficult it is to crack the puzzle as more permutation and combinations are required.
For example, the block '520282' mined had SHA2 as below: 0000000000000000003d05ef31993d1ddb80b6ef5632d0ae939ea1b22a24e150 and Nonce was 554703974.
You can check it from this link.
SHA-256 is used in several different parts of the Bitcoin ( network: - Mining uses SHA-256 as the Proof of work algorithm. - SHA-256 is used in the creation of bitcoin addresses to improve security and privacy.
What Problem is Solved by Bitcoin ( Miners?
By Milly Bitcoin ( - May 16, 2013.
One of the most common questions about Bitcoin mining ( What are they doing? What problem are they trying to solve? Can it be solved with pen and paper? Are they wasting resources? Are they using the computer power to hack something?
The problem being solved involves cryptography. To put it simply, a cryptographic cipher turns one string into another string. A simple cipher would be multiplying by 6.
The are are problems with using "multiplying 6" as scheme. The biggest problem is that it is pretty easy to figure out the original number by just diving by 6! Also, the number will get larger and larger.
To get around this all kinds of complicated mathematical operations are done on very long strings of numbers. It would take a very long explanation of the algorithm used. Below is diagram of one step of one hash. Those things on the right are special mathematical functions that are tedious to calculate and require a computer.
Modern Bitcoin ( miners can do this problem approximatly 1 billion times a second so it might not be worth while to use pen and paper.
You can try it yourself at a web site Put in a value in the top and you will see a string come up in the bottom. Then you have to keep changing the input by adding stuff until the answer starts with a zero.
Bitcoin ( is more complicated because certain information has to be included, including the hash from the last block. That way the current block depends on all the blocks before it so it is "chained" together which is why it is called the "Blockchain.". The "difficulty" of the problem is changed by simply increasing the number of zeros in the start of answer (0h4fgs64j..., 00h3uyf8h..., 000yheofle... ) so it is harder to find the answer. As more people mine, the problem becomes more difficult and the problem adjusts so it is solved every 10 minutes on average.
The Proof of Work (PoW) ideas goes back to a concept called HashCash which was meant as a deterrent to spam. The sender must provide a solution to a cryptographic problem before the message will be accepted.
For instance, take a cryptographic hash using the SHA256 hashing algorithm of the term "message" (without quotes) and you get:
Now if the rules say you must have a hash that starts with a zero you can start adding stuff until you get a hash that works:
After going through the numbers sequentially 51 was the first one that worked. As long as "51″ is sent along with the message the receiver can quickly verify it meets the requirements by performing the hash and accept the message. The added portion, in this case"51," is called a "nonce."
Bitcoin mining ( works by compiling the transactions, the value that depends on all previous blocks, and then finding a "nonce" that meets the criteria.
The purpose of solving this problem is merely to show that work was done to get the answer. It comes from a problem called the "Byzantine General's problem." You have general who is giving orders to "attack" or "retreat" and he sends those orders to his underlings. These underlings then relay the orders to troops. The problem is that a small number of underlings are traitors and will relay false orders. In order to prevent the traitors from causing catastrophic results an order is not accepted unless it is received from multiple sources. To recreate the false message a traitor would have to do a tremendous amount of work. The purpose of all the extra work is to prevent the traitors from sending false messages but serves no other purpose.
When the mining a block the Bitcoin mining ( algorithm works like this:
A block starts out with a header and a single transaction to pay the miner reward. This transaction has a special name (called the "coinbase"). Transactions are added to the block. A block "header" of fixed length is formed by doing cryptographic hashes of the transactions (called the Merkle root). Mining uses SHA256 cryptography which breaks the data up into 64 byte chunks and operates on each chunk so there are 2 chunks and 2 steps to the SHA256 algorithm in this case. The first sha256 step is performed on the first chunk of the header and that does not change. This is called the "midstate" because it is partway through the SHA256 process which is 2 steps in this case. The "midstate" is sent to the ASIC processor, The second step of SHA256 is done on the second chunk of the header. This includes the nonce field. This is done on the Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) chip. The entire solution is run through a second round of SHA256 and the solution compared to the difficulty (that is part of the block header). The nonce is returned if it meets the difficulty. This is done on the ASIC chip. The nonce is incremented and the last 2 steps (6 and 7) are done again 2**32 times to exhaust all possible nonce values. This is done on the ASIC chip. If no solution is found another nonce contained within the coinbase transaction is incremented. This changes the hash of the coinbase transaction and the merkle root The process goes back to step 5 and continues until a solution is found.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:03 am

2020 New Bitcoin ( Mining ( Website Sinhala - NSCDGEEK|9:51
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:04 am
Because the chips do 2 rounds of SHA256 they cannot be used for other SHA256 tasks that generally only use 1 pass. This means Bitcoin ( miner ASIC chips cannot be used for anything other than Bitcoin mining (
Bitcoin ( Developments Prove Problematic For Miner Profitability.
Several recent linked developments in the Bitcoin mining ( industry are making a difficult operating environment even more challenging. The troubles first began on October 17, when Bitcoin ( network difficulty levels reached an all-time high, up around 40% since early June.
Bitcoin mining ( is performed by a collection of many computers on the Bitcoin ( network where these powerful Bitcoin mining ( tools solve extremely complex math problems. The answer to such a problem is a long string of numbers, called a hash or proof of work. The Bitcoin ( network adjusts the difficulty of the mathematical problem so that a valid hash is generated - thereby enabling a block to be added to the blockchain - about every ten minutes.
Generally, the greater the participation of miners in the network, the greater the network difficulty level. The only way for a Bitcoin ( miner to counteract this higher difficulty level is to add more computing power, which entails increased expenditures on computer equipment and, in turn, increased required electricity consumption.
Second, there are so many computers operating (mining) on the Bitcoin ( blockchain that the number of correct hashes created, the hash rate, is likewise at an all-time high. The presence of so many participants working to solve problems with the highest ever-recorded difficulty level to capture Bitcoin ( rewards, which were cut in half about five months ago (referred to as the May 2020 Bitcoin ( halving event) has made operating profitably after paying electricity costs a challenging task.
For example, even the newest-generation mining computer, a Bitmain Antminer S19 Pro, can be expected to generate an annual gross margin of around US1,460 assuming fairly low electricity costs of around $0.06 per kilowatt-hour (Kwh). This state-of-the-art computer costs around US$3,000 to purchase, so it only generates only about breakeven annual gross margin before considering all other costs (real estate taxes, salaries, etc.) prior to the end of its two year projected life. Other slower computers would generate losses comparatively.
Third, in October 2020, the private Bitcoin ( miner Marathon Patent Group announced that it plans to build a specialized Bitcoin mining ( center in Montana. Marathon chose this location because it negotiated a low-cost power purchase agreement with Beowulf Energy, a private independent power producer. Under the accord, Beowulf will supply Marathon electricity at US$0.028 per Kwh from its 119-megawatt Hardin coal-fired power plant. The catch: Beowulf will also receive an undisclosed equity stake in Marathon.
The transaction illustrates a Bitcoin ( miner's need to secure a reliable and cheap source of electricity in order to remain competitive, but also that the cost to secure that power can be significant. In this case, Marathon had to surrender a portion of the ownership stake. We also note that several energy companies are now participating in the Bitcoin mining ( industry. These new participants, in many cases well-capitalized participants with the ability to be patient and absorb subpar returns for some period, could potentially squeeze the margins of legacy Bitcoin ( miners.
The Bitcoin ( miner Hut 8 Mining Corp. (TSX: HUT) last traded at $1.13 on the TSX Exchange. Bitfarms Ltd. (TSXV: BITF) last traded at $0.38 on the TSX Venture Exchange, and HIVE Blockchain Technologies Ltd. (TSXV: HIVE) last traded on the TSX Venture Exchange at $0.47.
Getting started with Bitcoin mining (
As Bitcoin ( starts to gain more adoption, and with it, publicity, you might be wondering how you can start mining it for yourself. Bitcoin mining ( is a great way to support the blockchain while making a bit of profit for yourself. Getting started only takes a few steps, but it's important to get them right to start your experience right.
Before everything else, if you want to start your own operation, it's important to educate yourself about how Bitcoin mining ( works, assess the current market, and figure out if it's cost effective with your current set-up. Mining operations rely heavily on cheap electricity to turn a profit, so if you calculate that power will cost you less than the profits you'll make from mining, that's a great sign for you to begin.
Next, you'll need to buy your hardware. It's often best to buy the latest and most advanced mining rigs available, as they'll keep your energy costs lowest, and provide the most hashrate, meaning you're more likely to mine the next block in the chain and get the block reward.
Once you have your hardware picked out, you'll want to decide on your wallet set-up. If you're planning on mining a bunch of Bitcoin (, you'll want a safe and secure cold storage wallet, as well as a solid everynday wallet to use for transactions. Don't forget to keep your private key safe, and have your backup plan should anything happen to either of your wallets.
Next, you'll probably want to consider joining a mining pool. While winning a block reward for yourself will mean a great big return on your investment, going alone could mean waiting a long time before that happens, if ever. By joining your mining operation to that of a pool of others, you're all more likely to mine blocks much more often, sharing the rewards so you can start profiting sooner.
Assuming you joined a pool, enter your pool and wallet information into your mining software, fire it up, and you're mining Bitcoin (! But that's not where it ends. You'll need to keep up to date on the latest developments of the Bitcoin ( world, including the latest trends, protocol news, and most important for your bottom line, price.
The 10 Most Important Cryptocurrencies Other Than Bitcoin (
Monero is a popular choice for those searching for a cryptocurrency that promises anonymous transactions. It is not a secret that the popular ones today utilise transparent blockchains, which means that the transactions can be verifiable without much difficulty. Monero is a decentralized cryptocurrency, meaning it is secure digital cash operated by a network of users. Transactions are confirmed by distributed consensus and then immutably recorded on the blockchain.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:05 am

how to bitcoins mining - wiki bitcoins|7:36
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:05 am
How many XMR coins are there?
As of writing, there are 15,054,759 XMR in circulation and each Monero is worth $114.83. The total market cap of Monero sits at $1,728,798,235. In total there are 18.4 million XMR and mining is projected to go on until 31st May 2022. After that, the system is designed such that 0.3 XMR/min is fed continuously into it.
A public key (a long, random-looking string of numbers) is an address on the blockchain. Value tokens sent across the network are recorded as belonging to that address. A private key is like a password that gives its owner access to their digital assets or the means to otherwise interact with the various capabilities that blockchains now support. Data stored on the blockchain is generally considered incorruptible. This allows the participants to verify and audit transactions independently and relatively inexpensively.
All cryptocurrency exchanges operating in Japan are under the purview of the Japanese FSA. Many Japanese cryptocurrency exchanges are now known to be pulling down the curtains on transactions of private cryptocoins. Due to its privacy features, Monero experienced rapid growth in market capitalization and transaction volume during 2016, faster and bigger than any other cryptocurrency that year. This growth was driven by its uptake in the darknet market, where people used it to buy stolen credit cards, guns, and drugs. Two major darknet markets were shut down in July 2017 by law enforcement. For most Monero (XMR) users, they choose this cryptocurrency because of its security.
All cryptocurrency users are given a public address or key which is unique to each user. With Bitcoin (, the recipient of the coins has the coins transferred to his address which he has to divulge to the sender. The sender can see how much Bitcoins that the recipient has once he has knowledge of the fund recipient's public address. Through the Bitcoin ( blockchain, all coins transferred from the sender to recipient are recorded and made public. Monero is a digital currency that offers a high level of anonymity for users and their transactions.
What Is Monero (XMR) Cryptocurrency?
What is XMR mining?
Monero (XMR) is a Cryptonote algorithm based cryptocurrency, it relies on Ring Signatures in order to provide a certain degree of privacy when making a transaction. Monero is a Proof of Work cryptocurrency that can be miner with computational power from a CPU or GPU.
It confirms that each unit of value was transferred only once, solving the long-standing problem of double spending. A blockchain can maintain title rights because, when properly set up to detail the exchange agreement, it provides a record that compels offer and acceptance.
Most cryptocurrencies use blockchain technology to record transactions. For example, the bitcoin network and Ethereum network are both based on blockchain.
Launched in 2014, Monero (XMR) is an open-source, privacy-oriented cryptocurrency that is built and operates on the blockchain concept. The analysis of public blockchains has become increasingly important with the popularity of bitcoin, Ethereum, litecoin and other cryptocurrencies. These blockchains, which form the underlying technology behind digital currencies, are public ledgers of participants' activities that show all the transactions on the network.
Like Bitcoin (, Monero is a decentralized peer-to-peer cryptocurrency, but unlike Bitcoin (, Monero is characterized as a private digital cash. However, that approach offers limited privacy as both the bitcoin addresses and the transactions are registered on the blockchain, opening them to public access.
A blockchain database is managed autonomously using a peer-to-peer network and a distributed timestamping server. They are authenticated by mass collaboration powered by collective self-interests. Such a design facilitates robust workflow where participants' uncertainty regarding data security is marginal. The use of a blockchain removes the characteristic of infinite reproducibility from a digital asset.
Launched in 2014, Monero (XMR) is an open-source, privacy-oriented cryptocurrency that is built and operates on the blockchain concept. These blockchains, which form the underlying technology behind digital currencies, are public ledgers of participants' activities that show all the transactions on the network. The analysis of public blockchains has become increasingly important with the popularity of bitcoin, Ethereum, litecoin and other cryptocurrencies. A blockchain, if it is public, provides anyone who wants access to observe and analyse the chain data, given one has the know-how. The process of understanding and accessing the flow of crypto has been an issue for many cryptocurrencies, crypto-exchanges and banks.
Third-parties do not need to be trusted to keep your Monero safe. Banks preferably have a notable interest in utilizing Blockchain Technology because it is a great source to avoid fraudulent transactions. Blockchain is considered hassle free, because of the extra level of security it offers.
The reason for this is accusations of blockchain enabled cryptocurrencies enabling illicit dark market trade of drugs, weapons, money laundering etc. A common belief has been that cryptocurrency is private and untraceable, thus leading many actors to use it for illegal purposes. This is changing and now specialised tech-companies provide blockchain tracking services, making crypto exchanges, law-enforcement and banks more aware of what is happening with crypto funds and fiat crypto exchanges. The development, some argue, has led criminals to prioritise use of new cryptos such as Monero.
The invention of the blockchain for bitcoin made it the first digital currency to solve the double-spending problem without the need of a trusted authority or central server. The bitcoin design has inspired other applications, and blockchains that are readable by the public are widely used by cryptocurrencies. Sources such as Computerworld called the marketing of such blockchains without a proper security model "snake oil".
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:06 am

wiki-mining |5:17
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:07 am
On 8 May 2018 Facebook confirmed that it would open a new blockchain group which would be headed by David Marcus, who previously was in charge of Messenger. Facebook's planned cryptocurrency platform, Libra, was formally announced on June 18, 2019. The ban will come into effect on June 18, 2018, and will impact trading of a few major cryptocurrencies that offer privacy-rich features. They include Monero (XMR), Dash (DASH), Augur's reputation token (REP), and ZCash (ZEC).
The Five Most Private Cryptocurrencies.
The question is about public accessibility of blockchain data and the personal privacy of the very same data. It is a key debate in cryptocurrency and ultimately in blockchain. Blockchain was invented by a person (or group of people) using the name Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 to serve as the public transaction ledger of the cryptocurrency bitcoin.
Getting Started With Bitcoin mining ( a Brief Guide.
As technology continues to advance at a fast pace, finance has followed the same footsteps. In today's world where everyone is looking for new ways to invest and manage their finance effectively- bitcoin has become a leading indicator of that desire.
When Bitcoin ( was invented, it was considered as an unproven currency and many nations did not consider it to be acceptable. However, with the growing time, many nations including Australia have started to make peace with the concept of Bitcoins.
Major retailers such as Home Depot, Dell and Zappos are accepting Bitcoins as a mode of payment. You might be intrigued by the concept of Bitcoins and you must wonder ' how to start Bitcoin mining (' well to understand that you need to first understand the insights of bitcoin.
Bitcoin ( is not tied to any country or region for its economic value. It is 100% decentralized and powered by math which uses complex algorithms that run on powerful computers. What contributes the highest in the success of bitcoin is its accuracy and the methodical release of additional currency over time.
Miners can obtain bitcoins by accomplishing small tasks which help them earn bitcoins in return. Bitcoin mining ( is legal in Australia and is widely used by various retailers. From a cup of coffee to a billion dollar mansion you can buy everything by using Bitcoins.
Who is a bitcoin miner?
A miner's job is to validate the accuracy of the transaction and note each transaction in a general ledger. When a person deals in bitcoins these transactions get recorded in a ledger which is called a blockchain. The network completes the task by recording all of this transactional data in a list that have occurred in a specific time period.
One might wonder whether Bitcoin mining ( is profitable? Yes, sure it is. However, before you start Bitcoin mining ( it is very important to understand what it really means. Bitcoin mining ( is done by running SHA256 double round hash verification process. This process provides validation to the bitcoin transactions and ensures security for the public ledger of the Bitcoin ( network.
The bitcoin network rewards the miners with bitcoins for their contribution. Let us understand step by step that how the Bitcoin mining ( process works.
Step 1: get the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware.
In some cases, it is required to purchase this hardware with bitcoins only. This hardware is available and can be bought from certain websites. You will also want to check the Bitcoin ( charts. another option to purchase Bitcoin ( is by cloud mining. However, this process is a bit riskier as you do not hold any control over the hardware.
Step 2: Download free Bitcoin mining ( software.
Once you have got your hands on the Bitcoin mining ( hardware you need to download a special program that is used for Bitcoin mining ( There are various programs that are available for bitcoin ming. The most popular ones are CGminer and BFGminer which are command line programs. You can learn in details about how to use this software from the instruction manual.
Step 3: Join a Bitcoin mining ( pool.
Once you are through with the bitcoin software now it is time to join Bitcoin mining ( pool. Bitcoin mining ( pool is basically a community of miners that work together to maintain the records in the blockchain and share in its rewards.
It is important to join a Bitcoin mining ( pool as without doing so you can miss out on earning any Bitcoins. It is very convenient to share the work and split the reward with a much larger group. If you are looking for a fully decentralized pool, it is highly recommended to use p2pool.
Step 4: Set up a bitcoin wallet.
The next step is to set up a bitcoin wallet so that any bitcoins that you receive during the mining process can be stored in it. There are various bitcoin wallets available that will help you with different operating functions. You can also use Bitcoin ( hardware wallets. Bitcoins are sent in your Bitcoin ( wallet by using a unique address that only belongs to you.
One thing that can be done to secure your Bitcoin ( wallet from potential threats is by enabling two-factor authentication. You can also ensure privacy by using an offline computer which does not have any access to the internet so that no virus or hackers can get access to it.
Step 5: staying up to date with Bitcoin ( news.
Staying up to date with the bitcoin market is very important for your Bitcoin mining ( profits. You can go through various articles or follow pages that regularly stay updated about the trends in the bitcoin industry. The use of Bitcoin ( has become quite popular in Australia. You can also learn how to mine Bitcoins at home and do it using some of the above-mentioned methods.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:07 am

How to mine a bitcoin - Tutorial|10:49
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:14 am

How to mine a bitcoin - Tutorial|10:49
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:15 am
What is the purpose of Bitcoin mining (
There are 3 main purposes of mining:
Verifying transactions Securing the Bitcoin ( network Releasing new Bitcoins in circulation.
Mining ensures that no one can spend the same amount of Bitcoins twice. It is also called the double-spend problem. A payment system doesn't need to be governed by people if double-spend is not a problem.
The Bitcoin ( system is very complex. Don't expect to understand it from the first time.
How Bitcoin mining ( works?
Bitcoin mining ( is not concentrated in a single place, but spread around the world. Miners are checking if transactions are valid using a specialized mining machines called ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit chips). They earn Bitcoins as a reward.
Every 10 minutes a new block is created containing new Bitcoin ( transaction requests This block comes with a block number Miners try to guess that number The miner who guesses right the block number receives a newly created Bitcoins as a reward.
This is a simplified explanation of the mining process. You can read a more detailed explanation here.
Thanks to mining Bitcoin ( can operate securely without a central institution.
Currently, Bitcoin mining ( can be done using ASICs only. These are machines build with the sole purpose of mining Bitcoin ( However, cannot be used for anything else.
If you're buying ASICs you'll need the latest most efficient miner to be able to return your investment.
In the early days of Bitcoin ( it was possible to mine using a Processor (CPU). However, after many people started mining and the mining difficulty increased, video cards (GPU) became the preffered device to mine. Video cards needed less energy and mined with higher speed compared to processors.
This graph depicts the history of devices used for mining.
Then FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) replaced video cards as they were even more efficient. Finally, specialized mining machines ASICs were invented solely for Bitcoin mining ( They still dominate the mining space as they are the most efficient of all.
The block reward is a money incentive for mining. Every 10 minutes, when a new block is added to the blockchain, the miners receive a compensation of 6.25 BTC. Miners need it to pay their expenses for electricity, devices and their maintanance.
Interestingly, the reward can be earned by a solo miner or spread to a pool of miners depending on their mining power.
What is the difference between solo and pool mining?
Solo mining mode.
When solo mining you compete with the whole Bitcoin ( network for the block reward. The chance to receive a reward is really small, but if you receive it, the reward is very big. Currently it is 6.25 Bitcoins. However, solo mining is rarely done mostly by big mining companies that have enough power to do that. Majority of miners usually do pool mining.
Time to receive reward Reward size Solo mining Once several months Very big Pool mining Every day Very small.
Pool mining mode Recommended.
This is the more popular option. With pool mining you are teaming up with others to mine together.
If you guess the block number, however, you won't receive the full 6.25 bitcoins reward. The reward instead will be distributed equally to all pool members and will be much smaller. This way if someone else guesses the block number, you receive a reward too. The chance to receive a reward is much higher, but the reward will be much smaller. Pool mining is much more predictable because you receive payments on regular basis.
Mining using an ASIC device.
ASICs (application-specific integrated circuit chips) are single purpose machines that can only mine a single type of cryptocurrency. However, they can mine much faster and efficient than video cards. There are ASIC miners for different currencies like Bitcoin (, Ethereum, Zcash and 100s others.
Example of how an ASIC miner looks.
Advantage of ASICs Easy to set up ASICs are very good at mining as they're built just for that. They're much faster and efficient than video cards and other mining devices. Disadvantage of ASICs ASIC miners cannot be used for anything else than mining. They're quickly becoming useless. You can basically use the ASIC for around 1-2 years. After that new and more efficient ASICs enter the market which can mine more for less energy. They're often loud.
How profitable is to mine Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrencies?
The mining profitability varies over time. However, there are mining calculators that can help you estimate future earnings. Here are the top 3 mining calculator sites:
You need to select what type of machine you have and then you'll be able to calculate monthly revenue and power costs.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:15 am

BTC wallet and mining walkthrough|15:00
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:16 am
Which ASIC to buy?
There are several companies that produce and sell specialized mining hardware:
However, the profitability of each device varies by time. To help you choose the best miner to buy we suggest to use the website and check which is the most profitable one at the moment.
Video card (GPU) mining.
Nowadays, mining Bitcoin ( with a video card is not profitable. During the first years of Bitcoin (, between 2009 and 2013, it was worthwhile to mine using a video card. However, since the arrival of ASICs, this has changed. In theory, you can mine Bitcoin ( with a video card, but the power costs will be way more than the earned bitcoins.
However, some mining services like, NiceHash (, allow you to mine alternative cryptocurrencies with video card and receive the compensation in Bitcoins. Technically, it's possible to earn Bitcoins with a video card but it's not worth it.
What is a mining fee?
In every Bitcoin ( transaction the sender pays a small fee in bitcoins. This is necessary as an incentive to the miners to validate and confirm your transaction. In principal, it is possible to make a payment without a fee, but it may take weeks until its completed.
Most of Bitcoin ( wallets have the option to select how much fee to pay. The higher fee that you pay the faster you transaction will be processed. Our advice is to include the fee suggested by the wallet.
The mining difficulty is a mechanism to balance the rewards that miners get and keep the blocks appearing every 10 minutes. If there are too many miners, the difficulty is increased and if they're too little it is decreased. Basically, it is harder to mine Bitcoins when the difficulty is higher. Mining difficulty also keeps the new blocks appearing every 10 minutes. Its purpose is to ensure high security of the network by always having enough mining power.
This is a chart of the Bitcoin mining ( difficulty for the last 3 years. When the graph goes up, it means that more miners are joining the network.
What is hash rate or hash power?
Hash rate or also called hash power is the speed that a mining device operates. The more mining machines you have, the higher the hash rate.
Mining cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin (
Yes, you can do that. There are many cryptocurrencies that you can mine other than Bitcoin ( The most popular and profitable ones are Ethereum (ETH), Ethereum Classic (ETC) and Zcash (ZEC).
All you need is an ASIC machine or a PC with 1 or more video cards and a special miner program. It is really easy to mine as you just start the mining program and you leave the machine to do its thing.
The NiceHash ( service is probably the easiest and most beginner friendly way to get started with mining. Just download the NiceHash ( program and install it. NiceHash ( can also create a BTC wallet for you if you don't have one. The program automatically detects your hardware and selects the current most profitable algorithm for it. As a reward, you receive Bitcoins.
NiceHash ( does everything automatically and you need just to click on the "Start Mining" button.
Cloud mining lets you rent mining power. The mining machines are owned and maintained by the cloud mining provider. You don't have to deal with any hardware.
We do not recommend using cloud mining services because most of them are scams . Majority of them pretend to have mining machines, but in reality they don't and just take people's money.
However, it is faster to earn Bitcoin ( by buying it directly, instead of paying in advance and waiting months for the Bitcoins to arrive.
Basically, You rent mining hardware from a miner who operates and maintains it for you. The more hash power you rent, the faster you'll collect Bitcoins. However, you pay an upfront payment for a certain period of time which often is several months and in the end you may be at a loss if the difficulty of mining has increased.
How much energy mining consumes?
Mining Bitcoin ( requires a lot of electrical power. A single ASIC consumes between 1kw/h and 5kw/h. However, mining farms often have 100s or even 1000s of ASICs.
Currently, the whole Bitcoin ( network consumes between 55 and 70 TWh (Terawatt-hours) per year. The majority of mining is situated in China.
Bitcoin ( power consumption is comparable to countries, such as Austria and Colombia.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:16 am

earn bitcoins [HOST] - wiki bitcoin mining|2:26
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:17 am
What Is A Bitcoin mining ( Machine.
Bitcoin mining ( is the process by which transactions are verified and added to the public ledger, known as the block chain , and also the means through which new bitcoin are released.
Anyone with access to the internet and suitable hardware can participate in mining. The mining process involves compiling recent transactions into blocks and trying to solve a computationally difficult puzzle. The participant who first solves the puzzle gets to place the next block on the block chain and claim the rewards. How Does Bitcoin mining ( Work? The amount of new bitcoin released with each mined block is called the block reward.
This $3,400 bitcoin-mining machine is a cornerstone of Kodak's crypto pivot.
Mining is the process of adding transaction records to Bitcoin ('s public ledger of past transactions and a " mining rig " is a colloquial metaphor for a single computer system that performs the necessary computations for "mining". This ledger of past transactions is called the block chain as it is a chain of blocks.
The blockchain serves to confirm transactions to the rest of the network as having taken place. Bitcoin ( nodes use the blockchain to distinguish legitimate Bitcoin ( transactions from attempts to re-spend coins that have already been spent elsewhere. Mining is intentionally designed to be resource-intensive and difficult so that the number of blocks found each day by miners remains steady.
Currently, based on 1 price per hash and 2 electrical effectiveness the best Bitcoin ( miner options are: What is Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty? Other Languages Before we begin Before you read back, please understand that most bitcoin users don't mine!
But if you do then this Bitcoin ( miner is probably the get the better of deal. Bitcoin mining ( for profit is very competitive and volatility in the Bitcoin ( price fathers it difficult to realize capital gains without also speculating on the price. Mining makes quick-wittedness if you plan to do it for fun, to prepare or to support the guarding of Bitcoin ( and do not care if you make a profit.
When you hear about bitcoin "mining," you envisage coins being dug out of the ground. But bitcoin isn't physical, so why do we call it mining? Because it's be like to gold mining in that the bitcoins stay alive in the protocol's pattern just as the gold exists underground , but they haven't been brought out into the clarify yet just as the gold hasn't yet oldfangled dug up.
The bitcoin protocol stipulates that 21 million bitcoins will stay alive at some point. What "miners" do is pen up them out into the light, a few at a time. They retire b escape to do this as a reward for creating blocks of validated transactions and including them in the blockchain. Backtracking a bit, let's talk close by "nodes. Anyone can be out of desert a node, you precisely download the bitcoin software free and leave a certain port open the drawback is that it consumes energy and storage space - the network at time of critique takes up about GB.
Nodes spread bitcoin transactions around the network. Identical node will send dope to a few nodes that it knows, who will relay the news to nodes that they know, etc. That aspect it ends up getting around the whole network pretty quickly. Some nodes are mining nodes all things considered referred to as "miners".
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:17 am

How mine Bitcoin ( for newcomers|13:49
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:17 am
BREAKING DOWN 'Bitcoin mining ('
Each person asking himself this will get a slightly different answer since Bitcoin mining ( profitability depends on many different factors. These calculators take into account the different parameters such as electricity cost, the cost of your hardware and other variables and give you an estimate of your projected profit.
The Hash Rate is the rate at which these problems are being solved. The more miners that join the Bitcoin ( network, the higher the network Hash Rate is. Today Bitcoin ( miners those super powerful computers talked about in the video come with different Hash Rates. Bitcoins per Block -- Each time a mathematical problem is solved, a constant amount of Bitcoins are created. The current number of Bitcoins awarded per block is Basically this means that the more miners that join, the harder it gets to actually mine Bitcoins.
The best mining graphics cards in 2020.
Mar 24 · 4 min read.
In 2010, mining Bitcoin ( ceased to be a hobby of crypto enthusiasts. The price and popularity of digital gold has grown to such an extent that its mining has become profitable. Miners immediately began to look for ways to increase the power of computing equipment.
Today GPUs (video cards) are the most common way to min e various cryptocurrencies, with the exception of the most competitive ones like Bitcoin ( This is because GPUs are capable of making far more assumptions about the hash line per second. The number of assumptions is also called a hash rate. Therefore, the best graphics cards for mining should have a high hashrate.
In today's market, you can find many different models of video cards. Some were created specifically for video processing, others for the comfortable launch of demanding games. Mining video cards are productive video adapters with which cryptocurrency mining is possible. They are distinguished by high power, good hash rates on various mining algorithms, such as Ethash or Zhash, and a powerful cooling system. The most famous manufacturing companies that are in the top graphics cards for mining are Nvidia with its GeForce series and AMD with Radeon models.
Here are the best mining graphics cards at the beginning of 2020:
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 has a good hash of 30mh/s. It also does not consume much electricity. With a rating of 150W, it is the most economical on our list. This means less energy and less energy. One of the drawbacks is the cost of the GTX1070. It is priced from $ 600 to $ 1,000, depending on the place of purchase and its availability. AMD Radeon RX580 is offered at a much more affordable price than the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070. It costs about $ 350, which is 2 times less than its competitor. This is actually quite impressive when you consider the possibility of making changes to the chip to achieve a figure of 29mh/s. However, it is almost completely sold out. It also consumes more electricity than the GTX 1070-185W. Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060. Its cost ranges from $ 300. Today it is quite simple to buy, but in the secondary market. It is quite suitable for GPU mining. Also, this is a good gaming graphics card. It requires 120W -- making it the most modest in this parameter in the list. AMD Radeon RX Vega 56. If you are interested in powerful graphics cards for mining, since your electricity is quite cheap, then AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 is a real find. It runs even faster than the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070! However, this power has its drawback -- a large amount of energy consumed. The temperature of her work is very high, perhaps even the highest of all among our list. For this reason, you will need a good cooling system. Another drawback is its price. It will cost you around $ 800. NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti. This GPU will cost you around $ 900 or more. As expected from a mining graphics card at this price, the GeForce GTX1080 Ti has incredible power. It offers an incredible hash rate of 32.2mh/s, subject to several modifications and settings. However, the GTX1080 Ti requires 250W of electricity, making it the most power hungry video card on the list. Electricity bills can easily equal your income. NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti. According to LegitReviews sites, it can offer a competitive hashrate of 28.3mh/s. The energy consumption of 1070 Ti also allows us to call it competitive -- 180W. However, you should be careful when buying an NVIDIA GTX1070 Ti since error messages have arrived in the device driver. These errors underestimated the 1070 Ti hash rate and made it less competitive.
Of course, it's impossible to unequivocally answer the question -- "How to choose a video card for mining". It all depends on several factors. Do you live in a place with cheap electricity? Do you want to run them together? Do you have enough money and desire for serious investment in mining?
MTCore Revolutionary Concept of "Green" Mining.
The creators of MTCore have developed BIDERATION, which utilises a new and revolutionary POB (Proof of Bid) software mining system. MTCore developers have made the BIDERATION process viable as a lower energy consumption system, making it a sustainable financial asset resource. For users the benefit of this simple and very controllable mining method allows for accurate calculations thereby removing any unexpected outcome to the currency acquisition process.
MTCore is introducing the BIDERATION process to replace the current mining model. In the BIDERATION process, we replace hardware with software and energy with BIDs. In this way, we present an ecological and sustainable alternative that will revolutionize the market.
The concept of BIDERATION is a process accessible to all that consists of the acquisition of MTCore through an innovative algorithm. The MTCore distribution and acquisition process is done through software available in the MTCore wallet and BIDs that will give access to the coins. The BIDERATION process is based on the distribution and attribution of value to the currency. The sale of BIDs contributes 80% to the countervalue of the currency.
Save on energy costs -- start the ecological and sustainable mining with MTCore!
Best GPU for Mining.
Graphic cards are the most commonly used devices for mining - many of them have agreeable prices and optimal performance. The market is full of equipment, and the choice of GPU mining cards might be confusing. Our list of the best GPUs for mining 2020 will help you make the right decision.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:18 am

What Is BitCoin Mining ( and Should You Mine?|6:07
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:18 am
What is GPU Mining?
The process involves mining cryptocurrencies using the power of graphic cards. The devices serve to calculate mathematical problems and extract so-called blocks. Each mined block brings you reward in cryptocurrency.
Typically, miners install several graphic cards to create a mining rig and maximize revenue. Individual mining farms work great for mining altcoins, however, Bitcoin mining ( is still possible with powerful and energy-efficient graphic cards.
Best Graphics Card for Mining.
Let's review the best GPU for mining 2020 and compare their efficiency, price/quality ratio, and other aspects.
1. Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti.
The GTX 1080 Ti remains one of the most powerful graphics cards on the market. The model does an excellent job with mining and games but is not devoid of disadvantages. First of all, it's expensive (the price is $1,000+). In comparison with competitors, the GPU consumes more electricity, which affects the rate of ROI. Yet if money is no problem for you, the GTX 1080 Ti is a great option.
Hashrate on Ethash - 49.5 Mh / S; Hashrate on Zhash - 86 H / S; Core Frequency - 1582 MHZ; Memory - 11 GB GDDR5X; Energy Consumption - 250 W; What to mine - Zcoin, Beam, Zelcash, Ethereum, Grin, Ravencoin, Ethereum Classic, Metaverse, Expanse. Max. profit per day - $ 0.98 (For BEAM).
2. Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti.
The model is 2.5x cheaper than the previous 1080 Ti. In fact, this is a renewed version of the famous GTX 1070 model. The model is quite productive, though users complained about the problems with the software, which resulted in a decrease in the hash rate. But you can always fix such troubles manually, so opt for 1070 Ti if you need a cheaper alternative.
Hashrate on Ethash - 30.5 Mh / S; Hashrate on Zhash - 59 H / S; Core Frequency- 1607 Mhz; Memory - 8 Gb Gddr5; Energy Consumption - 180 W; What to mine - Zcoin, Beam, Zelcash, Ethereum, Grin, Ravencoin, Ethereum Classic, Metaverse, Expanse. Max. profit per day- $ 0.77 Per Zcoin.
3. Nvidia GTX 1070.
This is one of the miners' favorite models. The video card boasts decent efficiency (30 Mh/s rate) coupled with low electricity consumption. Many lovers of coin mining consider the GTX 1070 the best option for mining for the long term.
Hashrate on Ethash - 30 Mh / S; Hashrate on Zhash - 56 H / S; Core Frequency- 1506 Mhz; Memory - 8 Gb Gddr5; Energy Consumption - 150 W; What to mine - Zcoin, Beam, Zelcash, Ethereum, Grin, Ravencoin, Ethereum Classic, Metaverse, Expanse. Max. profit per day- $ 0.65 Per Zcoin.
4. Nvidia GTX 1060.
The major benefit of GTX 1060 is accessibility. This is the cheapest video card from the line of green cards: it costs about five times cheaper than the top-end GTX 1080 Ti. At the same time, the results of mining are satisfying (as well as the efficiency for gaming).
Interesting to note, GTX 1060 is also available in the 3 GB version. But think twice before buying it, since the 3GB model can no longer cope with Ethereum. It also cannot mine Aeternity, while the 6 GB version copes with that.
Hashrate on Ethash - 22.5 Mh / S; Hashrate on Zhash - 32.5 H / S; Core Frequency- 1506 Mhz; Memory - 3/6 Gb Gddr5; Energy Consumption - 120 W; What to mine - Zcoin, Beam, Ethereum, Grin, Ravencoin, Ethereum Classic, Metaverse, Expanse. Max. profit per day- $0.39 Per Zcoin.
5. Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060.
RTX 2060 is a graphic card for mining newbies from the updated lineup by Nvidia. This GPU is not quite different from GTX 1070 Ti. You can mine Aeternity, Zcoin, Ravencoin, Ethereum, etc.
Core Frequency: 1680 MHz Memory: 6GB GDDR6 Memory Speed: 14 Gbps Energy Consumption: 160W What to mine: Aeternity, Grin, Zcoin, Bitcoiin, ZelCash, BitcoinZ, Bitcoin ( Gold, Ravencoin, Ethereum.
6. Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080.
This GPU is almost the same as the previous one. However, it helps you to earn more money. Let's compare. If you mine with 2060, you'll get $1.56. When you mine with 2080, you'll get $2.66. Huh?
How to setup own Mining Pool step by step.
This is a step by step guide on how to setup your own mining pool for things like GeekCash, Bitcoin (, Litecoin and other crypto-currencies.
Connect to VPS -- Ubuntu which GeekCash is already To install GeekCash Daemon follow the instructions below:
2. We need install some required packages.
sudo apt-get install libevent-pthreads-2.0-5.
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev.
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs.
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/redis-server.
sudo apt-get install redis-server.
make sure redis-server work.
3. Install open-node-mining-portal.
Before run you must change some configuration -- I use FileZilla to edit file thought SFTP.
Bitcoin mining ( is competitive and the goal is that you want to solve or “find” a block before anyone else’s miner does. Then you will get the block reward and transaction fees from the block.  During the last several years we have seen an incredible amount of hashrate coming online which made it harder to have enough hashrate personally (individually) to solve a block, thus getting the payout reward. To compensate for this pool mining was developed. What a mining pool does is accept connections from miners anywhere in the world (if applicable and some are private) and pool their hashrate together thus mining with a higher total hashrate. In doing this the variance or luck of finding block is increased to the positive by having a larger total hashrate in trying to process a block the fastest. Here is the official wiki definition of pooled mining:
“Pooled mining is a mining approach where groups of individual miners contribute to the generation of a block, and then split the block reward according the contributed processing power. Pooled mining effectively reduces the granularity of the block generation reward, spreading it out more smoothly over time among the group.”.
There are several types of mining pool payout systems. You can choose which is the best for you based on your ownВ personal requirements. The different payout systems are summarized below. Choosing a Bitcoin mining ( pool is up to which pool you feel is the fairestВ and which can get you the highest amount of payouts for your investment. Most pools are provably fair and will pay out fairly based on their type of pool approach. Here are a couple of theВ wiki definitions of the different mining pool payout approaches to help you make an informed decision in choosing your mining pool.
Pay Per Share (PPS)
The Pay-per-Share (PPS) approach is to offer an instant flat payout for each share that is solved. The payout is offered from the pool's existing balance and can therefore be withdrawn immediately, without waiting for a block to be solved or confirmed. The possibility of cheating the miners by the pool operator and by timing attacks is thus completely eliminated. This method results in the least possible variance for miners while transferring all risk to the pool operator. The resulting possibility of loss for the server is offset by setting a payout lower than the full expected value.
PPLNS has a higher payout. PPLNS will give you wide fluctuations in your 24 hour payout, but for hardcore miners, the law of large numbers states you will earn more this way. This is for people trying to mine as fast as possible. One thing to remember in choosing your pool is to keep in mind the global hashrate and if you can choose a pool that may not have the most hashrate. In doing this you strengthen smaller pools and spread the hashrate out to help mining decentralization. You also want to choose a mining pool with nodes the closest to where your miners are located. While most pools nodes are fine from all over the world it can help with lost shares and lower latency.В.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:18 am

Is Crypto Mining ( Worth it? CPU, GPU, and ASIC Mining ( Profitability Review|12:17
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:19 am
10 Actionable Ways To Make Money With Bitcoin ( in 2020.
Luxury, lambos, and insane profits leave people wondering how to make money with Bitcoin ( in 2020.
All you need is a basic understanding of where to look ( and where not to ), what to learn, and how to manage your time. And then stick to those principles -- which may be the most challenging part.
In this article, I will explain different approaches on how to earn money through Bitcoin ( today.
I will begin with simple, low-cost methods, and go on to more complicated, higher-cost ones. By the end, you will be well equipped to start your journey.
Note: If you're ready to put money on the table, I advise you skip to the 5th point on how you can earn money off Bitcoin ( "Invest in Bitcoin (" .
1. Learn About Cryptocurrency.
Do you know that you can make money with Bitcoin ( and cryptocurrencies, just by learning how they work, how their price is determined, on which platform to buy and sell Bitcoin (, etc.?
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:21 am
Knowledge is power -- and it's truer than ever with cryptocurrency.
But learning doesn't need to be tedious and confusing with only the promise of earning Bitcoin ( and cryptocurrencies sometimes in the distant future.
For instance, Coinbase, the largest and most popular cryptocurrency exchange in the world, offers the following (brilliant) incentive for its members.
With Coinbase Earn, you can learn about a cryptocurrency -- and earn it.
It's simple: watch a few videos ( max 10 min. total ) about a specific cryptocurrency -- and earn up to $50 dollars in that currency you just learned about. You can then convert it into Bitcoin ( using the Coinbase exchange -- and boom, you got one way to make money with Bitcoin ( without risk.
The videos are concise, informative, and entertaining. The best part being, of course, is that you earn the currency and can begin trading it or sell it for fiat .
Once you're hooked on the basics of cryptocurrency, you'll no doubt want to learn even more.
Take note that not everyone is eligible to participate. The best way to know is to try to participate and join the waitlist, if any .
2. Surf The Web With Brave.
Note : This promotion is no longer available starting November 24th 2020.
What is Brave? Well, if you've signed up for Coinbase Earn, you might already know!
Coinbase Earn has a short course about Brave and its very own cryptocurrency token -- BAT. So, how do you make money with Bitcoin ( using Brave?
Just browse the internet and earn!
If you haven't seen the course, then here is a short intro: Brave is a web browser , much like Google Chrome and Safari.
The biggest differences, however, are that Brave respects your privacy and will allow you to opt-out of ads.
If you choose to see ads anyway, then you will earn by clicking on them.
That's right, you will no longer be Google's guinea pig -- being forced to see popup ads while all your browsing data is sold. By using Brave, you know that no one is exploiting your browsing data without your consent.
And the best part is: Anyone in the world can use Brave and earn with it.
Note that Brave will pay you with their BAT token -- not with Bitcoin ( BAT stands for ' Basic Attention Token '. Once you earn BAT tokens, you can choose what to do with them: sell them for fiat , tip your favorite content creators with them, and more.
Of course, you can easily convert them to BTC on Coinbase -- which is why I included Brave in this guide on how to make money with Bitcoin (
3. Make Money With Bitcoin ( Affiliate Programs.
Affiliate programs are a simple concept: websites pay you commissions for referring customers to them.
Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrency affiliate programs will, naturally, offer to pay you in BTC. So how can you earn money in Bitcoin ( Join such a program.
If you have a blog, YouTube channel, or other social media account: join a crypto affiliate program and share your links. Boom. Off to the races.
If you don't produce content, then share your links with your friends, family, and post them wherever you can.
You'll be earning Bitcoin ( and showing them that they too can learn how to make money with bitcoin.
Get started by visiting the following sites offering affiliate programs:
Bybit is a cryptocurrency derivatives trading platform which serves both retail clients and professional derivatives traders.
Deal : 30% of the revenues generated by your referrals.
To Participate : Follow these steps closely.
CommissionKings is a platform that manages the affiliate programs of many gambling sites which provide gambling services worldwide. And guess what: most of these websites accept Bitcoin ( as a payment method.
Deal : Commissions based on revenues, from 20% to 50% depending on the site you promote.
To Participate : Create an account and start promoting!
More options coming soon!
4. Work in the Bitcoin ( Industry.
Working in the Bitcoin ( industry goes beyond just monetary value. There is no better way to learn how to make money with Bitcoin ( than by working with Bitcoin ( The cost here is time and discipline.
If you take the time to understand crypto and can translate your expertise to the cryptocurrency industry, then your skills will be in high demand amongst the financial and technology worlds.
Most people have zero understanding of blockchain technology, crypto economics, mining , or how to think critically about its implications.
Given the lack of understanding coupled with rising demand, cryptocurrency experts can easily make upwards of $90,000, $150,000, $200,000 or more depending on experience.
And you know what?
Most of these jobs can often be done remotely, from anywhere in the world, and pay anywhere between $40,000-90,000 per year. Plus, they may very well offer to pay you directly in Bitcoin ( -- which makes learning how to make money on bitcoin so, so much easier.
Let's take a closer look at the various opportunities.
Community Managers.
Don't underestimate the importance of an excellent community manager. Many crypto projects have Facebook and Telegram groups, not just announcement channels. Which means that there is high demand for real-time support and engagement between the company and clients.
Many of these groups can have 15,000+ members chatting live, which requires prioritizing support requests, keeping clients happy, and fostering ongoing discussions with users.
Besides, managing a community of people with diverse thoughts, concerns and questions about BTC will keep you sharp -- quickly improving your knowledge on ways you can make money with Bitcoin (
Content writers.
Content creators, on the other hand, must be professional wordsmiths who understand how to communicate to the cryptocurrency market and adequately use the correct lingo in web copy, white papers , and blog posts.
Lots of cryptocurrency websites are popping up, whether they are content-based (like us) or launched their own cryptocurrency.
If you gain some knowledge and experience as a content writer, then you are well on your way to making money with Bitcoin ( It's easier to learn how to make money with Bitcoin ( when you're writing about it almost every day and being paid to keep up with all the latest trends.
Oh, and do you know that CryptoManiaks hires new writers regularly? So feel free to apply :-)
Blockchain Developer.
Blockchain developers are arguably the most in demand professionals in the space. Those who understand how to practically build, debug, and improve upon blockchain networks are tough to find -- and as a result, are paid handsomely .
To be a developer in the space requires not only knowing software development but specifically blockchain protocols and decentralized networks. Making money with Bitcoin ( becomes simple when companies are paying you in Bitcoin ( . is the best place to learn the basics and get your foot in the door -- For Free . They offer the best resources available on Blockchain technology and have already trained an incredible number of blockchain professionals.
CryptoManiaks Tips : if you use our exclusive coupon codes CryptoManiaksPRO and CryptoManiaksACC, you'll also get 20% off their premium content.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:24 am

Mining ( Bitcoin ( for Two Years. WORTH IT?|10:03
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:25 am
Next, let's answer how you can make money with Bitcoin ( by actually investing in Bitcoin ( and cryptocurrencies -- and by leveraging your investment.
5. Invest in Bitcoin (
Perhaps the easiest -- yet no less stressful -- answer to the question "how to make money with Bitcoin (" is to buy some BTC (or just a few bits of BTC) and hold them.
Even people who bought at every ATH most often times will make money.
Bitcoin ( peaked at $32 in 2011, $260 in 2012, $1,300 in 2013, and of course $19k in 2017.
After each peak BTC saw a big correction, it's true. But for the people who held on -- they were able to cash out at the next cycle. That's where profits come from -- holding on.
Buying and holding is fairly easy if you don't know the basics. You don't need to learn to code or learn about other cryptocurrencies. All you need to do is buy Bitcoin ( hold it.
But ... What about keeping your Bitcoin ( secure? What about not getting scammed or hacked? These are also important questions.
You can navigate our website (and the whole web) to get the answers and find the knowledge that will help you make money with Bitcoin ( 10X faster.
6. Earn First Deposit Bonuses.
When you are comfortable buying, selling, transferring, and holding Bitcoin (, the world of ways to earn bitcoin begins to open up.
For example, just depositing and buying BTC on the following exchanges will make you earn more BTC.
Keep in mind though, that you won't earn if you don't use the links below.
Bonus amount : $10 worth of BTC.
Release Terms : Buy 100 $/€/£ worth of any cryptocurrency.
Bonus amount : $20 worth of BTC.
Release Terms : Buy $100 worth of any cryptocurrency.
Eligibility : Canadian residents only.
Bonus amount : Up to 0.01BTC for trading (50% bonus)
Release Terms : Deposit up to 0.02BTC.
Eligibility : Everyone except US and Japan residents.
Bonus amount : $60 worth of BTC/ETH/EOS/XRP for trading.
Release Terms : Deposit at least 0.2BTC or 6ETH or 100EOS or 1500XRP.
Eligibility : Everyone except US, Québec (Canada) and Singapore residents.
7. Make Money With Bitcoin ( Lending.
Lending is an excellent way to earn money from Bitcoin (
Lending is underutilized, and we cannot stress enough how great of an opportunity it is to make money with Bitcoin (
Especially if you're HODLing. If your favorite way to make money with Bitcoin ( is just buy and hold -- then you must consider joining a site where you will lend your BTC to others while you earn interest.
Don't worry, most of the best lending platforms are insured. If something happens -- you're safe in the knowledge that you will get your BTC stash right back.
Our favorite option to make money with Bitcoin ( by lending it is Celsius Network.
They offer the best returns on your BTC, and have a pleasant customer service experience.
8. Make Money With Bitcoin ( Trading.
How to make money with Bitcoin ( "Trading!" they say. Trading is the approach that everyone thinks will get them rich.
While this can be true, it requires lots of work and dedication to become a profitable trader .
As opposed to regular investors or 'HODLer' who buy cryptocurrencies and hold them for a long time, traders enter and exit positions intraday, flipping coins for profits hoping to make hundreds or thousands each day.
This requires understanding technical analysis, fundamental analysis, and all of the trading tools at your disposal.
While on the topic of trading, let's discuss a couple of basic trading strategies.
Leverage Trading.
Many times, traders use leverage to borrow and trade with more funds than they have. This is called margin trading .
This can be an excellent way to make money from Bitcoin ( if you believe Bitcoin ( (or any other cryptocurrency available) is going to rise in price in the short term. And some platforms allow leverage trading up to x100!
Let's take an example: Bitcoin ( is at $10,000 and you believe it will go over the $11,000 threshold soon (which means Bitcoin ( will make +10%).
If you trade 0.1BTC and use an x10 leverage, you would make 0.1BTC (100% ROI) if your prediction was true. On the other hand, your trade will be liquidated and you'll lose your 0.1BTC if the price of Bitcoin ( goes below $9,000 (as Bitcoin ( would make -10%).
Margin trading requires you to always have a certain amount of collateral in your margin account. Collaterals are used by cryptocurrency exchanges to secure the loan: if you're not able to pay them back, they sell your collateral to pay themselves back.
Important note : The whole process of borrowing money and paying back the loan is automatic on cryptocurrency trading platforms. All you have to do is setup the leverage multiplier and click " long " (if you believe Bitcoin ( is going up) or " short " (if you believe Bitcoin ( is going down).
Leverage trading may seem like the answer to how to make money with Bitcoin ( -- but keep in mind it's easy to get liquidated too. Approach with caution and education.
Shorting Bitcoin (
If you believe Bitcoin ( (or any cryptocurrency) is going down, or if we're in a bear market, you can decide to short Bitcoin ( to profit from downtrends. Shorting is commonly referred to as short selling or selling on margin .
Here is how it works:
You borrow a quantity of Bitcoin ( using your collaterals. You sell them for another currency, let's say USDT which is a stablecoin . If Bitcoin ( goes down in price, you can purchase back the same amount of BTC for a lower amount of USDT. You pay back that same quantity of BTC you borrowed.
That way, if your prediction was right and the price of Bitcoin ( went down, you'll keep the difference for yourself!
Shorting the market gives you an incredible edge over other cryptocurrency investors, and is how traders make money from Bitcoin ( (at least the most educated ones).
Indeed, not only you'll be able to make money when Bitcoin ('s price goes up, but also when it goes down.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:26 am

Building a SOLAR POWERED Bitcoin ( Crypto Mining ( Farm - My Rough Plans|14:39
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:26 am
Best Bitcoin ( Trading Platforms.
Here are the 2 best trading platforms I recommend using.
CryptoManiaks Tips :
If you're in one of the prohibited countries, note that you can use a discrete VPN to change your displayed location and use these trading platforms freely. Although I do not recommend it, I know for a fact that lots of US residents use VPNs to trade cryptocurrencies.
9. Make Money With Bitcoin ( Gambling.
Gambling is gambling -- it's one of the oldest industries in the world.
No surprise that Bitcoin ( gambling sites have cropped up to answer the call of how to make money with bitcoin.
Be careful though, as regulations haven't caught up to the crypto gambling industry. Scams and bad odds are out there.
Fear not, we've compiled a list of the more reputable bitcoin gambling sites.
SportsBet is one of the best. They accept Bitcoin ( and many cryptocurrencies. Unfortunately, they do not accept US, Australian, UK, or Estonian punters.
Pros of Sportsbet : Good from a legal standpoint, great customer service, they offer deposits with BTC, ETH, LTC, SOC, $US, $CA, EUR, INR, and more. They also accept Visa, Mastercard, MuchBetter, Ecopayz, Paysafecard, and more. Cons of SportsBet : Restricted to players from many countries. Games available : Sports Betting, Casino Games Bonus : Various promotions Availability : Worldwide, excluding US, Australian and UK residents.
As one of the first Bitcoin ( sports betting websites (launched in 2014), it's no wonder why FortuneJack is one of the highest-rated cryptocurrency gambling sites.
They have 24/7 support, fast transaction speeds, and include BTC, BCH, LTC, ETH. All while offering a large selection of games: Dice, Blackjack, Roulette, Poker, Video Slots.
Keep in mind, though, that they offer deposits and withdrawals in crypto only -- no fiat support.
Games available : Sports Betting, Casino Games.
Bonus : First deposit bonuses 110% up to 1.5BTC and various bonuses.
Availability : Worldwide, excluding UK, US, and a few more countries.
NitrogenSports is anonymous for players -- which is great for privacy advocates. Plus, they don't have any banned locations for gambling on their site.
Though they offer casino games as well as sports betting, including all the major sports for betting such as soccer, basketball, American football, as well as esports -- they accept BTC only.
Thankfully, you can begin betting right as soon as they create an account for you. The account is also anonymous, payouts are quick, and their customer service helps too.
Games available : Sports Betting, Casino Games, Poker.
More Options And Awesome Gambling Resources :
10. Make Money With Bitcoin mining (
Miners are arguably the most integral part of any decentralized blockchain network. They validate transactions, keep the network secure, and ultimately keep transactions moving.
Without miners, transactions would be stale and the Bitcoin ( network would be useless. As a result of contributing to the network, miners receive coin rewards , more technically known as block rewards . You do not need Bitcoin ( to mine, just some upfront cash to invest.
Mining has grown into a massive industry with giants such as Bitmain and other institutional sized mining farms. Big profits are to be made, but not without significant upfront cost.
Most cryptocurrencies require mining rigs for the miner to reap any benefit as mining with your basic computer (CPU) won't do anything besides maybe increase your electricity bill.
Mining requires buying a mining rig or creating your own. Generally, mining rigs are made of 2 or more graphics cards (GPUs) because GPUs are much more powerful than CPUs, generating more hash power. Once you have the hardware rig, you can then connect your rig to a mining pool, which allows you to more easily direct your hashing power towards Bitcoin ('s network.
Be aware that a mining rig can cost anywhere from $1,000 or more, and running these will also increase your electricity bill significantly.
If you would like to make money with Bitcoin mining ( but don't want to invest a lot of money upfront, you should try NiceHash (
NiceHash ( is a cloud mining company. This means that you don't need to worry about having your own mining hardware -- instead, you can experiment mining at different networks using the NiceHash ( network.
Note that many cloud mining companies are unreliable , but I can safely recommend NiceHash ( Go have fun with it and see what happens.
Conclusion: How Should I Make Money with Bitcoin (
There are no best methods on how to earn money with Bitcoin ( than those I covered. Now, you have to find the method which suits you best -- there are no rules.
If you are not sure, then book some time and explore each option. And if you find yourself feeling lost, check out our free, awesome content on our site.
Ultimately, my best recommendations on how to make money with Bitcoin ( successfully are the following:
Learn about Cryptocurrency (#1) Invest in Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrencies (#6) While enjoying first deposit bonuses (#5) Lastly, earn interests from them (#7).
These are, in my opinion, the easiest and most efficient ways to make money with Bitcoin (
And remember: with all the opportunities Bitcoin ( brought to the world, and as long as you stay active and open-minded, you should find out how you can earn money with Bitcoin (
How to Make Money with Bitcoin ( 10 Ways to Earn Cryptocurrency.
There are a number of ways that individuals can earn Bitcoin ( online. Unfortunately, just as in real life, there is no such thing as a free lunch. Any way of earning Bitcoin ( online will require something in exchange, whether it's your time or your knowledge or your computer's processing power.
Some of the methods outlined below will involve minimal effort but will also result in minimal returns. Other means of earning Bitcoin ( online may be more lucrative but they will require you to have a certain level of knowledge and expertise about the industry and the market.
Therefore, although it may appear to some that Bitcoin (, and cryptocurrency in general, is an easy way to make money, it is not as easy as some might expect without the requisite knowledge (a principle that can unsurprisingly be applied to any industry).
However, should you be interested in earning Bitcoin ( online it may be worth considering some of the below options, ranging from the least difficult (and least paid!) to the more substantial roles available in the Bitcoin ( ECOS (
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:26 am

Bitcoin ( Mining ( in 4 Minutes - Computerphile|4:02
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:27 am
Coinbase Earn.
Probably the easiest way right now to earn some free cryptocurrency is to take advantage of Coinbase Earn. As you will probably know, Coinbase is one of the largest and easiest ways to purchase Bitcoin ( and other Cryptocurrencies.
Last year they launched a new initiative called Coinbase Earn, this is a program where you can earn a variety of different cryptos by watching some educational videos about each crypto and then answering some multiple choice questions.
The coins on offer change, so it's best to register and participate in any that are available and keep an eye out for their emails as they add new ones from time to time.
This is an easy way to earn a couple of hundred dollars of cryptocurrency which you can then withdraw or sell for fiat on the platform.
Bitcoin ( Lending.
There are potentially significant earnings to be made in Bitcoin ( lending, but there is also significant risk. Bitcoin ( lending tends to operate through intermediary websites such as Blockfi and Nexo and the concept is as simple as it sounds.
You act as a bank, lending your Bitcoin ( to another person at a certain level of interest. Because the market is unregulated the levels of interest are generally much higher than the standard bank rate meaning that there is a potential for high returns.
However, on the flip-side, the unregulated nature of the transaction means that in the event that the borrower does not pay back the Bitcoin ( to you, there is little recourse available for you to enforce the loan.
The volatility and the risk associated with the Bitcoin ( lending market means that it is probably a market only accessible to very large holders of Bitcoin (, due to the level of risk and the potential expense in enforcing a loan if something goes wrong. However, if handled correctly, there is huge potential market in this sector.
For more information about Bitcoin ( Lending, take a look at our indepth guide.
Micro Earnings.
Although micro-earnings is the easiest method in which to earn Bitcoin (, it is also probably the most time consuming of all the methods discussed, especially when taking into consideration the amount of money to be made.
Micro earning websites pay you in Bitcoin ( for completing small tasks. In return you can get a (very) small amount of Bitcoin ( The most popular forms of micro earnings are as follows:
Paid-to-Click Websites.
As suggested by the name, these websites pay users in Bitcoin ( for visiting certain websites or viewing certain advertisements. There are many PTC websites that will pay negligible amounts in Bitcoin ( for clicks and views, with Ads4BTC probably being the most famous and the most popular.
This website allows users to choose between viewing ads that are 5 seconds, 10 seconds or 20 seconds, with different fees being awarded for each.
Based on the prices offered by Ads4BTC, if you had 20 second ads running for an entire day, you would make less than $10 per day, so this may not be a viable option for most.
Bitcoin ( Faucets.
A Bitcoin ( faucet is a type of website that gives away small amounts of Bitcoin ( to its users, with owners making money by placing ads on their website and pay individuals who visit the ads or complete surveys.
This industry amounts of over 50% of the traffic on leading Bitcoin ( websites today. Faucets let visitors earn a percentage of the Bitcoin ( that they give away to any visitors that you brought in.
This has resulted in users using a Bitcoin ( faucet rotator that allows users to quickly surf different faucets and earn a commission through rotation links for each faucet visited by you.
However, similar to PTC websites, Bitcoin ( faucets are not a realistic way to earn good money, with even the best faucet rotators being applied still only enabling users to make no more than $1-2 per day.
Micro Jobs.
Micro jobs are small tasks that can be completed for small amounts of Bitcoin ( Websites such as Coinworker offer such tasks, which may involve simply testing a plugin to see if it is successfully compatible with a browser, or just retweeting a post.
Again, the money is small but there is potential to earn a little bit more than the faucets of PTC websites.
Writing about Bitcoin (
If you're knowledgeable about Bitcoin (, enthusiastic about the cryptocurrency industry in general and willing and able to share your knowledge, then you can also earn Bitcoin ( by doing so.
The amount that can be earned by writing about Bitcoin ( varies, but can be quite lucrative depending on the level of expertise that you have on the subject.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:27 am

Bitcoin ( mayning (mining) haqida...|24:14
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:28 am
BitcoinTalk Signature Campaigns.
The BitcoinTalk Forum Signature campaign pays for users to write posts on the BitcoinTalk forum which includes a product campaign in the signature. Payment levels depend on your membership level on the BitcoinTalk forum, with very little Bitcoin ( being available for users that aren't a full member of the forum (to obtain full membership, you need at least 120 posts).
Most campaigns also have certain requirements for posters, such as a minimum word limit or a requirement that no advertisements are directly included in posts. In addition, some campaigns may include a minimum and/or a maximum weekly post count.
The amount of money that can be made from these campaigns varies depending on the number of quality posts that you could make as a user that achieve the word count minimums.
Depending on the campaign you may be able to make $50-100 for 24 hours of work, exclusive of the posts needed to obtain full membership to the forum.
In addition, due to some campaigns operating only allowing for a maximum number of posts per week, there may not be sufficient income within a campaign to earn substantial amounts.
Lots of new Cryptocurrency companies also offer "Bounties" for performing other tasks, such as creating YouTube videos, blogging and posting on social media.
You will earn differing amounts depending on how many followers you have so it can be useful to build your Facebook or Twitter accounts and participate in different campaigns.
You will typically be paid after the ICO has taken place and receive some of the coin or token from the company you helped promote.
Writing for blog and news sites.
It is at this point that the potential for making good money begins to rise, although the corresponding requirements for knowledge about Bitcoin ( also increase at the same time.
There are an ever-increasing number of blogs and news sites that require dedicated writers to discuss Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrencies and, depending on your level of understanding about your subject, there are a virtual limitless number of options available to writers, with good quality writers being paid between $30-100 per 1,000 words.
At this level writers can also choose their payment methods, whether it be in Bitcoin ( or in fiat currency. Websites such as Coinality is a good place to start if you are looking to find jobs writing about Bitcoin ( online.
Affiliate Marketing.
If you take the writing route for Bitcoin ( and your blog or website is a success, there is potential to make money through Bitcoin ( affiliate marketing. This is a form of marketing where you can get paid a certain percentage of commission for every referral that you bring to an existing Bitcoin ( business.
If the business operates an affiliate programme, and your blog is read by enough people who link to the business and purchase the product offered, then the commissions can potentially be unlimited, for minimal outlay other than the drafting of the original blog post.
Provide Bitcoin ( services.
When it comes to cryptocurrency, if your level of expertise is more on the technical side rather than the writing side, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved in cryptocurrency development projects.
Most of the companies currently operating in the cryptocurrency industry are start-ups with limited infrastructure in place. Therefore, they often need everything from software developers to web developers to mining experts to online marketers.
Depending on the size of the startup a role such as this can vary from being a contracting job that can be completed remotely, or alternatively could be a full-time job.
The amount that can be earned from a role such as this is obviously dependent on the type of role, the level of expertise that you bring to the role and the number of hours that you will be dedicating to the role.
Early adherents to the Bitcoin ( industry have made significant fees through mining Bitcoin ( Mining Bitcoin ( is the process by which new coins are created.
Mining is carried out using certain computer programmes and utilises the processing power of the miner's computer.
At its inception, Bitcoin mining ( was relatively simple and the earliest miners were able to mine thousands and thousands of Bitcoin ( with limited expenditure.
However, at the same time, the value of Bitcoin ( was nowhere near where it was today and therefore any large profits being made from mining didn't really begin to happen until a number of years after when the value of Bitcoin ( began to rise.
Nowadays, Bitcoin mining ( is much harder. Each Bitcoin ( that is mined requires more processing power and therefore mining Bitcoin ( now involves significant processing power and can no longer be done without specialized equipment.
In addition, the costs of the electricity used to power this equipment is phenomenal, with Bitcoin mining ( currently estimating to be using the same power per day as a country the size of Morocco.
Because of this, most Bitcoin mining ( has been taken over by companies who can make profit by scale based on buying large amounts of processing hardware at a discount as well as locating themselves in an area with extremely cheap electricity.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:28 am

Bitcoin ( Mining ( Software - Payment Proof|7:24
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:28 am
For this reason, China is by far the largest Bitcoin mining ( country (mining over 60% of Bitcoin (, followed by Georgia, Sweden and the US.
Bitcoin ( Trading.
There is huge potential to make money on trading in Bitcoin (, but it takes a level of expertise and knowledge about the market in the same way that trading on any other financial market does.
In addition, the cryptocurrency market is extremely volatile and therefore may not suit everybody's tastes and risk appetite. The first issue with trading is that almost all of the trading exchanges operate through Bitcoin ( or Ethereum, meaning that if you wish to trade in cryptocurrency and don't own any, you will probably need to own some (with some exceptions).
Websites such as Coinbase or CEX both allow users to purchase cryptocurrency by credit or debit card, or alternatively to purchase via a bank transfer. Once purchased, you can then transfer your Bitcoin ( to whichever exchange you wish to operate on. If you wish to consider trading, here are some of the options:
Day Trading.
Day trading is buying and selling Bitcoins on the same day on the basis of small, short-term price fluctuations in the market. Such fluctuations may be based on market trends or simply rumours. Traders can trade Bitcoin ( against other cryptocurrencies or against fiat currencies such as the US Dollar.
Trading Bots.
Running your own Bitcoin ( Trading bot is an advanced method which can produce good returns if done properly.
We have written a complete guide to trading bots here which will show you the methods and advantages to earning bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies this way. Here are some of the more popular platforms and bots to use:
3Commas is a very popular trading bot which works with a number of exchanges including Bittrex, BitFinex, Binance, Bitstamp, KuCoin, Poloniex, GDAX, Cryptopia, Huobi and YOBIT.
The bot works 24 / / 7 with any device as it is a web-based service so you can monitor your trading dashboard on mobile as well as desktop and laptop computers.
It allows you to set stop-loss and take-profit targets and also has a social trading aspect which allows you to copy the actions of it's most successful traders.
For more information about 3Commas, check out our complete review here.
Cryptohopper is a cloud-based trading bot which means it can trade cryptocurrency 24 hours a day whether you are at your computer or not. The system allows you to trade on technical indicators, or subscribe to a signaler who sends buy signals.
According to their website, they "are the first and only automated crypto trading bot to integrate professional external signals."
For more information about Cryptohopper, see our full review here.
The CryptoTrader bot is a cloud based trading bot that provides users with fully automated trading solutions while not requiring them to install the bot on their own system.
CryptoTrader features a strategies 'marketplace' that allows users to buy their favorite trading strategy, or alternatively to sell strategies developed by themselves.
Contracts for Difference.
Although similar to day trading, CFDs does not involve actually buying or selling any Bitcoin ( Instead, you buy a contract for Bitcoin (, meaning that you don't actually have to hold or store any Bitcoin (
One of the advantages of this is that you can short Bitcoin (, meaning that if the price goes down, your profit goes up, allowing you to hedge your trades.
One of the disadvantages is that you have no control over the Bitcoin ( you trade with, as you are not the owner of any Bitcoin ( or the controller of the private key. It can therefore only be used for trading purposes.
Binary Options.
Binary options (so-called because the only option is to win or to lose) is a trade strategy that allows you to predict if the price of Bitcoin ( will rise or fall in a certain period of time.
If the rise or fall occurs within the set period, you will receive the payout agreed upon when entering into the option. If it does not occur, then you lose your investment.
We recently reviewed IQ Option which is the largest site for trading Binary options.
Although not exhaustive, these are some of the most popular ways in which you can earn income online. As noted at the outset, there is no such thing as free Bitcoin ( and something will have to be given in return, whether it's time or expertise or both.
However, with an ever-expanding market the demand for Bitcoin ( expertise and Bitcoin ( related products means that there has never been a better time to get involved in Bitcoin (
The Process of Bitcoin mining (
About every ten minutes computers worldwide accumulate hundreds of bitcoin transactions (which is called a "block") and transform them into a puzzle. The first miner who finds solution informs others on the network. The rest of miners checks whether the answer is correct and if the miner has a right to dispose of money. If sufficient amount of miners give their approval, the block is added to the ledger and miners proceed to the next set of transactions. Thus the process is called "blockchain".
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:30 am

Bitcoin ( miner Easyminer Video Setup|3:47
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:35 am
The Reward.
The miner who has found a solution to puzzle receives a reward of 12.5 bitcoins after successfully creating a hash. It is a valuable incentive for miners to participate in transaction validations. Moreover, making miners solve puzzles add another level of protection. For instance, if hackers try to break into the system, they need to rewrite the blockchain which involves more than half of a network's solving capacity and more than 500 supercomputers.
The Weaknesses of Bitcoin mining (
Although everything seems well-thought-out, this system also has vulnerabilities.
Rapid Consolidation. There are so-called "pools" - large groups of miners who unite in order to raise their chances to get a reward. As mining pools are growing, they are getting more opportunities to accumulate enough capacity to mount a 51% attack. In fact three years ago, a pool called GHash.IO raised its bitcoin community that almost achieved this level shortly before several users moved to other pools. This threat becomes bigger when Bitcoin ( price continues to fall. Network Difficulty Metric. This metric is a measure of how difficult it is to discover a new block. As more miners join the network, they make the rate of block creation rise. As it goes up, the difficulty increases thus pushing the rate of block creation down again.
One of the biggest problems for those who want to start mining Bitcoin ( for profit is that most sites are written for advanced users. That's why we want to share our guide for beginners that will help you get started.
As we already mentioned, Bitcoin mining ( is a highly competitive area to earn money. Taking into account that more and more miners get into the niche with advanced hardware, it becomes harder get on board.
When you try to find the best Bitcoin ( miner you should consider several factors:
Hash rate - This indicator shows how many hashes per second can the Bitcoin ( miner make. The more hashes there are, the more expensive miner is. That's why you should also consider other features. Efficiency - As miners consume a lot of electricity, you should buy the one that is the most efficient. Price - Cheap hardware will mine fewer bitcoins meaning that the more efficient device will cost more.
Aim for value and efficiency, don't focus only on a hash rate or a price.
Here are several best options currently available on Amazon:
2. Get a Bitcoin ( Wallet.
After deciding on hardware, the first thing you need to do is get a "Bitcoin ( Wallet". A wallet is a place where you virtually keep an Internet currency. Once you have it, you get a wallet address that contains a long sequence of numbers and letters. Notice that you need both an address, which is public and a key, which is private (like a password).
You can also have a self-hosted wallet in case you download a program to your computer and are not using an internet-based solution. Don't forget to make a copy of the wallet.dat file on a drive and keep the printed version in a safe location.
Watch a tutorial on how to create a secure Bitcoin ( wallet:
3. Find a Mining Pool.
Now you are ready to start. If you want to get a possibility to earn money, you'd better join a mining pool. The reason you should not work separately especially in the beginning is that bitcoins are given in blocks - 12.5 at a time. You have to be very lucky to get even a piece of this block.
Moreover, in a pool, you have smaller and simpler algorithms to solve. Considering the collective brain and combined power you are more likely to solve bigger puzzles and get the reward based on your contribution.
When choosing the mining pool, answer the following question:
What fee do they charge for mining and money withdrawal? What reward method do they use? - Score Based/Pay Per Share/Proportional/PPLNS How frequently will you be rewarded? What is a flow of withdrawing funds? Will you have access to statistics? How long does the pool exist?
Here is a comparison of the biggest mining pools considering the location and fees.
4. Get a Bitcoin mining ( Software.
You are almost ready to start mining. The final step you have to make is to get a mining client on your computer so that you could control your mining rig. Most mining pools already have their own software, but some don't. That's why have a look at the list of the best Bitcoin mining ( software.
So, hopefully, you accomplished all the steps and are ready to go. Plug your mining device into a power outlet and your computer, and open mining software to start working.
After all the work of verifying the transactions is done, you still may not receive any Bitcoin ( That happens because to earn Bitcoin (, you have to meet two conditions.
The easiest part is to verify a 1 MB of transactions. You have to be the first one who brings a solution to a puzzle. This is also known as a proof of work.
Before starting with Bitcoin mining ( take into account that most Bitcoin ( users don't mine. Mining for profit is very competitive, and it is difficult to get profits without speculating on the price. That's why it is reasonable to start mining only if you want to do it for fun or to add more security to Bitcoin ( without caring about money issues.
The miner who has found a solution to puzzle receives a reward of 12.5 bitcoins after successfully creating a hash. ">
As suggested by the secretive bitcoin founder, Satoshi Nakamoto, the purpose of bitcoin is to create the decentralized way to exchange the digital assets online without depending on mediators, such as banks or government. The records are kept in a "blockchain", the growing ledger that maintains the transaction history of all tokens in circulation. What if no centralized body keeps track of transactions and decides which one is valid and should be stored in a blockchain? How to make sure that the system is not corrupted? Well, the solution is mining.
The miner who has found a solution to puzzle receives a reward of 12.5 bitcoins after successfully creating a hash.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:35 am

know everything about crypto mining in 5 mins - ELI5 about blockchain mining|5:28
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:35 am
Crypto Signals - How Do They Work.
The Economic Fallout from Coronavirus is Heading West to Europe.
How To Get Started With Bitcoin mining (
Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrencies have received a lot of media attention over the course of the last year due to the astronomical rise in prices in the cryptocurrency markets. This has led a lot of young investors to invest in cryptocurrencies and look at other ways to acquire the various digital currencies. Bitcoin ( (and other altcoins) mining is the fastest and easiest way to help protect the Bitcoin ( network and to earn small amounts of Bitcoin ( for securing the network. Let's take a look at the types of mining operations that users can invest in to earn Bitcoin (
Blockchain, the underlying technology behind Bitcoin (, relies on a "consensus mechanism" to function correctly. A consensus mechanism ensures that all of the nodes running on the network converge on the same ledger and has built-in rules to handle collisions. Bitcoin ('s consensus mechanism, called Proof-of-Work, relies, on the combined computing power of all the nodes mining on the network to ensure the safety of the network. All of the participating nodes are competing against each other to solve complex mathematical puzzles that heavily employ digital cryptography. When the mathematical problem is solved, a batch of Bitcoin ( transactions are processed, and the block of transactions is appended to the global blockchain. In effect, this makes the Bitcoin ( network utterly resistant to tampering or hacking as a successful attack would require over 50% of the network mining apparatus. Acquiring the necessary computing resources to hack the network far outweigh the reward, thereby making the process economically unviable.
Types of Mining.
When Bitcoin ( first launched, mining was much more accessible to people as there were very few people mining on the network. This meant that people could use old computers to mine Bitcoin ( and earn a decent amount of Bitcoin ( for their computational resources. However, as the popularity of the digital currency rose, so made the difficulty of mining on the network. For users to get started with Bitcoin mining ( now, they would require specialized hardware, called ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) Computers. Additionally, it doesn't make much sense for users to mine individually anymore as the odds of them ever successfully solving a block are astronomically low. Here are the major ways in which users can set up their Bitcoin mining ( operation:
ASIC Farms This is a good option for people who have access to cheap electricity on a regular basis along with a few thousand dollars to acquire the equipment. People who choose to set up their own ASIC farms need a large empty warehouse, preferably located in colder areas as the ASICS produce a lot of heat and sound. ASICS cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars, so the initial set up cost is quite high. Once an ASIC farm is set up, joining a reputable pool is the most efficient way to mine Bitcoin ( According to current estimates, users would need to mine for about six months based on current difficulty estimates to recoup their initial investments on ASICs and the cost of electricity before they can start to turn a profit. Cloud-Based Mining Bitcoin ( cloud mining is a new way of buying contracts from third parties like HashFlare and Genesis Mining to do your mining. It offers several advantages over setting up your mining equipment, like not having to worry about the maintaining the hardware and paying for electricity on your own. The disadvantage to buying mining contracts is that you have less control over which pools to support and voting rights. Overall, this is a good option for people who are new to cryptocurrencies and want to get started with mining.
Problems with Mining.
Despite the remarkable security that Proof of Work mining provides for a network, it has a few shortcomings. The primary problem with Bitcoin mining ( is the amount of electricity that the miners require to run their equipment. As more and more people join the mining network, the difficulty of the mathematical puzzle keeps increasing. This means that as more miners join the network, miners on the network are doing more computational work that is only going towards outcompeting others and therefore is a net waste. During the peak network usage around mid-December, when the Bitcoin ( memory pool was all filled up, transaction fees skyrocketed. Some researchers estimated that at that point, every Bitcoin ( transaction was requiring enough energy to power an average suburban home for up to nine days.
With traditional currencies, governments print and distribute the currency. However, the lack of a centralized authority controlling the bitcoin network necessitates a smart and fair way to come up with bitcoins while still keeping its authenticity and value. That is where Bitcoin mining ( comes in.
Bitcoin mining ( is a perfectly legal way to come up with new bitcoins . The decentralized network is set up in such a way that those providing the massive computational power to validate bitcoin transactions in the bitcoin ledger are rewarded for their work with bitcoins.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:36 am

How does a blockchain work - Simply Explained|6:00
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:36 am
The speed at which you validate these transactions is measured in hashes per second. With Bitcoin mining (, the more the computational power, the greater the number of hashes per second and the higher reward. So, how do you start mining bitcoin?
Step 1: Purchase Bitcoin mining ( hardware.
Bitcoin mining ( becomes more difficult with each new mining rig added into the network. a necessitates adequate due diligence before you even purchase mining equipment.
Start with the use of a Bitcoin mining ( calculator(link). These calculators provide an option to key in all data on your preferred mining rig and get immediate feedback on if and when your Bitcoin mining ( investment will break even. These computations must play a big role in the decision to proceed with the endeavor or not.
Read as many reviews on the best and most efficient miner to squeeze the most value out of your money.
Step 2: Download Bitcoin mining ( software.
Once your bitcoin equipment is shipped, head to the internet and download any of the open source Bitcoin mining ( software available. The most popular command line applications are BFGMiner and CGminer .
Users who prefer an easy GUI based application can download EasyMiner which is available on Windows, Linux and Android operating systems.
Step 3: Get a bitcoin wallet.
Since Bitcoin ( is an internet-based currency, a bitcoin wallet is a key requirement for any Bitcoin mining ( activity. The public wallet provides a safe way to receive and keep your bitcoins. The address is simply a sequence of numbers and letters with a generated private key that acts as your password.
To maximize safety, backup your bitcoin address as loss of either the address or the private key will render the account forever inaccessible and make the available bitcoins completely useless.
Step 4: Join a mining pool.
Going it alone in cryptocurrency mining is never a good idea. To be successful, join a Bitcoin mining ( pool. A mining pool is a group of bitcoin miners who contribute their computational power to solve a specific block on the ledger. The reward is then shared according to the power and time contributed to solving the block. Some reputable mining pools include p2pool, BtMiner, CK pool and Eligius.
Step 5: Start mining.
With everything now set up, connect the mining equipment to a power source and a to a computer via USB. Open your mining software and enter your username, password and preferred mining pool. If well configured, you can now start mining and collecting a share of the reward(s).
In conclusion, if yours is a small mining operation, consider the easier choice of trading in the cryptocurrency market. Most of the time the trading holds a higher return on investment that a small scale mining operation.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:37 am

Bitcoin ( Mining ( Explained in a Minute: Mining ( ELI5 - dQuicks|0:58
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:38 am
How to mine bitcoin: A guide to Bitcoin mining ( at home - Could YOU become a bitcoin miner?
Bitcoin mining ( is the key to unlocking the wealth of the super-popular crypto token. Here is an introductory guide on how to mine bitcoin.
Bitcoin mining ( The days of easy mining at home are over but it still possible albeit harder to do.
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Bitcoin ( prices soaring over the course of 2017, potential investors are once again eyeing their option of jumping the bitcoin bandwagon in the new year.
If you are sitting on the fence about joining the crypto community, you are faced with two options.
You can either buy bitcoin for around £10,000 ($14,000) a token, or you could try and mine it.
But before you go ahead be aware that they halcyon days of Bitcoin mining ( are over and the process to successfully find tokens is getting harder everyday.
1. Get a bitcoin wallet for your tokens.
The very first thing you need to do is secure a public bitcoin wallet address and a private key password. Remember that all bitcoin transaction are publicly visible on the blockchain, but just like your bank account, your wallet is yours and yours only to see.
There are four options available to you. You can choose an online service to store your tokens, run a wallet locally on your computer, on your smartphone or buy a physical wallet similar to a hard drive or USB stick.
Bitcoin ( wallets give you full control over your tokens and keep them safe and secure in the event that a crypto exchange is hacked or goes bust. You should never store your coins on an exchange.
There are several different pros and cons to the different types of wallets, so bear that in mind when you make you choice. Bitcoin ( has a good breakdown of the various choices you can make.
Bitcoin mining ( Mining bitcoin requires operating expensive ASCI mining rigs.
2. Get a powerful Bitcoin mining ( rig.
Each bitcoin in existence is mined from a data set or block of intense calculations on the bitcoin network. Every time a block is successfully mined, a handful of around 12.5 bitcoin is handed out to miners as a reward.
The blocks are broken down by power-hungry ASIC mining rigs - specialist computers built for the sole purpose of mining bitcoin.
Just a few years ago this would have been possible with nothing more than a desktop computer or a graphics card (GPU), but the difficulty of mining bitcoin increases every four years or so, with the rewards for successful mining decreasing as well.
Buying a mining rig can be a costly venture and with the current difficulty of mining it might not always be a cost effective method for everyone. This Bitcoin mining ( calculator will help you calculate the costs of buying a rig now and the potential returns you might see.
Bitcoin mining ( software will use your mining rig to break down blocks in a bitcoin pool.
3. Find a good Bitcoin mining ( pool.
Once you have set up your brand new mining rig, you will need to find a ming pool. A ming pool is a group of biotin miners that combine the power of their rigs to mine a block.
Mining through a pool is usually a better idea than going at it solo because the rewards are better. In a shared pool you will receive a smaller reward for successfully breaking a block, but the rewards will be more consistent and frequent.
The Bitcoin ( Wiki has a good comparison of various mining pools around the world, and the rewards they offer for joining.
4. Find the right mining software to kickstart your mining venture.
The very last step before you begin mining for bitcoin is to find a mining client that will run for you on your computer.
The program you use will depend on your computer make and the model of your mining rig. Some of the more popular options include BFGminer, CGminer and BTCMiner.
Mining Bitcoin (
The current price of a bitcoin is worth £14,112.48 and a single Bitcoin ( is Going to Cost at least £28,224.96 in the Next Year or So and BELIEVE ME It Is NOT TOO LATE FOR YOU to GET INVOLVED!
BitClub Network.
Watch the 4 videos about Bitcoin ( and especially video 4 about Bitclub Network , and join our growing 500,000 worldwide members that are pooling their mining resources together and mining Bitcoins. We are stronger together and we are all making money 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so don't miss your chance to get in on the action! As this really is simple and Bitcoin ( will continue to increase in value and that's a FACT.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:39 am

What Is Bitcoin ( - ELI5|3:24
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 08:46 am (

( (

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 01:08 pm

Bitcoin ( explained and made simple|3:25
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 01:08 pm
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What is Bitcoin mining ( & How it's done?
Bitcoin mining ( is the decentralized computing process of generating new bitcoin. Now for Bitcoin mining (, you need to manage your own mining hardware, datacentre, electricity, and many other offline issues.
Bitcoin ( cloud mining enables users to start free mining at data centers without any investment. Bitcoin ( cloud mining is done remotely at cloud servers that's why you don't have to deal with electrical problems, staff related issues, hardware issues, or any other offline errors.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 01:11 pm
Mining of bitcoin.
1 Introduction 2 Difficulty 2.1 The Computationally-Difficult Problem 2.2 The Difficulty Metric 2.3 Reward 3 The mining ECOS ( 3.1 Hardware 3.1.1 CPU Mining 3.1.2 GPU Mining 3.1.3 FPGA Mining 3.1.4 ASIC Mining 3.1.5 Mining services (Cloud mining) 3.2 Pools 3.3 History 4 Staking 5 See Also.
Mining is the process of adding transaction records to Bitcoin ('s public ledger of past transactions (and a "mining rig" is a colloquial metaphor for a single computer system that performs the necessary computations for "mining". This ledger of past transactions is called the block chain as it is a chain of blocks. The blockchain serves to confirm transactions to the rest of the network as having taken place. Bitcoin ( nodes use the blockchain to distinguish legitimate Bitcoin ( transactions from attempts to re-spend coins that have already been spent elsewhere.
Mining is intentionally designed to be resource-intensive and difficult so that the number of blocks found each day by miners remains steady. Individual blocks must contain a proof of work to be considered valid. This proof of work is verified by other Bitcoin ( nodes each time they receive a block. Bitcoin ( uses the hashcash proof-of-work function.
The primary purpose of mining is to set the history of transactions in a way that is computationally impractical to modify by any one entity. By downloading and verifying the blockchain, bitcoin nodes are able to reach consensus about the ordering of events in bitcoin.
Mining is also the mechanism used to introduce Bitcoins into the system: Miners are paid any transaction fees as well as a "subsidy" of newly created coins. This both serves the purpose of disseminating new coins in a decentralized manner as well as motivating people to provide security for the system.
Bitcoin mining ( is so called because it resembles the mining of other commodities: it requires exertion and it slowly makes new units available to anybody who wishes to take part. An important difference is that the supply does not depend on the amount of mining. In general changing total miner hashpower does not change how many bitcoins are created over the long term.
Mining a block is difficult because the SHA-256 hash of a block's header must be lower than or equal to the target in order for the block to be accepted by the network. This problem can be simplified for explanation purposes: The hash of a block must start with a certain number of zeros. The probability of calculating a hash that starts with many zeros is very low, therefore many attempts must be made. In order to generate a new hash each round, a nonce is incremented. See Proof of work for more information.
The Difficulty Metric.
The difficulty is the measure of how difficult it is to find a new block compared to the easiest it can ever be. The rate is recalculated every 2,016 blocks to a value such that the previous 2,016 blocks would have been generated in exactly one fortnight (two weeks) had everyone been mining at this difficulty. This is expected yield, on average, one block every ten minutes.
As more miners join, the rate of block creation increases. As the rate of block generation increases, the difficulty rises to compensate, which has a balancing of effect due to reducing the rate of block-creation. Any blocks released by malicious miners that do not meet the required difficulty target will simply be rejected by the other participants in the network.
When a block is discovered, the discoverer may award themselves a certain number of bitcoins, which is agreed-upon by everyone in the network. Currently this bounty is 6.25 bitcoins; this value will halve every 210,000 blocks. See Controlled Currency Supply.
The mining ECOS (
Users have used various types of hardware over time to mine blocks. Hardware specifications and performance statistics are detailed on the Mining Hardware Comparison page.
Early Bitcoin ( client versions allowed users to use their CPUs to mine. The advent of GPU mining made CPU mining financially unwise as the hashrate of the network grew to such a degree that the amount of bitcoins produced by CPU mining became lower than the cost of power to operate a CPU. The option was therefore removed from the core Bitcoin ( client's user interface.
GPU Mining is drastically faster and more efficient than CPU mining. See the main article: Why a GPU mines faster than a CPU. A variety of popular mining rigs have been documented.
FPGA mining is a very efficient and fast way to mine, comparable to GPU mining and drastically outperforming CPU mining. FPGAs typically consume very small amounts of power with relatively high hash ratings, making them more viable and efficient than GPU mining. See Mining Hardware Comparison for FPGA hardware specifications and statistics.
An application-specific integrated circuit, or ASIC , is a microchip designed and manufactured for a very specific purpose. ASICs designed for Bitcoin mining ( were first released in 2013. For the amount of power they consume, they are vastly faster than all previous technologies and already have made GPU mining financially.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 01:16 pm
How Bitcoin mining works
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 01:16 pm
Mining services (Cloud mining)
Mining contractors provide mining services with performance specified by contract, often referred to as a "Mining Contract." They may, for example, rent out a specific level of mining capacity for a set price at a specific duration.
As more and more miners competed for the limited supply of blocks, individuals found that they were working for months without finding a block and receiving any reward for their mining efforts. This made mining something of a gamble. To address the variance in their income miners started organizing themselves into pools so that they could share rewards more evenly. See Pooled mining and Comparison of mining pools.
Bitcoin ('s public ledger (the "block chain") was started on January 3rd, 2009 at 18:15 UTC presumably by Satoshi Nakamoto. The first block is known as the genesis block. The first transaction recorded in the first block was a single transaction paying the reward of 50 new bitcoins to its creator.
Staking is a concept in the Delegated proof of stake coins, closely resembling pooled mining of proof of work coins. According to the proof of share principle, instead of computing powers, the partaking users are pooling their stakes , certain amounts of money, blocked on their wallets and delegated to the pool's staking balance.
The network periodically selects a pre-defined number of top staking pools (usually between 20 and 100), based on their staking balances, and allows them to validate transactions in order to get a reward. The rewards are then shared with the delegators, according to their stakes with the pool.
Although staking doesn't require lots of computing power as mining, it still needs very stable and fast Internet connection in order to collect, verify and sign all transactions in the queue within a small timespan, which can be as short as one second. If a pool fails to do so, it doesn't get the reward, and it may be shared with the next pool in order.
A lot of altcoins are using staking. Staking is often marketed as a much more efficient alternative. Unfortunately staking has the potential to not be much different than politics. A good example is that it's easy for a big actor to take over the network by simply buying enough coins. This actually happened in 2020 when TRON's Justin Sun took over the Steem "forum" network and then did some things that made some people unhappy.
Butterfly Labs.
Butterfly Labs (BFL) is a company that creates Bitcoin mining ( hardware. One of the earliest Bitcoin mining ( hardware manufacturers offering ASIC devices, Butterfly Labs have come under fire from bitcoin miners who have had to wait patiently due to lengthy production and delivery delays. The company is headquartered is located in Kansas, United States.
1 Butterfly Labs Review 2 History 3 Sources 4 External links 5 See Also on BitcoinWiki.
Butterfly Labs Review [ edit ]
The company Butterfly Labs (BFL), which is epically disgraced in front of customers, opened again and updates its website. They had to shut down as a result of a conflict with the state regulatory body, the FTC. FTC employees launched an investigation at the end of 2014.
Their verdict was that "consumers who have purchased the machines or services from Butterfly Labs and have not received their orders". BFL has long treated clients with promises, and then finally went offline. But here they come back! Their plans have been updated on the company's website: "We are more than ever ready to serve you, our customers. In the future, we will provide good suggestions. However, after three months of closure and strictly limited operations, we must assess the state of all aspects of our business. We ask that You be patient as we need time to restart our operations." [1]
Customers interested in getting ASIC "Monarch" can still hope to get it. You can also apply for a refund. Requests will be processed as received. The company expects the first payments to start in late January or February. In addition, cloud mining contracts are offered to customers with a "big discount".
Also BFL is still trying to develop the BitSafe, a hardware wallet for storing bitcoins. Although, during this time, have already appeared similar projects from competitors and best wallet Ledger.
History [ edit ]
ASIC-business started promising for Butterfly Labs. The company has published the specifications for its ASIC device for mining in Bitcoin ( Magazine last September. In accordance with the article, users can expect mining 1 W 1 gigaherz/sec. All devices will be equipped with custom ASIC chips based on 65-nm technology, which will help to reduce the power consumption.
However, within a few months things went bad. In January, a spokesman for Josh Zerlan posted an apology at the company's forum, acknowledging the continuing delays.
"We are determined to be ready by October to make deliveries and deeply regret that we were not able to meet deadlines, -- he wrote. "Our delays are the result of the complexity of the project, and so far we have overcome virtually all obstacles and entered the final phase."
But the last stage was longer than anticipated. At the end of January, Zerlan published a forecast delivery date that came in February:"Even if the worst-case scenario happens, we plan to start deliveries around Monday 18th."
Then, at the end of March, almost six weeks later, other news came in: the company had problems with the power needed to operate the devices.
"In order to save time, we plan to reduce the speed of hashing blocks, which is necessary to provide additional power and supply several devices to those who want to get them right now," -- said Zerlan. The next day he issued a clarification: "We are not starting delivery".
April 15, Zerlan said that the company began to cope with the problems of hardware and software. He noted the need for reorganization of the power system, adding that it became clear that the initial specification of power consumption for devices 5 gigaherz/sec will not be successful work: "energy Consumption exceeds the 1W/GH, unfortunately, but it is much better than in excess of 40-50%".
Finally, in April, a small number of devices began to appear. Zerlan said that the company delivered 35 devices - half developers and the media, and the other half customers.
But this did not mean that the company began mass production. Earlier this month, he wrote that the chip supplier was delaying the process. Three days later, he reported that the Butterfly Labs test lab was expecting 100 chips in Chicago on may 14.
"We've had some problems with the new Single card, and now we're working on Troubleshooting and hopefully finding a solution before the end of the week," zerlan added.
Serlan may 14, the day when he was supposed to deliver the chips, he responded to a question from the customer on the Bitcoin ( Talk forum who had asked about the previous delays of deliveries. [2]
"You didn't get an answer to your question because it was so incredibly stupid that it didn't deserve an answer,"Zerlan wrote, adding later," which is why I don't take you seriously. You can't even formulate an informed thought about a simple technical side like the build."
But others who have experience in the sphere under consideration also have questions. "I have little experience with VLSI, and one of the things we're always worried about is power consumption and cooling," said Charles Hoskinson, a Colorado mathematician, Director of Bitcoin ( Education Project, and a student studying cryptography.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 01:18 pm

ELI5: Bitcoin ( vs Bitcoin ( Cash|1:05
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 01:19 pm
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Posts Tagged ' BFL '
Butterfly Labs Resuming Operations, Should You Care.
It seems that the ASIC mining harwdare manufacturer BFL has resumed operations butt should you care at all about that? Butterfly Labs has outdated Bitcoin mining ( hardware, so no reason to order the 700 GHS Monarch Bitcoin mining ( cards or the cloud mining plans at $2.75 per GHS. If you however have ordered any of their mining hardware and/or service before BFL was closed a few months ago you might want to submit a request for a refund. After all there is still some chance that you may at least get your money back, below is a quote of the official information regarding refunds from BFL:
Refund and rebate payments will be processed in the order received (including those on hold during the FTC action). We will resume paying refunds and rebates as soon as we're operationally ready. We anticipate being able to start paying refunds in bitcoin in January. Because the cost of the Temporary Receivership and our legal defense against the FTC have consumed a substantial portion of our cash reserves, we anticipate being able to resume cash refund and rebate payments in late January or February.
Published in: Crypto News Related tags: BFL, BFL refund, Butterfly Labs, Butterfly Labs refund, Butterfly Labs resuming operations.
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What is Going on With Mining Asics Technologies.
Now, if you are thinking that the situation with Alpha Technology and their Viper Scrypt ASCI miners still not shipping, what should you think about the situation MAT (Mining Asics Technologies). According to the new information released by the company they have received their first ASIC chips at the beginning of August and by the end of the month and early September they were already releasing videos of some of their products hashing. On the company's website we've seen an estimated shipping date announced as 15.09.2014 for the smaller Scrypt ASIC miners and "estimated shipments Q3 of Year 2014" for the first batch of devices from the more powerful units.
On 19.09.2014 MAT has released a news update stating that the after some delays the "shipping for our first customers will start on 26.09.2014". On 08.10.2014 there was another news update saying that the company has already started shipping the previous week, however they have apparently found a software bug that they need to fix and are stopping the shipments meanwhile with a promise to maybe start shipping again next week. Now, why would they need to stop shipping if it is a software bug, it has been a while since all of the more serious ASIC crypto miners can be software (firmware) updated by the user. Furthermore how and why they find a software bug after a bit over a month of testing that they should have already been done since they got their first miners working. It all seems like they are buying some time as nobody has yet reported of receiving a miner from them, and if somebody did get a unit if it had a serious problem that needed manual intervention from MAT that would mean the device need to be sent back to them for a fix.
As you would expect from an ASIC manufacturer the communication with customers is lacking, we are used to seeing this, even though this is clearly not the right way to go and treat your customers that have paid you thousands up front. No wonder that people are not happy, but then again we are seeing a similar situation with other companies such as Alpha Technologies or even KnCMiner, not to mention BFL. Clearly if companies in this business want to keep their customers happy and returning for more they need to be more open and responsive to customer questions, not to mention that they should not give promises that they might not be able to keep. Keeping your customers in the dark, not keeping promises and delaying your hardware without a detailed and on time explanation is clearly not the right way to do business in the crypto currency world.
Published in: General Info|Mining Hardware Related tags: Alpha Technology, ASIC miners, BFL, KnCMiner, MAT, Mining ASICs Technologies, Scrypt ASIC Miners.
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U.S. Court Halts Bitcoin mining ( Operation Butterfly Labs.
The news agency Reuters has just reported that a U.S. court has shut down Butterfly Labs, a Missouri company, which the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) alleges for deceptively marketing Bitcoin mining ( hardware.
"The FTC's complaint against Butterfly and its corporate officers alleges that the company charged consumers thousands of dollars for its bitcoin computers, called BitForce, but then failed to provide the computers until they were almost obsolete, or in many cases did not provide the computers at all."
"Butterfly sold its computers from $149 to $29,899 based on the machines' purported computing power. The FTC said that more than 20,000 consumers had not received the computers they purchases as of September 2013."
At the time of writing this the Butterfly Labs' website is still online and there is nothing official coming from the company as a response to the court ruling. We can't say that we are surprised from this development as Butterfly Labs as one of the first makers of Bitcoin ( ASIC miners probably was not ready for the overwhelming user demand and a for months and years they literally failed to gt a hold of what was going on with the Bitcoin ( market and continued to take pre-orders of hardware that they were apparently not capable of delivering. We'll see if other crypto currently mining hardware companies would suffer the same fate.
Published in: Crypto News Related tags: BFL, Bitcoin ( ASIC miners, Bitcoin mining (, Butterfly Labs, FTC.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 01:19 pm
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Time Frame BTC Reward Revenue USD* Power Cost (in USD) Pool Fees (in USD) Profit (in USD) Hourly 0.00003275 $0.62 $0.16 $0.00 $0.45 Daily 0.00078595 $14.77 $3.90 $0.00 $10.87 Weekly 0.00550162 $103.36 $27.30 $0.00 $76.06 Monthly 0.0236 $442.96 $117.00 $0.00 $325.96 Annually 0.2869 $5,389.32 $1,423.50 $0.00 $3,965.82.
* Bitcoin ( Price at $18,786.59 USD.
Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty Bitcoin ( Block Reward Bitcoin ( Price 17,596,801,059,571.00 6.25 BTC $18,786.59 (BTC to USD) Bitcoin mining ( Hashrate Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Watts Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Cost Electricity Costs 110.00 TH/s 3,250 Watts $2,407.00 $0.05 per kWh.
A BTC mining difficulty of 17,596,801,059,571.00, a BTC mining hashrate of 110.00 TH/s consuming 3,250 watts of power at $0.05 per kWh, and a block reward of 6.25 BTC at $18,786.59 (BTC to USD).
After deducting mining power costs and mining fees, the final daily Bitcoin mining ( profit is $10.87 Bitcoin ( to USD .
BitcoinGold Mining Calculator.
Enter your BitcoinGold mining hashrate, power consumption in watts, and costs.
Accurate BitcoinGold mining calculator trusted by millions of cryptocurrency miners.
Developed for miners by miners. Our BitcoinGold mining calculator makes it simple and easy to quickly see BitcoinGold mining profitability based on hashrate, power consumption, and costs. Default inputs are preloaded with the latest BitcoinGold difficulty target and BitcoinGold mining hashrate for the best BitcoinGold miner.
BitcoinGold Mining Reward Estimates.
BitcoinGold mining profitability calculator results.
BitcoinGold Profit Margin -->
BitcoinGold Mining Investment -->
BitcoinGold Mining Profit -->
BitcoinGold Mining Reward Forecasts.
Time Frame BTG Rewards Revenue USD* Power Cost (in USD) Pool Fees (in USD) Profit (in USD) Hourly 0.08870807 $0.85 $0.06 $0.00 $0.79 Daily 2.12899363 $20.38 $1.44 $0.00 $18.94 Weekly 14.90295540 $142.68 $10.08 $0.00 $132.60 Monthly 63.8698 $611.48 $43.20 $0.00 $568.28 Annually 777.0827 $7,439.66 $525.60 $0.00 $6,914.06.
BitcoinGold Mining Calculator Inputs.
BitcoinGold Mining Difficulty BitcoinGold Block Reward BitcoinGold Price 73,070.40 12.50 BTG $9.57 (BTG to USD) BitcoinGold Mining Hashrate BitcoinGold Mining Hardware Watts BitcoinGold Mining Hardware Cost Electricity Costs 1,180.00 H/s 600 Watts $0.00 $0.10 per kWh.
BitcoinGold Blockchain Mining Summary.
BitcoinGold Blockchain Stats -->
BitcoinGold Block Reward -->
BitcoinGold Hashrate -->
BitcoinGold Mining Difficulty -->
BitcoinGold Mining Rewards -->
How to use the BitcoinGold mining calculator?
Every aspect of our BitcoinGold mining calculator has been developed for miners by miners .
The latest version of the BitcoinGold mining calculator makes it simple and easy to quickly calculate BitcoinGold mining profits by adjusting the mining hashrate values or by selecting one of the BitcoinGold mining hardware devices from the BitcoinGold miners list.
The BitcoinGold mining information is updated continually with the current block mining information. This information is used as the default inputs for the BTG mining calculator along with the default hashrate and wattage specs from the best BitcoinGold miner.
With this information and our backend hashrate calculator, you can calculate your BTG mining profits - providing valuable and strategic profitability information allowing you as the miner to make better informed decisions about BitcoinGold mining.
Along with the BitcoinGold mining profitability, the list of top 5 BitcoinGold miners is updated frequently. A BitcoinGold miner is also referred to as a BitcoinGold mining rig, or a BitcoinGold mining hardware device, or a BitcoinGold mining machine, but we simply call them miners, or more specifically, BitcoinGold miners.
Each BTG mining calculator input has been preloaded with the best BitcoinGold mining hardware hashrate and energy consumption in watts, average electricity costs as well as the current BitcoinGold price, BitcoinGold block reward, and BitcoinGold difficulty.
Calculate your BitcoinGold mining profitability and estimated mining rewards by starting with the BitcoinGold mining hashrate calculator inputs above; mining hardware, mining costs, and mining reward.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 01:20 pm

Will FPGA's Replace GPU's? Introduction to FPGA Mining (!|14:33
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 01:22 pm
Is BitcoinGold mining still profitable?
Yes, mining BitcoinGold is still profitable - based on the mining hardware hashrate of 1,180.00 H/s, electricity costs, and pool / maintenance fees provided.
While, mining BitcoinGold is still profitable as of right now.
The blockchain is constantly growing and the BitcoinGold difficulty increases and decreases over time based on the total computing power currently mining blocks and generating hashes.
The BitcoinGold mining profitability results and mining rewards were calculated using the best BTG mining calculator with the following inputs.
A BTG mining difficulty of 73,070.40, a BTG mining hashrate of 1,180.00 H/s consuming 600 watts of power at $0.10 per kWh, and a block reward of 12.50 BTG at $9.57 (BTG to USD).
How many BitcoinGold can you mine a day?
Based the mining hardware inputs provided, 2.12899363 BitcoinGold can be mined per day with a BitcoinGold mining hashrate of 1,180.00 H/s, a block reward of 12.5 BTG, and a BitcoinGold difficulty of 73,070.40.
After deducting mining power costs and mining fees, the final daily BitcoinGold mining profit is $18.94 BitcoinGold to USD .
How long does it take to mine 1 BitcoinGold?
As of Saturday, November 21, 2020, it would take 0.470 days to mine 1 BitcoinGold at the current BitcoinGold difficulty level along with the mining hashrate and block reward; a BitcoinGold mining hashrate of 1,180.00 H/s consuming 600.00 watts of power at $0.10 per kWh, and a block reward of 12.5 BTG.
Disclosure: The Profit Details are the result of a chosen budget of $ 10,000.00 to purchase Bitcoin mining ( servers that are hashing 76 TH/s at a price of $ 25 per terahash. This assumes a total hashrate of 400.00 . The Profit Details also take in consideration the current network hash rate of 1.7596801059571E13 and current BTC/USD exchange rate of 1 BTC = $ 18,778.04 . These figures vary based on the total network hash rate and on the BTC to USD conversion rate. Block reward is fixed at 6.25 BTC. The Profit Details do not take into account any future changes in block rewards, hashrate and difficulty rate. All inputs in this calculator vary over time. The profit details is based on current values only and should be used as a guide only.
Bitcoin mining ( ec2.
Setup for Bitcoin mining ( on EC2 cg1.4xlarge instances. This makes no economic sense.
What this does: Creates an autoscaling rule to start new EC2 instances at spot pricing which will mine for Bitcoins. Total rate per instance is about 170 Mhash/s with lowest spot prices being around $0.37/hr.
This implementation is a bit hacky but it's not worth cleaning up.
The scripts require some edits for your setup (notification ARN, pool passwords, etc.)
Start a cg1.4xlarge with ami-4583572c. Connect to this instance to set it up. Edit and run on your instance. Reboot the instance, make sure the miners come up. There should be three detached screens (see them with screen -r), two running miners on the GPUs, one running on the CPU. If all looks good, create your own AMI from this. Create your autoscaling rules by editing and running on a machine with the AWS Auto Scaling Command Line tools installed. Wait. The autoscaling will automatically start instances when the spot pricing is below your bid price and they'll start.
I wish the last step was profit. nVidia Teslas are not well suited to mining and so the return is well below the cost.
Covert Mining: Bitcoin ( and Amazon EC2.
Over the past couple of years, cryptocurrencies have become less of a fringe geek fad and more of a significant financial player. The price of Bitcoin ( alone has increased astronomically in the past 14 months, crossing the $500 USD level in May of 2016 and not looking back since. As of today, the spot price for Bitcoin ( is over $2,700 USD.
While this is not a post focused on Bitcoin (, understanding a bit about the cryptocurrency helps bring this blog into context. At a very basic level, Bitcoin ( is given out as a reward for completing a batch of mathematical calculations over a certain time period (10 minutes). The first person (or group of people) to complete the batch of calculations gets the Bitcoin ( This is referred to as Bitcoin mining (, and a similar process is used for obtaining other cryptocurrencies (i.e. Ethereum). In short, the greater the computing power, the faster the math gets done, and the higher the likelihood you or your group "win" the Bitcoin (
Recently, a Reddit user posted that his AWS infrastructure had been hacked, with the intruder spinning up over five hundred EC2 instances for the specific purpose of mining Bitcoin ( These were most likely largest available EC2 instances, as the hacker wanted the highest capacity CPU available to maximize processing and complete the Bitcoin ( math problems quicker. These instances were presumably running at capacity, with every drop of computing power dedicated to mining.
The intrusion was detected and the EC2 instances decommissioned, but I shudder to think at the fees incurred.
Cloud Conformity's auditing software maintains a list of over 270 rules (growing weekly), guided by best practices championed by the AWS Well Architected Framework and Center for Internet Security. Combined with real-time monitoring, the Cloud Conformity Bot would have not only detected the hacker spinning up the instances, but would have immediately notified DevOps administrators of the illicit activity on their infrastructure.
Here are some examples of rules within Cloud Conformity that would have helped prevent this type of hack, in addition to mitigating any damage the hacker may have done upon gaining entry.
As much as we all work to ensure that our networks remain safe and secure, the fact of the matter is that intrusion protection is almost always re active as opposed to proactive. Hackers are always finding new ways to break in, and best practices are typically developed in response to recently discovered shortfalls in security.
When managing and securing your infrastructure, build the best defense you can, but don't forget to plan for when your defenses fail. Ensure that you're monitoring your AWS infrastructure in real-time, and choose a security partner that offers proactive notification via integrations with multiple ticketing and communication pathways.
If you would like to know more about securing your infrastructure, while ensuring it remains optimized and compliant, visit the Cloud Conformity website and set up a demo or sign up for a free trial. Don't let your organization's EC2 mine for someone else's Bitcoin (
Running a Bitcoin ( Full Node on an Amazon EC2 or Lightsail Instance.
A Bitcoin ( full node contains the complete Bitcoin ( blockchain, that is, all blocks that have been mined since January 3, 2009, when Satoshi Nakamoto mined the first Bitcoin ( block (block 0 or genesis block). The complete blockchain contains all transactions that have been processed by the Bitcoin ( network.
Full nodes download every block and transaction and validate them against Bitcoin ( consensus rules. These nodes are not involved in mining and, thus, they do not require specialized hardware, optimized for solving computationally difficult problems.
This blog post provides an overview of the requirements and costs of running a Bitcoin ( full node on an EC2 or Lightsail Instance.
How to Run a Bitcoin ( Full Node on an EC2 or Lightsail Instance.
The initial synchronization of a Bitcoin ( full node takes many hours. Also, a lot of data is downloaded.
A synchronized full Bitcoin ( node requires more than 270Gb of disk space. This space is consumed by the block headers, transactions, database indexes, debug logs, and some other information.
It is recommended to run a full node on a system that has at least 2Gb RAM . Even though a full node can run on weaker hardware, you may face issues if your system does not meet this memory requirement. For example, the initial block download on a t2.micro EC2 instance that has only 1Gb RAM fails after one hour with the expected message Error: Out of memory. Terminating .
Initial block download is the process of downloading blocks that are new to your Bitcoin ( node. If you run a Bitcoin ( client for the first time, then all blocks starting from the block 0 (genesis block) are new to your node, and, thus, the entire blockchain (more than 250 Gb) will be downloaded. During the download, the node verifies the blocks downloaded. It results in high CPU usage.
Bitcoin ( Core is a full Bitcoin ( client that builds the backbone of the Bitcoin ( network and serves as a Bitcoin ( node. You can download the latest Bitcoin ( Core binaries at The Bitcoin ( Core has many parameters, but in the simplest case, you can start your node as follows:
To accelerate the download of the entire blockchain, you may want first to run the Bitcoin ( daemon on a powerful EC2 or Lightsail instance, and, then, when the entire blockchain is downloaded and verified, attach the storage with data to a cheaper instance that has, for example, 2Gb RAM and 1vCPU.
The following table shows how long it takes to download the entire blockchain on EC2 and Lightsail instances running in the US East (N. Virginia) region, and how much it costs to run a Bitcoin ( full node on these instances.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 01:22 pm

Finally an EASY TO USE FPGA Mining ( Rig!!! TPS-1530 VU9P Review|12:32
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 01:23 pm
In this example, the EC2 and Lightsail instances had similar hardware profiles. Still, the initial block download took longer on the Lightsail instance because the CPU performance was throttled on this burstable performance instance.
When you have your full node running, you can use the Bitcoin ( Command Line Interface (CLI) to retrieve information about blocks and transactions.
If you want to help strengthen the Bitcoin ( network, you need to keep your full node running with port 8333 open, and leave your node running at least 6 hours a day . In this case, to avoid unpredictable network charges, you can reduce outbound traffic using different Bitcoin ( Core options. For further details, see the Bitcoin ( documentation.
Also, you may want to limit the outbound network bandwidth of your EC2 of Lightsail instance. For further details, see Limiting the Network Bandwidth of a Linux-Based Amazon Lightsail or EC2 Instance.
Alex Collins - Blog.
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My curiosity got the better of me and I decided to start playing with Bitcoins, which inevitably led to mining and then using Amazon's High Performance Computing EC2 instances to do the brunt of the work.
It's actually very easy to get up and running. Once you've found a mining pool -- e.g. Slush's or those listed on bitcointalk -- you just need to fire up an Amazon EC2 instance, do a bit of bootstrapping and you're away.
Assuming you've an Amazon Web Services account, browse to to the EC2 instances dashboard and click "Launch instance". From here you'll need to follow the "Quick launch wizard", reuse or create a private/public key pair, select "More Amazon Machine Images" and use the Amazon Machine Instance "starcluster-base-centos-5.4-x86_64-ebs-hvm-gpu-rc2 (ami-12b6477b)". Make sure before completing the wizard you select the type "cg1.4xlarge".
According to htop and free -m this is an EC2 VM with 8 cores, 21GB RAM and 2 Tesla GPUs. Easy and super fun.
Install dependencies Once connected, there will be a few dependencies that you need to install. This EC2 instance uses CentOS and thus yum for its package (software) management.
Install git: yum install git Install pyserial: pip-2.6 install pyserial.
Clone the Bitcoin mining ( tools Now you'll need to get hold of a couple of tools.
First up, clone poclbm, the python-2.6 mining toolset that utilises your GPU for the number crunching:
AWS Cloud Mining Scam Revealed.
AWS cloud mining operation has been making waves on making high profitability claims, despite major drops on the Bitcoin ( cloud mining profit making.
I recently got involved in this project, and along the line, i figured out some suspicious practices that makes it not a viable crypto cloud mining software to invest in.
If you are a regular visitor of this blog, i presume you already know that based on my recent take on cloud mining for individual investors, i do not advice anyone to invest in cryptocurrency cloud mining hardware or software.
In this post content, am going to reveal everything i found out while trying to understand how the AWS cloud mining works, as well as operate to raise funds for the claims.
Let us dive into the AWS mining review... shall we?
What is AWS mining?
The company ( claims to provide financial freedom through, use of cryptocurrency cloud mining. Additionally, it is established to make crypto mining accessible to all individuals, regardless of your investment capacity, risk management, age, location, experience and technical knowledge.
AWS claim to process instant pay-outs and withdrawals to its users, and guarantees them fast profits, as soon as they start investing in the mining packages.
They stated that the platform provides the best cloud mining services to individuals - luckily for them, individuals do not have to worry about buying and setting up crypto mining hardware.
The company claims to have its headquarters in Sydney, Australia and further claims that it has different mining centres spread across three countries - China,  and Paraguay.
AWS Mining alleges that the idea to have the mining centres in different countries was brought about, by the need to make it easier for their users to relocate their investments without affecting their profitability.
How does AWS mining work?
Just as it is expected with such websites that projects cloud mining to be successful. You need to create an account and buy a contract plan, then head over to AWS mining login page, enter your details and start earning profit in Bitcoin (
There are different contracts depending on the Crypto Mining Power (CMP) you choose. AWS Mining has different plans as you will see below:
1 CMP - $40 1 CMP - $400 3 CMP - $1200 5 CMP - $2000 10 CMP - $4000.
This is to say; if you just want 1 CMP, you will have to pay $40. In addition, each investment you make is charged a 20 percent monthly fee that is taken out of the return on investments payments.
AWS Mining also promises a 200% profit for every plan you buy, but does not explain how it intends to make that profit they will be giving to you, considering that they make daily payments regardless of your investment amount.
One thing that makes AWS Mining appear like a scam is the fact that it uses the multi-level marketing (MLM) scheme, which is common with most Ponzi schemes that always collapse to make away with people's money.
According to their 'Terms of Use', one of the requirements, before you can open an account with them, is that you should "be sponsored by an existing AWS Mining Customer (Sponsor)" without, which they can decline opening an AWS Mining account for you upon new registration.
This means that you need to know someone that already has an account with them to refer you. It also has seven different affiliate ranks.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Below are the frequently asked questions that am going to answer right now to explain some bottle-necks that are involve in this suspected cloud mining system.
Can you mine Bitcoin ( on AWS?
AWS mining company claims to takes care of virtualization of the hardware for you. And again, EC2 instances of the g2, g3, and p2 flavor can run you a pretty penny.
We've also been forewarned that we'll be competing with massive Bitcoin mining ( farms that use ASIC miners that blow GPU mining ( out of the water.
Is Ethereum mining on AWS profitable?
Ethereum dual-mining profitability comparison (late June 2017). Keep in mind that as more miners join the network, and the Ethereum price fluctuates, so will your payout / return of investment.
Ethereum is valued at 1 ETH = 706 USD. Mining on AWS EC2 is still, and will remain unprofitable - forever.
AWS mining affiliate.
If you have been a part of an MLM scheme (like; MMM and GHW) before, you will find out that, what they do is they have the initial investors, who then recruit more investors and the cycle goes on.
The initial investors earn from the revenue earned from new investors. Such schemes make no real investment, and entirely depend on new investors' funds to pay old investors.
It seems AWS Mining is deploying this same strategy and may not be mining at all. AWS Mining has seven different affiliate ranks as shown below:
Miner - sign up, invest in a contract plan and recruit at least tow affiliates that will invest Coordinator - generates $10,000 in down-line investment volume Supervisor - generates $50,000 in down-line investment volume Manager - generates $100,000 in down-line investment volume Director - generate $500,000 in down-line investment volume Vice President - generate $2,000,000 in down-line investment volume President - generate $10,000,000 in down-line investment volume.
As soon as an AWS Mining affiliate recruits a new person, they get 10% of what the recruited member invested.
Additionally, there is a 1% ROI (i.e. Return On Investment) that is applied for each affiliate recruited.
Simply put, if you invest in any of their contract plans, and fail to recruit new members, you will not make any money from the scheme and that means the scheme will basically collapse with no additional money coming in from new members as is typical of MLM schemes that have existed before.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 01:23 pm

24 Hour PROFITS For My Atom Miner FPGA!|10:40
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 01:35 pm
AWS cloud mining team.
AWS Mining says that only the most talented professionals, and lists the following individuals listed below as team can achieve their major mission:
Daniel Beduschi - COO & Founder Moheb - CEO, Middle East & Asia Alexander Campos - CFO & Founder Alex Rujana - Business Adviser, Australia Elena Sinyakova - Business Adviser,  Eric Mu - Data Center Manager Arthur Raspovic - Data Center Manager,  Farm Nadal Sleem - Logistical Manager, China Ana Sieben - Marketing Content & Digital Marketing Luciana Salles - Journalist & Social Media Analyst Lety Metzker - Support & Customer Relationship.
Daniel Beduschi appeared on LinkedIn, but no one else in the team was seen again.
There are people with the names they have on the team on LinkedIn, their profiles do not match what is listed on the website which means they do not exist.
It is not uncommon for people to have profiles on LinkedIn, the case becomes slightly different when senior members of an organisation that are considered founders and have very high positions within an organisation do not have any digital foot-print in today's world.
Beduschi, however, has been linked to various scams with most notable ones being BBOM and INTERBBOM.
Also, according to his LinkedIn, he is also the Director of Operations at MyCoinDeal, a company that is used in receiving funds invested by people on the AWS Mining scheme.
Is AWS mining legit or scam?
Even though it cannot be claimed that a company's operation is a scam, until that has been determined in a court, researchers have suggested that AWS Mining has a high likelihood of being a fraudulent operation.
If indeed they guarantee their investors a 200% profit, why does their terms of use claim that;
"neither party is liable to the other for any consequential or indirect loss including, but not limited to, loss of profit, loss of data, lost opportunity cost, loss of enjoyment."
This simply means that they cannot be held liable should you fail to make the guaranteed returns as marketed by them, or even worse, end up losing your data from using the platform.
Furthermore, besides Daniel Beduschi, who has been linked with multiple scams, there is no digital trace of any of the other members of the AWS Mining team.
If already, one of the founders has a past scam history, what makes you think that things will be different with AWS Mining from previous companies he had been at that scammed people?
The way AWS Mining is set up it seems that all revenue is derived from new investors coming on board who are expected to recruit more investors that can actually purchase one of their contracts without which, the business would collapse.
In addition, AWS Mining claims to be an Australian company but does not have any traffic from Australia.
Data derived from Alexa shows that the site started receiving visitors from 2017 even though on the website, AWS Mining claims it started mining in 2015.
In addition, 33 percent of their traffic came from Brazil, 10% from Colombia, 9.4% from Switzerland, 7.1% from Nigeria and 6.2% from the United States.
So, how does a company that is based in Australia, not have a single person visiting the site from there?
In November of 2018, AWS Mining PTY Ltd was reportedly hit by a cease and desist order by the Securities Commissioner for Texas alongside MyCoinDeal for issuing cryptocurrency mining investments, because they offer very high returns to marketers selling the mining contracts.
AWS cloud mining Red Flags.
No comprehensive information on the individuals behind the company Steve Beduschi, one of the founders, has been linked to other bitcoin scams Promises unrealistic high daily returns to investors regardless of crypto-asset price values Data on Alexa shows no traffic from Australia which is where the company has its headquarters The Securities Commissioner for Texas issued a cease and desist on AWS Mining PTY LTD.
AWS mining is a Bitcoin ( scam... Stay Away!
Research conducted by The 'Staunch indicates that, there is a high likelihood that AWS Mining may be a scam that is targeting individuals, who are new to cryptocurrency mining, and do not recognize the pyramid scheme-like structure of this operation.
We recommend that users do not invest in AWS Mining as the risk of losing money is too high.
It is not unlikely, that you will come across pro-AWS miners that are sharing affiliate links with you, and are singing praises for AWS Bitcoin mining ( company.
But if you really want to go with my candid advice, it is best you avoid this "cloud AWS mining ponzi" service anyways.
Got any question? Let me know on Twitter. To get free crypto-airdrops, join my Telegram Channel! The running of this blog also relies on donations. If you appreciate my effort to provide you with cryptocurrency guides, you can support me when you Donate with Crypto .
Bitcoin mining ( faq.
Easyminer its a quality bitcoin, litecoin and many others cryptocoins mining software developed with simplicity in mind. It serves as a GUI for ccminer, cudaminer, minerd or cgminer both opencl or cudamining.
Easyminer support also ASIC mining based on cgminer ports.
For a more detailed explanation on Easyminer features please read here.
Mining in Easyminer Moneymaker mode works in the following way:
You perform mining using your gpu or cpu hardware completing MINING SESSIONS. The scope of a MINING SESSION is to get as many SHARES you can using your hardware. A SHARE is a portion of a larger amount of work acomplished on pool, those shares are transformed in coin earnings at the server level In order to get to the next payment you have to mine at least 1 MINING SESSION and have at least 2 SHARES/SESSION. Shares are reset to 0 everytime a payment its made.
See a detailed answer here :
Easyminer will work in 2 modes :
- will mine in whatever pool you choose and with a cryptcoin currency of your choise.
- will mine in easyminer pool stratum earning you litecoins.
- mining rely on MININS SESSIONS please read more on our dedicated.
help area " How to mine on Easyminer? About Mining Sessions and Shares "
The Stats and Easyminer wallet are available only in Moneymaker mode.
The earnings threshold will be at an interval of 2 hours with minimum 1 share/session.
Every 2 hours of online mining.
Your earnings are anounced by a ballon pop hint in tray.
All earnings are logged in Server Logs file (right click tray to view)
You can increase Ltc Earnings by upgrading your hardware .
See details here :
The reminder will be removed only by donating .
See details here:
First step is to check your spam or junk email box, if there is nothing there you must go to Forgot Password Section enter your Email and the click Restore Password button.
If your account wasnt confirmed it will be manually activated. Afterwards all you have to do is Login using the password and Email you had first signup with.
If you had forgot also the password you will have to reset the password again.
Wallet Section.
Usually when this happends it means that Easyminer has detected a change in your network adapter. Naturally Easyminer is bounded by your network hardware making the mining process unique and unhackable. What you must do is acces your online wallet using the same credentials from Easyminer Moneymaker mode you used on your old account. Earnings are not lost, only that Easyminer created a new unique hardware bound account to prevent the loss of your mining earnings, the new account will have zero earnings earning until you start using it. The earnings are cumulated at the level of your online wallet with the old account earnings.
Accounts older than 1 year will loose their inactive status and gain Disabled status. Disabled status on accounts will reset their earnings to 0 thus a payout will not be available.
A disabled account could be also a banned account due to bad behaviour or hack atempts on pool.
To be able to acces your wallet you must be first logged in. If you don't have an account you must register one.
When accesing your wallet you must make sure your credentials (email and ltc adress)do not contain illegal chars or spaces.
An account inactivation occures on 2 ocassions :
- user gets inactive on pool for a long time.
- user changed his computer or network card. If a new computer or network card is detected and using the same easyminer account credentials a new account will be created . See Wallet Security for more details.
To prevent hackers from stealing funds or prevent Easyminer hidden installs on other computers also known as farm bots Easyminer will ensure the following security actions :
- reset and set inactive any account who is using the same credentials on a new hardware like hdd or network card, if the first time registered Hardware ID on that account do not match.
- ban hacking attempts setting affected accounts inactive and inform user.
No, no inactive funds are lost, earnings are present and counted to the general Wallet amount. Accounts older than 1 year will lost their inactive status and gain disabled status. Disabled status on accounts will reset the payout to 0 thus a payout will not be available.
The General Amount must be at least 0.01 LTC to be able to withdraw .
The minimum withdrawable sum for inactive accounts is 0.002 LTC, if the General Amount is reached.
Easyminer Team will not take any Fees. The only fees payed are the ones from network transactions when funds are withdrawn.
Fees amount are dependant on transaction amount.
Google Litecoin Network Fees for more details.
By registering an account on the Easyminer web site ("Site" or "Service"), a service provided by Open Radio Directory Free Software Non-Profit Fundation ("ORDS", "Fundation", "we", "us", "our"), you agree to be bound by all terms and conditions ("Terms") listed on this page, as well as our Privacy Policy and, for business and commercial accounts, our Data Processing Agreement ("DPA") (collectively, the "Agreement") from our FAQ-Privacy Section.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 01:35 pm

FPGA Miner for Cryptocurrency Mining ( Why Use FPGA for Mining ( FPGA vs GPU vs ASIC Explained|7:56
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 01:36 pm
By using one of our software or registering accounts to our webservice on you agree to allow Open Radio Directory Free Software Fundation (represented by Easyminer Team) to collect and store data on our web site. We value your privacy and will only look at your data per your request, for example to help troubleshoot an issue that you communicate to us, or in instances where your traffic volume may be putting an unnecesssary burden on our resources. may cancel or delete any account, for any reason, with or without notice, although this would typically only be done for legal reasons such as a illegal activity. White label accounts will be given thirty (30) days notice.
If you wish to cancel your account, you may contact us. All information associated with the account will be deleted within a reasonable period of time. We try to protect information from accidental or malicious deletion, so there may be delays between when you delete something and when copies are deleted from our active and backup systems.
Unacceptable usage.
Representations and Warranties.
You represent and warrant to us that you own all right, title and interest in from your mining rigs or ltc adresses owned, and you own or have rights to use all of the hardware used or on or through our website and the user interface.
The information, reports and services included in or available through the Service may include inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically added to the information herein. Open Radio Directory Software Fundation and/or its respective suppliers may make improvements and/or changes in the Service at any time, without obligation to notify any person or entity of such changes.
Open Radio Directory Software Fundation and d oes not represent or warrant that (i) the Service will be error-free or accessible at all times, (ii) defects will be corrected, (iii) the Service or the server that makes it available, are free of viruses or other harmful component, or (iv) the use or the results of the use of the Service or the materials made available as part of the Service will be correct, accurate, timely, or otherwise reliable. You specifically agree that we shall not be responsible for unauthorized access to or alteration of your data, regardless of the party at fault.
Term and Termination.
Either party may terminate this agreement at any time and for any reason. In addition, this agreement will terminate immediately, without notice, if you fail to comply with the terms of this Agreement or if you remove the Script from your web pages.
Upon any termination of this agreement, (i) Roxr will cease providing the Service to you; (ii) you will delete all copies of the Script from your web page(s); (iii) any outstanding balance payable by you to Roxr will become immediately due and payable; (iv) you will not be entitled to any refunds of any usage fees or any other fees; and (v) all of your historical report data will no longer be available to you.
You understand that keeping the Script on your web site consumes our bandwidth (and hence, money) for every page view on your web site. Failure to remove the Script from your web site upon termination may force Roxr to take drastic measures to gain your compliance. Such measures are determined on a case by case basis.
Warranty and Disclaimer.
Limitations of Liability.
You agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Roxr, at your expense, against any and all third party claims, actions, proceedings, and suits brought against Roxr or any of its officers, directors, employees, agents or affiliates, and all related liabilities, damages, settlements, penalties, fines, costs or expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees) incurred by Roxr or any of its officers, directors, employees, agents or affiliates, arising out of or relating to (i) your breach of any term or condition of this Agreement, (ii) your use of the Service, or (iii) your unauthorized use of the Script code. In such a case, Roxr will provide you with written notice of such claim, suit or action. You shall cooperate as fully as reasonably required in the defense of any claim. Roxr reserves the right, at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter subject to indemnification by you.
You will not use the Service in any way or for any purpose that would violate, or would have the effect of violating, any applicable laws, rules or regulations or any rights of any third parties, including without limitation, any law or right regarding any copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, music, image, or other proprietary or property right, false advertising, unfair competition, defamation, invasion of privacy or rights of celebrity.
The Site contains links to external sites. Open Radio Directory Free Software Fundation is not responsible for and has no control over the content of such sites. Information on the Site, or available via hypertext link from the Site, is made available without responsibility on the part of Easyminer. Open Radio Directory Free Software Fundation disclaims all responsibility and liability (including for negligence) in relation to information on or accessible from the Site. shall be excused from performance hereunder to the extent that performance is prevented, delayed or obstructed by causes beyond its reasonable control.
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the state of Oregon without reference to its conflict of law principles. In the event of any conflicts between foreign law, rules, and regulations, and Oregon law, rules, and regulations, then Oregon law, rules and regulations shall prevail and govern.
All disputes between the parties arising from this Agreement shall be referred to and finally determined by arbitration of one arbitrator, conducted in the English language in the State of Oregon, U.S.A., and in accordance with the Expedited Arbitration Rules of the World Intellectual Property Organization ('WIPO'). The proceedings shall be secret and the award shall be final and binding on the parties, and each party consents to the award being enforced by order of any court of competent jurisdiction. The parties agree to waive any right to jury proceedings.
The Software is controlled by U.S. Export Regulations, and it may be not be exported to or used by embargoed countries or individuals. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act shall not apply to this Agreement. Any notices to the Company must be sent by email to [email protected], and are deemed given upon receipt. A waiver of any default is not a waiver of any subsequent default. You may not assign or otherwise transfer any of your rights hereunder without our prior written consent, and any such attempt is void. The relationship between Roxr and you is not one of a legal partnership relationship, but is one of independent contractors. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of the parties hereto.
This Agreement (including any amendment agreed upon by the parties in writing) represents the complete agreement between us concerning its subject matter, and supersedes all prior agreements and representations between the parties. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be reformed to the extent necessary to make it enforceable to the maximum extent permissible so as to affect the intent of the parties, and the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.
Changes to this Agreement.
This Agreement is active as of the date below and is updated from time to time. We will notify you via your registered email address or a notice on this website prior to any significant changes becoming effective. You should periodically review this page for the latest information.
This Data Processing Agreement ("DPA") amends the Terms of Service ("Terms") for business and commercial Customers from our FAQ-Privacy Section . If there is any conflict or inconsistency between this DPA and the Terms, this DPA will govern. Subject to the amendments in this DPA, the Terms remain in full force and effect.
This DPA reflects our mutual agreement on the terms governing the processing and security of Personal Data in connection with the General Data Protection Regulartion ("GDPR"), effective in all European Economic Area ("EEA") member states as of May 25 2018 from our FAQ-Privacy Section . This DPA only applies to the extent that the GDPR applies to the processing of Personal Data .
Data processing.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 01:36 pm

BitCoin Mining ( FPGA Card|4:06
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 02:06 pm
The parties acknowledge and agree that:
Easyminer is a Data Processor of Personal Data under the GDPR. The following data will be collected on registration: username, email and ltc adress are mandatory items; full name, telephone and other items available through the membership area are not mandatory and are editable by users after registration. Customer is a Data Controller or Data Processor, as applicable, of Personal Data under the GDPR. (If Customer is a Data Processor, Customer warrants to Roxr that Customer's instructions and actions with respect to Personal Data, including its appointment of Roxr as another Data Processor, have been authorised by the relevant Data Controller.) Each party will comply with the obligations applicable to it under the GDPR with respect to the processing of Personal Data.
By entering into this DPA, Customer instructs Roxr to process Personal Data only in accordance with applicable law:
to provide the Data Processing and any related technical support; as further specified via Customer's use of the Data Processor services (including in the settings, preferences, and other functionality) and any related technical support; as documented in the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and this DPA; and as further documented in any other written instructions given by Customer and acknowledged by Roxr as constituting instructions for purposes of this DPA.
Roxr will comply with Customer instructions (including with regard to data transfers) unless EEA law to which Roxr is subject requires other processing of Personal Data by Roxr, in which case Roxr will inform Customer (unless that law prohibits Roxr from doing so on important grounds of public interest).
Data deletion.
The Service includes tools for Customers to manually edit or delete Personal Data as needed, e.g. per End User request; the Personal Data will be deleted from our systems as soon as reasonably practicable and within a maximum period of 180 days, unless EEA law requires storage.
Deletion of a Customer account is available only be manually request on the contact us section for our website.
Upon deletion of a Customer account, all Personal Data will be deleted from production and backup systems within 1 year.
Data security. maintains reasonable measures to protect Personal Data against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access. Secure (HTTPS) access is forced for Customers so login credentials and Personal Data is secure in transit. Backend access to servers and data, whether physical, shell, or administrative interfaces, is limited to employees who require it to perform their duties. No contractors or subprocessors are authorized for such access.
If becomes aware of a security breach leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, Customer's Personal Data on our servers ("Incident"), we will notify Customer, via Customer's registered email address or through his website, of the Incident promptly and without undue delay, and take reasonable steps to minimise harm and secure Customer's data. Customer is responsible for providing a valid email address and ensuring their email address is current and valid. Our notification of or response to an Incident will not be construed as an acknowledgement of any fault or liability with respect to the Incident.
Customer agrees that they are solely responsible for their use of the Data Processor services, including securing the account credentials, systems and devices Customer uses to access the Processor Services. has no obligation to protect Customer's Personal Data that Customer elects to store or transfer outside of systems.
Data rights.
The GDPR gives EEA End Users the legal right to view their Personal Data, update incorrect Personal Data, and request Personal Data to be deleted. If we receive a request from an End User in the EEA in relation to Personal Data processed for a Customer, we will advise the End User to submit their request to Customer, and Customer will be responsible for responding to such request using the tools we have provided on our Site for handling Personal Data requests.
Customer agrees to use all reasonable measures to verify the identity of an End User before sharing or modifying Personal Data. Per GDPR recital 64, "the controller [Customer] should use all reasonable measures to verify the identity of a data subject [End User] who requests access, in particular in the context of online services and online identifiers."
Data transfer.
Customer agrees that Personal Data may be transferred to in the United States of America, where it will be stored and processed if the webhosting or webservices are changed due expring contracts or legal issues with the current service provider. will provide at least the same level of privacy protection for EEA Personal Data as required under the U.S.-EU and U.S.-Swiss Privacy Shield frameworks.
Changes to this DPA.
This DPA is effective as of the date below and may be updated from time to time. We will notify you via your registered email address or a notice on this website prior to any significant changes becoming effective. You should periodically review the DPA online for the latest information.
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
Yes, is GDPR compliant!
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is an European Economic Area ("EEA") Privacy -EEA law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the EEA. It also addresses the export of personal data outside the EEA. The GDPR aims primarily to give control to citizens and residents over their personal data and to simplify the regulatory environment for international business by unifying the regulation within the EEA.
The GDPR extends the scope of EEA data protection law to all foreign companies processing data of EEA residents. It provides for a harmonization of the data protection regulations throughout the EEA, thereby making it easier for non-European companies to comply with these regulations.
In other words, the law protects every EEA citizen when they visit your web site, no matter where you or your business is located anywhere in the world. Hence our default privacy settings are strict and the only personal data logged by default is a randomly generated Unique ID (UID) stored in a cookie.
GDPR considers a UID to be "personal data", even though it does not identify who you are or reveal anything else about you. However, per Article 6 of the GDPR, use of this cookie does not require a visitor's direct consent because it is "necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests" of a web site using the service (knowing how many unique visitors access a site is a vital statistic and hence a "legitimate interest").
We are not lawyers and this is not legal advice. Consult your attorney.
European Economic Area (EEA)
The EEA consists of all European Union ("EU") and European Free Trade Association ("EFTA") member states, which are listed below for your convenience.
The personal data of web site visitors who reside within the EEA is protected by the GDPR .
When your visitor privacy settings are set to "EEA only", visitors from these countries will not log any personal data to our servers (other than a UID tracking cookie, lawful per the "legitimate interest" of any web site running analytics for counting unique visitors), unless you flag them as having consented to full tracking.
Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom.
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I agree that Bonuses (Nag Screen Codes) are offered as gifts, they are not mandatory or do not represent a legal obligation from Easyminer Team part.
I agree that Easyminer will pop-up from time to time (ussually at 3 hours ) a window reminding users about the Donationware license.
About Donationware.
Donationware is a licensing model that supplies fully operational unrestricted software to the user and requests an optional donation be paid to the programmer or a third-party beneficiary (usually a non-profit ). [1] The amount of the donation may also be stipulated by the author, or it may be left to the discretion of the user, based on individual perceptions of the software's value. Since donationware comes fully operational (i.e. not crippleware / Freemium ) when payment is optional, it is a type of freeware .
Nag Screen Windows are just pop-up windows h olding informatin regrading the software or the Donationware Licesing, this windows can be closed by users. Nag Screen Reminders does not affect functionality of software and can be disabled using a special code.
If you do not Agree with the Donationware Agreement please uninstall or do not use any of our Open Radio Directory Free Software Projects.
This Privacy Policy ("Policy") describes how Open Radio Directory Software ("ORD", "we", "us", or "o)ur") collects, uses, and shares information provided to us through our website (the "Site"), and the services available through our Site ("Easyminer", "Service", or "Services").
We collect information about users of our Service (our "Customers"), as well as our Customers' end users ("End Users") (collectively, "you", "your", or "yourself"). Note that Customers are also End Users , as we use our own Service to track itself. Some of the information collected may be Personal Data (defined as personal data of End Users that is processed by Roxr on behalf of Customers). Your rights regarding Personal Data are described in this Policy.
By using the Service, you agree that your information will be handled as described by this Policy, and that your usage and any disputes over privacy are subject to this Policy and our Terms of Service ("Terms") which are incorporated by reference into this Policy.
We value the privacy of our Customers and will not share any information about them or their traffic data with any third party for any purpose, unless required for legal reasons such as a government subpoena.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 02:07 pm

Sold all my GPUs and went full FPGA! Review of the Blackminer F1 Mini + unboxing and setup|10:44
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 02:07 pm
We value the privacy of End Users. By default, the Service does not log any Personal Data of End Users ;
However, the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR from FAQ-Privacy Section"), a law in the European Economic Area ("EEA from FAQ-Privacy Section"), does consider our Unique ID ("UID") tracking cookie to be Personal Data, even though it does not identify who a visitor is (e.g. their real name) or reveal anything else about them. Tracking UIDs of End Users is lawful without consent as it is well within the "legitimate interests" of a web site to know how many unique visitors are visiting their site, which is best accomplished with a UID cookie.
If you are an EEA citizen, you have the legal right to access, correct, and/or delete your Personal Data. Customers may contact us directly to do so, while End Users should send their inquiries directly to our Customers.
Information we collect.
From Customers.
End Users.
Unique ID tracking cookie ("UID") and IP Personal Data UHDID (unique hardware id required by the pool server)
To provide and maintain our Service to you. To help understand how Customers use our Service on an individual and aggregate basis in order to improve it. To help with customer service needs, such as troubleshooting issues that you report to us. To contact you with important account notifactions, such as a failed payment or subscription about to expire. Other research and analytical purposes such as Service performance, Customer behavior and retention, and common navigations through the Site.
To provide reports or communication for our Customers on web site .
How we share your information.
easyminer_userdata -- If you check "remember me" on the login page, this cookie is set for 1 year to automatically log you in on future visits. Deleted if you manually "log out" of the Site.
To the best of our ability, we protect all of our data from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access and destruction.
Secure (HTTPS) access is forced for our Site to help keep your information, including login credentials, secure in transit. You are responsible for using a strong and unique password for the Site to help keep your account secure. We are not responsbile for any unauthorized activity on your account because of lost, weak, or compromised passwords.
Personal Data rights.
EEA citizens have the legal right to access, correct, and/or delete their Personal Data. EEA Customers may contact us directly to do so, while EEA End Users (with whom we we have no direct relationship) should send their inquiries directly to the Customer in question.
If we receive a request from an End User in relation to Personal Data processed for a Customer, we will advise the End User to submit their request to Customer, and Customer will be responsible for responding to such request using the tools we have provided on our Site for handling Personal Data requests. Customer agrees to use all reasonable measures to verify the identity of an End User before sharing or modifying Personal Data.
Customers can request delete their account using the contact us from the membership page. We try to protect information from accidental or malicious deletion, so there may be delays between when you delete something and when copies are deleted from our active and backup systems.
We retain Personal Data on behalf of our Customers for as long as needed to provide our Service to them, or as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.
Our Service is not designed for children under 13. If we discover that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information, we will delete such information from our systems.
If you have any questions about this Policy or would like to make a complaint, please contact us by email.
Open Radio Directry Free Software.
Changes to this Policy.
This Policy is active as of the date below and is updated from time to time. We will notify you via your registered email address or a notice on this website prior to any significant changes becoming effective regarding Personal Data. You should periodically review this page for the latest information.
freeMiningBitcoin is an industry leading Bitcoin mining ( pool. All of the mining power is backed up by physical miners. Mining with the latest algorithms allows to make as much Bitcoin ( as possible. We aim to provide you with the easiest possible way to make money without having to do any of the hard stuff.
With data centers around the globe, we aim to keep bills down and mining power high, meaning you can make more in a shorter amount of time than what it would take to mine from your home for instance. Our data centers are located in Europe, USA and China with dedicated Up-Links and 99% uptime!
How do I Start?
Sign up providing your wallet address and Start generating Bitcoin (
I don't have a Bitcoin ( wallet. How can I create one?
You can create Bitcoin ( wallet using online services like
I don't have Bitcoin ( Where can I get Bitcoin (
You can buy and sell Bitcoins on exchanges like LocalBitcoins.
How much can I earn without investments?
You can generate 0.0008 BTC every day without investments. You can also upgrade your freeMiningBitcoin to generate up to 1 BTC every day.
How much can I earn on the partnership program?
You will earn 20% to 100% every time your referral gets upgrade depending on your freeMiningBitcoin version. If you have freeMiningBitcoin V1.0 - your profil will be 20%, 30% for V2.0, 40% for V3.0, 50% for V4.0 and 60% for V5.0.
How long does it takes to withdraw money?
Withdrawal applications are generally processed instantly, in rare cases withdrawals can be processed manually and take longer..
What is the minimum amount for withdrawal and upgrade?
Minimum withdrawal amount is 0.002 BTC. Minimal upgrade amount is 0.03 BTC.
If I pay for an upgrade how long is it active?
freeMiningBitcoin upgrades have no limits and works as long as our data centers are powered. Our uptime is 99% so upgrade confidently.
Can I upgrade freeMiningBitcoin with money on my balance?
freeMiningBitcoin currently does not support upgrading from internal freeMiningBitcoin wallet yet. You can only upgrade using external wallets.
I haven't found an answer to my question. How can I get in touch with you?
You can get in touch with us via our contacts page .
Bitcoin ( FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Bitcoin ( FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) will describe you the most interesting issues of concern which were met by Bitcoin ( users.
1 General information 1.1 What is Bitcoin ( 1.2 What are bitcoins? 1.3 Who invented Bitcoin ( 1.4 How can I get bitcoins? 1.5 Does Bitcoin ( guarantee easy money? 1.5.1 Is Bitcoin ( an Internet scam? 1.5.2 If I install the client, can I earn? 1.5.3 Is Bitcoin ( a suitable investment? 1.6 Can I buy Bitcoin ( via Paypal? 1.7 How new bitcoins are generated? 1.8 How much Bitcoins exist now? 1.9 How are called the parts of Bitcoin ( 1.10 How much is one Bitcoin ( 1.11 How will work the two timed reduced award for block, when numbers become small? 1.12 If the coins are no longer created, will be the new blocks created? 1.13 But if the coins will no longer exist, what happens if bitcoins are lost? 1.14 If every transaction is transmitted through the network, does not traffic increase from Bitcoin ( 2 Economy 2.1 Why are bitcoins so valuable? What do bitcoins have? 2.2 Is bitcoin a soap bubble, a kind of fraud? 2.3 Do Bitcoins work according to Ponzi model? 2.4 Whether bitcoin doesn't bring unfair profit for those who began buy bitcoins earlier than others? 2.5 And if somebody buys all bitcoins, which exist? 2.6 And if somebody creates a new chain of blocks or digital currency which will force out bitcoin? 2.7 Do prices manipulations are possible in Bitcoins? 3 Payments' sending off and receipt 3.1 Why should I wait for 10 minutes in order to spend money I have got? 3.2 Should we wait for transaction confirmation in order to buy or sell wares by bitcoins? 3.3 Bitcoins have been already sent to me, but I did not receive it yet! Where are my bitcoins? 3.4 Why my Bitcoin ( address changes constantly? 3.5 How much will be commission? 3.6 What is happening when somebody sends bitcoins to me, but my PC is off? 3.7 How much time lasts a synchronization while the first establishment of Bitcoin ( customer? What is happening during this process? 4 Network 4.1 Should I set my firewall in order to launch Bitcoin ( 4.2 How works a mechanism of feasts' finding? 5 Mining 5.1 What is it? 5.2 Is mining used for conduction of useful calculations? 5.3 Is it a waste of electricity? 5.4 Why can't we use calculations, which can be also applied for other aims? 5.5 How can we prevent miners from creation of the blocks without transactions? 5.6 How the principle "confirmation of carried out work" helps to protect Bitcoin ( 6 Safety 6.1 Can miners come to an arrangement with each other in order to take money or to change all work of Bitcoin ( system? 6.1.1 Can miners unite and take money? 6.1.2 Can they do it on circumvention of existing rules of Bitcoin ( system? Is there any way to sack and earn a lot of money unfairly? 6.2 Can miners change Bitcoin ( features? 7 How to Invest in Bitcoin ( 7.1 Why Invest in Bitcoin ( 7.2 How to Invest in Bitcoins and Where to Buy? 8 See also 9 Resources.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 02:08 pm

Design and Implementation of a Bitcoin ( Miner Using FPGAs|12:41
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 02:11 pm
General information [ edit ]
What is Bitcoin ( [ edit ]
The main article: Bitcoin (
Bitcoin ( is a peer-to-peer digital currency that can be safely and instantly sent to any person in the world. This currency is like electronic money, which you can share with friends or use to pay for your purchases.
What are bitcoins? [ edit ]
Bitcoin ( is a currency unit of Bitcoin ( system. Abbreviation "BTC" is usually used; it means price or number (e.g. "100 BTC"). Physical bitcoins also exist, but, generally, bitcoin is just a number connected to the address. Physical bitcoins are just objects like coins with inbuilt number.
Who invented Bitcoin ( [ edit ]
Satoshi Nakamoto is the name used by the unknown person or persons who developed bitcoin, authored the bitcoin white paper, and created and deployed bitcoin's original reference implementation. As part of the implementation, they also devised the first blockchain database. In the process they were the first to solve the double-spending problem for digital currency using a peer-to-peer network. They were active in the development of bitcoin up until December 2010.
How can I get bitcoins? [ edit ]
There are many ways to get btcoins:
You can take bitcoins for goods or services. The most common way to get bitcoins is exchange. There are exchange services, which exchange bitcoins for conventional currency. You can find people in your country or city, who sell bitcoins for cash. Participate in mining pool. If you have a lot of equipment for mining, you can do it yourself and try to create a new block (today it brings 25 bitcoins and all commission for translations included in the block). Get bitcoins on websites that give them for free.
Does Bitcoin ( guarantee easy money? [ edit ]
Considering Bitcoin ( is a new technology, at first it can be unclear what it is and how it works. People often see Bitcoin ( as one of three options:
Something like Internet scam. A loophole in market economy, the use of which guarantees a steady surge in capital inflows. Safe investment that is almost certain to bring profit.
In fact, none of these options reflects the truth. Let's dwell on each of them.
Is Bitcoin ( an Internet scam? [ edit ]
If you spend much time online, you, probably, often meet an advertising of different scams. These ads usually promise big benefit for simple work. Such schemes are likely to be financial pyramids/matrices, which simply want to cash in on their employees and don't offer anything worthwhile. Most often they convince people to buy certain block of shares that will bring ones pots of money. But in fact, customer has to spread more those ads without any gain. Bitcoin ( has nothing in common with such schemes. Bitcoin ( does not promise superior returns. Developers can't cash in on you. The biggest plus is Bitcoin ( can't be bought without the owner's agreement. Bitcoin ( is an experimental virtual currency, which is going to be a success or fail. None of the developers expects to get rich because of it.
If I install the client, can I earn? [ edit ]
The majority of people using Bitcoin ( does not benefit from this, and client in the form it is distributed does not give you the opportunity to earn. Few people with special highly productive equipment earn Bitcoins by "mining" (creating new Bitcoins), using special software, but Bitcoin ( should not be considered as a path to wealth. Most users participate in this project, because they consider its concept interesting, but they do not benefit from it. Bitcoin ( makes its first steps. Maybe great things await it in the future, but now it's just a technology that can be offered to the people interested in conceptual projects or new technologies.
Is Bitcoin ( a suitable investment? [ edit ]
Bitcoin ( is a new, interesting e-Currency, and its value is not supported by governments or organizations. Like other currencies, it is worth something, because people are willing to exchange it for goods and services. Its exchange rate is constantly fluctuating, sometimes very strong. Bitcoin ( lacks wide recognition; it is vulnerable to manipulation by persons without large assets. Security incidents, such as hacking a website and leakage of the accounts, can cause serious problems with uncontrolled selling of currency. There are other probable fluctuations that can trigger feedback and cause much larger changes in the exchange rate. Anyone who invests in Bitcoin (, should understand the risk he takes, and consider Bitcoin ( as a currency with a high level of risk. Later, when the Bitcoin ( becomes more famous and widely recognized, it may stabilize, but at this point everything is unpredictable. Any investment in the Bitcoin ( must be exercised with a clear risk management plan.
Can I buy Bitcoin ( via Paypal? [ edit ]
You can buy the physical bitcoins with PayPal, but it will be more difficult and expensive with electronic coins, because of the significant risk for the seller. There is a method of buying Bitcoins via PayPal, but it is subject to a large commission. Using VirWoX you can buy Second Life Lindens (SLL) on Paypal, and then convert them into bitcoins. In such a way you lose about 6%, but will be able to get bitcoins pretty quickly, unlike a bank transfer. This method works because you do not buy Bitcoin ( directly via Paypal, you buy SLL (which is permissible under Paypal's conditions), and then exchange them for Bitcoin ( Despite you may find someone who wants to sell you Bitcoins via Paypal, (perhaps using # bitcoin-otc), most exchanges does not work with PayPal. It is related to the high incidence of fraud: people paid for bitcoins via Paypal, received their bitcoins, and then sent a complaint to Paypal about not getting a purchase at all. In this situation, PayPal often takes the side of the cheating buyer, so sellers have to insure against risks by higher commissions or complete rejection of Paypal. Purchasing Bitcoins from individuals is still possible, but the seller must be sure the buyer will not complain to PayPal, to get his payment back.
How new bitcoins are generated? [ edit ]
New bitcoins are generated through the "Mining" process. During the process, which is similar to a permanent lottery, hosts are awarded with Bitcoins every time they find the solution to a mathematical problem (and thus create a new block). Creation of block is a work proof and complexity of the process varies with the growth of network. Award for the creation of the block is adjusted automatically. Thus every four years of the networking half of bitcoins is created, that have been created over the past four years. During the first 4 years (January 2009 - November 2012) 10,499,889.80231183 Bitcoins (approximately) have been generated. Every four years, this amount will be divided in two; it will be equal to 5,250,000 over the next four years, then 2,625,000, and so on. Thus, the total number of Bitcoins will never exceed 20,999,839.77085749. Blocks are mined every 10 minutes on average, and for the first four years (210,000 blocks) each block contained 50 new Bitcoins. Since the amount of processing equipment used in mining increases, the difficulty of creating new Bitcoins is growing. This complexity factor is calculated every 2016 blocks; it is based on the time it took to create the previous 2016 blocks.
How much Bitcoins exist now? [ edit ]
Their number is constantly increasing. The number of existing coins = number of blocks, multiplied by the coin value from the block. The coins cost from the block is 50 BTC in each of the first 210,000 blocks, 25 210,000 BTC in the next 210,000 blocks, then 12,5 BTC, 6,25 BTC and so forth. How many parts bitcoins can be divided to? Bitcoin ( can be divided to 8 decimal places. 0,00000001 BTC is the minimum volume that can be processed in a transaction. It is also called "Satoshi" in honor of the founder of Bitcoin ( If necessary, the protocol and software can be modified to work with smaller amounts.
How are called the parts of Bitcoin ( [ edit ]
There are many disputes how to call units smaller than 1 bitcoin. The most popular options are:
1 BTC = 1 Bitcoin ( 0,01 BTC = 1 CBTC = 1 santibitcoin (is also mentioned as bitsent) 0.001 BTC = 1 mBTC = 1 millibitcoin (is also mentioned as Mbit or millibit or even bitmill) 0.000 001 BTC = 1 μBTC = 1 microbitcoin (is also mentioned as ubit or microbit)
Supra are international SI prefixes for hundredths, thousandths and millionths parts. Most often they argue about a separate designation for 0,01 BTC, because it is unlikely this part will be worth something as the economy of Bitcoin ( grows (of course, it will not be equivalent to 0,01 USD, GBP or EUR). The use of existing national symbols of money, such as "cent", "nickel", "dime", "pence", "pound", "penny", is not supported, too, because it is a worldwide currency.
How much is one Bitcoin ( [ edit ]
"Satoshi" is the only exception; this word refers to the smallest existing currency face value. 0.000 000 01 BTC = 1 Satoshi, which is named in honor of Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin ('s inventor alias.
How will work the two timed reduced award for block, when numbers become small? [ edit ]
In the end reward for block declines from 0.00000001 BTC to zero, Bitcoins will be no longer created. Reward for the block is calculated as the bitwise shift of 64-bit integer to the right, so it is divided by two and rounded down. This integer is equal to BTC * 100000000, because all balances and Bitcoin ( cost are stored in the client as unsigned integers. If the original award was 50 BTC, then how many 4-year periods bitcoins have to be mined to reach zero? How much time it takes to create all the coins? The last block generating coins will be the block number 6929999, which should be created in 2140. The total circulating number of coins will be 20,999,999.9769 BTC. Even if permitted accuracy increases from current 8 decimal places, the total circulating number of BTC will always be slightly below 21 million (assuming that everything else will remain unchanged). For example, with accuracy of 16 after the decimal point we finally would get 20,999,999.999999999496 BTC.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 02:11 pm

FPGA Mining ( Is Back! Crushes GPU Mining ( with $20-57 a Day per Card|12:07
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 02:12 pm
If the coins are no longer created, will be the new blocks created? [ edit ]
Sure! Even before the coins are over, commissions for the transactions included in the blocks will certainly become more rewarding for the creation of new blocks than the coins themselves. When all coins are created, these commissions will support the use of Bitcoin ( and Bitcoin ( network itself. The number of blocks that can be created is unlimited.
But if the coins will no longer exist, what happens if bitcoins are lost? [ edit ]
Because of a law of supply and demand bitcoins will cost more, provided their number reduces. So if some bitcoins are lost, others will grow in price to compensate. If the value of Bitcoins increases, number needed for purchase will decrease. This is deflationary economic model. If the average transaction size is reduced, the transaction is likely to be held using Bitcoin ( smaller parts, such as millibitcoins («Millies») or microbitcoins («Mikes»). Bitcoin ( protocol uses the basic block from one hundred million Bitcoins ("Satoshi"), but unused bits allow you to work with even smaller parts.
If every transaction is transmitted through the network, does not traffic increase from Bitcoin ( [ edit ]
Bitcoin ( protocol allows using lightweight clients that can work without downloading on your computer the entire transaction history. As traffic grows and this point is becoming increasingly important, methods are developed to implement such concepts. Major network nodes will become more specialized services. With the help of some changes in the software full Bitcoin ( nodes will be able to catch up with VISA and MasterCard, but it will require a fairly humble hardware (one high class server by today's standards). It is worth noting that the MasterCard network structure is similar to the Bitcoin ( - it is also a broadcast peer-to-peer network.
Economy [ edit ]
Why are bitcoins so valuable? What do bitcoins have? [ edit ]
Bitcoins are valuable because they are useful and their quantity is limited. The cost of bitcoins will be stable depending on that how many sellers will sell wares and services using bitcoins. Here you can find the list of sites, where you can pay by bitcoins.
When we are talking that any currency is confirmed by the gold it means that theoretically you can trade this currency for gold. Bitcoins as well as euro or dollars are confirmed by nothing except sellers, who accept it.
There is a common wishful thinking that bitcoins' prime cost increases at the expense of electricity cost, necessary for its production. Production prime cost is not equal to the cost - employment of the great quantity of the staff in order to dig a big hole is very expensive and inefficient that's why it is not valuable. Also in spite of deficit is the most important demand for useful currency, deficit itself is not valuable. For example your fingerprints are in deficit - it is a limited quantity of it all over the world, but this fact doesn't increase its value for other persons.
It should be also added that in spite of law of demand and supply, which is valid here, it doesn't guarantee that bitcoins will be valuable in the future. In case there will be any confidence in bitcoins, so the fact that the quantity of bitcoins will decrease, is not important. Demand will decrease and speculators in foreign currency will try to sell it as soon as possible. Such a situation can be observed by example of state currencies in that cases when the state falls to several separate states and the currency of this state is not issued any more (as the central body issuing new money disappeared). In spite of limited quantity of money in circulation, its value decreases as the confidence in its spending power is decreasing. Of course Bitcoins system doesn't have such a central control and issue body, but this is not a guarantee of protection from currency confidence decrease because of different unexpected factors.
Is bitcoin a soap bubble, a kind of fraud? [ edit ]
Yes, it is, as euro and dollars are soup bubble and a fraud. Its value consists in exchange rate and it doesn't have any other base. If everybody won't accept dollars, euro or bitcoins, such a bubble will blow out and the value of your savings will be zero. But such possibility is hardly probable: even in Somalia where the state has fallen to pieces 20 years ago, Somali shillings are still accepted for payment.
Do Bitcoins work according to Ponzi model? [ edit ]
In Ponzi scheme its founders persuade investors that they will grow rich. Bitcoin ( doesn't give such guarantees. There is no central body, there only people who are building economy.
Ponzi scheme is a play with zero amount of money. Those who have been involved to the scheme earlier will grow rich at the expense of those who were involved later. Bitcoin ( has win-win variants. Those who began using of bitcoins earlier can get profits at the expense of bitcoins' cost increase. Those who have been involved later and all society in general, will win due to stable, fast, cheap and widely-distributed p2p currency.
The fact that people being involved earlier will get more profits does not mean that bitcoin works according to Ponzi scheme. All reliable investments have the same features.
Whether bitcoin doesn't bring unfair profit for those who began buy bitcoins earlier than others? [ edit ]
Those who began use bitcoins earlier than others take a risk of unproved technology investing. Due to their actions they help the bitcoins system become such a system it has been already became and to develop in the future. That's why these people will get well-earned profit.
In any case each created bitcoin will change its owner scores of time as a result of exchange, so that profits from the first trade will be insignificant comparing to profits got from bitcoin currency circulation. A lot of early users of bitcoins sold their bitcoins less per 1 USD, it is significantly less than today's cost of this currency.
Is it possible that lost cash-box and limited quantity of bitcoins can be a reason of uncontrolled deflation, which will destroy the bitcoin system?
Suspense concerning bitcoin system destroy by deflation is unreasonable. As opposed to other currencies which constantly go through the inflation because of money issue by the state, bitcoin cost will supposedly increase. Bitcoins are unique due to its limited quantity (21 million). This amount is known from the moment of project launch and bitcoins are creating very fast.
Users of bitcoins face also a danger which is unknowns for users of other currencies: if bitcoin system user lost his cash box, his money will disappear forever or until he will find his cash box. Money can disappear not only for him but also from the circulation and they won't be available any more. As people will lost their cash boxes, the quantity of bitcoins will decrease gradually.
So bitcoins have a unique problem. While a lot of currencies go through the inflation, bitcoin will supposedly go through feedback influence. With the lapse of time bitcoins' quantity increase will slow down. Limited quantity of this currency, being in the circulation, will decrease significantly. And as bitcoin will be less, the cost of bitcoins will constantly increase according to law of demand and supply.
So that the future of bitcoins is a kind of mystery, as nobody knows exactly what will happen to the currency which becomes even more valuable with the lapse of time. The most of economists affirm that low inflation rate is very good for currency, but nobody can be sure what happens to the currency which goes constantly through deflation. In spite of deflation isn't a very rare phenomena, the constant deflation isn't possible for any currency all around the world. There will be a lot of discussions of this process, but there is no experience of such model work all around the world, that's why all affirms of economists are just guess works.
In spite of all above there is a mechanisms intended for the fight with clear consequences. The majority of currencies can be unpractical due to too strong deflation. If it is possible to buy a new car per 1 Canadian USD, so what should Canadian do when they would like to buy bread or candy? Even a penny will be very valuable. There is a simple decision for this in the bitcoins system: endless divisibility. Bitcoins can be divided and sold by such tiny parties, as it will be comfort for the owners. So it doesn't matter how valuable bitcoins are, they can be used by people for transactions of any volumes. Generally endless divisibility should allow bitcoins to exist even in cases when a lot of people lost their cash-boxes. Even if there will be just 1 bitcoin all over the world or even its part, so bitcoin can exist. Today is too early to say about possibility of such events, but deflation constitutes likely less menace that a lot of people suppose.
And if somebody buys all bitcoins, which exist? [ edit ]
Bitcoins' markets are based on competition and it means that the cost of bitcoins will increase or decrease depending on supply and demand on certain price level. Just little part of bitcoins, which exists nowadays, is available for sale on foreign exchange market. So in spite of byer with a lot of money has a technique opportunity to buy all bitcoins available for sale, so he has to wait when all other holders of bitcoins offer it for sale. So that even the most rich and resolute buyer can't get all bitcoins.
Moreover new currency is issued every day and it will continue during ten years; thought issue speed will decrease insignificantly with the lapse of time. People dealing with mining are not obliged to sell their bitcoins that's why on the market all currency won't be available. But such a situation doesn't guarantee that markets are invulnerable for prices manipulation. Insignificant volume of the currency is demanded in order to decrease or increase its market-value that's why bitcoins is unstable assets.
And if somebody creates a new chain of blocks or digital currency which will force out bitcoin? [ edit ]
One of the most important mechanisms of bitcoins' safety is based on that it's very difficult to branch the chain of blocks. Choosing between two chains miner usually chooses the longest one, it means the chain with the difficulties hash. In such a way we get guarantee that each user can spend his bitcoins one time only and the fraud is excluded. The structure of the block chain is created in such a way that there are a lot of branches and there is a probability that the deal will be rewritten by the longest branch in case itself was in the shortest one. With the deal age the probability about its rewriting decreases and there is a chance that it will be constant. Though thanks to blocks' chain structure people won't be able to spend more bitcoins then they have. It is a probability that it will be accidently cancelled.
The new blocks' chain will make a network more vulnerable to attacks of double payment. Nevertheless the creation of new chain is a very difficult process so such a risk is not significant.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 02:13 pm

Blackminer F1 Mini after 2 months: Costs \u0026 Earnings (FPGA Mining ( by Hash Altcoin)|4:54
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 02:13 pm
Bitcoin ( will always choose the longest blocks' chain and it will determine comparative length of two branches according to its hashes' complexity. As a hash of each new block is created on the base of the previous one, so by creation of the block with more complex hash it's necessary to be ready to make more calculations then it was made by the network from the moment of offshoot and till new block creation. It stands to reason that powerful computing power is necessary and as bitcoin increases constantly and gets widen so this index will increase.
The possibility of appearance of other more perfect virtual currencies which can force bitcoin out and make it outdated and useless constitutes a menace.
Bitcoin ( development demanded serious intellectual resources and ingenuity, but this currency has become the first sui generis, it became a prototype, vulnerable before more developed competitor, but there is no guarantee that it will save its position. If historical principles of Internet operate, so analogous system based on the same principles, will change and pass ahead of bitcoin, when its main defects will be shown. Friendster and Myspace ware damaged in such a way because of Facebook, Napster has been thrown down by Limeware, Bearshare and torrent applications and Skype has been smashed by Microsoft Messenger.
It is possible that it sounds gloomy so keep in mind that appearance of new and possibly better virtual currencies doesn't predict bitcoin's demise. If bitcoin gets its sure footing and wide recognition and it confirms its stability how private online currencies of the next generation will be created, so the future currencies even with the better architecture won't constitute a menace. It is called a network effect.
Do prices manipulations are possible in Bitcoins? [ edit ]
Nowadays low market capitalization of bitcoin means that any investor with enough quantity of money can significantly change/manipulate the rate. Is it a problem?
It is a problem but in the case when you are investing in bitcoins for short period of time. Manipulator can't change the main principles based in the system that's why during 5-10 years these principles will overcome any short time manipulations.
Payments' sending off and receipt [ edit ]
Why should I wait for 10 minutes in order to spend money I have got? [ edit ]
10 minutes is an average period of time for block search. This process can take significantly more or less time; 10 minutes is just an average meaning.
With the help of the blocks (known as a "confirmation" in Bitcoin ( graphical interface) the Bitcoins system matches what does anybody have? After the block has been found everybody agrees that you have these coins so that it is possible to spend them again. Until it is not found some network units can have outdated information and it can make a fraud of the system more possible by returning the transaction. The more confirmations have a transaction the less risk of refund is possible. 6 blocks and 1 hour are enough in order to make a refund unpractical in terms of calculations. And measures are much more better that they are by Credit cards where charge backs can be possible during 3 months from the moment of the first deal!
10 minutes period of time has been chosen by Satoshi as a compromise between the moment of the first confirmation and work volume, wasted for working out of the branched chain. If the block is received so other miners don't know about it at once and until they compete with a new block bit not account on its base. If anybody mines a new block on the base of the old chain, so the network will accept just one of them and all computing work will be wasted. For example, if miners know about new blocks per 1 minute and new blocks appear every 10 minutes, so 10% of the network operation will be wasted. Time increase by accepting a new clock decreases this process.
Lets' imagine that bitcoins system achieves a Mars. If planets are on the distant points of their orbits, so the signal needs 20 minutes in order to get each other. On condition that the search of the new block takes 10 minutes, miners on the Mars will drop for 2 blocks behind the miners on the Earth. They almost can't create blocks by themselves. In case we had to work with such delays so the time of receiving of a new block should be increased at least several hours.
Should we wait for transaction confirmation in order to buy or sell wares by bitcoins? [ edit ]
Yes, you should, in case transactions can't be carried out in reverse direction. Software intended for work with Bitcoin ( doesn't confirm transaction until 6 blocks (confirmations) more will be found. It is very difficult to cancel transactions when they are at the big distance in the chain. But it is very easy to do before the first confirmation. If transaction can't be made in reverse direction, it is recommended to get 2-6 confirmations depending on the sum of transaction.
When people ask this question, they usually think about bitcoins' usage for example in super markets. Such transactions can be made in reverse direction: if somebody tries to use money twice, it can work several times, but as a result one from such deals will be noticed and penal consequence in the shop in majority countries is much more serious than income from such a theft.
Spheres of usage which demand immediate work out of the payments, for example, it is necessary to protect super markets or coin-operated machines from such risks. There is a way how you can return unconfirmed payment:
"Attack of Finni" consists in block mining by trespasser, which has a refund of certain quantity of coins. As soon as he finds the decision he does his shopping very fast and then it relays a block, accepting in this way coins back. First of all such an attack is very dangerous for wares directly, which are being sent at once, for example music tracks and currency at exchange. As a trespasser can't choose a time for attack, it is not important for the shops where you can't choose when exactly to pay (for example because of queues). Attack can be failed in case somebody else will find a block consisting dealing about this purchase before you create your own block. So organization dealing with bitcoin can decrease a risk just asking a seller to wait a little bit.
As this attack is difficult enough, sellers selling wares automatically and instantly should correct their prices in order to include the cost of such a fraud or special insurance.
Bitcoins have been already sent to me, but I did not receive it yet! Where are my bitcoins? [ edit ]
Don't panic! There is a range of reasons why you can't get your bitcoins and there is a range of ways of these reasons' definition.
The last version of Bitcoin ( customer shows how much time we need in order to download the block chain. Just aim a cursor at the sign located in the right low edge in order to know the status of your customer. You can also check a status of your transaction on site, just having made a search according to your address. If there is a deal in the list, so you have just to wait a little bit until it will be on and will be reflected in your customer. If in the deal is used a coin, by which has already been made a transaction, so it can have a low priority. Transaction can take more time in case paid commission was low. If there was any commission at all so transaction can get very low priority and it will reach a block just in several hours and even days.
Why my Bitcoin ( address changes constantly? [ edit ]
In spite of postal and e-mail addresses, Bitcoin ( one is used just one time. It means that each time when you receive a transaction you have to generate a new address.
Though technically it is possible to get coins several times on the same address, it endangers safety of your cash-box and confidentiality of Bitcoin ( network and it makes also impossible to determine those who has sent coins and why.
How much will be commission? [ edit ]
In order some dealings get a confirmation; a certain commission should be paid. Commission is worked out and received by miner. The latest version of Bitcoin ( customer evaluates upon necessity an appropriate commission.
Commission is added to the payment sum. For example, if you send 1234 BTC and a customer demands a commission 00005, so 12345 BTC will be withdrawn from your account and a receiver will get 1234 BTC.
Commission can also be obliged, because dealing looks like an attack at the Bitcoin ( system. For example it can be difficult to carry dealing out in case there are recently used bitcoins. Your cash-box tries to avoid generation of onerous transactions but it is not always able to do it: means in your cash box can be new and can consist from the majority of tiny payments.
As commission depends on data quantity, from which dealing consists but not from the quantity of sent bitcoins, it can be very low (0.0005 BTC for 1000 BTC) or unfairly high (0.004 BTC for 0.02 BTC it's about 20%). In case you are getting insignificant sum of money (for example payments from mining pool) so commission by sending will be higher than by conduction of ordinary consumer and business operations.
What is happening when somebody sends bitcoins to me, but my PC is off? [ edit ]
Bitcoins are not just being sent to your cash-box; the program uses such term in order we can use a currency without studying of new notions. Your cash-box is necessary just in case you would like to spend your coins.
If somebody has sent coins to you while your customer was off, and you launched a program later, so coins will receive your account at once. So when your customer is being launched, it downloads blocks and knows new dealings including those applying your cash-box.
How much time lasts a synchronization while the first establishment of Bitcoin ( customer? What is happening during this process? [ edit ]
A popular Bitcoin ( customer from the works as a full Bitcoin ( unit: it can do all duties of Bitcoin ( system; it is not just a customer. One of the principles on which the work of the full Bitcoin ( units is based consists in not following the rules by Bitcoin ( system participants. While the synchronization the software works out carried out dealings and checks by itself whether all rules were followed correctly.
Usually after synchronization finish, the program uses tiny quantity of PC sources.
While the first establishment of customer-cash box, its prime check demands significant activity of the hard disk, so that synchronization duration depends on disk and processor speed. It can take from the several hours till several days etc. More than 40 hours can be necessary for constant synchronization on the slow PC, so check energy conservation settings of your PC in order to be sure that it won't off hard disk in case it will be without tending for several hours. While the synchronization you can use Bitcoin ( customer, but you won't see your last payments till the customer gets the points of their conduction.
You can try alternative easiest customer - a kind of Multibit or super-easy electrum customer, though they are not well protected and are a little bit unfinished and don't fix P2P network.
Network [ edit ]
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 04:39 pm

8 x Xilinx VCU1525 FPGA Crypto-Mining ( Rig Demo|8:35
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 04:44 pm
Should I set my firewall in order to launch Bitcoin ( [ edit ]
Bitcoin ( will be connected to other units using as a rule TCP port # 8333. In case you would like a Bitcoin ( customer was connected to majority of units, it is necessary to allow outgoing TCH connections thrpugh the port # 8333. Testnet uses TCP port # 8333.
If you wants to restrict rules of firewall for several IP-addresses, so it is possible to find stable units n the list of reserve units.
How works a mechanism of feasts' finding? [ edit ]
Bitcoin ( finds feasts by sending messages inside its own network and each unit saves data base of famous feasts in order to use it in the future. In order to support this process, Bitcoin ( needs the list of the prime feasts. This list can be made manually, but usually the program gets this information with the help of the request of domain DNS names with automatically renewed lists. If it doesn't help, the program uses built-in list, which is renewed sometimes in new versions.
Mining [ edit ]
What is it? [ edit ]
Mining is a process of usage of computing power necessary for implementation of new bitcoins in the system and for protection from the refunds.
Mining is a computing of the block hash, which includes reference on the previous blocks, hash of carried out operations and disposable number. If the meaning of the hash is less than current goal (which is inversely to the complexity), so new block is being created and miner gets created bitcoins (at the moment 24 BTC per one block). If hash is more than the current goal, so new number is used and new hash is being accounted. Each miner does it millions times per the second.
Is mining used for conduction of useful calculations? [ edit ]
Mining calculations concern bitcoin only and are not connected with other distributed computing projects. They serve in order to provide safety of Bitcoin ( system, what is rather useful.
Is it a waste of electricity? [ edit ]
We can't say that expense of electricity necessary for creation and providence of free standard is waste. Moreover services necessary for operating of widely-distributed nowadays standards (banks and credit companies) also spend an energy even more than Bitcoin (
Why can't we use calculations, which can be also applied for other aims? [ edit ]
In order to provide safety of the Bitcoin ( network, calculations inside it should have some peculiar features. These peculiarities are incompatible with calculations intended for other goals.
How can we prevent miners from creation of the blocks without transactions? [ edit ]
Commissions for transactions are stimulus for miners. In case we need to realize some minimum quantity of transactions in the block, miners would enter this number. As the network growths a commission for block creation decreases and miner become more dependable on commissions which can compensate its costs, that's why the problem of zero blocks without transactions will tail with the lapse of time.
How the principle "confirmation of carried out work" helps to protect Bitcoin ( [ edit ]
Bitcoin ( uses the principle of confirmation of carried out work Hashcash with insignificant adoptions. In order to get general idea about mining process, just imagine such a source code:
Work made by miners consists in repeated increase of "one-time number" until hash-function gives a rare meaning which is low than certain goal threshold level. (by other words, hash begins from the certain quantity of zeroes, in case you represent it by the fixed length).
So you can see that there are any peculiar calculations by mining. Miners just try to find some number (so called one-time number) which (in aggregate with payload) will make a hash with peculiar features.
Advantages of usage of such mechanism consist in easiness of inspection results. Taking into account payload and specific one-time number, just one hashiring call for hash properties inspection is necessary. As hashes can be found just with the help of brut forces (it is a method of search of any possible variants)so it can be used as a confirmation of carried out work, because we see that somebody has used great computing powers in order to find right temporary meaning (one-time number) for payload. This function is being used in Bitcoin ( system in order to provide safety of different its aspects. A trespasser who wants to punch harmful data in the network should provide necessary confirmation of the work. And until honest miners have more computing powers, they will always pass ahead.
Safety [ edit ]
Can miners come to an arrangement with each other in order to take money or to change all work of Bitcoin ( system? [ edit ]
There are two questions. Let's see them separately.
Can miners unite and take money? [ edit ]
Mining - is a process of creation of new blocks in the chain. Each block includes the list of all transactions made in Bitcoin ( network from the moment of creation of the last block and also hash of the previous block. New blocks are produced i.e. generated by Bitcoin ( clients, whose function consists in guessing of the last symbols in the codes, which are named hashes and are created with the help of information from the previous blocks. Bitcoin ( users can download special programs for mining with the help of which you can single out certain quantity of computing power for guessing on the base of the hash of the previous block. Those who will be the first who make the right calculation cresting a new block will get bitcoins as a kind of compensation.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 04:44 pm

Bitcoin ( Miner software Free Download🤑With Payment Proof🍿|5:50
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 04:44 pm
Blocks' chain is one from the two structures, which supply safety of Bitcoin ( Another one is a system of encoding with the open key on which the trade is based. The chain of the blocks not only gives a guarantee that all dealings will be written down but also allows to any person to keep notes about any dealing. A lot of users have a list of all carried out dealings for the whole history of Bitcoin (, this list is available at any moment and any who wants to get information can do it without any efforts. So it is difficult to fraud in Bitcoin ( system.
Bitcoin ( system launch demands significant computing powers and as a great power allows making more attempts concerning numbers' guessing , so people who have made more investments to PCs, will earn much money. Today each guessed number gives 25 bitcoins, which are valuable (though their cost varies), so any miner who earns bitcoins gets money. Some makes it alone, other participate or create pools where each brings profit.
So on the first question we will answer "yes" - miners can not only come to an arrangement in order to get more money, the system itself encourages it. Pools are collective structures there is nothing unfair or crafty. Of course the main question is:
Can they do it on circumvention of existing rules of Bitcoin ( system? Is there any way to sack and earn a lot of money unfairly? [ edit ]
Bitcoin ( is not perfect. The system can be deceived, but it is very difficult to do. Bitcoin ( has been developed in order to avoid main problems of contemporary currencies, i.e. that the degree of belief depends on people who not always assign primary importance to interests of currencies holders. Each currency in the world (except Bitcoin ( is being controlled by the large establishments, which are controlling operation with these currencies and can manipulate its cost. Currencies have a certain cost because people believe in establishments controlling these currencies.
Bitcoin ( doesn't ask about belief to any organization. System safety is based on the cryptography, which is its integral part which is available. Instead of creation of new separate organization which will control transactions, the whole network controls it, that's why it is very difficult to steal bitcoins or make a fraud by any other ways. Bitcoins are being created regularly and predictively. A lot of users create it that's why nobody separately can create too much bitcoins in order to decrease its value. Bitcoins are created in such a way in order to be protected from inflation and repeat usage (double-spending). The system is widely distributed.
Nevertheless there are several ways you can use in order to get bitcoins unfairly. Firstly, personal keys can be stolen. Keys' theft isn't included to the list from which bitcoin system is protected. The storage of the keys depends on users only. But cryptographic protection in the system is settled in such a way that nobody can get personal key of the person even if somebody knows his public key. Until you use personal key individually you should not worry. There is also a theoretical possibility of creation of new blocks' chain, but because of peculiarities of the building of such chains this task will be very difficult and will demand huge computing powers. The full description of such difficulties can be found in the article devoted to the chain of the blocks.
The Bitcoin ( system can be broken, but it is very difficult to make such actions and they will demand experts' involvement and stunning volumes of computing power. The bitcoin system is not absolutely inaccessible, but it is very close to perfection.
Can miners change Bitcoin ( features? [ edit ]
We will tell you one more time - no.
Bitcoin ( is a widely-distributed network that's why any changes included to the system should be approved by all users. If somebody wants to change the way of creation of Bitcoins, it is necessary to convince each bitcoin holder to download and use some software, that's why changes can be made just in case it will be of benefit to all.
In such a way it is almost impossible to change the work of the Bitcoin ( system for personal enrichment. If users don't like the changes they won't accept it. And if they like these change, it will be in profit of all users. Of course we can imagine the situation that somebody will make such changes which won't be noticed by anybody and that will be in profit of somebody specifically and not to all. But the system is made easy enough, and significant changes can't be unnoticed.
The fact that serious changes are difficult to be involved proves that Bitcoin ( is absolutely distributed system. Any currency is being controlled from the center and it can be changed from this center without approval of the currency holder. Such a central body is not provided in the Bitcoin ( system, that's why all changes are made according to society will. Bitcoin ( development is a reflection of the collective evolution - the first experience in the whole world for monetary unit.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 04:45 pm

How to start Crypto Mining ( / Mining ( Beginnings - is it worth it?|4:47
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 04:46 pm
How to Invest in Bitcoin ( [ edit ]
Why Invest in Bitcoin ( [ edit ]
It seems silly to some people that one bitcoin can be worth hundreds of dollars. Bitcoins are scarce and useful. Let's look to gold as an example currency. There is a limited amount of gold on earth. As new gold is mined, there is always less and less gold left and it becomes harder and more expensive to find and mine. The same is true with Bitcoin (
How to Invest in Bitcoins and Where to Buy? [ edit ]
The difficulty of buying bitcoins depends on your country. Developed countries have more options and more liquidity.
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The users of this website have reported that there's no easier way for them than use graphical interfaces to quickly start mining.
Do you wonder what is Bitcoin ( miner?
It is a term to whether describe a person who is into Bitcoin mining (, or a machine used to mine some Bitcoin (
Both terms make sense when used within the context, so don't be confused if you see it used differently at different sources.
I personally use it for persons, as there is a more used term for mining machines- mining rigs or mining hardware.
So there you have it- Bitcoin ( miners are persons who start mining Bitcoin (
If you want to become one, read on and you will be able to quickly get started with Bitcoin mining (
The short answer to this is yes. It's 2019, and whether you use Windows, Linux or Mac, there's Bitcoin mining ( software that you can use to run your Bitcoin ( miner.
Although strict Bitcoin mining ( requires lots of powerful hardware, there is an application for you to earn Bitcoin (
With Bitcoin mining ( software endorsed on this website, you can do pooled mining of many cryptocurrencies, and even CPU mining to get some cryptocurrency with your mining hardware.
Once you mine some of any cryptocurrency available for your bitcoin miner, you can exchange that to Bitcoin (
Even better, I endorse only Bitcoin mining ( software with a simple and intuitive interface that automatically pays you in Bitcoin (
Like that isn't enough, the mining software I review can be installed within minutes.
Is a question that many wonder.
And it doesn't have much to do with software or application used for your Bitcoin ( miner and operating system.
Bitcoin mining ( software can help and make the process easier, but mining yields similar results on most software and mining pools.
Mining hardware on other hand is the most important factor of your miners speed.
The better, stronger and faster hardware you have, the easier will be for you to get 1 full Bitcoin ( inside your wallet.
Biggest miners do it daily, smallest miners can take years. For CPU miner, this takes centuries.
Users that play games are usually somewhere in between, since their fast GPUs are much better than CPUs when it comes to cryptocurrency mining.
Bitcoin mining ( is legal in 90%+ of countries worldwide.
Still, some countries from North Africa, Middle East and South America have indeed banned Bitcoin ( and cryptocurrency mining.
There is a good chance that mining in your country is legal, but if unsure you can get some info on Wikipedia.
If your country is marked red, you can review some other countries and try over there.
The mining software from this source will work equally well everywhere.
GUI Miner.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 04:47 pm

How To Start Mining ( with ( - Official Guide|6:07
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 04:48 pm
Bitcoin mining ( Software on Windows 10.
Note: the text below is great and you should read it, but this is the most up to date text on Bitcoin mining ( software for Windows 10.
Bitcoin mining ( software on Windows 10 is really easy to install and mine with. Windows 10 is the newest and most recently updated OS from Microsoft, and the drivers and compatibility for various GUI mining software is probably the best in the mining business.
Being the newest and with most recent updates makes it a top choice for Bitcoin ( and Crypto mining in 2019. Even though stats are showing Windows 7 is the most used Windows OS at the moment, I've already discussed why Bitcoin mining ( on Windows 7 may end up soon.
With all of the above in mind, mining on Windows 10 does deserve to be explained. Luckily for you, this post is long mostly because there are plenty of options available. In fact, no other operating system allows as many mining options as Windows 10, and it is also the easiest to get started.
So how do you start mining Bitcoin ( on Windows 10?
First of all, you need to have Windows 10 installed on your PC. If you already have it, feel free to skip to the next section. If not, there are plenty of ways to install it. Those on Windows 7, Windows 8 or 8.1 can probably upgrade without losing any of your setup. Otherwise, you need to download an installation, boot it up and install it on your PC.
If you need help, there are plenty of videos and tutorials that explain how you can download and upgrade or install Windows 10 from scratch. There are plenty of ways to do it, however, this information is so freely available that there is no need to cover it here. We'll have enough fun with Bitcoin mining ( software for Windows 10:
How to install mining software on Windows 10?
Once you have your Windows 10 up and running, you can proceed to the best part- installing the software that will mine Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrencies.
Installing the mining software is very easy and takes minutes- that's what makes it so easy to mine on Windows 10. In order to get the download files, you can check the various software located here.
Take some time to read and check screenshots of each app available, then download the one you like the most and think will work the best on your PC. All of the mining apps located there will work just fine on your Windows 10, but each of them comes with their pros and cons.
The list is ordered in my personal preference, according to my experience and needs. Keep that in mind but make a decision for yourself. You should choose the mining software based on your own mining hardware and preferences. I like Kryptex the most, but you may like and benefit more from Cudo Miner.
Test as many mining apps as possible.
If I was you, I would test all of them. In fact, that's what I did many times, but with my own hardware. Since installation and configuration are so easy for each of them, I suggest you test as many of them as possible.
Testing them all or as many will allow you to get a better picture and choose your mining software for Windows 10 wisely. You'll spend 1 hour on testing all 7 of them, which is nothing compared to the years that you'll hopefully spend on mining.
Hope this makes sense since it is pretty important. Choosing the wrong software for your mining hardware will have a solid impact on your earnings. With profit being one of the ultimate goals in mining, you should choose the most profitable application to mine with.
I hope to have much more videos covering this topic in the future, but for now I've covered how to install Kryptex, Honey Miner and BetterHash on Windows 10:
If you want to test additional mining software, you should go for it even though I don't have the videos for those at the moment. Just go to the Windows mining software page, read a bit about it and get the installation files.
The process of installation is very similar to the installation of the apps covered in the videos above. You should be able to install any app without any problems, as long as you know how to install an ordinary app like an audio player or office suite.
If not, don't wait for those videos to come out. Feel free to write a comment and I'll try to help if possible.
You have Windows 10 up and running, and you also have the mining apps installed. Any further steps required?
Hardware drivers on Windows 10.
Windows 10 does really well with driver updates, and the chances are you're probably already well equipped. This is especially the case with newer AMD and nVidia graphics cards that are used for mining on home PCs.
If you don't want to wait for the updates to run on your PC, or you think you can do better, you can check the official driver pages of your hardware.
You should be able to find them as easy as going to Google and searching for "(Your hardware model) drivers". Another option you have is to go to the official driver pages for AMD or nVidia, which have drivers for all of their models.
Drivers does have an impact on hardware performance, so you should make sure that you have drivers suitable for mining. Going with the latest ones is usually a good choice, although your specific hardware may work better with a not-so-latest one, or a driver made specifically for mining performance.
Drivers ARE important when it comes to mining, so you should spend some time on testing or researching what drivers are best for your mining hardware. Similarly to different mining apps, different drivers can make a solid difference.
Conclusion on mining apps for Windows 10.
Once you're done with drivers, you'll have it all wrapped up. Windows 10, a mining software and proper drivers are all you need to start mining.
I hope this article have helped you find the best Bitcoin mining ( software on Windows 10. As pointed before, there are several great mining apps that you can use on your home or gaming PC. Beside ones mentioned before, this website features a Cryptotab Browser, Computta and MinerGate.
To be honest, I believe the first four are more used nowadays. Still, these three also work perfectly fine on Windows 10, and they are all good GUI mining apps.
I don't like repeating, but I'll make an exception this time, as I can't think of any better conclusion- be smart and test as many mining apps on your Windows 10 as possible. It's the best way to pick the right mining software for your future mining operation.
Bitcoin mining ( mpi.
### Description Bitcoin ('s proof-of-work is implemented by incrementing a nonce in a transaction block until the block header's hash satisfies the current target. The hashing function is SHA256(SHA256(block header)). BitcoinMiner is an MPI program that can run on multiple nodes and multiple cards. Each process, except the root process, fetches work from a Bitcoin ( server using JSON-RPC, run the hash search, and return the result to the server when a match is found. The root process handles the commands issued to the console, and gather state information from other processes. BitcoinMiner can also be run in test mode, where no Bitcoin ( server is required. In this mode, BitcoinMiner repeatedly validates the genesis block.
Bitcoin ( Miner on AppGallery.
Bitcoin ( Miner app.
Packages 0.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 04:48 pm

Rozhovor: Jak na těžbu kryptoměn? - AlzaTech #611|14:46
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 04:49 pm
You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.
Bitcoin mining ( osx.
Simple like iOS, yet powerful like a Mac, this app gives you all the options. With the most powerful bitcoin and litecoin mining backends available on the Mac, Mac miners now have a user friendly application which even allows you to run the backends in the Terminal if you just want an easy installation of bfgminer, cgminer or cpuminer (minerd). Click & mine in moments.
The First Native Mac Miner.
Built as a friendly GUI for the relatively complex array of command line Bitcoin mining ( software for Mac, MacMiner is the first 100% native Bitcoin ( miner for Mac. This means you can set up and start mining in seconds, without worrying about complex install processes traditionally associated with mac miners. Dont know how to mine Bitcoins on Mac OS X? Don't worry! You'll be up and running in no time.
Pretty and Powerful.
All three of the most relevant mining backends are included in this mining software, bfgminer, cgminer and cpuminer. This gives you the flexibility to choose whichever runs faster for your setup, whether you're CPU, GPU, FPGA or ASIC mining Bitcoin (, Litecoin or any compatible Alt Coin - including DogeCoin, VertCoin, QuarkCoin and MaxCoin - faster than an asteroid. Each miner window has a full set of tailored options for ease of use and there is a detailed API Output window which even allows you to monitor other miners on the network that are using cgminer or bfgminer.
Totally Open Source.
The Cryptocoin community holds ethics and public source software in the highest esteem, and MacMiner aims to contribute to the pool by releasing our full app on Github, so users can compile it for themselves from scratch and make sure all the code is up to standard. MacMiner is written in Objective-C and the backends are coded in C/C++.
Bitcoin mining ( Software Guide.
While the actual process of Bitcoin mining ( is handled by the Bitcoin mining ( hardware itself, special Bitcoin mining ( software is needed to connect your Bitcoin ( miners to the blockchain and your Bitcoin mining ( pool as well, if you are part of a Bitcoin mining ( pool.
The software delivers the work to the miners and receives the completed work from the miners and relays that information back to the blockchain and your mining pool. The best Bitcoin mining ( software can run on almost any operating system, such as OSX, Windows, Linux, and has even been ported to work on a Raspberry Pi with some modifications for drivers depending on your mining setup.
Not only does the Bitcoin mining ( software relay the input and output of your Bitcoin ( miners to the blockchain, but it also monitors them and displays general statistics such as the temperature, hashrate, fan speed, and average speed of the Bitcoin ( miner.
There are a few different types of Bitcoin mining ( software out there and each have their own advantages and disadvantages, so be sure to read up on the various mining software out there.
Network Consensus.
If you solo-mine, meaning you do not mine with a Bitcoin mining ( pool, then you will need to ensure that you are in consensus with the Bitcoin ( network. The best way is to use the official BitCore client.
If you participate in a Bitcoin mining ( pool then you will want to ensure that they are engaging in behavior that is in agreement with your philosophy towards Bitcoin (
How much bandwidth does Bitcoin mining ( take? If you are mining with a pool then the amount should be negligible with about 10MB/day. However, what you do need is exceptional connectivity so that you get any updates on the work as fast as possible.
For example, some rogue developers have threatened to release software that could hard-fork the network which would likely result in tremendous financial damage.
Therefore, it is your duty to make sure that any Bitcoin mining ( power you direct to a mining pool does not attempt to enforce network consensus rules you disagree with.
Bitcoin ( Wallet Software.
The whole point of mining bitcoins is to earn them!
But once you earn them then where do you keep them safe and secure? For a Bitcoin ( wallet we highly recommend using one where you hold your own private keys in contrast to to a hosted wallet like Coinbase or Circle. Breadwallet - easy to use mobile Bitcoin ( wallet Copay - easy to use mobile Bitcoin ( wallet Armory - highly secure desktop Bitcoin ( wallet.
You will also need to be able to buy and sell your Bitcoins.
Once mined Bitcoin ( becomes like a currency that can be purchased, used in transactions or even traded like with this Bitcoin ( trading platform.
For this we recommend: Kraken - The largest European exchange with same-day SEPA Local Bitcoins - This fantastic service allows you to search for people in your community willing to sell bitcoins to you directly. But be careful!
Examples of the best Bitcoin mining ( software for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX:
MinePeon : Open source and may need WinDisk32Imager.
EasyMiner : A GUI based miner for Windows, Linux and Android. EasyMiner acts as a convenient wrapper for the built in CG; BFGminer softwares. It auto configures your Bitcoin ( miners and provides performance graphs to for easy visualization of your Bitcoin mining ( activity.
BFGMiner : A modular ASIC, FPGA, GPU and CPU miner written in C, cross platform for Linux, Mac, and Windows including support for OpenWrt-capable routers.
CGMiner : This is a multi-threaded multi-pool GPU, FPGA and ASIC miner with ATI GPU monitoring, (over)clocking and fanspeed support for bitcoin and derivative coins.
Additional Free Bitcoin mining ( Applications.
50Miner : A GUI frontend for Windows (Poclbm, Phoenix, DiabloMiner).
BTCMiner : Bitcoin ( Miner for ZTEX FPGA Boards.
BitMoose : Run Miners as a Windows Service.
Poclbm : Python/OpenCL GPU miner (GUI (Windows and MacOS X))
Poclbm-mod : more efficient version of Poclbm (GUI)
Phoenix miner : Released in 2011. Free and open source.
CPU Miner : Mining software for solo or pooled mining.
Ufasoft Miner : CPU/GPU miner for Windows pooled mining.
Pyminer : Released in 2011. CPU mining client.
Remote Miner : Open source Bitcoin ( miner for pooled mining. Works with RPC Miner.
Open Source FPGA Bitcoin ( Miner : Released in 2011. Makes use of a compatible FPGA Board. Can be used to mine in a pool or solo.
Best Bitcoin mining ( Software Windows.
Best Bitcoin mining ( Software Mac OSX.
ASIC Bitcoin mining ( Software.
Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining Software.
TRANSCRIPT - Do it yourself with Bitcoin mining ( software.
What's going on every one? This is Fredand this Part 2 of our DIY Bitcoin ( Miner. Today, we're going to take a look at software.
Okay, so the first thing that you need to do before you could start Bitcoin mining ( is to sign up for a Bitcoin ( wallet. Now there's a lot of wallets that you could choose from but I prefer Circle. Now let's head over and set up an account. All you have to do is enter in your email and choose a password.
Once you log in to your account you will see a summary of your Bitcoin ( balance and transactions. But before you can receive any Bitcoins you need to set up a Bitcoin ( address. You could do so by clicking account settings.
Once you are on the account settings page go ahead and click Bitcoin ( Addresses. From there click Create New Address. This generates a long string of numbers and letters. This is the address that we will need to enter into our mining pool. So let's take a look at that now.
There are many mining pools that you can choose from, but I prefer BitMinter as my primary pool and Slush's pool as my backup. Just create an account whichever one you choose and log in. Your account details page will normally have an auto cash out option.
This is where we will enter in our wallet address that we created earlier. When you have mined enough Bitcoins to meet the threshold it would automatically be transferred to your Bitcoin ( wallet.
Next, go up top to the My Account drop down and select Workers. This worker information is what you need to input into the mining software so that you get credit for the work that is done. You do not need to secure this information with a difficult username or password because anyone that uses this information will be giving you credit.
Now let's take a look at setting up the mining software. As mentioned in Part 1 of the series we'll be using the MinePeon operating system. This can be downloaded from
Now this is the image that we will need to write onto our SD card. Another software that we need to download is called the Win32 Disk Imager. This can also be found on This is the software that we will use to write the MinePeon image onto our SD card.
Once you have downloaded both files insert your SD card into your computer. Then open up Win32 Disk Imager. Simply select the location of your MinePeon image then select the correct drive for your SD card. All you have to do now is click write. This will write the MinePeon image on to your SD card. Insert the SD card into your Raspberry Pi as shown on Part 1 of the series then power up the unit.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 04:50 pm

BTC úplne zadarmo #3 - Mining ( hra (CZ/SK)|8:52
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 05:05 pm
Now sign in to MinePeon by typing in the network IP address into your browser. The easiest way to find this IP address is by logging in to your router and looking for the device called MinePeon. You will then be prompted to enter in your MinePeon's username and password. The default setting for this is MinePeon for the username, peon for the password. You will see a security warning but do not be alarmed. This is perfectly normal so proceed anyways. You will then be asked to re-enter the username and password.
So again, MinePeon is the username peon is the password. You are now finally in MinePeon's dashboard. This is where you can monitor the performance of your mining rig. Head up top and click pools. This page allows you to set up your mining pools. As you can see I have BitMinter as my primary pool and Slush's pool as my secondary. Just enter in the URL of your mining pool, the username and password if you have one.
Then go ahead and submit your settings. You may need to reboot MinePeon after any changes. Great job every one. You are now officially mining for Bitcoins.
All right, so that should be everything that you need to start Bitcoin mining (
Latest version: 0.20.1.
Check your bandwidth and space.
Bitcoin ( Core initial synchronization will take time and download a lot of data. You should make sure that you have enough bandwidth and storage for the full block chain size (over 350GB). If you have a good Internet connection, you can help strengthen the network by keeping your PC running with Bitcoin ( Core and port 8333 open. Read the full node guide for details.
Bitcoin ( Core is a community-driven free software project, released under the MIT license.
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Bitmain 1600W PSU.
General Information Specifications Warranty.
1. The APW3++ can deliver a maximum power of only 1200W if it is connected to a 110V mains power supply. To obtain the rated power of 1600W, the APW3++ must be connected to a 220-240V mains power supply. Please check the mains power supply that is the standard in your region before ordering. 2. This batch of PSU comes with 10 PCIe connectors. 3. All items added to cart are shipped according to the item with the latest shipping date in the cart. If you would like to receive an item earlier, please place a separate order for it. 4. Be sure to keep the original packing on hand when you get PSU, the original box should be used to return the PSU when you requesting RMA. Otherwise, it won't be honored.
Product Reviews and Ratings in Every Category.
Home » Best Reviews » Best Mining Psu.
Best Mining Psu.
We've spent hundreds of hours researching and comparing Best Mining Psu of all specifications to find the best one for any need (or budget). Here are the results.
The Best Best Mining Psu of 2020 - Top Rated & Reviewed.
2,356 Reviews Scanned.
1600W ultra-high power, conversion efficiency of 87+ Gold. 135mm large noise reduction fan design for optimal system cooling and maximizing performance. Original factory, all parameters are actual data without any virtual labels. Specific designed for US voltage 110V(Can work with all range 100-240V) Applicable to all types of mining miners (as S7,S9,L3+,D3) and Graphic PC.
Perfect for Crypto currency Mining Builds Support Extreme multi-GPU Configurations No switch/PCB Required 150mm Length Cable 1 Year Warranty.
94% Platinum Efficiency 750w Output. Four 6 Pin PCI to 6 Pin PCI Express cables 24 inch length. Four 6 Pin PCI to 6+2 Pin PCI Express cables 24 inch length. This kit is capable of using 110v-240v input. Standard power supply power cable not included.
Revised design! Re-engineered to increase strength and rigidity. Now ships in a much smaller box. UP TO 10 GPUs and 2 PSUs! Riser Shelf accommodates 8 GPUs, and after installing an included bracket, you can mount 2 GPUs or multi-riser cards directly on your motherboard. Laser-cut steel and precision welded stand-offs for a perfect fit every time. Includes all needed screws for attaching your GPUs and Motherboard. Space economizing footprint: 21 inches wide, 11.75 inches deep, 11.75 inches high.
1.This power supply is special for mining machine, in order to effectively dissipate heat, the fan speed is above 6000 RPM, so the noise is normal, if forced to choose to use in PC,there is no way to avoid this noise, PC power fan used within 2000 RPM.It is prohibited to use in 110V area, and it is only applicable in 220V area. This modular mining power supply can be a perfect tool for your Eth Coin rig.Rated power is 1600w. DC circuit design, stable voltage output.This is a power supply controlled by temperature control switch. It needs to wait for 30 seconds to 1 minute to work,this is a normal phenomenon and is within the normal range of use. 3.80 PLUS Gold Certified PSU 150mm cooling Fan and Auto Fan Speed Control.150mm large fan design for optimal system cooling and maximizing performance.Compatible with quality, efficiency and stability balance, pursuing continuous real power output. 4.Interface: 1x 24PIN ; 1x 4+4PIN ; 12x 6+2PIN ; 7x SATA ; 2x 4PIN.It's better for Bitcoin ( GPU mining (,100% Brand New and High quality - GPU:Support Up to 6 GPU(GPU is not included) ; Fit for Miner and other Server.This power supply is only suitable for 220V. 5.Using a new large-capacity large magnetic ring material, the performance is very stable. Widely used in variety of mines and high-power single 12V industrial equipment.
6 Pin PCI-e Male to 6+2Pin (6Pin / 8Pin) Male PCIE Power Cable for GPU Video Card or risers Compatible with HP Dell 750W/ 1200W/ 1500W server Power Supply (DPS-1200FB, 40785-001, HSTNS-PL33 and more) Breakout Board Adapter Power video cards or GPU's risers using 6-Pin or 8-Pin connectors, Great for ETH Ethereum, Bitcoins, Ripple, Litecoin GPU mining ( Made of high quality 18 AWG wires, cables are capable of 300 watts per 6pin cable Long cord with length 50cm, easy to use and install.
【High Quality】: GPU mining ( Power Supply Breakout Board and 12x PCI-E 6Pin to 6+2Pin cable Package. 【Higher Performance】: Measured maximum support for this breakout board upto 1600W power supply, also supports 12, 6 Pin, connections of graphics cards. 【Safety】:The Breakout Board have Solid state capacitor filter, suitable for a variety of server power supply. The cables are made with 18 AWG wire,Able to withstand greater current and high power appliances, Approx 21 inch, 50cm, long, making them easy to use and connect. 【Compatibility】:This item is Compatible with GPU mining ( Power Supply - HP 1200W/750W PSU. Such as DPS-1200FB DPS-1200QB PS-2751-5Q HSTSN-PL12 DPS-700LB PS-2112-5L DPS-750RB DL580 and so on (Does not compatible with HP 1000W 379123-001 403781-001 DL380 G5) 【Customer Satisfaction】: Mega1Comp, Trusted Amazon seller, with 30-Day Return Guarantee, 100% USA Shipping with Phone and email support.
【Compatibility】This item is Compatible with HP 1200 watt DPS-1200FB, HSTNS-PD11, HSTNS-PL11, 438202-002, 441830-001 & HP 750 watt HSTNS-PL18 5117778-001, 506821-001 and DPS-1200QB PS-2751-5Q PS-2751-LF-1F HSTSN-PL12 DPS-700LB PS-2112-5L DPS-750RB DL580(Does not compatible with HP 1000W 379123-001 403781-001 DL380 G5 DPS-800GB A) 【Performance】Measured maximum can support to 1600W power supply, 12 groups of graphics card 6pin output 【Characteristic】Built-in (12) PCI-E connectors on board for quick easy connect LED voltage display on board. 【Safety】Solid state capacitor filter, suitable for a variety of server power supply 【What You Get And Shipping】1x GPU breakout board ,SHIPPED FROM THE U.S. Delivery time takes about 2-5 bussiness days.
◕‿◕【With EMC Anti-electromagnetic Interference】 - Full copper output wire and sufficient material & high transforming rate. ◕‿◕【Mining PSUs】 - Equipped with rated power for 1800W and 12*6+2Pin connectors supporting multi GPUs Crossfire. ◕‿◕【80 Plus Platinum Certified】 - Deliver up to 90% efficiency and reduce operating cost. ◕‿◕【140mm Dual Ball Bearing Fan】 - Providing maximum airflow and near-silent operation. ◕‿◕【Universal AC Input Design】 - Stable enough for 180-260V voltage input available.
The power board with LED voltage display, which can display the voltage of the main power in real time. The floppy drive 4PIN is connected to the main power supply and can be turned on and off synchronously. Turn on the power switch when you press the white button. When the power cable is plugged in, press the power switch, the tri-color LED flashes, and the LED display shows the voltage.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 05:05 pm

Interview: Binance ( CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ)|44:56
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 05:06 pm
Last update on 2020-11-20 / Affiliate links / Product Titles, Images and Descriptions from Amazon Product Advertising API.
Top Rated Best Mining Psu to Buy Now.
Why You Should Buy Best Best Mining Psu from Amazon.
Amazon is not the only store that sell Best Mining Psu. However, there are several compelling reasons why you should buy Best Mining Psu from them, with the suitable Price and Reviews. Here are five:
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Before you make a purchase for Best Mining Psu, you want to know that the company you are dealing with is legitimate and that others trust the company enough to make a purchase. You may also like to read what others are saying about the product in the review section. Amazon does all of this quite well.
(4) Amazon Has Great Best Mining Psu Images and Descriptions.
In addition to still images, many of Amazon's Best Mining Psu have videos. This makes it easier for you to see exactly what you are purchasing. Amazon's Best Mining Psu descriptions are also quite good. In many cases, Amazon repeats the descriptions furnished by the manufacturer. In other cases, they write their own.
(5) The Amazon Site is Easy to Navigate.
Navigating the Amazon site is easy. Even though the site is huge, you will not feel overwhelmed when searching for Best Mining Psu. This is partly due to Amazon's filtering process. You can search for items by brand, price or user rating. You can also search for specific features.
How to Choose the Best Best Mining Psu (with Price and Reviews)
Although most Best Mining Psu are similar, there are several differences worth noting. Here are nine criteria to consider when choosing an Best Mining Psu:
(1) Best Mining Psu Price and Reviews.
Although price is not the only factor to consider, it is nevertheless extremely important. The price of an Best Mining Psu should be in line with its value. You can compare Best Mining Psu reviews to make sure you are getting a fair price. This is easy to do on Amazon.
(2) Demand.
The demand for a particular Best Mining Psu is a good indication of its ability to perform the functions for which it was designed. If a product has been around for a while and still has a high demand, it is likely a good product.
(3) Material.
Best Mining Psu materials differ from manufacturer to manufacturer. Consider where and how you will be using your Best Mining Psu to determine if one material would be better than another.
(4) Size.
Like most products, Best Mining Psus come in various sizes. Do you need a large Best Mining Psuor a small one? Think about where you will use your Best Mining Psu in order to determine the best size. You can also read the customer reviews on Amazon to see what others are saying about the size of the unit they purchased.
(5) Color.
Best Mining Psus also come in a variety of colors. Do you need a particular color? You should also consider whether the color of your Best Mining Psu would have any effect on the efficiency of its operation.
(6) Durability.
The durability of an Best Mining Psu will be contingent on the materials used as well as the quality of the manufacturing process. Additionally, the type of Best Mining Psu you purchase may affect its durability.
(7) Storage.
Will you need to store your Best Mining Psu? If so, you should consider the size and weight of the Best Mining Psuto make sure that it can be stored properly. Also, give some consideration to the type of climate in which your Best Mining Psu will be stored.
(8) Customer Ratings.
Customer rating is one of the best criteria for choosing an Best Mining Psu. It is hard to know exactly how an Best Mining Psu will perform until you get it home and try it out.
(9) Warranty.
Make sure the Best Mining Psu you are considering is backed by a good manufacturer's warranty. If it isn't, you might be better off with another ones.
Power Supply Antminer APW Series Bitcoin mining ( PSU.
2600w Interface Type: 6pin x 10 Declared Value: USD34 unless required specifically Ready Stock.
EastShore Service.
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The APW series AC-DC Power supply is specifically designed with mining operations in mind, and combines high conversion efficiency and a strong dynamic performance into a power dense package. It also features short circuit, overload, overheats, low voltage and overload protection. The Antminer series PSU is absolutely the best power supply for cryptocurrency mining!
Product Specifications.
Brand Antminer APW Series Rated Power Antminer APW3++: 1600w(200V - 240V); 1200w(100V - 140V) Antminer APW7: 1800w(200V - 240V); 1000w(100V - 140V) Antminer APW5: 2600w(200V - 240V); 1300w(100V - 140V) Interface Type 6PIN x 10 Package Size 332mm x 170mm x 125mm Working Voltage 110V - 240V. Accessory Needed NO power cable (The power cable should be easily attainable locally.) Warranty See details on the tab " Warranty & Buyer Protection "
Electronic Parameters(APW7)
Package Include.
Antminer APW Series PSU x 1;
Additional information.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 05:07 pm

Bitcoin Mining ( Pool Review|6:55
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 05:07 pm

Setup Bitcoin ( Mining ( Beginner Tutorial Earn Bitcoin ( -HD-|11:45
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 05:08 pm
Antminer APW3++ 1600w, Antminer APW7 1800w, Antminer APW5 2600w.
7 reviews for Power Supply Antminer APW Series Bitcoin mining ( PSU.
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Prices of products on the site are in a USD value. The price of Bitcoin mining ( machines has to be adjusted frequently in accordance with variables such as BTC value and market circumstance. Refund requests based on price changes cannot be honored. The payments for orders are accepted through the Bitcoin ( ("BTC") payment network and other options such as wire transfer. In the event you choose to pay in BTC, the site will calculate and convert the USD value to BTC amount according to our chosen exchange rate (which is a weighted average from major Exchange sites around the world). Later changes to the exchange rate of USDBTC have no effect on the amount to be paid for your placed order. On occasions, the submodel of products could be changed before shipping. In that case, the buyer will be informed. And if there is any price difference, we will refund the difference if the submodel is switched to a lower version; we will ask the buyer to make up the difference if the submodel is switched to a higher version. The switch of submodels will not be honored as a reason for refund.
All purchases are final. Request for refund will not be honored by us. We advise you to make any payment only after careful consideration. In the case that we fail to ship out your order, we will contact you for refund. Generally, refund will be in USD with the USD amount of your order amount instead of the BTC amount, considering USD is a fixed amount, not a variable like BTC.
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Delivery will be arranged after the order is fully paid. Delivery service is provided by third parties such as the national post services or international express shipping couriers such as DHL, UPS, FedEx. The international express shipping couriers are usually door-to-door services. Please note that we may choose a different service (an optimal option on the occassion) rather than the option as displayed when you placed order.
Delays due to shipping service provider, weather conditions and public holidays are not qualified for refunds. Delays due to manufacturers' production capacity are not qualified for order cancellation or refund. Delays due to customs reasons, wars or any other contingencies beyond the EastShore's control are not qualified for refunds.
A 180-day warranty is provided starting from the shipped date. Overclocking the miner will void the warranty immediately. All sales are final. No refunds will be granted unless we fail to ship your order. Defective miners can be repaired for free if they fall under our warranty policy. After the warranty period, machines can be repaired at the cost of parts and labor. The following events will void the warranty: Damage caused by poor power supply, lightning or voltage surges; Burnt parts on hash boards or chips; Miner/boards/components damage due to water immersion or corrosion due to wet environment. For all repairs, within warranty or not, customers must return the defective parts at his/her own expense after troubleshooting with our instructions. We will cover shipping cost when shipping a replacement unit to the customer within the warranty period. EastShore does not take any responsibility for or compensate for any loss as result of downtime caused by delays in transportation as a result of custom formalities or other reasons.
We warrant the product, its components and labor to be free from defects in material and workmanship under regular uses defined in user manuals and this Warranty during the warranty period. The warranty period of certain product is specified on the page of that product and commences on the date of delivery.
This warranty does not apply to:
normal wear and tear; damage resulting from accident, abuse, misuse, neglect, improper handling, overclocking or improper installation; damage or loss of the product caused by undue physical or electrical stress, including but not limited to moisture, corrosive environments, high voltage surges, extreme temperatures, shipping, or abnormal working conditions; damage or loss of the product caused by acts of nature including, but not limited to, floods, storms, fires, and earthquakes; damage caused by operator error, or non-compliance with instructions as set out in accompanying documentation; alterations by persons other than us, associated partners or authorized service facilities; counterfeit products; damage or loss of data due to interoperability with current and/or future versions of operating system, software and/or hardware; damage or loss of data caused by improper usage and behavior which is not recommended and/or permitted in the product documentation; failure of the product caused by usage of the products not supplied by us; hash boards or chips are burnt.
During the warranty period, we will undertake to repair, or based on our sole discretion, to replace a defective product by an identical or similar (e.g. newer) version of the product, unless the defect was the result of Warranty limitations. The repair of the product is free of charge for the parts, components and labor necessary in order to perform the repair and restore the product's proper operating condition, provided the unit is returned otherwise undamaged and shipping prepaid.
The costs incurred in connection with the returning of the product, part, or component to us shall be carried by the product owner. If the product, part, or component is returned uninsured, you assume all risks of loss or damage during shipment.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 05:08 pm

Mining ( pool a cloud mining - Crypto Kingdom CZ|9:51
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 05:10 pm
How to choose and connect to a Bitcoin mining ( pool.
Mining solo, while sometimes more profitable, it's usually not the right choice for most miners. When mining solo, you are doing all the work alone which means that you'll receive the entire block reward, the problem is that mining is also based on a luck factor, which means that if your hashpower isn't high enough, you may never see a reward come your way. With pool mining, however, this variance is eliminated and you recieve payments that correspond to the portion of the work that you have done.
If you are deciding to join a Bitcoin ( or altcoin mining pool there are quite a few considerations to take into account - mainly their method of distributing the block reward and the fees they charge for managing the pool. Pools also try to stop cheating by miners - i.e. for them to swap between pools. l.
Today we want to teach you some aspects of pool mining in the hope that they will help you choose a mining pool that best fits your needs.
You can check out our mining pool list here. Make sure to read the reviews and to check the features carefuly. You will also find a list of servers by locaiton and coin in the pool description.
The main consideration is the fees, which vary according to which model of payment distribution the mining pool is operating and determines which party is assuming the risk - the miners or the mining pool operator. If the mining pool operator is assuming the risk, then the fees are higher, and if the miners assume the risk then fees are lower.
The fees usually range from 0% to 4%. The standard fee for mining pools is usually 1%, so if you spot a pool with a higher fee check its payment method and other features. If there is a pool with similar features and payment method but smaller fee, you'll want to choose the second option.
Sometimes a pool will have a 0% fee. This is very unusual and it most often means that you are dealing with a new pool that has no fee in an effort to attract customers. Some pools, however, actually rely on donations and other methods, so if you find a 0% fee, you'll want to keep an eye on any fee changes.
You can check out our mining pool list here and organize it by fee.
The model where the mining pool operator assumes all the risk is when they guarantee a payment per each proof of work - or potential hash solution - that their miners offer. For example if the total network is 100GH, the mining pool operating this Pay Per Share (PPS) method has a hash rate of 10GH, and the block reward is 25 Bitcoins, then the expected return is 2.5 Bitcoins per block.
The pool will give money to their miners even if their pool hasn't successfully mined the block, meaning the risk of lumpy payments is assumed by the operator, and hence why the fees are at the higher end of the range at 10%. Miners will then only receive an expected return of 2.25 Bitcoins per block distributed proportionally by how much hashing power they have contributed towards the block.
When the miners assume the risk the fees are generally lower as they take on the risk that they might not solve a block for an extended period of time and receive no payment of Bitcoins.
There are varying methods of this with the aim of keeping the pool hashing power stable.
- Proportional - the simplest method whereby for each block, the reward is split between the hashing power contributed proportionally by the miners of the block. - Pay Per Last N Shares - PPLNS - looks at the last N shares instead of just the last block. This smooth's the returns for mining rig operators if they haven't been connected for one reason or another. If they contributed to the majority of Bitcoin ( blocks 1-6, when a reward was found by their pool in block 7, for which they had become disconnected through no fault of their own, then they are still eligible for payouts depending on the time of N.
There are other inventions and variations that have been implemented. For example the DGM method (Double Geometric Method), where the operator receives some payments over short rounds and distributes them over longer rounds. There are also some other ways where the more recent proofs of work are allocated a higher weighting in terms of the proportion they are eligible for.
Some pools have extra fees on top of PPS (Pay Per Share) schemes - but in generally fees range from 0% for Proportional and PPLNS pool management schemes to 10% for PPS schemes. There also pools that offer the ability to merge mine other SHA-256 coins as well as Scrypt pools that allow you to merge mine other popular crypto currencies such as Dogecoin and litecoin.
Over the time, many different payment systems have been developed. Most altcoin pools use the Prop or PPLNS payment system. However, there are several, including:
CPPSRB - Capped Pay Per Share with Recent Backpay.
DGM - Double Geometric Method. A hybrid between PPLNS and Geometric reward types that enables to operator to absorb some of the variance risk. Operator receives portion of payout on short rounds and returns it on longer rounds to normalize payments.
ESMPPS - Equalized Shared Maximum Pay Per Share. Like SMPPS, but equalizes payments fairly among all those who are owed.
POT - Pay On Target. A high variance PPS variant that pays on the difficulty of work returned to pool rather than the difficulty of work served by pool.
PPLNS - Pay Per Last N Shares. Similar to proportional, but instead of looking at the number of shares in the round, instead looks at the last N shares, regardless of round boundaries.
PPLNSG - Pay Per Last N Groups (or shifts). Similar to PPLNS, but shares are grouped into "shifts" which are paid as a whole.
PPS - Pay Per Share. Each submitted share is worth certain amoutripnt of BC. Since finding a block requires shares on average, a PPS method with 0% fee would be 12.5 BTC divided by . It is risky for pool operators, hence the fee is highest.
Prop. - Proportional. When block is found, the reward is distributed among all workers proportionally to how much shares each of them has found.
RSMPPS - Recent Shared Maximum Pay Per Share. Like SMPPS, but system aims to prioritize the most recent miners first.
Score - Score based system: a proportional reward, but weighed by time submitted. Each submitted share is worth more in the function of time t since start of current round. For each share score is updated by: score += exp(t/C). This makes later shares worth much more than earlier shares, thus the miner's score quickly diminishes when they stop mining on the pool. Rewards are calculated proportionally to scores (and not to shares). (at slush's pool C=300 seconds, and every hour scores are normalized)
SMPPS - Shared Maximum Pay Per Share. Like Pay Per Share, but never pays more than the pool earns.
You will also want to take into account the minimum payout. This defines the minimum amount of coins you are allowed to withdraw (or to receive automatically). Some pools allow you to set a limit above the minimum, which allows you to save money on transaction fees. When choosing a mining pool, you will want to check the minimum payout, the payout period, and weather the pool or the user pays for the transactions fees on withdrawals.
You can check out our mining pool list here and filter it by payment system.
The first thing you'll have to consider is, of course, the cryptocurrency that you would like to mine. The most popular at the moment are Zcash, Ethereum, and Ethereum Classic, among others. These are currently the most profitable ones. You can always compare your profits with each currency through the calculator tool that we have available. Of course, these numbers are subject to change has the price, mining difficulty, and network hashrate change, so it's advisable that you take these into account and that you check on them regularly.
Some mining pools allow Merge Mining, which means that your can mine two cryptocurrencies at once without losing efficiency in neither. This, however, is only available with some algorithms.
Another type of pool to consider is a multi-pool. These allow you to choose from several cryptocurrencies to mine and converts your profits into Bitcoin ( automatically. If you are planning to mine an altcoin but want to exchange it for BTC, these may be useful to you. Check out multi.pools here.
You can check out our mining pool list here and filter them by currency.
If you're located in Europe and mining on a Chinese server, you may not get the best results. Check if your pool has a servers in your country/continent and if so, check the URL for those servers. This will allow you to mine more efficiently.
Vardiff stands for Variable Difficulty. It is used to regulate the difficulty of the shares you recieve to work on. This benefits both low hashrate and high hashrate miners as the difficulty will regulate itself to best fit your hashrate. While some mining pools have Vardiff, others will have multiple ports for different difficulties. If your pool has no Vardiff, you may want to test different ports for different difficulty.
Mine Bitcoin ( easily on the cloud without having to buy hardware, or plug your own hardware into the world's highest paying mining pool.
The Bitcoin ( cloud mining you can trust.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 05:11 pm

How To Mine Bitcoin ( On Android|4:18
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 05:13 pm
We offer BCH mining. You can also choose to automatically mine the most profitable coin.
We deliver the high quality Cloud mining platform.
Best VPS For Mining 2020.
Crypto mining is one of different ways to profit from cryptocurrencies, especially for people who don't want to put their capital at risk by trading cryptocurrencies on broker platforms. Mining will never bring the returns of successful altcoin trades, but it delivers stable returns without the risk of losses.
The times when you could mine Bitcoin ( at home are long ago. This cryptocurrency not only is the most popular and most expensive one - it can even be called the mother of all cryptocurrencies and the crypto reserve currency. For private households it is impossible to mine Bitcoin ( since you need special equipment that only mining companies can afford.
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** Note that the hosters mentioned above might tolerate crypto mining activities as long as you don't run scripts that force a maximum CPU usage exceeding the CPU of your VPS plan. So crypto mining is not explicitly forbidden with those VPS hosters according to their terms of service, but there are clauses that refer to mining activities, such as at Virmach:
But which coins promise the highest returns in 2019 while being easily minable at home without super expensive extra equipment? Many new cryptocurrencies have appeared and it gets harder and harder to keep the overview.
There are couple of altcoins that count as worth mining, still or especially in 2019. They are not that expensive and some can be mined without special difficulties, even with an ordinary computer like Monero (XMR) - the best anonymous coin there is.
Which Cryptocurrency To Mine - The Right Choice.
When choosing the right cryptocurrency, you should be careful. Don't look at the price, how much the cryptocurrency currently costs, but how easy it is to mine and how good the prospects are for the particular altcoin. For example, long-term growth in price should be very likely and it should be able to recover the investments you spent on its extraction.
In addition, the choice of cryptocurrency and mining service depends on whether it is possible to withdraw funds.
This article tries to accumulate the most promising cryptocurrencies. Altcoins that can be mined from virtually any device, including a computer, provided it has a powerful processor and a suitable graphics card.
By the way, the topic of the graphics card is particularly acute, because with Bitcoin mining ( the use of a video card was abandoned - it became too expensive. Therefore, the income from mining is practically lost against the background of the costs.
But this article describes the most promising alternatives that are beneficial for mining cryptocurrencies in 2019. Here are some of them:
Monero (XMR)
One of the coins that can be mined by individuals is Monero. So it's definitely worth looking for the best VPS for Monero mining since this coin is being created through CPU mining which can easily be executed by a external rented server. So you can easily mine Monero on your home desktop computer. Additionally you could even mine XMR on your mobile phone.
Ethereum (ETH)
Ethereum. This currency will prove itself as heir to Bitcoin (, but it is growing incredibly fast. If it cost only $40 at the beginning of 2017, it will cost $893 at that time, i.e. one year later.
But the currency is unstable and must be recognized. There are inherent jumps in price - if it costs more than $800 today, the price could fall to $600-700 a piece tomorrow.
Therefore, you should think before investing in mining of this cryptocurrency.
Litecoin (LTC)
Litecoin. Also a very interesting option for mining. The cost of this coin does not make you sweat. Everything is more than modest &ndas; only 250 dollars per Litecoin at the time of writing this post.
Competition in the mining of this cryptocurrency is minimal, which makes LTC mining much easier. In addition, experts say that Lightcoin is the most stable currency available and its exchange rate is subject to smaller jumps.
Dash (DASH)
A promising currency was added to the rating. She belongs to the "youngest", but has already made a lot of noise. Experts say DASH has a chance to grow to several thousand dollars. Start with the fact that a few months ago it still cost 11 dollars and is now worth 1165 dollars.
Each of these cryptocurrencies can be described as the most profitable coins for mining, but whether this is really the case will be shown in practice.
Here even more coins you should have a look at as they can be mined at home:
Vertcoin (VTC)
Doge Coin (DOGE)
Bytecoin (BCN)
Electroneum (ETN)
Feathercoin (FTC)
Profitability Of Mining.
Some will say that mining in 2019 is no longer profitable and many will agree with you. But in spite of everything, it depends on the cryptocurrency.
To find out which altcoins can still be mined for reasonable profits, there is the service "".
This service is specially developed for those who work in mining. It allows you to calculate the most profitable cryptocurrency you can mine with your graphics card or Asics.
On the page, select the type of hardware (graphics card or Asic), then enter the correct information in the specific areas: Performance of your devices (hashing speed) and energy consumption.
Then press "Calculate" and you will receive information on how much you can earn when you mine this or that cryptocurrency.
Which Hardware To Use.
CPU (Mining on the processor). Given the current complexity, such mining is no longer profitable.
Mining on the operational memory, for example, if the currency uses the Scrypt encryption algorithm. You could mine, but it's not very profitable now.
GPU (Mining on the graphics card). The disadvantages of this method are quite large.
The energy consumption and the price of a good graphics card is also not cheap and despite these disadvantages, this type of mining is by far one of the best. For example, compared to the same mining on ASICs, you can always sell the graphics card at a good price.
There is always a demand and in case of damage it can be repaired within the warranty period. The best graphics card for mining is the GTX 1070 as far as I know.
ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuits). These units were specially developed for the mining of cryptocurrencies (bitcoin).
However, the high costs and the high risk are negative, as they are difficult to repair in the event of damage.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 05:13 pm
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 05:14 pm
Crypto Currency Cabal.
University of Virginia cs4501 Fall 2015.
Problem Set 2: The Blockchain.
The goal of this assignment is for everyone in the class to understand how Bitcoin mining ( and the blockchain work, and evaluate risks to the blockchain.
Collaboration Policy.
For this assignment, everyone should submit their own assignment and should writeup their own answers to the questions. You may, and are encouraged to, discuss all of the problems with anyone else you want (both on-line using the course web site or any other means you choose, and in person).
Submit your answers as a single PDF file using this link. The name of your file should be -ps2.pdf .
Your submission should include clearly marked answers for all the problems (highlighted in yellow). None of the questions require submitting a program, although you may find it helpful to write programs to develop your answers. If the code you write is less than a page, it is best to just include it in the PDF writeup. If it is longer, you may submit separate code files (and mention them in the PDF submission).
Blockchain Consensus.
These questions concern the original bitcoin paper:
What are the assumptions necessary to support Satoshi's claim that it is more profitable for a greedy attacker with a majority of the mining power "to play by the rules"? (other than the assumption that the greedy attacker is a "he")
(a) There is a problem with this scheme unless the bytes of data[ i ] indicate that it is in fact from i -th index. What is this problem?
(b) Suppose we perform a write at position i , both data and signature. Later on, when we read it back, if the signature matches the data, can we be sure that it is indeed the data item we wrote? Explain.
(a) What is the write/read/verify procedure for this system?
(b) How does the cost of reading and writing to the database scale with n (the number of records)?
These questions are related to this paper (and what was covered in Class 10 and Class 11):
Orphaned Blocks are blocks that are submitted to the bitcoin network, and that are valid, but do not become part of the longest (consensus) blockchain.
One way to detect selfish mining is to be on the lookout for "orphaned" blocks, or blocks that were mined but never became part of the final blockchain.
Let's say you set up a node to monitor orphaned blocks, and you are in a favorable position in the network that allows you to observe all orphaned blocks. Assume that the hashing difficulty stays constant and the expected block rate is constant at 10 minutes per block.
(b) Obtain a general formula for expected number of blocks a mining pool with α fraction of the total hashing power should find in t minutes.
For the next questions, you may assume a very simplified network model where you can view the network having two "supernodes": one represents a particular mining pool, and the other represents all other nodes in the network. The latency between the two supernodes is L seconds.
With this simple (but very unrealistic) model, we assume that when one supernode announces a block, all of the rest of the network learns of the new block L seconds later (but no one learns of it before that).
Pool Hopping.
Answer either question 10A or 10B (your choice).
Bonus Opportunities.
The following questions are suggestions for further work, but it is not expected that everyone will solve them. (Note that some of these could be starting ideas for larger projects, although a good answer to any of them would be most impressive.)
Challenge 1. The network model in questions 8 and 9 is very unrealistic. Answer these questions for a more realistic model of the bitcoin network, and compare your results with the actual rates of orphaned blocks. To better detect misbehaving miners, you would want to also look into the contents of the dual blocks (note that the one that was orphaned is not necessarily the one from the selfish miner). There is an API for obtaining orphaned blocks provided by
Challenge 2. The analysis in the paper and in class assumed that if the selfish miner is ahead by 2 blocks, it will always win by releasing the blocks when it observes a new block on the blockchain. It could still lose if the rest of the network finds a second block before the selfish miner's blocks have propagated over the network. How does this possibility impact the analysis?
Challenge 3. The site that was demonstrated in Class 11 uses a very simple model to estimate the profitability of a particular bitcoin miner. Produce a better model, and use it to evaluated the expected profit (or loss) for mining hardware such as Antminer S7. A better model would need to capture expected increases in the difficulty, cost of capital, and other costs of mining besides electricity.
Follow the submission instructions at the beginning of this page by 8:29pm on Friday, 9 October.
Mining Bitcoin ( Using Old Computers and Retro Gaming Consoles.
Bitcoin mining ( has grown into a vast economy over the past few years as large ASIC-powered mining farms process transactions for the $32 billion dollar market. In the early days, people could mine bitcoins using their central processing units (CPU) and they still can, but the undertaking is extremely inefficient. However, a few people still mess around mining bitcoins using older computers and retro devices merely for the fun of it and for experimentation purposes.
Bitcoin mining ( With Classic Computers and Retro Gaming Consoles.
The Bitcoin mining ( ECOS ( is a competitive environment of pools processing transactions while simultaneously securing the network. Miners run special software and use application-specific integrated circuitry (ASIC) to mine bitcoins these days, using chips far more efficient than your standard CPU. Currently, older computers can mine bitcoins at a prolonged rate, but it's still pretty cool to see if a classic system can perform the task of Bitcoin mining (
One bitcoin enthusiast has done just that a few times with older computers. Ken Shirriff is well-known in the bitcoin community for his work on getting the bitcoin symbol added to Unicode. Shirriff also has a popular blog where writes about his projects and how he has mined bitcoins using classic devices from the past. Just recently Shirriff has been working on a Xerox Alto restoration and managed to get the seventies built computer to mine bitcoins at 1.5 hashes/second. The Xerox Alto is a well-known computer classic that was the first device to support a graphical user interface (GUI) in 1973.
"I've been restoring a Xerox Alto minicomputer from the 1970s and figured it would be interesting to see if it could mine bitcoins," explains Shirriff.
I coded up the necessary hash algorithm in BCPL (the old programming language used by the Alto) and found that although the mining algorithm ran, the Alto was so slow that it would take many times the lifetime of the universe to successfully mine bitcoins.
The computer's 1.5 blocks per second is significantly slower than the chips used today. Shirriff details the Xerox Alto's speed would take "5000 times the age of the universe" to mine one block. For demonstration purposes, Shirriff used the input of a successfully mined block to see if the algorithm succeeded. Shirriff's code is available on Github for those who would like to try out Xerox Alto mining.
An Old IBM Mainframe From the Sixties Would Take Roughly 40,000 Times the Current Age of the Universe to Find a Block.
Another project Shirriff worked on back in 2015 was mining with a 55-year-old IBM 1401 mainframe at 80 seconds per hash. This computer was the best-selling computer of the mid-1960s and mainly used for business purposes.
"While modern hardware can compute billions of hashes per second, the 1401 takes 80 seconds to compute a single hash," details Shirriff. "This illustrates the improvement of computer performance in the past decades, most famously described by Moore's Law -- To summarize, to mine a block at current difficulty, the IBM 1401 would take about 5×10^14 years (about 40,000 times the current age of the universe)."
The card deck Shirriff used to compute SHA-256 hashes on the IBM 1401 mainframe.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 24, 2021, 05:14 pm
Mining Bitcoin ( With a 1985 Nintendo Entertainment System.
Lastly, another neat project is another incredibly slow miner built in 2013 out of a 1985 Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). The creator of the NES mining system was joking around with his friend about mining bitcoins with an 8-bit game console. Well, he took that as a challenge and built a Nintendo that communicated with the network and performed SHA256 hashing. For other portions of the project, he did need a Raspberry Pi for computing that did not take place on the NES.
"SHA256 hashing uses many 32-bit operations, and the 6502 in the NES is an 8-bit CPU," explains the retro miner creator. "Initially I thought this would be a significant challenge, but with some modifications, I got an open implementation of SHA256 to compile to a 6502 target using the cc65 compiler."
The Raspberry Pi gets a chunk of data, compiles it into a ROM that includes the SHA256 algo and current target data, and sends it to the console via USB CopyNES. Each ROM computes and tests a single hash.
In the end, the NES miner worked and started searching for blocks with Slush's pool, but the creator said there was plenty of room for build improvements. "What I'm doing now is very slow, and I admit, pretty lame," explains the retro miner's blog post. Additionally, bitcoiners have had great discussions concerning mining bitcoin with other gaming consoles like the Playstation 3.
ASIC Producers Don't Need to Worry About Retro Miners.
Obviously, these types of projects won't be mass adopted to mine excessive amounts of bitcoins like ASICs because it would take many lifetimes to find one block using a retro device. However even though watching an older computer or gaming console mine bitcoins is super slow it's very interesting to see that these devices are compatible with the Bitcoin ( network.
What do you think about people testing old computers and retro gaming devices with the Bitcoin ( network? Let us know what you think in the comments below.
Images via Pixabay, Wiki Commons, and Ken Shirriff's blog.
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Does Ram Matter For Mining?
When it comes to choosing the RAM for your mining rig yes there are some factors to take into consideration.
RAM(random access memory) is basically your computers short term memory storage so that it can readily access information needed to run applications faster. As a rule of thumb the more applications you plan on running on your device the more RAM is required to maintain fast response time from the computer.
Does RAM matter for mining? This size of RAM you use on your mining machine does not have a direct impact on mining performance in most cases. However, there are some guidelines such as minimum OS requirements and motherboard form factor that must be followed to ensure your mining rig runs stable.
So in this guide, I will discuss and answer(to the best of my knowledge) some of the more common questions that get asked from newcomers looking to start building their own mining rigs.
Is 4gb Ram Enough For Mining.
The size of RAM you will need will ultimately depend on the operating system you choose to run your mining machine on. Some miners claim that 4GB is big enough to run Windows 10 while some say get the 8GB and thank your self later.
As for my honest opinion, I say get the 8GB over the 4GB when it comes to Windows 10 and for a few good reasons. The main reason being that if you choose to skimp on RAM you may be faced with lag issues that can make your operating system run slow.
For example, let's say you installed 4GB of RAM on Win10 and you want to open MSI afterburner at the same time your rig is mining Ethereum. You may notice that the program takes forever to open or is sluggish and that's because of the mining software and many behind the scenes processes that Win10 runs are maxing out the RAM capabilities.
Although this problem may sound small to some miners it can be real time consuming when managing multiple rigs, especially when trying to overclock and change out mining software.
As for Linux based mining operating systems, it appears 2 to 4GB is optimal but I again I say get the 4GB.
So as it stands for max performance 8GB on Win10 and 4GB on Linux and 4GB on Win 10 and 2GB on Linux for those who wish to risk it in hopes to save on costs is what it all boils down to. However, it's not that much more to get the upgraded version in my mind for the added benefits.
On a final note, the one and only time I can think of that RAM can directly affect mining hashrates is in the instance of AMD Vega cards used in mining as they required 8GB to unlock mining optimization features.
DDR3 or DDR4 for Mining.
Again this does not affect the overall hashrate and performance of the mining rig as some might think but it still plays an important role in your mining rigs success. DDR3 and DDR4 refer to the form factor required by your mining rigs motherboard.
Meaning the if your motherboard requires a DDR3 RAM form factor then you will need to buy DDR3 RAM to ensure that it will fit into your motherboards RAM slot.
The one thing I want to add is most newer mining motherboards require a DDR4 form factor size as most were recently designed within the last year or so. However, DDR4 can become out of stock in a hurry from time to time so it's nice to have options like DDR3 as some of the older motherboards still used in mining can fit DDR3.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:13 am

Is Android Mining ( Cryptocurrency Profitable?|7:13
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:14 am
Best Ram For Mining Rig.
As for some of the best brands of RAM sticks used in mining rigs, there are quite a few decent brands to pick and choose from. Again just make sure you mining rigs motherboard supports the form factor.
Amazon and Newegg are my favorite trusted sources that I will be linking to so be sure look at both options to shop and compare. As for which RAM stick is the best one to get I'm a huge fan of whatever is on sale.
I will tell you that after building and operating hundreds of mining rigs over the last few years I have had the pleasure of trying several different manufacturers just to realize there's not much difference if any at all. I guess, at best, there is the argument that some RAM sticks are more attractive than others but as my old construction boss used to say "we're not building a church".
Really what it boils down to is finding the best deal between Amazon or Newegg to fit your budget needs. With that said the list of best RAM used for mining is as follows.
Crucial has been in the computer part making business for years and is considered a brand of Micron memory. Comes in 4 and 8 GB sizes as well as DDR3 and 4 form factors. Commonly in stock at affordable prices most times making them a favorite in my farm. Although if you're looking for the aesthetically pleasing RAM sticks this might fall under the ugly category, but I don't really care as long it can do the job so to me they're perfect.
G.SKILL is another popular brand that's been around for quite some time now and is another I like to use in my mining rig builds. One thing for sure its alot more esthetically pleasing then Crucial version but again that's not as important as its price. In Addition, it too comes in DDR3 and 4 form factors and 4 to 8 GB versions as well.
Kingston is another popular brand with its hyper fury series making some serious buzz across the mining scene as its affordable and futuristic looking LOL. I must admit they do look cool but I don't use them all that often as their prices were higher back when I needed the parts.
Corsair is a top leader in the computer parts industry and is known for its top-notch durable power supplies when it comes to mining. So its only natural they would have higher end RAM to go with it. Though again it's not necessary unless you're wanting to make your mining rig look cool then the Corsair Vengeance with RGB lighting is the best option. It's also the most expensive so be careful to not go over your budget.
Remember you can use two 4GB sticks to make 8GB total but don't mix one brand or version with another as it can cause major problems with your system performance and even hardware failure.
Other Related Questions.
Does the CPU affect GPU mining ( If the miner is only GPU mining ( then a Celeron or Pentium processors will work just fine. However, if the miner is looking to CPU mine while at the same time GPU mine there could be some bottlenecking issues with lower end CPUs. So its best to decide beforehand.
Does Overclocking Improve Mining? Yes, overclocking can improve the mining performance of your computer's hardware. However, overclocking computer hardware can void any manufacturers warranties you may have had when you purchased the item. Nonetheless, lots of miners have successfully optimized their mining rigs this way so just make sure you're careful in doing so.
If you have any questions or have anything you would like to add then please drop a comment below. We love hearing from crypto enthusiasts from all around the globe.
Bitcoin mining ( and Return Of Investment (ROI)
by shiwong.
Helloo hello . today I Will write what I have mind.
Bitcoin mining ( And Return Of Investment.
ROI. Return Of Investment. This term may be more commonly spoken by the investors, the people who invest some funds (money) to get more profit.
ROI should also be MINDSET in 'industrial Bitcoin ('! And unfortunately, this term as a sink for 'bitcoin fever' - people who want to quickly get Bitcoin ( by doing 'Bitcoin mining (' never think long before to spend some money for the purposes of mining that cost is quite expensive.
Bitcoin mining ( is not a cheap activity. At least you should have a 'special hardware', the cost of internet access and the cost of electricity!
Money you spend for mining purposes - SHOULD - be 'returned' so you do not lose, and the return value should be called so that you can benefit. And this is often forgotten by the patients 'fever bitcoin'.
Take for example:
You buy 100 units of Bitcoin ( miner USB type because infected 'bitcoin fever'. The manufacturer claims that Bitcoin ( miner with 100 units you can get 30 million a month (to be online internet 24 hours to 30 days) HOORAY . 30 million a month? Who does not want that much money?
What is the price of Bitcoin ( miner that USB type per unit? around 1.5 million rupiah per unit! For 100 units means that you have to spend money for .. taraa! 150 Million !!
What are the costs for mining operations. Internet access costs and electricity? For electricity costs need to be considered as per 1 unit USB type Bitcoin ( miner that require electric power alone .. multiply with many units you have.
Then there is a saying . "Quiet! may be 30 million a month .. six months also had a turnover for the hardware"
One thing that is overlooked is 30 million rupiah per month is not an exact figure! Why?
Factors Bitcoin mining ( difficulty levels continue to rise. This means that the process of mining will increasingly require the processing power (hash rate) which is greater, if you do not add the hash rate of income Bitcoin mining ( results will continue to be reduced!
The selling price of Bitcoin ( is NOT SURE and is more speculative .. today to USD 800 per 1 BTC .. whether it is going to $ 1000 per 1 BTC or even USD 300 per 1 BTC? No one can predict! : P.
So? What they can be sure of at least 150 million spent to buy the hardware Bitcoin ( Miner was able to return in a short time together with the profit as Return Of Investment? Or do not you do not even think about it at all?
This post is not to prohibit you do Bitcoin mining (! Just please note and calculated in detail the pros and cons.
There are many web that can assist you in calculating the expected profits in the process of Bitcoin mining (, please use the search keywords' Bitcoin mining ( Profit Calculator "Please do permutations calculations . you'll find that the actual Bitcoin mining ( is a business that requires a LOT COST! Not 'business in origin'
Time Frame BTC Reward Revenue USD* Power Cost (in USD) Pool Fees (in USD) Profit (in USD) Hourly 0.00003275 $0.61 $0.16 $0.00 $0.45 Daily 0.00078595 $14.76 $3.90 $0.00 $10.86 Weekly 0.00550162 $103.31 $27.30 $0.00 $76.01 Monthly 0.0236 $442.75 $117.00 $0.00 $325.75 Annually 0.2869 $5,386.79 $1,423.50 $0.00 $3,963.29.
* Bitcoin ( Price at $18,777.79 USD.
Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty Bitcoin ( Block Reward Bitcoin ( Price 17,596,801,059,571.00 6.25 BTC $18,777.79 (BTC to USD) Bitcoin mining ( Hashrate Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Watts Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Cost Electricity Costs 110.00 TH/s 3,250 Watts $2,407.00 $0.05 per kWh.
A BTC mining difficulty of 17,596,801,059,571.00, a BTC mining hashrate of 110.00 TH/s consuming 3,250 watts of power at $0.05 per kWh, and a block reward of 6.25 BTC at $18,777.79 (BTC to USD).
After deducting mining power costs and mining fees, the final daily Bitcoin mining ( profit is $10.86 Bitcoin ( to USD .
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:14 am

Mining ( with your phone today! Bitcoin ( on a smartphone. Truth and myths. Fake mining|9:27
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:16 am
CPU only mining.
Forget about costly & complex ASIC & GPU mining ( & start CPU mining with an ordinary computer. It's quick, easy & most importantly within reach of everyone!
POS coin minting.
Proof of staking will mint new ROI coins every few minutes. Best of all, you don't have to compete with others or leave your wallet unlocked & running!
Term deposit coin minting.
Create term deposits to mint even more new ROI coins. Simply choose how many coins & how long to deposit them. This is a very rare & desirable feature!
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:16 am
In my previous article I presented a method of estimating the break even price of Bitcoin ( for miners. The reason being that I believe the cost of mining to be a significant factor in determining the underlying stable-value price of Bitcoin ( This should help us calculate where the bottom should be in the aftermath of a speculative bubble.
Here I show a simple method for estimating the miner return on investment (ROI) for a given period subject to the applicable state of the art. The ROI should be a ratio, e.g. 10:1, meaning 10 returned for every 1 invested. The break even ratio is of course 1:1.
Obviously the ROI is simply miner revenue (r) divided by hash rate (H) times some conversion factor (alpha). We can use the hash rate and miner revenue (which also includes mining fees) data supplied by Therefore.
ROI = r / (H * alpha)
alpha is made of two components, one summarizing electricity costs the other mining unit costs.
alpha = alpha_elec + alpha_unit.
Let E_unit = unit efficiency and t_hrs = operating time per day.
In addition, let cost of electricity and unit be C_elec and C_unit respectively.
And let number of units worldwide be N_units.
alpha_elec = E_unit * t_hrs * C_elec.
alpha_unit = N_unit * C_unit / H / 365 days.
Here I spread the cost of unit acquisition/spares/replacements over one year and average. This the cost of unit acquisition per output hash rate. But wait, the number of machines N_unit is actually.
N_unit = H / H_unit,
where H_unit is that hashing power of the mining unit. This means that alpha does not depend on network hash rate and is in fact a true material and energy constant such that.
alpha_unit = C_unit / H_unit / 365 days.
Let's put this together:
= E_unit * t_hrs * C_elec + C_unit / H_unit / 365 days.
Now we just need to divide r/H by alpha to get the miner ROI.
Let's use following data which comes from Bitmain, Blockchain and other sources:
E_unit = 0.1 J/GH = 0.1 kW/TH/s.
C_unit = 800 USD + 100 USD (for PSU)
C_elec = 0.06 USD/kWh (see my previous article on BE price)
H_unit = 13.5 TH/s.
alpha = 0.34 USD/TH/s.
Now we can display the results on the following chart and mark the break even line where ROI = 1:1.
Now let's do the same for 2015 using the then ubiquitous Antminer S5:
E_unit = 0.51 J/GH = 0.51 kW/TH/s.
C_unit = 500 USD + (100 USD for PSU)
C_elec = 0.06 USD/kWh.
H_rate = 0.400 TH/s.
alpha =2.32 USD/TH/s.
A method of estimating the ROI for Bitcoin ( miners has been shown and applied to the current set of circumstances as well as those prevalent in 2015. In the latter case we see that the market bottoms at the the ROI 1:1 line. In the current case the Bitcoin ( price is also at the 1:1 line. This could mean we are at or are near to the bottom of the current market correction.
More back testing is required but in the pre-ASIC period, the proliferation of various different GPU and FPGA mining rigs makes even basic statistical analysis difficult.
It is interesting and convenient that the conversion factor does not depend on hashrate. This makes carrying out global comparisons between mining hardware much easier.
Raspberry Pi, Linux and more.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:18 am
Yes, You Can Mine Cryptocurrency on Your Raspberry Pi.
When Bitcoin ( first took off, the concept of mining currency on your computer was pretty foreign to most of us. The idea is that your...
When Bitcoin ( first took off, the concept of mining currency on your computer was pretty foreign to most of us. The idea is that your computer verifies transactions, and in turn you're rewarded with some currency. How many transactions you can verify is directly correctly to how powerful your computer is.
In the early days of cryptocurrencies, even an everyday gaming computer could mine a profitable amount of coin. But, currencies like BitCoin have worked on a sliding scale, meaning it has become more difficult to mine a coin (and the value of the coin has risen). For that reason, mining with a Raspberry Pi has traditionally been counterproductive--it would take you years and years to even make up the cost of the Pi itself.
But, that doesn't mean it's not possible with some currencies. As NovaSpirit proves , a Raspberry Pi 3 can profitably mine Magicoin. There are some tricks to getting the software setup, but he explains how to make it work.
Once it was running, he was able to generate $0.20-$0.25 (USD equivalent) per day. Further, staking with Magicoin means that will eventually start to vest interest which will increase that revenue a bit further. It's worth considering if you've got a spare Raspberry Pi collecting dust between projects.
How to mine bitcoin with your Raspberry Pi.
Bitcoin ( is big - you probably know that already. Maybe you know someone who has made a bit of money by mining it on their computer. If getting started sounds like a bit of a headache and you're not sure where to start, dig out your Raspberry Pi. You might be surprised, but Raspberry Pi is a tool to use for Bitcoin mining (
Before we go further, let's make sure we understand all of the aspects involved. After all, Raspberry Pi and Bitcoin mining ( are quite advanced topics and not some technological terms that you read every day. So with that in mind, let's take a quick refresher course.
Okay, so let's start with the easier topic: Raspberry Pi. Basically, Raspberry Pi is a computer with a very, very small size and sold at a very, very low price. Despite the size and the price, Raspberry Pi is a full-fledged computer that you can use like any computer out there, and of course, this includes Bitcoin mining (
There are two ways you can mine Bitcoin ( You can either use consumer-grade, general hardware like a CPU to solve calculations, or you can use hardware customized for mining Bitcoin ( These are called ASIC miners. These ASIC miners can mine Bitcoin ( much, much more efficiently than general-purpose hardware. In fact, these days, profitable Bitcoin mining ( operations can only be done using those ASIC miners.
Since this post is about Bitcoin (, we're going to use an ASIC miner for our mining operation. But keep in mind that there are some cryptocurrencies, like Ethereum for example, that you can't mine with an ASIC miner. Since each cryptocurrency is different, it's best to research them separately and not assume that what works with Bitcoin ( will also work with another cryptocurrency.
Is Raspberry Pi Bitcoin mining ( profitable?
The bad news is that mining Bitcoin ( with a Raspberry Pi isn't that profitable. As we've touched upon already, the main expense of mining Bitcoin ( is the cost of the electricity needed to run the hardware. This means your hardware needs to be efficient enough to earn Bitcoin ( that exceeds the value of your electricity costs. Unfortunately, your Raspberry Pi isn't powerful enough to deliver this sort of return.
So, why would you even want to start Raspberry Pi Bitcoin mining ( Well, for one, it would make a fun side project and you'll learn a lot from doing it. And don't say it too loud, but if you have 'free' electricity (maybe you live in a dorm, for example), that could easily mean earn Bitcoin ( without spending much at all.
Mining Bitcoin ( with Raspberry Pi.
Okay, enough talk, let's actually do some mining. To mine Bitcoin ( with Raspberry Pi, you're going to need:
Raspberry Pi USB Bitcoin ( ASIC Miner Powered USB Hub.
Having a powered USB Hub is important, because Raspberry Pi can only supply a limited amount of power to a connected USB device. Since a USB ASIC miner can draw a lot of power, using an external power source would solve the power problem. Not to mention that with a USB hub you can connect more than a single ASIC miner to the Raspberry Pi.
There are 2 more things to do before we can start mining. The first one is to set up a Bitcoin ( wallet, a place to store all the Bitcoin ( we're going to get. The other one is to join a Bitcoin mining ( pool. By joining a Bitcoin mining ( pool, you no longer need to single-handedly finish the entire Bitcoin ( block calculation to earn Bitcoin ( Instead, you can earn Bitcoin ( by just solving a part of the calculation, since now you are working as a group.
All right, the next thing we want to set up is the mining software. For this one we're going to use BFGMiner, a popular mining software focused on mining with ASIC miner instead of CPU/GPU. To install BFGMiner, you need to install a couple of additional libraries to your Raspberry Pi. You can do this by executing the following commands on the LXTerminal assuming you're using Raspbian operating system:
With the library set up, you can install BFGMiner by executing these lines:
And now, to actually start the mining operation, connect BFGMiner with your mining pool account and run the application. It can be done by running the following command:
And that's it! Now your Raspberry Pi will use the ASIC miner attached to it and automatically mine Bitcoin ( The field of cryptocurrency is a vast one, and this little project we've just finished is nothing but a little peek into that field. There are other cryptocurrencies, or other mining methods that you can use to gain profit more effectively.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:18 am

Android Mining ( Guide - How To Mine Crypto Coins On Mobile Phones|26:07
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:19 am
Bitcoin mining ( What is it, Why and How Bitcoins are Mined?
The most popular and demanded cryptocurrency in today's time is bitcoin. Bitcoin ( first came into existence when an individual named Satoshi Nakamoto created it. Bitcoin ( is a decentralized digital currency with no physical appearance. Decentralized currency means any financial institution does not control it. The transactions made using bitcoins can never be controlled or governed by a central authority or banks, and the users pay no cost for transactions.
Beginners must know that Bitcoin mining ( is considered the backbone of the entire bitcoin network. Specialized computers achieve mining, and this is done to provide high security to bitcoins and confirm the bitcoin transactions. The bitcoin miners achieve the mining by solving the complex mathematical problems that further get added to bitcoin transactions.
The main role of miners is to confirm the transactions by securing the bitcoin network. In return, the miners are provided new bitcoins as rewards for solving the block of transactions in every 10 minutes.
What is the actual purpose of Bitcoin mining (
Beginners often get confused about the reason behind mining bitcoins. In this article, we will discuss the functions and aspects of Bitcoin mining ( The actual purposes of Bitcoin mining ( are:
To issue new bitcoins.
Unlike conventional currencies that are issued by banks, the case of bitcoins is a bit different. Bitcoins are not issued or created; the bitcoin miners mine these. The bitcoin miners are the dedicated computers that solve the computation problems. For solving the block of transactions every 10 minutes, miners are rewarded with new bitcoins.
The rate of issuing the bitcoins is automatically set in code; therefore, it doesn't allow the miners to create bitcoins from thin air or cheat the bitcoin system. The new bitcoins can only be generated by using the computing power.
To confirm the transactions.
Every transaction made with bitcoin is added in the blocks. Each transaction is considered completed and secures once it gets added into the block of transactions. Now many people will get confused and may ask why? The answer to your question is that once a transaction gets added into a block, it is officially entrenched in bitcoin's blockchain technology.
To endow with security to the bitcoin network.
The role of miners is to secure the entire bitcoin network and verify the transactions. The miners make it difficult for attackers or hackers to stop, alter, or attack the bitcoin system. The more number of bitcoin miners make the network more secure. For bitcoin trading you can visit bitcoin up app.
Due to bitcoin's volatile market, mining bitcoins are not considered profitable because you are unsure about profit gained from mining at the end of the day. Also, mining bitcoins consume huge electricity that can raise your electricity bills. This is why mining is usually done in big warehouses where the electricity is available at low prices. Let us know the steps included in Bitcoin mining (
To mine the bitcoins, you will get bitcoins as a reward, and these go directly into the bitcoin wallet. Therefore, it is important to have a bitcoin wallet. Select a bitcoin wallet that ensures the safety of bitcoins and offers other great features.
Search a bitcoin exchange.
A bitcoin exchange is a place that exchanges the bitcoins with other currencies when required. After earning the bitcoins, you may have to pay for electricity costs by selling the bitcoins. This process can only be done at a bitcoin exchange.
Find hardware for Bitcoin mining (
It is essential to have an ASIC miner to mine bitcoins. These are the specialized computers that are mainly built to mine bitcoins.
Choose a mining pool.
After finding hardware, it's time to choose a mining pool. Without having a mining pool, the miner may receive the payout for finding the block of transactions on his own, which is referred to as solo mining.
Get the software for Bitcoin mining (
Only through Bitcoin mining ( software, the miner can fastener their mining hardware to the preferred mining pool. Software is required to point the hash rate at the mining pool.
Make sure Bitcoin mining ( is legal in your area.
In most countries, Bitcoin mining ( is legal, but it is better to consult the local counsellors about Bitcoin mining ( and know about the tax implications.
What is Bitcoin mining (, and why is it necessary?
Why does Bitcoin ( have "Miners?"
Gold has miners because people want gold and it just so happens, unfortunately, that most gold is deep in the earth. Bitcoin ( has miners because people want bitcoins, but something here seems silly: how did a bunch of bitcoins, the tokens of a man made invention, end up locked up in circumstances demanding mining? What's the point of that?
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:19 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:19 am
Not the Best Name.
The truth is, bitcoin "mining" is a misnomer. When gold is mined, nothing is achieved beyond the discovery of new gold. When bitcoins are mined, however, a valuable service is provided to the Bitcoin ( network: decentralized transaction recordation and validation.
Double Spending.
Bitcoin ( relies on miners to record and validate transactions because of a particular problem inherent in any system of digital currency: double spending. Double spending is the high-tech incarnation of counterfeiting. Say, for example, that a currency user, Alice, has a $5 note and she gives it to Bob. Can Bob be sure that he's received $5 rather than a forgery? In the physical world, probably. In the digital world, probably not.
In the physical world, Alice would have to find paper, ink, and machines capable of making a convincing duplicate of her $5. The cost of that activity, alongside moral scruples and the threat of arrest, keeps counterfeiting in check.
In the digital world, however, a computer file version of a $5 note, like an MP3 file or an MS Word document, can be copied perfectly at effectively no cost. There's no way to tell which file is the original, and the ease of copying means counterfeit currency could rapidly overrun the economy.
To fix this, the inventors of Bitcoin ( designed a system of network interactions, a protocol, that checks each putative Bitcoin ( transfer against a public ledger called the blockchain. A crook can try and resend already spent bitcoins until they're blue in the face; if those transactions don't check out, however, miners won't record them and the community ignores the attempt at fraud.
Listening for Transactions.
Bitcoin ( miners connect to the Bitcoin ( network like telephone operators. Miners use their computers to listen for transaction requests across the entire network and assemble a list of valid transactions.
Bitcoins are not sent and received like file attachments in an email. There are no files at all, only assignments of bitcoins made to various public addresses. Each public address has a matching private key and only the holder of that key is capable of digitally signing a new transaction request. Additionally, the request must have inputs . Inputs are the previous transactions that the sender is using to fund the new transaction. If you previously received five bitcoins from Alice and four from Bob, you can list these inputs to fund a new transaction to Cynthia of up to nine bitcoins in value.
Miners check two things when they hear your request. First they check to make sure that your digital signature proves that you were actually the recipient of those inputs. Second, they check to make sure that you've not already spent those inputs. To perform this second check, miners peak at a public database of all valid past transactions, called the blockchain, to see if those inputs were already used in a transaction or if they are still available. Copies of this blockchain are stored on the computers of all Bitcoin ( users that connect to the network.
Thus, miners are playing the role of bank tellers: inspecting checks, making sure all the appropriate signatures and account numbers are there, checking the customer's ID, and looking for proof that the customer has enough cash-on-hand to fund the transaction.
Completing a "Block"
If everything checks out, the miner will add the transaction to their personal list of all valid transactions over the last few minutes. Every few minutes, one miner will be selected to add their personal list, a block, to the official blockchain, thus keeping the public record up to date.
To prevent miner's from fraudulently corrupting the blockchain, the Bitcoin ( protocol makes miners compete. A different miner is empowered to write each block, roughly every 10 minutes, and only valid blocks will be accepted by the rest of the mining community. Here's how that works:
Guess and Check the "Nonce"
A miner's block will become a part of the chain whenever a majority of the community of miners agree (A) that the transactions listed by the miner are valid--no signatures from impersonators and no double spending--and (B) that the miner correctly guessed a special number, the nonce, that solves a particular math problem. Miners perform this check by looking at the proposed block's particular digital signature. This signature is a computer generated product of three inputs, (1) the signature of the predecessor block, (2) a list of valid transactions since that predecessor, and (3) a particular random number, called a nonce.
To understand it all, we need a bit more information about digital signatures. Signatures operate by using "hash" functions. At their simplest, hash functions are math equations that take any given input and create a seemingly random output that will always correspond to that particular input.
The hash function used by Bitcoin ( is called SHA256. Using that function, the input text:
will always output this string of characters:
You can try it yourself by visiting an online hash calculator; if you type in "This is a hash!" without the quotes you'll get the same specific string of numbers and letters.
If a hash function is well written, any change to the inputs will drastically change the output string, and different inputs would never output the same string. By that standard, SHA256 is very well written. For example, changing our input "This is a hash!" even slightly results in entirely different outputs:
"This is a hash!" = "dcc67309a9c5c4a6d5434de87dbd4162f745f32b2a6aedf89c89d31d863b022b"
"This is a hash?" = "d43edbde4b15a97e780c1a9e1392b2c4601750fe03db543b3c4c44624d277641"
"This is a hash brown." = "5692e888b50c526f7eb95342a6fd56760b2ff95a766414562daa4083bab8bcfc"
Therefore, if the inputs for a new block's signature are the signature of the predecessor block and a list of recent transactions, the output will be a unique string that could only have been made from that exact data. Because it is the unique product of those inputs, that signature can be used to prove that the transactions therein described happened in a given order: within the current block or some previous block. Try and change the order by making up phony past blocks and the signature will no longer match. This allows the particular beneficiary of a transfer to prove that they were the first to receive the coins; any subsequent double spending of those coins is fraud.
All miners, however, are capable of writing a signature composed of the previous block's signature and the new transaction list very quickly using their powerful computers. How do we pick a winner at regular intervals to make them compete? The solution is to ask for a string that will be difficult to generate quickly, a specific sort of output string, one that starts with a certain number of zeros, like this:
That long line of zeros at the start of the hash is statistically improbable, like flipping a coin and getting heads thirteen times in a row. Nonetheless, there is a particular combination of inputs that will result in a hash output that starts with all those zeros. The combination will involve a particular random number called the "nonce" that miners will have to guess.
The miners repeatedly hash their two known inputs (the previous block signature and the list of new transactions), along with guesses at the random nonce. Eventually, one miner will happen upon a nonce that will give them a signature with the requested number of zeros at the start.
Miners that use more powerful computers can make guesses faster, and, like buying more lottery tickets, these miners will be more likely to win the race to find a particular hash. This is why miners can compete with each other by investing in more powerful computers. More tries at the hash equals more blocks written to the blockchain over time. To prevent blocks from being written too quickly or too slowly as more or less computing power is used by miners, the protocol is adjusted every two weeks to demand a longer, harder to guess, or shorter, easier to guess, string of zeros at the front of the hash. The target for those adjustments is generation of a new block every ten minutes.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:20 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:20 am
Whenever a miner solves a block by writing a signature with enough zeros, they broadcast it and the other miners validate the solution and check to make sure that the transactions listed are all valid. If it all checks out, miners will begin competing to solve a new block using the last block's signature as an input.
That brings us, at last, to the question of why miners mine. This answer is actually simple, miners mine because the writer of a new block in the blockchain has permission from the protocol to give herself a reward of brand new bitcoins, called a coinbase transaction. That reward started at 50 bitcoins per block. Every four years the protocol is adjusted, reducing the reward by half. One day the reward will be very small, but miners can also be rewarded by collecting fees volunteered by users that request transactions.
We've discussed why mining is necessary: to stop double spending by creating a ledger of all transactions, the blockchain. We've also learned, in simplified terms, how mining actually works. In future, we'll discuss what happens when miners collaborate to mine blocks, forming mining pools, and discuss the cryptography involved more thoroughly.
Peter Van Valkenburgh is Director of Research at Coin Center.
Why Bitcoin ( Miners Will Keep Mining.
17th March 2020.
Bitcoin ( prices have dropped sharply, cutting mining revenues in half even before the actual incoming halving This situation will undoubtedly bring the 'mining death spiral' argument back to the forefront of the bitcoin media cycle 'Mining death spirals' do not actually happen in real life--they are highly theoretical edge cases without any historical real-world precedent Mining cost is largely a function of the difficulty , this is a dynamic metric determined by the protocol itself and it can adjust both up and down to keep block times at 10 minutes on average This will be challenging for high-cost miners and many will not survive If prices do not recover the hashrate will fall--and when the halving hits it will fall again --this is not a problem for Bitcoin (, nor is it unprecedented.
Bitcoin ( - The Bitcoin ( protocol, network and monetary system bitcoin - The bitcoin monetary unit Hashrate - The total current number of hashes performed per second by the mining network Mining Difficulty - An automatically adjustable limit which regulates the cost of mining.
For the Miners, This Price Move is Effectively Equivalent to the Halving.
Since its February 2020 peak of around $10,500, the bitcoin price, and with it, the mining reward, has fallen by more than half. And in a way, for all of those who are worried about the halving this is a perfect prelude because the end effect on miners is the exact same. Hence, the hashrate dynamics we're likely to see in the upcoming weeks will be an excellent parallel to those we might also see after the halving in May.
So what are we likely to see? Reductions in hashrate. And that's totally fine.
Here's the how and why:
The Mining Difficulty Adjustment Keeps Bitcoin ( Block Frequency Steady, No Matter the Amount of Total Network Hashrate.
Miners rely on the mining reward to cover their ongoing electricity costs. The mining reward is made up of two parts: 1) Transaction fees; and 2) Newly created bitcoins. Miners have costs denominated in their local currency, so the purchasing power of their bitcoin income is dependent on the exchange rate between bitcoin and their local currency.
When the bitcoin price falls, the miners' bitcoin income offers less purchasing power to cover ongoing electricity costs. As a result, the miners with the highest production cost will no longer be profitable and will be forced to stop mining (more on these dynamics here, reading it will make this article a lot easier to fully grasp). This is almost exactly analogous to normal commodity production cost curves.
The overall network hashrate will then drop, but this is where the comparisons to normal commodity production stops. For example, iron production costs are the same no matter the price of iron, whereas the production cost of bitcoin is variable and dynamic (see accompanying graphic for an idealised illustration).
Every 2016 blocks (approximately every 14 days), the Bitcoin ( protocol adjusts the difficulty to reflect the average hashrate of that period. The rule is simple: Bitcoin ( blocks should take exactly 10 minutes on average to create. If the 2016 blocks came every 9 minutes on average instead of every 10 minutes, the mining difficulty is increased. If blocks came every 11th minute on average the difficulty is reduced.
Therefore: No matter how little or how much hashrate the combined mining network produces, the Bitcoin ( protocol will automatically adjust the difficulty such that new blocks are found every 10 minutes on average.
Source: CoinShares Research.
Remembering that new bitcoins are created every block, the difficulty adjustment ensures that no amount of added hashrate could make bitcoins be produced any faster than prescribed. The opposite is also true.
An important net effect of this, is that the cost of mining always tends towards the market price of bitcoin. If the price of bitcoin increases, more hashpower will be brought online. This raises the difficulty until the cost of mining again approaches the price. If the price of bitcoin decreases, some hashpower will be removed from the network. This lowers the difficulty until the cost of mining again approaches the price.
Unless the Price Recovers Sharply, the Hashrate Will Fall, Then the Difficulty.
The bitcoin price is now down more than 50% from its 2020 highs. This means that miners' income has lost more than 50% of its purchasing power. The highest cost producers will now be unprofitable and some will even be cashflow negative. When miners turn cashflow negative they will turn off their gear and hashrate will fall.
This will cause blocks to be produced more slowly than before. In turn, this means that the next time the difficulty is adjusted, it will be lowered, such that the remaining hashrate finds blocks at the same frequency as before.
Whichever miners are able to remain cashflow positive during this transition period will end up having their cost of mining reduced . After the difficulty adjusts downwards, a new balance is found where the remaining miners find a higher percentage of blocks than they used to (aka, their bitcoin income is increased, making up for the loss of reduced prices per bitcoin sold).
Bitcoin ( income therefore flows from inefficient high-cost producers to efficient low-cost producers, Bitcoin ( as a system will draw less power than it did before, and the average power it draws will be lower cost (aka, less useful for society) than the average power it drew before.
The main overall effect is that the cost of writing (and rewriting) the chain decreases. But no one really knows how much chain-writing cost is enough , and that topic is way outside of the realm of what we can fit in this article (if you're interested we can recommend starting here, here and here).
'Mining Death Spirals' Exist Only in Theory, not in Practice.
In price environments like these you will hear countless uninformed pundits peddle the 'mining death spiral' concern. The weak form of the argument generally goes like this:
If bitcoin prices fall, mining will become unprofitable causing the hashrate to drop. This will grind the network to a halt since no new blocks are mined. This in turn will cause price to drop further causing more miners to shut down until no one is left mining and the price hits zero.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:21 am
From reading this article you'll already understand why that form of the argument is absolute nonsense (and also the reason we've never observed it in practice even though we've had two halvings already and the bitcoin price has fallen by more than 50% on several occasions): the mining difficulty adjustment.
However, there is an edge case in which a mining death spiral could conceivably happen . The steel man form of the argument goes like this:
At the worst possible time (that is, exactly after a difficulty adjustment), the price of bitcoin drops by an extreme amount (let's call it 99%), and; Very few or none of the miners believe it will ever come back up, and; Miners are physically able to almost immediately shut most (let's call this 99% as well) mining gear off.
The result would be that the time it would take to find 2016 blocks for the next difficulty adjustment would be 100 times longer than normal (that is, 200 weeks, or almost 4 years). Moreover, the maximum difficulty adjustment is 4x in each direction, so the next difficulty adjustment would take another 50 weeks, then another 12.5 weeks, then another 4 until block times were normalised.
In such a scenario you can imagine that the price would falter (although hasn't it already?) and that the future of the system could be called into question.
In real life though, markets don't move like that. And if they did, a permanent 99% (or whatever) price drop would likely be a signal that something else was fundamentally wrong with the system itself.
On top of that there are operational concerns on the part of miners that prevent shutdowns on such rapid timelines. Powering down a several hundred megawatt mine is not a matter of pulling a socket plug--you would risk severely damaging the local grid. Moreover, many miners have offtake agreements that mandate that they continue their draw for as long as they are able to pay their contracted bills.
The point is: even when bitcoin prices significantly fall (which happens pretty much every year) or the mining reward is halved (which happens at predetermined time intervals), the physical and operational realities of the mining network are such that drawdowns in hashrate take time. In practice, hashrate reductions are therefore always smoothly caught by the dynamic difficulty adjustment and block frequencies never get anywhere near 'crisis levels' (whatever that even means).
The Network Was Designed to Handle These Exact Situations.
If you're worried that price drops or halvings will have long-term adverse effects on the operational workings of Bitcoin ( consider the following: This is the umpteenth time the price of bitcoin has seen a dramatic pullback--it happens pretty much every year at some point or another--and this is the third halving of the block reward.
Because of the design choices we've explained above the mining network has never failed to produce blocks. The difficulty has reset downwards many times--sometimes dramatically as the result of a pullback in price (the November/December 2018 is an excellent example to study), but never has the network ground to a halt or even come anywhere close to it.
Bitcoin ( as a monetary system is extremely robust. No matter where the price goes, block generation times are coldly and unemotionally kept at their preset levels by computers, not humans. There is no price level that could cause Bitcoin ('s emission rate to increase. When the dust settles on the current financial crisis, the Bitcoin ( monetary system will have created exactly as many bitcoins as originally intended.
The same is not true of its government competitors.
This material has been prepared by CoinShares and its affiliates for educational and informational purposes only and it is not intended to be relied upon as an offer or a recommendation, offer or solicitation to buy or sell a security nor is it to be construed as investment advice. Predictions, opinions and other information are expressed at the date of publication and are subject to change as circumstances vary. This information has been developed internally and/or obtained from third party sources believed to be reliable; however, no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of such information. To the extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume any liability, responsibility or duty of care for any use of or reliance on this information. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:21 am

Raspberry Pi 4 Bitcoin ( Mining ( For 24 Hours!|3:33
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:22 am
Unlike precious metals like gold and silver, Bitcoin mining ( is not done with picks and shovels. Bitcoin ( is extracted from the protocol when blocks of bitcoin transactions are validated by miners using specialised mining hardware, hence lending the term mining .
Mining is also the process of adding of these new transaction blocks to the blockchain.
And just as important, Bitcoin mining ( is how newly minted bitcoin is released into circulation .
The Bitcoin ( software was programmed in such a way that:
A certain pre-set number of bitcoin is released into the system with every block of transactions once almost every 10 minutes, to be mined by miners. The pre-set number of bitcoin is halved every 4 years, leading to a fixed total of 21 million bitcoin to be completely mined by the year 2140. Miners use mining equipment in the form of purpose-built hardware running special software to solve complex mathematical problems, and are rewarded with the pre-set number of bitcoin with every successful block solved. Each successful block of transactions is then added to the blockchain.
Here is a quick 2-minute video to explain what Bitcoin mining ( is:
Basically, that is a summary of what is entailed in Bitcoin mining ( To elaborate on this further:
Number of Bitcoin ( Released into the System.
When Bitcoin ( first started in 2009, it was programmed in a way such that 50 new bitcoin would be released into the system with every block. This takes place about once every 10 minutes.
Bitcoin ( did not have any value back then, and was transacted amongst a few people involved in its development, as a way to see it functioning in the real world.
Halving and 21 Million Bitcoin ( by the Year 2140.
The Bitcoin ( protocol was coded in such a way that the number of bitcoin released into the system to be mined shall be halved every 4 years (i.e. after 210,000 blocks).
Starting with 50 bitcoin per block in 2009, the rate of supply halved to 25 BTC per block on 28 November 2012, and halved once more to 12.5 BTC per block since 9th July 2016. The subsequent halving to 6.25 BTC per block took place on 11th May 2020.
210,000 blocks x 10 minutes = 2,100,000 minutes = 35,000 hours = 1,458.33 days = 3.99 years.
Hence, it takes about 4 years , give or take, to reach 210,000 blocks of transactions, before the next halving occurs .
The Bitcoin ( protocol was also coded such that only a maximum 21 million bitcoin will ever be produced, and with the halving taking place every 4 years, the last bitcoin (or final part of it) shall be mined by the year 2140.
Unlike paper money which can be printed by central banks through expansionary monetary policies which lead to inflation and drop in value of fiat currencies, the Bitcoin ( protocol creates a finite supply and capped limit of 21 million bitcoin, making bitcoin deflationary by design.
Parallels can be drawn between bitcoin and gold, a commodity which is limited in its supply. If it is known that a particular gold mine will produce the last ever ounce of gold available in this world, what would happen to the price of gold?
Unfortunately (or fortunately), no one knows for sure, but unlike gold, the last quantity of bitcoin available for mining is known. This ensures its increasing value based on its diminishing supply rate and increasing demand.
His friends know [gbg] as an aficionado of just about anything with a 6502 processor in it. He's also interested in bitcoins. A while back, a friend asked if it would be possible to mine bitcoins with an old Nintendo Entertainment System. While this suggestion was made in jest, it's not one of those ideas anyone can let go of easily. Yes, it is possible to mine bitcoins with an NES, and [gbg] is here to show us how.
Mining bitcoins is simply just performing a SHA256 hash on a random value from the bitcoin network and relaying the result of that calculation back to the Internet. Of course this requires an Internet to NES bridge; [gbg] brought in a Raspberry Pi for this task. There's the problem of actually getting data into an NES, though, and that's something only a USB CopyNES can handle. After doing some 32-bit math, the NES sends this out to the Raspberry Pi and onto the bitcoin network.
When you consider that even a high-end gaming computer has little chance of mining a bitcoin in any reasonable amount of time, there's little chance RetroMiner will ever be able to mine a bitcoin. It's all random, though, so while it's possible , we'll just appreciate the awesome build for now.
25 thoughts on " Mining Bitcoins On A Nintendo "
Has science gone to far?!
Wouldn't the Raspberry Pi be faster at the calculations than the NES? The RP can output to a TV as well. This just seems silly.
Shut your mouth sir.
The whole point of it is to be silly. You can get an ASIC mining chip for 200$ that can do Bitcoin mining ( about 20 times faster than the best 4 card mining rig. Its just for shits and giggles.... i kinda wanna know the hashrate from it.
I get that. It's just that it would have been more impressive had the interfacing hardware not been more powerful than the NES.
Why does it matter what the interfacing hardware is? The point of this wasnt to get a NES to communicate with the internet, but to get a functional Bitcoin mining ( routine running on a NES, the interfacing hardware could be anything internet and USB capable.
No matter how you interface with the NES, the bitcoin miner isnt functional without the rest of the bitcoin network, and the internet. I would hazard a guess that most, if not all, components of these networks will make the NES look like the computational chocolate fireguard.
Where can I get this $200 ASIC chip?
Because how cool would it be if there was a bitcoin out there that was mined by a 1.76MHz 6502! That's why people do things like this. Hacking is all about making things do things they weren't designed to do. This absolutely fits that definition.
The problem is there won't ever be (you might argue that there is a very slim chance, but I would counter that there is more chance of aliens coming down and giving you a bitcoin). The difficulty rate is not only high now even for topend hardware, but also ever increasing.
This writeup really isn't complete without a hash rate.
Just estimating from the video, but it looks like it comes up with a hash every 10-11 seconds?
When mining on a pool he should be able to get some satoshi's. It should find at least 1 share a day I think...
I want a beowolf culster of this :P.
I've been mining on the Pi's CPU for a few weeks, purely for entertainment purposes. If you join a pool you'll send them a few shares a day. I get about 180Kh/s from the CPU algorithm. Which is stupendously slow in terms of mining rigs... something like 3500 years per "expected" block generation. The NES will be a lot (lot) slower. I approve! :)
How is a RasPi a faster miner than a GeForce 9800GT? I only get 22KH/s on mine with cudaminer, and that's five times the rate I can get from the AMD Phenon II X2 555 3.2 Ghz CPU.
I've found a super deal on a Sapphire Radeon HD 6870 (300+ Kh/s) and an ASICminer USB Block Erupter. Block erupter was $12.49 on Amazon, after spending $10 in credits I got from Swagbucks. The video card was in a lot of four, $111 on an auction. Two of them won't be useful for mining, the 4th wasn't identifiable on the auction site but looks like it could possibly be useful. If not, I'll put the 9800GT in the second slot and boot XP to mine with both. (Damn you, Microsoft for making Vista and later only capable of running one video driver! What's next, limiting Windows to one network protocol and interface at a time, like Mac OS was?)
The ASIC will do SHA256 switch pool mining while the GPU will do Scrypt switch pool, both on There's ways to get Bitcoin ( without mining for it directly.
My electricity is six cents a KWh so that GPU will only cost about 24 cents a day (plus whatever the rest of the PC uses) and the ASIC's cost to run will be negligible.
Why not participate in one of those shared schemes?
i think the REAL point here is the software to do 256bit SHA alogarythms on an 8-BIT cpu. a CPU that MOST of the world sees as "only capable of games" and then doing something like bitcoins...
shows just now "universal" a CPU is and how "restrictive" a lot of our modern OS's are. cough;CELLPHONEs, cough.
PS: to anyone wanting to know hashrate? my (uneducated) guess would be a day at least, maybe weeks, for one coin/hash.
8 bits on a 2mhz computer doing 8bit math is 2mhz fast (assuming 1:1 cycles/instruction) but 256 bits on a 2mhz 8bit CPU is like 2mhz/32=
The 6502 is a general CPU, not a video game console specialized one. Many early Atari, Apple and Commodore home computers used it.
The NES CPU is not a "pure" 6502, but that doesn't have much bearing here.
Your point about cell phones couldn't be more valid!
The ARM CPU in your cellphone is also a general CPU. It happens to be more efficient and faster than a 6502. It's just got extra things tacked on the side, like a GPU.
The NES OS is even more restrictive than an OS like Android. There is not a lot stopping you running your own code on the CPU in a cellphone (aside from locked boot-loaders). The point about cellphones couldn't be more INvalid.
Rumors that a cooking game was using Nintendo Switches to mine cryptocurrency have lit up the internet.
This weekend, one piece of news managed to cut through the noise on Twitter by virtue of its sheer absurdity. While it's since been denied by the creators of the game, claims circulated on Sunday that "Cooking Mama: Cookstar" was using players' Nintendo Switches to mine cryptocurrency. The game, which was originally slated for release in March 2020 per a trailer, is currently unavailable on the Nintendo eShop in the United States.
On Sunday, a tweet featuring a screenshot from a Discord chat circulated on Twitter, spreading claims that the game was using players' consoles to mine cryptocurrency and potentially disseminate user information as well. The rumor went that the activities would lead to a spike in Switch network traffic and a severe decrease in battery life, and trigger the console to overheat.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:22 am

Raspberry Pi Bitcoin ( Mining ( For 12 Hours!|8:27
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:23 am
Cryptocurrency mining is the process of verifying digital transactions using computer hardware -- in this alleged case, the Nintendo Switch itself. Miners can get paid for their processing power in a cryptocurrency. If the claims were true, that would mean that a third party was getting paid for using players' consoles as hardware to authenticate payments. According to IGN, there were also claims circulating that the game can only be played online in order to allow for cryptomining, but those appear to have been refuted by users playing the game while in airplane mode.
Allegations associating the game with cryptocurrency mining have previously surfaced, including in this tweet from March 6. They appear to trace back to a press release that was dated in Feb. 2019 by blockchain gaming company Planet Digital Partners AKA Planet Entertainment that claimed "Cooking Mama: Cookstar" would be "the first game to integrate blockchain technology on major consoles." The release was aggregated elsewhere, including NintendoLife, which linked to the now-broken Planet Entertainment url ending with"video-game-publisher-planet-digital-partners-putting-cooking-mama-on-the-blockchain."
The game's developer, 1st Playable addressed the release on Twitter, highlighting the date it was released and saying that blockchain had never been brought up to developers.
The accusations quickly took off on Twitter, with many heralding it as another absurd news item in an exhausting and continuously escalating news cycle. Later on Sunday, Planet Entertainment denied the cryptocurrency mining claims via the game's official account, tweeting, "Cooking Mama: Cookstar, nor any of our other titles in the past or near future will utilize crypto technology."
The game's developer, 1st Playable, also refuted the claims in response to a direct inquiry on Twitter, stating, "As the developers we can say with certainty there is no cryptocurrency or data collection or blockchain or anything else shady in the code. The Nintendo Switch is a very safe platform, with none of the data and privacy issues associated with some mobile and PC games."
There's been support for the developer and publisher's claims after one Twitter user did "some reverse engineering work," and said that there was "no cryptominer/blockchain stuff anywhere within Cooking Mama: Cookstar's code."
"Cooking Mama: Cookstar" has also been having distribution issues in the United States and Europe.
Rumors about the "Cooking Mama: Cookstar's" hypothetical secondary purpose spread wildly on Twitter on Sunday, helped along by the game's mysterious distribution circumstances which have left it unable to purchase for many online. IGN reported on Friday that the game was available on the Nintendo eShop for a few hours the week previous, but had been fully scrubbed from the digital storefront. At time of publishing, an IGN search for the game in the eShop in both the United States and Europe returned no results; a search by Insider Monday also returned no results.
There appear to be elusive physical copies of the game, with several Redditors having been able to purchase it and Amazon listing a third party seller to purchase the game. One third party seller, which IGN reported to have been seemingly set up only to sell "Cooking Mama: Cookstar," no longer has any products in its storefront. The game is currently listed as being out of stock at Walmart and its listing appears to have been deleted from Target's website, but the page still appears in a Google search for the terms "Cooking Mama: Cookstar Target."
Screenrant reported that, per an anonymous source who was a member of the game's development team, that the distribution issues were caused by a dispute between the publisher, Planet Entertainment, and the Cooking Mama intellectual property holder, Office Create.
Insider has reached out to both Planet Entertainment and 1st Playable for comment regarding the cryptocurrency mining allegations and distribution issues.
Cryptocurrency mining claims were just absurd enough to spread across Twitter, inciting jokes and memes.
Actual controversy aside, the rumors sparked a series of bewildered tweets and memes. In the midst of an already exhausting news cycle, something as absurd as "Cooking Mama is using your Switch to mine cryptocurrency" almost feels refreshing.
--Mr. Feel, Haha Chainsaw Go Brrrr (@mrfeelswildride) April 5, 2020.
Others spoofed Cooking Mama herself, depicting the character alongside the Bitcoin ( symbol and with coins tumbling from her pockets.
Others highlighted the cryptocurrency controversy vis-à-vis other pieces with a similar tone, drawing a comparison back to the late 2010s "Yoshi committed tax fraud" meme.
Overall, the Cooking Mama controversy is yet another absurd news item in an already breakneck news cycle, even with both the developer and publisher having swiftly shut down allegations of cryptocurrency mining.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:23 am

Mining ( Cryptocurrency With ONLY ~1 WATT?! Custom Raspberry Pi Micro Miner Review|14:10
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:24 am
A Stable Mining To Maximize Profitability.
Invest in Cryptocurrency Bitcoin mining ( & Easy Way to Mine Bitcoin (
Thousands of people from around the world are investing in online cloud mining. Some of them mine once a week, others every day, but they are all a part of the online Mining community.
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Our Success Story.
The development and popularization of digital currencies reaches its climax вЂ" even now such monetary units are massively used for Internet payments, and in the near future will certainly qualify for the status of a full-fledged global payment instrument.
High volatility is an indicator of the ability of a currency to change its value sharply both upwards and downwards in certain time intervals. This contributes to the high investment attractiveness of cryptographic currencies, respectively. The right approach to trade cryptocurrencies on the international markets makes it possible to manipulate this statistic in order to generate private profit.
How To Make A Passive Income with Cryptocurrency.
Well, for starters you will have to start by getting yourself a Bitcoin ( wallet . You can sign up for a Bitcoin ( Wallet Address at any of the following sites or all three! It's always better to have more than 2 wallets for better security and convenience. You never want to keep all your eggs in one basket!
Cash App.
Sign up using the following code: RVVHHTR to get Free $5 deposited into your newly created wallet, when you first submit a deposit of $5 USD or more.
Cash App also makes it very easy to buy and sell Bitcoin ( instantly when you connect your bank account or credit/debit card. It's by far the most user-friendly Bitcoin ( app currently out in the market. They also make it easy for you to schedule recurring payments on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
The Cash App is currently available on IOS or Android.
Atomic - Desktop/App Wallet.
Atomic is the most sophisticated multi-currency Desktop wallet with the added capability of instantly converting one cryptocurrency into another with the best current exchange rate. One Single Wallet for all your Cryptocurrencies. It presently features 130+ popular cryptocurrencies, with many more in the pipeline! Atomic allows you to send, receive, exchange, and stake all seamlessly on your own desktop computer, Laptop, or phone with sleek and easy to use Dashboard. Now available to earn staking rewards on popular altcoins like NEO, Tezos, Tron, Cosmos, and more! The Atomic Wallet also comes with its own Native Token which allows you to save & earn even more on every transaction you do within the wallet.
Voyager App Wallet.
This wallet allows you to:
Store, Track, Send & Receive Cryptocurrency on the go! Trade up to 30+ coins with more on the way Commission-Free Easy Bank Transfers to your bank account to cash out or Buy Crypto, no more exchange hassle with the best rates and lowest fees. Earn Interest on your Crypto Advanced Top Security! With many more Exciting Updates coming soon!
The Voyager app is available for Android and iOS. Just use Code: JOEF24 - To Claim your First $25 worth of FREE Bitcoin (
Step #1 to Earning Crypto on Automatic Join These Top Faucet Sites.
After months of searching online I managed to find the top paying Bitcoin ( faucets and have broken them down for you here. There's no more need for you to spend hundreds of countless hours searching for the top paying faucets , as I have them all listed here for you and up to date! Simply just sign up for each faucet using your public bitcoin wallet address and start earning top Crypto quickly, FREE and easy!
*Make Sure To Bookmark This Page As I Add New Info & Update it on A Monthly Basis!*
Last Updated On November 19th, 2020.
Top Bitcoin ( Faucet Sites Online!
Manage Your Faucets With
With My Crypto Faucets management tool you can now manage all your Altcoin & Bitcoin ( Faucets under one dashboard! They made it as simple as it can get for their fellow faucet enthusiast to claim their winnings! Stay organized by knowing what Wallet address goes with what faucet, so you never lose control of your crypto earnings again! Simply sign up for a free account and start using their free faucet management service today!
There are currently hundreds of cryptocurrency giveaways going on daily. You don't want to miss out on Free Crypto Giveaways, as this is by far the easiest way to accumulate some large bags of Bitcoin ( and Altcoins if you happen to win one of the giveaways that is. The hard part is finding them and knowing which ones are legitimate and current. Therefore I created a website where you can find all the currently running crypto giveaways that will provide you with the largest winnings. Which I personally update on a daily basis and have entered myself. So I definitely recommend you visit and sign up for every giveaway listed on the home page.
Step #2 - Join These Top Traffic Ad Faucet Sites.
The following sites earn you free bitcoins by clicking on ads and viewing Crypto related websites, or even competing simple task! The more of these sites you sign up for or task you complete, the more you earn. Another thing I highly recommend is advertising your referral links on these sites. This way you can gain a lot of referrals earning bitcoin quickly. The more you spend advertising on these sites the larger your referral list grows and the faster you earn Bitcoin ( on Automatic . However, please keep in mind it's really up to you whether you want to spend bitcoin on advertising. You can always try advertising on these sites later down the road when you have a little more than 0.001 BTC in your wallet. In the meantime, let's take advantage of their high free bitcoin payouts!
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:24 am

Raspberry Pi Lynx Mining ( Farm|7:55
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:24 am
Get Your Own Free Crypto Faucet Course.
How To Make Real Passive Income?
The best way to generate passive income is by referring other people. When people join websites using your referral links, they will become your referrals and generate referral commissions that will be paid to you by the website owners. The more referrals you have, the higher your income will be.
How to get referrals?
All the links in this little course " Earn Crypto Now " are referral links. Thanks to " Earn Crypto Now " it's now possible to promote several websites at once. It's a great tool to get referrals.
You can get a copy of this whole course " Earn Crypto Now " with your own referral links completely for free!
All you have to do is to go to the next page and enter your own referral links. Hit submit and you will get a unique URL with your own copy of this course. You can then send this link to your friends and family or social media followers. You can put a link to it in articles or forum signatures. You can even promote it using traffic exchanges or PTC websites.
Feel free to promote it anywhere you like. You will get detailed instructions on the last page, on how to properly use the landing page to your advantage.
Step #3 - Create Your Pages That Will Drive In Free Traffic To Your Referral Links.
Create your own Cryptocurrency related Facebook page . I would suggest creating a Facebook business page or Facebook Group . NOT a personal Facebook page, this way you can create a following and keep it very simple.
Once you have successfully created your page or group page you will be able to start promoting your referral links . Make sure that every time you post on Facebook you submit an attractive image along with your referral link with these popular hashtags: #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #freebitcoin #blockchain #crypto @bitcoin . You will get GREAT results this way.
Try using for more great hashtags ideas to use when sharing on your social media accounts.
Create a Cryptocurrency related Twitter page as well. Just as in Facebook when you post try to use the same hashtags and an attractive image for best results. Try to post on a regular basis, but do NOT spam! There is currently a huge Bitcoin ( following on Twitter so make sure to get yourself a free account. Once you have created a nice and attractive Twitter page start following all influential companies and individuals that are crypto related. You can Like and re-tweet their interesting crypto tweets and get a higher chance of them following and re-tweeting your tweets back. This way you start building a large crypto following. Which will provide you with a great targeted list for you to start advertising your referral links and Bitcoin ( products too. Click on the button bellow for a Step guide on how to sign up for your own Professional Twitter account. My personal recommendation is to sign up for Cryptocurrency News related websites notifications so you can share the latest news on twitter to gain a faster following.
Another Crypto that is extremely becoming popular within the Crypto community is the Steem Token. Which the Chinese Ministry Ranks #2 in their Official Crypto Investments to look out for as far as community and utility goes.
What is Steemit? - Steemit is a blockchain-based blogging and social media website, which rewards its users with the cryptocurrency STEEM for publishing and curating content, and is owned by Steemit Inc.
Once you have your own Steemit page created, this will be your top source for posting your referral links. Since all Steemit users are Crypto users, your chances of getting a higher conversion are that much greater than in any other social network. Not to mention you get rewarded for posting QUALITY content.
The easiest way to explain Publish0x is that it's a crypto agnostic publishing platform similar to Steemit and Medium, where both authors and readers earn different tokens. On Publish0x you can actually earn crypto in 4 different ways.
Earn Crypto by Reading Articles Earn Crypto by Blogging - (Blogging is by invite only, which you can use the registrations link below) Earn Crypto by Sharing Great Articles you Enjoyed Reading. Earn Crypto by Sharing your affiliate links on the Articles you happen to write and share on Publish0x.
You Currently Can Earn Ethereum, BAT, and Loopring on Publish0x. Please be advised that Publish0x does constantly update the Cryptos you earn on their platform. So for the latest list of Cryptocurrencies, you can earn with them, you will have to visit their platform.
Now Minds is a mixture of Twitter and Facebook. Minds has only been around for few years now and has quickly risen to the top. With Hundred of Thousands of users and growing daily, Minds has the potential to surpass other major well known social networks in the coming years! As it pays its users in Minds Tokens for simply being social with your friends and followers as compared to Facebook where you DON'T get rewarded for being social!
If you would like to advertise your affiliate links, socialize with your friends, share your media or business, well Minds can help with all that and more. It can even get your website or Blog more Free Traffic . Go find out why Minds is considered the go to Social Platform for the Crypto Community!
If you like to share or create your own videos, or already have your own YouTube channel, then LBRY is definitely for you! It's just like Youtube but on LBRY you can post anything you want with no restrictions. That's right you don't get your videos taken down if not approved. As LBRY is powered on the Blockchain. Where you can earn LBRY Tokens for watching other users' videos or completing simple daily tasks.
LBRY is a new protocol that allows anyone to build apps that interact with digital content on the LBRY network. Apps built using the protocol allow creators to upload their work to the LBRY network of hosts (like BitTorrent), to set a price per stream or download (like iTunes) or give it away for free (like YouTube without ads). The work you publish could be videos, audio files, documents, or any other type of file. Start getting paid for sharing your content with LBRY.
Banner Advertising.
Once you have your website up and running, make sure to have space to advertise some banners, I highly recommend you sign up for A-Ads and LeadsLeap. If you sign up as a publisher and place their HTML code they will be providing you with (for their ads). You won't believe the number of Bitcoins you will be getting paid on a daily basis ! The more traffic you have coming in, the more Bitcoin ( you will be earning, plain and simple. The cool thing about A-Ads is that they payout directly to your Bitcoin ( wallet as soon as it reaches your minimum payout threshold . Keep in mind they pay you for every impression and click you receive. You can see a sample banner that A-ads and LeadsLeap provide you with right underneath.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:25 am

8 Raspberry Pi 3's With CPU Miner Installed Hooked Up To A 5 Volt 20 AMP Power Supply.|3:36
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:25 am
You Can Donate to my Page By a Simple Click To any of These Banners 🙂
Make Bitcoin ( With Shortlinks.
If you are currently using services like for shortening your URL links, well there are new websites out there called and that let you earn Bitcoin ( for every click you get from the shorten links you create and share. Simply turn any content you create into Bitcoin ( website, blogs, tweets, forum posts, torrents, images, etc. Advertisers pay out the largest part of the funds to you! So why not get paid for doing something you are currently doing already for free? This service is a must and completely Free to use. Earn even more if you can convince your friends and family to use their service too.
Step #4 - Invest Your Bitcoin ( Wisely.
Once you have earn enough Bitcoin ( I would highly recommend investing in peer-to-peer lending sites . Instead of just having your bitcoin stored away, you can earn interest on it by lending it to others or even putting it on a Crypto Savings Account and let it earn interest over time. It's always better to diversify your investments so you can gain a better return with a safe and steady income. The following options can provide you with a steady return on investment.
How To Gain Interest on Your Crypto.
1. Celsius Network - This New App has literally changed the game when it comes to earning interest on your cryptocurrency. They currently have top cryptocurrencies which you can earn up to 7% yearly interest on your BTC, ETH, LTC, DASH, and many others. So for example, if you make a deposit of $10,000 worth of cryptocurrency, you would get about $475 a year on interest. Now there is no bank savings account out there that can provide you with those kinds of returns. Personally I've been using the Celsius App since day one they launch. I love it how easy they make it for me to get rewarded for something I was already doing, and that's holding on to my cryptocurrency.
Celsius provides NO Lock-Ups. You can withdraw your digital assets whenever you need them with no fees or penalties and all deposits are safe and secured by BitGo.
Download the App Today and Start making your cryptocurrency work for you 🙂
2. BlockFi - The BlockFi Interest Account (BIA) lets you earn compound interest on your Bitcoin (, Ether, and GUSD. Simply store your crypto at BlockFi and earn interest paid out in Bitcoin (, Ether, and Gemini Dollar every month (up to 6.2%). This well-established interest platform is backed by Gemini Exchange and Cold Storage. Visit their website to learn more about how you can reach your financial goals with BlockFi. Opening an account is quick and easy.
3. Nexo - Nexo is one of the biggest players in the crypto industry. They are the world's largest and most trusted lending and earning institution in the digital finance industry. With Nexo you can earn up to 5% on your crypto and up to 10% on stablecoins, paid out daily with compound interest! With top insurance provided by BitGo who provides 100% Cold Storage Technology in bank-grade Class III vaults and $100 Million insurance on custodial assets. Not to mention zero fees on withdraws and no minimum deposit to start earning interest on your crypto.
Create a passive income with your cryptocurrency and open a high-yield savings account with Nexo today.
4. Crypto - With you can earn up to 8% p.a. on your crypto. You can earn interest in Bitcoin (, Ethereum, Litecoin, XRP, and Some Stable Coins. Many more Cryptocurrencies will be added soon! If you happen to Stake their Platform MCO Token, you can earn up to 2% more on your crypto. All interest is paid out weekly and in the crypto you deposited. So for example, if you deposit Bitcoin ( you will earn your interest paid out in Bitcoin ( Their Platform is very easy to use and available on Android and iOS. This App is actually one of the most widely used apps for interest payouts and the availability of getting a debit card to easily spend y our Crypto anywhere Visa is accepted.
Earn more on crypto when you use my referral code: 54BJ9QSH9T.
5. Voyager - I love using this app as it's you're all in one app for buying Bitcoin (, earning Interest on popular cryptos, and not to mention it has a built-in exchange with commission-free trading. Yup, a must-have all in one crypto app. Now with this app it may not give you the best interest compared to the other three mentioned above, but they allow you to control your crypto seamlessly and conveniently. They also allow you to do recurring purchases daily, weekly, or monthly directly from your connected bank account. Another great thing I love about this app is that they allow you to track your portfolio performance with advanced rea-time data charts provided. All within the app with easy to use dashboard. Great all-around app for beginners.
The Voyager app is available on the Apple Store or Google Play Store . I invite you to download the app and when you trade your first $100 within the app you will receive $25 worth of Bitcoin ( when you use my referral link and Code: JOEF24 -
6. StakeCube - One of the first Compounding interest systems with the highest rates, calculator, daily payouts, and no lock time. Four different and automated income streams offer a payout guarantee. The latest cold storage technologies and proof of funds are fully transparent and traceable with StakeCube.
Earn up to 11.57% interest per year (0.03% daily) which is significantly higher than traditional bank deposits and alternative Crypto investing platforms. StakeCube offers you full flexibility by allowing you to add and withdraw funds at any time - coins don't need to be locked for fixed periods.
The power of compounding ensures that every day a larger interest amount is credited into your account, letting you enjoy a secure high-yield passive income without any fees or commissions.
Stakecube's income streams, which cover the daily payments to their users, as well as the cold storages, are fully transparent and traceable for everyone to view.
A great alternative for an Online wallet with the benefit of compound interest on your crypto. They also offer a daily High Paying Faucet which you can claim on a daily basis, for added crypto to your wallet.
7. - account is now also a bitcoin savings account! Receive compounded interest on any balance that you hold in your account , without doing anything. All you need to do is maintain a balance of at least 30,000 Satoshis (0.0003 BTC) in your account and they will pay you compounded interest on your full balance every day. There is no lock-in period to earn interest (you start earning interest right from the first day!) and your balance can be withdrawn any time you wish. Treat your account like an instant-access savings account to hold your excess bitcoins and earn passive interest on your account balance every day. The good thing about is that you get your password and a 2-factor authentication protecting your bitcoin. And Just to let you know has been around for over 6+ years and counting. To this day they still remain #1 Bitcoin ( faucet online .
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:26 am

How to make a Raspberry Pi Bitcoin ( Mining ( Rig|9:43
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:27 am
Earn Residual Income With Staking.
1. Bitrue - Bitrue exchange is established by a group of blockchain enthusiasts and focuses on cryptocurrency trading. They have made it very easy for those getting into crypto for the first time and helping them with trading to successfully managing their crypto investments. I have been using Bitrue ever since they first came out with their Power Piggy Service . Which is a service they provide to stake your cryptocurrency and earn anywhere from 5.3% all the way up to 17% on your crypto. Now the way Staking works is that you have to have your cryptocurrency locked up for a certain amount of time for it in order to mature and earn interest on it. They currently have Staking for Bitcoin (, XRP, Ethereum, Litecoin, Cardano, and many other popular cryptocurrencies. They do however have a minimum to qualify for their daily Power Piggy Staking Services. So if you do happen to have some extra bitcoin stored in unwanted wallets. Why not give Bitrue a try and earn some staking rewards from it.
Signup Today for a Chance to Win up to 240,000 XRP - Claim a Signup Reward of Free XRP deposited to your account and earn interest on your Crypto using the following sign up link:
2. Atomic Wallet - With the all-new sophisticated Atomic Desktop/App wallet, you can now stake popular Cryptocurrency all within your wallet with a single click of a button. Amazing wallet for beginners that want to start learning how to get started staking your coins, this wallet allows you to stake with no technical knowledge.
The Atomic Wallet currently supports staking on Tron, Tezos, Cosmos, NEO, VeChain, and many other Popular cryptos with many more being added soon. If you currently have these cryptos sitting on other wallets not earning you any rewards. Why not let your crypto work for you by staking them on the Atomic Wallet.
Hands down this is my most favorite and most used wallet, as they provide amazing 5-star customer support. They usually reply within a couple of hours or less with the solution to your problem. Having possession of your own Private keys and top customer support are the most important details to me when you're dealing with a lot of money.
3. - HEX is a completely Decentralized Finance (Defi) platform. HEX is free for Bitcoiners, more secure, faster, cheaper, better for the environment, and addresses a larger market than Bitcoin ( HEX has done a 92x price increase vs Bitcoin ( so far and is poised to increase even higher this year. Not to mention it's considered to have one of the best Staking rewards in the industry. The longer you have your tokens staked for the higher the percentage you get rewarded. HEX has been one of my best-performing Tokens by far this year and I wouldn't be surprised if it's the highest performing Altcoin in my portfolio next year as well. With a very easy to use platform, top staking returns, and rewards you may want to consider adding HEX to your portfolio.
Easy To Use Crypto Investing App.
If you're new to cryptocurrency or simply just looking to get your feet wet in cryptocurrency investing. A great app to get started is HODLIT. This new app makes it extremely simple for anybody to get started. Simply connect your bank account to start collecting your spare change to invest in a portfolio of cryptocurrencies. Or set a daily recurring deposit, it's really your choice with 100% control of your crypto portfolio. Just start with your spare change. Low risk and low commitment and create your own unique portfolio from the best cryptocurrencies currently out in the market. Then they will automatically round up your purchases to the next dollar and collect the change. Or you can set a recurring daily amount. When the total amount reaches $5, they'll withdraw the amount from your bank account and invest it according to your portfolio.
How Does HODIT Work?
Sign Up Connect your Bank Account (Same Security Level as your Bank app) Adjust your roundup change and set which Cryptos to invest in. Set Your Recurring daily, weekly, or monthly payment submission (optional). That's it! The App does the rest for you and you never have to worry about the up and down market, as you'll be dollar-cost averaging.
Step #5 - Become a Crypto Bounty Hunter.
Earn Crypto by Sharing on Social Media or Completing Easy Tasks!
What is a Crypto Bounty Hunter? - A crypto bounty hunter is a participant in the initial coin offering (ICO) process who markets the offering to investors and audiences in exchange for incentives. The crypto bounty hunter is generally paid in the form of ICO tokens that can later be redeemed into fiat currencies after the token is listed on a crypto exchange.
Start joining Bounty platforms where you can earn Tokens for simply sharing post that ICO's would like for you to share on your social media with your followers. The more followers you have on social media the more Stakes/Tokens you can earn. Each Bounty platform has different ways of submitting your entry but all of them are pretty easy to join and start earning some free cryptocurrency. By completing simple task like re-sharing a post, liking a page, retweeting a tweet, writing up an article or even making a video. There are all sorts of methods for you to start earning some crypto very quickly. Please keep in mind you will need an Ethereum Wallet that is ERC20 compatible in order to receive your Tokens after the Bounties are over (I would recommend using MyEtherWallet).
I recently have found the top 3 most popular and user friendly bounty platforms you can join today. All 3 platforms seem to have easy integration to your social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Telegram & Reddit). You simply just press a button to instantly share to your social media channels, no technical knowledge required. They make it very easy for everybody to accumulate Stakes/Tokens for each ICO offered on their platform. Once you receive you're tokens to your Ether wallet, you can always exchange them on an exchange for larger named crypto's like Bitcoin (, Ethereum or Ripple 🙂
Sell Your Stuff for Crypto.
A great way to earn Cryptocurrency quickly is by selling the stuff you have laying around your house. You can list your stuff on Online Auction Sites.
These sites are very similar to eBay where you can list your new or used items for sale. However, both these sites I recommend are a bit better, as they do not charge you anything if your item doesn't sell and if they do happen to sell your item, they only charge 1%-10% of the total cost, compared to eBay's high seller fee of 5%-15% and with Bitify now allowing you to accept both Bitcoin ( and Litecoin as payment. You're sure to gain Bitcoin ( faster and easier this way. Who knows you might find these two sites to be your main source in gaining Crypto, as so many are currently doing now.
Sign Up today for a Free Seller & Buyer Account. As for Listia they are currently giving away free Props tokens when you list your first item for sale! If you don't want to keep your Props token you can always exchange them for Ethereum. However, if you keep your Props Tokens, you will gain more perks within the platform and earn Props as the Listia platform grows, the value of the token will increase as well.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:28 am

Crypto-mining: How to Mine Monero on Raspberry Pi?|10:12
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:28 am
Cryptocurrency Cash Back Platforms.
Shop at your favorite stores and start getting FREE Bitcoin ( & Cashback Rewards when you shop online or in-store!
Now what I'm about to show you is a Little Trick I use to 2x my cryptocurrency savings when I shop online. Saving me anywhere from 2% to 30% at times. If you just combine these 2 applications when your shopping online, you too can start accumulating them Satoshies that much quicker and saving you money at the same time! All you have to do is follow the following steps:
1. Add The Lolli Extension to your Chrome Browser (also works with the Brave Browser) - (once you have successfully added the browser extension) You would first start by clicking on the Lolli Icon located on the top right and sign in. >>> Once at the Lolli site chose the store you want to shop at, for this example let's say >>> Then just do the normal shopping you would on the site, just make sure the Lolli icon has turn green (very important), this shows your savings is activated. >>> Once at checkout DO NOT PAY USING ANY OTHER FORM OF PAYMENT, make sure you chose to pay with GIFT CARD . This is where the Fold App comes in.
2. Download the Fold App - (Once you have successfully downloaded the app) Sign in and click on the little shopping cart located below (Marketplace) >>> Chose the same shop your shopping at, which in this case we're using as the example >>> within the app you will purchase a Gift Card for the total amount you wish to use >>> You pay for the Gift Card and submit the Gift Card Code # and PIN provided at checkout and Voila! You just doubled your savings! Which in this case we use, Lolli will give you 3.5% Cashback and you will earn another 6% Cashback for using the Fold App for a total of 9.5% savings which will be sent to you in Bitcoin (! YES, I know AMAZING Right!
So for this example, we used but you can use it for many other online shops. Like Macy's, Gap, Old Navy, 1-800-Flowers, Nike, Staples, and many others. So take advantage of these free shopping tools. If you download the app today, they will add +20,000 Satoshies to your account to start. Hey, free Bitcoin ( Why Not!
If you want to earn an EXTRA 2% Cashback in crypto you can always apply for Visa Card. Which will give you 2% cashback on all your purchases and many other perks. If interested in getting you're own Visa Card you can apply for your own by download the Wallet app . Please be advised that in order to qualify for the card you will need to own and stake 50 MCO tokens.
3. Pei App - Pei's goal is to change your finances and assist you to get the foremost out of the items you're shopping for. They are doing this by providing cashback opportunities with their thousands of local shops and restaurants.
Pei launched in 2018 and since then they have gained quite the popularity. You won't be hearing anybody bad mouth the app. As nobody hates obtaining cashback, as Pei has made it really easy to accumulate them Satoshis.
The premise of the app is straightforward. You link your Debit or Credit Card (and it doesn't matter the kind of card), continue as you do shopping locally with your favorite local retailers or restaurants, and earn up to twenty percent cashback in Bitcoin ( or cash.
(use promo code: kpvvh0 upon sign-up and get a $5 Bonus when linking your first card)
4. StormX - This application not only does it provide you with cashback it also rewards the user for holding and investing in their StormX token (STMX). The more StormX tokens you hold on your linked Ethereum wallet the more cashback you can receive (up 21% cashback) from all your online shopping. Which you can withdraw your earnings in BTC, ETH, LTC, STMX, YFI, and Dai. When you hold StormX tokens you also get rewarded with more benefits and Staking within their application. STMX is a token that keeps on giving and well worth adding to your portfolio.
5. Dosh App - Now for this App, it won't provide you with cashback in crypto, but if you connect other credit or debit cards to this app. You can earn some extra cashback too and use that cash to purchase more Bitcoin ( Which is what I'm currently doing. To top it off if you sign up for this app today you can get $5 free when you first download the app and link a card to it. Hey, why not use that towards your first purchase of Bitcoin (
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:29 am

How to mine cryptocurrency with Raspberry Pi 3!(2018)(SUPER EASY)|4:16
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:29 am
Latium Gig Platform.
Recently release the Latium Gig Economy is the first of its kind where all gigs are backed by the LATX Tokens. This is a pretty unique platform that is similar to Fiverr but with The Latium platform you earn LATX Tokens, Bitcoin (, Ethereum, and many other popular cryptocurrencies for completing gigs. So, for example, you visit the platform (first sign up) and apply for a gig that you can complete, which are several easy to complete gigs that you can do by completing a task like sending a tweet, re-tweeting or re-sharing a post, writing an article, making videos, commenting on blogs and so on and so on. The more difficult the task is the more Crypto you make. There are so many easy tasks you can complete for earning tons of free crypto with the Latium platform. Please keep in mind you first have to apply for the gig, which usually takes about 24 to 48 hrs to be accepted. Once accepted you will have to complete the instructions and send the gig employer your confirmation links, then you get paid.
Another cool thing about this platform is that you can also advertise your gigs and have others earn LATX Tokens to promote your crypto products or services. Which makes it easy to promote your affiliate links and earn crypto that much faster. I actually see others creating gigs on there to sign up for their affiliate programs for free and in return will provide you with free Crypto.
Once you have collected some LATX Tokens the Latium platform now has a built-in Exchange which allows you to exchange your LATX Tokens for either Ethereum, Bitcoin ( or any other cryptocurrencies. There are so many gigs available at this time, you can easily make a lot of LATX tokens and actually earn some serious dough.
If you're a Gambler you can always try your luck with online gambling. Now I don't suggest going this route unless you are very familiar with Online Gambling or any type of gambling. As online gambling is very risky but may result in high profits. This decision is really up to you, so think wisely and long before trying any form of online gambling . However many have gotten great results and earn a great living through online gambling, which makes it something to look into. Currently the most popular Bitcoin ( gambling sites with the most Bitcoin ( users are the following three sites which have been giving me personally great profits! All three offer Football and other popular sports betting.
Betting Tip #1: When opening an account with BetMoose , you can also Host a Bet, When you host a bet you can make a significant amount of Bitcoin ( BetMoose allows you to host as many bets as you wish. For every successful betting, you host you will earn a percentage of the fees. Here are BetMoose's current winning percentage for those hosting their own bet.
The structure is as follows:
Level 0 (0.5%) - - everyone begins here.
Level 1 (0.6%) - - 1 successfully resolved bet.
Level 2 (0.7%) - - 2 or more resolved with a cumulative volume of 10 or more.
Level 3 (0.8%) - - 3+ resolved and cumulative 30 +
Level 4 (0.9%) - - 4+ resolved, cumulative 50 +
Level 5 (1.0%) - - 5+ resolved, cumulative 100 +
If you try to host at least ONE bet per week you're looking at a great amount of Bitcoin ( coming in on a weekly basis! The more bets you create the more you can start making today! Hosting your bet is 100% Free to do so TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS FREE SERVICE!
Tip #2: For those that don't even know much or very little about betting on sports, no worries I'm on the exact same boat. However I found an amazing method that will provide you with an 85% high chance of winning every bet! This however only works for all Bets on Football (Soccer) Leagues. All you have to do is sign up for any of the three betting sites. Once you have signed up, you visit this secret high prediction site that will provide you with the best soccer predictions for all upcoming football games - . Next before even submitting a bet for any match, always check the statistics from Google . Let's say you get a match with a 3-1 prediction score on BettingClosed. Now you will write on Google for TEAM A vs TEAM B match and put a date after it like 20/12/2020 and read the top 2 to 3 articles what they say about the match. If any of the articles say that TEAM A is likely to win the match with 2 goals or a goal difference then book that match. I just want you to get little help from the search engine for your safety. Use these keywords when you submit a search:
Team A vs Team B match statistics Team A vs Team B match prediction.
Number 2 never choose a close match like 1-0, 3-2, or a draw like 1-1, leave all those matches alone, only choose those where you can see a good difference, like 3-1, 3-0, 4-0, 2-0. If you master this you can win a large amount, this would work even better if you know your football, As for me not having enough time to catch up on my sports, this method has worked very well for me on all three betting sites.
Step #6 - Make Sure Your New Bitcoin ( Network Is Working On Automatic.
#2. Brave Browser - Another Browser I highly recommend using as well is the Brave Browser. T his new internet browser, which you can download and use on your mobile phone or desktop computer. This new browser has made internet browsing much safer, faster, and more profitable for publishers. Now what makes this internet browser called Brave more unique then the rest? It's the two forms of getting paid in Cryptocurrency for using their browser.
The first way Only works is if you're a publisher (blogger, the site owner) and you have banner adds on your site. The way you get paid Cryptocurrency is by getting a daily share of the earnings from all publishers on the Brave Network. From the Revenue that Brave makes from all the customers who pay a subscription to block adds from being viewed when they browse. Or they can directly tip each individual publisher they chose and set which sites they chose to tip within their browser dashboard.
The second way you get paid is a bit more simple. All you have to do is allow ads to be viewed on the browser. So by allowing ads to be shown when you do your normal internet browsing, you will be earning a little bit of Cryptocurrency. I believe they will have their own token (which runs on the Ehtereum Blockchain) or possibly give away Ethereum as well. All earnings will be sent directly to your Brave Online Wallet in which you can either donate the earnings to your favorite publisher or withdraw them to an external wallet.
#3. Bravocoin - The all New Review app that pays its community for writing and rating reviews of restaurants, hotels, services, movies, video games, and more! If you're familiar with the Yelp app and constantly using it to leave reviews for places you visit. Well the Bravo app is definitely for you. Why not get paid for what you're already doing on the Yelp app when you can now get paid on the Bravo app with Bravocoins. The more quality your reviews are and the more reviews you happen to submit the more Bravocoins you make, as simple as that! I would recommend sending as many friend requests as you can. Making friends on this app really really pays off. As the more friends you have following you the more they can upvote your reviews, in turn making you more Bravecoins. To be honest with you I actually stopped using the yelp app completely and switch to the Bravocoin app, which I already made me a little over $300 worth in Bravocoins. Well worth it and always recommend it to my friends and family as the reviews you happen to submit are actually tied to google reviews and helps each business you submit a review for a lot! Also, a great way to support small businesses locally or online.
Download the Bravocoin app today to claim your first Free 10 Bravocoins !
#4. Send Traffic To Your Affiliate Links - HitLeap is a Traffic Exchange service, which automatically delivers free traffic to your website(s). You simply download their free software and let it remain open (run on the background) on your PC and you can even minimize it and don't even bother with it. As long as you have it running on the background you will get an unlimited amount of free traffic back to your site(s). You can even have multiple computers running the free software and in return you'll earn even more free minutes which will create even more traffic & clicks to your links!
Another site to refer to is LeadsLeap . This site was created for affiliate marketers with easy to use affiliate web tools to bring in more conversions and sales. All web tools provided on LeadsLeap are 100% free to use for members. They even allow you to integrate a widget within your website to easily generate more traffic back to your site. Not to mention you will receive 100% Real Visitors who are interested in your offers. They have easily created a program that you can automatically make some money while using their services and getting traffic. So give them a try, I'm more than sure you will love their platform -
#5. GetResponse - Sign up for this email marketing provider! It's a must if you plan in having referrals clicking on your referral links on a constant basis. For Only $25 a month you can build a powerful email list of up to 2,500 subscribers, which you can email once a week ( I recommend, no more, no less), with new referral deals for them. With getting Response you will have all the tools and resources you need to build a powerful Bitcoin ( business, from attractive email templates and impressively easy to create landing pages. Not to mention GetResponse happens to be the top email marketing company that works well with affiliates. When you send an email out, get creative and use one of the many GetResponse stunning email templates they provide you with and send emails with attractive headings like: "Top Three Bitcoin ( Faucets to Join", "Top Bitcoin ( Investment Sites", "The New Buzz in Bitcoin (", "Join These Bitcoin ( Sites Before It's Too Late". Just so that you can have an idea and have your subscribers clicking more on your email links.
Click Here for your First Month Free Trial and $30 free credit when you sign up.
#6. Fiverr - This Site has helped me personally to advertise my affiliate links much quicker and gain an abundance of referrals. I highly recommend using Fiverr's services to promote your social media accounts or your new Bitcoin ( site, create banners for your referrals links or even have somebody create a stunning website for you at a very affordable price. I got my website on Fiverr, for only $50. Now that's a bargain! There are so many gigs on Fiverr that I'm more than sure you'll find what you're looking for to help you with building a successful Bitcoin ( network! One thing I learned from experience on Fiverr is to make sure to purchase from experienced sellers with a lot of feedback and try to avoid new sellers with no feedback as most likely you will end up getting something you don't like.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:30 am

How to make a Bitcoin ( Node out of a Raspberry Pi 4|11:52
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:30 am
Click Here to Claim your First FREE Gig on Fiverr!
Bitcoin ( 2014 Year in Review.
The goal of this article is to review Bitcoin ('s growth as a whole, and discuss key events that happened in each month, and attempt to predict what we can expect 2015 to be like using 2013 and 2014 as years of comparison. This article will be broken down into months covering January- part of December. Bitcoin ('s market will be explained simply rather than thoroughly analyzed. I hope you enjoy this article as we review this action-packed year for Bitcoin ( and look into what the future might yield.
disclaimer: The author is fully invested in Bitcoin (
Before jumping into 2014, we will establish some key facts which will be revisited at the conclusion of the article, these statistics will be very important for calculating Bitcoin ('s growth over 2014 from 2013 and be used for making possible predictions for the growth we might see in 2015.
2013 statistics (December 2013)
Estimated wallets:
12 Million wallets (hosted + desktop + mobile) note: calculating the total amount of Bitcoin ( wallets is very difficult, this count includes dormant wallets that have not been touched over long periods of time. Estimated daily transactions: 75,125 Estimated daily volume: 1,563,212 Bitcoin ( difficulty: 707,408,283 Bitcoin ( hash rate: 7,419,911 Gh/S.
2014 statistics (December 2014)
15.8 Million wallets (hosted + desktop + mobile) note: calculating the total amount of Bitcoin ( wallets is very difficult, this count includes dormant wallets that have not been touched over long periods of time. Estimated daily transactions: 97,296 Estimated daily volume: 1,282,270 Bitcoin ( difficulty: 40,007,470,271 Bitcoin ( hash rate: 286,384,627 Gh/S.
Market: Peaking at $1012 during the month, Bitcoin ('s price settled at $853 by the end of the month. Overstock's announcement of Bitcoin ( acceptance caused the price to increase before correcting and settling down at $853 by the end of the month. (Bitcoinist recently interviewed Mr. Patrick Byrne click here to read it.)
Major events: became the first major US based merchant to accept Bitcoin ( payments. Overstock teamed up with Coinbase to make it possible. Patrick Byrne, CEO of Overstock, told Telegraph the following:
"Bitcoin ( is well suited for online transactions. It has no transaction fees and works well for international customers. Providing this convenience for the cult-following Bitcoin ( customer is the smart thing to do. Other online companies will have to follow suit soon."
At the time of the announcement, Overstock converted all BTC transactions to Fiat currency but has since started holding some of the Bitcoin ( from transactions. Overstock's decision to accept Bitcoin ( lead to other large companies joining the revolution as well.
More Bitcoins were forfeited from the Silk Road server, increasing the total stash's value to over $130 million at the time. "These bitcoins were forfeited not because they are bitcoins, but because they were as the court found, the proceeds of crimes," US Attorney Preet Bahara told the press.
Vice chairman of the Bitcoin ( foundation, Charlie Shrem, was arrested for conspiracy to commit money laundering and "knowingly contributing" to anonymous drug sales. The charges accuse Shrem and an accomplice of "engaging in a scheme to sell over $1m in bitcoins to users of Silk Road". The Bitcoin ( Foundation distanced themselves from Shrem though their reputation was not tarnished. Following the arrest, Shrem resigned from the Bitcoin ( foundation.
In addition to Overstock, Tigerdirect partnered with Bitpay to accept Bitcoin ( payments. This partnership marked two major retailers accepting Bitcoin ( and helped further foster the liquidity of Bitcoin (
Gox February:
Market: Peaking at $848 during the month, Bitcoin ('s price settled at $563 by the end of the month. Mt. Gox was the reason for the downturn that spilled over into the coming months.
Major events: February was by far the most turbulent month of 2014 for Bitcoin ( After the collapse of Mt.Gox and the loss of an estimated 744,000 Bitcoins valued at $400 million, Bitcoin ('s future was heavily debated. Many people believed that the collapse of Gox would be the end of Bitcoin ( and cryptocurrencies in general. While Bitcoin ( continued on, the effects of Mt.Gox are still felt today. Gox continues to serve as a strong reminder for Bitcoin ( users to responsibly store their money and not put as much trust in third parties. Bitcoin ( gives individuals control of their money, and, unfortunately, things like Mt.Gox can happen. Though the result was catastrophic for many people, Bitcoin ('s technology cannot be un-invented and persists through the decentralized network. Mt.Gox defined the need for top notch security and the weeding out of 'bad actors' within Bitcoin (
Prior to the complete collapse of Mt. Gox, the exchange had been experiencing problems with transaction malleability due to programmer error at the exchange. As it turns out, this was not the only issue faced by Mt.Gox and poor management and programming eventually led to the collapse of the former Magic the Gathering Online exchange. (For more on Mt.gox read our "Everything You Need To Know About Mt. Gox" report here.)
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 06:31 am

LivingOnCrypto: Is it possible to mine profitable with a Raspberry Pi? - with Michael J Ingvarson|7:11
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 08:58 am
Market: Peaking at $690 during the month, Bitcoin ('s price settled at $448 by the end of the month. The Price continued to drop as the wake of Mt Gox continued.
Major events: Flexcoin, the Canada-based Bitcoin ( bank, closed after losing $600,000 in a hacker attack. An attacker stole the entire contents of their hot wallet which contained over 800 Bitcoins. Flexcoin branded itself as the first Bitcoin ( bank, allowing users to send funds to one another instantly and without transaction fees. This theft followed Mt Gox.
Bitcoin ( 2.0 became closer to becoming a reality. Companies like Ripple Labs and Bitshares realized that there is great potential to expand the Blockchain beyond just storing transactions. People began to realize that this technology could change the way e-commerce and m-commerce are done, as well as how people deal with one another. These companies began developing their technology that could be used for voting pools, creation of contracts, coins, etc. The potential of Bitcoin ( 2.0 was fully realized.
The IRS ruled Bitcoin ( as property rather than currency; this move outraged many people. The IRS will treat Bitcoin ( in the same way it does stocks and barter transactions. By declaring Bitcoin ( as property, Bitcoin ( investors faced new liabilities that they didn't have to worry about before. The full effects of this ruling will be felt this tax season.
Newsweek infamously confronted Dorian S. Nakamoto and wrote an article that accused him of being the creator of Bitcoin ( and disclosed where he lived, putting him and his family at risk. His name has sense been cleared, and many members of the Bitcoin ( community reached out to help him out as he tried to recover from the stress of the events.
Market: Peaking at $535 during the month, Bitcoin ('s price settled at $446 by the end of the month. Rumors in China led to further price drops.
Major events: This was the month of rumors. After China had declared that Bitcoin ( was not a currency, rumors emerged that China's Central Bank would tell banks to stop dealing with Bitcoin ( exchanges, resulting in a large market crash. At the time, China controlled over 50% of the market, and the rumors caused widespread panic and further price drops.
Bloomberg decided to add Bitcoin ( to their website and allow people to view market information and price. This move added some credibility for Bitcoin ( in the eyes of the public.
Market: Peaking at $629 during the month, Bitcoin ('s price settled at $629 by the end of the month.
Major events: The PBOC refuted rumors that they were going to instruct banks to quit dealing with Bitcoin ( exchanges. Though this helped, the rumors continued to spread and cause fear in investors.
It was discovered that two trading bots, Willy, and Markus, pushed prices up to $1,000 before the bubble burst after Mt. Gox's collapse in February. These bots operated on the exchange prior to the collapse and contributed to the sharp market drops.
Bitcoin ( celebrated another Bitcoin ( pizza day. The first transaction with Bitcoin ( in exchange for goods was believed to have been made by a Florida man named Laszlo Hanyecz, who spend 10,000 for two large pizzas from Papa Johns. Today, those two pizzas are worth about 5 million dollars. Bitcoiners all over the world celebrated (including me) by ordering pizzas with Bitcoins.
Market: Peaking at $665 during the month, Bitcoin ('s price settled at $635 by the end of the month.
Major events: Expedia announced that they would accept Bitcoin ( payments. This event was welcomed by the Bitcoin ( community which had experienced a very turbulent past few months.
Canada signed their first bill regulating Bitcoin ( Discreetly named ("Bill C-31"), this regulation prevents exchanges from banking if they are unregistered, as well as works to combat other money laundering techniques.
Google Finance launched a Bitcoin ( price tracker.
US Marshalls auctioned 30,000 Bitcoins to Tim Draper, a venture capitalist.
June was relatively free of any negative events.
Market: Peaking at $650 during the month, Bitcoin ('s price settled at $584 by the end of the month.
Major events: Newegg announced that they would be accepting Bitcoin ( Newegg joins many other retailers that accept Bitcoin (
New Ransomware was deployed by hackers in an attempt to steal Bitcoins from known Bitcoin ( users.
Market: Peaking at $584 during the month, Bitcoin ('s price settled at $474 by the end of the month.
Major events: A hacker was able to take roughly $83,000 worth of Bitcoin ( by hacking into ISPs over the course of 4 months. This kind of attack will be hard to do in the future.
The Consumer Protection Agency issued a warning about Bitcoin ( and the use of virtual currencies. This report damaged Bitcoin ( and caused some of the market drops.
Market: Peaking at $480 during the month, Bitcoin ('s price settled at $381 by the end of the month.
Major events: Paypal and Braintree announced that they would begin to integrate Bitcoin ( into Paypal. The companies started working on ways to integrate the digital currency into payment processing platforms and aim to make it easier for merchants to accept Bitcoin ( payments.
Bitcoin mining ( company Butterfly labs was shut down by the FTC for scamming customers and failing to deliver promised hardware on time or even delivering it at all. Many customers did not receive their hardware and many other received hardware that was poorly made and did not meet the promised specifications. (Read the full story on Butterfly labs shut down here!)
Market: Peaking at $440 during the month, Bitcoin ('s price settled at $330 by the end of the month.
Major events: Bitcoin ('s price experienced very low lows this month. As price started dropping, people continued to panic sell resulting in a final price of $330 by the end of the month. Short term wise, the price drops were from speculative trading, though this trend did not explain long term decline.
Bill Gates, in an interview with Bloomberg, stated that Bitcoin ( was "Better than currency" and. "Bitcoin ( is better than currency in that you don't have to be physically in the same place and, of course, for large transactions, currency can get pretty inconvenient." Having been relatively quiet before, this was Bill Gate's first big interview on his thoughts on Bitcoin (
Market: Peaking at $453 during the month, Bitcoin ('s price settled at $379 of the month.
Major events: A man embedded NFC chips into his hands that to store condensed Bitcoin ( private keys. This is the first Bitcoin ( related implant ever performed. The two chips have the memory equivalent of 888 Bytes or 26 condensed private keys.
Tim Draper planned to bid once again in the December auctions. Draper has used the Bitcoins to make investments in start-up companies dealing in Bitcoin (
Bitcoin ( Black Friday was a huge success and resulted in record sales for Bitcoin ( purchases.
Market: Bitcoin ('s price is $375 at the time of writing.
Major events: Microsoft now accepts Bitcoin ( for digital content and games. Microsoft is the world's second largest company and is the largest company to accept Bitcoin ( Microsoft has partnered with BitPay to make this possible. In the future, it will be likely that customers will be able to pay for other goods and services with Bitcoin ( other than just games and digital content.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 08:59 am

Cryptocurrency Mining ( Software Reddit - Cryptocurrency Mining ( Software Reddit|4:07
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 08:59 am
Growth in 2014 compared to 2013.
Estimated wallets: 31.6 % Estimated daily transactions: 29.5% Estimated daily volume: - 18% Bitcoin ( difficulty: 5655.4% (ASICs) Bitcoin ( hash rate: 3759.6% (ASICs)
Shifting trends in 2014.
Mining is shifting more towards cloud mining contracts from physical hardware. Many companies in 2014 failed to deliver hardware on time, causing profits for miners to decrease daily. In the end, these companies were shipping out poor quality hardware just to get them to customers, resulting in impossible ROI's and poor customer relations. Many cloud mining companies have been built this year that offer mining contracts for any budget. While some of these have turned out to be scams, many have been beneficial to customers, allowing anyone to get into cryptocurrency mining. As always, be careful with any investment and always do your research before investing.
The number of hosted wallets is increasing more rapidly than the number of desktop wallets, this is due to the 5-9 day download time and massive bandwidth that downloading the Bitcoin ( blockchain requires. Transactions are increasing month by month while volume is still down. As price is lower, people will be less likely to spend their Bitcoin ( and instead exhibit hoarding behavior. In a recent report by, 70% of all Bitcoins have been stagnant for months now.
Bitcoin ( 2.0 technology is close to being ready for launch; many developers are working on integrating cutting edge platforms with marvelous capabilities very shortly, we should see some start to come up in 2015.
End of 2015 predictions.
Excluding the factors of positive and negative events that will certainly happen over the course of 2015, we can predict growth based on the past two years of data. While this data set is far from exact, we can predict expected trends in growth for various categories. I will not speculate on Bitcoin ('s price other than the fact that until all of the Silk Road Bitcoins have been sold, large investors will continue to avoid purchasing Bitcoins on the open market, thus resulting in higher sell pressure. As Bitcoin ( continues to evolve, the rate in which Bitcoin ( grows may change drastically. We will likely see many Bitcoin ( 2.0 applications implemented in 2015 which could result in faster mainstream adoption. Bitcoin ('s fundamental technology, the blockchain, has many untapped potential uses which Bitcoin ( 2.0 platforms will seek to take advantage of. For example, the blockchain could be used to store any document, including loans, contracts, property, etc. By storing a document on the blockchain, it becomes permanent, with neither party having the ability to alter it. Document storage is one of the many future uses of the blockchain that we will see being implemented soon. With this information in mind and the data collected from previous years, we can use the following as a template for the growth of Bitcoin ( over 2015:
Note: this data is created using trends from previous years. This data does not account for any good or bad news that will happen in 2015 and is by no means 100% accurate.
20.38 Million wallets (hosted + desktop + mobile) Note: calculating the total amount of Bitcoin ( wallets is very difficult, this count includes dormant wallets that have not been touched over long periods of time. Estimated daily transactions: 125,584 Estimated daily volume: 1,282,270 (This calculation depends heavily on Bitcoin ('s price, with a low price, people are more likely to hoard than spend their Bitcoin ( Bitcoin ( difficulty: Unknown Difficulty is perhaps one of the most difficult things to predict, there are many factors that will influence difficulty and I cannot predict where the difficulty will be at the end of next year, there are too many factors at play. Bitcoin ( hash rate: 11,053,500,000 Gh/S Hash rate is calculated with previous trends. Mining technology could exponentially increase at any time, resulting in a massive shift in both difficulty and hash rate which are not accounted for in this calculation. This calculation assumes a steady linear rate of growth.
With Bitcoin ('s massive growth in 2014 compared to 2013, we can expect great things in 2015. While I do not speculate on price in 2015, once the auction of all of the Silk Road Bitcoins has completed, large investors will once again need to purchase Bitcoins on the open market, thus reducing the high sell pressure we are currently experiencing. Daily transaction volume is closely related to Bitcoin ('s price, and while volume is down in 2014 from 2013, the number of daily transactions has increased significantly, meaning more people are getting into Bitcoin ( Because of the high divisibility, Bitcoin ( can be used for micro-transactions. This is how transactions have gone up while volume has gone down. Bitcoin ( 2.0 technology will likely speed up mainstream adoption once it has been integrated, leading the way for new decentralized P2P platforms. The mining arms race continues to unfold as companies continue to improve ASIC design and create better, cheaper miners. With finFET 3d printing technology, manufacturers will be able to provide 16nm chips that exponentially outperform 20nm chips in terms of computational power and electrical efficiency. 2014 has been a significant year in terms of Bitcoin ('s growth. While there have been many negative events which have caused significant price drops, the adoption rate and usage of the technology continues to increase drastically. Bitcoin ('s core technology will lead the way for new applications that do things not possible without it.
Thank you for reading this article. I hope you have enjoyed the 2014 Bitcoin ( Year in Review. While there have been many negative events, there have also been several great ones. Bitcoin ( continues to grow and influence the world. The revolutionary technology changes the way money can be used and empowers individuals to be in control of their own money. I wish you all a wonderful holiday season and look forward to all of the adventures to be had in 2015 as we continue to embrace this growing movement.
Let us know how you saw Bitcoin ( and Cryptocurrencies doing in 2014 and where you think they will go in 2015.
Bitcoin mining ( in 2014.
How Skyrocketing Difficulty has Massively Diminished Returns.
Bitcoin mining ( is a game of numbers. The most important number is this:
25 Bitcoins are mined approximately every 10 minutes on planet Earth.
Regardless of the number of miners or mining machines in the world, this fact remains constant with one caveat: the number of bitcoins mined per 10 minute block is cut in half every four years by the software protocol. Thus, we can calculate the entire mining cycle of bitcoins, from beginning to end.
This chart shows the approximate number of bitcoins that have been mined and will be mined over the next decade.
In the next 10 years, approximately 20 million bitcoins (94% of all possible bitcoins) will have been mined. In fact, 58% of all bitcoins have already been mined.
Miners verify and record bitcoin transactions in an online ledger with their computers. A transaction does not become valid until a consensus is reached by miners that it actually took place. This process makes sure that bitcoins are not "double spent", and keeps the system secure from fraud. Because this work must be done, miners are rewarded for their work with newly generated bitcoins.
However, the new bitcoins are awarded as a lottery that pays 25 BTC every 10 minutes to one lucky winner!
But if it's a lottery, why mine at all?
Because mining pools ensure payment.
Imagine that all the people that play the lottery joined together into groups. Each group agrees that if any one of them win, they must share it with everyone else in the group according to the number of lottery tickets they had bought.
Mining pools work in this way. Their combined hash rate (mining speed of their computers) and the high frequency of payouts (every 10 minutes) ensures that miners get paid for the work they do, regardless of who in the pool finds the block of bitcoins.
As time passes, luck becomes obsolete in the process.
Is it worthwhile to become a miner?
Bitcoin mining ( is a financial gamble, not an investment.
Profitability depends on three key numbers: 1. Difficulty 2. The value of bitcoins 3. The price and speed of hardware.
Bitcoin ( wiki explains difficulty in technical jargon that is not easy to understand. The underlying concept, however, is simple.
Let's take the lottery example from earlier. Imagine that as people learn about this Bitcoin ( lottery, they begin buying tickets at scale. Also imagine that the number of tickets that could be bought is unlimited, but the award remains static (currently 25 BTC every 10 minutes until 2016). As more and more people buy tickets, it becomes harder and harder to win.
Lottery tickets in our analogy are equivalent to the speed of mining hardware , known as hash rate. Thus, the higher the hash rate of the hardware, the more revenue it will generate.
This fact has created an epic mining hardware arms race across the globe. Racing to build more and faster "money" machines has come to fruition during the last nine months, skyrocketing the difficulty.
The combined total hash rate of all the mining machines on Earth determines the difficulty, which is adjusted every 2,016 blocks (10 minutes each), or approximately every two weeks.
This graph shows how the difficulty has increased ten-fold since July of last year because of the sheer computing power introduced into the system. A miner today makes only 10% of the bitcoins that she made with the same hardware only eight months ago.
Mining chip technology and hardware production has advanced at such a pace that it has created exponential growth in the difficulty. Top of the line technology from only a year ago is nearly obsolete today.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:00 am
The Value of Bitcoins.
The price of a bitcoin today, March 28, 2014, in US dollars is approximately $520.00.
At this price, even the most advanced and powerful hardware on the market will show a loss in the long term.
It is very important to use a mining calculator that factors in some form of growth in the difficulty, on average 20% every two weeks. New miners sometimes do not realize that the difficulty level of the Bitcoin ( protocol adjusts every two weeks, which is like taking a massive 20% pay cut twice a month in perpetuity. Some online mining calculators fail to calculate long term difficulty increases.
For a new miner today, profitability entails a substantial increase in the price of bitcoins. In some cases, more than a 50% price increase is necessary to turn a profit on hardware that will become increasingly obsolete.
A Personal Perspective.
I believe that bitcoins have intrinsic value that is not yet reflected in their actual price, and may never be. I want to create value for the system, not take value from it. This is why I chose to become a miner at a time when losses seem eminent for every piece of hardware on the market. My participation as a worker in the ECOS ( validates my love of it.
The Price and Speed of Hardware.
Knowledge that hardware loses its value at a rate of 40-50% a month is a very powerful deterrent. The best mining rig on the market today is made by an American company based in Austin, Texas, named CoinTerra. The rig is called the TerraMiner IV, and has a speed of 1,700 GH/s, and can operate approximately 10% faster if overclocked.
With a price tag of $5,999.00, it is possible to turn a profit with this machine, if it was delivered today. But ordering it now means receiving it three months from now. By then this machine is no longer profitable.
Even finding the best deal on the market for the best machine today still results in a loss without an increase in the price of bitcoins.
It is important to note that this phenomenon has caused the price of some hardware to drop dramatically over the last month.
Currently, the most popular machine is the Chinese made Antminer S1. This hardware has a speed of 180 GH/s, which means it will mine roughly 1 BTC before it becomes obsolete. The price of this machine has dropped from $1,100.00 to under $700.00 in just one month.
It is not too far fetched to think that 1 BTC is worth more than $700, but this machine's lifetime production decreases roughly 2% a day! That is an intense race against time.
Mining bitcoins becomes an exercise in futility when considering that it is cheaper today to buy 1 BTC than it is to mine 1 BTC and entering the market costs $700.00.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:00 am

18,500,000 btc mined ( r/Bitcoin ( - Reddit )|1:50
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:02 am
Bitcoin ( history.
Bitcoin ( history. Bitcoin ( is the first example of decentralized digital money established in 2008 by a person or a group of people under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto. This account of bitcoin history resumes the first ten-years (2008 - 2019) of the cryptocurrency. Bitcoin ( price since 2009 to 2019. Bitcoin ( price charts.
1 Pre-history of Bitcoin ( 2 Bitcoin ( in 2008 3 Bitcoin ( in 2009 4 Bitcoin ( in 2010 5 Bitcoin ( in 2011 6 Bitcoin ( in 2012 7 Bitcoin ( in 2013 8 Bitcoin ( in 2014 9 Bitcoin ( in 2015 10 Bitcoin ( in 2016 11 Bitcoin ( in 2017 12 Bitcoin ( in 2018 13 Bitcoin ( in 2019 14 Bitcoin ( price history 2009 to 2019 14.1 Bitcoin ( price chart since 2009 to 2017 and 2018 15 Regulatory issues 16 Theft and exchange shutdowns 16.1 Lost Bitcoins 17 Bitcoin ( taxation and regulation history 18 See also 19 Sources.
Pre-history of Bitcoin ( [ edit ]
Prior to the release of bitcoin there were a number of digital cash technologies starting with the issuer based ecash protocols of David Chaum and Stefan Brands. Adam Back developed hashcash, a proof-of-work scheme for spam control. The first proposals for distributed digital scarcity based cryptocurrencies were Wei Dai's b-money and Nick Szabo's bit gold. Hal Finney developed reusable proof of work (RPOW) using hashcash as its proof of work algorithm.
In the bit gold proposal which proposed a collectible market based mechanism for inflation control, Nick Szabo also investigated some additional enabling aspects including a Byzantine fault-tolerant asset registry to store and transfer the chained proof-of-work solutions. The possibility that Satoshi Nakamoto was a computer collective in the European financial sector has also been discussed.
Bitcoin ( in 2008 [ edit ]
On 18 August 2008, the domain name was registered.
Later that year on October 31st, a link to a paper authored by Satoshi Nakamoto titled Bitcoin ( A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System was posted to a cryptography mailing list.
On the 9th of November, the Bitcoin ( project was registered at the open-source-projects community resource,
Bitcoin ( in 2009 [ edit ]
In January 2009, the bitcoin network came into existence with the release of the first open source bitcoin client and the issuance of the first bitcoins, with Satoshi Nakamoto mining the first block of bitcoins ever (known as the genesis block ), which had a reward of 50 bitcoins. Embedded in the coinbase of this block was the text:
The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks.
One of the first supporters, adopters, contributor to bitcoin and receiver of the first bitcoin transaction was programmer Hal Finney. Finney downloaded the bitcoin software the day it was released, and received 10 bitcoins from Nakamoto in the world's first bitcoin transaction. Other early supporters were Wei Dai, creator of bitcoin predecessor b-money , and Nick Szabo, creator of bitcoin predecessor bit gold . Before disappearing from any involvement in bitcoin, Nakamoto in a sense handed over the reins to developer Gavin Andresen, who then became the bitcoin lead developer at the Bitcoin ( Foundation, the 'anarchic' bitcoin community's closest thing to an official public face.
How much was bitcoin worth in 2009? It is one of the most popular questions about the history Bitcoin ( The value of the first bitcoin transactions were negotiated by individuals on the bitcoin forum with one notable transaction of 10,000 BTC used to indirectly purchase two pizzas delivered by Papa John's. This was the only major security flaw found and exploited in bitcoin's history.
January 3rd The genesis block - the first block in the bitcoin blockchain - appears. 50 BTC are generated at 18:15:05 (GMT). January 9th The first version, Bitcoin ( v0.1., is issued. January 12th First bitcoin transaction, (block #170). Sender is Satoshi Nakamoto. Receiver is Hal Finney. October 5th The first Bitcoin ( course towards exchange dollar is published: 1 USD = 1,309.03 BTC. A public sale is launched on New Liberty Standard stock exchange. October 9th The #bitcoin-de channel is registered on IRC. December 16th Bitcoin ( v0.2. appears.
Bitcoin ( in 2010 [ edit ]
February 6th Bitcoin ( Market, the first official cryptocurrency stock exchange, is launched. May 22nd First online purchase using bitcoin. Laszlo Hanyecz (indireclty) buys Papa John's pizza for 10,000 coins (25 USD - Bitcoin ( value was 0.0025 cents for 1 coin). July 11th Bitcoin ( v0.3. is mentioned on news website The number of bitcoin users increases significantly. July 12th Bitcoin ( exchange rate increases 10 times in ten days, from 0.008 USD per BTC to 0.08 USD per BTC. July 17th MtGox Cryptocurrency exchange is launched. August 15th A bug in bitcoin code results in a "dirty" transaction in block # 74638. Users easily find the mistake, correct the code and "clean" the block. September 14th User jgarzik offers user puddingpop 10,000 coins (600-650 USD) to open their common customer CUDA in Windows base. The first block with assigned distribution, block # 79764, is mined. September 18th User puddingpop announces opening of the CUDA customer on Windows base under the MITd license. September 29th User kermit finds invasion in micro transaction, after version v0.3.13 is launched. October 1st First public miner, Open CL, is created. October 7th Bitcoin ( exchange rate begins to escalate, after several months stuck at USD $0.06 per BTC. October 16th First Bitcoin ( deposit is registered: a deal between users nanotube and Diabo-3 , with user theymos as . October 17th #bitcoin-otc trade channel appears on IRC freenode. October 28th First short trade transaction: 100 coins between users nanotube and kiba on #bitcoin-otc. November 6th Bitcoin ( share capital reaches 1 million USD. Its exchange rate on MtGox reaches USD$0.50 per BTC. December 7th User doublec creates a Bitcoin ( app for the Nokia N900. User ribuck sends 0.42 BTC in the first ever P2P transaction with the help of mobile device. December 9th First open call-agreement contract signed between users nanotube and sgornick on #bitcoin-otc. December 16th First block generated by mining pool under user sluch .
Bitcoin ( in 2011 [ edit ]
Based on bitcoin's open source code, other cryptocurrencies started to emerge.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a non-profit group, started accepting bitcoins in January 2011, then stopped accepting them in June 2011, citing concerns about a lack of legal precedent about new currency systems. The EFF's decision was reversed on 17 May 2013 when they resumed accepting bitcoin.
January 8th Pooled mining reaches a capacity of 10 Ghash per second. January 27th Biggest monetary transaction in bitcoin history from 3 accounts in Zimbabwe on #bitcoin-otc. The currency value was 4 BTC to 100 trillion Zimbabwe dollars. January 28th Block #105000 is generated - at that point, 5.24 million bitcoins had been issued, 25% of the total 21 million. February 9th Bitcoin ( reaches parity with the US dollar (the exchange rate was one BTC to the USD). February 10th After bitcoin is mentioned on Slashdot and Hacker News, Bitcoin ( struggles with surge of new users, many coming from Twitter. February 14th An Austrian user puts an old Porsche on sale on a bitcoin exchange for 3000 BTC. March 1st User MagicalTux buys the exchange from founder Jed McCaleb. March 6th Sudden change in the Bitcoin ( network: connection speed spikes to 900 Ghash per second and decreases to 500 Ghash per second within a short period of time. There are rumors that it was caused by a supercomputer or network bot, dubbed the "mysterious miner", connecting to the network. March 18th low Bitcoin ( rate comparing to dollar achieved 70 cent per 1 USD. Before it there has been a current increase of the rate (it is possible that it has been made artificially), then there has been a current decrease. March 22nd WeUseCoins published the video What Is Bitcoin ( and it goes viral with over 8 million views. March 27th First stock to exchange BTC for GBP opens. March 31st First stock to exchange BTC for BRL opens. April 5th, first stock to exchange BTC for PLN, opens April 12th Fisrt Bitcoin ( option agreement is signed, on #bitcoin-otc. April 16th TIME magazine publishes an article about crypto currency. April 23rd BTC/USD rate reaches and surpasses the USD/EUR price and the USD/GBP rate on MtGox stock exchange. The general capitalization of bitcoins is 10 million USD. April 27th VirWoX opens first exchange from BTC/SLL. June Wikileaks and other organizations began to accept bitcoins for donations. June 2nd USD to BTC rate is 10 USD to the coin. For 6 days, the Bitcoin ( value is fixed at 31.91 USD on MtGox. June 12th BTC to USD rate decrease to 10 USD. June 13th The first theft occurs in the history of bitcoin. User allinvain reports 25 thousand coins (375 thousand USD). June 19th MtGox's database suffers a security breach. The names, password hashes and emails of 60 thousands users are stolen. An unknown hacker accesses a MtGox administration account, and sends hundreds of thousands of fake bitcoins, decreasing the value of the crypto currency from 17.5 USD per 1 coin to 1 cent per coin. Sales are resumed a week later. On the same day, thousands of coins are stolen from MyBitcoin accounts. It was one of the biggest bitcoin crashes (hacks) in the history. July 22nd BitCoins Mobile, the first mobile app for iPad, is launched. August 20th First Bitcoin ( conference at the World Expo exhibition in New York City. August 23rd First decentralized P2Pool mines its first block. September Vitalik Buterin co-founded Bitcoin ( Magazine. November 25th First crypto currency conference in Europe, takes place in Prague (Czechia). December 12th The biggest amount of fees paid for a block up to date: 171 BTC for block # 157235. December 23rd Douglas Feigelson of BitBills filed a patent application for "Creating And Using Digital Currency" with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, an action which was contested based on prior art in June 2013.
Bitcoin ( in 2012 [ edit ]
In January 2012, bitcoin was featured as the main subject within a fictionalized trial on the CBS legal drama The Good Wife in the third-season episode "Bitcoin ( for Dummies". The host of CNBC's Mad Money , Jim Cramer, played himself in a courtroom scene where he testifies that he doesn't consider bitcoin a true currency, saying "There's no central bank to regulate it; it's digital and functions completely peer to peer".
March 1st About 50000 BTC are stolen after a security upgrade in Linode; it is the biggest bitcoin theft ever. June 3rd The biggest block in the chain, # 181919 is created. It includes 1,322 transactions. September 15th-16th Bitcoin ( conference in London. September 27th Bitcoin ( Foundation organization was launched to "accelerate the global growth of bitcoin through standardization, protection, and promotion of the open source protocol". The founders were Gavin Andresen, Jon Matonis, Patrick Murck, Charlie Shrem, and Peter Vessenes. October BitPay reported having over 1,000 merchants accepting bitcoin under its payment processing service. November WordPress had started accepting bitcoins. November 28th Block # 210,000 becomes the first block to yield a 25 BTC reward (all previous existing block rewards had been 50 BTC). December 6th The France-based exchange Bitcoin ( becomes the first exchange to operate within the framework of European regulations.
Bitcoin ( in 2013 [ edit ]
January 22nd BitPay surpasses 10,000 transactions February The bitcoin-based payment processor Coinbase reported selling US $1 million worth of bitcoins in a single month at over $22 per bitcoin. The Internet Archive announced that it was ready to accept donations as bitcoins and that it intends to give employees the option to receive portions of their salaries in bitcoin currency. February 19th The 8th version of Bitcoin ( Client appears. February 28th Bitcoin ( exchange rate surpasses 31.91 USD for the first time for the last 601 days. March In March the bitcoin transaction log called the blockchain temporarily split into two independent chains with differing rules on how transactions were accepted. For six hours two bitcoin networks operated at the same time, each with its own version of the transaction history. The core developers called for a temporary halt to transactions, sparking a sharp sell-off. The Mt. Gox exchange briefly halted bitcoin deposits and the exchange rate briefly dipped by 23% to $37 as the event occurred in the US, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) established regulatory guidelines for "decentralized virtual currencies" such as bitcoin, classifying American "bitcoin miners" who sell their generated bitcoins as Money Service Businesses (or MSBs), that may be subject to registration and other legal obligations. resulting in the bitcoin exchange rate dropping from $266 to $76 before returning to $160 within six hours. Bitcoin ( gained greater recognition when services such as OkCupid and Foodler began accepting it for payment. March 28th Bitcoin ( capitalization surpasses 1 billion USD. April 1st Exchange rate of Bitcoin ( reaches 100 USD to 1 BTC. May WebMoney announces creation of a new type of cash-box intended for operations with bitcoins. May 15th the US authorities seized accounts associated with Mt. Gox after discovering that it had not registered as a money transmitter with FinCEN in the US. May 17th It was reported that BitInstant processed approximately 30 percent of the money going into and out of bitcoin, and in April alone facilitated 30,000 transactions. June 23rd It was reported that the US Drug Enforcement Administration listed 11.02 bitcoins as a seized asset in a United States Department of Justice seizure notice pursuant to 21 U.S.C. § 881. It is the first time a government agency has claimed to have seized bitcoin. July A historical project began in Kenya linking bitcoin with M-Pesa, a popular mobile payments system, in an experiment designed to spur innovative payments in Africa. During the same month the Foreign Exchange Administration and Policy Department in Thailand stated that bitcoin lacks any legal framework and would therefore be illegal, which effectively banned trading on bitcoin exchanges in the country. According to Vitalik Buterin, a writer for Bitcoin ( Magazine, "bitcoin's fate in Thailand may give the electronic currency more credibility in some circles", but he was concerned it didn't bode well for bitcoin in China. August 6th Federal Judge Amos Mazzant of the Eastern District of Texas of the Fifth Circuit ruled that bitcoins are "a currency or a form of money" (specifically securities as defined by Federal Securities Laws), and as such were subject to the court's jurisdiction, and Germany's Finance Ministry subsumed bitcoins under the term "unit of account" - a financial instrument - though not as e-money or a functional currency, a classification nonetheless having legal and tax implications. October the FBI seized roughly 26,000 BTC from website Silk Road during the arrest of alleged owner Ross William Ulbricht. October 29th Robocoin and Bitcoiniacs launched the world's first Bitcoin ( ATM in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, allowing clients to sell or purchase bitcoin currency at a downtown coffee shop. Chinese internet giant Baidu had allowed clients of website security services to pay with bitcoins. November The first time in the history, Bitcoin ( costs over 1000 USD after BTC is supported by American game creator Zynga. November The University of Nicosia announced that it would be accepting bitcoin as payment for tuition fees, with the university's chief financial officer calling it the "gold of tomorrow". During the November 2013, the China-based bitcoin exchange BTC China overtook the Japan-based Mt. Gox and the Europe-based Bitstamp to become the largest bitcoin trading exchange by trade volume. December announced plans to accept Bitcoin ( in the second half of 2014. December 5th the People's Bank of China prohibited Chinese financial institutions from using bitcoins. After the announcement, the Bitcoin ( value dropped, and Baidu no longer accepted bitcoins for certain services. Buying real-world goods with any virtual currency has been illegal in China since at least 2009. December 9th 100 USD are stolen from bitcoin wallets. December China banned the use of cryptocurrency in the country. One of the largest exchanges in the world BTC China was closed. Behind China, Norway did not recognize bitcoins.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:02 am

Bitcoin ( This Week: Reddit to Reintegrate Bitcoin ( as Payment, Bitcoin ( Mining ( Goes To Space And More|4:40
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:03 am
Bitcoin ( in 2014 [ edit ]
A documentary film, The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin ( , was released in 2014, featuring interviews with bitcoin users, such as a computer programmer and a drug dealer.
January Elliptic Vault, the first bitcoin safe storage, opens in London. Bitcoin ( begins to oust euro in Ireland. More companies agree to accept bitcoin a payment for services. Zynga announced it was testing bitcoin for purchasing in-game assets in seven of its games. That same month, The D Las Vegas Casino Hotel and Golden Gate Hotel & Casino properties in downtown Las Vegas announced they would also begin accepting bitcoin, according to an article by USA Today . The article also stated the currency would be accepted in five locations, including the front desk and certain restaurants. The network rate exceeded 10 petahash/sec. TigerDirect and started accepting bitcoin. January 24th BTC China renews sales. January 28th Vice-president of the Bitcoin ( Foundation arrested under money laundering charges. As a result of the ensuing panic, bitcoin exchange rate decreased by 40 USD. February One of the largest bitcoin exchanges, Mt.Gox, suspended withdrawals citing technical issues. By the end of the month, Mt. Gox had filed for bankruptcy protection in Japan amid reports that 744,000 bitcoins had been stolen. Months before the filing, the popularity of Mt. Gox had waned as users experienced difficulties withdrawing funds. February 1st American newspaper The Chicago Sun-Times accepts payment in bitcoin for subscriptions. February 10th-12th Problems with transactions in several big stock exchanges. Bitcoin ( price decreased to USD $600 (a historical 30% decrease). June The network exceeded 100 petahash/sec. June 18th Tt was announced that bitcoin payment service provider BitPay would become the new sponsor of St.Petersburg Bowl under a two-year deal, renamed the Bitcoin ( St. Petersburg Bowl. Bitcoin ( was to be accepted for ticket and concession sales at the game as part of the sponsorship, and the sponsorship itself was also paid for using bitcoin. July Newegg and Dell started accepting bitcoin. September TeraExchange, LLC, received approval from the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission "CFTC" to begin listing an over-the-counter swap product based on the price of a bitcoin. The CFTC swap product approval marks the first time a U.S. regulatory agency approved a bitcoin financial product. November 5th Buttercoin, a US venture-backed bitcoin exchange, is launched. December Microsoft began to accept bitcoin to buy Xbox games and Windows software.
In 2014, several lighthearted songs celebrating bitcoin such as the Ode to Satoshi have been released.
Bitcoin ( in 2015 [ edit ]
January Coinbase raised 75 million USD as part of a Series C funding round, smashing the previous record for a bitcoin company. Less than one year after the collapse of Mt.Gox, United Kingdom-based exchange Bitstamp announced that their exchange would be taken offline while they investigate a hack which resulted in about 19,000 bitcoins (equivalent to roughly US $5 million at that time) being stolen from their hot wallet. The exchange remained offline for several days amid speculation that customers had lost their funds. Bitstamp resumed trading on 9 January after increasing security measures and assuring customers that their account balances would not be impacted. February Bitcoin ( price reached $262. March Bitcoin ( startup 21 Inc. announced it had raised 116 million USD in venture funding, the largest amount for any digital currency-related companies. May Ulbricht was found guilty on 7 charges of money laundering, computer hacking, and drug conspiracy in February because of his role as an operator in the silk road market. June new York state Department of financial services Superintendent Benjamin Lowkey released a set of individual rules designed to regulate the Bitcoin ( and digital currency business that serve customers located in new York state. These rules are the first ever aimed at digital currency enterprises. July Former Federal agents Carl Force IV (DEA) and Shaun Bridges (Secret Service) pleaded guilty to stealing bitcoins during their active investigation into the Silk Road market. August It was estimated that 160,000 merchants accept bitcoin payments. Barclays announced that they would become the first UK high street bank to start accepting bitcoin, with a plan to facilitate users to make charitable donations using the cryptocurrency outside their systems. They partnered in April 2016 with mobile payment startup Circle Internet Financial. September The commodity futures trading Commission (CFTC) announced that it has filed and set payments for the bitcoin exchange to facilitate trading of options contracts on its platform. October , the possibility of adding a symbol for bitcoin in Unicode is presented in the Unicode Consortium. Also at this time Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss released their own American bitcoin, called "Twins". After the launch, the exchange was licensed to operate in 26 States and was able to "serve both individual and institutional clients" due to its corporate structure, LLTC. The twins were also able to offer FDIC insurance on customer deposits through a partnership with a Bank in New York. The European court of justice ruled that the exchange of Bitcoin ( and" virtual currencies " does not apply to value added tax (VAT) in the European Union. November Historical date for Bitcoin ( - The Unicode Committee adopted the bitcoin currency symbol (in uppercase B with two vertical bars passing through it but only visible from above and below) to be in a future version of the Unicode standard. The glyph will be assigned the «U + 20BF BITCOIN SIGN» slot and will eventually be displayed in standard system fonts. December Security researcher and writer, Gvern Branwen, published an article in WIRED magazine claiming that an Australian man named Dr. Craig S. Wright was either Satoshi Nakamoto or a "brilliant hoaxer." Gvern brought a few deleted messages in the blog of Wright, leaked emails and transcripts, which seemed to imply that Wright is the creator of Bitcoin ( In one missed decryption, Wright himself States,"I did my best to try to hide the fact that I've been working with bitcoin since 2009." In another document it is told that Wright had access to Vidoescom trust 1.1 million bitcoins.
Bitcoin ( in 2016 [ edit ]
January Network speed exceeds 1 exahash/sec. February Influential members of the bitcoin community met in Hong Kong to discuss a development plan and schedule for bitcoin scaling. The closed-door meeting included more than 30 people, service providers and bitcoin Core developers and was intended to address issues related to the block size discussion. March The Cabinet of Japan acknowledges virtual currencies like Bitcoin ( as payment means on an equal basis with real money. The largest South African online cryptocurrency market, Bidorbuy, opens. April The Steam service starts accepting bitcoin as payment for video games and other online media. May Wright publicly announced that he was Satoshi Nakamoto through a blog post. July Researchers published a paper showing that by November 2013 bitcoin commerce was no longer driven by "sin" activities but instead by legitimate enterprises. Uber switched to bitcoin in Argentina after the government blocked credit card companies from dealing with Uber. August Hackers attack Bitfinex, a large exchange, taking almost 120 000 bitcoins (about $60 million USD). September The number of bitcoin ATMs had doubled over the last 18 months and reached 771 ATMs worldwide. November The Swiss railway operator SBB (CFF) upgraded all their automated ticket machines so that bitcoin could be bought from them using the scanner on the ticket machine to scan the bitcoin address on a phone app.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:03 am

Bitcoin ( mining reddit|8:28
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:03 am
The history and future of Bitcoin ( generates more academic interest year after year; the number of Google Scholar articles published mentioning bitcoin grew from 83 in 2009, to 424 in 2012, and to 3580 in 2016. Also, the academic Ledger Journal published its first issue. It is edited by Peter Rizun.
Bitcoin ( in 2017 [ edit ]
Through out the time, the number of businesses accepting bitcoin continues to increase. In January 2017, NHK reported the number of online stores accepting bitcoin in Japan had increased 4.6 times over the past year. BitPay CEO Stephen Pair declared the company's transaction rate grew 3× from January 2016 to February 2017, and explained usage of bitcoin is growing in B2B supply chain payments.
Since the start of history, by 2017 Bitcoin ( gains more legitimacy among lawmakers and legacy financial companies. For example, Japan passed a law to accept bitcoin as a legal payment method, and  has announced that it will legalize the use of cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin. And Norway's largest online bank, Skandiabanken, integrates bitcoin accounts.
Exchange trading volumes continue to increase. For the 6-month period ending March 2017, Mexican exchange Bitso saw trading volume increase 1500%. Between January and May 2017 Poloniex saw an increase of more than 600% active traders online and regularly processed 640% more transactions.
January . After the rally for most of the second half of 2016, bitcoin broke the $ 1,000 mark for the first time in 3 years. Media coverage leads to an influx of new users who will allegedly raise the price even higher. March Number of GitHub projects related with bitcoin exceeds 10,000. April Japan recognizes bitcoin as a legal method of payment. The country's legislature passed a law, after months of debate, that led bitcoin exchanges to comply with anti-money laundering rules/information about your client, and classified bitcoin as a kind of prepaid payment instrument. June The Bitcoin ( symbol was encoded in Unicode version 10.0 at position U+20BF (₿) in the Currency Symbols block. June 12th Bitcoin ( exchange rate exceeds USD$3000 to the BTC. August 1st Bitcoin ( split into two derivative digital currencies, the classic bitcoin (BTC) and the Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH). The split has been called the Bitcoin ( Cash hard fork . September 1st Bitcoin ( exchange rate exceeds USD$5000. October China forbids cryptocurrencies and ICOs. November 29th In 2017 Bitcoin ( price exceeds USD 10,000. December Cboe Global Markets begins offering bitcoin futures, allowing investors to speculate about bitcoin prices. December 6th The software marketplace Steam announced that it would no longer accept bitcoin as payment for its products, citing slow transactions speeds and price volatility. December 11th Futures on the world's most popular cryptocurrency rose by 26 percent from the opening price at their debut session on the CBOE Global Markets Inc., triggering two temporary trading stops aimed at calming the market. December 18th . Bitcoin ( reaches a record high, but does not reach $ 20,000. December 28th The price of bitcoins fell after South Korea announced additional measures to regulate bitcoin trading, including the potential closure of exchanges, among the volatile movements in the world's third largest cryptocurrency market.
What is interesting, the Bitcoin ( price was less than $3000 at the beginning of 2017, later it cost about 5000 of dollars, by the end of the year the Bitcoin ( worth almost USD 20000.
Bitcoin ( in 2018 [ edit ]
2018 has been a rough year for Bitcoin ( and it's users, especially people who held on assuming the price would keep ascending. Many sold the cryptocurrency while they could, and the price has been steadily dropping all year. As of this writing, Bitcoin ('s price was at $3,732.04.
January 2nd Peter Thiel Foundation bought millions of dollars in bitcoin, the Wall Street Journal reports citing sources familiar with the situation. The paper says these stocks are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. It is unclear whether the Founders sold any of their stocks, the report said. January 8th Coinmarketcap removed prices from South Korean exchanges from its cryptocurrency settlements without warning, which led to a sharp drop in all prices. In addition, the financial authorities of Korea on January 8 began an investigation of services related to cryptocurrencies provided by local banks. January 13th Out of a total of 21 million people, on January 13, 2018, 16 800 000 BTC were produced, and only 20% remained for production. January 22nd , South Korea brought in a regulation that requires all the bitcoin traders to reveal their identity, thus putting a ban on anonymous trading of bitcoins. January 24th , the online payment firm Stripe announced that it would phase out its support for bitcoin payments by late April 2018, citing declining demand, rising fees and longer transaction times as the reasons. January 30th Facebook banned people from fully advertising bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. February 5th , Bitcoin ('s price dropped 50 percent in 16 days, falling below $7,000. March 7th The U.S. securities and exchange Commission confirmed that many online trading platforms for digital assets should be registered with the Agency as exchanges. Statement the SEC has heightened concerns about the fact that the regulation tightening might restrict trade. March 14th Google announced that it prohibits online advertising promoting cryptocurrency March 26th Twitter announced that it would ban advertising for cryptocurrencies, after overclocking Google and Facebook, which aims to protect investors from fraud. April 13th one of India's largest cryptocurrency trading platforms lost about 438 bitcoins worth about 190 million rupees ($3 million), presumably due to an employee. May 2nd one of the largest investment banks announced that Goldman is going to start using its own money to trade with customers on various contracts related to the price of Bitcoin ( May 24th The justice Department opened a criminal case about whether traders manipulate the price of bitcoins and other digital currencies. The investigation focuses on illegal activities that can affect prices such as spoofing or flooding the market with fake orders to trick other traders into buying or selling. June 10th South Korean exchanger Coinrail loses more than $ 40 million in tokens after hacking. October 31st $6,300, on the 10 year anniversary of Bitcoin (, price holds steady above $6,000 during a period of historically low volatility. November 14th , Falling below $6000. November 24th , Falling below $4,000 (source
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:03 am
Bitcoin ( in 2019 [ edit ]
From the beginning of the year, the capitalization of the digital money market increased by 32% - in 2019 it amounts to $ 165 billion. In December 2018 , Bitcoin ( set an annual minimum of $ 3,242. At the end of February 2019 , a positive dynamic of Bitcoin ( growth was observed. In March , it became known that the Iranian government, which banned cryptocurrencies on the territory of its state, is now ready to accept them and even promote them. At the beginning of April 2019 , the rate of Bitcoin ( soared by 15%, testing the mark of 5 thousand dollars. Experts explain this anomaly by the return of major players to the market. The growth of Bitcoin ( on April 2, 2019 occurred in the Asian session, and an unknown buyer purchased 20 thousand bitcoins, which amounts to $ 94 million. In May , Bitcoin ( price continued to rise. On 29 May 2019, the price of BTC is equal to $8721. In June , the price of Bitcoin ( beats all records. At first, the bitcoin rate is testing the $ 10,000 mark, and then it continues to grow. At the beginning of July , Bitcoin ( price extremely rose up to $12 500 but fluctuated from $12 500 to $9 300. In August , after the rise and fall Bitcoin ( price varies around $10 300. The Bitcoin ( dominance was below 60% for a long period (from May 2017 to June 2019). In summer 2019, BTC dominance managed to spike to 90% level.
Bitcoin ( price history 2009 to 2019 [ edit ]
Among the factors which may have contributed to this rise were the European sovereign-debt crisis--particularly the 2012-2013 Cypriot financial crisis--statements by FinCEN improving the currency's legal standing and rising media and Internet interest.
Since 2009 and until 2013, almost all market with bitcoins were in US Dollars ($).
As the market valuation of the total stock of bitcoins approached US $1 billion, some commentators called bitcoin prices a bubble. In early April 2013, the price per bitcoin dropped from $266 to around $50 and then rose to around $100. Over two weeks starting late June 2013 the price dropped steadily to $70. The price began to recover, peaking once again on 1 October at $140. On 2 October, The Silk Road was seized by the FBI. This Ross Ulbricht caused a flash crash to $110. The price quickly rebounded, returning to $200 several weeks later. The latest run went from $200 on 3 November to $900 on 18 November. Bitcoin ( passed US $1,000 on 28 November 2013 at Mt.Gox.
Prices fell to around $400 in April 2014, before rallying in the middle of the year. They then declined to not much more than $200 in early 2015.
Bitcoin ( price chart since 2009 to 2017 and 2018 [ edit ]
Bitcoin ( value history (comparison to US $) Date USD : 1 BTC Notes Jan 2009 - Mar 2010 basically none No exchanges or market, users were mainly cryptography fans who were sending bitcoins for hobby purposes representing low or no value. In March 2010, user "SmokeTooMuch" auctioned 10,000 BTC for $50 (cumulatively), but no buyer was found. Mar 2010 $0.003 On 17 Mar 2010, the now-defunct exchange is the first one that starts operating. May 2010 less than $0.01 On 22 May 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz made the first real-world transaction by buying two pizzas in Jacksonville, Florida for 10,000 BTC. July 2010 $0.08 In five days, the price grew 1000%, rising from $0.008 to $0.08 for 1 bitcoin. Feb 2011 - April 2011 $1.00 Bitcoin ( takes parity with US dollar. 8 July 2011 $31.00 top of first "bubble", followed by the first price drop Dec 2011 $2.00 minimum after few months Dec 2012 $13.00 slowly rising for a year 11 April 2013 $266 top of a price rally, during which the value was growing by 5-10% daily. May 2013 $130 basically stable, again slowly rising. June 2013 $100 in June slowly dropping to $70, but rising in July to $110 Nov 2013 $350 -- $1,242 from October $150-$200 in November, rising to $1,242 on 29 November 2013. Dec 2013 $600 -- $1,000 Price crashed to $600, rebounded to $1,000, crashed again to the $500 range. Stabilized to the.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:04 am

$1 dollar per day mining RTX 2070|49:51
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:04 am
Regulatory issues [ edit ]
On 18 March 2013, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (or FinCEN), a bureau of the United States Department of the Treasury, issued a report regarding centralized and decentralized "virtual currencies" and their legal status within "money services business" (MSB) and Bank Secrecy Act regulations. Since FinCEN issued this guidance, dozens of virtual currency exchangers and administrators have registered with FinCEN, and FinCEN is receiving an increasing number of suspicious activity reports (SARs) from these entities.
Additionally, FinCEN claimed regulation over American entities that manage bitcoins in a payment processor setting or as an exchanger: "In addition, a person is an exchanger and a money transmitter if the person accepts such de-centralized convertible virtual currency from one person and transmits it to another person as part of the acceptance and transfer of currency, funds, or other value that substitutes for currency."
In summary, FinCEN's decision would require bitcoin exchanges where bitcoins are traded for traditional currencies to disclose large transactions and suspicious activity, comply with money laundering regulations, and collect information about their customers as traditional financial institutions are required to do.
Patrick Murck of the Bitcoin ( Foundation criticized FinCEN's report as an "overreach" and claimed that FinCEN "cannot rely on this guidance in any enforcement action".
Jennifer Shasky Calvery, the director of FinCEN said, "Virtual currencies are subject to the same rules as other currencies. Basic money-services business rules apply here."
In 2013, the U.S. Treasury extended its anti-money laundering regulations to processors of bitcoin transactions.
In June 2013, Bitcoin ( Foundation board member Jon Matonis wrote in Forbes that he received a warning letter from the California Department of Financial Institutions accusing the foundation of unlicensed money transmission. Matonis denied that the foundation is engaged in money transmission and said he viewed the case as "an opportunity to educate state regulators."
In late July 2013, the industry group Committee for the Establishment of the Digital Asset Transfer Authority began to form to set best practices and standards, to work with regulators and policymakers to adapt existing currency requirements to digital currency technology and business models and develop risk management standards.
In 2014, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filed an administrative action against Erik T. Voorhees, for violating Securities Act Section 5 for publicly offering unregistered interests in two bitcoin websites in exchange for bitcoins.
Theft and exchange shutdowns [ edit ]
Bitcoins can be stored in a bitcoin cryptocurrency wallet. Historical theft of bitcoin has been documented on numerous occasions. At other times, bitcoin exchanges have shut down, taking their clients' bitcoins with them. A Wired study published April 2013 showed that 45 percent of bitcoin exchanges end up closing.
On 19 June 2011, a security breach of the Mt. Gox bitcoin exchange caused the nominal price of a bitcoin to fraudulently drop to one cent on the Mt. Gox exchange, after a hacker used credentials from a Mt. Gox auditor's compromised computer illegally to transfer a large number of bitcoins to himself. They used the exchange's software to sell them all nominally, creating a massive "ask" order at any price. Within minutes, the price reverted to its correct user-traded value. Accounts with the equivalent of more than US $8,750,000 were affected.
In August 2011, MyBitcoin, a now defunct bitcoin transaction processor, declared that it was hacked, which caused it to be shut down, paying 49% on customer deposits, leaving more than 78,000 bitcoins (equivalent to roughly US $800,000 at that time) unaccounted for.
In early August 2012, a lawsuit was filed in San Francisco court against Bitcoinica -- a bitcoin trading venue -- claiming about US$ 460,000 from the company. Bitcoinica was hacked twice in 2012, which led to allegations that the venue neglected the safety of customers' money and cheated them out of withdrawal requests.
In late August 2012, an operation titled Bitcoin ( Savings and Trust was shut down by the owner, leaving around US$5.6 million in bitcoin-based debts; this led to allegations that the operation was a Ponzi scheme. In September 2012, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission had reportedly started an investigation on the case.
In September 2012, Bitfloor, a bitcoin exchange, also reported being hacked, with 24,000 bitcoins (worth about US$250,000) stolen. As a result, Bitfloor suspended operations. The same month, Bitfloor resumed operations; its founder said that he reported the theft to FBI, and that he plans to repay the victims, though the time frame for repayment is unclear.
On 3 April 2013, Instawallet, a web-based wallet provider, was hacked, resulting in the theft of over 35,000 bitcoins which were valued at US$129.90 per bitcoin at the time, or nearly $4.6 million in total. As a result, Instawallet suspended operations.
In October 2013,, an Australian-based bitcoin wallet provider was hacked with a loss of 4100 bitcoins, worth over A$1 million at time of theft. The service was run by the operator TradeFortress. Coinchat, the associated bitcoin chat room, has been taken over by a new admin.
On 26 October 2013, a Hong-Kong based bitcoin trading platform owned by Global Bond Limited (GBL) vanished with 30 million yuan (US $5 million) from 500 investors.
Mt. Gox, the Japan-based exchange that in 2013 handled 70% of all worldwide bitcoin traffic, declared bankruptcy in February 2014, with bitcoins worth about $390 million missing, for unclear reasons. The CEO was eventually arrested and charged with embezzlement.
On 3 March 2014, Flexcoin announced it was closing its doors because of a hack attack that took place the day before. In a statement that now occupies their homepage, they announced on 3 March 2014 that "As Flexcoin does not have the resources, assets, or otherwise to come back from this loss the hack, we are closing our doors immediately." Users can no longer log into the site.
Chinese cryptocurrency exchange Bter lost $2.1 million in BTC in February 2015.
The Slovenian exchange Bitstamp lost bitcoin worth $5.1 million to a hack in January 2015.
The US-based exchange Cryptsy declared bankruptcy in January 2016, ostensibly because of a 2014 hacking incident; the court-appointed receiver later alleged that Cryptsy's CEO had stolen $3.3 million.
In May 2016, Gatecoin closed temporarily after a breach had caused a loss of about $2 million in cryptocurrency. It subsequently relaunched its exchange in August 2016 and is slowly reimbursing its customers.
In August 2016, hackers stole some $72 million in customer bitcoin from the Hong-Kong-based exchange Bitfinex.
In December 2017, hackers stole 4,700 Bitcoins from NiceHash ( a platform that allowed users to sell hashing power. The value of the stolen bitcoins totaled about $80M. It is one of the biggest hacks in the history of Bitcoin (
Lost Bitcoins [ edit ]
At the «Building on Bitcoin (» conference, former BitGo lead developer Jameson Lopp revealed that about 4 million bitcoins were lost forever, and another 2 million were stolen.
Thus, as of July 2018, a total of 6 million BTC remain unavailable. And if we consider that it is impossible to carry out a hard fork to restore them, then 28.5% of the fixed issue of bitcoins (21 million) is lost completely. The loss of almost 30% of the total will ultimately significantly increase the value of the cryptocurrency.
Bitcoin ( taxation and regulation history [ edit ]
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:04 am

Why Bitcoin ( Cash?|1:48
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:05 am
In 2012, the Cryptocurrency Legal Advocacy Group (CLAG) stressed the importance for taxpayers to determine whether taxes are due on a bitcoin-related transaction based on whether one has experienced a "realization event": when a taxpayer has provided a service in exchange for bitcoins, a realization event has probably occurred and any gain or loss would likely be calculated using fair market values for the service provided."
In August 2013, the German Finance Ministry characterized bitcoin as a unit of account.
On 5 December 2013, the People's Bank of China announced in a press release regarding bitcoin regulation that whilst individuals in China are permitted to freely trade and exchange bitcoins as a commodity, it is prohibited for Chinese financial banks to operate using bitcoins or for bitcoins to be used as legal tender currency, and that entities dealing with bitcoins must track and report suspicious activity to prevent money laundering. Historically, the bitcoin value dropped on various exchanges between 11 and 20 percent following the regulation announcement, before rebounding upward again.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:07 am
Bitcoin mining ( blog.
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The latest in mining, crypto, and everything blockchain. .
The halving is over - now what?
The halving is coming - but does that mean a price pump or a price dump?
How strong is blockchain's digital infrastructure?
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:08 am
November 2, 2018.
Blockchain’s Impact on Manufacturing Is Becoming Reality.
Supply chains are finding a new chain.
November 1, 2018.
Bitcoin ( Turns 10.
10 years and $110 billion later.
October 31, 2018.
Blockchain Billionaire, Brock Pierce, on Saving Puerto Rico, Cryptocurrency Games, and Fighting Controversy.
From gamer to crypto billionaire.
October 30, 2018.
Bitfury Considers Europe’s First Major Crypto IPO.
Is Bitfury the next billion dollar crypto company?
October 29, 2018.
CoinMarketCap Hits a New All-Time High (but Not for Price)
2,000 coins are out there.
October 26, 2018.
Cryptocurrency Giants Coinbase and Circle Form Joint Venture to Boost Adoption of Dollar-Backed Digital Coins.
Stable coins are back in the spotlight.
October 25, 2018.
Goldman Wades Deeper in Crypto, Betting on BitGo With Billionaire Mike Novogratz.
BitGo gets endorsed by the big players.
October 18, 2018.
Fidelity Launches Institutional Platform for Bitcoin ( and Ethereum.
Wall Street takes another step into crypto.
October 16, 2018.
Former White House Economic Advisor, Gary Cohn, Joins Blockchain Startup.
From the cabinet to the new internet.
October 12, 2018.
SEC Investigating Allegedly Fraudulent ICO by Blockvest.
The agency didn't exactly like the company using its logo.
October 11, 2018.
10 Things You Can Do on the Blockchain That You Can’t on the Web.
Get ready to surf the blockchain.
October 10, 2018.
Seoul Government Plans $100 Million Investment Into Blockchain to Build a Smart City.
Blockchain is coming to a city near you.
CNBC’s Ran Neuner Says ‘Bitcoin ( Is About to Explode,’ Points to Pending ETF Decision.
Is Bitcoin ( ready to boom?
Yale Invests in Crypto Fund That Raised $400 Million.
Academia takes a leap into crypto.
To Test Blockchain Technology, Oracle Turns to Local Beer.
No, it’s not BeerCoin.
Coinbase Is Now Considered an $8 Billion Company.
Blockchain unicorns are riding in.
Ripple’s Cryptocurrency Product Goes Live for the First Time With Three Financial Firms.
Blockchain technology hits the mainstream.
Tim Berners-Lee Tells His Radical New Plan to Upend the World Wide Web.
The WWW and blockchain unite.
Chinese Bitcoin mining ( Giant, Bitmain, Had Revenues of $2.8 Billion in the First Half of the Year.
Bitmain, the crypto-resistant bear.
September 27, 2018.
It Looks Like Coinbase Is Preparing to Add a Lot More Cryptocurrencies.
New crypto is coming to Coinbase.
September 26, 2018.
Real Estate Company to Trial Blockchain-Powered Solar Energy Management Solution.
Blockchain power management comes to life.
September 25, 2018.
Walmart Implements IBM’s Blockchain for Food Traceability.
Blockchain is watching your food.
September 24, 2018.
Bitmain CEO Announces New 7nm Bitcoin mining ( Chip.
The mining industry is having an exciting couple of days.
September 21, 2018.
World Digital Mining Summit About to Kick Off in Tbilisi.
The newest miners are on the way.
September 20, 2018.
Palestinians Are Using Bitcoin ( to Transact Across Borders Amid Conflict.
Bitcoin ( is showing what makes it special.
September 18, 2018.
Blockchain Can Help Solve Swathe of Environmental Issues, Says WEF Study.
Is blockchain going to combat environmental degradation?
September 17, 2018.
Mike Novogratz Says the Cryptocurrency Market Has Found a Bottom.
Is the end of Bitcoin ('s fall near?
September 14, 2018.
Ready to start mining?
September 13, 2018.
Inside Bitewei: The New Bitcoin ( Miner Being Hailed as a Serious Bitmain Rival.
Things haven't been easy of late for Bitmain.
September 12, 2018.
Winklevoss Firm Rolls Out New Crypto Dollar Pegged to U.S. Dollar.
The twins are back with a stable coin.
September 11, 2018.
Can Bitcoin ( Save Argentina?
The South American country is in need of an economic revitalization.
September 10, 2018.
Penn’s New Blockchain Course Gives Crypto Fans a Chance to Link Up.
The blockchain wave is catching up fast with Penn.
September 7, 2018.
Frontier Mining’s Arland Whitfield Weighs In on Blockchain Versus Bitmining.
Our CEO discusses his take on the growth of mining.
September 4, 2018.
DFINITY Raises $102M From a16z and Polychain for a Decentralized ‘Internet Computer’ to Rival AWS.
Blockchain-based cloud computing is a thing.
Bitcoin ( Cold Storage in DNA.
The most secure place to hide your keys.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection to Test Blockchain Shipment Tracking System.
Federal agencies and blockchain unite.
Regulatory Uncertainty and Trust Are Barriers to Blockchain Adoption Amongst Businesses.
Blockchain adoption is evolving, but not everyone is on board.
Atlas Quantum Cryptocurrency Investment Platform Suffers Data Breach.
Crypto is in the spotlight of many hackers.
Bitmain Is Losing Its Monopoly Over Cryptocurrency Mining.
Bitmain is now slowly falling out of favor.
Indiegogo Is Selling Real Estate Shares on the Blockchain.
Securitizing real estate investments is now a blockchain thing.
How The Bitmain Funding Story Was Muddled.
Bitmain's reported funding sources weren't entirely true.
Dash Surges in Venezuela As Hyperinflation Explodes.
Dash is seeing a surge in new merchant sign-ups and wallet downloads in Venezuela.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:08 am

Is Mining ( Bitcoin ( with Solar Power Really Worth Your Money?|12:38
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:10 am
Stop Worrying About How Much Energy Bitcoin ( Uses.
It's not about the amount of energy; it's about where it comes from.
Australian Cinema-on-Demand Distributor Launching Cryptocurrency To Reward Film Enthusiasts.
Crypto becomes the newest incentive for filmgoers.
Pantera Capital Has Raised $71 Million So Far for Third Crypto Fund.
Just another big movement of capital into crypto.
Here's What A Crypto Attorney Says Are The Next Big ICO Funding Trends.
Lawyers are preparing for the future of ICOs.
Blockchain Buzz Among Advertisers Starts to Fizzle.
Advertising and blockchain have a long road ahead.
Putting Blockchains on the Road.
Volkswagen is testing blockchain systems.
Audit Giant, Intuit, Gains Patent for Bitcoin ( Transactions over Text Messages.
Intuit takes a step into the world of crypto.
Tron's Justin Sun Announces Strategic Partnership with Moshroom.
Smart toilets and blockchain come together in the bathroom.
Starbucks Tries to Clean Up Its Bitcoin ( Mess.
Your Bitcoin ( won't get you that Frappuccino after all.
Japan’s Tech Giant, Sony, Offers Solutions for Boosting Blockchain Hardware in Two Patents.
Sony intends to improve the design and structure of blockchain hardware.
Indian State Government Launches Country’s First ‘Blockchain District’
The Telangana government is pioneering the first blockchain district in India.
Robinhood Adds Ethereum Classic to Crypto Trading App.
ETC is getting onboarded to Robinhood, and Coinbase, too.
‘Bitcoin ( Boost’: Australian State Government Invests in Crypto Startup for Tourism.
The Queensland government revealed an $8.3 million grant given to 70 domestic companies.
World’s Biggest Stock Exchange Operator Is Launching a Bitcoin ( Market.
Bakkt will integrate with ICE to list Bitcoin ( products.
DLT Platform, Hedera Hashgraph, Completes $100 Million Raise.
Another round of institutional capital flows into the crypto market.
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton Set to Keynote Ripple Conference.
The Clinton family is dipping their toes into crypto.
IBM and FX Giant, CLS, Team Up to Launch Blockchain App Store for Banks.
LedgerConnect makes it easier for banks to access distributed ledger technology.
Propy Records Country’s First Blockchain-Only Real Estate Deal Just North of LA County.
Real estate has officially been purchased with BTC on the blockchain.
Will Facebook Be the First Billion+ User Social Media Token?
The biggest social media network has been evaluating blockchain.
World First's Baby Born On The Blockchain In Tanzania.
AID:Tech is changing the way that we store and secure medical data, births included.
Chinese Citizens Are Using Blockchain to Warn Each Other of Unsafe Vaccines.
The Chinese people are using tech to fight a vaccine scandal.
Google Expands Blockchain Push With Digital Asset Tie-Up.
Digital Asset provides Google access to a blockchain software development kit.
Tron Confirms the Acquisition of BitTorrent.
$140 million later and BitTorrent unites with Tron.
TruStory, a New Startup, Just Raised $3 Million to Identify ICO Scams Before They Happen.
Bringing authenticity back into the digital and decentralized world.
New York Utilities: We Believe Blockchain Is ‘Transformative’
The potential of blockchain in the energy industry could be transformative.
U.S. Healthcare Companies Begin Exploring Blockchain Technologies.
Healthcare is the next industry waiting to be disrupted by blockchain.
The Bitcoin ( Price Is Up 10% In 24 Hours To Over $7,000 -- What's Pushing It Up?
An incredible week of Bitcoin ( developments causes the market to look bull-friendly.
BlackRock Is Evaluating Cryptocurrencies.
CEO of BlackRock is ready to learn more about the world of crypto.
Coinbase Is Exploring Cardano, Basic Attention Token, Stellar Lumens, Zcash, and 0x.
New set of coins are being considered for one of the most popular crypto exchanges.
Bitcoin ( Price Could Hit $15,000 This Year, Says Former Goldman Sachs Exec.
Institutional investors remain bullish on Bitcoin (
You Can Now Trade Litecoin and Bitcoin ( Cash on Robinhood Crypto.
Robinhood continues to increase accessibility into the crypto market.
Facebook Gets on the Blockchain Train with New Engineering Director.
Zuckerberg officially hires his first blockchain engineer.
Binance Donates $1m Towards Victim Relief for West Japan Floods.
Crypto is using its impact, yet again, for charity.
Former Jefferies Asia CEO to Lead $1b EOS VC Arm.
A big wave of capital is coming into the EOS blockchain.
Bitcoin ( Price Jumps Above $6,800.
"Bull run" signs are showing for Bitcoin (
Stellar Partnership with IBM Backed by Australian Government.
Australia continues to adopt blockchain technologies to improve government capabilities.
IBM Signs $740 Million Deal with Australian Gov’t to Use Blockchain for Data Security.
The major contract will see IBM provide technology to Australian federal departments.
The Largest Trader of EFTs in Europe Is Moving Into Cryptocurrencies.
Traditional traders continue to express excitement and interest in the crypto market.
Mastercard Wins Patent for Anonymous Blockchain Transactions.
Mastercard brings a new layer of legitimacy to blockchain.
Coinbase's New Custody Service Is Now Live.
Coinbase is the first of its kind to make traditional financial instruments crypto-friendly.
Bitcoin ( Philanthropist Sets up $85m Investment Fund to Support Charities.
Anonymous early BTC adopter is feeling charitable.
Coinbase CEO Says Not to Worry About the Bitcoin ( Price Dip.
"People are irrationally pessimistic," says Brian Armstrong, CEO of Coinbase.
Andreessen Horowitz Has a New Crypto Fund вЂ" and Its First Female General Partner Is Running It with Chris Dixon.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:10 am
Major VC firms continue to come behind blockchain-based companies.
Spotify Acquires Blockchain Startup Mediachain to Solve Music’s Attribution Problem.
Blockchain is on its way to solving major music piracy issues with Spotify’s acquisition of Mediachain.
U.S. Supreme Court Views Bitcoin ( in a Positive Light.
Supreme Court reevaluates 'what we view as money.'
Simplifying Blockchain.
Learn about the basics of blockchain from well-known professor, Richie Etwaru.
Ethereum ASIC Miners Are Underperforming.
The long-dreaded ASIC ETH Miners have been released.
PayPal Jumps in to Secure a Role Speeding Up Cryptocurrency Transactions.
PayPal is attempting to solve the problem of slow transaction times for cryptocurrency trades.
Cryptominers Won't Be Subject to Regulations.
Peter Van Vulkenburg, director of research at the Washington-based think tank Coin Center says Bitcoin ( and cryptominers will not be subject to regulation.
Cameron Winklevoss Says Bitcoin ( Will Disrupt Gold.
Cameron is very articulate on why Bitcoin (, or something like it, will masasively disrupt the financial sector.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:16 am

How To Build An EASY Off Grid Solar System - Mining ( Cryptocurrency - Part 1|9:18
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:16 am
Code your own blockchain mining algorithm in Go!
Coral Health.
Mar 4, 2018 · 13 min read.
With all the recent craze in Bitcoin ( and Ethereum mining it's easy to wonder what the fuss is all about. For newcomers to this space, they hear wild stories of people filling up warehouses with GPUs making millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrencies a month. What exactly is cryptocurrency mining? How does it work? How can I try coding my own mining algorithm?
We'll walk you through each of these q uestions in this post, culminating in a tutorial on how to code your own mining algorithm. The algorithm we'll be showing you is called Proof of Work , which is the foundation to Bitcoin ( and Ethereum, the two most popular cryptocurrencies. Don't worry, we'll explain how that works shortly.
Cryptocurrencies need to have scarcity in order to be valuable. If anyone could produce as many Bitcoin ( as they wanted at anytime, Bitcoin ( would be worthless as a currency (wait, doesn't the Federal Reserve do this? *facepalm*). The Bitcoin ( algorithm releases some Bitcoin ( to a winning member of its network every 10 minutes, with a maximum supply to be reached in about 122 years. This release schedule also controls inflation to a certain extent, since the entire fixed supply isn't released at the beginning. More are slowly released over time.
The process by which a winner is determined and given Bitcoin ( requires the winner to have done some "work", and competed with others who were also doing the work. This process is called mining , because it's analogous to a gold miner spending some time doing work and eventually (and hopefully) finding a bit of gold.
The Bitcoin ( algorithm forces participants, or nodes, to do this work and compete with each other to ensure Bitcoin ( aren't released too quickly.
A quick Google search of "how does Bitcoin mining ( work?" fills your results with a multitude of pages explaining that Bitcoin mining ( asks a node (you, or your computer) to solve a hard math problem . While technically true, simply calling it a "math" problem is incredibly hand-wavy and hackneyed. How mining works under the hood is a lot of fun to understand. We'll need to understand a bit of cryptography and hashing to learn how mining works.
A brief introduction to cryptographic hashes.
One-way cryptography takes in a human readable input like "Hello world" and applies a function to it (i.e. the math problem) to produce an indecipherable output. These functions (or algorithms) vary in nature and complexity. The more complicated the algorithm, the harder it is to reverse engineer. Thus, cryptographic algorithms are very powerful in securing things like user passwords and military codes.
Let's take a look at an example of SHA-256, a popular cryptographic algorithm. This hashing website lets you easily calculate SHA-256 hashes. Let's hash "Hello world" and see what we get:
Try hashing "Hello world" over and over again. You get the same hash every time. In programming getting the same result again and again given the same input is called idempotency .
A fundamental property of cryptographic algorithms is that they should be extremely hard to reverse engineer to find the input, but extremely easy to verify the output. For example, using the SHA-256 hash above, it should be trivial for someone else to apply the SHA-256 hash algorithm to "Hello world" to check that it indeed produces the same resultant hash, but it should be very hard to take the resultant hash and get "Hello world" from it. This is why this type of cryptography is called one way .
Bitcoin ( uses Double SHA-256 , which is simply applying SHA-256 again to the SHA-256 hash of "Hello world". For our examples throughout this tutorial we'll just use SHA-256.
Now that we understand what cryptography is, we can get back to cryptocurrency mining. Bitcoin ( needs to find some way to make participants who want to earn Bitcoin ( "work" so Bitcoins aren't released too quickly. Bitcoin ( achieves this by making the participants hash many combinations of letters and numbers until the resulting hash contains a specific number of leading "0"s.
For example, go back to the hash website and hash "886". It produces a hash with 3 zeros as a prefix.
But how did we know that "886" produced something with 3 zeros? That's the point. Before writing this blog, we didn't . In theory, we would have had to work through a whole bunch combinations of letters and numbers and tested the results until we got one that matched the 3 zeros requirement. To give you a simple example, we already worked in advance to realize the hash of "886" produced 3 leading zeros.
The fact that anyone can easily check that "886" produces something with 3 leading zeros proves that we did the grunt work of testing and checking a large combination of letters and numbers to get to this result. So if I'm the first one who got this result, I would have earned the Bitcoin ( by proving I did this work -- the proof is that anyone can quickly check that "886" produces the number of zeros I claim it does. This is why the Bitcoin ( consensus algorithm is called Proof-of-Work .
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:16 am

Mining ( Free Cryptocurrency Using Solar Power|11:12
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:16 am
But what if I just got lucky and I got the 3 leading zeros on my first try? This is extremely unlikely and the occasional node that successfully mines a block (proves that they did the work) on their first try is outweighed by millions of others who had to work extra to find the desired hash. Go ahead and try it. Type in any other combination of letters and numbers in the hash website. We bet you won't get 3 leading zeros.
Bitcoin ('s requirements are a bit more complex than this (many more leading zeros!) and it is able to adjust the requirements dynamically to make sure the work required isn't too easy or too hard. Remember, it aims to release Bitcoin ( every 10 minutes so if too many people are mining, it needs to make the proof of work harder to compensate. This is called adjusting the difficulty . For our purposes, adjusting the difficulty will just mean requiring more leading zeros.
So you can see the Bitcoin ( consensus algorithm is much more interesting than just "solving a math problem"!
Enough background. Let's get coding!
Now that we have the background we need, let's build our own Blockchain program with a Proof-of-Work algorithm. We'll write it in Go because we use it here at Coral Health and frankly, it's awesome.
Before proceeding, we recommend reading our original blog post, Code your own blockchain in less than 200 lines of Go! It's not a requirement but some of the examples below we'll be running through quickly. Refer to the original post if you need more detail. If you're already familiar with this original post, skip to the "Proof of Work" section below.
We'll have a Go server, where for simplicity we'll put all our code in a single main.go file. This file will provide us all the blockchain logic we need (including Proof of Work) and will contain all the handlers for our REST APIs. This blockchain data is immutable; we only need GET and POST requests. We'll make requests through the browser to view the data through GET and we'll use Postman to POST new blocks ( curl works fine too).
Let's start with our standard imports. Make sure to grab the following packages with go get. pretty prints your blockchain in Terminal. a convenience layer for wiring up your web server. read your environmental variables from a .env file in your root directory.
Let's create a .env file in our root directory that just stores one environment variable that we'll need later. Put one line in your .env file: ADDR=8080.
Make your package declaration and define your imports in main.go in your root directory:
If you read our original article, you'll remember this diagram. Blocks in a blockchain are verified by comparing the previous hash in a block against the hash of the previous block. This is how the integrity of the blockchain is preserved and how a malicious party can't change the history of the blockchain.
BPM is your pulse rate, or beats per minute. We'll be using the beats per minute of your pulse as the data we put in our blocks. Just put two fingers on the inside of your wrist and count how many times you get a beat in a minute, and remember this number.
Some basic plumbing.
Let's add our data model and other variables we'll need under our imports in main.go.
difficulty is a constant that defines the number of 0s we want leading the hash. The more zeros we have to get, the harder it is to find the correct hash. We'll just start with 1 zero.
Block is the data model of each block. Don't worry about Nonce , we'll explain that shortly.
Blockchain is a slice of Block which represents our full chain.
Message is what we'll send in to generate a new Block using a POST request in our REST API.
We're declaring a mutex that we'll use later to prevent data races and make sure blocks aren't generated at the same time.
Let's quickly wire up our web server. Let's create a run function that we'll call from main later that scaffolds our server. We'll also declare our routes handlers in makeMuxRouter() . Remember, all we need are GET to retrieve the blockchain, and POST to add new blocks. Blockchains are immutable so we don't need to edit or delete.
The httpAddr := os.Getenv("ADDR") will pull port :8080 from our .env file we created earlier. We'll be able to access our app through http://localhost:8080 in our browser.
Let's write our GET handler to print our blockchain to our browser. We'll also add a quick respondwithJSON function that gives us back error messages in JSON format if any of our API calls produces an error.
Remember, if we're going a bit too quickly, please refer to our original post that explains each of these steps in more detail.
Now we write our POST handler. This is how we add new blocks. We make a POST request using Postman by sending a JSON body e.g. to http://localhost:8080 with your pulse rate you took earlier.
Note the mutex lock and unlock. We need to lock it before writing a new block, or else multiple writes will create a data race. The perceptive reader will notice the generateBlock function. This is our key function that will handle our Proof of Work. We'll get to it shortly.
Basic blockchain functions.
Let's wire up our basic blockchain functions before we hit Proof of Work. We'll add a isBlockValid function that makes sure our indices are incrementing correctly and our PrevHash of our current block and Hash of the previous block match.
We'll also add a calculateHash function that generates the hashes we need to create Hash and PrevHash . This is just a SHA-256 hash of our concatenated index, timestamp, BPM, previous hash and Nonce (we'll explain what that is in a second).
Let's get to the mining algorithm, or Proof of Work. We want to make sure the Proof of Work is complete before we'll allow a new Block to get added to the blockchain . Let's start off with a simple function that checks if the hash generated during our Proof of Work meets the requirements we set out.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:17 am

How Much Can You Make Mining ( Bitcoin ( on Solar 24/7 With Battery + GPU Giveaway 4K Part 1|19:21
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:17 am
Our requirements will be as follows:
The hash that is generated by our Proof of Work must start with a specific number of zeros The number of zeros is determined by the constant difficulty that we defined at the start of our program (in our case, 1) We can make the Proof of Work harder to solve by increasing the difficulty.
Write up this function, isHashValid :
Go provides convenient Repeat and HasPrefix functions in its strings package. We define the variable prefix as a repeat of zeros defined by our difficulty . Then we check if the hash starts with those zeros and return True if it does and False if it doesn't.
Now let's create our generateBlock function.
We create a newBlock that takes the hash of the previous block and puts it in PrevHash to make sure we have continuity in our blockchain. Most of the other fields should be apparent:
Index increments Timestamp is the string representation of the current time BPM is your pulse rate you took earlier Difficulty is simply taken from the constant at the top of our program. We won't use this field in this tutorial but it's useful to have if we're doing further verification and we want to make sure the difficulty is consistent with the hash results (i.e. the hash result has N prefixed zeros so Difficulty should also equal N, or the chain is compromised)
The for loop is the critical piece in this function. Let's walk through what's happening here:
We'll take the hex representation of i and set Nonce equal to it. We need a way to append a changing value to our hash that we create from our calculateHash function so if we don't get the leading number of zeros we want, we can try again with a new value. This changing value we add to our concatenated string in calculateHash is called a "Nonce" In our loop, we calculate the hash with i and Nonce starting at 0 and check if the result starts with the number of zeros as defined by our constant difficulty . If it doesn't, we invoke the next iteration of the loop with an incremented Nonce and try again. We added a 1 second sleeper to simulate taking some time to solve the Proof of Work We keep looping until we get the number of leading zeros we want, which means we've successfully completed our Proof of Work. Then and only then do we allow our Block to get added to blockchain via our handleWriteBlock handler.
We're done writing all our functions so let's complete our main function now:
With godotenv.Load() we load up our environment variable, which is just the :8080 port we'll access from our browser.
A go routine creates our genesis block since we need to supply our blockchain with a starting point.
We fire up our web server with our run() function we created earlier.
Bitcoin mining ( code.
bitcoin / src / miner.cpp.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:18 am
Posts Tagged ' Nvidia CUDA miner '
Download the Latest CUDAminer Nvidia GPU Miner Software.
While GPU mining ( still does work better on AMD-based graphics processors using OpenCL, the latest versions of the CUDAminer software intended for use on Nvidia-based graphics cards has gone through a good performance optimization and it makes mining with CUDA a good option if you have some spare and unused Nvidia GPUs. The fact tha there are still shortages of the Radeon R9 280X graphics cards on the market - the all-round best performer for Scrypt GPU mining ( makes the alternative to mine coins with Nvidia GPU a decent alternative. Of course the price/performance ratio of an Nvidia GPU versus and AMD GPU for mining is still in favor of AMD graphics. You can expect to get about 550-560 KH/s from a stock (non overclocked) Nvidia GeForce GTX 780 Ti graphics card, while the same performance is easily achievable with a much cheaper stock AMD Radeon R9 280X card. If you however have a watercooled 780 Ti and overclock it well, you might be able to reach hashrate close to about 900 kHash/s according to the author of the software. Regardless, if you already have a CUDA-capable graphics processor why not put it to some mining work to get some extra crypto coins, it also makes for a good option to try out new pools or alternative cryptos...
One of the best things about the CUDAminer software is that it automatically detects the best settings for your graphics card, so that after yo run it the software can squeeze out the maximum mining performance automatically for you. This takes the guesswork and a lot of time spent for testing different settings, though you can still do that if you wish to fine tune things. One of the still missing important features from this miner is the failover pool switching to backup pools in case of a problem with the current mining pool. CUDAminer already has support for scrypt mining with N=1024 (LiteCoin and many, many other scrypt clones like DOGE for example), scrypt-jane mining (Yacoin and several clones), scrypt mining with larger N (VertCoin) and the recently released MaxCoin mining (SHA-3 i.e. Keccak256). So you will be up to speed even with the latest alternative crypto currencies such as VertCoin and MaxCoin that have generated quite some buzz in the last few days. Below you can download the latest binary for windows of CudaMiner or you can compile it yourself from the (source).
Update: CudaMiner is now an old and non supported anymore miner for Nvidia GPUs, you should switch to the more recent and supported ccMiner instead in order to get better support, including for newer mining algorithms and coins, as well as faster hashrates for your Nvidia-based GPU mining ( rigs!
Published in: Mining Software Related tags: AMD, cuda miner, cuda mining, CUDAminer, cudaminer 2014-02-07, cudaminer 2014-02-07 download, cudaminer download, GeForce GTX 780 Ti, gpu miner, GPU mining (, Keccak, Maxcoin, Nvidia, Nvidia CUDA miner, Nvidia CUDA mining, Nvidia GPU Miner, Nvidia GPU Miner Software, Nvidia GPU mining (, Radeon R9 280X, scrypt, scrypt-jane, SHA-3, Vertcoin, Yacoin.
Read More (11) Comments.
Publihsed in: Mining Software Related tags: AMD, cuda miner, cuda mining, CUDAminer, cudaminer 2014-02-07, cudaminer 2014-02-07 download, cudaminer download, GeForce GTX 780 Ti, gpu miner, GPU mining (, Keccak, Maxcoin, Nvidia, Nvidia CUDA miner, Nvidia CUDA mining, Nvidia GPU Miner, Nvidia GPU Miner Software, Nvidia GPU mining (, Radeon R9 280X, scrypt, scrypt-jane, SHA-3, Vertcoin, Yacoin.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:18 am

bitcoin mining with solar, 1 year later|5:59
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:19 am
11 Responses to Download the Latest CUDAminer Nvidia GPU Miner Software.
MacAfee blocked download of cuda miner because it contains a virus or spyware.
It is a common problem, most antivirus software detects and reports many of the software miners based on cpuminer, cgminer etc. as possible viruses. If you wish you could just compile the miners from source, but you'd still get the same warnings. If you don't know how to compile it, we have published a guide for that as well.
Does this miner work on 980's? It comes up with compute capability 5.2 and then it comes up the program has stopped working? :(
The cudaminer is saying json_rpc_call failed? failed to connect to How to fix that please?
I have f5800 how do I configure it as legacy card please help.
Anyone want to help a new miner test out a 1080 ti?
HI ALL can i know its geforce 9500 gt work under dogcoin if yes how can i get info graphic card 1gb ram thank you.
I'm unable to mine anything cause when I try to launch CUDAMINER-START, I get a ton of errors saying that there was a failure calling various files located in D:/Christian/Documents/Visual Studio 2010/Projects/CudaMiner/
Why aren't relative file paths being used and how can I change the path where it's looking for these files?
I'm unable to mine anything cause when I try to launch CUDAMINER-START, I get a ton of errors saying that there was a failure calling various files located in D:/Christian/Documents/Visual Studio 2010/Projects/CudaMiner/ Why aren't relative file paths being used and how can I change the path where it's looking for these files?
Since, I'm facing similar problem and I'm too lazy to frame a question, please send me the same reply.
Just use a recent ccMiner version, the CUDAminer is already outdated and not supported anymore...
Cudo Miner is a multi-algorithm, feature-rich CPU and GPU miner. Earn in the cryptocurrency of your choice.
Cudo Miner BETA.
Why Use Cudo Miner?
Whether you're new to cryptocurrency mining or are a seasoned pro, Cudo Miner provides you with a simple-to-setup, highly profitable way to mine cryptocurrency, with features unmatched by other leading mining software.
Choose the Cryptocurrency you Earn.
Cudo Miner will mine multiple coins and pay you in your chosen coin such as Ethereum, Bitcoin ( or another currency.
The multi-miner technology automatically switches its mining process between coins based on the real-time profitability of the coin, maximising returns. Your optimised earnings are then automatically converted to the coin you've selected.
Control GPU Usage.
Let's face it, to maximise earnings you'll want to keep the GPU running at 100% during mining. But there may be occasions when you want to give your system a break or leave it mining while you are using it.
Cudo Miner is the only cryptocurrency miner that allows you to throttle the GPU usage. Of course, you can turn GPU mining ( off entirely too, but where's the fun in that?
Earn while your system is idle.
If you don't have a dedicated mining rig, chances are you'll want to ensure mining doesn't interfere with your computer's performance while you're using it. Cudo Miner sits dormant in the background on your computer and will intelligently start mining when the system is idle.
Earnings and System Analytics.
Within the software and our user portal, we've developed a range of analytics to help you understand your mining performance. Forecast your earnings, view historic earnings and transactions, track the number of referrals and earnings from referrals or monitor the status, health and hashrates of all your devices.
Cudo Miner is built by Miners, for Miners.
We believe Cudo Miner represents the pinnacle of cryptocurrency mining software. But don't just take our word for it... start using Cudo Miner and tell us what you think!
A more Sustainable and Ethical way to mine.
We want our technology to be a sustainable and ethical solution. That's why we're proud to be a carbon neutral company and to support funding for charities and good causes.
But How...?
Cudo offsets all carbon energy used by its own mining infrastructure and the Cudo business by investing in carbon credits, which directly support projects generating active carbon reductions. These projects are only made possible by the funds from this practice.
We will soon have the option to make your Miner carbon neutral or select to donate a percentage of proceeds to charity.
The Future of Cryptocurrency Mining is Here.
Over 100,000 Users Earning More Coins by using Cudo's Cryptocurrency Miner.
Mining Farms ASIC Miners Rig Miners Internet Cafe's PC / Laptop Miners Gamers.
Boost Profits by up to 30% for your Mining Farm.
An elite solution that provides full control of every device and a complete overview of your mining farms in one place to make insightful decisions. Mining farms can boost profits and decrease manual intervention with Cudo's unique solution.
Greater Efficiency, Profitability and Uptime.
Cudo Miner for ASICs provides complete management and automation for your ASIC environment, providing greater efficiency, less power usage, higher hashrates, higher profits and greater uptime! The service includes everything from custom firmware to mining pool optimisations, providing you with a more efficient management platform for your environment.
Increase your profitability by automating your mining rig.
Cudo Miner provides the highest hashrates at the lowest power. Advanced features include auto switching, auto tuning, monitoring, auto exchanging and full remote management. Choose an optimised OS and firmware or a full GUI miner. Cudo's machine learning miner is both simple-to-use and advanced in control, enabling you to fine-tune your mining for maximum returns in multiple currency options.
24/7 Earning Potential for your Internet Cafe's.
As a haven for gaming fans and online enthusiasts, we understand how important it is for you to keep an internet or esport café doors open 24/7. To combat this, we optimised Cudo Miner specifically for Internet Cafe's. Cudo provides centralised simple installation and management for all of your Internet Cafe's that allows you to continue making a profit on any empty seats, no matter what the time!
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:19 am

July Update - Solar Panels Mining ( Rigs|7:24
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:19 am
Earn money from your Idle Hardware.
Cudo Miner is a cryptocurrency miner packed with features that help you earn as much money as possible from your laptop or PC. Cudo Miner is easy to install, safe on your hardware and secure to use.
AFK? Your PC/Console Can Earn for You.
Cudo Miner is super easy and secure to download, in fact, over 100,000 gamers already have, and they love it. Why? Because whenever they want some down-time from gaming, we have their backs in earning some cash for Steam vouchers, in-app purchases, or even cold hard cash.
Increase your profits.
'Over 100,000+ users trust Cudo's Cryptocurrency Miner for the highest profits'
Our Cryptocurrency miner, mining and cloud computing platforms have features unparalleled by other leading crypto mining software. From automated mining with Cudo Miner, to an end-to-end solution that combines stats, monitoring, automation, auto adjusting overclocking settings, reporting and pool integrations with Cudo Farm. We have a solution for all miners from PC / laptop owners to large scale mining farms. Our platforms create efficiency and reduce manual intervention by up to 95%, while increasing profitability.
Supporting GPU, CPU and ASICs with a dedicated web console for monitoring and remote management of all your devices. Cudo Miners platforms are fully automated and optimised for both profit and the highest performance on Windows, macOS, Ubuntu (Linux), CudoOS and ASICs. Cudo Miner is suitable for miners with all levels of experience from single machines up to full scale GPU and ASIC mining farms.
Download our Ultimate Guide to Mining.
We've made a comprehensive guide to help you start your mining adventure!
Automatic coin switching for maximum profit, and built-in overclocking. Learn about all Cudo Miner features.
Cudo Miner v1.0.
Cudo Miner v1.0 has been released! Have a look at our release history for more information on our development.
Gain the Maximum Efficiency from your ASICs with Cudo Miner.
Cudo Miner for ASICs provides complete management and automation for your ASIC environment, providing greater uptime, greater efficiency, better security, less power usage and higher hashrates! The service includes everything from custom firmware to mining pool optimisations, providing you with a more efficient management platform for your environment.
Cudo Farm Increases Profits and Efficiency.
An elite turnkey mining platform that allows mining farms to run every worker with maximum transparency, higher efficiency, less manual intervention and remotely.
Remote Access.
Full transparency and control over your mining farm no matter where you are. Cudo Farm provides a console that turns complexity into simplicity for ease of use and full control.
Increase Efficiency.
Overclocking and Auto-tune for ASICs and GPUs in a controlled way supports higher profitability as well as a prolonged lifespan on your hardware. Achieve higher hashrates and lower power usage with Cudo.
Auto Coin Switching for Maximum Profitability.
Intelligent algorithm and coin switching ensures you always mine the most profitable coin. Cudo Miner continuously scans the coin value and difficulty, automatically switching your mining efforts to provide the highest profitability at any given time. If you select it will also automatically trade your coins so you earn the peak of the market. Choose your payout coin to coins like Bitcoin (, Ethereum and Monero.
If you're an advanced cryptocurrency miner and already have hardware optimised for a specific coin (such as your clock, memory and core settings), you can choose to disable the auto algorithm switching and manually choose which coins to mine.
Advanced Settings and Controls.
Cudo Miner's advanced settings menu provides you with the tools required to overclock your GPUs or ASICs and for GPUs add preset optimisations per hashing algorithm.
The performance for each configuration is displayed, so you can see the best performance for your hardware at a glance with a full log of historical settings saved. Overclocking settings can adjust based on your cost of power. Profitability improvements are up to 30% using these features.
Powerful Web Console & Remote Management.
Manage and monitor your devices performance, health, power and run-status at your desk or on the move from your dedicated Cudo Web Console. Build custom templates, manage your devices, track commissions and make withdrawals into your own cryptocurrency wallet directly from the console. Peace of mind that you are always in control of your environment.
If you don't have a dedicated mining rig or ASICs, chances are you'll want to ensure mining doesn't interfere with your computer's performance while you're using it. Cudo Miner sits dormant in the background on your computer and will intelligently start mining whatever is most profitable for you when your system is idle.
We believe Cudo Miner represents the pinnacle crypto miner software. But don't just take our word for it... start using Cudo Miner and tell us what you think!
For support join our Telegram and Discord.
Still have a few things you'd like to understand? Check out the following answers to questions frequently asked about Cudo Miner, cryptocurrency miners and cryptocurrency mining in general.
We've made a comprehensive guide to help you start your mining adventure! Download now.
100% CLEAN award granted by Softpedia.
I'm a Pro Miner, should I use this software?
If you're using a command line miner to mine a single algorithm, Cudo Miner will be more profitable over a month. This is because our software automatically mines the most profitable coin and automatically changes your overclocking settings for each rather than being fixed to one specific coin. Importantly, Cudo Miner allows you to earn in the coin of your choice, and the platform will automatically trade this for you, so the additional profitability doesn't come at a compromise to what you want to earn.
Cudo Miner bridges the gap between powerful command line and simple-to-use GUI miners, with advanced features and monitoring unmatched by other leading mining software. A smart cryptocurrency miner that's both simple-to-use and advanced in control, enabling you to fine-tune your mining for maximum returns in multiple currency options.
Cudo Miner is releasing its Cloud Computing integration in 2020, this is producing approx 300% improvement per hour in revenue from mining hardware.
Check out our Rig Miners page here.
How can I earn from referring a friend?
Loving the software and want to refer a friend, or just want to earn more? Awesome! We've made it super easy for you to earn by spreading the word about Cudo Miner. View our referrals page to learn all about the scheme.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:20 am

Bitcoin ( and Cryptocurrency Mining ( W/ Hydro \u0026 Solar POWER!|13:45
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:20 am
When and how do I get paid?
You get paid continuously. For the automated Cudo Miner, all revenues generated will be held in your Cudo wallet until you choose to withdraw the balance and move into your own Bitcoin ( or Altcoin wallet. Transactions are subject to a minimum transfer amount of 0.002 Bitcoin (
If you are a professional miner or mining farm licensing the software, you select your own wallets and pools and would be paid whenever they pay you.
What Coins does Cudo Miner support?
Cudo Miner software supports a variety of mineable coins and payout coins. You can view the full table of supported coins here.
For licensing Cudo Miner Management Platform supports the majority of miners and mineable coins.
Why should I use Cudo Miner over other mining software?
Cudo Miner is simple enough for anyone to get started with, yet has features and benefits essential to Pro miners. It provides the highest profitability in the industry and it's the only miner where you can actually earn the coin of your choice while mining the other more efficient coins, so you always get the most profitable solution.
As an ethical business, we will also continue to commit a percentage of our revenues to charities and to the environment cementing our vision to providing the largest distributed compute platform for good.
Will Cudo Miner harm my computer?
Absolutely not. Cudo Miner is a software application developed entirely in the UK. All our code is written in-house with DigiCert providing the mark of authenticity, and we use third party code auditors for security compliance.
Antivirus software will typically flag up any unrecognised applications, so with Cudo Miner being new to the market you needn't be alarmed by this. You will need to accept the message and the software will be allowed to continue the installation.
Do you support Multi-Factor-Authentication?
Yes we do, protect your account with Multi-factor authentication.
Add an extra layer of security Your multi-factor authentication methods will be required to sign in, withdraw funds and invite users.
Keep the bad guys out Even if someone else gets your password, it won't be enough to sign in to your account or withdraw funds.
What authentication do you support? We support TOTP via an authentication app like Google authenticator. Use the application on your phone to get two-factor authentication codes when prompted.
You can use a backup recovery code if you lose your device.
How to set up New users are now recommended to setup a device on sign up. For our existing customers a reminder is now shown in the Cudo console to enable another factor by following the same simple steps.
What are your fees?
Check out our pricing page here for more details.
Do I need to leave my computer on?
In order to mine, the software will need your computer to be switched on with your processors lit up and raring to go. Cudo Miner gives you full control over time of day, amount of CPU/GPU used and pause whilst in use (should you also use your device for other reasons).
How does the desktop software work?
When you start mining, your computer receives tiny amounts of data from the network, which it then performs processes on. This process is called hashing, and your computer power is used to help solve complex mathematical problems, which ultimately earns you rewards.
To increase profitability, Cudo Miner will benchmark your device's processing power and hardware to automatically select the most profitable cryptocurrency algorithm to mine. When another algorithm becomes more profitable it will automatically switch to mine that algorithm, ensuring that you always get the most revenue from your hardware.
Who are Cudo?
Cudo Miner is a part of Cudo Ventures, an ethical and carbon neutral software company. Our aim is to make a positive impact in the world for good and for technical change. We want to make better use of hardware that is in the world.
Cudo Miner was conceived by Matt Hawkins, an experienced entrepreneur with a background in IT infrastructure, Software Development and Cryptocurrency, with the vision of making better use for the computing hardware in the world. This means making use of all the spare computing in the world for cloud computing making computing more cost effective and greener than it it today. Stage one was creating a more profitable and easier to use mining software for both beginner and advanced mining enthusiasts. Step 2 was to use this platform and technology to distribute out cloud computing providing 10x savings in costs of cloud computing and at least 3x increase in earnings for miners and end users. We believe that crypto will change the world but the first step is to provide the tools and platform to make this incredible technology accessible to a larger audience.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:20 am

Solar-powered Bitcoin ( Mining ( farm|2:34
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:21 am
We also believe Blockchain solutions will revolutionise many industries and our aim is to use these technologies to help generate funding and support charities and good causes.
What is the Beta Programme?
Cudo Miner offers early Beta releases of its software to cutting edge releases of its software and also first releases of its cloud computing software.
In signing up to the Beta Programme you'll be one of the first to use the newest versions of the software, and we really encourage you to engage with us to tell us what's great, and more importantly what's not so great about the software, to help us to develop and refine its features. Once you've downloaded the software, make sure you sign up to our Telegram channel to tell us what you think! and tell us you want to join the Beta programme.
Bitcoin mining ( Software for Ubuntu.
As you probably already know, we try to find and feature the best Bitcoin mining ( software for all operating systems, and Linux mining software is no exception. In this article, I'll show you how to setup the Bitcoin mining ( software for Ubuntu.
Right now, we have 2 Linux mining apps featured on our website- Cudo Miner and MinerGate. I personally tested both of them on Windows, but never on Linux- until now.
For this test I am going to use my laptop, as well the latest version of Ubuntu installed with Wubi.
The laptop specs are as follows:
i7-2630QM CPU @ 2.00 GHz 8GB DDR3 RAM nVidia GeForce GT 525M.
and the Ubuntu version is 18.10.
Now, if you know a bit about mining hardware, you know that this is not a suitable machine for Bitcoin mining ( it has an old mobile processor with an old mobile graphic card. Still, it can run most operating systems out there, and it is more than good for everyday use, so it will suffice for our purpose- to try and install the Bitcoin mining ( software for the Linux/Debian operating systems.
How to mine Bitcoin ( on Ubuntu with Cudo Miner.
So the first thing to do is to go to our Cudo Miner page, click the big blue button and download Cudo Miner for Ubuntu.
Depending on your settings, you may have to thick a few check-boxes under Apps -> Software & Updates:
Be sure to have them the same as on the screenshot above. We didn't do it at first, and we couldn't install neither Cudo Miner nor MinerGate on Ubuntu 18.10.
So you install the Cudo Miner in a few basic steps, run it via Apps - Cudo Miner and the GUI miner for Ubuntu starts:
Tweak the settings according to your preference and hit "Save".
If everything is good, the Cudo Miner should spend additional minute or so at benchmark and file downloads, after which it should start mining automatically:
But it worked for the CPU only, which started working immediately, while GPU mining ( was showing an empty box.
We tried updating the whole system by going to Apps -> Software Updater:
but that didn't help much:
So I opened Apps -> Terminal and run:
then went back to Apps -> Software & Updates and clicked on the Additional Drivers tab .
In my case, the GPU was using an unofficial/open source driver, so I've changed it to the proprietary/tested driver from nVidia and applied the change:
This didn't help either. So I did a bit more research and somehow realized that I probably need to have the Cuda drivers installed, as they are pretty much essential for Bitcoin mining ( with nVidia GPUs.
Opened the Apps -> Terminal again, and then run the following:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa.
sudo apt update.
sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall.
and after the PC rebooted:
sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit gcc-6.
which took quite some time...
but it finally worked! The Cuda drivers made all the difference and I was able to start mining with my GPU as well.
Conclusion for Cudo Miner on Ubuntu.
I'm a below average user of Ubuntu who used it once per year on average for the last 15 years. Yet, I've pulled this pretty easily since this is really basic stuff for Ubuntu users. All in all, I can just say- a GUI Bitcoin ( miner for Linux definitely exists, it's really easy to setup and most importantly- works.
And even if you never used Ubuntu- you should definitely try it. As mentioned before, this laptop is really old when it comes to Bitcoin mining (, and if you have a more recent hardware or an AMD GPU this should work much easier for you.
And now that we have an up to date Ubuntu 18.10 with the latest Cuda drivers up and running- let's see how fast we can start mining Bitcoin ( with MinerGate:
How to mine Bitcoin ( on Ubuntu with MinerGate.
First things first, get the installation files by clicking the big blue button on this page, and then install the .deb package as you would install the Cudo Miner or any other app.
Few seconds and 2-3 button clicks later, you run it from Apps -> Miner Gate , choose extended mode, sign in and can start mining:
And while it started mining with CPU almost instantly, the GPU mining ( complained about low memory and wouldn't start for any of the coins listed.
Since my Ubuntu 18.10 is up to date with all requirements, including the latest Cuda drivers- I didn't go further. Still, the installation and mining with CPU was really effortless, so I believe that those with newer graphic cards won't have any issues with GPU mining ( and MinerGate on Ubuntu.
Update: I've just made a video where I show you how you can install and setup the Bitcoin mining ( software for Ubuntu:
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:21 am

How much did I make mining bitcoin using solar for two weeks|13:35
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:21 am
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Hi thanks for this great video. It helped me to at least allow Cudominer to detect mu GPU. I am looking for your advice to identify why the GPU stops. Below is the log. I would really appreciate your input.
After running the following commands Cudo miner was able to detect the GPU: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa sudo apt update sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall.
and after the PC rebooted: sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit gcc-6 nvcc -version.
The GPU mining ( goes to the following status: Starting and then stopping It stopped with the following commends and logs: NVIDIA STOPPING Zcoin MTP T-Rex 0.15.8 CUDA 9.1 fan-speed: 80 0.00 h/s 0.00000000 BTC/month memory-optimization: true power-limit: 70 intensity: 20.
log--- cudominercli hardware NAME MEMORY CORES FREQUENCY COUNT CPU Intel® Xeon® Silver 4110 N/A 2.10 8 1 NVIDIA TITAN Xp 12KB 1.
DEBUG (worker-compute:nvidia:zcoin:t-rex:0.15.8): CUDA devices available: 1 DEBUG (worker-compute:nvidia:zcoin:t-rex:0.15.8): WARN: DevFee 1% (mtp) DEBUG (worker-compute:nvidia:zcoin:t-rex:0.15.8): URL : DEBUG (worker-compute:nvidia:zcoin:t-rex:0.15.8): USER: m:478b82679c0d02e9187549d1:o:121474:w:96d88321bbe813d686238450069ad354:c:459f84beb7c8eab7ce25d68e9203c24e DEBUG (worker-compute:nvidia:zcoin:t-rex:0.15.8): PASS: DEBUG (worker-compute:nvidia:zcoin:t-rex:0.15.8): WARN: NVML is disabled. You won't see GPUs stats. DEBUG (worker-compute:nvidia:zcoin:t-rex:0.15.8): WARN: Built-in watchdog has been disabled! DEBUG (worker-compute:nvidia:zcoin:t-rex:0.15.8): Starting on: DEBUG (worker-compute:nvidia:zcoin:t-rex:0.15.8): Authorizing... DEBUG (worker-compute:nvidia:zcoin:t-rex:0.15.8): Authorized successfully. DEBUG (worker-compute:nvidia:zcoin:t-rex:0.15.8): WARN: New difficulty: 0.03125 DEBUG (worker-compute:nvidia:zcoin:t-rex:0.15.8): mtp block 299775, diff 2473.318 DEBUG (worker-compute:cpu:monero:cudo-xmrig:5.7.0): accepted (44/0) diff 56250 (204 ms) INFO (worker-compute:nvidia:zcoin:t-rex:0.15.8): exit code 0 received INFO (worker-compute:nvidia:zcoin:t-rex:0.15.8): cooling down after stopping for 3 seconds DEBUG (worker-compute:cpu:monero:cudo-xmrig:5.7.0): accepted (45/0) diff 56250 (202 ms) DEBUG (worker-compute:cpu:monero:cudo-xmrig:5.7.0): accepted (46/0) diff 56250 (216 ms) WARN (worker-compute:nvidia:zcoin:t-rex:0.15.8): job received no hash rate in 5 minutes INFO (worker-compute:nvidia:zcoin:t-rex:0.15.8): stopping job 352da79876a7d5143cdc2ddda00b7eff INFO (worker-compute:nvidia:zcoin:t-rex:0.15.8): job status set to STOPPING.
Hi Juan! I'm very sorry for not replying earlier, but I didn't see your comment until now.
In case you still need help, I can definitely recommend you a free discord channel where Cudo officials, ambassadors and enthusiasts will surely help:
How to Setup EWBF's Cuda Equihash Miner: Step-by-Step Guide.
EWBF's Cuda is one of the most popular cryptocurrency mining programs for Nvidia GPUs.
If you are interested in the review and setup of Claymore's Dual Ethereum GPU Miner, you can find them here.
What Is EWBF's Cuda Equihash Miner?
EWBF's Cuda miner is one of the most popular Equihash (Zhash) miners. It is compatible with Nvidia GPUs. Its main competitors are miniZ and Funakoshi.
Currently, the latest version is EWBF Miner v0.6, which is compatible with Equihash 144.5, 210.9, 192.7 and 96.5. There is also EWBF's Cuda Zcash, which is suitable for Equihash for coins such as Zcash and Zclassic. In this case, you should choose 0.3.4b.
There are a lot of new features in EWBF's Cuda Equihash Miner v0.6. The most important ones are listed below.
The issue with the API socket not closing upon exit was fixed. Increased time-out during authorization and subscription. 144.5, 192.7 and 96.5 are faster. 144.5 uses less VRAM.
EWBF's Cuda Equihash Miner Performance.
Below are the performance of Nvidia cards by algorithm. By the way, 144.5 has become more popular thanks to Bitcoin ( Gold and BitcoinZ. It uses.
Let's move on to less popular models. 210.9 is known thanks to Aion. It uses.
192.7 is known thanks to ZERO. It uses.
The most popular option on 96.5 is MinexCoin (MNX). It uses.
Where to Download EWBF's Cuda Equihash Miner.
The latest miner versions are posted on Bitcoin ( Talk. To save time, click here for the Windows version, and here for the Linux version.
You can find EWBF's CUDA Zcash Miner for Windows x64 and Linux x64 here and here, respectively. All links lead to Google Drive.
How to Setup EWBF's Cuda Equihash Miner.
EWBF is very easy to setup. Here is the basic setup scheme for Equihash 144.5.
Here is what a .bat file looks like for Bitcoin ( Gold mining on 2Miners pool.
As an example, we are showing the correct .bat file for EWBF's Cuda Zcash below. In this example, we are mining Zcash on Equihash.
If you enter the data and launch the .bat file, you will see the following. It means that your rig is connected to the pool and that the miner is working properly.
After the connection is established, the user will appear in the Miners Online tab.
Shortly thereafter, he will receive his payout.
You can find a list of the most profitable coins to mine in 2019 here. You can also visit this chat for cryptocurrency mining tips and tricks, and then put them to work on 2Miners pool.
How to mine Bitcoin ( Gold.
Bitcoin ( Gold is a newly created hard fork of Bitcoin (, that allows you to mine it with GPUs. To be able to maximize your profit you should use up-to-date hardware and software and follow our easy to follow BTG mining guide. Let´s see the key parts of how to mine Bitcoin ( Gold, which we're going to cover: ...more.
Suitable Hardware for Equihash Algorithm Configuration of devices and software What Mining Pools to join.
You can also use the cloud mining option. By doing this, you aren't required to buy BTG mining hardware and search for a place to run it. Check more information about that in our cloud mining section later in this article. Let's get to work, now.
Best Way to Mine Best Mining Hardware Setup & Configuration Cloud Mining Calculator About BTG & FAQ.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:22 am

100% Solar Powered Off Grid Bitcoin ( Mining ( Rig - Backyard Passive Income|3:19
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:22 am
Why should you mine Bitcoin ( Gold?
Bitcoin ( Gold is a GPU minable cryptocurrency, that will remain ASIC-resistant for the future. The community's mission is to prevent such powerful machines from operating on their network. These light changes to the algorithm make it resistant to attacks, profitable and safe to mine. Another plus to this crypto is the option of switching between many GPU mineable altcoins. Its algorithm can be mined with many different cards, all of which you can use for other coins, should you so choose in the future. Convenient, isn't it?
What's the best way to mine Bitcoin ( Gold.
To make real money you should consider building a Multi-GPU Rig (they give top results when dealing with Equihash algorithm) and afterwards, join a mining pool. The reasoning for which, is that when you combine your rigs' hash power with that of other participants, you can mine blocks with quite the speed. This leads to frequents payouts in a shorter period of time.
After covering the best way to mine BTG coins, let's continue in more details. Our experience shows that any piece of information comes in handy at a given point.
What do you need to start mining Bitcoin ( Gold.
Considering our experience in the field, plus the constant information updates, we've come to the following conclusions: Mining for Bitcoin ( Gold, or any other Equihash coin, is currently best-done using GPUs, namely Nvidia GTX ones. To get started, we recommend you build a rig of at least 6, otherwise you'll be wasting your time and money. Further to that, you need to supply said hardware with an internet connection that's reliable. 24/7 access to the blockchain is mandatory, as you need to remain updated and submit your calculations constantly. Finally, you'll need to create a wallet to hold and operate your coins with. We generally recommend the official ones for beginners, but if you have other options, feel free to use those as well. To summarize:
BTG mining gear setup Reliable internet with 1MB/s up and down stream A Bitcoin ( Gold Wallet ro receive your Coins.
What else you need to consider?
One of the key factors to consider is your electricity consumption - one card can draw from 110W to 210W. If you plan on setting up multiple Bitcoin ( Gold mining rigs, you'll need to calculate your power grid capacity and how to go about connecting them all.
The noise and heat produced by the BTG mining hardware are also issues that need to be addressed. To help you do that, we've compiled a detailed troubleshooting guide on our dedicated page Ventilation, noise and cooling decisions for your hardware.
If you're not willing to bother with hardware and software configuration or just don't want the added electricity and cooling expenses, you can always opt for cloud mining.
Which Bitcoin ( Gold Mining hardware to buy?
Bitcoin ( Gold uses Equihash mining algorithm and to get the best profitability out of it, we recommend using Nvidia graphic cards. We published a list with few GPU`s and the important parameters, in relation to mining for BTG:
Recommended Bitcoin ( Gold GPU mining ( Hardware.
Top 5 Bitcoin ( ASIC Mining Gear For 2020.
The cryptocurrency market had to be the best gift for savvy tech investors in the past half decade. Only true believers in the technology see the 1,000X gains as a mere bonus to their activities. The network's shield and elimination of third parties mean so much more to them.Initially, the network was shaky, but has since grown by leaps and bounds. With every improvement, the network gets better, oiled, and attractive even for the most critical. Bitcoin ( is the poster child for blockchain technology, and many fail to distinguish between the two.
Yet, Bitcoin ( is nothing without the development community and the nodes that are distributed all over the world. Complete distribution equals decentralization, an edge that underpins and gives the emerging sub-sector its most valuable trait.
The importance of Bitcoin ( Miners.
Understanding Bitcoin ( is to understand how BTC mining takes place. Mining is an intensive process, and deployed chipsets, called Application Specific integrated circuits (ASICs) excel at nothing other than mining and actualizing the vision of the project's creator: Satoshi Nakamoto.
In the early years of Bitcoin (, it was possible to mine Bitcoin ( straight from ordinary computers. However, with increasing popularity, the self-adjusting Bitcoin ( network hiked its difficulty. This adjustment meant innovators got to work, launching more gear and more effort to improve market share for them. As BTC demand rose and its price followed suit, a new industry emerged, so did new players.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:22 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:23 am
Top 3 ASIC Manufacturers.
While all these new multi-million manufacturers serve the same industry, tweaks here and there differentiate the brands affecting pricing and performance. Leading manufacturers of ASIC miners include:
1. Bitmain.
The Beijing based company is the most popular manufacturer of ASICs. Its popularity means it is also the most dominant, carving a market share exceeding 50%. Bitmain is responsible for the AntMiner series. Over the years, their tools have proven popular with miners from across the globe. Each retails for around $1,100 but with a three-month warranty. Their latest release is the Bitmain AntMiner S17+ that supplies 73.00 Th/s while consuming 2920W.
2. Canaan Creative.
Founded in 2013, Canaan Creative has its headquarters in China. Users of their mining gear claim that while Caanan's Bitcoin mining ( tools are stable, they are not as efficient as Bitmain's. Canaan is the second-largest manufacturer of ASIC chipsets after Bitmain generating 394 million in 2018 as revenue. Each Canaan miner has an Avalon controller from which up-to four other miners can join the single network. On November 21, Canaan listed at NASDAQ under the CAN ticker symbol after raising $10 million in its IPO. The AvalonMiner 1166 - 68T is their latest release. It supplies a maximum hash rate of 68TH/s, consuming 3196W of power.
3. Halong Mining.
Halong is the manufacturer behind the Dragonmint T16 miner series. It started as an ASIC mining startup but has since grown to be one of the largest after Bitmain and Canaan. Most notably, Halong has endeavored to embark on aggressive marketing to highlight the benefits of their ASIC miners as part of an effort to impart sense to their products and to distinguish themselves from Bitmain. They poured a large chunk of their revenue into marketing. Their latest release is the DragonMint T1 Miner that generates a maximum hash rate of 16 TH/s while consuming 1480 Watts.
Other ASIC manufacturers include Innosilicon technology, BitFury, GMO Internet, and Zhejiang Ebang communication. There were rumors that Samsung will get involved in the coming years. However, there has been no confirmation of this. Should they, then considering their huge resources, the cost of ASICs would considerably fall, a boon for retail investors and a boost for decentralization and Bitcoin ('s hash rate.
Top 5 ASIC Gear for Bitcoin mining (
At spot rates, these are the top 10 SHA-256 ASICs going into 2020 are:
1. Bitmain: Antminer S17+ (73Th), also known as 266-Aa.
The Antminer S17+ (73Th) specifically mines protocols that are based on SHA-256. This model will, therefore, mine Bitcoin ( and all of its hard forks. The utility is possible because they use the same consensus algorithm. Deployed, this is the best SHA-256 ASIC miner at spot Bitcoin ( rates of $7,090. This best Bitcoin mining ( gear has a maximum hash rate of 73Th/s and consumes 2920W of electricity. The miner got to the market in December 2019, weighs 11kg, and its cooling fans produce 75db of noise. Assuming the cost of power is $0.1 per KWh, the gear's daily profitability is $2.08 from revenue of $10.49. The approximated expenditure that goes in as the cost of power is $8.41.
2. Bitmain: Antminer S17 Pro (53Th)
Like the Antminer S17+, Bitmain's Antminer S17 Pro has a maximum hash rate of 53 TH/s from a power consumption of 2094W. Although it weighs less than the Antminer S17+ (73Th), its four fans are louder, producing 82db. For optimum operation, the ambient temperature must be kept between 5 - 45 °C and humidity at 5 - 95 %. At spot Bitcoin ( rates, this miner is more profitable than the Antminer S17+ (73Th) because of its low energy consumption. A miner using this gadget will remain profitable at current prices, earning $2.43 per day from revenue of $8.46. The daily cost of energy will be $6.03.
3. Bitmain: Antminer S17 Pro (50Th), also known as Antminer S17 Pro-50TH/s.
This ASIC miner was released in April 2019, and each has a maximum hash rate of 50 TH/s consuming 1975W of electricity. It weighs 9.5 kg, and its four fans produce 82 dB of noise. Miners that use this gear are still in the green even if the cost of electricity remains at $0.10 per kWh. Directly dependent on Bitcoin ( prices at spot rates, miners earn $1.34 a day from a revenue of $7.03 and the cost of power being $5.69.
4. Innosilicon: T3+ 52T, also known as Terminator3-Plus-52T.
The T3+ 52T model from Innosilicon has a maximum hash rate of 52Th/s from a power consumption of 2,800W. It was released in May 2019, and the model weighs 10kg. In full operation, it is as noisy as the Antminer S17+ (73Th), producing 75 dB. The ambient temperature must average between 5 - 45 °C and humidity at 5 - 95 % for the Terminator3-Plus-52T to be efficient. Mining Bitcoin ( using this model generates daily profits of $0.98 from an income of $7.31, with the cost of power being $6.34.
5. Bitmain: Antminer S17e (64Th)
This Bitmain model came into the market in November 2019 with a maximum hash rate of 64 THs, but its power consumption is 2,880W. The figure is higher than the Terminator3-Plus-52T, diluting its earlier hash rate punch. This is the reason why daily profitability is lower, at $0.70, from revenue of $8.99. The approximate cost of power, pegged at $0.10 per KWh is $8.29. It has four fans producing 80 dB of noise and weighs 10.5 kg.
Other ASICs.
Mining Bitcoin ( and cryptocurrencies is a competition. It is an exhausting race that demands any miner keeps up with the latest news. Manufacturers continue to innovate to stay ahead of the pack and outdo their competition.
At the moment, there are two ASIC miners from Innosilicon: G32 1800 and G32 500. Both promise high daily profitability of $128 and $39 respectively at spot rates. Though the specific algorithm that it will best perform and remain profitable hasn't been divulged, their release will be in Jan 2020. Expectedly, their demand is already sky-high, given their low energy consumption and high profitability.
How to Mine Bitcoin ( Using up-to-date ASICs.
Ultimately, the decision lies with the miner, the investor. However, for those who want to mine without worrying about stiff competition and high electricity costs, VBit technologies is offering a way out.
Through their platform and proprietary wallet, clients can not only purchase different packages but mine confidently from data centers that are customized for Bitcoin mining ( to maximize efficiency and profitability.
VBit Technologies operates data centers in Colorado and Alberta, and only partners with data centers that meet their high standards in politically stable countries like the United States and Canada.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:23 am

How to solo CPU mine Bitcoin ( \u0026 Bitcoin ( derived cryptocurrencies (Works on OS X and Windows)|5:14
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:24 am
Let your money work for you. Sign up and begin mining today!
Bitluck Mining Company Updates Bitcoin ( (BTC) Mining Gear, New Contracts Released.
The upcoming third Bitcoin ( (BTC) halving will reduce miner rewards by 50%. As a result, the outdated mining equipment will be out of the game. In order to protect their customers' investments, Bitluck miners have purchased and installed new Bitcoin ( (BTC) mining ASICs by the WhatsMiner crypto mogul.
New efficiency, new contracts.
Within the framework of a long-term partnership, Bitluck mining facilities are equipped with WhatsMiner M30S mining rigs. This model of ASICs is extremely efficient as its energy efficiency is about 38J/Th. As a result, electricity costs are adjusted. The new line of contracts was proudly presented by the Bitluck team.
You are afraid of halving, we are not! ⠀ Halving will hurt those miners who use old equipment. Those miners who switched to high-performance and less energy-consuming equipment will not suffer very large losses.
The most interesting things are ahead. Be with us.
This new offer includes a 120-day contract for remote mining with 50 Th/s, 100 Th/s and 500 Th/s of mining performance to borrow as a limited offer. Also, the prices for lifetime Bitcoin ( (BTC) mining contracts for 20 Th/s, 100 Th/s and 500 Th/s have been adjusted since the new ASICs have been launched.
According to the project team, this novelty will accelerate the negative impact of both the Bitcoin ( (BTC) price crash and the upcoming third halving event on the profitability and security of cloud mining.
Great opportunities in hard times.
The Bitluck team is also targeting the expansion of its mining operations in CIS states. For instance, new Bitcoin ( (BTC) mining rigs will be launched soon in Kazakhstan. This country has very low electricity rates, which will result in lucrative offers for remote mining programs.
BitLuck is the world's first legal platform for selling computing power. We do not trade bitcoins or electricity. We sell computing power to process transactions. Read more
Now, the Bitluck cloud mining provider operates large mining entities and data-centers all over the globe. Its activities are licensed and meet all of the legal requirements of corresponding jurisdictions.
Blockchain Analyst & Writer with scientific background. 5+ years in IT-analytics, 2+ years in blockchain.
Bitcoin ( Hashrate Now : 142.41 EH/s Nov 21, 2020 09:07 AM UTC - 142,406,779,983,284,700,000 H/s.
The current Bitcoin ( hashrate is 142.41 EH/s, representing the global Bitcoin ( network hashrate with a mining difficulty of 17.60 T at block height 657,959.
The current Bitcoin ( hashrate (BTC hashrate) is 142.41 EH/s at block height 657,959 with a difficulty of 17,596,801,059,571.43.
Bitcoin ( Global Hashrate 142.41 EH/s.
Das passende Krypto-Poortfolio für jeden Anleger.
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The Faster, Safer Platform To Mining Bitcoin (! aims to extend business to the entire Cryptocurrency industry chain in the future.
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898,549 people mining here.
3 Easy steps to start cloud mining.
Register Account.
Receive Payout Everyday.
Choose MINING Plan.
Your hardware is already running, Find a plan that's right for you. (Hashrate Converter)
Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining Minimum Hashrate: 10 GH/s Maintenance fee: 0.0007 $ / 10 GH/s / day Hardware: Whatsminer M30 Automatic payout in BTC In Stock (PPS+ rewards) 2 year contract.
Ethereum( ETH) Cloud Mining Minimum Hashrate: 100 KH/s Maintenance fee: 0.001 $ / 100 KH/s / day Hardware: GTX 1060 8 cards Automatic payout in ETH In Stock 2 year contract.
$ 0.80 per 100 KH/S.
Dash( DASH) Cloud Mining Minimum Hashrate: 100 MH/s Maintenance fee: 0.0007 $ / 100 MH/s / day Hardware: Antminer D5 Automatic payout in DASH In Stock 2 year contract.
$ 0.35 per 100 MH/S.
Litecoin( LTC) Cloud Mining Minimum Hashrate: 1 MH/s Maintenance fee: 0.0015 $ / 1 MH/s / day Hardware: Antminer L5 Automatic payout in LTC In Stock 2 year contract.
Zcash(ZEC) Cloud Mining Minimum Hashrate: 10 sol/s Maintenance fee: 0.0002 $ / 10 sol/s / day Hardware: Antminer Z9 Automatic payout in ZEC In Stock 2 year contract.
$ 0.10 per 10 sol/S.
Decred( DCR) Cloud Mining Minimum Hashrate: 10 GH/s Maintenance fee: 0.0007 $ / 10 GH/s / day Hardware: Antminer DR5 Automatic payout in DCR In Stock 2 year contract.
mining calculator.
Your profit is based on Cryptocurrency current value and mining hash rate. (Hashrate Converter)
2 year.
New User Get 5TH/S SHA-256 (Bitcoin ( Hash Rate For Free!
Pool Allocation.
You can decide which pools you want to mine. This allows you to find the most profitable pools.
Low Maintenance Fee.
We got the lowest price on electricity(0.05 $/kWh) and purchasing costs in the Cryptocurrency mining industry.
We use The newest ASIC miner, GPU rigs. You get the most advanced technologies from
Our mining team come from in blockchain industry and IT engineers, we have you covered with the knowledge and skills of our team.
The mining starts immediately after confirmed payment. First payouts within 24 hours. Afterward, the payouts continue daily.
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Customer Reviews.
More than 800,000 people are mining here. (More Reviews)
I have decided to use HashShiny for Bitcoin ( contract because all other players don't provide the same level of contract and service. Highly recommend it.
-- hwh.
Recently bought a mining contract. I'm very happy that I got this opportunity. Easy setting up an account and making a payment. Too bad I can't buy more power :)
-- Ali.
This is my first Bitcoin ( purchase. I have reviewed many other options before choosing this one as the best long term Bitcoin ( investment.
Bitcoin ( Hash Functions Explained Simply !!
Written By.
If you are into Bitcoin ( or cryptocurrencies, you often must have heard terms such as 'cryptographic algorithms' or 'hash functions' or 'Bitcoin ( hash.'
Have you ever wondered what they are?
Well, I guess no, you haven't yet !!
But if you were to take my opinion, I would recommend you know about these terms even if just from a high level because then you would be able to appreciate Bitcoin ( & cryptocurrencies even more.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:24 am

SOLO MINING Litecoin On A BITMAIN L3+!|14:29
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:24 am
And it is always good to know a thing or two about the underlying workings of Bitcoin ( so that you able to use it and explain it to anyone when a need arises.
That's why to aid you to build on it; we will talk in this article about 'Bitcoin ( hashing' and its significance in the Bitcoin ('s blockchain.
But before explaining that, let me tell you, the hashing concept is so important so that it is right to say, Bitcoin ( won't be the Bitcoin ( we know today if it weren't for hashing algorithms.
So dive in with me:
What Is A Hash Function & Bitcoin ( Hashing?
A hashing function is simply a mathematical function that can take any form of data or any size (numbers, alphabets, media files) and produce a fixed-length output for that particular input.
And this output or digest of the hashing function is called Hash .
This hash is usually an alphanumeric string which in other terms is a cryptographic by-product of the hashing function being used.
A particular type of hashing function being used is sometimes also referred to as hashing algorithm, and these hashing algorithms (functions) can be of two types:
One-way function: That easily produces output in one direction for a given input but is impossible to find the input even if the output is known. So going back isn't possible Two-way function: A function that's easy to go back and forth when either the input or output is known.
Don't be surprised because we use these functions all day and all the time.
For example, when you are logging in to your Facebook account, you are using these mathematical functions to safeguard your password.
When you log in using your password, the function runs through your password (input) and matches the hash (output) with the previously stored hash. This way the attacker cannot guess or find the password even if the database of hashes is compromised.
Such usage ensures that it is not possible to generate the input even if the output is known. Another characteristic of one-way functions is that if you slightly change the input, the output is completely changed.
hash("The Money Mongers rocks !! ") = 66925f1da83c54354da73d81e013974d hash("The Money Mongers rocks . ") = c8de96b4cf781a6373766c668ceac0f0 hash("The Money Mongers rocks . ") = 9ea367cea6a2cc4a6f5a1d9a334d0d9e hash("The Money Mongers rocks . ") = b8d43387d98f035e2f0ac49740a5af38 hash("The Money Mongers rocks . ") = 0fe46518541f4739613b9ce29ecea6b6.
A simple analogy of this would be 'our figure prints' as it is easy to do fingerprints but not feasible to produce the figures from which the prints were made or if you change the fingers the fingerprints will completely change.
This is how hashes are used.
But not all hash functions are made the same, meaning different hash functions have different abilities.
In Bitcoin ('s blockchain hashes are much more significant and are much more complicated because it uses one-way hash functions like SHA-256 which are very difficult to break.
So let's see Bitcoin ( hash function, i.e., SHA-256.
What Is Bitcoin ( Hash?
The US National Security Agency (NSA) developed the SHA-256 hashing algorithm in 2001 which is the primary hash function used by Bitcoin ('s blockchain.
This particular hash function is used because of these properties:
Unique hash value: For every input, it produces a unique output High hashing speed: For each given input the computation is fast. Secure hash function: It is almost computationally infeasible to reverse the function and make it two-way.
Bitcoin ( is simply a digital ledger of hashes that utilizes proof of work combined with SHA-256 to obtain mathematical traceability and unbreakability.
The process through which this is ensured is called Bitcoin mining ( that utilizes Bitcoin ( hashes generated through SHA-256 function at various steps of mining.
While mining the miners needs to hash the block header in such a way that it is always equal or less than the 'Target hash' because only then they can add successfully add their mined block to the blockchain.
The target at the time writing should be an alphanumeric number which must have 18 or more zeros and should be less than the target value. And the target changes every 2016 blocks.
Miners arrive at this hash by applying SHA-256 hash function to block header, but this process is not so simple as it looks. To obtain the acceptable hash, miners need to play with the 'nonce' in an incremental way.
Since this is a hit and miss exercise chances are very less that one might obtain the required hash (Target) with a particular number of leading zeros without making many attempts. And this Target is what is called a valid 'Bitcoin ( Hash.'
That's why miners repeat this mathematical guessing work numerous times that too with a rapid speed because they are always in competition with other miners and their mining equipment.
And this requires an enormous amount of computational power and sophisticated hardware equipment which makes it energy as well cost-intensive process. And this is what is called 'proof of work.'
Later, when a miner finds out the required kind of hash, he/she will be able to add the block to the blockchain and hence win the lottery or block reward of 12.5 BTC.
Cryptocurrency Hashing Algorithms.
I know what you are thinking?
You are thinking to win the lottery, aren't you?
Well, let me tell you, it is not so easy.
Bitcoin mining ( currently is a very costly and energy-intensive process for which you will first need to make a hefty up-front investment in procuring electricity and mining hardware.
Post which you will need to teach yourself how to join mining pools and learn how to optimize your equipment for the maximum hash rate.
And believe me, this is not at all easy !!
Lastly, if you choose to mine some other cryptocurrency than Bitcoin (, then you will need to learn about different cryptocurrency hashing algorithms such as Scrypt, Blake-256, HEFTY1, Quark, SHA-3, Ethash, or CryptoNight, etc. which is another niche in itself because it will again require different hardware.
So that's why untill you figure out all these to become a miner, keep learning about the Bitcoin ( revolution with The Money Mongers and keep acquiring bitcoins through your current profession !!
Find this article informative? Share it with your friends who don't know yet about Bitcoin mining ( & Bitcoin ( hashes !!
Crypto Calculated: How Ancient Math Predicts Bitcoin ('s Next Top At $270K.
Fibonacci spiral over 3d black background with grid. Science or mathematics concept illustration.
As Bitcoin ( takes out $11,000 and potentially aims higher, renewed talk of the crypto asset's next potential peak has returned to the market.
Analysts do their best to do more than just speculate, backing up theories with fundamental statistics or technical signals to predict future prices. But could it all be based on mathematics that's been around for centuries? And if so, could Bitcoin ('s next peak be at $270K?
Perfect Fibonacci Extension Progression Points To Next Bitcoin ( Peak At $270K.
Bitcoin ( price and what it will be some day is a regularly contested subject. Pundits pronounce the asset dead and claim its ready to go to zero. Others, even the likes of billionaire venture capitalist Tim Draper believe it'll be worth in the hundreds of thousands.
If Bitcoin ( follows the same exact trajectory as the last bull market, it is on track for a top at around $325K, top crypto experts have claimed.
However, each peak has brought investors diminishing returns, so it is reasonable to expect that peak to be lower than the last in terms of ROI.
But could an extremely simple mathematical pattern named after a mathematician born in 1170 perfectly predict each Bitcoin ( top? If it is possible, the formula points to the next peak at $270K according to a chart shared by a leading cryptocurrency analyst.
The cryptocurrency has been peaking at each Fibonacci extension ending in ".272." Fibonacci retracement and extensions are ratios based on Fibonacci sequence. The next one above is the 4.272 extension, residing at roughly $270K.
Demand Minus Supply Equals Next Crypto Bull Run, But When?
Everything about Bitcoin ( is steeped in mathematics, so it shouldn't be shocking that math itself is the key to predicting the crypto asset's peaks.
The remaining piece of the equation is when this peak occurs. The "when" is argued in the crypto market nearly as much as how much Bitcoin ( price will ultimately reach.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:25 am

USB miner solo mining profitability|5:49
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:25 am
Believers in the stock-to-flow model expect the cryptocurrency to rip any day now into a new bull market, potentially making that peak a lot sooner than anyone is ready for.
Naysayers in that model, expect a lengthening market cycle for Bitcoin ( - one where the halving doesn't have quite the impact that experts expect.
It's hard to argue with the stock-to-flow model, however, because again, it is based on math. Math is one of the most powerful forces in nature, governing space, time, and even the price of Bitcoin (
How does solving math problems create bitcoins? [duplicate]
If I understand correctly, Bitcoin mining ( software "creates" bitcoins by solving complex mathematical equations. Is there a need for these problems to be solved, is there a value to solving these equations? If not, where does the solving of the math problems fit into the whole Bitcoin ( scenario?
The problem that mining solves is the problem of providing secure transactions without a central authority. There is value to solving these problems because otherwise, there would be no way to securely exchange Bitcoins.
Bitcoin ( uses proof of work as its means of solving the double spend problem without a central authority. If I try to send the same Bitcoin ( to two different accounts, the miners choose one transaction or the other and use it as the basis of the computations they do. Because nobody else can outcompute all the Bitcoin ( miners, this makes it possible for others to determine which transaction "wins". Without this mechanism, there would be no way to resolve conflicting transactions.
Because this proof of work costs money to do, it's not likely that it could be accomplished without some incentive. Mining rewards provide this incentive.
Miners are essentially putting a notary stamp on a batch of transactions. That's all they are needed for.
But how do you prevent from having a corrupt notary? Bitcoin ( does this by having tens of thousands of potential notaries and one of them will happen to be the lucky one that gets to do the stamp. The lucky one is the one who happens to solve the problem. All the potential notaries try to solve the puzzle over and over, but it will take about ten minutes for one to become successful.
Others will see the solution, and if it is valid, will continue on to the next puzzle. This builds a chain of batches.
So to go back in history to change the batches of transactions requires having to redo all the problem solving attempts that occurred previously. The further back you want to go, the more problem solving work you need to perform.
So the problem being solved is a system that makes it enormously expensive to change history. That's the job that miners are paid to provide.
No, no-one is paying for the solutions to the math problems. In fact, they are only math problems in the same sense that watching a Youtube video is doing a computation.
Miners are checking transactions of other users. The Bitcoin ( protocol is built in such a way that this process sometimes creates new bitcoins. The creation of new bitcoins is also regulated by the protocol - only 21 million can be created, and the last Bitcoin ( will be created around 2140. The creation of coins is distinct from the value of the coins, which come from their usefulness, supply and demand.
There is another cryptocurrency, Primecoin (XPM), which uses calculation of prime numbers in the "proof of work" process of the currency. These prime numbers do have potential scientific value, but the value of Primecoin is not linked to the value of the prime numbers. The prime numbers are publicly available, and value again comes from supply, demand and usefulness. The goal is that the computation involved in "proof of work", which must be done anyway, should have a side-benefit.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:25 am

BITCOIN: SOLO MINING VS MINING POOL! Bitcoin ( price analysis!- bitcoin may 29|12:45
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:26 am
The 5 Best Legit and Trusted Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining Sites Reviewed 【Updated to 2020】
On this page, we offer the ranking of the best cloudmining website to mine Bitcoin (, Ethereum, Zcash and other cryptocurrencies. Updated to 2020.
If you have decided to mine Bitcoin ( or other cryptocurrencies in a legit way, without hardware and quickly, you will have to rely on secure services. The main problem with this type of investment is to make a good decision choosing a reliable site.
There are many "scam" sites... when we started with cloud mining, we find many websites with attractive prices and promises of easy profits, that's why we decided to suggest the most reliable sites currently in the market like as ScryptCube.
Another investment alternative is related to the direct purchase of bitcoins. Among the main services we suggest Coinbase (the most used exchange in the world).
Best Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining Sites.
Position Site Evaluation Recommended for beginners Purchase options Cryptocurrencies Site 1 ***** credit card, bitcoin, ethereum, payeer BTC Visit ScryptCube 2 *** credit card, bitcoin BTC, ETH, ZEC, BCH, LTC, MONERO Visit CCG Mining 3 *** credit card, bitcoin BTC Visit Hashing24.
Index of the best websites to mine bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in cloud:
Introduction: This guide does not provide financial advice. Remind: the cryptocurrencies market is very volatile.
Best Cloud Mining Platforms.
1. ScryptCube: the more convenient and trusted Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining service. [100% RECOMMENDED]
ScryptCube is becoming the market leader thanks to its offering focused on Bitcoin mining ( at extremely advantageous prices and a very userfriendly site.
The company who found ScryptCube is extremely efficient, has been working in the Crypto sector for several years and for this reason we feel we can guarantee their honesty and reliability.
We have tried the service for you and - also thanks to the bullrun of the period March-November 2020 we have recovered the annual costs in just 4 months.
Mining services start at just over $ 1, but we recommend a minimum investment of $ 100. Scryptcube, helps you calculate the estimated earnings via an easy mining calculator. You can find it at this link.
2. CCG Mining: the best site where you can buy Mining Rigs, he also has a Cloud Mining Service. [80% RECOMMENDED]
CCG Mining operating in the sector for many years. The site is very reliable, the prices are quite affordable and the company, based in London, has a team of professionals that offers a range of services, including mining rigs sale and cloud miningcontracts for those who choose to mine own.
Once you have entered the CCG Mining price page, you can choose what to buy (Mining Rigs or Cloud Mining Contracts), you can also select custom plans.
Affordable prices, the site accepts payments by credit card or Bitcoin ( and can mine BTC, BCH, ETH, ZCASH, LTC and Monero, we place it in 2nd place: the prices are really good compared to other competitors.
3. Hashing24: An other Alternative [70% RECOMMENDED]
Hashing24 occupies the 6th position of our ranking.
We tried their service and we enjoyed it, the payments are punctual and it is possible to start with 20$ packages. It's after the others website for two reasons: 1. The site isn't so much intuitive 2. It's possible to mine only BTC.
Coinbase: The best site to buy Bitcoin ( (with 10 usd for free) in a simple and fast way.
10 usd in Bitcoin ( for free through this link ( click here ) if you buy at least 100 usd in bitcoin.
Exchange Site Evaluation Recommended for beginners Purchase options Activity Coinbase ***** credit card, bank transfer, bitcoin BTC, Ethereum and many others cryptocurrencies.
FAQ on Cloud Mining.
Cloud Mining allows you to Mine Bitcoin ( without technicalities by relying on third-party companies like ScryptCube Mining ( Click here to Register and start Bitcoin mining ( immediately)
Based on our analysis, ScryptCube Mining is one of the most reliable and legit sites.
It depends, there are serious companies like ScryptCube Mining and company scam. The advice is to rely only on secure sites.
It is a risky investment, it depends on the market trend and the difficulty of mining.
All those that are extracted through the POW (Proof of Work). The main sites offer Bitcoin (, Litecoin, Ethereum and Zcash.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:26 am
November 2020 News.
The Autumn has started in the best way ... Bitcoin ( has raised its head and sails on $ 16,000 to 18,000 close to the December 2017 highs.
Among the sites that allow the purchase of bitcoins - not related to mining - the most serious and also easiest to use if you want to get closer to this world is COINBASE ( click here to register with 10 usd for free if you buy at least 100 usd in Bitcoin ( ) .
ScryptCube Mining currently has just started the sale of BTC contracts with the best prices on the market.
Bitminter - bitcoin minting the easy way!
Home Join Log In Community.
Bitminter Client Third Party Apps.
Blocks (income) Shifts (work effort) Luck Rewards Client software (miners) Live stats, pop up Live stats, full size Web service API.
Bitminter shuts down mining 2020-07-01 and website 2021-06-01.
Test PC mining (museum)
Do you want to see what mining was like in 2011 and 2012? Here is the old Bitminter client, a java app for mining bitcoin with a PC. You earn nothing mining bitcoin with a PC! For actual mining you have to buy a modern bitcoin ASIC miner. This is only for nostalgic museum purposes.
Java must be installed first.
The client can be removed from your computer by clearing the Java cache.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:29 am
How to earn Bitcoin (
Introduction to Earning in Bitcoin (
Bitcoin ( is the most popular digital currency in the world today. Bitcoin ( cloud mining is the fastest way to immediately begin earning bitcoins. Bitcoin ( is built using very complicated cryptographic principles, and supported by countless individuals and companies from all around the world. By early 2016, total Bitcoin ( market capitalization had crossed USD 7 Billion, making it almost as valuable as the GDP of a small country like Bahamas. All the other digital currencies together do not constitute even 20% of Bitcoin ('s market capitalization, underlining the its dominance and importance in the world of digital currencies.
With such a huge amount of world's capital available in the form of Bitcoins, the number and types of opportunities to earn in bitcoins are increasing by the day. In this article we will discuss such opportunities that help us earn bitcoins.
We will start with the easiest, or the one that is applicable for the maximum number of people, and then move to the tougher ones. In the end we will cover earning bitcoins by mining. Bitcoin mining ( is not an easy way to earn bitcoins, but we do have a number of easier ones we will discuss first. So lets start with 'earning bitcoins by offering your services'
Work for Bitcoin (
Perhaps the easiest way to earn bitcoins is to work online or in real life for bitcoins. Because of the huge size of the bitcoin eco-system, a number of such opportunities and jobs are available. With Billions of dollars invested in Bitcoin ( by tens of thousands of people, there is a real market in Bitcoin (, where you can find jobs for freelancers, software developers, writers, and others who get paid in bitcoins for their services.
Software development, writing, design, making websites or apps, audio transcription, are some of the most active types of jobs. You can easily discover the types of jobs by going over the more popular job boards for bitcoin related work. The following job boards or forums are some of the best places to look for such jobs or gigs.
Market Places.
Video Streaming.
File/Image Sharing.
Also, check BitcoinGames for ideas on earning bitcoin and blockchain game assets.
Sell for bitcoin.
You can also get Bitcoin ( by selling your old laptops, phones or other items for Bitcoins. Such types of transactions are happening more and more, and a lot of buyers are already buying anything from iPhones to even cars by paying with Bitcoins. For Americans, is your best bet when you want to find such buyers. You can mention in your ad that you are willing to take payment in Bitcoin ( This way if anyone wants to buy the item for you for Bitcoin (, they can contact you and make an offer. The same principle applies to other online marketplaces such as gumtree for UK, kijiji for canda etc.
Affiliate Programs.
Affiliate programs allow a promoter of a business or product to earn money or bitcoins by refering new clients to such businesses or products. For example, has a popular affiliate program, where you can earn commission ranging from 2% to 20% for refering clients to products listed on Amazon normally pays in dollars, but there are a number of other sites and businesses which pay you in bitcoin for acting as their affiliate.
Some of the more popular affiliate programs that pay out in Bitcoin ( are by the sites:,, and, among others. You can find a larger list of such affiliate programs on the bitcoin wiki page for Affiliates.
We do not recommend gambling for every player or every user; we find that gambling is only suitable for people who know how to win at it. However, if you are one of such lucky users who have some tricks up their sleeves, and can manage to win at games such as poker, then you will find that earning bitcoins is not that hard.
One of the many applications of bitcoin since the very beginning have been in betting games or gambling. Because of the relative anonymity of bitcoin, and the lower fees, it is very suitable for gambling related applications. Indeed, one such game, satoshiDICE, has been running since 2012, and has paid out a huge number of bitcoins in innumerable transactions to its winners. There are many such games, which you can find be googling.
If you want to gamble totally anonymously, you can play gambling or betting games that are available only on darknet or .onion sites. Such sites allow you to browse them anonymous by operating on the tor network, which is a secure network that allows users to browse .onion websites without exposing their own IP address.
For each block that is added to the Bitcoin ( Blockchain, a number of bitcoins are rewarded to the creater of that block. This reward is currently, as of June 2016, 25 bitcoins per block, and it halves every four years. The next halving will be in July 2016. Creating or finding the new blocks, and therefore winning the reward of 25 bitcoins for each block you create, is called Bitcoin mining ( To do Bitcoin mining ( successfully, you need very powerful computers, which compete with other computers to find the next block. The speed or power of computer that do Bitcoin mining ( is calculated in hashes calculated per second.
There are two ways to do Bitcoin mining ( one is to own hardware or computers that do the mining, and second is to hire the hardware from a third party, usually online, and do the mining on the cloud. Let us discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both in next two sections.
When you own the hardware that does the calculations and mining of bitcoins, its called hardware mining. Hardware mining is the more popular or prevalent of the two types of mining we mentioned. One of the biggest factors which comes into play when doing Bitcoin mining ( using your own hardware is the price of electricity. If you pay top price for electricity, then Bitcoin mining ( may not be your cup of tea. Another related factor is infrastructure needed to cool the hardware; since every cpu generates some amount of heat, you may need to cool the hardware in case they become too heated. No wonder that some of the most successful miners work from China, specially Tibet, where they can get cheap electricity, and their cooling costs are low due to high altitude which reduces the ambient temperature for them.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:30 am

Havuz seçimi ve solo mining nasıl yapılır? Bitcoin (, Ethereum Mining ( Rig Kurulumu Türkçe 15|27:30
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:30 am
For a more in-depth information on how to setup your hardware mining equipment, have a look at the Antminer setup page.
How to Earn Bitcoin ( 27 Best Ways to Get Paid in Crypto (2020)
GainBitcoin's guide on how to earn bitcoin online features the top 27 best ways to get paid in cryptocurrency and make cryptoasset profits in 2020.
Most assume the only way to get bitcoin is to buy it. However, as this guide will show, there is a multitude of ways to earn cryptocurrency as well. These include free methods like tasks, airdrops, faucets, and questionnaires- or more popularly, the modern gig economy paying for your time and services in cryptoasset coins and tokens.
Before reviewing the best ways to earn bitcoin in 2020 and get paid in cryptocurrency, it is important to remember how the value of bitcoin is calculated in USD and why making bitcoin profits is all about stacking satoshis. Even if our number one way to gain bitcoin is by using other people's money to buy bitcoin now versus later as many speculate and predict the price could see all time highs this year or next. Take a look at the OPM Wealth system after reading through the research on how to earn bitcoin online and start getting payments via cryptocurrencies instead of US dollars.
Top 27 Best Ways to Earn Bitcoin ( and Get Paid in Crypto.
Once the world starts to transact in Bitcoin ( globally, the payment network aspect of it will continue to grow and people will start getting paid in cryptoassets by their employer or company. There is also the blossoming freelance market that has plenty of opportunity within the blockchain era dawning upon us all. Let's review the top 27 ways to get paid in bitcoin and gain more crypto by earning it rather than buying bitcoin through an exchange for USD. While there is nothing absolutely wrong at all to buy bitcoin outright in hopes it's BTC/USD exchange rate value rises, but others enjoy the opportunity to gain bitcoin rather than a charity case or having to exchange USD-based salaries and paychecks into cryptoassets.
Earning Bitcoin ( vs Buying Fiat: Stacking Satoshis.
It helps people to think of cryptocurrency like a fiat currency - you can't purchase or print your own paper money but you can earn it through trading skills, goods, services and time for money.
Fiat money is generally traded, not bought. BTC, on the other hand, is associated with being bought and that can be confusing for people looking into earning or acquiring free coin.
Beginner's also have a habit of being overwhelmed by the cost of a single coin as they are not used to thinking of purchase or earning through the terms of micro-buying or micro-earning. In other words, most people do not acquire a whole coin outright and that understanding can have an impact on your success and results. For this reason, we break the coin down into satoshis, which is a basic unit of account. A satoshi is equal to 0.00000001 bitcoin. There are 100 million satoshis per bitcoin and there will only ever be 2 Quadrillion, or 100 Trillion, satoshis total.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:30 am

ETHEREUM , WHY WE SOLO MINE (380 Mh/s)|13:11
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:31 am
Satoshi Nakamoto had the famous phase once when he alluded to the potential growth bitcoin has in the early days. Many believe the statement will continue to hold true and rise well into new heights in the next year or two. Bitcoin ('s whitepaper author and creator said:
"It might make sense just to get some in case it catches on. If enough people think the same way, that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy"
Satoshi Nakamoto, Creator(s) of Bitcoin (
Now that we have a base of understanding of the math baked into the bitcoin DNA of a satoshi unit of account, let us get into the 27 ways people can earn Bitcoin ( and its tax implications.
How to Earn Bitcoin ( for Free.
To begin with, you need a digital currency wallet address to receive and store the bitcoin in. A free wallet is fine for beginners, but do research good ones beforehand. Many choose to buy bitcoin from exchanges, as it is an incredibly simple and reliable way to acquire it. If you have technical skills and the proper hardware, you can also mine it into your wallet. But the more creative way, and the primary focus of this guide, is earning it.
While the list does provide a plethora of opportunities and each has their own risk/reward profile, it does not rank them from most to least effective.
With that in mind, here are the methods in detail and how you can start earning bitcoin today!
Effort: Low Income: Low Risk: Low.
Airdrops are basically free money that companies are giving away in order to entice people to their company and platforms. Think of it like a store rewarding you with samples for spending $10 or a bank rewarding you with $20 for free in order to open an account with them. A growing number of companies are participating in this for traction and publicity reasons.
Currently, there are hundreds of available airdrops throughout the crypto community on a monthly basis. It is important to note that a majority of these companies will most likely fail but you can still earn a decent amount doing this. And hey, free money giveaways! and Reddit are the most well-known sites to check for latest airdrop announcements and giveaway but always google because there are others.
Earning Potential: Zero to $100.
Crypto Freelance Marketplaces.
Effort: Medium to High Income: Medium to High Risk: Low.
The following are some websites where you can freelance work for BTC online:
Reddit's r/Jobs4Bitcoin Bitwage Angel's List CryptoGrind CryptoJobs Bitfortip Coinality.
Like with any "normal" job, these places all pay you to perform various jobs- only in Bitcoin ( Some of these opportunities can be really small, for example has opportunities to answer emails to earn bitcoin. The earning potential here is technically and virtually unlimited. It really just depends on how much you can and are willing to work.
Earning Potential: Unlimited.
Learn and Earn Crypto on Coinbase Earn.
Effort: Medium Income: Low Risk: Low.
Coinbase has recently launched a unique online training program where you can learn about specific crypto, take a test at the end of this training, and if you pass they pay in that coin. They have courses available in Dai, EOS and other major cryptocurrencies. To give an idea, they are currently paying $20 for the DAI course, $50 for the EOS course, and $50 for the XLM course, among many others.
These courses are fast, readily available, and relatively easy to participate in. They engage you with videos and then you completely a single quiz on hat you learned and receive crypto in your Coinbase wallet. It's a lot of very easy and legitimately free money available to anyone able to open a wallet with them.
Earning Potential: $20 to $200.
Micro-Earnings, Pay to Clicks, and Small Service Jobs.
Effort: High Income: Low Risk: Low.
Micro-tasks are a cheap, easy, and low-risk way of making bitcoin online. That being said, it's known for being boring and time consuming, plus you will never make that much at a time.
One example is a pay to click (PTC) website. PTC sites require you to visit, click ads or a button, and receive pennies in exchange. They make money through ad sales and are essentially giving you a small cut of those earnings.
There are also sites that want you to complete surveys or other small tasks in exchange for small amounts of money via cryptocurrency.
While it's technically possible to make bitcoin online through these methods, it could be as little as $.25 an hour which would not be worth it to most people.
Earning Potential: $0.05 to $2 per hour.
Effort: Low to Medium Income: Low to Medium Risk: Low.
Bitcoin ( faucets are a system of bitcoin distribution where dozens of coin pieces are given away for free to anyone visiting a specific website every 30 minutes. It's essentially a prize giveaway that you may or may not even win and they were very popular in the early days of bitcoin.
Currently, no such faucets for bitcoin even exist anymore because of the popularity and cost of the coin itself. However, there are faucets for smaller, lesser known coins. They have less value but they COULD be worth more someday and even if they never are, you can still sell them off asap for small amounts of money instead.
Faucets are pretty simple concepts. Whichever company creates them requires you to visit a website and then distribute these coin prizes every set period of time.
It's not actually recommended to participate so much as to create your own. If you know how to, you can make a crypto faucet with ads and encourage others to use it. You have minimal effort after its creation and collect money through the ad revenue while paying others a small portion to participate.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:31 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:31 am
Earning Potential: $1 per hour to $1,000 per month.
Signature Campaigns and Bounties.
Effort: Low to Medium Income: Low Risk: Low.
Signature campaigns and bounties are much less available today than they were during the ICO heyday of 2017 but you can still find them. Essentially, newer crypto companies will pay you to advertise for them online. For example, if you have a forum account, you can add a company's name or imagine to your signature in exchange for small amounts of crypto (think how NASCAR drivers put logos on their cars and bodies).
There are also bounties available to find bugs in a start-up's code or translating company website info into different languages and other such valuable tasks that do not technically require a whole job position to hire someone for. You may only receive coin compensation worth a few pennies today, but if their crypto start-up is successful, the value could significantly spike in the future or even just rise slowly.
Earning Potential: $0.01 to $500.
Trade Crypto.
Effort: Medium to High Income: Low to High Risk: High.
The most obvious way to make coin is to become a kind of day trader for it. This means buying coin with fiat currency and then selling it when it's worth more. This can be done through any number of major exchanges and there are ways to research how to get the best prices or what to look out for.
Some people make it long term investments and some people are both lucky and smart enough to day-trade their way into crypto fortunes, though the latter is admittedly hard and rare.
You can also accept crypto for goods or services. A growing number of online retailers are doing this for example and it falls in line similarly with being paid online with crypto for online work, as was discussed earlier. This can be risky, however, as market for crypto are still very volatile and you probably have bills and other people you need to pay using fiat currency.
This is certainly a road you can only go down with the understanding of wild price fluctuation and if you have a really deep understanding of what you are doing. Otherwise, such a high-risk game is never going to be remotely worth it.
That being said, if you are able to buy low and sell high consistently, you will have the potential to pull in some serious cash using this method.
Bitcoin ( Affiliate Programs.
Effort: Low Income: Low to Medium Risk: Low.
Affiliate programs are when you share a link with friends or invite friends to sign up and the company you do it for rewards you if any of them do sign up. Many exchanges currently offer this type of program and reward with coin or pieces of coin (although some do pay in fiat currencies).
These affiliate programs could potentially earn you hundreds or even thousands a month on these exchanges if you can refer enough people to the exchange and those people are making multiple large trades per month. But even if your link is only ever used by a handful of small traders, you are still earning entirely free money through them.
There are online retailers that also offer affiliate programs that pay out in bitcoin but, at the very least, you can earn affiliate income just off of exchanges and convincing people on your list to join and use them.
Earning Potential: $5 to $1,000.
Effort: Low Income: Low to High Risk: High.
Gambling is always an option for earning money but what many people do not realize is you can gamble using cryptocurrency as well. It's entirely possible you will end up with nothing but it's also possible to double your bitcoin holdings all at once.
To do this, research for a provably fair bitcoin casino online and make a deposit to play around with on the site or platform. Most bitcoin casinos have a very small house edge of 51% which gives you a much better edge than you will find at any in-person casino for you to win something. What makes it even fairer is it's easy to check if the algorithms are actually as fair as they are being advertised.
There are also bitcoin casino's that are ridiculously basic, so they don't require you to have to learn something more complicated like black jack or poker. This can include betting on whether the algorithm will produce a number from 0-100 that's over or under the chose number which essentially gives you a 50/50 shot at winning. It comes with higher risk and higher rewards.
These ease of use, transparencies, and verifiable fairness makes it a much more recommended way to gamble then to actually go to a casino.
That being said, it's not for everyone. If you need help with gambling addiction, please visit for more information on who can help near you and for programs and free advice.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:32 am

How To Solo Mine|5:01
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:32 am
Earning Potential: Zero to Unlimited.
Write About Bitcoin (
Effort: Medium to High Income: Medium Risk: Low.
There are currently dozens of news website, blogs, and other websites with a focus on cryptocurrency. If you know how to write decently well and you know a lot about bitcoin or other major cryptocurrencies and blockchain, this could be a great option for you. If you already have experience in writing, it would be even better.
There are currently crypto start-ups cropping up everywhere that are hiring for good bitcoin and crypto writers that just need competent individuals that can do things like write bitcoin blog posts, bitcoin social media posts, bitcoin0related press releases, and other bitcoin related content production.
Some of these jobs pay in USD (regardless of what country you live in) and other will pay in a cryptocurrency, it really just depends on the company. Sometimes it varies from the company itself, with some months having pay in crypto and others in USD fiat currency.
Earning Potential: $5 to $60 Per Hour.
Sell Crypto-Related Products or Services.
Effort: Medium to High Income: Low to High Risk: Medium.
Providing goods and services to people with in the crypto community is also a good way to expect pay in crypto itself as the people within this vast community obviously already have a store of cryptocurrency to work with. Some of these potential opportunities include:
Building and selling crypto software Offering marketing services to crypto companies Acting as an escrow agent for bitcoin transactions.
To accomplish this type of earning, think of what people within that community might need and try to be a person that can fill that need for them- simple enough.
Earning Potential: $0 to Unlimited.
Effort: High Income: Low to Medium Risk: High.
These days, it is no longer feasible for hobby miners to just easily earn mining bitcoin and it has become difficult to profitably mine lesser-value cryptocurrencies. In the old days, anyone with a decent gaming GPU had the potential to earn money and coin by mining any number of cryptocurrencies, including and especially bitcoin.
Mining is very high-risk now. You would have to build a mining farm - people who are high end miners all mining at the same time - and do so in a place with a cheap energy source (less than $.05 per kWh) and even then, you may end up bankrupt and having to sell off your mining equipment.
For this reason, this option is best left to big players in the field.
Effort: Medium Income: Low to High Risk: High.
You can currently lend bitcoin online through participation in P2P lending markets. Basically it connects you with people who would like to borrow bitcoin or other currencies and then they get charged interest on paying you back. You can do this yourself but there's no guarantee that you'll be paid back by your friend or family member, which could make for an awkward personal life.
That being said, lending always comes with its own risks. Small amount reap small rewards but alrge amounts would mean much bigger losses if something were to go wrong.
Always be wary with lending money online and ensure you have good collateral for incentive to actually be paid back.
Earning Potential: 15% Per Year.
HYIPs, Pyramid Schemes, and Coin Doublers.
Effort: Low Income: Low Risk: High.
High yield investment programs (HYIPs), pyramid schemes, and coin doublers were popular during the crypto boom of 2017, but they are technically still found online today.
All pyramid schemes, HYIPs and coin doublers are doomed to fail. The purpose is to make money from the last people to join the scheme so if you're at the top then you will make money no matter what but if you're the bottom 95%, you risk losing it all. It's important to be very careful with this, morality of it aside.
Bitcoin ( Forks and Other Crypto Forks.
Effort: Low Income: Low to Medium Risk: High.
Cryptocurrency forks occur when members of a crypto community and its creators cannot agree on a rule change, causing the crypto to branch off in a different direction while still also remaining on the current direction. This essentially creates two different versions of the same coin. These forks have happened before with Ethereum (with ETH and ETC), bitcoin (with BTC and BCH), and with Bitcoin ( Cash (BCHABC and BCHSV).
This gives everyone on the cryptocurrency free crypto as you suddenly have the same amount of it on each path. For example, if you held ten bitcoin in July 2017, then you own 10 BTH and 10BTC after August 1, 2017 when their split occurred. You technically create crypto out of thin air, despite not being able to spend both at the same time.
These forks become a great opportunity as the price starts fluctuating wildly. BCH jumped from $100 to $1,000 in the first few hours on August 1 st , and that could be a huge pay off should you sell at that moment. You could buy and sell the forked version of any popular crypto if that happens in order to make huge profits from that fluctuation period.
Earning Potential: Varies on new coin success.
Trading bots use algorithms to make trades based on the current market activity of the cryptocurrency you have it directed at. Good developers have created these bots using the history of crypto trading data and read market conditions of today to determine whether to buy or sell now. You can authorize bots to make trade on your behalf or alert you to ripe trades if you want to have the final say.
All of this being said, for every legitimate trading bot, there are 99 bots built to scam you out of money. Many bots guarantee daily profits and promise easy money where results simply do not stack up even remotely. We have reviewed on this site some good and popular trading bots based on ease of use and results, but none are ever a sure thing. The best results come from bots that allow for customization of settings which also requires you to know a certain amount of what you are doing anyway.
However, using a good trading bot can result in you easily making money with limited involvement. If you gave it $1000 to begin with, for example, you may have consistent money grow over time. But you could also end up having earned nothing.
Earning Potential: 0% to 100%
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:32 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:33 am
Binary Options Trading.
Most trading binary options are scams, just like with trading bots, but similar to the simple gambling sites, you either win or lose by guessing whether or not something is over or under a set price within a set amount of time. The number of scams present has, of course, giving them a bad reputation over the years. It does not mean it never works, however.
This is less investment-based, and more gambling based. The number of scams has also caused Canada to ban the option entirely as a means of protecting consumers. It's a very high-risk way to make money but you can do it.
Futures Trading.
Bitcoin ( futures trading is an investor option. You take a long or short term position on the futures of the coin via contract, with the long position buying at a specific date and the short-selling at a specific price. This obviously requires a good consistency at predicting future prices (good luck with that) in order to make money.
The first regulated bitcoin futures trading marketplace launch at the end of 2017, just before the all-time high bitcoin price of $20,000, and is now covered in regulations by the CFTC which gives them an extra layer of legitimacy as a market option. Learn from Bakkt for more information on this.
Ask for Donations or Get Creative with your QR Code.
You can use QR codes and tip button options online as a means to ask people to donate money to you. For example, if your QR code gets featured in a public place, this could result in a lot of donations coming in. If you have a tip button for people who like what you had to say or advertisement that allows someone to donate or direct even pennies at the bottom of your page and millions of people visit, you suddenly have the potential to earn a lot of money.
Earning Potential: Low.
Crypto Interest-Earning Savings Accounts.
Effort: Low Income: Low Risk: Medium.
Wallet service providers have now begun to offer interest, similar to fiat currency banks. You allow your currency to sit with them for a set period of time, and they offer 1-5% interest over a year of time. While this requires you to lock your funds for that year, it is still free money. And the option of compounding interest maximizes possible returns.
Unfortunately, there are few guarantees that your money is 100% safe. The same can be said about banks but banks can often be bailed out by governments and have vast umbrella protections. Cryptocurrency holdings are known for being hacked (think on the number of markets that have been hacked over the years) and what's more, companies in this sphere go belly up all the time.
Blockfi is currently one of the reputable providers of crypto savings accounts and offer interest rates as high as 6% per year for both BTC and ETH.
Earning Potential: 1% to 6%
Get Cashback with Affiliated Retailers.
There are a growing number of retailers that offer cashback in crypto for purchasing with them. Think about how ebates work. You buy from a big brand like Nike or best Buy or Groupon, then use the cashback extension of your choice to earn this kind of free money.
Lolli is one example of a crypto based service that does this. If you make purchases through them at any of the retailers they list, you can earn crypto back on that purchase. Some of those retailers give as high back as 9%. Pei is another one that allows for this, giving cashback in the form of giftcards, BTC, and USD.
If you are going to buy something from a company anyways, why not try to see if someone will give you cash back for doing so, right?
Earning Potential: 0.5% to 9% Per Purchase.
Play Games to Earn Bitcoin (
Arguably the most fun way to earn bitcoin (or really any cryptocurrency) is through playing games.
Similar to faucets, some provide a trickle of currency to the people playing those games and also like a faucet, there were more of them that paid better during the early days of bitcoin.
Other games let you earn crypto be farming for rare loot or collectibles you can then sell in their online marketplace to other players.
Then there are the MMORPG style games that allow you to earn digital currency by completing various in-game tasks that then has real value on various cryptocurrency marketplaces.
Huntercoin, Steem Monsters, and Storm Play are 3 of the most popular coin earning games. None of them will earn you much profit but they are fun. If you're going to "waste time" playing some games anyways, you may consider it useful to add one of them to the list.
Start a Crypto YouTube Channel or Podcast.
Effort: Medium to High Income: Unlimited Risk: Low.
If you are the creative and endeavouring type, you can try to build your own corner in crypto medier via platforms like Youtube and podcasting. This won't necessarily earn you cryptocurrency itself, but you can earn fiat money through advertising, referrals to crypto pages and platforms, affiliate sales, and QR codes or donations.
It would require building a dedicated following of people within the crypto community and a knowledge of the latest, best, and worst things within the crypto space or specific coin of your choosing.
This method is not an easy or quick by any means, but it does have unlimited earning potential and growth. During the height of the crypto boom, for example, some Youtubers were earning 6-figure incomes per month just in advertising revenue.
Build a Website and Sell Advertising Space.
Another option for the creative and endeavouring souls among you is the building of a crypto-focused website. Through it, you can sell advertising space to start-ups who will pay you in a significant portion of their own coin or to big players that will pay you to advertise for them in pieces of their coin.
This would require a knowledge of working advertisements platforms like Google AdSense and/or advertising networks. Once your site has a significant threshold of people visiting it, you will also find crypto companies approaching you with advertising offers.
Thousands of crypto websites exist out there currently with new ones attempting to create a space for themselves all the time, but that being said there are still plenty of niches not filled within the crypto space (or even the blockchain space). This becomes even truer for regional based. As the acceptance and use of crypto expands and companies expand worldwide, there will be a greater need for local based sites on the latest in crypto events, news, and offerings.
For example, you could make a site for regional discussions on a specific coin or all of cryptocurrency solely for Ethiopia. You could also consider writing product reviews, analysing investments, technical analysis, reviews of companies, and explanation pieces to draw people to your site.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:34 am

TOP Crypto Picks For 2021: MASSIVE Potential!! 🚀|25:15
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:35 am
Become a Crypto Influencer.
Effort: Medium Income: Medium to High Risk: Low.
Social media influencers have a nearly limitless potential to make money from their following. If you have a large following and base your account around the crypto community, this niche could garner a very profitable situation. This will begin to get crypto companies to pay you just to tweet or post about them and it's especially useful for start-up companies that need the publicity.
If you are able to build the following people based on the interest in crypto and/or blockchain, you will have the potential to leverage that following for your own financial gain.
Work for Coins or Projects in Marketing/PR Roles.
Marketing and PR jobs are a necessity for start-ups to have a chance at working. If you look for and take a job in that sphere, there is a good chance they will pay you in cryptocurrency.
Think about the early days of Google and Apple, when people were paid in mostly stock options because the companies could not afford to pay in a lot of USD. If the token or coin you are paid in explodes in growth, you are suddenly worth a lot of money and have a lot of money.
This role does not even require a lot of PR or marketing experience and could include things as simple as translating whitepapers into your language or having good social media experience. These jobs can range in importance and experience level from grunt tasks to executive management positions. Apply everywhere you can and flex your skills when possible if you wish to earn cryptocurrency this way.
Exercise to Earn Crypto.
Effort: Low to High Income: Low Risk: Low.
Sweatcoin is an app on iOS and Android that allows participants to convert steps into cryptocurrency. The idea is a social experiment to see if people can be encouraged to exercise more if they got paid small amounts to do it. For every 1,000 steps, you earn about one Sweatcoin (SWC).
Currently, SWC has no value on exchanges, but it does have value within their own marketplace. They offer airline miles, video streaming subscriptions, ebooks, and even physical items like iPhones.
The Downsides of Being Paid in Crypto.
Volatile: A volatile market makes the earning potential of being paid in a cryptocurrency a wary one. At any given moment, the worth of that coin could dive off a cliff. If your bills are also being paid in crypto, it is not as difficult to accomplish but if not, then it makes your income very unreliable.
Regulatory Changes: Currently, governments the world over are navigating how to label and regulate this unstable market in order to protect consumers and the world market. This has led some governments to ban cryptocurrency altogether. If you're being paid in a digital token or coin and the government suddenly introduces strict regulations, it can have a nominal impact upon you and your earning potential.
Changing Tax Requirements: Just like with regulations, tax codes are also changing. The requirements per country are confusing and could land you in a lot of trouble if you don't know what you are doing.
Crypto Payment Availability: If you make most or all of your money in cryptocurrency, it may require a steady stream of selling it off in order to live since most companies and people do not accept crypto payments for things like rent, mortgages, food, electricity etc.
These disadvantages are real considerations should you choose this path and it's important to arm yourself with the knowledge necessary for a peaceful existence while making money this way.
Tax Treatment by the IRS - How do they work?
The US Government has had some measure of tax policies on bitcoin since 2014 and has treated the purchase of it as purchasing a property. This means any profits requires capital gains taxing.
Many people wrongly think there are no taxes involved in this sphere and that can cause you a lot of problems. If the IRS believes you have been earning significant money through crypto income, they can come after you. The fines alone can get quite expensive. Hiring a good accountant might be the best investment for you.
Here are two steps to take when dealing with cryptocurrency and taxes:
Calculate how much profit you earned from selling cryptocurrency. This figure will be called your realized gain or profit or inversely, your realized loss. If you bought low and sold high, this number should reflect that. If you bought high and sold low, the number should be negative.
Note the dates in which you purchased and sold your crypto. The period between the two is called the holding period. If this period is a year or less, it will be considered a short term gain. If it is more than a year, it is considered a long term gain. This is important because the IRS charges taxes differently for long and short term gains.
Short term gains are treated more like ordinary incomes and added to the amount of money you made that year, making it already your standard tax rate. Long term gains are calculated as capital gains- meaning you pay a separate and special capital gains tax and not an income tax. This tax is generally lower and in the United States comes at three levels, depending on income and filing status (0%, 15%, and 20%).
After going through those two steps, you will be able to properly add the concluding information to your pay report and pay the lawful amount necessary.
Bitcoin ( is just one offering as a unit of measurement, a medium exchange, and a store of value offers itself up as a unit of measurement, a medium of exchange and a store of wealth value, and has the potential to become the programmable money of the future.
Though purely speculative, the above list can lead you to make quite a profit via earning cryptocurrency. It should help you make the choices that best suit you in your endeavor to being a part of the blockchain revolution. With that in mind, earning crypto today could result in multiplied value should you hold onto it with market gains for that coin or token but is, at the very least, still useful income should you sell right away.
Follow the methods above to start generating your own bitcoin profits and join the revolution! What are you waiting for?
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:35 am

Обзор ICO Honest Mining ( (HNST)|4:28
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:36 am
Here's What You Need to Mine 1 Bitcoin ( From Home in 2020.
For another 80 days, mining one Bitcoin ( will be relatively easy. After the halving, it will be roughly twice as resource-intensive to generate one new coin. Better start moving fast!
Antminer S17 Raises Chances of Mining Success.
Generating one whole bitcoin per year through mining is not guaranteed, and cannot fit an exact estimation. The solving of a block is not only a matter of mathematics, but also of luck. This means that setting up sufficient hashrate to mine one BTC may not be enough. Scenarios must include market prices, electricity costs, and competition from other miners.
The usual approach in 2020 is to secure participation into a mining pool. Solo mining, while potentially more profitable, can be a betting game where the hashrate competes against bigger pools. However, joining a pool may increase the chances of sharing a block reward.
A case study recently performed on the latest ASIC, Antminer S17, shows that mining one bitcoin per year is possible with consumer electronics. There is, however, one caveat. Setup and electricity costs mean that mining one bitcoin at home in 2020 will also cost about one BTC at current prices. An Antminer S17 retails for about $2,000, a relatively lower price in comparison to previous models that went as high as $4,000 or more during times of heightened demand. Two of those machines can easily mine 1 BTC within a year, at current difficulty.
Mining farms, which manage to achieve electricity costs of 5 cents per kilowatt, can still manage to mine profitably, especially in the remaining days before the halving. While currently mining at 5 cents is profitable, after the halving, even large farms will have to pay roughly one BTC to mine one whole coin.
Breakeven for Amateur Mining at $10,000 per Bitcoin (
When calculating the mining of one BTC, the prediction takes into account possible price fluctuations in various breakeven scenarios. If BTC climbs up to $50,000, breakeven would not be a problem. But any price fluctuation can lead to immediate losses. Thus, producing one BTC through ASIC for amateurs would have the same effect as buying one BTC. However, the advantage of mining is the coin has no previous history, and owning it is still entirely anonymous.
At the moment, the BTC hashrate is around 97 quintillion hashes per second. Mining is highly active and competitive 80 days before the halving, and most of the block rewards go to the four largest mining pools in China - Poolin, F2Pool, Antpool and Those pools take up nearly 60% of the block rewards, and secure relatively low electricity prices.
Mining difficulty has also grown by leaps in the past year, making it more expensive and challenging to generate one BTC. However, with more ASIC Antminer S17 shipped, miners can manage to stay ahead of the curve.
What do you think of the chance to mine one BTC in 2020? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!
Images via Shutterstock, Youtube @Voskcoin.
Bitcoin mining ( Corporation.
Mine the crypto of your choice.
Unparalleled reliability and transparency.
The best way to invest in cryptocurrency.
Mine Bitcoin (, Ethereum, Litecoin and many others. We sell hashpower and the most state of the art mining equipment. Let us do all the work for you so you can start mining.
Responsive customer support team.
We are dedicated to customer support. We respond to customer emails and calls. A team member is assigned to every customer. All support is handled manually.
Secure cloud mining payment system.
Buy contracts and get paid! We pay monthly and do not use any automated systems. We created a system that is simple and secure.
What is our mission?
Our mission is to support the cryptocurrency movement and advance blockchain technology. We began mining Bitcoin ( in 2013 using Nvidia 7900 video cards. Fast forward today, BMC has teamed up with the largest server distributor in Texas. BMC is headquartered in Uptown, Dallas & boasts a 32,000 sq. ft. warehouse in Plano, Texas. BMC is now the 1st & largest cryptocurrency mining hardware company in the USA. For help navigating the world of crypto, send us an email or contact us on LinkedIn at
Cloud mining allows people to mine crypto-currency without the expertise, equipment & hassle of Bitcoin mining ( Mining crypto-currencies is complex, using a large amount electricity. Mining requires lots of space, is noisy, expensive & produces a lot of heat. Mining difficulty rises over time, requiring regular equipment upgrades. Cloud mining solves all these problems for the customer. The customer purchases hashing power from our mining facility. The contract is a mining equipment rental for a set term. The profit from the hash power created from the mining equipment is credited to the customer's account. The mining profit is calculated and deposited the 1st of every month. Take profits or reinvest at BMC for more hashing power compounding your residual income.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:37 am

Ice Rock Mining ( ICO #icerockmining #miningfarm #s17 #bitcoin #майнинг #mininghost|4:12
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:37 am
Zero carbon footprint.
We currently use Green Mountain Energy for our electricity. Green Mountain Energy uses wind and solar power to power our mining facility with a zero carbon footprint. Green Mountain has been a leading renewable energy provider in Texas, since 2002. We are dedicated to renewable energy and sustainability.
3333 Lee Parkway Suite 671A Dallas, Texas 75219 Phone: (214) 665-9400 Mon - Fri, 10:00am - 6:00pm.
Mining Warehouse/Distribution Center.
2609 Technology Dr. Plano, Texas 75074 Phone: (469) 718-3777 Not open to public.
Current customer support - [email protected]
Self mining bitcoin.
You need to run a full node [2] to validate transactions. First, install Bitcoin ( (both GUI and Daemon) with the complete blockchain downloaded. Bitcoin ( Core is a full node software program that fully validates transactions and blocks. The installation will take a long time because it requires the whole growing blockchain [3] to be downloaded.
server=1 listen=1 daemon=1 rpcuser=X rpcpassword=Q rpcallowip=localhost rpcport=Y.
Download and install the ASIC Bitcoin ( Miner software like CGMiner, BFGMiner, and many other choices [4].
For a solo miner, the mining software connects you to the blockchain (Bitcoin ( Core). The main job of the Bitcoin ( Miner software is to deliver the mining hardware's work to the rest of the Bitcoin ( network.
Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty: A Self-Regulating System.
Mining is the backbone of the Bitcoin ( network.
Without this utility, the network collapses on its back, just like a human who breaks their backbone. Mining ensures that the network is decentralized, and transactions go through with a supervising central entity. Miners, in their hundreds of thousands, keep the system fluid and accountable with their service.
But no one wants to work for free. Yes, for miners to have the motivation to provide this valuable service, they need a fitting incentive. Block rewards and transaction fees are what interest most miners in this activity. Maybe one or two do it out of real belief in decentralization. But humans being humans, profitability has to be a primary consideration.
What Determines Mining Profitability?
Various factors come into play as relates to your bottom line from mining. The two main variables are:
The mining difficulty level. The price of Bitcoin (
a. Min ing Difficulty.
More people, more problems.
Well, that is a non-typical application of this quote but still fitting. The more people try to mine Bitcoin (, the more difficult it is. If you move into a town and open the only convenience store, you make easy profits and don't struggle to sell your product.
Assume five other people open similar stores.
Naturally, it becomes challenging to make the same profits as before. Unless you can offer the consumer something the other stores don't, you have to contend with the competition.
Apply the same logic to mining.
As Bitcoin ( became more popular, mining got more difficult. There are only 21 million Bitcoins to prevent inflation. Bitcoin ( is a deflationary cryptocurrency because there is a finite amount.
Therefore, to justify the mining difficulty, you need the best equipment available and the cheapest power you can find. VBit Technologies has both of these.
b. Bitcoin ( Price as a Factor.
Let's rope in the second variable, Bitcoin ( prices. To make the variable practical, let's use a real-life gold mine as an example.
Picture a gold mine with 100 gold nuggets in it. Suppose you are the only one with access to mine, but in the outside world, few people care about gold. So, you mine the 100 nuggets and sell each for a paltry $1.
Even if you manage to sell all the 100 nuggets, you only end up with one hundred dollars.
Now, take the same mine, but this time everyone is trying to mine the gold. In such a competitive environment, each nugget of gold will invariably become more expensive. Say $1,000 per nugget. If you manage to land a single nugget of gold, you have a thousand dollars in your pocket!
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:37 am

SECRETS To Finding a 100x Token Sale!! ✅|22:53
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:38 am

How to mine Valerium!!!! Mining ( Only! PoW blockchain!!! No ICO!!!!!!|6:29
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:38 am
In the exact same way, the more people get involved in trying to mine and use Bitcoin (, the higher prices go.
Even though it is more difficult to mine one Bitcoin (, the rewards for mining that Bitcoin ( means that you still have the incentive to try and compete for the mining rewards.
Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty Follows Price.
These two factors are dynamic. The higher the mining difficulty, the less Bitcoin ( you get for a fixed amount of power.
To justify the difficulty, prices tend to go up. The higher the price, the more people get interested in Bitcoin mining ( As with any asset, more people get interested in it when prices are going up.
Therefore, mining difficulty follows prices.
But the drag effect is not necessarily instantaneous.
After the historic Bitcoin ( Bull Run of late 2017, peak mining difficulty actually came about seven months later. People don't know how to time the market. This is because people saw the Bitcoin ( price skyrocket and got interested in mining.
Even though the bear market made mining unprofitable for most, they still hoped that prices would recover and return to profitability.
Bitcoin mining ( equipment prices also follow prices. As Bitcoin ( prices went up in that period, the prices of mining equipment like Antminer went up.
Bitcoin ( Is a Self-Regulating System.
When people see Bitcoin ( prices go up, they go into a frenzy buying equipment. The natural consequence is that mining difficulty goes up.
If there is a drop in Bitcoin ( prices, people lose interest because people with high electricity rates become unprofitable and mining difficulty levels off with time. Even with lower prices, if you can keep mining as mining difficulty goes down, you will be able to mine more Bitcoin ( with the same amount of energy.
The drag effect prices have on mining difficulty leads to a self-regulating system. Bitcoin mining ( has been a self-regulating system for a decade, and there is no reason for this trend to change.
Mining follows the basic laws of supply and demand.
Yes, mining difficulty may lag, sometimes by months. However, if you find a mining solution with low electricity costs and low overhead, you can maintain profitability throughout.
Profitability for Efficient Bitcoin ( Miners.
High-efficiency miners, with the resources to seek the best locations, energy rates, and scale mining capacity, are more likely to succeed. This bracket is where VBit Technologies fits.
The high efficiency miner can be able to make even more during periods of bear markets before mining difficulty drags to adjust to the new prices. Miners without the low power costs and high overhead will have to turn off their machines because low Bitcoin ( prices take them out of business.
Having this endurance means that a high-efficiency miner can be in business all throughout the period. As mining difficulty goes down, this is the best time to start mining Bitcoin ( With smaller competition, resilient miners can mine more Bitcoin ( per fixed unit of power than before.
Mining is about surviving hard times. The self-regulating nature of Bitcoin mining ( means that low-efficiency miners are most vulnerable during bear markets. Just like natural selection in evolution, it is about survival for the fittest.
Human emotion has fueled many to go into Bitcoin mining ( with low efficiency during Bull Markets. When prices go down, such entities find themselves reeling into obscurity because their costs become too much. During a price downturn, it can be the best time to buy into mining and Bitcoin ( from a high-efficiency miner. You can mine more Bitcoin ( when mining difficulty goes down and sell mined Bitcoin ( for good profits when prices rebound.
VBit Technologies as an Efficient Bitcoin mining ( Company.
VBit Technologies is a high-efficiency miner. We did our research to ensure that we had the best locations for our data centers, minimizing both power costs and overhead.
When VBit started mining, Bitcoin ( prices were about $15,000. When prices cratered during the Bitcoin ( bear market, a lot of companies were forced out of businesses. VBit Technologies was able to survive one of the worst bear markets in Bitcoin ('s short history, and there is no reason why we should not survive the next.
Even with the Coronavirus fueled Bitcoin ( selloff, VBit Technologies will survive and probably thrive. As some miners go out of business, our equipment will keep running and even benefit as mining difficulty goes down.
VBit is well-positioned because we have no liabilities and have great liquidity. As some companies go out of business, VBit Technologies can go another level. We have gone through a bear market even when there was more panic within the Bitcoin ( community.
At the moment, VBit Technologies has ordered over a million dollars worth of the latest Antminer mining equipment to ramp up operations further. This equipment is fully-paid for and coupled with cheap electricity rates, gives us a more competitive advantage.
VBit offers seven mining packages ranging from the $25 Explorer package to the most exclusive $50,000 Black diamond package. It is a great way to mine Bitcoins because VBit Technologies has been able to retain profitability throughout the bear market.
Accordingly, joining the VBit mining family is a great way to make a passive Bitcoin ( income stream. To remain profitable during bear markets, we sourced out low power costs throughout North America . During periods of high Bitcoin ( prices, we can increase our hash power and pass profits to our customers.
Join VBit Technologies today and be part of the future of Bitcoin mining (! Sign up now!
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:38 am

World of Warcraft: Legion - How to get ranks in Mining ( in Legion|7:07
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:39 am

How to GPU mine NVIDIA on linux - ubuntu 16.04 - step by step|9:45
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:45 am
What Bitcoin mining (
What is Bitcoin mining ( The Full Guide.
Bitcoin mining ( is an interactive way to secure the Bitcoin ( network and also (hopefully) earn a small profit. The reason why only a small profit may be available is that, like any other large industry, Bitcoin mining ( is dominated by professional players. It can be difficult to make much money on a small scale.
That being said, Bitcoin mining ( is still a fantastic way to learn about Bitcoin (, give back to the cryptocurrency community and earn some BTC on the side. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about mining including why it’s important, when it started and who the major players are.
Before You Mine or Use Bitcoin (
Before mining or using Bitcoin ( (BTC), make sure to set up a wallet where you can send your Bitcoin ( to! You don't want to send your BTC to an online exchange since they're notorious for getting hacked or otherwise losing user funds.
The Exodus Bitcoin ( wallet is a community favorite thanks to:
Supporting over 100 crypto assets Focusing on premium design and ease of use Being the only wallet to support desktop, mobile, and hardware wallet (Trezor) integration Allowing you to exchange your Bitcoin ( for other cryptos right from your wallet - without creating an account! Giving you the ability to sync your wallet between desktop and mobile Having 24/7, fast human support if you ever need help From left to right: Exodus on Trezor, mobile, and desktop. Download Exodus BTC wallet.
What is Bitcoin mining ( Bitcoin mining ( Meaning.
In a sentence: Bitcoin mining ( is the process by which specialized computers secure the Bitcoin ( network in return for a payment in BTC. В.
Here’s the longer explanation:
When we talk about Bitcoin mining ( what we’re referring to is the extensive network of specialized computers that are used to secure the Bitcoin ( network. Here are a few key fundamentals of this network.
There are about 1 million ASICs (specialized computers) that mine Bitcoin ( These are spread all over the world. The ASICs do complex math to help secure Bitcoin (, and in return, are given a block reward. A block reward is equal to 6.25 BTC as of May 2020. To “attack” or “hack” the Bitcoin ( network, a perpetrator would need to control a majority of the hardware being used to secure Bitcoin ( As this hardware costs billions of dollars, it would be complicated to acquire it all and then hack Bitcoin ( An ASIC miner with its power supply.
What is the Point of Bitcoin mining (
The point of Bitcoin mining ( is security. Every network needs security and Bitcoin ( is no different. One of Bitcoin’s key components is its scarceness. There are only so many Bitcoin ( (21 million) and no matter how high the price goes, more cannot be created.
This fundamental scarcity is similar to what makes gold so useful as a currency. No matter how high the price goes, it’s difficult to mine more gold. This supply inelasticity is part of what makes gold valuable.
Back to Bitcoin mining (, the process of securing the Bitcoin ( network is known as Proof of Work (POW). POW is one of Satoshi’s most game-changing inventions and it is what allows Bitcoin ( to be provably scarce. Bitcoin mining ( is what ensures that more Bitcoin ( cannot be created or “copied.”.
This leads to an interesting point, Bitcoin ( was the first digital asset in the world that couldn’t be copied. When you think back, DVDs, Xbox games, top-secret government files, every digital “thing” prior to Bitcoin ( could be copied, but not BTC. That’s thanks to Bitcoin’s network of miners.
When did Bitcoin mining ( Start?
For as long as there has been Bitcoin (, there has been Bitcoin mining ( It started with Satoshi Nakamoto (the mysterious person or group who created Bitcoin ( and a select few others mining Bitcoin ( on their laptops. All of that mining was productive and Satoshi accumulated some 1 million coins before he/she/they disappeared.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 09:46 am

Mining ( With HiveOS - Step-by-Step Tutorial \u0026 Review|35:01
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 02:49 pm
The Satoshi coins have not moved in about a decade and it is generally believed that the only way any person could ever prove themselves to be Satoshi is by moving some of these early coins.
We mention all of this just to illustrate the point that mining started with Satoshi and it has been going on since the first block of Bitcoin ( Without miners, Bitcoin ( cannot exist.
How Much Bitcoin mining ( Per Day?
Bitcoin mining ( is a big business. It’s not always profitable and bear markets are especially tough on miners. However, when mining is profitable it can be quite profitable. Let’s do some basic math assuming that Bitcoin ( is selling for $10,000.
There is a new block on the Bitcoin ( network every 10 minutes. That’s six blocks in an hour, twenty-four hours in a day so approximately 144 blocks per day (there can be small variations in how often blocks are produced). Since the May 2020 Bitcoin ( halvening the block reward has been 6.25 BTC.
6.25 BTC per block X $10,000 BTC price X 144 blocks per day = $9,000,000 per day that’s paid out to miners. Or, $3.3 billion per year. That’s the Bitcoin ( security budget, not too shabby.
Now imagine that Bitcoin ( goes up to $100,000. In that case Bitcoin mining ( becomes a $33 billion annual industry!
Who is Mining Bitcoin (
A majority of Bitcoin mining ( today is done by large operations (mining farms). These mining farms tend to have thousands or tens of thousands of ASIC computers running simultaneously.
Although Bitcoin mining ( can be lucrative, there’s a lot of competition so you need to have quite a few miners in order to make a good profit (also, by buying miners in bulk, the larger mining operations can get healthy discounts).
Many of the largest Bitcoin mining ( operations are based in China (thanks to cheap hydropower electricity), although this is slowly changing.
In the coming years, Bitcoin mining ( is expected to decentralize throughout the world, especially to areas with cool temperatures and cheap electricity.
An ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) is the cornerstone of Bitcoin mining ( It’s a rectangular computer about the size of a narrow shoebox that’s loud and hot and designed exclusively to perform the complex math that’s used to secure the Bitcoin ( network.
What is a good hashrate for Bitcoin mining (
There is no good hashrate for Bitcoin mining (, the way there is a good temperature for hanging out at the beach. The Bitcoin ( network's total hashrate changes over time and in the long term is always going up.
So trying to determine how good an ASIC is based on its hashrate is only useful when you take into account the total network's hashrate (e.g. if the total hashrate rises, your share of the total hashrate decreases, making it harder for you to mine new blocks).
Image credit:
In terms of mining profitability, the best time to mine is after a difficulty adjustment downwards (as can be seen on this graph around March). When this happens, you can mine more efficiently until the hashrate rises again. You can keep track of the Bitcoin ( hashrate here.
Bitcoin ( Miner Software.
If you’re just getting started with mining you might want to consider using a program to manage your mining operation. Hive OS, for example, is a good option. Hive OS has a centralized dashboard so that you can keep track of all your miners in one place.
You can choose which coins you want to mine (Bitcoin ( miners can mine BTC, BCH, BSV, LTC, and others), track electricity usage and update the ASIC firmware.
Hive OS isn’t quite as customizable as some of the other programs on the market but what it lacks in customization it makes up for with usability. There are many other programs on the market as well.
A Bitcoin mining ( pool is a collection of Bitcoin ( miners working together. All of the miners pool their ASIC computing power and then split the proceeds.
What ends up happening is that no matter which particular ASIC in a mining pool “wins” the block reward, the reward is split evenly among everyone in the mining pool (minus a service fee, typically 1 to 2%).
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 02:49 pm

Learn how to mine Cryptocurrency, including Monero, using Linux.|21:20
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 02:51 pm

Let's Try Nicehash ( OS!|28:28
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 02:52 pm
There are a few advantages to contributing to a mining pool rather than mining on your own:
A small Bitcoin mining ( operation can earn a steady profit in proportion to the hashrate that they contribute to the mining pool. If a small mining operation were to mine on their own they might go a month, six months, even a year without once winning a block reward and getting the Bitcoin ( For larger Bitcoin mining ( operations a mining pool can cut down on the volatility of Bitcoin mining ( Bitcoin mining ( is already an incredibly cyclical industry (thanks to the volatility of Bitcoin’s price) and anything that can be done to reduce that volatility is a good thing.
You can check out the largest mining pools here.
Bitcoin mining ( pools. Image credit:
A Bitcoin mining ( farm is a large collection of ASICs being used to mine Bitcoin ( Essentially, a mining farm looks a lot like a data center, except that instead of servers there are Bitcoin mining ( rigs.
The largest Bitcoin mining ( farms are truly spectacular to behold in their sheer size. The number of Bitcoin mining ( farms spread across the planet are why some people say that Bitcoin ( has the largest network in the world.
As mentioned, Bitcoin mining ( farms tend to be built in areas with cheap electricity and/or cool temperatures.
What is Cloud Mining Bitcoin (
Cloud mining happens when a company sets up a Bitcoin mining ( farm and then rents out the hashpower. Cloud mining allows an organization or person to mine Bitcoin ( on demand without having to set up their own farm.
As cloud mining is typically not the most cost effective way to acquire Bitcoin ( As such, it’s fairly uncommon for people to engage in it, although there are some advantages.
There may be tax advantages in certain jurisdictions, to acquiring Bitcoin ( from mining instead of purchasing it. Newly mined Bitcoin ( is “clean.” When you get new Bitcoin ( you can be sure that it’s never been involved in a hack, used on the black market, etc. This is especially important for institutional investors who will pay a premium to get Bitcoin ( straight from a miner.
Bitcoin mining ( App.
Hive OS has a mobile app for Android (iOS App coming soon) that offers the same functionality as their dashboard. You can turn your ASIC miners on and off, update the firmware, switch mining pools, etc.
Bitcoin mining ( Free.
There is no way to mine Bitcoin ( “for free.” That would be akin to saying you can mine gold for free. Even under the best circumstances, you still have to buy a shovel and some prospecting gear.
Perhaps when people say that you can mine Bitcoin ( for free what they mean is that you can use your computer to mine BTC. Well… The problem is that mining Bitcoin ( will push your computer to its limits and keep it there.
Computers used for mining wear out and break. Also, even if your computer lasts five years you’re unlikely to ever earn enough mining to even pay for the cost of a new one, let alone become financially independent.
If someone says that you can mine Bitcoin ( for free it’s most likely a scam.
Why does Bitcoin mining ( Use so Much Energy?
Bitcoin ( uses a lot of energy because ASICs are always running near their threshold. For example, your laptop probably is only using 25 to 50% of its computing power at any given time, less when it’s idle. On the other hand, ASICs are designed to run near their peak limits 24/7, which requires tremendous energy.
ASICs also generate heat so they must be cooled. If mining in a hot climate, that means air conditioning. Even in a snowy climate, hundreds of fans may be needed to circulate in the cold air from outside to cool down a mining farm. В.
There have been articles claiming that Bitcoin mining ( uses as much energy as the entire country of Denmark. It’s hard to determine if these claims are accurate, but even if they are, they don’t tell the full story.
Bitcoin mining ( is predominately powered by renewable energy, which isn’t as bad for the environment as fossil fuels. This is especially the case in China, where Bitcoin mining ( uses hydropower energy that would otherwise go underutilized.
One of the most exciting developments in Bitcoin mining ( is the introduction of portable mining. In the fracking industry, one of the largest problems is that wells produce an excess of natural gas.
Since it’s too expensive to build pipelines to transport this gas, it’s common for drilling companies to “flare” the gas, which is just a fancy word for burning it off into the atmosphere. There is a legal limit to how much gas can be flared and once this limit is reached the well must shut down. A portable Bitcoin mining ( rig can solve this problem.
A portable Bitcoin mining ( rig contains a bunch of ASICs and a generator, built into an old shipping container. The generator uses the excess natural gas to generate electricity which in turn powers the ASICs.
Using this technology petroleum companies can avoid flaring and they can also earn a profit on a product that they were otherwise releasing into the atmosphere.
As of yet portable Bitcoin mining ( has yet to catch on in a big way but hopefully it will in the coming years. For those who would like to learn more about it, there is an excellent TFTC podcast covering this topic.
Yes and no. Bitcoin mining ( is a cutthroat business and it’s unlikely that any small-time miner without millions of dollars’ worth of equipment will ever get rich off it. If money is the only factor then it’s probably better to just buy Bitcoin ( and HODL it into the next bull market.
However, Bitcoin mining ( can be worth it as a hobby. It can be rewarding to contribute to network security, to hold coins that you’ve mined yourself and to learn more about the nuts and bolts of Bitcoin (
It also helps if you live somewhere with cheap electricity (college dorms where electricity is a fixed cost have become popular for crypto mining).
If you’d like to learn more about whether mining Bitcoin ( is worth it, we’ve written another article that dives deeper into this subject: is Bitcoin mining ( worth it?
When does Bitcoin mining ( End?
This is where Bitcoin ( gets really interesting: it has a predictable supply curve all the way through the next century. Bitcoin’s monetary policy is the total opposite of our current banking system controlled by the Federal Reserve and other countries’ central banks, where traders and investors make and lose millions betting on what central banks will do with the money supply. В.
What Bitcoin ( does is cut its inflation rate in half every four years. We’ve most recently experienced this in May 2020 with the Bitcoin ( block reward going from 12.5 BTC per block to 6.25 Bitcoin ( per block. This halving will continue until the block reward stops altogether around 2140.
At this point, the hope is that the transaction fees on the Bitcoin ( network would be high enough that miners would continue to mine and Bitcoin ( remains secure. How expensive would fees have to be for this model to be viable?
Frankly, nobody knows. $50 per transaction? $500? It’s anybody’s guess and unless some great new medical advancements are made it’s unlikely many of us will be around for that day.
For now, Bitcoin mining ( is alive and well and we owe a debt of gratitude to Bitcoin ( miners for keeping the network secure and allowing us to experience a new form of money.
Posts Tagged ' Intel Xeon E5-2650 '
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 02:53 pm

Mining ( Cryptocurrency With ONLY ~1 WATT?! Custom Raspberry Pi Micro Miner Review|14:10
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 02:54 pm
Trying Crypto Mining ( with a Dual CPU E5 Second Hand Servers.
The enterprise segment is constantly upgrading their hardware and this fuels the second hand market with interesting and very affordable yet pretty powerful hardware that can also be used for crypto mining. The latest wave of hardware getting replaced and available at a really affordable prices are the first generation of Intel 2011 E5 dual CPU Xeon workstations and servers. This means that you are able to easily acquire a very nicely priced second had server system with two 8-core processors such as Intel Xeon E5-2650 v1 getting 16 physical or 32 logical cores with Hyper Threading. The big question here however is if systems like that that may be acquired cheap are really worth using for crypto mining as they only come with a lot of CPU power, but no GPU capable of being used for mining as for server needs not much GPU power is required generally. We have picked up one such cheap systems off eBay with dual Xeon E5-2650 processors and put it through some benchmarks to gent a better idea on what to expect...
Currently it seems that the only worthwhile CPU-based algorithm to check is the CryptoNight and using the what seems to be the fastest CPU software available at the moment - the XMR-Stak CPU Miner for Monero (XMR). Running the XMR-Stak miner on all 32 logical cores has managed to get us an average hashrate of about 523 HS (hashes per second). The result may not seem that bad for CPU mining, considering that it is a bit slower than a single high-end GPU and the power used by the system is about 150 Watts, so again similar to a more recent higher-end GPU.
We need to run the numbers through an XMR mining calculator and doing just that on Cryptocompare shows that we are actually going to be mining with profit, but the profit isn't going to be that much. With the current rate it would take a couple of years just to earn back what we have paid for the hardware itself. Not very interesting to CPU mine with such a system, but this is just at the moment, with some new and interesting developments for coins that are only CPU mineable appearing things might look very different... especially if you get a couple of these dual CPU systems to have handy. For the moment however you might want to check them out if you have some other computational needs than crypto mining as the price they can be acquired for is really attractive and again they are still pretty powerful as far as CPU performance goes.
Published in: Tests and Reviews Related tags: CPU crypto mining, cryptonight, CryptoNight CPU mining, Dual CPU crypto mining, Intel Xeon E5-2650, monero, Monero CPU mining, xmr, XMR CPU mining, XMR-Stak CPU Miner.
Read More (6) Comments.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 02:55 pm
Monero Mining Benchmarks - CPU Mining With Select Dual Intel Xeon E5 Systems.
We recently started using Monero mining in our data center lab for a burn-in application. We are certainly far from a large operation accounting for only around 0.06% of the worldwide Monero hash rate. At the same time, our penchent for collecting data made us test a variety of configurations. We benchmarked several server CPU configurations and have data on the biggest drivers of performance. We also have resources to get started with Monero mining on your own systems.
The Quick Monero Background.
At the turn of 2017, and for the past several years, Bitcoin ( has been the largest cryptocurrency by far. Monero is a cryptocurrency that put an emphasis on privacy and is considered significantly more anonymous than Bitcoin ( As a result, Monero has moved from a $0.50 / 1 XMR currency a year ago to $13/ 1 XMR as of today. That movement, and the privacy focus, has made Monero a top 5 cryptocurrency and pushed it into the mainstream with even a recent WIRED article on the currency.
The advantage of this has been that Monero is now very easy to exchange and has tools that are more mature than several other cryptocurrencies. For STH readers there is a larger implication. Unlike Bitcoin mining ( which is dominated by ASICs, Monero is currently best mined on GPUs. CPU mining can be profitable as well. That means STH readers have the infrastructure able to mine Monero.
Monero Benchmarks - Why STH?
At STH we have a unique position as we have an independent test lab facility with the largest array of different processors running at a given time. We even allow folks to try out different configurations with our DemoEval service. During downtime that affords us the ability to run, in a controlled manner, benchmarking and power consumption measurements. While there are various sources of user-submitted benchmarks, they do not provide exactly the same test setups to make apples-to-apples comparisons of Monero mining performance.
STH readers often have Intel Xeon E5-2600 series processors with spare CPU cycles and potentially power budgets in data centers, so this is an application with a small footprint that can help offset some data center costs. For those running E3 and Xeon D CPUs, this is far from an ideal application. For example, a Xeon D-1587 with 16 cores / 32 threads performs about the same as a single Xeon E5-2630L V3 with 8 cores/ 16 threads. This is due to the L3 cache size reduction on Broadwell-DE and the importance of cache with Monero mining.
We do not advocate buying dual processor Intel Xeon E5 systems for the purpose of Monero mining. At the same time, it can be a good way to burn extra CPU cycles on servers that are already deployed.
At the end of this article, we have some resources to get you started with mining Monero.
Intel Xeon E5-2600 Monero Mining Performance.
We have a lengthy thread in the STH forums on Monero mining performance. That has a much larger set of benchmarks and instructions to get up and running on your servers within minutes. We wanted to provide a few charts with analysis. We are going to start with the raw hash rates of 18 test cases we are going to present today. In the linked thread we have several other configurations tested but we did want to focus on a few samples.
Intel Xeon Monero CPU Mining Performance Comparison Raw Hashrate.
As you can see, the quad Intel Xeon E7-8870 V3 performed extremely well. Unfortunately, we did not get to test the Dell PowerEdge R930 with 4x E7-8890 V4's we had in the lab using our newest image. As a point of comparison, that system scored 2200H/s on our old image while the quad E7-8870 V3 above scored 1585H/s with that image. Still one can see the main trends here. The 10-14 core dual Xeon E5 systems performed relatively similar to one another.
The next question is how well these systems performed with regards to the number of cores, threads, and L3 cache. Here is a summary of what that looks like. As you can see, the single Intel Xeon E5-2630L V3 system was an outlier. Coincidentally, it is also the lowest power system of the 18 we tested.
Intel Xeon Monero CPU Mining Performance Comparison Summary.
We are going to keep all of these charts in the same order (by descending total hash rate from left to right) since we are presenting a lot of data. In the first deep-dive slide we are going to look at the L3 cache impact on mining performance.
Intel Xeon Monero CPU Mining Performance Comparison L3 Cache.
As you can see, this seems to be the best indicator in terms of performance and why the Monero CPU mining community often uses L3 cache / 2 as the number of threads. We actually tested all 18 configurations with different recommended thread counts and L3 cache MB / 2 was the optimal solution for each system. The standard deviation on the figures here was the lowest of our three deep dive slices at 1.66 with an average/ median of 16.3/ 16.1 respectively.
Intel Xeon Monero CPU Mining Performance Comparison Base Clocks.
As you can see, several of the lower-power chips performed well in this comparison because the low power Intel Xeon chips tend to have low base clocks. The Xeon D family is hindered by the lower L3 cache per core.
We also wanted to provide a look at the H/s figures based on Turbo clocks. We are using the max single core turbo speeds here not the all core turbo speeds, however, there is usually a correlation in terms of the number of clock speed increments.
Intel Xeon Monero CPU Mining Performance Comparison Turbo Clocks.
As you can see, the low power chips again proved fairly excellent. We did see the impact of clock speeds on mining, however, the biggest differentiator was the L3 cache size.
In terms of power consumption, here are a few data points. The 4x E7-8870 V3 machine pulled 988W on our 208V circuit. The dual E5-2628L V4 system in a 4N / 2U chassis were around 180W each and the E5-2630L V4 machine was 205W in a 1U chassis. The Xeon D-1587 node was 118w while the single E6-2630L V3 was a paltry 98w in their 1U chassis. Unfortunately, we were looking for raw performance figures rather than absolute power consumption numbers.
Resources and How To Get Started.
If you want to get started easily, we have very simple resources that we have been working on, including Docker CPU and GPU mining ( images.
Here are a few relevant threads in the STH forums:
We are using Docker as we found a negligible performance impact (0.1% or so) with the ability to utilize orchestration to push the images over a Docker Swarm.
As an example, if you want to start with a Docker node immediately, you can simply:
Sign up at Minergate for an account (remember the e-mail you use, we are going to assume [email protected]) Run the following command (use your Minergate email and you can change -it to -d if you do not want to see output):
docker run -it -e [email protected] servethehome/monero_cpu_minergate.
That will download and compile the popular CPU miner, determine the best thread count and start mining directly to the Minergate pool. We are using Minergate as it had better performance than several other pools we tried. In the forums we have several images already using different mining pools. We also already have images for using nvidia-docker and mining on NVIDIA GPUs.
We are going to have several more guides on getting Monero mining online easily on your server clusters. In the past few weeks, this setup has already mined around 100 XMR (or $1300+) worth of Monero just using spare CPU cycles and power in our data center lab.
If you wanted a great reason to join the STH Forums community, the threads linked above are a great place to start and this is a fun hobby that can earn some significant money to offset data center costs if you already have the hardware. We would not recommend buying hardware solely for Monero mining, however it is a fun way to learn key concepts for Docker and utilize excess capacity.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 02:56 pm

Micro Mining ( Crypto Currency AutoClaim Is It Worth It?|8:53
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 03:18 pm
Hashrates for Opteron and Xeon CPUs.
I'm looking for the benchmarked hashrates of both a 1.0GHz Opteron 2007 CPU, as well as a 1.2GHz Xeon 2007 CPU. I looked here but didn't see them mentioned.
Also, on that references page, I don't see anything mentioned for how the hashrates were computed. What mining app is being used as the benchmarker for all those stats? Thanks in advance!
Although those particular CPUs aren't listed, you can infer from the other CPUs in that table that the hashrate will be only a few Mhash per second. CPU mining isn't cost effective today. (Which is why the list of hash rates for CPUs is fairly out of date.) See also this question about whether CPU mining is worth it.
To answer your follow up from the question comments, it's not entirely clear how ASICs will change mining because the number of ASIC machines shipped has been so limited. If ASIC vendors could deliver in volume at the promised amounts of GHash, yes, they would probably be the only lucrative way to mine going forward. But all predictions regarding the future of mining have to be taken with a grain of salt: it's always hard to predict the future. The end of GPU mining ( has been predicted for a couple years now, but the rising exchange rate has been keeping it alive.
Best mining CPU 2020: the best processors for mining cryptocurrency.
The best CPUs for mining.
On the market for the best mining CPU 2020 has to offer? It's worth knowing that while over the past two years, cryto-currencies such as Bitcoin ( have peaked and dipped, mining for crypto-currencies has continued to intensify to the point where at present it's difficult to almost impossible for ordinary computer uses to mine them in any manner that is cost-effective.
The result is that mining rigs remain out of stock and not replenished, and serious miners are expected to have extended farms of hardware in order to keep going. However, there are cycles to economics, and while current conditions make it tough for mining, that doesn't mean to say it can't become accessible and profitable again in the future.
With that in mind, for hardcore miners and dedicated enthusiasts, it may yet be worth still investing in hardware for crypto-currency mining. Pair the best mining CPU with the best mining GPU and best mining motherboard, and choose the best crypto-currency for your needs, then you could soon have a mining powerhouse that can potentially start earning enough to pay off your hardware and energy use while still making some profit.
Here then are the best mining CPUs still on the market in 2020.
The best mining processors.
AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1950X.
The absolute best mining CPU.
Cores: 16 | Threads: 32 | Base clock: 3.4GHz | Boost clock: 4.0GHz | L3 cache: 32MB | TDP: 180W.
More on building Phi 7220 Mining Rigs...
Wow. What a community response. Unbelievable. Last week I posted on my latest toy, a rig that used eight Xeon Phi 7220 cards in a single 4u-server to achieve a total of roughly 24kH/s for cryptonote coins (in case you missed it, the original post is right below).
I had expected some interest in that merely because that was, to my knowledge, the new speed record for a single-node(!) mining rig.... but man, was I wrong: three thousand unique visitors in the first 48 hours, on a blog that didn't even exist until two days before. And tons and tons of interesting comments on questions, on both the blog and reddit.
Based on that feedback from the last three days, it's now become very clear that there's two follow-ups I'll have two write (else I'll drown in emails :-/). The first topic that came up again and again was "Vegas vs Phis" in terms of mining revenue, profitablity, etcpp .... and I promise, I'll write one - but I'll first wait for my 4×7250 node to arrive, so bear with me. The second big group of questions that came up again and again revolved around "how can I replicate that build" - i.e., how do the Phis work at all, where can I get them, and if I have them, how can I build a machine that'll take them. This latter question is what this post will be about.
Mining on Phi 7220 cards...
First off, it is kind of hard to get those 7220 cards - if you don't already have some, you'll probably have a hard time to get some. I got mine off ebay, but that seller - at least right now - doesn't list any any more, so manybe they're gone. Also, be sure to not confuse the x100 cards (3120, 5100, 7120, etc) with those newer x200 phis - the old ones will be about 5x slower, so think hard if that's worth it. Quite frankly, if you're interested in mining with Phis you'll be best off buying one of the 4×7250 self-bootable machines (I'll write more on that once mine arrives).
That said, if you already have 7220 cards - or miraculously found a good source for them - you'll have to find a way of actually hosting them, of getting them to run, and mining on them. In terms of mining software, lukMiner will run on them, and will run rather profitably. To get it to run, though, you'll need a copy of Intel's MPSS 4.x software stack to drive those 7220 cards - and since Intel took that product down that isn't all to easy to get any more. I still have an older copy from back-then-when, but don't have permission to share that, so you'll have to find somebody else to share that with you (If anybody that has a copy wants to share, please feel free to send a comment with a link!). Once you get both hardware and MPSS stack up, you copy luk-xmr-phi to the card, and run it; so that part is easy.
Now to the tricky question: How to actually build a rig with these cards. The problem here is that they seem to be working in only certain motherboards, and since they got pulled off the market there's no support. So all I can do is go and share the three successful builds I managed to create - without any warranty whatsoever that they'll work on your side.
Building a Rig - Option #1: the 24kH, 8-card, 4U server.
The build I used in my original post is a professional, off-the-shelf server from Exxact Corp. I used theirs because I know they had listed this product with Phis in the summer, so had pretty high confidence that would still work. For those interested in more details: It's a 4U server with two Xeon CPU slots, a C612 chipset (which seems to be important), 10 full-length PCI slots, and then (8+6) PCI power connectors, which works out perfectly. Since I didn't want to take any risks I bought a complete system from Exxact, with CPUs, memory, disks, 2x1600W power (fully redundant, so 4 PSUs actually), and everything else except the Phi cards, which I already had. In total - and with shipping - that set me back something like $6k, just as much as the cards themselves.
Of course, I could probably have built that thing from parts for much less (the two un-used redundant PSUs alone are worth several hundred bucks) ... but already having $6k in Phi cards on the line I didn't want to take any risks - and quite frankly, so far I've been extremely pleased with this purchase (and Exxact have been most helpful so far, too!). For anybody wanting to get this system, here a pic of both the rig, as well as the exact sticker of that machine (and I'm sure Exxact would be happy to help, too - just mention what it's for, they'll remember me :-/).
One final note: The careful reader will have seen that I mentioned ten PCI slots, yet my build uses only eight cards. Yes, I did fit 10 cards in there, but ran into some issues. First of all, I blew some circuits in my basement ... and worse, at home (where I built the rig) I only had 110V power, which wasn't all that good for the 2x1600W PSUs. And finally, when I did get it to boot the machine became unstable with 10 cards - maybe bec.ause of heat, or maybe because the drivers don't like that many cards, I don't know. Eight work, 10 I'm not sure. Might get back to trying, but for now I don't have any spare cards any more, anyway. Here a pic with 10 cards, but again, right now I only run eight. I'm not crazy. Not really, anyway.
Option #2: A Cheaper, but still professional rig.
Since $12k in a single rig is admittedly a somewhat scary thought I also played around with finding cheaper, smaller options. After looking primarily for the same board generation and C612 chipset I ended up with a SuperMicro SYS-5018GR-T server.
Initially this didn't produce enough air flow to cool the cards, but after a bit of "friendly persuasion" on behalf of the fans (ie, cutting the two control cables of the fans to make them go full blast - see pic) that worked out of the box, too.
Got the barebone for $1100 off ebay, plus a refurbished Xeon, and a single DIMM of memory .... all together probably around $1400 (plus cards) - not that much off what you'd pay for a typical desktop PC to put GPUs in - but in rackable form-factor, so you can actually farm it out to a co-hosting place.
Option #3: The totally Stone-Soup, Do-it-yourself Build.
OK, before I went ahead and bought all these servers and cards for now close on $20k I (obviously?) first did some simpler tests, buying only a single card, and testing that in something I already had. "Luckily" I had lots of un-used workstations lying around that I could test with ..... the reason I say "luckily" in quotes is that the reason I have those in the first place is that they started out as GPU mining ( rigs, but since "several" of those GPUs have died the mining death over the last few months I now have some unused workstations :-/. (yes, one of the reasons I switched to mining on Phis is that I simply had too many GPUs die on me - in particular a certain brand, but don't want to offend anybody, so will keep that part to myself).
Anyway - tested many different machines, and most didn't work. Either they didn't boot at all, or they booted but didn't show the cards, or had too old BIOSes (they need above 4GB decoding), etc. Finally found one of my machines that took that card, and for everybody that wants to replicate, here the specs:
Motherboard (likely the most important part): Asrock X99 Deluxe CPU: Some X core Xeon E5 bought off ebay - probably won't matterl A cheapo PCI 1x GPU to drive a monitor (won't need it for mining, though). Three Xeon Phi 7220 cards (started with one, but then put in two more) EVGA 850GQ (850W) PSU Phanteks Enthoo Pro M case (won't matter), and a single DIMM of 8GB of RAM. Lots of fans. CentOS 7.3 with MPSS 4 stack and lukMiner 0.8.6.
And la voila, here we are:
In terms of cooling, a regular workstation's case fans won't be enough. Not by a long shot they won't. At first, I added this semi-professional Lasko fan:
This obviously blows air to the inside rather than out of the case, but if you leave the case open that's OK (and if not, it's strong enough to make all other case fans go backwards, too, LOL).
Eventually, however, that setup looked a bit shaky even by my standards, so went ahead and scouted for some smaller fans to cool this. Typical case fans won't do, even if mounted right behind the cards. Eventually, however, I found some higher-powered fans on ebay (see, for example, here for a listing). The blue (printed) shroud doesn't actually fit the x200s (they have their power connectors organized differently from the x100s), but the case wouldn't have had enough space to host those shrouds, anyway, so simply took them off - the fans are strong enough to make enough air go through the cards even without a perfect fit. Oh, and of course: Duct tape is your friend In the following two pics, left one shows two such fans connected with two shashlik skewers and soem duct tape (I didn't say it was professional grade, did I?); the right one shows those fans mounted right behind the cards - one fan does one card, the other does two.
Again, I used the trick of messing with the fans' control cables, and simply have them go full blast (image on the left shows the fan connector cable cut open to allow a four-pin fan connector to connect to a two-pin 15V connector - the control wires aren't, but cut simply not connected, so they go full blast. Right image: That stuff connected to a 15V molex). With that, the machine is now up and running for three weeks, no issues whatsoever (well, had to fix a few issues with hung NiceHash ( connections in the miner, but the hardware works all right).
As mentioned above, I'm not sure that those builds can easily be recreated - for example, I have some other x99 boards that do not work, so I have no clue why this one does Ie, no warranties, and your mileage may vary). Anyway - for those that have some of those cards I hope this info will at least open a path to getting them up and running. As such:
Important Facts You Need to Know About Bitcoin mining (
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 03:19 pm

FPGA Mining ( Cryptocurrencies in YOUR HOME?!|12:56
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 03:20 pm
One fundamental aspect of cryptocurrencies is mining. The fact that a computer can mine for virtual coins over a certain period is something to research appropriately before doing it.
Bitcoin mining ( refers to securing transaction networks and process each transaction successfully. The way computers do this is by solving algorithms that make them chain several blocks of the transaction. By doing this, Bitcoin ( miners get paid with other Bitcoins plus transaction fees.
Keep in mind that this is the foundation of Bitcoin mining (, but many other things are going on in each transaction.
Here are 10 important facts that you need to know about Bitcoin mining (
Mining is Not for Everyone.
While mining Bitcoins seems like a profitable idea. It's way too expensive if you want to do it right. Bitcoin mining ( tends to be specialized, and professional miners use huge spaces filled with computers whose specific purpose is to mine 24/7. If you only have a laptop, it may be too expensive to mine up to the point of getting considerable profits. To invest in bitcoins, you can visit Bitcoin ( Era.
You Don't Have to Invest in Bitcoin ( to Mine Bitcoins.
While trading Bitcoin ( involves executing profitable trades to earn more money, you don't need to do that while mining. With mining, you're offering your computer to process transactions in a particular "Mining Pool," which means that you're going to get paid for offering that service, which is not the same as trading.
You Need Powerful Hardware to Mine Bitcoins.
As said before, mining Bitcoin ( properly can get too expensive if you want to take it seriously. If you want to mine properly and get considerable profit gains, you need a powerful GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) or an ASIC Miner (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit). ASIC Miners are computers that were designed specifically for mining Bitcoins.
Mining Consumes Too Much Energy.
The profitability of mining depends on your region's power costs. Mining a single Bitcoin ( can take up to 10 minutes in the most appropriate circumstances. The reason not everyone is mining is that it consumes way too much energy, so if you're going to try it out, make sure that you can cover the power consumption costs.
To Earn Money, You Need to Provide Proof of Work.
Mining is seen as a competitive activity. While the work essentially is solving a mathematical puzzle, your computer needs to be the first one to solve these puzzles in order to get the money.
While mining has been proven to yield great results for some people, the fastest way to get Bitcoins is by buying them since you get the money instantly.
Bitcoin mining ( is Not Legal in Every Country.
While many countries allow Bitcoin mining (, you need to check your country's regulations to see if it's legal there, and what the tax implications of the activity are.
You Need to Set Up a Bitcoin ( Wallet.
If you want to mine Bitcoin (, you need to set up a digital wallet where you're going to receive your earnings. Remember that each wallet has a unique private key; if you lose it, you lost your Bitcoins forever.
You Need to Join a Proper Mining Pool.
If you are a beginner, you need to choose a credible mining pool to work with. These usually give fewer profits, but you can still gain significant profits. To choose more accurately, you can look for graphs that show the biggest pools and choose one.
Mining Takes Time.
Even if you get the best equipment on the market, you're not going to get huge profits instantly. To get the most out of mining, you need to do proper research, invest money in good equipment, sort out any power consumption issues, and wait patiently.
There are many things to keep into account before mining. It certainly isn't for everyone, but if you want to try it out, make sure that you prepare adequately and take your time to start seeing profits.
Asics Bitcoin mining (
An application-specific integrated circuit (abbreviated as ASIC ) is an integrated circuit (IC) customized for a particular use, rather than intended for general-purpose use. Because they can only be used for one application, ASICs are expensive to design and produce. [1] [2]
1 ASIC vs CPU mining 2 ASIC for Bitcoin mining ( hardware 3 Cloud Mining 4 Bitcoin ( ASIC mining companies 4.1 KnC Miner 4.2 CloudHashing 4.3 Allied Control 4.4 4.5 The CEX precedent 5 Chinese mining business 6 Legalities of the mining business 7 Downsides of the mining business 8 ASICs for Scrypt mining 9 See also 10 References.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 03:21 pm

Project Zero - The Micro Miner \u0026 Staker|11:20
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 03:21 pm
ASIC vs CPU mining [ edit ]
An ASIC Bitcoin ( miner is designed exclusively for the purpose of mining bitcoin. Though significantly more expensive to purchase, they are far more powerful (higher hash rate) and electricity-efficient than CPUs and GPUs (graphics cards) - used for mining in the early days of bitcoin - and even FPGAs (field programmable gate arrays), which were, in 2011, the most efficient option. [3] According to Mike Murray, creator of The Geek Pub, a $2500 ASIC miner is as powerful as 400 GPUs, or 12,000 CPUs, which would cost $18 million. [4] For reference, as of February 2018, the Bitmain Antminer S9 possessed the highest available hashrate at.
14 TH/s, with an efficiency of.
0.1 Joule per GH/s, and cost $3200 on Amazon, not including the power supply. [5]
ASIC for Bitcoin mining ( hardware [ edit ]
Mining is now so competitive, and the difficulty rate so high, that attempting to do so without an ASIC is unprofitable. [3] [4] [6] Because ASIC mining hardware is so expensive, ASIC for Bitcoin mining ( is done by companies in thermally-regulated data-centers with access to low-cost electricity. Many of these companies lease part of their mining power as a service. [6] [7]
Cloud mining, or mining as a service (MaaS), is an alternative that allows individuals to mine bitcoins without handling their own hardware. [8] Because of the high cost it implies, many people may not want (nor be able) to invest in from-home ASIC mining. The hardware consumes high amounts of electricity, necessitates a powerful ventilation system, and is in itself expensive. As the writers at Coindesk put it, "cloud mining means using (generally) shared processing power run from remote data centres. One only needs a home computer for communications, optional local bitcoin wallets and so on" [8]
Several of the businesses listed below lease hosted processing power to customers.
Bitcoin ( ASIC mining companies [ edit ]
Listed below are some companies that produce bitcoin ASIC hardware and/or provide a cloud-based mining service.
KnC Miner [ edit ]
KnC Miner is a Sweden-based (Boden) start-up cofounded by Andreas Kennemar and Sam Cole in 2013, when they merged their IT consulting firm KennemarAndCole AB (KNC) with the chip designer house ORSOC in order to produce better Bitcoin mining ( hardware than was available at the time. [9] During the following years, they managed to raise $32m in venture funding from investors, including Accel and Creandum, and became one of the industry's fastest-growing mining firms [10]
On September 2nd 2014, KnCMiner launched the cloud service KnC Cloud, with facilities located in a former helicopter hangar 15 kilometers away from a Facebook datacenter in the Arctic. This location is beneficial for any mining center, since the naturally cold air saves the company cooling costs. [11]
In May 2016 customers successfully sued the company over delayed shipments and problems with the Titan, one of their hardware products. [12] Later that month, KnCMiner declared bankruptcy. [13] At the time, Sam Cole denied any connection between the lawsuit and the bankruptcy filing, claiming that the latter was a preemptive measure against the halving of the bitcoin block reward (which became 12.5 BTC that year). [13] In August of the same year, KnCMiner was bought by GoGreenLight, to continue operating the ASIC mining pool and data centers. [14]
CloudHashing [ edit ]
CloudHashing was founded by Emmanuel Abiodun in 2013. It operates from data centers in Kansas City with hardware by Butterfly Lab, Terrahash and KnCMiner. It was the first firm to offer MaaS. [15] In October of the same year, CloudHashing built a facility in Iceland, which generated more than $4 million worth of Bitcoins at the time [15] The company would lease 80% of its computing power to costumers. By December 2013, they had 4500 customers who were paying $999 a year to use machines that at the time cost $20,000 on the open market. [16]
In March 2014 Cloud Hashing had the combined calculating power of.
1,500 Th/s. The entire Bitcoin ( network's calculation power was 38,000 Th/s; thus, 4% of the entire network power was concentrated in the hands of this company.
After a successful 8-month-long period in 2014, during which the company mined over 35 thousand bitcoins at an equivalent value of over US$21 million based the price of bitcoin at the time, Cloudhashing merged with the advanced hardware manufacturer HighBitCoin to form PeerNova, releasing the PetaOne Blade, which featured a 28nm chip with a power efficiency of 0.35W per GH/s. [17]
In 2015 CloudHashing signed a supply deal with Australian bitcoin company digitalBTC, to run digitalBTC hardware in data centers in Iceland and Texas. This deal was dissolved later that year when digitalBTC pulled out of the agreement. CloudHashing then began increasing their customers' management fees and buying back contracts. [18]
How To Setup An ASIC Bitcoin ( Miner In 3 Easy Steps.
Setting up and using Bitcoin ( ASIC miners is currently one of the best ways to start mining for Bitcoin ( Most of the veteran miner's already known by now, mining on a laptop these days isn't very profitable. Even some of the earlier versions of application-specific integrated circuits(ASIC) miners are no longer efficient in today's Bitcoin mining (
That's not the only important part you should know before jumping into mining Bitcoin ( with ASIC. You see there are a few other basic requirements you'll need in place to be successful at running even just one Bitcoin ( Miner let alone multiple machines.
How To Start Mining Bitcoin ( With Asic Miners.
Mining Requirement Checklist Purchase Bitcoin ( Miner Hardware Bitcoin ( Miner Setup and Configuration.
Sounds easy right?
Don't worry, in this guide; I answer all the commonly asked questions I get from over the years of my experience in ASIC mining. Questions like "where to buy bitcoin miners," "how to set up a bitcoin miner," "what is the best bitcoin miner" and more, will all get answered in this article.
ASIC Mining Requirements Checklist.
One of the most popular mistakes new miners make is poor planning of where the ASIC miners will operate. That's why it's always a smart idea to have the location checked out first before making any financial decisions as to whether you should pursue mining Bitcoin (
ASIC Bitcoin ( miners consume decent amounts of electricity which is why it's important to know what the cost of the location per kWh ($) is before purchasing any miner hardware. Once you have the utility companies' prices, you can use a mining profitability calculator to estimate any Bitcoin ( ASIC miner's current profitability and operational cost.
This estimation alone should give you enough insight to decide whether all this is even worth pursuing given the locations kWh rate so make sure you learn how to use a mining profit calculator properly.
Each Bitcoin ( ASIC miner also requires its own dedicated 220v outlet. Having an inspection on your location's electrical system is another must-have to ensure you don't overload any circuits.
Another issue is with miners is heat. ASIC miners are notorious for heating small spaces in the wintertime which is excellent, but when summertime rolls around, you'll need a plan to circulate fresh air.
Other than a high-speed internet connection this all the core requirements your location needs to be deemed permissible for Bitcoin mining ( However, I want to add in the fact that you will need an ethernet cable running from either your router or network switch for each Bitcoin ( Miner you plan on operating.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 03:22 pm

The BEST Crypto Miner for Mining ( at Home - Goldshell HS1-Plus|14:03
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 25, 2021, 03:22 pm
Best ASIC Bitcoin ( Miners To Buy.
The best place to buy Bitcoin ( ASIC miners is direct from the manufacturers most commonly headquartered in China which has been a leader in the industry of manufacturing Bitcoin ( Miners ever since ASIC minings existence.
Top 3 Bitcoin ( ASIC Miner Manufacturers 2019.
Buying direct ensure you don't overpay from other reseller sites like eBay. Most ASIC miner comes with a 6-month warranty which is another reason why it best to go direct.
Out of all the companies I just mentioned most of my experience has been with Bitmain as they have been the most popular for quite some time.
However, with this recent new batch of miners released they currently don't make the fastest Bitcoin ( miner.
Best ASIC Bitcoin ( Miner Of 2019.
The best ASIC Bitcoin ( Miner you can currently buy on the market today is the EBANG EBIT E11++ as it can mine Bitcoin ( at speeds of 44 Th/s while only drawing 1980 watts. It comes with a standard 6-month warranty and is currently priced at $2024 including the power supply.
In case you do decide to buy from one of the other manufacturers check to see if the power supply gets included. Companies like Bitmain require you to purchase their power supply and power supply cord separately.
ASIC Bitcoin ( Miner And Power Cords.
How To Set Up an ASIC Bitcoin ( Miner?
Now that you have all the required hardware and location prepped its time to set up your Bitcoin ( Miner to start earning Bitcoins. The setup requirements from miner to miner are very similar in some ways but it's still best to refer to the manufacturer's installation guide for specific instructions.
Step 1: Connect Power Supply.
The first thing you will want to do is make sure the power supply and all connections coming to and from the power supply and miner are tight and secure. Once the connections are secure, then proceed to plug the miner into the 220v outlet.
From here the miner should power on, but some miners may have a power switch which is why you will need the manufacturer's instructions.
Step 2: Connect Internet.
Now that you have your miner up and running its time to plug it into the internet directly with a CAT5 or CAT6 cable.
SIDENOTE: I've seen people use wifi adapters for these types of miners but for stability in connectivity reasons its not ideal.
Once the internet is connected, you can now begin to configure your miner's software, but first, we must locate the miner's IP address.
Step 3: Access Router.
To obtain a miner's IP address, you must first access your router configuration menu. If you are unsure of how to access your router's settings be sure to Google the make and model of the router. Each manufacturer should have instructions with routers IP address and default user name and password.
Step 4: Locate Miner IP Address.
Inside the routers settings menu will be an option to see all the devices connected to the network along with each device's IP address. You will want to copy and paste each IP address into your Google Search bar until you see a screen asking for your miner's user name and password.
Step 5: Login into Miner.
Each miner has a default user name and password located in the miner's installation instructions. Take Bitmain miner's, for instance, their default user name and password is "root."
Once you login to your miners operating system, you can now begin configuring your mining pool and wallet address. Be sure to leave the miner browser open while you get a wallet and mining pool address.
Step 6: Create a Wallet.
If you haven't set up a wallet by now, you will need to create one. One of the best software wallets for Bitcoin ( comes from a company called BRD which has been around for quite some time. However, if you're looking to hold some Bitcoin ( long term its recommend to invest in a hardware wallet.
Once your wallet is backed up and secure be sure to get a copy of your Bitcoin ( wallet address.
The next thing you will need to do is select a Bitcoin mining ( pool and sign up for an account.
Step 7: Sign Up at Mining Pool.
One of the first Bitcoin mining ( pools goes by the name of Slushpool and is a personal favorite of mine mostly due to its phone app monitoring features. Be sure to sign up with the link below and follow the help guide to setup worker names.
Slushpool Setup Guide Link.
Now you can select your pool server address but be sure to use one that is closest to your mining operations location.
Step 8: Configure Miner.
Copy-paste the pool address URL box along with the "your-username.your-worker-name" you setup with Slushpool into the user ID box.
The password box can be left empty when mining on Slushpool but other Bitcoin mining ( pools may require it so always refer to the mining pools getting started section for exact details.
Once you've copied everything into the miner configuration panel be sure to hit save and so the miner can now start pointing towards your pool and wallet address.
Congratulations, you have now crossed through the doorway of officially becoming a Bitcoin ( Miner.
Undoubtedly Bitcoin mining ( has made people a fortune over the years. However, that doesn't mean anyone who attempts mining Bitcoin ( will have guaranteed success with it. Most of the reports of profits made from Bitcoin mining ( are from wise investors who carefully planned out their mining operations with cheap electricity while using the most efficient mining hardware.
Speaking from my own experience, I too have witnessed Bitcoin mining ( being quite profitable partially due to Bitcoin (,s bull run late 2017. Now after two years of running S9 Antminers I'm looking into upgrading my hardware as the S9's are no longer profitable on my .11 cent kW rate.
That's why I recommended calling the utility company first to get the kW rate so you can use it for better accuracy when entering a Bitcoin ( Miners wattage and hash rate into the mining profit calculator.
Keep in mind mining calculators can only estimate what a current ASIC miner's profits are as many unpredictable factors like mining difficulty and Bitcoins price make it change regularly. With that said they can still be a great tool to decide whether Bitcoin mining ( is right for your situation or not.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 07:25 am

Crypto-Mining ( How to Mine Monero on Raspberry Pi?|10:12
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 07:25 am
There are, however, periods when Bitcoin ('s mining difficulty increases so much that mining isn't at all profitable unless your electricity is extremely cheap or free. When this happens, inexperienced miners can get very impatient and sell off hardware at a loss which is where most of the negativity about mining being dead come from.
In times like the instance mentioned above its crucial to keep a long term investment mindset with realizations that mining profits will have ups and downs like all investments do.
Especially crypto markets as they are unregulated which makes then extra vulnerable to market manipulation and is commonly used tactic to convince inexperienced investors to sell when they should buy and vice versa. It's essential you understand that this is the game your playing and understanding how its played will prevent you from making impulse and irrational decisions.
How long does it take to mine 1 Bitcoin ( The time it takes to mine one Bitcoin ( can vary depending on Bitcoin ('s mining difficulty and the mining hardware hashrate used to mine them. However, you can calculate how long it currently takes a Bitcoin ( ASIC Miner to mine one Bitcoin ( by entering its total hashrate into a Bitcoin mining ( profit calculator.
The calculation should provide you with a daily estimated amount of Bitcoin ( a given ASIC miner can mine daily. From here you can take the expected daily amount and divide it by one to reveal how many days it takes your miner or to mine one Bitcoin (
How much does it cost to mine 1 Bitcoin ( The cost to mine one Bitcoin ( can vary upon many factors such as mining difficulty, electric rates, and mining hardware efficiency. However, you can estimate this with a mining profit calculator using your Bitcoin ( miners hashrate, electric rate, and power consumption which reveal the daily amount of Bitcoin ( Mined and day-to-day operational costs which is your electricity costs.
The daily amount of Bitcoin ( mined can then be divided by 1 to reveal how many days it takes to mine one Bitcoin ( From here take the number of days it takes to mine one Bitcoin ( and multiplies it by the current estimated daily operational costs to know how long it currently takes to mine one Bitcoin (
Can Bitcoin ( miners be used for anything else? Yes, there are other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin ( Cash who use the same sha256 algorithm as Bitcoin ( in which you can use the same ASIC miner in mining them. However, you will need to use a different wallet and mining pool address in doing so.
Can I mine Bitcoins on my PC? Technically yes you can still mine for Bitcoin ( on a PC, but you would be far better off trying to mine altcoins like Ravencoin and Ethereum with them.
So by now, you should have a better understanding of what becoming a Bitcoin ( Miner is all about and how to know whether it's profitable for your situation or not. Just remember to plan out your operation first and get an idea of what your expenses are before buying any hardware. If you feel as though this guide helps you in some way or we left something important out, then please drop a comment below.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 07:26 am

Raspberry Pi 4 Bitcoin ( Mining ( For 24 Hours!|3:33
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 07:26 am
5 Best ASIC Miners For Bitcoin mining ( in 2018.
ASIC miners represent the latest generation of cryptocurrency mining equipment that has effectively replaced graphics processors. Canada-based GPU manufacturing giant Nvidia has recently pulled out of mining due to its low revenue, which is inextricably connected to the dominance of ASIC chips. At the same time, ASIC chip manufacturers are aiming to raise billions of dollars after going public.
Bitmain, the biggest crypto-oriented company in the world, still enjoys a near-monopoly on the cryptocurrency market. However, its major competitors are already breathing down its neck. Therefore, we will try to find out the best cryptocurrency miner out there.
How to choose a Bitcoin ( miner?
Before we get down to our top five picks, it is worth mentioning the main factors that will help you to determine the best Bitcoin ( ASIC miner for your personal needs:
Hash rate. Hash rate is measured in hashes per second. Obviously, the more powerful your miner is, the bigger block reward you get.
Efficiency. Hash rate is not the definitive factor when it comes to picking the best Bitcoin ( miner since it also has to make the best use of the amount of electricity you consume. Your mining profitability greatly depends on your electricity expenses, so you want to get the maximum amount of Bitcoin (
Price. At early stages of Bitcoin mining (, it is all about offsetting your initial investment. You have to calculate the mining profitability and decide whether it's worth purchasing a flagship miner, or you can simply stick around with less expensive one that will give you more efficiency.
Biggest ASIC chip producers.
Bitmain. The Beijing-based company still controls the lion's share of the market (85 percent) despite the reports that this multi-billion dollar behemoth is gradually losing its monopoly status due to the cutthroat competition in this niche of the cryptocurrency industry. Bitmain managed to grow so quickly because of the enormous success of their Antminer line (which includes the legendary miner Antminer S9). It's also worth mentioning that Bitmain operates numerous mining pools (Antpool is the biggest one) that are responsible for more than 51 percent of the Bitcoin ( hashrate.
Halong Mining. The fact that Bitmain is hell-bent on getting rid of any other mining companies on the market it doesn't mean that there is no competition. Back in November 2017, another Chinese manufacturer introduced the world's most efficient miner Halong DragonMint 16T, continuing an intense ASIC mining hardware race.
Canaan Creative. Canaan Creative is the second biggest Bitcoin mining ( hardware manufacturer the world after Bitmain. Apart from a slew of its miners, the company has also recently introduced the first mining TV.
Now that we've covered all the basics, let us determine the best ASIC miner on the market.
Antminer S9, or Antminer S9 Hydro?
Antminer S9 has already became a legend among ASIC miners, but is this still good enough? You can currently buy 14 TH/s for less than $700. One of the drawbacks of this miner is that it is very sensitive to high temperature, so your primal task is to ensure that it gets proper cooling. The best choice is to have one specific room for mining (if you, of course, do not own a mining farm).
After the release of Antminer S9, Bitmain's previous hit product Antminer S7 has drastically dropped in price, so you might as well consider purchasing a couple of used S7 miners.
Antminer S9 image by Wikimedia Commons.
At the end of August, a brand-new miner appeared on Bitmain's official website named S9 Hydro. We are dealing with the good old Antminer S9, but they also added a hashing board that increases the total hashrate up to 18 THS. While there are no fundamental technological differences, S9 Hydro produces is not as noisy as other ASIC miners.
Will Antminer Z9 and Antminer Z9 Mini be able to battle ASIC resistance?
This is a relatively new miner by Bitmain (Bitmain announced the pre-order of this miner back on May 3). One of the specific features of this miner is that it supports the mining of Equihash-based coins, including ZCash (ZEC), Bitcoin ( Gold (BTG) and so on. In fact, this was first ASIC miner that is compatible with this specific algorithm, yet again serving a major blow to GPU mining (
With hashrate of 10K Sol/s and power consumption of 300 Watts will set you back about $850 while Antminer Z9 costs a whopping $3,319, offering 40.8k sol/s. However, with the way Bitcoin ( hashrate is rising, you never know whether this hardware becomes obsolete in a few months.
If you plan to purchase this specific miner, there are certain things that you have to consider the rising mining difficulty. Yes, ASIC Bitcoin ( miners are much more powerful than ordinary GPUs, but you may as well read that as significantly higher mining difficulty of Equihash-based cryptocurrencies. On top of that, many such coins could become ASIC-resistant similarly to Bitcoin ( Gold, which would virtually eliminate the miner's efficiency.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 07:26 am

Are USB Bitcoin ( Miners Profitable RIGHT NOW In 2020?|15:11
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 07:27 am
Halong Mining DragonMint T1- the first miner to offer 16 TH/s.
Halong Mining made an announcement about the release of Halong Mining DragonMint T1 in November 2017, marketing it as the most efficient machine out there. This ASIC miner really managed to pull off up to 16 TH/s, which is a visible improvement from 14 TH/s offered by Antminer S9s, our first entry on the list. DragonMint T1 has a tad higher efficiency compared to older Antminer S9s, but it didn't even come close to the previously declared numbers. With that being said, it's up to you to consider whether you want to pay $300 more for this miner.
One of the noticeable advantages of DragonMint T1 is its cooling solution which presented in the form of dual nine blade variable fans (they keep temperature just at 25 degrees).
It is worth mentioning that this miner was developed with Samsung (the company confirmed the cooperation in April). After landing a deal with the South Korean tech giant, Halong Mining poses as a viable competitor to Bitmain.
We want to 'make SHA256 great again BtcDrak, Bitcoin ( core developer.
AvalonMiner 821 - creating competition for Bitmain.
AvalonMiner 821 was officially revealed by Canaan Creative last December to hold a candle to Bitmain's dominance after the success of its previous-generation AvalonMiner 741. This miner has a hashrate of 11TH/s. Unlike DragonMint T1, AvalonMiner 821 only has one cooler, but it still provides the owner with a substantial level of cooling. Furthermore, the miner is resistant to different temperatures.
The miner is absolutely compatible with huge mining pools like NiceHash (,
AvalonMiner 821 trails Antminer S9s by 10 percent in terms of mining efficiency (this comes in addition to the lower hashrate). However, it is still a viable option for those who want to save some cash. It currently costs around $700. While you still have to buy a $200 PSU for this miner, a total of roughly $900 is still less than Antminer S9.
Whatsminer M10, Avalon A9 and more- new ASIC monsters are (almost) here.
This flagship product of a Shenzhen-based company Shenzhen is also worthy of your attention. Pangolin only recently announced this miner on Twitter, and it is only available for pre-order for $1,888 (first buyers will already get this miner by Sept. 20). Whatsminer M10, while offering 33TH/s of hashrate, uses about 81W per 1 TH/s, which makes it more efficient than its closest competitor GMO B3. Some engineers behind Whatsminer M10 come from Bitmain, so it explains its high level of productivity. However, there is some criticism surrounding Whatsminer M10- from negative reviews about M3's slow preorders to speculations about whether the miner matches its description on paper in real-life conditions.
Back in August, Canaan Creative made an announcement about working on a new brand-new Avalon A9 that is 7nm chip technology that is able to reach 30 TH while it's power consumption is only 1730W, thus ensuring a maximum level of efficiency. This technology definitely blows out of water even the newest Innosilicon Terminator 2. However, it is quite likely that every major ASIC manufacturer already has a new 7nm ASIC up its sleeve, so we have to wait and see whether Canaan will have a competitive advantage. Japanese tech giant GMO is also developing 7nm ASIC miners that are going to be launched as early as in 2018.
Burela's house-o-blog.
Blockchains, Cloud & Development.
Mining bitcoin with Azure (and why it is a terrible idea)
This is extremely inefficient and will not earn any bitcoin. You will spend $1,000s of VM time for a near 0% chance of earning anything. A $30 USB device is.
100,000x faster for mining.
Again: YOU WILL NOT EARN ANY BITCOIN (less than 1c in a month)
TL;DR The commands to create a machine in Azure to CPU mine are at the bottom. But don't bother.
I have been playing with the blockchain lately, most notably the programmable blockchain Ethereum. I was interested in seeing how difficult it was to set up a machine to mine Bitcoin ( What I discovered through my research was that it is possible, but pointless to do CPU mining in the cloud.
Why is mining on Azure bad?
While it is easy to set it up, CPU mining is extremely inefficient. Mining on CPUs was depreceated a long time ago when it was discovered that it was faster to do on GPUs. But now even GPUs have been deprecated in favor of power efficient ASIC machines.
Here are some hardware comparisions of ASIC devices from
There are even cheap USB devices that you can plug in that give you GIGAhashes/second.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 07:27 am

Allan's Gold Mining ( Trommel Wash Plant|10:02
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 07:27 am
How did my Azure miner go?
My 2 core Azure machine costs $85/month, and doing CPU only getting me 4.24+4.25= 8.5 kilohash/second (0.0000085 GH /s), compare that to the 3.6 GH /s that an ASIC $30 USB device provides.
And after 2 days of mining I didn't even get a single hash even accepted by the mining pool, effictivelly making my mining worth 0%.
Could this be faster?
On Azure, renting servers with a faster CPU (D & G-Series) would net negligble increases due to CPU mining.
The upcoming N-Series of VMs will have dedicated GPUs attached that you can offload work to. This would be an order of magnitude faster in mining.
The price per hour of a N-Series VM would be so high that you would be better off just paying to rent dedicated ASIC Bitcoin mining ( rigs e.g. there is a list at the bottom of this blog post
Instructions for creating on Azure (if you really want to try it)
Sign up for a mining pool e.g. (to give you a higher chance of getting a trickle) login to create a new Ubuntu virtual machine from the marketplace. I recommend Ubuntu on a basic size VM as we won't be using the features of standard use Putty to remotely connect to your VM Install bitcoind (bitcoin daemon) sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install bitcoin-qt Configure bitcoind Run bitcoind to see instructions on what should be in the bitcoin.conf Create a bitcoin.conf file under.
/.bitcoin sudo nano.
/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf Install a miner (cpuminer). Instructions from sudo apt-get install build-essential libcurl4-openssl-dev wget tar xzf pooler-cpuminer-*.tar.gz cd cpuminer-* ./configure CFLAGS="-O3″ make start the miner to test it all works ./minerd -o stratum+tcp:// -u -p X add the miner to startup. Edit /etc/rc.local to add it sudo nano /etc/rc.local Then on a line before exit 0, add the full path of your startup command with & at the end of the line e.g. /home/youruser/cpuminerXYZ/minerd -o stratum+tcp:// -u -p X &
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6 thoughts on " Mining bitcoin with Azure (and why it is a terrible idea) "
[...] I blogged how to mine Bitcoin ( on Azure (and why it is a terrible idea). In it I concluded that CPU mining is terrible with the advent of cheap USB ASIC miners and that [...]
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I'm not suppose to be here doing this but i cant just help it, So straight to my story.....I started having interest in cryptocurrency when i saw my friend that invested early this year have earn about 70K USD as at now which he clearly explain to me how he started with 4K USD just with the help and guides of prof Sydney. He made me know how he contacted the prof and how the prof genuinely shed more light on crypto to him that they will be around forever and how it is very important to keep bitcoins even if it is 1 btc. I proceed to check a lot reviews on prof Sydney and i wasnt disappointed because i finally found a lot of good articles about bitcoins mining where nobody cries scamm. I think it pleasant to work with him which i did and i never regret emailing the prof. He help me mine 3.45 bitcoins in less than 72 hours and i am able to reinvest again so i can acquire more btc. I will implore you to hire only professionals when you need a miner. You can always email the prof right away to help you mine bitcoins anytime. (Profsydneycryptoconsultancy AT gmail DOT com)
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How Azure Security Center detects a Bitcoin mining ( attack
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 07:28 am
Azure Security Center helps customers deal with myriads of threats using advanced analytics backed by global threat intelligence. In addition, a team of security researchers often work directly with customers to gain insight into security incidents affecting Microsoft Azure customers, with the goal of constantly improving Security Center detection and alerting capabilities.
In the previous blog post "How Azure Security Center helps reveal a Cyberattack", security researchers detailed the stages of one real-world attack campaign that began with a brute force attack detected by Security Center and the steps taken to investigate and remediate the attack. In this post, we'll focus on an Azure Security Center detection that led researchers to discover a ring of mining activity, which made use of a well-known cryptocoin mining algorithm named Cryptonight.
Before we get into the details, let's quickly explain some terms that you'll see throughout this blog. "Cryptocoin Miners" are a special class of software that use mining algorithms to generate or "mine" cryptocoins, which are a form of digital currency. Mining software is often flagged as malicious because it hijacks system hardware resources like the Central Processing Unit (CPU) or Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) as well as network bandwidth of an affected host. Cryptonight is one such mining algorithm which relies specifically on the host's CPU. In our investigations, we've seen cryptocoin miners installed through a variety of techniques including malicious downloads, emails with malicious links, attachments downloaded by already-installed malware, peer to peer file sharing networks, and through cracked installers/bundlers.
Initial Azure Security Center alert details.
Our initial investigation started when Azure Security Center detected suspicious process execution and created an alert like the one below. The alert provided details such as date and time of the detected activity, affected resources, subscription information, and included a link to a detailed report about hacker tools like the one detected in this case.
We began a deeper investigation, which revealed the initial compromise was through a suspicious download that got detected as "HackTool: Win32/Keygen". We suspect one of the administrators on the box was trying to download tools that are usually used to patch or "crack" some software keys. Malware is frequently installed along with these tools allowing attackers a backdoor and access to the box.
Based on our log analysis, the attack began with the creation of a user account named "*server$" . The "*server$" account then created a scheduled task called "ngm". This task launched a batch script named "kit.bat" located in the "C:\Windows\Temp\ngmtx" folder. We then observed process named " servies.exe " being launched with cryptonight related parameters. Note : The ' bond007.01 ' represents the cryptocoin user's account behind this activity and 'x' represents the password.
Two days later we observed the same activity with different file names. In the screenshot below, sst.bat has now replaced kit.bat and mstdc.exe has replaced servies.exe . This same cycle of batch file and process execution was observed periodically.
These .bat scripts appear to be used for making connections to the crypto net pool (XCN or Shark coin) and launched by a scheduled task that restarts these connections approximately every hour.
Additional Observation: The downloaded executables used for connecting to the cryptocoin service and generating the cryptocoins are renamed from the original, 32.exe or 64.exe, to "mstdc.exe" and "servies.exe" respectively. These executable's naming schemes are based on an old technique used by attackers trying to hide malicious binaries in plain sight. The technique attempts to make files look like legitimate benign-sounding Windows filenames.
Mstdc.exe: " mstdc.exe " looks like " msdtc.exe " which is a legitimate executable on Windows systems, namely Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator required by various applications such as Microsoft Exchange or SQL Server installed in clusters. Servies.exe: Similarly, " services.exe " is a legitimate Service Control Manager (SCM) is a special system process under the Windows NT family of operating systems, which starts, stops and interacts with Windows service processes. Here again attackers are trying to hide by using similar looking binaries. " Servies.exe " and " services.exe ", they look very similar, don't they? Great tactic used by attackers.
As we did our timeline log analysis, we noted other activity including wscript.exe using the "VBScript.Encode" to execute ' '.
On extraction, it revealed 'iissstt.dat' file that was communicating with an IP address in Korea. The 'mofcomp.exe' command appears to be registering the file iisstt.dat with WMI. The mofcomp.exe compiler parses a file containing MOF statements and adds the classes and class instances defined in the file to the WMI repository.
Recommended remediation and mitigation steps.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 07:28 am

The BEST Crypto Miners for Mining ( at Home|18:55
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 07:28 am
The initial compromise was the result of malware installation through cracked installers/bundlers which resulted in complete compromise of the machine. With that, our recommendation was first to rebuild the machine if possible. However, with the understanding that this sometimes cannot be done immediately, we recommend implementing the following remediation steps:
1. Password Policies : Reset passwords for all users of the affected host and ensure password policies meet best practices.
2. Defender Scan : Run a full antimalware scan using Microsoft Antimalware or another solution, which can flag potential malware.
3. Software Update Consideration : Ensure the OS and applications are being kept up to date. Azure Security Center can help you identify virtual machines that are missing critical and security OS updates.
4. OS Vulnerabilities & Version : Align your OS configurations with the recommended rules for the most hardened version of the OS. For example, do not allow passwords to be saved. Update the operating system (OS) version for your Cloud Service to the most recent version available for your OS family. Azure Security Center can help you identify OS configurations that do not align with these recommendations as well as Cloud Services running outdates OS version.
5. Backup : Regular backups are important not only for the software update management platform itself, but also for the servers that will be updated. To ensure that you have a rollback configuration in place in case an update fails, make sure to back up the system regularly.
6. Avoid Usage of Cracked Software : Using cracked software introduces unwanted risk into your home or business by way of malware and other threats that are associated with pirated software. Microsoft highly recommends evading usage of cracked software and following legal software policy as recommended by their respective organization.
More information can be found at:
7. Email Notification : Finally, configure Azure Security Center to send email notifications when threats like these are detected.
Click on Policy tile in Prevention Section. On the Security Policy blade, you pick which Subscription you want to configure Email Alerts for. This brings us to the Security Policy blade. Click on the Email Notifications option to configure email alerting.
An email alert from Azure Security Center will look like the one below.
To learn more about Azure Security Center, see the following:
Azure Security Center detection capabilities -- Learn about Azure Security Center's advanced detection capabilities. Managing and responding to security alerts in Azure Security Center -- Learn how to manage and respond to security alerts. Managing security recommendations in Azure Security Center -- Learn how recommendations help you protect your Azure resources. Security health monitoring in Azure Security Center -- Learn how to monitor the health of your Azure resources. Monitoring partner solutions with Azure Security Center -- Learn how to monitor the health status of your partner solutions. Azure Security Center FAQ -- Find frequently asked questions about using the service. Azure Security blog -- Get the latest Azure security news and information.
Is Cryptocurrency Mining on Azure N-Series Profitable? And How To Do It Anyway.
The cryptocurrency craze is real, with BitCoin and other currencies surging in recent months. While the long-term viability of these are questioned by some, cryptocurrency mining has been going on for years and is the catalyst for how coins are distributed. Personally, I've mined cryptocurrency at home with my own ASIC and GPU equipment, but I've always wanted to test the viability of mining in the cloud. There are already several sites that sell out hashing power to buyers looking to mine cryptocurrency, and there are plenty of sellers willing to lease out their compute power to do so.
BitCoin and several other cryptocurrencies can be mined through varying methods, but ASIC mining is most efficient when available for a particular coin. GPU mining ( can be especially profitable on cryptocurrencies that are ASIC-resistant (where ASIC mining is not allowed in an effort to avoid a hardware arms race). CPU mining is barely a blip on the radar, as it is the least efficient method for cryptocurrency mining.
So how does this tie into Azure? About a year ago, Microsoft announced N-series virtual machines that actually have a healthy amount of GPU power. These instances are particularly useful for certain applications like 3D rendering, artificial intelligence, medical research, and CUDA-intensive computing. GPU's are much more powerful than what CPU's can do in these scenarios because of the type of algorithms they can run. These same algorithms can be used for hashing power to mine cryptocurrency quite well. Running this in Azure isn't particularly difficult and is exactly the same method as running it in-house, but I do want to test the best case scenario to evaluate the profitability of running mining operations in Azure.
First, we need to look at what GPU's are available in Azure. At the time of this posting, there are two GPU's available to use with N-series instances in Azure - NVIDIA Tesla K80 and Tesla M60. Since the M60 (NV SKU) is the more recent generation, we will be testing with those. The NV instances include the following SKU's:
Spinning up these instances in Azure is simple enough, but what cryptocurrency variation will be most profitable? I like to use a site called, which actually compares the mining profitability of cryptocurrencies by factoring in several variables like market value, mining difficulty, power consumption, and your specific hardware. This is incredibly useful info when looking for what to mine. For this test, we will evaluate two of the most profitable cryptocurrencies available (at the time of this post) that use two different mining algorithms - MonaCoin, which uses the Lyra2RE2 algorithm, and Zencash, which uses the Equihash algorithm. Both of these algorithms are designed for NVIDIA hardware, which suit our Azure instances well. To mine MonaCoin, we will use a miner called CCMiner; for Zencash, we will use a different miner called Zec Miner. Though these cryptocurrencies may provide little value to you, they can always be traded for your coin of your choice on several online exchanges. And yes, USD is included if fiat money is more your style.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 07:29 am
In Azure, we will deploy a Windows Server VM in the West US 2 region. You can find regions that support N-Series instances through Microsoft's regional availability site. If you have trouble finding the NV SKU, try switching your storage type from SSD to HDD. Be sure to monitor your usage closely since this SKU gets rather expensive.
I have deployed a simple NV6 Windows Server 2016 instance for this test. This size has one M60 GPU attached, so it should be straightforward to gauge performance. SKU's with multiple GPU's are available but scale up pretty evenly in mining performance.
Once the VM is deployed, download and install the latest NVIDIA drivers for the Tesla M60 - they do not come installed by default.
From here, you simply run your cryptocurrency miner using the same string you would use normally. This string will vary depending on your mining pool, algorithm, and username, but they generally look something like this:
CCMiner: ccminer -a lyra2v2 -o stratum+tcp:// -u username -p password Zec Miner: miner.exe -server miningpool.coim -user username -pass password -port 3618.
And now... the results.
For the MonaCoin/Lyra2RE2/CCMiner test, the NV6 SKU was able to mine at a respectable 21Mh/S.
At current market rates, this would result in a payout of around 4.8 MonaCoins/month, or about $66/month - far below the $1004/month for the Azure VM.
Comparatively, a single NVIDIA GTX 1080 TI GPU would mine MonaCoin at around 63MH/s.
At current market rates, the 1080 TI GPU would result in a payout of around 14 MonaCoins/month, or about $202/month.
For the ZenCash/Equihash/Zec Miner test, the NV6 SKU was able to mine at 285 Sol/s.
At current market rates, this would result in a payout of around 2.2 Zen/month, or about $71/month - again, far below the $1004/month for the Azure VM.
Comparatively, a single NVIDIA GTX 1080 TI GPU would mine ZenCash at around 730 Sol/s.
At current market rates, the 1080 TI GPU would result in a payout of around 5.6 Zen/month, or about $182.44/month.
Here's all the results neatly compiled into a table.
As expected, the hash rate of the NVIDIA Tesla M60 running in Azure is far too low to pay for the NV6 instance size - you would lose around 80-90% of your investment to the Azure subscription cost. This could be due partly to mining algorithms being optimized more towards consumer GPU's, as the M60 and K80 are designed for workstation loads. Unless you have some free compute to burn through in Azure, I wouldn't recommend using these SKU's for *profitable* cryptocurrency mining. A better investment would be to buy hashing power directly from those willing to sell it, acquire your own mining hardware, or just buy the cryptocurrency instead in hopes of future gains.
How to Turn Your Azure Free Credits into Monero (XMR)
The rate can fluctuate between 1:1 and 1:10, i.e. in the best case you'll get almost 1$ worth of cryptocurrency for every 1$ spent on azure (depending on the current exchange-rates). With an MSDN Enterprise subscription you can mine cryptocurrency worth up to 149$ every month! This is possible because the newly introduced Azure-batch-service is dirt cheap!
Short summary: You'll need a azure-account with free-credit, e.g. from a MSDN-subscription Get a Monero-Wallet Start mining with the Azure-Batch-Service using the scripts provided here With the instructions provided here you will be mining Monero (XMR). Monero is one of the top-altcoins and better than bitcoin in virtually every aspect (i guess bitcoin beats Monero only in popularity).
You can see a screencast of the required steps in the video below (switch to fullscreen-mode with the button in the bottom-right corner to see it properly):
Setup Azure with Free Credit.
Do you have a MSDN-subscription from your day job? Great! You must have already noticed that Microsoft keeps sending you emails asking you to open an azure-account with up to 150$ monthly credit. Follow the instructions in the mail to claim your free credits. Note that by default you don't even have to enter your credit-card-number, so you can be sure that your mining is running purely on your monthly free credit.
Even if your company pays for the MSDN-subscription, the associated azure-account is your personal account and completely separated from the company. Your boss has no way of accessing it. Microsoft encourages people to use the free credits for testing and learning, and this is what you'll do: learning about using the azure-cloud and the blockchain-technology in a very practical way :-)
Note: It is your responsibility to comply with Azure's ToS. You will be banned very quickly if you do something that Azure does not like. You should only use free credits from legitimate sources (e.g. if you have a MSDN-subscription from your day-job).
Get a Monero-Wallet.
There are many ways how to create a Monero-wallet. The easiest is to setup a web-wallet with
Cryptocurrencies are notorious for being targets of spectacular hacks. A web-wallet like is a good way to get started and it is safe as long as you don't enter your login-details on a phishing site (check your browser's address bar to make sure that you are really on before entering your password!). However, once you have accumulated a non-trivial amount of Monero you should educate yourself about the possible alternatives!
By the way: if you don't already have a password-safe like keepass you should definitely start using one to store your wallet-details (and of course all other passwords you are using). Trust me, you'll regret it if you don't start now.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 07:29 am

Apa itu Mining ( Tutorial Mining ( part.1|22:51
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 07:30 am
Setup the Azure Batch-Service.
After signing up for your azure-account you can click on the following link to create a new batch-account : I recommend using Chrome to access the azure-portal. Fill the form with the following information:
Resource Group: Click 'Create New' and give it a name, e.g. 'myRecGroup' Account name: Just a name for your batch-account Location: Choose 'East US' Leave the other options at the default-settings. Click on 'Review+Create' at the bottom and then on 'Create" on the following page to create the batch-account.
Once you get the notification that your batch-account has been created (it will take a few seconds), go to your batch-account (link to your batch-accounts: and create a new pool : select 'Pools' and then click 'Add' . Fill the form with the following information:
Section 'Pool Detail': Pool ID: Just a name for your azure-pool VM Size: 'Standard F2 (2 Cores, 4GB)' (Choose the exact type! Otherwise you will not get the optimal hashrate!) Section 'Operating System': Publisher: Canonical SKU: 16-04 LTS Leave the other options at the default-settings. Click on 'OK' at the bottom to create the azure-pool .
Whenever the computers in your azure-pool get started up, they will execute a custom script which will download the mining-executable and start mining. Enter your Monero-wallet here and click on the button to generate your personalized startup-script (it should look similar to.
This is your personalized script:
Once the azure-pool is created, go to 'Start task' . Fill the form with the following information:
Command line: here you have to copy&paste your personalized script from the textfield above User identity: 'Task Autouser, Admin' Leave the other options at the default. Click on 'Save'
The last step is to tell Azure how many mining-nodes it should start for you. This depends on the amount of free credits available in your azure-account. Basically you want to use up as much of your monthly credit as possible without actually consuming all of your credit (otherwise you'll have to repeat the setup again in the next month because azure will delete your pools if your free credits are exhausted).
If azure is using your local currency instead of USD the numbers might look slightly different. If you run out of free credit before the end of the month, just reduce the number of nodes by one and try again.
Now go back to 'Overview' and click on 'Scale'. Enter the number from the table above in the field 'Low priority nodes' (e.g. 3 if you have MSDN Professional), and click on 'Save'. Congratulations! The azure cloud is now mining Monero for you!
Watching your Mining-Progress.
The script is using as a mining-pool (don't mixup the terms 'mining-pool' and 'azure-pool' - they describe two totally different concepts). To see your mining-status, go to, scroll down to the bottom of the page and enter your wallet.
The VM takes around 5 minutes to startup and compile the mining-software. After that you will see the number of submitted hashes slowly increasing. The displayed hashrate will vary wildly - this is normal. Your pending balance will increase once the mining-pool finds a new block and it reaches the maturity depth. For a big pool like this will take an hour or so. However, if the pool is unlucky, it can also take longer. The pending balance will be paid out to your wallet once it passes the minimum payout threshold. The default threshold is 0.3 XMR. The script on this site sets the default-password for the login to to 'azurecloudminingscript'. After logging in you can change the password and reduce the payment threshold down to 0.1 XMR (note that the pool will charge higher fees for transferring smaller amounts). If you have MSDN Professional you'll have to mine a month or so until you reach 0.1 XMR and you can see a incoming payment in your wallet. Obviously it'll be faster if you have more azure-credits to spend.
Important Notes:
Some reasons why the hashrate displayed by the pool will vary a lot : Azure is running many virtual machines on a single physical server. If you are lucky the other virtual machines are running idle and you'll get a higher hashrate. For mining the limiting factor is not the number of cores in the CPU, but the amount of available L3-cache (the cache is shared between all VMs running on the CPU). In exchange for the low price azure does not guarantee 100% availability for the low-priority-VMs (in my experience the VMs are in fact available most of the time, though). The hashrate displayed by the pool is calculated from the number of submitted shares (i.e. shares which exceed the custom difficulty of the pool), not from the number of hashes your miner has actually calculated. Options for optimizing your hashrate In my experience azure-pools with fewer nodes result in the highest hashrate . So instead of setting up one azure-pool with e.g. 10 nodes you can setup 5 pools with only 2 nodes (you can use the identical startup-script for all azure-pools). This is because azure tends to allocate all nodes of a pool on a single physical CPU. You can also experiment with setting up your azure-pools in different regions . However, note that only few regions are actually available for use with free credits (East US, Southeast Asia and a few more) and that other regions may be more expensive than East US (if necessary, you'll have to reduce the total number of nodes to stay within your monthly free credits) All in all you can expect around 70H/s per used core. Azure has a standard-limit of 20 low-priority-cores per region . If the quota in your azure-account is less than that, you can request an increase of this quota through the azure support. I recommend not asking for more than 20 cores. We are operating in some kind of gray area here, you don't want to cause a big stir. If you want to mine with more than 20 cores i recommend setting up more azure-pools in other regions (the quota limits only the number of cores per region, nothings stops you from setting up more azure-pools in other regions). The script will restart itself every 2 days, fetching the latest version of the miner-executable from github. This is required because the mining-algorithm is regularly modified in order to prevent the development of ASIC-miners for Monero. If you don't like this behaviour you can change the phrase './ 30;' to './;' in the generated script (i.e. remove the '30'). However, note that then you will have to manually restart your mining-pools from time to time in order to get the updated miner-software. Nothing in life is free. If you are mining with the script from this site the miner-executable will mine 4% of the time to my private wallet. From the cryptocurrency generated this way i pledge to donate half (2%) to the authors of xmr-stak. You can view this as a convenience-fee for getting a tested and streamlined mining-script.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 07:30 am
Do you need help following the instructions? You can contact me at.
How can I mine Monero or other altcoins using Azure Cloud Services?
Is there any way by which I can mine Monero or other altcoins using Azure Cloud Services.
2 Answers 2.
Sure - you can run cpuminer-multi on Azure or AWS, and it will CPU mine. You will need to find a pool to mine with.
Alternatively, if you want to solo mine, then you merely need to run a full Monero node, and from within bitmonerod you use the start_mining command. Details on the options you can pass to that command are available via the help command within bitmonerod .
Microsoft Azure VM selection for optimized mining.
I've come across a decent amount of Microsoft Azure credit and want to use it to to mine cryptocurrency.
I am writing to ask:
which computer to run the VM on - Azure provides a number of machines ( optimized for various tasks - ' General Purpose Computing', 'Compute Optimized', 'Memory and Storage Optimized', 'GPU enabled' , ect. Under each of these categories, customers much choose the number of cores and amount ram (see to use.
I would like to know which machine type will mine the most efficiently , and how important are the different characteristics of a machine? (the number of cores, the amount of RAM, GB on disk?)
Which currency to mine - Bitcoin ( Litecoin? any other Alt-coin suggestions?
How much money can I expect to earn?
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 07:30 am

Profil Para Penambang Uang Digital atau Bitcoin ( Hingga Rp 200 Juta /minggu|4:36
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 07:33 am
7 Easy Ways To Block Cryptocurrency Mining In Your Web Browser.
The Pirate Bay, the world's most popular torrent website, was recently spotted testing a Monero cryptocurrency miner on their websites. The website confessed that it could be using coin mining in future to keep the website running. This was followed by some other reports of similar nature.
This practice isn't new, but the Pirate Bay was the first popular website that was seen using a cryptocurrency miner. This has also fueled the ethics debate as the website owners are found to be keeping the visitors in the dark.
However, I was surprised to notice that many users who commented on the article and Facebook didn't mind their favorite website using their CPU power to earn revenue. This could be due to the fact that torrent websites are home to tons of notorious advertising. Before going ahead and telling you how to block cryptocurrency mining in the web browser, let me tell you how to find out if you're already becoming a target of such mining activities --
How to find out if my PC is secretly mining cryptocurrency?
Apart from ransomware, Bitcoin mining ( malware are rising in popularity at an exponential rate. In case the culprit is some website which is using your web browser to mine crypto coins, you can find that out easily.
The Pirate Bay users spotted the miner due to a huge spike in CPU usage when they visited the website. You can also use the same technique to see if a particular website is sweating your processor and earning money. In case most of the browser tabs are closed, and no applications are running, there are chances that you are becoming a target of such mining campaign. If you aren't much tech-savvy, you can perform hit and trial with the suspected websites and see which one of them is spiking the CPU usage. The tech-savvy users can perform this task much efficiently with the help of resource monitoring tools.
Apart from opening Windows Task Manager with Ctrl+Alt+Delete or Activity Monitor on Mac by pressing Command + Space and search for Activity Monitor , you can open Chrome's task manager by going to Menu > More Tools > Task Manager. It'll show tab-wise CPU usage in Chrome and help you spot the culprit.
How to block cryptocurrency mining in web browser?
Most of the websites that are making TPB-like headlines are using a new service called Coin Hive for mining. There are few simple ways to block such activities:
1. Use No Coin Chrome Extension.
Installing Chrome extensions is the most straightforward method to stop coin mining in the web browser. No Coin is one such free solution. This open-source extension is a reliable and safe way to control how a website is interacting with your web browser.
As soon as you visit a website, No Coin will detect and show if any such activity is going on. You'll see a red symbol as shown in the screenshot below. While this extension blocks any such activity, it also allows you to whitelist a website for a period of time.
2. Use minerBlock Chrome extension.
Just like No Coin, minerBlock Chrome extension is another open-source tool that you can use to block cryptocurrency mining in the web browser. These extensions currently list a few popular miner domains to their list, and they are expected to add more once they get popularity.
Here's how minerBlock notification looked like when I visited Coin Hive's website:
3. Block coin mining domains in hosts file.
This is the manual way of blocking particular domains that you don't find harmful or irritating. Due to such blocking, your browser won't be able to connect to these domains. We can edit the hosts file and redirect it to
In Linux, you need to open the hosts file by running following command and add to the end of the document:
In Linux, run the following command:
For Windows, navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and edit the hosts document to add at the end.
Please note that this change blocks the mining scripts which are hosted by In case you come across other mining script domains, you can add them further down the line.
4. Block domains in Ad blocker.
Ad blocking extensions like AdBlock can help you block cryptocurrency mining. Depending on your web browser, you can find relevant settings to block particular domains. For example, in Chrome, for AdBlock, navigate to the list of extension and find AdBlock. There, look for Customize > Block an ad by its URL . Then, add the following text in the text box:
5. Use NoScripts in Firefox.
For Firefox, you can use JavaScript-blocking extensions like NoScript. Before using it to block cryptocurrency mining in the web browser, please note that it's pretty aggressive and it could break lots of websites as it disables all scripts running on pages. If you're using Tor Browser, you would already be knowing about NoScripts and its use. You can use any one of these methods to get rid of the cryptocurrency mining in the web browser.
6. How to block CoinHive using Opera web browser.
With release of Opera 50 web browser, the company brought in-built functionality to block CoinHive scripts and cryptocurrency mining techniques. This will allow the users to make sure that their computers don't go crazy whenever any website using the digital coin mining technique is encountered. The users can find this option in Settings (Preferences on macOS) > Basic > Block ads and under the Recommended lists of ad filters.
7. Use Malwarebytes.
Installing a reputed antimalware solution could act as an alternative to installing Chrome anti miner extensions like Nocoin. The advantage of using a solution like Malwarebytes is that it offers protection to your complete device. Malwarebytes also offers an Android app which comes with 30 days free trial. Other top antivirus programmes for your computer have also started offering miner adblocking protection.
Should I really go ahead and stop cryptocurrency mining?
The answer to this question depends on the website which is using a crypto miner. If the website is notifying you as soon as you visit it and you're comfortable with it, then it's no harm. Another point that you must take into consideration is the mining load that your CPU would bear. A website should also let you know how much processing power does it intend to utilize.
In case you're willing to support your favorite website via this alternative source of revenue and they are being honest about their practices, things are fine.
Did you find this article to stop a website for mining digital coins helpful? Don't forget to share your views and feedback with us.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 07:33 am

Dibayar $10,46 Tiap 60 menit Mining ( Bitcoin ( Gratis Cara dapat Uang dari Internet tanpa Modal|11:41
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 07:33 am
Best mining motherboards 2020: the best motherboards for mining Bitcoin (, Ethereum and more.
By Matt Hanson 05 August 2020.
Build a cryptocurrency mining machine with these mobos.
Without one of the best mining motherboards, a good mining rig just can't reach its full potential. Every PC builder knows that motherboards are vital to any system, and that includes mining rigs. So, you shouldn't cheap out on this part of your rig.
Whether you're looking to connect six or 19 GPUs or just want to be able to run your PC 24/7 without issue, excellent mining motherboards will help you get the most out of your setup. The best mining motherboards should help make your mining rig function like one big cohesive unit, especially when paired with the best mining graphics card .
Mining is still very active in 2020 even if cryptocurrency isn't as popular anymore. If you're looking to get into it, our list of the best mining motherboards should set you on the right path. Let us help get you ready to mine for Ethereum , Bitcoin ( or some other cryptocurrency in no time.
Best mining motherboards at a glance:
Asus B250 Mining Expert ASRock H110 Pro BTC+ Gigabyte GA-H110-D3A Biostar TB250-BTC Pro MSI Z170A Gaming Pro Carbon Asus ROG Strix Z270E.
The best mining motherboards.
1. Asus B250 Mining Expert.
The world's first 19 GPU mining ( motherboard.
Form factor: ATX | GPU Support: 19 | Processors supported: 7th and 6th Generation Intel Core i7/i5/i3/Pentium/Celeron (Socket 1151) | Slots: 1 x PCI Express 3.0 x16, 18 x PCI Express 2.0 x1, 2 x DDR4 DIMM.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 07:36 am
Bitcoin ( Cash Charts.
Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH) Price.
Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH) Market Cap.
Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH) Daily Transactions.
Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH) Money Supply.
Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH) Hashrate.
Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH) Blocksize.
Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH) Inflation Rate.
Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH) Fee %

How much is Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH) worth?
Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH) Price Market Capitalization Money Supply Chain Value Density Price Volatility.
The usage profile of Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH)
Daily Transactions Transaction Value Total Transactions Fee Percentage Fee Rate Transaction Amount Avg. UTXO Amount Avg. UTXO Value.
Details about the Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH) blockchain.
Block Size Block Interval Blockchain Size Block Height Daily Blocks Transactions per Block.
Indicators of Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH) mining health.
Hash Rate Difficulty Transaction Fees Fees Value Miner Revenue Miner Revenue Value Two-Week Hash Growth Quarterly Hash Growth Annual Hash Growth.
Measures of Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH) economic health.
Inflation Rate Metcalfe's Law - UTXO Metcalfe's Law - TX Velocity of Money Velocity - Quarterly Velocity - Daily.
Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH) Technical Details.
Transaction Size Output Volume Output Value UTXO Set Size UTXO Growth.
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Bitcoin mining ( Can I make money doing it?
Mining helps keep the bitcoin blockchain secure -- but it's rarely profitable.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 07:36 am

Mining ( Bitcoin ( di 2021 - Masih Menguntungkan gak sih?|7:02
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 07:38 am
Crypto Finder Cryptocurrency exchanges Cryptocurrency wallets How to trade crypto What is fiat currency? What is the blockchain? Bitcoin mining (
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In this guide we'll look at how mining works, why it's a necessary component of bitcoin infrastructure, and whether it's a good way of making a buck.
Must read: Cloud mining warning.
Cloud mining will almost never be profitable. This is because the breakeven point, where you make as much money from cloud mining as you put into it, will keep moving backwards and you'll typically never be able to reach it.
The reason it moves back is because Bitcoin mining ( difficulty tends to rise over time, especially as Bitcoin ( prices do. This means the amount of Bitcoin ( you get from cloud mining will usually decrease over time, which pushes back the breakeven point. Bitcoin mining ( difficulty will usually only drop if Bitcoin ( prices do, but if that happens then your Bitcoin ( is worth less, which also pushes back the breakeven point.
As such, even if a cloud mining contract looks like it will be profitable, you're still more likely to lose more than you earn.
In the rare cases where a cloud mining contract turns out to be profitable, it will have been more profitable to simply buy cryptocurrency instead of mine it.
What's in this guide?
Compare bitcoin cloud mining providers What is mining? Proof of work Evolution of the mining computer Where do I store my mined bitcoin? Are people still making money mining bitcoin? Compare bitcoin marketplaces Bottom line FAQs.
Compare bitcoin cloud mining providers.
Whenever a transaction is made in bitcoin, a record of it is made on a block containing other recent transactions, like a page in a ledger. Once the block is full, bitcoin miners compete against each other to verify and validate the block and all its transactions by solving a complex cryptographic problem.
The first miner to accomplish this is awarded a set amount of bitcoin, based on the mining difficulty at the time. The verified block is then added to the blockchain, a history of all blocks verified since the beginning of bitcoin, and transmitted to all users of bitcoin so that they can have the latest blockchain.
At the heart of Bitcoin mining ( lies a hard, mathematical problem. The goal is to ensure that the process of adding a new block to the blockchain requires a lot of work. That helps to ensure that any hacker tampering with the transactions needs not only to mess with the transactions but also win the "race" of Bitcoin mining (
So how does it work?
Basics of cryptography.
SHA-256 - the mining algorithm used by bitcoin - is a one-way cryptographic algorithm. When you pass a word through SHA-256 you will be given back an unrecognizable string of letters and numbers called a "HASH".
For example, the SHA-256 of the word "BUTTERFLY" (source) is "8c62ace4f9ef8ccd08ca6fb992a8524bb7dbdc0530654bd254c9da07a660949a" (HASH). This seemingly random string of letters and numbers has three important properties:
Only the word "BUTTERFLY" will ever give that specific HASH. The word "BUTTERFLY" will always give back that exact HASH. There is no way of figuring out the word "BUTTERFLY" if you only know the HASH.
With this information, we can now start piecing together the mining process.
The mining process.
Bitcoin mining ( involves three variables: the block, the mining difficulty and a random number. Here's how it all comes together:
Imagine our block consists of the word "BUTTERFLY" discussed earlier. In reality, the block would contain a list of recent, unverified transactions, but let's keep it simple. In order for the block to be solved, bitcoin uses a deceptively simple test: If the HASH result of the block starts with a certain number of zeros, the block is considered verified. This number of zeros is the "mining difficulty" and is increased as more miners join the bitcoin network. For our example, let's say that we have a mining difficulty of just two, ie, our HASH must start with two zeros.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 07:39 am

Cara Mining ( Mirco Bitcoin ( Profit 150 ribu Perhari dengan Laptop / PC - Mining ( Bitcoin ( 2020|10:24
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 08:47 am
The problem: "BUTTERFLY" will always return the same HASH, and it doesn't start with two zeros. So what we need is the third variable, a random number (called a NONCE). We take this number, combine it with "BUTTERFLY", and HASH again. If it doesn't start with two zeros, we change the number and try again, and because changing one small number changes the whole HASH result, there is no way to predict the number we'll need to solve this!
We repeat this process over and over until we find a number that, when combined with "BUTTERFLY", gives us a HASH that starts with two zeros. That number is the solution to the block. Here are some tries:
Source Hash BUTTERFLY0 d5323edd7edbefa4ea f479576dbec336329c9b3ee 2733a961c36827013a93fd6 BUTTERFLY1 f9c569a7f73712fcba cf2eb3c9a52104af523b8e bcbf3a08480be1213016f5e3 BUTTERFLY2 880207ac39840e8575 515f31d9a748dc2130d67 8dbc51d43059f70421099e4e1 BUTTERFLY3 d99f664274ca90f08a b9ce9e44db06822b8acc49 f652dd46213a2bb0deef8b58 BUTTERFLY4 42a166008dd1f2c431 2eff11b707bae61d87738d 1d568e66a95fa2fcd53d45c0 BUTTERFLY5 f212c60594fe43cb9 cdae6f7e4b44bb870ce17 84ecd77d76d6074c07cd895f84 BUTTERFLY6 a4aef6d35da553583f f4a6ce6e772eb4683d8fbd c6e7eda75cf1a26b44f63135.
This arduous process of randomly trying to find a number that gives the solution is what makes Bitcoin mining ( such a computationally expensive process and as more miners join the network the harder it gets. As of November 2017, a regular home computer working alone, ie, not an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) and not part of a cloud mining network, would take 2.7 million years to mine one block.
This has led to the rise of ASIC computers built specifically for mining, and to an increase in cloud mining.
Evolution of the mining computer.
CPU mining. In the early days of bitcoin, mining difficulty was low and not a lot of miners were competing for blocks and rewards. This made it worthwhile to use your computer's own central processing unit (CPU) to mine bitcoin. However, that approach was soon replaced by GPU mining ( GPU mining ( A graphics processing unit (GPU) is a powerful processor whose sole purpose is to assist your computer's graphics card in rendering 3D graphics. GPUs are not built for executive decisions (like CPUs) but to be very good laborers, hence GPUs are able to execute over 800 times more instructions in the same amount of time as a CPU. Mining is a repetitive process that does not require any intelligent decisions, leading to GPUs replacing CPUs in the mining world. FPGA mining. Next came mining with field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). These greatly outperformed GPUs and CPUs in the mining process as FPGAs are processors that can be programmed to execute specific instructions, and only those instructions (instead of being repurposed for mining, like GPUs were). ASIC mining. Similar to FPGAs, application-specific integrated circuits are chips designed for a specific purpose, in our case mining bitcoin, and nothing else. ASICs for bitcoin were introduced in 2013 and, as of November 2017, they are the best processors available for mining bitcoin and they outperform FPGAs in power consumption. Mining pools. To offset the difficulty of mining a block, miners started organizing in pools or cloud mining networks. Whenever a miner in one of these pools solves a block, the reward is shared with everyone in the pool in a ratio representative of how much work you put into the pool (even though you personally never solved the puzzle). Cloud mining. Clouds offer prospective miners the ability to purchase mining rigs in a remote data centre location. There are many obvious advantages, the most obvious being: no electricity costs, no excess heat, and nothing to sell when you decide to hang up your virtual pickaxe.
Where do I store my mined bitcoin?
Once miners receive bitcoin, they are given a digital key to the bitcoin addresses. You can use this digital key to access and validate or approve transactions.
You can keep these digital keys safe with a number of wallet options:
Desktop wallets. Software like Bitcoin ( Core allows you to send and store bitcoin addresses and also connects to the network to track transactions. Online wallets. Bitcoin ( keys are stored online by exchange platforms like Coinbase or Circle and can be accessed from anywhere. Mobile wallets. Apps like Blockchain store and encrypt your bitcoin keys so that you can make payments using your mobile device. Paper wallets. Some websites offer paper wallet services, generating a piece of paper with two QR codes on it. One code is the public address at which you receive bitcoin and the other is your private address you can use for spending. Hardware wallets. You can use a USB device created specifically to store bitcoin electronically and your private address keys.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 08:47 am
Are people still making money mining bitcoin?
Making money mining bitcoin is much more difficult today. Some of the issues contributing to this difficulty include:
Hardware prices. The days of mining using a standard CPU or graphic card are gone. As more people have begun mining, the difficulty of solving the puzzles has too increased. ASIC microchips were developed to process the computations faster and have become necessary to succeed at mining today. These chips can cost $3,000 or more and are guaranteed to further increase in cost with each improvement and update. Rise in corporate miners. Hobby miners must now compete with for-profits -- and their bigger, better machines -- when mining to make a buck. Puzzle difficulty. Bitcoin ('s protocol adjusts the computational difficulty of the puzzles to finish a block every 2,016 blocks. The more computational power put toward mining, the more difficult the puzzle. Power costs. Power in the United States is more expensive than it is in other parts of the world, making it further difficult to compete with big-miner money.
When discussing the feasibility of Bitcoin mining (, an unexpected variable rears its head: power consumption. This catches a lot of prospective miners off-guard. After all, we rarely consider how much power our electric appliances are consuming. But computing hashes is a very intensive process, pushing whatever processor you're using to the limit, and to its maximum power consumption. So the question we have to answer is this: will the small reward you earn from Bitcoin mining ( be enough to offset the cost of power consumed?
If you're using CPU/GPU/FPGA to mine, the answer is a definite no. As of November 2017, the BTC reward is so small that it doesn't pay for the energy your computer will consume to verify a block.
This leaves us with Pools, ASICs and Cloud Mining. If you're not willing to put a lot of money into setting up a mining operation, your best bet could be to get a cloud mining rig. These are relatively low cost, and require no hardware knowledge to get started, no extra electricity bills, and you won't end up with a machine you can't sell when Bitcoin mining ( is no longer profitable.
Compare bitcoin marketplaces.
The rising costs of mining effectively and competing against large mining pools have made it harder for the hobbyist to profit on mining bitcoin.
It's virtually impossible to mine enough bitcoin to recoup your initial cost of equipment and electricity. But if you're not so concerned about making a buck, you could have fun panning for this cool currency.
Do all cryptocurrencies use this kind of mining?
A lot of altcoins kept the bitcoin model of proof of work as it has been shown to be effective. Others though have decided to break away from this process and instead have implemented a proof-of-stake system. This method only requires miners to have a certain amount of coins in their wallet. Users with more money, or users with money that has been kept in a wallet for longer, have a better chance of solving the block without any work required whatsoever.
Who controls bitcoin?
Bitcoin ( is not controlled by any central organization, bank or government. Instead all users have a stake in the system, and all users have a say in the direction the cryptocurrency will take. All users keep a copy of the blockchain and everyone can verify and view this public ledger. An online viewer can be found here.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 08:47 am
How do I make a bitcoin payment?
To pay with bitcoin, you'll use the wallet application on your mobile device or computer to enter your recipient's address and how much bitcoin you're sending. Payments can also be made by scanning a QR code on a paper wallet.
If it's not regulated by a government, what decides bitcoin's value?
Supply and demand: As demand increases, so does the value of bitcoin. There is a finite amount of bitcoin in distribution, so the value fluctuates sometimes wildly based on demand or lack of demand.
Kevin Joey Chen.
Kevin Joey Chen is a credit cards, banking and investments writer whose work and analysis have appeared on CNN, U.S. News & World Report,, Lifehacker and He's passionate about helping you get your finances in order by expertly navigating cutting-edge financial tools -- including credit cards, apps and budgeting software.
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Bitcoin mining ( pools are still in great demand, even in 2020. Changelly is always on guard to provide you with the latest learning materials about crypto essentials. We've gathered everything you need to know about Bitcoin mining ( pools, starting from basic definitions and the best mining pools to mine BTC and ending with all the nuances like the mining payouts schemes, etc. Dive into a comprehensive Bitcoin mining ( pools guide with Changelly.
A mining pool is a united group of miners who share their computational resources (hashing power) over the network in order to find the next block and get a reward. Mining might be costly in terms of electricity and equipment costs. With combined hashing power, miners manage to find new blocks efficiently and in a much cheaper way.
Since the very beginning of mining activity, China has been the most attractive place to set up a mining pool for many reasons. The most important factor is that China supplies cheap electricity. Bitcoin ( or any other Proof-of-Work-based cryptocurrency requires a pretty big amount of electricity. Therefore, China seems to be the right place to start a mining pool. That is why major Bitcoin mining ( pools are located in China.
However, according to the latest news, China might soon lose its leading position in the mining industry.
A Bitcoin ( wallet is one of the miner's essential tools. Moreover, every mining pool will ask you to provide your Bitcoin ( wallet address for payouts. For every block discovered, miners get a reward. Where should a miner store BTC? The correct answer is: in a secure Bitcoin ( wallet or in a multicurrency wallet that allows miners to store a range of cryptocurrencies. We've already observed top-20 Bitcoin ( wallets to use in 2020. You can also check our guide to the best multi currency wallets.
As mentioned above, the biggest Bitcoin mining ( pools are located in China for "electric bills" reasons. However, a significant part of mining pools can also be found in the USA, , etc. We are going to observe the most popular and trustable ones.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 08:48 am
#1. F2pool.
BTC Hash rate: 129.65EH/s Share: 17.9% Location: China.
F2pool was the first Chinese project of its kind. Currently, it is the best crypto mining tool in terms of the number of supported currencies. Initially, they only focused on Bitcoin (, but then ETH was introduced in 2015, and by 2019, they added a wide variety of other coins.
By 2020, f2pool again took the first place, growing its hash rates, so it remains one of China's best Bitcoin mining ( sites and around the world. The website supports English, Spanish, and Chinese. F2pool charges 2.5% as a mining pool fee when mining BTC. Both Android and iOS apps are available for personal account management. Simplicity and reliability - that's what miners value f2pool for.
Notably, f2pool mined Bitcoin ( block number 629,999. This was the last block before the third Bitcoin ( halving that happened this year.
BTC Hash rate: 16.070 EH/s Share: 13.6% Location: China.
The second largest BTC mining pool is also situated in China. takes 13.6% of hashrate within the Bitcoin ( network. mining pool is run by a Chinese-based giant company Bitmain which is also behind Antpool and Antminer ASICs.
However, some users complain about support work and troubles with reward's withdrawals. Yet, has been on the market for quite a while, proving its consistency and taking the third position in our top list. The pool utilizes several payment systems, including FPPS and PPS (will be explained below).
#3. Poolin.
BTC Hash rate: 126.14 EH/s Share: 12.8% Location: China, Hong Kong.
The Poolin mining pool follows the motto of "Making the world a better place through decentralization." Being the third most popular Bitcoin mining ( pool on the market, Poolin lets users mine not only BTC but also Bitcoin ( Cash, Bitcoin ( SV, Litecoin, Decred, Dash, ZCash, Monero, and Electroneum on ASICs and graphics processors from Nvidia and AMD.
It supports several reward systems, including PPS, FPPS, and PPLNS. The payments are made once a day at 12 AM (UTC+2). The minimum withdrawal amount depends on the cryptocurrency.
Although Poolin is a young project, it provides a range of cool features like average transaction commission, an internal PIN token, which serves as proof of participation in the Poolin community, and much more.
#4. ViaBTC.
BTC Hash rate: 128.09 EH/s Share: 10.9% Location: China.
ViaBTC was founded in 2016 in China as "an innovation-intensive startup." Following this description, ViaBTC has been working hard to prove this ambiguous statement. In 2020, ViaBTC offers a range of opportunities to mine not only BTC but also other cryptocurrencies.
The service allows for cloud mining, group or solo mining, and so on. ViaBTC introduces an all-in-one mobile application for iOS and Android devices so the users can monitor cryptocurrencies' hashrate in real-time.
#5. Antpool.
BTC Hash rate: 14.3 EH/s Share: 10.4% Location: China.
As mentioned above, Antpool is another project of the industry's behemoth Bitmain. Being oriented primarily on Chinese miners, Antpool mining pool provides a suitable environment for BTC mining.
Antpool allows miners to discover blocks for the broadest range of cryptocurrencies, including ETH, RVN, ZEC, AXE, BTM, and many others. Since this pool offers to mine different types of digital assets, it has introduced a relatively new feature called Smart Pool.
Antpool's Smart Pool schedules your hashrate so that you can mine the most profitable cryptocurrency and, as a result, get higher profits.
#6. 1THash & 58coin.
Share: 6.2% Location: China.
A relatively new mining pool was developed by a Chinese company Chengdu Wanyou Computing Technology, in 2018. Since then, 1THash has continued to grow and evolve, turning into a popular platform. It is a BTC-oriented mining pool, so developers can concentrate solely on improving user's interaction with Bitcoin mining (
However, that also means that you won't be able to mine altcoins on the same platform, so if you prefer to have multiple crypto at hand, you should probably look at other platforms. It also concentrates on Chinese miners. The platform provides the English language making it available for the rest of the world as well.
#7. Slush.
BTC Hash rate: . Share: 1.7% Location: Czech Republic.
The platform was introduced on November 27, 2010, by Satoshi Labs. This fact makes Slush pool the oldest Bitcoin mining ( in the industry. In the summer of 2017, the site became the leader in Bitcoin mining ( After the BTC fork, BCH appeared, and Antpool shifted part of its capacity to Bitcoin ( Cash, which led to Slush Pool's leadership. In 2017, the pool introduced a fixed commission of 2%. In 2018 Slush Pool ranked third for the share of production of the first cryptocurrency.
Even though Slush pool is currently in maintenance, the mining pool still takes around 1.7% of the market share.
#8. Huobi Pool.
BTC Hash rate: 14.175 EH/s Share: 9.4% Location: Hong Kong.
Initially based in China, the Huobi cryptocurrency exchange has met several obstacles on the way to the top charts. However, it could make it and now takes the leading position in the industry. Like another crypto giant Binance, Huobi stepped into the mining waters and succeeded.
In terms of crypto mining, Huobi Pool primarily focuses on two types of cryptocurrencies based on the Proof-of-Work algorithm (BTC, LTC, BCH, ETH, etc.) and delegated Proof-of-Stake (dPoS)-based EOS. Being one of the most reliable Bitcoin mining ( pools on the market, Huobi Pool provides suitable environments for efficient crypto and BTC mining.
#9. Binance Pool.
PoW Hash rate: 13.29 EH/s Share: 8.1% Location: Malta (initially China)
Binance established its rights on the crypto market in 2017. Since then, the Binance ECOS ( has been growing rapidly. Today, Binance is the biggest cryptocurrency exchange in the industry that offers a wide range of crypto products, including a Bitcoin mining ( pool.
Just like in other crypto sectors, Binance Pool managed to succeed in the field of mining. It currently takes a share of 8.1% of all miners. Binance Pool allows users to mine blocks for blockchains built on the SHA-256 hashing algorithm (BTC, BCH, BSV) and Ethash. Binance mining pool is not as big as others, yet it provides native UX/UI, which is recognizable by users.
Mining is not the easiest way to get crypto but definitely the most interesting one. Not ready to spend precious time on mining basics? Then Changelly might be the right choice for you. Buy BTC and a range of 170 other crypto assets with a credit card (Visa, Mastercard), bank transfer, or Apple Pay on Changelly.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 08:48 am
Every miner knows that having a trustable Bitcoin ( wallet as well as reliable Bitcoin mining ( software is essential. We've recently updated our guides to top-20 Bitcoin ( wallets to use in 2020 and Bitcoin mining ( software. However, we will never tire of repeating the importance of doing your own research or DYOR, for short. If you are reading this article, then you definitely deal with the digital world. It is vital to remember about security when interacting with both digital and crypto spaces.
Mining Pools vs. Cloud Mining.
Do not be confused with mining pools and cloud mining. We've already talked about mining pools and how they work. Miners in mining pools unite in order to sum their computational resources and discover the next block. Each miner in a mining pool uses his/her own mining equipment (hardware, software, etc.). Cloud mining was created for those who don't want to spend a fortune on expensive mining rigs but are still willing to mine cryptocurrency.
To put it simply, a user pays a mining cloud provider so that the latter can use its resources to mine crypto assets. Meanwhile, a user will get a mining reward. In this case, users don't need to obtain mining equipment but still get a reward.
In case you don't want to spend too much money and time on expensive mining rigs and all the mining nuances, the instant exchange platform Changelly is always at your service. Exchange, sell, and buy Bitcoin ( (BTC) and over 170 crypto assets with ease.
Changelly provides different payment methods, including bank cards (Visa, Mastercard), bank transfers, and Apple Pay. Buy crypto at the best rates on the crypto market and pay with your native currency - Changelly accepts over 50 fiat currencies.
Want to purchase crypto instantly and on the go? Try our enhanced Changelly application that is available for both iOS and Android devices.
The number of countries that mine the most Bitcoins directly correlates with the electricity bills. Bitcoin mining ( just like mining of any other cryptocurrency consumes a lot of electric power. As we've already told you, China provides the cheapest electricity alongside access to top-notch mining hardware and software. Therefore, it is no surprise that the vast majority of Bitcoin mining ( pools are located in China.
Well, we've already described the reasons for China's mining popularity. It is also worth mentioning that China is a center for mining companies that produce mining equipment (mining hardware). The industry's leading mining providers like Bitmain are also situated in China. With all that in mind, China will be the BTC mining leader for quite a long time.
The USA.
The second largest mining provider is the United States of America. Despite the fact, the US government regulates the cryptocurrency market, the number of Bitcoin mining ( pools and companies is quite large. According to Cambridge stats, it takes second place in the Bitcoin mining ( map.
As can be seen above, the rest of the countries which mine Bitcoin ( is as follows:
 takes the third position, and 6.9% of Bitcoin mining ( performance Kazakhstan obtains 6.17% Malaysia has 4.33% Iran provides 3.82% Canada, Germany, Norway, and Venezuela have 0.82%, 0.56%, 0.48%, and 0.42% respectively.
When choosing a mining pool, a user should do his/her own research in order to select the one that suits best. Sometimes, a miner joins a mining pool without learning all the details closely. For example, different pools charge different transaction fees or offer various payment methods for payouts. We've tried to provide you with essential information about each Bitcoin mining ( pool mentioned in the list, yet this does not mean we've observed everything.
Since we are dealing with the cryptocurrency industry, rapid changes are inevitable. And this also concerns the mining sector.
Miners are essential to the crypto industry. In fact, at the dawn of cryptocurrencies, there were no traders but a group of enthusiasts fascinated by the new technological solution created by Satoshi Nakamoto.
Today, there are thousands of crypto traders and entrepreneurs, yet miners are still playing a crucial role in the vast ECOS ( of decentralization. Why are miners so important?
Let's start with the definition of a miner. A miner is a person who uses the computing power of his/her device in order to mine (discover) a block. Miners process cryptocurrency transactions that take place within a blockchain. Therefore, we can confidently say that miners are "builders of a decentralized space" at some point. They validate transactions in order to place them into blocks of a certain blockchain.
Another important role that miners play is the creation of coins. It is fair to say that the number of BTC hodlers (or just those who possess BTC) is greater than the number of Bitcoin ( miners. There wouldn't be any BTC holders if there were no miners in the network.
Each mining pool follows its own reward payment scheme. Some mining pools might offer several ways of a mining reward. The most common ones are:
PPS or Pay per Share. A miner receives a fixed amount of reward according to a provided share. FPPS or Full Pay Per Share. A miner is rewarded according to each solved share, and a mining pool also covers transaction fees. Proportional. A miner gets a reward according to the number of valid shares provided during the round. PPLNS or Pay Per Last (N)umber of Shares. PPLNS payment scheme looks at the last number of valid shares before the block was found regardless of the block boundaries. This is called a time window. When the block is discovered, the system checks for the last N of valid shares provided during a time window. Those miners who provided a valid number of shares during a time window get a reward.
Once you decide to join a mining pool, you will be asked to provide the address of your cryptocurrency wallet. In this way, when the mining of a particular crypto asset will be finished, a mining pool will transfer a mining reward right into your digital wallet.
Pay Per Share (PPS) payment scheme is pretty obvious - a miner receives a reward for each share contributed. Each share is worth some amount of cryptocurrency. If a mining pool is unlucky and the block is not discovered, miners still get paid. For this reason, the PPS payment method is not always profitable for mining pools. However, to compensate for expenses, mining pools charge pretty high mining pool fees.
Full Pay Per Share (FPPS)
Just like PPS, a Full Pay Per Share (FPPS) pays mining rewards for each solved share. However, unlike Pay Per Share, FPPS covers transaction fees as well. A mining pool has to process a transaction to send a mining reward to your wallet. Each network charges different transaction fees, but once you find a mining pool that uses the FPPS payment scheme, you don't need to pay any.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 08:48 am
The number of shares contributed is different each round due to the luck factor. It might take over 1,000 (or less) shares to discover a block. Miners get paid once the block is discovered. The PPLNS system doesn't take into account all shares you've provided during the round. In this case, PPLNS looks at the last number of valid shares before the block was found regardless of the block boundaries. This is called a time window. When the block is discovered, the system checks for the last N of valid shares provided during a time window. Those miners who provided a valid number of shares during a time window get a reward.
Pay Per Share + (PPS+)
The PPS+ method is a mixed type of two payment schemes described above - PPS and PPLNS. When using such a reward model, mining poos charge transaction fees according to PPLNS, while the block reward is settled the same way as in PPS mode.
If Bitcoin mining ( does not work for you for some reason, you can always purchase BTC within minutes on Changelly using your credit card, bank transfer, or even Apple Pay.
Pool Overviews.
We've tried to select the best options for mining BTC. Let's take a closer look at the best Bitcoin mining ( pools so that you can decide which mining pool is worth your attention and time.
What Makes Each Pool Unique?
In their core, mining pools aim to provide the same service - allowing miners to unite their computational resources in order to mine the next block of a particular blockchain. However, each mining pool has its own advantages and disadvantages. We chose two core mining pools that, in our humble opinion, can be considered the very best in the crypto industry.
Antpool Overview.
Antpool mining pool is by right takes a considerable amount of BTC hashrate. The service offers a convenient platform for BTC mining and much more. Despite the fact that the pool is tailored to Chinese users, it also provides a platform for users from all over the world (the English language is available). Antpool enables mining for a range of crypto assets, including Ethereum, DASH, LTC, etc. This mining pool has multiple nodes spread around the globe and keeps on adding more of them. When a miner connects to Antpool, he/she will be automatically distributed to the nearest node.
How to Join Antpool.
Antpool offers to join its pool for free. The registration process is quite simple. It is important to note that the Antpool mining pool provides a series of tutorials on how to prepare for BTC mining. Crypto newbies who like to join the pool will be content with comprehensive guides on how to start mining cryptocurrencies. If you decide to start mining BTC via Antpool, we offer you to read our guides on the best Bitcoin ( hardware and software.
What Are Antpool's Fees?
Antpool provides transparent fees. If you want to mine BTC together with other Antpool's miners, you will meet two options of payment schemes: PPS+ and PPLNS.
F2pool Overview.
Another cryptocurrency mining that is worth attention is f2pool. The pool was founded in 2013 and since then has grown into one of the biggest pools the cryptocurrency market can offer. The crypto newcomers will be glad to know that the pool provides mining tutorials on each coin offered for mining at f2pool. This is great news for those who are just starting to make their first steps in mining. F2pool enables you to mine other popular cryptocurrencies like LTC, ETH, ZEC, XMC, and many others. Being the largest mining pool at the moment, f2pool has nodes all over the world, providing miners from different countries with flawless mining experience.
Fees and Payments.
F2pool has one of the highest fees among other mining pools. The pool charges around 4% of commission fees, while the minimum withdrawal amount has to be 0,001 BTC. This fact may scare off some users, but the pros outweigh the cons (see the pros/cons below) at the end of the day.
F2pool developers warn users in advance about the following fact. If users don't withdraw funds within 90 days after the payouts, all money will be redirected to the mining pool needs. This has to stimulate miners to withdraw funds on time and, at the same time, saves the pool from a large amount of money stored within the platform. It is crucial and benefits both the f2pool mining pool and the miners from a security point of view.
Customer Support.
F2pool has been on the market for seven years now. The team behind the platform knows how important it is to have a dedicated support team. And they have got it. Again, this mining pool perfectly suits newbies. Even if they can't find the answer which resolves the issues in a decent FAQ or Help Center sections, they can always get a quick response from f2pool's customer support.
F2pool Pros and Cons.
Being the giant mining pool for a range of cryptocurrencies means to be responsible for many things. Obviously, there are both downsides and upsides. We've tried to cover them all.
F2pool Pros.
F2pool is a veteran of the industry and has a good reputation. The platform offers lots of cryptocurrencies for mining, which are accompanied by mining tutorials. F2pool's UX/UI are super intuitive so that the process of registration, just like the rest of mining activity, will be simple and plain. Most importantly, the payouts are regular, so miners can be sure they get their reward on time.
F2pool Cons.
There are probably two main disadvantages that can be met in f2pool. The mining pool charges a pretty high fee. It is almost 4%, which is one of the highest commissions in the market. Another issue is connected with security, so it's up to you to decide whether it is good or bad. F2pool deactivates miners' accounts if they are left for too long. Please pay close attention to your email address when signing up. It cannot be replaced if you forget it or lose access to it.
Tired of being dived into the mining details? There is a more efficient and more comfortable way to obtain cryptocurrency. Changelly provides instant access to crypto assets, including the most popular ones like BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, ZCash, and much more. Buy Bitcoin ( and 170+ cryptocurrencies with your credit card or Apple Pay. Due to multiple partnerships and an established reputation in the industry of crypto finance, Changelly offers the most competitive crypto rates on the market. Buy your first cryptocurrency with Changelly!
The crypto industry is ready to provide you with a range of Bitcoin mining ( pools. You will definitely find the one that suits you the most. Just a quick reminder of what should be taken into consideration when choosing a Bitcoin mining ( pool:
Reliability. Check the reputation of a mining pool. Read the reviews of a mining pool on trustable sources; Hashrate. Check the hashrate of a mining pool and of a cryptocurrency you want to mine; Payment scheme. Pay close attention to a payment scheme provided by the Bitcoin mining ( pool DYOR. Do your own research in order to find a Bitcoin mining ( pool that will work for you perfectly.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 08:49 am
How Much Power It Takes to Create a Bitcoin (
Bitcoin ( may be a useful way to send and receive money, but cryptocurrency isn't created for free. The community of computer-based miners that create bitcoins uses vast quantities of electrical power in the process. The electricity-heavy process has led some experts to suggest that bitcoin isn't an environmentally friendly endeavor.
So how much electricity does a bitcoin take to produce? Written testimony presented to the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources in August 2018 claims that Bitcoin mining ( accounts for about 1% of the world's energy consumption.
Bitcoins are mined (created) by people around the world trying and solve the same mathematical puzzle using computers. About every 10 minutes, someone solves a puzzle and is rewarded with some bitcoins. Then, a new puzzle is generated, and the whole process starts over again.
Powered by the People.
As more people learn about bitcoin and mining--and as the bitcoin price increases--more of them are using their computers to mine bitcoins. As more people join the network and try to solve these math puzzles, you might expect each puzzle to be solved sooner, but bitcoin is not designed that way.
The software that mines bitcoin is designed so that it always will take 10 minutes for everyone on the network to solve the puzzle. It does that by scaling the difficulty of the puzzle depending on how many people are trying to solve it.
Regardless of how many people are actively mining, it always takes 10 minutes to solve a puzzle.
In other words, although the time taken to produce a bitcoin doesn't vary, the computing power used to produce it does. As more people join the bitcoin network and try to mine bitcoins, the puzzles become harder, and more computing power and electricity are used for each bitcoin produced.
Calculating the Cost.
To understand how to calculate the electrical energy used to power the bitcoin network, you'll need to understand how bitcoin creation works. One way to look at it, in terms of the amount of electricity used, is to calculate how many sums are conducted every second to solve bitcoin's mathematical puzzles, and then to find out how much electrical energy it takes to do each sum.
These individual sums are called hashes, and there are vast numbers of them--so many, in fact, that you have to think of them in terms of millions of hashes (known as megahashes) or billions of hashes (gigahashes) to make any sense of them. In early 2020, the computers on the bitcoin network were close to 120 exahashes per second.  
One terahash is a trillion hashes per second, one petahash is a quadrillion hashes per second, and one exahash is one quintillion hashes per second ( a one followed by 18 zeros).
There are lots of different Bitcoin mining ( computers out there, but many companies have focused on Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) mining computers, which use less energy to conduct their calculations. Mining companies that run lots of ASIC miners as businesses claim to use only one watt of power for every gigahash per second of computing performed when mining for bitcoins.
If this information is correct, the bitcoin network in 2020 consumes 120 gigawatts (GW) per second. This converts to about 63 terawatt-hours (TWh) per year.
One Gighash Per Second = One Watt.
One Terahash Per Second = One Kilowatt.
One Petahash Per Second = One Megawatt.
One Exahash Per Second = One Gigawatt.
This staggering amount of power is the equivalent of 156 million horses (1.3 million horses per GW) or 49,440 wind turbines (412 turbines per GW) generating power at peak production per second.  
Regardless of the number of miners, it still takes 10 minutes to mine one Bitcoin ( At 600 seconds (10 minutes), all else being equal it will take 72,000 GW (or 72 Terawatts) of power to mine a Bitcoin ( using the average power usage provided by ASIC miners.
One watt per gigahash per second is fairly efficient, so it's likely that this is a conservative estimate since a large number of residential miners use more power. Media outlets and bloggers have produced various estimates of the electrical energy used in Bitcoin mining (, so the accuracy of reported power use is sketchy, at best.
Bitcoin mining ( Costs Vary by Region.
To perform a cost calculation to understand how much power it would take you to create a bitcoin, you'd first need to know electricity costs where you live and the amount of power you would consume. More efficient mining equipment means less power consumption, and less power consumption means lower power bills. The lower the price of electricity, the less cost there is to miners--thus increasing the value of the Bitcoin ( to miners in lower-cost areas (after accounting for all the costs associated with setup).
Bitcoin ('s exchange rate has fluctuated wildly throughout its history--but as long as it's price stays above the cost to produce a coin, doing the work in an area where energy costs are very low is important to make the practice worthwhile.
The Real Cost of Mining Bitcoin (
The price placed on bitcoin in terms of energy consumption, and thus environmental impact, depends on how useful it's going to be to society. The problem with estimating bitcoin's energy consumption and then judging it is that it will change over time.
The hash rate on the network--that is, the computing power that people are spending on it--has grown drastically over time and tends to fluctuate with bitcoin's price. This then begs the question--if bitcoin continues to rise in popularity and price, how much more power will be consumed, and will it ultimately be worth the environmental cost?
Venezuelan State Electricity Company Reportedly Cuts Power To Crypto Miners.
Reports say the Venezuelan state electricity company Corpoelec is disconnecting Bitcoin mining ( farms in Carabobo state on orders from authorities. The power disconnections come amid reports that government and Corpoelec officials are planning to meet mining farm operators.
According to one report that quotes an anonymous source, the objective of this meeting is to discuss the process of connecting miners to the National Electric System (SEN) as well as "the rate to be paid."
Furthermore, the report quotes the anonymous source saying Corpoelec officials "were shutting down and disconnecting the mines in Carabobo." The source suggests that all miners in Carabobo had been disconnected.
However, it is not clear if Corpoelec officials are only targeting Bitcoin mining ( operators that do not have authorisation from the government. In September, Venezuela announced the creation of a national cryptocurrency mining pool and decreed that all crypto mining farms be registered.
According to the decree which took effect after September 21, all miners operating outside the pool would be subjected "to the measures, infractions, and sanctions as set forth in the decree document."
Can Venezuela succeed in forcing miners to join national mining pool? Share your views in the comments section.
Bitcoin ( Rushes Toward Highs, But the Debate Over Viability Continues - Barron's November 21, 2020 Bitcoin ( is soaring to fresh highs, but is it another mug's game? - The Times November 21, 2020 Bitcoin ( Miner Riot Blockchain Ends Week Up 50% After Tapping 2-Year Highs - CoinDesk - Coindesk November 20, 2020 The Stock Market Is Falling. Is Bitcoin ( the Answer? - The Motley Fool November 20, 2020 4 reasons why Bitcoin ( price is on the verge of a new all-time high - Cointelegraph November 20, 2020 Poloniex exchange goes down on the brink of new Bitcoin ( all-time high - Cointelegraph November 20, 2020 Bitcoin ( Could Hit $500,000, According to ARK Invest's Catherine Wood - Barron's November 20, 2020 Bitcoin ( isn't the only digital currency staging a stunning comeback this year - MarketWatch November 20, 2020 Why Hasn't Bitcoin ( Mania Kicked in Yet? - Decrypt November 20, 2020.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 08:49 am

MASSIVE Crypto Mining ( Farm Tour - Bitcoin (, Dash, and GPU Mining (!|18:01
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 08:51 am
Why The Actual Cost Of Mining Bitcoin ( Can Leave It Vulnerable To A Deep Correction.
A technician inspects the backside of Bitcoin mining ( at Bitfarms in Saint Hyacinthe, Quebec on March .
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 08:52 am
The Bitcoin ( price page is part of The CoinDesk 20 that features price history, price ticker, market cap and live charts for the top cryptocurrencies.
Bitcoin mining ( proxy.
Apache (2.2 or newer recommended). PHP 5.3 or newer. MySQL (5.1 or newer recommended for best performance).
There are some PHP options set in htdocs/.htaccess . These settings must be set for the proxy to function correctly. If you get an HTTP 500 error, your web server might not allow altering PHP options from .htaccess files. In this case, make sure that the settings are properly changed either in your php.ini or Apache configuration, then remove or comment out the PHP-related options in htdocs/.htaccess .
Setting up the database.
bitcoin-mining-proxy currently requires a MySQL database server. (PostgreSQL may be supported in a future release.)
Perform the following steps to set up the database:
Create a database for the proxy. Create a MySQL user for the proxy, giving it the privileges SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and LOCK TABLES on the proxy's database only. (Optional, but recommended.) Import the schema file at database/schema.sql into the database by using either the mysql command-line tool or another front-end like phpMyAdmin.
Configuring the proxy.
Copy htdocs/ to htdocs/ . Overwrite the sample database information with your real database information. Set the admin user and password. This will be used when logging in to the web management console. Set the site URI; this is the URI the mining proxy will be reachable from. If you install directly into your web root, the default value '/' is correct.
Setting up the web server.
bitcoin-mining-proxy only requires a web server that can run PHP scripts. Just point your web root at the htdocs folder and everything should be all set.
These scripts require that the magic_quotes_gpc PHP flag be disabled. The included .htaccess file will take care of this automatically if your configuration allows PHP flags to be changed from .htaccess files.
Note that while you can install to a subdirectory, some miners do not support this! These miners only accept a host and port, but not a path. You will have to use htdocs as the web root in order for these miners to work.
Setting up the proxy.
Navigate your browser to the admin directory inside the htdocs folder. So if you installed at then you would go to . You will be asked to authenticate; enter the admin credentials you put in htdocs/ .
The first thing you will want to do is add all the pools you will be using. Click the "pools" link and then the "new pool" button. Enter a name for the pool (this is for display purposes only) and the pool's URL. Do not enter login credentials as part of the URL; pool credentials are managed elsewhere. So to use luke-jr's pool, for example, you would enter , omitting your Bitcoin ( address. Check the enabled checkbox and save the pool. Repeat this for all the other pools you will be using.
Now set up some worker accounts. You should use a different worker account for each instance of mining software you are running. This will allow you to remotely administrate their pool assignments separately, as well as determine which miners are not operating correctly. If you used one account for several workers, they would be treated as one distinct miner by the proxy and information about them will be aggregated, and usually you don't want that.
Once you have all your worker accounts set up, you need to associate workers with the pools you want them to work on. Click the "manage pools" button next to a worker. You will see a list of all your pools; each will have a "create pool assignment" button. After clicking it, you will be asked for details about the assignment:
Priority: This field is used to order the pool assignemnts. If you have multiple enabled assignments for a worker, the one with the highest priority will be tried first. If it is unreachable or returns an error, the assignment with the next-highest priority will be tried, and so on. If all pools cannot be queried for work, an error will be returned to the worker. If two assignments have the same priority, the order in which they will be tried is undefined. Enabled: Check this box to enable the assignment. If an assignment is not enabled, the proxy will skip that pool when the worker asks for work. Pool username/password: The worker's authentication information for the pool. If you are mining on a pool that requires or supports different worker accounts for each worker (like slush's pool and deepbit) you can enter different information here. If all the workers will share credentials, you will have to enter the credentials for each assignment.
You do not have to assign each worker to every pool if you don't want to. Unassigned pools will simply be ignored.
At this point you should be able to point your workers at the proxy and they will start working. You can verify this by watching the "Worker status" section on the dashboard.
Quick pool toggling.
In the pool list you will see a red or green flag for each pool indicating whether it is enabled. You can click the flag to quickly toggle the status of the pool. This will globally disable the pool for all workers. Disabled pools will have a red background.
In the pool assignment list for specific workers, there are two flags; one for the pool and one for the specific assignment. You can click the flag for the assignment to quickly toggle the assignment on or off. This will affect only the worker you are managing. You cannot click the pool's flag. This is to prevent a pool from being accidentally disabled globally. Rows with a red background indicate that the worker will not request work from this pool -- in other words, if either the pool or the assignment are disabled.
Note that disabling a pool or assignment will not prevent any shares from being submitted if the worker is currently working that pool. It will affect new work requests only. So you can safely disable a pool while your miners are running and they will finish their current work, switching over to the next pool in the list on their next getwork request.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 08:52 am

Bitcoin ( Mining ( IS MORE PROFITABLE THAN EVER IN 2021 🤑|16:57
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 08:52 am
Long polling support.
bitcoin-mining-proxy supports long polling servers. It will rewrite any long polling URL received from a pool so that the long polling request passes through the proxy.
There is one caveat: if the pool is disabled while a worker has an outstanding long poll request, it may not notice this, depending on the logic in the client! This means that the client will effectively be working without long polling against its new pool until its outstanding request returns. At that point it may begin working on the work returned in the long poll request, which will be for the disabled pool! This is ok; the work submissions will be correctly routed back to the now-disabled pool.
This problem may be fixed in a future release by having the long-polling code check the database every few seconds to make sure that the pool and assignment it is proxying for are still enabled, returning early with an error code if it finds either to be disabled.
You should not have to do very much to maintain the database, but you may need to delete some data occasionally. The work_data table is likely to grow quite large if left alone. Depending on how many miners you are running and what their request rate is, you may need to clean out this table as often as once a week. You can use the following query to do so:
Note that this will cause some stats to disappear; for example, if one of your workers has not been operating since midnight UTC, it will show as never having requested work on the dashboard. Do not simply truncate the table; if you do this while your miners are working, the proxy will be unable to route share submissions back to their correct pool.
If the submitted_work table is growing too large, you can execute a similar query to clean it out:
You may truncate this table if you wish since the miners do not depend on it to request work. It is an informational table only. However, keeping a week or two's worth of data around is a good idea in case you need to report a statistical discrepancy to a pool operator. It's always good to have logs.
The proxy may at some point be able to purge old data periodically by itself. In the meantime, you will have to do so manually.
When upgrading the proxy software, make sure to inspect any changes to htdocs/ and apply them (with customizations) as needed to your local configuration. Failure to do this might result in errant behavior.
You may additionally need to upgrade the database schema. To do this, feed the database/migrate.sql file to the database, either using something like phpMyAdmin or the mysql command-line client:
This script will apply any schema changes to your existing database safely. When run against a database with the latest version of the schema, it will do nothing.
Multi-pool, multi-worker proxy for Bitcoin ( miners, supporting long polling and pool failover.
What You Need To Know About Getting A Bitcoin ( Proxy.
Bitcoins are secretive by their very nature. The digital currency utilizes encryption techniques, making it untraceable. That's why you can't know how many Bitcoins someone has. This currency isn't regulated by a central banking authority, making it a popular choice for people who crave anonymity. Speaking of anonymity, it is likely that you have asked to question, "should I use a proxy when mining Bitcoin (" Many people like to take it a step further by using a Bitcoin ( proxy. The proxy gives them a second layer of protection. In some cases, it provides them with some additional features they can use when gathering Bitcoins. Whether you just need to protect your identity or you need help gathering Bitcoins, a proxy is the way to go. But first, you need to know how to set up a proxy for Bitcoin mining ( Check out some of the best ways you can use proxies to get Bitcoins by using the table of contents below. Then, start gathering the digital currency.
1. Performing Mundane Tasks for Bitcoins 2. Mining With a Bitcoin ( Proxy 3. More Tips for Using Bitcoin ( Proxies 4. Be Smart When Choosing Proxies.
Performing Mundane Tasks for Bitcoins.
If you have some spare time on your hands, you can perform some mundane tasks for Bitcoins. It's important that you use proxies for Bitcoin ( tasks since the site that hosts the tasks can track you without a Bitcoin ( proxy. The Bitcoins might be untraceable, but you aren't. If you don't want the site to track your activity, hide behind a Bitcoin ( proxy. It's the best way to stay completely anonymous. Completing mundane tasks for Bitcoins relatively simple process. You can go to Google and type "perform tasks for Bitcoins," or you can go to one of the top sites for this and get started. Right now, Coin Tasker is a top site for working for Bitcoins. It has over 37,000 members and counting, and it offers over 1 million microtasks. You can easily jump from one task to the next on this site. You receive Bitcoins for every task that you complete. The tasks are really simple. You receive Bitcoins for watching videos, completing surveys, playing games, making comments, downloading apps, and more. The site also awards Bitcoins for referrals, so be sure to tell your friends about the service, as well. That will give them the chance to earn some Bitcoins, and you can pad your virtual wallet. That's a win-win situation for you and your friends. Keep in mind that you aren't going to get rich with Bitcoins off a site like this. You aren't going to become a tycoon with Coin Tasker or one of the other sites like this out there. However, it's nice to get some additional Bitcoin ( in your wallet. As long as you don't have anything else going on, you might as well earn a few Bitcoins completing some tasks. It certainly won't hurt anything.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 08:53 am
Mining With a Bitcoin ( Proxy.
If you want to get more Bitcoins than you can receive with performing mundane tasks, Bitcoin mining ( might be the right choice for you. This is the process of adding new Bitcoins into the market. While a fiat money system prints new money, the digital Bitcoin ( currency system adds new money by cracking codes. Referred to as mining, you can get a lot of Bitcoin ( if you do this successfully. However, it is hard work, and it isn't for everyone. Check out the process to see if this system is for you.
In case you aren't familiar with Bitcoin mining (, let's take a closer look at this. Someone has to keep track of all of the Bitcoin ( transactions. This is true even though the transactions are confidential. There's still a ledger. Your name might not be on the ledger, but the number of Bitcoins in the world is on that ledger, and the ledger contains transaction numbers. The Bitcoin ( network collects transactions and puts them into blocks. The ledger consists of one block after the next. When the blocks are connected, they form a blockchain. Bitcoin ( miners confirm the transactions and placed them into the general ledger. Blocks have to be confirmed before they become a part of the blockchain. Miners don't just look over the information and decide that it looks good. Instead, they have to apply a mathematical formula to solve the block and create a hash. Miners compete with each other to solve the formula, and the one who wins is awarded Bitcoins. Bitcoin mining ( is incredibly competitive and difficult. You can't just solve the formula on your own so if you want to be a part of this, you need to have the right tools. First, of course, you need Bitcoin ( proxies. Then, you need the right hardware.
You can't use your standard PC and expect to win at mining Bitcoin ( You need a high-performance PC to mine Bitcoin ( Many people go with custom Bitcoin ( ASIC chips for their computers. Others set up entire warehouses of servers. Bitcoin mining ( can be quite an investment.
If you have a supercomputer but don't have an entire warehouse of servers, consider joining a Bitcoin mining ( pool. Pools allow you pool your resources with other miners. Then, if your team breaks the code, you split the Bitcoins among everyone. The only rule is you have to show proof that you worked on solving the puzzle. Your chances of earning Bitcoins from mining improve greatly if you join a pool. Sure, you won't make as much if you break a code, but there is a much better chance that you will break a code or two. There are tons of options for pools out there. Check out Slush Pool and BTCC to name a couple. Keep in mind that you do need a powerful computer for this to work, though. If you don't have one at home, consider a virtual private server. You can use it for mining Bitcoin ( Then, you can use your own computer to log in and control the server as needed. Some companies let you build your own server so you can add what you need to mine the Bitcoins.
More Tips for Using Bitcoin ( Proxies.
Now that you know how to make some Bitcoins, let's look at some tips you can follow to make sure you're getting the most out of your proxies.
Use Faucet Sites.
Now let's look at the next option for earning Bitcoins. If you want an easy way to get Bitcoins, a faucet site is perfect for you. Faucet websites hand out Bitcoins to visitors. You might have to fill out a CAPTCHA or play a game, so consider pairing your proxy up with a tool to automate the process. Then, you can sit back and relax while the Bitcoins roll into your wallet. There is one catch, though. Some of the faucets only give Bitcoins to people who have empty wallets. This is pretty easy to get around, though. You can transfer your Bitcoins over to a second wallet, and then visit the sites.
Exchange gift cards to benefit from your proxy for bitcoin.
Don't you hate it when someone gives you a gift card to a store that you never visit? You have to act as if you want to shop at Bath and Body Works, even though no one has gone there since 1996. Now, you can exchange your gift cards for Bitcoins. Just load your Bitcoin ( proxy server settings into your web browser and head over one of the gift card exchange websites. This is an excellent way to earn some Bitcoins. It's also a great way to finally get something that you want for Christmas and your birthday. All you need is a proxy for Bitcoin (
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 08:53 am
Buy or Sell Services.
Now, sites are popping up that let people buy and sell services for Bitcoin ( with a proxy. Cryptogrind is one such site. Just log in from your Bitcoin ( proxy server so you can have complete anonymity. Once you're logged into the system, you can post a job or look for work on the site. Then, you can either pay a freelancer or receive payment for your work with Bitcoins. This is a great way to boost your Bitcoin ( wallet. You can list all kinds of services on Cryptogrind. You can offer everything from advertising to writing and translation, so don't be afraid to try to sell your talents on the site. Go ahead and see if you can make some Bitcoins on the site. You might be surprised by how much money you can make. Plus, it uses an escrow service so you don't have to worry about getting paid. Some freelance sites are frustrating because you never get your money, but that isn't the case with Cryptogrind. Turn in the work, and you'll get paid.
Keep Your Eye on the Market.
If you're selling your services, keep an eye on the market. You will get a set number of Bitcoins based on the services you provide. The Bitcoins you receive will be based on a dollar value. The Bitcoin ( market is rather volatile, so offer your services when the market is low. That way, you will get more Bitcoins. Then, when the Bitcoins are worth more, the value will rise. That way, you will get more for your money. This is an easy way to increase the value of your services.
Be Smart When Choosing Proxies.
This is probably one of the most important tips out there, and it's typically ignored. People are so careful with their payment options. They choose Bitcoins so they can have an untraceable currency, but then they make the mistake of going with a public proxy instead of a private Bitcoin ( proxy. Public proxies are often traceable. They simply don't have the privacy measures in place that you'll find with private proxies Bitcoin ( miners need, so they are easily tracked. When you choose a public proxy, you're sharing an IP address and bandwidth with other people. You're on the same network, and hackers can easily get into that network and track your location. They might even be able to trace your Bitcoin ( transactions. On the other hand, when you use a private proxy, you have your own IP address and bandwidth. You don't have to share your resources with others, so you don't have to worry about hackers coming in and stealing your information or tracing your Bitcoins. Since you want to stay anonymous when you use Bitcoins, this is crucial. A private Bitcoin ( proxy has some additional benefits, as well. They are much faster than public proxies are. Whether you are using a faucet site or mining Bitcoins, you need to have speed on your side. You don't have the time to wait for a proxy to connect to a server. You need to get in, get out, and put your Bitcoins in your wallet. Private proxies Bitcoin ( miners choose are also much safer. Most people don't realize this, but public proxies are often operated by hackers. Hackers don't open these proxies up to be nice. They open them up so they can get your information. Then, once they get your information, they can steal your identity. Don't make the mistake of handing your information over to hackers. Instead, go with a private Bitcoin ( proxy. You'll be much safer.
Once you have your proxies, you can start getting Bitcoins online with your Bitcoin ( proxy server. With so many options for getting Bitcoins, you should have a wallet full of the coins in no time at all. Then, you can save them or spend them. If you decide to spend them, you have tons of choices at your disposal. You can hire people for services or buy some items online. You can even cash them out. The sky really is the limit, but it all starts with Bitcoins and proxies.
The information contained within this article, including information posted by official staff, guest-submitted material, message board postings, or other third-party material is presented solely for the purposes of education and furtherance of the knowledge of the reader. All trademarks used in this publication are hereby acknowledged as the property of their respective owners.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 08:53 am
What is a share? Can I find it while mining solo, or only when pool mining?
In mining, what is "a share"? When mining solo, do I "find shares"?
A share is a hash smaller than the target for difficulty of 1* (see clarification at end). Every hash created has a 1 in.
4 billion (2^32) chance of being a valid share. In comparison if the difficulty of network is 2,000,000 then a share is 2 million times "easier" to find than a valid hash for the block, and on average it will take 2 million shares (8 quadrillion hashes) to find a valid hash for the block.
Shares have no actual "value". To the bitcoin network they are worthless. The only hash with any value is the one that is smaller than the target (determined by difficulty).
Since a miner has no control over when he will generate a share (they occur randomly roughly once per 2^32 hashes) he can't cheat the pool. When one miner in the pool finds the solution hash (the only hash worth anything) rewards can then be split by number of shares submitted. There are multiple reward methods (Proportional, PPLNS, SMPSS, PPS, etc) that calculate the "fair share" of the reward but all use a share as a proxy for work completed by the miner.
It is important to emphasize that a share has no actual value. The only hash with value is the one that solves a block. A share is merely an accounting method to keep the miners honest and fairly divide any rewards earned by the pool.
There is no need to keep track of shares in solo mining because you will not split the reward and can't cheat yourself.
Usually pools use a difficulty of 1 as the target for a share. Technically any difficulty (less than network difficulty) could be used. Each miner's share of the reward would remain the same regardless of what difficulty is used.
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Bitcoin ( miner Marathon Patent's stock jumps on upbeat outlook for mining, revenue.
Tomi Kilgore.
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Referenced Symbols.
Shares of cryptocurrency miner Marathon Patent Group Inc. MARA, +9.70% shot up 11% in premarket trading Wednesday, after the company provided an upbeat outlook on its potential to produce bitcoin BTCUSD, -0.00% and its target for revenue. The company said that once all of its 23,560 cryptocurrency miners are deployed in the second quarter of 2021, it sees potential to produce 15 to 20 bitcoins per day, at an average cost of $3,863 per bitcoin. The company sees potential to generate revenue of $8.8 million per month, and $6.7 million in gross profit per month. Last week, the company had reported a third-quarter operating loss of $1.99 million on revenue of $835,184. Marathon Patent's stock has lost 9.1% over the past three months through Tuesday, while the price of bitcoins has soared 50.6% and the S&P 500 SPX, -0.67% has gained 6.5%.
Bitcoin ( Miner Riot Blockchain Ends Week Up 50% After Tapping 2-Year Highs.
As bitcoin continues surging toward record highs, Bitcoin mining ( companies ride its coattails.
Shares of the publicly traded Bitcoin mining ( company Riot Blockchain rose 50% this week, trading hands just below $6.00 at week's end. Bitcoin ( gained nearly 17% over the same period.
Riot shares surged even higher in early hours Friday, reaching $6.60, a level not seen since early September 2018.
CoinDesk reported that the Castle Rock, Colo.-based firm posted its lowest per share loss in Q3 since the company fully deployed its cryptocurrency mining infrastructure, over two years ago.
Public mining companies like Riot that emphasize their bitcoin reserves have seen strongly positive reactions from the market, said Ethan Vera, co-founder of Seattle-based mining company Luxor Technology. "Companies that liquidate to fiat every day didn't see as strong of gains," he said.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 08:54 am
Riot continues to outperform bitcoin through 2020, with investors enjoying a 390% year-to-date return compared to bitcoin's 168% gain.
A Comprehensive Guide on Bitcoin mining (!
Have you ever heard of cryptocurrency mining? It is intermittently rewarding, costly, and, most importantly, meticulous. Undoubtedly, mining cryptocurrency has attracted a large number of investors because of the bitcoin rewards that are provided to miners for their work. Investors are attracted because they see the mining process is highly rewarding. If you are a beginner who has entered the world of cryptocurrencies, you must learn in detail about the mining process.
Before you invest in equipment and your time and efforts, you must know what the mining process really is. You must focus on bitcoin along with other cryptocurrencies before starting Bitcoin mining ( The most appealing thing about mining is that it rewards miners with bitcoin tokens. Bitcoin ( users must know that in order to gain or own bitcoin tokens, you don't necessarily have to be a bitcoin miner. The bitcoins can be bought using traditional currencies from the bitcoin exchange.
The bitcoin tokens that miners receive as a bitcoin reward is basically an incentive for miners to motivate them to keep up their work and efforts. The miners are the ones that serve the purpose of mining, which include blockchain, legitimating, supporting, and observing the entire bitcoin network. You can know about the , which is specially created for the mining process. It will enhance your knowledge about the rewards miners get and what exactly mining is.
What Are Bitcoin ( Miners Required to Do?
Just like auditors, miners are paid for their efforts and work. The miners do the work of verifying each bitcoin transaction. The whole process of Bitcoin mining ( is done to know the legitimate transactions and keep the users honest. The process of mining was introduced by Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of bitcoin. The mining process's main motive is to verify the transactions and prevent users from double-spending their already spent bitcoins.
Do you know the meaning of "double-spending problems"? It is a situation in which bitcoin user unknowingly spends the spent bitcoins twice. When we talk about traditional currencies, this is not done as you pay currency to others, and you are no longer the owner of it. In digital currencies, there is always a risk of using the copied digital token knowingly or unknowingly and sending it to third-party or owner while keeping the original tokens or coins.
A miner verifies the 1MB of bitcoin transactions, which constitute a "block" this makes miners win the bitcoin reward. The limit of 1MB transactions is set by the founder of bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto.
How Much do Bitcoin ( Miners Earn?
Satoshi Nakamoto set the bitcoin reward, and the rule was set that the reward will be halved every four years. Bitcoin ( was introduced in 2009, and since then, the reward for a block was set as 50 bitcoins. In 2012, the bounty was halved to 25 bitcoins, and in 2016, the bitcoin bounty came down to 12.5 bitcoins. In the year 2020, the reward became 6.25 bitcoins, and it is estimated that it will get down to 3.125.
The reward is the reason why a large number of investors are attracted to it. Investors count bitcoin tokens as a good incentive and solve the complex mathematical algorithms.
Bitcoin ( Circulation and Mining.
Bitcoins are mined, and the miners are the minting currency. The number of bitcoin is finite, i.e., 21 million, and at this point in time, 18 million bitcoins are currently in circulation. Miners do a lot of hard work and put their efforts, and because of their efforts, Bitcoin mining ( is done. Bitcoin ( as a network will exist without the presence of miners, but they will be of no use, and there would be no additional bitcoin discovered.
As the bitcoin tokens are limited, the mining will come to an end. It is estimated that bitcoin will be around until the year 2140. With more and more bitcoins being discovered, the rate of mining is decreasing over time. Other than the bitcoin reward, being a miner also provides you the power of voting when any changes occur in the bitcoin network. A successful miner is the one who has full control over the process of decision making on several matters, which include forking and more.
Time Frame BTC Reward Revenue USD* Power Cost (in USD) Pool Fees (in USD) Profit (in USD) Hourly 0.00003275 $0.61 $0.16 $0.00 $0.45 Daily 0.00078595 $14.75 $3.90 $0.00 $10.85 Weekly 0.00550162 $103.22 $27.30 $0.00 $75.92 Monthly 0.0236 $442.39 $117.00 $0.00 $325.39 Annually 0.2869 $5,382.40 $1,423.50 $0.00 $3,958.90.
* Bitcoin ( Price at $18,762.47 USD.
Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty Bitcoin ( Block Reward Bitcoin ( Price 17,596,801,059,571.00 6.25 BTC $18,760.59 (BTC to USD) Bitcoin mining ( Hashrate Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Watts Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Cost Electricity Costs 110.00 TH/s 3,250 Watts $2,407.00 $0.05 per kWh.
A BTC mining difficulty of 17,596,801,059,571.00, a BTC mining hashrate of 110.00 TH/s consuming 3,250 watts of power at $0.05 per kWh, and a block reward of 6.25 BTC at $18,760.59 (BTC to USD).
After deducting mining power costs and mining fees, the final daily Bitcoin mining ( profit is $10.85 Bitcoin ( to USD .
Which Cryptocurrencies Are Worth Mining in 2020?
With thousands of cryptos on the market, you are overwhelmed with choices when it comes to crypto mining. To aid you in your search for the perfect crypto to mine, we have compiled a list with some of the most convenient cryptocurrencies to mine in 2020.
There are several criteria you have to take into account before crypto mining:
Block reward & halvings: Higher block rewards will get you more crypto when you have finished mining a block. Halvings reduce this reward to half, so you will have to do your research and determine if mining a coin that will go through a halving is still profitable to you. Block generation time: As the network puts out new blocks faster, the higher the chances are for you to get a block mined. Mining difficulty and hash rate: Mining difficulty increases based on the number of miners on the network, which makes it hard for CPU and GPU miners to make a profit in a reasonable time. You have some profitable algorithms & coins that still can be mined at a lower difficulty. Equipment: Your mining hardware should be based on the difficulty of the network and the required hash rate in order to efficiently mine. Of course, your budget also plays an important role here, but the rule of thumb is that the more powerful your equipment is, the faster you will mine and solve that block. Electricity cost: When calculating your profitability, you should also take into account the amount of electricity you will be consuming during the mining process. Electricity does not come cheap everywhere, so it can easily add up when mining non-stop and quickly put your profit in a deficit.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 08:54 am
List of Coins to Mine in 2020.
Grin (GRIN)
Grin is one of the newest coins to enter the crypto market, as it was launched at the beginning of 2019. The coin was based on the MimbleWimble consensus algorithm in order to make transactions private while transacting on the network.
Grin does not have a cap on its total supply, which might worry some miners, as it is an inflationary system. The coin uses the Cuckoo Cycle structure, which consists of two PoW algorithms: CuckARood-29 and CuckAToo-31. The first can be used to mine with GPU processors features ASIC resistance, while the second protocol is aimed specifically at ASIC mining.
The block generation time is set at 1 minute, and the reward is 60 GRIN per block. This is a decent reward considering that one coin is priced at $1.
The coin is traded on around 30 exchanges, including Poloniex, HitBTC, Bittrex, OKEx, and KuCoin. Surprisingly, it is not featured on Binance or any of its auxiliary branches.
Grin can be mined using the following Nvidia Cards: 1070, 1070ti, 1080, 1080ti, 2070, 2080, 2080ti, as well as these AMD Cards: 570, 580, Vega56, Vega64.
Algorithm: Proof-of-Work Hashing function: MimbleWimble ROI since launch: -88,76% Price: $1,03 Mining reward: 60 GRIN per block Block time: 1m 28s.
Zcash (ZEC)
Zcash (ZeroCash) is a privacy coin that makes traders completely anonymous when transacting; thus it has attracted a lot of traders. Since its launch in 2016, the coin has managed to stay among the top 30 cryptos by market cap.
Zcash transactions come with one of the smallest network fees, which makes it ideal for trading and selling. ZEC uses the PoW Equihash hashing function, which enables the coin to be mined using GPU cards, and the algorithm is not compatible with application-specific integrated circuit chips mining.
ZEC is capped at 21 million, just like Bitcoin (, so there are chances that the coin will appreciate in price, as the coins get closer to their final limit. The block reward also halves once every 4 years.
Algorithm: Proof-of-Work Hashing function: Equihash ROI since launch: -98.62% Price: $54,03 Block mining reward: 5 ZEC Block time: 1m 14s.
Ravencoin (RVN)
Ravencoin appeared as a hard fork from BTC in 2018. Its development team has been working on adding more and more new features to this project, which will enhance its value in the long term.
Ravencoin is ideal for miners, as it makes use of the X16R algorithm and proof-of-work protocol. The X16R algorithm consists of 16 different algorithms that are used at random when mining based on the hash rate of the previous block. This randomness prevents ASIC machines from being able to mine the X16R algorithm.
You can easily use NVidia or AMD graphic cards to mine RVN. The block time is of one minute, and you get a reward of 5000 RVN, so even though RVN might have a lower price, you will still be able to make around $145 worth of RVN when you mine a block.
Algorithm: Proof-of-Work Hashing function: X16R ROI since launch: 9.95% Price: $0.026636 Block mining reward: 5,000 RVN Block time: 1 min.
Monero is another privacy coin that has been around for a long time. The thing is that compared to Zcash, it has transaction fees, which are 10 times higher. Nonetheless, XMR is still a popular choice for many miners and traders.
Monero constantly changes its algorithm in order to prevent ASIC mining. This means you can use GPU and CPU to mine it. The coin recently forked as planned and switched from Cryptonight V8 algorithm to the new RandomX. The RandomX proof of work algorithm is more compatible with CPUs and not GPUs, and CPUs come with a 100-1000% better value for the money compared to GPUs. The network generates 1.89 XMRs as a block reward every two minutes, which makes it profitable considering its price.
Below are some of the best CPU options for mining Monero Randomx: AMD Ryzen 9 3950X, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, AMD Ryzen 7 3800X, AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, AMD Ryzen 5 3600, Intel Core i9-9900K, Intel Core i3-3220, Intel Core i7-8550U. XMRig is the most updated and flexible miner that is currently available to date.
Algorithm: Proof-of-Work Hashing function: RandomX ROI since launch: 3.124,22% Price: $73.29 Block mining reward: 1.89 XMR Block time: 2m 2s.
These have been our suggestions for the top coins you can mine in 2020. Of course, you can choose another crypto to mine and still make a nice profit, but you will have to do the research on your own.
Cheap Bitcoin mining (
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 08:54 am

I Tried Mining ( Bitcoin ( On My Laptop (7 Days)|5:44
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 08:55 am
Remember what you did on December 16, 2010? We mined our first block!
24 blocks in the last 24 hours?
Dear #miners, we are sorry for delayed payout transactions. Our hot wallet is depleted and will be replenished within few hours.
Was jumping over to Bcash mining really that profitable? Let's take a retrospective look.
Protect your account from baddies by following these simple advices.
Slush Bitcoin mining (
How to set up Slush Pool mining?
Slush Pool is one of the oldest Bitcoin mining ( pools that also supports Zcash mining. It is operated by Braiins who also released popular firmware for Antminer S9, called BraiinsOS. Minimum payouts are set to 0.001 BTC and 0.001 ZEC and the fee for mining on Slush Pool is 2%. The payout fee for payouts below 0.01 BTC and below 0.001 ZEC is 0.0001 BTC and 0.0001 ZEC. For BTC mining, Slush Pool also allows merged mining with Namecoin which is converted to BTC.
In this article we will show you how configure your ASIC to mine on Slush Pool.
Address editor.
First, open address editor and then import pools or add new pools manually.
Import all stratums.
You can download JSON file with all of the Slush Pool's stratum addresses and import them to your address editor.
Manually add stratums.
Add new tag (POOL:BTC-SLUSH) with one of the following stratum addresses:
stratum+tcp:// stratum+tcp:// stratum+tcp:// stratum+tcp:// stratum+tcp:// stratum+tcp:// stratum+tcp:// stratum+tcp:// stratum+tcp:// stratum+tcp:// stratum+tcp:// stratum+tcp://
For ZEC setup, you can add a new tag (POOL:ZEC-SLUSH) with one of the following stratum addresses:
stratum+tcp:// stratum+tcp:// stratum+tcp:// stratum+tcp:// stratum+tcp:// stratum+tcp:// stratum+tcp:// stratum+tcp:// stratum+tcp://
Add wallet.
Next, save the tag (WALLET:SLUSH) under wallets with your Slush Pool's username .
Worker's config.
In the next step, navigate to your worker's config. The selected default mining client will be ASIC and once your ASIC connects the config will be loaded there. You can just replace the found pools and user values with the ones you have created in the previous step or you can use some of the following templates.
Before using the templates, make sure that the config is really compatible with your ASIC model and that the technical vales, such as frequencies are correct.
Bitmain's Antminer example.
Balance monitoring.
You can monitoring your balance on Slush Pool directly from the minerstat dashboard. Navigate to balance monitoring and add Slush Pool for pool monitoring. Detailed instructions are available in this article.
WELCOME Crypto mining
We are professional miners with rich experience in Forex, Crypto and Bullion mining. We ensure every trade makes our investors profitable.
Slush Pool is a unique service from Slush Pool Mining Company that allows you to perform cloud mining of bitcoins without the need to buy expensive hardware. We offer a unique style of Bitcoin mining ( We like things to be simple at quick here, so we made our service just that! It's as simple as signing up and purchasing any of the plans and we do the rest, you will be mining Bitcoin ( in minutes. We set up all the mining equipment, pools etc. All you need to do is sit back, relax and watch the Bitcoins come in.
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Slush Bitcoin mining ( Pool Review 4 min read.
May 2018 update - Since this review, Slush has continued to improve the UI of the exchange, and remains an active mining pool regularly finding multiple blocks per day.
A look at the Slush Bitcoin mining ( Pool (originally published in March 2016)
Please note: This review is based on a relatively small amount of hashing, a few hundred ghs. The stats outlined in this review may not apply to larger miners. We hacked our antminer S1's to mine nine pools concurrently, letting us run proportional power across a wide variety of mining pools. This review is part of our series of Bitcoin mining ( pool reviews.
Slush Bitcoin mining ( Pool is the original Bitcoin mining ( pool founded in Czech Republic, which found it's first block in January 2012, and has so far mined over 15,000 bitcoin blocks in it's time. They currently hold about 3% of the Bitcoin mining ( network hashing power, with servers distributed across Europe, Asia and America. They are also notable for being the original developers of the stratum protocol, which is used by most other mining pools today.
Constantly improving, they have just released a brand new interface for their miners, so we'll have a look at them in detail. I've been mining on and off with them for over two years, and they act as our fallback pool when we're not doing other Bitcoin mining ( pool reviews.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 08:56 am
Slush's pool operates using a scoring system, which rewards you based on a proportion of your hashing power to the pool. It takes approximately 1.5 hours to get up to full reward, and if you stop mining around the same time to drop down to zero. If you're looking for a PPS mining pool, a pool hopper or only mine on and off, this pool won't suit you. The pool also merge-mines Namecoins, and charges a 2% fee for block rewards and transaction fees.
Once connected, you will see a near real-time interface that updates information and graphs, and it is very well designed and easy to understand and navigate. You can set anything over 0.0002 as a threshold, but payments under 0.01 will incur a 0.0001 fee, so you'll probably want to set it a bit higher. Payments are prompt when you hit the threshold.
The pool itself has plenty of options with worker monitoring, good options for security including 2FA and wallet address locking, it also has the option to give a read only login token if you have someone else monitoring your mining, and a really easy to use support section. There is also a development corner, where miners can propose or respond to different pool development efforts, allowing people to vote, and combining their hashing power to see how proportional they in the pool.
With the rather controversial discussion about the fork in bitcoin, the pool also gives miners the option to have their say by voting on 1mb (bitcoin core), 2mb (bitcoin classic) or 8mb (bip100). They also have an option for those of you who don't care to say so.
One of the main differences I've noticed between the pool and others we're reviewed is that each worker will have to be set up individually with a worker name and password. The pool has changed designs several times over the last year, going from a very old interface, to a smart, clean interface that makes it stand out from many of it's competitors. Documentation on the site is also very good, with information for newbie miners, all the way up to more complex mining setups.
So in conclusion, Slush Bitcoin mining ( Pool has not let time stay still, constantly improving it's interface to continue staying fresh in a competitive market. While many other Bitcoin mining ( pools have come and gone in the years it's been around, or stopped investing in their interface, it continues to add new features, with regular optional communications to keep you up to date. As long as you are mining steadily, the scoring system fairly rewards you for your power, and it's one of the best looking mining pools. Plus they have used some of their bitcoin fees to invent and bring to market the Trezor Hardware Wallet, so they remain one of the pioneers in the bitcoin industry.
Amazon mining bitcoin.
8 Phase Power Design.
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2oz Copper PCB.
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Asrock Bitcoin mining (
* 7th Gen Intel ® CPU supports DDR4 up to 2400; 6 th Gen Intel ® CPU supports DDR4 up to 2133.
* * Due to the operating system limitation, the actual memory size may be less than 4GB for the reservation for system usage under Windows ® 32-bit OS. For Windows ® 64-bit OS with 64-bit CPU, there is no such limitation.
- Supports Intel ® HD Graphics Built-in Visuals : Intel ® Quick Sync Video with AVC, MVC (S3D) and MPEG-2 Full HW Encode1, Intel ® InTruв,,ў 3D, Intel ® Clear Video HD Technology, Intel ® Insiderв,,ў, Intel ® HD Graphics - Gen9 LP, DX11.3, DX12 - HWA Encode/Decode: VP8, HEVC 8b, VP9, HEVC 10b (For 7 th Gen Intel ® CPU) - HWA Encode/Decode: VP8, HEVC 8b; GPU/SW Encode/Decode: VP9, HEVC 10b (For 6 th Gen Intel ® CPU) - Max. shared memory 1024MB * * - Supports DVI-D with max. resolution up to 1920x1200 @ 60Hz - Supports Accelerated Media Codecs: HEVC, VP8, VP9 - Supports HDCP with DVI-D Port - Supports Full HD 1080p Blu-ray (BD) playback with DVI-D Port.
* Intel ® HD Graphics Built-in Visuals and the VGA outputs can be supported only with processors which are GPU integrated.
* * The size of maximum shared memory may vary from different operating systems.
- 7.1 CH HD Audio (Realtek ALC887 Audio Codec) * - Supports Surge Protection - ELNA Audio Caps.
- 1 x PCI Express 3.0 x16 Slot (PCIE2: x16 mode) * - 12 x PCI Express 2.0 x1 Slots.
- 4 x SATA3 6.0 Gb/s Connectors, support NCQ, AHCI and Hot Plug * - 1 x M.2 Socket, supports M Key type 2230/2242/2260/2280 M.2 SATA3 6.0 Gb/s module.
- 1 x Print Port Header - 1 x COM Port Header - 1 x TPM Header - 1 x Chassis Intrusion and Speaker Header - 1 x CPU Fan Connector (4-pin) * - 2 x Chassis Fan Connectors (4-pin) - 1 x 24 pin ATX Power Connector - 1 x 8 pin 12V Power Connector - 2 x PCIe Power Connectors-1 x SATA Power Connector - 1 x Front Panel Audio Connector - 1 x USB 2.0 Header (Supports 2 USB 2.0 ports) (Supports ESD Protection) - 1 x USB 3.1 Gen1 Header (Supports 2 USB 3.1 Gen1 ports) (Supports ESD Protection)
Software - ASRock APP Charger - ASRock XFast LAN UEFI - ASRock Instant Flash.
- Microsoft ® Windows ® 10 64-bit (For 7 th Gen Intel ® CPU) - Microsoft ® Windows ® 10 64-bit / 8.1 64-bit / 7 32-bit / 7 64-bit (For 6 th Gen Intel ® CPU)
Description Language Download User Manual English Global China Quick Installation Guide Multi-Language Global China Mining System Installation Guide English Global China Mining System Installation Guide з№Ѓй«"дё­ж-‡ (T.Chinese) Global China.
The specification is subject to change without notice in advance. The brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies. Any configuration other than original product specification is not guaranteed.
The above user interface picture is a sample for reference. The actual user interface may vary with the updated software version.
- Dual Channel DDR3/DDR3L Memory Technology - 2 x DDR3/DDR3L DIMM Slots - Supports DDR3/DDR3L 1600/1333/1066 non-ECC, un-buffered memory - Max. capacity of system memory: 16GB * - Supports Intel ® Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) 1.3 / 1.2.
- Supports Intel ® HD Graphics Built-in Visuals : Intel ® Quick Sync Video with AVC, MVC (S3D) and MPEG-2 Full HW Encode1, Intel ® InTruв,,ў 3D, Intel ® Clear Video HD Technology, Intel ® Insiderв,,ў, Intel ® HD Graphics 4400/4600 - Pixel Shader 5.0, DirectX 11.1 - Max. shared memory 512MB * - Dual Graphics Output: Support HDMI and D-Sub ports by independent display controllers - Supports HDMI Technology with max. resolution up to 1920x1200 @ 60Hz - Supports D-Sub with max. resolution up to 1920x1200 @ 60Hz - Supports Auto Lip Sync, Deep Color (12bpc), xvYCC and HBR (High Bit Rate Audio) with HDMI Port (Compliant HDMI monitor is required) - Supports HDCP with HDMI Port - Supports Full HD 1080p Blu-ray (BD) playback with HDMI Port.
* The size of maximum shared memory may vary from different operating systems.
* * Intel ® HD Graphics Built-in Visuals and the VGA outputs can be supported only with processors which are GPU integrated.
* * * Due to chipset limitation, the Blu-ray playback of Intel ® HD Graphics is only supported under Windows ® 8 / 8 64-bit / 7 / 7 64-bit / Vistaв,,ў / Vistaв,,ў 64-bit.
* * * * Intel ® InTruв,,ў 3D is only supported under Windows ® 8 / 8 64-bit / 7 / 7 64-bit.
TAIPEI, Taiwan, November 15, 2013 вЂ" Dig the fact that there's probably no way you're ever going to end up dirty rich overnight, not unless you hit the jackpot or discover Davy Jones' treasure. Or maybe what you could try is to mine for the legendary peer-to-peer digital currency bitcoin. Recently, bitcoin is gaining more and more popularity and value around the globe. A Norwegian man that invested in $27 of bitcoin back in 2009 fluctuated into $886,000 windfall. There's also a new permanent bitcoin ATM installed in Canada. The process of obtaining these digital coins through computing is called "mining", and ASRock is here to assist you to jump in the gold rush immediately with two new motherboards designed for Bitcoin mining ( вЂ" H81 Pro BTC and H61 Pro BTC!
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 08:57 am
ASRock H81 Pro BTC is specifically tailored for Bitcoin mining ( It boasts a total of six PCIe slots for multiple mining graphics cards, plus two extra 4 pin power connectors for extra mining power. It's never too late to try, who knows what might happen, maybe you'll make a fortune out of it!
Asrock stellt Mainboards für Bitcoin ( vor.
Auf die allgemeinen Wirtschafts- und Währungsprobleme reagiert die virtuelle Bitcoin (ährung mit steigenden Kursen. Das macht das Bitcoin ( interessanter, wofür Asrock jetzt neue, spezialisierte Mainboards vorstellt.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 09:00 am
Native name 阿瓦隆项目 Industry Chip Design Founded 2012 Founder(s) 张楠赓 [ transliteration needed ] Yifu Guo Parent Canaan Creative Website Canaan Creative.
The Avalon Project produces ASIC miners. The project created by 张楠赓 [ transliteration needed ] [1] [2] and Yifu Guo. [3] [4] The project started in late 2012 with a BitcoinTalk thread. [5]
Avalon project have three different ASIC, named A3256, A3255, A3233, have two type of bitcoin transaction machines. Avalon1 and Avalon2. right now Avalon project people working very hard on third generation machine. named Avalon3. it is 2U size, using the newest 40nm ASIC, (7GHS/chip, 0.7Watt/G).
After one year of Avalon project started, Yifu Guo(Bitsyncom) [6] left Avalon project. The Canaan Creative [7] (founded by ngzhang) have full in charge of the project running from 2014 and online shop that accept Bitcoin ( [8] was part of Canaan Creative.
680W, 1T machine Avalon3, Using A3233, 105/290/800/GHs machine Avalon2, Using A3255, 145/300GHs machine Avalon1, Using A3256, 66/110GHs machine.
Avalon3.5, Using A3233, Prepare for Avalon4 Avalon5, Using A3222, Prepare for Avalon6 Avalon nano, Using only one A3233, Small USB device. Avalon4 mini, Using 5 A3222 chips, a portable usb device.
1 Links 1.1 Social Media 1.2 Bitcointalk thread 1.3 AMA 2 References.
Social Media.
Bitcointalk thread.
Valkir's Comprehensive Avalon Avalon4 Setup Dogie's Comprehensive Avalon Avalon4 Setup Avalon ASIC users thread Avalon MM (miner manager) development thread Avalon Gen2&3 ASIC users thread Avalon authorized e-shop online Avalon4 (A3222, 28nm,
Join us on Reddit this Thursday, April 9, at 9am Eastern Standard Time. We will use the The website:
This is your chance to ask Ngzhang anything about the Bitcoin mining ( in China, Bitcoin ( in China, Any question of Avalon project(and anything else you like). Make sure to mark it on your calendar. Ngzhang will answer questions for 90 minutes. Get your questions ready!
Bitcoin ( Miner Review: The AvalonMiner 721 (Avalon 7) - Is it Worth it?
In a very unusual move, Avalon, the company that first introduced ASIC chips to Bitcoin mining ( has released a new miner to the market. The AvalonMiner 721 (or more commonly known as Avalon 7) seems to be a minor upgrade from its predecessor, the Avalon 6.
The Bitcoin ( miner comes with 6 TH/s of mining power and a power consumption of 850-1000 WATTS. This makes it stronger and more efficient than the Avalon 6. However, when you compare it to the most popular miner on the market, the Antminer S9, it seems to be lagging behind.
AvalonMiner 721 includes a 90-day warranty, starting from the date goods are received. Here are the complete specs of the miner:
Hashrate: 6 TH/s Power Consumption: ≈ 850-1000 Watts PSU output pins: 8 x 6PIN PCIe power connectors. Controller: AvalonMiner Controller AUC3: Each AUC may connect up to 5 devices. Dimensions: 340 mm x 136 mm x 150 mm Gross Dimensions: 400 mm x 210 mm x 220 mm Operating Temperature: -5 °C to 40°C Net weight: 4.3 kg Gross weight: 4.7 kg.
You can also connect an AvalonMiner controller in order to hook up 5 different Avalon miners together (giving you a total mining power of 30 TH/s).
If you'll use a Bitcoin mining ( calculator to calculate the revenues the Avalon 7 can produce, you will quickly find out that with no electricity costs or mining pool fees it will bring in 113$ /month at today's difficulty and exchange rate. However once you add electricity cost and pool fees (on average $0.12/KWh and 2%) you are reduced to only $37.59 of profit.
This means that at the current Bitcoin ( price it will take you 24 month to break even if nothing changes in difficulty and exchange rate (but of course it will). In comparison, the Antminer S9, will take only 18 month to break even. You can use the calculator below to do your own math as well according to the electricity costs in your country.
However, if you take a look at the cost / profit ratio you'll see that the Avalon 7 costs only a third of what the Antminer S9 does and supplies around 45% of the mining capabilities. So if you don't want to fork over $2000 on your first miner, you may want to consider the Avalon 7 as your entry level miner at a lower price. If that's indeed the case you may also want to consider taking a look at the Antminer S7 that is a bit less powerful than the Avalon 7 but still puts up a fight, or the Antminer R4 that costs a bit more but is also more powerful.
Unfortunately, since the Avalon 721 is such a new model there aren't many reviews online to compare it with other miners. The only bitcointalk review I could find states basically the same stuff we just went over. Seems to me that Avalon will have a hard time finding new customers for their new miner as it doesn't really bring any news to the mining market.

All things considered I think the Avalon 721 Bitcoin ( miner is a questionable investment. The alternatives are much more popular on the market and in some cases more cost efficient. However, if you do have a limited budget this miner will probably deliver.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 09:02 am

How To Calculate My Hashrate|8:36
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 09:02 am
Avalon was founded in 2012 and produces mining rigs. At present the mining power and consumption of its latest machine is slightly behind those of its competitors - as it uses 40nm chips.
The Company is based in China.
Related guides.
How to buy a Cloud Mining Contract from NuVoo How to install and use the PandaPool miner Mining Pools and How They Work Proof of Work (PoW) vs. Proof of Stake Sesterce Mining - How to buy a Mining Contract Choose a Bitcoin mining ( pool and how to connect What is a Mining Pool? How does cloud mining work? How to Dual Mine Ethereum and another coin How to buy an ASIC on CoinMiner A Guide to Using MinerStat Crypto Mining ( Software Bitcoin mining ( in the Future: How Profitable Will It Be?
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This website is only provided for your general information and is not intended to be relied upon by you in making any investment decisions. You should always combine multiple sources of information and analysis before making an investment and seek independent expert financial advice.
Where we list or describe different products and services, we try to give you the information you need to help you compare them and choose the right product or service for you. We may also have tips and more information to help you compare providers.
Some providers pay us for advertisements or promotions on our website or in emails we may send you. Any commercial agreement we have in place with a provider does not affect how we describe them or their products and services. Sponsored companies are clearly labelled.
An Evaluation of Avalon6 Bitcoin ( Miner.
It is the second most productive Bitcoin ( miner on the market.
Stated in some reviews that the miner is quiet compared to others.
Compared to the Antminer S7, it has less hash power for the money.
It is less efficient compared to the Antminer S7.
The Avalon 6: Serious Rival to the AntMiner S7.
The troubled Avalon brand was taken over by Canaan Creative. With their recent hardware offerings, they've been rebuilding the brand to its previous glory. The impressive Avalon 6, their latest device, contains eighty 18nm A3218 chips, running at 500 MHz to achieve a respectable 3.5 TH/s hashrate which comes close to that of the AntMiner S7.
The Avalon 6 will surely run with any good power supply of 1100W and up. The unit uses about 1050 Watts when using a platinum-rated PSU.
Despite the release of the 14 TH/s AntMiner S9, the expected halving combined with a rising Bitcoin ( price may allow the Avalon 6 to turn a profit. Through CoinWarz'mining profitability calculator, we'll run the Avalon stats and some average costs:
And the results, while in the minus column, don't look so bad. A lower electricity cost or higher Bitcoin ( price could make the Avalon 6 into profit:
Canaan sells the unit for $550 (with substantial $100 and $130 discounts for 10 and 50 units respectively). For shipping information, the unit weighs 5 kg / 11 lb. From Amazon, second-hand or used device costs about $450.
Ideally not to be put in your bedroom or living room, the Avalon 6 is quiet enough to run at home, at 55 dB from 1.2 m. / 4 ft. The unit will further reduce noise by underclocking (aka downclocking).
Either a Raspberry Pi (B / B+) or a TP-Link TL-WR703N is required in an Avalon 6 as a controller. From one RPi, up to 50 miners can be maintained.
It can be easily installed because it uses DHCP which automatically finds an IP address.
To setup, control and monitor the device you can use either Avalon's control panel or CGminer. Basic and advanced settings are easy to access.
With the intention on operating at an ambient temperature below 35°C / 95°F, the frequency of the Avalon 6 can be easily adjusted from its standard 500 MHz and it runs fairly cool even when overclocked. Due to the unit's design, the single fan has no problem cooling it.
The Avalon 6 is a tough contender to the AntMiner S7. Even if it's slightly less energy-efficient , it compensates by arguably having enough customization options to please any hardware enthusiast.
Canaan Avalon 1246 Bitcoin ( miner that can produce at 90 Th hash rate with about 3420 Watt power consumption.
Description What is Crypto Mining ( Specification.
Canaan Avalon 1246 (90Th) Bitcoin ( miner specifications:
Power consumption: 3420 Watt Hashing algorithm: SHA-256 Hash rate: 90 TH All machines include associated power supply.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 09:03 am
Important before ordering.
During your order process please select where you wish the miner(s) to be shipped from "China" or "Europe". Personalization, configuration, and set-up are included in all online crypto miner purchases. If you are a beginner in mining, please download our beginnersguide from our homepage. Before ordering, please read our Guarantee & Repairs, Returns & Cancellations and General terms and conditions (B2C) carefully. Performance can differ per miner per day. The prices of miners can vary from day to day depending on market behaviour and crypto value. Please read our disclaimer: Disclaimer (*)
Payment Methods.
Methods of payment: Banktransfer, SOFORT Banking and more, to see all the payment methods please visit: Payment Methods.
Pickup Delivery worldwide by DHL. Delivery with signature required.
The prices stated on this website do not include shipping costs and installation costs. Miners Europe B.V. is based in The Netherlands.
Simply stated, crypto mining means solving complex mathematical formulas to create crypto funds, by means of hardware or software.
With mining, everything is documented on the blockchain. Everything is collected in a 'block', which then forms a chain of blocks in line with each other. You must remember that additions can only be made behind the block. Past transactions will always remain a part of the Blockchain and cannot be changed.
Incidentally, not only are the transactions stored, but also reference to the previous block (the hash): a difficult to crack mathematical puzzle.
The control over the transactions is usually achieved with what is called a Proof-of-Work protocol (PoW), a hashing algorithm. Or the complicated puzzle that must be solved by the miners. Thanks to PoW, there is agreement about all transactions in the records (Ledger). The computing power that the computer has provided for solving the mathematical puzzle and updating and checking the records is a proof of work. PoW. Thanks to this protocol, you do not need, for example, an accountant or auditor.
With mining, you thus contribute to the security of cryptocurrency. That is, however, not the only advantage of crypto mining. As mentioned earlier in this article, you can also receive a reward for the use of the computing power of your miner. The biggest gains, however, can lie in discovering a new block in the Blockchain. Bitcoin ( has become very competitive, and therefore a lot of computing power is needed to earn a little bit. This therefore costs your miner a great deal of power. With other, smaller or newer crypto coins (ALTcoins), it can be easier. The value of this currency may still increase, which means that in the long run, you can still achieve a nice return.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 09:03 am
What do you need for mining?
How do you start mining yourself? Below you will find a list of ten things you will need if you want to start mining yourself.
A wallet for the specific coin that you want to start mining. A good miner that is specially built for mining. The days when your own household computer was good enough are over. A good, and most of all, reliable internet connection. A good location. The miners can get very hot and can make a lot of noise. It is therefore not a good idea to do the mining in your living room. The best location is a cellar, attic or shed. For the same reason, you will also need a cooling system, such as a fan or an air conditioner. It is important to keep your equipment cool. It is advisable to become a member of an online mining pool. This is a pool that is mining the same crypto coin you are. By joining an online mining pool, you will ensure a more stable income. When you want to sell the crypto coins, you must be a member of an online exchange where you can sell your mined coins. And the most importantly: you have to enjoy mining and be curious about how it all works.
As you can see, the difficulty of mining continues to increase and the only way to keep up is by constantly teaching yourself about how you can improve your miners. You can think of it as a sport: the person who works the hardest ultimately achieves the best result.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 09:03 am

Crypto Mining ( Profitability Calculator Websites?|16:37
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 09:04 am
Hosting Data Centers.
Bitcoin mining ( Data Centers.
As of late, Bitcoin ( has been touted as a new means of wealth. Promising both opulence and security, champions of Bitcoin ( are steadily swaying cryptocurrency naysayers. As the Bitcoin ( empire begins to eclipse traditional modes of payment, Bitcoin ( miners are seeking refuge in data center services. Unfortunately, the added complications that come with hosting miners has deterred individuals from investing in cryptocurrency.
Fortunately, Datacenterra Data Centers provides convenient and safe colocation and hosting services. In fact, they render services to Bitmain Antminer S9, Bitmain Antminer T9, Bitmain Antminer L3, NVIDIA, and other GPU-based Rigs. What's more, many of the customers Datacenterra host are looking to mine other digital currencies as well. Namecoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Peercoin, and Mastercoin are among a few. Offering both single rack or custom cage colocation services, Datacenterra can cater to your preferences. For added convenience, they offer contract terms as short as three months. However, if you aren't yet ready to cement a financial relationship with Datacenterra, they offer Bitcoin mining ( colocation quotes for the best Bitcoin mining ( data centers.
Plug and play miner.
Fill your wallet information (bitcoins address) and start the software.
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Bitcoin ( is an innovative payment network and a new kind of money uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks managing transactions and the issuing of Bitcoin mining ( software ; its design is public, nobody owns or controls Bitcoin ( and everyone can take part. Through many of its unique properties, Bitcoin ( allows exciting uses that could not be covered by any previous payment system.
by the way free Bitcoins has been criticized for its use in illegal transactions, its high electricity consumption, price volatility, thefts from exchanges, Bitcoin ( has also been used as an investment, although several regulatory agencies have issued investor alerts about bitcoin.
how to generate bitcoins for free.
how are bitcoins generated.
Contrary to popular belief, Bitcoin mining ( software and the concept of the internet of money that it creates are this new model for a payment network that spans the globe, that has no borders, very much like the internet, that allows you to run financial applications that are controlled by software and, rather than political rules, are controlled by mathematical rules.
Bitcoin ( is not "unregulated". It is regulated by algorithm, instead of being regulated by government bureaucracies. Un-corrupted. Andreas Antonopoulos.

Where can I get some?
We're working with Bitcoin mining ( software for a long time and we'd like to offer anyone the possibility to own bitcoins. It is the currency of the future or if it will not become a real mainstream currency, at least it will be a valuable asset, like gold is now. You can keep learning more about this subject, watching this video "Bitcoin ( for Begginers". We're working closely with advertisers that are joining daily in the cryptocurrency world, and they're offering us the possibility to create this system, that can reward anyone with bitcoin. get bitcoins free.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 09:05 am

How To Calculate Mining ( Profitability For Your GPU Rig?|16:54
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 09:05 am
Bitcoin ( Hashrate Explained.
Best Bitcoin mining ( Software on Windows 10.
If you've put together a machine that you've decided you're going to use for mining Bitcoin (, then it's time to move on to the next step and find some software that will allow you to do this. If you're running a Windows system, you'll need software that's compatible with your setup. There are plenty of Bitcoin ( software options available for this purpose. These are the best Bitcoin mining ( solutions for Windows machines.
Bitcoin ( Value Chart.
1.В CGMiner.
One of the most popular and best-rated software for mining Bitcoin ( is CGMiner. It's available on Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it an extremely versatile option. The software is an open-source project written in C. This is an ASIC/FPGA miner that includes support and binaries for RPi and OpenWrt routers. CG Miner is filled with great features like overclocking, monitoring, fan speed control, and remote interface capabilities. It can detect new blocks with a mini-database. It also supports binary loading of kernels, multi GPU support, and CPU mining support.
2. EasyMiner.
Looking for something a little more user-friendly? EasyMiner is designed to be a free and open-source option that has a GUI-based system. Easyminer is highly optimized for x86, x86-64 machines and supports the getwork mining protocol as well as the Stratum mining protocol. Mining can be used for both solo and pooled mining. EasyMiner Automatically uses SSE2 , AVX, and AVX2 instructions where available. Easyminer is a lightweight mining software, low on CPU and GPU resources depending only on libcurl and jansson.
BFGMiner is a modular ASIC/FPGA miner written in C, featuring dynamic clocking, monitoring, and remote interface capabilities. This software is compatible with FPGA and ASIC mining hardware. When you use BFGMiner, you'll be hash on the most popular mining algorithms like Scrypt and SHA256d . You can even use BFGMiner to mine multiple cryptocurrencies at the same time.
4. Awesome Miner.
Awesome Miner is a complete solution to manage and monitor mining operations. It's scalable up to 200,000 ASIC miners and 25,000 GPU/CPU miners. Manage and monitor GPU miners running on either Windows or Linux. Awesome Miner Remote Agent supports both platforms. This software includes support for over 50 of the most popular mining software. Several hundred cryptocurrencies are included with statistics and revenue information. Full flexibility to add and deploy any custom mining software, algorithm, cryptocurrency, and mining pool. Display and monitor GPU properties including clock speed, fan speed, power consumption, and temperature. Define actions to take in case a GPU is failing or running too warm.
5. MultiMiner.
MultiMiner is a desktop application for crypto-coin mining and monitoring on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. MultiMiner simplifies switching individual devices ( GPUs , ASICs , FPGAs ) between crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin ( and Litecoin. MultiMiner uses the underlying mining engine (BFGMiner) to detect available mining hardware and then presents an intuitive screen for choosing the coins you'd like to mine. MultiMiner was designed from day-one to cater to both new miners and power users. From the Getting Started wizard to MultiMiner Remoting, you can be certain you've found the Bitcoin mining ( software to fit your needs.
What is Bitcoin mining ( Module?
The work done by the component which is assigned in a Bitcoin mining ( pool is known as Bitcoin mining ( module. Earlier it used to be very easy to extract Bitcoin ( out of a Bitcoin mining ( pool by using personal computers. But now a days things are getting harder as the supply of Bitcoins is very short and only 21 million Bitcoins could ever be extracted. Limitation has been put on by the underlying algorithm of the Bitcoin ( itself. As there are more miners than earlier times; more and more computing resources are employed to mine the Bitcoin ( As normal computing resources could no longer work to mine the cryptocurrency; therefore newer and powerful Bitcoin mining ( modules are being deployed to mine the cryptocurrency now-a-days.
Application specific integrated circuits also known as ASIC miners are usually needed to mine the Bitcoin ( Mining rigs are made arranging the GPUs the graphics cards in an alternating fashion to effectively mine the Bitcoin ( As the prices of Bitcoins are shooting up the price of mining hardware too is showing the same pattern. One needs to be careful while picking the mining hardware to know which Bitcoin mining ( module is the constituent of it.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 09:06 am
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DISCLAIMER Kindly notice! Hashgains do not give you any trading advice. Before availing our services, do your research and get answers to your questions in order to find out whether cryptocurrency mining is legal in your state, country, province or not.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 09:06 am
Bitcoin mining ( setups.
Top 14 Cryptocurrency Mining Hardware Kit Setups For Bitcoin ( Miners.
The Top 14 Hardware Setups for Crypto Mining (
If you want to mine cryptocurrency, then you need the right hardware. If you've got the right hardware, then you can start earning cryptocurrencies immediately. Today, we're highlighting the top 10 best hardware setups for crypto mining.
First, let's clarify something: in days gone by, anyone with a PC could mine bitcoin. Bitcoin mining ( took place via CPUs, and you could mine bitcoin using a laptop, if you wanted to. Then, Bitcoin mining ( moved to the GPU, which meant anyone with a powerful graphics card - like the card in a gaming PC - could mine cryptocurrencies. Today, we've mostly moved beyond GPU mining ( Today, most crypto mining takes place using Application Specific Integrated Circuits, or ASICs, which are special machines designed specifically for mining cryptocurrency.
Second, the hardware setups listed below can be used to mine many different cryptocurrencies, including bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Zcash, and other cryptocurrencies. Some ASICs work well with specific cryptocurrencies, while others work across cryptocurrencies equally as well.
With that in mind, let's look at the top 14 hardware setups for crypto mining.
DragonMint T1 Miner.
The DragonMint T1 is one of the most popular and powerful Bitcoin mining ( hardware setups available today. It's a SHA256 rig with 16 TH of hashpower, putting it at the top of the list in terms of hashpower. It's also got an Ethernet connection and dual, nine-blade fans. The DragonMint T1 also comes with AsicBoost technology to minimize power consumption while maximizing hashrate, which means more profit for you.
The DragonMint is similar to other ASICs in terms of setup. You can adjust PW settings, access a stats dashboard, and update the firmware, for example. There's also a soft reboot function.
One of the most efficient bitcoin miners available today More hashrate than any other bitcoin miner Easy to setup Compatible with multiple mining pools.
You're typically restricted to AsicBoost mining pools High price and low availability.
The Antminer S7 was introduced in 2015, and it's been at the top of the crypto community ever since. The energy-efficient rig comes with a 28nm BMI1385 ASCI chip, a 1000W PSU, 4.73 TH/s of hashpower, and energy efficiency of 0.25 Joules per GH/s. The S7 also has DHCP capability, which means it will automatically scan for an IP to use.
The Antminer S7 works well in temperatures between 40 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit, making it popular in datacenters and basements worldwide. The Antminer S7 features an Ethernet port.
Affordable for hobby miners and mining farms alike Its popularity means there are plenty of guides and parts available High hashrate with good energy efficiency Twice as efficient as the S5.
Requires a source of cheap electricity to make a profit Designed specifically for Bitcoin mining (
The Antminer S9 is Bitmain's other popular mining ASIC after the S7. It's more powerful than the S7, but that power comes with added cost. Nevertheless, many people choose to purchase the S9 because it delivers three times the hashpower as the S7 without consuming significantly more electricity. That means you can earn significantly higher profits with the S7.
Other miners have similar hashrates to the S9, but few miners work as efficiently. Yes, you pay a premium for the S9, but the high efficiency allows you to earn back your money relatively quickly.
The S9 is a complete unit with no need to connect to other PCs. It has a built-in web management portal for easy setup and maintenance. The S9 has a power efficiency rating of 0.098 W/Gh, a weight of 8.1 pounds, and a 16nm chip. It has 3 circuit boards with a total of 189 chips, collectively delivering a hashrate of 13.5 TH/s.
Energy efficient One of the most powerful mining rigs on the market More hashing power Easy to setup and maintain.
High price Separate power supply.
Bitmain Antminer S1.
The Antminer S1 is one of the more basic and affordable options offered by mining giant Bitmain. If you're looking for an affordable way to learn how crypto mining works, then the Antminer S1 is one good option. It's also a popular miner for overclocking.
The S1 consumes about 407 W to 422 W when overclocked. When overclocked, you can expect hashrates of 180 GH/s to 200 GH/s, making the S1 significantly weaker than the miners listed above (of course, it's also significantly cheaper). The S1 does have the unique ability to connect via Ethernet or Wi-Fi. A dual blade unit keeps the rig cool even when overclocked.
Easy to setup and use Affordable Can be overclocked for higher hashrate.
Lower hashrate than the rigs above Power supply sold separately Minimal profits.
Bitmain Antminer S2.
The Bitmain Antminer S2 was launched in 2014 after the success of Bitmain's S1. The S2 introduced several upgrades over the S1, including better hashrate and better power consumption. It's also surprisingly quiet for a bitcoin miner: even when overclocked and mining, the S2 runs relatively quiet.
The S2 uses the same chip as the S1 (the BM1380). However, Bitmain tweaked the design for better power efficiency. The rig itself is squeezed into a 4U rack. Your S2 purchase comes with an Enermax-made PSU, so unlike the options above, there's no need to purchase a separate PSU.
Other notable features of the S2 include the 1000W power consumption, a power efficiency of 1 W per GH/s, and a 55nm chip. The Antminer S2 is an SHA-256 ASIC miner.
Surprisingly quiet Power efficient Affordable price.
Costlier than the S1 without delivering major performance improvements.
Avalon 741.
Avalon is a unique Bitcoin mining ( company. When ordering form Avalon, you'll need to order miners in larger batches - say, an order of 20, 50, or 100 miners. This makes Avalon more popular with larger Bitcoin mining ( organizations, but less popular among hobby miners.
If you manage to purchase an Avalon 741, then you'll get an efficient and powerful SHA-256 ASIC miner capable of delivering hashrates of 7.3 TH/s. It has a 16nm chip and the unit consumes approximately 1150W of power with a power efficiency rating of 0.16 Joules per GH. The operating temperature ranges from -5C to 40C.
Comes with Avalon management system that makes it easy to control multiple miners simultaneously Powerful and energy efficient Stable rig Stocked with useful accessories.
Typically purchased in batches instead of single-unit orders Not cheap.
Bitmain Antminer T9.
The Antminer T9 delivers a hashrate of 11.5 TH/s, although it's slightly less efficient than the S9. The T9 is typically purchased by those who emphasize reliability, as it's perceived to be more durable than the S9. The reason for the durability is that the T9 doesn't put the same pressure on its chips as the S9, which is why the unit tends to last longer.
As a testament to its durability, the T9 has a 180 day warranty - twice as long as the 90 days you get with the S9. The T9, like other Bitmain miners, is also easy to setup and manage.
The T9 has a power efficiency rating of 0.126 Joules per GH. It has an Ethernet connection, 16nm BM1387 chip technology, and an operating temperature of 0 to 40 degrees Celsius.
Powerful and efficient Lasts longer than the S9 Warranty is twice as long as the S9 Capable of mining several SHA-256 cryptocurrencies.
Less powerful and efficient than the S9, yet costs more.
Antminer L3/L3+ Scrypt Miner.
If you want to mine Litecoin, then the Antminer L3/L3+ Scrypt Miner is one of the more popular options. With a hashrate of 255 MH/s, the L3/L3+ is one of the best Litecoin mining ASICs available today. It outperforms other popular Litecoin ASICs, including the KnC Titan and the A4.
The L3 and L3+ both consume very little electricity, which means you can maximize profitability when mining. So the L3/L3+ isn't just a powerful rig: it's also extremely efficient and profitable. As a testament to the L3/L3+'s power, Litecion creator Charlie Lee tweeted that the L3 was 2.5 times more efficient than the A4, according to his experience.
Other notable features on the L3/L3+ include a BM1485 Litecoin ASIC chip, dual fans, exposed boards, and 1.6 Joules per MH power efficiency. There's no built-in power supply on the L3 or L3+.
One of the best ASICs for mining Litecoin More efficient than other Litecoin miners Built-in controllers with no separate PC required.
Exclusively designed for mining Litecoin Can be hard to purchase, and supplies are limited.
Bitmain Antminer R4.
The Antminer R4 is yet another bitcoin miner. The SHA-256 ASIC mining rig has an efficiency rating similar to the S9, along with a hash rate of 8.6 TH per second. The rig outperforms the S7 and delivers power similar to the S9. Like other Bitmain miners, it's easy to setup and run.
The R4 is a popular rig among hobby miners because of its small size, quiet operation, and slim form factor. It's easy to fit into a basement, a garage, or an office. It also delivers a surprisingly high hashrate without consuming excessive electricity. The R4 consumers power at an efficiency of around 0.098 Joules per GH.
Ultra-silent fans User-friendly design, interface, and setup As efficient as the S9, although with slightly lower power consumption Slim form factor.
Expensive Exclusively for Bitcoin mining (
The AMD Radeon R9 295X2 is one of the more popular Ethereum mining options available today. The "X2" in the name of this miner indicates that everything is doubled. The miner contains two Hawaii XT GPUs, for example.
The Radeon R9 delivers a hashrate of 46.0 MH/s, which makes it more powerful than most Ethereum mining GPUs available today.
To be clear, the R9 295X2 is just a GPU: you'll need a PC to start mining Ethereum. Unlike some of the mining rigs above, it's not a standalone unit.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 09:07 am

Mining ( Profitability Calculator|5:30
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 09:07 am
Great performance at a reasonable price Highest hashrate for Ethereum mining Can be used for gaming or Ethereum mining.
Consumes a lot of power Ideal for Ethereum, but not much else.
The GTX 1070 is a popular video card for gamers and miners alike. With the 1070, you can mine Ethereum, Zcash, and even bitcoin. You'll get a hashrate of about 30MH/s when running the GTX 1070.
In the early days of launch, it was virtually impossible to purchase the GTX 1070. Demand was huge and supplies were limited. Nvidia even reached a point where they asked retailers to sell cards exclusively to gamers and not miners. Today, things have cooled down somewhat, and it's relatively easy to get a GTX 1070.
The 1070 has a core clock of 1506 MHz and 8GB of GDDR5 memory inside.
Great balance of power consumption and hashrate Can be used to mine multiple cryptocurrencies Great video card for gaming.
Won't generate much profit when mining bitcoin.
The RX580 is another popular video card for cryptocurrency mining. The card produces a hashrate of 29mh/s without consuming excessive power. The RX580 is also more affordable than the 1070, making it popular among hobby miners. Key features include 8GB of GDDR5 memory, a power draw of 185W, and a memory clock of 8 Gbps.
Great cooling efficiency Reasonable price Powerful hashrate.
Frequently out of stock due to high demand.
The Vega 56 outperforms the GTX 1070 when cryptocurrency mining, making it one of the most popular options on the market. It has a power draw of 210W, MaxContact technology, and great gaming performance. The Vega 56 is also known for its reliability. You pay a little more for the Vega 56 today, but enjoy superior long-term performance.
Good performance Can be used for crypto mining or gaming Affordable price.
High energy consumption.
The 1080 Ti is a high-priced graphics card that delivers equally strong performance. With a hashrate of 32MH/s, the card is ideal for mining multiple types of cryptocurrencies. It has a power draw of 250W with a shocking 11GB of GDDR5 memory inside, making the 1080 Ti ideal for cryptocurrency mining and gaming alike. With a core clock speed of 1480 MHz, the 1080 Ti is one of the most powerful graphics cards available today.
High hashrates Huge power Can be used for crypto mining or gaming.
High power consumption compared to other GPUs High price.
Whether you're mining bitcoin with an ASIC or mining Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies with a GPU, you have more options for Bitcoin mining ( today than ever before. The rigs listed above are some of the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware setups on the market today.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 09:09 am
Bitcoin ( is a "crypto currency", a decentralized electronic payment scheme based on cryptography. It implements a particular type of peer-to-peer payment system. Bitcoin ( depends on well-known cryptographic standards such as SHA-256. In this paper we revisit the cryptographic process which allows one to make money by producing new bitcoins. We reformulate this problem as a specific sort of Constrained Input Small Output (CISO) hashing problem and reduce the problem to a pure block cipher problem, cf. Fig. 1. We estimate the speed of this process and we show that the amortized cost of this process is less than it seems and it depends on a certain cryptographic constant which is estimated to be at most 1.89. These optimizations enable bitcoin miners to save countless millions of dollars per year in electricity bills.
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Bitcoin mining (, SHA-256 hash algorithm, a simple approach.
Bitcoin mining ( is a key part of the security of the Bitcoin ( system. The idea is that Bitcoin ( miners group a bunch of Bitcoin ( transactions into a block, then repeatedly performs a cryptographic operation called hashing zillions of times until someone finds a special extremely rare hash value. At this point, the block has been mined and becomes part of the Bitcoin ( blockchain. The hashing task itself doesn't accomplish anything useful in itself, but because finding a successful block is so difficult, it ensures that no individual has the resources to take over the Bitcoin ( system.
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Buy Antminer T17+ 64TH/S Bitcoin ( T17+ 64th 3250W Antminer Bitcoin ( Miner Mining Machine Better Than Antminer S17...
A cryptographic hash function takes a block of input data and creates a smaller, unpredictable output. The hash function is designed so there's no "short cut" to get the desired output -- you just have to keep hashing blocks until you find one by brute force that works. For Bitcoin (, the hash function is a function called SHA-256. To provide additional security, Bitcoin ( applies the SHA-256 function twice, a process known as double-SHA-256.
In Bitcoin (, a successful hash is one that starts with enough zeros. Just as it is rare to find a phone number or license plate ending in multiple zeros, it is rare to find a hash starting with multiple zeros. But Bitcoin ( is exponentially harder. Currently, a successful hash must start with approximately 17 zeros, so only one out of 1.4x1020 hashes will be successful. In other words, finding a successful hash is harder than finding a particular grain of sand out of all the grains of sand on Earth.
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The following diagram shows a block in the Bitcoin ( blockchain along with its hash. The yellow bytes are hashed to generate the block hash. In this case, the resulting hash starts with enough zeros so mining was successful. However, the hash will almost always be unsuccessful. In that case, the miner changes the nonce value or other block contents and tries again.
The SHA-256 hash algorithm used by Bitcoin (
The SHA-256 hash algorithm takes input blocks of 512 bits (i.e. 64 bytes), combines the data cryptographically, and generates a 256-bit (32 byte) output. The SHA-256 algorithm consists of a relatively simple round repeated 64 times. The diagram below shows one round, which takes eight 4-byte inputs -- A through H -- then performs a few operations, and generates new values of A through H.
The blue boxes mix up the values in non-linear ways that are hard to analyze cryptographically. Since the algorithm uses several different functions, discovering an attack is harder. (If you could figure out a mathematical shortcut to generate successful hashes, you could take over Bitcoin mining (
The Ma majority box looks at the bits of A, B, and C. For each position, if the majority of the bits are 0, it outputs 0. Otherwise it outputs 1. That is, for each position in A, B, and C, look at the number of 1 bits. If it is zero or one, output 0. If it is two or three, output 1.
The Σ0 box rotates the bits of A to form three rotated versions, and then sums them together modulo 2. In other words, if the number of 1 bits is odd, the sum is 1; otherwise, it is 0. The three values in the sum are A rotated right by 2 bits, 13 bits, and 22 bits.
The Ch "choose" box chooses output bits based on the value of input E. If a bit of E is 1, the output bit is the corresponding bit of F. If a bit of E is 0, the output bit is the corresponding bit of G. In this way, the bits of F and G are shuffled together based on the value of E.
The next box Σ1 rotates and sums the bits of E, similar to Σ0 except the shifts are 6, 11, and 25 bits.
The red boxes perform 32-bit addition, generating new values for A and E. The input Wt is based on the input data, slightly processed. (This is where the input block gets fed into the algorithm.) The input Kt is a constant defined for each round.
As can be seen from the diagram above, only A and E are changed in a round. The other values pass through unchanged, with the old A value becoming the new B value, the old B value becoming the new C value and so forth. Although each round of SHA-256 doesn't change the data much, after 64 rounds the input data will be completely scrambled.
What this means for mining hardware.
Each step of SHA-256 is very easy to implement in digital logic -- simple Boolean operations and 32-bit addition. (If you've studied electronics, you can probably visualize the circuits already.) For this reason, custom ASIC chips can implement the SHA-256 algorithm very efficiently in hardware, putting hundreds of rounds on a chip in parallel. The image below shows a mining chip that runs at 2-3 billion hashes/second;.
In contrast, Litecoin, Dogecoin, and similar altcoins use the crypt hash algorithm, which is intentionally designed to be difficult to implement in hardware. It stores 1024 different hash values into memory, and then combines them in unpredictable ways to get the final result. As a result, much more circuitry and memory is required for scrypt than for SHA-256 hashes. You can see the impact by looking at mining hardware, which is thousands of times slower for scrypt (Litecoin, etc) than for SHA-256 (Bitcoin (
The SHA-256 algorithm is surprisingly simple, easy enough to do by hand. (The elliptic curve algorithm for signing Bitcoin ( transactions would be very painful to do by hand since it has lots of multiplication of 32-byte integers.) Doing one round of SHA-256 by hand took me 16 minutes, 45 seconds. At this rate, hashing a full Bitcoin ( block (128 rounds) would take 1.49 days, for a hash rate of 0.67 hashes per day (although I would probably get faster with practice). In comparison, current Bitcoin mining ( hardware does several terahashes per second, about a quintillion times faster than my manual hashing. Needless to say, manual Bitcoin mining ( is not at all practical.[5]
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 09:47 am

Basic Crypto Mining ( Profitability Calculator - How Much Money Can I Make?|6:29
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 09:48 am
A Reddit reader asked about my energy consumption. There's not much physical exertion, so assuming a resting metabolic rate of 1500kcal/day, manual hashing works out to almost 10 megajoules/hash. A typical energy consumption for mining hardware is 1000 megahashes/joule. So I'm less energy efficient by a factor of 10¹⁶, or 10 quadrillion. The next question is the energy cost. A cheap source of food energy is donuts at $0.23 for 200 kcalories. Electricity here is $0.15/kilowatt-hour, which is cheaper by a factor of 6.7 -- closer than I expected. Thus my energy cost per hash is about 67 quadrillion times that of mining hardware. It's clear I'm not going to make my fortune off manual mining, and I haven't even included the cost of all the paper and pencils I'll need.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 09:48 am
SHA-256 Mining Hashrate Climbs Significantly in One Year.
Over the last year, SHA-256 mining, the process that's used to find blocks on both the Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin ( Core (BTC) networks, alongside a slew of other cryptocurrencies, has grown exponentially. Digital asset trading markets have been in a slump over the last eight months of 2018, but the bearish sentiment has not affected the hashpower behind these cryptocurrencies and, in fact, it has increased aggressively.
The SHA-256 Mining Hashrate Has Grown Considerably Large Over the Last Year.
The SHA-256 mining algorithm and other mining operations involve the process of computing devices verifying and compiling recent blockchain transactions, alongside solving computational problems in order to find a block. Miners who find a block are awarded freshly minted cryptocurrencies and all the fees associated with the transactions in the block. This incentivized system has grown significantly competitive which in turn has innovated both semiconductor production and a significant advancement in Exascale computing. Over the last few months, cryptocurrency markets have been bearish and prices have dropped considerably since the end of 2017. However hash power has not followed suit with the price and, in contrast, it has grown feverishly larger with each waking day.
Today BTC captures around 47 exahash per second while BCH holds a little above 4 exahash.
Bitcoin ( Cash Network Hashrate Has Increased Fourfold in One Year.
The Bitcoin ( Cash network at the time of writing is capturing around 4.13 exahashes per second today and over the last seven days, it's averaged around 4. Right now there's been over 65,000 BCH blocks mined since August 1, 2017, and the chain is over 6,600 blocks ahead of the bitcoin core (BTC) chain. On Sunday, August 19, 2018, the BCH chain is operating at 9.87 percent of BTC's sum block difficulty. Since last August the Bitcoin ( Cash network hashrate has increased remarkably and the amount of mining pools has notably changed as well. For instance, during the first week of August 2017, there were only a few mining pools processing BCH blocks such as Viabtc, Bitcoin (, an unknown miner from Hong Kong, and a few other unknown miners. Weeks later on August 21 many other miners joined the BCH network such as Bitclub, Antpool, Batpool, and bringing the BCH hashpower up to approximately 2 exahash.
A Variety of BCH Mining Pools and New Leaders.
Now a year later the BCH network has roughly 13 different mining pools including Coingeek, BMG Pool, Rawpool,, Viabtc, Antpool, Bitcoin (,, Sbi Crypto, F2pool, Huobi, and a few unknown pools. Mining power has shifted hands since because twelve months ago the unknown miners and Viabtc commanded a large portion of the BCH hashrate. Now the biggest mining pool over the last seven days is Coingeek with 23.4 percent of the network hashrate over the last week and 31.9 percent today.
Then there are two to three unknown mining pools (can be differentiated by coinbase data) that hold about 20 percent of the BCH hashpower. The following top BCH miners include BMG Pool (10%), Rawpool (9.8%), (8%), Viabtc (6.7%), and Antpool (6.5%). Other pools like F2pool and GMO Group have mined the BCH chain a few times over the past year as well. Essentially since the first week of August 2017, the BCH hashrate has grown fourfold and a lot more miners are processing BCH blocks.
Bitcoin ( Core Hashrate Climbs to 48 Exahash Per Second.
As far as the Bitcoin ( Core (BTC) network hashpower is concerned a lot has changed since 2017's first week of August. During the second week of August 2017, the BTC hashrate was around 8-6 exahash per second but has since increased 500 percent to around 48.2 exahash per second today. Hashrate distribution has changed quite a bit in the BTC mining world as well as there are now roughly 16 different mining pools. Right now there's an unknown miner processing 13.3 percent of the BTC network. The top BTC mining pools have also shifted quite a bit with the largest pool being (16.6%) followed by pools such as Antpool (14.6%), unknown (13.3%), (12.3%), and Slush Pool (11%).
The Use of Overt Asic Boost Touches a High This Month.
One particular interesting statistic is the use of overt "version-rolling" Asic Boost on the BTC network has increased since the Blockchain Defensive Patent License (BDPL) initiative was announced this past March. According to statistics, the use of Asic Boost whether overt or covert can increase mining efficiency by 20-30 percent. So far since March, the use of overt Asic Boost had crossed roughly 5 percent of the entire BTC network on August 1, 2018.
Asic Boost has captured 5 percent of blocks found a couple times so far in August.
On August 13 the network touch around 4.4 percent of all blocks found with Asic Boost and the average is around 3 percent today. Slush Pool has found the most blocks on the BTC network using overt Asic Boost (40%) while F2pool follows slightly behind (20%). Other mining pools utilizing Asic Boost include Ckpool, Bitclub, Bitfury,, Poolin, and an unknown miner. The unknown mining pool commands 11 percent of the sum of all overt "version-rolling" Asic Boost blocks found.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 09:49 am
The Largest Computational Systems Worldwide Have Pushed Semiconductor Tech Forward.
All of this means the power of SHA-256 mining has become one of the most powerful computational systems here on earth and it continues to grow. Further Satoshi's design to create an incentivized system that processes and verifies transactions has also pushed the envelope when it comes to semiconductor and MOSFET innovation. SHA-256 mining has excelled the creation of 10nm and 7nm chips which were one year behind schedule according to Moore's Law.
The GMO B3 uses 7nm chip technology while the Insilicon T2 uses 10nm chips. 5nm technology should meet production in 2-3 years and SHA-256 mining may make that timeline move faster.
These chips and the firms that have created super powerful mining rigs like GMO's B3 (33TH/s), Innosilicon's T2-Turbo (24TH/s), and Canaan's newly introduced Avalonminer A9 (26.5-30TH/s) should push the overall SHA-256 hashrate even more exponentially. There are only four foundries worldwide that manufacture 7nm chips (Samsung, Intel, TSMC, and Global Foundries) and Satoshi's creation has bolstered the demand for these innovative chips.
Markets may be bearish this year but the mining industry is growing faster than we can fathom, and the computational power behind Satoshi's invention proves more powerful than the fiat spot price per coin.
What do you think about this year's mining statistics continuing to grow stronger while the prices of cryptocurrencies have been floundering? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comment section below.
Top Bitcoin mining ( Stocks.
As the price of bitcoin shoots past new highs since the start of the year, the prospect of so-called Bitcoin mining ( becomes more and more alluring. Not surprisingly, companies that provide Bitcoin mining ( hardware, such as high-power graphics cards, are profiting from the Bitcoin mining ( boom. Fortunately for investors, some of these companies are publicly traded on the stock exchange.
Mining bitcoin refers to the generation of new bitcoin by bitcoin network participants who use their computational power to verify and process transactions on the bitcoin blockchain. By ensuring that the network is running smoothly and all correct transactions are being processed, bitcoin miners are financially rewarded with fresh bitcoin.
Currently, the bitcoin block reward is 12.5, which means that miners receive 12.5 bitcoins for every new block mined on the blockchain. A new block is created roughly every 10 minutes, contains several confirmed transactions, and will have had several miners involved in the process. Hence, the 12.5 new bitcoins will be split among the miners involved in the creation of the block. That means miners are in competition with each other to confirm more and more transactions to get a bigger piece of the Bitcoin mining ( rewards.
Therefore, there is somewhat of a hardware arms race among Bitcoin mining ( operations as they continuously try to increase the speed and efficiency of their mining rigs. One way of doing that is by investing in the newest and most powerful graphics cards that can be used to boost mining efficiency.
Top Bitcoin ( and Crypto Mining ( Stocks.
There are a number of publicly-traded companies that are involved in crypto mining, either through the production of mining graphics cards or by operating mining farms. Below, you will discover a list of the most prominent ones.
AMD Micro Devices (NASDAQ: AMD)
Advanced Micro Devices Inc. is a California-based company that develops computer processors and primarily focuses its GPU products on the gaming community. However, some of its GPUs can also be used to improve the efficiency of Bitcoin mining ( rigs. This has been very beneficial for the company as the Bitcoin mining ( boom has boosted the demand for its graphics cards.
Additionally, AMD has decided to pursue the crypto mining market further by producing a set of specialized hardware solutions targeted at digital currency miners.
AMD is listed on the Nasdaq exchange and has a market capitalization of $34 billion. Its shares are currently trading at $31.50.
Hive Blockchain Technologies (TSXV:HIVE)
Hive Blockchain Technologies is a Canadian digital currency mining company that was launched in 2017 as a partnership between Foire Group and leading cloud mining services provider, Genesis Mining. The Vancouver-based company runs mining operations in Iceland, Norway, and Sweden and went public in September 2017 on the Toronto Stock Exchange.
Hive Blockchain has a market capitalization of C$ 152 million and its shares are currently trading at C$0.485.
Hut 8 Mining (CVE: HUT)
Hut 8 Mining is another Toronto Stock Exchange-listed stock that provides equity investors with exposure to the digital currency mining sector. Toronto-based Hut 8 was launched in partnership with Bitfury Group and focuses its business operations on mining and blockchain infrastructure. The company went public in March 2018 and runs its mining farms in Canada.
Hut 8 Mining has a market capitalization of C$222 million and its shares are currently worth C$2.46.
Northern Bitcoin ( (ETR: NB2)
Northern Bitcoin ( is a German Bitcoin mining ( company that leverages renewable energy to mine digital currencies. The Frankfurt-based technology company went public in 2015 and is one of the few blockchain stocks denominated in euros.
Northern Bitcoin ( has a market capitalization of €123 million and its share price currently trades at €16.60.
Riot Blockchain (NASDAQ: RIOT)
Colorado-based Riot Blockchain "focuses on building, supporting and operating blockchain technologies" and digital currency mining. The company has investments in a number of blockchain startups, such as Canadian bitcoin exchange Coinsquare, and runs a crypto mining operation in Oklahoma City.
Nasdaq-listed Riot Blockchain has a market capitalization of $44.7 million and its shares are trading at $2.80.
Interested in finding out more ways to invest in bitcoin and bitcoin-related industries? Subscribe to the Bitcoin ( Market Journal newsletter today!
Investing in Cryptocurrency Mining Stocks.
According to one report, the hardware market for mining cryptocurrencies is projected to reach US$2.2 billion by 2022.
Cryptocurrency mining stocks are outperforming the bitcoin price in 2020.
After starting the year trading at US$7,152, bitcoin's price has climbed up over US$11,861 as of August 20, 2020. At the same time, key cryptocurrency mining stocks are posting impressive gains, some even eclipsing that of bitcoin itself.
Ryan Watkins, bitcoin analyst at Messari, cites "spillover from resurging interest in cryptocurrencies" as one big reason for those cryptocurrency mining stock gains. "It's natural for mining stocks to rise with cryptocurrencies," he added.
As Research and Markets explains, crypto mining is central to the very process of validating bitcoin transactions. According to a Technavio outlook report, the cryptocurrency mining hardware market is projected to generate US$2.8 billion on a global scale between 2020 and 2024.
Considering investing in blockchain?
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 09:49 am

Bitcoin ( profit calculator. (BINANCE (|10:40
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 09:50 am
Read your free 2020 blockchain outlook report!
Here the Investing News Network profiles five cryptocurrency mining stocks that are publicly traded on North American exchanges. The companies are listed in terms of market capitalization according to Barchart as of August 20, 2020.
1. Riot Blockchain Inc. (NASDAQ: RIOT )
Market cap: US$188.89 million; current share price: US$3.98.
Riot Blockchain is one of the few cryptocurrency mining stocks on the NASDAQ. The company buys cryptocurrency and blockchain businesses while supporting blockchain technology companies.
Riot's stock price has risen right along with the cryptocurrency markets in 2020. "Riot's recovery may have been boosted by announcements in May that its mining revenues had grown 70% in the first quarter year-on-year, its plans to roughly double its hash rate after Bitcoin ('s block reward halving, and the dismissal of pump-and-dump complaints against the firm," reported Cointelegraph.
In mid-August the company announced the purchase of 8,000 additional S19 Pro Antminers from BitmainTech PTE, which are expected to come online in early 2021. The crypto mining rigs are projected to increase Riot Blockchain's hashrate well above 1 exahash per second.
2. HIVE Blockchain (TSXV:HIVE)
Market cap: C$167.65 million; current share price: C$0.49.
Mining digital assets such as ethereum, ethereum classic and bitcoin, HIVE Blockchain is a cryptocurrency company that operates mining facilities in Sweden, Norway and Iceland. Its mining activities operate at 300 petahashes per second, with 3.8 MW in power capacity.
Though HIVE had experienced contract disputes with Genesis Mining, a strategic partner and major shareholder of the company, HIVE has since resolved its issues. Since then, it has established a third-party contract with Sweden-based Blockbase.
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3. Hut 8 Mining (TSXV: HUT )
Market cap: C$115.11 million; current share price: C$1.19.
Hut 8 Mining is a cryptocurrency mining and blockchain infrastructure company established through an exclusive partnership with the Bitfury Group, the world's leading full-service blockchain tech company. It has operations in Alberta's Medicine Hat and Drumheller, with 94 data centers, 109.4 megawatts (MW) of power and mining rig speed capabilities of 963 petahashes per second. A petahash is equivalent to one quadrillion hashes per second.
4. Marathon Patent Group (NASDAQ:MARA)
Market cap: US$103.50 million; current share price: US$3.22.
With a mining facility located in Quebec, Marathon Patent Group was one of the first cryptocurrency mining companies to begin trading on the NASDAQ. It has deployed over 6,000 Bitmain miners with its 2 MW of power dedicated to mining bitcoin. The company has welcomed Jesse Lund, former head of blockchain at IBM (NASDAQ:IBM), to its management team.
5. Codebase Ventures (CSE:CODE)
Market cap: C$3 million; current share price: C$0.06.
Codebase Ventures, formerly named 360 Blockchain, is a company that exclusively invests in blockchain technology. It is based in Canada, but has also expanded into the US market.
While the company itself doesn't mine cryptocurrencies, its subsidiary SV CryptoLab is primarily involved in mining activities. SV CryptoLab is a fully equipped cryptography and blockchain lab in Silicon Valley. Codebase Ventures raised its stake in the company to 80 percent in 2018.
"Our model is adaptive and is being deployed in such a way that we foresee tremendous upside with the company's own crypto-mining activities and very importantly, proprietary offerings being developed for other companies involved in mining operations," Jim Cerna, director of SV CryptoLab, said at the time.
This is an updated version of an article first published by the Investing News Network in 2018.
Don't forget to follow us @INN_Technology for real-time news updates!
Securities Disclosure: I, Dorothy Neufeld, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
Editorial Disclosure: Codebase Ventures is a client of the Investing News Network. This article is not paid-for content.
U.S. Listed Bitcoin mining ( Startup Exchanges over 4k Shares for Mining Machines.
Bit Digital, Inc. (Nasdaq: BTBT), has inked a purchase agreement with some unnamed foreign investors for the acquisition of over $13k worth of sophisticated Bitcoin mining ( equipment in exchange for 4,344,711 ordinary shares at the price of $3.20 per share, according to a press release on November 11, 2020.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 09:50 am
Bit Digital Increases Bitcoin mining ( Power.
As Bitcoin mining ( difficulty continues to increase , as the price of bitcoin ( BTC ) aims for the moon once again since the 2020 bull run, Bit Digital, a United States-based crypto mining startup is investing heavily in sophisticated miners in a bid to remain competitive.
As stated in its press release , Bit Digital, a Nasdaq listed firm that started its mining operations in February 2020, has signed a strategic agreement with foreign investors to purchase $13,903,088 worth of Bitcoin mining ( equipment with 4,344,711 of its ordinary shares at the rate of $3.20 per share.
With bitcoin adoption rate increasing steadily, as a vast array of institutional and retail investors are now seeing the once criticized flagship cryptocurrency in a positive light, Bit Digital hopes to significantly boost its hash power with its latest acquisition, from the current 1,250 petahashes per second (PH/s) to 2,250 Ph/s.
Steady Progress.
Bit Digital claims it has been making steady progress in its business since commencing operations last February with a hash power of less than 310Ph/s, which it successfully increased to 1,250 Ph/s by September 2020.
Notably, the firm has hinted that it's not relaxing on its oars just yet, as 2000 pieces of its previously purchased M21s miners will be shipped to the U.S. before the end of November 2020.
Commenting on the latest development, Erke Huang, the financial officer of Bit Digital reiterated that the firm expects the new acquisition to give it a competitive edge in the mining ECOS (, while also boosting its revenue in the long run.
"We are very pleased to announce these agreements to issue shares in exchange for bitcoin miners, which will further consolidate our position among listed firms in the Bitcoin mining ( industry in terms of the operating hash rate capacity. The revenue and number of BTC earned by the company is expected to have a continuous increase in Q4 2020 with the new deployment of more miners."
The year 2020 has been a relatively good year for firms in the Bitcoin mining ( ECOS ( As BTCManager informed earlier in August 2020, the share price of Riot Blockchain and Marathon Patent has seen a significant increase this year.
It's worth noting that some governments have started joining the digital revolution powered by bitcoin. In September 2020, the government of Kazakhstan announced plans to pump in $714 million into its Bitcoin mining ( industry and Venezuela has also legalized Bitcoin mining ( operations.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 09:51 am
Top 10 Best Bitcoin ( Stocks to Buy in 2020.
There are two options if one wants to invest in the cryptocurrency market. Either you can purchase some Bitcoin ( directly, or you can purchase stocks in organizations that utilize BTC and blockchain technology within their platforms. Since these don't depend on the situation with the bitcoin era , it will do you good. But, if the crypto world experiences a promising year in 2020, it will do even better in the long run.
However, buying stocks instead of buying cryptocurrency directly saves you from a long procedure of buying crypto on an exchange. For direct purchases, you will need to manage a wallet, worry about security, documentation, and price fluctuations. If you prefer buying stocks, then check out our list of top 10 best bitcoin stocks to buy in 2020.
IBM Stock (IBM)
IBM is one of the biggest tech giants in the market. It includes more than 1500 employees who work on the development of blockchain technology projects. IBM introduced it's blockchain services in 2019 which powers CLSnet and deals with overseas exchange transactions. This is because it's a trade netting processor and an automated settlement.
By teaming up with the Linux Foundation, they built up the Hyperledger Fabric, a task which represents considerable authority in creating and appropriating corporate blockchain arrangements. Nine worldwide banks have been selected to utilize IBM's blockchain installments administration. Deutsche Bank and HSBC were two of the three partners.
Microsoft Stock (MSFT)
Microsoft is looking to construct a 'Blockchain as a Service' along with its Azure cloud, turning into an authentic adversary to Amazon with regards to facilitating cloud-based applications. The Azure Blockchain has additionally been actualized by AT&T and NASDAQ, and many other big names. Microsoft Azure keeps running on the Ethereum blockchain, implying that it relies upon what choices the Ethereum Foundation makes with respect to its code updates.
Microsoft has additionally connected its blockchain administrations to a few applications, for example, Sharepoint and OnlineOffice 365 Outlook, and applications of different organizations, including and Twitter.
Amazon (AMZN)
Everybody knows Amazon as the online business monster. The organization additionally utilizes services that are probably going to pick up from blockchain adoption.
Amazon Web Services powers its e-commerce business, looking after the computing aspect. The organization propelled blockchain contributions for its corporate purchasers, which enabled them to make enormous blockchain stages by utilizing templates, empowering them to effortlessly coordinate the innovation with other Amazon IT devices.
Nvidia (NVDA)
Being one of the biggest GPU manufacturers in the globe, NVIDIA is very popular in the video game graphics and mining industries as well. Miners will be engaging themselves in the process of earning tokens and coins as blockchain and cryptocurrency projects become more popular. Nvidia produces graphic chips that are targetted to be trending in the coming years. One of the reasons is because they are crafted with enough processing power to synchronize with autonomous vehicles and artificial intelligence apps, for example, the Internet of Things (IoT).
PayPal (PYPL)
PayPal is one of the most pertinent Bitcoin ( stocks in the business sectors. As the market head for advanced installment preparation, PayPal arrived at an arrangement with three of the best in class Bitcoin ( installment processors, Coinbase, BitPay, and GoCoin, to permit PayPal vendors to acknowledge Bitcoin ( as a type of installment. For more data on the last trade, look at the survey of Coinbase to find if it's a reasonable spot for you to purchase and sell Bitcoin (
Square (SQ)
Square is another great application headed up by Jack Dorsey. This portable installment organization situated in Silicon Valley, California, as of late got Bitcoin ( ready, enabling clients to purchase and sell the cryptographic money legitimately through the Square application. Square presumably sold more than $34 million of Bitcoin ( in the principal quarter of 2018.
The Bitcoin ( Investment Trust (GBTC)
The Bitcoin ( Investment Trust holds Bitcoin ( as its fundamental asset and it's the unique stock on the NASDAQ and other US stock exchanges for that quality. You will not have to buy Bitcoin ( directly to invest in Bitcoin ( with this platform. It has a total sum of 175,000 BTC and you can buy into the trust for a share. Each share speaks too generally BTC 0.001, so the individuals who buy 1,000 shares will possess a little more than one Bitcoin ( It's been speculated that putting resources into the Bitcoin ( Investment Trust is more secure than purchasing Bitcoin ( outright as speculators aren't liable to security vulnerabilities that some Bitcoin ( trades experience.
MasterCard Stock (MA)
Just as the companies mentioned above, MasterCard also upholds blockchain, an innovation with disruptive potential for its part of business, for quite a while. In October 2017, MasterCard proposed a blockchain-based option to the banks in order to carry out transactions, disposing of credit cards.
Glance Technologies (GLNNF)
Glance Technologies is a functioning player in the digital currency biological system as they officially possess and work the Glance Pay streamlined installment framework. Glance Pay changed the manner by which cell phone clients interface with vendors, choose places to dine, make payments, order products, and access digital records.
Riot Blockchain, Inc. (RIOT)
Established in July of 2000, this organization was intended to give investment administrations to the blockchain biological system. The organization site really references their action as "a first-mover on the NASDAQ concentrated on blockchain innovation." The objective of this gathering is to alter exchanges with a framework that has not been seen previously.
These ten bitcoin stocks are the best ones among hundreds of them all over the globe. Though it's better to invest in stocks than directly purchasing cryptocurrency, it's not 100% guaranteed that you won't lose your money, All you need to run a research on them to determine which one meets all your needs and finally make your investment.
Latest News on Bitcoin (,Cryptocurrencies,Blockchain,Faucets , Finance and fiat market.
As Bitcoin mining ( difficulty continues to increase, as the price of bitcoin (BTC) aims for the moon once again since the 2020 bull run, Bit Digital, a United States-based crypto mining startup is investing heavily in sophisticated miners in a bid to remain competitive.
As stated in its press release, Bit Digital, a Nasdaq listed firm that started its mining operations in February 2020, has signed a strategic agreement with foreign investors to purchase $13,903,088 worth of Bitcoin mining ( equipment with 4,344,711 of its ordinary shares at the rate of $3.20 per share.
Bitcoin mining ( trojan.
In this article, we are going to overview a specific form of malware that is aimed at mining online currency like Bitcoin (, Dashcoin, Monero, Monero Original, and other. Unfortunately, there are plenty of threats of this type roaming the Web nowadays including such parasites as Debug.exe miner, Valhalla miner, Miner.exe, Harvest miner, CPU miner, SiaCoin miner, JS:Cryptonight miner, WaterMiner malware, Auto Refresh Plus Adware miner, and many more. For time saving and convenience reasons, we will refer to this category of infections as Bitcoin ( miner virus.
Like most malicious software, Bitcoin ( miner virus is used to make easy money. As the value of Bitcoin ( continues to rise, so does the number of malware aimed at mining online currency. Bitcoin ( is created through a process called mining, which uses computer processing power. As this process requires a lot of time and CPU, cyber criminals discovered a way to avoid wasting both: they use miners to infect other computers and exploit their resources instead. Needless to say, the performance of an infected computer suffers severely. If you suspect that such an intruder is present on your PC, you should terminate Bitcoin ( miner virus without hesitation.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 09:51 am

4GPU Mining ( rig RTX 3070 - ROI calculator - Ethereum Mining (|14:08
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 10:03 am
How does Bitcoin ( miner virus spread?
Bitcoin ( miner virus [1] developers use different methods to spread their threat online. It may arrive onto your computer through a malign email attachment or a corrupt link posted as a spam notification on a suspect site. It is also possible that the virus gets embedded in a Trojan horse or bundled with third-party software downloaded from an unreliable webpage.
As stated above, malware continues to evolve and one good example of it is the Rakhni Ransomware+Miner Trojan that drops different malicious software onto your computer depending on certain parameters. If you have a Bitcoin ( folder in the %AppData% directory, the parasite infects your PC with ransomware. If, on the other hand, it finds that your computer has a dual-core or a more powerful processor, it will install a miner onto it instead.
As you can see, online criminals use quite a few tricks in order to make sure that the miner reaches a target computer, which is why it is extremely important that you stay careful online. You should always trust your browser when it shows you notifications of dangerous pages. Moreover, Google Chrome is now capable of blocking browser extensions that come with JavaScript miner codes, which makes it safer than other browsers. Although this is certainly good news as it means that if you use this browser, you are better protected, it still does not stop miners completely as there are other ways they can spread. That is why we also urge you to keep your anti-virus tool updated and not to disable it for any reason.
What are the symptoms of Bitcoin ( miner virus?
Although you may not notice the symptoms right away, little by little you will start paying attention to the fact that your computer does not function with the same speed and stability as it used to. As we have already mentioned, miners use up your CPU and GPU, which you will notice if you open your Task Manager. You may see processes like XMRi in the Task Manager using up more than 50% of your CPU, which will lead to system slow downs and overheating. This, in turn, could result in hardware damage. The miner can harm your computer to the point that you will no longer be able to use it, which is why it is imperative to terminate Bitcoin ( miner virus as soon as possible.
Depending on the type of the miner virus, you may also have to deal with other symptoms like excessive advertisements appearing on all pages that you visit and redirects to corrupt domains. Moreover, the threat can also infect your system with other parasites like spyware that could be used by hackers to steal personal and financial information, which could result in such serious issues like financial losses and identity theft.
How to detect Bitcoin ( miner virus?
Unfortunately, Bitcoin ( miner virus detection is a rather tricky process as this parasite is a fileless threat, which interacts with ActiveScriptEventConsumer, __AbsoluteTimerInstruction, __EventFilter, __IntervalTimerInstruction, and __FilterToConsumerBinding root classes instead.
The threat may be detected under the following names: Application.BitCoinMiner, PUA.CoinMiner, Trojan.BitMine, Riskware.BitcoinMiner, Riskware.Miner, and W32/CoinMiner. It should be mentioned, however, that not all anti-virus utilities are capable of identifying the infection. Still, if you notice the above-mentioned symptoms, you can suspect that there is malware on your computer, even if your security software does not report it. In this case, you should move on to Bitcoin ( miner virus removal.
How to remove Bitcoin ( miner virus?
The sooner you get rid of Bitcoin ( miner virus, the better. Manual Bitcoin ( miner virus removal is out of question, unless you are a computer expert and know how to deal with registry entries. Even so, it is a complicated process, which, if handled incorrectly, could lead to serious system issues. The recommended course of action is implementing a powerful anti-malware utility. If you use the malware remover presented on our website, it will identify all malign items on your PC including the miner. The security suite will them eliminate Bitcoin ( miner virus in its entirety, clean your computer from other threats, and ensure its safety and stability in the future by providing you with online protection in real time and other valuable features.
Site Disclaimer. is not sponsored, affiliated, linked to or owned by malware developers or distributors that are referred to in this article. The article does NOT endorse or promote malicious programs. The intention behind it is to present useful information that will help users to detect and eliminate malware from their computer by using WiperSoft and/or the manual removal guide.
The article should only be used for educational purposes. If you follow the instructions provided in the article, you agree to be bound by this disclaimer. We do not guarantee that the article will aid you in completely removing the malware from your PC. Malicious programs are constantly developing, which is why it is not always easy or possible to clean the computer by using only the manual removal guide.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 10:05 am
Short bio.
Trojan.BitCoinMiner is Malwarebytes' generic detection name for crypto-currency miners that run on the affected machine without the users' consent.
Crypto-currency miners use a lot of resources to optimize the earning of crypto-coins, so users may experience slow computers.
Type and source of infection.
Because mining uses a lot of resources threat actors try to use other people's machines to do their mining for them. This detection means that your machine is being used as such.
Besides slowing down your machine, running at peek level for long times may cause damage to your machine and raise electricity bills.
Malwarebytes blocks Trojan.BitCoinMiner by using real-time protection.
Malwarebytes blocks Trojan.BitcoinMiner.
Home remediation.
Malwarebytes can detect and remove Trojan.BitcoinMiner without further user interaction.
Please download Malwarebytes to your desktop. Double-click MBSetup.exe and follow the prompts to install the program. When your Malwarebytes for Windows installation completes, the program opens to the Welcome to Malwarebytes screen. Click on the Get started button. Click Scan to start a Threat Scan . Click Quarantine to remove the found threats. Reboot the system if prompted to complete the removal process.
Business remediation.
How to remove Trojan.BitcoinMiner with the Malwarebytes Nebula console.
You can use the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Nebula console to scan endpoints.
Nebula endpoint tasks menu.
Choose the Scan + Quarantine option. Afterwards you can check the Detections page to see which threats were found.
On the Quarantine page you can see which threats were quarantined and restore them if necessary.
Add an exclusion.
Should users wish to keep this program and exclude it from being detected in future scans, they can add the program to the exclusions list. Here's how to do it.
Open Malwarebytes for Windows. Click the Detection History Click the Allow List To add an item to the Allow List , click Add . Select the exclusion type Allow a file or folder and use the Select a folder button to select the main folder for the software that you wish to keep. Repeat this for any secondary files or folder(s) that belong to the software.
If you want to allow the program to connect to the Internet, for example to fetch updates, also add an exclusion of the type Allow an application to connect to the internet and use the Browse button to select the file you wish to grant access.
Trojan.BitcoinMiner Removal Guide.
When Trojan.BitcoinMiner is detected with a scan of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware your computer is infected with a Trojan horse. Once the Trojan.BitcoinMiner infected the target PC, it will use various ways to protect itself from being removed. This malware is designed by cybercriminals to use the GPU and CPU power to mine bitcoins on the infected system without your knowledge.
The presence of the trojan.bitcoinminer can significantly slow down your computer and is able to create a backdoor on the system to download other malicious programs into your computer. The infected computer can finally crash if the Trojan.BitcoinMiner is not completely removed.
The kind of malware ( Trojan.BitcoinMiner ) is detected by antivirus software under various names like the RiskTool.BitCoinMiner, Win32.BitCoinMiner, Skodna.BitCoinMiner and ApplicUnsaf.Win32.BitCoinMiner. when the installed antivirus or other security software detects a variant of the Trojan.BitcoinMiner you can use the ( Trojan.BitcoinMiner Removal Guide ) below, all malware removal programs we recommend are completely free to use.
All tools used in our Trojan.BitcoinMiner Removal Guide are completely free to use and should remove any trace of malware from your computer. Please be aware that removing Malware is not so simple, and we strongly recommend to backup your personal files and folders before you start the malware removal process.
Step 1 - Perform a scan with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to remove the Trojan.BitcoinMiner Step 2 - Run HitmanPro to remove the remants of the Trojan.BitcoinMiner en desinfect modified files. Step 3 - Use RogueKiller to double check the presence of a Trojan.BitcoinMiner Step 4 - Protect your PC with Bitdefender.
1. Remove the Trojan.BitcoinMiner with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.
Download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware ( from this link ) to your desktop.
Double-click mbam-setup.exe and follow the prompts to install the program. At the end, be sure a checkmark is placed next to Update Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and Launch Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Then click Finish . If an update is found, it will download and install the latest version. Once the program has loaded, select Perform full scan , then click Scan . When the scan is complete, click OK , then Show Results to view the results. Be sure that everything is Checked (ticked) except items in the C:\System Volume Information folder and click on Remove Selected . You can use the right mousbutton to check the ' Check all items ' option before you click on Remove Selected.
If you accidently close it, the log file is saved here and will be named like this: C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\Logs\ mbam-log-date (time).txt Note : If MBAM encounters a file that is difficult to remove, you will be presented with 1 of 2 prompts. Click OK to either and let MBAM proceed with the disinfection process. If asked to restart the computer, please do so immediately. Failure to reboot will prevent MBAM from removing all the malware. After the restart in Normal mode , start Malwarebytes Anti-Malware again and perform a Quick scan to verify that there are no remaining threats.
2. Run a scan with HitmanPro to remove remnants of the Trojan.BitcoinMiner.
Double click on HitmanPro to start the program, if you are experiencing problems while trying to start HitmanPro, you can use the Force Breach mode. To start HitmanPro in Force Breach mode, hold down the left CTRL-key when you double click on HitmanPro and all non-essential processes will be terminated, including the malware processes. HitmanPro will start and you'll need to follow the prompts (by clicking on the Next button) to start a system scan with this program. The program will start to scan the computer. The scan will typically take no more than 2-3 minutes. Click on the next button and choose the option activate free license Click on the next button and the infections where will be deleted. Click on the next button and restart the computer.
3. Run a scan with Roguekiller.
Download Roguekiller from one of the links below to your dekstop. RogueKiller.exe RogueKiller.exe (mirror) RogueKillerX64.exe Double click on RogueKiller.exe to start this malware removal utility it will start automatically the prescan, this should take only a few seconds to complete. After the prescan is finished click on the Start button to perform a full system scan.
When the scan has completed, you can press the Delete button to remove the detected items and registry keys they found by Roguekiller.
If RogueKiller detects malicious Registry entries, you can delete them by clicking the Registry tab and clicking the Delete button. Please check each registry entry before deleting it .
Some of the programs that we used in our malware removal guides would be a good idea to keep and used often in helping to keep the computer clean. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is one of the most powerful anti-malware tools. It is totally free but for real-time protection you will have to pay a small one-time fee. The license of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is life-time so you have to buy it once, and because Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is a great addition to your regular virusscanner of security programs.
Choose a good internet security suite, Bitdefender's Internet security 2013 is an excellent, user-friendly security suite, and with the autopilot technology there are no popups, no alerts or other messages because in this mode it will resolve almost every security issue on its own without the intervention of the user.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 10:06 am
Bitdefender Internet Security 2014.
Bitdefender Internet Security 2014 builds on #1 ranked antivirus technology to provide secure e-banking and e-shopping, online safety for kids, privacy protection on social networks and more!
#1 ranking based on reviews from AV Test, AV Comparatives,CNET Downloads, PC Welt, Expert Reviews and many more.
Bitdefender 2014 has been officially named "Product Of The Year", "Best Antivirus For 2013" and "Best Repair of 2012" by the famous PC MAG magazine, and by two major reviewing institutions to date, AV-Test and AV-Comparatives. These achievements crown a year of accolades and awards, including distinctions from CNET, Laptop, Magazine, PC PRO, Expert Reviews, WebUser, PC Achat and Micro Hebdo.
BitCoinMiner Trojan.
Written by Tomas Meskauskas on 04 January 2019 (updated)
BitCoinMiner virus removal guide.
What is BitCoinMiner?
BitCoinMiner is a generic name for various cryptocurrency-mining viruses. On first glance, the name suggests that these viruses mine only Bitcoin ( cryptocurrency, however, cyber criminals also attempt to mine other cryptocurrencies, such as Monero, Ethereum, etc. Research shows that most BitCoinMiners are distributed using spam emails and other trojan-type viruses.
The last few years were extremely successful for cryptocurrency miners, drawing great attention, and thereby encouraging thousands of people to get into this market for "easy money". Now crypto-mining is essentially the solving of mathematical problems using computers. To generate revenue, you must have extremely powerful hardware costing thousands of dollars. Therefore, the entire process requires investment. To avoid this, cyber criminals decided to hijack regular users' computers and use them to collectively mine cryptocurrencies. They essentially inject the system with malicious tools that employ computer processors (CPUs) and graphic's cards (GPUs) to mine cryptocurrency. This causes a number of problems. Firstly, this process might take up to 100% of system resources, thus making the computer unstable and virtually unusable (it barely responds and can freeze/reboot, resulting in permanent data loss). Furthermore, highly loaded systems generate excessive heat and in certain circumstances (high room temperatures, bad cooling systems, etc.), hardware might overheat. Therefore, the presence of cryptomining viruses can lead to significant financial loss. Although most BitCoinMiner trojans hide their traces, determining their presence is straightforward - as mentioned above, the average system temperature rises, the computer starts lagging, and so on. Furthermore, many anti-virus/anti-spyware suites are capable of removing such viruses. Therefore, if you have noticed at least one of aforementioned symptoms, you should immediately scan the system with a reputable anti-virus/anti-spyware suite and eliminate all detected threats.
To eliminate possible malware infections, scan your computer with legitimate antivirus software. Our security researchers recommend using Malwarebytes. ▼ Download Malwarebytes To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for Malwarebytes. 14 days free trial available.
There are dozens of crypto-mining trojans similar to BitCoinMiner. For example, XMR Miner, JSMiner-C, IdleBuddy, and many others. These viruses might may differ slightly (mining different cryptocurrencies, various distribution methods, etc.), however, the main purpose remains identical: to help developers generate revenue by exploiting other users' computers (providing nothing in return).
How did BitCoinMiner infect my computer?
Crypto-mining viruses are typically distributed using spam email campaigns and other trojan-type viruses (chain infections). Spam email campaigns distribute malicious attachments (typically MS Office documents) by presenting them as legitimate documents (invoices, bills, etc.) Once opened, these files stealthily download and install malware. Trojans open "backdoors" for other viruses to infect the system. In some cases, cryptominers are also distributed using unofficial download sources (freeware download websites, free file hosting sites, peer-to-peer [P2P] networks, etc.), fake software updaters, and the "bundling" method. Unofficial download sources present malware as legitimate software, thereby tricking users into downloading and installing it. Fake updaters infect the system by exploiting old software bugs/flaws or simply downloading and installing malware rather than updates. "Bundling" is essentially stealth installation of third party applications with regular software/apps. In summary, the lack of knowledge and careless behavior of many users are the main reasons for computer infections.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 10:06 am
How to avoid installation of malware?
To prevent system infiltration by PUPs, be very cautious when browsing the Internet and downloading/installing software. Never open any email attachments that seem irrelevant or have been received from suspicious email addresses. Furthermore, it is very important to download your programs from official sources only, using direct download links. Third party downloaders/installers are used to distribute malware, and thus these tools should never be used. Keep installed applications up-to-date using implemented functions or tools provided by the official developer only. Having a reputable anti-virus/anti-spyware suite installed and running is also paramount. The key to computer safety is caution. If you have already opened the "BitCoinMiner" attachment, we recommend running a scan with Malwarebytes for Windows to automatically eliminate infiltrated malware.
Screenshot of resource usage during the mining process:
Screenshot of malicious attachment distributing BitCoinMiner trojans:
Instant automatic malware removal: Manual threat removal might be a lengthy and complicated process that requires advanced computer skills. Malwarebytes is a professional automatic malware removal tool that is recommended to get rid of malware. Download it by clicking the button below: ▼ DOWNLOAD Malwarebytes By downloading any software listed on this website you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for Malwarebytes. 14 days free trial available.
Quick menu:
How to remove malware manually?
Manual malware removal is a complicated task - usually it is best to allow antivirus or anti-malware programs to do this automatically. To remove this malware we recommend using Malwarebytes for Windows. If you wish to remove malware manually, the first step is to identify the name of the malware that you are trying to remove. Here is an example of a suspicious program running on a user's computer:
If you checked the list of programs running on your computer, for example using task manager, and identified a program that looks suspicious, you should continue with these steps:
Download a program called Autoruns. This program shows auto-start applications, Registry, and file system locations:
Restart your computer into Safe Mode:
Windows XP and Windows 7 users: Start your computer in Safe Mode. Click Start, click Shut Down, click Restart, click OK. During your computer start process, press the F8 key on your keyboard multiple times until you see the Windows Advanced Option menu, and then select Safe Mode with Networking from the list.
Video showing how to start Windows 7 in "Safe Mode with Networking":
Windows 8 users : Start Windows 8 is Safe Mode with Networking - Go to Windows 8 Start Screen, type Advanced, in the search results select Settings. Click Advanced startup options, in the opened "General PC Settings" window, select Advanced startup. Click the "Restart now" button. Your computer will now restart into the "Advanced Startup options menu". Click the "Troubleshoot" button, and then click the "Advanced options" button. In the advanced option screen, click "Startup settings". Click the "Restart" button. Your PC will restart into the Startup Settings screen. Press F5 to boot in Safe Mode with Networking.
Video showing how to start Windows 8 in "Safe Mode with Networking":
Windows 10 users : Click the Windows logo and select the Power icon. In the opened menu click "Restart" while holding "Shift" button on your keyboard. In the "choose an option" window click on the "Troubleshoot", next select "Advanced options". In the advanced options menu select "Startup Settings" and click on the "Restart" button. In the following window you should click the "F5" button on your keyboard. This will restart your operating system in safe mode with networking.
Video showing how to start Windows 10 in "Safe Mode with Networking":
Extract the downloaded archive and run the Autoruns.exe file.
In the Autoruns application click "Options" at the top and uncheck the "Hide Empty Locations" and "Hide Windows Entries" options. After this procedure, click the "Refresh" icon.
Check the list provided by the Autoruns application and locate the malware file that you want to eliminate.
You should write down its full path and name. Note that some malware hides process names under legitimate Windows process names. At this stage, it is very important to avoid removing system files. After you locate the suspicious program you wish to remove, right click your mouse over its name and choose "Delete".
After removing the malware through the Autoruns application (this ensures that the malware will not run automatically on the next system startup), you should search for the malware name on your computer. Be sure to enable hidden files and folders before proceeding. If you find the filename of the malware, remove it.
Reboot your computer in normal mode. Following these steps should remove any malware from your computer. Note that manual threat removal requires advanced computer skills. If you do not have these skills, leave malware removal to antivirus and anti-malware programs. These steps might not work with advanced malware infections. As always it is best to prevent infection than try to remove malware later. To keep your computer safe, install the latest operating system updates and use antivirus software.
To be sure your computer is free of malware infections we recommend scanning it with Malwarebytes for Windows.
About the author:
Tomas Meskauskas - expert security researcher, professional malware analyst .
I am passionate about computer security and technology. I have an experience of over 10 years working in various companies related to computer technical issue solving and Internet security. I have been working as an author and editor for since 2010. Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn to stay informed about the latest online security threats. Contact Tomas Meskauskas.
PCrisk security portal is brought by a company RCS LT. Joined forces of security researchers help educate computer users about the latest online security threats. More information about the company RCS LT.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 10:06 am

Mining ( Bitcoin ( with pencil and paper|7:52
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 10:07 am
Our malware removal guides are free. However, if you want to support us you can send us a donation.
Bitcoin mining ( Wallet - Top 8 Bitcoin ( Wallets to use in 2019.
In mining Cryptocurrencies, there are some vital things required, and an ideal Bitcoin mining ( wallet is an essential part of these things.
With this, we should be aware that a digital currency wallet is similar to a bank account that is used in storing, receiving, and sending virtual currencies to yet another wallet account.
Bitcoin mining ( wallet can be used for shopping as well. It does not matter if a user wants to trade virtual currencies or just need them as assets- it's crucial to have a best Bitcoin ( wallet account.
The wallets are the services that help in keeping the private keys of your Bitcoin ( crypto under custody. For Bitcoin ( users, there are some things to look into before choosing a dependable Bitcoin ( wallet.
It does not matter if it is a hardware wallet you are picking or a software wallet. Some of the major things to look at include:
Security and backup features- This entails your seed backup keys as well as pin codes. Compatibility- This entails the wallet been compatible with diverse operating networks. Ease of use- It comprises of an elegant UI for swift and simple usage. Developer community- This entails an active development community strictly for maintenance purposes. Control private keys- This entails the type of wallet where the user owns and controls the keys.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 10:07 am
Top Eight Bitcoin mining ( Wallets.
This list consists of both desktop, mobile, and hardware wallets. The top six Bitcoin ( wallets to make use of in 2019 are:
At the time of writing this article for the first time, Ledger Nano S was the top hardware wallet for your crypto assets. But as the time progress, we're seeing new and improved wallet versions, and Ledger Nano X is one of them.
Same as previous wallet version, this one also puts a focus on security, as it comes with a certified secure chip- same chip that's used in credit cards and passports.
But Ledger Nano X costs twice as much as Ledger Nano S, so what's the difference?
Ledger Nano X can store up to 100 different assets, while Ledger Nano S can store between 3 and 20 different cryptocurrencies. Ledger Nano X comes with Bluetooth connection to manage your assets, while this was not the case with Ledger Nano S. Ledger Nano X comes only in a black version, while Ledger Nano S comes in 6 different colors. Ledger Nano X is somewhat bigger, weights twice as much and has a twice bigger display than Ledger Nano S. Ledger Nano X also comes with a battery, while Ledger Nano S doesn't have one.
I like both wallets, and right now, it seems that they both provide the most essential thing- best security on the market. With that said, Ledger Nano X seems to be targeted at bigger investors, which hold lots of different assets. And if you're one of them, you can buy Ledger Nano X and enjoy the peace of mind and easy of access that this wallet offers.
This is a hardware wallet and was created by a French startup company. The Ledger Nano S is similar to a USB drive and can be connected to any available USB port.
It does not make use of a battery and only comes on when it is plugged to a mobile device or a computer.
Ledger Nano S does not come with any anti-tampering sticker because it has a cryptographic procedure that checks for the integrity of any instrument once it is powered on.
It has an OLED screen plus two side buttons that confirm transactions. Once the Ledger Nano S is configured as a new device, a pin code will need to be set up to protect the wallet.
User's private keys are stored offline, and this implies that virtual coins are safe. It goes on to support some of the major digital currencies such as:
Bitcoin ( Cash Ethereum Classic Bitcoin ( LiteCoin Ethereum Dash Ripple DogeCoin.
Additionally, the Ledger Nano S is a multi-currency wallet, and this implies that users can store or manage over seven hundred coins plus ERC20 tokens all in one place.
Established by a company based in the Czech Republic, that goes by the name SatoshiLabs, Trezor is the globe's first Bitcoin ( hardware wallet.
Basically, it is a tiny device that has an OLED screen and is connected through a USB to user's private phone or computer. The fundamental purpose of Trezor is to keep user's private keys offline and to sign transactions.
Once Trezor is connected to a PC, it displays a nine-digit PIN code. Users will need to input the exact same pin code via clicking on the corresponding screen. Meanwhile, the code is produced randomly whenever users connect Trezor.
There is a 24-word recover seed given to all users once the pin is entered. The recovery key needs to be kept safely as it is the only means to restore Bitcoins. Trezor supports lots of digital currencies like:
Ethereum Ethereum Classic LiteCoin Bitcoin ( Dash Zcash Namecoin.
Also, it is made available for OS X, Windows as well as Linux. It can also be gotten in gray, black, and white colors.
Atomic Wallet.
This is a multi-currency custody free wallet that backs roughly three hundred coins along with tokens. It is the first digital currency wallet with cross chain atomic swaps on its board that is decentralized.
With the Atomic Wallet, users are allowed to exchange LiteCoin, Qtum, and Bitcoin ( without third parties. The wallet offers an in-built common exchange service for diverse virtual currencies.
There are alternatives to purchasing Ripple, Ethereum, LiteCoin and Bitcoin ( via bank cards. The Atomic Wallet has an in-depth and transparent interface. Users do not need to validate their identity or even register.
All that is needed to do is to download the Atomic Wallet for any operating systems, install it and start making use of the wallet. It operates on diverse desktop operating systems like:
With time, the Atomic Wallet will be available for iOS and Android services. To store digital coins on the wallet, users will need to write down the mnemonic seed and keep it in a protected place.
Exodus wallet is a free-to-utilize, yet desktop-only Bitcoin mining ( wallet that was created in the year 2015 by JP Richardson and Daniel Castagnoli. It is the first multi-digital currency desktop wallet in the universe.
Exodus does not have any hosted servers or even logs. Presently, it supports major virtual currencies such as:
Ethereum Bitcoin ( DogeCoin Golem Dash LiteCoin Augur.
While there is no identity validation or registration needed, users will still have to set up a password to easily access the wallet and spend their funds. Users are only enabled to carry out a backup of their seed key when they have balance in their wallet.
Additionally, Exodus wallet is regarded as the first desktop wallet to make use of ShapeShift built in it for the purpose of exchanging virtual currencies.
Trust Wallet.
Trust Wallet is the globe's leading multi-asset Cryptocurrency wallet that keeps both altcoins as well as Bitcoins. This wallet backs about thirteen cryptocurrency coins and is the best choice for diverse digital currency users.
It has a highly active development team and works swiftly, and it's highly reliable as well. Asides from supporting Bitcoin (, Trust Wallet supports other altcoins like:
Monero Tether Ripple Binance, and so on.
It has a frictionless and seamless UI that is very simple to utilize. It does not make use of email verification, has no onboarding and does not need usernames or password to start making use of the wallet.
OWNR Wallet.
OWNR Wallet is one of the latest additions to my list of best Bitcoin mining ( wallets.
With this wallet, you can buy, send, receive and exchange your crypto, all via easy and intuitive interface.
Supported platforms.
One of the best features of OWNR Wallet is its widespread support. Currently, you can use it on:
MAC OSX Windows 32bit Windows 64bit Linux deb Linux snap Linux AppImage 32bit Linux AppImage 64bit Android and iOS.
Furthermore, they have the support for lots of crypto coins:
The company is fully licensed, and they support various technologies(like SegWit) and allow you to buy crypto with fiat and SEPA.
The company was registered in February of 2014, with office opened in Luxembourg.
You don't need a bank account in order to register, and you can use HolyTransaction both as wallet and an exchange medium.
They are web based and support coins such as:
Litecoin, Bitcoin (, Ethereum, Zcash, Dash, Decred, Syscoin, Faircoin, Dogecoin, Peercoin, Gamecredits, Gridcoin and Blackcoin.
In addition, they provide their own API, which you can use for payment processing and even creation of your own wallets label.
Conclusion on Bitcoin mining ( Wallet.
The exact type of wallet users should utilize heavily relies on the users activity level and security level of handling their Bitcoins. It also relies on how frequent users utilize their funds and the amount they need to keep on a certain wallet.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 05:54 pm
Choose your Bitcoin ( wallet.
Select a wallet to store your bitcoin so you can start transacting on the network.
Let's help you find a bitcoin wallet.
Answer the following questions to create a list of wallets that meet your needs.
What’s your operating system?
Mobile wallets.
Portable and convenient; ideal when making transactions face-to-face.
Designed to use QR codes to make quick and seamless transactions.
App marketplaces can delist/remove wallet making it difficult to receive future updates.
Damage or loss of device can potentially lead to loss of funds.
Environment enables users to have complete control over funds.
Some desktop wallets offer hardware wallet support, or can operate as full nodes.
Difficult to utilize QR codes when making transactions.
Susceptible to bitcoin-stealing malware/spyware/viruses.
Easy to access from different devices, only a web browser is needed.
Funds can potentially be recovered if a device is damaged or lost.
Service disruptions can make it difficult to access funds.
If a web wallet's platform is hacked, your funds are at risk.
One of the most secure methods to store funds.
Ideal for storing large amounts of bitcoin.
Difficult to use while mobile; not designed for scanning QR codes.
Loss of device without proper backup can make funds unrecoverable.
How much do you know about Bitcoin (
Show wallets ideal for new users.
Note: This option is unavailable based on your previous selections.
Show all of the wallets.
Which criteria are important to you?
Some wallets give you full control over your bitcoin. This means no third party can freeze or take away your funds. You are still responsible, however, for securing and backing up your wallet.
Some wallets have the ability to operate as a full node. This means no trust in a third party is required when processing transactions. Full nodes provide a high level of security, but they require a large amount of memory.
Some wallets are open-source and can be built deterministically, a process of compiling software which ensures the resulting code can be reproduced to help ensure it hasn't been tampered with.
Some wallets can be loaded on computers which are vulnerable to malware. Securing your computer, using a strong passphrase, moving most of your funds to cold store or enabling 2FA or multifactor authentication can help you protect your bitcoin.
Some wallets make it harder to spy on your transactions by rotating addresses. They do not disclose information to peers on the network. They can also optionally let you setup and use Tor as a proxy to prevent others from associating transactions with your IP address.
Some wallets give you full control over setting the fee paid to the bitcoin network before making a transaction, or modifying it afterward, to ensure that your transactions are confirmed in a timely manner without paying more than you have to.
What features are you looking for?
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a way to add additional security to your wallet. The first 'factor' is your password for your wallet. The second 'factor' is a verification code retrieved via text message or from an app on a mobile device. 2FA is conceptually similar to a security token device that banks in some countries require for online banking. It likely requires relying on the availability of a third party to provide the service.
Bech32 is a special address format made possible by SegWit (see the feature description for SegWit for more info). This address format is also known as 'bc1 addresses'. Some bitcoin wallets and services do not yet support sending or receiving to Bech32 addresses.
Some wallets fully validate transactions and blocks. Almost all full nodes help the network by accepting transactions and blocks from other full nodes, validating those transactions and blocks, and then relaying them to further full nodes.
Some wallets can pair and connect to a hardware wallet in addition to being able to send to them. While sending to a hardware wallet is something most all wallets can do, being able to pair with one is a unique feature. This feature enables you to be able to send and receive directly to and from a hardware wallet.
Most wallets have the ability to send and receive with legacy bitcoin addresses. Legacy addresses start with 1 or 3 (as opposed to starting with bc1). Without legacy address support, you may not be able to receive bitcoin from older wallets or exchanges.
Some wallets support transactions on the Lightning Network. The Lightning Network is new and somewhat experimental. It supports transferring bitcoin without having to record each transaction on the blockchain, resulting in faster transactions and lower fees.
Some wallets have the ability to require more than one key to authorize a transaction. This can be used to divide responsibility and control over multiple parties.
Some wallets support SegWit, which uses block chain space more efficiently. This helps reduce fees paid by helping the Bitcoin ( network scale and sets the foundation for second layer solutions such as the Lightning Network.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 05:55 pm

How to Calculate Mining ( Profits|4:50
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 05:55 pm
Pooled mining.
Pooled mining is a mining approach where multiple generating clients contribute to the generation of a block, and then split the block reward according the contributed processing power. Pooled mining effectively reduces the granularity of the block generation reward, spreading it out more smoothly over time.
1 Introduction 2 Pooled mining approaches 2.1 The slush approach 2.2 The Pay-per-Share approach 2.3 The Full Pay-per-Share approach 2.4 Luke-Jr's approach ("Eligius") 2.5 P2Pool approach 2.6 Comparison 3 See Also 4 External links 5 References.
With increasing generation difficulty, mining with lower-performance devices can take a very long time before block generation, on average. For example, with a mining speed of 1000 Khps, at a difficulty of 14484 (which was in effect at the end of December, 2010), the average time to generate a block is almost 2 years.
To provide a more smooth incentive to lower-performance miners, several pooled miners, using different approaches, have been created. With a mining pool, a lot of different people contribute to generating a block, and the reward is then split among them according to their processing contribution. This way, instead of waiting for years to generate 50btc [ citation needed ] in a block, a smaller miner may get a fraction of a Bitcoin ( on a more regular basis.
A share is awarded by the mining pool to the clients who present a valid proof of work of the same type as the proof of work that is used for creating blocks, but of lesser difficulty, so that it requires less time on average to generate.
Pooled mining approaches.
The problem with pooled mining is that steps must be taken to prevent cheating by the clients and the server. Currently there are several different approaches used.
The slush approach.
Bitcoin ( Pooled Mining (BPM), sometimes referred to as "slush's pool", follows a score-based method. Older shares (from beginning of the round) have lower weight than more recent shares, which reduces the motivation to cheat by switching between pools within a round.
The Pay-per-Share approach.
The Pay-per-Share (PPS) approach, first described by BitPenny, is to offer an instant flat payout for each share that is solved. The payout is offered from the pool's existing balance and can therefore be withdrawn immediately, without waiting for a block to be solved or confirmed. The possibility of cheating the miners by the pool operator and by timing attacks is thus completely eliminated.
This method results in the least possible variance for miners while transferring all risk to the pool operator. The resulting possibility of loss for the server is offset by setting a payout lower than the full expected value.
The Full Pay-per-Share approach.
The Full Pay-per-Share (FPPS) approach, created by team, aims to benefit miners from the high transaction fee. It will calculate a standard transaction fee within a certain period,add it into the block rewards (6.25 BTC every block for now, until 2024) and then distribute the whole to miners according to PPS mode.
This method keeps advantages of PPS and pay more to miners by sharing some of the transaction fees.
Luke-Jr's approach ("Eligius")
Luke came up with a third approach borrowing strengths from the earlier two. Like slush's approach, miners submit proofs-of-work to earn shares. Like puddinpop's approach, the pool pays out immediately via block generation. When distributing block rewards, it is divided equally among all shares since the last valid block. Unlike any preexisting pool approach, this means that the shares contributed toward stale blocks are recycled into the next block's shares. In order to spare participating miners from transaction fees, rewards are only paid out if a miner has earned at least 0.67108864 BTC (400 TBC). If the amount owed is less, it will be added to the earnings of a later block (which may then total over the threshold amount). If a miner does not submit a share for over a week, the pool sends any balance remaining, regardless of its size.
P2Pool approach.
P2Pool mining nodes work on a chain of shares similar to Bitcoin ('s blockchain. When a block is found, the reward is divided among the most recent shares in this share-blockchain. Like the puddinpop and Luke-Jr approaches, p2pool pays via generation.
The cooperative mining approach (slush and Luke-Jr) uses a lot less resources on the pool server, since rather than continuously checking metahashes, all that has to be checked is the validity of submitted shares. The number of shares sent can be adjusted by adjusting the artificial difficulty level.
Further, the cooperative mining approach allows the clients to use existing miners without any modification, while the puddinpop approach requires the custom pool miner, which are as of now not as efficient on GPU mining ( as the existing GPU miners.
Additionally, the puddinpop and Luke-Jr approaches of distributing the earnings by way of including precise sub-cent amounts in the generation transaction for the participants, results in the presence of sub-cent bitcoin amounts in your wallet, which are liable to disappear (as unnecessary fees) later due to a bug in old (before 0.3.21) bitcoin nodes. (E.g., if you have a transaction with 0.052 in your wallet, and you later send .05 to someone, your .002 will disappear.).
Puddinpop and Luke-Jr miners receive coins directly, which eliminates the delay in receiving earnings that is required on slush-based mining servers. However, using some eWallet services for generated coin will cause those coins to be lost.
Bitcoin ( Pooled Mining.
Bitcoin ( Pooled Mining (BPM) , better known as Slush's pool , is the oldest mining pool, and the first known to be publicly available. Slush's pool was announced on November, 27, 2010 under the name Bitcoin ( Pooled Mining Server and operated on a share strategy that involved an artificially low difficulty method that has since been determined to be vulnerable to cheating. The pool now follows a score-based method, where older shares (from beginning of the round) have a lower value than newer shares, which serves to demotivate a cheater from switching between pools inside a round. Balances accumulate on the server, and are sent out when a user-set threshold balance is reached. There is a fixed fee of 2%, as of March 10, 2011 [1] .
The coinbase signature for this pool is: "/slush/" [2] .
1 Description 2 10 largest Bitcoin mining ( pools in the world 2.1 AntPool 2.2 DiscasFish / F2Pool 2.3 BitFury Pool 2.4 BW Pool 2.5 BTCC 2.6 ViaBTC 2.7 BTC.Top 2.8 Slush 2.9 Bitclub.Network 3 See Also 4 External Links 5 Sources 6 References.
Description [ edit ]
To produce (create) cryptocurrency more effectively together in groups. This has long been known, so miners have created pools, where everyone gets a reward, based on the power of their own equipment. Miners can change the floor at any time. To participate, you must have a special computer (farm) and cryptocurrency wallet for bitcoins. It is important that there is a lot of cryptocurrency, that is, not only bitcoin.
"Pool" (mining pool) is a server that distributes the task of calculating the block signature between all connected participants. The contribution of each of them is evaluated using the so-called "ball" (share), which are potential candidates for a precious signature. Once one of the "ball" hits the target, the pool announces the readiness of the block and distributes the reward.
The chart you see above reflects the global distribution of Bitcoin ( hashrate among the top mining pools according to blockchain data. It may not be 100% accurate, but it will give you an idea of the market situation and trends. according to the schedule it is clear that 50% of the total capacity of the Bitcoin ( network is concentrated in 4 main largest pools: F2Pool, AntPool, BTCChina, All of this is China's largest pools, although some users from around the world and mined bitcoin on them. Most likely, this distribution is due to the fact that the largest Asian mining companies and equipment manufacturers use these pools for Bitcoin mining (
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 06:11 pm
50X ( Review
A trading cryptocurrency guide must provide reviews of all of the top crypto exchanges out there, so that you can find the best cryptocurrency exchange site for you. This review of 50X ( (previously STeX) consists of four parts: general information, fees, deposit methods and security.

General Information
50X ( (previously STeX) is a cryptocurrency exchange registered in the Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, a group of islands in the Caribbean Sea.

The 50X ( platform is available in the English, n and Korean language.

50X ( claims to be the "1st aggregator of crypto liquidity", and states that you can "trade over 10,000 coins cross rates in one place". We have not been able to verify any of these statements, but we do know that they are at least not the only aggregator of crypto liquidity.

Also aggregates liquidity from other exchanges. With liquidity aggregation, we mean that the exchange offers the opportunity for its traders to benefit from the order books also from other cryptocurrency exchanges. This creates an unusually deep order book and expands the range of digital assets possible to trade at the exchange and ensure fair pricing of the trades.

50X ( Trading View
Different exchanges have different trading views. And there is no "this overview is the best"-view. You should yourself determine which trading view that suits you the best. What the views normally have in common is that they all show the order book or at least part of the order book, a price chart of the chosen cryptocurrency and order history. They normally also have buy and sell-boxes. Before you choose an exchange, try to have a look at the trading view so that you can ascertain that it feels right to you. The below is a picture of the trading view at 50X (

50X ( Trading Terminal

And here is a picture of a more detailed version of the trading chart (ETH/BTC):

50X ( Trading View


To our knowledge, US-investors are permitted to trade at this exchange. However, any US-investors interested in trading here should form their own opinion on any issues arising from their citizenship or residency.

50X ( Fees
50X ( Trading fees
This exchange charges flat fees of 0.20%, meaning that it doesn't matter whether you are a taker or a maker. You get charged 0.20% of the order value anyways.

0.20% is slightly below the global industry average, which is arguably around 0.25%.

50X ( Withdrawal fees
What about withdrawal fees then? Withdrawal fees vary dependent upon which crypto asset you are withdrawing, but they are normally a fixed amout of the relevant crypto asset, and not percentage based as the trading fees. The industry average BTC-withdrawal fee is 0.0006 BTC according to's empirical studies.

50X ( charges 0.001 BTC per BTC-withdrawal. This withdrawal fee is around 60% above industry average and thus not a very competitive fee. It is however not sufficiently high for us to recommend any prospective user to stay away from this exchange. 0.001 BTC per BTC-withdrawal is not a "crazy high" fee and it is not unreasonable to believe that the platform will lower it going further.

Deposit Methods
50X ( (previously STeX) does not accept any deposits of fiat currency. This means that new cryptocurrency investors (i.e., investors without any previous holdings of cryptocurrencies) can't trade here. In order to purchase your first cryptocurrencies, you need a so called entry-level exchange, which is an exchange accepting deposits of fiat currency. Find one by using our Exchange Finder!

50X ( Review: My Honest Opinion
Hello, my fellow crypto traders. In this article, I will tell you my personal opinion about one of the most interesting and promising cryptocurrency exchanges right now - 50X ( Exchange. This is my honest review with my personal experience. I will not be talking about the future of the project and about developers' plans too much. I am going to tell you mostly about real things.

First of all: I am a trader. I have been trading futures for about 8 years. I have also been trading cryptocurrencies. I am not a newbie. I really know what I am talking about.

The Story and Current Situation
There are many crypto exchanges but they are mostly made poor... They have only basic things and they don't add new features. They are just taking commissions and they don't want to advance. And... They will be pushed aside by projects like 50X (

I have been following 50X ( since the beginning of 2018. I fell in love with their idea to make a comfortable trading platform for active traders combined with the aggregator of crypto liquidity. They really want to give traders a comfortable platform with many useful features like combined Stop-Loss + Take Profit Orders, Marginal trading, built-in hedge fund and so on.

I saw the project in early alpha and I saw how it was growing. Developers are following the project's roadmap without delays. They launched the Alpha version in time, and then they launched Beta without delays. They also launched the final version in time. The coolest thing was that even the Alpha version of the project worked great and it didn't have a lot of bugs.

Right now the project is fully launched and available to the public. The developers add new features with every update and they are full of enthusiasm and great ideas. What I like is that the developers listen to the community and add requested features if they found these features useful.

Do I recommend trading on 50X ( The answer is YES. The platform works great and has several cool features. The number of traders is not big right now and developers are launching a marketing campaign to attract new traders. This platform has everything to become one of the TOP exchanges for trading cryptocurrencies.

I also recommend investing a part of your crypto funds into STE Tokens for dividends. 50X ( is the first crypto trading platform fully owned by public investors and it shares 100% of the profit among them. You also can become an investor at any time! Right now the price for STE is very attractive, so don't wait. When the platform is finished, the price of the dividend tokens will eventually grow.

Trading Core
One of the main goals of 50X ( is to make a place where a crypto trader can buy any cryptocurrency listed for any other from this list directly. This technology is called A2A (Any to Any). I am not going to explain how it works; you can find all the information on A2A Tokens page. I just want to say that this technology really does what it has to do.

Right now there are only 17 coins listed on 50X (, but you can really go and buy any coin for any other directly! That means there are 81 pairs (and that's Beta). Developers promised to add about 100 coins by the launch which will give traders 10 000 pairs in total!

The leader of the developers' team said that they are going to start adding new coins once the exchange is ready to accept new traders. Adding new coins attracts new traders and the developers want to give them only perfect experience!

I am absolutely agreed with such an approach. They don't want to run a huge marketing campaign until their product is finished. They want traders to be 100% satisfied. This is a very good strategy. A great product will advertise itself.

50X ( is also an aggregator of crypto liquidity. It connects to the other exchanges and collects orders from there. It potentially allows a trader to get almost the best possible prices on the market. It also allows big players to fulfill large orders without dumping or pumping the market.

Comfort and Customization
The other thing I absolutely like is that developers pay attention to making the exchange comfortable. The interface is made as an SPA (Single Page Application) meaning you can access all the required information in one window. You don't need to wait for the page to load when you switch from one area to another. Everything works instantly and tremendously fast.

Another cool feature added in Beta 4 is deep layout customization. You can set your own color profile to make the exchange look like you wish. You want it to be dark? No problem, go and do it. The cool thing about this is that there are not only pre-sets.  There is deep customization and you can select any colors! Have you ever seen an exchange with such features? I believe no, 50X ( is the only right now.

Trading Features
Right now a trader can place Market and Limit orders. Developers are going to add Stop Losses and other order types soon. A trader will be able to place Stop Loss combined with Take Profit. That's very necessary types of orders!

The Order Book is informative. You can see not only total volume for each price level but also an aggregated volume for current level plus previous levels. This is a cool feature if you are planning to make a huge deal. You can estimate how your order will affect the market.

50X ( Order Book

You can also see your current orders in the Market Depth. Your orders are in a separate column which gives better visual control.

Fast counter order creation. The other cool and comfortable thing I use a lot is auto-fill of the order when you click the price or volume in Market Depth table. When you click the value, the system automatically fills data in counter-order. It allows opening limit orders much faster. It's a very cool and comfortable feature for active traders.

As you see right now there are many small but very cool features that make trading easier. Developers promised to make the exchange even more comfortable. They will add the ability to copy fulfilled orders from your history, remove all the orders with one click and other cool things.

Charts and Technical Analysis
50X ( uses TradingView's library for building charts, meaning you can access large number of things for technical analysis. But in one of the interviews, Nick Price, the head of the developers, said that TradingView is a "heavy" library and it will most likely be replaced with a lighter one in future.

Algorithmic Trading (Robots)
50X ( allows connecting via API and running trading robots. The API documentation can be found here You can receive a new API key on your account settings page (Personal Cabinet -> Account). I haven't used their API but it looks like it works well. I haven't seen any complaints.

Keeping in mind that 50X ( is an aggregator of liquidity, running robots on the platform will be a very good idea. I expect many algorithmic traders to move to 50X ( because of this.

Deposits and Withdrawals
The deposit and withdrawal operations are easy and fast. I had a problem with the deposit only once, but not because of the exchange. The Ethereum network was overloaded. Usually, the deposits and withdrawals are handled very fast.

I have seen the information from one of the traders in official chat. He sent his Bitcoins to 3 exchanges, one after another (almost simultaneously). 50X ( was the first to receive his funds, while other 2 got the BTC after some time.

Right now the platform doesn't accept FIAT deposits, only cryptocurrencies. developers are going to add USD and Euro deposit options in future.

Safety and Privacy
Developers mentioned that safety of the funds is their #1 priority. All the transaction inside is handled by their own separate blockchain. In one of the interviews, Nick Price said that even if a hacker knows login and password of admin's account he will not be able to harm a lot. Most of the funds are stored on cold wallets. Traders are forced to use 2FA to enable deposit option.

Support Staff
Support staff is always polite and will always help trader if he has problems. I had to contact them twice.

The first issue was with the Ethereum deposit. But this was not their fault, the Ethereum network was overloaded and it took more time for the Ethereum to come to my account.

The second issue was with the order. I canceled an order and I received my reserved cryptocurrency, but the order left in the list. It was a "cosmetic" bug and it was fixed soon.

In both situations support helped me pretty fast.  The only thing you need to know is that if you want to solve your problem ASAP, you need to write Private Message to the moderator of 50X ( official support channel. If you write them by e-mail it will take more time.

About 50X (
Launched on 25/10/2018, 50X ( is a centralized exchange registered in Kingstown, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. 50X ( claims to be the first cryptocurrency exchange with an Any2Any trading core that supports direct trades between all listed coins.

Powered by A2A technology with automated liquidity aggregation, 50X ( allows users to trade any listed coin to any other listed coin directly in one trade, with the benefits of the fair open market with trader's tools like stop losses, trailing stops, token loans, and Professional Managed Accounts.

Truly anonymous, with exceptional security features and automated funds recovering system 50X ( uses internal blockchain to keep the system's integrity. Users can utilize the Professional Master Account to collect and manage other people's money with verified performance or find traders to manage their funds on a profit-sharing basis. Users can earn a passive income on their tokens by letting other traders manage their funds for a fixed daily fee.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 06:12 pm

How To Calculate Mining ( Profit: The Easy COMPLETE Guide!|4:50
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 06:12 pm
The situation with previously quite large European and American pools is not as favorable as in Asia. This is most likely due to the fact that Bitcoin mining ( is becoming less attractive to private clients and moves towards large-scale industrial mining. We couldn't help but draw your attention to the fact that KnCMiner pool currently has 5% of the total capacity of Bitcoin ( network, and this is obviously the fifth largest Bitcoin ( pool. Important is the fact that this pool is not open to all comers. In fact, it is a private pool of KnC Miner, in which the company produces bitcoin for itself. KnC Miner no longer sells equipment to end users and other major mining companies. At the moment, KnC Miner positions itself as a "supplier of Bitcoin ( transaction processing technology", not just a manufacturer of mining devices. We would like to remind you that KnC Miner recently announced the construction of data centers for the deployment of its new mining devices built on chips according to the technological standards of 16 Nm. This means that KnC Miner will continue to increase its Bitcoin mining ( potential. At the moment, they have developed the fastest and most energy-efficient ASIC chip, which will be used only by themselves.
10 largest Bitcoin mining ( pools in the world [ edit ]
AntPool [ edit ]
AntPool is based in China, is under the control of BitMain and produces about 15% of all blocks.
DiscasFish / F2Pool [ edit ]
DiscasFish, also known as F2Pool, is also in China. It accounts for 12% of all blocks in the last 6 months.
BitFury Pool [ edit ]
BitFury Is one of the largest manufacturers of equipment for mining bitcoin and chips. This pool is also accounted for 12% of all mined bitcoins. It's a private pool, you can't join it. It consists of three data centers in Georgia.
BW Pool [ edit ]
BW was founded in 2014 in China, with about 8% of all blocks.
BTCC [ edit ]
BTCC - it is the third largest exchange of bitcoin in China. The pool of this trading platform accounts for about 7% of the blocks.
ViaBTC [ edit ]
ViaBTC-a completely new pool, there is about a year. Its share is 6.5%.
BTC.Top [ edit ]
BTC.Top-also a new pool, which does not even have a site. It may not accept third-party members. Share-6%.
Slush [ edit ]
Slush is the first mining pool, now its share is 6%. It remains one of the best and is very popular.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 06:21 pm
Easiest Scrypt Coin To Mine | Mining altcoins in 2020.
The world's first localized cryptocurrency is Bitcoin (, which at the start established its luminous head into electronic merchandise receding to 2009. Even as normal currencies have a concentrated command that manages them, Bitcoin ( had a conception that as a publicly controlled currency it won't have a lone entity forthcoming. This absence of centralization implied that Bitcoin ( inventor, Satoshi Nakamoto, had to propose a way of dispatching said currency. He discovered a solution that is being used presently which is mining.
Mining provides a clever, decentralized approach to dispatch cryptocurrency at the same time generating impetus for more people to mine; guaranteeing that brand-new coins are created. Basically, this shows similarities between a consistent computer accountant who validates blockchain exchanges and a miner.
In order to assure network equity and security, a complexity increment mining procedure was applied. This procedure makes the computational necessities as a result of determinants such as available equipment and open interest. Presently, the mining pools are gigantic and brag top-notch equipment, making it more complex than ever. The current beforehand stake and preservation cost needed to decipher the scientific issues makes Bitcoin ( quarrying basically not lucrative for independent mining using the consumer-level equipment. Bitcoin mining ( is gainful for extensive tasks like the aforementioned quarrying pools, with Bitmain obviously gathering as much as three billion dollars in gain a year ago in China. While this complexity is re-balanced every 2.160 blocks, there is nothing indicating a possible decline.
However, if you consider dipping your toes into small-scale crypto mining as a first-timer, worry not, as these mining mechanics have been used by plenty of altcoins as well, in order to ensure consistent and impartial sharing of their tokens. These coins, while being more unpredictable and offering lower rewards than Bitcoin (, they usher decreased passage obstacles for novice miners.
What to know before mining any cryptocurrency (Scrypt Coin)
You will need a collection of materials to start mining the easiest scrypt Coin :
A free private database is known as your coin wallet. Your coin wallet is secure storage for your profits and a network-wide ledger of transactions is also preserved. A free mining program package, similar to this one from AMD Membership is an internet mining pool, which is a forum of miners, who join their computers to expand gain and make sure the income is stable. Mining outside of a pool means you won't be responsible for solving mathematical problems. Enrollment at an online currency exchange which is a platform where mined coins can be swapped for money or Bitcoin ( A mining equipment setup ideally located in a cool and air-conditioned space. A work area devised for mining. An ATI/Nvidia graphics processing unit (GPU) or a particular processor is known as a mining ASIC chip. It will cost about $90 used to $3000 brand new for each GPU or ASIC chip. Personal interest: You have to read continually, investigate and learn, as mining technologies advance quickly which brings out new concepts of enhancing your coin quarrying outcome. The flourishing coin miners spend hours consistently contemplating the best ways to regulate and develop their mining performance.
Similarly, as with any gainful activity, when mining a crypto coin there are considerable risks:
1- Losing your digital wallet.
There are numerous procedures to do this, either by locking yourself out by not remembering your login information or by damaging your hard drive.
2- Dishonest mining pool organizers.
A mining pool controlled by dishonest directors from badly regulated nations could skim coins from your incomes or take off with the total coin pull. A few pools accumulate association costs which can lessen your income.
3- Electricity expenses could make your mining unprofitable.
For most mining computers, a cost of 14 cents per kilowatt-hour is the most you want to pay for your quarrying diversion. Mining currencies such as Bitcoin (, Litecoin, Peercoin, or Feathercoin will not be worth the investment above 14 cents. You also put into consideration your dollar per-day rate, if your profit is two dollars per day; it could take two years for you to pay off your hardware venture (in the event that you sell immediately and not hold).
4- Hackers.
It is possible a capable hacker can breach into your mining pool and drain the miner's wallets.
5- The cryptocurrency you mine could drop in value.
Assuming you choose not to sell your coins immediately you mine them but instead clutch them for the time being. Much the same as gold or some other product, there is a tendency, that the market value of your crypto coin changes after some time. If the value falls, you may wind up sitting with a pack full of nothing.
These risks, while being genuine and unsafe, can be removed. To deal with your coin mining vulnerabilities here are some suggestions:
Moral habits.
Store your coin wallet on a separable memory drive, which you will remove from your computer and network when it's not in use. Transfer your coins consistently from your connected stockpiling (if a cloud mining service is used) into your removable wallets so they don't accumulate online. Likewise, build a personal habit of backing up your wallet every two days and keep your password recorded in a safe place. And do not click random twitter links promoting giveaways or airdrops.
A reputable mining pool/cloud service.
Pool/cloud services with dynamic online forums that have a good reputation are your most logical option. Hashflare, Genesis, Minex, NiceHarsh are some of the most often mentioned.
Lock your electricity expenses.
Some electricity suppliers will allow you to secure your per-kilowatt-hour fee for a year or two. If you can do so at 14 cents or less per Kwh, then do it. 10 cents per Kwh and less is perfect, not only to mine but for your own benefits as a consumer.
What is the easiest scrypt coin to mine?
Another question with no correct and settled answer. Look at it this way: once a new coin comes into the market, it's genuinely obscure and can be mined as there are not many interested miners. As it starts getting some recognition in the community, individuals start paying attention and rigs towards it, making it hard to mine with every new rig that enters its network.
So, the ideal approach to find coins that will give you less trouble is to filter through forums, crypto groups and selecting mints that sounds promising yet still lacking a stronger name presence in the community. Mine and accumulate the new coins as much as you can and hope the price will shoot-up once it hits greater trades and the extensive community knows more about it.
Best available scrypt coin for mining.
Ethereum is a public, open-source, blockchain-based distributed computing platform and operating system with a functional smart contact feature. Currently, Ethereum is the second most costly coin on the market. Mining Ethereum is very difficult but it is highly profitable. It supports a customized version of Nakamoto consensus through transaction-based state transitions. It uses SHA-3 (Secure Hash Algorithm) hash algorithm, mining it will require both AMD/Nvidia cards through quarrying pools like Ethermine, 2miners, Ethpool. Ethminer can mine GPU perfectly. The Ethereum mining community has a flawless Reddit page which you can visit for more information.
If Ethereum is your top coin choice, you can choose one of three ways to mine it:
Find an existing pool of miners, join it, and share your rewards. This is good as even if you don't find the "gold mine", others, who did, will share part of their rewards. That's why it's better to join bigger pools. Before you join, be aware that there are fees and minimum payouts. It is best to choose pools with 1% fees and low minimum payouts, as you will reap benefits faster. Mining Ethereum yourself. While this is preferred for some, it does have some cons: you will need to get all of the equipment yourself (around 100 or more graphics cards), pay for its repairs (when needed) and used electricity (with 100 graphic cards, it would amount to around $40). These expenses are the main reasons why people would rather choose pool mining. If you have no equipment, you can use Cloud mining services. You pay somebody for the mining work and reap their rewards. While this sounds great, it does also have cons: as you only pay for the work, it means that you are stuck with a loss if Ethereum price drops. This is one of the main reasons why this mining choice is also usually not recommended.
For more advice on Ethereum mining, visit here.
ZEN on the other hand already has a greater number of features than ZCL/BTCP with incredibly dynamic progress. In case you are holding mined coins then it is possible to set up secure nodes (42 ZEN stake) that produce around 25% ROI yearly, which is more cash in your pocket than mining without nodes. Secure nodes do not also require locking your tokens, so if you sell one day you can move your coins and do such. It's as well always in the first 5 or consequently on WTM in my experience.
This is a peer-to-peer internet currency that allows immediate, near-zero charge payments to anyone in the world. It features high-speed transaction confirmation times and enhanced storage competence than the leading math-based currency Bitcoin ( Litecoin is a medium of commerce corresponding to Bitcoin (, with considerable industry support, trade volume, and liquidity. Litecoin utilizes the Scrypt hash function from Tenebrix an early Altcoin used instead of the Bitcoins SHA-256 task. Litecoin pool, Antpool, and are some of the most popular LTC mining pools. You can store your LTC on the Litecoin Core customer which one can download. The amount of Litecoin used is 82 million; it is another coin with a large mining community on Reddit.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 06:21 pm

Inside a Cryptocurrency Mining ( Facility in India ft HashGains CEO Anuj Bairathi|15:33
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 06:21 pm

500 GPU Cryptocurrency Mining ( Center - Walkthrough|8:33
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 06:22 pm
Dogecoin is a well-known cryptocurrency that can be mined utilizing a PC. Billy Markus, a programmer who based on an efficient cryptocurrency that can store value. Clearly, the internet adored the scheme and Dogecoin is of now holding an extraordinary 34th place on list of coins with greatest market caps. It uses a scrypt hashing algorithm and strategies on issuing 100 billion coins. To start mining Dogecoin, first, download the official desktop wallet from the Dogecoin website.
Dogecoin can be mined by either using your CPU or by expanding your mining power with an AMD/NVIDIA graphic card. The best mining software to use when mining Dogecoin using GPU's is CGminer, CudaMiner, and GUIminer. To CPU mine Dogecoin you can make use of CPU miner.
It is possible to join a mining pool for better returns and CoinEx and MultiPool are high-quality choices.
Feathercoin (FTC):
Feathercoin is a substitute option for Bitcoin (, the most popular currency. This currency existed in 2013 amidst having little exchanging volume. Feathercoin utilizes NeoScrypt and GPU's can help to extract it.
Aeon is the most CPU friendly due to cryptonite-light Pow. This narrows the CPU versus GPU performance gap significantly. You get a three times hash rate development on CPU in comparison to the GPU in contrast to regular (Monero style) cryptonite PoW. It doesn't appear infested by ASIC yet, at slightest not as deficient as others.
Monero is recognized as the most progressive privacy coin out there. Based on a proof-of-work hashing algorithm known as CryptoNight , which is outlined with specific details that make it hard for Monero mining using ASIC's to function well. In turn, it is simple to mine Monero on your PC.
To mine with your PC, all you need is download Monero mining software and install it. Utilizing just the computers processing power, you can produce new Monero coins. However, you can increase your profits by purchasing a graphics card that will enhance your computing power so that you can mine considerably more Monero, AMD graphic card can run this errand although Nvidia cards work also. Regularly utilized Monero mining software is MultiMiner and GUIminer. You can store your Monero coins on the official Monero desktop wallet.
Electroneum (ETN):
The construction of ETN is its own blockchain that originates from Bitcoin ( It aims at capturing the mobile games online gambling market. Currently, simply utilize mobile devices for quick transactions and easy payments.
This coin is a relatively new altcoin that a Lyra2RE proof-of-work algorithm for verification of transactions. Vertcoin also was ASIC resistant due to the design. Meaning it's designed is to resist the creation and development of specific hardware for mining purposes by a wide range of quarrying operations. The miner is a graphical user interface (GUI) miner which facilitates mining for both CPU and GPU users. It has two mining pools based on your computing power. If you have less than two graphics cards then you ought to pick Network 2; if you have more you should pick Network 1. Vertcoin supports AMD and NVIDIA graphics cards.
The crypto profitability information displayed depends on a statistic using the hash values entered. Therefore, before deciding what scrypt coin to mine, you should visit one of the previously mentioned websites. Your individual profitability may still vary as the calculator has no account for difficulty and exchange rate fluctuation, stale/reject/orphan rate, pool efficiency, and charges.
Everything considered mining on commercial hardware will not net you so much profit as you might expect. Overheating is a major feature of laptops when mining, therefore they aren't suitable. Even users who are utilizing 4-GPU mining ( rigs struggle to reach around 10 dollars of profit per day. Buying 4 AMD RX 580 is a huge investment and only a few people are keen or able to make it.
However, many more people are making investments in this kind of money, with some regularly thousands of dollars into buying of mining hardware. Even the most advanced mining hardware could net you about 50 dollars per day. While in some places it is serious money, it is basically the daily minimum wage in most developed western countries. Mining should be a backup option that can slowly drip funds into your wallet and give you some extra money. Think of it as 'gathering gold dust' rather than collecting full sized gold nuggets. Just make sure you research the cryptocurrency you wish to mine; for every Dogecoin or Litecoin, there is an exit scam waiting to dump their developer bags onto its network.
Posts Tagged ' Bitcoin ( Scrypt pools '
Bitcoin ( Scrypt (BTCS) Scrypt based cryptocoin.
Bitcoin ( Scrypt (BTCS) has been developed and designed using the Scrypt mining algorithm to help keep it decentralized and not become centralized with the use of specialized and expensive ASIC mining hardware. This version of Bitcoin ( can be mined using your GPU meaning everyone in the community at least has a fair chance to mine this coin.
Block Explorer / Crawler -
Scrypt Algorithm Difficulty re-targets nTargetTimespan = 120 / nTargetSpacing = 120 / nInterval = nTargetTimespan / nTargetSpacing 50 coins per block 21 million total coins.
DOWNLOADS - Windows.
Source Code - at GitHub.
RPC Port: 30200 P2P Port: 30201.
What is merged mining - Bitcoin ( & Namecoin - Litecoin & Dogecoin?
Merged mining is the process of allowing two different crypto currencies based on the same algorithm to be mined simultaneously.
This allows low hash powered crypto currencies to increase the hashing power behind their network by bootstrapping onto more popular crypto currencies.
Two of the best examples of this are scrypt mining of both litecoin and dogecoin, as well as namecoin and bitcoin with sha-256.
This is quite a complex process. All the transactions for both networks are ordered and their merkle trees hashed out. The two blockchains are classified as the parent and the auxiliary blockchain. The Auxilary blockchains merkle root is inserted into the extra nonce section of the parent blockchain - i.e. Bitcoin ( or Litecoin with Dogecoin and Namecoin as the auxiliary chain.
As the information of one chain's set of hashes has been incorporated into a superfluous part of the other blockchain then a proof of work can be considered to have been achieved if a solution with a specific difficulty has been performed.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 06:22 pm
In the case of Bitcoin ( and Namecoin, the difficulty is lower for Namecoin as there is less network power on that chain - i.e. the number of zeroes in the hash is less. The problem with this is that if a relatively large pool in the Bitcoin ( network switched to merge mining it could take a very large portion of the namecoin hashing power.
There are three scenarios:
1. The merged miner finds a solution where the difficulty is too low to provide a valid hash and proof of work for either chain. 2. The merged miner finds a solution where the proof of work has been achieved for the auxiliary chain, but not for the parent chain. 3. The merged miner finds a solution for that is greater than the difficulty requirements for both the parent and the auxiliary blockchains.
In case 1 nothing happens and the merged miner inserts a new nonce value and rehashes. In case two the miner has found a solution for the Namecoin network and propagates its solution throughout that network, if mining in conjunction with Bitcoin ( In case three solutions have been found for both of the chains and so a all the required information for confirmations is propagated to dedicated miners of both networks and the merged miner has won both Bitcoin ( and Namecoin or Dogecoin and Litecoin.
Merged mining bitcoin.
There is no need for new or better mining hardware. The same mining infrastructure miners use for Bitcoin ( can be simultaneously used to mine rsk .
rsk boosts the Bitcoin ( network through the execution of more complex transactions that can be paid using Bitcoin ( Thus, helping the Bitcoin ( ECOS ( grow and contributing to its long term sustainability.
Thanks to Merged mining, rsk is the most secure Smart Contract Platform and one of the most secure blockchains in the world.
Participate in rsk Merged Mining Economy.
Use our out of the box merged mining pools. Said pools are just the most popular pools with its functionality extended to do merged mining. Our experts developed the plugins and, after extensive testing, guarantee that Bitcoin ( operation is not affected by merged mining in any means. BTCPoolEloipoolstratum-miningCKPool.
Follow our merged mining implementation guide and extend your pool.
rsk is the Most Profitable Bitcoin ( Merged Mined Platform.
* Statistics correspond to April 2020.
** Coin prices used in calculations are from the 28th Apr 2020.
All the information displayed in the table above is the result of an analysis done by our experts. If you believe that something is not correct, please contact us.
Support Bitcoin ( Leadership.
rsk helps the Bitcoin ( ECOS ( grow in the following areas.
rsk platform boosts the Bitcoin ( network thanks to its smart contract capabilities. Smart contracts enable much more complex use cases like off chain transactions. These transactions significantly increase the revenue of the network and are the key to provide scalability to the Bitcoin ( ECOS (
Bitcoin ( network is leveraged by rsk platform since it allows to host multiple use cases focused on Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Stable Assets, Digital Identities (reputation), Loyalty Programs, Traceability, Social Impact and many more.
Different domain specific blockchains can be connected by bridges. rsk built the first productive bridge to be connected with Bitcoin (, allowing the use of bitcoins to pay for the execution of smart contracts. By providing cutting-edge technology to build bridges between different blockchains and Bitcoin (, rsk expands the possible uses of bitcoin.
The Growth of Bitcoin ( Merge Mining.
Abstract: In this report we examine merge mining on the Bitcoin ( blockchain. In the last year or so, on average each Bitcoin ( block mined contains around two commitment hashes from other blockchains somewhere in the coinbase transaction, indicating that most miners are conducting multiple forms of merge mining. Currently over 90% of the Bitcoin ( hashrate appears to be engaging in merge mining of one type or another. There has been considerable growth in merge mining over the last few years and this may be of limited concern to some, due to the small potential security risks and increased mining centralisation pressure. Most of these risks could be mitigated away by blind merge mining, if these newer schemes are adopted.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 06:23 pm
What is merge mining?
Merged mining, sometimes called auxiliary proof of work, is the process of mining two or more chains at the same time. Essentially the same proof of work can be used as assurance on multiple systems. This involves a parent chain and a child chain, when the child chain essentially inherits some of the security characteristics of the parent. We first talked about this concept in our 2017 piece " The Litecoin vs. Dogecoin hash-rate wars of 2014 and implications for Bitcoin ( vs. Bitcoin ( Cash ".
This report will focus on situations where Bitcoin ( is the parent chain and a commitment hash from another chain is located somewhere inside the Bitcoin ( blockchain. In these cases no change is required to Bitcoin (, which does not need to be aware of the other system. However, the other chain needs to be structured to accept and receive the Bitcoin ( block header as evidence of the work. Miners can then receive two types of rewards for producing valid blocks, the normal Bitcoin ( reward and a reward for mining on the alternative chain.
Regular vs blind merge mining.
It is also important to explain and identify two theoretical types of merge mining: regular merge mining and blind merge mining. Regular merge mining is conducted by Bitcoin ( miners, while blind merge mining can normally be conducted by anyone, who then pays Bitcoin ( miners in fees.
Characteristics of regular vs blind merge mining.
Who conducts the mining?
The activity is conducted by Bitcoin ( miners.
Miners are incentivised to check the validity of blocks in both chains.
Miners typically only check the validity of blocks in the parent chain and are not concerned about the child chain.
Miners are rewarded in the native token of each chain.
Miners are rewarded in Bitcoin ( for the work and do not lose any rewards if there is an issue on the child chain.
Blind merge mining is often thought of as superior to regular merge mining from a security perspective, as blind merge mining can prevent risks from the child chain impacting the parent. For example, in some systems a bug or issue in the child chain could cause a cessation of block production or a blockchain re-organisation in the parent chain. Another potential problem with regular merge mining is that validation costs in a child chain could be prohibitively expensive (for example, due to large block sizes), which could cause mining centralisation in the parent chain. Unfortunately, as far as we are aware, currently merged mining is primarily conducted the regular way, and blind merge mining is relatively rare.
Examples of blind merge mining systems include two competing proposals: an earlier proposal from Paul Sztorc's (who identified many of the theoretical problems with merge mining), BIP301, and a more recent upgraded proposal , which avoids a "specific" softfork, from Ruben Somsen. Veriblock can also be considered as a blind merge mining scheme, although its usage of Bitcoin ( blockspace makes the mechanism somewhat controversial.
In this report, we are interested in the regular merge mining. Cases where the alternative chain commitment hash is inside the block header or coinbase transaction and not just in any transaction. The reason we have chosen to do this is because looking for evidence of hashes of alternative chains in the coinbase transaction is far easier than looking in all transactions. In addition to this regular merge mining may be more significant from a security point of view, as we explained above. Therefore the prevalence of regular merge mining may be interesting.
Where is the commitment hash located?
As for where the miners include these hashes from alternative chains, they must be in a specific location to avoid any doubt over which commitment is the true one. There is limited choice available for such commitments, the block header space is pretty much all used up and therefore the coinbase transaction is used. We have identified two spaces within the coinbase transaction for the alternative chain commitments:
As an OP_Return coinbase output In the coinbase scriptsig.
In this report we have attempted to assess the prevalence of merge mining in these two parts of the coinbase transaction over time.
Coinbase outputs.
We scanned the entire blockchain history, from 2009 to October 2020 and counted the frequency of zero value outputs in the coinbase transaction, almost all of these are OP_Return outputs. As Figure 1 below illustrates, the prevalence of these outputs has accelerated dramatically in recent years. In 2020 YTD, on average there are 2.3 OP_Return outputs in each Bitcoin ( coinbase transaction, while prior to 2017 the number was effectively zero.
As we explained back in March 2018 , the SegWit upgrade works by adding the merkle root of the witness merkle tree in the coinbase transaction. This commitment is very similar to many of the commitments for alternative merge mined chains, as they both use OP_Return outputs. SegWit is therefore included in the chart below and adoption has reached almost 100%. SegWit cannot really be considered an alternative chain, however from 2018 onwards, even excluding SegWit, OP_Return outputs have become increasingly prevalent in the coinbase transaction. This may indicate that regular merge mining is becoming increasingly popular.
Figure 1 - Number of zero value outputs in the Bitcoin ( coinbase transaction (Average over 1,000 block periods)
(Source: BitMEX Research)
As the chart illustrates, with the exception of SegWit, we have identified the RSK blockchain as the primary cause of this growth and highlighted it in red. We were able to identify these due to the presence of an RSK related tag in the output. At some point in 2019 other OP_Return outputs started emerging, however we have not yet been able to identify and tag these projects. In Figure 2 below, we look at adoption of RSK in more detail. The chart shows how adoption of the RSK chain among Bitcoin ( miners is now at the 40% to 50% level.
Figure 2 - Proportion of Bitcoin ( blocks with an RSK commitment in the coinbase transaction (Average over 1,000 block periods)
As Figure 3 below illustrates, the frequency of these OP_Return outputs is not uniform across mining pools, with some pools adopting the merge mining and others not. For example, HuoBi and Binance have very low adoption of RSK, however their coinbase outputs contain extra OP_Returns, presumably from other projects. On the other hand, SlushPool has very high adoption of RSK at 88%, but not many other OP_Return outputs. Recently the Binance pool appears to have adopted RSK and therefore RSK merge mining is set to increase further.
Figure 3 - Average number of zero value outputs in the Bitcoin ( coinbase transaction by mining pool (Data since block 500,000)
(Source: BitMEX Research) (Note: Mining pools ordered by the number of blocks found. Mining pool determined using data from ForkMonitor )
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 06:24 pm

BITMAIN Launches \|10:58
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 06:33 pm
About the Company
Bybit ( welcome bonusThe Bybit ( cryptocurrency broker platform is operated by the Bybit ( Fintech Limited which is registered on the British Virgin Islands, with headquarters in Singapore. The company was launched in March 2018, making it still a fairly young player on the crypto market.

The company has about 90 employees, all of whom joined within a year. The development team created the trading platform in just over half a year, knowing that the system had to be as close to perfect as can be.

This is because no mistakes are allowed to happen when traders with high stakes risk a lot of money on a derivatives trading platform, not even in the area of cryptocurrency. As Bybit ( is focused on the more experienced traders, the platform has grown in a short time to become a well-known name on this highly competitive market.

Experienced traders are especially charmed by the platform's high speed performance. According to Bybit ('s own statements they can handle 100,000 transactions per second. This has the advantage that you lose as little money as possible when trading, which can otherwise happen on overloaded platforms. With it's high technical standard, the platform is ready for the future. Due to the ever increasing popularity of crypto trading all brokers will become busier and busier, which means that many transactions per second are no superfluous luxury.

Bybit ( Review - Trading Interface

Especially in terms of functionalities, Bybit ( distinguishes itself from the rest. This way you can trade on margin on the platform. With some cryptocurrencies it's even possible to use leverage of up to 1:100. This means that you would only have to deposit 0.01 BTC to be able to open a 1 BTC position. With leverage you can still make a lot of profit with only a small investment, but you can also lose your margin just as quickly. With leverage of 1:100 this is certainly the case which is why professional traders usually never use it to that extend. With this amount of leverage the liquidation price will just be too close to your entry, so it's hard not to get liquidated in that case.

In fact, most pro traders use a formula that calculates the position size based on their stake in relation to the amount they are willing to lose in one trade. Leverage in general is a functionality for the more experienced trader, and high leverage is rather for the gambler.

The fact that Bybit ( is especially suitable for experienced traders doesn't mean that there is no support available. If you have any questions, you can contact them 24/7 via a live chat on the website. The live chat is fully in English as Bybit ( is not offered in other languages. It is even possible to ask questions to their CEO on Twitter. So Bybit ( is a very open platform, a fact that makes them seem trustworthy and reliable, more than many other trading sites.

In summer 2019, the platform already counts 100 thousand registered users, with new sign ups coming in every day. Currently Bybit ( is one of the most popular alternatives to BitMEX.

Products offered by Bybit ( - Altcoin Trading Pairs
Bybit ( offers perpetual crypto derivative contracts on Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS, and Ripple against USD. It means that by performing a trade, you are not buying an underlying asset, but enter an agreement with the seller for the future price of a given asset.

In order to trade any of the products offered by this platform, you will have to deposit either BTC, ETH, EOS, or XRP, after which Bybit ( will calculate your available margin, shown in USD.

This margin can be used to enter a short or long position on every currency pair available: BTC/USD, ETH/USD, EOS/USD, and XRP/USD with a maximum leverage of x100.

Bybit ( Trading Pairs With Leverage:
BTC/USD: 1:100
ETH/USD: 1:50
EOS/USD: 1:50
XRP/USD: 1:50

Signup on Bybit ( - No KYC / ID Verification
short signup
Creating an account on Bybit ( is very easy and that's mainly because Bybit ( doesn't need too much data from traders. What you'll notice with a lot of brokers and exchanges, is that you have to verify some data before you can start. This is especially with traditional regulated brokers, but also with a range of new cryptocurrency brokers.

With Bybit ( you don't have to do this. Only an email address is sufficient for Bybit ( If you signup with your mobile you need to fill in your country, phone number and password.

After activating your account via e-mail you can get started right away. It might give you a bit of a strange feeling, but actually a specialized cryptocurrency broker doesn't need anything else from you. You can read below why Bybit ( doesn't need your bank details.

Demo Mode
Bybit ( is offering a testnet trading account, so new users can check out the trading platform safely before trading with real money. This is a great feature we always appreciate with Bitcoin brokers. Right on their trading interface you find the Testnet link on the right side.

In the illustration you see where you find the testnet link. Btw, this is the night mode which is preferred by many traders who are used to dark charts:

Bybit ( Review: Demo Account

At the bottom of the page you can change the day or night mode, depending on whether you prefer a white or a black interface.

Bybit ( Welcome Bonuses
One of the cool things about Bybit ( is that they grant you money in the form of bonuses. Users get a $10 signup bonus and another $50 on their first deposit, so $60 in total. However, a minimum deposit of 0.2BTC is required for this deposit bonus.

In order to get the $10 sign up bonus there is a tiny task you need to do which is following Bybit ('s official on Twitter and retweeting the Welcome Bonus Tweet. You'll find the details in your account in the bonus section. By the way, this credit cannot be withdrawn, but must be used for trading on the platform. But that goes without saying.

For legal reasons there are certain countries or regions that cannot be served by Bybit ( Unfortunately, those are the USA, Québec (Canada), Cuba, Singapore, Crimea, Sevastopol, Syria, Iran, Sudan, China and North Korea. So if you live in one of those countries, unfortunately you're not allowed to trade on Bybit (

How does Bybit ( work?

It is good to know in advance that you can only use cryptocurrency to access Bybit ( So you can't execute trades with USD or Euros to convert them into Bitcoin, for example.

If you want to start using Bybit ( and you don't have any cryptocurrency yet, then you'll first have to go to an exchange to buy Bitcoin or one of the other cryptocurrencies accepted for deposit on Bybit (

With Bybit ( you can make trades like you might know from BitMEX. At Bybit ( it is possible to deposit BTC, ETH, EOS or XRP in order to start trading. So it isn't possible to directly deposit fiat money such as USD, EUR, GBP etc. If you don't have cryptocurrency yet, you can buy some from CoinMama, BitPanda, LocalBitcoins, Coinbase or another exchange of your choice. The term you have to look for is spot trading, other than CFD trading. Spot trading means you actually exchange one foreign currency against another, so you actually purchase a currency (or, in our case: cryptocurrency). At CFD trading you only trade price differences of 2 currencies, but you only keep one type of asset. The amount of this asset will get enhanced or reduced, depending on the success or failure of your trades.

For each trade in Bybit ( you can set a leverage and you can indicate whether you want to go long or short. Each trade on Bybit ( happens through two parties. One party is the maker. A maker places an order in the order book for the future. So a maker will also make sure that the trading platform has money in its hands and will provide liquidity within the broker. A maker receives a reward for this. You can read more about this below. The other party is the taker, who places an order equal to that of the maker. So in short - a maker creates the order book and a taker takes a transaction out of the order book.

Here are the leverage details for BTC and ETH positions:

BTC leverage:
BTC leverage details

ETH leverage:
ETH leverage details

Protection From Market Manipulation
The broker is protected from market manipulation by using a dual price mechanism. This means that the price at which traders can be liquidated depends on the mark price. The mark price is an average price of certain large exchanges.

Deposit and Withdrawal
Minimum Amounts:
There is no minimum deposit for BTC, ETH, EOS and XRP. So on this crypto margin broker you can even trade with tiny amounts, which is a good idea if your are a margin trading beginner. But they do have minimum withdrawal amounts you might need to know - however, even those are really low:

Bitcoin: 0.002BTC
Ethereum: 0.02ETH
Ripple: 20XRP
Maximum Withdrawal:
The maximum amount you can cash out at once is 10 BTC. Withdrawals are processed manually 3 times a day. So you could withdraw 30 Bitcoin per day in total.

Trading Fees
We've just been talking about makers and takers. As a taker you pay a 0.075% fee of your total trading amount to Bybit ( As a maker you will receive a 0.025% discount on that amount. If you have closed all your trades and for example you want to withdraw your Bitcoin from your account to your own wallet, you'll pay the small transaction fee that goes to the BTC miners.

Bybit ( itself doesn't charge any fees on deposits and withdrawals. The current mining fees on deposits and withdrawals are stated here.

Trading Fees

Critics of Bybit (
Bybit ( suffers from the same kind of critics as other exchanges operating under the same business model. First of all, the exchange itself doesn't require you to go through the KYC process, and because of the regulatory reasons, U.S citizens are not accepted. What is more, Bybit ( is not as liquid as some bigger exchanges, which might lead to some problems if you are planning to trade bigger positions.

As the platform operates only on crypto deposits that are the base for your margin, combining that with a maximum leverage of x100 might lead to some unforeseen consequences. Traders entering a heavily leveraged long position might get quickly liquidated, as the value of the available margin decreases, with the underlying asset increases in the value at the same time.

Funding Fees
Bybit ( has the same funding fee standard most competitors use: Every 8 hours there is a point where open positions get charged the so called funding fee. This fee gets directly exchanges between traders, so it's nothing the broker will earn. The fee is dynamically calculated and depending on market conditions it's either longs pay shorts or the other way round. The time intervals are 8:00 UTC, 16:00 UTC, 0:00 UTC. Funding fees only affect positions being held over those time stamps. If you close a positions one minute before or open a new one right afterwards, you're not affected.

Our Verdict on Bybit (
Bybit ( is seen by many traders as a robust and reliable platform. So there is no need to be discouraged by the missing verification process. In fact, anonymous (KYC-free) trading is what many traders prefer so they specifically look for crypto brokers with no KYC.

Bybit ( offers good support for users and it is available around the clock. The possibility to ask the CEO of the company questions via his own Twitter account shows that it is a transparent company. That's what we like to see in the crypto world.

The platform is made for experienced traders. As with many other platforms, it is possible to first get acquainted with the system via a demo environment. So you can take a look around to see what the dashboard looks like before you really start. A function we didn't expect, but certainly a pleasant surprise.

Bybit ( is a cryptocurrency derivative exchange that launched its services at the end of 2018.

The exchange gives traders the ability to trade Cryptocurrency perpetual contracts with up to 100:1 leverage. In their short time in operation, the exchange has managed to build up sizable liquidity.

However, can such a new exchange really be trusted?

In this Bybit ( review, we will give you everything you need to know about the exchange. We will also give you some top tips when it comes to trading crypto futures.

Get $190 BONUS!*
*On deposits of 0.2 BTC or More
Page Contents 👉 [show]

Bybit ( is P2P cryptocurrency futures exchange that is based in Singapore. The exchange operates under Bybit ( Fintech Limited which is a company that is registered in the British Virgin Islands.

In their about us page, the exchange claims that they have a team which is comprised of experts in blockchain technology and finance. For example, their technology team has people who hail from Morgan Stanley, Tencent etc. You can check them out on linkedin.

The primary product offered on the exchange is perpetual futures products with 100:1 leverage. This means that they are trying to compete with established exchanges such as BitMEX and Deribit which have similar non-expiry futures products.

While there are many similarities between the exchanges, there are some unique features that Bybit ( have included that could make them attractive. We will touch on these features when we cover their trading technology.

The exchange is open to most traders around the world and the website has been translated into English, Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Korean, Japanese and recently n. However, there are some jurisdictions that they do not operate in and these include the likes of the USA, Syria, and the Canadian province of Quebec.

Is Bybit ( Safe?
This is one of the most important questions that any exchange user will have. This is especially true when it comes to a new exchange with no established security track record to turn to.

As such, when we look into the safety of an exchange, we are interested in their security policies as it pertains to their coin management, user security tools and of course risk management.

Exchange Security

To counter the threat posed by hackers, Bybit ( operates a secure cold storage solution. This means that they store the bulk of their crypto reserves, and all of the clients' funds, in offline wallets that are stored in a secure "air-gapped" location.

There is only a small portion of their own coins that are kept in their "hot wallets" in order to service the needs of traders when it comes to withdrawals. Moreover, if they ever need to move funds from cold storage, they need to use a multi-signature address scheme.

Multi-signature means that the exchange will need more than one key in order to sign a transaction from one wallet to another. This prevents the risk posed by having a single individual manage all the funds on the exchange.

Encrypted Communication

Bybit ( SSL Encryption
Go for Green with Padlock
In order to prevent the risk posed by online snoops and phishing attacks, the Bybit ( website has full SSL encryption. This means that all passwords and address information that you send them will be encrypted.

This is also helpful in order to spot a phishing site. If you are on a website that looks like it could be that of Bybit ( but it does not have a secure padlock in the browser, it is an immediate indication that you are on a phishing site and you should leave immediately.

Insurance Fund

In order to manage the risk posed by shortfalls in futures contract settlement, Bybit ( operates what they call their "insurance fund".

Essentially, this fund will be used in the case that a trader gets liquidated at level that is below their "bankruptcy price". The latter is the price at which the trader's initial margin has been completely depleted.

Bybit ( Insurance Fund
Amount of Bitcoin Currently in Insurance Fund
Without the fund there would be a shortfall whereby the counterparty to the trade would not be made whole. It is essentially an insurance policy that will protect traders in the case that Bybit ( is not able to liquidate the position at bankruptcy price or better.

These funds are replenished with the initial margin that liquidated traders have at the outset of their trade. The difference between the price at which the trader is liquidated and the bankruptcy price is how much will be sent to, or taken from, the insurance fund.

Two Factor Authentication

While exchange side protection is one thing, in most cases the biggest threat to a trader's security is themselves. That is why Bybit ( has included a number of tools that will help protect your account from a hacker with your password.

Google Authenticator App
2FA with Google Authenticator Application
One of the most important tools that they have included is two factor authentication. This means that you will have to use your phone in order to authenticate into your account or send transactions. You have to enable google authenticator before you are allowed to withdraw any coins.

Bybit ( Leverage
Given that Bybit ( is a leveraged exchange, it means that they allow crypto margin trades. Traders will only have put up a small percentage of the initial position as collateral for their trades.

This means that if you have a leverage of 100x you will be required to put up a margin of 1% of the initial notional amount of the trade. So, if the notional on a 10BTC contract is $36,000, you will have to put up $360 in initial margin.

Major Pro 💯: With Bybit (, leverage is freely adjustable, meaning that it can be changed even after opening a position, which is something that cannot be done on other exchanges.
What is surprising about the perpetual contracts on Bybit ( is their size. Each contract is only worth 1USD which is much smaller than the contracts on other exchanges. Below is all the other specifics of their BTCUSD contract.

BTCUSD Contract Bybit (
BTCUSD Contract Specifics at Bybit (
They have pretty much the same terms on their ETHUSD contracts and you can find more information about that here. This is different from other exchanges such as BitMEX which, contrary to Bybit (, does not offer a 100x leverage product for ETH yet.

Bybit ( also offers futures contracts on Ripple (XRP) and EOS. However, these contracts have lower leverage levels with a max leverage of 25x. This is actually quite interesting as we have not seen EOS futures contracts at other exchanges. This could give Bybit ( a competitive advantage.

While Bybit ( does offer 100x leverage on their contracts, this is not constant. If you are a large trader and are entering sizable positions then they will bring down the leverage that you can achieve on your contract.

This protects the exchange from the risk posed by large positions. Below is the table of the BTCUSD risk limits. You can find the ETHUSD, EOSUSD and XRPUSD risk limits on this page.

Position Value Maintenance Margin Initial Margin Max Leverage
150 BTC 0.5% 1.00% 100
450 BTC 0.5% 2.00% 50
750 BTC 2.5% 3.00% 33
1,050 BTC 3.5% 4.00% 25
1,350 BTC 4.5% 5.00% 20
1,500 BTC 5.0% 5.50% 18
As you can see, the maintenance margin is constant at 0.5% for all contract sizes. However, for larger positions, they will increase the minimum initial margin requirement such that there is a much greater shortfall between the liquidation level and the bankruptcy level.


Liquidation is what happens when you have nearly depleted your initial margin and the mark price hits the "liquidation price". In this instance, the trader will be liquidated with the rest of their margin, if any, being sent the Bybit ( insurance fund.

ADL ⚙️: Bybit ( operates an Auto Deleveraging system. Essentially, this happens when a position can't be liquidated at a price that is better than the bankruptcy price and the insurance fund cannot cover it. The ADL system will automatically deleverage a position of an opposing trader that is selected according to their defined criteria. You can read more about the ADL here.
While there are many traders who may be upset by a liquidation, it is an important risk management tool in a futures exchange. However, Bybit ( has a number of tools that will help traders avoid the risk of liquidation. These include the following:

Dual Price Mechanism: In order to prevent the risk of market manipulation on the exchange, Bybit ( will use a dual price mechanism as the contract reference price. This is composed of the "Mark Price" which triggers liquidation and the "Last Traded Price" which is used to calculate the price at which the position is closed. The former is a global Bitcoin price whereas the latter is the current Bybit ( market price. Using external pricing inputs reduces singular exchange manipulation.
Auto Margin Replenishment: If you want to make sure that your position will always have adequate levels of margin then you can set it to auto-replenish. This means that whenever your margin is close to being depleted, it will draw on your funds to keep your position open
Stop Loss: This forms part of the order options that we talk about below. Having effective stop losses on your positions will ensure that it never gets down to the liquidation level.
Mark / Spot Price 📈: For those interested, the Mark price is derived from the Spot price. The spot price is a Bitcoin price index that represents the global price. It is comprised of prices on Bitstamp, Coinbase Pro and Kraken. The Mark price is the spot price index plus a decaying funding basis rate
Bybit ( Fees
Trading fees are an important criteria for us because of obvious reasons. This is especially true when it comes to a futures exchange where you are paying fees on positions that are much larger than your margin.

Bybit ( operates what is called a "maker-taker" fee model. This means that they will charge traders a fee if they take liquidity off their books and they will give them a rebate if they provide liquidity to the exchange.

Confused ❓: If you place an order and it gets executed immediately you are taking liquidity off the books. This is most of the time through a market order. However, if you place a limit order that is away from the current price you are making liquidity and this will get you the maker rebate.
Below are the fees that you will pay for the futures contracts on the exchange. They are the same as BitMEX for BTC but slightly above for ETH (as they propose higher leverage for it) and are below other exchanges such as Huobi.

Contract Maker Rebate Taker Fees Funding Rate Funding Rate Interval
BTCUSD -0.0250% 0.0750% -0.0447% every 8 hours
ETHUSD -0.0250% 0.0750% -0.0447% every 8 hours
EOSUSD -0.0250% 0.0750% 0.0100% every 8 hours
XRPUSD -0.0250% 0.0750% 0.0100% every 8 hours
BTCUSDT -0.0250% 0.0750% 0.0100% every 8 hours
The other fees that you will see when you open the trade is the funding rate. This is analogous to an "overnight" rate and it is a financing charge. Given that margin trading is based on "borrowing" positions, you will either pay a financing charge or be receiving it. However, on the contrary of the transaction fees, these fees are directly exchanged between traders and not Bybit (

The funding rate is determined by market conditions and interest rates. This means that it is not fixed and will vary on a daily basis. You will be able to see the funding rate that will apply under the position details when you open your trade.

In terms of deposit/withdrawal fees, Bybit ( does not charge you anything on this. However, when you are withdrawing your coins you may incur a miner or "network" fee due to the blockchain mining. This is usually quite small though.

Finally, you have a relatively small $5 fee that you will have to pay on any Asset exchange orders for exchanging physical crypto at spot. We explain that below.

Bybit ( Registration
If you have decided that you would like to give Bybit ( a go then you will have to create an account. In order to do this, they will require either an email or phone number, and a password. If you have been given a referral code then you can use this (more on this below).

Once you have registered, Bybit ( will send you a confirmation code that you will need to use to confirm your email/phone number. This is only valid for 5 minutes so make sure that you do it right after creating the account.

Privacy Hawks 🕶️: Something that many traders may appreciate is the fact that Bybit ( is a fully anonymous exchange. They do not require you to complete KYC before you can trade. This is great for those privacy hawks who are worried about the risks of certain data breaches.
Once you have confirmed your account and logged back in then you could be offered a deposit bonus. These are a great way to augment your trading funds initially. We give you all these details further below.

Deposit / Withdrawal
Bybit ( is as crypto only exchange. This means that you cannot fund your account in fiat currency. While this may be annoying for some, you can easily convert your fiat currency into Bitcoin on a number of exchanges such as Bitstamp or Kraken.

In order to deposit crypto you will need to generate a wallet address and initiate a transaction into the wallet. You can do this by heading over to your "Assets" section in the header. This will present your wallet balances where you will select "deposit" and it will bring up the BTC / ETH address.

Wallet Deposit Bybit (
Generating your wallet deposit address
Once you have the address, you can initiate the transaction. It will not be instantaneous as the transaction still has to be propagated through the network and confirmed by the Miners.

Confirmations ⛓️: Bybit ( is quite unique amoung exchanges in that they require only 1 blockchain confirmation to credit your account. You can monitor the progress on a blockchain explorer.
Withdrawals are just as easy...

You will hit the withdrawal button on the applicable asset. It will ask for your wallet address as well as to confirm the transaction through 2FA. You will also be given information on the miner fee that will be applied to the transaction.

Bybit ( processes withdrawal 3 times a day at 0800, 1600, 2400 (all in UTC time). There are withdrawal limits that are set on the accounts although these are not too restrictive. Below are the min / max limits:

Bitcoin: 0.002BTC / 10BTC
Etherem: 0.02ETH / 200ETH
Ripple: 20XRP / 100,000XRP
Eos: 0.2EOS / 10,000EOS
In order to make sure that they always have funds available on their hot wallet, Bybit ( also has limits on daily withdrawals in total from the exchange. These are set to 100BTC and 10,000ETH. If this limit is reached, you will have to wait for Bybit ( to replenish it from their cold wallet.

Asset Exchange

This is a new feature that was recently added to Bybit ( which basically allows traders to exchange their current pyshical crypto holdings in the spot market.

Essentially, traders currently have four different cryptocurrencies that they are allowed to trade. Asset Exchange will allow traders to take advantage of quick price changes in the market to exchange one coin for another.

Bybit ( Asset Swap
Asset Swap Feature at Bybit ( (Converting BTC)
When they are conducting a Asset Swap, they are not doing so directly with Bybit ( or with the other traders on an "order book". Their order is essentially getting routed out to other spot crypto exchanges to be executed.

This will ensure fairness as they will be getting the best market price that Bybit ( can garner. There are limits that apply to the Asset Swap feature which you can find on their websit.

Bybit ( Trading Platform
One of the most important things for the margin trader is to have an effective trading platform with advanced technology. This is especially true when you are trading with a great degree of leverage.

So, how does Bybit ( stack up?

The trading platform seems to be relatively well laid out and intuitive. At the top you can toggle between your wallets, and account management. You can also switch between the BTC and ETH futures markets.

Looking at the standard interface, you have the chart and market depth on the left (you can toggle between). Then in the middle you have the order book and the last trades. On the right you have the order forms as well as the contract details.

Bybit ( User Interface
User Interface of the Bybit ( Trading Platform
Scrolling down from the main interface you have other important trading information. This includes things such as the current market activity and your assets.

Something that we really liked about their interface is that it is customizable and modular. You can detach some of the modules, resize them, and move them around such that they are in your chosen position.

For Night Owls 🦉: Bybit ( also offers a night mode that makes reading everything much easier in a dark environment. This can be accessed at the bottom right of the exchange page, next to the languages.
For those seasoned traders among you, you will have noticed that Bybit ( uses tradingview charting technology. This third-party charting package is well known in the industry for having the most functionality and features.

With tradingview charts, the budding technical analysts among you can easily lay your studies and follow the important trendlines. It is also in use on a number of other platforms so it is relatively easy for you to adapt if you do move somewhere else.

Top Tip 💯: You can switch out the Tradingview price charts for the market liquidity charts. These are helpful for the trader to determine market sentiment (bullish / bearish)
You will also notice that in your current position / order bar, you have the "ADL ranking" indicator. This will show you where you currently are positioned for potential deleveraging in the case that the ADL is triggered. As mentioned above, this is done to manage risk.

Something that Bybit ( appears to be quite proud of is their order matching engine. They claim that this trading engine is able to execute a total of 100,000 transactions per second per contract. So for every new asset they will add, their matching engine will have a dedicated 100,000 transactions per second for that asset only.

Why does this matter?

Well, faster order execution means that there the risk of slippage and trading errors is greatly reduced. Moreover, with an asset that moves as quickly as bitcoin it is really important to be able to match both sides of the order book almost instantaneously.

Order Functionality

Bybit ( appears to have pretty advanced order functionality on the platform. This is great as it allows you to not only customise your entry levels but it also allows you to manage your risk on the exit levels.

Bybit ( Order Form
Bybit ( Order Functionality
When you are placing your order, you will see the following order form. At the top of the form you can switch between the order types. Below that you adjust the leverage, price and quantity. There is also information on the contract specifics.

There are three order types that you can place on the Bybit ( platform. These are outlined below:

Market Order: This is an order that is placed at the prevailing market price. It will place the order at the "bid" if it is a sell or at the "ask" if it is a buy.
Limit Order: This is an order that is placed at a chosen level that may be away from the market. The order is open for the order life which we cover below.
Conditional Order: This is an order that will become either a market or limit order once certain price levels are reached. When placing the trade, you will define the trigger price along with the direction, quantity, and leverage.
Stop Losses 🛑: When trading with leverage, stop losses are essential. There are 3 different ways in which you can set up a stop-loss at Bybit ( These are covered in detail on this page
As mentioned, with the Limit order and the Conditional limit order, the order will have a certain order life. This is for how long the order will remain open until it is "killed". There are three order life options at Bybit (

Good-Till-Cancelled (GTC): This is an order that will remain open until you decide to close it.
Immediate-or-Cancel (IOC):: This order is designed to be filled immediately and at the best price. If there are any portions that are unfilled then this portion will be cancelled. This means that this order type allows for partial order execution.
Fill or Kill (FOK): This order is designed to be filled at the best price in entirety or not at all. This is quite similar to the IOC order except that it does not allow the execution of any partial orders.
On top of all these orders, you also have some optionality around how these orders are executed. For example, with your Limit and Conditional orders you can set them as a "Post Only". This will ensure that when the order it will be done as a "market maker" and you will receive the maker fee.

On top of this, you have the option of making your limit order a "Reduce Only" order. This basically means that the order will only execute if it was going to reduce your position. If the order were to increase the position, it would be amended down or cancelled.

You also have a similar order parameter on the Conditional order. This is called "Close on Trigger" and it can be used in conjunction with your conditional stop losses. It will ensure your stops reduce your position and don't increase it.

One more handy tool that you may want to check out is their position calculator. You may have seen similar tools at other exchanges like BitMEX et al.

Bybit ( Position Calculator
Position Calculator at Bybit (
This let's you calculate your your Profit / Loss and ROE on target levels. It can also be used to determine your liquidation levels.

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 06:33 pm
Inverse vs. USDT Contract
Before you can trade on Bybit ( you have to understand a very important distinction between the two types of perpetual contracts they have on offer. They differ according to what margin is used.

For the USDT contract, the underlying margin used is Tether. You can think of this as analogous to a contract that has USD as a base currency (given that Tether is a stablecoin). So, the dollar value of your collateral will remain the same.

However, when it comes to the inverse contract, the underlying cryptocurrency itself is used as margin. So, if you are trading BTC/ETH/EOS/XRP as the base currency then your margin will be in this as well. So for example, for ETHUSD contracts you will have ETH as the margin.

The inverse contract is slightly more risky than the USDT contract. This is because not only do you have exposure to the actual market but you will also have exposure through your underlying collateral. So, keeping with our example, if you are long Ethereum and the price falls not only will your position deteriorate but you will also see the USD value of your collateral falling.

If you are going to be trading anything other than Bitcoin then it will have to be an inverse perpetual. You will also have to make sure that you have the coin in question before you can actually trade it.

It is also important to note that although the margin required is in the coin in question, it is still quoted in USD. Each inverse perpetual contract is 1 USD in value. This is a pretty neat feature as it allows you to trade contracts as little as 1 USD. This is in contrast to the USDT contract that is written on 1 BTC.

Isolated & Cross Margin

Something else that you may notice when you are trading BTCUSDT on the Bybit ( platform is that you have two options around how the margin is apportioned in the account. These are isolated and cross margin.

When you select Isolated margin, the margin that you have on the trade is applicable to only that position. It does not take into account the equity levels and positions PnL that you have on other orders for the same trading pair. So, even if you are in profit on some other trade, it has no bearing on whether you are likely to get liquidated (and vice versa).

However, when you have selected to cross margin it means that all available balances will be combined in order to prevent a liquidation. So, if you have other positions that are open for the corresponding trading pair then these will be included in a calculation of margin levels before liquidation occurs.

Note ✍️: When you select to cross margin, you cannot manually select the margin level. The initial margin is set in accordance with the maximum leverage limit for said pair. So, if you are trading BTCUSDT, this would be 100x or 0.1% initial margin.
Which is better?

Honestly, we would suggest that you rather use Isolated Margin. Not only does it allow you to adjust the margin but it also means that you have full control of your risk on a particular position. If you are trading the inverse perpetual swaps then the isolated margin is set by default.

Market Analytics Data
Something else that we found pretty neat was their market data section and particularly their advanced data section. This contained some really handy graphs and charts that could help inform your trading.

You can also pull up some of these charts and download the data. This could either be as an image, vector file or as a csv. Here you can see an example of us doing that with the rolling volatility chart.

Bybit ( Analytics Data
Some of the Charts For Bybit ( Data
Here is a list of the data that you are able to download as well as what it means:

Price Moving Averages: This has the price of Bitcoin along with the a number of moving average indicators of different time frames.
Monthly Price Range Takes a look at monthly highs and lows in the price. It allows you to observe the range the asset traded in.
Rolling Volatility The realised volatililty over the past 30 days compared to the average for the period. Gives you a sense of how much the price swinged in a give period.
BTC Daily Realised Volatility Looking at what the realised volatility was like over a certain period of time
There is also a host of other data that you can examine in these tabs. That includes information on the specific index price, funding data and the insurance fund. You should also note the weights that are used to calculate the spot price.

For those traders that would like to try the platform out in demo mode, they can make use of the Bybit ( testnet. Demo accounts are a great way to get a sense of how the orders work before depositing funds.

You can access their testnet on testnet.Bybit ( In order to fund your account you will have to get coins from the testnet faucet. They have outlined exactly how this is done in this handy guide.

We must admit that we were quite surprised at the amount of work that was required in order to access these testnet funds. When you unlock these funds, you are only getting minor amounts of Bitcoin as the faucet has a release rate of 0.01BTC per hour.

Other platforms such as IQ Option provide demo funds the moment that you open the account. These come with no strings attached and give you a realistic balance to trade with ($10,000).

Bybit ( Mobile Apps
For those traders that are on the go, you will no doubt want to keep track of your open positions. This is why Bybit ( has developed their mobile applications. It's available in iOS and Android and appears to be quite functional.

In fact, it has most of the same functionality of the desktop version. You have advanced charting and order management all easily accessible through the navigation pain. You can also set a whole host of price levels to be sent as push notifications.

You also have those advanced order forms that you see on the main exchange. This is not something that we have seen at other exchanges and brokers. Most of the time the order functionality is stripped down - so top marks here.

Bybit ( App
Bybit ( Mobile App Screenshots
The app is listed in both the iTunes store as well as Google Play. There are over 10,000 Android installs although we can't see the iOS installs. The reviews in the iTunes store appear to be quite positive where they are slightly more polarized in the Play Store.

So, should you consider the Bybit ( App?

Well, it is no doubt quite functional but we always prefer to use web and PC based trading. This is because you can never really replicate the effectiveness of PC trading on a mobile device. You can't easily study charts and monitor numerous markets at the same time. You should ideally only be using it at times when you are away from your desk and need to monitor your positions.

Bybit ( Customer Support
Given that Bybit ( is a new exchange, there is not that much in the way of previous trader experience with their customer support. However, we did try reach out to their customer support lines to get an idea of typical response times.

In terms of support options, you have a zendesk live chat function that is available on their platform. This is available 24/7 and is offered in all the languages that they have translated their website into.

Bybit ( Live Chat Zendesk
Zendesk Live chat function
You can also reach out to them via email on support@Bybit ( for customer support or it@Bybit ( if your query is more technical in nature. Unfortunately, there is no phone support or direct telephone line into the exchange.

We tested out the live chat function and we were able to get a support agent almost immediately. Email support took a bit longer but was similarly helpful.

Social Channels 📱: If you are struggling to get a response through these channels then you can always reach out on their social media. They have a Telegram Channel for more direct questions. You can always Tweet them a ticket number if you prefer.
Of course, if your question is more routine in nature and not specific to your account then you can always make use of their extensive help section. This includes their FAQ resources as well as other helpful guides that could help your trading.

Those developers among you will be happy to know that Bybit ( has a pretty robust API. This will allow you to code algorithms and bots in order to manage the trading programmatically.

You can get all of the technical documents about how to interact with the API from their GitHub. If you would like to make use of the API then you will have to generate an API key. This can be done in the "API management" section of the exchange.

Bybit ( API Key
Generating the Bybit ( API Key
Here, you can generate a new key that will be used to access the API. You will also have to decide what permissions you want to give the API (read, write or withdraw). Read allows you to monitor prices, write allows you to place trades and withdraw will allow your bot to process a withdrawal (not advisable).

You may also want to bind the API to your IP address. This will prevent anyone from placing trades in your account should your API key be compromised. Either way, you will want be very careful when dealing with your API key.

For example, we would advise against the use of third-party trading bots. Many of this have questionable returns and when they have access to your API keys they can manipulate markets to their own advantage.

Bybit ( Reward's Hub
These are actually some pretty neat sweeteners that Bybit ( has thrown into the mix.

Essentially, there is a number of opportunities for new users to earn some free BTC to trade with. For example, if your first deposit on the platform is over 0.05BTC then you will get an added $5. If it is over 0.5BTC then they will throw you $50. If you deposit more than 1BTC in total you will get an additional $20.

Bybit ( Rewards
Get Your Bybit ( Rewards!
There is also opportunity for you to do simple tasks to earn a little more BTC. For example, if you merely register and join their social media channels then you will earn $5. Simply use their Take Profit and Stop Loss orders and you bag another $5. Trade for more than 10 days and you earn another $5. Heck, even taking a short customer survey can get you $5.

These additional funds could be a great way for you to augment your account balance. Also, if you were already planning on joining Bybit ( and trading there, these can be viewed as free trading funds.

Of course, there are "house rules" that come with this bonus. For example, you cannot withdraw these funds and they can only be used as margin in your account. Moreover, when you withdraw these profits you forfeit your bonus.

T&Cs 📜: We encourage you to read their bonus terms and conditions for more information. and to avoid any confusion
Bybit ( Referral / Affiliate Program
If you have been using Bybit ( and have been relatively impressed with the product then you can always refer others to the platform.

There are two ways in which you can do this. Perhaps the easiest to start is through the referral program. For each referred user you send which deposits 0.2BTC with Bybit (, you will get a $10 trading bonus.

If you want to take part in the referral program then you will need to get your code. You can either do this as a unique code that your referrals will use on signup or you can give them your referral link. You can share this link online or on your social media channels.

Bybit ( Referral Link
Getting Your Bybit ( Referral Link
This can be relatively attractive if you can refer friends making a small amount of one time deposits but if you are looking to refer many more traders who usually do large trading volumes then you are perhaps better suited to signup for the Bybit ( affiliate program.

This will reward you with a percentage of trading profits that are generated by your traders. This is set at up to 30% of the trading commission that your referrals generate. This is more than the 20% commission that they give at BitMEX.

Moreover, this affiliate structure has different tiers to it. Not only will you get 30% of the commissions that your direct referral generates but you will also get 10% on their affiliate commissions.

Note ✍️: You have to apply to be an affiliate at Bybit ( This is in order to verify that you will be promoting their services in a legitimate way. You can register for this here.
You cannot take part in both the referral program and the affiliate program so you have to choose wisely amoung the two.

Trading Competitions
One more thing that we found really quite interesting about the Bybit ( exchange is their trading competitions. These are held on an ad-hoc basis and they allow traders to go head to head.

A number of these have already been held this year but some of the most exciting that we have seen is their "are you a master" trading competition. This ran from April to May and Bybit ( was giving away up to $6,200 in BTC to their traders.

Local Competitions 🌎: To targt those traders who speak a specific language or are in a specific region, Bybit ( has local competitions. They have recently run the Korea & Japan competition
Another really interesting competition that was run in August of 2019 was their EOS global trading competition. This involved several teams battling it out for up to $60k in prizes. Team captains were chosen and they could build a team of between 10 - 200 members.

Of course, Bybit ( is not just holding these competitions to be charitable. These competitions encourage trading volume on their platform which gets them fees. So you should take that into account when funding to trade on these.

Areas for Improvement
While we were generally impressed with Bybit (, there are a few things that we think warrant improvement and deserve mention.

Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, they have a limited offer when it comes to cryptocurrency assets. While they plan do plan to release more assets in the coming months, currently you can only trade 4 crypto assets. This could make it difficult for them to compete with the larger crypto exchanges which are starting to offer leveraged trading.

We also think it would be more beneficial to the trader if they were slightly more generous with their testnet funds. The faucet funds that are released are too small to get a proper sense of the trading parameters.

Lastly, although their futures instruments are some of the best in the industry, they still don't offer any option type contracts. This means that they cannot accommodate traders who would like to trade these type of derivative instruments. Perhaps this is something that they could eventually release.

We have found Bybit ( to be user friendly exchange with strong technology, reasonable fees and a relatively intuitive user interface. We are also glad to see that they have also developed an insurance fund to manage market risk.

They are well positioned to offer an alternative to the status quo in the crypto derivatives market. In fact, the order book liquidity on Bybit ( has recently exceeded that of Deribit.

While there were things that we thought warranted improvement, these are relatively easy to implement. The exchange is still new and there is no doubt many improvements are in their pipeline.

So, should you use Bybit (

We encourage you to do your own research but on the face of it, Bybit ( appears to be an attractive exchange that ticks most of our boxes.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 06:34 pm

TOMRA Mining ( Test Center, Germany|2:06
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 06:36 pm
Merge mining in the coinbase scriptsig.
The other location for the commitment hash is the coinbase scriptsig, the specification for this type of merge mining is outlined here . This scheme describes a methodology for embedding a merkle root of multiple alternative chain commitments into the coinbase scriptsig. This system therefore saves blockspace by avoiding the need for multiple commitment hashes in the event of multiple merged mined chains. Namecoin, the first merged mined coin and the first alternative coin after Bitcoin (, uses this scheme.
As above, we scanned the entire Bitcoin ( blockchain from 2009 to October 2020, looking for evidence for this type of merge mining. As Figure 4 below illustrates, based on our analysis, merge mining using this scheme appears to have started towards the end of 2011. Adoption then picked up quite quickly towards around 75% of the hashrate, before falling to near zero in the 2016 period. Since then adoption of this merge mining scheme has picked up again and now stands at around 85%.
Figure 4 - Proportion of Bitcoin ( blocks with auxiliary proof of work in the coinbase scriptsig (Average over 1,000 block periods)
As for the significant changes in the popularity of this merge mining scheme across Bitcoin ('s history, we are unable to provide concise explanations. It may relate to various software bugs in Namecoin which may have caused declines in adoption by the miners in various periods or by changes in the popularity of various mining pools over time. Figure 5 below shows the price of Namecoin over the period, which seems to correlate with usage of this merge mining scheme to some extent, this may also partly explain the changes in adoption by the Bitcoin ( miners. The recovery in 2017 may therefore be driven by the ICO price bubble, combined with the release of Namecoin Core, which is based on current Bitcoin ( Core (rather than a very old version of Bitcoin (, which may have made merge mining easier.
Figure 5 - Namecoin price (US$)
As Figure 6 below illustrates, in the last few years most of the mining pools have adopted this merge mining scheme. The only significant outliers among the major pools are Antpool, which at 71% has lower adoption than its peers and BitFury, which never seemed to adopt the scheme.
Figure 6 - Percentage of merge mining commitments in the coinbase scriptsig (Data since block 500,000)
We were surprised to discover how popular merge mining has become among Bitcoin ( miners in recent years. In particular how miners are not only using one scheme, but adopting multiple systems and potentially using multiple pieces of software, which could in theory go wrong and cause issues. Each coinbase transaction contains commitment hashes to many alternative blockchain systems, sometimes as many as four or five. Given the high level of adoption among Bitcoin ( miners, this could cause additional security concerns to some. For example, complex or resource intensive merge mining schemes, which miners may need to run in order to remain economically competitive, could increase mining centralisation pressure. In addition to this, it is possible that bugs or chain re-organisations in these alternative blockchains could cause issues for the main chain, however, as long as software systems are implemented well, this risk should be minimal.
The blind merge mining schemes mentioned above appear to mitigate away most of these security risks and therefore adoption of these newer systems may be desirable. However, it is unclear if there is any significant incentive to upgrade to these blind systems. At least for now, we have seen no evidence these alternative merge mined chains make up a significant proportion of block rewards, therefore it is likely the security risks associated with merge mining are somewhat limited in practise. At the same time we have not seen any evidence that merge mining is causing problems for Bitcoin ( However, it is worth carefully monitoring the situation, in our view.
Merged Mining On the Bitcoin ( Blockchain: What Is The Hype About?
On Nov. 2, 2020, a report by BitMEX highlighted the growing trend of merged mining on the Bitcoin ( blockchain. The exchange noted that about 90% of the BTC hash rate currently engages in the mining method.
The surprising popularity in merged mining in recent years means that BTC miners are not only using one scheme but adopting multiple systems and potentially using numerous pieces of software.
The merged mining process essentially incorporates a practice of using the work done for a parent blockchain on other child blockchains by implementing auxiliary proof-of-work (AuxPoW).
It also enables several projects to leverage existing computational resources on one resilient network other than running disjointed systems for separate blockchains.
The auxiliary proof-of-work applies as assurance on multiple systems, where the child chain inherits some of the parent chain's security characteristics.
Typically, there are two theoretical types of merged mining, namely regular and blind. Bitcoin ( miners are involved with regular merged mining, where the network incentivizes them to check the validity of blocks in both chains and get rewards in the native token of each chain.
On the other hand, any individual with computing resources can conduct blind merged mining; these third party agents are rewarded in BTC for the work and then pay transaction fees in BTC to the miners.
Benefits of Merged Mining.
Merged mining is quickly turning into one of the most discussed topics among stakeholders in the Bitcoin ( network. The practice holds great potential in helping the BTC blockchain scale more sustainably .
It can help reduce competition for miners among Blockchain projects by enabling them to deploy the same resources to diverse projects.
Furthermore, the practice could help mitigate the risk of a 51% attack in new blockchains, which can entice BTC miners with the lure of extra revenue.
It thus benefits miners on the Bitcoin ( network serving as the parent chain while also rewarding the miners that secure the network. It also offers a win-win scenario for the auxiliary chains that tap the established BTC network to drive their projects' success.
Interestingly, Bitcoin ('s creator Satoshi Nakamoto had outlined the idea of the mining method in a post on BitcoinTalk many years ago, proving that the inventor was way ahead of his time.
It Could Increase Mining Rewards.
In a July 2019 report , Binance Research examined the Dogecoin project, hailed as one of the most prominent merged mining examples.
The blockchain project integrated merged mining with Litecoin in 2014, resulting in a 1,500% spike in the coin's mining hash rate. As of July 2019, Dogecoin derived almost 90% of its total hash rate from LTC mining pools.
The Binance report noted that this mining could increase mining rewards following block reward halvings in both the BTC and LTC networks.
One potential shortcoming of merged mining, as per the Binance report, is that miners may not be incentivized to support the child blockchain due to additional operations expenses.
Merged mining simply means the process of mining two or more cryptocurrencies concurrently using the same mining resources without impacting on the overall mining performance on the Blockchain of either coin. Merged mining is one of the burning topics among stakeholders in the Bitcoin ( ECOS ( because it could potentially solve some of the biggest scalability challenges of the cryptocurrency.
Interestingly, Satoshi Nakamoto had earlier outlined the idea of merged mining about a decade ago in a post on BitcoinTalk. In his words, " I think it would be possible for BitDNS to be a completely separate network and separate blockchain, yet share CPU power with Bitcoin ( The only overlap is to make it so miners can search for proof-of-work for both networks simultaneously ."
Satoshi was a person way ahead of the times and now the Blockchain industry is starting to experiment with the idea. This piece examines the core features of merged mining to establish its potential impact in helping the Bitcoin ( network scale sustainably from a trader and investor POV.Here's how Merged mining potentially improves the Bitcoin ( network.
Merged mining allows blockchain projects to leverage existing computational resources on a single robust and resilient network instead of running small fragmented networks in silos for individual projects. The biggest security concern surrounding Blockchain technology especially in projects running the Proof-of-Work consensus is the risk of the 51% attack.
A 51% attack occurs when a malicious player succeeds in owning enough hashing power that gives them the ability to control a Blockchain. Blockchains are typically run on decentralized nodes but the decentralization could be lost in an instant if someone manages to control more than half of the nodes in a network.
Smaller blockchains are always at risk of such attacks and the risk often posses the classic chicken and egg dilemma for innovators. Investors won't back a small blockchain because it is at risk of chain integrity attacks and the lack of investor funding makes it add to invest in resources that make the network ECOS ( attractive enough for other stakeholders such as developers and miners.
With merge mining, smaller blockchain projects use an Auxiliary Proof-of-Work in which each Blockchain trusts the other Blockchain's work and accept such work in the confirmation of transactions, verification of data, and mining new blocks. Hence, either the parent chain or the auxiliary chain can solve the cryptographic problem to find a solution and add the block depending on the difficulty level at which the miner solves the hash.
Blockchain projects can attract Bitcoin ( miners with the lure of additional revenue streams without an increase in operational costs. The Bitcoin ( miners will in exchange deploy their mining resources to securing the auxiliary chains to provide the new projects. In the final analysis, merge mining provides a win-win-win situation for the Bitcoin ( network serving as the parent chain, the miners that secure the network, and the auxiliary chains that piggybacking on an established network to drive the success of their project.
Potential downsides to merged mining.
One of the major criticisms of merged mining is that it could expose the parent Blockchain to bloat from the auxiliary chains. Even though parent chains are technical independent of auxiliary chains, parent chains will still need to run the coin daemons of the auxiliary chains in the background. Hence, if such chains become abandoned (as some crypto projects eventually are), the parent chain might be bloated by the outdated and buggy chains taking up disk space, CPU cycles, bandwidth, and memory space.
Secondly, while merged mining doesn't necessarily require additional computing power, it requires more maintenance effort because mining pools need to deal with 2X more connections and 2X more distribution channels. Hence, there's always the risk that miners will go rogue if the vision of the network is not properly aligned with the incentive for miners.
Does Merged mining move the needle for Bitcoin ( traders and investors?
From a cryptocurrency trading or investment standpoint, merged mining doesn't provide any direct utilitarian value. Bitcoin ( traders and investors typically do not have any reasons to be concerned with technical details such as Bitcoin mining ( fees, Latency, Maximum Throughput or Cost per Confirmed Transaction.
Nonetheless, your understanding of how merged mining works when combined with other information such as the long-term scalability of Bitcoin ( could help you form a more informed opinion about the prospects of cryptocurrencies in the grand scheme of things.
Also, traders and investors need to understand that some crypto companies might overemphasize their merged mining with Bitcoin ( in the future. They'll leverage every available resource possible to suggest that they are endorsed by Bitcoin ( just to hype their project and pump the price of their tokens.
For instance, Dogecoin has integrated merged mining with Litecoin over the last few years. Yet, the merged mining hasn't done anything to save the Dogecoin token from falling more than 50% in the last one year whereas Litecoin has only lost 2.69% in the same period as seen in the chart above. Merged mining doesn't require any activity from the parent chain; in fact, it doesn't even require the knowledge of the parent chain.
Hence, the performance of the coin of an auxiliary chain should be analyzed in terms of its market fundamentals, technical analysis, and tokenomics because the performance of the token of the main chain doesn't have much effect on the performance of the tokens on the auxiliary chains.
Merged mining reduces the competition for miners among Blockchain projects by allowing miners to deploy the same resources to different projects. Also, it could mitigate the risk of a 51% attack in new fledging blockchains and further enhance the development of new crypto projects that are moving the world closer towards the mass-market adoption of cryptocurrencies. From a trading standpoint, the announcement of a decision to pursue merged mining could make the price of a token jump even though such a bounce may not necessarily be sustained.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 06:36 pm
What is Merged Mining: Mine Two Cryptos at the Same Time.
What is merged mining?
Merged mining is a process of mining two cryptocurrencies with a same algorithm simultaneously. This allows the miner to direct his hashing power into mining two cryptocurrencies at once, resulting in higher hash rates for both of them. As the miner contributes to the total hash rate of both blockchains, he contributes to making both networks more secure.
How Does Merged Mining Increase Security.
In short, a cryptocurrency can suffer from a 51% attack. A 51% attack is an event where outside malicious players find an exploit or collect enough hashing power to take over a blockchain. Such attacks aren't a problem with big cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin ( The hash rate these major coins clock is so high that it's impossible for one single entity (or even a group of them) to band together and perform a 51% attack against their network.
With a smaller currency, these attacks become a real issue. A coin that has low hash rate can be taken over with not that much hash power. If the malicious player manages to take over such a network, he can exploit it and make it "dance to his tune". With such a takeover, the attacker can censor certain transactions, exclude other miners from reaping mining rewards or perform double spending (a digital equivalent of counterfeit).
Merged mining allows miners to borrow their hash power to these weaker cryptocurrencies. With this process, also known as Auxiliary Proof-of-Work , both cryptocurrencies can at the same time enjoy the benefits of having their hash rate increased, benefits which include the increased security. This method was first used by Namecoin in 2011, with Bitcoin ( as the parent cryptocurrency.
How Does Merged Mining Work.
The process of setting up and performing merged mining is somewhat complicated. To start with merged mining, you will need to find two cryptocurrencies that have the same hashing algorithms. SHA-256, Scrypt, Equihash are just some of the most popular PoW algorithms out there currently used by major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (, Litecoin, Zcash, etc. Popular merged mining pairings include:
Bitcoin ( and Namecoin Litecoin and Dogecoin Bitcoin ( and Elastos.
More technically speaking, Auxiliary Proof-of-Work (POW) is the relationship between two blockchains where one trusts the other's work and accepts AuxPOW blocks. The process itself has two blockchains and each of them has its own name:
The Auxiliary blockchain is the one that will be accepting the work of the other blockchain. Therefore, the auxiliary chain will need to go through additional development and adjustments before it becomes ready to take part in merged mining.
The Parent blockchain will be the one where actual mining will be performed. In this relationship, only the auxiliary blockchain needs to be aware of the "auxiliary PoW logic"; the parent blockchain has valid blocks so it doesn't need to be aware of said logic.
First step of the process of merged mining requires assembling a transaction set (a block) for both blockchains. Both chains have different difficulty levels, where the parent chain levels are usually much higher than the auxiliary chain. For the parent chain, there is almost no difference between a block mined the regular way and a block mined as part of a merged coin mining process. That's why there is no need to modify the code of the daemon (also called full-node, or client) of the parent blockchain. For the auxiliary chain, a block mined the normal way (i.e a regular block ) will be accepted with the original code. However, a block mined as a part of a merged coin mining process (i.e a modified block ) will require a modification of the code of the AUX daemon.
The key to understand merged mining is that a modified block in the AUX chain will not look valid to an AUX daemon that only knows how to process regular blocks. To accept a modified block, the AUX daemon must rely on some API calls to the PRT chain. The AUX daemon needs to make sure that:
the modified block contains a hash of a valid block on the PRT chain this PRT valid block itself contains a hash to the current AUX block header.
The auxiliary blockchains Merkle root is inserted into the extra nonce section of the parent blockchain - i.e. Bitcoin ( or Litecoin with Dogecoin and Namecoin as the auxiliary chain. In simpler terms, the parent chain contains the standard transactions plus a transaction with the hash that connects to the auxiliary chain block. Since the information of one chain's set of hashes has been incorporated into a part of the other blockchain then the proof of work can be achieved if a solution with a specific difficulty has been performed.
From here, the mining can begin. Two scenarios can unfold:
The parent chain can find the solution and add the block.
If a miner solves the hash at the parent difficulty level, a parent block is assembled and sent to the parent network. The auxiliary hash does nothing and the parent network ignores it. The parent hash that was solved has a higher difficulty; as you also mine on the auxiliary chain, you will assemble an auxiliary block and receive mining rewards in auxiliary blockchain coins as well.
The auxiliary chain can find the solution and add the block.
If a miner solves the hash at the auxiliary difficulty level, a auxiliary block is assembled. It includes the auxiliary transaction set, the auxiliary block header, the parent block header and the hash of the rest of the transactions in the parent block. This entire "mess" is then submitted to the auxiliary system. The auxiliary system, supporting merged mining, accepts this as proof of work because it contains work that must have been done after the block header and auxiliary transaction set was built. As a reward for his work, the miner receives auxiliary chain coins.
In short, blocks will be produced on both chains if the parent chain hash is solved; on the other hand, single block will be produced on the auxiliary chain if the auxiliary chain hash is solved. The two hash chains remain fully independent. The parent chain elements that go in the auxiliary chain block are basically ignored and only used to validate the proof of work. The bloat of the auxiliary chain network is minimal and is represented in some blocks on it having an extra block header and an extra hash added to them.
There are many positive things that come with merge mining:
Increased auxiliary blockchain security attracts additional investors.
Tying themselves to a parent chain gives auxiliary chains access to extra hash power that keeps them safe from 51% attacks. A safer coin is immediately more attractive to potential investors. Perhaps the best example of this was seen with Dogecoin, whose market capitalization almost doubled after the coin announced a switch to merge mining with Litecoin.
Computing power and electricity is saved, profitability is increased.
Merge mining is a process where a miner solves two hash functions simultaneously. A miner is motivated to use his resources to mine as much coin as possible. Having two coins mined for the price of one power/electricity expenditure helps miners save up resources while providing the same amounts of hash power to both networks. It also gives them an ability to earn more for doing the same work, which is always a bonus and a good motivator to get into merge mining.
The parent chain doesn't suffer.
No additional work is added to the parent chain. It only needs to deal with the auxiliary chain hashes that are added through the connecting transaction, which requires a miniscule amount of resources.
Lesser competition.
Coins have to compete for miners. When a miner decides he wants to mine one cryptocurrency, other currencies lose out. Even when you have a dominant/lesser cryptocurrency in terms of hashrate, there is still a small chance that one will lose out to the other. Merged mining eliminates this possibility by making it so that each coin can thrive on its own merits and not have to compete for miners to survive.
Some people don't agree with merge mining though as it isn't completely free of costs. To start performing merge mining the miner will need to purchase and manage extra bandwidth and storage. This isn't a problem for major mining pools that have the resources to expand their networks; however smaller operators might struggle to manage more chains at once. There is also the problem of the auxiliary chain having to perform a hard fork to become merge mining capable.
Merge mining increases the already large risk of mining centralization, as large mining pools group together to share profits from it while running high-end supercomputers against which regular individuals cannot compete with their commercial-grade hardware.
Merge mining exacerbates this issue, as the additional investment required to set it up means that fewer and fewer independent nodes are capable of adjusting to it. Additionally, with the increase of external hash power that comes with merged mining, mining difficulty increases and mining payouts become smaller for the auxiliary chain-focused individual nodes. In the long run, these nodes will drop out, leaving the mining centralized among the few powerful mining pools.
There are many projects out there that have embarked on the merge mining adventure, looking to secure their chains and potentially attract additional interest for their coins that way. Namecoin was one of the first ones to do so. This Bitcoin ( fork decided to stay on the SHA 256 algorithm which enabled the mining connection in the first place. Dogecoin was the next major cryptocurrency to take this route.
The decision to enable merge mining with Litecoin was quite controversial, as some parts of the community were against it. You can find the original Reddit discussion thread here. Lesser known projects like FantomCoin and Elastos have also embarked on merge mining routes, looking to benefit from being mined alongside Monero and Bitcoin ( respectively. Ultimately, merge mining has its positives and negatives and it remains a popular method of protecting a young vulnerable currency from early pains like 51% attacks.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 06:37 pm

BITCOIN MINING ATTACK! Shadow Mining (, Chain Reorg, Difficulty and 51% Attack - Programmer explains|10:56
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 06:37 pm
We should expect to see more projects embrace it in the near future.
RSK: The Most Profitable Merged Mining Platform on Bitcoin (
The idea behind the creation of RSK is to give Bitcoin (´s blockchain, smart contract functionalities .
It is one of the most interesting platforms to develop smart contracts as it combines Bitcoin (´s network security with the ease of use of Solidity. To power its system, Rootstock uses merged mining. Wondering what merged mining is all about? Let´s get started!
Brief Overview of Proof-of-Work.
Let's quickly summarize proof-of-work (POW) before going any further.
The miners solve cryptographic puzzles to "mine" a block in order to add to the blockchain. This process requires an immense amount of energy and computational usage. The puzzles have been designed in a way that makes it hard and taxing on the system. When a miner solves the puzzle, they present their block to the network for verification.
Mining in Bitcoin ('s ECOS ( is a tough process. This is why miners pool their resources and hashrate together to create "mining pools." Mining pools follow the client-server architecture where the miners (the clients) connect to the poolserver (the server). The poolserver runs one of the mining pool server software. Some common softwares are CKpool, BTCpool, and Eloipool.
If you want to gain a more in-depth look into POW then check out this guide . For now, let's get deeper into merged mining.
Merged mining is a mechanism that allows different cryptocurrencies, that use the same algorithm, to be mined together. So, in this case, since both Bitcoin ( and RSK are based on the SHA-256 algorithm, they can be mined together via merged mining. The two biggest advantages of merged mining are:
Greatly reducing the investment costs for miners since they won't need to buy brand new equipment. Cryptocurrencies with lower hashrate can gain additional hashing power by piggybacking off a cryptocurrency with higher hashrate. Miners can also earn extra rewards by maintaining the secondary chain.
Namecoin was the first cryptocurrency to merge-mine with Bitcoin ( Let's see an overview of how the merge-mining process works:
The block id from the secondary blockchain is embedded in the block of the primary blockchain. This block id is the cryptographic hash of a block in the secondary chain. This secondary block hash is prefixed by a merge-mining "tag." This tag is can be some short descriptive text or magic bytes. To avoid confusion, a block in the primary chain cannot be associated with more than one block of the secondary chain. To ensure the overall security of merged mining, it must be more difficult to create a primary-blockchain block that can be associated with two blocks from the same secondary blockchain than to mine two different primary-blockchain blocks, one for each association, at the difficulty of the secondary blockchain.
In RSK-Bitcoin ( case, the RSK block difficulty compares to 70-bit security, while Bitcoin ( difficulty compares to 74 bits.
Bitcoin mining ( pools usually include a reference to RSK's block in every mining job they deliver to the miners. Every time the miners find a solution, it is compared to both the Bitcoin ( and RSK difficulties. Following that, there are three possible outcomes:
The solution satisfies Bitcoin ( network difficulty. The block is assembled and sent to the network. The Bitcoin ( network will also propagate RSK's merged mining reference. Since the RSK difficulty is lower than Bitcoin (, this solution will work for RSK. The solution satisfies RSK but not Bitcoin ( The solution will be submitted to the RSK network and not to the Bitcoin ( network. The solution doesn't satisfy any of the difficulty requirements .
Whatever be the case, the solution that is finally submitted to RSK allows the node to build an SPV proof. If the proof is valid, it is included as part of the block that will be sent to the network.
Looking deeper into Merged Mining.
A bitcoin header works like a POW proxy in merged mining. The RSK blockchain interprets the POW of the Bitcoin ( block header. It searches for the tag within the block to know which RSK chain block is supposed to be linked to it. Also, keep in mind that the RSK blockchain doesn't need a full Bitcoin ( block to validate the POW of the Bitcoin ( header and associate it with the corresponding RSK header. A simple SPV proof will be enough to establish this relationship. We will explore SPV proofs more in a bit. For now, let's get a better understanding of the RSK tag.
The current format of the RSK tag is: RSKBLOCK:RskBlockHeaderHash.
"RSKBLOCK:" is an ASCII string consisting of the bytes: 52 53 4b 42 4c 4f 43 4b 3a. RskBlockHeaderHash is the Keccak hash digest of the RSK Block header in binary format, without the merged mining fields, which are filled after the PoW is solved.
While not mandatory, an RSK tag should be included after the OP_RETURN OP_PUSHDATA1 opcodes in an output script. This helps prevent spamming the Bitcoin ( UTXO.
The RskBlockHeaderHash is created by the standard RSK node (rskj daemon). The poolserver plugin polls the rskj daemon and maintains the latest RskBlockHeaderHash value to provide to the poolserver.
Along with these, the following additional restrictions may apply:
The number of bytes following the RskBlockHeaderHash, up to the end of the coinbase transaction, must be lower than or equal to 128 bytes. The binary string "RSKBLOCK:" (52 53 4b 42 4c 4f 43 4b 3a) must not be included in the trailing raw bytes. If the RSK tag is located in a non-last output script, then there may be some chance of it appearing in the bytes of the next output. This is why it is highly recommended to use the last output script for the RSK tag. If the RSK tag is located in the coinbase field, then there is a chance that "RSKBLOCK:" may appear in the coinbase field.
What are SPV proofs?
As mentioned above, the association between the secondary RSK blockchain and the primary Bitcoin ( blockchain can be established by an SPV proof. SPV proof mainly comprises of Merkle tree membership proofs.
The blue boxes represent the information that is included in the SPV proof and transmitted along the RSK block. Due to the restrictions placed by the trailing bytes, RSK full node will be creating a compressed version of the SPV proof which will consist of:
The Bitcoin ( block header (80 bytes). A Merkle Branch to the Coinbase transaction (approximately 320 bytes). A mid-state of SHA-256 consuming the head of the coinbase transaction (32 bytes). A 64-byte aligned chunk consists of a trail of the coinbase transaction and the RSK tag (max 169 bytes). Presently, the maximum size of an SPV merge-mining proof is 780 bytes.
The poolserver software can send to the rskj daemon the full block or this SPV proof. If rskj receives a block, it will parse it and extract the necessary fields to build the SPV proof.
Merged Mining Difficulty.
Before going further, let's understand what difficulty means and why this concept was introduced in the first place. Bitcoin (, as you may know, has a hard cap of 21 million coins. As more miners entered the space, it needed to do something to prevent them from pumping all the coins out into the ECOS (
To prevent the supply of bitcoins from going out of hand and to make it a more sustainable model, Satoshi Nakamoto integrated difficulty mechanism. As more and more blocks get mined, the difficulty of the cryptographic puzzles increases exponentially. Basically, the more bitcoins you mine out, the more difficult the process of mining becomes.
Now that you know what it means consider this - the difficulty of the RSK chain is much lower than the difficulty of Bitcoin ( Internally, the difficulty is translated into a "target," which is inversely proportional to the difficulty. The target is a 256-bit unsigned integer.
Approximate targets for merged mined blockchain, on the same day. RSK has a higher target because blocks are 20 times more frequent.
This is the reason why a block header that solves the RSK POW puzzle may not be accepted by the Bitcoin ( network, since it may not satisfy its difficulty. So, the question to ask here is, how can a mining pool detect an RSK block if they are always looking out for a Bitcoin ( block? Well, it turns out that the miners are always looking to solve blocks at lower difficulty anyway. These intermediate, low difficulty blocks are called "shares" and are required by the poolserver for accounting. Many miners in the pools will actively create more shares between real solutions to provide higher granularity for accounting miners' contributions.
Here are some more things to keep in mind about shares:
The shares are transmitted to the poolserver pretty regularly. The server can accordingly split future earnings between the involved miners, depending upon their hashing contribution. The difficulty of the Bitcoin ( blocks can sometimes drop, depending on the overall hashing power of the system. This is why a share is transmitted within the system because it may be the solution to the current Bitcoin ( POW puzzle. If the share's hash digest is lower than Bitcoin ('s current target, then it gets forwarded to the bitcoind daemon, which spreads it over the network. Different secondary blockchains may have different difficulties. This is why a merged mined capable poolserver must compare the target of the share to all the targets of the secondary blockchains that it supports. So if the share satisfies RSK's target then the corresponding block is deemed valid to the RSK network.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 06:37 pm
RSK Merged Mining Security.
A rational miner in RSK's merged mining mechanism will need to conduct only 2^69 operations (the current difficulty of RSK). An irrational attacker will need to compute as much as 2^80 hash operations in less than 30 seconds to inflict any sort of damage to the system. In order to conduct this attack, this irrational attacker will have to invest in 2000 times more hardware than the rational miner. The investment would amount to around five trillion dollars.
However, there is one more thing to consider here. The attacker can only produce one or more blocks that share the POW for the same RSK block height. If that's the case, then it's just a waste of 5 trillion dollars at the end of the day.
Hypothetical SHA256 vulnerability.
RSK uses a non-standard cryptographic trick to compress the generation transaction. RSK only transmits the tail instead of the full transaction by hashing from the midstate of the Merkle-Damgård construction. However, this trick assumes the SHA256 algorithm to be completely resistant to "freestart collision." According to RSK's setup, the SHA256 needs to be at least as secure as brute-forcing 80 bits.
No freestart collision has been found in SHA256, and the best results correspond to finding semi-free-start collisions in a reduced-round version of SHA256 (38 of the 64 rounds, at the cost of 2^65 operations).
So far, the algorithm has been deemed safe for use. However, if such an attack is discovered, RSK can be protected by a network upgrade. In that case, RSK will not use the cryptographic compression trick. This will, however, lead to a small increase in block size.
NOTE: If SHA256 does suffer from a free-start collision attack, it would render it completely useless. This will be extremely problematic from Bitcoin ( as well.
Also, RSK's 1.0.0 release provides 80-bit security against possible tag collisions. An 80-bit collision attack is theoretically, economically and computationally irrational.
Computational POV : An attack of this magnitude will need an unrealistic amount of memory. Also, the CPU cost of the collision attack is more than 2000 times higher than the cost of solving the RSK PoW puzzle (69 vs. 80 bits). Theoretical POV: RSK's DECOR+ consensus the colliding blocks would share the block reward, so there is no benefit to find new siblings of past blocks if the past block reward is approximately equal to the reward of a new block. What this essentially means is that the attacker would be mainly competing with themselves. Economic POV : An honest merged miner earns Bitcoin ( transaction fees, so merged mining is subsidized by Bitcoin ( An attacker, on the other hand, will have to pay the full cost of the collision attack. This means that any attack on the POW linkage is not cost-efficient.
According to RSK, "We think the tag is secure for the next 20 years, even considering a breakthrough in computing efficiency. However, if computing trends radically change, a future network upgrade could easily expand the size of the hash to the full 32 bytes."
RSK is the most profitable option for merged mining on Bitcoin ( The RSK team has developed several fully working plugins for several pool implementations such as CoiniumServ, CKpool, BTCpool, and Eloipool. Other pools have implemented their own plugins. They personally recommend CKpool over other mining pool software as it is appropriately optimized. If you are a mining pool that wants to get started, just follow the instructions on the RSK merged mining section.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 06:48 pm
Nvidia Posts Record Q3 Earnings, Sales of GPUs to Crypto Miners Reach $175 Million.
Nvidia released its earnings for the third fiscal quarter of 2021 this week, showing better-than-expected results, driven by sales of its graphics processing unit (GPU) chips. The firm reported graphics segment revenue of $2.79 billion for the quarter, beating analyst estimates of $2.1 billion.
Within the graphics segment also falls the gaming division. Nvidia said that its new line of graphics cards based on a new technology called Ampere drew strong interest from computer and videogame console developers. For example, one of the new models, the Geforce RTX 3080, went on sale in September and sold out immediately.
Nvidia said gaming revenue climbed 37% year-on-year to $2.27 billion, a record for the company.
The graphics processing units produced by Nvidia are mainly used in video game consoles and graphics cards but they have also become popular with cryptocurrency miners, particularly those extracting coins like ethereum (ETH), monero (XMR), and zcash (ZEC).
For the quarter in review, Nvidia sold at least $175 million worth of new generation GPUs to ethereum miners, helping the outperformance, according to a note from RBC Capital Markets analyst Mitch Steves. The analyst had guided sales to miners to come in at $150 million for the quarter.
Steves noted that the upcoming network upgrade of the Ethereum blockchain, also known as Ethereum 2.0, which is scheduled to take place sometime in December, demands that miners switch over to more efficient mining hardware. Nvidia's new Ampere GPU chips are thought to meet that need.
However, GPUs are no longer effective for mining bitcoin (BTC), which has moved on to more efficient application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) miners.
Overall, Nvidia reported revenue of $4.73 billion for the quarter, up 57% from a year earlier. Analysts expected revenues of $4.41 billion. The company revealed that it continues to face supply bottlenecks for its chips and cards in the fiscal fourth quarter, which ends in January.
It also said its acquisition of British chip designer ARM from Japanese conglomerate Softbank is expected to be completed by the first quarter of 2022.
Shares of Nvidia fell 0.92% to $532.65 in Nasdaq stock market trading on Friday. Over the past 52 weeks, the stock has reached a high of $589.07 and a low of $180.68.
What do you think about Nvidia's rising sales of graphics processing units to crypto miners? Let us know in the comments section below.
Nvidia Mining GPU to Be Launched Sooner Than Expected, Reports.
New Reports suggest that Nvidia is going to launch a mining GPU sooner than previously expected. The graphics unit comes with features that cryptocurrency miners will find attractive. According to leaked specifications, the Inno3D card is based on the gaming GeForce GTX 1080 Ti.
New Card Good for Mining Ethash Coins.
The leading manufacturer of video processing hardware Nvidia is going to launch a dedicated mining graphics card, according to new media reports. Preliminary specifications suggest that the Inno3D model is be based on GeForce GTX 1080 Ti. It is said to be a cutdown clone of the gaming card, but will feature customization targeted at cryptocurrency miners.
The upcoming lineup will be powered by a version of the older "Pascal" chips, which were installed in GTX 1080 Ti and Titan-branded cards. Unlike the gaming products, the mining card will offer custom configuration for the memory and faster performance, but it won't have a video output.
The card uses Inno3D's Twin X2 cooler design, with two fans and five heat pipes. No bracket for attaching to a mining frame is seen on leaked pictures, although according to Crypto Mining ( Blog , a standard PC bracket will be provided as an accessory.
The P102-100 GPUs are similar to Nvidia's P104-100 cards. They are equipped with CUDA cores 3200, with base clock at 1582 MHz. The physical memory is 5 GB in size, GDDR5X type, with 320-bit interface and 11 Gbps clock. The memory bandwidth is 400 GB/s. They come with PCIe Gen1 x4 bus support and two 8-pin PCI-E connectors. The maximum thermal design power is 250 Watt.
P102-100 will offer the following hashrates: ETH.
879 hs. The data provided by Inno3D is for reference only. The GPUs are optimized for mining Ethash coins. Currently, there is no information about the price of the new graphics card.
Shifting Winds, Changing Expectations.
Strong sales in the crypto segment last year have forced major manufacturers to take measures to adapt to growing market demand. It has been reported that more than 3 million graphics cards were bought by cryptocurrency miners in 2017, with sales reaching $776 million. Advanced Micro Systems (AMD) announced intentions to increase production. It has been rumored that Nvidia was preparing to offer a new "Turing" card dedicated for mining applications.
More recent reports, however, suggest that companies fear decreasing demand, caused by market and regulatory risks. Tech sites announced Nvidia had decided to postpone the launch of "Turing" until at least July, and might even scrap plans to offer a mining GPU. AMD has also shared concerns of dropping card sales in 2018. Then, winds shifted again, with information about a new player entering the mining GPU market. Hardware manufacturer Asrock is expected to join the competition in April. The company may introduce its own graphics processing unit, which will be based on AMD chips.
Inno3D will offer crypto miners another specialized product sooner than previously expected. Last year Nvidia released two graphics cards dedicated for mining. P106-100 and the P104-100, based on the previous-generation "Pascal" design, were sold through other companies, including Inno3D. Using "Pascal" chips, P102-100 cards may be offered as a cheaper alternative to the "Turing" cards, which should be based on the new Volta architecture.
Do you think reports of new dedicated mining GPUs hitting the market indicate optimistic expectations for the crypto sector? Share your opinions in the comments section below.
Images courtesy of Shutterstock, Crypto Mining ( Blog.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 06:49 pm
AMD Radeon RX 6800 and RX 6800XT - the first test in the mining of Ethereum cryptocurrency.
Along with the start of sales of new AMD video cards - Radeon RX 6800, RX 6800XT, the first tests of these video cards in mining the Ethereun cryptocurrency (Dagger-Hashimoto mining algorithm) became available. As expected, RDNA2 video cards are not far from the previous generation of RDNA (RX5700) in terms of performance in ETH mining. the video memory subsystem has not undergone drastic changes. The 256bit memory bus and GDDR6 are still used, which has become a little faster. The mythical Infifnity Cash, on which many pin great hopes in these tests, did not show itself in any way.
On stock settings using the Pheonix 5.2c miner, both cards showed the same hash result, which is not surprising, but different power consumption levels.
Radeon RX 6800 - 59-60Mh/s 170W.
Radeon RX 6800XT - 59-60Mh/s 240W.
It is worth noting that the latest AMD drivers for video cards have a new function Memory Timings - FAST TIMINGS , which is obviously designed to increase the performance of video cards in mining cryptocurrencies and Ethereum in particular.
Enabling this option shifts the hashrate range by 2-3Mh/s upwards (59-63Mh/s)
Opportunities for overclocking video memory in the current beta drivers are very limited - it is not possible to raise the memory frequency by more than 150MHz.
Memory +150Mhz, Fast Timings -ON.
Radeon RX 6800XT - 63-66Mh/s 250W.
The next step is to reduce GPU power consumption.
Memory +150MHZ, GPU - 550MHz (1450Mhz), Fast Timings -ON.
Radeon RX 6800XT - 63-66Mh/s 170W.
Conclusion: In the current realities, the AMD Radeon RX 6800 and RX 6800XT video cards turned out, as expected, 15% better than the previous generation in Ethereum mining, but this is on stock settings. If we take into account the rich experience of miners in fine tuning the RX 5700 (60MH/s 150W), then the advantage of the RX 6800 becomes even less obvious, especially if we take into account the difference in the price of video cards of different generations. In the near future, we may also see better mining settings for the RX 6800. First of all, this is the ability to increase the video memory frequency by more than 150MHZ and a more aggressive downvolt in the core. Do not forget about Infinty Cash, which has not yet been discounted, because mining is not limited to just one Dagger Hashimoto algorithm.
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AMD Radeon RX 6800 may be 50% faster than GeForce RTX 3090 for cryptomining.
By John Loeffler 09 November 2020.
Stock? What stock?
If the rumors are true, then the new AMD Radeon RX 6800 ( not the RX 6800XT) is 50% better at mining for cryptocurrency than the current crypto champ, the Nvidia RTX 3090.
When factoring in the associated costs of cryptocurrency mining, as explained by Videocards, the RTX 3090 can generate about $3.37/£2.63/AU$4.72 of cryptocurrency a day, or about $103/£80/AU$144 a month. The RX 6800, meanwhile, can potentially mine about $5.00/£3.90/AU$7.00 a day, or roughly $152/£118/AU$213 a month.
The rumored mining performance was initially posted - appropriately - on Chinese messaging service QQ and later reprinted on Chiphell. As of right now, this is simply a rumor so it shouldn't be taken as gospel, but it's, nonetheless, an understandably upsetting one for many.
How cryptomining could inflict stock shortages on the new Radeon RX 6800.
Like a spectre of unfettered capitalism haunting the PC gaming scene, cryptominers have been swooping in for years now and paying exorbitant prices for GPUs, which they then use 24/7 to crunch complicated math problems that then generate bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
While the crush of miners buying up GPU stock across the board has slowed since the dizzying heights of the Bitcoin ( boom a few years back, the demand has steadily returned. Now, with the launch of more powerful graphics cards from both Nvidia and AMD at a lower price than the previous generation cards they are replacing, it looks like the cryptominers may once again aggressively buy up stock.
Already, one of the biggest issues with the Nvidia Ampere graphics cards launch was that the GeForce RTX 3080 and RTX 3090 sold out at every retailer within seconds of going on sale.
This may have been a function of bots and eBay profiteers who snatched up the cards before the PC enthusiast and gaming public could get through the checkout process.
If it turns out that the RX 6800 - which is the least expensive of the three AMD RX 6000 series cards to be announced so far - is beating out the current GPU-profitability champ when it comes to mining, it is all but guaranteed to be a prime candidate for crypto-mining-related shortages.
Fortunately, AMD seems to be anticipating this and looks to have a new GPU in the works specifically designed with cryptominers in mind. Hopefully that will give the rest of us a chance to get one of these new cards ourselves.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 06:50 pm
Remote Bitcoin mining (
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0.0003 BTC min. Withdraw Amount.
Cloud (or remote) mining - is the process of using hardware power to mine cryptocurrency (such as Bitcoin ( or Litecoin) remotely. This mining model came to existence due to the fact that the increasing difficulty of mining has made it unprofitable for mining enthusiasts to mine Bitcoins at home.
Cloud mining gives people a unique opportunity to begin mining cryptocurrency without the need for a large initial investment in hardware or technical knowledge. Despite the simplicity of the cloud mining model, it is worth elaborating on a few details, specifically it's important to highlight that remote mining comes in two forms: hosted or cloud based mining.
Miner is a highly efficient piece of mining equipment specially designed for cryptocurrency mining. Our datacenters house hundreds of miners.
Miners are connected to pools. There are many pools so HashPlus allows you to connect to ones you choose. This allows you to find the most profitable combinantion.
Next, all mined cryptocurrency is distributed among all customers of HashPlus depending on their share of server in the whole system.
The team of HashPlus has always put the task of making mining accessible not only for cryptoenthusiasts but also for common users. Through tremendous work made by the engineers, developers and other specialists of the company as well as partner companies, we have succeeded in providing the service to over 1.000.000 users.
Remote Access to Mining Rigs Ensures Tight Control.
By gaining remote access to mining rigs, cryptocurrency miners will be a step ahead of the competition and never miss out on uptime.
Cryptocurrency Mining: The Basics.
With the rapid growth of cryptocurrencies, cryptominers are becoming increasingly widespread. In order to verify and validate crypto transactions, miners enter them into the blockchain public ledger, which contains every transaction (also known as a block) ever carried out with a specific cryptocurrency. Miners sort through all crypto transactions and release the new currency, and in return, earn a transaction fee as well as a portion of the cryptocurrency they originally verified. The role itself is particularly difficult, and requires a lot of time and patience. Mining used to be a more lucrative project, back when there were less people doing it and there was more money to be made.
It is due to the complications involved with cryptomining that many miners don't solely rely on it as their main source of income. For those that mine crypto on the side, gaining remote access to mining rigs is extremely beneficial. By remotely managing your mining, you can stay ahead of the competition. There are a number of both hardware and software options that enable remote mining - each varies depending on the capacity of your mining operations and the level of remote control you require. While some options like TeamViewer offer an all-in-one solution, others provide a simple workaround to functions such as rebooting a machine or file transfer.
Remote Access Mining Rigs: Software vs Hardware.
For those performing cryptomining at a relatively low capacity, there are various small-scale hardware options that are inexpensive, but also somewhat basic in their functions.
Smart plugs, for example, can be used to shut down a computer remotely for either security or energy-saving reasons.
For many miners, a common problem is their rig freezing at an unfortunate time.
To combat this, a smart Wi-Fi plug allows users to turn their Wi-Fi off and on remotely via their smartphone.
It also enables users to monitor the energy usage of their rigs at home, which can better help miners calculate their ROI. Hardware options can provide simple, cost-efficient solutions for remote access to mining rigs.
With over 1,000,000 people using our services, we're the world's top provider of remote hashpower services.
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The way our service works is very simple. We're a cloud mining service that has your mining rigs already set up and ready to be used to mine Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrencies.
We Already Have Your Mining Hardware Up and Running.
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We're proud to offer daily payouts to your selected cryptocurrency wallet. With out cloud-based mining service, you'll never have to worry about receiving your payouts, as out automated system takes care of that for you.
Der Bitcoin ( , der nach dem Namen des Autors auch als Puddinpop-Miner bezeichnet wird, ist ein Pool-Miner-Client.
Es sind vier Miner-Client-Binärdateien verteilt:
Ein CPU miner Ein 4Way CPU miner Ein OpenCL-Miner für ATI-GPUs Ein CUDA Miner für NVidia GPUs.
RPC Miner ist eine experimentelle, dezentralisierte digitale Währung, die sofortige Zahlungen an jeden beliebigen Ort auf der Welt ermöglicht. Diese App verwendet Peer-to-Peer-Technologie, um ohne zentrale Autorität zu arbeiten: Transaktionsmanagement und Geldausgabe werden gemeinsam vom Netzwerk durchgeführt. Die App hat eine einfach zu bedienende Oberfläche.
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Anleitung zum Einrichten des Bildschirmschoners RPC Miners [ Bearbeiten ]
Zum Beispiel wird der Computer mit 1 Radeon HD 5850 Grafikkarte für den Pool auf Windows 7 64 Bit ausgewählt. (alle erforderlichen Treiber sind bereits installiert).
Laden Sie das Archiv Windows Bildschirmschoner RPC Miners Entpacken Sie den Inhalt des Archivs in% window% \ system32 für 32-Bit-Systeme oder% window% \ syswow64 für 64-Bit. Rechtsklick auf Desktop -> Personalisieren -> Bildschirmschoner Wählen Sie in der Liste der passenden Bildschirmschoner, in unserem Fall für Radeon HD 5850 wird es Bitcoin ( OpenCLMiner sein.
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How are large Bitcoin mining ( operations built?
Bitcoin mining ( is no longer profitable in the small.
Today, the mining landscape is dominated by two different mining strategies:
Large scale Bitcoin mining ( operations; Altcoin miners who trade their produce for Bitcoin (
In this article we'll talk about large scale Bitcoin mining ( operations and how they're built. altcoin mining is discussed in several different articles on our Knowledge Base.
Energy Cost.
What this means is miners need to prove they made an effort to find the suitable Bitcoin ( block. Mining pools reward users by the effort they put in (work), which they must prove by submitting their "shares" every few seconds. The quality of these shares tell the mining pool how much work was invested.
When a block is found, the rewards is split among all workers, proportionally to the amount of work they proved.
Put bluntly, Proof of Work is the conversion of electrical power into heat.
All the computing done in a Bitcoin mining ( operation is worthless, most the obtained results are thrown out and a single winning hash is submitted into the network as the new Bitcoin ( block. Bitcoin ('s current network hashrate is at over 80 Quintillion (10 to the 18th power!) hashes per second. Ten with 18 zeroes hashes are computed all over the world each second just to find one Bitcoin ( winning block which will pay out 12.5 BTC in rewards.
Today, Bitcoin ( consumes 64 to 66 Terawatt-hours per year (estimates vary). It's more energy than all of Switzerland and many smaller countries consume.
As you can probably guess, a proper mining farm, or Bitcoin ( factory as some call it, requires a massive power infrastructure.
Watts Per Bitcoin (
If we do the math based on the global yearly power consumption, we can arrive at the average wattage per Bitcoin (
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 06:51 pm

Managing the supply chain from mine site to customer|2:20
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 26, 2021, 06:52 pm
Per day, an average of 144 Bitcoin ( blocks are mined. (One block every 10 minutes = 6 blocks per hour x 24 hours a day.)
That's 52,560 blocks per year.
At 64 Terawatt-hours per year, which is the same as 64,000 Gigawatt-hours per year, we get:
64,000 / 52,560 = 1.22 Gigawatt per Bitcoin ( block.
At today's rate, each block pays 12.5 BTC reward.
So 1.22 / 12.5 = 0,0976 gigawatt per Bitcoin ( Same as 97.6 megawatts / BTC.
Any large scale mining operation should then calculate costs based on spending approximately 100 megawatts to mine a single Bitcoin (
Electricity costs vary greatly between states in the USA. Washington kW-h costs 9.95 cents while Hawaiians pay 30.45 cents, roughly 3 times more.
To mine a Bitcoin ( in Washington State, you'd invest U$ 9950.00 on average (100 megawatts) in electrical power. In Hawaii it'd cost over 3 times more.
At today's U$ 10,500.00 Bitcoin ( price it'd yield about 10% profit before taxes in Washington. Although most miners don't actually sell their BTC straight away. Provided they have some cash reserve, mined Bitcoin ( can be held until closer to the next halving when block reward will pay 6.25 BTC / block (and mining will become twice as expensive). Keep in mind that cash flow is a big problem for all large Bitcoin mining ( farms. Selling some of the produce will be necessary along the way.
Energy Infrastructure.
Based on the energy cost calculation, we can now estimate what kind of electrical infrastructure we'll need.
We know each bitcoin consumes 100 megawatt-hour on average with data from around the globe.
First question to ask is how much BTC does the mining operation target per day?
Let's assume the goal is to mine one BTC per day. I chose one BTC for the sake of simplicity. Since all these calculations are linear, you can simply multiply or divide by X amount of BTC as needed.
Total power consumption then will be 100 megawatt-hour over a period of 24 hours, which equals 4.17 MW-hour on average (4170 KWh). (That's a lot of energy, something like 1000 x 4.2kw electrical heaters hooked up in parallel.)
4170 KWh means instantaneous 4170 KW is consumed during one hour.
On a 220 Volt line, this means pumping 18,900 amps of current into your mining farm every second of the day.
The largest gauge electrical cables you'll find are about half an inch diameter, which will each carry about 300 amps. So to drive 18,900 amperes, you'll need 63 parallel cables from your main power distribution box over to where you'll derive individual electrical sockets.
If your working voltage is 110V you'll need twice as many cables or around 126 cables.
All this just to mine one single Bitcoin ( per 24 hours on average.
How much BTC do the large farms produce / day?
For comparison, let's take a look at some of the busiest mining farms in the world.
At 1.22 Gigawatt per block (derived earlier), this means F2Pool is consuming about 22 gigawatts of power every day. mined 20 Bitcoin ( blocks on September 1st 2019. That's 24.4 gigawatts.
ViaBTC mined 9 Bitcoin ( blocks on the same date. That's 11 gigawatts.
You can check out more mining pools by visiting the explorer and clicking on the various statistics available.
High Voltage Supply.
From the above calculations it's obvious the large farms are not working on 220V or even 480 volt lines. Large scale Bitcoin mining ( requires a high voltage line to reach as close to the mining operation as possible as to shorten the thick cables needed for transmission.
Ideally, a series of pole pig transformers ("street transformers") should be installed at a safe location in the Bitcoin ( factory. The low voltage 220VAC lines should come down from it directly, avoiding long thick and expensive cables.
As you can see from large mining operation photos seen around the WWW, thinner cables go from a power distribution center to the individual miners. This is because each miner consumes 1.6 kilowatts maximum. A relatively thin cable can be used for this kind of power.
If the individual miner sockets are placed close to the pole pigs, it's possible to save a lot of money by not deploying expensive low voltage cabling.
A High Voltage supply can be arranged with your local utility company. Prices per kilowatt are usually lower than low voltage lines, but it requires some infrastructure and special safety measures near the high voltage working area.
Factory Setup.
Bitcoin mining ( factories are set up to dissipate as much power as possible.
As we mentioned before, mining is basically the conversion of electrical power into heat.
For a one BTC / day mining operation, you'll need to dissipate 4170 kilowatts 24×7 in order to maintain room temperature.
Let's calculate the cubic feet per minute (CFM) of airflow needed to cool a room from 100 degrees Fahrenheit to 73 degrees (about 23 Celcius which is OK operating temp for a miner).
4170 x 1000 x 3.16 / 27 = 488,044 CFM or 829,192 cubic meters per hour.
We need 488,044 cubic feet per minute of airflow to keep the hypothetical mining operation going at 23 degrees celcius whenever the temperature reaches 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
For immediate cooling (100% of 488k CFM blowing in one minute) to 23 degrees, over 270 industrial fans would be needed (left picture), but instantaneous cooling is not required for cryptocurrency mining. A 5% duty cycle, or about 10 industrial fans, should be able to keep the factory at 23 degrees. All this depends on the weather in your area. Washington state, which we exemplified earlier, is ideal for mining because of cheap electricity and cold weather.
As you can tell from these figures it's impossible to cool a large mining operation using air conditioners. You'd spend more power on those than on mining itself. Therefore the only way to keep such factories cool is through forced convection. Perhaps that's why miners choose Norway, Iceland,  and Northern China so much, after all passive airflow cooling is not a problem there.
Also considering night hours when temperature drops, it is possible to maintain constant 23 degrees using less resources during the night.
So much for cooling the factory, now for the electrical distribution.
Electrical Distribution.
Mining farms are organized into rows of miners.
Here's a front view of one such row (photo via Wikipedia):
Each miner consumes between 1.2 and 1.6 kilowatts. The cable going from the main distribution center to each miner should be able to handle at least 42% more current than continuous usage. So, at 110V 1.6 kw means 14,55 continuous amperes. Ideally, you'd buy 20 amp cable (9 AWG).
In the above picture (from Genesis Mining) you can see how neatly all cabling is tied and conducted to the central power distribution via the ceiling.
Miners do not require large bandwidth. The nonces they hunt are tiny little things compared to the amount of bandwidth we spend on music, video and so on.
Each miner requires an ethernet connection to a switch. Each row of miners should have one active device such as a switch, to which all miners in that row will connect and from which you derive one single cable back to the networking gateway.
Each row drives just one networking cable through the duct back to the gateway, that's why you don't see such a mess of network cables in professional mining operations.
The more messy cabling you see, the less professional it is.
Beginners tend to make a mess out of their first mining attempts.
Back in the day you'd have lots of options for your mining hardware. Today you basically only have two.
For Bitcoin (, you need dedicated ASIC miners such as Bitmain or their similar competitors; For altcoins you can set up GPU mining ( rigs.
Bitmain sells Antminers, the most popular miners out there.
Modern Antminers, such as the S17 pictured below yield about 53 TH/s, weigh 11kg and consume about 2385 watts. S17 goes out at U$ 2,727.00 retail suggested price.
According to Coinwarz, the above S17 miner would yield the following results, considering electricity prices of Washington State (9.95 cents / kw).
So an S17 produces about U$ 7.59 per day profit from mining Bitcoin (
The miner would pay for itself after 360 days of continuous operation.
Therefore, using a state of the art Bitcoin ( miner from Antmain you're looking at about one year before your initial hardware investment is returned.
How many miners are required?
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 05:36 am
To produce one Bitcoin ( per day, you need 810 x Antminers S17 and an initial investment of U$ 2.2 million dollars in mining machines.
Total power consumption for 810 x Antminer S17's would be 1.93 megawatts which is 216% more power efficient than the global average we calculated above of 4.17 megawatt per Bitcoin (
For a professional mining operation you won't need to concern yourself with the mining software.
In fact, you only need to mess with the software if you are a small scale miner.
Antminers come prebuilt and preinstalled and you won't need to do anything to get them running.
Each miner should be set up for proper networking and mining pool specs. Antminer provides special tools to help you set this up at scale.
Other mining hardware providers also offer similar solutions. Your greatest concern in setting up a mining factory is with the facilities, as already discussed.
There are some additional software requirements but they aren't specific to Bitcoin mining ( You'll need a control room, a firewall, a network gateway capable of handling the sum of all miner traffic and so on. These are calculated and set up like any other server room and aren't specific to cryptocurrency mining.
In this article we've taken a superficial look at some of the infrastructure needed to mine Bitcoin ( at a scale.
We performed all calculations using a one Bitcoin ( per day yield. As you can see, Bitcoin mining ( is extremely costly and requires massive infrastructure to produce a single coin per day.
All the calculations we performed will double in requirements once Bitcoin ( halves the block rewards. There's one halving every 4 years approximately, so all these calculations are only valid for a 4 year period at most. Mining hardware also changes very quickly, so your mileage may vary with the available miners at the time you read this. Calculations are linear, so if the rewards halve, then your cost doubles. If miners become twice as efficient, your cost halves and so forth.
Bitcoin mining ( factory.
Bitcoin ( is owned by everyone and yet no one. That is how it works !
Mining is essentially computers working together over the internet to solve complicated mathematical problems in the Bitcoin ( code and being rewarded for finding the solutions. The mathematical problems are created by people all over the world who are trading with Bitcoin (
Cryptocurrency is controversial due to it being decentralized and not being owned by a bank/single entity. This means there is not one person controlling and verifying transactions . As a result, everyone who mines Bitcoin ( controls a small part of Bitcoin ( Mining is essentially verifying and recording people's transactions .
These transactions then make up a block chain. Every miner receives their own 'copy' of the ledger/block chain that records all transactions that have ever taken place. Mining Factories hardware does all this work for you that is why Bitcoin mining ( is seen as a passive income.
Privacy of transactions.
To keep anonymity of transaction behaviours, every person who transacts with Bitcoin ( has unique codes for their transactions . The miners solve the mathematical problems of the codes that are facilitating transactions and make them legible. Miners are almost like bankers that approve and verify transactions by cracking the codes. They then get rewarded in relation to the amount of work they put in to the code cracking with a percentage of a Bitcoin (
High powered equipment is needed to mine Bitcoin (
It is important to have high power and efficient hardware. Mining Factory has developed equipment just for this purpose. The more 'work' your hardware does the higher your return in Bitcoin ( The speed at which the 'work' is completed is known as hash rate. The higher the hash rate of your hardware the faster it solves the mathematical problems of Bitcoin (
Mining Factory has a variety of hardware that has a high hash rate that uses electricity efficiently. The more Bitcoin ( miners mining Bitcoin ( the more it validates and stabilises the system. Before a transaction can be made it needs to be verified by Bitcoin ( miners. The Bitcoin ( miners are then making the system exist by validating all transactions .
Bitcoin ( is an international currency that can be used anywhere.
Bitcoin ( can also be used universally at the same exchange rate. You can transfer money from Dollars to bit coin and then into South African rand without paying any taxes to a middle man. So, by earning Bitcoin ( you are earning an international currency that can be used worldwide.
There are a finite number of Bitcoins available to be mined.
After all of this you are probably wondering how mining Bitcoin ( makes you tangible money. The miner is rewarded Bitcoin ( after completing the mathematical solutions and so he is making more Bitcoin ( available. It is called mining because there are a finite number of Bitcoins that are available to be mined. There are only 21 million Bitcoins available to be mined. Just like mining gold or any natural resource, one day there will be no more Bitcoins to mine.
About BTC Mine.
Mining Factory is unique as their rigs are capable of miningall cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin ( efficiently and the rigs come with software which enables you to check on how your miners are doing from anywhere in the world.
What Would it Cost to Build a Bitcoin mining ( Rig Today? has put together an updated analysis of the present cost of putting together a profitable Bitcoin mining ( rig. This information provides a unique insight into the complexities of the ever-changing mining landscape.
In the article, the mining pool notes that there a wide range of individual variables determine mining profitability. Poolin has created a mining profit estimator that breaks down these factors to better understand which rig is the best value.
Example as shown:
It is important to note that electricity costs vary widely from place-to-place, and are the most significant factor in long-term mining costs. Thus, more power hungry rigs that also produce a higher hash rate may be more suitable for areas with cheaper electricity, but less so where this cost would be higher.
Critical to all mining operations is the "break even" factor, which the mining estimator seeks to determine. This is the value of cryptocurrency that must be produced for the cost of the rig to be paid for. For example, one featured Bitcoin mining ( rig costs USD $1,767 to build and operate and generates $4.56 in profit per day at current prices. Thus, it would need to run for 387 days to become profitable. Factored into this number are electricity costs.
Also, however, is the fact that even after breaking even the rigs will consume electricity. Thus, they will only remain profitable as long as they produce enough crypto to cover this cost. Poolin refers to this as the "shutdown price." Determining when a rig has crossed this threshold can be very tricky.
Much has been made of large pools taking over the mining space, notably with regards to Bitcoin ( Of particular note is the fact that the most advanced mining rigs often become available to these enterprise operations months before they can be purchased by independent consumers. For example, critics have long accused Bitmain of using its most cutting edge equipment exclusively for its own mining farms and selling only the older rigs on the open market.
Thus, successful Bitcoin ( and crypto mining requires a very close eye for detail. Efficiency must be a top priority, as every variable will play a role in the final outcome. This includes equipment costs, electricity costs, and choice of platform to mine. However, with proper planning, and access to the best information, profitability can be achieved.
What do you think is the price to build a profitable Bitcoin mining ( rig? Let us know in the comments below.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 05:36 am

Mining ( Crypto For Free 2021 - Mine SUGAR Chain Crypto - Fastest Blockchain - Free Crypto Mining (|12:00
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 05:37 am
MicroBT Sets Up First Offshore Bitcoin ( Miner Factory to Expand US Market Share.
Wolfie Zhao.
Chinese bitcoin miner manufacturer MicroBT is looking to grab a bigger slice of the U.S. market by setting up its first overseas production center.
The company said on Friday that it has partnered with New York-based Foundry Digital LLC and a Southeast Asian company in order to improve supply chain efficiencies for North American buyers of its flagship Bitcoin mining ( equipment.
The Southeast Asian listed company - which MicroBT declined to name - is contracted to produce and deliver MicroBT's WhatsMiner equipment to U.S. investors, who would otherwise pay an additional 25% tax if they receive shipments directly from China due to U.S. tariffs.
The strategy is similar to that adopted by Beijing-based Bitmain, which contracts a production factory in Malaysia responsible for overseas manufacturing and shipments.
As part of the deal, Foundry, a subsidiary of Digital Currency Group (DCG) that provides miner financing and procurement for institutions in North America, will be the first to receive new batches of MicroBT's WhatsMiner M30S equipment produced in the Southeast Asian facility.
DCG, which wholly owns CoinDesk, previously said it plans to invest more than $100 million into its Foundry business through 2021 to provide loans to Bitcoin mining ( clients as well as buying equipment for them in bulk.
"With our collaboration and MicroBT's upgraded production capabilities, we look forward to continuing to facilitate the timely procurement and delivery of the latest generation Bitcoin mining ( hardware for our clients, who are institutional cryptocurrency miners in North America," said Mike Colyer, CEO of Foundry.
The move also underscores MicroBT's effort to keep challenging Beijing-based Bitmain's dominance in the bitcoin miner market, both domestically and overseas.
MicroBT managed to boost its market share by selling some 600,000 WhatsMiner units worth more than $500 million in 2019. This coincided with Bitmain's ongoing internal turmoil, which has caused notable production and shipment delays.
"The Foundry team's in-depth understanding of the mining business and regional expertise have already helped us in making the initial tests of this new supply chain a success," said MicroBT's COO Jiangbing Chen. "We will continue working closely with Foundry to provide the highest quality of machines and after-sale services to our customers in North America."
Pre-history of Bitcoin ( [ ]
Bitcoin ( in 2008 [ ]
Bitcoin ( in 2009 [ ]
Bitcoin ( in 2010 [ ]
Bitcoin ( in 2011 [ ]
Bitcoin ( in 2012 [ ]
Bitcoin ( in 2013 [ ]
Bitcoin ( in 2014 [ ]
Bitcoin ( in 2015 [ ]
Bitcoin ( in 2016 [ ]
Bitcoin ( in 2017 [ ]
Bitcoin ( in 2018 [ ]
Bitcoin ( in 2019 [ ]
Bitcoin ( price history 2009 to 2019 [ ]
Bitcoin ( price chart since 2009 to 2017 and 2018 [ ]
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Lost Bitcoins [ ]
Bitcoin ( taxation and regulation history [ ]
A Brief History of Bitcoin mining ( Technology.
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You are here: Home Technology A Brief History of Bitcoin mining ( Technology.
The rise of cryptocurrency has seen a huge industry born out of what many claimed to be one giant ponzi scheme.
While bitcoin's continuous popularity has silenced many of the doubters, Bitcoin mining (, and the surrounding technology is often an overlooked aspect.
Over the last decade of bitcoin's existence, the mining aspect has seen a lot of growth and innovation, and is a critical part of the cryptocurrency industry. Here's a brief look at how Bitcoin mining ( and the surrounding technology has evolved.
Bitcoin ( is a digital currency that is built upon the underlying technology known as blockchain. The blockchain is a public, distributed and decentralised ledger where transactions are stored. The blockchain is, in simple terms, an ongoing list of algorithms that verify and store transactions.
Bitcoin mining ( is the act of solving these algorithms to verify a transaction and place it within a block on the blockchain. Successfully mining a block results in a mining reward, paid in btc. As Zipmex explains "It is essentially a process to contribute to the security mechanism of the Bitcoin ( blockchain by verifying transaction information or data to the collective ledger. This verifying process takes a ton of computing and complex mathematical problem-solving. Miners are successfully awarded Bitcoins for their contribution to the ledger based on their proof-of-work.
In the early days of bitcoin, there was a low level of miner competition. In early 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto mined the first bitcoins with a relatively simple computer. He didn't need specialized equipment to launch blockchain, he simply used an average personal computer.
As new miners joined the network, the algorithms increased in difficulty, and so the computational power needed to mine bitcoin has also increased.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 05:37 am
Up until the end of 2010, the majority of Bitcoin mining ( was undertaken on CPUs or central processing units. These relatively simple devices control how commands on a computer are processed and executed.
Around the end of 2010, there was a breakthrough in Bitcoin mining ( technology and miners began using GPUs to mine bitcoin.
Unlike CPUs, GPU devices are optimized to perform a specific set of computational tasks. Commonly used for gaming applications, GPUs excel at computing simple mathematical operations in parallel, rather than one at a time, in order to generate thousands of time-sensitive image pixels. These devices can also be re-programmed to compute other mathematical operations such as the ones required to mine new bitcoin. Because of their parallel processing abilities, GPU's are much more efficient than CPU's at mining bitcoin.
Then, in the following year (2011), there was another breakthrough in Bitcoin mining ( technology. FPGAs, field programmable gate arrays were also re-modeled to mine bitcoin and were even more efficient.
A field-programmable gate array is an integrated circuit designed to be configured by a customer or a designer after manufacturing. This ability allows miners to configure this tech in such a way that it's better optimised for Bitcoin mining ( However, these devices are more labor-intensive to build. FPGAs require configuration on both a software and hardware level, meaning the devices must be programmed to run customized code, as well as architected to run that code efficiently.
ASICs came to the market in 2013 and were the first custom solution for Bitcoin mining ( Rather than repurposing software and hardware, Canaan Creative released the first set of application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) for Bitcoin mining ( From the outset, these devices were designed with the specific purpose of mining bitcoin.
These purpose designed, pre-optimised devices built strictly to compute the calculations necessary to create new bitcoin blocks meant they were far more efficient than any of the more general purpose devices that preceded it.
Since 2013, there has been constant improvements to the ASICs devices. However, since 2015, this has slowed dramatically. Furthermore, there's been no signs of a technology to leapfrog ASICs.
As it becomes harder to improve the efficiency of mining machines, miners will have to look to other areas to gain a competitive advantage. This could mean innovations in energy sourcing, financial planning, or even product diversification in order to secure more of the Bitcoin mining ( rewards.
A Brief History of Bitcoin ( and Bitcoin mining (
Bitcoin ( has taken the world by storm. Designed to be an instrument for peer-to-peer fund transfer, bitcoin gains its popularity due to its decentralized and open source nature. Unlike other fiat currencies, bitcoin doesn't need a central authority like a bank or some other government or a private institution to facilitate the transaction of funds from one person to another.
The Bitcoin ( network has a large number of people sharing processing power and facilitating the digital currency transactions. These people are known as miners and the process Bitcoin mining ( Bitcoin mining ( is a vital aspect of the Bitcoin ( protocol, without miners, the network cannot possibly exist.
Bitcoin ( has been around since 2009, about a year after Satoshi.
The official Bitcoin ( website describes Bitcoin mining ( as a process of adding transactions to Bitcoin ('s public ledger, which is known as blockchain. Now, blockchain is a distributed ledger and it contains records of all the transactions that has ever taken place over the network. Whenever somebody makes a bitcoin transaction, these miners verify the transaction against the existing records to confirm its validity. By confirming its validity, miners ensure that no bitcoin is double spent (bitcoin once spent can't be spent again).
In order to prevent anyone from making changes to the records, blockchain is heavily encrypted and the miners use the processing power to decrypt the transaction records and the blocks to confirm its status. The mining hardware contributing the processing power solves complex cryptographic equations to identify and add new blocks to the blockchain on which the latest transaction data is stored. Miners, in turn, receive rewards in the form of freshly created bitcoin for every new block they discover. These fresh coins are given to them as an incentive for contributing to the network.
One can easily find a lot of essays on the internet explaining Bitcoin ( and the whole mining process in detail. Some of the best essays and papers on the subject have originated from Write My Essays, a custom writing service which many students and researchers seem to use for professional quality of work.
Now, with a basic understanding of Bitcoin mining (, we can look into how Bitcoin mining ( has evolved in the past 7 years. In the initial days, Bitcoin mining ( involved solving cryptographic problems of lower difficulty levels which could be handled by a regular CPU of a personal computer. However, as the number of people and transactions increased over the network, the processing power required for mining also started to increase. Bitcoin ( Miners graduated from CPU Mining to GPU mining ( as the GPUs are much more powerful compared to CPUs.
The Bitcoin ( network is designed in such a way that the difficulty levels of the cryptographic problems increase at regular intervals. Also, whenever the network detects an increase in processing capacity of the miners, the same happens to maintain the block generation constant at 1 block every 10 minutes. From Moore's law, we already know that the processors are bound to become more powerful and efficient over time, which led to the development of dedicated devices for mining. These devices are called Bitcoin ( Miners.
FPGA Miners or Field Programmable Gate Array miners followed GPU mining ( These hardware devices contained special programmable integrated circuits which were programmed to mine bitcoin. With the introduction of FPGA Miners, the CPU and GPU mining ( became obsolete as they couldn't compete with the processing throughput of FPGA Miners. But again, FPGA Miners were short-lived as well, as Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) based mining hardware hit the market. These ASIC Miners with customer chipsets that were designed for only one purpose, Bitcoin mining ( offered far greater performance than any other mining hardware available till date. They went on to become a standard and they are still being used.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 05:39 am
The ASIC ( Bitcoin ( Miners have been constantly updated with newer versions with higher processing power, low power consumption and increased efficiency to make mining more profitable. While ASIC ( are still being used by the Bitcoin ( community on an individual scale, there are big companies who have set up massive data centers with thousands of such high-end ASIC ( miners. Individuals can invest in these projects and buy processing power. Depending upon the amount of processing power they have registered for, a share of the mining profits equivalent to their share of mining power is shared with the investors.
We can't expect the Bitcoin ( network to stick to this state for long, as there is a high possibility that a newer, much faster mining hardware will soon replace today's ASIC ( in no time.
While this article covers the bASIC ( of Bitcoin ( and Bitcoin mining (, those interested in knowing more about it can do so by scouring the internet, while others who know about the digital currency and would like to share their inputs and views can contribute to the Bitcoin ( resources either by writing about it themselves or through services like Write My Essays to save time.
A Short History of the World's Largest Bitcoin mining ( Pools.
Mining pools grow and shrink, and rise and fall altogether. Today there are more extinct mining pools than there are active ones. The hashpower of the survivors secures hundreds of PoW crypto networks, from major coins such as BTC and BCH to obscure altcoins such as monero classic and "zelcash." The following guide provides an insight into the origins of the world's largest mining pools including their founders, geography, and ideology.
Mining Pools Near Their Nine-Year Anniversary.
Mining pools have been in operation since late 2010, when they emerged as a means for solo miners to share their computing resources and increase their chances of discovering blocks. While a lot has changed in Bitcoin mining ( since then, including the introduction of dedicated ASIC ( mining rigs and the rise of huge mining farms, the bASIC ( premise of pools remains the same. Save for a handful of privately operated exceptions, pools are open to anyone to join.
BTC mining pool hashrate distribution for the last four days.
In addition to the dominant SHA-256 mined coins such as BTC and BCH, there are dozens of altcoins that can be mined using algorithms such as the popular equihash. Mining pool, by way of example, records the hashrate and profitability for scores of equihash coins, its layout showing the sort of metrics that cryptocurrency miners have become accustomed to crunching in their quest to determine the most profitable coins. As mining pools near their nine-year anniversary, an examination of the nine largest BTC pools - most of which also mine coins such as BCH and ETH - captures the state of pooled mining today.
Founded : 2015.
Owner : Bitmain.
BTC hashrate (four-day average): 17.7%
Coins mined : BTC, BCH, ETH.
History : Originally created by Blocktrail to serve as a web wallet, still provides mobile and desktop wallets as well as a block explorer and Bitcoin ( API. It's best known for its mining pool though, which has been in the hands of Bitmain since being acquired by the mining manufacturer in July 2016.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 05:39 am
Trivia : In June 2017, appealed for the sender of a transaction with an 80 BTC fee attached to come forward, with the pool offering to return the accidental fee.
Founded : April 2013.
Founders : Discusfish and Wang Chun.
BTC hashrate : 13.8%
History : F2pool is China's oldest Bitcoin mining ( pool, and the second largest BTC pool in the world today after It also operates the third largest ethereum mining operation. As the Bitcoin ( Wiki explains, the F2pool was once known as Discus Fish on account of its coinbase signature of 七彩神仙鱼 (Discus Fish), the nickname of one of the operators. Today, F2pool captures 12.38 EH/s on the BTC network, 50.36 TH/s on LTC and 21.42 TH/s on ETH. The pool also provides Android and iOS apps and a range of tools including mining revenue comparisons.
Decoded coinbase field for a block mined by F2pool.
Trivia : In 2014, F2pool controlled 25% of the BTC network and 31% of the LTC, leading to fears that it could launch a 51% attack.
Founded : 2017.
BTC hashrate : 13.3%
Coins mined : BTC, BCH, BSV, ZEC, LTC, DCR, DASH, XMR.
History : Started by the founders of, is another Chinese pool that's overseen by a company called Blockin. One of the more innovative mining pools, Poolin has developed tools such as an auto-switch feature that alternates between BCH and BTC depending on which network is more profitable. It also operates a rather bASIC ( Lightning Network shop, mining profit calculator, and scores of other mining apps and tools.
Trivia : In June 2019, it was revealed that Bitmain was suing three former employees for violating a non-compete agreement by launching Poolin.
Founded : 2014.
Founders : Jihan Wu and Micree Zhan.
BTC hashrate : 10.2%
Coins mined : BTC, BCH, LTC, ETH, ETC, ZEC, DASH, SCC, XMC, BTM.
History : Another Bitmain-owned operation, Antpool is Jihan Wu's original mining pool. It provides an array of advanced tools for experienced miners, particularly those who are mining at scale. Sub-account mining to a depth of three levels and anonymous mining are all supported, along with same-day payouts.
Trivia : Despite being accused of contributing to mining centralization, Bitmain launched Antpool in 2014 with a "commitment to help decentralize the bitcoin network ... and put the majority of hashing power into the hands of consumers."
Founded : 2016.
Founder : Yang Haipo.
BTC hashrate : 7.8%
Coins mined : BTC, BCH, BSV, LTC, ETH, ZEC, DASH, XMR, DCR.
History: Like most mining pools, Viabtc provides a block explorer and wallet. Yet another Chinese pool, Viabtc has since expanded to offer staking services, enabling holders to earn a passive return on their PoS coins.
Trivia : Viabtc is famed as a major supporter of bigger blocks and in 2016 mined the first Bitcoin ( Unlimited block. It also proposed the name for Bitcoin ( Cash.
Founded : 2010.
BTC hashrate : 6.7%
Coins mined : BTC, ZEC.
History: As the world's first mining pool, Slush can trace its history all the way back to November 2010, when it was first proposed under the name Bitcoin ( Pooled Mining Server. Slush, which began as a one-man operation, has gone on to mine over 1 million BTC.
Trivia : In March 2018, Slush Pool mined the first BTC block using ASIC ( technology.
Founder : Jiang Zhuoer.
BTC hashrate : 5.6%
Coins mined : BTC, BCH.
History : One of the more inscrutable Chinese pools, operates as a private mining pool, and as such is off-limits to ordinary miners. While other Chinese pools attempt to translate their services into English, doesn't see the need, making the pool something of an enigma to westerners.
Trivia : In July, CEO Jiang Zhuoer debated Craig Wright, calling BSV's path "extreme" and the concept of locking the protocol back to the original 0.1 version "ridiculous."
Founded : 2011.
Founder : Valery Vavilov.
Coins mined : BTC.
History : Bitfury is an industrial mining company that created some of the earliest ASIC (, and by 2014 was mining in a pool simply known as By early June 2014, this pool, about half of whose hashpower came from Bitfury ASIC (, controlled more than 51% of the BTC network, prompting the company to remove some of its power from the pool.
Trivia: Bitfury is a widely mistrusted company that has willingly collaborated with law enforcement to deanonymize bitcoin transactions and erode privacy.
Bitcoin (
BTC hashrate : 0.6%
History : Bitcoin ('s mining pool has been operational for three years, having launched on Sept. 21, 2016, with a mandate to push for bigger blocks. From day one, the Bitcoin ( pool could process blocks of up to 16MB, but would only mine 1MB at the time as that was all BTC's consensus rules would accept. Today. Bitcoin ( offers hardware and cloud mining, with the latter manifesting as contracts ranging from six months to two years. Bitcoin ( provides its own mobile monitoring software, while the Bitcoin ( Wallet is a major product in its own right with over 4.7 million installs.
Trivia : Bitcoin ( mined the first BCH ABC block on Nov. 15, 2018 following the split with SV.
What are your thoughts on the various mining pools highlighted here? Let us know in the comments section below.
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Do you want to maximize your Bitcoin mining ( potential? Plug your own hardware into the world's most profitable Bitcoin mining ( pool or get started without having to own hardware through one of our competitive Bitcoin ( cloud mining contracts.
A brief history of Bitcoin mining ( hardware.
Story by.
Tristan Greene.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 05:40 am

Powerblock - Mining ( chain connectors|1:12
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 05:40 am
Bitcoin ( BTC mining was once nothing more than a lucrative hobby for nerdy cryptocurrency enthusiasts. The only hardware required, in the beginning, was a simple computer. Things have changed a lot in less than 10 years.
In 2009 the first bitcoin miners used standard multi-core CPUs to produce BTC at a rate of 50 per block. If you had a couple computers lying around with decent specs you could have earned about five dollars a day. The difficulty of mining (amount of computing power necessary) was so low then it was worth it for hobbyists and crypto nerds to participate.
Today, mining 50 BTC would reward you in excess of $434,000 per block. A little over a month ago, when it was trading at nearly $20K, that same nerdy "hobby" would have netted you nearly a million dollars a pop.
But, if you are going to hop in your time machine don't go back to ancient 2009. It was a strange time where people used GPUs to play video games, instead of playing them with cardboard like we do in the present. So, we'd suggest dialing your Delorean's date display to 2010 - and bring pizza.
Arguably, bitcoin's first valuation didn't come from a giant company, it came from a hungry dude named Lazlo Hanyecz who, in May 2010, posted the following to Bitcointalk's forums under the subject "Pizza for bitcoins?":
I'll pay 10,000 bitcoins for a couple of pizzas.. like maybe 2 large ones so I have some left over for the next day. I like having left over pizza to nibble on later. You can make the pizza yourself and bring it to my house or order it for me from a delivery place ...
Eventually someone took him up on the offer and Hanyecz ended up eating a meal that, only eight years later, would be worth $8.6 million.
More importantly, in October 2010 the code for mining bitcoin with GPUs was released to the general public. As mining difficulty rose so did the need for better, more dedicated hardware. GPUs were up to the task.
Single GPU Bitcoin mining ( The only way to earn an 8.6 million dollar pizza.
Mining bitcoin on a single GPU took very little technical skill. Nearly anyone with a few hundred bucks could could do it, and computational requirements were still low enough to make it worthwhile. That would quickly change however, as cryptocurrency began to catch on the community started to get some big ideas on mining hardware.
According to a research article by Professor Michael Taylor of the University of Washington:
Efforts to scale hash rates through GPUs pushed the limits of consumer computing in novel ways. A crowdsourced standard evolved wherein five GPUs were suspended over an inexpensive AMD motherboard with minimum DRAM, connected via five PCI Express extender cables to reduce motherboard costs, and using a large high-efficiency power supply to drive all GPUs.
Finally, there was a way for the little people to make money using the magic of cryptography and blockchain. It was time for everyone to quit their jobs, plug in a bunch of fairly-affordable mining rigs, and drink pina coladas on the beach.
Except mining difficulty continued to rise, and with it, the power requirements would soon become too steep for your average hobbyist to make any money. By June 2011 field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) were becoming all the rage.
This is what people who disarm bombs see in their nightmares.
Mining began to scale once FPGAs were modified for the purpose. The biggest draw to this hardware was the fact that it used three times less power than simple GPU setups to effectively accomplish the same task. In cryptocurrency, for a brief moment, FPGAs were the best thing that'd happened since sliced bread.
Yet, if you were an independent miner in 2011 who enjoyed your GPU setup, the writing was on the wall. FPGAs soon gave way to application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC ( systems, and Bitcoin ( went from hobby to industry.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 05:40 am
You're going to need a lot of these to make money mining BTC.
Where FPGA requires tweaking after purchase (the field-programmable part of FPGA), an ASIC ( is created for a specific use, in this case mining cryptocurrency. This is why ASIC ( miners remain the standard.
The future of Bitcoin ( is impossible to predict, and there's plenty of altcoins you can mine without having to invest in millions of dollars worth of warehouse space, hardware, and electricity.
But, for those who can afford it, the lure of Bitcoin mining ( continues to prove lucrative - at least for hardware manufacturers.
The Remarkable Story: Bitcoin mining ( is Advancing the Semiconductor Industry.
July 4, 2020 5:11 pm 0.
Bitcoin mining ( might seem like a pointless exercise in solving zeros and ones, but it is the first industry to develop 7nm chips, beating governments and giant corporations in the process.
To tell their story, what follows is an astonishing Chinese article that has been very roughly translated from Chinese with little modification.
It tells the story of the Bitcoin mining ( industry in China like never written before, and though it is a bit difficult to follow in places, we find it fit to print in full and with the Chinese accent:
At 850 AD, a mission led by Buddhist monk Wu Zhen set off from Dunhuang and took two years to finally reach the capital of the Tang Empire, Chang'an. In the Zichen Hall of Daming Palace, Wu Zhen brought a great news to Tang Xuanzong Li Chen who was far away thousands of miles away-Shazhou Guangfu. Since the beginning of the Anshi Rebellion, Tang Ting's border defense was empty, and the Tibetans took the opportunity to occupy the land of Hexi. When the Zhang Yichao uprising in 848 recaptured Shazhou (now Dunhuang), the Tang dynasty lost this land for nearly a hundred years.
The Tang dynasty, who had fallen from its peak, was unable to send troops to support Zhang Yichao's Guiyi Army. However, under the leadership of Zhang Yichao, Gui Yijun has regained more than ten states, including Gua, Yi, Liang, etc., with more than 4,000 miles of land, and a family of one million households. All the Tibetan forces were expelled from the Hexi Corridor Tang Weiyi. To commemorate Zhang Yichao's historical achievements in recovering Hexi, the local people dug a large cave (now 156 caves) at Mogao Grottoes and drew the famous "Plan of Zhang Yichao's Army Travel".
However, for such a hero with great achievements, he was forgotten in the official history because he was far away from the Central Plains. Regardless of the old and new Tang books, or the history of the old and new five generations, there are only a few records of Zhang Yichao. The detailed historical materials about Zhang Yichao and Gui Yijun today are more from Dunhuang's suicide note and inscriptions, which makes people sigh.
Time returns to modern times. In the context of global trade disputes, semiconductors have become the focus of attention of the people. Whether it is a national fund of hundreds of billions in size or more than 20,000 chip startups added in the past six months, it shows that The chip industry has become the sweet and sour in people's eyes.
However, just as people only remembered the hundreds of rivers and rivers, the prosperous Tang Dynasty of Wuhua Tianbao, but forgotten the mountains and rivers, and returned to the Yijun Army for thousands of miles. In the current domestic hot chip industry, there is also a forgotten lone army. This lone army is a mining machine chip manufacturer represented by Bitmain and Jianan Yunzhi, which has created a record of mass production of the world's first 7nm chip. Monopoly With nearly 90% of the global mining machine chip market share, as the top ten customers of TSMC, the order volume once exceeded that of Huawei HiSilicon; but it is also this lone army that has long been excluded from the ranking list of the domestic chip industry. Besides, it is not known to everyone, and there is no policy assistance.
Perhaps many people will sneer at mining machine chips that involve cryptocurrencies, but compared to the semiconductor industry that has spent a lot of money to support but still weak in the past thirty years, domestic mining machine chip manufacturers have defeated foreign countries in less than ten years. Many manufacturers have monopolized the global market share. What else is there to ridicule this lonely army?
The success of China's mining machine chips is by no means low in the development of mining machine chips among some populations, otherwise why have foreign mining machine manufacturers been eliminated? This is no accident, because in addition to Bitmain and Jianan Zhizhi, there are many Chinese manufacturers such as Bitwei and Wuhan Xindong. In the field of mining machine chips, we can not only see legendary stories like Bill Gates dropped out and founded Microsoft, but also the wave of the era of the past decade.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 05:41 am

Mining ( Supply Chain Challenges and Technological Change|32:11
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 05:44 am
1. The Ideal Age.
In November 2008, more than a month after the outbreak of the global financial crisis, Satoshi Nakamoto published a famous paper in the MIT mail discussion group -- "Bitcoin ( A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System"; then In January 2009, the genesis block of Bitcoin ( was dug on a small server in Finland, declaring the official birth of Bitcoin (
Time came in 2011, and Zhang Nan Geng, who was still in school at Beihang University, first came into contact with Bitcoin ( At that time, bitcoin was still the era of GPU mining ( -- in the bitcoin world, the miners with higher computing power, the more bitcoin they mine. To this end, Zhang Nan Geng, who has a professional background in circuit design, designed the world's first FPGA mining machine. Subsequently, Zhang Nan Geng used the ID of "ngzhang" to promote his FPGA mining machine in the Bitcoin ( forum bitcointalk, and began to become famous in the industry.
However, FPGA mining machines are gradually unable to meet market demand, and people have begun to turn their attention to the field of application specific integrated circuits (ASIC ( For this reason, in June 2012, the Butterfly Lab in the United States fired the first shot of the development of the Bitcoin ( ASIC ( mining machine. If the Butterfly Lab's ASIC ( mining machine was successfully developed, most of the computing power of the Bitcoin ( network will be controlled by them. With the ability to launch a 51% attack, Bitcoin ( will no longer be safe.
In order to break the monopoly of Butterfly Lab, Zhang Nan Geng, who claimed to be "in order to defend the peace of the Bitcoin ( world", also began to develop mining machines. However, at this time, Zhang Nan Geng was studying for a doctorate, and he was unable to focus on the research and development of ASIC ( mining machines with heavy academic tasks. To this end, Zhang Nan Geng made a bold decision -- directly drop out of school and start a business.
At that time, the news of Butterfly Lab's research and development of ASIC ( mining machine also reached another talented young man in China-Jiang Xinyu. Known as the "roasted cat", Jiang Xinyu was admitted to the Junior Class of the Chinese University of Science and Technology with the 11th place in the country, and then went to Yale University for further study in 2011. At Yale University, Jiang Xinyu first encountered Bitcoin ( and quickly became interested in it. He also suspended school from Yale and registered his own company Bitfountain in Shenzhen in July 2012, focusing on the research and development of Bitcoin ( ASIC ( mining machine.
In the first half of 2013, Jiang Xinyu and Zhang Nangeng's mining machines were successfully developed, and the first batch of mining machines was delivered. But at this time Butterfly Lab is still wandering around, the chip design problem can not be solved, and the delivery date is far away. In September 2013, Avalon mining machine chips achieved mass production and large-scale shipments, and soon 800,000 chips were put on the market; Jiang Xinyu's roast cat mining machine also occupied 20% of the computing power of Bitcoin ('s entire network at this time. , Becoming the biggest winner in the field of mining machine chips. At this point, the era of ASIC ( mining has officially arrived, and domestic mining machine chip companies have taken the lead in this field.
Over the years, looking back on this past, many people will find it incredible-chips have always been a weak industry in my country. But why are Chinese mining machine chip manufacturers so successful in the early days? In addition to the "harmony" factors of Zhang Nangeng's "breaking the cauldron" and Jiang Xinyu's "brilliance", there are more two reasons: the particularity of the mining chip market and the demographic dividend of Chinese engineers.
(1) Particularity of the mining machine chip market.
In the field of chip design, there has always been a misunderstanding in the market: the bottleneck of domestic chip design lies in backward technology, and taking the Huawei incident as an example, it is pointed out that my country is currently constrained by people in terms of EDA software and underlying architecture. However, before 2018, my country's chip design companies were not greatly affected by the use of EDA software and the authorization of the underlying architecture, but the number of chip design companies that have grown up is still small.
In fact, the development bottleneck in my country's chip design field is not only in the field of technical barriers, but more importantly is the lack of market support. The embarrassment of most chip design companies in my country is that the designed chips are not used by customers, and the problems of the chips must be continuously applied in practice to be discovered and solved.
Take Huawei HiSilicon as an example. In 2012, Huawei mobile phones began to carry chips designed by HiSilicon. However, the performance of HiSilicon's K3V2 chip was extremely poor at the time, which caused the Ascend D series of mobile phones launched by Huawei to be criticized by consumers as soon as they were released: severe fever and slow loading. Even so, Huawei still chooses to insist on using HiSilicon chips and continuously optimizes them. By 2018, HiSilicon's Kirin 980 chip performance has reached the world's top. Without Huawei mobile phones' unconditional support for our company's chips, there would be no Huawei HiSilicon today.
Compared with Huawei HiSilicon's accumulated product development, mining machine chip manufacturers are more fortunate, which mainly depends on the particularity of the mining machine chip market: first, most of the mining machine equipment at that time were GPUs, and the ASIC ( field was still a blank market. New products and new products that belong to the market; and large companies such as Nvidia and Qualcomm do not bother to enter the field, which allows new entrants to avoid competition with industry giants and have the opportunity to grow bigger and stronger.
Secondly, mining machine chips have strong financial attributes. Ordinary chips are mainly used for various production and living activities, while mining machine chips can generate cash flow income through mining. In terms of computing power, ASIC ( is hundreds of times higher than the GPU of the same generation. Higher computing power means higher mining income: at that time, an Avalon mining machine priced at 8,000 yuan was able to earn nearly 70,000 yuan in income every day through mining.
As far as ordinary chips are concerned, users are more concerned about the performance of the chip; but for the early mining machine chips, as long as the user can buy a mining machine, it means considerable profit, and the performance of the mining machine chip itself At that time, it seemed less important. Therefore, as soon as the ASIC ( mining machine is launched, it is immediately welcomed by the market, and the mining machine manufacturers can continue to optimize the mining machine chips while selling the mining machine, thereby forming a positive cycle.
(2) Demographic dividend of Chinese engineers.
A large part of the success of Chinese mining machine chip manufacturers is due to the demographic dividend of Chinese engineers. The ASIC ( mining machine chip is essentially the hardware implementation of the SHA265 algorithm, and the design is not difficult. Especially in the early stage of 0-1, it does not require the participation of top talents in the field of integrated circuits. In the past two decades, colleges and universities in my country have cultivated a large number of talents with a background in science and engineering, forming a demographic dividend for the group of engineers. According to official statistics, the number of graduates of science and technology in my country has risen from 20,000 per year in 2000 to 200,000 per year in 2018, with a compound annual growth rate of nearly 25%.
The large group of engineers in the past decade may not be the top in the industry, but it has obvious advantages in labor cost and efficiency. This was fully reflected in the early competition with the American Butterfly Laboratory. At the beginning of the ASIC ( mining machine proposal, the domestic Avalon mining machine used 110 nm process technology, the roast cat mining machine used 130 nm process technology, and the butterfly laboratory in the United States used 65 nm process technology from the beginning. As recalled by those who experienced it at that time: Compared with the domestic developers who are suffering from high fever, they develop the mining machines around the clock; the developers in the United States are all people who love life and will not focus their energy on the development of mining machines. Butterflies has been open for booking since June 2012, but there has been no delivery until a year later, and domestic mining machine manufacturers have begun mass shipments at this time.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 05:44 am
2. The Industrial Age.
In 2013, the mining machine chip market belonged to the "Gemini" era of Zhang Nan Geng and Jiang Xinyu. Domestic mining machine chip manufacturers relied on the engineer dividend to get the lead on the starting line, but this advantage is not solid because of the design of the mining machine chip at the initial stage. The difficulty is not great, and the entry barrier is very low. Due to the high profits of the early mining machine market, many new mining machine manufacturers have emerged in the country, and a lot of foreign manufacturers such as , Sweden and Japan are watching. In the fierce market competition, how did domestic manufacturers win the final victory? This has to talk about a famous company-Bitmain.
Compared with the prestigious Bitmain, the experience of its founder Wu Jihan is also legendary. Wu Jihan, a graduate of Peking University in economics, worked in the financial industry in his early years. Since 2011, he has paid attention to Bitcoin ( and has done a lot of work for it: becoming the moderator of the Bitcointalk Chinese community, the first time he will be Satoshi Nakamoto's Bitcoin ( paper Translated into Chinese, and the science fiction writer Chang Keng established the first bitcoin information exchange platform in China-Babbitt. In April 2013, Wu Jihan, who saw the right timing, resigned from the financial industry and established Bitmain with the Jenke group with a background in IC design.
Under the leadership of the Zhanke regiment, Bitmain quickly developed a 55 nm mining machine chip, and launched the Ant S1 mining machine in November 2013. With its excellent performance, Bitmain quickly occupied a part of the market share. However, the good times are not long. In December 2013, the cryptocurrency market began to enter a cold winter. The price of Bitcoin ( fell from the peak of $1,100 to the lowest point of $200.
In the long winter of 2014, the mining machine market was also greatly affected, and a large number of mining machine manufacturers closed down. The "genius boy" Jiang Xinyu also did not survive this winter -- Jiang Xinyu launched the third generation chip BE300 in early 2014, but there were serious quality problems, which led to the slow sale of the chip, and Jiang Xinyu, which suffered serious losses, then disappeared from people's vision. .
Unexpectedly, Bitmain began to rise in the cold winter: Ant S2 mining machine began to sell in April 2014; Ant S3 mining machine was launched in July; Ant S5 mining machine was mass-produced in December; in November of the second year The successful development of the Ant S7 mining machine...Under the fierce offensive of Bitmain, when the market gradually recovered in the second half of 2015, people were surprised to find that almost only the Antminer of Bitmain remained in the mining machine market. In 2015, Bitmain's annual net profit reached 334 million yuan, making it a well-deserved industry giant.
Why can Bitmain achieve such great success? Many people think that the design of mining machine chips is low, which was true at the beginning, but as the mining machine market gradually matures, chip design has begun to show a trend of specialization and industrialization. The special feature of the mining machine chip is that it is mainly used for parallel computing, so the computing power is not so important. The key is the power consumption of the chip-for the two mining machines with the same computing power, who consumes less power, then Whose electricity cost is lower, and thus has an advantage in the market.
To this end, after a series of explorations, the developers of Bitmain have discovered a standard unit suitable for a large number of tubes with dynamic logic area. The special feature of this standard unit is that its trigger is dynamic. Compared with the static logic flip-flop, the advantage of the dynamic logic flip-flop is that its area and power consumption are half of the former.
Similarly, during this period, Yang Zuoxing, a Ph.D. graduate of Tsinghua University, began to join Bitmain as a part-time job, and brought a fully customized methodology. As we all know, current chip design relies on EDA (Electronic Design Automation) tools, and fully customized methodologies break this model. The fully customized methodology adopts customized and artificial design in the three design links of RTL designed fab cell library, logic synthesis and layout, and every detail design strives to be meticulously carved. Despite this inefficiency, all aspects of the chip have been custom designed, resulting in a significant increase in the power consumption × area optimization ratio of the chip.
Under the dynamic logic scheme and fully customized methodology, Bitmain completed the research and development of the Ant Miner S7 series (28 nm) and S9 series (16 nm) in 2015. The performance of these two models is far superior to other manufacturers, and the cost of their products is only half of that of their competitors.
The chip design industry is characterized by its special market structure. For the general industry, low-end products occupy most of the market share, but high-end products have a lower market share. What is special about the chip market is that there is often a "winner takes all" situation.
With the successful sales of ants S7 and S9, Bitmain has become a giant in the mining machine chip market, occupying more than 80% of the market. Under the strong technical advantage of Bitmain, foreign mining machine chip manufacturers have been out of business: in 2014 and 2015, high-profile KNC, bitfury, Spondoolies-Tech, 21 Inc. all soon declared bankruptcy or withdrew from the mining machine chip market. With the turnover of Bitmain's employees, dynamic triggers and fully customized methodologies have gradually spread to other domestic chip manufacturers, but related technologies are still retained in China. In 2017, the Japanese GMO company wanted to enter the mining machine chip market, but its outdated technical design simply could not compete with domestic manufacturers, and soon withdrew from the market due to losses.
At this point, the mining machine chip market has become the world of Chinese manufacturers. Data show that in 2017, China's three major mining machine manufacturers, Bitmain, Jianan Yunzhi and Yibang International, monopolized nearly 90% of the global market share, and the rest were also used by other Chinese companies such as Wuhan Xindong, Bitwei, etc. Manufacturers share.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 05:44 am
3. The Age of Capital.
In 2017, Bitcoin ( ushered in a bull market, with a year-on-year increase of up to 1700%. The huge investment income has attracted the attention of the world. For a time, bitcoin and blockchain became the hottest topics in the market. Many blockchain companies were born like mushrooms. The A-share market saw the rise of "blockchain concept stocks." The venture capital circle also began to rise. "All in Blockchain", as the most profitable mining machine manufacturer in the industry has also become a hot company.
In December 2017, when the market was the craziest, Bitmain's sales were treated like stars, and customers gave gifts to the sales and invited guests to dinner, just to get orders for ant mining machines. The order has been placed in the spring of the second year. According to Frost & Sullivan's data, in 2016, the market size of ASIC ( mining machines was only 700 million U.S. dollars, and by 2017 its market size reached 3 billion U.S. dollars; of the mining machine delivery volume that year, Bitmain 940,000 mining machines were sold, Jianan Yunzhi 290,000 units, Yibang International 50,000 units, occupying 88% of the global market share. Under this circumstance, mining machine companies have begun brewing for listing.
On September 26, 2018, Bitmain officially submitted the prospectus to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, plus Jianan Yunzhi and Yibang International respectively went to Hong Kong to submit listing applications in 2018, and for a while, the mining machine chip company occupied the capital Market headlines, and the outside world can finally glimpse the business revenue of these mysterious mining machine manufacturers. Of course, the results are unexpected and its operating performance is better than most A-share listed companies in the same industry.
In terms of operating income, Bitmain's revenue reached 16.452 billion yuan in 2017, and the highest operating income of A-share semiconductor companies listed in the same period was 26.158 billion yuan from Trina Solar. Therefore, from the perspective of revenue ranking, Bitmain will rank fourth among all A-share semiconductor listed companies, which is lower than the second place of Changdian Technology's 23.85 billion yuan and the third place of Ninestar's 21.3 billion yuan, but higher than Longji shares of 16.36 billion yuan.
From the perspective of net profit, Jianan Yunzhi and Bitmain have maintained a net profit growth rate of more than double for three consecutive years. In 2017, Bitmain's net profit reached 4.583 billion yuan, Jianan Yunzhi's 361 million yuan, and Yibang International's 385 million yuan. If ranked together with listed companies in terms of net profit, in 2017, Bitmain's net profit can be proud of the entire semiconductor industry -- the highest net profit among A-share semiconductor listed companies in 2017 is Longji, but its net profit is only 3.549 billion. Yuan, a net profit of nearly 1 billion yuan less than that of Bitmain.
However, because the blockchain business is too advanced, the HKEx has doubts about the continued operating capabilities of the mining machine manufacturers, and finally rejected the listing applications of the three major mining machine manufacturers. The blockchain company's first attempt to go public went out of business. Then the three major mining machine giants turned their attention to the U.S. securities market: On November 21, 2019, Jianan Yunzhi successfully landed on NASDAQ in the United States and became the world's first blockchain-listed company; in June 2020, Yibang International successful listing in the United States; according to related reports, Bitmain is also preparing to go public in the United States.
(Hangzhou City's light show to celebrate the listing of Jianan Yunzhi as the "first block in the global blockchain")
The ups and downs of the mining machine manufacturers have not reached the end with the listing in the United States. In the near future, they will continue to express their own glory. Perhaps many people will disdain this, thinking that the miner chips are worthless except for the mining of encrypted digital currencies. This kind of erroneous view that is quite popular in the current market, but many people do not realize that the value and significance of the mining machine chip to the semiconductor industry is no less than that of the national integrated circuit fund with hundreds of billions of scale, at least reflected in the following three aspects:
(1) Cultivation of talents in the semiconductor industry.
The problem with my country's chip industry is that the industry itself is a talent-intensive industry, but it is far from attractive to talent. According to the survey of "White Paper on Talents of China's Integrated Circuit Industry (2018-2019)", there were 8.2 million college graduates in China in 2018, and the total number of graduates in integrated circuit-related majors was about 199,000, but only 38,000 integrated circuit-related majors Of graduates enter the industry, that is, only about 19% of graduates enter the semiconductor industry.
The main reason is that the salary level of the chip industry is not high. According to statistics, among the listed companies in China in 2019, the average salary of executives in the financial industry was 22.8 million yuan, the real estate industry was 14.78 million yuan, and the semiconductor industry was only 9.541 million yuan. Without a competitive salary in the market, it is impossible to attract talents, so there is a large talent gap. According to the "White Paper", there is still a gap of 261,000 people in China by 2021.
In comparison, the average salary of the blockchain industry where the mining machine manufacturers are located is very high. According to the relevant data of, the average annual salary of technical posts in the blockchain industry in 2019 is 384,000 yuan, which is higher than the 201,000 yuan in the Internet industry. Compared with before 2018, the treatment of the semiconductor industry is much lower than that of the Internet industry, resulting in the majority of integrated circuit graduates flowing into the latter, and the rise of the field of mining machine chips has attracted a large number of excellent talents to devote themselves to the design of mining machine chips. The field includes Yang Zuoxing, the founder of the current bit micro company we introduced earlier.
There is no doubt that the mining machine chip manufacturers, especially in the "national learning core" in 2018, before the upsurge of chip localization, their generous salary treatment has retained a large number of chip design talents for my country's semiconductor industry. Even more commendable is that, compared to university researchers who have never been in contact with the "striping" link, mining machine chip manufacturers provide an excellent platform for China's chip practitioners, whether it is the world's leading 7nm process or the most advanced. The advanced 5nm process can be involved in the design and testing at the first time, and a lot of knowledge and experience have been accumulated in the "dry middle school".
(2) Technology accumulation in frontier fields.
A big misunderstanding of many people's mining machine chips is that their accumulated technology is not useful in other fields. This view may have been correct in the past, but at the time when artificial intelligence is rising and Moore's Law is becoming invalid, these technologies have shown great value and use.
The first is in the field of artificial intelligence. Due to the increasing demand for edge computing, AI has begun to move from "cloud" to "terminal". In all kinds of platforms, the CPU is good at control, and its design determines that in order to reduce the waste of computing power during data transmission at work, it needs to accumulate a certain amount of data before calculating, which cannot meet the strong real-time nature of AI needs; GPUs only use part of the computing resources while burdening high power consumption. Whether it is in the cloud or terminal, it is not an option with a good energy consumption ratio. Therefore, in high-performance, low-power terminals, ASIC ( chips are becoming increasingly popular. In addition to being unable to expand, ASIC ( chips have advantages in power consumption, reliability, and volume.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 05:45 am
CHAIN LINK $LINK (Staking and Mining (|13:01
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 05:47 am
For this reason, market analysis generally believes that with the development of edge computing, ASIC ( will become the core of future AI chips. The Ovum survey report pointed out that in 2016, the cloud (including enterprises, data centers, etc.) is the main revenue field of deep learning chips, accounting for 80%, but by 2025, this proportion will change, and the edge will reach 80% %, and the proportion of the cloud is reduced to 20%, ASIC ('s market share is expected to rise significantly as the demand for edge computing increases. It is expected that the market share of ASIC ( will increase significantly from the current 11% to 48% by 2025.
At present, mainstream ASIC ( on the market include TPU chips, NPU chips, VPU chips and BPU chips. Due to the long development cycle of ASIC (, only large manufacturers have the funds and strength to conduct research and development, and Bitmain is the leader among them, and has accumulated a lot of technology and experience in the research and development of mining machine chips. In addition, Jianan Yunzhi, Yibang International and other manufacturers also have plans for the AI ​​field.
Another application of mining machine chip accumulation technology is in the field of "Moore's Law". In the 1970s, Intel founder Gordon Moore proposed that "when the price is unchanged, the number of transistors that can be accommodated on an integrated circuit will double every 18-24 months." At the same time, computer performance will usually double. However, since 2011, Moore's Law has been difficult to continue. To this end, many semiconductor companies and professional institutions, including Intel, have pinned their hopes on "architectural innovation" to achieve "surpassing Moore".
"Full customization methodology" in the field of mining machine chips is a brand new "architectural innovation" direction: Ant S7, Ant S9, Shenma M3, Shenma M10 designed by Yang Zuoxing using a fully customized methodology, each generation of mining machine Compared with the mining machine chips designed by the traditional method with the same process technology, the launch of the power consumption has been improved by more than 4 times in terms of power consumption × cost optimization ratio. This is far beyond the improvement brought by simply relying on advanced process technology. Therefore, as Yang Zuoxing said frankly, the fully developed methodology has brought about innovations in chip design, and it is expected to continue to advance Moore's Law for 5-10 years.
(3) Promotion of domestic semiconductor industry.
In April 2020, Changdian Technology, an A-share listed company, announced that Wuhan Xindong Technology Co., Ltd. filed a lawsuit with the Wuxi Intermediate People's Court due to unsatisfactory packaging quality, and claimed 175 million yuan from Changdian Technology. It is worth noting that according to the financial report, the annual net profit of Changdian Technology in 2019 is only 89 million yuan.
Many people said it was incredible when they saw this news. This unknown Wuhan Xindong Company can actually claim the net profit of Changdian Technology for nearly a year. In fact, Wuhan Xindong is also a mining machine chip manufacturer in China, but it is smaller and more low-key than the market giants such as Bitmain and Jianan Yunzhi.
Of course, many people have also realized that the status of miner chips in our semiconductor industry chain has been underestimated through this matter. It is the downstream wafer manufacturers and testing and packaging plants that have played an important role, especially in advanced In the field of process technology, its role is more important.
Since 2017, Bitmain and Huawei HiSilicon have become TSMC's two largest customers in mainland China. In October 2017, TSMC announced business revenue for the third quarter. Shockingly, demand from mining machine chips increased TSMC's third quarter revenue by US$350 million to US$400 million. Even because the mining machine chip had a squeezing effect on Huawei HiSilicon's Kirin chip production capacity. According to reports from Jiwei, Bitmain's orders for TSMC's 10nm process in December 2017 exceeded Huawei's HiSilicon Kirin chip.
Such phenomena can also be found in financial data. According to the prospectus and financial reports of the three major mining machine companies, from 2015 to 2019, the sales costs of Bitmain [footnoteRef:1], Jianan Yunzhi and Yibang International reached 8.324 billion yuan, 1.939 billion yuan and 949 million yuan. Among the various costs of mining machines, wafer manufacturing costs are about 75%, and packaging and testing costs are about 15%. From this, we can calculate that the three major mining machine manufacturers spend on wafer manufacturing and packaging in each year The cost, as shown in the figure below, in the wafer manufacturing field, the cost of the three major mining machine manufacturers increased from 392 million yuan in 2015 to 8.409 billion yuan in 2019; the cost of testing and sealing increased from 78.48 million yuan in 2015 to 2019 1.681 billion yuan a year, the compound annual growth rate has more than doubled.
Take Changdian Technology, which provides sealing services for the three major mining machine manufacturers as an example. Changdian Technology is the largest domestic and the world's third largest sealing manufacturer. According to the financial report, the operating income of Changdian Technology in 2019 was 23.526 billion yuan, and the net profit just turned into a profit, reaching 97 million yuan. Even so, most of Changdian's profits actually come from government subsidies. In 2019, Changdian Technology disclosed a government grant of 103.587 million yuan. Similarly, in the three years from 2016 to 2018, Changdian Technology's net profit was 106 million yuan, 343 million yuan, and -939 million yuan, corresponding to The government subsidies included in the current profit and loss amounted to 207 million yuan, 351 million yuan, and 155 million yuan. This also means that Changdian Technology, the world's third-largest sealing manufacturer, largely relies on government subsidies to survive.
Obviously, for the mining machine chip, which has reached a billion level and is still growing rapidly, it is very important for domestic sealing and sealing manufacturers.
Similarly, in the field of wafer manufacturing, due to the large-scale, high-performance and low-power calculations required for mining machine chips, the demand for advanced manufacturing processes is very large. Since the mining machine chips are more concerned about performance and the need to seize the market, the price of wafers is not very concerned, so wafer foundries such as TSMC are happy to increase orders for mining machine manufacturers, even to allow mining Machine manufacturers participate in the testing of the latest process technology of 7nm and 5nm.
Taking Jianan Yunzhi as an example, according to the latest news, the current domestic wafer manufacturing giant SMIC has begun to negotiate with Jianan Yunzhi on cooperation on 14nm mining machines. So how big is Jianan Yunzhi's demand for 14nm process chips? According to the annual sales records of various types of mining machines and the number of chips inside the mining machine disclosed by Jianan Yunzhi, Ouke Cloud Chain Research Institute calculated its annual demand for advanced process chips. As shown in the table below, in 2019, Jianan Yunzhi's demand for 16 nm chips is approximately 76.09 million, and it is expected that the demand for 14 nm chips will also remain at the same level.
According to SMIC's official news, as of the end of 2019, SMIC's 14nm production capacity is only 3,000 to 5,000 wafers/month, and it is expected that it will only reach 15,000 wafers/month by the end of 2020. Considering the yield of wafers and the number of wafers on each wafer, we expect that if Jianan Yunzhi gave all orders for 14nm to SMIC, even if the capacity expansion is completed by the end of 2020, SMIC will need to spend 1 -2 months of production capacity to complete all orders.
Therefore, for domestic foundry giants, orders from mining machine chips are definitely a considerable income, which will also promote wafer manufacturers in mainland China to develop more advanced process technology.
The founder of Bitmain Wu Jihan attended Nankai Middle School in Chongqing in his early years, and the Nankai series of schools were founded by patriotic educator Zhang Boling in 1904. Nankai Middle School for nearly a hundred years has nurtured a large number of well-known scholars and political elites for China. However, in the early years, Nankai Middle School was a private school. The funds for running a school mainly came from individual donations from society. However, private donors, such as politician Cao Rulin and warlord Yang Yide, made many donations to Nankai. The students protested, and Zhang Boling said: "Beautiful flowers may be poured out of manure."
Today's mining machine chip manufacturers are more like Zhang Boling's situation. As the blockchain technology is still in its early days, there are many market chaos, and people are also very vocal about the mining machine chip manufacturers. However, as the underlying blockchain technology of the encrypted digital currency, it may not be the "dung water" of some populations, but the future "mannose" -- October 24, 2019, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on the blockchain The eighteenth collective study of technology development status and trends, national leaders delivered an important speech on this, affirmed that the integrated application of blockchain technology plays an important role in new technological innovation and industrial transformation, and the blockchain technology As an important breakthrough for independent innovation of national core technology. I believe that with the further development of my country's blockchain industry in the future, people will more realize the value of mining machine chip manufacturers.
[Editor in charge: Liu Yukun PT030]
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 05:47 am
About the author: Ouke Cloud Chain Research Institute is a research institute of Ouke Group. The main research content is centered on the two major fields of blockchain industry and digital currency. It has close cooperation with governments, enterprises, universities and so on. Reputation. Ouke Cloud Chain Group is the world's leading blockchain industry group. Headquartered in Beijing, China, it has branches or offices in more than 10 countries and regions such as the United States, Europe, South Korea, and Japan. Listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
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Some Interesting Facts About Bitcoin (
First let us know about what is bitcoin and why should you be interested in bitcoin & Bitcoin mining ( Most of us are aware about bitcoin but if you are not then let us find out some interesting facts about bitcoins.
There are several aspects about bitcoin like we cannot print bitcoin like dollar, pound, yen or any other fiat currency. Bitcoin ( can be used digitally if the both parties willing. It can be used to buy things digitally.
Bitcoin ( is a virtual currency independent of any central authority, it is decentralised money and no single institute controls the BTC networks.
Main drawback of fiat currencies is that banks can print as many as they want. But with bitcoin, there is limited supply maximum of 21 million. The supply of bitcoin controlled by the algorithm.
You can send bitcoins to any other user without disclosing your identity because there is no central validator. And bitcoin transaction cannot be reversed like any other fiat currency, if transaction is recorded on network and more than hour passed then it's impossible to modify.
Have you ever thought how bitcoins generated? As we discussed earlier that bitcoin can't be printed because bitcoin isn't physical as well bitcoin can't be mined like gold. Then why we use Bitcoin mining ( term to describe bitcoin generation process? Okay let's find out.
Anyone can get bitcoin as a reward by solving a complex mathematical puzzle and this puzzle solving task called Bitcoin mining ( And for Bitcoin mining ( you need faster computer, its called node or miner.
Right now the bitcoins reward for solving the block is 12.5BTC. But its not that easy to get this amount as reward because there are lots of mining nodes competition for that reward.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 05:48 am
The Problems With Cryptocurrency Mining: Energy Use & Centralization.
Proof-of-work mining has a few serious problems. Every day, networks like Bitcoin (, Dash, and Litecoin become evermore centralized. Industrial-scale mining operations that burn through electricity have put the power to control the networks in the hands of just a few. Individual miners have to rely on mining pools to compete. But mining pools themselves also act as a force for network centralization. Mining is quickly becoming more of a problem than a solution. Even long-standing pillars of the community are speaking out against it. But a few young projects are working hard to out innovate these challenges, and each one has a different solution.
Bitcoin mining ( uses too much energy.
You may have heard this argument before, but Bitcoin mining ( is consuming an increasingly large percentage of the world's energy. Today's estimates suggest that mining operations are now consuming as much or more electricity than the entire nation of Denmark. While it's not enough energy consumption to cause a global catastrophe, it is quickly becoming a serious problem.
This is because Bitcoin mining ( is accomplished through running energy-hungry mining computers 24 hours a day. Each device, such as the Bitmain S9, consumes a steady stream of upwards of 1400W of electricity.
Most mining today is done by massive, factory-style operations. A popular destination for such operations is Iceland. The government of Iceland has warned that they are running out of resources to feed the endless demand for more energy for mining operations. In fact, they have stated that if they allowed every investor or company that wanted to start such an operation to do so, they would be totally unable to keep up with the demand.
The PIVX solution: Do away with mining all together.
Not all cryptocurrencies require mining. PIVX, for instance, doesn't use proof-of-work mining at all. Instead, it uses an advanced version of proof-of-stake. BASIC ( speaking, instead of running energy intensive mining computers, anyone can buy and hold units of PIVX, and earn a reward for doing so. This is because when a user holds PIV in an online wallet, their computer will continuously stay up to date with the network and help propagate transactions and updates.
With PIVX, blocks occur every minute. In each block, a cryptocurrency reward is given to the winning staker that won the lottery-style draw for that block. This type of "mining" is preferable to Bitcoin ( style proof-of-work mining. That's because it requires no more energy than just leaving ones computer on. It also doesn't require any expensive (and quickly obsolete) custom hardware.
To put it simply, PIVX will never have an energy crisis because it will never need much energy at all. Estimates put the energy needs of the entire network to be somewhere around just one wind turbine.
The downside? Some argue that proof-of-stake currencies always release the same amount of coins or tokens at the same energy costs, regardless of market conditions. PIVX counteracts this by burning all transaction fees. This helps control the supply, but it's still perhaps not a perfect solution.
The Spectre of Bitmain and the man behind it.
Another popular location for large scale Bitcoin mining ( operations is China. This is because most mining hardware today is made in China. There are also several territories within the country that have comparatively cheap energy and infrastructure costs.
The biggest of these operations is run by the makers of most of the worlds mining hardware, Bitmain. Not only does Bitmain make the mining hardware that runs the majority of the network, they also set up cavernous mining farms with tens of thousands of machines.
In response to this, the co-owner of and known as Cøbra released a paper outlining his concerns for the centralization of Bitcoin mining (, and the risks that he feels Bitmain represents. Cøbra writes:
"More and more of the network hashrate is starting to become concentrated into the hands of one man [Jihan Wu] and his company [Bitmain]. The security of our network essentially depends on them acting honourably, and us being prepared to respond to it. They get more powerful each day."
Further, Cøbra warns of potential political implications, saying: "[Bitmain is] in a position where the Chinese government can take over their equipment at any time; something they will no doubt do if Bitcoin ( grows enough to allow them to use their control of the hashrate to push a Chinese geopolitical agenda."
DigiByte and DigiShield, multi-algorithm protection.
DigiByte, an increasingly popular cryptocurrency project that's been around since 2014 uses five different mining algorithms at the same time. This means that SHA-256, the algorithm of choice for Bitcoin ( miners, only represents up to about 20% of the network hash rate at most.
Jared Tate, the founder of DigiByte, confidently stated at the Texas Bitcoin ( Conference that if Bitmain were to turn all of it's miners towards the DigiByte blockchain, they could never gain more than a small percentage of the network. The sudden jump in hashrate wouldn't cause network difficulty issues because of DigiShield, a technology that can retarget difficulty almost instantly.
DigiByte may have protection from centralized mining. But it could still incur that large energy cost that is associated with proof-of-work mining. Although today, it's nowhere near the energy consumption scale that Bitcoin mining ( sees.
With PIVX, on the other hand, these sorts of issues can never happen. The proof-of-stake model means that anyone with consumer level hardware and a few units of PIV can participate on the network. This leads to broad decentralization, and a much stronger resistance to attacks. Especially the kinds that rely on a single point of failure.
In PIVX, it is impossible for one person or one company to dominate the network. This is because network domination would require a massive majority ownership of almost all available PIV units. Nearly 99% of the supply according to estimates. And that just isn't feasible or realistic.
The only argument against this type of network model from an economic standpoint is that wealthy individuals could control large portions of the network. As such, they could get the lion's share of the rewards. Even so, such individuals still pose no threat to the network itself.
ASIC ( mining leads to centralization.
For those cryptocurrencies that are lucky (or unlucky) enough to have ASIC ( miners, the centralization of proof-of-work mining seems to be an inevitability. Today, Bitcoin mining ( is done almost exclusively by centralized entities. These entities include large mining operations, as well as mining pools that conglomerate the resources of many small miners into a single mining entity.
While the topic of mining centralization may be controversial to some, it is a simple truth that the more centralized something becomes, the easier it is to shut down. Centralized services are also far more vulnerable to attack, such as the classic 51% attack that experts have been warning about for years.
The popular cryptocurrency Dash is facing such a threat now. According to mining pool operator P2Pool Mining, around 50% of all blocks on the Dash blockchain are being mined at just one single pool owned by Bitmain. While the pool provider is careful with its language, they suggest in no uncertain terms that having so much of a single networks mining occur in one spot is dangerous.
In the P2Pool Mining statement, they suggest that the issue began to develop shortly after the launch of a Bitmain created, Dash compatible X11 ASIC ( miner was released. Specifically, the Antminer D3.
Resisting the ASIC ( invasion.
Mining centralization can be such a problem that some proof-of-work based cryptocurrencies take great care in designing their networks to be ASIC ( resistant, or even ASIC ( proof. But given enough incentive, it seems likely that ASIC ( could be developed even for currencies that are supposedly designed to resist them.
Litecoin, for example, was designed to use the Scrypt algorithm so that Bitcoin ( ASIC ( could not mine it. However, Bitmain eventually developed a Scrypt compatible ASIC ( miner, the Antminer L3.
In the case of PIVX it is effectively immune to the interference of ASIC ( mining devices. DigiByte finds it's immunity through DigiShield and by divvying up network rewards by algorithm. Other projects like Vertcoin have also so far been successful at preventing ASIC ( development, but it's difficult to say if ASIC ( for their algorithm of choice won't eventually exist.
Luckily for PIVX and other currencies like it, there is simply no way to create an ASIC ( miner for a proof-of-stake protocol.
Summing it all up.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 05:49 am

Learn to find gold by joining a prospecting club - Gain access to gold bearing Mining ( claims|12:40
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 05:49 am

Philippine Mining ( Club - Over The Years part 1|3:14
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 05:49 am
So what does all this mean? Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (, Litecoin, and Dash are facing a growing problem. That being, rising energy costs and usage, the centralization of mining. Not only that, but also a company that has a virtual monopoly on nearly all ASIC ( mining hardware.
PIVX was created with a few goals in mind. One of the most important goals among them was to make a cryptocurrency network that was as maximally distributed, decentralized, and consequently as secure from attack as possible. In the last year, the PIVX team has even added some serious privacy features. This puts it on par with other privacy coins, and in many ways even surpasses them. Not only that, but PIVX is the only cryptocurrency today that has both serious and secure privacy features, as well as proof-of-stake mining. 2018 is going to be a major year for PIVX as dozens of new features are slated to come out.
DigiByte has seen steady growth this year. It's team has been working hard to promote it's advantages at conferences and in interviews. While it still relies of proof-of-work, it at least, has protections from centralization and 51% attacks. They also are largely insulated from the potential influences of Bitmain. Their tech is also highly adaptable and being implemented in a number of other projects.
While Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrencies are still trying to get their act together and solve old problems, could these newer cryptocurrencies be the way forward and help solve the current issues with proof-of-work consensus?
What problem can be solved by Bitcoin mining ( | by Andrey Costello | Coinmonks | Nov, 2020.
Bitcoin ( is frequently criticized for its massive energy consumption. The Texas-based company Layer1 Technologies has its own solution to this problem.
Bitcoin ( is still the most important cryptocurrency people know about, and it serves as the entry point of the crypto space. However, every innovative project has to pay its price. For Bitcoin (, it is its high carbon footprint created by mining.
Bitcoin (, especially its mining process, gets a lot of criticism because of its energy use. But the new company Layer1 Technologies, supported by Peter Thiel, is trying to do the unthinkable -- stabilise the energy system, generate profits by producing fewer BTCs and make the US a significant player in the Bitcoin mining ( industry.
Unlike most of the USA, Texas has an unregulated power system that separates utilities into three separate functions:
Generation -- power plants, solar power plants, wind farms, etc; Transmission -- power transmission lines, which are still regulated by the state of Texas; Retail power suppliers -- customer service and billing of electricity.
As a result, there is a complex market in Texas with private electricity generators that offer retail electricity suppliers different wholesale prices from different locations in the greater Texas area. Deregulation of energy production has led to a dramatic increase in natural gas production as well as renewable energy sources, which provide a cheaper and cleaner solution to long-term energy demand.
It is important to note that any use of electricity is as clean as the energy system itself. Texas leads the U.S. in the production of wind energy, which provides peak power at night. The state also produces an abundance of renewable energy from solar farms, which provide maximum power in the middle of the day. However, the increase in renewable energy use in Texas over the last decade has had some side effects.
Energy consumption depends on the day, season and year. Warm periods are coming, so people are increasingly using air conditioning, which is the biggest driver of retail energy demand in Texas. And that is not surprising. On a typical day, energy demand rises sharply at the start of the day, drops significantly during working hours, and then peaks in the afternoon when people return home after work. The day's peak unfortunately coincides with the minimum energy period from renewable sources.
However, the excessive abundance of renewable energy from the sun and wind in the middle of the day undermines the economy of electricity production, as net energy production (network load) continues to grow without any outlets. This leads to a situation known as the "Duck Curve", where too much energy is simply generated, which is eventually reduced, wasted or sold at negative prices. Conversely, as demand increases at the end of the day, energy generators tend to rapidly increase the energy load, usually from fossil fuels.
Further development of renewable energy sources -- wind and solar -- exacerbates the "Duck Curve" and creates a negative feedback loop. It is also difficult to stop coal-fired or nuclear power plants because the economies of both require them to operate continuously, which actually creates a minimum price. This leads to the phenomenon that every additional unit of solar and wind energy reduces the profitability of renewable energy, which further contributes to negative pricing and creates instability in the energy system.
This dilemma is compounded by the fact that transporting electricity over long distances causes significant losses and storage is not yet economically feasible to securely hold enough energy for night-time consumption. In the short and medium term, we still have two solutions to this unique problem:
Energy consumption during periods of overproduction to prevent reduction (waste) and negative prices; Stopping energy consumption at high demand to prevent the use of more expensive non-renewable energy sources.
Although this sounds simple, energy demand is inelastic and the life cycle of human energy consumption usually does not coincide with peak production of renewable energy.
By coincidence, Bitcoin ( solves the above problems:
Bitcoin mining ( consumes energy at a relatively constant speed; From an energy point of view, a BTC mining operation is a flexible load, i.e. it is relatively easy to shut down as it does not require any continuous operations.
Responding to demand is the process of reducing production and consumption of energy at times of peak energy demand. When energy demand peaks, for example during the summer heat in Texas, energy costs can rise rapidly from $100-150 per megawatt hour (MWh) to thousands of dollars per megawatt hour. Layer1 is benefiting from this option by negotiating long-term demand response contracts with ERCOT, the Texas energy regulator. In fact, Layer1 agrees to switch off at any time, receiving an annual bonus (19-25 MWh) depending on the expected demand for electricity. Layer1 claims that this demand response agreement will effectively reduce their energy costs to less than one cents per kWh.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:01 am

Synergy Mining ( club - CHINA 2018|0:25
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:02 am
The Cambridge Bitcoin ( Electricity Consumption Index reports an average cost of five cents per kilowatt-hour ($0.05/kWh) based on their most recent and several previous studies. While Layer1's cost advantage of four cents seems small, in a market where electricity is the biggest cost, cost savings over time have a major impact.
Responding to demand helps stabilise the energy system by eliminating price surges, leveling off energy demand and adjusting economic incentives -- reducing negative pricing -- so that the growth of renewable energy sources can continue. The Layer1 strategy now has an obvious disadvantage: their mining devices are less frequently used. However, in exchange for a guaranteed income, this can be an effective hedge for the miners against BTC volatility.
As Texas is deregulated, there are few permit requirements for Bitcoin mining ( projects, making it easier to buy land, build mining facilities and get started. For more complex operations, it would even be possible to contract with solar or wind farms as part of a project to receive government subsidies and become energy producers themselves. Almost all other US states publicly subsidised utilities with natural monopolies and high barriers to entry that prevent new power generation companies and retailers from operating.
Due to Texas' renewable energy potential and lack of market regulation, Bitcoin mining ( could grow throughout the state. To this end, Bitmain launched its mining farm in Rockdale, Texas, in October 2019, which aims to provide mining capacity of over 300 megawatts. It is possible that other companies and entrepreneurs are already looking for partners and will establish similar businesses in the coming years.
Bitcoin mining ('s Three Body Problem.
Bitcoin mining ( is a complex phenomenon that connects hardware and software, the energy and financial markets. Invisible rules govern every aspect of it. The performance of an individual operation is determined by various external factors that are often hard to quantify and almost impossible to forecast.
From a macro perspective, we can identify three principal forces that drive the mining industry as a whole: the emission schedule, the climate cycle, and hardware iteration. Each influences a different component in the miner's profit calculation:
= Mining Revenue - Mining Expenses.
= (Block Reward + Fees) * Price * the Miner's hashrate / global hashrate - (Electricity Expense + Hardware Depreciation)
The emission schedule drives block reward (revenue).
The climate cycle indirectly drives the industry-average electricity expense (operating expense).
The hardware iteration drives the miner's hashrate, energy efficiency, as well as hardware depreciation (capital expenditure).
When the first halving occurred in 2012 most people were mining with PCs and GPU rigs at home. Distribution of hashpower was scattered around the world. The dominant force in the market was just the block reward decrease. As the mining cost-of-production doubled, a noticeable amount of hashpower dropped and temporarily switched to the more profitable Litecoin. By the time the second halving took place in 2016, commercial ASIC ( were already available and industrial mining facilities were put in business.
Long before the third halving transpired in this May, market commentators engaged in heated discussions on possible outcomes. Some echoed that the price will grow exponentially due to the supply shock. Others speculated that 20-30% of the network hashrate would disappear. Because the timing of the halving block overlaps with a transition in the climate cycle and hardware upgrade from 16nm to 8/7nm, all three forces were moving in conjunction.
The Emission Schedule.
Bitcoin ( is the product of hashpower. The industry wouldn't exist without incentivizing miners to continuously invest in hardware and burning electricity to augment Bitcoin ( network's settlement assurance. In absence of a vibrant blockspace market, the block rewards are their primary source of revenue. Over the years, the value of the rewards has significantly grown due to Bitcoin ( price appreciation, which in turn nurtured the mining business into a billion-dollar industry.
*2020 June-December implied rewards based on 6.25BTC per block and Jan-May price.
Unlike most physical commodities, Bitcoin ( has a well-defined quadrennial emission reduction schedule mandated by its protocol. Everyday a fixed supply of new coins gets created, and a varying percentage of that gets redistributed to the rest of the Bitcoin ( economy. Since miners are the only natural suppliers of Bitcoin (, and the largest cohort of consistent sellers, profit margin is a key factor in determining the supply side dynamic.
Intuitively, reducing block reward by half immediately doubles every participants' cost-of-production. Some older generation machines may become too inefficient to operate. Consolidations tend to happen during these times. Miners with access to competitive power sources will purchase these machines in bulk at dirt cheap price, and the machine secondary market becomes far more active.
A miner is a bi-variate call option in physical form. The complexity in pricing and difficulty in transporting goods makes the machine secondary market opaque, illiquid, and highly reliant on insiders. But the poor price discovery at times brings great arbitrage opportunities for resourceful miners. For instance, in late 2018 Bitcoin ( price experienced a steep decline down to the $3,000 level. A noticeable percentage of the hashpower dropped, spawning a wave of "mining death spiral" headlines. Some miners were able to scoop up large quantities of the Antminer S9s that were temporarily flushed out. In just four months, Bitcoin ( price propelled into a frenzy bull market. Not only have these buyers made a handsome profit off of the coins they mined, the resale value of the machines also increased by 3x. This demonstrates that unprofitable hardware still have option value.
(Source: proprietary data, courtesy of Jinping Gou)
These consolidation activities change the hardware market composition. The market composition tells us how much energy the overall mining activities are consuming. There are a lot of naive attempts at calculating a "price floor" at which miners would stop selling. Every miner's entry time, amount of capital, cost basis, and risk tolerance is different, hence the industry-wide cost-basis is actually a very wide spectrum. Nonetheless, there will be selling at every level. To assess the entire network's selling pressure, we need to understand the exact composition of machines. This data is rather challenging to collect since no single party in the industry has access to the entire transaction flow of machines and their energy cost. The Blockware team is one of the latest to try to do this by surveying individual facilities. In the halving opus published in March, they estimate network's hardware composition as the following:
Post-halving the network hashrate dropped to.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:02 am
94 EH/s from the.
109 EH/s level in March. Assuming all machines that left the network were the S9s in the bottom categories, we can update the composition table:
*Antminer S9i specs (13.5TH/s, 1,310W) at $21 per unit. Antminer S17+ specs (70TH/s, 2,800W) at $1,232 per unit.
**Linear depreciating over 18 months for S9i, and 36 months for S17+.
Using the data above, we can calculate a rough weighted-average selling pressure at various price levels, as a percentage of the global daily trading volume:
Showing a relatively tight price range since global trading volume changes greatly as price moves.
*6.25 BTC per block. Transaction fees not included.
Note that this analysis is for illustrative purposes only. Here all old generation machines are represented by S9 and new generation machines by S17. Needless to say, miners purchase machines from multiple manufacturers, and same generation machines from different manufacturers have very different specs. In reality the variance of market composition is much larger. In addition, this analysis is a static snapshot. Hardware composition is highly fluid, machines are actively switching hands as the market seeks a new post-halving equilibrium. The upcoming flood season in Sichuan also has a drastic impact on a majority of the miners' electricity cost. As more miners employ financial instruments such as collateralize lending, futures, or even hashpower markets, the network's miner selling pressure will be partially mitigated or delayed.
A takeaway from observing how the mining composition evolves over time is that hashpower is "not fungible", in other word, every unit of hashpower is unique . One TH/s of hashpower today is produced at a different cost-basis from that of yesterday.
The Climate Cycle.
The Climate Cycle is the byproduct of the geographical concentration of mining operations. Over the years, the Bitcoin mining ( industry inadvertently benefited from a massive over-investment in hydropower in southwest China. Excess cheap electricity, massive power capacity, cheap labor cost, and physical proximity to manufacturers make it an ideal location for mining. It is estimated that over 65% of the world's hashpower is concentrated in these provinces.
May-October is the flood season in Southwest China. It is also a festival period for mining businesses as the large supply of surplus hydro capacity significantly cuts down miners' operating expenses. For small-medium scale miners, the flood season can reduce the cost by as much as 40%. For large miners who own proprietary facilities, the flood season electricity cost is practically negligible. Over 80% of the miners in Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia will migrate in flocks to Sichuan, Yunnan, and Guizhou to take advantage of the discount, and they move back or sell their equipment after the dry season arrives in November.
The thriving mining industry is a boon to the local power plants business. Many converted or constructed their facilities into data centers to host miners.
Example of hosting ads in Sichuan hydropower zone. Rough translation:
"(. )100 MW capacity can start construction immediately (...) Bare electricity 0.15 RMB per KwH, all-in 0.22 RMB per KwH"
(Source: Wechat group)
Gradually, the industry structured itself around these climate patterns. Like ancient rituals, every year before the flood season arrives, major mining conferences get organized in Sichuan's capital Chengdu. Some facilities are only open to external customers during the flood season. Manufacturers plan their new product release right before it arrives. Miners race to source the latest and greatest machines in bulk.
Hashrate growth during flood seasons:
At the beginning of 2020, due to general macro uncertainties, investors and miners reverted to a mode of cautious response. The production of new machines temporarily halted due to supply chain shock from COVID. After the Halving, more machines left the network, leaving the supply of hosting capacity greater than the demand. Many facilities in Sichuan and Yunnan areas are having trouble finding clients. Their desperation further reduces average electricity prices. Compared to last year's 0.24-0.26 RMB / KwH all-in cost, this year's average can be as low as 0.10-0.20 RMB / KwH .
The impact from block reward halving will be partially absorbed by the lower power cost. Many facilities had to sign contracts with power plants that promise a minimum usage of electricity. In order to attract business, some of them are offering "joint-mining" programs, where the miners pay de minimis monthly cost, and split the mining revenue with the facility owner. Effectively transferring part of the market risks to the hosts themselves.
However, this doesn't mean low operating expense is absolutely guaranteed. While hydropower facilities are cheaper during the flood season, they are generally located in extremely remote areas. The power supply and internet connectivity may not be as stable. Sometimes they even risk getting flooded:
A local mining farm based in Sichuan, China was DEVASTATED by the recent heavy rainfall in the region, video attached 1/2
Another risk is that local government policies change from time to time. Prior to 2018, most of the local officials had no clue what mining is. The facilities report their activity as data centers for big data or cloud computing projects. In 2018 a committee led by the PBoC dictated cryptocurrency mining as a "false innovation", citing that mining is extremely wasteful and must "cease in orderly fashion". Some mining operations did indeed shut down under the pressure. But in late 2019, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) removed mining from a list of activities to be eliminated . Note that the NDRC also oversees the energy industry. Massive amounts of hydropower squandered during flood season is a longstanding issue. The officials are beginning to realize that Bitcoin mining ( is a highly effective way of transforming excess local capacity into a global digital commodity.
A few months ago, some cities in Sichuan announced a joint-venture program called "Hydropower Consumption Demonstration Zones'' to support the development of the "blockchain industry". Unfortunately, despite more facilities opened for business, this year's rain volume hasn't been as great as expected. At the time of writing, electricity generated by hydropower plants is being transferred to other parts of Sichuan for residential use as the summer heat kicks in.
Last week, a county in Sichuan issued another notice that orders hydro power plants to halt accepting mining businesses. Although insiders on the ground do not expect the order to be enforced, it shows the complexity of the flood season energy scene. It's not a magic switch that turns on and off to immediately cut down miners' electricity bills.
The Climate Cycle is a rather unique phenomenon during this stage of cryptocurrency mining. If mining operations migrate to more diverse locations in the future and become less concentrated on a single power source, this cycle will cease to play such a significant role.
Hardware Iteration.
Manufacturers are constantly in an arms race to produce the leading product. For a long time Bitmain's Antminer S9 dominated the market. According to the IPO documents the company filed in 2018, Bitmain machines occupied.
74.5% of the ASIC ( on the market. But in the past two years, competitors such as MicroBT's Whatsminer and Canaan's Avalon are rapidly eating into Bitmain's market share.
In 2017, Whatsminer sales accounted for.
7.2% of the network hashrate. In 2018,
35%. The shoebox miners are commodity products. While there are qualitative factors that can help a manufacturer standout, such as customer service, delivery time, and supply chain management etc., the competition forces manufacturers to relentlessly focus on two key metrics: unit price and efficiency .
The efficiency is measured by Joule per Th/s. The lower the metrics is, the less energy it consumes to compute a hash function. Each generation of mining hardware is defined by its improvement in efficiency.
*As of May 31th, 2020.
**Based on 6.25 BTC block reward, 15,138,043,247,082 difficulty, $9,500 BTC price.
Improvement in machine efficiency has a significant impact on earnings. Using the current Bitcoin ( difficulty, and average price of an used Antminer S9i ($21 per machine, 97.0J per TH/s) , we can calculate the approximate days to breakeven at various price levels:
The number of days to breakeven of a new Antminer S19 Pro ($2,407 per machine, 29.5J per TH/s) :
A Bitcoin mining ( Pool Is Deliberately Censoring Transactions.
The Blockseer Mining Pool will only process specific Bitcoin ( transactions. But critics fear this is a dangerous path to go down.
BlockSeer's mining pool can censor Bitcoin ( transactions. Image: Shutterstock.
BlockSeer's mining pool--while still in private beta form--will censor certain Bitcoin ( transactions. The move has caused controversy, sparking criticism that this could undermine what Bitcoin ( should be. DMG Blockchain Solutions, to which BlockSeer is a subsidiary, suggests this could aid mainstream Bitcoin ( adoption.
BlockSeer, a blockchain analytics firm, has launched a private beta version of the BlockSeer Mining Pool, a mining pool that censors certain transactions. And it's not without controversy.
While BlockSeer's mining pool is still in its private beta, if this sparks a trend, it could make it very difficult for the regular user to use Bitcoin ( Since transactions can't be made without a miner choosing to put them in a block, Bitcoin ( miners and pools wield a lot of power. Critics argue this, if this became the norm, it could cause a problem for Bitcoin (
"Who decides what is 'nefarious?' How do you challenge that?" Jason Deane, Bitcoin ( analyst at Quantum Economics, told Decrypt .
"It's a very dangerous path that could remove the advantages of a censorship-resistant payment system," Deane added.
The problem for critics of this mining pool is that it could potentially be the first step towards undermining what Bitcoin ( was first designed to be--a payments system immune to government control and founded on the basis of individual freedom.
Riccardo Spagni, a lead developer of Monero--which is one of crypto's most well known privacy oriented wallets--tweeted, " New mining pool is advertising that it censors transactions as a key selling point. Regulators will undoubtedly see this as a great thing and will "encourage" other mining pools to implement something similar."
"It's only a matter of time till most Bitcoin mining ( pools are forced to do this transaction filtering," he said.
Yet, according to DMG Blockchain Solutions, of which BlockSeer is a subsidiary, the mining pool promises to be a step forward, not only for Bitcoin ('s reputation, but also for cryptocurrency's hopes of mainstream adoption.
"Blockseer's pool brings a new compliance-focused standard to the industry, not only in the data the pool provides to its users, but also in the Bitcoin ( blocks it mines on the network," said Sheldon Bennett, COO of DMG Blockchain Solutions.
"The pool is focused on being devoid of transactions from known nefarious wallets which use this medium in ways that continue to sully the reputation of crypto currencies, specifically Bitcoin (, in the mainstream as well as to impede widespread adoption," Bennett added.
Learning How to Use Bitcoin ( A Beginner's Guide to Using the Bitcoin ( Testnet.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:03 am

Mining ( Club|0:26
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:03 am

Melbourne Mining ( Club Andrew Cole, MD \u0026 CEO, OZ Minerals|33:21
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:04 am
Beginners to Bitcoin ( may find the concepts and the scope of the network overwhelming. The idea of trading real currency for digital currency can sound scary, especially when the beginner is not familiar with how blockchain works or even how to send and receive coins. An ideal situation for learning how to use Bitcoin ( would not involve trading real money in the process. In this post, I'd like to cover the Bitcoin ( Testnet: a zero-risk testing network that allows the beginner to trading Bitcoins as if they were on the main network.
The Bitcoin ( network is divided, so to speak, into three networks:
The main network (where coins are traded as real currency), A test network called the Testnet (where coins with no associated value are traded for testing purposes), and A regression testing network (where coins are created instantly and are never traded to others outside the user's network).
Coins mined in one network stay in that network, thus coins cannot be transferred between networks. It is because of this separation that we are able to use the Testnet as an environment for learning.
Testnet Coins.
Both the main Bitcoin ( network and the Testnet network contain live blockchains and real users trading real, mined coins. Bitcoins on the main network have real value associated with them whereas the Testnet bitcoins do not.
The main difference (as far as the beginner are concerned) between the coins on both networks is whether or not everyone agrees they have value. Testnet coins are given away for free to anyone that wants them. Coins on the main network are traded for goods and services in the same way United States currency is.
Coins for the Testnet are given out for free from what are called "Faucet Websites." These websites are set up by miners or other users with a surplus of Testnet coins. They send coins to anyone who requests them and kindly asks for their return when the user is finished with them.
Trading coins on the Testnet is exactly the same process as trading them on the main network. The process goes like this: Blocks are mined, coins are generated by the mining, users are sent Bitcoins by other users, the transaction is recorded in the blockchain, blocks of transactions are mined, and the process repeats. Testnet coins are used to generate transactions in the Testnet blockchain and are used both by beginners and developers who are testing new Bitcoin ( programs.
The Bitcoin ( Testnet implementation does not require a separate installation. Bitcoin ( wallets that have the ability to connect to the Testnet can be started with a special flag that will direct the software to connect to the Testnet blockchain instead of the main network blockchain.
As with the main network, though, the software will need to download the current blockchain to properly synchronize. Luckily, however, the size of the Testnet blockchain is far less than the main blockchain. As of February 2018 the size of the main blockchain is about 156 Gigabytes whereas the size of the Testnet blockchain is only about 14 Gigabytes.
How to Set Up Bitcoin ( Core for Testnet.
A Bitcoin ( Core instance can be started with the '-testnet' flag to connect to the Testnet blockchain instead of the main blockchain.
From an Ubuntu machine: download Bitcoin ( Core and start with the following commands (check for the latest version):
The bitcoin-qt binary is the GUI version of Bitcoin ( Core. The last command will open a new window and start syncing with the Testnet blockchain.
Electrum: What is it, Pros & Cons.
Unlike Bitcoin ( Core, Electrum does not need to download and sync to the entire blockchain. The upside to this is it only takes a few minutes to get up and running. The downside is you cannot explicitly trust the blockchain. Although not trusting the blockchain is acceptable in a zero-risk learning environment, the rest of this blog will refer to Bitcoin ( Core.
Start Electrum with the '-testnet' command to connect to the Testnet blockchain. Below are commands that will install and start Electrum on Ubuntu.
How Bitcoin ( Trading Works.
After the blockchain has been synchronized you can begin trading Bitcoins (BTC).
On the main Bitcoin ( network, coins can be obtained from either mining, receiving them from another user, or buying them from a BTC exchange.
On the Testnet network, coins can be requested from Faucet websites such as
Faucets require an address to which they send coins. To obtain a receiving address, click on the 'Receive' button from the top of the Bitcoin ( Core screen followed by the 'Request Payment' button as seen below.
The Faucet will then send a certain amount of coin (usually around 1 BTC) to the address you provided. When you receive BTC from the Faucet you will see a notification popup and a positive balance on the main Bitcoin ( Core screen. You will also be able to see the transaction date, time, amount, and ID from the 'Transactions' screen.
BTC received will not be available to spend until the transaction has been confirmed in the Blockchain. Depending on the software and the level of trust it has of the blockchain, the funds will be available after one or many successfully mined blocks. From the 'Overview' menu you will see 'Available' and 'Pending' balances. BTC in a pending status is not available to spend.
Sending Bitcoins is the same process but in reverse. A user will provide you with a receiving address when they are expecting to be paid. In Bitcoin ( Core (or any other Bitcoin ( Wallet) you type or scan this address into the 'Pay To' field.
Receiving addresses are essentially the public key in a Public/Private key pair. The receiver allows you to encrypt the Bitcoins you are sending with their public key. After encryption, the only way to access the coins, and thus spend them, is to decrypt them with the private key.
Since a public key in a Public/Private key pair is, theoretically, open to cracking, and since the Bitcoin ( implementation is focused on anonymity, Public/Private key pairs are rotated regularly. It is common for a user to provide a new public key each time they expect payment. This behavior is not mandatory, however. Users that request donations and organizations that don't require anonymity can give out the same public key for multiple transactions.
Since a user is encouraged to give out many public keys for their transactions they are left with many private keys that access the coins. These private keys are stored in what is called the wallet.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:04 am
The Wallet.
The value inside your wallet (your wealth) is locked away inside a complex mathematical formula using your public key. The only key to this lock is essentially the answer to that formula: the private key. Anyone with access to the private key owns the right to spend the Bitcoins associated with it.
By default, the file that contains the private key is not encrypted. This leaves the private key open to attack and theft. Keeping your private key(s) encrypted is a security imperative. Before you receive or spend Bitcoin (, encrypt your wallet in Bitcoin ( Core by clicking on 'Settings' and then 'Encrypt Wallet...'.
Similarly, if you lose your wallet, you lose your private key(s). The wallet, when used with Bitcoin ( Core, is stored in your home directory under a hidden folder called '.bitcoin' as a file name 'wallet.dat'. This file should remain protected with encryption and regularly backed up.
Viewing Transactions.
Once the transaction has been mined inside a block in the blockchain it will be available to view from a website that tracks the Blockchain. From the 'Transaction' screen in Bitcoin ( Core, you will find the transaction ID. This ID can be copied and pasted into a website such as See below for an example.
Notice that all information about the transaction is publically available except for the private keys. This information is available for every transaction that has ever occurred in the blockchain to anyone who wants it. Also notice, however, that we did not associate our accounts with names, email address, etc. No identifying information is ever needed to take part in a Bitcoin ( transaction. The only thing tying a user to their Bitcoins is the private key associated with the public key to which Bitcoins were sent.
Learning how to use Bitcoin ( using the Testnet is quick and simple. It is possible, in just a few steps, to learn how to install and encrypt a wallet, receive coins, spend coins, and track transactions all without spending real money.
All of the steps described above also apply to Bitcoin ( Core when it connects to the main blockchain.
How to Solo Mine on Bitcoin ('s Testnet.
I'm a Bitcoin ( engineer, so I often need to test new code but I don't want to risk losing valuable bitcoins in case there is a bug...
I'm a Bitcoin ( engineer, so I often need to test new code but I don't want to risk losing valuable bitcoins in case there is a bug. Thankfully, the Bitcoin ( testnet was created specifically for this purpose. As a side project I decided to buy a secondhand Bitcoin ( ASIC (, an Antminer S5, and give a shot at solo mining on testnet so that I could generate some coins. Unlike on mainnet, which has so much mining competition that you'll probably never find a block, the difficulty on testnet is low enough that solo mining is worthwhile. The following instructions should work for any ASIC ( that uses cgminer, though from what I've read the configuration for bfgminer is nearly identical.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:11 am

Philippine Mining ( Club|2:54
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:12 am

Could This Coin Replace Ethereum As The Best Coin To Mine?!?!|8:18
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:13 am
The two major components you need in order to solo mine are:
A Bitcoin ( node Bitcoin ( hashing hardware (Application Specific Integrated Circuit)
First you'll need to get a full node running. If you're unfamiliar with the process, there are some great instructions here. Once you have the node software installed, you'll need to make a few extra config changes to the bitcoin.conf file before running the node:
testnet=1 # IP Address of your ASIC ( rpcallowip= # set these to something unique and random! rpcuser=aR4ND0mU53R rpcpassword=aR4ND0mP455W0Rd.
The important bits are to tell your node to use the testnet blockchain and network, and then to set up the RPC authentication so that your miner can connect to your node to mine blocks. Once you have the node config saved, you should (re)start your node. Next you'll need to configure your miner. On your mining machine, find the cgminer or bfgminer config file (/config/cgminer.conf on Antminer hardware) and set the following:
"User" and "pass" should match your node's RPC credentials. "btc-address" should be the address that you own to which you want the coinbase transactions to pay out. Note that you should probably set the address to be a P2PKH and not a P2SH address -- I had problems trying to use the latter. And the IP address of the URL should be the IP of your testnet Bitcoin ( node. Once your mining software is configured, (re)start the miner. On Antminer hardware, you can use the command "/etc/init.d/ restart"
To ensure that you're actually mining, you can check the cgminer dashboard ("screen -r cgminer" on Antminer)
You can also check your Bitcoin ( node's debug log to see that it is receiving requests for block templates:
We run a testnet version of BitGo at -- if you're a developer who wants to build an app with our service and you need testnet coins, send me a message!
To Node or Not to Node?
Over a year ago I wondered: how many Bitcoin ( nodes is enough? It turns out that there are several different perspectives from which one can...
Bitcoin ( Testnet Mining.
Testnet - Bitcoin ( Wiki.
The testnet is an alternative Bitcoin ( block chain , to be used for testing. Testnet coins are separate and distinct from actual bitcoins, and are never supposed to have any value. This allows application developers or bitcoin testers to experiment, without having to use real bitcoins or worrying about breaking the main bitcoin chain. Run bitcoin or bitcoind with the -testnet flag to use the testnet (or put testnet=1 in the bitcoin.conf file). There have been three generations of testnet. Testnet2 was just the first testnet reset with a different genesis block, because people were starting to trade testnet coins for real money. Testnet3 is the current test network. It was introduced with the 0.7 release, introduced a third genesis block, a new rule to avoid the "difficulty was too high, is now too low, and transactions take too long to verify" problem, and contains blocks with edge-case transactions designed to test implementation compatibility. On the December 21 of 2015 SegNet was deployed, to test the Wuille's Segregated Witness proposal. Continue reading >>
Blockstream Completes Its First Lightning Transaction On Bitcoin ( Testnet.
Blockstream Completes Its First Lightning Transaction on Bitcoin ( Testnet Blockstream engineers Paul Rusty Russell and Dr. Christian Decker completed their first lightning transaction on Bitcoins testnet this week. The test transaction was made using the latest version of the Blockstreams lightning prototype software, lightningd 0.5 and consisted of a digital purchase from a web-store. Speaking to Bitcoin ( Magazine Decker said: This is a big milestone for us. It's the first time we have a channel setup on a real blockchain, with real latencies and block rates, and it's the first multi-hop transaction, where a payment for a digital good routes from one node to another through a third node. The highly anticipated lightning network is a proposed second-layer protocol to be rolled out on top of Bitcoins blockchain. Cleverly utilizing Bitcoins programmable elements (e.g., multi-signature and timelock) lightning users should be able to make a virtually unlimited number of off-chain transactions at low cost, potentially boosting Bitcoins micropayment-ability and overall scalability. Several teams are currently working on different implementations of lightning software. Only last week, BitFury , Lightning Labs and ACINQ announced a successful test of proposed lightning routing system Flare , whereas a Lightning Labs developer had previously completed lightning transactions to himself. Blockchain , meanwhile, made lightning-style transactions on the alpha version of their Thunder network though these are not yet trustless or secure. Blockstreams team is now the first to have conducted a successful and trustless transaction between two developers on Bitcoins testnet, which served as a real payment. We've spent over a year working on different parts of the protocol, and from a tech Continue reading >>
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:16 am
Testnets 101 - Blockapps.
In the era of decentralized computing, you might hear a few unfamiliar terms being used to describe the various project phases of blockchain companies. One of the terms thrown around a lot in the blockchain space is Testnet. In this article were going to explain the significance of Testnets, their objectives, their unique role in the success of individual blockchains, and why developers and miners decide to join them. Testnets are are alternative blockchains used primarily for testing purposes, as opposed to a blockchains livenet which is the live environment where transactions take place. Once a change is made to the livenet it is not easily reverted. This is why Testnets are actively used by developers to introduce new features, test different protocols and generally try out any big changes in functionality before ultimately pushing them to the livenet and potentially disrupting the network. The decentralized nature of blockchains makes them difficult to change without consequences. This is why Testnets are so crucial to the success of individual blockchains. Without a test environment, developers would have to take costly risks to attempt changes or write new functions on the blockchain. In this way the Testnet acts as a public beta and provides a QA test environment for developers.Every blockchain company and cryptocurrency either has or is working towards launching a Testnet in the near future. Kovan: Testnets are important to ensure that developers feel comfortable implementing changes or launching functionality on the livenet. Testnets generally have their own wallet systems to test transactions, and often there are faucets which will disperse Testnet coins to new users so they can run operations on the Testnet as if they were using real tokens on a livenet. Fau Continue reading >>
First 1gb Bitcoin ( Block Has Been Mined On Testnet.
First 1GB Bitcoin ( Block Has Been Mined on Testnet Bitcoin ( Unlimited developers, in collaboration with researchers from the University of British Columbia and one participant from nChain, have mined yesterday the first ever 1GB block on a Gigablock Testnet. Little detail is provided with the full results to be presented at the Scaling Bitcoin ( Conference on November the 4th this year. But the findings are : Admitting transactions into mempool, due to the single-threaded nature of the present design, appears to be the dominant bottleneck. Upon saturation of mempool admission, mempool decoherence between nodes quickly grows, and Xthin compression ratios decrease, resulting in less efficient block propagation, thereby further degrading node performance. Very large blocks have been efficiently propagated and verified with Xthin prior to mempool decoherence; block propagation/verification does not appear to be the bottleneck. The findings therefore suggest that sending and verifying a 1GB block can be handled by a high-grade laptop. Thus the sending and verifying doesnt prevent on-chain scaling. Thats primarily because of Xthin, which compresses blocks so that a 1GB block takes 20 50 MB to propagate, according to PeterRizun, who has given himself the title of Chief Scientist of Bitcoin ( Unlimited. He said the findings were: Our baseline results with BU essentially as is. A few days ago we achieved 300 tx/sec sustained thanks to Andrew Stones work streamlining mempool admission. I think well hit.
1,000 tx/sec sustained on the next ramp we attempt. Mempool admission is no longer the bottleneck, as weve demonstrated mempool admisson rates over 10,000 tx/sec already. Bitcoin ( currently handles 2-3 transactions per second, with a long debate on whether that should be increased to ar Continue reading >>
Bitcoin mining ( In Testnet.
I have an assignment to generate bitcoins in testnet. It must be done in such way that it should be verifiable via services like that I got these bitcoins "from nowhere" (what I understand by this - I should mine them). 1. Is it possible to do mining with this hardware? 2. Is there any mining pool on testnet to join? 3. Maybe there is another way without such a tedious work? 4. Is it wortwhile to ask somebody to mine some testnet bitcoins on my behalf? In summary, I just need a tiny, tiny fraction of bitcoin that would appear as generated by myself. Just in case, my address: mhDpA2ttenNPJ7svk6TKZHDwLqUch8pjcY Advertised sites are not endorsed by the Bitcoin ( Forum. They may be unsafe, untrustworthy, or illegal in your jurisdiction. Advertise here. I'm not sure you'll be able to mine a block on testnet with a low hashrate. I'm not sure what the difficulty is nowadays but it would have been hard even a few years ago. Try using stratum+tcp:// with your address as username. Try using stratum+tcp:// with your address as username. I took that service down a year ago so don't bother trying that. Primary developer/maintainer for cgminer and ckpool/ckproxy . ZERO FEE Pooled mining at 1% Fee Solo mining at 1. Yes you could use that to mine but only for fractions of dust BTCitcoin 3. You could perhaps try some faucets in which it will send those fractions of BTCitcoin to your wallet in which could be view on available block explorers Check the following page, could check those faucet links and use those as proof of receiving funds out of nowhere: As a matter of interest why has testnet been specified as opposed to the main network? Hard-Disk Mineable Cryptocurrency !! B U R S T C O I N Cheap Continue reading >>
Developer Examples - Bitcoin (
BETA: This documentation has not been extensively reviewed by Bitcoin ( experts and so likely contains numerous errors. Please use the Issue and Edit links on the bottom left menu to help us improve. Click here to close this disclaimer. X The following guide aims to provide examples to help you startbuilding Bitcoin ( applications. To make the best use of this document,you may want to install the current version of Bitcoin ( Core, either from source or from a pre-compiled executable . Once installed, youll have access to three programs: bitcoind,bitcoin-qt, and bitcoin-cli. bitcoin-qt provides a combination full Bitcoin ( peer and wallet frontend. From the Help menu, you can access a console where you canenter the RPC commands used throughout this document. bitcoind is more useful for programming: it provides a full peer which you can interact with through RPCs to port 8332 (or 18332for testnet ). bitcoin-cli allows you to send RPC commands to bitcoind from thecommand line. For example, bitcoin-cli help All three programs get settings from bitcoin.conf in the Bitcoinapplication directory: OSX: $HOME/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin ( To use bitcoind and bitcoin-cli, you will need to add a RPC passwordto your bitcoin.conf file. Both programs will read from the same fileif both run on the same system as the same user, so any long randompassword will work: rpcpassword=change_this_to_a_long_random_password You should also make the bitcoin.conf file only readable to itsowner. On Linux, Mac OSX, and other Unix-like systems, this can beaccomplished by running the following command in the Bitcoin ( applicationdirectory: For development, its safer and cheaper to use Bitcoins test network ( testnet )or regression test mode ( regtest ) described below. Questions about Bitcoin ( use a Continue reading >>
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:17 am

cara menambang dogecoin mengunakan PC prosesor dan GPU - step by step di jamin 100% anti scam|15:28
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:17 am

Cara Mining ( XMR di PC/Laptop - CPUMINER|10:11
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:25 am
Litecoin May Become Bitcoins Testnet For Segwit And Lightning Network.
Litecoin May Become Bitcoins Testnet for SegWit and Lightning Network Altcoins have often been viewed as nothing more than testnets for Bitcoin (, and Litecoin may find itself illustrating this point quite clearly in the coming weeks. if SegWit is activated on the Litecoin network, it could offer a stronger level. Altcoins have often been viewed as nothing more than testnets for Bitcoin ( , and Litecoin may find itself illustrating this point quite clearly in the coming weeks. While activation signalling for Segregated Witness (SegWit) by bitcoin miners has stalled at around 30 percent support with the proposal facing outright opposition from the ViaBTC mining pool and others, SegWit is currently around 10 percent away from its activation threshold on the Litecoin network. According to recent comments made by Bloq CEO Jeff Garzik and Coinbase Director of Engineering Charlie Lee on the latest episode of the Unchained podcast with Laura Shin , if SegWit is activated on the Litecoin network, it could offer a stronger level of testing for the proposal where real money is on the line. Why Has the Activation Process for Segregated Witness Stalled? During the recent podcast, Shin pointed out that activation signaling for SegWit on the Bitcoin ( network has stalled out at around 30 percent. Lee, who is also the creator of Litecoin, shared his thoughts on the cause of the stalled activation process. Right now, Segregated Witness is being activated with miner signaling, so were bASIC ( asking the miners to tell the rest of the network when theyre ready to enforce Segregated Witness, explained Lee. Theres this whole controversy with [Bitcoin ( Unlimited], and some of the pools and miners who support [Bitcoin ( Unlimited] feel that Segregated Witness would undermine their position, so t Continue reading >>
Coinbase | What Is The Testnet?
The TestNet is separate from the Bitcoin ( network, used primarily by developers for testing Bitcoin ( applications. Although similar, the TestNet and the Bitcoin ( network are not compatible, meaning you can't use bitcoins on the TestNet, and you can't use TestNet coins on the Bitcoin ( network. The two networks behave in much the same way however, with a few key differences: How is TestNet different from the Bitcoin ( network? Previous attempts to add value to TestNet coins have resulted in the network being reset. There is no point to buying or selling TestNet coins for this reason. There have been 3 generations of TestNet thus far, with each one effectively resettingthe money supply. The latest generation also addressed the issue with mining difficulty. The third generation of TestNet (TestNet3)added a new rule for mining coins. If nothing is mined for 20 minutes, the difficulty will reset to the minimum (1.0) for the next block. This allows more blocks to be mined and keeps the network accessible to more miners. Although TestNet coins have no value, like Bitcoin (, there is a finite supply, and you must acquire them somehow. Some of the more popular ways are as follows: TestNet coins canbe mined using the same software used to mine bitcoins. A web search for "testnet mining" should turn up the information necessary to connect your mining hardware to a TestNet mining pool, and begin acquiring coins. If that sounds like too much work however, there are easier ways. One simple way to acquire TestNet coins is through a web-based service known as a faucet. These are services set up by individuals or organizations with TestNet coins to spare. A web search for "bitcoin testnet faucet" should point you to the latest available faucets. Continue reading >>
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:25 am
How To Test Applications.
Testing is obviously an important step for any software that uses money. This article explains some common techniques used to test Bitcoin ( apps. The Bitcoin ( community runs a separate, parallel instance of the Bitcoin ( network that features a slightly different and more relaxed ruleset, called the testnet. Most usefully, coins on the testnet have no value and can be obtained for free from testnet faucet sites like or . You can make your app use the testnet by instantiating your objects with TestNetParams.get() instead of MainNetParams.get(). The wallet-tool app accepts a flag --net=TEST as well. Its worth noting that whilst the testnet can be convenient, sometimes people mess it up by mining on it with ASIC ( Such problems do not occur on the main network, so if you see large spurts of blocks found a few seconds apart, blocks that fail validation and so on, its worth switching to a local regression test network instead: the environment is much more controlled and predictable. The testnet is good as far as it goes, but it still has the issue that blocks are mined every ten minutes. Often you dont want to wait for a new block, and you dont want to have to use faucet sites to get test coins. To simplify things, starting from Bitcoin ( Core 0.9 there is a new mode called regtest mode. You can run a local bitcoind in regtest mode like this: and once thats running, in another window you can do something like ./bitcoin-cli -regtest setgenerate true 101 to create a new block on demand. Regtest mode requires the usage of yet another set of network params, RegTestParams.get(), and is designed to run only locally. There is no public regtest network. You can use PeerGroup.connectToLocalHost() to make it talk to the local bitcoind. Note that newly mined coins have to mature (this is a Continue reading >>
How To Solo Mine On Bitcoins Testnet.
Engineer at Creator of Founder of Find me at Im a Bitcoin ( engineer, so I often need to test new code but I dont want to risk losing valuable bitcoins in case there is a bug. Thankfully, the Bitcoin ( testnet was created specifically for this purpose. As a side project I decided to buy a secondhand Bitcoin ( ASIC (, an Antminer S5, and give a shot at solo mining on testnet so that I could generate some coins. Unlike on mainnet, which has so much mining competition that youll probably never find a block, the difficulty on testnet is low enough that solo mining is worthwhile. The following instructions should work for any ASIC ( that uses cgminer , though from what Ive read the configuration for bfgminer is nearly identical. The two major components you need in order to solo mine are: Bitcoin ( hashing hardware (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) First youll need to get a full node running. If youre unfamiliar with the process, there are some great instructions here . Once you have the node software installed, youll need to make a few extra config changes to the bitcoin.conf file before running the node: # set these to something unique and random! The important bits are to tell your node to use the testnet blockchain and network, and then to set up the RPC authentication so that your miner can connect to your node to mine blocks. Once you have the node config saved, you should (re)start your node. Next youll need to configure your miner. On your mining machine, find the cgminer or bfgminer config file (/config/cgminer.conf on Antminer hardware) and set the following: User and pass should match your nodes RPC credentials. btc-address should be the address that you own to which you want the coinbase transactions to pay out. Note that you should probably set the address to be a Continue reading >>
Segwit2x Miners Accidentally Fork Bitcoin ( Testnet.
Someone was mining testnet blocks a few days ago. It appears this behavior triggered the BIP102 rule, which rejects blocks too small in size. This is often solved by mining a larger block on the testnet, which would reset the trigger, that did not happen immediately. Thankfully, the matter got resolved eventually, but it highlights a largerunderlying problem. It appears this unintentional fork was caused by the SegWit2x scaling solution. Any node running the Segwit2x code was stuck on block 27070, whereas any other software could just carry on without problems. Granted, there is no real money on the line where the testnet is concerned, but events like these should not even take place to begin with -testnet or otherwise-. It also highlights why SegWit2x needs a lot more testing before it is scheduled to activate on the mainBitcoin network in just under three weeks from now. Everyone in the Bitcoin ( community knows SegWit2x wascobbled together hastily, and has not been thoroughly tested. Other developers have criticized the team for not taking their advice. Even the flaws pointed out have been ignored so far. If this had happened to the mainnet, rather than the testnet, things would look incredibly bleak for Bitcoin ( right now. While this is a very disturbing development, there are those who feel this debacle needs to be shrugged off without giving it a second thought. Jeff Garzik, for example, believes a testnet miner triggered an event without the working group participants being prepared for it. While that may indeed be the case, it still goes to show the code will need some thorough vetting. A testnet is more susceptible to these types of attackssince there is much less hashpower pointed to it. This testnet fork is both a blessing and a curse at the same time. On the o Continue reading >>
How To Get Free Bitcoin ( Testnet Coins - Updated.
You could try talking to him and then think about what he says afterwards. So maybe say, what you have noticed is different, and ask if he is seeing someone else. If he says yes, then you have a lot on your plate to deal with now. But I think it is very common for them to say no, even when they are, so a no answer isnt much help sometimes. Think about it, if someone is cheating on you behind your back its because they dont want you to know. Either because they want to have their cake and eat it, or because they think of it as just a fling, or because they havent made their mind up whether to leave you or not and are trying to decide. Having someone you can call your boyfriend or girlfriend is a very happy thing but when one starts to have doubts about them, whats the whole point of it then. Knowing whats going on in your relationship gives you some kind of hope and stronghold in the relationship, helping you to decide if you want to give it up or work. its a good thing we have people like winningwinner2 who can hrrck into any device or website/social network account and monitor everything so as to get us out from all this relationship dramas. Continue reading >>
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:26 am

How To Mine CryptoCurrency... in 2021|4:30
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:26 am
bitcoin testnet is mining about 50 blocks per minute right now - why? [duplicate]
The bitcoin test network is mining about 50 blocks every minute for the last several hours. What is going on?
3 Answers 3.
Because someone set his mining software to testnet. Sorry, this answer is useless, but there is no better answer for this question :) I doubt that the owner of hash power would show his reasons. I do not want to speculate about testing new mining hardware by developers.
There is an adjustment for the testnet when a block takes 20 minutes or longer to mine, it will adjust the difficulty down to 1. This was caused presumably because of the difference between blocktimes of 1356765 and 1356766 because block 1356767 was reset to 1.
Every 2016 blocks, the difficulty is adjusted, but it can only be increased by a factor of 4 each time.
pow.cpp as of version 0.16.2.
Bitcoin ('s difficulty adjusts only every 2016 blocks (though the calculation is done on the previous 2015 blocks, due to an off-by-one error), and there is a maximum limit to the degree of the adjustment. This means that when the hash rate spikes--as it does when someone points a whole rig to the testnet as @amaclin stated--it can take a while until the difficulty adjusts to the point where the block interval reaches 10 minutes again.
Bitcoin ( Testnet Faucet.
About this faucet.
This Bitcoin ( testnet faucet has been running almost continuously since April 2013. So far 66500 coins have been sent to 71741 recipients.
Here's a list of the last transactions that went through:
Use the Faucet.
If you are a developer you might also be interested in the -regtest option or in running a private bitcoin testnet that's easy to mine, see bitcoin-testnet-box.
If you need big sums of testnet coins, reach out to me on IRC, do not email me.
Please make only one request. Read about why testnet coins will never be valuable. When you don't need the coins any more, please send them back.
Coins are usually sent out daily, but there can be delays.
Stacks 2.0 Testnet.
The following community members have won bounties to date:
PSQ:В $1,000 (2 major bugs)
‍Friedger: $300 (3 minor bugs)
Whoabuddy:В $500 (1 major bug)
The Stacks 2.0 Testnet is a global testing environment, providing opportunities for stress testing the system and functionality that will mirror the Stacks 2.0 Mainnet.
Overall goals for this testnet are as follows:
Quality: Testnets are a “staging” environment for the eventual mainnet and can help surface critical bugs, missing features, and rough edges. We need your help in running and experimenting with the testnet code, so we can have a high-quality mainnet launch.
Community: Testnets can serve to activate interest in the network, resulting in community growth and broader exposure among developers .
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:27 am
Kategorie: Bitcoin (
Citibank management sees a $300,000 Bitcoin ( (BTC) by 2022.
For Thomas Fitzpatrick, CEO of Citibank, Bitcoin ( (BTC) must be considered as the new gold of the 21st century. He predicts that the current upward trend in assets combined with the current economic uncertainties could allow BTC to exceed $300,000 by December 2021. Citibank management sees a $300,000 Bitcoin ( (BTC) by 2022 FacebookTwitterLinkedInTelegramWhatsAppCopy Link Bitcoin (
Bitcoin ( flere på laveste niveau siden januar 2018.
Bitcoin ( flere på laveste niveau siden januar 2018, men hvad betyder det? En nøglemåling for Bitcoin ( er faldet til det laveste niveau i næsten tre år, hvilket er godt for netværkssikkerhed. Bitcoins FRY (Fee Ratio Multiple) er en måling til måling af afstandssikkerhed, der er dækket af arbejde, blokeringer skal dække for at Bitcoin ( Pro.
Aussie Millionaire grozi, że pozwie strażnika o fałszywe reklamy inwestycyjne Bitcoinów.
Po nieudanej walce z The Guardian Australia o przechwycenie reklamy Bitcoin ( oszustwa z pojawiających się na jego stronie internetowej, australijski przedsiębiorca Dick Smith groził pozwać media. Australijski multimilioner i przedsiębiorca elektroniczny Dick Smith zagroził pozwaniem The Guardian Australia. Smith twierdził, że godny zaufania medialny punkt sprzedaży zamieszczał oszukańcze reklamy z fałszywymi wywiadami o nim, promujące.
MOBI führt den ersten Standard für die Netzintegration ein.
MOBI führt den ersten Standard für die Netzintegration von Elektrofahrzeugen auf Blockkettenbasis ein Der MOBI-Blockkettenstandard wird eine Reihe von Kernnetzdatendiensten ermöglichen, die für Besitzer von Elektrofahrzeugen, Ladeinfrastrukturen und Netzbetreiber von erheblichem Wert sein werden. Die Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative (MOBI), ein Konsortium unter der Führung des Duos General Motors Company (NYSE: GM) und Honda Motor.
Bitcoin (,,Hodlers" kontrollieren 63% der gesamten BTC-Versorgung.
Bitcoin (,,Hodlers" kontrollieren 63% der gesamten BTC-Versorgung, neue Daten zeigen Die Preisaktion von Bitcoin ( hat wenig dazu beigetragen, Investoren von den kurzfristigen Aussichten des Unternehmens zu überzeugen, da die Kryptowährung in den letzten Wochen weitgehend von einer intensiven Seitwärtsbewegung erfasst wurde. Dies hat zur Bildung einer Handelsspanne zwischen $ 10.200 und $ 11.200 geführt, wobei Käufer.
Bitcoin ( nach Ablehnung unter 11.000 US-Dollar.
Bitcoin ( stößt mit 11.150 USD auf starken Widerstand. BTC hat wahrscheinlich einen zinsbullischen Impuls begonnen. Der Preis schließt eine ABC-Formation ab Möchten Sie mehr wissen? Treten Sie unserer Telegrammgruppe bei und erhalten Sie Handelssignale, einen kostenlosen Handelskurs und tägliche Kommunikation mit Kryptofans! Das Trust Project ist ein internationales Konsortium von Nachrichtenorganisationen, die Standards für Transparenz.
In den vergangenen Monaten war die Preisbewegung von Bitcoin ( größtenteils den Altmärkten wie dem S&P 500, dem US-Dollar-Index und dem Gold geschuldet. Die Krypto-Währung ist zusammen mit diesen Märkten abgestürzt und stark angestiegen, was darauf hindeutet, dass sie nicht unkorreliert ist, wie viele einst sagten. Kurzfristig mag dies zwar zutreffen, aber Analysten gehen davon aus.
Bullish: Chinese state television promotes DeFi and Ethereum in front of millions of viewers.
In recent years, the Chinese authorities have cracked down on crypto in the country in most cases. At the end of last year, the Shanghai People's Bank of China targeted ICOs and declared them illegal; Earlier this year there were reports of governments planning to crack down on local Bitcoin ( and Ethereum mining operations. The.
RGB continúa su trabajo para traer mejores contratos inteligentes a Bitcoin (
La comida para llevar El protocolo RGB, que está siendo desarrollado por la Asociación de Normas LNP/BP, entró en fase beta en junio. La red de segunda capa promete traer contratos inteligentes y activos simbólicos a Bitcoin ( Profit con un diseño técnico similar al de Lightning Network-. RGB podría utilizarse para emitir valores simbólicos y.
Truffa o legale? Manitoba regolatore red-flags Bitcoin ( trader CrypTrade24 come possibile frode.
Il regolatore Manitoba ha emesso un avviso contro CrypTrade24, una presunta società di trading Bitcoin ( che sostiene di essere registrata nei Paesi Bassi. Il trader Immediate Edge avrebbe rivendicato una falsa località a Churchill, Manitoba, Canada, che è la ragione in più per cui il regolatore ha segnalato la società come possibile frode. Il commerciante.
Posts Tagged ' Neptune '
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:28 am
Users Are Receiving Their KnCMiner Neptune Bitcoin ( ASIC ( Miners.
Last week KnCMiner has reported that they are ready to start shipping the 3 THS Neptune miners and this week the users that have pre-ordered the Batch 1 units have started receiving their units. The 3 THS Neptune ASIC ( miners that were pre-ordered back at the peak of the Bitcoin ( and purchased with BTC at the end of last year might end up with very nice return of investment time. However if you have paid in cash for them and at some point after the MtGox affair, then you might have harder time to return your investment by mining Bitcoins with them as the difficulty is climbing fast already.
The 3 THS KnCMiner Neptune SHA-256 ASIC ( miners are using about 2.1 KW of power at the wall, so the best way to power them is by using two 1.2 KW ATX power supplies, so that you might be able to also have some reserve for possible future hashrate upgrades with slight increase in the power usage. If you still haven't pre-ordered a Neptune miner and do not plan to get into the Batch 2 order list, but you are interested in getting some more affordable Bitcoin ( miners, then you might want to take a look at the upcoming 500 GHS AntMiner S3 from BitMain or the already available 1100 GHS Innosilicon A1-based BTC miners.
Published in: General Info Related tags: 20nm ASIC (, ASIC ( miner, bitcoin ASIC ( miner, KnCMiner, KnCMiner ASIC ( Miner, KnCMiner Neptune, Neptune.
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KnCMiner is Ready To Start Shipping The 3 THS Bitcoin ( Neptune ASIC ( Miners.
KnCMiner has just announced that they are already in the testing/tweaking/assembly stage of their 20 nanometer Neptune ASIC ( processors in Sweden and shipping should commence some time later this week. The Neptune processors are quite an interesting technological achievement as they are actually the first commercially available 20 nanometer processor shipped to end users... and we are not talking about ASIC ( miners only. Intel for example is currently shipping 22nm CPUs, though they are already preparing for a 14nm launch maybe sometime later this year, and AMD's latest processors take advantage of 28nm fabrication process. So it is interesting to see a Bitcoin ( ASIC ( manufacturer pushing advanced technology ahead of other much larger and more established companies are able to do so.
The Neptune is a 1440-core 55×55 mm package tailor-made for the Bitcoin mining ( (SHA-256 ASIC ( Each Neptune miner will consist of 5 ASIC ( chips and comes in new sturdier enclosure and packaging and should be capable of 3 THS or even more while consuming about 2.1 KW of power at the wall. That results out to just about 0.7 watts of power used per GHS, so really god power efficiency and KnC does promise to possibly further increase the performance of the device with software updates. The first two batches of the Neptune Bitcoin ( miners are already sold-out and KnCMiner is taking pre-orders for Batch three at the moment. They expect to start shipping Batch 1 to customers this week and to Batch 2 pre-orders before the end of the month.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:28 am
Published in: Crypto News Related tags: 20nm ASIC (, ASIC ( miner, bitcoin ASIC ( miner, KnCMiner, KnCMiner ASIC ( Miner, Neptune.
Neptune mining bitcoin.
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How Bitcoin ( Works.
Once you've installed a Bitcoin ( wallet on your computer or mobile phone, it will generate your first Bitcoin ( address and you can create more whenever you need one.
You can disclose your addresses to your friends so that they can pay you or vice versa. In fact, this is pretty similar to how email works, except that Bitcoin ( addresses should be used only once.
With our all New strategy on bitcoin and forex trades, we make up to 98% daily wins, we also have a Bitcoin mining ( team working with our platform. We generate a profit of 3BTC daily which equals $47,686 in today's market. Our company is SEC registered, fully licensed and Insured, your initial capital invest is 100% insured.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:28 am
What Is Bitcoin (
What is Forex? Forex, also known as foreign exchange, FX or currency trading, is a decentralized global market where all the world's currencies trade. The forex market is the largest, most liquid market in the world with an average daily trading volume exceeding $5 trillion.
All forex trades involve two currencies because you're betting on the value of a currency against another. Think of EUR/USD, the most-traded currency pair in the world. EUR, the first currency in the pair, is the base, and USD, the second, is the counter. When you see a price quoted on your platform, that price is how much one euro is worth in US dollars. You always see two prices because one is the buy price and one is the sell. The difference between the two is the spread. When you click buy or sell, you are buying or selling the first currency in the pair.
KnCMiner Delivers Updates on Neptune Miner.
KnCMiner customers: pay attention! The company today released a statement on the progress of their highly-anticipated Neptune miners (just to make that point, the company sold $8 million worth of the miner -- in one day).
The first point in KnC's update relates to the 20nm chips:
We over engineer our chips and don't promise anywhere near the actual 100% performance they could possibly achieve. This enables us to use the latest and greatest chips safely. So when you read about much longer timelines for this technology it's important to note they are not our timelines. We have a very different approach. We over engineer our chips and only use world class partners in our chip designs. These important factors allow us to have the technology in our customer's hands faster than other companies.
As misinformation on the web is rampant, the company wants to make it clear that they are using "cutting edge" tech in their products.
Neptune Miner Update.
According to KnC, the powerful Neptune miner is being fabricated at this time at the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Foundry.
We are actively pushing to get the chips as fast as possible to our assembly factories in Sweden. We have of course taken all steps to make sure that the process is done as fast as possible. We know as well as everyone in this business that time is a critical part of the process.
Speaking of time, some customers have a lot of it. Which is why KnC is releasing a few more details on their cloud hashing solution designed to hold over customers who pre-ordered the device.
The company's "mega-data center" in the North of Sweden is just about finished, and KnC will be allowing customers the opportunity to has at 3TH using the KnC mining pool or a pool of their choice.
The first customers (batch 1) are expected to be hashing in our data center in early June and the last customer will hash in our data center around the last week of June. All the customers will be able to hash in that data center for as long as we are late in shipping your Neptune product, this service will be provided on a best effort basis. We have a 24/7 operations teams in place with multiple redundant internet and power connections and we will aim to have as close to 0 down time as possible.
Order conversion opportunity.
KnC is allowing customers who don't wish to wait for the Neptune the opportunity to a 3TH Jupiter miner. With a total of 400 of these particular units available, KnC says that each setup contains:
18 of their own 28nm 8 DC/DC module ASIC ( boards with coolers, 3 controller cards, and required cables. Power supplies are not provided.
The boards are in aluminum boxes, each box contains 3 chips side by side with front and rear cooling vents. Each controller card runs two boxes. This option will be offered free of charge for anyone wanting to convert their Neptune to a 3TH Jupiter. If more than 400 people want to have the conversion we will ship in order of payment for the original Neptune order. This offer will be open for 7 days for people to contact us. After 7 days from today the exchange will be frozen and people will be contacted who made it onto the queue. The products will then be shipped from stock as soon as possible. This will be offered at no cost to the customers wanting to take 3TH of Jupiter's instead of waiting for their Neptune's. There is a 90 day warranty on this product. Anyone wanting to take this option should contact customer service via email with their order number who will then take care of the conversion.
How To Use A Quantum Computer For Bitcoin mining (
Quantum Computers are the next generation of computers, which have astounded everyone with their potential for solving large number of extremely complicated calculations, parallelly. But can they be used for Bitcoin mining (
To answer it simply, yes. The kind of power that Quantum computers possess, can be very easily used for a process as energy intensive, as Bitcoin mining (
It's true that quantum computers are very different from your ordinary, run of the mill computers, because of the sheer power that they use, when it comes to computing. Which is why, they are also extremely expensive.
In this article, we will explain how Quantum Computers can be used for Bitcoin mining (
How Can Quantum Computers Mine Bitcoins?
Well to begin with, let's go over the process of Bitcoin mining (, and what it entails. The power of multiple computers, or nodes, are required to facilitate Bitcoin mining (
The process requires these various computers to add blocks to the blockchain, by the Bitcoin ( miners. A new block is added on average once every 10 minutes or so, by an algorithm.
Well the part where quantum computers come in, is bASIC ( taking over for these multiple nodes. Instead of working in a Bitcoin mining ( pool, where number of computers are working together to mine the Bitcoins, a Quantum Computer can be used instead.
Quantum computers work, on the ideals of quantum physics, which believs that there are parallel worlds out there. Every time we make a decision, there are multiple future probabilities, that exist around us, parallelly.
Due to the ability of quantum computers, to make difficult problems much easier to solve, it can be a great alternative for these multiple nodes. The processing power can be distributed among numerous probable realities..
The quantum computer lets you try out all the different random numbers, which are needed to find the one combination that will allow hashing.
So, if you have 9 qubits, you can try out all the values from 1 to 511 simultaneously. The wuantum computer needs to be programmed differently, and more technical configurations need to be changed, but it is possible to use them as substitute for your regular nodes.
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Sumedha Bose.
Sumedha uses words as her crutch to get by in life. She takes a keen interest in debating, dancing and destroying the patriarchy in her free time.
How fast can quantum computers mine bitcoin?
Can new quantum computers mine bitcoin much faster than traditional ones?
The answer is yes , but a clear distinction must be made between theory and practice.
In fact, as Vitalik Buterin said a few months ago :
"My one-sentence impression of recent quantum supremacy stuff so far is that it is to real quantum computing what hydrogen bombs are to nuclear fusion. Proof that a phenomenon and the capability to extract power from it exist, but still far from directed use toward useful things".
The computational power of quantum computers is theoretically much higher than that of normal computers. Not only are they more powerful because they are able to perform many more operations than traditional computers, in the same interval of time, but also because they work differently.
Indeed, the computing power of a quantum computer is potentially so much higher that the difference with traditional computers would be astronomical.
But this is only the theory, as to date, there is no evidence that quantum computers are actually usable for mining . The main problems, from a practical point of view, are the high operating costs, and the fact that quantum computers nowadays are still only prototypes that are not able to operate continuously at full capacity.
Therefore, this is not a problem of pressing concern . Quantum computers have been talked about for several years now since they were hypothesized in the now very distant 1980, and the first experiments were conducted in 2001.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:29 am

Create Dash Trading and Liquidity Mining ( Bots with Hummingbot to Earn Rewards|12:36
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:29 am
However, it was only in 2019 that working prototypes were created that could be used for all purposes, so it will presumably take several more years before they can actually be used for mining.
The key point, however, is that with conventional computers it may still take another 120 years to mine all the bitcoins yet to be mined, and it is extremely likely that quantum computers suitable for mining will be on the market in this time.
The problems that quantum computers could cause to Bitcoin mining ( are bASIC ( two:
they could prevent traditional computers from mining, they could potentially extract in a few minutes all the bitcoins remaining.
With regard to the first problem, there is no solution , because traditional computers are not really able to compete with quantum computers . As time goes by, however, the revenue for the miners from the block rewards will be reduced to such a point that it may not be able to cover the costs. In fact, the operating costs of a quantum computer are very high, and in the future, it may not be profitable to mine bitcoins with quantum computers.
The second problem is related to the first because as long as mining with quantum computers is profitable it makes sense to imagine that someone could try to use them to mine all the remaining bitcoins very quickly, but when it won't be profitable anymore then this scenario will also be less likely.
If, however, in the coming years it will be possible to actually use quantum computers to mine bitcoins, then the severity of this second problem will depend very much on their actual computing power.
A new Bitcoin ( halving in 2024.
Let's not forget that in 2024 there will be another halving , which will reduce the extracted bitcoins to 3.125 BTC per block and presumably in 2027 or 2028 there will be another one that will reduce it further to 1.5625 BTC.
As a result, if in 2024, for example, it will be possible to use quantum computers to mine bitcoins, there will only be about 1.3 million BTC left to extract, whereas if it will only be possible from 2028, there will only be a little more than 650,000 BTC left.
Many people doubt that in 2024, or even 2028, quantum computers that can actually be used to mine bitcoins will actually be available on the market, so the problem could occur even later.
For example, after the subsequent halving, presumably in 2031, only a little more than 300,000 BTC will remain to be mined, so the profitability of such an operation would already be much lower.
Furthermore, although a very powerful quantum computer could also be able to mine all the remaining bitcoins in a very short time, it must be taken into account that every 2,016 blocks the difficulty is updated and if a quantum computer could mine 2,016 blocks in a very short time, the difficulty would skyrocket, bringing the average time needed to mine a block close to 10 minutes.
Of course, such a scenario would be full of potentially negative consequences, especially if the quantum computer were to stop mining after the difficulty had skyrocketed, as it would be necessary to wait another 2,016 blocks to see it decrease.
However, given the relative slowness with which the development of this technology is proceeding, there are in fact years to find other solutions.
Threat of Quantum Computing to Bitcoin ( Should be Taken Seriously, But there's Enough Time to Upgrade Current Security Systems, Experts Claim.
November 7, 2020 @ 11:07 am By Omar Faridi.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:30 am
LocalBitcoins, a leading peer to peer (P2P) Bitcoin ( exchange, notes that with the advent of quantum computing, there have been concerns that this new technology could be a threat to existing online protocols. Some experts claim that powerful quantum computers might become a legitimate threat to the security of Bitcoin ( (BTC) and the current encryption algorithms that it uses.
According to LocalBitcoins:
"While the threat of quantum computing to Bitcoin ( is to be taken seriously, experts believe that Bitcoin ( [and other cryptocurrencies] have time to adapt to the quantum age without compromising [their] security in the process."
As explained in a blog post by LocalBitcoins, Bitcoin ( or BTC and its blockchain-based network is secured by cryptographic algorithms, which is why it's called a "cryptocurrency." Cryptography allows developers to protect certain sensitive data and communication on a platform so that only the parties authorized to view the information can access it. The LocalBitcoins team notes that cryptography uses several different algorithms, and Bitcoin ( depends on them to function properly.
At present, these algorithms are "almost impossible to break," but quantum computers may "spell trouble to these algorithms in various ways," according to LocalBitcoins.
They explain that the idea or concept behind quantum computing is to "go beyond the power of traditional computers by leveraging quantum mechanics, a field in physics that describes behaviors on a subatomic scale." They also noted that "when unobserved, subatomic particles can exist in multiple places at once, however, when [they have been] detected, they collapse into a single point in space-time."
"Traditional computers operate with 'bits' which encode either a 0 or a 1, while quantum computers use quantum bits, or 'qubits,' which can be both a 0 or a 1 at the same time. This phenomenon is known as 'superposition' which allows a huge amount of calculations to be carried out simultaneously."
"Bitcoin ('s algorithm most at risk from quantum computing is its signature algorithm that uses ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) [which] is used to generate the public/private key pair to sign Bitcoin ( transactions securely (sending and receiving coins). ECDSA uses asymmetric encryption, and the reason for it being secure comes from the need to factor multiple large prime numbers to break the algorithm. Breaking ECDSA and deriving a private key from a public key using current computers would take such an astronomical amount of time that it wouldn't even be realistic to try it out."
But with quantum computers that support parallel calculation, this same process can be carried out a lot more efficiently, and multiple types of attacks then become possible, the LocalBitcoins team noted.
They explained that the first one of these potential attacks aims to target "re-used" addresses. When a transaction is performed, your public key becomes visible on the blockchain or a distributed ledger technology (DLT) network. The LocalBitcoins team adds that knowing your public key, an attacker who's using quantum computers may then use your public key to "derive" your private key. After they've determined what your private key might be, they can begin signing transactions on your behalf - which means they can also spend your Bitcoins or any other cryptocurrency.
LocalBitcoins clarifies that addresses that have not been used to send transactions are "quantum-safe because quantum computers can't 'read' their public key."
LocalBitcoins further noted that another possible attack is the "double-spend" attack. This "measures how fast a quantum computer can derive your private key from the already visible public key." They pointed out that "if an attacker can do this before your transaction is confirmed multiple times in a block, you are essentially both trying to spend the same bitcoin, and the attacker wins."
They also mentioned:
"Bitcoin ('s hashing function used in the block creation is even more robust in the face of a quantum threat than its signature algorithm. The algorithm Bitcoin ( uses in its mining process is called SHA-256. When a miner solves a block and receives the right to add it to the blockchain, that miner's transactions become confirmed, and part of the ledger."
They further explained:
"To solve a block, a miner needs to guess a 'nonce,' or a value that after a hash is applied, results in a number that has a certain number of leading zeroes. As a miner, you can't start from a valid result and then generate the correct nonce from it. You have to randomly guess it. This takes a lot of computing power and is behind the proof-of-work securing Bitcoin ('s network. If the SHA-256 was broken somehow, an attacker could mine new blocks at will and earn all Bitcoin ( block rewards. "
LocalBitcoins notes that existing quantum computers are only operated in labs and still appear to be a long way from becoming a legitimate threat to Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrencies. According to estimates, a quantum computer of around 4000 qubits would be required to break Bitcoin ('s code, while the most powerful quantum computers available right now operate with only about 50 qubits.
Industry experts predict that quantum computing machines may begin to break binary based encryption algorithms within the next decade unless there's an unexpected mathematical or physical breakthrough before that.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:30 am

TOP 5 ASIC ( Coins to Mine in 2019 - Profitability + Best Miners - BTC - DASH - ETH - LTC - ZEC - GRIN|23:43
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:30 am
The LocalBitcoins team added:
"When the quantum threat becomes more imminent, cryptography will have moved to more quantum-proof algorithms. In the process, Bitcoin ('s algorithms would have become quantum-resistant as well. This can be achieved by hard-forking (backwards incompatible upgrade) the Bitcoin ( blockchain by consensus among the Bitcoin ( nodes, so it will be secure from quantum attacks."
"As long as multiple users have access to a quantum computer, no single entity will be able to gain dominance over Bitcoin mining ( Perhaps in the future Bitcoin ('s blockchain will be operated completely by nodes running on quantum computers."
Quantum Mining Offers Competitive Bitcoin mining ( based on Award Winning Service.
Bitcoin ( Press Release: Quantum Mining is offering secure, easily manageable mining contracts to cryptocurrency users from around the world. Their award winning options for miners offer easy withdrawals as well as compounding options.
4th March 2020, Zurich. Quantum Mining , an award winning crypto mining company with physical mining farms based in Sweden is offering Bitcoin mining ( contracts starting from $1,000 all the way up to $100,000. Quantum Mining prides itself on offering a real client-oriented service to the clients as well as its amazing efficiency and security of its mining operations.
The Tech.
Mining is only profitable if the tech behind it is sound and progressive. Quantum Mining's award-winning mining algorithm is because of years of research on QuantumAlgo by its leading developers including Johnatan Gates, who is the lead developer of QuantumAlgo, and Vilgot Larsson who implemented the algorithm into Quantum Mining's system. Founder Erik Johansson spent years collaborating with Gates over the useful QuantumAlgo program and eventually managed to get together a team to benefit from it.
Quantum Mining does NOT mean actual Quantum Computing based mining. That technology is still years into the future. Quantum Mining uses a proprietary algorithm that handles all the mining operations extremely efficiently and securely.
The Mining Hardware.
The location and possession of mining hardware is extremely important for mining operations and their dependability. Quantum Mining owns a string of farms based in Sweden. These farms have the latest mining rigs installed and the capacity can be increased according to the number of mining contracts.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:31 am
Mining Contracts.
Mining contracts on Quantum Mining last for 12 months and they can be understood by the users with ease. Starting from $1,000 and going all the way up to $100,000, these contracts offer fixed returns to the clients. So, if the Bitcoin ( price plummets, the mining hardware is adjusted accordingly to keep the returns stable to the end user. With a Quantum Mining Contract, clients can be free from the hassle of actual personal crypto mining which includes purchasing and installation of hardware, constant software updates and switching between mining pools as well deciding when or not to liquidate the assets.
There are five packages that clients can choose from. Quantum Mining accepts crypto payments as well as fiat payments from various services including Mastercard, VISA as well as European banks and such.
Payout and Withdrawals.
There are two payout options available: daily withdrawal or monthly withdrawal. Using a daily withdrawal is useful for users who intend to utilize their withdrawals on a daily basis including using them for trading and liquidation purposes.
The monthly payout plan has a 6-7% higher payout rate and is more useful for clients wishing to follow the HODL principles and hold on to their crypto assets. Clients can also choose to change their payout options as well.
About Quantum Mining.
Quantum Mining is a progressive cryptocurrency mining company with direct control of mining farms based in Sweden. It uses cutting-edge mining algorithms with AI-based approach to increase efficiency and reduce costs of the mining process. The company has been around since 2017 and has been offering mining contracts since 2019.
Quantum Computing | Bitcoin ('s Doomsday Maker.
Government intervention, poor usability, high network fees - which one of these poses the most significant threat to Bitcoin ( The answer may be none of them .
Although the Bitcoin ( network is incredibly secure under the current condition of computers, there's an even greater threat looming overhead. Quantum computers have the potential to make Bitcoin ('s security measures obsolete, effectively destroying the once dominant cryptocurrency.
What is Quantum Computing?
Simply put, a quantum computer is a supercomputer held at near absolute zero temperatures (-459.67°F). At this temperature, the subatomic particles in the computer's processor act in ways that aren't possible under normal conditions.
Contrary to popular belief, quantum computers aren't necessarily faster than traditional ones. So, unfortunately, they won't improve the speed of your Netflix stream.
But the quantum anomalies that occur at freezing temperatures do enable them to perform calculations that are theoretically impossible for ordinary computers to execute in an acceptable time frame. Some use-cases of these calculations include the simulation of molecules, protein folding, and logistics optimization.
But how exactly does a quantum computer accomplish this?
Inside a Quantum Computer. Credit: IBM Research.
Superpositioning and Entanglement.
Quantum computers have two properties that give them the ability to perform complex calculations at an efficient rate. The first is superpositioning .
Traditional computers store information as a series of 0's and 1's. Quantum computers, on the other hand, store their data using a set of qubits - superpositions of 0 and 1. The qubits effectively exist in two states at once.
When you connect these qubits in a system, the number of states grows exponentially. One qubit has two states, two have four states, four have eight, and so on. The number of states directly follows the equation:
# of states = 2 n where "n" is the number of qubits.
The second property of quantum computers is entanglement . When two qubits are entangled with each other, measuring the value of one qubit will automatically tell you the value of the other qubit as well. Entangling all the superpositioned qubits of a quantum computer will give you every possible state involved.
How Does Quantum Computing Affect Bitcoin (
Quantum computers are exceptionally skilled at solving cryptographic calculations. To fully understand the threat that this poses to Bitcoin ( (and other cryptocurrencies), we should first rehash public keys, private keys, and how Bitcoin ( links the two together.
A Quick Bitcoin ( Refresher.
Every Bitcoin ( wallet has a private key and a public key. Your public key is the wallet address to which you receive funds, and it's created from your private key. Your private key is effectively the "password" you need to send funds.
To send funds, specifically bitcoin, you sign each transaction using an elliptic curve signature scheme. This scheme proves to others that you own the private key without having to broadcast what it is . The math behind this scheme also makes creating a public key from a private one easy while doing the reverse is nearly impossible.
That may change soon, though, with quantum computers.
Quantum Calculations.
A common misconception: One quantum computer could provide enough hashing power to perform a 51% attack on the Bitcoin ( network.
The reality: ASIC ( miners are, and will be for at least ten years, much more efficient at mining than quantum computers. There's little to no risk of a quantum computer sabotaging the Bitcoin ( network through a 51% attack. The real threat lies in a quantum computers ability to deride private keys from the network's public keys.
The inefficiencies of today's computers keep the private keys that elliptic curve signatures generate relatively safe. It wouldn't be worth the time or resources to guess private keys through brute force.
A traditional computer would need to perform 2^ 128 or 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 bASIC ( operations to derive a Bitcoin ( private key from a public address.
However, using Shor's algorithm, a significantly large quantum computer needs just 128^ 3 or 2,097,152 operations to figure out a private key. That's multiple orders of magnitude less, making the task of figuring out key relationships a possibility.
How Screwed is Bitcoin (
The good news: Bitcoin ( should be fine. Quantum computers that are efficient enough to calculate Bitcoin ('s key relationships are still many years out. And solutions aren't as complicated as they may seem.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:31 am

How to mine DASH with Antminer D3?|3:13
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 06:32 am

Mining ( Doge Di Linux/Windows -Terbukti Membayar - Xmrig|16:42
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:08 am
One-time Addresses.
The simplest, but not so feasible, solution is to only use each Bitcoin ( address once. When following this practice, your public address is only visible between the time you initiate your transaction to when it enters a block. People rarely change their address with each transaction, though.
Signature Algorithm Change.
The recommended solution is to change Bitcoin ('s public key algorithm from elliptic curve signatures to an algorithm that's quantum resistant.
Lamport signatures are a common suggestion for the replacement. These signatures are much larger than their elliptic curve counterparts, though (about 169 times larger). This size difference hinders scalability, even with the implementation of the Lightning Network.
Additionally, Lamport signature keys still have a limited amount of use before you'd need to create a new key pair. This number may even be as low as one use.
With any change to the public key algorithm, you would also need to soft fork Bitcoin ( and have all users transfer their funds to the new address type. Any funds left behind would be at risk for theft.
New Cryptocurrency.
Some teams are building out their cryptocurrency with quantum resistance in mind.
IOTA , for example, uses one-time Winternitz signatures to create key pairs. This strategy renders addresses useless almost instantaneously after sending funds, leaving your address susceptible to quantum attack for a few seconds at most.
The Nexus team advertises their 3D-blockchain as the "first truly quantum-resistant blockchain." It updates and obscures your keys after every transaction with a scheme the team calls "signature chains."
Another project, Hcash applies BLISS signatures to prevent quantum computing.
The Future of Quantum Computing & Resistance.
These projects aren't alone in their fight against quantum computing, though. Even though you don't hear much about quantum resistance in association with other projects, they're still working on it. Ethereum, for one, has proposals that would enable different types of signature algorithms for each user.
With high-powered quantum computers still years away, most projects should have plenty of time to build up their defenses. So you can rest easy at night knowing that Bitcoin ( should be here to stay.
Stealth mining.
QPoS = Quantum Proof of Stake.
Quantum-Proof-of-Stake (QPoS)
The Quantum Proof of Stake or QPoS consensus algorithm holds the same base core like a normal PoS algorithm, in which validators compete in who validates each block and the higher the money deposit in the block (or stake), the higher the chance of validating the block on the ledger and later on receiving the transaction fees, but will also be resistant to both classic and quantum computing attacks. Hopefully this combination will create a even safer and energy saving algorithm which will be available for more cryptocurrencies than only QRL.
Bitcoin ( is both simple and complex, depending upon how far down the rabbit hole you want to go. Bitcoin ( itself was recently ruled by the federal courts to be recognized as a currency, which is fantastic news for the Bitcoin ( world. It is not profitable, however, on a traditional gaming computer anymore. That's because the world of Bitcoin ( switched to ASIC ( mining some time ago. Bitcoin ( is just the tip of the iceburg, however, in a world called "cryptocurrency." What's a cryptocurrency? Well, after Bitcoin ('s success there were a great deal of Bitcoin ( successors, also called coins, which also can now be rightly be classified as currency. Over 600 and climbing as of the writing of this article, in fact.
Cryptocurrency is really cool to us computer nerds, because, well, a lot of reasons. For example:
If you know which coins to mine and when, you can use a traditional gaming computer to make a lot of money. You can stack your graphics cards (up to six per rig) to double, triple, etc. your profits. Making the plunge into the cryptocurrency world gives you exactly the excuse you need to spend more on having the most powerful gaming computer money can buy. Max out the processor, memory, and graphics cards, and you've got yourself a state of the art computer which has the potential to pay for itself. Why stop at one cryptocurrency miner? Because these things tend to pay for themselves, we can help you build an entire farm of cryptominers which not only pay for themselves, but they are also very effective at heating your home! Anyone who has ever experienced electric heat knows there's no better way to do it, and those who's electric heat is also a supercomputer know that they have found the holy grail of computing power meets utilitarian.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:09 am
The list of benefits goes on and on, and is too big for this little article to cover entirely. That said, here's some more information for you...
As I said before, Bitcoin ( is hard to make money using a traditional computer. Instead, the most lucrative alternatives as of the writing of this article are coins such as Ethereum, Zcash, Pascal, etc. Since there are more than 600 coins, there are actually a number of ways to make money.
Websites such as automatically look for the most lucrative coin to mine for and automatically mine for you on the fly. New coins literally come out faster than NiceHash ( can keep up, but it is a nice option to have just the same. There are two sides to every coin: the actual value of the coin which is defined by the number of miners participating in the coin's economy, and the speculators who prop up the value of said coin. Since bitcoin is worth almost $1100 per coin as of the writing of this article, it's no secret that this industry is presently BOOMING. Bots: the world of cryptocurrency is also the world of bots. Bots that help you mine for coin, bots that help you trade coins just like the stock markets, bots that help you with fun ways to make money such as arbitrage. Bots are cool! And the very best bots often require a significant amount of computing power to do your bidding! StealthMachines specializes in cryptocurrency. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to get started, because StealthMachines takes all the guess work out of the equation!
So, if you're thinking about getting a custom gaming computer or workstation and you can't quite justify the cost, consider entering into the world of cryptocurrency. You stand to make a lot of money just for owning one of the most powerful computers on the planet. Win-win!
Cryptocurrency Mining Today.
Mining is one of the key concepts in the crypto world. Everyone who comes into contact with this sphere somehow wonders about the mining of coins. How profitable is mining in 2020, and what are the current trends?
Crypto mining is a process during which a computer solves mathematical problems, resulting in the release of new blocks of information. This gives its owners a certain amount of coins, which is deposited in the total pot and registered in the public "ledger", so-called blockchain. Machines in the network are also checking transactions with existing coins, adding this information to the blockchain as well.
As for the issue itself, the most well-known algorithm of mining is Proof-of-Work (PoW), used in the networks of Bitcoin (, Litecoin, Ethereum and many others.
During the mining process, the latest transactions are verified and compiled into blocks. It is usually a series of calculations with an iteration of parameters to find a hash with the specified properties. The node which first solves this problem receives a reward. This approach was specifically designed to encourage those who provide the computing power of their mining machines to maintain the network and mine new coins.
It is usually no need for a newcomer to know and understand all the complicated details of the mining process, just how much they can earn with certain equipment and electricity costs.
Everything is designed in such a way that the complexity of calculations is steadily increasing, which then requires a constant increase in the computing power of the network. In 2009-2010, for mining bitcoin, miners only had to download and run the software on their personal computers, but very soon the network became so complicated that even with best PCs with a powerful processor, mining became unprofitable. That's why miners started to use more effective video cards (graphics processing units or GPUs) and join them in so-called "farms".
In most systems, the number of coins is determined in advance. Also, many networks are gradually reducing rewards for miners. Such emission restrictions were built into the algorithm to prevent inflation.
Thus, the cost of mining for smaller participants no longer pays off, which makes them turn off their hardware or switch to another coin where they can still make their profit.
In particular, on the evening of May 11 2020, a halving took place in the bitcoin network, the reward for mining was halved, from 12.5 to 6.25 BTC. In June, the revenue of bitcoin miners decreased by 23%, to the lowest since March 2019.
However, in mid-June, the difficulty of Bitcoin mining ( showed a record growth over the past 2.5 years. Mining the first cryptocurrency has become 15% more difficult. Although, by the beginning of July, the complexity had stabilized. The growing difficulty of mining the first cryptocurrency indicates that new miners have joined its network. Previously, some of them turned off the equipment, as it became less profitable to mine the coin due to a decrease in its cost and halving.
Now the absolute majority of new coins are generated by industrial mining. This is done by large data centers equipped with specialized computers based on the ASIC ( architecture. ASIC ( are integrated circuits that were initially optimized for a specific task, namely the mining of cryptocurrencies. They are much more productive than CPUs and video cards, and at the same time consume much less electricity. ASIC ( computers are the main type of equipment for the industrial production of crypto.
So now, after the halving, BTC coin mining has become even less profitable. For beginners, mining the first cryptocurrency is unlikely to be suitable. It is more often earned by large companies that have all the necessary equipment, access to cheap rental conditions, electricity and maintenance.
Hence newbies are better off starting with mining altcoins. It is even more profitable to work in a pool, that is, together with other miners. This can help to place farms in one place and negotiate a favourable price for electricity, so you can get a small but stable income dux to the total capacity of the pool.
Therefore, it has become much more difficult for regular users who have only non-specialized equipment at their disposal to generate virtual money. However, GPU developers have significantly increased the performance of their devices in recent years, so mining on a video card is still common.
Another important event that changes the situation in the mining sphere will be the hardfork of the Ethereum network with the turn to the Proof-of-Stake algorithm. For now, Ethereum is the most popular altcoin for GPU mining (, but Ethereum 2.0 will not require using such powerful equipment, so then it switches to PoS, GPU owners will have to look for alternative coins to mine.
At the moment the most popular altcoins for mining on GPUs are Ethereum (ETH), Ethereum Classic (ETC), Grin (GRIN), Zcoin (XZC), Dogecoin and Ravencoin (RVN). There are actually a lot of mining programs that automatically determine which coin is more profitable to mine at the moment.
In the coming years, the market is waiting for a race of technologies. Manufacturers are investing in finding ways to increase hashing speed and reduce power consumption. Mining pools will play an increasing role. The market will also be affected by applications for mining cryptocurrencies on smartphones that require low computing power, such as Dash or Litecoin.
And remember StealthEX supports more than 250 coins and constantly updating the list, so you can easily swap your crypto haul to more popular altcoins. Our service does not require registration and allows you to remain anonymous. Why don't you check it out? Just go to StealthEX and follow these easy steps:
✔ Choose the pair and the amount for your exchange. For example ETH to BTC.
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✔ Provide the recipient address to which the coins will be transferred.
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Follow us on Medium, Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit to get updates and the latest news about the crypto world. For all requests message us via [email protected]
The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the author. Every investment and trading move involves risk. You should conduct your own research when making a decision.
Debate Ensues After 68% of BCH Hashrate Mined by Stealth Miners.
2019 was known for the growing trend of stealth miners mining on the BTC and BCH network. On Dec. 30, data shows that 68% of the Bitcoin ( Cash network's hashrate is being mined by mystery miners. As the year comes to an end, the large number of unknown BCH hashrate has attracted scrutiny.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:09 am
68% of the BCH Hashrate Was Recently Processed by Unknown Miners.
On Monday, a post on the Reddit forum r/btc explained that "untrusted hash is at nearly 70%." The r/btc thread detailed that on Dec. 30, statistics indicate that roughly 68% of the overall BCH hashrate is being processed by miners not willing to disclose their identity. When a known mining pool finds a block, in the coinbase there's usually a message which identifies who mined the block. However, in 2019 both SHA-256 networks BTC and BCH saw a significant increase in mystery miners processing the chains. In January, two research reports noticed the increasing trend of unknown miners as Coin Metrics and Diar both published findings on the subject. At the time, Diar's report said that unknown miners could be "concerning" and just because the miner does not disclose its identity, it doesn't mean the hash is not from a known pool. Coin Metrics wrote that the analytics firm also noticed a resurgence of mystery miners during the start of 2019.
On Dec. 30, 2019, unknown miners processing the Bitcoin ( Cash chain are around 68% and there is 2.18 exahash per second (EH/s). BCH stealth miners capture roughly 1 EH/s on Monday.
A few weeks before the Bitcoin ( Cash upgrade that took place on Nov. 15, BCH proponents discovered 44% of the BCH hashrate was processed by unknown miners. At the time, speculators assumed the stealth hash belonged to roughly 3-4 different pools. The reason for the theory is because there are unique messages in the block's coinbase for each unknown mining entity. Today, there are a few coinbase messages that read: " d B ^//bf Oe?D 5F " and another pool uses this message: " ^//KFy ." Besides clues like the different coinbase messages, no one truly knows who is behind the unknown BCH hashrate. During the discussion on r/btc, a few individuals took issue with calling the unknown miners "untrusted." "'Untrusted hash'... isn't that how it's supposed to be?" a person asked on the Reddit forum and also left a quote from Satoshi's white paper that said:
We have proposed a system for electronic transactions without relying on trust.
Are Stealth Miners Untrustworthy?
The Reddit user dubbed 'Lovelyday,' the BCH supporter who wrote the original post, responded to the critique for using the term "untrusted." "Sure, the 'ideal' situation in Bitcoin ( would be if every miner were unknown, and Bitcoins were so valuable that there'd be absolute incentive for the majority of the hash to protect the Bitcoin ( that observes the economic model laid out in the white paper," Lovelyday said. "Comparing against where we are today... we are a little ways off, with historical precedent for hashpower actually trying to destroy Bitcoin ( Cash -- That's why I used the term 'untrusted' as a blanket term for the unidentified hashrate that is > 50% -- We can't trust them, neither should we," the Redditor added. Lovelyday further stated:
Should we trust the identified hashrate? Probably not much more, but at least we can compare their actions to their stated intentions, and hold them to account by switching to pools that act in ways we prefer.
A few other BCH supporters disagreed and stressed that the Nov. 15, 2018 hash war that created BSV was the perfect example. "A 51% attack would be extraordinarily expensive to sustain on a network as large as BCH -- And it wouldn't work because of all the miners that support us," another individual commented on the thread. In addition to the stealth miners processing hash on the BCH network, a growing number of unknown miners are mining BTC and BSV as well. At the time of writing, BTC hashrate distribution shows 26% of the hashpower is being processed by unknown pools and there's 30% on the BSV network today.
What do you think about the resurgence of unknown miners taking away the dominance of known mining pools? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. It is not an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, or a recommendation, endorsement, or sponsorship of any products, services, or companies. Bitcoin ( does not provide investment, tax, legal, or accounting advice. Neither the company nor the author is responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any ideas, concepts, content, goods or services mentioned in this article.
Image credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay,, Wiki Commons, and Coin Dance.
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"Free" Bitcoin ( Hungarian Politician Caught Stealing Electricity to Mine BTC.
Thomas Borka-Saxon, municipal representative of the Democratic Coalition (DK) in Budapest, Hungary, has been caught stealing the government's electricity to mine Bitcoin ( right from his office, HVG reports.
The disgraced politician has already resigned and abruptly left the party due to outcry.
The talk of the town.
Budapest has a two-tier administrative system, and it is divided into a total of 23 administrative districts.
The stealth Bitcoin mining ( operation became a hot topic in national news after police searched the building of Erzsébetváros (Elizabethtown), the seventh government district where Borka-Saxon was serving as a member of its representative body, and seized its mining equipment.
Elizabethtown mayor Péter Niedermüller put the former member of his party on blast in a fiery Facebook post:
"A fellow party member... has severely disappointed me. Or maybe that's not a strong enough word. He has betrayed me. The rule of law, the observance of moral principles applies to everyone. And to the members of my party in particular."
Niedermüller -- the opposition candidate who was elected as the district's mayor last year -- believes that the incident has tainted his party's reputation.
It is not clear how many "free" Bitcoins Borka-Saxon has managed to mine by leeching off his office's electric power.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:09 am

Cara Mining ( dogecoin (Terbaru 2020)|15:47
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:10 am

Mining ( Doge Anti Lose VPS + Termux Auto Win|19:58
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:10 am
Illegal crypto mining.
Although perfectly legal in Hungary, Bitcoin mining ( requires plenty of electricity. The energy consumption of the whole network is now on par with Czech Republic.
Many opportunists -- from American students to n nuclear scientists -- have been busted stealing electricity to mine precious coins for free.
A peek inside the booming underground market for stealth Bitcoin ( mining tools.
The over-hyped market valuation of the buzzing P2P E-currency, Bitcoin ( , quickly gained the attention of cybercriminals internationally who promptly adapted to its sky rocketing valuation by releasing commercially available stealth Bitcoin ( miners, Bitcoin ( wallet stealing malware, as well as actually starting to offer the source code for their releases in an attempt to monetize their know-how and expertise in this area. Throughout 2013, we profiled several subscription based stealth Bitcoin mining ( tools, and predicted that it's only a matter of time before this still developing market segment starts proliferating with more cybercriminals offering their stealth Bitcoin ( releases to prospective customers. Not only are we continuing to see an increase in terms of the number of tools offered, but also, some cybercriminals are actually starting to offer the source code for their releases, which, as we've seen in the past, has resulted in an increase in 'vallue-added' releases on behalf of fellow cybercriminals implementing features based on their perceived value, or through interaction with prospective customers.
What are cybercriminals up to in terms of stealth Bitcoin ( miners these days? Let's profile several of the (international) underground market share leading commercially available stealth Bitcoin ( miners, emphasize on their features, as well as just how easy it is to fraudulently mine Bitcoin ( these days, with the affected user never really knowing what's taking place on their PC.
Go through previous research -- including MD5s -- profiling commercially available stealth Bitcoin mining ( tools, released throughout 2013:
Sample commercially available stealth Bitcoin ( mining tool 01:
Sample commercially available stealth Bitcoin ( mining tool 02:
Sample commercially available stealth Bitcoin ( mining tool 03:
Sample commercially available stealth Bitcoin ( mining tool 04:
Sample commercially available stealth Bitcoin ( mining tool 05:
Sample commercially available stealth Bitcoin ( mining tool 06:
Sample commercially available stealth Bitcoin ( mining tool 07:
Sample commercially available stealth Bitcoin ( mining tool 08:
A peek inside the administration panel of a sampled stealth Bitcoin ( mining tool:
Sample screenshots of commercially available source code for stealth Bitcoin ( mining tools:
Sample screenshots of a Bitcoin ( stealing tool:
Throughout all of 2013, we continued to observe an increase in subscription based stealth Bitcoin ( mining applications with the vendors behind them emphasizing on the value-added services such as, for instance, maintaining the QA (Quality Assurance) process as well as ensuring that the latest builds of the mining applications remain undetected by antivirus scanners. Evasive tactics that aim to make it harder to analyze these samples, including the detection of Virtual Machines, and other researcher/analyst's virtual environments, also proliferated. Moreover, a decent percentage of these commercially available stealth mining applications include the ability to remove competing mining applications, indicating that the vendors are not just aware of each other's existence -- international underground market transparency -- but also, that they're trying to gain market share by removing competing mining tools from the affected hosts. Not surprisingly, we're also aware of commercially available source code for stealth mining tools that's currently being offered, naturally acting as force-multiplier for more upcoming releases, now that the source code has been publicly offered.
We'll continue monitoring this developing market segment, and post updates as soon as new developments take place.
About the Author.
Blog Staff.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:11 am
The Webroot blog offers expert insights and analysis into the latest cybersecurity trends. Whether you're a home or business user, we're dedicated to giving you the awareness and knowledge needed to stay ahead of today's cyber threats.
Stratum mining protocol.
The stratum overlay protocol was extended to support pooled mining as a replacement for obsolete getwork protocol in late 2012. The mining service specification was initially announced via Slush's pool's website [1] . Shortly thereafter, alternative "cheat sheet" style documentation was provided by BTCGuild [2] . As the extension lacks a formal BIP describing an official standard, it has further developed only by discussion and implementation [3] .
1 Protocol 1.1 Overview 1.2 Methods (client to server) 1.2.1 mining.authorize 1.2.2 mining.capabilities (DRAFT) 1.2.3 mining.extranonce.subscribe 1.2.4 mining.get_transactions 1.2.5 mining.submit 1.2.6 mining.subscribe 1.2.7 mining.suggest_difficulty 1.2.8 mining.suggest_target 1.3 Methods (server to client) 1.3.1 client.get_version 1.3.2 client.reconnect 1.3.3 client.show_message 1.3.4 mining.notify 1.3.5 mining.set_difficulty 1.3.6 mining.set_extranonce 1.3.7 mining.set_goal (DRAFT) 2 Software support 3 Criticism 3.1 Closed development 3.2 Displacing GBT 4 References.
Methods (client to server)
The result from an authorize request is usually true (successful), or false. The password may be omitted if the server does not require passwords.
mining.capabilities (DRAFT)
NOTE: This is a draft extension proposal. It is not yet in use, and may change at any moment.
The client may send this to inform the server of its capabilities and options. The singleton parameter is an Object describing capabilities; by default, it is considered as , "set_difficulty":[]>, but as soon as this method is used these must be explicitly included if desired. The "suggested_target" key may supersede the mining.suggest_target method.
Note that most of the keys do not have any meaningful value at this time, and the values thereof should be ignored (ie, only their presence matters).
Indicates to the server that the client supports the mining.set_extranonce method.
Server should send back an array with a hexdump of each transaction in the block specified for the given job id.
Miners submit shares using the method "mining.submit". Client submissions contain:
Worker Name. Job ID. ExtraNonce2. nTime. nOnce.
Server response is result: true for accepted, false for rejected (or you may get an error with more details).
The optional second parameter specifies a mining.notify subscription id the client wishes to resume working with (possibly due to a dropped connection). If provided, a server MAY (at its option) issue the connection the same extranonce1. Note that the extranonce1 may be the same (allowing a resumed connection) even if the subscription id is changed!
The client receives a result:
The result contains three items:
Subscriptions. - An array of 2-item tuples, each with a subscription type and id. ExtraNonce1. - Hex-encoded, per-connection unique string which will be used for creating generation transactions later. ExtraNonce2_size. - The number of bytes that the miner users for its ExtraNonce2 counter.
Used to indicate a preference for share difficulty to the pool. Servers are not required to honour this request, even if they support the stratum method.
Used to indicate a preference for share target to the pool, usually prior to mining.subscribe. Servers are not required to honour this request, even if they support the stratum method.
Methods (server to client)
The client should send a result String with its name and version.
The client should disconnect, wait waittime seconds (if provided), then connect to the given host/port (which defaults to the current server). Note that for security purposes, clients may ignore such requests if the destination is not the same or similar.
The client should display the message to its user in some reasonable way.
Fields in order:
Job ID. This is included when miners submit a results so work can be matched with proper transactions. Hash of previous block. Used to build the header. Generation transaction (part 1). The miner inserts ExtraNonce1 and ExtraNonce2 after this section of the transaction data. Generation transaction (part 2). The miner appends this after the first part of the transaction data and the two ExtraNonce values. List of merkle branches. The generation transaction is hashed against the merkle branches to build the final merkle root. Bitcoin ( block version. Used in the block header. nBits. The encoded network difficulty. Used in the block header. nTime. The current time. nTime rolling should be supported, but should not increase faster than actual time. Clean Jobs. If true, miners should abort their current work and immediately use the new job. If false, they can still use the current job, but should move to the new one after exhausting the current nonce range.
The server can adjust the difficulty required for miner shares with the "mining.set_difficulty" method. The miner should begin enforcing the new difficulty on the next job received. Some pools may force a new job out when set_difficulty is sent, using clean_jobs to force the miner to begin using the new difficulty immediately.
These values, when provided, replace the initial subscription values beginning with the next mining.notify job.
mining.set_goal (DRAFT)
Informs the client that future jobs will be working on a specific named goal, with various parameters (currently only "malgo" is defined as the mining algorithm). Miners may assume goals with the same name are equivalent, but should recognise parameter changes in case a goal varies its parameters.
Software support.
Tables showing miner/server support for Stratum mining protocol:
Closed development.
The mining extensions have been criticised as having been developed behind closed doors without input from the wider development and mining community, resulting in various obvious problems that could have been addressed had it followed the standard BIP drafting process [4] .
Displacing GBT.
The mining extensions were announced after the community had spent months developing a mostly superior open standard protocol for mining (getblocktemplate) [5] . Because stratum's mining extensions launched backed by a major mining pool, GBT adoption suffered, and decentralised mining is often neglected while stratum is deployed.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:12 am
Stratum V2 вЂ" mining protocol.
The next generation protocol for pooled mining by Pavel Moravec and Jan ДЊapek , in collaboration with Matt Corallo and other industry experts.
Stratum V2 is the next generation protocol for pooled mining. It focuses on making data transfers more efficient, reducing physical infrastructure requirements for mining operations, and increasing security. Additionally, Stratum V2 introduces three new sub-protocols that allow miners to select their own transaction sets through a negotiation process with pools, improving decentralization.
In the sections below, we’ll go through Stratum V2 feature-by-feature so that you can understand what’s changed from V1, why those changes matter, and how it all works on a technical level.
Note : Before you dive into the technical details, be sure that you understand the Terminology we’ll be using.
Protocol Overview.
The actual mining machine computing the hashes.
An intermediary between Mining Devices and Pool Services that aggregates connections for efficiency and may optionally provide additional functionality, such as monitoring the health and performance of devices.
An upstream node to which shares (i.e. completed jobs) are being submitted. The most common hashrate consumers are pools.
A node which negotiates with a pool on behalf of one or more miners to determine which jobs they will work on. This node also communicates with a block template provider (e.g. bitcoind) and sends jobs to mining proxies to be distributed to miners.
Mining Protocol.
This is the direct successor of stratum protocol v1. It’s the main protocol used for mining and the only part of the full protocol stack that needs to be implemented in all scenarios. It is used for communication between Mining Devices, Proxies, and Pool Services.
The protocol defines three types of communication channels:В.
Standard channels don’t manipulate the Merkle path / coinbase transaction, greatly simplifying the communication required between them and upstream nodes.
Extended channels are given extensive control over the search space so that they can implement advanced use cases (e.g. translation between v1 and v2, difficulty aggregation, custom search space splitting, etc.).
Group channels are simply collections of standard channels that are opened within a particular connection so that they are addressable through a common communication channel.
Job Negotiation Protocol.
Used by a miner to negotiate a block template (which includes the transaction set) with a pool, making pooled mining more similar to solo mining and thus increasing decentralization. The negotiation results can be re-used for all mining connections to the pool (of which there can be hundreds of thousands), greatly reducing the computational intensity.
This protocol is a separate, optional piece of infrastructure from the Mining Protocol and can be provided as a 3rd party service for mining farms.
Template Distribution Protocol.
Used to get information about the next block out of Bitcoin ( Core. This protocol was designed as a much more efficient and easy-to-implement API to replace getblocktemplate (BIPs 22 and 23).
More specifically, the Template Distribution Protocol is used to communicate with a part of Bitcoin ( Core called “bitcoind” which implements the Bitcoin ( protocol for Remote Procedure Call (RPC) use. In other words, bitcoind allows the Bitcoin ( protocol to be integrated with other software.
Job Distribution Protocol.
Used to pass newly-negotiated work to interested nodes, which can either be proxies or actual mining devices. This protocol is complementary to the Job Negotiation protocol.
In the case that miners aren’t negotiating their own work (i.e. choosing their own transaction sets), jobs will be distributed directly from pools to proxies and end devices, similarly to in the original stratum protocol. Additionally, it’s possible that the Job Negotiation role will be part of a larger Mining Protocol proxy that also distributes jobs, making this sub-protocol unnecessary even when miners do choose their own transaction sets.
Bandwidth consumption.
Stratum V2 is optimized in two ways to reduce bandwidth consumption. First, because it’s completely binary instead of JSON-based like V1, the size of data transfers is minimized. Second, it eliminates many instances where data is being transferred unnecessarily (e.g. redundant messages), meaning that the total amount of data transfers is also minimized.
V2 typical share submission message is 32 bytes without encryption and 48 with it.
V1 typical share submission message is approximately 100 bytes.
Technical Description.
Having a binary rather than text-based protocol reduces bandwidth consumption considerably. Making messages human-readable in Stratum V1 resulted in some messages being approximately 2-3 times heavier than necessary, and those have now been reduced to a minimum size in V2.
Additionally, V1 includes some messages that are unnecessary altogether, such as mining.subscribe. By eliminating these instances, fewer messages need to be transmitted in total and bandwidth consumption is reduced even further.В В.
Motivation & Impact.
Reducing network traffic as well as client-side and server-side computational intensity translates to lower infrastructure costs for all participants. At the same time, a significant reduction in bandwidth consumption allows for hashing results to be transmitted more frequently, enabling more precise hashrate measurement and mining reward distribution as a result.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:13 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:16 am

2021 Mining ( DOGECOIN and L3+ setups|19:17
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:17 am
Server CPU load.
With the introduction of standard and group channels for end devices, Stratum V2 enables efficient caching so that server CPUs don’t need to recompute the Merkle root for every share submission. This shifts more responsibility upstream from end mining devices to proxies that connect to pools via extended channels.
V2 70-80% reduction in CPU load on share submissions vs. V1.
V1 Efficient caching is not possible. The Merkle root is recomputed for every submission.
Reduced server CPU load in Stratum V2 is a result of enabling end devices to do header-only mining. This means that the Merkle root is always provided by an upstream node and doesn’t need to be handled by end devices at all. In other words, end devices no longer have to perform any coinbase modifications. This makes computations simpler for miners, but it also has the consequence of making work validation (i.e. CPU load) much lighter on the server side.
As pool operators ourselves, one of our motivations for reducing server CPU load is probably rather obvious вЂ" it reduces our overhead costs. However, any pool can (and should) take advantage of this benefit, so the greater motivation in the big picture is simply to reduce the inefficiency of the entire network.
Job distribution latency.
Pools can send jobs to workers ahead of time for future blocks, even before the prior block has been found. Then the pools can send the latest prevhash to the miners in a much smaller (i.e. faster) message, indicating that they should start working on the next block immediately.
V2 separates the messages, making it possible for the miners to start working on new (full) blocks more quickly after a previous block has been found.
V1 prevhash and future job are part of the same message, so pools send empty blocks.
Pools distribute jobs to miners by sending blocks containing some predefined data as well as some variable data that the miners handle. In Stratum V1, the predefined data includes the prevhash (i.e. hash of the most recently found valid block) and the Merkle root for the transaction set to be included in the current block. However, these two pieces of data aren’t seperabable, so there is a heavy (slow) data transfer necessary to distribute new jobs as soon as a new block (with a new prevhash) has been found and propagated. In Stratum V2, it’s possible to separate the prevhash from the rest of the predefined block data, which allows for the block data to be sent before a new prevhash is available. As a result, the new prevhash message can be sent on its own as soon as a valid block is found, and this transmission can occur much faster because the message doesn’t include heavier data. This enables miners to begin working on new jobs more quickly than they could with Stratum V1.
Every millisecond that a miner has to wait to begin working on a new job is opportunity (i.e. money) lost. By separating the prevhash message from other job distribution messages in Stratum V2, those precious milliseconds can be saved.
Binary vs. non-binary.
Stratum V2 is binary, which means messages are encoded so that machines can read and write them efficiently, but they aren’t suitable for humans to read or work with directly. As a consequence, the size of data transfers between miners, proxies, and pool operators is minimized.
V2 data transfers are not human-readable, but are significantly more efficient.
V1 sends human-readable (JSON) data, which helped with adoption and is easier to parse / debug, but is much less efficient.
The protocol has fixed message framing and is precisely defined, which means that there isn’t room for different interpretations of Stratum V2 like there was with V1. The specific message framing structure can be found in the ‘Framing’ section of the BIP.
The original stratum protocol uses JSON, which has a very poor ratio between message payload size and actual information transmitted. Making Stratum V2 a binary protocol yields far better data efficiency, and the saved bandwidth can be used for more frequent submits to further reduce hashrate variance.
Man-in-the-middle attack prevention.
To ensure the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive data, Stratum V2 uses a robust encryption scheme that prevents data from being deciphered by potentially malicious third parties. This protects miners from several attacks that are possible in V1, including hashrate hijacking in which a third party intercepts communication between a miner and pool and takes credit (i.e. steals payouts) for the work the miner has done.
Stratum V2 employs a type of encryption scheme called AEAD (authenticated encryption with associated data) to address the security aspects of all communication that occurs between clients and servers. This provides both confidentiality and integrity for the ciphertexts (i.e. encrypted data) being transferred, as well as providing integrity for associated data which is not encrypted.
Stratum V1 is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks of three varieties: eavesdropping on all communication between pools and miners, stealing metadata from ISP logs, and hashrate hijacking. These attacks can all be executed without being easily detected, making them all the more troublesome. Stratum V2 uses authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) so that possible adversaries will be unable to use share submission data to identify particular miners, thus maintaining the privacy of miners and protecting them against hashrate hijacking.
Empty block mining elimination.
In Stratum V2, it is equally as efficient for pools to send full blocks for miners to begin working on as it is for them to send empty blocks (i.e. blocks that don’t contain any transactions). Since there is no extra delay caused by sending a full block, the incentive to send an empty block is eliminated.
No extra delay to send a full block vs. an empty block.
Slower to send a full block than an empty block.
Very similarly to the Job Distribution Latency section, the elimination of the incentive for empty block mining comes down to the separation of the prevhash message from other block header data. With Stratum V1, there is an incentive for pools to send empty blocks containing the new prevhash as soon as possible, as these messages will arrive faster than a message containing a full block. By separating these two messages in Stratum V2, it’s now possible for pools to send full blocks to miners before the new prevhash message. In other words, the miners can be prepared to start working on a new (full) block before the previous block has been found, and then all they need is the new prevhash message to begin working on that next block. Since this prevhash message is the same size (i.e. takes the same amount of time to arrive) regardless of whether or not the pool has sent an empty block or a full block, there is no longer an incentive to mine on empty blocks.
As long as the incentive to mine on empty blocks exists, there is a nonzero chance that a miner will actually find a valid solution during this time and propose an empty block that’s accepted by the rest of the network. Given that there is no advantage to mining on an empty block vs. a full block with Stratum V2, empty block mining should effectively be eliminated.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:18 am
Virtual Mining.
Miner MINEX/Daily Est: Daily BTC Daily USD Daily RUR Mntly BTC Mntly USD Mntly RUR Cost, BTC BTC MINEX.
Purchase date Miner ID Total Mined Est Mined in BTC Est Mined in USD Est Mined in RUR YoPower Status Next payment.
Goodluck4y L0: Pump dump still Same you miss IT..
Goodluck4y L0: You cant do that.
Ondrejj L1: I'm holding my MINEX now.
Goodluck4y L0: Full Green, you thing cant lose. Mistake.
Anhvan123 L0: Minex going to 0.5$ again?
Goodluck4y L0: Goodluck nevěř sell HODL MOO.
easteregg69: Those missing funds episodes tell humankind has degenerated to a stadium where they have no ground for existence.
gonzaloadle L0: Bushido0077 now if the 4 miners that I bought appeared on my mobile device. thank you. You've been very helpful. And finally, why don't they appear on the computer?
Goodluck4y L0: Keep calm And ruinyourself.
Goodluck4y L0: AllIN SARS soon moon.
Goodluck4y L0: Want domě COVIDCOINS?
Bushido0077 L0: gonzaloadle, for nothing dear. I don't know dear wish you good day.
elezaby L0: cryptonabitter, good.
elezaby L0: cryptonabitter, great.
elezaby L0: tradingpa, wow.
nattsuko1024 L0: hey guys how do you avail the YO POWER for Vmining?
nasir7734 L1: how long vmining contract if valid?
Bushido0077 L0: nasir7734, they say forever.
Thehotmustard L0: if you upgrade a miner do you lose the power you already have.
nattsuko1024 L0: i have 0.009 Yo Available.
nattsuko1024 L0: and when would it start to mine. i just purchased it today and seems no mining since yo power in ZERO.
easteregg69: First crook caught. Tried to escape on a seascooter..In a lake! Moron. Check the news.
Geniusus: потом minex x10000000000.
Rausaw L0: Ahora upgrade que será lo próximo?
nattsuko1024 L0: anyone is welcome to answer?
Bushido0077 L0: nattsuko1024, you need to pah for yo power 10 procent of your miner price every month.
deepaks98765 L0: how to sell dice coin.
lvtion L1: nattsuko1024, answer what?
deepaks98765 L0: is their any other exchange.
nattsuko1024 L0: how then i can purchase the YO POWER?
lvtion L1: deepaks98765, yes, local and cash only.
lvtion L1: nattsuko1024, you only need to buy YO.
lvtion L1: I don't know the amount.
nattsuko1024 L0: okay. i have bought YO already and the mining is still not doing anything?
Bushido0077 L0: nattsuko1024, from market.
lvtion L1: nattsuko1024, not sure if it's instantaneous either.
Bushido0077 L0: nattsuko1024, go to my miners and pay for yo.
nattsuko1024 L0: yes i already have, 0.009.
nattsuko1024 L0: doesn't say anyting on my miners to buy yo. no buttons to click.
cyver: nattsuko1024, if it isnt shown, reduce the window to 80% or so and it will appear, or login on your smartphone.
nattsuko1024 L0: okay, thanks cyver. i will try.
nattsuko1024 L0: do i need to download the app or just the web browser?
lvtion L1: nattsuko1024, web browser.
lvtion L1: but on your phone it'll be super small.
Zenpaw: Buy Minex! wohooo.
sparta92 L1: If you want Minex to go to Moon STOP the Fuck selling at lower prices .
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Asteroid is a free, open-source graphical frontend to CGMiner for Apple Mac computers, whose focus on simplicity is intended to be approachable for new users. Asteroid supports the same devices and features as cgminer, and adds additional features such as crowdsourced scrypt settings, coin address balance monitoring, a pre-populated list of common mining pools, and MobileMiner support for controlling Asteroid from a smartphone.
Precompiled universal binaries for cgminer and its dependencies (libusb, libjansson, and curl) are included. Thus the installation process for end-users is straightforward, involving only downloading and decompressing Asteroid.
Asteroid is written in AppleScriptObjC, a very high-level language capable of producing native Cocoa apps. Being an interpreted language, the source code is included in every copy of Asteroid and is executed directly when the user launches the app.
1 Features 2 Requirements 3 See Also 4 External Links.
quick install, clean UI, with full retina graphics monitor from a smartphone via MobileMiner pre-configured with settings for the 30 most common BTC/LTC pools crowdsourced scrypt settings uses the Mac OS X keychain temperature monitoring with alerts and automated cool downs monitor a coin balance from within the app to watch pool payouts hash rate in dock icon, and device stats in dock menu in-app feedback automatic software updates open-source ultra-transparent - uses interpreted and not pre-compiled code cgminer on the backend.
Mac OS X 10.8+, an OpenCL-compatible GPU and/or USB-based mining hardware (such as an ASIC ( USB Block Erupter, and other ASIC ( or FPGAs)
Is Asteroid Mining Really Our Best Argument for Bitcoin ( Over Gold?
Nathaniel Whittemore.
After a Winklevoss encounter highlights Elon Musk's space mining dreams, maybe we should remind ourselves of the right-here-at-home benefits bitcoin brings.
Earlier this week, the Winklevoss brothers introduced Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy to bitcoin.
One of the notable parts of the recap video was a discussion of how Elon Musk was set to destroy the value of gold on Earth by mining gold from asteroids.
While much meme fun was had, on this week's Long Reads Sunday NLW has chosen a selection that looks at how fiat beat out gold and how gold beat out silver to provide some - ahem - more immediately relevant lessons on how to explain the benefits of bitcoin.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:18 am

Dogecoin Mining ( Day 21 Earnings breakdown|2:57
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:24 am
Boost to Bitcoin ( Elon Musk confirms asteroid mining is a risk to gold prices.
Photo by Chris Henry on Unsplash.
Yesterday, the crypto community watched in awe as the Winklevoss Twins met with Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy to inform him about Bitcoin (
There were plenty of funny (and awkward) moments during the brief meeting, but one that particularly stood out was when the twins told him that gold's scarcity is an illusion due to the possibility of "Elon Musk mining asteroids" in the near future.
Although Dave - and many commentators on Twitter - joked about this, the possibility may not be as far-fetched as it seems.
Elon Musk himself even confirmed this in a tweet to Portnoy earlier today.
Winklevoss Twins convince Dave Portnoy to buy Bitcoin (
During a brief rendezvous with the Winklevoss Twins - early Bitcoin ( adopters and the co-founders of Gemini - the founder of Barstool Sports (widely known as El Presidente) purchased his first batch of Bitcoin (
In total, he claims to have purchased $200,000 worth of BTC on Gemini, as well as $50,000 worth of Chainlink.
In a subsequent tweet, however, he said he is "7 figures deep" into Bitcoin ( - suggesting that he either purchased more afterward or is planning to.
Winklevoss Twins: Gold's scarcity is an illusion due to "asteroid mining"
While speaking about the importance of owning hard assets that are underpinned by scarcity, the twins laid out a case to Portnoy for why BTC is a superior safe haven to gold.
Their argument was centered on a somewhat abstract concept of asteroid mining, noting that someday - in theory - Elon Musk or others could mine the immense amount of gold that currently exists within asteroids.
"There's billions of dollars of gold floating in asteroids around this planet, and Elon is gunna get up there and start mining gold... That's why gold is a problem because the supply isn't fixed like Bitcoin ("
Portnoy thought this was a joke and asked the twins multiple times if this is "a real statement."
Following the meeting, Portnoy tweeted at Elon Musk - asking the SpaceX founder for his thoughts on the statement.
Musk offered a one-word response to this, saying "psyche" while linking to a Fox News article regarding NASA's quest to visit a gold-rich asteroid that could "make everyone on Earth a billionaire."
It seems this made Portnoy even more bullish on Bitcoin (, as 20 minutes later he demanded in a post that Bitcoin ('s price rise to $12,000.
Whether or not any of this widespread publicity pushes the price of the benchmark cryptocurrency higher remains to be seen. Still, it is certainly helping to expose more people to BTC than ever before.
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Bitcoin ( Blockchain Will Be Cracked Before Asteroid Mining Becomes Possible: Peter Schiff.
Peter Schiff, the CEO of Euro Pacific Capital, finally decided to put a dent in the narrative pro-Bitcoin ( narrative about asteroid mining.
He assumes that the advancement of computing will be so drastic that the Bitcoin ( blockchain will long be cracked before it will be possible to mine gold in space.
Furthermore, Schiff claims that the gold riches discovered in space will not make it to Earth:
"Long before any gold is mined from asteroids (though gold mined in space will likely never be brought back to earth, but used in space) advances in computer since will have long since cracked the Bitcoin ( blockchain, assuming the Bitcoin ( market didn't crack on its own first."
A new Bitcoin ( narrative.
During their much-hyped meeting with Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy, the Winklevoss used the space mining argument to explain why Bitcoin ( is superior to the yellow metal.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:24 am
The idea doesn't seem to be that far-fetched. Earlier this year, NASA joined forces with Elon Musk's SpaceX to start exploring Psyche 16, a mineral-rich asteroid that could make every Earthian a billionaire, in 2022.
While Portnoy (as well as crypto Twitter) mainly laughed off this threat, ex-Coinbase CTO, Balaji S. Srinivasan believes that the yellow metal could experience the level of inflation that will be similar to the 16th century when plenty of gold was flooding to Europe from Americas:
"That said, if you're debating folks who agree the dollar is inflating away its value but are still bullish on gold, I wouldn't lead with the scarcity argument per se (valid as it may be). I'd lead with the fact that physical gold has counterparty risk & is hard to transport."
Schiff's Bitcoin ( mystery.
While quantum computing might indeed cause a major shift in cryptocurrency, it is unlikely to scale enough to produce any impact on the Bitcoin ( blockchain anytime soon as explained by developer Peter Todd:
"We still don't even know if it's possible to scale quantum computers; quite possible that adding qbits will have an exponential cost."
With that being said, Schiff's understanding of Bitcoin ('s is very mediocre at best to make such outrageous claims.
In early January, the 57-year-old gold bug publicly embarrassed himself by mistaking the PIN to his Bitcoin ( wallet with the seed phrase.
Ist Asteroid Mining wirklich unser bestes Argument für Bitcoin ( über Gold?
Nachdem eine Winklevoss-Begegnung Elon Musks Träume vom Weltraumabbau hervorgehoben hat, sollten wir uns vielleicht an die Vorteile erinnern, die Bitcoin ( für Sie bietet.
Anfang dieser Woche stellten die Brüder Winklevoss Barstool Sports-Gründer Dave Portnoy Bitcoin ( vor.
Einer der bemerkenswerten Teile des Rückblickvideos war eine Diskussion darüber, wie Elon Musk den Wert von Gold auf der Erde zerstören sollte, indem er Gold von Asteroiden abbaute.
Während viel Meme-Spaß gemacht wurde, hat NLW am Long Reads Sunday dieser Woche eine Auswahl ausgewählt, die untersucht, wie Fiat Gold und Gold Silber schlägt, um einige - ähm - unmittelbar relevante Lektionen zur Erklärung der Vorteile von Bitcoin ( zu erhalten .
Billionaire Chamath Palihapitiya Shares His Take on Bitcoin ( and Asteroid Mining.
During his recent appearance on CNBC's Squawk Box, Social Capital CEO Chamath Palihapitiya has once again weighed in on Bitcoin (, claiming that it could create "enormous wealth redistribution."
The billionaire investor was, however, baffled by the idea floated by the Winklevoss twins about how asteroid mining could boost Bitcoin ('s value while bringing the gold market to its knees.
Minting trillionaires.
When asked about the outlandish theory that the Winklevii came up with during their meeting with Dave Portnoy of Barstool Sports, Palihapitiya simply replied that he had "no idea" what they were talking about.
As reported by U.Today, the twins are convinced that the grandiose plan of SpaceX CEO Elon Musk to find space gold on a metal-rich asteroid called Psyche, together with NASA, presents a major bull case for Bitcoin (
Even if their spacecraft managed to reach the asteroid that is estimated to be worth $15.8 qln, Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck will not magically show up on its surface to mine precious metals.
As a chairman of SpaceX's greatest rival, Virgin Galactic, Palihapitiya explained the main pitfalls likely to be faced by space mining:
There's a couple of problems. One is called the rocket equation. There's a small problem of getting on to the asteroid, mining it, generating enough energy to come back. bringing back all those wonderful riches that you find there. I mean, I hope it happens.
Thriving in chaos.
Last month, Palihapitiya revealed that he was still sizing up his Bitcoin ( holdings after first dipping his toes into the cryptocurrency back in 2013.
Palihapitiya--whose VC firm is currently at the forefront of the sweeping SPAC craze--claimed that nothing could compare to his BTC bet.
His investment advice is holding and hoping that you will never need it. Its further appreciation is contingent on the amount of chaos that we are going to see:
And, honestly, I hope that you will never need because the amount of actual chaos that will drive Bitcoin ( appreciation is not something that we actually really wanna see. Now that being said, if it does happen, I think it will create an enormous power redistribution.
The Beginner's Guide to Litecoin Mining.
By: Ian MacPhee | Last updated: 5/3/20.
Since its creation in 2011 Litecoin has remained a close second to Bitcoin (, dubbed as the "silver to Bitcoin ('s gold". This guide will show you how to get started mining Litecoin or other Scrypt coins with your L3+.
Litecoin Mining Summary.
Here's a quick guide to mine Litecoins:
Hook up the Litecoin miner to your computer Configure the miner Join a Litecoin mining pool Start mining Litecoin!
I know it sounds extremely simple but that's how you mine Litecoin in a nutshell. If you want a detailed explanation keep on reading. Here's what I'll cover:
Don't like to read? Watch our video guide:
1. Bitmain's Antminer L3 Series.
In this guide I will use the Antmier L3+, a very powerful ASIC ( miner that uses Scrypt to mine Litecoin. ASIC ( stands for Application Specific Integrated Circuit and it means that these miners are made solely for the purpose of mining a specific coin, making them super efficient.
The L3+ debuted in 2017 and was very profitable for a long time. In fact, it made around $20-$30 per day, even with rising difficulties and network hashrates.
This winning streak was primarily due to the epic price run that Litecoin made in 2017. It went all the way from under $3 at the beginning of the year to over $300 at the height of the crypto market in December.
My personal story of getting an L3 had some ups and downs. I desperately tried to get one when it was released but due to extremely high demand it was always sold out on Bitmain. I finally bought one on Amazon and ended up getting scammed. However, Amazon came through for me and I received a refund.
Eventually I got my hands on several L3s, but I guess the moral of this story is: Buy directly from the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).
This guide also applies to the L3++, which is a little faster and a little more expensive than the L3+. In my opinion, there's an upside to cheap ASIC ( miners: If and when crypto prices take off, the profitability of cheaper miners will go through the roof. So within a single bull-market cycle, you'll quickly get an ROI many times over.
2. Setting Up the Miner.
Step 1 - Unbox and hook everything up.
All 9 PCI-e connections (2 on each of the 4 hashing boards, and 1 on the controller) The Ethernet cable (from the L3+ to your router) The power cord.
Once the power cord is in, the miner should power on automatically.
Step 2 - Log in to miner's interface.
Download the free IP Scanner tool (Angry IP Scanner). Install and run the Angry IP Scanner. Click "Start" to scan and detect devices on your local network After the scan completes, click "Go to" at the top menu bar and then click "Next alive host". Do this until 'Antminer' appears in the 'Hostname' column. Note: In some cases the hostname might be missing i.e. you will only see an IP address. In case this happens, you will need to perform the next step on several IPs until you find Antminer's address. Once you find it, right-click on it and choose "Copy IP." Paste the IP into your browser's URL line. Login with 'root' for both username and password.
Here's how the whole process should look:
3. Choosing a Mining Pool.
Joining a mining pool is a good way to make a constant revenue stream with your miner. In this chapter I will show you how to set up your L3+ with two different mining pools, depending on the way you want to be paid out.
#Prohashing - For mining multiple coins.
Prohashing's strongest point is this - They automatically mine the most profitable coins for each supported algorithm (such as Scrypt, SHA-256, X11, and Equihash).
Also, you get paid in the coin you choose, regardless of the coin you mined.
Thanks to ProHashing's smart system you'll likely make more Litecoins than you would have by just mining Litecoin on another pool. This way you're spared from making all the calculations in the hunt for the most profitable pools.
This system also allows you to get payment in coins that you think have a higher likelihood of increasing in value over time.
So, with Prohashing you don't have to put all your eggs in one basket. You can get paid via any number of coins, with any weight you assign. This way you can utilize your strategy across multiple coins, or mix in some long-term coins if you prefer.
#ProHashing Setup.
When logged in to your Antminer, go to the "Miner Configuration" page and enter the following:
To configure which coins you want to get paid in, click "Settings" then "Payout Proportions". Make sure you have a wallet address ready for each coin you want to get paid in.
URL: WORKER: Techman34 PASSWORD: n=myL3, a=scrypt.
For our second pool, we're going to mine on NiceHash ( and get paid in Bitcoin (
An important pool strategy is to use multiple pool services, so you have an unrelated failover setup. This way, the likelihood of both pools being down at the same time (and your machine being idle and losing money) is much smaller.
NiceHash ( setup.
Go to the NiceHash ( ASIC ( page. In the "SELECT ALGORITHM" drop-down, choose "Scrypt." Under "SELECT LOCATION," choose your region or the closest one to you. Click the "Generate Stratum" button. The output url should look something like: stratum+tcp://scrypt. .NiceHash ( Copy the URL, and paste it in your 2nd Pool, under your Antminer Miner Configuration tab.
URL: stratum+tcp://scrypt.usa.NiceHash ( WORKER: 37UPzLMoFE7i41qChPPXh7RxPprXWyMZBy.myL3 PASSWORD: x.
Note: For WORKER, use the bitcoin address you want the BTC to be transferred to + any worker name with (.) between them, as in the example.
For the third and final Pool URL, I'll use a NiceHash ( EU server:
URL: stratum+tcp:// ( WORKER: 37UPzLMoFE7i41qChPPXh7RxPprXWyMZBy.myL3 PASSWORD: x.
Hit "Save & Apply" in the bottom-right corner of your Miner Configuration tab, and you're off and mining with your L3+!
4. The Risks of ASIC ( Mining.
Unlike GPU mining ( rigs that harness the power of PC gaming gear for mining, ASIC ( hardware was designed solely for the purpose of mining. While this may seem like a win-win situation for everyone, some coin developers don't like the idea of ASIC ( manufacturers having a say in their development.
These developers fear that powerful ASIC ( could lead to large, centralized mining farms, and potentially even launch a 51% attack.
Due to that, there is some risk involved in buying an ASIC ( miner for the long run. Since ASIC ( are only useful if they're compatible with the coin they mine, the coin developers could change the code to render the ASIC ( useless.
For example, Bitmain X3 was developed for mining Monero and it was very successful at that for a while. However, eventually the Monero development team forked the coin, and the ASIC ( were no longer compatible with it.
Still, many ASIC ( can be quite profitable in the long run. Coin developers for Bitcoin (, Dash, and Sia, to name a few, allow ASIC ( miners to mine their coins.
Also, in the Monero case I mentioned above, the X3's were eventually used to mine other CryptoNight coins that haven't forked yet and were actually quite profitable.
How Many Litecoins are Left?
65,214,075 Litecoins have been mined as of June 11 2020, leaving 18,785,925 Litecoins to be mined.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:25 am

MINING-DUTCH el mejor minero pool del momento.|31:33
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:25 am

Sensational Mining ( Pool Review: Dutch Miner|17:19
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:26 am

Mining ( Dutch настройка и подключение для майнинга 2020 году|23:33
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:26 am
Is Mining Litecoin Profitable?
Yes. If you have the right setup (i.e. low electricity cost and a cool environment) it's still profitable to mine Liteocin. In order to find out if you can be profitable use a Litecoin mining calculator.
How Long does it Take to Mine 1 Litecoin?
Using the L3++ with a difficulty factor of 13,667,659.27727 it will take you 45 days to mine 1 Litecoin.
That's it for the beginner's guide to mining Litecoin with your L3 ASIC ( Miner. I hope you've found this guide useful. As you can see, within 10 minutes you can have your ASIC ( miner running and earning you some coins.
If you run into any issues or have questions, please comment in the field below or in the video comments, or contact me on Twitter at @cryptocg. However you reach out, I'll try to help.
If you're interested in taking your crypto mining to the next level, sign up at Crypto Mining ( Academy. There, I offer a comprehensive course, which provides massive detail about every step of the mining process.
Bitcoin mining ( for Beginners: All You Need to Know about Bitcoin mining (
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In this guide, we take a look at Bitcoin mining ( - what it is, how it works, how it influences world economy, and whether it's something that can generate profit for individuals.
Very often, we hear individuals talk about Bitcoin mining ( What comes to the mind of most people is the conventional way of mining gold and other mineral resources which involves making use of pickaxes and diggers to dig the ground for a gold mine and it turns out that the analogy is quite similar.
While that thought seems exciting, Bitcoin mining ( is accomplished by supercomputers with a fast processing speed that can puzzle out complex permutations and codes which cannot be handled by the human brain as these complex problems give the computers a lot of difficulties. This is why the effort put in by a computer handling complex calculations is synonymous to a gold miner looking for gold in the ground.
Recently, it was discovered that the probability of getting a solution for one of these permutations is 1 in 13 trillion and this would be further discussed in this article. Bitcoin mining ( bASIC ( provides two outcomes.
First, the result obtained when Bitcoin ( is mined over the network is a replica of the same value which is not far fetched from the process of gold extraction. The other result is ensuring the trustworthiness and reliability of the Bitcoin ( payment solution by documenting all transactions done with Bitcoin ( While this explanation may seem bogus and unclear, the various subtopics in this guide details all there is to know about Bitcoin (
Whenever Bitcoin ( is transferred or received it is regarded as a "transaction" and several ways by which a transaction can be made are through; retail stores, or buying from the internet, and evidence of payment is printed at ATM spots or banks. This standard procedure is also carried out by Bitcoin ( miners to ensure transparency by piling transactions together in the form of "blocks" in a general record known as "blockchain". Nodes are similar to account statements which can be retrieved to check transaction history over a couple of months. They store all documentations of the blocks for future reference.
When blocks are added to a blockchain regularly, it is pertinent for Bitcoin ( miners to ensure that all records are accurate, and more importantly that the mined Bitcoins are not identical as every Bitcoin ( should be peculiar to itself. It is much easier to detect counterfeit banknotes when someone walks into a convenience store to purchase an item which is why bitcoin miners make the effort to scrutinize every block in the blockchain.
It is very easy to falsify information on the internet as with Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrencies that are computerized. Take for instance if a duplicated $100 bill is taken along with the original to a convenience store and out of curiosity the clerk decides to examine the notes and then discovers that they have the same serial number.
What the store attendant does is to return the counterfeit which is similar to what a Bitcoin ( miner does which is to ensure there are no duplicates. In situations where a duplicate error occurs and the counterfeit is spent, over half of the mining power is consumed from the network. The increasing value of Bitcoin ( makes it impossible for fraudsters to duplicate the currency as several security measures are put in place to prevent it.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:27 am
Bitcoin mining ( for Beginners: How Does the Whole Thing Work?
There are several steps taken by Bitcoin ( miners to obtain digital currencies but they are explained in two steps. The first thing miners do is to accumulate documented transfers of about 1 megabyte (MB) in size which can vary in quantity from one transfer to numbers reaching ten thousand with the data of the transfer being a key determinant of the data size.
Secondly, Bitcoin ( miners must attempt to increase the number of blocks on the blockchain, and this can be achieved by making use of fast processing computers to resolve rigorous and complex permutations. What these Bitcoin ( miners are trying to obtain is a hash 64-digit hexadecimal number that is lesser in value or equivalent to their aim.
Usually, a miner programs his computer to deliver an output of hash at a speed called megahash every second (MH/S), gigahash every second (GH/S) or as high as terahashes in a second (TH/S) and doing this consistently until all 64-digit numbers have been exhausted or the right one found. It is more of guessing than actual calculation in this scenario.
With a very unfavorable odd of one in 13 trillion and an enormous number of users over the world constantly making transactions, blocks are verified and added to the blockchain in the space of 10 minutes but may vary due to size and other factors on some occasions.
The Bitcoin ( network is designed to log as much as seven transactions in split seconds and this is done to ensure fast delivery to the blockchain. For example, Verve may be integrating payments for customers at 24,000 transactions in a second but the increasing number of users will result in more transactions initiated in 10 minutes and a decline in the number of transactions processed in that time frame. As a result, the standard protocol for processing payment is changed and regulations need to be adjusted.
The troubling issue in regards to the protocol for processing payment is called "scaling". Bitcoin ( miners are constantly making an effort to address the issue of scaling but are yet to completely fix it. However, a glint of hope seems feasible as two important points have been raised on the issue. Major stakeholders have proposed two options;
Developing a subsidiary Bitcoin ( ''off-chain'' division to increase the number of transactions processed in 10 minutes. Increasing the storage space of each block to allow more transactions. Limiting the information carried on each block would make Solution 1 a viable option as mining cost and transaction time is reduced. The second option increases block storage and creates room for more transactions to be processed in the standard time.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:27 am
Miners Gain.
With the numerous benefits of the Internet reaching financial services, making payment for goods and services rather easy, there has been an increase in the demand for secure payment portals. Bitcoin (, which has become a widely accepted means of payment, has recorded an all-time high of half a million daily transactions.
The miners, who are responsible for verifying every single transaction, go through a lot of work in doing this and are rewarded for their efforts. in adding blocks to the blockchain.
How Bitcoin mining ( Influences the Economy.
Bitcoin ('s much anticipated halving for the third time happened this year and miners in the cryptocurrency industry seem to be unsettled about it because the newly produced block is the 630,000th triggered the third sequence on the Bitcoin ( network. The newly produced block now holds 6.25 Bitcoin ( each and it was launched in China by Antpool; one of the corporations responsible for using the most intensive processing power in the country.
The third halving which took place on the Bitcoin ( network in May 2020 has caused a decline in the profits which miners get from 12.5 to 6.25 Bitcoin ( per block. The previous halving saw a decrease from 25 to 12.5 Bitcoin ( and the first halving from 50 to 25 BTCs in a block.
What halving does to freshly mined Bitcoin ( is that the value of a newly produced digital currency will reduce from 1800 to 900 BTCs per block. This also implies that the generated revenue of Bitcoin ( for a day decreases to $8 million from about $15 million while going for $8,600 per Bitcoin (
The processing power and speed of transactions on the network are also affected because revenue is decreased, and as such, there will be cutbacks on electricity usage and other logistics. There are still several unknowns about the effects of the third halving and Bitcoin ( miners continue to hope the impact is minimal.
Since the Bitcoin ( industry is not regulated by the government or reputable financial institutions like banks, there is still a lot of skepticism on how secure the network operates. On the other hand, the independence and lack of financial supervision provided are greatly enjoyed by many as it gives them control of their money and what to do with.
All payments made using the platform are however documented and easily accessible thereby reducing the possibility of a counterfeit BTC being used or spending stolen Bitcoins. Unlike traditional financial institutions whose records can be altered, the blockchain network contains unalterable transactions that are transparent for anyone to look up.
It is however possible to lose your BTCs if you mistakenly enter your Bitcoin ( details in an insecure or phishing website as several cases of fraud and thefts have been recorded. In conclusion, it would be better off long term if Bitcoin ( had a supervisory body responsible for seeing to their operations as this could give a lot more individuals confidence to use the network.
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Bitcoin mining ( - It's About Solving Problems.
Are you a good problem solver? Well, then you may be a good candidate to get involved with Bitcoin mining (, because that is what the process is all about.
First of all, the discovery of bitcoins is itself called "solving" a block. In case you don't know what that involves, it means that whatever the apparatus you are using to get the job accomplished, it is going to do millions and millions of calculations in order to "solve" a very complex problem that, in truth, you don't know the answer to going in. Heck, you only know what the parameters are, in general terms. So you can see how complex it actually is.
Have you ever heard the term "numbers crunching"? Well, this is just that - on steroids. In fact, if you went and asked people who have been mining for a number of years, the first thing they will do is warn you about how taxing the whole thing can be on the computer power you have at your disposal. It can indeed be VERY taxing.
Many people who are engaged in Bitcoin mining ( do so by working in teams. As such, it does take some teamwork to make things happen. So it is imperative that you be able to cooperate with people for the purposes of working toward a common goal. When you get to that common goal, you may well discover that your efforts in Bitcoin mining ( will have accomplished a great deal indeed! Just solve problems together!
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:27 am
Protocol documentation.
This page describes the behavior of the reference client. The Bitcoin ( protocol is specified by the behavior of the reference client, not by this page. In particular, while this page is quite complete in describing the network protocol, it does not attempt to list all of the rules for block or transaction validity.
Type names used in this documentation are from the C99 standard.
For protocol used in mining, see getblocktemplate.
1 Common standards 1.1 Hashes 1.2 Merkle Trees 1.3 Signatures 1.4 Transaction Verification 1.5 Addresses 2 Common structures 2.1 Message structure 2.2 Variable length integer 2.3 Variable length string 2.4 Network address 2.5 Inventory Vectors 2.6 Block Headers 2.7 Differential encoding 2.8 PrefilledTransaction 2.9 HeaderAndShortIDs 2.10 BlockTransactionsRequest 2.11 BlockTransactions 2.12 Short transaction ID 3 Message types 3.1 version 3.2 verack 3.3 addr 3.4 inv 3.5 getdata 3.6 notfound 3.7 getblocks 3.8 getheaders 3.9 tx 3.10 block 3.11 headers 3.12 getaddr 3.13 mempool 3.14 checkorder 3.15 submitorder 3.16 reply 3.17 ping 3.18 pong 3.19 reject 3.20 filterload, filteradd, filterclear, merkleblock 3.21 alert 3.22 sendheaders 3.23 feefilter 3.24 sendcmpct 3.25 cmpctblock 3.26 getblocktxn 3.27 blocktxn 4 Scripting 5 See Also 6 References.
Common standards.
Usually, when a hash is computed within bitcoin, it is computed twice. Most of the time SHA-256 hashes are used, however RIPEMD-160 is also used when a shorter hash is desirable (for example when creating a bitcoin address).
Example of double-SHA-256 encoding of string "hello":
For bitcoin addresses (RIPEMD-160) this would give:
Merkle Trees.
Merkle trees are binary trees of hashes. Merkle trees in bitcoin use a double SHA-256, the SHA-256 hash of the SHA-256 hash of something.
If, when forming a row in the tree (other than the root of the tree), it would have an odd number of elements, the final double-hash is duplicated to ensure that the row has an even number of hashes.
First form the bottom row of the tree with the ordered double-SHA-256 hashes of the byte streams of the transactions in the block.
Then the row above it consists of half that number of hashes. Each entry is the double-SHA-256 of the 64-byte concatenation of the corresponding two hashes below it in the tree.
This procedure repeats recursively until we reach a row consisting of just a single double-hash. This is the Merkle root of the tree.
For example, imagine a block with three transactions a , b and c . The Merkle tree is:
d7 is the Merkle root of the 3 transactions in this block.
Note: Hashes in Merkle Tree displayed in the Block Explorer are of little-endian notation. For some implementations and calculations, the bytes need to be reversed before they are hashed, and again after the hashing operation.
For ECDSA the secp256k1 curve from is used.
Public keys (in scripts) are given as 04 where x and y are 32 byte big-endian integers representing the coordinates of a point on the curve or in compressed form given as where is 0x02 if y is even and 0x03 if y is odd.
Signatures use DER encoding to pack the r and s components into a single byte stream (this is also what OpenSSL produces by default).
Transaction Verification.
Transactions are cryptographically signed records that reassign ownership of Bitcoins to new addresses. Transactions have inputs - records which reference the funds from other previous transactions - and outputs - records which determine the new owner of the transferred Bitcoins, and which will be referenced as inputs in future transactions as those funds are respent.
Each input must have a cryptographic digital signature that unlocks the funds from the prior transaction. Only the person possessing the appropriate private key is able to create a satisfactory signature; this in effect ensures that funds can only be spent by their owners.
Each output determines which Bitcoin ( address (or other criteria, see Script) is the recipient of the funds.
In a transaction, the sum of all inputs must be equal to or greater than the sum of all outputs. If the inputs exceed the outputs, the difference is considered a transaction fee, and is redeemable by whoever first includes the transaction into the block chain.
A special kind of transaction, called a coinbase transaction, has no inputs. It is created by miners, and there is one coinbase transaction per block. Because each block comes with a reward of newly created Bitcoins (e.g. 50 BTC for the first 210,000 blocks), the first transaction of a block is, with few exceptions, the transaction that grants those coins to their recipient (the miner). In addition to the newly created Bitcoins, the coinbase transaction is also used for assigning the recipient of any transaction fees that were paid within the other transactions being included in the same block. The coinbase transaction can assign the entire reward to a single Bitcoin ( address, or split it in portions among multiple addresses, just like any other transaction. Coinbase transactions always contain outputs totalling the sum of the block reward plus all transaction fees collected from the other transactions in the same block.
The coinbase transaction in block zero cannot be spent. This is due to a quirk of the reference client implementation that would open the potential for a block chain fork if some nodes accepted the spend and others did not [1] .
Most Bitcoin ( outputs encumber the newly transferred coins with a single ECDSA private key. The actual record saved with inputs and outputs isn't necessarily a key, but a script . Bitcoin ( uses an interpreted scripting system to determine whether an output's criteria have been satisfied, with which more complex operations are possible, such as outputs that require two ECDSA signatures, or two-of-three-signature schemes. An output that references a single Bitcoin ( address is a typical output; an output actually contains this information in the form of a script that requires a single ECDSA signature (see OP_CHECKSIG). The output script specifies what must be provided to unlock the funds later, and when the time comes in the future to spend the transaction in another input, that input must provide all of the thing(s) that satisfy the requirements defined by the original output script.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:32 am
A bitcoin address is in fact the hash of a ECDSA public key, computed this way:
The Base58 encoding used is home made, and has some differences. Especially, leading zeroes are kept as single zeroes when conversion happens.
Common structures.
Almost all integers are encoded in little endian. Only IP or port number are encoded big endian.
Message structure.
Field Size Description Data type Comments 4 magic uint32_t Magic value indicating message origin network, and used to seek to next message when stream state is unknown 12 command char[12] ASCII string identifying the packet content, NULL padded (non-NULL padding results in packet rejected) 4 length uint32_t Length of payload in number of bytes 4 checksum uint32_t First 4 bytes of sha256(sha256(payload)) ? payload uchar[] The actual data.
Known magic values:
Network Magic value Sent over wire as main 0xD9B4BEF9 F9 BE B4 D9 testnet/regtest 0xDAB5BFFA FA BF B5 DA testnet3 0x0709110B 0B 11 09 07 signet(default) 0x40CF030A 0A 03 CF 40 namecoin 0xFEB4BEF9 F9 BE B4 FE.
Variable length integer.
Integer can be encoded depending on the represented value to save space. Variable length integers always precede an array/vector of a type of data that may vary in length. Longer numbers are encoded in little endian.
Variable length string can be stored using a variable length integer followed by the string itself.
Field Size Description Data type Comments 1+ length var_int Length of the string ? string char[] The string itself (can be empty)
Network address.
When a network address is needed somewhere, this structure is used. Network addresses are not prefixed with a timestamp in the version message.
(12 bytes 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF , followed by the 4 bytes of the IPv4 address).
Hexdump example of Network address structure.
Inventory Vectors.
Inventory vectors are used for notifying other nodes about objects they have or data which is being requested.
Inventory vectors consist of the following data format:
Field Size Description Data type Comments 4 type uint32_t Identifies the object type linked to this inventory 32 hash char[32] Hash of the object.
The object type is currently defined as one of the following possibilities:
Value Name Description 0 ERROR Any data of with this number may be ignored 1 MSG_TX Hash is related to a transaction 2 MSG_BLOCK Hash is related to a data block 3 MSG_FILTERED_BLOCK Hash of a block header; identical to MSG_BLOCK. Only to be used in getdata message. Indicates the reply should be a merkleblock message rather than a block message; this only works if a bloom filter has been set. See BIP 37 for more info. 4 MSG_CMPCT_BLOCK Hash of a block header; identical to MSG_BLOCK. Only to be used in getdata message. Indicates the reply should be a cmpctblock message. See BIP 152 for more info. 0x40000001 MSG_WITNESS_TX Hash of a transaction with witness data. See BIP 144 for more info. 0x40000002 MSG_WITNESS_BLOCK Hash of a block with witness data. See BIP 144 for more info. 0x40000003 MSG_FILTERED_WITNESS_BLOCK Hash of a block with witness data. Only to be used in getdata message. Indicates the reply should be a merkleblock message rather than a block message; this only works if a bloom filter has been set. See BIP 144 for more info.
Other Data Type values are considered reserved for future implementations.
Block Headers.
Block headers are sent in a headers packet in response to a getheaders message.
Field Size Description Data type Comments 4 version int32_t Block version information (note, this is signed) 32 prev_block char[32] The hash value of the previous block this particular block references 32 merkle_root char[32] The reference to a Merkle tree collection which is a hash of all transactions related to this block 4 timestamp uint32_t A timestamp recording when this block was created (Will overflow in 2106 [2] ) 4 bits uint32_t The calculated difficulty target being used for this block 4 nonce uint32_t The nonce used to generate this block... to allow variations of the header and compute different hashes 1+ txn_count var_int Number of transaction entries, this value is always 0.
Differential encoding.
Several uses of CompactSize below are "differentially encoded". For these, instead of using raw indexes, the number encoded is the difference between the current index and the previous index, minus one. For example, a first index of 0 implies a real index of 0, a second index of 0 thereafter refers to a real index of 1, etc.
A PrefilledTransaction structure is used in HeaderAndShortIDs to provide a list of a few transactions explicitly.
Field Name Type Size Encoding Purpose index CompactSize 1, 3 bytes Compact Size, differentially encoded since the last PrefilledTransaction in a list The index into the block at which this transaction is tx Transaction variable As encoded in tx messages The transaction which is in the block at index index.
See BIP 152 for more information.
A HeaderAndShortIDs structure is used to relay a block header, the short transactions IDs used for matching already-available transactions, and a select few transactions which we expect a peer may be missing.
Field Name Type Size Encoding Purpose header Block header 80 bytes First 80 bytes of the block as defined by the encoding used by "block" messages The header of the block being provided nonce uint64_t 8 bytes Little Endian A nonce for use in short transaction ID calculations shortids_length CompactSize 1 or 3 bytes As used to encode array lengths elsewhere The number of short transaction IDs in shortids (ie block tx count - prefilledtxn_length) shortids List of 6-byte integers 6*shortids_length bytes Little Endian The short transaction IDs calculated from the transactions which were not provided explicitly in prefilledtxn prefilledtxn_length CompactSize 1 or 3 bytes As used to encode array lengths elsewhere The number of prefilled transactions in prefilledtxn (ie block tx count - shortids_length) prefilledtxn List of PrefilledTransactions variable size*prefilledtxn_length As defined by PrefilledTransaction definition, above Used to provide the coinbase transaction and a select few which we expect a peer may be missing.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:33 am
A BlockTransactionsRequest structure is used to list transaction indexes in a block being requested.
Field Name Type Size Encoding Purpose blockhash Binary blob 32 bytes The output from a double-SHA256 of the block header, as used elsewhere The blockhash of the block which the transactions being requested are in indexes_length CompactSize 1 or 3 bytes As used to encode array lengths elsewhere The number of transactions being requested indexes List of CompactSizes 1 or 3 bytes*indexes_length Differentially encoded The indexes of the transactions being requested in the block.
A BlockTransactions structure is used to provide some of the transactions in a block, as requested.
Field Name Type Size Encoding Purpose blockhash Binary blob 32 bytes The output from a double-SHA256 of the block header, as used elsewhere The blockhash of the block which the transactions being provided are in transactions_length CompactSize 1 or 3 bytes As used to encode array lengths elsewhere The number of transactions provided transactions List of Transactions variable As encoded in tx messages The transactions provided.
Short transaction ID.
Short transaction IDs are used to represent a transaction without sending a full 256-bit hash. They are calculated by:
single-SHA256 hashing the block header with the nonce appended (in little-endian) Running SipHash-2-4 with the input being the transaction ID and the keys (k0/k1) set to the first two little-endian 64-bit integers from the above hash, respectively. Dropping the 2 most significant bytes from the SipHash output to make it 6 bytes.
Message types.
When a node creates an outgoing connection, it will immediately advertise its version. The remote node will respond with its version. No further communication is possible until both peers have exchanged their version.
Field Size Description Data type Comments 4 version int32_t Identifies protocol version being used by the node 8 services uint64_t bitfield of features to be enabled for this connection 8 timestamp int64_t standard UNIX timestamp in seconds 26 addr_recv net_addr The network address of the node receiving this message Fields below require version ≥ 106 26 addr_from net_addr The network address of the node emitting this message 8 nonce uint64_t Node random nonce, randomly generated every time a version packet is sent. This nonce is used to detect connections to self. ? user_agent var_str User Agent (0x00 if string is 0 bytes long) 4 start_height int32_t The last block received by the emitting node Fields below require version ≥ 70001 1 relay bool Whether the remote peer should announce relayed transactions or not, see BIP 0037.
A "verack" packet shall be sent if the version packet was accepted.
The following services are currently assigned:
Value Name Description 1 NODE_NETWORK This node can be asked for full blocks instead of just headers. 2 NODE_GETUTXO See BIP 0064 4 NODE_BLOOM See BIP 0111 8 NODE_WITNESS See BIP 0144 1024 NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED See BIP 0159.
Hexdump example of version message (OBSOLETE EXAMPLE: This example lacks a checksum and user-agent):
And here's a modern (60002) protocol version client advertising itself to a local peer.
Newer protocol includes the checksum now, this is from a mainline (satoshi) client during an outgoing connection to another local client, notice that it does not fill out the address information at all when the source or destination is "unroutable".
The verack message is sent in reply to version . This message consists of only a message header with the command string "verack".
Hexdump of the verack message:
Provide information on known nodes of the network. Non-advertised nodes should be forgotten after typically 3 hours.
Allows a node to advertise its knowledge of one or more objects. It can be received unsolicited, or in reply to getblocks .
Payload (maximum 50,000 entries, which is just over 1.8 megabytes):
Field Size Description Data type Comments 1+ count var_int Number of inventory entries 36x? inventory inv_vect[] Inventory vectors.
getdata is used in response to inv, to retrieve the content of a specific object, and is usually sent after receiving an inv packet, after filtering known elements. It can be used to retrieve transactions, but only if they are in the memory pool or relay set - arbitrary access to transactions in the chain is not allowed to avoid having clients start to depend on nodes having full transaction indexes (which modern nodes do not).
notfound is a response to a getdata, sent if any requested data items could not be relayed, for example, because the requested transaction was not in the memory pool or relay set.
Return an inv packet containing the list of blocks starting right after the last known hash in the block locator object, up to hash_stop or 500 blocks, whichever comes first.
The locator hashes are processed by a node in the order as they appear in the message. If a block hash is found in the node's main chain, the list of its children is returned back via the inv message and the remaining locators are ignored, no matter if the requested limit was reached, or not.
To receive the next blocks hashes, one needs to issue getblocks again with a new block locator object. Keep in mind that some clients may provide blocks which are invalid if the block locator object contains a hash on the invalid branch.
Field Size Description Data type Comments 4 version uint32_t the protocol version 1+ hash count var_int number of block locator hash entries 32+ block locator hashes char[32] block locator object; newest back to genesis block (dense to start, but then sparse) 32 hash_stop char[32] hash of the last desired block; set to zero to get as many blocks as possible (500)
To create the block locator hashes, keep pushing hashes until you go back to the genesis block. After pushing 10 hashes back, the step backwards doubles every loop:
Note that it is allowed to send in fewer known hashes down to a minimum of just one hash. However, the purpose of the block locator object is to detect a wrong branch in the caller's main chain. If the peer detects that you are off the main chain, it will send in block hashes which are earlier than your last known block. So if you just send in your last known hash and it is off the main chain, the peer starts over at block #1.
Return a headers packet containing the headers of blocks starting right after the last known hash in the block locator object, up to hash_stop or 2000 blocks, whichever comes first. To receive the next block headers, one needs to issue getheaders again with a new block locator object. Keep in mind that some clients may provide headers of blocks which are invalid if the block locator object contains a hash on the invalid branch.
Field Size Description Data type Comments 4 version uint32_t the protocol version 1+ hash count var_int number of block locator hash entries 32+ block locator hashes char[32] block locator object; newest back to genesis block (dense to start, but then sparse) 32 hash_stop char[32] hash of the last desired block header; set to zero to get as many blocks as possible (2000)
For the block locator object in this packet, the same rules apply as for the getblocks packet.
tx describes a bitcoin transaction, in reply to getdata . When a bloom filter is applied tx objects are sent automatically for matching transactions following the merkleblock .
Field Size Description Data type Comments 4 version int32_t Transaction data format version (note, this is signed) 0 or 2 flag optional uint8_t[2] If present, always 0001, and indicates the presence of witness data 1+ tx_in count var_int Number of Transaction inputs (never zero) 41+ tx_in tx_in[] A list of 1 or more transaction inputs or sources for coins 1+ tx_out count var_int Number of Transaction outputs 9+ tx_out tx_out[] A list of 1 or more transaction outputs or destinations for coins 0+ tx_witnesses tx_witness[] A list of witnesses, one for each input; omitted if flag is omitted above 4 lock_time uint32_t The block number or timestamp at which this transaction is unlocked: Value Description 0 Not locked = 500000000 UNIX timestamp at which this transaction is unlocked.
If all TxIn inputs have final (0xffffffff) sequence numbers then lock_time is irrelevant. Otherwise, the transaction may not be added to a block until after lock_time (see NLockTime).
TxIn consists of the following fields:
Field Size Description Data type Comments 36 previous_output outpoint The previous output transaction reference, as an OutPoint structure 1+ script length var_int The length of the signature script ? signature script uchar[] Computational Script for confirming transaction authorization 4 sequence uint32_t Transaction version as defined by the sender. Intended for "replacement" of transactions when information is updated before inclusion into a block.
The OutPoint structure consists of the following fields:
Field Size Description Data type Comments 32 hash char[32] The hash of the referenced transaction. 4 index uint32_t The index of the specific output in the transaction. The first output is 0, etc.
The Script structure consists of a series of pieces of information and operations related to the value of the transaction.
(Structure to be expanded in the future... see script.h and script.cpp and Script for more information)
The TxOut structure consists of the following fields:
Field Size Description Data type Comments 8 value int64_t Transaction Value 1+ pk_script length var_int Length of the pk_script ? pk_script uchar[] Usually contains the public key as a Bitcoin ( script setting up conditions to claim this output.
The TxWitness structure consists of a var_int count of witness data components, followed by (for each witness data component) a var_int length of the component and the raw component data itself.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:33 am

Bitcoin ( Mining ( Dutch Version|1:47
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:38 am
Example tx message:
The block message is sent in response to a getdata message which requests transaction information from a block hash.
Field Size Description Data type Comments 4 version int32_t Block version information (note, this is signed) 32 prev_block char[32] The hash value of the previous block this particular block references 32 merkle_root char[32] The reference to a Merkle tree collection which is a hash of all transactions related to this block 4 timestamp uint32_t A Unix timestamp recording when this block was created (Currently limited to dates before the year 2106!) 4 bits uint32_t The calculated difficulty target being used for this block 4 nonce uint32_t The nonce used to generate this block... to allow variations of the header and compute different hashes 1+ txn_count var_int Number of transaction entries ? txns tx[] Block transactions, in format of "tx" command.
The SHA256 hash that identifies each block (and which must have a run of 0 bits) is calculated from the first 6 fields of this structure (version, prev_block, merkle_root, timestamp, bits, nonce, and standard SHA256 padding, making two 64-byte chunks in all) and not from the complete block. To calculate the hash, only two chunks need to be processed by the SHA256 algorithm. Since the nonce field is in the second chunk, the first chunk stays constant during mining and therefore only the second chunk needs to be processed. However, a Bitcoin ( hash is the hash of the hash, so two SHA256 rounds are needed for each mining iteration. See Block hashing algorithm for details and an example.
The headers packet returns block headers in response to a getheaders packet.
Field Size Description Data type Comments 1+ count var_int Number of block headers 81x? headers block_header[] Block headers.
Note that the block headers in this packet include a transaction count (a var_int, so there can be more than 81 bytes per header) as opposed to the block headers that are hashed by miners.
The getaddr message sends a request to a node asking for information about known active peers to help with finding potential nodes in the network. The response to receiving this message is to transmit one or more addr messages with one or more peers from a database of known active peers. The typical presumption is that a node is likely to be active if it has been sending a message within the last three hours.
No additional data is transmitted with this message.
The mempool message sends a request to a node asking for information about transactions it has verified but which have not yet confirmed. The response to receiving this message is an inv message containing the transaction hashes for all the transactions in the node's mempool.
It is specified in BIP 35. Since BIP 37, if a bloom filter is loaded, only transactions matching the filter are replied.
This message was used for IP Transactions. As IP transactions have been deprecated, it is no longer used.
The ping message is sent primarily to confirm that the TCP/IP connection is still valid. An error in transmission is presumed to be a closed connection and the address is removed as a current peer.
Field Size Description Data type Comments 8 nonce uint64_t random nonce.
The pong message is sent in response to a ping message. In modern protocol versions, a pong response is generated using a nonce included in the ping.
Field Size Description Data type Comments 8 nonce uint64_t nonce from ping.
The reject message is sent when messages are rejected.
Field Size Description Data type Comments 1+ message var_str type of message rejected 1 ccode char code relating to rejected message 1+ reason var_str text version of reason for rejection 0+ data char Optional extra data provided by some errors. Currently, all errors which provide this field fill it with the TXID or block header hash of the object being rejected, so the field is 32 bytes.
filterload, filteradd, filterclear, merkleblock.
These messages are related to Bloom filtering of connections and are defined in BIP 0037.
The filterload command is defined as follows:
Field Size Description Data type Comments ? filter uint8_t[] The filter itself is simply a bit field of arbitrary byte-aligned size. The maximum size is 36,000 bytes. 4 nHashFuncs uint32_t The number of hash functions to use in this filter. The maximum value allowed in this field is 50. 4 nTweak uint32_t A random value to add to the seed value in the hash function used by the bloom filter. 1 nFlags uint8_t A set of flags that control how matched items are added to the filter.
See below for a description of the Bloom filter algorithm and how to select nHashFuncs and filter size for a desired false positive rate.
Upon receiving a filterload command, the remote peer will immediately restrict the broadcast transactions it announces (in inv packets) to transactions matching the filter, where the matching algorithm is specified below. The flags control the update behaviour of the matching algorithm.
The filteradd command is defined as follows:
Field Size Description Data type Comments ? data uint8_t[] The data element to add to the current filter.
The data field must be smaller than or equal to 520 bytes in size (the maximum size of any potentially matched object).
The given data element will be added to the Bloom filter. A filter must have been previously provided using filterload . This command is useful if a new key or script is added to a clients wallet whilst it has connections to the network open, it avoids the need to re-calculate and send an entirely new filter to every peer (though doing so is usually advisable to maintain anonymity).
The filterclear command has no arguments at all.
After a filter has been set, nodes don't merely stop announcing non-matching transactions, they can also serve filtered blocks. A filtered block is defined by the merkleblock message and is defined like this:
Field Size Description Data type Comments 4 version int32_t Block version information, based upon the software version creating this block (note, this is signed) 32 prev_block char[32] The hash value of the previous block this particular block references 32 merkle_root char[32] The reference to a Merkle tree collection which is a hash of all transactions related to this block 4 timestamp uint32_t A timestamp recording when this block was created (Limited to 2106!) 4 bits uint32_t The calculated difficulty target being used for this block 4 nonce uint32_t The nonce used to generate this block... to allow variations of the header and compute different hashes 4 total_transactions uint32_t Number of transactions in the block (including unmatched ones) 1+ hash_count var_int The number of hashes to follow 32x? hashes char[32] Hashes in depth-first order 1+ flag_bytes var_int The size of flags (in bytes) to follow ? flags byte[] Flag bits, packed per 8 in a byte, least significant bit first. Extra 0 bits are padded on to reach full byte size.
After a merkleblock , transactions matching the bloom filter are automatically sent in tx messages.
A guide to creating a bloom filter, loading a merkle block, and parsing a partial merkle block tree can be found in the Developer Examples.
Note: Support for alert messages has been removed from bitcoin core in March 2016. Read more here.
An alert is sent between nodes to send a general notification message throughout the network. If the alert can be confirmed with the signature as having come from the core development group of the Bitcoin ( software, the message is suggested to be displayed for end-users. Attempts to perform transactions, particularly automated transactions through the client, are suggested to be halted. The text in the Message string should be relayed to log files and any user interfaces.
Field Size Description Data type Comments ? payload uchar[] Serialized alert payload ? signature uchar[] An ECDSA signature of the message.
The developers of Satoshi's client use this public key for signing alerts:
The payload is serialized into a uchar[] to ensure that versions using incompatible alert formats can still relay alerts among one another. The current alert payload format is:
Field Size Description Data type Comments 4 Version int32_t Alert format version 8 RelayUntil int64_t The timestamp beyond which nodes should stop relaying this alert 8 Expiration int64_t The timestamp beyond which this alert is no longer in effect and should be ignored 4 ID int32_t A unique ID number for this alert 4 Cancel int32_t All alerts with an ID number less than or equal to this number should be cancelled: deleted and not accepted in the future ? setCancel set All alert IDs contained in this set should be cancelled as above 4 MinVer int32_t This alert only applies to versions greater than or equal to this version. Other versions should still relay it. 4 MaxVer int32_t This alert only applies to versions less than or equal to this version. Other versions should still relay it. ? setSubVer set If this set contains any elements, then only nodes that have their subVer contained in this set are affected by the alert. Other versions should still relay it. 4 Priority int32_t Relative priority compared to other alerts ? Comment string A comment on the alert that is not displayed ? StatusBar string The alert message that is displayed to the user ? Reserved string Reserved.
Note: set in the table above is a variable length integer followed by the number of fields of the given type (either int32_t or variable length string)
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:38 am
Sample alert (no message header):
Request for Direct headers announcement.
Upon receipt of this message, the node is be permitted, but not required, to announce new blocks by headers command (instead of inv command).
This message is supported by the protocol version >= 70012 or Bitcoin ( Core version >= 0.12.0.
See BIP 130 for more information.
The payload is always 8 bytes long and it encodes 64 bit integer value (LSB / little endian) of feerate . The value represents a minimal fee and is expressed in satoshis per 1000 bytes.
Upon receipt of a "feefilter" message, the node will be permitted, but not required, to filter transaction invs for transactions that fall below the feerate provided in the feefilter message interpreted as satoshis per kilobyte.
The fee filter is additive with a bloom filter for transactions so if an SPV client were to load a bloom filter and send a feefilter message, transactions would only be relayed if they passed both filters.
Inv's generated from a mempool message are also subject to a fee filter if it exists.
Feature discovery is enabled by checking protocol version >= 70013.
See BIP 133 for more information.
The sendcmpct message is defined as a message containing a 1-byte integer followed by a 8-byte integer where pchCommand == "sendcmpct". The first integer SHALL be interpreted as a boolean (and MUST have a value of either 1 or 0) The second integer SHALL be interpreted as a little-endian version number. Nodes sending a sendcmpct message MUST currently set this value to 1. Upon receipt of a "sendcmpct" message with the first and second integers set to 1, the node SHOULD announce new blocks by sending a cmpctblock message. Upon receipt of a "sendcmpct" message with the first integer set to 0, the node SHOULD NOT announce new blocks by sending a cmpctblock message, but SHOULD announce new blocks by sending invs or headers, as defined by BIP130. Upon receipt of a "sendcmpct" message with the second integer set to something other than 1, nodes MUST treat the peer as if they had not received the message (as it indicates the peer will provide an unexpected encoding in cmpctblock, and/or other, messages). This allows future versions to send duplicate sendcmpct messages with different versions as a part of a version handshake for future versions. Nodes SHOULD check for a protocol version of >= 70014 before sending sendcmpct messages. Nodes MUST NOT send a request for a MSG_CMPCT_BLOCK object to a peer before having received a sendcmpct message from that peer.
This message is only supported by protocol version >= 70014.
The cmpctblock message is defined as as a message containing a serialized HeaderAndShortIDs message and pchCommand == "cmpctblock". Upon receipt of a cmpctblock message after sending a sendcmpct message, nodes SHOULD calculate the short transaction ID for each unconfirmed transaction they have available (ie in their mempool) and compare each to each short transaction ID in the cmpctblock message. After finding already-available transactions, nodes which do not have all transactions available to reconstruct the full block SHOULD request the missing transactions using a getblocktxn message. A node MUST NOT send a cmpctblock message unless they are able to respond to a getblocktxn message which requests every transaction in the block. A node MUST NOT send a cmpctblock message without having validated that the header properly commits to each transaction in the block, and properly builds on top of the existing chain with a valid proof-of-work. A node MAY send a cmpctblock before validating that each transaction in the block validly spends existing UTXO set entries.
The getblocktxn message is defined as as a message containing a serialized BlockTransactionsRequest message and pchCommand == "getblocktxn". Upon receipt of a properly-formatted getblocktxnmessage, nodes which recently provided the sender of such a message a cmpctblock for the block hash identified in this message MUST respond with an appropriate blocktxn message. Such a blocktxn message MUST contain exactly and only each transaction which is present in the appropriate block at the index specified in the getblocktxn indexes list, in the order requested.
The blocktxn message is defined as as a message containing a serialized BlockTransactions message and pchCommand == "blocktxn". Upon receipt of a properly-formatted requested blocktxn message, nodes SHOULD attempt to reconstruct the full block by: Taking the prefilledtxn transactions from the original cmpctblock and placing them in the marked positions. For each short transaction ID from the original cmpctblock, in order, find the corresponding transaction either from the blocktxn message or from other sources and place it in the first available position in the block. Once the block has been reconstructed, it shall be processed as normal, keeping in mind that short transaction IDs are expected to occasionally collide, and that nodes MUST NOT be penalized for such collisions, wherever they appear.
Defi Yield Protocol Is a Massive Boost for Yield Farmers and the Defi Space.
Since February 2020, we have seen a steady growth of the blockchain space and, most significantly, decentralized finance. While DeFi isn't entirely new, the network's growth has been more aggressive this year than it has ever been. The distribution of COMP governance token and the introduction of yield farming protocols around June this year has made DeFi the most engaging conversation in the blockchain space, no doubt.
DeFi Yield Protocol (DYP)
Decentralized finance has only grown this much because of the control and ease it offers users. By allowing users to utilize traditional banking and financing services like lending, borrowing, and saving, an overwhelming sense of trust has been birthed over the past few months. Even more captivating is that many users now earn more than 100% of their capital, mostly by offering liquidity through yield farming protocols.
Over the past couple of months, we have also seen a contrast between different DeFi protocols and what might set a precedent for the DeFi ECOS ('s longevity as a whole. The DeFi yield protocol (DYP) is a unique protocol that allows virtually any user to provide liquidity, earn DYP tokens as yield while maintaining the token price. Unlike some DeFi user interface, the DYP interface is quite simplified, accommodating new and expert yield farmers.
What Makes the DYP Staking Pool Unique?
DYP developers, together with a blockchain company, developed the unique DYP staking. The DYP staking allows users to stake dAPP through the Ethereum smart contract that is front-end integrated with Metamask and Trustwallet. By studying some flaws of the DeFi ECOS (, DYP aims to tackle them head on and give users the best experience in open finance.
One of the many arguments against the operability of defi revolves around "whales" controlling the network. One of such examples is the infamous Sushi dump where the anonymous founder dumped all of his Sushi tokens for ethereum. To prevent a whale attack, DYP developed an anti-manipulation feature that automatically converts all pool rewards from DYP to ETH at 00:00 UTC everyday. The system then distributes the rewards to liquidity providers. This manipulation feature ensures that the pool's liquidity is fair to every participant.
Besides preventing whales through the anti-manipulating feature, the smart contract also maintains the DYP token price. If the DYP price fluctuates beyond 2.5% in value, rather than swapping all 276,480 DYP tokens for ETH at 00:00 UTC, the smart contract only swaps as many DYP tokens to ETH that doesn't affect the price of the token. The leftover DYP is then distributed in the next day's rewards. If there are still leftover DYP tokens, the DYP governance votes on whether to distribute them to token holders or burn the tokens from circulation.
The decentralized network is essentially an open space regulated by a smart contract, and the greatest risk in yield farming today is still a smart contract bug. To prevent the risk of a smart contract bug on their network, DYP ensures all their smart contract codes are audited.
DYP Yield Farming and the Ethereum Mining Network.
As the Ethereum network continues to increase in size and number, there's a corresponding need for mining on the network. The DYP team has been committed to Ethereum mining for more than three years and have invested more than $1m on their mining farm. Not only is the team heavily invested in Ethereum mining, but the DYP team has also shown its willingness to allow many more users to participate.
To reward users, every ethereum miner address that interacts with the DYP smart contract will earn a monthly bonus of 10% in DYP of the ETH income earned monthly. Essentially what this means is; if ETH price is $400 and DYP price is $2, if you earn 1ETH monthly, you also get a monthly airdrop of 10% (20 DYP tokens worth $40). To claim the airdrop tokens, users will need to join their Ethereum mining pool with a 0% fee, meaning users will also earn more monthly.
DYP also has an automatic earn vault that moves a participant's funds around using the best yield farming strategies. The automatic earn vault will distribute 75% of the earnings among the liquidity providers and 25% to buy back DYP tokens. Ultimately this promotes liquidity in the pool and maintains the price of the token.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:38 am
DYP Crowdsale.
When the decentralized finance ECOS ( seeks a balance while setting a precedent for its mainstream adoption, DYP is actively laying a foundation from its public crowdsale. During the whitelisting and presale round, 570,000 DYP tokens worth 2,821.71 ETH have been sold. For a chance to participate in this unique protocol, join the public crowdsale at
This is a sponsored post. Learn how to reach our audience here. Read disclaimer below.
Stratum V1.
Introduced in 2012 to solve some of the Bitcoin mining ( industry’s growing pains.
Was an evolution of the getwork protocol.
Helped Bitcoin mining ( pools to serve more users with higher hash rate.
First implemented on Bitcoin ( Mining Pool which is now called Slush Pool.
In 2012, Marek "Slush" Palatinus introduced stratum protocol as an evolution of the getwork protocol for Bitcoin mining ( Stratum V1 solved some of the growing pains that Bitcoin mining ( was experiencing when it first became popular.
.@m0mchil's opensource GPU miner liberated the network from dominance of few players running closed source miners back in 2010. He was also patiently explaining bitcoin to me while I was designing Slush pool.
I truly believe that bitcoin would be different now without him.
Getwork Protocol Limitations.
In the early days, Bitcoin mining ( required miners to connect and interact with the Bitcoin ( protocol itself by running full nodes.В.
To standardize the communication between miners and Bitcoin ( protocol, an open-source “getwork” protocol was used as a quick and easy solution for standalone miners to start mining. The getwork protocol utilized HTTP as a method to connect with the Bitcoin ( protocol. However, HTTP is typically used for web pages, and it was not ideal for coordinating peers to mine Bitcoin ( Thus, many inefficiencies became apparent as mining grew more popular.В.
By 2012, getwork’s inefficiencies had grown very problematic as mining underwent radical changes and network hashrate grew exponentially. This required a considerable amount of network bandwidth on the miner side and a practically infeasible amount of bandwidth on the server (i.e. pool) side to facilitate the increase in miner participation.В.
At this point, it was quite clear that the getwork protocol was not a scalable solution.В.
Getwork has been designed and implemented by @m0mchil for purposes of his first opensource gpu miner "poclbm".
Getwork was not designed for network operation, latencies and it did not scale well (ASIC (, DDoS mitigation), so later I designed Stratum mining protocol.
Popularizing Pooled MiningВ.
Around late 2010, a serious shift occurred in mining as more and more people joined the network. With 10 minute block times but thousands of miners competing to find each block, many participants were no longer earning revenue reliably enough to keep mining.В.
The solution was for miners to pool their computing resources together so they could find blocks more consistently and therefore receive a portion of the block reward regularly enough to have a decently stable cash flow.В.
However, the limitations of the getwork protocol became even more apparent as pooled mining grew in popularity. This led Marek "Slush" Palatinus, who created Slush Pool in 2010, to develop the stratum protocol (Stratum V1) for communication between miners and mining pools.В.
Main Improvements with Stratum V1.
Stratum V1 has been the standard protocol used for pooled mining during the past 7-8 years, during which time Bitcoin’s total network hashrate has increased by from.
20 TH/s to 130 EH/s.
Needless to say, it’s been a wild success. Ultimately, the widespread adoption and long-term use of Stratum V1 is due to 2 major scalability improvements it enabled:
With the getwork protocol, miners were constantly sending requests to Bitcoin ( daemon (bitcoind) for mining work. When pooled mining took off, it complicated matters because it was now the role of pool servers to send the work to miners. Miners faced a choice between short-polling intervals to minimize their stale ratio, or long-polling using a separate connection to the pool servers to minimize network load.
Long-polling was the better solution, but it created some issues with load balancing in pool backends. Stratum V1 was built in a way so that instead of miners essentially requesting information from bitcoind via their pool over HTTP, the pools would be able to drive the load and broadcast messages to miners at anytime with no HTTP overhead or long-polling workarounds. This was a big improvement both for miners and pool operators.В.
Extranonce RollingВ.
Prior to the introduction of extranonce rolling in Stratum V1, miners were only able to modify 2 fields in a block header (nonce and ntime) which they would then hash to search for a solution to a block. Once a miner ran out of new possible combinations, they would need to make a request for more work from the pool (or straight from bitcoind), which was rather inefficient.В.
Stratum V1 introduced the extranonce field to expand the unique combinations that miners could iterate through when they were assigned some work. By moving this ability to create unique block headers to hash from the pool to the end miners, the whole pooled mining process was made much more efficient.
Other Benefits.
Besides these significant improvements in the technology, another reason that Stratum V1 was ultimately such a success was that it sent JSON payloads which were human readable and already widely supported in Bitcoin mining ( clients. JSON came with some overhead (which we’ve reduced significantly by switching to binary in Stratum V2), but it suited the industry needs well at the time.В.
Criticisms of Stratum V1В.
Stratum V1 was criticized for being initially developed as a secret to the public as no formal BIP was used to describe its implementation. However, it was argued that Stratum V1 is not related to the Bitcoin ( protocol or implementation вЂ" rather it is a custom pooled mining extension which shouldn’t require an official BIP.
Another source of controversy was that, while Stratum V1 was being developed, the community had spent months developing an open-source protocol called “getblocktemplate’ (BIP22) that would supersede the “getwork” protocol. With Stratum V1 being released near the same time, direct adoption for the getblocktemplate protocol suffered. However, it should be noted that the Stratum servers use a getblocktemplate mechanism under the surface, while simply adding a lot of other improvements around it.В.
Unfortunately, the one significant downside of not using the getblocktemplate solution was that miners lost the ability to construct their own block templates (i.e. choose which transactions are in the blocks they mine.) Although this doesn’t harm the economic incentives of mining at all because miners are all incentivized to include the highest fee transactions in their blocks, it does introduce a vulnerability if pool operator(s) were to be compromised. This is why we are reintroducing the ability for miners to construct their own blocks in Stratum V2.
Finally, there’s the matter of security. As Ruben Recabarren pointed out in his paper, Hardening Stratum, the Bitcoin ( Pool Mining Protocol, Stratum V1 is vulnerable to possible man-in-the-middle attacks. Although no significant cases of "hashrate hijacking" have been reported, it's possible that they can occur undetected, making it all the more critical that the Bitcoin mining ( industry moves on to a more secure protocol. Hashrate hijacking prevention is another key feature of Stratum V2.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:42 am

Description pool [HOST] [multipul sha256]|16:37
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:42 am

HOW TO SWITCH FROM BTC TO DOGE - Awesome Miner - Dogecoin 2021|4:36
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:43 am
Beyond Stratum V1.
Ultimately, Stratum V1 has served its role magnificently as the pooled mining protocol used throughout the mining world. With that being said, there is room for improvement, and that’s why we (Jan Capek and Pavel Moravec) along with Matt Corallo have introduced Stratum V2.
“It solves historical technical and security issues, it is generally much more efficient and it allows some advanced use cases like work selection or easier mining farm management,” Braiins co-CEO Pavel Moravec told Bitcoin ( Magazine. “This should have been done years ago, really.”.
However, much has changed since the original stratum protocol was published in 2012. A single ASIC ( mining machine today is capable of producing greater hashrate than the entire Bitcoin ( network had back then (approximately 20 TH/s). Stratum V2 is the solution for the continued evolution of the Bitcoin mining ( industry.
Secrets of Bitcoin mining (
From the bASIC ( of Bitcoin mining ( made clear and simple, to its 'secret' dynamics which even some experts are not aware of: How miners really interact with Bitcoin ('s price floor, miners' seasonal migration and 'bullish' miners' natural selection.
If you are familier with Bitcoin mining ( you can scroll down to the blue line.
Mining is a crucial part of the Bitcoin ( network. But to most Bitcoin ( holders it's a relatively mysterious business. Mining is where Bitcoin ( connects the internet to the real world. A lot of electricity is needed for mining, and it's crucial for the protection of the 18 million Bitcoins, worth today $180 billion, stored using Bitcoin ('s decentralized financial records.
Mining is a very competitive business. Every 10 minutes, approximately, hundreds of thousands of mining computers around the world start competing for a new batch of 6.25 Bitcoins. The greater the quantity of mining chips that they are running, and the stronger they are, the higher the chances their owner have to win new Bitcoins.
While in 2010 you could mine Bitcoin ( with your personal computer's regular chip, since 2013, mining has become much more competitive and requires specialized chips, called ASIC ( (Application-specific integrated circuit). Today, getting into Bitcoin mining ( is a serious business, mostly done in large warehouses full of computers with ASIC ( mining chips -- nicknamed miners .
Bitcoin ( ASIC ( companies such as Bitmain and Canaan , compete to produce increasingly more powerful and efficient ASIC ( for Bitcoin (
Electricity is 95% of the operation expense of a mining farm. That's why most Bitcoin mining ( is done in areas with cheaper electricity, with 74.1% or more of Bitcoin ( miners depending on renewable energy. Some mining farms use cheap hydroelectric power in places like Sichuan in China and Washington state in the United States. Other miners set up in countries like Kazakhstan and Iran which are rich in natural resources of coal and oil.
Investors in mining operations are also called miners, and they take a big risk. According to Seth Estrada, starting a worthwhile mining operation can cost millions of Euros (for the ASIC (, mining facilities and setting up). The investors do not know how much competition will be coming into the mining network, or what Bitcoin ('s price will be when they get started mining. These two factors that will highly affect their mining income. So why do miners go into the mining business? We'll get to that after we explain a bit more about mining.
What's the point of mining?
All the rules and math that create Bitcoin ('s financial network and worldwide money system are open-source and decentralised so that any computer in the world can audit the entire thing. Anyone owning a computer with an internet connection can take part in storing Bitcoin ('s transaction history and freely send and receive Bitcoin ( transactions. But to keep track of which files show the real transaction history and who owns which Bitcoins, the inventor of Bitcoin ( realized you can connect a financial 'weight' to each of these crucial and important files to help identify them.
A costless, open source method called hash-links or block-chaining keeps Bitcoin ('s transaction history in a clear chronological order. We explained it in this post. While chaining in blocks doesn't have anything to do with mining, giving each block in the chain a financial wight or high cost is. Costly 'mining', which we'll explain in the next section, adds a financial weight to each new page of the records. The real transaction history of Bitcoin ( is defined as the records the Bitcoin ( network took the most resources to create .
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:43 am
What do mining machines do?
Creating new 'pages' needs to be provably expensive. To create a new page, the mining network is assigned a sort of puzzle, called a hash function, by the Bitcoin ( program. Solving this type of puzzle takes many resources- expensive ASIC ( and a lot of electricity to run them around the clock. The name of this puzzle is known as the hash function SHA-256 . When the SHA-256 puzzle is solved by trial and error by one of the mining machines around the world, the new 'page',which in the world of Bitcoin ( is called a block , is mathematically stamped by the miner with the answer to the puzzle (and added to the block-chain). Each new block contains approved Bitcon transaction. The miner who solved the SHA-256 puzzle and stamped the new block with it, is automatically given by Bitcoin ('s protocol 6.25 bitcoins.
Creating a new block and receiving compensation in Bitcoin ( is what keeps the miners working. If a miner would decide to add a damaged block or a block containing false transactions, even though it is stamped with the correct solution, the Bitcoin ( network would reject that page. The compensation of a miner is inscribed in this corrupted page, so his resources would be wasted. The miner's job is only to create financial 'weight' for each page, while the rest of the network protects the legality of the transactions.
The Bitcoin ( network controls the speed of the creation of blocks by automatically adjusting the difficulty of the puzzle. The whole point of using the SHA-256 puzzle is that its difficulty can be changed according to how much mining power is connected to the network, so that the cost of mining is connected to Bitcoin ('s value.
Miners create financial weight to Bitcoin ('s records, so we can tell these are the real records. Linking each page to the previous one is done by using hash-links also known as block-chains. Combining the provable chronological order between each page in the Bitcoin ( records with the financial weight of each individual page created by the miners makes Bitcoin ('s books unbreakable.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:44 am

The end of the gold \u0026 silver bull run? + Gold, Silver, Miners chart analysis 14 February 2021|23:03
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:45 am
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Thailand is best known as one of the top holiday destinations globally, though at the same time, it is one of the leaders in cryptocurrency adoption as well. The likes of Singapore, Japan, and Hong Kong are some of the popular blockchain hubs in Asia, but Thailand is looking to catch up fast.
However, Thailand was not always a haven for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin ( The country had originally banned cryptocurrencies in 2016 before changing its stance in 2019.
One of the easiest ways to buy Bitcoin ( in Thailand is through cryptocurrency exchanges. There are quite a few of these exchanges in the country where you can sign-up and buy Bitcoin (, though choosing one will depend on various factors such as transaction fees, payment modes, verification requirements, reputation, and withdrawal limits, among others.
However, potential buyers should ideally get a wallet first to store the Bitcoin (, as some exchanges might require them to do so. Additionally, having a separate wallet is advisable for security reasons. In case you don't have a wallet already, refer to our guide on the Best Bitcoin ( and Cryptocurrency Wallets to choose one.
On the other hand, Bangkok residents can go to a Bitcoin ( ATM and purchase the cryptocurrency using cash. There are two Bitcoin ( ATMs in Bangkok and one in Chiang Mai. The advantage of buying Bitcoin ( through ATMs is that the purchase is instant and most of them usually don't require identity verification, making the purchase anonymous. You can locate a Bitcoin ( ATM in Thailand using our Bitcoin ( ATM Map.
However, be prepared to pay higher transaction fees in the range of 5%-10% if you're buying Bitcoin ( through the ATM in exchange for the privileges.
Another important thing to note is that there are quite a few places in Bangkok where you can spend your Bitcoin ( From nightclubs and bars to accommodation and marijuana, Bitcoin ( is gradually turning into an alternative means of payment for many businesses in this tourist hotspot.
As such, Bitcoin ( seems to have a great future in Thailand thanks to the government's positive approach toward cryptocurrencies, the acceptability of the currency, and its status as a famous holiday destination that could do with a variety of alternative payment options.
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Thailand has access to many large Bitcoin ( and cryptocurrency exchanges.
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Best Bitcoin ( Wallets for Thailand.
There are three main types of Bitcoin ( wallet and all of them are supported in Thailand:
Software (desktop or mobile - iOS and Android wallets Hardware wallet Cold-storage (paper or steel wallets, the latter of which are used to backup your main wallet.
Best for Security.
Secure storage for any cryptocurrency.
The Ledger Nano X is the newest crypto hardware wallet, and is very easy to use. It connects to iOS, Android & desktop computers.
Temporary Wallet.
Best for storing crypto for short period of time.
Atomic wallet is a multicurrency mobile wallet with a beautiful interface and easy to use features.
Best for Desktop.
Simple yet powerful desktop wallet.
Electrum is a Bitcoin ( wallet that has been around since 2011. It's easy to use, but has advanced features.
Exchange Hacks and Crypto Scams in Thailand.
Thai SEC Warnings.
In 2018, the Thai SEC issued warnings regarding 14 cryptocurrency exchange websites operating without licenses in Thailand.
Complaintants in Thailand had reported these sites after they had been solicited over social media to buy and sell cryptocurrencies via the social media platforms.
The listed sites to avoid: R Exchange's Facebook page.
If anyone from these sites or others offers you crypto buying and selling opportunities on twitter, facebook, or any other social media site, beware.
FX Trading Corporation Scam.
In August of 2019, the Thai Securities and Exchange Commision issued warning to the public regarding cryptocurrency exchange FX Trading Corporation as well as other similar "exchanges" operating in a similar scammy fashion.
According to the Bangkok Post:
Most claim to be foreign companies operating outside Thailand offering services via their online portals. It is not known how much they have ripped off from an unsuspecting public.
In one review of the company, it is said they have promised 2.5% ROI per day, which is an impossible ROI to guarantee without running a ponzi scheme.
Cryptocurrency Wizard Fraud.
In September of 2019, Mana Jumuang (known as the 'Cryptocurrency Wizard') was arrested in Bangkok.
Mr Mana is accused of being part of a Thai-Vietnamese gang that conned thousands of people in at least 10 Asian nations, including South Korea and Vietnam. The gang comprised three Thais and four Vietnamese. Their victims reported losses totalling about 500 million baht (or $16,008,195).
Thai and Vietnamese investors gave Mr. Jumuang money to invest in cryptocurrencies, thinking he was an expert, but in reality, he was merely embezzling his customers' money.
Does Coinbase work in Thailand?
Coinbase does NOT support customers in Thailand as of September of 2020.
Where Can I Find a Bitcoin ( ATM in Thailand?
There are 6 Bitcoin ( ATMs in Thailand. One in Pattaya, four in Bangkok, and one in Chiang Mai - all very touristy places that you might be likely to visit or live in.
What is the price of Bitcoin ( in Thailand?
The current price of Bitcoin ( in Thailand is €9,353.49, however this amount changes every minute, so always check the value on your local exchange.
Which businesses in Thailand accept Bitcoin (
Many establishments and service providers accross the country now accept Bitcoin ( as payment.
Some of these goods and services are listed below:
Legal services through Pugnatorius LTD.
Travel and tourism services through Smiling Albino and Four Wheel Travel LTD.
Movies through Major Cineplex Theaters.
How do i cash out of bitcoin in Thailand?
Any exchange with a Thai Baht trading pair will allow you to sell your Bitcoin ( for fiat currency. has THB trading pairs for many popular coins.
Another way to buy Bitcoins in Thailand is through automated teller machines (ATMs). These ATMs allow users to instantly purchase and sell cryptocurrency using cash, however most of them require at least a phone number, so they aren't totally private.
Local Bitcoins is another option. Here, you can buy and sell Bitcoin ( for a wide range of payment methods, from gift cards to bank transfers. Local Bitcoins is a peer-to-peer (P2P) exchange, where you buy and sell with another individual. This does introduce a degree of risk, though by ensuring that you conduct all business on the platform, make use of its escrow services, and only trade with users who have a good reputation, you'll minimize any potential problems.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:45 am
You could also use a service like eGifter to sell your Bitcoin ( for gift cards.
Bitcoins in Thailand: Mine, Use, and Trade Cryptocurrencies.
The first time I heard of an ATM I was eleven years old. My aunt took me to Seaside Park, NJ for the day. She pulled the car to the side of the road and told me to wait while she got some money from the ATM. "What's an ATM?" I wondered. My parents never went to an ATM. But then again they didn't have the fancy Volvo my aunt had either.
Fast forward twenty-six years and here I stand again, bewildered by a new machine in front of Chit Beer on Koh Kret in Nonthaburi. Save for this time, the first letter of the acronym was bumped up to the letter B. The machine? A BTM, or Bitcoin ( Teller Machine.
I was fascinated by the machine. And felt I had to bring myself up to speed with Bitcoins. Especially in Thailand. Because there seems to be a Bitcoin ( boom here in the country. And it's worth knowing if you should get in while the getting's good.
Disclaimer : This article may link to products and services from one or more of Expat Den's advertisers. We may receive compensation when you click on those links. This won't cost you anything extra, but it helps us cover the costs of running this website.
Thinking about Living in Thailand?
What you need to know to land a job, stay long-term, and save $1000s on rent, money transfers, insurance, and utilites!
Bitcoins are a form of cryptocurrency, or digital money that banks can't regulate. But Bitcoins are also closer to bits than they are coins. To keep it simple, they're tiny pieces of information that you could use to buy things on- and offline.
What makes Bitcoin ( so valuable, though, is that the cryptocurrency has a circulation cap. It's only possible to have 21 million Bitcoins in circulation at any given time. As of 2017, there are roughly 12 million Bitcoins in circulation. That means there are about 9 million Bitcoins left to enter circulation.
Instead of being printed into circulation, Bitcoins are mined by a complicated process that I'll attempt to explain in laymen terms below.
Mining Methods.
Remember history class, when you learned about the 1849 Gold Rush? Remember the men and boys pictured with pick axes mining and sifting for gold? Now get that image out of your head. Because with Bitcoin mining ( you won't break a finger or a sweat.
Mining for Bitcoins still takes energy. However, it's your computer's electrical energy that does all the work--not you. In order for your computer to mine a Bitcoin (, it has to solve a complicated equation. The solution is added as a block to a blockchain, which is the history of all equations ever solved. When miners do this, they are rewarded with Bitcoins.
The number of Bitcoins given for solving an equation gets lower each year, making it more difficult and more costly to mine for Bitcoins, and thus, increasing the value of the cryptocurrency.
According to Bitcoin ( Wiki, there are six main ways to mine for Bitcoins.
CPU Mining has been replaced by more efficient methods of mining for Bitcoins. But mentioning CPU Mining is important. Because in order to make any profits from mining, you need to spend less money on powering your gear than the Bitcoins you actually mine. When the amount of Bitcoins mined by CPUs became so little, and yet so costly, it made no sense to continue.
GPU mining ( speeds up the process of mining Bitcoins, so you collect more Bitcoins while spending less money on powering your gear. That is, unless, you mine with the wrong gear. Crypto Compare has a succinct and handy guide for buying the right GPU mining ( gear. But it's speed is nothing compared to the method of FGPA Mining.
FGPA Mining is faster than GPU mining ( In fact, FGPA Mining hardware is also cheaper, in both investment and electricity costs. But FGPA Mining is being replaced with the more efficient ASIC ( Mining method.
Since its development, ASIC ( Mining has blown away the other mining methods in terms of speed. In most cases, miners are now starting to move away from GPU and FPGA Mining methods to only use ASIC ( Mining.
You can hire a mining service to mine Bitcoins for you. All you have to do it agree to a "Mining Contract," which states the mining duration and costs. Cloud miners will handle all the labor. Be weary of cloud mining though. There are claims that this method of mining is no more profitable than the rest. This writer on Steemit argues that you could actually lose money through cloud mining.
Since mining for Bitcoins as an individual is expensive, it's easier to join a mining pool. With mining pools, you can put your resources together and mine more Bitcoins in less time. Your choices for mining pools will vary, but China holds the biggest portion of mining pools, with AntPool holding 25% of the market. But this doesn't make them the best choice for new miners.
In fact, it's Slush Pool in Czech Republic that most Bitcoin ( resources will tell new miners to join. Even though they hold only 2.6% of the mining pool market, they've proven themselves as the most reliable and trustworthy mining pool around.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:46 am
Mining Gear.
So how much will setting up a Bitcoin mining ( operation run you? It depends on quite a few factors. And unless you're willing to put up some big money, you may never see a return on your investment in mining gear. But if you're interested in making the jump, here are a few things to consider.
Hardware The first is hardware. You can get yourself an Avalon6 for $750 or go all in and get the Antminer S9 for $4,263. In Thailand, there's actually a lacking of ASIC ( machines (Application-specific integrated circuit) for Bitcoin mining ( They have a better processer and consume less power than GPU. If you want to buy one, you can order it from Amazon. Here's the top three models for Bitcoin ( miners.
Electricity The second is electricity costs. But don't fret, you can calculate your mining costs by using this handy calculator by
If you're mining in Thailand and get your electricity from the Metropolitan Electricity Authority, then you're paying about 4 baht per kWh of electricity, which comes out to roughly $0.12 per kWh. So you'd enter that number in the Electricity Costs section of the TradeBlock calculator.
On Quora, John Bailey, who earned himself the Top Writer award for cryptocurrency, calculated mining costs based on equipment, global electricity costs (when pool mining), and a few other factors. He estimated that it takes about 48,800 kWh's to mine one Bitcoin ( Based on his math, that brings the average electrical mining cost to about 195,200 baht per Bitcoin (
Now, before you go spending your money on a bunch of mining gear and electricity, you'll probably want to know if Bitcoins are legal in Thailand.
When I saw the BTM in Koh Kret, I wondered if Bitcoins were legal in Thailand. Back in 2013 the Bank of Thailand banned the use of Bitcoins even though they didn't have the power to do so. The Bank of Thailand even denied Bitcoins Co., Ltd., a registered cryptocurrency trader, the right to buy, sell, or exchange Bitcoins the same year. This further confused the Bitcoin ( community in Thailand.
It turns out, though, Bitcoins weren't actually illegal. The Bank of Thailand just had no way of regulating Bitcoins.
In 2014 The Bank of Thailand lifted their Bitcoin ( ban. But because they can't regulate Bitcoin ( usage, they refuse to take responsibility for personal loses.
More recently, though, Thai Deputy Prime Minsiter Somkid Jatusripitak ordered the Bank of Thailand to relax their strict rules. He wants the BOT to study the use and potential benefits of Bitcoin (
As it stands, Bitcoins aren't illegal in Thailand. But any Bitcoin ( bought or sold in Thailand cannot touch foreign currency transactions. According to the Ministry of Finance in Thailand, that would make Bitcoin ( use illegal.
Despite the grey area, over 520 million baht in cryptocurrency have exchanged hands--or digital wallets--in Thailand in 2016.
Now that you know how to mine yourself some Bitcoins, and that it's okay to use Bitcoins in Thailand, let's find out how to store them for use. Here are four popular Bitcoin ( wallets in Thailand.
BX Wallet.
BX Wallet lets you exchange bitcoins with person-to-person or person-to-business exchanges. But what sets them apart is their bitcoin knowledge base. You get to see up-to-date exchanges, trading charts, and a slew of other information.
✓ Low exchange fee ✓ Extensive knowledge base ✓ 2-Factor authentication.
× Aimed at experienced traders × Limited privacy × Unstable verification processes.
Bitcoin ( Thailand.
Bitcoin ( Thailand is one of the easiest ways to exchange bitcoins. They are one of the most trusted bitcoin exchange services in Thailand. And they make exchanging bitcoins easy, even for first time users.
✓ High exchange limits ✓ Solid reputation ✓ Easy to use interface.
× Undisclosed exchange fees × Fees hidden in exchanges × Limited privacy.
Coins is a bitcoin broker in Thailand. With a Coins account, you can buy and sell bitcoins using popular banks like Bangkok Bank, SCB, and Kasikorn Bank. You can also buy and sell bitcoins with your cell phone or through an ATM.
✓ Simple user interface ✓ Variety of exchange methods ✓ Cash out using Thai banks.
× 150,000 baht limit with email verification × Limited privacy × High exchange fee.
Local Bitcoins.
Local Bitcoins is a person-to-person bitcoin exchange. You can post advertisements selling bitcoins, or you could respond to advertisements and buy bitcoins. After an agreement is reached, you have a two options for following through with the exchange: 1) pay in cash, in person, or 2) pay online.
✓ Private, in person trades ✓ Cash purchases allowed ✓ Quick exchanges.
× Limited access with unverified accounts × Higher rates with unverified accounts × High exchange fee.
Here's an overview of bitcoin exchange choices, their rates, and verification requirements.
Bitcoin ( Exchange Exchange Fee Verification BX Wallet 0.25% National ID/Passport Bitcoin ( Thailand n/a Case by Case Coins 1% Selfie and Address Local Bitcoins 1% Case by Case.
Bitcoin ( Teller Machines or BTMs.
If there's a BTM on Koh Kret, I thought there must be other BTMs in Thailand. But because it would be impossible to traverse the country looking for BTMs, and because I don't know a single person who openly uses Bitcoins in Thailand, I had to do a digital search.
Coin ATM Radar was the only reliable and interactive BTM map I could find. And a search for BTMs in Thailand showed the only BTM in Thailand sits on Koh Kret. Or perhaps the system doesn't get updated. ( If you know of one, please drop me a line in the comment section .)
Bitcoin ( Debit Cards.
Bitcoin ( debit cards work the same way as most other debit cards. You can buy things on- and offline with them. You can withdrawal money from the ATM. But you're faced with similar restrictions as debit cards, such as monthly limits and max purchase prices.
Shift is a cryptocurrency debit card that connects to your Coinbase account. It was the first Bitcoin ( debit card in the United States, and you could use it on- and offline. There's a $10 issuance fee for the card. But there's no annual fee to use the card. And domestic transactions are free.
However, domestic ATM withdrawals are $2.50 each, international transactions are charged at 3%, and international ATM withdrawal fees are $3.50. And if you lose your card, you'll have to pay $10 to replace it.
Coins Bank.
Coins Bank debit cards are different from Shift because they offer cashback rewards and multiple card choices. For example, you can pick between a Named, Named White, Virtual, or Virtual Prepaid card. Each card comes with their own benefits. The Named cards are long-term cards with low monthly fees. Whereas the Virtual cards are for online purchases only.
The Named card is $9.95 and the Named White card is $99.95. The Virtual card is $2.95 and the Virtual Prepaid is $100. There's no limit to how much money you could for transactions per day with Coins Bank Named cards, but you'll be allowed to withdrawal $2000 max. With their Virtual cards, you'll be allowed to make online purchases of $2000 max.
Shift and Coins Bank are two popular choices for Bitcoin ( debit cards. But they're not your only choices. Steemit has a lengthy list of Bitcoin ( debit card providers worth checking out.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:46 am

Mining ( for 10 Hours Straight (Nether Edition)|29:58
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:47 am

RX470 4gb Mining ( rig in 2021|8:15
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:50 am
Spend and Accept Bitcoins.
Here are a few ways you can spend and accept bitcoins in Thailand.
Spend Bitcoins in Thailand Smiling Albino tour company started accepting Bitcoins on August 1 st , 2017. Since then, the tour guide company has seen 2% of their payments made by Bitcoins. Stephanie Rowe, director of business development and marketing at Smiling Albino, said her decision to open Bitcoin ( payments was for their customers.
"Moving money internationally via bank wire is expensive and slow," said Rowe. "Credit card fees in Thailand are quite expensive. As a service-based company we're always looking for solutions to make payments as painless and easy as possible for our clients."
Stephanie is optimistic about Bitcoins in Thailand. She sees the kingdom as one of the early adopters of cryptocurrency, a currency that she believes is only going to grow.
"Bitcoin ( payments and ATM's are popping up all over Bangkok," Rowe continued. "Some of the most known examples are the BTM's on Koh Kret, and payments accepted at trendy bars like Sway in Thonglor, all the way down to noodle shops in Siam square. There is such a variety of places accepting Bitcoin ("
Adam Ivory, of Eat Me Restaurant also sees potential with Bitcoins in Thailand. The operations manager told me they started accepting Bitcoins four years ago, and although Bitcoin ( use has been growing slowly, it's also been growing steadily. "When our customers pay with Bitcoins, they are very quick to spread the word," Ivory said.
If you're looking for other places to use Bitcoins in Thailand, check out this Bitcoin ( merchant map. Although there are few options, I suspect the map will grow as more businesses start accepting Bitcoins.
If you'd like to pay your monthly rent with Bitcoins, you can sdo so at XVI Condominium Bangkok. XVI Condominium Bangkok is a condo project developed by AP (Thailand), located at Soi Phai Sing To, Khlong Toei, Bangkok 10110. There are several rooms in the condominium that allow you to pay your rent using either Bitcoin ( or ripple.
Bad Burger Bangkok, located on 392/9, Sukhumvit Rd, is often described a one of the best burger joints in Bangkok. And they also accept Bitcoins.
Lastly, there is Pattaya Beer Garden, perhaps one of the first businesses in Thailand to accept Bitcoins. This is one of the most popular places to start off a night in Pattaya's walking street. The beer garden offers a selection of beverages and food that you can pay for using Bitcoins.
Accept Bitcoins in Thailand.
If you're a business owner interested in accepting Bitcoins check out Coin Pay. They're the main way to accept Bitcoin ( payments in Thailand.
Brick and Mortar Businesses Joining Coin Pay lets you print a Bitcoin ( sign for your business. You can also get paid in Bitcoins or the Thai Baht equivalent. So if a person pays in Bitcoin (, you'll get Thai Baht at the current exchange rate. Coin Pay also offers a mobile app so you can accept payments anywhere.
Web-Based Businesses You can use Coin Pay on your website with e-commerce plugins for Woo Commerce, Zen Cart, and Open Cart just to name a few.
Woo Commerce offers Stripe. ZenCart offers The Coin Pay and LitePaid. Open Cart offers Coinbase, Bitcoin ( Payment Method, and CoinGate.
Trade Bitcoins.
Editor's Note: This section was added on February 3, 2018. It was a contribution made by a Thailand Starter Kit team member who trades Bitcoins and other cryptocurrency.
Although there are a few cryptocurrency trading platforms in Thailand, is Thailand's biggest and oldest and is owned by Bitcoin ( Co. Ltd. The company has been in operation since 2013 and allows registered users to buy and sell various cryptocurrency for Thai baht.
Setting Up an Account.
The initial registration process for the Bx exchange is quite straightforward, you are simply required to submit your email, username, first and last name.
But the verification process gets a bit tricky and somewhat old school. After verifying your email via a link sent to you after registration, you are then required to verify your identity by uploading a selfie of yourself holding your ID or passport with the information page facing the camera and an A4 paper with "" written on it and your signature.
The platform usually takes anywhere between one to twenty-four hours to verify your identity.
Once your identity is verified, you are then required to verify your Thai bank account. The site unfortunately does not allow the exchange of foreign currency or third-party transfers, so you are required to have a Thai bank account in order to use the platform.
The platform requires you to provide details such as your Thai bank account number, name, branch location, and requires you to upload a scanned copy or picture of the bank book linked to that account.
The process of depositing funds into your account is a bit tedious. You are initially required to create a deposit on the website and deposit the exact amount into the Bitcoin ( Thailand's bank account. You can do this either by bank transfer or direct deposit at the Bank or ATM.
Once you have made the deposit, you are then required to submit a receipt showing the exact deposit amount and your account details. The process usually takes between fifteen minutes to one hour, but if there are any discrepancies between the deposit amount or your details on the receipt, your deposit would need to be verified manually and this usually takes up to twenty-four hours.
Once the deposit is verified, the money is added to your BX account and you are ready to trade. All Thai baht deposits must come from within Thailand.
You can also deposit other cryptocurrencies into your BX account and the amount is immediately added to your account once the cryptocurrency has enough confirmations on its blockchain network. You are also required to ensure all deposits involve only Thai baht and no other foreign currencies. Most deposits on the site are free.
The process of withdrawing funds from your BX account is fairly simple. If you wish to withdraw your money in Thai baht, you simply have to sell your cryptocurrency at your preferred rate and withdraw your Thai baht directly to your Thai bank account.
The time it takes for the money to reflect in your bank account is highly reliant on the following factors:
the amount of money you wish to withdraw which bank you use where your branch is located the amount of withdrawals the platform has to process on that day.
The process usually doesn't take more than twenty-four hours.
The platform also allows you to make cryptocurrency withdrawals and this takes about fifteen minutes, but it could take longer for withdrawals of large sums.
The withdrawal fees charged by the platform are not fixed and they are subject to change at any time without notice. So I would encourage you to check their fee schedule before making your withdrawal.
Trading on the BX platform is fairly easy. After you have deposited your funds in either Thai baht or cryptocurrency, you can simply go to the trading section of the platform and purchase whichever cryptocurrency you wish to purchase.
The platform has three different markets:
Thai Baht (THB) Markets - This market allows you to purchase up to eleven different cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin ( and popular altcoins like Ethereum, Litecoin, and Ripple using Thai baht. Bitcoin ( (BTC) Markets - This market allows you to buy up to thirteen different cryptocurrencies using Bitcoin (, which means you would have to purchase Bitcoin ( using Thai or cryptocurrencies in your portfolio in order to purchase coins that are only available in this market. Ethereum (ETH) ERC20 Tokens - This market houses ERC20 tokens. These tokens piggyback on the Ethereum network, are hosted by Ethereum addresses, and are sent by Ethereum transactions. You can purchase these tokens using Thai Baht.
The platform also allows you to create, buy, and sell orders so you can take advantage of trading opportunities and mitigate your risk. The platform charges trading fees; the standard fee is 0.25% per trade.
I got bitten by the cryptocurrency bug about a year and a half ago. At the time I was highly motivated by the high profit margins that a few of my friends had made from Bitcoin ( At the time most of my friends where using the Coins mobile app to trade Bitcoin ( but I was having great difficulty getting my identity verified by the exchange and after numerous attempts I decided to give up and look for alternative cryptocurrency exchanges.
The problem was that I could not trade in Thai baht on most of the popular cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Bitstamp, Bitfinex, Coinbase, Cryptsy and BTC-e. This meant I had to buy Bitcoins on an exchange in Thailand and transfer it to one of these exchanges which brought me back to the point where I started. I still needed an exchange based here in Thailand.
This led me to discover the BX exchange and I felt like I had hit the jackpot. The exchange not only allowed me to buy Bitcoins without the hassle of having to go through many different exchanges but the exchange also allowed me to trade other variations of cryptocurrencies, which are known as altcoins. The BX exchange currently allows me to trade twenty-one different types of cryptocurrencies and at very reasonable fees.
Unlike many other exchanges, BX exchange has never been hacked and has excellent security, which is a big plus considering the large amount of money that people have lost to hacks on a lot of exchanges recently. The exchange also allows me to withdraw my money easily in Thai baht directly to my bank account as compared the the international exchanges where I would have to use the difficult Bitcoin ( route I mentioned above.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:50 am
The only notable drawbacks about BX exchange is that the site is down for maintenance a lot, especially during periods of high trade volumes. Which leads to investors losing out on trades. If you are interested in trading cryptocurrencies in Thailand, I would highly recommend the BX exchange. You can sign up here.
It's hard to imagine with all the old mom-and-pop shops and noodle stands and markets that bitcoin will ever replace cash-money in Thailand. But I wouldn't be surprised if the cryptocurrency becomes the choice payment method for Thailand growing digital nomad community.
Hashcube Announces Bitcoin mining ( Investment Forum in Thailand.
This is a paid press release, which contains forward looking statements, and should be treated as advertising or promotional material. Bitcoin ( is not responsible for or liable for any content, accuracy or quality within the press release.
Hashcube, a Korean Bitcoin ( miner retail and mining company, is proud to present Thailand's first ever Bitcoin mining ( investment forum on 21st September at the Amari Watergate Bangkok.
Together with large players from the crypto-industry such as Bitkub,, Coolbitx and Cryptomind, we're hosting an event where top industry leaders will be discussing the current landscape and sharing inside knowledge of profitable crypto investment and top solutions to building your crypto portfolio.
In addition, company exhibits and networking opportunities will also be available for everyone to connect and ask questions to help ensure a profitable journey through crypto investment.
Topics that will be covered includes:
- The current landscape of cryptocurrency and where its headed.
- Investment opportunities that yield high rate of return today and in the future.
- The opportunity and high ROI that mining crypto yields.
- Crypto Exchange and how you can invest and benefit through it.
- How to set up your own wallet or crypto pool.
With an audience of crypto enthusiasts and top crypto visionaries all gathered together at the Amari Watergate for an eventful forum, you will build knowledge and network that will help you be successful in building your very own crypto investment portfolio. We hope to see you there!
Register Today! -- Cryptocurrency Mining Investment Forum.
Dr. Ulrich EderFollow.
Director and Co-Owner, Pugnatorius Ltd.
Like 20 Comment 7.
Cryptocurrencies have gained pretty much in value, and it is no surprise that the tax authorities all over the world are greedy enough to take their share of profits easily earned. Bitcoin ( millionaires all over the world will not expect concessions or a honeymoon period with the tax authorities in their home country. Should they expect that Thailand is an easy cryptocurrency tax paradise?
The Thai government made it already clear: "The Revenue Department has been assigned to tax such transactions," said Deputy Finance Minister Wisudhi Srisuphan according to the Bangkok Post (18/12/17). You have been warned.
The public, immutable and time-stamped blockchain is everywhere.
Thailand has for personal income tax purposes a territorial tax system. As a consequence,
taxpayers in Thailand aim to avoid taxation of their BitCoin or AltCoin business, and taxpayers might use a move to Thailand as a smart tax planning tool to prevent taxation of the BitCoin profits they obtained while being resident in their home country.
However, it is a highly optimistic viewpoint that such tax avoidance can be accomplished without careful tax structuring and expert tax advice. The following seven questions have to be answered. Moreover, it is excellent advice to get the full picture before the very first step is made to cash out the profits.
1. The character of cryptocurrencies: The legal viewpoint of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of Thailand can be found here:
However, is this statement relevant from a tax point of view and will the Revenue Department agree with the SEC? Above other aspects, different AltCoin cryptocurrencies might be treated differently, because of their different technical nature. It is naive to uncritical equate BitCoins with funds on a foreign bank account. Same same but different?
2. The acquisition of cryptocurrencies: Thai tax implications have to be examined in the case of BitCoin acquisition by Thai residents as well as the use of Thai exchange agents in case of non-residents. Entering Thailand with a BitCoin wallet might be taxwise the same as the acquisition in Thailand itself. How is it treated when the Bitcoin ( leaves the country temporarily or permanently? Does it make a difference to keep the coins in the exchange server or transfer to the wallet?
As a general taxation principle, profits are taxed when they are realized. Individuals are taxed when the income is received. Does this mean that the increase in value - while the taxpayer is resident in Thailand - is not taxed? What does "realization" mean in the digital world?
3. Purchase of goods with cryptocurrencies: Is the purchase of goods in Thailand (re-)qualified as an exchange of BitCoins into THB combined with a local purchase? How is this different if goods or services are paid abroad? How is the tax treatment if the type of digital currency is changed (BitCoin2AltCoin)? In which cases is a combination of transactions taxed as one task? What are the chances of double taxation in Thailand as well as in the country of the contract partner?
4. Exchange of BitCoins: Does it make a difference to exchange against Baht or foreign currencies or cryptocurrencies? Does the tax treatment differ for tax residents and non-tax residents? Which exchange agencies are under the observation of the Thai government? How big are the chances to keep the transaction under the radar? Is there an eligibility limit?
Is the exchange of BitCoins outside of Thailand never ever a Thai tax event? Which foreign taxation should be considered? Will the foreign transaction trigger a reporting obligation in Thailand? Which tax structuring is possible to minimize the tax risks?
Conversion of purchased into self-made crypto coins: How to transfer tax-contaminated local bitcoins into a cloud mining business abroad to obtain foreign-sourced crypto mining income to void the Thai taxation.
5. Utilizing of crypto losses for tax purposes: How to deduct losses from cryptocurrency investments from previous or future profits? Tax-loss adjustment with different coin classes. Cross-border offset strategies with international exchanges in different jurisdictions. How to transfer crypto coins between taxable and non-taxable areas? What are the right procedures, applications, and documentation standards under Thai legislation and industry practice?
6. Transfer of foreign Bitcoin ( profits to Thailand: Is it a bullet-proofed solution to defer the money transfer into the next year? Do BitCoin generate foreign-sourced income because these peer-to-peer decentralized cryptocurrencies are property located outside of Thailand? How can the taxation in Thailand be avoided? Which documentation and receipts have to be prepared?
7. Bitcoin mining ( taxes and TICO taxation: Thailand is much too hot for mining operations, but the physical mining can be done by Thai residents in the cryptocloud. When are mining activities starting to be work and a business? What is the tax basis of mining operations and how to efficiently move the mine to a cryptocurrency-friendly jurisdiction?
What are the tax planning opportunities in a TICO (Thai Initial Coin Offering), apart from its regulatory hurdles? How to optimize the TICO for its participants and to protect the AltCoin owners from Thai taxation?
What are the tools of the Revenue Department to identify taxable transactions and to efficiently tax based on justified or estimated profits and tax bases? When will the wealth and investment management convert into a Bitcoin ( business? When will VAT occur (and when is this all qualified as work in the meaning of the foreigner laws)?
Finally, if Thailand is such cryptocurrency tax paradise, wouldn't it make sense for BitCoin millionaires abroad to become resident in Thailand to avoid the foreign taxation burden?
The blockchain as tax inspector's paradise.
Cryptocurrency transactions are stored on a public, immutable, time-stamped ledger, called blockchain. Therefore, in the digital currency world, transactions are forever documented.
The transaction is not linked to a real name, but just to the specific key. Such public key makes it possible to conclude the individuals behind if it has ever been used on an exchange server or other platforms that require identification.
Due to such a semi-anonymous character of the blockchain, digital currency ownership could be, in a tax audit subject to complete disclosure. The inquiry would not be limited to a current snapshot. The tax authorities will look at account histories and title chains and scrutinize transfers made in the past and immediately before a tax audit to flush out potential tax evasive transfers.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:50 am

Arkansas Quartz Crystal Mining ( World Championship Dig - 2018 Edition|12:14
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:51 am

How much can you earn Mining ( ethereum with an RTX 3090?|13:37
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 07:52 am
Industrial level Bitcoin mining ( Accidents: Thailand.
This is what a Bitcoin mining ( accident looks like.
A Bitcoin mining ( facility in Thailand has been destroyed in a massive fire this week and foul play has not been ruled out, according to a local source.
The 5-megawatt farm was operated by mining cooperative Cowboyminers and primarily relied on Spondoolies-Tech and Innosilicon hardware, with some additional miners from BitFury and Gridseed.
According to Coindesk Cowboyminers was formed by a group of European expats living in Bangkok, who tried to maintain a low profile, but at the same time operated a relatively extensive mining operation.
Details of the fire are hazy, though local media reported flames raging through a warehouse full of servers near Bangkok on October 14. This week, a photo of the devastation popped up on the forum BitcoinTalk, which identified the facility as one owned by the mining operative.
Both Cowboyminers and Spondoolies-Tech, the company that made much of the mining hardware in the warehouse, have popped up in the BitcoinTalk thread to discuss the fire. It seems like no one was hurt, but the equipment was uninsured, so tough loss.
What we still don't know is what started the fire. Cowboyminers denied that the electrical wiring caused the fire.
A photo of the facility before the fire. BitcoinTalk.
In any case, the fire highlights the possible pitfalls for any Bitcoin mining ( startup. Bitcoin mining ('s appeal is its relative simplicity--you just need computing power. But setting up a facility is more complicated than throwing a bunch of hardware together in a room.
Every detail of the traditional data center is designed with cooling in mind, from the placement of vents to the hot aisle/cold aisle layout of the equipment.
Regardless of how the fire started at the Thai facility, it clearly spread, possibly because of a flammable acoustic foam. A traditional datacenter would have also had sprinklers--or in fancier iterations, gas fire extinguishing systems--that detected smoke or heat early on to minimize the damage. Of course, these systems don't come cheap. Bitcoin mining ( accidents are a risk operators run when mining on a large scale.
Mining for currency on expensive hardware may no longer involve people, but it still does involve monster machines--machines that are very expensive and very destructible.
How to Buy Bitcoin ( in Thailand.
It makes sense for Bitcoin ( and cryptocurrency to be used in the country of Thailand. This is one of the key travel destinations in southeast Asia, and frequent travelers have been known to be one of the key demographics that understand the value proposition of Bitcoin ( as soon as they hear about it for the first time.
That said, the government of Thailand has not always been accepting of this new technology that has the potential to disrupt the traditional financial system in the country. There have been calls for bans on Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrencies in Thailand, but it is completely legal to use this financial technology in Thailand today.
Anyone who wants to purchase their first Bitcoin ( in Thailand will have a number of different options at their disposal, from Bitcoin ( ATMs in various cities around the country to global exchanges that allow users to trade a variety of different cryptocurrencies. Additionally, anyone who finds themselves in Bangkok will notice there are also a number of locations where you can actually spend your Bitcoin ( and use it as real money.
What's on this page.
Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges in Thailand Is Bitcoin ( Legal in Thailand?
Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges in Thailand.
Trustworthy exchange Supports many different funding options Accepts users from across the globe High trading volume.
Easy sign-up process Lowest transaction fees of any major exchange 175+ different digital assets available Free deposits.
Excellent customer support Very fast transactions Major coins are available for purchase, including Bitcoin (, Ethereum & Litecoin Great security.
Is Bitcoin ( Legal in Thailand?
The rules and regulations around Bitcoin ( in Thailand are a bit more strict than many other countries around the world, but users of the cryptocurrency don't really need to worry about the specifics. As is the case pretty much everywhere else, users of cryptocurrency exchanges must provide these platforms with a large amount of personal data in order to trade cryptocurrencies. This information is collected from users on exchanges in order to prevent the use of cryptocurrencies in various forms of illicit financial activity such as money laundering.
The key difference with how exchanges are regulated in Thailand is that these companies are not allowed to use fiat currencies other than the Thai Baht. This is an attempt to protect Thailand's own local currency against competition from the US dollar, the Euro, and the other major fiat currencies around the world. One side effect of this policy is that it has increased the liquidity of the THB/BTC trading pair. Most countries do not see much liquidity in trading pairs associated with their local currency, as the majority of the trading volume tends to be focused on large fiat currencies like the US dollar.
It should be noted that Bitcoin ( was illegal in Thailand at one point in time, but this decision was eventually reversed. Those who are using Bitcoin ( in this country should still keep an eye on the news related to how Bitcoin ( is regulated in Thailand, as it's possible this decision could be reversed again in the future.
What is the Fastest Way to Buy Bitcoin ( in Thailand?
If you're more worried about getting your hands on some Bitcoin ( as fast as possible rather than factors like privacy or cost, then a Bitcoin ( ATM or some form of P2P exchange is going to be your best option. These sorts of solutions can help you turn the cash in your wallet into Bitcoin ( or another cryptocurrency in a matter of minutes. Going through one of the large, global Bitcoin ( exchanges will not be the best option if you're worried about speed due to the fact that you'll need to go through additional layers of verification before you can make your first purchase. is a well-known Bitcoin ( and cryptocurrency exchange in Thailand, and this platform will allow you to gain access to the cryptocurrency market quickly via a number of different payment options. They are even integrated into many traditional bank ATMs, which will be your best bet if you're starting with cash and want to convert those bank notes to Bitcoin ( as quickly as possible.
What is the Cheapest Way to Buy Cryptocurrency in Thailand?
If you're interested in making large buy orders on the cryptocurrency market, then you'll want to look at the well-known, global exchanges that have high levels of liquidity. Kraken is an excellent option for anyone around the world who is interested in trading at a low cost, and they have a number of different interfaces for both beginners and veterans of the online trading world.
You also need to consider the cost of getting your funds onto one of these exchanges before you make your first deposit. The global exchanges don't have trading pairs that involve the Thai baht, so you'll need to convert your local currency into US dollars or euros before you can start trading. This transition from bahts to another fiat currency will also come with fees, and those fees will depend on how you're making that conversion.
What is the Best Cryptocurrency Exchange to Use in Thailand?
When you're buying Bitcoin (, Ethereum, or some other cryptocurrency in Thailand for the first time, your best option will likely be This platform is extremely easy for new traders to understand, and they have a customer support staff that can help you through your first few orders. In addition to Bitcoin (, this platform also offers trading in a number of different altcoins. Additionally, allows its users to use many of the commonly-used mobile payment options to get their Thai baht onto the exchange. It should be remembered that, since this exchange is based in Thailand, you will only be able to trade Thai baht in exchange for cryptocurrencies, but the good news is this allows you to avoid having to convert into another fiat currency before finally being able to trade cryptocurrencies on the platform.
As an added bonus, also allows their users to use Bitcoin ( to purchase mobile airtime minutes.
Bitcoin ( is another Thailand-based option for purchasing Bitcoin (; however, it should be noted that this exchange tends to have higher fees than Additionally, the amount of fees that are tied to a trade on Bitcoin ( isn't entirely clear, as it's hidden in the price that is displayed on the screen when making a trade.
If you can't wait to make your first purchase, you can head to most ATMs to purchase Bitcoin ( via one of these two Thailand-based cryptocurrency exchanges.
5 Best Anonymous Bitcoin ( Wallets of 2021: Top Picks By CoinSutra.
Did you know that Bitcoin ( transactions are not anonymous and can be tracked with just a little effort?
Yes, tracked, if you don't take proper measures. Being private isn't possible with Bitcoin ( as it is a permission less protocol.
However, you can secure your privacy and become its anonymous user if you take care of certain things.
First of all, you must not let your Bitcoin ( address get exposed in public. For this, you should use a new Bitcoin ( address every time, post which you can use IP obfuscation methods. Or you can switch to anonymous Bitcoin ( wallets that do it for you at the backend.
Also, a genuine anonymous wallet will never ask for your personal information such as your name, Email address, phone number or postal address. A lot of new users are not aware of it, and end up using a wallet, that are not truely anonymous, and which is not idle for your privacy.
Wait, but are there any anonymous BTC wallets out there?
Wallet Name Type Ledger Nano X (Recommended) Hardware Ledger Nano S Hardware Samourai Wallet Mobile Bitcoin ( Paper Wallet Paper.
5 Best Anonymous Bitcoin ( Wallets.
1. Ledger Nano X:
Nothing beats the security and privacy of Ledger Nano X hardware wallet. In my testing, this turns out to be the best Bitcoin ( wallet that ensures maximum privacy. This hardware wallet is available to be purchased from Amazon or official ledger site.
Here are some of the features of Ledger Nano X wallet:
Hardware wallet Create unlimited Bitcoin ( account Supports multiple cryptocurrencies Doesnot need your email address, phone number Works on any device Easy to use due to Bluetooth connectivity Most secure anonymous wallet.
If you are looking for single untraceable wallet recommendation, than grab a Ledger Nano X. It takes a few days to get delivered to your doorstep, but once you have it, you never have to look for any other wallet.
2. Samourai Wallet (Mobile Wallet)
Samourai wallet is a modern ananoymous bitcoin wallet, hand forged to keep your transactions private, your identity masked, and your funds secure.
I got serious about this wallet when I read this statement from its development team:
"We are privacy activists who have dedicated our lives to creating the software that Silicon Valley will never build, the regulators will never allow, and the VC's will never invest in. We build the software that Bitcoin ( deserves."
...which shows that they know what they are doing and are serious about it.
Samourai wallet is encrypted on the device using AES-256 encryption and never communicates with any servers. Apart from that, you get robust features such as PIN code and seed word backup to store your funds safely.
More Privacy Centric USPs Of Samourai Wallet Are:
No address reuse: Therefore, Samourai will alert you if you have sent to an address before, helping prevent unintentional address reuse. Protection with STONEWALL : Samourai provides, by default, a transaction that increases the difficulty of linking inputs to outputs of a transaction, making clustering wallet addresses and associated metadata more difficult. Also, STONEWALL enables Samourai transactions to produce higher entropy than standard bitcoin transactions and often resemble CoinJoin transactions on the blockchain to make it more complicated to analyze. Tor and VPN Support : The wallet is Tor and VPN enabled, allowing you the ability to route all transactions through an anonymous IP address.
Lastly, the wallet also comes with segwit support which naturally helps in lowering your BTC transaction cost.
3. Ledger Nano S (Hardware Wallet)
Ledger Nano S is one generation older version of Ledger Nano X wallet. Ledger is a dynamic startup company, produce high-grade Bitcoin ( and cryptocurrency hardware wallets.
The unique thing about this wallet is it produces a range of hardware wallets, especially for privacy-centric users. It is called Ledger Nano S and a remarkably anonymous wallet.
With this privacy set, you get the absolute best-in-class privacy solution - an unbeatable Ledger Nano hardware Bitcoin ( wallet.
Some other features of Ledger Nano S are:
NIST certified True Random Number Generator to secure your signatures. HD wallet provides over 100 wallets, each of which can generate millions of unique addresses. Hidden Wallets: Hidden wallet data is indistinguishable from random bytes - only YOU can know they are there. 24-word mnemonic backups enable recovery of all funds if your Ledger Nano X is ever lost or stolen.
These features and privacy, however, come at a price which is clear from the fact that Ledger Nano cost $119.
Note: Use a No logs VPN Such as NordVPN to become more untracable.
4. Rahakott Wallet (Web Wallet)
Not available anymore..
Rahakott wallet is for those who want to protect their privacy and remain anonymous while transacting in several other currencies (including BTC).
Rahakott is a web multi-currency wallet that allows its users to make anonymous transactions. And in its short period of existence, it has processed 20 million dollars in BTC.
Moreover, you don't need your phone number or email ID to make a wallet on Rahakott, so there is no question of losing your personal data.
As of now it is available in 4 languages (English, Chinese, Japanese, n) and supports 6 cryptocurrencies (BTC, BCH, LTC, ETH, DASH, ZEC) including segwit support.
Apart from that, you have the option to select security features such as OTP, password, or 2-FA authentication for your Rahakott wallet.
More Privacy Centric USPs Of Rahakott Wallet Are:
Mixer: Built-in mixer for cryptocurrencies make it impossible to track transactions. HD Wallet: HD wallet ensures there is no reuse of the same addresses. Tor: Wallet can be accessed on the Tor network to enhance your IP privacy.
5. Electrum On Tails Operating System (Desktop Wallet)
Electrum is one of the oldest lightweight Bitcoin ( wallets operating in this space since 2011. It is also one of the most trusted Bitcoin ( wallets available in the market and is an open-source wallet under an MIT license.
It also supports integration with third-party hardware wallets such as Ledger, Trezor, and Keepkey but is not an anonymous wallet by default.
However, if you use Electrum wallet on Tails operating system which is very privacy-centric and is Tor enabled, it can be anonymous.
Here is a simple explanation of Tails: "Tails is a live system that aims to preserve your privacy and anonymity. It helps you to use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship almost anywhere you go and on any computer but leaving no trace unless you ask it to explicitly."
Apart from that, there is no other requirement for protecting your privacy as it is an HD wallet that provides you with seed and takes no personal information.
At present, it is available for Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux.
Conclusion: How To Setup An Anonymous Bitcoin ( Wallet.
Getting your required amount of privacy with Bitcoin ( transactions is quite possible. You only need to take care of a few things that I mentioned in the introduction.
But if you don't want to do that, you should use either of the wallets mentioned above. You can also set up your custom-made wallets or methods to get an anonymous Bitcoin ( wallet. This exclusive guide will help you: 6 Ways To Make Untraceable Transactions With Bitcoin (
That's all from my side in this article. I hope it helps you in choosing the right wallet.
Don't forget to share your choice with us in the comments below 🙂
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Harsh Agrawal is the Crypto exchanges and bots experts for CoinSutra. He founded CoinSutra in 2016, and one of the industry's most regarded professional blogger in fintech space.
An award-winning blogger with a track record of 10+ years. He has a background in both finance and technology and holds professional qualifications in Information technology.
An international speaker and author who loves blockchain and crypto world.
After discovering about decentralized finance and with his background of Information technology, he made his mission to help others learn and get started with it via CoinSutra.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 08:15 am

Mining ( Benchmark: Sapphire RX470 4GB Mining ( Edition VS Sapphire Nitro+ RX470 4GB ETH UBQ ZEC XMR|7:20
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 08:17 am
How to Anonymously Buy Bitcoin ( Online and in Person.
Buying bitcoin is a bit like buying contraception: it's a bASIC ( human right, you should be entitled to do so privately, and it's nobody's business what you plan to do with it. Whether you're buying bitcoin to set aside for a rainy day or to expend immediately in a fit of passion, you shouldn't have to broadcast your intentions to the world. Here's how to obtain bitcoin without forsaking your anonymity.
Mine, Earn, Exchange or Buy?
In 2020, you have four ways of acquiring bitcoin: mining, earning, exchanging, or buying. While anyone can mine bitcoin, only those with the dedicated racks of hardware can do so profitably. Thus, despite the lure of newly minted coins with no transactional history, mining is not a realistic way of obtaining bitcoin. Earning, typically through working for a crypto company, provides a more practical means of obtaining bitcoin , but isn't remotely anonymous since your employer will have all your pertinent details, and may be obliged to pass these on to government agencies. Exchanging - that is, swapping goods or services for bitcoin - is a more practical way to get your hands on cryptocurrency.
You could set up your own bitcoin-only store , allowing you to sell physical and digital goods in exchange for crypto. With no fiat payment rails connected, you can run the website and accrue bitcoin without disclosing your identity. Naturally, you'll need to have something that people desire sufficiently to part with their beloved bitcoin; think high quality merchandise, tasteful art, bespoke bitcoin jewelry, or genesis block-inspired posters. Of course you don't have to set up your own website to sell goods for bitcoin; there are already dozens of online stores where you can become a vendor with no questions asked. Welcome to the darknet.
Despite what mainstream media would have you believe, not everything for sale on darknet marketplaces (DNMs) is illegal. Thus, you don't need to break any laws in your quest to swap goods for bitcoin. In addition to legal paraphernalia of the sort found in head shops, DNM vendors sell medicinal items such as CBD oil. In truth, you can sell anything you can think of on the darknet; the only limits are your imagination and market demand. While selling on DNMs is one of the most anonymous ways to obtain bitcoin, it's not the quickest or most practical. If you're looking to acquire bitcoin in a hurry - be it to place a DNM order of your own or because the price of BTC is shooting up - you'll need to buy it directly. Thankfully, there are still ways to purchase bitcoin anonymously, or at least privately i.e. without needing to undergo KYC, with the complete loss of privacy and risk of identity theft this carries.
How to Buy Bitcoin ( Anonymously in Person.
There are two primary ways to buy bitcoin in person - that is, by leaving the house. One is to purchase bitcoin using a BATM - an automated machine that will let you swap fiat currency for cryptocurrency. Finding a bitcoin ATM near you is easy , and as a previous guide from news.Bitcoin ( explains , there are ways to purchase crypto from BATMs completely anonymously, if you don't mind bending a few rules. Even if you're a stickler for playing by the book, a BATM is typically more discreet than using a centralized exchange to acquire crypto.
The second option is to find a bitcoin seller willing to meet you in person for a cash deal. Filter search results on Localcryptos , Localbitcoins , or local.Bitcoin ( by area, and then message sellers to see if they're willing to meet. Regardless of what the platforms' terms of service say (LBC doesn't permit in-person meets any more), many sellers will be happy to arrange a cash deal. Naturally, you'll need to establish trust on both sides, and it makes sense to start with a relatively small purchase before building up to larger amounts as trust develops. Another way to sniff out local sellers is to attend bitcoin meet-ups in your area and crypto conferences. Also search on Linkedin for OTC sellers in your region. There'll be some chancers and time-wasters to sift through, but once you find a reputable seller, you'll have your own private supply of bitcoin on tap.
How to Buy Bitcoin ( Anonymously Online.
If you're looking to anonymously buy bitcoin without leaving the house, your best bet is to use a P2P exchange such as Localcryptos or local.Bitcoin ( . There's a range of payment options available, from bank transfer to gift cards and Paypal, and your details will only be disclosed to the seller. If you're keen to conceal your identity from the seller altogether, it's conceivable to send funds from an account you control that's not in your name; a Paypal business account for "Acme Trading" for instance, or a Venmo account that a kindly friend will allow you to use. For a rundown of the main P2P bitcoin exchanges, see this guide from news.Bitcoin (
Finally, there are rumors of individuals paying third parties - homeless; the unemployed; students - to complete KYC on their behalf, and then using their identities to obtain crypto debit cards . If such apocryphal tales are true, they would provide a means of purchasing cryptocurrency that cannot be traced back to its actual buyer. There are also rumors of readymade identities being bought on the darknet, and used in the same manner to anonymously buy bitcoin.
Bitcoin ( is protection - yes, contraception - against the unexpected. It is a safeguard against account seizure, a protection against black swan events, and a hedge during economic uncertainty. You owe it to your present self to acquire bitcoin and you owe it to your future self to do so as privately as possible. Your bitcoin is nobody else's business. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
What other private bitcoin buying methods can you think of? Let us know in the comments section below.
Images courtesy of Shutterstock.
Did you know you can verify any unconfirmed Bitcoin ( transaction with our Bitcoin ( Block Explorer tool ? Simply complete a Bitcoin ( address search to view it on the blockchain. Plus, visit our Bitcoin ( Charts to see what's happening in the industry.
Anonymous Bitcoin ( miners are taking over the network.
It seems Bitmain's influence is on the decline.
David Canellis.
The world's most popular cryptocurrency is a now a little bit more decentralized, thanks to the waning influence of Bitmain and the return of the anonymous Bitcoin ( BTC miner.
Blockchain research unit Diar has published new data revealing exactly who has been validating the Bitcoin ( network.
Analysts determined that mining pools either owned by or heavily tied to Bitmain (Antpool,, and ViaBTC) are now validating far less Bitcoin ( blocks than this time last year.
In fact, it is "unknown" anonymous Bitcoin ( miners who are currently validating more blocks than any individual pool.
"[Unknown] miners closed December having solved a whopping 22 [percent] of the total blocks, up from 6 [percent] at the start of last year," reported Diar. "The Bitcoin ( network is currently less likely to experience an attack given the fact the controlled pools have lost dominance over the network."
At pixel time, "unknown" miners accounted for more than 23 percent of the computing power driving the Bitcoin ( network (hash power).
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 08:28 am
Does this actually make Bitcoin ( 'safer'?
Bitmain is the world's leading manufacturer of cryptocurrency mining equipment, and has historically been a powerhouse of the Bitcoin ( network.
Diar reports that in early 2018, Bitmain's mining pools accounted for 53 percent of Bitcoin ('s hash power. Theoretically, this would have allowed them to collude to take control of Bitcoin ( with a "51-percent attack."
Indeed, a reduction in their influence is surely a big relief for those wary of 51-percent attacks on Bitcoin (, like the one suffered by Ethereum Classic that effectively led to $1.1 million being stolen from cryptocurrency exchanges.
For this to happen, major players such as Antpool and would need to team up to control a majority of the network's hash power. This would allow them approve, censor, or even rollback transactions as they please.
Diar conceded that while the threat of that happening may now be much lower, miners have no obligation to share details related to the pools to which they may be contributing.
This means that some (or all) of the "unknown" miners could really be working with one of the larger mining pools.
... but the miners could be waiting for Bitcoin ( to bounce.
The analysts also noted that miners who have turned off their equipment are likely waiting for an uptrend in Bitcoin ('s price before they resume validating transactions.
Last month, when Bitcoin ('s price briefly jumped from $3,200 to over $4,000, the overall Bitcoin ( hash power increased for the first time since August.
This indicates a distinct correlation between Bitcoin ('s price and the number of miners who are prepared to participate in the network.
Diar did warn that January's growth in hash rate is unlikely to be sustainable, especially if the price returns to its now-typical bearish ways. This means if Bitcoin ('s price bounces, mining pools controlled by Bitmain could come back online.
At least for now, let's enjoy the new Bitcoin ( with more decentralization (and less Bitmain).
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 08:29 am
Bitcoin ( Anonymity - Is Bitcoin ( Anonymous?
Bitcoin ( is often described as anonymous because it's possible to send and receive bitcoins without giving any personally identifying information.
Achieving reasonable anonymity with Bitcoin ( can be quite complicated and perfect anonymity may be impossible.
Bitcoin ( is designed to allow its users to send and receive payments with an acceptable level of privacy as well as any other form of money. However, Bitcoin ( is not anonymous and cannot offer the same level of privacy as cash.
Bitcoin ( is Pseudonymous.
Sending and receiving bitcoins is like writing under a pseudonym.
If an author's pseudonym is ever linked to their identity, everything they ever wrote under that pseudonym will now be linked to them.
In Bitcoin (, your pseudonym is the address to which you receive Bitcoin ( Every transaction involving that address is stored forever in the blockchain. If your address is ever linked to your identity, every transaction will be linked to you.
In the original whitepaper, it was recommended that Bitcoin ( users use a new address for each transaction to avoid the transactions being linked to a common owner.
As an additional firewall, a new (address) should be used for each transaction to keep them from being linked to a common owner. The risk is that if the owner of a (address) is revealed, linking could reveal other transactions that belonged to the same owner.
This would be the equivalent of writing many books under different pseudonyms. If one of your pseudonyms is linked to you, the others are still secret.
But is this method enough to ensure full anonymity?
Although this remains a best practice, it is not enough to guarantee full anonymity due to multi-input transactions.
Multi-Input Transactions.
A multi-input transaction occurs when you receive payments to your wallet to different addresses, but then you send a payment out of your wallet which pulls bitcoins from multiple addresses.
The outgoing transaction will include multiple addresses as inputs, proving that they are in the same wallet and belong to the same entity. If your identity is ever linked to any of these addresses, none of the addresses will maintain their anonymity.
In the transaction displayed below, some of the bitcoins came from address 12TBGSTqd1how9cpYKWTm4VUYw3QDDWMoB and some came from the address 19t1HyYqe254NxiTAGLrAR4gPJAZCkSXJY.
This means that those two addresses are in the same wallet and belong to the same user.
How to Increase Privacy When Sending Bitcoins.
Run Your Own Full Node.
For anyone to make a transaction on the Bitcoin ( blockchain, they need a wallet that is connected to a Bitcoin ( node. Bitcoin ( nodes validate transactions and the blocks that make up the blockchain. If you aren't running a full node, you are relying on someone else's node to transmit your transactions to the blockchain.
There are other implications as well. For example, let's say you use a ledger hardware wallet. If you use Ledger's out of the box wallet software, Ledger Live, then you rely on Ledger to transmit and receive transactions. Ledger claims they do not tie your name to the serial number of the device. And they also do not collect information about you when you set up Ledger Live. But, they could tie your IP address to your device and then your privacy is compromised.
You can avoid all of this by running your own full node. We will cover hiding your IP address in the sections below, and it is something you should do anyway. But the point is, you should be running your own full node for multiple reasons.
If you want to get one running, this is a great video to get you started:
Pros to running a full node.
Don't trust others to verify transactions better privacy.
Cons to running a full node?
Cost money to run Not easy to get it going to non-technical people.
Use a VPN.
If are aren't already using a VPN for your day to day internet usage, you should. When a VPN is working as intended (never use a free VPN), it hides your IP address and encrypts your traffic. That means your ISP and its partners cannot see what websites you are visiting. It also means the websites you visit don't know your IP address and your location.
This is where running a full node comes in. Whenever you connect to your Bitcoin ( client, you can do it through a VPN. This will prevent onlookers from tying you as the owner of your node.
Be aware: Not all VPNs are reliable. Free VPNs are very rarely worth using. They are usually very slow and not good at protecting your data. Some paid VPNs, such as Avast VPN, even sell your data to third parties, which totally defeats the purpose of a VPN. We suggest you do your own research to find a reliable one with a good history of protecting its customer. We love Express VPN.
Pros to using a VPN.
Encrypted connection to Bitcoin ( client IP address hidden from onlookers.
Cons to using a VPN.
Good VPNs cost money Can slow down your internet connection when turned on.
You can also use Tor which is a built in feature of the Bitcoin ( Core full node client. Tor routes your traffic through multiple user-run nodes to hide your identity, sort of like a peer to peer VPN.
Use the Lightning network.
Any transaction made on the Bitcoin ( blockchain is transparent to the public. That means that anyone who knows which address belongs to you can tie any transactions to you. This public transparency is one source of the lack of privacy in Bitcoin (
Enter the lightning network.
The lightning network is a second layer for Bitcoin ( Like Bitcoin (, there are nodes in the network. But unlike Bitcoin (, not every node needs to keep track of every transaction. They only see the transactions that come through them. The only history maintained by a node is its history with the other nodes it transacts with. This makes trading bitcoin much like keeping an IOU between your friends and then settling up in cash at some point.
The only times the bitcoin blockchain is involved in this process is when you open or close a channel. "Opening a channel" is the same as agreeing to keeping a tab with your friends. When the tab is opened, that information is put into a transaction on the blockchain. This happens again when you settle up the tab.
What this all means is that all of the transactions that happen inbetween opening and closing the tab is not on the blockchain. Only you and your friend are aware of it.
Using the lightning network is a great way to increase the privacy of your Bitcoin ( transactions.
Be aware: the Lightning network is not totally stable, so it is possible to lose your coins. It's also more complicated to get a lightning node up and running than a bitcoin node as of this writing.
Here is a good video to get you started (keep in mind you need to run a bitcoin full node in order to run a lightning network node):
Is Bitcoin ( Anonymous?
Bitcoin ( is not entirely anonymous. In reality, it is pseudonymous because each user has a public address that theoretically could be traced back to an IP address or exchange account (and by proxy, an actual identity) through proper network analysis.
So instead, a better question is, to what extent is Bitcoin ( anonymous?
It is anonymous in the sense that the components of Bitcoin (, such as addresses, private and public keys, and transactions, are all read in text strings, such as a public address, that in no way directly link to anyone's personal identity. (If an address is used on an exchange that implements KYC -- Know Your Customer -- then that address may be easily linked to a real-world identity.)
General understanding of blockchain technology by the public was not prevalent in Bitcoin ('s early days. It was commonly thought that Bitcoin ( was a safe haven for criminals and terrorists because it was untraceable and entirely anonymous. As blockchain technology became more understood by organizations and the public alike, it became more apparent that Bitcoin ('s massive public ledger was actually a gold mine of information for authorities instead; any bitcoin transactions that have ever taken place are forever inscribed in an immutable ledger.
Every bitcoin transaction is publicly broadcasted on the Bitcoin ( blockchain. Because all transactions are permanent and public, a massive map is being created as time goes on that allows simple analytical tools to paint a picture of where bitcoins are going. Bitcoin ( addresses are "anonymous," but if an address can somehow be linked to a real-world identity, Bitcoin ( offers no privacy. There are a number of ways to connect addresses to real-world identities, most notably via KYC/AML (Know Your Customer/Anti-Money Laundering) policies at exchanges and blockchain analysis (eg., address clustering).
There are a number of privacy-enhancing tools available for Bitcoin ( users as well, but most aren't perfect. Unless you really know what you're doing, it's best to assume you have little privacy.
What Are Bitcoin ( Mixers?
Bitcoin ( mixers are solutions (software or services) that let users mix their coins with other users, in order to preserve their privacy.
While Bitcoin ( addresses are "pseudonymous" -- meaning, they don't, in themselves, reveal the identity of their owner -- they can often still be linked to real-world identities. For example, if you withdraw bitcoin from an exchange where you've identified yourself, the exchange knows that the withdrawal address is yours. There are also more advanced techniques -- such as blockchain analysis -- to tie Bitcoin ( addresses to real-world identities.
The next time coins move from these addresses, users risk revealing all sorts of personal information. Depending on how they spend the coins, they could reveal how many coins they own (even on other addresses), what they spend their money on, and more.
By mixing their coins, users can obscure the ties between their Bitcoin ( addresses and real-world identities. This allows them to use Bitcoin ( more privately.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 08:44 am
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 08:45 am

We're Running Out of These Elements -- Here's How|9:27
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 08:45 am

How to Mine Ethereum - 2021|18:14
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 08:46 am

The BIGGEST DIY Bitcoin ( \u0026 Cryptocurrency SOLAR MINING FARM Tour!! ☀|33:21
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 08:46 am

GPU MINING FARM TOUR - VOL 1 - 1/22/2021|10:59
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 08:47 am
How Do Bitcoin ( Mixers Work?
A number of mixing strategies have been proposed and developed over the years. These range from fully centralized solutions where all users trust a mixer, to solutions where users don't need to trust anyone, to solutions that resemble Lightning Network-style payment channels, to even using privacy coins like Monero as an intermediary step in the mixing process.
Instead of exploring all (potential) options, let's stick to two of the most popular solutions available today.
Centralized Mixers.
Centralized mixers are services that accept bitcoin payments and send different coins in return. If many people use a particular mixing service, it becomes increasingly difficult for an outsider to tie any of the "incoming" coins to any of the "outgoing" coins. This breaks the transaction trail, offering privacy to the users.
Centralized mixers leave two big problems unsolved, however. One, users need to trust their privacy with the mixer. Since the mixer knows exactly which user sent and received which coins, the mixer could re-establish the trail of ownership. If the mixer is willing to share this data with interested parties (perhaps because they have to by law or in return for payment), the user would lose his privacy after all. And two -- perhaps even worse -- the mixer could refuse to make the return payment, bASIC ( stealing the user's coins.
Chaumian CoinJoin Mixers.
More modern mixers have solved both of these problems. Chaumian CoinJoin mixers, for example, let a large group of users cooperate in making one large payment to themselves. BASIC (, if a hundred users all send exactly 0.1 BTC to a new address they control, and then merge these 100 transactions into one big transaction, everyone gets 0.1 bitcoin back, but no one can see where they got it from.
On top of that, Chaumian CoinJoin mixers can be designed in such a way that not even the entity that "merges" the transaction can figure out which coins went where. Nor could it steal any coins: Users wouldn't sign the merged transaction if they didn't get their 0.1 BTC back.
What Are Some Popular Mixers?
An example of a popular centralized mixer is . However, Bitcoin ( Magazine does not endorse, let alone recommend using any centralized mixers, including, because of the unsolved problems mentioned above.
Wasabi Wallet is a popular bitcoin wallet that has a Chaumian CoinJoin mixer built in. And while Wasabi Wallet's infrastructure is technically centralized, it is cleverly designed so the operator cannot deanonymize users nor steal any funds. It also offers a user-friendly interface to help users distinguish between mixed coins and non-mixed coins.
Similar to Wasabi Wallet, the Samourai wallet also offers a Chaumian CoinJoin mixing service, called Whirlpool. While Wasabi Wallet is currently only available on desktop, Samourai is also available on mobile. However, to really use Samourai Wallet in a privacy-friendly manner (where users' privacy is protected even from the Samourai Wallet team), users do need to connect their wallet to their own full Bitcoin ( node.
An alternative option to mixing coins is using JoinMarket . JoinMarket allows users to merge transactions into bigger transactions through (regular) CoinJoin, which also helps obfuscate their trail of coins and protects their privacy. An interesting benefit of JoinMarket is that participants in such merges are financially incentivized to offer their coins to be mixed: Users that want to mix their coins would pay a small amount of fee to be able to do so.
Why Would You Mix Your Coins?
You would mix your coins to protect your privacy, and there are many reasons to protect your privacy. In short, you might not necessarily want the world to know where you spend your money, what you earn or how much bitcoin you own.
Take the more concrete example of someone who just got a raise. They may not want their landlord to find out, as this landlord might see it as a good opportunity to increase the rent. A closeted-homosexual may want to pay for gay pornnography without anyone knowing, especially in a regime where being gay is treated like a crime. A dissident pseudonymous journalist may want to get paid for his articles without the regime in his country finding out who he is. A teenage girl from a conservative family might want to purchase contraception without her parents finding out. A Democrat in a Republican town may want to donate money to his favored politician without drawing the ire of his neighbours. A wealthy bitcoiner may not want to reveal his holdings as it would make him a target for kidnapping, extortion or worse. And so on.
Really, there are quite literally countless reasons why people may want privacy. In fact, even if you do not care about your own privacy at all, you may want to altruistically mix your coins to increase the anonymity set of people who do.
Is Coin Mixing Just for Criminals?
As pointed out above, no, coin mixing and other forms of privacy are not just for criminals. In fact, privacy is a human right established in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (article 12).
Of course, criminals do benefit from all sorts of privacy as well, including privacy gained from mixing their coins. Criminals enjoy many of the freedoms that the rest of us do; that's the price we pay to live in a free society. (And even in regimes without many such freedoms, criminals tend to continue to operate ... and "criminals" may, in these places, be people that speak the truth or hold a certain belief.)
Indeed, the perception that mixers are mainly used by criminals appears to be false. According to research by blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis, for example, mixers are mostly used by regular Bitcoin ( users that simply want privacy. Coins that have been used for illicit purposes represent a minority of all mixed coins.
Can Bitcoin ( Mixers Be Banned?
Whether or not bitcoin mixers can be banned is really a legal question -- not a technical question. It will, therefore, differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. There are examples of mixers that have been banned, as authorities claimed that the service was being used to launder money.
The most popular mixing services are currently centralized (either trusted or untrusted), which does mean they could be shut down relatively easily by authorities. So far, however, many mixing services continue to operate unencumbered.
If centralized mixing services do face bans and shutdowns, decentralized mixing services might take their place. These would be harder to take down.
Do Mixed Coins Run the Risk of Being Labelled as 'Tainted'?
Depending on how coins are mixed, it can be possible to recognize mixed coins as "tainted." Mixers like the one used by Wasabi Wallet leave a clear trail of mixing. So while the premix history of the coins would be obscured, the mixing itself would not be.
At the time of writing this article, no mixed coins have been labeled as tainted and refused by bitcoin exchanges or merchants, however.
What Is Blockchain Analysis?
The Bitcoin ( blockchain is an open and transparent ledger. This means that every payment is publicly visible to anyone. As such, it's easy to see how coins move from address to address. (This is not completely, technically the best way to phrase it, but it's close enough for the purposes of this introductory guide.)
On top of having an open and transparent ledger, the way Bitcoin ( transactions are constructed often reveals information about users. Most notably, a transaction that has several "inputs" (chunks of coin) suggests that all of these inputs belong to the same user. This allows for address clustering, but there are many other such privacy leaks. (See the Bitcoin ( Privacy wiki for more examples.)
As the name suggests, blockchain analysis is the act of using such privacy leaks to analyze the blockchain.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 08:52 am

My Ethereum Mining ( Farm Tour - Mining ( At Home 3.5 GHs|11:27
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 08:53 am
Outlining The Future Of Low Bandwidth Bitcoin (
There is a need to strengthen the Bitcoin ( ECOS ( for people whose only computing device is a smartphone and who live where mobile internet access is expensive, slow, unreliable or censored. Senegalese Bitcoin ( developer Fodé Diop has made the point that many parts of the world are "mobile only," not just "mobile first."
Mobile wallet apps that allow users to retain control of their private keys for signing transactions, but do not act as full Bitcoin ( nodes, are usually referred to as "light" clients. Light clients make trade-offs to privacy and trust minimization in order to reduce the memory, persistent storage and communication bandwidth they require. This article focuses on how to minimize the bandwidth used by light client wallets running on a mobile phone.
Light clients have much lower bandwidth requirements than full nodes because they do not download the full Bitcoin ( blockchain. Instead light clients use some form of "simple payment verification" (SPV) to confirm transactions. Rather than directly confirm the validity of every transaction added to Bitcoin ('s ledger since the genesis block, an SPV wallet only confirms that the particular transactions associated with the wallet were added to a block, and that this block is part of the chain of blocks with the most work securing it. An SPV wallet assumes, but does not verify, that the majority of honest miners will only contribute work to extend the blockchain built from transactions that follow the consensus rules of Bitcoin (
In this technical discussion we examine the light client bandwidth requirements and the subtle security and privacy trade-offs that exist for light clients designed to operate with limited internet connectivity.
Light Client Trade-Offs.
The most secure solution for users is to run and confirm payments with their own Bitcoin ( full node. However, there is some correlation between countries where people rely on relatively expensive or unreliable metered internet connectivity -- where Bitcoin ('s censorship resistance is most needed -- and those where people are unlikely to have the technical or financial resources to run a Bitcoin ( full node. In many parts of the world, Bitcoin ( users will have no other option but to use online custodial bitcoin wallets due to bandwidth costs. Using a low bandwidth, mobile-only light client can act as an intermediate step toward eventually running a dedicated full node.
An advantage of custodial bitcoin exchanges is that their risks to user privacy and funds are very similar to those of other trusted payment providers like PayPal and Western Union. Light client wallets require a more nuanced appreciation of the security and privacy trade-offs that come from using anonymous public nodes and complex peer-to-peer protocols.
There is also an argument that light clients can be harmful to the Bitcoin ( network generally. As more people run light clients it increases the bandwidth and computation requirements of the public full nodes that serve them. This can lead to a decrease in the number of public full nodes, especially those that serve information to light clients. If all light clients rely on a small set of public full nodes, their security and privacy can be compromised if those full nodes conspire against them.
We believe that the impact on the Bitcoin ( network can be minimized if light clients also exchange data directly with other light clients. The proliferation of light clients will eventually lead to more users running full nodes, especially in developing countries where connectivity is more expensive and personal computers aren't in widespread use.
Network Layers.
Light clients must support many of the same network protocol layers as Bitcoin ( full nodes. Both start by directly communicating with an initial set of Bitcoin ( nodes. From these initial nodes they exchange the addresses of other nodes that are part of the Bitcoin ( network.
Both light clients and full nodes must also learn from their peers about the proof-of-work securing and connecting alternative blockchain tips back to the genesis block. Full nodes primarily differ from light clients in how they share information about transactions. Full nodes exchange information about transactions in blocks and independently validate that new blocks follow the consensus rules of Bitcoin ( Light clients only confirm specific transactions are present in blocks confirmed by full nodes.
Unlike the fixed-cost wired internet connections typically used for full nodes, mobile phones use metered internet connections where transferring large amounts of data can be costly. Mobile phones also run off of batteries, which are used up faster when transferring data. They also cannot take direct advantage of broadcast data feeds that require fixed satellite dishes or large radio antennas.
Mobile devices do have some resiliency and privacy advantages over nodes with fixed power and data connections. They can operate off-grid or during power outages and in some areas can purchase pre-paid internet subscriptions anonymously. Mobile devices can also gain privacy and censorship resistance by connecting to different local peers via ad-hoc networks as they move around.
Light clients made for mobile phones should allow users to configure how much mobile bandwidth to use and be aware of when data allocations are renewed or about to expire. Alternative unmetered local connections, like a WiFi hotspot, should be used opportunistically when available for bandwidth intensive tasks like downloading blocks to preserve metered bandwidth.
Both full nodes and light clients rely on a robust peer discovery process to ensure they connect to a diverse set of honest peer nodes. Bitcoin ( nodes initially connect to preset seed nodes but must always discover new peers in order to stay connected to the "honest" Bitcoin ( network. The Bitcoin ( Core full node software has developed robust heuristics to mitigate eclipse attacks from malicious peers and disconnect from misbehaving nodes. Because peer addresses are only 30 bytes each, light clients can use the same heuristics as full nodes to frequently query multiple peers for new addresses.
The best way to prevent becoming isolated from the honest Bitcoin ( network is to maintain a large, persistent and diverse set of peer connections. To help preserve battery life, light client software should be careful to not wake up a mobile phone too often to gossip about peer addresses or perform other tasks. Light clients should synchronize with their peers at the same fixed time interval to minimize both battery use and peer disconnections.
Both full node and light client security depends on the ability to discover the chain tip of the blockchain with the most work securing it. This process starts by querying all peers for the most recent block headers they know of for the blockchain. A node may need to query its peers at different points to find the point when they first disagree about which chain fork is correct. Light clients should also validate the proof-of-work, timestamp, Merkle root and previous header block hash of each block header they receive and ban peers that serve invalid block headers. Full nodes also validate headers before downloading blocks to prevent denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.
Once the canonical chain tip is determined, a light client can sync block headers back to ensure the chain tip connects to the Bitcoin ( genesis block -- approximately 50 MB of data. Some light clients using slow or metered connections might initially only load block headers back to a check-point instead of the genesis block. Full nodes should always sync all block headers. Users should be warned of the risk of accepting payments until the entire header chain has been checked. Light clients and full nodes must continue to download 80 byte block headers from each peer to stay in sync with the blockchain as it grows and also query multiple peers for block headers to ensure they are always following the current best block header chain.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 08:53 am
Modern light client wallets can detect when a transaction they track appears in a block using BIP-157 block filters. Like block headers, light clients also query their peers to determine the current tip of a filter header chain. BIP-157 light clients download 32 byte block filter headers per block to stay synced with the block filter header chain. In the case of a disagreement between peers about the correct filter header chain, light clients can download the corresponding block to determine which peer is following the right chain. Light clients should ignore block filter chains that include invalid headers and blacklist peers that serve invalid block or filter headers.
Block filters provide greater privacy than the deprecated BIP-37 bloom filter system because light clients do not leak to a full node which transactions they are interested in. Block filters also scale better than bloom filters. Because only one block filter is generated per block, a full node only needs a constant amount of computation to serve multiple light client peers. Light clients themselves can also help relay block filters and gossip block filter headers to increase the number of light client peers each full node supports.
A light client requires at a minimum the block filters for blocks that might contain relevant transactions. Filters are approximately 15 KB per block, so for a transaction that takes six blocks (about one hour) to confirm, a light client would need to download 90 KB of filter data to get an indication of which block the transaction appears in. In the case of a second layer protocol like the Lightning Network, the period to watch for a transaction would be open-ended unless Watchtowers are being used. Watchtowers are particularly useful for light clients on mobile devices both because they are likely to be offline for long periods of time and because they are bandwidth limited.
Blocks-Only Full Node.
To reduce bandwidth consumption, full nodes can be configured to use blocks-only mode to download full blocks, but not gossip about transactions. This is a safe and private way to confirm transactions and does not require block filters because every block is downloaded. A mobile client operating as a pruned blocks-only full node would require up to 2 GB of download bandwidth per week. A mobile client with fast and inexpensive or unmetered internet could operate in this mode to gain the security and privacy advantages of running a full node, but still support light client mode when bandwidth is metered or battery power is limited. The flexibility for a mobile light client to opportunistically operate as a blocks-only full node could help increase the number of full nodes in countries where personal computer usage is less common. Mobile blocks-only full nodes could also serve block filters to light clients without significantly increasing their own bandwidth usage.
Block Filter Light Client.
The new BIP-157 block filter system downloads stripped blocks of up to 1 MB only when a tracked transaction is detected in the chain of downloaded block filters. This is a big improvement over the 2 GB per week of bandwidth needed to watch for transactions with a blocks-only Bitcoin ( full node. Downloaded blocks can be used to validate block filters, invalidate block filter chains and disconnect from peers that share invalid filters. This creates a way for light clients to prevent invalid filter chains from propagating and makes it possible for light clients to share filter information with each other and reduce the load on full nodes. Light clients can query the entire set of full nodes for recent blocks, not just full nodes that serve block filters. This prevents leaking information about the transactions a light client is interested in and spreads the load among a larger set of full nodes.
Light clients that use BIP-157 block filters do not independently confirm that all transactions in a block adhere to Bitcoin ('s consensus rules, but instead assume that the chain confirmed by the most hash power follows the correct rules. These nodes can be tricked into following a majority of miners who collude to adopt different spending rules. In a situation like the SegWit2x contentious hard fork, a light client user could have been misled into accepting an invalid payment from a fork of the Bitcoin ( blockchain. Low bandwidth light client users are also more susceptible to a variety of eclipse attacks that are easier to covertly attempt than a miner led hard fork. Users of second layer protocols like the Lightning Network are also potentially vulnerable to low cost time-dilation attacks.
Electrum Light Client.
Another popular solution for lightweight devices is the Electrum client-server protocol. Instead of downloading block filters and blocks from full nodes to confirm transactions, an Electrum light client wallet requests small Merkle proofs for specific transactions (referenced by a unique transaction ID) directly from one or more servers running the Electrum protocol. Because Electrum servers can log the exact transactions requested by each light client, it is important that clients anonymize their requests using a Tor onion service or similar service. It is possible that many of the current public Electrum servers are operated by private chain surveillance companies for the purpose of gathering data to deanonymize Bitcoin ( transactions. An additional risk of relying on the Electrum server model is that server operators could maliciously withhold (censor) providing proofs for particular transactions which is more difficult to do under the BIP-157 model.
While there are many fewer public Electrum servers than Bitcoin ( full nodes, currently very few full nodes serve block filters to light clients. This is expected to change as BIP-157 block filter support has now been merged into the Bitcoin ( Core software.
An Electrum based light client would require even less bandwidth than a block filter-based light client because it does not need to download block filter headers, block filters or stripped full blocks to confirm transactions. Instead Electrum clients only need to request a Merkle proof of approximately 400 B to confirm each transaction.
The table below summarizes how much metered data would be used by a blocks-only full node, a block filter based light client and an Electrum-based light client. As you can see in the summary, either kind of light client uses dramatically less bandwidth per week, than even a minimal blocks-only full node.
A mobile Lightning client could use a light client as described above for creating, closing and monitoring Lightning channels. A mobile Lightning client could also reduce the bandwidth it uses to gossip about network routes and instead use local routing to rendezvous or trampoline Lightning nodes. Once a Lightning channel has been anchored on the Bitcoin ( blockchain, updates to the channel do not require internet access but only a direct peer-to-peer data connection to channel partners. Monitoring channels for breeches can be configured to match how often a light client has internet access. The funding transaction for channels can also be periodically re-anchored/spliced if the bandwidth required for updating Watchtowers would be more expensive than a single on-chain transaction. Negotiating channel updates direction with peers over a LAN or radio connection can also increase resiliency, reduce metered internet usage and increase privacy.
Users of Layer 2 protocols like Lightning that monitor and react to channel breaches using light clients are potentially more vulnerable to low cost attacks such as time-dilation or flood-and-loot. A light client can not find out about breach transactions until they appear in a block because they do not gossip about pending transactions. Light clients may also be easier to eclipse if they rely on a small set of peers for block filters.
For these examples we describe how a light client could be used to send and receive both bitcoin payments on-chain and using Lightning:
To confirm a transaction has been received on the blockchain, a light client must complete the following steps:
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Sync block headers to the current chain tip Sync block filter headers to the current chain tip Submit a transaction to a full node for inclusion in a block Sync block filters from the point the transaction is submitted to a full node Once a block filter matches the transaction, download the corresponding stripped block.
In this example we assume block headers and block filter headers have already been synced back to the genesis block. This requires 50 MB of data initially and about 1 MB per week thereafter to keep synchronized with the current chain tip from multiple peers. The amount of data needed to re-synchronize block headers (1) and block filter headers (2) to the current blockchain tip after some time offline depends on how recently this information has last been updated.
Downloading block filters (4) to watch for a particular transaction depends on how fast the transaction confirms. There is a trade-off between paying low transaction fees and using more bandwidth to download block filters. An hour's worth of block filters would require downloading only 90 KB of filter data. The largest fixed data cost for light clients is downloading a stripped block corresponding to the block filter which matches the transaction they are interested in. This requires up to 1 MB of block data per transaction. If multiple transactions of interest appear in the same block this would require only downloading one block.
Even users with expensive or slow mobile data should be able to confirm Bitcoin ( transactions from their mobile phone using this system if they can afford 1 MB of data per transaction and 1 MB per week to stay synchronized to the blockchain.
"In regards to your estimates; If it can be implemented that would be relevant and the economics of it could drive more bitcoin users to self custody," said developer Emmanuel Ndangurura from Nairobi, Kenya. Emmanuel noted that a data plan of 175 MB that does not expire, or a weekly bundle of 500 MB, can be purchased in Nairobi for only $0.50. Using the data estimates above, with only 175 MB a user could download a 50 MB app, synchronize block headers and still have data to send and receive payments in a private and self custodial way using block filters.
A Lightning node must perform the on-chain steps outlined above to open channels, close channels and respond to channel breaches. They must also access an internet connection for the following:
Monitor for improper channel closes using one of the following techniques: a) Subscribe to and submit appointments to Watchtowers for each channel update b) Download block filters for the entire period Lightning channels are open Receive network topology gossip for source routing Negotiate the Lightning protocol directly with channel partners.
Unlike for on-chain transactions, the Bitcoin ( network does not need to be accessed for every Lightning payment. Instead, light clients must access Bitcoin ( peers within a configurable window of time (e.g., a week) to check their channel counterparty has not tried to fraudulently force-close the channel using an older channel state. Ideally, channel state monitoring could be performed when an unmetered connection is available. For situations where only expensive metered connectivity is available, using Watchtowers (6a) is superior for monitoring channel state. However, clients that do not independently monitor the blockchain (6b) risk losing funds if their Watchtowers do not react to channel breeches.
Watchtowers (6a) would require something on the order of 500 B per Lightning payment made by or routed through a peer to be sent to a Watchtower via an internet gateway. This is much less than monitoring for breech transactions directly (6b) which requires downloading approximately 15 MB of block filter data per week. A channel can also be cooperatively closed or re-anchored/spliced on-chain before it's monitoring window expires if that would be less expensive from a bandwidth or watchtower subscription cost standpoint.
Instead of gossiping about network topology (7), light clients should use private Lightning nodes and not route payments for others where bandwidth is expensive. Instead they should use trampoline routing or similar incremental routing techniques. This would decrease bandwidth usage at the expense of routing privacy.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 08:53 am
Actually negotiating a channel update (8) requires as little as 2 KB per payment made by the node or forwarded for a peer. Channel updates can be made between nodes on the same local network even when internet gateways are not available.
A mobile Lightning node would need 1 MB of bandwidth for each channel they create or close on-chain. They would need 2 KB to negotiate each channel update and an additional 500 B to register each update with a Watchtower or 15 MB per week to monitor the blockchain directly using block filters.
Mobile light clients can substantially increase the security of Bitcoin ( users that currently rely on custodial Bitcoin ( wallets. New block filter-based light clients will allow users with as little as 2 MB of bandwidth per week to confirm on-chain transactions.
By using Watchtowers, mobile Lightning nodes can perform many low-fee transactions without requiring any more metered bandwidth than current onchain transactions. Or Lightning nodes can use block filters to independently monitor the blockchain using less than 20 MB per week.
Mobile light clients can also opportunistically take advantage of unmetered internet access to operate as pruned blocks-only full nodes in "mobile-only" parts of the world. We believe a focus on low bandwidth Bitcoin ( light clients will help bring the advantages of self custody to more of the world and to eventually lead to greater geographic diversity of Bitcoin ( full nodes.
Special thanks to Karim Helmy and Will Clark for useful discussions and for reading drafts of this article; thanks also to Alejandro Machado for his encouragement to pursue this project.
This is a guest post by Richard Myers. Opinions expressed are entirely his own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin ( Magazine .
Richard Myers co-founded Global Mesh Labs where he develops open-source software to incentivize decentralized communication networks with Bitcoin (
What are the bandwidth requirements of a mining rig?
How much bandwidth consumption can I expect per 900 Mhash/s rig (for instance) for both pooled and solo scenarios? I'm looking for a ballpark number for the on going requirements, after the initial blockchain download.
With pooled mining, at 900Mhash/s, you'll need a new work unit every 3 seconds or so. Each work unit requires about 256 bytes out and about 768 bytes back. So that's 700 bits per second out and about 2,000 bits per second back. Essentially, zero.
Solo mining is a bit harder to estimate. You will need to receive and relay all new blocks as they are discovered, you will need to receive all transactions that are relayed by nodes you connect to. You can heavily limit the number of other nodes you are willing to connect to, but this will impact your stale shares level and may reduce your transaction fee income.
I measured the bandwidth usage of the client with 60 connections (you can drop down to 8 if you want) and made sure my sample included discovering a block. The inbound average bandwidth was 12Kbps (1.50 KB/s) and the average outbound bandwidth was 9Kbps (1.04 KB/s). So that should give you an idea what solo mining would be like.
Notice that the bandwidth usage is bASIC ( insignificant in both cases.
For multiple rigs, there is no adjustment in the solo mining cases. All the rigs can be configured to query the single client. The client's bandwidth requirements will be the same.
However, there is a change in the pool mining case. When a new block is discovered, each miner will need a new work unit immediately since its existing unit is stale. This happens on average about every 10 minutes. Effectively, increase the bandwidth requirements by .5% for every additional mining rig. Note that if you run more than one instance of the mining program on a rig, count it as more than one rig. (This still assumes the rigs total 900Mhash/s.)
Bitcoin mining ( bandwidth.
Rough testing using a 6 x rx 580 mining rig using claymore 147 ethereum miner. Hi everyone im new to Bitcoin mining ( and new to this forum.
Bitcoin ( 20 Explained Ethereum Mining Bandwidth Use Loviguie Rondon.
The coin you are mining the speed at which you are mining at and the type of pool connection you have.
Bitcoin mining ( bandwidth . I think modem might even work i have noticed that i seem to restart mining on wireless rigs more due to rejected shares. With bitcoin cloud mining you! can start generating your bitcoins without any investment in hardware Bitcoin mining ( software electricity bandwidth or other hustle full task. Im thinking about setting up a bfl 60ghs mining rig.
Theres a huge new trend out there that almost everyone is trying to get in on even though it isnt exactly new anymore. A few years ago it became such a popular issue on tv channels and on the internet the people started to use bitcoin more often and its price has significantly risen since that time. The inbound average bandwidth was 12kbps 150 kbs and the average outbound bandwidth was 9kbps 104 kbs.
Digiminingtech is one of the top cloud mining company with thousands of trusted mines. Does anyone know how much network bandwidth i will need to run this unit. Solo mining or how to mine bitcoins by yourself if you are on this website you probably know something about bitcoin and how it works.
The actual issue in bitco! in mining lies in the cycles of gpu. The bandwidth for bitcoin! mining pool is recommended to be not more than 10 mb for each hour. Were talking about bitcoin today.
It barley uses any bandwidth at all. Crypto mining bandwidth as one may expect depends on a few factors. We pulled figures from a heterogeneous mining operation to gauge how much networking stress crypto mining levies.
Download 1 hour 257kb x 24 hours 61mb a day185mb a month upload 1 hour 187kb x 24 hours 44mb a day134mb. So that should give you an idea what solo mining would be like. I measured the bandwidth usage of the client with 60 connections you can drop down to 8 if you want and made sure my sample included discovering a block.
In the procedure of mining bandwidth is not an issue.
Antminer S9 Bandwidth Requirements And Energy Usage Quotecolo.
Bitcoin ( Miner Illustration Ethereum Fork Countdown.
What Is A Bitcoin ( Parser How Much Bandwidth Does Ethereum Mining Use.
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Bitcoin mining ( Server Farm Advantages And Disadvantages.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 08:54 am

What's it take for cryptocurrency Mining ( farm long term stability?|3:36
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:00 am
How Much Bandwidth Does Mining Take.
Bitcoin mining ( is when you take records of a transaction and apply them to public records, and does not as much bandwidth as you may have thought. In this process you will find that you need to access the internet and use bandwidth in smaller amounts. Although you do need to use bandwidth you actually do not need to use much. Despite what you may have been told or what you may think you can do Bitcoin mining ( with only a little bit of bandwidth.
Even when you consider pool mining you will only need around 700 bits per second out and in return only around 2000 bits per second to come back. This essentially equals out to almost zero bandwidth needed, which can be extremely convenient.
When using Bitcoin mining ( online on average you will need to allow around inbound bandwidth to be 12Kbps and the your outgoing bandwidth speed should be at least 9Kbps. This is to be used when you are interacting and doing Bitcoin mining ( on your own and not in groups.
When you are looking into doing more than one rig at a time will most likely need to allow for a bit more and quicker bandwidth but you'd be surprised to know it won't need to be too much more than you were using for solo Bitcoin mining ( And in doing multiple when you have a new block you will need to create a new work unit each time. Your bandwidth speed will actually only need to increase by five percent for each mining rig that is added. Bitcoin mining ( is a great way to add the transaction records you need to add to public record and is a wonderful way to allow you to do this without having to have a lot of bandwidth and in high speed capacity.
How Much Bandwidth Does Bitcoin mining ( Take?
There's a huge new trend out there that almost everyone is trying to get in on, even though it isn't exactly new anymore: we're talking about bitcoin today. Specifically, we're talking about Bitcoin mining (, grabbing these juicy, valuable coins directly from the source.
Bitcoin mining ( has been a huge thing for years now, with miners getting a lot of money out this activity, without having that much competition.. until now. Now, there are huge bitcoin farms trying to get as much as possible before others grab their share, and that affects the way mining is done nowadays.
Since there is a limited number of bitcoins, 21.000.000 to be exact, mining gets tougher and tougher as time goes by, and most miners have decided that they shouldn't be doing it on their own anymore and grouped up to compete.
But among all of the dynamics in mining, there's a question most miners have that is hardly answered on the web: how much bandwidth does Bitcoin mining ( take? Essentially, is it possible to do so without paying hundreds of dollars at the end of the month in internet fees?
As time goes by and as the amount of bitcoins available to be mined keeps on decreasing, mining starts to be less and less profitable, as it takes a lot of energy to do so, and energy costs a lot of money for miners who do not have the proper equipment. These miners are probably just doing it for the experience, as they are certainly not making money anymore.
There are, however, miners who either mine in teams, or miners who do have the proper equipment and manage to get a lot of bitcoins and stay ahead of costs, doing it as a profitable activity.
When it comes to bandwidth consumption, Bitcoin mining ( isn't the worst thing in the world and, as a matter of fact, it barely even consumes a lot of bandwidth, whether you are mining on your own with dedicated equipment, or mining in a bitcoin rig with a thousand other miners.
According to most miners on the internet, the bandwith taken by Bitcoin mining ( activities for a solo miner is very very very low, staying at around 2 MB/hour, which isn't a problem at all ss long as you have an somewhat decent internet provider.
As for mining rigs with a lot of miners, things get a little bit different. as doing things in a team requires a lot more connectivity than doing things on your own, but he consumption isn't as high as one would expect.
According to the stats that we managed to take a look at, the average bandwidth consumption of miners inside a rig did not even hit 10 MB/hour, which is still not a lot if you have a decent internet provider. The costs are, obviously, very low on this end.
The reason for low amount of bandwidth taken is due to the actually low necessity of internet on behalf of mining activities. Bitcoin mining (, without dedicated equipment, is done through CPU power, and not through internet power.
Mining bitcoin is essentially solving complex math problems that, as a form of compensation, rewards miners with precious bitcoin, much like students in school get rewarded with good grades whenever they get their math problems correct - except that grades aren't really worth anything, and bitcoins are worth a lot.
Since Bitcoin mining ( is essentially the solving of complex problems, there isn't a lot of internet involved and that is why dedicated equipment might be a necessity. The equipment help solves the problems so miners can get bitcoin in return. Huge bitcoin farms are, essentially, huge storage houses with computers solving problems in exchange for money, with people maintaining the farm working properly (computers might stop working, power might go down, the property may suffer damage, etc.).
As such, we can conclude that Bitcoin mining ( is NOT a download, and that while you are mining bitcoin you aren't exactly downloading a huge movie, you are solving problem and simply require internet connection to stay connected to the "mine", if you will.
As a matter of fact, some of the biggest bitcoin farms are located in China and, according to some of the owners of these bitcoin farms, their own internet bandwidth is a piece of crap, and they still manage to run their operations without being completely torn down by this simple problem.
Quite recently, some of the most prominent bitcoin entrepreneurs suggested an increase in the size of blocks so that more transactions can be processed at the same time, but this increase would mean higher computing power is required for mining and, taking into account miners get some fees per transaction as a reward for mining, this would mean that the bandwidth taken would also increase.
Certainly, the amount shouldn't increase to very high numbers, as some of the players in the mining game also have bandwidth problems (the Chinese miners), so you still don't need to be worried about bandwidth consumption for quite some time.
The inbound average bandwidth was 12kbps 150 kbs and the average outbound bandwidth was 9kbps 104 kbs. Rough testing using a 6 x rx 580 mining rig using claymore 147 ethereum miner.
Bitcoin ( India And Tax Ethereum Mining Bandwidth Usage Apc.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:01 am
Bitcoin mining ( bandwidth . A few years ago it became such a popular issue on tv channels and on the internet the p! eople started to use bitcoin more often and its price has significantly risen since that time. Im thinking about setting up a bfl 60ghs mining rig. With bitcoin cloud mining you can start generating your bitcoins without any investment in hardware Bitcoin mining ( software electricity bandwidth or other hustle full task.
It barley uses any bandwidth at all. Solo mining or how to mine bitcoins by yourself if you are on this website you probably know something about bitcoin and how it works. We pulled figures from a heterogeneous mining operation to gauge how much networking stress crypto mining levies.
So that should give you an idea what solo mining would be like. The coin you are mining the speed at which you are mining at and the type of pool connection you have. Hi everyone im new to Bitcoin mining ( and new to this forum.
The actual issue in Bitcoin mining ( lies in the cycles of gpu. Digiminingtech is one of t! he top cloud mining company with thousands of trusted mines. I! measured the bandwidth usage of the client with 60 connections you can drop down to 8 if you want and made sure my sample included discovering a block.
Crypto mining bandwidth as one may expect depends on a few factors. I think modem might even work i have noticed that i seem to restart mining on wireless rigs more due to rejected shares. The bandwidth for Bitcoin mining ( pool is recommended to be not more than 10 mb for each hour.
Download 1 hour 257kb x 24 hours 61mb a day185mb a month upload 1 hour 187kb x 24 hours 44mb a day134mb. Were talking about bitcoin today. Does anyone know how much network bandwidth i will need to run this unit.
Theres a huge new trend out there that almost everyone is trying to get in on even though it isnt exactly new anymore.
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We Answ! er How Much Bandwidth Crypto Mining ( Uses With 1000 Miners.
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How Will Bitcoin ( Fork Affect Prices Can Avalon 741 Mine Litecoin.
Cryptocurrency Bankroll Ethereum Mining Bandwidth Use.
Theres a huge new trend out there that almost everyone is trying to get in on even though it isnt exactly new anymore. Download 1 hour 257kb x 24 hours 61mb a day185mb a month upload 1 hour 187kb x 24 hours 44mb a day134mb.
Solo mining or how to mine bitcoins by yourself if you are on this website you probably know something about bitcoin and how it works.
Bitcoin mining ( bandwidth . Rough testing using a 6 x rx 580 mining rig using claymore 147 ethereum miner. The bandwidth for Bitcoin mining ( pool is recommended to be not more than 10 mb for each hour. So that should give you an idea what solo mining would be like.
I measured the bandwidth usage of the client with 60 connections you can drop down to 8 if you want and made sure my sample included discovering a block. It barley uses any bandwidth at all. The actual issue in Bitcoin mining ( lies in the cycles of gpu.
The inbound average bandwidth was 12kbps 150 kbs and the average outbound bandwidth was 9kbps 104 kbs. Does anyone know how much network bandwidth i will need to run this unit. I think modem might even work i have noticed that i seem to restart mining on wireless rigs more due to rejected shares.
The coin you are mining the speed at which you are mining at and the type of pool connection you! have. With bitcoin cloud mining you can start generating your! bitcoins without any investment in hardware Bitcoin mining ( software electricity bandwidth or other hustle full task. Crypto mining bandwidth as one may expect depends on a few factors.
In the procedure of mining bandwidth is not an issue. Were talking about bitcoin today. Digiminingtech is one of the top cloud mining company with thousands of trusted mines.
Hi everyone im new to Bitcoin mining ( and new to this forum. Im thinking about setting up a bfl 60ghs mining rig. We pulled figures from a heterogeneous mining operation to gauge how much networking stress crypto mining levies.
A few years ago it became such a popular issue on tv channels and on the internet the people started to use bitcoin more often and its price has significantly risen since that time.
Ethereum Mining Gpu Benchmark Techspot.
Is This Normal Bandwidth Usage For Bitcoin ( Core Bitcoin (
Bitcoin ( Review Bitcoin mining ( Bandwidth Free Bitcoin ( Games No.
For Reference The Bandwidth Usage Of A Full Node And A P2pool.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:02 am

Anglo Asian Mining ( present at the Proactive One2One Virtual Forum|31:50
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:03 am

Start home Mining ( with MinerGate in 2020|6:31
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:03 am
Tribler Lab Pays In Bitcoin ( To Buy 14 4 Petabytes Of Bandwidth.
How Much Bandwidth Dose Bitcoin mining ( Take Youtube.
Sloudminers Gmbh Die Beste Cloud Mining Anbieter.
Bitcoin mining ( benchmark.
Information: Les valeurs de minage sont basées sur une vitesse globale de 109,422 GH/s et utilise un Taux de chande en dollar de 1 ETH = $ 463.847. .La récompense par bloc est fixée à 0 ETH et les futures récompense par bloc sont prises en compte. Le temps de résolution d\'un bloc utilisé dans le calcul est 0 secondes. Le prix de l'electricité utilisé dans les calculs est de $0.12 par kWh..
$15717.40 $463.85 $5.09 $69.65 $59.78 $114.55 $59.44 $0.01 $0.00 $0.15 $6.33 $0.02 $0.05 $0.00 $0.00 $0.02 $0.00 $0.01 $15.63 $0.00 $0.03 $0.00 $0.01 $0.00 $0.02 $0.26 $0.08 $7.37 $0.00 $0.01 $0.04 $0.18 $0.48 $0.07 $0.16 $0.17 $0.04 $1.24.
Geforce RTX 3080: Benchmark shows performance in Ethereum mining.
Due to numerous reader inquiries, the website published a short preliminary benchmark before the official end of the test embargo on September 16, which should provide an outlook on the mining performance of the new Geforce RTX 3080 from Nvidia.
Tests were carried out using the NiceHash ( platform and the DaggerHashimoto algorithm, which was designed as the first version of the Ethereum Ethash mining algorithm with a focus on "hard memory" and ASIC ( resistance, i.e. it is not necessarily more efficient than on special mining hardware on conventional.
The Geforce RTX 3080 was measured at around 73 to 74 mega hashes per second (one million hashes per second) and reached 82 to 84 MH / s on the output screen, while the hash rate increased to 92 to 93 MH / s with overclocked memory. s increased.
Benchmarking the NVidia GeForce RTX 2080 for Cryptocurrency Mining.
How does the RTX 2080 GPU stack up for cryptocurrency mining? Is it worth the upgrade? We use the Cudo Miner multi-miner to benchmark its performance against the GTX 1080 for four popular mining algorithms.
The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 is part of the new generation of Turing GPU-based cards that has been long-awaited by gamers due to sophisticated new features such as ray-tracing and deep learning super-sampling (DLSS). While this new state-of-the-art piece of gaming kit looks to give a significant performance boost to new AAA software titles capable of taking advantage of these new features, there has so far been no direct word from the manufacturer on how it might benefit crypto miners.
We got our hands on the RTX 2080 and put it through its paces on our desktop mining rig, comparing it with the trusty workhorse NVIDIA GTX 1080 to see how it stacks up against the older technology. Using several currently popular proof-of-work mining algorithms, we've compared the two in terms of raw mining output, as well as hashes per watt and revenue per watt. At-rest power consumption at the wall was also compared with consumption by several energy-intensive algorithms.
The RTX 2080's revolutionary architecture comes at a fair increase in price - read on to find out if it's worth the investment.
Our desktop mining rig is based around an Intel Core i7-5930K CPU and 32GB of memory. We're running Windows 10 build 1083 and made use of NVIDIA's release-day GeForce drivers (version 411.63) for the RTX 2080. These drivers seemed stable on our setup and we saw no unusual errors under the hood on our mining software.
All tests were conducted with beta version 0.5.1 of the Cudo Miner multi-coin crypto mining software. We focused on the proof-of-work algorithms Ethash, CryptoNight variant 1, Equihash, and Lyra2RE v2. Cudo Miner supports concurrent CPU+GPU mining (, but we turned off CPU mining for these tests to ensure it didn't interfere with our results for each GPU.
Analysing the results.
Although both cards consume essentially the same amount of power when idle, the RTX 2080 draws a significantly larger amount of power under full load, with the worst case scenario of a 27% increase over the GTX 1080 when running Equihash.
The RTX 2080 boasts an average of 60% hashrate increase over the GTX 1080 across the four tested algorithms.
Based on launch-day market conditions, we found the Ethash-based Ethereum to be the best coin to mine on both cards. Over a projected month of mining, the RTX 2080 delivers $0.12 per watt, with the GTX 1080 coming in at $0.09 per watt. This translates to a monthly revenue of $17.91 for the RTX 2080 versus $10.23 for the GTX 1080, before electricity costs.
We also trialled the free ETHlargement Pill tool, which optimises memory structures on GDDR5X memory-based GPUs such as the GTX 1080 and claims to boost mining performance for Ethash-based coins like Ethereum. This gave our GTX 1080 setup a roughly 40% increase in output. We don't know right now if similar tools may be released in the future that will similarly optimise newer generation cards such as the RTX 2080, but if so, this could result in further revenue boosts.
Both cards were tested in our rig with their factory settings unchanged for core clock, memory clock and supply voltages. Overclocking or voltage modding could change the performance for one or both cards, in which case the performance and efficiency gaps between the two may be different.
The RTX 2080 shows an increase in power and efficiency over the previous generation of cards, but is it worth putting down the extra cash? Right now, if you're looking to get one just to boost your mining revenues, the answer would seem to be no.
Our tests have shown that although there is a slight increase in revenue, the incremental improvement over last generation's tech is far outweighed by the high retail cost of the RTX 2080. In the future, it's possible that new algorithms may take advantage of the new generation of AI-driven computational abilities, but right now there's nothing in the crypto mining world that takes advantage of the full potential of NVIDIA's new offering.
If you're looking for a quick return on your investment, at the moment your best bet is still to try and get a good deal on the second-hand market for previous-generation cards such as the GTX 1080.
A bit about the miner.
In this test, we used an early beta of our Cudo Miner cryptocurrency mining software. We're gearing up for the launch of beta v2, which has a host of new features including the ability to choose which currency you earn.
If you want to be the first to try out v2, or want to give the version we used in this test a go, head over to our homepage.
We have performed this test on standard card settings and configurations as a direct comparison. Nothing has been overclocked or optimized specifically for mining. You would expect to increase hashrates according to the level overclocked.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:23 am
Top 7 Bitcoin mining ( Platforms in 2020.
Regardless of your profession and even personal interests, surely you know what Bitcoin ( is. This cryptocurrency was made public in 2009 and it took the whole world by storm almost immediately. People acknowledge it as an easy way to earn some money.
How to get a Bitcoin ( Well, there is a process called mining. In order to start it, you need some special equipment such as FPGA, GPU, ASIC (, but also mining software. Taking into consideration how popular cryptocurrencies are, it comes as no surprise that there are multiple platforms available. It doesn't matter if you are a novice, or already have a lot of experience in mining Bitcoin (, continue reading this article, because we are going to discuss some widely used platforms.
Due to the fact that it has numerous features that are beneficial for both beginners and experts, we have put this platform on the initial position on our list. Among other systems, CGMiner supports Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. When it comes to hardware, it can use both FPGA and ASIC ( Some of the main features include fan speed control, full monitoring, remote control command, as well as scalable networking scheduler.
If you are looking for a platform where you can manage different kinds of cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin (, Litecoin, and others), then you should further investigate EasyMiner. It also allows you to choose between regular mining, ccmining, cgmining, cudamining, and mining via ASIC ( hardware. There is also a "Moneymaker" option which you can use to mine Litecoin, or on the other hand, you can go with the "Solo" mode which allows you not only to choose the pool you want but also to choose the hash algorithm. If you are wondering about the safety of your funds, EasyMiner uses the Network Hardware ID Layer (NHIL) protocol that takes the security of all the data to the next level. However, there is one downside- it is only compatible with Windows.
If you are late to the party i.e. cryptocurrency mining, then surely you are looking for a platform that is not only easy to use but that comes with multiple handy features. Most newcomers opt for MultiMiner, and we are going to tell you why.
First of all, this desktop-based application work with Windows, Linux, Mac OS X. Secondly, it allows its users to move the mining devices (FPGA, AISC) to different currencies (Bitcoin (, Litecoin). This software is automatized meaning that it looks for pools and lucrative altcoins on its own.
In addition, it also works with numerous other devices such as HashBuster Micro, Block Erupter, BFL Bitforce, and so on.
The fact that BitMinter has its own mining pool, which is, by the way, one of the oldest that exists today, is what makes this platform so popular and the reason why people opt for using it. Also, there is no doubt that BitMinter is the best cross-platform Bitcoin mining ( software. Understandably, it can be used on all major operating systems (Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X).
Since it is built on Java Network Launch Protocol (JNLP), it doesn't require installation, and all one has to do in order to start using it, is to sign up on their official website, follow the instructions to arrange the ASIC ( hardware, and that's it. When it comes to devices supported by ASIC (, these include Block Erupter USB as well as additional Icarus hardware, Butterfly Labs (except Monarch), Antminer U1/U2, and Chili, Red/Blue Fury.
5. BFGMiner.
Written in C, BFGMiner is customizable mining software that is compatible with ASIC ( hardware, and that also has a monitoring feature as well as dynamic clocking and remote interface capabilities. Because of the 'getblocktemplate' decentralized protocol, it is able to start work before already existing activities have been completed, without delaying them.
This platform is also extremely easy to use, since all the user has to do, in order to start the mining process, is to save the .bat file after having entered all the variable values by following the pool settings. When it comes to the devices, one can use Drillbit Thumb and Eight, Ztex's FPGA boards, and Twinfury USB stick miner for mining Bitcoin (
6. Miner-Server.
One thing that usually worries new users is the funds they have to invest in hardware. If you are not ready to make this commitment or simply do not have enough money, you can always go with cloud mining services. Similarly, to the others, there are multiple platforms you can choose between, and we are going to introduce you to Miner-Server.
Unlike some of the already mentioned platforms that provide you with the opportunity to have your own pool, when you sign up for Miner-Server, you will be sharing one with other individuals. This means that all the earnings will be shared among all the participants.
You can opt for one of the numerous packages that are offered by this service, and your hashing power will be in accordance with the one you choose. The duration of these is one year which means that you can change the package after this period expires. What's more, if you bring new users to the platform i.e. if they sign up via your reference, you will receive bonus hash power.
7. Bitcoin ( Evolution.
The biggest benefit of opting for this platform is that its software scans all the markets and quickly informs you about the ones that are currently most profitable. In addition, you can also program it to go one step further and to open trades in your account.
Moreover, Bitcoin ( Evolution is suitable for both newcomers and experienced users. Signing up for this platform is also very simple - all one has to do is to fill out a registration form, and their account will be opened. There aren't any registration and other, hidden fees, which is something that people appreciate. If you want to learn about this software in great detail, click here.
All in all, these are some of the most popular platforms for mining cryptocurrencies. As you can see, each of these has a specific set of features and benefits, so all you have to do is to find one that meets all your requirements.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:24 am
While upside potential exists, CAN stock is wildly risky.
Thanks to the enormous popularity of cryptocurrencies in recent years, the concept of bitcoin and the blockchain has gained mainstream interest and credibility. So much so that now, publicly traded companies focusing on cryptocurrency mining - the highly complex mechanism that blockchain reward tokens are "born" - have become a reality, with Canaan (NASDAQ: CAN ) making its debut on the Nasdaq . Still, a historical moment hasn't translated to profitability, with CAN stock down nearly 67% year-to-date.
Ironically, the problem is credibility, something that Canaan's debut was supposed to cement among the eyes of traditionalists. After all, with the company's initial public offering in November 2019, the Bitcoin mining ( manufacturer became the first such organization to be listed on the world's second-biggest security exchange. But immediately, CAN stock suffered from severe volatility and it's been a downward trek overall.
Perhaps not surprisingly to bitcoin skeptics, Canaan courted much controversy. If you want to understand why dark clouds hang over CAN stock, please check out Financial Times Alphaville's . In short, the company has a litany of accusations against it, particularly "false and misleading statements to make its financial health appear better than it was."
The attacks against the crypto mining firm attracted short sellers, like Marcus Aurelius Value, which reported "some rather disturbing details about the company's antics in the run up to the Nasdaq listing, and also its three previous unsuccessful listing attempts."
Another fact that doesn't sit well with investors is Canaan's Chinese roots. Frankly, the world is getting tired of China's impact on global affairs in 2020. And the fiasco that was Luckin Coffee (OTCMKTS: LKNCY ) doesn't do any favors.
But is there any potential for Canaan?
The Ludicrous Case for CAN Stock.
In the new normal, I don't think it's wise for most investors to chase "opportunities" like CAN stock. Honestly, you have multiple high-quality names that are on discount. Depending on how the economic winds blow, you could see even bigger discounts later this year.
Still, do contrarian speculators have any chance of profitability with CAN stock? Believe it or not, they do. Let me explain.
As long as Canaan is legitimate in its claims about developing mining hardware utilizing application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC ( - and assuming these ASIC ( perform as advertised - the company could enjoy substantial demand. That's because with cryptocurrency experts generally optimistic on bitcoin prices over the long run, the current difficulty rate in mining the digital token offers a compelling, though risky bullish argument.
Moreover, on a year-to-date basis, the CAN stock price and bitcoin's mining difficulty share an inverse relationship. Granted, the correlation coefficient isn't quite strong at -46%. Ideally, you'd like to see an inverse relationship feature a coefficient toward -60% or "greater."
However, the main takeaway is that generally , as bitcoin difficulty increases, Canaan stock declines in value and vice versa. You would expect this relationship because as Bitcoin mining ( becomes more difficult, it requires miners to consume more energy. That translates into higher utility bills, making the venture increasingly riskier.
If you think about it, this bASIC ( summation of the blockchain's mechanism prevents bitcoin supply inflation. But increased difficulty makes mining unsustainable for regular miners, reducing demand for ASIC ( Of course, that's bad for CAN stock.
Nevertheless, if the bitcoin price rises dramatically, then it may be worthwhile for miners to take their risks. That's why if you believe that cryptocurrencies will experience another massive move higher, Canaan isn't completely unreasonable.
Big Question Marks Remain.
Still, if you want to gamble in the virtual currency space, you're probably better off going with the tokens themselves. Here's the main problem with CAN stock as a bitcoin alternative: you're introducing another variable into an already volatile sector.
If you follow cryptocurrencies, you know the market is very much like the butterfly effect manifested in a digital ECOS ( In this case, something that happens in another part of the world could have a devastating effect on your holdings.
But by acquiring a crypto-related publicly traded company, you not only have to worry about the butterfly effect, you also have to worry about the target organization's own fundamentals. If its books are cooked for instance, that's likely going to hit you hard, even if it doesn't affect pure cryptocurrency holders.
At the same time, what happens if bitcoin hits six figures? In that case, CAN stock at these prices would be a once-in-a-lifetime bargain.
Look, we've seen some crazy things happen, which keeps alive the speculative embers here. Just be ready for fireworks - and a few cannonballs - if you decide to partake.
On the date of publication, Josh Enomoto is long bitcoin.
A former senior business analyst for Sony Electronics, Josh Enomoto has helped broker major contracts with Fortune Global 500 companies. Over the past several years, he has delivered unique, critical insights for the investment markets, as well as various other industries including legal, construction management, and healthcare.
Butterfly Labs ships long-awaited ASIC ( bitcoin miners.
Danny Bradbury.
It's eight months late, but it looks as though Butterfly Labs is finally starting to ship some of its ASIC ( Bitcoin mining ( equipment to customers.
The Kansas-based company has repeatedly delayed customer shipments of its ASIC ( mining products, which were originally announced last June, and were scheduled to ship starting last October. Customers are getting angry, and the company's representatives aren't helping by trading insults on public forums.
On Sunday, though, a Butterfly Labs representative posted on the company's support forum that shipments were beginning. "A few went out Saturday and more will be ready to go Monday," he wrote, adding that the shipments were mostly from orders placed in June last year, almost a year ago.
Butterfly Labs has promised four equipment configurations, ranging from the 5 Ghashes/sec Jalapeno, through to the 1,500 Ghashes/sec Mini Rig. The Jalapeno was touted as a coffee coaster-sized unit that would be powered via a USB port.
In the middle were the "Little Single" and "Single" boxes, offering middle-range hashing power, somewhere between the small and the large rigs.
Customers have been placing pre-orders for 10 months but, aside from a few early units reviewed by the press, none has appeared. Butterfly Labs has a refund policy for customers who are fed up waiting but, nevertheless, the bitcoin forums are buzzing with irritated buyers.
The ASIC ( business had started promisingly for Butterfly Labs. The firm publicized the specifications for its ASIC ( mining gear in Bitcoin ( Magazine last September. Users could expect mining for 1 watt per Ghash/sec, according to the article. All the devices would use custom 65-nm ASIC (, which would help to keep the power consumption down.
Within months, though, things went awry. In January, company spokesperson Josh Zerlan posted an apology on the firm's discussion board, acknowledging continuing delays.
"We had fully intended to be ready by October for shipping and deeply regret that we have not been able to meet our timelines," he wrote. "Our delays are a result of the complexity of the project and we have overcome essentially all obstacles at this point and are in the home stretch."
But that final furlong was longer than anticipated. At the end of January, Zerlan posted about a projected February ship date: "If the worst case scenario in every step comes to pass, we are looking at starting shipping around Monday the 18th."
Then, at the end of March, nearly six weeks later, came more news: the company was having problems with the power needed to run the units.
"In the interest of time, we are planning on potentially scaling back units hashing speed as required to accommodate the extra power and shipping multiple units to those that want their units right now," Zerlan noted. The next day, he issued a clarification: "We are not shipping yet."
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:25 am

GATE 2020 - Last 90 days preparation strategy for Mining ( Engineering- Gate Mining ( How to crack Gate|6:20
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:25 am

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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:26 am
On April 15, Zerlan said the company was getting hardware and software issues "nailed down". He cited the need to re-engineer the power system on the boards, adding it had become clear that the original power consumption specification for the 5 Ghash/sec units wasn't going to fly: "Power usage exceeds the 1w/GH, unfortunately, but it's much better than anything out by 40 - 50 percent, at the wall."
Finally, in April, a small number of devices started appearing. Zerlan said that the company had shipped 35 of them, half to developers and the media, and the other half to customers.
But that didn't take the firm into full-scale production. Early this month, he posted that the chip supplier was "dragging their feet". Three days later, he reported that the Butterfly Labs testing facility was expecting 100 chips in Chicago on May 14.
"We are having some trouble with the new Single board and we are working through the issues now and should hopefully have a resolution before the end of the week," Zerlan added.
Zerlan, who didn't respond to messages from CoinDesk, has been less polite on enthusiast forums. On May 14, the day the chips were meant to arrive, he responded to a question from one customer on the Bitcoin ( Talk forum who had asked about prior shipment delays.
"You received no answer because your question was so incredibly stupid that it doesn't deserve an answer," Zerlan wrote, adding later, "This is why I don't take you seriously... you can't even form a cogent thought on simple mechanics, such as assembly."
But others who claim experience in the field also have questions. "I have a bit of experience with VLSI and one of the things that we always worry about is the power consumption and the cooling system," said Colorado-based mathematician Charles Hoskinson, director of the Bitcoin ( Education Project and a student of cryptography.
Butterfly Labs might well fit 5 Ghashes/sec into a small box that sits on a desk, but Hoskinson's concern is around the largest product in its lineup: the 1,500 Ghash/sec Minirig unit, which was originally priced at $30,000, and for which the firm has been taking pre-orders.
"I figured this product couldn't exist," Hoskinson told CoinDesk.
Why? At the 1 watt per Gigahash/sec spec that Butterfly Labs originally suggested, scaling up the power consumption on the 5 GHash/sec units to 1,500GHash/sec would require around 1500 watts. Hoskinson says that chips doing this sort of mathematical heavy lifting need lots of cooling.
"There are many fans running concurrently," he said. "It's a big power supply running very hot."
Nevertheless, at 1 watt per Ghash/sec, it's not impractical. A microwave oven would chew through about as much power.
The Single 5 Ghash/sec Jalapeno units seem to consume decidedly more.
"Imagine six times that power consumption," Hoskinson said.
David Perry, one blogger who received a 5 Ghash/sec unit, discovered that it consumed around 30 watts. (CoinDesk wrote about Perry unboxing one unit in a sneak preview.) That equates to around 6 watts per Ghash/sec. Ars Technica said that its unit consumed 50 watts, which equals 10 watts per Ghash/sec.
Aside from the power consumption, there's been another change from the original spec: the size. No longer is the Jalapeno a coffee coaster-sized unit. It's far thicker. A heat sink seems to have taken up the extra space, as demonstrated by Ars Technica's pictures of the heat sink for the 5 Ghash/sec unit.
"You're talking about something that's about 9 kilowatts of power in the space of a computer case," said Hoskinson, working from those figures. "If they were talking about an eight-foot foot server chassis, then that would make much more sense."
Yet the Mini Rig pictured on the Butterfly Labs web site is clearly far smaller. The device, which uses an eight-inch Nexus 7 for a control panel, appears to be around 18 inches high and perhaps two to two-and-a-half feet long.
Nevertheless, some customers are keeping the faith, waiting for those 1,500 Ghash/sec Mini Rigs ... and losing money daily. Emmanuel Abiodun, founder of UK cloud-based mining company Cloudhashing, ordered four units from Butterfly Labs between February and April. Butterfly Labs recently revised the shipment date for his units from early May to June.
"We would have had two by now," Abiodun said. "At the current difficulty I would be making $15,870 per day. It's a big loss."
Abiodun also had to make contingency plans that almost doubled his existing hardware investment.
"They're saying they are having delays," Abiodun said. "I have not received the units now, and because I fear that I might not get delivery in June, I had to spend $100k today purchasing loads of Avalon equipment to get me running for my customers."
Unlike the other rigs on the Butterfly Labs web site, the 1,500 Ghash/sec rigs on the Butterfly Labs site are listed as out of stock. The company is not publishing current power specifications for any of its products.
Still, Abiodun isn't fazed.
"What they've said in their messages to all of us is that they're finding the power consumption has increased, but to handle the increased power consumption, they might have to double up on a unit," he said. One option is to reduce the amount of chips that they put into a Mini Rig, and send people two instead, along with extra "Singles" - the 5 Ghash/sec boxes - to bump up the hash rate.
But it isn't clear when or if this will happen, and customers like Abiodun could be in for a long wait.
"We don't know when the Mini Rig will be redesigned, how fast it will be, how much it will cost, etc," the Butterfly Labs representative noted Sunday while reporting the Jalapeno shipments. "We are concentrating on getting our backlog of orders shipped."
Customers are getting refunds, but Abiodun maintains that many of them will stay in the queue, eager to finally get the equipment that could see them generating bitcoins far faster than they could with GPUs or FPGAs.
"People are so fed up with waiting they don't care about the power consumption," Abiodun said. "It's a game of getting it sooner than later."
Abiodun added that he just ordered a custom-built, 2,000 Ghash/sec Avalon-based machine consuming 14.6 kilowatts of power.
"That's 7.3 kilowatts per Ghash/sec," he pointed out.
There's at least one more complication in the Butterfly Labs story. The company is likely to have taken in a significant amount of money from customers over the past 10 months, and accepts payments in either bitcoins or dollars. When Butterfly Labs started taking orders in June 2012, bitcoins traded at under $10. This week, the currency once again broke past the $120 mark.
If customers get refunds, will they be refunded with bitcoins at current market value? If not, who gets the profit? Neither Zerlan or Butterfly Labs' president Sonny Vleisides returned our calls or mails.
Such is the level of concern over Butterfly Labs' continuing delays that entire third-party websites have been set up to track the company's progress. Will the firm get more chips from the manufacturer soon? Will they be able to sustain shipments to fill the order backlog, or will shipments continue to sputter and stall?
Many customers are hoping for the best ... and they're determined not to budge from the queue. With bitcoins trading an order of magnitude higher than they were nine months ago, gigahashes are a hot commodity indeed.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:26 am
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Mining Statistics.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:27 am
Total Miners: 193,483 Online Miners: 6,869.
Free Bitcoin mining ( is the free mining platform you can do.
A complete web frontend for your Bitcoin mining ( devices.
You can download the image file for Raspberry ready to use as miner controller or choose for a manual install on your preferred Debian based system.
Just plug your devices in the controller and connect via your browser to your brand new Minera system. Easy, fast, and reliable mining.
Minera is ready to mine for you. Tune up the settings, choose your preffered miner software and relax while it mines for you! If you need help, just drop a line.
Still not sure? Check out why Minera is considered the best Bitcoin mining ( dashboard.
Plug & Mine.
It"s really simple, trust me, just plug your devices to your brand new Minera controller and start mine as fast as you can!
Full of Details.
Device and pool tables, history charts, system monitor, crypto currencies rates and much much more.
Complete Control.
You control almost everything, take the full advantage of your controller and mining devices.
Stable & Reliable.
Minera has only the best miner softwares to mine, making ROI fast is the main goal within security and reliability.
Do you want to see each great feature it has? Look below.
The widgets in the top of the dashboard keep you always informed about your miner with a glance.
Detailed Tables.
The really detailed tables for devices and pools are useful to have everything under control.
Who don"t love charts? We are full of them. History charts and graphical tree devices are cool.
Currencies rates.
Never leave the Minera tab, just look at the top, you have your preferred currencies with current rates.
System monitor.
With the temperature widget and the sysload graphical charts you know when your controller needs you.
Web terminal.
No more Putty or SSH, now you have a shiny web terminal connected directly to your system. Click and login.
MobileMiner support.
Yes, we have MobileMiner support too! Enable it and you could do everything from your smarphone.
Guided settings.
Select a guided configuration for your miner, easy to use with checkboxes and sliders to find your perfect setup.
Switch pools.
Adding pools is easy but you can also switch them on the fly, while miner is mining and you're drinking a beer.
It's hard to find your miner isn't mining anymore with the autorestart option. Enabled it and relax.
Miner went down unexpectedly? The autorecover option will try to recover it in one minute or less.
Scheduled event.
A bit paranoid? Schedule a miner restart or a controller reboot and have sweet dreams.
If your download didn't start, please click below.
While you are waiting for the download to finish, please read about how to flash your SD Card with the new Minera image you got. After that you'll need only to put your SD Card in your Raspberry/ARM controller and you are done!
Flashing the SD Card with Minera.
If you are on Windows you can use Win32DiskImager.
If you are on a Mac OS X you can use ApplePi-Baker.
If you are on Linux you can use ImageWriter or the command line below.
Remember to uncompress the zip file before trying to flash it.
You can simply install Minera on your current Linux controller. Check if it's a debian based one otherwise download and install a right distribution like Ubuntu.
When you have your system ready, ssh into it and install Minera.
The installer will configure the system requirements and will tell you the URL to connect to.
Important : minera system user has password "minera", you should change it if your system is a public host with SSH access.
This isn't the web password, to change the web password, login into the web interface and go to Miner -> Settings.
Miner binaries.
The miner command binary path is:
They are pre-compiled for Raspberry (ARM) with the latest version available.
To ensure you have every libraries installed I strongly recommend you to recompile the miner you need, Minera has a utility script to do this, please look below.
Build miners.
Please follow the commands below to recompile/build your miner softwares (bfgminer, cpuminer, cgminer, cgminer-dmaxl):
Now you are ready to mine with your brand new Minera controller, if you need help configuring it follow the link below.
Bitcoin mining ( dashboard.
In order to do transactions, bitcoin network requires the aggregation of the processing of computers. The operation in which the transactions are processed is called mining and the computers that perform the processing are called miners.
Start Mining Right Now With Your Own Device!
The condition of Bitcoin ( Network.
Bitcoin ( rate is constantly updated Also, the active hash rate in the network has a direct relation with the active miners in the network.
Bitcoin ( Price ($)
Network Hash Rate (EH)
588 M.
Total BTC transactions.
311 K.
BTC Transactions Per Day.
What Is Hash-Range?
the measure of processing power is hash per second.
the transactions of bitcoins are done through the processing of hashes. Depending on their power, the mining devices can process a definite number of hashes per second. For example, when the power of a device is 1 th/s, it can process 1,000,000,000,000 hashes per second. if the miner processes more hashes, it receives more commission.
10 th/s can mine 0.002 BTC per month or 0.05 BTC in 2 year period.
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Trustpilot, the most validated cryptocurrency evaluation system, provides the opportunity to share users' reviews without manipulation and is the most validated source to determine the genuineness of the product.
Economics of Bitcoin mining (
Tracing the source.
Just like your phone and your computer, the production of Bitcoins is driven by economics. This article aims to break down the various factors so you understand Bitcoin ( better.
Like many things you own, most of the bitcoin in your wallet was probably made in China.
In fact, more than half of the world's hashing power is concentrated in China, held by the biggest mining pools in the world, such as F2pool, Antpool, BTCC and BW.
Mining share on 5 Aug hash rate, source.
We usually attribute Chinese manufacturing success to their cheap, skilled labour. However, unlike most manufacturing jobs, production of Bitcoin ( is done by computers. So why is China still the top Bitcoin ( miner? Which other factors affect the production of Bitcoins?
This blog post is all about the economic forces which drive mining pools to create these bitcoins that end up in your wallet.
This article assumes you understand the bASIC ( about mining. If you are a complete newbie, we recommend that you learn more about mining by reading up about the evolution of Bitcoin mining (, bitcoin block reward halving or the Bitcoin ( Wiki.
How do miners make money?
Miners make money as long as they can earn more from selling bitcoin than spending on hardware and electricity costs incurred to create the bitcoins.
Their source of funds includes block reward and transaction fees, a dynamic fee paid by users of the network. Both of which are awarded when a new block is mined. A miner can choose to include transactions based on transaction fees to optimize his fee earnings.
The block reward is the reward they get for successfully mining a block. This reward is currently 12.5 bitcoins per block. However, this block reward will halve every 4 years or so. The last halving occurred on 9 July 2016, and reduced the block reward from 25 to 12.5. Learn more about block halving on our blog post about block reward halving.
In addition to block reward, a transaction fee is paid every time a transaction is made. This is an additional fee to incentivize miners to provide the service of confirming blocks to bitcoin users.
This price has been on the rise, because of the congestion of the network due to the block size limit and the concentration of mining power as the arms war continues to escalate. Hence, the block size can be seen as a quota, and mining centralization is the strengthening of monopoly pricing power.
Block size limit has been seen to be an issue since 2015, as the increasing congestion of the 1mb block limit led to concerns about the functionality of Bitcoin ( as a payment network. There has been a lot of discussion about this. Read more about this on our blog post:
Organization - mining pools.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:28 am

Start home Mining ( easly with MinerGate in 2021|5:39
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:28 am

Gate 2021 Exam Analysis Review for Mining ( Engineering - MN - Gate 2021|1:06
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:29 am

Major changes in the Syllabus Pattern in GATE 2021-- Mining ( Engineering -- IIT BOMBAY|13:43
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:29 am
Given the difficulty of Bitcoin mining ( nowadays, coupled with the fact that successfully mining a bitcoin depends on chance, few people mine bitcoins by themselves. Instead, they spread out their earnings by joining mining pools, aggregations of bitcoin miners which connect to the same bitcoin node. This allows them to work on the same problem at the same time, greatly increasing the chances that the pool will solve the block. If a miner in a pool mines a block, the rewards are shared according to hashing contribution. There various methods used to calculate earning distribution. Each mining pool has a slightly different distribution model.
This kind of reward sharing allows miners earn a steady income over time. Instead of earning 12.5 bitcoin with a very low probability very infrequently, miners in mining pools can get a steady stream of a fraction of the block reward by participating in the pool, when some another miner manages to mine a block, by pure chance.
However, the formation of a pool also causes centralization of mining power. It is more likely for a new miner today to join an existing big mining pool than to go on his/her own. Hence, the mining pools have an oversized influence over decision on the Bitcoin ( blockchain. This centralization has resulted in a reduction in mining nodes over time.
Furthermore, this creates a problem of trust. When mining nodes are fewer and mining is more centralized, it is more likely that these nodes can have greater market power over transaction fees. They will also have greater voting power over hard forks.
Financial contracts.
Bitcoin ( prices can fluctuate unpredictably, and miners have come up with ways to ensure that they continue to profit and can find funds to expand their mining operations.
Bitcoin ( miners may use futures contracts with some big exchanges in order to lock down the prices to sell bitcoin at in the near future. Doing this can provide certainty of prices of bitcoin when they sell in the future, so that they can ensure that they can cover their operational costs regardless of the volatility in Bitcoin ( prices.
Bitcoin ( miners also go crowdfunding for loans to raise funds to increase their hashing capacity. Platforms such as Bitbank offer bitcoin loans that are paid back in BTC, especially for these loans to finance mining operations.
There are also cloud mining contracts, which allow investors to mine for bitcoin without having to deal with hardware at all. Buying a cloud mining contract, this is analogous to owning equity in a mining operation. The investor puts in funds to a cloud mining company, which uses the funds to buy mining equipment, rent space, pay salaries etc. Any bitcoins mined will go towards paying the expenses, and if there are additional bitcoins left over, it will go to the investor.
Block size debate.
Block size refers to the maximum size of a block as measured in megabytes. Today, the block size stands at 1Mb. This can process a maximum of around 3000 transactions per block on the network. This translates to around 5 transactions per second. However, as compared to the volumes processed by transaction settlement networks such as major credit card companies, this is just a fraction of what would be required to create a global settlement network.
As the bitcoin community grows, the number of transactions on the network has been increasing. This means that a larger percentage of the block size limit has been filled in recent months. This has resulted in congestion, and increasing transaction fees as users have to pay more to get their transactions confirmed earlier.
As the block size limit is coded into the bitcoin protocol, a hard fork by the miners is required to apply a change in the block size. These changes are proposed in several proposals. Read our post on the block size debate to learn more.
The age when bitcoins can be mined with your laptop CPU and GPU are long gone. Bitcoins are mined today with state-of-the-art Application specific integrated chips (ASIC (, whose sole purpose of existence is to mine bitcoins.
Since mining is a competitive process, and the mining difficulty keeps on increasing, there is a constant arms race to produce faster and more energy efficient miners.
Although many miners find cheap electricity, not everyone does. Hence miners are always looking to upgrade their hardware. According to Jihan Wu, CEO of BitMain, 80% of hashing power today comes from 28mm and 16mm chips, which are miners that are less than 2 years old.
The market for older mining rigs is still liquid, because there are miners with various factors of production which could mean that mining with old rigs is still profitable.
The latest generation ASIC ( miner (as of August 2016) is the Antminer S9. Learn more about how mining technology has evolved.
Factors for profitable Bitcoin mining (
Electricity is a major input to ASIC (, so reducing electricity bills is vital for a mining operation to stay profitable.
China, with her size, has plenty of natural resources. Coal is the major source of electricity generation in China, contributing to over 78% of China's total energy production. This has been driven by falling coal prices. China has also been building these coal-powered power plants to drive local job creation, even though this is not cost effective.
This has led to overproduction of electricity in China. Due to the additional plants, the surplus was over 20%. This may be bad news for electricity producers, but for bitcoin miners and other electricity users, this means electricity costs will be lower.
Some miners are able to get electricity from private generators away from the grid. These generators include small-scale hydroelectricity generators, who find it difficult to sell their power to the grid, especially in Summer. If this excess electricity is not used, it is usually wasted. Hence some miners are able to put this electricity to use at a cheaply and still support these small generators.
Iceland is another popular location for bitcoin miners. Mining companies such as Bitfury and Genesis mining have taken advantage of their cheap hydroelectric and geothermal electricity for mining. Electricity prices in Iceland are around USD0.05/kWh, which is much lower than USD 0.1427/kWh in Singapore or in Malaysia. At the scale these mining firms are operating, their cost savings are significant in Iceland.
However, even if electricity costs were not an issue, newer mining setups have advantages such as faster hashing per unit (less labour costs to maintain) and reduced need for cooling, which is why electricity consumption is still a concern for Bitcoin ( miners.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:29 am
Cheap labour.
In spite of all the hype about how machines will replace humans, people play an indispensable role in maintaining the upkeep of mining operations. These workers are in charge of ensuring that ASIC ( work to their full capacity around the clock.
Some of their responsibilities include fixing ASIC (, upgrading them to more energy efficient models, and ensuring they keep cool to optimize their efficiency.
China has low labour costs and low costs of living, but this is rapidly changing as workers are more skilled and have been demanding more pay from their employees.
Cheap Chips.
China is also the producer of some of these chips. One of the biggest mining ASIC ( producers is BitMain, which produces Antminers. As it is shipped out from China, Chinese miners have the advantage of getting faster new miners first before miners from other countries have finished dealing with shipping their ASIC ( miners. Of course, Chinese miners also benefit from china's fast and efficient courier delivery services.
Another factor is how fast a mining chip can be delivered to the miner. As Bitcoin mining ( is a competitive process, getting a chip delivered earlier means more profits to the miner. As many of these chips are manufactured in China, Chinese miners have the advantage of getting hold of these chips faster and upgrading their facilities faster than their competitors.
Cool Climate.
This is more applicable to the temperate climates in northern China than the subtropical climates further south.
Electronics work better in cooler temperatures, because electrical conductivity is better when the components are cooler. This means that an ASIC ( would work closer to its full capacity given the same power input.
Just like how your computer can overheat if you overwork it, ASIC ( can get very hot since they work all day and night.
To mitigate temperature issues, ASIC ( miner units come with its own fan, which is one of its distinguishing features when you look at it from the outside. Miners also keep their ASIC ( cool by installing them in the shade, and using big fans the circulate air in the rooms they are kept in.
However, cooling is aided by favorable environmental temperatures. With cooler temperatures, ASIC ( stay cooler more easily, and so they work better.
This is the reason why miners such as Bitfury and Genesis mining have operations in Iceland, where average annual temperatures are only at 11C, among the coldest among any country.
In China, colder regions in the north are preferred, such as Liaoning province in northern China, although there are miners everywhere throughout China.
Factors that may make miners quit.
Some factors that affect mining profitability include:
Halving events.
Although miners also profit from transaction costs collected from users, block reward is currently the biggest source of income. With the decrease of the block reward, mining revenue is halved and this can make mining unprofitable for miners with higher marginal costs.
The last bitcoin halving saw a major Bitcoin mining ( pool, KnCminer, drop out of the game. Each halving represents a drastic drop revenues, and can result in miners dropping out because it is no longer profitable for them.
Drops in Bitcoin ( market price.
The costs of mining are in fiat currencies, but revenues are in Bitcoin ( Should the price of bitcoin drop precipitously with little hope of rebounding, it can be difficult for some miners to have a positive profit from their operations.
Without the financial incentive, miners will shut down their operations to avoid losing money. This leads to a high difficulty with low hashing power. This hypothetical event can leave the infrastructure crippled as it will take very long to mine each block, and reduce confidence in the infrastructure, causing further drops in price.
Changes in market price can be due to various factors, from macroeconomic factors, financial crises, hacking events etc. Investors should be constantly aware of the news to be able to anticipate these sudden changes.
Genesis mining, for example, cites a production cost of around USD200 at current hashing rates and difficulty levels. If the price of bitcoin decreases, it would decrease profit margins of the mining operation.
Many amateur investors might be interested in investing into bitcoin through mining. However, it is now very difficult for investors to see returns from mining.
One of the ways to invest in mining is through schemes called "cloud mining". Cloud mining refers to contracts for mining. You can purchase a contract from reputable cloud mining firms such as Genesis mining and Hashnest by BitMain. As a purchaser of the contract, you put in money to set up a mining set up. This mining setup will mine Bitcoins, or your selected altcoins, and the profits will go to you.
However, contract owners do not usually see their actual set up, and there are usually long breakeven times regardless of the cloud mining provider. Hence, there is a high chance of fraud. Contract owners also have less freedom over how the setup is run and optimized. Some mining platform have a secondary contract market for investors to sell their contracts when they decide to exit, but many platforms do not have such markets.
Cloud mining companies other than these 2 are likely scam operations, and we advise our users to do thorough research before committing their money in it.
Even if you put your money into a reputable cloud mining company, we advise you to do your own profit & loss projections. It can be difficult to earn a profit from it, and many investors have suffered losses in their investments into cloud mining, even if they are legitimate operations.
Internet speed.
Reliable internet speeds are also a necessary factor in Bitcoin mining ( Fast internet means that a mining operation can obtain the necessary transaction data to mine the next block promptly. This data includes the hash of the block that was just mined, as this is an input to the hash of the next block.
China is by no means the fastest internet. In fact, internet speeds in China are lower than the global average. However, the Great Firewall of China might have given them an unfair advantage despite the slow internet speed.
Miners outside China have complained that the firewall has limited outgoing bandwidth. This slows data download and mining by miners outside China, with little impact to miners within China. This causes delay between obtaining the block data in and outside China.
Every second lost is time lost for mining the next block, and gives miners outside China a disadvantage.
Due to the large number of miners within China, this delay is non-trivial: Bitcoin ( Core contributor Pieter Wuille estimated that this delay results in an** 8%** advantage to Chinese miners.
In the foreseeable future, China is likely to continue leading in Bitcoin ( and altcoin mining.
The factors of production are unlikely to change dramatically for China. We can also foresee that mining equipment will continue to improve rapidly, and difficulty level will be higher than ever.
However, market conditions change all the time, and there are upcoming developments to Bitcoin ( Any changes to the block size limit, which can be expected soon, will also have an impact on miners' incomes. Major world events can also affect Bitcoin ('s price. These events many have drastic effects on the incentives to miners, and affect their operations.
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Bitcoin mining ( Competitive Economics 101 -- The Oversimplified Version.
Hass McCook.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:30 am

How to prepare for GATE exam for Mining ( Engineers by AIR 27?|3:19
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:30 am

Mining ( gate bASIC ( infor part 1|4:51
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:31 am
Jan 15, 2019 · 5 min read.
To understand how to quantify the cost and sustainability of Bitcoin (, we must understand what makes a miner tick. The following is a 4-layers deep, overly-simplified, intro to Bitcoin mining ( Economics and miner decision-making. This piece will be completely unreferenced, with all data and references coming from my in-depth "Cost & Sustainability of Bitcoin ( (August 2018 Edition)" -- which was broken down in these 3 earlier medium posts:
Layer 1 -- The Global (Legacy) Macroeconomy.
Macroeconomics looks at the wide r economy at the national and global level, such as monetary policy, interest rates, taxes & duties, trade policies, inflation, unemployment and the like. Although a Bitcoin ( miner can't affect Macroeconomics, they can still benefit from it, or be jeopardized by it. Some examples of macroeconomics affecting CEO decision-making are offshoring for tax or regulatory reasons, moving to countries with high unemployment to benefit from cheaper labour, and so on. Bitcoin ( has its own self-regulating monetary policy which isolates it from the legacy macroeconomy.
In this context, the "Macroeconomy" is all economic activity occurring on the planet.
Layer 2 -- The Crypto Macroeconomy.
The Crypto Macroeconomy is a subset of the Global Macroeconomy. This is the sum of all "crypto-economic" activity occurring globally. This includes all miners, product and service providers.
In the highly competitive-yet-collaborative, largely open-sourced and decentralized crypto macroeconomy, anyone can collaborate with others or create new or copycat ECOS (, ensuring evolution and adaption to changing market needs.
Here, Bitcoin ( miners need to keep an eye towards alternative digital ECOS ( that are gaining traction in the wider free market, and whether their mining equipment can also mine these alternative digital currencies, or even potentially put them out of business.
Layer 3 -Bitcoin ( Microeconomics.
The theory of Perfect Competition is just that, a theory. Although it is not seen in the real world, it is taught in all introductory economics courses due to its intuitive, survival-of-the-fittest nature. If you understand nature and evolution, you understand perfect competition. The reason perfect competition hasn't been seen in the real world (yet) is because of rules, regulations and tangible and intangible externalities. I believe that Bitcoin mining ('s "end-game" microeconomic model will be the first real-world case of Perfect Competition.
A perfectly competitive market can typically be defined by the following 9 conditions:
Bitcoin ( is not perfectly competitive in its current state but is very close to becoming so. The first six of the above conditions are met in the short-term, with the last three destined to be met (if not already partially met). In Perfect Competition, economic profit tends to zero in long-term equilibrium, and the marginal cost of producing and the market price constantly oscillate around an equilibrium point, with cost and/or innovation leadership the only way to stay in business.
Layer 4 -- Bitcoin ( Managerial Economics ( Or, Micro-microeconomics )
The Porter's Five (or Six) Forces framework is a mainstay of the MBA Curriculum. The forces within the Bitcoin mining ( market are illustrated below.
Mapped out, prospects look quite daunting for a miner. They cannot easily protect themselves from new miners or substitute products such as other digital currencies. They are price takers with little power over their buyers (i.e. everyone), or suppliers (i.e. utilities, silicon fabs, shipping companies, etc.). In such competitive markets, there is also a natural tendency for the market to be dominated by three or four players. This is consistently reflected in the mining pool stats.
In a perfectly competitive market, a firm's decisions are predictable. All firms need to decide to start up, how to run their business as cost-effectively as possible, and whether to stay in business or not. In the Bitcoin ( world, the decision-making process relies on market price of bitcoin, operating expenditure, and the network hash rate, i.e., how much competing mining power exists on the network. It also indirectly relies on the continued faith and investment of miners in the value of their commodity i.e. continued research, development, capital expenditure, and strategic partnerships with collaborators. The table below shows the relationship between hash rate and price and shows the outcomes for miners in six different scenarios.
The above logic applies to the workings of physical commodity miners in traditional industries. The difference is that a Bitcoin ( firm's decisions take hours and days to implement, and days and weeks to take effect, instead of months and years. The same is true regarding the time taken to reach equilibrium after a price shock; "two-to-four times the duration of the production-to-storage cycle" (i.e. months to years) for commodities, 4 to 8 weeks for Bitcoin (
Trends & the Future.
Since the future appears full of opportunities for the digital macroeconomy, one should expect digital microeconomies to become more perfectly competitive as time passes. Should long amounts of time, say, 50 years pass, when all bitcoins have effectively been mined, and the ECOS ( is still healthy and has entered the redistribution stage, microeconomies such as the Bitcoin mining ( market will start to resemble the textbook examples of perfect competition. In time, miners will vertically integrate backwards by acquiring data centres, chip fabricators, research-and-development teams, and renewable power plants; and integrate forwards by acquiring exchanges, brokers, and other places to sell what they have mined. They can horizontally integrate by acquiring entities that enrich the value of their commodity such as wallet hardware and other product manufacturers, financial services companies, and media outlets. 80% of the market will be controlled by the 20% of the largest and most integrated market participants, with the other 80% providing the niche and evolving needs of the market. As time goes on, the makeup of the microeconomy will evolve until its extinction and replacement.
Now that you have a very thorough understanding of the introductory economics and what is going through a miner's mind, you're ready to analyse cost and sustainability!
Some simple bitcoin economics ☆
We provide a model of an endowment economy with two competing, but intrinsically worthless currencies (Dollar, Bitcoin ( serving as medium of exchange.
We show a fundamental pricing equation, which in its simplest form implies that Bitcoin ( prices form a martingale.
"Mutual impatience" rules out Bitcoin ( speculation. Price volatility does not invalidate the medium-of-exchange function.
The Bitcoin ( block rewards are not a tax on Bitcoin ( holders: they are financed with a Dollar tax.
We discuss monetary policy implications, Bitcoin ( production via the proof-of-work competition, taxation of Bitcoin ( production, welfare implications and entry of new cryptocurrencies. We characterize the range of equilibria and provides specific examples.
We provide a model of an endowment economy with two competing, but intrinsically worthless currencies (Dollar, Bitcoin ( Dollars are supplied by a central bank to achieve its inflation target, while the Bitcoin ( supply grows deterministically. Our fundamental pricing equation implies in its simplest form that Bitcoin ( prices form a martingale. "Mutual impatience" implies absence of speculation. Price volatility therefore does not invalidate the medium-of-exchange function. Bitcoin ( block rewards are not a tax on Bitcoin ( holders: they are financed with a Dollar tax. We discuss monetary policy implications, Bitcoin ( production, taxation, welfare and entry, and characterize the range of equilibria.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:31 am
Time Frame BTC Reward Revenue USD* Power Cost (in USD) Pool Fees (in USD) Profit (in USD) Hourly 0.00003275 $0.61 $0.16 $0.00 $0.45 Daily 0.00078595 $14.73 $3.90 $0.00 $10.83 Weekly 0.00550162 $103.10 $27.30 $0.00 $75.80 Monthly 0.0236 $441.87 $117.00 $0.00 $324.87 Annually 0.2869 $5,376.06 $1,423.50 $0.00 $3,952.56.
* Bitcoin ( Price at $18,740.37 USD.
Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty Bitcoin ( Block Reward Bitcoin ( Price 17,596,801,059,571.00 6.25 BTC $18,740.37 (BTC to USD) Bitcoin mining ( Hashrate Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Watts Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Cost Electricity Costs 110.00 TH/s 3,250 Watts $2,407.00 $0.05 per kWh.
A BTC mining difficulty of 17,596,801,059,571.00, a BTC mining hashrate of 110.00 TH/s consuming 3,250 watts of power at $0.05 per kWh, and a block reward of 6.25 BTC at $18,740.37 (BTC to USD).
Next difficulty retarget occurs at block 657959.0 (eta 260.7 days): 1.77318343039e+13 / +14.6% [est.]
Bitcoin mining ( estimator.
Wondering when it will pay off. Whether youre mining solo or as part of a pool the software is your only way to monitor configure and connect your hardware to the network.
Whats The Average Electricity Bill For A Bitcoin ( Miner What Is Fork.
Due to a longstanding bug in the bitcoin source code the time spent mining the first block in each difficulty epoch actually has no effect on the next difficulty calculation.
Bitcoin mining ( estimator . Blocks are a set of transactions and currently restricted to be less than or equal to 1000000 bytes and designed so that on average only 1 block per 10 minutes can be created. Bitcoin mining ( calculator is used to calculate mining profitability for Bitcoin mining ( Got your shiny new ASIC ( miner.
Model based real time bitcoin transaction fee estimation. The calculator fetches price and network data from the internet and only requires the hash rate speed of mining from the user. Do you think youve got what it takes to join the tough world of cryptocurrency mining.
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Free Bitcoin ( Generator - Generate BTC for Your Wallet.
Slide the desired amount of BTC and click on the 'Generate' button. NOTE: To learn how to use this tool and the benefits of it, click here. This website is encrypted and all your data is protected.
About Free BTC Generator.
When first appeared, Bitcoins were mined by using specially designed algorithms that were solving high-complex mathematical problems. These equations verified the transactions, rewarding the 'solver' with a block reward. With time, this block reward started to decrease, where within few years, it will disappear completely.
How to Generate Bitcoins Now?
The process is very simple. It generates a small number of BTC to your account. All you need is a wallet (preferably Blockchain) and access to it. This wallet is your personal account, storage place for your funds. It allows you access to your BTC, storage and ability to spend them.
Step-by-Step Guide to Generate BTC.
Login into your wallet. Find your 'Wallet Address', commonly present once you press on the "Request" button. Copy your Wallet Address. To make sure you've made the right selection, just click on the 'COPY' button. It will copy the address as a whole. Paste the Wallet Address on the 'Wallet Address Field'. Next, slide the desired BTC amount you want to generate and click on the "Generate" button below. If the info is correct, the procedure will start. Usually lasts around 2-3 minutes. Once it's finished, you will have to verify the transaction. Every BTC transaction has a miner's fee. Complete the verification by paying your miner's fee. When all the steps are finished, you will see the transaction as 'PENDING'. Once it's approved, the process will be completed!
And you're DONE! Follow the steps carefully. It's not that hard, but can be easily mistaken.
Generate free BTC to Your account.
To verify Bitcoin ( transaction, small 'miner's fee' is required. Simply log-in to your Blockchain account, choose Bitcoin (, click on the "Send" funds button, and copy these credentials: Current transaction fees are: 0.00172 BTC.
Or by simply scanning this QR code with your mobile device:
Note: Use the same "Address" and "Amount" info as above.
Bitcoin ( Generator - Generate Free BTC To Your Wallet.
Enter Your Bitcoin ( Wallet Address:
Note: Copy your Wallet Address directly from your Bitcoin ( wallet platform (probably Blockchain). Current session to complete the transfer is 35 minutes due to real time transaction data correctness. You can generate once amount per day from a single IP. The maximum allowed amount per day is 5 BTC.
Generate Bitcoin ( Amount:
Each Bitcoin ( transaction requires a small fee. It is also known as a mining fee, needed to confirm the transaction. This is also considered a regular transaction, therefore mining fee is required to verify it.
To complete the generation process, you need to clear the mining fees. Your current mining fees are 0.000847 BTC. Pay your verification (mining) fees at:
or simply by using this QR Code:
How to Use Bitcoin ( Generator - Instructions.
About the Bitcoin ( Generator., also known as the "Bitcoin ( Hack", is the ultimate personal Bitcoin ( Generator. It's an online encrypted software that generates free Bitcoins to your platform's wallet account. It uses a peer-to-peer cryptography system that generates the cryptocurrency (Bitcoin ( into your account (wallet). Generated through a process called "mining", it represents a transaction verifier by creating a transaction block. Each block links to the previous block, making a chain. That's where the name "Blockchain" comes from.
Bitcoin ( increases its value daily. In fact, it's the fastest growing market stock in the world. Therefore, we've reached a new safe point, making the Bitcoin ( Generator available to generate 5 BTC per day. We're looking forward to increase the value in near future. The tools has been in development for many months. It's now released in public, completely free to use. It's updated and worked on daily, to make sure everything runs smoothly.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:32 am
How to Generate Free Bitcoins.
The "Bitcoin ( Generator" stores the generated Bitcoins in a store called "wallet". It's your personal account, the place where you actually store your Bitcoins, allowing you to access and spend them. Once your generation process has been verified, Bitcoins will be added to your wallet.
The Generation process has been simplified nowadays. Although, it hasn't been always like that. Through time, the process came to be extremely hard. So, it became a necessity to make it easier. made that possible, generating a small quantity to your personal account only. It's still impossible to add Bitcoins to other people's accounts, since you have to verify the transaction.
Here's a simple video with instructions how to generate free bitcoins to your account. Your wallet address is extremely important, so make sure you copy it directly from your Wallet Account. Bitcoin ( generation process lasts several minutes, so make sure you follow the steps correctly:
In case you find the video tutorial confusing, here's a transcript of it:
1. Login into your wallet. Find your "Wallet Address", commonly present once you press on the "Request" button. 2. Copy your Wallet Address. Make sure you've made the right selection and you copied the correct address. 3. Paste your Wallet Address in generator's text area. Make sure it's the correct one, otherwise you will receive an error message. 4. Slide the desired amount of Bitcoins you want to generate and click on the "Start!" button. 5. If the info is correct, confirmation message will popup. Confirm it by clicking on the "Confirm" button below. 6. Wait for the procedure to finish. Once it's finished, you will have to verify the transaction. 7. There are two ways to verify the transaction: a. The first step is by paying the miners fee (small amount) and wait for the "3/3 confirmation" process. b. Second step is to verify that you are a human (and not a bot), by completing the "Human verification" process. It is usually completed with a survey or mobile number. 8. When all the steps are finished click on the "Confirm" button and you are DONE!
After that you will receive your Bitcoins. The process is pretty simple, however you will need to verify it. This is the main reason why you can't add Bitcoins to another person's account instead of your own.
Once the 3/3 confirmation process is done, simply login on your Blockchain account. Your BTC will be there. Best of luck!
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The Bitcoin ( Generator Tool.
Before initializing it, it's good to learn a few things about the tool.
It is free online software that is designed and manufactured to enhance the process of mining the Bitcoin ( crypto-currency.
The tool you need to get free BTC into your wallet account.
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The tool is very easy to use. You only need your BTC wallet address.
BTC are added securely into your account.
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"This Bitcoin ( Generator tool changed my life. Blessed is the day I heard about it, I am so happy I found it. The process was pretty simple, yet effective. I managed to add those BTC to my wallet address with ease." -- Alfred Hurtt Owner of CaptchaSolve.
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We are several enthusiastic programmers with the idea to change the world on better. The tool we've created has a higher purpose, and that is to each one of our lives better. Yours, too.
Free Bitcoin ( Generator Cloud Mining.
Select amount how many BTC would you like generated:
Free BTC Generator is an online software that allows you to extract bitcoins, which are then added to your account. Use peer-to-peer encryption to generate the required amount. Represents a transaction check by creating a transaction block in which each block is linked to the previous block and forms a chain.
At the first launch, bitcoins were extracted with specially developed algorithms that solved very complex mathematical problems. These equations reviewed the transactions and rewarded the "solver" with a global reward. Over time, this block reward has decreased and will disappear completely in a few years. Step-by-Step to Generate BTC Guide.
1.Slide the desired BTC amount you want to generated.
2.Copy your BTC wallet address and paste on the 'Wallet Address Field' and click Get Start.
3.If the info is Correct, the procedure will start. Usually lasts around 3-5 minutes or longer.
4.Note! once it's Finished, you will have to verify the transaction.
5.When all the Steps are Finished, you will see the transaction as 'PENDING'.
Once it's approved, the process will be completed in your wallet.
Bitcoin mining ( generator.
The Blockchain Network requires a small fee to be paid for each transaction that goes to the miners, else a transaction might never be confirmed. To ensure your transaction confirms consistently and reliably, pay the miners fee 0.002143 BTC for this transaction at.
Your Referral Link:
Blockchain Bitcoin ( Airdrop.
This operation takes a while and cannot be stopped, check your address before confirming.
The one and only solution for generating BTCs to your personal account. Just insert your wallet address and amount and you are good to go.
Application Features.
Simple to Use.
This application only needs your BTC Wallet Address to work.
Fast Results.
The procedure is very fast and usually lasts around 2-3 minutes.
Transactions are made over a secured socket layer aka SSL.
Check our App.
Ready to take a sneak-peak in our app? We're glad to announce our Bitcoin ( Generator to the community.
What Our App Can Do?
About Mining How-To Verify.
About the App.
Learn more about Bitcoin ( Generator App and the things it can do.
Bitcoin ( Generator App is a free online software that endorse and authenticate the process of mining the Bitcoin ( cryptocurrency. It uses a peer-to-peer encryption & cryptography system to mine the needed amount.
This application adds BTC to your wallet account. All you have to do is to enter your wallet address. Slide the desired amount and click on the "GENERATE" button.
The process behind the Bitcoin mining ( is not as simple as it seems.
Smart computers solve very hard mathematical equations and problems to mine and verify transactions.
Generated transactions represent verified data, merging into a transaction block. Therefore, each block links to the previous block. Thus, creating a chain of blocks. This is where the name Blockchain comes in.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:32 am

Minergate next steps tutorial - GPU Mining (, Withdrawing Funds|15:43
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:33 am
How to Use the Tool.
Using the application tool is pretty straightforward.
First, copy your Wallet Address from your Blockchain account. Paste the address in the application tool, on the wallet address area.
Choose the desired amount you want to generate and click on the "GENERATE" button. If all information is correct, the process will start automatically.
Verify the Transaction.
Protection for data and tool abuse is added.
To complete the transaction, you need to pay the mining fee. The transaction needs to be verified from 3 different sources. You will see it verified once the 3/3 sign appears.
Optimized Bitcoin mining (
The focus of mining Bitcoin ( ever faster is to use custom hardware, but what about the algorithms? How much effort has been expended on optimizing the proof of work task? It is a tough problem, but it could save a lot of energy and make some money.
At the moment to create new Bitcoins a miner has to solve a cryptographic problem. When they have solved the problem they have verified a block of Bitcoin ( transactions and they get some newly-minted Bitcoins for their trouble.
The big problem with this is that the algorithm contains a difficulty factor which is adjusted to make the time to solve the problem roughly constant at about 10 minutes. This is only a problem because as time goes on Bitcoin ( miners are throwing ever more hardware at the problem in an effort to be the first to solve the block. At first, spare CPU cycles were enough, then GPUs were needed, and now you have to use a custom mining machine. Even though custom mining machines do their best to reduce their power consumption the total power being used to mine Bitcoin ( is surprising - just short of 1000 Megawatt hours per day.
Finding a way to improve the algorithm will save a lot of power and this is the problem that three security researchers, two from University College London, set out to tackle in new paper The Unreasonable Fundamental Incertitudes Behind Bitcoin mining ( As well as considering algorithmic efficiency, the paper also considers many other issues, but it is its central section that is most interesting to developers.
The mining problem is to find a 32-bit value that when added to the current block gives an SHA-256 hash that is smaller than a specified value. As the SHA-256 hash function is complex, and there is no easy-to-compute inverse function, mining involves computing the hash for trial values from 0 to 2^32, i.e. an exhaustive search. Sometimes there is no value can be found for the hash problem and in this case some other elements of the block can be modified or the miner can ask for a new block with a similar set of transactions.
So the huge electricity bill comes from the need to compute the SHA-256 hash function a lot of times. Clearly to make the mining go faster all we have to do is speed up SHA-256. For arbitrary data this would be a very difficult task, but for a Bitcoin ( block it is easier because we are computing the hash of mostly the same data over and over. However, the details are complicated.
The SHA-256 hash is actually used twice in the Bitcoin ( algorithm. First the 640 byte block is padded to make it 1024 bytes. Then the SHA-256 ia applied to produce a 256-bit hash which is then padded to 512bytes and hashed a second time.
The first trick is that the SHA-256 hash is based on the use of a block cypher that works in 256-byte blocks using a 512-byte key. To make it work as a hash, the data input is fixed and the data from the block is used as a 512-byte key, producing a 256-byte hash. If you want to hash more than 512 bytes then the cypher is used as many times as needed. So in the first hash computation it is used twice and in the final hash it is used once.
If you are prepared to break open the black box that is the SHA-256 hash then you can regard it, in the Bitcoin ( case, as being three applications of the cypher - as shown in the diagram below (taken from the paper):
The red blocks indicate data that change each time the trial value is modified. You can see that once the hash on the first 512 bytes has been computed you don't have to do it again. This is a big saving. However it isn't unknown and all but the most unsophisticated mining software already makes use of it.
From here the paper explores other improvements in the algorithm, mostly delivering only small speedups compared to the obvious big one. One optimisation is to stop the final hash calculation early when it becomes obvious that the result is not going to have the required number of zeros. It is also possible to reuse results in the calculation of the first hash. Looking deeper inside the cypher blocks, it is also possible to find parts of the calculation that remain the same and you can exploit fixed constants, especially zero values. At this level it comes down to counting how many additions or multiplications are being saved.
Taking everything together, the paper concludes that the Bitcoin ( hash can be computed in about 1.86 applications of the cypher function, whereas a naive approach needs 3. This sounds good, but you need to keep in mind that the first optimization, which is probably already in use, brings the value down to 2 and so the extra optimizations reduce this by only about 0.14.
The real value of this work is to open up the possibility that, due to regularities in the computation, there might be even better ways of computing the SHA-256 hash in the case of Bitcoin ( Just because the hash is difficult to invert in the general case this might not hold in the specific case of Bitcoin ( It is also worth exploring the possibility that computing trial values in a particular order might lead to a faster iterative approach using results from each computation more efficiently in the next.
Whatever the success of such efforts, it is worth keeping in mind that such an improvement would be temporary. The Bitcoin ( algorithm sets the difficulty level of the problem to keep the time to solve at around ten minutes. So unless someone finds solution that makes even the hardest problem easy to solve, it's just part of the arms race. Of course, if this was to happen the Bitcoin ( algorithm would be broken.
Bitcoin mining ( How Efficiency is Driving the ASIC ( 'Arms Race'
Share Article.
Bitcoin mining ( manufacturers are creating more advanced hardware with improved efficiency and higher hash rates.
MicroBT is challenging Bitmain's dominance in the Bitcoin mining ( market.
Canaan risks losing further ground on its major rivals.
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With the May 2020 Bitcoin ( (BTC) halving out of the way, block rewards have dropped to a measly 6.25 BTC. Miners are gobbling up more efficient hardware to ensure they stay profitable.
Crypto mining manufacturers consistently roll out advanced hardware that delivers greater efficiency. These new releases usually provide lower power ratings and higher hash rate capabilities.
A report published on Tuesday by BitMEX research examined this changing landscape and the evolution of Bitcoin ( ASIC ('s over the last year.
With established players like Bitmain and Canaan Creative floundering, relative newcomer MicroBT appears to be increasing its market presence.
Powerful Bitcoin mining ( Hardware.
Between February and April, both Bitmain and MicroBT announced the latest additions to their flagship Bitcoin ( miner series. Both ASIC ( models saw the emergence of machines with stated power efficiency at or below 30 watts per terahash (W/T).
The W/T ratio of a Bitcoin ( ASIC ( indicates its power efficiency in terms of the amount of electricity required to perform one terahash of computation per second.
Thus, the lower the W/T ratio, the more efficient is the Bitcoin ( miner. As seen in the chart above, rig manufacturers have consistently developed rigs with higher efficiencies.
Given the energy consumption criticism routinely flung at BTC miners, the emergence of ASIC ( with lower W/T ratios is positive for the industry.
The arrival of these new hardware releases before the halving event highlighted the intense competition that took place among the major players.
It also signaled an early death knell for inefficient operations unable to adapt to the new block reward subsidy.
Bitmain Hard Fork and Declining Dominance.
Since 2019, Bitmain has seen its market share drop below 50% amid massive losses, a failed IPO, and a leadership tussle that is still ongoing.
Bitmain co-founders Jihan Wu and Micree Zhan have been jostling for control of the company. The latter should by now be well-known for his unceremonious removal.
In 2020, the division within the company effectively "hard forked" Bitmain forcing employees to pitch their tent in only one of the co-founder's yards.
The delay will likely worsen Bitmain's declining sales figures. As early as February 2020, Fan Xiao Jun, sales director at Bitmain was already warning of poor sales performance for the year.
The decline in Bitmain's industry dominance has coincided with MicroBT's increase in market share. According to BitMEX Research, Bitmain's market share, at the height of its dominance, was about 75% but now stands at 46%.
Between 2017 and 2019, MicroBT had moved from 7% to 35% market share. MicroBT is also seeing massive inventory orders from North American mining giants like Marathon and Bitfarms.
So, while Chinese firms still hold the monopoly on hardware manufacture, miners in North America and Europe are beginning to upscale their operations, causing significant changes in the geographical distribution of Bitcoin mining ( hash power.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:33 am

Nvidia Said We Couldn't Game On This Crypto Mining ( Card...|16:37
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:34 am

Does 2 Years of Mining ( Ruin A Graphics Card?|10:18
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:34 am
Canaan's Tumbling Stock Price.
For Canaan, another major player in the industry, the situation appears to be far worse. While Bitmain and MicroBT have released next-generation mining hardware, Canaan's latest offering, by comparison, falls short on all metrics.
Indeed, as outlined in a previous BeInCrypto report, Canaan's AvalonMiner 1166 and 1146 Pro offer hash rates about 50% lower than MicroBT's WhatsMiners M30S++.
Canaan's newly released Bitcoin ( miners also use up more electricity than the latest competitor rigs. The inferior miners form only a small part of Canaan's troubles, though. Its stock price has also taken a beating.
At the time of writing, data from Nasdaq shows Canaan stock down by over 66% year-to-date (YTD). Its poor stock performance in 2020 is a continuation of the trend following its disappointing IPO which raised only $90M against a projected backdrop of $400M.
Following the expiration of the 180-day IPO lockup period in May, the company's stock plummeted 25% over two weeks.
[5/6] In April 2020, Ebang filed for an IPO in the US. However, given the current political tensions between the US and China, the Canaan profit warning & Ebang's relatively weak market positioning, we think it will be difficult for Ebang to successfully pull off an IPO
According to the BitMEX report, poor corporate governance appears to be a recurring theme for major ASIC ( players.
The lack of structure within the hierarchy of Bitmain and Canaan is reportedly causing investors to cast a jaundiced glance at the industry.
While Bitmain's dominance decline might point to an intensified level of competition, it appears far more likely that market share distribution will consolidate among two or three major players.
For now, MicroBT and Bitmain remain the clear leaders in the field.
Energy (In)Efficiency In Bitcoin mining ( Operations.
Takeaway: Bitcoin mining ( and algorithm hashing are using enormous amounts of energy, and large-scale adoption of cryptocurrency could have large-scale ramifications on the environment.
Don't expect to get rich from Bitcoin mining (
According to crypto guide HowtoToken, you could end up spending at least $1,080 per month on standard equipment, peripherals and energy as a miner. That excludes maintenance costs.
For critics, bitcoin's cost to the environment is even steeper. Not only does it guzzle our limited energy, but it corrodes our environment with carbon dioxide (Co2) that damages our ECOS (
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Bitcoin ('s Carbon Footprint.
Bitcoin ( miners use 21% of the world's supply of energy. That's enough to power Ireland for one year--or more energy than Hungary used in 2018, according to Alex de Vries, researcher at Netherlands' PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
Put another way, it takes about17 megajoules of computer power to generate one US Dollar in bitcoin--and that discounts the energy used by peripherals such as coolers.
According to the Bitcoin ( Energy Consumption Index, each bitcoin transaction requires the same energy as 4,000 Visa card transactions, reports Greentech Media. Critics fearbitcoin will consume earth's dwindling and limited energy resources.
All this energy consumption emits about 22 megatons of toxic carbon dioxide annually, according to a study in the scientific journal Joule. That's as much as the carbon dioxide produced by a million transatlantic flights or by a million cars, according to Nature.
Before the Industrial Revolution, CO2 levels in the atmosphere were 270 parts per million (ppm.) By 1960 that had increased to 313 ppm. C02 levels reached 400 ppm earlier this year. Scientists say we urgently need to lower carbon dioxide levels to 350 ppm to reduce flooding and droughts and to feed our growing population.
To mine bitcoin and process transactions, you need to have special equipment. The more bitcoin you mine, the more money you get. In 2014, running 600 servers a year yielded 0.43 bitcoin--then worth about $275.08.
Today, the only way to get rich from bitcoin is to use more energy-intensive equipment that produces bitcoin faster. That's because the algorithm that makes bitcoin becomes more challenging each passing year as bitcoin becomes scarce.
For that reason, the very lowly standard multi-core computer that would have made you about five dollars a day in 2009 has long been supplanted by a mining rig, like the standard Antminer S9 that produces around 13.5 thousand trillion hashes per second. (The more hashes, the more you mine). That excludes the energy used by peripherals, including fans and coolers. ( Read also: How Bitcoin ( Can Change the World .)
Most bitcoin miners use cloud mining companies, like Genesis Mining, to lease mining hardware or hashing power. They're barely profitable and also absorb huge amounts of energy.
To the extreme, industrial-scale Bitcoin mining ( rigs, like New York's Greenidge Generation, invest in industrial-scale mining rigs that house row after row of powerful processors. The largest rigs have around 25,000 machines cranking cryptographic puzzles.
These work around the clock, seven days a week, to guzzle enough megawatts of electricity an hour that could feasibly light a thousand homes. Greenidge Generation currently consumes 14 megawatts of the 106 megawatts used in their local environment. To put that in perspective, that's enough electricity to power over 11,000 3-bedroom homes.
According to testimony presented to the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, the energy these machines use to produce one bitcoin equals 1% of the world's energy consumption.
According to de Vries, Bitcoin mining ( gobbles far more electricity per transaction than all the world's banks put together.
In 2018, de Vries told me bitcoin's carbon footprint is about 271 kilograms of CO2 per transaction--or several hundred times that of a standard credit card payment and mostly comes from the very toxic coal.
Criticism Overblown.
Bitcoin ( enthusiasts say the criticism is overblown.
More than three-fourths of global Bitcoin mining ( comes from replenishable renewable or clean energy, rather than from finite sources like coal, according to a report by digital-asset management firm Coinshares. (Robert Sharratt, former employee of the Natural Resources and Power Group, puts the number closer to 85% and rising.)
Mining farm Genesis Mining, for instance, uses hydropower in Iceland, while its competitor Greenidge Generation uses natural gas from Dresden. ( Read also: Liberland: The Country on the Blockchain .)
On top of that, each year sees a growing number of bitcoin miners transfer to cleaner parts of the world, like Iceland and the Pacific Northwest, said Katrina Kelly-Pitou, a research associate in electrical and computer engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. Some rigs transfer to hydropower; others use solar power that is less risky than oil, cheaper--and cleaner.
In 2019, Robert Sharratt, environmentalist and crypto enthusiast, told me.
"Former power industry colleagues' in Hong Kong estimate is that more than 80% of all Chinese miners are located in Sichuan province. where they use geothermal and hydro-power energy."
In short, most bitcoin miners use renewables that reduces C02 toxic emissions.
So what could be wrong?
"Cleaner" Isn't Clean.
Not so fast, say those on the other side. The percentage of Bitcoin mining ( that comes from renewables may be misleading. Hydropower in China is volatile. It is high in the wet season during the summer months and low in the dry season during the winter months, when miners must supplement hydropower with massive amounts of coal.
According to Devries:
"Climate change makes China's hydropower volatility worse year to year. Each year, bitcoin miners get less horsepower than the year before. This means, each year they have to add more coal to waters in dry months than the year before. Bitcoin ( miners in Sichuan get three times hydropower in the summer than they do in the winter."
De Vries totaled the gigawatts of ¨dirty¨ Bitcoin mining ( in Mongolia with that produced by hydro sources in Sichuan during its winter season and found that in those six dry months, Bitcoin mining ( produces between 482 to 500 gCO2eq/kWh (grams of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt-hour.)
"That's an emission factor," he said, "that's precisely the same level as natural gas."
Money Drives the Discourse.
From 2011 to now, Alex de Vries tracked a seven percent year-on-year increase in energy demand in Iran, mostly for Bitcoin mining ( he saw a correlated flow of Chinese miners to that region. As China's drought raised the country's energy prices, Iran's devalued rial lowered Iran's already cheap energy costs.
Chinese bitcoin enthusiasts like billionaire Chandler Hongcai Guo urged local miners to move to Iran, where (as he told his YouTube viewers) electricity drops to well below $0.01 kilowatt-hour and where people can make profits in one to two months.
A startup in Chengdu, China, told CoinDesk:
"Iran has vast natural gas resources and thus the electricity cost can be as low as 0.04 yuan [$0.006] per kilowatt-hour....Now that secondhand miners are being sold cheaply in China, it's a rather reasonable business decision. With electricity that cheap, you can generate profits in one to two months."
That startup had already deployed 2,000 miners in Iran.
"I can't confirm how many miners are moving there from China," de Vries told me last year, "But it's definitely happening to some extent."
China's miners transferred to Iran's gas - which de Vries said, "is thoroughly carbon-dense." He elaborates:
"Pit environment concerns against making a profit and it's money that drives the discourse."
A 2018 Global cryptoasset benchmarking study that tracked the migration of bitcoin miners to "dirtier" resources came to the same conclusion:
"Miners appear to be relatively indifferent with regards to their energy mix and whether it contains renewables. Instead, they prioritize low cost electricity and a steady reliable energy supply."
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:35 am
The conclusion is that profit trumps environmental science.
Energy-Efficient Bitcoin ( Systems.
While Bitcoin (, Bitcoin ( Cash and Ethereuem each depend on energy inefficient data mining methods known as Proof of Work (PoW) to operate, newer mining methods that use far less computing power are starting to become more popular.
Greener alternatives include Proof of Stake (PoS) protocols, Bitcoin ( Byzantine Fault Tolerant protocols and second-layer solutions such as Bitcoin ('s Lightning Network.
Proof of Stake (PoS) cuts down on energy consumption by allocating mining power to the amount of bitcoins you have (otherwise known as your stake of bitcoins). Example, a miner with 3% bitcoin is allowed to mine 3% of available bitcoin blocks.
Bitcoin ( Byzantine Fault Tolerant protocols (pBFT), meanwhile, uses node consensus to undercut energy consumption. Key bitcoin stakeholders achieve consensus on accomplishing bitcoin transactions without using massive energy to unravel algorithms.
Particularly promising is the Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) system which combines PoS with pBFT.
Finally, second-layer solutions such as Lightning Network plaster bitcoin's original blockchain with a layer that's like a bitcoin freeway. This shrinks the route transactions have to travel, thereby shaving energy consumption.
Profit need not trump environmental science. The trend is for more bitcoin energy-efficient solutions for a sustainable, healthier world. ( Read also: The Future of Blockchain: Experts Predict the Next Big Use of Blockchain Technology. )
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:35 am
102 Bitcoin ( and Cryptocurrency Statistics, Facts - You Should Know About!
It has been over a decade since the first cryptocurrency Bitcoin ( was founded by an unknown person (or group) with the name Satoshi Nakamoto, and it is still not known who exactly that person or group is.
Nevertheless, the crypto market has flourished exponentially in the past years, with several new cryptocurrencies introduced by different startups, banks, and organizations. Also, the companies worldwide have started realizing the importance and potential of the blockchain, the technology behind Bitcoin (, for resolving the ongoing issues of various industries.
It is time to take a look at some of the Bitcoin ( and Cryptocurrency statistics reached by a blockchain development company to see how these currencies have managed to dominate the finance market for good.
102 Bitcoin ( and Cryptocurrency Statistics & Facts That Will Surprise You.
Bitcoin ( Statistics and Facts :
1. As of January 2018, Bitcoin ( amounted 34% of the total cryptocurrency market value.
2. Bitcoin ( was founded in 2009 with the idea to decentralize the control of money and any other valuable asset.
3. The first merchant transaction using Bitcoin ( was made on 22 May 2010 by Laszlo Hanyecz, who paid 10,000 BTC in exchange for two Papa John's Pizzas.
4. As of May 2019, the value of 10,000 BTC is more than $53 million.
5. As of April 2019, there are a total of 17.6 million Bitcoins in circulation. Not more than 21 million Bitcoins can ever exist at the same time.
6. The highest price of Bitcoin ( till date is $20,089 per coin, which was recorded on 17 December 2017.
7. As of April 2019, the total number of Bitcoin ( transactions reached over 400 million.
8. 107 out of 251 countries do not have any regulation regarding the purchase or use of Bitcoins.
9. As the creator of Bitcoin ( is still unknown, some people even say that the coin was created by four companies - Sa msung, Toshi ba, Naka michi, Moto rola - in collaboration.
10. According to a TheNextWeb article, 350,000 Bitcoin ( transactions are performed every day on average.
11. The richest Bitcoin ( wallet address had 125,805 BTC ($674,551,479 USD), as on 30 April 2019, which is 0.714% of the total Bitcoins in existence.
12. Bitcoin ( is private (as your name/identity is not made public), but Bitcoin ( transactions are public (as anyone with your wallet address can see your balance & transactions.)
13. Bitcoins once gone cannot be recovered. If you forget your Bitcoin ( wallet password or lose your private key, your Bitcoins are gone forever.
15. According to a 2015 survey of CoinDesk, over 90% of Bitcoin ( holders/users are male, while only 3% of the users are female.
16. Unlike paper money, Bitcoins are totally virtual, which means you cannot touch or feel these coins but can still use them for payments.
17. Unlike fiat currencies, Bitcoins cannot be printed but they have to be mined on a Bitcoin ( network.
18. As of November 2017, Bitcoin ( transactions worth $2 billion were being processed on a daily basis.
19. As of 2015, 60% of Bitcoin ( holders were under 35 years age.
20. The mining power of the Bitcoin ( network is nearly 300 times than the combined power of the world's top 5 supercomputers.
21. The last Bitcoin ( will be reportedly mined in 2140, after which Bitcoin mining ( will be closed.
22. 16 November 2017 was the day when the Bitcoin ( network witnessed the highest-value transaction of $2.8 billion.
23. The US dollar and the Japanese yen are the two leading currencies to be exchanged for Bitcoin (
24. As of now, Bitcoin ( is accepted by a number of prominent merchants and businesses worldwide, including Starbucks, Virgin Galatic,, Tesla, Peach Airline,, Microsoft,, Shopify, among others.
25. As of April 2019, the total market cap of Bitcoin ( is $95 billion ($95,171,475,804 USD to be exact) and the 24-hour volume is $14 billion.
26. For those who purchased Bitcoin ( at the time of launch, the ROI at the time of writing this article is 3,879.56%.
27. The lowest recorded price of Bitcoin ( is $65.53, according to coinmarketcap data.
28. In the last months of 2017, Bitcoin ( became so popular that 321,775 Bitcoin ( transactions were being performed on average each day.
29. Between 2010-2017, 2014 was the only year when the price of Bitcoin ( dropped by 62% between the beginning and end of the year. This was because of the hack of the MtGox exchange.
31. Bitcoin ('s price increased by over 2000% between January-December 2017.
32. Close to 64% of Bitcoin ( wallets have not been used (called ghost wallets) since their inception.
33. There was a time when you could mine Bitcoins using any CPU, as the difficulty was just 1.
34. The value of Bitcoin ( in early 2010, a year after its launch, was 2 cents per coin.
35. Bitcoin ( is not owned or controlled by any single person, as the original founder, Satoshi Nakamoto, never claimed the code ownership.
36. James Howells is a British man who accidentally threw away his hard drive containing the private keys to his Bitcoin ( account having 7,500 Bitcoins (worth $39 million today) in mid-2013.
37. The number of search queries and interest for 'Bitcoin (' in Google was the highest in December 2017.
38. The Bitcoin mining ( difficulty was the lowest at the time of launch and has gradually increased over the years. Between January 2017 and January 2018, the average Bitcoin mining ( difficulty increased by six times.
39. Bitcoin ( has nearly 9,000 mining nodes, while its closest competitor Ethereum has about three times, 25,000 nodes to be exact.
40. A total of 17,675,979 Bitcoins has been mined as of 01 May 2019, with a total market value of $94,615,984,442.
41. It took five years (from 2009 to 2014) for Bitcoin ( price to reach the $1,000 milestone, while it took only one year (from January 2017 to January 2018) for the price to increase by $13,000.
Interesting Statistics & Facts About Cryptocurrencies in General :
42. Now that you know every interesting thing there is to know about Bitcoins, let's get to know about some other, more general cryptocurrency facts and statistics.
43. As of December 2018, the overall market capitalization of cryptocurrencies was $100 billion, which is more than the GDP of 127 countries.
44. As of April 2019, total 2141 cryptocurrencies are listed on the coinmarketcap website, with a total market cap of $175 billion in 18080. Bitcoin ( dominates 54.2% of the market.
45. Ethereum is the second most popular and valued cryptocurrency after Bitcoin (, with a market cap of $17.1 billion.
46. Google recently lifted its ongoing ban on cryptocurrency ads in search results, indicating that it might be exploring a future in cryptocurrencies.
47. Cryptocurrencies are exceptionally volatile in nature. Moreover, their trading on crypto exchanges rather than central exchanges further adds to their volatility.
48. Cryptocurrencies aren't controlled or managed by any centralized government or bank and have no tangible parameters for valuation. BASIC (, it is quite difficult to determine the value of a cryptocurrency.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:36 am
50. Cryptocurrencies are prohibited in a number of countries, including Nepal, Bolivia, Lebanon, Ecuador, Indonesia, etc. Some countries have even declared the use of digital currencies as illegal.
51. Cryptocurrency mining continues to remain a lucrative business, and China is the biggest industry player with 75% control over the mining network.
52. ICO or Initial Coin Offering refers to the sale of cryptocurrencies in the exchange for investor funding for a blockchain-based startup.
53. In terms of funds raised, EOS (6/26/17 - 6/18/18) has been the most successful ICO of all time, with $4.1 billion total amount raised in a period of one year.
54. Cryptocurrency is practically usable in every industry that deals with financial or digital transactions.
55. Another interesting thing about cryptocurrencies is that anyone can create one. You don't need special authority or permissions in order to create a digital currency.
56. Blockchain is the real power behind everything a cryptocurrency can do.
57. It is 'physically' impossible to ban cryptocurrencies, as these are digital currencies unregulated and decentralized in nature.
58. According to report , 875 ICOs (Initial coin offerings) collectively raised over $6 billion in 2017.
59. The fund raised by 1258 ICOs in 2018 was nearly $8 billion.
60. Miners are a crucial part of the cryptocurrency system, as they are required to verify and process the transactions in an unregulated blockchain system.
61. Noted investor and one of the world's richest man Warren Buffett said in an interview in 2014 that he thinks Bitcoin ( was nothing more than a "mirage" and just a way to transfer money.
62. Until 2017, institutional investors avoided investing or even talking about cryptocurrencies. This changed in December 2017 when CBOE Global Markets introduced its Bitcoin ( futures trading platform.
63. Although most people (more than 80% of Americans) are aware of Bitcoin (, many of them have never heard of other cryptocurrencies such as ETH.
64. About 75% of people have no idea what an initial coin offering (ICO) is.
66. As of March 2019, Maker coin ($676.83 per unit) was the second most expensive cryptocurrency after Bitcoin ( ($3,879.32 per unit).
67. As of April 2019, there are 4,518 Bitcoin ( ATMs worldwide, with the United States being the country with the highest number of Bitcoin ( ATMs.
68. Ironically, security is one of the primary reasons people give for not using cryptocurrencies for online transactions.
69. The market capitalization of Bitcoin ( was 86% in 2015, which dropped to 48% in 2018.
70. 129.52 was the price of 1 Bitcoin ( cash in February 2019.
71. As of December 2018, 259,000 Bitcoin ( transactions were being performed on a daily basis.
72. As of March 24, 2019, the Bitcoin mining ( difficulty was 6,379,265,451,411 and the Hast Rate was 45,664,560,811 GH/s.
73. Satoshi Nakamoto, the so-called founder of Bitcoins, is said to own 980,000 BTC.
74. As of 2017, most of the Bitcoins (96% to be exact) were owned by only 4% of all BTC addresses.
75. The increasing price and competitiveness of Bitcoin ( gave birth to many other alternate coins, commonly called altcoins.
76. 4.68% of youngsters have invested in some kind of cryptocurrencies.
77. Only about 21.05% of cryptocurrencies have been mined, the remaining have been bought by their owners.
78. Bitcoins are so popular that they get a social media post every 3 seconds.
79. In 2017 alone, there were 914 new cryptocurrencies introduced in the market.
Here are some Interesting Facts & Stats about Blockchain (other than Bitcoin ( and Cryptocurrency statistics, facts):
80. Blockchain is the biggest technology evolution the world has seen after the Internet.
82. In more complex terms, blockchain is an immutable, digital ledger of records, which are connected via cryptography and store verified transactions and data.
83. The Blockchain ledger is managed by a cluster of distributed nodes (computers), each of which has the same copy of records.
84. Decentralization is the main feature of blockchain which ensures that there is no centralized storing of data, which enhances the transparency and security of digital assets/data.
85. Blockchain has applications in virtually any industry that has anything to do with the storage, management, and/or transfer of digital data or assets.
86. Blockchain transactions are faster, more secure and global, as blockchain miners are working 24*7, unlike banks which operate in specific business hours only.
87. Blockchains do not have any middleman, which means the transaction costs are much lower in a blockchain as compared to the traditional banking system.
88. As of 2018, the blockchain technology market had a total valuation of $1.2 billion, which is expected to grow to more than 23.3 billion by 2023.
89. The Finance sector, with over 60% market capitalization, is at the top of the list of industries investing in and utilizing the benefits of blockchain.
90. Owing to its immutable distributed ledger technology, blockchain tech offers possible uses to businesses in a wide range of industries.
91. As of 2018, supply chain management, digital currency & payments and internet of things (IoT) were the three most common applications of the blockchain in organizations.
92. 34,660,975 was the number of blockchain wallet users worldwide, as of the first quarter of 2019.
Cryptocurrency Mining Facts & Statistics :
93. Cryptocurrency/Bitcoin mining ( is the process of creating new blocks by verifying transactions involving various cryptocurrencies.
95. Bitcoin mining ( difficulty is a parameter which determines how many coins will be mined in how much time.
96. The Bitcoin mining ( difficulty is adjusted after every 2016 blocks to ensure that it takes about 10 minutes (600 seconds) to discover each new block.
97. The price of Bitcoin ( is related to the mining difficulty. As the price drops, the difficulty is reduced, making it easier to mine the coins.
98. Bitcoin mining ( rewards are halved (reduced by 50 percent) after every 210,000 blocks or once every four years.
99. As of January 2019, the Bitcoin mining ( reward was 12.5 BTC per block.
100. The next Bitcoin ( reward halving will occur on May 11, 2020, when the reward for each newly mined block will be reduced to 6.25 BTC.
101. As per the report, an average of 1800 new bitcoins mined per day. This can be calculated by multiplying average blocks mined per day (144) x a block have 12.5 bitcoins, so 144×12.5 = 1800.
102. As of Dec. 2019 data, There are 2,893,675.0 Bitcoins Left to Be Mined.
The worth of blockchain technology lies in its usability and capability for solving real-world problems. There are a number of projects which are trying to implement the same.
If you're also looking to develop your own cryptocurrency or blockchain project, do reach us to discuss your requirements and Hire a professional ICO development company.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:36 am

Mining ( the deep sea: the true cost to the planet - The Economist|10:22
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:42 am
Bitcoin mining ( Statistics.
Bitcoin mining ( Stats 2018.
bitcoin, Bitcoin mining (, bitcoin colocation, bitcoin hosting.
Cryptocurrencies are a relatively new development; the first of its kind, Bitcoin (, was created just nine years ago, in January of 2009. Ever since the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto developed the revolutionary digital currency, thousands of others have popped up.
The price of cryptocurrencies have skyrocketed in the second half of 2017, the welfare of which is looking nowhere but upwards in the upcoming year, and beyond.
Bitcoin ( are pumped into the world's supply through mining , in which independent parties verify the transactions of others, in turn breaking off tiny chunks of the cryptocurrency in compensation for their computing power, Internet access, and cost of electricity.
Let's look at some of the most thought-provoking statistics regarding Bitcoin mining ( in 2017.
Some ______ Are Bigger Than Others.
Many people compile their computers' digital power together to mine Bitcoin ( As with many things in life, cryptocurrency mining is easier in pools than when individuals mine individually. Some Bitcoin mining ( pools are larger than others, as hosts of such groups of investors continually try to build the largest pools on the World Wide Web.
Currently, hosts the largest Bitcoin mining ( pool on planet Earth, featuring a hash rate distribution of 19.2 percent, in terms of all Bitcoin ( hashes in the last four days, ending Saturday, 12:14 P.M., December 30th, Eastern Standard Time.
The General Difficulty Of Bitcoin mining ( Is Slated To Drop.
The difficulty of mining Bitcoin ( refers to how much computing power must be poured into such activities to return a standardized unit of the cryptocurrency. As of today, the Bitcoin ( difficulty is currently rated at 1,590,896,927,258.
Bitcoin ( network mining difficulty changes every 2,016 blocks. In as-simple-as-possible terms, such difficulty is expressed in a numerical term to describe how difficult locating a particular hash is. The next Bitcoin mining ( difficulty will decrease about 16.5 percent, down to 1,328,621,131,354, making it slightly cheaper to earn the same amount of Bitcoin (
Electricity Used To Mine Bitcoin ( Is Collectively More Massive Than 81% Of Planet Earth's Electricity Consumption.
Cryptocurrencies are created as computers decrypt digital puzzles. Bitcoin (, for example, currently has about 16.7 million units outstanding. When all bitcoins have been mined, there will be an even 21 million bitcoins in circulation.
As people mine Bitcoin (, they're given a small sliver of the value of the transactions they verify through mining. Bitcoin mining ( isn't free, however, and relies on complex, advanced, expensive computers, the cost of Internet connections, and electricity.
Bitcoin ( is more popular than ever before, and, by extension, so it Bitcoin mining ( Research indicates that, worldwide, more electricity is used to mine Bitcoin ( than the aggregate electrical utilization of the world's 159 smallest countries - that's a lot !
The Largest Bitcoin mining ( Pools Has Varied Over Time.
Bitcoin mining ( pools, as discussed earlier, earn greater returns by joining forces than mining on their own, individually. As such, the cryptocurrency market has strong demand for digital companies to host mining pools.
AntPool has given a strong run for its money over the past twelve months, effectively competing at a neck-to-neck level with, ViaBTC, and BTC.TOP.
The market is likely to continue supporting staunch competition between mining pools for the foreseeable future.
Bitcoin ( Bubbles Bursted In Previous Years.
Although 2017 has been the best year for cryptocurrencies, by far, 2013 and 2014 have hosted strong rallies in Bitcoin ( rallies. At the end of each fiscal year, such rallies fell off, causing big, big bursts of quasi-speculative bubbles.
Bitcoin ( holders should exercise caution in loading up on Bitcoin ( in coming months - January, at minimum - as the price could collapse even further.
Bitcoin ( Core Is The Most Popular Voting Preference.
Bitcoin ( Core voting preference refers to the choice of miners to seek out traditional, bASIC ( Bitcoin ( instead of other blockchain forks. Nearly half of all voters of mining pools prefer Bitcoin ( Core, with 49.9 percent of mining constituents reporting such.
Bitcoin (
Here's our definitive answer (with examples).
Bitcoin ( with an uppercase "B" is associated with the protocol and payment network. Use the capitalised form when talking about the ECOS ( If you want to get grammatical, think of uppercase "B" as a proper noun.
Most writers will use the lowercase "b" version to describe units of BTC and when referring to it as a form of currency.
For example, "This article is dedicated to discussing the evolution of Bitcoin ( and how it has been, and is being, mined, as well as the electrical consumption implications with creating new bitcoins via Bitcoin mining ("
To this day, the inventor of Bitcoin ( remains a mystery although Australian Craig Wright claims that he is Satoshi Nakamoto. For those of you who don't know, Satoshi Nakamoto is the name used by the pseudonymous person or persons who developed Bitcoin (
In the past we have already explained what Bitcoin ( and blockchain are so we won't go over again.
BTC Price (And Who Prices The Price)
Right now, this is the price you can pay for bitcoin on our exchange.
If you shop around, however, you will notice that there are multiple buy/sell prices for bitcoin available on different exchanges. At the time of writing, the three largest exchanges based on bitcoin trading volume within the past 24-hours are BitMEX (Seychelles), Bybit (Singapore), and OKEx (Malta).
As you can see from the above visual, the top 3 cryptocurrency exchanges nearly accounted for the entire day's bitcoin trading volume.
Within 24-hours, hundreds of price fluctuations to bitcoin take place and this volatility is driven by demand and supply. This demand and supply is how the market determines a price for bitcoin at any given time.
Cryptocurrency exchanges help facilitate the buying and selling of bitcoin and add their service fee on top of the market price of bitcoin.
For most of its first infancy, bitcoin had a price of less than a dollar. This is because no one was interested in trading bitcoin for US dollars.
The digital currency first hit a price of USD 1,000 on Mt. Gox in late November 27, 2014. Its run, however, was short-lived.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:42 am
Figure 2: bitcoin price (USD) graphed against twelve month period (via Buy Bitcoin ( Worldwide).
It wasn't until February 2013 that bitcoin began gathering mainstream interest although according to this source, FOMO (fear of missing out) drove a lot of demand for bitcoin in 2016 through to 2017 (refer to the above graphic).
What Happened To Bitcoin ( In 2015?
The lowest price of BTC in 2015 was January 14, 2015(USD 177.28/AUD 217.22).
The highest price of BTC in 2015 was December 15, 2015 with a peak price of USD 465.50/AUD 646.58.
What Happened To Bitcoin ( In 2016?
The lowest price of BTC in 2015 (USD 358.77/AUD 522.94) occurred on January 15, 2016.
The highest price of BTC in 2015 (USD 978.01/AUD 1,361.68) occurred on December 28, 2016.
In June 2016, BTC experienced a mid-year rally, peaking at USD 768.24.
What Happened To Bitcoin ( In 2017?
The price of Bitcoin ( was its lowest (USD 775.98/AUD 1,042.84) January 11, 2017.
The price of Bitcoin ( reached its peak (USD 19,343.04/AUD 25,304.56) on December 16, 2017.
What Happened To Bitcoin ( In 2018?
The price of Bitcoin ( was its highest at the beginning of the year (USD 17,135.84/AUD 21,795.07) on January 6, 2018.
Throughout the year, the BTC price continued on a downward trend, finally bottoming out on December 15, 2018 at USD 3,703.80/AUD 5,119.39.
If you had bought and held BTC at its peak price in 2015, you would have still been ahead had you sold your BTC at the lowest BTC price in 2018.
What Happened To Bitcoin ( In 2019?
At the time of writing, there are still 2 more weeks until Christmas.
Figure 7: bitcoin price (USD) graphed against twelve month period (via Buy Bitcoin ( Worldwide).
As the chart above shows, BTC price rallied towards the end of April 2019 and reached its peak on June 26, 2019 with a price of USD 12,907.14/AUD 8,472.70; a far cry from the lowest point on February 6, 2019 (USD 3,383.67/AUD 4,761.16).
With that said, the year is yet to end and BTC does appear to be on a downward trajectory once again.
As we approach the next bitcoin halving event, punters continue to speculate what this may mean for bitcoin.
What Have Been The Biggest BTC Trading Days In History?
At the time of writing, the biggest day in bitcoin training was on Friday 8, December 2017. This coincides with an 8 percent drop in the price of bitcoin. A total volume of AU $5 billion of bitcoin was bought and sold on this day.
# Date Bitcoin ( Trading Volume (AUD) 1 Friday, 8 December 2017 $ 5,055,591,563.90 2 Tuesday, 6 February 2018 $ 3,947,318,653.82 3 Wednesday, 29 November 2017 $ 3,972,979,092.39 4 Tuesday, 16 January 2018 $ 3,473,952,462.56 5 Wednesday, 20 December 2017 $ 3,585,231,813.73 6 Monday, 11 December 2017 $ 3,305,940,721.39 7 Saturday, 23 December 2017 $ 2,549,348,322.39 8 Tuesday, 26 December 2017 $ 2,261,086,848.59 9 Sunday, 17 December 2017 $ 2,138,140,367.20 10 Wednesday, 10 January 2018 $ 2,038,940,652.40.
Figure 8: ten of the highest bitcoin trading volume days expressed in AUD (data via Blockchain, historical FX calculated via Fxtop).
Using historical AUD/USD exchange rate data, the above table shows the 10 largest bitcoin trading volume days. As you can see, all of the dates are within a 120-day period of each other. That is, from late November 2017 through to early February 2018.
Bitcoin ( in Australia.
Unlike fiat currency that is printed and distributed by a government, no single country or government owns Bitcoin ( This is what makes Bitcoin ( a decentralised digital currency.
Figure 9: legal status of cryptocurrencies across the world - blue indicates banned status, red indicates absolute ban (via Library of Congress).
The map provided by Law Library of Congress (US) shows the legal status of cryptocurrencies across the world. As you can see, digital currencies such as bitcoin are legal to trade, mine, and to hold as an investment asset in Australia.
In the eyes of the Australian central bank (Reserve Bank of Australia), bitcoin and other digital currencies have no legislated or intrinsic value. It is not a form of money despite its ability to be used to make payments and as such, bitcoin is not legal tender.
Due to its decentralised nature, the Australian Tax Office (ATO) does not classify Bitcoin ( as an official currency for taxation purposes. Specifically, as per its guidance paper published online here, the ATO views BTC as neither money nor foreign currency and as a result is not subject to GST.
In Australia, Bitcoin ( may be used for both personal and business transactions. It is seen by the ATO as an asset for tax purposes and there may be tax consequences upon selling it or using it to buy goods or services.
Generally speaking, there are no tax consequences when buy and use Bitcoin ( to purchase goods or services as it is seen as a personal use asset.
More commonly, Bitcoin ( is purchased as an investment vehicle and capital gain tax will apply in these cases.
Australian businesses are free to accept Bitcoin ( as payment for goods or services. In doing so, the Australian dollar equivalent value received must be recorded as income. Similarly, the business must issue an invoice with the Australian dollar equivalent value. Normal GST rules apply.
In terms of trading Bitcoin (, Australians are free to buy and sell BTC through any exchange they want.
AUSTRAC has the authority to regulate all cryptocurrency exchanges in Australia.
Australian digital currency exchange providers must apply to register with AUSTRAC, renew their registration every three years, and have an Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) program specifying how the exchange complies with AML/CTF.
Bitcoin mining ( Is Not Profitable In Australia.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:43 am

5 MUST DO Tips For Mining ( In Windows 10|8:12
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:43 am

FPGA Mining ( ICO, Crypto Exchange, Bitcoin ( Mining ( by [HOST]|0:10
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:44 am

Hashgains ICO Mining ( Business pre ICO Talk|18:06
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:44 am
The profitability of crypto mining comes down to the following factors:
The cost of hardware Block difficulty Power cost.
Power in Australia is more expensive than in many other parts of the world. South Australia and New South Wales have the highest mean household electricity prices (37.62c/kWh and 27.56c/kWh respectively). According to Canstar, the average electricity usage rates per kWh across Australia is more than 20 cents per kWh.
As unlocking Bitcoin ( blocks continues to gain difficulty, the financial reward halves every 210,000 blocks. Even if you could pick up cheaper second hand hardware, you will be competing against major players who have dedicated mining centres filled with ASIC ( miners. Factoring in their cheaper electricity costs, mining bitcoin as an individual in Australia is no longer feasible.
The Evolution of Bitcoin mining (
Another key feature of the cryptocurrency is that the only way that new Bitcoin ( is produced is via a complex process called "mining".
Bitcoin mining ( is a process of completing complex calculations known as hashes.
Each hash has a chance of yielding Bitcoin (
Therefore, the more hashes a miner performs, the greater the probability of earning Bitcoin ( and, thus, making a profit.
Bitcoin mining ( like many other cryptocurrency mining is legal in Australia.
Each Bitcoin ( block is around 1 megabyte in size. Verifying this block is the easy part. Being the first miner to arrive at the right answer (known as proof of work) is what makes Bitcoin mining ( increasingly difficult.
What makes Bitcoin ( unique as a digital currency is that there can only be 21 million bitcoins in existence. At the time of writing, over 18 million Bitcoin ( have been mined. Once the remaining 3 million Bitcoin ( are mined, no further bitcoin can be introduced into circulation.
We can only speculate what will happen once this happens.
Bitcoin mining ( has evolved a lot since 2009.
In the early days of Bitcoin (, mining was predominantly done via a computer's CPU. The amount of computing power necessary was relatively low and only hobbyists and those with a personal interest in cryptocurrency were mining Bitcoin ( This is because miners were rewarded 50 BTC per block they unlocked. Back in 2009, 50BTC had little to no monetary value.
According to this source, if you had a couple of decent-specced computers, you could have earned $5 per day.
Satoshi envisioned that Bitcoin ( would be mined on user's CPUs. But once Bitcoin mining ( became mainstream, GPU mining ( quickly replaced CPUs. This was because GPUs are more efficient at executing repetitive instructions than CPUs. Expressed as numbers, a CPU core can execute 4 32-bit instructions per clock versus 3200 32-bit instructions per clock of a Radeon HD 5970 GPU. This difference of 800 is significant.
GPUs were so popular for cryptocurrency mining that from Q2 2017 there were reported stock shortages and price hikes. This wasn't the first time GPU prices went up due to mining - the price of AMD Radeon cards were significantly inflated in 2013.
Figure 10: as Bitcoin mining ( became popular so did the inflation of GPU prices.
According to ZDNet, three million GPUs were purchased in 2017 alone ($776 million).
As the demand for efficiency mirrored that of Bitcoin ( block difficulty, FPGA and ASIC ( mining came onto the scene.
Figure 11: visual representation of the exponential increase in unlocking bitcoin blocks (via
Bitcoin ('s mining difficult adjusts after every 2,016 blocks, or roughly every 14 days. This is done to ensure the time to product a block remains around 10 minutes.
But how does Bitcoin ( difficult impact on a miner?
One such user on Stackexchange posed the following question.
"If I mine X Bitcoins per day and the difficulty increased by Y percent, how many coins will I get after this?"
A helpful member was able to provide an answer to the question.
Your profit relates to the amount of hashing power you contribute to the network. Since you rmining power is constant, your share of the total hashing power decreases relatively when the network's hashing power increases. That is, we can deduce the following formula:
newProfit = currentProfit * currentDiff/newDiff.
At a currentProfit of 1BTC/d and a 30% increase in difficulty, you get:
(1BTC/d)*100/(1-+30)= (1BTC/d)/1.3 = 0.76923077 BTC/d.
That is, your profit decreases by approximately 23 percent.
In a 2012 research paper titled "A Performance And Energy Comparison Of FPGAs, GPUs, And Multicores For Sliding-Window Applications" , the authors found FPGAs can achieve speedup of up to 11x and 57x compared to GPUs and multicore CPUs respectively.
The following graphic representation taken from this 2016 whitepaper shows the significant processing power GPUs have compared to FPGAs. At the same time, the power efficiency of FPGAs are substantially higher than those of GPUs.
Figure 12: best GPUs compared against FPGAs. (via BERTEN).
However, factoring in the cost of FPGAs into the equation, it becomes clear where price efficiencies lie per GigaFlop.
The popularity of FPGAs was short-lived as they were soon replaced by ASIC ( mining.
As seen in the below graph, early miners such as the Bitmain Antminer S3 had an efficiency of 0.77 J/Gh. Compare that with the Bitmain Antminer S17 Pro released in April 2019 with an efficiency of 0.04 J/Gh.
Figure 13: graphic representation of how bitcoin miners have progressed in efficiency across time.
The lower the Joules per Gigahash (J/Gh), the more efficient a Bitcoin ( miner is.
The Bitmain Antminer S17 Pro has an estimated profitability of $2.41 per day whilst delivering a hashrate of 53Th/s according to this source.
Figure 14: estimated profitability of current and past application-specific-integrated-circuit miners (via ASIC ( Miner Value.
Another anomaly Satoshi never foresaw was the emergence of mining pools. That is, instead of individual miners as per Satoshi's single CPU and single vote design methodology, mining pools allow users to combine their hashrate.
At the time of writing, the largest mining pools are Poolin, F2Pool, and AntPool. Combined, these four mining pools account for over half of hashrate distribution. A quick Google search of these mining pools will indicate that they are all based in China.
Bitcoin mining ('s Electrical Consumption.
Estimates on electrical energy demand of Bitcoin mining ( varies.
According to coinshare, the estimated total electricity draw of the global Bitcoin mining ( industry is approximately 4.7GW. This was based on an assumption that the amount of energy required for hashing alone was approximately 4.3GW.
In 2014, O'Dwyer & Malone suggested in their paper ' Bitcoin mining ( and its Energy Footprint' ' that the total power used for Bitcoin mining ( is around 0.1-10GW.
Written testimony presented to the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources by Associate Professor of Computer Science Arvind Narayanan in August 2018 claims Bitcoin ( mini accounts for approximately five gigawatts of electricity per day.
Another Bitcoin ( electricity consumption estimate by Marc Bevand is approximately 4.12-4.73 TWh/year.
Figure 15: popular regions where Bitcoin mining ( exists around the world (via CoinShares).
Sixty percent of global Bitcoin mining ( occurs in China with Sichuan producing half of the global hashrate.
This is an interesting statistic given that cryptocurrency trading is illegal in China and initial coin offerings are banned. Yet, China has been the epicentre of global BTC mining than any other country.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:44 am
In early 2019, Beijing seemed to crackdown on Bitcoin mining ( It signalled its disapproval by recommending its local governments to phase out "virtual currency mining" in a draft version of the Catalog of Guiding Industry Restructuring. Originally slated to be eliminated, the final published version makes no reference to virtual currency mining.
Yunnan, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia are other popular Bitcoin mining ( regions.
The southwestern provinces of China (e.g., Sichuan) are predominantly hydroelectricity powered. During wet season, electricity prices can fall as low as 2.5c/kWh. However, once the dry season returns, electricity prices rise, some mining operations will move to Xinjiang to take advantage of cheaper cheap cal and wind power.
Of the remaining 40 percent of miners, 35% of global hashrate production is evenly split between Washington, New York, British Columbia, Alberta, Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Georgia and Iran. With the exception of Iran, the majority of these mining centres are hilly or mountainous regions traversed by powerful rivers.
One of the earliest recorded transactions that gave Bitcoin ( a real-world valuation came from an interesting forum post. On May 18, 2010, Lazlo proposed to trade 100,000 bitcoin in exchange for two large pizzas from Papa John's (cash value of $25).
Figure 16: the first bitcoin transaction that gave Bitcoin ( monetary value originated from Lazlo who proposed a trade of 100,000BTC for 2 large pizzas (via Bitcoin ( Forum).
Four days later, the same user reported that his 100,000BTC had been successfully traded for pizza.
Figure 17: Lazlo reports the success of this trade of 100,000 bitcoin for 2 large pizzas (via Bitcoin ( Forum).
Almost ten years later, the Bitcoin ( paid for the two pizzas would have been worth approximately $800 million.
41 Amazing Cryptocurrency Statistics You Need to Know.
Last Updated: June 28, 2020.
General Cryptocurrency Statistics.
Cryptocurrency Adoption Statistics.
Cryptocurrency Statistics by Country.
Cryptocurrency Market Statistics.
Cryptocurrency Mining Statistics.
Cryptocurrency Security Statistics.
Top 10 Cryptocurrency by Market Cap.
Bitcoin ( was the first decentralized cryptocurrency . It was created in 2009. Since then, it has experienced massive growth. The amount of success that Bitcoin ( has achieved exposes the flaws in our traditional banking system. It has also brought about thousands of other cryptocurrencies known as "alt-coins."
Several businesses around the world now accept various forms of cryptocurrency as a means of payment for goods and services.
In light of cryptocurrencies' popularity, we have decided to bring you some of the most crucial cryptocurrency statistics to sate your knowledge thirst.
Fascinating Cryptocurrency Statistics.
Listed below are some of the mind-blowing cryptocurrency stats . Let's have a look.
As of May, 2020, the cryptocurrency market cap is $265.545 billion . The global blockchain market will go up to $23.3 billion by 2023 . Bitcoin ( alone accounts for $6 billion of daily online transactions . Between 2012 and 2020, Bitcoin ( has gained 193,639.36% The cryptocurrency market is predicted to grow with a CAGR of 56.4% from 2019 to 2025. Globally, cryptocurrency users have exceeded 40 million . Turkey is the country with the highest rate of cryptocurrency adoption (20%) .
The figures mentioned above are jawbreaking, considering the relatively short time that cryptocurrencies have been in existence. We believe this should give a hint as to why the world is clamoring for increased adoption of cryptocurrencies.
Let's talk about Bitcoin (, cryptocurrency, blockchain, and the different milestones attained thus far.
1. A post on Bitcoin ( surfaces on social media every three seconds.
(Source: Finder)
A recent cryptocurrency stat revealed that there are 28,866 social media posts on Bitcoin ( posted online daily. If we do the math, then about 1,203 posts are made every hour . That is about 20 posts per minute !
2. Between 2012 and May, 2020, Bitcoin ( has gained 193,639.36%.
(Source: Coin.Dance)
According to cryptocurrency growth statistics , Bitcoin ( has outperformed numerous commodities such as gold. Currently, the price of gold is at $1,723.76 per ounce, whereas that of Bitcoin ( is hovering around $9,648.22.
3. Bitcoin ( is the most popular cryptocurrency.
(Source: Coin Casso)
Bitcoin ( occupies 68.7% of the whole cryptocurrency market. That equals about $117 billion . Also, cryptocurrency statistics for 2020 show that its market cap is higher than that of all other cryptocurrencies combined.
4. The cryptocurrency with the highest growth rate in 2017 is Ripple (XRP).
In 2017, Bitcoin ( experienced its highest growth rate to reach its peak worth of $19,783. However, global cryptocurrency statistics have it that in the same year, another cryptocurrency was also reaching its landmark, surpassing Bitcoin ( in growth percentage. Bitcoin ( in 2017 experienced a 1,318% growth percentage , whereas that of XRipple was pegged at 36,018%.
5. Nearly 980 million malware are already in existence around the world.
(Source: Data Prot)
Malware is a piece of code used to gain unauthorized access to a computer system. It makes cryptojacking possible, and can also be used to steal sensitive information from your computer, like your Bitcoin ( wallet private key. That said, you might want to consider getting an antivirus solution to keep your information safe.
6. The first ten cryptocurrencies with the highest market cap make up about 88% of the total cryptocurrency market value.
(Source: Block Social)
This includes Bitcoin (, Ethereum, Ripple, Tether, Bitcoin ( Cash, Bitcoin ( SV, Litecoin, Binance Coin, EOS, and Tezos.
7. Cryptocurrency exchanges around the globe have exceeded 300 as of 2020.
Exchanges serve as middlemen between buyers and sellers of cryptocurrencies. According to cryptocurrency facts , their services support fiat-for-cryptocurrency transactions and crypto-to-crypto transactions.
8. The number of Bitcoin ( ATMs around the world stands at 7,722.
(Source: Statista)
Bitcoin ( ATMs are on the rise due to the ease they provide to users looking to buy, sell, or exchange Bitcoin ( The United States is home to the highest number of Bitcoin ( ATMs (5780 locations or sites) , followed by Canada (775 sites) , and the UK (292 sites). Countries like Nigeria, New Zealand, Mongolia, India, and a few others have just one Bitcoin ( ATM each, according to cryptocurrency stats for 2020 .
9. 1,799 tokens have made sales since mid-2016.
Token sales, also known as ICO is known to have started in 2013 with MasterCoin. Also, Ethereum was able to raise a large sum of Bitcoin ( (up to 3,700 Bitcoins worth 2.3 million USD) from an ICO in 2014 . However, statistics on cryptocurrency growth tell us that the business of ICOs did not really kick off until 2016 when various other token sales raised billions of dollars.
10. 1,800 new Bitcoins are added to the market daily.
(Source: Buy Bitcoin ( Worldwide)
This number could even experience a decline due to the recent Bitcoin ( halving. It resulted in a reduction of the Bitcoin ( rewards for each verified block by half.
11. Ethereum had its highest run in value when it hit $1,417 per Ether in January 2018.
(Source: CNBC)
In 2017, Ethereum grew by more than 13,000 of its initial value , amassing a staggering 1.2 million transactions . Currently, Ethereum has settled around $200 per unit.
12. Over 18.3 million Bitcoins have been mined and are in existence as of Q1 2020.
That leaves about 2.7 million Bitcoins left to be mined, as the total Bitcoin ( cap is just 21 million. However, from calculations drawn from crypto stats , it will take over a hundred years before the last Bitcoin ( is mined.
13. The new alt-coin "Libra coin" from Facebook is expected to validate up to 1,000 transactions every second.
(Source: Coin Telegraph)
Bitcoin ( , which happens to be the darling of all cryptocurrencies, only processes about 12 transactions per second (though it was designed to handle just seven). In contrast, the new Libra coin could process up to a thousand transactions per second. This means that transactions using the Libra coin will be processed way faster than those of Bitcoin ( This may prove to become a turning point for the world of cryptocurrency.
14. The first Bitcoin ( real-life purchase was for two pizzas, and it cost 10,000 BTC.
(Source: Investopedia)
According to cryptocurrency usage statistics , this happened on May 22, 2010 , between two Bitcoin ( forum members. Judging by the current price, this amount of Bitcoin ( is equivalent to over 90 million USD.
15. Bitcoin ( alone accounts for $6 billion of daily online transactions.
(Source: News Logical)
It is surpassed only by two of America's top payment networks - Visa Card ($30.3 billion) and MasterCard ($16.2 billion).
16. There are 5,098 alternative cryptocurrencies in existence today aside from Bitcoin (
(Source: News.Bitcoin (
Bitcoin ( paved the way for cryptocurrency, and now thousands of other cryptocurrencies have flooded the marketplace. Cryptos like Ethereum have their unique blockchain, and others like Libra were created to exploit the flaws the Bitcoin ( had (such as the low number of transactions that can be carried out per second).
According to cryptocurrency user statistics , new users are being added to the cryptocurrency network each day. Also, the number of cryptocurrency transactions that take place daily is on the rise. We have taken the time to fish out some of the top cryptocurrency users statistics for 2020 . Let's have a look at them:
17. As of Q4 2019, global Blockchain wallet users stood at 44.69 million.
As of the fourth quarter of 2019, there were already more than 40 million users. This is a significant increase when compared to the 10.98 million recorded in the last quarter of 2016.
18. 77% of the global finance sector could adopt blockchain technology by 2020.
(Source: Your Tech Diet)
According to cryptocurrency statistics , the finance sector has been one of the primary beneficiaries and investors in the blockchain . This draws from the fact that the blockchain technology bears many features that will transform the finance sector for the better. They include improved security, increased transaction speed, transparency, efficient auditing, and low cost of operation. Moreover, blockchain technology can reduce 30% of banks' infrastructure costs .
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:45 am
19. 75% of the IoT industry could adopt blockchain technology by the end of 2020.
The combination of blockchain technology and the IoT in recent times is tagged as revolutionary by experts. Just being able to transfer multiple information from any location and having the blockchain verifying the legitimacy of such information is mind-blowing. According to cryptocurrency facts , the marriage of blockchain and the IoT can bring about accelerated data exchange, improved security of files, low cost of operation, and improved accuracy.
20. Adopting blockchain technology can save financial organizations up to $12 billion yearly.
(Source: Forbes)
Running a financial organization is expensive, mainly because of outdated systems and processes. The financial sector has resisted several attempts for a change. This has resulted in the loss of tons of money to theft, extra charges from third parties, and increased costs of operation. However, with the introduction of blockchain technology, all of that can be reduced to the nearest minimum, if not eliminated completely.
21. Bitcoin ( is responsible for an average of about 350,000 daily transactions on the blockchain.
(Source: Born2Invest)
According to crypto statistics , in 2017, Bitcoin ('s day-to-day operations on the blockchain was at an all-time high of 490,644 transactions per day. This figure has since reduced to about 350,000 following a crash in Bitcoin ( price in 2018. However, the recent coronavirus pandemic has caused a further decline in this figure to about 250,000.
22. Coinbase exchange has over 30 million cryptocurrency users .
Coinbase is one of the biggest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world that allows you to buy, sell, and even store some of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the market. Based in the US, the company was founded in June 2012 and has amassed over $150 billion worth of transactions ever since. In 2017, Coinbase had a user base of just 13.3 million people. However, the current number is more than double.
According to cryptocurrency statistics by country , certain countries have placed strict regulations on incoming, outgoing, and internal cryptocurrency transactions. The purpose is to prevent the use of cryptocurrencies for fraud or for stealing public funds. However, some other countries like Turkey are more lenient and even encourage activities like cryptocurrency mining and trading.
23. 79% of cryptocurrency owners in the UK have invested in Bitcoin (
Bitcoin ( serves as the base currency for other cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency adoption statistics show that it can be used to purchase any other cryptocurrency on exchanges.
24. China is likely to become the first country that will launch a blockchain-powered central bank digital currency (CBDC).
China's very own digital currency could launch by mid-2020 , with the country already boasting of one of the highest online payment traffic. Other countries like Dubai (Emcash), Venezuela (Petrol), Estonia (Estcoin),  (CryptoRuble), Sweden (E-Krona), and Japan (J-coin) could launch their personal cryptocurrency shortly.
25. The US federal government spending on blockchain is predicted to reach $123.5 million by 2022.
(Source: Next Gov)
According to blockchain statistics , this is a significant increase from $10.7 million spent in 2017. The US government and other private organizations have announced imminent plans to embark on a series of blockchain implementations into various parts of the economy and work infrastructure.
26. The US has the highest number of token sales ever (48%).
Following the surge of Bitcoin ( price in 2017, thousands of new cryptocurrencies were created. ICOs (also known as token sales) were used to raise capital for each new cryptocurrency. Statistics on cryptocurrency volume by country reveal that 48% of all token sales have come from the US , 12.78% from Singapore, and another 10.5% from the UK. In 2017 alone, token sales raised $5.6 billion, most of which were fraud schemes.
27. Turkey is the country with the highest rate of cryptocurrency adoption.
Turkey has a depleting economy and is currently in a trade war with the US. This has massively affected Turkey and the value of its currency in the market. Many in Turkey see cryptocurrency as a way out of the recent economic downfall and are investing heavily in it. Statistics on cryptocurrency adoption rate show that 20% of Turkey's population now has an idea of what cryptocurrency is all about - the highest amongst all countries.
28. Bitcoin ( miners in China account for 66% of the global hash rate.
The hash rate is a metric that indicates the total computing power required to verify blocks on the Bitcoin ( blockchain. Although China has strict laws regarding cryptocurrency usage in its country, the luxury of cheap electricity and advanced technology makes it the ideal place for cryptocurrency mining. This explains why the biggest mining companies are situated in China.
In the world of cryptocurrency, time is an essential factor as things can change rapidly due to the high volatility of the market. Check out the stats below to understand how the cryptocurrency market operates.
29. In February 2018, the cryptocurrency market went down by $100 billion within 24 hours.
According to cryptocurrency market statistics , the surge in the price of several cryptocurrencies in 2017 caused governments to place strict regulations on cryptocurrency usage and transactions. This resulted in a panic amongst users causing them to withdraw their investments.
30. The global blockchain market is predicted to rise to $23.3 billion by 2023.
(Source: PR News Wire)
In 2018 , statistics on the cryptocurrency market size revealed that the blockchain market was worth just $1.2 billion. In 2019, that figure rose to $2.2 billion . Its year-on-year growth is expected to keep increasing.
31. The world is predicted to spend up to 15.9 billion in blockchain-related tech by 2023.
Global spending on blockchain-related tech was $1.5 billion in 2018 . It's predicted to grow even further as more industries look to integrate blockchain features into their infrastructure.
32. In 2020, tokens have raised only $20 million in sales.
Compared to the billions generated in ICO sales in 2017 alone, that is a long way down.
What went wrong?
According to reports, most tokens have proven to be a scam over time and not worthy of investment. Cryptocurrency transaction statistics reveal that 80% of ICOs released in 2017 were scams to either defraud people or raise funds for more important cryptocurrency projects.
33. As of May 17, 2020, the cryptocurrency market cap is $265.545 billion.
(Source: Coin Market Cap)
According to cryptocurrency volume statistics , Bitcoin ( remains the highest shareholder of the cryptocurrency market, followed by Ethereum. However, there are also thousands of other cryptocurrencies that contribute their quota to the growth of thе market.
34. The cryptocurrency market is predicted to grow with a CAGR of 56.4% from 2019 to 2025.
Although not as significant as the CAGR rate recorded in 2017, the price of Bitcoin ( has increased from $3,816.08 recorded at the end of 2018 to $9,472.73 in Q1 of 2020.
35. Cryptocurrency startups have raised over $20 billion via ICOs since 2017.
Between 2017 and 2018, ICOs raised over $18 billion in sales. When added to the $2 billion raised in 2016 , we already have over $20 billion. Although the ICO trend has reduced drastically between 2019 and 2020, millions of dollars have also been generated as token sales within this time frame.
Mining is an essential process in the world of cryptocurrencies. It uses the blockchain network and is the only way new cryptos are added to the market.
So, how does the cryptocurrency mining process work?
36. Bitcoin mining ( alone requires about 77.78 TWh of electricity per year.
(Source: Lykke)
Cryptocurrency mining consumes a lot of electricity, and Bitcoin ( is no exception. Cryptocurrency power consumption stats show that the difficulty involved in mining Bitcoin ( has increased from less than one trillion in 2017 to 16.10 trillion in 2020. This means that miners will require 16X the energy needed to mine one Bitcoin ( block in 2017 to mine the same block in 2020.
37. The Bitcoin ( reward for miners halves for every 210,000 verified blocks added to the blockchain.
When Bitcoin ( was launched in 2009, the reward for miners was pegged at 50 BTC. Cryptocurrency mining statistics show that the most recent Bitcoin ( halving took place on May 11, 2020. But before that, there had already been two other bitcoin halvings - one in 2012 (reducing the reward to 25 BTC), and the other in 2016 (reducing the reward to 12.5 BTC). The most recent bitcoin halving slashed this reward to 6.25 BTC.
38. There is a reward of 2 Ether for every verified block that is added to the Ethereum blockchain.
(Source: Consen Sys)
Initially, the reward was 5 Ether for every block mined. However, the Byzantium hard fork in late 2017 adjusted the prize to 3 Ether. This was followed by the Constantinople hard fork in early 2019, which subsequently reduced the reward from 3 to 2 Ether.
39. It takes an average of 10 minutes to verify a Bitcoin ( transaction.
(Source: Coin Central)
10 minutes is the time it takes to verify every transaction in a block before it is sent to the node and added to the blockchain. This means that every 10 minutes, 6.25 Bitcoins are released and added to the market.
Cryptocurrency has experienced massive growth. However, it also comes with its security challenges. According to cryptocurrency security statistics , there have been hundreds of cybercrimes involving cryptocurrencies, both in the past and in the present. Today, every exchange and every cryptocurrency wallet is a target for cybercriminals .
40. 4.32% of the total Monero cryptocurrency in circulation comes from cryptojacking.
(Source: Coin Desk)
When cryptojacking was fairly new, most of its resources were used to mine Monero. This stems from its relative ease of mining and the ability to carry out untraceable transactions when compared to Bitcoin ( If we go by the current value of Monero, then about $64 million worth of Monero have been lost to theft.
41. With the aid of malware, $1.1 billion worth of cryptocurrency was stolen within the first half of 2018.
There are millions of malware in existence, and many of them are sold for as low as $1.04 on the dark web. Cryptocurrency theft statistics show that any of these can be successfully used to hack an unprotected system.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:45 am

SmartGold - Сryptocurrency - Сryptocurrency trade - Mining ( cryptocurrency - Ico cryptocurrency|5:43
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:46 am

First 100 ASIC ( in the cave - Ice Rock Mining ( ICO|1:53
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:46 am
Coin Market Cap lists all cryptocurrencies by market capitalization in descending order. Listed below are the top 10 cryptocurrencies according to their respective market cap.
1. Bitcoin (
Market cap - $177.153 billion.
Market share - 68.23%.
To think that the market cap of Bitcoin ( was just $1.02 billion in 2013 shows how fast Bitcoin ( has risen in value.
2. Ethereum.
Market cap - $22.255 billion.
Market share - 8.77%.
Ethereum remains the most valuable cryptocurrency after Bitcoin ( This stems from its broad user base and unique source code that allows users to create decentralized applications and smart contracts that run on blockchain technology.
3. XRipple.
Market cap - $8.829 billion.
Market share - 3.48%.
XRipple as a cryptocurrency was created to speed up financial transactions across borders. To achieve this, the mining process was eliminated. Also, all XRipple transactions are validated by just 25 nodes that act as a group of companies and investors of Bitcoin ( Another amazing feature of the cryptocurrency, as revealed by crypto statistics, is that up to 1,500 transactions can be processed per second.
4. Tether.
Market cap - $8.805 billion.
Market share of 3.47%.
Tether was created to tackle the volatility of top cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin ( and Ethereum. It serves as a medium of exchange between fiat and cryptocurrencies. In other words, its value in the market is tied to that of the US dollars. Top exchanges around the world are already accepting Tether as a form of dollar replacement.
5. Bitcoin ( Cash.
Market cap - $4.381 billion.
Market share - 1.73%.
Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH) is a fork of Bitcoin ( and has a faster transaction time than Bitcoin ( Its block is larger and can carry out more transactions per second compared to Bitcoin ( Transaction fees using BCH is also lower compared to Bitcoin (
6. Bitcoin ( SV.
Market cap - $3.47 billion.
Market share - 1.37%.
Bitcoin ( Satoshi Vision is a fork of BCH and the goal of its owners is to bring back a cryptocurrency that is as close to the original vision of Bitcoin ( conceived by Satoshi Nakamoto. According to cryptocurrency growth statistics , it has since gone on to become one of the most valuable cryptocurrencies in the market.
7. Litecoin.
Market cap - $2.808 billion.
Market share - 1.11%.
Litecoin was created to function as a means of online payment like PayPal, Payoneer, etc. Users can make use of the Litecoin PayPal gateway to transfer funds across borders just like PayPal. So far, about five debit card providers have integrated Litecoin as means of payment into their services.
8. Binance Coin.
Market cap - $2.511 billion.
Market share - 0.99%.
Binance Coin was created by the owners of the Binance exchange , one of the biggest exchanges in the world. The coin allows users to pay for services on the binance platform.
9. EOS.
Market cap - $2.437 billion.
Market share - 0.87%.
According to cryptocurrency facts , the EOS system was created to function as a platform where users can both develop and host decentralized applications on a commercial scale like the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. The EOS token is what users need to run various services on the EOS network.
10. Tezos.
Market cap - $1.804 billion.
Market share - 0.70%.
Tezos is a system that functions with blockchain technology just like many other cryptos. The only distinguishing factor about Tezos is that it gives its users the power to propose changes to the system. If a user's proposed change is approved by stakeholders, that user gets a reward.
The world of cryptocurrency is vast and ever changing.
Cryptocurrency statistics show that the crypto market is expected to grow even further once there is mass adoption and more lenient regulations from government bodies. Who knows what surprises we're about to witness.
Is your business harnessing the powers of the cryptocurrency market already?
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by Jacquelyn Bulao.
I am a natural-born connector, known for long-standing and effective business partnerships. I am fuelled by my passion for human resources and my genuine love of connecting with others. To date, my knowledge & determination to transform information into action & initiatives have contributed to my successful career. HR is something that I live and breathe, and I know the impact it has in transforming businesses; and the lives of those who work inside it.
Chapter 3 - Bitcoin mining ( Technology.
Bitcoin ( network functions on cryptographic technology and thrives on mining, an incentivized technique to generate new bitcoins. In this chapter, we describe the fundamentals of Bitcoin ( system, underlying technical aspects of the network and mining process. We have also assessed the methods of mining, the concerned opportunities and implications for the benefit of potential miners. Furthermore, we have also provided a comparison of existing mining pools, different types of pool reward schemes, and the recent innovations in the Bitcoin ( industry.
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Ten things you should know about Parallella.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:47 am
#10. Best Price Performance.
There are cheaper single board computers out there, but starting at $99 the Parallella board is still the leader in terms of price/performance. 18 CPU cores, Gigabit Ethernet, 1GB RAM, and a Field Programmable Gate Array for $99 is a great deal!
#9. Made in the USA.
The Parallella board was designed and manufactured locally here in New England (USA). If you live outside the USA this probably doesn't matter to you but keeping a local manufacturing ECOS ( alive is an important thing. If you support US manufacturing, you should consider buying the Parallella, one of the few US manufactured computers. It wasn't easy to produce a $99 computer in the US, but we did it!
#8. Massive IO.
The Parallella has over 40 Gbps of IO bandwidth. That's roughly equivalent to FOUR-HUNDRED Raspberry Pi 10/100 interfaces.
#7. Small Size.
The Parallella is very small (credit card sized just like the Raspberry Pi and Beaglebone). Size does matter and the smaller you make it the better.
#6. Field Programmable Hardware.
Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) is a big part of the present and future of computing but is rarely found in inexpensive single board computers. FPGAs give anyone with courage the power to design custom hardware. It's not as hard as you think! All you really need is an understanding of boolean logic and an intro to Verilog/VHDL and you are up and running. The Parallella board includes a large FPGA that lets you create pretty much any interface for the GPIO pins. Think about how many different interfaces are out there in the world and how powerful a feature this is for your embedded design and prototype!
#5. Open Documentation.
#4. Open Source Freedom.
The Parallella is a true open source hardware and software platform. Gerbers, CAD files, BOMs, schematics, drivers are all available in our github repository. If you don't like our pricing or design choices, you are always FREE to modify it and design your own board. Not everyone cares about freedom, but if you do, you should buy open source hardware.
#3. Community.
Parallella has an first rate community with over 200 Universities, dozens of research labs, some of the biggest communication companies in the world and some of the best hardware/software hackers around. The Parallella forum is a community of true professionals and the list community contributed open source Parallella project examples is expanding.
#2. General Availability.
Parallella has top tier distribution through Amazon, Digi-Key, RS Components and boards have now been in stock continuously since August 2014. The Parallella is not an eval kit or a short life span consumer device. The Parallella board, manufacturing flow, and logistics has been built for the long haul and we plan to produce and sell the Parallella for many years to come.
#1. The Future of Computing is Parallel.
If the next generation of programmers (kids today) aren't completely fluent in parallel programming, then something has gone terribly wrong. Kids should be writing parallel programs from day one and there isn't a better platform to get started with. The Parallella is the BBC Micro / Commodore 64 / Amiga / Apple-II of the 21st century and is the only accessible computing platform available that gives a heading towards the future of computing.
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What is Bitcoin ( Pond App?
Bitcoin ( Pond App is an one of industries leading Mobile Bitcoin mining ( pool. All of the mining power is backed up by physical miners. Mining with the latest algorithms allows to make as much Bitcoin ( as possible. We aim to provide you with the easiest possible way to make money without having to do any of the hard stuff. With data centers around the globe, we aim to keep bills down and mining power high, meaning you can make more in a shorter amount of time than what it would take to mine from your home for instance. Our data centers are located in Europe, USA and China with dedicated Up-Links and 99% uptime!
You can download the Bitcoin ( Pond App for Free and you can start mining with your mobile device.
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You can create Bitcoin ( wallet using online services like You can buy and sell Bitcoins on Bitcoin ( trading platforms like LocalBitcoins.
Our Affiliate program allows you to invite your friends and if they successfully withdraw their bitcoins you can withdraw your mined bitcoins for Free!
Withdrawal of bitcoins are generally processed instantly, in rare cases withdrawals can be a little take longer.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:47 am
Is it supported on iOS device?
The App is currently released on Android devices. The iOS version will be release soon, Keep in touch!
China's bitcoin miners can no longer pay electricity bills.
The Chinese government's ongoing aggressive behavior towards the Chinese crypto industry has resulted in Bitcoin ( miners now facing difficulties paying their electricity bills.
According to a tweet published on November 16, 2020, 74 percent of surveyed Chinese miners are currently having trouble paying their electricity bills. The background to this problem is that the Chinese government has been cracking down on the exchange of crypto and fiat currencies for a long time.
In 2020, the government called for vehement action against money laundering and other illegal activities. This particularly applies to activities related to cryptocurrencies. However, like everyone else, miners need access to the yuan to pay their bills and other operational expenses. The fact that this access is difficult for them poses great problems. In addition to problems with seasonal floods, they now also have to struggle with the COVID-19 pandemic, which creates further obstacles, such as delivery bottlenecks.
After the Bitcoin ( halving in May, Coinbase Rewards fell by half compared to the last four years, the name suggests it. As a result, the miners now want to achieve greater efficiency to compensate for the low income.
Will Chinese miners look for new areas in the future?
In recent years, China has always been the leading country in terms of Bitcoin ( hash rate. Around 65 percent of the total computing power fed into the Bitcoin ( network comes from the Middle Kingdom. With just under 7 percent, the USA is already far behind in second place. But this distribution could now shift in the future due to the restrictions.
The Chinese miners could migrate to areas with cheaper electricity prices and better climatic conditions. A conceivable alternative to China for the miners would be the region around  and Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan in particular could develop into a new mining hub. In early September, the Ministry of Digital Development announced that it would invest $ 700 million in the blockchain sector over the next three years. 13 mining farms are already in operation and four more are in the planning stage. Kazakhstan is already in fourth place in the global hash rate ranking with a share of over 6 percent. The country could take on more and more shares through the new crypto offensive.
Bitcoin mining ( Now Consuming More Electricity Than 159 Countries Including Ireland & Most Countries In Africa.
The map above shows which countries consume less electricity than the amount consumed by global Bitcoin mining ( You can see an update for late 2018 here.
Bitcoin ('s ongoing meteoric price rise has received the bulk of recent press attention with a lot of discussion around whether or not it's a bubble waiting to burst.
However, most the coverage has missed out one of the more interesting and unintended consequences of this price increase. That is the surge in global electricity consumption used to "mine" more Bitcoins.
According to Digiconomist's Bitcoin ( Energy Consumption Index, as of Monday November 20th, 2017 Bitcoin ('s current estimated annual electricity consumption stands at 29.05TWh .
That's the equivalent of 0.13% of total global electricity consumption. While that may not sound like a lot, it means Bitcoin mining ( is now using more electricity than 159 individual countries (as you can see from the map above). More than Ireland or Nigeria.
If Bitcoin ( miners were a country they'd rank 61st in the world in terms of electricity consumption.
Here are a few other interesting facts about Bitcoin mining ( and electricity consumption:
In the past month alone, Bitcoin mining ( electricity consumption is estimated to have increased by 29.98% If it keeps increasing at this rate, Bitcoin mining ( will consume all the world's electricity by February 2020 . Estimated annualised global mining revenues: $7.2 billion USD (£5.4 billion) Estimated global mining costs: $1.5 billion USD (£1.1 billion) Number of Americans who could be powered by Bitcoin mining ( 2.4 million (more than the population of Houston) Number of Britons who could be powered by Bitcoin mining ( 6.1 million (more than the population of Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield, Manchester, Bradford, Liverpool, Bristol, Croydon, Coventry, Leicester & Nottingham combined) Or Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. Bitcoin mining ( consumes more electricity than 12 US states (Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming)
All maps created using For the full breakdown of data, please keep reading.
Bitcoin mining ( Electricity Consumption Vs Countries.
The map at the top of the page shows, which countries currently consume more or less electricity than that consumed by global Bitcoin mining (
The map below shows how much more or less Bitcoin mining ( energy consumption compares to each countries energy usage with 100% being equal.
E.g. Ireland currently consumes an estimated 25 TWh of electricity per year, so global Bitcoin mining ( consumption is 116%, or 16% more than they consume. The UK consumes an estimated 309 TWh of electricity per year so global Bitcoin mining ( consumption is only equivalent to 9.4% of the UK total.
Global Bitcoin mining ( consumption compared to each country's electricity consumption.
The map below shows which countries in Europe consume more or less electricity than Bitcoin mining (
Which European countries consume more or less electricity than the amount consumed by global Bitcoin mining (
As mentioned, above the data for Bitcoin mining ( energy consumption comes from the Bitcoin ( Energy Consumption Index. You can read about their assumptions here.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:47 am
Swiss Alps Mining ( / ICO / Trailer|1:03
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:48 am

15 Things You Didn't Know About The Mining ( Industry|15:29
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:49 am

The Crypto Space Is Mooning 10X... [secret data reveals SHOCKING info]|10:13
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:49 am
Electricity consumption data mostly comes from the CIA via Wikipedia and is mostly for 2014, since that's the most recent year available. Unlike some other sources it includes, residential, commercial and industrial use, so may be higher than other figures quoted elsewhere.
Below we have a table showing the data we used for each country:
Rank Country Electricity Consumption in kWh/year Bitcoin mining ( Consumption Relative To Country's Use 1 China 5,920,000,000,000.00 0.49% 2 United States 3,913,000,000,000.00 0.74% 3  1,065,000,000,000.00 2.73% 4 India 1,001,191,000,000.00 2.90% 5 Japan 934,000,000,000.00 3.11% 6 Germany 533,000,000,000.00 5.45% 7 Canada 528,000,000,000.00 5.50% 8 Brazil 518,000,000,000.00 5.61% 9 Korea, South 495,000,000,000.00 5.87% 10 France 431,000,000,000.00 6.74% 11 United Kingdom 309,000,000,000.00 9.40% 12 Italy 291,000,000,000.00 9.98% 13 Saudi Arabia 272,000,000,000.00 10.68% 14 Taiwan 249,500,000,000.00 11.64% 15 Mexico 238,000,000,000.00 12.21% 16 Spain 234,000,000,000.00 12.41% 17 Australia 224,000,000,000.00 12.97% 18 Iran 218,000,000,000.00 13.33% 19 South Africa 212,000,000,000.00 13.70% 20 Turkey 207,000,000,000.00 14.03% 21 Indonesia 195,000,000,000.00 14.90% 22 Thailand 164,000,000,000.00 17.71% 23 Egypt 143,000,000,000.00 20.31% 24 e 143,000,000,000.00 20.31% 25 Poland 142,000,000,000.00 20.46% 26 Malaysia 131,000,000,000.00 22.18% 27 Sweden 127,000,000,000.00 22.87% 28 Norway 126,400,000,000.00 22.98% 29 Vietnam 125,000,000,000.00 23.24% 30 Argentina 116,000,000,000.00 25.04% 31 Netherlands 108,000,000,000.00 26.90% 32 United Arab Emirates 96,000,000,000.00 30.26% 33 Kazakhstan 91,000,000,000.00 31.92% 34 Philippines 90,797,891,000.00 31.99% 35 Pakistan 82,000,000,000.00 35.43% 36 Finland 81,000,000,000.00 35.86% 37 Belgium 81,000,000,000.00 35.86% 38 Venezuela 78,000,000,000.00 37.24% 39 Austria 69,750,000,000.00 41.65% 40 Chile 66,000,000,000.00 44.02% 41 Czech Republic 60,000,000,000.00 48.42% 42 Colombia 60,000,000,000.00 48.42% 43 Israel 59,830,000,000.00 48.55% 44 Switzerland 58,000,000,000.00 50.09% 45 Kuwait 54,000,000,000.00 53.80% 46 Greece 53,000,000,000.00 54.81% 47 Algeria 49,000,000,000.00 59.29% 48 Romania 48,000,000,000.00 60.52% 49 Uzbekistan 48,000,000,000.00 60.52% 50 Singapore 47,180,000,000.00 61.57% 51 Portugal 46,000,000,000.00 63.15% 52 Bangladesh 46,000,000,000.00 63.15% 53 Hong Kong 42,000,000,000.00 69.17% 54 Iraq 42,000,000,000.00 69.17% 55 New Zealand 40,000,000,000.00 72.63% 56 Peru 39,000,000,000.00 74.49% 57 Qatar 34,000,000,000.00 85.44% 58 Belarus 33,000,000,000.00 88.03% 59 Denmark 32,000,000,000.00 90.78% 60 Bulgaria 31,000,000,000.00 93.71% 61 Morocco 29,000,000,000.00 100.17% 62 Slovakia 28,360,000,000.00 102.43% 63 Serbia 26,910,000,000.00 107.95% 64 Bahrain 25,000,000,000.00 116.20% 65 Ireland 25,000,000,000.00 116.20% 66 Oman 25,000,000,000.00 116.20% 67 Nigeria 24,000,000,000.00 121.04% 68 Hungary 21,550,000,000.00 134.80% 69 Ecuador 21,000,000,000.00 138.33% 70 Azerbaijan 20,000,000,000.00 145.25% 71 Puerto Rico 19,000,000,000.00 152.89% 72 Iceland 17,000,000,000.00 170.88% 73 Syria 17,000,000,000.00 170.88% 74 Croatia 16,970,000,000.00 171.18% 75 Jordan 16,000,000,000.00 181.56% 76 Lebanon 16,000,000,000.00 181.56% 77 Dominican Republic 15,140,000,000.00 191.88% 78 Tunisia 15,000,000,000.00 193.67% 79 Cuba 15,000,000,000.00 193.67% 80 Korea, North 15,000,000,000.00 193.67% 81 Slovenia 13,000,000,000.00 223.46% 82 Turkmenistan 13,000,000,000.00 223.46% 83 Tajikistan 12,000,000,000.00 242.08% 84 Mozambique 12,000,000,000.00 242.08% 85 Kyrgyzstan 11,000,000,000.00 264.09% 86 Sri Lanka 11,000,000,000.00 264.09% 87 Zambia 11,000,000,000.00 264.09% 88 Bosnia and Herzegovina 11,000,000,000.00 264.09% 89 Myanmar 11,000,000,000.00 264.09% 90 Uruguay 10,000,000,000.00 290.50% 91 Lithuania 9,900,000,000.00 293.43% 92 Sudan 9,900,000,000.00 293.43% 93 Georgia 9,800,000,000.00 296.43% 94 Paraguay 9,700,000,000.00 299.48% 95 Libya 9,300,000,000.00 312.37% 96 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 9,300,000,000.00 312.37% 97 Costa Rica 9,200,000,000.00 315.76% 98 Ghana 9,200,000,000.00 315.76% 99 Trinidad and Tobago 9,100,000,000.00 319.23% 100 Guatemala 8,915,000,000.00 325.86% 101 Estonia 8,200,000,000.00 354.27% 102 Angola 8,100,000,000.00 358.64% 103 Zimbabwe 8,000,000,000.00 363.13% 104 Panama 7,800,000,000.00 372.44% 105 Albania 7,793,000,000.00 372.77% 106 Kenya 7,600,000,000.00 382.24% 107 Bolivia 7,500,000,000.00 387.33% 108 Macedonia 6,960,000,000.00 417.39% 109 Latvia 6,800,000,000.00 427.21% 110 Ethiopia 6,700,000,000.00 433.58% 111 Luxembourg 6,200,000,000.00 468.55% 112 Cameroon 6,100,000,000.00 476.23% 113 Ivory Coast 5,800,000,000.00 500.86% 114 El Salvador 5,700,000,000.00 509.65% 115 Mongolia 5,600,000,000.00 518.75% 116 Honduras 5,300,000,000.00 548.11% 117 West Bank 5,200,000,000.00 558.65% 118 Yemen 5,200,000,000.00 558.65% 119 Armenia 5,100,000,000.00 569.61% 120 Tanzania 5,000,000,000.00 581.00% 121 Afghanistan 4,700,000,000.00 618.09% 122 Macau 4,500,000,000.00 645.56% 123 Nicaragua 4,412,000,000.00 658.43% 124 Moldova 4,305,000,000.00 674.80% 125 Cambodia 4,100,000,000.00 708.54% 126 Laos 3,900,000,000.00 744.87% 127 Nepal 3,900,000,000.00 744.87% 128 Cyprus 3,900,000,000.00 744.87% 129 Brunei 3,766,000,000.00 771.38% 130 Botswana 3,700,000,000.00 785.14% 131 Namibia 3,700,000,000.00 785.14% 132 Papua New Guinea 3,000,000,000.00 968.33% 133 Senegal 3,000,000,000.00 968.33% 134 Kosovo 2,887,000,000.00 1006.23% 135 Montenegro 2,800,000,000.00 1037.50% 136 Jamaica 2,800,000,000.00 1037.50% 137 Uganda 2,700,000,000.00 1075.93% 138 Mauritius 2,600,000,000.00 1117.31% 139 Gabon 2,100,000,000.00 1383.33% 140 Bhutan 2,085,000,000.00 1393.29% 141 New Caledonia 2,000,000,000.00 1452.50% 142 Malta 2,000,000,000.00 1452.50% 143 Suriname 1,900,000,000.00 1528.95% 144 Malawi 1,900,000,000.00 1528.95% 145 Bahamas 1,600,000,000.00 1815.63% 146 Guam 1,500,000,000.00 1936.67% 147 Swaziland 1,500,000,000.00 1936.67% 148 Mali 1,400,000,000.00 2075.00% 149 Liechtenstein 1,360,000,000.00 2136.03% 150 Madagascar 1,300,000,000.00 2234.62% 151 Burkina Faso 1,200,000,000.00 2420.83% 152 Niger 1,200,000,000.00 2420.83% 153 Togo 1,100,000,000.00 2640.91% 154 Benin 1,000,000,000.00 2905.00% 155 Curacao 968,000,000.00 3001.03% 156 Congo, Republic of the 900,000,000.00 3227.78% 157 Guinea 900,000,000.00 3227.78% 158 Barbados 900,000,000.00 3227.78% 159 Mauritania 800,000,000.00 3631.25% 160 Lesotho 800,000,000.00 3631.25% 161 Guyana 800,000,000.00 3631.25% 162 Fiji 800,000,000.00 3631.25% 163 Aruba 800,000,000.00 3631.25% 164 French Polynesia 700,000,000.00 4150.00% 165 South Sudan 694,100,000.00 4185.28% 166 Jersey 630,100,000.00 4610.38% 167 Bermuda 600,000,000.00 4841.67% 168 Cayman Islands 600,000,000.00 4841.67% 169 U.S. Virgin Islands 600,000,000.00 4841.67% 170 Marshall Islands 600,000,000.00 4841.67% 171 Andorra 562,400,000.00 5165.36% 172 Rwanda 500,000,000.00 5810.00% 173 Burundi 400,000,000.00 7262.50% 174 Belize 400,000,000.00 7262.50% 175 Djibouti 400,000,000.00 7262.50% 176 Haiti 400,000,000.00 7262.50% 177 Seychelles 300,000,000.00 9683.33% 178 Somalia 300,000,000.00 9683.33% 179 Saint Lucia 300,000,000.00 9683.33% 180 Antigua and Barbuda 300,000,000.00 9683.33% 181 Cabo Verde 300,000,000.00 9683.33% 182 Eritrea 300,000,000.00 9683.33% 183 Faroe Islands 300,000,000.00 9683.33% 184 Gambia 300,000,000.00 9683.33% 185 Greenland 300,000,000.00 9683.33% 186 Liberia 300,000,000.00 9683.33% 187 Maldives 300,000,000.00 9683.33% 188 Chad 200,000,000.00 14525.00% 189 Saint Kitts and Nevis 200,000,000.00 14525.00% 190 Central African Republic 200,000,000.00 14525.00% 191 Sierra Leone 200,000,000.00 14525.00% 192 Turks and Caicos Islands 200,000,000.00 14525.00% 193 Gibraltar 200,000,000.00 14525.00% 194 Grenada 200,000,000.00 14525.00% 195 Micronesia, Federated States of 178,600,000.00 16265.40% 196 Timor-Leste 125,300,000.00 23184.36% 197 British Virgin Islands 100,000,000.00 29050.00% 198 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 100,000,000.00 29050.00% 199 American Samoa 100,000,000.00 29050.00% 200 Samoa 100,000,000.00 29050.00% 201 Equatorial Guinea 91,140,000.00 31874.04% 202 Dominica 90,210,000.00 32202.64% 203 Western Sahara 83,700,000.00 34707.29% 204 Solomon Islands 79,050,000.00 36748.89% 205 Sao Tome and Principe 65,100,000.00 44623.66% 206 Vanuatu 55,800,000.00 52060.93% 207 Tonga 46,500,000.00 62473.12% 208 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 41,850,000.00 69414.58% 209 Comoros 40,920,000.00 70992.18% 210 Guinea-Bissau 31,620,000.00 91872.23% 211 Cook Islands 31,620,000.00 91872.23% 212 Kiribati 27,900,000.00 104121.86% 213 Nauru 23,250,000.00 124946.24% 214 Montserrat 21,390,000.00 135811.13% 215 Falkland Islands 13,950,000.00 208243.73% 216 Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha 9,300,000.00 312365.59% 217 Niue 3,720,000.00 780913.98% 218 Gaza Strip 202,000.00 14381188.12% 219 Northern Mariana Islands 48,300.00 60144927.54%
Bitcoin mining ( Electricity Consumption Vs US States.
While doing the research we also though it might be interesting to compare Bitcoin mining ( energy consumption to US states. So we created the map below:
Overall, 12 States consume less electricity than Bitcoin mining ( (Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming).
The data for this section comes from the EIA and is for 2015 and uses total retail sales. Please note this data set uses MWh instead of kWh.
State Total retail sales (MWh) Bitcoin mining ( Consumption Relative To State's Use Alabama 88,845,543.00 33% Alaska 6,159,204.00 472% Arizona 77,349,416.00 38% Arkansas 46,465,154.00 63% California 261,170,437.00 11% Colorado 54,116,046.00 54% Connecticut 29,476,155.00 99% Delaware 11,498,205.00 253% District of Columbia 11,291,233.00 257% Florida 235,599,398.00 12% Georgia 135,878,215.00 21% Hawaii 9,511,352.00 305% Idaho 23,058,814.00 126% Illinois 138,619,970.00 21% Indiana 104,514,518.00 28% Iowa 47,147,293.00 62% Kansas 39,849,127.00 73% Kentucky 76,038,630.00 38% Louisiana 91,676,489.00 32% Maine 11,888,168.00 244% Maryland 61,781,719.00 47% Massachusetts 54,621,088.00 53% Michigan 102,479,921.00 28% Minnesota 66,579,234.00 44% Mississippi 48,691,529.00 60% Missouri 81,504,081.00 36% Montana 14,206,911.00 204% Nebraska 29,495,073.00 98% Nevada 36,019,690.00 81% New Hampshire 10,999,149.00 264% New Jersey 75,489,623.00 38% New Mexico 23,093,553.00 126% New York 148,913,655.00 20% North Carolina 133,847,523.00 22% North Dakota 18,128,948.00 160% Ohio 149,213,224.00 19% Oklahoma 61,336,385.00 47% Oregon 47,263,974.00 61% Pennsylvania 146,344,028.00 20% Rhode Island 7,664,718.00 379% South Carolina 81,328,246.00 36% South Dakota 12,101,979.00 240% Tennessee 99,632,108.00 29% Texas 392,337,354.00 7% Utah 30,192,350.00 96% Vermont 5,521,109.00 526% Virginia 112,009,045.00 26% Washington 90,116,086.00 32% West Virginia 32,303,026.00 90% Wisconsin 68,698,932.00 42% Wyoming 16,924,762.00 172%
Growth of Bitcoin mining ( Electricity Consumption.
While Bitcoin mining ( is only currently consuming 0.13% of the world's electricity output, it's growing incredibly quickly.
The Bitcoin ( Energy Consumption Index estimates consumption has increased by 29.98% over the past month. If that growth rate were to continue, and countries did not add any new power generating capacity, Bitcoin mining ( would:
Be greater than UK electricity consumption by October 2018 (309 TWh) Be greater than US electricity consumption by July 2019 (3,913 TWh) Consume all the world's electricity by February 2020. (21,776 TWh)
The Cost of Mining Bitcoins.
The Bitcoin ( Energy Consumption Index estimates that the total annual cost of mining Bitcoins stands at $1.5 billion (£1.1 billion) .
However, that assumes Bitcoin mining ( is occurring in places with cheap electricity (not an unreasonable assumption).
The US average retail price per kilowatthour is 10.41 cents, which means using 28.05 TWh would cost: $3.02 billion (£2.28 billion) .
In the UK it would even more expensive, assuming you paid the rock bottom price of 10.10 pence per kilowatthour (Bulb's prices for London homes) it would still cost £2.93 billion ($3.89 billion) .
Interestingly, Bitcoin ('s price increase over the last month has been just over 40% , which is greater than the increase in electricity consumption.
This means the estimated annualised global mining revenues now stand at $7.2 billion USD (£5.4 billion) , which even at the more expensive estimates listed above, means it's still very profitable.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:49 am
How Does Bitcoin mining ( Consume Electricity?
At a very bASIC ( level Bitcoin mining ( requires expensive and power hungry computer hardware. As the the IEEE explains:
Mining power is high and getting higher, thanks to a computational arms race. Recall that the required number of zeros at the beginning of a hash is tweaked biweekly to adjust the difficulty of creating a block--and more zeros means more difficulty.
The Bitcoin ( algorithm adds these zeros in order to keep the rate at which blocks are added constant, at one new block every 10 minutes. The idea is to compensate for the mining hardware becoming more and more powerful.
When the hashing is harder, it takes more computations to create a block and thus more effort to earn new bitcoins, which are then added to circulation.
To better understand how this whole process works have a look at Investopedia's guide.
Also see:
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Venezuelan State Power Company Cuts Electricity to Bitcoin ( Miners.
Venezuelan bitcoin miners in the region of Carabobo are experiencing power cuts.
Someone high up in Government is allegedly behind the shut down.
Venezuela has a healthy mining community while their fiat currency languishes.
Corpoelec, the Venezuelan state power company, has cut power to Bitcoin mining ( equipment, according to a local miner.
As a result, mining farms scheduled a meeting to negotiate with the government. However, this meeting was later canceled.
Offline Inflation.
While mining rewards reach $100,000 a block, miners in Carabobo, Venezuela, won't be seeing a dime. The Venezuelan state power company disconnected mining equipment across the state.
An informant told Criptonoticias that his contacts at Corpoelec had tipped him off before the blackout. The order to end mining allegedly came, "From above." This informant, a local miner, chose to remain anonymous.
The miner says that managers at the state power company explained that all mines in Carabobo would be shut down. Starting the weekend of Nov 7, 2020, all mines in the province were offline.
While miners, in theory, are anonymous, the Venezuelan government has a register of all miners in the nation. Nonetheless, unregistered miners exist, though the government has managed to detect their activity. The informant didn't know whether unregistered miners were affected.
Additionally, the reason for the miner shutdown was not apparent.
Venezuela publica una nueva regulación para la minería de #criptomonedas y un polémico Pool de Minería Digital Nacional ha sido creado #bitcoin
Emergency Bitcoin ( Miner Meeting.
As a result of these events, the Ministry of Popular Power for Electric Energy and the Sectoral Vice Presidency of Public works scheduled an emergency meeting. The consortium was to take place on Nov 12, 2020, in Caracas, the Venezuelan capital.
The meeting would host negotiations on electricity costs in the region. It was to be an interface between miners and the government. One subject for discussion was the creation of a National Digital Mining Pool.
Following this announcement, the informant released a letter urging his fellow miners to show up in numbers at the gathering, saying there would be strength in numbers. Unfortunately, the meeting was suspended for unknown reasons.
Petro, Petrol.
Venezuela, which has a socialist government, has had a mixed relationship with cryptocurrencies.
Crypto mining is legal in Venezuela, but miners need to apply for a license with the Comprehensive Registry of Miners (RIM). Miners and Government officials are in talks regarding national digital mining pools. In 2017, CoinShare ranked Venezuela as one of the top 10 countries contributing to the Bitcoin ( hashrate.
On the other hand, crypto has become a significant issue in the troubled country. Venezuela, which sees most of its industry from oil, has had runaway inflation for several years.
This has led citizens to stack bitcoin and other cryptos. Despite their obvious volatility, cryptocurrencies don't suffer the extreme inflation of the Venezuelan bolivar.
Attempting to cash in on this craze, the government created the "Petro," a digital currency in 2017. The government planned to back this currency with oil reserves. However, the Petro never gained traction, and Venezuelans have flocked to bitcoin instead.
Chinese Bitcoin ( Miners Fail to Pay Electricity Bills Amid Crackdown on Crypto Exchange.
Bitcoin ( miners in Chian are currently struggling to carry their mining activities as the government crackdown on the exchange of crypto for national fiat CNY intensified. China is a hub for Bitcoin mining ( because of the cheap and clean electricity availability, however looking at the growing restraints from the government, these miners might have to move out of the country if they wish to continue Bitcoin mining ( As per a recent survey conducted by a local media publication WuBlockchain, 74% of the miners reported that the recent crackdowns are making it difficult for them to pay their electricity bills.
The crackdown has resulted in the freezing of thousands of bank cards of those who were found exchanging cryptocurrencies for the national fiat CNY. Miners can't risk exchanging their mining rewards for CNY as it would lead to blocking their cards, but mining being their primary profession there is no other way for them to cash out their mining rewards.
Could Bitcoin mining ( Consume More Electricity Than A Whole Country?
Apart from 'blockchain,' which word do you think was one of the most populars of this year, speaking in terms of the atypical fussioning that results from blending technology with economy? If your answer was 'Bitcoin (,' you're totally right. Indeed, no one can deny how both elements, bitcoin and blockchain, have been receiving a growing bulk of attention from worldwide information channels.
Of course, there's no need to explain why bitcoin and blockchain have been grabbing the entire media, since although not everyone is used to the terminology of cryptocurrencies nor understand it at its full to drive home the point and the bunch of applications experts propose, the topic doesn't go unnoticed when one of the most important corporation of finances as MasterCard is betting on that kind of tech-economical solution.
Nevertheless, one of the most controversial aspects of what it could represent this game changer economy of virtual currencies and its possible impact in these days societies, inevitably leads to the environmental theme, and the effects over a global warming which we are just getting used to live with, but we don't take enough action as we should.
Did you know that only the Bitcoin mining ( could consume more electricity than a whole country like Ireland? Indeed, whether you are or not confused about the futuristic system that bitcoin and blockchain suppose, I hope you already know the answer to that question next time you wonder what's the whole fuss about it -- And don't worry, since the secret was kind of revealed on a report called Digiconomist's Bitcoin ( Energy Consumption Index earlier last month.
Global warming: money does not bring happiness, nor Bitcoin ( either.
In this way, the numbers reported are a little bit tricky to digest and add a plus of confusion for those who are already lost in that area, considering that during the first half of the year ecologists told blockchain would be a environmental protection tool response, but the figures state it takes the equivalent of 0.13% of total global electricity consumption. Does it sound like a slight amount? Well, if Bitcoin ( miners were a country, they'd rank 61st in the world -- Of 194 recognized by the ONU, for you information.
Is it a vast amount? Only electric experts could know, though, without a doubt we are talking in heavy words when it's possible to summarize the quantity of spent energy in numbers that surpass the individual countries' bill. In fact, according to that study of electrical consumption of only Bitcoin mining (, it's easier to say that the digital currency exceed what's consumed in Serbia, Morocco, or some US states as Alaska and Hawaii.
However, what are actually 32 terawatt hours of energy? As we are neither used to handle with that kind of measures, suddenly everything goes a little bit abstract.
On the other hand, even though the only clear is mining is serious business, far beyond than dwelling on the details of comparing with washing machines, electric heatings, or even smaller gadgets as smartphones and tablets, there's a lack of contrast with the energy and human costs of worldwide bank transactions, for example.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:50 am

Unlimited Resources From Space - Asteroid Mining (|7:56
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:50 am

What is Mining (|13:58
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:50 am

Modern Mining ( - How Eagle Mine produces nickel and copper|5:44
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:51 am
Measuring the immeasurable since centuries before Christ.
How many clouds can float throughout a day? How much volumetric oxygen it's Earth capable to produce in order to give enough to each inhabitant? Something that have characterized our civilization and that makes us actually 'humans,' is this endless needing of quantifying and explain everything around.
That being said, of course it's quite complicated to measure and estimate the consumption of energy over the world, because it's kind of immeasurable -- And by the way, the energy sector is still a "national security" issue normally, so that the published data is often bad, assumed and/or outdated.
Finally, be that as it may, if bitcoin and blockchain want to take to the next level, it's needed to stop equating their "value" to US dollars or some other traditional currency, since if the ability to trade bitcoin for other money, products or services, collapses all those processor farms are performing worthless calculations, is it really acting as a self-sustaining economy?
On the other hand, in order to make less fiendish the whole system, it will be a must a bit of public education about the whole stuff; otherwise, it will still go on as a an evil character tricks a whole population into ruining their own world in some kind of virtual, creepy sci-fi story with no other solution than the common bank and doubtful government people who manage the nations.
Bitcoin ( Mathematics: Why 21 Million BTC May Have Been Chosen.
Everything about Bitcoin ( is heavily steeped in mathematics - defined as the study of quantity, structure, space, and change. Quantity has always been of particular interest to crypto investors and traders - in increasing the quantity of one's own holdings, and the impact the hard-capped quantity of BTC has on its long-term value.
Recently, a Twitter thread questioned the reasoning behind why the first-ever cryptocurrency's creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, selected 21 million BTC as the total supply and not another arbitrary number. The answer, like everything else surrounding Bitcoin (, can be found in very simple math.
The Not Secret Anymore Formula For Bitcoin ('s Hard-Capped Supply.
Bitcoin ('s hard-capped supply provides it with unique attributes. It gives it a layer of scarcity fiat currencies don't have, but safe-haven assets like gold are lauded for. It also prevents inflation by never increasing the BTC supply. We can all see why it's important to Bitcoin ('s value, but still - why 21 million BTC?
In a detailed and thought-provoking Twitter thread started by Sasha Fleyshman, the trader at Arca - an asset management firm focusing on cryptocurrencies and blockchain - inquires into why Bitcoin ('s creator chose 21 million BTC as the total amount of Bitcoin ( to ever exist. Like most things related to Satoshi.
After much discussion, Fleyshman gathered the collective thoughts and based on a simple mathematical formula, may have discovered the reason behind the 21 million BTC supply.
This is offset by what is called a "Difficulty Adjustment", where the 'hash'(random generated number) that is required to solve the block is adjusted - this occurs every 2016 blocks (14 days). So, for all related purposes, 6 blocks/hour is a safe metric to use.
The theory is based on time, mostly. The variables used were hours per day, days per year, years per cycle, and blocks per hour.
Also, hardcoded into Bitcoin (, is the fact that it takes roughly ten minutes for each new block to be added to the blockchain. Fleyshman points out that this varies by a few seconds, but is ultimately offset at each "difficulty adjustment" occurring every 14 days.
When you break down four years worth of blocks at six blocks per hour, there are approximately 210,000 total blocks per halving cycle.
At Bitcoin ('s next halving, its supply will be cut from 12.5 BTC to 6.25 BTC. Prior to this, the block reward was 25 BTC, and before that, 50 BTC. The sum of all block reward sizes is 100.
When you multiply 100 with the 210,000 total blocks per halving cycle, you get 21 million BTC . At least that's according to Fleyshman's theory, which makes logical sense.
While all the math lines up, it could also just be a coincidence, and the true answer will likely never be known, as Satoshi Nakamoto's true identity may never be revealed. Until that ever happens, this theory is among the most convincing yet.
Assets in Mathematics: The Bitcoin mining ( Industry.
Mining is perhaps one of the most important components of the Bitcoin ( ECOS ( The complex computational math problems that miners work to solve enables the execution of transactions. These problems are so complex that they are difficult even for incredibly powerful computers. The luck and work required by a computer to solve one of these problems is the digital equivalent of a miner striking gold in the ground. The chance of getting it right is about 1 in 13 trillion.
Bitcoin mining ( serves two purposes. First, by solving computational math problems, Bitcoin ( miners make the Bitcoin ( payment network trustworthy and secure, by verifying its transaction information. Miners are the ones who make sure transactions are accurate and Bitcoin ( is not being duplicated.
Second, when computers solve these complex math problems on the Bitcoin ( network, they produce new Bitcoin (, not unlike when a mining operation extracts gold from the ground. That reward is called the 'block reward' and the amount is cut in half periodically during events known as 'halvings'. The concept of newly minted Bitcoin ( is a crucial component of the Bitcoin ( protocol. The Bitcoin ( that miners receive is new in the sense that it was not in circulation before that.
Because miners will eventually sell that Bitcoin (, they are a critical source of supply and liquidity. As Chainalysis reported, many crypto exchanges rely on miners for receiving Bitcoin ( and adding to the liquidity on the exchange. Typically, exchanges receive about 88% from other exchanges, with Bitcoin ( miners as the largest source for the remaining percentage. As you can imagine, there is fierce competition between exchanges to receive Bitcoin ( directly from the miners.
From mining at home, to Bitcoin ( industrial farms.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:51 am
At first, Bitcoin mining ( involved a lot of individuals at home with simple equipment performing the service. Over time, miners began to use better and better equipment and in 2013 they started using computers called Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC ( specifically designed for Bitcoin mining ( These are powerful, efficient computers and today most, if not all, mining is performed using this equipment. In fact, if you use a regular desktop computer, the cost of energy required to mine Bitcoin ( likely exceeds the revenue you would generate.
But even if you manage to get the right equipment, you'd still be out of your league compared to the mining pools - the alliances made by large Bitcoin mining ( companies where they pool their power. Bitcoin mining ( pools now dominate the market, with a handful of pools controlling most of the hashrate for Bitcoin ( - a general measure of the processing power of the Bitcoin ( network.
Where are the Bitcoin ( mines?
The Bitcoin mining ( Map created by the University of Cambridge shows the geographic distribution of the global Bitcoin ( hashrate. At first glance, the distribution of Bitcoin mining ( seems distributed to a satisfactory degree.
But upon closer inspection, we see that over 70% of the average monthly hashrate is actually located in one country, China.
Zooming in further, most of the mining activity is performed in only 4 provinces, with the top two being Xinjiang and Sichuan making up nearly half of all Bitcoin mining ( in China. In these areas, electricity is cheap, and the weather is cold. This helps keep mining profitable and the equipment cool during the 24/7 operation of Bitcoin mining (
But for the crypto-initiated, this is nothing new. For many years, China has consistently been a major market for Bitcoin ( miners due to its cheap electricity and affordable resources. Companies like Bitmain, F2Pool, and Canaan that account for a large portion of the Bitcoin ( network's hashrate are all based in China.
Whether this is negative or positive depends on your perspective. But for a decentralized, distributed, permissionless network, geographic spread across multiple entities is healthier for the entire ECOS (
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:52 am
Buy Bitcoin mining ( Hardware.
Purchasing Bitcoins - In some cases, you may need to purchase mining hardware with bitcoins. You also may want to check the Bitcoin ( charts .
Bitcoin mining ( with anything less will consume more in electricity than you are likely to earn. It's essential to mine bitcoins with the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware built specifically for that purpose.
Disclosure: The Profit Details are the result of a chosen budget of $ 10,000.00 to purchase Bitcoin mining ( servers that are hashing 76 TH/s at a price of $ 25 per terahash. This assumes a total hashrate of 400.00 . The Profit Details also take in consideration the current network hash rate of 1.7596801059571E13 and current BTC/USD exchange rate of 1 BTC = $ 18,606.09 . These figures vary based on the total network hash rate and on the BTC to USD conversion rate. Block reward is fixed at 6.25 BTC. The Profit Details do not take into account any future changes in block rewards, hashrate and difficulty rate. All inputs in this calculator vary over time. The profit details is based on current values only and should be used as a guide only.
Distributed miner.
This page is a stub. Help by expanding it.
A Bitcoin ( miner made from the pooled efforts of multiple computers, possibly without the computer user's knowledge.
Usually, the theory behind distributed miners consists of dividing work into workunits and sending them to various computers, who all report back with their work to be submitted en masse by a central processor. Alternatively, though, the computers can coordinate themselves to submit without any central puppetmaster.
Distributed Miners in the Wild.
Stealthcoin employs a method not unlike this, where unused computers act as bitcoin miners. It currently does not, however, coordinate between bots. uses distributed mining through a small bit of javascript running on browsers viewing a website.
Bitcoin ( Plus allows the distributing of works amongst friends using their client, or through an embeddable website script.
Bitcoin mining ( revenue at pre-halving levels.
Total revenues from Bitcoin ('s mining have returned to levels prior to the May halving .
This has been revealed by Glassnode, which shows that in November total revenues returned to over $15 million a day , with peaks of 20 .
These levels had already materialized at the beginning of the year but then collapsed due to the sharp drop in the value of bitcoin following the collapse of the financial markets in mid-March.
During the days leading up to the halving of May 11th, revenues had returned to above $16 million per day, only to fall again due to both the halving itself and the fall in BTC's value.
The impact of the halving on Bitcoin ('s mining revenues.
In fact, halving has reduced by half the number of BTC created and distributed to those who succeed in mining a block from 12.5 to 6.25 BTC, and since the number of blocks mined daily has remained almost unchanged, inevitably there has been a drop in revenues for Bitcoin ( miners .
However, in addition to the rewards for mining a block, the miners also collect transaction fees, which constitute a minority percentage of revenue.
Since a block is mined every 10 minutes or so, a total of around 144 blocks are mined every day, giving a total of around 900 BTC to the miners .
In the last few days , the total fees collected daily by miners have not exceeded 100 BTC, equivalent to less than 10% of their revenue .
As a result, about 1,000 BTC a day have been collected by Bitcoin ( miners in recent days, and since the price is constantly rising above $15,000, the total dollar value distributed to miners each day is on average over $15 million .
It should be noted that until May 11th, every day 1,800 BTC were created as rewards to the miners, while the fees collected daily by the miners rarely exceeded 50 BTC. However, at a price of around $9,000, they were still unable to exceed $20 million in daily revenue.
In recent days, however, the price has almost doubled, offsetting the loss due to the halving of BTC distributed as rewards.
This explains why Bitcoin ('s hashrate has risen to pre-halving levels lately, and why mining profitability is also on the rise, albeit still lower than in February.
Playstation Bitcoin mining (
Bitcoin ( Apps.
Bitcoin ( is the pinnacle of mobile money. Therefore, it is not surprising to see that bitcoin apps are becoming increasingly popular. This is why we created this bitcoin app list. As programmers and companies move into the market to meet the growing demand, we will have the latest reviews and the best bitcoin apps listed right here for you . Our analysts will take them for a spin and give you all the insights into this incredible developing world. Just scroll down and start picking the ones that fit your needs, read the descriptions and follow our links to download.
Supercomputer Bitcoin mining (
US Government Bans Professor for Mining Bitcoin ( with A Supercomputer.
This article was written by Ruben Alexander and Brian Cohen.
The NSF or National Science Foundation Office of the Inspector General (OIG) just posted on their website their March 2014 Semiannual Report to Congress (PDF with metadata create date of 5/27). This report contains a write-up on an "Administrative Investigation" by the OIG entitled "Government-wide Suspension Recommended for Researcher Who Used NSF-Funded Supercomputers to Mine Bitcoins" (full extract at bottom).
The National Science Foundation according to its website is "an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 'to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense...'"
According to a "Special Report" from NSF, "From SuperComputing to the Terragrid" (Mirror) a 1982 report "Large Scale Computing in Science and Engineering" (PDF) by Peter D. Lax affectionately referred to as the "The Lax Report" (under the sponsorship of the Department of the Defense [DOD] and the National Science Foundation), "led to the emergence of significant new NSF support for high-end computing, which in turn led directly to Supercomputer Centers."
Recent supercomputing breakthroughs include "NSF-funded Superhero Supercomputer Helps Battle Autism." The computer referred to as 'Gordon' uses unique flash memory to assist in identifying gene-related paths to treating mental disorders according to the March 26, 2013 press release. NSF also supports the "Unique, High-Performance Supercomputer Center," the PRObE Center of Los Alamos, "the world's first supercomputing system for large-scale systems research" according to another press release from October 24th, 2012. The OIG report does not mention the supercomputer research facilities whose computer resources were misappropriated (nor the name of the professor who did the deed) and we have no reason to believe that either of these facilities were involved in the breach.
In fiscal year 2014, NSF's annual budget is $7.2 billion and the Foundation funds almost a quarter of all federally supported bASIC ( research conducted by America's colleges and universities.
Absurdness of Mining Bitcoin ( Right Now with a Supercomputer.
In December 2013, Nathaniel Popper of the New York Times interviewed Michael B. Taylor, a professor at the University of California, San Diego, UCSD Center for Dark Silicon for his article "Into the Bitcoin ( Mines." Professor Taylor explained that:
"Today, all of the machines dedicated to mining Bitcoin ( have a computing power about 4,500 times the capacity of the United States government's mightiest supercomputer, the IBM Sequoia. The computing capacity of the Bitcoin ( network has grown by around 30,000 percent since the beginning of the year."
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:52 am
We caught up with Professor Taylor who provided an update on these metrics:
"Today, all of the machines dedicated to mining Bitcoin ( have a computing power about 58,600 times the capacity of the United States government's mightiest supercomputer, the IBM Sequoia... ...The computing capacity of the Bitcoin ( network has grown by around 1,300 percent since the beginning of the year."
Professor Taylor also happens to be a NSF funded researcher (of no relation to the professor who misappropriated the use of supercomputers to mine for bitcoin). His 2013 research paper "Bitcoin ( and The Age of Bespoke Silicon" was partially supported by NSF Awards.
Professor Taylor said that the "NSF is generally interested in the advancement of science, which includes cryptocurrencies and many other exciting developments in the scientific world."
Indeed, NSF funded (in part) well known research by Nicolas Christin of Carnegie Mellon INI/CyLab, "Traveling the Silk Road: A Measurement Analysis of a Large Anonymous Online Marketplace" (PDF), University of California and San Diego George Mason University researchers papers "A Fistful of Bitcoins: Characterizing Payments Among Men with No Names" (PDF) and "Botcoin: Monetizing Stolen Cycles" (Ref: "Using stolen computer processing cycles to mine Bitcoin (") as well as research such as Doctoral Dissertation Research: Making Real Money: Local Currency and Social Economies in the United States" with a stipend of $5,227 which was awarded in 2005 and "NeTs: Small: Economic Incentives for P2P: Theory and Design" awarded in July 2010 with a total of $466,000 awarded towards NeTs to date (and expiring this August).
We asked Michael about the "futility" of mining bitcoin with a supercomputer and he told us that:
"In a day, Sequoia could mine about 40 dollars worth of bitcoin, but it consumes about the same amount of electricity as 4,000 homes: 8 megawatts. They would pay more money in electricity costs each day than they would earn."
Using a Supercomputer to mine for bitcoin is both appalling and shocking to common sense. That said, we are uncertain of the exact metrics to use to extrapolate the efficiencies (or lack of thereof) of mining for bitcoin during the period in question. However, that won't stop us from trying to second guess the scant data provided by the OIG report (FOIA request anyone?).
The only computers designed to efficiently mine for bitcoin are ASIC ( or Application-Specific Integrated Circuit "mining rigs" (a.k.a computers). One such rig produced by KnCMiner costs approximately $6,000 and "minimum 3000GH/s of hashing speed that 3TH." Eric Turner, founder of CoinChomp estimates that Neptune should consume 4,500 Watts. The current price tag for the IBM Sequoia supercomputer cost close $250 million dollars. To create its electricity, cost is estimated at $9 million a year or about $24,655 per day according to Steve Henn at NPR.
It is likely the $150,000 mentioned in the OIG report as "NSF-supported computer usage" was the electrical cost of mining on the supercomputer or potentially mining for 6 full days.
While mining on hardware designed for processing Bitcoin ( transactions is the most efficient way to mine Bitcoin (, the supercomputer was most likely chosen for its availability and the electrical costs were not paid by the miner. The only steps necessary to mine Bitcoin ( are installing software designed to process SHA-256 hashes and configuring that software to mine on a specific mining pool.
There may have been additional measures taken to hide login access to the computer, but it would have been difficult to hide the supercomputer's power consumption while mining for Bitcoins.
History Repeats Itself.
This may or may not have been the first time a supercomputer was misused to mine for Cryptocurrency. Theodore R. Delwiche reported on February 20, 2014 in The Harvard Crimson that "Harvard Research Computing Resources Misused for 'Dogecoin' Mining Operation:"
"A member of the Harvard community was stripped of his or her access to the University's research computing facilities last week after setting up a "dogecoin" mining operation using a Harvard research network, according to an internal email circulated by Faculty of Arts and Sciences Research Computing officials."
One of the earliest references we could find for the misappropriation of computer time was an interesting case from 1967. According to Paul Andrews, in his 1994 biography "Gates: How Microsoft's Mogul Reinvented an Industry-and Made Himself the Richest Man in America," a "runty freckle-faced eighth grader" known by the name of Bill Gates punked C-Cubed computer company while learning the computer programming language BASIC ( Gates and his fellow students had become "addicted to programming." Even though Gates received a 20 percent educational discount, computer "time sharing" costs became too costly. "Real people had to pay for computing time" but "Accessing the accounting files, where the passwords were stored, seemed like just another challenge...Bill Gates and his friend Paul Allen were clearly the ringleaders." Andrews wryly explains "The kids were testing the system, just doing a little digital shoplifting. What harm was there in appropriating unused computer time protected with only the flimsiest of barriers?"
While Bill, Paul and company were banned from the computers for the summer, it's not known if our present day Bitcoin ( pirate was technically "debarred" under the "Office of Federal Contract Compliance." The OIG has a section of the report which discusses "Total Accountability: Suspension, Debarment and Beyond" and mentions debarments in "Civil and Criminal Investigations" and "Research Misconduct Investigations." Our computing power thief is not one of them as this was listed as an "Administrative Investigation" none of which involved a debarment. According to the report, NSF "suspended" the researcher "government-wide." The suspension is assumed to be indefinite as there was no time-frame provided.
If he only used his brain, he would have never gotten into this mess!
Full Extract from the National Science Foundation Office of the Inspector General March 2014 Semi Annual Report to Congress:
Government-wide Suspension Recommended for Researcher Who Used NSF-Funded Supercomputers to Mine Bitcoins.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:52 am
We received reports describing a researcher's abuse of NSF-funded supercomputing resources at two universities to conduct Bitcoin mining ( activities. Bitcoin ( is a virtual currency that is independent of national currencies, but it can be converted into traditional currencies through exchange markets. It is generated or "mined" through a process that is by design computationally intensive.
The researcher misused over $150,000 in NSF-supported computer usage at two universities to generate bitcoins valued between $8,000 and $10,000. Both universities determined that this was an unauthorized use of their IT systems. The researcher asserted that he was conducting tests on the computers, but neither university had authorized him to conduct such tests -- both university reports noted that the researcher accessed the computer systems remotely and may have taken steps to conceal his activities, including accessing one supercomputer through a mirror site in Europe.
The researcher's access to all NSF-funded supercomputer resources was terminated. In response to our recommendation, NSF suspended the researcher government-wide.
What happens if a supercomputer is involved in Bitcoin mining (
If you know how Bitcoin mining ( works, you may wonder if it would be worthwhile using a supercomputer for it. Strange idea? The answer is no.
Supercomputer running Bitcoin mining (
Supercomputers have different demands than Bitcoin ( Miners, as they have to solve other tasks. For bitcoin miners, so-called ASIC ( chips, which have been optimized for hashing the SHA-256 algorithm, are used. If a supercomputer were to run Bitcoin mining ( now, not much would change at the hashrate. Also, the success of the supercomputer would be controversial, since it is highly inefficient compared to the ASIC ( Probably so incompetent that the cost of running electricity is higher than the revenue it would generate. One estimate states that the 500 fastest supercomputers in the world can't afford the hashrates that the bitcoin network provides.
Bitcoin mining ( and The Key Factors.
As mentioned earlier, the Bitcoin mining ( needs notable computational capabilities to encrypt the hash. Many resolute mining equipment have been created out of GPUs, FPGAs (Field programmable gate array) and ASIC ( (application-specific integrated circuit). And you can speculate that some supercomputers are spending time on Bitcoin mining (
Supercomputers utilize a big arrangement of CPUs assigned to processing massive data units called vector processing, but they don't have much GPU power. It's much more passive than mining with new GPUs and ASIC ( that are Integrated Circuits particularly created for special use, rather than designed for general-purpose use.
Nowadays, Bitcoins mining is often achieved with ASIC ( chips. They are profoundly optimized for the single objective of solving computations needed in mining. The lack of versatility allows to immensely expand their efficiency over general-purpose machines. This has made Bitcoin ( hashrate network to develop about 20,000 times more since the initial Bitcoin ( ASIC ( have dispatched. This lack in adaptability allows to increase their efficiency over general-purpose hardware and has made the hashrate of the Bitcoin ( network (the total "mining power") to rise about 20,000x (twenty thousand fold) since the initial Bitcoin ( ASIC ( have dispatched. General-purpose chips are much less efficient at mining, and therefore don't stand a chance at competing.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:53 am
Bitcoin mining ( with a supercomputer in .
In the month of February, a couple of nuclear scientists were arrested in  who wanted to misuse a supercomputer for Bitcoin mining ( When the scientists wanted to connect the supercomputer to the Internet, this was noticeable. The authorities reacted immediately and arrested scientists. The supercomputer has been used to perform physical calculations.
Future Of Bitcoin mining (
There are speculations that the future of Bitcoin ( is in danger because of quantum computers. A paper published in shows how quantum computer could ruin and damage Bitcoin ('s security protocol. The elliptic curve signature system employed by Bitcoin ( is at jeopardy and could be destroyed by quantum machine as early as 2027, by the most hopeful assessments.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 10:53 am
That string of supercomputer hacks last week? Of course it was a crypto-coin-mining get-rich-quick scheme.
Stuck for compute power to craft digital funbucks? Go where the big beasts slumber.
A British supercomputer hacked last week was among a group of big beasts targeted around the world to mine cryptocurrency, it has emerged.
The European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) team reported this week that, in addition to the hijacked user accounts on the ARCHER cluster at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, supercomputers in China, Europe, and North America were also broken into by miscreants bent on crafting Monero coins using whatever compute resources they could find.
The EGI also noted there were two waves of attacks on high-performance systems, one for mining coins and other for some as-yet unknown purpose, saying the separate intrusions "may or may not be correlated."
According to the supercomputing body's summary of events, hackers used stolen SSH credentials to access the supercomputers, then assigned nodes various roles: some mined the cryptocurrency, others acted as mining proxies, and Tor and SSH tunneling hosts.
The logins may have been stolen by replacing SSH executables with backdoored programs that siphoned off the credentials.
"The attackers use different techniques to hide the malicious activity, including a malicious Linux kernel module," the EGI security team noted in its advisory. "It is not fully understood how SSH credentials are stolen, although some (but not all) victims have discovered compromised SSH binaries.
"At least in one case, the malicious XMR activity is configured (CRON) to operate only during night times to avoid detection."
Egghead dragged over coals for mining Bitcoin ( on uni supercomputer.
Cado Security bods, meanwhile, dug into the cryptomining malware installed on the systems, and noted something interesting: it appears much of the malicious code was compiled on the infected machines - a sign of a slightly more sophisticated attacker in that a generic x86-64 binary was not deployed, and instead one built and potentially optimized for each infected super was used instead.
"Normally when investigating crypto-jacking attacks against servers, you will see the same piece of malware uploaded from a number of victims," the team noted. The pile of evidence linking the two separate sets of supercomputer intrusions has led the Cado eggheads to believe it was all the same operation.
We're told the criminals were logging into the machines from compromised networks at the University of Krakow, Poland; the Shanghai Jiaotong University, China; and the China Science and Technology Network. The fact that boffins give each other access to their supercomputers, to further scientific research, helps explain why the miscreants were able to move between supers and networks seemingly so easily.
In addition, computers at the University of Freiburg, Germany; the University of Toronto, Canada; the University of California, Los Angeles, USA; and Stony Brook University, New York, USA are suspected to have been compromised and roped into the operation.
This wouldn't be the first time a supercomputing beast has been hijacked to generate digital currency.
Back in 2014, a Harvard student was caught using a 14,000-core cluster at the uni to mine Dogecoin, and in 2018 two n scientists were collared after they crafted alt-coins on a supercomputer at one of the nation's nuclear weapons facilities.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 12:46 pm
Bitcoin mining ( is a slightly misleading name. No one swings a pickaxe into rough stones in order to find additional bitcoins. Bitcoin mining ( actually means adding more bitcoins to the digital currency ECOS (
There will be a total of 21 million bitcoin in circulation by 2140.
So, how do new bitcoins come into existence? All the additional bitcoins have to be generated through a computational process called mining . You do it by letting your computer hardware calculate complex mathematical equations, which can be done at any given time of the day. Doing so enables you to become an integral part of the bitcoin network, not only by securing the network through your dedicated hardware, but also by generating more coins to put into circulation.
There are certain similarities to how other resources -- such as gold -- are mined: The available supply is slowly increased as more is being put into the mining process. That said, the way bitcoins are mined is by solving complex computational problems, which require more resources as time progresses.
To ensure that no more coins are generated every day than originally intended, the mining process is linked to a difficulty rating. This rating goes up as more computational power joins the bitcoin network, and decreases when there are fewer miners competing for network blocks.
By Dan Charbonneau on ALTCOIN MAGAZINE.
It's Good, Steady Work.
A digital currency like bitcoin needs machines to make it work, right? It does, a crap-ton of them. Who makes these machines? Who buys these machines? Who spends their money on electricity and infrastructure to run these machines? The answer is capitalists. There's money to be made in the manufacture and selling of a "bitcoin miner", which is simply a device that guesses numbers at a very fast rate. More on that in a bit. There's money to be made in selling them because there's money to be made in running them. Every 10 minutes a "block" is created and written to the "blockchain". A block is a listing of transactions summarized into one file, like your deposit at the bank. You give the bank an envelope (block) containing your multiple checks to deposit (transactions). That envelope gets added to your bank account as a deposit. The bank teller brings up your account, which is a ledger representing all the deposits and withdrawals you've made, and adds an entry (block) into your ledger (blockchain). Sometimes you'll hear bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies referred to as a DLT. That stands for Distributed Ledger Technology. So, instead of your ledger being stored at one bank, and you being the only one served by that ledger and you being the only one that can benefit from it, instead the ledger is stored "in the cloud" and everyone on the planet can potentially access it.
OK, slow down you say? The cloud? Well, not the Amazon or Microsoft cloud. We're talking about a cloud owned by nobody, and existing everywhere. It's decentralized, no single point of control, and distributed. The ledger is stored in its entirety on many many computers. With something this big, with nobody controlling or regulating it, the rules that it operates by must be complex, right? Not at all. You see, even though it's a digital form of money that is stored on computers and needs computing devices to be secured, the real security is based on humans, not machines.
The bitcoin blockchain is secured by a consensus protocol called proof of work. Consensus means we agree in some capacity. In the case of bitcoin, a transaction is either going to be legitimate or fraudulent. The people who make that decision are called miners. They make that decision by submitting the block and waiting..... Once more than 50% of the miners agree that the transaction is legit, it's confirmed, finalized and at that point becomes immutable. Once a transaction is written to the block, it can never be changed or deleted. Think of a block written to the blockchain as "yesterday". Once you're done with it, there's no going back and changing it.
OK, foggy understanding so far, right? Miners run machines, submit a file containing 10 minutes of transactions, and then wait for confirmation? Correct? Yes, but who gets to submit that file and WIFM (What's in it for me)? The file is submitted by one machine somewhere on the planet, and the lucky machine is paid bitcoin for their troubles. The amount of bitcoin paid every 10 minutes started at 50BTC, and every four years that number is cut in half. I started mining the month before the revenue/fee/block reward went from 50 to 25. Since then it's dropped again to 12.5 and in a little more than a year (, it will halve again to 6.25. In addition to the block reward, which is the primary way the system introduces new currency into the network, and will continue to do so until there are 21 million bitcoin in circulation, there's also the transaction fees that are paid to the lucky miner once every 10 minutes. So the idea is that the miners can stay profitable (make more money in block rewards and transaction fees than they pay in electricity and infrastructure costs) as long as the usage of the system continues to grow. As the usage of the system grows, the demand for bitcoin grows. As the demand for bitcoin grows, supply and demand causes the US dollar value of bitcoin to grow. It's a combination of the transaction fees and the increase in value that keeps the miners profitable.
Super cool moment: The system is self-healing, self-balancing! Let's say that there are 1000 miners that are making a small profit and the next halving comes. Now with a smaller reward, let's say all miners are operating at a loss. The most inefficient of the miners start to turn their machines off (think anyone paying high electricity fees or living near the equator and paying high cooling bills). As a miner closes down operations, there are fewer people to share the same pie, which of course means everyone left gets a bigger piece of pie. Think of the guy who always makes that joke "you don't want any? OK, that just leaves more for me". Eventually, no matter what the market conditions are, the remaining miners are profitable and the system is healthy.
Alright, miners make money, are incented to keep the system running and healthy, what about that lucky miner? How is it chosen every 10 minutes? That's where the guessing game comes in. Each miner is relatively dumb/simple. All it really does is guess a really long number, and it makes those guesses many many times per second. Imagine someone somewhere holding a stink-ton of fingers behind their back and waiting to see who gets it right? If the number is guessed too quickly, the number gets bigger for the next time. If it takes the machines too long, the number gets smaller the next time. In the marketplace, this is called the difficulty and it's tracked over time along with the hash rate (number of guesses per second) to get an idea of how many miners are mining and whether or not a miner can be profitable given the current block reward and the cost he or she is paying for electricity and infrastructure.
Back to the story... Where does the security come from and why is it based on humans instead of machines? Well,
it's humans, not machines, that do bad things, machines just do what they're told. -- Me.
The proof of work can also be thought of as "skin in the game" or "money invested". The only way to cheat the system is to control more than 50% of the miners. The amount of money it would take to control that many machines, pay that much infrastructure and electricity, is astronomical. The security of the system comes down to a simple premise: a reasonable thief would not spend $500 to steal $100. So we aren't counting on our inherent goodness or honesty, we're counting on the fact that humans will generally act in their own self interest. It's not a moral judgement, just a pragmatic one.
Pretty exciting, so should I mine for bitcoin? Unfortunately, it's no longer profitable on a small scale. There are still thousands of miners mining so we don't need to worry about bitcoin becoming centralized or about any one miner controlling more than 50% of the hash rate. Miners today need the economies of scale to make a small profit. My mining business has 2000 machines running in a datacenter, and my percentage of the whole is teeny-tiny. We are currently making a very small profit.
Tomorrow I'm going to answer the question many of you are thinking...Aren't you a bad person for using all that electricity? (Hint: I'm not.)
How to Understand Bitcoin mining (
Episode 5 of the Go Full Crypto Podcast was all about the mining process. Bitcoin mining ( is one of those topics that you hear about at your dinner table, but not a lot of people actually understand it. Mining is the process in which more bitcoin are brought into circulation. Understanding Bitcoin mining ( is useful because you are able to compare it against the way that other money is brought into circulation. As we saw in the 2020 economic crisis, governments have opted to create/print the money. Go Full Crypto touches on why this is such a big deal, and what this means for the average citizen.
21 Million Bitcoin (
There are only 21 million bitcoin. Having a finite amount of something makes it rare. This 21 million number may never be changed. Unlike the government, where they can print more money if they need it, there will never be more than 21 million bitcoin. This is because bitcoin isn't run by any one government, business, or individual. There is no President, CEO, or Janitor of Bitcoin ( The whole system is run by individuals, and businesses both big and small.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 12:46 pm

info terbaru edccash - cara kerja edccash 2021|8:33
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 12:58 pm

How to mine Monero in Linux with you CPU!|4:19
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 12:59 pm
Inflation takes place when the money supply goes up. When this happens, your money becomes worth less. That is, you can buy less with it, because everything else gets more expensive. If you normally pay $1 for bananas at the store, inflation is when those same bananas cost you $2. The more inflation that happens, the more you pay for goods and services. But your paycheque doesn't typically rise with inflation. Instead, as things get more expensive, you get paid around the same amount. In extreme cases such as Lebanon, or Venezuela, inflation can get so bad that the economy crashes entirely. This is called hyperinflation.
The Antidote to Inflation.
The antidote to inflation is the ability to cap the amount of money that exists. The fact that there are only 21 million bitcoin, and no one can change this, means we finally have a money on this planet that cannot be tampered with by humans. For the first time in history, the people may voluntarily use a currency that no government can control, or bring into hyperinflation.
How Mining Regulates Supply.
In 2009, there were ZERO bitcoin. in circulation. Now there are approximately 18.5 million bitcoin, more that 88% of the total 21 million. The amount of bitcoin that comes into circulation every 10 minutes, decreases by half every 4 years.
2009: 50 Bitcoin ( Every 10 Minutes.
2012: 25 Bitcoin ( Every 10 Minutes.
2016: 12.5 Bitcoin ( Every 10 Minutes.
2020: 6.25 Bitcoin ( Every 10 Minutes.
The bitcoin releases more bitcoin into circulation every 10 minutes. In 2009, fifty new bitcoin would come into circulation every 10 minutes. Every four years, the number of bitcoin coming into the system decreases by half. So less and less bitcoin gets brought into circulation as time goes on.
We can Predict the Money Supply.
The best part about the mining process is that we are able to predict the bitcoin supply with certainty . The supply of government money is not dictated by math and computers, it is dictated by humans. We know approximately how much bitcoin will enter the system in a given day, week, month, and year. This is very useful because when the money supply fluctuates drastically, it can have very negative consequences for regular individuals. Now we have a system where we can predict with certainty what the supply of money will be, and when.
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Understanding Bitcoin mining ( and How It Works!
Contents of Post.
With the cryptocurrency fever catching on, there's also a sharp increase in mining activity around the world. Bitcoin mining (, in the simplest of words, is the process by which new Bitcoins are generated. However, there's more to mining than what this statement expresses. Let us take a look at the process of mining, how it works, as well as the impact of Bitcoin mining ( on the environment.
To understand Bitcoin mining (, let us first understand that currencies such as Bitcoin ( are often called ' Digital Gold '. Bitcoins are finite in number. Only 21 Million Bitcoins can ever exist. Out of these 21 Million, 16.8 Million of them have been 'mined'. Bitcoins are similar to gold because gold too, is finite in quantity, and has to be mined. Interestingly, the word 'mining' was never referred in the early days of Bitcoins. Mining came around with the rise of various forums and communities - and became a word that caught on.
In simple words, Mining is the process of generating new Bitcoins by using computational power to solve complex mathematical equations. It is by solving these equations and algorithms that new cryptocurrencies are generated. After successfully solving these complex equation, miners are given a 'reward' for their effort - as mining activities tend to consume a lot of electricity and mining equipment can be quite expensive. This reward, at the moment is 12.5 Bitcoins per block solved.
Each of these blocks that need to be solved contain transaction data that is encrypted with cryptographic hash functions. Multiple miners tend to compete for solving each block. However, the reward goes to the miner or the set of miners who work together to solve the block the fastest. The reward per block gets reduced every four years (or every 210,000 blocks). It is expected that the reward will be halved to 6.25 Bitcoins per block on 31st May, 2020.
In the past, you could have mined Bitcoins using your CPU. However, with time GPUs became the norm. GPUs too, are now outdated for Bitcoin mining ( The latest hardware that can be used for Mining Bitcoins are the ASIC ( devices. These devices tend to consume a lot of power but offer a much better and faster return when compared to GPUs. ASIC ( devices also generate a lot of heat and need to be kept cool. This is why Bitcoin mining ( is thriving in Canada and Iceland - nations which have a cold climate round the year! Cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum use a different mining protocol which does not allow the use of ASIC ( devices at all.
Mining is bASIC ( the process of bringing computers to a consensus. When multiple miners verify that the transaction is legit, it is only then that the transaction is approved on the Bitcoin ( blockchain - making the transfer successful. There are a number of mining algorithms.
A single ASIC ( device will take a long time to mine for Bitcoins. Hence, a number of miners usually come together and join cryptocurrency mining pools where they pool-in their resources and mine together. The rewards are then shared between each miner based on their contribution to the mining process.
The profitability of mining operations tends to increase or decreased based on the current Bitcoin ( prices. Given the mercurial nature of Bitcoin ( prices, it can never be stated for sure about how much return are you likely to get. However, using tools such as BTC mining calculators , it is possible to determine the profitability of mining operations.
There are two kinds of costs associated with Bitcoin mining ( operations.
A fixed cost - which is a one-time investment of buying the ASIC ( miners and wiring it up.
The second type of cost associated with Bitcoin mining ( is a variable cost. Electricity costs, which includes the cost incurred by the electricity consumed by the ASIC ( device, as well as the cost of keeping the equipment cool is a major, monthly expense.
However, given the fact that cryptocurrency prices tend to rise suddenly, Bitcoin mining ( has been a very profitable operation so far. Profitability of the operations depends upon the price of electricity in the country the mining operation is being carried out. Mining for cryptocurrencies in countries such as Algeria and Venezuela is significantly lower because of their cheap electricity prices.
Cryptocurrency mining , however, has a negative impact on the environment. While mining does generate money for the miners, it is damaging to the environment because of the amount of energy it consumes. Estimates indicate that by 2020, mining operations around the world will consume as much electricity as the entire planet does in a year! There is a strong need for environment friendly mining algorithms. However, mining continues to thrive despite the environmental risks.
Author Bio: Prince Kapoor is Independent Marketing Analyst and Blogger. While not working, you can find him in gym or giving random health advises to his colleagues which no one agrees on :D. If you too want some of his advises (on health or on marketing), reach him out at @imprincekapur.
Bitcoin ( Server Mining for PC.
About Bitcoin ( Server Mining For PC.
Download Bitcoin ( Server Mining PC for free at BrowserCam. Loomoon published the Bitcoin ( Server Mining App for Android operating system mobile devices, but it is possible to download and install Bitcoin ( Server Mining for PC or Computer with operating systems such as Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and Mac.
Let's find out the prerequisites to install Bitcoin ( Server Mining on Windows PC or MAC computer without much delay.
Select an Android emulator: &nbsp There are many free and paid Android emulators available for PC and MAC, few of the popular ones are Bluestacks, Andy OS, Nox, MeMu and there are more you can find from Google.
Compatibility: &nbsp Before downloading them take a look at the minimum system requirements to install the emulator on your PC.
For example, &nbsp BlueStacks requires OS: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP2, Windows XP SP3 (32-bit only), Mac OS Sierra(10.12), High Sierra (10.13) and Mojave(10.14), 2-4GB of RAM, 4GB of disk space for storing Android apps/games, updated graphics drivers.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 12:59 pm
Finally, download and install the emulator which will work well with your PC's hardware/software.
How to Download and Install Bitcoin ( Server Mining for PC or MAC:
Open the emulator software from the start menu or desktop shortcut in your PC. Associate or set up your Google account with the emulator. You can either install the App from Google PlayStore inside the emulator or download Bitcoin ( Server Mining APK&nbspfile from the below link from our site and open the APK file with the emulator or drag the file into the emulator window to install Bitcoin ( Server Mining App for pc.
You can follow above instructions to install Bitcoin ( Server Mining for pc with any of the Android emulators out there.
What Version of ccMiner to Use for Your Nvidia GeForce GPU.
It seems that some people are having trouble figuring out which version of ccMiner they should you for mining on their Nvidia-based GPU. Below is a list of all of the Nvidia-based video cards and their Compute capabilities to help you figure it out depending on what video card you are using. Do note that the list does not include only the consumer Geforce series, but also Quadro and Tesla. You will find the cards that have at least Compute 2.0 capabilities as there is no way to currently make use of an older GPU than a one capable of supporting Compute 2.0 for mining with ccMiner. Furthermore you need to use a special build of ccMiner that comes with support for Compute 2.0 and 2.1 cards as the latest official builds only support Compute 3.0 or newer GPUs. Below the list of cards and their Compute capabilities you can find links for the respective versions of ccMiner to use...
Compute 2.0 video cards (Fermi - GF100, GF110): GeForce GTX 590, GeForce GTX 580, GeForce GTX 570, GeForce GTX 480, GeForce GTX 470, GeForce GTX 465, GeForce GTX 480M, Quadro 6000, Quadro 5000, Quadro 4000, Quadro 4000 for Mac, Quadro Plex 7000, Quadro 5010M, Quadro 5000M, Tesla C2075, Tesla C2050/C2070, Tesla M2050/M2070/M2075/M2090.
Compute 2.1 video cards (Fermi - GF104, GF106 GF108,GF114, GF116, GF119): GeForce GTX 560 Ti, GeForce GTX 550 Ti, GeForce GTX 460, GeForce GTS 450, GeForce GTS 450, GeForce GT 640 (GDDR3), GeForce GT 630, GeForce GT 620, GeForce GT 610, GeForce GT 520, GeForce GT 440, GeForce GT 440, GeForce GT 430, GeForce GT 430, GeForce GTX 675M, GeForce GTX 670M, GeForce GT 635M, GeForce GT 630M, GeForce GT 625M, GeForce GT 720M, GeForce GT 620M, GeForce 710M, GeForce 610M, GeForce GTX 580M, GeForce GTX 570M, GeForce GTX 560M, GeForce GT 555M, GeForce GT 550M, GeForce GT 540M, GeForce GT 525M, GeForce GT 520MX, GeForce GT 520M, GeForce GTX 485M, GeForce GTX 470M, GeForce GTX 460M, GeForce GT 445M, GeForce GT 435M, GeForce GT 420M, GeForce GT 415M, GeForce 710M, GeForce 410M, Quadro 2000, Quadro 2000D, Quadro 600, Quadro 410, Quadro 4000M, Quadro 3000M, Quadro 2000M, Quadro 1000M, NVS 5400M, NVS 5200M, NVS 4200M.
Compute 3.0 video cards (Kepler - GK104, GK106, GK107): GeForce GTX 770, GeForce GTX 760, GeForce GT 740, GeForce GTX 690, GeForce GTX 680, GeForce GTX 670, GeForce GTX 660 Ti, GeForce GTX 660, GeForce GTX 650 Ti BOOST, GeForce GTX 650 Ti, GeForce GTX 650, GeForce GTX 780M, GeForce GTX 770M, GeForce GTX 765M, GeForce GTX 760M, GeForce GTX 680MX, GeForce GTX 680M, GeForce GTX 675MX, GeForce GTX 670MX, GeForce GTX 660M, GeForce GT 750M, GeForce GT 650M, GeForce GT 745M, GeForce GT 645M, GeForce GT 740M, GeForce GT 730M, GeForce GT 640M, GeForce GT 640M LE, GeForce GT 735M, GeForce GT 730M, Quadro K5000, Quadro K4000, Quadro K2000, Quadro K2000D, Quadro K600, Quadro K500M, Tesla K10.
Compute 3.5 video cards (Kepler - GK110, GK208): GeForce GTX TITAN Z, GeForce GTX TITAN Black, GeForce GTX TITAN, GeForce GTX 780 Ti, GeForce GTX 780, GeForce GT 640 (GDDR5), GeForce GT 630 v2, Quadro K6000, Tesla K40, Tesla K20x, Tesla K20.
Compute 5.0 video cards (Maxwell - GM107, GM108): GeForce GTX 750 Ti, GeForce GTX 750, GeForce GTX 860M, GeForce GTX 850M, GeForce 845M, GeForce 840M, GeForce 830M.
GeForce GTX 780 Ti: Nvidia strikes back, retaking the performance crown from AMD.
GPU performance.
At $700, there's a huge spread between the just-launched R9 290 ($400), GTX 780 ($500), R9 290X ($550), GTX 780 Ti ($700) and Radeon 7990 ($700). We tested the card on an Intel DZ77GA-70K motherboard with an Intel 3770K CPU and 8GB of DDR3-1600. Windows 7 64-bit with SP1 and all available patches was used. All games at 1920×1080, with maximum detail levels set and 8xMSAA enabled.
In BioShock Infinite, the GTX 780 Ti is the fastest card we tested, streaking past all of the other solutions -- even the dual-GPU Radeon 7990.
In Metro 2033, an older DX11 game, the GTX 780 Ti nudges past even the R9 290X. While the Radeon HD 7990 is still faster (and by a huge margin), it stutters in Metro 2033 when running in Windows 7. This appears to be a problem particular to the operating system -- when we ran these same tests in Windows 8.1, there is no stutter. If you're running in Windows 8, therefore, it's fair to say that the Radeon 7990 gives the better, smoother experience -- but in Windows 7, which is what we tested here, the GTX 780 Ti provides lower frame latencies.
In the newer sequel to Metro 2033, Metro Last Light, the GTX 780 Ti beats past the Radeon family, nearly tying the Radeon HD 7990. Supersampled antialiasing was enabled here (the game doesn't use MSAA). We talked previously about how fill rate is king for 4K gaming, but in lower resolutions, the GTX 780 Ti is beating past the Radeon R9 290X -- though not by enormous frame rates.
Finally, in Shogun 2 Total war, we see the GTX 780 Ti land ahead of all but the Radeon 7990. Again, the 7990 does perform well in this title, but if you prefer single-GPU to multi-GPU solutions -- and many people do, for ease of use, if nothing else -- then the GTX 780 Ti is the fastest card you can buy today, bar none.
In Luxmark 2.0, we see the Radeon family continuing to dominate the GPGPU market. The GTX 780 Ti picks up a decent bit of speed over the Titan or GTX 780, but Nvidia's $700 GPU can't match AMD's $300 GPU.
Bitcoin mining ( shows the same pattern we've seen in the past. Even at its best, the GTX 780 Ti simply can't offer performance that touches the GCN family. Then again, with BTC mining largely being done by ASIC ( these days, it's not much of an issue anyway.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:00 pm
780 ti Bitcoin mining (
After purchasing a Mining key, you must log in with it and access our mining engine. After the process is finished, the profit will be automatically sent to your Bitcoin ( address that you entered when you purchased your Mining key.
How much can I earn with a single Mining key?
Depending on the difficulty of mining the block and the value to be deciphered, your profit may change, however, on average our users with the key of the Silver plan, with 3 uses in a day, have been able to generate between 0.15 BTC and 0.32 BTC, which is profitable if you compare it with the investment of the Mining key.
Do you offer money back?
In case you are not satisfied with our service, without any problem we will return your deposit for the purchase of a Mining key.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:01 pm
Nvidia Announces GTX 780 Ti 12GB Graphics Card.
AMD have had a great show this last few weeks, but Nvidia wasn't about to take AMDs new card launches without a fight! So enter to the gaming battlefield, the newly announced GTX 780 Ti.
The GTX 780 Ti is based on the GK110 GPU core and has been widely speculated to be a 770 Ti, but no, Nvidia have gone one better and done the 780 Ti and it's a beast! Packed with all the latest features to excite your inner gamer, we have Nvidia G-Sync, Nvidia GameWork, Nvidia ShadowPlay and GameStream.
Nvidia say their new card is built for 4K and 4K surround and while we don't have raw hardware details at this time, it is expected to pack 2880 Cuda cores, 384-bit memory interface and up to 12GB of GDDR5 memory. It looks pretty much the same as a Titan or stock 780, even featuring the same 6+8 pin power connectors.
We expect the card to cost around $700 and Nvidia say the card could be out as soon as next month! As always, we will bring you more details on this new GPU as soon as we have them.
Thank you Hardware Pal for providing us with this information.
Images courtesy of Hardware Pal.
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Bitcoins: the Complete Guide.
Introduction: Bitcoins: the Complete Guide.
In this tutorial, we will cover everything you need to know about bitcoins.
The tutorial starts off with the bASIC ( of installing the computer software to make bitcoins work, but moves into the more advanced parts very quickly. After reading this Instructable, you will have learned all the bASIC ( for starting your work with bitcoins. Whether you know what bitcoins are, or if you're just here to start making free money by doing almost nothing, you've come to the right place.
Read on to learn what bitcoins are, and how they can be used in a everyday computer-person life.
Step 1: Understanding Bitcoins.
After reading many, many different articles all over the internet, I still didn't have a good idea of what bitcoins were, how they could be made, and if it was possible for the average person to use them. The first few things I read, they were made out to sound like you had to have a computer science degree to get them.
However, after reading on about them, I learned that they are a type of currency that is 100% virtual. There is no government that regulates the currency, like almost every other single currency in the world. Instead, it is all virtual. The bitcoins that you own are stored on your computer. You can sell these bitcoins for real US or Canadian dollars.
Below is a YouTube video explaining the whole concept of bitcoins. While good for visual learners, some like to read to learn.
Bitcoins are a virtual currency. The currency is stored locally between peers. The currency (bitcoins) is transferred from computer to computer. Every transaction (transfer of bitcoins from one computer to another) is verified by "mining" for bitcoins.
When first learning about bitcoins, you learn that bitcoins are stored directly on your computer. So, does that mean that by doing a bit of computer hacking you can give yourself thousands of dollars worth of bitcoins? The answer to this is NO! The system is worked out so well that hackers cannot do this. The reason is because for bitcoins to be transferred from computer to computer, the transaction has to be verified. This verification is done by "mining." Mining is a process where everyday people like you and I install some software onto their computer This software is very advanced and hard to understand, but bASIC ( it does some high-level computing (SHA256 decoding) to verify transfers of bitcoins.
The next question that often comes up is: Why would anyone want to just give up their computer to help decode these encryption things? Well, the answer is that you get paid to do it. Well, you don't get paid, but you get free bitcoins for letting your computer work for you. This is almost the same as being paid, as you will learn in later steps. This is the ONLY way that new bitcoins are created. They can't just come from nowhere, making the system hacker-proof.
Mining can be very simple, but it can also be very complicated. By following this Instructable, you will learn one of the easiest ways to mine bitcoins and gain money.
For more information, check out the Wikipedia Article, as well as the Official Bitcoin ( Website.
Step 2: Setting Up a Wallet.
This step walks you through the process of installing the "Wallet" software. This software functions as a real wallet: it stores all of your currency, which in this case are bitcoins.
The first part of this step is to download the software. Go to the Official Bitcoin ( Website. In a box at the top of the page, click the software version that applies to your given OS. The steps are the same for both Mac and Windows users, other than installing different software. Open the file and follow onscreen instructions.
When it is done, open up the software from the Start Menu. It will take a few hours to download all blocks to your computer. You must just sit and wait during this time (see pictures).
When it is done downloading the blocks (don't worry about what this means; it's not important), go over to the "Receive coins" tab up at the top. Right-click on the one existing list item, and click "Edit". Give it the label "Main" and hit OK. Right-click on it again and click "Copy Address". This is the unique address that your wallet was given. It is where you receive coins in later steps.
The next step tests out your bitcoin wallet and shows you what a transaction looks like.
Step 3: Test Your New Bitcoin ( Wallet.
This step is for testing purposes only. Go to Daily Bitcoins ( Near the middle of the page, paste your bitcoin address that you copied earlier. Uncheck the "Delay payment to minimize transaction fees" check box. It is to trick people. Enter the captcha (they are very simple ones on this website), and click Send. It will tell you that it was successful. If it didn't, reenter the captcha properly.
Wait ten minutes and then open up the Bitcoin ( Wallet software again. Go to the "Transactions" tab up at the top. In the list, it should have a single transaction of 0.00001 bitcoins (approx. This value goes up and down). You now have gained a small amount of bitcoins. The general conversion of bitcoins to USD is times 10, meaning that one bitcoins is ten US dollars (easy for mental math; this number varies greatly over time). Congrats! You just made one tenth of a cent!
This is a valid way to gain money. However, you can only get coins sent once every hour, so it is very slow. You won't make any money fast with this method.
Step 4: Understanding the Types of Mining.
Now that we understand what bitcoins are, have a wallet set up to store them, and have made a small amount of bitcoins to test our wallet, we're set to start making some real amounts of bitcoins.
The way we do this is by mining for them. Mining, as stated before, is a way of verifying bitcoin transactions made by other people in return for new bitcoins (given right to your wallet).
There are two main types of mining: solo and pool. Solo mining is done on your own. With the hardware of an everyday person, it would take years to get earn acutal bitcoins. But once you succeed, you get 50 bitcoins (worth about 500 US dollars). This takes too long, so in this Instructable, we are not going to cover this method.
The method we are going to use is called pool mining. It involves signing up for an account with any one of many different companies. Using their own software and hardware, they group together the mining efforts of lots of people's computers. Every person gets a small number of bitcoins (quite often decimals of a bitcoin). As a person with a modest computer, this is the only way to go.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:02 pm

HiveOs: full how to in 5 min (Mining ( Operating System for GPU Rigs) Install Setup cryptomining|4:21
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:07 pm
Step 5: Setting Up a Mining Account.
After trying a few different mining pools, the one that I really liked was BitMinter. It is, by far, the easiest to use. It comes with its own software, making things so much easier. Below are the few parts that involve the creation and setup of your account.
1) Open up a web browser and navigate to the BitMinter log in ( 2) Choose your account you'd like to link with BitMinter. Log in with this account. BitMinter uses a log in service called OpenID, which is a futuristic way of logging in with an already-existing account to eliminate the need to remember yet another password. 3) Set the main settings as according to the picture: - Set your email address. - Set your auto cash out threshold to a reasonable amount. Mine is set to 1 BTC (approx. $10). This means that when I mine 1 BTC, I will receive it into my bitcoin wallet, just like the test, but with a higher number of bitcoins. - Set your "Pay to address" to the address that we used in the Step 3 to test the wallet. This is the address that all of your bitcoins are sent to, in case you haven't figured that out yet.
Step 6: Setting Up the Workers.
Each computer needs its own worker to connect to on the BitMinter server. The software (in the next step) on each computer will each be set up to a different worker so that the BitMinter server doesn't have trouble transmitting and receiving mining work.
While still logged into the BitMinter website, hover over "My Account" at the top of the page. Then click on "Workers".
Near the bottom of the page, there are two fields under the "Name" and "Password" headers. Give your new worker a name like "Laptop", or "New Dell". Create a short password. Remember the password for the worker. Then click "Add".
Click "Home" in the navigation bar at the top of the page.
Step 7: Install Java.
Most people already have Java installed, but if you don't, follow this step.
1) Go to 2) Click "Free Java Download". 3) Click "Agree and Start Free Download". 4) Depending on your opperating system, a different version of the file will download. 5) Follow the onscreen instructions to continue installing the software. 6) Click finish and be done installing. Continue on to the next step to set up a miner.
Step 8: Set Up a Miner.
Go back to the BitMinter homepage. Click on the "Engine Start" button. This will download a Java Web Starter, which will download the actual program and install it.
Use this file to start the program in the future. When it starts, you will see a program that looks like the first picture.
Set up the software by linking it to your worker created in Step 7. "Click Settings" > "Account. ". Beside "User Name:" use the username you created when creating the BitMinter account. Beside "Worker Name:" and "Worker Password:" enter the worker name and worker password you created in Step 6.
If the window is small, click the button in the bottom right corner of the screen. Then click the "Engine Start" button beside each of the devices you want to use. For reference, I get about 65 Mhps (million hashes per second). 1000 Khps = 1 Mhps. Test all of your devices, but you should really only bother running devices that get you 25 Mhps or above.
You will also want to change a few settings regarding automation. I leave my computer on all day and all night. I normally turn off the mining as soon as I get home from work (around 6:00) and have the miner start on its own at night incase I forget to start it when I'm done with my computer.
Go to Settings > Options to change these settings. Look at the fourth picture to set it up like how I have it set up. The picture has expainations.
Automated devices are a list of devices that you set so that you can start them on their own automatically when the software starts. I have selected one of my devices as automated so that when the software starts, only that device starts. See fourth picture for more details.
Step 9: Mine!
Let your computer run while it mines! Running it at night is a good idea as it will double the amount of money you make. Good luck making money!
Step 10: Spend Your Bitcoins.
What good is a currency if you can't spend it? The answer is it's not. There are lots of things you can do. Below is a list:
- Gamble - SatoshiDice - Bitzino - Peerbet - RoyalBitcoin - And many more - Buy various merchandise - Some online vendors are starting to accept bitcoins as a way of purchasing items - Buy Coffee ( - Trade it for PayPal money - Mt. Gox Bitcoin ( Exchange.
The last one I want to talk about it Mt. Gox. It is the most common website used to trade (buy or sell) bitcoins for dollars or any other national currency. You can receive this money through PayPal or many other online currency transfer services. I am not going to go through the details of this, but to send bitcoins to anyone or any service, follow the instructions in the next step.
Step 11: Send Bitcoins to Someone.
To use bitcoins, you must send bitcoins to another address. To send bitcoins, the service will give you a specific address to send bitcoins to.
Copy this address. Open up your bitcoin wallet. Click on the "Send coins" tab.
Enter the address you want to send the coins to in the "Pay to" field. If you are going to send coins to this person or group multiple times, you can enter a label for this person so that you can find them in your address book again. Enter the amount in the next field (for easy math, remember that 1 BTC is $10). Click send when you are done.
If you just want to practice sending bitcoins to someone, you can test sending them to me. Just send 0.01 BTC to me (approx. 10 cents). Good luck!
Step 12: Done!
And that is just about all the bASIC ( information about bitcoins. If you have any questions, or there is something really obvious and important that I had missed, drop me a comment. I'll try to respond as quickly as possible. If you want to donate, send me a bitcoin or two at 16bVf7XX3dKN2zW6ut8FRSQaGZZBHAFYZt. Any donations, no matter how big or small, will be appreciated.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:08 pm
Qu'est-ce que c'est le minage de bitcoin?
Avant d'aller plus loin, vous devez savoir que la plupart des utilisateurs du bitcoin ne font pas de minage ! Le minage de bitcoin est une forme de commerce très compétitif. À moins que vous fassiez du minage uniquement pour le plaisir, vous devez trouver le moyen de le faire de façon très efficace afin de vous permettre de générer des profits..
Si vous voulez obtenir des bitcoins sur la base d'une puissance de calcul précise mais que vous ne voulez pas vous occuper d'acquérir le matériel vous-même, vous pouvez acheter un contrat de minage.
Détails techniques.
Durant le minage, votre ordinateur effectue des hashs cryptographiques (deux SHA256 successifs) sur ce qu'on appelle une entête de bloc . Pour chaque nouveau hash, le logiciel de minage utilise un nombre aléatoire différent qu'on appelle le nonce . Selon le contenu du bloc et la valeur du nonce, le hash produit aura une forme similaire à l'exemple suivant:
Ce hash peut être converti dans un très long nombre. (Il s'agit d'un nombre hexadécimal, ce qui signifie que les lettres A-F sont les nombres 10-15). Afin de rendre le minage difficile, il y a ce qu'on appelle la difficulté cible . Afin de créer un bloc valide, un mineur doit trouver un hash qui est inférieur à la difficulté cible. Par exemple, si la difficulté est de.
n'importe quel nombre qui débute par un zéro serait accepté et considéré comme inférieur à la cible. Exemple :
Si nous diminuons la cible à.
nous avons maintenant besoin d'un nombre débutant par deux zéros :
Parce que la cible est un nombre encombrant avec beaucoup de chiffres, un nombre plus simple est généralement utilisé pour exprimer la cible actuelle. Ce nombre est appelé la difficulté de minage . La difficulté de minage se calcule en comparant à quel point il est difficile de générer un bloc comparativement au premier bloc créé. Ce qui signifie qu'une difficulté de 70000 équivaut à 70000 fois plus d'efforts qu'il en fallait pour Satoshi Nakamoto pour générer le premier bloc. A l'époque où le minage était beaucoup plus lent et mal optimisé.
La difficulté change à chaque 2016 blocs. Le réseau essaie d'assigner la difficulté de telle sorte à ce que la puissance de calcul mondiale prenne exactement 14 jours pour générer 2016 blocs. C'est pourquoi la difficulté augmente de pair avec la puissance du réseau.
Au commencement, faire du minage avec un processeur (CPU) était la seule façon de miner des bitcoins. Les cartes graphiques (GPU) ont éventuellement remplacés les CPU en raison de leurs nature qui permettait une augmentation entre 50x à 100x dans la puissance de calcul en utilisant moins d'électricité par megahash comparativement à un CPU.
Bien que n'importe quel GPU moderne puisse être utilisé pour faire du minage, l'architecture des GPU de marque AMD s'est avérée bien supérieure à nVidia pour miner des bitcoins et la carte ATI Radeon HD 5870 a été la plus économique pendant un temps.
Pour une liste plus complète des cartes graphiques et de leurs performances, consultez le Wiki Bitcoin ( Comparaison du matériel de minage.
De la même manière que la transition CPU vers GPU, le monde du minage a évolué vers l'usage des Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) comme plateforme de minage. Bien que les FPGAs n'offraient pas une augmentation de 50x à 100x de vitesse de calcul comme la transition de CPU à GPU, ils offraient une meilleure efficacité énergétique.
Une carte graphique typique de 600 MH/s consomme environ 400w d'électricité, tandis qu'un appareil FPGA habituel peut offrir un taux de hash de 826 MH/s à 80w de consommation électrique, un gain de 5x plus de calculs pour la même puissance énergétique. Puisque l'efficacité énergétique est un facteur déterminant dans la profitabilité du minage, il s'agissait d'une étape importante pour la migration de GPU à FPGA pour plusieurs personnes.
Le monde du minage de bitcoin est maintenant en migration vers les Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC ( Un ASIC ( est une puce conçue spécifiquement afin d'accomplir une seule et unique tâche. Contrairement aux FPGAs, un ASIC ( ne peut pas être reprogrammé pour effectuer d'autres tâches. Un ASIC ( conçu pour miner des bitcoins ne peut et ne pourra rien faire d'autre que de miner des bitcoins.
La rigidité d'un ASIC ( lui permet d'offrir une augmentation de la puissance de calcul de 100x tout en réduisant la consommation électrique comparativement à toutes les autres technologies. Par exemple, un appareil classique de offre 60 GH/s (1 Gigahash équivaut à 1000 Megahash. 1GH/s = 1000 Mh/s) tout en consommant 60w d'électricité. Comparativement au GPU, il s'agit d'une augmentation de la puissance de calcul de 100x et d'une réduction de la consommation électrique d'un facteur de 7.
Contrairement aux générations de technologies qui ont précédées l'ASIC (, l'ASIC ( est la "fin de la ligne" lorsqu'on parle de changement de technologie important. Les CPUs ont été remplacés par les GPUs, eux-même remplacés ensuite par les FPGAs qui ont été remplacés par les ASIC (
Il n'y a rien qui puisse remplacer les ASIC ( aujourd'hui ou dans un futur immédiat. Il y aura des raffinements technologiques dans les produits ASIC ( et des améliorations dans l'efficacité énergétique mais rien qui ne corresponde à une augmentation de 50x à 100x de la puissance de calcul ni une réduction de 7x dans la consommation électrique comparativement à la technologie précédente.
Ce qui signifie que l'efficacité énergétique d'un appareil ASIC ( est le seul facteur important de tout produit ASIC (, puisque la durée de vie estimée d'un appareil ASIC ( est supérieure à l'histoire entière du minage de bitcoin. Il est concevable qu'un appareil ASIC ( acheté aujourd'hui soit toujours en opération dans deux ans si l'appareil offre encore une consommation électrique suffisamment économique pour demeurer profitable. La profitabilité du minage est aussi déterminée par la valeur du bitcoin mais dans tous les cas, plus un appareil a une bonne efficacité énergétique, plus il est profitable.
Il y a deux manières de faire du minage : par vous-même ou en faisant partie d'une équipe (un pool). Si vous faites du minage par vous-même, vous devez installer le logiciel Bitcoin ( et le configurer pour JSON-RPC (voir: Faire fonctionner Bitcoin ( L'autre option est de rejoindre un pool. Il y a plusieurs pools disponibles. Avec un pool, le profit généré par n'importe quel bloc généré par un membre de l'équipe est divisé entre tous les membres de l'équipe. L'avantage de rejoindre une équipe est d'augmenter la fréquence et la stabilité des gains (c'est ce qu'on appelle réduire la variance) mais les gains seront inférieurs. Au final, vous gagnerez la même somme avec les deux approches. Miner en solo vous permet de toucher des gains énorme mais très peu fréquents, tandis que miner avec un pool peut vous offrir de petits gains stables et réguliers.
Une fois que vous avez votre logiciel configuré ou que vous avez rejoint un pool, la prochaine étape est de configurer le logiciel de minage. Le logiciel le plus populare pour GPU/FPGA/ASIC ( est présentement CGminer ou un dérivé conçu spécifiquement pour les FPGA et les ASIC (, BFGMiner.
Si vous voulez un aperçu rapide du minage sans installer de logiciel, essayez Bitcoin ( Plus, un mineur de Bitcoin ( fonctionnant dans votre navigateur avec votre CPU. Ce n'est aucunement profitable pour faire du minage sérieux, mais il s'agit d'une bonne démonstration du principe du minage en équipe.
Merci à:
Blitzboom et les participants sur #bitcoin-dev pour leur aide dans la rédaction de ce guide!
Username Date Bet Result Prize 1CuGjxamYpGfzZ1P5wEwg522e6xY4 XXXXX 2020-11-21 12:11:25 Tail Win 0.0002 BTC 3HQF4ayyYsoi8P5KkBr14Wj5p1CpY XXXXX 2020-11-21 04:11:29 Head Win 0.0002 BTC 3NCMiAFYE73G6aTCFgj9tjSFVwUXo XXXXX 2020-11-21 02:11:12 Tail Win 0.0002 BTC 33jGpWMRNNriyudu48ctSmYXUKuuv XXXXX 2020-11-20 12:11:49 Tail Win 0.0002 BTC 33jGpWMRNNriyudu48ctSmYXUKuuv XXXXX 2020-11-20 12:11:44 Tail Win 0.0002 BTC 33jGpWMRNNriyudu48ctSmYXUKuuv XXXXX 2020-11-20 12:11:43 Tail Win 0.0002 BTC 33jGpWMRNNriyudu48ctSmYXUKuuv XXXXX 2020-11-20 12:11:42 Tail Win 0.0002 BTC 33jGpWMRNNriyudu48ctSmYXUKuuv XXXXX 2020-11-20 12:11:35 Tail Win 0.0002 BTC 33jGpWMRNNriyudu48ctSmYXUKuuv XXXXX 2020-11-20 12:11:30 Head Win 0.0002 BTC 33jGpWMRNNriyudu48ctSmYXUKuuv XXXXX 2020-11-20 12:11:27 Tail Win 0.0002 BTC 33jGpWMRNNriyudu48ctSmYXUKuuv XXXXX 2020-11-20 12:11:23 Head Win 0.0002 BTC 33jGpWMRNNriyudu48ctSmYXUKuuv XXXXX 2020-11-20 12:11:23 Tail Win 0.0002 BTC 33jGpWMRNNriyudu48ctSmYXUKuuv XXXXX 2020-11-20 12:11:11 Tail Win 0.0002 BTC 33jGpWMRNNriyudu48ctSmYXUKuuv XXXXX 2020-11-20 12:11:02 Tail Win 0.0002 BTC 33jGpWMRNNriyudu48ctSmYXUKuuv XXXXX 2020-11-20 12:11:00 Tail Win 0.0002 BTC 39m9ryNMo3n2vmPNdM8WGqAooCMZr XXXXX 2020-11-20 11:11:51 Head Win 0.0002 BTC 39m9ryNMo3n2vmPNdM8WGqAooCMZr XXXXX 2020-11-20 11:11:20 Tail Win 0.0004 BTC 3HgpHM3PkX8SzHdQWgG4TUGh8hGus XXXXX 2020-11-20 10:11:56 Head Win 0.0002 BTC 3HgpHM3PkX8SzHdQWgG4TUGh8hGus XXXXX 2020-11-20 10:11:54 Head Win 0.0002 BTC 3HgpHM3PkX8SzHdQWgG4TUGh8hGus XXXXX 2020-11-20 10:11:49 Head Win 0.0002 BTC 3FY9xQUQYiBzkkuboDWvCFkpPmLQk XXXXX 2020-11-20 10:11:43 Tail Win 0.0002 BTC 3FY9xQUQYiBzkkuboDWvCFkpPmLQk XXXXX 2020-11-20 10:11:35 Tail Win 0.0002 BTC 3HgpHM3PkX8SzHdQWgG4TUGh8hGus XXXXX 2020-11-20 10:11:14 Head Win 0.0002 BTC 3FY9xQUQYiBzkkuboDWvCFkpPmLQk XXXXX 2020-11-20 10:11:01 Tail Win 0.0004 BTC 3HgpHM3PkX8SzHdQWgG4TUGh8hGus XXXXX 2020-11-20 09:11:44 Head Win 0.0002 BTC 3DApGvFhzppdwTwN8yCXpEmdLfoLs XXXXX 2020-11-20 09:11:42 Tail Win 0.0004 BTC 3HgpHM3PkX8SzHdQWgG4TUGh8hGus XXXXX 2020-11-20 09:11:42 Head Win 0.0002 BTC 3HgpHM3PkX8SzHdQWgG4TUGh8hGus XXXXX 2020-11-20 09:11:33 Head Win 0.0002 BTC 3DApGvFhzppdwTwN8yCXpEmdLfoLs XXXXX 2020-11-20 09:11:23 Head Win 0.0004 BTC 13pRDnsS6cX6DWzKpXUC5KNp4FTjd XXXXX 2020-11-20 06:11:16 Tail Win 0.0002 BTC 13pRDnsS6cX6DWzKpXUC5KNp4FTjd XXXXX 2020-11-20 06:11:16 Tail Win 0.0002 BTC 13pRDnsS6cX6DWzKpXUC5KNp4FTjd XXXXX 2020-11-20 06:11:14 Tail Win 0.0002 BTC 13pRDnsS6cX6DWzKpXUC5KNp4FTjd XXXXX 2020-11-20 06:11:07 Head Win 0.0002 BTC 3HgpHM3PkX8SzHdQWgG4TUGh8hGus XXXXX 2020-11-20 05:11:33 Head Win 0.0002 BTC 33ngzfs8aKJ2rsYbDBnNm6QCBSy6U XXXXX 2020-11-20 05:11:26 Tail Win 0.0004 BTC 33ngzfs8aKJ2rsYbDBnNm6QCBSy6U XXXXX 2020-11-20 05:11:18 Head Win 0.0004 BTC 3HgpHM3PkX8SzHdQWgG4TUGh8hGus XXXXX 2020-11-20 05:11:17 Head Win 0.0002 BTC 33ngzfs8aKJ2rsYbDBnNm6QCBSy6U XXXXX 2020-11-20 05:11:04 Head Win 0.0004 BTC 3HgpHM3PkX8SzHdQWgG4TUGh8hGus XXXXX 2020-11-20 05:11:04 Head Win 0.0004 BTC 36jJcrmUpo8nieAANMJwp4cg1CFbr XXXXX 2020-11-20 03:11:58 Tail Win 0.0004 BTC 36jJcrmUpo8nieAANMJwp4cg1CFbr XXXXX 2020-11-20 03:11:51 Tail Win 0.0004 BTC 36jJcrmUpo8nieAANMJwp4cg1CFbr XXXXX 2020-11-20 03:11:43 Tail Win 0.0002 BTC 36jJcrmUpo8nieAANMJwp4cg1CFbr XXXXX 2020-11-20 03:11:42 Tail Win 0.0004 BTC 36jJcrmUpo8nieAANMJwp4cg1CFbr XXXXX 2020-11-20 03:11:31 Tail Win 0.0004 BTC 36jJcrmUpo8nieAANMJwp4cg1CFbr XXXXX 2020-11-20 03:11:20 Head Win 0.0004 BTC 36jJcrmUpo8nieAANMJwp4cg1CFbr XXXXX 2020-11-20 03:11:18 Head Win 0.0002 BTC 36jJcrmUpo8nieAANMJwp4cg1CFbr XXXXX 2020-11-20 03:11:18 Head Win 0.0002 BTC 36jJcrmUpo8nieAANMJwp4cg1CFbr XXXXX 2020-11-20 03:11:11 Tail Win 0.0002 BTC 36jJcrmUpo8nieAANMJwp4cg1CFbr XXXXX 2020-11-20 03:11:10 Tail Win 0.0004 BTC 36jJcrmUpo8nieAANMJwp4cg1CFbr XXXXX 2020-11-20 03:11:04 Tail Win 0.0004 BTC 36jJcrmUpo8nieAANMJwp4cg1CFbr XXXXX 2020-11-20 03:11:04 Tail Win 0.0004 BTC 37oWmQ6vuKxpZBnmvY1wmUawTtJZr XXXXX 2020-11-20 02:11:38 Tail Win 0.0004 BTC 3GbVc12fsgHBwGCopSQV2ob35zkPw XXXXX 2020-11-20 02:11:24 Tail Win 0.0004 BTC 1MT6BBGzkhru9thMuiF3BfUPKaUSw XXXXX 2020-11-19 12:11:12 Tail Win 0.0002 BTC 3EVsfCEdygDYn53Sfe2tdwZz8CyLP XXXXX 2020-11-19 10:11:07 Tail Win 0.0002 BTC 3HhDrBDnPiApZctgtHs6i3BBvYX1F XXXXX 2020-11-19 10:11:03 Head Win 0.0002 BTC 1MT6BBGzkhru9thMuiF3BfUPKaUSw XXXXX 2020-11-19 09:11:59 Tail Win 0.0002 BTC 1MT6BBGzkhru9thMuiF3BfUPKaUSw XXXXX 2020-11-19 09:11:46 Tail Win 0.0002 BTC 1MT6BBGzkhru9thMuiF3BfUPKaUSw XXXXX 2020-11-19 09:11:44 Tail Win 0.0002 BTC 1MT6BBGzkhru9thMuiF3BfUPKaUSw XXXXX 2020-11-19 09:11:18 Head Win 0.0002 BTC.
La minería de Bitcoin ( ¿Qué es y en qué consiste?
La minería de criptomonedas, particularmente la de Bitcoin (, se trata básicamente de utilizar poder de cómputo para procesar bloques de transacciones, el cual es recompensado con una determinada cantidad de monedas digitales.
Este es la respuesta básica, pero existe mucho más acerca del proceso de generar monedas digitales. En este texto, se intentará explicar con palabras sencillas cómo se produce la minería, en qué consiste, quiénes la pueden hacer y unos cuantos datos más.
Si eres principiante en el tema, te invitamos a conocer un poco acerca de todo este apasionante negocio en expansión. La minería de Bitcoin ( es la fábrica de dinero más rentable en medio de las actuales condiciones de pandemia y crisis económica internacional.
Qué es y cómo empezó la minería de Bitcoin (
El inicio se remonta a una década atrás, cuando el misterioso Satoshi Nakamoto, dejó su obra y luego desapareció sin dejar rastro. En un principio, para minar bitcoins, se necesitaba solo una CPU. El mismo se conectaba a la red y comenzaba a generar decenas de monedas.
Las ventajosas características de esta moneda digital y de otras que fueron surgiendo en el camino, así como de la red Blockchain, hicieron que captara el interés de un número creciente de personas. Este hecho permitió que el precio de Bitcoin ( comenzará a subir y, en la misma medida, más mineros se iban incorporando.
Este círculo no se ha detenido hasta el presente. El poder de hash total de Bitcoin ( alcanza una sorprendente cifra de más de 140 EH/s.
En resumen, se puede decir que la minería Bitcoin ( es cuando usted conecta su hardware a la red . Así, el mismo comienza a encriptar las transacciones en los bloques por medio de complejos acertijos matemáticos para mandarlos a la red. Por hacer eso, la red lo recompensa con cierta cantidad de bitcoins por bloque minado. Ahora, conozcamos por parte el proceso de minería de Bitcoin (
¿Qué tipo de hardware se requiere para minar?
La minería de Bitcoin (, al igual que la minería de oro, ha evolucionado hacia la complejidad en la medida en que este se hace más escaso. Al principio, como ya se dijo, se podía minar bitcoins desde una CPU, es decir, una computadora de mesa.
No obstante, el proceso se fue haciendo más complejo, y fue necesario pasar a una nueva etapa, las tarjetas GPU . Con la constante incorporación de nuevos mineros en la competencia, se necesitaban equipos más poderosos. De esta manera nacieron los Application-specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC (
Se trata de las máquinas mineras que todos hemos conocido al menos por fotos en las redes sociales. Desde la aparición y evolución de estos nuevos modelos de máquinas, ya no hubo vuelta atrás. Actualmente es virtualmente imposible minar Bitcoin ( con CPU o GPU, a no ser que se conforme con un par de céntimos de dólar al mes.
Ahora bien, en la minería Bitcoin ( la selección natural es constante. Los equipos ASIC ( que se usaban en 2017, actualmente son obsoletos y el costo de consumo eléctrico que causan, es más alto que el dinero que producen.
¿Por qué se vuelven obsoletos los equipos mineros?
Mientras más mineros se incorporan al proceso, aumenta la dificultad para conseguir nuevos bloques. ¿Qué es la dificultad? La red Blockchain de Bitcoin (, está programada para que cada 10 minutos se mine un bloque nuevo . Si hay muchos mineros peleando por un bloque, los acertijos matemáticos se hacen más complejos.
Por la otra parte, si son pocos los mineros, la dificultad se reduce automáticamente. Esto se produce cada 2016 bloque y su meta es que se mantenga el ritmo de un bloque minado cada 10 minutos. En tal sentido, la minería Bitcoin ( se podrá extender hasta el año 2.140. Así es, el último Bitcoin ( se minará dentro de 120 años.
Así que la razón de que los equipos se hagan obsoletos tan rápido, es porque hay muchos y cada vez más, peleando por un botín que se va haciendo pequeño. ¿Cómo que se va haciendo pequeño?
Los halvings.
Los halvings, son procesos automáticos de la red Blockchain de Bitcoin ( Los mismos se producen cada 4 años o cada 210.000 bloques minados y consisten en recortar a la mitad la recompensa en Bitcoin ( por cada bloque procesado por los mineros.
Hasta ahora, se han producido 3 halvings en la red Blockchain de Bitcoin ( El primero fue en 2012, cuando la recompensa por bloque bajo de 50 a 25 BTC. Más tarde en 2016, se produjo el segundo Halving, la recompensa bajó de 25 a 12.5 BTC por cada bloque minado.
Finalmente, en mayo de este año, se produjo la tercera y vigente versión de Halving. En la misma la recompensa por bloque bajó de 12.50 a 6.25 BTC.
Si sumamos los halvings, más los ajustes de dificultad de la red, tenemos más clara la razón de que los equipos mineros se hagan obsoletos.
Los pools.
Hasta ahora, sabemos que para ejercer la minería Bitcoin (, debemos comprar un equipo lo más actualizado posible que permita nuestro presupuesto y ponerlo a minar. ¿Solo eso? No.
Aunque se puede minar directamente en la red, las posibilidades de conseguir un bloque, son extremadamente bajas. Por eso, prácticamente la totalidad de mineros, se conectan a pools de minería. Se trata de comunidades donde se juntan muchos mineros y, entre todos, suman su poder de cómputo para buscar bloques.
De esta manera, es más fácil conseguir bloques y la recompensa se divide entre todos, por supuesto de acuerdo a la cantidad de hashes que haya aportado en la resolución del acertijo matemático.
Existen muchos pools de minería de Bitcoin ( Entre ellos, los más conocidos, con Antpool, Slushpool y otros. Ya estamos más cerca de entenderlo todo. Comprar un equipo ASIC ( de alto poder de hash, abrir una cuenta en un pool y conectar allí nuestro equipo.
¿Dónde se reciben esos bitcoins que paga la red? Se reciben en una cartera virtual o e-wallet. Existen numerosos sitios donde puedes crear una de manera gratuita, nuestra recomendación, es que antes de elegir, investigues la popularidad, seguridad y estatus legal de la empresa proveedora de wallets. ¡Nunca elijas sitios poco conocidos!
Cuáles son las mejores zonas para minar.
Las mejores zonas para ejercer la minería de Bitcoin (, son aquellas que cumplan con tres requisitos fundamentales. Estos son, tener un clima fresco, un marco legal amistoso para las criptomonedas y tarifas de electricidad bajas.
Con estas premisas, el interesado en minar podrá hacer su investigación y decidir donde establecer su negocio. Actualmente, China es el epicentro de la minería Bitcoin ( En su territorio se encuentra, según datos, el 65% del total de las granjas de todo el mundo.
Resumen en datos.
Para minar Bitcoin ( se necesita acceso a Internet, a electricidad y un hardware ASIC ( del mayor poder que nuestro presupuesto permita. Ese equipo debe ser conectado a un pool de minería Bitcoin (, por medio del cual recibiremos los pagos a nuestra e-wallet. Debes estar muy atento con los protocolos eléctricos, se trata de equipos de alto consumo y un cableado demasiado débil seguramente se va a derretir. Consulta una guía de amperaje. Evita pools y e-wallets de proveedores poco conocidos. Elige los más confiables y grandes, suelen ser los más seguros.
Este artículo, bajo ninguna circunstancia se puede considerar una guía para la inversión. Su contenido es netamente informativo y didáctico.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:09 pm
Wat is Bitcoin mining (
Wat is Bitcoin mining (
De meeste mensen weten al dat Bitcoins worden gecreëerd door het proces van mijnbouw. Maar wat is Bitcoin ( en hoe werkt het?
Bitcoin mining ( is een proces van het bevestigen van Bitcoin ( en het opnemen ervan in een gedistribueerd grootboek. Het is de belangrijkste procedure van het hele Bitcoin (, omdat het het systeem beveiligt, ervoor zorgt dat iedereen correct handelt en nieuwe Bitcoins in de circulatie introduceert.
Natuurlijk zou er geen mijnbouw plaatsvinden zonder mijnwerkers. Mijnwerkers over de hele wereld houden het netwerk gedecentraliseerd door hun hardware en elektriciteit in te zetten om aan het systeem deel te nemen. Op hun beurt worden ze beloond met transactiekosten en vers geslagen Bitcoins. Deze beloningen stimuleren de mijnwerkers om het werk te doen en hun uitgaven te dekken.
Hoewel dit een grove vereenvoudiging is, vormt een dergelijk systeem van prikkels het Bitcoin (
Hoe werkt Bitcoin mining (
Heel eenvoudig gezegd, het werkt als volgt:
Mijnwerkers zetten hun hardware op om Bitcoin ( te verifiëren. Geverifieerde transacties worden om de 10 minuten gebundeld in één blok van 1 MB. Alle netwerkcomputers moeten een ingewikkelde cryptografische puzzel oplossen om een ​​nieuw blok toe te voegen aan de Bitcoin ( De eerste computer die de puzzel oplost, voegt het blok toe en wordt beloond met Bitcoins.
Momenteel krijgt de mijnwerker, zodra een puzzel is opgelost en een nieuw blok aan de blockchain is toegevoegd, een bounty van 12,5 Bitcoins. De prijs neemt in de loop van de tijd af - hij halveert elke 210.000 blokken met de helft. De eerste mijnwerkers hadden 50 Bitcoins per blok verdiend, terwijl in 2020 het tarief zal dalen naar 6,25 Bitcoins. U kunt sites zoals Bitcoin ( Clock gebruiken om de bitcoin halveringevenementen bij te houden.
Houd er rekening mee dat er niet meer dan 21.000.000 BTC's zijn gemaakt. De kunstmatige limiet is noodzakelijk om het economische systeem van Bitcoin ( deflatoir te houden. Vanaf nu fungeren de nieuw geslagen Bitcoins als een stimulans voor de mijnwerkers om het netwerk te onderhouden, maar en het bedrag zal geleidelijk afnemen totdat alle 21 miljoen BTC zijn gedolven.
Mijnbouw kan zeer winstgevend zijn, vooral omdat Bitcoin ( blijft waarderen in waarde. Mijnwerkers verdienen ook gebruikerskosten die zijn betaald voor hun transacties. Soms ontvangen ze misschien helemaal geen beloning, omdat alleen de eerste mijnwerker die de puzzel oplost, de prijs verzamelt. Een dergelijk systeem moedigt mijnwerkers aan om gezamenlijke mijnenplatforms (boerderijen) te vormen, waar alle leden dezelfde blokbeloning delen, waardoor hun winstgevendheid toeneemt.
In 2025 wordt 95% van alle Bitcoins gedolven, terwijl de rest tegen 2140 op de markt komt. Na die tijd krijgen de mijnwerkers alleen de transactiekosten als beloning, maar dat moet een beloning zijn die groot genoeg is om het netwerk te behouden gaan.
Kan jij Bitcoin ( mijnen?
Bitcoin ( is een volledig open-sourceproject; dus is iedereen vrij om zich aan te sluiten bij het Bitcoin ( en deel te nemen aan mijnbouw. Dat garandeert echter geen winst, omdat je speciale mijnuitrusting moet kopen en elektriciteitsrekeningen moet betalen die duur kunnen zijn. Om geld te verdienen met Bitcoin (, moet u extreem krachtige computers aanschaffen (bekend als ASIC ('s), investeren in koelapparatuur en opslag. Vanwege de hechte competitie tussen de mijnwerkers, is het onmogelijk om te mijnen met een eenvoudige pc of GPU in thuisomstandigheden.
U kunt erachter komen hoeveel u kunt winnen door een Bitcoin mining ( te gebruiken; veel zijn online beschikbaar.
Je kunt ook een bedrijf met platformen betalen om Bitcoin ( voor jou te ontginnen. U tekent een contract waarmee u ze gedurende ongeveer twee jaar mijnbouw betaalt en ontvangt periodieke uitbetalingen van munten, zoals per overeenkomst. Voordat u echter een dergelijke deal sluit, moet u berekenen of deze winstgevend genoeg voor u is.
Als je denkt dat mijnen te risicovol voor je is, kun je ook een bijdrage leveren door toevoegingen aan de bestaande Bitcoin ( te schrijven, je eigen applicaties te maken of eenvoudigweg het project te promoten. Bitcoin ( is een community-driven project, wat betekent dat iedereen welkom is om op alle mogelijke manieren te leren en bij te dragen aan het netwerk.
Heeft u suggesties voor dit artikel? Laat het ons weten.
'Bitcoin mining (' voor beginners.
Altijd al willen weten hoe 'Bitcoin mining (' precies werkt? Vandaag leg ik aan jou uit hoe het 'minen' van digitale valuta in zijn gang gaat. Je gele helm en pikhouweel mag je vandaag echter thuislaten, die hebben we niet nodig.
Ongeveer zes jaar geleden, of zeven, of vijf, dat kan ook. Ik dwaal af. Goed, een aantal jaar geleden werd mij voor het eerst verteld over digitale valuta en dan met name Bitcoins. Een vriend vertelde mij enthousiast dat je deze op een speciale manier kon verdienen, je kon Bitcoins 'minen'. Een soort goud zoeken met je computer, ik had gelijk last van goudkoorts. Natuurlijk zette ik mijn felgele helm op, trok ik mijn overal aan en zette ik mijn pikhouweel op mijn schouder. "Laat dat fortuin maar komen!" dacht ik bij mezelf.
Dat fortuin kwam er echter nooit. Nadat mijn computer een hele week op volle toeren heeft staan draaien gaf ik het op. Naast de 20 cent die ik verdiend had, had ik nu ook een boze vader. Iets over hoe ik het in mijn hoofd haalde om zoveel stroom te gebruiken. Of ik wel wist hoeveel geld dat kostte. Dat soort dingen.
Maar waar was mijn computer die week eigenlijk mee bezig geweest? Hoe werkt het 'minen' van Bitcoins? Was mijn computer afgedaald naar de donkere spelonken van het internet om hier op een Minecraft-achtige wijze tegen digitale steentjes aan te hakken? Nee, het 'minen' van Bitcoins werkt net even anders.
Vacature vrij voor Blockchain-controleur.
Op de Blockchain van de Bitcoin ( zijn altijd vacatures vrij voor Blockchain-controleur. Elke Blockchain heeft controleurs nodig om te kijken of alles wel eerlijk verloopt. Op deze manier houden zij het Blockchain netwerk draaiende. Je krijgt er ook nog voor betaald, uitgekeerd in Bitcoins.
Hé dat is toevallig! Met werkzaamheden als Blockchain-controleur kan je Bitcoins verdienen. Ook als 'miner' zijn er Bitcoins te verdienen. Begint het kwartje te vallen? Zouden beide functies soms precies hetzelfde inhouden?
Ja, dat doen ze zeker. De functie van 'Blockchain miner' houdt precies hetzelfde in als Blockchain-controleur. 'Bitcoin ( miner' staat alleen iets leuker op je cv, denk ik. Klinkt wel fancy, toch?
Maar hoe gaat het 'minen' van Bitcoins nou eigenlijk echt in zijn werk?
De taakomschrijving van een Blockchain of Bitcoin ( 'miner'
Laten we stellen dat onze 'Blockchain miner' Egbert van Oldenhoven heet. Vraag me niet waarom. Egbert controleert in het Blockchain netwerk van de Bitcoin ( de gemaakte transacties. Allereerst gaat hij op zoek naar verschillende transacties die gemaakt moeten worden, deze bundelt hij. Op het moment dat Egbert genoeg transacties heeft gebundeld voegt hij deze als bundel toe aan de keten van alle gemaakte transacties, de Blockchain. Is Egbert de eerste die een blok gemaakt heeft? Dan wint hij en is de transactie verwerkt.
Oké, maar hoe kom je aan al deze transacties?
Goede vraag, hoe kan Egbert transacties controleren als hij de transacties niet eens kan vinden? Waar kan hij de transacties vinden?
Op het moment dat iemand in het Bitcoin ( netwerk geld wilt overschrijven van rekening A naar rekening B roept hij over het hele netwerk:
"Hallo! Ik ben Pieter en ik wil graag 2 Bitcoins van mijn rekening overmaken naar de rekening van Klaas. Help mij alsjeblieft!" .
Elke 'miner' op het Bitcoin ( netwerk die deze boodschap hoort roept deze door naar andere 'miners'. Op deze manier krijgt ook Egbert weet van de roep om een transactie. Egbert gaat snel aan de slag met het verwerken van de transactie.
En hoe worden deze transacties dan verwerkt?
Egbert verzamelt meerdere transacties en bundelt deze samen in een blok van transacties. In het Engels spreken we van een 'block'. Op het moment dat hij een 'block' met transacties heeft verzameld zegt Egbert tegen het Blockchain netwerk:
"Hoi Blockchain netwerk, ik heb hier een bundel met transacties die naar mijn mening goedgekeurd kunnen worden. Zouden ze toegevoegd kunnen worden?".
Ah, een 'block', wat is dat dan?
Het bundelen van alle transacties is voor Egbert het meeste werk. Je kan het bundelen van transacties, of het creëren van een 'block', zien als een soort hele moeilijke puzzel. Alle transacties moeten op een bepaalde manier in elkaar passen. Egbert zal de oplossing van de puzzel moeten zien te raden. Op het moment dat Egbert de puzzel correct raadt heeft Egbert een 'block' gemaakt. Dit 'block' wordt dan toegevoegd aan keten van blokken.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:09 pm
Hoe worden er met 'minen' Bitcoins verdiend?
Voor elk 'block' dat een Egbert toe weet te voegen aan de Blockchain van de Bitcoin ( krijgt hij van het Blockchain netwerk een bedrag aan Bitcoins. Op het moment van schrijven is de beloning voor het 'minen' van een 'block' in het Bitcoin ( netwerk 12,5 Bitcoin ( Word echter niet meteen te enthousiast. Het maken van een 'block' kost heel veel werk en niet te vergeten, heel veel stroom.
Ook interessant:
Blockchain toepassingen in de financiële sector Volg een Blockchain bASIC ( training.
Volg ons op LinkedIn (we delen onze blogs met je) Of deel het in je netwerk:
Wat is Bitcoin ( minen? Een simpele uitleg over de strijd om nieuwe BTC.
Bitcoin ( minen is inmiddels een begrip in de wereld van bitcoin. Bedrijven investeren én verdienen miljoenen in deze industrie. Maar wat betekent bitcoin minen eigenlijk? Een uitleg over de constante strijd voor het volgende block.
Even vooraf: het minen van bitcoin heeft niets te maken met het delven van grondstoffen. Er komen geen donkere mijnen of pikhouweels bij kijken. Toch gaat de vergelijking met het delven van bijvoorbeeld goud hier wel op.
Er moet namelijk wel gewerkt worden voor de buit. Het minen van bitcoin is een miljardenindustrie die bestaat uit partijen die grotendeels speciale hardware constant laten werken om een nieuw block te vinden. In dit block zit een beloning voor de gelukkige winnaar.
De kans op een block is op het moment van schrijven zo'n 19.38 biljoen. Om je kans te vergroten wil je zoveel mogelijk pogingen doen om zo je kans op het 'lot uit de loterij' vergroten. En daar is computerkracht voor nodig. Computers hebben energie nodig om dit werk te verzetten.
1000 euro aan Bitcoin ( kopen zonder commissie? Ga aan de slag bij Bitvavo.
Bijdragen aan het netwerk.
In principe zijn de grootste miners momenteel vooral bezig met geld verdienen. Je investeert (in de regel) geen miljoenen in een onderneming omdat je bitcoin zo'n leuk idee vindt. Er is een constante strijd gaande tussen miners om efficiënter en daardoor beter te minen.
Er is voor deze partijen dus een financiële motivatie om bij te dragen aan het netwerk. En daarmee komen we bij een belangrijk punt: doordat het aantrekkelijk is om bitcoin te minen, wordt het netwerk veiliger.
Wanneer er meer computerkracht bezig is met de strijd om nieuwe bitcoin wordt bijvoorbeeld de kans op een '51%-aanval' kleiner. Bij een 51% aanval probeert een partij (of meerdere partijen) het merendeel van het netwerk in handen te krijgen.
Het netwerk van miners is inmiddels zo groot dat het nagenoeg onmogelijk is om op deze manier roet in het eten te gooien bij bitcoin.
Een mooie bijkomstigheid: wanneer er meer computerkracht meedoet op het netwerk, wordt het vinden van een block ook moelijker.
Bitcoin ( minen is, als je het plat slaat, niets meer dan het omzetten van energie in (een kans op) bitcoin. Dat is interessant voor partijen die goedkope energie hebben of goede hardware hebben. En als het kan het liefst allebei.
Transacties verwerken.
Naast een beloning in de vorm van nieuwe bitcoin krijgen miners bij het vinden van een block ook de mogelijkheid om bitcoin transacties te verwerken.
Normaal gesproken pakken miners de beste betaalde transacties. Een miner stopt transacties uit de wachtrij , ook wel de mempool genoemd, in hun gevonden block. Daarmee verwerkt een miner een aantal transacties, de transactiekosten zijn voor de miner.
De verwerkte transacties worden vereeuwigd in de blockchain. Letterlijk vertaald is dat een ketting van blokken (blocks). In deze blocks vind je de gehele transactiegeschiedenis van het netwerk.
De regels van het netwerk worden overigens door onafhankelijke nodes constant in de gaten gehouden en bekeken. Klopt het niet of probeer je vals te spelen? Dan zal de rest van het netwerk jouw versie van de boekhouding niet accepteren.
Een miner, of andere speler op het netwerk, is er dus bij gebaat zich te houden aan de regels. Je wordt door tienduizenden partijen in de gaten gehouden. Miners die een nep block vinden of transacties proberen toe te voegen die niet kunnen zullen worden geweerd.
Miners moeten er dus voor zorgen dat zij bijvoorbeeld geen dubbele transacties verwerken. Daarom is het aan de hardware om goed te kijken of de transacties die zij verwerken wel kloppen.
Ook de partij die een transactie bevestigt en verwerkt moet dus goed opletten.
Door deze structuur is het dus geen bedrijf als PayPal, Mastercard of Visa die de transacties verwerkt: maar hardware overal ter wereld energie stoppen in het vinden van een block.
Voordat miners bitcoin kunnen verdienen door het verifiëren van transacties moeten zij aan twee belangrijke zaken voldoen: zij moeten voor zo'n.
1 megabyte (MB) aan data verwerken aan transacties. Dat kan er slechts eentje zijn, maar in de praktijk zijn dat er vaak duizenden in één block.
Daarnaast moet er dus worden gewerkt. Het bewijzen van het werk doet een miner door een code te raden, die code noemen we een hash. Miners gebruiken hardware die per seconde duizenden hashes kunnen raden. Zij zijn in feiten constant bezig met het zoeken (of gokken) van het juiste lot uit de loterij.
Oh, en als extraatje moet je voordat je een beloning krijgt ook de eerste zijn die de oplossing vindt. Na het vinden van een block begint de wedstrijd opnieuw. De oude hash is niets meer waard en alle opties liggen weer open.
Bitcoin ( minen.
Het minen van bitcoin is inmiddels een miljardenindustrie met spelers overal ter wereld. Het minen van bitcoin begon op oude laptops op stoffige zolderkamers. Door het gebrek aan concurrentie kon je op veel hardware meedingen om nieuwe bitcoin.
Na een fase waarin grafische kaarten voor games werden ingezet om bitcoin te minen is er sinds 2013 een ware revolutie gaande. Rond deze tijd kwamen de eerste computers op de markt die speciaal zijn gemaakt om zoveel mogelijk hashes in een seconde er uit te kunnen persen.
Tegenwoordig hebben de grootste miners grote datacentra die speciaal zijn ingericht om mee te doen in de strijd om nieuwe bitcoin.
Als je mee wil doen in deze brute industrie is het aan te raden om je ook aan te sluiten bij Bitcoin mining ( pools. Deze groepen werken in feiten samen. Wanneer iemand een block vindt die bij jouw groep hoort, dan verdeelt de groep naar ratio de opbrengsten. Wie meer werk levert verdient meer geld.
Bitcoin ( miners zijn belangrijke factoren in de wereld van bitcoin. Zonder miners is er geen werkend en veilig netwerk. Er is voor deze partijen een financiële motivatie om bij te dragen aan het netwerk. En bij die jacht op nieuw kapitaal maken zij ook het netwerk veiliger.
Deze stimulans wordt in goede banen geleid door een belangrijk protocol: Proof of Work: Het consensus mechanisme van Bitcoin ( (BTC).
Disclaimer: Bitcoin ( Magazine NL biedt géén financieel advies. De artikelen zijn bedoeld voor educatieve doeleinden.
Bitcoins Schürffn.Welches Motherboard 7870 XT dual+ Beste günstigste Restkomponenten.
Hi leute, ich bin neu und stelle gleich mal konkret eine frage ich danke euch schonmal im vorraus das ich hier im forum fragen darf und ihr evtl. antworten könnt.
also es soll alles so günstig wie es geht sein. wollte gern die 7870 XT dual reinbaun und mir für die zukunft offenlegen ob ich noch + 1 oder 2 karten reinbau. ich möchte ja praktisch nur schürffn damit. welches motherboard würdet ihr empfehlen, vielleicht hat jemand gute erfahrungen mit einem sehr günstigen board gemacht? gibt es sowas wie ein motherboard das bis zu 8 grafikkarten aufnehmen kann in ein rig oder allgemein wie das geht und wie das geht das die dann alle gemeinsam genutzt werden. ram? netzteil? brauch ich da ein gutes oder besonders starkes. lärm egal. stromkosten au egal.
danke euch schonmal.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:11 pm
How to Mine DASH with AMD GPU.
Our renewed interest in both mining and altcoins, especially DASH. We decided it was time to try and mine again. X11 altcoins haven't been "ASIC ('d" yet, meaning there isn't specialized hardware for X11 algorithm cryptocurrency. This has made X11 altcoins easier to mine with consumer hardware . I own an AMD Radeon 280X in my own desktop, so I figured I'd give it a run. It was both tougher, and easier to setup than I thought. I've mined Bitcoin ( many times before in the past and present, but with ASIC ( hardware thousands of times more powerful than consumer hardware, Bitcoin mining ( requires a ridiculous initial investment . Bitfury's new chips do promise to change that though.
Why is DASH Easier to Mine at Home?
DASH mining won't be profitable at this level for much longer, so get started now!
Understanding that DASH utilizes the X11 algorithm is important to understand before mining. DASH developers created this algorithm specifically to make it difficult for companies to manufacture hardware that solves it . X11 consists of 11 different cryptographic algorithms, so it's more suited for GPU mining ( rather than CPU, although it is possible, but GPUs are more powerful at this. This makes mining more available to the people and decentralized as Bitcoin mining ( has become increasingly centralized. With that out of the way, let's get into this. X11 AISC are on there way, so if you have a gaming rig, start mining now. It wouldn't be profitable for long!
Getting started with DASH Mining.
What's needed?
DASH Core Wallet.
Windows Computer.
AMD GPU of the following:
Cape Verde: 7730/7750/7770.
Pitcairn: 7850/7870/R9 270/R9 270X.
Tahiti: 7870XT/7950/7970/R9 280/R9 280X.
Hawaii: R9 290/R9 290X/R9 295X2.
Time and electricity.
Step 1: Get a DASH Wallet.
If you don't have a DASH wallet, please download the core program here. Personally I don't trust payouts to third party wallets, so I always download the core program, regardless of cryptocurrency. Open the program and it will begin downloading the blockchain, which will take a while, so it's important to do this first . Be sure to backup this wallet while using it to ensure your Dash doesn't get lost.
Step 2: Download SGMINER.
Sgminer can be downloaded here, at GitHub.Be sure to extract everything and keep it in an easily accessible folder. Other websites may include viruses with sgminer, so be careful when downloading. This is the mining program for AMD GPUs. It also comes with binaries for use with other devices, but this tutorial only covers AMD GPU mining (
Step 3: Configure Sgminer.
In the folder with sgminer.exe, create a text file named sgminer. Open the file and go to save as, select "all files" and save it as "sgminer.conf". This will act as the configuration file when sgminer is running. It will tell the program how fast the GPU runs, what pool/masternode to use for mining verification, and what wallet the mined DASH will be sent to.
First, copy and paste this in the text file:
"pools" : [ "url" : "stratum+tcp://", "user" : "XheyzUntHSgmg1Qoo3NdNeoqLTiAAt1zhA", "pass" : "", "algorithm": "darkcoin-mod" > ], "xintensity" : "64", "worksize": "64" >
Step 4: Start Mining DASH.
Now that the miner is configured to send DASH mined on this computer to your DASH wallet, let's fire it up. Go to your installation folder and run sgminer.exe. If all is right, the screen should look something like this:
Screenshot of sgminer successfully mining DASH.
Cryptocoin Mining?
Diamond Member.
I'm on my iPhone so searching this thread is pretty tough. I got my miner going but can't seem to figure out how I sync my bit coin wallet to the pool I joined so I can get paid (eventually)
Senior member.
Quite a few non-Seasonic (IINM) PSUs can also exceed their max rating reliably. I think HardwareSecrets has a bunch of detailed PSU reviews in which they test this.
On that note, is it my imagination of has JonnyGuru slowed down recently?
Platinum Member.
I for one think it is absurd the way BTC has gone up of late. There must be good(-ish) reasons for it doing so, namely speculation by folks with too much disposable money to know what to do with for the high risk portion of their portfolio, and, maybe, criminals of one kind or another. (And when I say criminal, I mean anyone who commits any kind of action prohibited by the letter of law -- so lots of folks, since downloading stuff became easier, cheaper, faster and arguably harmless).
But still, wtf. No matter how useful bitcoin can be for money laundering or buying drugs, nothing as far as I can see justifies this ridiculous rise in value.
Let's say just 1% of the world's population sees the value in bitcoin as an alternative currency. Let's say that they each want the ability to store the equivalent of $1000 USD. That means:
.01*7E9*1000 = the amount of value the currency needs to be able to store = $70 billion.
Let's do a reality check. If we look at the world's reserve currency, the USD, what's the size of the monetary supply? I think we'd want to look at M2, which is at around $10 trillion. So, Bitcoin ( would be sitting at less than 1% of that. That doesn't sound too insane.
So, to hold $70 billion in value across 11 million coins, each coin must be $6,363 in value. Look to the future of bitcoin and its 21 million coin limit and we're down to $3,333.
That means that if you believe in a future where Bitcoin ( has any importance at all, it's gotta go up quite a bit yet.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:11 pm

Do You Have The Power To Run A Crypto Mining ( Rig? Plus Riser Giveaway Winner|14:14
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:14 pm

Litecoin Mining ( Profitability in 2019 - Antminer L5 - Innosilicon A6+ - Scrypt Miners|13:43
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:14 pm

Mining ( your first Litecoin on Windows (Video 3 of 5) - How fast can a regular computer Mine Litecoin|6:13
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:17 pm
How to Generate Bitcoins from Your Home Computer.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: This process does not work anymore. For an updated guide about Bitcoin mining ( read this post.
If you've heard about Bitcoin ( you probably also heard about Bitcoin mining ( Bitcoin mining ( is the process of turning computing power into actual Bitcoins. It allows you to generate Bitcoins without the need to actually buy them.
Now a lot of people say that mining can't be done on a home computer and that you need very expensive equipment in order to start mining, but that's not entirely true.
Any computer can be used to mine Bitcoins, even the oldest and weakest laptop you have lying around at home. Actually not so long ago a successful experiment was made where a 55 year old IBM computer was used to mine Bitcoins.
But of course, whenever you start looking for guides on how to mine Bitcoins it's always very technical with terms like "hash-rate" and "SHA-256" and all sorts of other weird terms. So you find yourself struggling with these terms until you finally just give up the notion of mining Bitcoins all together and just move on.
the good news is that you can mine bitcoins at home, using any computer you have laying around in a simple and easy process.
The only thing you're going to need is a computer that is connected to the internet. Personally I suggest using a computer that isn't being used for anything else since the mining process is very demanding and will slow your computer down substantially.
First, go to On the nav bar select "Join" and create an account. Make sure to remember your username as we will be using it in the following steps.
Then go to "tools", "Bitminter client" and choose "latest update". This will download a file to your computer that will allow it to start mining Bitcoins.
Once the file has finished downloading just run it and follow the simple installation instructions. It doesn't matter if you're on a Mac, Windows or Linux computer, the program will run smoothly on any operating system, you just need to make sure you have Java installed. If you don't the program will ask you to install it once you run it.
Once the program is up click "Engine start", enter your username and Voilà! you are now mining Bitcoins from your home computer.
A few important things before we conclude. Make sure to keep your computer cooled down using a fan or a dedicated cooling device. If you don't your computer may overheat after a while and damage itself.
You'll also notice that if you mine on your home computer you're probably mining very slowly and won't get enough Bitcoins to even cover the electricity cost of running the computer. For example on my home computer I made 13 satoshis after one full day of mining.
If you want to calculate how many Bitcoins you can mine on your own computer just use a mining calculator and enter your processing speed. You can see your processing speed at the bottom right side of the Bitminter program.
If you want to increase your mining rate you can always attach dedicated bitcoin miners to your home computer. Today's Bitcoin ( miners are known as ASIC ( miners , ASIC ( stands for Application Specific Integrated Circuit and it's bASIC ( an ultra powerful computer designed just for mining Bitcoins. You can find many used miners on eBay or just buy a new one online.
To sum things up you can still mine bitcoins at home using any old computer. You probably won't be very efficient but if you want to get a taste of what it means to be a Bitcoin ( miner, you can do so in just 2 minutes using the technique we just discussed.
How to Make One Bitcoin ( From Home.
Bitcoin ( supply is limited - it is 21 million. No less, no more. So it is a pretty rare asset, especially considering that there are over 7 billion people on Earth. That's why having even one Bitcoin ( is awesome. If the cryptocurrency grows in value, you would be able to buy an apartment in London, a premium Porsche car and a couple of Rolex watches. It seems like a promising goal! So let's talk about how to earn one Bitcoin (
In the crypto industry, everything changes extremely fast: exchange rates, mining difficulty, new algorithms. In order to simplify our calculations, we presume that cryptocurrency exchange rates don't change and mining of Bitcoin ( and Ethereum will never stop. Ethereum creator Vitalik Buterin wants to switch from PoW to PoS and when it happens it will be impossible to mine Ethereum on GPUs and transactions will be validated by node staking. Developers have been willing to change the algorithm for several years but still haven't done it.
Here are three ways to earn one Bitcoin ( The first method is the easiest, the other two involve mining and calculations.
Method One. Regular Job.
You can have a regular job, get paid and save money. You can use this money to buy small bits of Bitcoin ( using Localbitcoins, a Telegram bot or other platforms. For example, today 1 BTC costs around $5,250.
So if you want to make 1 BTC in a year, you have to save around $440 every month. It's quite a lot.
Accordingly, if you want to make 1 BTC in two years, you have to save around $220 every month. Remember that you must have a wallet to store your BTC. Be smart and buy a hardware wallet - it's one of the safest ways to store coins.
Method Two. Bitcoin mining (
This is the most "hardcore" method: instead of buying Bitcoin (, you can mine it yourself. You don't necessarily need to know what mining is, but you'd better have an understanding of it. Consider mining as the process of making money out of air and electricity, even though in reality it is a bit more complicated.
In order to mine Bitcoin ( you need ASIC ( It is a device that was specifically designed to mine Bitcoin ( and can't do anything else. To date, the best available ASIC ( is Antminer S17+. According to Bitmain website, it costs $1,567 without Power Supply Unit (PSU) + $86 for PSU. Recently Bitmain has announced S19 and S19 Pro, but they are unavailable for sale yet.
The miner gives out 67 Th/s on SHA-256 and consumes almost 2.7 kW. Let's use WhatToMine calculator. Our favorite 2CryptoCalc supports only algorithms for GPU mining (, but soon it will be available for ASIC ( as well.
According to the calculator, Antminer S17+ brings 0.3866 BTC a year. Don't forget that Bitcoin ( network hash rate is constantly growing. Last year it increased three times - it means that competition is growing, while it's getting harder to make coins using the same hardware. If we presume that next year it will be growing at the same pace, real annual profit from ASIC ( will hardly exceed 0.25 BTC.
Let's move on: if one device can mine 0.25 BTC, then in order to make 1 BTC in a year you need four such devices, which corresponds to as much as $6,268 without Power Supply Units. Plus we don't consider the placement of ASIC ( (they are too noisy to be kept at home - editor's note), their power consumption, etc.
If you want to make 1 BTC in a year, then ASIC ( mining is not for you. It is cheaper and easier to simply buy 1 BTC.
But let's say you are ready to spend two years - remember that mining difficulty grows three times annually. We get 0.25 BTC in a first year and 0.085 BTC in the second year. In this case, we need to buy three Antminer S17+ devices in order to make 1 BTC in two years. $1,567 x 3 = $4,701, which is the bigger part of our initial capital of $5,250 allocated for buying 1 BTC. Would you be able to find where to put these four guys, set up an Internet connection and pay electricity bills for two years using the remaining sum of $549? Unlikely.
Each device consumes 2.7 kW, which means 47,304 kWh in two years. And we have three devices, so it is 141,912 kWh in total. Considering the electricity cost is $0.04 per kWh, you will spend $5,676 on electricity, so $549 mentioned above won't save you. The budget already amounts to $10,377.
Do you still remember that you can buy 1 BTC for $5,250 without any fuss? So, in this case, Bitcoin mining ( is not a good option either.
Maybe you would disagree because you think you can sell your hardware later. Sure, you can do that. But after one or two years of usage, the price in the secondary market will be insignificant. It would be a miracle if you could return 10% of the initial price. We already discussed it when choosing which hardware is better in terms of mining performance - ASIC ( or GPU.
Method Three. Ethereum Mining.
Ethereum cryptocurrency ranks second by capitalization in the world. In order to mine Ethereum you need to use GPUs instead of ASIC ( As a rule, miners build a mining rig of eight graphics cards.
"What am I supposed to do with Ethereum?" you might ask. "I want Bitcoin (!" Fair enough. But who stops you from mining Ethereum and then exchanging it for Bitcoin ( on the crypto exchange? You can even mine directly to the crypto exchange. For example, 2Miners ETH mining pool supports this payout method.
We don't recommend keeping money on exchanges, so you can regularly transfer your Bitcoin ( on a crypto wallet.
In terms of economy building a new rig right now is not cost-effective, so let's see how much ready-made solutions cost. A quick search shows that you can buy them at a price of around $700.
For Ethereum AMD is a better option. But if you are a professional miner, you can use Nvidia - it will allow you to mine more profitable coins. For example, now Aeternity brings much more profit than others.
Let's say, we bought a mining rig with AMD graphics cards for $700, hash rate is 180 Mh/s. Let's enter these data in 2CryptoCalc.
Note that you can buy AMD graphics cards with at least 8 GB of RAM. GPUs with 4 GB will soon be unable to mine Ether.
The rig will bring 0.014 ETH per day, which means 5.11 ETH per year. Ethereum mining difficulty increased only by 23% in a year. Presuming that it will continue growing likewise, we can make a slight correction. The result is 4.5 ETH per year or 0.11 BTC.
Seems like another failure? In order to earn 1 BTC in a year, you need to buy as many as 9 rigs worth $700 each, which makes $6,300 in total. Not so fast. Unlike ASIC (, GPUs can be easily sold. There are more gamers than miners - it's a fact.
In our experience, you can sell one-year-old graphics cards and return 70% of the initial price. Maybe you will have to disassemble the rig and sell graphics cards separately, but it's totally worth it. If you decide to sell the whole rig at once, you can expect to return 60% of the initial cost.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:18 pm
Our rig consumes around 0.8 kW. If we buy 9 rigs, we will get 7.2 kW. It's a lot, but not too much. Today many people have such power at home. Besides, rigs don't make much noise, especially if you use regular PSUs for computers. And even if you use server PSUs, you can still keep mining rigs at home.
Let's calculate the annual electricity costs. 63,072 kWh at the price of $0.04 per kWh will cost $2,500. This is how much you will have to pay for electricity.
$6,300 are spent on mining rigs $2,500 are spent on electricity $4,410 come back after selling rigs.
So we have spent $4,390 to make 1 Bitcoin ( We have saved $860 by mining cryptocurrency instead of simply buying Bitcoin (
In case you can't keep rigs at home, you should also consider that you will have to rent a location and include the rental costs in calculations. If your electricity cost is less than $0.04 per kWh, you can actually save money.
Conclusion: How To Make One Bitcoin (
The laziest option is to save money and buy 1 Bitcoin ( Ironically, making 1 Bitcoin ( is less expensive if you mine cryptocurrency on GPUs. In this article we calculated values for Ethereum mining. A beginning miner may find it weird, but that's what many miners on the 2Miners pool do.
By the way, the scaling tactic is especially popular. First, you buy one or two rigs and once you begin to make money and understand the industry better, you can buy more graphics cards and start scaling. This way you can minimize risks and achieve your goal faster.
If you want to learn more about mining, make sure to check out other posts in our blog and if you have any questions you are welcome to ask them in the 2Miners pool chat. See you there!
The 2Miners pool co-founder, businessman, miner. In 2017 started mining cryptocurrencies and built many rigs on his own. As a result, he gained lots of practical knowledge and became interested in sharing it with others. In his articles on 2Miners, he shares useful tips that he tried and tested himself. For example, Darek gives advice on how to buy hardware components for the bASIC ( mining rig and how to connect them to each other correctly. He also explained lots of complicated terms in simple words, such as shares, mining luck, block types, and cryptocurrency wallets. After the pool was launched, he published a series of articles 'Crypto Mythbusters' where he explained how to protect the network against 51% attack, talked about cryptocurrency mining difficulty and difficulties of launching your own node.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:18 pm
How to Mine Bitcoin ( at Home With CPU Mining.
This post was most recently updated on December 5th, 2018.
Do you want to Mine Bitcoins?
People think that it is not possible to mine Bitcoin ( at home with your personal computer and that you need the best Bitcoin mining ( hardware and to join a Bitcoin mining ( pool for the mining to be profitable . Since the price goes up the mining difficulty goes up even more.
That is not true!
I have been mining Bitcoins with this browser CryptoTab for a while and it seems to be generating Bitcoins, and since my computer is on, all the time, why not earning some Bitcoins while it is on.
Also, they have a referral program with 10 Levels. I have so far more than 800 referrals and my earnings are growing every day while other level referrals join.
Click Here to start mining bitcoin online from your PC.
Cryptotab Account Dashboard:
This is my mining browser dashboard. Actually, mining is off and there are 0.000369 BTC in my account since I made a withdrawal 2 or 3 days ago.
Referrals page:
I have more than 800 referrals but only 100 are active in the last 24 hours. Meanwhile, time passes even if you don promote anymore your referral link, other level referrals join and earnings grow exponentially.
Proof of payment:
This is a proof of payment page. I withdraw every 2-3 days approximately $2-$3 and payment is send in less than 24 hours.
In reality, Cryptotab is mining Monero which is possible to be mined at home using CPU power and then converted into bitcoin.
I found an interesting project called Nimiq, which can be minted by CPU. My personal opinion is that it is very undervalued at the moment and has an x 100 potential for growth.
BASIC ( what I am doing now, is mining with Cryototab and making around $0.65 a day in Bitcoin ( and buying approximately 430 NIM a day. At today rate 1 Nim=$ 0.0015.
Some points about NIM:
Nimiq is very easy to use. Vey fast transactions Very low fees No premined coins Great community NIM has been added to Ledger Nano S And the most important thing, in my opinion, very bad marketing, almost nothing, which is great and means if you get in now, you will be from the early adopters. Another thing about NIM is that did not hit yet any big exchange, so when this happens the price will spike very fast.
If you are interested in mining browsers also check the Nimiq Mining Guide.
I would like to hear from you guys what do you think about this in the comments below.
How to Mine Bitcoin ( In Your Mom's Basement.
Here's what you should know before jumping into cryptocurrency mining.
My cousin has always been one for cockamamie get-rich-quick schemes. This time, he's finally on to something: Bitcoin mining (
Over the holidays, after a family dinner at his parents' house on Long Island, my cousin invited me downstairs to show me his latest big idea. In the basement, I came face-to-face with whirring machines, Ethernet cables, power adapters, and exhaust tubes snaking around the room. All of this, he explained, comprised one Bitcoin ( node and two Litecoin nodes. My cousin's new DIY cryptocurrency mining operation was booming.
Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrencies such as Ether, Litecoin, and Ripple have exploded into the mainstream over the past year. Skyrocketing prices have stoked an ongoing craze to get in on the action. Most casual traders are happy with simply buying and selling coins using exchanges and storing their cryptocurrency using wallet apps. But those looking to dig deeper (sorry) and willing to lay out some capital can invest in the hardware, software, and shared ECOS ( to actually mine cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (
I've written a lot about blockchain, so I was fully aware of the compute power needed to mine cryptocurrency (more on that below). That night, though, was my first time seeing an active Bitcoin mining ( rig up close.
"Did you learn how to code?" I asked him.
Nope, he replied; he bought the preconfigured mining hardware online and has been learning the rest as he goes along. Cryptocurrency mining is not simple, nor is it cheap to get up and running. But if you're looking for a source of steady supplementary income or want an expensive new hobby, you can do it.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:18 pm

Mining ( Litecoin|3:43
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:19 pm
My cousin walked me through how he set up his mining rigs and operations, the ins and outs of the mining world, and the benefits and challenges (both monetary and technical) to making a profit.
1. What Exactly Is Bitcoin mining (
Mining cryptocurrency is probably not what you think it is. Bear with me, because the process takes some explaining.
First, to clarify, mining Bitcoin ( doesn't mean extracting some kind of monetary value. In actuality, miners are key to how a blockchain works. There is a great deal of nuance to this, but to put it simply, blockchains are decentralized global networks of computers or "nodes." You can do all sorts of things on a blockchain, but at its core, the network executes, validates, and records transactions on a shared, immutable ledger. Miners are the ones bundling transactions into "blocks." A new block is created on the Bitcoin ( blockchain approximately every 10 minutes. At the same time, new bitcoins (from the cryptocurrency's fixed supply of 21 million) are uncovered and released into circulation.
For each 10-minute period, a miner or "worker" node is chosen to validate transactions. This happens through Proof of Work, a compute-intensive process akin to solving a constantly changing math problem. Miners generate a unique code string of "hash" that essentially serves as a lottery ticket to solve for Proof of Work and to be chosen at random for block validation.
2. Block Rewards.
What incentive do miners have? As a reward for solving Proof of Work and becoming the block validator, the miner receives what's called a block reward. The current block reward is 12.5 bitcoins, but the reward value is halved every 210,000 blocks, or roughly every four years. The reward started at 50 bitcoins in 2009, fell to 25 bitcoins in late 2012, and was halved down to 12.5 in 2016. The next halving down to 6.25 is projected to occur in 2020.
At current prices, 12.5 bitcoins is still a heck of a lot of money. That said, mining is an extremely competitive process. Most miners, including my cousin, join a mining pool to combine computing resources and split the rewards. There are other costs and complications to consider, but now that we've covered the bASIC (, let's take a look at my cousin's at-home mining setup.
3. DIY Cryptocurrency Mining.
This is my cousin's at-home mining setup. The two rigs on the left are mining Litecoin, and the rig on the right is mining Bitcoin ( We're going to break down all the parts at work here, what they cost, and how you can get them.
Your first thought might be, "Why aren't these on a rack instead of the folding table my aunt uses for barbecues in the summer?"
Answer: Hey, it doesn't have to look pretty as long as it works. But that's one of my cousin's next priorities. Aside from making the operation look a little more professional, though, housing the mining rigs in a computer rack reduces the surface area from which heat can escape, which will be important when we talk about energy efficiency further down.
4. Bitcoin ( Rig.
5. A New Antminer S9.
Bitmain (a mining-hardware company that makes a number of popular rigs) also recently released the Antminer S9. This more powerful and more energy-efficient miner is designed for the increasingly more intensive computing needs of the Bitcoin ( blockchain. The downside is it costs around quadruple the price of the S7, though it also offers almost quadruple the energy efficiency rate.
The S9 packs far more power, mining at a hash rate of 14 terahashes (TH) as opposed to the S7's 4.73 TH. Whether you buy a few cheaper S7s or spring for a new S9 is up to you, but regardless, you'll be laying out a significant amount of capital to get into the mining game. My cousin got recently got himself an S9 (not shown in the photos above) and traded in his S7 back to Bitmain to offset the cost of the new rig.
6. Litecoin Rigs.
7. Full-Service and Cloud-Based Mining.
Bitmain is one of several full-service companies providing hardware to buy or lease mining software and services, such as pooling and cloud-based mining. For enterprising miners like my cousin who don't know how to code and don't have the expertise to build their own rigs from scratch, companies like Bitmain and hosted mining providers, including ASIC ( and Genesis Mining, are the easiest way to get started.
Bitmain also owns a few other sites and companies, including Antpool for combined mining of Bitcoin (, Ether, and Litecoin; for price tracking and wallet apps; and Hashnest for cloud-hosted mining, where you simply lease or purchase miners in a data center or "mining farm" and pay off a miner over time through a "payout accelerated cloud mining contract" with tiered pricing plans for faster hash rates. It's a way to start mining cryptocurrency without laying out money for the hardware or paying recurring electric costs, allowing you to manage your miners through mobile or web apps. But cloud-hosted mining gives you less control and locks you into subscription costs as opposed to owning hardware outright, so it's all about preference.
8. Cooling Systems.
9. Ethernet Bridges and Network Adapters.
10. Power Supply.
11. Heat Venting.
12. Software Interface.
13. Mining Pools.
Mining pools are the key to making your investments viable. Joining a pool combines your compute power with that of other workers within a cryptocurrency's blockchain network to increase your chances of solving Proof of Work and reaping block rewards. Numerous mining pools exist for various coins. Bitmain has Antpool, but my cousin uses popular mining pool Slushpool for Bitcoin mining ( and Litecoinpool for his Litecoin nodes.
Each pool has different rules governing how rewards and transaction fees are distributed. Slushpool takes a 2 percent fee calculated from block reward and transaction fees and pays out based on various formula and score-based rewards policies. Litecoinpool, on the other hand, pays per share using a process called merged mining . Payout nuances aside, pools are a must because of sheer firepower. For context, think about a single Antminer S9 worker with a hashing rate of 14 TH. Slushpool currently has more than 68,000 active workers, combining their compute power for an average hash rate of more than 1.7 exahashes (EH).
A quick lesson to drive that home: Most computer users are familiar with the denominations mega (million), giga (billion), and tera (trillion). Beyond that is peta (quadrillion) and exa (quintillion). So that's 14 terahashes individually versus 1.7 exahashes in a pool. Reaping mining rewards is about sheer compute power and random luck; the more lottery tickets you buy, the better your chances will be. Hence, pools.
14. Challenges and Drawbacks.
Getting up and running with mining rigs has some challenges. We've talked about the price of the hardware, but my cousin explained some of the other issues he's had.
First, electricity costs are high. My cousin makes approximately $17 per day per L3+ rig versus $2.92 in daily electricity costs. Profit for the S7 Bitcoin ( worker depends on the compute difficulty of solving Proof of Work for a given block. He estimates that his electricity costs for a year of 24/7 mining will be around $2,000. He projects, on the other hand, that his revenue should hit around $18,000. That sounds like a lot before you factor in all the capital laid out for mining rigs, adapters, power sources, and so on, but if you keep mining long enough, paying off initial investments and increasing profit, it can turn into a steady revenue stream. Even if you get to a point where electricity costs and other expenses outweigh rewards, and you decide it's not worthwhile to mine anymore, you can hold onto your coins and make money in the long term.
To restate, the biggest barrier to entry is that mining is expensive. You can calculate your potential profits per day, week, month, or year using this calculator that takes into account your hashing power, power consumption, and electricity costs broken down by cryptocurrency.
Mining is also difficult, and plenty of things can go wrong. Rigs run 24 hours a day, every day, and any time spent offline means potential lost block rewards in an endeavor where profitability is already difficult to achieve. Take it from my cousin, who called my aunt in the middle of the night to help him fix one of his rigs. Half asleep, she tried to follow his instructions over the phone before hanging up and going back to bed. He had to come home the next morning to fix it.
15. Want to Heat Your House This Winter?
My cousin is always in search that next big money-making idea, which in this case means diving deeper and deeper into the cryptocurrency world. He told me his next big venture is a datacenter upstate, where he and a business partner plan to set up their own mining farm and start a cloud-hosted mining business. In fact, for this story, he insisted I refer to him as Sam Alboher, COO of New York Mining Operations (NYMO). He said he's handling daily operations for the business and that the goal is to have 100 or so machines up and running, making money through sell contracts (selling computing power from the farm to miners) for return on investment. Whether that will succeed, time will tell. For now, he's just another enterprising miner with a pickaxe, off to join this generation's digital gold rush.
Another pet project of Sam's is hooking up the exhaust tubes from his rigs (currently venting heat outside) to an induction fan to heat his parents' house this winter and offset electricity costs. Hey, if miners in Siberia can do it, maybe he can too.
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Additional investments will allow to increase the number of transactions executed on the currency market, and thus will increase the overall profitability of the company. Investors in turn will receive certain percentage of profit depending on the amount of funds invested .
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:20 pm
Mining bitcoins by hand.
Ken Shirriff decided to mine bitcoins by hand, to illustrate what cryptocurrency math looks like in practice. As he notes, the calculations aren't terribly complicated -- but going by hand, it's pretty slooow:
Doing one round of SHA-256 by hand took me 16 minutes, 45 seconds. At this rate, hashing a full Bitcoin ( block (128 rounds) would take 1.49 days, for a hash rate of 0.67 hashes per day (although I would probably get faster with practice). In comparison, current Bitcoin mining ( hardware does several terahashes per second, about a quintillion times faster than my manual hashing. Needless to say, manual Bitcoin mining ( is not at all practical.
Ah, but what about the energy consumption? Would bitcoins mined by hordes of humans be more energy-efficient than the current power-use trajectory, which is trending rapidly towards Dyson-sphere-construction?
Nope. Humans aren't a very efficient way to do math en masse:
There's not much physical exertion, so assuming a resting metabolic rate of 1500kcal/day, manual hashing works out to almost 10 megajoules/hash. A typical energy consumption for mining hardware is 1000 megahashes/joule. So I'm less energy efficient by a factor of 10^16, or 10 quadrillion. The next question is the energy cost. A cheap source of food energy is donuts at $0.23 for 200 kcalories. Electricity here is $0.15/kilowatt-hour, which is cheaper by a factor of 6.7 - closer than I expected. Thus my energy cost per hash is about 67 quadrillion times that of mining hardware. It's clear I'm not going to make my fortune off manual mining, and I haven't even included the cost of all the paper and pencils I'll need.
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Mining bitcoin by hand 1 min read.
I came across a very interesting post on Reddit the other day. My wife is really good at maths (having studied physics) and we have long argued about bitcoin, and what it's doing. But despite evenings looking for a simple way of showing how the bitcoin algorithm is calculated. But no more, with this blog post discussing the maths behind bitcoin by San Francisco based Ken Shirriff.
His calculated total for this experiment? 0.67 hashes per day.
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Jamie is Editor of He first interacted with the blockchain in 2013 (block 228533 to be precise) and set up this site in 2014 to write about bitcoin, blockchain and related topics, including covering the local Irish scene. He is also Managing Director of Bitcoin ( Marketing Team, one of Ireland's longest established crypto companies, and one of Europe's leading Crypto Marketing Agencies, having worked on over thirty international blockchain projects..
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If you'd like to get access to cash with your crypto without selling it, SALT Lending offer loans in most US states and a number of countries (including Northern Ireland & UK, but not Ireland). Loans are available from 3-12 months and start at $5000, with competitive interest rates and your crypto is returned to you once loans are repaid.
Free ways to earn cryptocurrency.
If you're just getting started with cryptocurrency, there are several methods to get your first couple of euro of cryptocurrency to put in your wallet.
You can register, watch some videos, do a quiz and earn $10 worth of Stellar Lumens (XLM) , $10 worth of EOS or $12 of OXT by signing up to Coinbase Earn and once you're registered get another $100 or so of other altcoins which you can exchange into bitcoin or ethereum.
Want to use your computer to mine cryptocurrency? Cudominer lets you mine a variety of cryptocurrencies and you will get a bonus 10,000 satoshis once you mine your first 5,000 satoshis worth of crypto. Note, this could potentially cause damage to your machine as we learned the hard way so do it at your own risk.
Presearch is a crypto based search engine which lets you search their own as well as all major other search engines. Earn PRE each day as you search.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:20 pm
The Easiest Way to Mine Bitcoin (
Set Up.
You don't have to know anything about programming or be a tech whiz. All you have to do is order your Bit Kit and PLUG IT IN. It works with a regular outlet in your home.
Log In.
Log into your account on the website. All of your mining information is in an easy to read dashboard. Your passively earned bitcoin will appear in your Hands Free Bitcoin ( wallet.
The World's Easiest Plug-and-Play Personal Bitcoin ( Miner.
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Hands Free Bitcoin ( The easiest way to mine your own bitcoin. Mine your own bitcoin with the worlds first every plug and play ASIC ( miner. We do all of the set up for you. Order our Bit Kit and you will be mining your own cryptocurrency in no time.
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The Bitcoin mining ( PRO was founded at the end of 2017. The founders of our cryptocurrency company, which today is world-class, became known as users of the same platform for the sale of Bitcoins.
If you have not yet seen our video tutorial, we invite you to see it so that you understand how our system works.
Desktop Crypto Mining ( App Honeyminer Comes to MacOS.
John Biggs.
HoneyMiner, a desktop-based crypto mining application, has released a new version for MacOS users.
HoneyMiner, which launched in July 2018, accesses your CPU or GPU and uses it to mine various cryptos. A central server points the connected machines at a certain target like ethereum, ethereum classic, zcash, monero and other GPU-friendly currencies.
"We have over 1,400 different kinds of GPUs on our network and it's all about routing the right computation to its most optimal use case and whichever chain is optimal," said co-founder and CEO Noah Jessop.
The HoneyMiner app takes 2.5% of the proceeds for multi-GPU machines and 8% from single GPU users.
Screenshot courtesy of HoneyMiner.
The Mac OS app works just like the Windows version. Upon launching the app you get 1,000 free satoshis and I was able to mine the equivalent of six cents in ten minutes.
This writer's estimated 24-hour earnings on a 2016 MacBook Pro running a 2.9 GHz Intel Core i5 was 113 satoshis or - and don't get jealous - $0.012 USD. The expectation is that users with more powerful computers will speed up the mining pool considerably.
HoneyMiner joins apps like and open source solutions like MultiMiner in its aim to make it easy to mine on almost any machine. They expanded to MacOS thanks to public demand.
"We launched on Windows first because there are so many powerful GPUs sitting under people's desks around the world and lots of folks getting started with mining do so on windows," said Jessop. "We've now got people in 167 countries on Honeyminer and have had literally hundreds of requests for Mac OS from our community."
Porting the app to MacOS was quite a chore, said Jessop.
"Mac was really tricky to run super smoothly on both CPU and GPU when available team spent months - maybe even too long - making it work," he said. "If we let everyone mine with the efficiency of the pros, software know-how becomes less of a barrier."
Bitcoin mining ( revenue hits yearly high, after return to pre-halving levels.
Bitcoin mining ( revenue has topped $20 million per day, its highest level this year.
Key on-chain metrics such as Bitcoin mining ( revenues have returned to pre-halving levels according to recent research.
Data from analytics provider, Glassnode, suggests that revenue from Bitcoin mining ( is now back at the same levels it was as when block rewards were double what they are now.
When the halving took place in mid-May, BTC prices were around $9,000. On November 18 they had doubled to $18,000 which suggests a correlation as miners need to sell enough of the asset to cover their expenses while remaining in profit. Higher prices mean greater profits., which tracks the total value of coinbase block rewards and transaction fees paid to miners confirms the findings.
The daily revenue figure, which includes block rewards and transaction fees, for Nov. 18 was $21.2 million, its highest for a year. The previous peak was on May 6 when it reached $20.6 million. Following the halving event, which dropped block rewards from 12.5 BTC to 6.25 BTC, revenue plummeted to just over $7 million per day.
Mining revenue saw an earlier slump on March 18 this year following the pandemic-induced crypto market crash which wiped 45% off the price of Bitcoin ( in less than a week. When mining revenue falls steeply, over-leveraged miners can begin capitulating due to unfavorable market conditions.
The opposite appears to be happening at the moment as prices approach their all-time high.
Another factor indicating that the network is healthy and miners are happy is the hash rate, which is now just 10% away from its highest ever level.
Following the end of the rainy season in China, where the majority of Bitcoin mining ( takes place, rigs were powered down in preparation for relocation as cheap hydroelectric power dried up. This resulted in a seasonal hash rate slump of 37%, to below 98 Exahashes per second.
Since then, hash rate -- which many believe is correlated to prices -- has recovered to 143.4 EH/s which is not far off its mid-October peak of 157.6 EH/s according to
The current mining revenue figures and hash rate recovery bodes well for the continuation of the bull market which may just take Bitcoin ( prices to a new all-time high before the end of the year.
Time Frame BTC Reward Revenue USD* Power Cost (in USD) Pool Fees (in USD) Profit (in USD) Hourly 0.00003275 $0.61 $0.16 $0.00 $0.45 Daily 0.00078595 $14.71 $3.90 $0.00 $10.81 Weekly 0.00550162 $103.00 $27.30 $0.00 $75.70 Monthly 0.0236 $441.43 $117.00 $0.00 $324.43 Annually 0.2869 $5,370.70 $1,423.50 $0.00 $3,947.20.
* Bitcoin ( Price at $18,721.70 USD.
Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty Bitcoin ( Block Reward Bitcoin ( Price 17,596,801,059,571.00 6.25 BTC $18,734.91 (BTC to USD) Bitcoin mining ( Hashrate Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Watts Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Cost Electricity Costs 110.00 TH/s 3,250 Watts $2,407.00 $0.05 per kWh.
A BTC mining difficulty of 17,596,801,059,571.00, a BTC mining hashrate of 110.00 TH/s consuming 3,250 watts of power at $0.05 per kWh, and a block reward of 6.25 BTC at $18,734.91 (BTC to USD).
After deducting mining power costs and mining fees, the final daily Bitcoin mining ( profit is $10.81 Bitcoin ( to USD .
Bitcoin mining ( Reaches $20 million per day - Highest this year.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:22 pm
What Hashrate to Expect From an Up to Date CPU.
Using the CPU or the central processing unit of your computer to mine crypto currency is pretty much considered outdated nowadays with the only exception being mining new altcoins that are CPU only. If you are interested to find out what hashrate you can expect to get from a powerful multi-core CPU at the moment with come of the more popular crypto algorithms in order to compare to your AMD Radeon 280X GPU or Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti for example, you might want to look at the results we got below. They are achieved using the cpuminer-multi fork on an Intel Core i7 5820K processor (6 core with HT or 12 logical cores) running at default operating frequency (non-overclocked).
Algorithm - Hashrate: Scrypt - 129 KHS Scrypt:N - 26.2 KHS Sha256d - 10.7 MHS Blake - 18024 KHS Cryptonight - 192.7 HS Fresh - 487.2 KHS Lyra2 - 744.8 KHS Neoscrypt - 22.2 KHS Qubit - 488 KHS Quark - 664.8 KHS X11 - 308.1 KHS X13 - 211.4 KHS X14 - 202.6 KHS X15 - 194.4 KHS.
The cpuminer-multi fork that we used for the test does support more algorithms than those that we tested with, we've skipped some because it is hard to find operational pools or even alive crypto coins to use some of them. So we did not test all of the algorithms such as S3, NIST5, Pentablake and a few others that are supported by the software miner. Use these numbers as a reference only for comparing to GPU mining ( hardware as you probably will not want to use your CPU to mine with on these algorithms anyway. The only exception being Lyra2RE, because this algorithm does provide a very decent hashrate on the CPU as compared to what you can get with a GPU miner.
Published in: Tests and Reviews Related tags: cpu crypto hashrate, cpu miner, CPU mining, cpuminer-multi, intel core i7 5820k, intel core i7 5820k hashrate, intel core i7 5820k mining.
Read More (4) Comments.
Intel Core i7-7700K Processor Hashrate.
Review Rating.
Mining Hashrate 9.
Intel i7-7700K Processor Specifications :
CPU Speed : 3.20 GHz Cores : 4 Threads : 8 Cache : 8 MB SmartCache Bus Speed : 8 GT/s DMI3 Processor Base Frequency : 4.20 GHz Max Turbo Frequency : 4.50 GHz.
Intel i7-7700K Processor Mining Hashrate :
LYRA2RE Mining Hashrate : 1.48 MH/s HODL Mining Hashrate : 0.8 KH/s Cryptonight [ (XMR) & (XDN) ] Mining Hashrate : 0.36 kH/s Equihash [ (ZEC - ZEN - ZCL) & (BTG) & (KMD) & (HUSH) ] Mining Hashrate : 31.5 kH/s.
Power Consumption : 100 Watts/Per Hour.
Eine Auflistung der gängisten Hardware 10-20% performance können durch übertakten erreicht werden.
Mhash/s = millions hashes pro sekunde Mhash/J = millions hashes pro watt W = watt (maximaler Strom input) Clock (in MHz) refers to the Shader clock only with nVidia cards (not Core or Memory). With AMD card the shader clock is not separate, but is part of the GPU clock. SP = Stream processors (Shader Units)
1 Graphics cards 1.1 AMD (ATI) 1.2 Nvidia 2 CPUs/APUs 2.1 AMD 2.2 ARM 2.3 Intel 2.4 Other 2.5 FPGA Devices.
Graphics cards.
To get the maximum performance use the 2.1 release of the ATI Stream SDK. 2.2 wastes CPU time, and 2.3/2.4 drop mining performance by 5-10% unless using the Phoenix phatk kernel. Note: This statement is not entirely accurate. YMMV .
↑ $ Prices from on 2011-06-25.
Model Mhash/s Mhash/J Watts Clock SP Comment ION 1.8 0.067 27 16 poclbm; power consumption incl. CPU 8200 mGPU 1.2 1200 16 128 MB shared memory, "poclbm -w 128 -f 0" 8400 GS 2.3 "poclbm -w 128" 8400 GS 1.6 0.013 128 1238 DiabloMiner -w 128 -f 1 source 8400M GS 2.0 8500GT 2.4 918 16 poclbm under GUIMiner 8600M GT 4.93 32 8600M GT 3.8 Macbook Pro running Diablo 8600GT 5.66 1188 32 8600GT OC 7.3 1602 32 poclbm -w 128 source 8800GT 25 0.24 105 1300 8800GT 24.5 0.23 105 1300 source 8800GT 31.1 0.296 105 1855 Overclocked 715 GPU / 1030 Memory / 1855 Shader; GuiMiner v2011-05-21 8800GT 31.8 0.303 105 1836 112 713 gpu, 1026 memory. win7x86, phoenix 1.48, -k poclbm WORKSIZE=64 AGGRESSION=5 8800GTS 16.8 0.109 154 source source 8800 GTS 18.7 0.124 150 1200 poclbm -w 64 no vectors 8800 GTX 27.5 1404 phoenix 1.48, poclbm, no vectors, 83C with 50C ambient 8800m GTX 16.3 rpcminer-cuda Win7-64 9300GE 1.57 1300 8 9300GS 1.69 1400 8 9300/nForce 730i 2.15 1200 16 9400GT 3.37 0.067 50 1400 16 9400M (MacBook) 1.90 0.32 6 700 poclbm -f 8 no vectors 9500GT 6.75 0.135 50 1400 32 9500GT 7.10 0.135 50 1767 32 rpcminer-cuda, Overclocked 707 GPU / 500 Memory / fan 100% 73C steady 9600GSO 19.88 0.237 84 1375 96 9600GSO512 11.75 0.131 90 1625 48 9600GT 15.66 0.165 95 1625 64 9600GT Zotac 15 1650 64 9600GT OC 18.8 95 1981 64 poclbm -w 128 -f 10 source source 9600M GS 4.0 1075 32 rpcminer-cuda 9800GT 30.36 0.289 105 1800 112 9800GT EE 19.7 0.263 75 1375 112 rpcminer-cuda 9800GT OC 29.5 0.283 105 1836 112, no options. Memory underclocked to 850Mhz, GPU overclocked to 733Mhz 9800GTX 32.54 0.232 140 1688 128 9800GTX+ 35.39 0.251 141 1836 128 9800GTX+ 36 factory OC ubuntu -w 128 -f 10 -a 10 (DO NOT USE -v) 9800GTX+ 37.23 0.266 140 1890 128 win7x64 275.27 phoenix(1.48) -k poclbm AGGRESSION=3 WORKSIZE=64 9800GTX+ 40.20 0.287 140 835 128 lowered memory clock higher core, unstable if going higher 9800GX2 57.83 0.294 197 2x128 9800GX2 28 0.142 197 2x128 source G210 3.38 0.111 30.5 1402 16 G210 3.79 0.124 30.5 1402 16 poclbm -f 1 GT220 10.8 0.084 128 1360 DiabloMiner -w 128 -f 1000 source GT230 15.5 0.161 96 650 64 (9600GT rebranded one from in a medion pc) GT240 19.37 0.281 69 1340 96 GT240 21.24 96 poclbm-mod -f 0 -v source GT240 28.1 96 poclbm -f0 -v (Gainward GT240 1024DDR5 OC core@670/stockmem@1700/shader@1700 - stable; max.temp=73) GT240M 9.8 0.426 23 550 48 poclbm -f 0 -w 256 GT330 21.65 poclbm -f 0 -w 256 GTS250 35.39 0.244 145 1836 128 GTS250 35.2 0.243 145 1836 128 GTS250 OC 37 0.255 145 2047 128 GTX260M 22.5 500 112 poclbm 4/28/2011 Asus G71GX runs.
A lot of nice data can be pulled from this thread to seed this section.
Might you wish to throttle CPU load a bit, so it doesn't reach 100°C, it can be done with Battle Encoder Shirase to a margin, like, -15% of available CPU cycles.
Often, the best combination to be is to throttle CPU miner to -5% AND set it to least of priority levels, so as not to choke GPU miner up.
The Glass Floor.
Think, and it's all Transparent.
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Saturday, June 4, 2011.
Bitcoin ( - Solo Mining - Windows 7 - ATI HD 6970.
Before you do anything with Bitcoin (, you need to be running the Bitcoin ( software. Of course, you will have visited the Bitcoin ( website and read everything there. The software is on the front page of the website.
I ran the software for a couple of days before I realised that I was only using the Intel processor, not my video card's GPU to generate bitcoins. Some research and I downloaded Guiminer and tried that, however whilst this provided part of the puzzle, it failed to get things working and I ended up doing the gruntwork with the command line "poclbm". Of course, since the command line programs are supplied with Guiminer, then no extra download for that is needed.
The final piece of the puzzle is getting "OpenCL" working. Guiminer does NOT recognise the latest AMD incarnation, only the previous one. I ended up installing both, so had to choose when I started the command line up, as you will see when I get to the startup command line instructions.
Software Guiminer Download button on the upper right lets you download the latest .. here is a direct link to the latest at time of writing:
Here is a guide for guiminer which helped me to get started, however I had to work out the end details:
Install and run Bitcoin ( For mining with your GPU, you will need to run bitcoin as a server, but for the moment, we can look at the interface. There is your bitcoin wallet address, and on the bottom right, your connection status and downloaded blocks. If you want to generate coins with your CPU, then click "settings" and "generate coins". Don't expect much.
Make sure you have un-installed any conflicting video drivers and installed the latest ATI drivers for the 6970. I also ran a registry cleaner to make sure there were no confusing pointers, then rebooted.
If I had to do it over again, I would only load the "ati-stream-sdk-v2.3". Guiminer recognises it and it saves an extra flag in the command line. Reboot.
Install and run "guiminer". Have it in a convenient directory that is easy to refer to on the command line. We will be using the "poclbm" program it comes with later. What you get out of running the command line is that you can set up the configuration files. IF you have installed the stream sdk properly, then everything will work when it starts up and you will see it has found your video card in the "Device" drop down, otherwise it will complain that it can't find an "opencl" device. Select "solo" miner. Under solo utilities, enter the username and password you wish to use to log into the bitcoin server. Enter any extra flags you want to use for the device (see the hardware comparison from the previous post). Save the configuration. There are two configuration files:
First \User\ AppData\Roaming\bitcoin\bitcoin.conf Within that file, should be two lines set from guiminer. rpcuser=username rpcpassword=password.
Next \User\ \AppData\Roaming\poclbm\poclbm.ini Inside this is the solo miner configuration.
"profiles": [ "username": "user", "balance_auth_token": "", "name": "Default", "hostname": "localhost", "external_path": "", "flags": "-f60 -v -w128", "autostart": false, "device": 0, "password": "password", "port": "8332" >, ], "bitcoin_executable": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Bitcoin (\\bitcoin.exe", "show_opencl_warning": true, "show_summary": true, "show_console": false >
The Command Line.
Open the command line.
start /D"C:\Program Files (x86)\Bitcoin (" bitcoin.exe -server.
This line starts the bitcoin program as a server. The bitcoin window will open as a separate process. The directory switch means you can run the command from anywhere. Wait till a connection has been made.
start /DC:\pro\guiminer poclbm.exe --platform=1 --device=0 --user=username --pass=password.
Enter the above command line (altered for your machine of course). Note the directory switch nominates the directory - there is a space between the directory and the program executable name. Also note the --platform switch. I use 1 because I have two possible libraries as I have both the AMD and the ATI Stream libraries loaded - ATI Stream is the second one (1) that the system recognised first, so I'm staying with that. I follow it with the device switch which is the video card, and then the username and password that you set in the configuration file.
It took me a while to get it sorted, but then my Video card sprang to life and the fan went wild and you could almost feel the load. Instead of 3 M/hash per second, I was getting 350 M/hash per second.
Best of luck and I hope it works as advertised.
Update: I included a flag "-f60" in the poclbm.ini file. I found without that flag, the default of "-f30" made the priority of the poclbm process too high. I would find that after an hour or so, with the computer churning away, if I came back and wanted to do some work on the machine, it would apparently "lock" up on me and I'd have to reboot.
Update 2: The "-f60" flag has definitely improved stability with no noticeable loss of processing. The only problems I've had is when trying to play a Youtube video, when the system locks up.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:23 pm
Update 3: The lock-up remains no matter what "f" flag I use. It would appear that Flash video and Bitcoin mining ( are mutually exclusive.
Update 4: The solution I use (for the machine lockup with video playback) is to use a virtual machine for much of my work. I have Debian 64 set up as a virtual machine using Virtualbox, and I also have instructions for a Slackware VM elsewhere in this blog. Video playback works fine in the VM and it all works seemlessly. My normal use of the machine barely touches its capabilities and I can run the mining on Windows.
Update 5: Yesterday I found I had "rcp connection problems". Solutions presented on the net didn't work for me. Then I had a look at the bitcoin version I had (21) . I updated to the latest (23) and the problems went away. I also discovered that once you start the bitcoin server, you can then start the poclbm miner. It will complain about no connection etc but as soon as there is one it starts churning away.
Update 6: There was an update to my Catalyst Control Center from AMD tonight. It broke the miner I had sorted. That's the bad news - it gets better from here. In the article above, I talk of downloading the ATI stream SDK 2.3 . well, that is broke and we must move on. Install the AMD 2.4 SDK and all will be fine. In my setup, I had both - the 2.4 was platform 0 and the 2.3 was platform 1 (as reported to me). I simply changed the "platform=1" switch to "platform=0" and all was again well.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:23 pm

How To Mine Monero (CPU GPU)|17:56
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:23 pm

How to Mine XMR Coin With CPU Mining ( AMD vs Intel - Zakria ZU -|15:00
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:24 pm

How To Mine Monero (XMR) - Monero Mining ( - NEW Guide 2021 - CPU|6:58
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:25 pm

MAKE $1,770 By Mining ( Bitcoin ( on Your PC/SMARTPHONE IN 2020!! (PROOF)|8:41
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:25 pm
HD 6670 Bitcoin mining (
When you got your first experience with Bitcoin ( money you may want to try Bitcoin mining ( on your PC. First of all you need to get configuration information of your PC and check if your hardware capable to run Bitcoin mining ( fast enough. As you know, CPU mining currently is faster than GPU mining ( more than 100 times. So it's very important to have really fast video card on-board. NVidia GeForce GPU cards are surprisingly slow in comparison to AMD ATI Radeon HD. It's pointless to run Bitcoin mining ( on NVidia cards. Here list of most effective cards to run mining:
Best performance/cost ratio have ATI/AMD Radeon HD 5xxx series cards:
140 MHash/s - 90W Radeon HD 5770.
190 MHash/s - 110W Radeon HD 5830.
260 MHash/s - 175W Radeon HD 5850.
290 MHash/s - 151W Radeon HD 5870.
380 MHash/s - 188W Radeon HD 5970.
640 MHash/s - 294W.
AMD Radeon HD6xxx series cards are more expensive and got lower performance/cost ratio:
110 MHash/s - 50W Radeon HD 6790.
190 MHash/s - 150W Radeon HD 6850.
210 MHash/s - 127W Radeon HD 6870.
280 MHash/s - 151W Radeon HD 6950.
310 MHash/s - 200W Radeon HD 6970.
370 MHash/s - 250W Radeon HD 6990.
690 Mhash/s - 375W.
Full hardware comparison list for Bitcoin mining ( with all GPU and CPU performance data you can find on wiki.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:26 pm
This is a very specific article meant to target a very small subset of geeks out there. Sure, there are many of us geeks, and a large number have heard of this craze the last few years called Bitcoin ( After Bitcoin ( became popular, like tv news popular, a number of crypto-coin spinoffs have surfaced. I'm not going to go into the merits (or scams) of the various altcoins out there, but a very popular one called Litecoin is what got me started in the mining hobby.
As anyone getting into mining learns quickly, cpu mining is not very popular because quite frankly it sucks. Using your GPU is where it is at for the home user, yielding easily 10 times the speeds of the CPU. Bitcoin ( is now mined only using dedicated miners, so if you are planning to mine Bitcoin ( this late in the game, don't bother. However, there appears to be some speculative profit in mining other scrypt-based coins, like Litecoin. If you decide to mine with your GPU, use whatever you have until you truly know what you are doing. It is easy to think the whole thing is a slam dunk money fest, and done right, it might be, but don't spend thousands of dollars up front for naught. For example, ATI video cards are much better at mining then nvidia, which is why they are sold out everywhere!
If you can get your hands on an ATI video card, XFX is probably the brand you will land, because they suck, haha. I have a XFX AMD HD 7970 that I got for gaming for around $300 a little while ago. I got lucky because since as of today (a day before Christmas), they are moving for $450+ on eBay. The problem with this particular brand is two fold, they run hot as hell, and they seemed crippled when you start mining, getting half the speeds of other brands with the same model of chip.
Using the default cgminer 3.7.2, I pulled a mere 450 KH/s with:
After a lot of research on the Internet, it seems other people with 7970 cards were getting 700+ KH/s. I was not pleased with a mere 450 KH/s. After a ton of command line tweaking, I was able to get into the 530 KH/s area with:
cgminer -I 13 -g 2 -w 256 -thread-concurrency 8192.
Still not pleased, being I was getting less than 700, a lot of Googling lead me to someone who swapped the XFX firmware bios on the card with a Gigabyte version. Flashing the firmware can be a dangerous proposition as it can lead you to brick your card, but a majority of the time, you can just boot up on another video card (hope you have one handy) and flash back your old bios. So be sure to back it up using GPU-Z and do your homework.
I downloaded the Gigabyte bios after backing up my current XFX bios to a safe place. I can't stress enough to backup your bios! There are a lot of writeups to boot to a dos disk, but I was lazy and used the ATIWinFlash tool to avoid all of that. A little warning though, it failed the first time I tried to flash, but all I had to do was hit the flash button again and voila, success!
After rebooting, I was now getting right around 700 KH/s with the following:
cgminer -I 13 -g 2 -w 256 -thread-concurrency 8128 -gpu-powertune 20 -gpu-engine 1040 -gpu-memclock 1825.
For most people, they'd be done now, but I wanted to run this GPU in my ESXi farm. Why? Because I already run an ESXi farm and don't want to leave a 300W gaming rig running all day. Mining is already a gamble. If you can remove most of the power costs, it is only profit left!
In vSphere 5.5, VMware really improved the passthrough capabilities of ESXi. They still suck, but one thing added was GPU support for View. I tried very hard to get my nvidia GTX 470 working with ESXi, and failed. Once again, ATI shines and I'm able to get it working with the following tips:
Make sure you are not using the video card as the ESXi Host's boot device. Change it in the bios to boot to another video card (like the onboard one) or this whole thing will not work. Enable passthrough for all the devices that ESXi detects. In my case, there is a video and audio driver. Load the correct driver before setting up passthrough.
After three reboots, I was able to see the AMD HD 7970 in the device manager. However, when I used the same cgminer commands:
I began getting a crappy 500 KH/s again. I loaded a GPU-Z, and noticed that my VM could not see memory clock speeds, core clock speeds, or even GPU temperature. This makes sense from a virtualization point of view; however, it means the VM is ignoring cgminer's overclock settings.
In my searching, I stumbled across an ATI bios editor. With this, I'm able to download the firmware from my card (using GPU-Z) and then edit the base core clock and memory speeds! If this whole topic hasn't scared you yet, and you are still feeling brave, do double check you have those firmware backups handy. Using the tool, I change my gpu core clock speed to 1040 and the memory clock speed to 1825.
And there you have it,
700 KH/s on an XFX AMD HD 7970 graphics card, in an ESXi virtual machine!
Radeon GPUs in Demand as Litecoin Mining Difficulty Increases.
Nermin Hajdarbegovic.
Bitcoin mining ( on a standard GPU is a thing of the past. Put simply: it's no longer economically viable, given the power consumption of discrete graphics cards and their relatively high price.
ASIC ( are a no-brainer when it comes to bitcoin, however litecoin is a different story.
Unlike its counterpart, litecoin can still be mined using off-the-shelf hardware, namely via AMD Radeon graphics cards. There aren't that many alternatives, either. There are still no ASIC ( products for scrypt, litecoin's algorithm, and this will not change for the next few months at least.
It is rumoured that litecoin ASIC ( systems are being developed by Alpha Technologies, but it will be a few months before they hit the market.
Furthermore, scrypt is a very different beast, as it requires a lot more memory and different ASIC ( designs. This means that scrypt ASIC ( could become significantly more expensive than the existing ASIC ( Bitcoin mining ( solutions.
Are litecoin miners causing a Radeon shortage?
In any case, Radeons are currently the weapon choice for litecoin miners and earlier this week several tech sites reported that litecoin miners are causing a shortage of Radeon graphics cards.
While it is true that some cards in some markets are in short supply, it is very difficult to attribute this to litecoin miners without any concrete data from AMD, its add-in-board (AIB) partners and distributors.
Therefore, it is probably convenient to make such claims, as they cannot be easily disproven.
Litecoin mining is booming, that is a fact. Over the last month or so, the litecoin hash rate has doubled, along with difficulty. It was practically flat in September and October.
However, the rate currently stands at about 90GH/s, up from about 20GH/s in June.
People are clearly buying Radeon cards and using them to mine litecoin, but this isn't necessarily creating a shortage.
According to Jon Peddie Research, the discrete graphics card market is about 14.5 million units per quarter, and AMD's share is roughly 35%, so AMD partners sell about five million Radeon cards each quarter.
The numbers simply don't add up, given the hash performance of AMD's mid-range and high-end cards. In other words, litecoin miners aren't even close to making much of an impact on AMD's overall shipments.
There could be some isolated cases though, namely in the US, but it should also be noted that AMD introduced new flagship graphics cards two months ago.
The company also rebranded previous generation cards and it is offering various game bundles to avoid inventory issues and transition to R9- and R7-series products, many of which are simply rebrands of older HD 7000 series cards. There are no Radeon shortages in Europe.
GPUs still have potential for litecoin mining.
Since litecoin uses different hashing algorithms than bitcoin, with more access to cache memory and memory in general, existing bitcoin ASIC ( do not tend to offer good results with litecoin.
Unlike SHA-256, scrypt is memory-hungry and this was an intentional effort on the part of litecoin developers to prevent the use of ASIC ( and FPGA specialised hardware for litecoin mining.
FPGAs could be used, but at this point it isn't clear whether the performance gain would justify the added cost, especially as difficulty and litecoin value increases.
For the time being, Radeon cards are a relatively good choice for hobby litecoin mining. The biggest problem is power consumption.
A single Radeon R9 290X, based on AMD's new Hawaii silicon, can draw up to 250W of power under load, but miners claim it is capable of around 860 KH/s to 900KH/s, depending on the GPU clock and other factors. It costs €499 in Europe, or $549 in the US.
Older cards, based on the Tahiti core, can deliver even an even better price/performance ratio and the same is true of the €399 R9 290.
The most popular mining Radeons are the HD 7950, HD 7970 and R9 280, all of which are based on the old Tahiti core and they are now considered mid-range products.
FPGAs should offer superior performance per watt, but then again they are not as readily available as graphics cards. In fact, litecoin specific FPGAs and ASIC ( are still not available at all.
Furthermore, it is still unclear how much they will cost once they do appear, as hardware requirements for litecoin and Bitcoin mining ( differ greatly.
However, it is difficult to talk about profitability at this point, since litecoin value is going up, along with hash difficulty. Since the price is constantly changing, it is up to individual miners to decide whether GPU-based platforms are viable in the long run. At the moment, the answer is yes, but this could change in a matter of weeks.
Reusing old hardware is another option.
Many bitcoin miners who used GPUs are now stuck with old mining rigs, provided they haven't already sold them.
While it is possible to argue that the spike in the litecoin hash rate was caused by miners buying Radeons, it is just as possible that some veteran bitcoin miners have simply found a new use for their old hardware, which has already paid for itself several times over.
It is highly unlikely that all of the miners sold their rigs and are now buying entirely new ones to mine bitcoin.
Oddly enough, some hardware makers are trying to cash in. Last month, ASRock launched two motherboards, designed specifically for mining.
The company's blurb focused on bitcoin, claiming that the boards could help users "make a fortune."
Needless to say, anyone mining bitcoin with a standard x86 processor and a few Radeons on a cheap motherboard would only stand to gain a whopping electricity bill.
However, the motherboards could be interesting for litecoin miners, as they are relatively cheap and can take up to six graphics cards, although five of them will have to use PCIe 2.0 x1 slots.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:27 pm
So why are prices of Radeon cards going up exactly?
Litecoin mining is definitely a factor, but it is also a temporary spike.
To avoid inventory issues, AMD and AMD AIBs don't have a habit of stocking up, hence they are probably unable to cope with the sudden spike in demand.
Graphics cards are shipped in batches on a regular basis, not produced overnight.
AMD orders the silicon from TSMC in Taiwan, PCBs and memory chips come from Taiwan, China and Korea, along with coolers, VRMs and other components, so making sure the supply chain works efficiently is a delicate balancing act.
For many people willing to try litecoin mining, Radeons are the equivalent of a gold shovel in mid-19 th century California.
AMD's supply chain is not designed to cope with a sudden influx of new customers who do not care about upcoming games, custom cooled cards or other stuff that are vital to gamers, AMD's target audience.
Since they feel like they are selling gold shovels, retailers and resellers are acting accordingly, by engaging in price gouging.
Is It Safe To Use Bitcoin (
Is it safe to use Bitcoin ( Can you trust a decentralized computer network with your money?
Most people still treat Bitcoin ( as a mythical pandora box which contains thieves, money launderers, scammers, terrorists, other people of the worst kind.
However, outside the realm myths and fantasy, such statements are entirely false and misleading. Thousands of programmers develop the Bitcoin ( network every day, and mostly for free in their spare time, as it is an open-source community-driven project standing for personal freedom and financial inclusion. It is not perfect yet, but it gets better every day.
The answer to the question "is it safe to use Bitcoin (" is yes, but it also depends on how well can you manage your security.
In its ten years of history, Bitcoin (, when used and stored correctly, has proven itself to be a reliable financial instrument when it comes to storing value, secure borderless peer-to-peer money transfers, and accessibility.
The protocol itself is sturdy enough to withhold even the most sophisticated attacks, and most of the bad news surrounding Bitcoin ( hacks are due to the third-party service providers like centralized exchanges, wallet developers, or private key mismanagement.
Of course, as with every other type of money, there are certain issues Bitcoin ( users need to know if they want to protect their wealth. These include Bitcoin ( price volatility, secure storage of cryptocurrency, use of insecure third-party services, and cybersecurity threats like hacking.
At the same time, we could also raise a question whether it is safe to use dollars and other traditional finance tools, as most of the money laundering and other nefarious activities are still conducted using traditional money. The conventional financial systems have proven to be prone to economic bubbles and crises, and the government-backed money tends to significantly devalue over time.
Therefore, it is safe to use Bitcoin (, especially if you're willing to take responsibility for protecting your funds on your shoulders. And since the technology is still in development, it requires time and effort to learn how to handle it.
So, how do you safely handle your Bitcoins?
How to secure your Bitcoin (
Storing Bitcoins.
These are the vital steps to ensure that you're following the best Bitcoin ( security practices:
Rule number one is to take good care of your secret "private key" - the password for accessing and using your Bitcoins. (For more on choosing a wallet, follow this link ). If the private key is secure and no one else can get to it, then your Bitcoins are safe. But keep in mind that if you lose your private key, even you yourself won't be able to access your funds.
Choose a reliable wallet that fits you, as it will act as a bank account to access your funds. They can be stored both online or offline.
Secure Bitcoin ( hardware wallets by Ledger and Trezor.
Exchanging and spending.
When spending or exchanging your Bitcoins, it's important to choose the most reliable and trustworthy services. If you fall victim to fraud using a traditional bank card, laws and regulations may help you recover any losses. For Bitcoin (, such protection is yet to come. Also, remember that payments with Bitcoins are non-repudiable - once you pay, the money's gone. If you make a mistake - say you pay USD 222.2 instead of USD 22.22 or send the Bitcoins to the wrong address - you can only rely on the goodwill of the receiver to get your money back.
Anonymity issues.
You may have heard about the anonymity Bitcoin ( users enjoy. Well, it's only partly true. While everyone can track any wallet and its content on the network, they can't identify the owner of the wallet. Bitcoin ( wallets and transactions aren't linked to personal data or identity. But there are alternate ways to find out the owners identity. For example, you may be required to reveal your identity when registering on a cryptocurrency exchange. That way all your transactions from the exchange may be traced back to your wallet. Still, if you need stronger privacy, the TOR browser, and other privacy solutions. There are many privacy-oriented Bitcoin ( wallets, too, as well as other cryptocurrencies with integrated privacy and anonymity features, such as Dash, Monero and Zcash.
Other Bitcoin ( risks are somewhat hard to control, but it's still important to know them and follow the latest news since the technology is still in development.
One theoretical risk is a 51% attack on the Bitcoin ( blockchain. In theory, if a group of Bitcoin ( miners controlled 51% or more of all the hashing power running the Bitcoin ( blockchain, they could potentially undo several latest transactions.
In fact, there was a moment, in 2014, when the mining pool came close to obtaining 51% of the whole Bitcoin ( network. But then some members of the pool voluntary left, decreasing its share and influence. Still, Bitcoin ( experts believe a "51% attack" is unlikely as its cost would exceed the potential benefits of the attack, and it would do little to no harm for more than 99% of the blockchain users. Such attack can't be used to steal Bitcoins or change older transactions. It affects only the most recent transactions, and the efficiency of the network could be disrupted for a moment, too. Essentially, any 51% attack would last for a short time before being quickly fixed by the Bitcoin ( community. The biggest damage would be done to the cryptocurrency's image.
Hacking poses a bigger risk when it comes to cryptocurrency exchanges, most of which are not regulated and, as history has shown, are hacked quite regularly.
The threat of a hack of the Bitcoin ( network may become real once a quantum computer is built, as it would be much more powerful than today's computers. But building it is expected to take years, and ways to withstand such attack is already in the works.
Another key issue to watch are regulations. More and more countries are likely to start introducing Bitcoin ( laws, which could affect how the cryptocurrency can be bought and spent, its legal and tax implications. Alongside the rules, new regulations may also grant Bitcoin ( users more rights, protection, and clarity.
In addition to the precautions, make sure to see these ten tips on Bitcoin ( security. If you follow the most common Bitcoin ( security rules, you are likely to use Bitcoin ( in the safest and most secure manner.
After all, Bitcoin ( itself constitutes the safest money protocol ever built. Nevertheless, there are third-party services and individuals don't use adequate measures to secure themselves. Stay safe!
Have any suggestions about this entry? Let us know.
Bitcoin ( Scams - How To Stay Safe In The CryptoCurrency World.
Scams have long been part of the day to day lives of human beings. While today's scams are quite a bit more intricate, people have been trying to defraud each other since the beginning of currency as we know it.
In fact, even back in the renaissance days, the shell game was used by con-artists to fool people out of their hard earned money. With Bitcoin ( being a relatively new currency, yet a widely accepted one, scams revolving around the currency seem to be everywhere.
Scam #1: Bitcoin ( Ponzi Schemes.
One of the most common scams in the world of Bitcoin ( at the moment is the Ponzi Scheme. Essentially, the con-artists grab your interest by promising you high interest rates on deposits made.
As the nature of the Ponzi Scheme would tell you, those who make their investments early are paid out using the dollars from those that come in later.
This lasts for some time. However, must come to an end at some point. When there's not enough new people signing up to pay out on older investments, the scam falls apart, and those who took part start to realize losses.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:30 pm
Scam #2: Bitcoin ( Wallet Scams.
One of the factors that makes bitcoin an interesting currency for many is anonymity when making purchases. This anonymity is generally provided through Bitcoin ( wallets. Essentially, these scammers tell you that their program is the safest and easiest way to transfer Bitcoin ( anonymously.
The wallet will work perfectly for days, weeks or even months. However, at some point, he con-artist behind the scenes will transfer the bitcoin out of your wallet and into their own. So, when choosing a Bitcoin ( Wallet provider, make sure that you do your research!
Scam #3: Bitcoin ( Exchange Scams.
There are several Bitcoin ( exchanges out there. These exchanges simply sell Bitcoin ( at the current market rate. However, when looking for a Bitcoin ( exchange, make sure to do your research. Some exchanges will grab your interest by charging incredibly low fees on credit card processing (an area where exchanges realize their profits).
When your credit card is processed, you receive nothing. No Bitcoin (, no refund, the money is gone. One great thing to keep in mind here is that if the fees sound too good to be true, they probably are!
Scam #4: Bitcoin mining ( Investment Scams.
Bitcoin mining ( is a process that involves incredibly high level equations. These equations are designed to validate transactions and provide security for the public ledger, something known as the blockchain. However, in order to mine bitcoin, you generally need extremely powerful and expensive computer equipment.
As a result, many people invest in the equipment for these mines, earning returns in the long run as more Bitcoin ( is mined. Unfortunately however, there are mining investment scams that will take your money, not to purchase equipment, but simply to realize a product. At the end of the day, the investment was never real, and your money is gone.
So, when thinking of investing in Bitcoin ( cloud mining, make sure that you do your research on the investments you make.
Scam #5: Bitcoin ( Phishing Scams.
Finally, many con-artists have been sending emails to people letting them know that they have been given or awarded Bitcoins. However, in order to accept the gift or reward, they will need to log into to their wallet using the link in the email. However, when the user logs in, the information is stolen, giving the con-artists full access to the user's wallet.
While there are quite a few scams in the world of Bitcoin (, you don't have to become a victim. At the end of the day, you can avoid most scams by simply being aware of them. With that said, if you're involved or want to get involved in the Bitcoin ( movement, keep an eye out for the scams above.
Mining bitcoin cz port.
This is a high performance stratum pool for BitcoinZ (BTCZ) mining. Pool Fee: 1%
BitcoinZ (BTCZ) Stratum ports:
VarDifficulty Server:Port Standard 1 NiceHash ( 20
Compatible GPU Miner Software.
Download one of these miners for your GPU (NVIDIA or AMD): EWBF Cuda Equihash Miner (NVIDIA) - Windows, Linux lolMiner (AMD) - Windows, Linux GMiner CUDA Equihash Miner (NVIDIA) - Windows, Linux Funakoshi Equihash Cuda Miner (NVIDIA) - Windows, Linux Bminer (NVIDIA) - Windows, Linux.
It's recommended to set your virtual memory to at least 16384 MB (16 GB): Windows | Ubuntu (Linux)
Running A Full Node.
Support the Bitcoin ( network by running your own full node.
What Is A Full Node?
A full node is a program that fully validates transactions and blocks. Almost all full nodes also help the network by accepting transactions and blocks from other full nodes, validating those transactions and blocks, and then relaying them to further full nodes.
Most full nodes also serve lightweight clients by allowing them to transmit their transactions to the network and by notifying them when a transaction affects their wallet. If not enough nodes perform this function, clients won't be able to connect through the peer-to-peer network--they'll have to use centralized services instead.
Many people and organizations volunteer to run full nodes using spare computing and bandwidth resources--but more volunteers are needed to allow Bitcoin ( to continue to grow. This document describes how you can help and what helping will cost you.
Costs And Warnings.
Running a Bitcoin ( full node comes with certain costs and can expose you to certain risks. This section will explain those costs and risks so you can decide whether you're able to help the network.
Special Cases.
Miners, businesses, and privacy-conscious users rely on particular behavior from the full nodes they use, so they will often run their own full nodes and take special safety precautions. This document does not cover those precautions--it only describes running a full node to help support the Bitcoin ( network in general.
Please seek out assistance in the community if you need help setting up your full node correctly to handle high-value and privacy-sensitive tasks. Do your own diligence to ensure who you get help from is ethical, reputable and qualified to assist you.
Secure Your Wallet.
It's possible and safe to run a full node to support the network and use its wallet to store your bitcoins, but you must take the same precautions you would when using any Bitcoin ( wallet. Please see the securing your wallet page for more information.
Minimum Requirements.
Bitcoin ( Core full nodes have certain requirements. If you try running a node on weak hardware, it may work--but you'll likely spend more time dealing with issues. If you can meet the following requirements, you'll have an easy-to-use node.
Desktop or laptop hardware running recent versions of Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux.
350 gigabytes of free disk space, accessible at a minimum read/write speed of 100 MB/s.
2 gigabytes of memory (RAM)
A broadband Internet connection with upload speeds of at least 400 kilobits (50 kilobytes) per second.
An unmetered connection, a connection with high upload limits, or a connection you regularly monitor to ensure it doesn't exceed its upload limits. It's common for full nodes on high-speed connections to use 200 gigabytes upload or more a month. Download usage is around 20 gigabytes a month, plus around an additional 340 gigabytes the first time you start your node.
6 hours a day that your full node can be left running. (You can do other things with your computer while running a full node.) More hours would be better, and best of all would be if you can run your node continuously.
Note: many operating systems today (Windows, Mac, and Linux) enter a low-power mode after the screensaver activates, slowing or halting network traffic. This is often the default setting on laptops and on all Mac OS X laptops and desktops. Check your screensaver settings and disable automatic "sleep" or "suspend" options to ensure you support the network whenever your computer is running.
Bandwidth limits : Some Internet plans will charge an additional amount for any excess upload bandwidth used that isn't included in the plan. Worse, some providers may terminate your connection without warning because of overuse. We advise that you check whether your Internet connection is subjected to such limitations and monitor your bandwidth use so that you can stop Bitcoin ( Core before you reach your upload limit.
Anti-virus: Several people have placed parts of known computer viruses in the Bitcoin ( block chain. This block chain data can't infect your computer, but some anti-virus programs quarantine the data anyway, making it more difficult to run Bitcoin ( Core. This problem mostly affects computers running Windows.
Initial Block Download(IBD)
Initial block download refers to the process where nodes synchronize themselves to the network by downloading blocks that are new to them. This will happen when a node is far behind the tip of the best block chain. In the process of IBD, a node does not accept incoming transactions nor request mempool transactions.
If you are trying to set up a new node following the instructions below, you will go through the IBD process at the first run, and it may take a considerable amount of time since a new node has to download the entire block chain (which is roughly 340 gigabytes now). During the download, there could be a high usage for the network and CPU (since the node has to verify the blocks downloaded), and the client will take up an increasing amount of storage space (reduce storage provides more details on reducing storage).
Before the node finishes IBD, you will not be able to see a new transaction related to your account until the client has caught up to the block containing that transaction. So your wallet may not count new payments/spendings into the balance.
If you are using Bitcoin ( Core GUI, you can monitor the progress of IBD in the status bar (left bottom corner).
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:31 pm

Litecoin Mining ( Explained|5:04
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:31 pm

Litecoin Mining ( - How to Mine Litecoin Using an Nvidia GPU [Support Segwit] [ccMiner 1.8.3] [2017]|7:10
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:31 pm

MONERO XMR Mining ( is more PROFITABLE... for now|10:57
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:32 pm

How To Mine Monero (XMR) Coin With Your GPU Rig - Zakria ZU -|15:43
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:32 pm
Linux Instructions.
The following instructions describe installing Bitcoin ( Core using tools available in most mainstream Linux distributions. We assume you use a Bourne-like shell such as bash .
Using any computer, go to the Bitcoin ( Core download page and verify you have made a secure connection to the server.
In the "Linux (tgz)" section of the Download page, choose the appropriate file for your Linux install (either 32-bit or 64-bit) and download the file. If necessary, move the file to the computer you want to use to run Bitcoin ( Core.
Optional: Verify the release signatures.
If you know how to use PGP, you should also click the Verify Release Signatures link on the download page to download a signed list of SHA256 file hashes. The 0.11 and later releases are signed by Wladimir J. van der Laan's releases key with the fingerprint:
Earlier releases were signed by Wladimir J. van der Laan's regular key. That key's fingerprint is:
Even earlier releases were signed by Gavin Andresen's key. His primary key's fingerprint is:
You should verify these keys belong to their owners using the web of trust or other trustworthy means. Then use PGP to verify the signature on the release signatures file. Finally, use PGP or another utility to compute the SHA256 hash of the archive you downloaded, and ensure the computed hash matches the hash listed in the verified release signatures file.
If you aren't already logged into the computer you want to install Bitcoin ( on, login now. Make sure you use an account that can use su or sudo to install software into directories owned by the root user.
If you logged in graphically, start a terminal. If you logged in another way, we will assume you're already in a shell.
Locate the file you downloaded and extract it using the tar command followed by the argument xzf followed by the file name. The argument xzf means eXtract the gZipped tar archive File. For example, for a 64-bit tar archive in your current directory, the command is:
This will create the directory bitcoin-0.20.1 within your current working directory. We will install the contents of its bin subdirectory into the /usr/local/bin directory using the the install command. The install command is part of the GNU coreutils available on nearly every Linux distribution, and the /usr/local/bin directory is a standard location for self-installed executables (you may edit the commands below to use a different location).
If you use sudo to run commands as root, use the following command line:
If you use su to run commands as root, use the following command line:
To continue, choose one of the following options.
To use Bitcoin ( Core Graphical User Interface (GUI), proceed to the Bitcoin ( Core GUI section below.
To use the Bitcoin ( Core daemon (bitcoind), which is useful for programmers and advanced users, proceed to the Bitcoin ( Core Daemon section below.
To use both the GUI and the daemon, read both the GUI instructions and the daemon instructions. Note that you can't run both the GUI and the daemon at the same time using the same configuration directory.
Bitcoin ( Core GUI.
In order to use Bitcoin ( Core GUI, you will need several libraries installed. All of them should be available in all major recently-released Linux distributions, but they may not be installed on your computer yet. To determine whether you're missing any libraries, open a terminal (if you haven't already) and run the command /usr/local/bin/bitcoin-qt to start Bitcoin ( Core GUI.
If all the required libraries are installed, Bitcoin ( Core will start. If a required library is missing, an error message similar to the following message will be displayed:
Search your distribution's package database for the missing file missing and install package containing that file. Then re-run /usr/local/bin/bitcoin-qt to see if it's missing another file. Repeat until Bitcoin ( Core GUI starts.
You will be prompted to choose a directory to store the Bitcoin ( block chain and your wallet. Unless you have a separate partition or drive you want to use, click Ok to use the default.
Bitcoin ( Core GUI will begin to download the block chain. This step will take at least several days, and it may take much more time on a slow Internet connection or with a slow computer. During the download, Bitcoin ( Core will use a significant part of your connection bandwidth. You can stop Bitcoin ( Core at any time by closing it; it will resume from the point where it stopped the next time you start it.
After download is complete, you may use Bitcoin ( Core as your wallet or you can just let it run to help support the Bitcoin ( network.
Optional: Start Your Node At Login.
Starting your node automatically each time you login to your computer makes it easy for you to contribute to the network. The easiest way to do this is to tell Bitcoin ( Core GUI to start at login. This only works in desktop environments that support the autostart specification, such as Gnome, KDE, and Unity.
While running Bitcoin ( Core GUI, open the Settings menu and choose Options. On the Main tab, click Start Bitcoin ( on system login . Click the Ok button to save the new settings.
The next time you login to your desktop, Bitcoin ( Core GUI should be automatically started as an icon in the tray.
If Bitcoin ( Core GUI does not automatically start, you may need to add it to an .xinit or .xsession file as described here.
You have now completed installing Bitcoin ( Core. If you have any questions, please ask in one of Bitcoin ('s many communities, such as Bitcoin ( StackExchange, BitcoinTalk technical support, or the #bitcoin IRC chatroom on Freenode.
To support the Bitcoin ( network, you also need to allow incoming connections. Please read the Network Configuration section for details.
Bitcoin ( Core Daemon.
If you're logged in as an administrative user with sudo access, you may log out. The steps in this section should be performed as the user you want to run Bitcoin ( Core. (This can be a locked account used only by Bitcoin ( Core.) If you changed users in a graphical interface, start a terminal.
Type the following command:
It will print a message that Bitcoin ( Core is starting. To interact with Bitcoin ( Core daemon, you will use the command bitcoin-cli (Bitcoin ( command line interface).
Note: it may take up to several minutes for Bitcoin ( Core to start, during which it will display the following message whenever you use bitcoin-cli :
After it starts, you may find the following commands useful for bASIC ( interaction with your node: getblockchaininfo , getnetworkinfo , getnettotals , getwalletinfo , stop , and help .
For example, to safely stop your node, run the following command:
A complete list of commands is available in the Bitcoin ( developer reference.
When Bitcoin ( Core daemon first starts, it will begin to download the block chain. This step will take at least several days, and it may take much more time on a slow Internet connection or with a slow computer. During the download, Bitcoin ( Core will use a significant part of your connection bandwidth. You can stop Bitcoin ( Core at any time using the stop command; it will resume from the point where it stopped the next time you start it.
Optional: Start Your Node At Boot.
Starting your node automatically each time your computer boots makes it easy for you to contribute to the network. The easiest way to do this is to start Bitcoin ( Core daemon from your crontab. To edit your crontab on most distributions, run the following command:
Scroll to the bottom of the file displayed and add the following line:
Save the file and exit; the updated crontab file will be installed for you. On most distributions, this will cause Bitcoin ( Core daemon to be automatically started each time your reboot your computer.
If you're a expert system administrator and want to use an init script instead, see the init scripts directory in Bitcoin ( Core's source tree.
Windows Instructions.
Windows 10.
Go to the Bitcoin ( Core download page and verify you have made a secure connection to the server.
Click the large blue Download Bitcoin ( Core button to download the Bitcoin ( Core installer to your desktop.
After downloading the file to your desktop or your Downloads folder ( C:\Users\ \Downloads ), run it by double-clicking its icon. Windows will ask you to confirm that you want to run it. Click Yes and the Bitcoin ( installer will start. It's a typical Windows installer, and it will guide you through the decisions you need to make about where to install Bitcoin ( Core.
If you want to use the Bitcoin ( Core Graphical User Interface (GUI), proceed to the Bitcoin ( Core GUI section below.
If you want to use the Bitcoin ( Core daemon (bitcoind), which is useful for programmers and advanced users, proceed to the Bitcoin ( Core Daemon section below.
If you want to use both the GUI and the daemon, read both the GUI instructions and the daemon instructions. Note that you can't run both the GUI and the daemon at the same time using the same configuration directory.
Press the Windows key ( ⊞ Win ) and start typing "bitcoin". When the Bitcoin ( Core icon appears (as shown below), click on it.
Your firewall may block Bitcoin ( Core from making outbound connections. It's safe to allow Bitcoin ( Core to use all networks. (Note: you will still need to configure inbound connections as described later in the Network Configuration section.)
Starting your node automatically each time you login to your computer makes it easy for you to contribute to the network. The easiest way to do this is to tell Bitcoin ( Core GUI to start at login.
The next time you login to your desktop, Bitcoin ( Core GUI will be automatically started minimized in the task bar.
Warning: to prevent data corruption, do not force shutdown of your computer from the Windows shutdown screen when you have Bitcoin ( Core running.
To start Bitcoin ( Core daemon, first open a command window: press the Windows key ( ⊞ Win ) and type "cmd". Choose the option labeled "Command Prompt".
If you installed Bitcoin ( Core into the default directory, type the following at the command prompt:
Bitcoin ( Core daemon should start. To interact with Bitcoin ( Core daemon, you will use the command bitcoin-cli (Bitcoin ( command line interface). If you installed Bitcoin ( Core into the default location, type the following at the command prompt to see whether it works:
Starting your node automatically each time your computer boots makes it easy for you to contribute to the network. The easiest way to do this is to start Bitcoin ( Core daemon when you login to your computer.
Start File Explorer and go to:
Right-click on the File Explorer window and choose New → Text file. Name the file start_bitcoind.bat . Then right-click on it and choose Open in Notepad (or whatever editor you prefer). Copy and paste the following line into the file.
(If you installed Bitcoin ( Core in a non-default directory, use that directory path instead.)
Save the file. The next time you login to your computer, Bitcoin ( Core daemon will be automatically started.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:33 pm
Windows 8.x.
Windows 7.
Open the Start menu, type bitcoin into the search box, and click the Bitcoin ( Core icon.
To start Bitcoin ( Core daemon, first open a command window: press the Windows key ( ⊞ Win ) and type "cmd". Choose the program named "cmd.exe"
If you installed the Bitcoin ( Core into the default directory, type the following at the command prompt :
Bitcoin ( Core daemon should start. You can now try using Bitcoin ( Cli Utility.
To interact with Bitcoin ( Core daemon, you will use the command bitcoin-cli (Bitcoin ( command line interface). If you installed Bitcoin ( Core into the default location, type the following at the command prompt to see whether it works:
You can also access this folder by executing the following command after reaching the Execute. prompt :
Mac OS X Instructions.
Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.x+
Click the large blue Download Bitcoin ( Core button to download the Bitcoin ( Core installer to your Downloads folder.
After downloading the file to your Downloads folder ( /Users/ /Downloads ), run it by double-clicking its icon. OS X will open a Finder window for you to drag Bitcoin ( Core to your Applications folder.
The first time running Bitcoin ( Core , Max OS X will ask you to confirm that you want to run it:
While running Bitcoin ( Core GUI, open the Bitcoin ( Core menu and choose Preferences. On the Main tab, click Start Bitcoin ( on system login . Click the Ok button to save the new settings.
The Bitcoin ( Core daemon (bitcoind) is not included in the .dmg file you may have downloaded to install Bitcoin ( Bitcoind, along with its support binaries, is instead included in the OS X .tar.gz file listed on the official Bitcoin ( Core download page. To download this file using Terminal, execute the following command:
Extract bitcoind and its support binaries from the archive we just downloaded by running this command in Terminal:
Now we'll move the executables into your default path to make running and stopping bitcoind easier. To move the executables, run these commands (note that we have to use sudo to perform these commands since we are modifying directories owned by root):
To clean up the directory we've been working in, run:
You should now be able to start up your full node by running bitcoind -daemon in any Terminal window. If you need to stop bitcoind for any reason, the command is bitcoin-cli stop.
Starting your node automatically each time you login to your computer makes it easy for you to contribute to the network. The easiest way to do this is to tell Bitcoin ( Core Daemon to start at login. In OS X, the way to start background programs at login is using a Launch Agent. Here is how to install a Launch Agent for Bitcoin ( Core daemon on your machine:
The next time you login to your desktop, Bitcoin ( Core daemon will be automatically started.
Upgrading Bitcoin ( Core.
If you are running an older version, shut it down. Wait until it has completely shut down (which might take a few minutes for older versions), then run the installer (on Windows) or just copy over /Applications/Bitcoin ( (on Mac) or bitcoind/bitcoin-qt (on Linux).
The blockchain and wallet files in the data directory are compatible between versions so there is no requirement to make any changes to the data directory when upgrading. Occasionally the format of those files changes, but the new Bitcoin ( Core version will include code that automatically upgrades the files to the new format so no manual intervention is required.
Sometimes upgrade of the blockchain data files from very old versions to the new versions is not supported. In those cases it may be necessary to redownload the blockchain. Check the release notes of the new version if you are planning to upgrade from a very old version.
Sometimes downgrade is not possible because of changes to the data files. Again, check the release notes for the new version if you are planning to downgrade.
Network Configuration.
If you want to support the Bitcoin ( network, you must allow inbound connections.
When Bitcoin ( Core starts, it establishes 8 outbound connections to other full nodes so it can download the latest blocks and transactions. If you just want to use your full node as a wallet, you don't need more than these 8 connections--but if you want to support lightweight clients and other full nodes on the network, you must allow inbound connections.
Servers connected directly to the Internet usually don't require any special configuration. You can use the testing instructions below to confirm your server-based node accepts inbound connections.
Home connections are usually filtered by a router or modem. Bitcoin ( Core will request your router automatically configure itself to allow inbound connections to Bitcoin ('s port, port 8333. Unfortunately many routers don't allow automatic configuration, so you must manually configure your router. You may also need to configure your firewall to allow inbound connections to port 8333. Please see the following subsections for details.
Testing Connections.
The BitNodes project provides an online tool to let you test whether your node accepts inbound connections. Before using BitNodes, you must first ensure that your node is fully synced with the block chain. Once you've done so, start Bitcoin ( Core (either the GUI or the daemon), wait 10 minutes, and then visit the Bitnodes page. The tool will attempt to guess your IP address--if the address is wrong (or blank), you will need to enter your address manually.
After you press Check Node, the tool will inform you whether your port is open (green box) or not open (red box). If you get the green box, you don't need to do anything--you accept inbound connections. If you get the red box, please read the enabling connections subsection.
For confirmation that you accept inbound connections, you can use Bitcoin ( Core. Bitcoin ( Core can't tell you directly whether you allow inbound connections, but it can tell you whether or not you currently have any inbound connections. If your node has been online for at least 30 minutes, it should normally have inbound connections. If want to check your peer info using Bitcoin ( Core, choose the appropriate instructions below:
GUI Peer Info.
In the bottom right corner of the Bitcoin ( Core GUI are several icons. If you hover over the signal strength icon, it will tell you how many connections you have. The icon won't turn green until you have more than 8 active connections, which only happens if inbound connections are allowed.
For confirmation, you can go to the Help menu, choose Debug Window, and open the Information tab. In the Network section, it will tell you exactly how many inbound connections you have. If the number is greater than zero, then inbound connections are allowed.
If you don't have inbound connections, please read the instructions for enabling inbound connections.
Daemon Peer Info.
The getconnectioncount command will tell you how many connections you have. If you have more than 8 connections, inbound connections are allowed. For example:
For confirmation, you can use the getpeerinfo command to get information about all of your peers. Each peer's details will include an inbound field set to true if the connection is inbound. If you have any inbound connections, then inbound connections are allowed.
If you don't have inbound connections, please read instructions for enabling inbound connections.
Enabling Connections.
If Bitcoin ( Core can't automatically configure your router to open port 8333, you will need to manually configure your router. We've tried to make the following instructions generic enough to cover most router models; if you need specific help with your router, please ask for help on a tech support site such as SuperUser.
Enabling inbound connections requires two steps, plus an extra third step for firewall users:
Giving your computer a static (unchanging) internal IP address by configuring the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) on your router.
Forwarding inbound connections from the Internet through your router to your computer where Bitcoin ( Core can process them.
Configuring your firewall to allow inbound connections. This step mainly applies to Windows users, as Mac OS X and most Linuxes do not enable a firewall by default.
Configuring DHCP.
In order for your router to direct incoming port 8333 connections to your computer, it needs to know your computer's internal IP address. However, routers usually give computers dynamic IP addresses that change frequently, so we need to ensure your router always gives your computer the same internal IP address.
Start by logging into your router's administration interface. Most routers can be configured using one of the following URLs, so keep clicking links until you find one that works. If none work, consult your router's manual. (some Linksys/Cisco models) (some D-Link/Netgear models) (some Belkin/SMC models) (some US Robotics models) (some Apple models)
Upon connecting, you will probably be prompted for a username and password. If you configured a password, enter it now. If not, the Router Passwords site provides a database of known default username and password pairs.
After logging in, you want to search your router's menus for options related to DHCP, the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. These options may also be called Address Reservation. For example, the router page shown below calls the option we need "DHCP Reservation":
In the reservation configuration, some routers will display a list of computers and devices currently connected to your network, and then let you select a device to make its current IP address permanent:
If that's the case, find the computer running Bitcoin ( Core in the list, select it, and add it to the list of reserved addresses. Make a note of its current IP address--we'll use the address in the next section.
Other routers require a more manual configuration. For these routers, you will need to look up the fixed address (MAC address) for your computer's network card and add it to the list. This operation differs by operating system:
Windows 7 & 8: Press Win-R (Windows key plus the R key) to open the Run dialog. Type cmd to open the console. Type ipconfig /all and find the result that best matches your connection--usually a wireless connection. Look for a line that starts with "Physical Address" and contains a value like this:
Replace all the dashes with colons, so the address looks like this: 01:23:45:67:89:AB. Use that address in the instructions below.
Linux: open a terminal and type ifconfig . Find the result that best matches your connection--a result starting with wlan indicates a wireless connection. Find the field that starts with HWaddr and copy the immediately following field that looks like 01:23:45:67:89:ab. Use that value in the instructions below.
Mac OS X: open a terminal and type ifconfig . Find the result that best matches your connection--a result starting with en1 usually indicates a wireless connection. Find the field that starts with ether: and copy the immediately following field that looks like 01:23:45:67:89:ab. Use that value in the instructions below.
Once you have the MAC address, you can fill it into to your router's manual DHCP assignment table, as illustrated below. Also choose an IP address and make a note of it for the instructions in the next subsection. After entering this information, click the Add or Save button.
Then reboot your computer to ensure it gets assigned the address you selected and proceed to the Port Forwarding instructions below.
Port Forwarding.
For this step, you need to know the local IP address of the computer running Bitcoin ( Core. You should have this information from configuring the DHCP assignment table in the subsection above.
Login to your router using the same steps described near the top of the DHCP subsection. Look for an option called Port Forwarding, Port Assignment, or anything with "Port" in its name. On some routers, this option is buried in an Applications & Gaming menu.
The port forwarding settings should allow you to map an external port on your router to the "internal port" of a device on your network as shown in the screenshot below.
Both the external port and the internal port should be 8333 for Bitcoin ( (You may also want to map port 18333 for Bitcoin ('s testnet, although this guide does not cover using testnet.) Make sure the IP address you enter is the same one you configured in the previous subsection.
After filling in the details for the mapping, save the entry. You should not need to restart anything. Start Bitcoin ( Core (if you haven't already) and follow the Testing Connections instructions to test your connection.
If you still can't connect and you use a firewall, you probably need to change your firewall settings. See the Firewall section below.
If something else went wrong, it's probably a problem with your router configuration. Re-read the instructions above to see if you missed anything, search the web for help with "port forwarding", and ask for help on sites like SuperUser.
We can't provide direct support, but if you see a way to improve these instructions, please open an issue.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:33 pm
Firewall Configuration.
Firewalls block inbound connections. To use Bitcoin (, you need to configure your computer's firewall to allow connections to port 8333. This is usually as easy as starting your firewall configuration software and defining a new rule to allow inbound connections to port 8333. For additional information for Windows, see the links below:
Mac OS X comes with its firewall disabled by default, but if you have enabled it, see the section Allowing Specific Applications from the official Apple guide.
Ubuntu also comes with its firewall disabled by default, but if you have enabled it, see the Ubuntu wiki page for information about adding port forwarding rules.
Once you have allowed inbound connections to port 8333, start Bitcoin ( Core (if you haven't already) and follow the Testing Connections instructions to test your connection.
If something else went wrong re-read the DHCP, port forwarding, and firewall instructions above to see if you missed anything, search the web for help with "port forwarding" and "opening firewall ports", and ask for help on sites like SuperUser.
Configuration Tuning.
This section contains advice about how to change your Bitcoin ( Core configuration to adapt it to your needs.
There are two ways to change your configuration. The first is to start Bitcoin ( Core with the options you want. For example, if you want to limit it to using one CPU core for signature verification, you can start Bitcoin ( Core like this:
Once you've decided you like an option, you can add it to the Bitcoin ( Core configuration file. You can find that file in the following directories:
OSX: $HOME/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin (
To add an option to the configuration file, just remove its leading dash. You may also need to remove any quotation marks you used in your shell. For example, the -par option seen above would look like this in the configuration file:
A user-friendly configuration file generator is available here. If you have any questions about configuring Bitcoin ( Core, please stop by one of our forums or live chatrooms.
Reduce Storage.
It is possible to configure your node to to run in pruned mode in order to reduce storage requirements. This can reduce the disk usage from over 350GB to around 5GB.
Running a node in pruned mode is incompatible with -txindex and -rescan . It also disables the RPC importwallet . Two RPCs that are available and potentially helpful, however, are importprunedfunds and removeprunedfunds .
To enable block pruning set prune=N on the command line or in bitcoin.conf , where N is the number of MiB to allot for raw block and undo data.
A value of 0 disables pruning. The minimal value above 0 is 550 . Your wallet is as secure with high values as it is with low ones. Higher values merely ensure that your node will not shut down upon blockchain reorganizations of more than 2 days - which are unlikely to happen in practice. In future releases, a higher value may also help the network as a whole because stored blocks could be served to other nodes.
Reduce Traffic.
Some node operators need to deal with bandwidth caps imposed by their ISPs.
By default, Bitcoin ( Core allows up to 125 connections to different peers, 8 of which are outbound. You can therefore have at most 117 inbound connections.
The default settings can result in relatively significant traffic consumption.
Ways to reduce traffic:
Maximum Upload Targets.
A major component of the traffic is caused by serving historic blocks to other nodes during the initial blocks download phase (syncing up a new node). This option can be specified in MiB per day and is turned off by default. This is not a hard limit; only a threshold to minimize the outbound traffic. When the limit is about to be reached, the uploaded data is cut by no longer serving historic blocks (blocks older than one week). Keep in mind that new nodes require other nodes that are willing to serve historic blocks. The recommended minimum is 144 blocks per day (max. 144MiB per day)
Disable listening.
Disabling listening will result in fewer nodes connected (remember the maximum of 8 outbound peers). Fewer nodes will result in less traffic usage as you are relaying blocks and transactions to fewer nodes.
Reduce maximum connections.
Reducing the maximum connected nodes to a minimum could be desirable if traffic limits are tiny. Keep in mind that Bitcoin ('s trustless model works best if you are connected to a handful of nodes.
Blocks-only mode.
Causes your node to stop requesting and relaying transactions unless they are part of a block and also disables listening as described above.
This reduces your node's bandwidth to the absolute minimum necessary to stay synchronized with the network, about 150 megabytes incoming data per day and about 1 megabyte of outgoing data per day, but it does mean that your node won't see incoming transactions until they've received at least one confirmation.
You will still be able to send transactions from the built-in wallet or from peers you've whitelisted using the -whitelist parameter.
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Free Bitcoin mining ( A Step-by-Step Guide.
Bitcoin mining ( is an essential part of the bitcoin protocol. Because without Bitcoin mining ( we cannot bring new bitcoin in the circulation. In the early stage of bitcoins, Satoshi Nakamoto mined his first block with an ordinary computer. In the early stage of bitcoins in 2009, mining difficulty was low and fewer miners were there. But in around 2011 miners started GPU (graphical processing units used for gaming) for faster mining. GPU became popular in the crypto industry due to its capability to do complex calculations faster. Compared to CPU, 1GPU can mine 30 times faster.
After that improved GPU version introduces called FPGA, which is 3-100 time faster than 1GPU, but it is challenging to configure FPGA that's why it was not that successful.
Then finally, in around 2013 ASIC ( (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) introduced. ASIC ( is built for only mining as compared to CPU, GPU and FPGA It couldn't use for anything else.
Today AISC is the fastest mining software till today. There are improved versions introduced every six months.
But only having ASIC ( miners at home will not help because there are heavy competitions with professional bitcoin miners. That's why Bitcoin mining ( pools came to existence. The idea is simple miners group together to mine bitcoin to win constant BTC and the winning amount divided between, and thus they got steady bitcoin in their wallets. In the mining pool, even small miners can also join.
Some websites mine for you. This type of mining is called bitcoin cloud mining. In this type of mining, you do not buy any mining rig, nor you have to own any mining power. This sounds cool since you don't have to maintain your mining rig, cooling issue, electricity problems or any other maintenance issue.
Also, there is a cloud mining portal which provides free Bitcoin mining ( , where you have to join the portal with login or signup you can start your free cloud mining .
Bitboost is also one of the best fast Bitcoin mining ( portal, which is a trusted by thousands of happy miners all over the world. You can also join our cloud mining portal and start to mine your first bitcoin.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 27, 2021, 01:35 pm

How to Mine Monero? XMR Mining ( Pool|4:14
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 08:39 am
ASIC ( for Bitcoin mining (
We've just gone through the most recent Bitcoin ( halving this year. Efficiency has halved, which increases the necessity for new technologies. It has also raised hash difficulty, making crypto mining more challenging.
One thing for sure is, today's "best" miners have nothing to do with what used to be the best two years ago. In fact, the same devices that made your money back then are no longer profitable.
Often when people review ASIC (, they wonder how long they will last. Do all of them work three years on average? Unless your model is far advanced to the market, it doesn't matter. After such a "long" time, the difficulty would have increased again, making it unprofitable.
Because of this dilemma, many have wondered whether Bitcoin mining ( is worth the costs. People are taking off, and fewer miners remain on the network making big money.
Is it possible? Yes and no. It's not if you plan a €2,000 investment to make you passive income forever. It is if you work with the best ASIC ( on the market. Anything less than exceptional could result in a waste of time and money.
What's the Best ASIC ( for Bitcoin mining (
Before you go and buy the last Bitmain model, let us tell you that best can mean different things.
What model has sold the most?
Which one is the cheapest ASIC ( with an optimal price-quality ratio?
What's the most reliable and requires little to no maintenance?
What's the absolute best device in performance?
Thinking in absolutes can lead to wrong expectations. For example, many would buy the latest Antminer T17. But in BTC mining, the proof-of-work system involves competition, so whenever everyone has the same technology, it's no longer an advantage but a minimum requirement. What's popular may not be the best!
Are there limited quantities of the newest ASIC ( chip?
Is there a better performing model, even if for a lower price?
We don't doubt you may have heard of many ASIC ( we will mention in our list. Although Bitmain dominates the current market, you can still find decent versions from brands such as Canaan and MicroBT .
When you look for low prices and high performance, Bitmain Antminers isn't even a choice. The question is, which one should you buy among the dozens of models? Unless you follow the latest releases, you will find half of the store out of stock most of the time.
What does it take to be the best?
Here's our perspective for what makes an ASIC ( exceptional:
It's processing power is high enough to remain useful for years. The current ideal point is between 80Th/s and 110Th/s . Electricity consumption would be acceptable under 2500Kw/h and perfect under 2000Kw/h . For smaller versions, aim between 1000Kw/h and 1500Kw/h. It should offer a yearly return of investment of 100% or more (after you cover the initial cost on year one). With a daily profit of €7-€10 , it would ideally earn €250 per month and around €3000 per year. A smaller model should cost around €1500, while the biggest ones should aim at between €2500 and €3500 .
Mind that the lack of inventory could move the price a lot higher. You may also find how the newest models that are a bit better cost far more. You may then wait until they depreciate to that range to avoid unnecessary price inflation.
Of course, the perfect device doesn't exist. We will be reviewing the ones that approach the closest to this description. It's quite easy to find a model that does at least one of these well, but finding an ASIC ( that meets all requirements is a challenge.
Finally, the perfect model should have solutions for the most common problems ASIC ( have:
If you live in an urban area, they may not allow you to use this hardware because of the noise. You should either keep these in some facility, move, or buy a silent ASIC ( cheap).
When ordering several devices, you need a fan or cooling system to keep them working. Otherwise, they may last less than three years or decrease efficiency.
Constant updating:
We don't know how the difficulty will keep increasing, if Bitcoin ( will continue to rise, or if a new model will appear. But the best way to mine Bitcoin ( is to adapt your tech. Whenever you make a profit, remember that you likely need to save a couple thousand for buying the next model soon.
You wouldn't win a BTC block even with the most powerful ASIC ( in the world. If you don't believe me, watch this video to see who your competitors are. You can't beat competitors, only cooperate with them(mining pools).
Best ASIC ( to mine Bitcoin (
After we introduce the best performing models, we will share other versions which are also the best in their own way.
Let's start with the giant first.
Antminer S19 Pro.
Remember when 1Th/s ASIC ( were a thing? Well, they can no longer compete against a version that's over a hundred times more powerful. The Antminer S19 Pro was just released in May 2020 and sold out within the first weeks.
Although some miners wouldn't pay €3350 for this model, remember that far worse models sold at similar rates a few years ago. The S19 Pro (3250Kw/h) only makes us wonder: what will they release next year? Is this the best we can expect, or should we wait for a future model?
Since 90% of stores are out of stock already, you may have no choice but to wait for the next Bitmain update.
Did you think S19 pro would be the best? What if we told you your efficiency would increase by buying two S17s instead?
For €1995 (close to half of the S19 pro), it can handle 73Th/s (consumption of 2800Kw/h). That's €27 per tera-hash, a proportion you may not find anywhere else.
That's why Antminer S17 has been the top choice for most hardware enterprises, who have hundreds of these working as you read this review.
Whatsminer m30s.
If you couldn't find the S17 in stock, you'll love the Whatsminer m30s, because it's almost the equivalent to the Antminer. Instead of €1995 for 73Th/s, you'll pay €2200 for 90Th/s, an unbeatable deal.
The downside is, it consumes more than the latest S19 (3600W). Before you get excited about its low price, ask yourself whether it makes sense for the electricity cost. If you live in China, it's your best bet.
We expect that the company improves energy efficiency in the next few years.
Best quality for the lowest price.
Those were the absolute best we could find. But what if you don't have €2000-3500 to buy the best version? You can still profit from BTC mining if you purchase economic models.
Some low-cost ASIC ( perform so well that you could buy multiple of them and rival the S19Pro, for example. Here are our top three:
Not to be confused with the S17, the Antminer S17 Pro offers an optimal price for a slight power reduction. For €1,450.00, it handles over 56Th/s, which is acceptable for a 2020 ASIC ( That's €26 per tera-hash.
What's best about smaller models is that their size allows them to save more energy. The S17 Pro should consume less than 2212W.
Most models last three years, but given this one's efficiency, you could keep it for longer. Instead, you can request Bitmain a repair and keep working. Imagine if you had three of them: €4,350.00 for 165-170Th/s.
Whatsminer M20S.
Like the M20S, Whatsminer usually offers a better entry price for its ASIC (, even though the consumption may not be that low. For 3300kW/h, you can get about 68Th/s of power for €1,450.00.
Another advantage: Whatsminer M20S supports other less known coins aside from Bitcoin ( Bitcoin ( Cash, Joule Coin, eMark, or PeerCoin.
Honorable mentions for the lowest price.
Most people expect spending over a thousand to get a decent ASIC ( But did you know that you could get one for less than €100? You can technically still make profits, but these don't raise as much attention because of the low ROI.
Most will discard the Antminer S5, even though it makes 1.2 Th/s, consumers 650W, and costs under €250. It could make sense if you plan to earn with Bitcoin ('s valuation, but mining is unprofitable because of the halving.
A better version, the Antminer S9k, produces 13.5Th/s and consumes around 1200W. We've found it on Bitmain for as little as $63. Could it be the ideal ASIC ( for beginners?
Profitability in Bitcoin mining ( is closely related to the ASIC ( you purchase. Some go with the most powerful, while others choose to bundle smaller models.
If you want to find other unconventional versions, we'd also like to mention the BitFury Clarke, the Innosilicon T2T-29TH/s and Canaan Avalon 1066 (50Th/s).
One doesn't need to spend thousands to get the best quality, as we've seen with the Antminer S9K. You only need to act fast and buy the latest Antminer before it's out of stock, and the demand rises its price.
Bitcoin mining ( for free.
How Long Does it Take to Mine 1 Bitcoin ( (Updated 2020)
Although we tend to take it for granted, when Satoshi invented Proof of Work (POW) mining he truly created a revolutionary new technology. Thanks to his contribution we can now mine Bitcoin ( and hopefully earn a nice reward for securing the network.
One question people sometimes ask though is, how long does it take to mine 1 Bitcoin ( It’s a good question but as we’ll see, there’s not necessarily a straightforward answer.
How Long Does it Take to Mine 1 Bitcoin ( Understanding Bitcoin ( Block Rewards.
Well, it’s not really possible to mine just 1 Bitcoin ( because each block reward is 6.25 BTC. It used to be 12.5 BTC until May 2020 when there was the halving and the block reward was cut in half.
So there’s not a way to mine just 1 Bitcoin ( You either win the block reward and receive 6.25 Bitcoin ( or you get nothing. In fact, getting nothing is what happens 99.99999% of the time when you’re a miner.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 08:39 am
There are more than.
1 million ASIC ( miners (specialized devices built for mining BTC and other cryptos) securing the Bitcoin ( network, and only one ASIC ( at a time can win the block reward. So the odds of any single machine winning are one in a million.
How much Bitcoin ( can you mine in a day?
That’s why large Bitcoin mining ( farms have so many ASIC (, to improve those odds. Given that a new block is produced every 10 minutes (equal to 144 blocks per day) a mining farm with ten or twenty thousand miners stands a decent chance of winning a couple of blocks per 24 hour period.
Mining farms are truly impressive to see firsthand. In this picture, a power plant in New York, USA is using its own electricity to mine BTC on a massive scale. Image credit: Coindesk.
However, most people don’t have $50 million worth of Bitcoin mining ( rigs lying around their backyard so winning block rewards are out of the question. That being the case, there is a way to win 1 Bitcoin ( over time.
How to Mine 1 Bitcoin ( Over Time.
A Bitcoin mining ( pool is a collaborative effort whereby all of the miners in the pool combine their hash power and then split the reward. How this works is that no matter which ASIC ( miner in the pool actually wins the block reward, that reward is split up and distributed proportionally to all of the miners based on how much hash power (mining “power” from mining devices like ASIC ( they’re contributing.
That’s why joining a mining pool is the best way to mine a Bitcoin ( You won’t get a Bitcoin ( all at once, at least not without a huge number of ASIC (, but you can gradually accumulate a Bitcoin ( over time.
For example, with five or ten ASIC ( you may be able to mine 0.01 BTC a day and then in 100 days you would have mined a full Bitcoin ( Of course how much time it takes you to mine a Bitcoin ( will depend on a variety of factors.
Most notably, how difficult is mining at this moment? You can check Bitcoin’s hash rate to determine difficulty. The higher the hash rate, the more difficult it is to mine (more competition and less profit). However, the hash rate frequently changes as new miners join the network and old ones drop off.
Bitcoin ('s hash rate does dip from time to time. But as you can see, the hash rate tends to increase over the long term. Image credit:
How long it takes to mine one Bitcoin ( can also be affected by something as simple as maintenance. ASIC ( are typically run 24/7 with no downtime, meaning that they’re prone to failure. To maximize profits you’ll need to have a way to fix your machines and get them running again quickly.
Bitcoin mining ( has updated the annual maximum.
The profitability of Bitcoin mining ( has never been so high, reaching its annual peak. In 2020 Bitcoin ( has had periods of decline and rise. During the pandemic in March-April, the world's largest cryptocurrency dropped to $3000 and a lot of people thought that the virtual asset was struggling. However, Bitcoin ( once again stood on its feet and currently exceeds $17,000 .
Bitcoin mining (, profitability rises to annual maximum.
The profitability of mining of the renowned cryptocurrency has returned to the level that preceded the May halving . This was helped by the growth of the BTC rate above $18 thousand .
The revenue of Bitcoin mining ( has updated the annual maximum, the analytical service Glassnode reported in its Twitter account. As of November 18, the daily income of BTC miners was $21.2 million .
Glassnode noted that the profitability of the first cryptocurrency production has also fully recovered to the levels preceding the May halving. Then the reward for finding a block in the coin network decreased in half, from 12.5 to 6.25 BTC. Against this backdrop, BTC's daily production revenue fell from $20 million to $7 million.
The recovery of the mining revenue of the main digital coin was helped by the growth of its value. In May, at the time of halving, Bitcoin ( was trading in the range of $8.5 thousand - $9 thousand. Since then asset rate increased by about 100%, to $17.5 thousand, and yesterday, November 18, it rose above $18.4 thousand.
The favourable effect on the profitability of Bitcoin mining ( has also reduced the complexity of its production. At the beginning of November, this figure fell by 16%, to 16.78 trillion hashes. But after the last recalculation, the complexity has grown again - the current value is 17.60 trillion hashes.
How much will Bitcoin ( cost by the end of 2020?
The analytics company has published the key findings of its report for the current year. Experts explained that in the next 12 months the first cryptocurrency can update the historical maximum of value .
In 2020, Bitcoin ( will bring investors more than 100% profit, experts of the analytical company Fundstrat Global Advisors believe. The firm's co-founder Tom Lee has published key findings from this year's report. According to analysts, the first cryptocurrency with a high probability will update the historical maximum of value in the next 12 months.
The experts noted:
"In 2020, the return on investment in Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrencies should exceed the yield of 2019. The economic model of the crypto sphere and Bitcoin ( is expected to improve".
They believe that the rapid growth in the price of digital assets will be caused by:
halving, geopolitical risks, the election of the US president.
Last year, bitcoin's revenue was 92%, according to this indicator it surpassed all the main asset classes.
At the moment, the average market price of the first cryptocurrency is $17,000. A year ago, the asset was trading at $3600. At the same time, the daily trading volumes of the asset increased by 450% , to $22 billion. Some people also suggest that it will hit the $22,000 mark.
Giorgi is a Georgia software developer with two years of experience trading on the financial markets. He is now working to spread the knowledge about the Blockchain in his country and share all of his findings and research to as many crypto enthusiasts as possible.
How long does it take to mine a bitcoin [in 2020]: Explained.
The process of mining bitcoins has evolved over the years since the first bitcoin was mined. In this detailed article, we have explained the process of Bitcoin mining ( and how long does it take to mine a bitcoin in 2020.
Since the inception of bitcoin, the process of mining the leading cryptocurrency has changed drastically. Initially, miners were able to use their home computers to mine bitcoins and even make a tidy profit. But now Bitcoin mining ( requires a substantial investment and dedicated equipment to make profits via mining bitcoin.
A new bitcoin is mined every 10 minutes, and the amount of time it takes a miner to mine a bitcoin depends on how much mining power he has. The process of Bitcoin mining ( has become quite challenging, and there is fierce competition among bitcoin miners.
Mining involves solving complex mathematical equations.
Mining a bitcoin block adds a new block to the blockchain, and as a reward for creating and validating the block, the miners get a reward in bitcoins. Mining a new block involves solving complex mathematical problems, and the first one to solve the problem gets rewarded with bitcoins. Bitcoin mining ( requires substantial computing power, and that is why special machines are used to mine bitcoins.
Note: There are only 21 million bitcoins that can be mined, and there are less than 3 million bitcoins left to be mined.
The speed of Bitcoin mining (
A bitcoin on average is mined every 10 minutes, and the rigs involved in creating a new block split the reward amongst themselves. As of now, miners are rewarded 12.5 bitcoin for mining a block , but the reward gets reduced by half every four years because of the halvening event. The speed of Bitcoin mining ( depends very much on the equipment that is used for mining. If you decide to use a home computer to mine a bitcoin, it will take you years to create a block, and the power consumption would outweigh the revenue you generated.
Note: The next bitcoin halvening is scheduled to take place in May 2020.
China is responsible for the majority of Bitcoin mining (
China is responsible for more than 65% of the total Bitcoin mining ( And the rest of the 35% of Bitcoin mining ( happens in different countries, including the USA, , and Kazakhstan. Currently, Bitcoin mining ( is dominated by giant mining pools such as Bitmain. Bitmain's market share by hash rate is over 66%.
Note: The market hash rate of Bitmain dropped from 70% in June 2019 to 666% in November 2019.
How does Bitcoin mining ( pool work?
Joining a mining pool is relatively a safer way to earn profits when mining bitcoins. It allows a miner to utilize his equipment and collaborate instead of competing with other miners for rewards. A mining pool works collectively towards creating new blocks and normally requires you to contribute a minimum of 4% of the overall processing power to join in.
Note : Mining pools allow members to compete with ledger private mining organizations such as AntPool and
Bitcoin mining ( has changed a lot since its inception. In order to make profits by mining bitcoins is a tough job in 2020, and after the halvening, the reward will get even smaller. In 2020 ASIC ( are commonly used to mine bitcoin . The time it takes to mine a bitcoin depends on very much on the equipment, but on average, a new bitcoin is mined every 10 minutes.
Bitcoin ( is a decentralized P2P electronic cash system without a central server or trusted parties. Users hold the cryptographic keys to their own money and make transactions directly with each other, with the help of the network to check for double-spending. Bitcoins, usually denoted by BTC (e.g. 0.1 BTC), can also be exchanged for traditional currencies like US dollars.
1 Introduction 1.1 Consensus 1.1.1 Nature of consensus failure 2 How to get Bitcoins? 3 Bitcoin ( software 3.1 Thin client 3.2 Full node 3.3 Mining 4 See also 4.1 Informational sites 4.2 Discussion groups 4.3 Blockchain explorers.
The Bitcoin ( network runs on peer-to-peer networking, digital signatures and cryptographic proof to make and verify transactions. Nodes broadcast transactions to the network, which records them in a public record of all transactions, called the blockchain. A block is a record of some or all of the most recent Bitcoin ( transactions that have not yet been recorded in any prior blocks. In order to preserve the integrity of the blockchain, each block in the chain confirms the integrity of the previous one, all the way back to the first one, using hashing.
New bitcoins are generated by the network through the process of mining. Mining involves inserting a new block into the current blockchain, this is difficult because it requires generating a valid hash (in this case a large integer).
A variation in difficulty is achieved by requiring that this integer is below a certain threshold - the data in the block is perturbed by a nonce value, until the data in the block hashes to produce an integer below the threshold - which takes a lot of processing power. The threshold is set by the number of people currently mining for bitcoins so as to achieve a general speed of about 1 block every 10 minutes.
The Consensus is a Bitcoin ( specific term to describe P2P network participants' compatibility, with the Consensus rules describing implementation details of the protocol to adhere to.
The consensus rules are the specific set of rules that all Bitcoin ( full nodes will unfailingly enforce when considering the validity of a block and its transactions. For example, the Bitcoin ( consensus rules require that blocks only create a certain number of bitcoins. If a block creates more bitcoins than is allowed, all full nodes will reject this block, even if every other node and miner in the world accepts it. Adding new consensus rules can generally be done as a softfork, while removing any consensus rule requires a hardfork. Rules regarding the behavior of the mere network protocol are not consensus rules, even if a change to the network protocol behavior breaks backward-compatibility. The consensus rules are only concerned with the validity of blocks and transactions. These rules are called consensus rules because Bitcoin ( requires that all participants in the Bitcoin ( economy have consensus (with the meaning of the next definition) as to the consensus rules. If the economy disagrees about the consensus rules, then the currency and economy splits into two or more totally-independent pieces.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 08:40 am
Nature of consensus failure.
The nature of consensus is a very strict yet completely voluntary uncoordinated interaction of many independent users. It is both a requirement of the networks correct operation, and a facilitator of its correct operation at the same time. You can be considered to be in consensus with any other node that will accept any data structure relevant to consensus as valid that you have accepted as valid (ignoring of course an instance where two different miners both find valid blocks at the same time and each relay theirs to part of the network, the next valid block will decide which preceding block was valid based on which one it extends from). Consensus can be broken violating explicit consensus rules (violating a rule explicitly spelled out as a consensus rule, i.e. the cap of 21 million bitcoin, rate at which they are issued, the maximum size of a block, that a transaction is only valid if citing a valid unspent coin, etc.) or violating unexplicit rules (due to a bug or unintended consequence of design, i.e. a valid structure erroneously being invalidated due to software bug/improper format/etc., or the use of an attack avenue to overstress the node with load due to a bug or bad design). Both types of consensus failures could potentially come to be intentionally or unintentionally.
A discussion of two consensus breaks in Bitcoin ( Core's history, one explicit, one unexplicit:
How to get Bitcoins?
There are a variety of ways to acquire bitcoins:
Accept bitcoins as payment for goods or services. There are several services where you can trade them for traditional currency. Find someone to trade cash for bitcoins in-person through a local directory. To find traders near you, you can use LocalBitcoins or a bitcoin map. Participate in a mining pool. If you have very good hardware, you can solo mine and attempt to create a new block (currently yields 12.5 BTC plus fees). See #Mining.
Some points to illustrate above warning:
As mentioned earlier, different clients implement different rules on #Consensus. For example: A #Thin client does per se not implement all rules, but only a subset. A #Full node client may be forked to allow customizing options which are incompatible with the network Consensus at large. Another full node may be programmed to validate in Consensus until it has itself reached a majority coverage, in order to leverage majority to implement different rules. The assumption is that the minority will follow suit, see #Nature of consensus failure for examples. A lot of Linux distributions do not officially package bitcoin clients, and one reason are its special requirements to function on the P2P network. Some bitcoin developers even come to the conclusion the clients should not be packaged at all. See a related fedora request for further information. Using a rolling release distribution does pose additional risks in this respect.
The above implies you should also take continuous due care to test related updates.
Thin client.
The thin clients are also named Simple Payment Verification (SPV) clients.
Thin clients do not fully validate the blockchain or compute a full Unspent Transaction Output Set (UTXO). They derive their security in proxy by connecting to a fullnode and downloading the blockheaders. They are still able to guarantee the Proof of Work behind a block is valid, and each blockheader contains a merkle root of all the transactions in the block. This allows them to query full node clients for the blockheaders and the data to prove their transaction is in the merkle root in the blockheader. They however must trust that miners are mining valid blocks, and have no way to make sure rules like the issuance rate or cap of Bitcoins are being followed.
There are several Bitcoin ( thin client implementations in the official repositories and in the AUR.
Full node.
A full node is a bitcoin client which starts with the initial genesis block of the blockchain, and sequentially validates the signature chain of every historical Bitcoin ( transaction and validity of each historical block to construct upon arriving at the tip of the chain the current Unspent Transaction Output Set (UTXO). This is the current set of unspent coins, and which private keys they are encumbered to. It is called a full node because it obviously verifies the cryptographic integrity of the UTXO set itself. A full node client may or may not also participate in relaying unconfirmed transactions around the network and operate a mempool of all unconfirmed transactions, and may or may not participate in serving the full historical blockchain to new full node clients bootstrapping themselves.
There are several Bitcoin ( full node implementations in the official repositories and in the AUR.
If you decide to install one: It is possible to run a full node that deletes almost all historical blocks, only keeping the recent history to a certain threshold, but only after having downloaded (260GB as of October 2019) and verified them (which is CPU intensive) in sequence to arrive at the present period it retains. This is to ensure the same guarantee of the cryptographic integrity of the UTXO set. Afterwards, one may reduce storage and limit bandwith.
The initial download of the blockchain can be sped up by increasing the database cache as much as your RAM allows, add dbcache=M to.
/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf where M is the number of megabytes of RAM to allocate.
The concept of Bitcoin mining ( is based on searching for an input that is hard to find but easy to prove the existence of. Bitcoin ( miners construct blocks that consist of a set of transactions users are trying to make and link them to the previously solved block. Miners add a random piece of data to this, and hash a summary of the block. If the hash of this summary is below the desired target of the network, the block is considered valid. Since it is easy to reproduce any individual hash, they are impossible to predict, so the miner does not know which piece of data will create a desirable hash.
Mining requires the use of a miner , which is a program used to compute the required hashes and thus create Bitcoins. To learn more about mining please read this article.
There are several Bitcoin ( miners in the official repositories, as well as in the AUR.
Want to Use NiceHash ( Miner on Linux? Here's How to do That.
NiceHash ( is not available on Linux officially but you can still use other applications to connect to NiceHash ( marketplace using its excavator. Here's how to do that.
What is NiceHash (, again?
If you are looking for using NiceHash ( on Linux, you probably already know what is NiceHash ( I'll explain it briefly anyway.
NiceHash ( is essentially two things: a crypto-mining marketplace and a software to connect to this marketplace and use its service.
Mining cryptocurrency requires huge processing capacity. People with resources have built Bitcoin mining ( factories.
But not everyone can create a setup worth hundreds of thousands of dollars consisting of a cluster of high-end processors. This is why there are many crypto-miner malware that leech off the CPU from unsuspecting users.
NiceHash ( uses a similar concept but in legal ways. This Slovenia based company provides a marketplace where an end-user can 'rent' out part of his CPU's power to a buyer who wants to use more computing power to mine cryptocurrency.
The renter gets paid (in cryptocurrency) for the use of his/her processor while the buyer gets to use more processing power for crypto mining without purchasing new hardware.
NiceHash ( Marketplace Concept | Image Credit.
Apart from the marketplace, NiceHash ( also provides a free to use software that automatically connects the buyers and the renters.
Now the problem is that the NiceHash ( software is Windows-only . Does that mean you cannot use NiceHash ( on Linux? No.
There are a few applications that allow you to use NiceHash ( on Linux. I am going to discuss one such software called nuxhash.
Use NiceHash ( on Linux with nuxhash.
Since NiceHash ( application is not available for Linux, you'll have to use some unofficial applications for this purpose. Nuxhash is such a NiceHash ( client for Linux.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 08:40 am

Lyn Alden: 2021 Market Crash vs. The Return Of Inflation? (Bitcoin (, Gold \u0026 Silver Predictions)|51:53
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 08:41 am
Nuxhash consists of a headless daemon and a Python-based GUI so you can use it on servers or desktops, as you like.
I have performed this tutorial on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS but it should be applicable for other Linux versions as well because it uses Python.
Here are a few things you need to have in order to install and use nuxhash.
Python 3.6 and Pip3 installed on your system Curl because it will download the proprietary NiceHash ( excavator. Nvidia graphics driver (if you have Nvidia GPU on your system) ocl-icd-libopencl1 library (may already be installed) An account with NiceHash ( that will give you NiceHash ( wallet address.
Once you have all these required stuff, let's see how to install nuxhash to use NiceHash ( on Linux.
Installing nuxhash.
Open a terminal and use the following command to install pip on Debian and Ubuntu based distributions:
Now run the following command to install nuxhash:
Once installed, you can use either nuxhashd or nuxhash-gui to start the setup process. I have used the GUI in this tutorial:
When you run it for the first time, it will download the NiceHash ( excavator.
Once the excavator has been installed, it will ask you to configure the setup.
If not already done, you should create an account with NiceHash ( This is where you'll get the Wallet Address that you need to enter in the settings.
Do note that 0.5% of the mining time of your system will be donated to the developer of nuxhash by default. If you don't want to help the developer this way, you can change the flag in file.
/.config/ nuxhash /settings.conf to optout = True.
Once you have everything setup, you can start using NiceHash ( on Linux. Enjoy your bitcoins 🙂
Best GPU mining ( Case for Building Mining Rig in 2020.
Cryptocurrency Mining is currently the hottest talked topic both in the tech industry and in the financial world. It has been booming like crazy and this leads to a shortage of graphics cards worldwide. Cryptocurrency Mining has become very profitable nowadays and you can earn a decent amount of money by mining profitable altcoins (Ethereum or ETH, ETC, Zcash, Litecoin, Monero, etc.), or maybe bitcoins by practically doing nothing. You just need a mining rig that comprises graphics cards, processor, memory, mining motherboard, PCIe riser USB cards, power supply, hard drive or SSD, case fans for cooling and an open-air frame case or mining case to support your graphics cards and other components.
Mining cases come in different capacities depending upon the number of graphics cards that you want to use. There are 6-GPU mining ( cases, 8-GPU mining ( cases, 12-GPU mining ( cases and so on. You can also build your own custom mining case but that involves a lot of time and effort. Also, you don't get many benefits as there are pretty good open-air mining cases available at affordable prices that you can directly buy online. So, here I am going to list down the best available mining cases or mining rig cases with different capacities, which you can get for building your mining rig for cryptocurrency mining.
These are all stackable frame mining cases with the solid build quality and they offer good protection to your GPUs and other components. These GPU miner cases come unassembled and you have to assemble and install it by yourself with some simple instructions that come with it.
Best Mining Rig Cases for GPU mining (
Here are some of the best GPU mining ( Rig cases with different graphics card carrying capacities. You can use these GPU mining ( cases to build an ethereum mining rig or any other altcoin mining rig.
6-GPU mining ( Case.
Kalolary 6 GPU mining ( Aluminum Case Rig Open Air Frame.
This is a good quality open-air mining case that supports up to six graphics cards up to 320mm in length. This stackable open air mining case is made up of aluminum alloy and is quite strong and sturdy. It can support both mATX and ATX motherboards and dual PSUs. For cooling, this GPU mining ( case can support up to five 120mm case fans for cooling down the heat generated from the graphics cards. Also, the case allows pretty good space between the graphics cards that allows even better heat dissipation and cooling performance.
You can build a pretty good GPU mining ( rig or Ethereum mining rig using this open frame mining case and can make a decent amount of money. It is also suitable for other altcoins or cryptocurrencies that include Litecoin, Dogecoin, Earthcoin, etc. This mining rig case comes unassembled but it is pretty easy to install and assemble it. Overall a great budget GPU mining ( rig case for starters or beginners who want to make some extra bucks without doing anything. Recommended by me.
Kalolary 6 GPU mining ( Open Case Specifications GPUs Supported 6 (up to 320mm GPUs) Dimensions 350mm x 650mm x 380mm Frame Material Aluminum Alloy Motherboard support ATX / Micro-ATX Fans support 120mm x 5 Features Dual PSU Support, PSU Mounting Kit, Efficient Cooling, Generous Space between Graphics Cards.
Other Recommendation.
8-GPU mining ( Case.
8 GPU Aluminum Stackable Mining Rig Case Open Air Frame.
An 8 GPU mining ( Rig Case for building your mid-level mining rig at home. The case is made of aluminum alloy metal, has good build quality and comes in silver/black color. This is a slightly bigger mining case than the above mentioned 6-GPU mining ( case, and it supports up to seven 120mm fans, microATX / ATX motherboard and dual power supplies.
There is also a good amount of gap between the adjacent graphics cards that allows very good dissipation of heat and enhanced cooling. The case comes unassembled and you can install it with the instructions that come with it. It also includes Fan Brackets which really helps in installing 12cm case fans. Overall, a high quality 8 GPU mining ( case for building a mid-sized mining rig.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 08:41 am
8 GPU Open Air Mining Rig Case Specifications GPUs Supported 8 Dimensions 340mm x 860mm x 380mm Frame Material Aluminum alloy Motherboard support m-ATX / ATX Fans support 120mm x 7 Features Stackable design, Dual PSU support, Sturdy.
12-GPU mining ( Case.
LAWOHO Miner Case 12 GPU Open Air Mining Frame Case.
If you want to get into some serious mining business then this LAWOHO 12 GPU mining ( Case is definitely for you. This is again a high-quality and sturdy mining case that is made up of Industrial-Grade 2020 Aluminum alloy and is suitable for building a profitable GPU mining ( Rig to mine variety of cryptocurrencies that include Bitcoin (, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Earthcoin, and other Altcoins.
This is a fully stackable and adjustable open-air mining frame case that supports ten 120mm case fans, HDD/SSD, up to ATX motherboards, dual PSUs. It is also pretty compact for a 12-GPU mining ( rig and is also pretty easy to install. The whole rack is very stable and it holds all the components very well at their places. This 12 GPU mining ( rig case comes with an acrylic board, screws & accessories, mounting kit, and installation manual.
12 GPU LAWOHO Miner Case Specifications GPUs Supported 12 (up to 320mm in length) Dimensions 640mm x 360mm x 581mm Frame Material Aluminum Alloy Motherboard support mini-ITX, M-ATX, ATX Fans support 120mm x 10 Features Dual PSU support, Spacious, Easy Installation, Stackable, support 3.5" / 2.5" SSD.
19-GPU mining ( Case.
Open Air Mining Rig Stackable Frame 19 GPU Case.
This is a mining case for pro miners who want to build a big mining rig for maximum profits in cryptocurrency business. This is a high-end mining rig case that supports up to 19 Graphics Cards, 18 x 120mm cooling fans, ATX motherboard 4 PSUs. This is a very durable case and it comes with 18 blue LED fans. It has a stackable design, comes unassembled and is very stable. So, if you are looking to make some serious cash then this 19 GPU mining ( rig case is what you should get for yourself.
Open Air Mining Rig Stackable Frame 19 GPU Case Specifications GPUs Supported 19 Dimensions 760mm x 360mm x 750mm Frame Material Aluminum alloy Motherboard support Up to ATX Fans support 120mm x 18 Features 4 PSU support, enhanced cooling, 18 Blue Led Fans.
So, if you want to build the best cryptocurrency mining rig for yourself then these above-mentioned GPU mining ( cases will not let you down. All of them are very durable, solid, stable and offer great protection to your graphics cards and other installed components. If you want to ask anything then don't feel shy and please leave a comment below.
Mining rig.
A mining rig is a computer system used for mining bitcoins. The rig might be a dedicated miner where it was procured, built and operated specifically for mining or it could otherwise be a computer that fills other needs, such as performing as a gaming system, and is used to mine only on a part-time basis.
Warning: GPU mining ( is not very profitable (if at all) anymore, and even if you have free electricity, GPU rigs will likely never pay for themselves at this point!
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 08:57 am
Mining is the process where nodes in the Bitcoin ( Network assemble newly broadcast Bitcoin ( Transactions into a data structure called a block. Nodes then compete to append their block to the public Block chain by repeatedly mutating the block's header data structure, usually by incrementing the nonce field, then hashing it in an attempt to find a value that satisfies a difficult proof-of-work.
When a node finds a valid proof-of-work hash for a block, it broadcasts the block to all nodes. Other nodes accept this block only if all the transactions in it are valid and have not yet been included in a block. Other nodes in the network then express their acceptance of the block by building upon it to create the next block in the chain.
Every block is timestamped and references the hash of the block preceding it. Blocks form a backward reinforcing, timestamped chain - a Timechain, the precursor to the term 'Block chain'.
The Block chain structures itself in a manner that is computationally and economically impractical to modify by any one entity. Due to this, transactions included in the Block chain are considered immutable. In addition to this quality, the Block chain establishes an authoritative order of these transactions throughout the network by establishing which, out of any pair of conflicting transactions was seen first, thereby protecting users from attempts to re-spend coins that have already been spent elsewhere. This is the key innovation of mining and of Bitcoin (
Nodes are entities which run software that carries out the mining functions above. Nodes communicate using a P2P Network with its own protocol, and are the authors of the Bitcoin ( ledger and enforcers of the protocol rules.
Interestingly, the Bitcoin ( whitepaper makes no reference to the term 'Miner' or the concept of 'mining'. These terms cover the actions described in section 5 of the Bitcoin ( whitepaper which describes the responsibilities of nodes on the network.
It is possible to run the node client software without performing block assembly or proof-of-work. Such a setup can be used as an interface to the network for other systems such as block explorers, payment gateways and archives. Eventually it is expected that customised client software will be developed for each of these services so they will no longer be dependent on the node client to operate.
Computers that run a node client which do not perform proof-of-work cannot append new blocks to the Block chain. This means they can neither express acceptance of valid blocks by working on extending them, nor reject invalid blocks by refusing to work on them. These computers exist as passive entities that follow the gatekeepers of the network, the Miners.
Before a transaction can be timestamped in the Bitcoin ( Block chain it needs to be received and validated by a Miner. If the Miner deems the transaction valid, they add the transaction to one of several mempools. Mempools are temporary transaction stores and can be used to hold transactions grouped in different ways, such as transactions to be mined in the next block, transactions to watch, or transactions which cannot be mined due to an nLocktime/nSequence lock.
It is important to note every Miner has their own mempools and that mempools vary across Miners. It is also important to note that an individual transaction can be included in different mempools at the same time.
A Miner takes the transactions it intends to include in the next block and hashes them into a merkle tree structure, and includes the resulting merkle root within a candidate block header. The Miner then hashes this candidate block header, attempting to find a valid proof-of-work.
A hash is a function that converts a string of data into a fixed length value that represents the original string, called the hash value. Every hash value is unique.
Hashing is a one-way function, meaning it is infeasible to determine what the input data is by looking at the hash produced from it. Conversely, it is trivial to run the same input data through the same hash function and reproduce the same hash. Because of this, a hash value of input data can be thought of as the digital fingerprint of that data. In Bitcoin mining (, the input data is the 80-byte block header.
The hashing algorithm used in Bitcoin mining ( is SHA-256. SHA-256 stands for Secure Hash Algorithm - 256 bit. Passing the same block header data through this algorithm will always output the same 256-bit number. However, if the header data is modified even by a single bit, the result will be a completely different and unrelated 256-bit number.
Bitcoin mining ( passes the block header data through the SHA-256 algorithm twice (SHA-256d).
Bitcoin ( uses a Proof of Work function based on the earlier work of hashcash.
A Miner cannot create a new block without finding a valid proof-of-work hash, for the block header they are hashing. To be valid, the SHA-256d hash (which is just a number) of the block header must be less than another number, called the target. The target value is defined by the Bits field in the block header that is being hashed.
The target adjusts so that the average time it takes for the entire network to find a valid proof-of-work hash is ten minutes.
Because of the extraordinarily large SHA-256 target space, it is extremely unlikely that any given hash will be below the target. As a result of this, hashing entities invest large amounts of capital into specialised hashing hardware, along with the associated electricity costs in order to produce as many of these hashes as possible in a given time period. Therefore, the only way a Miner can append a block to the Block chain is through a substantial commitment of operational expenditure - proof-of-work.
The first transaction in every block is called the Coinbase transaction. The Coinbase transaction is a special transaction which pays bitcoins to the Miner of the block. The Coinbase payment is made up of the subsidy amount and the sum of all transaction fees paid by transactions within the mined block.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 08:58 am
Propagation and validation.
If a Miner finds a valid proof-of-work for the block header they are hashing, they immediately announce this by sending the entire block to other Miners. Meanwhile, they start working on finding the next block in the chain.
Competing Miners receive this block and immediately check that all transactions within the block, as well as the proof-of-work are valid. If the block is valid, they discontinue mining on top of the previous block and start working on hashing a new block header, building on the block just found by their competitor.
There are incentives at play here. First, winning 'Miner A' strives to get their winning block to all other Miners as quickly as possible. This reduces the possibility that competing 'Miner B' (who found a valid block at approximately the same time) propagates their block to some Miners before 'Miner A' could. This opens up the possibility that 'Miner A's' block, could later be orphaned and the Coinbase reward rendered invalid and unusable by 'Miner A'. The degree of bandwidth and connectivity to other Miners can be seen as a competitive advantage and as such, the mining network tends toward a densely connected, small world structure with high bandwidth.
There also exists a competitive advantage in validating transactions. When validating a block, each transaction's inputs must be looked up in the miner's UTXO set to check they are unspent and the amount in satoshis is correct. Additionally, each inputs locking and unlocking scripts need to be run by the Miner to assess whether each transaction is valid.
Rejected blocks.
At any given point in time, two or more independent Miners may mine a block at the same time. In this situation, nodes can be in disagreement about which of these blocks should be the tip of the Block chain.
Miners always follow the longest chain they deem to be valid. Eventually another block will be found that builds on one of the competing chain tips. Miners then switch to this tip provided they consider it to be valid. As such, any fork scenario is eventually resolved back to one persistent chain, through the actions of the majority of hash power.
In this scenario, a block that doesn't end up forming part of the longest chain is rejected by the network and called an Orphan Block. An orphan block represents wasted effort on the behalf of a Miner and an incentive to invest in infrastructure in order to reduce the frequency of these events. However, orphans do not reduce the overall revenues of the Bitcoin ( system as the wasted work is not factored into the difficulty adjustment. Thus, if a certain percentage of hashing work is wasted due to the orphaned blocks, the difficulty will adjust downwards by a similar percentage, maintaining the same rate of valid block production overall. Additionally, the fee paying transactions in the orphaned block will still be valid and included in the competing block or its descendants.
Competing valid blocks are not the only way that blocks end up being rejected. Any miner can refuse to build on any block for any reason. Such an action by a particular Miner is only meaningful if the majority of Miners carry out the same action. It is through this mechanism that the mining network can establish consensus on variables that are Miner configurable - such as maximum block size. This is the basis of Nakamoto Consensus:
" They vote with their CPU power, expressing their acceptance of valid blocks by working on extending them and rejecting invalid blocks by refusing to work on them. Any needed rules and incentives can be enforced with this consensus mechanism."
An application-specific integrated circuit, or ASIC (, is a microchip designed and manufactured for a very specific purpose. ASIC ( designed for Bitcoin mining ( were first released in 2013. For the amount of power they consume, they are vastly more energy efficient than predecessor approaches to mining - using CPU, GPU or FPGA.
Pooled mining is the use of a block template allocation system that provides, distributed hashing infrastructure updated block headers against which they perform proof of work. This system of hash allocation to nodes is a primary part of Nakamoto Consensus, in that individual operators of hash power can choose to re-allocate their hash to nodes, producing blocks that meet their expectations in terms of maximised profitability and adherence to the Bitcoin ( ruleset. Miners who distribute block templates that don't maximise profit, or which attempt to implement changed rule sets, risk the owners of the hash machinery they depend on re-deploying it to a different node on the network.
Stratum is an open-source mining protocol used by many mining pools. Stratum facilitates coordination between the mining pool operator and individual mining machines.
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You must be logged in order to upgrade your Startminer, Please start mining using your Bitcoin ( address.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 08:58 am
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About Super Mining.
SuperMining was founded at the early in 2017. it took 6 month to setup our cloud mining farm. The founders of our world-class cryptocurrency company got to know each other by using the same platform for buying and selling Bitcoins. As our cryptocurrency mining company and its user base grew, new mining farms were built up and several additional people hired, specifically programmers and engineers.
The members of our Bitcoin mining ( superteam come from different type of field , but our common faith in cryptocurrencies has brought us together. We are all strong believers in the future of digital currencies and we love being part of this growing community!
We use most advanced ASIC ( Miner chips which allow you to mine coins in the most efficient manner.
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Bitcoin ( is a cryptocurrency, created by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. The main advantage of using BTC is lower transaction fees than other traditional online payment systems. Bitcoin ( is an electric payment system with mathematics proof.
The main purpose of this innovative idea is to make a transaction, which is independent of any central government or authority. Everything is electrically in a secure, immutable and verifiable way. That everything we achieve using the Bitcoin mining ( process.
Free Bitcoin mining ( is the most important part of blockchain technology. Bitcoin mining ( is just like a lottery where you can compete with your mining hardware with everyone on the blockchain network to earn free BTC. Mining Bitcoin ( is the process of transaction in the cryptocurrency system.
Record of the current transactions, called blocks, are added to the record of past transactions, known as the blockchain. Bitcoin ( miners use BTC mining hardware to solve complex transaction-related algorithms. And Bitcoin ( miners are rewarded with a certain number of bitcoins per block as free Bitcoin mining ( reward.
Initially, First bitcoin (BTC) was mined with the personal computer by Satoshi Nakamoto. Then the system is dominated by graphics card systems, then FPGAs (Programmable gate arrays). Finally introduced application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC ( to find more hashes with less electricity consumption. Our Latest ASIC ( chips enable the dream of free Bitcoin mining (
As we know mining bitcoin at home is too expensive, but here is an alternate solution is free cloud mining . Generally, the Cloud mining term used for the company websites, that charge some fees in exchange for mining bitcoin for you.
In simple words, you can mine bitcoin remotely without investing in expensive mining hardware and electricity. Superminig's free bitcoin cloud mining seems like a perfect solution: You can rent hash power from us that are located worldwide.
Supermining takes care of maintaining the miners and share good revenues of the operation. Supermining provides the best cloud mining services, it's 100% legit, reputable or profitable bitcoin cloud mining company.
What is Bitcoin mining ( Pool?
Bitcoin mining ( pool is a group of bitcoin miners who combine their hashing or computational resources over a pool or network. All the participants contribute processing power in the mining pool for finding a block. If the pool is successful in finding a block, they are rewarded with newly generated bitcoins.
Rewards or Bitcoins is a divide among all the participants, who contribute their processing power to solve a block in pool. Rewards depend on the contribution of your processing power in the pool. The free Mining pool is the best option for free Bitcoin mining ( from your home.
Nowadays, bitcoin free mining is an easy task. Many companies provide cloud mining services which provide free Bitcoin mining ( for you. You can join by adding your bitcoin address and starts free Bitcoin mining ( from your home. You can also join free cloud mining, without investing money on expensive hardware.
Supermining is one of the leading best free Bitcoin mining ( company, which allow you to join free cloud mining and provides mining BTC for free.
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How to start with
First of all, you need to have a Bitcoin ( wallet. You can download a Bitcoin ( wallet on or you can use web wallet like Then copy the address of the wallet and paste into the registration form.
How profit gets generated? is a company that offers an alternative option consisting in the rental of computing capacities for the cloud mining of crypto currencies. All adult investors are invited to cooperate, and each participant of the project is guaranteed transparency and stability of dividends. In addition to the transfer of mining equipment for rent to investors, can offer a number of complete solutions for better interaction between investors and partners with the management.
What is the minimum deposit/withdraw amount?
Currently, the minimum deposit is as low as 0.001 BTC The minimum withdrawal amount 0.002 BTC All Payments Instantly.
What if I deposit less than minimum?
Any amount less than 0.001 BTC will be considered as donation, and will not reflect as a valid deposit!
When will my Purchased Plan show up on Dashboard?
Your deposit will appear as quickly as the Blockchain network confirms receiving your deposit. Immediately after, you will be able to see your deposits on the "Balance" page.
Can I make more than one deposit?
Yes, there are no limit. You can make as many deposits as you wish. .
Am I allowed to have more than one account?
No, you are not! Having multiple accounts under one holder or more holders in one household is a strict disregard against the terms and conditions! We use several security features to fetch multiple accounts. Should we recognize any suspicious occurrence, then all accounts related to this will be permanently blocked unless there is evidence that militates against blocking.
Can I Withdraw My Earnings From the free plan?
No, To Withdraw Your Funds You Need To upgrade Your account to any Plan you want.
CPU Mining: The Ultimate Guide To The Best CPU Coins.
Check this guide out to learn what CPU mining is with the best coins to CPU mine and if it's profitable? Believe it not there are still miners who believe in mining this way.
Despite the days of Bitcoin mining ( 50 BTC on a laptop being long gone many miners still seek out CPU mining. Most of this is due to its availability and claims as one of the most cost-efficient types of crypto mining hardware to obtain.
Yet there are still active mineable cryptocurrencies for the lower-end computers to participate in CPU mining. However just because CPU mining is still active in some cryptocurrencies doesn't mean you should pursue them in mining.
Many of the cryptocurrencies who started with this form of mining have moved on to the use of much stronger chipsets like GPU mining ( and ASIC ( making CPU mining those crypto coins pointless.
At first glance, it would appear as if most of the crypto space is leaving behind the CPU mining scene, but now with the demand for ASIC ( resistance, some cryptocurrencies are reseeking CPU mining as a haven from higher-end chipset invasions.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 08:59 am
Even though CPU processing wasn't explicitly designed for the particular use of solving repetitive complex mathematical equations involved in mining cryptocurrency, it still has an appeal to some at-home miners as you never know which cryptocurrency could be the next Bitcoin (
Which is one of the main reasons why we mentioned in our Laptop Bitcoin mining ( article about the reports of newer cryptocurrencies starting to support CPU mining again?
Not only are laptop miners hopping on board but even some of GPU miners like ourselves are allocating extra CPU power to support these newer projects as well.
Knowing firsthand the difficulty in finding these types of project's we wanted to create this guide as a cornerstone for CPU mining capable cryptocurrencies with low difficulty and active communities.
As a bonus, there's a link later in this guide that reveals our top secrets on how we manage to find these newer coins before anyone else does. We will also dive into the CPU mining profits and methodology behind it for miners.
What is CPU Mining?
CPU mining is a process that utilizes the cores of a Central Processing Unit(CPU) to verify transactions on the blockchain and to create new digital coins.
The founder of this new technology of processing payments is a developer that goes by a code name of Satoshi Nakamoto who invented, and CPU mined the first-ever digitally encrypted decentralized tokens called Bitcoin (
This first of many protocols posed to solve two main issues found in traditional financial institutions.
Eliminate the need for a trusted authority to generate and distribute the currencies tokens.
Solve the "double-spend" issue found commonly in traditional fiat money.
However, the CPU's involvement in pioneering Bitcoin mining ( ended rather abruptly as the network grew and faster chipsets like GPUs and ASIC ( were introduced to take over mining on the network.
Ever since then CPU mining has been considered an underdog in the cryptocurrency mining space, but with the recent demand for ASIC ( resistant algorithms these days CPU mining has made it ways back into some of the other cryptocurrencies called altcoins.
Best Coins To CPU Mine.
Please keep in mind that these top pick coins are our personal opinion and should not be considered investment advice. As always its best to conduct your own research before investing in any cryptocurrency.
Update: Monero has recently switched its algorithms to ward of ASIC ( miners making it the most profitable coin to CPU mine. Join our FB group to learn more about how to mine it and to stay in the loop about new coins.
To find out how you can start mining, please refer to each tokens Discord group and additional resources for miner support. Moreover, for MacBook users, some of these coins should have an Apple client you can download which you can find out at each token's main website or ANN.
Lethean - This coin is one of our favorites to currently CPU mine as it already has a working built-in application. Its wallet not only stores your mined Lethean coins but allows you to select a proxy server to browse the internet privately and worry-free from anyone knowing your identity. This coin used to be known as Intensecoin but rebranded this year. The setup for this Miner is beginner level as you follow the instructions they have posted in the Bitcointalk ANN.
Use our guide to get started mining Lethean.
SIDENOTE : Technically you can now GPU and CPU mine this crypto coin but it's still low enough difficulty to mention for CPU mining.
Lethean Resources:
Yadacoin - This blockchain technology proposes to enable enterprises, big or small, to effectively offer goods or services to their audiences in a more targeted way than traditional social media platforms like Facebook. To set up and start mining this coin go to their website under the guides menu for further instructions.
Yadacoin Resources:
Bitcointalk Discord Website Youtube.
Biblepay - This is a Christian religious based cryptocurrency that donates a percentage of the coins manufactured to charities. 10% also goes to the development of the coin as there was no pre-mine or ICO to fund this project. From what I can tell from the forums it appears this coin is grabbing traction fast.
I think it's super cool that they call there master nodes sanctuaries instead. These sanctuaries play a deciding factor in how the 10% for development gets allocated through a secure voting system. To set up and start mining this coin be sure to Bible Pay Mining page. All CPU mining power supported on the network goes towards research for disease cures.
SIDENOTE: Setup on this miner and wallet is very different then what typical setup requires so be sure to join their discord for miner support.
Biblepay Resources:
Koto - This one is a bit of a mystery to us, but Koto claims it's going to be Japan's very first truly anonymous cryptocurrency. I've been following there discord channel for awhile. It looks like at one point the project passed developers but is now slowly getting attention in the Japan scene. To set up the miner be sure to go to there site and follow the instructions. If you get stuck on trying to set any of the coins up for mining be sure to check the coins discord channel for faster support.
SIDENOTE: This coin is just starting to gain momentum in the japan crypto scene so keep an eye out for it to get more listings.
Koto Resources:
Bitcointalk Discord Website Youtube Koto Mining Pool.
Verus- Verus uses a unique concept called VerusHash which is said to be one of the fastest cryptographic hashes in the real of CPU mining. The idea behind this is to create an ASIC ( resistance hardened algorithm as a further precaution measure from ASIC ( mining invasions.
SIDENOTE: At the time of publishing this article it appears V erus is sitting at .13 cents. Reports of CPU and GPU enabled were mentioned but GPU mining ( is being removed from the project protocol for now.
Verus Resources:
BitcoinTalk Discord Website Youtube Verus Mining Pool.
CryptoNote CPU Mining Coins.
Now with happening hard fork of the CryptoNote algorithm, out spawns many variations of privacy tokens like Sumocoin and Loki. Most of these newer versions can mine on a CPU and GPU, but some are still in infancy stages making it somewhat feasible for CPU mining enthusiasts.
Additional CPU coins list:
Nerva Litecoin Finance Wavicoin.
In the end, these are just some of the coins available to CPU mine. To keep up to date with new coins be sure to check out our guide on how we find new coins to mine.
Best CPU for Mining.
The AMD Threadripper 1950X is one of the most powerful CPUs on the market for CPU mining CryptoNight tokens. However, being the most powerful isn't the most cost-efficient way to ROI on CPU mining.
If you're looking to see a faster ROI from your CPU, then it best to stick with less expensive Intel chip processors to avoid overly investing in CPU mining as it isn't always profitable. For us, we tend to CPU mine with Intel Pentium G4400 or Intel Celeron G4900 and see no real problems.
One thing to note for GPU miners looking to dual GPU and CPU mine these altcoins is to check your GPU hash rates when CPU mining as some CPU mining clients can affect GPU hash rate.
Is CPU Mining Safe?
Ok so now you found your coins and its time to start mining, but you may be wondering if all this safe for your computer.
If you've tried downloading the mining client, you may have noticed your computer antivirus telling you the software is a virus or trojan.
This issue is common as most CPU miners register as trojan horse viruses and can give a false positive to your computer antivirus. Depending on the service you use you'll need to find the miner's download folder and add it to the exceptions list of your device antivirus software, and that should settle the issue.
Another word of caution about laptop mining is it can cause your computer to overheat if you're not careful. Safe ranges can vary for temperatures from 60 to 70 degrees, but other CPU may be capable of withstanding higher temps.
One way to avoid this is to monitor your CPU temperatures with CPUZ or HWMONITOR and see what your temps read while running the mining software.
If your computer seems to run warm make sure your mining device is clean and free of dust and check to see if your BIOS has settings to speed up the device's CPU fans speeds to further aid cooling. For GPU mining ( rig fan adjustments like this should be rather easy but for the smaller low-end device's you may need to look into third-party software like SpeedFan to adjust CPU fan speeds.
Is CPU Mining Profitable?
It wouldn't be fair if we didn't at least mention CPU mining profitability isn't all that significant for short-term profits. The biggest thing we want you to understand is that most of the coins worth mention for CPU mining are still in infancy and exchange listings at this stage are usually slim to none.
So why even bother CPU mining these coins?
For starters, this may be the only way you can obtain some of these coins early on for safekeeping as we are trying to mine them when the yields are much higher. The idea behind this is to accumulate tokens early on and hold until the coins you mined are worth more money.
However, we want you to understand that cryptocurrencies are considered to be speculative and volatile which makes it really hard to predict future prices of cryptocurrencies.
In the end, these are suggestions from what we have learned from our time in the crypto community, and we know there is much more we could cover about CPU mining. If you feel there is something we missed or a new CPU mining coin worth mentioning then please post a comment below.
Bitcoins offers you with many benefits which attract people to acquire them. But there is a question for everyone, how to get bitcoins? Here are some several ways to acquire bitcoins.
Mining Them.
Mining the bitcoins is a very easy process which you can do it from your desk. All you need to do is just to press the "go" button and your computer will do the rest of your work. The Only problem in mining bitcoin is, it isn't always profitable . It is very harder to see a benefit on these days since it was easier on early days when bitcoin was started. So, find out the way to choose a correct miner and whether you can make a profit from it.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 08:59 am

Make $8000 Per Day With BITCOIN Without Investment -- FREE Worldwide ONLINE MINING|10:11
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 09:00 am

How To Mine Monero From CPU \u0026 GPU - Ultimate Guide Live 2017 -2018|49:17
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 09:00 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 09:00 am
Buy Bitcoins at the ATMs.
In the world, there are more than 300 Bitcoin ( ATMs and it's not banking ATMs. These machines are specialized and installed in retailers, coffee shops, and other outlets.
Buy Bitcoins on Exchange.
A simple way to get bitcoins is by buying them. Commonly, most of the people will exchange bitcoins for dollars, pounds sterling, and any national currencies. There are some regulatory problems but still its works well. Governments are very nervous about bitcoin's potential for anonymity. Concerns about organized crime and terrorist financing have forced bitcoin exchanges to comply with KYC (know your client) and AML (anti-money laundering) regulations.
All these exchanges are translated into paperwork and potential cross-border hurdles . Some exchanges won't take some kinds of payment because they want to end fraudulent transactions.
Earn Bitcoins.
There are many ways to earn bitcoins instead of buying them. You can do something sufficiently great to permit a bitcoin tip.
If you have a Youtube account with a fair following or a blog that people appreciate or if you are a helpful individual in forums like Reddit, you can display your bitcoin address at the bottom of a website so people can send bitcoins to you directly. Changetip is a free system that allows you to send and receive bitcoin tips immediately without using a wallet.
There are some contract jobs which pays bitcoin to the workers and there is a listing forum on Reddit for bitcoin-paying gigs . Coinworker also provides a tiny fraction of bitcoins for small jobs.
Exchange Things for Bitcoins.
If you have some stuff in your home that you would like to get rid of, then there are some couple of sites where you can exchange it for a bitcoin payment.
When you have bitcoins on your hands, you have to manage it effectively and be sure to save them.
You may also like How to access the Deep Web?
Buy Bitcoins from Someone Directly.
An alternative way from an exchange is to buy bitcoins from some directly. Some sites like Local Bitcoins connect you with local people who wants to sell bitcoins for local currency.
Since they are giving on your convenience on quick and easy trade, they charge more than the exchange rate.
If you have any doubts on How to get Bitcoins, please comment below.
How Can One Start Mining Bitcoin ( Cash.
There are several things that go on in the minds of individuals curious to get into the Cryptocurrency mining but at the same time are way more concerned of not possessing the required technical skills, time or funds to invest in the field. In such case, Cloud mining discards these problems and lets one benefit from the joining forces with a large operation. The cloud mining is a tactics used in the realm of Cryptocurrency to generate the Cryptocurrency that does not require purchasing any expensive equipment or setting up the infrastructure required for it. All one has to do is find a provider that you can rely on and purchase a contract from them that is in essence renting hash power in a dedicated facility. The Bitcoin ( .com Pool is such a provider that focuses on Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH) and employs one of the largest mining data centers in north of America. The service also renders BTC cloud mining options and if one already possesses their own mining hardware then he or she can connect it to the pool as well.
Along with this, the Bitcoin ( .com Pool offers a selection of the contract lengths that starts from just one month and runs up to three years. The latter plan is currently not available but there is a waiting period after which the applicants can join. The service also includes an Android app and also an app for the iOS mobile devices in a bid to keep a track of the earnings, hash rates and other statistics related to one's contracts right on their phone. Bitcoin ( Cash Mining started in the year 2008 and is still one of the popular digital currencies in the Crypto market. The mining has two major benefit, one being the it provides security for the BTC network and the second is makes transaction much faster and efficient.
What Is Bitcoin ( ? | How Bitcoin ( is Used ?
February 22, 2018 by Admin.
Bitcoin ( | What Is Bitcoin ( [BTC] ₿
What is Bitcoin ( Bitcoin ( is the first decentralized digital cryptocurrency and a worldwide payment system, that works without any central bank or administrator. BTC as Bitcoin ( is so famous because it uses peer to peer technology, that is the transactions take place directly between the users without an intermediate network or person and recorded in a public distributed ledger called blockchain.
Bitcoin ( was created in 2009 by an unknown person or a team alias named Satoshi Nakamoto. People started using BTC to buy Xbox games, etc. because there are no fees for transactions. Most of the people buy bitcoins and sell them by trading it due to the hike in the rate of Bitcoins.
Bitcoin ( is made as a reward for a procedure known as mining. They can be traded for different monetary standards, items, and administrations. As of February 2015, more than 100,000 traders and merchants acknowledged bitcoin as installment. Research created by the University of Cambridge appraises that in 2017, there are 2.9 to 5.8 million one of a kind clients utilizing a digital money wallet, a large portion of them utilizing bitcoin.
Why Bitcoin (
Bitcoins can be utilized to purchase stock namelessly. What's more, global installments are simple and shoddy in light of the fact that bitcoins are not attached to any nation or subject to direction. Private companies may like them in light of the fact that there are no Visa expenses. A few people simply purchase bitcoins as an installment, hoping that they'll go up value.
Many marketplaces called "bitcoin exchanges" allow people to buy or sell bitcoins using different currencies. Coinbase is a leading exchange, along with Bitstamp and Bitfinex. But security can be a concern: bitcoins worth tens of millions of dollars were stolen from Bitfinex when it was hacked in 2016. People can send bitcoins to each other using mobile apps or their computers. It's similar to sending cash digitally.
Know Bitcoin mining ( Mining is a record-keeping administration done using PC handling power. Miners keep the blockchain reliable, finish, and unalterable by over and again gathering recently communicate exchanges into a piece, which is then communicated to the system and checked by beneficiary hubs. Each piece contains an SHA-256 cryptographic hash of the past square, along these lines connecting it to the past piece and giving the blockchain its name.
How To Use Bitcoin (
Cryptocurrency BTC is more different than what you know and what you use every day in your life. In order to use BTC, you should be aware of some important techniques and etiquette to avoid critical instances. There are few things you must aware of bitcoin before using,
--> Know Yourself About Bitcoin (
Secure your cryptocurrency wallet Bitcoin ( price is volatile Payments or Transactions are irreversible Not anonymous Not secure when transactions are unconfirmed Taxes and regulations.
--> Bitcoin ( Wallet.
A bitcoin wallet is like our usual wallet with some constraints that are needed to focus, here listed the way you can proceed,
Add your address - add your public address to accept crypto coin Send bitcoins to users - no transaction fee or any confirmations Security - proof of solvency is used.
--> Get Bitcoin (
Start earning your bitcoin, there are many possible ways like,
You can buy bitcoins by giving your money in exchange method Start mining the bitcoin, there are many algorithms used to mine the crypto-coin but limited to 2.1 million coins can be mined as of today. Find people who sell bitcoin.
--> Spend Bitcoin (
Find products online Invest in local business.
Bitcoin ( In Deep Web Links.
All deep web links or deep web sites are majorly focusing on bitcoin for transaction purposes because it is hard to find who is sending bitcoin and tracking also difficult. Know more about bitcoin in deep web click here.
More information about bitcoin | How it is used or invest will discuss later on the site.
Primary Sidebar.
We do not promote or affiliate or advertise with anyone on deep web, related links, markets etc., in our site.
In order to stay safe in deep web please follow the guidelines given by us. Study how to use deep web safely.
Read our updated disclaimer.
Use Tor scam list before accessing any of the sites in deep web.
The Dark Web - The Bitcoin ( Slang Market.
Many people believe that search engines, especially Google, can index most of the pages available on the web for a given search query. Nonetheless, the truth is that there is a massive part of the internet that cannot be accessed by Google's crawling spiders. This part of the web is known as the "Dark Web" and it is a place where cryptocurrency, namely bitcoin, is the official currency.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 09:01 am
What is The Dark Web?
The dark web, or deep web (false name as the deep web is a part of the dark web), represents the parts of the world wide web that are hosted on overlay networks, darknets, TOR networks, freenet and I2P. Moreover, small P2P networks represent a small portion of the dark web. Similar to an iceberg, most of the internet's pages are inaccessible via conventional web browsers; these pages represent the dark web.
It is almost impossible to precisely estimate the exact volume and scope of the dark web, yet some experts have speculated that the dark web comprises parts of the world wide web that are 400-500 times larger than the "surface" internet.
The term "deep web" was first introduced by , a computer engineer named Mike Bergman in 2000, but the term became popular in 2009, when mainstream media started covering the illicit activities taking place beneath the surface of the internet.
The dark web is where gloomy parts of the internet flourish. Although the dark web is usually linked to cybercriminals and low abiding citizens, it is also visited by well intentioned people such as bloggers, whistleblowers, bitcoin enthusiasts and political dissidents who prefer to practice their online activities beneath the surface of the internet.
How To Access The Dark Web?
Depending on your goal, there are various tools and strategies that can help you explore various depths of the Deep Web. For most users, apart from hard core hackers, there are generally two approaches to browse the Deep Web and Darknet:
Using special search engines and search query syntaxes that are related to the PHP and HTML arrangement of websites and databases. Such strategy can be implemented using conventional web browsers such as Firefox, Chrome and Safari. Using special search engines that are coded to search deep through the Deep Web and Darknet. The most widely used of those is the TOR browser.
Computer savvy individuals and hackers can dive into deeper depths of the Deep Web by scripting special crawling programs that implement special link crawling techniques that can browse private databases. Such approach requires PHP, API coding, MySQL and other programming skills.
What Can You Buy & Sell For Bitcoin ( On The Dark Web:
Technically, you can buy and sell anything for bitcoin on the deep web, from legal stuff to illiegal drugs, firearms and services.
Want to hire a hacker? a hitman? Want to buy a counterfeited passport? Although I would not recommend doing such things, the Deep Web is the place where you can find people who would accept bitcoin in return for offering such services. Moreover, there is a high probability that people who advertise offering such services are fraudsters that are only trying to put a hole in your pocket.
Most marketplaces on the deep web operate in a way that is almost identical to other ecommerce sites on the surface web such as eBay, Amazon, DHgate, Alibaba and others. Some marketplaces even offer an "escrow" service that protects buyers from possible fraudsters.
The Deep Web has been widely used for trading, file sharing and political debating because users can surf the deeper parts of the internet with total anonymity while keeping all their online activities privately safe.
Brief History of Dark Web Blackmarkets and Bitcoin (
Since the deep web has emerged, it was endorsed by all forms of electronic commerce that range from small sites that sell a few products or services to massive marketplaces that create platforms for P2P trading that witness thousands of bitcoin transactions per month.
The Silk road is the most organized ecommerce site ever created on the darknet even after it has been taken down by the FBI, it is still the biggest and most notorious market ever on the Deep Web. In 2013, the FBI developed a special search engine that helped them take down the site and link it to Ross Ulbricht who was convicted in early 2015 for running an online drug market.
Ecommerce On The Dark Web Today:
Since the arrest of Ross Ulbricht in 2013, tens of Silk Road replacements have emerged in the form of hidden marketplaces on the TOR network. A Silk Road clone, called Silk Road 2 operated for a few months before being shut down by FBI agents in November 2013.
I decided to look through the Deep Web to see the kind of ecommerce available there today. Huge marketplaces are still available such as AlphaBay and Dream Market where you can buy drugs, guns, replicas, counterfeited passports and malicious software. You can also hire a hacker or buy someone to launch a DDoS attack for you on Alphabay. The below image shows the drug listing today on Dream Market.
On the other hand, there are simple stores that sell legal stuff for bitcoin. For example, RechardSport is an online shop that sells sportswear and sunglasses and accepts bitcoin payments on the deep web.
Ecommerce on the Deep Web is totally dependent on bitcoin. Although most of the ecommerce websites available on the Deep Web, darknet and TOR networks are selling illicit drugs and offering illegal services, other lawful businesses are also seeking the Deep Web to help them market their products and services.
1- Wikipedia: The Dark Web.
2- Ablon, L., Libicki, M. C., & Golay, A. A. (2014). Markets for Cybercrime Tools and Stolen Data: Hackers' Bazaar . Santa Monica, CA.: Rand Corporation. Barratt, M. J. , Ferris, J. A., & Winstock, A. R. (2014). Use of Silk Road, the online drug market - place, in the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States. Addiction, 109(5), 774-783.
3- Bartlett, J. (2015). The Dark Net: Inside the Digital Underworld. William Heinemann Ltd. Coleman, G. (2014). Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous. London: Verso Books.
4- Goodman, M. 2015. Future Crimes: Everything Is Connected, Everyone Is Vulnerable and What We Can Do About It. New York: Random House.
Chinese Deep Web Sites Explains How To Hijack Mining Profits.
A Chinese-language hacking blog in the deep web has described a technique that could theoretically reroute mining rewards to the hacker's account.
The post was found on a Chinese-language hacking blog, linked by a popular deep web wiki/site lister. It appears to describe a technique in which the hacker would use already installed viruses and trojans to reroute packing data to a different pool, using man in the middle attacks. The post claims that there would be little to no evidence that something had gone wrong.
While we have not confirmed that this potential malware is out in the wild, or has even been developed beyond just the concept stage, it isn't hard to imagine how concerning the effects could be. Since the hacker would have complete control of the packet data, it could be difficult to detect the negative effects of this malware. Potentially, the hacker could continue to pass on some rewards to the miners while keeping some for him or herself. It may be difficult to notice any drop in production since mining success depends largely on luck. Overtime, a miner could become suspicious after consistently low mining success for the rig's stated hashing power, but by then the nefarious party would have already gotten away with some bitcoin.
Potentially, it could bleed a massive mining operation dry, eating into the already razor thin profit margins gained by mining.
The attack requires a pre-installed trojan and the ability to modify IP tables. If a criminal has that kind of access, he or she would be able to perform much more damaging acts than simply rerouting mining profits, but this new method seems novel in its potential to fly below the radar.
We have consulted a few experts, including Bitcoin ( security consultant and early mining operator Blake Anderson as well as Spencer Liven of Sterlingcoin about the plausibility of such an attack and we were informed that the attack certainly seems possible with Anderson stating that "The security vulnerability [the post] references [are] Trojans and man in the middle attack. If you assume both of those vulnerabilities, virtually anything becomes possible."
The below is a google translate version of the post, unedited other than the removal of an unimportant introduction. An untranslated version of the complete post, including the introduction, can be found below the translation, we welcome any improved translations by readers.
This blog ready to introduce BTC mining machine network packet hijacking, once taken to the mining machine packet, the packet will be able to tamper with the contents of the ore mining machine that points to another pool: all this does not need to modify the mining machine configuration file so the owner of the mining machine mining machine page is not unusual, the only mine operators found Ikegami force reduction.
First, you need to give all network packets mining machine M have been attacked machine A (assume that IP is 1) If the M and A have public network IP, we need to attack the M implanted Trojans; this blog is temporarily not discuss this topic. 2) If the M and A in the same local area network, and A is not a gateway, you need M launch ARP middleman attacks, all of the M packet forwarding via A. 3) If the M and A in the same local area network, and A is a gateway, that network administrators to attack, then this is the most convenient situation, can hijack packets.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 09:01 am
The bASIC ( idea of hijacking is: First open a mining_proxy on A, ensure mining_proxy properly connected to the mine pool, then the M's mining request is forwarded to all A's minig_proxy. Suppose that M's IP is, IP A is, the IP gateway G is (ARP middleman attacks after the completion of the gateway IP is not important). Specific steps are as follows:
1) Start mining_proxy on A mining_proxy -o pool -p port -sh -sp 3333 -oh -gp 3334 -cu user -cp pass Specific parameters can refer mining_proxy, where stratum agreement listen 3333 port.
2) iptables packet hijacking Reference iptables process flowchart here. Under normal circumstances, mining packet is taking the rightmost path, that PREROUTING chain -> FORWARD chain -> POSTROUTING chain. Packet hijacking after taking the middle and the left path, which PREROUTING chain -> INPUT chain -> local process handling (ie mining_proxy) -> OUTPUT chain -> POSTROUTING chain.
Firstly PREROUTING chain, modify the destination address for inbound packets: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -m tcp -dport 3333 -j DNAT -to-destination iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -m tcp -dport 3334 -j DNAT -to-destination Here DNAT 3333 and 3334 the two ports, because most of the mine pool uses these two ports.
Then open the firewall on port 3333 A: iptables -A INPUT -m tcp -dport 3333 -j ACCEPT.
Finally POSTROUTING chain, to return data for camouflage: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE Can not guarantee that mine pool address mining machine M points unchanged (mine chance to change mine pool, pool with a mine have multiple IP), it returns the data can not be used SNAT, only use the MASQUERADE.
At this point, the entire process has been completed hijacking. Now you should see the mining_proxy share the information submitted by the mining machine, while mine pointed mining_proxy pool will start to count the force.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 09:02 am
This sort of attack doesn't represent any kind of vulnerability of the Bitcoin ( network. It does, however, illustrate that attacks are evolving with ever-more complex tactics. We will keep an eye out for more novel attacks on mining and bitcoin in general. In the meantime, mining operators are suggested to always use the most stringent security measures. Any other media outlets or security research firms are welcome to contact me for more info at [email protected]
20 Insane Bitcoin mining ( Rigs.
You already had the chance to see how Bitcoin ( miners take their "job" seriously in this post, when we wrote about the Frankenstein-like computers experts and amateurs were building in order to create digital currency.
If you still had any doubt about their commitment to the mining career, the next pictures will show you that they're here to stay. These next 20 mining rigs are totally insane! Oh and if your interested we did a review on the best Bitcoin mining ( software so you can be sure you get the most Hash per $ spent 🙂
1. 8 Core FPGA Bitcoin ( Miner.
This rig is so complex it even looks like a model of a small city. And in the digital currency town every light is green!
2. 2x Gigabyte HD7970 - wooden model.
Imagine the power of a machine like this. We're confused just by looking at all these wires!
3. Insane 4 x HD5870 Miner.
You can almost feel the wind coming out of those fans.
4. My Hobby Rig.
Our favorite feature of this mining rig is the supports used to balance the legs of the table.
5. Sci Fi Mike Miner.
This one is really good looking: with that sleek black box and the see through plastic supports.
6. Little Farm.
The heap of boxes is simply amazing. And the huge fan is a great detail.
7. The Superior Frame.
Never a simple self like this supported such a complex structure, we bet!
8. The Moose's Tip Jar.
Ooohhh, this one could belong to the movie "Avatar". If Pandora inhabitants could connect their special "braiding" to a Bitcoin mining ( rig.
9. The Navidos Money Maker.
It's like having a wine rack full of digital money makers.
10. The Ghetto Money Maker!
It's hard to believe that what seems like a bunch of garbage stuck in a plastic box can be the solution to your financial problems.
11. The Devil 13.
The Antichrist of the Bitcoin mining ( universe.
12. Mining Rig Extraordinaire - The Trenton BPX6806.
It's like those pastimes when you have to figure out how many objects are in the picture, minus the creepy security footage that's playing on the computer screen. Can you count the number of towers?
13. The Plan Man Rig.
Two great details: the blue neon lights making us go crazy and the little fan swinging on the top of the mining pyramid.
14. The Hippie Tech Mobo.
Those elements on the top seem like they're about to spit some spikes. No, they're just making money!
15. Monster Heater Mine.
The mining rig of a geek with obsessive compulsive disorder. At least, this one is super organized.
16. The Tech Farm.
We can only imagine how hard it will be to untangle all these wires...
17. The Fire Risk!
The number of fans is just too damn high! And also the danger rates.
18. Vendo's GPU.
The latest trend: mine Bitcoins and make the laundry at the same time.
19. Super Rig.
This mining rig can create digital coins, make your lunch and raise your kids.
20. The properly refrigerated rig.
There's one mining rig that won't get (too) hot. Well, at least, that's the goal.
21. The Millionaire's mine.
This one has got to be the winner!
And a BONUS for you: Little Baby Ghetto rig in Bitcoin ( Examiner office 🙂
All New AM01 FPGA Crypto Miner.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 09:02 am

How To Online Bitcoin ( Mining ( - Free Bitcoin ( Mining ( 2020 and Earn Money Online|15:15
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 09:02 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 09:18 am
The Miner.
FPGA hardware miner designed to provide non-stop operation 24/7/365 in completely automatic mode. With features like:
Unattended FPGA reconfiguration Automatic profit switching Hot plug detection Regular updates and improvements.
Keccak - 540MH/s Tribus - 33MH/s Blakecoin - 1.2GH/s Blake2s - 1.2GH/s Skein2 - 33Mh/s Gr0estl - 40MH/s Full List of algos.
Electrical Characteristics.
Power connection DC 5.5/2.1mm Power supply voltage 12VDC Input current (Idle) 150mA Input current (Hashing), max 1.3A.
Physical Characteristics.
Data Connection USB Type B Size 110x67x45mm Operating Temperature (Environment) 0..35℃ Storage Temperature -25..100℃ Weight 200g.
Sustainable Mining Opportunities.
With AM01 miner you can turn your mining operations completely green. AM01 was designed to work with off-grid controllers including, but not limited to:
Solar Panels Wind Turbines Hydroelectric Any other Renewable Source.
With minimal power consumption (comparable to a single light bulb) and stackable design you can connect as many or as little AM01 devices to maintain the best balance between hashrate and output capability of your new or existing renewable energy outlet.
Buy your very own AtomMiner directly from one of our approved distributors today! Find out how to become one of our Approved Distributors and start selling AtomMiners yourself.
Guide to Bitcoin mining (
Everything you need to know about Bitcoin mining ( hardware and software.
What Is Mining Hardware?
What Is Mining Software?
What is mining? What is mining hardware? What is mining software? Bitcoin mining ( Resources.
Bitcoin mining ( is the act of running software with specialized hardware in order to validate Bitcoin ( transactions for the public ledger of the Bitcoin ( network, also known as the blockchain. The Bitcoin ( network compensates these "miners" for their effort by releasing bitcoin to those who contribute the needed computational power. This comes in the form of both newly issued bitcoins and from the transaction fees included in the transactions validated when mining bitcoins. The more computing power you contribute then the greater your share of the reward.
Better known as ASIC ( miners (application-specific integrated circuit) are specialized microchips designed with the specific purpose of mining Bitcoins. ASIC ( designed for Bitcoin mining ( were first released in 2013 and began to mine at unprecedented speeds, while consuming much less power than FPGA or GPU mining ( rigs. There are now several reputable companies that have established themselves with excellent products.
Mining software is just as important as the hardware. The main function of the software is to deliver the mining hardware's output to the rest of the blockchain. Bitcoin mining ( software oversees the input and output of your mining hardware while also displaying statistics such as hash rate, temperature, fan speed and tempo of your miner. If you are an individual miner, Bitcoin mining ( software connects your hardware to the Bitcoin ( network. If you are mining with a pool, the mining software will connect you to a mining pool.
PPS vs PPLNS - Mining pool payment reward structure explained.
In most of our mining guides we'll list all the mining pools that are available for that coin and we tell users to choose the right mining pool that suit their needs. When we say right mining pool we don't mean its size or fees, we mean the pools payout structure and reward type. If you are new to Altcoin or Bitcoin mining ( then understanding pool's payment terminology can be quite confusing. Here in this post we'll explain mining pool's payment reward structure.
Whether it is a Bitcoin mining ( pool or Ethereum mining pool; each and every single pool has its own payment models. As of Today the most commonly known pool rewards structure are as follows:
PROP (proportional), FPPS (Full Pay Per Share), SMPPS (Shared Maximum Pay Per Share), ESMPPS (Equalized Shared Maximum Pay Per Share), CPPSRB (Capped Pay Per Share with Recent Backpay), PPS (Pay Per Share), PPLNS (Pay Per Last N Share) and lastly PPS+ (Pay Per Share Plus). Among them PPS and PPLNS are the two types of payment models that are mostly used by mining pools currently. Before we explain both PPS and PPLNS we'll make a short note on mining pool.
A Mining pools is a hub where a group of Crypto currency miners share their processing power to the network in order to solve the blocks quicker. The rewards will be split equally based on the amount of shares that they contributed in finding a block. Pool mining was introduced during early Bitcoin mining ( days when solo mining became non-viable. The more powerful your hardware is, the more shares you'll submit, the more shares you submit, the more you'll earn. In order for the pool to pay its miners each pool uses its own payment scheme. Two of the most popular option is PPS and PPLNS.
Difference between PPS vs PPLNS payment models?
PPLNS stands for Pay Per Last (luck) N Shares. This method calculates your payments based on the number of shares you submitted during a shift. It includes shift system which is time based or by number of shares submitted by the miners on the pool. Your pool may find blocks consistently or in overtime it may have huge variations in winning a block and that ultimately affects your payments. PPLNS greatly involves luck factor and you'll notice huge fluctuations in your 24 hour payout. If you maintain your mining on a single pool then your payouts will remain consistent and it only differs when new miners join or leave the pool.
For more explanation on PPLNS we suggest you to give this post a read.
Pay Per Share pays you an average of the number of shares that you contributed to the pool in finding blocks. PPS pays you on solid rate and is more of a direct method which completely eliminates luck factor. In PPS method regardless of the pools lucky at winning blocks you're going to get 100% payout at the end of the day. This is because there is a standard payout set for each miners based on their hash power. It won't be more than 100% or less than that and with this PPS method you can easily calculate your potential earnings.
On the other hand with PPLNS payment system on average you can either get more than 100% or less than that. It is based on how lucky the pool is at finding blocks.
Should I choose PPS or PPLNS?
This is one of the common questions most miners have initially. Should I choose Pay Per Share or Pay Per Last N Share pools? If you are the person who don't switch pools often then PPLNS is definitely for you as such pools are good at rewarding its loyal miners.
Pay Per Share: No matter what, if you need a fixed payouts at the end of the day to liquidate or for whatsoever reason then our recommendation would be PPS. Pay Per Share works well for large mining farms who can calculate and have statistics based on their mining power. PPS is good for large miners but really bad for pool owners as there is a guaranteed payout for work no matter if the pool hits the block or not. For this reason and because of pool hoppers (not loyal miners of the pool) most of the mining pools have switched to PPLNS payment model.
Pay Per Last N Shares : If you are the one that is looking to accumulate and hold more coins then we strongly recommended PPLNS. For each block that your pool finds you'll get a share based on your hashrate. Unlike PPS, in PPLNS you'll get payouts more often and in the long run you'll be rewarded more with PPLNS than PPS. However due to huge variance it's really hard to calculate your mining income. PPLNS is good for both mid-range miners and pool owners as the payouts is only based on the blocks found. If your pool is more lucky then you'll see payments more often. This is the reason why miners stick to a pool where there is more hash power assuming the pool finds block very often.
You can find more comparison of mining pools payment system here.
How to find out if a pool is PPS or PPLNS?
Cryptocurrency mining can be a lucrative process. However it's very important that you find out what payment scheme your pool is using before committing your hashing power. Most of the mining pools has this information listed on FAQ page or at payouts page. If you're unable to find this information then the only option is to contact the pool support. Hope the information on this page is helpful for you to decide the right mining pool. Happy Hashing!
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 09:20 am
Ethereum Mining Pools.
Once you get Ethereum mining hardware, your next step is to decide on which Ethereum mining pool you'll join.
A mining pool helps you get more frequent payouts rather than only getting paid when you solve an Ether block.
Note that mining has a lot of up-front costs, and if you just want Ether then it's usually a better idea to just buy Ethereum.
You'll also need Ethereum mining software to point your hardware towards your selected pool. And, an Ethereum wallet to receive payouts to. A hardware wallet like the Ledger Nano X would be the best option.
We've listed the top pools in order of hash rate share according to
Just a note about pools:
The pools below are mining pools. This means you need to own mining hardware.
You Can't Mine Ether Without a Wallet.
You need a wallet before you can mine Ethereum.
Our guide on the best crypto wallets features wallets that support ether. Read it here!
Our Top Picks.
Secure storage for any crypto.
Ledgers newest hardware wallet makes storing ETH easy without sacrificing security.
Best for Mobile.
Easy to use ETH mobile wallet.
ZenGo is a multi-cryptocurrency wallet for iOS and Android. It supports Ethereum.
ETH & ERC20 desktop wallet.
MetaMask is a simple ETH & ERC20 desktop wallet. It's an add-on for FireFox.
Top Ethereum Mining Pools.
Now that we have a wallet to store our mined ETH on, let's discuss some of the top Ethereum mining pools.
Sparkpool Join Sparkpool.
Sparkpool currently mines approx. 32% of all ETH, making it the largest mining pool on the Ethereum blockchain. It runs at a 6% profit and offers lots of features for its members, including a very nice way to mine anonymously with no signups and profits deposited directly into your own personal wallet.
Payout Scheme: Full Pay Per Share (1%)*
Mine anonymously - no signup necessary Hold your own private keys Can also mine CKB, GRIN, and BEAM Largest pool.
Ethermine Join Ethermine.
Ethermine is one of the oldest and most established Ethereum mining pools. They offer very low fees and regularly find new blocks since they are the second largest Ethereum mining pool (and claim to the 'highest performing' ETH pool).
Payout Scheme: Pay Per Last N Shares (1%)*
Mine anonymously - no signup necessary Low fees Instant Payouts Pays transaction fees as well as block reward.
F2pool Join F2pool.
F2pool is not only one of the largest Ethereum mining pools (10%), but also one of the largest and most well-funded mining pools for all major coins. Their team of dedicated developers means that you can depend on the mining software they offer to be efficient and high quality.
Start mining with F2pool easily Amazing tutorials Advanced technology prevents DDoS attacks Transparent reporting.
Spiderpool Join Spiderpool.
Spiderpool is a newer, up-and-coming Ethereum mining pool with an impressive list of partners including Huobi Global, Node Capital, XFX. However, it is a chinese language only pool, so if you don't speak Mandarin, get used to relying on google translate (which is hit or miss).
Payout Scheme: Full Pay Per Share (4%)*
Large stable of partners Growing mining pool Nice mobile app to monitor performance.
Nanopool Join Nanopool.
Nanopool is a minimalist Ethereum mining pool with a bASIC ( UI and a nice API. It is the 5th largest Ethereum mining pool, but focuses on providing a great product over a flashy one.
Decent support NiceHash ( compatible Regular payouts iOS and Android Apps.
"Pay Per Share" vs "Full Pay Per Share" vs "Pay Per Last N Shares" *
For example, if the pool mines through 6 blocks before finding a block, Then their reward for all the hashing power the pool contributed to the network over that 6 block round is 3 ETH (not including transaction fees). If you contributed 100 shares for each of those blocks and the total number of shares was 1000, then your payment would be .3 ETH or .05 ETH per block.
Mining is not the fastest way to buy ethereum.
This section will answer common questions about Ethereum pools.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 09:24 am
What is Ethereum Mining?
Ethereum mining is the process of earning Ethereum in exchange for lending your computer's processing power to the Ethereum blockchain in order to secure it by processing transactions without a central authority.
How do I know which Ethereum mining pool is best?
All of the pools on our list are pretty good, but mostly, you just want to choose one that is reliable, has low fees, and has a server near you. You will also want to note which kind of payout scheme the pool uses and decide if it works with how you plan on mining (just ETH or a mix a coins)
Can I just join a Bitcoin ( pool?
No, Ethereum mining pools and Bitcoin mining ( pools are completely different! Because Bitcoin ( and Ethereum use different hashing algorithms, the hardware needed to mine each coin is different and so are the pooling protocols used.
How long does it take to mine 1 Ethereum?
This depends entirely on the hashing power you are bringing to the mining pool. For some, they could mine one Ethereum in an hour. For others, it might take a year. How many GPUs are you running? How powerful are they? Are you running them 24/7? What percent of the the total hash rate are you suppling to the network? Answering all of these is important to know if you want to find out how long it will take to mine an ethereum.
You best bet is to take the money you were going to spend on mining Ethereum and just go buy Eth.
How do I know if a pool is paying accurately?
You can check in your Ether mining software that you are really being paid according to your shares contributed. And because you will know ahead of time how payouts work, you can audit the payouts based on the blockchain to make sure you are being paid fairly.
Is Ethereum mining profitable?
Yes, with the proper hardware and a good mining pool, Ethereum mining can be profitable.
For the most up to date data on Ethereum mining profitability for October 2020, check out the video below:
What is the best miner for Ethereum mining?
As of October 2020, the most powerful GPU for Ethereum mining is the AMD Radeon R9 295X2 at 46 Megahashes per second.
How the Mining Pool Works: PPLNS vs. SOLO.
Let's make it clear what mining is and how the mining pool works. We will try to explain it in a simple "For Dummies" way.
If you want to skip education check out how do the professional miners track the network all day long and in certain moments join the mining process using their own mining rigs or NiceHash ( rented hashing power -> Read our post Solo Mining Pools - How to Catch Your Luck.
What is Blockchain.
Cryptocurrencies run on blockchains. A Blockchain is a sequence of blocks. Each new block is a piece of data. It contains information about the transactions accomplished within the last minutes or seconds (conditionally) since the previous block was found. Blockchain is always compared with a ledger. Each block with transactions is a page of the ledger. By ledger we mean an accountant book, not a Ledger Hardware Wallet for different cryptocurrencies.
How is the new block created? Who could turn the page of the ledger? Each new block contains a "puzzle" based on the data from a previous block. Miners from over the World try to find a solution for this "puzzle" and get rewarded. This irreversibility of the blocks makes the blockchain so unique. Hackers could not delete any block of the blockchain or substitute it.
Why is this irreversibility so important? Why should someone remove a cryptocurrency block? Let's say the Bitcoin ( cryptocurrency block #500 001 contains the transaction where you've sent $100 000 in Bitcoins to a Tesla dealership to buy a car. When the vehicle is taken from the dealership, you may want to remove that block with your transaction. If you succeed, you have both $100 000 in Bitcoins and a new Tesla car. Hopefully, that is not possible. This is the main blockchain principle.
How Does Mining Work.
The "puzzles" are being solved by your processors, graphics cards, FPGA or ASIC ( hardware. They are very complicated even for modern PCs, and their solving requires a tremendous amount of time, especially if you are alone. At the earliest days of the mining, any processor or GPU had the sufficient power necessary for finding many solutions per day and getting a reward for the detected block. With an increase of the interest to the cryptocurrencies, the difficulty level of the "puzzles" also increased, and a standalone PC or a single GPU could not find many solutions anymore. The miners have started to build the mining rigs - computers with multiple GPU's installed. The photo below shows the mining rig with eight graphics cards installed.
The difficulty level was rising because the reward for the newfound block was growing as well as it's equivalent in value. That was the time when miners decided to unite their efforts and create the mining pools. Therefore, even weak devices that are working simultaneously on solving the same "puzzle" have a chance to find its solution which would enable miners to create a new block.
Mining Pools Nowadays.
Bitcoin ( cryptocurrency network has, on average 144 blocks a day. Mining is highly competitive. There are many more miners in the World than 144 and each of them wants to get some reward on a daily basis. However, we have the invention mining pools to take advantage of this issue. Many mining devices work together in a pool to solve the "puzzle," finding solutions for the new blocks. Mining pool is a server that unites the miners. It sends the mining job to his miners and receives the solutions.
The pool who solves the "puzzle" gets a reward. For instance, in Bitcoin ( blockchain the reward is 12.5 BTC, in Ethereum network-- 2 ETH, in the Litecoin network -- 12.5 LTC, etc. Mining pools get solutions from all the connected miners, and if one of those numerous solutions appears to be a proper one, the pool creates a new block on the blockchain and gets a reward for this newly created block. This reward is shared proportionally to the efforts applied by the miners and forwarded to their wallets. The network will never know which particular miner has found the block solution. The pool would be represented as the miner who found the block.
Mining pool uses the "share" concept. Each device receives a computational task of a significant lesser level of difficulty, and the mining pool checks to see whether or not each obtained solution represents a complete solution of the block "puzzle" or not. This approach helps the pool to distribute the mining rewards. 2Miners uses PPLNS payout system. Pool checks how many shares the miners have sent from the last N shares of the pool and makes the payouts based on that value. Mining shares are also used by the pool to show the display the miner's statistics, especially hashrate.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 09:27 am
For some cryptocurrencies, you could still find a block solution within a reasonable amount of time even if you mine alone. It is always hard to run the full node for each coin you want to mine at your local facilities.
Therefore 2Miners presents the SOLO pools for every coin we have. It works the same way as standard pool: you connect to a specified address with your mining software, and you get all the available 2Miners features: statistics, bots, etc.
Mining With One GPU.
Is it possible to mine with a single GPU? Yes, it is. Mining pools exist especially for you. No matter if your hashrate is low, you could still get a regular reward if you mine at the pool. You could never find a cryptocurrency block alone, but the pool could do that. If you have participated in the block solution, you will get your piece of the block reward. Check our guide What to Mine with Low-End GPU.
How the SOLO Mining Pool Works.
SOLO mining is a type of cryptocurrency mining while using your own (or leased) hardware but without any help from other miners. If you find a solution for a block -- you get the coins if you don't -- you get nothing. "The winner takes it all" as the ABBA song says.
You can mine SOLO on your own or via individual SOLO pools. If you have no experience in mining pool setup (both software and hardware), we recommend you to use the special SOLO pools. Before starting your SOLO mining, you need to calculate the probability of finding the blocks with your hardware with We also recommend you to check the network hashrate chart. For example here is the chart for Ethereum Classic (ETC).
Where to Find Network Hashrate and Difficulty.
On the main page of each 2Miners mining pool Network Hashrate and Network Difficulty is shown. If you want to check not only the current information but the data for the last Week, Month or even Year, click the link below the value as shown on the screenshot below.
Where to Find Network Statistics.
You could find the complete network statistics if you click the Network tab on any page of your mining pool. Network statistics is updated in real-time. It could show you how do the cryptocurrency nodes operate when blocks are found, gas used in blocks an many more. Network statistics are indispensable for professional miners (SOLO miners especially).
How Much Can I Earn SOLO Mining.
Let's analyze the suitability of SOLO mining for Ethash mining algorithm for 12-13 mining rigs with 8 GPU's each. This hardware has a hashpower of approx. 3000 MH/s (= 3 GH/s). Go to, enable Ethash algorithm only, enter 3000 in the Ethash hashrate field.
If we are mining the Ethereum Classic, a simple calculation shows us that our capacities will bring us 8.9 ETC coins per day. Block reward in the Ethereum Classic is 4 ETC coins (could be a little less if the Block is Uncle but let's assume we get standard blocks only). In the ideal World (= on average), we will find two blocks per day and get eight coins. On a bad day, we will encounter one block or even no blocks, on a good day -- three blocks and more.
Let's assume you SOLO mine MOAC. Calculator expects 83 MOAC daily reward. Each MOAC block is two coins. This means you find 41 MOAC blocks on average every day if you mine SOLO.
What option do you think is more reliable: 2 ETC blocks a day or 41 MOAC blocks a day? Obviously, MOAC SOLO mining is more reliable. You don't risk much. Even if you find 40, 39 or even 35 blocks you don't lose much. However, if you mine ETC, you could finish the day without any blocks at all. On the other hand, if you believe you are lucky, ETC could bring you much more money. If you find 3 ETC blocks a day, you get a great bonus comparing to ordinary pool mining.
If the power of your hardware is less than 3000 MH/s other Ethash coins would suit you better: Pirl, MOAC, Metaverse, etc. Sometimes the profit is more if you mine MOAC for example with hashpower of 10 000 MH/s or more. It depends on the network hashrate and difficulty. The experienced SOLO miners often choose a specific coin to be mined every day, considering many indicators.
Best Coins for SOLO Mining.
As practice shows, the SOLO mining of simple coins using powerful hardware results into an increment of profit. We base our experience on the Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, MOAC, Metaverse, Pirl, and Callisto coins. If you look at the difficulty chart of the Ethereum and Ethereum Classic, compared to the others, you will understand why the mining of Classic is more profitable than they are. It is always good to get some regular payment, so don't go alone for harder to use Ethereum while you have just one GPU.
Note that Ethereum difficulty is shown in Ph and Ethereum Classic difficulty is shown in Th. 1 Ph equals to 1 000 Th, so Ethereum network difficulty is 20 times more than the network difficulty of Ethereum Classic.
There are some little-known coins on the Ethash algorithm, which you can mine in SOLO - for example, Dubaicoin. You need to be very careful with these coins because they typically are a victim to a drastic change of the exchange rate, and the difficulty of their network will change spontaneously - however, it is possible to make good money on these coins. Usually, the cryptocurrency exchanges for these coins are not very reliable. For example, Cryptopia was hacked and closed the past year.
Let's get back to the SOLO pool itself. Your graphics cards are searching for the solutions (shares) and forwarding them to the pool. If one of these solutions appears to be a correct one, the pool gets a reward for the created block.
At the SOLO pool, a miner whose GPU found a proper solution gets ALL the reward COMPLETELY.
If you are inquisitive, then you probably checked which of the miners from the big pools had found the block solution. Usually, those are the big miners, but at joint pools, they have to share the profit with all small miners.
Block Rewards in Mining.
For instance, in the Zcash network a block reward is ten coins or $675, in Ethereum network - 2 coins or $420, in Ethereum Classic -- 4 coins or $24, in MOAC -- 2 coins or $1. All information about the block rewards could be found on
It is essential to understand that to find the blocks in these networks, different capacities are required. Let's say, 3000 MH/s hardware can find two blocks per day in the Ethereum Classic network or 40 blocks in the MOAC network.
Cryptocurrency Mining Block Time.
One of the most critical parameters of any cryptocurrency network is block time; that is the time needed to find a new block (Read more). Block time is required to make the proper rewards calculations. You could see the real block time on Network Statistics page mentioned above or on the blockchain explorer. For example, use Etherscan for Ethereum network.
Why is block time so important? If you read Mining Difficulty and Network Hashrate Explained you already now that when there are no blocks in the network for some period of time the network reduces the mining difficulty. This allows miners to find "fast" blocks(it is another long story, though). Some pro miners are spending days and weeks waiting for one proper moment to load an enormous hashrate to the particular network.
If you do not have enough hashing power for SOLO mining on your own, you could always rent some on NiceHash ( or We know a lot of examples when miners made a vast profit doing SOLO mining.
Now you understand how the mining pool works. Go and make those coins! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask the professional miners in our crypto chat.
Different Bitcoin mining ( Pool Payment Methods (PPS vs FPPS vs PPLNS vs PPS+)
We at Luxor Mining have received a lot of questions about the different payment systems that we and other pools offer. So we figured it would be beneficial to put together an easy to read guide on the various systems.
Company Background.
Luxor is a Seattle-based mining pool operater. If you are interested in getting news from the Mining industry subscribe to our free bi-weekly newsletter here. We cover the latest news from the manufactures, mining farms, pools, rig price changes and more.
We also run Hashrate Index, a data website that tracks how much mining pools on aggregate are paying out to miners on an FPPS method here.
So what is PPS, FPPS, PPLNS and PPS+. Before we jump into it let's define a few terms:
Key Terms.
Block Reward - The block reward simply refers to the new coins distributed by the network to miners for each successfully solved block. In Bitcoin ( the miner that successfully finds a block is rewarded 6.25 BTC for their efforts. This number declines over time as we approach the maximum amount of BTC.
Transaction Fees - Some networks like Bitcoin ( also have considerable amounts of transactions fees rewarded to miners. These fees are the total of fees paid by users of Bitcoin ( (to execute transactions). In Dec-2019 this was roughly equal to 3-4% of the Block Reward but as of May-2020 it was above 10%.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 09:27 am
Hashing Power - A hash is the output of a hash function. Hash rate is the speed at which a computer is completing an operation in the cryptocurrency's code. Therefore, the amount of hashes are measured in hashes per second. A higher hashrate increases a miner's opportunity of finding the next block and receiving the block reward.
Luck - The luck of a mining pool is probabilistic in nature. Imagine that each miner is given a lottery ticket for a certain amount of hashing power they provide. If you were to provide 1 TH/s of hashing power and the overall hashing power in the network is 10 TH/s then you would receive 1 of 10 total lottery tickets. The probability of you winning the lottery (finding the block reward) would be 10%. So for every 10 blocks found you should statistically find 1 of them. Now imagine that you found 2 out of the 10 blocks, this means that you found a block earlier than you statistically should have on average. You are lucky! Now imagine you found 0 out of 10. This would make you unlucky. Over the long run statistically you should receive on average 1 out of 10 (or 10%) of blocks, but there is short term variance. For a more in depth article on calculating luck check out this article.
Mining Pool- All in all, mining is attempting to unlock each block to get the reward that is in it; the more attempts (hashes) you can perform per second the higher the chances you have to get the reward (i.e. the more lottery tickets you have the higher your chance of winning the lottery). Because miners by themselves typically don't have enough hashing power to consistently find blocks they join a pool that pools everyone's hash power and combines it to hash blocks. With more hashing power it is easier to find blocks. Then, the reward is split among the miners based on the amount of work they contributed and a small fee is given to the pool operator.
Payment Systems.
There are over 15 payment systems but the majority of pools operate on a PPS, FPPS, PPS+ and PPLNS basis. The difference of these will be explored in more detail than the rest.
Pay Per Share or commonly known as PPS offers an instant flat payout for each share that is solved.
Bringing this back to the lottery example, imagine that a miner submits 1 lottery share to the the pool operator. Even if the pool doesn't win the lottery the miner will still get paid 10% of the block reward (if there are 10 total tickets). The miner gets paid on what is statistically probable rather than what actually occurs. Now imagine that the miner submits 1 ticket and it happens to be the winning ticket. The miner still only receives 10% of the block reward.
What this system ultimately does is take out the "luck" and hence variance in a miners payout. Instead the pool operator absorbs all the risk of variance. In the long-run it should balance out to the statistical mean (obtain 10% of blocks) but in the short-run there can be a lot of variance.
Logistically, the payout to the miner is offered immediately from the pool's existing balance of the cryptocurrency. The possibility of cheating the miners by the pool operator and by timing attacks is completely eliminated.
This payment structure is riskier for pool operators given the variance. Usually only large pools with a lot of reserves can afford to take on the variance risk.
PPS is a very common payout method for alt-coins but not for Bitcoin ( as further explained below.
Full-Pay-Per-Share (FPPS)
In PPS the miner gets paid the expected value from the block reward. But block reward is only part of a miner revenue. The other part is transaction fees.
FPPS is similar to PPS, but not only does it pay out for the expected block reward but also the transaction fees. FPPS calculates a standard transaction fee within a certain period of time (usually past 24 hours or last day) and distributes it to miners.
FPPS increase the miners' earnings by paying out the transaction fees.
Pay Per Last N Share or commonly known as PPLNS is another popular payment method, which offers payment to miners as a % of shares they contribute to the total shares (N).
Usually the amount of shares submitted during a round (the time it takes to find 1 block) is variable due to luck. However under PPLNS it considers a fixed amount of shares (N), that is not constrained by the round boundaries. In this case N shares represents a fixed amount of shares that is not based on luck. Often N is set as twice the difficulty. For this payment structure, as you mine you earn shares meaning the more hashes you do the more shares you earn.
You only get paid out once a block is actually found (not if it is only statistically probable). Using the lottery example, if you commit 1 ticket (share) to a total of 10 (N) tickets in your pool than your payout will be 10% if your pool is able to win the lottery (find a block).
Using this system actually favors constant loyal pool members over pool hoppers because miners aren't incentivized to "quick mine" by mining on round with low amounts of shares.
Pay-Per-Share + (PPS+)
PPS+ is a hybrid of PPS and PPLNS.
The block reward is paid out on the expected value similar to PPS. The Transaction fees "+" are paid out on a PPLNS method, meaning that the pool's actual transaction fees are distributed to miners based on how much hashrate they contributed.
Which Payment Method is Best?
FPPS is generally preferred by miners (holding all else equal) given they do not have to take on the additional risk of variance (luck). PPS+ is usually acceptable if the mining pool is large enough that its finding blocks consistently.
FPPS is the most risky for a pool operator so it usually comes with a slightly higher fee. PPLNS pools have little to no risk for the pool operator so can have very low fees.
Legal Implications?
As pool operators we want to make sure that we are operating in accordance with the law. We went through the Howey Test and determined that neither a PPS or a PPLNS pool is a security.
Already a miner or interested in getting started?
Follow us on Twitter and tweet to us! We're happy to help:
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Other Payment Systems:
Double Geometric Method (DGM)
A hybrid between PPLNS and Geometric reward types that enables to operator to absorb some of the variance risk. Operator receives portion of payout on short rounds and returns it on longer rounds to normalize payments.
Equalized Shared Maximum Pay Per Share (ESMPPS)
Like SMPPS, but equalizes payments fairly among all those who are owed.
Pay On Target (POT)
A high variance PPS variant that pays on the difficulty of work returned to pool rather than the difficulty of work served by pool.
Pay Per Last N Shifts/Groups (PPLNSG)
Similar to PPLNS, but shares are grouped into "shifts" which are paid as a whole.
Proportional (Prop)
When block is found, the reward is distributed among all workers proportionally to how much shares each of them has found.
Recent Shared Maximum Pay Per Share (RSMPPS)
Like SMPPS, but system aims to prioritize the most recent miners first.
Score based system (Score)
A proportional reward, but weighed by time submitted. Each submitted share is worth more in the function of time since start of current round. For each share score is updated by: score += exp(t/C). This makes later shares worth much more than earlier shares, thus the miner's score quickly diminishes when they stop mining on the pool. Rewards are calculated proportionally to scores (and not to shares). (at slush's pool C=300 seconds, and every hour scores are normalized).
Shared Maximum Pay Per Share (SMPPS)
Like Pay Per Share, but never pays more than the pool earns.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 09:29 am
BF Labs, Inc. Processes $1 Million Bitcoin ( Merchant Transaction for Institutional Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Purchase.
Butterfly Labs Announces $1 Million Down-Payment on Multi-Million Dollar Order for Next Generation Bitcoin mining ( Hardware. Deposit will help enable production of innovative 28nm Monarch card.
Copy of receipt supplied by Bitpay.
We're pleased to be the preferred hardware supplier for HashTrade,
Overland Park, KS (PRWEB) October 31, 2013.
Butterfly Labs (BF Labs Inc.), the Kansas-based leader in Bitcoin mining ( technology, has announced that it has processed a payment of One Million dollars in Bitcoin ( through Bitpay - the largest single transaction ever executed by a Bitcoin ( payment processor.
These funds represent a down-payment on a multi-million dollar order from HashTrade, a sister company of one of Butterfly Labs' largest existing customers. The multi-PetaHash order is for Butterfly's innovative 28nm Monarch card, and these initial funds will be used to enable production of products which the company will begin delivering in December 2013.
"We're pleased to be the preferred hardware supplier for HashTrade," said Jeff Ownby, VP of Marketing for Butterfly Labs. "Our Monarch cards have been designed for easy deployment in large scale Bitcoin mining ( operations. The PCI form factor allows operators great flexibility using only common, off the shelf cases & power supplies. In high performance mode, significant performance beyond published figures can be realized. Then, should power conservation be the greater operational need, cards can be run in their efficiency mode with an almost halving of power consumption per unit of work performed."
This is a major endorsement of Butterfly Labs' technology and ability to deliver, from one of the industry's most significant players."Butterfly's technology is robust and reliable and our relationship is very strong," said Greg Bachrach, Co-Founder and CEO of HashTrade. "Having worked with their equipment now for some time, we are confident of Butterfly Labs' ability to deliver based on their multi-generational experience designing, producing and delivering high performance mining equipment. Because of this we feel that Butterfly Labs is one of the only institutional hardware vendors uniquely positioned to deliver exactly what they advertise."
About Butterfly Labs Butterfly Labs (BF Labs, Inc) is a Kansas-based manufacturer of hardware used for securing online transactions in the Bitcoin ( and other networks. Visit
Contact Jeff Ownby 708-601-4170 jeff(at)butterflylabs(dot)com.
About Hashtrade HashTrade is a premier data processing organization enabling all individuals to benefit from mining Bitcoins without having to purchase or operate any hardware. HashTrade will soon be offering hashing contracts to the public so anyone interested in profiting from Bitcoin mining ( will be able to do so in a simple and friendly way. Visit
About BitPay BitPay is a Payment Service Provider (PSP) specializing in eCommerce, B2B, and enterprise solutions for virtual currencies. Visit
Contact Jan Jahosky 407-331-4699 jan(at)bitpay(dot)com.
How a total n00b mined $700 in bitcoins.
We take a Butterfly Labs Bitcoin ( miner, plug it in, and make it (virtually) rain.
Lee Hutchinson - Jun 29, 2013 10:00 pm UTC.
reader comments.
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Toiling in the Bitcoin ( mines.
How a total n00b mined $700 in bitcoins Gold in them bits: Inside the world's most mysterious Bitcoin mining ( company View more stories.
There is a whirring, whining presence in my dining room. I notice it every time I walk through. Every day, it sucks down about one full kilowatt-hour of electricity. In a year, it will consume almost $100 worth of juice--and that's on top of the $274 it costs to buy the box in the first place. Oh, and it's hot, too. If I moved it into my office and could stand the noise, I could keep a cup of coffee comfortably warm on top of the thing. Why on earth would anyone want such a disagreeable little machine in their home?
The short answer: every day, that machine magically generates something like $20 in bitcoins.
The BFL miner: A video intro.
A newbie and his miner.
Ars Senior Business Editor Cyrus Farivar tapped me on the shoulder a few weeks back with a proposition. "I've got a Butterfly Labs Bitcoin mining ( box," he explained. "There aren't that many in the wild right now. I'm working on a story about the company, but I'm about to go on vacation. Do you want to see if you can get the thing working while I'm out?"
I was intrigued. Bitcoin ( That's the electronic currency that's quickly rocketed from lame nerd project to ludicrously valuable hot topic, right? I didn't know a lot about the world of Bitcoin ( other than the fact that "mining" them involved people building custom PCs with tons of video cards to handle the math. I certainly didn't know how to "mine" bitcoins myself or what to do with the things once I had them. I just knew that people eventually try to trade them in for cash somehow (but how to do that was also a total mystery).
And yet here was the opportunity to take a piece of hardware I'd never heard of and see if I could use it to magically create some money out of nowhere. I told Cyrus to send me the Butterfly Labs miner. As he trekked off to Peru for his vacation, I settled in with the little black box.
Butterfly Labs is a company that has drawn a fair amount of controversy for what the Bitcoin ( community at large perceives as a string of broken promises. The company sells ASIC ( Bitcoin ( miners--machines that are built around customized chips that do nothing except compute SHA-256 hashes very quickly. Its smallest miner (the one I had to get working) is codenamed "Jalapeño" and computes a bit over five billion hashes per second (or 5GH/s). The problem is that Butterfly Labs started selling the machines long before it actually had a product to sell. It began taking paid-in-full preorders back in mid-2012, and thousands of customers opened their wallets for Bitcoin ( miners ranging from the small 5GH/s miner at $274 all the way up to the large 500Gh/s miner, which costs $22,484.
Butterfly Labs promised certain performance targets to customers--it initially felt confident that its application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC ( designs would deliver one billion hashes per second for every 1.1 watt of power consumed. This proved extremely optimistic. Hardware delivery slipped multiple times. Now, a full year later, the first few real live Butterfly Labs boxes are finally being shipped, though no small number (as many as 30) were sent to journalists to review rather than to paying customers.
But when the little black box showed up on my doorstep, I had no idea about the deep and extremely vocal Bitcoin ( community or the story behind Butterfly Labs. I didn't really even fully understand what the miner did. I simply knew that I wanted to get this thing working and make some money.
Out of the box.
The 5GH/s Jalapeño miner is a black rounded cube with a brushed metal finish. The only connectors on the exterior of the device are on the back: a mini-USB port for data and a power plug. Near the power plug are a series of small red LEDs that the device uses to tell you its status, though there was no documentation in the box to explain what the LEDs meant. The front of the cube contains another red LED to indicate power.
There are two sets of vents, one low on the front and the other high on the rear. The device's internal 80 mm fan draws cooler air up from the front through the fins of the large heat sink mounted on the ASIC ( chip. It expels the now-warm air out through the top vents.
Rent Bitcoin mining ( rig.
RentaHash: Rent & Lease Cryptocurrency Mining Equipment?
RentAHash , found online at, is a mining rig rental platform. Find out how it works today in our review.
What Is RentaHash?
RentAHash , or Rent A Hash, makes it easy to rent various crypto mining rigs, including Scrypt, Ethash, X11, SHA-256, and other miners.
You pay to rent the rigs online. You can view reviews and comments for some of the most popular miners on the platform, including the speeds of each miner and the algorithm in which that miner specializes.
One of the unique things about RentAHash is that it exclusively uses BCH. You cannot send BTC to the platform.
RentaHash Available Mining Algorithms.
RentAHash has all of the following miners available to rent:
Scrypt Ethash SHA-256 X11 X13 X15.
RentaHash Customization Options.
You can customize your miner search based on all of the following options:
Rig Size: Small rigs, big rigs, small farms, medium rigs, and farms, with rigs separated by MH/s hashrates Rental Duration: 3h, 6h, 12h, 24, 48h, 3 days, 7 days, and 14 days Miscellaneous: Support and no support; quality (high or low reviews, based on user feedback)
You can also lease or rent rigs through the platform.
How To Rent A Rig With RentAHash.
RentAHash makes it easy to rent a rig through the platform. Search for rigs using the customization options listed above. Or, pick your rig from the list of the most popular rentals.
Each rig has its own sales page. You can view ratings on that page, as well as a description from the rig's owner. You can view the number of rentals that rig has completed, including the complete rental history for the rig.
Other crucial information includes the price, the hashrate per day, and the mining algorithm.
You can also view a user profile for the owner of the rig, including the number of rigs that owner has listed through RentAHash.
Overall, here's how the rental process works with RentAHash:
You top your account up using BCH using your account's BCH address (do not send BTC) You choose your rig and the duration of the rental period You choose which pool you want to mine (you will need the pool Stratum URL, a worker name, and a worker password) Wait for your BCH payment to be confirmed 1 time if it's not already in your balance Your rig will start mining.
That's it! RentAHash only supports Stratum pools (although 99% of mining pools use Stratum).
RentAHash Fee.
RentAHash charges a fee of 3%. This fee is added on top of the advertised price of the rig. You pay this fee as the renter of the rig.
RentaHash Conclusion.
RentAHash is the new online home of BetaRigs. The BetaRigs website transitioned to become RentAHash in early January 2018.
" Rig " is any device that is used for the act of mining . But what is the difference between mining PCs and special mining rigs? Mining desktop PCs are used for other day to day tasks in addition to mining, as other normal PCs, but the mining rigs are specially-designed for the sole purpose of mining cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin. The mining rigs have no other skills or uses but because of their speciality, they generate the best possible mining process that please you with the maximum return. PCs are not powerful means of mining but if you do not want to spend on a device that does a single task, you can buy a powerful one that does a comparatively good job.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 09:29 am
Mining machines, namely rigs, exist in various kinds, powers, prices, power consumption rates, and brands. The device that you choose to do the act of mining with, determines a coefficient of the profit that you will make through this market. So be patient and careful to make a perfect choice.
The first and foremost factor to consider, in choosing a mining machine to buy, is its power or Hash Rate with which it works. Mining machines are different in the rate of hash. But hash rate is not something you can calculate by a formula. It is determined empirically. To reach this, you should ask someone who has used the same kind of machine and has measured how many hashes per second it actually performs for a given hash algorithm. In general there is no guarantee about the data the seller provides. The best way to figure out your hash rate would be to actually run the hardware and see what happens or to ask someone you trust on, who has utilized the same kind of machine, to inform you.
Next, you have to pay attention to the price. The cheaper your rig, the sooner your initial investment will be back. Of course try not to choose a machine so cheap that it has no value. There are different sites and markets where you can see the prices of machines to choose one. At the time of writing this journal, the prices of Bitcoin mining ( machines fluctuate between the range of 300 to 2,800,000 dollars. You should choose the one most appropriate one for your budget and goals.
In addition, you should be aware of the type of hardware of your future rig. Before the advent of GPUs for computing bitcoins algorithm, CPUs were used. However, GPU renders images more quickly than a CPU due to its parallel processing architecture. This is what enables the GPU to carry out multiple calculations at the same time. The CPU has less Arithmetic Logical Units, and so when it comes to hash required proof of work, its performance is slow. As compared to GPU and CPU mining , ASIC ( is more preferred. Its mining-hardware solves very complex algorithms. On the other hand, GPU and CPU mining hardware decode graphics algorithms and processor-based algorithms, respectively. However, the attraction GPU mining ( hardware holds is its offer of more hash power compared to CPU and low electricity cost compared to ASIC (
besides the amount of power consumption of the chosen rig is another salient factor to consider. Power is an expensive energy and if you are a professional miner with a professional site for mining power costs surely is one of your most important considerations. So be careful to choose the most efficient mining rig for your trade. Finally, one can choose among different brands of these digital huge rigs. As you can see, despite the profit potential of mining bitcoin, your Bitcoin mining ( hardware's upfront and energy costs can actually do harm to your bank account. Picking the wrong hardware could cost you more money to operate than the amount of funds you earn mining bitcoin with it.
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How to Rent Hash Power For Speculative Crypto Mining ( in 2020.
Cryptocurrency mining has become increasingly more difficult to participate as time has gone on, not only it takes more mining equipment to stay competent in the increasingly growing industry, but it's also more and more difficult to get your foot in the door.
However, there's an alternative method, that doesn't require the high initial cost to get started, and which is available to anyone. Because you can actually purchase hash power from other miners and participate with speculative mining coins not many are aware of.
That's right, you can actually rent hash power and make decent stable extra income.
Note: Investment (including spec mining) involves risks and profits are not guaranteed!
What is speculative crypto mining? Can you make money with speculative mining? How can you start renting hash power? NiceHash ( MiningRigRentals How to buy hash power from the marketplace Additional hash renting tips and tricks The bottom line.
What is speculative crypto mining?
Speculative mining or simply (spec mining) is a concept in which cryptocurrency users participate mining newly launched coin in order to profit from future price appreciation.
Contrary to the usual mining behavior in which users mine the most profitable coins, Spec mining means users participate in mining newly launched unknown coins with zero or very little ROI that they expect to establish value over time.
In other words, speculative mining is nothing but investing hash rate into projects that have very low difficulty and which not many people are aware of. These types of projects are less likely to be seen in common places such as Coinmarketcap, or other large websites. And many times these coins are in their early stages which means there may or may not be even mining pools available, the code can have bugs, and it's just a mess, to begin with.
Anyhow this is also where the most cryptocurrency profits are generated with, imagine for example mining Ethereum at its early stage of $1 a coin, and holding on to modern-day, you'd be rolling in cash never having to worry about making money again.
Can you make money with speculative mining?
The obvious answer is: Of course you can, however, it may also be difficult to get started, not only you have to find precious coins which not many are aware of, but you also have to accept that there are no gains without some risks involved.
Successful speculative cryptocurrency mining depends on several factors. First of all, you have to figure your initial investment capital, the mining difficulty, and the current outlook for the future of the coin.
And of course, you also have to keep eye on the middle, long term, and short term profitability. As more miners discover the newly launched coin you are participating, the difficulty also can increase exponentially.
This is why it's important to establish your risk factors, and whether you are mining for fun, or for-profit as each scenario may require you to act differently.
How can you start renting hash power?
You can start mining any coin you like, by following these four simple steps:
Register a new account either on NiceHash ( or MiningRigRentals. Find the coin you want to mine and register on the pool you want to mine that coin in. Place a new order on the hash power marketplace with the right algorithm. Sit back and relax, check your income at the chosen pool.
And that's about it after you have your rented miner set up, it will keep mining till you run out of funds. Lets now take a more detailed look at what both of these platforms have to offer.
NiceHash ( is the largest crypto mining hash power marketplace that connects cryptocurrency miners either to purchase or sell hash power. The platform offers an intuitive interface that lets users easily either sell hash power by pointing their miners at NiceHash ( while simultaneously giving buyers the option to point this hash rate at their chosen cryptocurrency.
For miners interested in selling hash power, the platform automatically chooses the highest most profitable algorithms to mine (based on buyers' orders) and converts profits automatically to Bitcoin (
NiceHash ( hash power marketplace works entirely also on Bitcoin (, meaning it's the currency used for both purchasing and selling hash power. And although buyers can deposit many other cryptocurrencies, in order to finalize hash power order one has to still exchange those other cryptocurrencies to Bitcoin (
All in all, NiceHash ( has a total of 34 mining algorithms supported including of course Bitcoins original Sha-256, Scrypt, DaggerHashimoto, CryptoNight, Blake, Equihash, and many others.
And because NiceHash ( prioritizes the most popular stratum mining pool protocol, the amount of mining pools capable of being used is also quite significant.
To get started renting hash power with NiceHash ( is actually quite simple, all you have to do is to register an account with the platform using your email address. From where you can deposit Bitcoin ( or other cryptocurrencies and create an order for the hash power.
Note that NiceHash ( also operates as an exchange, and no KYC documents whatsoever are required as long as you do not want to use fiat currencies.
MiningRigRentals or simply MRR is one of the largest and most powerful cryptocurrency mining hash rate marketplaces.
The platform offers a large set of advanced tools for miners interested in leasing their mining rigs. This includes the ability to lease your mining rig at the competitive price you want, meaning renters are forced to rent and the price you set.
Moreover, leasing has very little risk as you can also set failover pools to mine directly on the pool while waiting for someone to rent from you.
Both buyers and sellers can pay and get paid on multiple cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (, Litecoin, Bcash, Ethereum, or Dash.
MiningRigRentals also absolutely dominates when it comes to the number of mining algorithms they support, with a total of over 120+ algorithms users are sure to find one to suit them.
To get started with MiningRigRentals nothing but an account is required, simply register with your email address, and deposit some cryptocurrencies to get begin with.
Note the MRR platform is not operating any type of exchange services, therefore you cannot change your currency of choice within the platform, and must do so before the deposit.
How to buy hash power from the marketplace.
This is a simplified step by step section to guide you through the process of purchasing hash power on either NiceHash ( or MiningRigRentals hash power marketplaces.
To get started you'll have to register either on NiceHash ( or MiningRigRentals and deposit some cryptocurrencies. While MiningRigRentals have no minimum order size, the minimum order size for NiceHash ( is 0.005 BTC. Make sure you have at least this amount in your account or you cannot create an order, to begin with! Before you create any orders, you must figure out what coin you want to mine, and which pool you want to mine that coin in. Proper research must be done at this point to get everything correct going forward. We suggest checking both WhatToMine and CoinWarz for coin profitability and pool examples. Register at your chosen pool provider, and create a worker. Each pool usually has a detailed help section on how to do this, as it can be slightly different for each pool but the concept is always the same. (Worker requires both username and password.) Start the hash power order process by choosing your algorithm, note that both platforms have a slightly different approach to this, as with NiceHash ( buyers set the price, while in MiningRigRentals sellers set the price. Add the required pool information on the hash power market order. This means you have to make the stratum server of your miner to point at the right pool such as: " stratum+tcp://″ don't forget to include the worker username and password. (Verify your pool information before making an order.) If everything is correct with the algorithm you've chosen and the pool you want to mine, simply place a new order on the hash power marketplace. And that's it, you can now check your income at a chosen pool. Note that the pool itself is responsible for your mining rewards. And the hash power marketplaces only guarantee the delivery of hashing power you purchased.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 09:30 am

Nicehash ( OS (NHOS) How to Install, Setup and Configure *Updated for 2020*|26:28
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Feb 28, 2021, 09:30 am

Why Hive OS is the best Mining ( operation system we have so far.|4:19
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 05:15 am
Additional hash renting tips and tricks.
Here are some additional tips and tricks that you should be aware of.
When purchasing hash power it's better to specify the time limit for a longer period (minimum 24 hours), unless you want to push an absurd amount of hash power at any given time. (This is a sure way of losing money unless you know what you are doing.) NiceHash ( low priced orders. If you have the patience you don't have to get into mining immediately, but instead, you can choose to wait for miners to pick up your order during a long enough timeframe. (You can also move the order higher without additional cost.) If for any reason, any specific cryptocurrency has a quick decrease with its mining difficulty, then there's also an equally higher chance that a large mining hash rate could, in turn, turn some real profits rather quickly as well. Whenever the Ethereum network is clocked up, there's a chance to earn some easy profits by simply mining on a pool, which pays both transaction fees as well as a block reward.
Hash power marketplaces are quite interesting concepts from a lot of perspectives, not only they can allow 51% attack on smaller coins, money laundering opportunities, and countless other activities, including huge advantages when it comes to trading illiquid markets.
Since new coins can be picked for pennies, if you choose right, it doesn't take more then one home run to change your life forever. And not only that with proper research and right market conditions one can actually mine even the regular coins and turn some profit.
So if you are interested in mining or trading cryptocurrencies in general, then we definitely suggest you check out what speculative mining is all about, and what is achievable. As both platforms, NiceHash ( and MiningRigRentals come with years of experience within the cryptocurrency hash rate rental mining industry making it super easy, to begin with.
That being said, now it's time to hear what you think: So have you ever thought of trying speculative mining before?
Here's also some other articles you might find interesting:
Mining Rig Rentals - Lease Working Cryptocurrency Equipment? promises to be the faster and smarter way to rent or lease mining rigs. Find out how the site works today in our review.
What is
Mining Rig Rentals , or MRR, lets you lease or rent cryptocurrency mining rigs. The site is catered towards beginners who want to try cryptocurrency mining - as well as veterans who want to increase their hash in preparation for a coin launch. The website promises to be a one stop shop for all your cryptocurrency mining needs.
In addition to offering mining rigs, the company offers its own mining pool. The pool currently supports SHA256, X11, and Scrypt.
When renting or leasing rigs through MiningRigRentals, you can pay using Bitcoin ( and Litecoin.
Meanwhile, people who own miners can list their rig for lease on MRR. You can make money from your unused or under-used mining rigs.
How Does Mining Rig Rentals Work?
Renting or leasing a rig with MiningRigRentals is straightforward. You sign up for the website, then fund your account with Bitcoin ( or Litecoin. Then, choose the rig you want to rent.
You can make rental choices based on the "actual" hash rate. MiningRigRentals has a system that tracks the complete hash rate history of all mining rigs. You can view this history in simple graphs.
Meanwhile, live hashrate graphs are available when you're viewing an individual rig. You can also view an aggregate of all your rented rigs from your rental control panel.
Once you've rented or leased a mining rig, you don't actually get that rig at your home address. Instead, the rig is kept at the rig owner's location - wherever that may be. You "effectively" own the rig for that period of time, and can use it however you like. However, the rig won't be delivered to your address.
Mining Rig Rentals Features.
What makes Mining Rig Rentals different from other mining providers? Here are some of the key features and distinctions:
Make rental choices based on the actual hash rate, tracked over time for the complete history of a rig View your entire set of rental rigs, including their hash performance, at a glance Backup pools; if you've ever participated in a coin launch, only to find your first pool choice isnt' up and running, then the Mining Rig Rentals system lets you set up to 5 pools in a fail over Multiple choices, and Mining Rig Rentals is committed to releasing rental channels "for any and all active algorithms" Extensive support staff, including an active network of developers and a robust support ticket system Backend proxy system coded 100% in fast C++ for fast reaction times and 99.9% uptime Refunds are precisely calculated to return what you are owed in accepted shares versus what was advertised Rentals are reviewed for low performance to ensure customers are getting the exact hashrate they're paying for.
Benefits for Rig Owners.
Rig owners can list their rigs for lease on Mining Rig Rentals. Why would they do that? Here are some of the advertised benefits according to the platform:
Avoid messing around with different pools and use the MRR pool; it's easy to join, and you just click the button to add the MRR pool to your config automatically, then connect your miner to the rig to begin earning profits Listing your rig allows renters to choose to lease your rig at the prices you want; rig owners can maximize profit for little risk You mine directly to your configured pool when your rig isn't rented You receive any rental proceeds 12 hours after the rental ends; you don't need to wait days for the pool to pay you when you can get paid within half a day Easy withdrawals; you can enable automatic withdrawals, in which case funds are sent to your BTC or LTC address anytime your account reaches a certain balance Website pool manager that allows you to change what pool your miner is connected to from the MRR website (5 pools can be configured with a fail over) Hash rate graphs that give you an up-to-the-minute moving average No fee for using the MRR website or service Robust accounting system where you can see all of your history and how much money you made.
Who's Behind Mining Rig Rentals?
The domain was registered in February 2014. The site appears to have been active since April 2014. They describe themselves as "the eHarmony of the mining community" and list their address as New York City on their Twitter page. Aside from that, however, we can't find much public information about who's running the company.
Nevertheless, Mining Rig Rentals has been active and available online for 3.5 years at this point, and they appear to be a legitimate, trusted service based on what we can find online.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 05:15 am
Mining Rig Rentals Conclusion.
Mining Rig Rentals is a web pool manager that makes it easy to rent or lease mining rigs. Rig owners can generate profits from their unused or under-used rigs, while anyone can rent or lease a rig to access more hash power. It's all available through a convenient online interface. BASIC (, the goal of Mining Rig Rentals is to connect rig owners with rig renters. That's why they call themselves the "eHarmony of the mining community." - XRP was trading at $0.38069 by 04:00 (09:00 GMT) on the Index on Saturday, up 20.34% on the day. It was the largest one-day percentage gain since May.
Value of Bitcoin mining (
November 19, 2020 by admin 0 Comments.
Best Mining Pools For Bitcoin ( & Cryptocurrencies.
If you have purchased any equipment or software for mining Bitcoin ( or any other cryptocurrency, in order to start generating profits, you must first connect to a mining pool. A mining pool is the pooling of resources by a vast number of miners over a shared network.
How Mining Pools Work.
In a shared network or pool, users are given the opportunity to combine each others computing power or hash-rate. The larger the hash-rate in a pool, the higher probability of finding a block. Once a block is discovered on the blockchain, everyone is then rewarded based on how much they have contributed to the pool.
Diving in further, all members of the mining pool will be awarded a Share when a valid partial proof-of-work is provided. Mining pools have made it easier for all users who mine cryptocurrencies to get in on the action and earn profits. One thing to remember is that solo mining today is achievable, but you are less likely to succeed due low hash-rate and or increased difficulty in solving a block.
In 2019, the average mining hash-rate for a given pool network is around 1000 Petahash which is equivalent to 1000000 Terahash. Each mining pool listed below has different distribution methods that they use to achieve their goals for it's users. Those methods are as follows: Pay-Per-Share, Proportional, Pooled Mining, Pay-Per-Last, Peer-to-Peer, and Geometric.
Mining Pool Companies.
Below is a list of companies that provide users the ability to connect their ASIC ( Miners, GPU mining ( Setups, or CPU Mining Software to a mining pool. This is where your miners can contribute hash power to the overall pool where you can earn a profit.
Poolin is a company that offers mining pool services to customers looking to earn a profit in the cryptocurrency space. Coins that can be mined on their network are BTC, ZEC, LTC, RVN, ETH, DCR, DASH, XMR, BCH, and BSV. On the date of this post, With a network share of 16.70%, Poolin is mining at a all time high of 16,802.21 PH/s. This makes Poolin the largest mining pool network today.
Poolin has an online dashboard through their website where you can login and monitor your mining activities. Feel free to download the mobile app to instantly check on your progress anywhere around the world. The minimum payout for Bitcoin ( on this network is 0.005 btc.
In terms of popularity and usage, F2Pool is right behind Poolin for the lead in pool mining. F2Pool became China's first mining pool in 2013 when it was founded. Ever since then, F2Pool has aimed to become the leader and one of the largest mining pool networks today. F2Pool support over 40 cryptocurrencies and growing. Some of the notable digital coins are BTC, LTC, ETH, and ZEC.
Getting started with F2Pool is simple. Thier straight forward website lays out the steps for you to follow. Simply click on the Sign-Up button to get started. Connect your miner, enter your wallet address, and start mining your profits. You can monitor your activity directly on their website or download their mobile app (on Google Play and Apple Store). The minimum payout for Bitcoin ( on this network is 0.005. is one of the most reliable pool networks online. they have a strong reputation of transparency and trust amongst all of their users. occasionally rewards it's users with prizes just for using their network instead of their competitors. The cryptocurrencies currently being mined on their network are BTC, BCH, ETH, ETC, LTC, DCR, GRIN, GRIN31, BEAM, UBTC, and CKB. offers Full Pay Per Share (FPPS) and Pay Per Share earning methods for mining your profits efficiently and effectively. You can monitor your mining pool activity through their website by using your computer or mobile phone. To make mining more profitable, has release a software called BTC Smart Agent.
This software is said to "greatly improve the communication efficiency between the farm and the pool, saving bandwidth and stabilizing connection". BTC Smart Agent software is available for both Windows 7 or higher and Linux Platforms.
ViaBTC is another strong contender in the mining pool market. Launched in 2016, this company has not stopped improving their platform and features for users. Using the PPS+ method, ViaBTC allows users to mine BTC, BCH, BSV, LTC, ETH, ZEC, DCR, XMR, and Dash. The networks total hashrate at the moment is over 10,000 PH/s giving it a network share of a little over 10%.
ViaBTC stands out above their competition by offering features that all miners or crypto investors need. Feel free to use thier Blockchain Explorer which allows you to track or confirm transactions on the Blockchain network. ViaBTC also provides you with Wallet Addresses for all of their mining supported digital coins. ViaBTC utilizes the PPS+, PPLNS, and SOLO mining methods.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:30 am
Sign-in directly on their website to monitor your mining progress or use their mobile app which double's up as a crypto wallet to store all of your digital coins. The app is available in the Google Play and Apple Store.
AntPool offers a stable service that gives it's users profits daily by using efficient and effective mining methods. AntPool supports a growing list of cryptocurrencies to mine on thier network such as BTC, BCH, LTC, ETH, ETC, ZEC, DASH, SCC, SMC, BTM, and more. AntPool uses a variety of earning methods such as PPLNS, SOLO, and PPS+ for bring you profits.
The minimum for withdrawal on their network is 0.001 btc. You can also set the limit higher to 0.05 btc to withdraw a bigger profit. Log in directly on their website to monitor the progress of your crypto mining operation. Take advantage of their updated AntPool APP 4.0 where you can monitor your progress from anywhere. The app supports sub-account mining and wallet address mining.
Launched in 2010, Slush Pool was considered the first mining pool online offering users to earn a profit with Bitcoin mining ( From then up until now, Slush Pool continues to thrive as one of the most secure reliable mining pools today. Compared to other mining pool companies, Slush Pool's overall network usage rate is smaller because they only focus one two digital coins at the moment, and that's BTC and ZEC.
What stands out the most about this platform is their comprehensive dashboard online. The stats and metrics are laid out very simple for beginners and advanced users. Monitor your mining progress and check on the status of your active ASIC ( miners on the worker tab. You can actively monitor the performance of each machine and set alerts.
Slush Pool offers a low withdrawal minimum of 0.001 BTC and 0.001 ZEC. Payments are automatic and sent instantly to your wallet.
A mining pool gives you the opportunity to join a network of other miners in a collective effort to earn Bitcoin ( or cryptocurrencies by solving/discovering a block on the Blockchain. Due to the increase in mining difficulty halving that happens each year to Bitcoin (, the best way to achieve a consistent profit is by joining one the mining pools listed above.
Also be aware that performance and results are not solely put in the hands of the mining pool. The amount of hash-rate you contribute will determine how much profit you can make.
A Guide to Building Your Own Crypto Mining ( Rig.
Cryptocurrency mining has in many respects become an industrialized business. But despite the concentration of hashing power, the increasing difficulty and diminishing returns, in some cases it can still be profitable to mint coins as an amateur miner, probably the most honest way to earn some digital cash. Here's a guide on how to build a mining rig.
Is It Late to Get Started With Crypto Mining (
The reduced market capitalization of digital assets, in comparison to last year's all-time highs, has inevitably affected the profitability of cryptocurrency mining. That's a fact of life but still there's a number of other factors that can influence the outcome of mining - electricity rates, regulations, hardware prices, and even climate, to name a few. Their weight in the equation may vary significantly in different locations, from one jurisdiction to another.
In times when major producers of highly specialized equipment like Bitmain and Bitfury are building ASIC ( chips and rigs for mining bitcoin with ever-increasing productivity and efficiency, some say crypto mining in homes, basements and garages is a dying hobby. Add to that reports about GPU manufacturers like Nvidia losing interest in the crypto segment of the market, miners in Iceland exploring better opportunities in other sectors and the future of amateur mining starts to look bleak.
But that's not necessarily the case. There are a number of altcoins whose developers continue the struggle to maintain ASIC ( There are many countries where the costs of mining are relatively low - in some parts of , for example, electricity rates are below $0.04 USD per kilowatt. For many enthusiasts around the world at-home mining is not a lost cause, not yet. Many of them can still support the family budget without huge expectations for revenue and profit.
Setting up a Home Mining Rig With GPUs.
Catering to the crypto community, Decenter, a popular n platform supported by experts, developers, and investors, has answered many questions asked by crypto enthusiasts. Recently, the information portal published a guide to building mining rigs that encompasses the bASIC ( steps to becoming an amateur miner. The outlet has done its best to protect wannabe miners from unnecessary expenses and help them make the optimal choices, and ultimately make a buck or two.
Rig frame - The experts at Decenter recommend that you choose an aluminum one. The metal is more rigid in comparison with wood, it's not flammable and is а good conductor of electricity which is a serious advantage as all components of the mining system must be grounded.
Motherboard - It should be able to support between 4 and 8 video cards which means it must have at least 4 PCI-E ports. Some of the most popular motherboards are based on P45, P43, and P35 chipsets - Gigabyte GA-EP35-DS3L and Asus P5Q Deluxe, for example. An inexpensive option is the Z270-based Gigabyte GA-Z270P-D3 which powers up to 6 GPUs and costs less than $100. Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3P is a good alternative for AMD fans, but it supports only 5 cards.
Processor - A bASIC ( Z270-based Intel configuration can be assembled with a Celeron G3900 (G3930) processor (
$40) and Core 2 Duo E7300 CPU for P45, P43, P35-based rigs (
$15). Athlon X3 445 is suitable for AMD-platforms with 970A chipset (
$10). Multicore processors, like the Intel Core i3, i5, i7 CPUs for Z270 chipset platforms are good for mining coins based on the Cryptonight algorithm such as Monero.
RAM - Quantity beats quality here as productivity is not so heavily dependent on the generation or the price. At least 4GB are needed. The most common type these days is DDR3 which is also cheap ­at around $5 per gigabyte. It's important to make sure, however, that the motherboard supports it as some of the newer models don't. DDR4 is more expensive at.
$40 - $50 for a 4GB stick.
Storage - The hashing power of mining rigs is not really influenced by the size and the speed of the storage device. The system uses it to occasionally record logs. Any hard drive with a 50GB capacity will be sufficient. Buying an SSD is not really justified as a good old HDD will do the job and it can be had for as little as $10−$15 on the second hand market. Make sure to check for bad sectors before you buy it.
Power supply - The unit has to be 80 Plus certified which means higher efficiency. Power supplies are usually rated as Plus, Plus Bronze, Plus Silver, Plus Gold, and Plus Platinum and their prices depend on the class. Bronze and Gold are considered optimal for mining purposes. Aerocool KCAS power supplies are in high demand on the market and their prices average at around $45 for 600 watts. Corsair devices are the most common Plus Gold power supplies and they start from $100 for 750 watts.
Video cards ­- GPUs, or Graphics Processing Units, are by far the most important component of a cryptocurrency mining rig. Both Nvidia and AMD have their advantages and shortcomings. The main differences are related to mining efficiency in terms of hash rate and power consumption which also depend on the algorithm of the mined coin. Nvidia cards are generally easier to tune, less prone to cooling problems but need a bit more energy. On the other hand, AMD GPUs are harder to resell after a while as they are less popular with gamers.
Staying away from the newest and most expensive solutions, Nvidia GTX series offers good results when mining Equihash coins like Zcash and Bitcoin ( Private. Ethereum and other cryptos based on the Ethash algorithm do better with cards such as RX580 which can reach over 30 Mhash/s, while the 6GB GTX 1060 can only do around 22.
Some of the most popular graphics chips currently used in rigs are Nvidia GTX 1050 Ti (15−16 Mhash/s, 190 Sol/s, $180−$210), GTX 1060 6GB (20−22 Mhash/s, 310 Sol/s, $350−$400), GTX 1070 (32 Mhash/s, 470 Sol/s, $550−$600), GTX 1080 Ti (50 Mhash/s, 750 Sol/s, $900−$1,000), and among the AMD products - RX560 (14−15 Mhash/s, 120−130 Sol/s, $150−$180), RX580 (30−31 Mhash/s, 290 Sol/s, $380−$400), Vega 64 (43 Mhash/s, 400 Sol/s, $850−$1000).
Do you think home mining will remain profitable in the long run? Share your thoughts on the subject in the comments section below.
How to Build a Cryptomining Rig.
Photo Source: geekitek.
The creation of Bitcoin ( in 2008 was the beginning of the cryptocurrency craze. To put simply, cryptocurrency is a digital currency. Encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency. Crypto uses a technology called blockchain, which is decentralized. Every computer on the network confirms each transaction. Today, people are "mining" or "hashing" for the cryptocurrency using supercomputers.
If you've built a PC in the past, creating a cryptocurrency mining rig shouldn't be too hard. This article will help break down how these crypto mining supercomputer rigs are built, and also fill you in on the risks of building a mining rig.
Risks of building a crypto mining rig.
There are different risks involved in building a mining rig, but one of the most prominent risks is the cost of investment. The average cost of a ready-built mining rig like an Antminer S9 can cost anywhere between $700-$2000. The estimated cost to mine a single bitcoin (currently worth $11,962) is estimated to be about $4,758 in electricity costs in the US. Doing some quick math, for a bASIC ( ready-built rig and after mining one bitcoin, you have invested a total of just under $13,000. You would need mine another .17 bitcoin to just break even.
If you decide to build a rig, there are three main costs you will have to take into account: hardware costs, software costs, and you would still need to factor in electricity.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:31 am
Building a Mining Rig.
Buying a preassembled mining rig is quite expensive, but will save you time. But if you are looking for a new hobby, building a crypto mining rig could be a fun project if you're into building things from the bottom up. We will breakdown what you will need for your very own rig.
The first thing you will need is a Rig frame . We recommend using an aluminum frame. Metal frames are more rigid and are not flammable like wood frames. It also conducts electricity well, which is important since all the components of your rig should be grounded.
The next is the Motherboard . Your motherboard should be able to hold between 4 and 8 video cards. Make sure you get a motherboard with at least 4 PCI-E ports. Some of the most popular motherboards are based on P45, P43, and P35 chipsets. A good example of these is the Asus P5Q and the Gigabyte GA-EP35-DS3L. Or you can go with a less expensive option with the Z270-based Gigabyte GA-Z270P-D3. This motherboard still powers 6 GPUs, and you can find it for less than $100.
You will also need a Processor . If you are looking for something bASIC (, a Celeron G3900 processor and Core 2 Duo E7300 CPU for P45, P43, and P35 based rigs can support a bASIC ( Z270 configuration. An Athlon X3 445 is a good choice for AMD platforms with 970A chipset. Multiprocessors (Intel Core i3, i5, i7) CPUs for Z270 are also a good choice especially if you are mining on the Cryptonight algorithm such as Monero.
You will also need plenty of RAM . The more RAM you have the better your system will run. We recommend at least 4GB. An inexpensive option is the DDR3, which you can find around $5 per gigabyte. Do some research and make sure the motherboard you have selected supports the RAM you choose.
Storage is another important part of your crypto mining rig. Although the hashing power of your system isn't influenced by the size and the speed of the storage--it is still imperative for your system to record information. Any 50GB hard drive should be enough for these purposes. A Solid State Drive isn't necessary for this, so we suggest opting for a traditional HDD instead.
You will need a good Power Supply . The unit will require an 80 Plus certified power supply. This is a higher efficiency power supply, which is vital for crypto mining. Power supplies are class rated: Plus, Plus Bronze, Plus Silver, Plus Gold, and Plus Platinum. We suggest getting a Gold rated power supply for mining. Corsair makes some great options for Plus Gold.
The most important piece for a mining rig is Video Cards . A Graphics Processing Units or GPUs will do all the heavy lifting for your rig. This is where you should be spending the bulk of your money. Nvidia and AMD are good options and both have their share of benefits and weaknesses.
The benefits of a GPU mining ( rig will outweigh a CPU rig. A GPU mining ( rig will be more expensive than a CPU, but it will have a higher hashing power. It will also support mining a wide variety of cryptocurrencies that have differing hashing algorithms. It will also be more profitable in the end.
Nvidia video cards need more energy but are great for the ease of use. Nvidia cards are less likely to have issues with cooling and are easier to tune. AMD cards are less popular with gamers, which makes them harder to sell when you decide to stop mining or want to upgrade to a different card. A good option is the Nvidia GTX series. The RX580 mines aft a 30Mash/s, while the GTX 1060 can do about 22 Mhash/s. You can find these cards around $350- $400 each.
Buying a Preassembled Mining Rig.
If you have experience building computers or you're looking for a new hobby, building a mining rig can be fun. But if you are looking to get mining as quickly as possible, buying a preassembled rig can be your best option. This will be more expensive, but it will save you time and money (in a sense that you can start making your money back fast). Different companies will build a rig for you, and depending on what specifications you choose, you will spend anywhere between $5000 - $20,000. If you don't have experience building and want to mine as quickly as possible, we suggest going this route.
Creative Ways People Are Mining Cryptocurrency.
Not everyone has the expendable income to build or buy a crypto mining rig. This is why people are finding creative ways to mine cryptocurrency. One of the most interesting ways is called "cryptojacking". This is a scam that can be found on thousands of websites.
This scam steals the computing power from your device without your knowledge and uses it to mine cryptocurrency. This technique uses JavaScript, which works immediately after you open a website. As long as you are on specific sites, cryptojackers are stealing your computer's computing power to mine crypto. In the past cryptojackers have been able to hack the Tesla Company Cloud, the entire Google Chrome browser. There was even an incident where a cryptojacker was able to hack a Starbucks Wi-Fi in Buenos Aires and was able to use everyone's computing power who was using the coffee shop's Wi-Fi.
Click here for more information and how to protect yourself from cryptojackers.
Conclusion: Is it worth it?
Cryptocurrency has only been around for 11 years, and the craze is still alive. New data center cooling methods have been implemented over the years just to keep up with crypto mining. Liquid immersion cooling has been more popular and more in demand since the craze started.
We don't know the lasting nature of cryptocurrency in our society, in fact, there is only so much cryptocurrency that will be available to mine. But we do know that the currency is extremely valuable and can be a nice payday if you are patient enough to mine for it.
How to Build an Ethereum Mining Rig at Home in 2020.
Ethereum (ETH) has become more appealing in 2020, with prices rising above $270. Mining has also picked up, awarding 2 ETH each 15 seconds, or 8 ETH per minute.
Ethash Still Accessible to Home-Based Mining Rigs.
In 2020, the Ethash algorithm is still amenable to home-based mining, and it is possible to build a rig and compete for block rewards.
An Ethereum mining rig is best built using GPU. Currently, there are specialized rigs with about 200 million hashes per second. However, the Ethereum community favors a potential hard fork to disable any Ethash-optimized ASIC (
Would you support a hard fork that obsceletes ETH ASIC ( (Just wondering, this is not a proposal)
Thus, it is safer to still use GPU, which is more agile and in a cinch, can be directed at new networks. Yet, some GPUs are optimized and achieve better performance with Ethash. At-home mining necessarily uses consumer electricity, which may affect profitability. However, mining is also a risky game and in cases of rising market prices for ETH, it may have a more significant payout further down the line.
How to Build an Ethereum Mining Rig.
Building up sufficient hashing power is a matter of connecting more GPUs to achieve the rig's final setup. Currently, AMD Radeon VII is the most powerful card, producing 90 MH/s, with ProgPoW reaching 30 MH/s. Combining several video cards will quickly raise the price of the rig, as the AMD Radeon VII retails for above $500.
Building a rig also requires side components, including a power supply, a CPU, LAN components, as well as a physical crate for holding and ventilating as many GPUs as desired. Experts at the EthereumMiningBot also recommend a smart power plug, to track electricity usage.
Essentially, an Ethereum mining rig would resemble an entire computer, a dedicated machine to avoid overloading consumer electronics. A bASIC ( Intel i3 CPU is recommended, as well as just bASIC ( 4GB RAM and a solid-state drive. Assembling the actual rig can be easier with custom-designed racks or cases, allowing the connection of six GPUs (or 540 MH/s potential). To connect the GPUs, a motherboard with six slots and possibly an additional power button to make switching on technically easier also go into the building of an Ethereum mining rig. For more than three GPUs, a set of connectors may be needed to place the GPUs conveniently and connect them to the motherboard.
An SSD memory completes the machine, with the potential to add a hardware wallet, or another bASIC ( tool to operate mining pools and receive ETH into a wallet.
The power connector will be extremely important for an efficient rig, and the recommendation is to use a model with platinum connectors, to avoid losses. The 1.2 kW Corsair CP-9020140-UK HX1200 allows for maximum power efficiency, to which a smart outlet may be added for tracking.
Assembling the computer components may pose difficulties, but an instructional video may help with the task.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:31 am
Ethereum Mining Continues to Grow.
Mining ETH at home is also a matter of achieving sufficient hashing power and joining the right pool to get a part of the daily rewards. The Ethereum network currently rewards 2 ETH per block each 15 seconds, down from as high as 5 ETH per block in previous reward periods. After the latest hard fork, only 2 ETH will be awarded, leading up to the intentional switch to ETH 2.0, which will rely on staking.
But because the Ethereum network has been so slow in introducing staking, mining is still growing. In the past month, mining expanded again above 180 TH/s. At current competition levels and difficulty, ETH mining is once again favorable.
Until January 2020, ETH difficulty increased and made some miners give up. After a small emergency hard fork, miners were once again invited to join in, showing a clear pickup in mining activity in the past few weeks. The advantage of a home-based rig is that it is possible to mine while the process shows good profits, disabling the rig in cases of increased difficulty.
Mining 1 ETH May Also Cost 1 ETH.
Building a mining rig for Ethereum may be comparable to buying an Antminer S17 ASIC ( price-wise. With a price tag of close to $2,000 for a two-GPU setup, mining ETH is also an expensive bid. During times of scarcity, and depending on the supplier, GPU may be scarce or more expensive than expected. Still, it is possible to spend $500 on a GPU with high Ethash performance.
With such a setup, producing 180 MH/s, the expected payout would be 4.21 ETH per year. This cost is close to the mining of Bitcoin ( (BTC), where there is a very thin breakeven. It would, once again, cost 4.21 ETH to mine 4.21 ETH.
There is currently one advantage to at-home mining in comparison to cloud mining. A Genesis contract will require about $1,500 to mine at 75 MH/s for a year. Having an at-home setup at 180 or even 200 MH/s is not much more expensive, and will have a longer lifetime. Downtime is also a decision that does not depend on Genesis mining, but on the rig's owner.
Currently, Ethermine and f2Pool mine about 47% of all ETH blocks. Smaller pools manage to gather around 2 to about 10% of the daily reward, but the final daily gain will only be seen in hindsight. Joining a pool is necessary, as solo mining at this stage is impossible and the chances of discovering a block are astronomical. But a pool like Ethermine has a 24% chance of discovering a block and sharing the reward.
As of February 2020, ETH reached $266.32, still up more than 100% since the lows last December. Mining ETH profitably is still a dynamic bet, depending on whether the rally continues, and on mining competitors adding hashing power.
What do you think about ETH mining in 2020? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!
Images via Shutterstock, Twitter @VladZamfir, Youtube @Jobe.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:31 am

The EASIEST Mining ( Software OS - How To Use Simple Miner smOS ZEN, ETH, ZEC, BTG|9:24
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:32 am

Hashr8 OS - New Mining ( OS for GPUs, ASIC ( - Review and Optimization|17:23
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:34 am
First look: BlueFury USB Bitcoin mining ( Device.
Being the author of MinePeon the Linux mining appliance for the Raspberry Pi usually involves late nights debugging strange errors submitted by one of it's thousands of users, compiling software and upgrading packages. В While it is far from a thankless job, every now and then the perks are even better.
A few weeks agoВ Beastlymac from Big Picture Mining approached me to collaborate on getting support ready for his new BlueFury mining devices built into MinePeon, I of course jumped at the chance. В I quickly produced a few test images of MinePeon using both cgminer and bfgminer that were successfully able to drive the device.
[caption align="alignright" width="200"] MinePeon, Hub & BlueFury[/caption]
Job done I thought, and then Beastlymac offered to send me an early 'developer version' so that I could maintain support. В I jumped at the chance.
Today it arrived so I pulled a new Raspberry PI out of its box, wrote the current development version of MinePeon 0.2.4 PR2 to a SD card, plugged it all in and set it going.
Within seconds and the small addition of "BPM:all" to bfgminers start up command it was hashing at a respectableВ 2440.925В MH/s (2.4 GH/s). В I have yet to get it working with cgminer but it is only a matter of time now.
NOTE: As I said, this is a development version, the full production BlueFury devices expected any day now will look slightly different and have different performance characteristics.
5 Best Cryptocurrency Mining Software for Windows in 2020.
Choosing a reliable mining software is not easy, especially if you are new to mining and don't know about the best crypto mining software.
There are many options available in the market, and you must know your priorities before you make a purchase. The kind of mining software you use plays a vital role in helping you achieve your mining goals. With the right choice of mining equipment, your journey will be a breeze. With the wrong choice, you'll waste time, energy, and money with little to show for it besides a ridiculous bill at the end of the month.
What to look for in a mining software Operating system compatibility Pricing Interface User-friendly operation Mobile/web support Coin resource Hardware compatibility NHIL List of the 5 Best mining software for Windows 1. CGMiner 2. EasyMiner 3. BitMinter 4. MultiMiner 5. BFGMiner Final thoughts.
What to look for in a mining software.
Before you even think of shopping for mining software, you need to know what to look out for; else you're shooting in the dark. Let's look at the factors to consider when choosing cryptocurrency mining software before we talk about the best Windows mining software list.
Operating system compatibility.
Before buying mining software, you need to make sure it is compatible with your operating system (OS). Most of the software out there can work on Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems.
There is some premium mining software out there that only work on one platform. It would be best if you chose software that supports your operating system to avoid future conflicts.
Price is one of the factors that affect your profitability. You should be ready to invest in mining software for Windows to maximize your chance of success. Because crypto mining is not a get-rich-easy scheme (as some Twitter prophets would have you believe), you'll have to spend money to make money. Some of the top mining features in the best cryptocurrency software for Windows come at a price.
You might be disappointed if you think you can make a high profit by sticking with the free plan. You could make some money, but it'll take so much time and produce such little results that you're better off selling sketchy vitamins to a relative over Facebook. In the competitive crypto world, it would be better for you to invest in premium mining software to earn a reasonable profit as it will provide more features.
Some software runs on Graphic Unit Interface (GUI), which is easy for beginners. On the other hand, others run on the Command Line Interface (CLI), which is generally challenging for beginners.
It would be better for you to purchase mining software which runs on GUI, especially if you are new to mining and do not want to play around with coding. Not everyone wants to be a tech wiz; some people want to make some cash on the side, which's okay.
User-friendly operation.
Mobile/web support.
Some premium software comes with mobile and web support, letting you monetize your mining activity. If remote monitoring is a feature that is important for you, then opt for software that supports it.
Most of us have our lives on our phones and carry it anywhere, and it is essential that you can access information and support for your mining process while on the go.
Coin resource.
Every mining software supports different coins. If you don't want further trouble with compatibility, it will help check which currencies your mining software supports. At times you might want to mine a niche coin, and all mining software might not support it. Popular coins, on the other hand, are supported by most mining software.
Hardware compatibility.
Manufacturers make some software only for GPU or CPU miners. Sometimes, they are not compatible with Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC ( devices and vice versa.
That's why it would be better if you chose mining software that is compatible with your hardware. When in doubt, reach out to the merchant and specify the exact hardware you intend to use, and they should confirm whether or not it is compatible with the software.
It would be best to buy mining software with the Network Hardware ID Layer (NHIL). NHIL is the protocol that provides you extra security for wallet architecture.
Few things can sting like losing money, especially money you literally had to mine for yourself. As such, the security of your mining software should not be compromised.
The Beginner's Guide to Mining Any Cryptocurrency.
Explore everything that you need to know about mining.
Read our mining guide.
List of the 5 Best mining software for Windows.
Here's our list of the best five mining software for cryptocurrency on Windows in 2020:
Launched in 2011, CGminer is still the number one choice for crypto investors.
CGminer is written in C and is one of the best crypto mining software that supports OS X, Linux, and Windows. It is compatible with both ASIC ( (application-specific integrated circuit) and FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) devices. This software is a command-line application with fan speed control, full monitoring, and remote interface capabilities.
The manufacturer initially made CGminer for its usage with hardware devices. Still, it can use any GPU attached to your machine. However, only older versions of CGminer will allow you to use the software for GPU mining (
CGminer runs on an intelligent failover mechanism and can prevent stale work submission. It also comes with a scalable networking scheduler that can scale to a hash rate irrespective of size with no network delays.
For the first time, CGminer will ask you to enter the Username, URL, and password of your mining pool. After this, it will automatically detect crypto mining hardware that you are connected to. You can begin mining after that.
CGminer has a menu for on-the-fly-management of automatic detection of small blocks. Its other features include API monitoring and overclocking.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:35 am
CGminer also supports most of the Bitcoin ( ASIC ( miners out there. More interestingly, CGminer lets you control numerous settings in the FPGA or ASIC ( mining hardware devices such as voltage, that help you customize your mining experience.
What most people like in CGminer is that its software and commands are specific to their machine. For example, to command bitmain voltage, the particular command will be -bitmain-voltage, and this is quite helpful with driving efficiency to your mining.
However, a lot of people have reported facing difficulties running this software on Windows, and this is because various antivirus and even Windows Defender could block the software on the computer. If that's a problem, then you can trust CGminer and disable your antivirus.
From Cointerra and Minion to BlackArrow and Hexfury, this software supports a wide range of popular crypto mining hardware.
Buy bitcoin cloud mining.
Best Crypto and Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining Providers for 2020.
To mine digital currencies, you have to deploy dedicated digital currency mining hardware that solves complex mathematical problems using a substantial amount of computing power to verify transactions and secure a blockchain network.
However, if you want to get involved in mining without having to deal with the technical aspects of mining, you might consider cloud mining instead.
Cloud mining refers to renting computing power from remote data centers that run specialized digital currency mining hardware to allow individuals to partake in bitcoin (or altcoin) mining without having to personally invest in and manage a mining operation.
In exchange for a fee, anyone in the world can start to mine bitcoin or a range of altcoins by purchasing cloud mining contracts from cloud mining providers.
Best Cloud Mining Providers.
Here's a look at the most reputable bitcoin and crypto cloud mining providers that you could use to get started with cloud mining.
Name Description Launch Year Number of Minable Coins Fees Minimum Investment User-Friendliness Score Genesis Mining Since its launch in 2010, Genesis Mining has managed to establish itself as the market-leading cloud mining provider. Genesis Mining offers cloud mining contracts for several digital currencies and has always managed to stand out through its transparent approach and user-friendliness. 2010 6 0.14$ per TH/s per day As low as $28 5 4 NiceHash ( Founded in 2014, NiceHash ( differs from its competitors in the cloud mining space as it is a peer-to-peer marketplace for hashpower where users can rent computing power from other users to cloud mine digital currencies. Not only does NiceHash ( enable cloud miners to mine a wide range of different coins and tokens, it also enables sellers of hashrate to earn bitcoin for sharing their unused computing power. 2014 100+ 3% to buy hash power + 0.0001 BTC 0.005 BTC 4 4 HashNest Founded in 2014 by leading mining hardware producer Bitmain, HashNest has emerged as a popular option for cloud mining. The cloud mining provider offers mining contracts for bitcoin (BTC) or Litecoin (LTC) and benefits from the low electricity costs of Bitmain's Chinese mining operations. 2014 2 0.21$ per TH/s per day No minimum 4 3.5 Bitcoin ( Bitcoin ( launched its cloud mining platform in 2017 and currently offers bitcoin (BTC) and bitcoin (BCH) cloud mining contracts for its users. This cloud mining service has become very popular in the BCH community as Bitcoin ( is an established company that has played a key role in promoting Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH). Moreover, it is the only reputable cloud mining provider that offers BCH contracts. 2017 2 0.14$ to $0.20 per TH/s per day, depending on the contract $9.90 5 3.5.
A Word of Caution.
Cloud mining is not a risk-free venture. If you read the fine print of your crypto cloud mining contracts, you will see that cloud mining providers will switch off their machines if the price of the digital currency linked to your mining contract drops below a level where it is no longer profitable. That means you can lose a substantial part of your invested money if the price drops and remains at an unprofitable level for a certain period of time.
Moreover, many cloud mining providers have turned out to be fraudulent operations. Hence, careful due diligence needs to be conducted before choosing a cloud mining provider with which to invest. The above-mentioned cloud mining platforms are the most reputable in the market and could arguably, therefore, be safe for investment.
Finally, many bitcoin experts agree that buying and holding a digital currency will result in a higher return on investment than purchasing a cloud mining contract in the same coin. Historical price data confirms that.
Cloud mining is an excellent way to gain exposure to digital currency mining, but it is a high-risk venture that should only make up a tiny fraction of your digital currency investment portfolio.
To discover more investment opportunities in the digital asset markets, subscribe to the Bitcoin ( Market Journal newsletter today!
All About Bitcoin mining ( Road To Riches Or Fool's Gold?
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:35 am

Bitcoin ( Cryptocurrency Mining ( Pools Explained - Best Mining ( Pools PPS vs PPLNS|18:17
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:35 am

ETH Mining ( Setup Tutorial: Binance Pool|4:48
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:37 am
By now, you've probably heard all about Bitcoins. But what are they? And are people actually striking it rich "mining" these things? Today, we'll find out with a first-hand look into the world of this crypto-currency, straight from a Bitcoin ( miner.
FPGA- And ASIC ( Mining Devices.
Page 1: The BASIC ( Of Bitcoin ( Page 2: Confessions Of An Accidental Bitcoin ( Miner Page 3: The Mining Algorithm And CPU Mining Page 4: GPU-Based Mining And Mining Programs Page 5: FPGA- And ASIC ( Mining Devices Page 6: Financial Aspects: Revenue Page 7: Financial Aspects: Costs Page 8: Financial Aspects: Income And Profitability Page 9: Other Crypto Currencies Page 10: Bitcoin mining ( In 2013.
FPGA-Based Mining Devices.
In late 2011 and early 2012, innovative companies like Butterfly Labs, ZTEX in Germany, a grad student in China, and some individuals in the U.S. started offering FPGA-based mining devices. While most of these were based on the $100 Xilinx Spartan6-150 FPGA, the BFL design used an Altera FPGA, which the company sourced at a discounted price.
The Xilinx Spartan6-150-based mining boards achieved about 200 to 220 MH/s per FPGA, and sold for approximately $1 to $2.50 per MH/s.
Meanwhile, Butterfly Labs offered its dual-FPGA 830 MH/s Single for the very aggressive price of $600 (less than 75 cents per MH/s).
In mid-2012, BFL started to ship the so-called miniRig, a 25.2 GH/s mining device consisting of a PC tower-like case with nine intake fans on the left side of the chassis and nine exhaust fans on the right side. It contains as many FPGA boards as necessary to reach the nominal total hash rate of 25.2 GH/s. Typically, that's 17 or 18 boards with two FPGAs each. The Altera FPGAs on the miniRig's boards are larger, more expensive chips than the ones on the Single's board, operating between 650 and 750 MH/s each with significant variance.
Below: Half the boards of a FPGA-based miniRig, mining with cgminer.
ASIC ( Mining Devices.
Avalon is the ASIC ( successor of Mr. Zhang's FPGA-based Icarus device. The ASIC ( is a small, single-core, 110 nm chip. An Avalon rig consists of several hundred chips and achieves a hash rate of approximately 66 GH/s.
Shortly after beginning to ship its FPGA miniRigs, Butterfly Labs announced the impending release of ASIC (, 60 GH/s "SC Singles", as well as a 4.5 GH/s low-end product called "Jalapeno", and a 1,500 GH/s high-end product called the "SC miniRig". In order not to jeopardize ongoing sales of FPGA-based mining devices, BFL offered a trade-in-program where, upon the return of a BFL FPGA-based device, a customer would receive a full trade-in refund for a ASIC ( device purchase of twice the price, thus saving 50% of the ASIC ('s purchase price.
Exactly 10 months after starting to take pre-orders for the ASIC ( machines, BFL commenced shipping the first device, a 5 GH/s device replacing the Jalapeno, but drawing about six times as much power. BFL admitted to missing the power specification of its 65 nm ASIC ( by an order of magnitude, essentially turning a would-be 8 GH/s ASIC ( (16 cores @ 500 MHz) into a 4 GH/s chip clocked at a mere 250 MHz.
ASIC ( created a 130 nm ASIC ( for its mining pool, but have started to auction a few 10 GH/s boards and are in the process of commencing sales of a USB key-style 300 MH/s miner: the Block Erupter USB. While the auction of the former devolved into a bidding war that ended at the questionably-high price of 75 or 76 BTC per device, the USB keys are being offered at a fixed price of 1.99 BTC each.
Comparison of FPGA and ASIC ( Chips.
Spartan6-150 BFL Single BFL miniRig Avalon BFL ASIC ( Type Xilinx FPGA Altera FPGA FPGA ASIC ( ASIC ( ASIC ( Process 45 nm 45 nm (?) 45 nm (?) 110 nm 65 nm 130 nm Hash Rate Per Chip 210 MH/s 415 MH/s 650-750 MH/s 280 MH/s 4 GH/s 300 MH/s Power Draw 15 W 40 W 35 W 2.8 W 30 W 2.5 W Efficiency (MH/s per W) 14 10 20 100 133 120 US$ / MH/s 1 to 2.5 0.75 0.6 Varies Varies Varies Notes Typically 1 to 4 FPGAs Per Board 2 FPGAs Per Board 2 FPGAs Per Board, 17 to 18 Boards Priced In BTC (prices increase) BFL Anticipates A Slight Reduction In Power Draw Priced In BTC (prices increase)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.
Current page: FPGA- And ASIC ( Mining Devices.
Fastest Bitcoin ( Miners.
Our most popular miner is now even better. MicroBT M40 is mining SHA-256 algorithm with a powerful hashrate of 410 Th/s at only a power consumption of 2570W .
Description Additional information Reviews (0)
Specifications description Mineable coins Payment Warranty.
Model M40S Release In Stock Size 130 x 220 x 390mm Weight 13.58 KG Hashrate 410 Th/s Chip size 7NM Noise level 65 Decibels (DB) Power line IEC C19, 16A Power 2570W Voltage Automatic Power Supply which can run on any input voltages, including 110V, 120V, 230V, 220V, 240V, 115V,127V. Dimensions 298mm*178mm*296mm Networking Connection Ethernet Generation 10th Generation ASIC ( Bitcoin ( Miner Working Temperature -5 ° F - 65 ° F.
MicroBT M40 - MicroBT Whatsminer M40.
High Hashrate. High Efficiency.
Our most popular miner is now even better. MicroBT M40 is mining SHA-256 algorithm with a powerful hashrate of 410 Th/ s at only a power consumption of 2570W.
It is built with the most advanced 10th Generation ASIC ( Bitcoin ( Miner technology and 7NM chip to achieve high efficiency, using high quality fans for the extra heat dissipation and longevity.
The MicroBT M40 requires Ethernet network connection and has an Auto PSU, which can run on any input voltages. The compact size and weight makes it easy to use and transport. Product's allowed operating temperature is between -5° - 45°C.
Most efficient miner for Acoin (ACOI), Bitcoin ( (BTC), Peer coin (PPC), Bitcoin ( Cash (PPC), Cure Coin (CURE), eMark (DEK), Joule coin (XJO), Unbrea kable (UNB), Crown (CRW) and Terra coin (TRC).
With our calculator, you can calculate the daily earnings from mining, - using MicroBT M40 .
In case the product has stopped working please visit our repair unit. You can reach the documents for technical support and our warranty policy from here.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:37 am
To contact us please visit our support page, we will come back to you as soon as possible.
Acoin (ACOI)
Peer coin (PPC)
Bitcoin ( Cash (BCH)
Cure Coin (CURE)
eMark (DEK)
Joule coin (XJO)
Unbreakable (UNB)
Crown (CRW)
Terra coin (TRC)
Currencies accepted: Bitcoin (, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, and others.
Bank Transfer: We are accepting bank wire Transfers.
Cash: You can pay in cash when you purchase from our Warehouse.
1. A year warranty is provided starting from the shipping date. To avail of this warranty, a repair ticket must be generated by the customers after emailing [email protected].
2. The warranty only applies to the original purchaser who purchased the machine directly from this website, Once the miner is resold warranty coverage becomes the responsibility of the re-seller. 3. All sales are final, refunds will be granted within 15 days max. Defective miners can be repaired for free if they fall under the warranty policy. After the warranty period, machines can be repaired at the cost of parts and labor.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:37 am

How to Use Ethermine - Ethereum Mining ( Pool|6:44
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:39 am
Bitcoin mining ( with AMD Radeon GPUs.
We test out SAPPHIRE's Radeon GPUs on a Bitcoin mining ( setup.
Bitcoin mining ( is big business these days, with people able to 'mine' a digital currency in their own homes. Before Bitcoin ( had its big take off, mining Bitcoin ( at home was actually lucrative - if you mined your coins, kept them, and sold them at their peak.
These days, 24 hours of mining will net you 0.00001 coins, which is just cents per day. Keeping in mind that it costs you per day to run your machine, so electricity costs have to be thrown into the mix, too. We're not going to go into that right away, but what we are going to do is skim over it a little, and give you our thoughts on a few weeks of mining digital coins - an experience I'll never forget.
I'm not one that usually can't get something working on my PC, so it annoyed me that I couldn't get Bitcoins mined on my PC right away. I started off trying to use GUIMiner, but in the end it just wouldn't work for me, so I swapped it out for the Java-based BitMinter, which worked first shot.
We had some great help from our usual sponsors: AMD, Corsair, GIGABYTE, and SAPPHIRE. Our system ran like a dream, but I did something most people don't usually do when building a Bitcoin mining ( machine: I used an AMD processor and motherboard. I had the motherboard and CPU sitting there waiting for a new project, so I thought this would be perfect.
The hardware I used for the build:
CPU : AMD FX-8350 Motherboard : GIGABYTE 990FXA-UD3 RAM : 16GB Corsair Vengeance Pro 1866MHz DDR3 Storage : 240GB Corsair Neutron GTX Chassis : InWin X-Frame Limited Edition PSU : Corsair AX1200i digital PSU Software : Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Drivers : Catalyst 13.12 WHQL.
When it came to video cards, SAPPHIRE stepped up, big time. I'd like to thank SAPPHIRE separately, as the box of GPUs came on Christmas Eve, which was a beautiful present to receive. SAPPHIRE sent us:
SAPPHIRE Radeon R9 290 Tri-X SAPPHIRE Radeon R9 280X Dual-X SAPPHIRE Radeon R9 270X Vapor-X SAPPHIRE Radeon R7 260X.
This gave us quite the spread in terms of AMD's latest GPUs, so we can get a nice test against all of the cards on the market. The cards have varying specs, which lead to varying power consumption, heat output, noise output, and hash rates. All of these factors are important for Bitcoin mining (, with heat and noise output being two of the biggest headaches you'll have.
Pull Out Your Shovels, It's Mining Time!
Mining digital currencies is something you'll hear about all over the world, especially in the last year or so. We chucked together a quick look at mining Bitcoins, and a quick look at the performance from AMD's Radeon R series of GPUs.
After trying to get a few other programs working, I had a great time with BitMinter - which is a Java-based mining client. It allows you to run multiple GPUs (and/or your CPU) and is very easy to use. Once you have an account set up, you can get right into it.
The difference between around $100, is around 100Mhps in hash rates. This is something you'll see in a minute when it comes time to show you the performance between our GPUs.
Next, we have a chart of the hash rate (rated in Mhps) for each of our GPUs tested.
Starting with the Radeon R7 260X, which pushes out just 220Mhps, with the next GPU in the lineup, the Radeon R9 270X which increases the mining ability to 400Mhps. This is a great result for a lower-end GPU, but things really kick off with the R9 280X, which sees 590Mhps.
The two final GPUs in our lineup are the Radeon R9 290 and R9 290X, which add another 100Mhps for each jump - so we have 690Mhps for the R9 290 and then 790Mhps for the R9 290X. Some great results, but better when you're using three of them at once, something I did.
I ran the R9 290X, R9 290 and R9 280X all at once - which worked a treat. I was pumping away mining Bitcoins, but the heat output was immense. This is something we're going to talk about next.
Welcome to the Furnace, Why You Won't Need a Heater Next Winter:
I live in Australia, and during this testing it was pushing 45C virtually the entire time - for three days straight it was over 44C. The day of testing, it was 45C so I decided to put it off for a few days.
Having 3 GPUs in a single system all with a heavy workload of mining digital currencies, isn't good for an already hot room. For a cooler room, and climate, it makes the perfect heater. If you were to put a heater on normally, why do that when it just uses power and heats the room up. You could mine Bitcoins, making you money while you're heating your room up.
Bitcoin ( could market itself as a money-saving technique of heating your home - or not.
Is it Really Worth it?
If you had started this a few years ago, yes. A definite yes. Not so much now, because of how long it takes to mine Bitcoins, compared to how it was a few years ago - even twelve months ago now. The increased power consumption (you're running these GPUs at 100%. imagine 3-4 of them in a machine, and then multiple machines) leads to massive power bills.
If Bitcoins continued to go up and hit $2000 this year, then it might be a good thing to get into Bitcoins. But, if the price comes down, or more people jump on and the difficulty of mining a Bitcoin ( increases - which it constantly does - it doesn't pay to get into it.
Of course, it's an interesting hobby to take, something some people take very seriously. If you've got a spare PC, or you have solar panels on your house - or free power at work/an office, etc - then it might pay to get into mining Bitcoins.
Last updated: Nov 3, 2020 at 07:12 pm CST.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:39 am

How to choose the best Crypto Mining ( Pool|14:14
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:40 am
AMD Blockchain Driver - driver for AMD Radeon GPUs (Download)
AMD Blockchain Driver - Mining Driver for Radeon.
It's not a secret for all of us that AMD Radeon video cards are very popular among cryptocurrency miners, especially for them the Radeon Technologies Group programmers have prepared a new AMD Blockchain Drivers driver package. Which aims to improve farm performance based on AMD Radeon GPUs.
OS Support : Windows 7 and Windows 10.
Supports most current AMD graphics cards, starting with the Radeon HD 7700 line.
The new version of the driver is in beta status. It is also worth noting that it is not intended for graphics or game loads. And provided by the manufacturer "as is."
In the future, the company is not going to optimize or correct errors. This, in turn, makes it the first and last driver package for mining systems. Regarding specific improvements over conventional Radeon Crimson ReLive driver packages. That, as noted, the new release solves the problem of reducing the efficiency of Ethereum mining.
Bitcoin mining ( ASIC ( chips.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:41 am
Best Bitcoin mining ( Tools For Windows, Mac, And Linux For 2020.
If you are reading this article, it means you heard about Bitcoin ( and Blockchain technologies. You may see everyone talking about Bitcoin ( online and no person who is clearly aware of it in nearby you.
Bitcoin ( is a decentralized virtual currency created from the Blockchain method. It uses blocks to generate a transaction virtually and it stores on every computer connected to Blockchain. It means if you installed a mining tool on your PC, then you are connected to the Blockchain network.
So the question comes in mind. How a miner generates a piece of Bitcoin ( when he contributes his/her computational power to the Blockchain network.
All we know Bitcoin ( works on a Blockchain technology that works as a peer-to-peer network. It is an immutable chain of transactions as it uses a strict verification process, and cryptography techniques to make it secure. If a miner entered into the pool of Blockchain network, he/she will contribute the computer power to solve the transaction algorithms to verify a transaction on the network.
Best Mining Tools For Windows, Mac, And Linux.
Multiminer : Best for beginners EasyMiner : Easy to use GUI CGMiner : Best for ease of use MinePeon : Hassle-free use Hashr8 : Best for Linux users.
Here how it works:
Person A sent 1BTC to Person B on a Blockchain, the entire network of the public Blockchain can access the transaction and verify the process the computational power is required to solve the complex algorithm. When you solve a transaction algorithm, you will be rewarded by the chunks of Bitcoin ( depends on the transaction value.
Once your system creates a successful hash of a transaction, you will receive some reward in the form of Bitcoin ( However, you should also take into account that, you need a great computational power to generate a good amount of reward.
Considering the present situation, the mining process can be done in two ways. One is Cloud mining and personal or traditional mining.
In Cloud mining, people don't need personal hardware for the mining of Bitcoins. The hardware is located in a remote datacenter managed by the professionals who give permission to use the allocated hardware resources by paying the monthly rent.
What is traditional mining?
Traditional mining or personal mining is a common process of generating Bitcoins by contributing his/her own computing power to solve the transactional algorithms. It involves your personal PC or laptop with mining software.
Once you select the type mining process for Bitcoin mining (, here we suggest the best cloud and traditional mining software for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Best Bitcoin mining ( Tools For 2020.
1. Multiminer.
Multiminer is a user-friendly mining tool if you are a beginner. Cryptocurrency is a highly volatile platform and you need a stable working miner to enter into the mining. Multiminer has many advantages, it has GUI for easy understanding the Setup and process unlike the command line based miners.
The best part of the tool is switching between cryptos and also the mining devices. For example, you can switch between ASIC ('s to FPGA's within the program and also switching possible between Bitcoin ( to other cryptos like Etherium, Litton etc.
Also, it is an open-source project and compatible with many mining devices. The application is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms.
EasyMiner is a graphically rich and easy to understand mining tool. The service supports a wide variety of cryptocurrencies to mine. The program supports cudaminer, ccminer, cgminer, minerd, and ASIC ( mining support for Bitcoin ( The solo mode in the program lets the user choose a pool of their own to mine their favourite coin. It has military-grade security to avoid hacking and stealing of the cryptocurrencies. Also, the program is fully optimised for both x86 and 64bit machines to get maximum support.
3. CGMiner.
CGMiner is a C based miner available for Windows, Mac and Linux. You just need a small configuration setup to install the CGMiner on your computer. Once you configure the conf file, you are all set to mine the coins. Double-clicking on the cgminer.exe will open the program and the rest of the mining process is taken care of by the tool. CGMiner is a good mining tool but it needs some technical knowledge to initiate the process. If you are amateur on the technical side, go for the Multiminer to start the coin mining process.
4. MinePeon.
MinePeon is a powerful miner available for Linux machines. It is a powerful mining software designed only for clean mining purpose. Just install it on your Linux machine and do usual work. It will mine for you in the background and generate small revenue for you. It is a completely secured tool which is tested before launching the stable versions.
5. Hashr8.
Hashr8 is a popular mining tool available for Linux users. It is a customizable mining software for Linux users. It is designed for everyone and all types of miners from hobbyists to enterprise solutions.
These are the five mining tools suitable for everyone to start their crypto mining journey. There are many more tools available online for various platforms. The above tools are tested by me personally and I feel they worth mentioning in the list.
Let us know your valuable feedback in the comment section below.
Bitcoin mining ( free money.
Total Miners: 193,484 Online Miners: 7,284.
Bitcoin mining ( pool share.
Bitcoin mining ( pools are a way for Bitcoin ( miners to pool their resources together and share their hashing power while splitting the reward equally according to the amount of shares they contributed to solving a block.
A "share" is awarded to members of the Bitcoin mining ( pool who present a valid proof of work that their Bitcoin ( miner solved. Bitcoin mining ( in pools began when the difficulty for mining increased to the point where it could take years for slower miners to generate a block.
The solution to this problem was for miners to pool their resources so they could generate blocks quicker and therefore receive a portion of the Bitcoin ( block reward on a consistent basis, rather than randomly once every few years.
Sometimes you may want to mine a more profitable altcoin like MWC which is superior for scalability, privacy, anonymity and fungibility.
When segwit is activated, you will want to be able to mine and relay segwit-style blocks. The following mining software has been upgraded to support segwit.
Full nodes: Bitcoin ( Core 0.14.1 Bitcoin ( Knots 0.14.1 Btcd* Mining software: BFGMiner* CGMiner libblkmaker* Pool software: ckpool Eloipool Stratum-Mining* Relay software: Bitcoin ( FIBRE.
Please note that software that supports the GetBlockTemplate (GBT) RPC must be upgraded to support the BIP9 and BIP145 changes to GBT. All the programs linked above that support GBT have been upgraded.
Segwit is already activated and enforced on testnet, so you may find it useful to test your infrastructure upgrade by mining with some small amount of hashrate on testnet. Alternatively, Bitcoin ( Core 0.13.1's regression test mode (regtest) also supports segwit by default.
There are many good Bitcoin mining ( pools to choose from. Although it's tempting to pick the most popular one, it's better for the health of the network to mine with smaller pools so as to avoid potentially harmful concentration of hashing power.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:41 am

Mining ( Pool Hub [PROFIT Switching MINING Alternative] In 2020!|11:17
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:41 am
The hash rate distribution is best when split among more Bitcoin mining ( pools.
Bitcoin mining ( Pool Hash Rate Distribution.
Bitcoin mining ( Pool Options.
For a fully decentralized pool, we highly recommend p2pool and
The following pools are believed to be currently fully validating blocks with Bitcoin ( Core 0.11 or later:
BTCC : BTCC is a Bitcoin ( exchange, wallet, and mining pool located in China. Its mining pool currently controls around 15% of the network hash rate.
Slush Pool : Slush Pool is run by Satoshi Labs, a Bitcoin ( company based in the Czech Republic. Slush Pool was the first mining pool and maintains around 7% of the network hash rate.
Antpool : [WARNING] - Bitmain operates Antpool and some consider them to be a malicious actor in the Bitcoin ( ECOS ( because of the AntBleed scandal where they were intentionally including malware within mining equipment they sell. In a corporate communication, Bitmain claimed this was a feature and not a bug. This malware would enable Bitmain to remotely shut down equipment of customers or competitors thus increasing their own profitability. Additionally, such behavior could pose a risk to the entire Bitcoin ( network.
Eligius : Eligius was one of the first Bitcoin mining ( pools and was founded by Luke Dashjr, a Bitcoin ( Core developer. Today, the pool controls just under 1% of the network hash rate.
BitMinter : BitMinter, once one of the largest Bitcoin mining ( pools, now controls less than 1% of the network hash rate.
Kano CKPool : Kano CKPool was founded in 2014 and currently has around 3% of the network hash rate under its control.
F2Pool : F2Pool is the second largest Bitcoin mining ( pool, with around 25% of the network hash rate. Its user interface is in Chinese, making it difficult for English speakers to join.
BW Pool : BW Pool controls around 7% of the network hash rate. Like F2Pool, its user interface is in Chinese, making it difficult for English speakers to join.
Bitfury : Although seen publically in block explorers and hash rate charts, BitFury is a private mining pool and cannot be joined.
Bitcoin mining ( Pool Payment Methods.
Calculating your share of the bitcoins mined can be complex. In an ongoing effort to come up with the fairest method and prevent gaming of the system, many calculation schemes have been invented. The two most popular types are PPS and DGM. PPS, or 'pay per share' shifts the risk to the mining pool while they guarantee payment for every share you contribute.
PPS payment schemes require a very large reserve of 10,000 BTC in order to ensure they have the means of enduring a streak of bad luck. For this reason, most Bitcoin mining ( pools no longer support it.
One of the few remaining PPS pools is EclipseMC. DGM is a popular payment scheme because it offers a nice balance between short round and long round blocks. However, end users must wait for full round confirmations long after the blocks are processed.
PPS : The Pay-per-Share (PPS) approach offers an instant, guaranteed payout for each share that is solved by a miner. Miners are paid out from the pools existing balance and can withdraw their payout immediately. This model allows for the least possible variance in payment for miners while also transferring much of the risk to the pool's operator.
PROP : The Proportional approach offers a proportional distribution of the reward when a block is found amongst all workers, based off of the number of shares they have each found.
PPLNS : The Pay Per Last N Shares (PPLN) approach is similar to the proportional method, but instead of counting the number of shares in the round, it instead looks at the last N shares, no matter the boundaries of the round.
DGM : The Double Geometric Method (DGM) is a hybrid approach that enables the operator to absorb some of the risk. The operator receives a portion of payouts during short rounds and returns it during longer rounds to normalize payments.
SMPPS : The Shared Maximum Pay Per Share (SMPPS) uses a similar approach to PPS but never pays more than the Bitcoin mining ( pool has earned.
ESMPPS : The Equalized Shared Maximum Pay Per Share (ESMPPS) is similar to SMPPS, but distributes payments equally among all miners in the Bitcoin mining ( pool.
RSMPPS : The Recent Shared Maximum Pay Per Share (RSMPPS) is also similar to SMPPS, but the system prioritizes the most recent Bitcoin ( miners first.
CPPSRB : The Capped Pay Per Share with Recent Backpay uses a Maximum Pay Per Share (MPPS) reward system that will pay Bitcoin ( miners as much as possible using the income from finding blocks, but will never go bankrupt.
BPM : Bitcoin ( Pooled mining (BPM), also known as "Slush's pool", uses a system where older shares from the beginning of a block round are given less weight than more recent shares. This reduces the ability to cheat the mining pool system by switching pools during a round.
POT : The Pay on Target (POT) approach is a high variance PPS that pays out in accordance with the difficulty of work returned to the pool by a miner, rather than the difficulty of work done by the pool itself.
SCORE : The SCORE based approach uses a system whereby a proportional reward is distributed and weighed by the time the work was submitted. This process makes later shares worth more than earlier shares and scored by time, thus rewards are calculated in proportion to the scores and not shares submitted.
ELIGIUS : Eligius was designed by Luke Jr., creator of BFGMiner, to incorporate the strengths of PPS and BPM pools, as miners submit proofs-of-work to earn shares and the pool pays out immediately. When the block rewards are distributed, they are divided equally among all shares since the last valid block and the shares contributed to stale blocks are cycled into the next block's shares. Rewards are only paid out if a miner earns at least. 67108864 and if the amount owed is less than that it will be rolled over to the next block until the limit is achieved. However, if a Bitcoin ( miner does not submit a share for over a period of a week, then the pool will send any remaining balance, regardless of its size.
Triplemining : Triplemining brings together medium-sized pools with no fees and redistributes 1% of every block found, which allows your share to grow faster than any other Bitcoin mining ( pool approach. The administrators of these Bitcoin mining ( pools use some of the Bitcoins generated when a block is found to add to a jackpot that is triggered and paid out to the member of the pool who found the block. In this way, everyone in the pool has a better chance to make additional Bitcoins, regardless of their processing power.
Bitcoin mining ( pools list.
Bitcoin mining ( script php.
Please complete security check to access the site.
For most users, the page should refresh and restore normal access. In some cases, you may be required to complete a CAPTCHA challenge.
Completing captcha proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property.
Why am I not seeing any Captcha?
Probably because access to the site permanently blocked from your network.
If you are on a personal network, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:42 am

Nicehash ( vs Mining ( Pool Hub|3:54
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:42 am
MINER - Advanced Cloud Mining PHP Script.
Miner PHP script lets you create a bitcoin cloud mining website. In this, you can allow your customers to manage their bitcoin. Also, it gives you a dynamic dashboard to manage users and website customization.
Cloud mining script PHP helps you to start a Bitcoin mining ( website which customers can manage their bitcoin without using any hardware. Moreover, you can earn commission on behalf of your services.
Additionally, anyone can install this script and create a cloud mining website without prior knowledge of coding.
Focal Points Of Miner Cloud Minning Script PHP.
Powerful Admin Panel.
In this script, you can easily manage and monitor every detail of your system. Following are the elements which you can track:
Purchase Plan User Statistics Support Statistics Deposit Number Withdraw Details.
Miner Information.
Cloud mining script PHP creates a miner section in the dashboard, where you can create multiple cryptocurrencies. For instance, you can create the following coins:
BitCoin Etherium Eddy Black Coin Ripple.
Subscription Management.
It allows you to create pricing plans for your website, more variety in plans will increase the sales of your cloud mining website. Similarly, the admin can also view the pre-made plans and customize them with ease.
Subscription Logs.
Track all the information of your subscribers in the clean and tidy dashboard. Here, you can also view and organise your user's active plan details.
Payment Gateways.
This script is integrated with the most popular and secure payment gateways such as:
PayPal Perfect Money Bitcoin ( Blockchain CoinPayments Stripe Skrill Credit Cards.
User Mangement.
The admin can easily manage their cloud mining users. Significantly, you can track all the details of your registered users like email address, name, phone number and balance amount.
Furthermore, you can block any user from the backend. So, they can not proceed with your services.
Create Support Tickets.
In this script, the admin can give support to solve their queries and take suggestions as well. For that, the system generate tickets for any particular queries.
Interface Customization.
It allows you to update complete website elements and details from the backend. So, you can customize the website logo and favicon, contact, email and SMS settings.
phpMiner uses CPU and it is slower than normal CPU miner. I didn't know it untill I made it, but that wasn't the goal. The goal was to be able to mine on server without much trouble and to run this on for example a webhost.
Run test.php for testcase .
Look in work.php for example how to use.
The proxy.php should have URI "/"
I am open for improvements and feedback.
Edit settings in work.php and run.
Visit work.php -page.
Feel free to donate. 1NibBDZPvJCm568CZMnJUBJoPyUhW7aSag This will keep me continue improving and updating, Thanks!
2013-08-04 - v1.0.1.
Fix warning notices in PHP 5.5.
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You should need GMP Extension to run it.
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How to quickly check your mining speed?
Is there some website that provides some webminer or other way for a person to check their mining speed without actually joining any pool or doing solo mining? Alternatively, are there some miners that can be pre-configured to perform mining on a specific pool with given credentials?
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:43 am
Or to put it in another way, if I wanted to simplify the process of checking a mining speed of a given computer for someone with minimal knowledge of what Bitcoin ( is, what websites or software should I use?
Time Frame BTC Reward Revenue USD* Power Cost (in USD) Pool Fees (in USD) Profit (in USD) Hourly 0.00003275 $0.61 $0.16 $0.00 $0.45 Daily 0.00078595 $14.70 $3.90 $0.00 $10.80 Weekly 0.00550162 $102.92 $27.30 $0.00 $75.62 Monthly 0.0236 $441.07 $117.00 $0.00 $324.07 Annually 0.2869 $5,366.35 $1,423.50 $0.00 $3,942.85.
* Bitcoin ( Price at $18,706.51 USD.
Bitcoin mining ( Difficulty Bitcoin ( Block Reward Bitcoin ( Price 17,596,801,059,571.00 6.25 BTC $18,706.51 (BTC to USD) Bitcoin mining ( Hashrate Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Watts Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Cost Electricity Costs 110.00 TH/s 3,250 Watts $2,407.00 $0.05 per kWh.
A BTC mining difficulty of 17,596,801,059,571.00, a BTC mining hashrate of 110.00 TH/s consuming 3,250 watts of power at $0.05 per kWh, and a block reward of 6.25 BTC at $18,706.51 (BTC to USD).
After deducting mining power costs and mining fees, the final daily Bitcoin mining ( profit is $10.80 Bitcoin ( to USD .
How to Mine Bitcoin ( with CPU on Windows and Linux(Debian/Ubuntu)
Shubham Tatvamasi.
Dec 10, 2017 · 2 min read.
Bitcoin ( is a digital currency based on Blockchain technology with sha256 Algorithm and works on Proof of Work. The blocks are generated by POW technology.
Create your wallet for Bitcoin (
1. Go to 2. Click on sign up and fill your details, then sign in. 3. Click on request button. 4. Now you will be able to see your wallet address.
Windows CPU Mining Steps.
We will be using CPU Miner Software for Bitcoin mining ( Download the latest CPU Miner software for Windows e.g. extract the zip file and edit the "RUN-TimeTravel.bat" file.
cpuminer-gw64-corei7 -a sha256d -o stratum+tcp:// -u 1HmfbfGHey2oTExiQwHag16N1tb8ATSeYv -p c=BTC.
Just copy and replace the above line in your .bat file, only change your wallet address -a = Algorithm of coin which you are mining -o = Your pool address and port number -u = Your wallet address.
Now double click on .bat file and your CPU mining will get stated.
Linux(Debian/Ubuntu) CPU Mining Steps.
For Linux users will have to compile the cpuminer software.
You have to clone the repository.
2. You have to install the dependencies for compiling.
sudo apt-get install automake autoconf pkg-config libcurl4-openssl-dev libjansson-dev libssl-dev libgmp-dev make g++
3. Go inside the cpuminer-multi folder and run the build command.
4. Create a new file called and paste the code.
#!/bin/bash ./cpuminer -a sha256d -o stratum+tcp:// -u 1HmfbfGHey2oTExiQwHag16N1tb8ATSeYv -p c=BTC.
5. Now you have to change your wallet address in the file and save it.
6. now you have to run the following command to make it executable.
7. Now just run the and your CPU mining will get stated.
Congratulations on completing all the steps Happy Mining :)
Ethereum GPU cryptocurrency mining with Ubuntu 20.04 / AMD OpenCL Compute in Linux.
Jose Ignacio Martinez.
Aug 25 · 5 min read.
Howdy! :) I just wanted to write my own story of frustration and success while doing Ethereum GPU cryptocurrency mining. I've been doing this as a hobby for a few years now, and I think it's time to give some advice back to the community.
I'll be covering most of the process from scratch, including:
Software involved (OS, GPU drivers, Ethereum wallet and mining clients) Hardware needed (AMD Radeon RX4XX/5XX, Vega 56/64, VII, 5XXX, for Ethereum ≥4GB)
Most of the tutorials out there are pretty old and do not cover updated software, so lets start describing what I already did without much luck. For the fun part, jump straight into "Hands on".
Windows 10 is a good option to start due you are probably familiar with it, and also software and drivers are quite easy to install/use, however is not open-source, not secure and could be quite unstable for long-term mining (yeah, thanks windows update). So instead of covering Windows, ill be describing how to do this with an open-source operative system (yeah, thanks Linux).
Initially I tested the good old Ubuntu 16.04, with several AMDGPU-PRO compatible drivers ( 17.40-483984, 17.40-492261 and 18.40-673869 ). None of those worked properly with old+new cards connected. I mean for my old Radeon RX 570 only, worked like a charm, but was very buggy along a RX 580/590 and 5700 XT. Including but not limited to poor hashrate, full fans speed, overheating, video crash, "drm failed testing IB on ring" errors, black screens and reboots. Ubuntu 18.04 was fine with amdgpu-pro-18.40-673869 and RX 570, but wont even boot the ISO with newer cards in place. So with not much alternative, I gave the latest Ubuntu release a try. According to the official AMD support driver website is supported, so why not?
Hands on.
So this will be the first step, download Ubuntu 20.04.01 ISO and deploy the ISO file into a USB drive, DVD, memory card, anything that holds the ISO and can be booted by your motherboard. If you are using a USB device, I recommend using Rufus create the boot drive, is simple and effective.
My current mining rig is not dedicated, I use it for work and gaming, also I don't like dual-boot for this purpose, so my setup use a USB drive to host the OS. Any flash drive≥2GB should work, of course you can use dual-boot, another hard drive or any other storage, Linux is very flexible and tolerant. Now install Ubuntu Server, nothing special about the setup, I avoided all the extra software and the only optional component installed was the SSH server for remote access. Reboot and login.
Some people will recommend to do a full apt update && apt upgrade , I don't. Any change in the kernel may broke the drivers setup and will be very hard to go back to the original state. Also during the OS install, if a internet connection is configured, security updates will apply on-the-fly safely.
At this point you will need the AMD GPU PRO driver, you could download from AMD support website (make sure is the Linux driver for Ubuntu 20.04.1) and them move it into Ubuntu, or download directly from your console using the following command.
Now we need to extract the file and install the drivers, note that we are installing legacy drivers with the rocm component and in headless mode.
*** ROCm is the open-compute platform, we may not needed but I recommend have it just in case, many tools related with cryptomining use it.
Once installation has completed, reboot and login again.
Mining clients.
I will assume at this point that you are aware that there's endless cryptocurrencies available to mine using GPUs, therefor there's many mining clients; Close and open-source, multi-coins, dual miners, with and without a developer fee (devfee). Is not easy to pick your first GPU mining ( client, but in simplification I'll explain how to use two miner clients that I use to mine Ethereum.
The first one, EthMiner is the official open-source mining client without any devfee and the second one is PhoenixMiner, a more advanced mining client that have devfee of 0.65%. This means that every 90 minutes the miner will mine for its developers, for 35 seconds. Why two clients? Well, it's good to have an alternative, compare performance, and also PhoenixMiner allow us to mine Ethereum with 4GB GDDR video cards, while this is not possible now with EthMiner due DAG size.
Download and install clients, create scripts and edit them could be very challenging for most people, specially from a terminal. So, for easy to use and also move a bit faster, I created a public repository with the clients, tools and the scripts to run your mine operation in no time. To be able to clone and use this repository, make sure you have git installed first, then clone it locally with the second command.
Now the the repository has been cloned, let's get into and test our recently installed drivers.
If everything goes as planned you should see the DAG generation and the miner slowly starting to work, also your video card(s) should soon start speeding they fans. You can interrupt this with Ctrl+C .
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:43 am

Poolin - Why Poolin Is the Better Mining ( Pool for Miners, Worldwide.|10:38
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:45 am

Bitcoin ( Mining ( Pools: How To Generate Bitcoin ( Using Mining ( Pools|9:38
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:45 am
Ethereum pool and wallet.
Now that we have the hardware (GPUs) and software (mining clients) working together, we need to move to the wallet and pool. This is not specifically for Ethereum, every cryptocurrency miner require this information. The wallet is the final destination of your profit (cryptocoins) and the pool is a massive amount of workers (miners) working together to resolve the blockchain problems.
To create a wallet I recommend skip using website or 3rd parties, they are not safe. My choice for Ethereum is create the wallet direct into the blockchain using Geth, the Ethereum node client. You can follow up the instructions here. Make sure to store the private key and password in a safe place, this will allow you to use or move your cryptocoins later. One thing that is public is your wallet, is a string that looks like this (starts with 0x):
The pool act as a proxy, helping many miners to work together against the problem, to have a reward even if you mining power (hashrate) is very small. I've been mining with Nanopool for many years now, is very stable and have worldwide servers. Another nice things about pools, with your address you will be able to see the current workers and they hashrate and rewards, they do payments to wallets every 0.1 ethereum collected.
Mine using your wallet.
Now you can mine on any pool with your wallet, so is time to edit the script and replace your wallet, this could be done with any text editor or forking the repository and changing the address (and pool if you are not using Nanopool).
Bitcoin mining ( ubuntu ati.
0.5A) Cooling fan Heat sinks OPTIONAL: Raspberry Pi to control the miner(s)
Powered USB Hub.
A12V DC CPU fan can also do the job, and most likely provide better cooling performance as well. However, a CPU fan requires a separate 12V DC power supply. While practically it can run off from 5V DC, the airflow will be severely limited.
I have seen many people using a fan such as this one, I assume it does a nice job.
Personal Experience.
I have decided to cover the top of my Block Erupter in heat sinks to increase heat transfer to the environment. I have ordered some small Copper heat sinks from eBay with some thermal paste sticker on the back for easy application. I will mount these on the front side of my miner and then direct a small USB fan on it as well. I hope to keep the temperature of the miner as low as possible using this method.
USB fan (
Update: Unfortunately, my heat sinks didn't arrive from eBay so I have decided to give up this plan. Instead I have found a small USB fan I bought previously that I can use here. (see image on the left) The fan produces quite a strong air flow so I have decided to have a go at it.
I have removed the outer case so I am left with the inside only that allows me to better direct the airflow over the Block Erupter. It is a little noisy, but I am running it in the basement so it doesn't bother anyone.
This fan keeps the ASIC ( miner at room temperature without any problem, it doesn't heat anywhere as much as without the fan.
As a footnote I noticed that when operating the miner from a USB port on my laptop it heats up much faster than when powering it via an USB hub. Also I noticed that (at least when plugged into my laptop) the miner heats up even when I am not mining with it, LED lighting.
300 MH/s one will not get rich, it is just enough to make up for the price of electricity and the initial investment.
Following the success of Bitcoin ( many different peer-to-peer currencies have appeared on the internet. One of these was Litecoin. And even though it was designed by following the bASIC ( principles behind Bitcoin (, it has some major differences.
This guide will show a likeliness to Bitcoin ( BASIC ( and Ubuntu 12.04 simply because the similarities in the client and mining software and the currency in general.
Contents of this Article:
About Litecoin Installing the Litecoin Client Mining Software Mining Hardware Comparison Installing the Mining Software Where to Mine Sources.
About Litecoin.
4 years. The exchange rate at the time of writing this article, 1 LTC was worth.
Litecoin network uses the scrypt algorithm that was specially designed to take longer time to compute, hence hashing rates are lower than in the Bitcoin ( network. However, since a new block is generated - on average - every 2.5 minutes (compared to 10 minutes in the Bitcoin (, there will be 4 times as much coins in existence, summing in 84 million.
Another aim for Litecoin was to avoid concurrence to Bitcoin ( While FPGAs and ASIC ( are providing the majority of the Bitcoin ( network's hashing power, these are not usable for Litecoin mining (or at least not yet). Litecoin mining is economically viable on available, consumer hardware. As the global hashing rate is slower, there will be no handful of individuals "dominating" the network with extremely powerful devices (to be seen in the future). However, there is still concurrence, as if one has a GPU, a decision has to be made whether to mine BTC or LTC.
Installing the Litecoin Client.
It has to be noted that Litecoin has also 2 client versions, litecoind and litecoin-qt . Litecoind is the "litecoin daemon, a terminal version, whereas litecoin-qt is the qt4, GUI version of the client software. Unless you know what you are doing, it is recommended to use the GUI version of the client, litecoin-qt.
Package dependencies have to be satisfied. Run the following command to install necessary packages,
If you have the Bitcoin ( client installed, you probably already have all packages.
Download the latest client software Unpack the downloaded file to anywhere on your computer Navigate to the unpacked directory/bin/## Launch the executable file "litecoin-qt"
This will launch the Litecoin client.
Run the following commands in a terminal window to install the client,
wget tar xzvf litecoin-0.6.3c-linux.tar.gz cd litecoin-0.6.3c-linux/## ./litecoin-qt.
After running the executable file, a directory ".litecoin" will be created in your home directory. /Home/$USER/.litecoin contains your blockchain and wallet.dat file. (You can press Ctrl+H to view hidden files)
The Litecoin client is nicely integrated into the Ubuntu menu bar, originally an issue with older Bitcoin ( clients.
The generation of new blocks is done by "mining" that is the investing of computational power. As the Litecoin was designed to be unfavourable for specific mining hardware (FPGA & ASIC (, mining is currently only done using CPUs, but mainly GPUs.
There are back end software, actually doing the mining and there is a GUI front end, that allows quick and easy configuration.
cgminer --scrypt reaper miner pooler cpumineer.
Cgminer is the same miner that is used for mining Bitcoins, but with the argument "--scrypt" it can be used for mining Litecoins. Uses GPU and requires AMD APP SDK on ATI/AMD cards to be installed. Cgminer comes with stratum proxy included, hence it can be used to mine through both getwork and stratum.
Reaper miner is an OpenCL miner for both nVidia and ATI/AMD GPUs, however it is more efficient on ATI cards. If pool requires stratum, stratum proxy has to be running.
Pooler cpuminer (or "minerd" ) is a miner for CPUs that was integrated into the Litecoin-qt client as well. If pool requires stratum, stratum proxy has to be running.
Stratum Mining Protocol (or Stratum Proxy) is a protocol written by slush originally for Bitcoin mining ( to improve pool-miner communications. This protocol was adopted by a range of other pools and by many of the Litecoin pools as well.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:45 am
Installing the Mining Software.
GUIminer -scrypt.
The installation procedure is the same as in the case of GUIminer for Bitcoin ( Please refer to Bitcoin ( BASIC ( and Ubuntu 12.04.
Get the latest release of GUIminer -scrypt from git repository
Stratum Proxy.
./ -o -p 3334.
wget tar xf slush0-stratum-mining-proxy-7b5c080.tar.gz cd slush0-stratum-mining-proxy-7b5c080/ sudo apt-get install python-dev sudo python install ./ -o -p 3334.
Pooler cpuminer.
Extract it to anywhere on your computer.
After making it the executable file minerd will be created in the directory. You can start using miner (pooler cpuminer) to mine right away. Using the credentials from your pool. Remember, if your pool only uses stratum for mining, you have to have stratum running.
In this case you have to connect to,
-o URL of your pool -u workername -p woerkerpass So when stratum proxy is running and connected to a pool, it can be run as ./minerd -o localhost:8332 -u USER -p PASSWORD.
Download latest cgminer from Make sure you have AMD APP SDK installed (See links in blog sidebar) as well as appropriate AMD drivers. Refer to guide at Bitcoin ( BASIC ( and Ubuntu 12.04 as this is the same miner with the extra argument "--scrypt" when running it.
cgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u workername -p workerpass.
Reaper Miner. reaper.conf litecoin.conf.
host localhost port 8332 user username pass password.
Where to Mine.
Just like with Bitcoin (, there are two options for mining: solo and pooled mining.
Solo mining is when you are running the client in server mode and connect to it with your mining software. If you find a block, the whole 50LTC reward goes to you (
70$ currently). If, however, you do not find a block, there is no reward. This is a high risk high gain mining technique and it is not advised unless you have considerable hashing power.
Pooled mining is when a group of miners unite and mine as a team. Shares are given to each miner based on the amount of work (hashes solved) and when a block is found by any of the miners, the block reward is split among the miners, based on the amount of shares received. This allows a steadier, but smaller amount of payments and hence reduces the risk of never finding a block and never receiving anything.
Configure Solo Mining.
Solo mining requires to start the client software in server mode, have proper configuration and connect the mining software to the running client.
1. Firstly a litecoin.conf file has to be created in /Home/$USER/.litecoin This file has to contain the following lines:
Make sure you change username and password to something unique.
2. Kill the running litecoind or litecoin-qt if any of them are running. You can do this by right-clicking it in the top bar and choose "exit" or sudo killall litecoin-qt .
3. The client has to be launched in server mode in order for you to connect to it and mine in solo mode. To do this navigate to the unpacked folder and run litecoin-qt with the -server option.
4. Connecting to the server with any mining software is using the credentials given in the litecoin.conf file as created above.
host: (or localhost) port: 9332 username: your unique username password: your unique passowrd.
Note: You will not see any shares being accepted when mining in solo. If a share is accepted, that means you have found a block. Also if you get a connection error, double-check the credentials to see if you have mistyped something.
Log into the system with your Bitcoin ( Wallet Address to do the Bitcoin mining ( with the GPU power.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:46 am
Torque Bitcoin ( Miner allows you to rapidly mine bitcoins on your PC using the CPU and GPU. It will choose the best pools to use for you and even boost your results by mining in the cloud. Simply enter your bitcoin address and it will do the rest. It also allows you to choose how much computing power to dedicate to mining.
10 Best Bitcoin ( Stocks to Buy in 2019.
If you wish to invest in the crypto market, you have 2 options: 1) directly purchase some cryptocurrency, or 2) you can buy stocks in companies that utilize BTC and introduce blockchain technologies within their platforms. These businesses will do just fine no matter what happens in the cryptocurrency world, but they will do even better if the crypto world has a good year in 2019.
If you prefer buying stocks, you won't need to go through the lengthy process of purchasing crypto on an exchange, managing a wallet or having to worry about price fluctuations, security, and documentation. Here, we give you our list of the 10 best Bitcoin ( stocks to buy.
Bitcoin ( Investment Options.
BTC currency.
As you know, Bitcoin ( is not a physical form of currency, nor is it a company or corporation that can go public. So there isn't exactly a stock for it. However, you can treat the BTC you have as an asset that can be bought and sold, and its value as the bitcoin stock price. The fluctuation in price can be tracked in the same way you can track any other stock in your portfolio.
Bitcoin ( Investment Trust.
There are other ways you can incorporate "bitcoin stock" into your portfolio as well. The Bitcoin ( Investment Trust is one notable option that operates similarly to an exchange-traded fund. It is a trust that owns the coins it is holding, and by buying shares of it, you can essentially bet on bitcoin value without actually owning any of your own (their bitcoins are secured using Xapo, Inc. as storage).
Bitcoin ( Futures.
Another possible attempt at investing in bitcoin's value without buying bitcoins is with bitcoin futures. Bitcoin ( futures allow you to essentially bet on the cryptocurrency's value in the future; if you think the price of BTC will go up in the future, you could buy a futures contract. Should your instinct be right, and the price goes up when the contract expires, you're owed an equal amount to the gains. Notable places that offer bitcoin futures contract are the Chicago Board Options Exchange, or CBOE, and financial market CME Group.
Contracts are leveraged in that you're paying a fraction of bitcoin's actual price when you buy futures, giving you a chance to profit off them. However, the contract has an expiration date in the near future. If the price is down when it expires, you can't simply hold and wait to see if it bounces back; you just lose.
Investing in Mining Technology.
The growth of Bitcoin mining ( as an industry has grown rapidly ever since the first BTC was mined nearly a decade ago. More powerful computers and hardware are required to give miners a better chance of successfully mining, and some companies have inadvertently become involved as a result.
Investing in Blockchain.
The most valuable aspect of bitcoin is the blockchain technology behind it, investing in blockchain is another way of tangentially investing in bitcoin without the worrisome volatility. There are many large companies that have been developing their own blockchain networks for a variety of purposes that may be worth looking into.
That doesn't mean it's risk-free, though. Blockchain technology is an intriguing development that could disrupt a number of huge industries, but at the moment, it's also a fashionable word to throw around.
Best Bitcoin ( Related Stocks.
Check out the following potential bitcoin stocks to invest in:
The tech giant has more than 1,500 employees who are focused on the development of projects that are powered by Blockchain technology. In 2017 IBM launched the blockchain services which power CLSNet, an automated settlement and trade netting processor which deals with overseas exchange transactions which aim to reduce the extra fees and hassles of converting currencies.
By collaborating with the Linux Foundation, they developed the Hyperledger Fabric, a project which specializes in developing and distributing corporate blockchain solutions. Nine international banks have enrolled to use IBM's blockchain payments service, two of them being HSBC and Deutsche Bank.
Another partnership with food retailers, most notably Walmart, to help quickly, efficiently, and securely track the supply chain to help ensure ideal food safety. They have also partnered with Maersk to work on a blockchain platform for global trade.
Microsoft is seeking to build a 'Blockchain as a Service' on its Azure cloud, becoming a genuine rival to Amazon when it comes to hosting cloud-based apps. The Azure Blockchain has also been implemented by big names, including NASDAQ and AT&T (NYSE: T). Microsoft Azure runs on the Ethereum blockchain, meaning that it depends on what decisions the Ethereum Foundation makes regarding its code updates.
Microsoft has also linked its blockchain services to several applications, such as Office 365 Outlook and Sharepoint Online, and apps of other companies, including Twitter and
NVIDIA is one of the biggest graphics processing unit (GPU) manufacturers in the world. Its products are used in video games graphics as well as in mining, due to its computational performance required for producing Ethereum cryptocurrency.
As cryptocurrency and blockchain become more widespread, there will be more miners engaging in the process of earning coins and tokens. Furthermore, Nvidia's graphics chips are also designed with enough processing power to assist with artificial intelligence (AI) applications such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and autonomous vehicles, which will be some of the hottest topics in the coming years.
Everyone knows Amazon as the e-commerce giant. However, the company also employs technology services that are likely to gain from blockchain adoption.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a branch that takes care of the computing aspect that powers its e-commerce business. The company launched blockchain offerings for its corporate consumers, which allow them to create large blockchain platforms by using templates, thus enabling them to easily integrate the technology with other Amazon IT tools.
Amazon's blockchain case studies have been applied in a variety of situations, from helping farmers in their field data management and bringing healthcare improvements, to supply chain management.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:47 am

Mining ( Pool Shares, Difficulty and Luck Explained|10:38
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 06:47 am (OSTK) has become the first US retailer to accept Bitcoin ( and its subsidiary, Medici Ventures, invests in promising Blockchain startups that cover such emerging areas as finance, digital identity, voting, etc.
TZero, which announced an exciting Initial Coin Offering (ICO) earlier this year, is offering a general ledger system for capital markets using cryptocurrencies. Investors can invest crypto coins such as Bitcoins and purchase real-life securities with them before receiving their profits in the same cryptocurrency. As TZero is operated on the Blockchain, it is said to be far cheaper to operate than more traditional security trading solutions.
MasterCard is among those companies that have supported blockchain, a technology with disruptive potential for its sector of business, for a very long time.
MasterCard offered banks Blockchain-based alternative for carrying out transactions in October 2017, discarding traditional credit cards. Curiously enough, MasterCard came to be the second Fortune 500 company to be involved in the development of decentralized payments, succeeding IBM. However, its Blockchain does not support cryptocurrencies, only fiat, meaning that it isn't a Bitcoin ( stock.
Bitcoin ( Investment Trust (GBTC)
Bitcoin ( Investment Trust is an open-ended grantor trust company. It is invested entirely and only in bitcoin and has a value that is based only on the price of bitcoin. What this company does is it provides investors with a means to gain exposure to the price movement of bitcoin without having to buy, store or keep bitcoins safe. Bitcoin ( Investment Trust is sponsored by Grayscale Investments which is a wholly-owned Digital Currency Group subsidiary. The concept is interesting in that each share represents ownership of 0.1 bitcoins and the value drops gradually over time as the company expenses are covered.
Glance Technologies is an active player in the cryptocurrency ECOS ( as they already own and operate the Glance Pay streamlined payment system. Glance Pay revolutionized the way in which smartphone users interact with merchants, order products, make payments, choose places to dine, access digital records such as payment receipts and earn rewards while doing so.
Glance has already built a strong network of merchants and consumers and uses the smartphone technology to offer incentives and other bonuses. The Glance Pay system is downloadable in various formats and provides tools for both merchants and consumers for maximum benefit. Glance Technologies continues to expand and offer more value-added products to its users. Glance Technologies ( is based in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Founded in July of 2000, this company was designed to provide investment services to the blockchain ECOS ( The company website actually references their activity as "a first mover on the NASDAQ focused on blockchain technology." The goal of this group is to revolutionize transactions with a system that has not been seen before.
To add to the unique ECOS ( created by Riot, they have also launched their own Bitcoin mining ( operation. The company only says that the Bitcoin mining ( operation will be the focal point of the expansion plans in place to move the company forward in the cryptocurrency world. The main focus of Riot Blockchain Inc. is the Bitcoin ( and Ethereum blockchains which put this group in strong positioning in the cryptocurrency world.
MGT Capital Investments, Inc. (MGTI)
MGT Capital Investments, Inc. has three main parts in its operation. They include cryptocurrency mining, proactive anti-hacking development, and the private phone. They are without a doubt one of the largest US-based Bitcoin ( miners and continue to expand with the Sentinel product line of cybersecurity technologies. The company has also formed a solid partnership with industry pioneer John McAfee which has led to multiple mobiles and personal tech device security systems. The Privacy Phone, through a partnership with Nordic IT, is a mobile phone that carries maximum privacy and extensive anti-hacking features.
How to Buy Bitcoin ( Stocks?
If you are one of those more conservative investors who prefer a traditional and safer approach, then you might select one of the above-mentioned blockchain stocks to invest in. This type of investing does not require you to go through the lengthy process of purchasing crypto on an exchange, managing a wallet or having to worry about the price fluctuations, security, and documentation.
You can buy stocks on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Of course, you can't simply walk onto the floor of the NYSE and fill a shopping cart as you do at the grocery store. Instead, you must hire a brokerage firm to buy the stock on your behalf.
Different brokers offer different levels of support and advice to their clients, so it's important to choose the proper level of support for your needs. Once you've hired a broker, you will ask him to buy and sell stock for you whenever you wish to make a transaction.
Keep in mind that you'll pay a commission each time you buy or sell, so that's another point to keep in mind when shopping around for brokers and when figuring your profits and losses. Each brokerage firm has its own set of commission rates.
Online brokerage firm.
If you want to save money and feel confident about purchasing stock on your own, consider an online brokerage firm that allows you to open an online trading account. You simply open an account, deposit some money into it and log in when you wish to buy stock. This service is less expensive, as the broker buys stock on your behalf but does not analyze it for you or offer advice; they simply serve as an online bridge between you and the NYSE.
Once you decide what top bitcoin stocks you want, tell your broker what stock you wish to buy and how many shares you would like. When buying, you'll place a market order or a limit order. While a market order instructs your broker to simply buy shares of a certain stock, a limit order dictates the price you want to pay for the shares.
Contracts for Difference (CFDs)
If you don't wish to physically own the above Bitcoin ( stocks, you can always purchase Contracts for Difference (CFDs) for each instead. CFD brokers such as eToro - the world's leading social trading community - support stocks and foreign exchange, as well as leading cryptocurrencies. With CFDs, you simply place a 'Buy' or 'Sell' CFD order based on whether you expect the price on a stock to rise (Buy) or fall (Sell).
Even though stock investment might be safer than directly investing in cryptocurrencies as it is a regulated sector, that still doesn't guarantee against you losing money.
Bitcoin mining ( Company Spending $10M to Buy Back Shares.
China-based Canaan raked in $90 million from a 2019 IPO in the US. Now, it's using its capital to buy back shares while the price is near a historical low.
May I buy your shares? Image: Shutterstock.
Canaan is spending $10 million to buy back shares, which currently cost about $2. The maker of Bitcoin mining ( hardware took in $90 from a 2019 IPO, in which shares sold for $9. The Chinese company reported a year-over-year decline in net revenue of 26% in the second quarter.
Last November, Canaan, the Chinese company that makes computer chips and other hardware for Bitcoin mining ( rigs, priced its shares at $9 on the Nasdaq stock exchange as part of a $90 million initial public offering.
Now, with the price below $2 and near an all-time low, the company will spend up to $10 million to buy shares back.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 08:15 am
According to a company press release, "The number of [American Depositary Shares] repurchased and the timing of repurchases will depend on a number of factors, including, but not limited to, price, trading volume and general market conditions, along with Canaan's working capital requirements and general business conditions."
Canaan's unaudited second-quarter financial results , released last week, shed some light on the hardware maker's thinking. It reported year-over-year decreases in total computing power sold and total net revenues of 18.2% and 26.3%, respectively.
At the time, CEO Nangeng Zhang blamed the decline on the COVID-19 pandemic and Bitcoin ( price volatility associated with the Bitcoin ( halving in May -- when block rewards for mining were cut in half.
The COVID-19 outbreak, which originated in China, was already trending downward there by February, before the pandemic in the US and much of the rest of the world had yet spiked. That helps explains why Canaan's April-through-June earnings seem just fine. Quarter-over-quarter net revenue was up 160.9% to $25.2 million.
CFO Quanfu Hong said, "Looking ahead, we will continue to invest in those areas that can strengthen our product offerings, streamline our operations, and solidify our market leadership."
He added that the company was "confident in the underlying strength of our fundamentals and optimistic about the long-term growth prospects of our business."
If that's true, with the share price hovering at low levels and Chinese industry emerging from the pandemic, now is the time for Canaan to invest in itself.
Where can we buy shares of ASIC (
ASIC ( did decide to keep the hardware and mine. They're selling shares with intent to payout the dividends from whatever profit is made.
Okay, so we got three players. ASIC ( Avalon. And butterfly labs. Obviously ASIC ( is the one most convenient. We don't need to do anything. We just pay. And get results.
So where can I buy ASIC ( share?
Also how do they pay dividend?
So we own a share. Then we login to their site, and then we insert our bitcoin address? Or what?
Where is their website?
Disclaimer: At the time of this writing, I am a shareholder with ASIC (
Also be aware that the Bitcoin ( stock market is, like Bitcoin (, very immature and not regulated. The risks involved are far greater than for a traditional stock market.
Like @Steven Roose just wrote, you can buy Pass-Through (PT) shares through two separate stock exchanges, BTC-TC and Bitfunder. I personally prefer the former due to its easier interface, but either works.
However, know that these are PT shares only. A PT means that you buy shares with someone who holds real shares with ASIC ( In practice, it is much the same, but both PTs will charge a 0.5% fee from your revenues, and you don't get voting rights, so keep that in mind.
For 'real' shares, ASIC ( do not sell those directly. They were sold initially at a now defunct stock exchange (GLBSE) which turned into a bit of a disaster and after that, friedcat, the person in charge of ASIC (, decided he did not want his stocks traded on any exchange for fear of similar accidents.
That said, there are a lot of people that hold 'real' shares, and these are sometimes put on auction over on (check In case you wint one of these auctions, the seller will transfer the sold amount by sending a message to friedcat with your email address and your Bitcoin ( address for dividends. I suggest using one of the escrow service providers on that forum to ensure the transfer goes smoothly and safely. Several escrow providers will do this for free, but it is customary to tip a few bitcents at least for their service.
Dividends for PT shares are paid to your exhange account and directly held shares are paid directly from friedcat to your Bitcoin ( address on file.
Beyond that, ASIC ( does not have a web page per se, but they keep everyone informed several times a week here:
Like I said, be very careful about investing in Bitcoins and cryptocurrency stocks. There is no regulation, no recourse, and seldom any personally identifiable information.
And again, I am a current ASIC ( share holder, so keep that in mind as you read this.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 08:25 am
How To Buy S&P 100 Stocks With Bitcoin (
How to buy stocks with bitcoin? Perhaps surprisingly, stocks and shares have been unnecessarily difficult to buy using bitcoin, despite many brokers offering trades in both. However, trading platform has just listed the entire Standard and Poor 100 stocks, to trade against bitcoin.
Buy Stocks With Bitcoin ( Rare As Hens Teeth.
Despite the seemingly natural cross-over in the two markets, direct trading of bitcoin 0 0 for stocks has been notable in its absence. A quick Google search will throw back several pages explaining how to buy stock in bitcoin, which are best avoided for obvious reasons.
However, the only result which seems to be on the right track is an article shilling a site called 1broker. Clicking the link warns of spoofing and dodgy certificates, and typing the site address into the browser bar, informs you that the domain has been seized by the FBI.
Tokenize and Fractionalize.
But now, users can now use bitcoin to buy stock in Apple, Facebook, Netflix, Ford, Boeing, and ninety-five other companies. Using tokenized and fractionalized smart contracts (TFSSC), clients can buy, sell and hold stock in the whole S&P 100.
The platform intends to increase this functionality to cover the entire S&P 500 share index, and it isn't stopping there. The UK's FTSE 100, Germany's DAX, and Japan's Nikkei 225 are all in its sights. Plus other major markets including Brazil, France, and Korea, and several ETFs.
Crypto Trading.
Buying the stock is a simple enough process. Simply add or purchase bitcoin through your trading account, then choose the stock you wish to trade and the amount of bitcoin you want to spend. Voila!
Initially, all of these stocks will form trading pairs with bitcoin, but WorldMarkets may add support for future trading against other cryptocurrencies, such as Ethereum or Dash.
Additionally, users can already trade cryptocurrency pairs combining several major tokens. These include bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Dash, Bitcoin ( Cash, Ripple, Monero, IOTA, and more.
At the same time, Bitcoinist reminds you that only keep money on exchanges that you are willing to lose. Not your private keys, not your cryptocurrency. But you already knew that right?
Raise Your Cap.
It isn't really clear if stock/bitcoin trading pairs have been requested by WorldMarkets users, or simply added 'because they can.' No doubt, if it turns out to be a popular feature, it will be popping up on your favorite trading platform soon.
Less than a quarter of those stocks listed in the S&P 100 currently have a market cap higher than that of bitcoin. At its peak in December last year, bitcoin out-valued almost 95 percent of the stocks listed.
Meanwhile, as stock markets have also been tumbling recently, some are speculating further gains for BTC price.
Would you buy stock with bitcoin and cryptocurrency? Share your thoughts below!
Small secret of big mining: inexpensive FPGA for getting out of the crisis.
Highly adaptive microchips have been used in mining for a long time. Mining equipment manufacturers realized that their client is not a home miner, but the owner of several thousand of devices. So they work for the second guy, releasing thousand of ASIC ( devices or specialized integrated circuits. To increase the chances of getting a reward miners co-operate into pools. This provokes the fear of "51% attack" and graphics cards displacement. However, given the instability of the market, an appearance of a highly adaptable, efficient and inexpensive technology that can be programmed "on-the-fly" is inevitable.
New generation FPGA.
Unlike ASIC (, FPGA-based mining installations can be reconfigured for other tasks. In mining it works like this: if the network algorithm changes or there is a need to switch to a more profitable blockchain, FPGA adapts to them. Although these chips have been known since 2012, the first versions weren't economically efficient. Then the era of ASIC ( came.
It is possible that within few years, a return of a traditional home-scale mining and decentralization strengthening will happen. New models will be cheap, productive, with low power consumption and included software.
In July of this year, Richard Ells, the creator of Electroneum - a cryptocurrency which is aimed to be used in mobile applications, gaming, trading and other services, faced a precedent. Like any novice project, ETN welcomed GPU mining ( and demanded switching off ASIC ( devices at least during the initial stage. But most users refused to comply with this recommendation, referring to the disadvantages of GPU mining ( due to high network complexity. Thus, the network's hashrate had been sank by 97% for several weeks.
Then Ells remembered of such an alternative as FPGA. He did not insist on GPU miners return and allowed ASIC ( However, he pointed that FPGA is as a win-win solution in case if project will change the algorithm.
"Your equipment remains the same. All that is required is to update the software to work with the new algorithm. FPGA are powerful, cheap, and are the future of mining cryptocurrencies. No one can turn them off."
In 2017, 74% of users where ASIC ( miners, which threatened almost all altcoins. It's not that FPGA aren't that powerful, as highly specialized chips, but they are more flexible. Canadian developers from Squire talk about a 40% reduction of operating costs, which is $60 million in the scale of industrial mining.
Before new FPGA came out, miners who were using old devices, had secretly reprogrammed them. They increased competitiveness in pursuit of a reward and hid their capabilities from developers so that they wouldn't change the algorithms. But flashing old FPGA was still expensive and not always worth it.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 08:26 am
FPGA Rebirth.
The balance in mining capacities began to change from last April. At the Bitcointalk forum, one user started a discussion in the state of FPGA devices. The topic stretched for hundreds of pages and it turned out that many participants wouldn't mind taking advantage of the new-old chips.
The presence of evenly distributed FPGA throughout the world would have strengthened the decentralization and new coins security. This is the concept that Zetheron, startup founded by Eric Fattah, is promoting. He already delivers a heavy duty software for FPGA. While it's free, though it has a 4% development fee.
The startup also works in tandem with manufacturers, advising them on the best mining equipment optimization and ways of adapting technology to software changes only. FPGA hardware is still expensive, but provides a quick return on investment (ROI), faster than graphics processors.
Will everything change?
Not all projects will be appropriate to use FPGA. For instance, the Bitcoin ( network did not change the algorithm and is very resource intensive. While Bitcoin ( Private is suitable only for GPU, Monero and Bitcoin ( Gold projects, at the same time, intentionally change the computing scope every few months. FPGA models of 2019 will be able to serve most altcoins.
FPGA will become the ASIC ( and «51% attack» antidote. Since FPGA are incredibly fast, ASIC ( can take a speed advantage from 3x to 20x compared to FPGA, as opposed to GPU speed comparison, which is 30x to 1000x higher. This means that the coin mined with FPGA is much more resistant to be "captured" by ASIC ( Promising FPGA prices are planned to stay within $450-500 range.
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Bitcoin mining ( Xeon Phi.
Which type of hardware is the most efficient for mining Monero . It also uses a more familiar architecture, leading Intel to claim it is easier to master than GPU-programing, but I personally disagree as x64 is already much more complex than GPUs. Miner CPU Mining With AMD Ryzen 7 Systems. We would not recommend buying hardware solely for Monero mining, Bitcoin mining ( xeon phi however it is a fun way to learn edelmetallhandel thГјringen erfurt key concepts for Docker and utilize excess capacity.This equates to about 1800 BTC per day, and this is constant whether there is just 1 person mining or 10 million people mining.
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Bitcoin mining ( Hardware Guide ft.Quite frankly, if you’re interested in mining with Phis you’ll be best off buying one of the 4Г--7250 self-bootable machines (I’ll write more on that once mine arrives).Not by a long shot they won’t. Cpu Bitcoin mining ( xeon phi Bitcoin mining ( xeon.20:30, Example:Turn an Old Server Into a banc de comptoir ikea Gaming Rig Sending money to a paper wallet is the easy part.Images for Bitcoin mining ( xeon phi Welche Aktien Kaufen 2018 Г¶sterreich.
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How much i can generate on a Intel Xeon E5-1650 server? Electron Cash Last week I posted on my latest toy, a rig that used eight Xeon Phi 7220 cards in a single 4u-server to achieve a total of roughly 24kH/s for cryptonote coins (in case you Bitcoin ( Chat Sites missed it, the original post is right below).
It is actually determined by a fixed supply schedule. That, in a nutshell, is why GPU's can Bitcoin mining ( xeon phi mine Bitcoins so much faster than CPU's.Monero CPU Mining crypto wallet number iq option Hardware Benchmarks & CPU Mining Guide |
While live fox news stream servers idling, they're not consuming power as the CPU Bitcoin mining ( xeon phi area at lower power states hence less heat dissipated. Intel Xeon E5-2670 Mining Hash Best Cloud Mining Litecoin I was trying to find "Xeon EL V3" but the result was "only alphanumeric characters allowed".
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We are using the max single core turbo speeds here not the all core turbo speeds, however, there is usually a correlation in terms of theВ number of clock speed increments. Fiat Currency And Cryptocurrency Cheap Ethereum Cpu Miningi.e. Mining on Phi 7220 cards… First off, it is kind of hard to get those 7220 cards вЂ" if you don’t already have some, you’ll probably have a hard time to get some. Monero mining on dual Xeon CPUs 1khs at 210 watts - YouTubeThe only other way i could think of would be to use Xeon Phi but they as you said for cryptonote mining to be used by larhe data centers Building A 6 Gpu Eth Mining Rig Intel Xeon E5 For Coin Mining T appear Bnb Price Binance Crypto Exchange Rating refreshed Xeon processors launch in.My memory of them was that they were relatively capable on.
Intel Xeon Phi Bitcoin mining ( Ethereum Opening In China That's an excellent workload to run on a Der Goldpreis In Der Schweiz GPU.
> Share some BTC love: Combined together, these 2 factors make AMD GPUs overall 3x-5x faster when mining Bitcoins. Elit Trading Club Newsletter.
What is Bitcoin mining ( I'm tired of telling newbies about how CPU mining is irrelevant in today's meta.Litecoin Monero CPU, INTEL, 2x XEON E5-2699 V4 @ Bitcoin mining ( xeon phi -, -, Ubuntu YAM, 145, barron's best online broker 2018 Monero, Cryptonight, 1500, $ Forex Auto Trading Sinhala.
Trying different hashes repeatedly - the process behind Bitcoin ( erfolgreichste forex trading strategie mining - is a very repetitive task suitable for a GPU, with each attempt varying Bitcoin mining ( xeon phi only by the changing of one number (called a "nonce") in the data being hashed.For those running E3 and Xeon D CPUs, this is far from an ideal application. Recommendation on howto redeem Bitcoin ( … Electrum users who are not interested in Bitcoin ( Cash do not need to worry nor to take any particular action. Live Bitcoin ( Aud Chart.
Docker run -it -e [email protected]В servethehome/monero_cpu_minergate That will download and compile the popular CPU miner, determine the best thread count and start mining directly to the Minergate pool.If you're interested in collaborating,В PM me.В I have a soft spot in my heart for Phi, especially the x2xx variety.I reached out to a dev about a year ago, because I really wanted to buy a x1xx series card.В I actually got a response, but it was along the lines of "buzz off, nobody is going to waste their time optimizing for that architecture".В My thoughts.. Organizations warned that do handeln fГјr die erbengemeinschaft it yourself silver and conclusionsThis is a difference of 800 (or 400 in case of AVX) times more instructions Bitcoin mining ( xeon phi per clock. And la voila, here we are: Konto Online ErГ¶ffnen In Г¶sterreich.
'post', data: Not really, anyway. I assume the private key associated with the address had been encrypted with Now, i realise that a Xeon Phi was released in 2012-2013, and that it's very well possibleCould someone confirm this? Desktop PCs, Mini Home PCs, Intel NUC and Compute Stick workstations, Intel and AMD CPUs, ultra fast memory, probably the largest selection of PC.
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Navigation menu The spec that probably shows the most difference is memory bandwidth.
CPU mining eventually gave way to GPU mining ( GPU mining ( eventually gave way to FPGA/ASIC ( mining ASIC ( mining rapidly improved until running headlong into Moore’s Law A comment from Reddit on different hardware types Size of the network today It is important to note that the absolute rate at which bitcoin is paid out globally does not change based on the number of miners. @
There's no way to do it where it's profitable at all? As a result, the efficiency gap between using GPUs and CPUs to mine is low relative to other cryptocurrencies.
INTEL XEON 22 CORE Powerful GPUs are needed mostly for graphic intensive tasks such as gaming or video editing. Bitcoin ( To Card.
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This is so because the specific altcoin mining network sizes and exchange rates can fluctuate very rapidly.Why a GPU mines faster than a CPU We rated Intel Xeon E3-1505M v5, mobile.
В В I have seen CPU miners and know that these are not optimal, but have considering making 5 mining servers out Ing Diba De Tagesgeld Extra Konto of the 2850's to just see what happens.
Xeon all forex broker list mining Bitcoin mining ( xeon phi rig Understanding the hardware Bitcoin’s original vision as laid out in its whitepaper was ‘one CPU one vote’. CPU & GPUOf course it's absolutely not 100%, but I can imagine it as an engineer.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 08:27 am

Solo Mining ( vs Pool Mining (|5:05
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 08:27 am

Bitcoin ( : The Economics of Mining ( Pools|5:44
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 08:28 am
If you're looking for a Xeon CPU and want higher performance while you're Processors bitcoin performance rating.
4 Aug 2015 Due to the rising hashrate of the bitcoin network caused by the introduction of ASIC ( to the market, GPU mining ( Bitcoins has become Close all browsers and do full restart of GUIMiner and then Bitcoin ( via GUIMiner server starter or Old Xeon 512k (Dual), 2x1/2, cpuminer Bitcoin ( wallet kali Kraken Bitcoin ( Buy Price.
True up "as long as you can" Zcash Cryptosystems on the 6-core Intel Xeon processor E5-2420. Given these limitations, how does it help that Xeon Phi is x86-based? Indexfonds Binck.
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First of all, I blew some circuits in my basement … and worse, at home (where I built the rig) I only had 110V power, which wasn’t all that good for the 2x1600W PSUs. Since graphics cards can mine ethereum, would intel xeon phi like they would be ideal for mining since they can utilize OpenCl, have Was Ist Von Etoro Zu Halten.
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A large bulk of the structures Obama07 Member Offline Activity:
6 Best Bitcoin mining ( Hardware ASIC ( Comparison In 2017 The big question here however is if systems like that that may be acquired cheap are really worth using for crypto mining as they only come with a lot of CPU power, but no GPU capable of being used for mining as for server needs not much GPU power is required generally.
Combined together, these 2 factors make AMD GPUs overall 3x-5x faster when mining Bitcoins. Bitcoin ( NasД±l Transfer Edilir Allow CPU mining.
Xeon Bitcoin mining ( Oh Bitcoin ( is still a thing?GPUs were also favored for Litecoin mining about a year ago, which resulted in hugely inflated GPU prices and incredible scarcity of high end AMD GPUs Q4 2013 / Q1 2014 until AMD leaned on retailers to bring prices closer to MSRP.. Fiat Currency And Cryptocurrency Cheap Ethereum Cpu Mining The FX-9590 with 1866 memory achieves 30GB/s.The 5970 uses a VLIW-5 architecture, which means the 3,200 Stream Processors are actually 640 "Cores," Each able to process 5 instruction per clock cycle.
You are CPUs.Bitcoin ( Wiki The uniqueness of the project, low price, low supply, the stability beste binäre option bot when all altcoins go to the red Xeon phi litecoin mining.What a community response.Oh, and of course:We rated Bitcoin mining ( xeon phi Intel Xeon E3-1505M v5, mobile Your opinion about the INTEL XEON PHI 7210FPGA's took over GPU market some time ago and now again ASIC ( are taking over again. Preis Für Cng Gas.
Hashrates for Opteron and Xeon CPUs Non-specialized hardware comparison Contents Graphics cards Due to the rising hashrate of the bitcoin network caused by the introduction of ASIC ( to the market, GPU mining ( Bitcoins has become impracticable. Xeon Phi Monero Zcash Profitability вЂ" Expo Deco Mining with Xeon Bitcoin mining ( xeon phi cpu? regelbasiertes handelssystem Took the effort of benchmarking XEON's, he could get a maximum of 140 Mh/s from a Xeon Phi 5100."Yay!For example, the translucent windows in Windows 7, or technologies like Mac OS X's Quartz, which powers the Aqua desktop and its beautiful, water-like graphical effects and animations such as bulging the Dock in a smooth animation when the mouse is moved to the lower edge of the screen or "sucking" windows into the Dock when they are minimized - these are powered by GPUs. Nicht Organisierter Kapitalmarkt.
Using old Server Racks/Blades for Mining : Intel PHI +++ Best Mining CPU CRYPTONIGHT Bitcoin ( | Computers/Tablets & Networking, Enterprise Networking, Servers, Server Components | eBay! Profitability for INTEL XEON PHI 7210 Connected Social Media В» Cryptocurrency Using Intel Products and9 Jan 2017 Why do folks ask this question?
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Intel Xeon E5 2670 Mining Hash Best Altcoins To Buy Mined / day. And since we are in Monero mining sub, I've heard that current Epyc does very well in that regard. For those interested in more details: Bitmain is well-known for producing ASIC ( for mining Bitcoin ( and A lot of Xeon processors can perform really well on Monero mining.
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Of course, these days, it's all ASIC ( anyway. Protoshare coin mining with xeon sapphire radeon nitro+ rx580 8gb scrypt mining hashrate. Energiekosten Familie.
It's not that a CPU is fat, spoiled, or lazy. Bitcoin ( Automat I Oslo One final note:
And remember that's floating point performance; the bulldozer architecture the 9590 is based on gives you about effectively 1.5x as many cores when doing integer operations. Mining mit Intel Xeon Phi.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 08:28 am
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Bitcoin mining ( intel xeon - Bitcoin ( bip 91 progress worth it to get into Bitcoin mining (; how to get free Bitcoin ( in india; Bitcoin mining ( xeon; Bitcoin mining ( server. So would be low GB/s per core..7 Sep 2017 My question is how can I redeem the bitcoin cash from it? Bitcoin ( Stack Exchange Litecoin mining xeon Xeon phi p bitcoin bitcoin - The latest.
'index.php?route=extension/module/askforquote/checkRequiredOptions', type:Look into Dr Klein Baufinanzierung Horber Straße Herrenberg argon2d algo coins. Bitcoin mining ( zivilschutz vorräte Server PRQ 7250 crypto Bitcoin mining ( xeon phi currency Electrum on Twitter:however the chance of ETH goin away from POW -work based mining, to not equates to making all of that mining equipment useless. Our first Monero CPU mining benchmarks using several Intel Xeon E5 systems mining Monero.That has a much larger set of benchmarks and instructions to get up and running on your servers within minutes.
Speed with Intel Dual Xeon E5-2620v3.
Servers usually have very limited or no GPU facilities as they are mostly managed over a text-based remote interface. Ubuntu Remove Bitcoin ( Core This is a difference of 800 (or 400 Bitcoin mining ( xeon phi in case of AVX) times cryptocurrencies digital cash more instructions per clock.
CPU mining can be. Nvidia would call these cores "Cuda Cores", but as mentioned in this article, they are not VLIW, meaning they cannot do as much work per cycle. 4 days ago In this bitcoin with capital Intel Conversations in the Bitcoin mining ( xeon phi Cloud audio podcast:Satoshibet Blog Blog Litecoin xeon phi.
Final WordsThe payment, better known as the ‘block reward’, is the thing that we’re interested in looking at. It's hard to compare different devices of course, but in terms of pure FLOPS (and benchmarks) is roughly the same as an AMD r280x, which costs 240$ and allows you to play video-games in between your work. Optionen Gewinn Verlust.
Still one can see the main trends here. Bitcoin mining ( with Poweredge Servers?So ive ben looking into the best ways to mine monero exclusively, i saw a post by a guy who used 4 Xeon Phi 7210 server processors to E Forex Login.
My wie kaufe ich am besten bitcoins CPU hits Bitcoin mining ( xeon phi 90 Celsius while Bitcoin mining ( Bitcoin ( Application Form Contrary to marketing, you do not want to program these like an ordinary CPU even though the cores are truly general purpose (unlike a GPU). Bitcoin mining ( intel xeon - Bitcoin ( bip 91 progress If you cryptocoin Come equipped with 32 virtual CPUswhich are hardware hyperthreads from 2.
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Type "john the ripper tutorial bitcoin" about Bitcoin ( Cash: (not bitcoin) mining.
Intel indicated that system memory sticks based on its new 3D XPoint technology won t appear until refreshed But that's a whole different topic.)
4 Jan 2018 From Bitcoin (, the current crypto giant, to other altcoins such as Monero, Iota and Cardano, xmr mining intel xeon processor e7 8800 v3. Mining Bitcoin ( Can Be More of an Energy Bitcoin ( Cash on Blockchain Wallet.
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Intel xeon Bitcoin mining (
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:00 am

Choosing The Right Pool To Mine On - Crypto Beginners Guide #4|11:29
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:00 am
Monero CPU Mining Hardware Benchmarks & CPU Mining Guide.
Monero CPU Mining Hardware Overview.
If you are already a seasoned miner, then you understand the importance of knowing what your CPU mining hardware can do. Knowing the performance, as far as Hashrates go is important when choosing your CPU mining hardware, but you also need to take into account the total power (TDP) in watts that the mining hardware uses. Then there is the issue of overclocking. Both GPUs and CPUs have the ability to be overclocked. It really depends on the individual CPU mining hardware chips on whether it is effective and efficient or not. And of course, you have to consider your electricity costs, which mining software you will run on your CPU mining hardware and only then, after taking it all into consideration, can you determine the best choice in CPU mining hardware.
Looking for GPU benchmarks for mining Monero? Read the Guide Here.
So, your options are to simply buy CPU mining hardware and test it out and then keep buying more CPU mining hardware until you find the right set-up to suit your needs, or you can use the data we have compiled to get you started. The table below features most CPUs that are available today. Most have multiple entries with different configurations. Some mining hardware entries even provide the benches on set-ups featuring multiple of the same CPU, as well as multiple CPU set-ups with different brands used in the same set-up.
This guide to Monero CPU Mining Hardware is not intended to be taken literally, but it should be used as a guide when you are trying to decide on which CPU Mining hardware you should buy to effectively mine Monero. This data on CPU mining hardware is especially effective for those times that you find someone selling a used CPU and you need to determine if the price they are offering would make it worth it for you to buy the CPU mining hardware and turn it into a money-making system.
Monero CPU Mining Hardware Introduction.
If this mining hardware guide was on Bitcoin (, we would not even have a section for CPUs. A CPU, or Central Processing Unit, is your computer's processor. In the case of Bitcoin (, mining with CPU mining hardware is simply not profitable anymore. In the beginning, it was the only way to mine Bitcoin (, but as the difficulty rose, so did the need for processing units that could perform more hashes per second. Eventually, Bitcoin ( moved to GPU mining ( hardware and eventually to ASIC ( mining hardware. However, Monero is one of many coins that can still be mined using CPU mining Hardware.
How to get set-up, using your PC to mine Monero is outside of the scope of this CPU mining hardware guide, but look for a complete Monero mining guide to be released on Coinstaker soon. In the meantime, if you want to give it a go, a simple and easy way to do this is to join Minergate. Their set-up is very user friendly and simple.
The table below shows you the CPU mining hardware benchmarks for Monero only. The GPU mining ( hardware guide is Here. The table will show you the brand of the CPU, the Hashrate in hashes per second, the mining software that was used to test the mining hardware, comments (if any), the operating system and the TDP, or total power used in watts, by the CPU mining hardware. There are many instances when certain information is not available, especially so in the CPU mining hardware, since the total watts used is negligible in most cases. In the CPU Model field, set-ups that use multiple CPUs are denoted by a 2x, 3x, 4x and so on.
Monero(XMR) CPU Mining Hardware Benchmarks.
CPU ModelH/sSoftwareCommentsOperating SystemWatts (TDP)
Start Bitcoin mining ( pool.
How to install Bitcoin mining ( software in Ubuntu 14.04 for joining a mining pool?
I just installed bitcoin-qt wallet on Ubuntu 14.04 and have synced with the bitcoin network. How do I install a mining program that will enable me to join a mining pool?
To mine bitcoins use cpuminer (click here) and avoid any graphical application: a console application is faster and doesn't need much memory. This may be the reason why bitcoin-qt wallet has dropped the official support for Bitcoin mining (
You should compile cpuminer from the source code to obtain optimal performance. Binary packages are not optimized for your system and therefore are often slower. To execute the cpuminer installation + compilation procedure on Ubuntu, follow this askUbuntu topic.
WARNING : don't use cpuminer or any miner software on remote hosted machines, it's considered as an abuse of common resources and can be treated as an attack to the hosted system.
NOTE : Bitcoin mining ( is very time consuming and you need a very powerful network of server machines to obtain even a small result ( less than a bitcoin in most cases ). This is due to the fact that you are competing with people and organizations running highly specialized hardware ( ASIC ( miners , FPGA devices etc.) which does nothing but compute BTC block hashes 24h a day.
Please don't hesitate to ask by commenting here if you have more questions and don't forget to press the left UP arrow if I'm of any help.
If you earn a coin, please consider the Free Software Foundation BTC donation page. Good luck.
return1 /
# install dependencies sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libncurses5-dev pkg-config automake yasm # clone cpuminer git clone # compile cd cpuminer ./ ./configure CFLAGS= " -O3 " make # choose a miner pool and register there # start the miner ./minerd --user=username --pass=password.
This comment has been minimized.
Copy link Quote reply.
dandawson87 commented Jan 20, 2014.
sudo apt-get install make #necessary for some ubuntu builds.
emtiu commented Feb 11, 2014.
you kinda also need git ;) might as well put it in the install line.
danielcosta commented Mar 27, 2014.
You can avoid installing git by downloading the .tar.gz version with wget and running tar xzvf on it.
edpichler commented Apr 30, 2014.
Stuck on the make command. no targets specified.
ciindyprem commented Jun 14, 2016.
its all clear now. start over.
peterhokage commented Jun 23, 2017.
please help i need it on kali linux 2017.
xxxxxaaaaaaaannnn commented Dec 7, 2017 •
To be complete : sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libncurses5-dev pkg-config automake yasm make git gcc.
But that's kinda the bASIC ( :p.
SubMGRru commented Dec 20, 2017.
"code": -32601, "message": "Procedure not found."
floke99 commented Dec 28, 2017.
how can I stop mining ?
Zwirzu commented Jan 1, 2018.
henri2000 commented Mar 3, 2018.
Username for '': o meu da isso e pede senha??
ioricloud commented Jul 12, 2018.
thanks man. running correct here.
SoroushKashipazha commented Mar 29, 2019.
for debian installation check out here there are some perl config for ./
asif2508 commented Feb 27, 2020.
in which website i have to open account?
caesar5454 commented Mar 10, 2020.
When starting the miner, if I don't specify the user and password and just set the url , it keeps working! What will happen if I run the miner without specifying the user and password?
Ubuntu Bitcoin mining ( cpu.
CPU miner for Litecoin and Bitcoin (
Releases 44.
Contributors 19.
A CPU miner for Litecoin, Bitcoin (, and other cryptocurrencies.
Brought to you by: pooler.
Downloads: 1,116 This Week.
Last Update: 2020-06-26.
Summary Files Reviews Support.
cpuminer is a multi-threaded, highly optimized CPU miner for Litecoin, Bitcoin (, and other cryptocurrencies. Currently supported algorithms are SHA-256d and scrypt(N, 1, 1).
It supports the getblocktemplate mining protocol as well as the Stratum mining protocol, and can be used for both solo and pooled mining.
10 ASIC ( Bitcoin ( GUI Mining Software For Microsoft Windows, macOS And Linux.
Is Bitcoin mining ( profitable? Should I invest in BitCoin? The answer is subjective, it depends where you live and what type of hardware you own. Bitcoin mining ( is profitable if you live in a country where electricity is cheap, such as China, or you have Solar Panels that generates free electricity. Even if you have access to cheap or free electricity, you will need a dedicated Bitcoin mining ( hardware. A home computer powered by 3 SLi Nvidia GPU such as 1080 may do the trick.
There are many BitCoin software, the trouble is, most of them are outdated. The main job of the software is to deliver the mining hardware's work to the rest of the Bitcoin ( network and to receive the completed work from other miners on the network. Hack: How To Make Bitcoin mining ( Profitable Again? Install Solar Panel and mine for BitCoins during the day, however solar panels simply do not offer enough energy to power a modern mining facility.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:01 am
↓ 01 - Hive OS | Linux OS.
The ultimate mining platform that allows users to setup, mine and control processes more efficiently and hustle-free across thousands of rigs all in one place. Everything you and your team need to keep your farm at its peak efficiency. Monitor your rigs from a single dashboard. Keep track of hashrates, online statuses, GPU errors, team activity, pool configurations, power consumption, remote access from anywhere across the globe, troubleshoot and reboot GPUs remotely or perform bulk updates across your entire farm.
Real-time monitoring of your workers stats with regular refresh intervals without the need to reload the page. GPU Overclocking - A wide range of GPU settings to reach their most optimal performance: clock speeds, memory speeds, fan speeds and more Supported Miners - Claymore's Dual Ethereum, Claymore's ZCash AMD GPU, Claymore's CryptoNote AMD GPU, Ethminer, CCminer forks available, SGminer forks available, Bminer Equihash, Dstm's ZCash Cuda, EWBF CUDA Zcash, EWBF CUDA Equihash, Zcash, Optiminer, LolMiner-mnx, XMR Stak AMD Nvidia CPU, XMRig, cpuminer-opt Nvidia - Nvidia GeForce 10xx series family (1050, 1050ti, 1060, 1070, 1070ti, 1080, 1080ti, P106-090, P106-100, P104-100, P102-100) are fully supported with overclocking AMD - AMD Radeon RX series family (460, 470, 480, 560, 570, 580) are fully supported with overclocking ASIC ( - Bitmain Antminer series S9, S9i, L3+, L3++, D3, A3, T9+, Z9-Mini.
↓ 02 - ethOS Mining OS | Linux OS.
ethOS is a 64-bit linux OS that mines Ethereum, Zcash, Monero, and other GPU-minable coins. Instead of installing software onto Windows or Linux, the entire Linux OS is designed from ground up to mine for BitCoin.
Supports up to 16 NVIDIA GPUs: Any 2GB+ GTX 900 and GTX 1000 series. Supports up to 13 AMD RX Series GPUs: Including support for RX Series voltage control and Z170/X/Z270/X/Ryzen Chipsets. Supports up to 8 AMD R7/R9 Series GPUs: Any 2GB+ HD 7000 series, any R9 200/300/Fury/Nano. Supports multiple coins: Ready to mine Ethereum, Zcash, Monero and many other gpu-minable coins. Extremely lightweight: Works with weakest possible CPU made in the last 5 generations on only 2gb of ram. GPU overheat protection: GPUs will automatically throttle or turn off if they reach temperature thresholds.
↓ 03 - Bitcoin ( Miner | Windows.
Let your computer earn you money with Bitcoin ( Miner, the free easy-to-use Bitcoin ( miner! Earn Bitcoin ( which can be exchanged for real-world currency! Works great at home, work, or on the go. Download Bitcoin ( Miner and start mining Bitcoin ( today! Bitcoin ( miners perform complex calculations known as hashes. Each hash has a chance of yielding bitcoins. The more hashes performed, the more chances of earning bitcoins. Most people join a mining pool to increase their chances of earning bitcoins. Mining pools pay for high value hashes known as shares.
↓ 04 - WinMiner | Windows.
Make your PC work for YOU 100% of the time (instead of 90%* idling). It is dead simple, all you have to do is install, then turn On/Off your PC. The miner will automatically mine for BitCoins or any other cryptocurrencies according to the settings. This software is ideal for those working as the IT admin of a university, most of the time, those computers in the lab are idle. Time to make money.
↓ 05 - EasyMiner | Windows | Linux.
A simple easy to use UI for minerd.exe or cgminer.exe Bitcoin (,Litecoin client. Highly optimized for x86, x86-64 and ARM architectures It supports the getwork mining protocol as well as the Stratum mining protocol, and can be used for both solo and pooled mining.
Automatically uses SSE2, AVX and AVX2 instructions where available Supports the Stratum mining protocol Lightweight, only depends on libcurl and jansson Tested on a wide variety of operating systems, including Windows Features : cpuminer , cpuminer 64 , bitcoin , bitcoin miner , cpu miner , cudaminer , cgminer , gpuminer ( gpu miner ) , stratum mining proxy. EasyMiner makes cryptocoin mining simple by ensuring maximum transparency with his featured log viewer.
↓ 06 - MinePeon | Windows | Raspberry Pi | Linux.
MinePeon is an arm mining platform for the earlier generation of bitcoin miners (ASIC ( & FPGA) that interfaced with a computer via USB. It ran on the Raspberry PI 1 & 2 and there was even a version or two for the Beagle Bone Black making it a very cheap and efficient alternative to running a full PC. Mining has moved on from those days to dedicated miners in dedicated farms just as it moved on from CPU & GPU mining (
It was a great project while it lasted and perhaps one day I may get back to it (who really knows what direction mining will go next) but for now, it is shelved. A new version would take many hours to put together so unless someone wants to through large amounts of bitcoin and me to take a few weeks off my normal scheduled it is unlikely to happen.
↓ 07 - Ufasoft xCoin Miner | Windows.
Ufasoft Coin is a Multi-currency bitcoin client and Miner. Supported currencies:
Bitcoin ( - BTC Namecoin - NMC Litecoin - LTC Peercoin - PPC Novacoin - NVC DevCoin - DVC TerraCoin - TRC FeatherCoin - FTC PrimeCoin - XPM ProtoShares - PTS DogeCoin - DOGE EarthCoin - EAC MetisCoin - MTC iXcoin - IXC.
↓ 08 - MinerGate | Windows | macOS | Ubuntu | Fedora.
MinerGate is a mining pool created by a group of cryptocoin enthusiasts. It is the first pool which provides service for merged mining. This means that while mining on our pool you can mine different coins simultaniously without decrease of hashrate for major coin. Supported currencies.
Zcash [ZEC] - Zcash is a decentralized privacy-centered currency, allowing users to partly conceal the details of their transactions, such as sending and receiving parties and the amount. It is possible due to innovative technology the developers have come up with, zero-knowledge proving. Zcash is a fork of Bitcoin ( protocol, thus they share some similarities, such as the total amount of coins to be minted and block reward halvings. Advanced privacy is the main major improvement. Ethereum [ETH] - Ethereum is currently the most ambitious blockchain project. It runs its own cryptocurrency, called Ether, but goes beyond being just digital currency. Ethereum is a decentralized platform that allows building smart contracts: decentralized applications (dapps) that run as they coded without any possibility of censorship, downtime, fraud or third parties interference. The applications can move value through Blockchain and represent the ownership of property. The big idea behind Ethereum has attracted millions of users (crypto-enthusiasts, miners, investors) and boosted the market value of Ether coins, making it the most popular cryptocurrency after Bitcoin ( Bitcoin ( [BTC] - Bitcoin ( is decentralized digital currency that enables instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. Bitcoin ( uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority: managing transactions and issuing money are carried out collectively by the network. The original Bitcoin ( software by Satoshi Nakamoto was released under the MIT license. Most client software, derived or "from scratch", also use open source licensing. Litecoin [LTC] - Litecoin is a peer-to-peer Internet currency that enables instant payments to anyone in the world. It is based on the Bitcoin ( protocol but differs from Bitcoin ( in that it can be efficiently mined with consumer-grade hardware. Litecoin provides faster transaction confirmations (2.5 minutes on average) and uses a memory-hard, scrypt-based mining proof-of-work algorithm to target the regular computers with GPUs most people already have. The Litecoin network is scheduled to produce 84 million currency units. One of the aims of Litecoin was to provide a mining algorithm that could run at the same time, on the same hardware used to mine Bitcoins. With the rise of specialized ASIC ( for Bitcoin (, Litecoin continues to satisfy these goals. It is unlikely for ASIC ( mining to be developed for Litecoin until the currency becomes more widely used. Bytecoin [BCN] - Bytecoin is a first CryptoNote-based cryptocurrency. A CPU-mined coin, it"s primary advantages are extraordinary transaction untraceability and unlinkability features. BCN is stated to be much more anonymous than Bitcoin ( and all its existing forks. The developers claim a person's right to privacy is their primary concern and strictly observe their own privacy. Bytecoin was started on July 4th, 2012. BCN is based on CryptoNote, an open-source technology for anonymous cryptocurrencies. It utilizes ring signature and one-time addresses for completely anonymous payments. CryptoNote is designed in a way, which makes block chain analysis impossible. CryptoNote is focused on CPU-mining in order to make the special purposes devices useless. Monero [XMR] - Monero is a new coin using the CryptoNote protocol. It's based on Bytecoin, which was coded from scratch and is not a descendent of Bitcoin ( DigitalNote [XDN] - DigitalNote is an experimental open-source cryptocurrency based on CryptoNote technology and CryptoNight algorithm. It is a fork of Bytecoin - the very first implementation of CryptoNote. Nobody own or control DigitalNote. It is a scalable decentralized cryptocurrency with strong privacy protection. DigitalNote uses ring signatures, to provide unlinkable and untraceable transactions. QuazarCoin [QCN] - QuazarCoin is a new cryptocurrency based on the CryptoNote and uses the CryptoNight algorithm. QCN protects your data and privacy with help of completely anonymous transactions with ring signatures. Fantomcoin [FCN] - Fantomcoin supports merged mining. It can be possible with Bytecoin, Monero, QuazarCoin or any CN based coin. New blockchain needs no additional hashpower - it uses Bytecoin, Monero, QuazarCoin blocks or shares as PoW. Miners are free to choose "donor" chain they like. In case other chains based on CryptoNote will appear they also can be used as "donor" chains. MonetaVerde [MCN] - Moneta Verde is the first CryptoNote-based cryptocurrency with blockreward increasing together with difficulty. It supports merged mining with Monero, QuazarCoin, Bytecoin or any other CryptoNight-based coin. AEON coin [AEON] - AEON coin is the anonymous cryptocurrency which is based on the CryptoNote protocol and uses the CryptoNight algorithm. Dashcoin [DSH] - Dashcoin is a Next generation anonymous cryptocurrency and the first automatically mutating cryptocurrency created with CryptoNote technology. Infinium-8 [INF8] - Infinium-8 (INF8) is a new privacy-centric coin using the CryptoNote protocol. The open source reference implementation of CryptoNote was coded from scratch based on the CryptoNote reference implementation, and is not a fork of Bitcoin ( Infinium-8 aims to be a fungible and untraceable digital medium of exchange. It intrinsically has a higher degree of anonymity than Bitcoin ( or any of its various forks. Infinium-8 s the cryptocoin with blockreward increasing together with difficulty.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:01 am
↓ 09 - BitMinter | Windows | macOS | Linux.
Bitminter is a Bitcoin mining ( pool that aims to make it easy for anyone to make bitcoins. Bitminter has it's own custom miner with a clear graphical interface and can work with GPUs and external ASIC ( devices equally well. Bitminter is one of the oldest pools. Since we opened in 2011 over 450 000 people have registered accounts with us.
↓ 10 - HoneyMiner | Windows.
Honeyminer is the first platform that allows anyone with a computer to mine for cryptocurrencies. You don't need to be a cryptographer or have a computer science degree to join this revolution! Our experts take care of all the software (and security) stuff, so that you can just open up Honeyminer and start earnings blockchain rewards right away. Every piece of a coin that you receive is a thank you from the blockchain for helping to secure the ledger and verify transactions. You are joining the most important technological advancement since the internet!
Honeyminer identifies the most profitable currency to mine at any given moment based on your computer's specs and the difficulty of each blockchain. Behind the scenes, we convert these smaller cryptocurrencies into safer and more liquid blockchain assets like Bitcoin ( and Ethereum, for no charge.
Top 3 ASIC ( Bitcoin mining ( Software For Windows And Linux In 2020.

Bitcoin ( is a type of cryptocurrency, which is usually referred to as 'decentralized currency'. It is made available in an electronic or digital format. Bitcoin mining ( is a process that verifies and records the transactions of Bitcoin ( blockchains. A blockchain is a distributed public ledger, which uses Bitcoin ( as its bASIC ( unit. Here we will discuss on Best ASIC ( Bitcoin mining ( Software For Windows And Linux OS.
Bitcoin mining ( process is highly profitable to a user, only if:
The user lives in a country like China since, in China, the electricity charges are comparatively low. The user can be able to produce free electricity with the help of solar panels.
In addition to the above mentioned free electricity, the user must also require a Bitcoin mining ( hardware, in order to make a huge profit.
The most important part is the Bitcoin ( software, which creates a connection between the blockchain and the Bitcoin ( miner in the case of solo mining, and between the mining pool and the miner in the case of pool mining. But the miners do not require any kind of mining software in case of cloud mining.
The necessity of Bitcoin mining ( software:
It distributes the work of mining hardware to the rest of the network holding bitcoins. The completed work of the mining network is also received by the Bitcoin ( software. It checks the miners' input as well as the output and also depicts some other statistics of mining such as fan speed, hash rate, temperature and mining speed.
Best ASIC ( Bitcoin mining ( Software:
The following are the four different software used for the process of Bitcoin mining (
Bitcoin ( miner :
It is free and open - source software for Bitcoin mining ( It is easily usable in nature and can be exchanged or transferred for any kind of real-world currency types. This software allows the Bitcoin ( miners to perform several complex calculations such as hashes, each of which will yield bitcoins. Increased level of bitcoin earning is facilitated by the increased hash rates. The mining pool is one such option used by the miners to earn a huge level of bitcoins. Its latest version is 1.27.0 and is mostly compatible with Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 systems.
Easy miner :
It is based on Graphical User Interface (GUI) and is a lightweight software that offers a simple and easily accessible interface to the cgminer.exe or minerd.exe clients of bitcoins. It finds its applications in pooled and solo mining techniques and is also a supporter of Stratum mining protocol and network mining protocol. It is highly optimized for architectures such as ARM, x86-64 and x86. It aids on Jansson and libcurl and uses instructions such as AVX, SSE2 and AVX2. It is a highly transparent software with log viewer, which facilitates simple and easy Bitcoin mining ( In addition to Windows, it is tested over a variety of OS (Operating Systems). It visualizes the mining activity by offering several performance graphs.
Minepeon :
Bitcoin ( miners (FPGA and ASIC ( of the early generation had used this arm mining software for the process of mining. A USB is normally used to create an interface between the computer and this software. It is a cheaper and efficient solution for executing a complete personal computer system. In order for such executions to be performed, Raspberry PI 2 and PI 1 are being used.
Ufasoft xCoin Miner :
It is specifically a Bitcoin ( client, but it also supports some other currencies since it is a multi-currency miner. The various types of currencies supported by ufasoft include Bitcoin (, Litecoin, Novacoin, Terracoin, Dogecoin, iXcoin, EarthCoin and so on.
Hope this post on Best ASIC ( Bitcoin mining ( Software will be helpful for our readers. Please share your experience and feedback with us in the comment section below. Stay tuned with CoinFunda for more informative articles. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
Datacenterra Strives To Make A Positive Contribution To The Environment.
Datacenterra strives to help apps find their best hosting environment. Datacenterra provides green colocation solutions. Datacenterra is a safe place to manage the blockchain infrastructure. The data center is equipped to meet any challenges that may arise. Datacenterra was recently announced as the winner of The DCD Global ECO Sustainability Award. Datacenterra was honored for changing the economics of colocation by using innovative techniques. Datacenterra was previously honored as The DCS Colocation and Hosting Provider Of The Year. Datacenterra was honored for using renewable hydroelectric energy and free air cooling.
Datacenterra believes that the model for storing data needs improvement. The city centre locations are too expensive and the power grids are not reliable. Datacenterra is aware of the recent technological advancements that have driven big data and The Internet of Things. Data centre designs have become inefficient and potentially harmful to the environment. Using Datacenterra allows companies to increase their up-time and scalability. Datacenterra is primed to meet the demands as telecom prices fall and electricity prices rise.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:02 am
Colocation Hosting.
Companies rely on growing data to store, process, and analyze. Companies expect their data to be handled in ways that benefit them financially, but also helps the environment. Many companies have created different classes of hosting environments.
Every Datacenterra rack has multiple power feeds. The rack supplies different connections, with the phases helping to balance out the strain on the main bus-bars. Datacenterra can handle the inbound and outbound shipping, while also helping companies operate their data centre services. The cabinets have vented steel doors that allow for maximum air flow. The cabinets adhere to the standards that are enforced by The European Union.
Datacenterra uses fibre providers that give off entry points to different rooms. Any cross connections, cabling, and maintenance is done by the staff. The bandwidth is unlimited, as the fibres are lit whenever it is necessary.
Datacenterra has a construction and operation experts team that helps companies create their green data centre project in an efficient and inexpensive manner. Datacenterra has developed partnerships with different service providers and contractors. That has lead to companies receiving substantial financial advantages due to working with Hydro 66.
Remote Hands and Eyes.
Hydro 66's remote hands services are delivered through a team of engineers. The engineers provide around the clock assistance to help companies with their remote management strategies. Datacenterra is committed to helping companies improve their up-time and reach all of their goals. Hydro 66's engineers can help move equipment, extend patch cables, install cabling, take inventory, and provide visual certifications.
Datacenterra believes that North America is the perfect place for data centres. Datacenterra has designed a full range of service solutions that should appeal to companies and help them earn a profit. The growth in data sizes has helped companies produce large amounts of data in a timely manner. Companies can access information quicker and also save money on storage and computing. Partnering with Datacenterra allows companies to maximize the potential of their HPC platforms.
Datacenterra wants to distribute the operational responsibility to different product and service teams. That would leave more time for engineers to devote to developing different revenue driving services.
Asian hosting Solutions by a company headquartered in Hong Kong. These China hosting Solutions helps companies with their cloud computing, outsourcing, system development, and e-commerce.
USA hosting providers off low power rates, affordable colocation and mining hosting for cryptocurrencies and evaluation support. Companies who have worked with have seen their efficiency improve over time.
Bitcoin mining ( Hosts.
Datacenterra helps miners get mining hosting in the USA for data center provider quotes, and provides the power you need. The turnkey equipment hosting plans at Datacenterra have been specifically designed to be safe, and meet your mining needs. We have made the commitment to provide you with a mining solution that is safe, so you can place your focus on increasing your cryptocurrency wealth.
Your equipment is hosted by the leaders in data center providers, with world-class facilities based in the United States. Our Safe Equipment pledge ensures you will be provided with a guarded facility that is both secure and safe 24/7, fast installation, safe power, careful handling and installation, and equipment content insurance coverage. You will additionally receive a fire suppression system, safe inventory control, a safe temperature-controlled environment and the right to remove equipment at any time.
Your equipment runs with a constant high-speed internet connection and 99.99 percent uptime. Our Safe Power pledge ensures you receive safe mining, multiple internet providers, safe backup generators, environmentally-friendly hydro-power, a safe UPS system and a reliable and stable U.S. power grid.
As our customer, you will have full control of your equipment settings via remote. You are in charge of the currency you choose to mine, the wallet used for your currency deposits, and where you want to mine.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:02 am

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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:02 am

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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:03 am

Earn Free Ripple (XRP) - Get free Ripple Without Any Investment - Ripple Mining (|4:28
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:03 am
Data centers used for Bitcoin mining (
Data centers used for Bitcoin mining ( have significant differences from their commercial data center counterparts.
Learning objectives.
Learn about the differences in cryptocurrency data centers as compared with their traditional data center counterparts. Understand the nuances in cooling and power systems for cryptocurrency data centers.
Back in 2009 Satoshi Nakamoto, regarded as the father of cryptocurrency, announced the first release of bitcoin. Nakamoto described it as a new electronic currency system, completely decentralized with no singular oversight, using a peer-to-peer network to prevent double-spending. Simply put, cryptocurrency is analogous to entries in a database that no one can change without fulfilling specific requirements. If you think about it, this is not so different than how a traditional bank account works.
Since bitcoin started in 2009, the use of cryptocurrency has continued to grow and gain in popularity. How data centers are used for mining cryptocurrency differ from other data centers in other industries, especially in regard to their power and cooling systems.
Defining Bitcoin mining ( and mining data centers.
At a high level, the secure hash algorithm (SHA) is a function that is used to validate bitcoin transactions and ensure the security for the bitcoin network's public ledger, also known as the blockchain. The speed at which bitcoins are mined is measured in hashes per second. The servers used in mining (referred to as "miners" or "mining servers") bundle recent bitcoin transactions into "blocks," then work to solve cryptographic problems to help validate each block, making sure the ledger entries are accurate. These cryptographic problems are where the mining servers and data centers come into play. Solving these problems requires heavy-duty computational power operating for long periods of time.
The bitcoin network pays bitcoin miners for their time, effort, and financial investment by releasing bitcoins to those who contribute the needed computational power to validate the transactions. The greater computational power a miner has, the greater the portion of compensation--this is the overarching driver for why individuals and corporations are building megawatt Bitcoin mining ( data centers, either to be used by themselves or for paying customers who then have access to mining servers without having to make major capital investments in information technology (IT) and facilities. In either scenario, minimizing first costs and ongoing energy costs is critical to maximizing return on investment (ROI).
Fundamentally, a mining data center shares the same bASIC ( design and operational principles as other types of data centers: Power is brought to the building and distributed to the equipment, air-distribution systems maintain the required environmental conditions, and the building provides protection from outside conditions and security from external threats. Although on a deeper level, there are significant differences to data centers that are used for mining than their commercial data center counterparts. This divergence is readily seen in the examination of the following categories:
Impacts of mining server design Data center structure and envelope Cooling and air distribution Energy use and efficiency.
Analyzing the data on the growth of bitcoin from 2014 to 2018 indicates a tremendous growth in mining activities. This is an important indicator of energy use linked to mining operations. The growth of mining (and energy use) has been extremely strong from 2014 to 2018, and trend analyses show a continued positive, aggressive growth. Taking into consideration the very rapid growth that is occurring, and projections, it is imperative to focus on energy-reduction strategies (Figure 1).
Mining server design.
Two major considerations when investing in mining servers is the first-cost per hash and the electrical efficiency stated in watts per hash. Higher-performing computers have higher hash rates, providing greater computational power to the mining operation. In contrast to enterprise servers, miners are designed to accomplish only one task-mining. Currently, a common type of architecture used for mining servers is based on the application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC ( chips, often referred to as system on a chip (SoC).
When developing a cooling system strategy, an important consideration is that miners can operate with inlet conditions of 80 to 90°F and10% to 80% non-condensing relative humidity. A powerful mining server can have an electrical demand of 1,400 W or more, dissipating the equivalent quantity of heat to the data center. To minimize the possibility of server failure due to high interior temperatures, some of the server manufacturers include a controller that varies the speed of the fan in the server, the voltage, and clock speed of the machine based on the temperature. Additionally, the larger cross-sectional area of the miner allows for better airflow across the ASIC ( chips, enabling effective heat dissipation. Being able to take advantage of these higher operating temperatures, which can reduce or eliminate the requirements of the cooling system, is a central organizing principle for mining data centers. The extent of the reduction of cooling equipment is dependent on the size, location, and physical characteristic of the data center building.
Structure and envelope.
Typically, mining data centers use buildings that are constructed of lightweight materials-including the exterior walls, roof, and windows--such as a storage facility or warehouse. This construction is akin to a Level 1 bASIC ( facility as defined in the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) 942 Standard. A Level 1 bASIC ( facility has the least resiliency of the four levels in terms of systems reliability, handling extreme weather events, security, and many other criteria. The standard further defines a Level 1 bASIC ( facility as being prone to operational errors or spontaneous failures of site infrastructure components that result in a data center disruption. A thorough risk assessment and analysis is necessary when contemplating constructing this type of data center, as power/cooling outages or damage to the structure could lead to a catastrophic outcome.
A Level 1 bASIC ( facility data center will have little or no redundancy in the cooling systems. Lower reliability systems do not use redundant equipment, such as pumps, chillers, and air-handling equipment. In this scenario, mechanical rooms are smaller because there is less equipment. This "found" space will be used for mining servers, which is advantageous for the mining operation but increases the required power and cooling capacity. The inside of the facility is typically a large, high-bay warehouse-style interior, which allows for the flexibility and working space necessary when installing thousands of mining servers.
Cooling and air distribution.
In a traditional data center, the servers are mounted in a cabinet or rack that secures the server in place, allows for cable management, and aids in airflow. In a mining data center, the servers are mounted on industrial shelving units, allowing for quick replacement in case of server failure. This shelving arrangement offers cost advantages for procuring the products and labor to install the shelving.
One of the advantages of using the industrial-type shelving to hold the computers is the openness of the installation. The miners are placed on the shelving in a manner that permits the air to flow above, below, and on both sides. In this arrangement, there is no formal airflow management, such as a hot-aisle/cold-aisle configuration; the air temperature entering the servers is nonhomogeneous and will vary greatly. The temperatures are generated by a combination of convective forces and air mixing at the discharge of the server fans. When comparing this with an enterprise data center, there are major differences. A typical enterprise data center has servers stacked within cabinets, and the cabinets are placed side by side. The intent is to create airflow patterns that are generally very controlled, with the inlet at the face of the server and discharge from the back. This arrangement results in much more predictable and controlled air-temperature gradients.
In data centers, the cooling systems are among the most expensive and energy-hungry (behind the servers). Since this is the case, reducing or eliminating components like chillers, cooling towers, pumps, piping, and ductwork will reduce or eliminate most of the cooling system. Reducing the use or eliminating these systems will also address the first-cost and energy-cost issues. Since the primary job of the cooling system is to keep the IT equipment operating at a prescribed temperature and moisture level, easing the indoor environmental requirements of the servers (for example, allowing them to operate at a higher internal temperatures) will reduce energy consumption and, in some cases, reduce the size of the cooling systems.
As previously mentioned, the mining servers can operate with air temperatures ranging from 80 to 90°F and beyond. If the outdoor air is approximately equal to the maximum allowable server temperature, no mechanical cooling is required. Therefore, the data center's geographic location and the server's maximum operating temperature must be taken into consideration in tandem; cooler locations and hotter server operating temperatures will have the lowest energy use, while the hottest locations and lowest server temperatures will use the most energy (Figure 2).
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:03 am
Energy efficiency for mining operations.
Energy use is a primary concern for mining operations. If operating costs are higher than what is needed for a favorable financial return on the mining operation, the business model will be a non-starter. To illustrate this point, in 2009 when bitcoin launched, each block created was worth 50 bitcoins. By design, this figure is scheduled to fall by half every 4 years: 25 bitcoins in 2012, 12.5 bitcoins in 2016, and 6.25 bitcoins in 2020. When the mining industry's revenue falls by half, its energy consumption must fall proportionately. If it doesn't fall, mining would become an unprofitable activity. It is necessary to control energy consumption and cost by upfront analysis on location, system type, server performance, etc.
To understand how different components impact the total cost of ownership (simple payback in this example), Figure 3 illustrates the sensitivity of simple payback to different variables.
The mining server has an electrical demand of 1,620 W. The server has a hash rate of 18 T-H/s. The server's first cost is $4,800. The electricity rate is $0.10/kWh. The server will mine the equivalent of $3,200/year in bitcoins. The data center's cooling system power (watts per watt of server power) is 0.392. Data center construction costs (dollars per watt of server power) equal $3 per watt.
Discussion on Results.
When performing this type of analysis, one of the assumptions is that when a single variable is altered, the other variables remain static. This is generally true for this analysis, except for Case 3 where the cooling energy was reduced commensurate with the reduction in server power. As in all data center projects, reducing the electrical load for the IT equipment will have the greatest impact on reducing overall energy use. In any analysis of data center energy consumption, studying the IT load is the starting point as all energy use cascades down to the other systems. Increasing the server operating temperature will reduce the payback by 5%. The risk of an increased server failure rate must be taken into consideration, including annual replacement costs. Case 4 assumed the ability to obtain the base case servers, but for 20% less. The power and hash rates are the same. The electrical utility rate is a fixed-rate structure: Time-of-day rates or demand charges are not included. Depending on the area of the United States, these can have a significant impact on total cost of ownership. The type of building assumed in this analysis is a Tier 1 facility of simple construction. Building a more robust building, like a Tier 2 or Tier 3, will add a significant amount of costs.
This analysis is meant to provide a high-level snapshot of how a simple payback is impacted by manipulating different variables. It is not exhaustive and can't account for different situations and parameters that could further influence the total cost of ownership. As an example, installations that are highly electrically dense will likely need supplemental cooling to avoid areas of extreme heat buildup, even if outdoor air is being used to cool the data center. A nuance like this is not covered in this type of analysis.
Unlike enterprise servers where it is difficult (if not impossible) to draw a one-to-one correlation between server energy use and financial return, this correlation is readily obtainable from mining operations. This is possible, in part, because while enterprise servers will handle a multitude of different applications, the mining servers are designed to do only one thing--mining. Understanding the influencing parameters when planning a new mining data center will provide valuable data and analysis techniques to maximize the owner's ROI.
Bill Kosik is a data center energy efficiency strategist. In the mission critical industry, he is a subject matter expert in research, analysis, strategy, and planning in the reduction of data center energy consumption, water use, and indirect greenhouse gas emissions. Kosik is a member of the Consulting-Specifying Engineer editorial advisory board.
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"A recent bill, which was approved by the Kazakh Senate and signed into law legalizes mining , saying that people involved indigital mining are obliged to inform the authorities about their activities. It also stresses that miners are the legal owners of the digital assets they produce . "
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The Impact of Bitcoin mining ( on Data Centers.
Bitcoin ( is the newbuzz word in computing these days. It holds the promise of making fast money and is a lucrative temptation for those who like to play big. Bitcoin ( is a transaction protocol for digital currency transactions and is the name of the crypto currency. Though not all governments have legalized the use of bitcoins, the United States appears to be one of the more bitcoin friendly governments. Many online retailers across industries such as jewelry, fashion, home decor, electronics, consumables and even books accept bitcoins.
How does this current craze around bitcoins affect the data center industry? Bitcoin mining ( requires specialized high performance hardware that can solve the computational algorithms at a high-speed, with accuracy and efficiency. The demand for this kind of hardware is going up exponentially each day. Along with the demand for this kind of specialized hardware, the growing demand for data centers to equip and to handle cooling of this kind of heat generating hardware is increasing. Specialized data centers use immersion cooling, which is a liquid cooling technique for high density hardware.
An example of a data center implementing these techniques is the unique one created by innovative company ASIC ( This company uses Novec, which is a new liquid that is used for data center cooling, created by 3M. The hardware racks are mounted in huge tanks containing this liquid. As the hardware heats up, the liquid provides the surrounding cooling as it converts from liquid to gas.
Bitcoin mining ( is an extremely computing intensive activity and the need for both electric and computing power increases over time. Data centers that support Bitcoin mining ( are usually in the range of 1 megawatt to 5 megawatt facilities. The kind of cooling needed is similar to the requirements of super computers, and Green Revolution Cooling (GRC) is another leading provider of immersion based cooling systems.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:04 am
Liquid cooling is the de-facto way to go forward for Bitcoin mining ( hardware. For example, data centers that use liquid cooling claim to be able to accommodate up to 92 blades in a single tank. The popularity of bitcoin will see a growing need for high-tech data centers with state of the art hardware and cooling mechanisms higher in the coming year.
Bitcoin mining ( is moving rapidly to a Bitcoin ( hosting data center or Bitcoin ( colocation hosting faciiities. Locating the best Bitcoin (, ASIC (, block chain and Ethereum data center to host your operation can be challenging. In the past, all you needed to mine Bitcoin ( digital currency was a rack, power and cooling. As equipment changed and the quality of crypto-currency mining ASIC ( processors and systems increased so did the challenges for the Bitcoin ( crypto-currency operator. Migrating to a facility with high density power and large amounts of cooling is now a necessity not just an option. Finding a cost effective data center to house your Bitcoin ( operation is our specialty. consulting is a free service to Bitcoin ( operators looking for cage space, a private Bitcoin ( colocation suite or a Bitcoin ( wholesale data center space. Crypto-currency enthusiasts are scrambling to find the right location to house their equipment.
Here is a partial list of the cryptocurrency companies looking for data center space:
Bitcoin ( Ethereum Ripple Namecoin Bitcoin ( gold Litecoin Dogecoin Swiftcoin Peercoin Mastercoin.
Crypto-currency and Block Chain Hosting Sites Currently Available:
Any number of miners up to 500 kWs Space available with 1.6 mWs Bitcoin ( space available up 2.5 mWs Large miner hosting space for 6 mWs of power Large deployments for block chain clients, we have space available up to 35 mWs Construction site that has 125 mWs of power with the transformer on site. US and Canadian bitcoin hosting sites We provide support to our clients throughout the term of their contract and any renewals.
Some of the Bitcoin ( hosting data center features to consider are the following:
A secure hosting location to house expensive Bitcoin ( ASIC ( miner equipment. Low cost of power and space Sufficient cooling Remote hand assistance as required A reliable Internet connection A data center that understands the requirements of Bitcoin ( hosting operators Payment for services with Bitcoins as an option Expansion space Flexible term contracts.
Our company negotiates directly on a wholesale basis with data center management and quoted by management at lower costs and on a volume basis which results in lower costs. Most spaces have racks and cooling in place and ready for installation.
Our methodology of sourcing your new data center or mining hosting options, meeting your financial targets, easing the demands on your position and delivering more than you expected is our prime goal. We offer our clients a combination of business professionalism and technical expertise that your business should expect. We have aligned ourselves with a portfolio of over 3000 data centers nationwide. Our ability to find "the best of the best" has one objective: find the most cost competitive data center with the features and benefits you need to keep your business running, consistently and securely. This will allow you to constantly exceed your ever-changing demands.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:04 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:05 am

FREE XRP (Ripple) - Instant Withdrawal to any XRP Wallet!|8:50
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:05 am
How to make money using a Bitcoin mining ( script?
In general, to people can mine bitcoins in three ways,
Type 1: people will install software in CPU, and the software will be run whenever the systems switch on. Notably, this kind of software will not get you satisfactory results and will result in mining a small number of bitcoins.
Type 2: Mining bitcoins by setting up dedicated mining rigs & by specialized mining hardware's. But this will cost too high and require a continuous electricity supply.
Type 3: Cloud mining.
In this way, people can mine bitcoins by getting connected with cloud mining companies. There will be an option to choose the budget. Based on the cryptocurrency and the hash power the budget may vary. When comparing to other two way. Bitcoin ( cloud mining is found to be the best alternative and result s in high ROI, in the business point of view.
So by understanding this concept, Bitcoin mining ( business startups started to utilize Bitcoin mining ( script to simplify the huge mining process.
A Bitcoin mining ( script can function in two ways.
1. It helps you to create a user interface ( i.e. A website, where the user can monitor their progress)
2. It can be implemented in a hardware or a server to perform mining functionalities.
Bitdeal - Bitcoin mining ( Script.
Bitdeal we cover all the edges of cryptocurrency industry and mining is one of notable cryptocurrency business solutions. We offer the best Bitcoin mining ( script (Cloud mining), which has been powered with advanced admin panel, and to manipulate complex hashing algorithms.
Bitcoin ( is founded on the notion that financial transactions should be both decentralized (i.e. detached from intermediaries such as central banks) and entirely private. However, allowing a centralized entity - in this case, the Blockseer mining pool - to adopt the role of transaction arbiter acts to water down these core tenets.
Mining Rig, Room, And Farm Cooling Ideas.
Getting your mining rigs room temperatures under control in the summer can be a frustrating task for sure. However, with these cooling ideas in which I'm about to share with you, I was able to achieve the impossible by keeping 26 eth mining rigs running stable all summer long in a metal building without AC.
What's the best way to keep a mining rig cool? Inline fans and flexible ductwork can make a very efficient cooling solution for most mining rigs as AC units should be considered costly in most cases. In addition to ventilation, further miner configuration settings such as voltage and fan speeds can be used to reduce mining room temperatures even further.
The importance of finding a cool, dry location to run your mining rigs is imperative to your crypto money-making success and so I wanted to go more in-depth about what I'm personally doing at both my farms that's worked wonders in controlling my heat issues without the need of an AC unit.
How To Keep A Mining Room C ool.
My first Mining Rig Room I ever built was actually under my house a few years back when S9 Antminer's were crushing the Bitcoin mining ( scene.
I started by running one in my spare bedroom to see what the madness was all about and soon realized these machines were never designed to run inside living quarters spaces.
With four more S9's from China and enough Rx 580s to build two 6 card eth rigs on the way, I had to come up with a solution and quick.
After brainstorming for a while, the idea of building a separate small room in my crawl space seemed like the perfect solution as it stays cool even in the summer months.
As you can see in the picture, I have the S9 Antminers on the right which pull cold air in from the crawl space through the room and exhaust out the back through all the rigs channel into one duct which exhausts the hot air outside where it can then dissipate.
If you look in this picture, I even went and took the liberty of adding two additional inline fans on the exhaust side of the system to help further aid the S9 Antminers in exhausting hot air. 1×6″ and 1×8″ inline duct fan.
Dual inline fans to boost exhaust. This exhaust out a crawl space vent to the outside. The green hvac filters pull in filtered air from the ASIC (
To attach the ductwork to the S9's, as you see in the picture, you'll need to order 4-inch duct shrouds which fit perfectly on the back of the S9.
Once those were attached, I manage to duct them all into one 8 inch exhaust pipe with a series of different y ducts and couplers which you can purchase at just about any home depot or lowes.
Exhaust Hot Air Door Closes Air Tight.
After two years my machines are still running strong, and I've rarely have had any problems at all in maintaining those rigs as they never really crash unless the power goes out.
My only two improvements I would add at this point would be sound barrier to prevent noise travel into the house and add in a valve which would allow me to point the exhausted hot air under the house in hopes to heat my hardwood floors in the winter.
26 GPU mining ( Farm Cooling.
This next build I must admit I don't know what I was thinking, but after getting the itch for mining crypto, I decided to go big this time and build an 18'x20′ metal mining shop. Not only did I go big on buying the shop but also spent the next three months buying enough GPU's to build 26 mining rigs.
Once I got the structure set up my buddy, who is an electrician, wired up the inside with a 200 amp main and then it finally time to get to work installing a 1000cfm gable vent fan.
At the time I didn't want to spend the extra money insulating the inside, so I decided to skimp which in hindsight was my biggest mistake. Even though my building gets a decent amount of shade, it still has a few hours in the morning and after 5 pm till 9 pm which I way underestimated.
Turns out once you get past a certain amount of mining rigs in your farm it becomes another mistake to pack them in a grow tent. At the time I thought the tent could cut down on dust, but it had many hot spots with the doors shut, so I peeled the doors back to let the rigs breathe more.
Initially, I started with the gable vent fan, but once the grow tent idea came to play, I decided to tie in 2 more 12-inch fans which exhaust hot air from the top of the tent into a 12-inch duct. From there they tie in together through a 12-inch y duct and then it all final ties into the gable fan and exhausts out the back.
After adding in all those fans, you would think that it would be enough to cool my shop, but my rigs had so many issues the first summer that I knew I had to do something else.
So at the start of the next spring, I came up the idea of adding in an additional 12-inch air vent to intake air. However, instead of placing the vent on the sunny side of the building I installed it on the shaded side of my shop.
My idea was I would take and daisy chain 2 12 inch fans to draw lots of cool fresh air by just using the north side of the shop which has tons of shade.
After that, I ended up doing some more research into UV heat reflecting coatings and was able to find a source made for metal. The only reason I looked into this was due to the enormous heat radiating from the metal siding which was transferring into my rigs.
During the daytime, the heat coming off that roof alone was around 130 degrees Fahrenheit before I applied the UV coating. Product reviews from all the way in Guam reported how well this stuff worked on roofs and the company even swears it keeps metal surfaces at ambient temperature even under extreme conditions of direct sunlight.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:05 am

What is Ripple? (XRP, IOUs, Gateway and Validators Explained)|15:23
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:06 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:06 am
Shutup and take my money...
After seeing good results from coating my roof, I now want the whole south side of my miner shops exterior coated to see if I can shave a few more degrees. In addition to that Ill be adding in 1/2 inch insulation sheets to the southside wall to ensure no more outside sources of heat are transferring inside.
Mining Rig Cooling In The S ummer.
Another trick you can do to manage heat is by optimizing your rigs software and hardware settings.
For AMD cards you can lower your card's voltage with tools like wattman which cuts back on the cards energy consumption and lowers temps.
If you're using Nvidia, you have to lower the cards power limit with MSI Afterburner.
Fan settings are another great way to manage rig heat. Using tools like MSI Afterburner allows you to set multiple profiles for winter and summer. Another nice feature about MSI AB is the ability to create individual fan profiles which is great if you have one card that runs warmer.
Depending on the mining software your rigs operate on there are additional settings inside which can control each GPU's temperatures. Miners like Claymore allow you to set temperature ranges for your hardware to operate within.
Example: If I add the commands -tstart 65 -tstop 69 at the end of my Bat file in Claymore then my cards stop mining at 69 degrees and start back up at 65 degrees. Be sure to check out each miner's Read Me documentation as the parameters to adjust card temps vary from miner to miner.
Mining Grow Tents.
All right so as you can see in the picture of my attempt to handle dust with a 10×10 grow tent was a bad idea for my situation.
To be quite honest if it were in a basement or much cooler environment it would work wonders but for 26 Eth rigs in a metal shop in with hot summers, not such a good idea.
Now if I were mining inside a house with 2 or 3 rigs, then I would use a grow tent and place it near a window where I could circulate the air through the tent and out the window.
A couple of tips for this, if you do decide to use a tent, be sure to put the intake duct where the air comes into the tent at the bottom so it can work its way up into the rigs.
Moreover, you want to make sure you have enough cFm on your fan to create a negative draw meaning your tent should suck in when everything is closed up.
SIDENOTE: If your mining inside a home then you may want to look into these quieter fans, but they do cost more for the convenience.
Mining Rig Cooling.
Attaching extra fans to your mining rigs frame is another excellent way to get heat out from between your cards quickly. As I said before the faster you get the heat away from your rigs, the more efficient they become.
Most of the auxiliary fans I use at my farm are San Ace or Silverstone as they tend to move a decent amount of air. One thing I would mention is to try not to go to cheap on computer fans as some don't move any air at all and you'll just be wasting your money.
You can get these cool fan splitter boards that add in more fans ports without needing all the extra long cables which makes it nice for when you're trying to chain them together. However, you will need a spare 4 pin Molex cable to power on the board for multiple fan configurations.
If you have anymore questions or found some better solutions then the one mentioned here please comment below.
One way to cool your massive Bitcoin mining ( rig? Submerge it in oil.
Due to the high temperatures created by the hardware used for mining cryptocurrencies, this 36 ASIC ( (application-specific integrated circuit chips) rig protects its valuable chips by rapidly dispersing the heat.
"Having been into mining for a while, we were dreading the arrival of summer as cooling becomes more of an issue than usual, forcing us to build all the cooling systems in our mines to withstand the hottest week of the year," Alexander Aksenov, one of the brains behind the project, told Digital Trends. "Facing high [capital expenditure] costs for autonomous air-cooled systems, my partner Mirian and I began exploring alternative methods of achieving stable temperatures, taking as a benchmark the cost of a quality automated ventilation system.
"Having reviewed numerous immersion-cooled solutions that could be adapted to our needs," he continued, "we came to the conclusion that the market is oversaturated with high-quality overpriced products that serve a purpose when financially subsidized, but are not viable for mining adaptation due to high costs severely affecting [return-on-investment] periods. That is when we made the decision to create an immersion-cooled solution from the ground up, which will be completely self-sufficient and autonomous from surrounding infrastructure."
The system they built is able to cool up to 72 kilowatts of heat, coming ready with a full fuse box, Ethernet switch, and Zabbix-based monitoring system attached to it. It can be set up in any household or industrial space that meets the power requirements and has running water for keeping the oil appropriately chilled. As Alexander says, the byproduct of this system is hot water, which leaves the plated heat exchanger at a temperature of around 50 degrees -- allowing them to heat the surrounding building and even provide enough hot running water to take showers.
The setup is located in , where the pair of cryptocurrency masterminds have been working on their innovation lab since leaving previous jobs in the financial sector. "Cryptocurrency revealed to be the perfect platform for an exciting new direction with tremendous potential for growth that provides life-changing digital solutions, so we gathered our savings, converted them into crypto, quit our jobs and never looked back," Aksenov told us.
At present, he said that the pair is working on a brand new immersion-cooled concept, although no further details are ready to be shared.
The only thing about this that sucks? That the pair is no longer working in conventional finance. After all, these kind of out-of-the-box thinkers are exactly what the financial system needs. Still, finance's loss is cryptocurrency's (and, presumably, this pair's) gain.
How to Build a Mining Rig in 2020.
Cryptocurrency mining is not trendy anymore. Wrong! It still makes a lot of fuss in the blockchain community. As long as the first and the leading cryptocurrency, Bitcoin ( (BTC), will require mining rigs, cryptocurrency mining will be trending.
Building a mining rig in 2020 is much easier than it was, say, two years ago. The market has significantly expanded with new profitable coins to mine. There are multiple ways to mine crypto in 2020: GPU and CPU mining, cloud mining, ASIC ( mining, mobile mining, mining via laptop, and so on.
Changelly is the biggest fan of digital assets that provides instant access to over 160 cryptocurrencies. In case you like challenges or want to make mining a part of your daily routine, we are going to explain how to build a mining rig in 2020. Long live cryptocurrency mining!
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:06 am
Mining Rigs Types.
Before starting your mining career, you need to choose a cryptocurrency that will be mined. Different crypto assets require different mining rigs for the mining process to be smooth and profitable. But let's get back to the bASIC ( What is a mining rig?
A mining rig is a computer system powerful enough to solve difficult mathematical tasks in order to mine cryptocurrency.
A full-fledged mining rig consists of several essential components: mining hardware, mining software, mining pool. Each mineable cryptocurrency has its hashing algorithm, which is responsible for the hash generation. For example, Bitcoin (, Ethereum, and Monero are built with the Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus protocol in mind. However, all three coins use different hashing algorithms: Bitcoin ( - SHA256, Ethereum - Ethash, Monero - RandomX.
Once you determine which coin you are willing to mine, it is time to choose a mining rig.
The cryptocurrency can be mined with GPU, CPU, and ASIC ( miners. Some crypto assets require GPU/CPU or ASIC ( mining only, some of them can be mined with all of the three options.
GPU stands for Graphics Processing Unit or simply graphics card. You've probably heard such words as Nvidia and AMD. Both of them are leaders in the industry of GPUs and often appear in our mining guides. GPU mining ( requires much electrical power. Although the mining process needs many computational and electrical resources, in general. GPU mining ( is efficient but quite expensive. However, if you change your mind about cryptocurrency mining, GPU rigs will serve you as a perfect gaming kit a long time after.
Crypto assets to mine with GPU: ETH, RVN, ZEC, DOGE, ETC, etc.
Best GPU miners: AMD Radeon VII, Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060, AMD Radeon RX Vega, etc.
Another way to mine cryptocurrency is CPU.
CPU (Central Processing Unit) is an extremely vital attribute of any computer which is responsible for the main processes within the computer's logic. Back to the good old days of 2010, Bitcoin ( (BTC) could be seamlessly mined with CPU via a regular PC. The block reward was 50 BTC, and life seemed to be easier.
This is not political, but it is to answer a question my friend asked me. so here it is CPU MINING is PROFITABLE IF USED THE RIGHT WAY AS AN ASSET
As of July 2020, Bitcoin mining ( with CPU is much more effective than it was ten years ago but still slower than GPU and ASIC ( However, a range of other digital assets can be successfully mined with CPU.
Crypto assets to mine with CPU: XMR , LTC , GRIN.
Best CPU miners: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1950X, AMD Ryzen 7 1800X, Intel Core i5-7600K.
ASIC ( (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit).
Some members of the crypto community believe that ASIC ( miners are less secure and go against the main principles of decentralization. Monero is a strong ASIC ( resistant coin that can be mined solely with GPU and CPU.
At the dawn of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin ( could be mined only with CPU. The mining difficulty has been increasing year by year while Bitcoin mining ( with CPU has been showing a lower efficiency level. ASIC ( miners burst into the industry in 2013 and rapidly gained momentum.
ASIC ( are designed to perform one single task in an ultra-fast manner. As it is made to perform one function, you cannot use, say, Bitcoin ( ASIC ( (which focused on the SHA256 hashing algorithm) to mine Zcash (as it uses the Equihash algorithm).
Crypto Trading: How-To -- Guide for Beginners.
Well, we've considered different types of miners. The next steps are as follows.
Step 1. DYOR.
Do your own research or DYOR should be a life motto. It is extremely important to research the market in order to find the best for yourself. If we speak about cryptocurrency mining, let us provide a shortlist of what should be taken into consideration:
Choose the coin you'd like to mine. Find out its hashing algorithm and determine the best way to mine it (CPU, GPU, ASIC (; Do the research on the chosen mining hardware. It is essential to choose mining hardware that will consume an appropriate amount of electricity while providing efficient mining; To calculate the mining profitability of a particular cryptocurrency, it is recommended to use mining calculators.
Step 2. Choose the Components.
Before starting to build a mining rig, there are several components that should be checked.
The connector, the center, the Motherboard. A motherboard should provide support to over 5 video cards in order to enable profitable cryptocurrency mining. This component will determine which CPU to use, and so on. Choose it wisely.
Cooling system.
Mining is a tough job that makes your PC and processors overheat very quickly. It is vital to keep your mining rig cool. In this case, a high-quality cooling system is an irreplaceable component.
If you decide to join the legion of GPU miners, be sure your graphics cards concur with your budget and other mining requirements.
CPU mining and other non-mining processes require powerful equipment. Before acquiring a processor, research the market in order to determine the one that suits you the most. Pay attention to Intel Core i3, i4, i7, etc.
Step 3. Start to Build.
The building process is quite straightforward - you need to gather all components together.
Put a motherboard into mining's rig frame; Plug the cables into the CPU; Setup GPUs and a cooling system.
To better understand how to collect every piece together, find the Youtube tutorials that provide a comprehensive explanation on a particular mining rig.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:08 am

How to get Free XRP ( Play \u0026 Withdraw agad, unlimited XRP)|13:15
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:12 am
Cryptocurrency Miners Turn to Exotic Cooling Systems as Competition Heats Up.
Joon Ian Wong.
Amid Singapore's humid equatorial heat, a group of researchers and faculty at the island's main technical education institute are sweating over an unconventional cooling solution - for litecoin miners.
The institute, known more for strait-laced vocational courses, has partnered with litecoin startup to develop a liquid immersion cooling system for the firm's miners, in conjunction with materials science giant 3M.
Neal Blackburn, who runs business development for the startup, said:
"[Other universities] we approached weren't comfortable enough to take this on as a project. With the Institute of Technical Education, they want commercialised research, we were signing the paperwork in 48 hours."
No wonder the institute jumped at the project. Its goal is to build a "beach cooler" sized module containing an exotic cooling fluid from 3M that quickly dissipates heat. Circuit boards for litecoin mining are submerged directly into the liquid, resulting in energy cost savings of 96%, said Blackburn.
Exotic cooling provides an edge.
Miners in the cryptocurrency world are locked in a zero-sum game to discover new blocks. As competition intensifies, miners must find an increasingly elusive edge to beat their rivals. To do this, they're now turning to expensive and specialised cooling systems that were once the exclusive preserve of cutting-edge research laboratories and military installations.
According to Michael Bedford Taylor, director of the Center for Dark Silicon at the University of California, San Diego, liquid immersion cooling is currently "extremely rare" in general-purpose data centres, but it could become a common sight in Bitcoin mining ( installations.
"I can't name any current machines that do immersion cooling [...] I think it's a great possibility [for the Bitcoin mining ( industry]," he said.
Firms supplying liquid immersion cooling technology and services have reported a spike in enquiries from bitcoin miners.
3M, for example, produces a liquid called Novec that is used to cool circuit boards directly. This means the boards are submerged in the liquid, typically in an 'open bath' system, where they lie uncovered, for easy access.
Michael Garceau, who sells Novec to data centres on behalf of 3M, told CoinDesk:
"Enquiries have grown exponentially, and sales have grown as well. We're seeing a transition [of Bitcoin mining (] to an industrial scale now."
ASIC ( in Hong Kong uses a famously documented Novec system, while CoinTerra has said that it's considering an immersion-based system too.
Different immersion systems.
The 3M liquid works by changing from liquid to vapour at a very low boiling point, typically 49 degrees Celsius. As the submerged electronics generate heat, the liquid heats up and evaporates. The vapour rises into a condenser, cools down and then returns to the tank as liquid.
The chief competitor to Novec-based systems is liquid cooling using mineral oil.
Green Revolution Cooling (GRC), a firm based in Austin, Texas, sets up oil-based systems and counts the United States Air Force, the Department of Defense and the Tokyo Institute of Technology among its customers. It calls its immersion-cooling technology the 'CarnotJet system' ( see image at top ).
While similar in principle, oil immersion cooling is slightly more complex than Novec-filled systems.
The circuit boards are submerged in an oil-based coolant, as with Novec, but the oil has to be circulated with a pump to remove heat. The oil travels to a heat exchanger, where heat is transferred to water-filled pipes that ultimately connect to a cooling tower, located somewhere outside the building. The cooling tower then dispels the heat into the air.
Moore's Law and miners.
Bedford Taylor says chips used in Bitcoin mining ( are now so advanced that they are hitting the limits of semiconductor fabrication, as set out by the famous dictum, Moore's Law.
Moore's Law states that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit will double every two years. Transistor counts on a chip are determined by the chip fabrication process. As process technology improves, it shrinks the size of the elements on a chip, allowing more transistors to be arranged on one chip.
The size of transistors on a chip is measured in nanometres. According to the UCSD's Bedford Taylor, chips used in miners are now using the smallest transistors that can be fabricated.
"Bitcoin mining ( chips are now in the most advanced technology nodes of Moore's Law: 20nm and 20nm. The first chips were in 130nm, a relatively old process."
Bespoke chips and dark silicon.
In a paper studying the progress of chips used in Bitcoin mining (, Bedford Taylor concludes that technological advancement in the area has been "amazingly fast" in the face of increasing difficulty. He describes four generations of Bitcoin mining ( chips, starting at regular CPUs and ending with the ASIC ( (application-specific integrated circuits) that miners currently use.
The current generation of mining chips represent the first examples of a new era of "bespoke silicon" - custom-made chips produced in relatively small batches for a specific purpose - Bedford Taylor argues in a 2013 paper.
"The latest round of hardware - dedicated ASIC ( - have been financed, developed and deployed by bitcoin users, which is perhaps an unprecedented event in recent history. One question is whether this model can scale to other application areas and usher in a new era of bespoke silicon," he wrote.
Bedford Taylor was one of the authors of a paper that described a phenomenon known as 'dark silicon'.
The dark silicon problem says that, as transistor counts on chips increase, the portion of the chip that is actually utilised, given the the chip's power constraints, drops exponentially. As a result, a portion of the chip remains without power - the dark silicon - and is not utilised.
The researcher said that some bitcoin miners have been advancing so rapidly that dark silicon is already an issue and performance has been reduced as a result.
When immersion cooling makes sense.
So if liquid immersion is so effective at cooling these chips that are being pushed to the limits of current technology, why aren't all miners using it? It turns out that immersion cooling systems only make sense when miners face certain constraints.
As Brandon Moore of GRC notes, three factors drive adoption of immersion cooling systems: expensive electricity, expensive real estate and the absence of a legacy cooling system.
"If they've got expensive power, are space constrained and don't have a cooling infrastructure in place already, then I can come in. Hook up a cooling tower and we're done," he said.
Garceau of 3M agrees with Moore's assessment, although he notes that the bitcoin miners he has spoken to are increasingly interested in optimising their installations even without physical or monetary constraints.
"If you have real-estate constraints, if you have high cost of energy, then the economics get better. But bitcoin miners are looking for the best economics they can get all round."
Costs and benefits.
Immersion cooling can slash running costs. Allied Control - a Hong Kong-based company that set up ASIC ('s much talked about mining installation in that city, - claims that its Novec-based cooling system saved the miner more than 90% of its electricity consumption. Green Revolution Cooling, meanwhile, claims to cut running costs in half with its oil-based cooling system.
Even with the potential savings, immersion cooling remains expensive. For a conventional data centre, 3M estimates that the cost of using its Novec product can rise to 25% of the cost of the hardware that it's cooling. The firm claims that bitcoin miners, however, operate such high density servers that fluid costs of 2% - 5% of hardware are possible.
Research firm IHS finds that special cooling fluids are about five times more expensive than a traditional chilled-water system.
Is the future containerised?
As immersion cooling gains traction, mining farms may take on even more outlandish forms. Both GRC and Allied Control are offering 'containerised' solutions for miners who might want to take advantage of, say, a plum location near a hydroelectric dam.
Green Revolution Cooling can build its CarnoJet system inside a 40-foot shipping container, which it promises is 'plug and play'. Allied Control, meanwhile, touts its DataTank modules, which offers remote, high-definition security cameras as an option.
GRC's Moore said:
"Not everyone can mine in the Arctic, so if you don't have that luxury, a solution like ours makes sense. You can be efficient anywhere in the world, whether you're in the Amazon or Canada."
Air cooling remains dominant.
Bitcoin mining ( enterprises may be buying cooling fluids by the litre now, but they remain an oddity to the vast majority of data centres. Almost all existing data centres rely on air-cooling systems, as they remain cheaper to run, less complex to manage and more widely available.
According to research firm IHS, liquid cooling accounts for less than 1% of the data centre cooling market. However, the firm also found that demand for liquid-cooling systems is growing, driven by rising energy costs and the emergence of high-performance data centres. For the likes of 3M and GRC, that's a trend to keep an eye on.
As GRC's Moore says:
"Bitcoin ( miners are almost like kids with a magnifying glass over an ant mound: they're burning up hardware and pushing it to the limit as fast as they can. When you're cooling your equipment on shelves with box-fans, there's only so much you can do."
Minimal Bitcoin ( Miner in C#
Bitcoin ( was introduced in 2009 as a digital, decentralized currency. In the Bitcoin ( network there's no central authority. Instead a public ledger of every transaction is validated and shared using peer-to-peer technology. Recently there was a surprising spike in the value of Bitcoins, making me curious to find out more of the system behind.
Bitcoin ( transactions are grouped and confirmed by encoding them in a block and adding it to a blockchain that is protected by strong cryptography. The cryptographic calculations aren't provided by a central authority - instead anyone with capable hardware and mining software installed can provide computational labor to help solve the next block.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:12 am
When a block is solved the successful miner (or mining pool) earns a reward in Bitcoins. (Currently 25 BTC - worth about 2500€) This is quite an incentive and so Bitcoin mining ( evolved into a very competitive market. Advanced mining software uses GPU's to compute hashes a hundred times faster then possible on CPUs and there is even dedicated hardware with hashrates in the Giga-range and a better Hashrate/power-consumption ratio. Nonetheless incredible amounts of electricity (
1 GW/h) are wasted on mining Bitcoins which is bASIC ( spend calculating zillion's of SHA256 hashes. Currently the combined network of miners calculates roughly Hashes per second. Crazy stuff.
If you are trying to understand how Bitcoin mining ( software works but can't find a reference implementation that is minimal and easy to understand (like me, 2 days ago) here's my contribution:
Miniminer is a simple CPU based Bitcoin ( Miner in C#. Only about 300 lines of code but fully functional, open source and uploaded on Github.
It uses the bASIC ( GETWORK protocol to connect to pools and mines at.
400Kh/s a second. That's not fast enough for serious mining but enough to find a valid share eventually, submit it to the pool server and be happy about the fact that you understand every single line of code that made it happen!
The jobs that clients get from mining pools to solve are a lot easier than (and independent of) the current Bitcoin ( difficulty. With the GETWORK protocol you seem to always get a target of difficulty 1. Difficulty 1 means a valid share requires 32 zero-bits which is easy and fast to test for. So I chose to hardcode that difficulty. A higher Bitcoin ( difficulty just means it takes more shares (on average) until a new Bitcoin ( Header is found, not that the shares are more difficult to solve.
Whenever a new header is found (approximately every 10 minutes) the current job your miner is trying to solve is obsolete. With the GETWORK protocol the only way to detect that is to ask for new work and see if the reply has changed. So both an interval of 10s or 100s would technically work. But 10s instead of 20s would double the bandwith consumption for a minimal efficiency gain. And 100s instead of 20s would mean that you'd waste 10% of your cycles solving stale problems. I just felt like 20s is a good tradeoff.
I hope that answers both of your questions!
Glad I could help!
My research was powered by google mostly. There's a lot of good info on the bitcoin wiki (, the official page or burried in threads on and I also looked into the sourcecode of cgminer and Diablo Miner.
Have you managed to get valid share? My one was keep failing.
Sending Share to Pool... Server declined the Share!
Yeah I got a couple of valid shares myself and meanwhile there are 24 when I log into BTC Guild with the default user so it has worked for at least a couple of other's, too.
But the pool server has to accept the GETWORK protocol and afaik that was (at least temporarily) disabled due to some denial of service attacks.
Hi i tried your miner but i get always the same.
Error: "Die zugrunde liegende Verbindung wurde geschlossen: Die Verbindung wurde unerwartet getrennt.."
Translation: " The underlying connection was closed: The connection was closed unexpectedly"
So do you know how to fix this Error?
Just a hint before you hit your own facepalm: you're connecting to a stratum server (which expects "stratum" protocol, not "getwork"... but you could use a local stratum proxy program to bridge that gap.)
Great project, thank you very much for it.
Just a quick question to be sure: 1) The pool gives you a range of bytes to elaborate 2) You split those bytes in batches 3) for each batches you calculate the double SHA-256 4) if one of those contains 4 zeros then it is a "good result" 5) you share those results with the pool.
but what exactly is the "good result"? it is a bitcoin? a part of it? I don't quite get that part.
Bitcoin ( development.
Bitcoin ( is free software and any developer can contribute to the project. Everything you need is in the GitHub repository. Please make sure to read and follow the development process described in the README, as well as to provide good quality code and respect all guidelines.
Development discussion takes place on GitHub and the bitcoin-dev mailing list. Less formal development discussion happens on #bitcoin-core-dev (web interface, logs).
To report an issue, please see the bug reporting page.
Code Review.
Bitcoin ( Core is security software that helps protect assets worth billions of dollars, so every code change needs to be reviewed by experienced developers.
It can take a long time for other developers to review your pull requests. Remember that all reviewers are taking time away from their own projects to review your pull requests, so be patient and respectful of their time.
Please also consider helping to review other people’s pull requests. You don’t need to be an expert in Bitcoin (, the Bitcoin ( Core codebase, or C++ (although all these things help). There are almost always open pull requests that any programmer can review.
Starter Projects.
Do you want to begin coding for Bitcoin ( Core but don’t have a specific improvement in mind? Here are a few ideas:
Fix existing issues: the issue tracker is the best place to find a useful way to contribute to Bitcoin ( Core. Before starting to write any patches for issues you find, you may want to comment on the issue to make sure nobody else is already working on it.
Write tests: Bitcoin ( Core is covered by many tests, but patches that improve test coverage are always welcome and are a great way to build familiarity with the codebase. See the documentation about automated testing.
If you are interested in learning more about the technical details of Bitcoin ( and how to use existing tools and APIs, it is recommended you start by exploring the developer documentation.
Developer communities.
The following chatrooms and websites host discussions about Bitcoin ( development. Please be sure to read their rules of conduct before posting.
Bitcoin ( Core contributors.
(Ordered by number of commits)
More free software projects.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:13 am

Bitcoin ( Halving - Ethereum Staking - Ripple XRP - Ravencoin KAWPOW fork!|10:22
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:13 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:14 am
Want to contribute to a different project?
Armory - A wallet with enhanced security features, written in C++. BFGMiner - A modular miner, written in C. Bitcoin ( Wallet - A SPV wallet for Android, written in Java. bitcoinj - A library for SPV wallets, written in Java. btcd - A full node, written in Go. BTCPay Server - A cross platform, self-hosted server compatible with Bitpay API, written in C#. btcwallet - A hierarchical deterministic wallet daemon, written in Go. ckpool - A fast mining pool server application, written in C. Electrum - A fast server-trusting wallet, written in Python. Eloipool - A fast mining pool server application, written in Python. Haskoin - An implementation of the Bitcoin ( protocol, written in Haskell. Libbitcoin - A cross-platform development toolkit, written in C++. Libbitcoin Server - A full node and query server, built on libbitcoin. Libbitcoin Explorer - A command line tool, built on libbitcoin. Libblkmaker - A client library for the getblocktemplate mining protocol, written in C. NBitcoin - A cross-platform library, written in C#. picocoin - A tiny library with lightweight client and utilities, written in C. python-bitcoinlib - A library for structures and protocols, written in Python. Python Blkmaker - A client library for the getblocktemplate mining protocol, written in Python. Show more.
Can anyone learn Bitcoin ('s code? Let's analyze.
The Takeaway:
Bitcoin ( came into existence on 3rd January 2009, when pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto mined the genesis block. Since then, bitcoin has come a long way. In this article, we attempt to explain how bitcoin works and how anyone can access the bitcoin source code.
An unknown person or a group of people known by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto published a white paper titled "Bitcoin ( A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System." This decentralized and open-source program is the financial bitcoin revolution that today is known as bitcoin. In the article, we analyze how someone can access bitcoin's code.
The first time the term "cryptocurrency" was used by the cypherpunk Wei Dai on the cypherpunks mailing list, where a suggested the idea of a new form of money that uses cryptography to control its creation and transaction, instead of a central authority. That was the only definition of what is crypto till then. Bitcoin ( was the first implementation of that proposed concept.
Any developer can review the bitcoin code.
Bitcoin ( software is open-source software, and any developer around the world can review the code or make their own modified version of the Bitcoin ( software. Satoshi Nakamoto quit the bitcoin developers team in late 2010, without ever revealing his true identity. Since then, the community has grown exponentially, and many developers from around the world are working on bitcoin.
Who controls the Bitcoin ( Network?
Bitcoin ( is truly decentralized, and no one owns the Bitcoin ( network. Bitcoin ( users around the world control the bitcoin, and any changes are made with the consensus of all the users. The network can only work correctly with the consensus of all users. Therefore, all users and developers have a strong incentive to protect this consensus, but anyone can access the bitcoins code platform .
How to access bitcoin source code?
The Bitcoin ( source code can be hosted on anything ranging from a raspberry pi to AWS. You can also read the bitcoin source code on Github without any hassle. From a user's perspective, bitcoin works like any other mobile app or a computer program that provides a personal bitcoin wallet and allows users to send and receive bitcoins among them. But behind the scenes, the technology that allows bitcoin to be decentralized is known as the blockchain.
Note: Bitcoin ('s reference implementation is mostly written in C++, but there are other clients written in different languages, including Python and Java.
How to become a bitcoin developer?
If you want to become a bitcoin developer, the first thing that you need to do is read the 9 page Bitcoin ( whitepaper published by Satoshi Nakamoto. If you want to become a bitcoin developer, then it is important to learn how blockchain works. The other main aspect of the bitcoin network is the process of mining. Mining is a process of producing new coins and adding them to the bitcoin network. Mining works on the proof-of-work principle.
Note: The original Bitcoin ( Core was coded by Satoshi Nakamoto using C++.
Bitcoin ( is an open-source and decentralized, which means that anyone can access the entire source code at any time, and anyone can trade it. All bitcoin transactions and issued coins into existence can be transparently consulted in real-time by anyone. Bitcoin ( source can be reviewed on Github by anyone and learn them to develop the network with the consent of all the users.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:15 am
Litecoin vs. Bitcoin ( The Difference and Which is Better.
Introduction: The Origins of Litecoin and Reasons for Its Creation.
More than a decade ago, an obscure person or group named “Satoshi Nakamoto” unleashed upon the world a digital currency that in its short lifespan, has become a global movement. Within a couple of years of its release, Bitcoin ( (BTC) started to inspire individuals who saw the potential in cryptocurrency and sought to start similar projects.
One such individual was Charlie Lee, a former Google engineer, who created a fork or split from Bitcoin ( called Litecoin (LTC), that was similar but had a few key differences. Despite its similarities with the original cryptocurrency, Litecoin became its own movement in itself, with its own community and a sizeable chunk of the crypto market.
Around the time of Litecoin’s creation, people saw Bitcoin’s value go from bASIC ( nothing to nearly $30 in June 2011, resulting in investment gains the likes of which no one had ever seen before.
However, it was hard to acquire Bitcoin ( in those days since there weren't easy ways to buy it.
Moreover, the process of mining, where users help validate Bitcoin ( transactions and get rewarded in transaction fees and newly minted BTC for doing so, was becoming increasingly difficult thanks to the rise of expensive specialized mining devices called application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC ( ASIC ( made mining harder and put mining out of reach for everyday individuals.
Therefore, while many realized the potential of Bitcoin ( both as a groundbreaking technology and investment vehicle, they felt that it was too late to get in on the ground floor of BTC as an early adopter (little did they know how wrong they were!).
As of writing, Bitcoin’s market capitalization (all Bitcoin ( in circulation multiplied by Bitcoin’s price) is higher than that of companies like PepsiCo, Toyota, HSBC, Citigroup, and Netflix. For those who thought it was “too late” back in 2011 - things were just beginning! Image credit: Statista.
Against this backdrop, Charlie Lee launched Litecoin (LTC), which sought to improve upon Bitcoin ( with faster transactions and a more egalitarian mining process thanks to Scrypt, a mining algorithm that would prevent ASIC ( from taking over.
While “another Bitcoin ( fork” doesn’t sound too revolutionary today, those were the early days of crypto and Litecoin quickly gained a following. It also rewarded early adopters who perhaps weren’t as early to the Bitcoin ( party, with 1 LTC going from $0.03 in July 2012 to $40 in November 2013 - a 1,300x or 130,000% increase.
With Bitcoin ( and Litecoin both being around for years now and being pillars of the crypto community, what other differences, aside from transaction speed and mining algorithm, exist? In this article we’ll compare Litecoin vs. Bitcoin ( in terms of transaction speed, transaction fees, scalability, mining, mining profitability, hashrate, community, merchant adoption, and price to see which is better.
Litecoin vs. Bitcoin ( Transaction Speed.
As mentioned, one of the ways in which Litecoin creator Charlie Lee sought to improve upon the Bitcoin ( idea was making Litecoin transactions faster than those of Bitcoin (
On average, it takes 10 minutes to confirm a Bitcoin ( block (1 block contains many transactions), whereas it takes 2.5 minutes to confirm a Litecoin block. Image credit: BitInfoCharts.
Since Litecoin transactions confirm 4 times faster than Bitcoin ( transactions, Litecoin is the winner when it comes to transaction speed and for situations where people need transactions quickly validated.
Litecoin vs. Bitcoin ( Fees.
The next point to consider when comparing Bitcoin ( vs. Litecoin is transaction fees. Staying true to its name, Litecoin again is “liter” when it comes to transaction fees:
As of writing, Litecoin has an average transaction fee of $.0327 while Bitcoin ( has an average transaction fee of $0.631, meaning that it’s nearly 20 times as expensive to get a Bitcoin ( transaction included in a new block of transactions. Image credit: BitInfoCharts.
Again, Litecoin takes the cake here, as Bitcoin’s higher transaction fees make it less suitable for everyday transactions.
Bitcoin ( vs. Litecoin Scalability.
If you look closely at the screenshot above with Litecoin and Bitcoin’s average transaction fees over time, you can see that Bitcoin’s transaction fees were once similar to those of Litecoin’s and at times even lower (especially in Bitcoin’s early days).
However, as more and more users have started to use Bitcoin ( over time, Bitcoin ( has struggled with scalability, or the ability to handle many transactions at once, which you can see in the form of higher transaction fees in order to get a transaction included in a new block.
While this might make you think that Litecoin is better able to handle lots of transactions or scale, due to its lower transaction fees, this is an unfair comparison, since Bitcoin ( routinely handles many more transactions than Litecoin:
As of writing, Bitcoin ( handles more than 10 times as many transactions as Litecoin per day, making any comparison of the two cryptos’ scalability irrelevant. Image credit: BitInfoCharts.
If Litecoin dealt with as many daily transactions as Bitcoin (, comparing the two projects’ scalability would make sense. But since that isn’t the case, there isn’t a clear winner between Litecoin and Bitcoin ( when it comes to scalability.
Aside from that, Bitcoin ( and Litecoin are experimenting with similar scalability improvements, such as SegWit and Lightning Network. Indeed, Litecoin is sometimes referred to as a “testnet” for Bitcoin ( improvements.
Litecoin vs. Bitcoin mining (
Along with faster transactions, the key improvement Charlie Lee wanted to emphasize with the release of Litecoin was its resistance to ASIC ( mining centralization.
While Scrypt, Litecoin’s mining algorithm, did fend off the ASIC ( for quite some time, it, too, fell victim to ASIC ( mining, as manufacturers were able to figure out a way to manufacture Scrypt ASIC (
Ironically, this has led to Litecoin mining becoming more centralized than Bitcoin mining (, with 5 mining pools (groups of miners that “pool” their mining power together to mine more blocks while splitting rewards) accounting for 71% of Litecoin’s hashrate (Litecoin network’s total mining power).
Image credit:
While Bitcoin’s hashrate distribution isn’t some decentralized utopia - in both networks, the top 3 pools make up 48% of the total hashrate, which is very close to the 51% needed for a 51% attack - it is still more decentralized than Litecoin’s. The top 5 Bitcoin mining ( pools “only” make up 60.4% of Bitcoin’s total hashrate:
Thus, while Bitcoin ( and Litecoin both have pretty centralized mining processes, Bitcoin ( is slightly less centralized in that respect relative to Litecoin. Of course, this is ironic since one of the main reasons for Litecoin’s creation was to prevent mining centralization.
Litecoin vs. Bitcoin ( Profitability.
Perhaps one of the reasons for Litecoin’s heavy mining centralization is that Litecoin’s mining profitability is currently the opposite of good. With not many miners willing to operate in the red (no profits), one can assume that former Litecoin miners have backed out of mining LTC, at least until LTC mining profitability comes back.
A comparison of the profitability of some Litecoin (left) and Bitcoin ( (right) ASIC ( side by side, assuming an electricity cost of $0.04 per kilowatt hour, which most “mining farms” (facilities with many mining devices) pay or pay less than for low-cost renewable energy. Image credit: ASIC ( Miner Value.
This isn’t a good sign for Litecoin. If less miners are willing to mine a Proof of Work cryptocurrency, that means that the cryptocurrency isn’t as secure (it takes less mining power to launch a 51% attack on the network).
On the other hand, while Bitcoin’s mining difficulty is quite high, this is perhaps offset due to factors like Bitcoin’s higher price. When it comes to mining profitability, Bitcoin ( is the clear winner for now, and it shows in Bitcoin’s hashrate (shown below).
Litecoin vs. Bitcoin ( Hashrate.
The next point of comparison for Litecoin vs. Bitcoin ( is network hashrate, or the total mining power allocated to the network by miners. The significance of network hashrate is that the higher it is, the more secure the network is. This is because if a network has a high hashrate, it’s more resistant to a 51% attack, since any malicious actor or group would need to somehow gain control of that much more mining power in order to launch an attack.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:15 am
Bitcoin’s hashrate is orders of magnitude higher than Litecoin’s hashrate:
Image credit: BitInfoCharts.
Since Litecoin is currently unprofitable to mine, we can see that not only is Litecoin’s hashrate lower than Bitcoin’s (this could also be due to the fact that Bitcoin ( is more popular), but also that Litecoin’s hashrate has been decreasing while Bitcoin’s has been steadily increasing.
This of course isn’t a good sign for LTC since security - against 51% attacks and otherwise - is of paramount importance when peoples’ money is on the line.
Litecoin vs. Bitcoin ( Community and Merchant Adoption.
Aside from the more technical differences between Litecoin and Bitcoin ( that have been discussed thus far, another important point to consider is the difference in community between BTC and LTC.
As of writing, Bitcoin ( is undoubtedly more popular than Litecoin:
Subreddit (communities for different topics on the social platform Reddit) subscribers - 1.3 million for r/Bitcoin ( vs. 211,000 for r/Litecoin Tweets per day - 25,457 for #Bitcoin ( vs. 744 for #Litecoin (Source) Merchant adoption - companies like Wikipedia, Microsoft, Expedia, Burger King, and Twitch accept Bitcoin ( vs. mainly lesser-known merchants for Litecoin. More crypto businesses like exchanges and wallets support Bitcoin ( compared to Litecoin, too There are more and more places you can spend your crypto popping up daily. Image credit:
Litecoin vs. Bitcoin ( Price.
As of March 9th, 2020, 1 LTC is $50.49, while 1 BTC is $8,007.03. However, keep in mind that the maximum limit for Litecoin’s total supply of LTC is 4 times greater than that of Bitcoin’s (84 million vs. 21 million), which can make Litecoin’s price seem relatively low despite the fact that it’s consistently one of the top 5-10 crypto assets by market cap (assets in circulation multiplied by asset price).
Though to newbie investors who don’t know what market cap is or means, the lower Litecoin price could signal more “room for growth” compared to assets like Bitcoin ( From a price appreciation standpoint then, Litecoin might have a slight edge on Bitcoin (, thanks to market psychology.
For the latest Litecoin vs. Bitcoin ( price, check the Exodus crypto charts.
In sum, Litecoin and Bitcoin ( are two of the most popular cryptocurrencies and have both been around for years. While Litecoin was originally created as a faster, less mining-centralized version of Bitcoin (, some other differences have emerged since.
Indeed, Litecoin, as its “Lite” name would imply, has faster transactions and lower transaction fees. It also has a lower price than Bitcoin (, which could entice more people to buy it, especially inexperienced investors.
However, Bitcoin ( has the upper hand when it comes to less mining centralization, increased mining profitability, higher hashrate, and wider community awareness and adoption.
Since Litecoin’s main technical advantages over Bitcoin ( - faster transactions and lower transaction fees - are being actively worked on by Bitcoin ( developers through developments like Lightning Network, one has to wonder what the point of Litecoin would be if Bitcoin ( is able to figure out its “scalability problem”.
If Bitcoin ( scales, transactions would be near instantaneous and free, making it even faster and cheaper than Litecoin or any other altcoin (cryptos that aren’t Bitcoin ( that try to be a faster and/or cheaper version of Bitcoin ( With that point in mind, we’re going to have to give this Bitcoin ( vs. Litecoin “fight” to BTC.
To safely secure your Bitcoin ( or Litecoin the easy way, check out the Exodus Bitcoin ( wallet and Litecoin wallet.
Litecoin vs. Bitcoin ( Reddit.
Looking to continue the discussion on the topic of Litecoin vs. Bitcoin (
Here are some Reddit threads that might help:
For threads where you can no longer comment, discuss the latest on the Exodus public Slack!
Litecoin vs Bitcoin ( Is Litecoin Better Than Bitcoin (
Litecoin vs Bitcoin ( what's the difference between Litecoin and Bitcoin ( Is Litecoin better than Bitcoin ( Read the Litecoin vs Bitcoin ( guide to find out.
First, it was Coke vs Pepsi, then it was Batman vs Superman, and now the main event! Litecoin vs Bitcoin (!
Ten years ago, no one knew what a cryptocurrency was. Now there are thousands of them and they're turning into a very big business. Two superstars of the cryptocurrency world are Bitcoin ( and Litecoin. The two are closely linked, but which is better?
This Litecoin vs Bitcoin ( guide is going to teach you everything you need to know about this famous pair. You'll learn where they came from, how they work, what they're worth and which is better.
The world of crypto changes fast so we don't have time to waste. Go to the fridge and grab a can of Coke (or Pepsi, either is fine!) and let's get started.
1. A Short History of Litecoin vs Bitcoin ( 2. Litecoin vs Bitcoin ( Technology 3. Litecoin vs Bitcoin ( Investment 4. Litecoin vs Bitcoin ( Store of Value 5. Litecoin vs Bitcoin ( Money 6. Litecoin vs Bitcoin ( Democracy 7. Litecoin vs Bitcoin ( New Developments 8. And the Winner Is...
A Short History of Litecoin vs Bitcoin (
In November 2008, a paper was written by a mysterious coder called Satoshi Nakamoto. The paper was called Bitcoin ( A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. Just like that, cryptocurrency was born.
Bitcoin ( was the first real digital currency. It promised a future without banks. It offered a future where people could send money to each other, all around the world, quickly and safely.
In February 2011, 1 Bitcoin ( was worth 1 US Dollar. By June, 1 Bitcoin ( was worth 31 US Dollars. Over the next few years, Bitcoin ( would become more and more popular. However, not everyone was happy with the way it worked.
Charlie Lee thought that Bitcoin ( could work better. He decided to change some of Bitcoin ('s rules. He wanted to make Bitcoin ( faster and cheaper. His ideas caused a disagreement between Bitcoin ( users.
In crypto, a disagreement between users over the rules of a currency is called a fork. If a disagreement is big enough, the currency can be split in two. This is called a hard fork.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:16 am

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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:18 am

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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:18 am
On November 7, 2011, Bitcoin ( split in two. The hard fork created a new coin called Litecoin. Two years later, all the Litecoin in the world was worth 1 billion US Dollars (USD).
Both coins are now very popular. Which one is the best, you ask? Is it possible to have both, or will one replace the other? These are tough questions to answer.
In order to answer these questions, you need to compare Bitcoin ( and Litecoin in a number of ways. Below is a table of the main differences between the two coins.
Bitcoin ( Litecoin Created January 3, 2009 November 7, 2011 Created By Satoshi Nakamoto Charlie Lee Average Transaction Time 10 Minutes 2.5 Minutes Block Reward Per Block 12.5 25 Supply Limit 21 Million 84 Million Market Cap. in USD 153.9 billion 9.7 billion Value of 1 in USD 9088.16 173.55.
Figures accurate as of 03/21/18 (
Don't worry if you find all this confusing. By the end of this guide, you'll understand each difference between Litecoin and Bitcoin ( You'll be able to give your own answer to the question, is Litecoin better than Bitcoin (
In Litecoin vs Bitcoin (, Litecoin was created because Charlie Lee wanted to change the way Bitcoin ( worked. This is the first difference between the two, so let's start there...
Round 1! Ding!
Litecoin vs Bitcoin ( Technology.
The special thing about the technology of Bitcoin ( is its blockchain . A blockchain is a huge digital record of trades. The record is stored across a network of thousands of computers called nodes .
Users can send each other money all over the world. They don't have to use banks or worry about large fees and exchange rates. Let's use an example to see how it works;
If Michael wants to send Jackson 10 Bitcoin ( (BTC), the trade needs to be verified . Verification means that the network needs to check that Michael has at least 10 BTC before he's allowed to send it. If more than half the nodes on the network agree that the trade is legit then the trade can happen, and it's added to the blockchain.
Transactions are put together into groups called blocks before being added to the blockchain. The nodes that verify blocks get a reward for the work they have done. The reward is a new currency. On Bitcoin ('s blockchain, the reward is 12.5 new BTC. This process is called mining because it's a bit like digging for gold!
Mining for Bitcoin ( is expensive. You need a powerful computer to do it and the process uses a lot of electricity. It is also quite slow. Each new block takes about ten minutes to get added to the blockchain. This is where Charlie Lee and Litecoin come in.
The rules for deciding how Bitcoin mining ( works are called SHA-256. It was these rules that Charlie Lee wanted to change. The new rules he created are called scrypt. Mining with scrypt is 4 four times faster than SHA-256 and requires a lot less electricity.
Each new block of transactions only takes 2.5 minutes to be added to the Litecoin blockchain. The reward for each verified block is 25 new Litecoin (LTC).
Bitcoin ( fans say that SHA-256 is safer than scrypt. They say this because SHA-256 takes longer and is, therefore, more likely to spot errors. They think that scrypt rushes the process of verification.
However, Litecoin fans think that the changes Charlie Lee made to the rules of Bitcoin ( are much better. As it makes Litecoin a cheaper and faster platform. Neither blockchain has ever been hacked.
What do you think, who got the best tech? I'm going to give this one to Litecoin.
Let's have a look at how the two compare as investments...
Round 2!
Ethereum Price Prediction: 2020.
The complete Ethereum price prediction 2020: find out how high will Ethereum price rise and more in this detailed Ethereum price prediction 2020.
Decentralized Applications: What Is a dApp?
Decentralized applications, blockchain applications. What is a dApp? Read our complete guide on decentralized applications to find out!
Litecoin vs Bitcoin ( Investment.
Investors are very excited about cryptocurrency. Some are making a lot of money trading with cryptocurrencies. The table below shows the price changes of Litecoin vs Bitcoin ( over the last five years:
Date 1 Bitcoin ( 1 Litecoin June 16, 2013 100.16 USD 2.07 USD Dec 15, 2013 849.68 USD 29.39 USD June 15, 2014 568.19 USD 9.79 USD Dec 14, 2014 347.8 USD 3.48 USD June 14, 2015 233.28 USD 1.94 USD Dec 13, 2015 433.85 USD 3.59 USD June 19, 2016 752.33 USD 5.54 USD Dec 18, 2016 791.71 USD 3.7 USD June 18. 2017 2,621 USD 45.33 USD Dec 17, 2017 19,528.93 USD 318.89 USD March 18, 2018 7,720.85 USD 148.14 USD.
As you can see, both coins reached their highest value so far, in late 2017. Some critics think investing in cryptocurrencies now is a bad idea. They think that the popularity of Bitcoin ( and Litecoin is part of an investment bubble.
Note: In an investment bubble, the price of a product goes up a lot higher than its real-world value. When bubbles 'burst', the price of the product goes down, very fast!
Crypto fans think the coins will continue to be popular because of the real-world uses they have. Remember, all this blockchain tech is still new, no-one knows how important it could become.
Buying Bitcoin ( now is expensive and a bit risky. As an investment, it might be too late to start buying Bitcoin ( The price has gone down a lot this year. However, Litecoin is newer and could still become as popular as Bitcoin ( Its growth has been slow but steady.
The future is uncertain for all cryptocurrencies. No-one knows which coins will be valuable and which ones will be worthless. So, which do you think will be more valuable in the future, Bitcoin ( or Litecoin?
Round 3!
Litecoin vs Bitcoin ( Store of Value.
If something is valuable it can be traded for goods and services. A store of value is something that is not only valuable but stays valuable. The most well-known store of value in the world is gold. Gold has been valuable for hundreds of years in every country on the planet, that's why it's called a precious metal.
Currencies can also be stores of value. The currencies of powerful countries, like the USA, are better stores of value than weaker, less stable countries like Syria. What about cryptocurrencies?
Cryptocurrencies are still new. None are stores of value like gold. However, they do have the potential to become stores of value.
Gold is a great store of value because it is precious and there is only a limited amount of it in the world. Gold is inflation proof. This means its value doesn't go up and down a lot. Its value is predictable and reliable.
This could also be true in the case of Bitcoin ( and Litecoin. They both have limited supplies. There will only ever be 21 million Bitcoin ( and there will only ever be 84 million Litecoin. This means they could both become good stores of value.
Bitcoin ( is the oldest and most trusted cryptocurrency. It will also reach its supply limit first. Three-quarters of all Bitcoin ( has already been mined. This means that its value should become predictable and reliable in the near future, just like gold!
I think that Bitcoin ( will become a long-term store of value before Litecoin. Bitcoin ( wins the round!
Cryptocurrencies aren't just stores of value though, are they? You're supposed to be able to buy stuff with them, right? Let's have a look at which coin is better at being money...
Round 4!
Litecoin vs Bitcoin ( Money.
Cryptocurrency hasn't replaced the money in your pocket yet. You can't go to your local supermarket and pay with Litecoin. You might be able to one day soon though.
There are quite a lot of well-known companies that take Bitcoin ( as payment. These companies include KFC Canada,, OKCupid, and Playboy! What more could you need!
There are fewer companies that accept Litecoin as payment. Although, Uber has taken Litecoin as payment as a part of trials in the Czech Republic.
So, Bitcoin ( wins? Maybe not. Litecoin isn't as popular as Bitcoin ( but its technology might make it a better currency for spending. The Litecoin transaction time is four times faster than Bitcoin ('s. Businesses and customers might like this idea and start using Litecoin instead of Bitcoin (
Or will they? Litecoin fans often say that the Litecoin transaction time makes it a better currency because it's fast. If you tried to spend Bitcoin ( in a shop, you would be standing at the counter for 10 minutes before you could leave! This is because it takes 10 minutes for the Bitcoin ( blockchain to verify the transaction.
However, this isn't really how spending Bitcoin ( works. When you spend Bitcoin ( in a shop (or KFC Canada!) the shop will only check that your payment is legit with a few nodes on the system. It won't wait for the full ten minutes it takes for the blockchain to verify the transaction.
By checking with a few nodes, the shop can be almost certain that you have enough money to pay. This is called a zero-confirmation transaction.
It's like spending money with a normal bank card. If I buy a hat with my bank card today, the money won't leave my account until tomorrow. The hat store is happy to let me have my hat today. It has done a quick check and knows that I have enough money in my account to pay.
Bitcoin ( is more popular and it's taken as a payment in more places. It also makes use of zero-confirmation transactions to make buying things faster. Sorry, Litecoin fans! Bitcoin ( wins again!
I've talked a lot about the tech and the numbers. It's easy to forget why cryptocurrencies got started. Cryptocurrencies were invented to help people. Their creators wanted to take power away from banks and governments. They wanted to give power back to the people of the world.
So, which is more democratic, Litecoin or Bitcoin (
Round 5!
Litecoin vs Bitcoin ( Democracy.
The main difference between Litecoin vs Bitcoin ( is the way mining on each platform works. As I said earlier, mining Bitcoin ( is more difficult and more expensive than mining Litecoin. So, to make money mining Bitcoin (, you need a very powerful computer.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:18 am

Starting a RTX 3080 MINING RIG!|19:30
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:19 am

Roblox Mining ( Simulator Shop Tutorial - [Part 1] [Read Description To Fix]|29:48
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:20 am

Gold Mining ( On A Budget? 3 Pieces Of Equipment You Need!|15:06
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:20 am
Most people use special computers that are designed to mine Bitcoin ( Which are called ASIC ( miners? As Bitcoin ( has grown in value, Bitcoin mining ( has become its own industry. Whole warehouses have been set up to mine Bitcoin ( This means that new Bitcoin ( is going to fewer and fewer people.
The risk here is that a high percentage of Bitcoin ('s total supply will be owned by a small number of people and companies. Cryptocurrencies are supposed to be different. They were created to spread wealth more evenly.
It can also be argued that the amount of power used to mine Bitcoin ( is bad for the environment.
Charlie Lee knew all this when he created Litecoin. Litecoin can be mined using normal computers. ASIC ( miners can't be used to mine Litecoin. So, new coins go to a wider group of users.
Litecoin is more democratic because more people can get involved. This round is an easy win for Litecoin.
Before you decide who the overall winner is, let's have a look at what new stuff Bitcoin ( and Litecoin are doing now...
Round 6!
Litecoin vs Bitcoin ( New Developments.
Bitcoin ( vs Litecoin both want to speed up transaction times. Both are using the same idea to get this done. It's called the Lightning Network . The Lightning Network is a way of verifying transactions away from the main blockchain. Miners will have less work to do and the whole system will work faster.
The Lightning Network will allow users to open their own mini-networks. These networks are called payment channels. The transactions that happen in these networks will be guided by rules called smart contracts.
Note: A smart contract is a set of conditions that must be met before a transaction can happen.
It's hoped that thousands or even millions of transactions could take place in this way. Using this system would also make trading across platforms possible. This means that you could change your Bitcoin ( to Litecoin without using a crypto exchange. Which is great because crypto exchanges charge fees and aren't as safe as trading on blockchains.
If you wanted to change your Litecoin to Bitcoin ( then all you would need to do is set up a payment channel with a user on the Bitcoin ( network. This kind of transaction is called an atomic swap. As long as both users have enough currency to do the swap, it will happen. If one user doesn't have enough currency then it won't happen.
Bitcoin ( and Litecoin have both started using the Lightning Network. However, some people think that Bitcoin ( using the Lightning Network will end Litecoin. They think that faster Bitcoin ( transaction times will make Litecoin useless.
I disagree. I think that the introduction of the Lightning Network will bring the two platforms closer together. Charlie Lee described the Lightning Network as a bridge between two roads. He said that the Bitcoin ( road is full of cars, moving slowly. The Litecoin road is nearly empty. The Lightning Network bridge will make it easier for cars to move between the two roads.
Who wins this round? It's too early to say. They might both be winners here. It's a tie!
You now know everything you need to know. Litecoin vs Bitcoin ( Which is better?
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And the Winner Is...
Over six rounds of exciting competition, Litecoin wins two rounds and Bitcoin ('s wins two. However, this is just one person's opinion. My opinion doesn't change the fact that the biggest name in cryptocurrency is still Bitcoin (
Some people think that Bitcoin ( is the only cryptocurrency worth using. So, if you're one of those people, remember this, Bitcoin ( can't serve the whole world. It's thought that Bitcoin ( can only support about 500 million users. That's about 15% of the world's population. There is a place in the market for other coins. Out of these other coins, Litecoin is one of the best.
Bitcoin ( and Litecoin are often compared to gold and silver. However, I think they're more like Coke and Diet Coke. Some people love Coke, others want that great Coke taste but with less sugar. Coke and Diet Coke are on supermarket shelves all around the world. They are right next to each other and they probably always will be.
I'll leave you with a quote from Charlie Lee, "Litecoin and Bitcoin ( will work together to solve the world's transaction needs in the future".
What do you think about Litecoin vs Bitcoin ( Is Litecoin is better than Bitcoin ( Do you think the two can work together? Let me know!
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Should I mine bitcoins or litecoins?
I don't pay for my own power, but I have two problems mining. I am CPU mining at 250 mhash/s because my AMD Radeon HD 7800 series graphics card will only produce 4.0 mhash/s (the other problem I'm having that I don't understand) but my main question is- what is more profitable to me? litecoin mining or Bitcoin mining (
Litecoin mining is currently more profitable for likely all GPUs.
From the bitcoin and litecoin hardware wikis, you'd get 300-400MH/s for Bitcoin mining ( and 340-470kH/s for litecoin mining if you set it up properly (and there is something VERY fishy about you getting 250MH/s with your CPU, I'd guess it is using your GPU though you don't know it. ).
For bitcoin, the current difficulty is about 6,500TH/s. Thus, you'd own about 300/6,500,000,000 of the network. At 25 bitcoins per block, 6*24 blocks per day, and $800 per bitcoin, you'd make about $0.13/day. There is specifically-designed hardware for mining Bitcoins, which is way more powerful than GPUs, so unless you can buy a dedicated mining ASIC (, your energy bill would overcome your revenue.
For litecoin, the current difficulty is about 90GH/s. Thus, you'd own about 340/90,000,000 of the network. At 4*6*24 blocks per day, 50 litecoins per block, and $25 per litecoin, you'd make about $2.72/day. It uses a different algorithm (called Scrypt) than Bitcoin ( FPGAs and ASIC ( can't be optimized for this algorithm as much as they can be optimized for Bitcoins' algorithm, so Litecoins are mined exclusively with GPUs. This means that you can still be comptetitive, and you should mine those.
Two Sides of the Coin: Litecoin Mining vs Bitcoin mining (
The heyday for mining established cryptocurrency has all but come and gone. These days you seriously need to know what you're doing if you want to compete with the big boys. Industrial-scale operations have driven many enthusiasts to look for opportunity in smaller coins in hopes of catching the next big trend.
We've covered cryptocurrency mining in quite some detail previously on CoinCentral. However, we thought it was about time to see how two cryptocurrency heavyweights stack up in the mining department. This is Bitcoin mining ( vs Litecoin mining.
Before jumping into the differences, here are some important cryptocurrency mining factors to consider if you plan on getting your feet wet:
Cheap and Stable Electricity Geographic Location Hardware and Software Costs Expertise Miner and Transaction Fees.
Specialized mining hardware is designed to run at the limit and, as a result, uses up a lot of electricity. It's no surprise then that the greatest number of miners are found in countries with cheap electricity. These machines also run particularly hot and cooling your precious equipment becomes an issue in warmer climates.
To stay competitive you need to have the latest hardware and software. Furthermore, you need the expertise to ensure that your rig is working at optimum capacity. Investing in mining equipment also means putting in the time to educate yourself. Finally, it's important to consider all the fees associated with mining on either the Bitcoin ( or Litecoin blockchain.
Let's Shake on It - Coming to Consensus.
Both Bitcoin ( and Litecoin use proof-of-work to validate and secure transactions on their networks. Bitcoin ( uses the SHA-256 algorithm to achieve this. The secure hash algorithm is a function which is commonly used in blockchains and was pioneered by Bitcoin (
Bitcoin mining ( is considered more complex than Litecoin mining because of the algorithm differences. Over the years more and more computing power has been committed to securing the Bitcoin ( network. As a result, the Bitcoin mining ( difficulty has increased dramatically until the present day.
Bitcoin ( was designed to confirm transactions at around 10-minute intervals . And to keep this time steady, the difficulty has increased so that more computing power doesn't upset the predictable transaction speed of the network. Unfortunately, this also means that unless you have the latest hardware you're probably going to have a tough time turning a profit in this market.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:20 am
Sharpen Your Tools - Hardware.
Mining hardware has evolved from your bASIC ( desktop processing into specialized chips called ASIC ( s. The application-specific integrated circuit was designed purely for cryptocurrency mining. ASIC ( don't come cheap however and a top-of-the-range Bitcoin mining ( rig can set you back a couple thousand dollars.
Japan's first Bitcoin ( miner. Image courtesy of Yuji Nakamura.
GMO recently announced Japan's first Bitcoin ( miner, the B2, which sells for a cool $2000. GMO is challenging Bitcoin mining ( leader BitMain head-on with the B2. CEO Masatoshi Kumagai recently had the following to say about their controversial competitor:
"I respect Bitmain, but we will top them"
You'll want to stay abreast of the latest developments in the hardware race and ensure sure you have the right equipment when you need it.
Litecoin Mining.
A Faster Consensus.
In comparison, Litecoin uses the Scrypt algorithm instead of SHA-256. It was initially designed to be ASIC ( resistant to prevent the kind of mining centralization we are currently seeing in proof-of-work blockchains. However, with dedicated research and development, established miners have regardless been able to build specialized hardware specifically for mining Litecoin.
A major advantage Litecoin has over its bigger brother is the 2.5 minute transaction time. At 4x the speed of Bitcoin (, it seems like Litecoin would be more of a contender for merchant adoption. Both coins, however, have probably lost that edge to near-instant transactions from newer contenders.
2.5 And 10 minutes respectively are excellent transaction times for wire transfers, both local but in particular international transfers. A traditional international transfer through the existing banking system can take anywhere between a ridiculous 7-10 business days to confirm. Keep these kinds of use cases in mind. As cryptocurrency adoption grows, the best mining opportunities will take place where it makes the most sense for users.
Litecoin Mining Hardware.
The best Litecoin mining rig out there at the moment is probably the Antminer L3++ from Bitmain. We are currently in a tricky market as the fall in cryptocurrency prices has made mining unprofitable for many smaller miners. Any investment made today should consider the longer-term price chart of Litecoin. Your preferences may differ so always make a point of doing your own research.
Considering Network Security.
In proof-of-work cryptocurrencies, if a miner achieves > 50% of the network hash rate (amount of computing power committed to the network) they have the ability to stage a 51% attack. This bASIC ( allows the miner to steal money from the network by double spending.
Such an attack would initially be very profitable for the miner. However, the network would ultimately become unusable and coin holders would move their funds to a safer blockchain. An interesting cost estimate to initiate this kind of attack for several blockchains can be found here.
Mining centralization remains a concern for Bitcoin ( as Bitmain continues to dominate the market. If Bitmain is ever able to capture more than 50% of the network hash rate, any Bitcoin mining ( equipment you hold is going to lose value very quickly.
In terms of Litecoin's position on security, Charlie Lee, the founder of Litecoin had the following to say in a tweet earlier this year (2018):
In lite of recent 51% attacks and info, rest assured that the Litecoin is extremely secure and mining is very healthy. 👍🚀 - Pools are well distributed (largest 22%) - Hashrate up 50x (past 1 year) - High capital costs to attack ($322-761MM +
Barriers to Entry.
In the beginning, just about anybody could mine Bitcoin ( with a stock-standard computer. Then, shrewd miners saw the immense profits that could be made via mining. These days companies have dedicated research and development teams and put large budgets in place to stay on the cutting edge of cryptocurrency mining tech.
Fortunately, there is a solution if you're a smaller fish in this rather large pond - mining pools. If you took the leap and invested in some reasonable hardware you now have the option of contributing your hash power to a group of miners known as a pool. Both Bitcoin mining ( pools and Litecoin mining pools offer their respective miners a lower barrier to entry to mine. The shared power of the pool allows you to collect your reward in proportion to your power contribution.
The major advantage of this approach is a regular payout on a predictable time-frame. The major disadvantage, however, is that you are concentrating power to the pool's owner. This is centralizing the network, even if only by a fraction. The beauty, of course, is that you can move your hardware to another pool if you don't like what your current pool is about.
Bitcoin ( Hash Rate Distribution:
Percentage breakdown of Bitcoin mining ( pools courtesy of
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:21 am

Signatum Coin Mining ( 5 GPU Nvidia 1070 Rig - August 11, 2017|2:11
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:24 am
Litecoin Hash Rate Distribution:
Percentage breakdown of Litecoin mining pools courtesy of
And now to the section you've no doubt been waiting for! So, which is more profitable, Bitcoin ( or Litecoin mining? Well, at this particular snapshot Bitcoin ( was well in the lead. There are, however, so many factors to consider in such a calculation that it's recommended you approach this with a healthy grain of salt.
Coinwarz provides an interesting real-time comparison of the most profitable coins:
A detailed look into cryptocurrency mining profits.
These calculations focus almost entirely on hash rates . Other factors to consider include exchange rate fluctuations , pool efficiency, fees , changes to the code and so on. Finally, it's worth noting that monitoring the tables here and at other sites should give a better representation over time. Monitoring data for just one day is not particularly reliable.
Final Thoughts: Bitcoin mining ( vs Litecoin Mining.
Making the decision to jump into the world of cryptocurrency mining is not an easy one. That kind of decision effectively means competing with large-scale operations around the globe. It definitely pays to get involved early in the launch of a new coin. However, the market has quickly become saturated with so many useless cryptocurrencies it has become a lot harder to know which will succeed and consequently where to commit your resources.
Bitcoin ( and Litecoin mining is still feasible if you are prepared to invest in the right hardware and software and dedicate those resources to a mining pool. With so many choices and so many factors outside of your control, it appears though that the probability of turning a good profit gets harder by the day.
A healthy debate continues in the cryptocurrency community. The general feeling is that those passionate about cryptocurrency, the hardware, and the technical chops to make it happen will do just fine. Those with pure investment goals would probably do better by buying the coins outright.
Free online Bitcoin mining (
Macbook pro Bitcoin mining (
How To Mine Cryptocurrency on a Macbook Pro?!
Jul 10, 2018 · 3 min read.
So you've purchased a Macbook Pro and you're interested in testing out mining cryptocurrencies. The good news is you can start mining right away.
Wait just one second...
While it is possible to mine cryptocurrencies on your laptop, you should know that mining might be harmful to your hardware and may reduce the longevity of it. That's because as most know mining can be very demanding and taxing on your computer parts, especially the CPU.
The next thing is that the Ma c book Pro or any Apple laptop for this matter does not usually cool effectively enough for mining. As before, the cooling on the Macbook Pro tends to be not so effective at this type of task and people including myself have taken temperatures of the bottom of the laptop to check this. After much testing it usually isn't such a good idea unless you can figure out a way to cool it better.
But I Want to Anyways!
Alright, so you've decided you still want to mine and no one will take that away from you. If you want to mine with the Macbook Pro without any extra hardware, the best thing to mine is Monero (XMR). Monero is one of the few coins that can still be mined with a CPU, but you may not earn as much as you expect. I know you probably want to try Bitcoin (, but at this point, it would take over a decade to earn a few dollars, so it's not a good idea.
Before you start mining, you should check this handy Monero mining hashrate table to see how much your processor hashes and hopefully a power usage amount. Table here:
Next, you'll want to find a free online calculator to determine your profitability.
You will need to know how much electricity costs unless it is free for you.
If all works out and you're profitable, you will need to have a program to mine Monero with as well as a wallet address for Monero. If you're not sure how to get a wallet address at this point, you could sign up at an exchange and use an exchange's address, but we highly recommend you download the Monero wallet at their website.
Once you've got your wallet address, you will need to download Docker to help you run a cpu mining program called cpuminer-opt. Here's the link for Docker.
After downloading Docker, open your Mac's Terminal and paste in this command:
"docker run hmage/cpuminer-opt -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp://cryptonight.usa.NiceHash ( -O [MoneroAddress].[workername]:x"
It should look like this once you've replaced it with your address and worker name.
"docker run hmage/cpuminer-opt -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp://cryptonight.usa.NiceHash ( -O 444SZ4VznMULSGQLzaHpPMS8s6r26THCwY8sz6rFYZaEKAkhKzwgLur3viZJv1B4TZFZLvWkZPo495aKikYC252ZD5VqPcW.CoolGuy :x"
Once complete the program will automatically download the latest version of cpuminer-opt, and may begin mining.
If everything works out, great! You're now earning that sweet crypto and have become a full-fledged miner.
This completes the non-external hardware portion for mining. If however you are more serious about mining, we'll cover the external graphics card setup for mining on Mac, which will definitely provide more hashrate and more coins mined, but will cost additional dollars.
A Beginner's Guide to Mining Cryptocurrencies on the Mac.
@ Gowtham V.
Python Programmer /ML Developer. Tech Enthusiast. UI/UX Design.
If you are looking to make a profit immediately by mining cryptocurrencies on the Mac, stop right here. Don't waste your time. Close this article and go buy yourself a mining rig /decent Gaming Laptop or buy crypto with your credit card.
Bitcoin ( is the most dominant cryptocurrency. It's dominance is over 51% of the market. 1 BTC = $ 6581. Want to mine Bitcoins with a Mac and cash in that Satoshi? Forget about it. With Bitcoin mining ( difficulty increasing you need specialised hardware for mining(ASIC ( Without it, you can use a very fast graphic card, but unless you have free electricity, it won't even repay itself. And moreover GPU mining ( is not supported for most Macs with most mining softwares. CPU-only mining is meaningless.
If you were to mine Bitcoin ( on a mid-tier MacBook Pro for 24 hours for an entire month you would only make less than micro-cents worth of bitcoins. Not to mention the wear and tear to your expensive machine and you'll probably burn your Graphics card before you mine even 0.00001 BTC! Hell you probably wouldn't mine a single bitcoin in this century!
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:26 am
First of all, What in the world is Mining?
So where does all of this mining take place and where does the Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin ( come from? Well, your computer is solving math problems to make sure no one makes transactions on the Blockchain network that aren't true. If your computer manages to solve the problem, you get rewarded. Mining is also used to release new currency into the Blockchain. And that is bASIC ( mining. Everyone has an opportunity to help solve these problems and claim rewards. So in short mining is nothing but the validation of a transaction .
(You can skip the following part about ASIC ( Mining.)
The controversy around ASIC ( Mining :
At the point when Bitcoin ( was begun, the only way to mine was utilizing Central Processing Unit (CPU) on PC and Bitcoin ( core wallet. When bitcoin was released you could mine only 100 coins a day using a CPU. CPU was designed to switch between different tasks. Hash required proof of work in mathematical calculation and CPU has less arithmetic logical units so, when it comes to performance in the large calculation CPU is relatively slow.
GPU can mine much faster than CPU. GPUs are faster than CPUs for the kind of repetitive math involved in mining. They solve more blocks in the same amount of time. CPUs have a large instruction set with a few cores. GPUs have sometimes thousands of shaders with a simpler math instruction set. So, a thousand shaders becomes hands down faster than a few cores for mining coins.
But right now it is impossible to mine Bitcoin ( using CPU because of ASIC ( miners. The introduction of ASIC ( mining rigs has always sparked controversy in cryptocurrency communities. ASIC ( mining rigs bring a slew of benefits and disadvantages to a cryptocurrency's ECOS ( For example, they bring economies of scale to operations because they are relatively inexpensive and more efficient (as compared to GPU rigs) at processing hash functions. In turn, this translates to higher profit margins for miners. But mining efficiency comes at the cost of decentralization.
ASIC ( Miners ruined mining for the common man.
The reason many crypto purists have a problem with ASIC ( is that individuals like you and I, using comparatively sluggish PCs or even more powerful graphics cards, can't compete with the ruthless efficiency with which the ASIC ( mining farms carry out the proof-of-work consensus test and win bitcoin rewards. If the little guy can't participate, they argue, the result is re-centralization. There's a security argument, for example, all that expensive, efficient hashing power makes for a more formidable expenditure barrier for a potential "51-percent attacker" to overcome.
So What Cryptocurrencies should I mine on a Mac?
Altcoins! Anything but Bitcoin ( Bitcoin ('s popularity makes the bitcoin market extremely competitive and it's difficult and expensive for beginners to get started on. Most Altcoins on the other hand, are much less popular, much less competitive, much less expensive, and can ofter even be mined by beginners with CPUs. There are even some CPU-only coins! So Altcoins are the best cryptocurrency to mine for people who want to experience mining for fun or looking to make a few extra bucks every month.
What are the possible Altcoins to mine on a mac?
There are like a thousand different Altcoins. 1854 to be exact. Including Bitcoin ( there are 1855 different cryptocurrencies. All of these 1854 Altcoins want to be the next Bitcoin ( or something even better.
But we are going to look at the most popular / advanced / practical coins to mine on a Mac. All the test mining results that follow were run on a MacBook Pro 15" mid 2017 (A1701).
Monero (XMR) :
Monero stands out among other cryptocurrencies as it is widely considered as the most advanced anonymous digital currency . Monero is based on a proof-of-work algorithm known as CryptoNight , which is designed with certain specifications that make it difficult for Monero mining using ASIC ( to work well. In turn, it is actually relatively easy to mine Monero on your PC / Mac.
This means people all over the world will be leaving mining software running on their home or work PCs. Those that do this will earn Monero in exchange for running the software that processes and verifies other Monero transactions. Therefore, if someone else is paying the electricity bill (e.g. an employer or a university), then there will be a financial incentive for people to mine Monero using the spare capacity of the computers they already have access to. Far more people will be willing to casually use existing computers for this task than there would if they would need to purchase and install purpose built ASIC ( mining hardware. Because no special mining equipment is required, it means that it would be easy for anyone that downloads a Monero wallet to simply click a single button to start mining on their computer.
Monero is the most profitable coin to mine on a Mac. Or any other Laptop. Period. Monero is one of the best coins to mine for absolute beginners. All you need to do is fire up the GUI and hit mine. That simple. But still Profitable.
So ordinary people who are interested in Monero will be able to earn their first little bit of Monero by participating in the mining process. This is a major marketing win, as it distributes Monero to the broadest possible number of participants to fuel their enthusiasm. Monero is currently the 10th largest cryptocurrency. 1 XMR = $96.7. Monero supports mining with CPU/GPU or both.
So if you have a more powerful Mac and if you hook in a supported GPU, you could be making serious money in the future if not immediately.
Ethereum / Ethereum Classic (ETH / ETC) :
Ethereum was developed to augment and improve on bitcoin, expanding its capabilities. Importantly, it was developed to feature prominently " smart contracts " : decentralized, self-executing agreements coded into the blockchain itself so that there is no authenticating third party required.
Ethereum is the second most valuable cryptocurrency (market cap). Ethereum Classic is a fork of Ethereum . 1 ETH = $302. Ethereum rewards its miners based on the proof of work algorithm called Ethash , which actually encourages decentralized mining by individuals and doesn't support ASIC ( mining. You can mine Ethereum with CPU/GPU mining ( or both. But recently ASIC ( mining became possible on the Ethereum Blockchain.
So unfortunately, Ethereum is also a no show on the Mac. But external GPUs will really help boost your earnings. But your best bet is to buy it or ASIC ( mine it.
Litecoin (LTC) :
Litecoin is a fork of the Bitcoin ( Core client, with a few slight differences. It had a reduced block generation time at two and a half minutes; it had significantly more coins or tokens and a different hashing algorithm using scrypt, instead of SHA-256. 1 Litecoin costs about $56.90. It has the 7th highest market cap as of 2018.
CPU only mining of Litecoins is still sort of possible. In the sense that if you mine for 24/7 for an entire year with an average hashrate of 15 kh/s you would mine 0.0003841 LTC. Which is about $0.022 ! If you continue to mine at this rate you would make a dollar in 45 years !
So Leaving your Mac running the mining program 24/7 would almost definitely cost you more in electricity than it would earn you in Litecoin, so I don't recommend trying this! Ever! Again if you are serious about mining, buy a mining rig ! But anways here's a link to a guide where you can set it up on a mac.
Bytecoin (BCN) :
Bytecoin was the first ever Altcoin based on CryptoNote technology. Bytecoin advertises itself as a totally anonymous Altcoin and as the first enterprise-ready altcoin. Fee-free instant international payments: The Bytecoin network works as fast as the internet. Your payments will take a little bit of time to process, as payments require cryptographic confirmation. Bytecoin claims transactions are processed in about 2 minutes. The makers of Bytecoin claim that hacking the currency "would require immense amount of expensive electricity and computational power of a supercomputer".
Bytecoin is the 27th largest cryptocurrency in the world. 1 BCN = $ 0.001816!
The only reason you would want to mine Bytecoin is for HODLing. 1 Bytecoin now worth micro cents maybe worth hundreds someday. And that is a huge MAYBE. Huge. Huuuugeeee. So keep calm on HODL!
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:26 am
But here's what a smart person would do instead of mining Bytecoin:
Instead of mining Bytecoin, use the same compute power and time to mine Monero which is more profitable and use it to buy Bytecoin.
A week of mining Monero will give you about 0.00711 XMR which will buy you about 378 Bytecoins ! So mining Bytecoin for an entire year will make you only 50 more coins. But mining monero for an entire year will buy you 19,845 Bytecoins! Well let's make it more simple. $1 will buy you 551 Bytecoins . Just simply buy using cash. You'll save time and also your precious machine!
This applies for all those penny cryptocurrencies that can be mined and those that can't be mined like XRP(Ripple), EOS, Stellar, IOTA, Tether. A $5 investment in any of these coins is a safe bet to make and will buy you a bucket load of those coins. It's 5 bucks!
The most simple way to mine crypto on a Mac is using a mining software called Minergate.
You can download the GUI(Graphical User Interface) version here.
The UI can't be more straight forward.
Sign-up. Quit the app. Login using the extended mode. Go the miner tab on top. Choose the cryptocurrency of your choice. Hit the Start Mining Button. Select the no. of cores you wish to allot for the mining process (Higher the no. of cores, higher the hashrate).
That's it. You have begun mining a Cryptocurrency! It also has a built in wallet to store the crypto you mine. Using the waller address you can send and receive various cryptocurrencies. Although after mining i would recommend you transfer it to another wallet for security purposes.
I use the Lumi Wallet to store my Cryptos. They have a Web app, an iOS app and an Android app. And they use mnemonic phrase method to secure the wallet.
You can use the CoinMarketCap to keep track of the current exchange rates. They have mobile apps as well.
One More Thing.
When you are mining for long periods of time, your Mac cannot handle the heat produced. It may even shutdown to avoid damage to the internal components. To avoid this, use a software called smcFanControl. It let's you control the fan speed and cool your Mac down to an optimum temperature (50-55° C). The default fan setting for a 15 inch is 2155 rpm. You can increase it all the way upto 5927 rpm. The fans will sound loud when you increase it all the way up. So ideally you can set it to 4000 rpm for a more bearable fan noise. This way your Mac will perform better as there will be no thermal throttling. And the coins will keep on comin'!
If you found this useful consider smashing that CLAP button! It will show your appreciation to the content! Thank You!
And that's it from me. Adios Miner!
References :
At the time this article was published, here are the exchange rates of the crypto we talked about :
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:30 am

How to start Mining ( Signatum SIGT on pool with AMD GPU's|10:15
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:30 am

How to mine Signatum (NVIDIA)|6:12
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:31 am

How to start Mining ( Signatum SIGT on pool with NVIDIA GPU's|19:14
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:31 am
Radeon 7850 Bitcoin mining (
SAPPHIRE HD7850 (12 MH/s for Ethash)
Sapphire HD7850 hasn't shined as bright as some of the other HD 7000 series video cards we've looked at from AMD. We saw the HD 7870, HD 7950, HD 7970 really shine with some awesome numbers and great overclocking results.
Sapphire HD7850 Review [ edit ]
The performance of the HD 7850 when it first came out, combined with its relatively low price tag, made for a very enticing mid-range card. That impressive start has only gotten better as time has moved on and the price has dropped ever lower.
Once it dropped below $250 it was hard to really recommend anyone with a 1080p screen spending more. Now it's sub-$250 graphics card crown has slipped as its HD 7870 big brother has usurped the HD 7850's place by making itself a whole lot cheaper than it used to be.
Still, at $200 you'd surely expect us to still be pretty taken with the HD 7850. And while it's still a great mid-range card, there has been one other sibling to make us take a second look. And that's the 1GB version of this GPU.
You might expect the extra gigabyte of graphics memory to push this graphics card significantly ahead in the high-res benchmarks - but you'd be wrong. That said, you're not going to feel the fool for having one of these full-fat 2GB Pitcairn Pro cards in your rig.
Inside the graphic card's box, users got a pretty nice package with an invitation to Sapphire Select Club or SSC, Quick Install Guide and driver CD to round out the normal additions. You also got a Molex to 6-pin PCIe power connector, HDMI to DVI, CrossFire Bridge, Mini DisplayPort to DisplayPort and a full length HDMI cable to round off the bundle.
Hash rate : 12 MH/s Cryptocurrency : Ethereum Manufacturer : SAPPHIRE Model : HD7850 Core clock : 1050 Mem clock : 1300 Hardware type : GPU OS : Windows 8.1 x64 Mining software : Crimson 16.1.
Rent Bitcoin mining ( server.
Instead of leasing a hashrate, lease an actual GPU in one of our advanced and automated mining rigs. All GPUs are optimized to mining and are overclocked.
When you lease from ProMining, you have access to the entire feature-set and capabilities of the GPU, simply meaning you are mining to your selected pool and wallet(s).
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Plans & Pricing.
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Effortless Setup 6 Cryptocurrencies to choose from Mine to your own wallet Discounted pricing Ethereum Hashrate of 30 MH/s avg Lease Now.
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Bitcoin ( Miner Says Solar Energy Cuts Mining Costs By 75%
Market conditions and electricity costs have substantially lowered cryptocurrency mining profitability. As a result, big and small-scale cryptocurrency miners are forced to turn to renewable energy to reduce operational mining costs.
Future of Crypto Mining ( Lies in Solar Energy.
Cryptocurrency miners have been trying to lower their costs since the advent of Bitcoin ( (BTC). Now, due to adverse cryptocurrency market conditions, this endeavor has become increasingly critical.
Consequently, some miners are now using solar energy to run their operations. For example, Reddit user "cadese" claims he is using solar panels to reduce costs significantly -- stating:
Bitcoin mining ( is forcing me to go solar power. I just installed solar panels to run my miners during the day. Not only does my house get heated but I cut the mining cost by 75%. Why? It's not just the cheapest form of energy, but I get rid of the grid-transfer cost and tax (=75%!)
Mining Bitcoin ( with renewable energy is more prevalent than previously thought.
In November 2018, CoinShares Research published a whitepaper that examined trends, costs, and energy consumption of Bitcoin mining ( According to the authors, the study shows that most Bitcoin mining ( occurs in global regions containing available sources of renewable energy. Moreover, the report highlights that about 80 percent of mining is powered by renewable energy.
Renewable Energy to Power the Cryptocurrency Revolution.
The use of solar panels is becoming more cost-effective than standard electricity. For example, Azultec Cube300 advertises that miners can generate cryptocurrencies with the option "to use renewable energy and recuperate up to 72 percent of the generated heat."
For small-scale miners, a growing array of solutions is becoming available. For example, Cryptosolartech is a project where the primary objective is to develop the largest cryptocurrency mining farm run on renewable energies. According to the Cryptosolartech website:
At Cryptosolartech, we count on 3,000 specialized ASIC ( that compete with large pools, thanks to the fact that we have the best equipment and technology in the market. Our miners are supplied with renewable energy produced by our own photovoltaic plants, thus making the activity an efficient and sustainable practice.
Companies such as Solar Alliance Energy Inc. -- a provider of residential, commercial and industrial solar installations -- are focusing on the amazing role that renewable energy can play to support the development of the cryptocurrency industry.
In November 2018, Solar Alliance Energy signed an agreement with NuYen Blockchain for the development of the cryptocurrency mining facility in Murphysboro, Illinois. This facility supports the Renewing the Murphysboro Community Through Green Energy Jobs initiative.
What do you think about running Bitcoin mining ( operations on solar energy? Let us know in the comments below!
Images courtesy of Twitter/@nderchris, Pixabay.
Bitcoin mining ( by using solar energy. Is it possible? [closed]
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Bitcoin ( Stack Exchange.
Closed 6 years ago .
I have a peculiar question concerning about Bitcoin mining (, for example, in Brazil it is unfeasible due to the high cost of electric power. Is it possible to do mining by using solar energy? Does someone know how much energy is necessary to setup a bASIC ( unit of Bitcoin mining ( It sounds interesting for me, since solar energy is cheap! Of course you will have the investment with batteries, solar panels, cables, etc.. but I think it still possible.. any ideas?
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:32 am
I'm looking for a bASIC ( project about mining bitcoin using solar energy.
It largely depends on what machine you want to power with those solar panels. You're definitely going nowhere with GPU based mining. As PCs consume a huge lot of energy, and those who don't, are equipped with Atom and Intel graphics, meaning mining won't get you far with that equipment.
However, it may be possible to run a USB ASIC ( miner based on a Raspberry Pi. I think those kind of machines consume very little energy. However, you may also need an Internet connection, but I'm assuming you already have a router you can connect to.
In that case, I'd buy one Raspberry Pi for each USB ASIC ( stick you want to buy.
The initial cost may be a bit hefty, though, and I'm not sure the performance would be that great, because there's just so much hashing power already in the Bitcoin ( network.
I'm sure you're better off mining Litecoin, Dogecoin or Feathercoin anyways. But well, there's no USB ASIC ( miner for scrypt cryptocurrencies, so you're out of luck for those alts.
Is Solar-Powered Bitcoin mining ( the Future?
Bitcoin ( took a wild ride in 2017.
Even though the end of the year was marred with big price dips and controversies surrounding major virtual currency exchanges, it's clear that Bitcoin ( took the financial world by storm and also got many involved in the still relatively new world of cryptocurrencies.
Even though the price of Bitcoin ( has been booming, going all the way from about $1,000 back in January to $19,000 at one point in December, there's a couple of big roadblocks.
One of these is the massive amount of power it takes to actually mine the coins.
It's been estimated that it will take about 132 years to mine all 21 million Bitcoins in existence. Mining is done by specialized computers who consume a lot of electricity as they search for the correct hash keys to make Bitcoin (
Since the algorithm behind Bitcoin ( actually makes it harder to mine as time goes on, one researcher said in 2016 that Bitcoin mining ( could one day "lead to a continuous electricity consumption that lies between the output of a small power plant and the total consumption of a small country like Denmark by 2020."
But since the price of Bitcoin ( is currently in the low five figures (at the time of writing), there's a lot of incentive to mine due to the prospects of making good cash.
This creates another problem because there's been a 95% correlation between the price of Bitcoin ( and the mining difficulty over the past couple years. This means that mining is only consuming more and more electricity because the cryptocurrency has been on an upward surge for a long time now.
This means that everyone who is looking to mine is trying to figure out how to keep their electricity expenses low.
Some operations have set up shop in countries like Iceland to take advantage of geothermal power. Nations like Belarus have also become attractive because of the relatively low cost of power compared to other places.
However, solar power has actually become one of the most talked about ways for miners to run their operations, especially since Bitcoin ( and solar actually have a pretty long relationship together.
Back when the cryptocurrency was just a fraction of where it is now, one 2012 forum conversation on detailed the setup of a solar power mining operation in Australia. Even when mainstream interest in Bitcoin ( was relatively low, and some in the financial world had 'given up on cryptocurrency', solar powered mining projects were still being discussed online.
For example, a cryptocurrency lover published a guide in 2013 about how to build a solar-powered mining plant.
In 2015, a Bitcoin ( fan took to YouTube to show off his Bitcoin ( solar-powered mining farm. They said the power consumption of their S3 Antminer was actually being offset by the power of the sun's energy thanks to their solar panels.
As Bitcoin ( started to grab the attention of everyone in mid-2017, one Reddit user posted about their solar mining operation in the Southwest desert. They explained that each of their miners was producing about .007 Bitcoin ( each day at the time thanks to solar power. They were also looking to expand the number of mining rigs because things were so successful.
The user noted one Antminer S9 ASIC ( mining system cost about $1,225 at the time, and each mining operation totaled $8,000 with the addition of 6kW of solar panels, deep cycle lead-acid batteries, and a power control system.
Even if an $8,000 cost seems expensive, some believe solar power could actually make mining somewhat viable despite the limitations of the cryptocurrency's algorithms. A lot of mining today is done by massive companies with extremely powerful computers, and not by individuals or small firms (which is why some future cryptocurrencies are also becoming ASIC (
But since Bitcoin mining ( is largely driven (or hindered) by electricity prices, solar power has the strong potential to make mining more accessible and easier.
One Bitcoin ( club called Nastymining teamed up with the solar energy company Sunpower in early 2017 to fuel some of their mining equipment inside their facility.
There's speculation that miners and/or companies could take advantage of renewable energy tax credits if they were to use solar panels to power their operations. This could potentially offset some of the tax burdens associated with selling Bitcoin (
Since Bitcoin mining ( is largely driven (or hindered) by electricity prices, solar power has the strong potential to make mining more accessible and easier.
Tam Hunt of Greentechmedia calculated back in September that a 1-megawatt Bitcoin mining ( project could have a "net present value" of at least $9.3 million dollars and a 20-year net revenue of about $19 million. These numbers are based on a Bitcoin ( price of $2,500.
Even though Bitcoin ('s price is far above this figure right now, these numbers are still looking pretty good when compared to the average 1-megawatt solar project, which typically has a value of $200,000 to $400,000. The breakdown of the model can be seen here.
Solar Bitcoin ( miners also have the benefit of connecting their panels to a power grid, giving them the ability to sell extra power to the utility company. This could come in handy if one loses interest in mining, or if the price of Bitcoin ( falls or even collapses.
Those who are not interested in connecting to a grid also have a lot of mining versatility with solar panels.
Prospective miners could take advantage of the lack of permit requirements for mining in states like Texas and quickly set up solar panels and mining equipment once they acquire land. The panels could be set up in a rural area to take advantage of cheap land and a lot of space.
As solar energy continues to become more and more popular with the average consumer, it's no surprise that Bitcoin ( miners are also looking into it as well.
Panels are pretty easy to buy and install, are rapidly improving thanks to changing technology, and give miners a lot of flexibility in their operations since they can be set up anywhere.
Related infographic: What is Bitcoin mining (
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:32 am
Save money by converting your home to solar power. Calculate your savings.
The Ultimate Guide: How to Invest in Bitcoin mining ( in 2020.
Aside from the most common way of investing in cryptocurrencies, which is by purchasing them from exchanges or P2P platforms, some people want to know how to invest in Bitcoin mining ( operations.
Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrencies that run on a Proof-of-Work (PoW) model offer another investment opportunity, which is Mining. And no, this has nothing to do with excavating the ground to search for precious metals.
Are you looking for how to invest in Bitcoin mining ( or seeking crypto mining investment opportunities? In this guide, we will specifically walk you through on how to start a Bitcoin mining ( investment in 2020.
We'll also inform you if there is actually a Bitcoin mining ( without investments on either the software or machines required for the activities. Lastly, we will discuss another mining solution, which will enable you to mine cryptocurrencies even without your physical presence.
Knowing how to invest in Bitcoin mining ( is important. As cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin (, continue to gain massive adoption and price increases, cryptocurrency mining can be considered a part-time or even a full-time business.
Now, that we've cleared that, let's dive right in.
What Exactly is Bitcoin mining (
Bitcoin mining ( is a backbone activity of the Bitcoin ( network, done with specialized computers to ensure the verification of transactions and the issuance of new Bitcoin ( into the market.
Just like stores would document their daily transactions either on papers or computers, this is pretty much what goes on Bitcoin ( and other cryptocurrency mining. However, the latter involves a more complicated process that requires high computational power to achieve.
Unlike stores, transactions that occurred with Bitcoin ( are logged in Blockchain. First, Bitcoin ( transactions are verified across multiple nodes on the Blockchain. Afterward, this transaction will be compiled as a Block and logged on the Bitcoin ( Blockchain.
Miners who successfully verified and map a transaction on the network will receive 6.25BTC as a reward. Previously, the block reward was 12.5 BTC; however, it was reduced after the third halving of the cryptocurrency this year.
How to Invest in Bitcoin mining ( What You Must Know?
Before you invest in Bitcoin mining (, it is advisable to consider the following:
High Power Consumption: As explained earlier, the machines used in Bitcoin mining ( performs at a high computational power, which also means more electricity consumption. Due to expensive energy costs, many small-scale miners were forced out of the market as the block reward got lesser amid Bitcoin ( halving. Thus, you might want to consider the cost involved before starting out your mining journey. However, many miners are using Solar power to waive cases of high electricity costs in Mining. Bitcoin mining ( is Competitive: At this point, it is worth mentioning that the cryptocurrency mining industry is very competitive, especially in Bitcoin ( So, starting a crypto mining investment will require more capital or fund, depending on the coin, to acquire advanced mining equipment to place you in a better position in the competition. Bitcoin ( Block Reward Halving: Especially if you are new to the cryptocurrency industry, you probably would want to know that Bitcoin ( reward is predetermined to be reduced by 50 percent every four years. This reduction in supply is called the Bitcoin ( halving. Hence, it would be best if you considered that your reward for mining Bitcoin ( is not fixed. For instance, the Bitcoin mining ( reward was settled at 50 BTC. However, the current reward has been slashed to 6.25 BTC.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:32 am
Bitcoin mining ( investment can be worth it if done rightly. Having listed these few points to note, let's explore the many ways you can engage in Bitcoin mining (, and unveil if it is possible to begin free Bitcoin mining ( without investment.
1. Starting a Bitcoin mining ( Farm.
A Typical Bitcoin mining ( Farm in Operation (Source: Bitfarms)
While there may be other options to start Bitcoin mining (, many people mostly mine Bitcoin ( from their mining farm. A Bitcoin mining ( farm can be a setup of different mining equipment that can be run on a small or large scale, depending on the operator/miner. An individual miner can run about 100 mining machines in his/her farm, while companies can deploy thousands of these machines in a single farm.
What You Need to Setup Your Bitcoin mining ( Farm.
Find an Ideal Mining Spot: This is where you will set up and run all your Bitcoin mining ( operations. You can choose to mine the cryptocurrency from your home, depending on the scale you wish to operate. Rent/hiring a shop or warehouse can be ideal for large-scale Mining.
Getting Your Bitcoin mining ( Hardware: In the early stage of Bitcoin (, miners had used their computer systems to mine cryptocurrency. They generated enough hash sequences, and they could also confirm Bitcoin ( transactions using their computer systems with high processors.
Fast forward to the present, Bitcoin ( miners have transitioned from using the Central Processing Unit (CPU), Graphical Processing Unit (GPU), and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) to Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC ( machines to mine Bitcoin (
ASIC ( machines like Bitmain's Antminers may be the ideal machine to start your Bitcoin mining ( operation. Not that you can use other hardware to mine Bitcoin ( However, miners now prefer ASIC ( machines since they provide a 100x increase in hashing power, yet with a low electricity consumption rate, compared to the other technologies.
Antminer ASIC ( Miner (Bitmain)
Thus, your chances of earning Bitcoin ( or staying profitable with older technologies against ASIC ( machines are very slim. Perhaps, ASIC ( machines are way costlier compared to the other technologies.
Installing Your Mining Software: The next tool you would need is to install a Bitcoin mining ( software. Mining software instructs the hardware on what work needs to be done, finding mathematical puzzles to solve from transaction blocks.
The most popular Bitcoin mining ( software includes:
Bitcoin ( Miner CGMiner BFGMiner RPC Miner EasyMiner.
Most modern ASIC ( miners are built with compatible software, so you might start using them right away.
Meanwhile, there is still something closer that comes close to free Bitcoin mining ( without investment. It is called " Cloud Mining ."
Under this scheme, you can earn Bitcoins as a mining reward without even owning a single mining machine. This makes up another way you can invest in Bitcoin mining ( without having to quit your job or being present at the mining farm to inspect those machines.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:36 am
2. Cloud Mining.
By cloud-mining Bitcoin (, your physical presence is most likely not needed, as the machines run from a remote location. Hence, this will enable you to auto-mine Bitcoin ( without directly investing in or buying mining hardware or software.
All you need to do is purchase a mining contract from companies offering cloud mining service.
Cloud mining saves you a lot of stress and challenges that come with running your mining farm. You can go about your job, holiday, and even travel abroad without necessarily worrying about hardware and software maintenance, electricity supply, and mining farm downtime issues.
Noteworthily, cloud mining also comes with disadvantages, which you would want to consider before buying any cloud mining contract.
The Risks of Bitcoin ( Cloud Mining.
Firstly, you do not have ownership of the mining equipment, so you cannot guarantee that these machines will run as long as you want. The companies offering this service might decide to cease operation at any time if they ascertain that the cryptocurrency's price is too unstable. When such situations arise, these miners resort to selling off their bitcoin holdings, which in turn can affect the market negatively.
Secondly, the cloud mining provider will charge a commission for the service rendered. Hence, you don't own all the rewards to yourself. It would help if you also exercised caution, as there are many illegal Bitcoin mining ( investment companies also promoting Bitcoin ( cloud mining services.
They typically claim to sell investment plans and offer highly robust referral programs that are only designed to send more victims their way.
Sample Fake Bitcoin mining ( Investment Companies.
In fact, 99% of online websites posing as a Bitcoin mining ( investment company is fraudulent and will only separate you from your money. You'll likely find a number of them on Google Search results for "Bitcoin mining (" related keywords. Some even run campaigns via Google Ads to attract unsuspecting investors.
Please, stay away from them. If you must invest in Bitcoin mining ( via cloud mining companies, ensure that you do due diligence and possibly involve a legal expert.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:37 am
3. Joining a Mining Pool.
Since your chances of competing with large-scale Bitcoin mining ( investment companies are very slim, miners came up with the idea of pulling their resources together, thereby raising their hash power. By joining a Bitcoin mining ( pool, you will contribute your computing power with that of other miners in the pool to generate a block, which comes with a reward.
Largest Bitcoin mining ( Pools (Source:
These rewards are being shared amongst the miners evenly. So, you ought to decide whether to stand alone or pull your resources together with other miners. Note that mining pools have a greater chance of generating blocks because of their superior hashing power. Thus, the miners that invest in Bitcoin mining ( via pools are likely to receive more income from time to time.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Investing In Bitcoin mining (
Is there free Bitcoin mining ( without Investment?
If you are wondering whether there is Bitcoin mining ( without investment, then it is worth mentioning that you're not the first person to ponder it, especially given how valuable Bitcoin ( has become.
Many think that there is free Bitcoin mining ( without investment; however, the answer to this question is pretty much a NO.
You can't start free Bitcoin mining ( without investment at all.
If you're looking for a way to earn bitcoins for free, check out our list of high-paying Bitcoin ( faucets and games that payout small units of bitcoin when you carry out certain tasks.
At most times, Bitcoin mining ( is profitable if you're able to source for electricity cheaply. Another factor that often determines profitability is how soon you sell your bitcoins after mining them. Under bullish market conditions where transaction fees spike, bitcoin miners make more profits as well.
Whether you're mining with CPU, GPU & ASIC (, NiceHash ( has an excellent profitability calculator that lets you directly compare electricity costs against realizable profits. Using this tool, you can invest in Bitcoin mining ( with an estimated profit ratio in mind.
In this article, we covered vital information about how to invest in Bitcoin mining ( We also disclosed that there is free Bitcoin mining ( without investment.
Anyone tell you that there is a way to mine Bitcoin ( without investing is probably going to rip your off your money. You must also keep an eye out for the many fake Bitcoin mining ( investment companies out there, promise unrealistic returns over a short period.
We believe that this guide will help you as you consider how to invest in Bitcoin mining ( You will be a better position to decide which investment opportunities are best for you, or whether it will be best for you to simply buy and hold Bitcoin ( for profit.
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Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:37 am

สอนใช้ sgminer การ์ดจอสายสีแดง AMD RX 460 470 480 560 570 580 ขุด Sigt/signatum|26:07
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:37 am

Signatum Mining (|6:14
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:38 am

How to start Mining ( Signatum SIGT on pool with NVIDIA GPU's|10:20
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:38 am
How to Build a Mining Rig: Things You Need to Know Before You Start.
How to build a mining rig: learn all you need to master building a mining rig. Read this guide & find out how to build a mining rig by yourself.
If you liked playing archeologist-types of games when you were a kid and DIY videos are a usual sight in your YouTube playlist, then you have come to the right place. Today I'm going to tell you about all of the different ways on how to build a mining rig .
Mining rigs might seem tricky at first, but when you break them down, it's not that hard. In this guide, we'll cover some of the bASIC ( things about mining rigs: their components (and what are the best component manufacturers) , how they work , best placement ideas and so on .
We'll start with the definitions and then work our way from there.
1. Types of Mining Rigs 2. How to Build a Mining Rig? 2.1. Things to Keep in Mind 2.2. Components 2.3. The Building Process 3. Conclusion.
Types of Mining Rigs.
Just like cryptocurrency wallets, there are three different types of mining rigs:
CPU . CPU mining rigs utilize processors to " mine " data from the blockchain. These are very simple and inexpensive rigs - most people, when they talk about CPU mining , mean that they mine cryptocurrencies straight from their computer. This has its benefits and drawbacks (having much more of the latter).
CPU mining is becoming more and more unpopular as the years go by. There are many contributors to the reasoning behind this, however, one of the bigger ones is the price. CPU mining is very costly and clunky - your electricity bills are going to skyrocket through the roof , while your computer might overheat at any given second if you lack proper cooling.
The main perk that the CPU method of mining has is its availability . You could download a few programs (more on them later) to your desktop or laptop ( although using laptops for mining cryptos is strongly unadvised ) and start mining right this instant. People who don't want to invest a lot (or any) of money favor CPU mining because it requires zero effort. GPU . GPU cryptocurrency mining rigs are the absolute favorites for people looking at how to build a mining rig . They're definitely among the most popular crypto farming methods out there - anyone from a single miner to a corporation, possessing a whole mining farm, tend to use GPU rigs. GPU mining ( rigs utilize graphics card GPUs to mine data from the blockchain.
They can be dedicated or simple miners - dedicated GPU mining ( rigs are built for a solemn purpose of cryptocurrency mining, while simple miners are devices that are used for other intents and purposes, doing crypto mining only on the side (i.e. desktop computers). People love GPU mining ( rigs for their usefulness - these rigs do the job and they do it with grace.
Naturally, to get the best results, you would have to use the maximum amount of GPUs available, but even with the simplest of rigs, a result would be noticeable . GPU mining ( rigs do have a couple of downsides , however, that a person looking on how to build a mining rig should know.
The biggest downside is its price . Graphics cards tend to be quite expensive ( or very expensive, if you're aiming for the best of the best ), so the initial investment you might have to make could be somewhat significant. They also require maintenance - a lot of cooling, plenty of electricity to fuel their power, generally looking after and taking care of, etc. ASIC ( . ASIC (, or Application-Specific Integrated Circuits , are special devices designed explicitly with one, designated purpose in mind. These devices are the current top-dogs when it comes to cryptocurrency mining rigs. Someone who's looking for how to build a mining rig should know that, while not being rigs per say, ASIC ( are pieces of dedicated machinery that you can purchase and set up so it would mine cryptos for you.
They are very popular, which in turn makes them extremely scarce to come by. If making money through cryptocurrencies is your only objective, then ASIC ( are a perfect choice. However, if you care about the ECOS ( that is the crypto world, you might want to think twice .
Because of how powerful they are, ASIC ( have a reputation of twisting the wellbeing of cryptocurrencies and throwing miners that use other types of rigs out of balance. Because of these reasons, ASIC ( have recently been subject to a high level of controversy that sparked within the Ethereum mining community and continues to echo through ought the crypto world.
These were the three types of the most commonly used mining rigs out there. Although the information may vary, the most popular out of the three stems to be the GPU type, with ASIC ( and CPU ones as follow-ups, respectively .
Now that you have a general understanding of the main types of mining rigs, their pros and cons, we can move on to the main topic at hand - how to build a mining rig?
How to Build a Mining Rig?
Let's just say that when you're thinking about how to build a mining rig, you're thinking about a GPU one. ASIC ( are devices on their own (they require no initial building from your part), while CPU rigs are built in the same way as the GPU one, with their main component being the one differentiator .
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:38 am
Things to Keep in Mind.
So how to build a mining rig? Well, first of all, you have to know what to take into consideration when picking the parts for your rig.
Naturally, there are quite a few things to keep in mind, but the main ones would probably have to be hash rate and energy consumption .
Hash rate defines just how powerful your rig is. It's a way of knowing how many calculations your rig can perform in one second. The higher the amount, the better. Naturally, though, high hash rates mean high demand for power, which in turn results in a high electricity bill. For anyone thinking about how to build a mining rig, this should be a big factor to take into consideration.
Energy consumption is another major factor to consider when thinking about how to build a mining rig, and one people tend to disregard it. You should never let the illusion that " I bought my mining rig components, which means I'm done spending " get in your head. Mining energy costs might not only match your profits but even exceed them and leave you completely broke and in debt .
When choosing your hardware, always try to strike a perfect balance between the power of a component, and the power consumption.
Finally, don't just jump into the first market site and buy everything that pops up on your screen when you Google " best hardware for building a mining rig ". With a little bit of digging, you might find the same components for a lot cheaper. Be smart - cryptocurrency mining is a competitive business, so every dollar counts!
Are USB ASIC ( Miner Devices Still Profitable in 2020?
Today, we will be looking into how a USB ASIC ( miner work and if it is still profitable for mining in 2020.
The Origin of the USB ASIC ( Miner.
While at first Bitcoin ( could only be mined with CPU power, in 2013, a new type of mining hardware emerged the ASIC ( miner (Application Specific Integrated Circuit).
ASIC ( are special hardware designed only for mining cryptocurrencies that are based on the Proof of Work protocol, such as Bitcoin (, Bitcoin ( Cash, Ethereum, etc.
As ASIC ( rigs are quite expensive to buy and own, a lighter version of this device appeared on the market: USB ASIC ( miners.
How Do USB ASIC ( Miners Work?
Bitcoin mining ( is the process of validating new transactions and releasing new coins into circulation.
A USB ASIC ( miner connects to the computer's USB port and, with the appropriate software, executes the computing process required to do the mining. To get a better hashing output, multiple ASIC ( miners can be connected to the same PC.
As a computer usually has anywhere from 2 to 4 USB ports, you can use the ports to connect as many as possible USB ASIC ( miners.
Then, the USB hub assembly connects with the mining software capable installed on the PC that manages the mining operations of the USB ASIC ( miner. The software allows you to monitor in real-time the mining performance of the ASIC ( miner.
The USV ASIC ( miner can also be connected to a laptop or to smaller devices, such as a Raspberry Pi.
What Advantages Does a USB ASIC ( Miner Have?
While a regular ASIC ( mining rig ranges between a few hundred dollars to a few thousand, a USB ASIC ( miner usually costs under $50.
The high-end version of an ASIC ( miner USB can cost around $150, but this is a rare exception.
As consensus algorithms are constantly changing to become ASIC (, this can suddenly render many ASIC ( miners useless. Because these devices cannot be reconfigured, this could mean heavy losses. While this will also affect your USB ASIC ( miner as well, you had invested a lot less in the initial hardware.
USB miners are fairly easy to set up and configure, as opposed to regular ASIC ( mining rigs, which require technical knowledge and time.
While a small mining operation can end up taking a lot of space, a USB ASIC ( miner can be easily stored or moved to a new laptop or PC. This enables you to mine on the go from wherever you are located.
Bitcoin ('s mining rewards halving, which is expected to occur in May 2020, have long monopolized discussions about the digital asset's valuation and the profitability of cryptocurrency mining.
How will the Bitcoin ( Halving Affect ASIC (
The upcoming halving, which is scheduled to take place in May 2020, will reduce the Bitcoin mining ( rewards from 12.5 BTC to 6.25 BTC. This means that 50% fewer Bitcoins will be generated every 10 minutes.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:39 am
Co-founder and ex-CEO of Bitmain, Jihan Wu, has expressed his pessimistic view on the impact of the upcoming halving:
"Maybe people speculate too much before the halving, and then you can't sell the good news anymore. Maybe, this time a bullish cycle is not coming yet. During the first and second halving, people didn't know what to expect, and during the second halving, the scaling debate complicated the situation. Now people are expecting it."
Block reward halving is one of the most important events for miners, as with a reduced mining reward, the profitability will be even further put under scrutiny.
Another result of this event will probably see many ASIC ( miners unable to produce profits. Genesis Mining CEO, Marco Streng, speculated that the Antminer S9, Bitmain's most popular ASIC ( model, has reached the end of its productivity limit, and " a lot of miners are running on a margin of profit."
A new line of Bitcoin mining ( rigs is already being released to the public. This new generation of ASIC ( miners has substantially more power to allow its owners to get ahead of the competition. Some of these miners have up to 500% more hashrate compared to the older versions.
As even the more performant ASIC ( of today will not be able to be profitable in 2020 after the halving, it is absolutely certain that the current models of USB ASIC ( miners, which have considerably lower hashrate, will not be of any use to miners in 2020. Maybe if newer models were to have 7nm chips implemented, they could be able to mine, but even then, they would still pale in comparison in terms of power with regular ASIC (
Is a USB ASIC ( Miner Profitable with Other Cryptos?
In the world of cryptocurrency mining, the hash rate is the quintessential factor that determines how much of a profit you make. A lower hash rate means that you have a significantly lower chance of finding the next block and getting the mining reward. If you compete against other miners that have a regular ASIC ( miner or a rig, a simple USB ASIC ( miner will not be able to withstand its processing power, regardless of the crypto mined.
Because of its low performance, a USB ASIC ( miner brings lower profits. The owners of such ASIC ( miners have stated that it is impossible to achieve a good ROI with such units, or the mining results aren't worth the investment. With a lower hash rate, you will have to wait much longer to discover one block, and hence receive the crypto reward, especially if the difficulty increases regularly.
If you take the money and time you have to invest in order to mine a part of a crypto, then it is probably not worth to invest in a USB ASIC ( miner to diversify your portfolio.
In terms of profitability, it is recommended that you use traditional hardware mining, such as an ASIC ( or a performant GPU. But if you are just looking to get familiar with crypto mining and not invest significant amounts, then a USB ASIC ( miner might be right for you.
Featured image:
Note: This post was originally published on 9 January 2019 and has been totally updated for the completeness and veracity of the content on 11 January 2020.
How to mine bitcoin using USB?
One of the best ways to generate your own bitcoins without trading for them is to mine them.
An introduction to USB Miners.
Before we begin, however, it must be noted that Bitcoin mining ( via USB is a primitive method of mining bitcoins and nobody who wishes to make a profit, or even the slightest amount of money through mining should use one. However, it is a good tool to get the bASIC ( idea of how mining is done without investing much into it.
USB Bitcoin ( miners were a big thing back in the early days of Bitcoin ( technology. When it all began, people were mining using their CPUs alone. However then for a short period of time came the age of USB powered Bitcoin ( Miners which gave a short boost to Bitcoin mining (
However, as time progressed the mining difficulty increased and high-power devices started to take over. Today, if you make use of a USB Bitcoin ( miner, it would probably take you hundreds of years to reach even three decimal digits. If you want to learn Bitcoin mining ( these are a good, inexpensive option for you. However if you're serious about mining for Bitcoins, you should check out our complete list of Bitcoin mining ( Hardware devices.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:39 am

Volcanic Mine Solo Guide - 80k Mining ( xp/h|16:50
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:39 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:40 am
USB Bitcoin mining (
Before you begin to mine for Bitcoins using USB Miners, here's what you'll need -
A Bitcoin mining ( Software.
Joining a Bitcoin mining ( Pool.
Creating a Bitcoin mining ( Wallet.
While we have dedicated chapters for each of them, let us refresh our memories by taking a quick glance at each of them:
Best USB Miners -
This is the most critical part as this is the actual, physical device that will do handle the mining operations. When handling major mining operations, users usually tend to purchase an ASIC ( device which has only one dedicated purpose - to mine for Bitcoins. Similarly, USB Miners too are used to mine bitcoins by connecting them with your PC. As of 2017 there are no 'new' Bitcoin ( USB Miners as the technology is itself about 4 to 5 years old now. However, if you still wish to mine for Bitcoins, here's a quick look at some of the best USB Bitcoin ( Miners:
Sapphire Miner:
The ASIC ( Block Erupter USB Sapphire Miner, popularly known as just the 'Sapphire Miner' has been around for a really long time. It was one of the first USB Miners to be created. It offers the users with a hash power of 330 MH/s. Using it according to modern day standards would give you a grand total of about $0.01 per month - bASIC ( you'd make your first dollar in about a 100 months (a little over 8 years) considering prices stay stable.
Not a very profitable device, but none of the USB miners are profitable, even in the long-long-long run. However a good tool if you want to understand how mining functions. It is priced in at $29.99.
Avalon Nano 3:
One of the cheapest and the most easily adaptable USB Bitcoin ( miner, you can stick it up any computer and it will mine for bitcoins. However, as is the case with USB Miners, this is painfully slow and will take you almost a year to make a full dollar. The Avalon Nano 3 gets you a revenue of about $1 per year.
The device features a mining power of about 3.6 GH/s - a significant improvement over the Block Erupter above. The Avalon Nano 3 comes out at a price of $19.99 - which will still take about two decades to break even.
GekkoScience Compac USB Stick Bitcoin ( Miner:
A little better compared to what we saw above, the GekkoScience miner is certainly more powerful than the Sapphire Miner. The device comes out into the markets with a hashing power of 8 GH/s and allows the users to mine $0.15 per month. This will ensure that you make your first dollar in the first year itself, as opposed to the Block Erupter above which will take 8 years to do so.
The GekkoScience Compac USB Stick Bitcoin ( Miner is priced in at $49.99 - you'd break even in about 50 years if you buy this.
Antminer U2:
Coming out into the markets with a hashing power of 2GH/s, the Antminer U2 is one of the most trusted names when it comes to the obsolete world of the USB Bitcoin ( Miners. The device can still be seen around, though not for mining purposes but for testing setups. It is priced in at $49.99 which is quite expensive for a USB Miner.
A couple of years ago the device became obsolete and the returns were as low as a dollar a month. By now it has gone down to about a dollar per year which means it would take half a century to just break even!
Note: None of these USB Miners are going to be profitable even in the long-long run. As Bitcoin ( prices rise, more and more people are flocking in to make use of the technology, every four years the block rewards are falling and the mining difficulty is on the rise.
After you have decided on which USB Miner you are going to use to mine bitcoins, you would then need a Bitcoin mining ( Software. There are a number of softwares which are available - some of them are OS Specific and there are others which are pool specific or even device specific. Depending on which kind of miner you are using or which pool you are registered with, you might need a different miner.
Bitcoin mining ( software also differ based on the Operating System they operate on. For a complete, detailed list of Bitcoin mining ( software and how they function, please refer to the chapter dealing with Bitcoin mining ( Software.
Wallets are places where you can store your Bitcoins - wallets provide you with a key which you can share with the people who are going to pay you Bitcoins. Wallets can be physical or virtual, they can be online or offline. They are a complex lot and need to be chosen wisely. Here's our complete chapter detailing how to choose the ideal Bitcoin ( Wallet.
Bitcoin mining ( Pools are the fourth and final component that you'll need. BASIC ( pools involve a large number of people joining hands to mine for Bitcoins faster and share the rewards that they earn. For a detailed read on pools, check out our chapter on Bitcoin mining ( Pools.
Arstechnica Inside Bitcoin (
ArsTechnica - Bitcoin ( inside the encrypted, peer-to-peer digital currencyThis article by Thomas Lowenthal on ArsTechnica provides a good overview on mining:
The usual solution to the double-spending problem is a trusted intermediary. PayPal makes sure that you can't spend the same dollars twice by deducting them from your account before they get added to someone else's account.
This centralized approach is the one that enigmatic creator Satoshi Nakamoto specifically tried to avoid in the original Bitcoin ( design. The idea was to use cryptography to create verifiable transaction records without the need to trust anyone but your own calculations.
The Bitcoin ( solution uses cryptography and an open transaction register.
By finding the newest solution to the proof-of-work problem, a Bitcoin ( client confirms the history of previous transactions and moved the transaction register forward, allowing new debits and credits to form part of the next block that can be mined to earn more coins. Future coins can't be mined in advance, because the computation to find the new block (and hence create new Bitcoins) relies on the the chain of previous blocks and the history of transactions since the most recent block.
Mining Bitcoins takes power, but is it an "environmental disaster?"
Also, Adam Smith would be appalled.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:40 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:41 am
Nate Anderson - Apr 14, 2013 10:00 pm UTC.
Mark Gimein is something of a Bitcoin ( skeptic, but in addition to his concerns about Bitcoin ( not being a "real currency," he's now charging that it has created "a real-world environmental disaster."
Writing in Bloomberg News , Gimein notes that mining Bitcoins--performing the computationally expensive calculations needed to define new Bitcoins--uses power. A lot of power. (Read our 2011 Bitcoin ( primer for more details.) He writes:
About 982 megawatt hours a day, to be exact. That's enough to power roughly 31,000 US homes, or about half a Large Hadron Collider. If the dreams of Bitcoin ( proponents are realized, and the currency is adopted for widespread commerce, the power demands of bitcoin mines would rise dramatically.
If that makes you think of the vast efforts devoted to the mining of precious metals in the centuries of gold- and silver-based economies, it should. One of the strangest aspects of the Bitcoin ( frenzy is that the Bitcoin ( economy replicates some of the most archaic features of the gold standard. Real-world mining of precious metals for currency was a resource-hungry and value-destroying process. Bitcoin mining ( is too.
Gimein draws on the stats provided by Bitcoin ( site The numbers fluctuate a bit with each day of calculations being tracked. According to Blockchain's stats this weekend, the last 24 hours of worldwide mining activity burned through 928.24 megawatt hours of power while miners calculated 59,502.6 gigahashes per second. Total power bill: $139,236.07.
Critics are already pushing back against the "environmental disaster" claim. Writing in Forbes , Tim Worstall says the energy being used is "simply trivial," amounting to 0.025 percent of the total US household electricity supply. And worldwide, that percentage would be far lower. Besides, Worstall says, "at some point Bitcoin mining ( will stop. There is an upper limit to the number that can ever be mined; I think I'm right in saying that we're about halfway there at present. Thus this energy consumption will not go on rising forever. At some point it will come to a dead stop in fact." (The system is self-limiting, with a max of 21 million bitcoins.)
As for the stats themselves, they're fairly speculative to begin with. The computers calculating hashes are assumed to be using 650W per gigahash--which Blockchain freely admits is an estimate that depends entirely on the efficiency of one's computation hardware. In addition, Blockchain assumes the cost of electricity to be 15 cents per kilowatt hour; here in Chicago, it's only one-third that number. Neither the amount of electricity used nor the cost of that electricity is a number worth putting a huge amount of faith in.
Regardless of the environmental impact, though, writers like Nobel laureate Paul Krugman see Bitcoin mining ( as a terrible step backward for currencies. He cites Adam Smith on "the fundamental foolishness of relying on gold and silver currency, which--as he pointed out--serve only a symbolic function, yet absorbed real resources in their production, and why it would be smart to replace them with paper currency."
"And now here we are in a world of high information technology," Krugman wrote this week in the New York Times, "and people think it's smart, nay cutting-edge, to create a sort of virtual currency whose creation requires wasting real resources in a way Adam Smith considered foolish and outmoded in 1776."
Still, Bitcoin ( has its boosters. Look no further than the Winklevii, who say they control one percent of the currency.
Chinese government proposes ban on Bitcoin mining (
It's unclear how quickly China will try to phase out cryptocurrency mining.
Timothy B. Lee - Apr 9, 2019 3:28 pm UTC.
The Chinese government is considering a nationwide ban on mining bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Every few years, China's National Development and Reform Commission publishes a list of industries the agency wants to encourage, restrict, or eliminate because they are unsafe, illegal, or bad for the environment. The latest list, published this week, includes cryptocurrency mining on the list of industries to phase out.
A Chinese ban on cryptocurrency mining would be a huge deal for the global bitcoin community. In recent years, China has come to dominate both the manufacturing of Bitcoin mining ( hardware and the operation of Bitcoin mining ( pools.
Further Reading.
A Chinese ban on Bitcoin mining ( would transform the Bitcoin mining ( industry, creating openings for Bitcoin mining ( operations elsewhere in the world to gain market share. And that would be significant because bitcoin miners wield significant influence over the evolution of the Bitcoin ( platform.
But it's not clear how serious the government is about the proposed ban. The new list of banned industries is only a proposal--the Chinese government is soliciting public comment on the draft before it becomes official.
Even if the list is ultimately adopted as government policy, it's not clear how aggressively it would be enforced.
Techcrunch points to a skeptical tweet by venture capitalist Dovey Wan: "NDRC updates a new version of such proposal every other 3-5 years since early 2000," she wrote. "Items that should be eliminated by end of 2006 are still in the 2011 and 2019 versions."
Still, there have been other recent signs that the Chinese government is souring on the cryptocurrency sector. In late 2017, in the midst of that year's cryptocurrency boom, China banned retail cryptocurrency trading. In January 2018, a Chinese regulator said it wanted to see an "orderly exit" from the cryptocurrency mining business.
Another possible explanation for China's recent moves: the government hopes to shift the Chinese public toward blockchain-based platforms more amenable to state control.
"The NDRC's move is in line overall with China's desire to control different layers of the rapidly growing crypto industry," investor Jehan Chu told Reuters. "I believe China simply wants to 'reboot' the crypto industry into one that they have oversight on, the same approach they took with the Internet."
Computer from NASA's Apollo program reprogrammed to mine bitcoin.
It takes the Apollo Guidance Computer 10 seconds to compute a single hash value.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:41 am
Timothy B. Lee - Jul 9, 2019 10:15 pm UTC.
Among the many technological breakthroughs of NASA's Apollo project to land a man on the Moon was the Apollo Guidance Computer that flew onboard Apollo spacecraft. In an era when most computers were refrigerator-sized--if not room-sized--the AGC weighed only about 70 pounds. It was one of the first computers to use integrated circuits.
A team of computer historians got its hands on one of the original AGCs and got it working. A member of the team, Ken Shirriff, then decided to see if the computer could be used for Bitcoin mining (
Mining is a key part of the process for maintaining bitcoin's shared transaction ledger, or blockchain. To win the right to add a block to the blockchain, you have to solve a difficult problem: finding a block whose SHA-256 hash starts with a minimum number of zeros. The only known way to accomplish this is by brute force: miners create a block with a random nonce and compute its hash value. If the hash value doesn't have enough leading zeros, the miner changes the nonce and tries again.
The required number of zeros is automatically adjusted so that the network produces a new block once every 10 minutes, on average. Currently, a block's hash needs at least around 18 zeros (in its hexadecimal representation) to be accepted by the network--which translates to around 10 22 trials to find a valid block.
Today, most Bitcoin mining ( is done using specialized hardware capable of computing trillions of hashes per second. Shirriff's software for the Apollo Guidance Computer was quite a bit slower than that: each bitcoin hash calculation takes about 10 seconds.
The Apollo Guidance Computer isn't a very good bitcoin miner.
"The computer is so slow that it would take about a billion times the age of the universe to successfully mine a bitcoin block," Shirriff wrote.
This mostly reflects 50 years of progress in computing hardware. Thanks to Moore's law, modern chips have vastly more transistors and can operate at much higher clock rates. Custom mining ASIC ( can compute a huge number of hashes in parallel.
But Shirriff also had to struggle with idiosyncrasies of the AGC that made it a poor fit for Bitcoin mining ( For example, the AGC used a 15-bit word, in contrast to modern computers that generally use 32- or 64-bit words. The SHA-256 algorithm performs a lot of 32-bit operations, so Shiriff had to split each 32-bit integer into three pieces--a 4-bit piece and two 14-bit pieces--and perform calculations on them separately.
The AGC also lacked the shift and rotate instructions that are standard on modern computers--and heavily used in a SHA-256 calculation--forcing Shirriff to write subroutines to perform these operations.
The AGC's limited memory was also a handicap:
The AGC, like most computers of the 1960s, used magnetic core memory, storing each bit in a tiny magnetized ferrite ring. Since core memory was fairly bulky, the AGC had just 2K words (approximately 4K bytes) of RAM. The AGC's addressing scheme made things more complicated since you could only access 256 words unless you used an inconvenient bank-switching mechanism. The problem is that the SHA-256 algorithm uses eight (32-bit) hash values, a 64-word message table, and 8 words of intermediate values. These three arrays alone used up 240 AGC words, leaving about 16 words for everything else (temporary values, subroutine return addresses, loop counters, pointers, etc.) I managed to get everything to fit in one bank by reusing these 16 words for multiple purposes, but I spent a lot of time debugging problems when a variable clobbered a location still in use.
This is not the first time Shirriff has implemented Bitcoin mining ( on ancient hardware. A few years back he implemented Bitcoin mining ( on an old IBM 1401 computer from the mid-1960s. This machine was even slower than the AGC, taking 80 seconds to compute a single hash. He also programmed a 1970s Xerox Alto to mine bitcoin--it could compute 1.5 hashes per second.
Bitcoin ('s "halving" is bad for miners, good for everyone else.
A lower rate of bitcoin creation means the network consumes less energy.
Timothy B. Lee - May 12, 2020 5:13 pm UTC.
The bitcoin network underwent a significant change on Monday as the number of new bitcoins produced in each block fell by half. This is according to a schedule established by bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto almost 12 years ago.
Previously, each block in the blockchain came with 12.5 new bitcoins worth roughly $110,000. Now each block includes only 6.25 new bitcoins worth around $55,000.
That's a challenge for the Bitcoin mining ( industry, which derives the lion's share of its income from these block rewards. But it has a happy side effect for everyone else: the bitcoin network's energy consumption is likely to fall in the coming months as lower profits from Bitcoin mining ( force miners to tighten their belts.
Lower miner revenues will mean lower energy consumption.
To construct a block, miners make a list of all transactions that have been submitted since the previous block was created. They then race against one another, performing millions of trillions of SHA-256 hash computations every second, looking for a block that produces a hash below an arbitrarily low value.
The winner gets the block reward (previously 12.5 bitcoins, now 6.25 bitcoins) as well as any transaction fees that are included in individual transactions. Right now, transaction fees are worth much less than the value of the block reward--around 0.6 bitcions, or $5,000, per block. So the halving of the block reward means that miners' income fell almost in half overnight.
That sudden decline in the rewards for mining means that the mining is suddenly a lot less profitable. Barring a big increase in bitcoin's price, we can expect bitcoin miners to temporarily stop investing in new mining hardware for the next few months. If Bitcoin mining ( becomes unprofitable enough, some miners might even switch off less efficient mining hardware because it's not generating enough bitcoins to cover operating costs.
In the short term, fewer resources spent on mining should lead to a slower rate of bitcoin creation. However, the network has an automatic process to ensure that bitcoins get generated at a more or less constant rate. Every two weeks, the network changes the difficulty of the hashing problem in order to keep the network producing about six blocks per hour. If the network is producing blocks too slowly, the network lowers the difficulty of the hashing problem by increasing the range of hash values that are considered "winners." If the network is producing more than six blocks per hour, the network does the opposite, making the hashing problem more difficult to slow down the rate of block creation.
The upshot is that in the long run, the bitcoin network always produces one block every 10 minutes, no matter how much hashing power the network has.
Miners, of course, want to make a profit, and competition among miners keeps profit margins fairly steady over the long run. So if the revenues from Bitcoin mining ( fall by half, that will ultimately translate to miners spending about half as much to produce those bitcoins. Electricity is one of the biggest costs of Bitcoin mining (, so the halving of block rewards should ultimately reduce the amount of electricity consumed by Bitcoin mining ( by a similar proportion.
And this is significant because the bitcoin network is stupendously wasteful. The exact figures are known only to miners themselves, but the website Digiconomist estimates that the network has consumed between 50 and 70 TWh per year--roughly as much energy as the 8 million people in Switzerland. We shouldn't expect that figure to fall by half immediately, but if bitcoin's price stays around the same level, we should expect to see it falling in the coming months.
The halving will push up bitcoin's price--but not very much.
Of course, higher bitcoin prices could offset this effect. Higher bitcoin prices push up the revenues from each block and hence the amount people are willing to spend to mine a block. So a higher bitcoin price would induce miners to buy more mining hardware and increase electricity use.
There has been a lot of discussion in the bitcoin world about the likely effects of the halving on bitcoin's price. Yesterday is the third time the block reward has declined. Previous halvings occurred in 2012 and 2016 (the next one is expected in 2024). Bitcoin ('s price rose 30-fold in the year after the November 2012 halving. It tripled in the year after the July 2016 halving--then soared even higher in the second half of 2017.
Bitcoin ( bulls are hoping that a 50-percent decline in new bitcoin supply will put upward pressure on bitcoin's price.
However, we should expect this effect to be much more muted this time around. The creation of bitcoins is declining exponentially over time, while the stock of existing bitcoins has been growing. There are now more than 18.4 million bitcoins in circulation, out of a total of 21 million that will ever be created. Only 656,250 were created in the year before yesterday's halving, a figure that will fall to 328,125 for the coming year. In other words, the halving reduces bitcoin's annual "inflation rate" from 3.6 percent to 1.8 percent.
That's probably not a big enough difference to have much impact on bitcoin's price. That's not to say that bitcoin's price won't go up--the currency is famously volatile. But any impact of the halving on bitcoin's price is likely to get lost in the noise.
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:41 am

$1862 IN 24 HOURS Solo Mining ( ETH!! $3,000 IN 7 DAYS!! $4600 in 30 Days!!|3:23
Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:42 am

Title: Re: Bitcoin mining.
Post by: Bitcoin on Mar 01, 2021, 10:43 am
Promoted Comments.
The argument for the price rise is this:
1) Mining is a marginal business, and as such, miners are forced to sell most of the coins they earn to cover costs.
2) Over the past 36 months, miners have therefore sold about $4.5 billion / year of coins into the market.
3) At similar price levels, the having will result in over $2 billion / year less coins being sold on the market. so an equivalent amount of $ will now need to find other BTC to satisfy the demand. Critically, this "other BTC" is held by holders who are not forced to sell, and can wait for any price they want.
4) Bitcoin ( may nominally have a $150 billon market cap, but its very volatility is proof of how "thinly traded" is really is. This works on the up and down.
5) Meaning. $2 billion of extra money flowing into Bitcoin ( in a year will increase the market cap by far more than $2 billion. The size of that multiple is unknown.
Bitcoin mining ( on kepler?
Just curious because I have some kepler cards lying around. i have 2 gtx770 4gb, and 1 gtx titan 6gb, all kepler cards.
I know squat about Bitcoin mining (, but I do know that gpu's are insanely over priced.
is the titan or even the 770's, worth anything at all these days? are you even able to bitcoin mine on them?
I also know squat about mining, but it balances the cost of electricity versus the value of the coins.
I suspect Keplar will be hot and pricey to run, and produce few coins. While it works, you may well lose money buying electricity.
If you look on eBay they are going for a decent amount considering their age. But only because people have resorted to buying them for gaming due to lack of other options.
Kepler is more or less hopeless at cryptocoin mining.
Kepler efficiency is. bad for Ethereum. It may be better for other coins.
I tested out my original GTX Titan. Limited to 180W, it mined at around 12MH/sec (with the fan set to 70%).
For comparison, an RX 460/560 can mine at 10-12MH/sec, using 60W of power.
If your power is free, and you have a way to dispose of the heat, you could mine. Figure around 30MH/sec. For comparison, I mine at 205MH/sec and I make 0.2 coins every 8-10 days.
A GTX680 gets 10-11 MH/s. A GTX770 is more or less the same GPU.
For the same power, an R9 280X will get 28 or so MH/s.
If you're going to mine on Kepler, do it when it's cold so the heat offsets energy you'd be heating with anyway.
I live in a condo and might be able to plug into the community power source. So power wouldn't be an issue in that case. Update to the story. Sold the Kepler Titan for $380 that's a 125 profit. Still have my 770s though.
Look into Boinc and Gridcoin.
I see, so they're more enviro friendly thus less energy use??
i'll give it a shot!!
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